#oh and the fucking headaches goddamn these bitches rock my shit
nightly-ruse · 1 year
You ever get that kinda ache where your spine just feels like a sharp metal rod that’s in your back and you ankles are socks filled with heavy rocks always pulled down by gravity?
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S2 episode 20 (Return To Tomorrow) is what I wish I could do because currently it’s finals.
- God, that you? Nope just Sargon
- Ghosts?!?!!
- “Your probes have touched me, Mr. Spock.” WHAT. that’s crazy. 
- Sargon knows Kirk, Spock, and McCoy have to go together
- “You could materialize inside solid rock.” Say what now
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- And they got beamed down without the security
- Spock is pondering the orb. They’re all pondering the orb
- The orb is giving me a headache (Don’t show this to people who have sensitivity to flashing lights!)
- Is Jim getting possessed????
- Doctor McCoy with a gun
- “Your captain has an excellent body, Dr. McCoy. I compliment you both on the condition in which you maintained it.” Sargon what the fuck.
- Damn he doesn’t want McCoy possessed :(
- I can tell that they brought in Doctor Mulhall so that Sargon’s lover can have a female body but like… imagine if Thalassa went into Spock’s body
- Oh my god he’s sweating so much goddamn
- Both doctors advising against it is a pretty good sign.
- The cut to Scotty saying, “You’re going to what?! Are they alright in the head doctor?” With McCoy’s reply of, “No comment.” Is genius
- Fuckkk, “Bones, you could stop all this by saying no.” Dude don’t do that to him
- “I want one concrete reason why!” “Well they used to say if man could fly he’d have wings.” Jim, shut the fuck up. What kind of answer is that
- “Because Dr. McCoy is right.” Yeah he fucking is
- They’ve really zoomed in on Kirk’s face
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- McCoy has given into peer pressure
- As soon as it’s not Spock in there he gets to smile. He’s so pretty :))
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- McCoy has to watch his boyfriends possessed bodies flirt with women
- “I’m surprised the Vulcans never conquered your race.” “The Vulcans worship peace above all, Henoch.” McCoy isn’t taking this bullshit
- Henoch is a bitch! Chapel would bite him if she could
- Why’d he just appear in the doorway like this
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- Jim is NOT dead, McCoy :( Can’t be.
- “Do I list one death or two?” That’s your question?!?
- McCoy is not pleased with Henoch and Thalassa’s plans
- Bones just wants his boyfriends back. Stop making him make decisions
- McCoy would defy god. He has. He will again.
- McCoy’s hair is so nice in this episode
- “Jim? Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m fine, but…” this moment would have been greatly improved if McCoy kissed him on the mouth. Or gave him a hug, I’m not too picky.
- Henoch gave Kirk period pain
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- Say what you will, he’s slaying
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- McCoy looks so devastated. He didn’t want Spock to die.
- I love Leonard Nimoy’s acting!
- “We shared consciousness together.” Aww that’s cute
- “It was beautiful.” Chapel looks over to Spock. Sorry he’s taken. I respect the grind tho.
So so sleepy. So sleepy. Good night to all of you wonderful people… on the next one.
Episode written by John Kingsbridge
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broadwayandnetflix · 4 years
Slow Down - Bill Hader x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff + 1/4 of Angst
Summary:  Hi I’ve literally been binging all of your fics and I didn’t know if you were still taking requests, but I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Bill Hader where the reader is sick and passes out at SNL and Bill helps them and takes them home
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Ahh thank you so much for your patience @bduchrnskei​ I really hope you enjoy this fic and it met your prompt expectations. I absolutely loved writing this one amongst all of my evil schoolwork, but what can you do? 
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Living in a small-sized New York City apartment was not all that it’s cracked up to be. Whether it’s the heavy traffic and clutter of construction that never halts or the extreme temperatures during any season.
In this case, in particular, winter.
Or, more specifically, in this case, your heater broke, and it had become like an iceberg within your apartment space. As stated by your landlord, the repairmen were supposed to come on Saturday night, and as of right now, it was Thursday.
So bundling up had to do, in a way, you kind of missed the heater’s incessant rattling, as it had become a sort of a white noise these last few months.
You hadn’t been in New York City for very long, a little under a year, maybe? It wasn’t like you to pack up and move randomly to the Big Apple, but after clearing a spot as a new cast member with Saturday Night Live. It was most certainly a must.
Ever since you were little, you’d always had a knack for making others laugh or just getting to see someone smile. Saturday Night Live became your goal, and to secure it was like winning a million dollars. Even if it meant having to endure New York’s extreme seasonal changes.
This week was no different in the typical workflow; you were technically a new cast member. So the number of sketches you had been in was significantly limited. Still, you loved it nonetheless, with the lack of skits that you had been in lately allowed you to get to know your cast members more.
Specifically, your other recurring cast members like Nasim Pedrad and Jenny Slate, the three of you would often meet up for coffee on Sundays. Taking the time to decompress and discuss your favorite sketches of the week. It was nice to have a group of people you could relate to and find solace in, especially when the weeks became stressful or exhausting.
And oh boy, did your week’s become exhausting, especially on Saturdays. You shuddered at the thought of dress rehearsal as it stretched late into the night; losing sleep was worth the excitement.
You looked at the clock, it was nearing close to four in the morning, and you still had been awake at this point. Maybe it was the cold or the thousands of thoughts swirling through your mind, much like the snow accumulating outside.
Work was gonna be a bitch tomorrow.
You sneezed at the thought, sighed, and made sure to set your alarm before letting sleep take over.
You awoke with a headache and a blaring alarm that was erupting from your phone. Groaning, you shut the phone off and tried to ignore the incessant pain protruding from your forehead.
Swallowing some painkillers, you got dressed, grabbed your keys, and headed to work. Totally not picking up a coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the way.
“Why good morning Y/N!” Jenny chirped as you walked into the room, still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“You sound oddly chipper, what happened?” you said as you put down your stuff, eyeing her curiously.
“She got some sleep, that’s what happened.” Nasim replied, nursing a cup of coffee in her hands, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Lucky duck,” you murmured, instinctively reaching for your coffee as well. It coated your throat nicely, you sighed in content.
Jenny only smirked before starting up another conversation with Nasim; you let your eyes wander across the room. Everyone in motion, working hard to make sure shit got done. That’s the thing about working at 30 Rock; no one ever really stopped moving.
One thing that you still had not gotten used to was Monday’s. The grueling and exhausting twenty-four hour stretch period of planning and concocting up sketches. It was a scary feeling, as if you could ever compare to everyone else.
Every now and then, a pitch you threw into the ball pit would get picked, the tiny butterflies in your stomach reminding you why you did what you did.
Your eyes landed on a particular figure as he strolled into the room. His hair beautifully tousled, eyes half-open, and shirt resting ever so comfortably upon his chest. You diverted your eyes quickly, only to feel yourself begin to sneeze.
Fuck, for the love of all that’s holy, please do not sneeze in front of Hader.... too late.
He looked up, meeting your widened eyes, and gave you a soft smile. It lingered for a bit until Andy swept up from behind and hugged him along by the arm. For a second, you could’ve sworn he was gonna look back, but Andy had appeared to say something.
“Bless you!” Nasim and Jenny said in unison.
You mouthed thanks and leaned back against the wall, replaying the scene over and over again.
“Thinking about Hader again?” Jenny asked, following your line of sight, as she nudged you in the side playfully.
“Jenny! Not too loud, he might hear you.” you frantically whispered, a stern look aglow in your eyes.
