#of the light | ooc
notelectrictigerart · 5 months
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night shift hijinks
Gift exchange art of Rose and Kanaya for @whamss
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ihatebrainstorm · 8 months
Glad you’re still alive :P
How about some science trio shenanigans? >:)
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Just something I've been thinking about ever since I noticed Percy had treads on the back of his legs ksdkf
Nautica needs a bit of time to adjust to the "in lab shenanigans"
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shopkeep-inthewoods · 8 months
This is complete! The compression made it a little odd but i think it's a bit charming
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
Actually going insane over the implications of Jason asking Dick to be the Robin to his Batman in Battle for the Cowl.
Like I initially took it at the purely surface-level of Jason wanting a partner in the general sense. Which made sense, it's a huge responsibility and a lonely one so an assistant/sidekick/partner seems a no-brainer if you can get one.
But then I really thought about it, because Jason is not asking Dick to be his partner in the general sense; he's not even asking Dick to be his Nightwing. He's asking Dick to be his Robin.
And they both know exactly what Jason means: "Be the light to my darkness. Be the smile to my scowl. Be the hope to my fear. "
He's saying "Be 'Robin'; be the embodiment of Love and Justice and Goodness. Be the exceptional person that you have always been. Be the slightly-less exceptional person that I was when I wore your colors. Be the person that I was in the process of becoming and might have been (or might still be), if only Joker hadn't clipped my wings."
He's saying "I am prepared to become vengeance, become the Night. And I will go further than Bruce ever dared to, because it is what is needed. I will be the necessary evil. But you don't have to be. If Batman is Gotham's curse, Robin has always been its blessing. I will be the brutal punishment to our world, and I am asking you to be its incandescent gift."
He's saying, "Be for me, what we were for Him. Be my anchor, my comfort, my hope. Remind me what it's all for, why it's all worth it. And remind yourself as well."
He's saying "Be 'Robin' again--for both of our sakes."
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azurityarts · 4 months
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stray cats
Self-indulgent post; OOPS the character ideas are Manifesting again
So meet Ion and Poppy! Designs are subject to change, but I think I like the names! They're not on a team together (yet); I've got some plans for them (and a plus one), and while I can't show them quite yet, I hope I'll be able to sooner than later!
But yeah! Here are the newest goobers to the whole gang; I have no clue how I'm going to feed all of them now—
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
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jolly geologist's spirit memory as dailyquests posts
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kikiyoomis · 5 months
hehe sorry for the sudden request but I've been really keeping this on my mind for so SO long and like can u pretty please make a fanfic with tsukishima or with any hq character u want with the trope "someone who believes they're hard to love" while the other person "loves them like its breathing" wuhsuehshhehe u get it rigghtt??!!!
tsukishima kei - "i'm hard to love" "loving you is like it's breathing"
you think it's all too good to be true. the way you're casually sitting across your boyfriend who used to be your long time crush since high school on a random tuesday just to have lunch together. the way you're still surprised about the fact that he reciprocated your feelings has your heart fluttering every time you thought about the day you two got together.
but sometimes you think you go overboard with your love. maybe it's because you have loved tsukishima for such a long time that you're just so excited to know that he loves you too. you want to be with him every second of the day, talk to him about everything on you mind and so much more. sometimes at the end of the day, after tsukishima walks you home, you think about whether or not you're too demanding from the relationship.
you want him to love you as easy as it was for you to love him but you can't help but worry about it. this was your first ever serious relationship and you don't want it to end up in flames.
tsukishima doesn't do anything outside of what he needs to do and what he's interested in. but what if your love was too much and he is no longer interested. what if you were too hard to love so he just decides enough is enough one day. you know he won't have any issues with breaking up with you if he can't do it anymore.
and that's what scares you the most.
you look down at the ramen you had ordered for lunch and noticed some extra pieces of meat that you know you didn't order in your bowl. glancing over at tsukishima's bowl you noticed that despite ordering the same ramen, you had twice as much meat and tsukishima has a lack of meat in his bowl.
"did you... give me the meat from your bowl?" you ask cautiously.
tsukishima takes a bite out of his ramen and wipes his mouth before speaking.
"you need the protein more than i do," he says casually, as if it wasn't anything he really thought too much of.
"but you're the athlete... here take my bowl i'll eat yours instead," you say pushing your bowl towards him. tsukishima looks at you almost incredulously.
