#and Agria is one of them
knight-commander · 3 months
Adrigo & Agria
remember when I said I wouldn’t write anything bc I feel sick. I just finished this wip instead I lied I’m sorry. @thesolemnhour I love Agria a lot
Adrigo had come to know Viktor Lebeda in the ways he had come to know all men whose pride and hopes stretched before them in the dreams of a proud lineage: they were cruel and cowardly first, and pleasantly gullible second. Feathers ruffled by Adrigo’s preaching of “a better way” for the poor could be soothed by appeasing promises and an upturned smile—and who would accuse an aasimar of wretchedness when misguided selfishness was obviously the truth?
Adrigo had to be wretched. Nobody else reached for what he wanted like he did. They lacked conviction.
The girl was innocent. The Lebeda daughter. All girls were, in some way: maybe he once was, before he doffed the sheep’s wool and became the wolf. Did Viktor know he sent his daughter straight to its jaws? Would he care?
Men like him never did, Adrigo reasoned with a smile as he took Agria’s hand and kissed it. Her face was distant, faraway, and displeased—good. That meant she was learning.
Pleasantries aside, he didn’t think of keeping her for long. His mind was racing with the thought of where those like Viktor would end up one day; those who took and controlled without sympathy or remorse, who let their ego and corruption come before their duty to their cause. Those who kept a boot to the neck of their world.
Adrigo would be the one holding a heel to theirs before long.
“You are an aasimar as well,” Adrigo remarked, still keeping Agria’s hand in his, still half-bowed as though he might kiss it again. He saw the dissatisfied twitch in her grimace.
“Congratulations,” she said as she sharply whipped her hand back out of his grasp. “You have eyes. I suppose next you’ll say that my parents must be proud?”
Adrigo chuckled as he stood upright. “I’m sure they are. You’re a very presumptuous woman, Agria.”
“It’s served me well,” she sniffed. The way she looked him over would have made a lesser man tremble. Judging from some of the boys cowering just out of her gaze, he had to imagine her intensity was infamous. Later there would be time to ponder if it was due to their shared heritage.
“What assumptions have you made about me, then? I know we have only just met, but consider me curious. It’s rare for me to meet another of the periblooded.”
Agria huffed and raised her head. “I think you are arrogant,” she said, “and you think yourself twice as clever as you really are. And I think you are trying to build too much camaraderie with me by virtue of being an aasimar. I don’t care that I am one. It’s not important to me.”
Adrigo blinked, almost taken aback. Her eyes were like two summer suns in the height of the season, coating everything in hot hazy orange and withering leaves away. His own eyes were suns on a black sky; he was a solar eclipse in motion. He idly wondered if she knew how terrifying she looked. She’d learn. Or he’d block her way.
“I see,” he said with a warm smile. “I stand corrected.”
“Is that so?” She asked smugly.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, Agria Lebeda. Have you yet decided what you’re going to do with all of that anger?”
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saltycharacters · 13 days
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[ID: Digital artwork featuring a collection of ocs with arthropod familiars. The 1st image is a lineup of 4 adults, including (left to right): A ducky isopod man named Tito Chen with a pompadour, sunglasses, and flashy suit, a shorter man named Dante-Enriquez Rivera with a toadbug familiar, curly hair in a bun, facial hair, and suspenders, a person named Blizzard Dunkley with a buzz-cut, agrias butterfly familiar, long blue coat, red-and-blue glasses, and large earrings, and finally a woman named Yolanda Sali with a harvestman familiar, in a nurses coat, stethoscope around her neck. Next drawing features 2 new adults, the first of which is named Maikel Miguel Patagara, who has multi-colored hair, prominent freckles, overalls and a prosthetic on their right foot, alongside a cayenne tick familiar. The second iteration of vim has eye shadows and an unhappier expression, and two prosthetic for each foot, seemingly home-made unlike the previous one. Zi is also wearing a necklace with a giant cat-eye type jewel, alongside a coat that’s on the 2nd person in the drawing - a little note mentions that this is xyr look “after Ireneo died”. Ireneo (Maria) Ressa, the 2nd person, has short grey hair, a long, fluffy coat, black cloth gloves, and some vitiligo, alongside a sowbug familiar. He's holding a notebook, pen tucked behind eir ear, and the 2nd iteration shows them without the coat. The final drawing is a doodle dump of Ireneo and Maikel mostly, showing such things as: them at a bar, Ireneo’s arm around Maikel’s shoulders as she says, “Hey me & my partner saw you from across the bar and we think your vibe sucks ass. Can we beat you up”, them kissing, Maikel at a pottery wheel while Ireneo watches, their familiars with hearts around them, and finally Maikel holding a phone up to their ear and saying, “Hey could you come pick me up they’re pelting me with rotten fruit in the town square again”. End ID]
Been thinking about my bug familiar story again
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the-raging-tempest · 7 months
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All the ballet talk made me realize I never posted this sketch I still haven’t finished it but the girls @thesolemnhour Agria and @the-raging-tempest Lariel
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thesolemnhour · 7 months
"Layla!" Agria exclaims. "How fortunate I am to be crusading alongside a fellow Brevic! Between the two of us, I suppose it's true what they say about Brevic families sending their least loved relations to wander the Worldwound in perpetuity. I jest, of course, but... Layla understands it. The endless scheming and jockeying and angling for advancement. Most of the Mendevians don't. Daeran thinks he does, but if this were Brevoy, I believe someone would have poisoned him by now." She pauses for a moment. "It's... nice, having someone to talk to. I never thought I'd meet someone who hates it even more than I do.
