#nutty is a geek
gumnut-logic · 5 months
Day and Night cycle on Tracy Island
Hubby and I just had a interesting discussion on morning and evening times on Tracy Island.
This discussion happened simply because of one random line in a fic I was writing (yes, I’m writing again ::bounces:: ). I said something about the morning on Tracy Island being earlier than that in New Zealand. My supposition was that I thought days on the equator would be longer than those in the temperate zone.
Turns out day and night on the equator is 12 and 12 hours each and no fluctuating, something I would find immensely weird (and obvious if I had half a brain).
What was then discussed was the actual location of Tracy Island (in Thunderbirds Are Go) which John points out in several episodes as being just to the east of the Minerva Reefs, between the two volcanic ridges, one of which is the Kermadec Ridge. This is most obviously not on the equator (much to @onereyofstarlight ‘s annoyance when it comes to a certain reference to Thunderbird Five’s orbiting position ::giggles and hugs:: ). What latitude it is appears to be somewhere north of Brisbane, Australia (equivalent) but more subject to the ocean due to the lack of continent being in the way. Therefore subtropical clime.
So we looked up Brisbane’s day length. When the sun went up and down.
Apparently the sun will come up at around 5am in summer and set at around 6.30pm. So all those early morning jogs we have Scott on would be at sunrise (I’m further south so may have accidentally added a more temperate pattern to my fics and had him up before dawn cos that’s all I know really). This, of course, also depends on whether Tracy Island follows daylight saving. Though I have to admit, considering their location and the location of the majority of the human populace on the planet, our Tracy boys are all night workers unless something bad happens in East Asia or Oceania.
Anyway, something to think about. And yes, Tracy Island will wake up earlier than Aotearoa, and not just because of the timezone.
(Geeking out again)
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greensparty · 2 years
Remembering Stella Stevens 1938-2023
Actress Stella Stevens has died at 84. She had over 140 screen/TV credits. Notable performances include the Elvis movie Girls! Girls! Girls!, the movie of The Courtship of Eddie's Father, the Jerry Lewis The Nutty Professor, and the Peter Bogdanovich film Nickelodeon. 
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Stevens and Jason Robards in The Ballad of Cable Hogue
But my favorite of hers was Sam Peckinpah’s The Ballad of Cable Hogue where she starred as Hildy.
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Marc: Kiran, do you know how this car got in here?
Kiran: Yes, I do.
Marc: How?
Kiran: Through the window.
Sabrina: Your sister is such a tattle-tale.
Zoé: I am not and I'm telling you said that.
Simon: Gee, your hair smells like melon. What are you using?
Denise: Oh, it's this new product called 'Gee, Your Hair Smells like Melon.'
Nino: Adrien, it's finally happened! He's cleaning liquid soap!
Ivan: Don’t be silly. I’m just cleaning my rubber gloves.
Nino: Ivan, there's no shame in therapy.
Mme. Bustier: Okay guys. Lets pick a name for our new classroom puppy. Chloé do you have a name for the puppy?
Chloé: Yes I do. Chloé.
Alya: That's your name.
Chloé: I like my name.
Kim: I have the perfect name. Mr. Dog!
Alix: Mr. Dog? Kim, when you have a kid someday what are you going to name it? Mr. Baby?
Kim: Not if its a girl.
Myléne: I think we should name him something that fits his personality. Like... Puddles.
Nino: I have the perfect name! Comet. Because he's fast and he has a tail.
Nathaniel: And he only hits the newspaper once every 76 years.
Ismael: I never had them and I never will. I'm immune to chicken pox.
Cosette: You can't be immune to chicken pox!
Ismael: Ever kid in my school had them but me. I guess when you're an awesome physical specimen like my own bad self, germs take one look at my body and say, 'Hey, why waste our time?'
Reshma: Women say the same thing.
Chat Noir: M’lady, I have a question. What's a boy ladybug called?
Ladybug: *thinks for a moment* Confused.
Denise: Papá, with all respect, you can't send me to my room now. I'm a married enby.
Flavio: No you're not.
Simon: Dad-
Flavio: Please don't call me that!
Simon: What is it you do?
Flavio: I co-own a cafe.
Simon: I will study hard...and when you die, I will take over the family business.
Flavio: … I will never die.
*Adrien and Félix walk in dressed exactly alike*
Nino: Whoa! Freaky! Try to tell 'em apart!
Félix: You'll never guess, losers.
Marinette: Ohhh this is a toughie, but I bet that the real Félix is the one that just called us losers. And you are Adrien.
Adrien: Aw nuts.
Félix: Aw hoo..
Nino: Bless you
Marc: *Putting Kiran to bed* Don't shake your head. Your story is read. Now, you must go to bed. To bed, I said.
Alyssa: Honey, you really gotta cut back on the Dr. Suess.
Denise: I'm older.
Cerise: I'm younger.
Denise: I’m taller.
Cerise: I'm shorter.
Denise: I'm smarter.
Cerise: I'm... not falling for that.
Lacey: Dude, lots of babies are bald.
Jean: Not me. When I was born, the doctor smacked my butt and gave me a blow dryer.
Mme. Mendeleiv: Kissing a girl who smokes is like kissing an ash tray.
Mme. Bustier: What ash tray have you been kissing?
Mme. Mendeleiv: My Aunt Ida. I mean I love her, but she smokes so much, her Dalmatian is all black.
Louis: *after looking in refrigerator* This fridge is a joke! No Ding-Dongs, no Ho-Ho's, no Nutty Buddy's... it's bone-dry!
Nathaniel: I have raisins.
Louis: I'm allergic to raisins. My lips blow up and I can't talk when I eat raisins!
