#oh and of course it's robert sean leonard
iamthejam · 7 months
i finally changed my pfp!
sorry to everyone who knew me by just my pfp. i just got bored of my old one...
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aretarers · 6 months
tagged by @coolerdracula YAYYY YIPPEEEEE i dont tend to do these but who cares im having a whimsical night ^_^
last song you listened to: scatmans world LOL
last movie you watched: my best friend is a vampire (1987) featuring robert sean leonard and rene auberjonois
currently watching: doctor who also ^_^
other things you’ve watched this year: house md LOLLLLLLLL umm what the hell else. the x files movie... the original star trek movies (star trek 4 was genuinely some of the most fun ive had watching a movie ever)... puss in boots... spiderverse 2... and of course we hatewatched [redacted]
currently reading: I NEVER FINISHED CYBERVILLE BY STACY HORN :( its just been sitting on my shelf!!! i need to pick it back up
currently listening to: wait is this different from the song i last listened to LOL. im currently listening to #nothing because my #headphones #died and are #charging. Um if this is more general like "what kind of things am i listening to right now" then i am of course always on the hush sound grind (muscle emoji)
currently working on: today was my last day of work for the year and i finished finals YIPPEEEEEE!!! so now im working on...deciding what im going to work on over winter break LOL. i want to do a bunch of reorg and cleanup stuffs... i need to get everything for christmas sorted out too. oh im DRAWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to draw my ocs more and also maybe a lyric comic
current obsession: im so doctor whopilled right now god bless
tagging: nobody sorry im too shy. beloved mutuals if you see this im thinking of you you can do this if you want. thank you dawn again for tagging me ^_^ smiling hearts emoji times 3
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samnyangie · 3 years
The public apology: Robert Sean Leonard
I saw some ppl talking about this, tho I knew the context but I never found the original until now, this so hilarious it should be shone in the light again
The link
Our friend Dave Bry has many regrets. This week, an easy mistake, carelessly made years ago, still brings that flushed-face feeling of shame-and demands an apology.
Dear Robert Sean Leonard,
I’m sorry if I freaked you out that morning you were walking your dog in front of the building where we lived in the West Village.
Our relationship had been fraught from the outset, I realize. When I first met you in the stairwell, the day I was moving in, and you were so friendly and welcoming, and I asked if we knew each other, because you looked so familiar, and you said you didn’t think so, I persisted, wondering if we’d perhaps gone to the same summer camp when we were kids, which forced you into the uncomfortable disclosure of the fact that you were a professional actor and “in some movies and on TV sometimes.” A few days later, I saw you by the deli outside and greeted you by announcing that I’d remembered where I’d recognized you from: “Dead Poets Society, right?” You smiled graciously before I added the lame, “You were good.”
Still, you were always nice whenever we bumped into each other. So I feel even worse about the time I was coming home-it must have been around six o’clock in the morning, and I was full of all the things I’d been out all night doing-and I saw you coming out of the building with your chihuahua tugging at its leash.
It was the spring of 2001, “The Producers” had opened on Broadway that week, to the universal raves it received, and in my enthusiasm, and the difficulty I was having thinking straight, I congratulated you on the achievement.
“Hey, way to go,” I said. “Those were some reviews!”
You looked confused. And a little frightened. But you were as nice as ever in telling me you didn’t know what I was talking about.
“I guess I missed that one,” you said, leaving open the possibility that, despite appearances, I was not in fact completely out of my mind. “I don’t usually read the reviews.”
I thought you were just being modest. “Oh, but these weren’t just any old reviews,” I said. “You’re in the hit of the city! Everybody’s talking about it! You must be totally psyched!”
Of course-as I’d figure out later that day, after I’d gone inside and gone to bed and then woken up and remembered the exchange and your nervous laughter and how you seemed to really not want to hurt my feelings as you moved gingerly away from me-you were not in “The Producers.” That was Matthew Broderick.
Surely you’d done nothing to deserve me as a neighbor.
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aprilsrant · 4 years
Praised be writer’s block | Young!Remus Lupin x Slytherin!Fem!Reader.
SUMMARY: in the midst of an upcoming war and worries about the future, (Y/N) bonds with an unexpected person, golden boy from gryffindor house himself.
WORD COUNT: 3,000, more or less…
A/N: this is my first time doing this, so if you have any suggestions please let me know! also, if you can, reblog so it can reach more people, it’ll help me a lot.
All of this wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for @peeves-a-legend​, which btw is an amazing writer. I can’t thank you enough!
The gif below is not mine, credits to the original maker. And yes, I see robert sean leonard as a young!remus, but you can imagine whoever you want.
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In one of the few sunny and warm mornings left of the season, (Y/N)’s mother had dragged her to Diagon Alley to buy her school’s supplies. The term for her sixth year was about ten days away from starting and going there didn’t thrill her anymore. She had retarded the visit as long as her mother’s patience lasted (which wasn’t a lot considering the woman had belonged to Hufflepuff), and no one had been succesfull on finding the reason, althought her mum suspected it. 
(Y/N) hadn’t felt the rush of excitement run through her body in a long time when she thought about going back to Hogwarts, and buying supplies meant she was only a step closer. Her first two years were more than she could ever ask for, but everything came crashing down on her at the young age of thirteen. 
(Y/N) had started to notice the repulsive look on people’s faces whenever she tried to help them, all looking down at her green robes as if she had grown a third arm or a second head overnight. She realised, with now a heavy weight on her heart and a new insecurity over her mind, that not all Hufflepuffs were kind and inviting. Maybe, she supposed, they were too proud to accept help from anyone else. 