"What's better, though," Agria begins, countenance brightening considerably, "is that she's a born Desnan! It seems like the most natural thing in the world to her." Agria shifts on her feet, chewing her lip. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm at a costume party, just going through the motions of our faith, but Layla! She can see the Dream. She embraces the world so fully. She reminds me very much of my aunt sometimes."
At that very second, however, a new thought must cross her mind for her dreamy smile slides off of her face to be replaced with an exaggerated haughty frown. "That said, I am quite cross with her right now! She and her husband. False friends, the both of them. 'Oh, no, Agria, how could we have possibly imagined that you might want to come to our wedding! You only needed to give Lann a pep talk--hmm--twice a week!' The indignity! I shan't forgive either of them until they do it properly. But I suppose that I am happy for them," she says, a smile beginning to pull at the corners of her mouth. "They are a beautiful couple."
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hubristicassholefight · 9 months
Preliminary Round: Final Fantasy
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Propaganda Below cut
When she first shows up she's wearing matching outfits and wielding matching grimoires with her twin brother, but when she properly joins the game's main cast it becomes clear that she has swordswoman energy so incredibly strong that as a magical prodigy her chosen fighting style is "manifest sword out of aether and then hit people with it." She later simplifies this to merely wielding a sicknasty crystal rapier; As we know, fury and compassionate outrage are more powerful under when concentrated, which makes this tiny elf sword nerd a volatile pressurecooker of heroism. She's here to care about the little guy, make frustrated noises, and charge off to solve and/or cause problems, and truly what else is swordswoman energy about?
She wanted to use a sword so bad she summoned one made of pure magic, before a friend gave her an actual sword because he was worried about the toll summoning a sword made of pure magic was having on her, I love her and her brother so much. One of them is trans (they did the identical but different-gender twins thing). At one point Alisaie mopes because her and her brother didn't get new outfits when everyone else did. She then jumps off of a balcony because she saw an opportunity for adventure. Canonically doesn't like pickles on burgers (she put them on someone else's plate!! the scandal!!)
she fights with a sword and shield— very classic paladin flavor. she’s achieved and maintained high ranking status for her combat prowess!; nobody is immune to hot lady knight especially when she is over six feet tall and in full plate armor tbh . easily the hottest defector from the evil empire in xiv. also she can pilot a big robot so that’s automatically a point in her favor imo
She's the leader of the gladiator's guild. Gladiators are the class that use swords and shields. She kind of gets sidelined once it upgrades to the Paladin job for a bit, but then they went 'no Mylla and her guild are cooler than these idiots' and did a tournament arc
She uses a Gunblade. A sword thats also a gun. Said to be very rare because it takes so much skill to use. Does lots of slashing and backflips. Later becomes Champion of A God and sword fights a guy for eternity. Later becomes champion of a Different god and uses lots of different swords; She is dramatic and has lots of character growth and is awesome.
She has the class Holy Knight which enables her to use Holy Sword techniques as long as she has a sword equipped, which pretty much makes her the most powerful swordfighter your party can recruit (with the exception of Cidolfus Orlandeau, who has her skillset plus extra); You meet Agrias at the start of the game, and it's a few chapters before she joins your party permanently during which she gets quite a bit of screentime. This is significant, since Tactics lets you dismiss any character that's not the protagonist, and consequently the story is written to not assume you have any particular character in your party except for guests, meaning Agrias gets more story time than most characters that join your party.
starts out as a swordfighter with a big sword with a skull design. #girlboss; ffx-2 is a Wild Ride already but that they gave us a goth lesbian with a sword as our third party member was a great choice. i love her and also ffx-2. it's underappreciated.
Swords are one kind of weapon she can wield. Her ultimate weapon is known as Apocalypse.
She was turned into a Magitek knight by the Gestahlian Empire which she betrays. Swords are one kind of weapon she can wield. Her ultimate weapon is a sword known as Save the Queen.
