#nya's bad habits 1
weirdsht · 2 months
Hihihi hello!!! Hope ur doing well 🫶🏻
Cale n the co with someone who likes to give quick, gentle kisses? It can be platonic as well (sorry i kiss everything i like)—the kids, rosalyn, cage, hannah, their pillows, n many more. Like imagine kissing the kids' foreheads more than just few seconds and so sweetly bc they love their adorable little faces with big doe eyes so much-- I'm gonna cry so bad bro. I live for happiness w my unreal beloveds 🫂
Hershey’s - LoTCF & Gn! Reader
notes: I think 4+1 fics are becoming my go-to...
tags: gender neutral reader, sickfic at the end, fluff, kisses, platonic
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
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When you first worked with Cale everyone was immediately introduced to your… peculiar habit.
[Name] kissed Cale’s hand as a greeting.
“It’ll be my pleasure to work with you young master.”
“Is this how you greet everyone?”
Cale asked but he didn’t look uncomfortable. Unlike when Clopeh compliments him. Because unlike that lunatic, the young master could feel the respect in that peck.
“When it seems appropriate. I’ll refrain from doing it if you are uncomfortable.”
Yup, [Name] is a hundred times better than Clopeh. They can’t even be compared.
“No, it’s fine. I was just curious.”
“As long as the young master doesn’t mind then.”
It was a rare day when everyone was taking a day off. No one was training or anything. They have all collectively decided to laze around.
“[Name] tells us a bedtime story!”
Raon demands as he and the kittens lie down on Cale’s bed. The owner was rolling around the marble floors somewhere else.
“But it’s still midday? Why would you want a bedtime story now?”
[Name] tilts their head in confusion at the kid’s demand.
“Cale told us that anytime is a good time to sleep nya!”
Hong reasoned as he tapped his paw on the bed for emphasis.
“Fair enough. I’ll get a fairy tale book then.”
Two stories in and the children already looked drowsy. All of them are ready to take a nap. [Name] closed the book they were reading and leaned down to kiss each of the children’s foreheads.
“Sleep well, kids.”
After that, they demand [name] to tell them a bedtime story every night.
…it certainly wasn’t because the kiss felt nice.
…not at all.
“Thanks for training with me Choi Han!”
[Name] thanked the swordmaster. Only the two of them are in the plaza. Everyone else had already finished for the day but [name] asked Choi Han for extra training.
“No problem.”
Choi Han replies as he hands his friend a bottle of water to drink.
Together they sat in silence. Only the sound of the water being drank and the towel wiping their sweat could be heard.
“Come one, let’s go. We have to shower before Beacrox kicks our asses.”
[Name] chuckled as they offered their hand for Choi Han to grab. The black-haired man also laughs as he imagines the chef’s angry face.
Once they reached the door to [name]’s room they got on their tiptoe.
Then kissed Choi Han’s cheeks.
“Thanks again, Choi Han! I’ll treat you to something nice next time!”
With that, they enter their room leaving the poor man outside with a very red face.
“First time?”
Rosalyn laughs as she passes by the swordmaster.
Choi Han knows that it’s just the way [name] shows affection.
But still, he can’t help but feel embarrassed.
Sniff. Sniff.
On sniffed as she held back her tears. 
Why the tears one might ask?
She accidentally scraped her knee while running around in the Forest of Darkness. The sting from the wound hurts so bad that it makes her tear up.
“Oh no baby come here. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
[Name] picks the silver kitten up so they can clean the wound. Once they entered the room On was placed on the bed so they could get the first aid kit.
In no time, the kitten’s knee is all bandaged up.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“No. Thank you [name].”
[Name] smiled brightly as they received On’s gratitude. They then leaned down and kissed the silver kitten’s bandaged knee.
“To make it heal faster.”
“Then… every time one of us gets hurt we can go to you to kiss it all better?”
On paws [name]’s face. They are now on their way back to meet up with everyone.
“Of course! But that right is exclusive for children. The grown-ups can handle themself.”
[Name] winks at On and both of them giggle as they walk.
Deep inside, On thinks she shouldn’t tell the rest of the kids about this privilege.
She feels like they would deliberately hurt themselves just to get a kiss.
[Name] was sick with a fever. They have been delirious and fading in and out of consciousness for 2 days now.
There’s not much they remember but they did retain the memory of a bunch of people kissing them.
“Get well soon.”
Rosalyn kissed the crown of their head as she wished them well.
“It’s hard seeing my sparring partner sick like this. Get better soon so we can spar.”
Choi Han kissed their hand with a promise of spar.
“I know you said it’s exclusive for children but maybe it’ll work on you too.”
On pats their head as she kissed their forehead.
“Get well soon [Name]! Because you're sick I’ll read you a bedtime story instead!”
Raon kissed their cheek before he started reading a children’s storybook.
…[name] genuinely doesn’t know anymore if their red face is from their fever or their kisses.
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The first days (part 1)
After the portal closed, they walked. They didn't really know where, it's not like either Kai or Bonzle had a map for this dimension, but they kept walking. Kai just hoped they wouldn't randomly meet with on of the forbidden five, or four, since one of them swapped places with Kai after all. He didn't like to admit his own weakness, but if the storys about them were true, then there was no way for Kai to beat the four or even just one of them on his own. Especially when he would probably need to protect Bonzle in a fight as well.
"Do you have a plan?", Bonzle asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Find a portal somehow, I guess. Or create a new one. Either way, we should check out how this place works. Aside from the random gravity rules."
Though, to call that a plan was probably to much. More like a general idea to get back to if the chance for it ever comes. Lloyd and the others would be able to deal with the one of the five that escaped, right? So they would be fine eventually, it was all that mattered.
But he wouldn't tell Bonzle that he basically gave up hope to get out of this place. Not after he just told her that 'Ninja never quit' and everything. Just like he never told Nya when they didn't have enough food for the two fo them, or couldn't afford her school materials, after telling her that he earned good money that month.
Lying wasn't very hard for Kai if it meant not making others worry. The situation may be vastly different, but he would adapt. Eventually.
A little voice in his head, honestly sounding a lot like his sister, tried screaming at him how this was one of his many bad habits he should get rid off. But ignoring that voice was another thing he just learned over the years.
He would just have to deal with this situation live gave him. He always did. One way or the other.
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shepardlives · 1 year
*slams buzzer* Abby for all them!!!!
1. Canon I outright reject
That he does not exist and I cannot kiss him
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Abby is a big ol cat so expect cat behaviors
3. Obscure headcanon
Abby has to resist the urge to groom people constantly. He just loves his friends
4. Favorite line
“Nya :3c”
5. Best personality trait
Abby is very loyal, even if he can be aloof
6. Worst personality trait
Abby is very quick to cut and run because of his past, so it’s a lot of work to gain his trust and make him stick around
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Abby is around 37, 7 feet even, and around 300 pounds
8. Unpopular opinion about them
The best love interest for Genji don’t @ me
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the
He popped into my brain because I was tired of Genji/l*cio
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
All :)
11. Faceclaim for the role
God I had a face claim but I can’t FIND IT if I find him I’ll edit this
12. Crack headcanon
Abby has a rough tongue like a cat but only Sometimes
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done
14. Most heroic moment
Abby has worked with overwatch to save a lot of people but he’s very proud of the times he’s saved kids
15. Worst thing they've ever done
He’s killed a lot of his fellow preds, either in the lab or because they couldn’t be saved… it still weighs on him
16. Deepest darkest secret they won't even admit
He doesn’t know that he wanted to be saved. It might have been better if he’d gone crazy and someone put a bullet in him
17. Quotes. sonas. poems. etc. that | associate
“Not a man like you”
18. What they'd go to see a therapist about
Probably the massive amount of mental and physical abuse they went through while being experimented on or the feelings of non-personhood
19. Vices/bad habits
Abby tends to smoke or scratch at his clothing when he’s nervous so he goes through a lot of clothes
20. Scars
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Abby likes iced mochas a lot. Usually this is just him adding chocolate milk to his coffee
22. Best physical feature
His muscles :^)
23. If they were a scented candle, what would
they smell like?
