#obi wan kenobi x padawan!teen
Being Ahsoka Tano’s best friend would include
Pairings: Ahsoka Tano x reader
Imagine: being Obi-Wan’s padawan and Ahsoka’s best friend
Warnings: idk, Ahsoka leaving the order (I swear I can’t watch those episodes bc I cry every damn time, not because she’s leaving the order but bc she leaves people who care for her)
A/N I love Ahsoka and it’s a wonder I haven’t written anything for her before, but here I am writing for my fav girl so I hope someone out there will enjoy this <3
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Becoming friends as soon as you both met, which was when you were still in training to become a padawan, which means you grew up with each other
You’d study with eachother
Hype eachother up if one of you is feeling sad or stressed, literally just helping eachother with emotions and anything in general
Ahsoka running to you filled with excitement to tell you she’s becoming a padawan and her master will be the one and only Anakin Skywalker
You doing the same to Ahsoka when you found out your master will be the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi
Gossiping with each other
Getting in trouble together
Pranking people together with Fives, Waxer, Boil and a few others, you tried once to prank Cody, lesson learned you will never prank Cody again, he wasn’t to happy to have his helmet filled with blue and orange glitter (he still can find glitter to this day)
Obi-Wan now has to deal with three children (you, Anakin and Ahsoka) while Cody has to deal with more than five children (You, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Waxer, Boil…)
Did I mention getting in trouble together
Being another headache for the Jedi council and those who tries to protect you both and those trying to keep you out of trouble
Training your lightsaber skills with each other, being an excellent match because you always end up even because by know you know every move the other will make
Calling each other names that you hate just for the fun of it
If anyone else were to call either you or Ahsoka those names you would both go into protective mood, no one gets to call you two that but you two
Always defending and protecting each other, if it is when you get in trouble with the council or when you fight for example General Grievous doesn’t matter
I hate to write it down but sadly I think I need too after all it is a big part of Ahsoka’s life. When Ahsoka gets accused of the bombing I believe you would 100% side with her, you’re best fiends siblings after all and you always have each others backs. You try to help her prove her innocence but it didn’t go exactly as planned. We all know what happens and so when she decided to leave you were heartbroken, you couldn’t care less about the order you only cared about Ahsoka. You knew it was what she wanted so you let her go but you were still sad over it, and selfishly tried to convince her to stay because you didn’t want to be without her, after all you were practically siblings and grew up with each other. In the end she told you it was for the best and that she didn’t trust the order anymore, she’d always trust you and she did try to keep in contact with you but it was hard with the ongoing war
Then comes the times in the order without Ahsoka, and if I’m being honest I think you would kinda mope around when you thought no one was looking becasue you missed your best friend so much, your bad days become even worse because you didn’t have Ahsoka to cheer you up, but you managed as did Ahsoka who missed you as much as you missed her
I believe Obi-Wan would do his best to comfort you even though he knew as well as you that it would never be the same as Ahsoka comforting you and cheering you up, but he did his best, and that’s all you could of asked for
Anakin and you probably talked about Ahsoka a lot with eachother or avoided the topic all together
However Plo Koon talked to you about Ahsoka all the time
Skip to Ahsoka coming back with Bo-Katan to save Mandalore from Maul (why does autocorrect keep wanting to change his name to Mail), you convinced your master to let you come with Ahsoka, and so a new adventure started for the two of you
Then there’s order 66 and you, Ahsoka and Rex barely escaped
You and Ahsoka stuck together after that never leaving each other sides scared you would lose eachother again let’s not forget you got frequent calls from Rex and Obi-Wan talked to you sometimes through the force (but not much he was in hiding after all and so were you)
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night3owl · 2 years
Heyyy there! I saw your requests were open so I was hoping to place one!
Would you be open to possibly writing an Obi-Wan Kenobi x teen/ padawan reader fic that takes place during tcw where they have a really close bond/relationship and it’s just really sweet and cute?
If not, no worries and I hope you have a great rest of your day!! :) <33
A Nice Day Out
A/N: Sorry this took forever lol
Warnings: none i think :)
Word count: 1730
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You sit in a classroom, sharing a table with Ahsoka. You were in a class that all padawans have to take, so there was no being able to skip it. Or so you thought. Suddenly your Master, Obi-wan Kenobi, walked into the class and started talking to the knight who is teaching the class, pausing it.
“Padawan (Y/L/N), you’re free to go.” The knight said and nods to your Master. You get up and walk towards Obi-wan, looking back and seeing Ahsoka’s jaw slightly dropped, you give her a smirk and small shrug and continue walking. You reach you Master and he gently puts his hand on your upper back, leading you out of the classroom. Once you reach the hallway you furrow your eyebrows and have a confused look on your face.
“Shouldn’t I be in that class..?” You ask, pointing your thumb towards the classroom.
“Yes, but I’ve excused you from it, I’ll tell you what the lecture is later. Well, a summary of it.” Obi-wan replies with a small smile. He starts walking, “C’mon.”
“Where are we going?” You ask Obi-wan, putting your hands behind your back and following him.
“Patience (Y/N), you’ll see when we get there” Obi-wan replies, earning a nod from you. You walk past a group of younglings and eventually reach the hanger, following Obi-wan into a speeder. He starts it up while you get buckled in, knowing that he can drive a bit fast. He gives you a mock look of betrayal.
“I’m not that bad of a driver”
“At least you aren’t Anakin bad..?” You give him a sheepish look and get a chuckle from him.
Obi-wan gets buckled in and flies the speeder out of the hanger, the wind just barely missing your head. Moments later you’re in a lane filled with various speeders and small ships. You let out a yawn as you realize how tired you are. You rest your head on his shoulder, eyes droopy, as Obi-wan smiles.
“Get some sleep (Y/N), I’ll wake you when we get there.”
“(Y/N), we’re here,” Obi-wan slightly shakes you with his hand to wake you up. You immediately get hit with the smell of food and sit up, yawn, and stretch your arms. “C’mon,” Obi-wan unbuckles both of you and gets out of the speeder, you following suit.
“A diner?” You say while walking next to Obi-wan as he nods.
“An old friend owns this place,” Obi-wan says and you hum in response. You both walk into the diner and you look around, hearing a droid yell out to someone in the back. You hear a clink and look over to see a Besalisk.
“Obi-wan!” Dex calls from behind the counter.
“Hello Dex, we’re just here for food” Obi-wan responds with a smile.
“Alright, take a seat, I’ll be right with ya’” Dex walks out of view. You follow Obi-wan to a booth and sit on the opposite side of him, looking out the window. You sense Dex at the table and look at him, giving a small smile.
“Did you get a new padawan Obi-wan? They definitely aren’t Anakin!” Dex asks, making you and Obi-wan chuckle.
“Yes I did, and they definitely are better then Anakin, just don’t tell him I said that.” Obi-wan gives you a small smile.
“Alright, and what would you two like?”
After you two order, a droid comes over with some jawa juice for Obi-wan and a water for you. You both thank the droid and take sips of your drinks.
“What else do you have planned for today?” You ask Obi-wan with an eyebrow raised.
“You’ll see.” He says with a smirk, making you playfully roll your eyes.
You both eat your food and Obi-wan pays. You leave the diner, saying goodbye to Dex. You reach the speeder and you walk to the passenger side, but Obi-wan walks past. You furrow your eyebrows as he stops and turns around to look at you.
“Well come on, we aren’t going back to the temple just yet.” Obi-wan calls and you hurry to his side.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you two walk and you just receive a chuckle. “You aren’t going to tell me, are you?” Your question gets confirmed with a smirk.
After a few minutes of walking you arrive at an soft-serve ice cream parlor. You follow Obi-wan into it and stand next to him, waiting in line.
“What do you want?” Obi-wan asks you, glancing over to you while you’re looking at the menu.
“I dunno, maybe meloorun.?” You say over the course of a minute or two. “What are you gonna get Master?”
“The chai one, of course, it’s my favorite flavor” Obi-wan replies and you hum.
After waiting a few minutes in line you make it to the counter to order, a Kaminoan standing behind it with a smile.
“Welcome to Suni’s Ice Cream, what you like to order?” The Kaminoan asked, looking at you two.
“I would like a Chai cone” Obi-wan replies.
“Alright, one chai cone. And what would your child like?” The Kaminoan confirms.
“Wha?- I’m not- uhhhh” You stutter, you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“They would like a Meloorun cone” Obi-wan calmly answers for you.
“One Meloorun cone,” The Kaminoan confirms, typing it in on a data pad.
“And that’s it,” Obi-wan says, pulling out his credits.
“Alright, that will be 7.92 credits” the Kaminoan says, putting their hand out. Obi-wan gives the Kaminoan the proper amount of credits and the Kaminoan goes to the back. After a minute the Kaminoan comes back with both of your ice creams. You both grab your ice cream, thank the Kaminoan, and walk out of the shop.
You and your Master walk side-by-side on the sidewalk, eating your ice cream in comfortable silence. Obi-wan leads you back to the speeder as you both finish your cones. You both get in the speeder and Obi-wan starts it up while you put on your seatbelt. The speeder goes upwards and into a lane, going towards the Jedi Temple.
After a few seconds you decide that it’s too quiet and pull out a datapad, connecting it to the speeder. You put on your favorite playlist and put it down. You look over and see Obi-wan dancing in his seat to the music and laugh, soon joining him in his dancing. Time flied while you two vibed in the speeder as you quickly approached the temple. Or Obi-wan was going over the speed limit. Who knows? Obi-wan parks the speeder in the hanger and you jump out, knowing the sun is setting.
You have Obi-wan follow you to the gardens and you make it before the sun fully sets. You both sit on a bench and watch the sun set. You rest your head on his shoulder, savoring this moment. You feel your eyes begin to droop, sleep eventually taking over you again.
-a little bonus thing :)-
“Kid, kid wake up,” You hear a familiar person waking you up. You were in your bed again, Obi-wan put you there last night after you fell asleep.
“Yes Cody?” You sit up and yawn, rubbing the sleep your eyes. You look at your clock, 04:00.
“C’mon, we’re making the general a cake.” He walks to the door.
“Hm? Why?” You ask, still a bit drowsy.
“It’s his birthday,” Cody replies from the doorway. You nod and hum in response, getting up from your bed and following Cody out to the shared common room you have. You see Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex already out there, caf in their hands. Cody leads you over to the kitchen and hands you your own caf in your favorite mug. You let out a yawn and take a sip.
“Thanks Cody,” You say, knowing he made it since it’s just how you like it. You get a nod and small smile in return.
“What kind of cake are we making?” You ask no one in particular. You get multiple grumbles in response.
“Seriously? No one knows what kind of cake to make for him?” You sigh, taking a gulp of caf.
“Well, none of us really knows what kind of cake he would like, not even me! We usually just go out on his birthday!” Anakin whines, making you think back to yesterday. You hum and get a datapad, ‘chai cake recipe’.
“Aha! I found what to make, he said that chai was his favorite flavor yesterday, so why not bake a chai cake?” You explain to everyone, shrugging. Everyone gathers in the kitchen as you put the recipe up on a hologram.
Three cake batter’s later—Anakin tripped and dropped the first one and Cody added way too much butter to the second one—the cake comes out of the oven. You already toothpick tested it so you knew it was baked.
“What type of frosting should we do?” Ahsoka asks, holding up chocolate, vanilla, and cinnamon frosting. Everyone hums in thought.
“We could add caf to the vanilla one, then it would be like a breakfast cake.” Rex states while shrugging and everyone agrees.
By the time it turned 06:00 the cake was cooled, frosted, and decorated. With surprisingly no mess too. You could just barely hear Obi-wan’s alarm go off and then stopping.
“Alright everyone, we got half an hour until Obi-wan comes out, let’s make it quick.” Anakin whispers, taking out a box of decorations from a cabinet.
Everyone speeds around putting up decorations, but also being as quiet as possible. You had managed to get them all up within 20 minutes and had some time to relax, sipping on caf with birthday hats on. Ahsoka could just barely hear Obi-wan walking to his door at exactly 06:30 and signals everyone that he’s coming. Everyone quietly runs to his door, hoping he was still tired and doesn’t sense you with the force since he hasn’t had his caf yet.
“SURPRISE!!” Everyone yells out, making Obi-wan jump back a few inches. Obi-wan looks around the room with a smile on his face as Anakin sneaks around him and puts a hat on his head.
“How long have you five been up? This had to have taken a while.” Obi-wan asks no one in particular. Everyone else looks around.
“Uhhhhhh- at least we have caf?”
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youkenobiserious · 2 years
Limerence - Obi Wan X Reader
Ok this is the first chapter of the master x master fic !!! the story will inevitably be 18+ so minors stay away for the love of god.
1k words | AFAB Reader | I have wayyyy too much time on my hands and I wrote this in less than a day so I'll for sure post the second part soon!! Enjoy my loves!!
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Limerence- An old-fashioned way to describe intense feelings of obsession or infatuation with someone.
