#I’m remembering Tehehe
the-raging-tempest · 11 months
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All the ballet talk made me realize I never posted this sketch I still haven’t finished it but the girls @thesolemnhour Agria and @the-raging-tempest Lariel
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whump-in-the-closet · 4 months
oh no! the fantasy character with dark hair and scarred facial features is actually about to be taken prisoner and tortured!! again!!
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aae-tuu · 1 year
POV: Driving
Ft: G. Satoru & G.Suguru (except I have a favorite) (fluff, crack, gn!reader)
Buckle up for this one (literally. remember, seatbelts save lives)
Gojo Satoru:
Never let this man get behind that fucking steering wheel
There’s a reason ijichi drives him anywhere and everywhere
It’s cause even he knows that he’d wreck havoc on the road
Once that man puts his hands on the steering wheel
Not even god can save you (he’s abandoned you too)
Either drives with both hands on the steering wheel but he’s leaning forward with a huge grin on his face looking like a gremlin as he turns the steering wheel all the fucking way just to take a tiny turn or he leans back in his seat, one hand on the steering wheel and the other hanging out his open window (still turns the steering wheel all the fucking way just to make a small turn and you all almost flip over)
Uses the keys to only unlock the drivers side, gets in, looks at you locked out, points and laughs, and then unlocks the passenger door
Swerves…a lot
Even when it isn’t necessary
He drives with the confidence of a much more experienced driver
he probably thinks he’s in Fast and Furious
Wants to drive a manual but you don’t even trust him with an automatic so
Tries to do burnouts
Gets bonked by Geto instead
Refuses to listen to any advice you give him
“I’m Gojo Satoru. There’s nothing I can’t do” - Famous last words after you kicked him out of the car and made him walk because last time he said that he crashed the car
Hogs the aux that bitch
Once asked if he could really grab a rope using one of the tires while in the car
This is what happens when you let him drive
(If you can’t watch or the link doesn’t work dw it’s screen recorded and you’ll find it at the bottom)
Don’t ask how he managed to do it
I hope you didn’t eat anything before getting into that car with him
Cause it’s coming right back up
You and geto fight over who gets to sit shotgun
And it’s not
“I want to sit!” “No I do!”
“You sit!” “No I sat last time!” “Just sit down👹”
Honks at people way too much
He’ll be behind a car and the light is red right
The second
the millisecond
it turns green
He’s honking at the car even if they’re already in the process of going forward
Also check on Geto before he passes out
Geto Suguru:
Only one I’d trust to drive me anywhere
He’s just so…good!
Does that thing where he puts his hand behind your seat to look back and it just ajdosjosks tehehe
I think he has a lot of suppressed anger that just comes out on the road
Cause there’s dumb drivers (ahemgojoahemhem) that just stress him out
Do not brake check this man please
He will find a way to get past you and do it back in the most petty way possible
Or tailgate him
Do not
It’s for your own good and safety
Sometimes curses under his breath (awooga) at other drivers but never sends a middle finger their way
He’s above that
Actually knows how to swerve smoothly
I think he’d drive a manual
Idk maybe I’m projecting cause I think he’d look hot shifting
(His arms rahsjsoksks)
I imagine him doing that thing where you’re like, “You’re gonna miss the exit!!” and you’re like 3-4 lanes away and he just
Goes for it
And makes it
And he just looks at you with a grin on his face while you’re probably holding on for your life
Will be all cheesy and open the passenger door for you to get in before closing it and walking to his side (if he’s in a good enough mood and he likes you he’ll put the seatbelt on for you too Ugh I wanna smooch him)
You and Gojo literally throw hands to sit shotgun while Geto watches from the drivers seat like
(He likes the attention)
Also literally has everything in his car??
In the glovebox there’s chargers, tissues, gum, pens, hair clips/ties
Anything you could ever want is there for you to grab, borrow, use whatever
Will let you have the aux (only after being an ass about it to annoy you. he doesn’t actually want it)
If you don’t know how to shift it’s okay
He’ll teach you
Has a small bump on his head from when Gojo turned too hard and he accidentally slammed his head against the part near the window
For those who wanted to see the Gojo video:
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Safe Haven
Series Part Listing Found Here
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Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Seeking refuge, Xilä and her father venture to the lands of the Omatikaya clan, in the hopes that the Toruk Makto would be generous in allowing them to stay. This is her story about not only finding her strength, but finding love. 
I feel like the above image needed to make a comeback for this part. Tehehe. Special thanks of course to @cinetrix
Warning: This story contains smut, violence & abuse (please don't read if these topics will affect you)
PART WARNING: Contains mentions of childbirth
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam in particular is 23.
Xilä is my own creation.
Part 12 - The One After Iknimaya
Niwan Loreyu was just as beautiful as Xilä remembered. 
The moment they stepped through the vined wall she felt the calming waves of that familiar feeling of being hugged lovingly. 
Scanning the scenery before her, Xi squinted when she noticed a few new and somewhat out of place items littered around the small area.
“What’s-” she started, but Neteyam simply pulled her along until they drew nearer to the far right corner where there sat the base of a massive, thick tree trunk- its branches not visible since it grew out of the hideaway. 
“Is that my satchel?” she asked, confused, noting it along with a couple others hanging from the trunk. 
Stepping away from him, she surveyed the area properly, lighting up as she did. 
Connected to the trunk and the side of a wall of strange vegetation, was a lush canopy of beautiful flowers. A large soft pelt was spread underneath it, creating a romantic and intimate looking bed. Xi even spotted a few stolen blankets from her own bed back home, rolled neatly at the edge of the pelt. 
Turning around, she saw a basket filled with a few little pots and washcloths which was placed on a rock by the pool of rippling water. 
A small wood crafted folding table sat nearby with two patched cushions as seats- one on either side of the table. And in addition to the glimmers of the bioluminescent plants and the on and off blinking of flying glowbugs, there were tiny lit lamps scattered across the space. 
“Neteyam?” she asked, turning to him with a sweet but curious smile. 
He scratched his temple sheepishly. “I was um, hoping we could maybe stay a few days? Just the two of us, spending time together? I don’t think one night alone with you is enough for me honestly,” he admitted quietly. “But only if you want to of course,” he added quickly. 
She stared at him. He was shy right now and it was honestly the cutest thing ever. 
“What about food?” she asked in faux seriousness, enjoying the way he was all squirmy at the moment- a far cry from his usual self assured disposition. 
He pointed to one of the hanging satchels. “Enough for hopefully a week,” he said. “And we’ve got drinking water,” he continued, gesturing to the small trickling waterfall. 
“Bath,” he said, walking over to the pool, showing her the soap balms and washcloths. “Bed,” he added, jerking his head to the pelt under the canopy. 
“And if we get bored, which I highly doubt we will, I packed a few games as well. I even borrowed a deck of UNO from one of the lab guys,” he finished with a tiny smile, tail wagging behind him, seeming eager to know what she was thinking. 
“Wow,” Xi said, impressed. “What about clothes?” she asked, trying to prolong her teasing.
His brows narrowed as if he realized what she was doing, so he turned the tables on her instead. “They’re in your satchel, but I don’t think you need them since I’m planning on keeping you naked the entire time,” he said matter of factually. 
“Right,” she replied with burning cheeks. “Um, one last question. Did you ah- tell our families? Sal and Jxo aren’t going to show up thinking you kidnapped me are they?” she joked. 
“No.” He laughed and shook his head. “There’s a big trip planned for tomorrow, you know the one Lo’ak was boasting about last week?” 
She nodded, remembering how excited her friend was about finally getting a vacation.
“They’re leaving tonight, maybe after the party- spending a week away near an old RDA base. It’s um, kind of a secret tradition to take the new recruits out to bond a bit, but it’s really just an excuse for the warrior’s to get drunk and let loose for once.” 
Xi shot him an amused look. 
“Anyway….uh, our families may be under the impression that I’m surprising you and taking you along on the trip with the others. So we’re free to stay here…none the wiser. Lo’ak. Um, he'll cover for us.” 
“Sounds like you have it all figured out….” She bit her lip, feeling herself practically swoon at the sweetness of the man in front of her. “Teyam this is all incredibly sweet. I love it…Thank you,” she whispered. “When did you even plan all of this?” 
Having enough of their distance he moved towards her, eyes gleaming with intention. Titling her chin up, he leaned forward to trace his lips over hers. “Since the moment you agreed to be mine, Xilä.”
And then he was kissing her, feverishly, demandingly, soul sucking, breathtakingly. 
Xilä gasped when he bent her backwards, taking from her what he wanted. He pulled away too quickly for her liking, but then he was suddenly scooping her up from under the thighs and his lips were back on hers again. 
Xi squeezed her legs into his sides while her arms twisted behind his neck as they kissed with abandon, tongues and teeth clashing unceremoniously. 
Neteyam blindly walked towards their canopy, his footsteps illuminated with every step against the soft mossy flooring, until he reached the pelt. 
Keeping her enclosed in his arms he kneeled, then sat back, settling her into the cradle of his folded legs. He broke their kiss and nuzzled her cheek, lovingly caressing down the column of her neck with his nose and lips as she sighed against him. 
“I love you,” he said into her skin, so quietly she thought she imagined it. 
“I love you too.” 
Sitting straight, he reached behind and grabbed his queue, bringing it between them. Xi followed and did the same, watching, entranced as the pinkish tendrils revealed themselves. 
Neteyam’s eyes darted between hers for a fleeting moment, quickly checking for that final sign of confirmation and Xilä’s free palm soothed down his chest in response.
Eyes locked on the ends of their queues, they made Tsaheylu. Tendrils entwining, they glowed in unison, joining as one. 
Pupils blown wide, they inhaled simultaneously, consumed by the rush of emotions filling them- both in awe by the intensity of each other's feelings.
They remained still for a moment, enthralled by the connection. 
Xilä smiled up at him. Then, pulling him towards her by the nape, she kissed him, slowly. She tried to look into his eyes when they broke apart but he averted his, choosing instead to lick a path down the soft of her skin, tasting and savoring the feeling of her in his arms. 
Laying her onto her back, Neteyam followed, continuing his feast as he lapped and kissed his way down her clavicle. 
Xi purred, absorbed by his affections. 
She let him undress her, smiling when he nipped her ankle after he’d removed her extravagant anklets. Her hips jumped when he playfully tested the pool of liquid between the valley of her thighs after removing her skirt and undercloth. And when her top was gently pried away, he tasted each of her dark blue hardened nipples, just because. 
When she was completely bare, he sat back and stared unabashedly. He took his time, gazing appreciatively at her soft but toned lines- her months of training, hard work and proper nutrition was clear as day. 
A heated flare of raw deep rooted possession filled him and Xilä gasped almost inaudibly when she felt it through their bond.
The longer he stared the deeper her blush turned. Her dark spiced coloured hair looked almost as black as his tonight, and her once overly pale dusty blue skin, now had a healthy and darker hue to it from all her days in the sun. 
She was breathtaking. 
Sitting up on an arm, Xi tugged on his loincloth and he complied, quickly undoing the tie to fling the cloth away, along with his belt and knife holder. 
Now it was her turn to stare. Almost impossibly, Xi’s blush ran even deeper. Biting down on her bottom lip she peered up at him with an innocence mingled with a wanton neediness.
“Um, this might be a really stupid question,” she whispered, sending another somewhat nervous glance down to the hardened appendage currently sweeping along his lower abdomen. “I’ve been wondering for a while, but we’re here now so…I kind of need to ask…um, will it…fit?” 
Pushing her completely onto her back once more, he hovered over her and grinned against her lips. “Yes,” he assured as he slipped a hand between her legs to cup her. “If I do it right.” 
She gasped into his mouth when two of his fingers instantly slid into her, curving with a pleasurable pressure. 
Neteyam used his tail to nudge her thighs further apart, allowing more room for his working hand and throaty noise filled the air when he sped up his pace. 
Xilä’s moans were like music to his ears as she rocked her hips against his fingers. 
“Neteya- mmm, shit.”
In quick succession and with a single circle of his thumb to her clit, she was clenching around his fingers and coming with a breathy sigh. 
“Good?” he asked, withdrawing his hand to suck his fingers clean.
“Good,” she echoed, feeling her body tingle and relax from the orgasm he’d given her. 
His fingers were back now, dipping between her folds, pressing against her entrance. All three, thick digits were sheathed inside her this time, slowly stretching her with every stroke and curl. 
“More,” she begged. “More. Please Teyam.”
Greedy for more, Xi took matters into her own hands. She reached between them and gripped him causing him to gasp in shock and bite down hard on the breast he had just sucked into his mouth. 
“AH!” she yelled, arching in pain, making her accidentally tighten her hold on his length. 
“FUCK!” he grunted, in not only surprise but mostly from the sudden pressure on his poor dick.
Groaning out loud, he sucked in a breath of air, screwing his eyes shut when she began to stroke him. 
Fingers barely meeting her thumb, Xilä began to move her hand up and down the way she often saw him do. She peered down between them, loving the feeling of him all hot and hard and heavy. She glanced up at him with a grin, the same time he glared down at her with flaring nostrils. 
