#oc: Matthew Moor
bluebell-winter · 8 months
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Hey There, Dellah Chapter Update✳ Chapter 06: A Coming Out Ball
"I can never dance as great as Samantha does," Rory said.
Miss Patty had to cut in Samantha's and Dean's dance, "Okay, okay, dears." She looked at Samantha, "You have a natural ability, but a girl doesn't lead, especially not that aggressively. If you did that, you'll scare off a man – or a woman dancing that aggressively."
"Well, it didn't help that moose a boy was fighting me the entire time," Samantha added.
Dean looked at Delilah and Matt, "Did she just call me moose?"
"Yes," Delilah and Matt said in unison.
Continuing Reading: Quotev // AO3 // Wattpad // FFN
Start at the Beginning: Quotev // AO3 // Wattpad // FFN
Tag: @wordspin-shares, @arrthurpendragon, @malafvma, @noratilney
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
I don't have my tablet rn so here r!!!!! Some ibispaint doodles of my charactersss under the cut
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writingwithciara · 8 months
always there for you- matt sturniolo
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summary: on the surface, abigail’s relationship seems perfect. but there’s something about her boyfriend that the triplets just don’t like. and nobody hates oscar more than matt does
word count: 3.3k
pairing: matt sturniolo x abigail moore (oc-ish) Oscar Myles
note: found a really sweet friends-to-lovers prompt on pinterest and thought it’d be good for a matt fic. this fic ties in with the social media au on my other account. mentions of controlling & possessive boyfriend, aged up because of alcohol use [PLEASE READ THE FIRST SOCIAL MEDIA POST before this fic]
“Guys I have a great idea for our next video.” Nick walked into the living room where Matt and Chris were but neither of them lifted their heads or showed any signs of listening to the older triplet. “Did you guys even hear me?”
“Hmm? What?” Chris was the only one who responded. Matt’s eyes were glued to his phone.
“I said I had a great idea for the next video.” Nick looked at Matt then at Chris. “Is he okay?”
“Yes and no.”
“Clarify please.”
“Abigail texted me and said she wouldn’t be able to make it here today since she was going to be celebrating Oscar’s birthday with his family. Matt hasn’t stopped looking at the photo she posted on her Instagram story.”
“I don’t get what she sees in him. He’s a loser.” Matt huffed before dropping his phone and turning to face his siblings. “I need to go for a drive.” He grabbed his keys and stood up. “You guys want to come?”
“Uh, sure. I’ll go grab the equipment just in case we decide to film a video or something while we’re out.” Nick retreated to his bedroom to grab everything. Chris offered his brother a sympathetic look.
“Look, none of us like Oscar. But we do like Abigail and she’s happy. That should be what matters, right?”
“I just feel like she’s hiding something from us and I don’t like that. She was an open book before she met him and now, it’s like she’s closing herself off from us…from me.” he sighed and peered down at one of his tattoos. He had gotten it because Abigail was getting one and she begged him to get a matching one with her.
“Matthew, I got a question for you.” Abigail opened matt’s bedroom door without knocking, like always, and sat on his bed.
“What is it now?” he playfully rolled his eyes and turned in his chair to face her. Her smile instantly lighting up the room.
“I have an appointment for a tattoo in an hour and my parents are at work so they can’t drive me. So I was wondering if you would be the greatest best friend ever and drive me there.”
“Yeah. Just let me end this game and we can go.” He turned back to his monitor and quickly left his game. “Alright, let’s go.”
10 minutes later, they were waiting for Abigail’s appointment when she turned to him, gasping and grabbing his hand.
“Matt, you should get one with me!” she exclaimed.
“And what would I be getting?” he chuckled at her idea.
“Something that would match with mine.” She pulled out her phone to show him a picture. But when she looked up at him, her idea suddenly seemed dumb. “I mean, you don’t have to, since it’s kind of childish.”
“Do you really want me to get a matching tattoo?”
“Well, yeah. You’re my best friend and we should have something to solidify that fact. But if you don’t want to, then-“
“I’ll do it.” He smiled widely. “Anything for you, Abby.”
And that is how he ended up getting a small, but meaningful, baby triceratops on his left arm. He adored it to absolutely no end.
“Alright, bitches. Let’s go.” Nick walked out of his room and straight out to the car. Chris followed right behind him and took a second to send Abigail a text before Matt got in the car and began driving off to an undecided location.
Abigail was currently in the shower getting ready for the birthday celebration when her phone went off. Oscar looked over and saw Chris’ contact name and message pop up on the screen. He knew his girlfriend was close to the boys and he knew how much closer she was with Matt. So when they first started dating, he had asked her to limit how much she actually talked to him. When she didn’t listen to him, he gave her an ultimatum. She was to cut off contact with Matt or he would leave her. And seeing how it was her first real relationship, Abigail had to cut off ties with Matt.
So when Chris texted her to say hey, matt misses you like crazy. please call or something so he doesn’t do something stupid. you're the only one who can bring him out of this misery :( Oscar knew she had made the right choice. He felt a sense of pride.
That proud moment disappeared when he went through the conversation with Chris. There were tons of messages mentioning matt and just as many updates on how he was doing. Although they weren’t direct messages to Matt, Oscar felt his anger building up.
“Hey, babe. I’ll be ready in a few minutes. Then we can head out.” Abigail called from the bathroom while she worked on doing her makeup.
“Take your time, love. I’m in no hurry.” He went to lock her phone before she came out and saw he was reading through her messages but stopped when he saw her home wallpaper. It was a photo of her and Matt, a milkshake with two straws between them. He obviously couldn’t tell what had been said before the picture was taken but by the way they were both smiling at each other, he knew that there was clearly something between them. Was he wrong for making her stop talking to him? He didn’t care. Without thinking, he quickly changed her wallpaper to a picture of them and set her phone down just in time for her to walk out of the bathroom.
“Okay. I’m ready.” She smiled. He wanted to confront her about the wallpaper but her smile made him forget. “Pass me my phone.”
He handed the device to her and waited to see if she would notice the change. She did but she knew she shouldn’t show her emotions in front of him.
They walked out of the house and headed to his parents place. They were going to meet there and then drive to the restaurant together. Abigail was already dreading the car ride. Oscar’s parents didn’t think she was good enough for their golden child and they made zero effort to hide that from her. In fact, she was surprised when they invited her out for his birthday this year.
Later that night, the boys were in their usual filming location and were discussing future video ideas. Nick had the brilliant idea to film the conversation, just in case they forgot anything the next day.
“Chris, can you see if Abigail wants to be in our next video? She won’t reply to me for some reason.” Nick rolled his eyes.
“Maybe that’s because she’s tired of getting the weirdest texts from you in the middle of the night.” Matt smiled, thinking back to the day after she received the first few weird texts from Nick.
Abigail walked into Matt’s room and threw her self onto his bed dramatically. He was in the middle of a Fortnite game but he glanced over at her and chuckled. She was almost as dramatic as Nick but he thought it was adorable how dramatic she was.
“Matty, can I take a nap in your bed?” she flipped onto her stomach and rested her head in the palms of her hands. Matt took the final shot of the game and finally turned towards her.
“Why? What’s up, princess?”
“I couldn’t get back to sleep after Nick sent me like 50 of the strangest texts at 3 this morning. And I was having a really good dream too.” she pouted and switched to her back.
“What were you dreaming about?” Matt sat up against his headboard and patted the spot beside him. Abigail smiled and curled up into his side with her head in his lap. He stroked her hair as she began to explain her dream.
“You and I were somewhere in our 80s probably and we were still best friends. You and the boys were still making videos, but not as frequently, obviously. Um, I think I was married to Chris but when you’re 80 and living with triplets, it’s kind of hard to tell who you’re with.”
“So, are you saying you want to marry Chris sometime in the future?” Matt raised an eyebrow and looked down at his best friend.
“What? No of course not.”
“Well you said your dream was really good and then you said you were married to Chris. I think that’s what that means, doofus.”
“I said I think it was Chris.”
“Did he have tattoos?”
“Not that I could see.”
“Then it was Chris.” Matt couldn’t hold his laughter in anymore. “Wow. Didn’t know you felt that way about my brother.”
“I don’t. Shut up.” she turned her head away from him to hide her red cheeks. “Anyway, I was just really happy that we all stayed close that late in life. That’s what made it a good dream, jackass. Not that I was married to your brother.”
“Why wouldn’t you wanna marry Chris?”
“We’re getting off topic, Matthew. I came to talk about how annoying Nick is in the middle of the night. I mean I love him to death but a girl needs her beauty sleep.”
“You don’t need beauty sleep.” He smiled sheepishly at her as she turned to face him.
“Matt, I’m being serious.”
“Yeah. So am I.” he hoped his tone of voice would convey his message and when she sat up to look at him, he knew she understood. He wanted to kiss her right then and there but Nick had to interrupt their moment, however brief it had been.
“Matt, your phone is ringing.”  Matt shook himself out of the memory and glared at Nick for interrupting again. “Do not give me that look. Just answer your phone.”
Matt pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. “It’s Abby.” The car went silent as Matt contemplated what to do.
“Answer it, dumbass.” Chris hit the accept button and pushed it up to Matt’s ear.
Dinner with Oscar’s parents was a disaster. No surprise there. They’ve never had a successful meal together. But this one in particular really got on Abigail’s nerves. They were constantly bringing up Oscar’s last girlfriend and saying how they wished he had stayed with her instead. Abigail felt incredibly defeated and Oscar did nothing to defend her.
After the dinner with his parents, Oscar and Abigail were expected to meet some of his friends at the bar to finish off the night with a strong celebration. At least some of his friends were fun to be around, drunk or not.
However, Abigail found herself at a booth with some of the other girlfriends and a handful of the single guys from the group. She barely knew these people and she tried to start conversations with all of them but nobody would respond. Nothing she said had piqued their interest. So she made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a few drinks.
Halfway through her 5th drink of the night, she decided to talk to Oscar about why he changed her wallpaper. As she approached him and his group of friends, they all gave her a disgusted look.
“Oscar, baby, can I talk to you outside for a minute?” she pulled at the sleeves of her shirt, suddenly becoming nervous under the watch of strangers.
“Sure thing, babe.” He downed the shot he was holding and followed his girlfriend outside. When they could finally hear each other again, Abigail looked at him and sighed.
“Why did you change my wallpaper, Oscar? Were you going through my phone again?”
“No. Of course not. I trust you.”
“Uh huh. Then why is my home screen a picture of us instead of what it was?”
“You mean a picture of you and your real boyfriend?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Matt. You two have a thing, it’s obvious. And I’m tired of being lied to. I know you two are talking.”
“What the fuck, Oscar? I haven’t spoken a word to Matt in months because I’ve been busy being a good girlfriend to you. You asked me to cut off contact with him and that’s exactly what I did.”
“If you haven’t talked to him, then why was he your home screen photo?”
“I happen to like that picture. It was one of the few moments in my life where I had nothing to worry about. But now, I feel so isolated in my life. I can’t even have my own friends.”
“Yes you can.”
“Um, no the fuck I can’t. Every time I make a friend, you command that I stop talking to that person. You’re controlling and I think that maybe this relationship needs to end.”
“Come on, baby. You don’t mean that.” Oscar reached out to grab her shoulders and she stepped back.
“Yes, I actually do. It’s about time I get my own life back.”
“Whatever. I don’t need you. There’s plenty of better, prettier fish in the sea anyway.” He shoved past her roughly and headed back into the bar. When he was gone, Abigail slid against the wall and broke down. She pulled out her phone and dialed Chris’ number. When he didn’t answer, she tried Nick. He didn’t pick up and she suddenly felt lost. Then she remembered Matt. Her fingers flew across the keypad due to muscle memory and soon enough, the phone was ringing.