“Oh honey, it’s so obvious.” Nasim chimed in, Jenny nodding eagerly in response.
“Plus he’s too far away, you’re more than safe Y/N, I think it’s cute that you like him. All the more reason to make fun of you.” Jenny says quickly before she is shoved by Nasim.
“I’m joking! I’m joking! Okay maybe not fully joking.” Jenny yelps, giving you a wicked grin.
You groaned, rubbing your hands over your eyes in embarrassment. It was so bad, crushing on cast members, but man, was he handsome. Although you had denied it, a lot of your favorite sketches from the past weeks always seemed to involve Hader.
It was not like it was gonna go anywhere; you two barely spoke, and plus you’d probably be a mess if you did. Every now and then, though, you’d often find Hader sitting beside you at table reads. His laugh is always so goddamn infectious, and Jenny and Nasim eyeing you playfully like schoolgirls.
God, you were a mess, and it seemed like everyone knew it. Maybe even Hader knew; let’s hope he doesn’t.
“You know Y/N, I’ve never seen Hader as shy as he is when he’s around you. I mean the man literally sniffed my hair yesterday,” you quirk a brow, “But- but with you, he’s soft” Nasim’s voice crowds your thoughts, and you instantly look up to meet her in disbelief.
“Bullshit.” you retort, trying to ignore whatever attempt she was trying to make.
“Girl, you’ve kind of got a point. He’s not as jokey as he usually is whenever he’s around you Y/N.” Jenny adds, only to be interrupted by Lorne calling for a meeting.
Ah, how could you forget? Dress Rehearsal. While these days didn’t run as long as the others, they were equally draining and stressful. The three of you walked to Lorne’s office just in time as the rest of the cast stood beside you.
You felt yourself to begin to shiver unexpectedly, hugging yourself tightly. Since when was 30 Rock so cold? You felt Nasim look at you questioningly, and you shrugged her off.
Lorne had discussed the skits’ arrangements for the day, murmurs of excitement beginning to spread like wildfire around the room. Everyone just itches to get out and see if their sketch would succeed or bomb.
You took your seat in the audience as the sketches would come and go, meeting your cues whenever necessary. At the same time, your painkillers had seemed to wear off as your headache only seemed to get worse.
You made your way backstage to find the building’s first aid kit, only to brush past another coworker. That just so happened to be Bill Hader.
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out, slowly clamping it shut; his eyes met yours in slight confusion before softening slightly.
“Woah, hey Y/N, everything okay? You were in kind of a hurry there.” he asks; you could barely meet his eyes as they searched yours for any sort of response.
“Oh,” you gulped, “Yeah I just have this crazy headache, um I was just looking for the first aid kit.” you say, shifting the balance on your one foot to the other. 
His eyes widened before nodding quickly as if he was just reminded of something. The butterflies in your stomach crescendo as he quickly rested his palm upon your shoulder. You didn’t even know how to act, your body practically freezing at the contact.
“Actually to save you the trouble I have some painkillers upstairs in my dressing room. Not that I have like tons of drugs, but it’s no problem with me if that’ll help your headache.”
You quickly nod in response, trying to hide back a small smile before following him up several flights of stairs. God, you hated being so shy around Bill; it wasn’t like he was some mean old jerk; he was oh so genuine and thoughtful.
The two of you halt at a labeled Hader door; he looks back at you almost to check if you’re still there. Opening the door, he led you in, giving you a quick smirk, before crouching down and digging through the contents of his bag.
You had realized that this was the first time that you had ever been in a specific cast member’s dressing room. In particular, Hader’s room was neat and tidy, but you could see bits and pieces of his character sticking out. You couldn’t help but smile at it all, so caught up in the intricate details you didn’t even notice him get back up.
“Y/N, you good?” he asks; you focus your attention back on him quickly.
His hands outstretched, one holding a bottle of Advil and the other clamped tightly around a water bottle.
“Oh, um yeah. Thank you so much you have no idea how much I appreciate you for doing this.” you say rather quickly, but Hader doesn’t seem phased by your awkward nature.
You reach for the bottle and water, fingers gently brushing against his. The two of you looking down at the contact before parting ways.
Hader clears his throat, and you feel your stomach begin to tighten. Slipping two pills into your mouth, you unscrew the cap and down it carefully.
“You nervous about tomorrow?” he asks while placing the pill bottle back within his bag.
“A little I guess, I mean I tend to get nerves closer to the show. I’m sure at this point though, you’ve become an expert at staying calm.” you reply, his gaze falling towards the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m a wreck Y/N. This show is so stressful it eats at me every week, no matter what. I mean, clearly I’m doing something right and Lorne’s not gonna fire me, but, my anxiety gets so bad.” he says quickly. His eyes widened, and his posture became slightly tenser than before.
You couldn’t help but soften your gaze; you had no idea that he even went through this every week. Even now, with the buzzing tension in the air for tomorrow night, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through. Let alone the fact that he made the time to help you out.
“I wouldn’t have ever noticed,” he looks back up at you. “I mean, you’ve always just looked so...confident. I just can’t even begin to imagine what’s that like, every week constantly. I’m so sorry you have to go through that.” you quietly admit.
He shakes his head quickly, putting out a hand almost as if he was trying to stop you.
“No, no, it’s fine. Thank you though, it’s awfully sweet to hear that. Especially from someone like you.” Hader’s eyes filled with such warmth.
Was Hader blushing? Or were you losing it? Probably losing it.
“Oh about that headache, everything okay up in there?” he murmurs, stepping just a tad bit closer to you.
“It’s probably nothing, but I do appreciate the help.” you look back at the door, “We should probably get back? Right? Don’t wanna miss our dress.” you say quickly.
Hader nods within an instant, eyes widening at the realization of how long you two had been gone for. He led you to the door, giving you a quick smile before he ran out, murmuring something about a skit that had something to do with the guest host.
You giggle softly, heaving a contented sigh. It definitely was gonna be a long day, and you could’ve sworn that the temperature had just dropped.
You couldn’t have stumbled into it until at least one in the morning, but sleep had been desperately calling your name. Oh, how you missed having a regular sleep schedule; it would make mornings less of a struggle.
Except this morning was different, or more so than you were used to. The headache that had arrived less than twenty-four hours earlier was now ten times worse. Your body ached, and you couldn’t decipher if the bed was too hot or too cold.
This was torture, and quite possibly the flu, not to mention, you had the show tonight, shit. You practically sprang upwards before feeling the instant aftermath of that decision settling in. It felt absolutely criminal to leave those sheets as you groaned and grimaced your way towards your kitchen cabinet. Eyes barely opened while you blindly searched for the thermometer you had kept.
One quick temperature check later, you were running a low-grade fever. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I mean, you couldn’t miss the show, right? It just didn’t seem plausible, or maybe it did?
You frantically wondered while your fingers grazed over the Google search bar whether going to work with a low-grade fever would be beneficial?
Every answer didn’t really seem to fit the unrealistic expectations that you had set for yourself. Still, one disgusting shot of Dayquil later, you were out the door.
The day went by in a haze, and the headache never really did seem to falter. It was almost like yesterday in a sense, but seeing Hader waltz into the room made you smile. He smiled back.
Of course, Jenny and Nasim knew something was up; they always did. It wasn’t like Lorne was gonna fire you for missing one show; it was the flu. Except, you had made it this far, how bad could it possibly go?
The lights were too bright, far too bright for you to even think properly, and your fever was sure burning up. Or maybe it wasn’t, you always had to ask others around for that sorta assistance. Except, this was the primary night of the week and you weren’t gonna ask a cast member to feel your forehead.
