#obsessed with thinking about the types/teams sighs
iceicewifey · 2 months
been playing a lot of pokémon ruby since i snagged an emulator app and tbh my mind has been going wild thinking about an au… it’s so silly but i can’t stop thinking about what types my ocs and f/os would like, what teams they’d have………
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norrisleclercf1 · 6 days
Lewis being OBSESSED with how y/n looks preggrs and being over protective at the same time unable to keep his hands off and y/n being equally obsessed with him and having the only craving is the man himself 😍🔥
A/N: Honestly Lewis is the type to constantly post pictures of his girl's pregnancy
Lewis couldn't help but stare at you from down the paddock, the cold rainy weather in Canada wasn't doing anything to dampen the way you glowed. God, he was just so in love with you.
When Lewis found out you were pregnant, he was so ecstatic that he couldn't contain the secret the first person he called being Sebastian, who laughed as Lewis cried halfway through the announcement that you had to take over the phone call to explain. Sebastian immediately sent over the old Red Bull gear and even Ferrari, which made Lewis laugh.
Now, here you stood wearing a long black dress that hugged your small bump perfectly and Lewis just falls in love with you all over again, smiling softly and ignoring whoever was talking to him as he stared at you. "Lewis, LEWIS!" Lewis jumps and blinks staring at George and Carmen who giggle at the older man.
"You're so in love," Carmen sighs, Lewis chuckles and nods, but narrows his eyes seeing someone he doesn't know reach out to touch his child. "Y/n," You back up and smile brightly and rush over, "DOn't run," Lewis lowers his voice, and moves wrapping his arms around you, as you practically melt into his hold.
You always heard the rumors of how women get really weird pregnancy cravings, and yours has been your husband. It was weird, but ever since you hated not being close to him or just having his scent on you calmed the morning sickness or any other weird craving you had.
"Who was that about to touch you, and peanut?" Lewis whispers, and you sigh pulling him closer. "Don't know," You admit, Lewis's arms tighten and kisses the top of your head. "Stop letting random people touch you, I don't like it," You nod your head and Lewis can feel your hands move under his clothes and chuckles as your cold fingers have him shivering, yeah you were definitely trying to steal his clothes.
"When I change into my team gear, you can wear my sweater, okay," Kissing the top of your head you about melt thinking about how much you're going sleep so good when he's at practice. "I think I win best baby daddy," "Yea, you do,"
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hellooo!! I've been reading your stuff and oml I am OBSESSED!! You are such an amazing writer my dear human!! Thx for just being here to fulfill my hobie obsession lol
I don't often request so idk what u need but here goes nothing ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯ Could you do a hobie x fem! reader where the reader is super quiet until you start to talk to her?? Like she's nice but has a bit of an rbf and is just rlly silent until someone strikes up a conversation w her type thing. Maybe a story like she and hobie were assigned a job or smth together but they didn't talk for like the first few days cuz she can't hold a conversation (and it doesn't help that the man she's tryna talk to is literally so fine) but then eventually hobie's like "what is your deal why won't u talk to me?" Idk idk it's kinda a bad idea but it's stuck in my noggin
Anywayss thanks for considering/writing this!! Much love ♡♡⁠♡
I love!! Thank you and I’m glad you like my stuff (: also I js watched the little mermaid and seeing that made me so inspired to write sum like this 😭
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“Okay… Hobie and Y/n.” Miguel called you both up first, telling you the mission.
You didn’t know too much about Hobie, and you don’t know why you were being paired together. You usually worked alone.
“Uh, Miguel, sir.” You mumbled after he explained it.
“If you’re gonna ask if you can work alone, the answer is no.”
You mumbled something under your breath, looking at Hobie as he set a portal.
“So… I’m Hobie.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Y/n, right?”
You just looked at him.
“Alright then..” he muttered, thinking you were just being rude. You both started to swing.
You weren’t used to being teamed with people, and he was attractive. Like insanely attractive.
You focused on the mission, completing it easily.
But that one day of teaming up with Hobie turned into two, then three.
“Hey, Y’Know do you not like me or something? I’ve known you for three days and all I’ve gotten was stares.”
“It’s not you.” You croaked.
“Oh she talks.” He said.
“I just don’t like talking… to anyone.”
“Got it. Well, glad that’s cleared up.”
After a week, you had started to get more comfortable and talking more. Hobie was glad, because he liked hearing your voice.
“So, yeah, no it doesn’t make sense but it does if you know what I mean.”
“Nah, it definitely makes sense.” He said as you dragged the guy across the floor, webbing him up against the wall.
“Good job.” He said, nodding to the passed out man.
“It was light work.” You shrugged.
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with a few of some other friends I got..? They’re cool, and I think you’ll like them.”
You sighed and thought.
“I guess..”
He smiled at that. An I guess was the best answer he’s gotten out of you.
“Quit smiling.” You said, but smiled as you did so.
“You just smiled!” He put his arm around your shoulders, and messed with your hair.
“Knew I could do it.” He smirked to himself.
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unsolvedjarin · 10 months
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just you wait sunshine.
pairing: (sebastian vettel x driver! reader)
summary: sebastian’s retirement has led him to reminisce his past life and mistakes, including you. little does he know, the universe is about to give him a second chance via a small bookstore in switzerland.
note: this went on WAYYY longer than i wanted it to be and it didn’t really go the direction i wanted either, but we move
content warning: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, more sebastian centric than reader centric tbh (sorry i just love him so much)
word count: 3.7k
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Retirement had been good to Sebastian.
He’d finally been able to spend time in his farm house, plant some trees, grow a garden, and along with all that, still have time to drive cars whenever an event needed him to. It was like his entire life schedule magically cleared up in front of him.
He missed racing of course, he won’t pretend that he didn’t. After all, he spent 15 years in the sport, it was his pride and joy for quite a long time. But that time of his life is over, he’s accepted that. He wanted to enjoy the other things in life instead, be able to see and experience things that the busy life of being a driver didn’t let him experience.
Sitting on a chair in his porch watching the sun set, he reflects on what he could have done differently. Who he could have treated differently. And when only one name enters his mind, the same one that’s haunted him for the past 5 years, he sighs reluctantly and heads back inside to prepare his dinner.
“What do you wanna do when you grow up?”
The question takes you by surprise as you take another swig of your beer. The moon shone brightly on the porch of whatever airbnb your team had set you up at, and the stars were sparkling like they had never before.
“What kind of question is that, Sebby?” you giggle. “Isn’t this what we’re gonna do for eternity? Racing?”
Sebastian shrugs, looking up at the sky on his foldable chair that you had brought on the trip. “Yeah but after that, you know? I’ve always thought about what my life will be like after retirement.”
“Okay old man, because you’re sooo close to retiring,” you tease. He gives you a playful light shove for that, smiling as he does. The air feels freer and lighter than it ever has before.
“But seriously,” Sebastian chuckled. “Have you ever thought about it?”
You ponder for a second before replying, “No, not really. I mean my career’s just starting, I haven’t really thought about the end. But when I do retire, I think I’d like to be a writer.”
“Like those egotistical types to make a biographical book about themselves?” Sebastian asks, earning a laugh from you. The sound made him feel things that he’d only ever felt before with you.
“God no,” you laugh out. “I don’t wanna be like those old blokes who get obsessed with themselves after they retire. I just wanna write fictional books, maybe under a pen name. Just a simple life; me, my theoretical dog, and my theoretical book.”
Sebastian nods with an understanding look in his eye. He wants that life too. A simple one, away from the public. Even now at his young age, the paparazzis and press were getting annoying quickly.
“I want to live in a house far away from the city,” he says. “Maybe the suburbs— no that’s too near…a farm! I’ll live in a farmhouse.”
You smile at the thought of Sebastian Vettel, two time Formula 1 world champion, just lounging about in a farm tending to his animals and crops.
“Wouldn’t it get boring? Or lonely? Milking your cows alone?”
He answers you with no delay, “Well I’d want you to be with me of course.”
You thanked whatever higher power was listening at that time that he couldn’t see how your blush formed over the darkness of the night. Regaining your sense of self, you reply, “What makes you think I’d want to go with you?”
“Wouldn’t you?” he asks genuinely. “You could write your books inside while I…I don’t know what type of farm I’ll make, exactly. But I’ll be tending to that and you can write your books with your theoretical dog.”
“It’ll be our theoretical dog, then.”
Sebastian replied with a soft smile, “Ours, then.”
He had settled on bees. Having a bee farmhouse. It wasn’t easy work, it was definitely more complicated than milking a cow like you had said, but it made him happy, and it made him content.
Well, as content as he could be.
You had your first kiss that night, Sebastian recalled. He remembers because even though you didn’t think it, he could see the red blush dusted lightly on your cheeks, a sign he made the right choice leaning in and making his move.
Preparing his dinner for one in his cozy yet lonely farm house, he realizes he could have had this all with you. If he had just been more kind and if you had forgiven him, you could have had all of this together. A life that both of you had always wanted.
“Sebastian, I’m not asking you to retire or something, I’m just asking you to take a break, please,” you beg. He remembers your exasperated voice as clear as day.
“I can’t take a break, Y/N, you don't understand. If I don’t get at least podium in this race, that's it, my career is basically over.”
Scoffing, you replied, “Your career isn’t over just like that, you’ve still got another year with Ferrari for christ’s sake.”
“You wouldn’t get it,” he mumbled, opting to turn away from you and put on his racing gear instead.
He’d been distant the whole season, the tension between the two of you increasing and increasing that finally it just snapped this race weekend. He’d been icing you out, acting like you didn’t exist because he was ‘practicing for the races ahead.’
At first you understood, you were a driver too. You recognized the difficulty of always losing race after race, how after a while it took a toll on your mental wellbeing. So you gave him space.
Then, when that didn’t work, you tried reaching out, helping him. It was the worst mistake of your life. Every time you tried to talk to him, to ask him what was wrong so you could help, he kept pushing you further and further away, acting like you were getting in the way of his work, sometimes even getting angry.
That went on for the whole season, until finally today, on qualifying morning, you snapped and demanded he talk to you.
“What the hell do you mean ‘I wouldn’t get it’? I have the exact same job as you,” you accused. You’d been patient for months and his vagueness was starting to get on your nerves.
Whipping his head around angrily to face you he replied, “You don’t have to reach the same standard as I do. I have to constantly prove I’m the best, and you constantly prove to be a midfielder.”
That was a low blow, even Sebastian knew that. Your relationship had been teetering on the edge for the past year, but this was a make or break moment, and he knew exactly which one of the two it was going to be.
“So it’s like that,” you decided with a tone of finality. Sebastian wanted to ask for your forgiveness right then and there, to apologize, to make up for the last few months of being an asshole, to beg you not to throw away your years together just like that.
But he knew he was in the wrong, and he was too stubborn and egotistical to apologize.
Sensing the silence from him, you nod with teary eyes you tried so desperately to stop from flowing freely. Sebastian wanted nothing more to wipe them away, to hold you in his arms, but he never could do it.
“This is how you want it to end?” You asked him. It was a genuine question. You were giving him one last choice, one last chance to make up for how he’d been treating you the past year.
He stayed silent.
“Enjoy your fucking career, Vettel.”
He won that race. It was his first win of the season, but he felt like he had lost the championship itself as he stood on that podium, eyes looking for you in the crowd like he usually did, finding you absolutely nowhere.
After your argument he tried to talk to you in the paddocks but you constantly avoided him, the act not being hard when he wasn’t allowed inside your team’s hospitality building nor paddock. That fight was the last sensible conversation with each other you ever had.
You retired the year after that. You moved out quietly from your shared home, and he heard you stayed with Jenson for quite a while. He couldn’t blame you, Jenson had always been kind to you— Sebastian had no place to be jealous.
Hearing the beeping of his oven, Sebastian snaps out of his trip down memory lane to grab his dinner. It was a tray of lasagna, one he was sure he would be eating again tomorrow lunch because of the size of it.
He thinks about how he wouldn’t have to place the excess in a container for tomorrow if he just had someone to share it with. If he could share it with you.
Going through his grocery list at 10 in the morning, Sebastian notices a new store out of the corner of his eye. He’s been to this street countless times to do his grocery down the road— they had a brand of milk that no other nearby grocery had— but he had never seen that store before.
It was a bookshop. A small one compared to the large shops that surrounded it, but it stood out enough to be noticed yet cozy enough to feel inviting. It was a cold morning in Switzerland, and the heater inside just invited him further in until he found himself standing at the doorway, taking in the smell of books and the absolutely gorgeous decor.
He will admit, he hasn’t seen a bookshop like this in quite a while. The second he stepped foot inside he felt the love radiate through it, as if he knew the owner personally and how they had a passion for their store.
All Sebastian could think about, however, was how much you would love this. How you would adore running your fingers through the spine of a second hand book, or how you would pick a fresh new one for him to read and he would do the same for you, just like you both did back then.
He won’t pretend that he never looked for your book when you retired. He knew you weren’t joking about publishing one, he just didn’t know what pen name you chose so he never could find it.
“Looking for something specific?” A voice makes him turn his head around to see the woman behind the register looking at him inquisitively. He realizes that he was just standing in an aisle not really reading or picking up a book.
Sebastian shakes his head, “Not really, just browsing. I was thinking about how a friend of mine would have liked to see this store, it’s right up their alley.”
“Why don’t you invite them then?” A different voice speaks.
…It can’t be.
That voice.
That voice.
No, he was hallucinating, dreaming maybe. Yes, this was a dream. That would be the only explanation why from behind him he heard a voice he missed so dreadfully, one he tried imagining talk to him again some nights, one he watched old videos for, one he—
It was you. He would recognize your voice anywhere. He turns around, and the world seems to slow down as if it suddenly focused on just the both of you. The background blurs and everything is hazy and distorted but you were there. Standing in front of him, actually real. Older than he remembers but not in a negative way, just more mature. More peaceful. More you.