Nathaniel: ...raisins it is then!
Ivan: *After Kim walks in wearing drag* Kim’s a girl.
Max: No, he's a women.
Alix: An ugly women.
Austin T: Jean here is a Shakespeare freak. Aren't you, my little Hamlet-and-cheese?
Jean: *embarrassed* Whatever.
Austin B: Jean, you're into Shakespeare?
Austin T: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and Summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Austin Q: … Wow, Jean, I had no idea you had such a sensative soul.
Jean: … Whatever.
Lacey: You two think you're so cute.
Evan: Don't worry.
Jeremy: Be happy!
Lacey: Oh no! You two ARE so cute!
Ivan: When I was a kid, the kids used to tease me. They called me 'Zorba the Geek.'
Kim: *laughs hysterically, then grows serious when he sees the killer look on Ivan’s face* Kids can be so cruel.
Marinette Chloé said she heard a strange noise outside, but if you ask me, it's a desperate plea for attention.
Sabine: Marinette, stop watching Oprah and start doing your homework.
Cosette: Are you gonna cook the baby?
Yvette: We're changing her diaper.
Cosette: Oh, then how do you roast a turkey?
Denise: … I want to look like these models.
Simon: Why?
Denise: Because they're pretty!
Simon: I think you're pretty.
M. Monlataing: I'm calling children's services to handle this.
Alix: Why?
M. Monlataing: Because if I don't, I'm going over there to straighten him out myself!
Adrien: That's it. Loosen up, be very fluid. Be very fluid-y. That's it! Now... once you get it going, you shift the weight and you go. *starts walking* And it's a strut, and it's cool, and it's a strut, and it's cool. See? Like that?
Steve Urkel: Very inspiring. *tries to walk, but instead of a strut, he walks sidways on his toes bouncing highly*
Adrien: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's, uh, that's close.
Steve Urkel: Really? Well, oh. Well, that was a walk on the wild side. But, you should ty it with your elbows out. It's much better for circulation.
Adrien: Oh, really? Like this? *sticks elbows out*
Steve Urkel: Yeah. *Adrien starts to walk*!You're doing fine.
Adrien: You, know? I do feel the blood flowing better. It's very - WHAT AM I DOING?
Steve Urkel: Well, here's another fun way to kill time. Let's share a life story. I'll go first. I was born on a cold night in Chicago, 1976, the year of America's bicenntinal. My mom was in a great deal of pain and I was charging through! And...
Adrien: Uh! I think I hear the girls in the courtyard. Why, don't you just go and... yeah. Right in the courtyard area.
Nathaniel: Hey! You girls are the ones who drilled a peep hole in the boys’ locker room!
Rando Girl: Yeah, and you're the reason we plugged it up, backne!
Nathaniel: The peep hole works both ways, Zit Butt!
Alya: *to Tom and Sabine* My mother would never let me go to a boy's apartment unsupervised, what kind of parents are you?
Alim: *Knocks on the door* Alix, are you in there?
Alix: Yeah one sec, dad! *clears off pillows off of her bed, and pushes Nathaniel under the covers*
Nathaniel: *Drunk* Wassup, Alix?
Alix: Nath, we're going to play a little game okay? Whoever stays quietest the longest gets to lipwrestle with the captain of the soccer team!
Nathaniel: Goal!
Simon: Did you happen to get a picture of the front of the horse too?
Austin A: This happens to be one of my relatives. If you wanna see yours, you could go rent "Gorillas in the Mist."
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1000dactyls · 2 months
I want to ask what some of your fave httyd friendships are! Because I saw you say about Stoick and Gobber and unrelated but sort of related but I realised the other day Gobber and Stoick are in some ways an older version of fishlegs and hiccup if you looked at them from very very far away
Stoick and Gobber are definitely up there!!! Your Fishlegs and Hiccup comparison does kind of make sense but it is totally nutty and I did giggle a lot. That one screenshot from RTTE of Fishcup and geeking out is their relationship, if geeking out was replaced with beefing out. I also really enjoy Gobber and Hiccup’s friendship!!! Idk in general Gobber & the haddocks are some of my favorite relationships. in their own way, both stoick and hiccup get in their own head — gobber’s unhinged and no-nonsense commentary gets them back into the real world. (Although, stoick and gobber are… ah, i really like stoick and valka, but there is nothing more gentle and queer and loving than taking care of your boy best friend and raising his child together. They’re like… Stoick and Gobber with Hiccup are this one TikTok.)
I like Gothi and Snotlout as a hypothetical duo. I don’t think they interact much, from what I remember (though again — I haven’t even finished watching RTTE for the first time, so I’m just guessing a lot here). Snotlout’s relationships with others are also comedy gold. Him and Hookfang carry some of RoB/DoB’s best episodes; Hookfang’s grouchy, malicious compliance to some of Snotlout’s weirder requests are really funny.
And you can never go wrong with Ruff and Tuff!!! They’re twins — they’re ride or die.
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airteacher · 7 months
If elements were more lineage based and not stuck 1:1 per parent what element would you hc the air kids as having. (Assuming Pema is a non bending daughter of at least one earthbender)
//Personally, I've always imagined Pemzin's kids as having the potential to be Airbenders (bc of Aang being of Air Nomad decent), Waterbenders (bc of Katara being of Water Tribe decent) and Earthbenders (bc of Pema being of Earth Kingdom decent). If one of Pema's parents were from Fire Nation decent, then I'd include that as well.
But I imagine it not extending past grandparents, because the creators specifically say it's not about bloodlines, but rather a spiritual connection, with each culture providing a different spiritual vantage point. So, while I do believe in some genetics having to do with ethnic grouping, I still think grooming is an important factor. By fostering the Air Nomad side of their heritage, they are more likely to develop into Airbenders than any other element.
