#I think there are a few ppl his charms wouldn’t work on
knight-commander · 7 months
Adrigo & Agria
remember when I said I wouldn’t write anything bc I feel sick. I just finished this wip instead I lied I’m sorry. @thesolemnhour I love Agria a lot
Adrigo had come to know Viktor Lebeda in the ways he had come to know all men whose pride and hopes stretched before them in the dreams of a proud lineage: they were cruel and cowardly first, and pleasantly gullible second. Feathers ruffled by Adrigo’s preaching of “a better way” for the poor could be soothed by appeasing promises and an upturned smile—and who would accuse an aasimar of wretchedness when misguided selfishness was obviously the truth?
Adrigo had to be wretched. Nobody else reached for what he wanted like he did. They lacked conviction.
The girl was innocent. The Lebeda daughter. All girls were, in some way: maybe he once was, before he doffed the sheep’s wool and became the wolf. Did Viktor know he sent his daughter straight to its jaws? Would he care?
Men like him never did, Adrigo reasoned with a smile as he took Agria’s hand and kissed it. Her face was distant, faraway, and displeased—good. That meant she was learning.
Pleasantries aside, he didn’t think of keeping her for long. His mind was racing with the thought of where those like Viktor would end up one day; those who took and controlled without sympathy or remorse, who let their ego and corruption come before their duty to their cause. Those who kept a boot to the neck of their world.
Adrigo would be the one holding a heel to theirs before long.
“You are an aasimar as well,” Adrigo remarked, still keeping Agria’s hand in his, still half-bowed as though he might kiss it again. He saw the dissatisfied twitch in her grimace.
“Congratulations,” she said as she sharply whipped her hand back out of his grasp. “You have eyes. I suppose next you’ll say that my parents must be proud?”
Adrigo chuckled as he stood upright. “I’m sure they are. You’re a very presumptuous woman, Agria.”
“It’s served me well,” she sniffed. The way she looked him over would have made a lesser man tremble. Judging from some of the boys cowering just out of her gaze, he had to imagine her intensity was infamous. Later there would be time to ponder if it was due to their shared heritage.
“What assumptions have you made about me, then? I know we have only just met, but consider me curious. It’s rare for me to meet another of the periblooded.”
Agria huffed and raised her head. “I think you are arrogant,” she said, “and you think yourself twice as clever as you really are. And I think you are trying to build too much camaraderie with me by virtue of being an aasimar. I don’t care that I am one. It’s not important to me.”
Adrigo blinked, almost taken aback. Her eyes were like two summer suns in the height of the season, coating everything in hot hazy orange and withering leaves away. His own eyes were suns on a black sky; he was a solar eclipse in motion. He idly wondered if she knew how terrifying she looked. She’d learn. Or he’d block her way.
“I see,” he said with a warm smile. “I stand corrected.”
“Is that so?” She asked smugly.
“You’re a very dangerous woman, Agria Lebeda. Have you yet decided what you’re going to do with all of that anger?”
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curi0uscreature · 5 months
Swap Compton’s / “King of the Gulch” Story
( Written in 2023, first literature post based off a poll I did like. officially a month back. T’which thanks to the ppl who did vote for more writing stuff! )
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As a man that loved animals dearly combined with his great understanding with them, he joined in on the Vet lifestyle. It was fun for a bit seeing all the different animals and getting the opportunity to help all of them! But one day on a work rush, it was extremely over the usual amount each day. And more so, overwhelming for Compton. The barking, the great amounts of concern people had for their pets, the faint yelling, and then—boom. All of it was gone!…almost all of it. And the reason for it wasn’t exactly good. The faces of concern immediately switched to anger and the faint yelling was almost louder, mixed with the sound of dialing phone numbers. It wasn’t long before Compton found himself locked up. in jail. For who knows how long honestly.
God, it felt like the entire world’s weight was on his shoulders. What kind of person would he be after he’d come out of this place? If anything he might do worse than the incident he committed before. And it certainly wasn’t like he’d knew anybody that could bail him out..it was a risky idea but it was extremely tempting. Late at night, he escaped jail making sure to leave no trace of evidence of his tracks. He stayed in in unkept places in the area he lived in and kept a low profile. Until discovering an underrated restaurant that was in dire need of a chef…They don’t know him. They don’t fear him at all. They aren’t aware of his past record and he had some good cooking knowledge in his hands…He applied. And if anything this was better than his job as vet. People were nicer and given that it was kept low, nearly nobody even recognized him! He eventually saved enough money from payment to go on vacation as well! By the time he came back, nobody recognized him either. He was no longer a famous criminal.
Not long after, a woman named Lucrecia recruited him for her research group full of powerful psychics. Out of anyone, Cassie and him became the closest of friends! Beekeeping, literature, helping each other out, they were almost inseparable! However someone none the wiser caught his eye. Otto Mentallis. Sure he was full of himself sometimes but it was slightly,,endearing in a way? Maybe even..charming. Cassie disliked him, but she was his best friend after all. Surely she wouldn’t think about him negatively over a small crush right? With this knowledge in the back of his head he’d tell her eventually. Meaning after several weeks of trying to hide it. Somewhat Surprisingly: she was very supportive for him after he opened up! Even offering to help him out when confessing. But that confession didn’t come up until it was followed by another few weeks of stalling and confidence building. He had to get it out somehow and honestly, any day now before his feelings were bottled up and tied into knots.
So one day in the lab on his occasional one-on-one research time with Otto, he expressed how he felt. Well muttering out a few mumbles at first before getting to the main point. But it checked out given: Otto felt the Same way! They started dating a few moments afterwards. And those moments soon turned into weeks, into months, and into years. By the time they even knew it, Bob and Helmut were getting engaged! It took a while for them to arrive due to prepping the most out of everybody but what matters is they were there with all of their friends. It was beautiful.
( Post “Ford-igula” )
Bob and Helmut are gone. Lucy’s lost herself—mentally. Cassie feels demotivated, all while Otto’s in a sense of denial during the opening. Sure the attention and popularity was nice in a sense but it didn’t feel…right. At all. Especially with the current situation at task. He tried to reach out to Lucy, but she immediately shunned him off. He tried beekeeping with Cassie again which helped, but only for a little while. Otto stated that he’s fine multiple times during check-in’s but it is very much clear that there was something much, much more than that underneath. It eventually lead to them splitting apart mutually. He still loved his partner dearly but he just..couldn’t stand seeing him being in denial like this.
Overtime the more he repressed his truest emotions during missions, it built up. But in a different way. Something that felt almost..physical. Mainly on his temple, but he tried to brush it off as something that’ll go anyway with rest but it increasingly got more painful because of his repressing. Once again—Boom. This time harming himself on the left side of his face. It took several days to recover properly but that might as well been his final straw. The night he was able to get back on his feet was the night he had reluctantly left to the forest. It turned into nightly beekeeping alone and interacting with friendly animals every now and then, but the animals slowly grew into crowds.
Because of his understanding with them, they were more so mad about the fact he wasn’t the owner of the gulch due to how well he treated them. But they slowly grew out of control with this ideal concept, leaving Compton with no choice in the matter. He had tend to them. He was in the deepest part of the forest where it’d probably take ages to get out and back and his vision wasn’t the best with one eye working but the other being blind. So until further notice, he’d protect this place. It’s sacred for him and his “subjects”. He now earns the title: King of the Gulch. Legend says if you manage to get in his animal kingdom, you’ll never get out.
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dioriysus · 1 year
love the fact that tim drake’s vulnerabilities and mental health are more explored in the fan fics but he is unfortunately, somewhat suave canonically and is skilled at harbouring all the trauma or atleast intellectualising it rather than giving himself a moment to just feel the emotions (atleast that is my impression from the haze of memories). usually the fanfics depict him as someone unable to control his vulnerabilities and there’s nothing wrong about that but part of the reason that he doesn’t get much opportunity to be outright vulnerable is bc he is a skilled navigator among ppl and convos. the boy literally knows and analyses any thought/emotion that pops into his mind, he’s obsessed with his ability to manage it all.
i think the main emotion he suppresses is guilt and bc he’s objective enough to understand that under this line of work, there is technically no point in feeling the guilt, it’s disregarded and builds up. guilt about his responsibilities as a vigilante, for potentially endangering the lives of the civilians he loves, the overwhelming pressure to please everyone in both sectors of his life. he’s mature for his age, something that’s acknowledged by his family and surroundings and somewhat by himself as well. he doesn’t let himself linger on disappointment towards others as often as he should and moves onto what is under his control immediately.
that’s always been his biggest coping mechanism, control. tim doesn’t dwell, he has enough awareness of the world and his position in it to not constantly be reacting instead of just acting. i think that’s why him and steph’s differences in social backgrounds didn’t hinder the relationship bc he is generally a smart and self aware guy and can empathise with others while sticking to his moral grounds.
steph’s introduction into his life helped tipped the balance he so proficiently curated on the matters of heart vs head. it’s simple around her. yes, he feels a responsibility to keep her out of vigilante life as batman’s protege but she expects nothing from him (at first) and he likes that. that’s not to say that he didn’t fulfil any boyfriend responsibilities (he literally was there to help her deliver her baby) but she likes him for all he is and he does the same and everything else comes naturally and out of duty of the heart.
i think after war games and all, we obviously see him transform more and more into Batman. his civilian life that used to be as equal and important as robin became more withdrawn, a little less genuine and more tactic based? it was an understandable progression given all the losses he had been dealt with. the charms that came from him as a well-rounded person with academic/emotional intelligence were sort of lessened to tools to help enhance robin/red robin’s missions rather than.. ykno.. actually make good connections with people.
can’t say much bout the new52/rebirth as i hadn’t taken in much of Tim’s characters as vividly as his 90s series.. but i do commend the dc writers on letting Tim talk about how much he likes bernard and why.. feel like the last few timsteph content (minus some of the yj stuff) started to feel stale and was just Steph sulking around him (pls don’t hate meeee, there were cute moments but i missed the tension and chemistry from their original run)
i think he’s an incredibly interesting character and if there are to be any other live action depictions, I’d rather they take inspo from the robin series than anything else. let him be the well-liked guy who seems to be doing well in everything and then we can dive into the dynamics with his father, with Batman and other authorities in his life.
also i reckon if damian hadn’t met Tim through his connection to Batman, he would’ve had similar kind of dynamic as he does with dick 😭 idk i love looking at the parallels b/w tim and dick. tim wouldn’t obv give as much grace to damian as dick does, nor can he intimidate him through any means of physical combat like jason (i giggled writing this bc Damian doesnt take Jason seriously but atleast they’re both aware that they both need to reel in the violence). idkidk they’d have a fun back and forth relationship and Tim being the strategist he is would put Damian’s strengths to good use and Damian would respect that.
ok let me stop this rant once and for all bc i have actual tasks i need to get done but i lauv tim drake if u couldn’t tell! if there are any points of this essay that doesn’t make sense, that’s fair bc pls let me reiterate that my memory is not the strongest soldier and i could be mixing iterations of tim from all places saur yeahhh
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capcavan · 9 months
A switch with medicated Andrew is definitely most likely to actually work out for Riko, while Nicky Aaron and Kevin would notice something’s off Nicky and Aaron wouldn’t be confident enough to do anything about it I don’t think and Kevin at that point could be convinced that anything he’s seeing that’s more Riko and less Andrew is actually just his mind/subconscious playing tricks on him. If Neil’s arrived it’s still early so he hasn’t gotten as clued into understanding Andrew yet. If anyone’s going to figure it out and do something about this it’s Renee. 
But I was actually also thinking about after Riko is *dead* / post series if he actually bides his time for a bit so everyone believes he’s dead and then bodyswaps with Andrew. I can’t think of a way Neil wouldn’t figure it out early on so I’m going to say one of Riko’s very first moves is to take Neil out of the equation he probably has him trapped/being tortured somewhere (I think he has to maintain a few Nest allies for this to work) and lines up the specifics so it seems like Neil’s run away again. Riko very much is jealous of/wants revenge on Neil Andrew and Kevin separately and also wants Kevin for himself so metaphorically killing Neil’s image in the eyes of his found family and stealing Andrew’s bodily autonomy and life are honestly the perfect ways to hurt them based on their characters (also lines up with the ways he had them tortured in winter trying to break Neil’s sense of identity in the Nest + rob Andrew of his control publicly and privately). However I think where things begin to unravel for Riko here are that he would try to seduce Kevin as Andrew in the aftermath of Neil running away but by that point Kevin who understands Andrew better now and knows the significance of Andreil would very much see this as Andrew attempting to hurt/sabotage himself and wouldn’t participate in that even if he still has feelings, he’s also progressed past being second and would assert that. I think that would sooo throw Riko for a loop because since when does Kevin have boundaries he can assert especially as a way of caring for/protecting someone else, and what has Andrew ever done to deserve that over Riko? He’d generally see Andrew as having a charmed life he doesn’t deserve (which is really funny because Andrew’s life is the opposite of that but from Riko’s pov he has a lot of people who care about him for being him and that’s more than he has (actually an interesting parallel to how Neil sees the monsters dynamics and is jealous of them when he arrives)). He would definitely be found out I could see it lasting between a week and a month if we’re going minimum/maximum, probably Aaron Kevin and Renee together figure it out and then force a swap back but the aftermath would also be pretty sweeping. But in the moment Riko would have to jump through serious hoops to even try to maintain it and I think that could be fascinating. 