But then he was quickly averting his eyes from hers and her fun was halted when his sticky coated fingers suddenly tugged her bandaged wrist away. 
“Fuck,” he muttered again with closed eyes and a clenched jaw- straining to gain control of himself as he breathed heavily. 
“Are you okay,” she asked, trying to push him back to see his face. He looked pained and a pang of guilt clouded her when she figured she must have done something wrong.
“Mm. Yeah just give me a minute, baby.” 
“Alright,” she hushed, palming his biceps in comfort. 
Xilä could feel the push and pull of his raging emotions…but then, eyes narrowed on the man between her thighs, something else occurred to her. Lips parting to say something, a little noise escaped her when three fingers entered her once more without a word. 
“Neteyam,” she called, but he ignored her, choosing to focus on the squishing mess between her legs.
Doing her best to stay immune to the delicious pleasures quickly consuming her, she pushed at his chest. “Neteyam, look at me,” she said. 
He glanced at her for a fraction of a second before finding her breasts far more interesting, leaning down to sooth his tongue over the deep indents he’d made on the right one. 
“Nete-yam,” she tried again, voice breathy and strained and pleading. 
“Hmm?” he hummed in faux interest as he curled his fingers deeper. 
“Why won’t you- f-fuck!” she stuttered out when he found that one particular spot inside of her, but she stayed strong. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“Leave it, Xi.”
She didn’t like his response, so she tried a different tactic. 
“Eyes, Neteyam,” she ordered, causing him to freeze. A frustrated mewl left her when his fingers stilled too, she was so close to coming. 
“I can’t,” he said, almost as if he were mad at himself. 
“Why not?” she asked, biting her cheek to stop from laughing at his stubbornness. “Tell me why you can’t look at me in the eyes, handsome.”  
“Stop,” he warned.
“Unless…they're bothering you?” she teased in a sing-song voice. “Are my eyes too mu- AH SHIT!” 
He had effectively shut her up by grinding the heel of his palm on her clit while rubbing right against that one particular spongy spot again. 
“Come for me, Xilä,” he ordered.
Her breath hitched and Neteyam smirked against her collarbone when he felt her tensing up. 
Fire licked her inside out as a coil tightened low in her abdomen. Xilä’s thighs quaked and her back bowed, then a sharp cry ripped from her lips as she gushed all over his hand. 
More than pleased with himself, he helped her through the waves, whispering words of praise into her pointed ear. 
“Good?” he eventually asked once again, checking in on her as the pads of his fingertips rubbed her along her swollen folds.  
“Good,” she replied with a happy hum. 
Feeling his movement, Xi looked down to see him slathering his shaft with her slick- the arousing sight alone brought back that flickering coil in her lower abdomen to life once more. 
“I’ll go slow, alright?” he assured, when he caught her staring. “Tell me if you need me to stop, okay?”
She nodded. 
“Yes. Yes, okay,” she said quickly, giving him the verbal confirmation he was seeking. 
She inhaled deeply when she felt him plunge his fingers into her one last time for good measure before pulling out to guide his tip to her entrance. 
“Relax, sweetheart,” he soothed, feeling her nerves through the bond. “Don’t tense up.” It was a hypocritical thing to say he knew since he was nothing but tense.
Xilä forced her muscles to relax. She winced when he gave that first push forward, he was much thicker than all three of his fingers combined so it was a bit of a squeeze. 
“Fuuuck,” Neteyam breathed.   
Xi squirmed uncomfortably at the foreign sensation, holding in a whimper at the slight twinge of pain. While Neteyam, although extremely tense and raging to keep control of himself, took his time to ease his way in- slowly stretching her, molding her around him to perfection. 
Dragging, in, out, in, out, in, out, in, out.
He’d only pull out just enough so that his tip still kept her entrance open, before delving back in- each time, deeper than the last. 
Xilä’s jaw fell open when he was finally fully seated inside of her.
“Oh Eywa. You’re so deep,” she said in awe, struggling to control her breathing. Fingers creeping downward to rest on her lower abdomen, she gasped. “I can feel you. Right here,” she said, showing him the slight bulge. 
It took a few moments for her to adjust to having him inside of her, but once the slight pain turned into a dull tingle, Xilä couldn’t help but marvel at the feeling of their connection. 
It was incredible. 
“Fuck, fuck. Xilä I can’t. I need to move. Please. I need-”
“Take me,” she said, giving him the okay. “Make me yours.”
Xilä grunted from the first slam of his hips. She gasped with the second and moaned loudly at the third. 
And then Neteyam was wild and relentless. Her breasts shook with each roll, each rut as he growled into the skin of her neck. 
Palms flat against his back, her nails dug deep into his flesh.
It didn’t take very long for her to feel the familiar spring inside of her come to life again, twisting and turning, coiling tighter each time as it prepared to snap- to break, to explode. 
“Shit. I’m going to come,” he cried hoarsely, feeling her clenched firmly around him, locking him in a sweet but tortuous grip.  “Are you close?”
“A-Almost,” she panted.
Sneaking a hand between them, Neteyam worked his fingers against her swollen clit, quickly drawing her closer to her impending rapture.
Eyes rolling, toes curling and body quivering, Xilä screamed his name. What felt like an eruption of molten fire, began to spread through her body like never before, sending rippling shockwave after shockwave. 
Breath erratic and wild, Neteyam chased after her, cursing when his entire body turned taut. He twitched inside of her as hot spurts of come filled her, groaning when her walls continued to pulse, practically milking him of everything he had. 
“Oh fucking hell, Xilä,” he rasped, collapsing completely on top of her with an awed laugh. 
“Oof! ‘Teyam! I can’t breathe!” Xilä exclaimed with a breathy laugh that instantly turned into a wince when he shifted, his pelvis dragging along her already throbbing clit.  
“Sorry,” he apologized, gently easing up onto his forearms as he caught his breath.
“No, I didn’t mean go away,” she protested, locking her propped up thighs to his hips and capturing his cheek in her palm. 
Xilä smiled. “You’re looking at me now,” she teased, loving the intimacy of him still fully sheathed inside of her as his eyes bore into her soul. 
“How do you feel?” Neteyam asked, gaze soft on her as he drew a palm down to caress the skin of her thigh. 
There were remnants of a dull twinging ache between her thighs but the bliss Xi was feeling at the moment countered it all.  
“Like I want to do that again soon,” she answered with a purred hum, eyes closed as if in pure ecstasy. 
His eyes darkened at the sound of her voice and he felt himself begin to harden again. “I think I can make that happen,” he said, surging down to steal a kiss. 
Later that night, after a few more rounds of intense lovemaking, Xilä was exhausted. 
She had had a long day after all. 
After Iknimaya, there was the ceremony and feast. Then there was the pairings festivity where she danced to heart’s content followed by a slew of the most brain numbing orgasms she’d ever experienced. 
So suffice to say she was completely beat and extremely sore. 
“Hey, no sleep just yet sweetheart,” Neteyam called softly, rousing her from her doze. 
“Teyam,” she whined unhappily, when he pulled her to sit in front of him, jelly thighs draped over his as their still connected queues draped beside them. 
Neteyam stretched to the side, producing a little pouch he had stashed away, and Xilä, too tired to even be curious at what he was up to, slumped into his chest, cheek finding a comfortable spot to rest. 
“How do you feel, Xi?” he asked, lifting her hand to unwrap her compression bandage. 
“Sore,” she rasped, voice scratchy since she’d done a lot of screaming that night. “But not bad,” she answered with a yawn as she cuddled further into his warmth. 
Moving quickly and with precision, he treated her bruised wrist with the balm his grandmother had given him, clenching his jaw to contain his bubbling anger at the sight of the ugly marks still there. 
When he finished, he rewrapped her wrist with a new bandage. 
“Back up, baby,” he said gently, pushing her off his chest. “Drink,” he ordered, handing her a vial of pain tonic before stretching over for a water skin and making her drink half of it in one go too. 
“I love it when you do this. It makes me feel all fluttery inside,” she admitted through squinty eyes after a gulp of water. 
“Do what?” he asked, unable to keep the grin off his face at the sight of her sex mused hair, kiss swollen lips and soft sleepy expression. 
“Take care of me.”
“Oh yeah?” he hushed out, feeling himself melt at her confession. “Well I’m all yours now, Xi. You’ve locked me down. So I’m going to be taking care of you for the rest of your life.” 
“Sounds terrible,” she sassed in mock sarcasm while simultaneously swooning on the inside. 
Neteyam laughed. 
“What’s so funny?” she mumbled with a grumpy frown. 
“Nothing. You’re just really cute when you’re half asleep,” he said, taking the water pouch from her hands and guiding her to lay down.  
Hydrated and unable to keep up any longer, Xilä was asleep within seconds. 
Quite tired himself, Neteyam stretched out alongside his wife and pulled her into his arms. 
His wife. 
How’d he get so lucky? 
He peered down at her, eyes tracing over her relaxed features. He could feel her calm through their still connected bond. It washed over him, subduing him into a lulled trance, until he too drifted off. 
“You’re kidding!” Xilä snapped with an angry scoff. “But they were the assholes that started it in the first place! They were picking on Kiri! Why did you guys have to apologize?”
Neteyam smirked up at his gorgeous mate. She was seated on top of one of the nearby boulders, removing the tangles from her clean damp hair with a whittled comb while he continued to relax in the warm rippling water after their shared bath. 
“Dad’s orders,” he shrugged. “We were the ones visiting their clan, so it was our responsibility. Dad had warned us beforehand that we had to be on our best behaviours and in his eyes since Lo’ak struck the first punch, it was on us.”
“Well that’s just stupid. You were their guests. They should have been more welcoming and not judgmental little assholes,” she said defiantly.  
“It’s in the past anyway,” he said, more for her comfort, seeing the flicker of her protectiveness begin to spark and enjoying it way too much. “We were just all idiot teenagers back then,” he smiled. 
“Well,” she sniffed, “if I ever come across this Ao’nung and his skxawng friends, I’ll be sure to give him a piece of my mind,” she said, combing the strands a bit harder than before. 
“Oh yeah?” Neteyam teased, getting to his feet to close the short distance between them. 
With her seated on the high boulder, they were at eye level now. “Don’t talk too soon sweetheart, you might just get your chance,” he said, spreading her thighs so he could slot between them. 
“W-what do you mean?” Xi asked, slightly distracted, swallowing hard at the sight of water droplets rippling down her husband’s delicious build. Eyes swooping lower, she sucked in her bottom lip with a deep inhale. 
“Dad’s got a few talks in the works. Majority of the well connected clan leaders are looking to get together for a meeting sometime early next year. They want to create a network- more trading, better and easier communication methods, cross training and sharing of knowledge, just an all round discussion of change for the future ahead.”
“Wow,” Xilä said awed. “But wait, how will that give me a chance to speak to Ao’nung?”
“Tonowari, the Metkayina’s olo'eyktan, offered to host the meeting at his clan...I'm going to be in attendance, and I’d love it if my wife were at my side,” he said, tucking a strand behind her ear. 
“She would be honored,” Xilä whispered, smoothing her hands down his chest to palm at the panes of his abdomen. 
Dragging her forward until she was seated at the edge of the rock, Neteyam kissed her. Pulling his queue over his shoulder, he broke their kiss and jerked his head, gesturing for her to do the same. 
Tsaheylu made, Neteyam fucked her right there. He made her come twice before allowing himself to follow, filling her full of his seed, fingers reaching down to make sure she was stuffed with every last drop. 
It was already their fourth day of marital bliss and every single moment had been incredible so far.
Xilä was a fucking dream and Neteyam was addicted. 
He had stayed true to his promise and kept her naked the entire time. 
Sex to her, he soon realized, was just like their training lessons. She was a quick learner- eager to please, eager to explore...and eager to kill him, he thought. 
The moment her stare pierced him the first time she wrapped those pretty pouty lips around his swollen mushroom tip, he exploded. He had come in an instant, as if he were once again a fucking horny teenager. 
And when he thought that was already bad enough, his little mate continued her torture by sucking him dry- eyes watering as her mouth swallowed him as far as her throat would allow before hollowing her cheeks as she released him with an audible POP. 
Then while his poor soul was gasping for air, wondering what the fuck had just happened, she had the audacity to smile up at him and ask if she’d “done it right?” 
Suffice to say he had her on her back within seconds. Her voice turned hoarse that night from all the screaming she’d done as his head stayed buried between her thighs. Tongue and fingers relentless as they teased, denied, edged and then finally gave her orgasm after orgasm.  
Sex with Xilä was a whole new world for Neteyam. Her body was his map to explore and their bond, their connection- Tsaheylu, only made things intensely better. 
Her pleasure was important to him, he was addicted to learning what did it for her. 
Like how she loved her tail tugged on while she bounced on his lap, or how she’d mewl and moan and pant and beg whenever he edged her with his tongue and fingers, even how she’d clench around him in a vice like grip if he whispered words of praise in her ear. 
