#oc: Agria
jean-dieu · 3 months
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Commanders doodles I did during a conference to keep my lil hands busy! Everything was drawn from memory so uuuh it's not the most accurate forgive me
Ocs belong to:
@silversiren1101 Mino @thesolemnhour Agria @sadruru Melissa @the-raging-tempest Lariel @spyridonya Kadira @dujour13 Siavash @shiawasekai Nela @herequeerexitentialfear Georgie
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cassynite · 9 months
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For our server's secret santa event, I got to draw @thesolemnhour's lovely Agria! I decided I wanted to capture her learning embroidery and putting together her iconic look.
I'm so happy I got to capture someone as lovely as Agria and I'm so glad you like it Taylor!!!
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knight-commander · 7 months
Agria & Emery
Day One and it’s their first kiss!!! @thesolemnhour and I joked a lot about how silly it would be and so I decided to write it.
“Do you think a kiss would make it better?”
The question was so absurd that Emery had to stop crying, and he slowly wiped the tears from leaving any further tracks on his cheeks. He looked up to see Agria standing there, shuffling her weight from one hip to the other.
“What?” Emery said. He had to know if he heard her correctly.
“Kiss it better,” Agria said simply, as she gestured loosely at him. “I can’t do anything to undo your whole… childhood. But you look miserable. Could I kiss it better?”
Emery paused as he processed that he had indeed heard her correctly. He was still considering her offer when she sat down next to him, folding her legs to kneel. He blinked as she leaned in.
“Well,” Emery said. “It certainly wouldn’t make it worse.”
“I just want you to stop crying,” Agria said, bluntly enough that it stopped Emery from replying right away. He raised an eyebrow as she leaned closer.
“Wait, you were serious?”
“You weren’t?!” She snapped, stopping short just to glare at him. “Make up your mind! Do you want a kiss or not?”
Emery’s cheeks heated up underneath her gaze. “Well, I don’t want you to feel obligated just because I’m not—“
“Oh, shush,” Agria muttered, and braced a hand against the back of his neck. She pulled him in and Emery followed her guidance, and when their lips met it was clumsy and uncertain but it was warm, and all he could think about was the fact that his lips probably tasted salty from his tears, but it probably didn’t matter as much as he worried it did.
He reached out to brush his fingers against her other hand, and Agria slowly withdrew.
“Can I try again?” Emery muttered when there was more than a hair’s breadth of space between them. He gripped her hand as he heard Agria start to laugh.
“What, now?” She moved her hand from the back of his neck to his cheek, and swiped a tear away. His cheeks were still warm underneath his touch.
“No,” Emery chuckled sheepishly, glancing away from her. “Some other time. This isn’t nearly as romantic as I had contrived in my mind.”
“Mm, I see,” Agria hummed, as she leaned back on the tower steps. Her lips were curved up into a half-smirk, and Emery couldn’t look at her for long without his cheeks blushing red. “Well, I look forward to that.”
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
💎💎💎? (don't worry abt it if you're already saturated!! im late as hell lol!)
[Still doing these! I'm just slow lol!]
Minovae bursts into a wide grin at the name. She looks proud to have such a friend as she speaks. "Ahhh, now if ever there was an azata I'd place my faith in to make meaningful change around here. Most azata seem to be allergic to work and effort in any way, but Agria? Hells, she's stubborn enough to challenge even me!" She chuckles around her fanged grin. "I respect her immensely, you know. Most touched by Elysium seem more excited to talk about the change and goodness they'd like to see, but as soon as you ask them to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty? Nothing but pixie dust left behind with how fast they run off. Not Agria, though. I think she'd wither away if she didn't have anything to constantly challenge her. Lucky for us, she's got as good and kind a heart as it is bold."
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magspy · 5 months
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Commission for @thesolemnhour
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amasdoodles · 7 months
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a redraw of a still from the ballet don quixote of @thesolemnhour's agria and @the-raging-tempest's lariel with layla as kitri and her friends
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arrow90-alrakis · 1 year
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Agria for @thesolemnhour for the art trade!!!
Aaaaa she's such a delight to draw!!!
