#of the dark brotherhood. it's thieves guild and mages guild only for her. but it means i cant go see my friends in their sanctuary 😞
stinkrascal ¡ 2 years
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i tell you, i tell you, the dragonborn comes 🐉
i remade my skyrim ocs in ts4... again :’)
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potatoesandsunshine ¡ 7 months
sorry everyone but to me the dark brotherhood is like a weird sitcom family you join midway through their third season. they've all already got established dynamics and relationships and my character is walking in to add a little extra drama to an already-moving plot. we don't even get to the friends stage before whatever climactic awful thing (usually me) happens to them
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shady-tavern ¡ 1 year
Part 2 of this short story.
You magicked some blood splatters away after teleporting home, stretching your fingers until they cracked in dark satisfaction. You were getting closer and closer to figuring out just where the Brotherhood had its headquarters.
To your dismay, you had to realize that this infernal organization had grown very, very big. Big enough to have kings and queens on their side, being supported by other royalty and even a thieves guild you had done business with in the past. And here you had thought their leader was one of the smart ones.
A brief glance into the kitchen showed that Melina was working on an advanced healing salve. She looked incredibly focused and one of your constructs was lingering nearby, ready to be of aid should she need it. The girl had things well in hand, however and you couldn’t help but feel that warm curl of pride filling your chest.
You had never thought that having a student was like this. You yourself had probably been more trouble than you were worth growing up and you knew your former teachers were all collectively horrified by what you had done, both to yourself in order to become a lich-mage and everything afterwards.
You ducked out of the kitchen without disturbing Melina, closing the door quietly. She’d be done soon, you had come back just in time to avoid worrying her. The skulls you passed by were silent and empty, devoid of a certain ghost’s presence. You had no idea where Mortimer was, but sometimes he just seemed to be…somewhere, doing whatever ghosts did.
You entered a separate study room on the ground floor, one you had repurposed for the task of keeping track of the Brotherhood. You marked off another camp of theirs you had left in ruin and set down the stack of papers you had liberated. Sadly, those guys had been small fry, but at least you had another name of a high ranking member now. Soon you’d have enough information to take them all down.
It was tedious but necessary work if you wanted to root this organization out root and stem. Such nastiness was not allowed to come back while you weren’t looking. Melina’s life would never be threatened by the likes of them again.
A crackle along your wards made you pause in surprise. A visitor? And one so brazen as well. Ah, there was only one person who walked into your home fearlessly. Or rather, two, now that you had Melina living here.
You stepped out of the study just as the front door got thrown open and Priscilla swept inside in all her powerful sunshine glory. She easily could have become a lich-mage herself, but she had the unfortunate habit of taking deep breaths and making rational decisions. Most of the times at least.
Priscilla had taken you under her wing when the two of you had been students and she had remained a steadfast, loyal, annoying and kind friend over all those years. The world would shatter before you would not aid her should she ever need or want your help.
She had been there the day you had become a lich-mage and had stood guard over your prone body for twenty days and nights. Forgoing sleep and food, she had kept herself awake and standing with magic alone, willing to drain herself down to her last dredges to defend you. 
She had also woken you with incessant poking and a lot of cackling laughter when you had flopped around like a wriggly fish, having to regain control of your body. The moment you were reasonably stable on your feet, she had promptly passed out.
"Oh, you’re home, how lovely. How are you?," she asked cheerfully, forgoing any sort of greeting, but her smile did not reach her eyes.
The way she asked made you narrow your eyes at her. The upside to knowing each other since being eleven was that you were aware of all her tells and habits. And right now she was burning to ask you something and yet, for some reason, held back for the moment. 
It must be important if she had come to visit. The two of you saw each other often enough, but since you both weren’t tied to the whims of time, months or even a year could pass until one checked up on the other.
"I am pleasantly well, I suppose," you answered, still eyeing her. She looked as well as ever, dressed in shimmering finery and jewelry.
"So you haven’t been burning things and people down left and right," she remarked offhandedly.
"How did you find out?" You hadn’t been subtle in the least, but it was surprising that she had noticed. You had once razed an entire warrior clan to the ground and she hadn’t known until you had told her about it over a cup of tea. 
Similarly, Priscilla had once gone hunting a dangerous order that tried to crack the world open like an egg and free some kind of ancient god or evil or whatever without you being aware of it. Which you had learned over that same cup of tea.
You waved her into your study, gesturing at the table with the large map and the research strewn about. "I’m hunting down the Brotherhood."
"Yes, I could gather as much," she said and you tipped your head as you watched her skim over your notes. You knew that glint in her eyes.
"Did they piss you off as well?" you asked and she hummed softly in agreement.
"They tried to recruit me yesterday, did you know?" she asked and it was a purely rhetoric question, since you did not know and you both were aware of that fact. If you had known she had spoken with these cretins you would have kicked down her door at the ass-crack of dawn. "They said there was a lich-mage they might have to take down to get at a cursed child."
At her words, any kind of easygoing mood evaporated immediately. You felt your magic curl up, an unspoken threat, not for Priscilla, because she’d never do anything to harm you, but to the monsters out there. Monsters wearing human skin and convincing people that there were terrible, cursed, awful children that needed slaughtering.
They were not going to touch your student, no matter what. You would burn the world to the ground before that happened.
"I may have used a teeny-tiny bit of a truth serum, entirely unintentional of course. Followed by an absolutely accidental stasis spell," she added and you felt your magic settle again as dark amusement found you. "The fellow is still in my cellar, by the way, in case you want to interrogate him as well."
You couldn’t help but chuckle. "You are my favorite for a reason."
She snorted. "I’m your favorite because I snuck out with you when we were thirteen and let you stand on my shoulders in a stinking bog, all to help you collect the nastiest sap I have ever seen in my damn life."
Now you did laugh. "Yes, so you keep reminding me. And thank you, I would love to speak with your guest."
"Just don’t leave any trace behind once you kill him," she said, leaning back against a small table. "I don’t need those fanatics knocking on my door again." Her gaze briefly slid over the map and settled on you. "What did they do?"
It was a fair question. For all your power, you didn’t often bother to go to such lengths when someone angered you. The people you interacted with generally knew not to fuck with you and if they didn’t, they were swiftly and easily taught otherwise. You had more important things to do than topple monarchies every other year or wade through the underbelly of a city to take care of something. 
You were powerful enough that people did not, generally, make an enemy of you. Besides, many desired your aid and wanted you and your power at their fingertips. There was only a tiny handful of mages even willing to perform the sort of spells you liked to play with.
You just had no idea how to tell her you had a student. The last time the two of you had spoken about such things, you had both snorted derisively at the poor fools who burdened themselves in such a way.
Well. You had never shied away from a challenge. You opened your mouth, about to answer, when a knock at the door made the two of you pause. Melina poked her head in after a moment, her excited smile slipping into a hesitant, questioning expression.
Right, she hadn’t met many people since she had come to live with you. You certainly hadn’t introduced her to any other mages, since most of them were annoyances anyway.
"Melina, meet Priscilla," you said, gesturing at your dearest friend. Who was simultaneously also the only person alive who’d mock you without hesitation if you were being an idiot. It was strangely reassuring sometimes. Though, you could do without her and Mortimer teaming up. "We’ve been friends since we were young."
"It’s nice to meet you," Priscilla said, sweeping into an elegant bow and Melina clumsily tried to curtsey back, a jar clutched in her hands.
"Let me see," you said and she quickly handed it over. It took a single glance to know she had brewed it perfectly. "Good work," you said.
Melina perked up, a smile appearing back onto her face. You were also glad to see her less wary around other people. She had used to hunch down, trying to become invisible through sheer force of will, when you had first visited a market together. 
"I’ll join you in a moment," you told her when handing the jar back, only realizing your voice had gone and done that soft and patient thing again when you finished speaking. "Please wait outside."