Or perhaps, (Y/N) was too naive to think she could defy centuries of old stereotypes and unhealthy competitions while wearing a green and silver tie.
But the rude comments and weird stares had not affected her in such a long time. She didn’t show them how angry she got about those and how much she wanted to scream at those Gryffindors to get over themselves, because if she did, she was proving their point. All snakes, young or old, end up being violent creatures. Instead, a new feeling of uneasiness had settled in her mind, washing away her minor problems.
Peace no longer reigned over the Wizarding World. Rumors of a war were spreading like wildfire. Voldemort’s ranks got bigger and bigger with the passing time, and more muggle families and muggleborns were being wiped out, like they meant nothing. In those dark times, not having magic or being from a family with the wrong kind of ancestors, could determine your doom. 
In her case, she wasn’t at the top of the Dark Eater’s food chain as a halfblood, but that didn’t ease her nerves. She was more worried about her father, a muggleborn, her grandparents and several other friends. Many of their families wanted to go into hiding and she knew that this year and the others to come, Hogwarts wouldn’t be so magical.
Once they passed through the brick wall at the Leaky Cauldron,  their first stop was the Apothecary, which (Y/N) had refused to enter because of the disgusting smell of bad eggs and something more repulsive she didn’t identify. Instead, she decided to visit Quality Quidditch Supplies. It’s not like she played the sport, Merlin knows how awful she was at throwing or hitting things, and playing as Seeker was not an option. But she always attended the matches, channelling every single piece of energy her body had onto cheering for Slytherin’s team. 
(Y/N) made her way to one of the corners of the shop, wanting to see the newest Quidditch gloves her best friend had talked about so much in her letters. Maybe she could get her a new pair for her birthday, so she could start the season with brand new gloves. But looking at the price, she realized a cheappier gift would have to do. Her family wasn’t the richest and she knew her parents were struggling with money lately.
“Expensive, aren’t they?,” asked a voice from behind her. She turned around, one of the gloves still on her right hand, and noticed that the voice belonged to no other than Remus Lupin. She was lying to herself if she said he wasn’t good looking. Those dark brown eyes and soft hair had gotten to her when they were in their fourth year. (Y/N) had spent weeks, maybe even months, crushing on him and, of course, annoying her friends to no end about how perfect he was and how he was one of the few decent members of the lion house. But she never tried anything, she had a long list of excuses that, maybe, exceeded the many numerous reasons why she liked the Gryffindor so much.
“Definitely,” (Y/N) finally answered with a grimace in her face, “I thought I could get a pair for my best friend’s birthday since she’s a Chaser, but I’m not so sure now”.
Remus offered her a small smile and muttered something about how her best friend would appreciate anything she would give her. After that, neither of them said anything and only the noise of other people’s chattering could be heard. She looked around the store, trying to think about something that would lead to more talk, while Remus put his hands in his jeans’s pockets and changed the weight of his body to his left leg. 
A few more seconds passed and (Y/N), not tolerating the awkward atmosphere anymore, was the one to initiate the conversation this time.
“So, um, Remus, are you, um, planning on joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team? Since, you know, you are… here”. 
Merlin, her sister was right, she did need to start socialising more.
“Oh no, not a chance,” he answered letting a snicker escape his lips. (Y/N)’s mouth turned into a little smile because of the sound, not noticing at first. “I’m just here because of James and Sirius, they wanted to see some new brooms that came out this…”.
Remus words were interrupted by the same people he’d just mentioned. James Potter and Sirius Black, the most known students at Hogwarts, were walking towards them. (Y/N) tried to put on a neutral face, not showing her true thoughts on the two boys.
It wasn’t that she hated them. At some point, she had found her pranks on those horrible Slytherins funny, but after last year her opinion on them changed drastically. It appeared to be that they couldn’t distinguish who were the “good” Slytherins therefore they’d just played cruel jokes on every single member of the house. Or maybe, they didn’t think Slytherins could be nice and decent people, so all of them deserved to be made fun of.
“REMUS!,” they both shouted at the same time. Almost everyone in the shop turned to see them, and as (Y/N) moved uncomfortable with a scowled look because of the new, and unwanted attention, she wondered why they had to be so bloody loud all the time. “We were looking for you, but it seems you have found some company”.
Remus’s cheeks changed to a soft crimson after Sirius’s comment.
“Careful now, Rem, snakes tend to bite and some of them are poisonous.” James’s eyes shined with mischief as he spoke.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at that, but instead of keeping quiet as she normally would, she responded to Potter’s remark, surprising the others and herself in the process.
“Excellent observation, James. Now, how much time did it take you to come up with that and for how long you’ve been wanting to use it? Perhaps, it was after that particular Quidditch match where Slytherin shredded you into pieces ”. 
His face no longer showed a fun expression, but, in it’s place, was a face with narrowed eyes trying to hide the fact he had been caught. (Y/N) smiled at that, she was not this kind of person but it was good to see Potter embarrassed after he had humiliated her in front of half the school just a few months ago. She knew Sirius wanted to say something to save his friend, but as his mouth was starting to open to spill some sarcastic or stupid comment about her house, Remus stepped in.
“Sirius, don’t say anything, just leave her alone,” he began, giving the pair a pointed look with his eyebrows raised, “we were only talking, there’s no need to start acting as if she’s going to bite my head off”.