“Hello?” she heard Matt’s voice and continued sobbing. “Abby, are you okay? Where are you?”
“Bar.” Was all she managed to get out before the line was cut off. “Matt?” No answer. “Great. Just fucking perfect.”
“You don’t even know where she is, Matt. How are you going to find her?” Chris leaned against the car door and looked at his brother.
“I’m going to need your phone, obviously. I’ll just track her location.”
“Why don’t I just come with you so I can navigate for you.”
“No. It needs to be me, and me only.” Matt gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“What if Oscar tries to fight you? What are you going to do?”
“I don’t care. As long as Abby is safe, I don’t care what happens to me.”
“Okay then. Go save her.” Chris tapped the top of the car and watched his brother fly out of the driveway.
Matt ran through every possible scenario he could think of that would get Abby to call him in tears. And every single one of them made his heart ache. He hated knowing that he had let her stay with Oscar this long, knowing what he was capable of.
As he pulled up to where Abigail’s location pinged, he saw her sitting against the building with her knees to her chest. Her head was resting against them and he could tell she was crying solely by the way her body was shaking. He got out of the car and approached her quickly. Her head jerked up when she heard footsteps and the sight of her face alone was enough to make him want to go into the bar and kick the shit out of Oscar. But he held back, knowing she needed him more right now.
“Y-you came?” she wiped as much of her tears away as she could.
“Of course I did. You called.” He held out his hand for her and she just looked at it like it was foreign. “Come on. Let’s go for a walk. That diner you love is right around the corner and I know you’re probably craving a burger right now.”
“And a milkshake?” she asked, wiping away the few tears that remained.
“And a milkshake.” He chuckled when she cheered and grabbed his hand. Neither of them wanted to let go of the others hand but it was bound to happen when they sat at the table. They ordered and ate their food slowly.. As they finished, Matt looked up to see a worried look on Abigail’s face.
“I broke up with Oscar.”
“Oh. Well, do you wanna talk about it? Maybe tell me why?”
“I realized he was too controlling and whenever I wouldn’t listen to one of his rules, he would lash out and throw things at me. It wasn’t a healthy relationship and I hate myself for taking this long to realize it.”
“You don’t need to hate yourself. Love will blind you and make you do crazy things sometimes.” He chuckled lightly and noticed her crack a smile.
“That’s not even the worst part. The thing that made me realize how toxic he was is when he changed my wallpaper a few hours ago because he didn’t like what it was.”
“What was it?”
“It’s a picture of you and me, in this very diner, sharing a laugh over a milkshake. It’s my favorite picture so I changed it back to that.”
“I love that picture.” He smiled and looked at her phone as she held it out to him. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault. You didn’t force me to stay with him.”
“But it kind of is my fault.” He sighed. “If I had just been honest about my feelings from the start, then you never would’ve dated him in the first place.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing. It’s not important. Let’s go.” He went to stand up but Abigail grabbed his hand and pulled him down next  to her.
“Matthew Bernard, tell me what you mean by that.”
“Fine.” He took a deep breath and looked down at their matching tattoos. “If I had just told you how I felt, then maybe you and I would’ve been together and you never would’ve met that asshole. The whole time you were with him, I kept hoping and wishing you would realize that I would treat you way better than he ever could. You deserve nothing less than royal treatment because you are a princess and I love you.”
“Matt, I don’t-“
“Yeah. I get it. You don’t feel the same way. I’ve heard it all before.” He looked everywhere but her face. “Can we go home now?”
“We can leave after I speak.” She grabbed his face and made him look at her. Her eyes locked on his and her thumbs rested gently on his cheeks. “You are a fucking dumbass.”
“Come again?”
“You can’t just confess your feelings for me and then think that you’re the only one who feels that way. You didn’t even ask how I felt.”
“How do you feel?”
“Honestly, when it comes to you, it’s hard to summarize all of the feelings. One moment is not enough for me to tell you just how much you mean to me. It would take me thousands of lifetimes to tell you just how much I love you. And if I spent the rest of eternity trying to tell you, I still would not accurately portray how amazing you are and all of the reasons why I love you.”
“Wow. I have no idea what to say to that.” Matt chuckled and looked deep into her eyes.
“Then don’t say anything.” She smiled and leaned in closer. When their lips met, she felt the safest she had ever been in her life. Every moment that involved Oscar from the last 2 years of her life were completely erased from her mind as she knew this is where she was always meant to be.
taglist: @worldlxvlys
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snowyslytherinowl · 3 months
Perfect Prefect - Part 1
PAIRING: George Weasley x Reader or George Weasley x OC
SUMMARY: You’re Miss Moore of Ravenclaw, a sixth-year prefect and one of the house’s best and brightest. You don’t know who to go to the Yule Ball with, but luckily for you, George has secretly had a crush on you for a while and charms you into being his date. But there’s one slight problem that’s holding you back from sharing the news of your budding romance: your best friend and Fred Weasley are far from friends.
This work can be read either as George Weasley x OC or a reader-insert since the main character’s physical characteristics and first name remain ambiguous. I usually only publish the first part of a work when I finish the entire story or have most of it worked out, but I’m tired of having this sit in my WIP folder (and maybe it’ll motivate me to stop playing Supermarket Simulator and start writing LMAO). I’m not entirely sure when the second part will be released since I’m kinda struggling with it; nonetheless, I hope you enjoy!
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*GIF isn't mine; credit to @jamilelucato
We all hold our breaths as the door creaks open and Sinclair even dips her head under the water. If it’s a boy opening the door, we’d most likely scream. If it’s Professor McGonagall, it’s guaranteed we’d be reprimanded for allowing Edwards into the Prefects’ Bathroom since she technically isn’t allowed in here. 
Pritchard and Lloyd emerge from the other side of the door and we all let out a breath. Sinclair pops up from underneath the water and she sighs. “We thought you two weren’t joining us today!” 
“Sorry we’re late! Professor Sprout held us back to tell her two favorite Hufflepuffs a little secret,” Lloyd says slyly. Pritchard stands behind her, making a poor attempt to suppress a smile. 
“Wait, what are you talking about?” I ask them. Professor Sprout frequently tells Lloyd and Pritchard information that only the staff are supposed to know and swears them to secrecy. Of course, their seal of secrecy doesn’t extend to us. 
“Whenever the Triwizard Tournament takes place, the school that hosts the event also hosts the Yule Ball! It’s a dance that takes place during Christmas!” Pritchard squeals. 
When the two of them join us in the bath, they divulge everything they know about the Yule Ball. Hogwarts hasn’t hosted a Yule Ball for over a century, so we’re all dying to know what the Great Hall will look like, who will be performing, and which teachers will get on the dance floor. Even Sinclair has to laugh when we imagine Professors Snape and McGonagall dancing together. Our conversation then steers to who we want to go to the ball with.
“When the Yule Ball is publicly announced, I think I’m going to ask Matthew.” Ainsworth’s cheeks blush as she says his name and it becomes my turn to smile. She’s fancied him since the beginning of the year when they partnered up in Transfiguration. She mentions him at least once during our daily debriefings in the Prefects’ Bathroom. 
“Now that is the true embodiment of the Gryffindor spirit. I second that.” Sinclair nods in approval and also grins when she notices Ainsworth blushing. 
Ainsworth smirks and swims over to sit next to Sinclair. Sinclair awkwardly scoots over as Ainsworth nudges her and rests her head on her shoulder. “Are you telling us that you also plan to ask a boy?” she asks with a sing-song voice.
“No. I meant that if you like a boy, you should ask him out. What’s the point of sitting around and waiting for a boy to make the first move when a girl is just as capable of taking the initiative?” Sinclair says with conviction.
“So does that mean you’ll take the initiative to ask Fred yourself?” Ainsworth asks with a poke to Sinclair’s shoulder. She typically gives murderous looks when someone displeases her, but this look to Ainsworth would rip her to shreds and feed her soul to the dementors. She snatches her towel and stomps out of the bath. 
“Don’t joke about that! There is no one low enough for that empty-minded, snarky tosser! All of us deserve someone better than him!” Sinclair wraps her towel around her body and heads to one of the bathroom stalls to change out of her bathing suit, ignoring the laughter that follows her. She has a vendetta against Fred Weasley, and just Fred. He bothers her in every class they have together and pairs up with her just to get on her nerves. Since she became a prefect, Fred has plotted endless pranks against her and always escapes from the scene of the crime before she can report him. Every day, we have to hear her rage about him or her plans to best him. 
Ainsworth turns to the rest of us and blows bubbles into the air. “So, Moore, who do you have in mind?”
Everyone turns to look at me and I shrug in response. “I don’t know.” That’s the truth. I don’t have a boyfriend or a crush. I’ve been too caught up in my prefect duties and my classes to even think about romance. 
“There really is no one you fancy?” Edwards asks, giving me a suspicious look. “I don’t believe that.”
“Look, the selection here isn’t prime.” There’s a long list of abominable boys that I can think of: Zacharias Smith since all he does is complain, Oscar May because he only talks about himself, and at least a dozen Slytherins with pure-blood ideals. “Even a lot of the cute ones act like they’re still first-years.”
“Spot on, Moore,” Sinclair comments as she emerges from the stall. She’s fully changed, but her wet hair walls around her face. She folds her towel and throws her bag around her shoulders. 
“Where are you going?” Ainsworth asks, shocked. “We’ve still got a quarter of an hour left!”
“Professor Snape wants to talk to me about something and I will not be late,” Sinclair says with a sigh. She points at Ainsworth before leaving the room. “Don’t forget that we have prefect duties tonight!”
Edwards and Pritchard spend the rest of our daily debriefing talking about guys they think are attractive. After I change and dry my hair, I head to the library to finish Flitwick’s essay on the limitations of portkeys. Sentence after sentence is written and page after page is flipped and I’m so caught up in my essay that I don’t notice that someone joins me at the end of the table. 
A pop and a slam bring me back to the library. I look over to see one of the Weasley twins pressing something down on the table with the palm of his hand. Whatever he’s holding down is wiggling furiously and desperately attempting to escape. Since nothing explodes or disfigures his face, I return to reading and try not to get distracted. 
Not a minute goes by when the sound of hopping and a scraping chair rips my attention from my work yet again. I almost jump out of my seat when I see a miniature frog jumping to the ceiling and landing on the table. Although it doesn’t move forward significantly each time it jumps and lands, it progressively inches closer to me. The last thing I want is for my work to be destroyed, so I cast a charm that knocks it back down to the table and disables its movement. 
Weasley approaches me and I hold out my hand so he can retrieve his frog. “Sorry about that,” he apologizes with a nervous laugh. 
“It’s fine. Are you trying to sell these?” Ainsworth has told us about Fred and George’s plans for a prank shop. I always see them huddled together in the hallways, probably developing devious new products. 
“Yeah. You see, I had this brilliant idea all worked out, but it hasn’t been going as I planned. Tap the frog with your wand and boom! It hops all around and chaos ensues! But no, they jump too high and get squashed by the ceiling.” 
“Can I take a look at it?” He nods and I turn the tiny frog in my hands. They look so realistic that I almost didn’t notice that they’re painted frogs that croak “ribbit.” “What charms are you using for this?”
“A Jumping Jinx.” When I shake my head, he asks, “What’s wrong?”
I summon a book off a nearby shelf about locomotion charms, from flying and gliding to running and twirling. After turning to the page about the Jumping Jinx, I beckon Weasley over. He sits in the chair next to me and leans towards me so we both can see the opened page. I gulp before reciting an excerpt, “‘The Jumping Jinx is a clever way to curse those you want to imbue with frog-like qualities. Beware of using this jinx on inanimate objects, however, since it can cause the object to hop around erratically and turn laughter into screams.’ Quite dramatic, but there you go.” 
