#oc: thunder titan
nyaskitten · 1 year
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I KNOW the tags are still a mess (for some stupid fucking reason) but here are some silly ideas I've had that I REALLY wanted to share !!!!
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sixpennydame · 3 months
Summer Promises
A one-shot for the Levi Ackerman x Fem!OC series, North Star
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Read on AO3
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: fluff; post-Rumbling world; postwar!Levi feeling the healing power of nature
Author's note: While this one-shot is part of the North Star world, it can still be enjoyed without having read the series.
But the story is best enjoyed while sitting under the trees.
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Levi can’t recall ever enjoying summers in Paradis. It had always been unbearably hot and humid; every shred of his uniform sticking to his body making it difficult to move. Not to mention that summer was the busiest time of year for expeditions. Riding for hours in the heat, the only time he felt a cool breeze was when he was flying through the air on ODM gear. The sound of nearby thunder from a summer storm would mingle with the footsteps of titans, and the flowers that dotted the forest ground were often splattered with the blood of his comrades. 
No, he had no good memories of summer. 
He’d arrived in Mursa at the peak of the season and with no knowledge of mountain summers.  But the moment he’d moved into your home he saw how much you treasured it: the fresh flowers neatly displayed on the breakfast table every morning, and the basket of vegetables from the garden under your arm. You opened every window in the house to let a crosswind cool the rooms, the gossamer fabric of the curtain blowing in the wind. 
He started his walk to his job at the stables in the early dawn hours, when the sun had not yet burned off the heavy dew collecting on each leaf and flower, the birds just beginning their songs. He noticed that the air was cool and crisp in the mornings and evenings here, and you’d given him a jacket when you’d seen him bristle at the chill. 
You - 
If people could be seasons then he’d decided you were summer. You were bright and warm, and had a bustling energy about you. He could hear you humming in your garden when you were pulling weeds, humming when you put laundry on the line to dry. Always humming, always singing…
…he didn’t mind it. 
“Come ride with me,” you said one day while visiting the stables. You were brushing your horse, Astrid, and she seemed to snort in approval. “You were saying you need to ride Demon more anyway, right?”
It’s true, he needed to get the stallion out and stretch its legs. 
“Ok, but just for a quick ride. I need to get back and do the rest of today’s chores,” he answered. 
“Pfft, you’ve done most of them already, the rest can wait. Besides, it’s summer!”
(This was something you often said, he’d realized -  when you wanted to sleep in a little longer on the weekends, when you’d eat an extra helping of strawberries with cream, when you’d stay up too late reading a book - as if summer was some magical pass to do things you don’t normally do.)
“He’s fine to leave for a few hours, right Mathieu?”
The old man smiles, the deep wrinkles around his mouth deepening. “Levi works so efficiently, I barely have anything left for him to do today.” He grabs a saddle and gives it to Levi. “Go, enjoy the summer’s day.”
Once both horses are saddled, you and he ride out of the stables and into the meadow. 
“Where to?” he asks, having a feeling you’ve got something in mind. 
“We’re gonna ride up into those mountains a bit.” You point to a mountain range just to the west of the stables. “I have a place to show you that I think you’re gonna love.”
You look at him with a gleam in your eye. “Wanna race to the foot of the mountain?”
He liked this competitive side of you. “You know Demon and I will beat you.”
“Not if I get a head start!” 
A gentle prod to Astrid’s and you’re off in a flash. Levi smirks and pets the side of Demon’s neck.
“Time to show off a little, eh?” Levi clicks his tongue and taps Demon’s sides, just as they’d practiced over the past week. The black stallion snorts, stomping the ground before he starts his cantor. It doesn’t take long before they’re neck-in-neck with you, but he says a command and Demon goes even faster. By the time you and Astrid reach the foot of the mountain, the other two are relaxed, Demon nibbling on some blades of grass.
“What was that about beating me?” Levi smirks.
You roll your eyes before moving past him, starting up a narrow trail that leads into the trees. He follows behind, welcoming the cool shade as you ride further up. There’s a rustling in the bushes and Levi whips his head toward the sound, suddenly on alert. A deer’s head rises, seemingly unbothered by their presence.
Levi sighs. Even after all these years, it’s hard not to think that any movement in a forest is a possible threat. He keeps his eyes on your back as you ascend, the trail too narrow for you to ride side by side. But it’s a well worn trail, Levi notices; whether it was you or someone else that created it, it’s been used often. You don’t speak a word the entire trek until suddenly the ground evens out and you stop.
“Here we are,” you declare in a sing-song voice, “my little hideaway.”
The dense foliage of the pine and elm trees has given way to a small clearing dotted with white and blue flowers, their petals open towards the sun as if greeting its warmth. It was almost perfectly circular, like it was cleared of trees and specifically made. 
“Martin and I would come here when we were kids.” You step into the clearing. “We thought fairies made this place - it’s always felt so magical.”
“Magical beings that live in the forest.” Levi looks at you, perplexed. “There aren’t forest spirits where you’re from?”
“Not that I’m aware of. But there were plenty of things that wanted to kill us,” he replies. 
“Fairies can be mischievous, but they’re usually kind and benevolent. Especially if you give them a gift.”
You take out a peach and a small bottle from your saddle bag and place it under a large tree next to the clearing. “They particularly like wine and fruit.”
“Who doesn’t,” Levi says, slightly to mock but he must admit, his interest has peaked. “Now what happens? Do they jump out of the trees or something?”
 “No! That’s silly,” you answer. Your eyes shine as you take his arm and pull him into the center of the clearing. “I know you don’t believe in any of this stuff, but..”
You sit down, pulling him down with you. “...you’ll see, there’s something special about this place.” 
Before Levi can respond, you’re lying down in the grass, your face towards the sky, just like the flowers around you. “Just lay down. Close your eyes. Listen.”
There’s something about the calm and confident way you voice those three commands, and the next thing he knows, he’s lying beside you, his arms crossed against his chest.
One final sigh of resignation, and he closes his eyes. He waits a few seconds, wondering if something will happen, and laughing at himself internally for even entertaining these kinds of foolish thoughts. 
But then his breathing steadies, and he notices that it’s in rhythm with the breeze blowing through the trees around him: an in and out, as if the trees are also breathing. 
He feels a tiny insect - probably an ant - walking across his hand, the tall grass brushing against his body.
He smells the scent of pine in the air, sweet and woody.
He hears the bird song around him - the same melody he hears every day, but now, he notices every note. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
There’s another sound - a voice in the air, but it’s not yours. 
“Rest..” it says..
Levi opens his eyes to the sound of you humming in the distance. He sits up, blinking a few times to adjust to the changing lighting.
“You felt it, didn’t you?”
You’re picking some flowers next to a tree, twisting their stems into a flower crown.
He rubs the back of his neck before standing up and wipes off the grass from his pants. “How long was I out?”
“Oh, for about an hour. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.” 
Levi walks over to the tree you’re sitting under and leans against the trunk. You look up and smile at him.
“The fairies tend to give us what we need most. Apparently, you needed rest.”
Levi does a mental scan of his body. He does feel rested, more than he has in a long time. His muscles are relaxed, and even his knee isn’t aching as much. He’s never been a superstitious person - he believes what his eyes and other senses tell him - but he has to admit, there is something special about this place.
He wants to ask you what you were given during your time in the clearing, and what you need most. And why you brought him, of all people,here.
Instead, he looks away, his face apathetic. “Yeah, well, an afternoon nap is never a bad idea.” He glances down to see you smiling at him. “What?” he asks defensively.
You smile so sweetly at him, he feels a slight heat to his cheeks. 
“Oh…nothing…nothing,” you reply, standing up as you hold the flower crown. “Thanks for coming with me today.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Would you…come here again with me some time?’
He can feel the blush growing across his face now and he turns away, walking towards Demon, who’s grazing nearby. “Sure.”
He looks back at you to see that you’ve now put the crown upon your head. The breeze blows some of your hair across your face, and he almost reaches out to push the strands behind your ear, but you beat him to it. Of all people, why would you want to spend time with him? You'd only just met him a little over a month ago. And what is it about you that makes him want to say yes to whatever you ask?
He can’t explain what it is about this place that makes it feel so special. Maybe it’s some natural phenomenon, maybe it is fairies.
Or maybe it’s just you.
He reaches out and straightens the crown on your head.
“I promise.”
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sehtoast · 3 months
Tender Threads ( Homelander x OC )
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chapter one: first impressions
chapter directory
summary: holding the heart of a self-proclaimed god is hard work, but someone's gotta do it. who'd have ever thought it would be some nobody, a simple street level hero-branded-vigilante, who would ascend to one of the seven coveted thrones and do just that?
tags: slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, spidersona as original character, original trans male character, smut, sublander
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It’s a night like any other in the concrete jungle of New York City.  A streak of red swings through the streets by lines of webbing, eyes peeled for anyone disrupting the peace in his friendly neighborhood.  Well, not his neighborhood exactly.  He was just a vigilante after all.  There’s plenty of fun to pick from, but only one instance could be so special to the city’s one and only Spider-Man– to Benjamin.
It’s not the quippy banter with the thugs breaking into the back of a bodega, nor is it the amusement he gets from webbing each of the fools in one big pile on the ground that makes this night memorable.  It’s the interruption, the anomaly that appears all too silently from the sky.
“And just what do we have here, hm?” 
The bug turns in surprise, steeling himself against the rush of anxiety that shoots through his veins.  This is no ordinary supe here to gripe about him stealing their thunder.  This is a man– a god, perhaps– in a whole ‘nother league. 
Ben would recognize him by voice alone because it was impossible not to hear it at least once a day.  Hell, hide the costume and he’d probably still recognize that face– because it’s everywhere. Billboards, magazines, fucking cereal boxes– you name it, he’s probably there.
Before him stands The Homelander, captain of The Seven, pretty much the face of Vought International.  World’s most powerful supe.
“Oh, y’know.”  He gestures.  “Riffraff doing what they do, and me doing what I do.”
“Nicely done,” Homelander says, professional smile etched into his face like he’d rehearsed this.  “You know, good work like this is why we’ve been nipping at your heels, kiddo.  Really wish you’d stop making us chase you around.”
And there it is.  This was no chance meeting– as if one of the big boys from The Seven would ever be caught dead in an alley in Harlem of all places.  Spidey cocks a brow behind his mask.  Vought must be desperate.
See, he’s been particularly unlucky lately.  
Even before he donned the mantle of Spider-Man, it was never about being in the big leagues.  Benjamin mused upon the idea of it, but he could never find himself truly taken with the idea of selling himself as a hero.  Not only was the mere idea of commercializing his ability to do a unique good revolting, it would strip away one of the only true freedoms he has.  Of course, Vought knew nothing of his reasons– not that they’d care either way– and were ardently pursuing him to fill the now vacant seat formerly belonging to Translucent.
And now, as his luck would have it, they’ve sent their biggest dog to fetch their desired toy.
Benjamin’s sixth sense tells him nothing in the moment.  No hidden danger, no tickling of warnings to bolt.  A goose chase spanning two months finally coming to a titanic head as The fucking Homelander himself holds him not-quite-hostage in an alleyway. 
“You’re still their top pick, you know,” Homelander says, nodding over to the webbed pile of crooks.  “You play by their rules without even being on the team.  A little… sloppy, but effective.  Tell me, how is it you’re going to turn down a spot in the biggest of the big leagues, hm?  You’ve pretty much skipped the line.”  Homelander scuffs the sole of his boot against the ground, kicking a pebble to the side as he meanders closer.  “What, is vigilantism more fun?  You like having all those warrants?  Vought could clear ‘em up.  Get you set straight in the eyes of the law, make you official.  Pay you for your late night troubles…”
Ben bristles as he comes closer.  It’s not the proximity necessarily, it’s… 
It’s like he’s looking straight through the mask.  
Benjamin releases a tight breath.  “My answer isn’t changing.” He says firmly, despite the anxiety cooking in his chest.  He is not a confident man by any stretch.  The most bravado he’ll ever know in his life comes from being Spidey.  Nobody can see him– nobody knows who he is when he’s got the mask on. He can be whoever he wants.  But right now he feels see through.  
Pick your words carefully,  he thinks to himself.
“I’m not a show pony for Vought to extort.”
Don’t cave– do not give him that satisfaction.  It’s what he wants.
He wouldn’t work for Vought.  He’s chosen years of barely scraping by rather than taking a tech job with them as a regular person, why the fuck would he do it as a supe?  What, he’s just supposed to ignore the endless skeletons in their closet?  The pain and suffering, all the people he’s seen online talking about how Vought threw money at them to not sue after some accident or another only to up and disappear?  
Ben idolized heroes for so long.  His powers didn’t manifest until his late teens and he grew up wanting to be just like the superheroes that made the world a better place– until he realized that those types were so few and far between that they might as well not even exist.  All of his childhood heroes were NDAs and settlements, pain and suffering, all covered with media stunts and weak, lazy apologies.  Posters were torn down, action figures tossed in the trash– he moved on and eventually became the hero he wished his idols would've been.
“Show pony? Pfffft,” Homelander laughs, blowing a raspberry.  “Please.  Look at yourself.  Skin tight red and blue suit, leaving messes of webs everywhere you go.  Hate to break it to you, kiddo, but you’re already there.”
“They parade you guys around like trophies,” Ben counters, trying to keep the edge off his tone.  “I’m not in this to make money for some rich-fuck shareholders, y’know.”
“And?  See, you told every single agent before me that you were in ‘this’ to make a difference.”
“You know how much fucking range you’d have in The Seven?”  Homelander splays his arms wide as if to show the scale of the world.  Agitation is starting to write itself on his face, leaking free in the twitches of his eye and those rapid blinks.  He clearly didn’t expect to have to work for this.  “You could help anyone anywhere, all you have to do is say yes.”
The worst part?  That’s not technically a lie.  And it’s not not tempting. 
“I’m sure you’ll see reason,”  Homelander smirks, sauntering just the slightest bit closer.  “Benjamin.”
The bug’s heart drops to his gut, eyes going wide and glancing in the direction of the pile of webbed crooks in the hopes they neither heard nor will a last name be following. 
Fuck, fuck– 
They have his name. 
“Don’t what?”  Homelander asks innocently, lips curling even sharper.  “You really thought we wouldn’t know who you are?  Pff– hah!  Please.”
Closer and closer, every step feeling like a lifetime.
“I can see through that mask, you know.  Can see how scared you are.” Homelander tuts as he comes within arms reach.  “I can hear the pitter patter of your little heart…”
Ben gulps, breaths coming heavy.
“And…”  Homelander leans forward, voice a whisper. “I’m sure you understand, Mister Colyer, that I could kill you right now…”  A hand falls to rest on Ben’s shoulder, gripping tight.  “I really don’t like being told no.”
Ben’s voice shakes and his knees quake, totally ready to dart as soon as the words leave his mouth. 
“I'm… not– I'm not doing it.”
His sixth sense doesn’t stir.
Homelander’s bluffing.  But, really… So is he.
It’s like the world froze.  Time stands still as they stare at one another.  Benjamin can see the anger dancing in Homelander’s eyes, but nothing comes of it.
Not even when the bug backs away and that leather clad hands falls free from his shoulder.
“Look, uh… this was nice, y’know?”
Smooth, Ben.  Smooth.
“But uh, just call me Randy Jackson, because it’s uhm... it's gonna be a no from me, dawg.”  Terrible time for humor, but something had to break the tension.  “Goodbye, Homelander.” 
And with that, Ben bolts, vaulting up and off the side of a building to propel himself into the night.  
Homelander remains in the alley, still stunned, a piercing ring deafening the world around him.  He lingers, thoughts racing.
Turned down by the bug, huh champ?
Of course, of fucking course there would be some commentary.
“Hey big guy, you gonna let us go?”  
And of course there’s some filth bold enough to interrupt him.
Homelander turns, eye twitching as he scans the pile of mud practically cocooned in webbing.  They expect him to release them.  After all, Spider-Man is a vigilante.  None of his catches are technically official, though there’s usually enough evidence for that fact to be ignored.
“C’mon, you know we ain’t done no harm!  Me and the boys were just walkin’ by is all.”  
The man in question chuckles nervously at him.
Homelander saunters closer, hands behind his back.  He stands over the man, inspecting every little detail.  The growing fear in his eyes, the way he sweats.
Putrid. Echoes the voice in his mind.  Remind them of who they’re talking to. Of the god they disrespect.
He lifts his foot, placing it dead center on the man’s chest.
“No– please, I didn’t–”
He presses down slowly, grin etching onto his face as pleas turn to tight gasps.  The others in the webbing try to scramble, but they can’t escape.
They’re at his mercy.  As they should be.
A crunching sound precedes his favorite part.  Ribs and muscle give way and a loud squelch graces his ears and the ringing– oh the ringing stops. It's serene, knowing what power he holds.  What iron fist he truly has wrapped around the neck of this world.
To think they’d think him so low as to aid them.  To think they’d get to live after seeing him rejected so brazenly.
Now for the rest.
As he takes care of the others, he wonders just how persuasive he'll need to be with the little spider.  What threads must he pull to get his way?
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sevendeadlywhispers · 8 months
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Chapter 1
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• Previous Chapter: Prologue Next Chapter: Chapter 2
•Chapter List
•Content: Levi Ackerman x OC Fem! Canon Verse! Slow Burn!
• Word Count: 1.2k
"Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, 'Come and see.' And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
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In the regiment's relentless rhythm, my days blurred together over six unchanging years. The routine was our relentless master – wake, eat, train, meetings, eat again, and sleep. The mundane melody was occasionally disrupted by Shadis' whims, granting us a fleeting taste of the world beyond the towering Walls.
Our morning table, a sanctuary for the seasoned veterans, bore witness to comrades dropping like autumn leaves. The unspoken question lingered: when would our turn come? While many saw luck in our continued survival, I saw a darker twist. Fate, I believed, lurked patiently, biding its time until we felt secure, ready to shatter the false reality we'd constructed in this hellish existence.
Today, the cruel hand of fate played its cards, mocking our comfort.
"The boys aren't here yet?" Petra's radiant smile broke the morning's routine as she settled across from me.
"Nah," I replied, absentmindedly tearing at my morning bread. "Just Hange and I, probably still asleep."
Petra's grin widened, cheeks tinted with a hint of mischief. "Thank the Wall."
Hange, always perceptive, caught the unspoken secret in Petra's expression.
"I know that look," they squealed with infectious excitement. "Spill."
"Have you guys seen the new recruit?" Petra's playful voice danced through the room.
"Have I?!" Hange's response, a lively squeal, prompted a shared effort between Petra and me to hush them. Yet, if anything, their voice only seemed to gain volume.
"He's a menace! Have you guys seen him in action? He's truly set to revolutionize the Scouts."
One person expected to revolutionize the regiment was a wild accusation, not only wild but big shoes to fill.
"I thought all the recruits died."
"He's the sole survivor. Goes by Levi," Petra disclosed in a hushed tone leaning towards me. "Word has it his entire wing was taken out on the last expedition. Rumor even suggests he took down five titans single-handedly."
"Five?" My surprise echoed throughout the mess hall, louder than Hange had earlier.
"Who is this guy?"
A recruit taking out more than one Titan on their first journey outside the Walls was unheard of. The recruit surviving a Titan encounter was impressive enough, but taking down five was a whole other game.
Petra gestured subtly towards the corner, where Levi sat alone. "A short fella," Hange added with a playful smile.
"But undeniably handsome," Petra remarked.
My curiosity ignited and my intrusive thoughts won as I nudged Petra.
"Go talk to him."
"I'd only fool myself," she sighed. "He keeps to himself, speaks only with section leaders and the commander."
"I don't buy it," I chuckled, glancing in Levi's direction. There he was, absorbed in the morning paper, sipping tea in that peculiar way of his—hand over the rim, neglecting the perfectly good handle on the side of the cup.
"Go see for yourself," Petra challenged with a smug grin.
"I will," I declared, sticking my tongue out playfully before confidently striding towards Levi's table.
He was a recluse no doubt about it. From the moment Petra pointed him out to me, not once has he looked up from his morning paper. I know that nothing that interesting happened in these three walls to keep his attention that long.
Undeterred by Levi's icy reception, I took a seat without awaiting permission. The mess hall seemed to hold its breath, the world stopped moving around me as I gathered the courage to speak.
"What's your name?" I probed, met only with the continued rustle of his morning paper and the measured sip of his tea.
"Not a big talker, huh?" I teased, maintaining a resilient grin. "Well, I'm Iris, been with the scouts for six years now. Sorry for the tardy introduction—"
"Are you a section leader?" he interrupted.
"Oh, no, I'm just—" Again, his interruption cut me off.
"Until you become a captain or commander, don't talk to me unless ordered to," he snapped, his eyes still glued to the paper.
"Until you become captain or commander, don't tell me what to do," I retorted, my smile unwavering. "Until then, I'll talk your ear off as much as I want to."
Finally, he set aside his papers and looked up. His midwinter eyes jabbed at me as they locked onto my own.
"If you're trying to make a friend, save your breath and look elsewhere," he groaned, his gaze cold. "Tell your friends it's rude to stare."
I rose from the table, maintaining my cheerful facade. "Congrats on the five Titans. Until next time, Mr. Grumps."
"Tch," escaped Levi's lips as I walked away, his grumbling fading into the background as I navigated back to my comrades.
Miche Oluo and Alexander awaited my return at the breakfast table. All eyes were on me, especially Alexander's, his light brown gaze burning into mine. There was an unspoken tension, a silent exchange between us that spoke of disapproval and lingering questions.
