#of those; I maybe liked reading two or three
seeing people reblog my posts and then put every last one of my tags in their rb’s tags is very quickly becoming a lesson in me needing to shut the fuck up sometimes
#snap chats#not on these text posts though aint no one rbin these AHAHAAHA#i dont even know why people do it i cant possibly think of why#like its not a DEFAULT thing like i know on mobile youd have to tap every tag at least#very strange#i hate having to scroll a mile through my notifs though like Alright I See Now I Talk A Lot#i like sharing my thoughts is that such a crime NO it isnt#it different when i do it on my own posts its cause theres a Read More so im not subjecting everyone to my rambling bullshit every time#if you subject yourself to my verbiage thats on you and i thank you for reading my garble <3#OH YEAH ALSO its the 20th anniversary soon innit like fifty minutes away#i unno what ima do :V#i thought i was going to hang out with my friend- jk i knew something would come up but thats a different can of worms#i unno ill think of somethin. or not LMAO i unno maybe ill just replay all the kh games#ok not ALL of them maybe just like I/II/BBS/III#i know i can play those pretty quick- ok maybe except III i havent really cared enough to look up proper speedrun tricks for it#also i can only really speedrun terra's story in BBS so hmmmm#i unno maybe ill just replay KH2 again LMAO i know i literally replayed it twice in the past three days but hey#its special to me it was a major part of my childhood and my kh experience#though tomorrow's the anniversary for the first game hmm.. yeah i could def speedrun those two back to back#I UNNO I ALSO GOT STUFF TO DO but im the champion of making time when it doesnt exist#thats enough prattling though i went WAY off topic point is I Will Not Change About Rambling On My Art Posts#i just wanted to complain about having to be reminded that i talk way too much aha gottem i'm insufferable#k bye i think ima scribble somethin quick fore bed idk im full of bread and feeling terrible
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mjvnivsbrvtvs · 3 years
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when caesar said: 'I do not know what this young man wants, but everything he wants, he wants very badly.'
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potentially: an AU in which Brutus talks Antony over to the conspirator’s side
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readingwriter92 · 3 years
I was already procrastinating so fucking hard on this assignment and then you dare give me an extension???
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honey-sunsets · 3 years
Love Does Not Exist Here — GAU!Phil Lore
It was once a great honor to be the Angel of Death.
At the end of every battle came a dark cloud of crows so massive it blocked out the sun. They would flock to the shards of gems who hadn’t made it to see this hallowed occasion. Those who were still standing were sure to cease any activity and clear a generous path. When the crows dispersed enough that the sky could once again be seen, what they heralded was revealed. Draped in moss-colored robes, soaring down from the heavens on massive grey wings, the Angel of Death arrived to collect the fallen and deliver them to the only being in the Universe with the power to heal them: Lady Death.
She was younger only than DreamXD himself, and the only non-diamond to have formed naturally from the soils of Homeworld. Her significance was visible in the way her jet stone floated above her head, encircled by a black ring which supported either a dark veil or a vine of wither roses, depending on the occasion. Lady Death gained her title not only from her power but her use of it. She healed every crack and shatter that came to her, never offering priority or turning anyone down.
To many, she was Lady Death. To her Angel—to Phil—she was Kristin. She was the woman who found his shattered gem deep within the caves of an abandoned colony. She was the woman whom he toured around, showing her every structure and contraption he had crafted over what seemed to be hundreds of years. She was the one he led to the old gem cultivation site, where there was a gem that hadn’t emerged yet, and asked what was wrong with it. She was the one who discovered it had cracked before being able to form, and the one who healed it, and who helped Phil in deciding to name it Wilbur.
Kristin was stubborn and loving and funny, and Phil thanked his lucky stars every day that they had met. He thanked them for Kristin’s everlasting life, for the wings that carried him swiftly back to her. He prayed to them that his son’s talented mind would be expressed to its wonderful potential, that his wife would always come home safe and happy from the journeys she could never go too long without.
And when his wife did not come home, when year after quiet year had passed without a word or a sign or a hope, he cursed those same stars. He dared them to come down to where he stood or he’d fly up there himself. He damned them straight to the Hell they’d designed for him.
Some days, Phil thinks he might have preferred it be abrupt and final rather than gradual and uncertain. He wishes someone had knocked on his door, looking sullen and uncomfortable, and told him outright that Kristin was… what? Missing? Shattered? Otherwise gone forever? He’d seen this mercy performed for others after Lady Death disappeared. How cruel is that, that one gem’s suffering is merciful to another? But Phil would take that sudden punch over the million pinpricks any day.
At first, there was concern. Why isn’t she back yet? Why can’t we track her ship? Then panic. Did she crash? Did she ran away? Then dread. What do we do without her, without her powers? How do we go on when we are suddenly so impermanent? Decades passed with attempt after failed attempt to locate Lady Death and bring her home, and finally came a new age: despair. She isn’t coming back. We have to figure out how to live without her.