There weren’t many things that she disliked, but he learned that lesson quite quickly after he made the mistake of wrapping his hand around the front of her throat. She had completely freaked out, gasping for air even though he hadn’t even given the slightest squeeze. 
Feeling terrible, Neteyam had apologized profusely even after she assured him it was fine. 
The turn out after that wasn’t bad though. Because that day he learned another thing about her…he could make her come by sucking on her tits alone if he gave them attention long enough. 
And it was a fucking glorious sight to see. 
On their fifth day, they agreed it would be their last. With all their lovemaking, they burned through their calories and so too their food. Neteyam had mentally berated himself for not packing more to last the entire week.
“How do you think our tent’s coming along?” Xi wondered as they sat across each other at the folding table. “Oh, UNO!” she yelled quickly, placing a red number three card in the pile with a happy tail wag.
“Sorry sweetheart, draw four,” Neteyam smirked with a “ha! Got you,” raise of his eyebrows, grinning at her pout and little nose scrunch. “I hope it’s finished,” he replied to her question.  “Our families are going to go crazy when they find out we came back mated. We’ll need a place to hide,” he joked. 
“I can’t wait to decorate it. One of Sal’s friends makes these amazing tapestries. I think I’ll ask her to make one for us if she’s got free time- one with all the colours, I like those the most. Oh and I was thinking we could maybe reuse your hammock- if that’s okay? I think I actually prefer it to my bed, and it’ll be big enough for the both of us anyway,” she rambled with an excited expression as she rearranged her new drawn cards. “Also where do we get the hanging chimes from? You know the ones that jingles to let you know you have compan- What?” Xi asked, flushing when she caught him staring. 
“Nothing,” Neteyam said with a soft smile. “I just can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, is all.”  
Xilä melted. “I can’t wait either.” 
After he won that round, they continued discussing their plans for their home. He loved that she was so opinionated on what she wanted for it. He knew it would be her first official home- one that she created and he was more than happy to make sure she got everything she wanted. 
Midway conversation, he noticed her squirm a little, glancing down at her lap a bit uncomfortably. 
“C’mere baby,” he said, trying to quash his knowing grin. “Are you dripping?” he asked, as she settled against his chest. 
“Mm,” she hummed in acknowledgment. “So, is this a thing that’s usually done?” she asked curiously. She noticed over their stay so far, he developed a habit.  
She felt him shrug as he slipped a hand between her parted thighs, thick digits stuffing back his leaking seed into her. 
“Never done this with another girl before, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“You seem to like doing it,” she noted in amusement, jerking in his hold when he accidentally grazed her still over her sensitive clit. 
“I like everything with you,” he answered, in complete honesty, pressing a tender kiss to her pointed ear. 
But it was the truth. There was just something about having her full of his come that he loved. It was intoxicating was all he could explain it as. 
Xilä released a leisured sigh, relaxing into his arms as she took in the beauty of their hideaway. “I’m going to miss this place,” she said. “I’m also not looking forward to our journey home,” she grumbled somewhat, squeezing at her aching thighs knowing fully well the ride back wouldn’t be any help. 
“Want a massage?” Neteyam offered, fingers still playing between her folds. 
Xi snorted. “No thank you. I know well by now what your massages lead to. I’ve learnt my lesson after you offered last night. You’re the reason they ache in the first place,” she sassed. 
“I’m offering a serious one this time. I don’t want you hurting on the ride back,” he said with a concerned frown. 
“Alright,” she agreed. “After lunch though. I’m getting peckish,” she said, halting his wrist when his playing became a bit too deliberate. She was still recovering from being pounded on her hands and knees not even an hour ago. 
Tilting her head up along his shoulder to meet his gaze, she brought his fingers to her lips, sucking each one clean. 
Neteyam groaned at the sight. “Oh you are such a spicy little minx you, know that?” 
Xilä laughed. “So you’ve said a few times,” she teased, twisting up onto her knees to plonk herself in his lap. She hugged him around the waist, face snuggled into the crook of his neck- just wanting to be close to him. 
“I thought you were hungry,” he smiled, pulling her in closer. Ever since their very first hug, he always marveled over just how perfect she fit in his arms. 
“Mmm yeah, but this is better,” she sighed in content. “Just a little longer please.” 
A comforting silence passed between them as they stayed wrapped up in each other. Only the sounds of the trickling waterfall, the dull roar of the wind and distant cries of creatures could be heard. It was peaceful and all was calm. 
“Sometimes I think I’ll wake up and realize it was all a dream,” Xi murmured against his skin. 
“What was all a dream?” 
“You. Sal, Jxo. Everything that’s happened since I arrived here…Teyam, I never thought I’d be blessed like this…I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I get these feelings sometimes that I’d wake up back in Li’ona and realize it wasn’t all real, and you were gone, and you weren’t really mine.” 
“Xi,” he frowned, trying to tilt back to see her face, but she didn’t budge. 
“I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s stupid I know-”
“It’s not stupid,” he said firmly. “It’s not. Xilä, please look at me.” 
“Let’s forget it, I don’t mean to be a downer during our time together,” she said, sitting to face him with a forced smile.
“No, we are not dropping this. Xi, babe, I want you to tell me these things- I need you too, okay? So that not only do you get it out of your system, but so I can talk you out of thinking you're not worth any of it. To tell you that those tiny whispers in your head are wrong.” 
Looking down, he shifted her on his lap so that he could tear off a string of beads from the front of his loincloth. 
Taking a section of her hair, he began braiding the strands, weaving in the beads as he did. 
“I carved these myself years ago,” he said quietly as he worked. “Here.” He gently guided her fingers to the coloured pieces. “Do you feel that? Look. Do you see them? Do they feel and look real to you?” he asked, peering down at her, pointed ears twitching earnestly. 
Xilä nodded, brows pinched together in confusion. 
“If I’m not around whenever you get those feelings again. Use this. Look at them, feel them. They’re real Xilä Sully. I am real. And I am happy to remind you of it whenever you need me too,” he said seriously. 
At a loss for words, Xilä simply smiled- a real one this time, then said, “I love you Neteyam Sully.” 
After their lunch, a massage that led to one last round of lovemaking and bath, they began to pack up their things- loading up his direhorse who had spent the few days roaming free around the area just outside niwan loreyu.
The moment they crossed the border, reaching the first cluster of communities, Neteyam could tell something was off. 
Hearing his name yelled, Neteyam spotted Spider chasing wildly after them and instantly pulled on Antoyle’s reins. 
“Seriously man, why the hell is your comm off?” Spider spat as he ran to close the distance. “Look never mind, just go! It’s D’avi. She’s in labor and asking for Xi.”
“Oh Eywa!” Xilä exclaimed from her seat in front of him. 
Charging off, Neteyam got them there in record speed. 
Without a glance at the gathered friends and family members, Xilä flung herself off the direhorse and headed straight into her sister’s tent. 
The interior had been rearranged somewhat- the usual way the healers normally did in order to prepare for a birth. 
Mo’at was stooped between a panting D’avi’s spread legs, chanting quietly. Yalnïk sat behind his wife, keeping her propped up- dabbing at her forehead with a cloth while Sal and Yalnïk’s mother were on either side of her, holding her hands, fussing over her as they spoke soothing words of encouragement. And then there was Kiri, who shuffled around, assisting her grandmother from the side lines. 
“Oh D’av, I’m here, I’m here,” Xilä cooed, moving to crouch on the same side as Sal, who let her hold D’avi’s hand instead. The mother kissed her adoptive daughter on the temple, more than happy to have her back home. 
“Well you sure took your time,” her sister sassed between labored breaths, accepting the kiss on the cheek Xilä gave her in greeting. “You are lucky my children decided to wait for their aunt to arrive.”
“They love me already,” Xi teased easily, brushing away a sweat soaked strand of hair from D'avi's forehead. “You alright there Yalnïk?” she asked, noticing her brother-in-law’s greenish hue. 
Before he could respond however, his wife snapped. 
“Why do people keep asking him if he is okay? I AM the one birthing not one but two of his massive babies! Have you seen his head? Two of those are about to be pushed out of me right now! Do I look okay? Ask me! Not him! Ask me! Because I am not okay, alright? It has been HOURS and they refuse to come out! He is the reason I am here! The idiot put two of his massive headed babies in me and I am not okay! It’s all his fault! Him and his stupid big fat dick- OH EYWA!” she cried out as a wave of pain hit her. 
Xilä was biting down hard on her cheek as her sister ranted hysterically. Glancing around she could tell the two mothers and even Kiri were also highly amused, and like her were trying their best to school their features. Her brother-in-law on the other hand, turned crimson. 
“Breathe D’av, breathe. Hey, look at me,” she whispered, while D’avi panted. “You’re going to do great, okay? You’re one of the strongest women I know. You’ve got this.”
Tears welling in her eyes, D’avi tightened her grip on her hand. “I'm so happy you are here with me, Xi. I don’t think I could do this without you,” she admitted softly. “You’ll help me right?” she pleaded, showing off a rare side of being vulnerable. 
“Every step of the way,” Xilä assured, kissing the back of her clammy hand. 
“It is time,” Tsahìk declared. 
When Neteyam returned to the outskirts of D’avi and Yalnïk’s tent after unloading Antoyle of their packed belongings, he was surprised to see the man standing outside- staring at the closed flap where D’avi’s cries could be heard.  
“Yalnïk?” he said as he drew near. “Why are you out here?” Neteyam asked quietly, sending a hesitant nod in greeting to a pissed off looking Jxo who stood nearby with Yalnïk’s father and twin brother. 
Yalnïk, who seemed a bit queasy, side-eyed him guiltily. “I got kicked out,” he whispered reluctantly.
“What? Why?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, the soon to be father released an embarrassed sigh. “I looked…..then I fainted. So the women kicked me out,” he admitted, frowning helplessly at the closed flap when D’avi cried out again. 
“Ah….Right,” Neteyam said, nodding in sympathy before giving him a pat on the back in comfort. 
“Is he still glaring?” the fisherman asked under his breath, lips barely moving.
Catching his meaning, Neteyam found Jxo’s cold hard stare before quickly averting his eyes with a fake cough. “Yep.”
“Fuck. He’s never going to let me live this down…Hey can you piss him off again like last time, so I can get off the hook?” he joked half seriously. 
They both chuckled then instantly sobered up when their father-in-law made his way over to them. 
“How was the trip?” the elder asked, gruffly, glare cutting into the side of poor Yalnïk’s head once more. 
“Um, good. I’d say it was good,” Neteyam said awkwardly, avoiding the man’s obvious appraisal, hoping he couldn’t suddenly read minds and see the flashes of what exactly happened between him and Xilä on said trip. 
There was no way in hell he was mentioning that he’d taken the man’s daughter as his mate while he was in this pissed a mood. 
Neteyam was saved from Jxo’s further questions however, when the cry of a baby’s voice rang out, startling them all. 
A girl and a boy. 
D’avi birthed two healthy, gorgeous babies, and Xilä was already in love. 
She was not the only one it seemed. Sal, Jxo and both of Yalnïk’s parents were completely smitten with their grandbabies. 
When the okay was given for them to come in, Xilä stood on the sidelines as she witnessed their joys of pure unconditional love.
Big, gruff Jxo was soft and tender as he greeted his daughter first. Kissing a still sobbing D’avi on the forehead, telling her how proud he was of her. Sal was also a slew of tears as she held out baby L’eo to meet his grandfather for the first time. 
Meanwhile tiny baby L’eya who was nestled in the arms of her tearful father was being cooed and awed over by her other grandparents. Yalnïk’s brother grinned widely as he welcomed his twin to fatherhood, teasing him that his own twins now each had their own little playmate. 
These two babies had not even been in the world a full hour, and yet they already had so many people who loved them. 
It was a beautiful sight and Xilä’s heart felt full. 
An arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her in for a comforting side hug. It was Tsahìk. Kiri had left not too long ago, carrying their supplies back to the healer’s tent. 
“Congratulations to you too my dear,” Mo’at murmured, causing Xi’s head to flick to hers in surprise. “Oh come now child, don’t look at me like that. Did you honestly think I could not sense your bond to my grandson the minute you stepped into this tent?” 
Xilä flushed, pointed ears tingling with embarrassment that it had been so obvious to the elder. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t say a word until you two are ready,” the grandmother continued, turning back to survey the sweet affair before them. “But this means I can begin to advance your training even further now.” 
“My training?”
“Mm yes...It won’t be for years of course, but you will make a fine Tsahìk when the time comes,” Mo’at said frankly. 
Xilä’s jaw dropped. 
“Xi darling,” Sal called softly when she re-entered the tent much later that night. “Neteyam is outside for you,” she said, reaching out to take the drowsy baby girl from her arms.
The tent was quiet, save for the suckling sounds of L’eo feasting on an exhausted D’avi’s breast and the low snores of Yalnïk at her side. The poor man had been up with his wife since the night before when her contractions first began. 
“Alright thanks, I’ll be right back,” Xi whispered in response, easing the tiny baby into her grandmother’s arms.  