As I settled beside Alexander, his disapproving gaze burned into my being. "What were you doing with that little freak?" he sneered.
"Hey, don't call him that," I retorted, nudging him playfully.
"What? Freak?" He laughed with a harsh edge. "He's just another underground sewage rat. Nothing but a freak." The disdain lingered on his tongue.
"Kid has a death wish," Miche chimed in.
"I think that kid is older than all of us," Hange interjected.
"There's no way that puny little thing is older than me," Alexander scoffed, dismissing Levi as if he were insignificant. "Just look at him. Nothing but bones under that uniform."
"Now now, Alexander," Hange teased. "I'd think you're jealous of him passing you up."
"Me jealous of that freak? Never," Alexander laughed, a defensive edge in his voice.
"Really? Because he's already at five Titans for his first expedition. I recall you earning three on our first mission," Hange pointed out with a mischievous giggle.
"Listen here, you little shit" Alexander's frustration surged, and he aimed his words at Hange. "I earned my way into the Scouts. That guy is only here to kill Erwin. He's nothing but a thug."
"Alexander, calm down," I attempted to defuse the tension, but his anger was worked up. Hange's teasing had struck a nerve, a fact known to everyone at the table.
"What?" Alexander groaned at me. "Don't tell me you have a soft spot for the freak already."
"Calm down. Hange is just teasing, and we all know it," I laughed lightly, attempting to ease the situation.
The table fell into an uneasy silence as Levi strolled by, his steel-grey eyes fixed ahead with unwavering confidence.
"Freak," Alexander muttered under his breath as Levi passed.
Alexander's sharp words lingered in the air as a bitter aftertaste, and a knot of worry tightened in my stomach. The casual disdain he threw toward Levi struck a nerve, leaving me both surprised and uneasy.
The recruit's gaze met Alexander's, offering an unfazed look. However, Levi's eyes then locked onto mine. I felt a shiver down my spine as his gaze traveled, time seemingly slowing down at that moment.
At that moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that fate itself had chuckled at us, reveling in the disruption Levi brought to our routine. The mess hall buzzed with the usual noise, but an undercurrent of change hummed beneath it all. It was as if Levi's mere presence had punctured the veil of our ordinary existence, inviting uncertainty and curiosity. It was a curiosity I wanted to explore, boundaries I wanted to see be pushed.
If only then I knew how much he would change our little world inside these three walls.
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st-highwind · 3 months
...so three (3) of you were nice to me and i blacked out and word vomited two documents of scene mapping and worldbuilding. my ideas are still jumbled, so here's what i have ambitions for as copy-pasted from ren and I's dms:
long post, all non-canon, lots of blabbering, but i'm happy about it below.
reworked dark crystals, new dungeons, and new archfiends! archfiend names are open to constructive criticism lol
- mist pass: the still-in-progress passage that workers of both baron and damcyan attempted to construct after the collapse of the mountains per Rydia's titan summon. soldiers and workers kept disappearing, so eventually damcyan and baron just quit sending people there and deemed the place cursed. time passed as cecil and the crew ventured to try and save more crystals, and holy elemental creatures began making their home there. this includes Seraphitz, archfiend of light, a creature in possession of the light crystal that was corrupted by its holy power.
- adamant mines: different from whatever was in tay bc screw tay. the crystal of energy is kept well hidden in the labyrinthine mines that connect to the underworld as a sort of back entrance. the adamant ore is difficult to harness amidst all the lightning-elemental monsters, thus the mines are largely abandoned. ghostly automatons trudge around poorly-lit tunnels with too many corners, all of which condense and lead to statigge (stati-jey), archfiend of thunder and guardian of the energy crystal.
- serpent's lair: a winding undersea shipyard (in an underwater passage connecting the overworld and underworld) littered with many a ship lost to the sea. it is suspected that this was cagnazzo's domain, forgone as he took control of baron under Golbezemus' command. the deeper the party travels, the colder the air grows and the more ice monsters begin appearing. ghiaccio, archfiend of ice, has seized control of the area and is not keen on trespassers.
- the sealed cave: it pretty well stays the way it is, except the demon wall boss happens on the way *to* the shadow crystal, the prize of the dungeon. after the crystal is acquired, the party is revitalized by the crystal (and are confused by such) only to find malnotte, archfiend of shadow, waiting for them outside where the demon wall was originally fought.
other ideas:
- the tower of zot is actually a dreadnought protected by heavy winds from barbariccia, which is why it can't be seen on the world map. when barbariccia destroys the place after her defeat, the dreadnought falls into the sea off the southern coast of troia. it can be explored as an optional dungeon later (ruins of zot).
- something new has to happen with mt hobbs. it's so big with so little significance. i need to concoct something to happen there.
- i also want to revise travel mechanisms. i now need something for underwater travel, or perhaps rydia and leviathan can work something out and he can big snake bus the party down to the ice dungeon or ruins of zot. chocobos imo are underutilized, esp the black chocobo, as well as the hovercraft from edward. we get not one not two but THREE airships and only three narrative-required deviations from airships to reach dungeons.
- the devil's road should not be a mini-dungeon like in tay, but instead function similarly to teleport in ff2: the party loses significant health after passing through. it's killed people before, those who passed through and didn't possess the vitality, and that's why it was sealed off.
- if anyone has an ffiv oc, please let me know!! i want to write them in!! i want to give more life to the villages and towns. i already intend to write in some friends here on ffiv tumblr as shopkeepers, innkeepers, or just townsfolk!! you wanna be a hummingway? be a hummingway!!! LMK!!!!!
this is only a few ideas i have. please let me know your thoughts!
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K’s Reading List — JUNE
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
June was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
🌸 - denotes a story written for my 3K follower celebration — check it out here!
The Case of the Missing Blogger - Luca Changretta (on-going series)
A taste of the forbidden - John Shelby x Reader blurb
Far across the distance (part 2) - Alfie Solomons x Reader (Titanic AU)
Bed is not always the best place - John Shelby x Reader blurb
What will never be - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Not Yet - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Rose - Alfie Solomons x OC
Not Real - Alfie Solomons x Reader blurb
Chasing Smiles - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Swanky Suits - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Shots Fired - John Shelby x Reader blurb
The Runaway - John Shelby x Reader blurb
I’m Listening - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Charlie’s Lullaby - Tommy Shelby x OC
Dark, Dirty Secrets - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains several 🔞 NSFW/dark themes — read warnings and author’s note!
supersitition (part 2) - Modern!Tommy Shelby x OC — contains some 🔞 mature themes! (on-going series)
Start over - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Shelby Marriages - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Dangerously In Love - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Lilith - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Gilded Prison - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🌸
Him and I - John Shelby x Reader
Stranger - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Soft - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Reminisce - May Carleton x Reader
Not that Kind of Person - May Carleton x Reader
What’s going on? - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Just need you - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The one - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
My refuge - Tommy Shelby x Daughter!Reader — 🌸
mr giraffe - Tommy Shelby x Reader
the boys - Tommy Shelby x Reader
evening shelby chaos - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
good girl - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Bicker all the way - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Last year’s secret - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Uncovering Truths - Jay Halstead x OC (on-going series)
Midnight Kiss - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — 🌸
A Sunny Afternoon - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Nothing but you - John Shelby x Reader
Killing Me Softly - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — contains dark themes!
Tangled Faith - Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going mini series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Fine and Mellow - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
In the bleak midwinter - Tommy Shelby blurb
Broken hearts all around - Luca Changretta blurb
Tommy Shelby blurb
Allergies - Dad!Tommy Shelby (paired with Lizzie)
Minutes to Midnight - Tommy Shelby (on-going series)
Homecoming - Tommy Shelby x Reader , Arthur Shelby x Reader (on-going series)
It’s Not Hell…If You Like the Way It Burns - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains slight 🔞 themes!
What If Heaven Would Have Been With Someone Else? - Shelby Brothers x OC blurbs
Thunder - Tommy Shelby x OC
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definitelynotgideon · 6 months
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Hey! Thanks for checking out this blog. Mostly, I started this up as a means to post chapters as I write for my OC, but I'd love to interact in other ways! Feel free to ask Gideon or I questions, or chat with me in DMs or comments!
Below you'll find an about me section, an about my oc section, my current activity status (hoping to update that with projects I'm working towards or to give heads ups if i'm busy/ on hiatus, a links section and a masterlist section.
Please do not interact with me or Gideon if you are transphobic or homophobic.
All of my blogs are safe spaces for the LGBTQ community and you will be blocked without question if you interact hatefully with me, my character or my friends.
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Amanda or Ackie | she/her | 33 yrs old | Birthday on April 30
@ackie-slays is my main. I interact on both but I'm here on this blog more often!
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Gideon Azulyss is my OC that I've adapted for different universes/ scenarios over time. He started out as a D&D Character, and then I RPed with him in the Attack on Titan universe. As I fell in love with Demon Slayer, I wanted to bring him in and adapt him for the universe. I RP with him still for Demon Slayer, but the more I wrote with him with friends, the more I wanted to tell his canon-ish story.
Gideon is 5'8", athletically built with silver hair styled in an undercut. his eyes are green, with flecks of gold that become more visible when he's upset or angry. he styles his facial hair in a goatee. He is a war-hammer wielder, and in the demon slayer universe he is a thunder breather. His birthday is August 21. Gideon is a gay man, pronouns are he/him. His age varies by story.
Headcanons/Fact posts can be seen by clicking the fruits below!
🍓 | 🍉 | 🫐
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Writing Status: Chapter 19 is up! 9/8/24
Roleplay Status: My Roleplay status for Tumblr RPs is limited. Here are my updated rules and boundaries.
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Archive of our own (AO3): definitelynotgideon
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The Demons We Face (Genya x OC/mlm) Chapters (Abridged chapters will be marked with ⚡️, Fully Mature/NSFW Chapters will be routed directly to Ao3 and marked ⛈️):
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13⚡️ | Ch 14 | Ch 15 | Ch16⚡️ | Ch 17 | Ch 18 | Ch 19
"Heaven Is Where You Are"
Roleplay Threads! | Completed Thread Links. This does not include short interactions!
- Big Brother, Beetle-hunt, Battlestar Galactica!!! 🪲 / #HikaruIsBestAniki #HikaruforPresident | RP with @ask-hikaru-eritora
- I tried to draw you from memory. ✏️/ Gideon draws Genya! G-Force content! | RP with @real-genya-shinazugawa
- "GET THE FUCK OUT OF BED BITCH GO" 🎒 / Kimetsu Academy AU! Gideon runs to wake Karu before a midterm exam! | RP with @ask-hikaru-eritora
- Demon Encounter!! 💚 / Gideon meets Ryotaro! Is this demon mom-shaped? Lol | RP with @bone-pile-rp
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8
- Origami Rose 🌹 / Gideon asks Muichiro about Origami. | RP with @ask-tokito-muichiro
- Try 🐇/ Gideon meets Koorogi. It's an injured demon, and he faces a choice... | RP with @koorogi-final-selection-oni-a
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massiveladycat · 2 months
LORE OF THE ROGUE DEMIGODSThe rogue demigods of Manhattan consist of demigods who have been either banished from or otherwise separated from their respective camps, as well as those who never made it to a camp in the first place. As such, they are a diverse and eclectic group, with members coming from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures. Many of the rogues have struggled with homelessness and poverty for years, surviving on the streets or in other makeshift shelters. With no camp to call home, these demigods have been forced to fend for themselves, often resorting to stealing or other dangerous means of survival. Despite their difficult circumstances, the rogues have managed to eke out a modest living in the bustling city of Manhattan, often relying on their demigod abilities and cunning to stay one step ahead of the mortal authorities and others who might wish them harm. OLD OCS; THE ONES WHO WERE HERE BEFORE THEM ALL. A rogue demigod named Orlando Palmer, the son of Hermes. Orlando used to be a member of Camp Half-Blood, but was kicked out for conspiring with the Titan Army. Many of the demigods who were also working with the titans had followed him, joining the Rogue Demigods. He became a Runner.
A rogue demigod named Amani, the daughter of Hecate. Amani was never claimed by her godly parent and spent most of her life on the streets before being discovered by the rogues. She is highly intelligent and skilled in magic, and has proven herself to be a valuable asset to the group; she was actually the leader of creating the barrier to protect the camp. She became a Diviner.
A rogue demigod named Kai Malvern, the son of Jupiter. Kai is a tall and imposing figure, with a powerful presence and a fierce determination. He was once a member of Camp Jupiter, but was exiled after a heated argument and brawl with a superior officer. He is now one of the Commanders of the rogue community in Manhattan, and is respected and feared by those who know him. He is a Commander, and was a Tunneler before he was chosen to become a Commander.
Ethan Newton is a 19-year-old rogue demigod with a calm and collected personality. His father was Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea, and he has the power to control water and breathe underwater. He's highly respected among the other rogues for his strategic thinking and calm demeanor in battle, and also his stubborn loyalty. He is a Tactician.
Emma Fielding is a  21-year-old rogue demigod with a fierce and independent spirit. Her mother was Nemesis, the Greek Goddess of Revenge, and she has the ability to analyze and understand situations with great precision. She's often seen as a vital part of the camp's planning and strategy, and is highly respected for her ability to think quickly and rationally in high-stress situations. She is a Tactician.
Thomas is a 30-year-old rogue demigod with a gruff and practical personality. His father was Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, and he has the power to generate lightning and command storms. He's seen as a tough and battle-hardened warrior, and is often called upon to lead the other rogues into battle. He’s scarily ambitious. He’s a father of three, and a loving husband to his wife. He is a Strongarms, soon to be selected into a Commander.
Lora is a 17-year-old rogue demigod with a kind and gentle personality. Her father was Apollo, the Greek God of Music and Light, and she has the ability to heal and manipulate light. She's often seen as a valuable support for the other rogues, and is highly respected for her compassionate nature and her ability to bring joy and warmth to the camp in difficult times. She’s a nurturer. The civil war among the rogue demigods of Manhattan had been brewing for years. The initial group of demigods had managed to build a safe community for each other, but as their numbers grew, tensions began to rise. In the midst of the chaos, Amani stepped up and used her magical powers to create a powerful barrier around the camp, designed to keep out both mortal authorities and other demigods who may want to do them harm.
Despite the barrier, the rogue demigods were still beset by constant threats from both mortal authorities and other hostile demigods. The group grew increasingly paranoid and secretive, leading to mistrust and infighting between members. Some believed that the barrier was doing more harm than good, cut off from the world and vulnerable to attack from within. Many people didn’t want to get their skin seared so they could go in and out of the barrier as they pleased, because the practice was painful.
As the group continued to bicker and argue, the tension finally boiled over into a full-scale civil war. The group led by Orlando and Kai, found themselves in direct opposition to the younger members, led by Emma and Ethan. Both sides were armed and determined to defend their beliefs, and the fighting quickly turned brutal.
The war raged on for days, with casualties mounting on both sides. Ethan was killed protecting Lora and Amani, and Kai was severely injured in battle. Thomas’s son, Georgie, who’d been working to help the demigods fighting for the barrier, had been one of the casualties. As the dust settled, it became clear that the two factions were at an impasse. A temporary truce was called, but no one was sure how long it would last.
The civil war had left the rogue demigods wounded and divided. In the aftermath, the survivors must rebuild and try to figure out a way to move forward. The scars from the war run deep, and the tension between the factions remains high. Thomas was able to stop the civil war by talking to all the key players involved and getting them to a table for negotiations. He was able to convince them to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good of the camp.
During the negotiations, Thomas was able to get everyone to see that the fighting was doing more harm than good. In addition to negotiations, Thomas organized a series of meetings and discussions where everyone had the opportunity to air their grievances, express their concerns and work towards a better understanding of each other's perspectives. These meetings became a safe space where people could share their thoughts, feelings and opinions, and work towards a common goal.
Throughout the process, Thomas was able to use his leadership skills to keep everyone focused on the bigger picture, and to ensure the negotiations remained civil and respectful. With his help, the rogue demigods were able to reach a truce and stop the fighting.
From then on, Thomas made it his mission to ensure that the Gatherings were a permanent part of the camp agenda and that everyone felt heard and included. He became a leader who was respected not only for a calm, cool head in moments of crisis but also for his ability to bring people together and find common ground. ROGUE DEMIGOD GROUP GATHERINGS One of Thomas' most significant contributions to the camp was the creation of the Group Gatherings: periods of social interaction and training where everyone in the several camps would come together to discuss issues and build camaraderie. These Gatherings were often called after or before battles, but also occurred regularly as a way for the members of the camp to stay connected and build a sense of community. Thomas was instrumental in establishing these Gatherings as a regular part of camp life. The Gatherings were not only a place for the rogues to socialize and train together, but also a way for them to discuss important issues and make plans for the future. They were an essential part of the camp's development and success, and played a key role in fostering a community spirit and a sense of unity among the members of the camp. They helped with emergency drills, deciding how to teach youngsters, discussing a problem between factions, et cetera.
These gatherings happen six times a year; once in January, once in March, once in May, once in July, once in August, and once in October. There are other Gathering events, like emergency gatherings.
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la-rougo · 11 months
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Can I please ask for a yandere Thor
But how would he be in a relationship with kianna
Like NSFW and sfw if you're comfortable with that
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By the way she is an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr and you don't have to take this request if you don't want to
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Yandere!Thor x Kianna Komori (OC)
my first ever request and its also an oc request im so happy😭😭😭
warnings: traumatic past mention
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It was when thor was sent by his father to get rid of tons of titans that were getting out of hand in the midguard, sure it's none of his business but he must anyways
after his duties is over, he decided to stay in the midguard for a while just to take a fresh air in the forest, he found a peaceful spot with beautiful flowers so he decided to rest there and pick a few flowers so he could give it to his fellow asguardians when he's back
just before he could pick a third flower, he heard a low ruffles sound behind him. He turn around to see a silhouette fading, curious. He get up and follow where the silhouette faded. Ended up in another flower spot where he sees a petite girl quickly grabbing her flower basket
"uhm... why are you following me?" the said petite girl asked the god of thunder while standing in a far distance, looking at him cautiously. The god only stayed silent, walking slowly to towards her, she didn't walk back, simply look at him, still keeping her guard up. Thor bent down to her height and hand her flowers he picked up earlier. "you must've wanted to pick these flowers at that spot earlier. Did you hesitate because of my presence?" Thor asked her calmly while holding her hand tenderly. The girl's expression softened slightly "I just don't want to draw any attention to myself" Thor nodded and stood up, extending his right arm, signaling her to place her plam on his. Her expression as empty as his, but to feel a tenderness in him. She take his hand which is a much larger one. He turn to walk back to the earlier spot and release her hand to bend down and pick up flowers again "you're not the talkative one" Thor said, as if he spit out his thoughts, she followed his movements, picking up flowers for herself as she spoke up "I can tell that you are too" the god simply hummed by her words, seeing their similarities. they stayed silent for a while, awkward as it may feels, they enjoyed each other presence and thor wouldn't mind staying for a little longer. Eventually they spare each other a small talk
"i am thor, god of thunder of the asguard, you are?"
"Kianna, Kianna Komori"
Thor notices her avoidance of expressing emotions, her calm collected isn't her nature when he inspects closer, that is what get the norse prince to count her as one hell of a mystery.
but he couldn't possibly stay even longer since he have asguard waiting for him. Thor got up and bit her a sweet goodbye "I must go now, would you like to meet here again?" the girl look up at him softly, responding as gentle as her gaze "I see why not" Thor exhales in satisfaction with her answer, "until we meet again, Kianna" as he disappears, his last thoughts on earth was how he felt talkative more than his natural self, it honestly make him feel a new feelings inside his heart. She was beautiful, but something about her quiet nature is hidden an unspeakable secret that requires a lot to understand, her character in fact, how interesting, he felt like he have to protect her from what have already hurted her, whatever it is he thought. He only have an unanswered questions at the end of the day, soon will disappear on the very dawning day... or not.
The thunder god was found to be visiting the midguard frequently, even stay in midguard over night, it was extremely odd for him to do so, even his maids start making theories about how he finally found the love of his life
and they were right
Kianna was sitting on Thor's lap while they talk to each other as Thor tied each flowers and leaves together, forming as a flower crown and gently place it on the petite girl's head
But the more he inspects her, the more he suspects a hidden story behind all of her opaque mask written in fake letters as it obscures her longing past pain. She was broken. That's all he could figure it out
Thor felt a little bit of an anger thinking about such disgusting mortals or any creature that hurted such a beautiful pure girl to the point she have to hide her true self from everyone-
The said god snap out of his thoughts and turn his attention to Kianna "hmn?" Thor hummed as she furrowed her brows slightly, she didn't say anything. Simply laying her chin on his shoulder, suddenly, she felt Thor's hand motioning over to touch her bandaged arm
"these are scars, aren't it"
Kianna is startled by his question, she quickly reacted by shoving her arm away from his hand "I accidentally wounded myself". said the nervous girl, the lies are of course, never unnoticed by Thor, he deny her false claim. "I can see you, I can see what happened to you" the god said as he gently caress her cheeks so dearly
Kianna thought to herself for a while, he was worried about her, he knows her, he's trustworthy, he's in love with her. And oh how she feels just the same way as he does.
She relaxed herself a little and felt an urge to tell him, tell everything so he wouldn't be so worried about her, and open up to him, he meant no harm to her. He's the one that could grant her a long lost love and affection that was bygone.
and so she does as her mind tells
It was another feeling that Thor couldn't find it everyday, or he never felt it at all. it was pity, sorrow, empathy, and compassion. Yet all of these are still an understatement, he felt a strong urge to protect her
Her poor self is yearning for his protection, he never felt any need to preserve anyone this much before
Her poor soul was damaged and covered up wrongly without any healing
Her poor, poor life was damned by what? by god? by the people she used to trust in?