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ohtobearandomftblog · 3 months
the stars never forget
well, they are able to forget in the short-term, but everything comes back eventually. be it memory magic (mest was able to affect loke), time (the spirits never mentioned the eclipse that sent the dragon slayers forward in time), or excessive trauma (... probably also the eclipse gate, actually)
spirits remember the beginning of time, the end of time, and everything within and outside that rigid format.
aquarius is able to see the markings of the very first heartfilia in lucy. she looks at her and, sometimes, forgets when she is
sagittarius remembers every animal to exist on earthland. hes not sure any currently alive even make the top 100 of his favorites
ultear and dimaria arent even close to the only mages who use time-based magic. their usage of it is fairly tame, compared to those of years long passed and years never to be seen. no matter how many times someone messes with the timeline, the spirits remember
taurus remembers the faces of everyone he has ever protected. if they had one, that is. hes not sure he likes the running tally he has, of how many features and names can be attributed to those long since dead
capricorn hates nothing more than getting information wrong because of the butterfly effect. how was he meant to keep the pasts separate when they were so similar? it should not hurt so much that he doesnt even know who were 'truly' his masters
do you know how much it hurts, to be unwillingly thrown back in time something as small as a week, and see people that do not recognize you? to be thrown further and further back, months to years to decades, and have the people you hold close not know you? not even be born yet? possibly never to be, if you put one single toe out of line
gemi and mini remember a time when the agria sisters were together the whole time, never separated, never criminals, never taken advantage of. they feel more sadness than hate that the sisters were split, that they ended up with sorano, that sorano turned to the oración seis
leo twitches and never takes his eyes off of sorano, whenever hes summoned in her presence. he remembers, more so than anyone else, of a time when aries was the cause of karen's death. of when leo was the one taken by angel. of when leo was further abused and tortured by those who shouldve protected him as he does them. and he cant do anything about it. not now, when it was aries taken by angel, when he wasnt abused again, when he cant talk about it. she wasnt terrible to him in this time, so who was he to blame her for another's actions?
he says his wariness is because of what she did to aries and scorpio and gemi and mini. lucy doesnt fully believe him. he cant say anything, though, because what if this changes the timeline again? they already messed up, with the existence of 'loke' instead of 'kirase'. what if another point against angel means lucy actively antagonizes her? they need her still, yes they do, they need sorano for future fights, so he cant say a damn thing
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dawnslight-aegis · 11 months
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glamour progression! some canonical Looks that Kaede has had over the years, lore and reasonings and whatnot under the cut~
early ARR: just some basic, comfortable traveling clothes. she didn't have a ton of money here, and her fighting style was offensively-focused, rather than defensive. she didn't even use a shield yet.
mid ARR: finally scrounged up some basic armor, but she still prefers the flexibility and mobility afforded by leather over chain or plate.
end of ARR: for the Praetorium assault, she joins as an officer of the Immortal Flames, and wears their uniform. even though it's heavy and bulky and uncomfortable.
post ARR: newly dubbed the Warrior of Light, she still favors Immortal Flame colors, but make it stylish. also helps Gerolt reforge Curtana and the Holy Shield.
early HW: after the Bloody Banquet, but before being admitted to Ishgard, she comes across the corpse of a dark knight dumped outside the city gates and takes up his sword. it's no longer safe to wear anything that associates her with the Flames, so she reverts back to her more gladiator-like style, but with light plate
mid HW: can't very well be walking around Ishgard as a heretic, so it's back to paladin for a while. she finds a full set of really nice (and warm) armor and weapons in The Aery and uses them for a bit, but swaps the sword/shield for a greatsword again in the aftermath of the Vault
end of HW: Sid gave her some armor. please imagine Zephirin's face under where her sword is planted in the ground.
post HW: had a new set of armor made to match the style of the set she found in the Aery, carries the Fortemps shield in Haurchefant's honor
early SB: when Tataru Taru makes you an outfit, you damn well wear it. also this is her RDM training arc, Marz is the main character doing WAR stuff here, Kaede is just here to vibe and help out
mid SB: Kaede doesn't care for Doman fashion in Eorzea, she has a hard enough time convincing people she's not foreign. but when in Othard, do as the Othardians do. oh this is also where she got her horn and tail decor! turns out when you go somewhere with lots of au ra, you can find cute auri accessories. who knew.
