#of COURSE their hugs are gonna be chaotic
badlydrawn-brostrider · 10 months
can dirk and bro hug......
[ They can indeed! ]
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[ It never ends well, though. ]
( @badlydrawn-dirkstrider )
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stillcominback · 1 year
✨back by popular demand✨
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whateverloomis · 2 months
Billy and Stu x Reader who doesnt like violence, so they have to baby her all the time🥺
I see you anon ;)
This was heavily inspired by that first scene in Sidney's room where Billy is being a total clown with her stuffie 🤡
This is a shorty but very fun and teasy :p
Enjoy! <33
Warnings: Making out, teasing, Stu is chaotic, poly!ghostface, reader is sassy, unedited
Reader: AFAB, She/Her, use of YN | 3rd person pov
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YN was watching one of Billy and Stu's favorite slasher movies in her room with Stu. One she didn't care about, like the rest of those gory, gross, violent movies.
She was snuggling up to Stu, her face on his chest and eyes closed, hoping to fall asleep and drown out the sound of the unwanted film.
The boy looked down and noticed she was upset. He paused the movie and ran his hand through her hair.
"You alright kiddo?" He asked and she looked up at him, a slight frown on her face.
"Yeah I just... I don't like these kinds of movies... They're unnecessarily violent." She answered and Stu chuckled, "Well baby, it's a horror movie, of course it's gonna be violent." He answered.
Suddenly, Billy walked in the room. He overheard the conversation while climbing up the stairs and was clearly annoyed at the situation.
"Stu, turn that shit off. You know she doesn't like that stuff." Billy said and grabbed one of her stuffed animals, sitting next to her and placing it on her lap. It was like muscle memory for him. Billy knew exactly when and what she needed for comfort.
Stu was very caring as well, but sometimes he forgot small details that triggered her, but that's okay. She knew Stu didn't mean any harm, but whenever it happened she needed all the comfort in the world from her boyfriend's.
YN grabbed the stuffed animal and sat up against the headboard, her knees up to her chest while hugging the stuffie.
Stu turned off the TV and looked at YN with a frown, "I didn't mean to upset you baby," he said and she waved her hand softly, "It's okay, I'm not mad I just..." YN trailed off and Billy wrapped his arm around her, providing comfort.
"Oh I know!" Stu exclaimed and YN jumped slightly. The boy ran out of the room and down the stairs to look for God knows what and left YN and Billy alone.
"He's such an idiot sometimes," Billy mumbled and YN glared at him playfully, "Don't be mean," she said and Billy looked at her, a smirk adorning his face.
"C'mere" he said and patted his lap. YN crawled towards her boyfriend, stuffie still in hand and she straddled his lap. Billy quickly wrapped his arms round her waist and pressed her against him, the stuffed animal between them.
"We'll watch something else later, okay? Your pick," Billy said, his voice low sending shivers of excitement over her body. YN smiled at him and jumped softly on his lap out of happiness.
Billy licked his bottom lip and chuckled, removing the stuffie from between them, "Mm, don't do that unless you wanna get in trouble." he whispered, cock half hard from her movements.
YN repeated her cute little jump again, biting her lower lip, "Maybe I do want to get in trouble," she said and Billy let out a breathy laugh.
YN leaned in at the same time as Billy and they kissed softly. Occasionally pulling back to place teasy pecks on each other's lips before connecting again and playing with each other's tongues.
She started to grind slowly against his now hard cock and released a whine. Billy chuckled and squeezed her hips, "You're so fucking cute," he whispered and crashed his lips against hers again.
Before things escalated, Stu climbed up the stairs, tripping on the final step before entering the room; "I got your favorite snack! We can watch- Well shit, what a way of comforting her, Billy," Stu said teasingly and YN pulled away from Billy, burying her head in the crook of his neck and giggling.
Stu placed the snack on the night stand and sat next to them, pulling YN towards him, YN kneeling next to him. Her second boyfriend cupped her face and she leaned in, kissing him with need. She moaned softly against his lips, clearly worked up because of the make out session with Billy.
YN pulled back and crawled towards Stu, giving Billy a perfect view of her ass before she sat on Stu's lap, continuing the hungry kiss.
"You love getting your way with us, huh?" Stu asked teasingly and YN smirked; "And you loovee to please me," She said and Billy raised an eyebrow; "Oh yeah? We'll see about that," he said before grabbing YNs face and kissing her again, her still on Stu's lap.
She was in for a night of fun, multiple rounds and lots of praise.
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koolades-world · 5 months
I have a request for an MC who's never been called beautiful or handsome before, so when they're complimented, they ask why and just start to cry. The brothers (plus Dia and Barbatos, if it's not too much to ask, of course) are shocked at their tears and find out that their human had never been complimented before this moment.
Sorry if it's too specific, I had this experience and I cried for way too long, I just want to know how the boys would react.
hi there! yes of course :)
no worries about the specifics and such. so glad someone called you stunning like you are. you and everyone reading this: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL HANDSOME STUNNING GORGEOUS PRETTY!!!!! if nobody has told you that today, know that you are!! you deserve the world :)))
enjoy <3
Mc who cries after being called beautiful/handsome/stunning
right after you had finally taken your last RAD exam, you thought you looked like a mess and you vocalized that
he swooped into to disagree and called you handsome
he’s quick to comfort you when you start to cry because he’s not quite sure why
when he finds out it’s because he called you handsome, he dabs always your tears and makes a mental note to call you good looking more often
he called you it kind of in the heat of the moment
but that he didn’t mean it, but he was just so excited! you’d just helped him win a huge bet and made him loads of grim so it slipped out in a long string of compliments
he slows down once he sees you crying, and wipes your tears
he tells you he’d call you beautiful over and over again if you wanted because he really did think you were the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen
he really worked himself up to compliment you like this
after all, as a chronic overthinker, he sat for while thinking about the implications and how you might react
once he finally said it after almost chickening out, he totally freaked out after you burst out into tears
the following ten minutes were chaotic to say the least, but in the end he knew it was out of joy
omg I can literally see him reciting the iconic lines to you from Romeo and Juliet
this man is so extra in subtle ways
you’re gorgeous and he wants to you to know
by the time he’s at the end of his lines, you’re of course a blubbering mess but he’s there for you, ready to melt your heart all over again
he often throws around that word comfortable
so, it's only natural he ends up calling you it once or twice
he didn't even realize the way you froze and started to tear up after
eventually he turns around and sees the silent tears rolling down your cheeks with a smile, and pulls you into a hug. he's gonna be calling you that a lot more from now on :)
he probably says it in passing after you called something or someone else pretty
something along the lines of “you’re pretty too” simple and to the point
he feels several moments of panic until you start to try to reassume him that they’re not bad tears
every time you call something else pretty or something along those lines, he thinks of that moment and says what he said back then with more purpose
he for sure tells you while the two of you are our stargazing
out of the blue, he rolls over and tells you you remind him of the brightest, twinkling star and that you shine in the same, brilliant, beautiful way
without looking back at you, he returns to star gazing as you begin to silently sniff
he pulls you into his side, gently smiling and hugging you tight
after getting ready for a party and putting on the finished touches on your outfit, you turned to him to ask how you looked
after he told you you looked incredibly handsome, you couldn’t stop the waterworks from flowing
he’s very afraid at first he said something wrong but after you explain it’s just because you’ve never been called that before, his whole demeanor changes
he personally delivers handwritten notes to you daily during RAD that are just all the things he loves about you in them now <33
when he gives out a compliment, it’s very deliberate
he thinks very carefully about what he wants to say, not because he’s afraid he’ll say something wrong, but because he really wants it to mean something
when he called you and your work pretty along with a few other things, he wasn’t sure how to initially react to your tears
but eventually when you started to hug him, he hugged you back and comforted you. he has the little d’s make a routine or complimenting you too :)
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squiddy-god · 3 months
cute aggression (floyd)
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Fast steps ran echoed down the halls. Long legs and teal blue hair rushing in a blur, Barling twords a single smaller figure.
Long arms wraping around the smaller (y/n) as Floyd let out a loud laugh while he squeezed you tightly against his chest. You giggled and you shuffled around in his vice like grip to squeeze him back.
“Aahahahahaha kobie-chans so cute! ” Releasing you from his arms his large hands came up to squish your cheeks.
“Haha Floyd stooopp my cheeks are gonna hurt” You giggled as he released your cheeks pouting slightly.
“Awwwwe but I wanna squeeze ya! ”
“Maby later, I gotta head to class” You said back poking his cheek slightly.
Floyd laced your hand in his and started walking in long strides towards your classroom. He walked happily as he began to swing your hands back and forth with a sharp smile.
This always happened, Floyd would spot you from across the Hall or mostro lounge and be filled with the urge to squeeze you, you were just so cute he wanted to wrap around you nice and tight. A sweet squeeze that somehow never seemed to be to tight. He squeezed your hands in his and pinched your cheeks when he saw you. Anyone with eyes and a brain could tell he thought you were the cutest thing.
Finally reaching your class room he gave you a finale tight hug before skipping off happily to his next class.
Giveing you a tight squeeze never failed to bring him joy. When he was in a mood swing he always seemed to seek you out for a hug and copious amounts of cuddles to lighten his mood. Whenever you swam or could be in water was his favorite tho. Being able to wrap around your body completely in his eel form brought a sharp tooth smile to his face.
He always squeezed cute things, from stuffed animals to people and the adorable fishies he’d find in his ocean home. To Floyd you were by far the cutest thing he’d seen, and so he squeezed you as much as he could. Cuddles and tight hugs were a absolute must for the young merfoke.
‘Finally out of class’ you thought as a long sigh escaped you. Math was always the worst class and you felt absolutely exhausted after the hour long lecture on magic trigonometry, wich was somehow worse then normal trigonometry.
You walked down the long halls of NRC to the mirror room.
'Hehe I’m shure Floyd would like if I paid him a visit today’ and with thought you walked through the mirror leading you to the dorm of your loveable boyfriend.
Walking into the morstro lounge you were greeted by the one and only azul. He walked up to you with his usual “customer service” Smile in order to greet you.
“ Ah hello (y/n), I assume your looking for Floyd?” He asks
“Yah I thought I’d pay him a visit today, if he’s not to busy of course! ” You didn’t want to disrupt him if he was working or anything.
“No, no, he’s in his room right now and I’m shure he’d be over joyed to see you” Azul said, amused with how worried you got over the chaotic leech twin.
“Ah! Well then I’ll go surprise him! ” You smiled and waved goodbye to azul.
Walking to Floyds room you couldn’t help but grin at the thought of a happy Floyd.
Knocking in a Ryrithym on his door you hurd him say come in. You opened the door and walked in, closeing it behind you.
“Hey hey Floyd~ guess who-” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you were swooped up into a vice like squeeze.
Floyd spun around a big laughing before falling back on his bed with you in his arms tightly.
“Awww did my little Kobie-chan come to visit me~” He asked as he snuggled further into your (h/c) hair.
“Of corse I did! I wanted to see my favorite eel! ” You giggled as you hugged him back and gave a little peck on his cheek.
Of corse this wasn’t enough for Floyd and he wanted more kisses from his Kobie-chan. He began peppering you face with little kisses being shure to not get your lips. You giggled at the ticklish pecks before you gave him one on the lips. He let out a giggle of his own and his arms wrapped tighter around you.
“I love you (y/n)~ my little Kobie-chan
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piratefalls · 3 months
so i was reading this post (which, like, a++ no notes, love it) and tbh I love the idea of buck and tommy getting secretly married and trying to keep it a secret for however long they can. but what if they didn't try to hide it?
what if they woke up one morning, sun streaming through the curtains they forgot to close the night before, and buck just looks at tommy and is like...yeah. this. i want this. and with a scratchy voice suggests to a half asleep tommy that maybe one day it would be nice to wake up like this, only married. and it's not truly out of the blue, because they've talked about it and it's what they both want, but he's a little caught off guard when tommy just groans and mutters a fond goddammit evan. tommy rolls out of bed, digs around in the back of their closet, comes back with a velvet box in one hand. he wipes the sleep from his eyes and says he was planning on asking at dinner that night, but now is good, too.
and instead of going out for dinner they stay in, order thai, and talk about it. what they want, what they don't, and the general consensus seems to be that all they really want is to just...be married. the how and the where of it all doesn't really matter. so instead of telling everyone, instead of going through the mess of caterers and florists and venues and everyone's conflicting opinions and and and, they just...look at their schedules, pick their next joint day off, and make an appointment at the courthouse. they'll have a party with family and friends later, but with how chaotic their lives can be, doing this quietly, with just them, feels right.
in the end it's just them, two random people they pull from the hallway to be witnesses, and a justice of the peace. and it's perfect.
buck is so deliriously happy that he gives up on the notion that he'll be able to hide it the second he goes back to work, so on his first shift after they get married he walks into the 118 still in his civvies, with a brand new silver ring on his finger and a grin on his face so big you could see it from space, goes straight to the loft where everyone is eating breakfast, and... enthusiastically slams the marriage license down on the table.
he'd already printed and signed a change of name form and other things bobby would have asked him to sign anyway, so he hands those over too. the room goes silent, and he just grins at their surprised faces, gives the room a fist pump (left hand, ring on display, of course) and walks down the stairs to the locker room.
he makes it halfway before everyone he hears the shuffling of feet above him and, after a brief pause during which he assumes they're reading the paperwork, they start talking over each other. there's hen's "you did what" and chimney's sing-songy "oh your sister's gonna killlll youuuuuu" and ravi's confused "wait this surprises you guys?" and eddie's talking quietly, probably on the phone with tommy so the man himself can hear the chaos that's taken over the 118 and also to get gossip straight from the source. and bobby just comes down and pulls him into a hug and murmurs that he's proud of him. there's so much happening right now, but all buck feels is a sense of peace.
(they do have a small ceremony and a very lively party a month later. they have no regrets.)
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
you'll be in my heart always
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'you'll be in my heart'
rated g | 777 words | no cw | tags: modern au, famous corroded coffin, married steddie, steddie dads
"Is she watching Tarzan again?" Eddie asks when he walks in the door.
Steve looks up from the grocery list he's writing and smiles. "I think she's got a crush on Tarzan."
"Steven, please. I can't think about her having a crush on anyone. She's only seven."
Steve laughs as he wraps his arms around Eddie's waist. "How was recording today?"
Eddie sighs before kissing the side of Steve's head. "Could've been better."
Steve hums in response, asking for him to explain without having to outright ask. That's how they've worked for years, understanding each other without explanations.
"Just got into it a little with one of the mixers. She wanted me to sing lead on a song Jeff wrote. That's not how we do things," Eddie explained, pulling back to kiss Steve on the lips before pulling away completely. "It'll be fine. Jeff got to sing it."
"Daddy! Watch Tarzan with me!" Riley yelled from the living room when she noticed he was home. "My favorite song is coming!"
Steve patted his hip and returned to his grocery list. "Good luck."
"Hey, little one. Tarzan again?" Eddie asked as he sat down on the couch next to their oldest daughter. She nodded, not looking away from the screen. "What's your favorite song?"
It changed almost every time she watched it, so it was a fair question.
"The heart one." She finally looked up at Eddie, grinning.
"Which one is-" Eddie got cut off when he heard exactly what song it was. Oh god, he was gonna start crying. He always cried during this song. "Oh."
He could hear Steve giggling from the kitchen counter. Fucker.
As Kala sings to Tarzan, Riley leans against Eddie's side, singing along under her breath. She was shy when it came to singing, which shocked both Steve and Eddie. She was good, already had pitch that Eddie was jealous of.
Eddie starts singing along softly, hoping to encourage her to sing louder.
She stops singing and looks up at Eddie.
"Am I always in your heart?" She asks, nearly making Eddie's heart burst.
"Of course, little one."
"Even when you go on the bus with my uncles?" She pushes.
When she was little, her and Steve came with him on tours. She got to see the world, and be spoiled by everyone. But when she started kindergarten, and the twins were born, Eddie took a year-long break to stay home and enjoy time with his family. The rest of the guys were happy to, appreciative of their time to settle. Jeff and Frankie both got married, and Gareth moved in with his boyfriend. But then they went back on tour, and this time, Riley couldn't come with them. She had school, and taking two toddlers on tour would've been chaotic and too much to ask of Steve. So when it came time for him to tour, he had to leave them home, and Riley had to adjust.
