#oc Genny
historyfanatic17 · 1 year
Vent writing but also somewhat canon to her story. Genny, at 20, goes to train to be the court wizard for her father's friends. In doing so she meets a lot of people(well... Subjects of the kingdom who are not human) including some that are looking to take advantage of her. Or, is she there to take advantage of them?
Includes death, and violence
"You...” she turned on her heel, coming back to face the older man. "You were supposed to protect me! You were supposed to help me!" Her voice raised an octave and her hair began to whip about in an invisible wind. The man tried to back away but was unable as the airflow kept him frozen to the spot.
Golden sparks danced from her fingertips, scorching the grass in a haphazard arc around her. Light began to glow beneath her feet and a moment later she was standing in the air, towering over the man. Despite the fact her eyes were wet with tears, she narrowed them into a glare that shook the older to his core. He watched her pupils expand, until her eyes were little more than an expanse of molten gold, making her look even less human than he did.
"I am protecting you!" He managed to sputter out, sending the girl into a fit of near hysterical laughter.
"Go ahead then. Explain it to me." Her tone shifted dangerously and she clenched her fist at her side, the sparks momentarily dying.
The man frowned. "Genevieve, listen... The queen and prince wouldn't let you use your full power would they? Look at what you can do now!"He motioned to the devastated state of the ground around her, grinning.
She tilted her head, a sign he mistakenly took as her letting him continue.
No sooner had he opened his mouth to speak, did he feel a sudden rush of overwhelming electric heat and then, there was nothing.
Genny's fingers twitched at her side as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, blinking away the change in her eyes. Luckily for her there was no blood, not this time... And hey, he believed her until the end, she was getting to be a better actress if she said so herself.
The woman let out a long breath before reaching up and fixing her hair, pulling it back into the ponytail it had fallen out of. Once she found herself under control she turned away, pulling the hood of her cloak over head head, and starting back towards the palace she currently called home. Another one down, just like the queen ordered.
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Notable trans women in fire emblem: Eirika, Lucina, Marianne, Florina, Tiki, Marisa, Echidna, Panette, Ivy, Edelgard, and L'arachel. All 100% canon I assure you. (Anyone can feel free to add more trans women of fire emblem to this list :3)
Domt forget Goldmary, Genny, Silque, Meg, Micaiah, Titania, Vika, Leonie, Judith and Anna (All of them)
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peacerainbowtiger · 21 days
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🎶I’m so lonesome I could cry🎶
I FINALLY GOT TO DND AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN checks watch YEARS… AND ITS A WESTERN CAMPAIGN TOO!!! :,DDDDDD so as celebration I DREW MY CHARACTER!! He’s … actually my first dnd character who i made when i was like 15 just in a cowboy costume this time… Do youlike hinm…. I do…
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choco-nate · 6 months
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gothearts · 1 year
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Doodled them again + anime screenshot edits I did a while ago.
Oh, and a shitpost because I can never take anything seriously tbh
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inthelittlegenny · 10 months
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new oblivion run
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esmp-i · 1 year
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let's go lesbians!!!
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slaughtershack · 10 months
i completely forgot to keep this phighting oc thing going. OOPS! LOL! anyway next phighting oc up is knife his gear is the mad murderer knife! he's a member of blackrock
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more images + desc below (cw for experimentation/body horror)
knife is a cybernetically enhanced assassin, plain and simple knife was shipped off to blackrock shortly after being "born" he entered training, and after being recognized for his skills, and instead of being trained further, he was instead chosen to undergo an experiment, one that would cybernetically enhance him using the known biograft tech, and was assigned to @neekles's oc spider for mental reprogramming he was meant to be a perfect soldier, a more "reliable" soldier his body didnt take to the enhancements and he ended up losing the majority of his original body he worked alongside hyperlaser for a time! hes very VERY dangerous, but entirely because of how afraid he is
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his more robloxian design, showcasing his mechanical body
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knife in his "work" outfit alongside his gear (not to scale)
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knife + spider
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annnndd finally hyperlaser and knife!
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colorfulpaintcan · 6 months
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I think I will keep on rolling!
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smallest-turtle · 2 months
Why was lestalum like the only refuge during the long night bc of the power from the meteor shards. Isn't there a river. No one did a few water wheels to keep the lights on?
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celestdraws · 6 months
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Haagenti used to be a big shot in hell/satanic circles, a real badass demon warhorse general, but you know, he’s been really reflecting on himself lately, and he’s decided that’s just not who he is anymore, all the darkness and soul stealing and general edginess have really lost their sparkle, and it’s about time he reinvented himself and gave something new a shot.  Anyway he’s a unicorn now, here to grant wishes and make the dreams of sweet little princesses come true <3
Satanic groups keep summoning him, and man it really bums him out, when will they get the memo that’s just not his jam anymore.
They perform a summoning ritual and he shows up like you've reached the fairy godmother hotline
"we need you to curse someone" "oh shit did I not take that out of my bio yet"
He finally gets summoned by a vengeful horse girl who uses him to absolutely destroy the competition of her next race and he’s like wow I am ROCKING this creature of purity thing. Who knew little girls ALSO craved violence.
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geobuds · 1 year
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wings-of-flying · 11 months
new favourite genre of bee wings-of-flying oc:
characters with epic unusual names that shorten them to something common and more 'normal'
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choco-nate · 5 months
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I love drawing them, drawing them makes me happy
In this universe that is the common line of Overwatch, Genji proposed to Daniela on New Year's, in the other universe where they are young university adults, they are already dating but they still don't say "do you want to be my partner?"
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everyothermouse · 1 year
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little guys
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inthelittlegenny · 9 months
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I have a handful of Wammy House OCs to fill in gaps; here they are; feel free to steal
A (He/Him) - Not an OC, but that's just how I picture him
Seven (She/Her) - Driver/Pilot/Vehicle person
Blue (She/Her) - Pianist
Canterbury (He/They) - Sculptor
Thompson (He/Him) - Personal Assisstant/Watari Successor
Solo (Agender/Fluid Pronouns) - Gardener
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