end of SB: we liberating Ala Mhigo in full red mage regalia my friends
post SB: it's just a cute witchy look, Kaede didn't do the Mhach raids so idk how she even got this one. I just like it. she spent most of the SB patches in Ishgard so maybe she bought it from Leofard or something. for REALLY late post-SB (aka Ghimlyt Dark) please see "early ShB"
early ShB: puts her rapier away when her friends start dropping and she has to go to actual legit war. opts for some heavier actual plate mail, but you can't fight evil if you ain't cute. also she got that top from the bowels of Orbonne Monastery, and it's reminiscent of her childhood hero, Agrias Oaks, so it's important to her
mid ShB: Kaede has Feelings about Voeburt and how it's basically Ishgard but with au ra, ask her about them some time. anyway she tries to PLD for a while on the First but it starts exacerbating her light poisoning, so it's back to dark knight time
end of ShB: yikes, girl. yikes. anyway Voeburtite+Crystarium gear is a nice cross-section of the places in the First that really spoke to her
post ShB: neo-Ishgardian top, Halonic gauntlets, I think it's safe to say she is homesick, someone let her go home and see her man already
early EW: Sharlayan is...not Kaede's favorite place. she went there straight from Ishgard so she's just wearing some of her normal civilian clothes tbh. if you see her out and about in Ishgard this is probably the kind of thing she's wearing
mid EW: Garlemald is fucking cold and depressing, even when you have a nice heavy coat. while she's here she gets her arm broken and her shoulder dislocated, so she has to do red mage stuff until it heals. I didn't include it here but it's the heirloom casting top+ravel keeper gloves+virtu duelist boots.
end of EW: a return to the iconic look after getting her shield arm fixed by Haurchefant in the Aitiascope. also all her friends died. it's a bad time. Tataru made her some boots though.
post EW: holy shit baby girl finally learned how to heal, it only took almost dying to make her stubborn tank main ass learn. she changed her hair because she's On Vacation rn. also she's engaged! idk where the yorha top came from, I don't consider the nier raids canon lmao. her staff has a chunk of the mothercrystal on it though
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dianethepisceswitch · 8 months
Curiositea Vice Dorm Leader: Part 1🐛
Everything in this post is fan-made, and are not canon in the Twisted Wonderland universe. These are my ideas, please do not claim them or use them without my permission. Please read this post before reading this one to gain the necessary context.
*I included fan-made clubs as well, but magical subjects have stayed the same
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Agrias Wondre (アグリアス・ワンドル, Aguriasu Wandoru):
"Who are you?"
Vice Housewarden of Curiositea. A mysterious and quiet boy who prefers to keep to himself when not with his housewarden. He's not very expressive and can be hard to read at times.
Biographical Information
Gender: Male Age: 18 Birthday: August 25 Zodiac: Virgo Height: 190cm (6'2) Eye Color: Violet Hair Color: Blue (Lapis) Homeland: Queendom of Roses Family: Unnamed Father Unnamed Younger Sister
Professional Information
Dorm: Curiositea School Year: Third Student Number: 2 Club: Literature Best Subject: Alchemy Occupation: Curiositea Vice Dorm Leader, Student
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right Favorite Food: Crêpes Least Favorite Food: Garlic Dislikes: Being corrected Hobby: Mushroom cultivation Talent: Solving riddles
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There’s going to be multiple posts for all future characters, so be prepared for that. Requests for character related things are open(NSFW things are okay, but I might put those on the back burner).
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delitaheiral · 8 months
I adore fft with all my heart it’s one of my favorite games ever etc etc but unfortunately it is definitely not immune to the final fantasy brand of misogyny. like yeah maybe tietra had to die for delita to have his arc. maybe alma had to be kidnapped for ramza to spur the story into the right direction. and I do get that ovelia’s lack of agency is a reflection on the trope of the cloistered princess.
but then there’s agrias, who is not afforded any of the screentime that her popularity might suggest. she got an extra scene in WoTL about the sacrifices she has had to make to be part of the lionsguard; the scene mostly focuses on how sad it is that she doesn’t have time for ‘womanly things’. there’s reis, who gets a whole sidequest in WoTL centered around her abduction so that her lover beowulf and his friend/rival can get some development. there’s meliadoul, the one older sister mourning her little brother compared to all of fft’s older brothers mourning their little sisters; she hardly gets any scenes, let alone an arc, compared to her male counterparts. we have celia and lettie, whose sole purpose is to profile themselves as the sexy temptresses flanking the marquis. there’s valmafra, allegedly a witch, traitor against the church and confidant of delita, yet she has a grand total of three scenes and doesn’t get to speak in two of them.
there’s an obvious pattern of misogynistic writing here, and as great as the game is, said misogyny holds it back from being quite as good as it could’ve been
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amatres · 6 months
💎💎💎for agria if it looks fun and you’re still taking these :)
of course i would love to answer for agria!!!
Layla erupts into laughter and after a few failed attempts to calm herself, she manages to pull herself together enough to answer. “Oh but Agria is very easy to rile up, isn’t she? Oh, I don’t mean that in a bad way! She is such a passionate person! I can not help but love hearing everything she has to say! If there is a subject you can bring up to her, she will have an opinion on it, and I love it about her!”
Wiping the tears from her eyes, a few more giggles escape her before she finally settles. “Ah… But, to be serious for a moment, I think she is one of the most driven people I’ve met, especially within my fellow desnans. You will meet few of us dreamers who take those dreams and have the drive to make them reality, something I believe I’m guilty of myself truth be told. I know she believes herself to not be the best example of one of Desna's followers, but I disagree. There is no true, or perfect, way to worship the Great Dreamer. All she asks of us is to follow our dreams, which I believe Agria does exceptionally well.” 