It wasn't easy at first. She cried every night on the phone, and Eddie considered just canceling the tour. Their fans would have to understand it wasn't the right time. Maybe they could reschedule for school breaks and summer.
But Steve, the voice of reason, insisted that she would never get used to it if he didn't stick to it, but that she would get used to it. She did, but it wasn't without the occasional bad days or nights.
"Especially when I go on the bus with your uncles. I hang up your art all over the bus so everyone can see how much you mean to me." Eddie kisses the top of her head. "You're always in my heart."
They stayed snuggled up on the couch while the movie played, only getting interrupted once when Steve came in the room to hug them both goodbye.
"Twins'll be up soon from their nap. I'll be quick," Steve said as he checked his pocket for his wallet. "Just grabbing some stuff for the weekend."
"Love you." Eddie and Riley said in unison, not looking away from the movie.
"Love you both."
"Wait!" Riley suddenly jumped up, running to Steve and hugging his waist. "I'm in your heart, too, right?"
"Of course, baby. Always." Steve leaned down to hug her again before she ran back to the couch and into Eddie's lap.
When Steve came back, the movie had finished, but Eddie was dancing with all three kids to Strangers Like Me, shouting more than singing along. He set the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and joined them, laughing as Riley once again requested You'll Be In My Heart.
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mitsuristoleme · 9 months
“hey stupid, i love u”
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cw: mild swearing, gn!reader, reader gets called ‘mom’, fluff fluff fluff
part 1 here but this can be read as a standalone
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a/n: they need more domesticity. this is so self indulgent btw.g
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tagging- @forest-hashira
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You unlock the door as quietly as possible, and slip inside the house, making sure not to wake your family. It was still pretty early, only 9AM on a Saturday.
Your family. A chaotic mess consisting of your two boyfriends and four adopted (kinda) children. Neither you nor the boys thought you would be parents of four at 20, but you weren’t complaining. Smiling at the thought of them, you take off your shoes and put them into the shoe-rack.
Dumping you bag unceremoniously onto the dining table, you make your way to the bedroom you shared with your lovers, only to be greeted by an adorable sight as you enter.
Nanako and Megumi are sandwiched between Satoru and Suguru, Mimiko asleep on Satoru’s shoulder and Tsumiki curled up over Suguru’s head. A big cuddle pile of the people you love most.
If you were in a cartoon you would be a liquid puddle on the ground with hearts in your eyes.
Bringing out your phone, you take a million pictures before heading into the bathroom to clean up and change.
You take the quickest, quietest shower you have ever taken (normally Satoru and Suguru join you and well, that doesn’t end fast) and slip on one of Suguru’s hoodies and a pair of shorts.
You check the time on your phone, 10AM.
Deciding to make breakfast for everyone, you grab your dirty clothes to put in the laundry basket and begin making you way out of the room.
You’ve barely taken a couple steps when you hear shuffling from the bed and a hoarse little whisper of “Mom?”
Mimiko has moved away from Satoru’s shoulder and is looking at you, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Okay, fuck the laundry.
You drop your work uniform in a corner of the room and move to scoop Mimiko into your arms, pressing a kiss onto her head.
“Hi honey, you sleep well?”
She nods against you before mumbling a “missed you.”
“I missed you too, you menace,” you whispered, gently tickling her under her chin. “You wanna help me make breakfast, hmm?”
“Waffles?” she asks looking up at you with those pleading eyes you can never say no to.
You don’t have the heart to tell her you were gonna make oatmeal.
“Of course.”
In the kitchen, you seat Mimiko on the counter and put on your apron before you grab the child sized one with “Mimiko” embroidered on it and tie it up for her.
Mimiko adores that apron for no reason other than the fact that her dads got it for her on her birthday (of course Nanako has a matching one and of course they refused to take them off for a week, going as far as sleeping in their aprons).
You both get to work making the batter for the waffles. You put in the ingredients and mix as Mimiko ‘finishes’ the mixing.
While you’re washing and chopping the strawberries, your little chef chooses the playlist for that morning, one of Satoru’s making of course.
Distracted as you both are, you don’t notice Suguru enter the kitchen. At least not until he’s pressed up against your back, arms around your waist.
“Good morning, love,” he breathes into your ear, in that deep husky voice thats so fucking attractive it should be illegal.
“Hi Sugu,” you reply, heart thumping wildly in your chest. Even after three, almost four years of being together, the boys never failed to make you feel like a crushing schoolgirl.
You slice the last strawberry in half and turn around to face your boyfriend, looping your arms around him neck. He grins that devilishly handsome grin of his, and pecks your lips.
“Papa! I want hugs and kisses too,” pouts Mimiko, phone and playlist forgotten as she holds her arms out for her papa to embrace her.
“Of course my little angel.”
You look on fondly as Suguru dotes on your daughter, giggles emanating from their mouths. Watching your boys be soft for the kids made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
That was when Satoru walked out of the bedroom, eyes unfocused, his hair looking like he lost a fight with his pillow, and Nanako and Tsumiki under each arm. In a strange display of affection, Megumi was clutching onto his shoulders, legs dangling.
Satoru doesn’t seem to have noticed the fact that you’re at home. He deposits the kids onto the couch and makes his way towards the kitchen, whining about the loss of Suguru’s body heat.
“-can’t believe ya left me Sugu. No y/n either. M’heart is breaking-“
He’s in the middle of his sleepy tirade when he spots you, standing next to the sink, smiling.
“Hi ‘Toru.”
He immediately breaks out into a grin.
“BABYYYYY!!!” And you’re enveloped into a bone crushing hug.
You laugh as he lifts you off the ground and rocks you from side to side. He sets you down and begins peppering your face with kisses.
“I,” mwah, “Missed,” mwah, “You.” mwah.
Another arm snakes around your waist, Suguru pulling both you and Satoru closer. You notice from the corner of your eye that Mimiko has joined her siblings in the living room, the four if them crowded around an iPad.
You bask in your lovers’ hugs for a moment longer, before kissing their jaws and pulling yourself out of their arms.
“C’mon we still have four kids to feed,” you say in response to their forlorn expressions.
You peek your head out of the kitchen, calling out to the kids, “Kids! Waffles for breakfast! Dining table now!”
With a cheer and a yell of “You guys should all thank me for this” by Mimiko, the four children are seated at the table in record time.
Suguru forces you to sit on the dining table as he and Satoru make the waffles and serve them to everyone, with a heaping serving of whipped cream and chopped strawberries.
After breakfast, the girls enthusiastically remind you of the Girls’ Day you promised them that morning before you left. When you tell them to get dressed, the twins immediately break free from Satoru, who was showering them in affection (imagine his disappointment), and scamper to their room to choose their outfits.
Tsumiki shyly comes up to you, playing with the hem of her sleep shirt, “Mom, can you help me pick something to wear?”
These are the moments that make you realise how different life was for the four children before Satoru and Suguru found them. Tsumiki had never gotten the chance to go out much and you heart ached for the young girl.
You clear your throat to ease the tightness you felt and smiled at Tsumiki, “Of course ‘Miki! C’mon lets put together an outfit for you.”
As you get up from the couch, you share a glance with Satoru and Suguru, whose eyes reflect all the same emotions you had been feeling.
The last thing you hear before leaving is Suguru asking Megumi if he wants to go somewhere to compensate for the fact that the three boys were being left at home.
After helping Tsumiki pick an outfit, you send the girl off to shower before taking one yourself (the second consecutive shower without your boys, you note). You quickly do your makeup and slip into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Completely unable to locate your sweater (it was probably stolen by Satoru), you end up stealing Suguru’s leather jacket to wear on top of your t-shirt.
When you finally step back into the living room, Satoru greets you with a kiss on your lips and his signature cheshire grin. “You look good,” he says, ocean blue eyes looking you up and down appreciatively.
“Thanks,” you grin back, looping your arms around his neck.
“Can I come with?” he inquires almost pleadingly. “Baby its Girls’ Day.” “Yeah and?” “You’re not a girl Satoru!” “Bold of you to assume I’m not a woman.” “What?!?”
“I swear you two,” you hear Suguru sigh behind you. You look back at him, pouting. “‘Toru started it,” you complain.
Suguru laughs and pinches Satoru’s and your
cheeks, following it up by pecking your foreheads.
“You’re both such babies,” he chuckles as you and your white haired menace of a lover launch yourselves into Suguru’s arms.
“Your babies,” Satoru replies, cheekily.
“My babies.”
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dividers by @/vanillekiss
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paisleypens · 4 months
tee hee
spencer having his partner on a smosh live stream! and it ends with them announcing they are getting married
you are officially tee hee best anon the og love of my life. also i took some creative liberties with this one so i hope you still enjoy!!
“clay”-full of surprises | spencer agnew x reader
gender neutral btw!!
The Smosh studio was alive with chatter and laughter as the crew prepared for their clay sculpting live stream. Bright lights illuminated the table covered with an array of clay colors, sculpting tools, and creative reference materials. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the chat filled with excited fans.
"Are we live? Oh damn! Hey, hey, hey! Welcome, everyone, to another Thursday games stream!" Spencer Agnew's energetic voice greeted the camera. "We've got a special treat today because my partner, the incredible Y/N, is joining us!"
Everyone’s favorite crew member, Y/N, waved at the camera with a grin, their eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey, everyone! I'm so pumped to be here and get crafty with all of you!"
Angela couldn't contain her excitement. "This is gonna be a riot! I can't wait to see what kind of mess we make!"
Shayne, always ready to poke fun at Angela, chuckled. "Hopefully not too much of a mess. Let's keep it somewhat together, Ange.”
Chanse responded extra quickly, “Says you, personally I'm actually trying to make something good.”
“Okay sureee” responded Shayne, sparking the competition for the stream.
“Also, make sure to stay until the end to vote for your favorite creation!” Spencer concluded, letting the chaos begin.
The group dove into their clay projects, each with their unique style. Shayne decided to sculpt a caricature of Ian with exaggerated features, while Angela molded a cat that somehow resembled a bizarre hybrid of horse and dog. Chanse, true to form, meticulously crafted a stunning clay sculpture of a phoenix.
Meanwhile, Spencer worked on something special, exchanging knowing glances with Y/N throughout the stream.
"Spencer, what are you up to over there?" Angela's curious voice broke through the focused concentration of the others.
Spencer grinned mischievously. "You'll have to wait and see, Angela. It's a surprise."
As the stream progressed, the chat buzzed with speculation about Spencer's mysterious creation. Y/N, while focused on their own clay masterpiece, couldn't help stealing glances at Spencer's work, a sense of excitement building.
Finally, it was time to reveal their creations. Shayne proudly displayed his exaggerated Ian sculpture, earning laughs and playful jabs from the others. Angela's chaotic animal mix garnered both confusion and amusement, while Chanse's phoenix drew genuine admiration for its beauty.
"Okay, Spencer, show us what you've been hiding!" Angela exclaimed eagerly.
Spencer carefully unveiled a small clay box, intricately detailed. With a flourish, he opened it to reveal a delicate clay ring nestled inside.
The room fell silent for a moment before Angela burst into laughter. "No way, Spencer! Are you pulling a fake proposal on us?"
Spencer chuckled. "Well, sort of. Y/N, will you pretend marry me with this clay ring?" He winked playfully.
Y/N played along, a grin spreading across their face. "Of course, Spencer. I'll always pretend to marry you."
The rest of the crew erupted into laughter and applause, catching on to the inside joke. Shayne teased, "Looks like Spencer's already whipped!"
Chanse, between fits of laughter, managed to say, "Congratulations, you two. I better be in the bridal party."
Spencer stood up, still holding Y/N's hand. "Actually, this fake proposal is a nod to something real. Y/N and I are getting married!"
The studio went silent in shock until it suddenly filled with cheers, hugs, and congratulations from Angela, Shayne, and Chanse. The chat exploded with excitement and well-wishes from fans.
"We wanted to share this special moment with all of you," Y/N said, smiling at Spencer. "Thank you for being part of our journey."
As the live stream came to an end, the crew continued to celebrate, the playful atmosphere and shared laughter making it a day they would always remember.
“Wait… should we still vote on the best?” Angela asked, willing to fight for her ‘cat’.
Shayne laughed before waving goodbye to the camera, “Yeah I really don’t think we need to.”
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adorabluesposts · 5 months
I’m a massively hopeless romantic and hopelessly in love with our short paranoid chaotic duck loving king and the THINGS I WOULD DO TO THIS MAN JUST BECAUSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Anyway thoughts about he’d react to constant affection because my love is physical affection and maybe sometimes giving him handmade gifts because nothing beats time wasted on handmade shit. I LOVE THIS MAN SM ITS TOO MUCH 😭😭😭
Basically requesting a fluff with all of the above 💀💀
I also love your writing style sm, hope you’re having a great day/night
buckle up cause this is gonna be SWEET!
Thanks for the appreciation on my writing, I'm still working on it 😭💖 love this sm. This is for the physical affection ppl 🫶🏻
a/n:.. added some acts of service love language too I'm so sorry 😭
(I managed)
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divider by @al-of-the-stars. NOT MINE!!
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It's not a surprise Lucifer's a sucker for physical attention. Not in a sexual way, just hugs and holding hands in the most unusual times.
At first you started off with 'baby steps', occasionally giving him a kiss on his cheek or lips, holding his hand or playing with his suit when he didn't expect it, just to see how he'd react.
He would get flustered, turn into a blushing mess and pretty much feel like his knees would give out at any minute. He would never admit what an impact you had on him, though.
When the showers of affection got more frequent and he realised what you were doing, every chance he'd get he would basically invite you to do those things for him. He loved tricking you into thinking he didn't know what your love language was and , even if he still got all flustered and was still surprised because he, obviously, didn't know what to expect (a kiss or a hug), he convinced himself he was just acting so flustered to trick you, again.
Of course Lucifer's love for you gets more and more powerful with every kiss.
His wife left him, after all, so he needs all the affection you can offer. He really loves you.
Even though you noticed he still wears his wedding ring sometimes, you know how hard it is to let go, and you showering him with affection actually helps him get through it!
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"Good morning, handsome!" You shower his sleepy face with kisses as he slowly wakes up, watching his grumpy face turn into a weak, tired smile.
"Morning" He smiles and cups your cheek as you pull away, pushing you back in for a kiss.
He notices you're all dressed already and raises an eyebrow, sitting up. "Where are you going?"
"Well, Your Majesty-" He smiles at you, loving how intimate it sounds when you call him that, "-It's Monday. Meaning I have work to get done."
He frowns and you laugh. "Bummer."
"I made you breakfast, so you might as well get changed." You ruffle his hair as he struggles to put it back in place, even if it was tangled already and playfully huffs at you, lecturing you on how his hair must always be perfect as you leave the room.
When he joins you in the kitchen, you gasp in awe, like every morning. You go up to him and praise him for being so good looking, pestering his face with kisses and telling him how you're falling in love over and over again.
He loves it truly, holding your waist as you praise him. He looks at you with lovesick eyes and a goofy smile and only let's go when hunger takes the best of him. He praises you back, too, for being such a good cook (or not burning the kitchen down.. in certain people's cases aka me).
Before you leave, he makes sure to leave one of his ducks in your bag , knowing that by now you have millions if them in your office, as you leave one of your handmade gifts, drawings, or sweets in your shared room.
He almost never wants to let you go to work, turning the radio on to twirl you around in the kitchen and kiss your face or hands until it gets so late you either have to run to work or make him open up a portal for you.
It's not his fault he just loves the way you love him.
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Ive never written something so fast in my entire life. THE THINGS LUCI DOES TO ME OMG.
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holybibly · 6 months
I love your Seonghwa unholy hours!
I've always been a fan of mommy hwa... I mean, who isn't? But what about noona/unnie Yeosang? I don't really see a lot of fem Yeosang, but just what if there's a fem dom yeosang?
Oh bunny, that is so sweet. In fact, I have literally discussed this with my other bunny and I think that apart from Hwa (who is very obvious), we have several other members who could be perfect for the role of a caring and sweet mommy and Yeosang is one of them.
But for now, our focus is on our beauty Yeo. I am very moody for the second day in a row and for some reason I am in desperate need of care and comfort. So I will spoil you with something loving and tender.
And so, tender and soft Unnie Yeosang pampers her baby by licking her nipples + NSFW link. You have been warned.