Weasley turns to me and grins. I blush and look back down at the book. “I had no idea. So what do you suggest?” 
I check the index for the sections on inanimate objects and turn to page 179. “The sounds coming from your frog sound fine, so do whatever you’re already doing. These two, that’s what you should use for the jumping.” I point at the 360 Charm and the Height Hex. “Do you have a spare frog you haven’t charmed yet?” 
Weasley digs through his pocket to find one and places it on the table. “Watch what I do. You’ll charm the frog to make sounds later since I’d rather not get us kicked out,” I say. He scooches his seat even closer to me and focuses attentively on my hands. I take a deep breath to calm myself before beginning. 
I tap the frog with my wand twice and utter “progressio height.” “This will only jump to one foot. Every time you tap it with your wand, it will jump one foot higher until it reaches ten feet. Then it’ll reset back to one foot. Just put that in the instructions and any kid can change the height.” Then, I swish my wand in a figure-eight motion. “The 360 Charm will make the frog change directions randomly so it’ll give Filch a hard time getting his hands on one.” 
Both of us laugh and Weasley proclaims, “You’re bloody brilliant! I’d definitely hire you for my shop if we even had a place to set up shop.” 
I blush at his compliment. “You’re one of the Weasley twins, aren’t you?”
“George. The better looking one, that is.” I giggle and internally breathe a sigh of relief. Although Sinclair thinks that George is pesky, she ignores him for the most part. All her hatred is directed at his twin, and I’d rather not deal with the drama of fraternizing with Fred. “Moore, isn’t it? A Ravenclaw with both brains and beauty.”
I blush an even deeper crimson and bite my lower lip as I nod. George stuffs his frogs in his pocket and stands to leave the library. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you around.”
“Bye.” I wave at him and my eyes follow his back as he leaves the library. 
Over the next few days, two of my friends find dates. We were all in the courtyard when Pritchard was asked by a Durmstrang boy, who bowed to her twice and kissed her hand! We weren’t there to see Ainsworth ask Matthew since she cornered him outside the greenhouse to pop the question. Though whenever I pass by the two of them cuddling up, I’m unable to hide my grin.  
I sat at the same table in the library after dinner for two days in a row, eagerly waiting for George. I felt silly for shooting my head up whenever someone walked nearby, and even more the fool for when he didn’t show up. Now on the third day, when I mistook another ginger boy for George, I internally chide myself for thinking he was being anything more than friendly. 
“Hey, you think you can lend a hand on some constipation magic?”
I look up from my numerical charts to see no one other than George Weasley smiling and holding a jar full of chewy candies. I laugh at his question and reply, “Not too much, honestly.”
“That’s fine. I’m here to talk to you, anyway.” He doesn’t give me much time to think about what he said since he sits directly next to me again and unscrews the lid of the jar. “These are meant to give you a case of constipation. Instead, they’re making you diarrhea your trousers in the middle of the corridors.”
“I’ll make sure not to eat one.” I squeeze a candy between my fingers, which oozes a gooey filling and sticks to my thumb and pointer fingers. “I don’t know, you should make the outer coating hard? I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but maybe if the candy is hard then your poo will be hard?”
“How about that?” We comb through books on potions for bodily fluids and I learn more about those potions than I ever wanted to know. Dozens of pages cover graphic ways to clear boils, and an entire section is devoted to making snot gush out of a nose like a raging waterfall. Gross. Eventually, George finds a page on potions for solid and liquid bodily fluids. 
“You were right!” he exclaims and pushes the book toward me. It’s some law about making potions for food that will either help or hurt your bowel movement.  
I encouragingly smile at him, but still say, “You should’ve looked for this yourself. I can’t believe you convinced me to read about all these gross potions.”
He wiggles his eyebrows at me and slicks back his hair, just like those cheesy characters on Muggle television shows.  “What can I say? I’m irresistible.” 
The library is about to close, so we head out before Madam Pince kicks us out. George offers to walk me to Ravenclaw Tower and along the way, we brainstorm ideas for sweets that are magically compatible with U-No-Poo. Popular sweets sold at Honeydukes also give us an idea of marketable candies, so we agree that chocolate with a hard outer shell will sell the best. 
When we reach the top of the spiral staircase, George asks me, “Aren’t you going to say your password? Or would you rather stick around for some extra quality time with me?”
Smiling shyly, I explain, “You have to answer a riddle to get in.” 
I knock the bronze knocker, which asks, “I never leave your body, but I’m easily lost and given away. What am I?”
I curse the knocker, who likely proposed this riddle since George is standing next to me. I lean in and whisper “heart” so only the knocker can hear it. The door swings open.
“What was the answer?” George asks, looking quite cute with his brows furrowed and a jar held against his chest. 
I push the thought aside and say, “Don’t worry. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
George smiles. “You bet.”
Throughout the next week, George and I meet either at the library or the Black Lake. Most of the time, we discuss ideas he and Fred have for the joke shop; other times, we speak about our other hobbies, friends, and funny stories. He tells me the stories that Fred told him about Sinclair and each time, there are always little details that don’t line up with the stories I’ve heard.
December weather is freezing, so a warmth charm helps when I’m sitting under a beech tree near the Black Lake. As I wait for George, I take a piece of dark blue fabric out of my bag and use my wand to sprinkle on twinkling stars and colorful rotating planets. Thin lines connecting the stars form constellations across the fabric, resembling the paintings of the night sky in my grandmum’s house. 
Someone shouts my first name and I look up to see George waving at me from afar. Resting the fabric on my lap, I wave back and pat the ground next to me. He plops down so close to me that our shoulders nearly touch. 
“You made that? It’s gorgeous!” George runs a hand through the fabric and traces his finger over the constellations. 
“Thanks,” I reply, blushing. Even after spending almost every day with him, I still blush around him, especially since he doesn’t seem to believe in personal space. 
“Do you have more with you?” 
I pull out three more sheets of fabric, all different designs. The one on top shows Hogwarts Castle on a sunny day with puffy clouds lazily floating past. George smiles at the fabric showing my red Scottish Fold, Peanut, napping on our favorite couch in the Ravenclaw Common Room. But George’s favorite fabric is one of Rubik’s Cube repeatedly solving and shuffling itself on a plain white background. 
“What is that thing?” George wonders, staring at the little cube in awe. 
I laugh at his amazement and tell him that it’s a Muggle Rubik’s Cube. My family owns at least four. My cousin and I used to compete over which one of us could solve it faster and it was always me, but I’m pretty sure that’s because he let me win. 
“I can imagine the look on my dad’s face if he got his hands on one of those,” George remarks and hands the fabrics back to me. 
George has told me about his father’s love for everything Muggle and I can’t help but smile at how cute that is. It reminds me of George’s fascination with jokes and pranks. “I’ll show him one if I meet him.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about these before? The fabrics.”
I shrug and watch a group of first-year Ravenclaws making a snowman right at the edge of the lake. “I don’t know. It’s just something I do in the meantime. The girls do it too. Sinclair makes jewelry, Ainsworth paints, Edwards makes bags, and I sew designs on random pieces of fabric. Sometimes I add designs to Edwards’s bags. And if I have enough fabrics that all match a theme, I make a quilt.”
George huffs a laugh and I raise my eyebrows at him. “You lot are quite peculiar. I don’t get it. Why do you call each other by your last names?”
“Sinclair thought that calling each other by our last names was more ‘business-like’ and ‘appropriate for talented students worthy of future greatness.’” We both chuckle before I continue, “I think that’s only half the reason. Pritchard hates her first name, so she prefers to be called by her last name anyway. Sinclair didn’t want her to feel singled out.”
“She seems to be the ringleader of your bunch.”
“Definitely, but only because she’s so protective of us.” I nod at George’s bag and poke a hand inside the smaller pouch. “Enough about me. What are we working on today? Something to make your skin turn orange?”
“Do I need an excuse to talk to my favorite girl?” He moves impossibly closer to me and our faces are so close that my mind jumps to him kissing me. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if he did. “You’re always helping me. Last night, it occurred to me I never do anything for you.”
“I’m not here because I expect anything in return,” I answer honestly. 
“You should’ve been sorted into Hufflepuff because of how kind you are.” George nudges me on my shoulder and I look down and bite my lower lip. “But I was thinking we could make a deal.”
A deal? Is he proposing that I get a cut for perfecting his products if his dream of opening a joke shop comes true? “Like what?”
“You continue to work on the joke products with me and in return, Fred and I don’t play pranks in front of you or your prefect friends. That way, there’s no need to report us. Seriously, why would a prefect participate in this pranking business?”
“Send me to Azkaban for liking problem-solving.” I playfully smack George’s arm and he rubs his hands in faux pain. “That’s hardly a deal, anyway.”
“Fine, you’ve got a point. How about this? Fred and I don’t play pranks in front of you and your friends, even Sinclair. For added benefit, the two of us go to the Yule Ball together. I’d say it’s a mutually beneficial transaction.” A hopeful sparkle appears in George’s eye. In the corner of my vision, I see George’s hands gripping his knees in nervousness. 
Before I can give him more time to feel anxious, I kiss George’s cheek and reply, “I’d love to go to the ball with you.”
George beams at me and my face mirrors his smile. “Fantastic! Now how about we head back inside? It’s getting chilly out here.” His body heat has been providing some warmth, but a slight breeze has me sticking my hands in the pockets of my coat. 
“Sure.” George stands first and offers a hand to help me up. Instead of letting go after I balance myself, I lean into him and hold his hand as we walk back to the warmth of Hogwarts Castle. 
Cold air fills the corridors of Hogwarts, forcing me to rub my hands together and cast a warmth charm. I press the tip of my wand onto my stiff fingers, finally regaining feeling in them. 
“Are you all right?” Sinclair asks. She grabs my hand and squeezes it, feeling how my hand is only beginning to warm. 
“Yeah, don’t worry. I just wish we didn’t have rounds tonight. It’s freezing,” I say. Ainsworth, Sinclair, Pritchard, and I prefer to complete our rounds together. Sticking together prevents us from getting bored, all while providing extra protection in case anything dangerous is lurking in these halls. With Harry Potter inside these castle walls, something may pop out and try to eat us. 
“If you say so. We can always stop by the kitchens and sit by the fire.” We turn the corner and hear water drop onto the stone floor. 
I don’t want her to worry about me, so I change the topic. “Are you excited for the Yule Ball?”
“I suppose. It’s something different than being home for Christmas,” she replies. After a moment’s pause, she turns to me. “Is this about Yule Ball dates?”
“Maybe.” Something moves at the end of the corridor, but I relax when I realize it’s only a mouse.
“Wait, don’t tell me you already have a date?” she asks and smirks at me. 
“No, not yet,” I lie. “I do have someone in mind, though, and I want your opinion.” I wouldn’t ditch George even if Sinclair attempts to dissuade me from going with him. On the other hand, I want to at least gauge her true opinion of him and avoid a future fight. 
“Listen, I know that you’ll ask me if I approve of him. However, I don’t want you to feel tense over or think that I’ll get upset by your choice of men. I won’t stop you from going with him regardless of whether I like him or not. That’s only as long you aren’t going with Fred Weasley, of course.”
“Ok, so what if I told you I’m interested in someone like him?” 
Sinclair furrows her brow and chews on the inside of her mouth. “What do you mean? Like McLaggen, Smith, or Malfoy? Aren’t the latter two too young for you?” 
