#oc info questions
creatrackers · 1 year
Writer (& Artist) Ask Game
Reblog this and let your pals ask about your OCs, stories, or about you! Remember to check your inbox, and feel free to tag someone you want to see play :)
* Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
Who is your newest OC? Why did you make them?
Biggest self-insert OC?
What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
What are some of your OCs biggest fears?
Do you have any OCs without stories? Will you ever create one for them?
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Do you have any OC family trees?
Favourite OC?
OC you most struggled to make?
* Sum up one or more of your wips!
Which story took the most research?
Which story has the most lore?
Current word count of all your main wips?
How many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish?
What was you first major project? How far along is it?
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips
What are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
What story are you the proudest of? Why?
* When did you start considering yourself a writer/artist?
What are all the “kinds” of writing/art you do? (short stories, poetry, screenplays, digital, painting, clay, etc.)
Are you in any writer/artist groups? (Ex: discord server!)
Do you have/want a career in your medium? If not, what do you do/want to do instead?
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read?
What are your favourite books?
What are your favourite movies?
 Favourite songs at the moment?
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it?
How are you doing? <3
Ask away!
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ursidanger · 2 months
For the OC questions: Could you tell me a little more about Whitney and Clementine? I thiiink they're sisters but is Whitney her guardian?
Of course, it's been a while so let me rehash some information about them:
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-They are sisters! At the start of Salmon Road, Whitney is around 28 yrs old and Clementine is 10 yrs old. Their age gap is bigger so people tend to mistaken Clementine as Whitney's daughter.
-Whitney becomes Clementine's guardian, but that was not always the case. There was a sudden death in the family that left Clementine without anyone else to care for her. Whitney was the last remaining family member who was eligible (and willing), so, Clementine's move to Bluegill Springs and her entrance into Whitney's life again was unexpected.
-They have been estranged since Clementine was a baby. Whitney left home to live with their Grandfather and Clementine was raised by their Aunt. She knows Whitney exists, but they don't exactly have an established relationship when they begin to live together due to Whitney's absence in her life thus far. They were not born into a tight knit family. It is something they have to figure out together due to circumstance.
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bambiraptorx · 5 months
okay, art/lore dump for my fic Body Horror Baby. This kid's backstory is basically that Donnie accidentally scienced himself into being a teen dad. Like most Donne kids actually lol.
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She was formed from a piece of Krang tissue removed from Donnie's back after the Technodrome that he kept for experimentation (this one was of particular interest because it retained some of his own genetic material). They slowly transformed over time from a shapeless blob into something resembling a tiny turtle, although Donnie didn't connect the dots until about a year post invasion. He immediately told his family upon figuring it out, although reactions varied.
After about 6 months to a year longer of living in the observation chamber Donnie built, the baby was removed and given the name Beatrice Helena (after two separate Shakespeare characters because Donnie is a theater nerd).
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(she's named after this quote in particular lol. It's from Midsummer Night's Dream about the character Helena, and also it happens to be making fun of her for being short.)
Beatrice Helena stays very small for the most part, and (with a few exceptions) grows at a very slow rate. In some ways, this makes them easier to take care of because it's so easy to contain them.
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She also has some ability to shapeshift (it's beyond the normal Krang ability because she was a part of the Technodrome and seriously, that thing molded itself into donnie's face in two seconds flat). This makes for some interesting tantrums. In their baby/toddler years, this is mostly limited to growing eyes or occasionally losing her turtle form, but it gets more precise/intentional as she gets older.
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And just for funsies, here's some lineless art of her when she's a bit older. That's about all the art I have, I think, but if anyone has questions feel free to ask!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 5 months
So, if you don't mind me asking. Is there any other info on Flo you have?, i don't see people make their own human souls anymore.
Plus i just find them interesting
Oh hell yeah!! I've got info!! Thanks for giving me an excuse to talk more about my little guy. I was actually talking about them lots with mutuals on Discord, so there's some notes I can give!
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Flo and Clover were raised in... a not very good household. This obviously had effected how they grew up and what their mentalities were. Flo very much believes in "survival of the fittest" and usually has a defensive attitude. They've got sass and WILL kick your ass (this is not a good thing). They've learned not to rely on adults and is actually a very independent kid. They've taken on a self-proclaimed role as Clover's protector. Their sibling is their utmost priority!
Despite their aggressive nature, Flo has a fun flair for the dramatics and loves dance. They went out on their own to sign up for a dance class not only because they wanted to do so, but they figured it's necessary to find themself a purpose like this so they can show the world they have something to offer.
