#obsessive amount of tags i know-
It's my two-year anniversary of having this blog! I started this blog when I was probably 90% certain that I was in this for the long haul. Two years later and many books purchased, many smiles shared, many panic attacks, and holidays spent with my community have made me beyond certain of my decision. I want to express so much gratitude to all of you; this space is just as meaningful to me as those I have made offline.
I remember seeing this rumor going around that you know you are in true love after about half a year. It took me one holiday to know I had with judaism 🩵
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forgetful-river · 1 year
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Sometimes being in love is like getting your eye gored in a fit of purifying violence, sometimes it's not
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peridots-pixiwolf · 2 years
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[Start ID. A three-circle venn diagram with Gabriel from Ultrakill, the Lonely Wizard from Inscryption, and the Hollow Knight from the game of the same name. Between Gabriel and Lonely is the text "guys will see a character with vague biology, say 'is anyone gonna buggify that' and not wait for an answer". Between Lonely and Hollow is the text "void beings placed in solitary confinement by a superior they admired with the intention of keeping them there forever". Between Hollow and Gabriel is the text "existed only to be a tool for their god. just wants to be perfect. never allowed to be a person". In the center between all three is just the word "trauma". End ID
having Thoughts
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corviiids · 3 months
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THANKS @kimdokjafan you are so kind and generous. ok im cashing in the first of three blank checks to talk about faith trust and pixie dust (most recent chatfic) because the last two directors commentaries were too serious so let's do a silly one.
some p5r spoilers, and this is mostly about sumire, and it's long again. do i need to keep disclaiming that these are long? you should know me by now.
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i had this written for a while before i started formatting it because i wasn't really sure if i should post it? i feel like silly chatfic is something people go to for predominantly lighthearted nonsense so i was like, maybe there's too much plot and dramatic misunderstanding and i should just keep this one for myself. but then i was like well nothing matters and maybe someone will have fun with it. it's kind of terrible how much fully or mostly completed fic there is my docs that just doesn't see the light of day lol. write for yourself etc but i like sharing! too bad it comes with the mortifying ordeal etc. anyway that was a tangent
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potato counter is a neopets game. there's no deep lore i just like neopets. i guess in this universe ryuji doesn't play neopets? or maybe he's just never played potato counter specifically. i also have a different fic where ryuji DOES play neopets. it's about neopets and ryuji and goro talking on neopets.
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i think this might literally be the first time ive written sumi in a fic because i haven't actually written that much fic for royal, like, now that im looking, literally almost none? and none that had a group dynamic. so it was kind of fun to find her voice for the first time in a silly groupchat like this. i was worried people would find her exclamation marks annoying but i personally thought it was endearing so i added it in there.
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every time i do a gag where a character corrects their own typo i have to code more stupid little bubbles to make it happen but i think it's worth it. all the effort that goes into making tgis look as much like a real chat as possible
this obviously doesnt take place in the canon p5/r universe, but im imagining sort of a postcanon sumi personality where she's more comfortable being herself and isn't borrowing kasumi's brand of confidence, but she's visibly a really anxious person without that kasumi veneer. i also think in this universe sumire is a fairly recent addition to the friend group, and while everyone likes her a lot and she really likes them, i kind of wanted to emphasise that feeling of being in a friend group where everyone's established and you're sort of a plus-one? you don't really fit yet. part of that is her being new, part of it is her anxiety, part of it is just the kind of person sumi is where she's so polite and self-conscious she ends up taking herself out of things with her own good intentions. stuff like her interrupting the flow of an existing conversation by greeting everyone instead of jumping straight in because she doesn't feel comfortable inserting herself, which means everyone else stops to greet her even though that doesn't normally happen in a friend group, or making a point of thanking everyone for being invited to events while the others take it as a given.
