#oc brainrot real and going strong
einsatzzz · 1 year
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2021 beta/tkrv v1 yuikanarumi gives me an electric shock to the brain every time I see them. They changed so much now, I'm cry-laughing because this is like equivalent to looking at their baby photos (ugly baby photos in Yui's case).
Changes I can think of at the top of my head now that they're in khr: Unfortunately, Kana can't be a cool-strict kaichou anymore because of a certain someone's existence; Yui has a headband now because he's a Sun Wukong nerd; Kurumi is not the target of a one-sided love anymore, she's the one pining this time; We took Kana & Kurumi's gender and chucked it into a blender, and they also have black hair now.
Theyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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mxanigel · 8 months
attempting to write this weekend has actually produced some words~
I'm slowly realizing that any scene with Sasha is better for having Sasha in it.
Shion carefully inspects a slice of pork belly covered in haphazard stitches. “Your technique needs work—you’re still using too much thread—but you’re getting much better at assessing how deep you push the needle.” Sasha’s eyes sparkle. “I stopped thinking about the pork like it was food!” Shion can’t repress a snort. “That’s… that’s very important if you were treating a live human’s injury.” Meanwhile, Nifa and Armin are staring at Sasha with naked horror. “Remind me never to get treated by Sasha when I’m wounded,” Armin says.
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iamhereinthebg · 8 months
thoughts on the new chapter?
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*salt about tbhk incoming* :')))
I already announced it on instagram but my interest in tbhk have dropped drastically since some time and I was gonna give the manga the benefit of the doubt because chap 104 was okay Ig?
Chapter 105 just showed everything I have been not liking about the writing in tbhk in one chapter youhou
let's go on the positive first!
I adore class 1-A I would die for them
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The pages in black and white were cool, the art is perfect as always. Maybe seeing an Akane and Hanako team up would be fire af but with Teru here I doubt it so this is a tiny hope I will put in hell with everything else for now.
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I love you Kou and Mistuba
Yokoo is rocking this outfit too. I like the fact that the clock being destroyed just stops everything and everyone's time (like a certain character but who has a limit *COUGHS* probably for this reason Ig)
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Idk if I am strong enough to go on a full explanation on why my interest dropped since some chapters, this didn't start on this one, this one was just the last straw. I will just show the most obvious choices that I don't like ( my opinion btw this is just the feeling I have while reading, take this with a BIG grain of salt)
I've been reading tbhk for 4 years and I am tired of waiting for stuff the author litteraly won't do anything about and just stay in their comfort zone
No repercussions on the mcs for some choices they made, no repercussions on wounds/stuff that happened which should have need time to heal for the characters or for them to grow, giving us always the same team up so no room for real character/relationship development beside the obvious (and with how slow Hanako and Nene have been going honestly making the same characters always interact doesn't help at all apparently L O L), BIG difference of pacing for characters growth, making the story take always the same route with the same characters being kidnapped and the same ones doing the savings, putting characters in an arc they have no reason to be part of so just making them stand in the background like a caricature of themselves, making characters 'mysterious' or forgetting their character development just to use them as some sort of deus ex machina, and the worst of all:
Making Nene just a reason for Hanako to react and nothing else. No character development for her, no reason for her to be in some scenes, this is just sad to watch at this point. Aoi had this problem at the beginning of the manga for Akane mostly for comedic reason and they had growth, seeing they are putting Nene in this position after more than 100 chapters and her being the mc is just awful.
I honestly just want more diversity in the choices they are making in their writing, and the last chapter proves me that either it will come in a long time or it never will.
At least the art is pretty, and the worst part is that I KNOW AidaIro knows how use setup, they know how to write really good stuff and good characters, complex stories, and it's GOOD. So seeing this in the recent chapters just makes me even more tired x'))
Once again, my opinion, but the way Nene and Aoi are treated in the manga makes me wanna explode. AidaIro are capable of writing good female characters (thank you Mei and Sumire for being perfect from start to end), Aoi and Nene had wonderful time too, so idk why all of this is happening rn tbh. It's just sad.
Maybe the brainrot will come back, I still love the characters, but I really need to take a break from the fandom anyways (not gonna expand on this but oh boy how annoying a part of the fandom is, a lot of people are the sweetest but a part makes me wanna explode, I've been more than 3 years here and I think that the most I can take at this point)
ANYWAYS :DDD idk what I will do with this account for now ^^ I will probably still rb some stuff or post old tbhk doodles I never finished :00 Idk what I wanna draw now probably ocs stuff so I won't post them here I think ^^ I hope everyone is alright yay
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bastetwastaken · 4 months
So I'm writing an original story....
and I've been brainrotting over the OCs I created for it so hard, but I haven't shared all that much because I've been worried about suddenly dumping original stuff here on a blog where I usually post fanfic.
However, the brainrot is too strong, so I'm just going to do it. They live in my head rent-free and so now I'm gonna make them your problem too. So here's a way-too-detailed fact sheet for the first of my OCs, a True Deorum, the prince of Tuath Dé, Akoni <3
Full Name– Dagda Akoni Lugh, of the True Deorum, Prince of Tuath Dé. 
Preferred name – Akoni 
Age– 2045 (equivalent early twenties) 
Gender/Pronouns– He/Him 
Sexuality– Pansexual 
Species– Deorum
Ethnicity– Tuatha Dé Danann 
Likes– Making friends, socialising, travelling (wishes he could travel properly outside of pre-arranged visits to other kingdoms) 
Dislikes–  Being held above everyone like he’s untouchable and people not speaking to him like he’s an actual person. 
Personality (positive and negative traits) --Positive— Kind, Open minded, Attentive, Intelligent, Trusting, Easy to talk to. --Negative— Chaotic (Can be dismissive, but not on purpose), doesn’t think things through, Trusting. 
Hobbies – Hunting, sparring, reading. 
Occupation– Prince of the Kingdom of Tuath Dé 
Strengths– He’s a divine being by all rights, he has a great amount of power and is very strong physically too, his kindness makes him more open to the world. 
Weaknesses– Chaotic nature, Lack of foresight, Impatience, arrogance, willingness to take risks. 
Height– 7ft 5in 
Weight- 250lb
Hair Color– Mahogany 
Hairstyle– Mid chest length, often worn partially tied back or in loose curls.  
Facial Hair– None 
Face Shape– Kind of oval shape. Sharp and strong jawline, full lips, almond shaped eyes. 
Marks– Covered in the markings of the Deorum, golden lines cover all of his body, for the most part they have no real distinct pattern, they appear like cracks in the skin. The only ones which have a pattern and meaning are those he has on his back, down his spine. The ones which mark him as a True Deorum 
Scars– None. 
Eye colour– Carmine red Iris with flecks of gold which become more vibrant when he uses his magic. 
Skin Tone – Golden brown
Body Type– Muscular, toned. Broad shoulders- typical Dorito shape man. 
Dominant Hand– Left
Posture– Impeccable 
Birthmarks– Markings of the True Deorum on his back.
Piercings– Lobes and two on the helix 
Teeth– Perfect
Voice-- Deeper pitched, smooth and confident. 