Considering their soul has the trait of Integrity, it's important to look at a definition of it: "The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change" I like to tie this into their experience in the underground- They are following their beliefs and what they believe is the truth; monsters are beasts. Evil beasts. And they REFUSE to be taken down by them. They may not be very big, but Flo will fight until their last breath. They're so sure they're in the right. They can't be wrong. If they're wrong, what's the point of anything they're doing? Older sibling knows best.
They disappeared to the mountain when Clover was younger. I'm still deciding WHY they went- Maybe a dance recital went wrong and they ran away embarrassed before tripping into the underground? In present Undertale Yellow, Clover's a big kid and can go be a sheriff for real! They wanted to find their sibling. After doing research, they figured out that they went missing at Mt. Ebott where a lot of other kids disappeared. So, Clover thought they could go and search for all of them and find their sibling too.
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acesandocs · 13 days
Wound and future for Ace for the ask game please!
Thanks for the ask dude!
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
He already isn't living his best life so he cant really imagine things getting that much worse. Right now the idea of loosing the few connection hes gotten at the Lackadasie is probably something he has nightmares about. A common theme for the nightmares is somehow killing one of them.
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
He has a higher than normal pain tolerance and any bad emotions he pushes down to far to feel it clearly. So he just kinda shrugs it off or deflects anything bad. To really hurt him you have to aim deep, just tell him something along the lines of ‘’Your mom doesn't love you’’ and it’ll ruin his week. He will break your teeth, in turn so be prepared for the consequences of your actions. The worst wound hes had is probably getting shot in the ribs. Second place goes to that one time he and some neighborhood kids were playing The Knife Game and he got stabbed in the heel. He also doesn't like accepting help when it comes to getting hurt, at least unless he’s really close to someone.
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Anyone Wanna Be Tagged In My OC Ask Game Answer Posts?! There Will Be Six Of Them Lol.
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 2 months
heres some info on the sister, i named her sticks, also the drawings are lazy cause I'm tired ad EOCs start tommrow.
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go ahead and ask any questions you have
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 6 months
Pleeeease do tell me more about Francis. Why did he leave the Children? Why did he join them in the first place? What did he do down in that bunker for three years, and what was getting out like? How did he meet the companions he hangs around with?
so, i'm gonna go in order of the timeline of events in his life. and please forgive some mistakes in the writing, i unfortunately didn't luck out with my abilities, and don't usually write anything more than footnotes. though i'm hoping the more I write out posts like this, the better i'll get :)
I also made goofy doodles to accompany the writing to compensate, and to better visualize what i'm trying to convey.
growing up, he mostly drifted from place to place with his family, which mostly consisted of him, his aunt, uncle, and two other cousins of his. his aunt adopted him at a very, very young age.
they mostly kept to DC, but eventually wanted to travel more east.
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eventually though, due to family drama and disagreements, his family disbanded and he just traveled with his aunt. His aunt was VERY close with the rest of his family, so their departure took a toll on her.
she was pretty desperate to fill the void that was left, so when the children of atom offered relief from the feeling of abandonment, it didn't take much convincing.
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the only catch was they had to leave DC and join the expedition to the commonwealth.
so, how did Francis join the children of atom?
Francis was about 18 at the time, and was used to just- going wherever his aunt went. so he didn't really question it and tagged along. He listened to the preachings and started to buy into the ideology himself. his aunt began to firmly believe too, so that helped condition Francis.
why did he eventually leave?
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he left at the age of 20, knowing damn well what the cult does to dissenters. he was aiming to make it all the way back to DC and rejoin his family, but without the travel supplies that isn't realistically possible.
plus he's never been to Boston before, so he had no idea what direction to go in.
what did he do for 3 years?
he managed to wander his way to sanctuary, where he met Nate. (who i decided to make into an old ghoul, who protected vault 111 from the outside. he believed in the rumor that the vault was a cryo-facility, and that comforted him.)
Francis was half-dead when he wandered onto Nate's front yard, but Nate is nice and saw Francis as the exact opposite of a threat. think a newborn puppy on freshly polished tile.
he offered Francis his own bomb-shelter to stay in, taught him how to cook (which ended up being a new hobby for Francis.)
Nate is like a dad to him, so it worked out nicely.