She shrugs, thinking for a moment before continuing. “But I suppose that is the downside of being so passionate and driven about your beliefs? You begin to hold yourself to impossible standards? I think she should be more forgiving to herself, there is something of worth and value to be found even in what some would consider imperfect.”
Her calm smile slips into a grin as she shifts a bit closer to you. “Agria is also quite involved in my love life, which she will let neither me nor Lann forget. Why, I might even say she is a part of it! I believe if I ever hold that second wedding she is so set on us having, she will be the one officiating it, just so everyone knows she had such a big role in bringing us together.”
Layla covers her mouth, losing herself to her laughter again. It takes her a few more moments until she gets control of herself again and clears her throat, continuing with a grin still on her face. “Who am I to deny her that? Or to deny Lann and I of such an unforgettable wedding!”
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prepare (1)
Riven exhaled as she shut the door to Sunward. Wuk Lamat had been set up at the Baldestion Annex. For the forseeable future, there was a great deal of preperations to be made...but first things first.
"What did you all think?" She asked, turning around to face the others.
"Green." Reinhardt, Mathye, and Augustine said in unison, causing Sebastian to blink in surprise.
"She is green." Mathye said. "Fresh out of the training hall and running about in new-made armor green. If it weren't for the fact that she does have skill in combat, I'd doubt she'd even gotten any type of first blood."
"She's got smarts, however." Reinhardt added. "And bold. I imagine she probably was the only contestant who had the idea to approach foreigners and ask them for help. It means she's flexible in her thinking and can adapt quickly to a changing situation."
"But something's wrong somewhere." Augustine mused. When the others looked at him, he gestured.
"Think about it. It's one thing to hire foreign adventurers--mercenaries even. But instead she pings directly onto us--Erenville's stories aside. It's one thing to want our battle skills--but with everything else? We're overkill. And while she's being honest about her reason to win--I can't help but feel there's something more to the story."
"That was my thought as well." Riven admitted. "But Tural may not know about us. And from the little I read, I don't think they had any effects of the Calamity, or the Final Days."
"I would suggest we talk to Alphinaud." Sebastian said. "He can handle the politics of the situation much better than any one of us. In fact, when we make it over there--let's leave anything dealing with governmental affairs to him. As far as everyone's concerned, we're just the hired help to Wuk Lamat." Riven hummed at that, crossing her arms.
"With everything we've been though, it never occurred to me that someone would want to threaten Eorzea's peace from the other side of the world."
"Honestly I don't think anyone has." Augustine replied. "And now that I think about it...we never saw anything with the Empire considering going that far out."
"Nor the Allagans now that I think about it." Sebastian added. Mathye frowned.
"...That...does seem strange. The Garleans made inroads to the farthest reaches of the east, but not the west? It's not like they didn't have the ability to do so."
"Technological constraints?" Reinhardt offered. "Airships only have so much fuel."
"No. I've seen plans that can turn them into nothing but flying ceruluem tanks." Augustine mused. "And it's a known fact that there's plenty of untapped wells in Tural. And an Agrias-class airship can fly though almost anything."
"Might be something worth asking Jullus about." Riven offered. She exhaled. "At least we've got some time to prepare. I've got to get my requests in to the Arcanists' Guild library, and quickly."
"All done with Aloato Island then?" Sebastian asked. Riven offered a weak grin, shrugging.
"Not really, but my rotation turn to go out there won't be for a few weeks. And I'd rather not fight someone for their spot--or have somebody challenge for mine." The Arcanists' Guild had been forced to create a rotation research schedule for their students and members who wanted to study the still-unknown arcane geometry of the Thavnarian island. And in true Limsan fashion, academic combat had been decided as a way for one to possibly advance to a higher spot in the rotation schedules.
"If it's alright, I'm next on the supply delivery list for Garlemald." Reinhardt offered. "I'll poke Jullus's brain, see if he heard or knows something."
"I'll come with you to Limsa." Mathye said to Riven. "I need your Mastery clearance anyway for the medical libraries. I think we'll need updated vaccinations and I'd like to know what diseases we'll need to look out for."
"I'm going to track down Nero." Augustine said. When the group blinked at him, he continued. "I think getting you a backup leg might be a good idea, Mathye. We don't know how long we'll be over there. And we have to discuss ways for your maintenance to be easier on you." His older brother started.
"No." Riven interjected. "That's actually a good idea." Mathye flushed, crossing his arms and looking away.
"If it's alright, I'll go speak with Wuk Lamat and do some research in Sharlayan." Sebastian offered. "She might be willing--or let something slip around me." He paused, chuckling.
"This is actually strange, preparing for something that isn't world ending."
"It's a little unnerving." Riven admitted. "But...exciting. And I'm glad we're all doing this together."
