#oc: catherine cullen
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STORY INTRODUCTION: ANCIENT HISTORY book one of the petals for armor series
❝Catherine Cullen had been alive for a very long time, roughly three centuries is the most accurate date she could give you, so she had been through a lot, and she had seen a lot. But, not much could compare to the likes of Bella Swan. Catherine had saved Bella from death at the ripe age of five and Catherine had stuck by her side ever since. Using her vampiric ability, she slips her way into Bella's life as her older sister, Eleonora Swan, she fills the role quite well with the only one able to see through her illusion being Bella, herself. Luckily, Bella was good at keeping secrets and was more than happy to let her 'guardian angel' watch over her.
Things go quite well until Bella decides to move in with her dad and Catherine has no choice but to follow because who knows what kind of trouble Bella Swan would run into by herself. And really, Catherine doesn't think her time at Forks will be horrid because it's Forks. But, she's completely mistaken for it appears that Forks, as dreary and small as it is, somehow has a way of resurfacing one's ancient history.❞
( ancient history is coming soon but there are still one-shots of catherine's backstory you can read by clicking the link above! )
( message me if you want to be added to the tag list ) tag list: @fyeahtwilightocs @stefelias @lost-in-the-shelves @farfallasunicas @claryxjackson @ocappreciationtag @toalltheocsivelovedbefore @ocfairygodmother
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emmablackeries · 3 years
this is a backup blog for @nevilleslongbottomwp because my dumbass doesn't know the password for it and if I lose the email it's attached to then I won't be able to post on there! So in case that ever happens ( or if my brain starts to think that blog is messy but most likely if I ever lose access to the aforementioned account ) I decided to make a blog that's attached to an account in which I remember both the password and email too!
This blog isn't exactly active yet but feel free to follow it and also maybe follow my main account if you're not already!!
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Happy Valentine’s Day @lorettastwilight
Catherine Cullen x Loretta Jane Swan
You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?
Forever Tag: @themildestofwriters @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @pearlselegancies@seaweedhufflepuffocs @iceandwaterfairytail @agb-random@foxesandmagic @perfectlystiles @anotherunreadblog @megdonnellys@peacheydelanhoes @witchofinterest @abbysarcane - want to be added to the forever/fandom/character tag for fics or all content?  let me know!
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tozettastone · 3 years
A little scrap of an OC-Inquisitor Dragon Age fic I’ve been working on -- this takes place during In Your Heart Shall Burn, Corypheus’s assault on Haven. 
Currently the OC’s name is Catherine, but I am beginning to wonder if it wouldn’t be easier reading to make it Katherine, to distinguish her from Cassandra more easily for people who see “Ca” and go “aha!”
"Maybe you will—distract it somehow. Escape. Find a way," Cullen offered.
He clearly didn't believe it himself. But it was kind of him to try, she supposed.
So many weeks of wondering how she could avert this outcome, of getting wildly upset about it and avoiding it entirely, and like an idiot here Catherine was, dealing—or rather, not dealing—with the exact situation she'd been so determined not to think about.
“I’m glad," she said, in the steadiest voice she could manage, "that we established the evacuation route out of Haven. And I am glad that we have closed the Breach."
Maybe when she died she'd wake up in her old body again.
No. Catherine knew that wasn't right even as she thought it, with the certainty of her own hands and her own steps.
When she died, she'd just be dead.
She continued staring at the chantry wall for a moment, and she wished fervently that even this feeling could last: that she could stay, staring, frightened, but alive, in this moment forever.
"Inquisition!" Cullen called, turning away. He began rallying them for their evacuation.
Yes. He had a job to do.
And apparently so did she.
She went to the doors of the chantry, cracked them open, and slipped out quietly, before her nerve broke and she—before she cried, or screamed, or vomited or ran away. Before any of the overwhelming panic in her guts found some way out of her.
Her knees felt like they were about to melt and unhinge completely.
Corypheus was out there somewhere, looking for her with his blighted dragon. Catherine didn't want to go. She wanted to go back into the Chantry. She wanted to be the first out on that mountain trail, evacuating to the safety of the mountains. She wanted—
It would probably be better if nobody saw her start crying, she thought, trying to steady her breath. Bad for morale, that.
She had agreed. She would distract them for as long as it took to evacuate Haven. She would fire the trebuchet into the mountainside and bury the village, if she could. If Corypheus didn’t kill her before then.
She couldn't go back inside now and say, 'Excuse me, Cullen, I am about to piss myself, please don't make me walk out there to my death, please. Please.' She just couldn't.
The words stuck in her throat anyway. They burned like acid. she wanted to go and say them, she wanted to call this whole plan off—even though she'd insisted upon the evacuation route, even though she'd known this was coming, and even though it was absolutely her fault for failing to plan around it.
Catherine had sat, stupid and numb with anxiety, marinating in her own fear of it for months, and now here she was—she'd done nothing to change her direction, and she'd ended up exactly where she'd been headed.
And she was still so frightened.
The only thing that got her out the chantry door was her own stupid fucking pride.
She was too ashamed of what a coward she was.
The snow was cold. The smoke reeked. Above, the dragon gave its bone-rattling howl again, flying so low that its colossal shadow blotted out the moon and plunged the landscape into darkness for seconds at a time.
In the distance, she could see the flicker of red lyrium growing out of a figure. He hadn't spotted her yet—but it was only a matter of time. Her hands gripped the hilt of her sword.
The chantry doors creaked.
"If it's a spectacle they want, we shall give them one," Vivienne said, throwing her shoulders back and stepping out of the shelter of the chantry right beside her.
She flinched. Her head swung around.
"Really, darling," she replied, without looking at her, almost chiding—but too soft to mean it. She lifted her chin. "We’ve had this conversation. I came to the Inquisition for the opportunity to decide my own fate."
She unslung her staff from her back. Wintry magic encased her fingers. Her breath, unlike Catherine’s, did not steam in the air. She was cold and still, like a winter lake.
You couldn't fault her courage.
Catherine took a deep breath. It shook, but the second one was steadier.
Somehow, not being alone made a difference.
The doors of the chantry slammed heavily shut behind them one last time.
"Let's go," said Cassandra. Her voice was like iron. Like the rest of her.
And so they went.
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freethemages · 4 years
The wonderful @cerisiacos tagged me to do a sort of bio thing for my Inquisitor. :3 As I write this I am listening to the DAI soundtrack because of course
Name: Tristan Henry Trevelyan
Race and Class: Human Mage
Specialisation: Rift Mage. He likes to be competent in all forms of magic though and is a bit of a jack of all trades.
Age: 22 (at the Conclave) b. 10th Bloomingtide, 9:18 Dragon
Height: 6’0”
Family: Bann Arthur Trevelyan (father), Lady Philomena Trevelyan (mother) Arthur Lothias Trevelyan (brother, b. 9:12 Dragon), Asher David Trevelyan (brother, b. 9:13 Dragon), Lucille Catherine Trevelyan (sister, b. 9:16 Dragon)
Love Interest: Commander Cullen Rutherford
Personality/Traits: Kind and idealistic, bookish and impish, but fully capable of seriousness when he needs it. He wears his heart on his sleeve (except to his parents and brothers) and always tries to see the best in people, perhaps to a fault. A hopeless romantic, though before the conclave he never had a relationship. He was, however, rather promiscuous. He is bisexual. Protective of those who cannot protect themselves, feels immense responsibility. Dry sense of humour, witty and prone to sarcasm. May or may not me a way to guard himself. He is a fierce supporter of Mage rights, self-governance and freedom. And while for the most part his time at the Circle in Ostwick was comfortable, he still resents the institution.
