#nyx lore
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @squintclover - thank you so much!! Loved your response!!
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
By loving the story so much I wanted to be in it, lol. My first few attempts at writing ff were with self-insert OCs, but that was in my native language and mostly unpublished. Im trying to recycle some of those ideas, but Im not sure how will it go.
As for fics written in english and without OCs - like everyone else, by reading other fics.
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
If we count the first few attempts - I took a look at my docs and counted 7 fandoms. Some parts of those were published somewhere on the web but I genuinely forgot about their existence.
If we count fics published recently on tumblr/ao3 - only HP.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Technically? A decade. But idk if that counts if it wasnt published and probably never will be and had self insert OCs.
I started writing my first fics in english after I got into that one fandom which was during the pandemic, so that would be around 3-4 years - but posting since… December 2023.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Im not making the characters as OOC as before? I hope
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Trying to fit too many things into one project that do not fit bc they are too self indulgent or just bad writing bc require sacrificing either plot or characterization. Being too ambitious, having too much plot that needs too much effort to make it make sense, and will not pay off bc nobody will read it (bc idk if i will ever finish it. and if i do it will not be written in english).
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Just one? There are so many weird things Ive been researching or googling.
Did they have 3-in-1 shampoos in 1979. Language of flowers. What the ancient roman beds looked like. Names and their meanings. Ancient roman’s attitude towards (homo)sexuality. Phosphorus and phosphorescence (this was literally to check if this one sentence in canon is factually correct). Did ancient romans have pets. Different gems’ looks, usage and meanings. Ancient Roman dog names. Different astronomical events / discoveries in years 1975-1980 and in year 1957. Layout of certain types of houses.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment is a nice comment <3 tho I like to be let known the person felt something while reading bc its still so abstract and bizzare for me that it happens 😅
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
As you can see from the research question I have an ancient roman au wip. I was genuinely surprised there were only a few ancient roman aus in the marauders fandom.
This one published wip is about a surprise pregnancy that isnt immediately regarded as great news and celebrated (which i think isnt a common way of approaching the topic.) I also wanted to write sth about abortion and miscarriage but i dont know if I will get around to actually writing those.
And Im trying to recycle my old OC-focused long fic which also is deeply unpopular (i understand why but also i feel like im fighting in the trenches)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Thats about something. Has a deeper meaning and everyone in the comments talk about how deeply they were moved by it. Or how clever the plot was. Or how the deeply and insightfully the characters are analysed. Or how beautiful the language is. Or. Like. Is written and finished and publishable.
🍏What is the easiest type?
All I know is funny dialogue, self indulgent fluff and this one type of hurt/comfort that is also super self indulgent. Also putting all the effort into fitting in as many references / easter eggs as you can that i know nobody will notice.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop, usually sitting at my desk, or on the balcony if the weather permits, whenever I feel like ignoring the things im supposed to be doing instead, I guess.
So far I’ve been using google docs but I’ll be probably moving on from them in the nearest future. For organizing ideas/wips and short fics I use Notion - its good for organizing but not that good as a writing program.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Smut, lol. Also more taboo topics like abortion and miscarriage mentioned above.
🍇What made you choose your username?
I translated my first ever username to English. ok, no, my first ever username was Leila Moonlight and i still think its pretty but now i also think its cringe. Tho I was - what? - 11? 12? So maybe I can be forgiven that it looks like a HP character. Nocturnal Phantom - the username actually use now - is still a bit cringe, I picked it bc I was a night owl (lol) and tried to lean into this nighttime-spooky aesthetic, but also its tumblr so im embracing it. I recently picked a nickname Nyx for my mutuals' convenience - and that is the greek goddess of the night. I commit to the bit.
No pressure tagging: @polaroidcats, @hiddenmoonbeam, @soloorganaas
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depressed-shinnie · 2 years
sapphire as in i studied you for most of our eighth grade year, mulberry as in yeah i know we're divorced now but please babe (/j) and apricot as in
1) remember the breath mints, nyx, and
2) i have some really nice aconitine columbianum concentrate on my shelf it's purple and super pretty and made of both the flowers and seeds and i'm planning to make some wolfsbane powder soon so look forward to that!!! ! (slash joking i wouldn't use it on you)
You’ve studied me for the entire time we’ve been in school together, not just our eighth grade year in specific, man. We were never married but we are divorced.