NSFW link highlighted in text
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Whenever you were feeling needy and tender, Seonghwa was always the first person you turned to. He was naturally gentle and respectful, and you knew that your beautiful mommy would take perfect care of you, pampering you and making you feel like you were royalty.
But today, Seonghwa wasn't around to help you with that feeling, so you decided to see if there was anyone else at home to spoil and cuddle you.
The dormitory was quite quiet. It was very different from the usual chaotic and noisy atmosphere that always seemed to reign in their home.
When you walked in, Yeosang was reading a book on the plush sofa in the living room. As always, you couldn't help but be amazed by his beauty. Yeosang was an Aphrodite in male form, and you couldn't even understand why he wanted to go out with you when he could get anyone with a snap of his fingers. There he is—beautiful and glowing—your gorgeous boyfriend. Your Unnie.
"Sangie, I... can you please hug me?" Your voice was weak and soft as you looked up at him, hesitantly, through the flutter of your lashes.
"Come here, darling." He put the book down and allowed you to sit down on his lap so that your face was buried in the crook of his neck.
Yunho's oversized shirt slipped off your shoulders, revealing your plump chest in a cute pink bra with frills. Oh, you're a cute little girl. "What is it, darling? Are you feeling a little needy?" It was so intimate, whispering in your ear as his fingers drew intricate patterns on your bare shoulder skin. You wished that it could go on like this forever, but at the same time, everything that he was doing was making you feel even more aroused.
"A little, that's... I was looking for Hwa, but he's not home right now. Can you take care of me...Unnie?"
Ah, that's it. The mere utterance of that word was enough for Yeosang to understand what it was you wanted.
"Of course your Unnie will take care of you, darling, just tell me what it is you want?" His wet, soft lips pressed against your shoulder, leaving a soft, short kiss before he moved higher up and peppered your neck with kisses. "Do you want me to put my fingers inside that warm little pussy of yours, darling? Or maybe my tongue? Hmm, you just have to ask and Unnie will give it all to you. I'm gonna take such good care of you, darling."
"Unnie, could you suck me titties? I've got a tender spot here tonight." You still didn't look up at Yeosang, preferring instead to press your face against the warm skin of his neck. God, he smelled so good - like freshly laundered sheets with a sprinkling of flowers. The scent was fresh but soft, and it was a perfect description of Yeosang. He was just like a fairy.
"If that is your wish, my love," Yeosang pulled away from you just long enough to help you take off your shirt and your bra. He didn't think for a minute before running his tongue over the hard, pink nipple of your sensitive, soft breast in front of him.
"A-ah..unnie." You moaned softly as a warm wet tongue pressed against your nipple, one of Yeosang's arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, your pussy pressed against his hard cock, his other hand squeezing your tit.
He looked up at you with his bright puppy eyes, pulling away from your tits for a moment.
"Does that feel good, my love? Do you like it when your unnie licks your nipples?" he asked.
"That feels so good; please go on with it." The sound of your voice was more of a whimper than anything else.
Yeosang's tongue slid over the sensitive nipple once more, lapping at it before he took it into his mouth and gave it a light suck.
The stimulation made your thighs twitch slightly in the hope of relieving the pressure that was beginning to build up between your legs. Your wet cunt was rubbing against Yeosang's hard, thick cock, smearing her juices all over his grey tracksuit bottoms. You were already a mess. Yeosang kissed one of your nipples gently, then kissed it again and again before he slowly ran his tongue over your warm, sensitive skin. He continued to run his tongue over the soft skin as his hand played with your other breast, and when he heard you breathing faster, Yeosang gently bit your sensitive nipple.
You moaned, arching your back and pushing your tits even closer to his mouth. Biting your lip and tangling your fingers in your unnie's silky hair, you felt a wonderful flutter in the pit of your stomach. Your rounded cheeks were so hot and red as you noticed Yeosang looking at you, his beautiful lips wrapped around your nipple as he sucked sweetly at your breast, his eyes filled with adoration and overwhelming love. He was such a fool in love with you. You had them all wrapped around your tiny, pretty little finger and didn't even realise it.
As Yeosang sucks your nipple harder into his mouth and his fingers rub your other nipple, an intoxicating, exciting sensation shoots through your cunt. You scream out the name of your beautiful unnie and come. Your juices spill out of your panties and onto Yeosang's trousers, leaving a big wet spot on his crotch.
He flicks his tongue over your nipple a couple of more times before he lets it out of his mouth with a little pop.
"Did you have fun, my darling? Did you get what you wanted? Or is your unnie going to have to start caring for you more?" Yeosang asks gently, lifting his hips slightly and rubbing his thick cock against your sensitive cunt.
It goes without saying: You will never refuse to be pampered and praised by the boys.
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babymetaldoll · 29 days
Are you mine? - Chapter two: “Let the fear you have fall away”
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Summary: (Y/N) is very pregnant and she will have to learn to deal with the hormonal swings, the fears, the nausea and the realization that things might never be the same again.   Word count: 11.110 words Warnings: mention of a daddy kind, description of Criminal Cases from season 9 ep 19 Mr & Mrs. Anderson. Extreme fluff, some light angst.  A/N: years ago I wrote the entire story of how Spencer found out he was gonna be a dad with reader, it's called: "You are gonna be the best dad." 
Series' Masterlist - Author's masterlist
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Spencer’s point of view
When (Y/N) told me she was pregnant with our first baby, it was one of the most chaotic moments of my life. I had no idea what was going on.
We didn’t try for too long before she realized her period was late, just four months of many, many attempts to have a baby. I was blind to the first signs: her breasts were getting bigger and her stomach was giving her a hard time. I never noticed anything, which eventually made me feel like a lousy profiler if you ask me. But I wasn't trying to read her, and she was waiting for the right time to tell me. She had it all planned: she had even rented a cabin in the woods for the following weekend, and she had a little box of clues gathered to surprise me.
But, of course, our job got in the way, like it always did when something important was about to happen. We were caught up in a case and never made it in time to enjoy the cabin. Besides, the team realized something was up with my wife, even before I suspected anything. By the time we were back in DC after solving that case, they had all noticed she was pregnant, and even Emily in London knew I was gonna be a dad before I did.
I remember getting our bags in the car, still in the FBI parking, when somehow I found the box filled with all the clues and little treats she had gotten for me.
- “Hey, chipmunk? What’s in this box?”
- “What?”- (Y/N) turned around and tried to grab it from my hands, but it was too late. My curiosity was faster and I had already opened it.
- “What’s all this? a teddy bear with glasses? That’s funny. A rattle, baby shoes…”- I started taking everything from the box, still not getting what it was all about. (Y/N) sighed and looked at me, trying to find the right words to give me the news.
- “Honey…”
- “A onesie that says “baby genius, like my dad,”- I remember thinking We should get one of these when we have a baby. I was embarrassingly stupid at that minute, and I blame the exhaustion after the case. Besides, I know I can be clueless about the obvious sometimes.
- “Honey bunny…”- my wife stood in front of me and looked at my confused face as I kept trying to understand what those things were doing there.
- “Why do you have all these things in our car?”
- “There is one more thing in the box you haven’t seen yet.”- (Y/N) whispered with a sweet smile on her lips. I dug into the box again until I finally grabbed a pregnancy test with a little note hanging from it.
- “Baby Reid, coming soon.”- I read out loud and immediately opened my eyes wide, in shock.
- “I’m so sorry, Spencer. I didn’t want to tell you here. I wanted to make it special”- (Y/N) whispered and even pouted as I looked at her in complete disbelief. Yes, we stood in the parking lot at Quantico, but she was delivering the most important news I had ever received.
- “You… we are… you are….”- I stuttered as I tried to make my brain work again. I felt all my brain cells had turned off the second I connected all the dots.
- “Yes.”- she smiled and took a step closer to me as she added- “We are gonna have a baby.”
I could only stare at her, in shock. Her eyes were filled with tears as she waited for my reaction. Meanwhile, I could barely process all that information. My heart was pounding in my chest and my eyes were watering as I just looked at my wife.
- “Come here,”- when I finally managed to speak, I hugged her tight and tried not to sob as I kissed her, and repeatedly thanked her.
- “Why are you thanking me?”- (Y/N) whispered against my chest and I just chuckled, still shocked. It took me a few seconds to gather my thoughts because I felt like I was dreaming. Somehow at that minute, life was too perfect to be true.
- “Because you just gave me everything I ever wanted,”- I murmured and wiped off the tears from my face quickly before cupping her cheeks with my hands and kissing her lips sweetly.
- “I just wanna make you happy, Spencer Walter Reid,”- she answered between kisses, making me smile.
- “You are very good at that”- I said as I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her one more time.
- “You make me happy too just so you know,”- (Y/N) added and smiled as I rested my forehead against hers. My wife was pregnant, it was a dream come true.
- “And you are gonna be a great dad, honey bunny.”- (Y/N) said and it still shocked me to hear those words.
- “I’m gonna be a dad,”- I repeated and chuckled- “I’m gonna be a dad.”
- “Not just a dad, the best dad!”- (Y/N) kissed me again and held my hand- “Now let’s go home so we can eat and celebrate.”
- “Wait!”- before (Y/N) could move from my embrace I stopped her, all the signs that were too obvious to see were finally making sense.
- “Emily knew, that’s why he texted me congratulations. Am I right?!”- my wife looked at me with an apologetic smile and nodded.
- “I’m so sorry, honey. I tried to make it special, but I failed.”
- “But she is in London! How did she… Who told her? Who else knows?”
- “Morgan, JJ, Hotch, and Garcia. Garcia told Emily.”
- “You told the entire team before you told me?”- the words came out harder and angrier than they should have been. In reality, I was shocked she hadn’t told me first, but never mad.
- “I haven’t told anyone except for you. But working with profilers makes keeping a secret a nearly impossible task.”
- “But I didn’t notice”- I argued, upset with myself for being so blind and naive. My wife hugged me, and kissed me a few times, soothing my anger.
- “I didn’t want you to notice ‘cos I wanted to make it special for you. Not in a parking lot, by the way”- she was disappointed with the circumstances of her confession.
- “Any place is special when I’m with you, Mrs. Reid”- I whispered, holding her closer and kissing her lips a few more times, as I felt her smiling against my mouth. - “Now let’s go home, tomorrow we are going to the library to get all the pregnancy books we can find.”
- “Of course, we are.”- (Y/N) giggled and got in the car. It wasn’t in a magical cabin in the woods or watching the sunset on a beach, but it was perfect anyway because we were together, and my wife was giving me the life I always dreamed about, but never imagined I could have.
When we told the team, everybody got excited. They hugged us and congratulated us for a good ten minutes. Though they all knew, the fact it was official made it all special. Garcia went nuts and even video-called Prentiss to the UK. JJ was pregnant with Michael at the time, and she started sharing tips with my wife right away.
- “Congratulations, Reid”- Blake said as she stood by my side and raised her coffee, to toast. I followed her lead and smiled.
- “Thank you.”
- “Have you thought about names yet?”
- “Yes, but nothing specific yet. We are just sharing options and making a list.”
- “Which is your favorite?”
- “Matilda or Raven for a girl, and Finn or Oliver for a boy.”- I said, smiling and Blake nodded right away.
- “Did you pick names from your favorite books?”
- “Yes. They were my best friends growing up.”- I confessed and sipped my coffee. (Y/N) turned to me from the other side of the room and smiled, making my heart skip a beat.
But then, it all turned too real to be true. Hotch told (Y/N) she wasn’t allowed back into the field until after the baby was born, which also included me most of the time. And I was glad to stay aside from the action. I wanted to take care of my wife and help her with every craving, every back pain, or body ache. Then came all the paperwork, signing disclaimers and basically making sure the entire Bureau knew what was going on. Hotch said it was mandatory, but it still felt slightly over the top. Neither of us argued with it, but we were both slightly uncomfortable.
On top of telling the team and the rest of the FBI about our pregnancy, Mikey, Frank and Lu were paranoid during the entire gestation of our baby. They called pretty much every day and became very protective of (Y/N). Honestly, they were worse than her parents.
- “How long are you going to work?”- Frank asked her when we all got together at our apartment for dinner. (Y/N) looked at Paco and raised an eyebrow, not getting where that question was coming from, or why he was even asking.
- “Until the day the baby is born, why?”- my wife's answer was the most logical, and also, what we had talked about and agreed to do. Yet somehow, for Frank, Lu, and Mikey, it was the most irrational thing we had ever shared with them.
- “What the fuck, nugget?”- Mikey yelled, making (Y/N) jump.
- “What’s wrong?”- she asked, confused by their freaked-out reaction.
- “You have to take time off work, get some rest, and keep our baby away from fucking psycho killers!!”- somehow, Frank calling my baby “our baby” wasn’t weird at all. He, Mikey, and Lu were insanely intrusive during the whole process. Not in a bad way, just in a… I guess, possessive way.
- “You know I’m no longer on the field.”- (Y/N) explained again, though that was something we had both told our friends multiple times. - “I’ve been sitting around police stations all over the country for the last four months! It’s so fucking boring!”
I knew (Y/N) didn’t like to stay away from the action. She loved our job and she wanted to catch serial killers. But at that moment, she could only help with geographic profile and support from the station.
- “Just what? four more to go!”- Mikey joked and sipped his beer- “Come on, nugget. We are worried because we love you.”
- “Yeah, we are all worried about my godson or daughter.”- Frank added and both Mikey and Lu smacked him at the same time.
- “My godson or daughter!”- they argued possessively. I turned to my wife and watched her smile as our friends continued rambling about who the godfather of our firstborn would be. I held her hand upon the table and she turned to me immediately.
- “I love you.”- I whispered and she smiled.
- “Me more.”- (Y/N) leaned over and kissed me, as our friends kept chatting.- “So, do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow?”
- “Are you asking me out, Mrs. Reid?”- I whispered and watched her blushing, completely flustered. I will always love that reaction to that simple nickname.
- “Maybe I am, doctor.”- and she knew exactly how to tease me.
- “This is gross, we are still here.”- Frank argued right away.
- “Remember when you asked me a million times to date Spencer? Well now I married him and you’ll have to deal with this!”- (Y/N) quickly replied and smiled at her friends. I chuckled and stared at her with what Garcia calls “heart eyes”, just like the cartoons. Every day I feel like there is no way on earth I could ever love her more than I already do, but the following day, I always prove myself wrong.
(Y/N)’s point of view
A moment of pure honesty: so far in life, I’ve enjoyed being pregnant. Each time it has happened, Spencer treats me like a princess made of glass. He is always sweet and thoughtful, but when I’m carrying his kids, I become the most important and precious thing in the whole galaxy for him. It’s impossible not to fall for how carefully and lovingly he treats me.
Any cravings, no matter what time or what it is, he gets it. Pampers and kisses are available for me 24/7. Crying over a movie, show, or TV commercial? Spencer is there to hug me and tell me I’m not crazy. And trust me, I feel like I’m going crazy most of the time.
However, there is a dark side to pregnancy, and so many ghosts appear to hunt me. There are the doubts that keep hunting my brain, hormones changing, and overthinking. Sometimes I felt needy, and when the months passed and I started turning “rounder”, I also started feeling ugly. I have never been overconfident about my looks, but now I was afraid Spencer was never going to think I was sexy again, and he would leave me.
Being pregnant can make you very irrational. No one ever told me that. And if they did, I never actually listened.
However, my husband was always the sweetest. He would hold me, kiss me, and tell me how much he loved me.
That very first time I got pregnant, I started second-guessing everything a few days before Valentine’s Day. I was already five months pregnant and I felt like a whale. I couldn’t imagine how big I was going to get in the following weeks. And I was sure Spencer was going to leave me.
I told you, I was being irrational, right?
Morgan and Garcia were talking about Valentine’s Day when we reached the bullpen that morning. They were telling each other whatever plans they had with their dates and both of them seemed excited. Derek has a date with Savannah and Pen was planning a night with her boyfriend, Sam.
- “And what are you guys doing this year?”- Garcia asked and placed a hand on my tummy, hoping to feel the baby’s first kicks.
- “I… I don’t know.”- I answered the truth, ‘cos I hadn’t had a moment to plan anything for Valentine’s. Over the years, it had become one of our favorite celebrations, and every year I dedicated the entire day to celebrating my husband. I always tried to make something extra special for him that day. Why? Aside from the fact that he absolutely deserved it, I always felt like he would do everything and anything to make me feel loved, and I wanted to make him feel just as loved.
