ritmos-eternos · 2 months
Veo tu rostro, tus gestos, algo te molesta; pero no eres capaz de decirlo.
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federer7 · 7 months
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El peliqueiro. Laza. Galicia. Spain. 1975. From 'España Oculta'
Foto: Cristina Garcia Rodero
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Plutarco - Los Misterios de Isis y Osiris - Glosa - 1976
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sudaca-swag · 6 months
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Sí, de hecho si sos psicóloga y querés meter tu fé a la fuerza para curar a un paciente es causal de que te apedreen en el patio de la facultad
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redpinkwine · 2 days
Let Eddie be gay and loud
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bambinamoon · 3 months
Inestable, pero trato de ocultarlo.
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tarotdeana · 2 months
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Consejo de bruja
Cuando quieras manifestar algo, pedir un deseo o hacer un hechiza, dale mayor potencia o haz que tu mensaje llegue a todos lados con mayor rapidez utilizando piedras semipreciosas y cristales.
Elige el color que corresponda a tu intención y colócalo en tu altar o sostenlo entre tus manos:
Verde -> Salud, descanso, relajación, amor, que alguien diga la verdad.
Rojo -> Motivación, pasión, tener energía y coraje para hacer las cosas.
Amarillo -> Éxito, riquezas, felicidad, protección.
Morado -> Crecimiento interior, intuición, conocer secretos, resolver misterios.
Rosa -> Amor, amistad, superar una crisis, disminuir o eliminar la ansiedad y el estrés.
Blanco o transparente -> Paz, pureza, clalridad mental.
Negro -> Protección contra energías muy negativas o hechizos muy poderosos.
Azul claro -> Comunicación, paz, conectar con lo celestial.
Azul oscuro -> Comprensión, entendimiento, ver más allá de lo evidente.
Naranja -> Atraer energía positiva, optimismo, creatividad.
Lee mitos coreanos aquí.
Lee mitos japoneses aquí.
Lee mitos griegos aquí.
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jordiethepoolfloatie · 3 months
Resources to help
Operation Olive Branch (operating mainly on IG and Tiktok @operationolivebranch) is an organisation directly helping Palestinian families on the ground. They have a list of verified gofundme campaigns as well as many other ways to help if you are unable to donate.
Let’s Talk Palestine (@letstalkpalestine on IG) is an educational organisation providing thorough information about the history of Palestine and the events of the g€noc!de, as well as daily updates on the cause. A great resource to get educated.
UNRWA is the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees, an official UN organisation providing aid in Gaza. Their funding has been cut by many countries recently, and while some have resumed, the operation of UNRWA is continuously facing difficulties. Israeli settlers and troops are blocking the border crossings, limiting the aid getting into Gaza.
BOYCOTT brands that support this g€noc!de! You can find the list of boycotted brands and reasons of boycott on bdsmovement.net as well as www.boycotzionism.com.
Keep talking. Keep sharing. Keep bearing witness. Keep donating.
DR Congo
Friends of The Congo (@congofriends on IG) is a human rights and advocacy organization educating people on the dire situation Congolese people are subjected to. They also provide ways to donate to thise affected by the inhumane confitions of cobalt mining and the attacks of Rwandan troops (funded by EU)
Focus Congo (@focuscongo on IG) is a Congo and Germany based human rights organisation. They provide both education and ways to donate and get involved in helping the people of the DRC.
BOYCOTT big tech companies profiting from the g€n0c!de olin Congo: Dell, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft etc. This does not mean to throw away your electronics. But you do not need the new iPhone just because it’s new. Buy refurbished tech, and generally take good care of the elevtronic devices you already own.
BOYCOTT conflict minerals such as gold, silver and diamonds.
SAPA is the Sudanese American Physicians Association, a medical organisation providing medical care on the ground to displaced Sudanese people. You can donate to fund their medical supplies.