Whatever matters is, the prince of the asguard finally set up his own goal.
He swear on his father he'll protect her at all cost,
from the evils and from the danger
from the mortals and from the gods
from everything, and everyone
he mustn't let anything get close to her
that dares to wound her and damage her even further
will rot and drown into the afterlife of nothingness
that dares to take her away from him, take her away from the safe and sheltered arms of the god of thunder
will endure the agony in niflheim for eternity
and even as much as they beg for forgiveness and mercy, there will be no chance
death wishes are always granted without any cancellations
he and him only will be the one who preserve her and will always be, he'll end anyone who dares to interfere even the slightest
he has lost himself for her, he would do anything for her, to keep her safe and for himself
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Time for an Owl House OC.
May I introduce, Ms. Thunder Whispers!
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Name: Thunder Whispers
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Family: Raine Whispers (Nini, I've seen it quite a few fics), Eda Clawthorne (Mother), Amber, Katya and Derwin (Siblings).
Place of residence: The BATs hideout with the rest of the BATs and Raine.
Type of magic: Bard
Coven: None.
Job: Bard magic teacher at Hexside
Best Friend: Katya
This is Thunder's palicman!
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Carved by: Thunder and Raine.
My AU with Thunder!
Thunder is the child of Raine Whispers and Eda Clawthorne. Raine breaks up with Eda. About a week later they find out they are pregant with Eda's child. The baby is a blessing from the titan as the titan liked Raine and didn't want them to be alone. Raine pushes back joining the bard coven until their child is born. But Raine found out about the corruption and decided that thye would still join but rebel at the same time. Whren Thunder is born, Raine then starts teaching at the coven.
When Thunder was 5 her and Raine create her Palisman. They carve the peacock and name him Alto. Alto and Fiddlesticks get along very well.
A few years later, Raine adopts Amber (15), Katya (18) and Derwin(19). They all meet a 16 year old Thunder and adore her. Thunder pracisces bard magic but decides she doesn't want to join the bard coven. The children go to Raine with the idea of the BATs. Raine agrees to be the leader while Thunder makes the plans and is their main startagist.
At the age of 17, they graduate and Bump asks her to teach Bard magic at the school. Thunder agrees and decides not to join a coven. Raine is very proud. When Luz joined the bard track she decides to speak to her teacher. Luz tell's Thunder that she looks like the good witch Azura. Luz also sid ementions that she looks like Eda a bit, esspecily the eyes. Now Thunder knows Eda is her mama, Raine didn't want to keep that a secret from her.
Eda doesn't meet Thunder until they CATs rescue her and Luz. Luz would be in shock that her bard teacher is part of a rebellion. Eda is in major shock that the girl looks like both her and Raine. Eda pulls Raine aside and asks about Thunder. Raine explains and says they even sent Eda letters. Eda would be mad at herself becuase she burned the letters.
Thunder fights with the kids and get's chucked in the human realm. Thunder decides to write a paper on how music can mainpulate others. They end up acciently getting a phD. Thunder and Hunter get close and finds out that Hunter is Transfem amd likes to go by Luna (I love that AU and wanted to combine it). Everything else in season 3 happened the same but Thunder is their.
When it is all over, Raine, Thunder and the BATs move into the owl house and Thunder starts to call Eda, Mama.
And that's all I got so far.
What do you think?
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stainandscribble · 1 year
Our Love is a Tempest
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Pairing: Junmyeon X OC(female)
Genre: Junmyeon God AU; Soulmate AU; angst; fluff; one shot; junmyeon-centric?
Summary: Junmyeon was the God of the Sea, in charge of water, the god of storms and earthquakes. He was prone to anger, like the rest of his creed, and he could be cruel too, but Junmyeon was also a Guardian, who protected his brothers, who knew love towards his family. He also knew guilt, and maybe it was a mortal who would teach him forgiveness and moving on. Fate could be cruel, he knew that, but he would also learn that fate could be kind. 
 Warning: Mentions of death/drowning (OC is a mortician/undertaker)
A/N: This is inspired in part by Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. In the same universe as HONEY (EXO Yixing) and Flower (SVT Wonwoo).  It had been a while, but I’m back! :)  Let me know if you want a part 2 
Word Count: 13.8k
Aeons had passed since Junmyeon and his ten brothers came into being. Their predecessors were ancient Gods, jealous, violent and unforgiving. On Earth, they had been named the Titans by the ancient Greeks, and that was as close to the truth as they got. Yixing never revealed the full truth of their reign and their demise to his poets and his oracles. As the God of Oracles and the Arts he was tasked with keeping Junmyeon and the rest a mystery so that the full extent of their powers remained unknown. They never wanted to be worshipped, not the way the Titans had been, with blood and violence and fear in the hearts of mortals. Gods were often cruel, but they were not evil. Humans had named him Poseidon, Neptune, Morskoi, Aegir. All false names, ones they could comprehend and understand. His brothers hailed him Suho, The Guardian, one who watched over them and protected them. He was the strongest God among the eleven, but the mortals didn’t know that, and they would never find out.
It had been centuries since Junmyeon stepped onto Earth or muddled personally in human affairs, and he wished his brothers would follow suit. Fate, it seemed, had different plans for them. Gods needed love, the Fates had told him as they tied knots into the golden thread of life that belonged to Jongdae, the God of Thunder. His brother, although smaller in stature than some of the others, was quick to anger like the rest of them. Gods took time to learn, and it was time that Jongdae learned what love was.
Junmyeon remembered coming from the Sea to Olympus, to find the sky black and loud, thunder rumbled and lightning flashed above him. He could feel Jongdae’s fury, one that was unrivalled by any other God. He felt the same fury in his heart. How dare the Fates choose for them, how dare they tie their life lines as if they were mortal?
The three Fates had called them to Olympus as witnesses.
“Gods take time to learn.” The youngest of the three had spoken, looking directly into Junmyeon’s dark eyes, filled with fury, deep like the oceans over which he resided.
“Learn to love.” The middle Fate spoke, her gentle motherly hand grasped Jongdae’s. In slow motion, Junmyeon watched his brother fall to his knees, the King of the Sky reduced to a kneeling terrified man. Junmyeon would never forget the look in Jongdae’s eyes, the terror that fell over him and silenced the sky and quietened the rage was etched into his memory forever.
“Your time has started.” The oldest crone had croaked out, her hands pulling the knot tight, so that it would never be undone.
That was how their fate was sealed, starting with their most volatile brother.
Now, hundreds of years later, he was handing a golden ring, almost the same he had given Jongdae, to Yixing. His brothers watched, surprise filled their gazes as Yixing curled his hand around the little golden band, forged down below in the depths of the Sea. Yixing had learned too. Warmth had replaced rage, and the sun shone a little brighter over Olympus. None of his brothers could tell, but Junmyeon felt lighter, as if a weight lifted off his shoulders, as if he could breathe a little more air. His brother was happy, and Junmyeon could never fault him for that.
Olympus was a fortress built of white marble, a castle hidden from mortal eyes within the clouds, often shrouded in storms. Above it the vastness of the universe spread into infinities as an intricate dance of light and colour, a composition more beautiful than anything on earth, incomprehensible even to the Gods that called Olympus their home.
Baekhyun and Jongdae stood on top of the fortress walls, gazing at the sky as it turned dark with nightfall. Although Jongdae saw nothing but the sky, he waited patiently for his brother. Baekhyun was entranced, unable to keep his eyes away from whatever scenario he was currently witnessing in his mind. The God of Love often stood gazing at nothing, his presence far away from his form, looking down at the fates of mortals, overseeing falling in love as was his duty.
“Who do you see?” Jongdae asked, leaning against the white marble edge as his eyes scanned the sky, watching as moonlight broke through the thick blankets of clouds that surrounded them. His fingers played with his wedding ring, the one that Junmyeon gave to him when he received their blessing and married his wife.
“Junmyeon.” Baekhyun’s voice was a whisper, but it was loud enough for Jongdae to hear and the name had sent a chill up his spine. He recognised that feeling as fear. His hands ceased their motions and he turned to look at the God of Love.
“What?” Jongdae’s eyes were filled with fear, the same fear that Junmyeon had witnessed in his own centuries ago, when the Fates had made them all watch as they tied knots in the golden string of his fate.
“Junmyeon will learn.” Baekhyun spoke, his voice sure now, steady. His gaze had locked with his brother’s and when their dark eyes met, thunder began raging on Olympus, the same kind that raged during the first Tying.
“He will love a mortal? Give up his rage?” The God of Thunder and Lightning had seemed unconvinced by the latter. He knew Junmyeon would love. No one could deny fate, not even them, but the image of his elder, the one who ruled over them and protected them, giving up his rage and letting go of the storm was absurd. Junmyeon didn’t know how to do that.
“The sea rages regardless, so does the sky.” Baekhyun responded, pointing an accusing finger at Jongdae, and then at the clouds around them when another flash of lightning passed right by his nose.
“Will he love her?” Jongdae looked over at his brother, his fingers still twirling the golden band on his ring finger.
“I doubt the Fates have seen anything akin to this.” Baekhyun answered. He had a familiar twinkle in his eyes. The God of Love was fortunate to witness the greatest love stories as they happened and the displeasure of watching the greatest tragedies too. This twinkle, not quite jovial, and not quite the shine of unshed tears, was simply content. There was a light at the end of this story, and that gave Jongdae enough assurance to put trust in his elder.
“What is she like?” Jongdae prodded.
“She is a mortician.” Baekhyun spoke, playing with the hem of his sleeve.
“She’s like Zitao then?” Jongdae tried to joke, his voice surprisingly light-hearted compared to the look in his chocolate eyes. Baekhyun laughed weakly, the sound hollow in his chest. Zitao was the God of the Underworld, the one in charge of death. He was tall, imposing, but also often the most understanding and merciful. He saw more death than all his other brothers and that made him gentler than some. Baekhyun knew Zitao was reasonable and kind, and he hoped the woman his brother would love would also be accepting.
“Water is a deceitful thing, it gives life, it shapes the earth,” Jongdae sighed, looking out into the dark clouds, feeling the electricity in the air, but before he could finish his thought Baekhyun cut in. His sombre eyes gazed into his brothers as his lips formed into a thin line and lightning flashed behind him.
“It drowns its victims.”
Down below the water, deep within the Sea, Junmyeon ruled as King, as one of three brothers who ruled their own realms. His Sea was not the same as mortal oceans. It was an ancient realm between Olympus and the Underworld, deep and unforgiving, where everything answered to him. His realm existed just as he existed; as an in-between; a mediator. In a bubble of air at the very centre of this ancient depths, Junmyeon had built his palace, and in the deep trenches of the sea, he placed his forge. Marble halls filled with green plants, both those that grew on land and those that filled the floors of the endless ocean. Thanks to Junmyeon’s powers the kelps, seagrass and waterwheels that decorated the halls moved as if submerged in water. They danced along to the currents outside. The God of the Sea had a peaceful home, and an empty one too. Children had not graced these halls since the early days of Jongdae’s marriage centuries ago, and all his workers busied about not really paying him much attention. Everyone had their own life. Junmyeon liked it that way. This was also why he was currently pacing the main hall, stormy eyes mimicking sea currents as they gazed pointedly at the Fates that decided to visit him.
“Your time has come.” The youngest one said, twirling his golden thread between her fingers. She looked him right in the eyes, but her youthful amusement did not match his expression. He was angry, ready to create floods, ready to drown.
“My time will never come.” He had said, his eyes not meeting the three women. Although his voice carried anger, he was afraid that the ancient beings would be able to see beyond the rage. The idea that they could see his bitterness and somewhere even deeper than that, his longing, was a frightening thought.
“You cannot deny Fate. You cannot deceive us.” The oldest spoke, her croaky voice bouncing off his ears unpleasantly as it raised the hairs at the back of his neck.
“She will be miserable without you.” The middle one spoke, her voice calm and gentle, it would have reminded Junmyeon of a mother if he had one. Her voice was soothing, like a balm over a wound. Maybe, if she had continued speaking Junmyeon would have lost his will, maybe he would allow his walls and reservations come crashing down. He did not. His wounds were too deep and his walls built too high. There was no gate in them either. No Trojan horse could break him from the inside.
“Not for long.” His curt reply was icy like the blue waters of antarctica, and as he spat out his response, he could see the currents of the sea pick up ferocity in the way his plants swayed and rippled. Mortal lives were short. Even if Junmyeon never stepped foot on earth, her misery would not last long.
“You will forget how to live without her.” The youngest Fate chastised, pointing an accusatory finger with her free hand.
“You will forget how to love without her.” She added when Junmyeon did not move.
“Even your brothers.” She spoke, and although that shook him a little, Junmyeon was the Leader of the Gods, a King among them, he would not break the façade of calm fury he had assumed.
“You are already starting to.” The oldest Fate accused, her eyes falling on to the Guardian, but even her gaze could not break him.
He clenched his jaw and put his hands behind his back. Out of the scrutiny of the Fates, he let his hands shake a little, their faint trembling was a chip in his honour, a sign that they were right, that he was breaking. More than that, it was a sign that Junmyeon, the Guardian of the Gods, was breakable. Heavens forbid anyone, mortal or otherwise, found out.
“I am not.” He continued, staring right at the oldest Fate, his eyes black like a storm.
“You cannot deceive us.” She spoke and the middle Fate twisted the golden thread in her fingers and with that small movement, she sent Junmyeon to his knees.
He clutched at his heart, eyes falling shut as the pain in his heart spread through his ribcage. The knot that twined around his heart pulled, twisting the muscle, bending it out of shape. Behind his closed eyelids, Junmyeon watched his life, the empty halls of his palace, the fear and dejection in Jongdae’s eyes when he didn’t approve of his wife, the same look that graced Yixing’s face as it appeared before him. He knew his brothers had held their breath when he gave Yixing his wedding ring, he didn’t think it bothered him that much. Until now. Slowly, by denying their fate and their happiness, he was being unfair. His shortcoming and his burdens were not theirs to bare. His guilt was his alone.
They had stopped their frequent visits, reduced them to merely a few times a year. He knew Baekhyun was giving him the cold shoulder since he refused to bend to Fate, refused to accept it, and inadvertently refused his brothers greatest gift, the gift of Love. He was hurting them, just as he was hurting himself, and now, as his life twisted in the Fate’s fingertips, he was painfully aware of that. Even that though, no matter how hard it was to know, could not erase the image of tsunamis devouring the land, nor make him forget of sinking ships and the screams of those drowning under the force of the waves.
Once the pain subsided and he could open his eyes, Junmyeon saw the wrinkled face of the oldest Fate staring down at him, her eyes dark like the death she spun into their threads.
“As Gods can be cruel, so can we.” She spoke and for a brief moment the sea fell silent, all tides ceased their courses, and Junmyeon could hear the echoes of his own heart as it beat against the confines of his ribs.
“So I’ve been learning.” He grunted, rising onto his feet on wobbling legs, trying to dust off his dark blue suit.
“Where do I go?” He asked, his voice hoarse in his throat. He licked his lips in an attempt to moisten them, but to no avail as the cracks burned from his saliva.
“Forward. Your legs know where to find her, it is your destiny.” The middle Fate spoke, but just as before, it was not enough to calm his nerves. Before he could compose himself properly they were gone.
Jongdae had kept repeating one phrase over the last few centuries.
“You cannot fight Fate.” He would always say, mostly as he looked out into the sky around Olympus while twirling the unbreakable golden band on his ring finger. He said it to his wife on their wedding day, he told his children that when he was putting them to bed. Jongdae whispered those words to Junmyeon when he was stubborn. Now, Junmyeon was muttering them to himself in anger as he cut flowers and put them in the right buckets of the flower shop he was working at. Pretending to be mortal was not a favourite past time of his and although he was grateful that Kyungsoo provided him with a human life and a job, he would rather not have ever set foot here. He did his job flawlessly, out of respect for the nature that Kyungsoo was the God of, and out of respect for Baekhyun, to whom he promised to try and find love. His usually mischievous brother ended up crying into his shoulder as he gave Junmyeon his blessings, but he didn’t mind. A few drops of water would never harm him, but they did make this decision easier.
The bell at the door chimed, rousing Junmyeon from his task. He peaked out from behind the stand, his eyes landing on a mortal woman. She wore a black dress with sheer back tights, black heels and her hair in a tight bun at the back of her head. A single silver hairpin gleamed in her hair in the shape of a water lily. Her eyes, blue and deep like ocean depths fell onto Junmyeon. She gave him a small smile, trying to be polite as she walked through the shop and to where he was standing, currently tending to a bucket of white chrysanthemums.
“How may I help?” Junmyeon asked, putting the pair of scissors he was holding away onto the counter behind him. His heart, which had been still during the last few centuries, was currently beating faster than it had ever beaten before, his blood, red and hot, pumped through his arteries with a force he could feel beneath his skin.
“Hello, I’m here to collect an order for Haven Family Funeral Home.” Her voice was even, unwavering. She gazed straight into his eyes, her deep blue a match for his deep brown, both filled with the force of a storm.
“The wreaths, and the white lilies?” He asked, remembering that there was only one delivery today, and that it was for a local funeral home. Kyungsoo had told him to be respectful to their workers as the community respected them.
“Yes.” The woman nodded, and Junmyeon’s breath caught in his throat, the oxygen not reaching his lungs as they burned for air. Even Gods had to breathe, but she was making it extremely hard for him right now. She smelled like fresh linen and dust, a strange mixture, but one he could understand. Zitao smelled of dust too, there was something about being in a place that meant endings that made it feel stagnant, as if no one and no thing wanted to move, because moving on was hard. No one wanted to do the hard things, no one wanted to say goodbye, but fate and life didn’t care what one wanted. Death came for all and Fate was inescapable.
“I’ll be right back.” He said, before disappearing at the back of the shop. There, once he was away from the eyes of the mortal woman, he fell. Onto his knees, onto the wooden floor, a God reduced to a man in pain. His heart banged against his ribs like an animal in a cage way too small for its size. It wanted to grow, extend beyond Junmyeon’s understanding. The muscle that stayed silent for millennia was now breaking free and his mind was reeling. It was on that very floor, somewhere on Earth, surrounded by gardening equipment, that the King of the Sea, the God of Water started the hardest lesson of his life.
After a moment, reluctantly, Junmyeon picked himself off the floor, dusting his black suit trousers, to pick up the wreaths and lilies the woman was waiting for. When he came out from the back room, Junmyeon was pale as a sheet, but his cheeks coloured a vibrant red as his heart continued its pounding.
“I’ll take them to your car.” He told her, trying to be nice, trying to make a good first impression. It took him only one look to know you were the one he was destined for. The golden thread of his life had twisted around his heart, locking it in place, forcing warmth to bloom in the cold cavity of his chest.
“Thank you,” She replied, looking into his eyes before they fell down onto the nametag attached to his shirt. “Junmyeon.”
The way her tongue twisted around the syllables and the way the sound resonated through him made his heart skip a beat and he wondered, when Baekhyun named his cherubs, did they too, feel such warmth when their names fell from his lips?
He walked behind her as she led him to her car and opened the boot for him. Once he placed the green wreaths and while lilies into the car, laying them flat so that they wouldn’t get squashed during the ride, he straightened and his eyes caught the black mark on the mortal’s wrist. The black ink spelled out the Chinese character for water, shui. His symbol, unbeknownst to her, stained her skin out of her own will. Fates apparently did have a sense of humour, or maybe they truly picked out the perfect person for him. Junmyeon shook his head, reminding himself she wasn’t his. She was mortal, she would live here and die here, and Junmyeon could not bring himself to take her away. Mortals had lives here, people they loved, people that loved them. They had pets and plants and dreams, and none of them involved him. They shouldn’t. He didn’t want to take her away from a life, her life, one she seemed content with, even if it was just on the surface. Junmyeon wasn’t that cruel.
“Shui?” He asked, the word falling from his lips, familiar like the back of his hand, like the very essence of his being.
“It means water.” She said, for lack of better response. They were both aware he knew the meaning but allowed her to say it anyway.
“I know.” He nodded, his eyes now scanning her face, subtly falling onto the curves of her lips, red like the blood pumping in her arteries. Red like the blood that was made up of water, water that called to him, that knew him.
“May I ask why?” He asked, no longer trying to keep his distance. Curiosity killed the cat, or so the tale went and Junmyeon was not impervious to its allure. Curiosity was what got him here, along with Baekhyun’s tears that soaked his shirt.
“Water is the beginning of life, the very possibility of living. It’s a good thing.” The woman answered, her hand rubbing along the strokes of the character, the black ink made more vivid under her fingertips.
“Is it?” Junmyeon asked. Was water truly this wonderful, worthy of tattooing the word onto your skin? Was it truly this life-giving, when it could also take it away, when it could destroy? Junmyeon was well acquainted with its darker side, familiar with the rage boiling under his skin.
“Living?” She asked, her incredulous eyes boring into his. A kind smile stretched her lips gently, without quite reaching her eyes.
He nodded, his eyes falling onto the pavement. He didn’t want her to see the storm that raged in his irises, the brown mixing with black, crashing against each other like waves. His inner turmoil was not meant for mortal eyes.
“I think so.” She replied, and although she never reached out and touched him, he felt comforted. The mortals didn’t hate him, because they didn’t know of him, didn’t know he was the one responsible for sinking ships and raging hurricanes.
“Are you a regular?” He asked. He promised Baekhyun he would try his best, and Junmyeon kept his promises.
“I am.”