"but i have my other means of getting protein. you haven't been eating well lately so you should eat it instead."
"you... noticed it?" although it wasn't deliberate, you have been skipping your meals in order to meet your deadlines. but it wasn't anything serious, you just stopped eating lunch nowadays and you've lost your appetite recently so you don't eat much anymore for dinner. just a filling breakfast works well for you.
"how could i not notice? i notice every little thing about you," tsukishima says with a soft smile.
"but..." you want to rebut him but nothing comes to mind.
"but what? it's the something i should do as your boyfriend."
oh, it's something he believes he should do as your boyfriend. maybe you were wearing him out too much...
"y/n, why do you look so sad? is there something bothering you?" tsukishima asks worriedly.
"i'm sorry, i'll take care of myself better so that it won't be a bother to you"
"bother to me? why would it be a bother to me? i just want you to be healthy."
"but it's making more work for you. i know my love is already overbearing so please don-"
"overbearing? who said that?" tsukishima's face grows with concern.
"no one! i just thought that i might be making extra work for you and i know you're already really busy so i don't want to be giving you a hard time on top of that!"
"you're my s/o though, how would this be extra work for me?"
"because i think sometimes i just ask too much of you"
tsukishima has an upset look on his face. you know this is it. the final push. maybe you shouldn't have said anything in the first place. maybe asking him out was already asking for too much.
you stare into your ramen, afraid that you really did mess it all up. there's an awkward silence between you and tsukishima. but while it was quiet between you, there was so much running through your head.
"i had a feeling you thought like that," tsukishima finally says. you feel your heart clench and everything hurts. you don't want to hear the rest of it, not when the best part of your life is coming to a close.
"but i didn't agree to your confession just because. i know i don't show it but i really do love you. i love you so much that i think that what i do for you isn't enough. you make it so easy for me to love you that i think it's easier than breathing."
you look up at him and tsukishima has the softest smile and the gentlest expression you have ever seen on him. he looks like someone who is completely and utterly head over heels in love. it's the first time you've seen him look like this. and to see that he's looking at you...
"but kei, i know i'm hard to love," you mumble.
"says who? who's opinion matters here more than mine?"
you chuckle a little to yourself, happy for his reassurance.
the two of you finish your meal and tsukishima pulls out his wallet to pay. on the way back home, you walk quietly beside him. the silence was comfortable. to be honest, you couldn't stop thinking about what he said earlier at lunch. you can feel yourself getting a little giddy as if you were still crushing on him.
just as you thought about it, a hand makes its way across your back and holding your waist.
"what are you thinking so happily about? it better not be another man," tsukishima says teasingly as he leans over to you so that his head rests on top of yours.
"thank you kei," you smile, leaning into his touch in response.
"i mean it you know. that i love you like it's easier than breathing," a tinge of red spreads across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. pressing a kiss to your forehead, his hand returns back to his side before quickly grabbing a hold of your hand.
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grimalkinmessor · 6 months
Just to put a lot of my posts and beliefs about Light Yagami's character in one post (headcanons not included):
• He does not do anything for purely moral reasons. The reason he started killing criminals was because he was curious, and then afterward his "crusade" was built from panic and spite. He thought using the Death Note was going to kill him, so he decided to take everyone he considered a threat to society down with him—that way he would still be good. He would still be remembered. If he can't live, then criminals don't deserve to either. The weight loss and the insomnia shown in the manga, were more likely results of a fear of dying than moral stress.
• Then Light discovers he won't die. This negates part of the spite, but not the need for a moral justification to keep himself "good". He no longer needs to be a martyr, so instead he's chosen to become a God.
• During this week and half of time, Light goes from being a bored, lonely, listless teenager disgusted with the world because it's not how his father taught him it should be, disgusted because if he can manage perfection why can't the rest of the world—to a boy with a new friend and a new mission that gives him purpose. Something interesting. If the world can't be perfect on its own, he'll have to help it. The world needs his help, making him its "savior".
• In comes L. It is no longer about Kira, no longer about saving the world from itself, even if he might tell himself it is—it's about the game. Kira was a fun pastime, yes, but L has made things so much more interesting. (Light and Ryuk are actually wildly similar in several ways it's just not immediately obvious). This game is more fun, too, because this time he has an opponent—one not so nebulous as "the criminals of the world", who offered no challenge. Light is still justifying his actions through a lens of morality, because he has to, but they're beginning to run rather thin.