Staring at you in the middle of a bookshop in Switzerland after 5 years, Sebastian couldn’t speak. He didn’t know what to say. What would be right? Would there be words he could tell you that would make you ever forgive him?
“I-” “You-”
You both start at the same time, making you laugh at each other. It was the first time he’s seen you smile since 2016. He used to say he would burn cities to see you smile, and he’s glad he knows now that that feeling hasn’t changed.
“You first,” he says. He wants to hear what you’ll say so he can choose his words better.
“I, uh,” you laugh awkwardly. It was still a beautiful sound to Sebastian. “I was actually slightly expecting to see you here.”
Oh. Well he didn’t expect that. You…you were expecting to see him? Like purposely thinking about him? The thought boggled Sebastian.
Noticing his visible silence, you speak up again. “I co-own this bookstore,” you smile. “I knew you lived around the area so I expected I’d bump into you eventually. It’s not the main thing that I do, but my Swiss friend you just talked to behind the counter wanted to make a bookstore but was low on funds so I decided to help a friend out, you know?”
Oh he knows. You were always so kind when it came to your friends. He remembers, he used to be one of them.
“That’s really nice of you,” Sebastian says. He slaps himself internally for the dumb reply he gives. “You uh, you look great.” Way to fucking go Sebastian. What a great conversation saver.
“Not in a weird way, of course. I mean I would never try to make you feel uncomfortable by saying that. Did you feel uncomfortable? Was it weird? It probably was. I mean I haven’t seen you in so long and that’s the first thing I say it’s so stupid and I could have said something of significance but—”
You stop Sebastian before he rambles on any longer. Holding his fidgeting hand, you chuckle at the sight of the nervous German in front of you. “Relax, Seb. I’m not mad. I’ve moved on.”
“You have?” He asks, not thinking before he speaks because he knows he hasn’t. How could he move on from the best thing that ever happened to him and the biggest mistake he ever made?
The question takes you aback, pulling your hand away from his. For a second Sebastian thinks he’s messed up all over again, but you simply reply, “I meant from racing. But I know what you think I mean.”
“Can we catch up? I’ve missed you.” Sebastian hears himself say it before he even realizes the implications of his words.
“Oh.” you say with a pause. It makes Sebastian’s heart sink. Maybe you really have moved on, but in a way that you didn’t want him in your life anymore. He gets that. It looks like you’ve built a nice life for yourself outside of racing. Even if he never gets to be in it. He’s proud of you for being able to move on. “How about we sit down for some coffee first? I know a place near here.”
Oh thank god. Sebastian wasn’t ready to be deprived of you again so quickly.
Walking to the cafe, the air was thick with the tension between the two of you. While your accidental meeting in the library had gone well, the spark of the moment had faded and the reality of the situation had settled in. This was someone Sebastian had deeply wronged, someone he still deeply loved, and there were too many words unsaid there about both.
Sitting down at the window seats— he remembers how you loved sitting there so you could watch the people outside— you flag down a waiter to take both your orders.
“I’ll take a macchiato and— Seb do you still take your coffee black?”
Nodding, he looks out the window with a light blush on his cheeks. The fact that you remembered his— albeit simple— order made him happy and he had to catch himself otherwise he would be smiling like a teenage boy again. It was truly the little things.
“So,” he speaks up, straightening up and looking at you.
“So,” you mimic. “I go first or you go first?”
“My life has been pretty televised before I retired, there’s nothing really surprising in it. You go first.”
You spend the next 30 minutes filling him in on your life, how you avoided the media for the past few years, how you live in a cozy home with your dog, how you still exchange presents with some of the older grid during Christmas (Sebastian admits he got jealous here).
But the most important part was when he heard how you finally wrote that book you always talked about.
“Really? You finally published it?” Sebastian asks. He could see how the smile on your face was genuine, unlike the many times he saw you put on a fake one for the press or the media. It made him happy.
“Yeah, I finally found time after I retired to start it. Surprisingly it’s actually much harder and less peaceful than I thought it’d be.”
“At least it’s not a biographical book,” Seb jokes. The throwback makes you giggle, but it also makes you both acknowledge the elephant in the room. There were still so many things left unsaid, you both didn’t know where to start.
“Y/N back when I said those things, you know the ones, I didn’t mean them.”
Giving him a sad smile you reply, “I know, Seb. But it doesn’t take them back. Besides, that silly argument was just the straw that broke the camel's back, we were on the edge of our relationship for so long, you knew that too.”
“I know, but that was my fault it was on the edge too. I kept pushing you away because of Ferrari and how disappointed I was in my career. I didn’t realize at the time how much it was hurting you until I finally lost you. I know it makes no sense to say it this late when all is said and done, but I am sorry.”
Sebastian’s words stunned you to silence. You knew he never meant pushing you away, despite your last fight he was never intentionally that unkind, it was just racing that pushed him to be like that back then. But hearing the words coming from him hit differently, the way he said the two words you’ve been yearning for for years. I’m Sorry.
It couldn’t make you forget, but it could make you forgive.
“I know you are, Sebby,” you say. The old nickname brings a nostalgic smile on his face. “I’ve forgiven you years ago, just after I retired. I figured I should let go of my ghosts and that’s what I did. Though I won’t lie, your ghost did put up quite a fight giving me tears at night,” you joked. Sebastian could sense the hint of sadness in it.
He wishes he could make it all go away, to fix it just like he used to be able to. But he knows it’s not that easy. Not when the years have separated you both. It’ll be hard getting your trust back to let him into your heart even just as a friend, but goddamn if he wasn’t going to try and fix it.
“Will you ever show me the book?”
The question catches you slightly off guard. “I doubt it. It’s not up your alley anway, historical fiction.”
“Anything you write is up my alley. Maybe you can come over sometime and show it to me,” he says, not realizing the underlying meaning to it.
“Careful, Sebastian,” you say. “Forgiving is easy when you’re given time, but forgetting is harder. Let’s take baby steps.”
Baby steps. He could live with that. To Sebastian it doesn’t matter if it takes days or years to get you back in his life, he’ll let you take your time. You deserve it. And if you choose in the end to walk out of his life again, well, then he deserves it.
You hug each other goodbye when you leave, the hug lasting longer than it should have. He knows he promised baby steps, but when you buried your head into the crook of his neck and tightened your grip around him softly, he couldn’t resist pulling you closer to him and holding you there for a few seconds. He misses this, the closeness of it.
He sends you his address if ever you were in the area again, and you notice how the profile picture he has for you on your number was still the one of you when you were both rookies. It made you happy.
Sebastian didn’t expect anything more to happen, he spent that night contemplating what good deed he must’ve done to bring you back into his life again. Whatever it was, he was grateful he had done it.
The next afternoon as he was reheating the Lasagna— that he ultimately forgot yesterday— in the oven for lunch, he heard his doorbell ring. Opening his door he spots a package on the floor, one that was wrapped with a cute bee themed wrapping paper. It made him chuckle. He expected that whoever or whatever was at the door was you, but this was the next best thing.
Sitting down on his porch chair, he opens the package delicately as if it were fragile. He can feel the outline already, it was a book. Moreover, it was your book. Sebastian couldn’t believe it.
There was a note attached that read, ‘Forgot to tell you yesterday. I missed you too.’
The few words were almost enough to bring him to tears, but he continued and opened the book to scan its contents. The typing Published 2020 stands out, making him realize how long he’s missed out on this.
But what truly catches his attention is the dedication. Smack right in the middle, the words to be seen by everyone, read; For my Sunshine, the amount of words left unsaid will never match the amount of love I still have for you in my heart.
He may not be able to fix his mistake just like that, but Sebastian would wait however long it took for you to love him again, as a friend or as another. As long as his sunshine was in his life again.
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dumbobsessivebitch · 1 month
can you do something for Kate where reader is a nerd and acedemic weapon???? like she’s always locked in and she’s also the manager for the team so kate is infatuated by how perfect reader is and doesn’t think that reader is gay because reader is really girly??
The soft hum of the overhead lights in the basketball gym was the only sound breaking the silence as Y/N worked at her laptop. The team had just wrapped up practice, and the players were trickling out, their laughter and chatter slowly fading into the background. Y/N, the team manager, was focused on updating the team’s stats and schedules. Papers were scattered around her as she continued typing away.
Kate had always admired Y/N. She was the perfect combination of brains and beauty – she maintained impeccable grades while efficiently managing the team’s needs. Despite her bright, bubbly demeanor and her obsession with in pastel sweaters and floral skirts – Kate had never thought that Y/N might like girls. It seemed too good to be true.
Earlier that day, during practice, Kate had noticed Y/N looking more stressed than usual. She was usually so composed, but today, her movements were hurried as she did 20 things at the same time. Caitlin had noticed too.
"Is she okay?" Kate murmured to Caitlin, her eyes fixed on Y/N, who was frantically flipping through her notes.
Caitlin smirked, nudging Kate with her elbow. "Someone’s got it bad, huh?"
Kate blushed, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious, Caitlin. She looks really stressed out."
"Yeah, I noticed," Caitlin admitted, her tone softening. "But it’s cute how worried you are. You should just talk to her, you know."
Kate sighed, watching as Y/N ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "I know. I just don't want to make things worse."
"Trust me," Caitlin said, giving Kate a reassuring pat on the back. "You won’t. She could probably use a friend right now. And maybe more than that."
As the last of her teammates left, Kate lingered by the door, pretending to check her phone. She glanced up to see Y/N still engrossed in her work, her shoulders hunched with tension. Something in her posture seemed off, she usually seemed so confidence and sure of herself.
Concerned, Kate approached quietly. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?"
Startled, Y/N looked up, her eyes wide. "Oh, Kate! I didn't realize anyone was still here. Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit overwhelmed with all this work."
Kate moved closer, noting the tear tracks on Y/N's cheeks. "It doesn't look like just a bit. Do you want to talk about it?"
Y/N's façade crumbled, and she buried her face in her hands. "I'm so embarrassed. I should be able to handle this, but it's too much sometimes."
Without hesitation, Kate sat down next to her, placing a comforting hand on her back. "Hey, it's okay. You do so much for us and keep everything running smoothly. It's okay to feel overwhelmed."
Y/N looked up, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "I just don't want to let anyone down. I feel like I have to be perfect all the time."
Kate's heart ached for her. "You don't have to be perfect, Y/N. You're already amazing. We all appreciate everything you do. You’re allowed to have a moment."
Y/N sniffled and managed a small smile. "Thanks, Kate. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
Kate's hand moved from Y/N's back to gently cup her cheek. "We don't know what we'd do without you either." Her voice softened, and she added, almost hesitantly, "You know, you're incredible, Y/N. More than you realize."
There was a charged silence between them as Y/N processed Kate's words. Slowly, she leaned into Kate's touch, her eyes searching the taller girl's face. "Really?"
"Really," Kate whispered, her breath hitching as she leaned in closer. Their lips met in a soft kiss, both of them melting into the moment, all of Y\N's stress and worries disappearing in a second.
When they finally pulled apart, Y/N's cheeks were flushed, but she was smiling genuinely for the first time that evening. "Thank you, Kate. For everything."
Kate grinned, leaning down to kiss the girl again "don't mention it"
A\N : I tried my best I hope you guys like it!
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kachowden · 1 year
Hii! I just saw your Loren art work and HE. IS.SO. CUTEEE!!! 💖💖 the pink collar around his neck is 😍😍 but it made me think of a funny scenario (most likely one where reader knows about his obsession with them and uses it to their advantage)
It was a huge game for the college team. Almost everyone and their grand mama came to see it! Two rival teams competing against each other, both known for their long streaks of winning, and not only that! Loren’s darling is on the sidelines cheering him on! (You are probably just watching the game bored out of your mind cuz the coach FORCED you to be there *saying it’ll give them a higher chance of winning*) unfortunately though Loren’s team seems to be losing by a couple points. The stands are restless and the other teams stands even started mocking the players! With Loren’s coach yelling and hollering he suddenly got an idea.
Coach: OY! Number 13’s (girlfriend/boyfriend)! Get over here!
Surprised at the sudden call over you quickly walked over to him. “What-“ “-no time for Lilly gagging! I need you to give number 13 a pep talk! Some type of motivation! You hear me!? I ain’t gonna let these assholes win!!” He cut you off and told you what to do. Thinking for a minute as he pushed you to where Loren was taking a break on the bench, a thought popped up. You sighed and stood in front of him, he looked up to you in with that cute gaze and a sad smile. “Hey (y/n), I know this ain’t look too good but I bet we can still turn this around!” He tried to stay positive (as positive as you can get when making a fool of your self in front of your crush). You just lowered yourself to his eye level and started talking.
(Y/n): don’t worry bout that, don’t worry about what already happened. Just focus on what you do next. Cuz like you said you still have time to turn it around. *you grabbed the back of his neck and leaned into his ear, whispering* if you do manage to win,I’ll celebrate with you-give you a reward. I’ll do things so VILE to you that it’ll make the devil blush~ *giving him a smirk and a kiss on the cheek you left him on the bench*
Meanwhile the other team:”We are destroying those fools!” “They can’t keep up with us!” “That trophy is—wait do y’all hear boss music??”
Long story short Loren’s team won, the other team had most of their players end up in the hospital and he didn’t leave your apartment for almost 3 days after. (He also couldn’t walk properly for a whole week and had to wear more “covering” clothes for a while) —💖💖 anon
I almost feel like I don’t need to write anything at this point! The scenario is too good too pass up though.
Loren was frustrated. You could see it from where you sat on the teams bench. Technically, you weren’t supposed to be sat their, as it was reserved for the team and all, but the coach had made an exception for you on account of Loren’s-….crush. Or whatever it was. You didn’t know and you didn’t care.