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knight-commander · 4 months
Agria & Emery
Day One and it’s their first kiss!!! @thesolemnhour and I joked a lot about how silly it would be and so I decided to write it.
“Do you think a kiss would make it better?”
The question was so absurd that Emery had to stop crying, and he slowly wiped the tears from leaving any further tracks on his cheeks. He looked up to see Agria standing there, shuffling her weight from one hip to the other.
“What?” Emery said. He had to know if he heard her correctly.
“Kiss it better,” Agria said simply, as she gestured loosely at him. “I can’t do anything to undo your whole… childhood. But you look miserable. Could I kiss it better?”
Emery paused as he processed that he had indeed heard her correctly. He was still considering her offer when she sat down next to him, folding her legs to kneel. He blinked as she leaned in.
“Well,” Emery said. “It certainly wouldn’t make it worse.”
“I just want you to stop crying,” Agria said, bluntly enough that it stopped Emery from replying right away. He raised an eyebrow as she leaned closer.
“Wait, you were serious?”
“You weren’t?!” She snapped, stopping short just to glare at him. “Make up your mind! Do you want a kiss or not?”
Emery’s cheeks heated up underneath her gaze. “Well, I don’t want you to feel obligated just because I’m not—“
“Oh, shush,” Agria muttered, and braced a hand against the back of his neck. She pulled him in and Emery followed her guidance, and when their lips met it was clumsy and uncertain but it was warm, and all he could think about was the fact that his lips probably tasted salty from his tears, but it probably didn’t matter as much as he worried it did.
He reached out to brush his fingers against her other hand, and Agria slowly withdrew.
“Can I try again?” Emery muttered when there was more than a hair’s breadth of space between them. He gripped her hand as he heard Agria start to laugh.
“What, now?” She moved her hand from the back of his neck to his cheek, and swiped a tear away. His cheeks were still warm underneath his touch.
“No,” Emery chuckled sheepishly, glancing away from her. “Some other time. This isn’t nearly as romantic as I had contrived in my mind.”
“Mm, I see,” Agria hummed, as she leaned back on the tower steps. Her lips were curved up into a half-smirk, and Emery couldn’t look at her for long without his cheeks blushing red. “Well, I look forward to that.”
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jkl-fff · 21 days
do you have any ocs please tell me about them in as much detail as you'd like
Since I'm working on a series I hope to publish one day, I do indeed have OCs. Nothing but OCs in that series. OCs for days and nights and some more days thereafter.
Since the series involves three sets of three characters (with interweaving plot points across a continent-spanning empire), we'd be here all day if I said as much as I'd like about each one. In fact, we'd be reading the book.So I'll give a quick summary: who they are, what they do, and why.
Domwyn (21), a roving minstrel who goes from town to town performing for room and board and tips at inns. He was born with the rare ability to see and speak with spirits, which would see him condemned as a sorcerer if anyone found out. All he wants is to be free and safe, so he keeps wandering, reluctantly helping spirits when he must. At least, until a handsome abd ecxentric young man discovers his secret ...
Plow (23), a student of archaeology and history working on a doctorate project by excavating one of the many sites of ruins on the Continent. Finding out Domwyn can unlock a magic seal in them (because of his sorcerous abilities) is the most exciting discovery of the century (in his opinion), and he immediately dragoons Domwyn into being his ruin-exploring assistant. What world-shattering secrets will they discover?
Moose (36), Plow's cousin and a member of the local militia that protects the town from bandits and monstrous beasts. Currently, he's on off time and using it to make sure his cousin doesn't get himself eaten by a giant spider or something while geeking out over pottery shards and other artefacts. He'd much rather be playing with his daughter and making kissy faces with his wife, though.
Maeve (23), Plow's twin sister and a secret agent working for the local princess against the continental empire. Her cover is that she's the lead of a famous performing troupe, which gets her invited into high society locales where she and her team can spy out gocernment secrets. One of the things she enjoys as much as performing ... is knitting. Oh, and also making love to the princess.
Sweets (24), a political hostage taken as a young girl to keep her noble father loyal to the empire, she was practically raised with Maeve and Plow. She now works as part of Maeve's performing and spy group to help both the local princess *and* her father's house ... and especially her best friend, Maeve. One of her talents is makeup and costume design, which makes her a competsnt master of disguise. She can and will kick a bitch through a wall if that bitch annoys her, though.
Agria (24), an aspiring knight, she's a member of the local milita receiving special training for leadership when recruited by Maeve to join her spy ring. Why? Because of her photographic memory, which would allow the spies to take information from documents without stealing them, leaving their targets none the wiser. She agrees to do this to win favor with the princess, advancing her career towards knighthood. She has some complicated religious beliefs.
Masque (?), a shapeshifting assassin who fears Death itself is after them, and the only way to keep Death from catching them is to offer up others (the more important and social upheaval inducing, the better). They're fascinated by their reluctant partners' weapons, and also their personalities, and also that neither one can leave because Masque has got all sorts of leverage!