I still can’t believe you accidentally (I say accidentally lightly) poisoned me with a case of cheap breath mints from a National Park. (I still have another container sitting on my bookshelf…)
Looking for to the day that you poison me intentionally!!
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satoshy12 · 6 months
Danny, the child of Gotham and Bruce
+ Eldtrich horror Gotham, think of Nyx from Lore Olympus, just with more shadow tentacles.
While on a Gala Gotham
In all her eldtrich glory, Gotham came to Brucie Wayne and left their toddler eldtrich child in his lap. Tiny Danny has black hair, blue eyes, tiny bat wings, and fangs.
It became a news paper!
But most people weren't that surprised, just confused. How do you have a child in a city? Is it like when a god had a child with the earth or so?? 
Don't ask Bruce! He has no idea!
For extra drama
Metropolis, in his eldtrich, handsome light form, is angry that Bruce slept with Gotham.Only for Gotham to say she doesn't care about him anymore!
Poor Bruce, believe him! He didn't mean this!! 
But not even one person believes him, and worse, his children! They joke that Gotham is now their stepmother. And Lady Gotham is totally okay with it!
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mercurydidnothing · 2 years
Something I really miss about being in tae kwon Do was fancy weapons training. I miss learning things from people who were so passionate about swords that they learned hundreds of hours of pointless flourishes just because they are beautiful. I miss learning the history of people turning a simple farming tool into a tool of rebellion against oppression.
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genericpuff · 2 months
Question but is Thanatos still Hades son in LR?
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crispyfishsticks · 5 days
Okay I’m about to make you go DEEP into those archives.
Who’s the first ever character you drew and how did they evolve as you started drawing more? 👀👀👀
First character was a Lock named Rippington. I eventually changed his name to Xahvin, because he was named after one of my fav smooth jazz bands at the time. Used to draw him frequently and he hasn't changed much. He is large for a lesser will and is a barely tempered, seething ball of outrage. He acts as diplomat to a particularly contentious empire that alternatively keeps trying to assassinate him and bury him in unnecessary paperwork. He's scarred up for reasons, half probably from the murder attempts and half because he's combative and has tussled with other Locks in the past. Riker (Archaeon) is one of his agents, the hate is mutual.
He also dislikes Scott, the Team, and all Traders. Kitra is still his Bonded Companion and about the only peaceful thing in his existence. Outside of her, he has a fairly agreeable relationship with Vel, a human that was lent to him by Movallo (diplomat to another empire) to help with diplomat duties. Vel earns his respect and they get along OK.
Old arts:
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therantingsage · 2 months
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Listen I love fankids and I love character design! Unfortunately I have no plans of making any fankids for these two in actual Finders Keepers canon because like...literally no way to do it they're too different biologically. So I adapted some instead! These are the only people I follow with fankids I think, but it's enough to make a decent spectrum as far as which parent they pull from. A few colors here n there have been adjusted just to make them look more related to my versions (super vibrant stuff makes them look like sparkledogs with how my designs work aksdjfhaskhf sorry Nyx specifically ily I promise).
Beanie by @electrozeistyking
Nyx by @thecosmiccrow
Colt and Akita by @lilblucat
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You see,nyx being a bad mother in LO is fucking stupid because in mythology:
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his ASS is not happy
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his ass was bedridden for 2 whole ass days. urs would also protest
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de-nyx · 5 months
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(She has mommy issues)
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I hate what that woman did to Nyx. Nyx in the myth was amazing and was as an AMAZING mother, very protective of her children. No way she’d just ignore Thanatos and dump him on that blue bitch.
