#nutcracker fanfic
mari-writes · 9 months
Koutarou attends The Nutcracker for his sister, Kai, who's dancing as the Snow Queen. 
This is her second year in the role, but he missed last time, so he’s so excited! He can’t wait to see his big sister dance! 
And then he sees him. 
In the role of the Snow King is a young prodigy named Akaashi Keiji. He’s a year younger than Koutarou, and his sister says Akaashi is “the best dance partner she’s ever had.”
Koutarou is immediately enamored. His eyes follow Akaashi wherever he goes on stage, despite Kai being the focal point of the routine. He’s lean, but obviously so strong, capable of lifting, throwing and catching his sister flawlessly. Effortlessly.
(Also, those tights look so good on him.)
Koutarou pretty much begs his sister to introduce them. “Please! I’ll do anything!” He cries as he unleashes the full force of his pout. “I don’t even care if he’s not available or interested in me! I just want to meet him!”
She finally relents after a week of his hassling. Koutarou attends the show again on closing night. He’s a bit nervous. The Nutcracker has been a huge hit, with critics and audiences alike praising the Snow Queen and King specifically. Akaashi’s name is on everyone’s lips; he's “the next big thing” in the Tokyo dance scene.
“Calm down, Kou,” Kai hisses as she leads him down the hall and towards the theater’s green room. “He’s just a person just like you. Trust me, it’ll be fine.”
Koutarou nods. Swallows. He holds his breath as they finally step into the room.
They find Akaashi casually leaning against the back wall, munching on an apple and swiping through his phone. Koutarou’s eyes roam his form. He’s wearing a cropped, midnight blue hoodie that cuts off at the hem of his black joggers, displaying his slim build. His feet are covered in a pair of beat-up sneakers.
“Keiji dear, do you have a moment?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou sucks in a breath. The man has perhaps the prettiest eyes Koutarou has ever seen. A devastating mix of blue-green-grey, piercing, with heavy lids and long lashes.
Surprisingly, those eyes widen when as they land on Koutarou, and his mouth drops open. “Of course,” he nods, “um, hello.” His voice is like velvet, soft yet with a gravely texture that send a shiver through Koutarou. He also can’t help but notice that Akaashi is a few inches shorter, which forces the man to look up at him as they approach.
Oh my god, he's an actual angel.
Kai pulls her brother forward until the two men are a few paces apart. She squeezes his arm, a gesture she’s been using since they were kids to lend him comfort, encouragement. He leans appreciatively into the warm touch.
“It’s, um, it’s wonderful to finally meet you, Bokuto-san.”
Koutarou blinks, confused. Akaashi is addressing him as if he knows who he is. “Oh! Uh, it’s nice to meet you, too!” He grins sheepishly. “Did Kai tell you I was coming, or..?”
The man shakes his head. Now that they’re so close, Koutarou notices leftover sparkles and flecks of fake snow still clinging to Akaashi’s wavy black hair.
“Well, I did know you were her brother… but I didn’t know you would be here tonight.” His eyes narrow at Kai, who chuckles.
“Keiji here is a big fan of volleyball,” she smirks at her brother, who nearly chokes at the new information. "He watched every single one your matches at the last Olympics. Apparently.”
“Really?!” Koutarou can’t believe his ears. Akaashi Keiji, the beautiful man who he’s been obsessing over the last few weeks, is a fan of him, too? It’s a bonafide Christmas miracle!
“Yes,” Akaashi’s lips twitch upward. It’s not quite a smile, but close. “I’ve, ah, been hoping Kai would introduce us someday.”
Koutarou beams. He can’t even be angry at his sister for keeping the secret. He’s just too happy right now. "I'm so glad she did!"
They end up at the closing night after party, sitting side by side in a booth, surrounded by family and friends. Conversation flows easily. Akaashi is rather quiet, but he seems content to just listen to Koutarou talk. He occasionally barks out a dry, sarcastic comment that only enamors Koutarou further.
