marcomarconii · 1 month
Busting Nutrition Myths: 💡 What You’ve Been Told is All Wrong ❌
📌 Are you buying into common nutrition myths? Let’s get to the truth! Knowing the truth behind these myths can change your diet and health. Let’s get started! ⬇️
1️⃣ Myth 1: Carbs Are The Enemy
➡️ Truth: Not all carbs are bad! Complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are full of nutrients and energy. It’s the refined carbs you need to watch out for. 🌿🥦
2️⃣ Myth 2: Eating Fat Makes You Fat
➡️ Truth: Healthy fats in avocados and nuts are good for brain health and hormone production. It’s the trans fats and too much saturated fats that make you gain weight. 🥑
3️⃣ Myth 3: Skipping Meals Helps You Lose Weight
➡️ Truth: Skipping meals can slow your metabolism and lead to later overeating. Instead, focus on balanced meals throughout the day to keep your energy levels stable. 🕧🍽️
4️⃣ Myth 4: All Calories Are Equal
➡️ Truth: 100 calories of candy is not the same as 100 calories of vegetables. Nutrient-dense foods have vitamins, minerals, and fiber that your body needs, while empty calories have no nutritional value. 🥗
5️⃣ Myth 5: Detox Diets Cleanse Your Body
➡️ Truth: Your body is designed to detoxify naturally through the liver, kidneys, and skin. Instead of detox diets, focus on a balanced diet full of whole foods to support your body’s natural processes. 🍋
➡️ Don’t let these myths ruin your nutrition journey! Focus on balanced, science-backed eating habits for overall health and wellness! 🔥
📌 P.S. If you like this thread, you will love my newsletter. Every week, I write emails about nutrition, fitness, and overall health. 📬 https://marcomarconii.ck.page/18360dce95
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antoniohicksposts · 8 months
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manoasha · 9 months
"Demystifying Whole Grain Myths: Unveiling the Truth for a Healthier You"
Whole grains have long been hailed as nutritional powerhouses, yet myths and misconceptions often swirl around them, leaving many hesitant to fully embrace their benefits. In this article, we’ll debunk common myths surrounding whole grains, empowering you to make informed choices for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Myth 1: “Whole Grains are Carb Bombs”: Contrary to the misconception…
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surinderbhalla · 1 year
Debunking common nutrition myths and misconceptions!
Achieving a healthy lifestyle can be challenging due to the abundance of myths and misconceptions surrounding nutrition and health. These false beliefs often lead people to make poor dietary choices. To help you adopt healthy eating habits, we will be debunking some of the most common nutrition myths and misconceptions and discuss key principles to follow. Debunking common nutrition myths and…
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wellbalance · 2 years
Why removing from your diet doesn't work and what you should add!
As women we have consistently been told that removing things from our diet is what is required in order to be healthy. The focus has always been on taking things away. This does not work psychologically. It brings fear. It brings worry. It brings resistance.
No carbs, no fat, no sugar, the list goes on ... the only things that I can see we have been told to add are exercise and most recently protein which, by the way we do not need as much of as we're led to believe!
Removing whole food groups from your diet just to lose weight is not the way to do it for most people. We need every macronutrient to function properly. While this can lead to quick weight loss it is not sustainable. We don't need to make ourselves miserable to be healthy.
Fat is not bad. We thankfully left the 1990s a long time ago. Fat is a hugely important macronutrient which we all need in order to function every day. It has many key roles within our bodies which I will go into in more detail in a another post, because it deserves one all of its own.
Naturally occuring sugars like those found in fruit and vegetables are easily processed by the body and do not cause spikes in blood sugar in the average healthy individual. If another person tells me they don't eat bananas because they made them fat with all the sugar I think I will scream.
The answer I believe is that we should focus on what we can add to our diets. Yes, more food not less. The days of the 1200 calorie diet are over!
Add fruits and vegetables to your diet, add nuts and seeds to your breakfast, add gut friendly fermented foods to your snacks, add healthy fats to every meal...
You will find that simply by changing your mindset and putting the focus on what foods you can add to super boost your meals with all the vitamins and minerals your body needs your old negative habits will slowly fall away and be replaced by better ones.
Ultra processed foods, the real problem here, wont interest you anymore because you are now satiated, energised and feeling good.
Rome wasn't built in a day, its a slow and gradual process which, along with patience and knowledge will get you to where you want to be and most importantly keep you there!
We all love a quick fix solution but where has it ever really gotten us? After all, anything worth having is worth waiting for!
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theembcnetwork · 8 months
How to Design the Roadmap to Ideal Health and Wellness with Dr. Christine Boev from THE EMBC NETWORK on Vimeo.