A people in need of saving will craft a savior. The newest of the diamonds, a spunky and intelligent young lad with a green diamond fixed in his glabella, was pushed up on a pedestal, ready to be just that. With a charming and trustable grin, he took the Universe by storm, emerging from the rubble and bringing with him hope for a new future. He vowed to restore what the world had lost, he swore he wouldn’t rest until he obtained the secret to immortality.
Figuring out how to live without Kristin was easier for some than for others. Phil knew this young diamond was only a necessary filler in a power vacuum, he knew gemkind would soon be trapped in a web of its own making. But the Angel of Death said nothing.
What was there to say, really? Even the mighty pink topaz Technoblade was reluctant to fight. No one was unkillable anymore, not even him. Even the feared pyrite Foolish had dropped to his knees at the sight of a cracked sapphire before him, and swapped his sword for a spade shortly after. And Wilbur. Oh, stars, Wilbur. His dreams had condensed into plans, his songs were rewritten into anthems. He and Phil didn’t spend much time around each other anymore, lest they be reminded of the empty space between them.
The world felt lifeless now. So much so that when Wilbur approached Phil one night, beneath those stars they used to love, and explained that he was going to leave to start anew on a colony beyond what was known, Phil did not argue with him. Phil only made him promise to write often.
However doubtful or downtrodden he may have been at first, Phil came to find comfort in the letters he soon received. It sounded to him like this new world was good for his son; Wilbur’s old spirit seemed to have come back. He wrote jovially about his new friends; a green pearl named Tubbo, a blue sapphire named Eret, a blue-red pietersite named Jack, and a pink ruby named Niki. He seemed the most fond of a red spinel called Tommy, who had been the very first gem made on the colony, a prized success by the founding diamond. And, much to Phil’s pride, Wilbur also found himself a son, a spessartine whom he named Fundy.
The letters told of noble efforts and courageous feats of heroism, of triumph and sacrifice, of love and leadership. Phil was so proud of his son, and he knew Kristin would have been too. He felt that life had returned to this little pocket of the Universe, and it might just reach all the way to Homeworld. For the first time in years, he felt hope. On occasion, Phil even let himself think that Kristin might come home any day now.
Then came a message from an old friend. Technoblade knocked on his door as his son did not long ago, guided by starlight, and told Phil he was off to the colony. Techno explained that Wilbur had sent him a letter requesting backup in taking down a corrupt government. He offered for Phil to join him on the voyage.
Phil did not turn his friend away as quickly as he turned away his son. On the one hand, Wilbur could be in danger. He’d have to be if he was desperate enough to call upon Technoblade, of all gems, to come to a world from which he wouldn’t be able to return. But Phil couldn’t leave, not when he was still so uncertain. Kristin was gone, sure, but no one ever said she was dead. She could return tomorrow, or the day after. What would she think if she came back home only to find her husband and son and friends had left her? Someone had to stay on this miserable shell of a world, someone had to be there when she made it whole again.
So Phil thanked Techno for as much as he could fit into a sentence or two, and the topaz warrior left alone. Phil asked a favor of his old pal: get an explanation out of Wilbur. In the letters, he sounded so happy, so fulfilled. His nation was thriving, he’d restored peace to the colony. Why had things changed so suddenly? Or was there something he wasn’t telling his father?
Phil waited an eternity for that explanation. With gritted teeth, he turned to the stars and begged them for something to come his way. That something turned out to be nothing at all. When long enough passed without a single word from anyone on the colony, Phil went to his wife’s shrine to confront himself. He kneeled before the marble base of the statue that had been carved in Kristin’s honor, years upon years prior. He thought that she’d laugh at him if she were there. She’d say he looked silly, acting so formal.
But she was not there. She was not going to be. He had to figure out how to live without her.
So Phil said his goodbyes, his apologies, and his prayers. And with a final glance at what was once his family’s home, he took to the skies.
At what was thought to be the end of a long-awaited battle, there came a dark cloud of crows so massive it blocked out the sun. They flocked over the scratched and tarnished gems of those who were there to see this shameful occasion. No one stopped nor cleared a path; there was no honor here to be exchanged. When the crows dispersed enough that the sky could once again be seen, what they heralded was revealed. Draped in the shadows of the narrow stone corridor, stepping quietly with massive grey wings trailing behind him, Death’s Angel arrived to do what Death no longer could.
And when he failed, when his wings shattered and couldn’t reform, when he plunged a sword through the golden apatite in his son’s chest, Phil found it was a disgrace to be the Angel of Death.