Why does she associate McLaggen, Smith, and Malfoy with Fred? “Um, no.”
“Then who do you mean?” Sinclair asks, her features mirroring an even deeper sense of confusion. 
“Honestly, it’s-” 
I’m cut off by the Head Boy, who waves at the two of us. His voice booms from the foot of the stairs as he calls, “Hey, Sinclair! Come down here! Crehan threw up his dinner.” 
“Coming!” Sinclair shouts back. She turns to me and says, “Let’s discuss boy business tomorrow, okay?” Before I can reply, she runs down the stairs and starts walking with the Head Boy.
“I hate working in groups of four,” Sinclair sighs as the Charms class divides itself into quartets. Our friends at the next table naturally pair together, leaving the two of us with the awkward task of finding two other partners. 
I clutch the textbook to my chest as Sinclair and I walk around the classroom, asking people to work with us. Unfortunately for us, everyone already has partners in mind. Sinclair stands on her tippy-toes, attempting to look through the hubbub of the moving classroom. Her efforts aren’t necessary, though, because Fred and George stand taller than anyone else in the class and they conveniently look partnerless as well. George waves me over when we lock eyes, so I turn to Sinclair to say, “Come on, I found us partners.”
“Are you kidding me?” she groans when she sees who I’m dragging her to. “Is there no one else to work with?”
“Not unless you want to work with your slimy housemates. Warrington and Pucey are also partnerless.”
Sinclair completely ignores Fred when we reach the twins’ corner of the room and looks only at George. “Good morning, Weasley. How are you? I’m glad we could find one competent partner.” 
“And who am I?” Fred scoffs at her. He rolls his eyes and sits at the nearby table to avoid standing next to her for too long.
Sinclair slides into the seat across from him before setting a scrutinizing gaze at him and replying, “Gum on the bottom of my shoes.” She will only make eye contact with him if he’s sitting down since she refuses to “look up to him.” 
“They’re insufferable,” George leans down to whisper into my ear. I smack him on the shoulder as I sit next to Sinclair. 
“Come on, try your hardest to keep up with me,” Fred teases her and opens up his textbook. Sinclair glares at him and mutters “as if” under her breath.
George glances at his brother and Sinclair, who are now debating who will complete the assignment the fastest. George leans across the table to tell me, “I’ve been waiting to work with you for the longest time.”
“Really? How long?” 
He scrunches his face as he pauses to think for a moment. “I’d say at least two months.”
I blush and look at the board to the side of him. Rowena, if I keep this up, I’ll be known as Blush. The textbook page for the Anti-Alohamora Charm is written on the board, so I flip to it with the flick of my wand. “Then why didn’t you start talking to me two months ago? You act like you never get a bout of shyness.”
“Around pretty girls like you I do,” he replies and winks. He cranes his head to look at the board behind him and returns with another one of his smiles. “I bet you already know this one.”
“Yup. Now let’s get started as these two have another row. I’m sure the two of us can manage it on our own.” I stand up to grab a set of four locks for each group member, but Sinclair and Fred are too busy arguing to notice that I’ve placed locks in the center of the table. 
George grabs the blue lock and turns to me expectantly. “Show me how it’s done, beautiful.” He doesn’t pay a lick of attention to what I’m doing to my lock; instead, he’s staring at me with a goofy grin. My cheeks burn as I remember that his brother and my best friend are sitting right next to us.  
I cast the final spell to ensure that the lock doesn’t open with physical force. I then use my hand to turn George’s head to gaze at the table. “Step one: pay attention to the lock,” I joke, and an adorable pink hue colors his cheeks. 
“Step two: place the hand that isn’t your wand hand over the lock. That’ll make sure that the lock recognizes your touch when you attempt to open it.” George ignores my directions again, so I put my hand over his and lead us both to the blue lock. “Now you’re just being cheeky.”
He leans across the table and whispers in my ear, “I do prefer learning spells with a hands-on approach.” His breath tickles my ear, so I pull back with a shiver and a laugh. 
“That’s convenient considering today’s assignment. As you complete this spell, you have to focus and will for it to work.” I stand behind him and press my chest to his back. My breath hitches as I take his wand hand and trace the movements he’s supposed to make with my hand. “Now, swish your wand in a figure-eight motion twice, then swish it clockwise. Each time, say ‘contra alohomora.’”
I let go of George so he can attempt the spell on his own. His hand movements are precise and finally, the firm click of the lock is heard. “Alohomora,” I say while pointing at the blue lock with my wand, but it doesn’t open. “You did fantastic!”
“What can I say? Clearly, I’m quite talented.” He flashes me a cheeky grin.
“You really are, George.” I cup his cheek with my hand and return his smile. Rowena, I’m so excited to be his date for the Yule Ball. 
“Before you distract me again, there is one more thing I should teach you. Only you can open the lock by touching it or casting ‘alohomora,’ but you can allow other people to open it too. You just have to place their hand on the lock and say ‘amicos alohomora.’”
George intertwines his fingers with mine and moves my hand to the blue lock. “Let’s give it a shot with you.”
I pry my fingers from his. “Actually, it has to be someone else since I’m the one testing your spells.”
“Alrighty then.” George turns to Fred and Sinclair, who have been going at it this entire time. Fred is mocking her for something that happened in Defence Against the Dark Arts, which riles her up since her marks are her greatest pride. Fred doesn’t seem to care or notice that George presses his hand to the blue lock and grants him permission to open the lock. 
Professor Flitwick stops by our table and inspects George’s blue lock and my purple lock. “Wonderful job you two! Ten points each to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.” His eyes then wander over to Fred and Sinclair and he points at their locks. “Have you two been participating in the work your partners have completed? Ah, Miss Sinclair, excellent work on the Anti-Alohamora Charm. Next time, Mister Weasley, please assist your partners and pay more attention to the task at hand.”
Satisfaction is written all over Sinclair’s face as Professor Flitwick stops at the next table. “You should seriously consider listening to Professor Flitwick’s advice.”
“Please! You were distracting me!” Fred retorts. “How did you manage to pull off the spell in the middle of our row?” 
“Back at it again, I see,” I remark to George. 
George rolls his eyes. “It’ll be like this until we graduate. I just hope they don’t have a row during the ball.”
“And if they do, I won’t get involved. Rowena knows how passionate Sinclair can get.” Last year, Fred set up an intricate trap that dumped brown goo under the passerby, which just so happened to activate only if Sinclair walked under it. I had to hold her by her robes to prevent her from sprinting away and jinxing the life out of Fred.
“Can’t blame her half the time with the pranks my brother gets up to. I’d also try to chop off his head if I was her.” George laughs and shakes his head. He crouches down and begins to doodle something in his textbook. When I bend forward to see what he’s drawing, he pulls his textbook closer to him and wags his finger. “No peeking, now. Don’t spoil the surprise for yourself.”
“I bet you’re either drawing me or Peanut,” I joke.
George throws his head back and groans. “How do you manage to always be one step ahead of me?” 
“Clearly, I’m quite talented,” I tease, echoing the same thing he said minutes before. 
He scribbles his quill, scrunches his brow, and then presents the sketch of Peanut to me. I laugh as I trace a hand over Peanut’s exaggerated long whiskers and chunky red body. “She looks goofy and fat, but adorable as ever.”
“No need to call her hefty, now. Let the cat enjoy her treats in peace,” George teases. Every time Peanut sees George, she jumps onto his lap and rubs herself all over him. She likes him so much that she gives him a dirty cat glare if he even stands up to go to the lavatory. 
I’m laughing at his joke when I realize that Sinclair is silent and gawking at George and me. Once she notices me looking, she tilts her head in George’s direction. No words need to be spoken for me to understand what she’s trying to ask. 
Fred sighs and slaps his green lock. He looks up from his textbook and then at Sinclair. But when he notices the expression on her face, he smirks and looks over at George and me. “What secret have I been left out of? Care to tell me something, Georgie?”
“Freddie, may I proudly present my Yule Ball date? This is Miss Moore of Ravenclaw,” George proclaims and waves his hands with great pomp and circumstance. 
I bury my face in my hands, embarrassed by George’s comments. Fred extends a hand for me to shake as though we haven’t known each other for years. Regardless, I take his hand and shake it. Fred smiles at me and then slaps George’s arm. “I knew you’d find a pretty date, Georgie.”
Sinclair watches the exchange in silence, her face neutral other than raised eyebrows. But even if she tries to keep a poker face, I know her head is probably spinning at the new revelation. 
Rowena, I do not look forward to whatever she has to say once class ends.
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gryphon1232 · 23 days
DRS Universe Info Post
Hey all! This is going to be a long post, and it's going to break down a lot of my work on the universe!
🛑What is the DRS Universe?
The DRS Universe is a connected fictional Formula One-centric universe. The history of the sport generally follows the real world counterpart, and for the most part, the world is kept as similar to the real world as possible, but things such as sponsors, drivers, teams, wins and events throughout the history of the sport are brand new.
🛑General Info/Q&A:
🛑Why does the DRS Universe Exist? I'm a very big fan of F1 and of Writing, and I wanted to mix those things together and write an F1-Based novel. I'm also a fan of creating OC's and having more control over what I write, so it was only natural that I'd make my own teams and drivers. That expanded to stuff like sponsors and some brands and companies in the universe, etc. I tried to keep the broader strokes of the sports history accurate to the real world as well, but I made new, fictional historic drivers, events, dates, etc. 🛑What is the current season? The current season as of the novel I'm currently working on (shunted) is 2023! 🛑What is Shunted about? Shunted focuses Lance Adams and Alexandre Lareaux, enemies-and-rivals turned teammates. It follows them as they navigate the 2023 season, and even worse for both of them depending on how you look at it, their newfound friendship and possible romance. 🛑Why are there 11 teams? Because more teams + more drivers + more cars on track = more fun. Also, because I wanted 11 teams, and it's my universe.
🛑What are the teams?
(This is a list based vaguely on each teams' performance throughout the 2022 season.)
Delphi Voltage Racing
Aurelia ABM F1 Team
Scuderia Rossetti
McGrath Racing
Hayworth Moore F1 Team
Reinvoire GP
Pearsons Racing
Scuderia AltairShock
Hurst F1 Team
🛑Who are the drivers for the 2023 season?
(Drivers names are listed, followed by their driver number, nationality, age, birthdate, height, and first season in F1. If something hasn't been decided yet, there will be a "TBD" in that section, if a driver has won a WDC, there will be an "🏆" following their name.)
Delphi Voltage Racing:
Felix Akerson 20 • Swedish • 23 • TBD • TBD • 2020 Kennedy Grant 14 • American • 20 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Aurelia ABM F1 Team:
Annika Becker 🏆 33 • German • 37 • TBD • TBD • 2006 Émilien Rousseau 6 • French • 41 • TBD • TBD • 2001
Scuderia Rossetti:
Alexandre Lareaux 11 • Monégasque • 25 • 8/26/1998 • 5'9 • 2017 Lance Adams - 🏆 5 • British • 25 • 12/29/1998 • 5'11 • 2016
McGrath Racing:
Noah Landvin 8 • Belgian • 23 • 6/4/2000 • 5'7 • 2019 Jack Palmer 47 • Kiwi • 21 • TBD • TBD • 2022
Hayworth Moore F1 Team
Scarlette LaRosa 50 • Spanish • 22 • TBD • TBD • 2022 Beatrice Camelio 88 • Italian • 21 • TBD • TBD • 2022
Connor O’Riley 77 • Irish • 26 • TBD • TBD • 2016 Owen Lancaster 76 • American • 20 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Reinvoire GP
Benjamin Accardi 4 • Australian • 32 • 5/24/1991 • 6'0 • 2013 Mateo Vassallo 44 • Mexican • 24 • 5/17/1999 • 5'8 • 2017
Pearsons Racing
Giang Mai Linh 99 • Vietnamese • 25 • TBD • TBD • 2018 Vincent Fortin 28 • Canadian • 25 • TBD • TBD • 2017
Scuderia AltairShock
Matthew Coleman 16 • British • 19 • TBD • TBD • 2022 Toru Kajima 81 • Japanese • 18 • TBD • TBD • 2023
Cláudio Amaral - 🏆 21 • Brazilian • 43 • 8/17/1980 • 5'7 • 2000 Marco De Caro 61 • Italian • 24 • 1/19/1999 • 6'0 • 2018
Hurst F1 Team
Martijn Van Hall 24 • Dutch • 36 • TBD • TBD • 2009 Charles Stafford 58 • British • 42 • TBD • TBD • 2001
I leave you with this little piece of art/graphic design I did to introduce my drivers!