Francis has high perception, and he's not stupid. (he just has TERRIBLE charisma)
so, with his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes in mind, He began to question the fact Nate had never opened the vault, and tried to convince Nate to finally check in on his family. Nate refused at first, but after sleeping on the idea, he agreed. only to be met with the realization that his spouse was mysteriously murdered, son kidnapped, and only a recording of the crime. (thanks alternate start mod)
baffled by the fact that nobody ever opened the vault doors since the bombs fell, and now troubled with grief, Nate struggled to even face it all. Francis, wanting to repay Nate for giving him a place to live comfortably and safe from the cult who may use him to set an example for others who are thinking of turning their back on atom- promised that he'll seek out Nora's murderer, and most importantly, find their infant son.
where the rest of the game's plot plays out.
one thing to note though is his face markings. like the third eye of atom and the other rings around his face. usually its just makeup in game, but francis, at the time, wanted to prove his devotion in the most... non-lethal way he could think of. and so he got it basically tattooed. talk about regretful tattoos. with all that backstory being said, Francis is pretty happy most of the time!
sure, he's been through a lot, but he tries to see the positives in things. his main goal in life, during the acts in the main story, is to just finally have a place he can call home. maybe one with a comfy couch and a nice garden.
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lumorie · 28 days
hello, i hope you're well~
can you share a bit more about your ocs? Garret, Morgan and their gang?
i'd love to know all about them if you want to share! :)
Thank you so much for your interest in my ocs ❤️❤️❤️ AND I TRY TO SHARE SOME STUFF:
Sooo they both are the main characters of a fantasy/mystery/romance story:
Garret is 23, moves towns, loves music and wants to start a band. Morgan is 20, lives in mentioned town, has a liking in black/red clothes and likes to sing for himself. And after someone disappears, they get stuck in an adventure surrounding magic and myths.
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Andrew and Greta are the second main protagonists (I don't have prober pictures of them yet) who have their own reasons to find the missing person.
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akkivee · 3 days
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praying for a cross talk with the chuuoku women in the future 🙏
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hhyesunn · 7 days
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Basic info
Name: Aubin Arye Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Species: Twi'lek Homeworld: Ryloth Age: 34 Affiliation: Sith Empire (formerly Darth Nox), Galactic Alliance (Commander) Partner: Talos Drellik (husband) Family Tree:
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Personality: Always calm and collected, Aubin may seem aloof and intimidating for others. He is set on his personal goals, but compared to other Sith, he's not clawing his way up ruthlessly, relying more on his cunning and connections. Is ambitious, bordering on workaholic. Due to his upbringing and background, he always insists on doing things himself, rather than relying on the work of others or droids. Has a firm belief that he's always right (up to debate), but doesn't have to always say it out loud. Aubin was always fascinated with history and archaeology, especially Twi'lek and alien heritage. Loves doing acts of service for people he appreciates. Questions authority and despises other Sith, with a few exceptions. Additional info:
Knows Ryl and Basic, sometimes his Ryl accent is more noticeable,
Is a vegetarian,
Has ear piercings (simple studs) made by his sister,
Has tooth gems,
Has slave collar scars that faded over time,
Has to wear glasses, but does that occasionally,
He's a Capricorn -- Links: Aubin + Talos age through story
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Redraw lol (yes that kinda is a redraw?)🌟😤
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so can you give an age range of all the elemental masters from the tournament relative to the ninja and when the war happened
Coincidentally (according to my current yet-as-always-subject-to-change notes), the Tournament of Elements occurs, like, exactly 40 years after the Serpentine were sealed away, with the incident with the Time Twins happening not long afterwards leading to the Fifth Gen split up. Of course, this changes a thing or two come show-Season 7, but like, saying "40 years ago" and being off by a year or two is not the end of the world imo :V
As previously mentioned, Zane, Cole, and Skylor are 18 during S4, while Kai turns 18 over the course of events. Jesse is 17, Jay and Nya are 16, and Lloyd's almost 15, but not quite. It's a point of contention that the Secret Ninja Force/Masters of Spinjitzu are all so young compared to (almost) everyone else in the Alliance.
Also mentioned, Tox is three years older than Cole, so during S4 she would be 21. Also in their 20's are Griffin (20), Ash (24), and Shade (28).