Dumb and Dumber, as one her Slytherin friends liked to called them, stared at Remus like he had transformed into a Hipogriff. (Y/N), as surprised as she was, glanced at him with a confused, yet somehow grateful, look on her face.  In return, he smiled at her and grabbed his friends from the shoulders, making them walk towards the door while mentioning something about having to meet up with Peter at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor. 
Before reaching the door, Remus turned around, let go of Sirius for a moment and waved at her with a grin, one that made her cheeks blushed and her stomach flipped.
It had been months since the interaction between her and Remus, plus James and Sirius. A small smile and a certain glow in her eyes stayed present on her face for the rest of the trip to Diagon Alley with her mother, who had not missed the sudden shift in her daughter’s appearance.
She hadn’t talked much with him again (only a few more times because of their prefect meetings), but the little interactions between them remained. Like the gentle and kind smiles they would send to each other while walking in the school grounds and greetings from afar with a short wave of the hand.
Winter break was just around the corner when they met again. Both wrapped around heavy coats, gloves and scarfs protecting them from the cold wind and the freezing fog. (Y/N) would have been pissed about her feet getting wet from the snow if it wasn’t for the outstanding landscape it created. A pure scenery, grounds and trees and roofs of the castle covered in white, in such terrible and corrupted times. 
“Lovely, huh?,” he mouthed. 
What is it with this boy and sneaking up on people?
(Y/N) nodded, still unable to tear her eyes from the view. When she finally did, she became aware of how close they were, elbows almost touching. Releasing a shaky breath, that quickly changed into what it looked like fog, (Y/N) peered at him. The end of his nose was red, matching his cheeks, while his lips were pale and dry from the weather. It was an adorable sight, perhaps even more worthy of her attention than the snowflakes falling from the sky.
“What makes you go to Hogsmeade on this particular frosty afternoon, (Y/N)?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Remus,” she exclaimed, the corners of her mouth quirking up as she mentioned his name, “but, if you really like to know, I’m heading there because I forgot about some Christmas’s presents. What about you?”
Without perceiving it, they had both started to walk towards the small town, making their way through the layers of snow. 
“I just, um, wanted to visit Hogsmeade one last time before, you know, going home.” For a moment, (Y/N) had the idea of hearing some kind of hesitation while he spoke, as if he wasn’t entirely sure of what he was saying. 
This time, (Y/N) would not let the conversation turn awkward so rapidly, after all this was her chance of having an actual opportunity with Remus. So she swallowed the majority of her nerves, which were quite a lot, and planted a smile on her face. But before the words could come out of her mouth, Remus himself had beat her.
“Would you like to come to the Three Broomsticks with me?,” he questioned. 
It took her a few seconds to understand what he had asked because of how rushed he’d spoken. Her eyes widened at the notion of going on a date with him. Was it even a date? A small voice wondered inside her head. Ignoring it, she replied with a short yes. His entire demeanour immediately transformed. Remus’s eyes didn’t hold too much worry now and a large smile decorated his face. 
The trip to the popular pub was shorter than it normally was, but (Y/N) guessed that had been for how much she and Remus talked while walking to the town. When they arrived, the warm and cozy ambient, although a bit smoky and crowded, received them like a bright lamp post in the middle of nowhere pointing out the pathway. Even if (Y/N) loved winter and snow, a hot butterbeer didn’t seem too bad after being exposed to the cold wind.
Sitting down at one of the tables from the right corner of the shop, right next to a large window and giving the back to one of the walls, she could see the entire place. But her eyes were now glued to the Gryffindor seated in front of her, who was trying not to look like he was going to pass out from the nerves of having a date (was it a date?) with the most gorgeous girl in Hogwarts, maybe even the whole world.
They passed the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other, chatting regarding the things they loved and hated from Hogwarts; complaining about professors and the amount of homework they sent; laughing because of some ridiculous story told by Remus (he swore his breath got caught in his lungs as he watched her throwing her head back while letting out a loud laugh, eyes shining with happiness and not caring, for the first time, about the looks from the people in the place). They discussed their favourite muggle authors, the most amazing films that had ever been made and their dreams after finishing their education. 
(Y/N) had felt herself falling all over again for him while watching him talk about how much he’d loved being a professor and being there for his students. The passion and shine in his eyes rivaled even the brightest star in the night sky. 
And Remus had seen the same expression in her face when she talked about becoming a known writer in both the muggle and wizarding world. Despite her excitement, he recognised something else in her eyes, perhaps uncertainty or even sadness. When he asked about it, (Y/N) confided in him the fact she was scared about trying it.
“What if it’s a waste of time? What I’m supposed to write about?”
“It won’t be a waste of your time if it makes you happy,” he reassured her, “and the ideas will come to you, don’t worry. You can even write about us.” (Y/N)’s eyes quickly made their way into his after hearing that. “I mean, about this part of our world”. She couldn’t help but feel quite disappointed. 
“Wouldn’t I be violating the Statute of Secrecy?”
Remus raised his shoulders a little as he pressed his lips together, clearly trying to stop a smile from forming in his face. 
“It’s not like the Ministry is going to find out,” he whispered, so only (Y/N) could be able to listen to him, “ who’s going to tell them about it? Me?”
A scoff left her mouth and she rolled her eyes playfully at him. Was this really happening? Remus Lupin, the boy she had a crush on in her fourth year, sitting in front of her, encouraging her to follow her dreams.
“Is the Golden Boy and Prefect of Gryffindor House actually saying that I should just break an International Law?” she joked while shaking her head in disbelief, “McGonagall would be so heart broken”.