Melina nodded and quickly ducked away, closing the door again. When you turned back to Priscilla, she had her palms pressed together in front of her face and was squinting at you over her fingertips.
"I wasn’t gone so long that you went and conceived a child, right?" she asked with the sort of sceptic hesitancy that told you she was genuinely unsure. For just a brief moment you considered fucking with her, but you ended up rolling your eyes.
"We saw each other a year ago," you reminded her, but that only made her squint harder.
"You do a lot of questionable stuff," she said, a fact that had never bothered her. Priscilla had about as many morals as you did, which was to say, very little. "You still have that jar of strange flesh."
Ah, yes. You would not explain where you had gotten that. Or why it was still alive.
Then realization hit and her face brightened. A wide grin swept across her face and you resigned yourself to relentless, if kind, teasing. "Wait here!" she gasped and disappeared in a small shower of sunlight sparks.
Blinking, bewildered, you had no idea what that had been about. You were about to go and join Melina, when Priscilla reappeared. This time, she wasn’t alone. 
"Tada!" she exclaimed, gesturing grandly at a reed-thin girl, dressed in all black. The girl’s slim shoulders hunched up uncomfortably and she inched closer to your friend, hugging a book anxiously against her chest. "Meet Caitlin!"
"Hello, Caitlin," you said, offering a polite bow of your own. The girl hesitantly returned it. "Welcome to my home."
"She and Melina should meet," Priscilla said. "Remember when our teachers introduced us?"
You mostly remembered years of mayhem and giggling in hiding spots and lying for each other and helping each other. And a pet toad that had died an unfortunate death and you had held Priscilla as she had cried.
"Of course," you said. Actually, this wasn’t a bad idea. If the girls got along, Melina would have a friend. You had worried a bit about that recently. It wasn’t healthy to be cooped up inside so much, even if the girl accompanied you to the nearby town to buy supplies.
You motioned for them to follow you and you found Melina waiting in the hallway, fiddling with her jar. She looked up and paused when she saw who followed you.
"Melina, meet Caitlin," you said, gesturing at the girl who still tried to do her best to either turn invisible or somehow fold herself into a tiny shape. Though now she seemed hesitantly curious as well. "Why don’t you show her around a bit?"
"Alright," Melina said and Caitlin stepped away from Priscilla, glancing back once worriedly. Priscilla smiled encouragingly and calmingly, shooing her onward with silent gestures.
You heard the girls starting to talk as they disappeared around the corner. Slowly and cautiously at first and then with a bit more confidence. Priscilla nudged you.
"So, you got a student, huh?" she said with a grin and you cast her an unimpressed side-glance.
"Pot, meet kettle." She laughed at your words and briefly bumped your shoulders together, before noticing your curious look and growing solemn.
"I found Caitlin in a ditch," she said quietly after a moment and you saw dark anger burn in her eyes. "Her parents were the sort to think magic was nothing but evil temptation and they decided to get rid of her."
Those parents were no longer alive, you were willing to bet your eyes and tongue on that.
"I did find out where the Brotherhood’s headquarters are," she said suddenly and you felt yourself turn still and dangerous, a side effect of becoming a lich. A very wanted and welcome side effect at that. "We could go check it out once we’re sure the girls get along."
You tipped your head in agreement and after some looking around, you found the girls in the gardens. It was a warm, sunny day and you saw that Caitlin no longer clutched her book as tightly and was smiling hesitantly at something Melina said.
Mortimer had shown up as well in the meantime, since you could see the purple glow filling the eye sockets of a nearby skull. The skull you kept outside for whenever he wanted to look at the gardens. When you glanced at him, the skull dipped the slightest bit in answer, the glow darkening in a way that promised he’d look after the girls. 
No teasing today, not when you could already feel hot blood dripping off of your fingertips. You’d never tell him, but Mortimer really was the best housemate. Even if he sometimes got on your very last nerve.
Melina was talking animatedly, something that had taken her a while to do around you. She had been so careful for so long. Afraid even, at first. You found something soft and happy unfurling within you, almost like weightless wings, whenever you saw her happy. Whenever she could simply be herself, healthy and at ease, knowing she was safe.
A glance at Priscilla revealed a soft expression on her face, a small smile gracing her lips. You had no idea what your own face looked like, but you were certain some of your emotions showed. Especially since there was no reason to hide anything around your dearest friend.
The two of you watched the girls a moment longer to ensure they’d be comfortable in each other’s presence for a while longer. When Caitlin made Melina giggle, both of them examining poisonous plants, you saw the first bloom of a beautiful friendship right there. You nodded at Priscilla and she smiled, bright and cheerful.
"They’re going to be menaces when they’re grown up," your friend said with great satisfaction as you stepped back inside.
You couldn’t help but laugh. "If they’re raised by us, they better be."
This, you decided, would be your greatest legacy. Not your spells and magic nor how you had given up your mortal body, letting ancient, dark magic change it forever. No, your greatest legacy would be helping Melina grow into a competent, confident woman who had the power to make the world tremble at her fingertips.
And, well, you had no intentions of dying anytime soon. If anyone gave her any trouble, you’d gladly offer your aid to squash those fools.
"The Brotherhood is after Melina, isn’t it? That’s why you’re on a rampage," Priscilla said and you hummed in a low tone in agreement. Priscilla looked at you and you saw her magic start to glow beneath her skin as though her veins suddenly filled with light. "Want to destroy them together?"
When you grinned, you knew it was the sort of teeth-baring, awful smile that had sent your old teachers skittering back frightfully when you had seen them last. "With pleasure."
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somemaycallthisjunk ¡ 3 months
My Little Guys
All of these characters are unmodded on Nintendo Switch. These are in the order of when they were made, and I will upate as I go!
Their tags (more details about each character below the drop): #eochaid of cyrodiil #vel #sigyn #drolta #baelin of the reach #samira at-orren
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Eochaid of Cyrodiil (Imperial, Dragonborn, Werewolf) Backstory: Orphan, grew up as a blacksmith apprentice for the legion before becoming one of their soldiers. Got caught while abandonning his position and was arrested for being a deserter. Uses the Lover's stone and Warrior stone. Main Skils: Heavy Armor, Two Handed, Smithing Main Quests: Main Story, Dragonborn, Companions, Dawnguard (Hunters) Follower(s): Sven (ex), Lydia (†), Serana Spouse(s) & Kids: Vilkas & Serana, Sophie & Lucia Active Save? Yes
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Vel'adonna (Dunmer) Backstory: Grew up in Windhelm and really, really hates Ulfric Stormcloak. Only goal was to see him dead. Uses the Thief stone. Main Skills: Stealth, One Handed, Light Armor, Archery Main Quests: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Civil War (Imperial) Follower(s): Faendal (betrayal), Janessa Active Save? No
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Sigyn (Nord, Dragonborn) Backstory: husband died at war, took his place in the Stormcloak rebellion before discovering she was Dragonborn. Used the Warrior stone. Main Skills: Heavy Armor, Two Handed Main Quests: Main Story, Dragonborn, Companions, Civil War (Stormcloak) Follower(s): Sven (hc: brother), Marcurio Spouse & Kids: Farkas, Alesan & Blaise Active Save? No
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Drolta (Altimer, Vampire) Backstory: Maybe Thalmor? I hc'd that she and Ancano were bitter exes. No real story with her, I just wanted to be a little evil. Uses the Mage stone. Main Skills: Destruction, One Handed, Archery Quests/Factions: Mage College, Dawnguard (Vokilhar), Various Daedra Quests Follower(s): Aranea Ienith (†) Active Save? No
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Baelin of the Reach (Reachfolk, Werewolf) Backstory: Reachwoman once living undercover in Markarth before getting arrested. Follower of Dibella and Champion of Hircine. Uses the Lady stone. Main Skills: Archery, Stealth, Pickpocketing, Alchemy Main Quests: Forsworn Conspiracy (Reach), Companions, Ill Met By Moonlight Follower(s): Aela, Farkas Spouse & Kids: Farkas Active Save? Yes
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Samira at-Orren (Redguard) Backstory: Pirate Necromancer. Desperate times call for desperate measures when you're lost at sea with a dead crew and no food. Uses the Ritual stone. Main Skills: One Handed, Speech, Conjuring Main Quests: Sea and Necromancy based ones, mostly in Solitude Follower(s): Marcurio Spouse & Kids: Marcurio, Alesan Active Save? Yes
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imperatourr ¡ 10 months
a skyrim x da crossover is peak for so many reasons
focused mainly on da:i cuz thats my favorite
a Templar (or anyone who dislikes Mages) seeing the dragonborn decked out in heavy (likely ancient) armor and thinking "ah, now thats a good warrior" only for them to cast some shit like Fire Storm at the start of a battle
also the reactions to any of the Conjuration spells where you summon in something like a Thrall or a Wrathman would be hilarious
Josephine would have to work overtime to explain you're not some incarnation of evil and you just have spells unique to your world
also all the titles and positions you collect in game (esp if ur going for 100% completion)
Having to explain that yes, you are the Thane of Whiterun. And Falkreath. And Haafinger. And Riften. And the Pale. And Winterhold. And Hjaalmarch.