The Results of the 2023 Formula 1 Chronex Australian Grand Prix:
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swayhere · 3 months
canon starter call - open to anyone !
i have a strong urge to write some canon muses, so if you would be interested in writing against any of the canon muses listed under the READ MORE below, please comment/IM me and i can send a starter your way or reply to one of your starters.
i do not require you to know anything about my muse's canon, but i'm more than happy to tell you about it if you ask. i'd be happy to write canon muses against your ocs! also, mixing fandoms is 100% ok with me unless your canon muse is problematic and makes me uncomfy. my canon muses do not have all their memories or relationships from their life unless we plot it, but they will have the same general personality/ambitions.
if you are willing to write against my canon muses but don't care which, just like this post, and i'll take a look at your open starters and/or send you a closed starter at random with a muse i think fits the vibe.
*please don't agree to write against my canon muses if you're one of those picky weirdos that will be up in arms if i don't write a cannon muse exactly how you would.
( if you'd prefer to write against an oc muse only, check this post. )
canon muses i'd like to write: bold = extra big muse rn. strikethrough = exclusive, so not rn.
muses from tv shows: 
911 — eddie diaz , evan buckley , athena grant , bobby nash , karen wilson
911: lonestar — carlos reyes , grace ryder , judson ryder , t.k. strand , owen strand
as the world turns — dr. reid oliver , luke snyder
boy meets world — shawn hunter , jack hunter , angela moore , topanga lawrence
chuck — sarah walker , chuck bartowski , bryce larkin 
degrassi — jimmy brooks , sean cameron , ellie nash , marco del rossi , sav bhandari , drew torres , zoe rivas , miles hollingsworth iii , tiny bell , esme song , 
gilmore girls — jess , luke
good trouble — gael martinez , jamie hunter , callie adams foster , mariana adams foster , evan speck , joaquin perez , dennis cooper 
how i met your father — sid , ian , sophie , jesse
how i met your mother — marshall eriksen , lily aldrin , victoria
how to get away with murder — laurel castillo , connor walsh , oliver hampton , michaela pratt , frank delfino 
jessica jones — jessica jones
lost — kate austen , juliet burke , daniel faraday , desmond hume , sayid jarrah , sun-hwa kwon , claire littleton , walter ‘walt’ lloyd , charlie pace , hugo ‘hurley’ reyes , shannon rutherford , miles straume 
new amsterdam — lauren bloom , elizabeth wilder , casey acosta
new girl — nick miller , winston bishop , cece parekh
one tree hill — nathan scott , lucas scott , keith scott , chase adams , brooke davis 
outer banks (obx) — jj maybank , kiara carrera
please like me — arnold 
rosewell, new mexico — michael guerin , maria deluca , isobel evans
scandal — olivia pope , prezzy fitz
scooby doo — daphne blake
stranger things — robin buckley , steve harrington , jim hopper , chrissy cunningham , eddie munson , max mayfield , eleven , mike wheeler 
superstore — jonah simms
the 100 — finn collins
the bear — richie jerimovich, carmy berzatto , marcus , sydney adamu  
the mindy project — danny castellano 
the office — ryan howard , jim halpert , pam halpert , kelly kapoor , holly flax
the politician — river barkley , astrid sloan 
the young & the restless — sally spectra , adam newman , chelsea lawson , phyllis summers , lily winters , sharon newman , chance chancellor , victoria newman , tessa porter , amanda sinclair , cole howard
younger — josh , kelsey peters
muses from books: 
along for the ride ( book version only ) — eli stock , auden west , maggie  
one of us is lying ( book version only ) — cooper clay , nate
red white & royal blue — alex claremont-diaz , prince henry , zahra bankston
we were liars — gatwick ‘gat’ matthew patil
muses from movies: 
dead poets society — neil perry , charlie dalton , todd anderson
harry potter — lee jordan
les mis — enjolras , grantaire 
super 8 — joe lamb , martin , preston
twilight — irina denali , jasper cullen
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mattmurdocksthighs · 5 months
MEET MY OCS (shows)
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name: amelia avery thompson show: outerbanks love interest: rafe cameron faceclaim: fivel stewart
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name: astraea collins - astraea simmons show: criminal minds love interests: darren wilson (oc), matt simmons occupation: military sniper, bau profiler faceclaim: elizabeth olsen
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name: celia river rhodes show: julie and the phantoms love interest: reggie peters faceclaim: diana silvers
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name: juliet carolyn shepherd show: grey's anatomy love interests: jackson avery, arizona robbins, carina deluca, alex karev occupation: neurosurgeon faceclaim: adelaide kane
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name: lady dove show: merlin love interest: sir leon faceclaim: sarah gadon
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name: astryn stark show: house of the dragon love interest: jacaerys velaryon faceclaim: rose williams
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name: riley morris show: riverdale love interest: reggie mantle faceclaim: lucy hale
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name: bianca stirling show: pretty little love interest: faceclaim:
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name: bradley stirling show: pretty little liars love interest: faceclaim: nick robinson
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name: marin quinn show: yellowjackets love interest: lottie matthews occupation: lawyer faceclaim: mila kunis
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name: tara winchester (nee. scott) show: supernatural love interests: dean winchester, meg masters, sam winchester occupation: hunter faceclaim: jessica alba
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name: stephanie 'steph' kane show: the 100 love interest: john murphy faceclaim: chloe bennet
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name: nina grey show: shadowhunters love interests: victor aldertree, raphael santiago kind: nephilim parabatai: lucas callahan faceclaim: conor leslie
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name: lucas callahan show: shadowhunters love interest: jace herondale kind: nephilim parabatai: nina grey faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: celeste lucas show: the walking dead love interests: daryl dixon, eliza moore (oc) occupation (pre): bartender faceclaim: alycia debnam-carey
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name: elizabeth 'eliza' moore show: the walking dead love interest: celeste lucas (oc) occupation (pre): detective faceclaim: cobie smulders
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name: wyatt moore show: the walking dead love interest: occupation (pre): bodyguard faceclaim: stephen amell
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name: olivia ann cohen show: the wilds love interest: toni shalifoe faceclaim: natalia dyer
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name: mila carson show: the wilds love interest: kirin o'conner faceclaim: holland roden
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name: rosalind 'rosa' lahey show: teen wolf love interest: lydia martin kind: werewolf faceclaim: madelyn cline
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name: nathaniel wilkes show: teen wolf love interest: stiles stilinski kind: hellhound faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: theodore 'theo' barnett show: peaky blinders love interest: michael gray occupation: boxer faceclaim: rudy pankow
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name: leah calloway show: peaky blinders love interest: finn shelby faceclaim: rachel zegler
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name: alexander madden show: peaky blinders love interest: john shelby occupation: distillery owner faceclaim: boyd holbrook
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name: felicity allen | kid flash show: titans love interest: jason todd powers: superspeed faceclaim: katie douglas
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solitaireinfoacc · 8 months
☆.. ノ tv shows
☆.. ノ a series of unfortunate events
★ klaus baudelaire
☆.. ノ amphibia
★ bee boonchuy
★ ivy sundew
★ jenni
★ maddie flour “fern”
★ marcy wu "mars"
★ polly plantar
★ terry "castor"
☆.. ノ big city greens
★ tilly green
☆.. ノ bluey
★ bingo heeler
☆.. ノ castle
★ alexis castle
★ kevin ryan
☆.. ノ friends
★ monica geller
☆.. ノ gravity falls
★ bill cipher
★ lauren corduroy (OC)
★ mabel pines 
☆.. ノ hazbin hotel
★ angel dust
★ charlie morningstar
★ niffty
☆.. ノ helluva boss
★ bee-lzebub
★ fizzarolli
★ moxxie
★ octavia goetia
☆.. ノ high school musical: the musical: the series
★ carlos rodriguez
★ gina porter
★ seb matthew-smith
☆.. ノ i am not okay with this
★ stanley barber
★ sydney novak “rae”
☆.. ノ jessie / bunk’d
★ emma ross
★ griff jones
★ ravi ross
☆.. ノ miraculous ladybug
★ adrien agreste
★ alya cesaire
★ april monelle (OC)
★ duusu
★ feuille (human tikki)
★ juleka couffaine
★ kagami tsurugi
★ lila rossi
★ nathaniel kurtzberg
★ sabrina raincomprix
★ sass
★ zoe lee
☆.. ノ shameless
★ fiona gallagher
★ ian gallagher
★ karen jackson
★ lip gallagher
★ mandy milkovich
☆.. ノ star vs. the forces of evil
★ hekapoo
★ star butterfly
☆.. ノ stranger things
★ alice creel
★ argyle
★ dustin henderson
★ eddie munson
★ eight prasad
★ eleven hopper
★ fred benson
★ max mayfield
★ nancy wheeler
★ robin buckley
★ ten / 010
★ will byers
☆.. ノ teen titans
★ beast boy
☆.. ノ the amazing race
★ aparna dhinakaran
★ james wallington
★ michelle newland
★ natalia kumar
★ raquel moore
☆.. ノ the amazing world of gumball
★ darwin watterson
☆.. ノ the amazing digital circus
★ jax
★ pomni
☆.. ノ the loud house
★ lucy loud
☆.. ノ the owl house
★ emira blight
★ hunter
★ king clawthorne
★ lilith clawthorne
★ luz noceda
★ matt tholomule
★ raine whispers
★ the collector “star”
★ vee noceda
★ willow park
☆.. ノ the umbrella academy
★ allison hargreeves
★ diego hargreeves
★ five hargreeves
★ harlan cooper (young)
★ klaus hargreeves
☆.. ノ total drama
★ blaineley o’halloran
★ brick mcarthur
★ carrie
★ cody emmett jameson anderson
★ courtney
★ crimson
★ dawn
★ ella
★ harold mcgrady
★ heather
★ izzy
★ jacques
★ katie
★ kitty
★ miles “spring”
★ sammy
★ scarlett
★ spud
★ zoey
☆.. ノ victorious
★ jade harley
☆.. ノ wednesday
★ divina
★ enid sinclair
★ eugene ottinger
★ rowan laslow
★ tyler galpin
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twistedtummies2 · 8 months
The Scarlet Pirate - Chapter 5
This is the penultimate section of a six-part "Chapter Story" for my OC for Twisted Wonderland, James Killian - based on Captain Hook from Disney's Peter Pan. (Also featured are Smitty McCarthy, based on Smee, and Matthew Satyr, based on Peter himself...oh, and Nakoda - my Kaa OC - also has a role here.) The basic premise of this story has been in my mind for almost as long as James has, but for numerous reasons, it wasn't till just within the past few weeks I finally got a chance to develop and write it out.