So, having no plans for Valentine’s that year shocked me and stressed me. I had forgotten about that celebration. And I needed to show my husband how much I loved him and make it extra special.
There I was, lost in thoughts and planning when JJ walked out of the elevator. She had been kidnapped a few weeks earlier, we had all worked extra hard to bring her back, unharmed, and medics had suggested she stay home for a month to recover. Which is why none of us was expecting to have her back to work yet.
- “JJ! You are back! How are you feeling?”- Spencer asked as he hugged her.
- “I’m ready to work”- she replied and turned to me- “(Y/N)! You are glowing!”
- “Don’t turn this to me, what the hell are you doing here already? Shouldn’t you be resting?”- I argued as JJ simply smiled, looking freaking gorgeous.
- “I'm… I'm fine. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys to death, but I was starting to get a little stir-crazy.”
- “Well, let's do this.”- Morgan said and opened the door for us.
- “I’m glad you are back, JJ”- Spencer added and smiled at our friend. She smiled back at him and replied.
- “Thank you. I’m glad to be here.”
- “Do you want some tea?”- Penelope suggested and all of them walked a little faster than me, as I slowly made my way to the briefing room. I had a little back pain and some dizziness that made moving a little more challenging. And for the first time, Spencer didn’t notice. Instead, he walked JJ to the briefing room and left me behind.
I stared at him from a distance and sighed. I knew I was being irrational, but I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the attention Spencer was giving JJ at that minute. I know it was stupid, she was our friend and she had been held captive and tortured, of course, he was going to be extra nice to her. But still, it hurt.
The entire team welcomed JJ back, and before Garcia started explaining our next case, everybody asked JJ how she was feeling. They wanted to know if she had seen a doctor before coming back to work, and basically, they all just told her how amazing she looked. I was the one turning food into a tiny human in my stomach, but she looked good.
It didn’t get much better once we were on the plane to Pittsburgh. I could feel my feet getting swollen with every minute that passed. That had never happened before and it just made me feel humiliated. Everything was going downhill.
- “Good news, crime-fighters.”- Garcia’s voice took me from my thoughts and back to reality as her image showed up on the screen in front of me. - “I tracked the shower curtains this creep has been using to burrito his victims. Turns out they are commercial grade, sold in bulk to a bunch of economy motels, a list of which I just sent you.”
- “It makes sense.”- Blake added- “It's a secure secondary location.”
- “Either he doesn't want to draw attention to his home or someone is living with him.”- Papa Pasta suggested.
- “Rossi, you and Morgan go to the M. E.”- Aaron commanded- “ JJ and Reid, go through Garcia's list of motels.”- I froze at those words. Spencer was going to be on the field? He had been with me at the police station for the last eleven cases. I knew it wasn’t a rule or mandatory, but I thought Hotch was trying to be nice and pair us together for our sanity. Wanna know what upset me the most? my husband didn't argue, he just smiled and nodded at the command.
- “Blake, (Y/N), and I will go to the field office and cover victimology with Agent West.”- Aaron finished commanding and I stayed still, sipping my water, nearly shocked. Blake cut me a big smile and I had to smile back.
- “How are you feeling, (Y/N)?”- Blake asked as soon as we got into the SUV after we landed. I had already kissed my husband goodbye and watched him make his way with JJ, away from me, which for some weird reason, hurt me deeper than I ever thought it would.
- “I’m good, I miss coffee, though. I would love a large black coffee right now. No sugar, no cream.”- I replied and struggled to buckle up. - “Shit, I’m so pregnant.”- Hotch chuckled and helped me with the seat belt.
- “You are only five months into the pregnancy.”- he whispered and smiled at me- “You are still a few weeks from the short breath problems, cramps, and fatigue.”
- “Please, don’t spoil it!”- I argued and Aaron Hotchner laughed- “You are giving me all the dirty details of pregnancy I didn’t want to know.”
- “You will love it! He is just making it sound like hell!”- Blake rubbed my shoulder with her hand in support and I tried to turn and look at her. I knew she had lost her child, but she had been a mom, and her guidance had been quite useful during the entire process.
- “Other than coffee, how are your cravings?”- Hotch asked as he started driving us to the station. I told them about my random food choices, and they made me feel better about my pickle mayonnaise craving for dinner. According to him, Haley craved hot Cheetos dipped in yogurt, and Blake told me she once ate two bowls of hot Indian curry because she was craving spicy food. Somehow, curry started to sound good after she mentioned it, but we had no time for pit stops. In a few minutes, we were at the station, and before I realized it, my head was buried in work. Another day, another psycho killer, I guess.
I didn’t hear from Spencer for the rest of the day. Nothing. He didn’t reply to my texts (I only sent two because I didn’t want to sound needy) and he didn’t even call. So when he reached the station that evening with JJ, I was already upset and ready to give him the cold shoulder.
- “Chipmunk! how are you feeling?”- my husband kissed my cheek and sat next to me at the table, where I was analyzing victimology with Blake.
- “I’m good.”- I simply replied and kept looking at the papers.
- “Have you eaten anything?”- he asked and grabbed a few files as well. I just hummed and avoided looking at him. There was a long silence in the room, though we were all there. For a few seconds, that felt like hours, no one said anything. Probably they all noticed I was mad at my husband.
- “Take a look at this”- Agent West, from the local police force, walked into the room with more info and handed us all new folders- “You guys were right. I was able to match their M.O. to 10 other strangulation murders. We were only able to identify four.”
- “They've been at it since 1994.”- Rossi pointed out as we all read the file.
- “Looks like they stopped in 2010 and remained dormant up until now.”- my husband added and looked at me. But before I could say anything, JJ started talking.
- “Something had to prevent them from killing. Maybe one was incarcerated.”- so I just sighed and looked at the files again.
- “I'll start pulling prison records, see if I can't get a match.”- Agent West was very excited with the findings, and he walked out of the room in a hurry. I sighed one more time, exhausted, and continued reading. Spencer moved closer to me and rubbed his warm hand carefully on my leg. It was a loving gesture I’ve always adored, but I was so irrationally upset with him at that minute, I hated it. I held my breath and stayed very still as he did, and I guess he noticed something was wrong, ‘cos he slowly stopped and moved his hand from my leg. I didn’t turn to look at him, but I knew his eyes were analyzing me and probably wondering why I was mad.
- “These two have been in a relationship a lot longer than we thought.”- Rossi said and left his case file on the table, ready to start analyzing the new facts.
- “But even if they broke up, to come back together and resume killing after a four-year hiatus is rare.”- Spencer looked confused by the unsub's actions like there was a logic he couldn’t understand. I shrugged, finally acknowledging him.
- “Love is strange. It will make you do the craziest things.”
Those words just slipped through my lips and never actually went through my brain. It was an entirely emotional answer. My husband stared at me, his lips parted and his eyes focused on every micro reaction on my face. I tried not to give away anything, but I’m sure I failed.
- “Guys, what if they are married?”- JJ suggested, obviously taking the idea from what was happening in the room. I looked down at my hands and decided I didn’t want to talk anymore. I just wanted to crawl into a bed and lie down.
- “Sounds about right”- Rossi added and looked at us.
- “It’s been a long day, we’ll pick it up from here tomorrow at seven. Let’s get some rest.”- Hotch read my mind and we all slowly gathered our things. Spencer grabbed my bag and waited as I slowly moved to the door. I walked in silence until we reached an SUV, and my husband opened the door for me. I wanted to tell him thanks, but I didn’t. Why? ‘Cos I was being irrational.
- “Do you wanna get dinner?”- he whispered as he sat behind the wheel. I didn’t reply.- “(Y/N), why are you mad at me? What did I do?”
- “Nothing.”- I mumbled, already pouting.
- “Clearly I did something that upset you, so please tell me.” - he wasn’t angry, he was honestly worried. I did my best and tried not to look at him, instead, I was making an effort not to cry.
- “Is it because I didn’t reply to your texts? I am sorry chipmunk, but JJ and I had a very busy day, and I didn’t have a spare second.”
- “Sure…”- I whispered and bit my lips, ‘cos my quin quivered. I turned and looked through the window, to anything but my husband.
- “Come on, please.”
- “You didn’t have ten seconds to type “I’m ok, love you” during the entire day you spent with JJ?! Really?!”
And what I avoided the most, just happened: I yelled like a crazy person. I even broke into tears as well. It was way out of proportion, it was completely unexpected, and Spencer looked at me not knowing what was happening.
- “I wanted to be with you! I wanted to know about you! I fucking missed you! I was worried! And you never took the time to reply to my texts! I am sure you were waiting for any chance you got to stay away from me! I’m sure you were already sick of being paired with me at the station! and you were happy to be with JJ ‘cos she is cute and hot and I am a fucking pregnant whale!!”
Yes. I am not proud. But somehow, it was relieving just taking all that from my chest.
Spencer stayed quiet for a moment as I just cried my eyes out. I prayed none of our friends was left in that parking lot, ‘cos I didn’t want them to see me like that. Spencer reached for my hand and held it. I didn’t fight him or anything, mostly because I was honestly craving his touch. He caressed my hand and I continued sobbing and after a few minutes, he simply whispered.
- “I’m sorry.”- and I knew I wasn’t mad at him anymore- “I know this whole process is… difficult for you, and I am sorry I can’t do anything but be supportive with you to help you through it. I love you, chipmunk. I love you so much it hurts. I never meant to make you sad, or upset. I just… got my head into work and forgot. It won’t happen again.”
Spencer kissed my knuckles and I tried to steady my breathing. My irrationality was upsetting, but I didn’t know how to turn it off or manage it.
- “I love you.”- he whispered one more time- “And please, don’t call yourself a whale again.”- my husband begged as he kept looking into my eyes with such love and care, I felt I was gonna melt- “You are more beautiful with every passing day.”
- “I’m getting huge, and I’m just nineteen weeks in.”- I mumbled still in tears, and caressed my tummy.
- “Chipmunk, you look so sexy, so beautiful and so mine with that round tummy, showing everyone you are carrying my baby.”- I wanted to tease him about his obvious breeding kink, but I was still trying to calm myself down.
- “I am so sorry I made you feel bad, ma cheriê. I love you so much.”
- “I… I love you too.”- I managed to mumble, still sobbing- “And… and I’m so fucking hungry.”- my husband started the car right away and started driving in no time.
- “Then I’m taking you out for dinner to make it up to you for making you worried today. Is that ok with you, chipmunk?”- I nodded and whipped off my tears with both hands, ruining what was left of my makeup.
I wish I could tell you that was the only time I was irrational during my pregnancy. But it was just the beginning. And every time I realized I was acting crazy, I got more and more scared Spencer would stop loving me.
Spencer’s point of view
I’ve always thought it’s unfair how my wife has to carry (literally and emotionally) the burden of bringing our kids into the world. It was painful to see her go through so much on her own, being an observer and a helper in any way possible. I couldn’t take the morning sickness from her, or the swollen feet, the contraction pain, the labor sacrifice. It was so much. And all I could was support her.
She could be irrational. I know it's common to have mood swings and feel tearful or easily irritated during the first semester of pregnancy. I was ready for it. I knew her body was going through a change and she had to adapt to the higher levels of these hormones. After that, things had to go smoother.
Statistically, one in eight women suffers from depression during gestation, and I was scared anything like that would happen to her. She was already giving me everything I ever dreamed about, and I wanted to make her happy.
After that first incident, I wanted to talk to Hotch and tell him I’d stay at the police station with my wife, but (Y/N) convinced me otherwise.
- “I overreacted, honey bunny.”- she stood in front of me and helped me fix my tie before we left our room to work the following morning- “Stop worrying about it. Don’t say anything to Hotch, just let’s go out there and do as we are told, for once.”
I stared at her and caressed her belly, waiting to finally feel our baby’s first kicks. I looked carefully into my wife’s eyes and leaned over to kiss her.
- “Are you sure?”
- “Positive”- she stood on her tiptoes and reached my lips with hers, kissing so sweetly and softly, that I nearly melted. - “Go out there and kick some ass.”
- “And when we get home, do I get to worship my wife?” - I whispered in her ear as (Y/N) giggled. I kept my arms around her, feeling her body close to me.- “I mean it, I want you to know how much I love you, ma cherie.”
- “I know, Daddy.”- the pet name had a different meaning now, and it affected me on so many levels it’s embarrassing to even start explaining.
- “Are you gonna be good today?”- I asked her in a deep voice. She just nodded and kissed me again. - “If you are good today at work, I’ll do whatever you want me to do when we get back home.”- I suggested and (Y/N) bit her lips.
- “Anything?”
- “Whatever you want, ma cherie”
- “Laundry and ironing too?”- she murmured and walked away from me. I groaned and followed her, leaving our room.
- “Really?”
- “You said anything, dear husband. That means in fact, whatever I want.”
- “But why can’t it be dirty?”- (Y/N) chuckled as she pushed the elevator button and turned to me.
- “It could be… if you get laundry done.”
That day I was out in the field with JJ and Morgan. Yes, it was a change being out there again after so many months at police stations doing geographic profiles with my wife. And though a part of me enjoyed being out, I still wished I was with her.
Morgan always made fun of me, saying I was whipped. And yes, I was. I still am. And I love every second of it. I don’t know how to explain it, but being with my wife makes me the happiest man on earth. No matter what. I guess Morgan hadn’t met that kind of person yet, so he couldn’t get it at that minute.
However, being on the field with him also meant having to hear him teasing me and asking way too many questions. And considering (Y/N) had had a little moment the prior day at the police station, he had a lot of things to ask.
- “How is the Mrs, Reid?”- Morgan drove to the crime scene we were called to and kept his eyes on the road. JJ was sitting next to him and didn’t say a word.
- “You just saw her, she is fine.”- I tried to be as vague as possible, but he kept pushing it, of course.
- “Everything ok? She seemed a little upset yesterday.”
- “Morgan, don’t snoop into other people’s relationships.”- JJ was the voice of reason Derek obviously ignored.
- “Pregnancy is getting harder?”- he asked and I sighed, annoyed by his questions- “Oh, man! That’s a yes!”
- “It’s just unfair she gets to go through all those changes and all I can do is support her. I feel useless because I can’t help her.”- I explained, but now that I think about it, Morgan was never going to understand what was happening. He just wanted to tease me.
- “So hormones are driving her crazy?”- and he even chuckled as she suggested my wife was going insane.
- “No. She is…”- I bit my tongue ‘cos I didn’t want to share something that I knew was going to upset my wife.
- “I’ve seen it happen.”- Morgan smiled and JJ turned to him immediately.
- “When?”
- “Ehh…”- he hesitated and nearly answered, but decided to change the subject instead. - “Is she upset you are on the field today?”
- “No, she just worries, but it’s normal. We talked about it and everything is ok.”- the less they knew, the better. I know we are together all the time, but I don’t want the team into everything that happens in my relationship.
- “Well, you know what they say.”- Derek said as he parked the SUV- “Happy wife, happy life.”
I quickly got out of the van and stared at the scene in front of me. A new victim was displayed in the middle of the street, and for the first time ever, it was a man and not a woman.
- “This is a first for them.”- JJ said as she stood next to me, followed by Morgan.
- “Aside from gender, the M. O. is the same.”- Agent West pointed from the side of the corps.
- “Something in their dynamic must have changed.”- Morgan walked closer as I maintained my distance from the body.
- “A male victim most likely caters to the female unsub's desires.”- JJ added and turned to me for a second.
- “They haven't displayed that behavior before. Up until now, it appears it's been the male picking the victims.”- I said, trying to connect the dots.
- “Which typically indicates a dominant/submissive relationship.”- Morgan pointed out, still staring at the corpse in front of us.
- “It looks as though her psychopathology could be evolving.”- I know it was obvious, but I had to say it.
- “Ok, we need to look at this from a marriage perspective. Compromise is the key to any long-term relationship's success. What if this murder was their way of sharing responsibility?”- I don’t know if JJ was saying that because it fit the case or the conversation we were having in the SUV earlier.
- “He let the woman choose the victim. That could be problematic.”- I replied only because it made sense to the case, not because it made sense in a relationship.
- “Now that she's been given control, she might not want to let it go.” - Morgan added and looked at me- “Sounds familiar, kid?”
- “Shut up.”