He also smells nice. Like sandalwood and rose. Koutarou has to restrain himself from taking a big, long whiff.
“Y-you know, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi says, words slurring a bit from the whiskey shots he’d just downed. “I actually played a bit volleyball when I was younger.”
Koutarou gasps. “You did?!” 
Akaashi giggles, then hiccups, and it’s the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard. “I did,” Akaashi nods, “but only into middle school. Dance sort of took over my life after that. I’ve continued to follow the sport, though.”
Koutarou is having trouble containing his excitement. He grips his beer with one hand and reaches to grip Akaashi’s forearm lightly with the other. “You have to play with me someday!”
Akaashi snorts (wait, no, that is the cutest thing Koutarou has ever heard) and shakes his head. “I couldn’t possibly keep up with a pro player like you…”
“And I can’t keep up with your dancing,” Koutarou winks. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do that with you sometime. If you want, that is...”
For a brief moment, Akaashi just stares, and Koutarou wonders if he’s being too forward. But then Akaashi’s lips settle into a sweet smile, and he glances down into his drink. His sharp cheekbones bloom with color. “Are you asking me on a date, Bokuto-san?”
Well then. Koutarou hadn’t expected things to progress this quickly, but sometimes, fate has other plans. “I mean,” he clears his throat, “maybe..?”
Akaashi looks up, and Koutarou is suddenly drowning. He swears his sees an entire future in those stormy eyes, just waiting to pull him under. 
(And Koutarou would go, gladly.)
“I would love to,” Akaashi says, leaning forward to clank their glasses together. “Merry Christmas, Bokuto-san.”
A short advert ft. The Nutcracker's snow scene 💙❄️
Thank you for reading this sappy little thing I wrote after working a week straight of Nutcracker performances (eight shows in one week; it was insane). If you enjoyed this, PLEASE reblog! It really helps me out, way more than just a like (though I appreciate those, too). You can also share my post on Twitter! Thanks everyone for your support this year. It’s been rough, for many reasons. I hope you all have a happy holiday season. Here’s to 2024! 🥰
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bread-lemons-and-shame · 10 months
Nutcracker Wally X Reader
I totally forgot to put this out but here it is. I’m almost done the second chapter. I hope y’all like it. I tried. @sketchquill
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himethadom · 9 months
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👑 Barbie and Nutcracker
Barbie y el cascanueces ♡
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somethingsteff · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I don't think I've done a WIP Wednesday before? So here we go. 😂 This is the beginning of the Nutcracker AU I should have done for Christmas this year!
Obi-Wan entered the kitchen in search for another bottle to fill his glass. At this point he wasn’t too particular about what alcohol was going into it, though he figured he should still keep to win this early on in the party. Besides, he thought he might get an earful from Satine and Padme if the caught him drinking scotch from a wine glass.
It's not that he wasn't having a perfectly lovely time - Satine and Padme always threw a wonderful Christmas party for all of their friends - but this year he hadn't been able to get time off work when his father was free for the holidays and it would be the first time they hadn't celebrated together in person since Obi-Wan moved from Stewjon to Coruscant. He couldn't help feeling particularly maudlin and homesick this year. Qui-Gon had tried to reassure his son that he could come visit Coruscant in the spring, but Obi-Wan still felt a little hollow.
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funnybreadd · 10 months
The Nutcracker
(Cross post from Ao3 here's the link)
-Chapter One- Season Greetings
Holidays were a wonderful time of year for everyone, who sang carols in the streets, and gave gifts to one another, as they spent time with their family. Abel's household was no different, a mansion living on the cross of Main Street and Circus Street. As a little boy with snow white hair in a bob-cut ran up the stairs and through the corridors, until he reached a room with a sign in cursive letters that read, 'Pomni.' Quickly rushing in, without a knock.
Light filled the room, warm colors illuminating Pomni, her brunette hair turning caramel. Tossing and turning in her sleep, grumbling, from the sound of her door, creaking open, before slamming shut. The white haired boy climbed onto her king-sized bed, jumping on it "Pomni, Pomni!" The little boy exclaimed, crawling over the maroon covers to shake his sister awake.