• Both the broadcast and the obvious taunts to L through changing Kira's killing methods supports the above. "You're too stupid, L. If you were just a little smarter, we could've had some fun." Drawing L in was to progress their game, not Kira's goals. If Light truly only cared about Kira's vision, Kira's new world, Kira's righteous justice; then he wouldn't have continued to play the game after the broadcast. There was no way for L to find him without Light drawing him in—the Death Note is literally the perfect murder weapon. Light knew this, he just ignored it because he wanted to play.
• In the same vein: Yotsuba Light doesn't know he's playing the game. He's forgotten that there even is a game, and so he sees L as someone who's been duped, who either isn't as intelligent as he's been made out to seem, or someone who's being purposefully cruel just because he can. Either way, to Yotsuba Light, L's threat level has only increased, because Light no longer has any sort of weapon to go against him with. He can't even wield his own innocence against him, because his innocence is not certain. Even to himself. Yotsuba Light knows that he has to play along with L's plays of friendship and morality in order to secure his freedom, but he does not respect L or like him. At least, not until near the end, where they're closing in on Higuchi. Where his freedom seems closer....and yet he sees his own, true innocence as more tenuous than ever. Notably, even when Light feels positively towards L there, he still does not share his suspicions about himself with him. His own life still takes precedence over any sort of justice or morality he might have, because Yotsuba Light is still Light. And Light will always put his own self-interests first.
• After killing L, something interesting happens. Because the game ends, but Kira is still left. And Light was willing to take risks and make wild plans in his game with L, but Kira's goals always, always came after his own life. And when only Kira's goals are left, Light stops taking those big, potentially lethal risks. (i.e. bomb desk trap, killing Raye Penber in person by handing him pages of the Death Note, killing Naomi Misora in person right in front of the police station, writing Higuchi's name while sitting right beside L with the murder weapon literally in his hand, etc. etc.). Winning the game was worth dying for—Kira's ideals are not. Or, to put it even more simply: His pride is worth dying for, but his morals are not. Five years after his victory against L, he's presented with another game, but instead of feeling fearful and excited as he did with L, Light is angry. Arrogant and angry. Because this isn't a game to these opponents, as it was to L—they're playing against each other, and Light is merely a piece in it. This game is not like his game with L; it's more like his "game" with the criminals of the world. One with no true challenge, just another defense of Kira's world—worth winning, but not worth dying for.
• Light's pride is more important to him than anything. He needs to be able to take pride in himself and his actions. Pride comes before everything else, before Kira, before family, before L, even before his own desires and physical health. He does not enjoy killing—he just turned it into something he could be proud of. Into another mastering of craft. Light is not particularly sadistic, he's just spiteful. He'll only take pleasure in someone's suffering if they make someone else suffer first, especially if that someone is him. Attacking his pride would count as making him suffer, because that's the most important thing in the world to him. Even though Light also values his life incredibly highly, attempting to kill him wouldn't invoke as much hell-hot wrath as attempting to humiliate him would. And Light will always get even. Always. He does not forgive and forget.
• He believes every lie he tells himself. Every. Lie. He is a Good Man. He is Good Son. He is a Savior. He is Better. He is NOT Evil, he is Good. He's incredibly adept at not only fooling other people, but fooling himself. Even if he's vaguely aware of the truth, he'll take great pains to make sure that truth never comes to light—because it would crush him.
• Light does not take his own desires into account. If he likes or wants something that contradicts with the perfect image he's crafted, he purges it from his mind. Makes excuses for why he doesn't need it, or even convinces himself very thoroughly that he didn't even want it in the first place. If it's not something he can be proud of (or convince himself to be proud of), he doesn't allow himself to desire it.
• Light sees everyone as beneath him (family notwithstanding, Light loves his family deeply), and while it's a pyramid scale of how far beneath him they are, it's not actually ranked by things like gender, sexuality, race—it's ranked by morality and intelligence. The more intelligent and moral you are, the higher up you are on the scale. Light feeling hostile towards someone does not always mean he sees them as further down beneath him; with L and Misa specifically, it means that they're a threat. Light tends to only see people near the top of the intelligence pyramid as threats; evidenced by him dismissing Matsuda completely even with the knowledge that Matsuda was a marksmen, and yet him immediately setting out to kill Naomi when he found out she figured out one of Kira's secrets. With Takada and Mikami, he treats them exactly the same as each other because they're both on the same level of the scale—and he didn't hesitate to get rid of either of them. (Or try to get rid of, in Mikami's case). Everyone is either a tool, a threat, a criminal, a citizen, or family to him. People to use (tool, criminal), people to serve and/or placate (citizen, family), and people to eliminate (threat, criminal). Everyone falls into at least one of these categories for him.