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saltycharacters · 4 months
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[ID: Digital artwork featuring a collection of ocs with arthropod familiars. The 1st image is a lineup of 4 adults, including (left to right): A ducky isopod man named Tito Chen with a pompadour, sunglasses, and flashy suit, a shorter man named Dante-Enriquez Rivera with a toadbug familiar, curly hair in a bun, facial hair, and suspenders, a person named Blizzard Dunkley with a buzz-cut, agrias butterfly familiar, long blue coat, red-and-blue glasses, and large earrings, and finally a woman named Yolanda Sali with a harvestman familiar, in a nurses coat, stethoscope around her neck. Next drawing features 2 new adults, the first of which is named Maikel Miguel Patagara, who has multi-colored hair, prominent freckles, overalls and a prosthetic on their right foot, alongside a cayenne tick familiar. The second iteration of vim has eye shadows and an unhappier expression, and two prosthetic for each foot, seemingly home-made unlike the previous one. Zi is also wearing a necklace with a giant cat-eye type jewel, alongside a coat that’s on the 2nd person in the drawing - a little note mentions that this is xyr look “after Ireneo died”. Ireneo (Maria) Ressa, the 2nd person, has short grey hair, a long, fluffy coat, black cloth gloves, and some vitiligo, alongside a sowbug familiar. He's holding a notebook, pen tucked behind eir ear, and the 2nd iteration shows them without the coat. The final drawing is a doodle dump of Ireneo and Maikel mostly, showing such things as: them at a bar, Ireneo’s arm around Maikel’s shoulders as she says, “Hey me & my partner saw you from across the bar and we think your vibe sucks ass. Can we beat you up”, them kissing, Maikel at a pottery wheel while Ireneo watches, their familiars with hearts around them, and finally Maikel holding a phone up to their ear and saying, “Hey could you come pick me up they’re pelting me with rotten fruit in the town square again”. End ID]
Been thinking about my bug familiar story again
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the-raging-tempest · 11 months
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All the ballet talk made me realize I never posted this sketch I still haven’t finished it but the girls @thesolemnhour Agria and @the-raging-tempest Lariel
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coldbrewarts · 6 months
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Here’s an old Agria piece that I don’t think I ever posted. She is gonna show up on chapter 4 of tpoh tho.
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amatres · 10 months
💎💎💎for agria if it looks fun and you’re still taking these :)
of course i would love to answer for agria!!!
Layla erupts into laughter and after a few failed attempts to calm herself, she manages to pull herself together enough to answer. “Oh but Agria is very easy to rile up, isn’t she? Oh, I don’t mean that in a bad way! She is such a passionate person! I can not help but love hearing everything she has to say! If there is a subject you can bring up to her, she will have an opinion on it, and I love it about her!”
Wiping the tears from her eyes, a few more giggles escape her before she finally settles. “Ah… But, to be serious for a moment, I think she is one of the most driven people I’ve met, especially within my fellow desnans. You will meet few of us dreamers who take those dreams and have the drive to make them reality, something I believe I’m guilty of myself truth be told. I know she believes herself to not be the best example of one of Desna's followers, but I disagree. There is no true, or perfect, way to worship the Great Dreamer. All she asks of us is to follow our dreams, which I believe Agria does exceptionally well.” 
She shrugs, thinking for a moment before continuing. “But I suppose that is the downside of being so passionate and driven about your beliefs? You begin to hold yourself to impossible standards? I think she should be more forgiving to herself, there is something of worth and value to be found even in what some would consider imperfect.”
Her calm smile slips into a grin as she shifts a bit closer to you. “Agria is also quite involved in my love life, which she will let neither me nor Lann forget. Why, I might even say she is a part of it! I believe if I ever hold that second wedding she is so set on us having, she will be the one officiating it, just so everyone knows she had such a big role in bringing us together.”
Layla covers her mouth, losing herself to her laughter again. It takes her a few more moments until she gets control of herself again and clears her throat, continuing with a grin still on her face. “Who am I to deny her that? Or to deny Lann and I of such an unforgettable wedding!”
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offsidekineticist · 10 months
💎💎💎for agria if you're still taking these and it strikes your fancy lol!
I am still taking them! Sorry it took so long, took some time to decide who would be most interesting to answer this one. So here's Giliys's thoughts on Agria (whom he has nicknamed 'Threads' because Giliys can't just call people by their names like a normal person, I'm so sorry).
"Threads? Well. I think I'd have liked her better if we met before the fifth crusade. I know she's got rich family, but she doesn't really count as nobility. I mean, she coulda stayed in Brevoy and tried to blend in with with the fancy Lebedas, sucked up to them, tried to marry up, but she didn't. She went and said she was part of a people with no home scattered all over Avistan, and when she realized their culture had been stolen from them, she went and said she'd steal it back. That takes guts.
"But then Areelu fucking Vorlesh got ahold of her, and - " Giliys stops himself, face taut with rage. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look. I know most people think I don't have a conscience cuz it's calibrated different than most. But I do know this: the worst, most unforgivale things you can do to someone are the things that hurt the soul. And I know, I know, I done plenty of that in my time, but I also know it's fucked up. What Areelu Vorlesh did was un-fucking-forgivable. And Threads did her best to pick up the pieces and stitch herself back together, but...she decided not to fix what she did to her, didn't she? I don't know if she didn't think it was possible or if she actually thought she was better off for it, but either way - I mean - that's not something you choose if your soul is whole.
"So yeah. It's funny, I don't have a problem with her having magic powers from the Abyss. But the power she has as knight-commander...yeah, that's the kind of thing that twists you up inside, makes you into something else. Something that can't be fixed. And I hope Galfrey rots for pushing her into that when she was already torn up inside by Vorlesh."