"What?" Pomni grumbled, as she tossed to her side, facing towards open curtains, turning her vision red. 
"It's Christmas eve!" The boy excitedly cheered, still shaking the brunette so hard and fast she'd get brain damage. Pomni didn't really care for the holidays, trying to block him out, before she couldn't take it. "You know what that means?" He was so giddy about it, still bouncing on her bed, anticipating her answer.
Pomni had finally gotten up, rubbing her eyes, and stretching. "So what Bubble?" She yawned, still half asleep, not very interested in the one-sided conversation. Bubble seemed somewhat disappointed, before reiling himself up again.
"That means father's coming home!" Of course. Her first Christmas. Well the first with the Abel's at least. Pomni wasn't really a Christmas person, and with the fact that she was bouncing her from home to home who didn't see her as a family member and more of a paycheck didn't really help either. 
Her new family was wealthy, well organized with a single father, Caine Abel, who took 2 orphans under his wing, to try to fake living a normal happy life for his image and maybe even fantasy of a family. At least that's how Pomni saw it. 
"We can't miss his train." Bubble acted like it was the end of the world if they didn't greet him at his stop. He was always away with work, coming home only on rare occasions. Pomni had even forgotten what he looked like, what color were his eyes, or his hair. She didn't even know what he did for work. Was he a doctor, a journalist, a puppeteer? What job would have him away for so long and make so much money?
"Doesn't it still not come for a couple hours?" Pomni shot bullets through the little boy's excitement. The white-haired boy stopped his jumping, cheeks puffed out, lips in a pout. 
"Soooo, let me sleep in." The brunette deadpanned, going back to snuggling back under her covers. Hoping this would drive him off to go bother someone else.
"Buuuuut, we have to eat, get ready, and drive there." Bubble stated as a matter-of-fact, listing off the things they needed to do first. She hated when Bubble was right, often rubbing it in her face later. Getting up once she groaned as her younger adopted brother, beamed with Pomni finally coming along with his plans.
Bubble dragged her out of bed, by the arm, as the brunette nearly fell out of her bed with how hard he was pulling. "AAAHH!-" She squeaked out before shuffling Pomni out of her room, barely giving her time to wake up. Through the long corridors, covered in portraits of old people long since passed, that Pomni always found creepy, as if hundreds of eyes of smudged paintings were watching her.
Rushing down the stairs, the brunette could keep up, with this little girl's enthusiasm, nearly tripping her on several steps. "Bubble, watch out!" Pomni screeched at a halt, at a maid with a tray of breakfast clearly meant for them. This made Bubble in her mismatched socks slide forward to nearly fall face first into the maid, if it weren't for her still having hold on her older sister. The maid jumped, anticipating the young madame to slam into her.
"Sorry about that, Agatha." Pomni Quickly apologized, ripping her arm from Bubble's grasp, making him stumble forward just a bit, scratching the back of her head, a wry smile plastered on her face. Agatha seemed to settle down, taking in a sigh of relief, the tray and food still in tack. 
"It's quite alright Miss Pomni." The ginger-haired maid softly smiled, before a curious expression took hold. "Pardon me for my intrusion but, what are you doing up so early?"
The brunette laughed awkwardly. "Well-"
"It's because father's coming home!" The white-haired boy jumped, while emanating with enthusiasm. Agatha giggled at Bubble's joy. "Ooo, is that breakfast?" He stood on his tippy toes to see the tray. There were two plates both having had two eggs, Sunny Side up, with stripes of bacon resembling a smile, and cut up 2 triangle cut pieces of toast slathered in butter and jam, acting as eyebrows, alongside with one holiday themed cup of inky black coffee.
Pomni didn't know much about her new younger brother, but what she did know was that Bubble was just as his name applied. A joyful, bubbly personality with a love for anything edible, sometimes not even not edible, hearing stories of when Bubble was little-er, chewing on anything like a puppy teething from servants cooing over the 9 year old, behind his back. Very-very easily distracted.