(I’ll come back later with more stuff about Andrew in Riko’s body in both versions later) 
I will reblog this later and add to it sorry for keeping it in ask box few days was busy and wanted to write to it but had no time so far ! but i know few other ppl was very excited for it as well <3
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rei-does-stuff · 2 years
Rambles abt g5 bc I have brainrot
-I rlly like that Pipp is shorter than the rest of the cast, I think it’s rlly neat
-Opaline is such a fun camp villain and I love her, sure she doesn’t have as much depth as other villains but she’s so entertaining and fun and what more can I ask for? Don’t understand why ppl hate her so much (I don’t even think her design is that bad, it’s neat imo)
-I will say her treatment of Misty is a little too real for me, that manipulation hurts man
-It rlly sucks that g5 brushables are so bad because compared to all the other brushables even not as well liked ones like g3.5 and g4.5 they don’t rlly have any charm, which sucks bc I’d love to get some merch of g5 but the brushables just aren’t very good
-The reason Twilight doesn’t look good in g5 is because it IS accurate to g4, and twilight’s design wasn’t made for 3d, the eyebrows being black are good for the style of g4 but in g5 they clash, and she just doesn’t work that well in the g5 style
-Izzy and Sunny are so gay like it’s overt it’s not even funny, I genuinely will not be surprised if they end up together eventually (even if it’s covert like appledash at the end of g4)
-Also Zipp is so overtly trans-coded like again, it’s not even funny, wouldn’t be surprised if they had an episode discussing gender identity especially it’s getting more acceptable to show nonbinary and trans characters in animation (Take Frankie from monster high g3 being nonbinary now)
-I genuinely like the addition of Zipp being all detective like, it’s a fun addition to her character especially since she didn’t have too much screen time in the movie, it also separates her from rainbow dash a lot more
-Hitch being a single Dragon Dad is fun, I love it I just wish they kept more of his traits from the movie, it still seems they’re struggling to write him a bit, it’s getting better tho
-Characters in order faves are:
Love all the characters but I just like some slightly more
-Love that posey is still a bitch, like yeah she might not be racist anymore but she’s still the worst, it’s great
-Queen haven is neat as always! Don’t like her still referring to Zipp by her full name, since Zipp told her not too, but it’s only a few times so It’s not too bad
-Jazz and the other pony who works at the salon are very neat additions, I like that they’re recurring characters
-I really wish they used more of Sprout, he’s just a background character now and I feel like for such an important part of the movie he should’ve had more stuff
-Same with characters like alphabittle and Phyllis, esp alphabittle like show him again, the two only make small appearances in tyt and I want more
-I really like how a lot of the mane 5 have like, jobs, and shit, it’s neat idk
-I also love that they all live together it’s very cute
-I really like how they’re establishing every character’s insecurities it’s neat and can lead to a lot of good episodes
-I genuinely don’t like how they released all 8 episodes at once, bingeing a series isn’t as fun as watching them weekly plus it gives more time for discussion and stuff
-I really want more episodes
Yeah that’s all I think
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feelin-woozy · 3 years
Just curious about what general headcanons you have for danny. Just general Sfw and nsfw. Lay it on me make it as dark and gross and fucked up as you want i live for that shit.
I gotta lot of thoughts on our boy Danny.
Tw: Dub con, abuse / toxic relationships
He's a minimalist, he's always on the go so he doesn't tend to have a lot to his name. There might be a few possessions that he holds kind of dear to himself but nothing much. I imagine he'd have like, a storage locker somewhere for those kind of items that hold some meaning to him but are too big to lug around with him.
With that, I think he's also a neat freak. If he's cooking, he's a clean as he goes kind of things. All his notes for work are kept very neat and orderly, even if they don't look it, there are intricate systems that he works within and can tell you what's in every one of those piles.
Fucking hilarious guy, will make you laugh till you're crying and can't breathe.
He's a social chameleon, very good at blending in with people and seeming super unsuspecting and charming. The kind of man you could bring home to meet your parents and they'd think he was lovely for you.
Anything that's a relationship with him is purely accidental. You fill some part of him that he didn't know he needed filling. Don't think he's going to be sweet on you all the time, he might be sweet on you sometimes but he's still has anti social personality disorder and don't think that you're going to 'fix him'
Being with you is a convenience, you know what he does so he doesn't have to be someone else around you, sex without having to be someone else and having a partner is good for his image.
Regardless of if you are or not, he'd try and make it known you're dispensable. If he truly needs you, he doesn't want you to know that. He doesn't want you to have that kind of leverage over him.
Also if you ever try and leave him, he'll kill you. There won't be any second chances. He doesn't have time to babysit you, so either be a good little pet for him or end up the next headline.
Danny is a hard dom, that said, if he's dating someone, he likes if they're a brat. There are however stipulations with this. One. You know at the end of the day, he's the one in charge and you are below him. Two. You know your place and don't push past that place. It's something that keeps him stimulated, the submission is important because he has an ego BUT you being bratty and PRETENDING to think you're better than you are (key word is pretending), is hot to him and he enjoys putting you in your place.
The aforementioned point isn't something he always wants though, he enjoys it but it would piss him off if you're bratty during sex all the time. Again, he's got an ego.
You will be recorded during sex and you will have your photos taken. That's just, that's a given and he frankly doesn't care if you don't want it to happen or not lmao.
Huge sadist, he likes to hurt you. Loves leaving bruises and cuts all over you. Wants to make you cry.
Flipside of that, he's actually good at aftercare. I wouldn't go as far to say the aftercare is because he loves you or cares about your wellbeing but it traps you in this kind of false security. It's very toxic of 'yeah he knocks you around during sex but he's so sweet and caring after that you can't leave him!'
Incredibly possessive. You probably have a collar like THIS that you have to wear. It's unsuspecting to most people but the point is, it's a way for him to stake his claim.
Breeding kink but doesn't actually want kids. Will not engage in it unless he knows you are on birth control / have had a hysto. Also isn't limited to AFAB ppl, he'll talk about breeding you if you're AMAB too, the concept of claiming you in such a way is the draw for him.
I actually think this would be such a thing that he himself would get a vasectomy.
Some other things he's into are phone sex, voyeurism, restraints, edging, knife play, has a really filthy mouth.
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
Hi hi hi, First thing, I legit love your theme sm-
Second thing, I was wondering if I could maybe request a fic where Fred is best friends with a gryffindor fem!reader who try’s to stay in the shadows but he and George are basically her best friends who she loves with all her heart bc they treat her kindly and don’t try to over push her limits and Fred always try’s to check up on her every other night because he wants to make sure she doesn’t get too lonely (they have a really fluffy relationship) and time skip to him asking her to the Yule ball and then dancing with her in private where they can still hear the music but where ppl can’t see because he knows she doesn’t like crowds and idrk just fluffy and they end up kissing or smth
Anyway, have a good day and don’t feel pressured to do this okay! Drink some water and eat some food.
hi, darling!!! thank u so much for the request, also if anyone else has sent me a request i’ll be working on them this weekend. i hope this is what you wanted :))
not a yule ball
fred weasley x fem!gryffindor!reader
summary: fred and you have your own yule ball.
warnings: food, mentions of loneliness, mentions of claustrophobia, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of alcohol, fred being a sweet heart, TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, mutual pining but freddie being a simp, a KISS, a light slap (like on the chest?), mentions of spiking drinks with alcohol and mentions of a panic attack
word count: 2.2k
“when are you gonna tell her, mate?” george said looking at his ginger twin. “tell who, what?” he said defensively, afraid that he had made his feelings to obvious. “are you forgetting we’re magical twins? i know everything.” george said smugly, smirking and looking back at his newest invention while fred went to lay on his four poster bed.
fred was about to defend himself, lying at the fact his twin caught him dreaming about his crush who also happened to be his bestfriend, besides george of course. “you can barely stomach the thought of her getting pranked, i know you better than yourself it’s not that hard to tell” his twin looked back to his him as fred grumbled something under his breath.
he was about to continue his plea to his fiery headed twin as you, you’re gorgeous locks framing your face, your perfect coloured irises looked for him first, the way your skin looked good in every shade of lighting and the way your figure made its way over to his sitting beside his laying figure.
“you alright, freddie? you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” you said looking at the red head confused. his eyes widened before sitting up next to you. “yeah, you alright love? look a bit fidgety.” he said as you were wringing your fingers together and george smirked over to fred before getting up going to the common room.
“alright, i guess. for transfiguration mcgonagall partnered me with people i don’t really know so i have to meet them in the library soon. i dunno, it’s stupid m’just nervous” you mumbled, embarrassed before looking at him. he scooted closer to you and placing a hand on your arm.
“darling, if you want i can talk to her, i mean she favours us gryffindors and i can tell her i’ll lay off the pranks and stuff?” he said quickly before adding, “i just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” he said in a sorrowful tone, rubbing his hand up and down your arm before pulling you into a hug. his hands rested on your waist as your arms winded their way around his neck and your head on his shoulder.
“no..no... m’fine i’ll just get over it, i have to go but i’ll see you and georgie later?” you said standing up, smoothing down your skirt and walking towards the door. “yeah?” “of course darling, i couldn’t leave you alone even if i wanted too.” and with that you were off to the library. a few seconds later the other mischievous twin apparated into the dorm and pouncing on fred’s bed.
“damn, didn’t know you were that whipped.” george added, with a laugh. “oh, bugger off!” the long haired ginger, yelled hitting george with a pillow.
later that evening fred couldn’t keep his mind off you, and your well being. he always knew that you tended to distance yourself, normally not on purpose but it was a habit that he always wanted to help you break. he knew like it was written on the back of his hand that large crowds made you nervous, he also knew that that when you were nervous you would pull on your favourite ring he made you for your birthday. you tended to like things homemade things rather than store bought, when you were nervous you would bounce your leg to the point where he would have to grab your leg to stop it.
he memorized every quirk, every indication of a mood change and he knew when things were good or bad. he didn’t think he was whipped, he thought this was what friends normally for other friends. that was until he saw you flip your hair a certain way, or loosen that gryffindor tie of yours and he absolutely wanted to kiss you senseless. he hadn’t told you, or george for that matter because he didn’t want to ruin the strong friendship you had built since second year when he helped you through a panic attack after snape had embarrassed you infront of the whole class.
‘maybe i should check on her... i don’t want to be to clingy?’ he thought to himself.
he opted to go to your dormitory, biding past the charm on the staircase and knocking on your door twice, an indication it was him before seeing you on your lay on your twin bed chipping away at your nail polish. “anything you wanna talk about?” he said before hopping on your bed sitting back on your headboard.
“it wasn’t bad, just frustrating.” you said looking into his brown irises through your dark eyelashes. “cormac kept speaking over me, he just kept interrupting and it was frustrating.” you mumbled before looking back at your fingernails.
“you had mclaggen in your group? absolutely not, i’m talking to mcgonagall.” he said, trying to stand up but not before you grabbed his hand pulling it back down. he got flustered at the completely innocent gesture, face flaring up, stomach getting tingly and his heart feeling like it could burst from his chest.
“you freddie, aren’t doing anything.” you sigh, “i’ll just work through it, it’s only a few days.” you giggled before adding, “plus if you’re coming to check on me, then i really don’t mind.” you say scrunching your nose in his direction before padding over to your desk to grab something.
if fred was flustered before, everything that had just occurred inside of his body exhilarated one hundred times harder. you WANTED him to come see you, and check on you. fred was of course, quite the flirt and he mostly new what to say to girls. but with a girl as gorgeous, and caring as you, you had him completely speechless.
“hey- you ate today right? drank water, took care of yourself? i know you forget sometimes, angel...” he said sheepishly fumbling with his ring-clad fingers looking at his lap. you smiled at his ability for care for someone, you of all people, “yeah... yeah, hermione brought me stuff.” you looked at him before grabbing a makeup wipe and looking in the mirror.
“i should- i should go me and george.... are working on a new prank, so i’m gonna go.” he said before walking to the door,
“see you tomorrow, freddie?”