Imagine if Hader did, Y/N, please stop being a dork.
You found solace in a large water bottle, but it didn’t do much to help the way your body ached miserably. You looked like a mess, you felt like a mess, but this was the big leagues.
The last time you had checked, the previous performance of the musical guest had been underway. Which meant you had survived, but the exhaustion that had been ever-growing was begging for you to lay down.
The floor looked so good right now, yeah, just for a hot second, ugh why is everything burning up?
Slowly closing your eyes, you let yourself press up against the wall, except there wasn’t a wall right there, and down you went with a thud.
Bill had been anxious all night, of course for the show, but for you in particular. You usually always looked so put-together, but tonight something about you was just off. It was beginning to rub him the wrong way.
“Andy, do you notice anything strange about, um, Y/N over there?” he said, trying to muffle the concerned edge that rested within his voice.
“Y/N? Oh that new cast member you like?” Andy replied without much thought, earning a stern look from Hader.
“She’ll hear you, god man you sure can be loud. Whatever, she just looks kind of off man, I’m a little nervous for her.”
Andy’s gaze softened just a tad until something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
“I mean normally I would say that she looks fine and you’re just crushing, but I don’t think that is normal.” Bill’s gaze instantly locked onto the same thing, which was you fainting onto the floor.
His body going rigid before ultimately bolting upright, he wasn’t gonna catch you in time. Still, he definitely was gonna help if he could. Although he most definitely wasn’t the only one, other stray coworkers who happened to be backstage stood, jaws dropped.
There you went, tumbling to the ground, and Bill couldn’t help but feel his heart drop. Maybe that headache was worse than you had let up. He felt guilty for not speaking up sooner, but there was nothing he could do now.
They called a medic on the site, trying to keep it discreet as possible. It was a live show; he didn’t think it would be professional if broadcasted that shit.
He tried to fill in all of the details of how you had been acting the past few hours. It felt like he couldn’t do much to help, but he didn’t wanna leave your sight. It was odd; something about you really drew him in, leaving him reaching for more.
Plus, at this point, the last thing he had to do was go on stage while they rolled the credits. Bill was optimistic that this would count as a good reason.
He watched anxiously while the medic’s placed you upon a stretcher, his feet following without much thought. They wheeled you out to a waiting ambulance; he gulped at the thought of you having to be taken to the hospital.
Surprisingly they allowed him inside the ambulance; he was so convinced he’d be forced to wait until god knows how long. The vehicle provided seats off the side, allowing him to catch his breath and try not to worry about his current state.
That is until he saw you looking back groggily at him; now, this was definitely normal, as the medic had explained. He just didn’t see it coming; you blinked a few times, looking around at your surroundings.
“Hey, saw you took a little snooze there.” he teased, his gaze never leaving yours.
The ambulance rattled slightly, and you gasped a little before focusing your attention back onto him.
“Is this an ambulance? What happened?” you sat upright, feeling ten times worse, trying to piece together precisely why you and Bill Hader, of all people, were in the ambulance?
��Y/N, you fainted. The doctor’s said you’re burning up, they’re taking you to the ER.” he explained carefully, as you groaned in frustration.
He cocked his head slightly, clearly not expecting that response.
“About that, yeah I think I have the flu, I had a low-grade fever this morning.” you admitted sheepishly, not even daring to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry what?” he exclaimed, his eyes as wide as literal saucers. “Lemme get this straight, you went to work, with the flu?” you nodded, and he ran his hands over his face.
“Listen, I didn’t wanna disappoint Lorne. I mean it’s the night of all nights.” the words came out softer than you had intended; Hader practically melted.
“Oh, did you really think that Lorne’s gonna get pissed at you for having the flu? Oh sweetie, you know your health comes first right?” his words falling ever so sweetly off his lips.
You could barely look at the man, let alone control the multitude of butterflies that jolted in your already queasy stomach. Not to mention that he even thought to tag along, you nodded, not saying a word, focusing on his blue eyes like they were a safety net. Until you closed them, letting sleep overtake you.
You awoke once more to the sounds of machines beeping, people going from room to room, and an incessant tapping of one’s shoe.
This was most definitely the emergency room, your eyes scanning its surroundings until they landed on one person in particular. He looked exhausted, more so than you did, and you felt awful given the time it was at night. In fact, it was practically morning.
“You’re still here,” he sat upright, rubbing his eyes, “Thanks for sticking it out, Bill.” you tried to give him the most genuine smile you could possibly muster.
“Of course, I mean I overheard the doctor anyway. You’re cleared to go when you wake up, and definitely have to get some rest. I already spoke to Lorne.” you gaped, but he only stood up.
“Bill, what did he say?” you whisper.
“That you should listen to the doctor, and me.” you raised a brow. “Okay maybe he didn’t say me, but you get the point?” he exclaimed as he helped you get out of the bed.
The two of you walking towards the desk in which you had to sign out some papers, the pen unsteadily perched upon your fingers. Bill’s hand holding securely upon your back, in hopes you wouldn’t stumble. In reality, just being near him set your heart aflutter.
“Now I’m taking you home, but first I was thinking I could get you some soup for home. That sound good?” you could only look at the man in pure awe.
“You don’t have to do this Bill, really, I mean you’ve already done enough.” you gulped, only to see the man give you a smirk, his eyes glinting at you mischievously.
“Soup it is.” his hand clamping against yours, he led you out of the hospital and into the cold streets of New York City.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the little soup shop he’d been talking about; it was cozy and apparently open twenty-four seven. Against his offer, you paid for two soups that looked the most delicious and cupped the cups while strolling back to your place.
“How do you think you got the flu?” he asked gently, looking at you with curiosity.
You had to try not to laugh; I mean, at this point, it was your fault, you subjected yourself to the tundra in your bedroom for the past few nights.
“Well, my heater has been broken for the past few nights. I assume that’s how I got it.” a smile aglow upon your face, giggling at Hader’s shocked expression.
“It better be fixed tonight when we get to your apartment complex. That’s ridiculous, Y/N.” you kept giggling, and soon he joined in with that gorgeous laugh of his.
You enjoyed your time with Hader even though internally you felt like shit; he made it so much more bearable. The air was light between the two of you, he made it easy to open up, and you wanted to know so much about him.
God, wait till you let Nasim and Jenny know about this night. They’re so gonna flip; you just knew it. Not to mention, the big looming ‘I told you so’ that was so coming your way.
“This is it.” he came to a halt, admiring the quaint little building that you happened to call home.
“You do know I’m not leaving until that heater is back on, right?” he ordered, but underneath his serious tone, you could see the concern.
“Oh come on Hader, let’s go see.”
The two of you taking the steps at a time, your body wanting to collapse, but you couldn’t let him know. He stood beside you while you inserted your keys into the lock, twisting it, before walking inside.
“What’s that rattling noise?” Hader wondered aloud.
A huge grin meeting your lips, you looked at him in pure delight, and he soon got the memo. His eyes widening before heaving a sigh of relief, only to halt.
“You call me if you need anything okay? Get some sleep, and um, stay warm. That’s an order, you hear me?” you could see his performance wavering as he tried desperately not to laugh.
“Yes, Sir.” you saluted weakly, but he only began to break instantly.
You really did love that laugh.
Thanks, Bill, for everything, really.” you said as he turned to head to the door, stepping up on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
His face instantly turned red before trying to compose himself as he walked away. You watched while he left the residence, giving you one last smile.