Looking for the ultimate roadmap to achieve ideal health and wellness? Look no further! In this informative video, Dr. Christine Boev, a PhD prepared ICU nurse and expert in health, wellness, fitness, and anti-aging, shares her valuable insights and strategies to help you transform your life. Are carbs your worst enemy when it comes to achieving your health goals? Think again! Dr. Boev debunks the myths surrounding carbohydrates and reveals the truth about their role in a balanced diet. Tired of mindlessly running on the treadmill without seeing results? It's time to pick up the weights! Dr. Boev explains why strength training is essential for overall health and how it can help you reach your fitness goals more effectively. Sleep plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, and Dr. Boev emphasizes its importance. Discover her strategies for achieving ideal sleep and understand why it's everything when it comes to optimizing your health and wellness. Curious about the new weight loss medication, Ozempic? Dr. Boev shares her insights and knowledge about this potentially revolutionary solution and whether it lives up to its claims. Dr. Boev's expertise goes beyond her professional background. With her goal of maintaining her aerobic condition, even at 120 years old (impressive, right?), she offers invaluable advice on metabolic health, supplementation, and the use of alternative therapies for enhancing cellular health. Ready to take your health and wellness journey to the next level? Dr. Christine Boev is now accepting new clients for her personalized health coaching program. Through this program, you'll receive a tailored nutrition plan based on the ideal macronutrient ratios for your goals. On top of that, you'll also benefit from 1-on-1 mindset coaching and a customized fitness program to support your individual aspirations. Dr. Boev is not only an ICU nurse and professor of nursing but also a passionate health coach dedicated to helping individuals become the best version of themselves. With her expertise in nutrition, supplementation strategies, and strength training, she will guide you towards optimal health outcomes. Furthermore, Dr. Boev believes in the power of mobility and is a devoted Yogi. She understands the significance of staying agile, especially as we age, and how it contributes to overall health and well-being. Are you ready to embark on a transformative health journey? Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to work with Dr. Christine Boev. Take the first step towards your ideal health and wellness by visiting her Instagram page: instagram.com/drchristineboev/ #healthandwellness #carbsdebunked #treadmillalternatives #sleepmastery #idealhealth #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #wellnesstips #nutritionmyths #fitnesstruths #healthylifestyle #organicliving #mindfulness #balanceddiet #sleepquality #wellbeing #selfcarejourney #naturalliving #exercisealternatives #optimalwellness #holisticmedicine
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health-pe-charcha · 8 months
You Should Drink Milk After Eating Fish? Really Research Approved
Did you know? The myth that you shouldn't drink milk after eating fish has no scientific backing! 🐟🥛 Both are nutritious and can be enjoyed together, unless you have specific allergies. Enjoy your meals without worry! #NutritionMyths #HealthyEating
Introduction Have you ever paused before sipping on a glass of milk after enjoying a delicious fish dinner, wondering if it’s the right thing to do? There’s a lot of folklore and myths surrounding the consumption of milk after eating fish, with warnings of potential health risks. But what does science say about this combination? Let’s dive into the facts, debunk myths, and understand whether you…
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eazy-group · 10 months
How much PROTEIN do YOU EAT? ⁉️ #shorts #nutrition #nutritionmyths #fitness #fatloss #gdtfit
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/how-much-protein-do-you-eat-%e2%81%89%ef%b8%8f-shorts-nutrition-nutritionmyths-fitness-fatloss-gdtfit/
How much PROTEIN do YOU EAT? ⁉️ #shorts #nutrition #nutritionmyths #fitness #fatloss #gdtfit
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔What are the top 5 nutrition myths about ADHD to stop believing? #ADHD #nutritionmyths Hey guys! 😊 Let'...
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hpadrianstemmer · 11 months
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🥦🍎 Gelungene Ernährung ist keine Zauberei! 🚫✨ 🥦🍎 Gelungene Ernährung ist keine Zauberei! 🚫✨ Es gibt so viele Mythen und Fehlinformationen über gesundes Essen da draußen, dass es schwierig sein kann, den richtigen Weg zu finden. 😓 Aber keine Sorge, ich bin hier, um euch aufzuklären und den Nebel zu lichten! 👩‍🏫💡 #healthyeating #nutritionmyths #factcheck Eines der häufigsten Missverständnisse ist, dass gesunde Ernährung bedeutet, auf alles Leckere zu verzichten. 🚫❌ Das ist vollkommen falsch! Gesundes Essen kann Spaß machen und lecker sein! Es geht darum, die richtigen Lebensmittel zu wählen und eine ausgewogene Ernährung zu pflegen. #enjoyyourfood #healthyanddelicious Ein weiterer Irrtum besteht darin anzunehmen, dass man bestimmte Lebensmittelgruppen komplett meiden muss. 🙅‍♀️🚫 Das stimmt so nicht! Eine ausgewogene Ernährung beinhaltet eine Vielzahl von Lebensmitteln aus allen Nährstoffgruppen. Es geht um die richtige Portionierung und die richtige Kombination. #balanceddiet #varietyiskey Ich möchte euch ermutigen, auf vermeintlich "gesunde" Trends zu achten, die euch nicht die Ergebnisse bringen, die ihr euch erhofft habt. ❌💔 Es gibt keine Wunderdiät oder magische Lebensmittel, die sofortige Veränderungen bewirken können. Gesundheit ist ein Prozess und erfordert langfristiges Engagement. #factsnotfads #nourishyourbody Bei Fragen oder Unsicherheiten stehe ich euch zur Seite, um euch auf eurem Weg zu einer gesunden Ernährung zu unterstützen. Mit meinem Wissen und meiner Leidenschaft werde ich euch helfen, eure Ziele zu erreichen und euer volles Potential zu entfalten! 💪🌟 #nutritioncoach #healthychoices #empoweringyou Lasst uns gemeinsam den Mythos um gesundes Essen durchbrechen und eine Ernährung finden, die zu eurem individuellen Lifestyle und euren Zielen passt! Ich bin bereit, euch zu inspirieren und motivieren. 💚🌱 #cleaneating #wellnessjourney #youvegotthis #gesundesessen #offenbach #adrianstemmer