Nomiv (20), a former militia recruit (basically cop) who accidentally got himself bonded to a sword capable of cutting through anything (even souls) while trying to apprehend Masque during an assassination of a government official. Now everyone thinks he died while betraying his government, and Masque is extorting him to help with further assassinations. He just wants to do good, but doesn't know what that means anymore as his simplistic, moralizing worldview shatters before him. And it doesn't help that the sword wants him to kill ...
Uma (31), a prisoner indentured out to a rich engineer now on the run after being framed for his murder. She pioneered a new type of firearm (a revolver with prepacked bullets instead of flintlock pistols) which could revolutionize warfare and neutralize the combat supremacy of mages if anyone else got their hands on it. But all she wants is to disappear somewhere she can continue her research in peace and freedom. Unfortunately, that'll be hard to do with the magic collar around her neck. If only someone could cut through it without killing her ...
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autopotion · 5 months
Recruiting the Hat Man
In this challenge playthrough of FFT, I was determined to recruit the thief in the Dorter Trade City battle--you know, the guy who throws his hat on the ground. I knew his unique menu portrait would change to the generic one as soon as I did, but I didn't care. He's one of the few enemy generics to express any personality, so he's the perfect prize for a playthrough like this one. Additionally, he's demonstratively afraid of Gafgarion (and might or might not have had some sort of tryst with him, according to the most venerable of Tactics scholars), so the idea of coaxing him into my party, with Gafgarion still in it, tickled me. I had to get him.
First of all, Agrias and Gafgarion are guests for this fight. I didn't unequip them or change their classes because I figured they would come in handy taking out the rest of the enemy units (they did!), but they presented a very unique challenge to my truly deranged endeavors to keep the hat man alive.
Second of all, the RNG gods decided the hat man's name is Heinline. That is a terrible name. I almost reset the battle upon seeing it. But I decided against it (mostly due to impatience). This is the hand that fate dealt me. I would have Heinline or I would not have the hat man at all.
The following sequence had Zoe and I howling in laughter for like twenty minutes.
My mediator, Tia, got to go fairly early in the order after Ramza Yelled at her. I boldly attempt to Invite the thief on her first turn. First recruitment attempt didn't work, and as a result of this configuration my mediator got killed by two archers and a wizard. My time mage fell shortly after.
Agrias came in clutch with a phoenix down, which was a nice surprise. I moved my mediator behind one of the houses and let her relax for a bit.
Once Tia was in better health, I tried one more time to invite the thief. That failed. Gafgarion killed him.
"Okay," I said to Zoe, starting to feel a tad frustrated. "I'm about to do something hilarious." I whittled down the rest of the enemies and waited for Gafgarion and Agrias to move closer to the archers, the only remaining units.
My mediator used a phoenix down and brought the enemy thief back to life.
Gafgarion killed him instantly.
Alright, poorly timed resurrection. I waited a bit longer and brought thief back to life a second time. He retreated to a corner after stabbing Tia (that's gratitude for ya). My mediator followed him, to no avail. Gafgarion killed him again.
Not to be deterred, I revived the thief once more. This battle had dragged on far longer than it needed to, but I was determined. (Shortly after this, Agrias killed the last archer.)
This time I captured him in an alley squished behind the tall houses. After another failed invite, he tried to steal the heart of my mediator, which similarly failed. (Dare I say… kismeses?)
Unfortunately, because I didn't see him there, Gafgarion was also trapped in the alley. This was very bad for me, because if he killed the thief, the battle was over, and the hat man would slip from my grasp forever. Fortunately, instead of slaughtering the thief again, he decided to waste one of his turns casting Protect (???) on my clustered troops when the thief was standing literally right next to him. Pinned between him and Ramza, in fact.
My only goal now was to get the thief on my side before my overpowered guests killed him again. Every time his health dipped I had Ramza heal him. The rest of the battle wound up being a cycle of Tia using Invite -> Silky casting Haste (which often got everyone BUT my mediator) -> Ramza Yelling at Tia -> Tia using Invite -> Gafgarion and/or Agrias getting in a sword skill on the thief -> The thief stabbing someone -> My wizard skipping his turn -> Ramza using Chakra on the thief -> Tia using Invite.
One of Agrias's strategically timed Stasis Swords Stopped the guy, which was an unexpected boon. So he just had to stand there in petrified silence as he had the life drained from him and then restored every couple of turns while my mediator seduced him over Ramza's head.
After TWELVE tries, long after my mages were out of MP and had little to do but jog in place, the thief finally surrendered and allowed himself to be press-ganged into joining our merry band of mercenaries. Join Up! :)
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Sorry Agrias. I was a little busy psychologically torturing an irrelevant ruffian. But it was, like, really important.