Heading outside, Xilä flung herself at Neteyam the moment she was within reach and he caught her around the waist with ease.  
Feet dangling off the ground, Neteyam took advantage of the position to walk them into the shadows between two tents. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he murmured, hiking her higher to steal a kiss. 
“Hi handsome,” she smiled, titling her jaw to grant him further access when his lips began to make a path across her skin.  
“How’s D’avi and the twins?” he asked, settling her back down on the low grass, keeping her locked in his arms. 
“They’re great. D’av is resting and the twins- gosh Teyam, they’re the sweetest little things. I can’t wait for you to meet them,” she whispered with gleaming eyes. 
“That’s amazing,” murmured, pecking her on the lips again, like the addicted man he was. “Did you have dinner? I can go get you something- and for D’avi too of course,” he offered, ears twitching in concern as he peered down at her.
She shook her head, heart fluttering at his sweetness. “Sal’s cook mates brought us a really nice spread a couple hours ago. I had two entire bowls of hot stew.”
“Okay good. Are you staying here tonight? To help out?” he asked.
Xi bit her lip and nodded in response. It was on the tip of her tongue to apologize for choosing to stay the night here, instead of with him, but the knowing look he shot her had her swallowing the apology. She knew he didn’t mind, but she still couldn’t help feeling a small pang of guilt. 
“Listen,” she started a bit apprehensively. “I was thinking…so this is a really big moment for D’avi right now…and I don’t-” her mouth twisted, unsure how to word what she was trying to say. 
“Baby, it’s fine,” Neteyam assured, reading her worry all too well. “I don’t mind waiting to tell our families about us. It’ll be a good thing- Hey I’m serious,” he emphasized, seeing her uncertainty. “I honestly don’t mind stalling all the impending fuss and lectures waiting for us,” he joked. “But you’re right. This is your sister’s moment.” 
She mentally sighed in relief, sending a quiet thank you to Eywa for blessing her with the most thoughtful mate in the universe. “Thank you…Um, also, Teyam, it's your birthday’s next week. What’s the council going to say?” she frowned, worrying her bottom lip. 
“That’s for me to handle Xi. Don’t worry about them, alright? How about we go see our tent later tomorrow?” he asked instead, steering the conversation to a lighter topic. 
It seemed to work because Xi lit up the way he loved to see. “Okay,” she agreed quickly. “Oh and maybe after we can go for a quick fly around? I want to see my Journey again.”
“Whatever you want, baby,” he sang, bending at the waist to lift her by the thighs, just because he could. “Now, listen here wife. I’m going to be sleeping all alone tonight. So I’m going to need something to remember you by,” he said in mock seriousness, nudging her nose with his expectantly. 
Xilä laughed at his dramatics, but eagerly leaned in anyway to kiss her husband goodbye. 
Before Neteyam knew it, three fast weeks flew by.
His days were filled with the tedious works of reinforcing their borders, upping their security from roaming palulukans and heading numerous planning and development strategy meetings. 
Whereas Xilä’s days were split between helping D’avi settle into motherhood and continuing her studies with his grandmother. 
On those few nights when Xi wasn’t at her sister’s, or he wasn’t on watch, Neteyam would sneak into her room at Sal and Jxo’s, where they were back to being as silent as possible. 
Jxo however, seemed to have developed a sixth sense overtime and would often drop smartass remarks to him. 
“You dragged your feet last night. I thought you were a highly skilled warrior?” or “Why don’t you just save yourself the trouble and wake the whole village with all that racket you make sneaking in. You’re not fooling anybody.” 
Suffice to say and much to Xilä’s displeasure, Neyetam refused to touch her in any sexual capacity while under Sal and Jxo’s roof. And so they had become creative when it came to their lovemaking. 
Then there was Neteyam’s birthday. 
Twenty-four years of life. 
It had been a quiet affair after much begging on his part. He really didn’t want any grand celebrations or masses of attention. 
His family held an intimate gathering at their home tent where halfway through, he and Xi snuck out and made their escape from Camp. They spent the remainder of the day, flying, relaxing and enjoying gratuitous amounts of extremely loud sex- niwan loreyu had been a most welcomed hideaway once more. 
When he revealed he was officially a taken man to the entire Council the day after, almost all of the members congratulated him- most looking relieved he was finally in a secure match- others not as pleased with who he had chosen.
Fe’ska, Leati’s mother had turned sour. He knew even after admitting his betrothal to Xi, the woman still held out the hope that he’d end up with her daughter. 
Jake, who was seated at the head of the table however, simply smirked and sent his son a “good on you,” nod as his eyes shined proudly. 
The Council however were against Neteyam putting off the announcement of his pairing with Xilä, but his father had finally put his foot down and overruled them all, citing that his son would do that on his own terms and that now they were all being “fucking ridiculous” with their demands. 
Neteyam appreciated it when Jake then held them all to an oath of secrecy. 
But that was two weeks ago…
Now, however. 
The jig was up. 
The moment Neteyam walked into D’avi and Yalnïk’s tent that morning to check in on Xi, he stopped dead in his tracks. 
‘Shit. Here we go,’ he thought with an accepting sigh of defeat, feeling the sting of the stares from the women seated around the table before him. 
They knew…. 
Oh my goodness. This took way too long to write and edit and I lost some of it- just DRAMA with this part.
But enough about that....you guysssss. They're mated! Gah I could cry because it's been such a journey.
I hope I did the love scenes justice. I just really wanted fluff Fluff FLUFFY throughout this part.
Also, I did that thing again when the part was getting way too long. So I had to cut and put it in the next one.
Anywhoo...I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Please let me know your thoughts, you already know I love hearing from you all :)
Ps. I have no full knowledge about the Na’vi and their body anatomy and how everything works. So I used my imagination for the first time sex and baby birthing scene.
Ps. Ps. So it ended on a bit of a cliff hanger which I absolutely hate doing. But I figured you guys could get involved and share how you think the women in Neteyam and Xi's life may react to them hiding the fact that they're already mates.
Tags: @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @granddearduck @riatesullironalite @strawberri-blonde @earthling55 @innercreationflower @duckworthbean @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop @blkmystery @neteswife
If you'd like to be tagged or I forgot you by accident, please let me know.
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the-booty-crusader · 2 months
me reading the description for the shirt Damian is borrowing from Tim’s closet: tehehe! its Tim Krake!!
HAHAHA I’m so glad someone caught my little reference! Don’t worry, I don’t expect anyone to remember which fics have my name under the title (I sure as heck don’t remember the writer of every fic I read ;;)
I’m glad you’re enjoying both 💖💖
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kentopedia · 4 months
Maannn Rylie… I swear I’m not gonna bother much with JJK. I love the characters and still plan to write for em mainly but the manga just hurts in the wrong way 🫠 all my faves dead…. Getting back into TV shows and Kdramas anyway lol fave Kdrama rn is The Glory and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
If you have any recommendations for shows I’m all ears, plus I would loveee to know about some of your faves!
right?? 😭 i feel the same way. i love the characters but the manga is just so frustrating and i feel so unsatisfied :/ maybe if i understood the vision i would enjoy it but idk. i just want to know how it’s going to end sob.
omg same!! i’ve been getting back into tv, i haven’t watched much anime lately </3 i’ve only seen 2 kdramas (squid game & all of us are dead), so i will have to check these out!
ooh ok my favorite tv shows at the moment ! supernatural as u know teheh. and i’m so close to finishing breaking bad it’s sooo good idk if you’ve seen it! i’m planning on watching better call saul after when i’m done. and then the walking dead of course <3 i am a hugeee interview with the vampire fan (i luv the book & movie) so i’ve been watching the new show & it’s very very well done. i have been obsessed! i’m really riding amc rn w the recs 😭 but they have so many bangers. alice in borderland is another one of my favs!! it’s based off a manga so it’s a little crazy but super addicting. and the characters are great! OMG i’m also watching the boys (bc jensen is in it HAHA) and it’s soo good too. it’s kind of a lot sometimes though there’s some really dark themes, so just be aware of that. i also really enjoy the umbrella academy, it’s one of my favorites and its sooo funny. also if you like dark comedies, barry is really good and pretty short! i haven’t watched it in a while but i remember being addicted.
i watch a lot of tv LMAOOO so i have more recs if ur ever in need. i mostly like supernatural / dark / drama shows so idk if that’s to your taste but if so i would def recommend these! i’d love to hear ur favs as well, im always looking for recs tehe <3
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imbelfoxxyloxxy · 6 months
Thoughts on Husk and Niffty?
I even drew them over spring break tehehe 🤭
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Long answer:
I’m really interested in seeing more of them, be it with how short season 1 was, wanting MORE RAGH, and being a fan of hazbin since the creators speed drawing days I’m really interested in seeing what’s official now, what changed and stuff yah know? Like husk being an ex overlord??? Oooooo
And like the fact they’re mysterious without having to fully rely on the lore of Alastor, both have their own personalities, back stories, and specific traits that make them stand out on their own in the cast, and from their boss that owns their lives
Back on husk being an ex overlord, that means Niffty was one as well right? and if so I really wanna know what she was like before she sold her soul to alastor, and tbh with how she acts, did she even sell her soul to him? /j
She doesn’t seem as miserable as Husk like what was her trade with alastor, did she loose a bet or was this an honest deal? Why him and not the other overlords?
We got a look into their dynamic in season 1, with Husk seeming to know a lot more about Niffty, making her more mysterious than Alastor tbh, Husk is a okay with insulting his boss to other people but when Niffty signaled him to keep quiet??? And he did???? NIFFTY LORE NOW😩
I just wanna know their human lives as well, and what souls did they own before alastor claimed theirs? In order to be an overlord you gotta own souls yah know? And how did alastor win their souls? We see with Husk he lost a card game, so how did Niffty lose if she didn’t want to sell her soul? Both are younger than Alastor so like did they know his name at least or did they just think he was a random sinner? Since the only ones telling us his lore was Vaggie in the pilot, and Mimzy, someone that knew him personally when they were alive. Husk and Niffty don’t say anything about him from what I remember, just that husk is miserable and Niffty is… Niffty 🌝
And since Husk was an overlord, how did people react when he lost his soul to alastor?? does alastor own his casino now? I get he’s called a fraud and scammer now but like, since we haven’t seen it, is he called that by random sinners? People that lose to card games with him? Or current (but older) overlords? (Since I don’t think the Vs really keep track tbh) 🤷‍♀️
Alastor had a habit of just killing overlords, and since the souls he seems to own seem to be his little henchmen, what did Niffty and husk have specifically that makes him not only keep them around, but also bicker with? Like yes he still views them as benith them but like still they’re has to be more to that contract to prevent alastor form killing them the moment their souls were traded.
Overall I just wanna know more about them, but if the short season eps is a pattern, I’m satisfied with consuming official content and fan art, because tbh there is very little husk and Niffty content in this fandom
ANYWAYS Both fine af and I wont them shiiii leave alastor for me I can fight him off wanna be emo furry vs wanna be emo furry lets go 💥💥💥
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toasttt11 · 7 months
You’re always in my ask box but I’m never in yours. Gonna have to change that
I hope you know that you’re such an amazing person. I love talking to you and when you send me pictures of our boy Joey 🙈
Please remember you’re talented, kind, beautiful, caring and amazing. So happy that I get call you my friend<3
teheh all good lovey :)
awwwww!!! i love taking about our joey boy he’s the best !!! and you have influenced my joey au :)
aww love thank uuu!! that’s so sweet i can’t :) thank you thank you, your the best friend !
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the-raging-tempest · 8 months
Welcome back Dolly! I gotta try whatever it was you had lmfao
🔞,🚬,🤝 and 💌 for your boy 😌
LMAO I got you Jay! Remember I only had half. Splitting this with my partner we were like off of earth for a full day. I’m only barely conscious enough to do these asks! St Ides Georgia Peach High Tea! It tasted great but I lost a day in the zone. Now ASK TIME for which I am already so sorry I hope this is coherent! I’m still out of it 💕
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A nsfw hc…. I feel like I’ve shared so many of my own free will let me think of one I haven’t said… HAH maybe this one does not need to be said and alas. It’s what popped into my head. He’s into getting pegged.
A bad habit. Damn this made me realize he has a lot. LMAO I mean easy feels like it doesn’t need to be said but his smoking. He’s got a lot of self destructive ones. He’s always looking for some quick fix to feel a little better. But I’ll also include not getting enough sleep. He has an awful time actually getting in bed and going to sleep. He puts it off for as long as possible. Always looking for a reason to avoid it.