Sense of fashion and style– Varies depending on the activity but all of his clothes are very finely made and detailed, usually blue or purple in colour (until he finds out a certain someone really likes green) -- Ball wear - fancy af, showing his markings on his back. Lots of gold and fine fabrics, deep purple in colour, fitted and well tailored. -- Formal wear- Dark clothing with a coloured overcoat, well tailored again, leather boots. Colours are usually deep red or blue, maybe even a deep green (when he realises a certain someone really likes that colour). Or if it’s a ceremony/duel/event then he dresses more “revealing” armour style clothing but obviously not really meant for battle. Bracers of coloured leather and gold, fitted tunic open across the chest (to show his strength apparently) mostly dark coloured but with a deep red or deep blue trim and sash around his waist. --Everyday wear- lighter coloured clothing, beige or white with lots of gold still and a coloured cloak where needed.
Languages known– Latin (first language), Draconic, the language of the Daoine Sí, very basic Lucetan (Elvish regional dialect)  
Personality Type– Myers Briggs test- ESFP-A type. Extroverted, observant, pragmatic, Values emotional expression over thinking, good at improvising, flexible, assertive, self-confident - Strengths:  -- Bold- won’t hold back, willing to experience everything there is to experience. Doesn’t mind stepping out of his comfort zone. --Original- Traditions and expectations can be secondary to him if he really really wants something, he loves to experiment where he can.  --Practical- He wants to feel and experience the world, not just observe it. He wants to do the things rather than just learn about them.  --Observant- Acting mostly in the here and now means he picks things up quite quickly.  --Excellent people skills- great talker, but also loves to pay attention to people. Witty, talkative, and loves to be around people. - Weaknesses:  --Sensitive- Very emotional and can be vulnerable to criticism. If he feels as though he’s backed into a corner he can react badly, but he’s way better at hiding this when acting as a prince than he is acting as an individual/with someone he trusts.  --Conflict-averse- He would rather ignore conflict, even though he understands that sometimes it’s necessary to get results and his own actions can definitely cause conflicts if he doesn’t watch himself. He will tend to say and do as needed to get the most out of a situation then move on.  --Easily bored- Can turn to risky behaviour and self-indulgence if he gets bored.  --Poor long-term planner and can be unfocused- He takes things as they come rather than stop and think about where they might lead. He will happily fall into something without actually thinking about where he’ll end up. 
Cultural Background– - The Deorum were created by the light gods in order to save Miotas from the threat of the Fomorians, beings which live on the plane of darkness. They have the power of the light gods, chaos and darkness in them but a condition of their creation was that they are tied to the mortal plane, they can never leave unless permitted by the light gods. They won’t ever have access to the realm of the gods or the plane of darkness because it’s believed that being able to be there would unleash their true power and make them too powerful. The light gods actually fear just how much power the Deorum have and pray that they never choose to work out how to use it. - The Deorum are bound by celestial law, set out by the light gods, to protect Miotas. They have no "army" in the traditional sense, as they’re not allowed to declare war on anyone unless explicitly threatened or instructed to do so by the light gods. If that day ever came, every Deorum would fight. - Tuath Dé was where they decided to settle, as it was built for them by the first Deorum and is the place they’re tied to. They can travel to other realms in Miotas, but they’ll need to return to Tuath Dé often as that’s the seat of their power. A Deorum who is away from Tuath Dé for too long will cease to exist.
Myths and stories: 
The forest of Gaoth Dhiga (Divine Wind) is the subject of a lot of lore and myth. It’s rumoured to be the exact site of the famous battle of Cathal, the trees which grew to cover the site were fed by the blood of fallen Fomorians. It’s said that on nights when the moon is full, you can still hear the anguished screams of the Fomorians and the battle cries of the Deorum echoing between the trees. Some believe the trees themselves contain the souls of fallen Fomorians. People have heard calls for help coming from within the dense trees, but once they go in search of those in distress, they become easily disorientated and very rarely do they return. 
The battle of Cathal- The story of the creation of the Deorum, an account of how the light god Aodhan created the Deorum and drove back the dark forces which wished to destroy the light gods.  
Aodhan the fearless- A story told to Deorum children which tells of the light god Aodhan and his eternal bravery and strength. A story to encourage the children to become their best selves and show strength and courage in every aspect of their lives. 
The missing Deorum- A cautionary tale which is mostly for royalty and nobles about a Deorum who decided to use their power to get what they wanted. They were eventually subdued and imprisoned by the light gods in a kind of stasis where they remain to this day.
Speech Patterns– Formal until he’s more comfortable with someone, then he’ll drop the act a little. 
Most Used Phrases/Words– Probably “Oh, great.” 
Title– Prince of Tuath Dé/ True Deorum. 
Birthday– Lughnasadh (August 1st) 
Fears– None. He has very little to fear as a divine being. 
Phobias– n/a
Mannerisms– Chivalrous, will always bring someone into a conversation rather than just talk at them, confident but not in an abrasive way.  
Intelligence– Higher than one might think at first. He’s very well educated as a prince, he needs to know what's going on but the chaotic nature of his species might lead people to assume he’s not very intelligent. 
Interests– Nature and the ways of the world, celestial observation. 
Problem-solving skills– He just rolls with things mostly…
Emotional Intelligence– Will let his emotions win out in most cases, but he can reign that in if he has to make an important decision, he just finds it hard to do. 
Creativity– Not really relevant? His chaotic nature usually leads him to make a decision without really having to think creatively about the solutions. He’ll just take the most direct route to a solution and fuck the consequences. 
Introverted or extroverted?-- Extroverted. 
Pet Peeves– General rudeness, people looking down on others/talking down to others regardless of social standing.
Mood– Usually quite upbeat. 
Political views-- As a prince, he will always try to do what is right for his people, he will support his fathers decisions and feels a strong sense of loyalty to his kingdom. However, he does regularly question why they have to feud with Luceras when no one even seems to know what the problem is anymore. 
Religion-- He’s connected to the light gods and is a divine being himself, so religion isn’t something he really observes although he does take place in and carry out the rituals which the Deorum believe improve their lives. 
Core Values-- Integrity, resilience, empathy and compassion. 
Alignment– Chaotic Good. 
Beliefs about morality and ethics– Values fairness as far as possible and can distinguish right from wrong, those things just may be tainted by his own wants and needs in any given situation. 
Beliefs about happiness and success– Success to him would be taking the crown when his father is ready to step down and rule fairly. Happiness would be having someone to share that success with. 
Beliefs about the world and society– Values personal freedom, even though he’s a royal, he doesn’t believe that monarchy should be absolute in terms of power. The Deorum prefer a more democratic society but the royals are there to make sure things run as they should, and to continue to be the link between Miotas and the light gods. 
Personal Philosophy– The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them. 
Self-perception– Sees himself as pretty perfect honestly.  
Motivation– Doing what is right. 
Biggest Secret– The fact that he’s dating the son of his fathers sworn enemy. 
Biggest Dream– To just exist. 
Deepest fear– His own nature and what that actually means. 
Inner Conflict– He wants to fulfil his duty and also wants to follow his heart and leave it all behind to be with his lover. 