With this in mind we know of three canon aspects that attribute to being able to bend: ethnic grouping/cultural upbringing (decides which element you're predisposed to developing), spiritual connection (how likely you'll be a bender), and a physical aspect having to do with blood flow and chi channels in/around the brain (an on-and-off switch basically).
Here's a snippet of an interview Bryke did for avatarspirit.net (the main online community for atla/lok content before tumblr arrived) that supports this. This is from April 2007. I've bolded the text I found most relevant.
RM: Okay, next I know I'm going really left brained and you can call me a geek because I am, but in "The Fortuneteller" you have a pair of twins...kids...one is an earthbender and one isn't. So is bending genetic, or is it some sort of spiritual thing? How does it work? BK: Mike and I just got new puppies. They're brothers. They have the same mother and father. Same litter. Mike's dog can just sit in a crate and be happy as a clam. My dog just loses all control...everything. Who knows why these things happen? They're beyond our full understanding. MDD: Yeah, Katara's mom and dad weren't benders. Maybe it's a recessive gene. I've always seen it as more spiritual connections, though. A little bit mysterious... BK: I mean we've definitely talked about it. I think, again, sometimes we might not know...it's more of what we don't want it to be. We didn't want it to be like there is a lineage...a royal family or something...and these people can bend and then there's everyone else as non-bending, people who never will. Some sort of caste system. Mike and I are more attracted to more of the flux type universe. The only constant is change, variation, that sorta thing. I'm sure it's a bunch of factors. ***Interviewers note: About 20 mins after the interview, Bryan came back to me and we spoke a little more about the basis of bending off recorder. He described bending as more of a talent. You have some genetic basis for potential, but you could go your whole life without developing the talent into ability. Some people have more inherent talent than others, while others with minimal inherent talent can still develop it through hard work and practice. He reiterated a connection to the spiritual energies is the underlying basis. How it manifests is based on upbringing and experience. RM: So could Teo's people perhaps grow into the airbenders of the future? BK: I think Teo's people are more refugees. They probably came together because they're not benders and really had no way to defend themselves. Then fell under this nutty guy who has his own skill and aura of authority. I don't think it's an ethnic group of non-benders, rather they were all just escaping the disasters of war. MDD: Yeah, I think if you've gone through puberty and not found any bending abilities, you're probably not going to find them. I think it manifests early. BK: Although that would make a pretty outrageous story. Some 80 year old guy... MDD: "Wow, I never knew!" BK: ...fire starts shooting out... RM: I was just curious if the airbenders could just come back from the general population rather than necessarily having to come back through Aang or anyone else who came from the airbending lineage. MDD: Aang is the last Airbender, so I don't think it's possible for Airbending to spontaneously develop in the general population. RM: It seems like all the Air Nomads were benders. Did they exile everyone who didn't manifest the trait, or did they really have such a high percentage of born benders? BK: We always have liked the idea of who will be a bender and who won't be to be kind of an ambiguous mystery, even to the people in the Avatar world. From early on we thought the Air Nomads would be all benders. Again it's like Mike was saying, it's more of a spiritual connection. But they have...they had...the smallest population. Earth Kingdom has the biggest population but the smallest percentage of benders. So yeah, there were these notions we kicked around that is wasn't going to be regimented or ruled through specific lineages. We liked the idea that each of the cultures have a different spiritual vantage point...coming at it from a different angle. MDD: Then the Air Nomads would have been the most spiritual...the most connected to the spiritual energy of the Earth. BK: But the most detached from society. More monastic.
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tracybirds · 2 years
friendship is magic and i'm thinking hard about tracy fam and their relationships <3 this is simply a list of possibilities for me to use to pick and choose :D Named characters are background characters, then I'm listing the circles they run in
just some silly fun for a thursday morning, gonna go do dishes and maths now :D
Marion Van Arkel
Kat Cavanaugh
Asher and Finn
Toshi Murakami
tracy industries people
uni friends (the man needs people to geek out about maths with)
personally i don't think he kept in touch with any air force people but i guess there's them too
Cass McCready
online engineering community (as in Nutty's V.T. Green bc i'm never not obsessed with that fic)
art group
orchestra friends
jazz band buds (Virgil is in a jazz band and they meet up monthly for jazz band shenanigans)
Ridley O'Bannon
Tycho Reeves (trust me on this one, I know they didn't really interact but also trust me)
space fam (neighbours group chat but the neighbours are all in space.... they have a chess tournament once a year)
stingray fandom friends
astrophysics nerds
Robby Shelby
Buddy and Ellie Pendergast
enviro friends (*cough cough* @gumnut-logic's Raoul Island crew)
old swim team
WASP buddies
Brandon Barrenger
cavern quest / gaming friends
homeschool "pen pals"
Alan needs more friends the poor kid must get lonely :'(
Wayne Rigby
Andi Houseman
GDF buds that Rigby introduces her to
she has the whole tracy fam so it's a little different for her i think bc she gets to live with her best friends* all the time
a select few other science friends
his sister's acting friends that have adopted him (based on the linked headcanon)
Kip Harris (get it Grandma!!!)
i like to think she's in an aviation club
also doctor friends :D
give me a stitch and bitch for grandma lol
keeps in touch with all the kansas friends <3
Lee Taylor
Colonel Casey
Ned Tedford (once Jeff comes back and they go rescue this hapless man AGAIN, Jeff invites him back for dinner and they become good friends I'm holding onto this one)
air force buddies
rich people pals
Penelope's Dad (Hugh????)