A connection hc!! Tehehe I love that this one is here! God I feel like I have so many. I mean best worst couple ever. Aria and Zrise would be fighting one second and then all over each other. I feel like both of them would be awful at apologizing or owning up to anything. So I feel like Zrise would have a few go to ‘apology’ moves. Where he doesn’t actually have to say it LMAO Probably where he goes out and buys her something very nice because he’s a hint prideful but also in his own way wants to show he cares / doesn’t want to lose her
Romance themed! I’m gonna go with more actually romantic rather than the many unromantic and weird things Zrise would get up to LMAO! Zrise would never consider himself romantic but I think he has a romantic deep down in there. It’s just a little… wounded. If someone were to actually get through to him and he were showing his heart… I think him being vulnerable would be trying his best to grow them a flower. Or he’d insist on looking at stars. But he’d certainly try to pass it off as not because it’s romantic… it’s just…. Dark and uhh we can be alone…
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ybcpatrick · 7 months
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i was gonna pop in here with some stupid meme or something saying i broke down a door with my bare hands to have you as my best friend and then i was like OH MY GOD ITS SUNDAY because genuinely i haven’t known what day it’s been all week anyway literally none of this matters do you know what does matter? YOU
happy tiana loves kell sunday! i’m gonna be straight to the point and say this week better treat you kindly and that no matter what life throws your way you better let me be there right by your side dealing with it with you because you’re a top priority in my life and you always deserve that. also i can’t wait to hug you in like basically five weeks oh my god. that’s so fucking crazy i can’t wait to do silly things with you literally by my side and build our super secret clubhouse fort tehehe <3 i hope you always remember how much i love you and always know it to be true 🥹💖💕🥰💞💗💓💘💝
holds your face and smooches ur forehead sweetly mwah mwah i love u
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The Stick of Truth
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Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 13: Sunshine! Sparkle!
The next morning I woke up feeling like I got run over by a car.
I hate life.
Maybe the Goths are into something.
I roll over, away from my window, grabbing Ursa tight.
Need more sleep.
Before I can fall into sweet bliss again, I hear how I get a notification on my phone.
I want to ignore it…but I could be Tammy. I ain’t let hanging my best girl.
So I check my Facebook message.
Oh…it’s Kyle.
Emergency meeting at the Elven Forest.
Like a slap in the face, I remember what happened yesterday.
Clyde and his army of darkness.
The perverted Underpants Gnomes.
With I shout I run into the bathroom and throw up. God, I didn’t need to remember that so vividly!
After I’m done leaving my guts in the toilette I brush my teeth, I need to get the taste away. Then I decide to take a long shower and maybe cry over my lost innocent.
Yeah sounds like a plan.
When I’m freshly washed I get dressed in my room in my Dark Magician Girl Cosplay. I fix my hair up with brown extensions and with hairspray. I form the spiky hairstyle of the original Dark Magician Girl. I grip my wand, which is of course the same that the original uses.
I’m ready for the day!
I go down the stairs, pointedly don’t look at my parents and ignore their question if I want breakfast.
I mumbled something that I’m not hungry.
Then I’m out of the house.
I can’t right now be close to them.
“Morning, N.K.!”, greets Tammy, also in her fighter armor.
“Hey, Tam!”
We hug each other.
“What you doing here sis?”, I ask her after our hug.
She takes my arm and we start to walk.
“You surely saw King Kyle post on Facebook I thought we could go together to the Elven Forest.”, she explains.
I smile.
“You thought right.”
We chat about random things on our way over. Ah, that’s what I need to not think about THAT.
It feels so normal.
It’s a good feeling. Something I terribly missed this last days.
Finally, we reach the Elven Forest.
King Kyle takes note of this.
“Ah, Dark Magician Queen N.K. and Lady Tammy have decided to bless us with their presence. Let's get started.”
Tammy sits between me and Stan. Cartman sends me an evil look as I sit down beside him, while I just give him the middle finger.
I won fair and square the throne. Even if Clyde took my power away in a puff. It’s still awesome that the others recognize me now as the queen of Kupa Keep.
Also, I will change the name later, I will not let my kingdom be called KKK anymore.
The elven king has prepared a PowerPoint Presentation for us with a projector and a screen fabric.
“Humans and Elves of Zaron, a great evil has descended upon us.”, he begins. “After researching last night, I believe we are facing a threat to our entire world.”
He shows us Clyde’s evil yet badass fortress on the screen.
“Clyde's fortress of darkness is over four stories tall. So far, he has recruited at least fifty warriors to be on his team, and he-“
That’s when Cartman decides to do his job as the local asshole/bastard, whisper-shouting to Leo: “Teehee, leave it to Kyle to tehehe...”
“You have something to say, Wizard?”
“Oh, nothing. Just think it's ... kind of funny how Drow elves in the Middle Ages can use Powerpoint.”, Fatass snickers.
“Oh my god, can you please shut up!”, I command. “This is important.”
“You may have gotten my throne bitch, but you aren’t my queen!”, he hisses back.
I fix him with my best death glare and hit with my fist into my hand.
“You wanna go again, fat boy? I will kick your ass for all eternity!”
My glare must be really terrific since Cartman looks ready to shit his pants, also all humans who see it are shaking too. Even Kenny and Leo!
I hear something about red eyes.
“Queen N.K. I thank you for trying to keep order, but right now kicking Cartman’s ass, will not help us.”, tells King Kyle.
I look at Tammy, who gives me a nod. With a sign, I stop and cross my arms.
“Please continue, King Kyle.”
“Thank you as I was saying…Clyde is attempting to raise an army of darkness. I believe he is messing with something he cannot control. He has recruited many of our friends and so... our only hope is for our two factions to join forces.”
My subjects are shocked, while Kyle’s people seemed already to have accepted this idea. Maybe he told them before.
“FUCK. THAT.”, shouts Fatass. “WE do not team up with fucking ELVES.”
“You got a better idea, Wizard fatass?”, counters Stan.
“After what you elves did to us at the Battle of Wormsly Woods?!”, even Leo joins in. “You think we'll ever trust you?”
Having enough and before it escalates I stand up and stand before my people.
“Enough!”, I shout loud and clear. “I know I’m only been queen since yesterday, I don’t know what past our kingdom has with the elven one, but guys, see the bigger picture here! I agree with King Kyle. We need to join forces against Clyde. It will not help us to still fight each other if fucking Clyde takes over the world with his Nazi Zombie Army! I’m making myself clear?!”
Again I see how my friends and subjects shake. I’m really that scary? Tammy is giving me a proud thumbs up, while the elven try their hardest not to laugh.
“I’m making myself clear?!”, I repeat again, waiting for a response from my subjects.
Princess Kenny is the first to answer: “If the queen thinks this is for the best I support her.”
Shocked gasp from our people sound.
“Of course, you would say that Kinny! That bitch sucked your dick!”, accused Wizard Fatass.
Me and Kenny send him death glares.
“If I did or did not is not relevant and also is non of your fucking business, fatass!”, I shout and point my wand in his face. “I’m thinking about how to save our kingdom! This is the most important. If an alliance will help us so be it! So shut up and be the grand wizard we need for the fight and not a bastard for once in your life!”
I hear damn sons and approving whistles from Tammy and the elves. I can see that my subjects looking at each, whispering, and then all nod, besides Cartman of course.
“If you think this will be for the best, big sis…then we will follow your lead.”, speaks Leo for all.
I nod at him and sit down on my chair. I wave at Kyle to continue with his presentation.
The red-haired boy is looking at me…I would say in an admiring way. I blush and play with my wand. Tammy giggles softly in my ear. I blush even more. She will soooo tease me later, I feel it.
“Again, thanks queen N.K. I’m glad we are on the same page with this.”
“I don’t want to be a party pooper.”, begins Stan. “Even if we JOIN forces we don't have enough warriors.”
“So we recruit more factions to join us. The Pirates. The Federation. And... the Girls.”
Tammy and I deadpan at how all the boys are shocked about this.
“The GIRLS?!”, shouts Leo.
“Kyle, the GIRLS are not gonna fucking play with us.”, seems Cartman to remind him.
“Yeah, dude, we can't convince girls to do this.”, surprisingly Stan agrees.
“No, but maybe Queen N.K. can.”, counters Kyle. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at all the looks the boys send me. Only Tammy isn’t staring like a cow. She is deadpanning at them too. “Queen N.K. has a power we have yet to understand. She makes friends on Facebook faster than any we have seen.”
“She is really good at getting Facebook friends, I'll give her that.”, admins Wizard Chubby.
“And that I’m also a girl is totally irrelevant?”, I can’t help but point out. “And Lady Tammy here too.”
Kyle turns adorable red like a tomato.
“Erm…of course this too, queen N.K. I bet since you are their elder the girls in our grade will consider playing with us if you ask them.”, tries Kyle to save his face.
I giggle softly.
“It’s okay, cutie, I was just messing with ya.”, I flirt.
He turns red as his hair and is at a total loss for words. I hear a few snickers. Cartman opens his mouth to say something, I just hit him over the head with my wand.
“You be quiet. If you only talk shit, you will get hit.”
Grumbling curses under his breath Fatass rubs his hurting spot.
Now nearly everyone is snickering. I bet they all enjoy me putting Cartman in his place.
“Now that this is out of the way, please find a way to get the Girls to side with us, queen N.K. I'll deal with the other factions.”, promises Kyle. “The rest of you return to your stations and prepare for war.”
With a loud huzzah, we collected the chairs to put them away.
“Any idea where we could find the fourth-grade girls Tam?”, I ask my best friend, since the boys will surely not know it.
“Well when I was in fourth grade we had a secret base.”, she tells me. Huh, interesting. “It’s kind of a tradition here in South Park. But the only problem is that any new generation changes the location of the base. I think we need to find a fourth-grade girl to lead us to them.”
“Awesome! This means we can walk all day long if we don’t find someone!”, I groan annoyed, and let my head rest against her shoulder.
Tammy cooes and pets my head.
“There, there, N.K.”
“Erm, big sis?”
Surprised I look up.
Leo is standing before us.
“Hey Leo, what’s up, little bro?”
“Do you remember Annie, the one you helped against the bullies? She is a fourth grader and owes you a favor.”
I blink.
“Oh…I totally forgot! Thanks, Leo! I will send her a message.”
I ruffle his hair, while he smiles cutely up at me.
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I choose to take Tammy with me to the fourth-grade girls. Having two elders and no boys will maybe sway them faster in agreeing to help us.
“So…you like King Kyle?”, asks me Tammy with twinkling eyes, as we make our way to City Hall, where Annie is waiting for us.
I blush red.
I know she would tease.
“I’m in a goddamn love triangle, Tam!”, I bemoan my faith to her. “I hate it! It’s the most stupid cliche ever! I like Kyle and also Princess Kenny.”
Now Tammy is blinking rapidly at me.
“Princess Kenny? Huh, that’s kind of funny, my ex-boyfriend was named Kenny too.”
“I think, the princess and your ex are the same.”, I wince. “In real life, she is Kenny McCormick.”
We walk in silence for a while. This is a really awkward situation.
Tammy is the first to find her words.
“N.K. don’t feel bad, you meet Kenny earlier than me. How should you know that he was my boyfriend once?”
“It feels still so…awkward.”
“Listen, me and Kenny ended our relationship as friends, and…you are my best friend, even if we have known each other for such a short time.”, she takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “What we have is so more…. potent than whatever I had with Kenny. So if you want him, get him. I just want us to stay best friends.”
“Me too, Tam, like sis, I think you are my soulmate!”, I confess to her, squeezing her hand back. “I don’t wanna lose you. You are more important than my two crushes.”
“That’s the sappiest thing anyone ever said to me…I dig it!”
I plant a soft kiss on her cheek, which makes her blush adorable.
So cute.
“I have more of that, but…you really okay if I go for Kenny. If I go…there is still Kyle.”
Now she kisses my cheek and I turn red.
“Yes, really don’t worry.”
At least my relationship with Tammy is safe.
What I should do about Kenny and Kyle is a whole other house number.
Why I’m in a stupid love triangle?
It doesn’t need to be a love triangle, girl…polyamory!
My face turns into a pepperoni.
Where did this thought come from?
I was always monogamous in my relanteship. I never felt the need to date different people at the same time.
Why know?
…Because I can’t fucking decide and thinking about having both Kyle and Kenny as boyfriends turns me so fucking happy.
Uha, better stop now.
There is City Hall and Annie waiting for us.
“Hello N.K. and Tammy, right?”, she greets us.
I nod, while Tammy greets back for us.
“So what can I help you with?”
I explain in short words what shit we are currently dealing with and that we need more girl power to kick Clyde’s ass.
“I see.”, frowns Annie. “I can take you to the fourth-grade girls. But I don't think they'll be very willing to play with boys. Do you wish to speak to them now?”
“Yes, time is a wasting.”
“Then please follow me, N.K. and Tammy.”
And we do just that.
Tammy and I are impressed with what the fourth-grade girls did with the girl bathroom in the playground.
Yes, their secret base is there.
How did they manage to paint it, bring these tables and all this other shit like posters here, I wonder.
A pretty black-haired girl with a lilac barret seems to be the head of the girls since she is the only one sitting at one of the higher tables.
“The four hundred and twelfth meeting of the girls is hereby called to order. Sparkle, Sparkle.”, she proclaims like we are in a trail, even with a little gravel.
“Sunshine!”, responded all the girls.
“Sunshine sparkle, Millie Larsen has the floor.”, says a brunette with a hairband.
This Millie Larsen starts right away: “If it pleases and sparkles, I move that we vote IMMEDIATELY on the urgent matter involving Monica Ryland.”