“See you soon then.” He smiled, and she smiled back, her hands holding onto her car keys, reminding him he couldn’t keep her waiting.
“Same time next week.” She told him, swaying on the balls of her feet.
“I’m Evangeline by the way.” She introduced herself, sticking a hand out for him to shake. Kyungsoo had told him it was a greeting, so he extended his own hand, clasping her small one in his larger one, allowing her to shake it twice, a smile decorated her lips. This time it reached her eyes, and he though they were like still water, reflecting the storm in his.
“I’m Junmyeon, but you already know that.” He smiled, his own smile was weak, but Junmyeon had meant it, and he hoped she would understand. Her hand was warm in his, making his heart skip a beat in its attempt to escape his ribs to be closer to her. He watched her leave and once she did, Junmyeon could not help the rain that fell onto his cheeks like hot tears. As she left, the God of Water began his first lesson in love; falling.
Exactly a week had passed. Seven days, Junmyeon had waited for the mortal woman to return to the florist, where Kyungsoo had given him a mortal life, all so that he could appease the Fates, all so that he wouldn’t break the promises he made to Baekhyun. All seven days were wasted on looking after the flowers. He cut the stems to equal lengths and he changed the water in the buckets. Junmyeon wondered what the mortal woman was doing. Evangeline was a mortician. He looked at death the same way Zitao did. Every day, he faced what all his other brothers were reluctant to. Every day Zitao did the gruelling work of judging souls, bringing peace to the suffering, easing the pains of the sick and hungry, bringing those whose strings had been cut into his realm, giving their souls a new home. Zitao did it all without complaint, did it all because he was kind, because he understood death, was familiar with endings. He wondered whether Evangeline was like that too. Was she kind? Did she know death like the back of her hand, looking it in the eyes day after day, unfaltering, with the same kind eyes she offered Junmyeon when they met? He knew she was strong. Not even Gods could look at death and carry on living.
Seven days Suho, the King of Sea, waited for a mortal woman who lived with death, and finally on the seventh day, just as he cut the last of the roses to equal length, the bell at the door chimed and she entered, clad in all black with her hair in a tight bun with a silver water lily pin keeping it together. This time, black leather gloves adorned her hands hiding the tattoo of water away from Junmyeon’s prying eyes. She had given him the same small smile as before, but her eyes shone like precious stones in the shop lights, tiredness danced in them like gentle currents. Junmyeon smiled back, his smile brighter than before, as he left all he was doing and grabbed the order of white lilies from behind the counter.
“More white lilies.” He informed her, watching as Evangeline walked over to where he was standing. Today, she was wearing a black coat over a white button up with a slim black tie. It was evident she had acted as a funeral attendant today. Her shoulders slumped lightly, and Junmyeon could see she was tired.
“Thank you.” She responded, giving him a small smile as she took the flowers from him. Her fingers brushed against his, sending a shock of electrifying warmth up his arm. The hair on her arms rose, her heart beating a little faster at their proximity. It was no secret Junmyeon was handsome, but more than that, Junmyeon seemed serious, and she had never thought that was a bad trait. Serious often went hand in hand with honest, and she wanted honesty above all else. Real love could not be built on lies.
“Would you like to get coffee later?” He asked, trying his best to be brave, trying to keep his promises.
“Sure.” Evangeline answered, her eyes gazing into his, “I finish at five.”
“So do I. I know a good coffee place.” He smiled.
“I’ll take your word for it.” She answered, the lilies in her hands were a stark contrast against her dark clothes as she held them closer to her chest, trying to keep her heart steady.
“See you later, Evangeline.” His voice was barely above a whisper, and despite the sudden chill that travelled up her spine, she could hear the fear in his voice, see the uncertainty brewing like a storm in his eyes as they darkened.
“Goodbye Junmyeon.” She whispered, unafraid. She had no reason to be.
He watched her retreating figure leave the store, and once she was out of his sight, Junmyeon slumped against the counter, his hand clutching his chest, where his heart resided.
As soon as the door closed, as soon as she was out of his sight, Junmyeon ran. He ran to the back of the shop, straight into Kyungsoo’s office, where he was currently playing with the leaves of a spider plant. When he noticed his brother at the door, he stopped, motioning for Junmyeon to sit. Suho’s wide eyes brewed with a storm, his shoulders rolling like a hurricane across land. With wild eyes, the Guardian of the Gods asked for his help, turning to the God of Harvest and the Earth for guidance. Junmyeon had always considered Kyungsoo as reasonable, someone who could provide solutions.
“So you are going for coffee?” His brother asked, his large owl-like eyes gazed at him gleaming with mirth.
“Is that bad?” Junmyeon asked. He had never been on a mortal date. At least not a modern one. All of his brothers had once taken human lovers, ones they lusted over, ones they toyed with. Never ones they loved. Love was not a feeling they felt towards humanity, love was reserved for the bonds of family and loyalty between them. That was all.
“No, that’s actually very good.” Kyungsoo spoke, his hands fiddling again with the green narrow leaves of the spider plant.
“How do you know?” Junmyeon narrowed his eyes at his younger brother.
“Baekhyun’s little messengers come to me too often.” He sighed, eyes distant as he thought about all the times Baekhyun’s love messengers forced their way into his office, trying to appease him with cups of herbal tea.
“They like you because you don’t tease them.” Junmyeon patted him on his back, fully aware that the younger gods teased them endlessly.
“Never mind that. Think about what you should do after this coffee.” Kyungsoo straightened up, his plush lips now set in a straight line, his bright eyes darkened into a serious expression.
“Like what?”
“Like a real mortal date.” Kyungsoo clarified, looking pointedly at his elder.
“I’m not a mortal.” Junmyeon’s eyes darkened, the hurricane in them picked up ferocity.
“You don’t want another date?” Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, disbelief painting his usually stoic features.
“I don’t want to muddle in mortal lives.” Now, with the Fates muddling into the affairs of gods and mortals, love was something else, something more. Junmyeon did not appreciate the Fates trying to make him mellow, he had given up enough rage, he had taken on responsibilities that made his shoulders bow with their weight. Why could it not be carefree Chanyeol who caused fires, or Baekhyun who had dreamed of it since the birth of humanity? Why could it not be Kyungsoo, with his big eyes and earth-stained fingers, who had spent more time among mortals than the rest of them? Why did it have to Suho?
“As Gods can be cruel, so can we.” He recalled the Fates’ words, remembered the chill that went up his spine, the ghost of which was now crawling the ladder of his vertebrae so it could settle against his skull, ring like a bell in his ears.
“Our pasts are long gone, mortals don’t believe in them anymore. Or in us.” Kyungsoo’s wistful voice rumbled in baritone through the room, and Junmyeon could have sworn that his brother made the room shake.
“It’s time Junmyeon.” He spoke, his voice deep like the earth and warm as his eyes looked at his brother. His hand went to hold Junmyeon’s, and that gesture, bold in comparison to the gentle affection Kyungsoo usually preferred, was reassuring. Maybe that was what a mother’s embrace felt like, Junmyeon wondered. He allowed himself the liberty to squeeze back. Finally, Junmyeon had found the rock upon which his waves could crash, and he was glad it had been Kyungsoo who caught him, who was steady so that he could break.
“What should I do?” He asked, and Kyungsoo didn’t waste many words, for it was not his nature. His answer was short, but it was enough.
The coffee shop in front of which they met looked more like a greenhouse than a place serving food. Green areca palms were tall, spreading their thin leaves wide. Ficus plants stood like little trees beside the expensive brown leather couches in front of low dark wood tables. Small potted plants stood on windowsills and on plant stands in white ceramic pots. It was a pretty shop, one that Evangeline could see herself sitting in for hours.
Junmyeon smiled at the woman sitting in front of him. He could feel the strings around his heart pull and tug, trying to force him closer in an attempt to break the distance between them. The tugging was futile, as Junmyeon decided to keep his distance, watching as Evangeline’s red painted lips pressed against the white cup filled with espresso. Her black blouse was untied, the silk ribbons that would have been a bow before, now hung loosely exposing her collarbones and the expanse of her neck.
“This is a nice coffee shop.” She spoke, looking around at the plants surrounding their table.
“I didn’t lie.” Junmyeon smiled, his storm filled eyes never left her face, and his heart calmed when she caught his eyes. If he was filled with a storm, she was the opposite. Like calm waters, her eyes washed over him, surveying his relaxed form, watching as his fingers tapped ancient rhythms into his thigh.
“You didn’t.” She admitted. Her smile was bright, her eyes did not weaver from his as she held his gaze.
Junmyeon had ordered himself a cappuccino. He knew about coffee thanks to his brother’s Minseok’s love for the human beverage. It only took Minseok one trip to Venice, sometime in the 17th century, before he was in love and Jongdae’s wife once told Junmyeon that Minseok looked at a cup of coffee the same way Jongdae looked at her. Junmyeon wondered if the Fates would pair Minseok with the heir of Lavazza.
“How long have you worked at the funeral home?” He asked, wanting to know more about the mortal. If Fate wanted this, who was he to fight? If Fate dictated his, could Junmyeon truly resist? Jongdae and Yixing couldn’t escape, and he had a feeling neither could he.
“I’ve worked as an embalmer for three years now. I spent a year at the crematory.” She took a sip out of her cup.
“All for the same funeral home?” Junmyeon was intrigued. He had tried to avoid death, spent the last three thousand years as far away as possible. He kept his rage simmering, or at least tried to. Gods were volatile, and when they burst mortals suffered.
“Yeah. I like my co-workers and their values.” Evangeline nodded, eyes staring at him as he relaxed into the couch.
“Have you been a florist for a long time?” She asked in return, and Junmyeon had to remember that this was an exchange, ironically a one-sided exchange. Every word that came out of his mouth was a half-truth, a white lie to not give away much about himself.
He felt his heart constrict and the air leave his lungs, the familiar discomfort of guilt crawled its way languidly out of his stomach where he had buried it.
“A fair bit. I stopped counting how long.” He answered. Looking nonchalant and confident, he smiled at the woman in front of him. His arm rested on the plush leather armrest whilst his other hand played with the white ceramic of his coffee cup.
“Well, you must either love it or hate it then.” Evangeline laughed. Junmyeon had looked so serious, his eyes lost somewhere far away. She reasoned that if she had loved doing something, she would stop counting too. In the case that she hated every day of work, no longer counting would have been a reprieve. How could you continue living a life you hated if you knew how long you still have left? She didn’t want to even consider such a life. Evangeline was fortunate.
“How so?” Junmyeon asked, focusing on her, watching as she leaned closer towards the table, closer towards him. Among the warm tones of roasted coffee he could smell jasmine flowers, sweet and fragrant as they hung in the air. He wanted to continue breathing it in, wondering what he smelled like to mortals.
“You don’t strike me as someone old enough to stop counting years spent in industry.” Evangeline smiled, allowing Junmyeon to catch her eyes. He held her in his stare. The dark in his eyes was endless, and she felt herself tip over the edge of this unknown abyss.
“Why not?” Junmyeon’s voice was low and she felt the low rumble course through her.
“I believe I have lived long enough for numbers to be arbitrary.” He tilted his head, not breaking eye contact. He found he like the way she looked at him, her eyes swimming with questions and her lips trying to curl around unspoken words as she contemplated which ones should be voiced.
“How old are you?”
“How old do I look?” He smiled. Junmyeon could not guess how old he looked to mortals. Many things had changed since he came down to Earth. Civilisations rose and fell, people changed too, they changed clothes, the way they cut their hair, the way they spoke. Everything was different.
“You look about my age.” Evangeline answered, her eyes falling onto Junmyeon’s face. His strong brows and serious eyes told her he was mature, but his gentle features and golden skin didn’t show the effects of time on his complexion. She thought he was handsome, but she would not date to say it out loud.
“I’m thirty-one.” Junmyeon lied, his stomach twisting uncomfortably. He and Kyungsoo worked out a suitable mortal age for him before he came down to Earth, something old enough to allow for maturity and young enough to not attract scrutiny.
“I’m twenty-eight.” Evangeline answered, and Junmyeon could hardly comprehend how young she was compared to him. She was so young, she had seen so little compared to his brothers.
Twenty-eight years was a spec of dust in the lives of the Gods. He had lived four thousand years and half of that he spent living in chaos.
“I think I would like to know you better.” He told her sincerely. It was one of the only whole truths that passed his lips this evening and it felt good not lying to her.
“I like that too.”
Hours later, when it was time to finally part, they had looked once more in each other’s eyes, his a dark raging tempest; hers a brewing storm. Slowly, as if not to frighten him, Evangeline approached his towering figure, and pressed her lips into Junmyeon’s. The kiss was warm, and Junmyeon stood there as if carved out of marble, unmoving. Before he could react, reciprocate the small gesture, Evangeline had pulled away. Her bright red lips curved into a little smile and she waved him goodbye before disappearing into the crowd of mortals mingling about the street. Junmyeon watched her go, like a splash of black ink rolling through clear water until it diffused into nothing.
As Evangeline walked, she could not help but breathe deeply, not able to get the smell of sea breeze out of her nose, like the seaside after a storm. She turned her head to look back, catching Junmyeon’s eyes for one more second. Her blood rushed through her ears, imitating the sound of waves crashing against the shore.
Days passed in pleasant monotone. The new routine Junmyeon had built was broken only by occasional messages from Evangeline. The moment Junmyeon set foot on Earth Kyungsoo handed him a mobile phone and told him to figure it out. It had taken three of Baekhyun’s love messengers and a storm rolling towards the country and crushing against the southern shore for Junmyeon to learn to call and text. He still had no idea about what the Cherubs, as Baekhyun had decided to affectionately call them, referred to as Internet and he was not keen on learning either. Kyungsoo had mentioned that he does not use it either and since then Junmyeon refused help with it.
Evangeline soon learnt that Junmyeon was a lot more confident answering calls than texting. He had even taken the initiative to ask her on a date. He never mentioned where they were going, so just in case she had eaten before she left. They met in city centre, just outside the main government administrative building.
“What are we doing today?” She asked, looking up at the man as he led her through the streets.
“We are going to an Aquarium.” He answered and Evangeline could not help but feel relief at the idea.
“Right.” She nodded, falling in step with him as he lead the way to the large modern structure across the bridge.
“Do you like marine animals?” Evangeline asked, wondering why he would suggest such a unorthodox place. She was not complaining though, she had not been to the aquarium since she was little. It would be nice to visit it again.
“I love all marine life.” Junmyeon smiled, looking over at her. His eyes held a warmth in them that she hadn’t seen before. The serious, heavy atmosphere that usually surrounded Junmyeon and all of their conversations was gone. Evangeline could have sworn the man was practically gliding across the pavement, his legs light and his spirits lifted.
Once they had made it inside, Junmyeon had taken the liberty to hold her hand. Sometime after purchasing tickets he managed to slip his fingers through hers, intertwining their hands. His large hand was warm and comforting against her palm. A part of Junmyeon wanted to break all the glass here and let these fish and marine mammals and other creatures, all equally dear to him, all necessary, back to where they belonged. He knew it was unfeasible. Humans had an aptitude for destroying things, one that could rival the Gods, one that did affect the reals which they ruled. Humans had destroyed the habitats these living creatures belonged in, or they were in the process of destroying them. Humans knew like no other creature on Earth how to lay waste to ruin. They were masters of the craft. Some cared. Some looked at these creatures and felt the same rage simmer in their blood as him, some did all they could to preserve these creatures. Some of these humans even worked here. Junmyeon wanted to burst at the seams with rage, but the small hand clutching onto his was an anchor. It kept him in place, it reminded him why he didn’t meddle despite his desires, even the righteous ones.
Evangeline watched him from the corner of her eyes. When she saw another deep breath find a home in Junmyeon’s lungs she let her thumb caress the back of his hand, rubbing soothing circles over the smooth skin. Her eyes fell onto the brightly coloured fish in their tanks and she watched with awe as they swam between the vegetation.
“What is this?” She asked, pointing at the yellow fish, coloured like sunflower petals.
“Who.” Junmyeon corrected her, forgetting for a moment that he was pretending to be mortal. He had become comfortable by her side, Evangeline still rubbed circles at the back of his hand and each one was sending currents of electricity through his nerves, casing his blood to rush faster through his veins.
“That’s a Yellow Tang.” He pointed at the same small yellow fish she had.
“That’s a butterfly fish.” He pointed at another one as it swam to the front. It had stayed in front of Evangeline and Junmyeon had to remember to blink as he peered at the little fellow. She’s mine. He scrunched up his nose and the Yellow Tang swam away to hide behind some growing seaweed. There were benefits to being the God of the Sea and one of them was stopping marine life from ogling your girlfriend. What a life he was living.
“And this one is a Gobie.” He pointed at another fish as it swam towards them, passing Junmyeon to once more stay in Evangeline’s line of sight. Junmyeon shook his head in disbelief.
“That’s a clown fish, and the other one is Royal Blue Tang.” They passed onto another tank now and Junmyeon’s heart skipped a beat when Evangeline jumped excitedly as she peered into the green vegetation. From between the greenery swaying lightly in the currents generated by the water filter peeked a few little orange fish, their white stripes lined with black. Three deep blue fish, slightly bigger than them swam in front of the glass, waving their yellow fins and swaying their yellow tails.
“It’s Nemo and Dory.” Evangeline pointed at the Clown fish and then at the Royal Blue Tang. Junmyeon watched her, not understanding what she meant.
“Who?” He asked, eyebrows raised and wondering how she could possibly know their names.
“Have you never seen Finding Nemo?” She had looked at him with wide eyes, not believing what she heard. Junmyeon was tuck like a deer in the headlines. This was one these mortal things he didn’t understand and doubted he ever would.
“Finding who?” He repeated, still as confused as before. Evangeline straightened up, looking him in the eyes she smiled.
“I know what we are doing next.” She announced, before moving to the next tank.
Two hours passed in complete comfort as Junmyeon wondered the aquarium, Evangeline’s hand leaving his only in the small giftshop at the end of their trip. She had went and bought something small when he wasn’t looking, before taking his hand again.
“I got this for you.” She opened the little gift envelope, before taking out something small and shiny.
“Thank you.” Junmyeon took it from her. It seemed so small between his fingers. A small enamel badge gleamed in his hand, it was a little Royal Blue Tang.
“May I?” Evangeline asked, taking the little pin from between his fingers. Her fingers brushed against his and a current shot through their fingers, making their hearts beat faster. The golden thread keeping his heart prisoner tightened around the muscle, reminding him of the fate that bound them together.
“Of course.” He managed to tell her, his eyes creasing into half moons as he smiled, his cheeks rounding. She smiled back, fingers threading through his navy suit jacket to attach the little fish to the collar. Evangeline smoothed out the non-existent creases with her hands. Before she could retreat them, Junmyeon caught one of her hands in his, threading his fingers through hers. Joined this way, the continued walking.
The few days between their meetings had given Junmyeon time to resume his duties as a god. He allowed the tides to bash against the shores with new strength, waves beating against sand and rock and land, carving out new shapes and paths in their wake, creating and destroying all at once. Suho spun the typhoons and derechos away from the sea and towards the land, letting rain and sea water carve into the islands and continents. Nature had to run its course, whether people liked it or not, whether Junmyeon wanted it or not. Balance was essential. Balance was their friend and foe and duty. Junmyeon relished in the sound of waves crashing against the shore, he breathed in the fresh air, filled with storms and violence. His deep eyes, matching the dark waters crashing into land, scanned the horizon, his hair was tussled by the winds as he took in the force of his power, finally feeling what mortals knew since the beginning of their creed.
Electrifying, that was the way she would have described him had she been present. Magnetic and terrifying would also work if Evangeline could look into his eyes right now. Their softness was gone, replaced with something hard and serious. Duty or power, or maybe both, had made him harsh again, and it was this harshness, like a typhoon, that welcomed her when she visited the flower shop.
"Is everything alright?" The words flew out of her mouth faster than she could think, and her hands had reached for him out of their own volition, gentle in the way they cradled his cheek.
"I suppose so." Junmyeon spoke, his voice thunderous and cacophonous like crashing tides. He let his arms fall around Evangeline's waist, firm and sure in their hold. Junmyeon was meant to be the secure brother, the one sure of his standing, the one whose decisions are always executed, his words final. He had made his decision among the crashing hurricanes. Love was a force equal to his own, and he would not fight it. Evangeline was kind and mortal, but she would endure his love. She had seen death and continued living, continued being kind. That was more than Junmyeon could say for himself. He would give up his rage. He would transform it.
"You look different." She whispered, eyes falling from his hardened eyes to pursed lips.
"How so?" He looked down, feeling his true form peak through the mortal disguise.
"Like you're angry." She whispered again. It was quieter than before, more unsure.
"I'm not angry." He told her, turning his head enough to lay a kiss on her open palm as it still pressed against his cheek. The smooth skin was warm against him, comforting.
"Let me buy you dinner." He offered. Evangeline nodded her head, her perfectly red lips stretching into a smile. Junmyeon thought she would make a beautiful bride, dressed in white instead of black, holding flowers meant for the living. Reluctantly, he gave her white lilies and watched her walk out of the shop. Duty called, and Junmyeon understood very well what it meant to answer it. Love was a duty too, he thought, and Junmyeon was no longer afraid.
Later in the week they ended up in Evangeline’s home, curled up on the sofa as Finding Nemo played from her tv.
“These fish talk?” Junmyeon asked, eyeing the screen as the two clownfish, a dad and his son, argued about swimming.
“It’s an animation.” Evangeline laughed, watching as Junmyeon refused to take his eyes off the screen, gaze trailing behind the bright orange little fish as Nemo made his way to school for the first time.