*disclaimer that my personal interpretation of kayo is that she's a good friend who is like a sister and the six of them casually refer to each other as such but isn't actually adopted bc her dad by all accounts is still alive and all that and personally I found the way TAG handled that weird.... but my experience is that I call my two best friends sisters without a trace of irony bc our families were closely intertwined and i've known them since birth and grown up with them. I even lived with them for a time as a child when my parents couldn't look after me. That's what Kayo and the boys feels like to me and is obvs very influenced by my own experience of being sent to live with another family while growing up.
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seastarlily · 2 years
Interesting Minor Facts About the Main Cast of “SpongeBob SquarePants”
SpongeBob SquarePants
- Birthday is July 14th, 1986 (“Sleepy Time”).
- Favorite color is beige (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite food is Krabby Patties (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite ice cream flavor is plain vanilla (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Can knit (“Goo Goo Gas”, “Gramma’s Secret Recipe”, “New Digs”, and “Bulletin Board”).
- Is ambidextrous (demonstrated across many episodes but is outright stated in “You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Main instrument of choice is ukulele (“F.U.N.”, “SpongeGuard on Duty”, “The Camping Episode”, “Single Cell Anniversary”, “Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom”, “Hello Bikini Bottom!”, and “Say Awww!”) but can also play electric guitar (“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”, “Krabby Road”, and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”), drums (“New Digs”), and organ/keyboard/piano (“Something Smells”, “Tentacle-Vision”, and “A Place for Pets”).
- The glasses he wears while jellyfishing are modeled after his voice actor Tom Kenny’s.
Patrick Star
- Birthday is August 17th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014”).
- Favorite color is aquamarine (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite ice cream flavor is dill pickle swirl with mustard and extra bacon bits (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Is right-handed (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Can knit (“Bulletin Board” and “Old Man Patrick”).
- Went to community college (“The Bully”).
- Has a thing for mermaids (“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” and “Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle”).
- Is 1/16 Amoeba and a distant cousin to Gary the Snail (“Rule of Dumb”).
- Main instrument of choice is drums (“The Camping Episode”, “Band Geeks”, “Krabby Road”, “The Inmates of Summer”, “Tentacle-Vision”, and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”) but can also play electric guitar and synthesizer (“The Inmates of Summer”).
Squidward Tentacles
- Birthday is October 9th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014″).
- His middle initial, “Q.”, stands for “Quincy”.
- Is right-handed (“Artist Unknown”).
- Has appeared in more episodes than Patrick, despite being the tritagonist of the series.
- Besides canned bread (“Squidville”), his favorite food is ice cream (“The Fish Bowl”).
- Knows basic karate (“Squid Defense”, “SpongeBob You’re Fired!”, and “Pineapple RV”).
- Main instrument of choice is clarinet but can also play piano (“Dying for Pie”, “Pest of the West”, and “Atlantis SquarePantis”) and electric guitar (“Krabby Road”).
- Never went to college (“Drive Thru”).
- Is claustrophobic (“Wishing You Well”) and acrophobic (“Are You Happy Now?”), although the latter phobia apparently can vary (“No Hat for Pat”).
- Is allergic to nuts (“Feral Friends”), seaberries (“Restraining SpongeBob”), snail slime (“Once Bitten”), and too many snails/pets in one place (“Sanctuary!” and “A Place for Pets”).
- Has cooked Krabby Patties in SpongeBob’s absence successfully ("Employee of the Month," "Bubble Buddy," "Breath of Fresh Squidward," "The Good Krabby Name," and "Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go!”) more times than unsuccessfully ("Pickles," "Hooky," and "The Algae's Always Greener").
- The recumbent cycle he rides is based on his voice actor Rodger Bumpass’s.
Sandy Cheeks
- Birthday is November 17th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014″).
- Has a twin brother Randy (“Rodeo Daze”) and an older sister Rosie (“Sandy’s Nutty Nieces”).
- Her middle name is either “Olivia” (“SpongeBob SquarePants Ocean 3D: Facts & 3D Pics”) or “Jennifer” (“SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical”).
- Can play electric guitar as well as acoustic (“Band Geeks” and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”).
Eugene Krabs
- Birthday is November 30th, 1942 (“Sleepy Time”).
- His middle initial, “H.”, stands for “Harold”.
- Can play piano (“The Fry Cook Games” and “Goodbye, Krabby Patty?”), keytar (“Band Geeks”), and xylophone (“Lights, Camera, Pants!”)
- Can paint (“Selling Out”).
- Can knit (“Goo Goo Gas”, “Bulletin Board”, and “Plankton’s Intern”).
- Used to skateboard as a kid and can still do it pretty well (“The Grill is Gone”).
- While he prefers sea shanties, he’s also developed a taste for electronic/techno music (“Jellyfish Hunter”, “Krab Borg!”, “The New Leaf”, “Burst Your Bubble”, “Stuck on the Roof”, and “My Two Krabses”).
Sheldon Plankton
- Was born on the same day as Mr. Krabs (November 30th, 1942) making them exactly the same age (“Friend or Foe”).
- Is the only character with a middle initial whose middle name is not known, although some fans believe it could be “James”.
- Can paint (“Bucket Sweet Bucket”, “Sweet and Sour Squid”, and “Plankton’s Old Chum”).
- Knows basic karate (“C.H.U.M.S.” and “Chum Defense”).
- His instruments of choice are piano and keyboard (“Band Geeks”, “Krabby Road”, “Lights, Camera, Pants!”, and “There Will Be Grease”).
- Hates the taste of pineapple (“Pineapple Invasion”).