Background: As the youngest child of Bann and Lady Trevelyan, Tristan was initially intended for the Templar Order, or at the very least, the Chantry. Fiercely close with his older sister Lucille, he was always a kind and sensitive boy. He didn’t get on particularly well with his brothers; they were very close in age and tended to have an heir of superiority about them. He loves them though, and they him. His father was/is a loving man, but often absent due to the commitments that came with his title- he liked to be very involved. His mother was less... attached to him. She was by no means hostile, though.
 When Tristan’s magic manifested at age 11, everything changed. His brother Asher had him pinned to the ground and wouldn’t let him go. What had been a minor game of rough and tumble had suddenly got rather nasty. Tristan threw his brother half way across the lawn and into a tree with a burst of magical energy. He was fine, but it meant that Tristan could no longer stay with his family. He was sent to the Ostwick Circle of Magi. He remembers the sobs of Lucille when he was sent away very clearly to this day.
 After some months, Tristan adjusted to circle life and proved to be a promising and capable student. He was far from an Enchanter’s dream apprentice, however. He had a proclivity for trouble; especially when he was protecting younger apprentices, as he so often felt the need to do. His friend Artemis was also a rather bad influence, when he came along. 
As a noble, Tristan was afforded certain privileges, such as regular home visits, even as an Apprentice. His mother remained distant, more so than she used to be, on account of her superstitious fear of magic. Lucille remained his confidant, and she is to this day the only one with whom he maintains regular correspondence.
 He often wonders at how different his life would have been had he not been a mage, and instead trained as a Templar. Despite what Thedas seems to say, he is very glad that his brother pushed too far that day.
Leadership Style and Preferences: fairness, mercy, punching upwards, pro-mage, peaceful where possible.
Favourite Companions (up to 3): Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull, Varric Tethras
Least Favourite Companions (up to 3): Madame Vivienne De Fer
Mages or Templars?: Mages
Who Was Left In The Fade?: Warden Stroud
Who Rules Orlais?: Empress Celene and Briala
Favourite Advisor: Commander Cullen 😏 (excluding LI) Josephine, they’re close friends.
Hobbies: Chess, reading, arcane research, knife throwing, riding, caboodling with the noodle.
Familiar: Owl
Scars/Tattoos?: One scar, across his lowest left rib.
Favourite Flower: Crystal Grace
Favourite Stone Or Gem: Imperial Topaz (reminds him of Cullen)
Weaknesses: Fluffy hair, armour, blushes. He’s also a massive blusher himself. Perhaps too kind sometimes. Can be overcome by his emotions, especially if he hasn’t fully expressed them in a while.
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Ooh this was fun, and I’m happy to have more development for my wishful self insert OC.
Thank you again Michéle for this wonderful tag idea!
I tag @margesimpsonkin @factorykat and @jchb32273 and anybody else who feels like it!
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fatestolcn-a · 4 years
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Click the heart if you want a starter from my VAMPIRE MUSES. The bios are in the links of their names. Please comment below on which muses you want, and multi-muse blogs, please note on your muses as well. 
ALESSANDRA MARIN - volturi secretary - fc: lucy hale
AMELIA SWAN - twin sister to Bella Swan - fc: kristen stewart
CATHERINE CULLEN - twin sister to Carlisle Cullen - fc: sarah gadon
CEYDA - sister to Sancar
DIANA - sister to Demetri - fc: lauren cohan
EVELYN MASEN - younger sister to Edward Cullen - fc: danielle campbell
HANNAH - younger sister to James - fc: danielle panabaker
HELENE - sister to Garrett  - fc: Allison Scagliotti
ISOBEL SWAN - younger sister to Charlie - fc: sophia bush
ISLA SAMUELS - member of Hilda’s coven - fc: hayden panettiere
KATERINA - the cold man & woman’s daughter - fc: caitlin stasey
LILLIAN - sister to Alistair - fc: rebecca breeds
MARINA - sister to Benito
NIKAIA VOLTURI - sister to Aro & Didyme - fc: lucy griffiths
NINA - relative to Luca, Renata & Makenna - fc: oona chaplin
TATIANA VOLTURI - older sister to Jane & Alec - fc: carlson young
VIVICA DENALI - daughter to Sasha - fc: claire holt
XANTHE VOLTURI - daughter to Sulpicia/Aro - fc: marie avgeropoulous
ZARA - dominican-english vampire - fc: nathalie emmanuel
ZOPHIE DENALI - denali coven - fc: annasophia robb
BLYTHE - au - former member of Sancar’s harem.
CHELSEA VOLTURI  - canon - fc: tracey spiridakos
CORIN VOLTURI  - canon - fc: lulu antairiksa
DANIELLA CULLEN - au - daughter to Esme - fc: zoey deutch
‘FREAKY’ FRED - canon - fc: alex pettyfer
JASPER HALE - canon - fc: jackson rathbone
MARIA - canon - fc: Catalina Sandino Moreno 
MELE VOLTURI - au - fc: adelaide kane
NORA MCCARTHY - au - fc: kaylee bryant
STEVE DANIELS - canon/au - seattle newborn army - fc: dominic sherwood
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writteninsunshine · 5 years
Fandom Lists And Ships
Updated: 10-13-22
This is the current list of fandoms and pairings that are available for request. It’s a long list (12+ pages), and I can always add more if the need arises.                                                                                                                                       Bolded fandoms are the ones I am currently in the mood to write for, and I will try to update that as much as I can. Italicized fandoms are something I might consider working on soon and can easily be pushed back into.
Please look at this list before requesting something, it’s in the rules.