“They are not real?” Junmyeon sounded incredulous. She wondered if he was one of those weird types whose parents never allowed cartoons.
“Are humans really that evil? Why do they take these creatures from their homes?” Junmyeon had cuddled up to her as the film progressed, angry at the way humans had separated the family. He had always known humans were cruel like that, but watching it on screen as it unfolded, knowing that the mortals knew what they were doing, was unbearable.
“Humans tend to take the things they think are pretty for themselves.” Evangeline answered him, her fingers running through Junmyeon's dark hair. His head had fallen into her lap and she enjoyed the comfort they have settled into.
“I can’t say I don’t understand, but I think by now they should know better.” He spoke, and she nodded along.
“We should.”
The film passed in silence. Junmyeon ended up too invested in it to speak, and when Nemo and his dad finally reunited, Evangeline could feel something wet soak through her pyjama bottoms.
“He finally found him.” Junmyeon whispered. She could see him wipe away a stray tear from his eyes with his sleeve.
“Do you want a hug?” She asked, stopping the gentle movement of her fingers through his hair to allow him to sit up.
“Yes.” He said, but instead of falling into being the small spoon he cradled her in his arms trailing kisses through her hair. She let him, closing her eyes when his hands came to rub soothing circles over her back.
"There is also Finding Dory." She whispered, eyes twinkling in amusement as Junmyeon stilled.
"Maybe next time." His voice came out a little hoarse, and she laughed lightly, turning to press a kiss against his lips.
Mortified. The mortal word felt adequate in describing how Junmyeon was feeling right now. Baekhyun and some of his little love messengers sat at his table at the coffee shop down the street from Kyungsoo's shop. Sipping on his coffee, Baekhyun kept giving him mischievous smiles as he winked at him over the rim of his cup. The love messengers laughed at his predicament, finding his powerlessness amusing.
“You cried watching a children animation?” Baekhyun asked when Junmyeon finished telling his story.
“It was about fish! What could I have done?” The God of Sea tried defending himself. The wellbeing of those who live in the sea was always a touchy subject for him. It was no wonder then, why he had allowed his emotions to show.
“You could have tried to look cool.” One of the love messengers supplemented as he drank his coffee.
“I think it is good he cried.” Another one chimed in. Honestly, Junmyeon didn't know their names that well. A new one was born when Baekhyun felt like it, and Baekhyun expressed his feelings more than any other brother of his did.
“He seems more human that way.” Baekhyun nodded along, his eyes surveying Junmyeon as he allowed some of his godly power to seep through. Rage lit in his eyes. Baekhyun could swear he saw a hurricane swirl in his irises and could hear waves crash when he spoke again.
"I'm not human."
“She’ll like you more now.” Baekhyun chastised. It wasn't like him to scold Junmyeon like that, but sometimes his brothers needed reminders. Love was a gift. A gift from him, and he took his gift giving very seriously.
“She’d like him anyway, its destiny.” Kyungsoo's voice rang out behind them, and the messengers scrambled off their couch to offer space to the Earth God.
“You should kiss her next time.” He said when he sat down, his brown eyes soft but his expression was firm.
“Yeah, snog her.” Baekhyun cheered, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“Feel some eros for her, show her some eros.” The god of love raised his eyebrows at him, sending a cheeky wink Suho's way.
“I thought I should be feeling a different type of love.” He spoke, raising his cup to his lips, allowing the hot bitter liquid to slide down his throat. He preferred godly nectar, but down on Earth coffee was sufficient.
“Don’t lecture me about love.” Baekhyun spoke, and the ground beneath them shook with the force of his power. Junmyeon's heart skipped a beat as he was reminded just how much power his brother possessed, even over them- those both angry and immortal.
Evangeline was kind. He knew that early on. Evangeline was brave and she endured, he knew that too. Evangeline was only mortal, fragile and flawed and empathetic. She was vulnerable. He was witnessing this first hand now.
He found her weeping on the kitchen floor. She had called him twenty minutes prior asking him to come see her. Junmyeon heard the break in her voice and wasted no time. She was still wearing her black coat, her loafers were still on her feet. She had decided to curl into a ball beside the kitchen cabinets.
With slow, deliberate steps, Junmyeon walked across the kitchen, he sunk to his knees beside her and waited.
"Thank you." She whispered when Evangeline looked up. Junmyeon's breath caught in his throat before he moved to sit beside her on the tiled floor. Evangeline rested her head on his shoulder. He took the opportunity to intertwine their fingers, placing her hand in his lap. With slow, deliberate movements he turned his head, and placed a gentle kiss in her hairline, allowing her to burrow into the crook of his neck. Her tears begun to flow again, warm and wet against his skin as they seeped through his shirt. He didn't mind. Water was his domain, water was him; and yet his heart broke that it flowed from her eyes, rendered her small and broken.
"Do you want to tell me what is wrong?" Suho asked, his voice small as he held Evangeline in his arms.
"They drowned." The words came out as a whisper. For a moment, Suho's heart stopped. He knew by now that some days this job was harder than others. He knew that there were days when Evangeline broke down at the smallest thing; completely overwhelmed. This would pass, she knew this too.
"In the sea?" He asked, afraid of looking down at her. He felt her nod. They lived in a seaside town. It was not unusual this time of year, it didn't make it any less tragic.
Guilt ate at him. He had stayed far away from humans for so long, commanded the seas and waters of the Earth from far away. He made his rule impersonal. Now, with her in his arms he was faced once more with the consequences of his powers. Old ghosts came out to haunt him, blame him for tragedies long forgotten. It ate away at him, dulling the hurricanes in his soul, slowing the waves in their path. Was this what the Fates wanted? Was it his turn to confront his ghosts? Fate is cruel, he thought. Fate is cruel, he breathed, and placed a tender kiss in Evangeline's hair, smoothing down the strands with his hand, letting her warm up in his embrace. Like a gentle summer stream, Junmyeon flowed, enveloping her in safety, tenderly.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"I'm so, so sorry." He looked into her eyes, glossy with tears, as his blurred with the images of old ghosts. For a moment he remembered every ship that sunk in his rage, every lover who took their last breath in the murky waters of his kingdom, every echo of prayers sent his way to bring those lost back to shore prayed too late.
"It's not your fault." Evangeline rose from his shoulder, cradling his face in her hands. Junmyeon grabbed onto them like a lifeline, like an anchor he was afraid would rise too fast.
"It is." His tone was serious, darker. Godliness shone through him, waves crashed in his irises.
"I am the god of Water, King of Seas."
"Poseidon." He punctuated every letter.
"Aegir." his voice was not loud, but it crashed through the space between them like waves against cliff faces. Forceful and final.
"Call me by any name, I have created them all." He whispered, almost ashamed.
"I am water." He spoke. Not once did he waver. He did not smile, his eyes didn't twinkle. His brows set over his features unmoving, his lips were like stone, features unmoving.
"And water drowns its victims." His eyes darkened, and he could no longer hold her hand.
Evangeline pulled away, her head shaking lightly as she searched Junmyeon's eyes for any hint of jest. She couldn't find any.
"No, Junmyeon." Breath caught in her throat and her voice cracked when she said his name.
"I'm sorry." He reached his hand out towards the kitchen sink above them, and with a flick of his wrist the water flowed from the pipes. With another twist of his hand it flew through the air, a thousand droplets filled the air, suspended and still. Light passed through them like through a chandelier. The room filled with golden rays. In any other circumstance Evangeline would have thought the sight to be magical, beautiful. Now she found it horrid, frightening.
The man she loved wasn't a man at all. He was something else, something unknown.
"Get out." The words punctured the air. Junmyeon forgot how to breathe.
"Get out." Evangeline repeated, pushing him away. The sudden touch caught him off guard. He lost all concentration. Thousand droplets fell around them, crashing against tiles and furniture as rain does against pavements.
Soaked, Evangeline shook, her whole body trembling as she made her way to her feet.
Slowly, Junmyeon rose from his seat on the floor. Not wanting to cause her further distress, he avoided her eyes as he walked out of the apartment. The only sound that carried through the air were his shoes against the wet floor.
Once he was in the corridor, out from Evangeline's line of sight, he heard a muffled crash. Silence. Then the sobs.
He took a deep breath, tears clouded his vision, and for the first time in over a thousand years, the God of Water, King of Seas, let himself cry.
With one last step he collapsed outside of his underwater halls, right by the throne surrounded by channels of sea water and crashing waves. Power had carried him to the safely of his home.
"We told you, Raging Tide." The Fates echoed through the Halls.
"To love is to hurt." Their voice rung out, thunderous and eternal as Junmyeon knelt at their feet.
A day passed by. Then another. Junmyeon had gained a new companion in that time. Fear was a new friend, or maybe a fiend as it stole his sleep and took his will.
He remembered what the Fates had predicted the first time they came to his Halls under the Oceans.
"You will forget how to live without her."
Their words seemed truer now than ever.
Junmyeon's thoughts were broken when his name rung out, bright and clear through the air.
"Suho!" His brother paced through the hall towards him.
"Baekhyun." He greeted, allowing the God of Love to hold him at arms length as he spoke. Baekhyun's usual light smile and twinkling eyes were replaced with worry. His coat was soaked by the roaring tides that crashed through Junmyeon's palace every once in a while. He must have gone down the wrong corridor when he went searching for him.
"Go to her." Baekhyun wasted no time in getting to the point. Junmyeon had promised his brother that he would not reject his greatest gift, but right now, more than ever Junmyeon wanted nothing to do with Love, nor with Fate.
"She does not want me to come." He spoke plainly, placing his hands behind his back as he tried to turn away.
"If you don't go now, you will truly lose her." Baekhyun admonished, making Junmyeon face him properly and look into his eyes.
"I made a mistake." The God of Water spoke. Behind him, Baekhyun could hear another wave crash through the marble halls.
"Then apologise." It was simple, a mortal solution that could remedy everything. Even to gods such as them it was hard. Apologise were difficult, no matter how many aeons one lived.
"There are no words adequate for her." Junmyeon turned his eyes way from the scrutiny of his brother. How could he apoligise? What words should he use. All languages of the Earth, alive or dead, did not have the vocabulary to describe his deep sorrow, to put his guilt into something tangible and explainable.
"You can't know until you try." Baekhyun pressed further, his hands no longer resting on his brother's shoulders. He gripped Junmyeon by the elbow, preventing him from moving away, from fleeing.
"Love hurts." Junmyeon muttered, allowing a new darkness to settle over him.
"Love heals too." Baekhyun spoke, sure of the fact that if his brother tried, he could find the right words. Happiness was so close, Baekhyun could taste it on the tip of his tongue. All Junmyeon needed to do was reach out.
"Go." He nudged Junmyeon one more time. A moment passed, and then Junmyeon's hard eyes settled on his. Junmyeon nodded, wordless and encompassing.
In a blink of an eye, he was gone and Baekhyun gripped empty air where he once stood.
Evangeline had spent the last two night crying, trying to dry her kitchen and her tears. Still, she found spots of dampness that reminded her that Junmyeon was a god. Junmyeon whom she loved, who she sought out in the night, who slept beside her and who smiled at her over bouquets of white lilies as if they were not meant for funerals.
She stood at the sink, watching water drip from the tap, remembering the way Junmyeon moved, the way he commanded it, the way it fell like torrential rain around them. She hung her head, trying not to think about him. Maybe if she forgot him she could live on. Maybe she could pretend he never existed in the first place.
A knock on the kitchen door startled her out of her thoughts. Evangeline turned, afraid that someone had gotten in without her permission.
Instead of a stranger, her eyes landed on a stoic man, his brows dark and heavy over his eyes. For the first time she noticed the way Junmyeon's eyes swirled like hurricanes. Despite the distance between them, she could see the crashing of tides over his face.
"I'm sorry." He spoke first. She stood still, afraid that if she moves away he will disappear like an apparition and if she moves closer she will never be able to let go.
"It wasn't the right time to unleash this on you." He continued, his voice deep and heavy as it crashed against her.
"You were having a hard time and it was unfair of me."
"Unfair of you?" She finally spoke. Despite her broken tone her words rang out clearly. For a moment Junmyeon looked away.
"I allowed my own guilt to take precedence." He clarified. Slowly, like he did that night, he walked towards her, giving her time to move away or to stop him. Evangeline did neither. her hands crossed over in front of her, but she didn't stop him.
"I am the one who controls tides and currents. I should take blame for when people die in my domain." Junmyeon spoke. He had been responsible for a long time, guilt ridden and detached all at the same time. People blamed him whether he was at fault or not, and he didn't doubt Evangeline would too. She knew the truth of what he was now.
"Just because you control water does not mean everything that happens in it is your fault." Her voice was quiet, but she looked into his eyes regardless.
"Did you know they drowned?" She asked after a moment.
"No." Junmyeon told the truth. He could control the tides, he could crash waves and aid migrations and lost ships but Junmyeon was not omniscient.
"Then how can you blame yourself?" It was so simple. So mortal. He didn't know it happened, he didn't cause it. So why would he feel guilty?
Slowly, as if not to scare him, Evangeline reached out, her palm cradled his face, stroking gently along his cheek bone. Her touch was warm, reassuring.
Something slipped off of Junmyeon, the hurricanes in his eyes changed into the glistening waters of calm cerulean seas.
He placed his hand over hers, before lowering his face to hers. Gently, slowly, they closed the gap between them. His lips were warm against hers, moving in careful, practised tandem as they drew the breath from her lungs, filling her with something hotter. Junmyeon's hands traversed the planes of her back, firm and solid against her. He pulled her closer, until no space between them remained. Evangeline's hands found their way around his waist. Their lips parted ways only for a moment.
"I love you." Junmyeon whispered against the skin of her cheek, before finding his way to her lips again. He didn't need an answer. The flutters of her heart against his were enough.
Since Evangeline found out Junmyeon was the God of Water, Junmyeon had become more keen in taking her out by the sea. Today he had taken her to the cliffs. They had strolled the lush green hills, covered in wild grass and purple flowers that somehow resisted the sea breeze and the salt in the air. They had walked hand in hand along the rocky beaches, watching waves crash and break against the shore. Now, they stood shoeless on a rock jutting out into the sea, a part of the low side of the cliff face as it joined the sea.
She truly had not meant to do that. In fact, she had wanted to do anything but that. She wasn’t much of a swimmer, and she had never dived in her life so slipping and falling off the rock and into the sea below was unnatural. She hit the waves, her whole body felt like it was covered in pins and needles. The coldness bit at her skin in the form of thousands of tiny teeth and her lungs burned as she tried her best to not breathe in the water. The salt burned her eyes, turning her vision skewed and blurry. Down here, there was no sound. No noise penetrated the wall of water all around her, and it was as if the sea had decided to drag her down, further and further into it’s depths, slowly.
Junmyeon’s reaction was almost instant. He let go of their shoes and jumped in after her, commanding the sea to let her go. The sea didn’t listen. Water was Junmyeon, and Junmyeon was water, and the sea desired her the same way he did. It’s desire was deadlier, it’s hold on her was the very opposite of Junmyeon’s. Cold fingers dug into her, clawing at her to stay, to be one with the sea bed. Junmyeon disapproved. He followed her trail, watching in the darkness as his love thrashed about and then slowly lost the will to fight as the current dragged her. The water whispered, pleaded for her to stay.
Junmyeon knew she was still human, mortal and fragile. Humans could not breathe underwater, could not survive the temperatures of the depths. Not without aid, not in normal clothes and without apparatuses that allowed them to breathe.
With one final command, Junmyeon called for the sea to leave her. This time it listened. The current around her stilled, keeping her in place, before pushing her towards him and towards the surface. It was arduous. Time seemed to slow down and seconds turned into whole eternities and lifetimes as he waited for her to be back in his arms.
Junmyeon gripped her, in the darkness of the sea, he fought the currents, bringing their mouths together, breathing air into her lungs as the tides carried them to shore, against nature but not against their master.
“I thought the Sea would never let you go." He spoke finally when Evangeline stopped coughing. She was still shaking from the cold and the ordeal, but she was alive, and her lungs were full of air. Crisp, sweet air.
"I thought so too." She whispered, falling into Junmyeon's waiting arms. He held her closed, warming her up with his body as he tried to ease her trembling.
"How can the soulmate to the God of Water not know how to swim?" He asked her, eyes incredulous and brows furrowed.
"Call it Fate." Evangeline managed to joke, but Junmyeon pulled her in closer, peppering kisses along her wet hair. The sun began shining again, its warm rays falling on their tangled bodies as they lay on the rocky beach.
"Fate indeed." Junmyeon whispered, looking up at the sky, wondering if his brothers were looking down at him now, whether it was Jongdae pulling the clouds apart to make space for Yixing's sun.
They left the beach soaked and trembling, but the whole ordeal had left Junmyeon with an idea. He didn't bother taking Evangeline back to her car. He didn't take her to the nearest village inn or grocery store. Instead, he pulled power, and in one step Evangeline found herself in his Halls under the primordial Oceans.
Evangeline's eyes roamed the marble halls, the flowers engraved in the walls that glistened from their mother-of-pearl linings. The rays of Olympus sun that reached them regardless of depths broke into rainbow shards on the walls and floors as they hit the crystal chandeliers with opal embellishments. Seaweeds swayed as if underwater and other sea plants lined the halls. the soft sound of flowing water came from the channels that turned the floors into an unending maze. Every once in a while Evangeline heard the great crashing of tides as they swept through distant rooms.
"Welcome to my home." Junmyeon spoke, leading her through the grandeur into his private rooms. There, he handed her clean dry clothes. One of his old tunics and a pair of soft cotton trousers. He handed her a towel as well.
Evangeline smiled and went to change behind a screen in the corner of the room.
"It's beautiful here, Myeon." She said once was dressed.
"Thank you. It's all yours." He watched her from his bed, the huge four-poster was covered in deep blue fabrics. Here in the depths Evangeline could see Junmyeon's godliness better. He seemed to glow with power, eyes shining and hair askew as if ruffled by sea breeze.
"My home is your home. Remember that." He told her, and she came closer to sit beside him. All this time they would meet in her home. Being here was foreign, strange. Only now she truly understood the scope of his power, the seriousness of their predicament. He was ancient, powerful and responsible for things she could not begin to understand. She was a mortal. her life a speck of dust compared to his, her responsibilities paled in comparison. She wondered, for the first time, whether this could even work.
"Will you tell me more," She finally asked, taking Junmyeon's hand in hers, she looked into his eyes and took a deep breath "About yourself and your family."
Junmyeon watched Evangeline with piercing eyes. He nodded, intertwining her fingers with his.
“ Gods feel lust, but we don’t fall in love. At least not the way humans do. The Fates saw that as a flaw, and my brother Baekhyun, the God of Love, agreed. He wanted to give his brothers what he gave to mortals, a type of happiness I suppose.”
He gave Evangeline a tight-lipped smile and she squeezed his hand.
"So the Fates and Baekhyun made a deal. They would tie soulmate knots into our lifelines, knots that cannot be undone. There was a caveat. The Fates wanted us to submit to their judgement, so there is no way to untie the knot without killing us."
"So you just accept Fate?" Evangeline was bewildered, her eyes Searched Junmyeon's face for any hint of hesitation or anger.
"Everyone accepts fate. We just happen to know about it. There are no exceptions in this universe. We just happen to be aware of it." Junmyeon let out a laugh, his lips falling into Evangeline's hairline. She still smelled like the sea, like him.
“So the myths?” She enquired, thinking back to high school, to learning about their marriages and conquests and romances.
“What myths? Of all the demigods? Of all of our lovers?” Junmyeon laughed again, smile bright and shoulders shaking gleefully, his eyes fell on Evangeline, his fingers smoothing over the furrow in her brows.
“Partially true. The time between ancient Greeks and the Crusades was a bit of a wild ride. We were ruled by chaos before I decided to be the responsible brother. Our children didn’t live long, they were volatile, unstable. They all died young. ” There was a small hint of regret in his voice, although he was never a proper parent before he felt hurt and grief for his children. Some things were inevitable if you lived this long.
“As my brothers run amok, Minseok and I looked at the death and destruction we caused and felt guilt, promised to never set foot on Earth again. I stayed clear of mortal affairs since.” He spoke, leaning back to take a good look at his soulmate. He felt the golden rope tied around his heart twist and tighten, reminding him of who they were and their destiny.
“Why me?” She asked, her voice small and unsure, and Junmyeon said the phrase he had heard over and over.
“Fates can be cruel.”
"Cruel?" He realised too late that this might have been the wrong choice of wording. Hurt flashed across Evangeline's face, marring her brows, twisting her lips. Her eyes flashed with sadness, but Junmyeon was quick to remedy that.
"Meddlesome." He corrected himself.
"Fate meddles, churns and spins our lives in ways we don't want." Junmyeon twisted their intertwined hands, pressed her palm to where his heart was, beating for her, twisting and churning as fate intended.
"It teaches us, that maybe the things we don't want, our fears and our rage, are only temporary. They harms us rather than protects us." He remembered his rage and his guilt, and the way she eased it, made it bearable.
“Do you really love me?” Evangeline asked, her eyes looking at him, waiting for him to look away, expecting him to do so.
“Yes.” Junmyeon was not a man who wavered or swayed. He would not turn away.
“It’s not lust I’m feeling. Eros is different. Eros is shallow, fleeting.” He remembered that kind of love. The gods had been hungry, left wanting more; never satiated. Junmyeon remembered the way it settled into his stomach like a monster in its pit. The lair had been shallow, and it did not make a home of it for long. This was different. It was terrifying and exhilarating and full of contradictions. This was the kind of love that would last, one that would never starve and never waver and never fade. It was a love that would require devotion and compromise and he was ready for both.
