#og cure shadow
riacte · 7 months
… pretty cure hermitgals au. and i do mean pretty cure, power of friendship and hope, dual / group transformations, villain of the week, fighting their shadow selves, complete with a christmas episode. we start with the og trio. pearl is a reformed villain who got defeated but was saved by the power of friendship. gem is the mid season super powerful transfer student type with a mysterious / tragic past.
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autumn-foxfire · 6 months
I talked about a KaiShin au I wanted to write before instead of just sharing it on tumblr but because I've been too busy I haven't had the chance but I still want to share.
It starts with Jii suffering a permanent injury during a heist and Kaito has to find a new assistant. Of course, he does not want to replace Jii and finding an assistant for a phantom thief is easier said than done, however neither Jii nor his mother will let him continue his night time job until he finds one. Kaito, however, doesn't want to give Snake and his org the chance for an upper hand so the next full moon he plans a heist behind their back.
On the other hand, Haibara has found a permanent cure however there is just one problem, the BO still exists. She gives Shinichi the choice, stay as Conan and continue be on the frontline so to speak or return to his OG body and go into hiding, working from the shadows. Shinichi chooses the later, however he soon finds out that sitting and waiting is much harder for him to do. When he hears about the KID heist, he decides it's a good way to help him get rid of some of his restless energy.
The heist goes as planned and Shinichi accurately predicts where KID will escape too so they can have their rooftop romantic talk when the sniper attacks. KID thinks it's his usual unwanted guest, Shinichi thinks he's been found out, the two realise that they might have a common enemy. In their escape KID gets injured keeping Shinichi safe and Shinichi jumps into action making sure they both escape, and that's when he finds out that KID no longer has his assistant when he asks KID to call him and KID is just like "yeah, about that..." as he's bleeding out.
Then an insane idea pops into Shinichi's head. It's clear KID might have a connection to the BO, Shinichi wants to do more but is being kept housebound, and he and KID work very well together. Maybe he jokes "I should be your assistant" in a sarcastic way but the idea doesn't leave either of his or Kaito's minds.
And that's how Shinichi becomes the assistant to Kaito KID.
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evangelifloss · 4 months
Oh my God guys they actually chose a child actress for presumably Maria. This is fantastic news
Maria's bond to Shadow and relevance to his character, is intrinsically tied into the anti-military message of the OG SaB2 storyline. Ageing her up would have been tragic, of course, but it wouldn't carry the same weight. Maria didn't choose to live on the ARK, she wasn't an adult who was in charge of how she wanted to live or where she wanted to go. Gerald Robotnik made those decisions for her with her best interests at heart as any good parent (or in this case, grandfather) would do. She was terminally ill. She was on the ARK so that she could receive immediate treatment for her terminal illness once Robotnik found a cure via Project Shadow. And you know, the ARK would've been an incredibly sterile place-- another safeguard to keep her alive. It's even said the lighter gravity on-board helped ease her progressing disease.
And due to decisions made by the U.S Military based on arbitrary reasoning, they shot her. Point blank. She had no weapon, she was running away, and she was twelve years old.
She was only on the ARK because the same people that authorised her murder, had authorised Project Shadow ergo, the ARK, to begin with.
Robotnik wanted to heal. To help. He took the offer from the U.S Military to lead the Project, because an 'Utimate Life-Form' would theoretically be medically Perfect. No genetic mishaps, no illnesses, viruses, or anything to threaten its life outside of physical attacks. Something like that, could become a blueprint for cures. He could cure Maria, and ontop of that, start to heal others like her.
The caveat of course, was to create a lifeform with immortality and he decided if there was a chance to give his granddaughter an opportunity to grow up and see adulthood, the price was worth paying.
However his experiments whilst chaotic in nature did too well and the whole thing was shut down. All personnel related to Project Shadow with the exception of Robotnik himself, were to be killed. Age, race, relation, rank, if you worked on Project Shadow or knew what it was, you were to be shot on sight.
And that's why sonic/shadow fans go so rabid for ANY Sab2 content as this backstory ties into the whole plot of the game whose main links run straight to Maria Robotnik's fate.
Granted, it has become somewhat of a meme regarding how many times we get to see her die and in how many formats of that horrific sequence of events but the root message behind it carries more weight than many post Sab2 games. In fact, we rarely get to see such narrative driven themes from SEGA due to its constant mis-handling of the sonic franchise.
So yea, shoot that blond child on screen in cinemas. I want that white girl ELIMINATED on screen in front of parents who thought it was going to be a "lol sonic go fast" movie. The Masses Must Know that Sonic games Can and Will Go Hard (when Sega puts effort in.)
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castleclerics · 7 months
so there i was…. minding my own business watching s2 of a show i watched solely for josh hutcherson. then suddenly… he wakes up out of a simulation in a bathtub.