Now it was his time to roll his eyes. Directing a smirk at her, he leaned back in his chair, more relaxed and with a new light glowing around him.
“Look, I would love to write about this world. But ambition is not the only trait that got me in Slytherin,” (Y/N) declared. She beamed when he furrowed his brows together in confusion, getting closer to the table and placing his elbows on top of it. “Violating that Law is having a death wish and self preservation is one of my top priorities”.
“I can’t help but agree to that”.
The hours kept running and people began to leave the pub, but not them. They had stayed until the owner told the teenagers he was closing. Not (Y/N) nor Remus had noticed where the time had gone. Quickly, they collected all of their belongings and left the establishment in a hurry. (Y/N) didn’t want to think about the punishment they’d received if they were caught.
Fortunately, they made it to the castle in one piece. Once they were a few meters away from the entrance, they started to laugh. None of them knew why, it just seemed like a good time to do it.
“What happened to you and your advice of breaking the rules?” (Y/N) said in the middle of a laugh.
“I hope this doesn’t become a tradition, Mr. Lupin, Ms. (Y/L/N),” a stern female voice said in front of them. Professor McGonagall was standing gracefully in front of the door, her arms crossed over her chest and a furious expression implanted in her face.
Remus and (Y/N) looked at each other, the same thought running through their minds. They were so screwed.
December 25th.
Dear (Y/N):
I’m sending this letter to wish you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year, even though it’s not the 31st yet, but well… that doesn’t really matter right now.
I remembered you talking about how much you wanted to read more classics, and I couldn’t help myself. Inside the box, you will find Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, and Wuthering Heights, by some other lovely woman named Emily Brontë. I’m not so sure about why you would enjoy them as much as I did, but maybe they’ll inspire you on your journey of becoming a writer. It won’t hurt visiting new worlds to fill your mind with ideas.
Also, and I hope this doesn’t bother you, the books are not brand new. They were read by me and have some marks on the pages, but I don’t like giving new books as gifts. I think that if they were used, they are even more special and hold more value.
Can’t wait to see you once the break is over.
Sincerely, Remus John Lupin.
The grin on her face never abandoned her after reading Remus’s letter and opening the silver paper with golden stars all over it, in which he had wrapped the two books he had mentioned. In fact, it lingered on her for the rest of the day, accompanied with a special and renovated brightness in her eyes.  
Before letting the owl return back to its owner, (Y/N) gave her some food and water, and when it was ready, she attached a small box with red paper on the exterior and a green bow at the top. She had also prepared a gift for him, even if it wasn’t that meaningful (at least, that was what she thought). (Y/N) only hoped he would enjoy the chocolate stash, full with different muggle and wizarding ones she had thought he could try, while the owl stepped away from her windowsill.
Around eight p.m, she finally went to bed and despite spending the day interacting with her family, (thing that tired her out pretty quickly), (Y/N) was more awake than ever before. Laying down on her bed with a cup of tea and an old blanket that had once belonged to her sister, covering her legs, she grabbed one of the books Remus gifted her, ready to dwell in Mary Shelley’s world. 
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dead poets society!
1. where did you hear about dead poets society?
i first heard about it through a friend and also those 'dark academia in film' type posts
2. have you ever watched it with someone?
i've watched it with my parents and one of my friends
3. how many times have you watched it?
i think 5 or 6?? definitely at least 4 at this point
4. favorite character?
neil and meeks :)
5. least favorite character?
mr perry by far
6. favorite quote? (could be an actual quote from the movie or what a character said)
"gentlemen, what are the four pillars? travesty, horror, decadence, excrement."
7. in what ways has the movie inspire you?(learn a language, read more, try make ur life more exciting, etc)
it inspired me to start writing more poetry of my own, and also just changed my perspective on life in a way i can't really explain (not to mention romanticize a lot more)
8. did the movie make you cry at all?
i sob like a baby every time i watch it
9. favorite actor(s) from dead poets society?
robert sean leonard :)
10. what have you learned from dead poets society?
i'm really bad at extracting lessons from media hhh but i guess the importance of loving your friends
11. have you copied any phrases, mannerisms, personality traits from the movie?
i've started saying 'oh my' the way neil does lmao
12. have you ever had a teacher like mr. keating?
not to that extent but i've definitely had some lovely english teachers
13. have you ever had friends that are the same way as neil, todd, cameron, etc?
i personally relate to both neil and todd a lot, but i have a couple of friends that remind me of both of them as well
14. favorite ship?
anderperry, meeks/pitts or meeks/charlie
15. least favorite ship?
chris/knox (in canon; i love them in fics n stuff)
16. how did you feel about that scene where charlie got his booty paddled by the principal lol
it lowkey made me uncomfortable but i generally just felt bad for charlie aksdjffg
17. do you blame mr. perry or mr. keating for neil?
MR!! PERRY!!!!! BY FAR!!!!!!
18. do you think that cameron deserved to get punched by charlie?
after "let keating fry, why ruin our lives?" yes absolutely 100%
19. would you ever want to go to a school like welton academy and have a secret poetry group like the one shown in the movie? (without the drama, of course)
oh my god absolutely please god
20. the message of dead poets society is about how education can go beyond what is taught in textbooks, and that’ll education should be taught in a way to enlighten people about the realities of life and how they shouldn’t look at things with a singular perspective. do you agree and believe that?
i absolutely agree w it!! the current education system is. not it and forcing information down students' throats without giving them the chance to form their own viewpoints and methods isn't helping anybody in the long run.