"This love is Pragma. A love built on duty and compromise and growth. This is a love that we had not been bestowed before."
“I feel like I’m drowning without you.” Junmyeon's breath fanned over Evangeline's face like a warm breeze.
“You can’t drown.” She whispered, remembering what had transpired earlier. He smiled lightly, but his eyes followed her with inhuman gravity.
“Without you, my lungs don’t feel like breathing.”
“Without you, nothing matters. Not the sea, not Olympus, not immortality.” Junmyeon took her other hand, holding both to where his heart thrummed and breath made home in his lungs.
“Fate is cruel, I know that. But Fate is absolute, and you cannot run from it. I tried.” He continued, watching as Evangeline gazed up at him, her breath in sync with his.
“You love me?” She asked again. Disbelief coloured her voice, as if she could not fathom the fact that a being such as him could feel such passion for her. Junmyeon put her musings to rest.
“I love you.” He repeated. He would repeat it as many time as he needed to, until those words made a home in his mouth, until they were engraved in the tissues and sinew of her heart; until her mortal red thread turned golden and godly.
“I love you too.” Evangeline's voice was clear as crystal when it rung through the halls, through the Seas and through him, tugging at his heart, pulling at his lifeline, twisting the knots in it until they were shapeless and impossible to untangle.
“What now?” She asked, and Junmyeon wasted no time to kiss her.
“Whatever you want.” He whispered against her lips.
“I don’t want to take you away from your life. I don’t want you to have to choose between me or the ones you love.” He confessed. Mortals had families, lives they needed to live. They were not made for immortality.
“You’re the one I love.” She looked hi  in the eyes, falling into the hurricane that swirled there, now slow and careful rather than destructing.
“Marry me.” Junmyeon stated. With gleeful eyes he watched as Evangeline moved her face away from his, completely taken aback.
“Excuse me?” She asked, knowing full well that even at their age, marriage after nine months of knowing each other was not the best idea. It was quite a terrible idea actually.
“Not now, when you're ready.” Junmyeon clarified, eyes still sparkling as he resumed peppering kisses all over her face.
“You said I’m mortal.” She looked at him confused again, and he caressed her cheek.
“Not if you marry me. Once our threads become tied, yours will turn to gold, you will become a goddess.” Junmyeon remembered Yixing and Idalia. It was a grand wedding. Olympus was decked in gold, flowers bloomed in every crevice and the sun shone so bright, so perfectly that Junmyeon himself could not believe his eyes. He remembered Jongdae and his bride, their wedding brightened by lightning and decked in diamonds and silver and plants so emerald he thought they were jewels. He remembered the unbreakable golden bands created in his forge for these occasions. Who would forge his wedding rings? Kyungsoo who would pull them from the earth? Yixing who would weave them from sunlight? Chanyeol, who would craft them in a supernova or the heart of a volcano? Either way they would be eternal and final and binding.
“Goddess of what?” Evangeline kissed one corner of his mouth, and then the other.
“Seaweed? Clown fish? Does it matter?” He muttered, not really knowing what would happen. It was the Fates, after all that made these kind of decisions. In this, he was powerless.
“Junmyeon!” She smacked his chest lightly and he laughed. The noise carried, cacophonous and full through the water as pure joy bubbled in his chest.
“ Calm seas. The Goddess of calm seas.” He proposed, his smile never faltering. If he had his way she would rule the world, but balance was hard to break and calmness easy to seek. 
Evangeline kissed his lips, hands now threading through his hair. He caressed her cheeks, fitting his mouth to hers.
Just this once, Junmyeon thought, just this once; Fate had been kind.
85 notes · View notes
sweetsummercourier · 4 months
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The Bells of Paradis (1/3)
to the big bells as loud as the thunder
Summary: the first part of Saoirse's dark childhood, living within an underground facility, used in scientific experimentation.
Note: surprise! Saoirse is a Titan Shifter! Seeing as those with Titan Shifter OCs have their own origin stories (as they are not one of the Nine), this explains Saoirse's a bit. I'll do my best to explain my thought process and how this came to pass :)
Asks are always welcome! My inbox is open :)
Papers stacked the desk, files crammed into cabinets bursting at the seams. An oil lamp burned nearby, casting a modicum of light and shadow on the man’s face. The man was older with salt and pepper hair, and a slowly aging face. He appeared to be a doctor. He was hunched over his desk, scrawling away at paperwork as a rat crossed the threshold of his office into a hole nearby.
He pushed away from the desk and approached one of the cabinets. It gave way with just a slight tug, giving it a brief reprieve from its strain against the latches. He wrenched out a rather thick file. The papers that stuck out were crinkled and frayed at the edges, but the information written inside remained intact. 
A casual toss onto the desk caused the papers to spill out like a deck of cards. In big, bold letters read “SUBJECT 30 - THE RUNT.” A crude name given to one who was a literal child, but it was easier to work on a dehumanized subject when you don’t see the one you’re experimenting on as just that. As he sat at his desk, he reorganized the papers and sat down to read.
Intake Record
Date: February 14th, 844
Place of Birth: [the ink is too smudged to read]
Retrieval location: [the ink is too smudged to read]
Serial no: 353326-9131
Subject 30, the “Runt,” is a small Eldian female estimated to be four (4) years old. Subject is observed to be of short stature and considerably underweight. Subject’s mother informed personnel upon arrival that the subject was born premature and had not been expected to live for more than a few of weeks per the midwife. 
Retrieval and escort to the facility was uneventful. Subject remained quiet and did not resist during retrieval and transport. 
Upon arrival, subject’s hair was then cut and the assigned serial number tattooed on the neck. Subject was placed in quarantine for recommended length and later introduced to the remaining test subjects.
Subject is not ready for experimentation at this time.
. . . 
Behavioral Report no. 6
Date: September 1st, 844
Serial no: 353326-9131
Subject’s demeanor has remained the same as per the previous reports. Subject is melancholic and refuses to speak outside of routine psychological evaluations. Subject refuses to engage with peers, and becomes aggressive and combative when others invade her “space,” which personnel has established as her bedroll. Subject furthermore exhibits “resource guarding” mannerisms, becoming aggressive when peers attempt to take food. 
Subject does not respond when referred to by her given name. Subject acts as if nothing was said. However, subject is obedient and completes given tasks, and responds to any other name.
Subject is docile when around personnel and away from peers. When given a toy, subject appears to relax and quietly sits in a corner or chair to engage in playtime. Subject favors the pink rabbit purchased from a toymaker in Trost.
Subject is not ready for experimentation at this time.
. . . 
Medical Report no. 15
Date: May 30th, 848
Attending physician: [the ink is too smudged to read]
Serial no: 353326-9131
Post op care has proven effective. There are no traces left of ocular infection, and the voided socket has healed nicely. No signs of regeneration are apparent despite Titan fluid present in the subject’s system. Conclusion that the subject is purposefully not regenerating the eye. 
I clear the subject to return to experimentation. Continue with the drip method via IV. I recommend increasing the volume of spinal fluid and decreasing the dilution solvent. Subject has informed me that her dreams involving her Titan are becoming more and more vivid. I would say this looks promising. 
I must admit I am perplexed by this subject. She is physically the weakest and came to us stunted and half starved, yet she refuses to die. I’m not sure why, but I have a hunch that it’s the rage I see in her eye when I examine her. She hides it exceptionally well, but when I look into her eye, I can detect such rage and hatred for what we have put her through. I think it’s her hatred of the experimentation that is lending her the strength to keep living. 
Continue fluid treatment as planned. Increase her protein, calcium, and vitamin D intake to keep up with the new IV regiment. Maintain current ratio for hybrid spinal fluid. Do not add a fourth strain. 
She will make a perfect war machine.
There was a sudden knock at the door. The man looked up and closed her file, straightening up the papers as he called for them to come in.
Two members of the personnel, a researcher and a member of the First Interior Squad, entered the room with the subject in question. She still wore wrappings and a patch over her left eye, and in her right arm, she tightly clung to the pink rabbit. Despite the living conditions, the rabbit was still in great condition. Some might say in better condition that the subject herself.
“Thank you for bringing her. How are you doing, child?”
She refused to look at him, only bringing the plush rabbit closer to her. She pressed her lips to the top of its head. The researcher squeezed her hand in a gentle attempt to coax her into speaking.
“... fine,” she whispered quietly.
“Good. Come have a seat. Let me take a look at you.”
With the researcher and militant watching, the man began to examine the child. The entire time, the child had an expressionless gaze. She appeared tired, and her appearance was unkempt and lackluster. 
“When was the last time the child was given a bath?”
“About two weeks ago. She now becomes uncooperative when we attempt to bathe her.”
“It is the child’s birthday today. She is now eight. She can bathe herself,” the man said as he began feeling the child’s throat. “After this, draw some hot water so she can wash herself. Give her a fresh gown and remove her wrappings.”
“Yes, sir.”
The man and the child were then left alone. She clung to the rabbit in her lap, holding it to her chest. It appeared the toy gave her some sense of security, and the way she held it gave the impression she was loath to part with it.
“I hear you’re resisting attempts at transforming. Why is that, little one?”
“... it hurts,” she mumbled.
“It hurts, but for the sake of what we are doing, you need to do it.”
“I don’t want to.” 
She glowered at him, squeezing the toy tighter. Her lips drew back in a thin line and her remaining eye narrowed. The man found it amusing. It was like a lamb attempting to be a wolf.
“One way or another, you will transform,” he said curtly, smiling condescendingly. “And what a glorious day that will be. Tell me, in your dreams… what does it look like?”
“Like I could kill you with it.”
The man grinned and leaned against his desk, clapping his hands together as a wicked gleam flashed across his eyes. 
“You could only keep your facade for so long… you never struck me as the kind of girl who would be so obedient and so quiet forever. My fellow doctor was right… you are surviving off of hatred.”
He stood up and approached her, laying a hand on her head. She didn’t flinch. She just glared up at him, rage boiling under a glazed blue eye. He gently patted her head and combed his fingers through her greasy locks.
“I knew you were special. After all, how could a premature runt like you survive this long? I look forward to seeing the glorious hybrid that’s been hiding within you.”
“And I look forward to devouring you first.”
His smile wavered. It wasn’t her words, it was the way she spoke. Her soft voice, usually raw from lack of speaking, sounded almost like a growl. There was something feral and something promising about it, like if given the chance, she would devour him. That she would tear him limb from limb, and squash him and his colleagues like bugs beneath her. 
“You fancy yourself a conqueror. I admire that… but what your tone, child. There are worse things out there than us down here… you should be grateful for the gift we and our patrons have bestowed upon you. Now, be a good girl and run along now to your bath. I will make sure you receive an extra slice of bread for dinner.”
The researcher returned shortly afterwards to retrieve the child. She obediently rose to her feet and took the researcher’s hand to be led to her bath. As he watched the two depart, the man returned to his seat and opened up her file. He retrieved another sheet of paper and began to draft another report.
Observation Report no. 99
Date: October 30th, 848
Serial no: 353326-9131
Subject in good physical condition. Subject became hostile during a brief discussion regarding her lack of willingness to transform. Made threats against personnel. 
Subject is to be immediately moved to solitary confinement until further notice. Continue IV drip treatment. Again increase fluid to dilution ratio. Do not add a fourth strain alerted by head physicians. Continue using current Titan strains already administered to subject. Personnel are allowed to take more aggressive measures to force a transformation if subject will not do so willingly. 
Subject is now to be monitored all hours of the day. Report any strange behavior or mannerisms to a physician immediately. 
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littlecowmoo · 1 year
Character Au!!!
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Metal sonic
I was thinking of this au, Metal is an organic being now, Dr. Eggman thought of an idea on making Metal a living being by using his Roboticizer but changed it where it changes robots into organic beings. So now hh has to learn what it's like and how his new body works. After he realizes he has a mind of his own and can make his own choices, he betrays Dr. Eggman and went off on his own journey.
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So now infinite
I base him off of the god of chaos Apophis.
Instead of giving Infinite his normal mask, I gave him a snake head one instead, each can show the base off of the god. Who is pretty much a snake
Apophis is the god of earthquakes, thunder, darkness, storms, chaos, disorder, and death.
For infinite, I'm only gonna use Chaos, death, and darkness(and I'll add war)... Each kinda fits him more.
For infinite's backstory, I was thinking about making it somewhere similar to apophis. Each he wanted to eat the sun.
But change it to where like
Infinite had a job to rip the sun out of the sky and make it full darkness. Instead of like
Him working for eggman
(He's pretty much like every other sonic villain)
For Apophis story it was like:
The sun was the first sign of the created world and symbolized divine order, light, life, and if he could swallow the sun god, he could return the world to a unity of darkness.
I wanna say infinite is a very old god, sense I'm gonna put him as one of the gods in Egyptian.
So he was probably very used to having the world being all dark until the sun.
So he wanted to rip the sun out because he was just mad at it for no reason
And end up getting his butt kick by a blue hedgehog and a oc/j
I also wanna make it where he already had the rudy. Say like
Before he wanted to rip the sun out, he found it each made him act more
Temptation, death, and chaos.
Temptation and death is the information of the snake in Greek mythology
And in the Bible
But I also base him off of the god of death(Anubis) ; however he isn't very similar at all, only with the part where the jackal means fear.
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There's actually not much to him sense it already gave him the most basic backstory(He was born from an egg and was born to fight)
He is an alien/imp mix,
I see black doom as a devil more than like an alien, saying he is pretty much Satan into this au.
And the mother is unknown so we don't know what alien girl he was with.
And yah Shadow's father is black doom and also Gerald Robotnik. Eclipse is only half sibling to shadow.
So instead of him being like a demon, I'll make him more like a imp
Each is pretty much the same just a small troublemaker– Each he is/j
He was born from an egg because of logic.
So there isn't much about him on why he's like evil.... Because it's like.. In his DNA, so not much backstory.
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Mephiles is gonna be easy, I'm gonna make him more base off of his actual demon each is Mephistopheles of course
His backstory is gonna still be the same, by being made into a lab and was born by accident, but instead of it just being made by Solaris. I also wanna add the time eater into it too
I feel like it would actually make sense, since he's like.. A dark god that has something to do with time, and Mephiles is like... He can change time.
Also because I actually feel like no one ever talks about the time eater
My vision of Solaris is kinda like an cherubim angel
(The ones with many eyes, wings, wheels like bodys)
So mephiles is kinda like an fallen angel too in a way, however he is more of an invidiak(shadow demon)
And so is Iblis too (the actual Iblis was an fallen angel)
And I would picture the time eater being more like an god Titan
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souurcitrus · 5 days
Marvel character birthdays. Earth-18104.
Did I fucking write an entire list of births for marvel character for my AU? Yes, I did, because I have a thing for list and numbers and timelines.
Well, here we go. The birth dates are based purely on their first appearance, the stories they are in, and to make sense of thir physical age (like, why Kitty Pryde still looks so young after so many years), with some canon birthdays, like Cannonball's. Also, not all marvel character are here, mostly are X-Men.
After each name there's a few letter indicating if the caracter is a OC of mine (OC); if they were a mutant depowered on M-Day (DP)/ if they were lost in time so they age is different than what it's supposed to be (LT), for example Magik; if they died and came back (P), like Doug Ramsey;
In this universe the Snap happned, like in Infinity War, and it lasted six years (between 2004/2010), so if a name has (S) in the end, the character should be six years younger, since they didn't age during this time.
The list, not complete:
80,000,000 BC -
3,621 BC -
• Ego, the Celestial, the living planet.
• Ozymandias, Apocalypse’s servant. S
3,605 BC -
• Shaan, Empeor of the Okkara Kingdom. 
3,600 BC -
• Kailash, son of Emperor Shaan, king of the Okkara Kingdom. OC
3,597 BC -
• Etana, daughter of Emperor Shaan, Guardian of Okkara. OC
3,594 BC -
• Adnah, daughter of Shaan, princess of Okkara. OC
3,569 BC -
• Apocalypse, member of the Akkaba Tribe, child of the dawn.
3,560 BC -
• Uma, daughter of Kailash and Nayra, princess of the Okkara. OC
3,555 BC -
• Queen Ayla of Okkara, second daughter of Kailash. OC
3,527 BC -
• Amos, Etana’s apprentice and Ayla’s husband. OC
3,480 BC -
• Queen Meiran of Okkara, daughter of Ayla and Amo. OC
1,034 BC -
• Odin Borson, the All Father, king of Asgard. S
980 BC -
• Queen Iva, youngest queen of Okkara, descendant of Kailash. OC
978 BC -
• Zevida, Prince Acaz’s wife. OC
956 BC -
• Prince Acaz of Okkara, son of Iva, descendant of Kailash. OC
950 BC -
• Vidar, son of Odin with the giant Grid.
944 BC -
• Eden, or Genesis, queen of Okkara.
939 BC -
• Isca the Unbeaten, descendant of Kailash, Genesis' sister.
924 BC -
• Prince Ranaan, only son of Acaz, descendant of Kailash. OC
923 BC -
• Khalid, first Horseman of Famine, Apocalypse's oldest child. 
921 BC -
• Bracha, first Horseman of War. 
919 BC -
• Adora, first Horseman of Pestilence. 
914 BC -
• Amon, first Horseman of Death, Apocalypse's youngest child. 
908 BC -
• Princess Ivana, daughter of Prince Acaz, descendant of Kailash. OC
902 BC -
• Aster, only daughter of Etana, descendant of Shaan. OC
890 BC -
• Kefira, daughter of Khalid, the Horseman of Famine, Apocalypse's grandchild. OC
882 BC -
• Omar, son of prince Raanan, grandson of Acaz. OC
880 BC -
• Princess Zara, daughter of Queen Ivana, descendant of Iva. OC
852 BC -
• Amin, husband of Princess Zara. OC
• Queen Milena, daughter of Princess Zara and Amin, first ruler of the New Kingdom of Okkara. OC
820 BC -
• Ethel, son of Kefira, grandson of the first Horseman of Famine, founder of the Akkaba Clan. OC
725 BC -
• Hela Odinsdottir, legitimate heir to the throne of Asgard. 
720 BC -
• Balder, the Brave and Hoder, twin sons of Odin and Freyja. 
706 BC -
• Honir the Hunter, son of Odin and Freyja. S
705 BC -
• Aldriff Odinsdottir, heir to the throne of Asgard. 
564 BC -
• Tyr Odinson, God of War and Heroic Glory in Asgard. S
563 BC -
• March 31 - Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder.
100 BC -
• May 17 - Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief. LT
968 AC -
• December 11 – Gladiator Kallark of the Imperial Guard, heir to a line of Strontian warriors.
1005 -
• July 2 - Xu Wenwu, first owner of the Ten Rings. S
1008 -
• Thanos, son of Sui-San and A'Lars, the Mad Titan. 
1154 -
• Eros, Starfox, prince of Titan, Thanos' younger brother.
1237 -
• September 4th - Bennet du Paris, Exodus. S
1316 -
• Queen Damaris, the Eternal, queen of the New Kingdom of Okkara. OC
1393 -
• Yao, the Ancient One, Master of the Mystic Arts, Sorcerer Supreme. S
1430 -
• Queen Lilith of the Kingdom of Okkara, daughter of Damaris, the Eternal. OC
1485 -
• May 26 - Vlad Tepes Dracula, King of the Vampires. S
1556 -
• November 14 - Elsa Santiago, head of the Black Circle, Apocalypse's servant. OC S
1571 -
• Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King. DP
1618 -
• October 1 - Ch'ah Toh Almehen, known as Namor, first king of Talokan. S
1620 -
• September 8 - Ogun, the red demon.
1665 -
• October 6th – Deianeira, the First Pillar of the Inner Circle. OC S
1666 -
• September 21 - Selene Essex, Lady Sinister. OC S
1677 -
• June 6 - Agatha Harkness. S
1713 -
• Queen Delilah of the Kingdom of Okkara, descendant of Queen Lilith. OC
1728 -
• Odelia, descendant of Etana of Okkara. OC
1747 -
• Hadiza, daughter of Odelia, descendant of Etana. OC
1760 -
• Wallace Worthington, ancestor of Warren Worthington III.
1761 -
• Samara, distant descendant of Etana of Okkara.  OC
1764 -
• Elizabeth Shaw, ancestor of Warren Worthington III.
• June 25th - Amélia Smith, apprentice to Agatha Harkness, member of the Inner Circle. OC
1773 -
• September 18 - Raven Darkholme, Mystique. S
1779 -
• December 10 – Vincent, father of Tereza Márquez, the Bear. OC
1789 -
• March 11 – Salomé, mother of Tereza Márquez, the red witch. OC
1800 -
• April 13 - Beatrice Carvalho, Lullaby, the Second Pillar of the Inner Circle. OC S
1801 -
• February 26th – Antônio Cavalcante, head of the Mercs for Money. OC
1805 -
• June 6 - Theodosia Salazar, Inferno, the Third Pillar of the Inner Circle. OC S
1807 -
• Silas Burr, Cyber. 
1808 -
• December 5th - Francine Cavalcante, head of the Mercs for Money. OC
1809 -
• September 13th – Helena, daughter of the Bear and the Red Witch. OC
1813 -
• December 14th – Cecilia, daughter of the Bear and the Red Witch. OC
1815 -
• November 11 – Hector Márquez, brother of Sanguinária. OC
1817 -
• August 19 - Tereza Márquez, the villain Sanguinária. OC
1819 -
• February 11 - Luther Creed, Sabretooth's older brother.
1820 -
• May 3 - Victor Creed, the villain and mercenary Sabretooth. 