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anyways once he fully awakes he’s greeted by literal female brenner
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i don’t even think i have to explain the next screenshots so just look at this shit
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she tells him she's from the future and she went back in time because she believes he's the only person with "the skills to save our world" similar to how owens tells el the same thing in 4x03
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this part is crazy to me because i already had a theory that if el did the massacre, that her sending one through the gate was something her own mind made up.
anyways so the reason they put him in the simulation was to ask him questions about this guy (its a really long story) but like in the og timeline this doctor creates a cure but it destroys humanity so josh wakes up in another timeline where he didn't save the world, where stu, josh's former coworker, takes place of the og doctor. but it's interesting to think about since brenner was trying to have el find henry all this time and what if he wanted to see what questions her brain could answer about him to collect info on him or something??
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el saying to brenner "i came here to try and understand who i was." LIKEEE
he asks if he says no to the simulation process then what would happen so she tells him they'll wipe his memory and "the only side-effect would be the lingering sensation like something was off. it would just be gnawing at you never more than a shadow." which reminds me of el laying in bed and getting flashes of the massacre in 4x03.
anyways onto the twin/clone stuff !!!!!!
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he escapes into the desert after this so og josh doesn't end up getting killed. so basically they clone josh to see which version of him will be the correct one powerful enough to take down stu. also og josh ends up stumbling into a room of all of his dead clones :)
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AHEMMM el commiting the massacre........ (for backstory in s1 he blew up a building to save the world so it was for good) and brenner recreating henry over and over…..
also just look at all the screenshots it literally looks like it was filmed where s4 nina scenes were filmed...
btw i'm still making a masterpost thing of how el rly did do the massacre it's gonna take a while bc i still have to do a little more analyzing and go over alllll of nina
there's literally more parallels but i can't fit them in this post but they aren't too important, more just to show the writers genuinely got inspo straight from this. anyways how fun right my jaw was on the floor watching this
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caspers-delusions · 2 months
Psych Whump Masterlist
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This is going to be my go-to list every time I find something with medical or psych whump in it that I want to remember. I'll reblog it frequently and try to keep it updated but it's going to start small because good psych whump is so hard to find. (This in no way endorses medical abuse, I'm a mentally ill individual but I love consuming psych whump in media. Just about everything in these movies, books, etc are at the very least morally gray so consume at your own risk. Also, I only enjoy these things in fiction. Irl it makes me sick to my stomach, I know bc I've experienced some of this.) I'll try to add trigger warnings for each one but I might miss some so I apologize in advance. If you have any recommendations please message me! I'm scouring the internet for good psych whump but medical/sickfic whump is also wanted.
A Cure For Wellness: Guy gets tricked into becoming a patient at a "resort" that's really a mental hospital in disguise that uses its patients for nefarious means. CW: incest, medical abuse, teeth falling out, sexual assault, some weird eel shit ^^There's probably more but I haven't watched the film in a while.
TV Shows:
Moon Knight: Whole season of psych whump, the main character has DID and loads of past trauma. Has a huge ancient Egypt theme and the MC gets (kind of) forced to accept psychiatric care. CW: lots of ableism, mental break, psychotic episodes, forced institutionalisation, child abuse, restraints
Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten: German soap that's been running since 1992. The specific episodes that have good psych whump are from 26.5.2017 to 01.06.2017. Extremely hard to find online, only some clips/gifs exist as of now that are easily viewable.
Perception: Schizophrenic professor who teaches at a university spirals and gets put in a mental hospital. He has a caretaker friend who helps him and the professor also sees hallucinations of an ex-girlfriend who helps him solves mysteries. CW: extremely inaccurate portrayal of schizophrenia, delusions, paranoia, and really any mental illness for that matter; lots of ableism, I think I remember one character calling the professor a freak, people treat him really badly
House of Leaves: This book is a fever trip but the MC (kind of?? The book has multiple authors, it's honestly very confusing but it's great) suffers from declining mental health and spirals hard. CW: child abuse, lots of sexual content, mentions of a caretaker beating a child, mentions/delusions of sexual assault, death of a dog (it was brutal, huge warning), mentions/descriptions of suicide and attempted murder
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: This is chock-full of psych and medical whump, it all takes place in a psychiatric hospital (I've actually been to the one in the film! -Not as a patient) CW: huge amounts of abuse from staff, doctors, nurses, there's also a scene where SA is implied on a patient, the MC is there after being convicted of SA'ing a minor and he's pretty unremorseful (the MC is a dick though anyways), racism, ableism
OG Works (not mine):
Redwood Psychiatric Insitute: Forced institutionalization, great read and it has just about every trope I look for in fics all packed into one series. Please give it a read, it's fantastic. Source - https://www.tumblr.com/only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are/706656298337435648/redwood-psychiatric-institute-masterlist?source=share by @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are
Into Your Arms: This is a Star Trek fanfic that follows a girl who has a severe eating disorder and mental illness. It's not the normal kind of sickfic or psych whump I go for but the aftercare in this is topnotch. Source - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15185897 by moose-misses-sweets on ao3 CW: suicide attempt, severe eating disorder, abusive partner, cutting/self harm
Summarized List
Movies: 1. A Cure For Wellness TV Shows: 1. Moon Knight 2. Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten 3. Perception Books: 1. House of Leaves 2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest OG Works (not mine): 1. Redwood Psychiatric Institute Fanfics: 1. Into Your Arms
Note: If something you made is on this list and you want me to remove it, please message me and I will. I don't check messages very often but it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, I just forget I have a tumblr sometimes.) *Extra note: this was originally posted on my side blog @ennead-of-whump but I'm slowly integrating that blog into this one. I'm now only going to be using my main blog @caspers-delusions which means I'm only going to update this masterlist post from now on.