You awoke in a drowsy stupor that next morning to a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Want me to bring you some coffee and breakfast? - btw, this is Bill. Hope this l wasn’t too creepy. I ain’t no stalker.
Maybe: Bill: ps. How do you like your coffee?
Bill: ps.s yes or no?
You fell back on the bed with such a shit-eating grin, only to groan in response to the mistake you had just made.
You: Yes 
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
Potential Breakup Fic
Yes, this is inspired by the re-release of the classic “Potential Breakup Song” by legends Aly & AJ. Check out the rest of my Masterlist HERE. Enjoy!
Word count: 2223
CW: Niggas aint shit. Kiana sat on her couch and tried not to cry into her glass of merlot. She took off her heels and got up to unzip her dress and take off her bra since she knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight. She checked her phone again and was met with an empty screen. No notifications, no missed calls. She threw her phone down in anger, and was thankful when she noticed the screen didn’t crack.
“I can't believe this nigga.”
She looked at the clock and shook her head. It was 12:07am, and her 25th birthday was officially over without so much as a word from her boyfriend. Just last night he had told her to be ready by 7, and she hadn't heard from him since.
They had been together, on and off, for three years. They met their junior year at Howard, but didn’t hit it off right away. He was too slick for her liking, but over time he eventually weaseled his way into her heart. His smile lit up the whole room and his big brown eyes could seduce anyone just like that. And he did, constantly. T’Challa was a huge flirt, and it was cute when they were still single and just getting to know each other, but even now T’Challa turns his charm on for every pretty face he sees. Kiana had brought it up to him many times, letting him know how disrespected she felt. He would always say the same thing.
“But entle, I’m just being nice. You know I only have eyes for you.”
She did know that once, but that ended about a year and a half ago when she was casually scrolling through twitter on his phone and caught him cheating.
“Yes, my love?”
“What the fuck is this?!”
“Why are you on my phone?!”
“Don't fucking raise your voice at me, I’m not in the wrong here. I saw a funny tweet and started scrolling when YOU got a text from some bitch named Jasmine talking bout ‘I miss you daddy’ and sending you pictures of her pussy. Care to explain?”
He reached for the phone and she pulled it away from him.
“Nah-uh, talk.”
He sighed in exasperation. 
“If you give me the phone I can explain, sithan-”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me, answer the goddamn question. How long, T’Challa?!”
“Just once. Eh, one and a half maybe-”
He was interrupted by a throw pillow to the head.
“How the fuck do you halfway cheat nigga?!”
“She just gave me head the first ti-”
“That’s still cheating!”
“Will you lower your voice? You have neighbors.”
“Fuck! Them! Did you even use a condom?”
“Yes, Kiana I’m not-”
“Stupid? You’re not stupid?” Kiana laughed. “Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
“My love, I-”
“Oh now I’m your love? Where the fuck was that energy when you were balls deep in this other bitch?!”
T’Challa stood there dumbstruck. He had never seen Kiana get this angry and didn’t know what to say. He knew he was wrong when he did it, but seeing the tears streaming down her face made him truly regret what he’d done. She had been so busy with school and work that she barely had time for him anymore. He had needs and just so happened to stumble upon someone more than willing to fulfil them. 
He cursed himself for not locking his phone or at the very least, turning it over. 
“How many, T’Challa...” Kiana sniffled.
“I told you, it was only twice-”
“How many women?!”
He froze, not knowing if he should mention Lisa since that was so much earlier in their relationship.
“Oh my god...oh my god...oh my- are you fucking serious?! I-I have to...I have to go get tested, I-”
She looked at him with such fierceness that he shrunk under her gaze.
“I-I am sorry, I didn’t do it to hurt you, I was-”
He was stopped by a heavy-handed slap across his cheek that nearly knocked him over.
“Get the fuck out.” She said, barely above a whisper.
Six months later they ran into each other in the grocery store and decided to catch up over a cup of coffee. Kiana had healed and moved on, but T’Challa was still stuck on her. They had spent almost two good years together before he ruined what they had, and he just couldn’t let it go. He loved her, and he was determined to make it work this time.
Or so he really, truly thought before he met Marci...and Tanisha...
T’Challa knew he wasn’t a one-woman man, but he just couldn’t let Kiana go. His dalliances were never serious, just enough to scratch his constant itching. Sometimes they were a one-time thing, but others stuck around if they were good enough and knew how to be discreet. No matter what though, he always came back home to Kiana because despite his trash behavior, he really did love her in his own toxic way.
However, he didn’t love her enough to double check his calendar before leaving work on her birthday, or any day leading up to it. He had forgotten what day it was, and when he told Kiana to be ready at 7 he just meant for a regular date night. 
It had been a long day at the Wakandan Embassy and Kiana’s Prince Charming needed a drink more than anything. He stopped at the first bar he came across that looked halfway decent. T’Challa walked up to the bar and caught the eye of the beautiful barkeep.
“Hiya, what can I do for you?”
T’Challa smiled his panty-dropping smile and she smiled back, revealing her perfect, white teeth. There was nothing he loved more than a pretty smile.
“Well, miss…”
“Tanisha,” she responded while using both arms to mix a shaker full of liquid courage and ice. His eyes avoided her chest, slyly watching in the periphery only. 
“Well, Miss Tanisha, I had a horrible day at work and I am in need of a whiskey on the rocks. Preferably Jack, but truly anything will do.”
“We all have those days honey. Here’s a double on the house,” she said as she slid the drink to him across the bar top with a wink.
T’Challa licked his lips and lifted his glass to her before taking a sip of the warm amber liquid. He let out a sigh and his day seemed to melt away. 
Tanisha kept coming back to check on him and they would chat when the crowd died down. T’Challa was on his third double when she came over with a plate of wings.
“You’re an angel.” He dug into the wings and made a complete mess on his shirt, so he went to the bathroom to try to wash the stain out. On his way back to the bar he noticed a very tall and sweaty man leaning over the bar trying to talk to Tanisha. From what he could see, she wasn’t feeling the conversation, but he kept approaching her anyway. When T’Challa returned to his seat she immediately gravitated towards him. This angered Mr. Tall and Sweaty, who drunkenly attempted to punch T’Challa in the face. T’Challa dodged the lazy punch and knocked him out cold with one hit. Security saw the whole thing go down, and removed Tall and Sweaty from the building once he came to. 
“What you got planned for the night, handsome?”
“Nothing at all, why do you ask?”
“I get off at 9, wanna hang out?”
“Good, now here’s a water.”
“Thank you, angel.”
By 10pm he was already halfway inside her, and when his phone started vibrating he was too wrapped up in her to think anything of it. Without looking he quieted the annoying sound and turned the phone off so he could focus on the task at hand.
Two and a half hours later, T’Challa was creeping out of Tanisha’s bed right as Kiana was sliding into hers. She had washed off all her makeup, but she didn’t have the emotional energy to tie up her hair. Normally she would wear one of T’Challa’s t-shirts, but she was too angry with him so she slept in a cute nighty she never wore. She admired herself in the mirror for half a second before bursting into tears and pulling the covers up to her head. She tried to stop crying, but the tears kept coming and she eventually gave herself a headache. How could he miss her birthday?
Kiana got up and threw on her plush maroon robe before she padded to the bathroom to grab some Advil. On the way she noticed her phone getting multiple notifications, the first of which was from her best friend Bebe.
“Have u seen this?! Sis, I’m so sorry. When we slashing his tires? Just 3 tho, this nigga needs to pay $$$.”
“What the fuck is she talking about?”