External Conflict– His fathers hatred of the race his lover belongs to. 
Regrets– Not speaking out against his fathers hatred of the Lucerans. 
Desires– A life with his lover free of conflict and judgement. 
External Pressures– Good wine, good food, good company. 
Insecurities– None. 
Legacy– The decisions he makes as prince and eventually as king. 
Enemies– By virtue of the feud, all Lucerans. 
Rivals– None really. 
Significant Other– Ilua, Luceran prince. 
Family-- Adamaris (Father, living), Deanna (Mother, living), Darragh (Uncle, deceased), Aoife (Aunt, deceased), Tiberius, Niamh, Oisín, (Cousins, living) 
Professional Relationships– The members of the court, his fathers council and other nobles are all people he keeps contact with professionally. 
Mentors/Mentees– His father taught him all he knows. Knowledge is passed directly from father to son for the True Deorum. 
Past Romances– Nothing that lasted (or that his father knows about) Just casual things here and there. 
Best Friends– Niamh his cousin. They get along very well and find it amusing that the Deorum people think they’ll marry soon. 
Close Friends– Tiberius and Oisín, his other cousins. He’s also close friends with the son of the head of the guard who acts as his personal bodyguard, Daithí.
Role Models– His mother and father. 
Supernatural Abilities–If needed, the True Deorum would take their true forms in battle.  
Fighting Style– Extremely well trained, courageous but also a little wild in the way he wields weapons. He does it with skill, but also an element of unpredictability. 
Skills/ weapons training– Sword, spear and daggers. 
Magic– Wielded effortlessly along with weapons, an extension of those weapons and also a way for him to shield himself and others if needed. 
Physical Strength/Endurance– Unrivalled. 
Persuasion Ability– Can be very persuasive.
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rosietrace · 5 months
❤️ For any of our ships pookie??
Gonna do our brainrot worthy ship for this one 😈 which one /hj
Loyal Knight, Lawful Lady
Character Featured: Alliette Nepenthe (Pseudonym)
Mentioned: Noriko Dolion, Elara Cessair, Haruka Solis, Themis(the latter ocs belong to @geminiiviolets)
Pairing: Noriko Dolion & Alliette Nepenthe
Warning(s): Alliette is unreleased (and it isn't even her real name), Etteilla spoilers… Technically?::!?:, devotion and loyalty are a BITCH, I am mentally un-okay with these two; you don't understand-
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
Loving the Knight
↳ From Five to One
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Five — Their combat prowess
➜ “Most impressive, Nori is…. We often spar together, in fact, he's one of the first people I consider whenever I wish to… Improve my combat prowess.”
➜ Sparring tends to be a regular thing between the two of them. For the most part, most members of Etteilla tend to find them within the estate's forests, sparring to their heart's content.
➜ As strange, or… Unorthodox as it might sound, it always seems like they're dancing whenever they do that. Them, their bodies occasionally brushing against each other — the only thing separating them being their blades.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Four — Their Lack of Emotion
➜ “Call me unusual all you want. But in my opinion, Nori’s lack of emotion adds to their character. Elara seems to find it amusing, as well, so I don't see why it's ‘weird’.”
➜ Unlike some of the rest of the members of Etteilla, Alliette finds amusement in Noriko's lack of emotion — and by proxy, their lack of a sense of humor.
↳ It's something she and Elara can find common ground in, outside of their constant mental chess games.
➜ Noriko doesn't quite understand his Mistress, and Elara even more so…. Oh well.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Three — Their Devotion
➜ “Nori…. Their devotion, their loyalty, is a most admirable trait of theirs. Though others in the group may disagree, I find it to be a strong suit of his.”
➜ Noriko's loyalty, his absolute devotion to Alliette is one of many things she (loves) admires about him. It can go to a point where she's enabling a potentially unhealthy obsession, but honestly… Obsession? Loyalty?
➜ Isn't that the same thing?
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Two — Their Smile
➜ “Nori’s lack of emotion can be amusing, yes…. But I can't help but get lost whenever I see them smiling. Smiling during the winter, smiling at…. Me…”
➜ Alliette adores their smile, truly. It never fails to make her smile, and it seems — in moments where the two are alone — they stare at each other, perhaps for longer than they needed to.
➜ Oh, but that's just normal!.... Right..?
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ One — Their Trust in Her
➜ “Trust…. Devotion…. Loyalty… To me, they're all the same. But with Nori…. With Nori, it feels different. It feels… More than uplifting.”
➜ Alliette adores Noriko for a great many things. So much so that I can't even list everything down.
➜ But what she adores, what she loves most about Noriko; Is their absolute trust in her.
➜ Though their devotion to her is…. Questionable, no one in Etteilla can deny just how much Noriko loves her. How much they simply want their Mistress to be happy and accepting of herself.
➜ They will do anything, anything, she asks of them. If it means that their Mistress is satisfied — and happy — by the end of it all, Noriko will be under the firm belief that their efforts were worth it.
➜ Because in all likelihood: They were.
➜ Alliette finds amusement and personal qualms about Noriko's loyalty — yes.
➜ That much is certain. But what can't be certain is just how far she's willing to go if it means that Noriko can understand that their trust in her isn't mostly misplaced.
「 Short Story 」
↳ This short story is by no means, a spoiler for「 Twisted Wonderland: Project A.V.A 」
“I find their request rather unnecessary, My Lady.”
“Is it because it genuinely is,” she turned her head to him. “Or because you don't trust Elara's judgment?”
Noriko grimaced at her question. “Her suggestions aren't what I'd find recommendable…”
“You have a point there, Nori,” Alliette sighed to herself. “Alas…. We don't have many options. Tell me something.”
“Anything, My Lady.”
“Would you prefer Elara's judgment, or Haruka's?”
Noriko paused, unsure of how to answer, before concluding that they should just narrow their eyes at her.
“Themis’ judgment, clearly.”
Her smile returned, softer, sweeter.
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nattikay · 1 year
Kaltxì!! i'm just here to say how much i adore your art & your content!!! it brings me so much joy to see you draw the sully family, they're just so cute :") especially the newest art of jake, neytiri, neteyam and kiri - it's just so nice to see them happy together like this <33 your ocs are amazing too, btw!
this question is kinda random but i'm still going to ask, do you have any sully family headcanons (or na'vi headcanons in general)? i'm just curious, my brainrot is way too strong i can't stop thinking about them fsjdjdh
have a nice day! :] Eywa ngahu!
Aww, thank you!
Headcanons? hmmm.....I don't think I have many at the moment, but perhaps a few:
A silly one is that Balto is Lo'ak's favorite movie no I do not take constructive criticism. How did he watch the movie, dunno, the kids seem to hang around the scientists often enough, perhaps Norm introduced them to a few cartoons one day idk
The whole family is of course bilingual but stick mostly to Na'vi by default. On that note, none of the Metkayina know any English at all; everything we hear from them is translated from Na'vi for the audience.