The Jedi Order has been your whole life. Since you were seven months old, you’d been raised to live the Jedi way. People respected the Jedi, they were peacekeepers. Whispers of their greatness could be heard throughout the galaxy. But the reality of the Jedi was not as glamorous as it was made out to be. Of course, it was a privilege to be a part of something so important, but sacrifices had to be made to maintain its importance. Some of it was easy, practicing honesty, self discipline, and honoring the Jedi Order as a whole. Defending the weak and upholding your duties to the Republic felt easy enough, even letting go of attachments was something you had been successful at for the most part. No matter how disciplined padawans could be, once they had reached their late teens and early adult years, the tension was so thick it could be cut through with a blade. Thankfully, constant missions and tasks ensured that padawans rarely had time to socialize let alone give into any desires. You had even experienced some of the tension, unable to avoid someone eyeing you flirtatiously, there was no harm in flirting after all. And young Obi Wan Kenobi was no exception. Of course, if you told Anakin that his rule-following master was once young and defiant he’d call you a liar. Obi Wan was a year or so older than you and came from the planet Stewjon. He was bubbly and excited when you’d first met him, so much life bursting at the seams, but as he grew older he became more quiet and determined. People often joked that Qui Gon Jinn managed to tame young Kenobi by being even more unpredictable. In his earlier years, Kenobi had teasingly flirted with his fair share of fellow initiates but always seemed to pay a little extra attention to you. Intimidated by the idea of being thrown out of the Jedi Order for rule breaking, you’d shied away from any provoking compliments he paid you. As the years had gone on and missions had become more consistent, you saw less and less of the striking young Jedi, and came into your own. Under the watch of Master Luthra you’d become a powerful and disciplined Jedi and passed the trials with flying colors. Obi Wan on the other hand, had already managed to find himself a padawan to give him a run for his money, a young boy named Anakin. Things had been going well for you, you’d been helping around the temple and were ready to take on a padawan. There were even rumors that you’d be offered a seat on the council within the coming months. You hadn’t seen Obi Wan since Qui Gon had died a few months back, when one afternoon he returned. You heard the pair before you saw them, Anakin was always quite animated when he returned from a successful mission. The young boy bounded through the halls excitedly as Obi Wan followed closely behind with an exhausted look on his face. A smile crossed your lips as Anakin let everyone in the dining hall know that his master had taught him how to swim. You turned to watch Anakin rush through the dining hall and off into one of the many corridors attached. Obi Wan brushing past you gently pulled you from your thoughts.
“You taught him how to swim?” You asked, an almost undetectable undertone of playfulness in your voice.
Obi Wan grunted in response, “I taught him how to swim.”
You saw Obi Wan later that evening when everyone else had gone to sleep. You were standing out on a balcony that overlooked the steps to the temple. In the distance, Coruscant was buzzing with life. Sometimes you wondered what it would have been like if you hadn’t been born force sensitive. You knew nothing about where you came from, you’d been at the temple since you were seven months old. You’d given up on trying to envision your parents years ago, but every once in a while, that same curiosity returned. The sound of footsteps approaching pulled you from your thoughts. You looked over your shoulder to see Obi Wan heading your way. He no longer had a padawan braid and his hair was starting to grow out from the blunt buzzcut he used to sport. Even in the dark he was beautiful. It was no secret that he was attractive, it had been a common topic during your training days, but you’d tried your best to ignore it. But when he was walking over to you with those glistening blue eyes, it was impossible to deny. 
“Mind if I join you?” He asked.
“Please,” you replied, stepping to the side to allow him more room.
He stepped forward and casually rested his arms on the balcony railing, looking out over the city. You stood in silence for a moment, admiring his features in the moonlight. 
Obi Wan turned to you, “I heard you took the trials.”
You hum in response.
“Congratulations, Master Y/n,” he says cooly.
A light chuckle escapes your lips as you turn to face the city, “Thank you. How was your mission?”
He pauses for a moment, looking for the right words, “It was certainly an experience. Anakin is a bit of a handful, but he means well.”
“And you finally taught him to swim,” you reminded him with a giggle, “Tell me, what did that look like?”
You returned your gaze to him as an exaggerated sigh left his mouth.
“It felt like teaching a newborn Eopie to run.”
“That bad?” 
“He learned fast enough but it felt so wrong,” Obi Wan let out a real laugh, one you hadn’t heard from him in what felt like ages, “I’ve never seen him struggle so much.”
You laughed with him, envisioning the young boy splashing around. You stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying the night breeze, before Obi Wan turned to you once more.
“The boy and I leave tomorrow morning,” he told you flatly.
For whatever reason, you felt your heart sink, “Where to?”
“The outer rim,” he replied, “We’ll be out there for a month or two at least.”
You looked away and bit your lip. There was nothing between you, he had stopped blatantly flirting with anyone years ago, but whenever you two crossed paths the air felt heavy. It felt as if there were an infinite amount of words unsaid. But, no matter how thick the tension felt, neither of you had ever crossed that line. And you wouldn’t tonight. So you turned on your heel and headed toward the door.
“I’m gonna get some sleep,” you told him with a sad smile, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” he repeated, mirroring your expression, “Goodnight, Y/n.”
“Goodnight, Obi Wan.”
The next morning he was gone.
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 24
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
Rating: A OK for all!
WARNINGS!: self doubt, little angst, otherwise just fine.
A/N: This is a predominantly Anakin centric chapter. This is a wrap up to the prior sections, but be warned the next arc is gonna hurt. This may seem a filler but it does have some key nuggets that are important.
Picture Credit: Dendy Dhamier (art station.com) and Koni-art (deviant art)
Word Count: 1458 ish
Masterlist Next part
The three of you returned to the Temple a week after Life Day. As much as you felt the weight return at being back, at least you were worried far less than before. Obi Wan was finally able to put the past where it belonged and Anakin had now found his way as well. The two of them talked, actually talked with one another, as a Master and Apprentice should. Anakin no longer held back his thoughts, letting you both know the full philosophy of a young Padawan. Obi Wan had found the patience needed to properly guide the boy, even if it was laced with his usual brand of sarcasm.
On exiting the ramp you saw a familiar, green face. Master Yoda sat on his hover chair, walking stick in hand. “Young Skywalker, learned much have you?”
Anakin grinned, “Yes Master Yoda, I have. And we brought you something!”
The old Master chuckled, “A lesson perhaps? Or the small friend in your pocket?”
Both you and Obi Wan glanced down at the guilty look on your Padawan's face, followed shortly by a small mewing. This caused Master Yoda to laugh even harder. Anakin sighed, “I don't think I can really give another living thing away.”
“an insight from one so young, and very true it is.”
Anakin pressed instead a rounded piece of sea glass into Yoda's hand, “I found this one day when Master Obi Wan was teaching be by the tide pools. When you hold it up to the light it looks like a star map.”
Yoda turned the beautiful piece of glass, indeed it did look like a map of the galaxy. “In the eye of the beholder, is the beauty of anything.”
“Master Y/n says that as long as you know where you are, you can always find a way back. I know you probably don't ever feel lost but it's still really pretty.” Small shoulders shrugged, now feeling a little silly about the gift he picked.
“Why foolish feel you? Almost 900 am I and still lost can I be. A most wondrous gift is this, padawan.” the old master waited for the boy's eyes to look at him. “lost can we all become. But from friends and teachers may we find our way home, yes?”
“Yes Master Yoda.” Anakin's smile returned, satisfied that he hadn't flubbed the tradition.
a few weeks later
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The nights on Coruscant were anything but peaceful. The upper levels filled with the party life of the affluent and in the lower levels the bars were full of working people spending their wages on cheep beer. It was the cycle of life on most planets but occasionally one would get the odd interloper. People who wished to disappear or who were meant not to be found.
As Anakin made his way to the garage in the back of Maffa’s bar he bumped shoulders with a teen not much older than him. “Hey…”
“Sorry, didn’t see you,” the thin face looked up at him, dark circles rimed bleak eyes.
“Are you ok?” Anakin may be on personal business, but this was a person who needed help.
“Yeah just trying to get back before it gets too dark, I'll be ok. You should get home too kid, not safe after dark ya know.” The voice was high pitched, their hair the color of the neon above them. The other kid must have been cold even with the coat given their pale complexion. “Are you lost or something?”
“No just going to see a friend. Do you want me to walk you home?”
The young teen chuckled, “and they say chilvery is dead. Nah I'm just up the block, but thanks. You're a good one. I'll see ya 'round.”
Anakin probed a bit into the mind of this stranger, finding fear and sorrow, but also a brightness that refused to be dimmed. Nodding he gave a wave, sensing that there wouldn't be further persuading the girl. “Ok, see you.”
The stranger waived and dashed off into the night.
“Little speedster! What brings you to me today?” Maffa smiled warmly from his stool in the garage as Anakin approached. The young man’s robe was drawn tight concealing something.
“Hey Mr. Sweets I was wondering if maybe you might be able to help me with something?” Once Anakin saw Sweets subtle nod he then allowed the small tooka to peer out from the opening in his robes with a small mew. “My little friend needs a home and I can’t keep her at the Temple. I don’t suppose you might like animals?”
The old Keeterian laughed heartily then came to stand and appraise the small tawny creature. Sweets held out a hand and the cat leapt readily onto him, climbing up to settle on his shoulders Purring like an engine. “Speedster what you don’t find hehehee… don’t suppose you’d come by and visit us both more often if I say yes?”
“As much as my Masters will let me!” the boy was pleased beyond words.
When they had returned to the Temple he was given instruction to find the small beast a home. As much as it stung he knew that Master Obi Wan was right, the kitten didn’t belong cooped up in the Temple while he trained. Master Y/n had asked around the hospital but none of her friends could take the little fluff, Maffa had been his last hope. “Thank you Mr. Sweets. She’ll catch all the rats and keep the speeders free of nests.”
“And how was your journey?” Maffa asked as he stroked the little tooka. “Been missing my best mechanic.”
“It was really nice, I almost didn’t want to come back. It was...Free.” Anakin studied some of the parts on the cart in front of him. “Hey Mr. Sweets can I ask you something?”
“Of course Speedster, what’s on your mind?”
Truthfully there was another reason Anakin had come down here, he needed non Jedi advice. He had always known that his two Masters had a deep affection for one another. During their time off world Anakin had really come to realize the connection that they had. He wasn’t sure what he should do. “If something is happening that bends a rule, but no one is getting hurt, then is it really so bad?”
“Well now that depends, what kind of rule we talkin’ kid?” Maffa saw the boy’s hesitation, “I swear nothing leaves the garage, the word of a gentleman and racer.”
Anakin didn’t want to say more than was necessary but really needed an answer, “Is falling in love such a bad thing?”
“Ooooohhhh, I see.” Maffa scratched his chin thoughtfully a moment. “Well now here’s how I see it Speedster, if the love that two people feel is real, unreserved and unselfish, then no it can’t be wrong. You see there are a lot of people who say that they’re in love but it ain’t the genuine article…those are the ones ya have to be wary of. Love is a gift, not a possession do you understand.”
Anakin took a while to evaluate the statement. Neither Master Obi Wan nor Y/n had a selfish bone in their bodies. Both of his Masters fulfilled their duties, worked hard, and they always took care of him. “So then as long as the love isn’t controlling it can’t be a bad thing then?”
“Exactly and I’ll tell you this next bit for nothing.” He motioned the young man closer to him. “When it comes to those we love we protect them with all we have, no greater reason to fight than that Speedster.”
Anakin nodded, reminded of how you and Obi Wan defended him time and again. Of how his Mother had protected him as best she could. The code was wrong, there was no reason Anakin could see that love would be a bad thing. “Thanks Mr. Sweets, I think I got it figured out now.”
“Hehehee… Don’t go fearing love son, it’s the best thing in the world, despite what those crazy monks teach.” Maffa waived in the direction of the Temple.
“Oh hey I ran into a kid on my way in, do they work for you?”
“Were they wearing a black coat with wings on it?” Maffa saw Anakin nod at this, “That’s baby girl, she brings me parts, sometimes washes dishes and waits tables, little odd jobs.”
“Really? She seemed nervous, wanted to get home quick.” Anakin wasn’t so sure about the story.
“Well she’s had a rough go of it, family kicked her out and trying to make it on her own, going to school too. I know her Uncle Brex and try to keep an eye out for her.” Maffa sighed, then a thought occurred to him. “Say doesn’t little Y/n have connections at the responder school at the hospital?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“Well Speedster I have a thought... Have Y/n call me when you get back, eh.” Now that Maffa thought on it the idea was perfect, you wouldn’t be able to resist helping a budding medic and an outcast to boot.
@meshlasolus @stanny-uwu @nurseytypechick @just-dreaming-marvel @in-a-mellow-tone @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @songoficecreamandfireworks @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @obiknights @iambored24601 @purplepandora666 @misscamptl @ginger-swag-rapunzel @the-going-merry @iabrokengirl @foxperifoto @annasun13 @moostresskenobi @lovelyxlily
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
One Lass Kiss
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47480059 by Kenob1s "One day you will ask me which life is more important mine or yours, I will say mine, then you will walk away not knowing you're my life" Two padawan spark a forbidden romance and have to face the consequences of war. [AshokaTano x Oc] [Season 1- Season 7 of the Clone wars] Words: 256, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Original Female Character(s), Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Clone Troopers (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, 501st Legion Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), 212th Attack Battalion Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Jedi Council (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala, Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan Kryze, Jedi Characters (Star Wars) Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Reader, Ahsoka Tano & Reader, Ahsoka Tano & Original Female Character(s), Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano Additional Tags: Jedi Reader (Star Wars), Fluff, Angst, Useless Lesbians, Sith Magic & Rituals (Star Wars), Friends to Lovers, One Big Happy Family, References to Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Lightsabers (Star Wars), Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Father-Daughter Relationship, Brother-Sister Relationships, Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), Sad, Everyone Needs A Hug, Gay, Teen Romance, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), Jedi Temple (Star Wars), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Spoilers, Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets a Hug read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47480059
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book-place · 2 years
Remembering Normal
Warnings: slight Obi-Wan spoilers (takes place before ep 1 so it’s just information you would be getting from there), mentions of Order 66, mentions of character death, hints of ptsd, nightmares, slight cursing, crappy guys, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Obi-Wan x teen reader
Requests: HEY THERE, can I request Obi Wan conforting his padawan that had a heartbreak for the first time? Thank youuu
Oh boy am I glad I stumbled upon your blog, I've been dying for obiwan x platonic!reader (where reader is obi wans padawan but he also kinda raised her so its almost father/daughter like, same age range around ashoka) and it's so difficult to find 🥺 Could I get like a post order 66 where obiwan as deciding to go to tatooine and they send reader with him? Really I'm fine with anything, from that or the show but with reader added in, I'm craving so much lol. And pls tag me in any that you do!
(Sorry if this wasn’t what either of you had in mind- if you don’t like it then just lmk and I’ll try to fix it!!)