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sneezinbird-new · 2 months
i feel like we’ve been robbed of shadow as some sort of doctor in comics and games bc like he had TWO(2) purposes: a weapon AND A CURE FINDER OR SMTH
not saying that the og metal virus saga is bad for it BUT IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES
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ennead-of-whump · 2 months
Psych Whump Masterlist
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This is going to be my go-to list every time I find something with medical or psych whump in it that I want to remember. I'll reblog it frequently and try to keep it updated but it's going to start small because good psych whump is so hard to find. (This in no way endorses medical abuse, I'm a mentally ill individual but I love consuming psych whump in media. Just about everything in these movies, books, etc are at the very least morally gray so consume at your own risk. Also, I only enjoy these things in fiction. Irl it makes me sick to my stomach, I know bc I've experienced some of this.) I'll try to add trigger warnings for each one but I might miss some so I apologize in advance. If you have any recommendations please message me! I'm scouring the internet for good psych whump but medical/sickfic whump is also wanted.
A Cure For Wellness: Guy gets tricked into becoming a patient at a "resort" that's really a mental hospital in disguise that uses its patients for nefarious means. CW: incest, medical abuse, teeth falling out, sexual assault, some weird eel shit ^^There's probably more but I haven't watched the film in a while.
TV Shows:
Moon Knight: Whole season of psych whump, the main character has DID and loads of past trauma. Has a huge ancient Egypt theme and the MC gets (kind of) forced to accept psychiatric care. CW: lots of ableism, mental break, psychotic episodes, forced institutionalisation, child abuse, restraints
House of Leaves: This book is a fever trip but the MC (kind of?? The book has multiple authors, it's honestly very confusing but it's great) suffers from declining mental health and spirals hard. CW: child abuse, lots of sexual content, mentions of a caretaker beating a child, mentions/delusions of sexual assault, death of a dog (it was brutal, huge warning), mentions/descriptions of suicide and attempted murder
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: This is chock-full of psych and medical whump, it all takes place in a psychiatric hospital (I've actually been to the one in the film! -Not as a patient) CW: huge amounts of abuse from staff, doctors, nurses, there's also a scene where SA is implied on a patient, the MC is there after being convicted of SA'ing a minor and he's pretty unremorseful (the MC is a dick though anyways), racism, ableism
OG Works (not mine):
Redwood Psychiatric Insitute: Forced institutionalization, great read and it has just about every trope I look for in fics all packed into one series. Please give it a read, it's fantastic. Source - https://www.tumblr.com/only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are/706656298337435648/redwood-psychiatric-institute-masterlist?source=share by @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are
Into Your Arms: This is a Star Trek fanfic that follows a girl who has a severe eating disorder and mental illness. It's not the normal kind of sickfic or psych whump I go for but the aftercare in this is topnotch. Source - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15185897 by moose-misses-sweets on ao3 CW: suicide attempt, severe eating disorder, abusive partner, cutting/self harm
Note: If something you made is on this list and you want me to remove it, please message me and I will. I don't check messages very often but it doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, I just forget I have a tumblr sometimes.)
This has now been moved to @caspers-delusions which is my main blog. I'll be updating the post from there
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mrdairyy · 5 months
I know I said I wasn’t posting till I got better but I have to talk about this
So og eclipse is back yay this is gonna be kinda bad but I wanna talk about who brought him back. I think it’s ruin, he spent most of his time in the ball pit and when moon fixed the portal he could have went to solar’s universe and took every last scrap he could to bring eclipse back, that’s what he could have been doing at the fazcade this whole time, and since everyone thinks ruin is cured no one is gonna suspect him ( and everyone is way to quick to rule him out) ruin knows how to build we all know this and he’s brought trouble back before
Why would he do this? I have no idea maybe he needed another distraction when he realized moon was suspicious of him or maybe he needed some help from someone since blood moon left, I don’t know. Eclipse might have been the person to knock out solar which would make ruins story of him being in the back and hearing solar make sense. And he’s probably the shadow person in the back.