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invictusmaneo · 2 years
Third round of autumnal asks (because I am a nuisance of the greatest caliber): jack-o-lantern, crow, and cinnamon?
you are a nuisance but I love you anyways <33
jack-o-lantern - if you could look like any celebrity, who would you choose?
Honestly I’m pretty chill with how I look now, but maybe Zendaya, Sofia Wylie, Sofia Bryant, or Alexandra Shipp. Also Andrew Garfield, Timothee Chalamet, Ben Barnes, young Robert Sean Leonard, and young Aaron Taylor Johnson give me major gender envy.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had the aptitude for?
Oh my God engineering. In my school we have STEM courses a student can take and it's basically 4 years taking a class that specializes in that kind of thing. We have Computer Science, Biomedical Sciences, and Engineering. I'm currently in the Biomedical pathway because when I first transferred there I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian and it all made sense. I've since changed future career plans and want to be an attorney, politician, and activist now, but I stayed in the biomed pathway because I find it interesting and also it raises my GPA and looks good on college apps. I think engineering and physics are fascinating, though, and I would love to take those classes just for fun but for some reason my brain just Won’t Wrap Around the Concepts. I took Physics my junior year and I got an A in it but only because I studied hard not really because I fully understood it. 
cinnamon - if you had to live in a time period different from the present, which would you choose and where?
If we’re ignoring the fact that I’m a Queer AFAB poc I would love to go to either the 1960s, ancient Greece around the 400-300 BCEs or pre-history that we know nothing about. Honestly, though, I pretty much find every time period interesting in some way or another so I’m down for anything.
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10 Question Tag
I was tagged by @itstheenglishkid on my main, @sol-martell , but I’d rather answer it on here. Thanks for tagging, tho. :)
1. If your WIP was made into a (good) film or TV show, which actors would you want to be in it? Oh my god, do you know how long I waited for this question? My ideal cast would be the following:
Josephine - Ellie Kendrick Violet - Faye Marsay/Kristen Stewart Gary - Iwan Rheon Jackdaw - Harry Lloyd Alistair - Aidan Gillen Diana - Diane Neal Arthur - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Frank - Benedict Cumberbatch Lisa - Renee Olstedt Benley - Pierce Brosnan Aunt Abby - Meryl Streep Mr. Chamberlaine - Richard Gere Henry - Grayson Russell Reilly - Olivia Wilde Fox - Martin Freeman Craig - Gerald Butler Ava - Michelle Fairley Hank - Robert Sean Leonard Charlotte Dale - Kerry O'Malley Mrs. Barrett - Kate Dickie Mr. Barrett - Hugh Laurie
Erm. *pretends to not have this prepared for ages* 2. Have you ever written something in a genre you don’t read (at all?) Hm. Don’t know. I never really read a steampunk novel, because I simply never found one worth reading, but I’m totally determined to write one. 3. What is your current favourite TV show? Also hm. I used to love Game of Thrones, but it became so horribly bad over the last three seasons, I no longer watch it at all, so I’ll go with The Simpsons and the heute-show (literally today-show; a German political satire show, kinda similar to Last Week Tonight with John Oliver). 4. Is it currently raining where you live? It’s pouring since I returned from Italy here. Hello autumn, I guess. 5. Why did you choose your URL name? Well, because my internet pseudonym for almost everything is Sol Martell in different variations, but I used that for my main already, so I simply called this blog sols-writer-blog, because that’s literally what it is. Not very original, but yeah. 6. Do you play video games? Nope. 7. Would you ever want people to write fanfictions to your book? Yes, I’d feel honored, because people loved my work so much they want to write more of it. Most probably I’d ask them to stay away from smut, because I think blatant smut in general a little offensive to the author, but in the end, I don’t have to read it, so it’s kinda unimportant. 8. What is your favourite kind of ice cream? I like coffee ice cream, also vanilla and yoghurt. 9. Who is your least favourite OC? What is their favourite ice cream? Not sure, but it’s probably Art. He just doesn’t feel right to me, a bit too shallow maybe or too cliché, I don’t know. Anyway, his favourite ice cream is After Eight, of course. 10. Do you think a hotdog is a sandwich? Why, no? (To be fair, a sandwich in German is probably something else than elsewhere, so maybe I misunderstood the question a bit).
Here, have my questions:
1. Do you have a writing idol? Who is it and why? 2. Do you write real people into you stories? 3. If you had to stick to one genre only, which would you choose? 4. If there was a TV show or film of your WIP, who should star in it? (Yes, stealing this question. It’s just too damn good!) 5. Are there any songs you associate to certain characters from your works? 6. A romance as the main plot, yay or nay? 7. What would you want to study, if you could choose any subject? 8. Character-driven or plot-driven story? 9. Real world setting or inventing a new world? 10. Where do you position yourself politically? As I already did this once and probably already tagged you the first time, feel free to ignore me: @seriophi @blackgirlmagicwrites @quiet-tiime @isnappedmypencil @edoqawa
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filmista · 7 years
Tape (2001)
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The opening scenes of ‘Tape’ suggests something that might pass for a sequel to ‘Dead Poet's Society’. We see Ethan Hawke as Vince, a somewhat mushy guy that downs beer after beer in a lousy hotel room. He is visited by Jon (Robert Sean Leonard), an old schoolmate who since then has fared significantly better: he has just directed his first film, which will be displayed at a local festival. The two friends begin to chat about the old days, they drink, they smoke a joint and the atmosphere seems amiable enough until Vince makes clear his true intentions. 