Chocolate, firewood, and tiger lilies
24. Most annoying habit
Abby doesn’t exactly keep normal sleeping hours
25. 3 things they'd want to take with them if they
were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Abby actually struggles with the idea of keeping anything thanks to his upbringing- he’d keep a weapon but that’s about it
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator
with insert character of your choice from the
same fandom]
If it were Cole, probably play cards. If it were Genji well. Depends on how long they were stuck
27. Their guilty pleasure
Abby loves reality tv. It’s terrible but he can’t stop watching
28. How they feel about insert character of your
choice from the same fandom]
Abby actually feels a lot of pity for reaper. He knows how that much anger and hurt can eat you alive
29. Eating habits
Abby is a fucking trash can and will eat whatever you give him. He’s very polite and won’t ask for seconds but he could very easily eat three plates of food
30. Sleeping habits
Abby sleeps very lightly and at all hours of the day. If he ever goes missing it’s most likely he’s found a quiet spot to take a cat nap
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Abby is very interested in robotics and other technological advances. He’d have a big STEM themed blog. Also lots of pictures of fish around lunch and dinner time
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/
Abby loves terrible jokes: Reyes always got a laugh out of him when they were on missions
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Abby is pretty well regulated there so it takes a lot- but talking about his old family does the trick, always
34. How they react when they are feeling X
emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.-can
specify as many as you like)
Abby is very cautious- he’s big, he’s black, and he’s clearly not all the way human, so his emotions have to be regulated- but when he’s angry he’s furious. He tends to lose himself in it and the results are usually bloody
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Cat nap in the sun, a good workout/wrestle session with whatever tank is around, a hearty lunch, a walk/date with Genji, a good meal for dinner, and then cuddling until Genji falls asleep (zoomies at 3 am)
36. Their favorite season
Abby loves winter
37. What they really think about themselves
Abby thinks… he is an anomaly in a world that doesn’t always take kindly to those. He didn’t deserve what happened to him, but he wants a place in this world.
38. Favorite holiday
39. Favorite game
Abby isn’t much of a gamer but he usually tunes into Hana’s streams to see what’s up. He’d really like stardew valley if he tried it
40. Favorite book
As intelligent as he is Abby isn’t a huge reader. He liked the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe though
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the
world (living or dead, from any fictional universe
or the real world), who would it be?
His mom
42. 3 comfort items
Sunbeams, hoodies, and a stress ball Zenyatta gave him
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Abby is a trash can as mentioned but he doesn’t like cucumber. Salmon is his favorite fish
44. Their happiest memory
Meeting Genji
45. Their favorite celebrity
Hana Song
46. The person they most admire
Genji, for finding peace and acceptance in what he’s been made into
47. Their dream job
Abby would love to be a kindergarten teacher
48. Scariest moment of their life
See: his whole childhood in the lab
49. Favorite toy as a child
There was a desk in his room he played pretend with
50. A memory they've blocked out
Some of the more violent experiments, especially at first. Growing his tiger features (ears, tail, claws) weren’t exactly painless experiments
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iyambinandmeng · 1 year
knock knock, ada yang kebangun jam segini siapa lagi kalau bukan binaaaa. ☹️🤚
gw mau updateeeee disini aja ya iyam, karena kalau langsung di room chat gw takut lo ke distract karena GW RAMEEE BGT PASTI DBSGSJAHSJS.
tadi pas pamitan mau bobo gw udh bisa boboooo walaupun sebentar, tapi tetep BISA KOK 😿. terus sekarang kebangun garaaa garaaa perut nya ga okeeeeng lagi tapi better then before sih, ga sesakit sebelum nya (tapi gatau 5 menit kemudian) tapi still, sakit 😿.
sekaraaang gw gatau mau ngapain, makanya mau updateeee ke lo ajaaaa. sebenernya gw masi ngantuk & pengen bobo, tapi ngerasa ga comfort bgt karena belum begitu okeng 😿 jadi gw ngetik life update di notes kecil kaya gini lagi aja yaaa iyaaam 🥺.
OH IYA GW MAU UPDATE JUGA RADANG GW UDAH SEMBUH + TENGGOROKAN NYA JUGA UDH GAAA SAKIT LAGIIII, (asik udh bisa mam eskrim sekabupaten! 😻 *gakdeng) tapi batuk kecil nyaaaa belum sembuh bgt ka 😿.
ini gw ngetik gini sebenernya lucuu bangeeeet, kaya lagi ngadu keluhan ke dokter. padahal cita cita lo pengen jadi orang sukses yaaa (AMIIIINNNNN), apaaa jadi pemadam kebakaran biar bisa naik damkar besar bukan damkar kecil nya kidzania 🤔. jawaban aslinya, kita tunggu iyaaaam 5 tahun kemudian beneran jadi pemadam (ngasal bgt lu sabrin 😭) atau udh terkabul citaaaaa citaaa yang iyaaam pengenin selama ini. tapi apapun itu, pokoknyaaaa iyam harus seneng senenggg teruuuuus!! 💗😾
gw masi belom kepikiran mau ngapain, kalau gw ngetik life update gw boleee gak? mau ngetik ajaaa, lo gabacaa juga gapapaa kok yam wkwkw.
mulai dari pagiii bangeeeeet jam setengah 4 gw udh otw kantor yang sebenernya KAYANYA GAK PERLU SEPAGI ITU TAPI ADA AJA ORANG2 NGIDE HARUS BERANGKAT JAM SEGITU alesan nya karena mesti prepare ini itu, padahal baru bener2 well prepare sekitar jam 7an kan NYEBELIN 😿. udah gitu hari ini ada bangeeet struggle nya yang kayanya ga perlu gw ceritain lagi karena super nyebelin. tapi so far gw happy pas balik ketemu banyaaak meng baikkkkkkk walaupun mood gw gak sepenuh nyaaa okeeeng. gw gatau ini bisa dibilang fun fact atau my bad habits tapi kalau lagi period day 1 gini + gw ketemu orang nyebelin pasti jadi gampang nangis kecil karena mood nya jadi mixed feeling bangeeeeet 😿. hari iniii gw adaaa nangis kecil jeleeeeee karena ngerasa ga okeeeng perkara struggle tadi & my period cramps :(
sorry for still being cry baby, tapiii nothing can hurt me selain my period cramps today 😿 tapi cumaaaan hari ini ajaaa kok gw ngerasa ga okeng nyaaa (manifesting) karenaaaa moood & feeeling gw jugaaaa udah amaaaaaan bangeeeet & balik jadi okeeeeng happy lagiiii 😻. terus apaalagi yaaaa life update gw hari iniii, kayanya gak ada lagii karenaaaa isinya kebanyakaaan ga okeng hari ini wkwkw (maaf maaaf).
GW GA NGEH TERNYATA NGETIK GINI AJA UDH BANYAAAAK BANGEEEET, kalau gitu updateee hari iniii enough kali yaaa. sekarang gw mau coba bobo lagi walaupun masi berasa sakit tapi DBSJSJSKSKKS AKU NGANTUKKKKKKKKKKKKK SEBENERNYAAAAA 😿.
real mau nyoba bobo lagi, semogaaa lo ga capeeek ya iyam baca nyaaa. oh iyaaaaaa sebelum bobo gw mau bilang GW SAYAAAAANG LO BANGEEEEEET, semogaaaa lo tau & ngerasaaaain hal yang sama ya samaaaa gw. gw juga masii greatful setiaaaaap hari karenaaaa adaa lo di hidup gw. yam, makasi banyaaaak yaaa! 💗🥺
kalau gitu, selamaaaat bobo lagi iyaaam. semoga nanti bangun bangun feeling lo okeeeng & hari lo happy sehariaaaaaan!! bina loveeee iyam super banyaaaak!! ❤️
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Headcanon's time
It genuinely surprises me that we don't talk much about Kai and Nya's difficult childhood, so I'm going to show you some headcanons about it now. These headcanons can be sad.
Headcanon 1
Kai gave his best to his sister.
If a clove broke on a fork, then only he began to use the broken one, when Nya gave only clean and strong forks.
He gave her more portions of food than himself.
And he tried to make sure that Nya didn't eat anything dangerous to health.
If the scrambled eggs burned, he would eat the burnt area himself, and Nya would give the remaining scrambled eggs.
If the bread began to grow moldy, he cut off the moldy part and ate the rest of such bread while giving fresh bread to his sister.
He made sure that Nya had clean and comfortable clothes while he himself could wear a dirty shirt and a burnt apron for days.
Headcanon 2
Kai is very economical in terms of products
The ninja wouldn't let him cook in the kitchen, not because he was a "bad cook" but because he cooked little and bland.
Kai from childhood learned to think ahead and when cooking something, he tried to use not too many ingredients and not waste them, cutting off small pieces from some carrots than indicated in the recipe.
So, for example, if he decided to cook soup, he took fewer ingredients, added more spices so that the soup was at least a little satisfying and took small plates so as not to eat all the soup for dinner, but stretch it out for several days.
And even if the soup began to deteriorate, but there was a little left to eat, he finished eating.
And even as an adult, when he has a lot of food in the house, Kai continues to use a small amount of ingredients from time to time and eat small portions, although he has plenty of food and money to buy.
If Zane cooks according to the principle "Tasty, satisfying and healthy", then Kai "It's edible and you can still eat it."
Kai knows a bunch of hacks on how to use expired products and how to tell if they're expired.
If the rice began to spoil, he molded it into cakes.
If the milk began to spoil, he tried to bake cheese or buns from it.
And that's tasty.
Kai knows how to determine expired eggs by the color of the shell, looks at every crack in the cheese, reads all the information on milk packages, analyzes all the fatty layers on the chicken.
Often, all of his suspicions about the quality of some product came true, so the ninja didn't distract Kai from a long analysis of whether the product was good or not.