Also also mentioned is Karlof: he'd be about 36 or 37 during S4. Also in their 30's are Paleman (33), Jacob (35), Gravis (37), Neuro (36), and Bolobo (34)
Andddddd Chamille herself is 15 almost 16 here
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wyldblunt · 11 months
okay really niche OC chat prompt today but. you know that common trope where a character is transported into an illusory world that shallowly fulfills all their wishes/removes all current conflicts ("oh my god, i'm back home in my warm bed, none of the horrible Plot Events actually happened, my dead loved one is alive and says 'what are you talking about, silly? are you feeling okay? i made breakfast! ^^'", etc), usually as a way to delay them from finding + defeating whoever is making the illusion or whatever
say your commander (or anyone) gets trapped in one of those. how long does it take them to figure out something's wrong (alternately if u have multiple ocs u wanna answer for, rank them from "immediately sniffs it out" to "would blissfully waste away there forever"). extra credit: what's everybody's insidious wish-fulfillment illusion world
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acesandocs · 29 days
And with that @rudnitskaia your last question is answered!
🎯 -What do they do best?
As mentioned earlier he's pretty good at tailoring. But other than that he throws an excellent punch. She has a lot of energy so she sometimes channels it into fighting, she loves boxing and if she had the money for tickets she would go to boxing matches often. He himself is more experienced with bare knuckle boxing, he's gotten involved in  a few back alley matches to make a quick buck. He doesn't necessarily enjoy hurting people as much as he appreciates a good fight. Though the difference is often hard to decipher. When she’d fight for cash shed have to present more masculine as he would not be allowed to compete other wise.
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I honestly hated this drawing at first, but i came back to it and now i think its fine. This is also the first time I've drawn Ace with short hair so it might change. Sometimes if you don't like a drawing the best remedy is just to come back to it later. That goes for most artistic pursuits.
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'Liberator' is an interesting trainer class for Hauyne. What's the reason for it?
Okay, so to answer that question, you'll need to know some Chroniclerverse lore history. I'm talking like super ancient history, all the way back in the Old World Era.
Spoilers from .karma files' Paragon and Renegade routes under the cut!
So in the Chroniclerverse, after humanity won the war against Arceus, Pokemon and its loyal followers the Sidhe (aka aura wielders if you've been following @/tired-needs-sleep's Sara content), the world starts to crumble away in the absence of their god.
However, the humans soon learned that the Sidhe have been attempting to resurrect their god, Arceus, using the golden arch it left behind upon its death via a series of sacrificial hosts. But it's not the resurrection of Arceus they're interested in, they're interested in the godlike powers the host of the golden arch was bestowed in. They did not want Arceus to return, they want to replace it with a god of their own making, one that could sustain the world in its place.
With that, humanity launched a second attack upon the surviving Sidhe, seizing the golden arch for their own selfish gains. They would call this artifact "Archetype" after refining it, and experimented it on willing volunteers in an attempt to find/manufacture their perfect God.
One of these volunteers is Electra, who would later become the Renegade Interceptor of the Chroniclerverse. Unlike the others, Electra showed far more promise as the Archetype's host, gaining traits of Dialga's abilities and was even able to manifest the Archetype's full power albeit for short periods of time. However, she inevitably contracted Genesis Syndrome and died a slow painful death, so she was marked off as a failure (although her soul was harvested and kept away for a different program).
Then came Reset Zero that ended the Old World, and Electra was awakened for the first time in eons to take Aevia's place as the Interceptor. Due to her being dormant for so long, her memories became fractured, so her journey across Aevium is also a journey for her to regain her memories, find out what happened to her old home and if she could return to it.
Of course, Electra would eventually learn that all traces of her old life was wiped away, which drove her past the brink of despair and made her obsessed with restoring the Old World so that she could return to her old life. To that end, she sent the world onto a destructive path, hoping to destroy it in order to make room for the restoration of the Old. While she was successful... somewhat, her destroying the world also ended up wiping herself from existence, so all her struggles ended up being for nothing in the end.
But not all traces of her was wiped away; remnants of her, the manifestation of her bitterness, resentment and grief lingered still, and it remained inside the CORE, infecting it like a virus. That 'virus' was what corrupted the CORE and by extension Karma, causing it to loop endlessly and trapping everyone in a never-ending cycle of death and suffering even after a world has flourished and "Bloomed". There's more to the cycles than just the virus infecting and corrupting it, but it's one of the main reasons since the loops are partially to reconstruct the data that got corrupted as a result of Electra's actions.
This is where Hauyne comes in. Due to her origins, she's gained awareness of the cycles very early on, realising that this was not supposed to happen and that there's something that's causing this unnatural timeloops. So her mission as the Interceptor went from "saving the world" to "liberating the worlds from its endless cycle of death", even if it meant declaring war against Karma itself and removing it as well as its influence from the worlds entirely. Hence, "Liberator".
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