Exactly! It boggles the mind that anyone would think that Nyx was a neglectful mother let alone an absent one. In mythology she was a very loving mother and adored ALL her children, especially Thanatos. That's why in my retelling of the golden age and Persephone's kidnapping I'm making Nyx much more of an openly loving, affectionate and involved mother, to the point that all of her children, and even some of Gaia's children, like Cronos, come to her for support and advice as well as motherly affection. Justice for Nyx! ✊✊✊
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neithy · 8 months
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Six Fanarts challenge featuring Lady Mari (Bloodborne), The Queen of Souls ( The Book of Life), Nyx (Hades), Raiponce (Tangled), Hera (Lore Olympus) and Milady of Winter (the Three Musketeers)
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Hey, for the other!tfp trio….let's assume that the team remained on really close contact despite the distance after the war (RID 2015 who knows you? Certainly not me). I wanna see a really touching reunion between the bots and their protegees, but here's the twist:
They return to their kids, only to find out that these three are no longer kids, but young adults (maybe late teens for Raf, because our future little Dragon always will be the youngest of the trio) and are no longer humans (cause they have fully embraced their other heritage)
This time-lapse could be explained by either A) the bots spending a bit longer on Cybertron and losing the human sense of time or B) The kids deciding to make a joint trip to elsewhere/the other side after the end of the war, where time doesn't move the same as in the human plane (they went as kids, but elsewhere spit them as grow ups even though this change doesn't make sense to the bots.... because they are seeing things from a human sense of time); now, when exactly these three got lost and then reborn, that's privy to them alone.... I prefer the B) option if you ask me....
Regardless, I think that these three would remain tightly nit, as tight as possible (they could be on the other extreme of the planet or any other plane, and yet they would return to each other...eventually). Cause after all the went through, separation is not an option for them
Reactions and talks/explanations are meant to happen in response to this..... and what roles June, the Esquivels and the Nakadais families had to play in all this
Ohhh, this is interesting. I hinted or understated in some pieces that time can get weird in Elsewhere as a call to the folktales and myths of humans stepping into an otherworldly space to spend a few hours there, and then stepping back to their world to find out decades had passed.
Perhaps it's their heritage, singing in their bone marrow and igniting from the Matrix's influence, June's own presence (haunting and hungry, no matter how muted or how well she hides her own teeth), or a strange combination. Perhaps it's the experiences they shared, forged in fire and blood as Earth's own chaotic nature. But these three are bonded. Intertwined with each other, even across the world.
Distance means both little and much to them now. They ventured onto foreign, alien planets and spaceships, traveled to lands across the world in the blink of an eye, and went on the run from a manhunt.
Miko keeps the Apex Armor and takes it back to Japan. At the right moments and when the urge gets too much to bear, she steps into the sea and goes farther than any of her relatives could go, even the ones that can hold their breath for 20 minutes.
She hasn't been the most filial of daughters, but she is her parent's child. Her sea-blooded mother stole back a human that survived and thrived from Elsewhere and claimed that man as a spouse. Bloodlust and wet works are no distant strangers to her. She's inexperienced but a willing learner. She already cut her teeth on foreign flesh.
Down in the dark depths where there's no difference between going up to the sun and going towards the abyss, but where her steps tread, she meets someone with pearly, iridescent scales across a long, serpentine body and a face so much like her own (and her mother's and her grandfather's and her-) with large, dark eyes with an amber ring.
After meeting the yokai that birthed her lineage centuries ago, Miko finds her way back to the Americas. A blessing and a warning kept in her heart.
(One day, Miko will understand what her sea-blooded mother meant when she told her that her father was a 'good Man.'
Raf's deep fascination (admiration, obsession) with space exploration and technology is taken in stride among the Esquivels. He doesn't raise any suspicion among them because that's how they all are.
He absorbs whatever he can, consuming the hard-earned lessons under Ratchet's care and oft-handed commentary. The Esquivels hunger and Raf is no different as he swallows how Cybertronian theory and application and attempts to further bridge between human and alien equipment.
Raf had found his teeth and his siblings recognized it as their baby brother doesn't disappear on them nor shrink away from their more vicious arguments.
(They are a family whose flesh descended from fire tempered by earth. Raging passion and violent temptations. Wicked protection and immense wrath. Voracious, cruel, and beastly, yet so very kind and vigilant.)
Mama kissed her youngest boy (because Raf will always be her baby boy) on his head and told him to be careful, praying for his safety as he went with Jack.
That protection will save them on a summer trip when Jack retraces his steps to all the places he once called home.