I know it's a fairly popular headcanon in the fandom right now that Kiri is autistic; as for me I'm a little on the fence about it. On the one hand I highly doubt that she was intentionally written to be autistic. On the other, though, as an autistic person myself who also grew up as the awkward weird kid (a tearful "why am I different?" to Grace's spirit hit kinda hard)....I can definitely understand where the theory's coming from. I know people who dislike this headcanon say that just because an autistic person relates to a character it doesn't mean that character is autistic, and yes I absolutely agree with that--I relate for many reasons to many characters that I don't view as autistic--but I can see where people are getting those vibes with Kiri and can sympathize with wanting to view her that way. So.....maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Speaking of Kiri, based on what we've seen in the movie and until we get further evidence to contradict it, my theory on her origins is that she has no biological father--she's a genetic clone of Grace's avatar somehow spurred into existence by Eywa. How, exactly, we don't know, but given what we know thus far it seems to be the most likely possibility imo.
...on that note, though, can we please stop calling her "space Jesus"? I get why people draw the comparison, apparent immaculate conception and divine abilities and whatnot, but unless her purpose on Pandora is secretly somehow to sacrifice her life to atone for the Na'vi's sins (which I very much doubt is the case), the connection doesn't quite work, and feels a tad disrespectful. ^^;
Lastly, I don't think Jake became a "military dad" until after the RDA returned. I hesitate to even call this one a "headcanon" so much as simple analysis given what we saw in the opening montage, where he is shown to be very warm and playful with his kids. The military side only emerged out of necessity when suddenly the family was at very real risk of one wrong move getting them killed in the reignited war. (also there's nothing wrong with Neteyam and Lo'ak calling him "sir". Like, if Jake was strictly enforcing that they only ever call him "sir" at all times then yeah I would agree, that's kinda cold and harsh, but he doesn't, they call him "Dad" most of the time; an occasional respectful "sir" when they are in trouble is nowhere near the big issue some of y'all are treating it as).
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Hiii, happy OC Sunday!!!
From the emoji asks, I'm curious about Gloss (surprise, surprise), Tungst (he's given me the rot of the brain 😔) and Rift!
😭, ☀️, 🌱, 🪤 and 🎡~
Mireeeeeeee, my sweet pea 🥰 Happy OC Sunday to you, too! I knew the Gloss one’s were coming 🤭 Yo, listen, the Tungst brainrot is real 🥴 That man is so fine. Oh, and Rift, toooooooooo 🥺 My little adhd boy 💜
😭 - What makes them cry? Do they cry easily?
Gloss: The only time anyone has ever seen Gloss cry actual tears, is when Chance died. No, he does not cry easily, just like the rest of his emotions, he's really good at not showing them.
Tungst: Tungst can be brought to tears, but it's a rare occurrence. He's the leader of the squad and he needs to remain strong, even if everyone else is falling apart. He didn't cry when Chance died, but he cried afterwards.
Rift: Rift cries more when he's laughing than he does cry tears of sadness. He can easily be brought to tears by a good joke or one of his brother's doing something ridiculously funny.
☀️ - Are they a morning person? What the first they do in the morning?
Tungst: Tungst is not a morning person at all. If he could shoot the sun, he would. He hates leaving the softness and warmth of his bed to get up. The first thing he does in the morning is slam the snooze button on his alarm ten times.
Gloss: Gloss wakes up when he wakes up. There's only one force in the galaxy that can wake Gloss up prematurely, and that's Tungst's foot when he kicks him awake. The first thing he does in the morning is pull out his sketchbook and draw his dreams.
Rift: Rift is kind of in between. It really depends on how much sleep he got and if he has to do something in the morning. He can wake up early or he can sleep in late. The first thing he does in the morning is his stretched to get his body ready for the day.
🌱 - What is their most vivid memory from childhood?
Tungst: When the Jedi told him he was the leader of the squad and that his brother's would be his responsibility.
Gloss: The first time he ever held a crayon and got to scribble with it.
Rift: When Chance showed him what a tree looks like in a holo-book.
🪤 - What will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they are always searching for?
Gloss: Laughably, his art. He has been known to go to precarious lengths to sketch something he finds interesting. He once stepped out into live fire because he saw a pretty flower he wanted to sketch.
Tungst: His loved ones, absolutely, including his entire squad. He would burn the galaxy down and be burnt up with it if he had to. He would do anything to keep his family safe, and we never do anything to jeopardize their happiness.
Rift: Rift is actually very cautious, considering his whimsical nature. Sometimes people forget that he's still a clone, and his brain works really well. Rift is more the type to weigh the pros and cons before rushing into a dangerous situation.
🎡 - Are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
Gloss: He'd be so busy sketching his beautiful partner that they'd have to make the move on him.
Tungst: Absolutely. He's such a flirt. However, he may do more than just kiss though...
Rift: Once he gets down from his high of seeing all the cool things around him, he would definitely go in for a kiss.
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me @ me: you need to go to sleep
also me: but Stone thoughts but oc thoughts but art thoughts
The Stone and OC Brainrot is very real and very strong.
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
Hello hello helloooo again, Aphe my good friend!
Tis' I, 🐉Anon!!!!
And I'm back again to scratch that HSR x Reader brainworm you've been afflicted with.
But first, I'd first like to congratulate you on bringing Imbibitor Lunae home! And I absolutely feel you on the sudden amassing of oc ideas (I may or may not have come up with a couple of whole ass planets of my own, one of which I've been working on writing up, but that is a tale for another time!)
Anyhow, I approach you tonight (in my timezone) with a brainrot appropriate for both my anonymous moniker, and the occasion at hand. That's right, this ask features the one and only... Cold Dragon Yooooooung! Not to be confused with Cold Dragon Younger or Cold Dragon Youngest
Imagine, the reader is a member of the Astral Express, among the younger members, let's say pre-teens to early teens, and they're a bit of a bookworm. And since Dan Heng has essentially turned the Archives into his room, he's finds himself often being visited by them, sometimes [Name] chats him up, sometimes they're just chilling their quietly as they read through the stories and files that the crew of the express have accumulated over the course of their journey. Perhaps [Name] takes a particular shine to the numerous tales of dragons from across the cosmos, including those of their progenitor, the deceased Aeon of the Permanence, Long. Perhaps over time, Dan Heng takes becomes something of a big brother to [Name] looking out for them, and always makes sure to bring back stories from the world the crew visits for them to look at when they return from missions. Imagine [Name] gazing upon Dan Heng's true form as their eyes light up like stars, and they can't help but go on a lengthy tangent about how absolutely awesome he looks, and how they bet he's so super strong in this form (which like... he is!)
Just a kiddo having an absolute hayday as they find out their big brother figure is a dragon-person!
HI BELOVED..... ahhhh ty!!!! as i told 🐱 anon, i love and adore him. he came home within the first 10 pull and i just think that was so real of him. so much realer than kafka. who never came home. smh. /lh AND YEAH hsr is so fascinating, really. it gives me many oc thoughts.
