#october answers
lady-janet · 2 years
Tam Lin by Broadside Electric is really good.
Another one that I like is Tam Lin of the Elves by Drake Oranwood, because it’s a song from Tam Lin’s perspective
Agreed! Drake Oranwood's retelling is great and the first time I listened to it I was so pleased with the reveal at the end that it's from Tam's point of view. Thanks so much for sharing!
October Question 1
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csm-headcanons · 2 years
Good day! AH~ I'm so glad that you create the new CSM blog! I really like it too~ Tell me please do you have some matchups rules? And what do you mean "confessions"? Oh, OC's are always interesting! Do you have yours CSM OC's? And do you accept requests about OC's? Have a great day!~
hello hello!! my first ask!! this is exciting!! im a tumblr writing blog veteran so i always get very happy about requests and asks haha (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
⊹ Matchups ⊹
match ups are a lot of fun! basically you can tell me some of the following things:
music you like
sexuality (so i know whonto pair you up with)
your hobbies
mbti personality/zodiac
appearance (optional since this just helps me write the features that the matchup would love about you)
the things you like (things you collect etc)
any other information that you think would be useful!
⊹ Confessions ⊹
assumptions that you had about characters prior to getting into csm
reaction to the new episodes
dream about characters (theyre always fun lmao
⊹ OCs: ⊹
as for OCs, TELL ME EVERYTHING! i love ocs so much and I'm glad to hear about them. if you ever want to dump everything about your csm ocs or brainstorm i am HERE! (also i accept requests involving ocs as long as you give me a reference and info about them).
i do have an oc but you may find out about that later >:3 let me know if you have any more questions!! i'll happily answer ^^
- ⊹ october
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galentir · 6 months
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Alternative universe where Luke and Reggie share the best werewolf vampire solidarity 🤝
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glassedplanets · 5 months
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a few months ago giffy was like "haha hear me out, what if tattoo au" and then we blacked out and talked about nothing else for like three weeks
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presidentofspace · 8 months
This quote is from the section of the October 30 entry where Van Helsing says he will go with Mina to Dracula’s castle. Full context below:
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homiu-l · 8 months
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☔️ & 🏷🍸🏵 - Ego Gift
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ceilidho · 7 months
Ghost talking to your 🐱anon here
You wake up in the middle of the night with Ghost’s mouth on your kitty, y’all obviously already fucked so your sensitivity is through the roof. You whimper at him, asking what he’s doing and that you’re too sore for this. Ghost just rumbles something about “She’s practically crying for me, pet. Can’t leave my best girl like this.”
Bro does NOT care that your too sensitive, his girl is practically purring for him, let him soothe her! 🙄
Don’t like the way I worded this but you needed to hear it babe 😞 love you sm
ho boy
if you woke up during special time with his girl, he wouldn't even pay attention to you :\\ too busy mumbling sweet nothings to his pretty, precious girl (your pussy) and tucking two fingers into her up to the knuckle. if you move around too much or jostle him, he'll just hook an arm over your stomach to hold you in place. maybe even glares up at you slightly for interrupting him.
he knows how sore she is and how much she can take. that's not any of your business. he knows what's best for her (and you, by extension lol).
idk there's something that literally melts my brain when i think about Ghost being so obsessed with your pussy that sometimes he'll actually get annoyed with you for tearing his attention away from her. it's his favourite place in the world, the thing he'll dream about in the desert, in the cold, in the middle of nowhere. he doesn't ever lose focus on the job, but sometimes when there's a bit of downtime and nothing to do, he won't stop his mind from drifting to how he can't wait to come home to you and pull down your cozy little sweatpants the second he walks through the door.
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sadaveniren · 1 month
I know some het harries and I said to them last year that Harry and Taylor were going to "break up" around May-June because it's literally a pr stunt.... They laughed at me.... Guess who is laughing today?! 💀
Listen. Fandom isn’t about winning or losing but doesn’t it feel good to be winning? 🤣
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dw-flagler · 29 days
somebody help me out with this timeline.