Kiana clicked the link and saw that it was Bebe’s cousin Darrell’s Instagram Story. Apparently there was a fight at the bar where he was celebrating a coworker’s promotion and he had filmed it for all of Instagram to see. Kayla stared at her phone in shock. There was her aint-shit boyfriend at a goddamn bar on her fucking birthday. She watched him punch a guy in the face on her birthday. At a bar. Without her.
She thought the kicker came when she saw him turn around and flirt with the bartender, but the story after that just about killed her. There he was, leading her out the back door with his hand too far down on her lower back to be simply platonic. Even the caption read “Ooooh someone’s about to get some ‘thank you’ pussy. That damsel in distress pussy hit different!”
Kiana saw red and almost cracked her phone for a second time tonight. 
She grabbed the remaining merlot and downed it before throwing the bottle at the picture of them on the fridge. She watched the glass shatter and cut their faces while the trace bit of deep red wine seeped down the picture like blood. She wanted to trash the whole place, but remembered she would have to clean it later. Kiana started to hyperventilate and felt like she needed to get some air when she heard the lock turn.
“Kiki, what are you doin- are you ok? What happened here?”
Kiana ignored him as she walked towards where she threw her phone, silently pulling up the story and handing it to him. She watched his face go from confused, to shocked, to fearful. No regret, though. 
“Give me your key.”
“Kiana, please let me-”
“The key. Now,” she said with her voice completely devoid of any emotion.
T’Challa assumed she would be angry and yell or throw things, but this quiet storm terrified him. To him, it felt like she didn’t even care anymore. He was right.
He slowly reached his hand out and she snatched the key ring, removing hers and tossing the rest back to him.
“I’ll have your stuff packed by the morning. It’ll be outside my door by 8am. If it’s still there when I get back from work it’s going in the trash.”
T’Challa couldn’t bear the coldness in her voice. Tears rolled down his face and his knees buckled.
“Kiana, please. I can explain, I didn-”
“I don't give a fuck what you did or didnt do. You know why?”
“Because it was my birthday, T’Challa. MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY and YOU forgot it. Not only did you forget it, my gift was you fucking some other bitch and leaving me lonely yet again. So no, I don't care if you fucked her or not even though I know your sorry ass did. I know she’s probably not the only one because I saw how easily you slid on in there in that video. You were way too comfortable, so I don't even want to ask you how many because it doesnt fucking matter anymore. Now you can stick your dick in every fine ass Black girl you see without remorse, oh wait...you were already doing that. So fuck you, get out my apartment before I call my brothers.”
“5, 4, 3,...” Kiana counted as she dialed her eldest brother Trey’s number, ignoring T'Challa's pathetic excuses. “2, 1… Hey Trey, I’m sorry did I wake you up?...Yeah I have a situat- oh look at that, his bitch ass is leaving-”
“I am sorry, Kiana,” T’Challa said one last time before she slammed the door in his face. He could hear her on the other side of the door explaining the situation to her brother, and when she started to cry it finally hit him. Her wails broke his spirit and more tears fell from his eyes. 
He knew Trey would be over soon to comfort his baby sister and he needed to get the hell out of dodge, so T’Challa left Kiana’s apartment and never came back. Not even for his things, which turned out to be the best thing for Kiana because she and her girls got to burn it all up in Trey’s backyard fire pit and finally release that toxic man from her life.
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malfoymania · 4 years
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Classes the next day seem to drag. I can't stop thinking about what happened last night in the common room. How easily my hand went to Malfoy's face when I was in such a blind state of anger. I felt guilty.
"Lily, stop worrying about it. He got what he deserved" Hermione smiles, placing her hand on mine.
I told everyone what happened over breakfast. How I slapped Draco. It didn't come to much of a surprise apparently. Ron thought it was hilarious. Harry and Hermione saw the funny side too, but I can tell they both saw how much it bothered me.
"I'm not worrying about it." I reply, snapping out of my daydream and continuing to write my essay.
"Lily, you've been stuck in your head all day" She tells me, and she's not wrong. "What's really bothering you?"
I sigh, the sickening feeling throwing itself around my stomach yet again.
"I didn't hesitate to hurt him Hermione. That screams Slytherin." I admit with guilt evident in my voice.
"Yes it does, because you are Slytherin Lily. I know how much you hate it, but you're also just like your father. You want to help the right side, just like he did."
"My mum would hate me if she knew what I'd done" I say, still feeling ashamed.
"I think she'd be bloody damn proud." Hermione is quick to say. "We all know that her and Harry's mum were two of the quickest witted and strongest women at Hogwarts. She'd of done exactly the same thing, if not worse."
I smile at her words. She's right. According to my father my mum was just like me. She had a short temper and she said what she was thinking. I could listen to him talk about her all day. His eyes light up with such joy whenever he tells me about her. It makes me proud to be their daughter.
"Come on, we can finish this tomorrow. Go get out of your uniform and we'll find the boys." She smiles.
I head back to my dorm and try to bask in Hermione's words. As hard as I try to dominate my mothers Gryffindor traits, I always seem to let my darker side slip out, and since the start of this year it only seems to be happening more and more. I wish she was here to guide me.
When I get to my dorm I pull open the door and get ready to change as quickly as possible, but I jump out of my skin when I see a figure in the corner of the room.
"Merlin Malfoy! What the fuck are you doing in here?" I yelp, not expecting to see the blonde haired boy sat in my window.
"Waiting for you" he hums, looking more relaxed than ever.
"Get out of my room" I demand, pointing towards the door.
"It's not just your room. For all you know I could be waiting for one of your roommates." he shrugs, leaning further back into the window frame.
"You literally just said that you were waiting for me" I spit, crossing my arms. I don't have time for this crap.
"What's with the rocks on your window?" He asks, completely ignoring me and picking one up, twirling it between his fingers in the sunlight.
"They're crystals. They have different healing energies."
"What does the green one do?" he questions, picking up the crystal that's our house colour.
"It's supposed to get rid of headaches."
"Does it work?" He raises an eyebrow, looking over at me from the window.
"Clearly not. You're still here." I reply blandly, rubbing my hands across my face. Why is he here?
He's hopped down from his position on the window now, and he's making his way over to me slowly.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" He says calmly. He doesn't seem angry or offended by my words. He just simply makes his statement.
"Yes, you've told me before." He's so close to me I have to look up at him now. I bet his height gives him an incredible ego boost. I've never once been nice to Draco. I've always been a dick towards him and I'm aware of it, but when I hear him call me those words out loud I can't help but let them sting slightly.
"Well stop. It makes you annoyingly attractive." He says lowly, his grey eyes not leaving mine. My stomach drops. What the fuck?
"I...I- Wh- what?" I stumble over my words but he doesn't seem to acknowledge it. Any other time he'd use this as an opportunity to pull me apart.
"You heard me Kingsley." He looks down now at my lips. His thumb reaches to them and swipes against my bottom lip, pulling it ever so slightly as his rough skin catches it.
I'm terrified. Not only by the position i'm in but by the fact that I haven't shoved him off me yet. I'm letting him touch me. I want him to touch me.
"Draco, what are you doing?"
"Don't call me that." He hisses, his thumb leaving my lip, but sliding it across so that his hand now cups my cheek.
"Why not?" I breathe.
"Because it makes me want to do this" he whispers, placing his lips on mine.
My stomach completely erupts with butterfly's. Never once did I imagine that this would be happening. His lips are soft. So soft. He pushes against me slightly, deepening the kiss. I do the same, annoyingly not wanting to stop either.