“see you tomorrow, darling.”
the first bit of the semester quickly approached, the sooner you were to christmas, the sooner was... the yule ball. a ball with teenagers, dancing, fancy clothes and people trying to subtly drink alcohol... i mean who wouldn’t love it? you. you definitely did not love it. big sweaty crowds, with music you probably wouldn’t like, and drink spiking with god knows what liquor.
i mean as long as the clothes were ugly you definitely didn’t mind, and seeing fred in a suit was something you also definitely did not mind either but the claustrophobia of it all really made you want to lay in your bed and have a nice and long nap.
george’s reminders of fred’s pining definitely didn’t help either, fred wanted to go with you of course but he also knew that you definitely weren’t fond of big groups. so he had a brewing idea bubbling in that gorgeous mind of his, and the room of requirement. he had went to george with the idea hoping that it was a way to have a fun time in your own way, the more sensitive twin of the bunch agreed it was great idea.
after working on a 4ft scroll for potions, you were about to go find your 2 prankster bestfriends when you heard a double knock at the door and then the creak of it opening. you’re favourite fiery redhead walked in without his normal strut, and padded in nervously with his gaze strictly at the floor before sheepishly looking at you. “are you busy..?” he said before walking closer.
you set your quill down and look back at him and cock an eyebrow, “no...why?” you said nervously, hoping he wasn’t about to prank you considering he hadn’t since the beginning of term.
“i wanted to take you somewhere.., that’s if your not busy” he said interlocking his fingers together looking back at you. “no i’ve just done all my homework..” you stuck your hand out, “take me to the secret man cave where you test all your pranks on the innocent.” you said giggling while he interlocks your fingers together.
you guys roam around the castle till he guides you up the astronomy tower, the sky painted hues of red and orange.
“i’ve never looked at the view from up here...” you say flashing your irises towards him then back at the sunset. “yeah, it’s stunning.” he says, staring directly at your (BEAUTIFULLY CARVED) side profile, “oh yeah, the sunsets alright too” he said with a chuckle, untangling your fingers and brining his arm around your waist.
you look back at the lanky red head before lightly slapping your hand against his chest and looking up at him. “such a flirt, weasley.” you say looking back at the fading sky.
“go to the ball with me.”
“well that’s demanding.”
“well, get a pretty dress, do your hair all nice or don’t you look gorgeous at every moment of the day” fred wasn’t sure where this surge of gryffindor confidence came from, but he wasn’t exactly going to back down now.
“and don’t worry we’re not gonna be around sweaty, horny teenagers... i’ve got a surprise.” he says looking at you with smirk, oh he new you all too well.
“yeah freddie, i’ll go to a not yule ball with you”
then night was tonight, a pretty dress that excentuated every dip, curve and line of your body. you chose gryffindor red for house pride, even thought nobody would see it besides fred. you had done your makeup to perfectly match your completion, and done a hair style that exactly matched the hair type that laid on your head. your tresses, makeup and dress all compliment each-other. you look in the mirror a little more, wringing your fingers together before looking up at the door.
fred opened the door, leaning on its frame. his hair was long, not styled but you had always liked it better messy anyways. he was dressed in brown and black dress robes and if you thought fred was attractive before? you really thought we was beautiful now.
“you’re-... wow. everything is wow, you’re just so beautiful” fred said, looking you up and down analyzing your hair, face, and dress. “freddie, you look... really good” you nervously laughed before walking up to his lanky figure.
he grabbed your hand and brought you through the hallways, he also had made you cover your eyes and guided you once you reached a certain hallway. your movements were put to a halt when he whispered to you that were were almost there, you stood before a few seconds before you heard his footsteps again. ‘was he.... pacing?’ you thought to yourself. he grabbed your hand again before bringing you in a room.
“okay... open your eyes”
you quickly opened your eyes, a giant ballroom, with a instruments charmed to play your favourite music and fred to your left grinning like an idiot.
“oh my merlin.... did you do all this for me?” you say looking at him in the eyes, eyebrows scrunched and tearing welling in your eyes. “sweaty teenagers, bad music and spiked drinks with fire whisky aren’t really your favourite but i still wanted you to have a good evening. so i opted for this.” he said before looking at the floor then back at you.
“fred, i cannot fathom how amazing you are.” you said with a squeal before kissing his cheek and running to the middle of the floor. “c’mon now! don’t waste the music, dance with me!”
and with that, he was off. some songs were fast, some songs were slow. but then your favourite slow song came and he knew no matter how much protesting his brain was saying, george’s little voice was much to over powering. “i can see those gears in your head moving, care to tell me what your thinking about?”
“i’m going to need you to elaborate, please.” she always has a smooth way with words, he thought.
“everything, you’re everything. you mean everything to me.” fred definitely wasn’t a nervous, butterfly in the stomach and flustered guy but for for you we was tripping over his feet and becoming beet red at the slightest touch from you.
“kiss me.” for being such a closed off girl, you sure were bold. you said it more of a statement rather than a question but fred didn’t care, in that moment he only wanted to kiss the girl that also wanted to kiss him.
he moved his hand to your cheek, stroking it with his thumb. he moved forward engaging you in a kiss, it was slow, passionate and it was something you had been both waiting for. you pulled away for a second to let your lungs breath but not before he captured your lips again moving faster, his grip on your waist tighted.
“merlin, i’ve been waiting to do that”
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aclosetfan · 4 years
the pet peeve/pettiest opinion i have abt this fandom is how sometimes ppl portray the blues w/o any substance and/or any sort of depth like they do the greens and reds🤝
I don’t even think this is petty, it’s just true 🤷‍♀️ it seriously irks me to no end. I’m so glad you brought this up!!! lmaooo short response is I 100% agree with you.  unfortunately, I agree with you so much I wrote a whole freaking essay, which can be found under the cut. I could rant about this all day long. I don’t even care. The blues are such a disappointing couple :( I wish fic writers would cut out the cutesy pure bs that you find so often with these two.
I really think that the biggest problem with the blues (and Boomer) is all rooted in Bubbles’ characterization. I think she’s the most difficult for people to write because she’s the least “problematic.” And a lot of people don’t know what to do with her because no one can relate to unproblematic. She’s written as (excuse the annoying early 2010s expression, but it fits) the perfect cinnamon bun and there’s no conflict if a character doesn’t have some kind of internal conflict, they’re boring! They get tossed to the side!! Blossom is often written struggling with leadership and perfectionism. Buttercup is often written struggling with impulsiveness and aggression. People relate to them because they’ve “gone through things” most people have experienced themselves. Fic writers like writing Bloss and BC for the same reason because you can only write what you know! But shoot, writers still got to place Bubbles in somehow! So she’s either an airhead, or a crybaby, or too innocent/naïve, or the uwu character, which is good for a few laughs but 🤷‍♀️ it gets pretty 2D and old real quick. Her biggest issue in the show was people babying her, but usually, that conflict is written off in fics with one simple “OH so she’s actually a badass” scene and that’s like it?? It’s never visited again?? (Even though all her solo episodes focus on her accepting who she is despite what others think so idk if badass scenes actually do her justice. She’s a lover not a fighter at the end of the day tbh.) It’s understandable though. I struggle with Bubbles because I’m not as optimistic as her character, and I certainly don’t relate to being “the joy and laughter.” It’s hard writing someone whose fanon character is interpreted as practically flawless. In ppg fics you’re also juggling a big group of characters, so it’s advantageous to rely on the simpler archetype tropes. So, I think it’s easier for people to set Bubbles up in a relationship than explore her more thoroughly since she’s the sensitive one who would be into the lovey-dovey stuff. Further, if you want to give readers a break from the heavier themes of your main plot, having a cute side pairing is a good safe escape. Not a lot of thought is needed to make those relationships work. And since Boomer’s just there and also underdeveloped, they get paired together. And because people (rightly) want to stray from the predator/prey trope because Bubbles is just so Pure(tm) and the trope feels assault-y, writers make Boomer inherently good. But now you’re just stuck with two good, cute characters. That’s it. And because their plot in the story revolves around their romantic relationship, it's their relationship that is the only thing that aids in their character development. The blues make up the lighthearted B-plot (but probably more like C-plot because the greens are usually B-plot material) The blues seem to follow two tropes: 1. Pure childhood crushes—Boomer was always good and wants to do good by Bubbles and she wants to “protect” him from his “mean” brothers 2. Bubbles “fixes” Boomer, but he really doesn’t need any fixing in the first place because he was good all along, he just needed encouragement. (Weird side note, have you noticed how Bubbles is always like “Boomie you’re NOT stupid” and then all the sudden it’s like the boy has a PhD) And I'm not faulting anyone for having a b-plot relationship with the blues. If it’s done right, being in a relationship does wonders for people! But relationships are work and without the blues having their personalities developed OUTSIDE the relationship, there’s no “work” to be done. They’re just the Perfect Couple and it’s boring. Don’t get me wrong, I like the pairing (it’s v cute), but what’s nice about the greens and the reds is that each individual character has usually been personalized (Butch not so much, in my opinion, his character generally revolves around BC, but bear with me for argument's sake), which makes their relationships with other characters fun to read. The greens and the reds are flushed out because their most basic archetypes are the most relatable and easiest to write. The Blues, though, just seem to get together. Bubbles is a hard character to write, so by default, so is Boomer. They have no conflict outside each other that would trigger character development. They flirt, sometimes Bubbles resists, then they’re together. She’s the cutest thing ever and he’s a simp for it. Easy, fluffy, they fade to the background because now that they’re together what happens to them next?? Irl people either get married or they break up. Most of these fics are high school AUs, so they can’t get married, and no one wants the cute ones to break up, so they just start to enter and exit the story as convenient segues. And that’s disappointing because individually they could be so interesting. Bubbles has to struggle with the fact that people infantize her. Her ideas are often dismissed, people treat her like a ditz, and her ability to be a hero is often called into question because she’s the one who seeks peaceful alternatives, and when she DOESNT seek those alternatives, people in the show freak out and become scared. Like I said before, most bubbles centric episodes focus on her accepting her sensitive side and using it to overcome a conflict. Also, HIM’s like her main villain in all her episodes. and, shit, one of her nicknames is literally Chubbles. She’s been called fat a few times. There’s so much a writer can do with her conflict-wise. Optimism and sensitivity don’t equal naivety, we don’t have to make her Pure. In fact, it’d be way more fun to see her trying to show everyone that she’s no longer a child but a young woman. And Boomer has like 3 episodes, right? Maybe 4? Literally in all of them, he’s a bratty little boy. He carries slugs in his pockets. He’s bad at trash talking. Easily distracted. Fights with his brothers. Dumb and chaotic. Good at spitting. He doesn’t put Bubbles on a pedestal. He wants to beat her up. He’s not a good guy. Bubbles thinks he’s cute. That’s literally all we know about him lmao. He wouldn’t be soft so why would what we know translate into a boring unproblematic underdeveloped boy?? You can write him unfulfilled. You could write him stuck in his brothers’ shadows. You could write him as a weirdo who’s obsessed with bugs (to match bubbles animal obsession). In my head, if Brick’s the smart one and Butch is the strong one, I make Boomer the charming one. And charming boys are dangerous boys 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️he probably had to charm his way out of plenty of dumb situations. I also make him unluckily lucky since he gets captured by the girls in one episode, but he still makes it out just fine. Everything bad that could happen happens to him but Boomer’s like “eh 🤷‍♀️ It’ll blow over. Lol already died once. What can ya do?” So you've got a girl who is never taken seriously and a boy who takes nothing seriously and yall really think their relationship would be unproblematic??? Individually, these two characters could be fun to write if the fic author plans it out correctly! Idk why their relationship wouldn't be either. If you want a compelling romance, you’ve got to make compelling characters. 
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wthtorke · 4 years
Wild Fire.
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A lil background first, s/o is a pyromaniac and well, he’s murdered ppl as well lmao
Jesse wanted a bit of fun, so he started researching some crazy-ass motherfuckers like him because one, he was bored and two, someone had the gall to tell him he needed some friends.
Out of 10 files in his hands, he picks out two.
One of a strange masked man and another one that’s blurry as fuck because there’s a raging fire in the background, but he can make out the faint outline of a face.
All the info they had on them didn’t make one full page.
Jesse loved a good challenge.
So Jesse sets his people on the hunt for these men. The pyromaniac seemed to move a lot while the masked man had one very broad area of terror.
It was fun, being on the chase he set up, seeing rushed pictures, asking around, torturing people to get answers. It was fun.
It was really fun.
The masked man, 'The Collector' as he came to know, noticed something was off and disappeared while the pyromaniac called him from a disposable phone to ask why the fuck was he 'snooping up on his shit'.
Jesse couldn't recall the last time he'd laughed that hard. How the fuck did he even get the number? Well, it didn't matter now, it would later, but it didn't matter now.