Requests by: @ensheass @fabulousapple
*not my gif*
Summary: After everything the two of you had been through, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but sometimes feel like he raised you
A/N: This is a mess- it’s all over the place; also, a very special thanks to @lemonadeandkoolaid for motivating me to do this lol
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Obi-Wan turned his head to the side, brown eyes locking onto your steadily breathing form immediately.
He let himself stay on the bed for another minute, eyes already ridding themselves off the sleepy state that he had just been in as whatever dreams he had been having faded away.
He couldn’t help the small feeling of gratitude that welled up in his chest. You hadn’t woken up because of another nightmare last night. For the past week you had been waking up every night screaming, flashbacks of that terrible day playing on repeat in your mind.
More than anything, he wished that he could just wave his hand and make them go away. Make you forget everything that you were forced to go through. At such a young age nonetheless.
Letting out a long sigh that partially sounded like a groan, the ex Jedi swung his feet over the side of his bed and ran his hands down his face.
Time for another day.
Lazily, he walked over to your bed, shaking your left leg slightly to wake you up, feeling slightly guilty as he did so because you had finally been able to get some sleep.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you sat up in a jolt, wide eyes whipping around the room before they landed on a calm and collected Obi-Wan.
“Time to get up.” He said, voice slightly groggy still, ignoring your reaction.
With a small hum, you nodded and swung your legs over the side of your bed, running your hands down your face. Repeating the exact process that the man had done just moments before.
“We have the early shift today.” He reminded you softly, moving to your makeshift kitchen area and beginning to prepare breakfast for the both of you.
This emitted a small groan on your part, and he subconsciously let a small smile grow on his face.
“How did you sleep?” You asked quietly, pushing yourself off the hard surface that you called your bed.
“As well as expected.” Came his reply before a slight pause, as if hesitating, “You?”
You quieted, coming to stand next to him at the counter and began helping with the food, “Fine.” You said, forcing a smile onto your face as you glanced at him.
He looked at you suspiciously, but didn’t push it, which you were beyond grateful for.
In truth, you had woken up in the middle of the night because of another nightmare, but you had caught yourself before you could start screaming, trying to give Obi-Wan as much sleep as he could get.
Luckily for you, the topic seemed to fly right out of his mind as soon as the food was ready.
You had met Obi-Wan Kenobi at the mere age of four, being one of the youngest force-sensitive children ever to be sent out as a padawan learner.
When the Jedi master had first seen you, he thought that you were far too young for anything like that, but he soon learned that you were far beyond your years in terms of controlling the force.
It was no secret that he had grown fond of you immediately, taking you under his wing and caring for you more than other masters seemed to care about their padawans.
He would go out of his way to make sure that you had enough ration packs each day, keep watch at night if it meant that you could sleep, and constantly worrying about you when the two of you were sent on missions.
In a way, he felt like he had raised you.
Then Order 66 happened a year later, and everything you had ever known broke apart before your very eyes.
Within hours the Jedi Temple was gone, dead bodies littered across every hallway and in every room. The clones- your friends- had turned on you and your master while in the middle of a mission, trying to kill the two of you. The senator Padame Amidala, who you considered a friend, was said to have died while giving birth to twins. And Anakin Skywalker, a fellow master of yours, was rumored to have gone to the dark side before he was stopped by a very powerful Jedi Knight.
So when Obi-Wan said that he was going to Tatooine to watch over young Luke, you of course joined him, having absolutely nobody- and nowhere- left to go to.
To that day you still couldn’t grasp onto what had happened, waking up everyday to hoping that it was just a nightmare and you were really on a mission with Obi-Wan and Anakin, doing what you were supposed to do. Taking down the Sith to save the Galaxy.
Because even though it was a war, it was all that you had ever known and it gave you a sense of familiarity when you thought about it.
But everyday you woke up to disappointment.
The two of you began to eat your food in silence, each too consumed by your own thoughts to even attempt to make small talk, not that you guys had to anymore. You could pretty much tell what the other was thinking by just looking at them. That’s what happened when you spent so much time with a single person.
Afterwards, you each finished getting ready for the day and wordlessly went on your way.
You were both silent on the way to work, when you got there, while you were working, and on the way back to town.
What was there to speak about? You both saw each other every day, nothing new was happening with either of you that the other didn’t know about. No longer did you two have to discuss battle strategies or study maps until they were engraved in your mind.
People in the town would often whisper about you two.
The man and the teenager who were never seen apart, silently walking side by side. Her eyes sharp and his tired. Him moving in front of her protectively at the first sight of even a little bit of danger. Her being the one to do the talking if either of them ever had to. Both of them disappearing to wherever they lived at the end of the day, not to be seen again until they have to leave for work the next day.
The supposed father and daughter. Nobody knew their exact relationship, but they could only be left to assume after absolutely no information on them whatsoever.
Of course, neither of you knew about these whispers. Thinking that you were practically invisible to the town, not knowing that you’re the ones that the children made up stories about and the adults gossiped about.
And though both of you had lived there for ten years, and these people had seen you grow up from being a little girl, they still almost never tried to approach either of you.
“I’ll go get us some dinner.” You said quietly, not really finding the point in speaking up any louder.
Obi-Wan nodded, trusting you to be out on your own as he decided to focus on getting some new gloves, seeing how his were torn apart.
You floated through the crowds, not really noticing or caring that people parted for you slightly, and whispers of your name were leaving people's lips.
Your fake name, that is. You had to change it when you moved there, afraid that someone would find out who you truly were.
You made your way inside a small store, one of the very few that was able to afford an indoor shop, and began grabbing a couple of essentials for the rest of the week, before making your way over to a worker to pay.
The worker was a boy around your age from the looks of it, and he straightened up his slouched stance as soon as he saw you approach.
“I’ll just take these, please.” You said softly and politely.
When you and your master had moved to that planet, you had done everything in your power to lay low and that even meant changing your normally confident demeanor of your five year old self, into a shy and quiet one as to not bring attention to yourself.
And as time went on, you supposed that what you were pretending to be actually became a part of you, because you knew almost nothing else, your memory had begun to give out on you and you remembered less and less of what your life used to be like.
The boys mouth dropped open, probably not having expected you to talk, “Oh, uhh.- yes-right. Yes, that will be seven credits.” He stumbled a little over his words and you had to stifle a giggle.
A small smile appeared to have made its way onto your face though, and when the boy saw this a large grin grew on his own face.
You almost never smiled anymore, you couldn’t remember the last time you did that wasn’t with Obi-Wan. And even when you did with him, it was very brief and never lasted long because there wasn’t much in you lives to smile about.
Without dropping the smile, you handed him the credits and with a small ‘thank you’, you turned to walk away, but were stopped when you heard him call after you.
“Wait!” You turned, a little surprised, and saw him standing there, rubbing his hand up and down his neck, “I was just wondering if you- you know… wanted to meet up some time.”
This time, you were very surprised, and you let it show on your face.
“I mean, only if you want to.” He rushed out, eyes quickly widening in panic, “I get off of my shift in a couple hours and we can go to the cantina if you want!”
A slow smile made its way onto your expression, “Sure, that sounds nice.” You had no idea what was going on, but you couldn’t exactly say that you hated it. And what was wrong with making a friend?
“Great!” He proceeded to tell you the time he would be there and then ask you if you would be free then.
“Yes! I’m definitely free then-“ Before you could continue, you were cut off by another voice.
“There you are.” Obi-Wan's voice held a sharpness that you hadn’t heard in a long time. His back was tense and his eyes were hard, “You were taking a long time.”
If you hadn’t been surprised before, you sure as hell were now. He hadn’t used that tone with you since the war when you did something reckless (he hadn’t needed to after that because of how quickly you grew up and matured), never mind in front of another person, the ones that you two were supposed to be laying low in front of.
“Ben.” You said in surprise, the name still sounding forgein to you no matter how many times you have said it, “I was just-“
“Come on.” His voice was stern, and he was glaring slightly at the new boy who you were still yet to know the name of, “We need to go home.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” The boy piped up - and judging by Obi-Wans state- stupidly.
The man’s glare deepened, “I wasn’t speaking to you.” He practically hissed through gritted teeth.
Trying to shake off your confusion, you looked up at Obi-Wan, grabbing his arm gently and beginning to pull him away.
Whatever was happening was so… unlike him, and you almost felt like you couldn’t recognize the man standing in front of you when you looked over at him. He was wearing a look that you hadn’t remembered seeing since the time of the war.
Finally breaking his gaze away from the boy, he stomped off ahead of you, leaving you to try and jog to catch up with him, neither one of you sparing a look at the confused- and now slightly horrified- boy who was trying to figure out what had just happened.
The whole way back to your home, you had attempted to interrogate him about what had just happened, but he simply shrugged you off every time. Leaving you to eventually just give up.
By the time you had gotten back, you had made the decision to give him the silent treatment until he told you what was going on, and so far he wasn’t giving in. So neither were you.
When Obi-Wan had asked you if you wanted to accompany him to watch over Luke, you had just stared back at him blankly until he sighed and went by himself.
You were grateful that he didn’t push it, because then you could have time to yourself to sneak away and meet up with the boy. If Obi-Wan had a problem with it, then he should have just told you what was bothering him. Now he can live with the consequences of his actions.
With that, you changed into the nicest clothes that you owned- which weren’t much considering you didn’t need a lot while living on a desert planet while trying to lay low.
Giving yourself a nod of satisfaction, you made your way back into town and to the place where the boy had told you to meet him.
The cantina was a decent size, not as big as some you've been to, but not exactly as small either. It was pretty good considering the planet that you were on.
As soon as you had walked in, you had scanned the restaurant, only to come up empty handed when there was no sight of him.
You determined that you were probably just a few minutes early, and took a seat in the back corner facing the door so that you could see each other when he came in.
A droid had come over to ask for your order, but you had politely told it that you would just be waiting for someone and as soon as he came you would order.
You waited for half the night.
By that point you had become so aware of all the people whispering to one another, glancing and pointing at you. The girl who wouldn’t order because she was supposedly waiting for someone that was clearly never going to come.
So with as much dignity as you could muster, you stood straight up and walked out the door, keeping your chin raised and eyes forward, refusing to let people see how you were really feeling inside. Hiding your emotions from them.
Though you were young, you knew that people around your age all over the Galaxy had already experienced this type of thing a million times. But you weren’t like those people.
You were raised your whole life being told to have no attachments, and though you weren’t attached to that boy, you grew to realize that you had subconsciously become attached to the idea of having a friend- having anything normal.
So with an unsettling feeling in both your stomach and your heart, you trekked back to your home, head down and lost in deep thoughts.
As soon as you stepped in through the door, your eyes snapped up in surprise to see Obi-Wan pacing back and forth between the walls. Normally the two of you would camp out just outside of Luke's aunt and uncle's farm if you were watching over him and it got too late. So you hadn’t been expecting to see him back.
“Obi-“ He cut you off sharply.
“Where have you been?” He demanded, coming to a halt in front of you, and it wasn’t hard to detect the worry in his voice and face. Then a look of realization crossed his face, “You were meeting that boy weren’t you?” An indecipherable look appeared on his face and you couldn’t help but look away.
“Save the lecture.” You mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, “He didn’t even show up.”
Obi-Wan felt his face and heart soften at hearing this, and he sighed before striding over to your side, seeing past your tough exterior. Looking - almost into your soul- and into the part of you that was hurting. In pain.
“I’m sorry.”
The sincerity on his voice made your eyes snap up to meet his, and for the first time since before you could remember, you felt your eyes well up in tears over something that had nothing to do with the war.
“I just wanted to be normal.” Your voice cracked and Obi-Wan felt a sadness swallow him up as well as a sense of guilt, it was probably his fault the boy didn’t show anyway.
“I know.” He mumbled, pulling you to his chest soothingly, gently rocking the two of you back and forth, “I know. I’m sorry.” He continued to mumble into your hair, placing a gentle kiss in it.
There were two things that Obi-Wan knew about his life at that moment. One of those things was that things would never go back to how they used to be. With the Jedi. With Anakin. Without the Empire. And the other thing was that no matter how old the two of you would get, Obi-Wan would do everything he could to look out for you. Just like he had for as long as you could remember.
Star Wars Taglist: @spidyyparker @fabulousapple @femalemarvelself
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agirlunderarock · 3 years
White Lie- A Star Wars fanfic Part 1
A/N: This has taken me too long to write this. It was just supposed to be a one shot, but after writing this chapter, I realized theres a lot more I actually want to dive into with these characters and pre-clone wars. Needless to say it turned out a lot longer than I really thought it was going to be and I’m still working on chapter 2.  That being said, I am also posting to Ao3 if you’d prefer to read there, since tumblr can be giant mess. All I can say is that when I first saw Attack of the Clones when I was a kid, I fucking LOVED Zam Wessel. Like I know she only has like five minutes of screen time but I thought she was just the coolest character. So Sas and Crix are sorta the result of my love of Zam. But yeah, I hope this turns out to be a fun read for you guys! 
Summary:  With growing tensions bringing the Republic ever closer to civil war, Obi-Wan Kenobi isn't all that surprised when he and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker assigned to investigate a trail of missing weapons and rampant piracy on the edge of the Outer Rim. After following a lead on smuggler, and pirate Sas Vom, the two Jedi find themselves drawn into a planet on the verge of civil war. The question of whether or not the Jedi and the Pirate can work together to prevent two wars is a given. The real question is will Anakin have enough painkillers for the massive headache they'll give him.
Pairings: None at this time, or I guess you could call it Obi-WanxOriginal Character pre-relationship? I’m not too sure. This one is for my fellow aces and aros who flirt for fun/ want the banter but not a romantic relationship at the end of this story. (I’m asexual-demiromantic, everything is going to have that vibe or be an agonizing slow burn) 
Warnings: Uhhh I marked it teen and up for language. I wrote a reason for the characters to say Fuck instead of Kriff, but like thats about the worst of it.Thers some mentions of character death, but they’re not canon characters
Word Count: 7714
Read on AO3
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Heels of her boots just reaching over the control panel for her ship, Sas was trying to keep from falling out of her chair, and maintain the luxury of propping up her feet with little success. With a disappointed sigh she shifted her weight to her elbows and lowered her feet onto the ground. Outside there was nothing but the expanse of stars making up the Savareen Sector, in the distance the blue and yellow glow of Christophsis shown through the window. To her side, her sister Crix tapped quickly on the data pad in her lap looking through the list of shipments and manifests they were provided. Their own supply stocks were starting to run low, so it was about time for them to go on a supply run.