OHHH I LOVE THIS BRAINROT 🐉 anon must know me well.... i am a professional dan heng liker. also, to be fr with you all, i kind of already know what's up with dan heng LMAO the lore-reading instincts were too strong. dan heng il was sitting right there... what was i supposed to do, not listen to his voice lines and read what little i have unlocked in terms of his story? /lh so this brainrot is fine for me. i don't know everything but i do know enough to respond well to this brainrot, i think.
dan heng would be a good brother i think... blood really doesn't matter. what matters is that he formed a cute bond with this little nerd /aff who is always in the archives with him.
his little sibling will only be allowed to go on trailblaze missions when he feels that they're old and strong enough (even if himeko and mr yang are okay with letting [name] go, if dan heng isn't, then they are stuck on the express LMAO but i don't think they'd mind. they'd just chill in the archives and read while they wait). speaking of which, you know how dan heng has that very... martial art style of fighting? i think he teaches them how to fight properly because, you know, they'll need it. he's always very careful not to hurt them and offers them his quiet form of praise when they do well. AND MAYBE. when the trailblaze mission is concluded, and the astral express is still docked, he'll take them to whatever planet has been visited and will let them explore and observe that planet's unique properties. probably also takes them to a local bookshop. just dan heng having a cute outing with his bookworm little sibling once he knows it is safe to do so.
and ohhhhjshsjg hear me out. dan heng in his true form being so so protective of [name], moreso than he already was before (BECAUSE HEAR ME OUT: dragon instincts)... like. first trailblaze mission. [name]'s in danger. dan heng quietly picks them up, tells them not to look despite the fact that they aren't some naive little kid (to which they oblige, hiding their face in the junction between his neck and shoulder, a little embarrassed that they couldn't handle it themselves), supports their weight with one arm, and fucking WRECKS everything that posed a threat to their safety with the other hand.
AND CONSIDER wounded [name]...... dan heng being something of a hissy, overprotective older dragon brother and refusing to let anyone get too close to them until the other members of the astral express crew manage to talk him down (mostly himeko and welt i think...... march would make it worse unintentionally LMAOOO and stelle is. chaos. so. yeah), eventually managing to convince dan heng to hand over poor wounded [name] so that they can treat whatever wound they got. he's hovering over their shoulder the majority of the time anyway, though, and that's honestly probably really comforting. like yeah. maybe it's a little excessive. but he so blatantly cares a lot about their safety and i just think that would be so reassuring. him letting them squeeze his hand if it hurts too much........ i love playing around with nonhuman characters and how their more feral instincts manifest. dragon instinct dan heng.... cries he's so protective in my brain
but on an even cuter note--dan heng always picking up books and trinkets he thinks they would like while he's on trailblaze missions. he sees something and he's like.... wow.... [name] would like that....
and [name] rambling about how cool he looks and how strong he is *head in hands* PLEASEEE i think he'd be a bit embarrassed and maybe even a little uncomfortable but he knows they mean well.... and it grows on him. like. he starts to find it super cute and endearing :(((
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Welcome to the cringe corner!
A place where I, the admin, will write some of the most self indulgent stuff my little heart desires, from fluff to angst, there are no bounds! (..Mostly)
Rules and such under the cut!
Bio will show request status!
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General admin intro;
Yoyo ! I'm the admin, I'm a nonbinary (they/he/it) + ace (**specifically aegosexual) writer and artist! You won't really see much of my art on this blog, though... I have a huge habit of attaching myself to lesser appreciated character, which... sucks since there's next to no content on them.. and I have intentions to fix that for my fellow obscure character likers!
I get real strong brainrots, so fandoms come and go a lot and vary in intensity so don't expect me to stick to one fandom for long; this is a multi fandom blog baybee! Though Zenyatta and Ramattra (overwatch) currently have me in a choke hold
Edit; genji from overwatch has joined the chokehold
What I will write
Fluff, light angst, and some suggestive stuff (will be tagged and handled accordingly, same goes for angst)
Reader x canon
Oc x canon
Headcannons, scenarios, and sometimes hybrids of it! I may make short fics but it'll likely never be anything long or polished due to lack of experience and skill + I'm on mobile
Really I'm fine with most stuff, but on the off chance you ask for something I'm uncomfy with I'll let you know!!
I am uncomfortable with writing romantic stuff for characters that are canonically underage or non-anthro(?) talking animals (think like winston and that hamster from overwatch, I ain't writing anything for them or characters similar; I don't consider them furry) HOWEVER, I am comfortable with platonic and/or general headcannons!
Reader by default is GN/not referred to by pronoun, but you can specify for pronouns!
What I won't write
Full on smut
Problematic stuff
Heavy topics (r4pe, active** s/h, ect)
Again I'll let you know if you ask for something I am uncomfortable with!
**I will not be writing anything regarding s/h where its actively being done or the wounds are fresh. However I am mostly comfortable with healed scars, as long as the prompt revolving around it doesnt make me uncomfortable
Current fandoms
(This is subject to change!)
The Owl House
Yeah that's really my main 4 rn, overwatch is my current #1 though.. I'll try to keep this list updated though!
Slashers! I'm picky with who I write for, though, as I'm still catching up on different franchise's!!
That's really about I think! I don't really have many boundaries, and I'll make sure to communicate any issues! Only other thing I can think of is to please try not to spam!! Of course I can't control you nor prove if it's all you if youre using anon, but please try to be mindful + do not pester me to do your request (sometimes I need time to get ideas and grasp writing characters or I might have other reqs, you know?)
That is all!
Edited on 4/18/23
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dragongutsixofficial · 6 months
Do you have any OCs or fandoms you never get to gush about? I know I do
Oh YES. I've gotta say the Hresvelg siblings absolutely ate up my mind and live in my head rent free 24/7. But there's definitely a ton of other OCs in that lil' old brain !
I could talk about how Bravely Default was my brainrot for half of my teenage years and was the video game series that got me into fanfictions, and how much fun I had with my OCs at the time- the members of the courageous Blue Roses' Legion, led by the amazing (and sorta reckless) Amelia S. Court !
And I will, but for now I'm actually going to focus on my newest OCs. Two of those characters I had created a few years back for an art project but I wanted to give them a makeover and a real story of their own, and one day i'll turn it into a webcomic ! >=D (gotta believe in yourself ya know)
As for a lot of stories with me, this is a story about siblings.
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May I present to you: Keuse and Heilig ! =D
At the time our story starts, the fantasy world in which they live has just recovered from a bloody period of political upheavals which led to the overthrowing of the monarchy which governed the country for centuries beforehand. In its stead, a new government was installed: led by seven leaders each representing one of the pillars of the new society (some of these pillars are still to be figured out), it prides itself on being a government of the people, for the people. And to maintain order and authority, they have no qualms developing a really strong military power (in itself seen as one of the pillars).
Heilig and Keuse are among the kids who were drafted to train and become soldiers in this new army. Heilig is the older brother, and was already a preteen when they were drafted: he remembers life beforehand a lot better than his younger sister, Keuse. And as the older brother, he took the brunt of being raised as a child soldier: conscious of everything that could go wrong if he failed, and of the necessity to shield Keuse from the atrocities of this training as much as possible, he took it upon himself to give it everything he got. Over the years, he took on more and more responsibilities and lost everything to his job- including his eye and his happiness.