The conversation turns to Amy (Uma Thurman), a girl that Vince was in love with but that Jon finally walked away with the two went together to the prom, but what happened then? They had sex, that's for sure, but how exactly? Did she want to, or did Jon force her? Did rape take place? Vince starts playing on his old schoolmate until he gets him as far as to make a half-confession to him, and then comes the surprise: he recorded the whole conversation on tape and Amy can stand at the door any minute. Jon has a choice: either Vince will play the tape to her, or either Jon himself has to offer his apologies.
'Tape' is an ultra-low budget film from 2001, seen by almost no one, but nevertheless, leaves a strong impression on those who have managed to track it down and watch it. The film was the third collaboration between director Richard Linklater and actor Ethan Hawke (after ‘Before Sunrise’ and ‘Waking Life,’and before the release 'Before Sunset' in 2004), and could almost be seen as a thematic counterpart to the 'Sunrise / Sunset' movies.
In those films, it was all about romantic love, a coup de foudre that transcended all cynicism. In 'Tape', however, it is about an obsessive, unrequited love: Vince loved Amy, but he could not get her. Jon could get her, but he did not really her - he used her only for a quick, possibly even violent one night stand. The chance that you will come out here with a feeling as warm as in 'Before Sunrise' seems very small, but it is indeed fascinating how the same people take a different angle on the same emotions.
'Tape' is minimalist cinema driven to the extreme. There is only one set with only three actors, besides everything was filmed in a few days filming with only a digital camera that doesn't give a shit about mise-en-scène. All the technical elements, which normally determine the shape of a film, are reduced to the absolute minimum.
What Linklater buys with that technical frugality is freedom. The man was able to work rapidly in a real hotel room, he used lamps that were simply present in the decor itself for his lighting and the sound came from the microphone built into the camera.
He didn’t really have to care about anything, and that gave him the opportunity to create a very refined film, which is only concerned with the characters and their situation. The result is a film that really does not look that good - visually it’s unkempt and messy and the soundtrack contains unacceptably loud noises - but whose content contains many nuances that you felt were worth it.’Tape’ is content that doesn't give a fuck about outward form.
What it is about, of course, is the tension between these three characters, which are constructed in a very clever way. Vince, played by Hawke, hasn’t done much in life: he is a petty criminal who wears a bag full of booze and drugs and cherishes a cynical outlook on life. Jon (Leonard) however, is as middle class as you can be, and the differences between them are illustrated by the actors in various subtle ways: the way Vince spends half the movie running around in his underwear while Jon dresses with style yet very conservatively. 
The way Vince almost lies back in his chair or else is lying stretched on the bed while Jon always neatly stays upright. Language is very important: Vince swears like a sailor, calls things by their name, while Jon speaks almost exclusively in euphemisms. What matters between them, is a class difference: Jon has money, Vince doesn’t, Jon can get any woman he wants, Vince has had to watch as his best friend took away his dream girl. It’s is a winner and a loser, and the differences between them are made clear in a brilliant way.
Then, once Amy appears on the scene, there’s another theme that appears very clearly: that of memory. Did something really happen if we don’t remember it? Can we ourselves, through guilt and regret, forge false memories? Has Jon raped Amy or was it consensual? And does it really mean something if no one seems to know exactly how it went down, the girl included?
These are all fascinating, complex data, but what makes 'Tape' so digestible, is precisely the fact that Linklater doesn’t force-feed them on us. He made in the first place also made a very funny film, with one-liners like, "I'm not saying you're a dick, but I do know that occasionally you have a tendency to act in a phallic fashion." This is a film that wants to talk about some very interesting things but also is smart enough to present these ideas in an attractive way, not through technical merit, which is virtually zero but through the sharp dialogues and ditto performances.
That 'Tape' ultimately isn’t a perfect film, is not only due to the visual shortcomings but also to a particular plot twist at the end, which I certainly don’t fully subscribe to. It is impossible to discuss the dispute itself, but let it suffice to say that it is a decision that Uma Thurman takes shortly before the end - that's about the only time when the credibility is stretched too much. Anyway, I suppose it would be silly to whine about that in great detail, as it has little flaws otherwise. 
'Tape' is incredibly interesting author cinema, which returns to the fundamentals of any drama: Insert two or three people in a room and let them fight over something. Outside the dialogues, and the enthusiasm of the actors 'Tape' has nothing to captivate It’audience. But you can bet that It’s enough.
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Vince: What you think I'm a dick? Jon:  I’m not saying you’re a dick. But I do know that occasionally you have a tendency to act in a phallic fashion.
Jon: Women these days have no reason to hang around potentially violent guys. It's not an attractive quality anymore. Too many guys out there with "resolved" violent tendencies. Vince: Oh, so I'm out of fashion?
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hollywoodjuliorivas · 5 years
Where the ‘Loony Libs’ Are Self-Destructing, Not Trump
To conservatives in this part of rural Iowa, the president is a beleaguered hero who is always Making America Great Again.
By Robert Leonard
Mr. Leonard is the author of “Deep Midwest: Midwestern Explorations.”
Oct. 14, 2019
A Trump float in a Fourth of July parade in Independence, Iowa.
A Trump float in a Fourth of July parade in Independence, Iowa.CreditJordan Gale for The New York Times
KNOXVILLE, Iowa — To understand what many Iowans are thinking about President Trump and the impeachment investigation, first you have to know about Carson King.