Not as he set up a 'date' with the pyromaniac, surprised when he showed up, sitting across Jesse in some restaurant they agreed on. Jesse had at least 3 snipers ready to blow his brains up had he tried anything.
He let him know and in return, he also said the place was littered with explosives and that they'd both most definitely die.
Jesse has never had a more fun date.
As time went by, they grew closer and closer, Jesse liked the absolute chaos the man could bring up in such a short time and the awfully charming and interesting conversation he could muster up. But what he loved more was the contrast of that to the moans he made when Jesse was buried to the hilt in his ass.
They still had to find The Collector, however. Jesse's partner had one look at the file and made a small 'ooh, I know how to get him'.
Hell, he fucking did actually.
He was the one survivor in one of The Collector’s little games, pretending to be scared and even crying as he was shoved in a trunk, the micro-camera in his shirt giving Jesse one hell of a show.
Jesse worked quickly so his partner wouldn't, well, be tortured by Asa just yet. Jesse talked to Asa, and Asa didn't really have anywhere to run. Even if he killed the man he captured, Jesse would still know.
So he played their game, getting...really into it somewhere between letting his newest piece (who also seems to be his partner now) out of his trunk and months later when the same man kissed him breathlessly in the shower in one of Jesse's houses.
The three had done some work together, each having fun with victims and then having fun with each other back home.
One time, however, things didn't go according to plan.
Jesse doesn't really know where or when things went wrong. All he knew was the cold spike up his spine when he saw the knife sinking into their 'Butterfly's abs as two escapees ganged up on him after running from Jesse himself.
The last thing Jesse's brain registered was the distressed, painful cry that left his lover’s throat.
When he came back to himself, there was blood. Blood, bits of face, flesh, and scalp in his hands. His knives were filthy, his boots were beyond salvation.
And then Asa.
Asa shook his shoulder while still holding a very pale man in his arms, his hands struggling to press his own mangled shirt to his abs to contain all the blood.
The ringing stopped. Jesse got them out of there, calling the doctors he always had set and prepared in case things went wrong.
And things went very wrong.
The surgery lasted many hours, more than Jesse had the patience to wait for, Asa himself couldn't stay still.
'He's gonna be okay' was the phrase that had them both finally breathing again. Jesse rarely thought about other people, he didn't have to.
Normally, he'd say 'nice' and go out again, call to have news if he felt worried, and only set foot in there when the man could at least walk again.
But he couldn't do that this time.
He didn't want to, he couldn't bring himself to even think about leaving them now.
Asa took a few days off work and they wouldn't really leave the house, both knowing the man was resting upstairs, still unconscious from the surgery, still breathing shallowly. 
The blade hadn’t gone too deep, he wouldn't have trouble eating or well, shitting.
''He pulled back a bit in time,' the doctor said, 'it was just a fright'.
When he woke up, they were both at his side.
He was... surprised like he didn't expect them to be there.
But happy, nonetheless. 
As the days go by and he slowly recovers, he finds himself always in the company of one of them. Jesse pressed into his good side, arm wrapped around him, resting against the couch. Jesse's face buried into his neck, peppering kisses up and down his neck, stopping briefly to nip at his earlobe before a hand came up to his face, Jesse bringing his face closer to kiss his face while he himself just wanted to watch some damn TV.
Not that he was complaining, though. He definitely didn’t mind the open displays of affection he was getting. It was good to be pampered, and he was enjoying every second of it, sighing every time he thought about it ending when he got better.
Asa himself was more attentive, letting his hand drag back and forth as he caressed whatever part of him he could reach, be it his arm, his shoulder, letting his fingers drag into his hair, holding his hand when he was reading by his side and just holding him close as he dozed off to some documentary about spiders playing in the background.
As he got better and better, the wound fading into a pink scar, they were finally given the green sign to...resume their bedroom activities.
If he had thought he was being pampered, he definitely wasn't prepared for the amount of touching, praise, and kisses he got their first night back together.
Asa would whisper into his ear as Jesse kissed down his chest, stopping briefly over the fresh, sensitive scar, softly blowing over it, and smirking at the slight shiver he felt underneath him.
Usually, they’d go for over one round. There were three of them, rarely all of them felt sated with just one, but all three were pent up and tired, stressed from all the days of recovery so he soon found himself sandwiched between the two most dangerous murderers he'd ever met, panting, hot, sweaty and coming down from the high of their orgasms.
Jesse turned on the ac and just slumped back into bed, barely pulling up the skull-printed boxers around his hips as he wrapped his arms around the tired pyromaniac between them. Asa mostly let Jesse hold him, just draping an arm over him but making sure they tangled their legs, so he'd know he was also there.
That they weren't going anywhere, ever.
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oatmealcookie02 · 4 years
Choi’s parents (headcanons based on some game facts~)
NOTE! I’m not trying to justify twins’ mother’s actions; i’m trying to find a reason why she became like this. Please, don’t abuse your children^^
“CM” - Mother Choi (i don’t wanna use “MC” xD) “PM” - Prime Minister (their dad)
We know almost nothing about CM - we can only suggest that her hair is red (bc PM’s hair is shown to be different color), which is a really rare hair color (*laughs in V*). That fact made me think that CM might’ve been a foreigner. 
I imagine her being that typical young and naive girl who thought that she’ll find a place in live and bright future by moving in different country. That decision would probably upset her family (if she had one) and make them being in bad relashionship with her (if they weren’t already).
Now to the soon-to-be prime minister. You know, I really doubt that PM would bang just any call-girl (that would be dangerous for his reputation - he already has family; also he would’ve hired professionals, who wouldn’t get pregante that easily) and he DEFINETLY hadn’t sex just with some random alcoholic psycho woman.  That’s why I think that PM could’ve meet CM at work - you know, basic set up, a boss and their assistant. 
He’s a handsome and charming accomplished man, she’s a beautiful, exotic (idk her nationality but if she did had red hair...), and very naive young woman. PM is super cunning (i mean, he is a politician) so it would probably take just a couple of weeks flirting for CM to fall for him. PM planned just a quick affair but whoops she got pregnant.
As someone naive she just told PM about this “problem”, hoping to resolve it somehow; the best way for PM to deal with it would be just killing CM - she’s alone, no family or good friends, no one will think about it much. But CM somehow learned about it or just managed to escape the trap; either way, she tried to hide.
She felt heartbroken but she still decided to keep the child. Maybe she tried to prove something to herself, maybe an abortion was against her morals, maybe she just tried to be optimistic; but she took the courage, found some underpaid job (she still had to hide from PM so being officially employed would be dangerous for her). She started to save money, found some cheap house, and was preparing for a baby but whoops buy one - get one for free! You got twins, baby!
Even if she had what one child needed, she couldn’t afford two of them! But what other choice does she have now? She had to try to raise two babies.
Of course, she had to quit her job - there’s no way you can work having two infants alone. Raising children is expensive, hiring nanny is expensive, living is expensive. And since she couldn’t find a job, the only way to get money was to manipulate PM. CM probably thought that once kids grow up a bit and she’ll be able to work she’ll stop this at once, but... that never happened.
Poverty, hunger, constant stress, loneliness, paranoya (bc of possibility that PM will find them), postpartum depression, all that couldn’t but effect CM’s mental health. She tried her best raising kids, she loved them of course, but she was becoming more and more unstable. Eventually (i think at twins’ age of 2-3) she began to drink alcohol, sometimes throw a tantrum at her kids. A few years later she lost her mind completely, starting to abuse them and constantly being drunk.
Why I think that she wasn’t like that from the start? Once again, PM wouldn’t get so close with a crazy woman. Also the twins wouldn’t survive that long if she was beating them from the start. 
More then that, if a baby is being raised without love&care then it’s a very high possibility that they’ll grow up underdeveloped and slow in mind; twins, however, have amazing mental capacities. Also, without someone to talk to them, their social skills wouldn’t be so good when they were 5-6 (we had a flashback from 15 years ago). //this is based on things i learned at my kids psychology classes in uni//
They might not remember this due to being very young or getting trauma from all of this; but I really think that their mother did care about them from the start. 
She could’ve get rid of them long time ago; they could’ve die from not being watched enough. Also a few short facts:
- Saeran once says “I wish mom would hate me too, then I could’ve go outside with you” - CM probably guessed that weak Saeran won’t survive that long outside so she never sended him on arrands (like she did with Seven); - While she was screaming at Saeran (that he’s a bug; that this worls isn’t made for the outcasts like they are) it looked like she really was warning him. Well, of course she was drunk and mental, but I think she tried to explain to son how things work (from her point of view) in this world. She basically was teaching him to survive, saying that he should just accept his position and try not to get in troubles (which is again, wrong, but true from her point of view). - Again with Saeyoung going on arrands; how did he know where to go? She might have brought him with her to the shops and all when he was still young (or she just explained where the shops are really well).
I don’t think that there’re people who just born evil, I believe that ppl who does evil things were just poorly raised or had lots of troubles in life, that’s why I tried to understand CM. 
Also, it does kinda sound like something Cheritz would make canon xD
Anyway! Thank you so much for reading this! It was really hard to write for me (since i suck at english) but I wanted to share my headcanons^^ If you have your headcanons on this topic and opinions, please comment (here, or in twitter, or in insta), it’ll be very interesting to know your position!
Thanks again and have a nice day!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXLIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I knew ppl were going to drop my fic in this book bc I made things complicated but I don’t regret the plot— did it still made me sad? yes it sure did -Danny
Words: 5,256
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘No Control’ -by Dylan Reynolds
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Chapter Five: The New Routine.
Dumbledore knocked on the door three times and Mrs Weasley's voice was quick to answer.
"Who's there? Declare yourself!"
"It is I, Dumbledore, bringing Harry. Mel and Erick are with us."
"Harry, dear!" Mrs Weasley opened the door at once, letting them in. "Mel! Erick! Gracious, Albus, you gave me a fright, you said not to expect you before morning!"
"We were lucky, Slughorn proved much more persuadable than I had expected. The children's doing, of course. Ah, hello, Nymphadora!"
"Hello, Professor... Wotcher, kids."
"Hi, Tonks."
Tonks was looking remarkably grim, Mel looked around the kitchen.
"Where's my mum?"
"I told her to go to bed," Mrs Weasley said sweetly, "it's almost midnight, the baby kept her up last night and she needed to sleep."
"I'd better be off," Tonks stood up. "Thanks for the tea and sympathy, Molly."
"Please don't leave on my account," said Dumbledore, "I cannot stay, I have urgent matters to discuss with Rufus Scrimgeour."
"No, no, I need to get going," She replied. "'Night —"
"Dear, why not come to dinner at the weekend, Remus and Mad-Eye are coming — ?"
"My uncle's coming?" Mel asked with excitement.
"No, really, Molly... thanks anyway..." Tonks said tensely. "Good night, everyone."
"Well, I shall see you at Hogwarts," Dumbledore told them. "Take care of yourself. Molly, your servant."
He and Tonks disapparated, Erick spoke up.
"You have a lovely house, Mrs Weasley."
"Oh dear, well, we do make an effort on making it cosy," Mrs Weasley smiled.  "You're like Ron, all of you, you look as though you've had Stretching Jinxes put on you. I swear Ron's grown four inches since I last bought him school robes. Are you hungry?"
"Yeah, I am," said Harry.
"A bit," Erick agreed.
Mel sat down between them, she was quite pleased about Mrs Weasley's comment on her growth, even though hers was less noticeable than the boys' who now were five and seven inches taller than her.
Crookshanks and Grey quickly made their way to them. Grey didn't like Erick very much, though Mel didn't know why. Crookshanks, on the other hand, was a huge fan.
"So Hermione's here?" Harry asked as he watched the ginger cat ruin the impeccable set of clothes Erick was wearing.
"Oh yes, she arrived the day before yesterday. Everyone's in bed, of course, we didn't expect you for hours. Here you are — Bread, dears?"
"Thanks, Mrs Weasley."
"So you persuaded Horace Slughorn to take the job?"
"It wasn't hard," Mel smiled. "Professor Slughorn was eager to get to know us better."
"He taught Arthur and me. He was at Hogwarts for ages, started around the same time as Dumbledore, I think. Did you like him?"
Harry and Erick shrugged, Mel kept her attention on her plate.
"I know what you mean... Of course he can be charming when he wants to be, but Arthur's never liked him much. The Ministry's littered with Slughorn's old favorites, he was always good at giving leg ups, but he never had much time for Arthur — didn't seem to think he was enough of a highflier. Well, that just shows you, even Slughorn makes mistakes. I don't know whether Ron's told you in any of his letters — it's only just happened — but Arthur's been promoted!"
Harry made a funny noise, taken by surprise. Erick did a sort of delighted hum and Mel stopped eating, staring at her attentively.
"That's great!" Harry said.