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RAP 2022
DaBoii - Bananas
Pink Siifu - Voicemails Uptown
Veeze - Let It Fly
Wiki - All I Need (feat. Earl Sweatshirt)
Lerado- Inyohead
Babyface Ray - 6 Mile Show
2Rare & PGS - "SRI LANKA"
iayze - 556 [Green Tip]
D4M $loan - Drive Who Crazy
Campanella - RAGA feat. 鎮座DOPENESS (Prod by Ramza)
GuttaBoy Khida "Lucky Charms"
DaBoii - The Deal Ft. Drakeo the Ruler
Lerado & Prblm- Candy Paint
BoofPaxkMooky - Slow Jam Fantasy
Pink Siifu - BRAVO'! ft Turich Benjy, Jaybee Lamahj, Swaggy Q, Peso Gordon, VonBeezy
Shawny Binladen - Get Money Shit
1600J - No disrespect / Outerspace geek
Los - Kill 4 Clout
Papo2oo4 - Show you
5Star Ft. Lay Bankz - Cmonnn (Hit It One Time)ft. Lay Bankz
Duke Deuce Ft. Glorilla - JUST SAY THAT
D Sturdy - Remember Me
Bfb Da Packman - Stained Couch
Duwap Kaine - Revolve Around Me
Young Slo-Be - Track Stars
Hawo Beats - Ghetto Boy Jake feat. Jin Dogg
PAPO2oo4: PENNY #1
Los - Overboard
Veeze - Ians The Devil
OTM - Adios
Loe shimmy - Not the same
Peezy - 2 Million Up
WB Nutty - Whole Hood
Peezy - Long Live Crums
Hotboii - Blinded By Death
Chief So by Chief Keef
Ralfy The Plug - Prolific
OTM - Holy Ghost
EBK Trey B - Comfy
WB Nutty - Rush
Pi'erre Bourne - Good Movie
MyCrazyRo - "Who Dangerous "
P-Lo - Good Feat. Larry June
Stop6Jaay - Big Jaay Special
Haiti Babii Ft. Keak Da Sneak - YEE
Kash Keek - "War Outside" Ft. EBK Young Joc
Whop Bezzy x Mouse On Tha Track - DONT STOP
Los and Nutty - Los Type Beat
Big Sad 1900 - So What (Remix)
Benny The Butcher - Thowy's Revenge (Prod. by Alchemist)
BandGang Lonnie Bands - Detroit Hu$$le
Young Slo-Be - Track Stars
MIKE - What Do I Do?
KT Foreign x Verde Babii - Stompin
Veeze - Close Friends
Shawny Binladen - No HESI
Verde Babii - Jagged Edge
Young Slo-Be - Don't Kome 2 My Funeral
BandGang Lonnie Bands - Bitter Sweet
Duke Deuce - ANNA
Big Sad 1900 & Uce Lee - Get this message
Brock, 2Rare & Bril — Beat It (feat. JMoney)
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weapon-ish · 2 months
for my birthday my gf is getting me a giant otachi action figure and im geeking out about it, otachi is my favorite kaiju from pacific rim, and it's like a huuuge very detailed figurine :,) i gotta figure out how to do something nutty like mount it from my ceiling or something, i love her so much already!!!!!
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writer59january13 · 9 months
January 13th 2024 - Happy Lxv-th birthday Matthew Scott Harris
date of conception:? ~ Late March – mid April 1958. date of parturition: January xiii, mcmlix.
date of expiration:? January i, eminem, where earth, wind, and fire doth usher hootie and the blowfish on a green day and a three dog night three doors down from foo fighters.
A gangly, horribly measly, and scraggly bundle of lovely bones even as a lad (way to skinny to appease wicked witch) chee boo came out kicking and screaming
and he never stopped since
that's how I will get carried out.
Yours truly an aging married baby boomer (orangutan missing link) long haired pencil necked geek (constantly clearing phlegm from his throat) trademark disheveled characteristics whipsawed ever faster around sun
quickly ratcheting and spiraling tornado like
nearly 30 kilometers per second,
or 67,000 miles per hour clip; while sprawled atop earth,
he journeyed, jumpstarted, kickstarted,
launched countless planetary orbitz
quintessentially retracing trajectory when Gaia linkedin courtesy gravity
maintaining invisible bond with Helios.
He (best nutty buddy
and alter ego of mine),
which birth sported an ordinary uneventful, nevertheless miraculous
combination platter visited
ejaculation, menstruation, secretion
nsync with erratic spastic seminal kicks divine fertilization usually took place
in a fallopian youtube playing mine unrehearsed debut appearance
after an ovary to the uterus wrought conception, which
begat biological reproductive process
fostered embryonic development 'o Boyce and Harriet straggly heir,
one male progeny mostly gangly lovely bones mox nix
cellular division yes genesis
I rem:member being born
as an a door able beatle browed talking head
super tramping cheap tricks
immediately kickstarted and triggered
goo goo doll foo fighter enfant terrible terrifically soulfully bellowing;
also envision Dolby surround sound without assistance courtesy Gran Prix (for poetic purpose
pronounceable sex pistols pricks).
Upon due date when water broke
vaguely analogous to how rice krispies
snapped, popped, and crackled;
firstly his crown emerged out cervix
ain't got pushed by no
heavy duty contractions out birth canal
no siree but propelled seven plus pounds
courtesy infantile flatulence asthma noggin heralded
scrawny declaration, now celebrating lx
plus four ellipses around nearest star, subsequently skinny arms and legs
(I'll spare ye the bloody graphics
with the afterbirth regarding
placenta and fetal membranes
discharged from the uterus
after the birth of offspring),
whence obstetrician able, eager, ready, and willing to secure newborn in swaddling raiment affirming proud parents
their healthy baby boy
underscored with italics
readied to receive pronounced hosannas
regarding garden variety generic wrinkled likened
to an old manikin newborn.