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idk i love that she feels a bit out of place with the phantom thieves in p5r. and part of that is a natural consequence of being a new addition in royal who can't be naturally integrated with an existing dynamic but i honestly feel like the writing team realised that and acknowledged it, and really leaned into it, and that made it work incredibly well for me. like, it's part of her character that she's sort of an outsider. it's not like p4g's incredibly clumsy integration of marie and subsequent attempt to shove her down everyone's throat as the canon love interest in p4ga (knife). sumi has that outsider vibe on purpose and it makes me really like her dynamic with the thieves as an individual
goro also feels slightly out of place in these chats, but his conversational style blends more naturally with the other thieves at this point and he even uses their codenames sometimes. i keep saying my chatfic series isn't a real Series because the lore keeps changing, but if we accept that they're all kind of following a General Continuity, assume this takes place some time after the last fic in which ren added goro to the groupchat and they made an effort to integrate him into their friend group. he's kind of there now and has settled into being the weird boyfriend. that's his role.
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every time goro says something like "ren and i" assume it's the text equivalent of him talking to the group with his arm around ren's waist.
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ok i got really fond of this silly running joke where sumi brings up the weather when she's feeling uncomfortable. she's so polite. i like this thread because setting it up meant i got to tie it off like this:
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this just made me happy lol i liked writing this. i tried to use it to demonstrate that despite goro's abrasiveness he obviously knows sumire pretty well, he's attuned to her quirks and knows how to tell when she's having a bad time with her anxiety, so he uses her little weather habit to ground her.
i honestly dont think goro and sumire could be considered close in p5r and as much as i like the "royal trio" in canon they're not really... like... friends? with each other? they're both attached to ren, so it' more a V shape than anything else. but that said, i really LIKE goro and sumi's canon dynamic. he takes a really grouchy but politely attentive supervisory role to her during their few forays into the palace as a trio where he doesn't really know her well but clearly identifies her as a harmless little tryhard who needs some guidance and steps into that role grudgingly, and she immediately looks up to him despite being very wrong footed by his ruthlessness, which i find incredibly charming. i think given time they could be good friends, they just didn't get much chance to know each other very well in canon. so i tried to kinda do that here.
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once goro stops being evil and joins the group they all kind of tiredly accept that his role is to occasionally push a cup off a bench while smirking and refuse to clean it up. emotionally, i mean.
wait i need to backtrack chronologically to talk about akeshu.
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in this scene they're in the same room lol talking and snickering while typing. im trying to get at that vibe of the annoying couple who is flirting with each other, via you. you know? like ostensibly they're talking to you (sumire) but everything they say to you is part of their stupid game. sumi is incidental to goro and ren teasing each other about flirting with someone else, goro is reporting everything ren says because his boyfriend is so eye-rollingly foolish in a cute way. they're very tickled by how amusing and charming they are. gross. disgusting. sumire im so sorry for putting you through this
anyway here are too many of my favourite jokes from the fic
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#futaba gets a lot of my favourite punchlines because i love her. i think she's an incredible vessel for comedic timing#once again you can see how much i overthink everything#given the amount of thought that goes into character shit for what LOOKS like a stupid 3 second chatfic#but is really. a stupid 3 second chatfic with twenty years of overthinking behind it#it takes time and effort. to be this stupid#anyway i love sumi. i think she's so cute. i like her dynamic with the thieves so much#ive said it before but i think chatfic is one of those mediums that looks so deceptively simple because#you know it's just silly dialogue and memes. it's very accessible. anyone can write a funny chatfic#but i think it's such a character-forward 'genre' that it's really really difficult to do well in the sense that it feels like the characte#s you know and not just mouthpieces for memes with familiar names attached. so im kinda obsessed with the genre#it relies so heavily on every character having a distinctive voice without trying too hard to be unique#ideally you should be able to read one of these with no names attached ands till get a general sense of who's talking#without having to rely on liek (sorry) homestuck style quirks which make it visibly obvious#that' skinda hard because irl people's typing styles aren't THAT distinct you know. theres only so many variations#you can make to a person's use of grammar punctuation capitalisation etc before it becomes a gimmick instead of an idiosyncrasy#but hopefully if the character voice is strong enough their identtiy should come through more subtly anyway. idk .idk if im there but i lov#to work towards it#wow i wrote anothr essay in the tags about my love for Modern Epistolary Fiction (chatfic)#after already writing a whole essay in the post#i mgonna shut up guys thanks for having me#rookfic#asks#p5#rookthots
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spyroz · 1 year
i dont reblog those posts about how hard it is to have moralizing ocd in online spaces, even though i deeply resonate with them. ironically, i can only talk to 2 people about my ocd, because one of my obsessions is that other people will assume im using my mental health as a shield against criticism if i talk about it. therefore, if i talk about my ocd in any circumstance, my brain believes that i'm already doing something immoral
basically, most of my obsessions resolve around people assuming bad faith of me or that i'm somehow secretly an irredeemably bad person, no matter how hard i try to be good. i am a bad person if i dont reblog posts about serious topics, spend every waking moment thinking about extremely serious topics, or make any social mistakes whatsoever (which is scary because i'm also autistic). i believe that i am irredeemable if i make a small mistake, and i often think all my friends are waiting for me to make a mistake so that they can attack me, and that my life will be ruined if i fuck up. im constantly scanning all my interests (and people i know) for the tiniest imperfections (far beyond healthy amounts of criticism in your interests) out of fear that liking anything or anyone makes me a horrible person. if you dont take a side on this lgbt label discourse, then youre a bigot! im ALWAYS mentally preparing responses and apologies to totally theoretical situations of people being upset with me. i have intrusive thoughts about doing the immoral things that scare me most.