But you had to admit, seeing that look on his face was a little upsetting. The guy had been sweet to you. A little overbearing, but sweet. And you found it a bit hard to deny the butterflies in your stomach whenever he looked so eager for praise or attention from you.
You weren’t stupid. Loren had made his intentions very clear after the first few meetings. “My lucky charm” he so often said. You found that almost laughable, what with how unlucky you often seemed to be.
That felt all the more true when you watched Loren let out a frustrated sigh, his helmet being roughly pulled from his head as the coach called a time out.
You watched, in a somewhat flattered manner, as narrowed brown eyes found their place on you, and subsequently widened in shock and awe. A wide smile broke onto the star players face as he made a beeline straight towards you.
You stood up once he came to a stop infront of the bench you occupied, and handed him his water bottle.
Loren’s tan cheeks flushed darkly, though you weren’t ignorant enough to assume it was from sweat with the way he was staring at you.
It was intense enough to make your heart beat just a little faster.
He panted after a quick sip, trying to catch his breath and not sound more pathetic than he felt.
“What-“ a deep breath “what’re you doing here? I thought you had a test tomorrow?”
Loren didn’t do much to hide how happy he was seeing you. Though the embarrassment of his previous play seemed to quickly settle in when he realized you had been watching him flounder about on the field.
You gave a soft huff and folded your arms. “Yeah-, well.” You glanced to the side, a bit shyly. You weren’t embarrassed. Only a little actually. Maybe a lot. “I finished early and decided to come see the game. A friend of mine told me it was a big deal or something so I figured I’d might as well.” Actually you knew the whole time. And you skipped studying. The real reason you showed up was because you felt guilty after seeing his face when you first rejected the offer.
God it payed to be pretty didn’t it?
Loren’s smile became all the wider at your answer. Though you spotted what seemed like mirth dancing in his eyes, before he shook his head of the cold water he sprayed onto it and looked deeply at you.
“Well I’m glad you came. Though, I wish you hadn’t see us getting our asses kicked out there..”
Jesus that kicked puppy look was killing you. You imagined he probably felt the brunt of his teams failure. Since he was the captain and all. You felt a bit bad for the guy.
You bit your lip softly.
Am I really about to do this?
If there was one thing you learned about Loren, Is he was driven by motivation. And nothing got him more motivated than you. He was more like a dog than people realized.
With only a few minutes left in the game, you decided it was a now or never situation. Besides, it wasn’t the worse case scenario.
You didn’t mine the idea actually.
With quick resolve you gripped the front of Loren’s jersey with one hand, yanked him down to your height and gripped the hair on the back of his neck firmly with the other, earning a startled grunt from the burly player who looked at you with wide glazed over eyes.
The way he was staring at you was borderline…..
Whatever that wasn’t important right now.
“Loren. I don’t know why the fuck your playing like shit right now.” Your heart ached at the borderline whimper that poured from the poor brunettes chest, “But I know damn well you can kick this shitty little teams ass.”
Loren’s breath cought in his throat for a moment, and he stared deeply in your eyes as if searching for any hint that you didn’t believe what you just said. But when he found nothing he swallowed thickly with a raging flush.
Time to real him in.
With a heavy exhale you furrowed your brows and gripped tighter on to his shirt.
“If you make a come back and win this game…”
“I’ll give you a kiss.”
Somehow the deafening roar of the two teams crowds faded instantly into white noise. The bright lights of the night poles buzzed dully in your ears as Loren’s brown eyes burned so hard into you, you swore you’d go blind.
“On the lips?”
“On the lips.”
You watched as this 6’6 hunk of man slid onto his knees in front of you, and you forced yourself not to whip around in embarrassment at the sight and the possibly of a dozen eyes watching you.
Loren breathed deeply, pushing his head into your stomach softly, like a dog asking to be pet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from running your fingers through is soft wet hair.
He shuddered, and shakily exhaled. “Promise?” He begged this wasn’t a cruel joke. Something you were going to hang over head.
Holy fuck
You’d never seen a guy bolt up like that before. With nimble feet he grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the pads of your fingers, like a promise of what was to come, before turning around and marching onto the field, helmet now securely placed on his head.
The aura he had was intense. Like he was officially in the game for the first time that night. And it seemed both teams realized this, with the way their shoulders tensed and the audience grew more frenzied.
It was over before the enemy could even blink, and the sound of cheers that followed was deafening.
You could feel yourself smile a bit at the sight of Loren’s teammates crowding around him excitedly, like kids who just won a new toy.
He laughed loudly, though quickly jerked away from their hold and ran to you.
He was out of breath when he reached you, and the furious red on his cheeks was very telling. In fact, you were pretty sure the sweat and heavy breathing wasn’t from the game he just played.
Guess you had to commit now huh?
Loren’s gaze was nothing short of eager and desperate, and the way he licked his lips, seemingly unconsciously made the whole thing seem much more vulgar than it actually was.
It was just a kiss right? Probably barely even a peck.
You should’ve known that Loren was gonna get as much out of that single kiss as he could though.
With quick confirmation from you, Loren’s large rough hands took careful hold of your face. He already looked ruined from just touching you, though that may have been the post game sweat.
Time slowed briefly, and before you knew it you felt a heavy breath on your lips, where the star players hovered for a moment before finally pressing down.
It was soft at first. Gentle. His hand moved to the back of your head, pulling you closer amongst the screams and roars of the fans who watched in awe.
Some angry. Most charmed by the romantic display.
Though when Loren’s other hand slid to your lower back, and his foot inched forward to press further into you, causing you trip, the noises faded out again.
Because Loren didn’t stop kissing you. Even when you’d fallen and your mouth popped open to gasp slightly, and his arms caught your head and cradled it tenderly and possessively, he continued to kiss you. Deeply, passionately, and above all else desperately.
What was supposed to be a pretty and simple kiss quickly turned into a make out, Loren’s hands groping at varying parts of your body but never breaking away. Your hands subsequently finding themselves tangled in his spiky soft hair.
At the sound of a low groan pouring from Loren’s lips you snapped out of it and pushed him away, though he resisted for a moment before remembering where he was.
Lifting himself up, he didn’t appear the least bit embarrassed by the public display as he hovered over you on the dewey grass field.
He looked almost frustrated at the interruption if anything.
The sky was dark above him, and the faint artificial lights glowed around you in his eyes. Though you could’ve argued similarly.
He almost looked angelic. If it hadn’t been for the look in his eyes and the odd firmness on your thigh.
Your embarrassment reached its peak when the coach blew his whistle at the two of you.
“Alright Ortega quite snoggin and get your puebescent ass over here! We still gotta wash up and go over the game! ”
Fuck you wanted to crawl in a hole and die so badly. At least your team won the game right?
It was best you didn’t know the only reason they had been losing in the first place was because a certain wonder boy was pouting over your previous rejection.
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syeren · 2 months
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summary — once you caught his eyes, he cannot stop thinking about you.
genre — comedic fluff!
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Megumi couldn’t help it— Help his slight and ever-so-growing obsession over you, that is.
Ever since you, a new student, transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan location of Jujutsu High he couldn’t help but be curious. Sure, it’s always the talk of the school if a new face shows up out of the blue… But you? It felt weird to him. He plastered on his signature stoic expression as he waltzed down the halls from his dorm, letting a faint yawn escape him as he neared Yuji’s door.
“Coming in, you better be wearing clothes or else,” he forewarned the boy, opening the door lazily and slowly removing his shoes. As he placed it neatly to the side of the door, an unfamiliar voice caught his attention.
“You don’t wear clothes? So you just walk around butt-naked and everything?”
The sound of Yuji’s whining instantly pierced his ears right after. “No! Megumi only enters my room after my shower, so technically… Not my fault!”
The boy in question rolled his eyes and walked around the corner of the entrance, seeing you and Yuji situated at his PC.
Megumi let out a soft sigh of relief and muttered out, “Just so you know, normal people wear clothes after they take a shower.”
“W-Why are you still acting like I’m completely naked?” Yuji groaned out, slumping in his gamer chair with a loud huff. “I had socks on.”
Megumi could see your expression in the corner of his eyes, a look of disbelief and pure confusion.
“… Socks?” You reiterated, blinking blankly at the boy in front of you.
“Yeah. Socks,” Yuji replied, perhaps a little too proud of his statement. A soft slap sound from Megumi’s palm met his forehead as he shook his head.
“But you didn’t think underwear would be the priority?” he deadpanned.
“My feet get cold,” Yuji replied and casually grabbed a nearby chip packet from his drawer of endless snacks. “Anyway, whatcha doin’ here Megumi?”
This time, Megumi looked around in thought, pondering about why the heck he was even there in the first place.
“I need some paper,” he boredly responded, making a beeline to the opposite side of the room in a hurry. Hell, he had no idea if his only chance to not look like a fool in front of you was actually going to be there, but with little hope, he continued to stride over to Yuji’s messy bookshelf.
He scanned from top to bottom, bottom to top, side to side, his eyes were getting overstimulated with how much Yuji had stuffed all kinds of trinkets on the ledge of the shelves.
“Lined? Blank? Ooh, or these fancy eco-friendly ones I made?” Yuji called out to Megumi, shuffling out three small stacks of different types of paper. Megumi let out a shaky breath, of course they would be at his desk. The very area he wanted to avoid. He turned around and reluctantly hobbled back.
Taking one sheet from the stack, he swivelled his stature away again to the entrance, obviously leaving you and Yuji bewildered.
“Just one sheet of paper?” You asked Megumi, who was struggling to step into his boots.
“Yeah,” he muttered, grunting as he finally slipped his foot in after struggling for what felt like a century. He could already feel a thin layer of cold sweat form along his nape as you spoke.
Yuji turned to you and shrugged his shoulders, before patting you roughly on the arm. “Can you force him to stay? I need another person on my team for Warzone.”
“Why don’t you ask him? He’s still here—“
The sound of the door shutting at the front was enough for you to shut up instantly.
“— Nevermind.”
At your words, the pink-haired boy stretched his arms up and stood on his feet, rolling his shoulders as if he was preparing to lunge into battle. The mischievous glint in his eyes gave you the impression that he was, in fact, going to fight off his dear friend for him to play a game… Or prepare himself to be beat up, and then plead his surrender. As much as you wanted to watch the gruesome battle between two teenaged boys have a bickering show-down, you interrupted Yuji and pushed him back into his chair.
“Fine, let me talk to him,” you sighed, before heading your way to the entrance. Yuji on the other hand squealed in delight, following right behind you before grabbing hold of your wrist to high-five his hand with yours.
“Great because I was really not looking forward to another argument— I mean, I would win of course… But I would feel bad for Megumi if he lost! Soooooo… I’ll let you talk to him,” Yuji exclaimed, boastfully leaning against the doorframe with his chin held high. You stood outside his dorm room and shut the door in his face, before walking to Megumi’s room right beside his.
You knocked once. Twice. Possibly three times, you’ve lost count, until it finally opened. Megumi opened the door with a grumble, not bothering to look up as he barked, “I don’t need anymore paper—“
“Not about paper,” you added, peeking your head around the slight crack he managed to pry open. “Come play Warzone.”
Megumi eyed you blankly and you couldn’t help but feel a bit weirded out. Was there a strand of hair sticking up? Something wrong with your face? No, it was him trying to calm his nerves and train his brain to go back into his zen state of mind for a moment— Just for a second! So he can actually talk to you properly without worrying about stammering his words. Thankfully, it’s something he’s good at.
“Warzone?” he questioned before sighing, “Did Yuji ask you to do this?”
“Yes and no,” you glanced back at Yuji’s closed door, before turning your attention to Megumi again. “I guess he was pre-planning to ask you and it seemed like he was really getting into it, so I just offered.”
Megumi stiffened. If there was one other thing Yuji was good at, it was be subconsciously picking up on emotions at the right times (only the right times, he’s not giving him that much credit), and perhaps he had caught on to Megumi’s white lie he suddenly used. It was a stupid cover-up, he had tons of paper in his room already.
“Ahh, I see,” he mumbled before quietly stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him. You smiled at his acceptance to your invitation and walked back to Yuji’s room with Megumi trailing behind.
“… You’re new, right?” he asked, stuffing one hand in his pocket and using the free one to reach out to open the door for you.
You quickly thanked him, entering Yuji’s bedroom and hearing his screams. He must be in a practice game by now waiting for the both of you. The muffled sounds of gunshots and comms gave you enough context.
“Didn’t think you’d notice,” you said playfully with a laugh, making your way inside and opting to sit on Yuji’s bed. Megumi trailed in and flopped onto the free chair next to Yuji, and continued to talk to you. “You seemed the type to be in his own world”
“Well, I am… But, I did,” he responded to you quietly with his eyes locked onto the screen. A faint ‘nice kill’ emerged from his lips as he watched Yuji’s fingers fly across the desk with his mouse, headshotting an opponent. His eyes flicked back to you in intervals and tapped the tips of his fingers on top of the desk. He cleared a lump in his throat before breaking the awkward silence between you two.
“So, why did you transfer here?— To this school I mean. Not in a rude way,” he stammered, briefly looking at your face and turned back to look at Yuji’s screen. He wanted so badly to crush his forehead into the wall.
“Came here from the Kyoto region, I think Gojo wanted me to be here,” you mumbled, watching Yuji completely get demolished in the game.
“If Gojo sees potential in you, you must seem like a well-adaptable individual,” he added, eyes still glued to the screen. “That being said— he also has the urge to take someone under his wing if you’re substantially adorable to him and are in need of his ‘educational expertise’… As so he would call it.”
You let out chuckle, letting your gaze wander to the two bodies haunched over the screen; Yuji, childishly hogging the keyboard even though he wanted Megumi to play with him, and Megumi, not caring in the slightest. As you looked at him, the subtle glance of your eye caught you off guard— He was already looking at you.