He tastes like mint. He smells expensive. He feels amazing. He is amazi-
"What the fuck are we doing?" I pull away quickly when I stop myself from thinking the unimaginable.
"Kissing?" He replies, looking slightly shocked by the fact that I just yanked myself away from him.
"Dra- Malfoy. This is crazy! I slapped you literally just last night for being an asshole, and now you kiss me?" I yell, getting angrier by the second.
"Yeah, that was uncalled for." He states dryly.
"No it wasn't. I will never let any man degrade me, let alone a boy like you" I laugh slightly, shocked by this conversation i'm having.
"I didn't degrade you."
"Are you kidding me? All you ever do is degrade me! And my friends. You think you're better than everyone else!" It's frustrating me all the more that he's so calm during all of this. I want him to bite back.
He doesn't respond this time. He just looks at me, and as hard as i'm trying, I cannot for the life of me tell what he's thinking. "Say something goddamn it!"
"What do you want me to say?" he asks with more force.
"I don't know! You always have something to say. Some stupid shit that makes me feel like crap" I yell.
"Oh yeah? We'll have you ever noticed that you're exactly the same?" He spits, his demeanour quickly becoming less relaxed.
"Well maybe you should fucking stay away from me then!" I throw my hands in the air, completely infuriated by this situation. By him.
"I can't Lily! No matter what I do you're always there!"
We're both full of anger; heaving chests and red faces. I hate the boy. I truly do, but all I can think about is kissing his stupid face.
Before I know it. I'm the one pushing him against the wall. Both my hands cupping his face.
Unlike before, my lips move forcefully against his. Draco doesn't react at first. He stumbles backwards in shock. When I notice that it's just my lips moving I begin to pull away, but before I can his hands go to my waist and pull me against him. He's kissing me back.
"Christ, what are you doing to me Lily?" He mutters when he gasps for air. Hearing him say my name like that doesn't fill me with anger like it did last night, it makes me feel giddy and special.
His eyes are filled with hunger and lust. Ron was right; there is plenty of sexual tension that's been pent up, and we're finally realising it. Finally releasing it.
When we eventually pull away we're a pair of heaving chests, messy hair and lustful teenagers. I don't look at him to begin with. I'm embarrassed. Ashamed that I let my guard down and pinned the boy who makes me furious against a wall and kissed him.
"That was- something" Draco breaths, looking down at me. I don't say anything. He places his hand under my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm just confused" I say honestly.
"Me too. You drive me crazy Lily Kingsley, and I hate that." His eyes flicker between the two of mine. I've never known him to be so honest before, it's weird.
"Yeah well you do too." I say with a small smile. I watch as the corners of his lips tug upwards, making my heart swell. This isn't good. "I... I need to g-go."
I quickly remove myself from his embrace and grab my bag, ready to head out the door.
"You can't just leave" Draco laughs, clearly enjoying my panic.
"Yes I can. And you need to go too." I fluster.
"If you say so" he grins, straightening his collar. I stand and watch as he saunters to the door. "See you in class Kingsley."
And with that he's gone, and i'm left wondering what the hell just happened, and why i'm desperate for more.
don’t forget to like, comment & reblog! ♡
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Reckless (Bianca & Adore) - Candy Cane
A/N: im living in 2015 right now so like. ignore me fsdfsdf but anyways, here’s 2.8k of more incredibly self-indulgent fanfiction. i wrote this as platonic, but if you wanna see anything in here as romantic be my guest!! id like to thank chaoticnachokitten for supporting me and giving me ideas and beta'ing and i just- GAAAHH THANK YOU!! and thanks to everyone else who had such nice words to say abt my last one, it means soooo much 🥺🥺🥺
Summary: Adore and Bianca hang out, but of course things go wrong.
Adore loves hanging out with Bianca. Not only is she her best friend, but she’s the kind of person Adore thought would’ve hated her. But that’s not the case at all, there’s some sort of weird mutual respect and admiration going on between them, and it is fucking awesome.
The young musician knows she can be… a lot sometimes, what with her natural hyperactive toddler personality type, and it amazes her Bianca puts up with her. Especially in moments where Adore knows she shouldn’t be bothering her friend, but decides to anyways because Bianca can be boring sometimes. Moments like this one.
Adore had a gig at one of the clubs, and it ran much later than she had originally anticipated, but that was mostly due to her wanting to stay for Bianca’s set too. Of course, that led to them sharing a few too many drinks together while they stayed to watch some more performers. So when it came time for them to go home, Adore can’t find her keys.
It’s late. Late enough there’s no guarantee Adore’s roommates will be up to let her back into the apartment. The singer immediately turns to her oldest, nearest, dearest friend.
“Oh my God,” Bianca sighs whilst massaging her temples, seeing the next ten hours play out clear as day in front of her.
“Pleaaase can I stay at your place tonight Bia?” Adore asks, using her most pitiful voice and absolute poutiest facial expression.
They’re sat at a table in the back, Adore’s hands perched on Bianca’s knees as she essentially begs. Adore’s too drunk to care.
“Why don’t you call someone to see if they’ll stay up for you?” Bianca retorts like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. To be fair, it probably is. Adore’s still too drunk to realize that though.
“Oh yeah,” she says, knowing she sounds like the world’s dumbest bitch. She fumbles with her phone for a few seconds, poking the screen and the on button for an embarrassing amount of time before turning to Bianca with another sad pouty face, “It’s dead.”
“Of course it’s fucking dead,” Bianca groans, playing it up like she really does mind Adore staying with her for the night. She doesn’t, she probably would never. Adore is like the niece she never had, and she wouldn’t trade that girl for the world.
“Why don’t I just call one of them on mine?” Bianca offers.
Adobe frowns, putting on her thinking face, “…I don’t remember their numbers.”
“I can call Courtney,” Bianca reminds her.
“Oh yeah!”
A few minutes later, they discover they cannot call Courtney. They try calling her twice, and both times are a bust.
She glances down at Adore, and chuckles when she sees the “Bambi eyes”. Even if she weren’t planning on letting the kid stay with her, that would’ve done her in. She hasn’t met a single person that can resist those eyes.
“I’ll be quiet! I promise!” the singer whines.
Bianca makes an exaggerated show of sighing and hemming and hawing, just to tease Adore, then cracks open a wide, amused smile, “Of course you can stay at my place, bitch.”
“Party!” Adore cheers, throwing her arms tightly around Bianca’s neck. It’s all the thanks Bianca needs.
They pay their bills, order a Lyft, and in more time than either would’ve preferred, they make it to Bianca’s huge ass apartment. The pair stumbles inside the building, trying to look as Not Drunk as they can, and failing miserably. It doesn’t matter anyways, it’s almost 3 a.m. meaning there’s not a soul alive there to watch them.
Bianca leads Adore to the elevator, even if it’s pointless because Adore randomly shows up at Bianca’s place at least three times a week. The singer grips Bianca’s hand tightly, giggling and stumbling while the comic practically barks at her to be quieter. They’re lucky it’s a Friday. Well, a Saturday now, Bianca supposes.
The pair climbs up the one flight of stairs to Bianca’s apartment, and then into the apartment itself after Bianca spends a couple minutes fumbling with her keys. The door swings open, and they both fall onto the nearest couch.
They’re breathless with laughter, and then it starts up again when Bianca realizes she hasn’t closed her apartment door yet.
After she locks her apartment back up and turns on some lights, the older woman finds she can’t take her eyes off of Adore. The younger is smiling so freely, and it ignites something inside Bianca. She’s not sure what it is, maybe youthfulness, or freedom, but she loves it.