Sas thought her little sister’s black hair looked almost purple in the dim lighting. If it weren’t for the soft glow of the data pad in her hands she would have appeared full Pantorian like their mother. Of course it helped that Crix had the yellow tattoos of their mother’s family etched into their skin, but her green canvas marked them both as outsiders among their mother’s people. If Sas was lucky she could paint the tattoos on and they’d stay despite the sweat and dirt on her face. Those days were few and far between, however. Once upon a time this bothered Sas, but seeing as she was banished from her father’s home planet of Zolan, nor ever had the chance to live with her mother’s family, she learned to accept it. 
“What are we looking at today on the gracious Corellian Run?” Sas asked, spinning her chair. 
“Well…” Crix started, “You want the full list or you know- the manageable ones out of what Jayn sent us?”
“The one where we stand a chance of getting what we came for.”
“You mean the tiny cargo ships with minimal crew still docked on Christophsis-”
“Ding ding ding! Exactly!” 
Crix hummed, her long fingers moving swiftly over the screen. “According to Jayn’s list, there’s small cargo ship docked there...Looks like it’s on its way to Ryloth with some foodstuff, and the medical supplies we need, among other things from Alderaan. If this information turns out good, maybe we can sell whatever else there is. ”
Sas chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. “What do you mean ‘If the information turns out good’?”
"Either Jayn somehow managed to mess up the scan of the ship's manifesto, or I need to get my eyes checked… The ship is either being shipped, or they're also shipping ship parts? I’m not really sure, you wanna take a look? There's a note here-”
“So this has nothing to do with you not trusting Jayn?” Sas asked, raising a brow as her sister pouted a little. “He’s never led us wrong before, and you are a kriffing genius, so what do I have to worry about? Besides if there are ship parts, then we can make a few quick credits from that if the rest doesn’t pan out.” She spun her chair around again, thinking it over. Small jobs like this were much easier when they had a crew to work with, however it had been a good while since Sas felt comfortable bringing anyone other than her sister for jobs like this. Sas loved working with her team on planet. She couldn’t ask for better people to work with. Sure sometimes things got too messy, but it was convenient to just steal the ship and shove the crew running it into the escape pods. The scores were usually bigger too. Still, it didn't matter how much easier it made things for her, Sas felt things would work out best for everyone if they just stuck to small two person jobs. Smaller scores meant a smaller chance of drawing too much attention, and an even smaller chance of getting the majority of her team captured or killed. Sas shook her head. “We’ll just do the drop and shop. I’ll take the tether with me, so I won’t drift off like that one time.”
“You say that, but twenty credits say you forget it again.”
“I have forty credits that say you’ll catch me again,” Sas said over her shoulder as she  stood up, popped her back and went to check the main cargo hold. 
Her ship was a decent sized cargo ship that she and Crix renovated after collectively borrowing it from some pirates a few years ago. The main body of the ship was the large open cargo hold in the center, from there the loading ramp extended out and down to move supplies easily. From the walls and ceilings tarps, and blankets hung down at different intervals, as if to create makeshift rooms. Of course there were actual sleeping quarters, but they were fairly cramped. Instead the two gutted the sleeping racks and made it a walk-in refrigerator to keep food and medicine. They then took to bolting down beds and furniture to the sides and floor of the ship to use the cargo hold in multiple ways. There weren’t too many defensive measures when they first got it, but over the years, the women pulled something together that most people would have never thought of. To some people it would seem like the ship wasn’t being utilized properly. That with all the effort and energy put into the ship, the sister’s could have just stolen a better ship. The Humming bird was a fairly small cargo ship after all, and only made to travel relatively short distances, but over the years Crix and Sas had made it not just their work, but their home.
Sas found herself standing in front of a makeshift closet near the top right corner of the cargo hold. Crinkled but hanging on a bent piece of metal in the closet was a long neglected  Mabari armorweave. Sas studied it for a moment, extra pieces where she had tried to alter the material still hung loosely where she left the last unfinished alteration. She grabbed her helmet, air tank, and grappling hook and went back to join her sister up front as they entered the atmosphere.
"Are you sure you want to go after this one? I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Crix said as they entered Christophsis atmosphere.
"You say that every time," Sas answered as she hooked one clip of her tether to her belt. "Look I've even got the tether this time," she added waving what appeared to be a type of grappling hook, before hanging the tool from the back of her belt. “It’ll be fine. We’ve done this before, we already know what the worst thing that could happen is-”
“I know, I know...Just be careful okay?”
“Always am,” Sas answered with a wink.
The most difficult part of any job Sas and Crix pulled was rarely ever what one would think it would be. Sure sometimes they had to land a little ways further from their target than they originally planned, and sometimes the docking crew would get fussy with them, and sometimes the crates weren’t labeled right, or there were droids that were in charge of things and there was absolutely no way to persuade them, sometimes it was just that their ship's hyperdrive decided to putter out while they were sneaking away, and sometimes the planet was just much hotter than it had any right to be. Luckily for Sas and Crix none of that happened this time around. Still Crix sat tensely  in her chair, the station light coming in through the  window illuminated her round face.
"I still think this is a bad idea," she said, the yellow petal shaped tattoos just over her brows pulling  together with concern.
“You said that five minutes ago.”
“And my opinion won’t change after another five minutes have passed.”
"I'm just gonna take a look at the merchandise, okay? If something goes wrong or I don't think it's worth it I'll come right back. Deal?"
Crix looked at her for a moment and gave a nod. "Fine, deal."
When Crix said their target was a small cargo ship, Sas figured the job was going to be easy. Cargo ships like the one Crix described to her, usually only had one or two people manning them, with a few droids doing most of the work. Sas figured she’d slip in and out before anyone could even notice. However that line of thought quickly ended when she saw the cargo ship being towed onto a much larger cargo ship already piled high with crates. Sas let out a tired groan, only to be drowned out by the hustle of other small transports moving shipments up and down the lanes. That was going to be a little more difficult to deal with. Just one of those little unexpected issues that were the bane of Sas’ existence. She stayed kneeling behind a crate and called Crix.
“Crix, you there?”
“Yeah? That was really fast, did you even shift? Were the packages that bad?” her sister’s voice came over the little comm line.
“No, no, I’m about to shift now- I just wanted to give you a heads up about that cargo ship you picked out-”
“What? Did I read the line wrong? Kriff! Sorry-”
“No I’m sure its right,” Sas quickly interrupted. “Or at least partially right. I think the ship is the cargo. Just like you said. I just watched it get loaded onto one of those mega Cargo ships. I can still get to it though. Who knows, maybe I’ll find some other goodies.” She took a deep breath, tuning out Crix’s protest to the idea. She needed to focus on the familiar burn of her skin. Let it crawl its way out from the pit of her stomach up her torso and neck, down her arms and legs all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes, and smother her face. No matter how many times she’d done it, shifting was always painful.
“Sas please tell me you’re not-” Crix voice buzzed again.
“Okay I’m not sneaking aboard the cargo ship,” Sas answered as she examined her new features in a small mirror. Red hair, pale face, green eyes- there was the problem. Sas’ eyes were still brown. For some reason that was always the most difficult part for her to alter. Not that it normally got in the way, but it did make things difficult from time to time. She didn’t have time to worry about it though, her ride was about to pass her up and it looked like the cargo ship was going to prep for take off soon. She took a deep breath and as soon as the cart pushed past, she ran up and jumped onto the back ledge.
"Sas- Sas I can see you climbing up the loading cart!” 
"Crix don't say that, if you can see me then someone else can definitely see me!"
"Why do you think I'm telling you? Just come back to the ship!"
"No! Not yet!" Sas hissed into her comlink. "Look the last score we had was too small, and things went rotten. We need this-" Sas took a deep breath and shifted her skin and hair color to match the dusty red of the crate she was laying on. She watched as the large loading ramp steadily grew further away as the cart wove its way through the labyrinth of transport crates. Finding the crates she needed was going to be a lot easier said than done. 
 “Sas… do we need this, or do you need this?”
Sas stayed quiet as she watched towers of supplies roll by the deeper the cart moved into the ship. Overhead, ships in various build stages hung down from thick heavy chains, looking like they were getting a test flight before getting any actual functioning parts. “Crix I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think we needed this,” she said before deciding to roll off her transport and onto the ground. 
 "I know we do," Crix’s voice sighed in her ear. "But I really think bringing Vinnie and the others would help us get better scores. It would be safer-"
"It's safer this way. You're safe on The Hummingbird and if anything goes wrong, the only one to get hurt is me."
"If Vinnie came you'd have back up. Then theres a greater chance of no one getting hurt."
"Crix, I know you mean well but thats not true. It just means everyone could get captured or hurt."
"Thats the risk every time isn't it?"
"Yes but-"
"But what Sas? If  this score is such a big risk, we should just wait. Wait until we can get Vinnie, or check one of the other shipments on our list!"
"No! We have to do it now."
"Why?" Crix demanded again.
"Why does it have to be now? Why does it have to be just you on this mission?"
"Don't ask me that, Crix."
"I will blow your cover if you don't tell me now."
"You know I almost believe you," Sas mused.
"It's cute that you don't after that run we did on Craranna."
Sas pinched the bridge of her nose. If she didn't keep calm, she'd shift back into herself. The last thing she wanted was to be seen as herself. 
"Maybe- maybe I just need to do something right. I can’t fix everything, but I can make sure I do this right...I can't have anyone else get hurt because of my mistakes."
"Sas, you can't keep blaming yourself for what happened to Riji. He made a choice, not even Pyrrha blames you…"
"I know, but this is my choice,” Sas interjected. “I do need this. We just need a win. I need to do something right. Just let me see if Jayn’s information checks out. If the ship takes off before then, you can dock on the airlock, and I’ll get the supplies okay?”
“The airlock?" There was a tired sigh from the other side of the line. "You forgot your helmet again didn't- oh yeah its in the seat next to me. Okay, I’ll send you the manifest, but I think this is all the more reason why you shouldn't do this.”
“Thank you,” Sas breathed in relief.“It’ll be fine,Crix. I promise. I’ll call you back when I have more info.” Sas let out a breath when she heard the little ping of her sister sending over the information. By this time Sas found a dark quiet spot between two large shipping containers. In the faint glow of the holo protected manifest, she could just make out the writing on her surroundings. On her left the container read IRON ORE REFINE BEFORE USE and on her right CAUTION HANDLE WITH CA- with most of the paint looking like it had been scraped off somehow. Her brows furrowed for a moment. Usually when they stole from cargo ships holding food, they were rarely as big as the one she was currently on, but it was even more rare for them to carry raw goods like ore. Of course there was a first time for everything.
The loud clang of the loading ramp closing up pulled Sas away from her thoughts. It wouldn’t be too much longer until the ship took off. Even if she wasn't being so stubborn about finding their score, she only had one real way off the ship now. Her only options for getting off now were to hope Crix could dock the ship unnoticed on one of the air locks, or wait to dock on Ryloth. At the very least, she could hope they were still going to dock in Ryloth. Sas’ stomach churned as she searched through the manifest trying to decide if somehow the file became corrupt, or Crix had been reading through some sort of complicated encryption when she told her what to expect. She would need to directly access the ship’s manifest to find her score.
Taking a deep breath, Sas tugged on her braided back hair, checking to see that it had gone back to the red color she had shifted it to. She stayed crouched down as the rumbling of the ship told her she was no longer on Christophsis’ surface. Once the ship stopped its shaking she checked through the list again, only to find it just as illegible as before. Frustrated and fighting off the dread that she might have been given bad information, she crept out into the walkway and looked for a computer access port. So long as she could find one of those, she might be able to lure a droid to it and have it show her the manifest to compare it to the list she had. After that she could be on her way.
Walking between the rows, she did her best to not let her hand linger on her blaster on her hip. She didn’t want to appear too twitchy and accidentally shoot a droid she might need. Her steps echoed softly down the aisles of crates, as she moved toward what she assumed and hoped was the control deck or cockpit. She could hear voices in the distance, whether droid or organic she couldn’t say for sure, but crouched down next to the shell of a ship to wait until they got closer. 
“Do you really think pirates are going to raid this ship, Master?” A voice drifted down the walkway.
“Well if we’ve done our job well, they should be attempting to board the ship at any moment. The captain has instructions to wait for our signal before jumping to hyperspace-”
 The large storage echoed so much, it was difficult to determine where the voices were coming from. The only thing Sas knew for sure was that they didn’t belong to droids. She cursed under her breath and leaned her head against the metal hull of the ship. She glanced down the walk way before crawling inside the shell.
“Crix, you there?” Sas whispered into her commlink. She pulled up the holo projection of the manifest again. She felt whatever was churning in her stomach move up into her chest as she tried to take a deep breath.
“Yeah I’m here, and docked on the ship. Did you find anything good?”
“No not yet. I-” 
“Master, did you hear that?”
“Yes, from over there-”
Sas held her breath for a moment before calling her sister back. “I’m going to be a while. I’m about to have company-” 
“What Sas-?!” Crix's voice was cut off as Sas shut off her commlink and prayed the voices didn’t find her. 
“I thought pirates usually attacked ships, not stowed away on them,” one of the voices called out. Sas knew the voices had her cornered. It would have been nice to know what kind of guards she was dealing with, as the only thing she could guess at was that they were male.  Hiding inside the shell of the ship suddenly seemed like the worst idea. She should have waited before calling Crix, maybe then she could have gotten out of ear shot.
“Did you neglect reading the briefing, my young apprentice?” The second voice said in what Sas could only describe as pretentious Upper Coruscant Senator talk.
