artist-issues · 7 months
I just commented something like this somewhere
But the reason people are media-illiterate is because they have a worldview that undermines clear communication and objective truth. Which means, they undermine what media is even for.
Look at how everyone's obsessed with the idea of "personal truth." Personal pronouns. Personal journeys. Personal realities. Then look at fandoms. Nobody can even acknowledge that stories have a point--a point that the storyteller intended, not a point that the audience assigns. Nobody can acknowledge that. It's all "open to interpretation." It's all "but what does it mean to me?"
Guess what, the person who wrote the book or directed the film or drew the cartoon didn't do it so that you could assign your own meaning to it. They did it so that they could transplant something from their brain and heart to yours. Something that wasn't in there before.
But you just want more of what you already like, so as it's being transplanted, you intercept and tear it into pieces until it looks like what you already like, unrecognizable from how the artist/author/filmmaker/storyteller created it to be--and then it'll fit--comfortably, unfortunately--into your closed-off mind.
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thirdity · 8 months
The radical illusion of the world cannot be dispelled. The illusion of dispelling it is the secondary illusion of the disavowal and transformation of the world. But perhaps, in going to its extreme, that movement gets caught up in its own game and ends up wiping out its own traces, leaving the field free for misappropriation, imperfection, the original crime?
Jean Baudrillard, The Perfect Crime
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quotelr · 5 months
The learner has to realize that he or she is the one who sets the objective, the learning tasks and the stage for success.
Sukavich Rangsitpol
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redacted-coiner · 5 months
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Zoisrean(link), Polyplex(link), Councilman(link)
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Fuzztive(link), Altive(link), Fogtive(link)
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Locatroject(link), Memetive(link), Objective(link)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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tristarnova · 8 days
If you get them until you get the final boss, confronting the final boss will be the main objective of the final area. If you get them form all the bosses, then you will finish the collection once the final boss is beaten. And if you get them for specfic objectives, then completing each area and beating the major boss will still give you one of them. Please put your ideas in the comments if you have any of course, but don’t just click it, cause that isn’t an option unless you actually have an idea.
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wayti-blog · 6 days
"Nature is our kindest friend and best critic in experimental science if we only allow her intimations to fall unbiased on our minds." - Michael Faraday
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00l6 · 5 months
Word of the day: Equanimity
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serenityquest · 7 months
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sorry i dont know if this is a good place to ask: is there a term for being in-between a POSIC companion and a headmate? we currently have 2 members like that and it's sometimes hard to tell what's them speaking for themselves or if their IRL plushie counterparts are communicating with us
I think we’ve heard of terms like objectmate/objective (like an introject of an object) and plushtive before… maybe one of those could work?
Also as far as we understand, it’s quite possible for a POSIC companion to, by their very nature, be or become a headmate in a system. It’s okay to just be both, though we do see how things might get complicated if you have an introject of a companion who acts and functions separately from your companion themself.
None of the companions in our hoarde have been introjected into our system so we don’t have any personal experience with this (although we are POSIC). So if anyone else does have experience with this sort of thing and would like to offer some advice, that would be amazing :)
💫 Parker and 🐢 Kip
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The objective is never to hurt someone back. It's to heal yourself.
Morgan Richard Olivier - Blooming Bare
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wisdomfish · 7 months
The existence of objective moral obligations requires a source or foundation.
Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. p. 236
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thirdity · 7 months
The thing whose address I lost is not the End, it’s the Beginning. Not the object to be possessed but the subject that possesses me.
Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
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vgobjectives · 6 months
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babythegod · 10 months
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lea-hi · 8 months
❗New Objective: Travel to Petalburg City
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fieriframes · 1 year
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