Agreeing sound from all the girls.
I look at them with fascination. That is so straight, I could nearly puke. But still fascinating. Since I’m bi I have no idea how straight girls think.
Tammy whispers nostalgic to me: “I’m having so many flashbacks.”
I grin at her.
“Excuse me, I'm sorry but I have an urgent matter that I believe needs to be addressed first.”, calls Annie for attention.
“The chair acknowledges Annie.”, says barrett girl.
“Sunshine, sparkle, Annie Knitts has the floor.”
“If it pleases and sparkles, two of our elders from the fifth grade are here to talk with us about a request from the fourth-grade boys.”
Like the good straight girls their age, they play their role of being sick hearing boys nominated. I bet at least half of them already had boyfriends.
“What request do the boys ask of us?”, wants the head girl to know.
“Sunshine, sparkle, I’m Tammy and she is N.K., little sisters.”, answers Tammy for us. “We came here since we are playing an RPG with the boys, but it has gone so out of control that we need more players. You.”
“Erm yes, sunshine sparkle, did I say that right? I’m currently the queen of one of the fractions and I need some Amazons in my kingdom. You pretty and powerful girls wanna help us beat up a stupid boy?”, I add.
“That…is interesting.”, admins the head girl. “I’m Wendy, pleased to meet you two. How did you manage to become queen of the boys?”
The other girls are interested too.
“I beat up Eric Cartman like the little pussy he is.”, I explain.
Awwing sounds all around us.
Wendy smiles nostalgically.
“Ah, reminds me at the time I beat up Cartman. Good times.”
Okay, I already like this Wendy! Anyone who shows the fatass his borders is amazing!
“So you girls wanna be my amazons?”, I ask again. “Anyone who fights against fatass is my type of girl.”
For that I get confused looks…only Wendy seems to get what I mean and blushes.
Oh…someone isn’t as straight as they present themselves?
Right, my black-haired beauty?
I wink at her, which makes her blush more.
“What?! We don't have time for that!”, shouts Millie. “Something VERY big happened and we MUST do something!”
“I know, I thought maybe they could help.”, answers Annie.
“Oh, that's not a bad idea.”, means a cute blond girl with long locks. “I glitter Annie's idea.”
“Sunshine, sparkle. A motion has been glittered to have queen N.K. and?-“
“Lady Tammy.”
“And Lady Tammy help with Monica Ryland.”
Now I’m curious what this could be.
“Well spit it out, girls?”, I tell them, while Tammy nods in agreement.
“All right, your Highness and Lady Tammy, look - there are TERRIBLE RUMORS going around town that our good friend Allie Nelson was spotted at the abortion clinic.”, explains Wendy.
I frown and Tammy gasp shocked.
“I have NEVER been to the abortion clinic! I'm not a whore!”, calls this Allie Nelson into the room.
Tammy looks at her with sympathy and I purse my lips.
I don’t really see the problem with either things.
Like abortion is our right and being a whore is a stupid concept. I mean I call myself a thirsty hoe, but how Allie says whore implies for me she means it in the patriarchy way that girls can’t even kiss two boys without being labeled as dirty and whores, while boys can fuck 50 girls and are the kings of the world.
Did I mention that I hate the patriarchy?
Now, you know.
“We aren't sure, but we think the girl spreading rumors about Allie is Monica Ryland.”, reveals Wendy.
“And then she has the gall to act all nice to me!”, adds Allie.
“We have to know for sure if Monica Ryland is a two-faced bitch or not. If one of you had been a boy we would have done this: we would send Monica a Facebook page with YOUR picture then told her that you're Bebe's boyfriend from Lakewood, and you want to meet her and ask her what the best thing to get Bebe for her birthday would be, and see if Monica tries to hit on you at all because THAT way, we can see if Monica is a manipulative bitch.”
“Right.”, comes from the golden locks’ beauty. So her name is BeBe.
Tammy nods in understanding, while I can just stare at them.
I think I’m going to have a rash from all this straightness, bitchness, patriarchy-infused mind thinking these little fourth-grade girls have going on.
Once again I want to thank the Lord that he made me bi and I don’t have that kind of mindset.
I can’t even comprehend that.
It’s so stupid.
Like we girls should ALL stick together and kick the patriarchy in it’s non existed balls!
The future is female and all that!
Wendy’s voice drags me back from my thoughts: “But since neither of you is a boy, we don’t know what to do.”
“Well, N.K. could dress up as a boy!”, suggests Tammy. “The boys thought for a while she was a boy as she was walking around in her Link Cosplay.”
I turn to Tammy and mouth what the fuck to her. She just shrugs her shoulders.
“Oho really, but you are so pretty!”, compliments me Bebe, but I see the envy in her eyes.
Oh no, I don’t have the nerve for this bullshit.
The other girls agree with her, yet their looks spell the same as Bebe one.
“I can put my Sasuke Uchiha cosplay on, that’s the only other male cosplay I have.”, I grit out from behind my teeth and wish to be anywhere else than here.
“Is he good-looking?”, wants Bebe to know.
Wordless I show her a picture of me in my Sasuke cosplay.
She nods.
“Yes, that will do.”
…I’m going to kill someone. I can’t with this shit.
“Do this task for us, and we will consider your request.”
Thanks, Wendy that you will consider it! And here I thought there was another one who wasn’t straight.
My Bi-Fi needs calibrations.
Wendy hits her gravel and says Sparkle and all, even Tammy, answer with sunshine.
I don’t even wait that Annie accompanied us to the door, I get out alone.
I need to watch/read some Yuri to get away from all this Heteronormativity/Patriarchy/Anti-Feminist I experienced.
Also, I need to change cosplay.
Why do I have a feeling this will be not easy as it seems?
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rezidue · 1 year
Vent story uhhh once I had an anxiety/panic attack (idk) when I was hanging out with my friends and my brain gave me the option between disassociation and age regression. With all my power I tried not to regress (mostly success?) but I still wanted to be held and touched and been taken care of so bad like… I just needed it to be okay. I remember really clearly wanting to take someone’s hand really bad. I didn’t get any of that unfortunately. I was (tehehe) the life of the party previously so my dissociated state brought the mood way down. They even said they felt it afterwards. Buuuut :,] if I regressed I could have been more okay and had fun… but that’s so scary to just regress around people. Idek if they would have noticed. I’m always silly lol. I DID have someone joke that they hated me and I almost cried. They apologized immediately cus they remembered I don’t like those jokes but :,,,) sometimes I imagine he meant it or I did cry. I don’t know :,,,) I’m touch starved and lonely and insecure. Moral of this story. Also lol I had the attack because we where talking about the one person who really loved me in my life who left us
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anchoeritic · 1 year
hey baby, so sorry to bother you. i’m just high. HAHDUCHE and well i - i got to thinking. and i can’t remember or i don’t know. anyways - i think a belly button piercing would look so good on you. like i don’t know/remember if you have one already (and i just am thinking it would look good because you already have one) but yeahh. idk what i’m saying. hi howdy doody basket.
let’s kiss in the sand and then go swim. and if you don’t wanna swim i’ll leave you to relax in the sun while i go get sunburnt being in the water for far too long. then come bring you back shells and tell you what i found in the tide pools.
i mean what?? never mind me tehehe
hi sweetheart!! come bother me whenever, i literally love you and everything you say. and jay baby, i have a belly button piercing already sjdosjdkdkd. YOU’RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK. you’re also so adorable, shut up wodjsidjdkd. hi hey hello howdy pretty girl.
let’s build our future home with sand and go on a long walk along the shore and collect seashells so we could make silly lil crafts when we get back home. and kiss. duh. obviously. a lot of kissing actually. 🤲🏼🩷
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mikumanogi-blog · 2 years
2022-10-22 “Japan’s Slope (Sakamichi) #Tere-pan blog” [ENG]
“Your life changes when you climb Mount Fuji” Is a saying that you often hear isn’t it?
But for us our lives changes so much that it is almost as if we were reborn just half a year ago. Perhaps if we had the power to change our lives, we (together with the sash that was given to Aya by Hii-chan) I think that all of the 5th generation members would have been able to climb Mount Fuji.
Well, the majority of the 5th generation members challenged the climb, the climb being climbing Mount Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan. More than that it’s a miracle that we succeeded in climbing the mountain, I can’t even explain how!!!
One of those proud 5th generation members is me Ikeda Teresa, read as Ikeda Teresa. It’s a pleasure to meet you 😳🤍
 I never thought that the thought of climbing Mount Fuji would be decided in the studio. Apparently, the staff believed that now was the time for the 5th generation members to challenge Mount Fuji, a mountain that the senior members had overcome, in the hopes that the bonds between us would become stronger.
Looking at the pictures I remember feeling like I was carrying the hopes and the miracle of so many other people with me.
Scribbles from 1 in the morning ✒️🤍
The things that Nagi thought to bring along with her on the climb was a notebook and a pencil, because she wanted me to draw some pictures for the hit campaign. When I heard that I was soooo happy.
The night of the first day, in the futon in the Mountain hut I drew this.
 When I was chosen to be on ‘Kotoge Eiji (san’s) no nante be da!’ Nagi was the most happy and excited
 Oh that’s right, there’s something that I want to tell everyone on this blog.
First off, I’ll be appearing as a regular on “Kotoge Eiji no nante bi da!” on top of that there will be a solo gravure project publication in B.L.T for the 5th generation members.
When I said that I wanted to participate in the hit single campaign, I never thought that I would be given the chance so quickly.
 For each and everything it’s scary how blessed and happy I am… Ever since I’ve joined I’ve wondered if it’s really ok for someone like me to be this blessed and fortunate?
I want to be someone who can say “where I am now is truly due to the fruits of my labor!” and being able to contribute to the group with that growth is my number way I believe that I can repay them.
I full of weakness but little by little I’m getting stronger.
If you like, please watch over me. The strength that I have been given by all the fans that support me is very important to me.
Being able to meet all of you and meet and greets and having all of you leave all these comments on my blogs, all of these things show me that you’re thinking about me and to me all of those things are precious.
As always, thank you very much. I absolutely love each and every one of you.
Please continue to look after me <(_ _)>
A~! On the way to the top with these 5 people!?
Starting from the left, Pan, Makuro, Ohagi, Omochi, Kawaii-ko-chan
 (There are various opinions on the naming of this team 🙊💭🤍)
First off is ‘A’, then there is ‘top or summit they’re both good ദ്ദി˶ー̀֊ー́ )
WHAT!? These 5 are at the top!? Is something I wrote in the note book by accident when I was half asleep, teheh
It’s because of these 5 members that, without losing anyone, we were able to reach the summit of Mount Fuji, I think 💭
I think these 5 members are fine, from a different road but heading for the same goal, I love you all too!!!
Furthermore, Manatsu entrusted me with this ‘ROCK’ hat, when I wore it I could feel the power welling up from deep within me 🤟🏻 ̖́-
It felt almost like Manatsu was right beside me giving me her strength.
Endo-san and Tsutsui-san’s encouragement VTR almost gave me a lot of courage, thank you very much.
So Iroha brought with her her Quokka-chan, to be honest I also brought one with me, eheh, it was a different color though.
Even on air, on Streaming Now you can see it secretly reflected there, if you want you can try and find it!!!
 Extra 2
Going up also means you need to go down.
I was constantly thinking about how I would be able to see from one edge of the world to the other on the top while I was climbing but going down the scenery was that of hell… 🥺
There were others who had a tougher time than me when climbing and then when I saw everyone was going down smoothly I started to get impatient
I think all of my sore muscles that I had the day after was a result of me going down the mountain.
The whole next week my legs were wobbly like bambi’s legs… 🦌🤍
Announcements - ̗̀ 📢💭
“Kotoge Eiji no nante bi da!”
On air every Tuesday at Midnight ✨
The next time will be October 25th, where I, Ikeda Teresa, have been given a regular role. On location shoot we were immersed by the charm of Andy Warhol.
For people that know a lot about art, and to people that don’t know a lot about art, and for the people that want to learn more about art! Please make sure to watch.
This show, as well as the arts, if I’m the one to introduce you to it that would make me so happy.
 Please continue to look after me!!!!
 “Nogizaka Under Construction”
Every Sunday at Midnight!
Next episode will be the Nogi-zacademy award, full of variety with unreasonable req… wonderful themed challenged 👊🏻( ¨̮💪🏻)🤍
Ad libbing is hard… I did my best while fighting hard… I think you’ll be able to see many different sides of some members!
Please make sure to check it out
 “Nogizaka Streaming Now”
On Youtube, as a special compilation of Nogizaka Under Construction for the 5th Generation Member’s complete version of climbing Mount Fuji.
I never thought they would do something like this…!
I’m so glad 🥺✨🤍
 My Recommended scene↓↓↓
13:53 being onlookers on Io-chan and nagi’s couple mountain climbing YouTube channel
25:17 Hii-chan entrusted me with shrimp chips and said “Watch over it and see how much it swells!”