Keuse, meanwhile, saw her brother deteriorate and unvoluntarily became his unofficial caretaker, making sure he took care of his basic needs and grounding him in reality. When our story starts, and after seeing how this new life basically robbed Heilig of his own, she starts questioning the whole system. She is helped in this endeavor by the appearance of a strange hooded figure with a black-and-white mask who makes Heilig's life particularly hard: an enigmatic wanna-be leader trying to rally the population against the new regime: Didon.
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What does Didon want and will Keuse cross the line ? Will the forces of the royal family resurface to claim back their thrones ? Who knows (I do and I will explain if asked xD)
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xalygatorx · 4 months
Helloo! I hope you have a good day today
I just want to say that I've been reading your "Unbound" fanfic and I love it so so much! I've been having BG 3 and Astarion brainrot recently and reading the story that you write is an absolute feast :D
The way you convey Astarion's inner conflict and denial regarding his attraction to Aine, how you write his inner self loathing (especially before the sex scene in chapter 11), not to mention Aine & Shadowheart's platonic relationship, all of them are just chef kiss
Also, I'm not going to lie but Aine's characteristic is kind of what I aspire to be as a person. A strong, assertive badass while also a gentle, caring, tactful and considerate person.
I hope I don't accidentaly put any pressure to you by saying this, but I'm truly looking forward to what happens next! :DD
Omg how could I NOT have a good day today after reading this? 🥰
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this, it’s unbelievably kind and it means a lot. I’m so so glad you’re enjoying the story! I’ve been really enjoying writing it, more than I’ve enjoyed writing anything for a long time. The BG3 brainrot is so real but it’s doing a body good. 🥲
Astarion means a lot to me as a character so I’ve definitely sat in front of unposted drafts and sweated representing him in a way I feel good about. Especially his healing journey and how he handles his trauma. I’m relieved that those pieces are coming together and I’m also very happy that you like Áine. I always have OC anxiety of like “oh god what if people don’t like my kid” especially in a canon of so many beloved characters. 😂
No pressure felt at all just a metric abundance of warm fuzzies. ❤️ I stopped at about 4k words into Chapter 12 late last night and this is about to help power me through some more! 💪
Seriously thank you again for the kind words. My heart is very full this morning. 😊
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maysileeewrites · 2 years
okay so I know that so far I've only posted reader inserts on here, but I've got this idea for an Edissy/HellCheer fanfic that I just can't stop thinking about and I'm curious as to whether anyone would like to read it :)
It's basically a season 4 (fix-it) AU in which Chrissy survives and her and Eddie work together with the party in order to stop Vecna. The premise/beginning of the story is that Eddie finds Chrissy's diary (not knowing that it's her diary) and kind of starts writing back to her, until they eventually figure out that they're writing to each other and start talking for real.
Idk, does this sound interesting to anyone? (I've always loved the 'someone finds someone else's diary and they start talking because of that' trope (I've written a 15k Sirius Black x OC OneShot with that specific trope when I was like, 15) and lately, the Edissy brainrot has really been going strong for me.)
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wibblyparfait · 1 year
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normally i'd wait to post doodles n just do it all in one go but. ysee ive been having Ilis brainrot and i need to ramble abt all the lil factoids thatve formed since the last time i yelled abt them 🏃‍♂️ SHDBDB
(aka OC Rambles under the cut BUT otherwise. enjoy the manager treating Ilis to some better ego for once. theyd still rather wear the Rudolta suit cuz They R Making A Statement BUT yk!!! kinda swag to have some better drip every so often!!! or at least their Sephirot seems to think so <3 SHFJDJFB!!!!!!!)
Hes an orphan!! which. shouldnt b surprising cuz The City Sure Is A Fuck but!!! at least in his orphanage he had two mom figures as his caretakers 👍!!!!!
Said orphanage was p well off for a while so thats how he. could afford a fuck-it expense like a tail augment but ofc that status couldnt rly last + he just!!! wanted to repay his moms for taking care of him so!!!! into Abnorm Capitalism he goes!!!!! 
Honestly?? just vibing for the most part. Yea sure its hellish being in a place where u can die anytime from wack ass monsters but!!! being on the resident Everything Is Fine And Ok In Welfare team + on Talk To The Abnorms To Keep Them Happy duty w Attachment work does wonders for this silly extroverted mfer :) 
Now no one tell him that cuz of the whole time fuckery inside the facility hes probably died a million times from all sorts of usual LobCorp deaths and that all his hard work might b for naught since his moms + the orphanage mightve been fucked over by Usual City Happenings while hes been away oops- 
Its fine!! Everything’s fine!!! Ilis is living their best life as stated earlier!!!! maybe a little too good of a life since theyre a lil too eager to help sometimes and just Asserts Assistance more often than not but!!! hey it works out for his coworkers so >:)!!!! 
(the only thing the Manager wont let him assert assistance on is working with Alephs but. lets b real thats a blessing cuz Ilis would teach Blue Star how to do a lil boogie/J AKJHGHGFDJD) 
ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF OTHER CURSED THINGS im so sorry he doesnt like strong coffee </3 sacrilege to the Welfare team i know/J (re: dw ik Chesed’s rly chill abt coffee dislikers but despite being a Chesed-kisser he’ll have an americano (aka coffee-flavored water/J) at best and prefers fizzy drinks otherwise 😩 DFKGJHFD) 
And while im thinking abt ops on Sephirah. ngl Ilis woulda loved to work with either Disciplinary or Training at first since!!! those departments line up w/ how he feels most helpful (re: taking care of abnorms b4 they can do harm + teaching ppl w protocols) BUT he was transferred to Briah b4 he could properly meet Hod and is still too much of a coward to properly face abnorms on the front line (+ now thinks he would get vaporized by Gebura for that/J) so. whoops 🤷
and now. the part where i get even more unhinged over incoherent OCxCanon thoughts (why is their ship name Chilis why is their ship name Chilis why is th-/JJ/LH DFKGJFD) 
Honest to god theyre both hopeless workaholics what the fuck. but also at least Ilis refuses to let Chesed cover some of his work and goes to take his mug back to the breakroom whenever hes done dminking/brings him some more coffee as soon as hes back from Sephirah meetings n whatnot ✨ and whenever Ilis is inevitably lying face-down on the ground after a long day’s work + avoiding abnorms breaching left and right Chesed needs no other excuse to let him rest in a safe room and offer a warm drink of choice to help ease the exhaustion :)
(pre-core suppression there prolly isnt much for Chesed to do anyway + It Is Not Fun Possibly Watching This One Nugget That Never Stops Trying To Lend A Hand To Anyone And You Included Die Over And Over In How Many Loops but. shh post-suppression he can finally let himself get attached proper and let Ilis support him and his new resolve Not Just Cuz It Apparently Makes Ilis Happy To Help And He Might As Well Keep His Employees Happy However He Can but also cuz everything he does is appreciated in general 🥺) 
(meanwhile jumpcut to Ilis generally having his shit together and being the emotional support in LC despite his Chaotic Workaholism Tendencies until he finds out afterwards + possibly in Ruina that. gestures to the point abt his moms and the orphanage. but shh thats for future me to figure out i havent gotten that far yet KFDGJD) 
ACTUALLY WAIT SPEAKING OF RUINA u know how the assistant librarians have to get used to using actual weapons instead of the ego ones?? stares at Ilis possibly getting physically stronger. stares at him Looking At His BF With Affectionate Ill Intent. get carried 4head >:) 
(lets b real Ilis has prolly been waiting to Commit Carry cuz. he rly looked at a marketable box and went “yeah thats friendshaped i wonder if i can pick that up like a cat” KFDGFKDJ)
in general can u tell Ilis is the more outwardly affectionate one?? even if tables get turned he just starts vibrating in place like JFHFDKGHDKJ!!!!!!!!! (<- Happi.) hes just like that <3 (tho tbf Chesed doesnt rly seem like the type to get flustered and esp not once hes living his somewhat-best-life in Ruina but shh let Ilis get :)!!!! whenever his affections and unprompted favors r accepted in stride 😌 KFJFGFD)
actually wait while im still thinking abt Ruina it must b weird seeing Ilis w/o the Void Dream gift BUT that is also a problem for future me 👍
IN THE MEANTIME BACK TO UNHINGED SILLIES Ilis is the type to talk to abnorms hes working with like. Fragment of the Universe could say some incoherent mindmelting shit and theyd just b there scribbling important notes into their clipboard while also going “right thats exactly what ive been saying :O”/JJJ DFGKHFDKJ
also if it wasnt obvious Ilis’ tail is prehensile. as an augmentation it prolly has some combat functionality but for the most part he either uses it to drag coworkers away during serious emergencies or have it wag for him during silly moments KJHFGF
Double Also. theres no actual reason he covers his eye (for now perhaps.) its just. style yk 😌 JFJDHGKDF
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writingoneshots · 3 years
How dare your box be almost empty!