“B! Oh my God! I have an idea!” Adore suddenly says, sitting up way too fast and clearly making herself dizzy.
“Don’t kill yourself, otherwise I’m the one that has to call 911. You think I want paramedics at my house before the sunrises? Fuck no,” Bianca berates her, but she’s quick to recompose herself when Adore goes all pouty again, “What’s your idea? God knows you only come up with a good one every millennium.”
Adore childishly sticks her tongue out at Bianca, “We should make waffles!”
“How the fuck are we supposed to make waffles? I’m not a cook, I don’t keep that shit in my house.”
Adore screws up her face cutely, clearly trying to think of a solution to her waffle problem. She brightens up again after a minute, looking very proud of herself, “Alyssa! I bet Alyssa has it!”
Bianca rolls her eyes, “You really think I wanna speak to her right now? At three in the goddamn morning?”
“But waffles!” Adore insists.
“Tomorrow,” Bianca promises, “Right now I want to get out of this clown costume and into bed.”
Adore sighs, then tries her best puppy eyes again, “Cuddles?”
“You’re here, aren’t you?” Bianca snorts. Adore smiles as bright as the sun, then at Bianca’s beckoning she follows her best friend down the hall so they can take off their makeup and get ready for bed. When they’re finally able to snuggle up in bed together, Adore in one of Bianca’s old shirts and pair of leggings, the whole apartment pitch black, and the only sound they could hear was the sound of each other’s breathing.
It’s soothing and warm. They sleep like rocks.
The sun wakes Adore up at way too fucking early though. Her head is pounding, her arm has fallen asleep from Bianca laying on it through the night, and she is really fucking hungry. Adore groans and gently pulls her arm out from under Bianca, then stumbles out of the way too big, way too soft bed to go find something to take care of her headache.
She’s quickly able to find where Bianca keeps those things (the mounted cabinet in the bathroom) because Adore used to spend a ridiculous amount of time at this apartment complaining about her ailments to Bianca, which of course lead Bianca to freely helping Adore out whenever. Bianca would act all cold and exasperated over it, but they both knew it was just a show.
Adore downs two of the pills dry and decides nearly immediately she should go find something to drink. In mere minutes she has a pot of coffee brewing, and simultaneously discovers that it’s only around 9 a.m.. Which is just overall… weird. Adore is almost never up this early, especially after the kind of night she had last night. The events of the night are still pretty fuzzy right now, but she still remembers everything. Mostly. She thinks.
One thing she does remember is a promise. A promise for waffles. Adore grins, an idea formulating in her head. Bianca is always so incredibly nice to her, helping her out and giving her whatever she wants. And sure, it’s not Mother’s Day, but that doesn’t mean Adore can’t show her appreciation for Bianca.
Clearly the woman deserves breakfast in bed. Courtesy of a little help from a next door neighbor (hopefully). The singer quickly grabs Bianca’s key off the counter and heads over to the one person she knows will have just what she wants.
Adore knocks on the door, and it’s only a minute later with an accompanied shout of ‘I’m comin’ hon!’ that the heavy white door is thrown open.
“Oh my goodness it’s Adore Delano!” Alyssa Edwards says excitedly, “Hello, doll!”
“Hi, Alyssa!” Adore smiles, “Um, I have a favor to ask of you?”
Bianca’s favorite way to wake up is slowly, with the sun streaming in through her bedroom window and having absolutely all the time in the world to get up, check her phone, and get ready for work. This morning is the exact fucking opposite.
First thing that wakes her up is the motherfucking fire alarm, causing her to scramble out of bed at a record speed. Second thing, she’s painfully aware that Adore isn’t in the bed with her. Bianca is halfway through screaming Adore’s name when she bursts out into the main room.
The main room is smokey as all hell. Adore is aiming a fire extinguisher at the counter from the other side of the kitchen. The counter is covered in white foam. Her damn fire alarm won’t shut up.
Bianca’s going to have a hard time explaining this one to the neighbors for sure.
The older woman breathes in slowly, but sharply, “Adore, what the fuck did you do?”
Adore doesn’t say anything. She lets go of the fire extinguisher, and they both wince when it crashes against the kitchen tile. Not for the first time, Bianca is glad that she lives on the first floor.
The two stare at each other, Adore resting boneless against the oven, her expression just screaming shock. She lifts her head to meet Bianca’s eyes.
Pounding on the door, someone starts shouting, “BIANCA?! HOLY GOD, IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?”
The woman in question is quick to open her apartment door, but instead of accepting the concern, she barks out, “What do you want?”
“The whole damn building knows your alarms are going off, Bianca!” Alyssa says sharply, shoving her way inside the apartment, “My girls are coming over in two hours! I can’t have my house burning down on me.” Bianca and Adore share a twin look of surprise. Alyssa’s always been Bianca’s favorite neighbor, that’s no secret, but this is a tightly concealed side of her that neither of them have ever really seen. It’s concern. Worry. But not for herself, for them. Even if it does come off as something else. This is just something not usually associated with her.
“Okay,” Bianca says carefully, “What the fuck is going on.”
“That’s what I want to know,” Alyssa agrees, lips pursed skeptically, “Adore told me y’all were making waffles.” It’s absurd. The fire alarm is still blaring. Adore has crushed herself into a nook, looking petrified. Bianca is very hungover and her most beloved annoying neighbor is standing in her house at way too early o’clock. Bianca suddenly realizes that even though there’s no fire, there’s still smoke in her apartment, and she really wants that alarm to shut the fuck up. Also, the smoke is going to stain her expensive shit if she doesn’t get it out.
She starts to open all the windows in the main room, and is grateful when Alyssa comes to help her. They make short work of it, and when she turns around to look at her best friend, she feels scared.
She’s scared that Adore might be hurt. She’s scared that she didn’t do anything to prevent this. But mostly she’s scared that something might be broken between them.  
For the first time since walking in, Bianca notices bowls spread across her kitchen counter. Bowls and boxes and whisks… It clicks.
“Okay,” Bianca exhales, “Alyssa, what the fuck did you just say about waffles?”
“Adore came to me a little while ago and asked me if I could lend you two some waffle ingredients,” Alyssa starts slowly, “And I think to myself, ‘Now Alyssa Edwards, as a woman of God it is your duty to love your neighbor and let her make some waffles on this beautiful morning-’”
“Alyssa, you let my dumbass kid do WHAT?! You fucking know she can’t cook! We have had this conversation a hundred times!”
“Well, Adore said to me ‘Bianca and I’ not ‘I’m going to’! I thought you were gonna be helping her!”
“I’m sorry!” Adore snaps, her voice quivering and tears welling up in her eyes, causing Bianca and Alyssa to turn to her, “I’m so, so sorry- I didn’t mean for this to happen! I just- I just wanted-”
Bianca stares at Adore with shock, not fully comprehending everything happening. Between her hangover and the sheer chaos of the first fifteen minutes of being awake, she’s not entirely sure why Adore is so distressed. Adore starts whispering ‘I’m sorry’ over and over to herself, hugging her knees tight to her chest, tears starting to crawl down her face, and it hits Bianca like a train.
“Alyssa…” Bianca says slowly, but she’s unable to tear her eyes away from Adore.
Adore’s blaming herself completely and totally. And it makes sense, she is the one that started the whole mess. But Bianca can’t stand that look on Adore’s face. She’d much rather put the blame on Alyssa (who can more than handle it) instead of Adore (who is currently having a nervous breakdown).
But Adore isn’t having it.