Leliana being impressed when you tell her that you're the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
Then she overhears you mentioning to Solas that you're the Arch-mage of the College of Winterhold
"How could you have the time to be the Arch-mage of a College and be in charge of an assassins brotherhood?"
Then having to explain that, yes, you are both of things. And that you are also the Guild-master of the Thieves Guild, a member of the Bard College, Dragonslayer of the Blades, Vampireslayer of the Dawnguard, Savior of Solstheim and every other collectible title.
"Maybe I should make my next story about you." Varric, possibly, unless he thinks you're lying (which on some level he probably will until he sees what kind of person you are. Can't blame him for being skeptical, though, because come on.)
Everyone gets the chance to relax and have fun together for one night and someone asks you if you have any stories
Getting to explain that you were challenged to a drinking contest by a Daedric Prince who gives you a magic staff when you're sober
The entirety of Sheogorath's quest and the Wabbajack
Also telling them that you had a bounty placed on you for accidentally killing a chicken in Riverwood
i swear I'll get into the dragonborn stuff soon i promise but also KHAJIIT AND ARAGONIAN DRAGONBORNS
like lets say that other people from Skyrim have been brought here with you as well
and so they start spreading tales of your bravery and battle prowess which obviously intrigues the Inquisition
so they set out to find you
only to discover that this brave warrior is an anthropomorphic cat or lizard
Once you befriend the Inquisition, you'll forever be stuck hearing cat puns for the rest of your life
"Your skill in fighting is purrfect"
"Keep saying those things to us and this cat will have your tongue"
"Do you have any more tails for us from your time in Skyrim?"
I can't decide who it'd be the worst from, but most definitely an answer stuck between Sera, Dorian, and the Iron Bull
ok sorry for the delay, now on to the actual dragon/dragonborn stuff
They are all very intrigued to know as to what a Dragonborn is, and why people seem to be calling you that
Its confusing on where to start when explaining things. Do you start with Akatosh? With Miraak? With dragons themselves and their over a hundred years abcense?
The simplest explanation you can offer is that you are in the body of a mortal but have the soul and blood of a dragon
Some of the Inquisition is fascinated by dragonborns, some of them are a bit wary or indifferent
Iron Bull is horny
can he really be blamed, though?
he can smell the dragon blood you drink when you become a Reaver and says it basically turns him on
so even though it wouldnt make sense (but who cares cause it is fantasy) i think he'd definitely realize something is different about the dragonborn when he first meets you
but doesn't think much of it since, well, how could a dragon disguise themselves like this? it doesnt make sense
once you explain you're a dragonborn though it clicks in his head
a little nsfw but i feel like the whole dragon thing you have going on can basically turn you into a walking aphrodisiac for him hjhshshd
(sorry to those who dont enjoy Iron Bull romance
Whether you want to think that Dragon Age dragons can understand Dovahzul is up to you, but I think the whole "two dragons using their breath attacks is a verbal fight" should exist in both worlds
You see two dragons throwing out the harshest of insults at each other and get to translate it for the party you're travelling with
At this point they're unsure if you're just as weird as you've proven yourself to be or if you're insane
Sera's very invested in hearing dragons dish out insults
Eventually you and the party hear about a dragon in the area you're travelling and set out to vanquish it
It's a grueling fight--these dragons are much bigger than the ones you're used to at home--but you manage to kill it
The party is naturally alerted when they see the dragon start to disintegrate, and are bewildered when they see you absorb its soul
also, of course, we can't forget thu'ums
You and the party enter another tough fight, like maybe you got caught in the middle of bandits fighting or are trying to close a particularly nasty Fade rift
either way this shit is only happening in the Hinterlands
While distracted by their own opponents, none of the party could stop you from being cornered
It didn't take long for your allies to realize you were in worse trouble
They turn to you to try and save you, only to narrowly miss being thrown away by your thu'um of Unrelenting Force
Does the absurdness ever end with you?
Although they can't complain much as it is convenient
Can't reach a dragon thats in the air? Joor Zah Frul! Needing more support in a fight when your enemies start to outnumber you? Raan Mir Tah! Rainstorm making it annoying to travel? Lok Vah Koor!
yes.... very convenient
almost ended this without mentioning the cheese wheel
You're downed while fighting an enemy, and Cassandra goes to you to offer a healing potion
She's confused at why you declined, and on some level horrified and disgusted when she watches you scarf down 2 sweet rolls, an apple, a half slice of bread, some ale, and an entire cheese wheel
she's also concerned about how you even fit all that into your pockets
there's so much more i could talk about im sure but this post is long enough and im out of ideas currently so enjoy this :>
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kyneforged ¡ 7 months
🍂 Hellooo my name is Chris! I am a non-binary artist and I've been a diehard fan of The Elder Scrolls for fourteen years and counting. If you want to see more from me than just my TES stuff, you can find me at my main @arimabari !
Main OCs:
Tatia Stormcrown - The Last Dragonborn. Nord/Dunmer. She/They. Tatia was orphaned by the Great War and raised by a monk in Weynon Priory until his eventual passing. She is a devout priestess of Kynareth, a well-worn traveler, and someone who finds her solace in nature rather than with people.
Maybeth Sybella Oregota Taurus - The Hero of Kvatch. Nibenese Imperial. She/Her. A blue-blooded princess with secret Tharn ancestry who murders her first husband, Prince Geldall, under the influence of Mythic Dawn cultists. All she wants is an official royal pardon.
Benitah "Bennie" - The Nerevarine. Dunmer. She/Him. The child of an ex-Ashkhan prostitute who sent her newborn down the river, hoping to give her a better life. Bennie was raised by an Argonian smuggler and his Orc bodyguard in the criminal underbelly of Cyrodiil, and would later follow in their footsteps in becoming a fence for the Thieves Guild.
Minia Al-Tukta Ma'bro - The Hero of Daggerfall. Redguard. She/Her. A daughter of the traveling circus known as the Tukta Ma'bro. Minia was once known as the Emperor's Little Songbird, but under Mephala's influence, she rose to Grandmaster of the Blades. She is Martin Septim's birth mother.
Bejira-Ma "Bee" - The Eternal Champion. Ohmes-raht Khajiit. She/He/They. Bee was separated from her family during a conflict at the Valenwood/Elsweyr border, and was later raised by the man who found her, Talin Warhaft. She worked as a servant but trained with a blade until she found herself escaping the Imperial Palace with three little princes in her care.