Due to the habit of thinking ahead in an overly objective and often pessimistic way, as an adult, any thoughts about the future cause Kai to feel depressed and gloomy.
Therefore, in the third season, he says that he prefers to think about the present than about the future.
Headcanon 3
Kai keeps a lot of things in reserve
Since childhood, he tried to keep even old or broken things, but which can still be used.
The same fork, bent spoon, scratched plates, old but warm blankets, used stamps and envelopes.
And if things couldn't be restored, then he repaired them or transformed them.
Baby sweatshirt that you can't wear anymore?
You can sew a bandana or a scarf.
Is the edge of the pot damaged?
Now it's a frying pan, you just need to find a pen and glue.
Are the boots too small?
And even if this didn't help, then he used these objects as experiments.
He melted broken ladles into blades, for example.
Kai found alternatives to some things.
For example, when they didn't have soap, he would go to the river and rub his clothes with rocks and sand.
Although the clothes weren't as clean, the sand helped to wipe off the greasy stains.
Headcanons about Nya
Headcanon 1
Nya, as she got older, wanted to help Kai with the pressure of being a parent, so she went to help him with his rice planting job or tried to find a part-time job after school.
But Kai forbade her to work and constantly told her to study rather than tear her muscles.
He wanted Nya to get a good education and be able to live happily in Ninjago City by leaving this poor village.
And Nya decided to study hard, but her goal was to "Get BOTH of them out of this outback and finally buy Kai some decent clothes."
Headcanon 2
Nya lied about nightmares when she slept with him.
Although she was small, she saw how bad her brother was after the disappearance of their parents and, knowing that he wouldn't tell her about this problem, she decided under the guise of "I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?" hug him, thereby giving support.
And when Kai began to cry in his sleep, she sang beautiful melodies that Maya sang to them.
Headcanon 3
Nya tried to change Kai's habits.
After joining the ninja team, Nya began to buy beautiful and comfortable clothes for Kai, knowing his nonchalance towards himself.
And also watched what size shoes he wears.
This is Kai and even wearing shoes one size smaller isn't difficult for him.
He always asked how much the clothes bought for him cost and Nya lied about the price by lowering it.
She made a bet with him on a quick meal so that Kai would stop leaving half of his portion in the refrigerator just in case.
And Kai slowly switched his mode "Survival" to "Ordinary Life" and allowed himself to eat large portions or buy something expensive for himself.
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
For the The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme asks Kai 1, 6, 7, 14, & 20
What does their bedroom look like?
Kai's bedroom is very minimalistic he's got a dresser and clothes, a desk, a nightstand and a bed. At least that's what it looks like to and outside.
Kai's desk is literally stuffed with drawings and other things from his family that he hoards, he also has a bunch of boxes under his bed with more stuff from everyone/birthday presents.
top of his dresser has literally so much crap he didnt want lloyd and jay to reach falling off it that the little scavengers get the stuff anyways.
6. Eating habits and samples daily menu
Kai literally puts hot sauce on everything, eggs? Hotsauce. Skittles? Oh yeah that definitly needs hot sauce
Daily menu sorta depends on whos cooking but ingrediants are usually bought either on sale or in bulk to save money since theres so many people
So things like eggs, peanut butter, noodles and rice
Ergo things that are made a lot are: eggs of all kinds, curry, fried rice, PB pancakes, noodles with PB sauce, pb sandwiches and thibsg like that
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time:
When Kai actually does decide to waste time he either plays video games or tries learning different dances, his favorite is breakdancing!
however its pretty rare for Kai to waste time on himself, usually only if none of his other siblings are doing anything because he got so used to doing everything for Nya and him that its hard to just, not need to do somethng productive or helpful.
14. Physical abnormaties?
I think aside from the scar above his eye he also has several burns on his hands and arms from both his power and the forge, has chronic pain in his hands, back and some other places.
Also has lots of cut scars everywhere from ninja work and also has phantom pains from some of the worse ones.
Definitely on the short side due to malnourishmente.
permanant eyebags.
I think that aside from Lloyd, Kai has the most stretchmarks, going from slightly starving half to getting more then enough food at the monestary, Kai always did his best to spare Nya from going hungry so she was still sorta malnourished but not as bad.
Once they both got a more steady diets they shot up to full quite a bit and then kai stayed at that height and nya grew a little bit afterwards.
20. Childhood illnesses?
Again kai was pretty malnurished and because of that he got sick a lot in winter, mostly colds and maybe the flu once or twice, one time he got pneumonia though and it was pretty bad, of course nya and kai didnt know that it was pneumonia just that kai almost died
that was the reason nya learned how to work the force actually as before kai didn't want her touching it but with him being really out of it and them needing money and such... Well yeah.
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What is your oc(s) opinion of Ninjago? Have any events had an effect on that opinion? --- Ninjago-Oc-Appreciation
I have been sitting on this one for a while now because I didn't know the best way to answer this one. Daniella's view of Ninjago is very complicated to say the least, to me anyways. Daniella loves Ninjago because it is here home but at the same time, there are things that she wishes hadn't have happened. However, Daniella doesn't really have the time nor the mental capacity at this point in her life to worry about both the Great Library business (which is that of all 17 realms) and the day to day dealings in Ninjago. There are big events though that she does regret a lot.
1) The Cursed Realm falling into the ocean and disappearing for good. This upsets the balance as we see in the next season with Jinnjago falling. Daniella blames herself for that because she could have explained to Wu (who sort of knows about the Great Library because of his mother, the wife of the FSM, but doesn't know a good deal about it) and they would have figured things out. But that didn't happen.
2) The whole ordeal with Nadakan and the wishes. He literally ripped Ninjago apart and it is her job to not let that happen. She dies to let the other Ninja escape so that they can fix things with her instructions (Daniella's powers are derived from dragons and I HC that the sword that seals the Ninja away and takes there elemental powers can't contain hers, so it just kills her instead). She snaps emotionally at one point and tells Cole everything (which is a big no-no as the Great Library is a secret) and instead of helping her, he kind of shuts down because she has kept this massive secret from him and he doesn't take it to well. Jay makes the famous wish that undoes everything and Daniella is now alive again. She remembers everything along with Nya and Jay and learned to a) keep her mouth shut (that will bite her in the butt again later) and b) she tries harder to keep everything at peace
3) The Oni invasion for instance. Daniella kind of blames herself on that a little bit because she wasn't there to prevent it, as is her job as the Purple Library.
She is the one that is supposed to keep balance and order to all 17 realms (the 16 realms plus the 1 extra realm for the Great Library, that is explained a little in her fanseason). The Oni came through and reeked havoc on Ninjago but Daniella couldn't really fix the problem the way she normally does for two reasons:
a) She was dealing with the "loss" of Cole. When he fell, she fell apart on the inside because she thought that her boyfriend at the time was dead and there was no ghost option this time and,
b) At this point of time, the ninja team don't know the extent of Daniella's job. She has managed to skate by with just telling the little bits and pieces of "Oh I was saving a dragon". She couldn't just outright tell the ninja either because Oni are considered a low risk to the Great Library and not something worthy of exposing the secret of the Great Library. Not only is she trying to figure out a way to secretly fix things without the others knowing, she is also dealing with the loss mentioned above.
Of course, these are the top 3 that I can think of that has really changed her view on Ninjago. She has a very bad habit of blaming herself if something drastic goes wrong in Ninjago. Daniella wants to keep her friends, family and home safe and she feels like she just keeps failing. This starts to change after the second part of her fanseason, set between Season 10 and 11.
Future Daniella however, has learned how to voice her concern with the other Ninja when the time calls for it. Daniella and Cole are often in the realm of The Great Library and doesn't really have the time to focus on every little decision made in Ninjago. She still loves it as it is still the place she calls home; she trusts that Lloyd and the other ninja will take care of it, and she won't have to step in that often.
Sorry it was so long, or too complicated to understand. If you want to learn more or have questions, please send me an ask! I will gladly answer it!
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Here comes October.
1. Keep in mind that Allah never burdens us with more than we can bear.
2. So have faith, be strong and keep moving forward.
3. Some feelings are better left denied.
4. Make a du'a, even if for a while, even if nothing lasts forever.
5. But don't forget that it's okay to smile for yourself.
6. Feelings are more than words can say, so all we can do now is pray.
7. Remember that nothing lasts forever & some things are not real.
8. Appreciate what you have now.
9. Mungkin ada bahagia yang abadi. Di syurga. Tapi kita masih di sini, kan? Senyumlah.
10. In the end, do not regret about choices we make.
11. Have the courage to accept what fate gives us, and keep on living.
12. Life goes on walau tanpa sesiapa di sisi kerana Tuhan selalu menemani.
13. Love is not about who on your side, but it is about who understand you well.
14. Meski tiada peneman di sisi, Tuhan selalu ada memerhati dan menjaga. Dan itu lebih utama dari segalanya.
15. If you don't, you'll never grow, you'll never change and you'll never be better.
16. Let all of your attachments to the past go.
17. Let them flow down the history, forgotten.
18. You must learn to let go, or you'll never be better.
19. Only God and God alone knows what is best for us. So pray.
20. Lebih baik memilih daripada salah pilih.
21. Even when you're lost, even when you have to hide your tears - move forward from the dark past.
22. Dekatilah Tuhan agar kita kembali bahagia. Dekatilah Tuhan agar kita tak lagi terganggu dengan kisah silam yang selalu muncul dalam memori.