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thevalleyoftriumph · 3 years
oh yeah i really like the ace attorney games!! every game has like. One weird case (just kinda slow or has some Weirdly written aspects in it, and the case as a whole doesnt really connect to the main story) BUT each one of the games as a whole have really good stories, every game's final case is its very own batshit rollercoaster and i love it. if you decide to play them have fun!!! i like it :]
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do we think if i just think really hard about knitting, these blankets will make themselves, or,,,
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kanomitri · 3 years
During the flashback when Cornelia is talking to Gilbert about Rufus' assassination, she claims that the only one able to "slip past the guards and kill so efficiently" is Dimitri.
Obviously, Dimitri didn't kill him, but if pre-timeskip Dimitri was as skilled as Cornelia claimed him to be...
I mean, that's just more proof as to why this guy would be terrifying to witness in person haha.
#this is ofc referring to being on the fódlan continent between chapters 12 and 18#if you met him on earth there's no guarantee he'd have a crest/the blaiddyd bloodline's strength#also there are laws and he follows those guys#but by the time the reunion happens he's incredibly capable - not just of taking out three guys with one swing like he does at the mausoleum#but also of brutally destroying an entire imperial squadron#not to mention that he crits left and right (i don't really need to mention that one)#also crit is based on two things (excluding abilities and wp crits like with killer weapons) - luck and dexterity#his luck growth is 25#his dexterity is 50#50 sounds average but the average growth someone can have in something is actually around 30 to 35 (maybe 40)#all that dexterity not only boosts his crit but also makes him crazy accurate so once he's locked onto a target they're just DEAD LMAO#dude is also MAD IMPATIENT#battalion vantage = oh my people feel like leaving the battlefield? then i'll just destroy the enemy in their place <3#and then add battalion wrath and everyone knows how that ends haha#anyways this was just a massive brainrot i had haha#thanks for reading all this you really didn't have to lmao#OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED MANS IS ALSO JUST BUILT AS HECK#DUDE TOOK A KNIFE TO THE SHOULDER P U L L E D I T O U T and then just MOVED ON WITH HIS DAY#THAT'D HAVE TO HURT SO MUCH AND HE GRUNTS LIKE HE'S BEEN THROUGH WORSE OR SMTH#(to be fair he probably has been through worse but it's still proving my point here)#LIKE ALL THAT FANART WHERE HE'S JUST COVERED IN SCARS IS HONESTLY JUST THE TRUTH#HE RARELY GETS HIT BUT IF HE DOES???? OH WELL I'MMA JUST KEEP GOING#LIKE NO WONDER HE BASICALLY SHOWS NO SKIN#IT'S NOT TO INTIMIDATE WITH ALL THAT ARMOR BUT TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THEY STAND A C H A N C E AGAINST THIS BEAST OF A MAN#FELIX HAD IT RIGHT FROM THE START (⊙_◎)#anyways now i'm good fr this time lmao#have a good morning/day/afternoon/night#thanks again for reading one of my impromptu fe3h thesises (theses?) - this time in the tags lmao#fe3h#dimitri fe3h
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aro-aizawa · 4 years
a true marker of how much i don’t care abt mha canon, i read the summary of the latest chapter and my only reaction was “huh” before going back to the fanfic i was reading that’s still not past the kamino arc.
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#me this morning and through out the day: i'm gonna make time to write and plays Hades and text my cousin cause i keep putting all that off#anyone want to hazard a guess how many of those i accomplished today?#i'll give you a hint#it's less than one#it is not 1 AM and I didn't do a goddamn thing today#ok tbf i did dishes this morning#and i did finally do research to refresh my memory on some terms i'll need for school#still anxious as fuck cause flipping through my binder from the last course i did#I remember exactly none of it#like it might as well be another language cause i don't remember shit#and i already barely passed that year#my bil keeps claiming that the first three years are nearly identical and it's just a repeat of first year#but like??? It's been 9 years since i did first year. i barely passed back then and now I get to do it with memory problems#like even the terms i was looking up tonight i read the same sentence like six times and it still didn't stick#i'm gonna need a huge ass binder just for notes and diagrams of all the shit that doesn't stick in my brain#and hope to hell that maybe by the time we get to doing tests that SOMETHING has stuck#also comparing my first year binder to the binder i received for this year is both somewhat reassuring and also terrifying#cause like my bil said it is fairly similar to first year#there's some minor differences in the modules where maybe a page or two is missing which i assume is cause they've revised the course#but there are also whole modules missing i.e. the math stuff#but i know they're still going to test on math stuff. i'm terrible at math stuff.#and if they test on something they're not actually going to teach on this year i'm fucked#i guess i grab my first year math modules and try to make sense of it??? i have no confidence in myself though#i'm so frustrated at my brain#and it's coming up so soon#like exactly a week from now i'll be in dorm and going to the shop class in the morning#its so soon#i'm freaking out yo
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mallahanmoxie · 3 years