1822 -
• January 22 - Clara Creed, Sabretooth’s sister. S
• April 30 - Saul Creed, last son of the Creed family. 
1834 -
• July 23 - Dulce, last daughter of the Bear and the Red Witch. OC
1843 -
• Margaret Slade of the high houses of Clan Akkaba, Apocalypse's descendant.
1850 -
• July 3 - Jonas Graymalkin. 
1856 -
• Kabar Brashir, member of Clan Akkaba.
1858 -
• Jack Starsmore, great-grandfather of Jono Starsmore, member of Clan Akkaba. 
1860 -
• August 19 – Irene Adler, Destiny. S
1866 -
• August 4 - Hamilton Slade, eldest son of Margaret Slade.
1874 -
• May 15 - Fredrick Slade, second son of Margaret Slade.
1881 -
• December 3 - Chester Phillips.
1882 -
• Queen Aisha of the Kingdom of Okkara, descendant of Queen Delilah. OC
1884 -
• September 5th – Dog Logan.
1885 -
• September 1 – John Howlett Jr.
1888 -
• July 2 – James Logan Howlett, The Wolverine.
1893 -
• February 29 – Tomás Santiago, Praga, son of Elsa Santiago, the Fourth Pillar of the Inner Circle. OC
1901 -
• Henrietta Ferguson, great-grandmother of Clarice Ferguson. OC
1905 -
• Warren Worthington Sr., Warren Worthington III's grandfather. 
• Phineas Harton, the inventor of the first synthezoid Torch.
1908 -
• April 13 - Sebastian Shaw, Black King of the Hellfire Club. S DP
1911 -
• May 6 - Nicholas Joseph Fury, or Nick Fury Sr. S
• October 31 - Amos, known as the Wolf. OC S
1913 -
• May 9 - Agnes Cully, also known as Whitney Frost, Madam Masque.
1917 -
• Dr. Truett Hudson, Weapon Plus Project scientist.
1919 -
• August 15 – Howard Stark.
1920 -
• Gustav Ferguson, Frederick Slade and Henrietta Ferguson's son, descendant of the Akkaba Clan. OC
• July 4th - Steve Rogers, the first Captain America. 
1921 -
• Princess Cal’syee Neramani, Deathbird, member of the Shi’ar Royal Family. S
1922 -
• April 9 - Margaret "Peggy" Carter. 
1924 -
• February 8 - Adriana Soria, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.  
• Ali, husband of Queen Malika of Okkara. OC
1925 -
• Princess Xandra Neramani I, member of the Shi’ar Royal Family. OC
1926 -
• July 27 - James "Buck" Barnes, Winter Soldier, the White Wolf. S
• Dr. Bolivar Trask.
• May 18 - Umbra, the Fifth Pillar of the Inner Circle. OC
• Majestor D’ken Neramani, former of the Shi’ar Empire.
1927 -
• November 5 - Adam Brashear, Blue Marvel. S
1928 -
• Ivan Petrovitch, agent of the Red Room.
• December 8 - Phillip Master, Puppet Master. S
1929 -
• Dottie Underwood, the first Black Widow.
1930 -
• October 24 - Eric Brooks, Blade. S
• June 7 – Queen Malika of the Kingdom of Okkara, descendant of Queen Aisha. OC S DP
1931 -
• August 3 - Thomas Raymond, the superhero Toro.
1933 -
• May 4 - Cain Marko, Juggernaut. 
• July 2 - Max Eisenhardt, also known as Erik Lehnsherr, Magneto. DP
• Valentina Allegra de La Fontaine. S
1934 -
• Elaine Ferguson, Gustav Ferguson's wife, Clarice Ferguson's grandmother. OC
• Alexei Shostakov, Red Guardian, agent of the Red Room.
1935 -
• October 27th – Amélia Voght.
1936 -
• July 31 - Dr. Moira MacTaggert. S
• David North, Maverick. 
1937 -
• Majestrix Lilandra Neramani, ruler of the Shi’ar Empire.
• July 15 - Charles Francis Xavier, Professor X. S DP
1940 -
• Melina Vostokoff, Iron Maiden, agent of the Red Room.
1942 -
• Warren Worthington Jr., father of Warren Worthington III.
1943 –
• July 4 - Jason Wyngarde, Mastermind. S DP
1944 -
• August 29 - Gabrielle Haller. S
• January 1 - Isaiah Bradley, Captain America.
• Wong Kan, Sorcerer Supreme.
• Maybelle Reilly Parker. S
1946 -
• November 2 - Dr. Stephen Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts. S
1947 –
• Donna Strange, Stephen Strange's younger sister.
• Adrian Toomes, the Vulture. 
• Daken, Akihiro, Wolverine's son. S
• General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, the Red Hulk. S
• Agent Phill "Cheese" Coulson.
1948 -
• Dr. Olivia Octavius. 
• Victor Strange.
1949 -
• November 9 - Nick Fury Jr., director of S.H.I.E.L.D., also called Marcus Johnson. S
• Heather McNail Hudson, member of Alpha Flight, Vindicator. S
1950 –
• Yondu Udonta, leader of the Ravagers.
• Frank Anderson, agent and director of Damage Control Department. OC
• October 1 - Thomas Cassidy, Black Tom, Black Bishop of the Hellfire Club. S
• James MacDonald Hudson, member of Alpha Flight, the Guardian.
1952 -
• October 10 - Janos Quested, Riptide, White Knight of the Hellfire Club.
1953 -
• January 16 - Sean Cassidy, Banshee. S
• Jacques Duquesne, Swordsman. S
• Sara Wolfe, Master of the Mystic Arts.
1955 -
• Captain Maria Rambeu.
• February 15 - Suzanne Chan, Sway, member of the first X-Men. S DP
• Norman Osborn, Green Goblin.
• Everett Ross. S
• Carol Danvers, Car-Ell, Captain Marvel. 
1956 -
• Agent Melinda May, the Calgary. S
• Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin. S
• August 21 - Vienna Adamsen, member of the first X-Men formation, Petra.
• October 29 - Armando Muñoz, member of the first X-Men formation, Darwin.
• November 15 - Francis Castiglione, or Frank Castle, the Punisher. 
• Lord Shingen Harada, head of the Yashida Clan, crime lord of Japan.
1957 -
• Sandra Rossi, maternal aunt of Clarice Ferguson. S
• Daimon Hellstrom, ruler of hell.
1958 –
• Eugene Judd, Puck, member of Alpha Flight. 
1959 -
• Dr. Curtis Connors, the Lizard.
• Madison Jeffreis. S
• Flint Marko, the thief Sandman.
• Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich, former member of the Russian mafia, the Rhino.
1960 –
• Eric Ferguson, descendant of the Akkaba Clan. OC
• Angelica Rossi, mother of Clarice Ferguson. OC
• Kyle Richmond, the hero Nighthawk. S
• Elektra Nachos. S
• Prince Zakai of the Kingdom of Khado, son of Queen Malika and King Ali. OC S
• Ravenna Hellstrom, known as Satana. S
• Kenuichio Harada, illegitimate son of the head of the Yashida Clan.
• Yuriko Oyama, the assassin Deathstrike. 
1961 -
• September 12 - Greer Grant Nelson, the heroine Tigra. S
• February 1 - Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan. 
• Richard Rider, Nova Soldier.
• James Braddock Jr, the Monarch. S
• Bernard "Barney" Barton, Trick Shot. S
• Brock Rumlow, Crossbones. S
1962 -
• Virginia "Pepper" Potts.
• April 10 - Victor von Doom, Monarch of Latveria.
• James Rhodes, War Machine.
• Sharon Carter, Agent 13. S
• May 4 - Marc Spector, Moon Knight. S
• May 31 - Benjamin Grimm, member of The Fantastic Four, the Thing.
• Roger Grey, Jean Grey's older brother. 
• July 13 - Dr. Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk.
• Dr. Jane Foster, member of the Valkyries. S
1963 -
• Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, Black Widow, the Red Death. S
• June 5 - Dr. Henry Pym, the first Ant-Man. S
• July 8 - Dr. Reed Richard, leader of The Fantastic Four, Mister Fantastic. S
• Simon Wrath, Damage Control Agent. OC S
• Tony Masters, Taskmaster. 
• Lillian Crawley Jeffries, Diamond Lil. 
1964 -
• November 3 - Queen Sarala of the Kingdom of Okkara, daughter of Queen Malika. OC
• Sara Grey, Jean Grey's older sister.
• Barbara Morse, Agent 19 or Mockingbird. S
• Ophelia Sarkissian, called Viper, Hydra assassin and Kraken's student.
• Nebula, daughter of the Mad Titan.
• April 30 - Anthony "Tony" Stark, Iron Man.
• Johnathon "Johnny" Blaze, Ghost Rider. S
• Miguel Santos, Living Lightning.
• September 17 - Carl Lucas / Luke Cage, Power Man.
1965 –
• Perla Riviera, Damage Control Agent. OC
• Agent Maria Hill, Director of SHIELD.
• March 19 - Sam Wilson, the superhero Falcon and second Captain America. S
• April 10 - Matt Murdock, the vigilante Daredevil. S
• June 15 - Dr. Susan "Sue" Storm, member of The Fantastic Four, the Invisible Woman.
• Robert Reynolds, the Sentry. 
• Sharon Ventura, member of The Fantastic Four, Marvel / Thing. S
• Dr. Helen Cho, famous geneticist. 
• Esther Alencar, Master of the Mystic Arts. OC
1966 -
• Agent Jessica Drew, Arachne. S
• February 15 - King T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka of Wakanda, the Black Panther. S
• Baron Helmut Zemo, Heinrich Zemo’s son. S
• Danny Rand, the hero called Iron Fist.
• June 22 - Graydon Creed, the son of Mystique and Sabretooth.
• August 9 - Alicia Reiss.
• August 20 - Janet van Dyne, the Wonderful Wasp, president of the Avengers. S
• November 13 - Jennifer Walters, the lawyer also known as She-Hulk.
1967 -
• November 24 - Agent Clint Barton, the first Hawkeye.
• February 26 - Ororo Munroe, Storm.
• Callisto, leader of the Morlocks. S DP
• Agent Jimmy Woo. S
• Delphine, one of the mercenaries of the Cavalcante house. OC DP
• Patricia “Patsy” Waller, Hellcat.
1968 -
• Kazuo Oyama, Lord Deathstrike.
• January 3 - Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.
• Dane Whitman, the Black Knight. S P
• Darren Cross, Yellowjacket.
• Narya, Snowbird. S
• Liam Grey, Jean Grey’s older brother.
1969 -
• Fukushima Yukio, Mariko’s bodyguard. 
• Mariko Yashida, daughter of Shingen Harada, head of the Yashida Clan.
• Yelena Belova, one of the Black Widows, called White Spider. S
• Wendell Elvis Vaugh, Quasar. S
• Simon Williams, the superhuman Wonder Man. 
• Quentin Beck, Mysterio. S
• Angelo Unuscione, street fighter known as Unus, the Untouchable. DP
1970 –
• Luna Nguyen, daughter of Celestial Ego, known as Mantis, Celestial Madonna, first Guardian of the Galaxy. S
• Walter Newell, Stingray. 
• Frankie Raye, daughter of inventor Phineas Horton, the heroine Photon.
• Kelsey Leigh, Lionheart. S
• Maxwell Dillon, Electro. S
• Laynia Sergeievna Petrovna, Dark Star. 
• Wyatt Wingfoot. 
• Dra. Kavita Rao.
1971 -
• Kevin Brashear, Adam Brashear's first son. LT
• Vanisher.
• February 11 - Wade Winston Wilson, the mercenary Deadpool.
• August 18 - Scott Lang, Ant-Man II. 
• Elizabeth “Betsy” and Brian Braddock. 
1972 –
• SWORD Director Abigail Brand. S
• April 21 – Shiro Yoshida, Sunfire. S
• Laura Dean, Pathway. S
• Jesse Aaronson, Bledam. 
• Julia Carpenter, Madam Web.
• Astra. S DP
• August 6 - Jonathan Storm, member of The Fantastic Four, the Human Torch. S
1973 -
• Sharra Neramani, Xandra’s Neramni I daughter, member of the Shi’ar Royal family.
• Max Brashear, second son of Blue Marvel.
• Bonita Juarez, Firebird.
1974 –
• Zhao an Jhimon Tang, Auric and Silver. 
• June 20 - Emma Grace Frost, The White Queen. S
• July 2 - Dr. Henry Philip McCoy, Beast. 
• September 1 - Edward “Eddie” Brock. S
• September 17 - Birdy, Sabretooth's assistant.
1975 -
• Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, Talisman.
• April 25 - Lorna Dane, Polaris. S
• Dr. Adrienne Brashear, daughter of Adam Brashear.
• September 3 - Jean Gray, Marvel Girl, host of the Phoenix. S
• Calvin Rankin, known as Mimic. S
• Frederick J. Dukes, Blob. DP
• Dominicos Ioannis Petrakis, Avalanche. DP
• Raven, from the Kingdom of Okkara, descendant of Kabar Brashir, member of Clan Akkaba. OC
1976 -
• November 5 - Warren Worthington III, descendant of Clan Akkaba, the Archangel. S P
• Julia Grey, Jean Grey's younger sister. 
• March 3 - Scott Summers, Cyclops, leader of the X-Men.
• Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler. S
• White Noise and Black Light, Cal’syee Neramani’s children. 
• August 31st - Monica Rambeu, the superhero Spectrum. S
1977 -
• Jefferson Davis. 
• Siena Blaze. 
• Remy Lebeau, Gambit. S
• Theresa Cassidy, daughter of Banshee, known as Siryn. S
• May 5 - Robert "Bobby" Drake, the superhero Iceman. S
1978 -
• St. John Allerdyce, Pyro. 
• January 9 - Alexander “Alex” Summers, Havok. S
• Aaron Davis, the criminal called Prowler.
• Mortimer Toynbee, Toad. 
• Felicia Hardy, Black Cat. S 
• Joanna Cargil, Frenzy. S
• Eugene "Flash" Thompson, Anti-Venom. S
• Jonh Proudstar, Thunderbird. S DP
1979 -
• November 11 - Piotr Rasputin, Colossus. LT
• James Arthur Madrox, student of Moira MacTaggert, known as Multiple Man.
• Gwendolyne Stacy, daughter of NYPD Captain George Stacy.
• Arlette Truffaut, Murmur.
• Tyrone Johnson, Cloak.
• Heather Tucker, Tempo. S
• Catarina Oliveira, teacher and X-Men called Coral. OC
• August 12 - David Haller, son of Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller. S
1980 –
• November 14 - Anna-Marie D'Ancanto, Rogue. S
• Harold "Harry" Osborn. 
• February 13 - Alison Blaire, famous singer Dazzler. S
• February 28 - Ruth Aldine, Blindfold. S
• Mary Jane Watson, famous actress.
• June 05 - Peter Parker, the first Spider-Man 
• Valeria Toomes, Vulture’s daughter. S
1981 -
• Tandy Bowen, Dagger.
• Gaveedra Seven, Shatterstar. 
• March 17 - Julio Richter, Rictor. DP 
• Christopher Bradley, Bolt. S
• Russel Ferguson, descendant of the Akkaba Clan. OC
• September 13 - Jonothon "Jono" Starsmore, Chamber. DP
• Vance Astrovik, Justice.
• October 17 - Sam Guthrie, Cannonball. 
• Angélica Jones, Firestar. S
• Kyle Jinadu.  
1982 -
• September 28 - Danielle Moonstar, Mirage. DP 
• February 19 - Everett Thomas, Synch. 
• May 7 - Bruno Alcântara, Lock. OC
• June 28 - Amara Aquilla, Magma. 
• August 07 - Gabriel Summers, Vulcan, ex-Majestor of the Shi’ar Empire. S
• August 12 - Julie Lee, Jubilee. DP
• Lilli Stephens, Ghost Girl.
• September 23 - Xuân Cao Manh, Karma. S
• October 13 - Monet St. Croix, Penance. S
• November 3 - Roberto da Costa, Sunspot. S 
• November 12 - Russel "Rusty" Collins, Firefist. 
• December 11 - Paige Guthrie, Husk. S
1983 -
• Kara Killgrave.
• February 28 - James Proudstar, Warpath.
• March 06 - Sally Blevins, Skids. S
• Elizabeth Guthrie. 
• April 17 - Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat. S
• August 14 - Angelo Spinosa, Skin.
• September 07 - Rahne Sinclair, Wolfsbane. 
1984 -
• Lucia Callasantos, Thornn. DP
• Shingen “Shin” Harada II, New Silver Samurai. S
• May 13 - Tabitha Smith, Boom-Boom. 
• June 12 - Kyle Gibney, Wild Child. 
• September 07 - Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Northstar. S
1985 -
• September 08 - Jean-Paul Beaubier, Aurora. S
• February 10 - Clarice Ferguson, Blink. LT
• February 07 - Amiko Kobayashi, Midnight. S
• 18 de julho - Sarah Rushman, Marrow.
• 11 de julho - Peter Quill, o Senhor das Estrelas. 
1986 -
• 02 de outubro - Douglas Ramsey, Cypher. P
1987 -
• Derry Campbell, Roger Grey’s daughter.
• Gailyn and Joseph Grey, Shatter-Box, Sarah Grey’s children. S
• August 30 - Illyana Rasputin, Magik. LT P
1988 -
• Dominic Ferguson, descendant of Clan Akkaba. OC
• William Connors, Curtis Connor’s son.
• Joelle Guthrie.
• Heather Cameron, Lifeguard, Deathbird’s illegitimate daughter. S
1989 -
• Julian Grey, Julian Grey’s son. S
1990 -
• Davis “Davey” Cameron, Slipstream, Deathbird’s illegitimate son. S
• Keemia Alvarado, Flint Marko’s daughter.
• July 5 - Claudette e Nicole St. Croix, M.
1991 -
• Arthur "Artie" Maddicks. DP
• Dorian Leech. 
• Melody Guthrie, Aero. DP
• Ava’Dara Naganandini, Warbird Class Deathbringer.
1992 -
• Bekka Wallis-Grey, Roger Grey’s daughter.
1993 -
• Joshua “Jay” Guthrie, Icarus. S
1994 -
• Kindra Grey, Julia Grey’s daughter. S
• Rachel Carpenter, Julia Carpenter’s daughter.
1995 -
• Jebediah “Jeb” Guthrie. S DP 
• Chase Stein. 
• Takeshi Matsuya, Wiz-Kid. DP
1996 -
• December 29 - Nadia Trovaya Pym, Wasp. S
• Alex Wilder, leader of the Runaways. LT 
• Nico Minoru, Sister Grimm Sorcerer Supreme.
• Karolina Dean.
• Julne 29 - Kate Bishop, Hawkeye II. 
1997 -
• Gertrude “Gert” Yorkes.
• Cissie and Lewis Guthrie. S
• Alex Powers, Zero-G.
• July 3 - Billy Kaplan, Wiccan.
• July 3 - Tommy Shepherd, Speed.
• Christian and Christine Cord, Radian and Tatto. DP
• August 12 - Theodore Altman, Hulkling, ruler of the Skrull/Kree alliance.
• August 13 - Franklin Richards, Powerhouse. S
• October 31 - Barnell Borhuk, Beak. DP
• Vincent Stewart, Redneck. DP
• December 9 - Angel Salvadore, Tempest. DP
1998 -
• Dean Boswell, Dummy. DP
• February 19 - Kenji Uedo.
• Eli Bradley, Patriot.
• June 07 - Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy.
• Doreen Green, Squirrel Girl.
• Kirika Yashida, Logan Howlett and Mariko Yashida’s daughter.
• March 19 - Quintavius ​​"Quentin" Quire, Omega. LT
• Dallas Gibson, Specter. DP
• Callie Betto, Dryad. DP
1999 -
• Sofia Mantega, Wind Dancer. DP
• April 11 - Hisako Ichiki, Armor.
• April 20 - Cassie Lang, Stinger.
• Kevin Ford, Wither. 
• May 23 - Julian Keller, Hellion.
• David Bond, Hijack.
• Julie Powers, Lightspeed. 
• October 16 - Sooraya Qadir, Dust.
• Jennifer Takeda, Hazmat. 
• Gabrielle and Michael Diwa, Galura and Herald.
• November 09 - David Alleyne / Prodigy. DP
2000 -
• Brandon Sharpe, Striker.
• Maxwell Jordan, Quill. DP
• January 10 - Cecily Kincaid, Mercury.
• January 15 - Amadeus and Madame "Maddy" Cho, Brawn and Insight.
• Mary-Margaret Grey, Julia Grey’s daughter.
• Cindy Moon / Silk. 
• February 13 - Santo Vacarro, Rockslide. 
• Brian Cruz, Tag. DP
• Sidney Green, Onyxx. DP
• Cecília Flores, Marbles. OC S
• Edward Tancredi, Wing. DP
• Kutsuna Yukio.
• Madeline Berry, Veil. 
• Ken Mack, Mettle. 
• July 20 - Eloise "Ellie" Phimister, Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
• Jonhathon Gallo, Ricochet.
• August 2 - Laura Kinney, All New Wolverine.
• Laurie Collins, Wallflower. DP
• Robert “Robbie” Baldwin, Speedball.
• October 14 - Laurie Tromette, Transonic.
• Anastasia Kravinoff, Kraven. 
• Noriko "Nori" Ashida, Surge.
• Joshua “Josh” Foley, Elixir. 
• Eric Gitter, Ink. 
2001 -
• Nick Shelley, Flubber. DP
• January 28 - Alisa Tager, Cipher.