the problem is, *talking about* any of these thoughts invites people who will actually bad faith me. "if youre so worried about this stuff, then you must have something to hide! you just want to avoid accountability!" they make your obsession a reality by accusing you of the exact thing you fear most. none of these thoughts are reasonable or realistic, and i know that. i know that i'm mentally ill. i know logically that i'm as good a person as anyone else. when i actually do make a mistake, i stay level-headed and apologize, acknowledge what i did wrong, and change my behavior
but there is a large part of me that does not want to heal from my ocd, because i believe constant self-monitoring and self-critique is the only thing preventing me from becoming a horrible person
there is nothing i want more in this world than to be a good altruistic human being who is capable of growth, but spending weeks trapped in thought loops analyzing all my behaviors for the smallest signs of a mistake will not help me be a better person. it makes me a worse friend. it drains my energy so that i dont have the mental capacity to actually spend time being kind to others. i reread this post many times while writing it to make sure i didnt accidentally write 6 different slurs. but i can't figure out how to heal. what the fuck do i do about this
this is incredibly hard for me to write about. i'm fighting the urge to delete this post as you read it. i cant stress how debilitating this is for me, it is the biggest hurdle in my life and it sucks away days worth of my time and energy. i will become trapped in thought-loops THE SECOND im not kept sufficiently busy and stimulated by tv/music/my bf/being out of the house somewhere/etc. so much of my life is wasted wanting to be good, that i dont get a chance to actually live the life of a good person
i really hope this post resonates with someone. ive only met a few other people who have this particular kind of ocd, and its extremely isolating. but i want to try to heal from it, and i know the first step to healing is talking about it
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thejadecount · 2 years
So i just started getting the hang of this whole ‘peepaw multiverse’ bit where a bunch of Future! Leos from fics hang around as 4 old co-parents I guess but honestly I’m surprise no one has taken Last Ronin! Rise Mikey into account because C’MON! The angst and comedic potential is all there!
Like all the other F! Leo’s are all just talking about their angst and Last Ronin Rise Mikey is here:
I could imagine that they’re all upset over his tragic backstory, but he’s just tired of their shit.
I don’t know I just think it’d be funny if these full on grown-ass traumatized old men needing a just-as-traumatized if not worse older man to make them get their shit back together.
look it’d be really funny and really angsty I’m just saying why has no one else thought of this yet?