Lell - The Vestige. Bosmer. She/He. Lell was left orphaned by the Knahaten Flu and made to work the docks of Haven at a young age. After stealing from an infamous Altmeri smuggler, she is ordered by him to kill the men who caught her and serve him as a weapon. Lell served his household until a botched collection left him merciless at the hands of Mannimarco.
Side OCs:
Skyrim - "The Calvary"
Claudia Vulpin - Colovian Imperial. She/Her. The heiress of Anvil and daughter of the Abecean Sea. She joins the Imperial Legion as a free ticket into the Arcane University. Happily married to a dremora.
Sef Crowley - Tsaesci. He/Him. A crime lord who specializes in smuggling unique weapons and explosives. He joins the Imperial Legion alongside his adopted sister Claudia to get Empire Secrets.
Bradas Serethi - Dunmer. He/Him. Tatia's father and ex-legion. Fled to Skyrim after she was born to escape the Thalmor on his tail, only to be caught and tortured for a decade. Later finds himself in the clutches of the Dark Brotherhood.
Julian Loire - Breton. He/Him. Bennie's apartment neighbor who is always mooching off of her. A tortured author from a well-respected family who writes biographies on the Empire's dime.
Florence Meliard - Breton. She/Her. A Priestess of the One who becomes trapped in the Battlespire during my AU version of story events. After she is twisted both physically and mentally, Florence becomes a devout high priestess of the mythic dawn.
Caelamin Osella - Ayleid. She/Her. A renowned Summerset Courtesan and Keeper of Dawnbreaker. She is currently in service to Giranderiel, an Altmeri crime lord and smuggler.
Characters from mods who are important + my partner's (@shatteredxglass) OCs
Skyrim - "The Calvary"
Tachalm "Greed" - Dremora. He/Him. Wound up trapped in Nirn after the Oblivion gates were closed and uses a cloaking spell to blend in. Crowley's business partner and owner of The Dragon's Nest. Happily married to Claudia.
Elias Hawke - Breton/Nord. He/They. A scholar on the run from his family and an arranged marriage. He serves as mage artillery in the Imperial Legion alongside Tatia and the rest of the Calvary.
Dublin Stormfallow - from Middark's Heart of the Dead Mod. He and Maybeth grow close over the course of events and bond over their respective losses.
Julan Kaushibael - from Kateri's Ashlander Companion Mod . He and Bennie start off on the wrong foot, but become thick as thieves.
Ash - Human (unknown). He/Him. Listen I'll be honest with you this is just if Ash Williams from Ash vs Evil Dead fell into Nirn one day and became a companion to the Hero of Daggerfall. Yes they are in love. No I will not be taking questions.
Camillus - Colovian Imperial. He/Him. Talin Warhaft's squire. He and Bee were childhood best friends who became distant as teens due to repressed feelings. Jagar Tharn manipulates his heart and mind in order to send him on a ten year long hunt for Bee.
Giranderiel - Altmer. He/Him. A sleezy crime lord and smuggler with little to no positive attributes. He is Lell's original master from before the Planemeld.
Basks-in-Sunset "Basket": Argonian. He/They/It. Was arrested at the start of the Oblivion Crisis for skinny dipping in broad daylight. Talks like a Khajiit. A true menace to society. Mine and @maractean 's special little guy.
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once-in-a-blood-moon ¡ 2 years
If The Obey Me Boys Played Skyrim
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I've recently gotten back into Skyrim and was thinking about how the Obey Me characters would play it, so here we are! I hope there are other Obey Me/Skyrim nerds out there... Well either way, enjoy! :)
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Plays as a Nord, picks the warrior stone at the beginning and sticks to it.
Doesn't want to play but is forced to by Leviathan and Diavolo.
Actually pretty good and efficient, and will only complete the main quest line.
Has to have the best armor and weapons, so he either stumbles across somehow lucky that way or buys Ebony armor.
The only one to actually use a shield.
Doesn’t have a follower, he says he doesn’t need the extra help, but does welcome the stray dog as a companion. 
And if one more dragon imposes on his time when he’s trying to get stuff done, so help him...
Plays as an Argonian, picks the thief stone and follows the Weaponmaster route, using dual one-handed weapons and has a bow as backup.
Naturally gravitates towards the Thieves Guild quests, makes a lotta money ;)
Probably has mismatched armor on. Likes Elven gear, it looks all fancy schmancy to him. Starts out with two scimitars. 
Actually really likes playing, but hates that he gets spooked so easily in barrows, those draugr are some sneaky bastards! 
He has Lydia as a follower she was free and a dog that he bought. 
He has stolen a horse or two. 
Makes it his mission to own all of the houses in Skyrim. 
Plays as a Wood Elf, picks the thief stone as well, but not for the same reasons as Mammon. He just wants to be stealthy, and this stone will help get him there. 
Follows the Archer route, he’s surprisingly really good at long distance combat
Completes all of the main quests, favors the Dark Brotherhood quests though.
Picks lightweight armor to go along with his stealthiness, uses Dragonscale armor, primarily uses Auriel’s Bow, until he gets a Daedric bow.
Has Serana as a follower, thinks she’s so OP! 
He loves finding the shipwrecks and going through them. 
There’s cat people?! 
Obviously plays as a Khajiit and picks the mage stone. Probably follows the Rogue route, mostly using spells and bows. Like Levi, really good at long distance combat.
Finds the main quest and the College of Winterhold quests the most fascinating. 
Either uses Glass or Elven armor and weapons, not really picky either way.
Surprisingly really likes Skyrim, it’s like something he’d read from a fantasy novel.
Picks up any books he finds, the sheer amount weighs him down the most. 
Actually reads them.
All the shelves of the houses he owns are full of books. 
The first time he goes to Solstheim, he rages. It’s outrageously hard and he is very underprepared.
Plays as a High Elf and picks the mage stone, though it really doesn’t matter. 
Does not fight, but likes exploring.
None of the quests get done, unless they are small side quests and he doesn’t actually have to fight. 
Picks any flowers and other ingredients he finds.
Loves the medieval aesthetic though. 
If he does get a house, he will adopt the children that live on the streets, almost riots when he can’t adopt all of them.
Also wears the Amulet of Mara everywhere he goes only to be flirted with by the NPCs.
Plays as an Orc, picks the warrior stone. He doesn’t really follow any set route, just kinda does what he feels like. 
Beel’s just here for a good time. 
Really likes the Companions quests, loves the familial vibe of it :’)
If he can, he will adopt the little girl in Whiterun, he feels so sorry for her. 
Will also adopt the stray dog if it comes around, but has no followers otherwise.
He's is really good at hunting and fishing in the game.
Thinks the food looks so good, def orders a Skyrim cookbook so that someone will make him some of the food from the game. 
Plays as a Dark Elf and picks the mage stone. He plays as a Battlemage and uses an Orcish dagger with an immobilization enchantment.
He’s really good at enchanting, and enchants everything himself.
Sticks with the Nightingale armor, it looks cool and edgy. It has good perks too.  
Not really picky with the quests, he just does them.
He does like the Dark Brotherhood quests though. Absolutely loves Shadowmere.
Likes to have a companion who's good at close combat, not really picky there either, probably picks Uthgerd from the inn in Whiterun. 
Lives to mock and make fun of the guards.
Plays as an Orc and picks the warrior stone. Switches between the Warrior and Berserker routes. 
Favors two-handed weapons, and thinks the Orcish armor is cool. Hopeless with bows though :/
He’s excited to play!
It will take him a second to adjust to the game's controls, but once he gets the hang of it, there’s no stopping him. 
Has a follower, a husky, and an armored troll through the Dawnguard quests. 
It’s definitely his favorite quest line too. 
He often gets sidetracked with quests, most of them go unfinished. 
There’s just so much to see and do.
Plays as a High Elf, and picks the mage stone. Goes between the Mage and Archer routes. 