• Jack Powers, Counterweight. 
• Humberto Lopez, Reptil.
• Jeanne Foucault, Finesse. 
• Paras Gavaskar, Indra. 
• April 14 - Megan Gwynn, Pixie. 
• Sarah and Jessica Vale, Network and Preview. DP
• May 20 - Nezhno ABidemi, Gentle.
• Lazaro Kotikash, Kidogo. DP
• August 13 - Gabriel Cohuelo, Velocidad.
• Hong Liange.
• Molly Hayes, Power Princess.
• October 10 - America Chavez.
• BlueKelso, Buestreak. 
• Alani Ryan, Loa.
• Ava Ayala, White Tiger.
2002 -
• November 14 - Eva Bell, Tempus. 
• Kevin Masterson, Thunderstrike.
• Hiro Takachiho.
• Cam Long, Tiger.
• Michiko Musashi, Turbo.
• Rebecca Marchand.
• Robert ‘Glob” Herman.
• Andrea Margulies, Rubber Maid. DP
• Aura Charles, Aurora.
• October 27 - Teon Savko Macik, Primal.
• Mark Sheppard, DJ. DP
2003 - 
• Crosta.
• January 2 - Benjamin "Benji" Deeds, Morph. 
• February 11 - Victor Borkowski, Anole.
• February 16 - Iara dos Santos, Shark Girl.
• Benjamin "Ben" Hamill, Match. 
• Katherine “Kate” Powers, Energizer. 
• April 31 - Roxanne "Roxy" Washington, Bling!
• Emery Schaub, Butterball.
• May 17 - Nathaniel Carver, Hindsight. 
• Shela Sexton, Escapade.
• June 6 - Martha Johansson, Cerebella.
• Ernst. 
• Joseph and Josephine Bricklemoore, Tri-Joe and Squid Girl. 
• Nicholas "Nick" Gleason, Wolf Cub. DP
• September 12 - Hitoshi Yamaguchi, Juggernaut 2. 
• Hope Abott, Trance.
2004 -
• Carl Aalston, Rain Boy. 
• Kareem, Red Dagger. 
• February 05 - Kamala Khan, Miss Marvel. 
• February 13 - Fabio Medina, Goldballs.
• March 14 - Huang Lin, Nature Kid, Nurture, Armagedon.
• Joaquín Torres, Falcon II.
• Bruno Carelli. 
• Alaya Anderson, Beehive. OC
• Hayden Scott, Onyx. OC
• April 8 - Idie Okonkwo, Oya
• Victor Alvarez, Power Man II.
• Juston Seyfert, Sentinel.
• May 12 - Prince Kubark, Gladiator Kallark’s only son.
• May 30 - Trevor Hawkins, Eye-Kid, Argus.
• Robert “Robbie” Reyes, Ghost Rider.
• Jimmy Santini, Batwing.
• July 23 - Micaela and Lucas Montenegro, Charge and Escape. OC
• Michela Ladak.
• Jean Paul Roche, Monarch. OC
• Antonio Florencio, Tarantula. OC
• César Gomez, Phantom. OC
• November 03 - Julian Angelo Creed, Menace. OC
• Lana Baumgartner, Bombshell.
2005 -
• December 17 - Manuel Enduque, White King.
• Aña Corazón, Araña or Red Spider.
• January 10 - Miles Morales, Spider-Man.
• Rayshaun Lucas, Patriot II.
• February 27 - Jiang Mei, Sprite. 
• Riri Williams, Iron Heart. 
• Brielle Brooks, Bloodline, Blade’s daughter.
• Markos Argyros, Icarus. 
• March 3 - Kade Kilgore, The Black King. 
• Isabela Ladanza, Vindicate. OC
• Maximilian Fawley, Spitfire. OC
• Serafin Cocci, Dazzling. OC
• Tiana Toomes, Starling. 
• Abigail Boylen, Cloud 9. 
• Amka Aliyak, Snowguard. 
• Fernanda Rodríguez, The Locust.
• November 28 - Christopher "Chris" Muse, Triage. 
2006 -
• Monica Sellers, Static. 
• February 20 - Samuel "Sam" Alexander, Nova Cadet.
• Bentley 23.
• Joshua Engelhard.
• Christopher "Chris" O'Leary.
• Jamie Rogers, Catamount. 
• Rosie Rodriguez.
• Julie Harrison. 
• June 9 - Wilhelmina Kensington, Dollhouse.
• June 28 - Hunter M. Creed, Rescue. OC
• Jacob Williams, Natural or Brother Nature.
• Leonara Eng, Tech. 
2007 -
• Alice Campbell. 
• Zoe Laveau, a girl from a long lineage of magicians.
• Valéria Richards, Brainstorm. 
• Megan Ogawa, Kappa 
• April 2 - Maximilian von Katzenelnbogen, Dr. Fankenstein. 
2008 -
• Despair, Dessy, daughter of the demon S’ym, student at Strange Academy.
• Tong, Turg, Mik and Korr, the Moloids.
• Qureshi Gupta, Pinpoint.
• Alvi and Iric Brorson, sons of the Enchantress.
• Doyle, son of the terrific Dormammu.
• Albert Dallas, Mukus.
• Sojobo-Tengu and Karasu-Tengu. 
• April 15 - Felipe Barbosa, Bolt. OC
• Emily Bright, student at Strange Academy.
• Ricardo Sancho, Scorpion Boy.
• Ziggy Karst.
2009 -
• Germán Aguilar, student at Strange Academy.
• Mayday Parker, Spider-Girl.
• February 27 - Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste and Esme Cuckoo, The Stepford Cuckoos.
• Kaelynn Alexander.
• Gulag, a young frost giant, student at Strange Academy.
• Eleanor “Ellie” Camacho, Deadpool’s daughter.
• Davey Madrox, Multiple Man’s son.
• Natasha Repina, Cosmar. 
• Shaylee Moopeddle, a half-fairy young girl, student at Strange Academy.
2010 -
• Maxime and Manon. 
• Rebecca Lance, Echo. OC
2011 - 
• Gabby Kinney, Honey Badger. 
• 16 de abril - Judy Cuckoo, Mastermind. OC
• Curse. 
• Desmond Ochoa-Diaz, Fauna. 
• Lunella Lafaytte, Moon Girl. 
• Dylan Brock and Sleeper.
• Jo-Venn Grimm. 
2012 -
• N'Kalla Grimm. 
2014 -
• Norman Harold Osborn, Harry Osborn’s son, Red Goblin.
2015 -
• Jonas Vision.  
• Danielle Cage.
2016 -
• January 23 - Hope Summers. LT
• William Nelson, Tigra’s son.
2017 -
• Gerald Drew, Jessica Drew’s son, Black Mamba.
• April 05 - Evan Adel, Genesis.
• April 23 - Broo, the Broodling.
• Shogo Lee, Jubilee’s adopted son.
2020 -
• Benjamin "Benny' Parker. 
2022 -
• Vivian “Viv” and Vincent "Vin" Vision.
2023 - 
• Vivianne Vision, or Viv .2.
2064 - 
• Billie Mariana Morales, Rio and Jefferson Morales’ daughter.
• Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man.
3 notes · View notes
sillyromance · 1 year
Good day everyone!
This is my new story. WARNING: digestion mentioned, fatal mentioned, fearplay. However, safe/soft vore. Pred: Megatron (TFP); pray: OC
I hope somebody will like it. I know it's the third work where Megatron plays one of the main parts, but i just find him really good for such plots...
Alexa leaned to the wall even more when he came to the room. Steel-grey feet shaked the floor every time Megatron made a step - every time closer to his prey. He was as high as Optimus - but unlike him, this mech wasn't so kind...
His carmin eyes glowed with evil, angry light. And hunger.
He looked around - giant's gaze stopped on the tiny figure on the left. Decepticon leader smiled, showing two lines of sharp metal teeth.
- Here you are... - He went down to his knee and took the girl from the corner she had been in all that time. - My little, foolish spy!
He felt how her soft, gentle body shaked between his fingers.
- Do you think it's so easy to trick me, hm?
Now his optics was just in front of her, reading absolute terror on the girl's face. She didn't even tried to fight, holding amusingly small hands to the chest - just looked at him in shock and fear, breathing heavily.
- You're trembling as I see...- Megatron said, pretending to be worried. - Are you cold?
His evil, sharp grin became even more monstrous, so the girl understood - this jerk came out with an idea how to finish her. And it's gonna be really bad.
- Perhaps, I should prevent you from freezing... - His murmuring grew sweeter with each second. - There is a good place to help with that...
It was much, much worse than she could ever think...
The bot open his mouth fully - and started lowering her inside.
Alexa knew that the only thing she could do was to shut her eyes and hope this merciless alien creature would do everything quick - exactly what she did. She was barely able to hold herself from screaming, but she didn't want to show weakness. Poor girl was truly frightened - but no plead came out of her while Megatron was putting Alexa on his slippery cobalt toungle, coated in oily saliva.
Her world was falling apart while she's lying on the mech's surprisingly soft muscle which was rolling her around, making all her figure wet and hard to move. He... was suspiciously gentle with her; Megatron didn't try to bite or chew Alexa, although it would be the most logical thing to do. Even pushing her to the roof of his mouth he acted like he wanted to keep her safe, pressing just slightly. At the same moment it seemed the decepticon liked the taste - delighted long moans was ringing in the girl's ears non-stop which expressed what an unbelievable pleasure all this situation brought to the giant.
Large robot closed his optics, paying all attention on the tiny life inside his maw. She didn't even try to protest! How pity... A courageous one, though. It's gonna be a lot of fun in breaking down her spirit!
Megatron liked strong opponents since he was a gladiator at Kaon. What can be better than a good battle? There's nothing interesting in enemies who give up fast. The more power they show, the more pleasure you have, destroying them, tearing their souls and flesh into pieces...
The girl was tired from all the emotions gone through her, and so, she stayed motionless in titan's mouth. It was already quite clear for Alexa that the decepticon wasn't going to kill her in easy way. He wanted to torture her... To make the girl beg him to set her free.
Ha! Too big privilege...
Meanwhile, the bot slowly titled the head back. The toungle turned for the girl into a water slide which guided her right to the beast's throat. Her legs glid inside without any hesitation and were cought right away by narrow, warm, elastic tube. It was the end - Alexa reached the last stage of helplessness.
First thunderous gulp sent chills from her top to the bottom; it impatiently dragged the girl in even further, trapping her arms until elbows.
"Waiting is so painful"...
Next gulp - she felt soft squeeze against the face as if someone threw a big pillow into her. Alexa now was completely surrounded by alien moving metal and slime which only made much simpler for Megatron to push her deeper into his core.
So slow, so "dramatical"...
"Why can't he stop playing with me?"
The robot almost lovingly touched a hard bulge on his neck before gulping one last time. His enormous claw outlined a silhouette of the girl under the iron scales - and suddenly, she disappeared, being pulled by long demanding swallow. Megatron sighed in satisfaction; he couldn't resist licking his dents and lips, searching for last glimpses of her spicy flavour while she was making her lovely wiggly trip along his esophagus...
Finally, Alexa fell out in a big room; the floor springed up under her weight and she jumped once or twice before tucking into a squishy surrounding. She opened her eyes and saw tender, gloomy, wrinkled walls. They pulsed a little around her; blue and violet lights were travelling through liquid inside deem plump bumps which she was sitting on. Somewhere above her the girl heard thud, booming beat. Must be Megatron's spark...
He was on the way - the girl felt rhythmic swaying and heard far away noise of his boots crushing the ground. It was no use to fight or scream for help. She also knew he will digest her - it was only a matter of time and his mood. So, what to do?
At least, she can still hear the outside world... And cry.
Alexa remembered the autobot base, her mom Sara and step-father Ratchet who never failed to be the best dad ever in spite of his grumpiness; her gradma Gretchen and a small house in Germany where they planted flowers together; Bee and Raf, Bulkhead and Miko, Jack, Arcee. Prime... He warned her about how dangerous the mission was supposed to be, but she didn't keep that in mind... And where was she now?
Alexa burried herself into flexible metal; hot salty streams flood from under the eyelushes, cleaning her pretty face from slime and saliva it was smeared all over with. Her vulnerable shoulders were shivering while she was crying. Choking groan came out of her lungs.
She was going to die in the worst way possible.
Megatron was finishing with Alexa when he got a message from Soundwave about an Autobot's attack. Leader of the decepticons rushed through the corridors of Nemesida; his electronic mind was occupied by thousands of much more important things than a human toy inside his fuel tank - that was the reason he didn't turned her into mush right after she reached the destination.
And the news turned out to be catastrophic - one whole legion was destroyed because of a terrifying blow; one of the best mines - lost.
Looking at the main monitor where panicking vehicons could be seen hopelessly trying to survive, Megatron roared in anger.
- How dare they! How...
All the list of the darkest Cybertronian words couldn't show the depth of his frustration and fury. Soundwave silently watched as his master shouted at the officers came back from the battlefield and thrown one of them from the bridge. Poor soldier survived the fall, but not for long: when he tried to stand up, a discharge of purple fire burned him into dust.
Alexa forgot about her memories when all around her was filled with an unbearably loud sound of anger. She closed her ears, wishing to save them from deafing - she had never heard anything so awful! It sounded like a stonefall in the mountains; it seemed like her bones were breaking under pressure of this wild, dreadful cry! Thankfully, it was just an illusion...
Then there were throwing and yelling again... Alexa didn't know where to hide from the hell she got into; all the noises reflected many times from inner surfaces of Megatron's body and came to her even worse that they were in reality. Only god knows what protected her from losing her mind...
By the time the girl got over with smashing impression, everything was over. Megatron didn't move; she only noticed his unstable breath; cool air howled like a hurricane around his systems and came as wind even here, in the giant's stomach.
Alexa couldn't see him, but she knew - something definitely was wrong.
Megatron was sitting in his room, palms on his faceplate. What a tragedy... It was absolutely unpredictable - and unfixable either. In that exact period his armada seeked for energon extremely bad, almost desperately. Whatever they say about him, the metal tiran cared about his people sincerely. It was impossible to lose so much now! He shouldn't have let this happen...
"Calm down"...
- These dorks will pay for the mine!.. Unicron kill you, Optimus! - Megatron mumbled to himself, looking at one point somewhere much more distant than the wall before him. - I'll kill you...
He had already sworn he would so many times that he couldn't count it. And every day showed him how difficult it was to reach his dream. And they were brothers once... If he hadn't gone so far...
Something shifted in his tank. Once again. It stayed still for a minute; suddenly, a ticklish sensation appeared in that place as if he had a feather in the abdomen.
Confused Megatron winced and focused on his middle. There was...
The girl!
And she... She rubbed him!?
Actually, the answer was "yes".
As far as she figured out, her friends destroyed an important mine. "Good job, guys!" - Alexa chuckled to herself but then her face straightened up. The metal man she sat inside of was quite upset. He wanted to kill her - and he undoubtedly will; it's a miracle she wasn't digested yet. Nevertheless... There were two of them. And at the same moment, each was alone. Lonely.
Sara always said her daughter was too kind for that war. Unfortunately, she was right because even being in Megatron's stomach Alexa had a thought that he deserved some... attention. Comfort, perhaps. Maybe, she thought that way because the day was already too much for her. The girl accepted her fate and waited for it without fear; glowing wet walls didn't bother her anymore. It was even pleasant somehow - to lie in their warm plushie embrace after finding a good position in a kinda spacious room. Of course, she was aware about what a place this will be when the juices pour in... But it wasn't the point for her at that moment. She just felt "in the same boat" with Megatron who sat grieving alone. With anybody who was lost and alone anywhere in the universe.
In order to that, Alexa came closer to the front wall and gently stroke it with her palm. A funny small bubble jumped out of the energon inside; it couped with amount of happy sparkles - and swam into the next muscle section. The girl smirked a bit and repeated the action several times, but using both her hands. It felt... nice... Nice texture. Nice emotions.
Unexpectedly, something pushed her back; the wall ran into her and the girl got fixed on one place as if she was inside of a huge blanket roll.
- What are you doing in there, mouse?
She placed her hand back on indigo flesh. There was something long and solid behind... A finger. A servo.
- I'm making you feel better.
- What!? - Megatron's voice was rather confused than angry. - You are more crazy than you seem...
She remained silent for some time.
- It must be so... Anyway, I just want this madness to end. For both of us.
She freed her legs and curled into a ball, placing her head right to the spot where she felt his hand. Tears came once more, blurring the vision.
- I'm ready. I hope, at least I have a right to express myself when it will start... aching... I suppose you love violence, don't you?..
Megatron would like to respond but couldn't find words. The whole dialog was too surprising and unusual for the titan. At the end he just lay down on a recharging platform and closed his optics - the manipulator was still on his waist, unconsciously drawing circles on it.
She was right there, trapped under the hard shield of alive armor - all at his mercy. One order to his processor - and Alexa would forever disappear. The only memory about her would be a slightly increased level of his powers. But the dictator didn't hurry to make the final choice about her existence.
From the girl's phrases Megatron saw that he had control only over her miserable body, but not the soul. He wished to break her earlier by recreating one of the worst nightmares possible - eating her alive. Then he wanted to threaten her, to tease about how tasty she was and how filling... How exciting it would be to hear her screams and feel how she would bang against his fuel tank's walls, fighting for her life while the ferments would burn and melt her gentle skin and meat, leaving bones naked...
But Alexa had already gave up on all this cheap comedy - long before he knew it. She wasn't scared or mad at him - she was just exhausted, so much exhausted that she was ready to die to go out of the mess. And so was he.
Moreover; this flesh bag could care about someone else except herself being in such state. And the most ridiculous thing about it was that this someone happened to be her the evilest antagonist...
After all, he admitted to himself that the girl was correct about one thing - it should end. The sooner - the better.
There was late night when Megatron came out of the ground bridge. He looked around: leader of the decepticon stood at the middle of a large field which shined with silver and platinum in the moonlight. Trinkets sang their dull squeaky song in the dry august grass. A black shadow of the nearby forest stretched its wings alongside the horizon; pines reached the sky with their spear-alike tops, cutting through its clear, ultramarine canvas. Giant robot lifted his head up and stared at the stars above - they were strange, alien, cold... No matter how much time will pass since their arrival on Earth - transformers will never be really at home on this planet.
Meanwhile, the girl was quiet. During the way here bot was patting and stroking his middle from time to time; Megatron wasn't sure why he bothered himself doing that... But he wouldn't like to leave her alone in there after what attitude she showed to him... She seemed sleeping though...
Ugh! Whatever...
He glanced at the field again. That's where Megatron's seekers had found Alexa. Good.
Now - it's time for the disgusting part...
...She woke up from a feeling that she couldn't breathe. The space around had somehow decreased and tightened strongly. Panic rushed through her veins; Alexa instinctively started kicking stubborn flesh around her, but soon she barely could move as if she was caught in iron vice. Conditions were getting worse with every second until the pressure harshly pushed her, squeezing the girl into a hole. Alexa found herself in the esophagus again, but now she was going... up! Blood was pounding hardly in her ears, synchronizing with the church bell of the giant's spark which was already ringing deadly loud right beside her.
"God, please, help me..."
But then the sparkbeat almost vanished - the tube threw Alexa up one last time; she flew out and landed on something cool and solid, but it was the only thing now which limited her freedom. At last, her lungs was filled with air!
When she got enough rest from the "breathtaking" journey, Alexa opened her eyes. For the first time after endless hours spent within obsidian-blue stomach she was in outside world. There were golden stalks of wheat, trees in the distance, starry night sky, real wind... She couldn't believe she was allowed to be here, to see this... Alexa didn't hold her amotions when she understood that she was spat out!
But wait.... Why?
She turned back. Two luminous red lights gazed at her from the darkness which took the shape of Megatron's body. Suddenly Alexa figured out that she was on his palm and his claws kept her from falling...
"What else he is up to? Why didn't he kill her? WHAT IS GOING ON!?"
Relief was gone as fast as it came. The girl nervously stared at the robot, fists clenched. She was trembling a little because of cold which she sensed very well due to the wet clothes; he stood still like a rock and only blinks signalled about it was a living creature.
Neither he, nor she were ready to start a conversation.
Finally, Megatron deeply "sighed". He bended over, lowered his hand and cautiously put puzzled Alexa on the ground. Then he granted her one last look and went back to the open cosmical spiralling entrance of the ground bridge. The girl watched as his massive figure disappeared in the green flash, then smiled to herself.
"Thank you".
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strafethesesinners · 1 year
Which Greek Gods are your OC(s) parents?
Tagged by @cassietrn @socially-awkward-skeleton @inafieldofdaisies and @blissfulalchemist to take this quiz! Thank you :3
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Zeus & Aphrodite
Oh, sweet child of the thunder and love! Your father was crowned king of the gods, and your mother was born beautiful of Titan's blood. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by strength, passion, and consuming desire. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of agape love and clouds as you grow into your power.
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Hypnos & Persephone
Oh, sweet child of sleep and flowers! Your father dwells in the Underworld among the poppies, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by calmness, serenity, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of hypnotic plants and innocence as you grow into your power.
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Poseidon & Nemesis
Oh, sweet child of the sea and revenge! Your father guards the borders of the sea, and your mother the punisher of mortal sin. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by emotion, heartbreak, and retribution. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of sunken ships and tidal waves as you grow into your power.
Tagging @florbelles @belorage @trench-rot @wrathfulrook @deputyash @derelictheretic @purplehairsecretlair @afarcryfrommymain @allthearchetypes @aceghosts @shallow-gravy @nuclearstorms @katsigian @strangefable and whoever wants to!
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