Within some now nondescript building then named The Christ Hospital
location Mount Auburn
Cincinnati, Ohio (the Buckeye state)
record number C57587
gingerly handled courtesy Doctor James Mackay McCord
(ushering none other than me into the webbed wide world)
bestowed upon bosom
of Harriet Harris (maternal parent),
after thy young mother
experienced brief labor
as his bonny head and bony derrière easily slipped out uterine crypt,
whereby with Vernix caseosa, the waxy or cheese substance, he appeared er made rather wicked, matted, and dipped in tallow, thence unexpectedly whipped
minuscule fist ready to bump.
Once placenta and fetal membranes (unnecessary as wing ding) discharged out uterus after birth of offspring, and thar weren't no more major contractions in the offing
ma mommy lovingly did cling
to her bundle of joy and bring
maternal breast I ravenously did suckle fortunately toothless against her tender bosom trickling
(if mammary serves me correctly),
I presently recall no iota of inkling
what events transpired, nope no recollection
about me being circumcised.
Traditionally a mohel is a rabbi, cantor or another religious leader
who performs brit milah,
or bris, a circumcision ceremony,
on an 8-day-old.
Moost likely I felt Jew bull lent
glad yours truly chose decent
mother and father, which opinion subjected to radical change, when as grown adult child living nonsocial under their roof housing forced to hire agent
provocateur to practice sparring, when standoff event on horizon, which eventually begat ultimatums,
where mutual quiet riot revulsion
swallowed me into a black hole
their red hot poker rage spent
belittling, cursing, damning...
quiet as Unitarian Church mouse content internalizing later smoldering anger I needed to vent
in retrospect diminutive little boy
tied to mama's apron strings
afflicted with mental health issues inherent of course hindsight gleaned
social, psychological, neurological...
healthy development got rent
asunder partly explaining why I became indigent cuz absolute zero ambition to hustle and convince
prospective employers to hire me
an astute candidate with
deaf fin knit muted confidence.
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gumnut-logic · 7 months
Today’s random fact about Australia
‘Fertile soil for food production is another vital factor that shapes people. The great civilisations of the world were built on floodplains of major river systems whose sources were located in young and active mountain ranges. In much of the Northern Hemisphere, the soils are also young and fertile because they formed after the retreat of major glaciers of the last ice ages. During the Pleistocene, however, Australia occupied a low-latitude position and so ice-age impacts were limited in Australia and did not rejuvenate the old landscape. Weathering of recent volcanic rocks, such as in New Zealand or Indonesia or the western district of Victoria, also creates fertile soils. With recent volcanism restricted to eastern Australia and a position distant from subduction zones, most of Australia's soils lack the nourishment provided by volcanoes. Thus, Australia's landscape is old and covered by soils that, for the most part, are also old. They are also salt prone and nutritionally and organically impoverished.’
- Shaping a Nation : A Geology of Australia, Richard Blewett (ed.), Aug 2012
This is a glorious geology book I’m reading between fanfics. This paragraph illustrates some of the core differences between Australia and many of the other human inhabited places on the planet. We are as big as the United States, but our land is ancient with no volcanism or large geological change.
It should also be noted that all the geological change in both New Zealand and Indonesia….including the Kermadec Ridge where Tracy Island sits, is caused by the Indo-Australian tectonic plate pushing its way up towards China at around five to seven centimetres a year. The old girl is a pushy little bugger 😁 Sorry, neighbours. We in the middle of the boat are generally mostly tectonically stable and just along for the ride 😁
(Watch it, I might start info dumping, I love me a good geology story)
PS: Oh, you can get a PDF of the above massive book for free on the Australian National University Press website or from the SA public library network cos I know we have this doorstopper tome on our shelves. 😁
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Reverend Nat's Hard Cider announces upcoming conclusion of business.
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Discovered on their website, Portland (Oregon) cidery and taproom, Reverend Nat's Hard Cider, will cease operations at the end of September. Attached is their full statement, found on the businesses front page.
"After 12 great years, it’s time to move on. September 2023 will be our last month in business.
Please join me in the Taproom any time now until Sep 24 but especially on Saturday Sep 23 as we celebrate all the amazing ciders and great people who have contributed to our incredible successes. I have three final Tent Show releases to share with you all, plus our two non-alc ciders will FINALLY be in cans for sale. Home deliveries are still happening on Fridays at least through the end of September.
Back in 2004, a friend of mine had a large apple tree in his back yard. We made apple pies, apple sauce, dried apples and apple butter. And still there were more apples. “Why not make cider?” I thought, having never tried cider before. I had a vague idea about bubbling airlocks and glass carboys but no idea what it would taste like. I happened to have a 20-ton house jack in the garage and some old timbers, so a half a day later, I had cobbled together a working juice press.
I clearly remember the taste of the juice of that first apple. Sweet, rich, a bit tart, a bit nutty; I was hooked. That year I made 5 gallons of hard cider. The next year, 15 gallons. The following, 40. Six years later I had 500 gallons of supremely dry hooch in my basement and I was becoming an increasingly better cidermaker. (Not to mention an increasingly popular neighbor. Friends were stopping by at all hours for a pint on the porch or a mason jar fill-up to take home.)
As a die-hard craft beer revolutionary, I experimented with beer yeasts, wild fermentations, Belgian ale spices, aromatic west coast hops and local fruit juices. My search for superior ingredients to make unusual ciders was all-consuming. As an historian of cidermaking (I have the largest cider book library in Portland), I recreated forgotten cider styles and practiced juicing and fermenting techniques long out of fashion. Permeating all these experiments was a desire to make ciders that no one else will make. I would cook a dish, eat at a restaurant, drink a beer or a cocktail, or peruse the farmer’s market, and be unable to contain my excitement for flavors. After making cider for nearly a decade, I concluded that, while apple-only ciders define cider for most of my fellow countrymen, my passion was in creative flavor combinations making cider in the spirit of craft beer geeks.