"Sure is." Agatha hummed, nodding her head. "I was about to bring it to you both. But how about we eat in the dining room?" Bubble nodded her head in agreement, while Pomni was a bit more hesitant. The dining table was long and meant for a bundle of people all lined up chairs that seemed almost cartoonist. It felt lonely sitting there, so many chairs empty, made the giant rectangular room even more lonely, nothing but the sound of chewing to keep you company.
"Can you eat with us?" Of course Bubble would ask Agatha to eat with them. She was always the most motherly of the servants, often taking care of him, like treating wounds, reading and or singing him to sleep, long before Pomni arrived, hearing about them through from the white-haired boy gushing about her; it was no wonder with no mother figure Bubble would cling to her. The maid hummed in agreement, leaning down to her as best she could without dropping the food.
The trio walked through the seemingly endless halls. She had always forgotten how big this house was. Tons of empty guest rooms, storage rooms, and other sorts of 'activity rooms'- as Caine would call them, each room decorated with a hobby in mind. There was one for music, one for sewing, even one for cooking; 'anything for you to adjust to your new life here' he said to Pomni the first day she arrived.
They arrived at the large dining room, it was imitating as ever. A long dark smoothed out wooden table that stretched out the long room, hundreds of dark coral red chairs with the same type of wood lining, small gold buttons in patterns. A giant chandelier, of jewels and tinted glass that hung above right in the middle of it. None lit candelabras spaced in a neat line. The cherry on top was the frigid air of winter making it feel more empty.
Pomni took in a breath, as soft footsteps echoed followed by the silent steps of Bubble through the room, the clatter of the plates being set down the edge of the table. Agatha gestured for her to come over, after sliding a chair open for the 9 year old and her. The brunette took a steps forward towards the chair, sitting down. She looked at her breakfast and the once smiley face of bacon slices was gone now replaced a straight face, resembling her mood at the moment.
"Where's yours?" Bubble questioned the ginger, already an egg stuffed in his mouth, yolk smudged on his chin, earning a slight giggle from the freckled woman.
She thought Bubble's concerns were sweet. "That's sweet honey, but I already ate." Agatha explained, leaving the little boy looking betrayed due to her previous saying that she'd eat with them. Licking her thumb, before wiping the runny yolk away. 
Pomni envied their relationship, that they were so close; she hadn't been that close with anyone since the incident. Stirring the yolk with a fork, bursting its bubble, she really didn't feel hungry. The frown on her bacon seemed more clear. "Is something wrong?" Pomni looked up at the two side by side.
"No, just still waking up." She partially lied. It was technically true, she was still tired, but her stomach was turned upside down. As the saying would go 'fake till you make it,' Pomni took a sip of her coffee. She never did like bitter things, and mixed without sour attitude made it taste worse, but she bit her tongue and swallowed it down. Taking a bite of her toast to try and drown out the bitterness; it did help somewhat, the sweet strawberry jelly along with the smooth soft butter melted her taste buds.
It was too quiet, Agatha and Pomni noticing, while Bubble was too indulged in his food. "So what do you think Master Caine will bring this year?" She broke the silence, with a simple question. Excited the white-haired boy, trying hurrying up the pace of chewing to talk. That distracted not only Bubble but Pomni too. She assumed something exotic from across the world, or something priceless that would cost a fortune at some fancy auction. By the way of how eccentric he talked she figured it would be something definitely weird.
Forcing herself to stomach the remaining breakfast and slurping down the coffee. Pomni regretted drinking the coffee last, the harsh flavor stinging her tongue. While Agatha and Bubble talked about what he would bring back, from some more shaped plushies he'd call gloinks to red spaghetti legged and armed monkeys. She remembered seeing those 'gloinks' around everywhere, never in the same place, seemingly moving in the night, but was just Bubble pranking her, trying to scare his new sibling.