It’s all starting to click. I’d appreciate anyone who wants to add onto this theory I don’t mind, have fun with it :)
Also moon will have to run because solar stands are coming for his ass lol
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rarepears · 2 years
Masterpost [June 2022]
June 2022
rarepears recs
shen jiu becomes a spirit au
gin passes himself off as aerys after accidentally killing the king in duskendale au
if shen jiu was an invention genius like tony stark au
bruce wayne accidentally wins the US presidental race and is now president oops au
shen yuan hates mosquitos but mosquitos love him au
poison ivy in svsss au
the many jjk aus i want to see where itadori yuuji is not a student but in a different career
endeavor x gin
shen jiu x lan xichen au
kronk transmigrates into game of thrones and becomes gregor clegan au
sung jinwoo raises harry potter au
nick fury's adopted son is one deadpool au
Jinwoo accidentally conquers North Korea oops au
shen yuan does aegyo by habit but liu qingge thinks it's a medical condition that needs to be cured au
that one sung jinwoo x han yoojin au
poison ivy recreates plant vs zombie in gotham au
where the architect throws sung jinwoo into MDZS as a training exercise and all the cultivators think he's a demonic cultivator au
alfred becomes aizawa's butler au
in which the joker becomes one of sung jinwoo's shadow summons and batman is Not Pleased about that discovery au
han yoojin commits suicide and han yoohyun deals with the aftermath au
PIDW merchandise includes sex toys au
the au where hawks has white wings and a goose quirk instead
SJ is stuck as a ghost after being replaced by SY and only LQG can see SJ's ghost form au
Aizawa meets Battinson and treats him like the feral raccoon he is au
obiwan time travels and becomes the Mandalor AU
the 12th peak of cang qiong: the eldritch handlers au
the 8th peak of cang qiong is the communications peak
Truth dumps Fullmetal Alchemist Ed into S classes that I raised world AU
BNHA LOV enterprise au
sung jinwoo's secret past as a famous baby model au stories of ​sung Jinwoo’s childhood AU
MDZS but everyone are chicken and roosters au
jinwoo and jinah reverse ages and occupations au
the qing jing peak is sentient and overprotective of shen jiu au
wei wuxian reincarnates as ning yingying au
jason todd gains the ability to see curses after lazurus pit au
shen jiu is more possessive than he is bitter au
what if there's abo dynamics in solo leveling au
liu qingge faked his death in pidw to go on a secret mission au
bruce wayne cosplays as batman at comic con au
anakin skywalker becomes a pirate thanks to hondo's time travel autime travel
the 8th peak of cang qiong is the communications peak
Ning Yingying (svsss) x Mian Mian (mdzs) au
Yue Qingyuan is Shen Jiu's adoptive father instead AU
Luo Bingge reincarnates as Wei Wuxian AU
Shen Jiu reincarnates as Shen Yuan's da-ge in modern China au
Hannibal lector transmigrates as Shen Qingqiu AU
Yu Ziyuan and Qi Qingqi were lovers before Yu Ziyuan became engaged to Jiang Fengmian au
how Starbucks kn game of thrones came to be AU
wen ruohan and his ancestors au
OG!SQH gets reborn to Modern China & writes out the PIDW story that transmigrated!hubby SY had told him in what was his first life au
shen yuan emperor au
shen jiu gets a sassy auntie in his life au
luo bingge becomes a wish-fulfillment genre writer au
liu qingge and human cauldrons au
a beggar woman tells shen jiu's future will involve marrying a demon au
shen jiu and liu qingge as kakashi and gai respectively au
what if hannibal stopped his murders (at least for now) because of carpal tunnel au
lannisters are descended from a gryffindor!malfoy
monarchs and rulers (solo leveling) are the Great Ancestors of bleach Shinigami AU
Time Travel Forwards or Time Travel Backwards? Ft. Obi Wan Kenobi au
Hannibal x Shen Jiu au
the goose of westeros au
if luo binghe got reincarnated as lan xichen au
mdzs is basically xianxia romeo and juliet edition au
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo
qing jing disciples learn how to BS from their shizun au and it backfires on Shen Yuan au
hibari reincarnates as Lang Xichen's twin au
Lan Wangji thinks that Wei Wuxian is marrying Poison Ivy when WWX really just wants her to grow food (like potatoes!) for the Wen AU
john constantine fucking anything and everything bad au
PIDW reborn as cats and Shen Jiu is the lucky cat owner au
shen jiu's brocon brother au
shen jiu was aizawa's hero teacher and then becomes bakugou's as well au
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ask-pokeprofvoid · 6 months
Battle team
Since someone out there found my og team..it wouldnt hurt to show you guys them all!