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kattitude130 · 5 months
well i went and made another another kagerou project playlist (really i just edited the same one again) theres a few official orders out there, but i wanted to make my own that i personally thought might be good for newbies. i even included the spoken prologues/epilogues (or whatever you'd call them) from the albums!
if you'd rather listen/watch them in chronological order of release (i'm usually the same way), unfortunately i don't have a list or playlist for that, but you can find that kind of information on the fandom wiki
i tried to find a place for every song, but what's not included are the official covers, which can be found on the album Mekakucity M's (you will likely find it split between "Mekakucity M's 1" and "Mekakucity M's 2") i highly recommend them whether or not you prefer human over vocaloid!
if you dont know what the hell im posting about at all-- the Kagerou Project ("kagepro") is a mixed media series about kids with special powers stuck in a timeloop (simplest way to put it). the full story is told across vocaloid songs, light novels, a manga, an anime, and more. the interesting part is that these different stories are not necessarily adaptations of the same story, but rather depicting different routes/timelines of the timeloop and have different endings. if this playlist interest you, the official order is music -> manga -> novels -> anime, plus an animated short film that has a currently unknown placement (some later songs are likely adaptations of some novel chapters, and frankly i think you could swap novels and manga and not lose out on anything, but i dont want to make it too complicated... anyway) i have been a huge nerd about it for over a decade now so feel free to ask me questions because it is a bit convoluted, not gonna lie, but i love that kind of thing. ok anyway please give it a shot!!
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bluberimufim · 6 months
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just-spacetrash · 20 days
#you guys already know what tf is up!!!!#i should do a tag for sentinelposting so my poor followers shouldnt have to see this but im not gonna#u guys can count yourselves lucky i was gonna sentinelpost yesterday too but i didnt! so ur welcome#im gonna cryyyyy everything this show does is so endearing to me idk why#im not s3ep21 and we got a double whammy of slow-mo AND car chase scene#also the amount of stunts and like explosions and crashes they do in this series astounds me#modern series would neverrrrr#jim and megan are going undercover as a couple moving into a house AND STILL. AND STILL#jim has to have his emotional support blair sandberg moving in WITH THEM#insane. insane. the modern tumblrinas wouldn't survive this#they refuse to be separated for a single god damn episode and im not even in the infamous soulbond ep yet#also i love simons actor he Brrrings it every single time#hes got this like. i mean its not exactly camp its not exactly exaggerated but its like. its so funny#esp when hes in scenes with sandburg im having such a good time#sorry guys for getting obsessed with a stupid old series nobody cares about i genuinely cannot help it#also theyre so color coded this ep like whyyyy is everyone wearing red was this a conscious decision? im gonna cryyyyy#aaaaaaaa#my post#dw guys only like 10 or 9 eps left ^-^ i am gonna immediately rewatch some of them though so you will never stop seeing my sentinel posting#<3333#im cryinggggggg megs like flirting with jim and he IMMEDIATELY had to bring up sandburg#yes bitch we know hes the most important thing in your life!🙄#im actually gonna cry im having so much fun
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there’s being a teenage girl in your 20s then there’s whatever the fuck the babyface by sorry mom experience is
#i absolutely hate the phrase ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea it’s infantilising and will only stunt yr mental + emotional development#because if you keep doing that you’ll be 30 something saying shit like ‘i’m a 21 year old in my 30s’ which just sounds worse lol#and so on#and it’s not exactly a new phenomenon either bc women (mainly) will say they’re 21 with x amount of years extra experience#it’s just. idk. the obsession with perpetual yourh looks worse on people who are already young i guess#anyway back to babyface sorry mom. the album of all time; resonates with the ‘teenage girl in your 20s’ idea#(which for me has always been about being directionless and lost in life and feeling younger because you can see all your other 20-something#friends grow up and get jobs and finish their degrees n shit. and that makes you feel younger; almost teenager like)#(whereas i see a lot of people saying ‘teenage girl in my 20s’ as a way of almost bragging about being immature??#like not knowing how to do things or speak on certain subjects#stuff like ‘when he talks to me about the economy but i’m#literally a teenage girl in my 20s’ LIKE DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELF??#and of course i’m not shaming people for not knowing shit i mean look at me. i can’t drive i have no job and i dropped out of uni#but the REFUSAL to learn is astounding. like people think they can get away with being deliberately oblivious because they have#the self-proclaimed mentality of a teenage girl. and how do you think Actual Teenage Girls feel about people assigning their demographic as#being oblivious and vapid and lacking awareness#you know. traits that have historically been assigned to teenage girls that I Can Actively Remember trying to not associate with.#and my female peers were also arguing against as teenagers.#i dunno. in the words of tame impala it feels like we only go backwards)#long tags#kaycore#(fuck it. putting this in the sorry mom tag)#sorry mom band#babyface sorry mom
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unityrain24 · 1 month
you don't have to read this i just have so much pent-up in my head.