let me change that
ya hear me
our beloved red head captain as usual he pulled another all nighter in his tinker shop(is that what they are called... i feel like i am missing a word)
just hyperfocused on this new idea he has been working on and ain't no one in the crew capable to pul him out of there so they just let him be
tho now it's the dead of night no ones awake on the ship but our man is hungry he goes to the kitchen just to approach it to stand in the doorway watching as his s/o is making herself something to whilst singing and dancing around the kitchen
anf he just... eustass kid. exe has stopped working
this man is confused for a second because if there is someone else awake then it should be wire because he has night dutie... and it also seems like that his s/o is just... not noticing him so he decides to enjoy the show a bit before he walks in and kind of moves with you and around you... still not noticing him weirdly enough so he just gets bold and grabs a chunk of your half finished food and eats it AND FINALLY YOU NOTICE HIM (our boi got a little attention starved there)
aaaannnnnnddd that's where my brain stops
enjoy my brainrots although it isn't the college art au this time BUT WE CAN'T HAVE AN EMPTY INBOX
anyway hope you are having a nice and keep up the good work mami
-your au anon( yeah lets go with au anon here😂)
Surprise.. coming up
Hola, au anon :) !  I enjoyed a little writing session in my current stress period right now. Sorry for not posting more, I am currently working on 2 projects at the same time and still need to proofread a few one-shots.  Please be patient.
- Kid x reader - my own OC -> Sova (Kid’s doctor) - 939 words; short OS this time - no smut but mention of it; threats from Kid (surprising, right?)
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"Wha- ..Hey!", you looked at him surprised and didn't know how to react. This whole time you thought that you were alone in the kitchen and suddenly your boyfriend appeared out of nowhere. "If someone would have attacked us, you'd be screwed. I've been here for a while.", Kid spoke with a full mouth, trying to finish the part he stole so he could grab the other one before you took it. You realized his intention immediately and pushed the plate to his side of the counter. Kid looked at it a little disappointed, "Now it's not that appealing anymore. It's more interesting if you're not letting me have it." "Don't be a child.. just eat it and finish working, so we can go to bed.", you rolled your eyes and started to prepare a different sandwich for yourself and another one for Kid. "Why are you awake anyway?", Kid frowned and sat down at the counter, eyeing you carefully. "I just couldn't sleep and I felt like it's snack time.", you shrugged and finished the first sandwich for Kid. Kid nodded and grabbed the filled bread, not letting you out of his sight. "Okay, I just need to ask.. What are you building in there? You barely left the room for a few days..", you tilted your head a bit, curious about his answer. "Secret.", he smirked and always looked down on you whenever you weren't looking. "Oh really? You seem to have a lot of secrets lately. Especially after a long talk, which you've had with Sova.", you narrowed your eyes at him pushed a glass of water into his direction. Kid just shrugged and didn't even want to comment on that. "So.. you're not going to tell me?" Kid shook his head. "Not even a hint?" He shook his head again. "..alright.. I give up. I am too tired for this.", you sighed annoyed now and shook your head. Without even realizing it, you put away the ingredients for the sandwich because you weren't in the mood to eat anymore. You turned around to the door, wanting to leave the room. "You've been sleeping quite a lot, right?", Kid mumbled while trying to chew and speak at the same time. You rolled your eyes and continued walking to the door, "Yes, and?" "And you're really moody lately.", he swallowed the last bit and took a big sip of water, emptying the glass. "If you want to make me angry, you're doing everything correctly.", you turned now around, crossing your arms at your chest. "You sleep a lot, you're moody, horny 24/7 - which I really enjoy by the way -, you eat tons of crap and you gained a bit of weight. Now do the maths, woman.", Kid hurried to say these words before a loud burp escaped his lips. You didn't even pay attention to it, as your brain calculated what he had just explained to her. "Oh.. my God." "It's weird to hear you say and not scream that..", Kid frowned and brushed his fingers through his hair as he stood up. Instinctively, your hands reached down to your stomach, "You're joking.." "Trust me.. I wish I was.", Kid chuckled a bit and approached you, "But now, I don't mind. It's time for me to have my own heir and prepare him or her for their future as a real pirate." You looked up to him, not understanding how he could take this so lightly. "I am going to be honest, though. If that child chooses to be a marine, it better learn how to run fast..", Kid looked at you seriously and frowned at how confused you seemed to look. "What's the matter now? Aren't women supposed to be happy about children?" "I.. I don't know if I should even have kids. I don't know if I could be a good mother.", you looked at him now worried. Your thoughts couldn't find a logical path in your brain and it scared you. "Are you fucking kidding me? You are literally taking care of a bunch of idiots on this ship. If you can handle them, you can handle my heir. I wouldn't be working on a bed and the coolest toys if I wouldn't be believing in you.", Kid looked down to you and then to your stomach. He touched your stomach softly with his index finger, "You better be strong. A weakling won't survive on the sea. And if you're a girl.. you better be into women because no man is going to be good enough for
you!" Tears were rolling down your cheeks, happiness, excitement and a little bit of fear in them. It was all a lot to handle but you were sure that Kid would help you go through with it. "Thank you, Kid.. ", you leaned onto his chest, trying to calm yourself down. All of your last weeks made a lot of sense now. The times, when Killer's cooking upset you because nothing was tasting good. The few moments, when you kicked out innocent crew mates because they looked at you in a weird way. And all the times, you woke up Kid in the middle of the night, just to have him satisfy you until you wanted to go back to sleep. You were sure that you'd be able to go through all of this and raise a child, if he was with you. "But I was serious about the marine part.. I will leave the child on an island, if it just hints to want to become a marine.", Kid commented again, ruining the moment as usual.