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dlatitudepharmacy · 1 year
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🔍🌿 Curious about vitamins? 🤔✨ Let's separate myth from truth and explore the fascinating world of these essential nutrients! 🌟💊
Follow : @dlatitudepharmacy
Follow : @dlatitudepharmacy
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#Vitamins101 #MythOrTruth #NutritionFacts #HealthEducation #WellnessJourney #HealthAndWellbeing #EssentialNutrients #ScienceBased #HolisticHealth #NutritionMyths #HealthFacts #FactCheck #WellnessTips #EmpowerYourself #HealthMatters #StayInformed #HealthyLifestyle #OptimalHealth
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ambrosiawellness · 1 year
Carbohydrates are often thought of as "bad" for you, but this isn't entirely true. Carbohydrates are actually an important source of energy for your body, and they can be found in a variety of foods primarily in the cereals and grain group; and also in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and dairy products.
The problem with carbs arises when we consume too much of the wrong types of carbs. Simple carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary drinks and processed foods, can cause blood sugar spikes and lead to weight gain when consumed in excess. This is because they are quickly broken down by the body, which can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.
On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, are more beneficial for your health. They are broken down more slowly by the body, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer. Additionally, they are rich in nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which are important for overall health.
So, are carbs bad for you? The answer is no, not all carbs are bad for you.
It’s important to focus on consuming a variety of nutrient-dense, whole foods that include both simple and complex carbohydrates in moderation. Additionally, it's always a good idea to consult with a qualified Clinical Nutritionist or dietitian to determine the best dietary approach for your individual needs and health goals.
Inox me for your own personalized diet and lifestyle plan.
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littlepreacher68 · 1 year
Nutrition Myths That May Surprise You😋#shorts #nutritionmyths #myths
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manoasha · 9 months
"Diet Truths vs Myths"
Diet Truths and Myths: Navigating the Nutritional Landscape Introduction: Dietary advice is abundant, but not all of it stands the test of truth. This article aims to unravel common diet truths and myths, providing clarity in the often-confusing world of nutrition. Diet Myths: Myth: “Carbs Are the Enemy”: Debunk the misconception that all carbohydrates are harmful, emphasizing the importance…
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peterohalloran · 4 years
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The Peter O Halloran podcast episode 2 is now live. This week iv decided to hit a topic that I do talk a lot about on social media and that is the dreaded weighing scales. I’m going to be talking about why the scales are irrelevant and explain to you why, I will go into all the variables that affect someone’s weight and so on I will also be speaking to karen Holland from sparrow @sparrowtherapyandwellness in Kilkenny who is a psychotherapist and will be giving me her insight on how weighing scales can have an impact on your mental health. To listen to the episode go to my story and swipe up or in my higlites called podcasts. . . .. . . . . #health #fitness #fit #toptags #videooftheday #fitnessaddict #fitspo #workout #nutrition #cardio #gym  #lockdown #weightloss #fakenews #nutritionmyth #instahealth #caloriedeficit #coronavirus #strong #motivation #badhairday #covid19 #coronamemes #coronavirus #diet #clonmel #peterohalloran #podcast #pptfitnessandnutrition (at Clonmel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPKEl3AQwz/?igshid=174bxv3hj6ska
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One of the most common myths is to have brown rice for weight loss.⁠ ⁠ Both white and brown rice are very similar in their nutritional values. Here is the nutritional information based on a serving size of 100 gms of raw rice⁠ ⁠ All white rice was once brown rice.⁠ ⁠ The bottom line being, If you’d like to add rice to your diet, you can add as long as it fits your macro 🙂⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #xsbodyfitness #LetsGetFitTogether #rice #nutritioncoach #nutritionadvice #brownrice #brownricevswhiterice #nutritionmyth #healthyrice #nutritionmatters #caloriedeficit #healthandfitness #countingmacros #caloriesincaloriesout #eatinghabits #healthyeatingtips #diettips #nutritioncoaching #Indiandiet #weightlossfoods #nutritioniskey #onlinefitnessprogram #whiterice #infsscholar #fitsporation (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZwrIPBKcn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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