I started Reverend Nat’s Hard Cider in my basement, moved into an abandoned warehouse near the Rose Quarter in 2013, a larger building in 2023, and recently into a Taproom on 35th Place and SE Division. Now I sell my ciders in Oregon, Washington, Montana,  Colorado, Ohio and North Carolina, as well as British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, a little bit spread thin across Japan, and a little bit in Europe. We’ve had an incredible run and I met so many amazing people and shared so many wonderful experiences. It’s been the best job I’ve ever had.
The last few years has been hard on us with COVID closures, changing consumer preferences, the sputtering of craft beer overall, and the decline of Portland as a worldwide tourism destination. But there is not a single reason why we are closing, just a combination of factors. I am sorry that our loyal customers won’t be able to enjoy these incredible ciders any more.
THANK YOU to all of you. My mega fans (Symposium anyone?), Tent Show members, Taproom regulars, grocery store customers and taplist advocates. None of this would have been possible without your support. Thank you.
THANK YOU also to: My great cidermaking team: Chris for Hellfire; Dwight for enthusiasm; Dawn for quality; Charlie for a lot of hard work; and Istvan for sticking with me until the end.
My great sales team: Delphina for bringing your hard work and creativity; Jason West for that fun ride in a pickup truck; Nate and Matt for running your own little Rev Nats island in SoCal; Matt for the Thanksgiving Day check-ins.
My delivery driver team of Sol, Emily, Brad, Kristen and Jason for your amazing flexibility.
My Taproom team: Jim for getting us into the cool kids club; Nick for all the awesome collaborative ideas in the taproom; Gemma and CLB for your outstanding passion.
My earliest investors, for believing in a big idea and my later investors, for keeping that idea alive.
My industry friends: Jeff Alworth for including me as one of the best breweries in Portland; Sean the Beermonger for early encouragement; Jeff Smith for my first sale and Drew Worden for buying all my Hopricot; Adam Milne for great friendship and counseling; Joe Casey and Doug Rehberg for being fantastic neighbors; Bill Bradshaw and Pete Brown for recognizing Hopricot way back in 2012; Tyler Brown for teaching me how to use hops; Son of the Smith, sorry I can’t be around for more collaborations; Sean Burke, Mike Wright, and Alan Sprints for showing up to my opening night. That was very nice.
My great distributors: All the folks at George’s Dist for being the best distributor an out-of-state cidery could have; Ricardo Linares, I know you really cared; Michael Walcott, Red Gillen and Aoki Eiichi for showing me a new world; Markus for giving me the shirt off his back and Karl for making me feel welcome; Jay and Taylor at Artisan for finding something that works against many odds; Jimmy Werbin and Scott Willis for showing me how a good distributor works. I should have signed with you guys in the beginning.
And finally my family, Sarah and Beck. Thank you for letting me follow a crazy dream. I hope it was worth it for you too."
More here, https://reverendnatshardcider.com/
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ozma914 · 2 years
Casting For the Pod You Love
 I listen to a fair amount of podcasts, which is interesting considering ten years ago I didn't know what a podcast was.
About that long ago Emily bought me my first iPod, to listen to music while walking or doing chores.
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 It was called an iPod Shuffle and it still works, despite being over two hundred in electronics years. But it sits in a desk drawer, because although you can play music in order or shuffle it at random, there's no way to better pick what to listen to, in what order. That became a big deal when I started with podcasts, basically radio shows you can download off the internet. Since I have an eclectic list of interests, I wanted to be able to pick the order.
So for my birthday several years ago Emily bought me an updated model. It gives you much better control of the what and when, plus you can load it with photos and videos and other stuff, something I've never done. Although the battery is fading, it still works.
But now I mostly listen to podcasts on my phone, because why carry two devices when you can carry one?
There's a danger in running your brain 24/7; sometimes you need to stop the input and let it rest a little. Just the same, I've found listening to something makes chores like lawn mowing go faster, and helps out when I walk or run. Oh, who am I kidding? Walk.
So, what kind of podcasts do I listen to? I thought you'd never ask.
There's something called podcast fade, and some of the ones I used to like have faded away in time. But plenty others are still going strong, and most of my favorites--of course--involved writing:
I Should be Writing is by SF author Mur Lafferty, and is aimed more at beginning writers. Lafferty shares her own struggles with writing and publishing, not to mention depression and other related challenges.
Ditch Diggers: Lafferty is joined by author Matt Wallace for a more advanced writing podcast, which covers more of the business end of the industry. As their theme song says, they pull no punches.
Writing Excuses: It's fifteen minutes long, because "You're in a hurry, and we're not that smart". A group of authors goes over every aspect of writing. Sometimes they spend too much time on the politically correct for my taste, but it's not a bad thing to hear what people have to say on various issues.
Shipping and Handling: Two literary agents sip wine and discuss their industry and their jobs. Sometimes they spend too much time on national politics, but otherwise it's a great look into the minds of agents and how the business works from their end.
The Writer's Digest Podcast They don't seem to be podcasting anymore, and neither does Harlequin: Meet the Editors, but you might still be able to glean interesting tidbits from their older shows.
Smart Author with Mark Coker: This one's about book marketing and self publishing, which isn't surprising when you realize Coker is the founder of self-publishing powerhouse Smashwords.
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Of course, there's more to life than writing, although you wouldn't think that to talk to me.