i am once again thinking about the eventual (jtbc hire me*) inso's law drama adaptation because this gym scene with yoo jungin and hwang siwoo (btw the audacity of this BITCH i will KILL HIM) is gonna be such a shocker when it comes
#*i promise to speedrun my korean language learning lessons#i don't wanna write anything i just wanna give suggestions and oversee things and maybe have opinions#when i finish reading the novel i will go ahead and plan out a 20 episode series#bc i think a 16 ep will be cutting a little too short for such a long work#like if it was a 16 series then the party arc feels like a proper midpoint ending with the helicopter and everything and dani having those#BUT. a shit ton happens after that anyways that cramming it into the rest of the series seems mad#and the set up is the most important#i think ep 1 and 2 would address dani wanting to stop beign friends and then the closing of ep 2 is her being in another classroom#after that we have this crazy ass selection of arcs:#ruda's intro (the big thing) plus the accident and its aftermath introducing the ranking issue and hwang siwoo#all of those interconnected have to be at least two episodes even if we can deal with the fight sutff pretty easily#then the MT will take at least one ep#maybe even two remember it has the whole contest and a bunch of flashbacks AND jiho's confession#fuck and whatever that stint on the veranda with chunyoung was.#and THEN it's the fancafe arc with a buuuuunch of drama#and then the summer courage arc test#and then we're setting up lee ruda's arc and THEN it's the party arc#and the party arc is HUUUUUUUUUUGE like it's two episodes at least i think irl it's like three volumes or something#cuz it's the pre to the party in the summer and then it's the party itself (even the afternoon before is !!!) which also introduces a bunch#and then it's the [redacted] with choi yuri which will be a WHOLE ordeal which i can't wait for#and then we have the ruda lucas thing and whew.#it's a lot. it's a lot. and we're not even halfway through#anyway crazy shit#the lion reads#inso post
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beelas-bees · 4 years
Okay stay with me here
A Dream Sweet In Sea Major Warriors MAP that covers all 7 arcs in each 7 minutes.
1 for each arc
That's pretty cool right?
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… When you finally find more Horobi and Fuwa fanart (literally for the life of me I cannot find any anymore I’ve just stopped looking for things tagged Fuwa bc it’s all stuff I don’t want to see…) and it’s even a comic and by one of my fave artists but it’s in Japanese so I can’t read it. DX It even might possibly be something about Fuwa joining up w/ Horobi and Jin! DX Sadness.
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do you ever look at a group presentation and your only thought is literally “i could have done this so much better”
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drivemysoul · 4 years
I’m still not over “what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more” and “if I bleed you’ll be the last to know” like??? She’s so in love with him and every side of him she sees she falls in love with a little more and it hurts because she thinks he doesn’t feel the same and it kills her but she still wants him so bad????? And he has no idea how much it hurts her and she won’t tell him how much it hurts her because she doesn’t wanna ruin what they have as friends????? But he did like her??? And he still likes her???? Happily ever after??????
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rin-the-shadow · 4 years
Raph saying Mikey can share his wits and Mikey hearing that as Raph saying he was witless reminds me very much of myself trying to reassure someone and it coming across completely wrong. 
Admittedly, when I was ten and seeing that for the first time, I thought “wits” meant something different than what it was because of that line. In context, it sounded like maybe it meant something like “guts” or “focus” or something, so I took it as, “Don’t worry Mikey, I’ll watch your back” and so I didn’t understand why Mikey was upset by it and acted like Raph was calling him stupid.
Raph’s tone certainly didn’t help things either, because his tone makes it sound like it’s supposed to be reassuring and maybe he thought it meant something else than what it did. According to the stuff I looked up online, it seems like it can mean, “Be constantly alert and vigilant” or “Keep your thinking in order” like “Keep your head clear.” 
So I guess how I can see them interpreting it differently if there’s slight variations on the idiom’s meaning. Naturally, Raph would take the “be alert” version of it because that’s what he does all the time in this arc. He spends half an episode beating monsters away from Donnie and Mikey, so of course that’s where his brain is going to go. While Mikey probably feels like his ideas tend to get dismissed, particularly in this instance since he was the only one who was overtly concerned about the monsters.
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i did all the work i wanted to today for possibly the first time ever in my life and i’m now i’m sitting here it’s nearly 8pm and i have time to watch a movie if i want but watching movies is very hard and choosing them is even harder or i could watch a few episodes of a show but what show? i still have to choose or i could just waste my time all night by switching between tabs not really ACTUALLY doing anything maybe a sprinkle of fanfic there checking my favourite news site a minimum of 20 times perhaps one or two youtube videos checking my tumblr and instagram regularly for anything new and my email as well never really settling on anything
bet it’s gonna be the last one
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