23. Allah pemilik tiap sesuatu. Kita hanya meminjam. Maka jangan terlalu terikat. Sampai masa, kena pulangkan segalanya, termasuk diri kita sendiri.
24. Bagaimana kita menerima takdir yang baik, begitu juga kalau kita menerima takdir yang kurang baik. Kedua-duanya harus disyukuri.
25. Hidup tak berlangsung dengan seperti apa yang kita kehendaki, tapi ditulis-Nya dengan sesuatu yang sesuai untuk kita.
26. Learn from whatever things that hurts you.
27. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
28. Walk away from bad habits and bad people.
29. Untuk apa-apa yang kita cintai tetapi tak dapat kita capai, Tuhanlah yang merancang bahawa ada yang lebih baik daripada semua itu.
30. Despite everything, we still have Allah by our side. So search Him, get near to Him, and have faith.
- sederhanaindah
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okimnerdy · 3 years
Tumblr media
i just think they’re neat…
a big thx to netflix for reigniting my love for this show because i needed the happiness. [as of 5/1/21, NEVERMIND! IT’S NOT LIKE I NEEDED MY HEART!]
⦁ kai was 15 at the start of the series, is now in his early twenties - he is the second eldest ⦁ nya was 13 at the start of the series, is now in her late teens - she is tied with jay as the second youngest, only two years older than lloyd ⦁ the two were raised by everyone in the village, but still hated their nanny/babysitter ⦁ the two used to share a room back home - after moving in to the monastery and separating, kai could sometimes be found in nya's room after a rough mission or a bad dream ⦁ while kai worked at the shop, nya handled most of the office work on top of her schooling ⦁ the two still went to school while training/operating as, taking multiple years to finish. both had graduated by the time the events of prime empire ⦁ before officially joining as a ninja, nya kept up the act of lighting a candle in the window until the boys returned home. wu continued this once she joined the team ⦁ wu saw potential in nya after she moved to the monastery, he's the one who encouraged her to create the firs samurai x mech ⦁ nya was the first to bond with lloyd when he arrived, but kept up the act in front of the boys. she loves playing the big sister card. / when lloyd became permanent, the siblings called dibs on playing the sibling card first. ⦁ when nya and jay became official, kai gave him the "i'd tell you that i'd hurt you if you hurt her, but my sister can do that herself" speech. safe to say that jay got the message very quick. ⦁ kai may have been "iffy" on jay and nya's relationship, but he couldn't think of anyone better for nya ⦁ nya has a habit of wearing a jumpsuit halfway (a la chell from portal 2) with a tank top when working on her mech or the bounty - this comes from kai doing the same back at the shop on the super hot days. ⦁ kai wants to help whenever nya works on the bounty but she teases him by reminding him of their time at the shop ⦁ when the boys' (minus zane) hair started to get too long, they went to nya for advice. she recommended a ponytail, but somehow, cole rocks the man bun ⦁ having practically rasied nya, kai is very steadfast on what he thinks is best for his sister. even after rescuing their parents, he would fight with them on what advice should be given ⦁ nya is the glue that holds the group together - this is due to her element either amplifying or complimenting the others' elements. ⦁ the siblings are scarily flexible, but nya is the contortionist among the two. she jokes that this is because of her element making her "as fluid as water"
Appearance headcanons ⦁ they are of southeast asian descent with some europeon on their dad's side ⦁ from pilot to s6, nya was the tallest. from s6 to present, kai is the tallest ⦁ kai is 5'8" while nya is 5'6" at the time of seabound ⦁ both siblings have brown eyes, but rings of their respective colors with line their irises when using their powers ⦁ nya has black hair while kai has dark brown ⦁ nya has a gymnast build - long legs and a short torso ⦁ kai has an athletic build - long legs and a long torso ⦁ prior to the start of the series, nya had long hair but had to cut it after kai set it on fire ⦁ kai ended up giving himself an undercut, stating that it made him look "cool" and "badass" when in reality he set his hair on fire one too many times with the sword of fire but liked the look
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takeyourhands · 3 years
i feel like,,, im probably there since the beginning bc im just like that when it comes to s/i's hfgjfhgjhfgj-
i just kind of live with them but not for any special reason, like im not training or anything. im kind of like nya in that im just vibing there except i dont have the excuse of a brother training all the time and also living there
honestly i think i'd be there before anyone else FHGJHDGJHF like i just went on a hike up the mountain someday but because im not very good at physical tasks i probably just ended up lying down on the ground for a while until sensei wu found me
he'd bring me to the monastery (was it a monastery,,,,, i dont remember,,,,,,,) and let me rest there for the night but then i just never left
a father-aged man was nice to me ONE (1) time i decided to never leave him
(except i DO visit my family on the weekends, at least as much as i can between all the action of each if the seasons)
also i just. i REALLY wanna have a cool power but i still dont know what i should have-
like ive got a few ideas in my head but i cant figure out how a lot of them would work fhgjfhgjfhgh
but anyways
the ninja,,,,, my best friends in the whole world,,,,,,,,, wwWWAAAAAHH
i am everyones best friend and everyone loves me bc i am cool and awesome actually. its true trust me i swear i am a very cool and awesome person
lloyd is my #1 super bff tho,,,,, i was definitely the maternal/big sister figure he needed during the first two seasons and i am ABSOLUTELY still like that w him now
i think he would get grumpy about it on occasion (especially in like. season 1) bc hes a big boy >:(( stop embarrassing me in front of the bad guys TARA
but he rlly appreciates the affection and that ive mellowed out abt it over the years
btw nya is a super close second to lloyd on the bff scale to lloyd bc i LITERALLY care her so much
ive not even talked about my story role im sorry im just very happy to talk about my buddies
i think i play moral support through most of the first two or three seasons. i imagine i actually started like. TRAINING in between seasons 2 and 3 but im definitely still not a fighter, i can really only do basic self defense
i help out where i can, but im definitely still pretty useless when it comes to battle. im like a,,, weird seventh arm that doesnt rlly do much and sometimes just kind of gets in the way HFGJHFGJHDGJ
i either have to stay back at homebase while the ninja go out and do stuff or im just sort of There in the background doing my best
so im definitely much more of a person whos most helpful on a mental battlefield rather than a physical one, at least when it comes to other peoples struggles
im like,,, sort of vaguely everyones therapist FHGHHFHG
like i just listen to them talk about whatever and do my best to give advice and epic wisdoms.
im a bit. aggressive. sometimes when it comes to helping others. like even when its not with emotional struggles or even a struggle at all i will literally do everything to help u no matter how much it inconveniences myself. like if u ask me to get u a glass of water bc ur thirsty i will bring u back a bucket like "i got u bestie >:3"
theres definitely been multiple times where the boys complain about like, not wanting to do their chores or something and i just go "DONT WORRY >:D I'LL HANDLE IT." "wait no thats not-" and then ive done all their chores for them in like two seconds
theyre REALLY trying to get me out of that habit since they dont want me getting taken advantage of or doing everything for them and its like "oh no its no problem im happy to help :)!" "TARA THATS NOT WHAT WE MEAN"
they literally cant ask me for any kind of favor or anything bc i will always go Too Far
oh god im getting very sidetracked
season 3 for me is definitely like. Oh Boy. i am juggling everybodys problems for them at once and im falling apart. like im trying to listen to love triangle problems and then im helping zane and then im trying to help stop the overlord and there is SO MUCH GOING ON
after the s3 finale i think i just sort of. check out. like i just got too overwhelmed by everything, and after the last battle with the overlord i just wasnt back to normal until season 4. like only half of me was around and the other half was lying in a muddy puddle in the corner
but dont worry i get back to normal <3
i think id be a pretty big help during s4 and 5 actually. i get a lot more directly involved in the action, because there are specific people who i care deeply for who need help and being able to be with my friends is the whole reason i even wake up in the morning
*sniffles* ANYWAYS
i cant think of what else to talk about lol its 6am
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dharmanjarrahman · 3 years
Iseng dalam beramal
Beberapa pekan yang lalu, ada teman satu circle saya yang ngasih rekomendasi buku bagus, katanya #1 New York Times Best Seller, temen saya bilang ini bukunya cukup life-changing, judul bukunya "Atomic Habit". Buku ini bercerita tentang bagaimana cara paling efektif dalam membangun good habit dan menghentikan bad habit. Karena penasaran, akhirnya saya coba mendalami isi buku tersebut. Setelah saya baca, akhirnya saya belajar bahwa sebuah habit itu bisa terbentuk atas pola sequential berikut:
Cue (pemicu) -> Craving (keinginan) -> Response (respon) -> Reward (penghargaan)
Contoh sederhana adalah ketika si A punya masalah kelebihan berat badan. Penyebab utamanya adalah si A ini punya kebiasaan ngemil tiap kali ke dapur. Ternyata, setiap kali ke dapur, si A ini selalu iseng buka kulkas, dan karena lihat cemilan di kulkas, si A jadi pengen ngemil dan akhirnya ngemil. Dari situlah si A jadi kelebihan berat badan. Maka kalau di-breakdown:
Buka kulkas dan lihat makanan (Cue) -> pengen ngemil (Craving) -> keluarin cemilan dari kulkas dan makan (Response) -> cemilannya enak dan jadi senang (Reward)
Akhirnya, setiap kali si A ke dapur, dia pasti ngemil dan akhirnya menjadi kebiasaan yang berulang, maka terbentuknya sebuah habit. Nah, bisa kita lihat, bahwa suatu kebiasaan selalu dimulai dengan Cue, yang berperan sebagai trigger dimulainya suatu kebiasaan.