Sas shut her eyes racking her brain for an idea on how to sneak out of the shell. She raked a hand through her hair only for her fingers to get stuck in the braid, and her hand to brush against a small device clipped to her jacket. Her holo projector! If she played her cards right, she might just be able to make them think she already snuck out. She unclipped it, hit a few buttons, and a small screen of light scanned the area around her. Outside the foot steps and voices grew closer. She pushed a different combination of the buttons, and suddenly she was washed in a dark grey shadow. From where she sat in the shadows she could see one of the men step into the shell, his bearded face washed in the blue glow of a sword. 
She held her breath. If her idea worked, her device should have helped her blend into the shadows and metal panels of the shell. With each step he took into the shell, Sas tried to make herself smaller. She just needed him to leave. If they thought she was a pirate, they probably didn’t know she could shape shift. She could still pull off this heist if she could just get cleared of mullet man.
“It appears our pirate slipped out,” he called to his companion outside as he put away the sword. Sas didn’t know what kind of guards were on to her, only that she refused to get caught. “They couldn’t have gotten far, lets check the next row.”
Sas waited until she heard the foot steps fall away, before relaxing again. She waited another minute before shutting off her holo projector. Slowly standing up, Sas made her way to the end of the ship where she had entered the first time, and pulled out the list Crix sent her once again. She didn’t know why she was expecting it to suddenly be more clear, but she was once again reminded that she could not leave the ship in good conscience without at least checking her information with the real manifest. Just as she had an idea to shift into the bearded man to sneak around, she heard someone clear their throat.
“And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant,” the bearded mullet man said as he leaned casually against a crate.
Sas wrinkled her nose. In her mind his voice didn’t match his face, especially as he rubbed his hand over his beard. Sas caught the younger brown haired man rolling his eyes as he reached for his weapon. 
"Put your hand on that weapon and this could get unpleasant real fast," she said, her own hand moving to hover over her blaster. Two men on a cargo ship wasn't an issue for Sas. She'd gotten into scraps with more men, sometimes droids too. She had to remind herself however, that no one in any of those encounters had glowing swords. Legs bent, one hand ready to go for her blaster, Sas was prepared to take off running in the maze of shipping crates. If she was careful, she could still get the cargo she was looking for and avoid capture, since it didn't occur to her that she could lie about working on the ship until after the fact. "Look, why don't we just take a moment and talk about this alright?" She offered, though not leaving her defensive stance. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of understanding here, right fellas?" The two men looked at each other, and Sas offered a charming smile.
 Over the years Sas had learned a trick or two from her mentor, Zam Wessel. A few of the tricks, like adding devices to modify her body to help her hold a shift much longer, Sas chose not to implement into her life. Other tricks like realizing she could have an easier time getting what she wanted with a charming smile and pouty lips, Sas practically lived by. She knew her natural form was attractive to some, however having a disguise meant that any crimes she committed weren't attached to her real identity.
"I'm sure we can," the first guard answered, though the look on his face made it seem like his thoughts were light-years away. He rubbed his hand over his beard, "You know, when we got word that pirates were raiding these cargo ships, my padawan and I weren't expecting-"
"Wait, did you say pirates?"  Sas asked, her eyes going wide. "Christophsis has been having problems with stowaways recently. I was following one here actually- Do you think the two could be related?" She asked, knowing very well that she was in fact partially responsible for most of those problems. 
"I’m almost certain they are,” he answered, the younger guard at his side watching him curiously. “Tell me, do you know anything about the recent raids on republic supply ships in the area?”
“Can’t say that I know much about them. Only what comes in and out of the ports on Christophsis, and a few of the surrounding systems.” Once again, Sas was mostly responsible for a number of raids. However, she did know there had been a lot recently that she had nothing to do with, many of which involved high grade weapons. While she knew she could steal and sell them for good credits, Sas didn’t like taking that kind of risk. Getting involved in weapons trade was too high profile for her taste. 
“I see…”
At this point the younger guard seemed to be getting impatient as he rocked from his heels to his toes. Regardless of whether or not the two bought into her story, Sas knew she was cornered for the time being. “I didn’t know the situation had gotten so bad that transports were hiring their own security.”
“We’re not security,” the younger one said, his braid bouncing a little as he huffed.
“Well I just assumed-”
“What my padawan means to say is that, the situation in this system has become enough of an issue that the senate has asked the Jedi to get involved, and put a stop to the raids. With the tension in the senate lately regarding systems leaving the Republic, its become very upsetting to know that weapons are being stolen and sold with much more frequency.”
Sas nodded like she understood everything the Jedi just said. All of this was brand new information to Sas. Sure she had been asked and rejected to join  in on taking a bounty on a senator or two, and maybe there were a few more rejected invitations to split payment on a score that involved some weapons, but Sas never thought it had anything to do with intergalactic warfare. At least not at the Republic level. Fighting breaking out between crime bosses and groups of pirates was a regular thing, she did her best to stay out of it, but this was completely different.
“You don’t have a clue about what he just said,” the younger Jedi accused.
Sas crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg. “I didn’t have a clue that things were that bad," she clarified. "If I’m being honest, I don’t really know what a Jedi is, so right now you and your buddy just sound like  glorified security guards, maybe a few steps above police droids.”
“Security guards? We’re peacekeepers-”
Without meaning to, Sas let out a hearty laugh, “And what a wonderful job of it you’re doing-” She took a moment to calm herself, realizing the comment probably came off just as sarcastic as she meant it. She only wished she hadn’t said it outloud. “Sorry, it  just seems like there's a lot for only the two of you to deal with. I won’t take up anymore of your time. Just point me in the direction of the Captain’s deck, and I’ll be out of your mullet,” Sas said, offering another smile to the older Jedi again.
She caught the two exchange a look and was about to take off walking on her own when the bearded one finally spoke up and motioned for her to walk with him. "Let me walk you there," he offered. "I'd hate for you to get lost in this maze," he finished by knocking on a crate.
"You know, I think I can handle it," Sas answered. "I'm a big tough girl, laced my own boots and everything this morning. If you could just point me in the right direction- just want to let the captain know I’m here, that I'm not the stowaway if there's any alarms triggered." Sas felt her stomach start to knot up. "Besides, you and your padawan have work to do, I'd hate to keep you from it."
"Nonsense, it will only take a moment. Anakin will continue to search the area, be it for signs of our pirates or your stowaway."
Sas looked back over her shoulder where it appeared Anakin had already disappeared into another aisle. Still she was just trying to get away from the Jedi in front of her. The longer she spoke to him, the more unsettled she grew. She didn’t know why, there was no way either of them could know what she was up to. "Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way." When in doubt, fawn it out.
"I’m positive my dear,” he said as he started to lead the way down the opposite end of the row. “My apologies, I didn’t get your name.”
“That would be because I didn’t offer it, nor you your own,” she replied one corner of her mouth turning up in a small grin, as she followed him down a row.
“Hmm that is a problem, allow me to fix that then. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he said, offering a charming smile under his beard.
“You can call me Kamill, Kamill Eon,” Sas answered and matched his smile. Silence fell between the two, her throat feeling more dry as it stretched on. She had to remind herself that she gave him no reason to know who she was or what she was after. She hadn’t actually taken anything yet either, so really her only crime was stowing away on the ship, and that was just going to be a fine, maybe a night in a holding cell she would break out of before the morning came. But then there was Crix still waiting for her outside the ship, and the people at home waiting for more rations, and the medicine that they were supposed to grab. She breathed in deeply. One step at a time. First she had to ditch the Jedi. She turned her head prepared to ask him something, but was startled to find him watching her, his brows furrowed over his blue eyes. “What? Is there oil or something on my face?” she asked, praying that she didn’t accidentally return to her natural form. She wiped the back of her hand over her cheek. Nope, still pale.
“No, sorry you seemed troubled. I didn’t know if it would be intrusive of me to ask if there was something more to you finding this stowaway.”
Sas looked away,  shook her head and put her hands in the pockets of her jacket. “No, nothing you need to worry about. I’m sure you’ve got more on your mind with the threats of pirates.” At least she knew with a comment like that he wasn’t on to her. Why would he ask something like that? She tried to look ahead to see if there was an entrance into the main part of the ship coming up. “I guess I don’t understand why the senate would try to do anything about the situation out here. Things are always unsteady in the outer rim, even at the edge of the middle rim. What makes these pirates so special?”
 “I’m not sure that these pirates are special, mostly what they’ve been stealing, and what it means for the growing tension in the senate.”
“So it's not about the danger travelers or ship crew workers are in. It's about some senator losing out on credits they were supposed to make off a shipment,” she offered, raising a brow at him. Before he could answer she added, “Or did one have a scare on the way to their pent house in Coruscant?” Maybe she was picking a fight, but she was being honest. “All I’m saying is that the Republic forgets about a lot of planets and people out here. It doesn’t matter how often we petition or ask for help, we’re never heard.”
The Jedi grew quiet for a moment. Sas assumed he was trying to come up with an answer for her. Her comments weren’t exactly fair of her to make, she knew this, but neither was being thrown in a holding cell for trying to get basic goods she and others had been denied access to. She rubbed a hand over her face suddenly remembering that she and Crix needed to make a fuel run soon too.
“I imagine that must be frustrating,” he said at last.
“It is.” She looked away and thought she caught some movement over one of the crates. “It isn’t the first time though, and it won’t be the last time. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
No sooner had the words left her mouth did a large crash launch Sas and Obi-Wan into the side of a large crate. Lucky for them the towers had mostly been magnetized, or else they might have been crushed. That however did not save either of them from the pain of crashing into a durasteel box and crumpling onto the floor. Sas groaned as she held her head. She couldn’t tell if her brain had bounced against her skull or if it was the ship shaking.
“Looks like your friends arrived after all,” Anakin’s voice came from somewhere above her. She had her eyes shut, the ground was unsteady, she couldn’t get to her feet.
“What the kriff are you talking about kid?” Sas demanded, as she tried to push herself into a sitting position. “What friends? There's only-” she looked down at her hands as she sat back against the crate. Green. She put her hands up, “Listen, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. I only know what you told me earlier.” She pressed her palms to the side of her head, as if that would keep her head from splitting open. Between the head ache and the burning of her skin, the alarms screaming in her ears were the least of her problems.
“Oh don’t play stupid-”
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan cut him off as he got to his feet.
“She’s been lying to us the whole time! You knew from the beginning. She was only distracting us-”
“I’m not lying!” Sas shouted. “Kriff! I don’t know what these pirates want! My contact said this ship was heading to Ryloth from Alderaan with medicine and food!”
Another crash, and Sas was thrown sidewise down an alley and into a door frame. She laid on the floor, knowing her back was probably going to be covered in bruises  now. This was why Sas preferred to do missions on her own. At least this way, only she was the one getting thrown around a cargo ship like a ragdoll.
Red lights pulsed seemingly in time with her throbbing head, and the alarms only seemed to get louder and angrier with each passing second. She couldn’t bring herself to sit up just yet. The ground was nice and cool on her burning skin. If she could just take a moment to focus on that, she could make herself get up. She couldn’t leave empty handed. 
Down the hall Sas could hear blaster fire. She blinked a few times, as if just realizing she crashed into a door frame, and was staring down the corridor that led to the smaller compartments on the ship.
“Great, maybe I can at least raid their kitchen,” she muttered, holding onto the wall as she got to her feet. She groaned and leaned heavily against the cool metal paneling as she stumbled down the hallway. She didn’t know where the Jedi had been thrown to. That wasn’t her problem though, the only thing she had to do was get to the data port at the end of the hall. It didn’t matter if Sas realized only now that Jayn set up her and Crix. Sas wanted to know why. If Sas was going to turn up empty handed and nearly captured by the end of this, she wanted to at least know Jayn had a good reason. No reason was really going to be good enough for Sas, and she had a feeling that this whole ordeal was about the missing weapons the Jedi spoke of, but she had to know for sure. She couldn’t return empty handed without knowing. 
She let herself collapse at the base of the information port. No one seemed to be coming, but she could hear the blasters getting louder and an occasional cry. Whether it was pain or frustration or both, Sas tried not to dwell on. She pressed the button on her comm link as she scanned the hallway impatiently. "Come on, Crix. Pick up," she pleaded under her breath. 
"What the kriff is going on in there? Actually no, I need a word stronger than kriff, something harsher-"
"For kriffs sake now's not the time, Crix! I need to send you a transmission! I want to know what Jayn was after-"
"So he did set us up!"
"Not the point! I’m going to send you the ship’s manifest, I need you to verify it with what we were given. I’ll be headed your way soon,” Sas said, glancing over her shoulder again. She could hear more footsteps from down the hall, and quickly connected her commlink to the port. It would be a few minutes before the information sent, only one of three little dots blinked to indicate how much information was left. Sas let out a huff. The blaster fire was getting closer. She tapped her hand on her blaster impatiently, before deciding to walk a little further down into the hall. 
Despite being in a hurry, Sas’ curiosity was getting the better of her. She wanted to know who had decided to go toe to toe with the Jedi. All she planned to do was pop her head around the door frame, see who was winning, hurry back to the port, and run for her ship. To her disappointment she couldn’t see much, only the occasional stray blaster bolt flying above the towers of crates. There was a loud wooshing noise and the sound of metal hinges moving much too quickly. Sas decided that was a good note to leave on.
“Sasi came to the party after all,” a voice called as she turned to leave. She looked over her shoulder, trying to hide the sharp pain that sprung up her back. “Actually I was just leaving. Not a huge fan of your parties anymore Jayn.” His dark blue hair was falling out from where he had it tied high on the back of his head, and though his voice seemed calm enough, there was a spark of annoyance in his red eyes.
“Thats a shame, I thought I might at least get one thing out of this job if I handed you over to the Jedi,” the Chiss pirate called. “I was hoping you’d bring the whole gang, maybe then you actually might have been a distraction.” Clearly  he hadn’t been tossed around the ship like ore through a sifter. However, Sas did make note that he seemed to be angry about what he found on the ship as well.