Queenie: level 87 (leftovers)
Intimidate, Brave nature (+spe -atk)
Moves: hyper beam, waterfall, surf, dive
Ali: level 74 (Dragon fang)
Rivalry, Hasty nature (-def +spe)
Moves: breaking swipe, dragon dance, outrage, x scissor
Pan: level 78 (shell bell)
Natural cure, impish nature ( -sp.atk +def)
Moves: ingrain, phantom force, leaf storm, shadow claw
Blaze: level 80 (charcoal)
Flash fire, adamant nature (-sp.atk +atk)
Moves: fire spin, fire fang, flare blitz, flame charge
Xena: level 82 ( soft sand)
Mold breaker, sassy nature (-spe +sp.def)
Moves: high horsepower, earthquake, dig, poison jab
Alicia: level 71 (rocky helmet)
Sweet veil, bashful nature (neutral)
Moves: play rough, encore, charm, draining kiss
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pikachugirltits · 1 year
Hmm...I feel like throwing out some last minute speculation on the fates of our 5 remaining Phyrexian planeswalkers.
Ajani: I feel like there's a good chance that one of the Phyrexian walkers might escape and go into hiding as a way for WotC to enable an eventual return of the Phyrexians, and I think Ajani is one of our more likely candidates for that. Wandering about creating secret cults of Norn around the Multiverse. It could even keep Elspeth otherwise occupied for future stories as she pursues Ajani, feeling personally responsible for not stopping him sooner.
However, I also think there's a decent chance he'll be one of our casualties from this arc. I think it could easily go either way.
Nahiri: I think there's like a 90% chance she's gonna die. She's not necessarily super popular, I'm not sure WotC has any ideas for what to do with her beyond endlessly rehashing her feud with Sorin, and we are getting a shiny new R/W planeswalker with Quintorius...so yeah.
Jace: There's no way they're killing off Jace. He's still one of the most popular characters and the face of the franchise. His compleated form is noticably a lot less physically modified than the others. He's almost guaranteed to get cured.
Nissa: The other OG Gatewatch member in the group. The fact that she's still alive gives me hope that she'll stay like that. Hopefully, fear of being accused of "burying your gays" might be enough to stay WotC's hand. Plus, while her physical transformation was more extreme than Jace's, a lot of the changes seem grafted on and if I'm reading the last story correctly they may have been mostly destroyed by the explosion on the platform. Maybe Elspeth will discover that she can make Halo and that combining it with Melira's immunity they can purge Phyrexian corruption from a person, a fact that they discover when they inadvertently purge Nissa trying to stop her? Listen, let me cling to this.
Vraska: Listen WotC, you already compleated and then killed off one of my other favorite planeswalkers with Tamiyo. Don't you dare do that to Vraska too.
Like, I am genuinely worried that there's a non-zero chance that they will kill off Vraska. My only, only hope is that I think her and Jace's absence in the story so far is because they've been sent to Ravnica and since I don't think they'll kill of Jace, whatever method they use to capture him might mean Vraska also gets captured instead of killed, and then the two of them can be cured during Aftermath. (Like Nissa, I feel like the snake tail was grafted on, in this case over her legs...or at least WotC can easily handwave it as that if they want to return her to her original appearance.)
I will say, Vraska is my runner-up in the "most likely compleated planeswalker to survive the end of the arc and lurk in the shadows as a way to bring the Phyrexians back" and I will begrudgingly accept that fate if it means she might be healed later.
Well, I guess we'll know for certain by next Tuesday how well I guessed (and maybe some of these will be answered today.)
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girl-with-goats · 1 year
Interview Music Tag Game
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
Thanks @felixantares for the tag, this was fun and also some songs fit in quite unexpectedly.
(Some of them fit too well.)
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
The callous skin on my hands is cracking If our love ends would that be a bad thing? And the silence haunts our bed chamber You make me do too much labor – Paris Paloma, Labour
2. What kind of Virgo are you?
I got two strong arms Blessings of Babylon time to carry on and try For sins and false alarms – Gigi d'Agostino, The Riddle
3. You're visiting your favorite spot. What are you thinking about?
The light on the horizon Was brighter yesterday With shadows floating over The scars began to fade – Linkin Park, Final Masquerade
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
Ahhh, my first song here had no lyrics, but it would totally fit into my life soundtrack – Riopy, I Love You.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red A lion still has claws Mine are long and sharp, my lord As long and sharp as yours – The Rains of Castamere
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
Kom deg hjem – No.4, Lite og stort (Tr. "Come back home" – yes, I do have songs in Norwegian on my playlist)
6. What would you say about your best friends?
I heard them calling in the distance So I packed my things and ran Far away from all the trouble I had caused with my two hands Alone we traveled on with nothing but a shadow We fled far away – Of Monsters and Men, Mountain Sound
7. Think back to when you had everything figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
I'm dreamin' in colours, of getting the chance Dreamin' of trying the perfect romance The search of the door to open your mind In search of the cure of mankind – Within Temptation, Utopia
Well, actually it was a song I considered my motto throughout high school. I even had them play it for me when I got my diploma when I was graduating!!!!!