Yang menarik adalah, dari contoh di atas kita bisa lihat bahwa hanya dari iseng buka kulkas, si A jadi punya kebiasaan ngemil dan jadi kelebihan berat badan. Bayangkan apa yang terjadi jika kebiasaan ini dilakukan terus menerus? si A jadi punya pola hidup yang tidak sehat dan berisiko memiliki penyakit-penyakit serius seperti diabetes, penyakit jantung, asam urat, kolesterol tinggi, dsb.
Kebayang gak? betapa sebuah hal se-mematikan penyakit jantung dan diabetes bisa hanya dimulai dari sebuah cue yang amat sepele: iseng buka kulkas.
Banyak lagi contoh-contoh lain, seperti atlet-atlet basket yang jadi pemain basket professional karena iseng nyobain ngelempar bola masukin ke keranjang pas masih kecil; atau berapa banyak pengusaha di luar sana yang jadi pengusaha karena dulu pernah iseng ikut seminar bisnis; dan masih banyak contoh lainnya.
Kalau kita refleksikan ke diri kita, bukankah banyak dari diri kita hari ini yang juga merupakan buah dari keisengan-keisengan kita di masa lalu? Misalnya hobi? atau bahkan mungkin banyak dari kita yang hari ini menggantungkan hidup kita dari hasil keisengan kita di masa lalu?
Dari sisi yang negatif juga banyak, pemakai narkoba juga mengawali kebiasaan kelamnya dari iseng nyobain; pecandu film porno juga berawal dari iseng nyobain nonton; pemabuk juga berawal dari iseng nyobain sesesap dua sesap, hingga jadi berteguk-teguk dan akhirnya jadi berbotol-botol. Iya kan?
Apa pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil? Bahwa Iseng (yang identik dengan hal-hal sepele), BISA membawa kita kepada hal-hal yang besar. Small things lead us to bigger things. Maka? Small things MATTER.
Nah kalau semua hal di atas kita coba kontekstualisasikan ke dalam aspek spiritual diri kita, bukankah kita seharusnya juga bisa jadi manusia yang lebih baik, hanya dengan iseng memulai dari hal-hal yang kecil?
Kalau kita tidak pernah shalat karena hati kita tidak pernah tergerak, bukankah kita bisa memulai dengan iseng mem-follow akun-akun islami di social media? Kalau kita tidak pernah mengaji, bukankah kita bisa mulai dengan iseng buka Alquran yang sudah lama tidak kita buka? Kalau kita belum fasih membaca arabnya, bukankah kita bisa iseng dengan membaca artinya dulu saja? Kalau kita merasa jauh dari agama, bukankah kita bisa mulai dengan iseng googling "Gimana caranya tobat" atau "Gimana caranya masuk surga"? atau bisa mulai dengan iseng buka youtube nya Ustadz Abdul Somad atau Podcast nya Ustadz Hanan Attaki? Kalau kita merasa circle terdekat kita udah terlalu hedon dan nerakawi banget, bukankah kita bisa memulai circle pertemanan baru dengan iseng unfollow teman-teman yang sekarang dan follow teman-teman kita yang lain yang lebih sholeh/sholehah?
Seperti yang beberapa hari lalu ditulis oleh @yasirmukhtar, bahwa di zaman ini, masalahnya bukan pada kelangkaan hidayah, masalahnya adalah apakah hidayah itu bisa menembus ke hati kita atau tidak.
Bener banget, betapa hidayah tuh sebenarnya sedekat scroll jari di hp kita. Eh tau gak, se-scroll jari di hp kita tuh bahkan udah bukan sejengkal lagi. Udah jauh lebih ringkas dan effortless. Gila.
Kalau firman Allah swt di sepenggal Surat Ar-ra'd ayat 11: "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sebelum mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri. ...."
Maka bukankah untuk mengubah keadaan diri kita menjadi lebih dekat kepada Allah, kita bisa mulai dengan memperbanyak keisengan-keisengan (cue) baik yang sepele? isenglah follow akun dakwah, siapa tahu kita liat postingan ayat yang bikin penasaran, siapa tahu kita jadi kepo ngebanding-bandingin sama science, dari situ siapa tahu kita jadi iseng buka youtube ustadz-ustadz, siapa tahu kita jadi iseng buka quran, siapa tahu jadi iseng mulai ngaji lagi, siapa tahu jadi iseng shalat, siapa tahu ternyata kita jadi ngerasa "Ih ya Allah, adem ya, nyaman". Eh ternyata lama-lama kita jadi punya habit orang soleh, temen-temen kita udah berubah tuh dari yang tadinya nerakawi sekarang berubah jadi yang sering mengingatkan dalam kebaikan. Small things lead us to bigger things kan? Allah PASTI notice. Sekecil apapun langkah kita, Allah pasti akan mudahkan. "Jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku satu jengkal maka Aku akan mendekat kepadanya satu hasta, jika ia mendekat kepada-Ku satu hasta maka Aku akan mendekat kepadanya satu depa, dan jika ia mendatangi-Ku dengan berjalan maka Aku akan mendatanginya dengan berlari." (Tafsir Al-A'masy hadits jami' At-tirmidzi no.3527)
Belum lagi kalau ada temen kita yang iseng ngajakin kita ngaji, iseng ngajakin kita shalat. Ya kita ISENG aja dulu bilang "Yuk". Siapa tahu keterusan dan beneran jadi orang soleh.
Semoga, dari keisengan kita dalam beramal, Allah perkenankan kita untuk beneran jadi orang soleh, yang setelah matinya Allah perkenankan surga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, dipenuhi oleh istana-istana yang indah, diberkahi buah-buahan yang manis dan baik, serta dipenuhi para bidadari yang sejuk dipandang mata, yang penghuninya tidak pernah lapar dan haus, dan keringatnya seharum wangi kasturi.
Jadi? siapa yang tadinya iseng baca tulisan yang panjang ini dan ternyata keterusan baca sampai habis? Iseng reblog dulu aja bisa kali. Yuk bisa yuk :)
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embretheworld · 4 years
Ninjago HC’s
Cause it was asked for and I’m delivering it. 
The Ninja’s have specific hobby the do when stressed and it varies on which ninja it does. 
For Cole it’s gardening, his mom used to garden and actually taught him how to do it which is why he still knows how to do it. He actually taught Lloyd how to garden since he can understand what it’s like to be a ninja and how stressful it is, along with what it’s like to lose someone close to you. However no one know’s of this hobby of his except for Lloyd, it’s their little secret.(The reason why is because gardening is considered a girly thing to do and he doesn’t want the other to think less of him but he knows Lloyd won’t.)
There’s a window in the Monastery along with the Bounty where a garden is there, it started in the early season, like pre-season 1, no one really messes with it and leaves it be(Kai tried but that didn’t go well). Each ninja has a specific plant for them, Zane once he comes back from the dead(from dying to the Overlord), Lloyd after he faces off against his father, Nya after she discovers her true potential, Kai after he loses his powers, and Jay after season 11. He gives himself one after season 13 because he deserves one honestly.
Or he just aggressively trains.
Zane’s stress habit is baking.
Do not be surprised if after something stressful happens you find him in the kitchen baking since it’s really the only way he can have some semblance of control left. Although no one’s complaining(it’s food after all), it’s easier to tell when he’s stressed so they usually stop him before he cooks too much.
Sometimes he works on puzzles and tries to read too.
For Jay it’s listening to music and freaking the fuck out.(Trust me it works,) Have you ever just had a bad day and listened to music that feels exactly how you feel? That is him. Jay basically needs to get up and get all this excess energy out of him while listening to music whether it’s pacing around or discharging his powers at a bullet sign meant for it. Or sometimes, but rare he’ll play video games to let out his frustration but that only ends up with a broken control.
Or he’ll go shopping and collect some more pins, mostly it gets his mind off of it but he likes pins so he’s gonna keep on collecting them. 