"How about we get ready for Master Caine's arrival?" The maid suggested, Bubble was already out of his chair at the idea, half way out the door. She supposed she was obligated to see him; the man she would have to call him 'father' more often until she turned 18. Walking through the entrance to the room, leaning on the frame. Agatha collected the plates and cup back on the tray, heading to the kitchen, before joining them alongside another female servant. Walking the two back through the hallways and stairways. Until the split on the second floor, Pomni's being on the fourth. 
The other maid, Abigail, opened her door for Pomni. Her room was barely decorated besides from her bed, a chest at the end of it Collecting dust inside, a dresser with a mirror next to a stool on the other side of the room. A brush and some fancy well known makeup brand on top of it. 2 giant oak closets right besides the dresser filled with primary colors and various shades of different blues, reds, and yellows simple dresses, with a keyhole on the right one for some reason. Finally two side bed tables touching the top of her bed.
Pomni sat on the stool a dull navy blue satin cushion beneath her, as Abigail went through the left closet. Flipping through dresses, while Pomni tried to imagine what was the last she saw Caine. Then it clicked, he had only seen him once in the 2 months she had stayed there, when giving a personal tour of the comically large house. It felt like it took hours to explain and explore each room. The maid finally chose a beige yellow dress, sugar cookie yellow and white trimming of ruffles at the sleeves and rim at the dress.
The dark-skinned woman unbuttoned Pomni's baby blue night gown. It felt warm, fingers un-clipping the small white buttons sometimes brushing against her pale skin, before the cold hit her body being only her panties and bra. Abigail slid on the dress, falling to her knees, it felt silky smooth in the fabric. The maid tapped her chin as she thought for final touches, before she moved on with hair and makeup. Finally she got it, satin white gloves, and slip on brown shoes.
Next was her makeup, which retaliating easy. She clipped Pomni's hair back with bobby pins, before doing simple highlighter, contour, and blush that was a little too pink. Finally was her hair; which the maid couldn't much with how short it was, only able to brush through it, but still attempted to do even the smallest bun. Abigail seemed satisfied with her work, as Pomni starred in the mirror, her blue and red eyes staring back at her. Pomni was also satisfied in her look, slightly smiling to herself.
Bubble's rampaging footsteps of clacking soles, getting louder, as muffled sounds for her to 'slow down' from Agatha. Reaching around the hallway, once he saw Pomni, waving at her. Dressed in the same loafers as she had. Taupe coat blazer, mahogany pants, cuffed at his ankles, a white buttoned up undershirt, and his hair well groomed for once. "Pomni, hurry up," He called to her, seemingly not tired from running all those stairs. "Agatha said there's only an hour before father's train arrives!" He was right, even with an hour left, it was still a long while before they reached there.
"Coming!" She called, in a light jog following behind Bubble, after grabbing her dark coat, sliding it on as she followed.
. . .
The streets were full of bustling people, buying gifts, giving them, families reuniting, and just general work, not getting the day off for Christmas. Small shops, boutiques, and tall buildings squashed together, all covered in Christmas decorations. Frost caked everything, nooks and crannies stuffed with snow. The cobblestone sidewalks, full of cracks, that Bubble purposely stepped on each one, even if it slowed them down; after being the one who told them to hurry.
"Be careful." Pomni warned him, Bubble hopping from crack to crack on the icy path. Bubble didn't seem to acknowledge her though, still taking purposely footsteps on the cracks in his reach. "Are you sure we couldn't just take the car?" The brunette asked Agatha; who Bubble just insisted to come with, claiming 'she's family enough.'
"The walk isn't too far, and it's nice to get our minds healthy." Agatha's hand gripped tightly around the nine year old, also aware of the danger of him slipping. "Besides, we're already halfway there." It was true, it would just take more time to go back and get the car, and Pomni wanted to get this over with. I mean she didn't hate him by all means, she had only meant him once after all.