8. Describe your aesthetic now.
I will kindly watch you sleep And I find out that your eyes are open I hide other pieces that you never would have liked If you knew about them So I hide my children – Aurora, In bottles
9. What's a lyric that they'll quote in your eulogy?
Though the truth may vary This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore – Of Monsters and Men, Little Talks
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
Jesteś dzikim wiatrem, który porwał mnie jak wątły liść, Nie ma mowy stawić czoła mu. Jesteś ogniem, który trawi serce, umysł, noce, dni, Nie ma mowy stawić czoła mu. I nie mogę w nocy spać, opętany każdy nerw I pijana każda myśl, odurzony każdy dzień. Z narkotycznego snu Spadam w studnię bez dna, W narkotyczny sen bez dna. – Turbo, Serce na stos
So this one is in Polish:
You're a wild wind that swept me up like a frail leaf, There is no way to face it. You're the fire that consumes the heart, mind, nights, days, There is no way to face it. And I can not sleep at night, every nerve obsessed, and every thought drunk, drugged every day. From the narcotic sleep I'm falling into a well with no bottom, into a narcotic dream with no bottom.
Tagging @sandervansunshine @nanneramma @tracingpatternswrites 🥰
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Ginny Gesundheit (Welcome Home Oc)
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Name: Ginny Gesundheit Age: early 30's Headcannon Voice Actor: Jenny Slate Ethnicity: Jewish Residence: Home ; Grinburg (formerly) Relatives: Gedaliah Gesundheit (father); Gail Gesundheit (mother) Sexuality: Straight Personality: A very kind hearted individual who has always wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and become a doctor. She is passionate about helping any patient in need and will do what she can to be of service to them. She can be a bit bashful and can get easily flustered when she is praised. She also has a very compassionate heart that makes her easily show kindness to people if they are in need of healing. She takes her status as a doctor seriously and considers it a high profession people shouldn't mess with. Although she is not easily angered, she doesn't care for charlatans and anyone who tries to pass off false medicine or cures. She also has no time for bad diets and advice on eating. Despite her ability as a doctor, she still is very humble and tries not to let things get to her head. Background: Originally from the town of Grinburg, her father was a notable and respected doctor who she looked up to and wanted to be like. As she got older, she thought it would be better to go to another town in order to get out of her father's shadow and journeyed until she found Home and settled down there. She became a respected part of the community and caters to every ailment that inflicts the neighbors from colds to bended knees. Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/52648… * A Jewish member of the og crew inspired to create this character. * Like Jerry, she was introduced in the last season and had two episodes: introduction and doctor's visit special. * They wanted to do a Hannukah episode with her but wasn't able due to being canceled. They did have a script for the episode before the show was canceled. * She is featured more in the reboot and her Hannukah special was made.  Other Jewish holiday specials are also planned. * She is very close to Jerry Jackalope, Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, and Howdy. * She like Jerry emphasize healthy eating. * Due to her Jewish heritage, she doesn't eat non-kosher stuff and the neighbors are mindful of her like with Kaami.
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odkupiciel · 2 years
Cheers! @cannyabis
"you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people! no skipping"
1. She Cries Alone // Skeletal Family
2. Exit Music (For A Film) // Radiohead
3. To Wish Impossible Things // The Cure
4. Sehnsucht // Einstürzende Neubauten
5. Ostia (The Death of Pasolini) // Coil
6. Hatred Towards Myself // Afraid of Destiny
7. Death Plays His Role // Shadow Project
8. Träumst du // OOMPH!
9. The Dead Flag Blues // Godspeed You! Black Emperor
10. Rødt Og Svart // Arcturus
Idk anyone on Tumblr so I'm not tagging anyone.