“That would only pay well if I was actually wanted- and not in kind of way you wanted me-” She teased. She probably shouldn’t have said it. It was the kind of talk that likely made him set her up in the first place. 
“Very funny. Anyone ever tell you that smart mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble?” He said grabbing her shoulder to make her face him.
Once again the abrupt movement sent pain up her spine, but Sas did her best to just sneer up at the pirate. “Oh everyday, not that you need to worry your pretty little head about it.” Before he could get another word in, Sas rammed her fist into Jayn’s throat and pushed him down the hall. “I think I’ll be okay for now.” She taunted, despite the burning in her skin and the ache in her shoulders. She didn’t wait long for him to gain his bearings. She drew her blaster, shot a pipe right over his head and blasted him with hot steam. “Maybe next time I’ll crash your party,” she said as she took off back up the hall. 
Before she got to the data port, Sas could see the three little lights blinking on her comm link. She pulled it from the port as she walked by, another little red light flickering to help her locate Crix in the maze of a ship. Her only comfort was that the blasters seemed to have stopped going off behind her. Hopefully that meant no one would be going after her immediately. The Jedi had either stopped Jayn’s crew, or they’d killed the Jedi, and Jayn himself probably wouldn’t see anything for a while. He couldn’t catch her even if he wanted to.
“Crix? You still there?” She paged.
“Yeah, I’m still here- where else am I going to go?” Her sister’s voice crackled. “I know you’re getting closer but somehow the signal is getting worse, someone must have gotten smart and is finally trying to jam communications.”
“Maybe,” Sas started, deciding to leave out that a transmitter on the ship was probably taken out in the fighting. “Did you get those files I sent?” She turned down another corridor, the red alarm lights making her head spin.
“Yeah, and looks like Jayn set us up, or he did a really lousy job of it.”
“I think theres a little more to it,” Sas answered, but felt herself relax the moment she saw the open hatch at the end of the hall. She breathed a small sigh of relief and despite the ache in her bones, jogged  to it. “I’m right out side, I’ll tell you what happened when I’m on boar-aaaack!”
Sas tripped over a long metal chain floating just above the ground. She groaned and laid still for a moment, her comlink flying out of her hand and skidding across the ground. She silently wished she could just teleport onto her ship and into bed, when she heard footsteps rounding the corner from another hall.
“You weren’t planning on leaving without saying goodbye were you?” Obi-Wan asked as he stepped into the light.
“Eh, I’ve never been great at goodbyes,” Sas groaned as she got to her feet. She studied the Jedi for a moment. Clearly he and Anakin had one hell of a fight with Jayn’s men. “Not really my thing, so if you don’t mind I’m just gonna go-” she rambled over her shoulder, limping as quickly as she could toward the hatch.
“I can’t let you leave yet,” he answered, taking a few steps toward her.
“Sure you can! You just let me keep walking, and pretend you didn’t see me leave. I even left you a parting gift at the end of the hallway back there. He should tell you everything you need to know,” she called over her shoulder. 
“And what about your part in this?”
Sas did her best to keep walking. She was so close. Just a few more steps and she could touch the hatch. “I didn’t have a part in this.” The hatch was within reach, whether or not the Jedi knew she had her ride waiting on the other side. “There was nothing here for me, and I’m leaving,” She said, finally giving the lock a good spin to open it. Before she could open the hatch something pushed into her. Her own surprise making her stumble a few feet away from the hatch.
“He said, we’re not letting you leave,” Anakin said. She didn’t understand how he could have pushed her if he was coming up behind Obi-Wan. 
“And I said, I had nothing to do with this,” Sas repeated, drew her blaster, blaster and fired several rounds into the walls of the ship. The pipes and siding erupted in a flash of sparks and steam, as she dashed through the hatch and into her sister’s ship. 
“Crix lets go!” She yelled as she slammed the airlock shut.
 Sas laid on the floor for a moment looking up at the dim fluorescent lights of the ship, letting the cool steel under her sink through her jacket and sooth her burning skin. She closed her eyes letting the humm of the ship comfort her in knowing they were putting distance between themselves and whatever was going on in that cargo ship. After a few moments she could hear footsteps slowly coming down the to  hull. She opened one eye and met a small amused smile from her sister. 
“So how’d it go?” She asked. “You know, aside from the part where Jayn is an idiot and got set up in trying to set you up?”
“Kriffing fantastic,” Sas said, still not getting up from her spot on the floor. She splayed out her hands against the cool surface just trying to let herself focus on anything but the burning in her skin and the pain in her back. While it definitely wasn’t the worst job she’d ever tried to pull, Sas already knew she’d be getting an ear full from her Crix the whole way home. 
“We still need a stronger word that, kriff its not satisfying,” Crix said as she entered the airlock. Sas thought her little sister would have let that drop by now. “It needs to be able to describe how bad you look.”
“What you mean I don’t look like I spent a day at the hot springs?”  
“What if we said it backwards? Firk,” Crix mused as she knelt down to help Sas sit up.
“Nah not strong enough,” Sas grunted as she slowly sat up. Her brain felt like it was pounding against her skull. “ That ‘ir’ makes it too soft. Fik? Feck? Fuck. It was Fucking Fantastic Crix, and we still need to pick up fucking fuel.”
“I take it fuck is more satisfying?”
18 notes · View notes
bluescluelessly · 4 years
For a prompt: obi wan and satine's first kiss and he freaks out about it
[Rating: G] || fluff, first kiss.
“I’m sorry,”
“It’s alright.”
“I dropped you-”
The Jedi Padawan looks up as the duchess-to-be’s hand lands on his cheek, calling his attention. “I said it’s alright.”
"You could have been hurt," he pushes, pulling his face away from her hand. "It's my job to protect you."
She sighs, and he can almost visualize the crease between her brows. "You did protect me, if it weren't for you, we'd both be much worse off from those Venomites. Now will you stop being ridiculous and let me take a look at your ankle?"
"I'm fine-"
"You twisted it when we fell, don't give me that." Her tone is stern, and he's forced to recognize she won't take no for an answer.
He tries anyways-- he's getting too attached, too drawn in by her. He needs to do something before this- this crush gets out of hand. Before his Master's amused looks become a scolding tone and disappointment. "I can take care of it, my Lady."
As he looks up at her, he sees the sadness tinging her frown, and his heart aches.
"Let someone else take care of you for once, Obi," she gently orders, and he can't say no.
The padawan reluctantly gets up, wincing as he puts weight on his sprained ankle. It's worse than he thought.
A quick hobble takes him to Satine’s other side, where he can prop his injured foot up on the boulder next to the fallen tree trunk they've made their resting place. She helps him tug his boot off, and then clicks her tongue at the sight of the swollen joint underneath. They had to run together for quite some time after their nasty fall, which only worsened the injury.
Master Jinn left them to rest and recover here while he finds a suitable shelter for the night. Obi-Wan should be with him, but instead he's here, all because he couldn't watch where he was going. Some Padawan he's shaping up to be.
Satine helps him wrap a cold-set bacta strip around his ankle, then pull his boot back on to keep it from moving while the bacta does it's job. They'll need to get more soon, they're running low on supplies.
"I thought we were starting to get along," Satine says, her voice cutting like a vibroblade through his thoughts.
Obi-Wan blinks, surprised by the sudden dourness of her tone. "Aren't we?" He asks, suddenly unsure. He considers her a good friend already-- though it's hard to consider someone you've survived life-or-death situations with anything but a friend.
He'd like to think about her as more than that-- but no. Thinking too much about her, about how much he likes being close to her-- that's what made him fall in the first place. If his head had been on the mission, rather than the beautiful lady in his arms, he wouldn't have tripped.
He wouldn't have hurt her.
The eye-roll Satine gives him could kill. "I don't know, Obi. You tell me, you're the one who keeps pulling away."
Heat rises to his cheeks, and he looks away again as he realizes what she's referring to. Not far from where his thoughts were, really. "I am just respecting your space, my Lady."
A frustrated noise hits his ears just before the Duchess-to-be grasps his chin and forces him to look at her. "Perhaps I don't want you to."
"Lady Kryze-"
"Damnit Obi, call me Satine."
"... Satine-"
"Shut up."
Any protest Obi-Wan could have made is quickly smothered by lips against his.
It's like the world stops moving for a moment. He relaxes easily into it, not experienced enough to do much more than accept-- but then, Satine doesn't seem to know what to do either, just pressing their lips together and holding him in place by the front of his tunic.
Not that he's pulling away.
If Obi-Wan had to describe it... he would say that kissing Satine felt like finding his kyber crystal. Something in the galaxy around them just clicks into place, and the force around him buzzes with happiness. He couldn't say who it belonged to-- him, her, or the force itself. It just feels right, and he relaxes as little waves of joy and serenity wash over him.
It takes several seconds longer than it should for him to come back to his senses. He pulls back gently, too weak to tear himself away from her.
"Satine," he starts again, his heart pounding.
They shouldn't have done that. How could he allow it? How could he be so weak? Master Jinn will find out, he'll see again how unworthy Obi-Wan is... he'll be left here, like on Melida/Daan.
Would it be so terrible to stay here, if he's staying with Satine?
"Stop." She responds, tone firm still. She will make a wonderful Duchess, commanding authority already, at only 17.
"I haven't said anything," he protests, but it's weak. He is weak.
"Stop worrying, Obi." She specifies, her hand on his cheek again. He can't bring himself to pull away. "You think too much. A kiss won’t hurt anyone.”
How can she say that so easily? “A kiss alone, no,” he agrees, voice pained, “but what if I want more?” And he does-- he does want more, and he thinks she does too.
Her hand stays steady on his cheek, thumb brushing under his eye. “We can’t have more, Obi.” She sounds sad, and he wishes he could take that away, protect her heart as he protects her physically. “You will be a great Jedi, I can’t hold you back from that. And I must repair Mandalore from the aftermath of this Civil War. I can’t do that with a Jedi by my side.”
He knows she’s right, but it still hurts. “I know that,” he says quietly, trying not to sound dejected. He knows she isn’t rejecting him, but that’s even more confusing-- they both want what they can’t have. “So we shouldn’t-”
She stops him with another kiss, this one quick, just a peck to his lips. “We can’t have more, Obi... but we can have this, for a little while.” She takes his hand, squeezing it tight. “It will have to be enough.”
He bites his lip, nodding though he knows it will never be enough. He squeezes her hand back, shifting closer to her as he gives in to the basic human need for contact and closeness. “It will be enough,” he says, as if that can make it true. “For now.”
She smiles, kissing his cheek before leaning against him. “For now,” she agrees, resting against his chest. Maybe someday they can have more-- someday when Mandalore is at peace, when he's older and has fulfilled his role as a Jedi.
He hopes so. He's never felt more right than he does now, by her side.
It will have to be enough, for now.
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Pairings: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Imagine: You died in order 66 and your master Obi-Wan can’t let go of you
Warnings: mention of death, you dying, mention of order 66, angst, sadness, half sad half happy ending, blood, mention of betrayal by friends, pls comment if you find anything else
A/N idk really what this is. It jus come to me one day, and I finally wrote it. I might of gotten a little carried away but who cares am I right. Anyway enjoy this angsty imagine with Obi-wan
This is not proofread, might do that later on.
If you want to request do it in my inbox or just write to me, if you wonder what I write for here is a list of that, btw my requests are always open
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Happy endings. It was what you were thought as a child. That it would always be happy endings, no matter what. The evil in the world would be defeated. Happy endings for all the heroes out there.
Your eyes were filled with fear. What had just happened. Did Cody really just take a shot towards you. You were able to dodge it. Of course you were it was only one shot.
It had clearly been a lie. Obi-Wan knew that much. Even when he himself was a child. He had never really believed in happy endings. Except for once. He had hoped that you would get it. Get that happy ending that every hero deserved. Because you are a hero. Or well rather you were a hero.
Soon enough all of the clones ganged up on you. Each shot at you. Your longtime friends shot at you. Panic filled your whole body. This weren’t droids. This was living beings. Your friends. Why did the want to kill you.
A hero, that was exactly who you were. Everyone knew that. Then how came you died. Died by the hands of your best friends. Cody. Waxer. Boil. Wooley. Crys. Trapper. Charger. Peel. Longshott. Gearshift. Barlex. The had all been your friends, but it all turned with one order. Order 66.
Your lightsaber went in every direction trying to block the shots. Obi-Wan nowhere to be seen. Was he dead, had they already killed him.
Sure some of them had already died. You hadn’t been betrayed by all of them. But you still got betrayed by the same people that comforted you after Waxer died on Umbara. The ones that comforted you when Obi-Wan himself had nearly died. They had always been there for you until that dreadful day.
A shot hit your leg. Then your arm. Then your knee. Your shoulder. You were getting sloppy. The energy in your body leaving you. All that was left was the adrenaline. That soon stopped to.
He hated every bit of that day. The only thing he could remember clearly was your face as it got lifeless. How you had told him to be safe. You had always thought of others before yourself, even on your deathbed. He had promised you to be safe.
You slumped down. Your lightsaber still in action as much as you could use it. With one last shot you fell to the ground. It had barely missed your heart.
Now as he was sat down trying to meditate it didn’t work that well. His thoughts were invaded by you. The utter look of betrayal and confusion on your face. The scared eyes. All the shots that fired at you. How come they went for you first and not him. Had he been quick enough you would still be alive today. If he had just seen the shots before they happened. No he could not think of that he promised you that he would keep himself safe, that he would not blame himself.
Obi-Wan soon enough found you. The clones were gone searching for him. He ran towards you. Fearing the worst. His fears become the truth as he saw you. You spluttered out blood from your mouth. While blood seeped out through the rest of your body were you had been hit.
Obi-Wan had watched you die. His padawan. His own child, or rather teenager. You had just become seventeen, and you were his child. Maybe not by blood but he had broke the Jedi code for you. He was your father and you were his child.