Sometimes he’ll borrow- steal- Cole’s paint’s and get a canvas and just go awol on it. 
We all know Nya like to invent things and tinker with machines but when she’s stressed she just can’t.
She can’t stay focused and it frustrates the hell out of her.
So she goes swimming. Swimming burns energy and she tries to make it hard on herself by making the water go against her. It works but eventually it gets old. So she ends up writing how she feels, it doesn’t work as well as tinkering with machines does but it works too. 
For Kai, he screams. He leaves the room and just screams in his room. It isn’t usual to hear him cursing and screaming once he gets really mad. OR he aggressively trains a lot. He tires to get his mind off of anything the fight or just anything. You can’t let him near anything breakable because he will break it. 
For Lloyd he just leaves and goes out on a walk. Stress is a thing he’s used to, he’s usually always stressed but when he’s not it’s god sent. He goes on a walk so he can collect all his thoughts, maybe meditate by himself but he needs to be alone when he’s stressed, too stressed. 
Sensei Wu likes sightseeing.
Eventually the ninja’s find out that spa’s exists and have a FIELD DAY, especially Wu since they’ll finally stop using the Bell of Divinity.
They definitely all try out the hot tub if you couldn’t tell, but besides that they try out different things. 
Jay cannot do acupuncture, Kai would try it and be all tough but would not be able to do it either. Kai and Nya also try out the hot rock massage’s too but it only works on Nya since Kai is... Well Kai is used to the heat. 
Nya and Lloyd have done facial’s before, they gotta stay on the top of their game while being ninja’s and why not be hot while doing it to?  (Wu tries this to see if it can make him look younger. It does not.)
Zane cannot do any of these things because metal but that doesn’t mean he won’t try.
It doesn’t work.
Jay and Nya get pedicures together because couple goals. 
Lloyd and Jay lowkey have the best nails of the group, pass it on. 
Cole can dig anything the spa throws at him, whether it be acupuncture or hot rock massages except for normal massages(or deep tissue massages). The same thing for Lloyd except he can actually handle the massages. 
The first time he gets a massage it’s by himself(thankfully) but what he didn’t know is that he’d crack in so many places that he didn’t know he could crack in that he’d be sobbing by the end of it, cause he feels so much better but god that hurt a little bit in the end. Thankfully the next time he gets a massage, which is with Lloyd that time, it’s not with the same masseuse cause that’d be pretty awkward. 
Cole and Lloyd don’t bother that much to do everything at the spa (although they could, they don’t) because they don’t want to hold up the group too long and honestly they don’t need too. 
Cole always does a mud bath because he’s the earth ninja mud is the closets he can get to earth and also he finds it relaxing, if not ironic that it’s his favorite thing there. 
Nya loves doing rose baths, like sure, she doesn’t have too but you gotta eventually pamper yourself once an a while.
Zane likes taking walks with Pixal around the towns to see the lights. And sometimes he and Cole will go to restaurants that have the food thats  made right in front of you, Zane does it to see how they cook and observe and Cole just does it for the food. 
This is one of the few times the ninja’s get to eat out so they make the most of it. One of them get to chose to a restaurant they go to every night and they’ll eat there. 
Jay checks out the reviews and makes them go to the worst restaurant in the area and he hasn’t been allowed to choose since. 
They tend to go to the spa every 4-6 months for atleast week and do whatever they want and just r e l a x .
Wu’s fine with it since he can sight-see more and try out different types of tea that he never tried before.
By the end of the trip all the ninja’s have a movie night and they all fall asleep on the couch like a family.
Feel free to add on any headcanons if you have any!
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Process emotions?
Dear Tumblr,
As I was listening to a podcast, I realized a few things and decided to write it here. Processing my emotions has been my struggle for the past years, and even until now I am still working on it.
Reader, here's some few question to ask yourself.
1. What were the bad emotional habits you had to let go as you grow adult?
I have a lot but I'll name one, It's I'm an escapist and I love to kill-an-emotion, I don't know if that's even a term but defining it, I love to escape on things if it doesn't go the way I planned, or like if everything is tearing apart. I like to set my emotions aside.. I’d give you an example, when my partner and I had a fight, he’s always like "pag usapan natin ngayon" and I'm always "I need space" or I would go for a drink, find something to do so I would be busy and eventually doesn't have a time to talk about it. And I admit, this is a very bad habit especially since we're growing, maturing and adulting.
2. what does it mean to "process your emotions"?
For me, this simply means that we have to acknowledge them, we have to face them, confronting what are we feeling at this very moment. Sabi ko nga, label it to tame it.
but the question is, how? ✨Break down your emotions
simply ask yourself:
What happened here?
What are you feeling?
Why do I feel this way?
Okay, what then do you do next?
Evaluate what's happening in your life. ( what are the things working and not?)
✨ How do we handle spikes in emotions ?
I don't know if this applies with you, but this is what I do,
Practice deep breathing. Don't make decisions when you're in a situation you don't know whatever your are feeling.
If you love journaling like me, You should definitely write things down without thinking about grammar, or anything.. Cause I admit, sometimes I have to write or type, to realize what I'm feeling. If you're not into journaling, another option would be to find something therapeutic for your emotional health. Any hobby would do, my partner, he plays a lot of computer games when he's angry. It's helping him sabi nya. And of course the best option, If you have someone special to talk to.. share those things to another person. Caution, there are friends that would give you advice, and sometimes it's annoying so just simply tell them, " Friend, Just listen. Help me figure this one." Kasi I know that we have answers, sometimes, things are just unclear.
Reader, be reminded that you should not feel pressured when processing your emotions, even if someone called you "toxic". It will come in an everyday practice.
You see we are all capable of processing our emotions, but the thing is that we differ in ways we do it. There are people who needs more time and there are some who can solve it on the spot. Some are "I need a little bit of space" type of person, and some are "I want to talk about this now" type of person.
It is said that people who are labeled as coherent/logical are the people who can control feelings easily. Some who has a little less control in feelings are labeled as emotional.
By it, you can simply understand that people are different, therefore we just have to make an adjustments. If an argument comes, you and your partner/friend need to find a point where you both can meet to be able to have a deeper understanding and more open communication. It's easier said than done however by patiently practicing, we can promote a peaceful and non-toxic environment.
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ryqoshay · 4 years
How to Handle a Nico - Sunscreen
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~1.8k Rating: T’ish? Time Frame: Summer break of Maki’s 2nd year of high school and Nico’s 1st year of college. Story Arc: "Beach Reunion" Sunscreen The No. 1 Masseuse in the Universe
Author’s Note: “Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ‘97: Wear sunscreen.” - Mary Schmich
Sorry, couldn’t help that; it remains one of my favorite inspirational things and I listen to Baz Luhrmann’s version of it when I’m feeling down.
In any case, neither Nico nor Maki are of the class of ‘97, but they nonetheless know the importance of wearing sunscreen. And that is the topic of this scene, as if the title didn’t give that away already.
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ARISEfan1: lets go to the beach!
NyaCat: the beach!
ARISEfan1: lets go swimming!
NyaCat: lets play volleyball!
LittleBirb: Let’s have a water gun fight!
ARISEfan1: no training allowed!
SonodaUmi: I didn’t say anything about training…
ARISEfan1: but i bet you were gonna!
RiceQueen: I’d like to split a watermelon
Niconii: That’s if I let you!
Elichika: We’re not recreating our PV, Nico
Niconii: Well why not?
Niconii: That was fun!
NishikinoMaki: You’re just saying that because you were the center
Niconii: That’s not true!
Niconii: And you know it, Maki-chan
Niconii: Nico knows how much fun Maki-chan had
Niconii: Nico also knows Maki-chan keeps those sunglasses as a memento
NishikinoMaki: Yes I still have them
NishikinoMaki: So what?
NishikinoMaki: You want to fight about it?
Elichika: Please don’t
Elichika: At least not in the main chatroom
SpiritualPower: Exactly. If you’re going to flirt, you should do so in person
NishikinoMaki: We’re not flirting!
Niconii: We’re not flirting!
Niconii: Geez, Nozomi
Niconii: Anyway, we could have fireworks again
NyaCat: fireworks nya!
ARISEfan1: fireworks!
SpiritualPower: Or we could sulk off to the side with a book
NishikinoMaki: What the heck?
NishikinoMaki: I wasn’t sulking then!
SpiritualPower: Oh?
SpiritualPower: I don’t recall saying you were, Maki-chan
Elichika: Nozomi…
ARISEfan1: ne makichan
ARISEfan1: can we us your vacation home again?
SonodaUmi: Honoka, we can’t always be asking Maki for such things
NishikinoMaki: Probably
NishikinoMaki: I’ll ask Mama
NishikinoMaki: One moment
NishikinoMaki: She said it’s fine
Niconii: That was quick
ARISEfan1: Woo!
Elichika: Even us?
NishikinoMaki: Of course you and Nozomi and Nico-chan
NishikinoMaki: It wouldn’t be much of a µ’s reunion without you
ARISEfan1: exactly!