(While it was about to burst at the top we all ate it 😌
46:22 NaoMao showing us the dignity and presence of a mountain climber 😎✨
“New Nogizaka Star Tanjou!”
Every Monday at 25:29-25:59!
On this week’s broadcast I performed RezoRaba -resort lovers-/Bakufu slump with the original artist and Hii-chan
A tomboyish girl who wants to be ladylike once said…”Aren’t I cute? You’re adorable… that was Hii-chan.
Next time will be Kuu-chan’s grand prize, so all of you Kuu-chan Oshi’s better tune in 👀✨
(but also me, even if it’s just a little, please watch…!)
 On sale October 24th, B.L.T December issue!
5th Generation Member serialization project, I’m so glad I was chosen to be the first! Thank you so much 😭🤍
 My first solo gravure had the theme of fall. I was super nervous but the staff around me were so nice, and the shoot was super fun and went by so quickly 😳🤍
 I got to wear a lot of amazing outfits and got to be on different stage and scene, I really want you all to see it! Please look after me
 I’ll upload some behind the scenes sots on the next blog…! You can start looking forward to them now!!!
 I’m so glad that I’m able to bring you all so many announcements.
I’m going to continue to do my best so I can bring you even more happy new like this - ̗̀📣
Preview of next week 🌬
Next Tere-pan’s hint!
Trick or treat, which do you like more
Look forward to next time as well, rock paper scissors!!!!
Q&A 💭
🤍It’s B grade question time, well then today’s question is, Teresa what is your posture right now when you are reading this??
(Blog name: 正)
Sitting on the train 🚋💨
Question! People that always go to meet and greets prepare their favorite foods, Teresa-chan what is your favorite food?
(blog name: Dewa)
This time of year…Strawberries! 🍓
1, Currently are you using Majolca Majorca eyelash foundation?? I also use that one but even when I lengthen them a little they’re nowhere near as long as yours,, If you have anything else that you use please let me know 🙇‍♂️
2, do you have a recommended mascara?? It gives me the length but I want to know about other recommended mascaras!!
(blog name: Mi)
 1, I’m currently using it 😭🙏🏻🤍
It’s annoying…but recently I feel like my eyelashes have fallen out so I started using it again!
Everyone always praises my eyelashes which make me really happy, let’s do our best to raise our eyelashes 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽
2, One that I’ve been using that has made me go ‘wow, this is amazing’ is Maybelline New York’s Skyhigh mascara!
I like comb type mascara, but this one is comb and brush which I feel is really good.
I recently borrowed it from my make-up artist but it was too unkempt and so I don’t think we should be sharing it… 🥺
🤍I feel like Teresa-pan and I are growing further and further apart, I’m sad and I feel like I’ve probably been forgotten, but she didn’t even know me from the start lol
(blog name: maumau)
I know you, I see you, I want to see you again 💭
Question, do you like carbonated water?
(blog name: Taru)
I wube ittttt
Question, In the end which do you like more Teresa-pan, lesser pandas or pandas? (sometimes I worry about things like wanting Tere-pan like goods lol)
(blog name: chopper)
Hmmm… that is one of the worlds most difficult questions!!!
🤍If there was to be a second Anime Song special… what are some songs you want the other 5th generation members to sing?
(Blog name: Shio hitotsumami)
 Nagi Sidonia/ Angela, Kishi Koushinkyoku/ Angela
I think she really suits military style songs 💪🏽( ¨̮ 💪🏽)
Io-chan, Iroha (café au lait)
→first pain/ Ishikawa Chiaki
The lyrics are darker but with both of our voices, I feel like you can find hope lodged in there somewhere
🤍Question time clock🕐🎶
You said that you like buff people so I started doing my best to work out but can you say that you like people with melon shoulders? 💪🏻🍈
(Blog name: zuu)
No matter what you look like I love you
One day, even if you become a monster I’ll love you the way you are, definitely!
🤍Last night Teresa-chan appeared in my dreams. Do you think you could appear again?
(Blog name: Watashi wa Ringo)
Please tell me the address of your dream😴𓈒 𓂂𓏸🦄
I’ll be right over!
1, There are a lot of onsens across Japan, is there one that you want to go to?
2, Do you like Onsen Tamago?
(Blog name: type)
 1, Probably (For some reason it flew away!) Beppu Onsen?
2, I love them.
I personally like them…do you perhaps like them as well?
🤍A call to Merono-san RING RING…
You say you love Tere-chan, in order to be in mutual love, what should I do? Merono-san, as someone that is close to her can you give me some advice? ※I don’t want Tere-chan to find out yet so please keep this top secret
(Blog name: Matcha Azuki)
ʕ·͡·ʔ“Don’t worry, it’s probably already mutual love…I think she’s going to find out about it though so it’s to run away”
Question, rather than using her dominant right hand what does Teresa-pan often use her left hand for? I’ll be waiting for your response
(blog name: Pa Ikeda) I often put my bag on my left shoulder
🤍Tere-chan said that she loved me, and I want to tell her I love her, and so everyday I feel so happy and blissful, is there something that makes Tere-chan happy every single day?
(Blog name: Chiruno-chan)
Having so many people tell me that they love me, and to really feel them in my heart makes me really happy.
It’s because I love everyone…that’s why I feel emotional when reading each and everyone of your comments, it really feels like you’re here with me.
As always, thank you very much.
I have a question for Tere-pan! 🐼
1, What sport have you seen and gone, that looks so cool?
2, Is there anywhere you know in the Hyogo prefecture outside of Kobe?
3, I’m really nervous about going to a meet and greet and I don’t think I have the confidence is still okay if I go?!!!!
(blog name: Shunu soup)
1, When I went to watch pro player play basketball, not dunking but rather watching the players consistently hit three pointers made me fall in love with them✨
2, Hime no Michi Himeji🤍
3, To have someone that came to my blog and write comment, there’s no way I wouldn’t be happy to meet and see you 😭!!!
I’m also nervous…but I need to do my best to relax and get rid of those nerves!
🤍For sushi rice, vinegar rice or white rice?!
(Blog name: Miyako)
Probably vinegar rice
Right now what do you see to your right? Hmmmmmmmm this is a B rated question lol
(Blog name: Choukyuu)
Io-chan is sleeping to my right… smug
Lastly a question for Tere-chan, I don’t since when I fell in love with you but please make up take responsibility for making me fall in love with you ദ്ദി^._.^)
Can you come to love me?
 (blog name: New charm)
We’re together forever
It’s kind of whatever, (^ω^)( ˘ω˘ )This emoji looks like Pochita doesn’t it, or maybe (⊙ω)つthis one looks more like it
(Blog name: veeeeen)
When I read the manga, the voice I gave Pochita was that of Denebe (Otsuka Hochu-san) so when I heard Pochita’s voice in the anime it was soooo cute I was shocked, Pochita with a cute voice is cute isn’t it! (⊙ω)つ
1, If you put this around your body you’ll have some emergency Teresa-Power??
2, Teresa-pan’s color, which Bike Kawasaki Sakura’s color is better 💚🤍or 💙
(Blog name: Yatakura)
1, if possible I would want you to put the real Teresa-panda nearby… 🥺
2, White, green and pink are the 3 colors that suit Sakusakupanda. Blue is definitely Bike Kawasaki Sakura, she’s a cool type
🤍Tere-pan, when you’re sketching what is by far the best pencil to use! I like uni’s B or Staedtler’s F
(blog name: hot kenai!)
To start I like uni’s 3B
When I’m going back over it and writing I like Staedtler’s F (we’re the same!)
Every time I read Madame Tere-pan’s blog, I feel like I’m stuck in a swamp and I don’t think I can continue on like this…, is there a way to get out of here!?
(blog name: ritsu)
Why don’t we sink further into the swamp together eheh
You’ll use it today right?! Definitely?
1, I want to be adopted by Teresa-san. What would you prepare me for breakfast? (Please answer this first! Isn’t it the best…….)
2, In order to get braces I need to get my wisdom teeth extracted (;-;)Instead of anesthesia could I get a Teresa-Power injection instead…
(blog name: Taikiko)
1, At Ikeda’s house we eat Japanese food 🍚
2, Teresa-power (Anesthesia type) injection 💉⇢🦷 ́͏̖-
🤍Teresa-chan looked so cute in the BandHaga MV! Are you an angel?
(blog name: Fujikko)
If I’m able to become an Angel it will be because of all of you 👼🏻🤍
To me all of you are like gods eheh
1, Once and for all, what is your favorite type of nabe!?
2, In winter are you a coat person or a down jacket person?
3, When do you start feeling that Fall is over and Winter has come???
(blog name: Akagi Ritsuko)
1, Motsu Nabe
2, fluffy and lumpy down jackets ˚ʚ(◜𖥦◝ )ɞ˚.
It’s kind of like you’re being wrapped up by a futon and I really like that feeling… you can feel it’s pressure applied to you 🥺
Everyone, it’s gotten cold recently, let’s all play a game of Oshikura Manjyuu squisssssssssssshhh!!!
(TL note: Oshikura Manjyuu is a children’s game)
3, When it starts to get colder and you feel like you have more time to relax is still Autumn. When you go COLD!!!!!! That’s when it’s winter :(  '-'   ):
I’m sorry for the late blog comment~!! When I look at Tere-chan I feel blessed and happy!! Tere-chan, I want to feel engertic from one of you recent happy stories!
(blog names: uekaramatsu)
The face of the sleeping Ioki Mao beside me is really cute… 👶🏻
1, do you like boy with brown hair? 🥺🥺🥺
2, What do you think of when you think of Aomoi prefecture? (Besides apples🥺)
3, Is there something that you can not miss as part of you routine? As always thank you and I’d be happy if you were to answer my question!!!
(blog name: Kono Big Wave ni nore!)
1, I do like women with brown hair
But Teresa-panda, like you too🤍
2, Tuna 🐟🌊🤍
3, To read through everyone’s comments before a meet and greet!!!
Also to make sure I go and see everyone on the fixed camera during break times because I want to see you all because I love you!
🤍Tere Q time
What is your least favorite subject?
(blog name: Panzerfaust)
🤍What color do you feel like Zetsubou and Bandhaga are?
(Blog name: Ninjin)
Zetsubou no 1byou mae →White
Bandhaga →light blue I think💭
I feel like the scenery of the penlights during our live performance of Zetsubou has been pulled along by the Bandhaga MV’s colors 🥺🤍
The student group at our university does agriculture, what kind of image do you have of a farm boy? (It’s not an agricultural school, but a university where you learn earth management) soon we’ll be having a nabe party using the vegetables we harvest from the field, we can read it together !!!
(blog name: Wu)
In my favorite Manga by Arakawa Hiromu titled Hyakusho Kizoku and Gin no Saji the farmers in those manga are probably how I image farm boys! Probably pretty buff 💪🏻🤍
Question!! 🐥
1, The anime for Chainsaw man has finally started! Who’s your favorite character?? I like Majin, as well as other character that only appear for a short while, Hayakawa Sensei, Kioshibe Taichou, Himeno senpai are my favorites!!
2, Teresa-chan what is one of your favorite spots, where do you go to calm down and relax?
3, I currently a student preparing for entrance exams and reading your blogs lets me take a break and relax. I’m currently holding off on going to lives and meet and greets until my exams are over…I’m so deeply apologetic that I can’t support you in person but by commenting and liking your posts is that enough to give you strength and energy?
(blog name: shiawase Akuma)
1, If I can dare say it my favorite is Fujimoto Tatsuki-san (TL note: this is the author)
2, Being curled up in my futon, if I could I would 😴🤍 forever
3, Do your best on the exams 🥺💪🏻🤍
Oooooooooone day, promise me you’ll come say hi. I’ll be waiting.
A question for you Teresa-pan!!
1, Out of the senior members what members makes you go ‘Wow she’s gorgeous”?
2, This year because I watched the Birthday Live, National Tour and new Nogizaka Star Tnajou I’ve been addicted to the 5th generation members, I’ve been worried about whether I should have more oshis, what should I do?
3, Do you know about Shikoku?
(blog name: Super mucho)
1, Umezawa Minami-san
This atmosphere around here, or rather this aura that she has is more like one of a model rather than an Idol!!! Is how I feel. Saying that, the senior members still worry about us, they’re kind to us and they amazing and wonderful people.
When we were climbing Mount Fuji, Nagi, Kuu-chan and I played the association game while climbing.
Speaking of life? Beauty!
Speaking of Beauty? Umezawa-san!
Is an association that I remember that kept coming up 💭
 2, Is it ok if I say you can fall in love with me and you want to become even more addicted and enthralled with me?
3, Kagawa, Ehime, Tokushima, Kochi!!!
My younger sister said “Ikeda (te) is my oshi, don’t oshi her ok big sis”… Is it ok for me to oshi you in secret? ❯❯❯( ᐛ )
(Blog name: Emotion)
I secretly like you 🤍
1, What’s your favorite color pairing?
2, For you personally what color do you see as ‘Happiness”
(blog name: Jean Kirstein)
1, 🤍💚
Perhaps teal and orange 𓎤𓅮 ⸒⸒
2, Camouflage!