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grazer-razor · 10 months
i'll just update the list
safesearched -"lickitung memes" (unlike conkeldurr and bubble beam, "lickitung" by itself wasn't safesearched)(i am also certain that it was only safesearched due to the first result being an advice animals meme with "sexually oblivious" in the title) -"triple Q" (anyone who draws anime girls will be safesearched. when will google learn.) -"buff riku" & "buff riku memes" (google just doesn't get what it means for something to be a fucking joke.) -"pizzahead memes" (yes, while "peppino memes" wasn't safesearched, mr. jolly himself DID have his memes safesearched. thank the tumblr sexyman people) -"burgerpants" (you know your life sucks when google thinks you're explicit) -"noisette pizza" -"virovirokun" -"gus fring"/"gus fring memes" -"mettaton neo memes" (why.) -"yamask memes" ("yamask" wasn't safesearched. however, despite the semi-creepy tones, there was nothing explicit to be found.) ("cured" as of aug 18) -"ika musume memes"(yet "ika musume" WASN'T safesearched. glad to know where your priorities lie)(cured as of aug 18) -"greninja memes"(the only actual inappropriate pic was a picture of greninja near a tongue shaped like a noose. pretty edgy but nowhere near graphic) -"duskull memes"(my guess is that it was because of lopunny fusions, which were not even that explicit. if they want to label MILDLY suggestive characters they will learn the consequences of their actions) -"pekora memes" -"cosmo the seedrian" -"dipper taco bell"
not safesearched -"miku greentext memes" -"dame tu cosita" -"tails doll" -"adeleine memes" (this one was surprising because not only were some memes weird, but there were also pics from mouthporn dot com) (afflicted as of aug 21) -"josh duggar" -"oliver sansweet" -"ripped yoshi" -"florida man memes" -"nasty pants" (yeah, i know. i'm just as surprised as you are) -"siivagunner" (triple Q got safesearched. siiva didn't. strange-o.) -"majira" (given furries' reputation, how did a furry not get safesearched) -"FNF memes" (yeah, pizza tower characters got safesearched, but not "friday night fu*kin'". i know.) -"pizza tower memes" (but at least it wasn't a total loss!) -"attack helicopter memes" (????????) -"cloverfield monster" (PT and SS got safesearched, but not an eldritch creature. idk anymore) -"cthulhu" -"mother 3" -"the matrix" -"squidbagging" -"420"/"420 memes" -"i got fish to catch" (when you google it, you will understand...) -"kario" (anime and TGT pulled up) -"jon arbuckle puppies memes"/"jon arbuckle litter" (enough said.) -ambyu-lance -"shintoe"/"shitno" (HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!) -"filthy frank" (H O W) -"breaking bad memes" (gus fring memes got safesearched but not breaking bad memes as a whole. this is unjust.) -"MTT memes" -"og and grog" (it pulls up something strangely edgy. not sure why it wasn't safesearched instead of mettaton neo memes) -"greentext"/"greentext memes" -"nasty pants memes" -"slenderman" (meanwhile hypno gets safesearched) -"all 8 pages" -"pizza tower war" -"johnny c"/"johnny nny c" -"spider shantae" -"miltank"/"miltank memes"(how did conkeldurr get targeted but not udders pokemon)(afflicted as of aug 18) -"pepe the frog"/"pepe the frog memes" -"killer bean" (google is literally the type to safesearch a slime with teeth but not a killer bean) -"caliborn" (...and a psychopathic skull alien who is responsible for many casualties) -"cat beast 9" (...and that creature...) -"werehog sonic"/"werehog sonic memes"(you'd think google would attack giant furry monsters that fangirls would simp over...) -"hog rider memes" -"reaper puppet"(yeah, i know. specimens 2 and 4 got safesearched but not something equally scary) -"nadim pourtant" -"sonic 2 XL"/"sonic 2 XL memes"(inconsistent standards are inconsistent) -"bidet memes" -"haypil" -"incineroar memes"(it got away, but "greninja memes" didn't...) -"lincoln strangling peppino"(for... some reason...) -"pizzascare" -"kenshiro"(when shadow the hedgehog characters get safesearched but not ken!) -"abraham tower"/"guardian union of nations" -"jesse james" -"korone memes"(ashley warioware memes gets safesearched but not this. why.) -"mario and luigi memes" -"rick memes"/"pickle rick memes" -"momiji inubashiri" -"uboa" -"sors bandeam"/"sors bandeam memes"(so casey homestuck and gerald robotnik are explicit but not a kid who got killed?) -"order 66"(they fucked up my boy george r. binks but not order 66) -"change da world" -"spongebob ripped pants memes"(i thought the butthole edit was gonna show up, but guess not) -"freddy scream" -"omega flowey"/"omega flowey memes" -"zandatsu memes" -"there's a bomb in the lasagna"/"there's a bomb in the lasagna memes" -"mr. popo" -"scrap baby"/"scrap baby memes" -"wet willy" -"josh duggar memes" -"desert chainsaw"/"desert chainsaw crocodile" -"blacephalon"/"blacephalon memes"
0 notes
ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
Ok! Canon Descendants “The Sword in the Stone”
So, the two Sword in the Stone descendants who are given are Arthur’s son Artie, and Mad Madame Mim’s granddaughter Mad Maddie. I’ve renamed them respectively to Amhar, the name of an early son of Arthur in the Welsh tradition, and Matilda, a more period accurate name (also lightly inspired by Mallt-y-Nos, or Matilda of the Night, a Welsh witch who follows Arawn in the Wild Hunt)
I was a little worried at first about how to do this one, as TSITS is the first part of The Once and Future King by T.H. White, so it seemed like any sort of sequel should follow that, not to mention that Mordred is the most well known son of Arthur, and very much a villain in White’s story, where as Artie/Amhar was meant to be heroic. However, in the Welsh tradition Amhar and Mordred share a similar death, so I felt justified in that in use Amhar, like it was a hidden tribute to Mordred. And going off the Welsh traditions/earlier versions of the Arthurania actually gave me some ideas for an original story based in actual Arthur legends, so let’s get to it.