Adventure Time
Flame Prince/Fionna
Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Hot Dog Prince/Lumpy Space Prince
Lord Monochromicorn/Cake
Marshall Lee/Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Marshall Lee/Prince Gumball
Amityville: The Awakening
As Told By Ginger
Carl Foutley/Blake Gripling
Carl Foutley/Hoodsey Bishop
Assassin’s Creed
Altair Ibn La-Ahad/Malik Al-Sayf
Desmond Miles/Shaun Hastings
Ezio Auditore/Leonardo Da Vinci
Federico Auditore/Vieri De Pazzi
Haytham Kenway/Charles Lee
Kanen'tó:kon/William Johnson
Kadar Al-Sayf/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Petruccio Auditore/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Ratonhnhaké ton (Connor Kenway)/Thomas Hickey
Rauf/Kadar Al-Sayf
Talal/Malik Al-Sayf
William Johnson/Thomas Hickey
The Babysitter
Beetlejuice (Both Movie/Cartoon Verses)
Beatleguise/Lydia Deetz
Blair Witch (Game and Movies)
Carver/Ellis Lynch
Camp Camp
Nerf/Preston Goodplay
Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Thomas Mutton/Astaroth
Vincent Brooks/Catherine
Vincent Brooks/Astaroth
The Conjuring Universe
Father Anthony Burke/Maurice “Frenchie” Theriault
Axel/Reno (Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts Crossover)
Jack/Max (The House That Jack Built/The Babysitter Crossover)
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (Heathers/South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Heathers/Dismissed Crossover)
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (Heathers/IT Crossover)
Luxord/Reno (Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts Crossover)
Saïx/Reno (Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts Crossover)
The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man (The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man Crossover)
Xigbar/Reno (Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts Crossover)
Bane/John Blake
Cyborg/Beast Boy
Deadshot/Diablo/Harley Quinn
Francis “Hotstreak” Stone/Richie “Gear” Foley
Joker/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Babydoll
Killer Croc/Diablo
Killer Croc/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Scarecrow
Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Red X/Speedy
Robin/Beast Boy
Robin/Red X
Robin/Red X/Speedy
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)/Shiro
Nagi Kengamine (Owl)/Azuma Genkaku
Senji Kiyomasa (Crow)/Toto Sakigami (Mockingbird)
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Rokuro Bundo
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Yo Takami
Wretched Egg (I refer to her as Sorae after Ganta’s mother)/Minatsuki Takami (Hummingbird)
Yo Takami/Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)
Death And Cremation
Stanley/Jarod Leary
Descendants (Disney)
Ben/Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook/Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook/Gil
Jay/Carlos De Vil
Uma/Harry Hook/Gil
Devil’s Carnival
The Devil/Tamara
The Twin/Hobo Clown
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin/Cullen Rutherford
Alistair Theirin/Kallianne Cousland
Anders/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Jowan/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Karl Thekla
Anders/Karl Thekla/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Sebastian Vael
Anders/Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
Arishok/Carver Hawke
Arishok/Ethan Hawke
Ashaad/Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Ashaad/Saemus Dumar
Bartrand Tethras/Carver Hawke
Bemis Cousland/Lysander Amell (OC Ship)
Blackwall/Carver Hawke
Cole/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Ethan Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Illeah Lavellan
Cullen Rutherford/Tempestia Surana
Danarius/Dorian Pavus
Duncan/Cailan Theirin
Fenris/Carver Hawke
Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Fenris/Sahir Nadeer (OC)
Jowan/Sister(Mother) Petrice
Justice/Seneschal Bran
Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Leliana/Josephine MontilyetLoghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin
Meeran/Carver Hawke
Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
The Iron Bull/Solas
Varric Tethras/Ethan Hawke
Varric Tethras/Merrill
Varric Tethras/Solas
Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Zevran Arainai/Mortine Mahariel
Dream Daddy
Chris Christiansen/Lucien Bloodmarch
Christian Christiansen/Christine Christiansen
Crish Christiansen/River Cahn
Robert Small/Joseph Christiansen
Henry Devlin/Jonesy Jones
Mister Gray/Beaver Clarendon
Mister Gray/Henry Devlin/Jonesy Jones
Mister Gray/Pete Moore/Beaver Clarendon
Pete Moore/Beaver Clarendon
Dreaming Mary
Gwendell (Glenn)/Mary(Mari)
Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy
Bruno Madrigal/Camilo Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal/Isabela Madrigal/Mirabel Madrigal
Mariano Guzman/Dolores Madrigal
Escape Room
Amanda Har/Zoey Davis
Jason Walker/Danny Khan
Mike Nolan/Ben Miller
The Evil Within
Reuben ‘Ruvik’ Victoriano/Leslie Withers
Sebastian Castellanos/Joseph Oda
Fallout Universe
Benjamin ‘Benji’ Montgomery/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Butch DeLoria/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Iib Townshend(FLW)
Colin Moriarity/Andy Stahl
Desmond Lockheart/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Everett/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Flash/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Mercenary/Moira Brown
Sole Survivor/Sole Survivor
Three Dog/Gob
Timebomb/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Vance/Ian West
Wally Mack/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Wally Mack/Paul Hanon
Walter/Leo Stahl
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman/Alice
Harry Rooker/Ryan Torres
Harry Rooker/Simon Kalivoda
Heather Watkins/Ryan Torres
Isaac Milton/Simon Kalivoda
Isaac Milton/Tommy Slater/Harry Rooker/Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt/Alice
Kate Schmidt/Harry Rooker/Ryan Torres
Kate Schmidt/Ryan Torres
Mad Thomas/Isaac
Ryan Torres/Simon Kalivoda
Tommy Slater/Ryan Torres
Tommy Slater/Simon Kalivoda
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
Zak Young/Pips
Final Fantasy VII
Andrea Rhodea/Reno
Cid Highwind/Reno
Cloud Strife/Kadaj
Cloud Strife/Reno
Dyme/Barret Wallace
Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine
Roche/Cloud Strife
Rufus Shinra/Reno
Sephiroth/Genesis Rhapsodos
Tseng/Rufus ShinRa
Two Guns/Angeal Hewley
Vincent Valentine/Reno
Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge/“Evil” Ed Lee
Jerry Dandridge/Charley Brewster
Jerry Dandridge/Peter Vincent
Jerry Dandridge/Peter Vincent/Charley Brewster/“Evil” Ed Lee
Mark/“Evil” Ed Lee
Peter Vincent/Charley Brewster
Peter Vincent/Charley Brewster/“Evil” Ed Lee
The Gravedancers
Harris McKay/Sid Vance
Kira Hayden/Frances Culpepper
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines/Pacifica
Robbie/Dipper Pines
Thompson/Mabel Pines
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Harry Potter (Movieverse) - ON HIATUS
Blaize Zabini/Saemus Finnegan
Dean Thomas/Saemus Finnegan
Lee Jordan/Saemus Finnegan
Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint
Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Heathers (Movieverse, Slight Musicalverse)
Heather Chandler/Heather Duke
Heather Duke/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Vernon Sawyer (Male Veronica)
Jason Dean/Veronica Sawyer
Kurt Kelly/Ram
Veronica Sawyer/Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer/Martha Dunstock
Hellboy (Movieverse)
Hellboy/Abe Sapien
Helluva Boss
Blitzo/Stolas Goetia
Cash Buckzo/Barbie Wire
Mammon/Barbie Wire
Paimon/Cash Buckzo/Barbie Wire
Striker/Blitzo/Stolas Goetia
Striker/Stolas Goetia
Hey Arnold
Helga G. Pataki/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Nadine/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Stinky Peterson/Sid
Torvald/Stoop Kid
Idle Hands
Debi LeCure/Molly
Dom Cobb/Ariadne
Dalton Lambert/Foster Lambert
Josh Lambert/Parker Crane
Josh Lambert/Specs
Lipstick Face Demon/Foster Lambert
Invader Zim
Dib Membrane/Zim
Tak/Gaz Membrane
The Iron Giant
IT (2017)
Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Belch Huggins/OC
Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Butch Bowers/Patrick Hockstetter
Butch Bowers/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Patrick Hockstetter
Mike Hanlon/Richie Rozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Mike Hanlon/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Avery Hockstetter
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Victor Criss
Pennywise/Victor Criss
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers/Darry
Kick-Ass/2 Movieverse
Todd Haynes/Katarina Dombrovski
Dave Lizewski/Chris D'Amico
Javier/Chris D'Amico
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Curtis Mooney/Dave Hansen
Dave Hansen/Mike Tobacco/Debbie Stone
Rich Terenzi/Paul Terenzi
Kingdom Hearts
Howard/Tom Engel
Krampus/Max Engel
Krampus/Tom Engel
Tom Engel/Max Engel
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy
Pluto/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/William Spears/Grell Sutcliffe
League Of Super Evil
Doomageddon/Doktor Frogg
Red Menace/Doktor Frogg
Les Misérables
Courfeyrac/Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire
Jean Valjean/Javert
Lollipop Chainsaw
Gideon Starling/Elizabeth Starling
Lewis Legend/Swan
Nick Carlyle/Juliet Starling
The Lost Boys
Dwayne/Paul/Michael Emerson
Edgar Frog/Alan Frog/Sam Emerson
Mad Max
Max Rockatansky/Blood Shed Ted
Max Rockatansky/Imperator Furiosa
Rictus Erectus/The Ace
Stank Gum/Scabrous Scrotus
Alex Summers/Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Alex Summers/Sean Cassidy
Azazel/Emma Frost
Azazel/Kurt Wagner
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Clint Barton/Tony Stark
Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Lance Alvers/Pietro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson/Tony Stark
Loki Laufeyson/Tony Stark
Mortimer Toynbee/Emma Frost
Natasha Romanov/Wanda Maximoff
Ophis/Loki Laufeyson
Piotr “Peter” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Pietro Maximoff
St. John Allerdyce/Pietro Maximoff
St. John Allerdyce/Tabitha Smith
Steve Rogers/Howard Stark
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
The Incredible Hulk/Thor
The Incredible Hulk/Tony Stark
Todd Tolansky/Kurt Wagner
Todd Tolansky/Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark/Pepper Pots
Wade Winston Wilson/Bob, Agent Of Hydra
Wanda Maximoff/Anne-Marie (Rogue)
The Meg
Jonas Taylor/DJ
Jonas Taylor/Heller
Jonas Taylor/Jaxx
Jonas Taylor/Mac
Jonas Taylor/Morris
Jonas Taylor/Suyin
The Wall/Jonas Taylor
The Wall/Toshi
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Mist (2017)
Tyler Denton/Adrian Garf
Monster Prom
Amira Red/Miranda Vanderbilt
Amira Red/Polly Geist
Brian Green/Damien LaVey
Brian Green/Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Brian Green/Oz Yellow
Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt
Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Scott Howl/Football Team
Scott Howl/Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl/Vicky Blue
Vera Oberlin/Polly Geist
Vicky Blue/Polly Geist
Monsters University/Inc.