"You are sweet... Yes, Rufus Scrimgeour has set up several new offices in response to the present situation, and Arthur's heading the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects. It's a big job, he's got ten people reporting to him now!"
"Sounds important," Erick smiled.
"What exactly — ?"
"Well, you see, in all the panic about You-Know-Who, odd things have been cropping up for sale everywhere, things that are supposed to guard against You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters. You can imagine the kind of thing — so-called protective potions that are really gravy with a bit of bubotuber pus added, or instructions for defensive jinxes that actually make your ears fall off..."
Mrs Weasley looked beyond proud as she told them all about her husband's new job. Mel was happy for him, she couldn't think of a man who deserved a promotion more than Mr Weasley.
"...So you see, it's a very important job, and I tell him it's just silly to miss dealing with spark plugs and toasters and all the rest of that Muggle rubbish."
"Well, the heart wants what it wants," Mel chuckled, she was unaware of the way both boys looked at her.
"Is Mr Weasley still at work?" Harry questioned.
"Yes, he is. As a matter of fact, he's a tiny bit late... He said he'd be back around midnight..."
Mel felt something awful crawling up her chest when she noticed all the tiny hands on the clock were now pointing at 'Mortal peril'.
"It's been like that for a while now," Mrs Weasley commented, "ever since You-Know-Who came back into the open. I suppose everybody's in mortal danger now... I don't think it can be just our family... but I don't know anyone else who's got a clock like this, so I can't check. Oh!"
Mr Weasley's was now currently pointing at 'travelling.'
"He's coming!" She got up, a second later there was a knock on the door. "Arthur, is that you?"
"Yes. But I would say that even if I were a Death Eater, dear. Ask the question!"
"Oh, honestly..."
"All right, all right... What is your dearest ambition?"
"To find out how airplanes stay up."
Mel and Harry shared a look of amusement, she heard Erick mumbling 'How do they stay up?' Mrs Weasley tried to open the door but her husband kept it shut.
"Molly! I've got to ask you your question first!"
"Arthur, really, this is just silly..."
"What do you like me to call you when we're alone together?"
The group of teenagers froze.
"Mollywobbles," Mrs Weasley whispered to the tiny crack in the door.
Mel choked on the soup, Harry had to hide his face entirely to control his laughing fit after watching her almost die, Erick quickly patted her back.
"Correct," Mr Weasley said brightly. "Now you can let me in."
"I still don't see why we have to go through that every time you come home!" Mrs Weasley complained as the man walked in. "I mean, a Death Eater might have forced the answer out of you before impersonating you!"
"I know, dear, but it's Ministry procedure, and I have to set an example. Something smells good — onion soup? Kids! We didn't expect you until morning!"
They all greeted Mr Weasley, Mel finally able to breathe and Harry able to speak without cracking up.
"Thanks, Molly," He said when the woman set a plate for him. "It's been a tough night. Some idiot's started selling Metamorph-Medals. Just sling them around your neck and you'll be able to change your appearance at will. A hundred thousand disguises, all for ten Galleons!"
"And what really happens when you put them on?"
"Mostly you just turn a fairly unpleasant orange color, but a couple of people have also sprouted tentaclelike warts all over their bodies. As if St. Mungo's didn't have enough to do already!"
"It sounds like the sort of thing Fred and George would find funny," said Mrs Weasley with doubt. "Are you sure — ?"
"Of course I am! The boys wouldn't do anything like that now, not when people are desperate for protection!"
"So is that why you're late, Metamorph-Medals?"
"No, we got wind of a nasty backfiring jinx down in Elephant and Castle, but luckily the Magical Law Enforcement Squad had sorted it out by the time we got there..."
Harry yawned beside her, Mel was starting to feel weary herself after days of sleeping in the backseat of a car.
"Bed," said Mrs Weasley. "I've got Fred and George's room all ready for you, boys. Mel, you're sharing Ginny's bedroom but I don't want you to wake the girls up. Is it okay if you sleep with Erick and Harry tonight?"
"Yeah, it's fine," Mel yawned, too sleepy to care.
"Where are the twins?" Harry asked.
"Oh, they're in Diagon Alley, sleeping in the little flat over their joke shop as they're so busy," said Mrs Weasley, and Mel could tell there was a hint of pride in her voice. "I must say, I didn't approve at first, but they do seem to have a bit of a flair for business! Come on, dears, your trunks are already up there."
"'Night, Mr Weasley," said Harry.
"Thank you for letting us stay," Erick added.
"Have a goodnight!" Mel ended.
"G'night," said Mr Weasley.
Mel had been in the twins' room a couple of times through the years, it was startling when she walked in and couldn't recognize it. The smell of fireworks was still hanging in the air and there was a few boxes of their personal items laying around, but almost nothing left from their essence in the room, it made her feel homesick.
There were only two beds since they weren't expected until the next morning. Mrs Weasley quickly made a third bed appear with a flick of her wand, it was smaller than the other two, mostly blankets and cushions piled together. She apologized profusely, but Mel didn't mind, she would've slept on the floor considering how exhausted she was.
The boys insisted that she took one of their beds but Mel refused, when she came back from changing Erick was already tucked in her pile of blankets. Harry was grinning at the way his feet were hanging over the edge.
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The following morning she was awoken by the door slamming open and a pair of feet stomping into the room. She hid her face between the pillows, Harry's mattress squeaked as he sat up, and fabric rustled as Erick pushed down his blankets.
"Wuzzgoinon?" Harry asked sleepily.
"We didn't know you were here already!" There was a soft thud coming from Harry's bed after Ron sat down on it.
"Ron, don't hit him!" Hermione sat on Mel's bed.
"Dear Merlin," She groaned, hiding under the covers. "I'm going to murder you two..."
"All right?" Ron asked.
"Never been better," said Harry, sounding a bit more awake. "You?"
"Not bad."
"I knew there was no way I'd have a quiet morning here," Erick grumbled. "Hi, 'Mione..."
"Hi!" She said brightly, then shook one of Mel's legs. "Wake up! I want to hear all you did during your mission!"
"When did you get here? Mum's only just told us!" Ron said.
"About one o'clock this morning," Harry replied, Mel turned around and squinted, trying to get used to the sunlight.
"Were the Muggles all right? Did they treat you okay?"
"Same as usual... they didn't talk to me much, but I like it better that way. How're you, Hermione?"
"Oh, I'm fine."
"What's the time? Have we missed breakfast?" Harry said.
"Don't worry about that, Mum's bringing you up a tray; she reckons you look underfed," said Ron.
"Well, he is," Mel replied, finally sitting up. "You should've seen my mum — almost forced the food down his throat once..."
Harry threw a pillow at her, but he missed by a considerable distance.
"So, what's been going on?" Ron asked eagerly.
"Nothing much, I've just been stuck at my aunt and uncle's, haven't I?"
"And we just had a road trip around some towns," Erick said, getting out of his covers only to sit down on Harry's bed.
"Come off it!" said Ron. "You've been off with Dumbledore!"
"It wasn't that exciting. He just wanted us to help him persuade this old teacher to come out of retirement. His name's Horace Slughorn."
"Oh... We thought —" Hermione hushed him, Ron was quick to correct his mistake. "— we thought it'd be something like that."
"You did?" Harry grinned.
"Yeah... yeah, now Umbridge has left, obviously we need a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, don't we? So, er, what's he like?"
"He looks a bit like a walrus, and he used to be Head of Slytherin," Harry shrugged, then he glanced back at their friend and raised a brow. "Something wrong, Hermione?"
The girl gave a start, straightening in her place.
"No, of course not! So, um, did Slughorn seem like he'll be a good teacher?"
"Well, he's got a sharp mind no doubt," Erick yawned, laying on the mattress.
"He can't be worse than Umbridge, can he?" added Harry, softly kicking Erick to move him away from his legs.
"I know someone who's worse than Umbridge," Ginny walked in sulking. "Hi, guys."
"What's up with you?" Ron questioned.
"It's her, she's driving me mad."
"What's she done now?" asked Hermione.
"It's the way she talks to me — you'd think I was about three!"
"I know, she's so full of herself..."
"You better not be talking about my mum," Mel joked.
"Can't you two lay off her for five seconds?" Ron scoffed.
"Oh, that's right, defend her! We all know you can't get enough of her," Ginny rolled her eyes.
Harry and Mel shared a confused look, and just when he was about to ask the door opened again. The boy pulled up his covers so fast that Erick fell to the floor.
"Oh," Mel said quietly, staring up at Fleur Delacour.
"Children," she said brightly. "Eet 'as been too long!"
Mrs Weasley walked in right after her, looking upset.
"There was no need to bring up the tray, I was just about to do it myself!"
"Eet was no trouble," Fleur left the tray floating between their beds and kissed her and Harry on both cheeks. Erick got up with a scowl, he shook Fleur's hand, not letting her touch him any further. "I 'ave been longing to see you. You remember my seester, Gabrielle? She never stops talking about 'Arry Potter. She will be delighted to see you again."
"Oh... is she here too?" Harry asked.
"No, no, silly boy," Fleur laughed, "I mean next summer, when we — but do you not know?"
"We hadn't got around to telling him yet," Mrs Weasley said grumpily.
"Bill and I are going to be married!"
"Oh," said Harry, looking back at Mel begging her to help him. "Wow. Er — congratulations!"
"That's brilliant," Mel was unsure of how to react, none of the other women in the room looked happy.
"Bill is very busy at ze moment, working very 'ard, and I only work part-time at Gringotts for my Eenglish, so he brought me 'ere for a few days to get to know 'is family properly. I was so pleased to 'ear you would be coming — zere isn't much to do 'ere, unless you like cooking and chickens! Well — enjoy your breakfast!"
She turned around and left the room with a joyous air, then Emily walked in, holding her son.
"Hi kids," She smiled.
Mel jumped out of bed and gave her mother a big hug. She took her baby brother and kissed him all over his small face. Mrs Weasley muttered something Mel could not hear, Ginny inched closer and started to play with Reggie's little fingers.
"Mum hates her," the girl told her, clearly talking about Fleur.
"I do not hate her! I just think they've hurried into this engagement, that's all!"
"Well, it's not like we all have time to spare, do we?" Emily asked carefully, brushing the hair away from Mel's forehead.
"They've known each other a year," said Ron crossly.
"Well, that's not very long! I know why it's happened, of course. It's all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing all sorts of decisions they'd normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and center—"
"Including you and Dad," Ginny smirked.
"Yes, well, your father and I were made for each other, what was the point in waiting? Whereas Bill and Fleur... well... what have they really got in common? He's a hard-working, down-to-earth sort of person, whereas she's —"
"A cow," Ginny replied. "But Bill's not that down-to-earth. He's a Curse-Breaker, isn't he, he likes a bit of adventure, a bit of glamour... I expect that's why he's gone for Phlegm."
"That's exactly what people used to say about me and Matthew," Emily raised a brow. "Now they tell me we were the perfect couple! You see, time's all it takes to change one's opinion, I think we shouldn't talk about relationships that aren't ours."
"I think she's lovely," Mel shrugged, softly kissing her brother's cheek. "You guys are being too harsh on her. I mean, Ginny, you're beautiful —"
"I'm sorry, Mel, I have a boyfriend," She joked.
"— But that doesn't mean you're silly, does it?" Mel sat down on her bed. "Have you forgotten how nice she was to Ron after he helped her sister?"
Mrs Weasley left looking rather tired, Emily kissed Mel, Harry and Erick on the cheek before leaving, leaving Leon Regulus in the room.
"Don't you get used to her if she's staying in the same house?" Harry chuckled, staring at the way Ron was struggling to breathe.
"Well, you do... but if she jumps out at you unexpectedly, like then..."
"It's pathetic," said Hermione, without even asking she took Regulus out of Mel's hold, ignoring the girl's protests.
"I feel your pain, Ronnie, don't listen to them," Mel sighed, leaning back on the bed frame.
"You don't really want her around forever?" Ginny insisted. "Well, Mum's going to put a stop to it if she can, I bet you anything."
"She shouldn't!" Mel replied. "What would you feel if you were deeply in love with someone and everyone tried to keep you away from them? You're own family!"
"How's she going to manage that, anyway?" asked Harry.
"She keeps trying to get Tonks round for dinner. I think she's hoping Bill will fall for Tonks instead. I hope he does, I'd much rather have her in the family."
"Yeah, that'll work," Ron snorted. "Listen, no bloke in his right mind's going to fancy Tonks when Fleur's around. I mean, Tonks is okay-looking when she isn't doing stupid things to her hair and her nose, but —"
"She's a damn sight nicer than Phlegm,'' Ginny made a face of disgust.
"And she's more intelligent, she's an Auror!" said Hermione, Reggie cried a bit and Ginny took it away from Hermione.
"Fleur's not stupid, she was good enough to enter the Triwizard Tournament," Harry argued.