The teasing didn’t get any better when we delivered the profile. Now that I know there won’t be any more moments like that again in my life (at least at work), I guess it can be a little nostalgic. But I specifically remember how annoyed I was that day.
After the crime scene, we went straight back to the police station. We had a brief meeting with the team and then, we decided to deliver the profile.
- “We believe we're looking for a married couple, to whom we can attribute at least 13 deaths since 1994.”- Hotch started explaining.
- “He's a sexual sadist, and she's a scopophiliac, which is Greek for "love of looking, " meaning that she gets off on watching her husband kill.”- my wife added as she crossed her arms on her chest and stared at the police force, taking notes around us.
- “Like Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo, who raped, tortured, and killed at least 19 people, this couple's homicidal tendencies most likely surfaced once they met.”- I walked from the side I was standing and moved closer to my wife, ‘cos I didn’t feel comfortable when she was far from me. I needed to feel I could protect her and our baby by all means.
- “It's possible that the use of a shower curtain is a sign of remorse on the part of the female unsub.”- Rossi started talking as I stood right next to (Y/N). I could actually feel the warmth from her body next to me, though we weren’t even touching.
- “Up until now, all the victims were females, so it's possible that the change in victimology could be the husband's way of subjugating his own needs for his wife's happiness.”- Derek explained, but looked at me for a slip of a second.
- “But a sexual sadist doesn't typically subjugate. We think he could have committed crimes on the side that got him arrested.”- JJ continued.
- “But wouldn't we have the bodies to prove that?”- Agent West asked, confused.
- “Yes. Which is why we need to take another look at all strangulations within the geographical profile that occurred during the gap years.”- Rossi explained. I slowly rested my hand next to my wife’s and moved my pinky carefully toward her fingers, caressing her skin slowly. (Y/N) didn’t move, didn’t look at me, she didn’t even notice what I was doing. But I felt her shoulder dropping and relaxing as soon as I touched her.
- “Without his female partner's influence, the male's independent M.O. should present differently.”- Morgan said and locked eyes with me, making me stop what I was doing right away.
- “Learning the nature of how that differs from their team dynamic will be the key to driving a wedge between their partnership.” - my wife said, making eye contact with as many officials as possible. I just stared at her and nodded, supporting every word.
- “In the meantime, all transients are at risk.”- Blake continued talking - “Now that the wife has gotten a taste of control, she'll crave that feeling again.”
- “And if the husband sublimated his needs with the last kill, his desire to fulfill his own will be what’s driving him now. Thank you very much”- Hotch finished and dispatched all the police. We all remained in our spots to continue with the profile review.
- “What can you add, Reid?”- Morgan asked and raised an eyebrow- “From your husband's point of view, not talking as an SSA.”- he asked me as soon as everybody else was out of the room. I just looked at him and raised an eyebrow but didn’t reply. And (Y/N) turned to me wondering what he was talking about.
- “Morgan.”- Hotch raised an eyebrow and stared at Derek, who raised his hands and walked to the coffee pot.
- “What was that about?”- (Y/N) whispered as she stood next to me.
- “Just ignore him. I do”- I held my wife’s hand and kissed it. She smiled as I did and both of us pretended Morgan wasn’t there anymore.
During the rest of the afternoon, we analyzed unsolved strangulation cases within the geographical profile. I can’t say it was the best way to spend an afternoon, but at least I could spend the time with my wife. And the rest of the team.
- “How are you feeling?”- I whispered as I sat next to (Y/N) and noticed she had left half of her dinner untouched. We had ordered Chinese food for dinner for the team, and I knew she loved that.
- “I’m good”- my wife replied and continued reading.
- “You are not hungry? I thought you’d love dinner. It’s one of your favorites. You are not into Chinese anymore?”- my wife shrugged and looked at the files in her hands. JJ walked in sipping a gigantic soda, and I heard (Y/N) sighing. So that was it, she was self-conscious of her weight. It hurt me knowing my wife was so scared to gain weight during pregnancy. But most of all it pained me to know she was comparing herself with JJ. It was logical, JJ had had a kid and she hadn’t lost her figure after giving birth. But, how could I explain to my wife that I thought she was very sexy with that round tummy? I know I had told her, but clearly, it didn’t make any difference to her.
- “Chipmunk…”- I whispered, but JJ started talking about work, and (Y/N) ignored me to focus on her.
- “I have a 1989 strangulation victim dumped 10 miles from where the first body was found, only she was raped and stabbed.”
- “His comfort zone. Could be our unsub.”- (Y/N) said looking at the team.
- “Well, I've got two more, '01 and '03, except these took place in Clifford, Delaware. The M.O.'s an exact match.”- Rossi added and looked through the files he had read.
- “I got another one here from 2013, Scottsdale, Maryland.”- Morgan didn’t look from the papers as he spoke- “He was smart enough to cross state lines.”
- “The Crestview rapist was operating during that time.”- JJ pointed out. I looked at my wife for a moment, rubbed her tummy, and tried to focus on work, though most of my brain was trying to find a way to make her feel better.
- “The male unsub never went dormant. Only the female did.”- Derek said and there was a short pause.
- “So when this guy kills without his wife, his signature changes to stabbing and sexual assault.”- (Y/N) sighed after talking and she stood up to walk closer to the board and look at the crime scene pictures.
- “Well, stabbing is indicative of rage, and it's most likely towards women.”- Derek added.
- “And the sexual assault is his way of establishing dominance over them.”- Blake seemed focused, I wasn’t keeping track or paying much attention.
- “Maybe their marriage isn't as solid as we think.”- Rossi suggested- “Clearly he has issues that he's working out when the wife isn't around.”
I don’t know why Derek looked at me. I don’t know if he wanted to see if I reacted to that statement or if I was affected by it.
- “Well, if she emasculates her husband at home, that could be the reason why she now needs to have control over the murder.”- JJ proposed and Derek’s eyes could burn holes in my skull as she did.
- “Hey, guys, we have a survivor.”- my wife interrupted the moment and I moved closer to her to look at the file she was reading- “Hannah Franklin, a 23-year-old waitress who was attacked on her way home from work back in 2008.”
- “Do you have a contact number?”- Hotch asked as he looked at my wife from the other side of the room. She just nodded and grabbed the file with the information.
- “When she gets here, JJ, I need you to talk to her, and try to get as much information as possible.”
- “Can we talk? after you make that call.”- I whispered into my wife’s ear. She turned to me and nodded and in a second, she was out of the room.
- “Everything ok?”- Blake asked me and I just smiled and nodded as well.- “Everything ok with (Y/N)? She seemed a bit off yesterday.”
- “Yeah, she is ok.”- I paused and looked around for a second. - “Let me ask you this: did you guys eat anything this morning while we were out?”
- “Eat? take out?”- I nodded and Blake shook her head immediately- “This is the first meal I’ve seen since breakfast, and I nearly fainted. Why do you ask?”
- “It’s nothing, I’m just worried (Y/N) might be skipping meals.”
- “Is she still feeling sick?”
I didn’t want to tell my friend anything else about it, so I just agreed with her inference and watched my wife on the phone, just outside the room.
- “Well, being pregnant is very challenging. Your body keeps changing and whenever you feel like you are ok with the stage you have to face, your whole hormones go crazy and you lose it again.”- Blake explained and smiled at me- “She is lucky to have you. I can see you’ve been an amazing partner for her.”
- “Thank you.”- I think I blushed at those words because I knew Blake wasn’t saying that just to be polite. However, I didn’t feel like I was doing enough. I knew (Y/N) was going through something more complex than what she was sharing, and I needed to show her she could count on me.
(Y/N)’s point of view
The rush of emotions I had felt that entire day was crazy. It was my first pregnancy, and I didn’t know any better. I had no idea what was going on. One thing is reading about how much your body is gonna change and another completely different thing is feeling alienated from your own body.
I didn’t want to talk about it with Spencer. After what had happened the day before, I felt like oversharing my feelings and mental instability might drive him away. So I pretended to be ok. Which, of course, didn’t work because my husband is a genius and could read me like a book. Also, leaving my leftovers around hadn’t been very bright. I was still starving and wanted to eat what was left of my dinner. But when I looked at my swollen feet and round body, all I could think of was: you have to stop eating. Which I did.
- “Hey”- Spencer walked to me as I poured myself a cup of ginger tea- “I brought you your dinner.”
- “Thank you, honey bunny. But… I’m not hungry.”
- “You left pretty much all your sweet and sour pork, and I know you love it.”
- “Yeah, but… I’m full and despite what everybody says, I don’t have to eat for two.”- I sat down and stared at my hands as my husband followed my moves and sat next to me.
- “I know that. I’m just making sure you are getting enough nutrients and vitamins for our baby.”
- “I am, trust me. Our baby is fi…”- but before I could even finish that sentence, the weirdest and most beautiful feeling interrupted me. I opened my eyes wide and turned to Spencer. He stared at me confused and scared something was wrong. But everything was perfect.
- “What is it, chipmunk? are you ok?”- I grabbed his hand quickly and placed it on the side of my tummy- “Wh…”
- “Shh!”- I commanded and looked at him with tears in my eyes - “The baby is kicking.”
- “Wh.. wh.. are you sure?”- I couldn’t argue Spencer it was obvious I could feel a human kicking my guts from the inside out, because the baby suddenly moved and kicked again, and this time he felt it as well.
- “Oh… my… god.”- he whispered and looked at me, tears filling his eyes in a second. - “Our baby is right there.”
- “This is so weird…”- I had never even imagined what those kicks would feel like, and I wasn’t ready for them, at all. I looked at my husband, his eyes were beaming with happy tears as he kept his hand on my tummy, rubbing it and waiting for our baby to kick again.
- “That’s…”- he whispered and peered at me, analyzing my reaction - “Does it hurt?”
- “No, it’s just.. odd.”
- “Come here.”- he moved his chair closer to mine and cupped my face with both of his hands - “I love you so much, (Y/N). So, so much. I still can’t believe we are gonna have a baby.”
- “Your baby is kicking already, so you better believe it.”- I joked and he chuckled as he rubbed his lips against mine. Spencer kissed me gently and sweetly. I didn’t last long, because we were at work, but it was the kind of loving kiss that gave me a peaceful feeling in my heart.
- “Reid.”- Hotch said as he walked into the room and looked at me. It was weird at the beginning when I changed my last name and our Unit Chief started calling me by Spencer’s. Now I was used to it, though most police forces and sometimes the rest of the team were often confused.
- “We got a suspect. I need you to talk to the wife. Judith Anderson.”
- “Right away. Tell me what we have.”
I knew Hotch and Spencer were with Blake behind the window, analyzing every second of my interview with the suspect. I guessed because I was pregnant, my Unit Chief thought the unsub wouldn’t see me as a threat. I asked the cop in the interrogation room to uncuff her and sat in front of her. She was small, red-haired, and looked like she knew exactly what was happening.
- “Hi, Judith. My name is (Y/N). Can I get you anything to drink?”- I tried to be nice and welcoming.
- “I’d like to make a phone call.”- she replied right away.
- “To who? Your husband?”- I questioned her and Judith didn’t answer. - “You're coming up on your 20th anniversary. Congratulations. That is a huge accomplishment.”
Judith glued her eyes to my wedding and engagement ring for a few seconds. She didn’t say anything, she just sat there and stared at me. So I continued talking.
- “We recovered a used condom with Alan's DNA in it. Nothing odd about that, except you've had a hysterectomy. So, why use condoms if you can't conceive?”
- “You seem to know a lot. You tell me.”- Judith finally answered, and her voice was menacing. But I just shrugged and sighed, playing innocent.
- “Well, you just don't strike me as the unfaithful type. I mean, Alan, on the other hand, he's a different story.”
- “You know nothing about my husband!”- clearly I hit a sensitive nerve, ‘cos her face changed completely.
- “Well, actually, I know a lot.”- I opened my case file and started listing everything we had on them- “Let’s see. I know your husband tested positive for an STD back in 2010. You two were married in 1994, which tells me he isn't as committed to your marriage as you think.”- I made a short pause and stared at her, waiting to see if she had anything to add. And she did.
- “There was a point in time when both of us were unfaithful in our marriage. When I found out he had cheated…”
- “You thought if you retaliated it would make you feel better.”- I interrupted her, nodding, showing her I understood what had happened.
- “My husband and I no longer keep secrets. I've known he's had an STD for years. The reason we use condoms, to answer your question, is because he insists on protecting me. That's how much he loves me.”
I smiled at her and nodded again. Then, I stood up and started opening all the case files for the investigations of the murders that we knew her husband had committed.
- “I can't wait to see where this is headed.”- Judith smiled and looked at the files I was placing in front of her. I just exhaled and stood in front of her.
- “When you discovered your husband was cheating, you took away the one thing that mattered most to him. His partner in crime.”- I told her and made a short pause- “Now, how do you think he dealt with that?”- but her face didn’t make a move.
- “Do you recognize any of these women?”- Judith didn’t even look at the pictures, she just stared at me with her best poker face.
- “How many times are we gonna go through this? No, I do not.”- she wasn’t even raising her face, I wasn’t reacting to anything. So I just continued.
- “And these are only a few of the victims that he raped and murdered without you.”- finally, I could see her facade starting to shatter- “And which one do you think gave him the STD? Just take a look for yourself.”
And she finally did. She scanned the pictures right in front of her and tried to maintain her attitude.
- “His DNA is all over each of these women.”- I continued talking - “It's the killing without you that's most painful. It's the cheating that you can't forgive.”
- “You're married.”- Judith said and looked at me with cold eyes.
- “Yes, I am.”
- “Where's your husband?”
- “Standing right behind that glass.”- I replied and pointed at the one at my back.
- “Huh, so you know what it feels like to share an interest with your husband. What would happen if he were to slip up? If he is a Fed who can cover his tracks, how would you know?”- I smiled at her words and simply answered:
- “A wife knows. Which is why you know I'm telling you the truth.”
- “My husband and I aren't perfect.”
- “No marriage is, Judith, but look at these women. Look at the way he treated them.”- she closed her eyes for a moment and refused to look at the victims. Instead, she started explaining.
- “We're rebuilding step by step, brick by brick…”
- “He hates them because he hates you.”- I ignored her words, and she lost it.
- “He loves me! I want to talk to a lawyer!”
And that was the end of my interview. Luckily, we had enough to find and catch her husband before he would kill again.
- “We are rebuilding step by step”- I said as soon as I walked into the room from where Rossi and Spencer were following my interrogation- “Interesting choice of words.”
- “Oh, I've heard those many times before.”- Rossi started talking as my husband handed me a packet of cashew nuts.
- “Where?”- Spencer innocently asked David.
- “Somewhere you two will never go. Marriage counseling.”- I chuckled at those words and opened the snack my husband had given me, ‘cos I was starving.
- “That would explain how they were able to move through Alan's infidelity.”- I said as I chewed and hummed happily- “They were seeing a therapist.”
- “Maybe they still are.”- Spencer suggested and grabbed his phone.
And he was right. They were seeing a therapist to work on their issues as a couple. And Spencer profiled that the emasculation our unsub felt didn't come from his wife. It came from their therapist.
I was left at the station with Rossi and Blake, while Spencer and Morgan drove to the therapist's office, she was the last victim, and we were against time to save her life. Meanwhile, I sat in the kitchenette and swallowed my leftovers, because I was too hungry to keep living. Besides, the anxiety of having Spencer on the field dealing with a serial killer made me feel uneasy, and eating was a way to deal with it.
- “How are you feeling?”- Blake asked as she walked into the room and headed straight to the coffee machine.
- “Like I could sleep for two days. You?”- I replied and continued chewing my sweet and sour pork.
- “I just wanna spend the entire weekend in my pajamas watching movies. That would be my perfect Valentine's”- Blake answered and sat next to me. Great, I had totally forgotten about Valentine’s Day, again. - “You did great with Judith.”
- “Thank you. It was hard to remain calm knowing she was trying to protect a serial killer and a cheating bastard.”- I mumbled as I continued chewing. Alex just smiled and held her cup with both hands.
- “Hungry?”
- “Starving. I feel like Kirby.”
- “Who?”- Blake didn’t know who Kirby was, so I swallowed my food and explained in the easiest way possible.
- “It’s a videogame character, it basically eats everything in front of him. I feel like that most of the time ‘cos I am always hungry.”
- “Spencer was worried you might be skipping meals.”
- “I know.”