The result is, I think, the single longest "Chapter Story" for any of my OCs for TW I've created so far. Take that information however you will. So long as this tale, that it went from a planned three-parter, to a planned five-parter, to now being a six-parter, standing at approximately 150 pages in total! Hopefully, all the work and length will be for the best. XD
As is typical for my Chapter Stories, I will be posting this one chapter at a time per day over the course of this week. For future reference, you can find the previous chapter here.
You can find the next chapter here.
WARNING: While this story, throughout all six parts, does not FOCUS on my kinks, there are instances of very mild stuffing/belching related content sprinkled throughout, as well as various instances of implied or near vore situations. If you're into these things, good on ya. If you aren't, just be warned they will show up here and there, although not with any degree of spectacle.
With that said...I hope you enjoy.
“Heigh-ho, and up she rises! Heigh-ho, and up she rises! Heigh-ho, and up she rises, early in the mornin’!” The shanty’s tune echoed almost eerily through the bowels of the shadowy stone labyrinth. Down a sloping tunnel, at one end of the vast, maze-like network of passages in the old, abandoned mine, James Killian and Smitty McCarthy carefully marched. James had his right hand on the treasure chest, while Smitty used his left, as they cautiously carried it along between them. James grinned as he looked around at the dank cave at the bottom of the slope: long ago, the Dwarfs had found this spot in the midst of their mining. A part of the river, which ran through the woods and then down into the sea, came into the mountains via this cave. A deep pool of water stretched from the cavern into a short, black tunnel, beyond which was the river itself. There were several tall, rocky formations in the cavern, including one very high, flat-topped stone, almost like a miniature cliff or a rock hill, and a smaller, flatter spot towards the bottom. In one part of the pool, near the tunnel, a sailboat had been moored. Its sails were closed, its anchor stretching into the water; for extra insurance, a sturdy rope had been fastened (with an equally sturdy knot) around a stalagmite that jutted out of the cave’s watery floor. On the boat was brass plaque, which offered the name of the little craft: The Czarina. “Ah, my pretty little crate! We’re now only moments away from TRUE victory, Smitty!” laughed James Killian, his boisterous, booming voice rebounding off the cavern walls. “Who needs a contest prize, when I have enough treasure to pay off a King’s Ransom? This will be plenty for our purposes, once we reach a safe port!” “Aye, James!” smiled Smitty, and paused, closing the eyes behind his glasses and tilting his head upwards, almost dreamily. “Just think of it…finally, out on the open ocean…in a proper ship, doing what we always wanted…” “Indeed,” nodded James, with a more supercilious smile, flourishing his cane in his other hand as he spoke. “Where I shall be captain, and you shall sail with me! Split me infinitives, tis me hour of triumph!” James laughed again; Smitty winced, wringing out one ear with his free hand, and offering a nervous sort of smile. There was a sort of wild gleam in Killian’s eyes, which the smaller man didn’t much like…and there was a strange scent in the air, too. Not just the brine and the earthy odors of the watery cave, but another, chemical sort of odor…like ink… “I just hope it won’t take us too long to sail our way along the river to the sea,” McCarthy fretted. “Ha! Would you think I’m fool enough to not check the miles and depths along the path, Smitty?” scoffed James, resting the long end of his cane upon his shoulder. “I sailed Czarina here meself, and checked the distance to the ocean from this part of the island. I tell you, Smitty, I’ve reached my peak already! NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!” “HA HA HA HA HA HA!” James and Smitty froze as a sudden, shrill, deranged laugh echoed through the cave. They looked around, startled to say the least, trying to spot the source. “What in blue blazes?!” exclaimed James. “Wh-who’s th-th-there?” stammered a rather scared Smitty. The mad laugh came again; it sounded lower, more ominous. Cautiously, the pair put down the chest, glancing from the left to the right, peering all around the damp cavern. “Speak!” demanded James. “Who are you, stranger?” A diabolical sort of voice came drifting through the cave. “You have stolen the cursed treasure,” it growled. “Now you shall face the ultimate penalty!”
“What are you talking about?” sneered James, standing defensively in front of the chest. “Tell me your name and show yourself, you craven…!” “JAMES! LOOK!” Smitty’s frightened shout alerted James. He saw his stout little companion pointing with a shaking finger up towards the ceiling of the cave. The scarlet pirate looked up…and his eyes widened as a group of five white-cloaked figures flew out from behind the stalactites that speared down from the roof of the cavern. They giggled and laughed and jeered, drifting together in a circle, like a collection of vultures. Most were roughly human in size, but one was much smaller, no bigger than a tiny child, at best. Sizes aside, it was clear what the pale, hooded creatures were. “G-G-GHOSTS!” squeaked Smitty, and ducked behind James. “What jiggery-pokery is this?” bellowed James, trying to seem unintimidated, but his voice carried an unsteady quiver. “We are the Keepers of the Treasure!” declared the smallest figure, in a yowling sort of voice. “Return to us what is rightfully ours, human!” another snarled. “Or you may face the consequences,” another warned, in a sneaky, subtle, smooth tone. “HA!” James rapped, and grinned ferociously. “I fear no ghosts. We have dozens of them at Night Raven College!” “I fear them,” peeped Smitty, who was trying to hide behind his superior. “Surrender the treasure to us!” hissed a fourth phantom. “Or we will be forced to take it,” the fifth said, rather plainly. James glowered. He had not come all this way to be foiled by a collection of meddlesome specters. “You want it?” he growled, shifting his feet to brace himself. “Ha! Well come and get it!” He then nudged the scared McCarthy aside and snapped at him: “SMITTY!” “Eep! Y-Yes, James?” Killian gestured to the ghosts with a hard, stony sort of glare. “Blast them,” he ordered, in a cold voice. Smitty blinked. He looked pale as a ghost himself. “But…b-but James…!” “BLAST THEM!” James roared. “That’s an order, you blundering blue-footed booby!” Smitty gulped nervously, lifting his arms, as if he were afraid of being struck, then nodded. “Aye-Aye, James,” he whimpered, and paused to adjust his cap, jacket, and glasses before waddling forward. He looked up at the circling white spirits, who were making spooky “Ooooooooh…!” noises as they hovered. Smitty took a deep breath and seemed to pluck up courage…then lifted his right hand, holding the palm outwards.
“Hold back no longer. Throw restraint to the wind. Fire at will,” he intoned in an incantation…and as he did so, the ghosts could see what seemed to be a crimson aura, gathering around his right hand. Then Smitty seemed to physically brace himself, as he uttered the name of the signature spell he now planned to use: “CORKSCREW CANNON!” BOOM! With a sound like a cannon being shot, a crimson sphere of energy shot out from the gathered aura around Smitty’s hand. It blasted towards two of the ghosts, who darted out of the way as the ball of red light flew between them… …But as the sphere hit the stone wall of the cave, it suddenly rebounded back again, bouncing like rubber towards the ghosts once more. The energy sphere struck one of them, and - BANG! - burst like some magical balloon. The concussive explosion knocked the ghost aside as they cried out, and flew back into a wall. “What the…?!” exclaimed one of the phantoms. “HA HA!” James crowed. “My compatriot’s Unique Magic creates an eruptive blast that stuns any enemy it comes in contact with. However, it only affects living things…or, in your case, things that were once living. If it hits anything else, it just bounces off.” “It can only bounce three times,” peeped Smitty, seemingly blushing at James’ elaboration.” “Minor details,” shrugged Killian, and pointed dramatically at the other ghosts, as the one who had been hit rather dizzily hovered away from the wall. “FIRE, SMITTY! SHOOT THEM DOWN AT ONCE!” “Aye, James,” Smitty replied, and sent another ball of energy zipping up towards the cave ceiling, aiming this time for the smallest of the white-cloaked figures. The force of the blast was so great, that it actually made him stumble clumsily backwards, nearly knocking him off his feet. The tiny ghost spun through the air, twirling out of the way. The Corkscrew Cannon once again rebounded off the wall behind them, but this time, the ghost was ready for it, and flew higher, the sphere passing beneath the cut of their white sheet. One of the other ghosts, however, was less fortunate, and got struck, smashing into a stalactite. They had not recovered before a third sphere went zooming upwards. It passed over the head of one ghost, who ducked…bounced once, and missed another, who swerved to the side…bounced twice, missed ANOTHER, who cartwheeled out of the way through the air…but on the third rebound, it struck the tiniest phantom, who yowled and flew back… …Only for one of the other ghosts to catch them.
“We have to avoid those blasts,” the small one whispered. “I know,” their savior nodded, then looked to the others. “GATHER UP!” The ghosts all huddled together, weaving and bobbing through the air as Smitty turned around to try and get a solid shot at them…but they kept ducking behind the stalactites and other cave formations. “LET ‘EM HAVE IT!” James raged, waving his cane around like a madman. “COME ON, YOU IDIOT! HIT THEM AGAIN!” “I-I can’t get a clear shot!” squeaked Smitty. The ghosts suddenly dispersed once more, nodding to each other, as if they’d decided on a plan of action. One of them went flying at Smitty straightaway, while the other four flew off in other directions. Smitty opened fire, and the ghost zoomed out of the way… …And as the red sphere of power struck the wall beyond, it came bouncing back…straight at Smitty McCarthy. Smitty froze. “...Oh, no.” BANG! The little man’s glasses fell from his face, and his cap was knocked askew, as the concussive blast burst before him and sent him shooting backwards. Two of the ghosts caught hold of him and lifted him into the air from under his arms. Smitty kicked and squirmed, crying out in alarm as they carried him to the sailboat. One of the pale, hooded specters in the white sheets produced a length of rope, and they tied him to the mast, making sure his hands were firmly set at his sides. Smitty struggled against the bindings as fiercely as he could. “JAMES!” he hollered. “JAMES, HELP!” James Killian hesitated, torn between helping his associate and guarding the treasure still behind him. Just then, he felt a rush of air behind him, and turned fast…just in time to see the remaining two spirits lift the treasure, each cackling wildly with seemingly crazed glee. “GIVE THAT BACK!” James yelled, and threw himself forward…only for the chest to be pulled away before he could reach it. He fell onto his belly, growling as he pushed himself back to his feet, and watched the spirits lift the treasure into the air… …Then felt something inside of him turn to ice.
The ghosts lowered the chest…and placed it on top of the high, sharp, flat-topped “cliff” of rock, overlooking the water. And there, hovering just a foot or two over the very tip of that outcropping, was a familiar, boldly grinning figure, dressed in green. A pixie sat upon his shoulder. James felt one of his eyes twitch. His free hand curled into a tight, white-knuckled fist, as he gripped his cane tightly. “So, Satyr,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “This is all your doing.” Matthew Satyr grinned wider. “Aye, James Killian,” he teased with a wink, hands on his hips. “Tis all my doing.” “Hey!” one of the ghosts called out. “Don’t take all the credit…” …And at that moment, you threw off the white sheet Sebek had conjured up, revealing yourself. One by one, your fellow “ghosts” did the same. You knew who they were. “After all,” you continued. “It was MY idea.” “Meh. Minor details,” shrugged Matthew, in a joking sort of way. James Killian just glared with more hate than you’d ever seen another human being wear upon their face. And by now, you’d seen a LOT of hatred. “How did you escape the beast?” he snarled. “Beast?” Smitty piped up, stopping his struggling. His eyes widened. “James! Wh-what do you mean ‘beast’?” “I believe he’s referring to the giant monster that attacked us in the pit,” replied Azul, as he touched down upon the deck of the sailboat, standing beside the mast. Sebek touched down beside him, smirking and leaning back against said mast. Nakoda touched down on James’ right, while you touched down on his left. Grim landed directly beside you. All of you glared at him critically. James briefly glanced at the three of you, but soon turned his attention back to Matthew. “What saved you?” he demanded to know. “I would have thought that thing would have at least slowed you down.” “You knew?” Smitty gasped, jaw dropping. “About…wh-whatever was there with them?” James briefly looked back over his shoulder towards Smitty. His expression was dull and vacant. Smitty looked hurt. “But…but you said…” “Quiet,” growled James, and then looked back at Matthew with a vengeful sneer. “How did you get away? Faith and Trust and all that rubbish?” “That, and a little bit of help from my new friends,” Satyr shrugged cheerily. “Easy on the ‘friends’ thing,” muttered Nakoda, who looked a bit uncomfortable at that endearment. James just snarled at Matthew, his fingers tightening harder around his cane’s topper. “Don’t you DARE use that word around me,” he said, venomously. “That’s enough, James,” you interrupted, firmly, and began to approach him. “We’re going back to Night Raven-” “WAIT!”