"Not you as well!" Hermione scowled.
"I suppose you like the way Phlegm says ' 'Arry,' do you?" Ginny huffed.
"No," said Harry, blushing a bit, "I was just saying, Phlegm — I mean, Fleur —"
"Oh, please," Mel snorted. "You're just upset because Bill is your favourite brother, Ginny — you're scared he'll stop hanging out here once he marries Fleur. Hermione, I know you're lying, you're not angry because she isn't smart enough for your standards."
Hermione blushed a deep shade of red.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Sure you don't," She grinned. "But you know she's not any of those things, I know you do. I mean, so what if she's confident, as long as she loves Bill like he deserves, right? Don't you want him to be happy?"
Ginny looked at Reggie for a long time, then she sighed heavily.
"I would like her to respect our way of handling the house, that's all..."
"That's understandable," Mel nodded. "But she's the one having to get used to the Weasleys, and if I may give my opinion, you guys are as peculiar as any French girl."
Ginny's face showed a small grin.
"In my opinion," Erick spoke casually, grabbing a toast from the tray. "Fleur's too ostentatious — but she knows how to use her charm, which means she's got a brain. Joseph told me she was a great conversationalist—"
"Can't you talk like a normal bloke?" Ron frowned. "Do you like her, yes or no?"
"I'm saying she's nice."
"Nice?" The redheaded boy asked in bewilderment.
"She's not my type," The older boy rolled his eyes.
"What's your type, then?" Ron demanded.
Erick threw a quick glance at Mel before replying.
"Okay, maybe Mel's right," Ginny continued, Reggie started to get restless and she swayed him a bit from side to side. "But I still get along with Tonks better, at least she's a laugh..."
"Well, she can still come and hang out, but you can't force love."
"She hasn't been much of a laugh lately though," Ron pointed out. "Every time I've seen her she's looked more like Moaning Myrtle."
"That's not fair," Hermione frowned. "She still hasn't got over what happened... you know... I mean, he was her cousin!"
Harry quickly looked down and busied himself with a spoonful of eggs, Mel grabbed a cup of tea and drank half of it in one large sip.
"Tonks and Sirius barely knew each other! Sirius was in Azkaban half her life and before that their families never met —"
"That's not the point — She thinks it was her fault he died!"
"How does she work that one out?" Harry asked, his mouth half-full.
"Well, she was fighting Bellatrix Lestrange, wasn't she? I think she feels that if only she had finished her off, Bellatrix couldn't have killed Sirius."
Mel tried to remember, there was a huge part of that night she couldn't recall.
"That's stupid," said Ron.
"It's survivor's guilt. I know Lupin's tried to talk her round, but she's still really down. She's actually having trouble with her Metamorphosing!"
"With her — ?"
"She can't change her appearance like she used to. I think her powers must have been affected by shock, or something."
"I didn't know that could happen," said Harry.
"Nor did I, but I suppose if you're really depressed..."
Mel suddenly looked down at her hands and gulped. She hadn't tried to do any kind of magic ever since she'd come back from the Ministry, now a new fear was rising above everything else, the possibility of not being able to be as good as before because of her anguish.
"Ginny," Mrs Weasley walked in again, "come downstairs and help me with the lunch."
"I'm talking to this lot!" Ginny exclaimed, her attention quickly leaving Mel's brother.
"She only wants me there so she doesn't have to be alone with Fleur! Emily's too tired all the time, mum doesn't let her do anything..." The girl got up to leave the room, but Mel stopped her.
"Hey, give that baby back!" She demanded. "I was holding him first!"
Ron stood up and took the baby, claiming no one ever allowed him to play with him. Ginny turned around swiftly, mocking the way Fleur would usually move, once she got to the door she looked over her shoulder one last time before leaving.
"You lot had better come down quickly too!"
Harry, Mel and Erick ate silently while Hermione examined some boxes, Ron was now playing with Reg.
"What's this?" Hermione held up a small telescope.
"Dunno, but if Fred and George've left it here, it's probably not ready for the joke shop yet, so be careful."
"Your mum said the shop's going well," Harry mentioned. "Said Fred and George have got a real flair for business."
"That's an understatement. They're raking in the Galleons! I can't wait to see the place, we haven't been to Diagon Alley yet, because Mum says Dad's got to be there for extra security and he's been really busy at work, but it sounds excellent."
"And what about Percy? Is he talking to your mum and dad again?"
"What a git," Erick muttered, drinking his tea while watching Hermione examine the telescope.
"But he knows your dad was right all along now about Voldemort being back —"
"Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right," said Hermione. "I heard him telling your mum, Ron."
"Sounds like the sort of mental thing Dumbledore would say," said Ron.
Mel didn't try to contradict him this time.
"He's going to be giving me private lessons this year," Harry said casually. "Mel already finished hers and he'll have time to teach me."
Hermione gasped, Erick merely looked up from his food.
"You kept that quiet!" Ron exclaimed, Mel's brother slipping from his hold without him noticing.
"I only just remembered. He told me last night in your broom shed."
"Blimey... private lessons with Dumbledore! And he said you're ready to go, Mel? I wonder why he's—?"
"Careful with Lee before you drop him flat on the floor!" Mel scowled. "I see why no one lets you hold him..."
"I don't know exactly why he's going to be giving me lessons, but I think it must be because of the prophecy," Harry continued to speak, eyes fixed on his food. "You know, the one they were trying to steal at the Ministry..."
Erick pulled out his wand and with a quick movement, his plate started to follow him around the room. He took Leon Regulus and mumbled something about the baby needing a nap and Ginny needing help back in the kitchen. Mel wished she could've left with him.
"Nobody knows what it said, though," said Hermione once the Slytherin was gone. "Mel broke it."
"Although the Prophet says —" Ron started.
"Shh!" Hermione interrupted.
"The Prophet's got it right," Harry forced himself to look up. "That glass ball Mel destroyed wasn't the only record of the prophecy. I heard the whole thing in Dumbledore's office, he was the one the prophecy was made to, so he could tell me. From what it said... it looks like I'm the one who's got to finish off Voldemort... At least, it said neither of us could live while the other survives."
She wished she could've spent at least one day without thinking about the prophecy, but Harry had to live knowing that he'd have to face Voldemort, so she couldn't complain.
Hermione vanished behind a cloud of dark smoke.
"Hermione!" shouted the three of them.
The girl stood up, coughing.
"I squeezed it and it — it punched me!"
"Don't worry," said Ron biting his lip so he wouldn't laugh, "Mum'll fix that, she's good at healing minor injuries —"
"Oh well, never mind that now!" said Hermione, pushing it aside. "Harry, oh, Harry... We wondered, after we got back from the Ministry... Obviously, we didn't want to say anything to you, but from what Lucius Malfoy said about the prophecy, how it was about you and Voldemort, well, we thought it might be something like this... Oh, Harry... Are you scared?"
"Not as much as I was," Harry shrugged. "When I first heard it, I was... but now, it seems as though I always knew I'd have to face him in the end..."
"When we heard Dumbledore was collecting you in person, we thought he might be telling you something or showing you something to do with the prophecy. And we were kind of right, weren't we? He wouldn't be giving you lessons if he thought you were a goner, wouldn't waste his time — he must think you've got a chance!"
"Of course he does!" Mel got up, starting to pick up the pieces of the tray that had smashed when the boys ran to help Hermione. "Harry's a great wizard, we just need to teach him how to fight..."
Her friends looked at her with pity, they must've been thinking of her lifeline connection with Harry and how it could affect her, but Mel couldn't look afraid or else they wouldn't believe her words.
"Guys, we'll get through this..." Mel looked down a the tiny scars on her palm, rubbing them gently.
"That's true," said Hermione. "I wonder what he'll teach you, Harry? Really advanced defensive magic, probably... powerful countercurses... anti-jinxes... probably the same things he taught to Mel. And evasive enchantments generally— Well, at least you know one lesson you'll be having this year, that's one more than Ron and me. I wonder when our O.W.L. results will come?"
"Can't be long now, it's been a month," said Ron.
"Hang on, I think Dumbledore said our O.W.L. results would be arriving today!"
"Yeah, that's true!" Mel admitted, leaving the broken plates on the desk.
"Today? Today? But why didn't you — oh my God — you should have said —" Hermione squeaked. "I'm going to see whether any owls have come..."
Ron and Hermione left the room quickly, Harry and her were left alone, but this felt a thousand times less awkward than a year before.
"Thank you," Harry said, helping her fold the blankets.
"I didn't do anything. You know they're scared, even if they don't show it..."
"I'm thanking you because it must be hard for you as well, not to show it," He tilted his head. "Usually, you're an open book..."
"I used to be," She corrected. "My feelings are just mine, Harry, and no one else needs to know about them."
He frowned.
"Still, you know it's better not to hold things in, right?"
Mel stared at him.
"Look at you, teaching me about how to handle my emotions!"
The boy let out a chuckle and reached to hold her hand.
"It's going to be okay, Mellow."
She melted at the name, it'd been a long time since he'd called her that. She looked down again at her scarred hand, and that stirred her into talking. An idea started to take form in her mind.
"What if there's a chance you don't have to be the only chosen one?"
Harry blinked.
"What if I am your backup?"
"H-How would that even..?"
"Think about it," Mel started. "I was there when he tried to kill you, and that's when our connection was created — it grows stronger when you inch closer to death... What if the reason we can feel each other's pain, is because it warns us about the incoming danger? What if the reason we're connected it's because I'm destined to take your place if you die?"
"But — but the prophecy said it was a boy —"
"Prophecies can change, you're not obliged to copy them exactly as they're told! Even Dumbledore thought I could be the child of the prophecy! What if, in a way, we both are?"
"It doesn't mean anything, Mel. I chose to be —"
"Who says I can't choose to help you?" She lifted her right hand. "I marked myself with the prophecy, see? If we do this together we'll have a real advantage. We even promised it back in the ministry, didn't we? If you die I take your place, if I die —"
"I make sure is not in vain," Harry had finally made up his mind. "D'you think Dumbledore knows? Do you think that's why he wants us to decide for ourselves what we'll do with our lifeline?"
"I have no idea," Mel responded sincerely. "But if we're doing this, we need to set the rules now."
Harry thought about it, then he grabbed her hands and squeezed them lightly.
"Let's talk."
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha​​​​ @vampiregirl1797​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​ @stardusthigh​​​​ @mikariell95​​​​ @vernon-dursley​​​​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​​​​ @tomshollandz​​​​ ​​ @reverse-hxlland​​​​ @hamiltonwc​​​​ @omiwashere​​​​ @t-rexs-world​​​​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @21bruhs​​​​ @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee​​​​ @thelastpyle​​​ @cedricisnotdead​​​ @aconfusedslytherin​
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emelywrites · 4 years
Hey love I hope you are safe💞 I am in love with platonic Sirius Black x (lesbian) reader fan fics where Sirius helps reader to get the girl they are in love with and him being the best boy friend every lesbian wants to stand up for them when ppl talks shit. I don't know if I helped you or you find this lame. Anyway I love your writing and I hope you have a beautiful day❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Hi! Thanks so much. I hope I can do your request justice, because this is so sweet. When I came out as bi, my parents started telling me that it’s just a phase and I just needed to find the right guy. I just want everyone to know that this is a safe space for everyone and I hope that I didn’t completely misrepresent you in this story, so please enjoy! 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings: Language, bad parents, insecurities, angst, slight heteronormative behavior
Best Friends
Sirius and you had known each other since birth. You were both from prestigious pureblood families and your mothers were obsessed with the idea that you would get married one day and have all these perfect pureblood babies. Just before the beginning of your first year you started spending less time with your family, which, consequently, led to you spending less time with the Black-family and therefore Sirius as well. Truth was, you didn’t quite like the concepts of world that you grew up with and even though Sirius was your best friend you were distancing yourself from him, in fear that he was fully indulged in his family’s ideals. 
When you entered the Great Hall, you did so on your own. You saw Sirius but he didn’t see you because he had found new friends on the train. And frankly, it had been you who had ignored him for months before. Sirius’ name was called before yours and you wouldn’t look up at him until you heard the hat sorting him into „GRYFFINDOR“. You looked at him and saw the grin spreading on his face. Sirius, your best friend whom you had been to scared to tell your very anti-Slytherin thoughts, was a Gryffindor. Not a Slytherin. You had heard the gasps from everyone in the hall, including your own, when Sirius Black was sorted into bloodtraitor-Gryffindor-House. 
Then it was finally your turn (you weren’t awaiting it, whatever was going to happen, you weren’t going to be comfortable). You slowly ascended the stairs, coming to a stop in front of Professor McGonagall who gave you a sympathetic smile when she saw your nervousness. You felt small ease wash over you when she did. The hat was placed on your head when you sat down.