He kneeled down beside you. Trying but failing to stop you from bleeding. The blood soaked threw the ripped of fabric from his robes. He finally realized it. You were dying. By the hands of your friends.
They say that the worst thing that can happen to a parent is to see their child die before themselves. It was true. Obi-Wan would never in his life forget that day. He couldn’t. No he would remember you that much he promised himself. He would not let go of you.
He went over to your head. You looked up at him with glossy eyes. As you gave in to the pain. Obi-wan looked at you with the same teary eyes, only he had tears running down his face.
“Obi” you said the best as you could. “Promise me….. promis… t-to… be… safe… no-t… y-you-r f-faul-t… pr-promis-e” You were in some way able to stutter the words. Even with your coughing, and spluttering of blood. The man stared you down. Tears streaming down his face. More than before. They fell down on your face mixing with your own tears.
“I promise” It was the last words you heard befor everything went black. Obi-Wan reluctantly let go of you. He got to his ship. But not before he had buried you. He could only hope that you would be one with the force and be in peace from now on.
Finally his thought got filled with the good times that you all had together. Before order 66. Before your death that he remembered so clearly. The death that haunted his dreams.
Obi-wan though of all the times he had comforted you. All the times he made you laugh. The times replied towards him with the same amount of sarcasm he had. You pranking the Ghost company with Waxer as the two of you painted their armor bright pink. Or the time were you told him that you viewed him as you father. The times he protected you. That one time you saved his life. When you were little and had a nightmare so he let you sleep beside him, giving you the comfort you needed. The time you accidentally called him father. The time he accidentally called you his daughter.
Obi-wan couldn’t help but smile. You had always been so carefree. Acting like nothing in the word would ever stop you and him. It would always be the two of you forever.
Sadly that wasn’t true. You died too soon. Too soon for his liking. You should of been able to live your life until you died of age. You deserved better. But there was nothing he could do about it. He knew that. The only thing he could to was to remember you. Remember the good times. The bad ones too. It didn’t matter as long as he could see your face once more.
He longed to see that face of yours . The bright smile that shines his way. The sparkle in your eyes as you were about to disobey his orders. To hear your voice as you came up with new nicknames for him.
Alas he knew that would never happen. He wouldn’t get you back. Nothing could help him to get you back. He accepted that, but that did not mean he was able to let go of you. He promised himself not to, and he intended to keep that promise. So he relished the happy memories, and pushed away the bad ones.
Eventually he stopped meditating, the thought of you had brought tears to his eyes that silently fell down his face. Of all the promises he made you there was two he didn’t keep. One being to protect you at all cost to not let you die. The second was to not feel guilt over your death.
His eyes became more blurry and the pain of your absence became to much. He let go of all the tears. The pain. The memory of your death. He let himself feel. He broke the Jedi code once again. He had made attachment with you, he was not at peace. No he felt angry at the galaxy. The galaxy that had taken too much from him. Not only his brother, but his lover as well, his master and most of all you.
Obi-wan made a new promise that day. To always remember the good times with you. To not ever forget you. That was the most important promise he intended to keep.
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tennessoui · 3 years
I can't remember if you already have something like this somewhere but... Thoughts on both as teen Padawans with a major rivalry? Maybe because they both think the other looks down to them (while they are in denial about their crush for the other/jealous because everything looks so much easier for the other)?
i have written some of this sort of dynamic for obikin!
here (x)
here (x)
(both of course come with a heap of extenuating circumstances and at least a little jealousy over qui-gon's interest)
as for teen padawans that aren't co-padawans with qui-gon but just don't get along....amazing incandescent beautiful. young knight padawans who don't get along. obi-wan gets knighted first to anakin's absolute disgust but it definitely makes him work harder and harder because kark if they're knighting kenobi anyone can be a knight these days!!! when they're both knights, they're paired on missions together in an attempt to try and make them get along because the council feels as though they would work wonderfully together if they could see past this ridiculous rivalry no one even remembers the root of.
(the root is, of course, baby anakin trying to give baby obi-wan a star wars valentine in the shape of a special toy he made just for him with his lil baby chubby fingers in the creche and baby obi-wan says oh ok i can throw away your trash for you and then he gets up and baby woddles over to the trash chute and tosses a week's worth of hard work and also baby anakin's heart down the chute.)
(the rest is angry tears and a lot of history.)
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lazarusii · 4 years
Whumptober Day 12: Broken Down | Broken Bones
- “Vengeance”  (2/2)
Fandom: Star Wars TCW
Rating: Gen, Teen
Characters: (for both chapters) Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Maul
Potential Triggers: Major Character Death, blood, slight gore, mention of possible suicide.
Anakin and Obi-Wan accompany Ahsoka to Mandalore. Maul wins. And Obi-Wan loses everything.
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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
[Link to part 1]
This fic was written to: 
“X-F” by Hans Zimmer
“Sacrifice” by Alan Lennon
“10の秘密” by Yuki Hayashi (”10 secrets”)
The tunnel junction was silent when Obi-Wan entered, the oppressive absence of sound punctuated only by the splash of his boots and the quiet hum of his lightsaber. 
It was dark, the room’s single strip of industrial lighting having been shattered in places and left flickering ominously. The remaining bulbs, however, cast just enough light to reveal the ghastly sight before him. 
Around him, Obi-Wan could feel the dark side humming softly, the silent whispering pressing against his mind and body, feeding off of his horror and pain, an accompaniment to the smell of blood and death that hung heavily in the air.
Slowly, Obi-Wan’s lightsaber began to dip, his arms falling to his sides as he stood in the mouth of the junction, eyes seeing--but his mind refusing to believe... 
Anakin lay facedown, his face turned away from Obi-Wan, partially submerged in the low-bearing water. Red blood seeped from wounds that Obi-Wan, gratefully, could not see clearly in the ever-flickering, low light. 
Scattered around the junction were soldiers, Red-armored Mandalorians, many missing limbs, but all unmoving--dead. 
Slowly, Obi-Wan’s eyes moved towards the center of the room, but he stopped at the sight of a familiar pair of lightsabers, glittering beneath the still surface of the water.  
He couldn’t bear to look--he couldn’t... 
With a heavy heart, Obi-Wan deactivated his blade and stepped into the room. 
This was a nightmare, it had to be... the Force couldn’t be so cruel... 
But, then again, he was blind, the light completely obscured by the sheer power of the dark side, its shadows twisting and weaving about the room, singing a terrible song of victory. 
Eyes downcast, Obi-Wan moved beside Anakin, a hand extended towards the man’s shoulder--
Only to come up short as he heard a weak cough coming from ahead. 
Heart leaping into his throat, Obi-Wan leapt forwards. He knew that voice-- 
“... Master.” 
Ahsoka lay beside Maul, a dark wound marring the fabric of her Mandalorian-gifted uniform, cuts and bruises forming a terrible latticework down her arms and chest, grime covering her face. 
As Ahsoka stirred, small waves disturbed the still water, and her arm splashed down, as she tried to reach out towards him. 
Heart pounding against his ribs, Obi-Wan hastened to her side, taking Ahsoka’s hand in his own as he knelt, feeling a horrible sense of finality in the way that the blue eyes blinked up towards him, glazed with pain, glittering in the half-light of the junction. 
“Master--I’m sorry--” 
“He...” She closed her eyes, emotion tearing at her voice. “... got Anakin--I tried--Maul--just ran into my lightsaber--I don’t understand why--” 
Ahsoka’s chest heaved, and Obi-Wan heard the telltale sound of broken bones shifting. 
He held his former-Padawan’s hand to his heart, struggling to keep the pain from his expression. 
“You did what you could Ahsoka...” Obi-Wan tried to find words, but found his voice choking up, throat closing under the weight of his failure. 
He could have been here--he could have prevented all of this... 
Through the Force, Ahsoka’s presence, discernible only because of contact, was fading, slowly melding with the darkness, fading. 
“I’m sorry... Master,” she whispered. “--the Order... I left...” 
“No, Ahsoka.” Obi-Wan managed, “I’m sorry.”
Her presence was slipping, almost gone completely, and Obi-Wan felt a terrible, crushing pain sink into his chest. 
“I’m proud of you, Padawan... we both are.” 
Tears sparked beneath Obi-Wan’s eyes, blurring his vision as a ghost of a smile crossed Ahsoka’s lips.
The light flared for a moment--
Obi-Wan felt the soft whisper of her presence brush against his--
And then all was silent. 
[This work will be edited, slightly reworked, and posted to Ao3 at some point in the future]
Thank you so much for reading! ❤️
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book-place · 2 years
No More Running
Part 2 -> Join Me
Warnings: obi wan episode 3 spoilers, mentions of Order 66, mention of character death, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Obi-Wan x reader platonic, Anakin Skywalker x sister reader
Request: obi wan kenobi w a gn teen padawan reader who he thought was killed in order 66, but then they reunite and it’s just really fluffy and cute maybe you could make them a skywalker somehow ?? if you can’t work it don’t worry about that, love your stories btw!
(I hope this is what you were looking for! If not I’m sorry and just lmk and I’ll try to fix it!!)
Request by: @thekaibabes
*not my gif*
Summary: Afrer Order 66, Obi-Wan never thought that he would see people from his past. From his time as a Jedi Knight
A/N: This is short and really bad- I’m exhausted but I felt like I needed to write something
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Tala briefly glanced over her shoulder, carefully looking to make sure nobody had spotted the man and young girl come in, before jamming the button for the door shut, letting out a small breath of relief as she did so.
She turned around to see Ben and Leia looking from side to side curiously, and she couldn’t help the small and sad smile that made its way onto her face.
The two reminded her of all the others that had passed through before them, the ones that were exactly the same as the older man. Hesitant, and refusing to let hope shine through. Hope that he could actually have a chance.
She observed the way he kept a close eye on the young girl, as if she were his own, but Tala knew better. She knew that though the man clearly cared deeply for her, he was no father of hers.
But the look in his eyes also told her that he had experience being almost like a father before. And under different circumstances Tala would have asked him about it out of pure curiosity, but they were in pressing times and the longer they waited, the more endangered the two would become.
Shaking the thoughts, she snapped herself out of her daze as she strode forward and over to where the hidden lever was to lead them into the equally as hidden room.
Right before going in she hesitated, remembering a small detail as she turned back to the eagerly awaiting duo.
“There is one more thing, though.” She saw the way Ben’s features became guarded once more and the way his hand subconsciously reached for Leia's shoulder, before quickly continuing, “There’s another Jedi on the other side of this door.”
Ben stiffened and dropped his hand as the young girl's eyes just became wide with a mixture of excitement and amazement, “You mean there’s another one?” Her voice held such awe that Tala almost chuckled.
She hummed in return, “Yes, and if you don’t mind, she will be joining you to the ship and then going her separate way afterwards.”
When Ben didn’t respond, Leia rolled her eyes slightly and elbowed him in the stomach, crossing her arms and began talking for him, “That’s totally fine! I’ve always wanted to meet a girl Jedi anyway!”
This caused Tala to smile slightly before pushing the door open, revealing a small yet useful looking room.
The lady stepped in first, followed by the young girl, and then Obi-Wan, and the first thing his eyes landed on was you.
You had grown up since the last time he had seen you. You had become taller, and more mature looking. Your hair was slightly longer with a different cut, and your eyes held a wiseness that had never been there before.
“Y/n.” He breathed out in shock, coming to a halt in his tracks as his eyes widened in disbelief and mouth parted slightly.
You, looking equally as startled, started right back, “Obi-Wan.” Your voice shook a bit as you looked at the man you once knew as if he were a total stranger.
When you were young, you and your brother had been taken from your home planet on Tatooine in hopes of a better life with the Jedi.
It was very rare for there to be younglings with bonds before the Jedi, let alone an older brother and a little sister. Anakin and Y/n Skywalker.
The two of you were known for years throughout the galaxy as the most unstoppable Jedi duo to ever live, that was when you were allowed to actually work together. Wherever the two of you went, chaos ensued, but you always did get the job done. Eventually.
With Anakin being older than you, he was able to become a padawan learner far before you, but you soon enough joined- at a young age nonetheless- and became Obi-Wan Kenobi’s second student.
You and your brother were seen as lab rats to the Jedi council, the two siblings with a connection, one that they had always considered dangerous. But if the two of you were able to handle it, then just maybe they would explore the idea more of force-sensitive siblings.
But it did not go well. And you two were not able to handle it. The future ended up proving that.
When Order 66 happened, you had been sent on your first mission away from your master, with a small group of five trained clones and you six had been tasked to map out a new planet.
You had barely managed to escape with your life when they turned on you, and when you tried to contact the Jedi temple, you had heard the news of it happening everywhere to everybody.
Your mind had automatically gone to the worst place when your master and brother didn’t answer any of your comms, and you knew that they were gone.
Though you had been raised your entire life hearing that Jedi weren’t supposed to form attachments, in that moment you didn’t care. You had broken down and grieved.
From that moment on, a darkness slowly crept through your being, swallowing you whole in the most painful way possible, taking its sweet time and allowing you to suffer for as long as possible.
The next ten years of your life were spent on the run, jumping from planet to planet, never staying in the same place for any longer than three rotations in fear of getting caught.
You didn’t know what else you could have done. The only thing that you felt that you had known how to do all those years ago was run. And that’s what you did. You ran and ran and ran and ran. Never once slowing long enough to come to a full stop.
You felt all the words escape your mouth as your throat went dry at the sight of your old master.
Instead, without even thinking, you sprinted forward as fast as you could and leapt into his arms, refusing to let the small sob escape from between your lips.
“You’re alive.” You heard him whisper in utter shock. “I thought after everything-“ He broke off, choking on his own tears.
He didn’t need to finish his sentence for you to know what he was saying as you nodded against his shoulder, sniffing slightly, “Me too.” You whispered.
Tala and Leia had been kind enough to give the two of you a moment alone, instead moving wordlessly across the room and sitting down to observe some random scrolls laying around.
You finally pulled away, studying him as he did the same to you, “How did you-“ You both said in sync, cutting off with small chuckles.