Brock Pearson/Claire Wheeler
James P. “Sulley”  Sullivan/Michael “Mike” Wizowski
Johnny J. Worthington III/Randall “Randy” Boggs
Nadia Petrov/Taylor Harbrooke
Night In The Woods
Angus Delaney/Greggory Lee
Bea Santello/Mae Borowski
Casey Hartley/Greggory Lee
Levy/Steve Skriggins
Jeremy “Germ Warfare” Warton/Selma Ann “Selmers” Forrester
Not Safe For Work
Killer/Thomas Miller
Edward “Eddie” Gluskin (The Groom)/Terry “Theresa” Harriss (OC)
Pet Sematary
Louis Creed/Victor Pascow
Adventure Core/Fact Core
Cave Johnson/Caroline
Cave Johnson/Evil Cave Johnson
Companion Cube/Turret
Logic Core/Curiosity Core
Weighted Cube/Defective Turret
Wheatley/Space Core
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (Movieverse)
Princess And The Goblin
Prince Froglip/Princess Irene
Regular Show
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield/Ethan Winters
Jack Baker/Ethan Winters
Lucas Baker/Clancy Jarvis
Lucas Baker/Ethan Winters
Lucas Baker/OC
Karl Heisenberg/Ethan Winters
Salvator Moreau/Donna Beneviento
Rick And Morty
Abradolf Lincoler/Nancy
Birdperson/Tammy Gueterman
Brad/Morty Smith
Greaser Morty/Punk Morty
Lucius Needful/Summer Smith
Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith (in all/most incarnations)
Summer Smith/Jessica
Rocket Power
Lars Rodriguez/Twister Rodriguez
Otto Rocket/Sam Dullard
The Rover
John Kramer/Amanda Young
Lawrence Gordon/Adam Faulkner
Logan Nelson/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Adam Faulkner
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Scott Tibbs
Lynn Denlon/Amanda Young
Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm
Scott Tibbs/Adam Faulkner
Scott Tibbs/Lark
Silent Hill
Alex Shepherd/Travis Grady
Pyramid Head/Alessa Gilespie
Walter Sullivan/Murphey Pendleton
South Park
Aggie Rogers/Brandy Marsh
Aggie Rogers/Ric Rogers/Greer Thelman
Aggie Rogers/Ric Rogers/Greer Thelman/Valentino Johnson
Aggie Rogers/Valentino Johnson
Aggie Rogers/Valentino Johnson/Draven Cowens
Alex Cowens (Friend's New Kid OC)/Clyde Donovan
Alex Cowens (Friend's New Kid OC)/Gary Harrison
Alex Cowens (Friend's New Kid OC)/Gregory of Yardale
Alex Cowens (Friend's New Kid OC)/Pete Thelman
Amanda Harrison/Draven Cowens
Ardalion Volkov/Draven Cowens
Arlo Cowens/Draven Cowens
Arthur Cowens/Draven Cowens
Benji Parks/Draven Cowens
Bloodrayne/Annie Bartlett
Bloodrayne/Draven Cowens
Bloodrayne/Henrietta Biggle
Bloodrayne/Karen McCormick
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Firkle Smith
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Gregory
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Kyle Broflovski
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Clyde Donovan/Bebe Stevens
Count Ravencrowe/Allison "AJ" Mertz
Count Ravencrowe/Vladimir/Allison "AJ" Mertz
Craig Tucker/Clyde Donovan
Craig Tucker/Clyde Donovan/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Firkle Smith
Craig Tucker/Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Pete Thelman
Craig Tucker/Stan Marsh (tentatively)
Craig Tucker/Stan Marsh/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Damien Thorn/Firkle Smith
Damien Thorn/Henrietta Biggle
Damien Thorn/Phillip “Pip” Pirrup
Daniella Williams (Emo Kid Leader)/Karen McCormick
Daniella Williams/Draven Cowens
David Harrison/Billy Harris
Dougie O'Connel/Henrietta Biggle
Dougie O'Connell/Draven Cowens
Draven Cowens/Brandy Marsh
Draven Cowens/Infiniti
Draven Cowens/Porsche
Dylan Parks/Draven Cowens
Eric Cartman/Bebe Stevens
Eric Cartman/Butters Stotch
Eric Cartman/Firkle Smith
Father Maxi/Firkle Smith
Filmore Anderson/Firkle Smith
Filmore Anderson/Quaid/Firkle Smith
Fin/Lycidas (Friend's OC x My OC)
Fin/Lycidas/Marcel (Friend's OC x My OC x Friend's OC)
Firkle Smith/Draven Cowens
Fisher Giffard/Scott Malkinson
Gray Thelman/Greer Thelman
Greer Thelman/Ric Rogers
Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Hal Halloway (Emo Kid)/Nathan
Hal Halloway/Draven Cowens
Harker Brown/Draven Cowens
Harker Brown/Dylan Parks (Emo Kids)
Harker Brown/Hal Halloway (Emo Kids)
Harker Brown/Hal Halloway/Dylan Parks/Daniella Williams/Sarah Collins
Henrietta Biggle/Karen McCormick
Herbert Pocket/Draven Cowens
Herbert Pocket/Kyle Schwartz
Herbert Pocket/Nathan
Herbert Pocket/Pip Pirrup
Ike Broflovski/Filmore Anderson/Quaid/Firkle Smith
Ike Broflovski/Firkle Smith
Israfel Sunderland/Kevin McCormick
Israfel Sunderland/Lycidas Sunderland (OCs)
Jack Tenorman/Liane Cartman
Jimmy Valmer/Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer/Draven Cowens
Jimmy Valmer/Nathan
Kal Rogers/Draven Cowens
Kenny McCormick/Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kenny McCormick/Clyde Donovan
Kenny McCormick/Draven Cowens
Kenny McCormick/Firkle Smith
Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kenny McCormick/Satan
Kevin McCormick/Annie Bartlett
Kevin McCormick/Christie Jancey
Kevin McCormick/Draven Cowens
Kevin McCormick/Firkle Smith
Kevin McCormick/Ike Broflovski/Firkle Smith
Kevin McCormick/Michael/Firkle Smith
Kevin McCormick/Michael/Ike Broflovski/Firkle Smith
Kevin McCormick/Scott Tenorman
Kevin McCormick/Trent Boyett/Firkle Smith
Kevin McCormick/Trent Boyett/Scott Tenorman
Kevin McCormick/Trent Boyett/Scott Tenorman/Firkle Smith
Kyle Broflovski/Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski/Infiniti (Redheaded Raisins Girl)
Leslie Cowens/Vernon Cowens
Lia Ashfield/Draven Cowens
Liane Cartman/Draven Cowens
Lizzy Masters/Draven Cowens
Luca Chadwick-Rogers/Dalvoreth
Luca Chadwick-Rogers/Draven Cowens
Luca Chadwick-Rogers/Greer Thelman
Luca Chadwick-Rogers/Ringer Thelman
Lycidas/Marcel (My OC x Friend's OC)
Marcel Tripp/Draven Cowens
Michael/Draven Cowens
Michael/Dylan (Emo Kid)
Michael/Firkle Smith
Michael/Firkle Smith/Draven Cowens
Michael/Ike Broflovski/Firkle Smith
Michael/Mike Makowski/Firkle
Michael/Mike Makowski/Firkle/Larry
Michael/Pete Thelman
Michael/Royce Olson-Rogers
Michael/Royce Olson-Rogers/Draven Cowens
Michael/Wendyl Testaburger
Mika Kanstantsin/Draven Cowens
Mike Makowski/Draven Cowens
Mike Makowski/Firkle Smith
Mike Makowski/Larry
Mike Makowski/Lycidas Sunderland (OC)
Mike Makowski/Pete Thelman
Mike Makowski/Ryan Ellis/Larry
Mikey/Draven Cowens
Mole/Gregory of Yardale
Nathan/Draven Cowens
Nathan/Firkle Smith
Nathan/Mimsy (Non-Sexual)
Pete Thelman/Reagan Irons (Friend's Unnamed Goth Girl)
Quaid/Filmore Anderson
Quaid/Firkle Smith
Ray Ashfield/Draven Cowens
Ray Ashfield/Dzianis Kanstantsin
Red/Henrietta Biggle
Ric Rogers/Draven Cowens
Ric Rogers/Tino Johnson/Draven Cowens
Ryan Ellis/Draven Cowens
Ryan Ellis/Larry
Sarah Collins/Karen McCormick
Scott Malkinson/New Kid
Scott Tenorman/Butters Stotch
Scott Tenorman/Clyde Donovan
Scott Tenorman/Eric Cartman
Scott Tenorman/Firkle Smith
Scott Tenorman/Liane Cartman
Stan Marsh/Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Stan Marsh/Firkle Smith
Stan Marsh/Gary Harrison
Stan Marsh/Gregory Of Yardale
Stan Marsh/Kenny McCormick
Stan Marsh/Pete Thelman
Stan Marsh/Pete Thelman/Gregory of Yardale/Gary Harrison
Stan Marsh/Pete Thelman/Reagan Irons (Friend's Unnamed Goth Girl)
Stan Marsh/Tweek Tweak
Stuart McCormick/Draven Cowens
Stuart McCormick/Karen McCormick
Tana Cowens/Ritchie Broflovski/Draven Cowens
Terrance Mephisto/Draven Cowens
Tino Johnson/Draven Cowens
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan/Bebe Stevens
Token Black/Tweek Tweak
Token Black/Wendyl Testaburger/Nichole Daniels
Trent Boyett/Butters Stotch
Trent Boyett/Draven Cowens
Trent Boyett/Firkle Smith
Trent Boyett/Scott Malkinson
Trent Boyett/Scott Tenorman
Trisha Tucker/Karen McCormick
Vernon Cowens/Draven Cowens
Vic/Fin/Lycidas/Marcel (Friend's OC x Friend's OC x My OC x Friend's OC)
Vic/Lycidas (Friend's OC x My OC)
Vladimir/Allison (AJ) Mertz
Vladimir/Draven Cowens
Vynny Tucker/Draven Cowens
Wendyl Testaburger/Bebe Stevens
Wendyl Testaburger/Eric Cartman
Wendyl Testaburger/Heidi Turner
Wendyl Testaburger/Nichole Daniels
Wendyl Testaburger/Red
Wendyl Testaburger/Stan Marsh
Wendyl Testaburger/Stan Marsh/Gregory of Yardale
Wendyl Testaburger/Stan Marsh/Pete Thelman
Wendyl Testaburger/Stan Marsh/Pete Thelman/Gregory of Yardale/Gary Harrison
Wilt Pocket-Ross/Draven Cowens
Bobby Singer/John Winchester
Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Team Fortress 2 (I have OC’s for this)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Raphael/Casey Jones
Until Dawn
Billy Bates/Mike Munroe
Josh Washington/Chris
Josh Washington/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates/Josh Washington
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates/Josh Washington/Chris
Mike Munroe/Jessica
Mike Munroe/Sam
The Walking Dead
Glen Rhee/Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon/Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
We’re Back
Louis/Cecilia Nuthatch
Yami No Matsuei/Descendents Of Darkness
Hisoka Kurosaki/Asato Tsuzuki
Seiichiro Tatsumi/Yutaka Watari
Chief Bogo/Benjamin Clawhauser
Finnick/Gideon Grey
Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson/Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
most wanted in existing fandoms here?