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thesolemnhour · 7 months
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A slightly modified version of inspirations for my most prolific and neurotic brainchild! Reasoning under the cut:
Alase Brinz-Widowknife from Lost Kingdoms and King of Chaos.
I've waxed poetic plenty on how much I adore Wesley's interpretation of Old Sarkoris in Lost Kingdoms, but his present-day Sarkorian characters are just as definitive to me. Alase is a young woman who practices the old art of Godcalling, where Sarkorian summoners call on the ancient protectors of their communities. One of the last Sarkorian Godcallers in the last Sarkorian village still standing. Alase feels a deep desire to do something with her abilities and dreams of taking back to city of Undarin, where Clan Widowknife used to reside. Alase also wonders whether her eidolon Tonbarse truly has a touch of the divine or is simply a loyal companion.
This meditation on what it means to be a Sarkorian one hundred years after the Worldwound opened was so foundational to Agria's character that I named her mother after Alase and decided to make her family another branch of Clan Widowknife.
Aerith Gainsborough, from Final Fantasy 7 (remake).
When I was still trying to nail down Agria's voice, my trick was to imagine all of her dialogue as though Aerith were saying them. Aerith has this delightful combination of sweetness and forcefulness. She's a very nice girl, and you're going to do what she asks! Possibly my favorite line in the game is when she and Cloud are halfway through a plan to sneak into a mobster's house, and she's telling him the last thing he needs to do. Cloud is like, "Hold on a minute," and she says, "No can-do, Cloud. This is our plan, and you'll learn to love it!" I'll take "Things Agria has said to Woljif," for $100, Alex.
Emma Woodhouse from Austen's Emma.
When Jane Austen set herself to writing Emma, she wanted to create "a heroine no one but me will much like." Emma is often selfish, unkind, and thoughtless, but she also cares deeply about the people around her and is willing to change her mind to accommodate them. Agria, likewise, can be a bit too attached to her own way of thinking to consider anyone else's, and it's Emma I look to most when I think about the ways that Woljif forces her to consider other perspectives.
Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
A little bit like Emma, it's Katara's best and worst traits that make her such an influence on Agria. Katara is equally as capable of being kind, curious, and passionate as she is of being controlling and emotional. She can carry grudges and be competitive. Agria is many of these things as well, and the combination of these traits is what always brings me back to her
Kitri, from Don Quixote.
Kitri, my love! From her very first entrance to the ballet, Kitri effortlessly commands the attention of those around her. After every movement, it's like she turns to the audience to say, "Ta-DA!" She is fiery and joyful and alive! She has enormous spirit and insists on having things her way. She's a bit of a brat (affectionate). She is who I look to when I want to represent Agria being a drama queen.
Evgenia Medvedeva, Russian figure skater and Olympic silver medalist.
There is a kind of insanity at the heart of athletes that I'm obsessed with. A sense that if you just push yourself hard enough, you will accomplish everything you want. Evgenia Medvedeva has so much of this, and I am convinced she is the most intense person who has every lived. "As soon as you take it easy," she explained in one documentary, "you get nowhere. You're the same as everyone else." Are you sure about that, two-time world champion, Evgenia Medvedeva?? But it's never enough. That's Agria!
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offsidekineticist · 6 months
💎💎💎for agria if you're still taking these and it strikes your fancy lol!
I am still taking them! Sorry it took so long, took some time to decide who would be most interesting to answer this one. So here's Giliys's thoughts on Agria (whom he has nicknamed 'Threads' because Giliys can't just call people by their names like a normal person, I'm so sorry).
"Threads? Well. I think I'd have liked her better if we met before the fifth crusade. I know she's got rich family, but she doesn't really count as nobility. I mean, she coulda stayed in Brevoy and tried to blend in with with the fancy Lebedas, sucked up to them, tried to marry up, but she didn't. She went and said she was part of a people with no home scattered all over Avistan, and when she realized their culture had been stolen from them, she went and said she'd steal it back. That takes guts.
"But then Areelu fucking Vorlesh got ahold of her, and - " Giliys stops himself, face taut with rage. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look. I know most people think I don't have a conscience cuz it's calibrated different than most. But I do know this: the worst, most unforgivale things you can do to someone are the things that hurt the soul. And I know, I know, I done plenty of that in my time, but I also know it's fucked up. What Areelu Vorlesh did was un-fucking-forgivable. And Threads did her best to pick up the pieces and stitch herself back together, but...she decided not to fix what she did to her, didn't she? I don't know if she didn't think it was possible or if she actually thought she was better off for it, but either way - I mean - that's not something you choose if your soul is whole.
"So yeah. It's funny, I don't have a problem with her having magic powers from the Abyss. But the power she has as knight-commander...yeah, that's the kind of thing that twists you up inside, makes you into something else. Something that can't be fixed. And I hope Galfrey rots for pushing her into that when she was already torn up inside by Vorlesh."
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