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I based my designs for Arthur and Guinevere (mostly Guin) off of Lerner and Lowe’s Camelot, as it is an adaptation of TOAFK. I was also able thru research to find out Disney had designs for both Lancelot and Morgana, so they naturally would need to be included. (They we’re both from Sofia the First but you know what it’s supposed to be the world of all the Disney Princesses and Merlin’s in it so it counts).
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Our basic story would start several years after the og movie. Arthur is King, married and has a 12 year old son, as well as most of his Round Table Knight. Merlin is gone again, leaving Arthur devoid of easy magical help when Queen Guinevere is cursed into an magical sleep plagued by nightmares by an unknown villain.
King Arthur calls on his greatest Knight, Sir Lancelot, to seek the cure for the Queen. Lancelot decides to seek the help of his fairy godmother, Nimue, The Lady of the Lake, but is captured during his quest by the evil enchanter responsible for the curse, who stays hidden at first, but is eventually revealed as Princess Morgana, an old student of Merlin who has turned to villainy, and seeks to overthrow Arthur’s reign as she believes she should rule England, with Lancelot by her side if he joins her. Lancelot refuses, but Morgana is certain that sometime spent in her Dungeon of Illusions will change his mind.
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Meanwhile, Amhar is determined to do his part to help his mother, goes thru the Camelot archives, and discovers another source of magic lies within the nearby land of Morva. Yes, we’re doing a crossover with The Black Cauldron. The books share characters that Arthur has met in the Welsh legends and TBC needs more love. So Amhar decides to go off on his own quest to see if he can get any answers for saving his mother from the witches of Morva, and it’s on the border that he meets Matilda, a “chatty and slightly batty” witch who’s been sent to train under the Morva witches (as a bat’s actually the only can change into yet). But she’s bored and eager to test her skills on her own, and joining Amhar on his quest sounds a lot more fun then sticking around Morva, so she decides to help him—wether Amhar particularly wants her help or not.
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She takes him back to meet Orddu, the head witch of Morva, who tells them that the only way to save Guinevere is using Carnwennan, the magical Dagger of Shadows. Which, as an avid collector of magical weaponry, she happens to have. And she’ll let them borrow it—if Amhar agrees to bring her Arthur’s fabled Sword in the Stone.
And while Amhar tries to figure out a clever way to word the deal so he doesn’t have to give up the sword but still get the dagger, Matilda just turns into a bat, flies in Orddu’s face, grabs and activates the dagger and has Amhar follow her out the door as Orddu tries to curse them.
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From there the plot would follow them finding out Lancelot has disappeared, meeting Nimue, having her give them both a pep talk and some vague mystical magical tips/directions on how to find/rescue Lancelot, which they’re able to do by using the Dagger to black out Morgana’s illusions with Matilda using her bat abilities to find Lancelot in the darkness. They’re able to rescue him and escape, though not without having a run in with Morgana, which results in a witches duel between her and Matilda in which she’s finally near the last moment able to transform into something besides a bat, which startles Morgana enough that Amhar is able to use the dagger again to get them out under cover of darkness.
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Due to Matilda “technically” winning the duel, Morgana is forced to comply with the terms and free Guinevere from the spell. Amhar and Lancelot return to Camelot, where Amhar is happily reunited with his parents, and Matilda takes of to make mischief for her own with a promise to visit later.
And in a post credits scene we see Morgana conspiring with Orddu and the other Witches (and possibly even Madame Mim) on a future plan to take down Arthur and Camelot, thus setting up a sequel that would likely follow more of the traditional Arthur storyline.
And that’s my take for Canon Descendants Sword in the Stone! Hope you all liked it and keep an eye out for more Canon Descendants projects! There’s about 5 more to go based on the list of official descendants I complied, plus some extra ones I’ve made up myself :)
And if you like what I’m doing here there’s lots more to see under the #canon descendants tag (or # canon descendents depending on if I misspelled it 😅)
@sarahnoel cuz I know you especially were looking forward to this one!
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