sure thing angel, this list got very long but shout out to the members who helped get this list together!! and babes, if there are any more, throw them into the replies for this anon!! but, we’d love to see ; anakin skywalker, padme amidala, bail organa, mon mothma, palpatine, luke skywalker, jacen solo, jabba the hutt, c-3po, r2-d2, winter celchu, plo koon, or mace windu from star wars! roy harper, edward nygma, scarecrow, barry allen, diana prince, steve trevor, arthur curry, lex luther, bruce wayne, captain boomerang, deadshot, or katana from dc/dc comics! fiyero, nessarose, and boq from wicked! mary macdonald, arthur weasley, bill weasley, queenie goldstein, tina goldstein, seamus finnegan, dean thomas, theseus scamander, albus potter, james potter II, hugo weasley, george weasley, percy weasley, the mckinnon siblings (ocs), any order members, death eaters, lorcan and lysander scamander, or vernon dursely from harry potter! hades, leo valdez, reyna avila ramírez-arellano, demeter, aphrodite, zeus, and athena, sally jackson, or posiden from percy jackson! kavinsky, the 300 foxway ladies, noah czerny, henry cheng,  or the dream pack from the raven cycle! everyone from until dawn! michonne, rosita espinosa and aaron from twd! aang, sokka, suki, iroh, asami, bolin, and mako from avatar/korra! chuck shurley, abaddon, or mary winchester from supernatural! elijah mikaelson, marcel gerard, luke parker, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, alaric saltzman, damon salvatore, genevieve, finn mikaelson, esther, mikael, lucien castle, tristan de martel, aurora de martel, lily salvatore, nora hildegard, mary louise, valerie tulle, malcolm, enzo st.john, josh roza, jackson kenner from the vampire diaries/the originals! richie gecko, seth gecko, kate fuller, scott fuller, carlos madrigal from dusk till dawn! brittany, santana, kitty, mercedes, and the rest of the glee cast! the rest of the sailor scouts from sailor moon! chandler bing from friends! nani, stitch, or angel from lilo and stitch! nebula, jane foster, dr. strange, bruce banner, clint barton, pepper potts, scott lang, angie martineli, edwin jarvis, friga, odin, quentin beck, ned leeds, nick fury lorna dane, marcos diaz, clarice fong, the frost sisters, or lauren strucker from marvel! vlad, pooka, or lily from anastasia! jace herondale, valentine morgenstern, luke garroway, raphael santiago, any warlock, will herondale, jem carstairs, gideon lightwood, gabriel lightwood, cecily herondale, jessamine lovelace, sophie collins, charlotte branwell, or henry branwell from the infernal devices/shadowhunters! charles boyle, gina linetti, terry jeffords, kevin cozner, kate peralta, kevin cozner, or david santiago from brooklyn nine nine! renee walker, allison reynolds, dan wilds, nicky hemmick, aaron minyard from all for the game! jessamine hale, archie cullen, julie black, jacob black, carlisle cullen, charlie swan, renee dwyer, aro, marcus, caius, alec, riley biers, or heidi from twilight! glimmer, bow, or scorpia from she-ra! gandalf, and bilbo baggins from lord of the rings! bill tench from mindhunter! rory williams, the 11th doctor, the 9th doctor, the 12th doctor, martha jones, rose tyler, donna noble, the tardis, and k9 from doctor who! stan uris, ben hanscom, mike hanlon, or georgie denbrough from it! wendy corduroy, grunkle stan, grunkle ford, pacifica northwest, and bill cipher from gravity falls! daniel and sean diaz from life is strange! dwight schrute, or angela martin from the office! catherine of aragon, jane seymour, or anna of cleves from six the musical! dracula and lucy westerna from dracula the musical! tywin lannister, cersei lannister, robb stark, bran stark, rickon stark, the night king, anyone from the night’s watch, stannis baratheon, renly baratheon, melisandre, joffrey baratheon, or jaime lannister from game of thrones! will parry, mary malone, lee scoresby, iorek byrinson, mrs coulter, or lord asriel from his dark materials! the maitlands, deetz’, and beetlejuice from beetlejuice! four, christina, and caleb from divergent! wybie, or the other mother from coraline! dustin henderson, lucas sinclair, erica sinclair, joyce byers, or jim hopper from stranger things!
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welcome-to-gaydas · 5 years
20-24 for Ven Trevelyan!
20. What kind of mother/father would your OC be?
He'd be a bit overprotective, but can you blame him? He made a lot of enemies when he was Inquisitor and he would be a fool to believe that they wouldn't hurt his family in retaliation.
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Genetically, that would be his parents (Bann Arthur Trevelyan and Lady Catherine Trevelyan) and his sisters Meliora, Demelza, and  Elowen Trevelyan. Emotionally it would just be Elowen because his parents and other sisters had slowly started distancing themselves from him after he was taken to the Ostwick Circle. After he had become Inquisitor his parents and Meliora attempted to reconcile, but he respectively declined.
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
The Iron Bull, Sera, and Cassandra.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
His inner circle: Dorian, The Iron Bull, Sera, Cole, Vivienne, Blackwall, Solas, Varric, Cullen, Josephine, Leliana and Cassandra.
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Off the top of my head he hated: Corypheus, the Venatori, Grand Duchess Florrianne, Red Templars and Gereon Alexius. He disliked Chancellor Roderick until the Inquisition had to flee Haven.
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written-in-sunshine · 6 years
Fandom List And Ships
Updated: 12/9/18
This is the current list of fandoms and pairings that are requestable. It’s a long list (12+ pages), and I can always add more if the need arises. Bolded fandoms are the ones I am currently in the mood to write for, and I will try to update that as much as I can. Italicized fandoms are something I might consider working on soon and can easily be pushed back into.
Please look at this list before requesting something, it’s in the rules.
Fandoms under the cut!
Adventure Time
Flame Prince/Fionna
Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Hot Dog Prince/Lumpy Space Prince
Lord Monochromicorn/Cake
Marshall Lee/Flame Prince/Prince Gumball
Marshall Lee/Prince Gumball
As Told By Ginger