- “You know this is just temporary. While you have an actual human growing inside of you.”- I chuckled at Alex's explanation and nodded- “You will be who you were before.”
- “Rationally, I know that. But an irrational part of my brain takes charge of my thoughts and emotions at the worst possible moments.”- I explained to Blake, knowing she would understand. I didn’t feel like talking with many people about my feelings at that point. As I said, I felt I was losing my sanity, and I hated it when people were condescending to me just because I was pregnant.
- “You probably are. You are pregnant, it’s a complicated process.”- Blake sipped her coffee and I finished my pork. I was suddenly in the mood for some dessert, but I knew there was nothing left in my bag.
- “It’s useless to talk to you about the hormone levels changing, right?”
- “Trust me, Alex, Spencer started reading the books the second I told him I was pregnant. That means I’ve heard his talks about pregnancy for the last nineteen weeks.”- she chuckled at my words as I sighed and continued - “Knowing why it happens doesn’t help stop it from happening. And sometimes I overthink every single little thing until I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
- “You are not, (Y/N). Trust me.”- Blake smiled and caressed my hand for a second. - “We all feel like shit during the whole process, and no one but we can understand it. So, if you ever need to talk about it, I am here.”
- “Thank you.”
Spencer’s point of view
We solved the case and made it back to DC on time to spend our Valentine’s Day at home. I had reservations for (Y/N)’s favorite restaurant, but we both agreed we were too tired to leave the house, so we changed plans and decided for some delivery and relax on the couch, watching a movie.
I honestly didn’t care what we did for our Valentine’s, as long as we were together, I was always happy. But I couldn’t help but feel my wife’s disappointment with the plans, even though they had been mostly her idea. She was extra exhausted after the case and the trip, of course staying at home made perfect sense.
I filled the tub with hot water, salts, and bubbles while my wife prepared a tray with snacks to share after dinner, knowing it was most likely she’d start craving something sweet, sour, or probably both. I lit a few candles and held (Y/N)’s hand as I walked her to our bathroom.
- “What are you doing?”- she giggled as I covered her eyes and guided her through our apartment.
- “Just because we are staying at home doesn’t mean we can’t make this a romantic moment.”- I explained and uncovered her eyes.
- “Oh, honey bunny.”- she gasped as she looked at the tub, filled with bubbles. - “This is perfect.”
- “You deserve a moment to relax.”
- “Are you gonna get into that tub with me?”- she asked and I nodded.
- “Anything you want.”
We brought two cups of peppermint tea and got in before the water got cold. (Y/N) hummed in satisfaction as she sank, and I sat right behind her, feeling her back resting against my chest. I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her, my hands took a second to find her tummy, and I started caressing it right away.
- “Wanna know something embarrassing?”- I whispered in her ear and she nodded immediately.- “Ever since you told me you were pregnant, I’ve been scared you are gonna blame me for making you go through all those changes and awkward moments.”
- “I could never blame you… I was as horny as you were when we did this, and we both wanted to have a kid.”- she whispered and though I couldn’t see her face, I knew she was smiling.
- “I know pregnancy has been getting more challenging.”- I said after a moment - “I just want you to know I’m here. And nothing will ever change that.”- she didn’t say a word, I just felt her sigh and saw her fingers play with the bubbles around her. It took a few minutes until my wife finally opened up about what she was going through.
- “You know how people always say our story is like a fairy tale?”
- “They do?”- I questioned surprised.
- “Every single time I tell people our story, they think it’s fanfiction or a fairy tale.”- (Y/N) made a pause, probably picking the right words to explain her mind. - “I know you loved me for years before we started dating. The same way I loved you in silence. I know you waited for me, you took care of me, you were always there.”
- “And I will always be.”- I whispered and kissed her temple.
- “That’s what I keep doubting now. I’m sorry.”- her voice was barely perceptible.
- “But what makes you doubt me?”
- “It’s not you.”- my wife replied before I could even finish asking, - “I just feel like… you deserve better than me.”
I felt my heart shatter with those words, ‘cos how could anyone be better than her? How could anyone make me feel the things she did? No one else had that smile that made me feel weak in the knees since the day I met her. She was the only woman on earth I wanted. And I had always felt like she deserved better than me.
- “How could I ever think that way when I have the most perfect, smart, and gorgeous woman on earth here in this tub with me?”- I murmured, holding her tight against me and peeping kisses on her cheek and neck.
- “Spencer…”- I hated when she called me by my name outside work. It always meant she was being serious.
- “Mrs. Reid, trust me when I tell you, nothing will change the way I feel for you right here, right now.”- She moved from my arms and turned in the tub to look at me. - “I dreamed of this life with you for so long, I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side and make you happy.”
- “I feel like I’m going insane, hon. I yelled at you in the car the other day because you didn’t reply to my texts. That’s not me! And I’m jealous of JJ ‘cos she looks gorgeous after having a baby and I feel like a whale. And I can’t stop eating, I try to stop, but I’m hungry all the time, and moody and my feet are swollen already and I’m just nineteen weeks pregnant!”
Tears fell from her eyes as she continued talking and I carefully wiped them away from her cheeks with my thumb.
- “Look at me, I can’t believe I am crying over this! I cry all the time now! Why does everything make me so emotional? Stupid hormones!”
- “I am so in love with you, nothing will ever change that. I will love you until my very last day and most likely, from beyond my grave. So trust me, please.”- I whispered and cupped her cheeks with both my hands, staring into her eyes as I spoke.
- “I feel like if I tell you everything that happens inside my head, you will run away from me.”
- “Never.”- I rubbed my lips against her and kissed her, sweet and slowly, feeling her whole body relaxing.
- “I’m sorry”- she whispered and rested her forehead against mine.
- “You have nothing to apologize for, chipmunk. Did you know that some studies suggest that as many as 90% of new mothers experience unwanted thoughts related to their child during pregnancy or shortly after birth?”- my wife smiled as I kissed her one more time.
- “I love it when you drop statistics.”
- “I have more.”- I replied and heard her chuckling, one of my favorite sounds.
- “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
- “But instead of statistics, I was thinking you should just lay here against me again and I could read to you for a little. What do you think?”
- “I don’t deserve you.”- my wife whispered and I shook my head immediately.
- “You deserve everything I can do to make you happy, ‘cos you make me the happiest I ever dreamed I could be, ok?”- she sobbed and nodded. I kissed her again and then helped her move back to her original position in that tub, lying against my chest. I grabbed a book from the side of the bathtub, kissed her temple one more time, and started reading “Wuthering Heights” for her. 
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Fourteen
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Chapter Fourteen: All That You Are
Plot: A chaotic press conference precedes a match that ends in violence.
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: f!reader, language, minor violence
A/N: I’m gonna chalk this week’s chapters up to having some free time and also being really motivated to get to the next few. Phew, let me tell you…this is the last chance I’m giving y’all to breathe. The final act kicks off in the next chapter and we don’t stop till the very end…so everybody enjoy the fluff and the jokes while you’ve got them 🙃
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged and, as always, enjoy!
AFC Richmond’s hot streak just…kept…going.
They were killing it, both at matches and training. More importantly, they were happy. Joyful, even. Which meant everyone else was too.
More and more fans started showing up to watch training till eventually, the stands were packed. Y/n had begun to come out more often, genuinely enjoying watching the boys practice, and had found a way to make it a PR matter. She helped get the crowd riled up, engaging with them and encouraging them to cheer and chant for their players. She’d collected whatever merchandise they had a surplus of, pens or coffee mugs usually, and made a game of handing them out to the fans that came. Ted had encouraged her to keep doing it, it only further fostered the atmosphere he wanted to create.
Y/n hurried upstairs one day in particular, having missed the alarm set on her phone while she was hauling a bag of freebies from the gift shop to her office. She was never late and felt like she was going to burst into flames for being so.
“Whoa,” Ted called, just a few steps behind her, “Someone call Allyson Felix. Let her know she better watch her back.”
Y/n hung back on the landing to catch her breath, falling back in step once Ted caught up. “We ran out of the mugs the other day but I’ve got coasters and coozies for this afternoon.”
“Ooh,” Ted exclaimed, “You’ve been killin’ it in the swag department, missy. Everyone’s a little more hyped knowing they get a prize just for participation.”
Y/n grunted, “Trophies for doing nothing is also why my generation hates work, so don’t applaud me yet.”
They entered Rebecca’s office laughing only to find the atmosphere contrasting their good moods. Spread out on the couch, Keeley had her face buried in Rebecca’s lap.
“Uh-oh,” Ted announced his presence, “When girl-talk turns into girl-hug, you know that either means something horrible’s happened, or absolutely nothing at all.”
“Please say nothing at all,” Y/n set her purse down and grabbed the takeaway box Rebecca had ordered for her.
“Jack’s ghosting Keeley,” their boss explained.
“Oh, no,” Ted frowned.
Y/n sunk into the cushion beside Keeley, rubbing her shoulder as the blonde snuggled back under Rebecca’s arm.
“First, she wants to go on a break,” Ted recounted, “And now the old digital Irish goodbye. Which is a term I never really understood. ‘Cause I got a buddy back home named Seamus O’Malley, and that son of a gun hugs folks goodbye for, like, twenty minutes before he leaves anywhere.”
Y/n smiled down at her salad. The last few months may have softened her, but decades could pass and Ted would remain the same.
“Yeah,” he looked to Keeley, “Sorry to hear about that. Hey, I did make you some biscuits, you know, just to soften the blow.”
“Oh, thanks Ted,” Keeley took the pink package from him and opened it. Her eye blew open, “What? There’s like forty quid in here.”
“Well, I didn’t know you were gonna be here till this morning,” Ted explained, “No time to do anything special so I just tossed a little cash in there.”
Keeley nodded, “That is very sweet. Thank you, Ted.”
“Ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it,” he shrugged, turning to Rebecca, “Hey, boss. You mind if I skip the press conference today? Michelle and I got these parent-teacher meetings I don’t wanna miss.”
Rebecca shrugged and smiled, “Of course, Ted. Family first.”
“I appreciate it.”
“So…” Y/n trailed off, “Who’s next in line?”
A metaphorical lightbulb went off over Keeley’s head. “We could have Roy do it,” she suggested, “I know he hates that stuff, but he is really good at it.”
Y/n struggled to see the “good” part of how Roy handled the press. On her last count, he’d cussed out no more than six reporters.
“I mean, you know, fine by me,” Ted replied.
Rebecca agreed, “Great idea.”
“Look at you,” Ted smiled at Keeley, “Heartbroken, but still kickin’ butt.”
“I mean, I’m not heartbroken,” Keeley fidgeted in her seat, “It’s more like heart-bent.”
“Heart-bent,” Ted mused, “I like that. It’s a great title for a country song. You know, like,” he began to sing, “I’m heart-bent, in my apartment, ‘cause all that you left, was your fart scent.”
“Alright. Goodbye, Ted,” Rebecca cued him up to leave, though Keeley was laughing and Y/n was smiling through a bite of spinach.
“And now that you’re gone,” Ted continued on his way out to the hall, “I wrote this song, ‘cause all you left was, the smell of your farts.”
Y/n pointed to the door with her fork, “Speaking on behalf of our homeland, we can do better than that.”
Rebecca snorted and Keeley rested her head on Y/n’s shoulder.
“Right,” she held out her hand, “Show me.”
Keeley handed it over and Y/n bore witness to the mile long chain of texts her boss had sent their boss. It was embarrassing to say the least, but Y/n wasn’t about to kick Keeley when she was already laid out.
“Wow,” she strained as she scrolled.
“I know,” Keeley moaned.
“It’s like a river,” Y/n mused as she surfed the rest of the blue bubbles, “Can you promise one thing?”
Keeley hummed.
Y/n handed her phone back, “No more. She’s the one that stomped on you, she gets to do the groveling.”
And grovel she should. From what Keeley had told Y/n, Jack had handled their conversation regarding the video leak and the so-called “statement” horrifically. Jack seemed offended that Keeley had dared to have a meaningful relationship before her. It was jealousy where jealousy didn’t belong.
Whereas Y/n was still struggling to comprehend Jamie and Keeley ever having been together.
“I won’t, I won’t,” Keeley threw her phone on the other side of the couch, “I’m done.”
“Good,” Y/n nodded firmly.
“And that’s all you’ve got to say?” Keeley asked with a raised brow, “Nothing else?”
Y/n purposefully filled her mouth with a far-too-large bite of lettuce. She had plenty to say on the matter, Keeley knew damn well, but she was determined not to do so unless there was a confirmed break-up. After all, Jack was still their boss.
“Nope,” she mumbled.
Rebecca and Keeley descended into a fit of snorts.
Later, the three women were were seeing Keeley out to her car. Roy was just coming down the hall when they came off the last step.
“Oh, speak of the devil,” Rebecca said.
“Okay,” Roy replied before looking to his ex. An awkward silence came about for three seconds, though it felt like much longer. “Keeley.”
“Roy,” she nodded back to him.
Rebecca, blissfully, pulled them out. “So I need you to fill in for Ted at today’s press conference, if that’s okay.”
Roy didn’t hesitate in his reply, “Fuck no.”
Keeley, Rebecca and Y/n were just as unflinching as they waited for the answer to change.
“I mean,” Roy backtracked, “Why can’t Ted do it?”
His eyes went from woman to woman, waiting for one of them to answer or crack or…something.
Or nothing.
“I mean,” he pasted an unnatural grin to his face, “I’d love to.”
Y/n pointed a finger and nodded.
“Wonderful,” Rebecca replied, looking to Keeley and Y/n, “Shall we?”
The three of them left Roy in the hall, waiting for the inevitable reaction.
“Fuck,” he said rather loudly.
“I heard that,” Rebecca smirked.
“You still have my word,” Y/n remarked to her boss, “Send me up there, I’ll give them all they want to know. Sell everybody out. We’ll be on every front page in the country.”
Rebecca laughed, though Keeley missed it entirely. She was too busy glancing back at Roy.
Later in the afternoon, with the press conference a few minutes away from starting, Y/n swung by her office to pick up the notes she’d jotted down for Roy.
As she grabbed her notebook, she noticed there was a tea sitting next to her laptop.
She picked it up and examined it. It had come from the café, her name was written on the side in the big loopy handwriting Delilah, the barista, used. Assuming she wasn’t being set up to be poisoned, she took a sip and accepted the anonymous kindness.
Y/n made it down to the press room, meeting Higgins in the back and waiting for Roy to enter.
The door opened, and Beard walked through.
Y/n’s face dropped, “Um…”
“Where’s Ted?” Higgins asked.
“Where’s Roy?” Y/n corrected, “He’s supposed to be filling in.”
Beard took his seat at the desk, “Good afternoon. I know you all were expecting Ted, but he couldn’t make it today. I, however, will be happy to answer any and all questions, so,” he gestured to the desk filled with recorders and phones, “Fire away.”
Y/n took a breath, it wasn’t so bad. Beard, while not always the most sociable, was well-spoken and highly intelligent. He might have even been a better choice than Roy for his mood alone.
She regretted every thinking such a thing within two minutes.
“Look, man,” Beard sat back in the chair, “We can debate all day, Zeppelin versus Eagles, but one thing that is absolutely not up for debate is Walsh versus Page.”
“Oh, come off it,” the man fired back, “You honestly think it’s Walsh over Page?”
Y/n whispered to Higgins, “How did this go so far off the rails this fast?”
“I don’t know,” he replied.
She handed him her tea, “Hold this.”
Y/n quietly and calmly exited the room, breaking into a light jog in the hall and up the stairs. She knocked on Rebecca’s open door but didn’t bother to be invited in.
“Hi,” she greeted quickly, “Um, did something happen to Roy in the two hours since he was last seen?”
Rebecca’s brow lowered, “No, why?”
Y/n thinned her lips to a line, “You might wanna come downstairs.”
Without question, Rebecca followed her down and into the press room. Things had taken another turn in the minute Y/n had disappeared for.
“That is not what I said, Gary,” Beard angrily pointed to the reporter in question.
“I have your quote right here,” Gary chuckled.
“You did say it, Coach,” another on agreed.
“Stay out of this, Lloyd,” Beard snapped.
“Don’t shout at Lloyd,” Sarah, another reporter, said.
Y/n flattened her palm against her forehead.
“You said, and I quote,” Gary looked down at his notes, “‘Joe Walsh is a better guitarist than Jimmy Page.’ That’s what you said!”