(if you do tho the tags are just as important as the post.)
i wish i could make people unfollow me without blocking them? bc like. every single palestine ask i get (whether spam or real) they follow me. even though it's not set up so only followers can send asks. i think they do it because like, then they think i will be more willing to help? bc follower counts are so important on other platforms and to most people, it's probably like an exchange? They do the nicety of adding to my follower count and so i will be more willing to donate money to their cause? but like. i don't want followers just for followers. it makes me uncomfortable. i've got a little over 150 followers right now but probably a third are palestine fundraiser blogs (and a few bots i can't tell are bots or not and promotional spam). it makes me uncomfortable? it makes me feel like the numbers a lie? i want the people following me to be there because they actually care about my blog/me?
obviously i don't want to block these people! they are in a genocide trying to do whatever they can to survive! they are on here trying to ask anyone and everyone so that out of the hundred of people they ask maybe one or two can donate a few dollars! they are trying every tactic they can to make people listen to them! following! posting photos! using eye-catching colours and fonts! writing out their stories! all things that are emotionally and or/physicaly exhausting and draining all in an attempt to just get someone to listen! and honestly it's sort of unfair that they have to follow random people and clog up their dash with random stuff just so people are more willing to help (obviously most of these people didn't have tumblr before and aren't here for the dash, but i imagine a dash full of palestine help would be less overwhelming than a huge mass of random fandoms while you go find people to ask).
#i also get. so. many. palestine asks. and i do think a good chunk are spam but a good chunk are real too and i can't tell the difference#but it really stresses me out how i get so many bc like. i do not have the money to help you people.#and i have said that on every ask ive answered#and the majority of my following doesn't really have the money either. and plenty of them aare struggling for money and asking for help#& now im mounted with tens & tens & tens of asks in my ask box of people i cant help my following cant help & i don't know are real or not#but i have this duty to share them anyways bc even if i can't donate just sharing helps#but again i don't even know which are real#and it's overwhelming and stressful#but then how pathetic/inappropriate is it to feel that way compared to what they are going through?#they are in a genocide and i'm “uncomfortable” at the amount of asks pleading for help in my ask box???#that's fucked up!!!#and why am i even saying i don't have the money to help? i don't have a job and have never had one but i've saved up a bit for a few years#for a special occasion like my birthday or a legal name change or something#who cares if i get that? they can't either! and they are a lot worse of without it than i am without it!#and i have money from a car accident a few years ago from when i was in a car accident that will be all the money to my name once i cut my#parents off. it's all i'll have to try getting housing and maybe film school and such before i can get a job#but why not give them all of that too! who cares if i give away all my money and i live in a cardboard box in the side of the road!#a cardboard box on the side of the road would still be better living conditions than what they are going through!#and if i can make their life better without making my life worse than theirs don't a have a moral obligation to?#so why don't i do that!#what is wrong with me!#unityrain.txt#moral ocd#obsessive compulsive disorder#ocd#actually ocd#maube i shouldn't tag this as palestine#palestine.#<-with a period.#so that way it doesn't show up in people following the normal tag
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kqluckity · 2 years
mondstadt and liyue are the only happy countries in teyvat fr...
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
How I feel after writing 11,100+ words on just the outlines of 5 unfinished chapters of a fic with even more chapters I haven't put on the doc yet along with two 2,000+ word outlines for two other fics all for a kids show that has 115 episodes and I'm only on episode 12
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anisecandy · 10 months
☕️+Spidervenom,Eddie Brock and Peter Parker
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Eh, they're fine. I guess.
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of all the things i like tell me why i’m hyperfixated on post malone again.
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
What are your OCs a part of exactly? Like, a fandom OC a roleplay OC or etc
I have a bunch of fandom OCs and then there's just original OCs as well!
And then there's the "OCs" aka characters I swooped out of canon because canon abandoned them and I said "hm! I think I can do more with you!" and then got sucked up into daydreaming too hard and worldbuilding :D
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