You jumped back as Satyr flew down from his perch and stopped, hovering about six inches off the ground, and a few feet away from James Killian. He pulled out his metal fighting rod, whipping out the collapsible object to its fullest extent, a steely look in his youthful eyes. “We’re not going anywhere. Not yet,” he said sternly. James grinned, as if he were pleased. “Are you insssane?!” hissed Nakoda. “We’ve already beaten him, what’sss the point?!” “I agree!” Azul called out. “We have what we came for, we should-” “NO!” Matthew said indignantly…then a sort of sadness crept into his voice and his expression. “None of you understand. This isn’t a normal fight. This is a duel. And it’s been waiting for a very long time. I need this…we BOTH need this.” He pointed his baton at James. “This man is mine.” James chuckled darkly and lifted his cane, holding it lengthwise in both hands. “Well spoken, Satyr,” he slithered. “If it’s a final duel you want, I shall gladly give it to you.” CLICK. James gave his topper a slight twist, and a sound like a lock being undone was heard. Then - SCHLING! - the sound of steel scraping against wood rang through the cave. Yourself, Nako, and Grim all stepped back, and worry crept into the faces of Azul and Sebek alike. James Killian flung aside the wooden “sheath” of his cane…and pointed the sharp, dangerous, very real sword tip of the weapon towards his nemesis. “Proud and insolent fool,” he challenged, grandly. “Prepare to taste defeat.” Even in the presence of an actual sword, Satyr showed no fear at all. “Dark and sinister man,” he returned. “Have at thee!” With a sort of scoffing battle cry, James Killian immediately plunged forward, and swung his sword around his head. CLANG! It connected with Matthew’s blade, as the smaller, hovering young half-fae blocked the attack. James whirled about, sweeping out for another, rather theatrical slash. CLING! His blade skimmed the rounded edge Matthew’s weapon, as it was batted away easily. Matthew then went on the offensive himself, whipping his baton about to try and strike at James’ face. With sharp, jerking, almost imperceptible motions, James parried the attacks. From that point on, for a time, there was no advantage on either side. Matthew Satyr was a superb swordsman, jabbing with the baton the way a wasp does with its stinger, in between parries that knocked his rival’s attacks aside with dazzling rapidity. He had the shorter reach, and no cutting or stabbing edge, but his weapon was sturdy and his movements fast.
James Killian was scarcely inferior in brilliancy, but not quite so nimble in wrist play. The Pirate of Hearslabyul forced his opponent back by the weight of his onset, swinging hard and strong. Time and again, he thrust his weapon forward, and each time he did, a collective flinch flew through every heart of those of you that watched. Each time, however, the thrust was turned aside by Satyr’s dueling rod, and Killian was frustrated again. Kes flitted about the dueling pair, ringing her bells in alarm. Annoyed, James swiped at her with his left hand…then squealed as Matthew smacked him in the rear, just as he had in the forest. With a roar of outrage, James lifted his sword up in a chopping motion, but the harsh blow was blocked by Satyr. Kes zipped over to Sebek, flailing her arms as if to get his attention. He seemed to understand what she said… “We should stop them!” he bellowed. Nakoda hissed with a nod, and began to stride forward in an attempt to do just that…but Azul halted all with a sharp call. “Don’t!” he snapped, and his own attention was on the dueling pair, his expression wary and razor-focused. “Let them sort out their differences. This is between them. It’s out of our hands now.” “Then shouldn’t we leave?” Grim suggested, and winced at another loud CLANG! as the metal weapons met each other. Azul shook his head, still focused on the battle. You soon understood… “James is out for blood,” you whispered, worriedly. “If he manages to get an advantage…” Grim gulped nervously, immediately realizing the gravity of the situation. You could see that Smitty McCarthy, still tied up where he was, seemed more than a little concerned. He was watching with very nervous eyes, chewing on his own fat little lip. “B-be careful!” he called out to the fighters, as each swung and blocked the other’s weapon. Which one he was addressing remained a mystery thereafter.
James seemed to grow tired of the even nature of the duel. His sword had yet to gain its prize. He glared, trying to back Matthew towards a wall…but just as Satyr grew close to the stone behind his back, he leapt up and over James’ head, flipping clean over him and landing on the other side. James spun ‘round and lunged, but Matthew spun out of the way, flying over the water. He laughed and came swooping back, swiping with the baton. James ducked the attack, and scowled as he watched the young fairy-boy fly upwards again. At that moment, as he saw Matthew zipping about overhead, a lightbulb seemed to come over James’ own head, and he began to move up the slope of the “cliff” inside the cave. “Go on!” he called out, mockingly. “Fly! Fly! Fly, you COWARD!” Matthew paused in mid-air, once more at the “tip” of the stone hill. “Coward?” he repeated. “Me?!” James laughed tauntingly as he prowled up the slope in a creeping predatory manner. “Ha Ha HA! You’d never DARE to face me man-to-man, foot-to-foot! YOU NEVER COULD!” he barked. “You’ll always fly away, like a COWARDLY SPARROW!” The words “cowardly sparrow” echoed through the cave for several seconds, as James finally reached the flat top of the rock, standing upon it at the ready. Matthew glared down at him, clearly offended. “No one,” Satyr said, seriously, “Calls ME a coward. Least of all you, James!” And then, Matthew Satyr did something you didn’t think you’d ever see him do on his own: he hovered down slowly towards the tall, stone tower…and landed upon it, his feet finally touching the ground. “If that’s how you want it,” he said to James Killian, daringly, and held out his rod almost invitingly. “I’ll fight you man-to-man. One hand behind my back!” James grinned ferociously. He leaned close, lifting his sword. Steel and steel slid against each other as weapons crossed, and he moved till he was almost nose to nose with Satyr’s defiant face. “Do you mean…you WON’T fly?” he cooed. Something about the way James said that made your blood run cold. “Don’t agree to that!” you shouted up at Satyr. “Keep the advantage!” Azul called out. “LISTEN NOT TO THAT RUFFIAN!” bellowed Sebek. “It’sss a trick, I promissse you!” warned Nakoda. Matthew Satyr didn’t seem to hear any of you. “I won’t fly,” he promised. “I give my word, James.” You heard Grim facepaw at your side and mumble, “Moron.” James Killian, for his part, looked like he’d just been made the happiest sleaze to ever sail the seven seas. “Good!” he cheered. “THEN LET’S HAVE AT IT!”
Without warning, James slammed himself against Matthew, knocking the smaller young man backwards. Matthew stumbled back with a grunt, and barely managed to avoid falling off the edge of the cliff. He had just enough time to block a ferocious, hacking slash from James’ sword, before the taller duelist swung up again, hammering blow after blow upon his foe, in a wild, frenzied sort of way. Killian seemed determined to drive Satyr over the edge. Finally, Matthew managed to duck and get behind James, but if he hoped to find an advantage that way, he was sorely disappointed. James spun around and slashed again. Matthew barely had time to duck, and then lifted his rod to block another strike. James wasn’t slowing down at all, and - unable to flit and swerve out of the way as he so often did while airborne - Satyr was clearly beginning to lose the fight. “I’ve had enough of thisss!” hissed Nakoda, clearly growing anxious, and began to try and run up the slope. “NO, DON’T!” you called out, afraid he would end up cleaved by Killian in the proverbial crossfire. James soon spotted Nakoda approaching and glowered. “DON’T INTERFERE!” he roared, and shoved Matthew aside. Satyr cried out as he fell over the edge…but managed to catch himself before he could hit the water. As Nakoda approached, extending an arm in an effort to grab hold of James, the left hand of his quarry swung out and slapped him across the cheek. Before Nakoda could recover from the sudden smack, James snapped his fingers…and Nakoda hit the stone slope like a sack of potatoes, weighed down by the crushing intensity of his own negativity. “Nako!” you cried out, and hurried up the slope to check on him. Nakoda had his hands on his ears, gritting his fangs as he curled upon the ground. “Sh-shut them up,” he whimpered, as if the fear, loathing, and sadness that filled his heart was bringing voices to his head. “Shut them up, please!” Grim mewed as he trotted up beside you, nudging the naga, but Nakoda just flinched away. Both of you looked up with great concern as you saw Matthew then return to the top of the stone. James wasted no time and swung his sword again… …And, to your horror, just as Satyr regained footing, his metal dueling rod was sliced clean in half. It had been weakened by the battle, and a final, strong strike had rendered it officially useless. Desperately, Matthew flung the blunted half at James, who swatted it aside, then jabbed out with his sword. Satyr stumbled and fell onto his back. Matthew looked more scared than you’d ever expected, as James Killian pointed the tip of his cane-sword at his throat. “Looks like I’ve got the upper ‘hook’ now!” taunted James, showing off the tattoo on his left hand. He then swept it behind his back and reeled back with his sword hand. “And now we end this…”
“NO! JAMES DON’T!” you shouted. “YOU CAN’T!” Grim yowled in alarm. James wasn’t listening. There was murder clearly visible in his eyes… …But you two weren’t the only ones who saw it. “He’s…he’s actually going to do it!” Azul gasped, as he heard James’ words. “We should stop him!” insisted Sebek, as Kes frantically nodded in agreement beside him. “How?” Azul said. “If we get close he’ll use his power on us.” “We can hit him from afar!” Sebek insisted. “Don’t you think he’d be expecting one of us to try that?” Azul snapped back. “Let me loose.” The two looked up at Smitty McCarthy. “What?” they asked in unison. “Let me loose!” Smitty repeated, struggling against the ropes. “And fast, before it’s too late!” The head of Octavinelle and the guardian of Diasomnia looked at each other…then nodded. The octopus and the crocodile hurriedly undid the knots…and just as James began to ready himself for the killing strike, Smitty landed on the deck, and lifted his right hand. “JAMES!” he shouted. Killian looked up, alerted…just in time to see the red energy gathering around Smitty’s hand. His face showed something close to horror. “HOLD IT, YOU FOOL!” he shrieked. “NO! NO!” Smitty shut his eyes tight, as if to try and give himself deniability…and launched his attack. BOOM! The Corkscrew Cannon fired…and the sphere of concussive energy rocketed towards James. Killian quickly tried to plunge his sword down and finish the job…but Matthew, now with ample time and warning, was able to roll out of the way.