Ever since his mission to Cybertron, Jack dreams of strange, wistful things. An unquenchable thirst, an itch in his bones... he feels bereft for some reason.
He misses Arcee. He misses all of them. But for some reason, Jack
In the summer after graduation, he takes his new-used car and travels across the mainland United States. The windows are down as the radio blares, wind ruffles his hair as Raf laughs and tries to figure out maps since some locations are so off-beat that the GPS can't confirm the coordinates.
Deep in the bones of a decrepit old house he once called a home in his long-distant childhood because June and Jack moved repeatedly, hopping from place to place without rhyme or reason... there are the echoes of a wailing scream buried within it.
A living corpse for a copse of trees that guard the area.
(A mother will tell her son what exactly brews in their powerful blood and what she has done to ensure he grew up safe to make a choice.)
Elsewhere exists in so many ways, shapes, and forms. At one point, the legends and myths had once walked upon Earth and left their marks. Something happened in the unwritten, unspoken past that corralled those legends away.
The trio will venture through the many portals and gateways and have many more adventures as they realize there are far more Cybertronian relics on Earth...
Mermaid queens and Seelie emperors, dignitaries of unearthly shapes painted in enamel and precious jewels, sharp animals with sharper intelligence that speak in prose, the faint imprints in slumbering environments, and empty, the lingering remains of humanity's role among such great and terrible things.
(Humanity was (is) great and terrible themselves.)
(Miko's father is a 'good Man,' and that means something different to such beings.)
"Long ago, Man made peace with Magic." "Long ago, it was decreed that Man would stay."
Time isn't linear in Elsewhere which incorporates so much that a single or several maps would be useless. Time flows in so many directions that it's a constant battle to recognize and travel to and from their own particular section of a river.
Perhaps it's his heritage or a minor blessing from the Matrix, but Jack is more sensitive to flow and can locate the best spots for them to get back to their Earth. To the same week, month, or year they ventured away.
Miko explores her own bloodthirst and prey drive. The singing, thrumming chant in her blood and how the Apex Armor responds to it.
Raf hones his own instinct on his particular guidance to find portals and lucky happenstances. Between him and Jack's instincts for 'shiny' things, little can escape them.
In some worlds, they grow older. Aging and bulking, exploring how to reshape themselves and all sorts of careers. In others, they seem immortal compared to the rapid change around them in a species whose lifespan is a single human year.
"We could be gods here," says a man with a firestorm trapped in his bones and has become a dragon. Not a Dragon because he searches the stars for a mech he once called brother. "Are we not gods already?" The not-man made of shadows and feathers replies. He still dreams of a far-distant metal planet and realizes that it whispered to him back then. "Does it matter," laughs a woman encased in armor that's more like a second skin, tendrils sweeping upon the floor like the gentle motion of a calm tide upon the beach. Pink for her lost girlhood and passion, a warning and a sign from her many great-grandmother. Green as the metal she once called her kin.
When humans are pulled Elsewhere. Three things usually happen: they break there, they struggle or thrive, or they break at home.
"How many times have we done this?" A boy that's not really a boy, who shall become a dragon in so many lifetimes, asks his companions. (Raf keeps his sister's warning close to his heart as she once died in a foreign, strange desert and was resurrected in her own pyre to devour the city that enslaved her and so many countless others. Pilar has become a Dragon and that legacy between mortal and divine shall be her epitaph in a battlefield far sooner than later.)
Ratchet returns. Some things change, while some remain the same.
Jack tastes the grief and repressed anger upon the medic and leaves him be. Raf remembers Ratchet parked in the garbage and keeps the old medic busy between lessons and searches. Miko digs into the festering tangle of emotions, lapping into those wounds as she uses the Apex Armor on the training mats to absorb those fighting skills and grills for information about Cybertron and the rest of Team Prime.
She cares, she really does, but the boys' avoidance of Ratchet's issues won't help anyone, especially if (or when) the medic leaves the planet with no way to contact again.