“What?” you mouthed at him, narrowing your gaze until he shakes his head. A hand comes up to gently rub his cheeks, covering the slight smile you didn’t see. The faintest hue of pink dusted his cheeks, reaching down to the column of his neck.
AN; SYEREN here! been a while, how’ve you been? :3 creds to sssA_km
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calypsocolada · 3 months
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CAPTAIN | r. zoro
synopsis: the captain of the hockey team really gets on your nerves. authors note: hi! i'm back from the dead to offer this fic! i saw a tik tok and got inspired. it was a sports au of hockey player zoro and I was obsessed and wrote this! hope you guys like :) might write a part two since I really like this pairing. also was thinking of doing a series where all the one peice characters play different kinds of sports :)
cw: sports au!, hockey player zoro, not proofread, slightly suggestive wc: 3.5k
You would venture to say you're a pretty reasonable person. You never got angry easily, or upset. You kept it together pretty well usually. 
Today… Well, today was an exception. Actually it was always an exception when Rorona Zoro was in the rink. He was one of those rowdy hockey players that you would mostly ignore. You worked at the ice rink on weekends and most of the time you got lucky. The players would either be at away games or out partying on weekends. But not Roronoa Zoro. If you could say one nice thing about him it was that he is dedicated to his craft. You had the displeasure of being stuck talking with him and a few of his hockey buddies one day. Who knew this one day would taint the rest of the times you saw him.
His hockey friends were desperate, you’d think they’d never talked to a human woman before in their life the way they pounced on you. Asking you tons of questions about your life, if you had someone, who was your type, did you fancy anyone. By the time they were done asking you felt as though it was an interrogation. You were about to tell them you had to get back to work when suddenly Zoro spoke first.
“Leave the girl alone.” He’d walked out of the showers, his green hair damp and messy. “She clearly doesn’t like being interrogated.” He grumbles. The rest of the team sighs but they listen to the green haired man, leaving you be. You watch as they head back towards the showers, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks.” You had said, he shrugged.
“You should learn to speak up for yourself, rink girl.” He says and before you can respond he’s gone back towards the locker room.
After that you didn’t even spare him a glance, let alone a moment of your time. When he’d check in you’d slide the clipboard over to him not even looking up. It was a bit petty but you felt slightly vindictive towards him. Maybe not entirely towards him but also the company he keeps. His other hockey friends are atrocious to be around. They stare and ask for your number and try to eat lunch with you and just bother you relentlessly. Also despite them all claiming to have interest in you they call you rink girl because of Zoro even though your name is on a tag on the front of your shirt.
Days like today were no different. Once again two of the players were at your desk, asking about your day and pretending to care.
“Still no guy?” The blond one asks, you never learned their names since they didn’t care to learn yours. You clicked your pen, you had paperwork to do and were in a particularly bad mood. 
“Still no girl?” You snap, the blond one pouts but the brunette one snorts a laugh.
“I see why Captain likes you so much.” The blond one mutters under his breath. You barely hear it, your brows furrowing.
“Dude… shut up.” The brunette intercepts, knocking the blond in the back of the head. The familiar ding of the front door sounded as Zoro entered the building. “Oh shit… let’s go, hurry!” The blond gasps, you watch the two players practically sprint and trip over each other to get away from your desk. You furrow your brows as Zoro clears his throat. It makes you jump.
“Jesus!” You gasp.
“No, it’s Roronoa.” He says as he watches you place a hand over your heart, the other grabbing the clipboard for him to sign. 
“Ha-ha.” You mock, sliding it to him. For the first time in a while you look at him. It’s cold out so he’s bundled up slightly, his cheeks lightly dusted pink from the cold. He’s almost… handsome? You never really noticed. You can’t look away… well until his eyes meet yours. You look away quickly as he clicks the pen and places it on the clipboard, sliding it back to you. When you reach to grab it back your fingers just barely grace his hand. He’s warm, despite just being out in the cold. You clear your throat, pulling your hand away quickly, busying yourself with your paperwork again. 
“Hey,” He says as your hand pauses and you slowly look up at him. He looks at you for a moment, as though he’s trying to read something on your face.
“What?” You ask, slightly concerned that he’s lingering at your desk more than usual.
“I saw those two idiots talking to you.” He says and you're not sure if it’s a question or a statement so you nod your head. His jaw tenses as he sighs heavily. “Are they bothering you?” He asks. You stare at him for a moment, trying to read his face to know whether or not he was messing with you. He was infinitely serious.
“No. I can take care of myself.” You say with a tad bit of venom in your voice. He nods his head, the look in his eyes unreadable.
“Good.” He says and with that walks towards the locker room without another word. You watch him go, very confused. 
A few hours pass as you walk back to your desk after lunch. The players are leaving for the day, some of them wave at you and you wave back halfheartedly. When the blond and brunette from earlier today pass they walk past you like wounded dogs, very clearly avoiding looking in your direction. Zoro isn’t with him curiously and as it gets later you see he’s the only one who hasn’t checked out and since the rink is closing soon you sigh and hop up from your chair. You walk into the locker room first, silence fills as you poke your head around the corner. Sure enough his locker is open and full of his stuff. You make your way towards the rink you know he’s in there before you even catch sight of him. You hear the sound of his hockey stick smacking against the puck sending it flying through the air, it swishes into the net with ease. A perfect shot. He hasn’t noticed you watching as he sails across the ice to retrieve the puck and set up again for another drill. He’d gotten much better in the months he practiced here. He played like a possessed man, much different from the person you watched practice months and months ago. Not that you knew anything about hockey but there was a reason this man was the captain. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Zoro calls out to you. You jump again for the second time again, blowing out a breath, holding your heart again. “Someone’s jumpy.” He mumbles as he lines up a shot, sending it sailing down the ice into the goal. You clear your throat.
“We close in six minutes.” You call out to him coldly, turning. 
“Hey,” He calls out to you. You're not sure why but you pause, turning as he skates to you, the only thing shielding him from you was a thick piece of acrylic glass that spanned the entirety of the ring. “You play?” He asks as you furrow your brows.
“Hockey?” You ask, looking up at him. Was he always this damn tall? He nods his head, reaching up and wiping sweat from his brow. You scoff, slightly amused.
“No.” You answer and his eyes travel from your own down your body then slowly, agonizingly slowly back to your eyes. You're blushing by the time he meets your eyes again.
“Think you can block me?” He asks and you stare at him incredulously, it takes you a long moment to answer. 
“W-what?” You question, he cocks his head, smirking down at you. 
“I said… Do you think you could block me?”
“I heard you.” You sigh. “And no… I don’t think I could block you.”
“Why not?” He asks, leaning against the glass.
“B-because you're like eight foot tall and hundreds of pounds.”
“Ouch… you make me sound like a monster.” He tsks, still with that grin on his lips.
“You are… you're huge.” You say and a second later your words cause you to blush and look away.
“Uh huh.” Zoro hummed, laughing slightly. You swallow, clearing your throat. “Put on some skates, Y/n, if you can’t guard me I’ll need a goalie.”
“We’re closing, in fact we're probably closed already.” You say as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Hmm… didn’t take you for the scared type.” He says, slowly skating towards the puck.
“I…” You stutter, scoffing a laugh. “Am not scared.” You finish as he shoots you a look, a challenging one. It was stupid really. Stupid that you found yourself sliding into skates and sailing right towards him in the rink. “Fuck,” You curse, not able to stop as you practically crash right into him. But it’s more like hitting a damn wall, he barely budges and grabs you before you can go down. “Sorry.” You breathe out, his hands are on your hips, stabilizing you, your hands on his shoulders trying to keep your balance. 
“You can’t even skate?”
“I just haven’t done it in a long time.” You say feeling a rush of something entirely out of your control when his hands slowly let you go. “I’m fine,” You say, testing the waters as you skate around a tad bit. He watches you like a hawk and when it looks like you're about to go down he’s there in seconds, those big hands back on your hips. 
“I think it’s safe to say I’ve won this game before we even started.” He says with a slight laugh as he slides off his jacket. You shake your head vehemently. 
“Nuh uh! I just-- need to warm up, that’s all.” You say, staring at the ground as your hands grip his forearms.
“Here,” He says, placing his jacket on your shoulders, it smells like him, like something warm and woodsy. You slide your arms through the sleeves. “Look up,” He says. A moment later your eyes find his, something sparks between you, your stomach doing a flip. “Don’t stare at your feet as you skate.” He directs as you nod your head, not trusting yourself to speak and not mess up your words. Slowly he starts skating backwards, holding you as you keep up with his pace. Slowly you fall back into your old routine, able to skate on your own. 
“See… told ya’.” You say a bit cockily, almost falling again but catching yourself. Zoro smiles softly, shaking his head. You could crash looking at the smile alone. You force yourself to look away. “So… how do we play?” You ask as Zoro grabs and tosses his stick to you, you catch it with ease. 
“We’ll play for five minutes, if you can score one goal on me you win.”
“I thought I was gonna play goalie?” You ask.
“I’d rather me get hit with pucks than you.” He says, warmth spreads through you at that, so you don’t answer him. He reaches and zips up your jacket before skating towards the goal. He turns to face you, crouching slightly, nodding his head to you. Game on, you guessed. 
You skated a few feet before hitting the puck hard. It sails and misses the goal by at least a couple feet. Zoro laughs.
“You’re trying right? That wasn’t even anywhere close.” He mocks as you skate to grab the puck.
“I don’t even know if I’m holding his damned thing right!” You call out, shaking his stick at him. 
“You’re not.” he says and you huff.
You hit the puck again and again and again. A few times you made it close to Zoro but he just batted it away with ease. You weren’t sure how much time passed before you were hitting the puck again, missing, the force of the hit making you lose your balance and slam onto the ice. You lay sprawled out on the ice as Zoro skates over quickly to your side. You took the opportunity to hit the puck where you laid and slowly it glided into the goal.
“She shoots! She scores!” You cheer from the ground as Zoro scoffs a heartily laugh, his cheeks dusted that same pink from earlier.
“That was a dirty play.” He grins, looming above you. 
“It was a play all the same right? Is that five points? I don’t know anything about hockey.” You skirk as Zoro lends you a hand, you take it.
“It’s one point.” He laughs, pulling you easily to your feet. 
“One point…” You trail off. “I slammed into the ground for one point.” You say and Zoro breathes out a laugh, nodding his head. “What do I win for beating the captain? Bragging rights?”
“You can’t utter a word of this to my team.” He says in a mock serious tone as a smirk grows on your lips. 
“You can’t tell me that, Roronoa, I’m the captain now.” You say as Zoro raises a brow, his cheeks going even more pink.
“Is that right?” He asks, his voice a rasp. You notice than how close you two are standing, you're still holding his hands, the warmth of them radiating through you. 
“That’s right.” You confirm, keeping a well placed poker face. 
“Got another round in you?” He asks as you shake your head.
“Y/N! Is that you?” Your boss called as you heard the door being pushed open. Your heart drops in your chest, the alarm showing on your face. “What’re you doing?” Your boss asks as you stutter out a sorry.
“She was helping me clean up, sir, sorry for keeping her.” Zoro calls out to your boss. Your boss buys Zoro’s words. 
“Well hurry up, I need to get home for dinner.” Your boss says, walking back out of the rink. You blow out a breath, skating towards the exit, Zoro just behind you. 
“Jesus… thanks.” You blow out, heart still in your throat. 
“No worries.” He says just behind you.
You plop down on the bench, leaning to untie your skates. Zoro sits beside you quietly, doing the same. It's a little awkward now, especially after all that oblivious flirting you were doing. This wasn’t something you couldn't see coming.
Just last week you didn’t even like looking at this guy, now you found yourself liking looking at him. A complete turn around. Not entirely unwelcomed though.
When you finally kicked off your skates, you sat up just as Zoro reached over, warm fingers on your chin and turned your face gently towards him and pressed his lips to your own. You gasped, taken off guard, eyes wide. A spark shot through you like nothing you’d ever felt before. His fingers on your chin slid until he was gently cupping your cheek, his other hand coming up and doing the same thing on the other side of your face. He kissed you gently. Slowly your eyes fluttered closed, your hand reaching up and falling short, as you knotted it in the front of his t-shirt, pulling him by it closer to you.
“I really fucking like you.” He mumbles against your lips in between kisses, you kiss him hard at his words. Ghosted over your lips causing a shiver to track down your spine. All the pent up emotions you harbored came spilling out as you somehow ended up in his lap, the moment grew intense, a groan escaping his lips that your lips muffled. His hands found purchase on your ass as he stood, taking you with him, carrying you with one hand to press your back into the acrylic glass around the rink. One of your hands slides around the back of Zoro’s neck, tangling in his hair. Zoro makes a sound you didn’t think was possible for him to make, something that had your stomach bottoming out and your fingers barely tugging at his hair, a soft sort of whimper escaping his lips. His kisses then turn hungry, almost feverish. He’s burying his lips in yours, forgetting to breathe, his hands tightening around you, completely lost in the moment. Someone clears their throat, startling you both as Zoro lets you down. Your boss stands there, hands on his hips, a look of embarrassment on his face. 
“Sir, I was helping him.” “She was helping me.” Zoro and you speak at the same time. Your boss raises his head, shaking his head as you nod your head in understanding leaving with your boss. 
You were reprimanded but ultimately he let you keep your job. Yay. It was your first infraction and he said to keep it professional which you agreed with and apologized vehemently. You probably apologized hundreds of times in a five minute conversation. Your boss asked not to talk about it again and you were completely fine with that. You gathered up your stuff and pushed out into the cold winter night. The cold hitting your warm cheeks and cooling you off. You didn’t have a moment alone to think about what had just transpired. 
“Y/n…” Zoro called out as you crossed the parking lot. He waved as you blushed. “I’m so sorry… you didn’t get fired did you?”
“No... What was that?” You asked as you got closer.
“Why’d you kiss me? I-- I sort of thought you hated me.” You confront.