„Y/N Y/L/N, you’re not much of a Slytherin, dear. Your family’s gonna be pissed but you’re without a doubt a GRYFFINDOR!“
Your eyes widened in shock as another round of gasps went through the hall. But when you looked to the Gryffindor table, seeing Sirius cheering the loudest of them all, overpowering the shock, a wide smile spread on your face and you immediately went to him and hugged him. Sirius introduced you to his friends and again, you were as inseparable as ever. Even more so, because now, the cards were on the table. You were on the same page against pureblood-mania and stood through all the bullying and disgracing from your families together.
After you had just gotten close to Sirius again you fell apart a bit again during fifth year. Sirius had become a proper ladies-man. Being one of the oldest boys in the year, and, even you couldn’t deny it, quite a handsome one as well, he had all of the girls running after him. All except you. You were more into the girls that were running after your best friend. But of course you couldn’t tell anyone, especially Sirius, because he didn’t miss a chance to flirt with them.
„Mate“, James said to Sirius one evening in the common room when you weren’t there, „(Y/N)’s like really into you.“
Sirius laughed. „I beg your pardon? (Y/N) can’t be into me.“
„Why not?“, Peter chimed in, „She’s been avoiding you since you’ve been getting all the girls.“
„Exactly. She’s jealous“, James agreed.
„Pretty sure that’s not it“, Remus didn’t even look up from his book to throw in his thought.
„Yeah, (Y/N) and I are like best friends, all friendships have dry patches that doesn’t mean she’s into me“, Sirius thought out loud, „Besides, us being a couple would probably make our parents happy, cause pureblood babies, you know? That wouldn’t fit with the vibe.“
James and Peter looked at him with an „If you say so“-look that prompted Sirius to investigate. One Hogsmeade weekend he took you to the Three Broomsticks. You sat drinking your butterbeers as you were explaining the recent Charms-task to him. You did so rather unenthusiastically which made Sirius believe his friends may have been right. You always used to be excited to be going over Charms-work, especially because you were happy it meant he studied for once.
„(Y/N)“, you looked up at him when he called your name, „Do you have a crush on me?“
Your eyes widened in shock and as they did, his mimicked that. Oh god, he was right. Then you started laughing.
„Merlin, no. No offense, you’re not really my type“, you said through laughter.
„Oh, thank Merlin! That could have ruined our friendship“, he laughed along.
When your laughter died down you spoke up again. „Sorry, I’ve been distanced. I assume this was James’ idea?“, Sirius nodded, „We both know he’s not really good at reading girls. Exhibit A“, you pointed at the corner of the room, where Lily Evans was sitting as James was talking to her, not noticing her obvious disinterest.
Sirius laughed shortly before he answered. „But then, why have you been distanced?“
„I was jealous. All those girls running after you. Some of them, like, super hot and intelligent, dumbing themselves down to appeal to you. And last week you- Last week you were flirting with Maya.“
Sirius threw you a confused glance. He didn’t quite keep up with all the girls he flirted with. There were quite a few. You rolled your eyes.
„She’s a Ravenclaw. We have potions and transfiguration with them. You know, the only two classes where you don’t have all my attention? We’ve been spending a lot of time together, studying and talking and all. I’m-,“ you hesitated, „I have a crush on her.“
Sirius’ eyes widened in realization and when he didn’t answer for about two minutes, tears started collecting in your eyes and you started gathering your things.
„I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have unloaded this on you, just don’t tell-,“
„No, wait“, he caught your wrist and stood up, then he gathered you into a hug, „I’m so happy for you. I mean, proud, I mean, I’m overcome with emotion. Fucking hell, that girl wasn’t into me at all. I’ll gladly be your wingman.“
He grinned at you and you started smiling, too, your tears now flowing out of joy. „Are you serious?“
„Have been, all my life, love. Now let’s get you a date“, he put money on the table before he pulled you out of the Three Broomsticks.
Over the next few weeks Sirius did his best to find out whether you had a chance with Maya and once he was completely sure about it he pushed you into asking her out. Literally. Before Transfiguration class you both spotted her in her usual seat. When she saw you she smiled and waved. You were quite nervous to say the least. Sirius sensed that and took your shoulders from behind, pushing you to sit next to her.
„Maya, (Y/N); (Y/N), Maya, I see you’ve met. You two are, like, really into each other. Sorry for assuming you’re straight, Maya. Accept my best friend as an apology, treat her well“, Sirius patted both your shoulders, before heading off towards the other marauders.
„They grow up so fast“, he sighed, hand over his heart, looking at you proudly.
„So, she wasn’t into you?“, Peter asked.
„Told you so“, Remus answered, before Sirius could.
The word of you and Maya dating spread quickly, with same-sex-couples being rare, even in Hogwarts, and Sirius pointing at you both whenever you did something couple-y, smiling like a proud dad. So with everyone at school knowing it wasn’t long until the word spread to your parents. So one day you received a howler. It immediately sprung open.
„(Y/N) (Y/L/N), we won’t even dare call you that anymore. You are a disgrace, and here we were, thinking you couldn’t get any worse“, your mother’s voice yelled at you, „Get over that phase of yours and then maybe we’ll allow you back into the house“, the letter went up into flames as you stared into space where it had just been floating before you.
„Right so! She deserves much better than being a (Y/L/N). Who’d wanna be one of them? How dare they call you that?“, Sirius immediately spoke up, „Remus, give me parchment and a quill!“
„Sirius, you- you really shouldn’t. It’s just gonna get worse. I’ll just get right back into the closet for the rest of their lives“, you said quietly.
But Sirius wouldn’t have any of it. He wrote a long letter to your parents that you didn’t catch a glimpse of and then you didn’t see him for two days. When you did finally see him he had a smile on his face.
„You and I are moving in“, he said proudly.
„Pardon?“, you asked, looking up from your notes.
„I had some long conversations with Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore and they agree that our homes aren’t safe any longer. The day I let you get back in the closet is the day Merlin shaves, (Y/N). You should be allowed to be yourself, wherever that may be. That’s mostly gonna be Hogwarts for now, but I’ll be damned if you can’t be yourself after graduation. So, if your parents won’t accept you for who you are, screw them. They’d have to see you and Maya. I mean, relationship goals…“
As Sirius went on yet another monologue of naming all the things wonderful about you and your girlfriend, tears started stinging in your eyes. Sirius really was the best friend you could have asked for.
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papers4me · 3 years
Regarding Shigure & Akito. I think their romance is sizzling hot!. They're my favorite couple because of how much they love each other & deeply understand each other. Let's be honest, Akito deserved Shigure punishment because of what she did to the zodiacs & for sleeping with kureno. Sadly not a lot of people understand that Shigure needed to treat her like that for her to finally let go of the zodiac & be with him.
Hi anon! If you you like Shigure/ Akito couple & think it’s hot or believe in their love, then, that’s totally fine. You can love whatever you want in fiction & you don’t need to justify the reasons or even care what others think or what they’re missing. So, don’t be sad abt that<3. Life is tough as is, we don’t need to add extra sadness from fiction/fandom worlds.
Thank you for telling me your perspective of Shigure/ Akito. I’ll tell you mine! Mind you, I didn’t read the manga & only know what ep, 2 showed so far. I think Shigure/ akito is the most toxic couple in the story so far. That is fine for me cuz I appreciate drama & toxicity in fiction as it makes for compelling stories. We wouldn’t read furuba if all is happy & great. Even the younger couples: kyo/ tohru has drama from kyoko’s past, Yuki/Machi will have their own type of drama. I believe the trailer showed yuki afraid to confess the curse to Machi.
I disagree with you in few things:
1. “Akito deserved Shigure punishment because of what she did to the zodiacs & for sleeping with kureno”: I don’t think Akito deserve what Shigure did at all. (a) Akito deserves punishment for how she abused the zodiacs. But it should be a punishment related to her deed & with the realization that it is because she hurt those kids. Shigure sleeping with Ren is NOT related to her abuse of the zodiac kids & shigure himself didn’t do it in the first place to teach her a lesson abt abusing others! He did it to spite her & to teach her a lesson for not being faithful to him. It is all abt HIM. He is possessive of her. Shigure is NOT nice. He, himself stated that he’s mean, a jerk & a horrible person quite a number of times throughout se01 & se02. (b) The punishment itself is so absurd & toxic. Sleeping with her mom. The woman who adult Akito becomes so weak she burst into tears like a baby, & loose all sanity in front of her. Shigure’s “ punishment”  added fuel to fire! Thanks to that Akito really learned that women with sexy charms are toxic. Thus, she hated Isuze!! Who have the same natural sexual attractiveness as Ren. Tohru is feminine but not overly sexy, Akito allowed tohru to stay thinking meh~ such an “ugly woman”  is weak. But NO. tohru “stole” the zodiacs again! but not with her body/ but her personality. Akito is baffled. Moreover Shigure’s “ punishment”  caused Akito to become even more paranoid & cling even more. I’m not saying Akito is without blame in her relationship with Kureno & shigure, I’m just saying you can’t compare passive Kureno, who still calls shigure “ Nisan” & begs him to love Akito to REN the destructive mother.
2. “Shigure needed to treat her like that for her to finally let go of the zodiac & be with him”. No. He didn’t need to. If tohru didn’t stumble upon his house by sheer coincidence & being the person she is formed healthy relationships with all the zodiacs, Shigure’s punishment wouldn’t lead to anything. He himself was shocked she “ still” remembers it. For him, it was a momentarily fury, a need to get back to her & is done. cuz he loves her so he won’t remember his own betrayal. Forgetting that she “still” remembers. Or wait! she remembers cuz she loves him? either way. toxic.
I’ll understand Shigure/ akito better when more is revealed. But it is true that he “ traumatized” her by sleeping with her own mom! EW! still, they’ll end up as a lovey dovey couple at the end as the ED shows. So, they’ll work their issues somehow. I don’t hate Shigure or akito. To me they’re fascinating characters in an interesting story. Not real ppl. So, I don’t feel the need to correct their sins for me to like them nor I feel the need to fix them. I don’t feel guilty for liking toxic characters cuz its fiction & no real person is harmed. Still, I can get disgusted by their sins. Akito abusing the zodiacs is disgusting. Shigure sleeping with Ren of all ppl is disgusting. 
I want to say more abt Akito’s “love” for shigure, but I’ll wait for more proof that she really thought of him romantically as a teen at least! Right now, All I have from her perspective is the “ red flower promise” & the jealousy over him. she was jealous over others as well.  I suspect that’s zodiac magic bound them both initially at that young age. He grew up to really love her. Her: I haven’t seen much yet from a slightly older Akito. I’m sure more to come. Let’s wait & see.
Thank you for sharing your opinion & perspective. Hope you don’t take my response as mocking you or belittling you. It’s just different perspective, that’s all~ Who know, It might change at the end of furuba!
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sunshine304 · 3 years
On to eps 25 + 26, my friends! It’s heating up!
Yang Jin was concerned because he saw Yu Wenzhi’s troups – but he definitely, absolutely was NOT concerned for Li Yan, no no! XD They keep on going together, but only... for 5 min or so? Until Li Yan tells him to go help A-Fei in town, since she can make the rest of the way herself (that worked so well before...). It’s cute how Yang Jin doesn’t want to go, but she makes puppy eyes at him and so he leaves.
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I guess in the long run that isn’t such a bad decision to send him to A-Fei’s aid. 
Poor Li Yan of course meets an outpost that’s already infiltrated by Disha. At least the man helps her instead of selling her out. And then it turns out that Li Sheng didn’t even include a message, just sending her away from where the attack will happen. Oh Li Sheng... He could have thought about how the outpost might be in Disha’s pockets, though, since it wouldn’t be the first time. Anyway, Li Yan steals a horse and goes to find help.
So much stuff is happening at the same time! Yang Jin asks after the Intinerary Gang who surely will help him (good idea), while Chuchu listens in on the Elders talking about how Li Sheng is very likely dead. She is devastated. T_T
Yu Wenzhi starts distrusting Kou Dan, because she now mentions a rumoured hidden path to the 48 Strongholds. She’s all like, “What, it’s just a rumour.“ and even I side-eye her for that. He wants to set a trap for A-Fei and leaves.
Meanwhile, Xie Yun has already strongly hinted to A-Fei that it would be an advantage if they could get YWZ to distrust at least Kou Dan. A-Fei uses YWZ’s ruse for just that, basically telling Gu Tianxian that this was an assassination attempt lead by Mingfeng Sect. 
OMG the kiss by proxy!! I flailed!! Give me moooore! ♥
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XY is off to distract GTX while A-Fei looks for YWZ's new hiding spot. But before that she stares into space, thrown by XY's proxy kiss. I swoon along with her. XD
Li Yan meets Li Jinrong, who was on her way back anyway since she missed her husband yet again. The army seems to have some problems, though General Wen is… perhaps downplaying? Anyway, LJR now knows that 48 Strongholds is under attack and hurries home.