ARISEfan1: we need everyone together!
ARISEfan1: µ’s beach reunion start!
“What’s wrong, Maki-chan?” Nico asked the redhead displaying a sour expression as she rummaged through her bag.
The group had arrived at the vacation home not too long ago and Honoka immediately insisted everyone change and head to the beach. So here they were, already listening to the waves on the shore and feeling the fresh breeze coming in from the sea. Umbrellas and chairs were being set up, as was a net for volleyball, but the redhead seemed preoccupied with something not directly involved with the rest of the group; as per usual.
“I can’t…” Maki replied, opening another area.
“You can’t…?”
“I… ughn…” Maki growled as she rezipped the pocket. “I can’t find my sunscreen.”
“I guess it can’t be helped.” Nico sighed. “Nico will let you use hers.”
“Really?” The younger girl looked up, all traces of frustration already evaporating. “Thanks, Nico-chan.”
By the gods, she’s cute. Nico willed her heart not to leap out of her chest at the sight of the sparkling violet eyes. And to avoid being too blatant in her reaction, she quickly switched to teasing mode. “But only under one condition.”
“Nico will apply it for Maki-chan.”
“Alrigh… Eh?” Suddenly, Maki’s eyes widened and she recoiled. “Buweehh?! A-A-All of… of… uwehhh…” She sputtered, looking down at herself as her cheeks flared a brilliant crimson.
Nico couldn’t help letting her own gaze be drawn along. Oh… “Y-You’re back!” She quickly corrected. “Just your back! Maki-chan is certainly capable of applying it to her arms and legs and such, but one’s own back is hard to reach. And an idol’s skin is an important asset, so she has to ensure proper protection. And Nico is offering her services for that. Maki-chan should be grateful.”
Still blushing, Maki managed a fairly convincing deadpan glare at Nico and reached for the bottle. She then flipped the cap and squeezed some into her palm before beginning to apply it to her arm. For her part, Nico watched quietly as Maki finished her arms and moved to her shoulders. Then her clavicle, neck and down…
Nico swallowed. Oh gods, don’t stare. She quickly averted her gaze. After what felt like an appropriate amount of time, she glanced back at the other girl. Maki was sitting in an awkward position, utilizing none of the flexibility she had earned through her school idol training as she spread sunscreen up her calves, thighs and… Damn… Nico had to look away again.
“Here.” Maki stated a few moments later.
“Thanks.” Nico replied, finding a bottle being held out toward her. “Now turn around.”
“Mmm…” Maki hummed, doing as instructed, but then lay down on her towel.
Holy… Nico swallowed again as she took in the sight before her. It felt like it had been forever since last she had seen Maki in a swimsuit, or anything form fitting or anywhere near this revealing. And while she hadn’t forgotten, seeing her again, this close and about to… She was really going to do this, wasn’t she?
“Nico-chan?” Maki propped herself up on her elbows and glanced back at the older girl.
“Sorry, one sec.” Nico quickly upturned the bottle and squeezed some lotion into her hand.
Maki raised an eyebrow but remained quiet for a moment before turning back away.
Nico closed her eyes and took one more second to mentally prepare herself before reaching forward to…
“Kyaa!” Maki’s shoulders scrunched up as soon as contact was made.
“Relax, Maki-chan.” Nico soothed. Yes. You relax too, Nico. It’s no big deal. It’s just sunscreen… on Maki-chan’s back… and… oh gods…
“Your hands are cold.” The redhead complained.
“Sorry.” The raven-haired girl replied. They’ll be warm in moment… She added silently, feeling her heart pound as it sent blood and heat thundering through her veins. “Hmm…”
“Maki-chan has really smooth skin…” Jeez, don’t just leave it at that! She’ll get the wrong idea! “You’ve obviously been taking good care of it.”
“Of course. Isn’t Nico-chan the one who is always saying this and that about idols and their skin and hair and whatnot?”
“You’ve been listening.” Nico couldn’t help feeling a bit of pride as she moved her hands down.
“Well, ye…”
Maki moaned.
Nico froze.
Maki’s hands flew to her mouth.
Nico yanked her hands away from Maki’s waist as though from a scalding stove before glancing around to see if anyone else had heard. Immediately, she spotted Nozomi smirking at her. Damn. Of course, it would be her. Of course. Why would the fates allow it to be anyone else? Or nobody, for that matter? Nico began dreading the teasing that would inevitably come.
“M-Maki-chan” Nico tried to break the mounting tension “I’m just applying sunscreen, not giving you a deep tissue massage.”
“…” Though Nico couldn’t see, there was little doubt in her mind that Maki’s cheeks matched her hair at that moment.
“But if Maki-chan insists,” Nico continued in a singsong voice that felt more forced than she hoped it sounded “Nico is the No.1 Masseuse in the Universe, so she’s willing to offer a super special Nico-nii massage. And at the low, low price of one tutoring session from the super smart Maki-chan.”
“… Idiot…” Maki muttered, her face still buried in her towel, though her shoulders started to relax a bit.
“You like it.”
“… Maybe…”
“Anyway,” Nico said, applying more sunscreen to her hands before placing them once again on the other girl’s back “the offer is open. Maki-chan has obviously been spending far too much time hunched over her books as she studies for cram school.”
“Nico can feel it in the knots Maki-chan is getting from the combined stress and bad posture.” Nico already knew at least half of the excuses the younger girl might have offered had she not cut her off. “And since Nico knows Maki-chan is not going to change her study habits anytime soon, the least she can do is help ease a bit of this stiffness.” She emphasized the point by pushing at one of the knots, earning a hiss from Maki.
“… Alright…”
“And that should do it.”
“Thanks, Nico-chan.” Maki said, pushing herself up to sit onto her knees. “Do you, uhm, want me to do you?” She shook her head. “You’re back, I mean?”
Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! “Sure.”
Maki gave a nod, scooted off the towel and motioned for Nico to take her place.
“One sec.” Nico held out her hand to prevent the other girl from taking the sunscreen. “Let me get my arms and stuff first.”
Nico couldn’t help being keenly aware of Maki’s gaze as she began applying the lotion to herself. Was Maki staring because she liked what she saw or because she had no interest and couldn’t be bothered to expend the energy to look away? The fact that Maki’s blush from earlier hadn’t fully faded made it that much harder to tell if it was current or merely a carryover from earlier. Part of Nico wanted to give in to her self-consciousness and turn away, but the other half wanted to show off to someone she truly wished would find her attractive.
Finally, she finished and took her place on the towel.
“Ah! Maki-chan’s hands are cold.” Nico complained as soon as she felt the other girl’s fingers on her back.
“No they aren’t.” Maki stated flatly.
“And no comment about Nico’s super smooth skin?”
“Well, I guess Maki-chan’s hands are warmer than the rest of her.”
Maki merely growled in return but continued spreading the sunscreen.
And by the gods did it feel fantastic. Nico knew exactly why Maki had made such a noise earlier as she held one back of her own. She’d never felt this way with anyone else. Her mother was family and her siblings, while anxious to help, were sloppy, at best, in their application. Nico had been rather indifferent when Eli had helped last summer and was wary of Nozomi’s sneak attacks when she had taken the task.
But Maki was on a whole different level. The pianist’s dexterous digits diligently dispersed the cream evenly in a manner that made Nico wonder what else the girl could do with those fingers. Perhaps she should rethink her massage price and charge one in return instead of tutoring.
Had Maki ever given a massage before? Nico suspected she would be quite good, and even if not, she would likely be a quick learner. Because honestly…
“There we go.” Maki’s voice interrupted Nico’s thoughts.
“Already?” Nico heard herself ask.
“Well, yeah, you don’t want me to overapply it, right?”
“No, I’m sorry, I just, never mind.” Nico shook her head as she pushed herself up. “Wait, overapply? You can’t use too much sunscreen, Maki-chan.”
“You can’t?”
“In fact, most people don’t use enough, or forget to reapply it.”
“Every two hours.” Nico confirmed. “C’mon, Maki-chan, an idol should know these things.”
“So, we need to do this again in two hours?”
“… I’d…” Maki reached up to twirl her hair “be alright with that…”
Nico grinned. “Then let’s go have some fun with the others.” She stood quickly before offering her hand to help the other girl up.
“Alright.” Maki replied, taking Nico’s hand.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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Ninjago/Avatar au Pt 2
aka what Wu’s been up to.
(Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
Before I go on with whats going on with the Garmadon and Smith families in the South Pole, lets back-track and see to what happened to Wu in the Fire Nation after Garm got banished. (Spoiler alert, I have some serious mixed feelings on Wu in cannon but I kinda like the guy, sorta, it’s complicated, so I’m not gonna make him overly antagonistic)
So Wu was like, 12 when Garm got banished. He was upset and hurt bc he loves his brother (they were pretty close to each other as kids) but more than anything he was scared. He thought that their father loved them, despite being busy with being Firelord and him being distant when he was around them, Wu thought that deep down he cared at least a little about his sons.