Beard leaned back in his chair, exasperated by the fight he’d started. “Fine! I said it,” he spread his arms out in defeat, “But what I meant was that Joe Walsh, underrated. Jimmy Page,” he got stuck on the last word in his rage, “Overrated!”
The room was arguing amongst itself.
“I mean, Joe Walsh is a poet,” Beard went on, “Jimmy Page is a fucking court stenographer on Adderall.”
As the room digested the answer in shock, and amusement, Y/n reached out to Higgins, retaking her tea and taking a large swig as if it were wine.
“Are you out of your mind?” Gary laughed, “Page could beat Walsh with one string.”
“What do you mean, beat him?” Beard replied angrily, “It’s not a competition, man. It’s art, you fucking Neanderthal!”
Y/n, Higgins and Rebecca surged forward at the same time.
“Hello,” Rebecca cheerily announced, trying to draw the attention to herself while Higgins grabbed Beard, who was still arguing with Gary. “Hello! Hello!”
Y/n acted as a shield for Higgins as he walked Beard out of the room, dropping him in the side hall. But not before Beard could get in one last insult.
“‘Stairway to Heaven’” is a glorified fingering exercise, and you all know it!”
Higgins smiled at the press as he shut the door, Y/n blindly reaching behind to help him push against Beard’s weight.
“I can’t think of the last time I was able to be here with all you absolutely…” Rebecca spoke loudly over the noise of Beard still yelling into the door. Y/n and Higgins blocked his face from view. “Just brilliant members of the press down here in the pressroom. So with that in mind, I would love to take some questions. Come on,” Rebecca spread her arms welcomingly, “Absolutely ask me anything.”
“Oh, shit,” Y/n mumbled. This wasn’t any better.
Marcus from The Independent announced himself when Rebecca nodded towards him.
“Hello there, Marcus,” she greeted, “How are you?”
“Very well.”
“Good, good.”
“Miss Welton,” Marcus asked, “In your opinion, who’s the greatest classic rock guitarist of all time?”
Rebecca stuttered a bit, stuck on the question that had her blanking out on any rock she’d ever listened to.
“The, uh…” she struggled, “The…guy from Cream.”
Higgins snorted, Y/n buried her head in her hand as the pressroom quietly and collectively laughed.
“Uh…” Rebecca began.
“I think,” Y/n came to stand beside her boss, grinning abnormally large, “That in the wake of our recent wins, we’re all still a bit hazy from the excitement. I think we’re going to call this for the day, but we’ll be ready and waiting for you after the match this Sunday against Brighton. Thank you so much!”
Y/n placed her hands on Rebecca’s back and marched her towards the door.
“Uh, Ms. Y/l/n,” Marcus spoke up, “Care to comment on who you think the greatest guitarist is?”
“Keith Richards,” Y/n answered, “Purely because he’s still standing.”
Whatever reaction she’d caused, she didn’t hear them. Her and Higgins had gotten Rebecca safely out into the hall.
“Sorry about that,” she shuddered.
“You’re alright,” Y/n patted her shoulder.
“‘The guy from Cream,’” Higgins giggled.
“Yes, all right,” Rebecca twisted to face Higgins, “Don’t start with me, Leslie! I panicked,” she took a seething breath, “I’m going to murder Roy Kent.”
“If you don’t, I will,” Y/n exhaled.
“Look, Roy not doing press is just Roy being Roy,” Higgins stated.
Y/n gestured to the door they’d just come out of, “And look where it got us.”
“Well, I am sick of Roy being Roy,” Rebecca spat, hands on her hips, “So it’s time for Rebecca to be Rebecca.”
Without another word, she marched off in the direction of the training room. The boys would nearly be done with their afternoon workout.
“Oh, yes,” Higgins agreed, “Absolutely- I couldn’t,” he turned with Y/n to watch Rebecca strut away from them, “Yeah. There you go. Yes! Ooh!”
Y/n breathed a laugh, if anyone rubbed off on her from Richmond, she hoped it was Rebecca. There was a fierceness inside her that Y/n had never possessed in her life, but she’d have liked to.
“Stay for the aftermath?” Higgins asked.
“Oh, definitely,” Y/n nodded. She wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to stare down Roy.
Quick enough, Rebecca marched back up the stairs, Roy following thirty seconds later. While Higgins’ best frown was still his worst smile, Y/n glared at the coach unflinchingly. He did his best to ignore them both on the way up to Rebecca’s office.
“Another day,” Y/n mumbled, her and Higgins heading their separate ways for the rest of the afternoon.
As she walked down the hall, some of the boys came out of the training room. She high-fived them before coming up on Jamie, bringing up the rear.
He flicked the cup of tea, still in Y/n’s hand, and smirked. “Cheers.”
Y/n looked back and met his waiting gaze, the two of them sharing a smile. The days at Nelson Road grew more unpredictable the further into the season they got, but some things were as constant as breathing.
The day of the Brighton match started as normal as any other. Y/n made the familiar trek to the owner’s box, taking a seat between Keeley and Higgins, and braced for the ninety minutes of nerves she both hated and loved.
“Oh, it’s Jack,” Keeley announced as she scrolled her phone. The three of them sat to attention as they waited to hear the text, “She’s saying that she’s in Argentina…for the next couple of months.”
“Ouch,” Higgins commented. Y/n scoffed while Rebecca pulled Keeley into her side.
“Well,” Keeley took a breath, “I think our break is actually an ‘up.’ So now that Jack is officially my ex,” she looked between the group, “Please feel free to say any of the things that you didn’t like about her.”
Rebecca sighed, “Well-“
“Ooh,” Higgins chimed in, “Her handshake was way too firm. You know-“ he groaned and grunted as he imitated the action, “I get it. You’re friendly. Good riddance.”
Y/n bit down on her bottom lip, trying to keep the comments from flying out her mouth.
“Something you’d like to say, Y/n?” Keeley asked knowingly.
Shaking her head, she tried to go the diplomatic route. “Just want to watch some football.”
Keeley slowly nodded, staring out at the field with her.
“And she’s a fucking asshole,” Y/n muttered as low as she could to let only Keeley hear it. They smiled to one another.
Right off the bat, the Greyhounds were struggling. Isaac, usually so focused, was off his game. He cost them a goal kick and earned Brighton a corner instead. It wasn’t like him and the fans were letting their displeasure be known.
Even worse, when Colin lost an easy goal, Isaac went after him. The two of them argued until Jamie and Sam, playing peacemaker, held Isaac back from following Colin any further.
Y/n frowned, something had to have happened before the match. The boys were far more in sync than this, and they sure as hell didn’t fight each other.
The first half ended on the heels of Dani just nearly making a goal, only for Brighton to block it. The score was 1-nil as the Greyhounds trudged back to the locker room.
Higgins, Y/n, Rebecca and Keeley went silent as the fifteen minute break began. There wasn’t anything to say.
Y/n’s eyes were glazing over the crowd on the opposite side of the stadium when a commotion started. She followed the noise to the tunnel to see Isaac, leaping into the stands and grabbing one of the fans.
“Oh my gosh,” she mumbled. Keeley, Rebecca and her all rose to their feet.
With the distance, the scene could hardly be seen properly, but it appeared that Isaac was holding the fan by the shirt and yelling in his face. The ref had never pulled the red card out so fast. It was unprecedented and unacceptable.
Higgins rushed out his seat, the women moving to make room for him down the aisle. Y/n’s eyes followed Roy as he helped Isaac down and started shouting something to the security guards.
The scene died down as quickly as it began. The fan was escorted out of the stadium and the Greyhounds disappeared into the tunnel.
“What the hell was that?” Rebecca finally asked.
“I don’t know,” Keeley breathed.
Internally, Y/n began to feel some sort of panic build. She couldn’t decipher the complexities of it, all she knew was she had to move.
“Where are you going?” Rebecca asked as Y/n slid past them.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled Keeley’s same answer, already climbing the stairs.
She hurried through the suite, past all the fans opening social media to post that they’d witnessed the fight themselves. Past all the fans in the concourse exclaiming how McAdoo was about to fucking kill the twat. Y/n couldn’t hear any of it as she made for the personnel-only entrance into the building.
When she made it to the empty hall outside the locker room, she faltered. Her immediate reaction would be to run in, but she knew it was far from appropriate. Her hand instinctively reached toward the door, even with feet of space between her and it. She couldn’t.
Nearly as soon as she’d thought it, Isaac came bursting through the door, unaware of her presence as he stalked to the boot room. He slammed that door shut and Y/n flinch at the sound.
Ten seconds later, Roy came out much more peacefully, but still with purpose.
Y/n stepped forward, her movements and her voice hesitant, “Hey-“
Roy could see the concern etched deeply in her face and touched her arm as he passed. “I got it.”
It wasn’t often that Roy wasn’t scowling, wasn’t speaking like he smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. For him to speak softly, to voluntarily comfort someone, he had to have meant it.
Y/n stood frozen as he shut the door to the boot room, all the pieces of her reaction making sense suddenly. After Isaac had attacked the fan, her first thought hadn’t been about PR. It hadn’t been about the clean-up her and Keeley would have to do, the stress of it all. It hadn’t had anything to do with what the internet would think or the fans or anyone.
Her first thought was to wonder if Isaac was okay.
She knew by now she cared about AFC Richmond. She had a special affection for Rebecca and their weekly tea. Keeley had cracked her way past Y/n’s gates simply by being herself. Ted was the nicest slice of home she could have gotten.
This was different. This was caring so deeply for the team that she was standing in the hall, unmoving until she knew they were all alright.
It was no longer about letting them in, Y/n knew, it was about how deeply etched in her heart they were.
She waited, waited, the whole fifteen minutes, hearing only the muffled mumbles of the team’s conversation through the doors. When they cheered and exited the room, their spirits seemingly lifted, none of them even noticed her against the wall.
Y/n moved to stand outside the boot room, catching Colin and Trent as the last ones to exit the locker room. Trent threw her a small salute that she matched, before heading out to his own seat. She still wasn’t leaving until she knew all was well.
Eventually, Roy came out of the boot room with Isaac in tow. The disgraced captain glanced up at her as he passed, Y/n made a point to squeeze his arm. He didn’t flinch at her touch, but didn’t make a point of lingering as he headed to the locker room to wait the game out.
As Y/n inhaled, Roy nodded, “He’s alright.”
“Okay,” she whispered.
The two of them walked back to their separate paths, Roy heading out to the pitch and Y/n heading back to the owner’s box.
The match turned around after that, tremendously so. The Greyhounds had hit the pitch united once more, particularly Colin, who’d assisted in both goals that had led them to victory. Balance seemed to have been restored, and while Isaac would still be the most memorable part of the game, Colin’s efforts wouldn’t be forgotten.
And, as always, Y/n’s work began the moment the ref called it.
There were strict instructions from both Keeley and her to Higgins not to grab any of the players. They’d no doubt be asked about their captain’s actions and none of them needed to deal with that stress. Ted was the only one who could comfortably handle it.
They waited with Rebecca in the back of the room, Higgins and Trent joined them at the last minute.
“He’s on his way,” Higgins said.
“Thank you, Leslie,” Rebecca replied before turning to Keeley and Y/n, “You gave Ted some talking points?”
Keeley frowned, “No. I haven’t done that in a long time.”
“Not for a while,” Y/n added.
The side door opened before Rebecca could truly begin to worry. Where Ted should have strolled in, Roy did instead.
“Fuck,” Y/n whispered, punctuated by a gag from Higgins.
Roy took a seat at the desk, staring down the entire room. No one was wearing their surprise well.
“Yeah, alright, you got me today,” he growled, “Any questions?”
Every reporter’s hand went up, all of them shouting to get Roy’s attention.
“Fucking hell,” he mumbled before pointing to one of them, “You. Five-o’-clock shadow head.”
Gary, self-proclaimed Jimmy Page fan, stood up. “Coach Kent, do you or the organization condone what Isaac McAdoo did today?”
“What a stupid fucking question,” Roy was quick to reply, Rebecca, Higgins and Y/n all screwing their eyes shut. “‘Course we don’t. What Isaac did was awful. He was lucky he only got a red card.”
“Okay,” Gary relented, “So why’d he do it?”
Roy chuckled, looking like he was nearly about to say something before stopping himself. Instead of cursing or snarking, he settled back in his chair.
“When I was first coming up through Sunderland, there was an old-timer on the team,” Roy began, “Local guy. He and his wife were about to have their first kid. So during training one day, I made a joke that statistically, I was probably the real dad. And the boys fell about laughing, but he went fucking nuts. He battered me. Properly. I had a black eye, chipped tooth, three broken ribs…I couldn’t play for six games. He got booted off the team. After that,” Roy shook his head, “No club would go near him.”
“Then in the summer, after I could breathe again,” he went on, “I bumped into him in a pub. And I got the chance to say sorry for my stupid fucking joke. And he got to tell me he and his wife had lost the baby a month before all that went down. He hadn’t told anyone. Kept it all inside.”
The room had fallen hush, save for the occasional click of a camera.
“Look, I get that some people think if they buy a ticket,” Roy’s voice regained its strength, “They’ve got the right to yell whatever abusive shit they want at footballers. But they’re not just footballers. They’re also people. And none of us,” he dragged his finger across the room, “Know what is going on in each other’s lives.”
“So for Isaac to do what he did today, even though it was wrong,” Roy pointed to his chest, “I give him love. And as for why he did what he did,” he leaned closer to the microphones, “That’s none of my fucking business.”
That was it. There was nothing left to say. Roy had handled it with more grace and patience than anyone could have expected.
Y/n smiled to herself, “Okay.”
“Next question,” he called to the room, which erupted back into shouts and flashes, “Yeah, new Trent.”
“Coach,” Marcus spoke up, “Let’s talk about Colin Hughes.”
“Yeah, he’s a hell of a player,” Roy answered, “And a great man. I think we’ve underused him.”
“I think you’re right,” Marcus said.
“Glad we agree,” Roy replied, “I prefer you to old Trent.”
The room laughed before Roy called on the next reporter. Rebecca and him shared a look of acknowledgement, this was making up for his ditching of the last presser.
Roy went on answering questions a few minutes longer before abruptly calling it. As everyone was saying their goodbyes for the evening, Y/n caught him in the hall.
“You did good,” she complimented.
Roy grunted a little, still bad at taking praise about anything other than his professional abilities. “Sorry if I…made your job harder the other day.”
She shrugged, “No more so than anyone else. You’re just more of a dick about it.”
Having said it with a smile Roy knew Y/n wasn’t serious…totally. His lips quirked up ever so slightly.
“Night, Roy,” Y/n said, hitting his arm as she walked past him.
“Cheers,” he replied, heading his own way.
While the day was a victory, Jamie was exhausted. Some of the boys had gone out to celebrate, he was one of the ones who decided heading home was more appealing.
A ring of the doorbell dragged him off his couch and into the entryway. He opened the door, his chest both filling and draining at the sight.
Y/n was leant against the frame, a soft smile on her lips. She held up a paper takeaway bag.
“I won’t tell Roy if you don’t,” she promised.
Jamie chuckled under his breath and moved to let her in.
It wasn’t just the match that’d worn Jamie out. Colin’s confession in the locker room was…heavy. Weighing most on Colin, of course, but when the celebratory noise had died down and Jamie was left to his own thoughts, he found they were louder than normal.
Y/n showing up only acted as an amplifier.
Here was Colin, hiding away one of the biggest parts of himself. Forced to keep the person he loved in the shadows for fear of the public’s reaction. He couldn’t hold them, couldn’t be seen with them, couldn’t claim them. The person who meant everything to him.
And here was Jamie, with the woman he cared about most standing before him, feeling the weight of his privilege.
“Samir was working tonight,” Y/n announced as she slipped off her shoes, “He kept asking me if I was buying for us both. I think he slipped in some extra-“
She was cut off by Jamie, wrapping his arms around her in a full embrace.
Jamie wasn’t good with words. He was barely good with feelings. And expressing them was a whole other matter. What he did know to be true was that Y/n was the singular most important person in his life. Whether he’d realized it before or not, he wasn’t sure. But it was suddenly crushing him, he was overwhelmed by his affection for her. She was the best part of his worst times, the highlight of his days. The literal sunshine lighting up the darkest parts of him, the parts everyone else looked at and ran from. But not her, never her.