“We have a lot to talk about.” You finally said, to which he nodded his head in agreement.
“But not right now,” He said, glancing over at Leia, “Right now we need to get out of here.”
As he watched you turn curiously to the young girl, he couldn’t help it when his breath caught in the back of his throat.
While Leia slightly resembled her mother, her other features complemented those of her father. And those of yours.
You now looked so similar to how Anakin had before Order 66, that Obi-Wan couldn’t help but let tears once again fill his eyes.
The guilt that he had spent years trying to push down began bubbling back up in his stomach again as he looked over at you.
He had killed your brother and you didn’t even know.
You on the other hand, for the first time in ten years finally felt that darkness that had been eating away inside of you slowly melt away. As if the curtains had been opened and light began to stream in.
You were finally back with someone you thought was long dead, someone you knew cared about you just as much as you cared about him.
For the first time in a long time you were beginning to feel okay again. Now you knew there would be no more running.
Star Wars Taglist: @spidyyparker @fabulousapple
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ao3feed--reylo · 4 years
Star Wars: Episode 9: Light Paths
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ahuUw8
by ShadowBleak
UPDATED DAILY. Set after The Last Jedi... Leia's funeral is a prime target for First Order attack. Rey must decide how to act on the princess's final haunting words. Kylo Ren must eliminate the conflict within him, and so seeks out a dark side nexus, in the ruins of the Death Star....
This is my first full length fan fiction. I intended to put it out before Episode 9 premiered, but didn't finish in time. I recently got to crank out the final chapters during my current COVID quarantine. I caught the virus and boom!- plenty of time to write. This is now an alternate vision of what Episode 9 might have been. I put up part 1 all at once and will post a new chapter or more from part 2 every day until the last chapter. Enjoy! (And please follow if you do.)
- ShadowBleak
Words: 311, Chapters: 1/87, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Multi, Other
Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Trios (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, The Force (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda (Star Wars), Knights of Ren
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Poe Dameron/Finn, Finn/Rose Tico, Finn/Rey (Star Wars), Finn & Rey (Star Wars)
Additional Tags: Space Flight, Angst, Love Triangles, New Jedi Order, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Jedi, The Dark Side of the Force, Endor, Death Star, Death Star II, X-Wing(s), Technology
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ahuUw8
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f7chxN
by Mizakishanethekiller
"Caleb dume a estado teniendo visiones sin sentido en los últimos días después de una misión
Un pasado que el desconoce, esperaba cualquier cosa, pero no esperaba que un sujeto apareciera afuera del templo con una armada de el mismo diciendo que es su padre"
*ahora el y los que lo acompañan están atrapados en un mundo desconocido y deben pasar los obstáculos y permanecer juntos si quieren volver a su mundo mientras hay una lucha sobre el destino de caleb¨
universo alternativo (UA) donde Caleb dume es hijo de Wanda Waximoff y el Dr. Doom.
(lose, lose, es muy absurdo pero son cosas que luego surgen de mi cabeza absurda y loca :v)
ya publicare otra en ingles, no se preocupen ;)
pero bueno como dije antes, no me hago responsable de que les de curiosidad y luego les interese y les guste :3
Words: 1572, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Kanan (Comics), Marvel 616, Young Avengers (Comics), Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Depa Billaba, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-5052 | Bly, CC-1004 | Gree, CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1993 | Jet, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC-5555, CT-21-0408 | Echo, CT-4040 | Cutup, CT-782 | Hevy, CT-5385 | Tup, Slick (Star Wars), Styles (Star Wars), Big-Mouth (Star Wars), Soot (Star Wars), CT-1157 | Stance, Ahsoka Tano, Shaak Ti, Jocasta Nu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Dooku (Star Wars), Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal, Asajj Ventress, Cad Bane, Pit Droids (Star Wars), Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Avengers Team, Young Avengers (Team), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman (Marvel), Tommy Shepherd, Victor von Doom, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Johnny Storm, Fantastic Four (Team), X-Men (Team), Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Ororo Munroe, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Rogue (X-Men), The Brotherhood of Mutants, Peter Parker, Hydra Agents, Agents of SHIELD Team, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Raven | Mystique, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, James Rhodes, Doombot (Avengers AI), Thaddeus Ross, Stephen Strange, etc - Character
Relationships: Depa Billaba & Kanan Jarrus, CC-10/994 | Grey & Kanan Jarrus, Depa Billaba & CC-10/994 | Grey, Kanan Jarrus & Anakin Skywalker, Depa Billaba & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Wanda Maximoff/Victor von Doom, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Jean Grey & Scott Summers, Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Padawan Kanan Jarrus, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Temple (Star Wars), Jedi Training (Star Wars), Protective Anakin Skywalker, The Force, Force Visions, Master & Padawan Relationship(s), Avengers Tower, Betrayal, Nick Fury Lies, Lies, Marvel Universe, Revenge, Mutants, Portals, Alternate Universe, Interrogation, Scott Summers Being an Asshole, Tony Stark Does What He Wants, Kanan Jarrus Needs a Hug, Avengers vs X-men, Attempted Kidnapping, Crossover, Space Battles, Lightsaber Battles, Custody Battle, Post-Civil War, etc - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f7chxN
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Warnings = **
x teen!reader / x child!reader / x daughter!reader / x gn!reader / x reader / x sibling!reader
I don’t own Star Wars or any of the characters in Star Wars, I only own the imagines that I have created in tumblr or wattpad.
Main Masterlist
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Best Father of the Year ** - Din Djarin x teen!reader: how I imagine Mando would be like if he was the father to not only Grogu but a force sensitive teenager (coming soon)
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Between Good & Goodbye ** - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader: Instead of Ahsoka Tano, you were the one who got blamed for the bombing in the Jedi temple, and instead of Ahsoka leaving, it’s you who leaves (coming soon)
Be Here For You ** - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader: You are Obi-Wan’s Padawan and he comforts you when he felt your anxiety after the mission you both were on (coming soon)
Promises ** - Obi-Wan Kenobi x padawan!reader: You died in order 66 and your master Obi-Wan can’t let go of you
One of us ** - Bad Batch x teen!reader: you meet the bad batch and you find out that you are actually a clone, but they doesn’t seem to trust you until you and Echo has a one on one conversation
Survivors Guilt ** - Bad Batch x teen!padawan!reader: you survived order 66 (coming soon)
Late Night Talking ** - Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!jedi!reader: you and Obi-Wan confess your feelings for each other (romantic)
Attachment of a Child ** - Obi-Wan Kenobi x padawan!reader: a bunch of fanfics about Obi-Wan and his new/second padawan/the reader (entirely platonic)
Being Ahsoka Tano’s best friend would include ** - Ahsoka Tano x reader: being Obi-Wan’s padawan and Ahsoka’s best friend would include
Dating Reva Headcanons ** - Reva x gn!reader: soft headcanons on dating Reva
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Flying Buddies ** - Poe Dameron x reader: what I imagine it would be like to be best friends with Poe Dameron
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agent-barnes40 · 4 years
The Connection #2
Reylo x OFC
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Characters: Rey, Kylo, Caitlyn, Finn, Leia, Anakin Skywalker, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Relationships: Reylo x OFC
It had been a week since Kylo’s secret had been revealed to Caitlyn. Leia and she had a meeting once a day with Kylo if they could with him. Usually, it was just Caitlyn and Leia. 
“Kylo’s a great master, Leia. He helped me when I was brought from Naboo. I am a Nabooian.” Caitlyn said and Leia gasped, looking at her. “You were born on Naboo?” 
“I am.” Caitlyn looked away. “I’ve heard the stories of Senator Amidala, for everything she did for the galaxy. If I wasn’t force-sensitive, I’d be a part of the group of children eligible to become a queen or king. When Supreme Leader Snoke found out that I was force sensitive, he sent my master to come to get me.” 
The door slammed open and it was Rey. “Caitlyn, wake up!” 
The teenager jolted awake and panted, sitting on her bed inside the Millenium Falcon. Leia let Rey take her to go train on a different planet, that way Kylo wouldn't know where the resistance is hiding after the death of the supreme leader. She was in conference with Leia when it happened. The feeling shook her as they were heading to the new base.
Caitlyn was sitting beside Leia as they were sitting on the transport, she could feel the pain of her former master and now current best friend as Supreme Leader Snoke died. She could feel that Kylo killed him and not the scavenger girl. 
She shot up and started pacing. “Cmon, Kylo, tell me something.” She asked mentally and only stilled when she felt Leia put her hand on her shoulder. “G-General…” 
“I felt it too, Honestly.”
Caitlyn stared at Rey. “Was I dreaming too loud?”
The two women turned to the sound of Shyriiwook and smiled, seeing Chewbacca standing at the door next to Rey. “Thanks, Chewbacca.” 
Chewbacca reached in and grabbed her hand, pulling her up and dragging her, gently to the cockpit and the woman gasped, seeing the nebula. “This is amazing..” 
Chewbacca started to talk about how he and Han used to sit at this nebula to relax in between smuggling. In the middle of Chewbacca’s long talk, Caitlyn suddenly stood and walked out of the cockpit. “Kylo?” 
Kylo turned and smiled, seeing his significantly shorter apprentice. His hand reached out and Rey suddenly shot in between them. “Scavenger!”
Caitlyn growled and pushed Rey away and pushed on her old Master’s chest. “You don’t get to call her that! She is anything but that!” 
“How would you know that, child?”
“I am not a child, Kylo!” 
“Oh really? When the traitor and Resistance pilot left, you ran right along in the chaos.” Kylo snapped and Caitlyn growled, her hand reaching out to grab her saber. “Meet me on Naboo, and I’ll show you how I’m not a child, Ren.”
“Where on Naboo?” 
“The most important place in our shared culture,” Caitlyn growled and the connection cut them. Rey stared at the panting teen who looked at her.
“He’s going to kill you,” Rey mumbled, grabbing the adult’s hands.
“He won’t kill me because of our past, Rey. I grew up on Naboo, I was supposed to be a part of the group of children to be royalty until my connection with the force drew in Snoke and he waited until he had Luke Skywalker’s nephew in hand to continue Lord Vader’s reign over the galaxy. His grandmother was Senator Padme Amidala.” 
“Where is this place?”
“Naboo, we’ll get directions to Varykino when we arrive.” 
“Chewie! Head to Naboo!” Rey yelled, shaking her head at the shout in Shyriiwook. “Just take us there!” 
Kylo and Caitlyn circled each other where Senator Padme Amidala and Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker were married. The Purple and Red shining the overgrown area as it was reaching nightfall. 
“If you're not a child, then you would’ve hit me, Caitlyn.” Kylo sneered, his mask off to let her, Rey, and Chewbacca see his face. 
Caitlyn smirked and spun in a circle, force jumping behind Kylo only to be met with a blow to the head from the butt of his saber. She stumbled and fell backward into the pillar. Her hand shot out and immediately started to send memories of her learning about Padme into his mind. “I can use this against you, Master!” 
The whispers of Anakin started filling the gazebo, seeing as Rey has his lightsaber. The whispers only fuel the anger of the two battling force-users. The buzzing of the lightsabers hitting each other, making the colors flash and spark, along with the crackling of Kylo’s saber. 
“Give up, Organa!” 
“I would never, Berenko!”
The final blow finally happened, with Kylo swinging his saber over her legs, only cutting and burning a few inches into her legs, making the senator’s daughter pass out. 
On Ajan Kloss, Leia gripped her walking stick, looking up at Lieutenant Connix. “Get ready for a distress call from the Millenium Falcon.” 
As if on cue, flying all the way from Naboo, came Rey and Chewbacca’s startled cries of Caitlyn’s injury and who did it. Leia was shocked but it wasn’t a surprise coming from the fiery personality the youngest of the three had. 
Finn and medical teams were waiting for the Falcon and when they saw Chewbacca tightly carrying the teenager gasps could be heard. Her legs were bloody and black from the burns. 
“Let’s get her wrapped in Bacta.”
Caitlyn was staring at two men, one wearing mostly black while one wore earthly tones. “I am Obi-wan Kenobi, Padawan.” The man in earth tones said.
“I am Anakin Skywalker. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”
“I’ve heard of the both of you, Masters. General Leia told me about you, Obi-Wan, and my own master told me of you, Anakin.” 
“Leia is a General?” 
“She is of the resistance.” 
Caitlyn suddenly shivered and Anakin put a hand on her shoulder. “That’s just the bacta.” 
“The bacta? What happened?”
“Ben hurt you.” Obi-Wan said and grabbed her hand. Caitlyn’s face contorted, the fight playing out around them, along with Padme and Anakin’s wedding appearing. “I am so sorry, master Skywalker, I didn't know that Varykino was where you got married. Isn't it against the code to have attachments?” 
Both Obi-wan and Anakin sighed. “That was something that most dont remember of the Jedi Code. How do you remember that?” 
“The previous Supreme Leader pounded it into my head since I left Naboo.” Caitlyn said, looking away. “Trust me, growing up hearing that and having a single thought of wanting someone to care about, and if you ever put a face to the person you wanted to care about, they’d be dead the next day.”
Anakin ran a hand through her hair. “You remind me of Padme when she was younger.”
Chewbacca sat next to the wrapped adult, only looking up at the sound of someone entering the room. R2 and 3PO came marching in with Leia. “She’s going to be okay, Chewie.” Leia mumbled, putting her hand on Caitlyn’s. 
“She’s in conference with the best Jedi I’ve seen.” Leia mumbled and rubbed the girl’s hand. Rey and Finn poured in next. BB-8 on their tails, seeing as BB-8 had a knack for trusting every female he sees save him or Poe. BB-8 started beeping to R2 and 3PO.
“I’m sorry for not doing better.” Suddenly came from the teen, and everyone looked at her. Her eyes fluttered open, expecting to see the hurt faces of Obi-Wan and Anakin. Chewbacca started going off in Shyriiwook. Caitlyn laughed and started to sit up, groaning at how light headed she got.
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