During a recent Iowa-Iowa State football game, Mr. King, 24, held a sign requesting donations so he could buy more beer (specifically, Busch Light). To his surprise, the donations piled up. Given the amount, he decided to donate the funds — which ultimately totaled $3 million — to the University of Iowa’s children’s hospital.
Working on a profile of Mr. King, a reporter for The Des Moines Register discovered, in his social media history, a couple of racially inappropriate jokes from when he was 16. Mr. King publicly apologized before The Register had even printed the profile.
The episode produced a rare moment of unity among Iowans — against The Register. The backlash was harsh. For many people, the article reinforced a conservative trope: The liberal media was trying to bring a good man down.
Which is why I bring it up in the context of President Trump. It’s through the emotional lens of the King affair that many people in Iowa are viewing the Ukraine affair. As the dust has settled on the King kerfuffle but remains swirling around Mr. Trump’s troubles, many conservatives here think the “loony libs” are the ones self-destructing.
This area has been accurately described as Trump country — in 2016, twice as many residents in my county voted for him as for Hillary Clinton. It’s probably still Trump country, but his tariffs and the granting of renewable-fuel-standard waivers to large oil refineries have hammered the rural economy. Three ethanol plants in the state have closed, and most small farmers are hemorrhaging money. Even one of our Republican senators, Charles Grassley, says we have been mistreated. Mr. Trump’s farm bailouts have helped, but not enough.
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So the state of Iowa might be in play in the 2020 election. But around here, conservative rural America isn’t in play and may never be. It will stand by Mr. Trump and will likely never vote for a Democrat.
A local Republican Party official and attorney tells me the Democrats are wasting time with impeachment, and that he’s sad that their party doesn’t have statesmen anymore “like Tip O’Neill, Evan Bayh and Ted Kennedy.” They have been replaced, he said, by lefties like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.
At a coffee shop, a preachy Republican acquaintance I mostly try to avoid chortled as he lectured me about how Ms. Pelosi was handing Mr. Trump victory in 2020 and that all the Democrats have left is grandstanding. No policy. No ideas. They are “Communists out to destroy America.” He repeated the debunked notion on the right that Joe Biden is the real criminal, who as vice president withheld money from Ukraine until it stopped an investigation into a business his son was making millions of dollars from.
These types of narratives are common around here. They’re reinforced by Fox News. And “smear” or not, as Democrats call this one, they often stick. On this one, honestly, I share my conservative friends’ concerns, even if they have their facts wrong. Sure, Joe and Hunter Biden did nothing illegal, and Hunter was not a government official. Meanwhile, President Trump and his family have used the office of the president as an A.T.M., beyond his numerous moral and ethical failings.
But why would a Ukrainian gas company give Hunter Biden millions of dollars for a board seat in an industry he knew nothing about if they weren’t trying to curry favor with his father, the vice president? This is anthropology 101 — generalized reciprocity, where a gift of real value is made, with an expected return gift of uncertain or unspecified value at an undetermined time in the future. That we so easily accept this kind of payola to politicians is part of the reason it’s near-impossible to hold Mr. Trump accountable.
Anyway, fair or not, the Biden smear is certainly portrayed as truth on Fox News’s talk shows. Most of us around here seldom see that network’s news programs, which have been more evenhanded in their recent coverage of the president. When we get up in the morning to go to work, it’s “Fox & Friends” on the air. In the evening, by the time we are done wrangling kids and supper, it’s Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.
And the local culture goes much deeper than Fox News, which doesn’t create the reality of conservatives here so much as reinforce it. To my devout conservative neighbors, liberals are tearing America apart. Mr. Trump is the only conservative with the courage enough to stand up to their way.
They see the hand of God in this, and many truly believe he is the “chosen one.” To them, Democrats are amoral and spiritually empty. Where evangelical Republicans worship God and see Jesus as the only path to him, Democrats have banned Jesus from the public sphere at great cost to society and the potential salvation of millions.
To rural white conservatives, their culture is being rubbed out right before their eyes. Compared with that, Mr. Trump’s sins — Ukraine and all — are trivial, while the Democrats are unrepentant and persist in their wrongdoing.
So, yes, the dismal rural economy, brought on directly by the president’s actions, may prompt independents and some Republicans to vote for a Democrat, because they will see it in their economic interests to do so.
But most Republicans I know don’t vote in their economic self-interest. They vote in terms of what they perceive to be in their spiritual self-interest.
Which brings us back to the confluence of the Carson King brouhaha and the Trump impeachment narrative. For the conservatives here, they come from the same source, the media. Mr. King and Mr. Trump are both targets of a politically correct mob that is quick to judge and slow to forgive, so that the slightest deviation from an ever moving liberal moral standard can destroy a person’s career.
Carson King’s posts as a 16-year-old are nothing alongside Mr. Trump’s actions. But that doesn’t matter. Conservatives see the two cases as illustrating a pattern of misbehavior by liberals and the media.
Which, of course, plays into Mr. Trump’s “victim” mentality. Many in the conservative Christian right share this mentality, despite being among the most privileged people in the history of the planet.
In his own mind, and in the minds of many of my Republican friends here in this corner of Iowa, Mr. Trump can never be the fall guy. He’ll always be a beleaguered hero on a journey to Make America Great Again. And to many, God is with him.
Oh, and on a recent Saturday, courtesy of our Republican governor, Kim Reynolds, Iowa celebrated Carson King Day.