Let’s Talk Period Sudan (@letstalkperiodsudan) is a women’s rights organisation providing affordable reusable menstrual pads for Sudanese women and girls, addressing the ongoing women’s health crisis in Sudan amidst the war.
@sudan.updates on IG is a great resource to learn about what is going on in Sudan.
Most importantly: keep your humanity. Keep caring. Don’t turn away. If all of these horrors being committed around the world terrify and upset you, that just means you are a human being with empathy.
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linuxgamenews · 4 months
Uncover the Secrets of Chromatic Memories: A Mind-Bending Visual Novel
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Chromatic Memories emotional interactive visual novel game is coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the talented folks at Perla Oculta for bringing this game to life. Due to make its way onto Steam. Big news from Spanish indie studio Perla Oculta! They've just announced their new visual novel, Chromatic Memories, due to launch on Linux via Steam, June 19th. This adventure takes place in the beautiful Canary Islands during the early 2000s. In this world, technology lets people mess with memories, and special "painters of memories" can access and change people’s minds. You can even erase memories! Chromatic Memories will also be part of the Steam Next Fest from June 10-17. The Chromatic Memories story kicks off with Nayara, who wakes up one day feeling something is seriously off. She notices some items in her house are missing and other things are out of place. She also can't remember why. Turns out, as a painter of memories, she’s been erasing parts of her own past! Now, Nayara is on a mission to uncover what she tried to hide from herself. She'll dive deep into her past, talk to people from those memories, while gathering pieces of information to solve the mystery. Once she gets all the info about a memory, she’ll piece it together, due to unlock new steps in her investigation.
Chromatic Memories Announcement Trailer
Nayara can link specific memories to emotions and even different times. Using dyes, she’ll craft new colors through fun minigames that help her remember key moments in her life. She can also revisit events that happened in the same place but at different times. Plus, she’ll look for old contacts to reconnect with friends who might hold the key to her sudden memory loss.
Key Features:
Dive into a cozy visual novel about grief, loss, memory, and acceptance.
Explore an alternate version of the Canary Islands in the 2000s.
Navigate Nayara’s memories in Chromatic Memories by investigating scenes and talking to various characters to get the main facts.
Collect new dyes as you progress and play minigames to create new colors that aid in your investigation.
Search for old phone numbers to reconnect with lost friends and discover new details about Nayara’s life and world.
Enjoy the vibrant Fauvist art style inspired by early 20th century avant garde artists.
So, mark your calendars for June 19th and get ready to explore Nayara’s mind bending journey in Chromatic Memories. Whether you're into a good emotional interactive visual novel or just like a good mystery, this game promises a unique experience. And don’t forget to check it out during the Steam Next Fest from June 10-17. So be sure to Wishlist it on Steam, coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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omi-papus · 2 years
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El hecho de que estos dos son generalmente presentados como si fueran de la misma altura es uno de los mayores desperdicios de la franquicia.
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federer7 · 4 months
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El Danzante Azul. El Hito, Cuenca, España. 1980 - De "España Oculta" (Hidden Spain)
Foto: Cristina García Rodero
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cerebrodigital · 3 days
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Mira la explicación científica aquí:
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victormalonso · 2 years
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la cara oculta del espejo
the other side of the mirror | © víctor m. alonso
in every mirror there is an invisible side to the human eye; it is not seen because it is on the reverse; in spite of that, without that unknown, unnoticed, invisible side, no mirror would have existence, nor would let us, the observers, to choose between so many magical and playful spaces that the infinite perspectives of the reflection offers us ...
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faetoothofficial · 1 year
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WE’RE GOING ON OUR FIRST TOUR! We’ll be ripping through the West Coast this September! Tickets are on sale now!
(9/15) San Francisco, CA @ Neck of the Woods
(9/17) Portland, OR @ Mano Oculta (21+)
(9/18) Seattle, WA @ The Funhouse at El Corazon
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vouteseguiremsegredo · 3 months
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bambinamoon · 3 months
Apreciemos las verdades ocultas.
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