“What? I don’t-- I don’t hate you.” Zoro shakes his head. 
“You sure? I mean-- you were an asshole to me that one time… saying I needed to learn to take care of myself and that stupid fucking nickname? Rink girl? All your teammates call me that by the way.” You say, all of it sort of falling out like word vomit. Zoro raises his chin slightly, looking down at you. 
“They call you that?” He asks, his voice level as you sigh.
“Yes! They do!”
“I’ll fix that.” He promises as you stare at him. This whole night was just strange. 
“Why’d you kiss me?” You ask again. Zoro’s eyes soften.
“I told you already.” He says as you shake your head. 
“You didn’t tell me anything? We barely talked before today.”
“I said I like you. I said I really fucking like you.” He reiterated. You remember him saying that. The heat and warmth spread like a wildfire after hearing it again.
“Why?” You ask as Zoro sort of cocks his head.
“Why?” He echoes as you raise your brows, nodding your head imploring for an answer. “Because you're pretty. You’re funny and I like the way you ignored me all the time.” He admits as you laugh despite yourself.
“What? Y-you like that I ignore you?”
“I did. I like this way better.” He motions to you and him talking. You raise your head.
“Okay…” You say skeptically, you find your mind trailing back to the kiss and it brings a blush to your cheek. You clear your throat. “How long?”
“How long have you liked me?” Zoro looks like he’s thinking about it for a moment. 
“The first day I met you probably.” He says nonchalantly. You laugh.
“Yeah… sure.” You roll your eyes. He steps closer to you.
“I mean it. You introduced yourself and said I had green hair, not that you liked it, you just said I had it.” You remembered that, your lips part in surprise because he remembered it too.
“It’s uncommon.” You say and Zoro smiles warmly down at you. 
“Still don’t know if you like it or not.” He grins as your eyes bounce to it. 
“I like it.” You say and see a soft blush form on Zoro’s cheeks. “Why were you such an asshole to me that day?”
“I-- am sorry about that. I was more angry with my teammates for annoying you. I wanted you to know that you could speak up for yourself, that you could just tell them to shut up but-- I’m sorry.”
“And Rink girl?”
“Poor attempt at flirting…” He says. You start laughing, shaking your head.
“The poorest attempt. But… your words did make me speak up for myself more, so…” You relent. Zoro smiles softly. You can’t help it, you pull him against your lips. That smile was too much. You needed it pressed against your lips. His hands slid around your hips.
“Christ, Y/n… go home!” Your boss grumbles as you startle, Zoro’s hands stay planted on you as you shoot an apologetic look at you boss. 
“Sorry, sir.” You say as he waves you off, slipping into his car and driving away. You start laughing, your hand coming up to cover your mouth.
“You are going to get me fired.” You grumble as Zoro presses his mouth to yours again as though he couldn’t wait another damn second, walking you back until your back is pressed against his car. He lifts you with ease, setting you on the hood as the car’s alarm sets off. 
“Fucking hell!” Zoro hissed, fumbling for his keys. You dissolved into laughter.                
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rafescurtainbangz · 3 months
omg omg I'm thinking about how zach would be a clingy boyfriend, and not the irritating kind, the absolutely sweet, adorable kind 🥹🥹 okay so walk w me kel I'll expand more on this (I just had some icecream and I'm hyped as fuck the sugar gets to me like a child 💀)
definitely won't be able to let you go in the morning. as you get out of bed he'll instantly wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back in, and his eyes will be closed but he'll just start kissing the back of your neck softly, murmuring something about 'five more minutes' over and over again
wants you to be in the kitchen all the damn time when he's cooking, cause he needs you to sit on the countertop as he cooks, or keep your arms around his waist and press your face in his bare (hahahaha I'm dead actually) back
you're just getting ready for a girls' night out but he's had a not so good day so he'll just trod over to you and hug you tightly and ask you if you can miss girls night, and he hates to ask you to do that but all he needs is your comfort, and you can't say to that puppy dog look you just can't 😭😭😭 plus he sounds so sad all you want is to comfort him and make him feel better
^^ more on this; you'll then change to some comfy hoodie of his and then make a massive snack tray for both of you to eat and you let him talk and vent about it all
you and him after a match!!! this can go two ways: first one is when his team wins and you can't help but just kiss his pretty face all over and tell him how good and hot he looked while playing, and you both just retreat to one of your dorms and he just falls asleep cause he's so tired and he lets you play with his hair
if he lost!!!! you'll quickly wrap your arms around his neck and he'll wrap his around your waist and he'll hug you so tightly, and if the match is super important like some regionals or something he'll just need so much love and support from your side to make him feel better
^^ more on this; I defo think he's the type to blame himself when the team loses, now I don't know shit about soccer but he'll probably say stuff like if I wouldn't have missed that kick, or if I would have made that goal then we wouldn't have lost, and you'll just softly sigh and tell him it's not his fault!!! and you'll kiss him gently and tell him all is okay cause it's okay to lose but he'll be okay 🥺🥺
i don't see him as a party kinda guy tbh, you'll be at a frat party but he'll just get so bored so quick and just embrace you in a hug and gently murmur in your ear to get away from the party cause he's already damn tired and all he wants are your cuddles and kisses 😫😫😫😫
thank you for helping me through my random burst of energy bestie 😆🤭 if you ever feel like writing any of these please please feel free to!! 💗💗😁😁😁
Ahhhhhhhhhh @keziahcore I am obsessed with our perfect boy. Just look at him 🥹
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- I just know he has the softest, sweetest morning voice, with just the perfect amount of rasp. He sleeps without a shirt on, and he loves it when you sleep in your little sports bra or nothing at all because he loves feeling your warm soft skin against his. Skin-to-skin contact is so important to him.
- He loves having you in the kitchen too because you are his DJ, flipping between your favorite songs while he unwinds and cooks for the two of you. He loves hearing about your day, which he often asks you all about. The only time that Zach ever makes a mistake in the kitchen is when he gets a little too into your stories, eating up the drama. He also likes that you’re willing to taste test everything for him, he doesn’t even have to ask, he just leans close with the spoon and waits for your praise to follow. And the hugs from behind… he can get enough feral he loves the way your cheek rests on the sway of his spine like that spot was reserved just for you.
- Zach never has been days, truly they are few and far between. He is always looking out for you, anticipating your needs, and making sure that you feel comfortable and loved it wasn’t even a question if you were going to call of the girls night or not.
- The second you call it off he’s behind you with a pair of his sweats and a sweatshirt for you to wear, which you happily accept just knowing he’ll let you keep it. And, he smells so good, his comfy clothes sprayed with his Tod Ford cologne (something woodsy and warm - fougere oud).
And, it’s not that Zach is a jealous guy, he has nothing to worry about when it comes to you and other guys, but he gets jealous of the time that’s taken from the two of you as a couple. Your little Girl’s Night dress would make the perfect date night attire and all he can think about the night lost. He makes sure to let you know how pretty you look as he unzips the back, telling you that you should hang it up so the two of you can go out to that little French Restaurant by campus tomorrow night.
The two of you will pick some romcom, snacking on Charcuterie arranged by Zach. He’ll take his turn feeding you his hot gossip, finally letting you know what happened in the day that really got to him.
- After a win, Zach likes to unwind with you. Sometimes the two of you make it out to the bar but usually, the two of you spend the night at his place or yours, wrapped up in each other as you watch the local news, waiting for them to talk about the local sports and the university’s all-star Zach MacLaren. He’ll be pink-cheeked as you tease him about what a hottie he is, doing his best to fight back his wide smile. “Cheers” usually comes on afterward, but Zach doesn’t usually last longer than the first ten minutes, falling asleep with his head in your lap after some head scratches and kisses, he’s out like a light. When the credits roll your eyes are usually shut as well, Zach, takes his turn caring for you, laying you in bed where he snuggles in close. Whispering ‘I love yous’ before turning out the bedside light.
- If he lost he wants to leave but you don’t go home… not right away at least. The two of you go on a long drive, listening to music until Zach is ready to talk again. He knows you don’t know near as much about soccer that he does, but that doesn't matter, he has his dad to talk “strategy” with him. But, he needs you to talk about everything else, the pressure he’s feeling, riffs with his teammates. He blames everything on himself. Everything. But, Zach MacLaren is pretty sure that you have the best advice, because you’re always looking out for him and you care for him like no one else. And the feeling is mutual.
- Zach is not much of a party guy, I mean the only reason he would have gone to the party in the first place is to find a girl and he already has his… you. What else does he need? The two of you will usually leave the frat party or the soccer party after the first thirty minutes, heading to the local college dive diner instead, draining coffee and sharing pie and ice cream between kisses.
Hehehehehhehe i might need to write more on these I love my baby boy
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Being Atsumu’s Pregnant Partner:
YN goes into Labor
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Atsumu Miya x Pregnant! GN reader
Warnings: swearing, pregnancy and a lot of stuff to do with pregnancy, mentions of throwing up and bodily fluids
***pregnancy is different for everyone and I’m basing this off my own personal experience
AN: *sigh* friends I’m having major baby fever and since I’m forever done diy-ing my own, I shall instead write about it 😌 maybe I should just get a kitten
Looking back now, it probably wasn’t the best idea to go to a professional, five set volleyball match at 39 weeks pregnant but here you were. You’d always been the devoted type, doing anything and everything you could to support your man no matter what.
Atsumu Miya wasn’t always the easiest partner to have but you loved the big dummy. He was extremely dedicated to his sport and team, which made dealing with him outside the court rather bothersome at times.
Nevertheless, you decided that you could stand just enough of him to spend your life by his side and raise a family. His brother, Osamu, asked you about a million times is you were for sure ready to raise a baby Miya. He knew exactly what it would be like because he was one.
At first you laughed it off, thinking that you had a few years of rest before the chaos would ensure but man, were you wrong. You’d become pregnant relatively quickly, making both you and Atsumu extremely excited.
However, your excitement soon dampened as you began spending most of your day hugging the porcelain thrown or downing antacids to help with the wicked indigestion that crept up your throat at every turn. Your breasts ached, your sleep suffered and the smell of nearly anything sent you running to the bathroom. Your skin broke out, hair began to shed, and most days, you felt like a Sméagol from lord of the rings, just trying to protect your unborn baby.
Atsumu had been as supportive as you imagined he’d be. This mostly meant calling Osamu to make you something to eat or google home remedies to help with your morning sickness. Osamu was also extremely excited for his little niece or nephew to make their appearance, doing whatever he could when Atsumu was gone to help you.
You’d managed to make it all the way to 39 weeks, and you were excited to finally be done. The doctor had scheduled an induction for the following week because of blood pressure issues. You weren’t exactly stoked about the idea of an induction but the fact that you’d be able to meet your baby soon was thrilling.
You waddled your way through the crowd, waving to people as you passed. Akaashi had stopped to talk with you as well as Asahi and Suga. It was nice to see everyone again even though you were exhausted.
“There they are!” Osamu yelled, waving you over to his Onigiri stand as you huffed and puffed, finally able to stop. The pressure from the baby was making it difficult to walk, your pelvis hurting as you leaned on the corner of his stand, his chuckle causing you to glare at him.
“You know you could have stayed him YN. Sumu pays for the expensive sports channels because he’s obsessed with watching replays of his games, I’m sure you’d see him on there,” Osamu joked as you motioned for a delicious looking Onigiri in the corner of the display case.
“This will probably be the last game Sumu plays in for a bit because of his paternity leave. I don’t want to miss it!”
Osamu chuckled, shaking his head as you made your way to the stairs of the bleachers. Your phone rang as you began to ascend, huffing and puffing as you walked up.
“Hello,” you answered as the noise of the locker room filled your ears.
“Hey baby! Did ya make it?” Atsumu shouted back as you finally found your spot and took a seat releasing a heavy sigh as you settled in.
“Not up as high as I normally go but my feet hurt too much to even care.”
Sumu laughed as you looked around to see the stands filled with people.
“Well just relax baby, this time next week will be in the hospital having our baby!”
You groaned just thinking about the idea of pushing out this child, knowing that the possibility of having a small baby was out of the picture.
“Yeah yeah, just make sure you win today, ok? I don’t want yo moping around the house for the next week!”
Atsumu laughed loudly as you smiled. He agreed and hung up the phone, knowing you’d be there to support him no matter what happened.
The teams took their places, and the match began without a hitch. You knew it’d be a long one by the sheer energy happening around you. Two sets had already taken place and the teams were tied. You watched as Sumu slammed a service ace right into the opposing team's court. Your man was on fire today, probably excited about everything happening around him.
The pressure of the baby on your bladder, pushed as you tried to adjust, not wanting to walk out right in the middle of Sumu’s serves. Of course, you knew his serves could go on for a while, so you finally caved, as you thought about the nearest bathroom.
Standing up, you felt a twinge hit. Your back began to radiate pain as it moved to the front of your belly. You gritted your teeth, gripping the side of the chair as you grabbed your stomach.
“Are you ok?” Someone asked as you turned to them confused and nodded. There was no way this was anything more than Braxton hick's contractions, right?
The pain subsided as you assured the person you were ok and made your way to the bathroom. In the bathroom, you noticed you had started losing the mucus plug your doctor had talked about. You knew this meant nothing and weren’t concerned as you continued to feel the baby kick in your stomach.
Washing your hands, you felt the pain against radiate from your back to your front. You had no idea how far apart these pains were as you quickly grabbed your phone and waited for the pain to subside.
Hitting the timer, you exited the bathroom and made your way back to your seat. You felt another pain hit as you quickly checked the timer.
7 minutes.
Standing on the side, you waited for the pain to pass again before ascending the stairs. At this point, you were clearly in denial that anything was happening. Surely these were only practice contractions. Your body had done them before but then again, they’d never felt quite like this.