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cassynite · 7 months
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Doin a big giant sketch dump post of warmup headshots ive done of other people's ocs since the beginning of the year!
@arendaes' Ariadne, 2. @dujour13's Siavesh, 3. @amatres' Layla, 4. @dmagedgoods' Eneas, 5. @spyridonya's Kadira, 6. @thesolemnhour's Agria, 6. @silversiren1101's Minovae, and 7. @tenmillionbees' Aen!
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knight-commander · 7 months
Adrigo & Agria
remember when I said I wouldn’t write anything bc I feel sick. I just finished this wip instead I lied I’m sorry. @thesolemnhour I love Agria a lot
Adrigo had come to know Viktor Lebeda in the ways he had come to know all men whose pride and hopes stretched before them in the dreams of a proud lineage: they were cruel and cowardly first, and pleasantly gullible second. Feathers ruffled by Adrigo’s preaching of “a better way” for the poor could be soothed by appeasing promises and an upturned smile—and who would accuse an aasimar of wretchedness when misguided selfishness was obviously the truth?
Adrigo had to be wretched. Nobody else reached for what he wanted like he did. They lacked conviction.
The girl was innocent. The Lebeda daughter. All girls were, in some way: maybe he once was, before he doffed the sheep’s wool and became the wolf. Did Viktor know he sent his daughter straight to its jaws? Would he care?
Men like him never did, Adrigo reasoned with a smile as he took Agria’s hand and kissed it. Her face was distant, faraway, and displeased—good. That meant she was learning.
Pleasantries aside, he didn’t think of keeping her for long. His mind was racing with the thought of where those like Viktor would end up one day; those who took and controlled without sympathy or remorse, who let their ego and corruption come before their duty to their cause. Those who kept a boot to the neck of their world.
Adrigo would be the one holding a heel to theirs before long.
“You are an aasimar as well,” Adrigo remarked, still keeping Agria’s hand in his, still half-bowed as though he might kiss it again. He saw the dissatisfied twitch in her grimace.
“Congratulations,” she said as she sharply whipped her hand back out of his grasp. “You have eyes. I suppose next you’ll say that my parents must be proud?”
Adrigo chuckled as he stood upright. “I’m sure they are. You’re a very presumptuous woman, Agria.”
“It’s served me well,” she sniffed. The way she looked him over would have made a lesser man tremble. Judging from some of the boys cowering just out of her gaze, he had to imagine her intensity was infamous. Later there would be time to ponder if it was due to their shared heritage.
“What assumptions have you made about me, then? I know we have only just met, but consider me curious. It’s rare for me to meet another of the periblooded.”
Agria huffed and raised her head. “I think you are arrogant,” she said, “and you think yourself twice as clever as you really are. And I think you are trying to build too much camaraderie with me by virtue of being an aasimar. I don’t care that I am one. It’s not important to me.”
Adrigo blinked, almost taken aback. Her eyes were like two summer suns in the height of the season, coating everything in hot hazy orange and withering leaves away. His own eyes were suns on a black sky; he was a solar eclipse in motion. He idly wondered if she knew how terrifying she looked. She’d learn. Or he’d block her way.
“I see,” he said with a warm smile. “I stand corrected.”
“Is that so?” She asked smugly.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, Agria Lebeda. Have you yet decided what you’re going to do with all of that anger?”
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
Agria! Yes of course! It would be an honor, my lady. Mino is picking this out for you for an ice cream and carnival date! Try not to get too competitive at the carnival games, you hear? She can’t control herself that well, either.
(Both ladies walking away with oversized stuffed animals and some very angry carnies wondering how their rigged games were bested by the most stubborn women ever)
Top: Reminiscent of your signature look but light and airy! Much more breathable and suited to the hot sun of Cheliax than blisteringly cold Sarkoris. Tied front and cropped for hot girl summer, which will go perfectly with your...
Bottoms: High-waisted sunshine yellow shorts! The blue floral pattern on them works with the floral print of your top and calls back to that azata blue, and is too ridiculously cute! I'm a big fan of the white inside, as it really gives a great 'bookends' feel with your white top when they're rolled up! Wider flail on the legs is cute and playful, and will keep you cooler all day long.
Shoes: Hightops with the high waisted look, absolutely. These are a nice cream color with a cute floral design and butterflies!
Hair/Hat: Agria, with hair like that it'd be a shame to cover it in anyway, but the sun is a demanding tyrant. Try this denim and leather ballcap! The faded colors will work with your outfit and it's cute as all hell! Plus, it's a blank canvas perfect for some customization. Pins? Patches?
Other Accessories: A labradorite cuff with a striking blue butterfly on it - a reminder of Elysium. Just the single, chunky accessory I think will do wonders with this outfit - after all, wouldn't want to take away too much attention from your gorgeous red hair. The blue will contrast perfectly with it.
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
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Bust commission for @lairiend of their OC Agria~
Emberkin aasimar are my faves, she was a delight to get to draw <33
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