Pomni took in a sigh, cold air feeling her lungs, causing her to slightly shudder. She took the maid's hand tighter, so as not to get lost in the sea of people, pushing and shoving. Pomni with her short build, and being 15 could only see people's chest, muted colors of scarves, and coats. It was surprising Bubble hadn't bumped into anyone while walking, eyes trained on the ground.
They would soon come to the train station, where Pomni would reunite with temporary family. She semni lost in thought, trying to remember what Caine looked like. How fair was his skin, or how well brushed his hair was, the color of it. She didn't remember much but what she did remember was a red suit that oddly stuck out to her. Pomni thinks it was the shade of red he was wearing-being a wonderful shade of red, like burgundy but lighter, and pink more akin to pink-red.
Before she knew it, Pomni had heard the sounds of nosey trains, halting to a stop, as people got on and off. Through the vast sea of people, Bubble poking their head in every which way direction, looking for the man. But being as tall as he was, barely able to see past people's stomach, no matter how hard he tried, even getting on his tippy toes, or leaning his body away from Agatha, to the small crack of free space weren't occupying. Pomni was also curious, despite having mixed feelings.
"There's my little superstars!" A man left the train, briefcase in tow. He looked somewhat akin to the man she imagined in her head. A slim figure-almost boney like Pomni- Auburn hair, that was very messy; even though his mustache was finely brushed, covered by a black top hat with the same Pomni had remembered ribbon earlier. He was more tanner than Pomni and Bubble, but not by much. The same rose tailcoat he had worn when first meeting Pomni, with black and white accents. Black leggings that didn't seem to end, blending in with his socks. Black dress shoes, and a black bow tie. One blue eye and green eye.
He stood in a small opening, setting down his briefcase, opening his arms, anticipating an embrace. Bubble ripped out of the ginger's hand, so fast she got whiplash. "Father, Father!" He chanted, running towards him for a hug. Caine quickly scooped Bubble up, embracing him tightly. Pomni held the maid's hand tighter, another thing about him was his look, that threw her off. He looked like a crazed man in business attire, bulging eyes, a crooked toothy grin, his hair washed but the bird nests of hair didn't really help.
Bubble and his father had their moment, before the man turned her attention to Pomni, expecting for her to run up and hug him like her little brother did. She found it rude to just stare. She didn't know what to say or do. It was rude to stay silent and stare like he was some mystery of the world. But Pomni couldn't find the right words to address him, tripping over her tongue. "Hello, father." She spoke begrudgingly, with an uncertainty.
"Greetings my dear Pomni." He seemed not to acknowledge the awkwardness. Letting go of Bubble, he expected some sort of hug, even kneeling down to her level, arms open. Agatha nudged her forward, Pomni's hands were clammy, as she clenched her fists. Slowly making her way to her now father. Pomni wrapped an arm around him, forcing a smile. Thinking of what to say, it would be too impolite to just call him Caine, but she wasn't close enough to call him father.
"It's nice to see you again."
"It's nice to see you too." The silence was deafening, both embraced in each not sure really of what to do next. Caine broke the silence with a sudden springing up, giving Pomni whiplash with the sudden change of movement, nearly tearing her arm off, being wrapped around his shoulder. "Now it's been awhile, how about we take a walk around town?"
"I can't wait to tell you about everything!" Bubble enthusiastically said, emphasizing the 'everything.' His dark eyes are full of joy, you'd only get from a child. Caine patted him on his head, ruffling his once combed hair. They started walking, talking about things while Caine was away, Pomni timidly following behind.
Just great.
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inkabelledesigns · 4 months
WIP ask game, artist edition! (writing welcome too)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@artsynoova tagged me on this (thank you dear!), so I'm gonna let you guys in on some of my WIPs.
Auran and Loraine - Balcony Dialogue
Searching the Depths - Current Draft
Sammy and Bella Meet
Richard the Keeper - The Studies of 214
Loraine's Siblings
Searching the Depths: Drew's Last Hope
Chronicles of Equinox - The Guardian and the Ballerina
If you'd like to see snippets or have questions about any of these, pop into my askbox with the title and I'll give you a taste of what we're working on. I'm gonna tag a few of my awesome friends who write here, in case they'd like to give this a shot.