Y/n stumbled a bit, Jamie steadying her as he tugged her to his body. It wasn’t like they never hugged, but this felt different. The whole day had been so emotionally charged, she wasn’t surprised that he was feeling some of it. She wasn’t sure what had happened in the locker room between halves or after the game, but whatever it was had done something to him, and she apparently was the solution.
The truth was, Jamie was the first person Y/n hadn’t tired of being there for. She wanted to save him at every possible opportunity. To be there for him in whatever way he needed her. Lord knows he had done it enough for her. He’d looked at her ugliest parts and matched them, the two of them somehow growing together through their horrible histories. Some relationships were easily replaced, but there could never be another Jamie.
Y/n slid her arms around Jamie’s back, stealing some of the comfort for herself.
Jamie rested his chin on her shoulder, shutting his eyes and letting the moment wash over him. The world could stop, just for a moment, and it would be there when they broke apart. But for now, Y/n was all he wanted to feel.
They stayed in the hall, clinging to one another, having only unwrapped the first layer of what all they felt meant.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sablecities @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @strawberryacethingz @mentalistfan @tortilla-maria1 @katdahlali @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @glitterquadricorn @jamieolivia27 @imvibin69 @katlizada @lil-tracys @fanaticalfantasist @heyitz-julia @cactajuice @peachyy-tea @notalxx @rockchickrebel @anxiety-prime-max @loveforaugust @jellycolors @actuallybarb @heletsmelovehim @lovinnscarletknight @imfalling-inlove @leslieiscrying @meg-ro @littlemisssunshine192 @beboldbebravethings @maydayfigment @spencerreidsbookclub @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @lemoonandlestars @im-a-weirdo-for-life @mindless-rock (tags cont. in comments ❤️)
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mncein · 1 year
love your writing! will it be okay to request some ot5 (or a specific member, whoever you want) being a jealous dork for reader?
this made my day :(( and yes of course !! i will be doing 2 members from each ot5 member group which i think will fit in being a jealous dork. thank you for this request anon, enjoy !!
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the type of girl to roll her eyes at everything you do or say. but is listening intently if you ever mention her name 😭 coming up to you with a fake sweet smile but deep inside she has a burning jealousy building up. you brought her with you to meet up with some of your classmates which are also your close friends. but before you two could go to the meet up place, she asked for coffee. and the cashier was absolutely fazed by your beauty. and uh oh...
— you ordered your usual and yunjin's coffee matcha latte, "that'll be all, thank you." you smiled and payed for your orders. yunjin noticed something though. the cashier was staring right into your eyes.
"you look so pretty ma'am." the cashier smiled.
"aww, thank yo-"
"i know right? i'm so lucky i have her as my girlfriend." yunjin cuts you off, took both of your orders and dragged you outside the coffee shop.
"hey- she was just being nice." you removed her hand on your arm, she furrows her eyebrows at you, were you that oblivious?
"she was flirting with you, i had to do what i have to." yunjin smiles and takes a sip of her drink. holding your hand and walks to where the meet up place was.
"come on, your friends are waiting." but that doesn't end there.
she told almost everything about your relationship to your friends! it was fine at first, but she was telling all the times where you made her jealous and the reason why! you plead her to stop because it was very embarrassing, but she turned into a deaf ear and continues talking about it.
extremely jealous when she found out you've been gone to go play some games with your sakura-unnie 😭 the worst when jealous, like when you try to talk to her about what's wrong, she just *smack* you on the arm just as hard enough to leave a small red mark :( poor girl felt so lonely inside her room, waiting for you to be done playing games and come cuddle with her :(
— "chae, come on, i'm here now." you whined when she pushed you away, you've been trying to hug and cuddle with her for the past few minutes, but it's no good.
"stay away from me, jerk." she's calling you a jerk while she's been more than a jerk to you, but can she really refuse to your warm hugs and cuddles? of course not! she just has to tease you a bit.
you gave up, standing away fron her bed and crossing your arms, "says the one who's acting like a real jerk now." you roll your eyes as you prepared to leave.
"where are you going?" she asks immediately, just once your presence is gone again, she's gonna go feral and spam you messages.
you turn back to her, "back to sakura-unnie to play more games, not like you will."
"i will play games with you, you just have to ask me to join you." she pouted and stood beside you. taking your hand and leading you outside her room to the living room where all the girls are. you sigh, at least she can be by your side now.
using her maknae advantages! when she sees you around her unnies, she gets so clingy with them and purposely trying to get you jealous for revenge. isn't actually good at it, but she's the one getting more and more jealous when you talk casually with her unnies as if she wasn't even there 😭
— after all of the chaotic happenings in the living room, you found yourself alone with yuna in her bedroom. she's on her phone and ignoring you straight for 30 minutes now.
"hello?" you wave your hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention. successful, she puts her phone down.
"mind explaining what you planned earlier?" yuna crosses her arms.
"what do you mean, 'explain what i planned'?"
"were you flirting with my unnies?"
"actually, you're the one who started it. and it didn't really affect me. so why when i flirt with them, you get so jealous?" she went silent, not having anymore reasons and comebacks. she groans and turns off the light and ignores you to bed.
master of being a jealous dork actually. her jealousy immediately backfired! you spent time with the group, but specifically yuna, at the park today. ryujin couldn't help but get jealous at the sight of you making yuna laugh effortlessly, but when you're joking with ryujin, she doesn't even laugh but tell your jokes aren't funny :(
— seeing you with yuna, she sticks to yeji quickly and linking arms with her. eyeing you time to time to see if you noticed or had a reaction. but still no good! you're still with yuna, picking some flowers of your liking.
"this flower reminds me of you." you say to yuna when you pick the flower up and put it on the side of her ear. complimenting that she looked beautiful, ryujin copies what you did to yeji.
"amazing job ryujin, i hope you did your very best to make me jealous." you put your arms on your chest.
"glad it worked." she smugly smiles and copies your pose.
"but you're still the one who got jealous first." you laugh.
"but you're the one who couldn't stand me with someone else." ryujin smiles and flipped her hair.
"ugh, whatever. dork."
not only jealous, but practically mad at you 😭 lets out her anger to the members or at you, but not really violently but verbally. once you know she's jealous, you're swift in taking action and dragging her to your room or hers. sighing, you have to talk your way out of this problem.
— "hyein, stop being so loud." hanni sighs and sits more comfortably on the couch as if her previous position was making her legs cramp.
"don't mind her, just keep doing your thing." you pat the younger girl's shoulder, whom gave you a soft smile.
"and you too, shut up." hanni points at you, what did you do this time? is it bad to comfort someone who was told they were loud? she's really so hard to get with when she's jealous.
you stood up from your seat, excusing yourself between haerin and danielle. dragging hanni to her room to apologise for whatever you did and didn't notice.
and you found yourself with a red slap mark on your arm that lasted hours in that day. and you're still unforgiven.
close to being cruel, loves when you're the one jealous. dork? yes, she'll probably do what you did to make her jealous, but hers is intentionally. doesn't give you time to explain and walks off right there, could be planning her revenge inside the kitchen or her room 😭 her plan includes hanni and haerin! literally convinced the two girls who were eating their dinner peacefully.
— minji sat in between hanni and haerin on the sofa while a movie was playing on the tv. apparently, she has this, whole plan, to make you the one jealous once you get back to their dorm.
"what's taking y/n so long?" hanni asks, shifting from her position a bit.
"most likely had a hard time finding the thing i asked her to get." minji replies as she checks her phone for messages from you.
"you're so cruel sometimes." haerin spoke while her eyes are fixed on the tv.
"it's because she made me jealous-" the door opening cuts off minji. she motions the two to lay their heads on her shoulder while they pretend to watch the movie.
"hey, i got the thing you ask for-" immediately shutting your mouth when you saw the scene in front of you. hanni and haerin lifted their heads from minji's shoulder and giggles, the two leaving the room while muttering a small good luck to minji.
"well done minji. don't even think about talking to me again, thank you very much." she's in big trouble.
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lvlyhao · 11 months
『when he's on tour / MARK LEE』
A/N: thoughts on how mark would be as bf when he's away on tour :(
gifs used in this are not mine and they will be removed if requested!!
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡), comedy (☼)
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: i swear a bit maybe???
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © lvlyhao 2023.
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mark is usually pretty clingy with you already, but he turns it up to the max before a tour
being away from you like that is one of the parts about his job he hates the most, and yeah, he knew what he was signing up for since the beginning
but he can’t help but be heartbroken about it every. single. time
the other members know him well enough to give like a 2 weeks notice for him to get his shit together and spend as much time with you as humanly possible??
cus otherwise, he’ll get caught up in rehearsals, schedules and whatever else and then the day before they leave be like
“oh shit”
and if that’s the case we all know mark is gonna be miserable during the whole thing right lmao
yeah mom taeyong isn’t letting that happen
mark normally sees the time before a tour as an opportunity to check off a LOT of things from your couples bucket list
like, do you have any tv shows you’ve been meaning to watch together? you’re binging it today
you wanted to visit that coffee shop right? get your coat, you’re going rn
you wanted to buy matching bracelets yeah? he’s already got them
and it’s just a very fun, loving time for the both of you
it keeps you busy enough not to spiral about what it’s gonna be like not seeing each other for months
of course, it doesn’t work 100% of the time
especially at night, when mark’s about to fall asleep, the loneliness of not having you around starts to seep in
and it’s like he says goodbye to you in his head before it happens irl
which is 1. sad as heck??? and 2. kinda suffering through it twice, cus he always thinks he’s gonna be more “well prepared” for it this time, and that’s never true
by now it’s probably pretty obvious touring is a very dramatic experience for him right lmao
johnny’s always like “bro it’s just a couple months you’re gonna be f i n e” but for mark it’s,,, not that simple
he’d rather say bye when it’s just the two of you, maybe at your place or somewhere nice
it feels a lot calmer when it’s like that, cus then it’s tight hugs, some kisses and mark saying he promises he’ll text you every day and call you as much as he can
and yeah maybe one of you lets a tear or two fall down but it’s fine
if you go with them to the airport
it’s gonna be so much more chaotic like holy crap, trust me, not going is the better option
if for some unknown reason you’re like “no i’ll go with you to catch the plane and we’ll say bye there”
there’s gonna be a lot more crying involved
cus it’s one thing hugging you bye when his flight’s in 6 hours or so, but it’s a whole other thing when everyone’s already boarding and some other member is trying very hard to be gentle but he has to go NOW
it’s all so rushed he can barely even tell you he loves you :(
mainly bc he wanted to keep hugging you until he absolutely had to let you go
oh well
mark is 10000% the type to ask you to put together a playlist for him to listen to during the trip
he can be a bit of an airhead at times but he does his best to keep you updated on how he’s doing, where he is right now, things of the sort
so he tries to text you the moment the plane lands, when they get to the hotel, when he’s eaten
and it’s not even just texts
it’s a cute candid selfie AND a text
mark is definitely not the best photographer in nct
but he will try so hard to take good pictures for you
cus all he wants is for you to feel like you’re there with him, seeing all those cool places
having said that, most pictures do turn out to be crappy
but he’s willing to ask for help from another member so it’s all good lmao
(i’m looking at johnny, jaemin or tyong tbh)
sends you a picture of every single dog or cat he sees
absolutely every single one
keeps a clock in your timezone in his phone so he knows the best times to text/call
speaking of calling
i’m sorry to tell you you’re not getting a one on one facetime session with him
it’s just not happening
like it may last 5 minutes tops, but that’s the time it takes for someone to hear your voice/barge into his room and immediately ask to talk to you
haechan, johnny, yukhei and baek do that a lot
but normally the other members follow lmao
it’s 50% to annoy him but 50% bc they genuinely wanna see you
it doesn’t bother you too much cus you know
they’re cute or whatever
he’s not really the type to get small trinkets from every place he goes to bc that’s just ??so much??
instead, he’ll probably get you one really nice gift
like this huge plushie he had to carry around himself on their way back home bc no one had enough space in their bags for it
or a new perfume he thinks you’ll like
i love him your honour
one last thing bc this is already way too long
mark is the KING of backstage pictures and TMI's about the other members
like at this point you have enough blackmail material to torture them for 6 months minimum
and tbh it’s mainly haechan when he’s with dream/127 and jongin with superm lol
but he keeps it varied
you end up with even some derpy jaehyun pics, best case scenario
he’s already making plans on how you are gonna celebrate him being back home
…and it most likely includes building a pillow fort and watching marvel movies but i didn’t tell you that
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bohemianblasphemy · 2 months
Hey, could I please request a Billy x reader, where the reader emotions are all over the place for no reason, and she lashes out at the Boys and she also lashes out at Billy who she never does get angry at, and eventually she calms down and Billy is there to comfort her?? (I feel like my emotions are all over at the moment) Thank you!!
of course! i hope this is okay and i hope you’re okay ✨✨
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The Boys have always been… chaotic, unpredictable- to put it lightly. Your presence was a beacon of calmness, more than often steadying conflicts and problems that arose between the groups mixed personalities.
However today was different, that calmness you exuded had vanished and a whirlwind of storm-like disturbance had started to brew inside you; your unknown frustration was surging and crashing inside of your head.
The group was arguing once more, this time with MM and Frenchie arguing about the latest supe that they were going after.
“this supe can make sound waves that could fucking kill us Frenchie, it’s gonna be fucking hard to face her if we don’t have the right tools to handle her.” Frenchie shook his head.”
“nah MM, we don’t need equipment we just gotta move in quietly, get her to trust one of us and then wham! we get intel from her.” MM rolled his eyes. “ how the fuck are we gonna get anything if she screams the fucking life outta us? what are we gonna do then?” MM argues further, the fight getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on.
“Can you both just shut the fuck up for a second?!” you snapped. your head was in your hands, rubbing your hands over your face in frustration. Frenchie and MM look at you shocked at your frustrated exclamation- this was the first time that they had witnessed you lash out at them, let alone anyone.
“We’re just trying to figure things out.” Frenchie shrugged, crossing his arms.“there’s no need to bite our heads off.” Mother's Milk added, his voice was gentle but firm, unsure of how to approach this different side of you. You took a deep breath, but it did nothing to quieten the feelings inside you. “I’m- I’m just tired of this. all you guys fucking do is FIGHT - it pisses me off!!”
“Oi! what’s got your knickers in a twist? this ain’t like you.” Butcher had spoken up, having watched the events unfold from his seat. you turned to him, the heat burning deep within you.
“no one can ever come up with a solution without having a fight about it. this shit is not a fucking joke! people are in danger and this-“ you gestured to MM and Frenchie. “is the way that you all deal with it!” your anger had boiled over, but the guilt you felt had come crashing into your minds shoreline and tears had welled up in your eyes.
you didn’t like that you took it out of the group, especially Billy- since you joined to group he was your rock; your shared experiences with the evil of Vought and the so-called heroes that had changed the trajectory of your lives brought you both together, he was someone you could depend on.Billy noticed the sudden change in your demeanour and stood out of his seat, walking over to you.
“what’s goin’ on with ya?” he’s concerned, but all you can feel is the overwhelming emotions that consumed you. “i-i don’t know Butcher! e-everything just feels so wrong right now and i can’t fucking take it!” you sobbed, your hands cover your face to stop the tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.
Butcher looks over at the others and gestures them to leave for a moment. “give us some space yeah?” he asks, they nod and moved out of the office space, leaving Butcher and yourself alone. you looked up at Butcher, your vulnerability was on display.
“i’m so sorry…” you apologised, sniffling and wiping your tears away. “ No, no…”he whispered before he pulled you into his arms for a comforting hug which you accepted, melting into his chest.
“shh… it’s alright…” he rubbed your back, holding you tight. “i didn’t mean to Butcher i just couldn’t hold it in anymore-“ “you don’t have ta apologise love, this stuff happens… believe me i know.” he reassured you, continuing to sooth you. you both stood in silence as you embraced.
you spoke up, breaking the silence that filled the room. “i’m just so overwhelmed, Billy. it just feels like the world is crumbling away right under me…” he nodded, understanding your emotions.
“i know that all too well.” there’s a beat of silence before he spoke up once more. “you’re not alone yeah? i’ve got ya, i’m by your side, always…”
you embraced him once more muttering a thank you; his comforting words wrapped around you like a safety blanket, allowing you to relax and come to a more peaceful state of mind- knowing that Billy was there by your side ready to weather the storms that plagued you; that you were not alone.
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