• Light Yagami is a tragic character. And he's a tragic character because he refuses to believe he's part of a tragedy. He would rather swallow broken glass than be considered a victim of anything.
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vyibunni · 5 months
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this moment really reminded me of my tav <3 dialogue is from the video "turning random lines of action into characters" by Drawfee Show on youtube, modified a bit to be more british lol
+ bonus
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caramelarchive · 6 months
You're Pretty. ╾ L
Not my best work by far, but I think it's cute! Just a quick little drabble (I think- I've never figured out quite what the classification system is for writing on here lmao) so I can start this blog up. Enjoy!
I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
It was rather dark, the room only lit by the many screens scattered around you and more so around L.
As you clicked away at the keyboard, the sound of rustling wrappers indicated the detective was trailing his slender fingers through a bowl of sweets, judging each one so he could determine the ideal order in which to eat them. You glanced at L as he picked one up, fiddling with the wrapper. He glanced back, pressed a finger to his lips and slowly pushed the bottom one to the side.
"...Why are you looking at me like that?"
L's tone is of course as cold and monotonic as usual as his unblinking, oddly wide eyes hold yours. You just smile, watch as he places the candy on his tongue and swallows it.
"You're pretty."
A beat.
"I see."
And a much longer silence. It fills the room up, unspoken whispers piling on top of thoughts to create a cold blue weight in the atmosphere.
"...There is an 86% chance you just lied, Y/N." L's hands grip his knees a little tighter as the detective stares ahead at his computer. "I told you to stop lying. It frustrates me to no end."
"I said nothing false, L."
"Ryuzaki," he absentmindedly corrects, pointing one of those long, pale fingers at you as he reaches for another candy.
"I think you're pretty."
He turns back to you after a minute, his brow slowly creasing. He prods his thumb against his lips again. "I am well aware I do not conform to the superficial beauty standards society holds."
"I don't think that you ought to view me as 'pretty'."
You sighed and leaned back in your chair, eyes closing as you raised a hand in a half-shrug. "I don't understand why you think I'm lying about something so simple, Ryuzaki. I don't need you to conform to society's standards. And honestly, I quite like that you don't. Please just take my word that I find you visually appealing."
"Must I?"
"Yes. You're pretty."
"I require you to at least provide a basis for your argument."
You pause and look at L for a second, then lean over to give him a little peck on the cheek. You steal one of his sweets as you retreat and grin as you throw it into your mouth.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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bitternace · 2 months
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haven't been able to stop thinking about @xi-off's response tags to my sillies on this post. hello.
[id: xion, shown as if taking a selfie, with her left hand in a peace sign. her eyes are closed and she's smiling. behind her are saix and axel, blurred in the distance where Saïx, up in the air, prepares to smash lunatic down into Axel, who leans slightly forward as if daring him slightly out of frame. Overlaid over both, is a screenshot of tumblr user pjackk's post that reads "Can i be sensitive or will i be tackled and killed" Overlaid over xion, are tags that read "(xion selfie) at family counseling with my emotionally trainwrecked divorced dads ✌️😚". The background vaguely resembles the grey area in the world that never was. /end id.]
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laxibbeb · 1 year
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L: if you kill a killer, the amount of killers in the world remains the same
Light, feet on the table, mumbling around a mouthful of cereal: kill 200,000
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draguuula · 1 year
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synopsis: mychael takes to comforting you when the wave of dread knowing you'll likely never see your beloved cat again hits you. hurt/comfort, cute fluff <3 BEWARE !! i did not proof read... live laugh love myc.
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it was cozy curled up by the fireplace in mychael's cottage as the crackles soothed your brain from running completely rampant the way it wanted to right now. you felt terrible for being a killjoy despite not voicing it at all. i mean, it had to be silly after all- right? seriously, running yourself ragged all the way out here for hours just to find a cat of all things... were you stupid or brave?
mychael's anomally of a tail flicked behind him as he watched you with multiple glowing yellow irises, observing your face as you stared into the pits of the fire minding its business in his fireplace.
"...what's on your mind, firefly?" he asked, startling you out of your tense expression.