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jenkys-hoard · 2 years
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teacup-tyrant · 10 months
I am SUCH a sucker for Christmas/Winter fanfics, even in universes where they don’t even belong. I do already have a pretty old Nachtspel fic.
But… I found another short-ish winter kanej fic in the Master Fanfic Vault that maybe I could finish? It involves ballet. 🙃
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ninjaart-fan · 2 years
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So....I found this amazing fanfic: The Nutcracker and His Shadow by @cursegirlrabbit and I'm looking forward to reading what will happen next!!! it's an amazing story!!! full of everything a good story needs, adventure, mystery and romance(? (well maybe not but one can dream 😜).
Not to mention @Jenkyblep's art that led me to read this story💕💕.
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catalnart · 2 years
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rubylarkspur22 · 8 months
Random Crossover Idea: Demon Slayer/Barbie in the Nutcracker
Ye Olde Nostalgia kicked in, and refused to let me leave the topic alone.
So! I did what anyone would do when they have plot bunnies without a proper plot. I'm gonna post some random idea vomit, and anyone who stumbles across it and gets inspired is welcome to use the idea vomit with appropriate credit(i.e. tagging me here, or gifting on AO3).
Plot Ideas:
Tanjirou as Clara, Kanao as the story's version of the Nutcracker/Prince Eric. I am a sucker for TanKana, and it honestly kinda fits in my opinion.
Kanao's a doll instead of a nutcracker. I feel it fits her vibe a little better. Plus, it gave me another idea for her! Along with being turned into a doll, if she ever comes back to life, her mouth is sewn shut. Because I'm evil, apparently. Also, it creates fun communication hijinks.
Said communication hijinks includes Tanjirou giving her a notebook, and the poor girl being able to communicate with only him because she only remembers how to write in Japanese. Which isn't used in her fantasy kingdom. So poor Tanjirou has to play interpreter for her to the other members of the group. (Which absolutely includes him reading some choice words she wrote, looking her directly in the eye, and saying "I get the sentiment, but I am not translating that.")
Kanao initially belonged to Nezuko, given as a gift when she was younger. With the financial situation the Kamado family is in, Tanjirou and Nezuko decided to regift doll!Kanao to one of their younger siblings. But, due to age, she needs some touching up. Tanjirou offers to handle it(either Nezuko has a broken hand, or she's swamped with other sewing projects), and this plot gets underway.
The Mouse King is Douma. Who else could I pick, after Kanao got put in the position of Prince Eric? How'd he get the throne? Coup, that's all I got. Kanao got out alive, but got cursed. So he shows up, shenanigans occur, Tanjirou becomes tiny, and the plot goes forth with our intrepid duo searching for the... It's a bit cheesy, I think, but Sun Prince.
Kanao is a feral sword ballerina. Let her kick a** in a tutu, Natasha Romanov Style! She deserves it! Meanwhile, poor Tanjirou just got handed a sword and told to swing it at Douma's soldiers, and he's looking around like "Why did I get a sword? Why am I being trusted with weaponry? I am literally a teenager who's never seen battle. I need an adult!"
In other words, our boy has no battle experience, is very stressed, and needs help
Sanemi and Genya as Major Mint and Captain Candy. I don't know why, but the vibes came to me. Genya still has his gun.
Again, feel free to use any or all of these ideas. And if you do, I'd love to see/read them! In the meantime, have some doodles I did of Kanao, and some art I did of Kanao and Tanjirou.
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Local Teenager Dragged Into Fantasyland Revolution by Feral Sword Ballerina, more at 10.
Honestly, with the nostalgia trip I'm on, I might do more of these. Unlikely to become fics of my own, but I could end up doing more of this "Spitballing Ideas For Others To Use" sorta thing.