You restarted the time as you finally sat down, trying to remain calm as you focused back on the game. A few minutes passed again before the pain started, only this time, you felt a pop, followed by a trickle of water fill your pants. You began to stand up as the pain emanated through your stomach.
“Hey Yn- YN HOLY CRAP!” You heard someone yell as Osamu came running over you to, abandoning the Onigiri in his hands to grab onto your arm and steady you.
“Samu the baby, I think the babies coming!” You whined as Osamu’s eyes widened at you, the crowd cheering as MSBY scored yet another point.
At this point, you had tears in your eyes, the pressure from the baby pushing more fluid from your body as the pain continued to radiate. You leaned hard on Samu, groaning as you tried to make it through the pain.
Osamu looked around for anyone he knew, anyone who could possibly help him get you downstairs and to the hospital. As if on cue, he looked down to see Sakusa’s eyes locked with his. He knew his best bet at this point was to try and signal to Sumu that you were in labor.
“YN’s in labor!” He mouthed as Sakusa’s eyes widened and he turned to Sumu who was in the back row. Sakusa wasn’t sure what to do as Sumu was preparing to serve yet again. He wasn’t a person to normally shout but then again, it wasn’t everyday his teammates partner was in active labor at a game.
He looked over to the coach who was now concerned about what was going on with him and why he continued to trail his eyes into the crowd. At this point, Hinata had begun to notice as well, his eyes following Sakusa’s as he saw you, bent over and holding your stomach as Osamu supported you.
“Holy crap YN’s in labor!” He shouted just as Sumu threw the ball up the serve. His eyes widened as his palm made contact with the ball.
“WHAT!?!” He bellowed, sending the ball slamming hard into the other side of the court as the whistle blew signaling the end of the set.
Atsumu quickly looked up to see Osamu helping you down the stairs as you breathed, your face contorted in pain.
“Shit Yn!” He shouted, quickly taking off into the crowd to get to you. He ran as fast as he could, dodging people left and right until he finally met you at the base of the stands.
“YN’s definitely in labor Sumu, their water broke and everything. Contractions are 7 minutes apart right now, but they are in a ton of pain,” Osamu recited as you moaned through another painful contraction, Atsumu grabbing onto your belly and helping lift it to relieve some pressure.
He hadn’t been super eager to take the birthing class suggested by your doctor, but he had to admit, the techniques were coming in handy.
“Sumu the game!” You whined as the contraction ended. Sumu shook his head vigorously before he was interrupted.
“Don’t worry about the game Yn, we will put in our sub and thanks to Sumu’s service ace, we are ahead a set,” Coach answered, coming up with Meian and Sakusa
“Just worry about having that baby Yn!” Meian chuckled as you smiled.
“Please take YN to the hospital now, do you know how unsanitary birthing a baby here would be?” Sakusa demanded as Atsumu blindly nodded and took control of you, Osamu running ahead to grab his car to help.
At the hospital, the doctor checked you before the anesthesiologist made their way to you, providing you with a moment to breathe. Osamu was waiting outside, not wanting to miss the birth of his brothers baby.
“Don’t you wanna watch the game Sumu?” You asked as your partner came beside you and grabbed your hand.
“Nah, Hinata texted me and told me we won. I’ll just watch it when we get home from the hospital. Plus, I want our baby to see how awesome I look on TV!”
You giggled, laying your head back as you rested your body. Atsumu right by your side as you entered this new stage of life together.
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mchlgayser · 1 year
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 ft izana kurokawa
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: The gang leader of your boyfriend's rivalry team to a liking to you, his queen.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst to fluff / ( ☆ )
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yandere theme, jealousy, possessive and obsession, violence, languages, and death threat
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: HELLO! OMG, first of all, I am freaking out (not really) because I don't know how well this is gonna turn out. After all, it's been so long since I last made a one-shot with yandere themes! The last one was Shidou Ryusei's from Blue lock. But it wasn't gonna be half as gore (I think?) as this one! Hopefully, it was okay BUT let me know what you think in the comment! Happy reading xx (E/T known as eye types)
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You were in the kitchen eating breakfast when your boyfriend came in 'Hey,' You bid eyeing up from the bowl of milk and cereal towards him. He got out a glass and poured cold water, chugging it down. 'I gotta go, Kakucho called and there'll be a meeting!' He kisses the crown of your head before he left the estate.
You blink a few times looking back at the spot he was at and the front door not far from the kitchen hall. You shrug continue eating, your acrylic nail made a tapping sound against the phone as you scroll using your other hand.
It was late, nearly a quarter of one but still no sign of your boyfriend. Izana was supposed to be exactly thirty minutes ago, max but here you are waiting for him yet the half-Filipino guy never made it back home until a phone call erupted the spacious hall.
'Where are you?'
'Hey, lovey, I don't think I'll be back tonight. There's been a mistake at work and I need to get it done. Kakucho will drop by to get you some food-' The passcode on the door is punched open and the sight of the scarred male arrived.
'He's here, see you!' You hung up the call and get the plastic bag from Kakucho 'Woah, this is a lot!'
'Izana asked me to get an extra, as an apology...' You huff, eyes on the heavy plastic bag 'Would you mind accompanying me?' He was reluctant but nodded nonetheless. 'You get this ready, I'm gonna bring us some fine wine!' You singsong as you skip to the wine restoring cabinet and get the finest wine, the one you got on your birthday.
Kakucho sat on the medium-sized couch whilst you sat on the main couch, getting comfortable 'But don't Izana have works for you?' You asked away, pouring down the wine into his wine cup. He shake his head 'I was done for the night, Izana is occupied because a new gang was requested to do private business with us.' You wiggle your brow at him 'Really, I guess that's why he was so busy the rest of the week.' He hums and bottoms up the drink while you did the same 'Ahh, this is so good! Here!' You gave him the whole bottle and smile lazily 'You should hide or throw it while you can, Izana will be pissed if he knows I drink more than a cup!' You hiccuped
'Already?' Kakucho chuckles and puts aside the wine, away from you. 'But the gang you was talking about, who are they?' He looks up from you, one brow furrowing 'Why do you want to know? Do you even know other gangs other than Tenjiku?' You pout at him 'Izana told me all of his business partners, I wanna know if I know this one!' You hiccup once more. Kakucho walks out to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and handed it to you.
'They're Doncan. Do you know them?' You gulp the drink and wipe off the access from the corner of your mouth 'Oh them - but aren't they like you guys, rivalry?' He handed you a proper napkin once he speaks up 'A new gang formed, and surprisingly gained lots of members in a few months. They wanted to take out the two top Japanese drug organizations. We had no choice but to join hands. It's a win-win situation anyway.' He shrugs gulping down another cup of wine. You look at the half-full glass with lust.
'I want more drink!' You snapped out of your thoughts and slap your face 'Easy Y/n if you hurt yourself I will be responsible for it. You know how Izana is...' You sigh in contempt, laying down on the couch with a faint thud 'My boyfriend is so dreamy! Always putting me first.' Your eyes hooded and sleepy 'You should sleep. I will take care of you until Izana's home.' You hum patting his arm through his suit and yawning 'Thank you Kakucho!'
The sun barely set when you woke up in bed, neatly tucked and hair tied just how you liked it. Your head was a bit sore from liquoring up so you got up but a light nudge held you back. You spun your head around seeing Izana in his sleeping attire with his glasses on and a laptop on his lap. His one hand was around your neck and collarbone while his other hand was used to scroll the sensor. 'You scared me!' You revealed as you turn your body around and went to hug him 'What time is it?'
'Barely seven.' He answered eyes never leaving the screen. He turns to you for a moment plastering a chaste kiss on your side temple 'I'm going to work at eight, not gonna be as busy as the other day so I was wondering if you want to follow me?' Your eyes lighted up, it's been so long - one week since you visited or even set foot inside the building.
'Sure, wake me up when it's time to go!' He hums petting your shoulder and caressing it.
You and Izana arrived at his workplace. The guards lined up already waiting for his arrival. You two got arms lined together as you two strode together inside the entrance.
'Ryo Yamada is inside your office room.' Informed Kakucho, stealing a glance and a quick smile your way. You two went inside the elevator accompanied by three of his men into the room. Two of them waited outside the door and you three get inside.
A man probably around your age neatly sit on the leather couch. His Rolex watch flexing inside the dimmed light room. 'There you are! And I see you bought one of your bitch.'
'Be careful how you speak, this is my fiancé.' Despite feeling stunned by the man's remark, you have a shake with him 'Y/n L/n.' He gladly took your hand placing a gentle kiss on your knuckle 'The pleasure is mine, Ryo Yamada.' Izana tears his face away from you and scoff 'Stand far from my missus, Ryo.' The man laughed, both of his hands beside his head.
'Chill Kurokawa, I won't devour the lady... Yet.' Izana was ready to pounce and forget about all this shitty assists from his gang but you held him back.
'It's okay,' He cooled down, adjusting his tie, and have a seat with the man in front of him, you at the side, half-listening.
Izana was not blind. He could see the look Ryo was giving you. That infamous dirty stare he laid upon his victims. Izana being Izana, he would've killed that man with a snap of his finger but every time you held his hand and assure him, he'll just sigh and try to cool his head down. Key Word: Try.
'Aw, come on don't try so hard and be so lovey-dovey! I might die because of jealousy!' He scowls lowly, eyes hooded over your figure. The tanned hand of Izana had reached for his back pocket where he kept his gun. One wrong move again and he'll shoot without hesitation.
'Now business aside,' He man-spread on the chair, hands over his knees with his eyes bore from you to Izana then back to you 'How long have you two known each other?'
'That was none of your' - He was cut by you 'We met in 2005. Izana just got released from juvenile and he was with my brother. Izana calls it 'Love at the first glance.' You chuckle tearing your eyes from Ryo to Izana to see he had already looked at you. That sharp purple eyes of his relaxed in you.
'That's cringe.' His pupils diverted. Hell no, Izana won't let anyone, he means anyone and not even Kakucho to insult how he fell in love with you. It wasn't cringe or drama-like. It was Izana Kurokawa falling in love with you. No matter what, he won't take comments about how he fell in love with you. His haven and his majesty.
His gaze turns from you to Ryo. A fast motions whistle and a scream erupted inside the soundproof room. Ryo was shot right in the knee. His knee busted open out from his expensive slack. A painful agony scream erupts once more. His eyes were bloodshot.
'F'ckin hell! That hurts!' Izana eyes weren't quiver even one bit. His eyes were steady and plain. 'One wrong move again. And I'll make not to miss that thick skull head of yours.' He planted the gun to his forehead mimicking the 'Bang' sound 'You should've thought about the worst consequences before you came barking at my queen, you pathetic loser.'
'Fuck this useless negotiation. With your gang or without, Tenjiku will remain at the top. You and all that shitty gangs below us can fucking rot in hell.' He finished opening up the door as Ryo's guards rush inside. A blood war was incoming but by that time, Kakucho had made sure to put you and Izana back inside the car and to your mansion.
'That scumbag.' You sighed bringing Izana into a hug. Your hand fished inside your purse to grab a pack of tissue wiping off the warm blood stained off his cheeks and lips.
'He won't get his way with you.' He scoops you in his arms earning a small yelp from you, but once you relaxed you laugh 'He won't. Never will.' Noses touching. His eyes find their way to your E/T ones.
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urauntiefaye · 2 months
&Team as Yanderes🔪
CW: Cussing by me, yandere content, some suggestive content
A/N: Jo a little special for my girl @luneengene2, also this is not how the members are in real life it’s just fiction, 
WC: 494
Kei- Kei is known for having a calm demeanor, but he does like to be in charge, he has set rules for you and specific punishments. I see him being pretty violent with his punishments, He’s not much of a brat tamer as he wants his princess/prince to be good and obedient, he has a God complex so he wants you to worship him. 
Fuma- So soft yet so so protective, he has a lot of anxiety when it comes to you, you’re just way too innocent and weak for this world he has to be there 24/7 to protect you. Is the type limit what you do, like you’re not allowed to cook or clean in fear you’ll end up hurt. He won’t ever lay a hand on you though, but it can be mentally draining having someone constantly watching you…
Nicholas- HA GOOD FUCKING LUCK, mans a sadist try to tell me other wise, He will punish you when you haven’t even done anything and then gaslight you into thinking you did actually something bad. He loves the look of fear in your eyes and he’s so cocky about it I swear. 
Euijoo- *sighs* the clingy type, poor baby can’t live without you, like Fuma he will be near you 24/7 and has deep routed anxiety when it comes to you. But unlike Fuma it’s because Euijoo sees you as this Goddess and that you’ll leave him at any moment. He is literally obsessed with you and is in constant fear that one day you’ll find someone better than him…
Yuma- So you know how I said good luck with Nicholas? Yeah same thing here, I honestly don’t know which is worst tbh. Yuma just loves seeing you in pain, but he’s more sexual about it. Dude needs to have sex with you everyday just to remind you who you belong too. 
Jo- Stalker, he has stalked you and is right now as we speak. He’s too shy to say anything but he is insanely obsessed over you, like this dude takes photos of you and has a wall dedicated to you, he even broke into your house and stole a few pieces of article of clothing just so he could uh ya know…feel good👁️👁️ 
Harua- Seems innocent at first but honestly I think he’s probably the most dangerous out of all of them. His mood will change ever so slightly depending how you act. Like he will be all lovey dovey with you first but you smiled at the barista today? Suddenly he’s worse than Nicholas and Yuma combined. 
Taki-OMG He’s so hyper about you, probably the most calm and less violent, but he just wants your attention 24/7, he’s like a puppy who needs his owner at all times. He always calls you “mine”, will do anything for you, this mans is just head over hills for you and will even possibly murder someone for you. 
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rippledawn · 1 month
among all the pain there was you | mapi leon x ingrid engen
AN: So funny story but I actually wrote this back in February at the encouragement of a friend. But then I never got around to typing it up, so it's just been sitting in a notebook for a couple months. I'm sick this weekend though, and so with my new found free time I finally got around to polishing it off, and here we are. This is also available on ao3 for anyone who prefers.