Not picky about the armor he wears, but gets really lucky in his exploration. Like enchanted Glass armor and weapons.
Only playing at Diavolo’s request. 
Like Lucifer, he’s highly efficient, does not mess around. 
Absolutely brutal, “fuck around and find out” kind of guy. 
No followers for Barb, likes to do things alone. He only does the main quest line. 
He did do a few Daedric quests and really liked those.  
Plays as a Khajiit, mostly cause he’s never heard of such a thing and finds it charming. Picks the mage stone. It really DOES NOT matter for Simeon.
Barely makes it out of Helgen, how do you expect him to play the rest of the game? 
Beyond doing actual quests, he really likes the scenery, and likes to just wander. 
Wandering does sometimes lead to problematic situations, and Simeon cannot for the life of him remember what button to use to bring out his weapon. 
Death is pretty inevitable, but from exploring, he has thought of some cool story concepts, so it’s not a complete loss. 
Simeon always buys the flowers from the orphan girl in Windhelm, when he figures out how to get there. 
Plays as an Imperial, they seem strong! Naturally picks the warrior stone, and tries to stick with that route. 
Uses Leather armor and has a simple steel sword.
Easily spooked as he plays the game. No one told him about giant spiders and the dead coming back to life! 
No he’s not scared, he’s just concerned, who thought of all these horrible creatures? 
Simeon has to supervise, so that Luke doesn’t get too nervous. 
Mostly does small side quests to get a taste of the game.
He also promised Beel that he would try to recreate the sweet rolls. 
Plays as a Breton, picks the mage stone. Goes between the Spellsword and Necromancer route. 
Just uses any armor and weapons he comes across, but fancies the Glass weapons. Also wears the mage robes quite often.
Favors the Daedric and College quests. He likes the staffs he gets from the Daedric quests.
Loves to just wander and explore, really good at potion making and enchanting. 
Has Cicero as his follower, vibes with his energy. Both are chaotic menaces.
Makes it his goal to collect every shout in the game. 
Is probably a vampire. 
Belphie, Levi, and Solomon all compete to see who has the most bunnies slaughtered. 
When Mammon is going through a dungeon, one of the brothers will sneak up on him and scare him as something pops up on the screen. All of them have done this at least once. 
Luke often goes to Levi to ask for tips and advice, which often ends up with them gaming together. Luke doesn’t feel as nervous playing if Levi is with him. 
When either Lucifer and Barbatos play, Diavolo sits with them and watches. He’s kind of a helicopter viewer, pointing out that they should’ve done that a different way, or they missed something in the last room, which is usually worthless. He just wants to help. 
Levi, Lucifer, and Barbatos are the only ones to successfully kill a giant.
Solomon, Belphie, Satan, Lucifer, and Barbatos are all vampires, either accidentally or on purpose.
Mammon, Levi, Beel, and Diavolo are werewolves. 
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bananasfosterparent ¡ 1 year
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More art of Tymir ⚔🔥 Painted portrait, Artbreeder edit, and WIP full body thing.
Still working on his bio, but overall, he’s the most violent and amoral character I probably have (that isn’t an actual villain lol). He is the older brother of my Dragonborn Araduna 
He’s a reaver/bandit turned assassin/headhunter from Solstheim. His family had become poor over the years, since the mines are basically useless and the only family money coming in was from a store with books and tomes and some mage supplies. He started getting involved in smuggling but proved to be an efficient and fairly undetectable killer (especially with his bow). His family did not approve of him earning money in such a shady way and so he left the island and left his family behind. 
Originally, they were twins, but Idk if I want to keep or change that 🤷🏽‍♀️ I like the idea of him and Araduna having quite an age gap between them (can’t say exactly how much yet cause I haven’t decided lol, but having him be significantly older than her). Either way, they did spend time together while she was young and he taught her how to fight and defend herself. 
He is also the reason she has a triangular scar on her face. As a kid, she challenged him to combat, he warned her she wasn’t ready but she insisted. He swiped his blade against her face by the end of the fight and did it two more times to prove his point, making a triangular wound on her cheek. But he got his I guess.. his nose has been broken twice and now it’s just permanently crooked.
Anyway, once he moved to Skyrim, he travels between Riften, Falkreath, and Windhelm often, finding work with the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, and having connections within the Gray Quarter. 
He’s also got a bit of a skooma problem, but that’s a whole other conversation lmao
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fabeong ¡ 8 months
Forbidden and Vigilant for any/all OC's you wanna talk about, I was looking at your list but couldn't choose just one lol
From the ongoing ask game:
Buckle in, friend, i WENT OFF:
Forbidden - If you could choose to betray any Guild Dark Brotherhood style, which would you choose and how?
Daefi - This was tough, as Daefi isn't really a "betrayal" kind of person. But she struggled with the Companions from the beginning; she was uncomfortable with the hero-worship of Ysgramor, and then felt even more blindsided when the whole werewolf thing came out. The final straw was when a shard of Wuuthrad nearly sliced her hand open and she left - had the Silver Hand approached her at that point and recruited her, well. It wouldn't have ended well for the Companions.
Imianu - In a way, Imianu did 'betray' the College of Winterhold. She came to them in the guise of a keen new student and kept up the act all the way up to Saarthal. Then, mysterious new orb be damned she got what she wanted - the piece of the Gaulder Amulet - and vanished, essentially damning the College to Ancano and the Eye (if the Psyjic's prophecy is to be believed...)
Polaris - Honestly, Polaris would throw the Thieves Guild under the (tamriel equivalent) bus. Whilst she liked Brynjolf well enough she despised how the guild was essentially in Maven Black-Briar's pocket, and when Mercer's betrayal/plan unfolded she essentially went "Huh. Not a bad idea. I can do it better." So she would keep the skeleton key, keep the eyes of the falmer, and basically flip Nocturnal off (with the faith that Hircine already has dibs on her soul).
Rysandeii - If the Thalmor were classed as a guild then them, no question about it. But for the sake of the ask I'll go with the Dark Brotherhood themselves - Ryesandeii is difficult, even a downright bitch at times, but he isn't a murderer and Grelod aside, he believes peoples' deaths best left up to the Divines. He also despises being told what to do so Astrid was on his shit-list instantly, and he put aside his distaste for the Mede Empire to help the Penitus Oculatus root them out.
And Vigilant: Are your characters religious? Which deity do they follow, and how do they worship? If not, why?
Daefi - As a baby she was found in a blood-soaked shawl embroidered with symbols of Auriel and always felt drawn to the temple and worship she grew up with in Summerset. Then in Skyrim the whole Dragonborn - Akatosh's child thing came out and her reaction was essentially "...ah, that explains things." Not really differentiating between Auriel & Akatosh, she worships both readily.
Imianu - Wasn't really religious growing up, and generally avoided religious groups. When she met Nocturnal however Imianu genuinely realised what having a powerful entity like the Daedra on her side and at her back could be, and happily chose the one willing to extend her a hand. Taking Karliah’s words to heart Imianu regards Nocturnal as a distant yet protective motherly figure.
Polaris - Oh boy. So she was raised following Malacath, until the day an insulted mage attempted to curse her chieftan father only for the spell to rebound and blind Polaris forever instead. She believed (rightly or wrongly) that this was Malacath's doing, to protect his chosen chief and in doing so abandoning her. Leaving behind her clan and birth faith many years later, it wasn't until she joined the Circle and was given the beast-blood that she chose Hircine for herself, and follows him wholeheartedly.
Ryesandeii - OH BOY. Ryesandeii was raised in the faith of Auriel and was relatively devout especially in his early Thalmor days. However, when he was betrayed by a friend and turned over for "questioning" he repeatedly prayed to Auriel first to save him, then to make the torture stop, and finally to just let him die. When none of these prayers were answered and Rye found himself somehow alive in Skyrim he gave up on Auriel, just as he assumed the divine gave up on him. Somehow a dead man walking, his first prayer to Arkay was half-jokingly - until suddenly he'd never felt so heard in his life.