Carl Foutley/Blake Gripling
Carl Foutley/Hoodsey Bishop
Assassin’s Creed
Altair Ibn La-Ahad/Malik Al-Sayf
Desmond Miles/Shaun Hastings
Ezio Auditore/Leonardo Da Vinci
Federico Auditore/Vieri De Pazzi
Haytham Kenway/Charles Lee
Kanen'tó:kon/William Johnson
Kadar Al-Sayf/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Petruccio Auditore/Gian ‘Salai’ Giacomo
Ratonhnhaké ton (Connor Kenway)/Thomas Hickey
Rauf/Kadar Al-Sayf
Talal/Malik Al-Sayf
William Johnson/Thomas Hickey
The Babysitter
Beetlejuice (Both Movie/Cartoon Verses)
Beatleguise/Lydia Deetz
Camp Camp
Nerf/Preston Goodplay
Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Orlando Haddick/Johnathan ‘Johnny’ Ariga/Tobias ‘Toby’ Nebbins
Thomas Mutton/Astaroth
Vincent Brooks/Catherine
Vincent Brooks/Astaroth
The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man (The Bye Bye Man/The Crooked Man Crossover)
Jack/Max (The House That Jack Built/The Babysitter Crossover)
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (Heathers/South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Heathers/Dismissed Crossover)
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (Heathers/IT Crossover)
Bane/John Blake
Cyborg/Beast Boy
Deadshot/Diablo/Harley Quinn
Francis “Hotstreak” Stone/Richie “Gear” Foley
Joker/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Babydoll
Killer Croc/Diablo
Killer Croc/Harley Quinn
Killer Croc/Scarecrow
Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn
Red X/Speedy
Robin/Beast Boy
Robin/Red X
Robin/Red X/Speedy
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)/Shiro
Nagi Kengamine (Owl)/Azuma Genkaku
Senji Kiyomasa (Crow)/Toto Sakigami (Mockingbird)
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Rokuro Bundo
Tamaki Tsunenaga/Yo Takami
Wretched Egg (I refer to her as Sorae after Ganta’s mother)/Minatsuki Takami (Hummingbird)
Yo Takami/Ganta Igarashi (Woodpecker)
Death And Cremation
Stanley/Jarod Leary
Devil’s Carnival
The Devil/Tamara
The Twin/Hobo Clown
Dragon Age
Alistair Theirin/Cullen Rutherford
Alistair Theirin/Kallianne Cousland
Anders/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Jowan/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Karl Thekla
Anders/Karl Thekla/Ethan Hawke
Anders/Sebastian Vael
Anders/Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
Arishok/Carver Hawke
Arishok/Ethan Hawke
Ashaad/Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Ashaad/Saemus Dumar
Bartrand Tethras/Carver Hawke
Bemis Cousland/Lysander Amell (OC Ship)
Blackwall/Carver Hawke
Cole/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford/Ethan Hawke
Cullen Rutherford/Illeah Lavellan
Cullen Rutherford/Tempestia Surana
Danarius/Dorian Pavus
Duncan/Cailan Theirin
Fenris/Carver Hawke
Fenris/Ethan Hawke
Fenris/Sahir Nadeer (OC)
Jowan/Sister(Mother) Petrice
Justice/Seneschal Bran
Ketojan/Saemus Dumar
Leliana/Josephine MontilyetLoghain Mac Tir/Maric Theirin
Meeran/Carver Hawke
Sebastian Vael/Ethan Hawke
The Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
The Iron Bull/Solas
Varric Tethras/Ethan Hawke
Varric Tethras/Merrill
Varric Tethras/Solas
Zevran Arainai/Alistair Theirin
Zevran Arainai/Mortine Mahariel
Dreaming Mary
Gwendell (Glenn)/Mary(Mari)
Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy
The Evil Within
Reuben ‘Ruvik’ Victoriano/Leslie Withers
Sebastian Castellanos/Joseph Oda
Fallout Universe
Benjamin ‘Benji’ Montgomery/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Butch DeLoria/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Charon/Iib Townshend(FLW)
Colin Moriarity/Andy Stahl
Desmond Lockheart/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Everett/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Flash/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Mercenary/Moira Brown
Sole Survivor/Sole Survivor
Three Dog/Gob
Timebomb/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Vance/Ian West
Wally Mack/Derek Segraves(MLW)
Wally Mack/Paul Hanon
Walter/Leo Stahl
Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest
Zak Young/Pips
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife/Kadaj
Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth
Gilliam ‘Gil’ Blat/Angeal Hewley (OC/Canon Ship)
Reeve Tuesti/Vincent Valentine
Seifer Almasy/Zell Dincht
Squall Leonhart/Irvine Kinneas
Tseng/Rufus ShinRa
Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Gravity Falls
Mabel Pines/Pacifica
Robbie/Dipper Pines
Thompson/Mabel Pines
Harry Potter (Movieverse) - ON HIATUS
Blaize Zabini/Saemus Finnegan
Dean Thomas/Saemus Finnegan
Lee Jordan/Saemus Finnegan
Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint
Ron Weasley/Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Heathers (Movieverse, Slight Musicalverse)
Jason Dean/Lucas Ward (Dismissed Crossover)
Heather Chandler/Heather Duke
Heather Duke/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Firkle Smith (South Park Crossover)
Jason Dean/Vernon Sawyer (Male Veronica)
Jason Dean/Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean/Victor Criss (IT Crossover)
Kurt Kelly/Ram
Veronica Sawyer/Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer/Martha Dunstock
Hellboy (Movieverse)
Hellboy/Abe Sapien
Hey Arnold
Helga G. Pataki/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Nadine/Rhonda Wellington Lloyd
Stinky Peterson/Sid
Torvald/Stoop Kid
Dom Cobb/Ariadne
Josh Lambert/Parker Crane
Josh Lambert/Specs
Invader Zim
Dib Membrane/Zim
Tak/Gaz Membrane
The Iron Giant
IT (2017)
Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Butch Bowers/Patrick Hockstetter
Butch Bowers/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Patrick Hockstetter
Mike Hanlon/Richie Rozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Mike Hanlon/Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Avery Hockstetter
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Belch Huggins/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Henry Bowers/Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter/Victor Criss
Pennywise/Victor Criss
Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier/Stan Uris/Eddie Kaspbrak
Jeepers Creepers
Jeepers Creepers/Darry
Kick-Ass/2 Movieverse
Todd Haynes/Katarina Dombrovski
Dave Lizewski/Chris D'Amico
Javier/Chris D'Amico
Kingdom Hearts
Howard/Tom Engel
Krampus/Max Engel
Krampus/Tom Engel
Tom Engel/Max Engel