I've never written anything for this fandom before, but soccer has taken a hold of my obsessions like no other, so. Hope people enjoy!
Tags: injury, hurt/comfort, fluff
When Mapi had torn her meniscus, at first all she’d felt was pain. She had felt a pop in her knee, and immediately the pain had begun to rush in, forcing her to the ground.
But after she had been taken off the training pitch and healthily dosed up with painkillers, the dread had begun to set in. She knew this was bad. The scans hadn’t been done yet, but she knew what she had felt, and it wasn’t good. Even worse, Ingrid was out with a cold today, and couldn’t be there to comfort her.
“How bad is it?” Mapi asked the doctor.
“We won’t know for sure till we can run more tests tomorrow, but I’m sorry Mapi, it doesn’t look good.”
All Mapi wanted to do now was go home and cry. This was it, her season was over. And she hadn’t gotten the chance to help Barcelona win the league for the 5th time in a row, or get them to another champions league final, or lift the Supercopa trophy one more time.
And what about the team? Jana and Irene were both already injured, and while Ingrid was doing a great job filling in as a centre-back it wasn’t her natural position by any means.
As Mapi was trying to hold herself together, she looked up at a knock on the door to see Ingrid standing there, waiting to come in.
“Corazón, what are you doing here? You’re sick, you should be at home, resting.” Mapi motioned for Ingrid to enter the room.
“Of course I am here Maria, I came as soon as I heard you were injured. You are the most important thing to me. Now come, let me take you home.”
Mapi was really struggling to hold back the tears now that Ingrid was here. But she grabbed her crutches and nodded.
Ingrid stayed close to her as Mapi hobbled her way out of the Barcelona training centre.
“How are you really feeling, min kjaere?” Ingrid asked softly.
“I’m fine, corazón,” Mapi tried to put on a brave face and smile but Ingrid looked at her with doubt in her eyes.
“Alright Maria, let’s just get you home, ok?”
Mapi nodded and they headed to the car.
The whole car ride home, Mapi could feel Ingrid chancing glances filled with worry over at her every time the car stopped, but she struggled to keep herself together and not let herself fall apart.
As they pulled into the driveway Mapi let out a shaky sigh. All she wanted to do was go lay in bed and cry, but she didn’t want to worry Ingrid. She would be fine eventually, no need to make a big deal out of it.
“Come on kjaere, let’s get you inside.”
Ingrid was looking at her like she was made of glass. Something precious that needed to be treated with care. It only made Mapi want to cry more.
They entered the house and Ingrid got Mapi settled on the couch while she went to go order dinner.
“What would you like for dinner, kjaere? I’m thinking we could order your favourite, sushi? How does that sound?”
Mapi just nodded mutely while Ingrid looked on in concern.
“How are you really feeling, Maria? And don’t tell me you’re fine, you clearly aren’t fine, and you don’t have to be.”
Mapi finally broke and burst into tears. Ingrid immediately sat down and pulled Mapi into her arms.
“Oh shh, shh, just let it all out, I’ve got you.”
Ingrid sat there and held Mapi while she cried for what felt like ages, feeling like her own heart was breaking the whole while.
“Come on Maria, talk to me, let me support you.”
“That’s the rest of my season over, Ingrid. I know it hasn’t been confirmed but I know my own body. I don’t know if I can cope with being out for that long, I’ve never done this before.”
Mapi looked like she was about to burst into sobs again and Ingrid pulled her close and held her tight.
“It’ll be ok Maria, you won’t have to get through this alone. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”
“But what if I can’t do it, Ingrid? What if I never play like I did before, what if I never come back.”
The look of fear and sadness in Mapi’s eyes had Ingrid wishing she could give up her own knee if it meant Mapi didn’t have to go through this.
“Shh, shh, don’t talk like that min kjaere. You’re so strong, you’re going to get through this and come back even stronger. And if you don’t? Well, we’ll deal with that like we do everything, together.”
Ingrid pulled Mapi even further into her arms, trying to provide as much comfort as she could to the still shaking woman in her arms.
Mapi began to finally calm down. Everything was still a mess, but at least Ingrid was here with her to get her through this.
“Let’s get you to bed kjaere, we can cuddle until the food arrives.”
As Mapi settled into Ingrid’s arms she started to finally believe that everything would really be ok, because Ingrid was here and together they could face anything.
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whydontyousaeso · 5 months
Dashing era Cody Rhodes x reader
Warnings- swearing
Type- Enemies to lovers
A/n- haha so guess what the wheel chose(I screamed when it landed on Cody). Tbh I’ve been obsessed with his dashing era recently so this was perfect for me. Next will be tattooed in your brain pt 5! So be on the lookout for that!
Tag list: @alyyaanna @queencherryberry @codyswhitebelt @lizzyd1ish @southerngirl41
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“Hey y/n, you’re gonna be in a mixed tag team match against Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan”
“Okay, with who?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, you’ve got an hour before the match”
And with that the producer walked away.
You sighed, frustrated with the lack of answers.
It could literally be anyone, the miz, Randy orton, hell— even Batista.
You normally didn’t like mixed tag team matches, but you couldn’t stop what the people booked for you.
“There you are, I was wondering if you were purposely running away from me.”
You turned to see Mr “Dashing” Cody Rhodes standing there.
How pleasant.
“A little birdie told me that we were working together for the match tonight.”
“Well that same little birdie forgot to tell you to fuck off.”
“Hey hey, no need to be so hostile. We’re both in the same boat here.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag with your ring gear in it.
“I’m gonna go get ready. Don’t bother me until the match Rhodes.”
“Trust me, if there’s anyone I listen to it’s gonna be you baby doll.”
You huffed as you finished your hair, seeing the hour turn into fifteen minutes.
You were really dreading this.
“What’s wrong Y/n?”
You looked over at AJ
“I have to do a match with Cody”
“Wait seriously?”
“Yes and he’s a prick! He just cares about how he looks”
“But he looks good y/n! Come on you can’t be atleast a little attracted to him!”
You rolled your eyes.
Every diva was obsessed with him.
You didn’t see the appeal.
“Come on, he seriously looks good!”
You shook your head.
“I just want this match to be I’ve already.”
You came out first, making your way to the ring while Cody did his entrance.
You watched him, and in reality he did look good today, but you still hated his guts.
As he made his way onto the apron he winked at you, causing you to scoff.
Unfortunately you had to act like you liked him.
You turned your attention to the other two making their entrance.
They had just started dating recently, so of course they had to feed the crowd with lovey stuff.
You watched Bryan twirl her around and dip her, kissing her on her lips.
“Hey, you think that could be us?”
You turned to see Cody looking at you and smirking.
“Are you seriously trying to get laid while our match is about to start?”
He just shrugged with that shit eating grin.
“You’re unbelievable Cody.”
“Here is your winners, Dashing Cody Rhodes and Y/n!”
You stood up after pinning Brie, a smirk on your face.
Cody slid into the ring and reached out, but you turned away quickly.
“Come on y/n, I’m not that bad really.”
You shook your head and held up your hand with the ref, quickly getting out afterwards.
You saw him follow you, chasing quickly.
He wasn’t gonna let up any time soon.
You tried to make your way backstage as soon as possible, but it was like he just kept following you.
When you finally did make it you turned towards him, upset.
“I’ve done told you no, what do you not understand Rhodes?”
You grabbed your things quickly and started making your way out, hearing him chase after you.
“I know that you’re also extremely stubborn. I don’t chase after women surprisingly.”
“Then what are you doing now?”
“Okay I am chasing after you now but it’s because I’m genuinely attracted to you y/n.”
You shook your head and turned around, facing him and his smirk.
“What will make you leave me alone.”
“Let me take you on a date now. It doesn’t have to be long but please.”
You looked at his facial expressions, despite that shit eating grin you could tell he was desperate.
“Fine. I’ll be ready in thirty minutes.”
You met Cody outside, he was gonna be the one driving you.
“Ready pretty lady?”
“Let’s get this over with.”
He took your bags from you and helped you get in the car.
Atleast he was a gentleman.
The car ride was mostly silent, he would ask a question or two and you would give a single word answer.
When you guys got to the restaurant, it seemed to change.
It was like he dropped the fuck boy persona and was just a normal guy.
“What’s with this?”
“What do you mean?”
“You just drop the persona to woo someone?”
“You know how it is, if I’m not that I’m no one there y/n.”
You shrugged.
“I get that, but seriously you choose that?”
“It was the best I could come up with.”
“I don’t believe that.”
You felt the hate you had slowly slip away.
Damn him.
“I could say the same thing about you.”
“It’s only because of the attitude you had. I didn’t like it.”
He chuckled and crossed his arms.
“I’ve got a chance now?”
“Thin ice”
“That’s better than in the river drowning.”
“You taking me home after this?”
“I can do more then that”
“Don’t push it Rhodes”
“I had to take my shot somewhere”
You shook your head and chuckled, watching the waiter as your food came out.
He wasn’t bad at all.
As he helped you out of the car at your house you gave him a small smile.
“Thanks for dinner Cody.”
“It’s nothing, sorry I annoyed the shit out of you at the show.”
You laughed.
“I think it’s okay now.”
You smiled bigger snd pulled him closer to you, pulling him down slightly and kissing him on his lips.
Surprisingly his lips were soft on yours, and he knew what he was doing.
He didn’t grab your waist, but instead held your face gently with one hand and your hand in the other.
You pulled back and kissed his cheek.
“We’re gonna have to do this again Cody, you gotta let me know though.”
He smiled from ear to ear, letting you walk to your door.
“I most definitely will.”
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casualsnickers · 6 days
Month of Emmet Quick Write #10
Prompt #10: New Pokémon
Subway Master Emmet tends to work with his beloved team to battle challengers on the Battle Subway. Depot Agent Cameron has noticed that challengers have started devising ways of combating Emmet's repetitive team. But not to worry! Cameron has a suggestion: switch up the team. The only issue? His choice of viable pokémon are... questionable at best.
Read the whole thing below the cut.
“Boss Emmet. Can you pleeease stop signing papers for just one minute and listen to me?”
“If it’s about the announcement regarding the recent update to the banned legendary pokémon list outside the station, I do not want to hear it, Cameron.” Emmet did his best to ignore the depot agent as Cameron stepped forward and stood ominously over Emmet’s desk. He had been pestering Emmet the entire day, taking advantage of Ingo’s absence due to a physical therapy appointment to pester and bother the more persuasion-susceptible twin. So far, he hadn’t been winning.
“It’s not about the announcement. It’s about you.”
“A complaint?”
            Emmet’s eyes narrowed. “The press?”
“No again.” With an exaggerated sigh, Cameron cleared Emmet’s paperwork to the left with one arm and instead plopped down his work-sanctioned tablet in the middle of the desk, the global trade system’s main page illuminated on the screen. “Discussion time! Boss. You need to switch up your team in the Battle Subway,” Cameron emphasized. “People are starting to notice patterns. They’re designing ways to throttle your team.”
“My team and I are a well-oiled engine,” Emmet casually retorted, making no move to retrieve his papers. He instead reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a spare battery, tossing it into a nearby Joltik web where a cluster of the electric type pokémon descended upon it in a mad fury. “No amount of repetition or type matchup strategies can derail us so easily. My team and I have been conducting our challengers and stopping them in their tracks for years.”
“You could use some new faces, though. Throw your challengers for a loop.” Cameron pulled up a chair and then shot Emmet a devious look, leaning back in his seat to a perilous degree. “I’ve got a few pokémon in mind that could really be an asset to the subway.”
Emmet frowned. He had known the slightly younger man for years at that point and while all of his depot agents knew Emmet’s boundaries- his sometimes-unreasonable boundaries- Cameron was the only one who pushed at them the slightest bit. In a sense, the other depot agents respected both Ingo and Emmet, but Emmet knew that a few of his employees found him to be creepy due to his way of monotonous, often lifeless way of speaking and his unrestrainable love of pokémon battles that tended to manifest in a way that almost resembled obsession. It wasn’t something he could help.
Cameron had feared both brothers when he had originally signed on to become a depot agent. But after gaining confidence in working on the lines and through working alongside each Subway Boss separately, Cameron had gotten quite used to treating his bosses as his friends. And in particular, Cameron loved to mess around with Emmet, much to the latter’s chagrin.
“C’mon, boss! I spent a lot of time thinking about this! At least look at the list I made!”
            Emmet snorted, pushing the tablet back to his employee. He had attempted to wait out Cameron’s episodes of brief hyper fixations in the past to no avail. Today would be such a day. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Emmet sighed, crossing one leg over the other as he too leaned back in his chair. “Fine. Please introduce me to your potential candidates.
            Cameron beamed. “Yes! Okay. Let me just pull up the list.” He swiped at the screen, his eyes shooting up to Emmet’s own bored stare. “I spent so much time thinking about the possible combinations and which pokémon you would probably put on your team. Did some studying. Looked at a handful of vs recorder footage of trainers getting destroyed on both the double and super double lines. Figured out what stumped them the most.” Cameron finally settled, clearing his throat. “Okay. First up: Focus Sash Smeargle with a priority on setting up entry hazards.”
“Clever. Verrry clever.” Emmet grinned, recognizing the strategy almost immediately. Smeargle was a popular pokémon in the competitive battling scene. He wouldn’t raise any eyebrows bringing a Smeargle to the Battle Subway. “Setting up is my specialty. And Smeargle is a normal type. Access to almost every move type via its typing.” Emmet considered it for a moment. “Which ability?”
“Own Tempo. No risk of confusion. Oh! And here’s another suggestion: how about Tinkaton? From the Paldea region? Fairy and steel type.” Cameron then grinned, his eyes crinklling to mere slits. His voice began to tremble with laughter. “I hear they’re really hard-hitting.”