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vaiyamagic ¡ 2 years
What if Fallout 4... but Skyrim?
I’ve been playing around with this idea for a while, but only seriously considering it for the last week or so. So basically, what if we take the characters, plots and themes and throw them into Skyrim? How would that all work out?
Some things would be an easy 1 for 1 with little change, like... the Brotherhood of Steel are the Stormcloaks. They just are. And Ulfric and Maxson are basically the same person.
Other things would have to change a lot to make it work; for example, Nick can’t be a robot. But, he CAN be an Altmer and a mage, both things that put Nords on edge for similar reasons.
So, here are my thoughts below the cut:
As stated: Maxson is Ulfric. Very little would have to change. Danse would be a Stormcloak of course, but wouldn't have a specific Skyrim counterpart. I have an idea that his "Blind Betrayal" story arc would be finding out his dad was a Thalmor or something like that.
Cait would be a Companion. 100%. She would be one of there werewolves and probably end up wanting the cure, but only after the questline convinces her. I guess her equivilant would be Vilkas. Without a twin tho.
Desdemona is Delphine. (They even share a voice actor!) Not sure who Esbern would be. Deacon would be a Blade and work with Delphine, but more like he works in Fallout than in Skyrim. (Follows you around, popping up in disguise at random important towns.) I feel like he would be the one to take the horn to lure in the Dragonborn, tho. I also like the idea of him being really good at illusion magic so that nobody knows what race he really is. (Maybe Deacon is Delphine and Des is Esburn?? Hmm...)
Hancock would probably be the equivilant of Brynjolf? Haven't actually decided if he'd be in the thieves guild or the dark brotherhood. Not sure what race I'd make him. Tempted to make all ghouls either argonian or kajiit to get the same kind of reaction from general populace. Probably argonian. Maybe G3 synths are kajiit?
X6 would be in the DB. Maybe taking Nazir's role?
Strong would be an orc, obviously, but I'm not sure how we can work his motivation into Skyrim equivilants. Thoughts?
Not sure if Gage would work better as a generic bandit plotline or as like have him be Madanach's equivilant. Maybe then we can get a forsworn questline LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE.
I'm having trouble with Preston and the minutemen. Not sure how they would work in. Maybe have them be the Dawnguard? Not sure.
Don't have much of an idea for Piper, Curie, or MacCready either. Feel like one or more of them should be an elf of some kind for diversity's sake. If I had to pick, Mac would be a dunmer, and Curie would be bosmer. (If we don't follow the synths are kajiit rule.) Mostly because of their personalities.
I have many ideas for Nick, but as stated before, his basic change would be he's an altmer mage. I also have some vague ideas for Codsworth, but that's more plotline than what race or such he would be.
What do you guys think? Ideas? I know I missed a few companions and prominant NPCs, but I'm not sure what do do with them.
What names do you think they would have, since their fallout names don't fit well into skyrim lore? I feel like Deacon and Des can stay the same, but Nick could be like Nicodemus or something.
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Hitting the Books
Before I started this quest I travelled to Whiterun stables and equipped the unicorn with Elven armour and registered them. The random named given was Thunder. This quest went quite easily as it was basically just a dungeon but with mages rather than dragur. The only difficulty was in not having access to healing spells but at this point I have collected several healing potions and food. When I got to the section with the vampires in cages I picked the locks and let them out so that they could combat the mages for me. This worked as I only had one mage in the next room to fight myself and was able to loot the bodies for gear. I also released Orthorn from where he was locked up and agreed to let him come with me as a temporary follower, letting him and his flame atronach tank for me. Once we reached the Caller's room I asked her if perhaps an arrangement could be made. At that she offered to let me go with the books if I left Orthorn with her. I agreed as it avoided the fight against her which I've always found annoying with her ability to teleport. I then left and returned the books to Urag gro-Shub and completed the quest.
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Also note regarding the tie breaker for perk point (2) as one of the options tied is Restoration dual cast which won perk point (3) I have taken the tie as a win for Regeneration.
quest lines active: Before the Storm (main), Dampened Spirits (thieves guild), Good Intentions (college of winterhold), Mourning Never Comes (dark brotherhood)
quests started: The Grey Cowl of Nocturnal, A Soul Divided, The Rising Dead, Forbidden Legend, Guest for Dinner, Hendraheim, No Stone Unturned, Dawnguard
mic quests: learn more about the thieves guild from Delvin and Vex, return the queen bee statue to Delvin, join the Imperial legion, join the Stomcloaks, Talk to the companion leaders for work, speak to the Jarl of Falkreath, speak to Constance Michel about adoption
Places Discovered:
Chilfurrow farm
Battle-born farm
Tundra homestead
Fellglow keep
Enchantment's learned:
Spells learned:
Raise zombie (conjuration)
Shouts learned:
Head: Silver helmet, Thieves guild hood (prices are 10%better), Shrouded cowl (with and without mask) (bows do 20% more damage), Stormcloak helmet, Fine hat, Shrouded hood (sneaking is 25% better)
Body: Steel armour of restoration (restoration spells cost 15% less to cast), Banded Iron armor, Thieves guild armor (carrying capacity increased by 20 points), Shrouded armor (Increases Poison Resistance by 50%), Scaled armour, Fine clothes, Shrouded robes (destruction costs 15% less to cast)
Hands: Steel Soldier gauntlets, Thieves guild gloves (lockpicking is 15% easier), Shrouded gloves (backstab does double damage), Scaled bracers, Gloves, Shrouded hand wraps (Double sneak attack damage with one-handed weapons)
Feet: Steel soldier boots, Thieves guild boots (pickpocket success is 15% better), Shrouded boots (Wearer is muffled and moves silently) , Scaled boots, Boots, Shrouded shoes (Wearer is muffled and moves silently)
Shields: Steel, Hide
Jewellery: Amulet of Arkay (Increases health by 10 points), Saarthal amulet (Spells cost 3% less to cast), Gauldur amulet fragment (Increases magicka by 30 points), enchanted ring (Increases health by 20 points)
Ancient Nord bow
Steel battleaxe
Dwarven greatsword
Elven warhammer
Orcish war axe
Orcish mace of winnowing (absorb 20 points of magicka)
Steel sword
Steel dagger
Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson(Target takes 25 points of damage, and twice as much Magicka damage)
Staff of Magelight(Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and sticks where it strikes)
Goblin totem staff (Lightning bolt that does 40 points of shock damage to healt and half to magicka, then leaps to a new target)
Staff of Sparks (Lightning that does 8 points of shock damage to health and magicka per second)
Steel staff of War (Elemental damage that does 4 points per second to health, magicka and stamina. Targets on fire take extra damage)
Scroll of Firestorm (A 75 point fiery explosion centered on the caster. Does more damage to closer targets)
Scroll of Blizzard (Targets take 20 points of frost damage for 10 seconds, plus Stamina damage)
Scroll of Dread Zombie (Reanimate a weak dead body to fight for you for 60 seconds)
Scroll of Ice Spike (A spike of ice that does 15 points of frost damage to health and stamina)
When polling please be aware two handed weapons will be included in the right hand poll while magic, staffs and shields are in the left.
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OCCE - Jade Overview
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Meet Jade!
A master thief, Nightingale, assassin, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Arch-Mage of the College, Harbinger of the Companions, Dragonborn/Alduin's Bane, and Thane of every hold in Skyrim. Also a lovely mother of six children, married to a werewolf, and has a vampire lord as a best friend.
Jade has gone through her fair share of adventures, most of them begrudgingly, but it has earned her a fancy amount of titles.
And riches.
So many riches.