Ratchet went Elsewhere twice. The first time was a rough pill to swallow as Team Prime never realized its existence. He wondered where the trio had scavenged a considerable amount of Energon crystals and the resources to guard the new base with all the newly acquired. He stiffly apologized to them because he had thrown hurtful words over their travels, calling them "superstitious" and "better than that" and "this is why you never applied yourselves" was the least of the insults. The second time, he realized just how much and fast humans age as he counted each tick on his chronometer as they ventured across new continents and strange seas. Those years and crippling injuries and strange bodies melt away from the trio as they return back to their native Earth and their baseline human form.
June visits them. Ratchet never thought to ask how she found them in Nevada when Agent Fowler would have never told a civilian about them. No one questioned how she managed to bypass all the security with her car.
He tallies all the strange, eerie signs as she leaves hints to solve their challenges, how she seems to appear when food is low and they're too busy to bring anything more substantial than a simple run to the nearest fast food joint or a quick foraging session, how all the security in the world, both Cybertron's and Earth's, cannot track her.
"I am what I need or want to be." The one called June Darby demurely answers.
The only family member of Raf's that Ratchet will officially meet is Pilar whose bones are filled to the brim with rituals, survival tips with monsters, gods, and hostile environments, and formal protocols in so many kingdoms, both dead and alive. She grieves as well. She had given up the Dragon to return home but her memories are bursting full of laughter and people and color when the crumbling ruins the new Team explores are long empty of an extinct people or a fallen kingdom.
"Sometimes I think I carved out parts of my heart and left it there. All I have left are the memories as I'm the only one that remembers the campfire songs and the lessons of all those who helped me."
Ratchet will never meet the Nakadai family face-to-face, but he gets a hint of what they are with all the messages and packages they send their only child. Izumi sends pointers on how to prepare certain sea creatures and how to differentiate the signs of an underwater portal in treacherous waters. Her husband will leave cryptid messages and strange, gold pieces. Sometimes he sends coordinates for Miko to dig up a weapons cache or an informant to cultivate.
Of course, things change when the not-quite-human trio spirit back a Primal Artifact of Quintus Prime...
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Lore: The Twin successors of Princess Eclipse: Nyx & Polaris.
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Midnight Eclipse has 2 kids whom she loved dearly... Both Nyx and Polaris shared similar interests: Martial arts, the love of learning new things and strengthening their bodies. Both love watching the wonder-bolts and playing the flute. It is commonly said that one would know if the other is in danger.
Among the two, Nyx is inclined to rage, and Polaris is more patient and understanding of the two. They are highly protective of each other and work as a team. Nyx supports her brother's decision to marry Rainbow Dash.
Nyx is also highly protective of her niece, little Nebula who idolizes her at times. (After the war)
/Hello everyone! Feeling stuck atm, will draw some character lore now and then. Any questions, just feel free send in xD. Thanks! - Mod
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avokadda · 1 year
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yesmissnyx · 5 months
Not exactly a question so I do apologize. So I’m a trans woman who’s still in the closet and I’ve been searching for names that fit me with little success. I have a few I like but none that feel viscerally right. Then I saw your blog and became enamored with the name Nyx. It’s funny, because I’m a mythology nerd and Nyx has always been one of my favorite goddesses and I’ve seen your name before on reposts but for some reason this time it clicked and I couldn’t have stopped myself if I wanted to.
So I wanted to thank you, even if you obviously didn’t do it on purpose, you were the cause of my eureka moment, and a name is such an important part of the journey. I decided not to use it yet, but to leave it as a goal, to motivate me to get to a place where I’m out and where I’ve done all the things depression has resulted in me putting off like losing weight and getting back on estrogen. That’s the meaning behind the-night-to-be, it’s a promise to myself. This is painfully awkward, but sincerely thank you. I might just also get around to actually using my blog, so maybe you’ll even see my name on reblogs one day like I saw yours. Hopefully if you do, my name will have already changed by then.
I hope it's okay that I'm answering this publicly because 🥺💕🙏 Holy shit, I am SO honored to have helped and inspired you to live your best life.
Names are weird! I've been through a lot in my life, both for professional and personal reasons. In my experience, you can't force a name. You just kind of have to wait around until they find you...but once they do??? The little ZING of recognition you feel when you realize that's you???
And I hope the journey to being the person you want to be is swift, easy and full of unexpected joys 💕
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