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy
Pluto/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/Grell Sutcliffe
Undertaker/William Spears/Grell Sutcliffe
League Of Super Evil
Doomageddon/Doktor Frogg
Red Menace/Doktor Frogg
Left 4 Dead/2
Lollipop Chainsaw
Gideon Starling/Elizabeth Starling
Lewis Legend/Swan
Nick Carlyle/Juliet Starling
Mad Max
Max Rockatansky/Blood Shed Ted
Max Rockatansky/Imperator Furiosa
Rictus Erectus/The Ace
Stank Gum/Scabrous Scrotus
Alex Summers/Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Alex Summers/Sean Cassidy
Azazel/Emma Frost
Azazel/Kurt Wagner
Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Erik Lensherr/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Charles Xavier
Hank McCoy/Sean Cassidy
Lance Alvers/Pietro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson/Tony Stark
Mortimer Toynbee/Emma Frost
St. John Allerdyce/Pietro Maximoff
St. John Allerdyce/Tabitha Smith
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
The Incredible Hulk/Tony Stark
Todd Tolansky/Kurt Wagner
Todd Tolansky/Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark/Pepper Pots
Wade Winston Wilson/Bob, Agent Of Hydra
Wanda Maximoff/Anne-Marie (Rogue)
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Mist (2017)
Tyler Denton/Adrian Garf
Monster Prom
Amira Red/Miranda Vanderbilt
Amira Red/Polly Geist
Brian Green/Damien LaVey
Brian Green/Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Brian Green/Oz Yellow
Damien LaVey/Liam De Lioncourt
Liam De Lioncourt/Oz Yellow
Scott Howl/Football Team
Scott Howl/Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl/Vicky Blue
Vera Oberlin/Polly Geist
Vicky Blue/Polly Geist
Monsters University/Inc.
Brock Pearson/Claire Wheeler
James P. “Sulley”  Sullivan/Michael “Mike” Wizowski
Johnny J. Worthington III/Randall “Randy” Boggs
Nadia Petrov/Taylor Harbrooke
Night In The Woods
Angus Delaney/Greggory Lee
Bea Santello/Mae Borowski
Casey Hartley/Greggory Lee
Levy/Steve Skriggins
Jeremy “Germ Warfare” Warton/Selma Ann “Selmers” Forrester
Edward “Eddie” Gluskin (The Groom)/Terry “Theresa” Harriss (OC)
Adventure Core/Fact Core
Cave Johnson/Caroline
Cave Johnson/Evil Cave Johnson
Companion Cube/Turret
Logic Core/Curiosity Core
Weighted Cube/Defective Turret
Wheatley/Space Core
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time (Movieverse)
Princess And The Goblin
Prince Froglip/Princess Irene
Rick And Morty
Abradolf Lincoler/Nancy
Birdperson/Tammy Gueterman
Brad/Morty Smith
Greaser Morty/Punk Morty
Lucius Needful/Summer Smith
Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith (in all/most incarnations)
Summer Smith/Jessica
Regular Show
Rocket Power
Lars Rodriguez/Twister Rodriguez
Otto Rocket/Sam Dullard
John Kramer/Amanda Young
Lawrence Gordon/Adam Faulkner
Logan Nelson/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Adam Faulkner
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/David (Saw .5)
Lukas Faulkner (OC)/Scott Tibbs
Lynn Denlon/Amanda Young
Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm
Scott Tibbs/Adam Faulkner
Scott Tibbs/Lark
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head/Alessa Gilespie
Walter Sullivan/Murphey Pendleton
South Park
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Firkle
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Kyle Broflovski
Christophe “Ze Mole”/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Clyde Donovan/Bebe Stevens
Craig Tucker/Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak
Damien Thorn/Firkle
Damien Thorn/Phillip “Pip” Pirrup
Eric Cartman/Bebe Stevens
Eric Cartman/Firkle
Eric Cartman/Wendy Testaburger
Filmore Anderson/Firkle
Gregory of Yardale/Tweek Tweak
Ike Broflovski/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Bradley (Cartman Sucks)/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kenny McCormick/Firkle
Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick/Leopold “Butters” Stotch
Kevin McCormick/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Firkle
Mike Makowski/Larry
Quaid/Filmore Anderson
Red/Henrietta Biggle
Ryan Ellis/Larry
Scott Malkinson/New Kid
Scott Tenorman/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Firkle
Stan Marsh/Gregory Of Yardale
Stan Marsh/Pete
Stan Marsh/Gary Harrison
Stan Marsh/Wendy Testaburger
Trent Boyett/Firkle
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan
Token Black/Clyde Donnovan/Bebe Stevens
Team Fortress 2 (I have OC’s for this)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Raphael/Casey Jones
Until Dawn
Billy Bates/Mike Munroe
Josh Washington/Chris
Josh Washington/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe
Matt/Mike Munroe/Jessica/Sam/Billy Bates
Mike Munroe/Jessica
Mike Munroe/Sam
The Walking Dead
Glen Rhee/Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon/Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
We’re Back
Louis/Cecilia Nuthatch
Yami No Matsuei/Descendents Of Darkness
Hisoka Kurosaki/Asato Tsuzuki
Seiichiro Tatsumi/Yutaka Watari
Chief Bogo/Benjamin Clawhauser
Finnick/Gideon Grey
Nick Wilde/Judy Hopps
Pronk Oryx-Antlerson/Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
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crazyfanoffandom · 6 years
Imogen Trevelyan - Follower OC
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[artist: SappyScarfy]
Name: Imogen Trevelyn Pronunciation: I-Mo-Gen Trev-A-Lyn Name Meaning: Maiden. Innocent. Name Origin: Uncertain. First used as name of heroine in Shakespeare’s play Cymbeline. Other Names: None. Gender: Female Titles: None. Classification: Mage. Follower OC> Birth Name: Imogen Catherine Trevelyn Birth Date: 9:06 Dragon Dominant Hand: Left Hand  Species: Human  Race: Caucasian  Blood Type: O+ Birthmarks: None
Background: Imogen was taken from her family at a young age when it was discovered she possessed magical abilities. She grew up in the Ostwick with a strong dislike for the Templars, and blamed them and the Chantry for the Mage oppression. Templars attempted to kill them after the events of Kirkwall. For their safety, the mages were sent to Orlais, but en-route took a detour. Bandits attacked, and due to lack of survival skills, the group purposely split up. With little choice, Imogen stole some money and a horse. Halfway to Orlais, she caught wind of rumour of the conclave explosion and Inquisition.