She originally got her start as a member of the thieves guild in a town called Riften, but after botching a job and killing a witness to her crime, she sought out shelter with the infamous assassins of the Dark Brotherhood.
But the Mistress of the Sanctuary, Astrid, had her doubts about one of the newest additions to the crew, a jester named Cicero who had taken a dislike to Astrid and the other members' blatant disregard for the Brotherhood's traditions. Astrid sent Jade to spy on Cicero by hiding in the coffin he tended to that held the ancient bones of the Dark Brotherhoods unholy matron, the Night Mother.
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It was while she was hiding that the Night Mother reached out to her marking Jade as the new Listener for the Dark Brotherhood. Aka she now gets to be the only person in the world who hears the voice of a long dead woman in her head telling her who to murder. A glamorous position I assure you.
Jade denied her role at first, and took every measure she could to evade it. She traveled across Skyrim gaining favors in every hold, gained housing in every major city, settled down and focused on raising her children. But the Night Mother's voice echoed in her head all the same until she gave up pretending that her life of being the altruistic hero was something she wanted and she returned to serving the Brotherhood.
Her kids however, still continued to grow older eventually heading off in different directions to pursue their own dreams. And while Jade traveled to the mage's college to drop off one of her daughters she got roped into a series of events that eventually lead to her becoming Arch-Mage of the college despite knowing a grand total of like, four spells at the time. No one protested or questioned this development (much to Jade's annoyance).
Similarly to the mages college, through misguided intentions, coin, and a bit of blackmail she also ended up the leader of one of the most "honorable" groups of fighters in Skyrim. Unlike the mages, everyone questioned this, but still no one protested out of respect for the previous Harbinger's wishes.
It was here however that she met a man named Farkas who was often assigned as her companion on these missions. At first, she considered him a hindrance, but eventually came to appreciate the giant meat shield- I mean skilled fighter that he was. She'd grown used to his presence, and he'd come to respect her, even more so after she became Harbinger.
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They continued to travel together and eventually most of Jade's kids had begun taking a liking to him, and one by one they all started to band together to try to convince Jade to marry him, some less subtly than others (the oldest did not approve, but he was out voted by his siblings).
They were unsuccessful in their attempts, but the idea of courtship did start to stick, and after Jade had gone on to save the world from the dragon uprising (as a main character does) Farkas officially proposed to her.
For sake of the stardew bit we're starting here in the timeline: with the two hunting down some cultists who crashed their wedding ceremony.
Which means Farkas has just been left stranded somewhere without his wife. Whoops.
He'll probably be okay.
Life in the Valley (Coming Soon)
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alexanderdragonborn ¡ 2 years
Sneak Peak part 2
#Veezara: Greetings Sister
Milha-ma: Veezara? Is-Is that you?
Veezara: Indeed. Heard quite a bit about you Dragonborn
Milha-Ma: You know about that? 
Veezara: Dear Sister, pretty much everyone knows about you. Arch-Mage of the Winterhold, Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild, I heard you were a member of the Companions. Oh, especially Grelod the Kind. Now that’s something I won’t forget about.
Milha-Ma: That I am aware. Left Skyrim for a bit after that.
Veezara: Oh, we know. 
Milha-Ma: You’re strange. I can see you, but I am unable to feel you...You never ingested the Hist Sap, have you?
Veezara: No, I was born into the Dark Brotherhood. They’re my family. Join us Sister. Then we can finally be a family once more. Like you always wanted
Milha-Ma: No, this can’t be happening. We can’t be having this conversation it’s not real!
Astrid: Oh, it’s real alright. You’re already one of us Milha just like your mother. Be a dear and make your mother proud
Milha-ma: NO!
*Bolts awake* “NO!”
Inigo: AAHH! My friend you scared me! I thought you were asleep!
Lucifer: Are you alright? What was that all about?
Khash: No offense but your mom sounds like an ass. Like who would do that to their own family!
Milha-Ma: I don’t know kid. Other than my mother I don’t know who’ll do that.
Khash: So, your brother. He never had Hist Sap? Like me?
Milha-Ma: I do not believe so. I am unable to sense him. When I looked at him I just
Khash: Couldn’t feel him?
Milha-ma: Yeah...I couldn’t feel him.
Khash: Well I’ll support you either way if you’re going to join or destroy. Though you kill their leader so probably destroy right?
Milha-Ma: Probably. Wouldn’t that make me a crappy family member though?
Kaidan: The circumstances of your birth shouldn’t dictate your loyalties.
Inigo: I agree my friend. Perhaps you should get your brain a rest. You’ve been through a lot my friend
Milha-ma: Perhaps you’re right.
Xelzaz: I’ll be right back Remi. I know I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I can’t help but feel like she’s upset with me. I need to know why.
Remi: Why would she be mad at you? It’s not like you pressured her into it. Wait, did you? 
Xelzaz: No that was her choice. However, she opened up to me about her mother. How she just up and left her to rejoin the Dark Brotherhood. No letters, no feelings. She woke up just find her gone. 
Remi: That’s kind of sad. Know what I’m coming with you. Should I bring drinks?
Xelzaz: Sounds like a plan lets hurry! I don’t want to miss much.
Caryalind: Something amatter?
Milha: No, I’m fine. 
Caryalind: If I can be honest, I know you’re not. You’re holding on to your necklace. You only do that for 2 reasons; 1 you’re going to have a panic attack or 2 something is bothering you and you hold it for comfort.
Milha: It’s almost like you know me so much.
Caryalind: No need to be rude
Milha: No wait that came out wrong...
Caryalind: Is this about
Milha-Ma: The Dark Brotherhood? Yeah it is. I don’t why it’s bothering me so much. I don’t even know him! I know nothing about him! So why did it hurt to watch him die?! I shouldn’t care about him this much!
Caryalind: Prehaps it’s not about him. Well maybe not just him...it could be your mother
Milha-ma: She can go to Oblivion for all I care. 
*Almost done the story. Currently dealing with writers block right now. My goal is to post the story this month. If there is something you like to add feel free to let me know!*
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Danganronpa x Skyrim AU
《Just something I thought of at 3am-》
✎Self Indulgent
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reblogs with comments > reblogs > likes
➳Makoto was just an ordinary farmer in Rorikstead with his family before an adventurer by the name of Kyoko unintentionally pulls him in for an adventure
➳Kyoko lives in a family of adventurers and regularly travels from place to place for her adventures and one day accidentally took Makoto with her
➳Byakuya lives in Solitude like the rich bitch he is
➳Toko stays in the Winking Skeever and writes her books, "secretly" (aka badly) stalking Byakuya
➳Genocide Jack/Genocide Jill/Genocider Syo is the Solitude version of the butcher in Windhelm
➳Aoi might live in Solitude and regularly goes swimming (in the probably FREEZING cold water-)
➳Yasuhiro is a (novice) mage in the College of Winterhold
➳Sayaka is a famous bard in the Bards College
➳Mukuro is a soldier in the Civil War (I'll let you decide if she's an Imperial or a Stormcloak)
➳Leon is training to be a bard in the Bards College because he's done with adventuring (for a while-)
➳Chihiro is a meek little farmer or mage who one day meets an adventurer named Mondo and asks him to teach him how to fight
➳Mondo and his gang are a group of rough adventurers who stop by Chihiro's town (maybe Dragon Bridge) one day and bumps into him, who then agree to teach him how to fight and get stronger
➳Kiyotaka lives in Solitude and is apart of the city guard and occasionally bumps into Mondo every so often (at first it was rivalry then it turned to friendship then possibly romance-)
➳Hifumi is a mage at the College of Winterhold and writes books (probably fanfiction) in his free time
➳Celeste is a vampire lord in Volkihar Court and regularly gambles with mortals for their gold and usually drinks their blood afterwards
➳Sakura is a very powerful adventurer who specifically helps cities and towns from bandit attacks and robberies and more
➳Junko is apart of the Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, maybe Volkihar Court, and is the champion for every single daedra (the only reason is to cause chaos)
➳Hajime is just a citizen in one of the towns/cities and somehow gets pulled into the adventure
➳Fuyuhiko is a powerful member among the Thieves Guild with Peko by his side
➳Sonia probably lives in the Blue Palace like the princess she is
➳Kazuichi lives in Dragon Bridge and regularly visits the Blue Palace to see Sonia and he also regularly visits an abandoned Dwemer ruin for it's mechanical parts
➳Akane is an adventurer with Nekomaru who travel and go inn-hoping a lot OR Akane and Nekomaru could both be in the Companions and go on missions all the time (the inn-hoping still applies)
➳Twogami is an imposter impersonating Byakuya who goes into every town and city to actually help people instead of whatever Byakuya actually does
➳Teruteru is a famous chef who competes with The Gourmet over who's the better chef (It's Teruteru-)
➳Mahiru could be an interviewer for adventurers and writes books about them maybe? I dunno, I'm sorry-
➳Peko is extremely skilled in one-handed combat (specifically with a sword) and is the bodyguard for Fuyuhiko
➳Ibuki is a bard at the Bards College who's music taste differs from the rest-
➳Hiyoko could also be a bard at the Bards College? Maybe? I dunno-
➳Mikan could be a mage at the College of Winterhold who specializes in the Restoration school (Colette Marence would be proud-)
➳Nekomaru is an adventurer along with Akane who travel and go inn-hoping a lot OR Nekomaru and Akane are both in the Companions who go on missions a lot (the inn-hoping still applies)
➳Gundham is a mage at the College of Winterhold who believes he's actually a powerful daedric prince and regularly does his whole "bow down to me" thing
➳Nagito could be a simple farmer or citizen who keeps getting into wacky adventures from his luck (maybe his luck pulls Hajime into their adventures as well?)