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
correlates with previous brainrot pieces: [oral fixation], [let me put my love into you], [baby im a gangsta too], [love songs in my head]
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this is a selfship, you can read it as an oc I guess, but honestly this is just me playing with character dynamics and getting the vivid scenes out of my head. some songs just play and make themselves into movies in my head, so I just have to get them out. @dizzydancingdreamer you like these so :) here you go ig :)
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"Well, I don't... Hate this," her tone bears low notes of upcoming mischief. She twirls the straw of her drink in contemplation, Stephen's eyes drawn to the rapid flicking of the plastic as it crinkles against the glass. It's an unconscious attempt to distract his mind from the crowd of people gathered on the floor below the VIP deck they are standing on. "Could be worse. A black tie event, having to actually go down there and make small-talk with wrinkly old fucks that ask the same questions over and over just so they could stare at my tits."
That invokes a sardonic snort out of Stephen; Tony, too, chuffs, hearing their conversation from two paces away. The billionaire walks over with two glasses of whiskey, passing one to Stephen, who immediately takes a haste swig of the strong amber brew.
"I never thought about it like that," Tony admits, sliding a glance over the girl. Head-to-toe, the man inspects her with his clever eyes until no inch of her is left unmarked by the ambers in his eyes.
She is wearing a gorgeous two-piece, long slits showing off her tattooed legs and an off-shoulder top adding an unexpected twinge of frailty by exposing her thin, prominent collarbones. Even in heavy midnight blue velvet she looks delicate.
"And yet," she catches his eyes once, twice, having noticed how they linger.
"Quit it, Tony," Stephen rumbles without any real heat behind his words. The Gods knew he himself could barely tear his eyes away. The luxury of their intimacy allowed him to study the lines and angles of her without holding back; how the platformed shoes made her legs go on for days, how her nipples stood up in response to the cool, conditioned air of the party.
Stephen has to look away, clear his throat, untangle his mind from her solid grasp.
"The music is nice," she muses after a while, just right after they notice her humming along.
Tony smiles, quickly and immediately. "Well, consider it part of my nefarious plan," he makes for a wide gesture with his hands.
All three of them chuckle.
"I've had yet to experience Massive Attack and Deftones playing at a Manhattan party, but here we are," Stephen drawls; the side-eye is audible. Tony always had been unpredictable, however deviating from the usual styles of rich and famous this far was unheard of even coming from the eccentric billionaire. Stephen isn't jealous - he isn't, no matter what anybody else might think.
Tony laughs, sarcastically at that, and leans on the railing, eyes scanning over the crowd. "What does it matter? Nobody cares," his vulnerability is bitter and sharp. "At least Wednesday here might make me waffles in the morning. You know, with the caramel sauce and everything," Tony's mouth tugs up the side; his eyes are vacant.
She chuffs, poking the billionaire in his bicep with a single long, black stiletto nail. "Ass-kisser," she confesses her feelings like the worst of them, barbed words coated in chocolate, burrowing under everyone's skin with tactical precision, never to be taken out without pulling raw meat and bleeding hearts.
Stephen hangs back, observing the interaction between his friend and his lover like a violent grappling match. They're close, always have been, all three of them interwoven with wit and snark and so much untold opus that it made sense to stick together and try to spread the weight of it evenly.
Tony's eyes flood with warmth, steady embers of a smouldering fire. "I've been told kids these days use the word 'simp'," the billionaire clicks his tongue. "And I digress. Beautiful, competent women have and will be my undoing, always and forever."
Stephen rolls his eyes before taking a swig of his whiskey. "A little dramatic simply for a change of music, don't you think?"
He watches her and so does Tony; her nose scrunches with her laugh, causing both of them to release the tension they'd been holding in a quiet exhale. "I feel like this is a set up. I'm being set up for something," the mischief resurfaces as she polishes off the last of her Long Island. "What is it?" Her eyebrow crawls up slowly.
Stephen gulps, Tony frowns.
"Did someone accidentally unleash an interdimensional evil by reading the books I recommended you don't touch?" Her stern voice is by far overshadowed by the twinkle in her eyes. "No?" They shake their heads mutely. She bites her lip, placing the empty glass on the nearest table. "A threesome proposition?"
That makes both Tony and Stephen bulge their eyes in her direction, mouths open, identical expressions of surprise plastered onto their faces, practically glowing neon signs of it.
Tony recovers first. "What do you think we're doing?" There was no 'we', Stephen most certainly didn't consider it; Tony must've let his mouth go before his brain.
"I don't know, you tell me," her grin grows into a face of childlike, bright amusement and neither of them can muster any anger at the fact that they've been played yet again. She's almost at the stairs now. "I, for once, am going to go confuse straight people by slow dancing with Natasha. Enjoy your drinks," in a flash, she flies down the stairs and disappears into the crowd, towards where the red curls of Natasha's hair stands out bright in the mass of people.
"Sometimes I really do wonder what goes on in that head," Stephen finds his words, fondly shaking his head.
"I don't know, you tell me," Tony mocks, shooting the sorcerer a glance full of indignation. The billionaire is equal parts amused and horrified. Despite being under receiving end of her jokes every day, the shock factor hasn't really worn off. He suspects it never will. She's just so...
Stephen's eyes burn into him with a mirth most dangerous. "What?" He must have picked up on some of her worst habits, because the relentless desire to tease the engineer isn't looking to pass anytime soon. "I repulse you that much, Tony?" He lets just the slightest edge creep into his voice. It's not much, but it always seems to get her going.
A flustered Tony Stark is the rarest kind; the alcohol flush blooms into a full-on ruddiness. It glows even under his beard and deepens the crow's feet around his eyes. The engineer splutters, putting his drink down a little too quickly. "Trolls, the lot of you," attempting to hide the obvious fluster would be stupid and Tony Stark is not it, so he puts on his best bitch face and grouses, grouses, grouses. "Didn't expect you to resort to playground tactics, Strange."
"I thought we were on first name basis, Tony," Stephen lets the name roll off his tongue. Maybe he is enjoying this a little too much. Maybe he's overstepping. He is not one known for hindsight, both of them are aware of that.
"Watch yourself, Stephen," a second of contemplation and Tony returns the sentiment tenfold. A split second change in his demeanor, both men left shuddering from the whiplash.
Tony's nearly close enough for Stephen to take in a lungful of his cologne; eyelashes, impossibly thick, absolutely wasted on a man, doing nothing to hide Tony's shameless eyes. Stephen's mouth twitches, the corners of it twisting into something both comforting and malicious.
Down below them, amongst the lazily moving crowd, Natasha's eyes go round and wide as the woman in her arms steers and twists them to her liking, more swaying than dancing, singing along to a song that reeks of melancholy and thrill. She's oblivious to everything but the scenes inside her head; Natasha, however, cannot take her eyes off Stephen and Tony, standing toe to toe in a standoff of competitive, bubbling lust.
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