“…Get out of my office.”
“No, no, no! Hear me out, boss! Tinkaton. Fairy and steel type. Mostly a physical attacker. Equip that baby with a Rocky Helmet and you’ve got a little bruiser on your team.” In an offhand comment, Cameron murmured, “Kinda fits the way you scare the pants off most of your challengers, boss. Tinkaton’s very infamous in the Paldea region due to how… devious they are.”
            Emmet squinted. “Intimidation is a valid tactic, Cameron.” He then smiled, still finding it amusing how the public had framed him to be the menacing twin all the time. He quite enjoyed it. “Hmm. Tinkaton use their hammers to knock Corviknights out of the sky with rocks according to the Paldea dex.” Emmet tapped one finger thoughtfully against his chin. “I will consider that combination. Give me the next one.”
“Zoroark. Absolutely Zoroark.” Cameron’s eyes gleamed as he began to ramble. “Illusion ability obviously. Put that sucker right in the startup position, okay? Now give it some choice specs or a life orb. Okay. Listen to me. Listen. To. Me. Nasty Plot boosted Night Daze with U-Turn for a clean switch out.”
“That sounds gimmicky,” Emmet noted. “I do not like gimmicks.” Emmet then scowled. “Gimmicks allow for cheap tricks, and I will not encourage the use of gimmicks in the Battle Subway. They are not strategies! They are imitations of strategies, and they do not make battling fun!”
“Mind games, boss! Mind games! That’s the whole point! You get to mess with the challengers! In a professional setting! Sending out a Zoroark could make a fun first impression after removing Smeargle from the forefront after it sets up hazards for the opponent.”
“It’s viable,” Emmet begrudgingly conceded. The Zoroark lineage almost always had illusion as their main ability. Emmet had seen it in use numerous times from trainers looking to get the drop on him. He had also been tricked once into buying two disguised Zoruas sandwiches from the Icirrus Station’s vending machines.”I will think about it.” Emmet looked kindly upon Cameron, smiling. “They are good suggestions. Your strategizing is getting better. Yup! Good job.”
“Thanks!” Cameron’s tablet began to shake, and he hurriedly picked it up. “I’ll find some other cool pokémon for you, boss. But for real. Switch up your team. It’ll bring some fresh air to the subway and to the challengers and besides- Ingo already switched up his team!”
            Emmet’s eyes twitched. “Ingo assembled a brand-new team in Hisui. He did not specifically construct his team to battle in the subway, nor are his Hisui pokémon used to casual battling. They are exceptions.” 
            His brother had indeed brought back strange new pokémon with him after disappearing to Hisui for an entire year. Ingo’s Hisui team consisted of common pokémon; ones that already existed in the modern day that had only needed a few trips to the pokémon center and a few vaccinations to clear for public appearances. His other pokémon however…
Emmet stiffened when a heavy weight crawled up his leg and settled into his lap, a familiar golden-yellow paw scrabbling to reach for his pen. Gently, Emmet tucked his pen away. “Shoo, Mustard. No ink for you.”
Mustard was a Sneasel, and not just the regular dark and ice variety, no. Mustard was a shiny Sneasel that had been hatched from the last pokémon Ingo had brought with him to Unova: a long extinct regional evolution of Sneasel called ‘Sneaslers’. It just so happened that Ingo’s Sneasler was both exceptionally large and exceptionally strong. Ingo had referred to the massive cat-weasel pokémon as a ‘noble’ but Emmet hadn’t quite understood the connotations behind the moniker.
“Hey! Why not recruit Mustard?” Cameron suggested.
“I am Emmet, and I would like to not end up on the news tomorrow. Ingo’s Sneasler would kill me.”
Cameron nodded almost immediately, schooling his face into a neutral expression. “She would eviscerate you.”
“Skin me.”
“Probably hang you from a cliff to dry.”
            Emmet squinted, crossing his arms. “Cold.”
“What? She would! The claws on her? She’s not even allowed to battle in the subway yet and she’s big enough to scrape her head against the cab ceiling. She could probably eat us if she wanted to. There’s no way she’d hesitate.”
“She wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. You are right.”
“Snea!” Mustard, having been listening in on the conversation, immediately climbed onto the table and grabbed onto Emmet’s hand, a pokéball clutched in its paws.
“Oh, come on, Boss Emmet! Look! Mustard’s totally down to battle, aren’t you, little guy?” Cameron reached out and playfully ruffled the shiny fur along Mustard’s head, the weasel pokémon letting out a tiny purr as it leaned into the man’s touch. “Mustard follows you around all the time even when Boss Ingo is here. It’s obvious he likes you! Let him join the team! I’m sure he’ll thrive.”
            Mustard squeaked in confirmation, playfully rolling the pokéball around on the table as if considering the notion of one day being a battling pokémon. It smiled, its fangs poking out from its mouth as it jumped back into Emmet’s lap and curled up, continuing to purr loudly.
Emmet reached down and let his fingers settle into Mustard’s soft fur. “I will… consider it.”
            Once again, Cameron’s tablet vibrated. The young man reached over to check his tablet and almost immediately, his jaw dropped. Eyes wide, Cameron squinted at the screen, practically shaking with excitement. “Oh, sweet dragons. This is gonna be so fucking rad.”
“Language,” Emmet chided.
“Boss. Boss, gimme your trainer card. I need to send you two pokémon I just got in a mystery trade. Please. Hand me your numbers. Give them to me.”
“At least take him on a date first,” Cloud snarked, having walked into the room. He took a seat in a chair near Ingo’s desk, crossing his legs. “You gonna ask him to come over to your place next, huh Cameron?”
Emmet ignored the jab. “What pokémon did you receive?”
“You’ll find out,” Cameron replied smoothly. “Just give me your trainer card.”
“Cameron’s probably gonna send you a Zubat.”
“I will flood your pc with Ratattas if you keep talking over there, Cloud” Cameron threatened. He then whipped around to stare pathetically at Emmet. “Boss, please.”
“… Okay. Fine.”
            Cameron hurried over to the station’s mobile pc station in the next room and quickly typed in Emmet’s trainer card number, rocking back-and-forth on the balls of his feet as his eyes jittered across the screen. As he worked, Emmet felt his Xtransceiver vibrate a few times on his wrist. Multiple notifications. Multiple pokémon sent to his pc from Cameron.
“Panpour-Pal, modernized,” Cloud muttered under his breath. “Wouldn’t be surprised if whatever pokémon you get ends up bricking your pc. That or it bursts into flames.”
“Can it, Cloud,” Cameron bristled.
“Win in a battle against me,” Cloud snarked back.
“Angry that I’m right?”
“Not in the slightest!”
            Emmet chuckled lowly, taking Cameron’s place as he inserted his trainer card and checked his pc, immediately noticing the notifications about the traded pokémon Cameron had sent him. He was immediately greeted by a pop-up screen accompanied by a long wall of text. “Dex error? Does not exist?” Emmet frowned, scrolling to check the descriptions of his newly traded pokémon. “Caaameron,” Emmet drawled angrily, irritation creeping into his voice. “The pokémon you sent me do not exist. Somehow.”
“I know! Isn’t it great?” Cameron hurriedly scooched in beside Emmet, pointing at the first one he had sent. “Got these from some trainers in the Paldea region! Did you hear? Apparently, there’s been some rush to document some foreign pokémon that appeared in this big, huge crater there. And the pokémon I just sent you? They’re examples. They’re from that crater!”
            Emmet scrolled over to the first one. “Slither Wing?” He squinted. “Bug and fighting type?” He then pulled up the description, the corners of his mouth turning upward as the image of the pokémon flickered across his screen. 
“Oh, dragons. That’s one fucked-up looking Volcarona.” From behind them, Cloud snickered, taking long drags from his energy drink. “Should’ve left that thing in whatever hole it crawled out of. Reminds me of your Archaeops though, boss.”
“Archie is perfect in every way,” Emmet grumbled back.
“It’s called a Paradox pokémon in Paldea,” Cameron cut back in. “And they’re not illegal to battle with!”
“Are they supposed to be illegal elsewhere? You’re not really selling your case here, Cam,” Cloud pointed out.
            Emmet ignored the two squabbling men, flicking over to the second one. That one he definitely recognized, feeling the muscles of his face begin to ache when he reflexively scowled at the image before him. “Iron Bundle... This is literally just a steel-wrapped Delibird.”
            Cloud whistled. “Yeah, I can’t imagine anybody battling with that thing, let alone letting it into their house. That just looks like a robot with extra steps. I wonder if it could connect to Bluetooth.”
“Give. It. A. Chance.” Cameron was practically begging at that point, clapping after each word. “Just get to know them a little! I hear that they’re cool pokémon and I think you’d do well with them, boss.” 
            At Emmet’s side, Mustard let out a curious chirp and climbed his shoulder, pointing eagerly at the array of pokémon on the pc screen. Mustard rubbed its cheek against Emmet’s face, continuing to point and squeak until Emmet eventually relented.
“Very well. I am Emmet and I will reconsider switching around my team. But. Only for a week or two. A trial period.” Emmet moved his coat back and slid the pokéballs containing his main team toward the left side of his belt- right toward his dominant left hand. He then withdrew the two paradox pokémon along with the suggested pokémon that Cameron had mentioned before. “I have one condition, though.”
“And what’s that?” Cameron asked innocently.
“Under no circumstances can either of you inform Ingo about this.”
            Cloud raised an eyebrow. “You’re gonna try and destroy him, aren’t you?”
“Try?” Emmet echoed, grinning from ear to ear. “No. I will obliterate him. Completely decommission him. That is not a threat; it is a promise! His Hisui team is strong,” Emmet alluded, monologuing more to himself than talking to Cloud or Cameron. “But! I can and will assemble a stronger team!” He then picked up Mustard and set him into the crook of one arm, settling his new partners along the right side of his pokémon belt. “And it all starts with Mustard.”
            Cameron giggled. “Hehehe. Name the Tinkaton ‘Ketchup’.”
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Dead by daylight Yandere general HCs on the Oni vs Steve please with a new Survivor reader who cracks jokes a lot
Tumblr thought it would be funny to crash on me with this one too so... here's what I got. Interesting pair, lol ^^
Yandere! Oni vs Steve Harrington
Jokester! Survivor! Darling
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Murder mention, Blood, Death, Violence, Jealousy, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Swearing, Steve wants nothing to do with this.
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A survivor and killer rivalry is rather one-sided and dangerous.
There's The Oni, a being full of rage.
He's killed many to become the monster he is.
The only thing that soothes him, even if just for a little while, is you.
Steve doesn't hold a candle to the demonic samurai.
He's a nice guy who just wants to step up and help his team.
Although... he is willing to defend those he loves.
They'd both act differently towards a darling of this type obviously.
Let's start with Steve.
Steve greets you, the new survivor with open arms.
Honestly, he knows how scary a realm like this can be.
He used to be a bit of an asshole back at home... but encountering Demogorgons and arriving here changed him.
Steve is the type to fall hopelessly in love with his darling.
He greets you with a smile and by just personality alone you manage to make his face hot.
He feels despite the circumstances you two will get along fine.
He can't believe he likes you already.
Then you start cracking jokes.
Despite the pain you're caused... or the situation you're in... you make humor.
If anything that causes Steve to like you more.
You're like a beacon of light to him.
If he's scared of what a trial brings then he searches for you.
He loves to hear your jokes.
In a place like this sometimes humor is all you need to feel a little bit better.
You'll catch Steve laughing along at your jokes even when he shouldn't.
He's genuinely a good guy deep down.
Steve doesn't want this realm to smother your light...
So, despite his disadvantages, he vows to himself that he'll protect you.
Then, there's The Oni....
That's how his obsession begins.
He wants to be there for you, no one else.
His love life is not the best... yet you may change that.
Kazan has felt nothing but rage for what feels like forever.
These trials only encourage his bloodlust.
He bathes in the blood of his enemies.
He charges like a bull... wishing to crush all who oppose him.
Then he meets you on one of your first trials.
He hears your jokes... he hears your laughter...
Kazan falters for just a moment in his rage.
When he sees you... his rage subsides for a mere moment.
The trial continues and even after your sacrifice, Kazan thinks back to you.
Trial after trial, Kazan grows closer to you.
You're spared more often in what you can only assume is respect.
The Oni does listen to your jokes but doesn't laugh.
You see the beast snarl, tilting his head at how you still manage to be in a good mood despite blood caking your body.
He respects your resilience.
Maybe you even cool the rage in his heart?
That's roughly how the beast of rage is tamed by you.
Then the two meet in a trial....
It goes about as well as you imagine.
Steve gets nervous about you, only to sigh when another joke falls from your lips.
Just when he's about to relax he hears the monstrous roar of The Oni.
When the beast rushes over, eyes glowing a bloody red, Steve yanks on your arm.
The Oni notices you and falters like usual...
Until he sees Steve with an arm around you.
Rage once again fuels the monster with a cry.
That's when it's decided Steve is a threat.
The Oni, or Kazan, feels Steve isn't deserving of your praise.
He is no samurai.
He is a coward.
Barely even strong enough to be called a rival.
Steve... doesn't really view The Oni as a rival?
He doesn't care how the beast feels about you or him.
He doesn't want you to die.
Even if death means nothing here, Steve wants you to be happy.
More death would harm that joking spark of yours!
Steve is overprotective and caring, jealous towards other survivors.
But a killer?
He's less jealous and more just concerned for your safety.
Steve could die many times for you.
But he won't let that beast hurt you.
The Oni is the possessive one.
He'd kill thousands, their blood fueling him...
Just to have you in his gaze.
Rivalry is hard to say.
It's more like The Oni wants to have you while Steve is trying to play keep away.
Trials have become harder with this new factor...
In the end you'll have to be with one of them, as death won't keep you apart.
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