➳Chiaki could maybe be a mage at the College of Winterhold? Maybe? Maybe she sometimes misses her lessons because she fell asleep?
➳Shuichi could be an adventurer who looks up to Kyoko? Maybe-?
➳Maki definitely is an assassin in the Dark Brotherhood
➳Himiko definitely is a mage in the College of Winterhold
➳Rantaro is definitely an adventurer who travels around Skyrim a lot
➳Kaede could be a bard at the Bards College
➳Ryoma could've fucked with a group of bandits who got their revenge (like in his backstory) and he slaughtered them all then gets sent to one of the jails (even though they were bandits they could've been impersonating citizens are the guards feel for it? Maybe? I don't want to say he fucked with the Thieves Guild because then he would've had to slaughter them instead-)
➳Kirumi could be the maid for Sonia or Byakuya
➳Angie could be a priestess in one of the cities (perhaps Riften and her God is Lady Mara?)
➳Tenko could've been a strong adventurer who only helps out women in need and mets Himiko one day and decided to stay with her at the College and "protect her from the degenerate males" Maybe?
➳Korekiyo could be a historian who travels from place to place to study more on the history and culture of whoever lives their and maybe also adventures into ruins to study more?
➳Miu I'm not entirely sure yet but maybe she's an adventurer who explores Dwemer ruins for its mechanical parts?
➳Gonta could be living in the forest and takes care of the bugs like a gentle giant
➳Kokichi could be apart of the Thieves Guild and also pranks the citizens of Riften? He'll be like the Cicero of the Thieves Guild
➳Kaito could be an adventurer who enjoys stargazing at night and studying the moons and planets and stars
➳Tsumugi could maybe be a "simple farmer or citizen" but actually secretly joined the College of Winterhold? I dunno-
➳Kiibo could be a Dwemer robot made by Miu or someone else?
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styxxandothersstuff ¡ 2 years
Things about My altmer DB✨
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Styxx Bellamont
Mainly archer, knows magic, one handed, duel weapon, and two handed
Has a thing for pretty boys *cough* Caryalind *cough*
When flustered runs away to kill a bear or something (her mom would do that and she picked up on that habit.)
Besties with Rumarin, Inigo, Lucien, Caryalind, and Kaidan
Kaidan stresses over her spontaneous leaps of faith off mountains
Is a student at the collage of winterhold, she's about to graduate. Is being scouted by the thieves guild. Merc-ed the orphanage lady and is being stalked by the Dark brotherhood.
Was raised by her Polyamrous Pansexual father and his three wives (one is her bio mom)and three husbands
Has 13 brothers. She is the second oldest. Only bio child
Her father took his first husbands last name and all his partners after that took it a well
Her mother is a very domineering woman with incredible two handed weapon skills
How she addresses her parents (all 7)
(Bio Dad*Altmer*) Soriel Bellamont- Dad, crazy bastard
(Bio mom*Altmer*) Stella Bellamont- Mom
(Dads second husband*khajit*) Majar Bellamont- Pa
(Dad's first husband*breton*) Ciel Bellamont- Father
(Dads third husband*nord*) Alrik Bellamont- Fa
(Second wife*Orc*) Kroma Bellamont (or as her tribe knows her, Kroma Fire-Caller)- Ma
(Third Wife*Dunmer*) Nervana Bellamont- Madre
Wrath Bellamont- First, Mercenary, Nord
Ian Bellamont- Third, Assassin, Redguard
Kuran Bellamont- Fourth, Captain of Serenada, Argonian
Azrath Bellamont Bleeding-Axe- Fifth, Warrior, Orc, twin to Azogu Bellamont Frozen-Blade
Azogu Bellamont Frozen-Blade- Sixth, Warrior, Orc, twin to Azrath Bellamont Bleeding-Axe
Archer Bellamont- Seventh, Bard, Bosmer
Matus Bellamont- Eighth, Merchant, Imperial
Zanik Bellamont- Ninth, Thief, Dunmer
Zirath Bellamont- Tenth, Priest, Dunmer
Lovilas Bellamont- Eleventh, Mage, Altmer
Julate Bellamont- Twelfth, Inn owner, Argonian
Talas Bellamont- Thirteenth, Alchemist, Bosmer
Her ex was a noble who was robbed and murdered by bandits, her names was Rosalie Veris.
They meet when she was 18 and Rosalie was 19. Do to her father being ex nobility Styxx was hated by Rosalie's father and mother. They blame Styxx for Rosalie's death but can't do anything do to her noble mother.
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3, 4, 7 and 14 for all of them bc I love all your blorbos -thalwhore
Listen, 8+ OCs are also so, so many, darling. I just gave you back what you gave me. I will also only do a few.
3. What factions are they a part of?
I think it's pretty obvious which Ben's factions are, since it's a pretty big part of their backstory. Dropped out mage guild and arena member, thieves guild member and dark brotherhood member as well as later on the Court of the Shivering Isles.
Sereyna refuses to participate in any factions. She makes their own.
Vorrael was part of the battlemages.
Ko'Zahnari refuses to take on a faction, however is often seen in skooma dens and with caravans.
Kairi is part of the Morag Tong... or at least what remains of them.
4. Do you consider them canonically dragonborn? If so, how are they faring at their prophetic duties? If not, what made you decide to do away with that part of the vanilla story?
Wanted Sereyna to be my only Dragonborn for my own convenience and cuz' it makes sense.
7. What non-combat skill do they excel at?
Both Ben and Sereyna are pretty good at alchemy! Otherwise, Ben just bakes.
Ko'Zahnari is an amazing healer even out of combat.
Kairi's speech is probably very high.
14. What's their morality like?
Ben definitely goes through a corruption arc, then redemption arc and then corruption again. It's very sad all around.
Sereyna's morality is hard to describe. It's rather self-righteous and chaotic neutral. Ko'Zahnari is pretty much the same.
Vorrael and Kairi are two true neutrals.
Ji'vassa is still young, so I think they are still very fluid in her morality.
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