The sword’s edge was stuck in a crack in rock…and a second later, the concussive blast struck James Killian, and he was blasted clean off the cliff. He flew off the edge and plunged into the water below, landing with a murky, loud SPLASH! Thus the duel between James Killian and Matthew Satyr was finished by Smitty McCarthy. Smitty opened one eye…and when he saw the ripples in the water, indicating where James Killian had fallen, both eyes leapt wide open. “JAMES!” he shouted, and scrambled his way off the Czarina, racing around the rocky “port” to the side of the deep pool in the center of the cave. Matthew, no longer obligated to keep his word, flew over to Smitty’s side as they approached the water’s edge. Azul and Sebek crept off the ship and over to join them. You, meanwhile, helped Nakoda onto his feet, as he was still reeling from James’ Unique Magic. The naga was clutching his stomach with one hand, letting out sort of hissing whimpers, as if he felt as if he hadn’t eaten in days, or even weeks. “Easy there,” you whispered, and helped him limp along to join the others. “I’ve got you.” Nakoda just let out a feeble sound and slumped along beside you, one arm over your shoulder as your own arm slung over his. Grim followed close behind you both as you approached the lake. Kes was floating over Matthew’s head, a nervous look in her eyes, as if she was scared of the water…or something inside of it… “James!” Smitty called out again to the water, as the pool began to still. His voice held a note of panic. “James, please, come up!” “I’ll go in and get him,” Matthew said, sternly, and began to rise higher into the air. “But he tried to kill you!” Sebek exclaimed. “Yeah, I know,” Matthew sighed, and gave a sort of weary smile. He seemed ready to dive down into the water from his height. “It’s hard being a hero, isn’t it?” Kes suddenly rang her pixie bells in wild alarm, and flew in front of Matthew’s face, shaking her head frantically. “Don’t try to stop me!” Matthew snapped. “I can’t just-” KA-ZLOOSH! Satyr’s words were cut short, as was any attempt to rescue James Killian, when the water of the cave suddenly seemed to explode outwards, as if a bomb had gone off. Kes hid behind Matthew in an instant. All of you stepped back, Grim yelping and ducking behind your legs…as a familiar swirl of inky black mist came spiraling out of the cavern lake. In the middle of the black cloud, pulsing red and violet light could be seen, like a glowing heart beating rapidly. “Wh-what’s going on?” Matthew exclaimed, somehow jumping in startlement in mid-air. Azul and Grim shuddered. They knew very well. “Overblot,” hissed Nakoda, ominously; he was equally familiar.
Sebek growled, gritting his teeth and moving into a battle-ready pose. As for yourself and Smitty, the two of you watched with matching, anxious expressions, as the black cloud began to dissipate… …And the first thing you saw were the iron hooks. Upon James’ left hand was visible a metal gauntlet, the fingers of which ended in long, hook-shaped claws, almost like a raptor’s talons. Upon the back of the gauntlet was painted the image of a red skull and crossbones, a shade of crimson that matched his long, red coat. The coat now more closely resembled a red Naval uniform coat from days long past…the cuffs of which were completely soaked in black ink, as if they had been dipped in the stuff, some of the ink spilling in ribbon-like patterns back along the sleeves. The brass buttons of the coat also were speckled with ink, and the black lapels seemed to drip ink onto other parts of the tarnished red outfit as well. The coat and the skull-and-crossbones were the only signs of vibrant color upon the whole ensemble. Beneath this, James’ usual outfit was visible, but the colors had changed; the boots were still black, but now ended in what looked like steel toes, which were spattered with drops of ink. He wore black trousers, a black shirt, and a belt the color of mud, the Jolly Roger buckle of which had turned silver instead of gold. Instead of a bandana, atop his head was perched a tricorn hat, colored a sort of pale, grayish purple, with a raven’s feather stuck in it. To top all of this off, the rings around James’ fingers on his un-gauntleted hand had also turned to silver…and one of his eyes had turned a glowing shade of crimson, with a familiar, fiery aura surrounding it.
James glared at you all, sneering as he floated downwards, soon lighting upon the rocky poolside of the dank cave. His voice echoed through the cavern, and seemingly through the entire mine, as frigid as a bitter North Wind. “Children,” he snarled. “I am surrounded by children. Selfish, idiotic, backstabbing little monsters who think they know better, when they know absolutely nothing. And the worst part is, when I decide to show the same form, they seem to think I’m being unfair. Loathsome! All of you! Well, I’m through playing games. I’m through spoiling you all with victory after victory. This time, I’M going to win! This time, I’M going to come out on top! And so I think it’s time all of you recognized…” He held out the gauntlet clad hand, fingers splayed out. “...What it feels like to grow up.”
To Be Concluded in Part 6…
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nikoshannigans · 2 months
I've talk about my Ocs... BUT WHAT ABOUT SHOW YOU?!
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In order: Miriam, Walter, Matthew and Andrew Moore.
Yes, Miriam is a lot like Kate (in the sense of protecting her loved ones), Matthew is a lot like Michael (nerdy part and doing the best he can) and in some way, Walter is a lot like Emma (like the sarcasm and jokes). Andrew is Andrew, he's not like anyone
I don't know who to talk about next...
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bluebell-winter · 1 year
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Spooksville ✳ New Gilmore Girls Story
Summary: When Lorelai moved into Stars Hollow with her twins, Rory and Delilah, she found it to be a quaint little town. However, Rory and Delilah discover that the teens there call it Spooksville, instead, because of the strange goings-on in the town. Inspired by the TV show Spooksville.
Genres: Alternate Universe, Spooksville!AU, Supernatural, Mystery
Sneak Peek...
"You two need to be on your toes if you want to survive Spooksville," the blonde girl said.
Rory sounded confused, "Spooksville?"
"You two are new here, so you call it Stars Hollow," the boy explained. "Those who know call it Spooksville."
To Delilah, that sounded like some smug in-joke on the internet. Like 'only the real fans know it's called this or that'.
Read Here: AO3 // Quotev // Wattpad Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @wordspin-shares
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boy-armageddon · 8 months
Homophobic about these guys
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inkovert · 9 months
🧊 for the oc ask game. Any character
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
I'm gonna answer this for all my ocs just because it's a quick one and we can play the game of try to guess what show I was watching when I came up with these face claims 😁
So Vince is the only one whose face claim has pretty much stayed the same through all drafts and it's Jake T. Austin. It's just...a little too perfect honestly.
Mira's face claim used to be Emeraude Toubia, but is now this Turkish actress who I found when I stumbled while roaming on Pinterest, Hande Arçel, and was like this is Mira oh my gah. Mira's Lebanese and funnily enough Emeraude is too but I just needed to move away from imprinting on characters every single time I watched a show 😭
Cami's used to be some unidentified person I found while roaming the inter webs - I can't even find it anymore so I'm just going to link her previous intro post which has the picture of them. But now she's a mix of like this girl (can't find her name) and Ashley Moore.
Spencer. Oh Spencer...tbh I have not found a face claim of his that I'm satisfied with. He's the only person who I can picture the most vividly in my mind but no face claims come even close. But he used to be Matthew Daddario and now it's just whoever the heck this is on his moodboard. would love for someone to attempt to draw him in a way that satisfies the way I picture him in my mind 😭
Thanks for the ask!
Ask me a question about my OCs!
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frxgmcnts · 11 months
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@theolderhenderson asked: Ship Bias again cause i’m curious lol
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
thea moore & matthew evans ( @lcstinfantasy ):
Thea, my girl, might make it incredible difficult for Matt, but as much as I love these two as much she does love him. But you know how much I love all our ships and the mutual obession they have with each other. All your ocs are so fun to write with and witnessing their development within our threads is the best thing. Also the canon muses you have picked up are top notch. I love every single one of your muses and of course, you ♥
evan wright & emma thompson ( @redemptivexheroics ):
Those two are still developing, but I love how Emma has managed to prove Evan wrong about the first impression he had of her. I have a feeling they will be really cute when Evan manages to stop being his awkward self that comes through at times. And Kyle, I'm impressed about all the different muses you manage to handle at the same time. I'm coming for more of your muses, just watch out, haha.
leighton rennell & beckett moore ( @lungsandlips ):
Okay, those two we have started writing a good while back, but they are the first who brought me to their blog, therefore I hold them dearly in my heart. I also liked the vibe Skyler & Kade and Liam & Evan had so far and I'm looking forward to explore all of them more. Generally they're really an amazing writer and such a chill and lovely person whenever I write ooc with them.
evan wright & kelsey heyward ( @entangledmuses ):
If I tell you Evan is crushing hard on her, then what? I know they are still developing alongside Evan & Heather and Maxwell & Sofia, but I already love the little things I have written for them so far with Kayla. I also love all the other potential pairs we have in store and I'm looking forward to develop them all with her.
leighton rennell, noah phoenix kane-christensen & scarlet rose, wolfgang park ( @dozenzofrozez ) & sage thompson ( @lcstinfantasy ):
Another one of my favorite poly ships along with Zander, Eric & Evan. We haven't written them much yet on the dash, but I think Moni and Tin already know how much I love both of those ships. One has the chaos potential while the other has the angst and I'm here for the journey they will take us on. I've mentioned it before, but I'll do it again I love you both for how amazing writers you are, but also for allowing me to link my muses to yours.♥
special mentioning:
the chaos mansion ( @dozenzofrozez & @notfrsalestuff ):
This huge poly ship Moni, Rose and I have created. I love when we throw random musing stuff or ideas around and how our muses simply embrace it. How the mansion didn't go up in flames yet is a mistery to me, but then again, there's a witch among them who might be the reason it hasn't happen, haha. Honestly, I love your creativity and I love you two. ♥
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gaysullengirl · 4 months
matilda by gaysullengirl
❝ you can see the world, following the seasons
anywhere you go, you don't need a reason
'cause they never showed you love,
you don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own. ❞
cast ೃ⁀➷
ೃ⁀➷  beabadoobee as mazzy wright
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❝ i envy the leaves that grow from
the trees, they're all so carefree. ❞
ೃ⁀➷ paget brewster as emily prentiss
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❝ they told me all of my cages were mental,
so i got wasted like all my potential. ❞
ೃ⁀➷ @tadeleyee as april sinclair
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❝ aren't you the sweetest
thing on this side of hell? ❞
mazzy and emily
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thomas gibson as aaron hotchner
joe mantegna as david rossi
shemar moore as derek morgan
matthew gray gubler as spencer reid
aj cook as jennifer jareau
kirsten vangsness as penelope garcia
mixtape ೃ⁀➷
— mazzy, side a
➷ who's afraid of little old me?, taylor swift
❝ i was tame, i was gentle till
the circus life made me mean. ❞
➷ making the bed, olivia rodrigo
❝ push away all the people who know
me the best, but it's me who's been making
the bed. ❞
➷ broken cd, beabadoobee
❝ don't think i'm over it
like i always said i was. ❞
emily, side b —
➷ cowboy like me, taylor swift
❝ takes one to know one,
you're a cowboy like me. ❞
➷ sign of the times, harry styles
❝ just stop your crying, it's
the sign of the times. ❞
➷ nothing new, taylor swift ft. phoebe bridgers
❝ how can a person know
everythin' at 18, but nothin' at 22?
and will you still want me
when i'm nothing new? ❞
this is not a romance between emily and oc!
mazzy is pronounced like maisie
takes place in 2007 (season 3)
mazzy is inspired by billie eilish, beabadoobee, gracie abrams, and olivia rodrigo. a lot of their songs are mentioned, you don't have to listen to them songs but it helps set the scene!
this book will have mentions of murder, assault, physical abuse, self harm, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, foul language.
please get help if you are struggling with any of these things! if you ever need to talk to someone my dms are always open <3
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sliceoflifeshepard · 6 months
Potential list of new ocs for Speechless
Hal Moore (Cayley's brother)
Trinity Fishersong
Matthew Maple
Amara Payne (Adrian's wife)
Robin Fletcher
Ronin Sundown
Marigold Stone
Quinn Xenar
Zena Birch
Xenos Fawnarch
Celeste Moore (Cayley's grandmother)
Jacob Maple (Matt's bro)
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