And then he watched his father humiliate and scar his big brother (decided that I am giving Garm a scar. It’s not going to be over his eye like Zukos, it’s on his cheek and down his neck) in front of a crowd of people before sending him off to go do the impossible. He heard the generals laughing about Garm and his search for months after he was gone. They never even got to say goodbye to each other.
Wu’s studies and training increased after that, since he was now next in line for the throne. He started writing letters to his brother, sometimes venting about other people, sometimes talking about what he learned or did that day, (I was able to feed the baby turtleducks today. You would have loved it brother!) just anything and everything. He burned all of them as soon as the ink was done drying.
When Wu learned that Garm had ‘died’, he held it together all day before breaking down in his room that night. Years passed, and Wu became more involved in the Fire Nations military. He didn’t like it much, but he had to do what his father wanted, and he was actually very good at it.
When he gets to the age where he gets pestered to ‘produce an heir’, he develops a habit of going on long walks wherever he is, consequences be damned. He was almost captured by some Earth Kingdom soldiers once when he was abroad. Its on one of these walk that he finds a young half-starved urchin who tried to jump him in the woods and steal any money he had.
Something about this scrappy, angry, nonbender kid who had been alone for years and didn’t even remember his parents struck a chord in Wu’s soul, so he decided he would keep him and raise him. He begged his father and managed to get him to let Wu keep the child. And that’s how Morro came to live in the Fire Nation. He doesn’t have the same status he would have if he was Wu’s biological child, but he has food and a safe place to sleep, and once he’s able to adjust and open up more, he has a parent who genuinely loves him and wants the best for him.
When he gets older, Morro wants to prove himself. Prove that Wu was right to take him in, give him a chance at life. Prove that he can be great. So when Lloyd first bends in the Southern Water Tribe, and the Fire Sages learn that the Avatar is back, Morro jumps at the chance to search for him.
Wu does not like this. But he knows that if he flat out bans Morro from searching for the Avatar, he’ll just sneak out half cocked with no supplies and no plan and get himself killed just like Garm. So Wu says Morro can search for the Avatar as long as he doesn’t mind Wu tagging along.
Morro does not like this. But he thought he’d have to go behind Wu’s back in order to go after the Avatar, so he’s going to take this chance, swearing to Wu that he won’t disappoint him.
They spend three years searching, working their way south and eventually making it to the South Pole. Wu really does not like this, and tries very hard to get Morro leave ASAP. He doesn’t tell Morro why he wants to leave the South Pole, bc admitting he’s still upset about his brothers banishment and ‘death’ and that having his son be in the same place and doing the same thing as Garm all those years ago is very distressing for him would be seen as him admitting weakness and it could get back to his father and things could get bad for him and Morro if he is anything less than perfect.
Originally the ship wasn’t going to stop at the Southern Water Tribe, or at least they were going to be sneaky about being there, but while they were fishing for food they found something...interesting. When Ray and Garm first started living with the Southern Water Tribe, they bundled up all of their armor and Fire Nation clothing and took it out in a boat and dumped it in the ocean to try and hide it. This bundle was dredged up by Wu and Morro’s ship.
Most of the crew shrugs it off as just some weird leftover from one of the many times that the Fire Nation had been to the South Pole, but Wu immediately sees that one of the sets of armor, despite all the damage from being underwater for so long, was a special set only available to a member of the royal family. And the only member of the Fire Nation royal family to have been to the South Pole recently was Garmadon. But since he fell overboard and drowned, if they found his armor they should have found his body...
Meanwhile, Lloyd is getting into trouble and probably roping Kai and Nya into it, and he ends up setting off the flare booby-trap in the old beached Fire Nation ship, and it’s spotted by Wu and Morro’s ship, which then heads straight for the Southern Water Tribe. During the trip to the village, Wu take the time to write one of his letters to Garmadon. But for the first time, he doesn’t burn it.
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sederhannaindah · 5 years
Here comes December.
1. I really do hope that we are all have already move on, so we can face tomorrow with a redha heart.
2. Memang selalu akan ada air mata yang mengalir setiap kali kita terluka. Tapi jangan lupa bahawa lidah dan hati masih boleh berdoa. Berdoalah, kerana Dia mendengar. Berdoalah, agar tetap bertahan.
3. No one said that life is going to be smooth. But Allah is always with us, to accompany us so we can heal, grow, and keep marching forward.
4. Kalau kita menyusahkan orang, Allah akan sulitkan urusan kita. Jadi jangan susahkan orang. Ingat semua benda tak elok yang kita buat pada orang, akan ada balasannya.
5. Jadilah pemaaf agar hati kita lembut dan hidayah Allah senang masuk. Hati yang selalu membenci akan jadi keras. Hati yang keras, hidayah Allah susah masuk. Kebaikan susah nak nampak. Jadi jangan benci orang sangat. Kita ni bukan baik mana.
6. Ingat, yang pegang hati kita semua ni, Tuhan. Jangan ambil kerja Tuhan nak puaskan hati semua orang. Apa pun yang kita rasa, yang kita pilih, yang kita fikir, pastikan bawa kebaikan untuk hati sendiri. Dan yang paling baik ialah kita berdoa hati kita selalu dijaga-Nya.
7. No matter how hurt you are, don't stop looking for a better side of your life. Leave behind old memories, say goodbye to yesterday.
8. This sadness and frustration have an unseen reason and meaning. Don't blame people, don't hate the situation. Find the answer in yourself, in your heart, in your du’a.
9. Your du'a, Allah will hear it and He will protect you so don't give up, don't cry, and please smile.
10. Even if tomorrow you'll walk into another loveless day, don't stop and don't look back. For sure you'll miss the memories, but you have to move forward.
11. Don't let go that melody of the du'a that echoing in your heart. It will lead you to your purpose, it will lead you to where you belong.
12. Constant du'a will erase the remaining sadness in your heart, inshaallah. Keep your step forward, and time will wash away your horrible past.
13. We will always be broken if we are far from Him.
14. Don't look back with regret. Ada sebab dan hikmah kenapa kita terlepas sesuatu di masa lalu. Look forward with hope and du'a. Allah knows better.
15. Sometimes some bonds are impossible to explain. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic because some bonds are simply meant to be. Some bonds are simply meant to be - so don't settle. Don't rush. Don't interfere. Your time will come.
16. No time like the present. We all should realize that. So live the moment. Be happy and pray for the best. Stop being afraid, stop thinking too much. Breath. Arrange whatever pieces that left. InshaAllah in time, we'll be better. It is all about time. There is always time.
17. Sometime the hardest part in life is also the most important part in life. Learn something and be strong.
18. God doesn't do coincidence. Good or bad, there must be a reason. He always has a plan for us.
19. Having a broken heart means we have tried for something, and we should learn from that so we could grow wiser in the future. With Allah on our side, every moment is a moment to begin again. So don't lose hope. So don't lose love. Start again. Try your best.
20. Stop being attach. Stop thinking too much. Fill your day with what you have today. Don't be mesmerize by the past. Breathe. Meredhakan apa yang dah berlalu itu perlu sebab mengenang apa yang dah jadi tu kadang-kala menyakitkan.
 21. It’s already the end of the year so maybe now is a good time to say goodbye to passing memories.
22. Time flows and heart changes, but don't let yourself forget the important things in life.
23. There is courage within sadness, find it with du'a. Even if our tears still falling, someday it will change into a smile.
24. There's a day fill with sunshine, and a day full of endless rain. Live gratefully, maybe one day we'll see a rainbow-colored future.
25. A heart can be broken but still, it will keep beating. Yes, life goes on. So live your life.
26. Embrace courage strongly, embrace our faith. We can stand still, believe in the power of our du'a.
27. The past cannot be changed, and we carry our choices with us, forward, even if it hurts. No time to waste, we can only move on. The past is over but we can always begin again.
28. No one knows anything. We can only hope for the best, do what we can, and accept the consequences. Make a du'a, go with the flow.
29. Healing take times. The first step is, we need to accept things that already happened. Redha.
30. If the end cannot be seen, just move forward. It's still a long journey until your last breath. Jangan sia-siakan nikmat nyawa yang Tuhan kurniakan. Berusahalah untuk mencari yang terbaik untuk diri, juga belajar untuk menjadi yang terbaik, juga buat diri sendiri. Erase and replace. Feeling that we can't erase, maybe we just feel too much, and forgot to accept reality. Let go, so we can begin again. Replace our bad habit with a new good one, and maybe we can see a new way to live our life, inshaallah.
- sederhanaindah
p/s : walau sekarang kita semua ditimpa dengan perkara-perkara yang tak baik saya harap nanti kita akan ketemu kebaikan. tak sekarang, nanti. yang bersedih moga tersenyum. yang diuji moga tabah. yang patah hati moga bahagia. no matter what happens, no matter what reasons, no matter what conditions : stay good, people!
p/s 2 : jangan lupa beli buku saya ya ;)
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