Personality: Little known at the moment. Imogen shows great distrust for any templars/ex-templars.
Intended Partner: Cullen
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CHARACTER PROFILE: catherine eleonora cullen ( insp.) ( gc. )
❝i, myself, was a wilted woman. drowsy in a dark room, forgot my roots. now watch me bloom.❞
ao3 series | pinterest board
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drbobbimorse · 7 years
faceclaim game: lily collins xx
I was halfway through writing out a Shadowhunters idea when I remembered she was the original Clary and opted to scrap it lol
twilight: catherine “cate” helen swan
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Irish twins, that’s what their parents said they were. Cate had been born first and, barely nine months later, Bella came tumbling after. Irish twins, but the Swan girls were as different as the sun and the moon. Not long after Bella was born, Renée found it too depressing to live in a small town under a rainy climate and filed for divorce. Even though they’re parents still cared about each other and maintained contact, they never reconciled their relationship. Neither could bare to be parted from their children either so Charlie kept Cate with him in Forks while Renée took Bella to Phoenix. Cate’s relationship with her mother was miles stronger than her relationship with her sister. Renée would call three times a week to check-in and Cate did the same while Bella would only call on major holidays and her birthday. After awhile, Cate just stopped calling Bella entirely. She barely knew her sister; she was more of a stranger to her than the Creepy Cullens. 
Learning her mother was getting remarried was a shock she didn’t want to accept – sure, she knew, realistically, that her parents would never get back together but dating other people? Getting married? Those were things she’d never even thought to plan for and Cate always had a plan – but Bella moving in with her and her dad was full-on unimaginable. Not only did she have to share her father, house, food and oxygen but she had to share her school and friends as well,  both on and off the Rez. And, to top it all off, she had to virtually play babysitter to her. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fucking fair! Cate had a life of her own and she had a plan: finish school and join the police academy, be a cop, like her father, hopefully Chief one day. That was Cate’s plan and it certainly didn’t involve holding her baby sister’s hand through the graces of Forks High, mothering her through a seriously overdramatic breakup, dealing with fucking vampires and werewolves, or a bloodsucker war in her backyard!
send me a face claim and i’ll make up an oc on the spot
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New OC List
Angela Rhodes — Rhodey’s younger sister, head of the SI legal department, Bucky Barnes ship
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Grace Osborn RECAST*
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Unnamed OC — x Peter Parker*
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Gossip Girl (Reboot)
Valentina Wolfe in Poker Face — Max’s twin sister, ship TBD
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Paris Rothschild** in Material Girl — possible Max Wolfe ship
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Carmela De Leon in Sour — x Max Wolfe
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Colette Garrel-Waldorf in Déjà Vu — x Max Wolfe
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Ginger Hope in Teen Idle — Audrey’s twin sister, named after Ginger Rogers, ship TBD
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Gossip Girl
Alessandra Van Der Bilt in Picture Perfect Lies — Tripp’s younger sister
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Alaric Coventry in Only The Good Die Young — Catherine’s lover before she was turned, eventually became a vampire himself and got recruited to the Volturi; x Catherine Cullen & Unnamed
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Juniper Proctor in Only The Good Die Young — the only surviving witch descended from Salem; got turned into a vampire and attracted the attention of the Volturi; x Catherine Cullen and Unnamed
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Harry Potter
Nineve Weasley — Ron’s twin sister, ship TBD
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*I’ve sold my soul to Alex Fitzalan as Harry Osborn so I needed to recast Grace, but I will be making a new oc for Camila Mendes because I love my existing Grace x Peter gifset
**Paris is actually one of my OG gossip girl ocs but I never had any ideas for her, so I decided she would better suit the reboot!
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CHARACTER PROFILE: reintroducing . . .
catherine eleonora cullen ( insp. ) ( gc. )
❝catherine cullen, born out of wedlock to the late carlisle cullen and elspeth fynch, was born late spring of 1664. presently in the year of 2015, catherine cullen, the ancient being that she is, is extremely tired of bella swan's monster-fucking ways.❞
( message me if you want to be added ) tag list: @lost-in-the-shelves @stefelias @farfallasunicas @claryxjackson @toalltheocsivelovedbefore @ocappreciationtag @fyeahtwilightocs
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CHARACTER INTRODUCTION: reintroducing . . .
catherine cullen in ancient history
❝Catherine Cullen had been alive for a very long time, roughly three centuries is the most accurate date she could give you, so she had been through a lot, and she had seen a lot. But, not much could compare to the likes of Bella Swan. Catherine had saved Bella from death at the ripe age of five and Catherine had stuck by her side ever since. Using her vampiric ability, she slips her way into Bella's life as her older sister, Eleonora Swan, she fills the role quite well with the only one able to see through her illusion being Bella, herself. Luckily, Bella was good at keeping secrets and was more than happy to let her 'guardian angel' watch over her.
Things go quite well until Bella decides to move in with her dad and Catherine has no choice but to follow because who knows what kind of trouble Bella Swan would run into by herself. And really, Catherine doesn't think her time at Forks will be horrid because it's Forks. But, she's completely mistaken for it appears that Forks, as dreary and small as it is, somehow has a way of resurfacing one's ancient history.❞
( message me if you want to be added ) tag list: @lost-in-the-shelves @stefelias @farfallasunicas @claryxjackson @toalltheocsivelovedbefore @ocappreciationtag @fyeahtwilightocs
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