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Fanfic AMA
I have So Much fic lore and headcanons and while I often share a lot of them, I think most of them tend to stay hidden in my google docs. Please ask me questions about my fics, I love talking about them.
I'll probably pin this post every now and then just to remind people of it's existence, but please ask me questions any time, even if it's been years since I first posted this.
(Any spoilery lore questions for TCYK I'll post after I start posting that.)
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I’m sorry about the fic
I said how I would post a nutcracker Wally x reader fic but I have been so swamped with work and stressed about school. I failed writing and I don’t know if my mom will kill me. I have to write an essay to a collage because the one I was planning as would go to closed. My Latin Exam is due on the 27th.
I feel like my world is falling apart and that something will happen that will be my last straw. I feel so guilty that I didn’t finish the fic before Christmas. I know exactly what to write for the fic but I don’t know if anyone would care since it will be after Christmas. So y’all can vote can vote if you want the finished fic this and the next month or next Christmas.
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icy-writes · 2 years
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Spell and Shadow
Chapter XXII
In Which The Compass Points North
There was a gasp at the door, making her snap her attention in that direction. It was only Seda, a blanket in her arms. 
“Miss Shalazar,” Seda said. She quickly got to Katherine’s side and felt her forehead and cheeks. “I’m glad to see you awake, but you should still be in bed. You had quite the adventure the other night.” 
“How long,” Katherine said, her voice scraping against her throat. “How long have I been asleep?” 
“Since we all went to bed last night. Why?” 
“Last night?” 
“Yesterday was rather busy with many of your aunts and uncles and cousins leaving. You were rather exhausted after all the excitement. Mister Saint North escorted you back up to your room.” 
That didn’t seem right. Her trip to Cockaigne had lasted several days.  
“Miss Shalazar, you look pale. Come here, let me help you back into bed.” 
Katherine allowed herself to be led back to her bed and tucked in. Seda fluffed the pillows and felt Katherine’s forehead again. 
“No fever,” the housekeeper said, her face pinched with worry. “I’ll send for Doctor Wendelstern. There might be a head injury he didn’t notice last time he was here.” 
Seda dismissed herself, closing the door softly behind her.  
Katherine waited a moment before climbing out of bed and snatching up her dressing gown. She quickly tied the sash around her waist. She found her slippers and headed out, eyes scanning the hall for anyone. 
Nicholas. She needed to see him. He would know how she got back to this world.
Continue reading on AO3. Continue reading on FF.net.
[First chapter on AO3] [First chapter on FF.net]
[Previous chapter on AO3] [Previous chapter on FF.net]
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somethingsteff · 8 months
Please tell me more about your Obikin Nutcracker AU! 😁
Ha! This just shows how my mind can't focus on a damn thing without bringing these two clowns into the mix. I was at the Nutcracker ballet last month and came up with:
Padme hosts a holiday party where there's a secret Santa gift exchange - the one rule is that the gifts have to be homemade. Anakin and Obi-Wan are currently just friends of a friend to each other, though there's for sure been mutual pining. Anakin gets Obi-Wan's name and decides to make Obi-Wan a Nutcracker in a Stewjoni kilt (I'm going to look up the McGregor tartan pattern for it and everything, might need to take a page out of @palfriendpatine66 s book and try my hand at drawing it? 😬 nervous) because he's heard Obi-Wan tell someone that even though he loves Coruscant he misses Stewjon during the holidays. Something happens where the Nutcracker gets broken (I've toyed around with Quinlan getting drunk and accidentally knocking it off the table Obi-Wan sets it on so everyone can look at it during the party 😂), but Anakin steps in to save the day by telling Obi-Wan to bring it over to his place in the next few days and he'll be able to fix it up for him.
I don't think this one will be explicit, but I'm picturing all the sugar plum fairy sweetness and fluff!
Thanks for the ask!! Low key hoping to have this done in time for Christmas this year. Lol. 💖🎄💖🎄
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cursegirlrabbit · 2 years
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May the flower fairy.
The Nutcracker and his Shadow ^.^ @jenkyblep
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