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pixelated-alien · 7 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean? Both. It gets messy but then I go in and clean everything
what color are your eyes? Dark Golden Brown
do you like your name? why? The name I was born with? No. Horrible people have had my name on their tongues and what a pleasure it is knowing these people will never speak of my identity one day after my name is changed
what is your relationship status? In a relationship
describe your personality in 3 words or less emotional. thats it lol
what color hair do you have? Dark brown, but in the summer, it lightens to a reddish brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? A blue Ford Escape
where do you shop? Target lmao
how would you describe your style? whatever is comfortable or appropriate at the time.
favorite social media account does snapchat count?
what size bed do you have? im usually on a queen, but bc i moved back home, im on a twin ):
any siblings? I have 2 older sisters, an older brother and a younger brother
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Germany or Alaska. They seem like amazing, beautiful places and I love the cold.
favorite snapchat filter? Either the dog filter, or the one with the aviator glasses
favorite makeup brand(s)  NYX, Becca, UD
how many times a week do you shower? I shower everyday, and i occasionally take a bath too
favorite tv show? Ummm House M.D
shoe size? 9
how tall are you? 5′7
sandals or sneakers? depends honestly
do you go to the gym? LMAO
describe your dream date April 15th. Kidding. Idk, I’ve already had my dream date with my boyfriend tbh. I honestly just love going out and doing literally anything and coming home and eating takeout or pizza and just being together. I’m not picky 
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $0 but i have cards???
what color socks are you wearing? no socks 
how many pillows do you sleep with? 5 or more
do you have a job? what do you do? I work at the zoo as a ropes course instructor. I basically work on a 50ft tall metal obstacle course
how many friends do you have? Just a few
whats the worst thing you have ever done? I honestly don’t know. Probably attempting to kill myself I guess.
whats your favorite candle scent? i dont have a specific favorite, but i enjoy what my boyfriend likes to call, “dark scents” lmao
3 favorite boy names Grey, Mason, Killian
3 favorite girl names Everett, Ophelia, Rowan
favorite actor? either Colin Firth or Robert Sean Leonard
favorite actress? I honestly dont know tbh. I dont have the mental capacity to think about movies rn
who is your celebrity crush? Adrian Brody
favorite movie? Driving Miss Daisy
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I dont read enough lately to have a favorite book at the moment
money or brains? brains 100%
do you have a nickname? what is it? At work they call me Scary Cary. My boyfriend calls me beautiful bunny lol 
how many times have you been to the hospital? many many times. shoutout to chronic illnesses
top 10 favorite songs Oh boy. Cough  Syrup- Young the Giant, Satellite- Guster, Seasons- Future Islands, Darling- Real Estate, Wish I Knew You- The Revivalists, Lately- Humble & Blisse, Apocalypse- Cigarettes After Sex, Tongues of Fire- John Mark McMillan, Feel It Still- Portugal. The Man, Easy Way- For The Foxes
do you take any medications daily? Daily, no. 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Pretty normal, a little oily what is your biggest fear? Being abandoned or forgotten
how many kids do you want? 0
whats your go to hair style? down and natural. sometimes straightened if i have time
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) its normal. on the biggish side 
who is your role model? i dont really have one. Im just kinda doin my own thing figuring shit out on my own
what was the last compliment you received? idk probably something from my boyfriend
what was the last text you sent? It was a screenshot of a song I sent to my boyfriend
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? I honestly dont know.
what is your dream car? Hyundai Genesis Coupe
opinion on smoking? I dont care. I dont partake though
do you go to college? LOL PENDING
what is your dream job? Domestic Violence Therapist/Counselor 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Either one. as long as it isnt the middle of nowhere or a big ass city
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?no
do you have freckles? I have a few on my face and a bunch on my shoulders and back
do you smile for pictures? sometimes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? A LOT
have you ever peed in the woods? Ummm probably when I was younger
do you still watch cartoons? Hell yeah
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? McDonalds
Favorite dipping sauce? Sweet and sour
what do you wear to bed? underwear. sometimes a shirt, sometimes no shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? yeah in elementary school
what are your hobbies? sleeping. eating. being the worlds biggest baby tbh
can you draw? kinda i guess
do you play an instrument? I play the trumpet!
what was the last concert you saw? AWOLNATION
tea or coffee? Tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks wtf
do you want to get married? Absolutely
what is your crush’s first and last initial? ZL
are you going to change your last name when you get married? definitely yes
what color looks best on you? Red, but bc of my skin tone, all colors look good tbh
do you miss anyone right now? oh definitely
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? hell yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve? people who say sure, or being cut off when im talking
last person you called my friend Meighan
favorite ice cream flavor? i dont like ice cream ):
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular oreos wtf lol
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? they taste the same to me 
what shirt are you wearing? a long sleeve air force PT shirt
what is your phone background? my lock screen is my boyfriend, my home screen is Spike Spiegel lol
are you outgoing or shy? a little of both
do you like it when people play with your hair? only if its my boyfriend. anyone else, dont fucking touch me lol
do you like your neighbors? eh
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? whenever i shower. so it varies
have you ever been high? yeah and it was dumb 
have you ever been drunk? yeah and that was also dumb lol
last thing you ate? i dont even remember tbh
favorite lyrics right now “When people change, they gain a peace but they lose one too.”
summer or winter? Winter
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk
favorite month? any cold fall/winter month. it varies here in the south
what is your zodiac sign Aries
who was the last person you cried in front of? my parents
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