As we all know, victoria was born ~about~ 10 months after behemoth's first emergence. this would mean she was born in October 1993, right? Amy is around the same age, a couple months younger. But the thing that's getting to me is that Fleur's death was in 2007. 2007? Victoria and Amy would have been 13 in 2007.
So why is it that amy says this "Her body wasn’t even cold when people were putting microphones in front of us. We were kids. Not even in middle school. That fucks you up." (Interlude 16.Y). You were in middle school. 8th grade, if their middle school was anything like mine. It was apparently over the summer, so actually they would have recently graduated middle school, starting 9th grade in the fall.
If Fleur had died before amy and victoria entered middle school that would have to have been 2 years prior, in 2005. But we know she was alive for the Boston Games, since she appears in ashley's memories, and we know the boston games were 4 years before ashley gets recruited by she slaughterhouse 9 (in 2011), because ashley says so.
"[Ashley had] broken [her hand] after killing [Blasto's] giant four years prior, and it hadn’t healed quite right, despite her best efforts."
So how do you reconcile this? Is ashley misremembering 4 instead of 6? It's possible, she doesn't exactly have a calendar. Am I reading too much into the "even" in "not even in middle school?" That's what the worm wiki thinks. Did Wildbow make an oopsie? Is there another, infinitely more nuanced answer? Are you bald?
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annoyingann · 2 months
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@bedac-more made a great art of Rire being photographed for a calendar... I'm jumping on the trend. I believe this is canon!!
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lady-janet · 2 years
@wizardysseus replied to your post: “ Tam Lin October Questions 2: Which novel retelling do you like...”
favorite is fire and hemlock by diana wynne jones. i wouldn’t recommend it to everyone, but to me it’s a really important book, even though it plays fast and loose with its inspiration. my least favorite that i’ve read so far is roses and rot by kat howard? i was uh… super not impressed by characters, worldbuilding, dialogue, romance, themes, or interpretation of the legend. so that was a waste of time.
I also love Fire and Hemlock! It’s one of those novels that you can read again and again and notice things you missed before. Even though the interpretation is a bit “fast and loose” I think Diana Wynne Jones does an amazing job of touching on a lot of the important Tam Lin elements throughout the story.
I have to admit that I never actually finished reading Roses and Rot. It wasn’t for any particular reason. I just sort of set it down and never picked it up again. I think you’ve explained my feelings pretty well, though. It wasn’t overly impressive and I suppose I just forgot about it. I’d like to take another run at it someday, but it isn’t all that high on my To Be Read list. Thank you so much for sharing!
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csm-headcanons · 2 years
Ah~ Thank you so much for your answer! I'll be very happy to send you matchup request, but I keep up with anime too, so I'll probably wait until it's over) O, and I like OC's to and really really like to read about it! Maybe come up with OC's request or ramblings later. Btw, if you want to make a Oc's requests exchange one day, let me know! I'm also Tumblr veteran, but can't restore my blog, so I'm anon. x) Have a great day!~ ^*^
HELLO IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY I WENT ON A TRIP! im back now so requests should start popping up :D
thats absolutely fair!! one of the characters that comes later on is another favourite of mine and i cant wait for her to be introduced in the anime!!
an oc request sounds great!! honestly even if you have ideas for devils/hunters and what their abilities would be, tell me everything!! i absolutely love to brain storm - or alternatively if you want to make an oc but dont know where to start or want ideas for abilities, shoot me an ask and i'll see what i can do!!
im sorry to hear about your blog (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) the tumblr support is really helpful if you remember the url!! best of luck, but if you decide to make another, let me know (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
- ⊹ october
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toobusybeingdelulu · 3 months
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Joe Kerry and Dacre Montgomery Reunion at a convention in October?????? wdym !!!
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i-really-like-phrogs · 8 months
Also if you don’t mind, could I request beetlejuice + bettyjuice together saying trans rights? :O
You heard em’ folks!! Trans rights!
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duck-noises · 6 months
in honour of the dlc dropping today
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click image for better quality
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cellgatinbo · 5 months
just remembered this clip out of nowhere and just so happened to have it saved so. yeah sure here it is.
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