ID10T with Chris Hardwick is a talk show with uber geek Hardwick, who has far ranging conversations with, well, everybody--actors, authors, comedians, singers, you name it. One of my favorites was Max Brooks, author and son of the legendary Mel Brooks, who's just as fast on his feet as his dad. I don't spend a lot of time on pop culture, but Hardwick seems to be a genuinely nice guy and a joy to listen to.
Nutty Bites: My first podcast experience was with my friend Tabz of Strangely Literal, and she led me to Nutty and her husband Tech, and don't Canadadians have strange first names? You boot, they do. Nutty holds fourth with her friends on various nerd subjects, and this is where I go when I just want to have fun.
Planetary Radio: I love space stuff. This, the podcast of the not for profit Planetary Society, looks into the tech, politics, and science of space exploration, very much one of my earliest interests.
The History Chicks: Two ladies talk about history--specifically, women of history. I love history, and women ain't too bad either. Sometimes they're surprisingly squeamish about how things were done back in the day, but they don't pull any punches--and by the time they're done, you'll be squeamish about the good old days, too. But you can learn a lot in a fun way, about women ranging from Queens of England, to a Chinese pirate (yes, female), to authors, inventors, and murderers. You probably won't be surprised about how seldom the ladies get the historical credit they earned.
The Bladtcast: Christian Bladt was Dennis Miller's sidekick on Miller's podcast, and when Bladt started one of his own I moved over there with him. Not literally. He and his cast of friends basically nerd out (often obscenely) about various fandoms ranging from movies and comics to sports, and it's another one I listen to for the fun of it.
How about you all? Any favorite podcasts to recommend? There are a million of them out there.
  http://markrhunter.com/ https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
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cautiouslittleninja · 3 years
continuing from (x) with @sweetheart-scientist​
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“...I-I...I-I don’t really understand what you’re saying...b-but I-I guess this Feeby is special then...? I-I just thought his scales were pretty...a-and it was nice he decided to stay in the pretty dive ball...”
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mrrubbersuitman · 4 years
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge✨
I love Stoick and Astrid's relationship 🥺
The way Hiccup just knows what's going on with Astrid 🥺
I loved Team Astrid, the episode and the actual team ✋🏼😭😂
OMG WAIT I LOVE THIS EPISODE I THINK!! Night of the Hunters pt1
"When a Nadder shoots its spines it always leaves his belly exposed"
I love overprotective Hiccup
"What took you so long?"
UGHHH how I hated Heather in these episodes
I love how Barf and Belch protected Ruff from the dragon hunters 🥺
Also I seriously disliked that Lycanwing episode, it was just annoying idk why. But I did like how it showed that Ruff actually cares abt Tuff and how far she's willing to go to protect him.
Nvm now that I've fully watched this episode I've come to appreciate it a bit more bc we get to see overprotective Ruff, Toothless saving Tuffnut, Chicken talking, Fishlegs screaming like a girl, Hugh Snotlout... It has it all 😂
Fishlegs and Ruffnut being married LMAO THE FORESHADOWING
Wait but I'm actually enjoying the Zippleback Experience episode. I remember when I only actually liked the episodes if there was Hiccstrid on them BUT LIKE WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?!! THIS IS PURE COMEDY I JUST LOVE THIS
That scene where Barf and Belch saved Hiccup from the Hunters and they sent their distress signal is freaking badass and hilarious I love them sm
Dudeeee i was so surpriseeeeddd whenever Heather and Astrid met again AND HUGGED
"I rely on you"🥺🥺🥺
I don't like how Hiccup treated Astrid after she didn't tell the gang abt Heather
Ok but the beef between Astrid and the twins makes sense ngl. Like it makes sense for Astrid to be upset with everyone whenever they don't take shii seriously but she should still be respectful yk
Johan calling the gang for help bc he was being attacked by dragons just when the edge was being attacked was the first (that I catch) time Johan showed that he was with the Hunters
This was all in ep8 and 9 and I love how both Tuff and Astrid managed to keep the Hunters of the edge
Love the way episode 9 ended but DUDEE I really wish they had talked about what happened LIKE ALL THE STRESS ASTRID AND TUFF WENT THRU AND ALL THEY GOT WAS "how'd you manage to hold them off for so long" oh shut up
Seashocker - deep water dragon that's extremely hard to spot bc they hardly ever surface, only eats deep fish
- i love the way both Hiccup and Fishlegs go into geek needy mode
Completely forgot that scauldron could be any colors other than green
"Astrid's the crown jewel, Fishlegs. When you have a shot at Loki'ing Astrid you gotta take it"
I love how both Hiccup and Toothless have saved each other numerous times before... Like it's not only Toothless saves Hiccup nope nope nope Hiccup's also saved Toothless multiple times
- i also hate it when ppl say stuff like "Hiccup's useless without Toothless" maybe not exactly like that but stuff of the sort like pls shut up :/
Pre-dating Hiccstrid moments are adorable.
Also Snotlout and Tuffnut a ting like kids just when Hiccup and Astrid are talking and then them realizing they're best friends 🥺 I LOVE THEM THEY'RE HILARIOUS
Snotlout: You are so tough and nutty
Tuffnut: and you are so loud and snotty!
*both of them start hitting each other*
Toothless: 😶😳😦🤨
UGHHH BUT I LOVE HOW HICCUP just goes up to Astrid and touches her shoulder to comfort her whenever she's feeling guilty - beginning of Maces and Talons pt2 ep13
and the way his voice breaks 🥺😭
No because Ryker and Viggo's accents are kinda hot...
"I like toast-y. Not toast-ed" JAHSHAHA SNOTLOUT
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