📞🤍RING! Hello! Hello Merono-san! I want some advice. My grades are looking a little bit odd and I’ve become lazy, and I’ve been asking for extensions on my essays and reports. Merono-san, when you’re feeling lazy and want extensions what do you do to change your mind?
(blog name: Mujyaki)
How about not going near it until the very last minute, what do you think about my plan for you to get burned once?
When you go out and eat by yourself, I’ve never been here before, it’s difficult to go to a restaurant I’ve never been to before, in the end I end up going to a my favorite chain store,, is something I do often. Tere-pan, are you the kind of person that like to often go to new places?? Or the kind of person that goes to the same store over and over again??
(Blog name: shellko)
I think I’m the kind of person that like to try new places. (˙꒳˙ก̀)
But if I find somewhere delicious I’ll go there over and over again!!!
To Tere-pan I have the Tereru disease
1, Tere-pan how many pictures do you have?
2, Do you have a message for a troubled entrance exam taker!
3, What time is it right now? I hope you respond…… チラッ(´・ω・`)
(Blog name: Sakumagawa)
1, 27999 yikes🥺
2, Don’t let yourself get hungry
3, time (2022/10/16 11:39:21) 🤍
Question! ^ ^
1, Teresa 🍞if you had to do any part time job what would it be?
2, Do you read any other 5th generation member blogs?
(Blog name: Tsukishima Kei)
1, I want to work at McDonalds and say a smile cost 0 yen 😊But if I’m told to “smile now” I would get embarrassed and wouldn’t be able to…
2, I dooooo!!!!
I also end up reading the comments in the comments section, I also often see people that comment on my blogs in their comments and that makes me feel a little let down.
Teresa-panda Jealousy (  ・᷅-・᷄ )🤍
Yes! Question, when you get rice with an egg on top are you the type to properly mix it in? Or do you eat it as is? 🍚
(Blog name: Sakka)
I the type who want to mix it around properly 🥚
Teresa-panda stirring! Stir stir stir stir…𖦹 ̫𖦹💗
I have a question, If you could get on a rocket and fly to the moon, what’s something that you would want to do there?
(blog name: Tom Riddle)
To get on a scale and see how much weight I’ve lost, I’m an idiot
I looked up a nyckelharpa and it’s a very amazing instrument, you push on the strings of the keyboard to change the sound, it’s very interestingly made instrument. Why did you become interested in this instrument Teresa?
(blog name: Airport Kyuukou)
I like Celtic music, and I was thinking about what instrument made those sounds and so one day I came across a nyckelharpa and I was really shocked by it ( ö )
All those sounds were made by one instrument… Teresa-panda astonishment!!!
Lastly a question!
1, I don’t know where to go on my university graduation trip, do you have an recommendations? (Within or out of the country)
2, No alone but where is somewhere you want to go with a friend or another member?
(blog name: Buri no Teriyaki)
1, The place where I want to go is…Uzbekistan 🛁🪞🧊🫧🪺 ́͏̖-
I want to walk in the city lined with blue tiles 🥹💭
2, To tell you the truth, I’ve never been to Universal Studios Japan so it’s somewhere I’m looking to go!
Question!! Previously on Nogistar you said “sounds become colors and I can hear them” what color are voice? (If you can’t see them please tell what you think they look like!)
(Blog name: Roshin Yukai)
It’s not a color but it’s kind of like… vinegar 🥹
Question!!! Please tell me how you feel before an encore!!
(blog name: Yoshiki)
It’s already over…It finished so quickly, I wish it lasted longer, is what I think 🥺🤍
This is my first ever blog comment! You were wearing a hat with cat ears while climbing Mount Fuji. If you have a picture wearing it could you post it? I want to see
(blog name: Chikyuu no osakana)
Look at the start of the blog
🤍I feel like recently my eyesight has gotten worse, has you eyesight gotten worse Teresa-chan?
(blog name: Mens)
Ikeda hasn’t changed the power of her contact lenses in a while 👀✨
It’s always been floating around a 2.00 gap
🤍Up till now, for you what has been the most challenging song to sing, please tell us!
(blog name: mame)
Hohoemigaeshi/ Candies
This was a song that we sung on New Nogizaka Star Tanjou! and even thinking about it now I feel a little dejected… But I love Candies-san! I listen to them often 🎧✨
1, What were you thinking about while climbing Mount Fuji?
2, When you were climbing you brought around your duck Tanigaki Genjiro, what is the origin of the name? and why did you decide to bring him with you up Mount Fuji?
3, Were you sore the day after the climb?
(Blog name: Tsurumi onsen)
1, What would I do if I dropped my duck ...🐥⸒⸒
2, It’s because this one is super…adorable! I felt like I had no choice but to take him with me, that’s how charming this little duck is.
3, I became a wobbly Bambi :(´;ㅿ;`):
🤍If you were to drink something after getting out of the onsen what would it be? Milk, Coffe milk, Fruit milk, or something else entirely?
(blog name: John Leno)
I don’t drink milk so cold water!!! 🚰🤍
If you’re body is warm and you have something cold to drink it feels like it spreads throughout your body, you know what I mean. It’s one of the mysteries of the body "((∩´o`∩))"
🤍Question, because of Tere-chan’s influence I’ve noticed that I have more ducks surrounding me now! Can I show them to you at the meet and greet? I’ll comment again soon, bye bye!
(Blog name: Fuu-kun)
Duck 🐥⸒⸒
I really want to see them!!! I’m looking forward to it
Ikeda-kun, have you ever reflected on your life?
(blog name: Jinsei hansei shineize Shuusei sorega usotski joushi kousei)
Always, I try and leverage what I reflect upon to make my life better
“O niku O shoku” becomes “Yakiniku Teishoku” by putting those words in does that make me a genius?
(Blog name: Yamato)
For Ikeda whose stomach is rumbling you are a deviiillllllll!
🤍What’s your number one brush? If you can please tell me the maker and color details please ✏️📐
Also I want to see your pencil case!! I think most of the students are interested in it as well…probably ( ̄ー ̄)
(Blog name: bububu trouble)
STEADTLER’ drafting sharp pencil is the one I always use
It’s moderately heavy and it’s center of gravity is low making it good to write with, I really like it.
I often use STEADTLER pencils to draft and I’ve used them a lot
The pencil case I used was given to me by my friend around seven years ago, the logo has rubbed off so I don’t know what brand it is teheh
🤍A question for Ikeda, what is a surprising ability or talent that you haven’t made public yet??
(Blog name: David)
Probably the cracking of my fingers? Yesterday Iroha heard it and she gave me a look I’ve never seen her make before 😳❕
1, Keys are easy to lose, how do you deal with that?
2, What smartphone case do you use?
3, What’s something your bought yourself recently as a gift??
(blog name: North Caramel)
1, To tie your key to your wallet, I’ve decided to never leave either one alone ❤️‍🔥 ́͏̖-
I want to buy an AirTag
2, A clear case, it has a duck attached to it
3, I haven’t bought anything…I want to go to a massage parlor though!! Do you have any recommendations? 🥺
Question, do you have a favorite retro game? Something like Tetris or Puyo Pop 👾 
(Blog name: Oumi)
I heard my preparatory school teacher tell me that Tetris has a good effect of sketching! If I said that I reached level 50 that would be a lie. But I still feel like I was pretty good back then… (only a little bit) the power of determination is an important thing.
I have a question, would you forgive me if I had more oshis? I’m interested in Tere-pan and I can only sleep at night, what should I do.
(blog name: Ken)
If I was to stay, I want you to only look at me, would you be mad? 🥺
The end
Photo by: Manager-san📷´-
I went to a shrine in Kyoto ⛩🤍
I prayed that I will be able to continue to work as a part of everyone’s favorite Nogizaka46!
 Thank you for reading until the very end
Please come visit my blog againnnnnn (o・・o)/~
22.10.22 #Tere-pan Blog #17 (Seven’s teen)
0 notes
kentopedia · 7 months
I am not jumping up and down at the idea Osamu x Rylie is coming back. No. Who me? Never.
(I love you and Nanami REALLY much but my comfort character is Dazai, and your fics with him really brought me a lot of comfort since you are the only blog who didn't make him cheat, or disrespect too much, which I kinda missed it. BTW I HOPE I DON'T COME OFF AS MEAN OR SOMETHING HERE I JUST LOVE DAZAI AS MUCH AS I LOVE NANAMI kinda miss ya'll together)
Thing is do what you feel comfortable with, and if you feel better on the bsd side of tumblr don't be afraid of making it known, the jjk moots will be understanding, doesn't mean you'll lose them just because of some favoritism, if that's how I should call it (which I don't think but I can't find better words lol). Whatever it is your decision with this blog, just remember you have to feel comfortable with it and if it doesn't start to be comfortable for you anymore, then try to work it differently.
If people like it, then good. If they don't, it's also okay?? Not everything must be appreciated. Idk It's like 4 am here I might be saying bullshit rn 😭😭 moral of the story just do whatever you feel comfortable with in this blog <33
hi !!! sorry for taking so long responding sob but hehe YES !!! osamu & rylie are back >< i’m glad you are excited HHSWHW. i have sooo many ideas that i just haven’t gotten around to bc i’ve been writing so much for nanami, so i’m excited for them! i also want to finish my vampire dazai fic, ive put it off for so long sigh. & no i totally get it, i missed him so much too :((
i really appreciate your support !!! this is so true <3 everyone has been very kind to me about it, so i’m so grateful! i definitely used to alternate between them a lot more, but i feel like i’ve gotten a lot more followers recently so not everyone is as familiar with my bsd work sigh sigh. but i have for sure been feeling better about tumblr since i decided to take a little break from jjk! thank u so much nonnie 🤍 hope you enjoy the dazai works i have soon teheh.
0 notes
garfieldsladybird · 2 years
theme is so pretty!!!! icba to link things so here’s like a clear up of everything :)))
my october tests aren’t my gcses (the big ones) - they happen in march-y time, but my mocks are in november and i’m scared af because my teachers haven’t decided what they’re on yet (this years work or everything since last sept)
i have technically two skirts and around six shirts and then two sports kits (a top and skort for summer and winter) summer is white, winter is blue :) (one of my everyday skirts is stitched up a few inches, but the other isn’t so i just have one th at i wear :)) tehehe)
i have my rescue remedy thingys (the sweets / candy) but i’m trying not to use them until nov / match so i don’t get used to them 👀
my grades that i do get (in oct) soon are my atl (attitude to learning - 1 is the best, 2 is mid, 3-4 bitch you’re in trouble) and that’s just how you are in class / hw being done
i then get graded as well and they changed it last year to correspond with gcse grades (so 9 is best 5 is pass 4-1 fail) they give you what level you are rn and what you should be aiming for (usually a grade or two higher)
yeh reason from a change of a,b,c etc to 9-1 is because certain sixth forms / universities have a rule that you need a certain number, so when you add all your numbers up you can see if you get in! i learned this reasonably recently and it makes a lot more sense.
phew that was a lot - sending love!! also i got a really angry dm by that kinda sort of racist boy on friday and THAT was interesting 👀
sending love ❤️
also also i made lockscreens for my phone and ipad since i saw a harry styles one but wanted a taylor one that no one had tehe and i think they’re kinda cute 🥰
also also also i changed my url slightly since icedfaeriie sounded a bit like a costa coffee ☕️
yes thank you!! <33
oh okay thats more understandable. that it’s at the end of the year. which one do you hope the teachers choose tho?
that’s cool how they change the colors!  that’s pretty sweet! i why though… mhmmm. I wish I had some skirts- anyways, slayyy!!! youuu!! :DDD yeha but do you actually wear it? isn’t your school very strict..? i remember you telling me something about them not allowing like any makeup. :/ but i mean slayy!! though :DDD
that’s great!! hopefully they can/do last and/or maybe you can get more!
that’s a whole different system of what and how you are getting graded. like whoa-
that is great!! like honestly that sounds so smart to do and it sounds so useful too! i dont got much to say on six because I understand it but I don’t.
what I want to say is that basically for me at keeping up with assignments. homework and all of that. yk. I procrastinate on it a lot. but i now know that it’s okay to ask for help and if you were to get like a bad score on a test, it’s okay because it’s a learning experience, learn what you got wrong and mistaken and learn from it. but next time study. —
okay whatever. idk. but I’m not saying that you need to like ask for help or anything I’m just saying I don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get above and beyond. do the best your ability and if they do not like it then learn. yeah :)
i’m very high right now and it’s 5 AM. i’m gonna try going to bed. goodnight and good morning!! if none of this makes sense to you please ignore all of it :$)
also I’m sending so much love to you!!! wait so you made a Taylor Swift lock screen? that’s amazing!!! i’m loving all of her songs right now!! yes I did notice that you changed your url, because of so I had to go and re-change the link on my moot page which was perfectly fine ofc!! I just wanted to tell you!! anyways I love you 💗 hope you have a great day, make sure to stay hydrated and just know that you are perfect, wonderful and beautiful!!! <333
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