Shen Tianshu has waited out the fire, it seems, and is now in front of the main gate to the 48 Strongholds. Also, YWZ’s private army has arrived. All in all, this huge combined army consists of about 30 people; 6 of them leave to find the secret path. I can’t get over the fact that the mean villains only have so few people! You really didn’t have a budget, huh? XD I mean srsly, there are definitely more people hiding at the 48 SH! XD
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Look at his smug face! He always squints smugly at everyone, he’s so weird! XD
Love how XY is leading Disha around. Also happy that Wang Yibo could do lots of wirework in that scene, since he likes to do that stuff. XD Meanwhile, YWZ feels super threatened. Rightly so, asshole.
Aww the Elders Zhao and Zhang at the 48 SH want to go fighting! I actually enjoy that this show has many older characters as well.
Aaaand A-Fei has found YWZ! And she fights! And then there’s Yang Jin and the IG to the rescue! I love how they’re all fighting, while YWZ just stands there and watches with Kou Dan protecting him. Kinda. I cheered for the IG just fighting with big sticks and whatever else was at hand against that trained (? I assume) private army with swords – and they win by brute force. XD
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A-Fei is all confused and Yang Jin explains, “I met Li Yan on the road and she started crying. She’s so annoying, I can’t say no to her!” He is so whipped. XD
YWZ really is a totally useless fighter. A-Fei reaches him and overpowers him easily. What kind of position does that guy have in the government? Doesn’t seem to be an army position… Since they won they want to get Disha to stop the attack on the 48 SH.
Meanwhile I fucking knew it that Ma Jili would betray them! Did he actually kill that one Elder? Or did they really encounter Disha and the Elder got killed there? Hm.
Anyway, look at Chuchu grabbing a sword! That was cool, you go queen! Though she didn’t get to use it, I’m sure there will be another chance for her to fuck some shit up!
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A-Fei is so devastated that Uncle Ma betrayed her. I feel you, A-Fei. And then Uncle Ma feels guilty (or… was also misled by Kou Dan?) and fights KD, which doesn’t end good for him. 
That fight between A-Fei and KD was really cool. Loved how they used the end credits song! I’m a sucker for that song! A-Fei gets her revenge and doesn’t even watch KD die.
Seriously, those poor kids will all be so traumatised. Yeah in CQL they all went to war at 19 or so, but they at least all had fighting experience in a real life situation against monsters, fierce corpses and whatnot. The kids from 48 SH grew up sheltered with this kind of fighting just a theoretical exercise. 
OH nooo Xie Yun uses the super power needle! O_O He sees that 48 SH will likely lose (how, against only 20 Disha ppl, IDK…) and decides on that, because he can’t lose A-Fei.
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Look at his conflicted face!!!
He also throws some exposition in there, that Chuchu’s necklace is the main key for the HTYS which he is looking for. Okay. Whatever, now pls fuck Shen Tianshu up, my man.
He does. He also tells A-Fei that he wants to enjoy himself here. (Meaning he doesn’t have long afterwards anyway and wants to go out with a bang I guess. T_T) STS is shocked because it seems that Xie Yun has some SERIOUS FIGHTING SKILLZ.
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This is getting really long... XD
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Xie Yun fights and it's pretty cool! A-Fei also keeps fighting, but she gets weaker, and also seems overwhlemed by the situation. I can’t blame her.
And then Li Jinrong signals her arrival and Shen Tianshu kinda panics while A-Fei decides that this is a good moment to faint. She does a lot of fainting in this show.
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Have this gif for the drama of it all. XD
Yay, Chuchu has found Li Sheng! She had to wade through some corpses for that at the river bank, but she is a badass and doesn’t care. MVP Chuchu! ♥
Excuuuse me!? STS punches (!!) Li Jinrong's horse. Seriously, asshole?! WTF?! LJR fucks him up anyway, destroys his metal hand (he later has a new one so I guess he just... has a lot of these things lying around?). Disha + YWZ’s troups finally retreat, and Chuchu immediately tells them where Li Sheng is. He is now safe, yay!
Okay this shot of LJR is really cool.
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There LJR goes again with her tough mother routine. XD A-Fei is awake and happy to see her; she also aks after Xie Yun, and her mother is like, “Do you know who he is?” and A-Fei conveniently does not mention that she knows he's royalty and just tells her the important stuff like, “He does poetry and songs to make a living.” LJR just dismisses her with, “We'll talk about him later.” Oh oh.
Cute scene with A-Fei and Li Sheng, who tease each other good-naturedly. Li Sheng now can admit that A-Fei is better than him at martial arts, but he doesn't want to give up – perhaps he'll manage to be better than her one day anyway? ;D I like his growth so far.
Xie Yun comes over to flirt and invite himself into A-Fei's bedroom. XD But this time A-Fei flirts back! It's the, “I know I'm good looking, but you have to pay money to stare at me,” and A-Fei answers, “You can stare at me too and we'll call it even,” scene. XY is surprised and delighted. XD
That whole conversation between these two. ♥ T_T A-Fei knows XY so well by know that she sees through his act of putting on a happy face whenever he's worried. She wants to ask so many questions but doesn't because she thinks he won't answer them honestly anyway. T_T And she sincerely asks him if he's alright. T_T He's obviously thrown by all of this, and he talks around some things and yep, he isn't really honest. And then she asks too many questions anyway and he uses her accupoints to knock her out. My God, just talk to her!!
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And there's the other ship that's shyly circling each other! Chuchu and Li Sheng have an awkward conversation, because now that it's not live or death they don't know how to act. XD He wants to look for Chuchu's brother and they perhaps could live at the 48 SH? *puppyeyes* I mean seriously, where is that kid?!
Shen Tianshu is pissed, Yu Wenzhi is too. He's going on about how Xie Yun (=Xiao Chuan) should be dead, damnit, since he was poisoned 10 years ago with that super rare and deadly Bone Piercing Blue poison (we remember, the one that 9th Madam Duan also suffered from until Li Zheng helped her). We get STS exposition that a master must've helped XY so that he survived (and the master should've died of it), but now that XY used the power needle his meridians are no longer blocked and the poison is free to circulate again = He only has a few months to live. OH NO! T_T They don't know if he's also looking for the HYTS but want to keep looking anyway; Disha masters are sent out after the two men yet again bitch at each other. XD
Sometimes it's nice to actually get some exposition here...
There's a funeral scene at 48 SH with cool music and all of them swearing their oath again to do their best with a clear conscience before Heaven, Earth, and themselves. That “clear conscience” idiom is really popular I think?
A talk between Xie Yun and Li Jinrong. She thanks him and seems sincere enough, but she also seems wary/distrustful of him (well, he fetched her ill husband to go to war again, sooo...). He yet again circumvents actually answering her questions about his former master (although I assume she at least has a hunch who he is), and he tells her she should perhaps be nicer to her daughter and compliment her from time to time. Well, I guess he's dying anyway and hasn't anything to lose. XD
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She comments on his pale complexion, is he perhaps ill? Wow the passive-aggressiveness in this scene from LJR. XD Then she hands him a sigil to pass the guards and basically throws him out. Charming. Good start into that in-laws situation. XD
OMG Li Sheng sends pastries to Chuchu! ♥ And Li Yan is all excited, like, “Yes please fetch your little brother, I always wanted a little brother, that would be awesome!” XD
Xie Yun and A-Fei have a romantic stroll under the not-moonlight. ♥ They are holding hands, be still my heart! ♥  While they are hand holding we also get a MV of their best moments so far.
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She tells him she's working on a gift for him, and she wants to help him look for the HYTS since it seems to be a shitty thing and she doesn't want it to fall into Disha's hands. Xie Yun would like to stay at 48 SH and of course doesn't tell A-Fei about his talk wit LRJ nor that he's, you know, dying. It's obvious that he will leave without her because he doesn't want to drag her into this (the trope of “I know what's best for you without giving you a real chance to make a decision yourself” ugh) and also because he's fucking dying. OMG. T_T
We end with A-Fei knocking on his door the next morning (where he very obviously isn't anymore) to give him her gift. Before she can actually see that he isn't there Chuchu intercepts her, so A-Fei tries to give her back the necklace. Chuchu is all like, “Nooo you keep it, it's far saver with you!” so there's that. This will surely be important later. The two girls leave for town to fetch medicine, while Xie Yun sits near the river and sadly plays his flute. T_T
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
You know you have utterly failed as a parent when your adult daughter’s reaction to you getting a job closer to home is not “Yay, my littlest sister is gonna get to spend more quality time with dad” but “i better make sure she has a key to my appartment in case she needs to avoid him”
one wonders i mom will finally get tired when she has to put up with him fulltaime after years of seeing him only in small doses, but after all these years ive learned to keep my expectations low
its just that she could do so much better. like ok i get that she is old and not super attractive & might worry because of that or be afraid of being alone, but even if you restrict your choice to only ugly middle aged men, you could get so much nicer ones? 
There are ugly old men who are funny, there are ugly old men who are kind, there are ugly old men who know how to enjoy things, there are ugly old men who show appreciation, there are ugly old men who don’t yell at you & pressure you all the time and, though a rare breed in this society, you might even find an ugly old man who does not make you do all the work. 
Like recently I happened to overhear a phonecall where he was basically threatening to dump her or at least questioning her willingness to make it work after she gave him so many chances & showed so much forgiveness & sympathy to him. 
Like does he really think he has the greater market value here? 
He and mom may both be old and ugly, but you know what mom is & he isn’t? Likeable and interesting. She makes friends with ppl everywhere she goes. She’s funny, generous, approachable, capable, practical...
Of course she has flaws too like only wanting to see the good in everything & not being the world’s most reliable person, but she wouldn’t be like, alone & abandoned if they split. 
He, however? He went directly from his mom’s place to being married to my mom & never had to be responsible for himself in his life. He’s never lived without pushing anything that doesn’t interest him off to others. Also, no one can stand him. He’s got about as much charisma and charme as a caustic toilet cleaner. He has like 2 people who are nice to him out of pity, obligation or moral princile (my mom & my brother) & that’s it. 
I don’t think there is anyone enjoys him or relaxes/ lets down their guard around him. 
If mom ever dumps him, he’s gonna rot down to his skelleton before anybody finds out he’s dead. 
I’m not saying that an indictment of a bad person in and of itself like, I’m getting eaten by my cats as an old lady, I have no illusions there. popularity is not morals. But he hasnt got those either. 
Geez. If I had a wife who is fun, likeable, awesome, cool, badass, generous & forgives me anything - & especially if I still the same sort of distractable loner type that I am now - I think I would at least fucking notice. Maybe I couldn’t give her all the attention she needs either & maybe I’d lose my temper once or twice too, but I think I’d at least listen to simple requests/ wishes like “please go on vacation with me” & ask her what she wants once in a while instead of always imposing my will under the threat of making myself insufferable if I can’t get my will. 
I just hope he doesn’t terrorize my youngest sister when he moves back into Mom’s appartment. 
I try to watch very carefully what I say around her cause I don’t want to put her in a loyalty conflict situation or get accused of turning her against him or something, & you should always be careful that you don’t dump/vent to a child to an unlimited extent anyways. 
But last times I visited she’d complain unprompted, like saying he never listens to anything she says & characterized him as asking any available family member to make him food whenever he pleases (I said nothing to this) 
He also demonstrated that he knew less about what topics she’s interested in than I do,  and I am not her father, did not make the decision to conceive her, and live in a different city. 
Needing to be away for work in no excuse; This is not about quantity but quality. No one’s asking anything impossible. 
When my grandfather had to work in a different country for a few years - long before whatsapp or zoom or even cheap phonecalls - he made up little nonsense stories for my mom & her siblings and sent them as letters complete with handmade drawings, so that he could be a regular part of their bedtime ritual.  My mom, now in her fifties, still talks with great emotion about those letters. 
Meanwhile, I remember that my father had to be away half a year when I was in second grade, and I know I experienced it as a definite relief, was glad that he was gone (no more fear of beatings or about confessing mistakes)  & hated when we moved to join him at his new workplace. 
My youngest sister is in a good place now, she had a lot of struggles earlier but now she has good grades & many hobbies; She’s pretty self-suficient and in some ways reliable, maybe a bit youthfully emotional still, but she’s getting to be a splendid young woman - she’s cool, she’s conscientious without being a boring rules stickler, she’s sly & has a great poker face, she’s thrifty but still knows to have fun...
I don’t want anyone to put a crack in that just before the finish line. It’s just a few more years until she’ll be 15/16 and essentially a finished person. It should be possible to avoid screwing her for life for just a few more years.
Well. Having I.s appartment keys can only help. 
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