"ah, nothing...! ...nothing much, that is. i just... miss my cat, is all..." you trailed off.
he sweat dropped at your words, glancing away stiffly. you had a right to know, but... he shook his head, going against his thoughts, and draped another one of his many knitted blankets over your shoulders that were already stacked with woven material.
"...you care very much for your cat... yes?"
"mhm, more than you could ever know."
he bit his lip just the slightest. maybe it was too soon. oh, it most definitely was too soon to say something like this, but he couldn't bare seeing the little firefly in front of him tremble with overwhelming guilt and sadness eating away at them, he just-
"would you... like to... pet me instead...?"
his face flushed azure immediately, his black sclera more visible than ever as his eyes widened at the words that left his own mouth. he had never wished more that he hadn't shown them his face. at least then, he could have a reason to hide his face even the slightest bit with his hair.
speaking of his hair, before he could muster up any apologies to sputter out, he felt your fingers thread themselves through his blonde locks slowly. it sent a shudder down his spine, and he visibly trembled when his ears folded back.
it was quiet in the room, but not uncomfortably so, surprisingly, due to the fact both of you were blushing messes in your own respective contrasting blush.
before mychael could say anything further, his shoulders slumped, and all words died on his tongue. all four of his eyes closed, and his brows furrowed together to try and not get overwhelmed by your gentle administrations soothing him.
his lip quivered from the comfort. you both needed this.
"mychael... are you... purring right now?"
his eyes shot open and his jaw tensed a bit. was he?
the sound of your infectious giggles on top of the calming feeling of your hand on his head rolled away any lingering thoughts he had left - rational ones, at least.
he spared you a glance with soft eyes glowing alongside the fireplace's illumination, smiling warmly whilst sinking into your touch. a happy rumble emitted from his chest.
you were meant to be here.
to be here with him, he thought, his tail flicking happily and his ears drooping.
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nutzworth · 4 months
was on twitter (oops) and theres a ton of people going apeshit over kanaya in the upd8 (hs:bc upd8) right obviously and i saw one (1) post about "still hating hs2. jade would not fucking do this" and like. huff.
fosmf if youre there and youve read the hsbc update tell me your thoughts on this. im so curious
in MY opinion, i really like jade in postcanon in general. OBVIOUSLY, the stuff with davekat SUCKS + IS WEIRD + outb of character (i doubt jade would cross boundaries in such a weird way? like a girl can take a hint esp for the people she loves.) but in the update it goes over jade and why she did what she did and like a cute little summary of the yiffy situation. i never really hated yiffy? and i hate yiffy even less with the update. narration + backstory with reasoning did its job.
SUMMARY, AS I SEE IT: jade was dating around mortals but came to the conclusion that they dont want HER, they want to say they dated the GOD OF SPACE. they wanted clout and she hated it. and i dont know. i think she went a little crazy cus of it. she was like I am truly alone in this world. Im cursed to be alone. Im doomed because of my aspect. How can i fix this. solution: HAVE A BABY. and it needs to be one of her god friends. she cant have a baby with a random mortal. john and dave are boys; they cant bear children. she cant have a baby with roxy or jane because she doesnt know them well. that leaves: rose lalonde so jade has a baby with rose lalonde and keeps it a secret. she talks to jane, and this is fine because its largely professional, and she makes sure yiffany (the baby) doesnt become a celebrity. yiffy is normal. yiffy is a normal kid and she has a normal life. jade needs her to have a normal life. jade needs to feel that connection with normality that she never had, jade needs to make sure yiffy doesnt go through the same damn thing she did. and she keeps it a secret. she bonded with rose. if kanaya finds out, thatll tear all three of them apart. jade craves the company. jade craves friendship and closeness. but of course, shes a space player and shes doomed. so they find out. and yiffy gets on the news. and everything is torn
ANYWAY: i think thats so cool. i think thats a great explanation. i think jade WOULD do that is the thing. its a logical train of thought and she makes some stupid mistakes and bad decisions but overall its rational. if i was in her situation i would probably do the same thing. yiffany longstocking is like jade harleys' my love mine all mine by mitski you get me. jade harley yearns for the closeness and having a baby can fill that. what other option did she have? she was crazy
interested to hear other peoples thoughts on this. i may just be biased because i love jade harley
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ll-underestimated-ll · 3 months
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This prompt been doing the rounds on tiktok- only the trauma started before his sire found him so this is just 'before embrace -> modern day'
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