“No, this is my fault. I’m not- I’m not that stupid, Bianca. I’m not that useless, either. I’m not a kid. I’m not someone you should leave supervision for. I’m fucking twenty-four. Stop treating me like I’m not,” Adore’s words are cold, but her face tells Bianca the musician is falling apart, “Look me in the eye, Bianca.”
She does.
“Yell at me,” Adore says.
She can’t. Bianca doesn’t even want to. She feels like she failed here, because Adore isn’t her kid but God does it feel like it sometimes.
“We’ll replace your stuff, Alyssa,” is what Bianca says instead.
Luckily, the woman accepts that as her cue to go. She gives Bianca a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she leaves, and sends air kisses Adore’s way. Adore gives Alyssa a weak smile.
The door closes. Bianca and Adore lock eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Bianca says. It’s a tired, worried voice. Not at all what Adore was expecting, or even wanted.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Adore answers simply, arms crossed defensively over her chest, “You do so much for me. For everyone. And I know you said last night we’d do it together but I just… I wanted to do something for you.”
That alone melt’s Bianca’s heart. It’s been getting easier and easier lately for Adore, and by extension the rest of their friends, to do that. For a while she thought moving to this city was stupid, and probably the worst decision of her life. But even now, after such a chaotic fucking twenty-five minutes of being awake, Bianca is so happy she’s here.
“Next time, buy me something online,” Bianca says, warm and forgiving, instead of cold and biting like Adore would’ve expected.
The younger practically runs into Bianca’s open arms. The embrace is full of love, and Adore feels that it’s okay. She still blames herself, she’s still stupidly upset, but Bianca… Bianca makes her feel like everything will be okay.
They sit there hugging for a few minutes, then Bianca mutters, “Good thing you knew how to use that extinguisher, I think that’s been hanging there for ten years.”
Adore chuckles wetly, face buried into Bianca’s shoulder, “Yeah… Hey, shouldn’t have all the other alarms gone off too?”
Bianca freezes. Adore is right, all the other fire alarms in the building should’ve had people evacuating.
“I guess the building needs to get that fixed, huh? Maybe you being a walking disaster is a good thing after all, if that had been real, everyone would’ve been fucked.”
“Wow,” Adore whispers, “Maybe our building should get that checked too…? Oh my God. Oh my God.”
“What?!” Bianca asks, pulling away from Adore to see what’s wrong.
“I never went home last night,” Adore says, “I never charged my phone. I never texted my roommates.”
Bianca suddenly doubles over laughing, fully bellied and absolutely batshit crazy, “Good, Courtney doesn’t get nearly enough stress in her life!”
Adore breaks out into a grin, and feels her worries start to melt away. Somehow, Bianca is really fucking good at doing that.
“Alright,” Bianca sighs, looking at the pure mess that is now her kitchen, “Let’s charge our phones and order breakfast.”
And they do.
Neither would’ve spent the hour following that disaster any other way.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Mated (2)
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Read Part One 
Commissioned by: @knowexoknowlife
Warning: Some violence, Smut
Word Count: 6.1k
"Are you sleeping?" You whisper to Sehun, who had barely said ten words to you since this afternoon's discovery. 
"No." He whispers, still rolled onto his side not facing you. 
You weren't sure what you could do for him. It's not as though you had planned on having two mates, or like you wanted it. You would never purposely hurt Sehun, but sometimes things work out in a funny way. 
"I'm sorry.." you sniffle, unable to stop the tears from falling. 
"It's not your fault." Sehun sighs, still not facing you. You wished he would roll over and wrap his arms around you, tell you sweetly that he wasn't mad and it wasn't your fault, and mean it. 
Although he coldly said what you wished to hear, you could hear it in his voice that he wasn't convinced it wasn't your fault. 
"You don't sound overly convinced." You sigh, wiping away the tears. "I just want us to be okay." 
"Because I'm not convinced Y/N. Christ. What am I supposed to do? The girl I love and am meant to be with, is also meant to be with my fucking brother. None of this is okay, I'm not okay." He snaps, abruptly standing up and storming out of the room, making sure to not slam the door too hard. 
You crawl out of the bed, looking out the window you can see Sehun running through the field towards the forest, disappearing into the darkness of the trees. 
Now the tears really wouldn't stop. You slide down the wall, wrapping your arms around your knees as you lower your head and sob. 
Your head raises at the sound of light knocking at your door. You quickly wipe your tears before standing up and walking to the door to open it. When you do, you're surprised to see a sympathetic Suho standing there, his head lowered, allowing his shaggy brown hair to fall around his face. 
"Are you okay?" He whispers, his voice lowered. 
"H-how.." you stutter before he cuts you off. 
"Wolves have impeccable hearing." He whispers, raising his head to look at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "Look, Sehun is the youngest, he still has a hard time digesting things, especially big things like this. Give him some time." He sighs. "I wish I could say that I would do anything to help, but I know he would ask me to step aside and I'm afraid I just can't do that." He says, looking you straight in the eyes. "There's something so special about you Y/N, and I refuse to give up without a fight, even if it's my own brother." 
Your breath hitches as you take in his words, your heart's pounding as Suho leans his face in closer to yours. "I'll do anything to win your heart." He finishes. He leans in closer, placing a small kiss on your lips before walking back to his room, while you suffer, wondering how you're ever going to make a choice. 
You fall asleep as you wait for Sehun to come back, all the crying you've done tiring you out beyond belief. 
For the next week you try to talk with Sehun, but he's either gone or ignores you. 
He'll talk to you when he's ready, you guessed. But as the week passed, you began to get increasingly more angry. You purposely avoided Suho to make sure you didn't offend Sehun anymore, but you honestly just wanted to spend some time with him. 
You couldn't. Not yet. Not until Sehun calmed down. When he showed no signs of stopping, you decided to stop pretending Suho didn't exist. You allow yourself to slowly begin to notice him more, and Sehun would just have to deal with it. 
When you awake in the morning, you're greeted by a still empty bed, again, and a giant headache. You lay still for a few minutes contemplating what to do. Do you go downstairs and see if he's down there? Do you try to talk to him? Do you stay up here and wait for him? 
You decided to put on your big girl pants and head downstairs to find Sehun and talk to him. Enough was enough. The anxiety you felt in roaming through your entire body though was making you feel weak, but you couldn't be like this any longer. 
You hold onto the railing as you try to silently creep down the stairs, listening intently to the voices you hear in the living room and kitchen, trying to see if you can hear Sehun's. 
You can't. 
As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you're met with half smiles by Baekhyun and Yixing, Chanyeol only giving you a quick glance. This was embarrassing. 
"Have any of you seen Sehun?" You ask in a whisper. 
"I think he went on a run with Minseok." Baekhyun says, trying to give you a smile. 
You wished you could just speak with Sehun and get everything sorted out. If he wanted you to reject Suho.. would you be able too? You didn't know, and you didn't want to have to think about making that decision unless it was absolutely necessary, and right now it wasn't. 
"Y/N, may I speak with you?" Yixing asks, bringing you out of your thoughts. 
"Sure." You say, but before you're able to follow him the back door by the kitchen opens, revealing a sweating and shirtless Suho. Your breath hitches as your eyes slowly trail down from his face to his rock hard abs. "Shit." You whisper as you raise your eyes, locking in with his, unable to break the contact. 
"So it begins." You hear someone snap. Looking away from Suho, you catch the back of Sehun as he turns up the stairs, walking away from you.  
Looking back at Suho, you shoot him an apologetic smile before running after Sehun. You're not sure why you did it, you didn't truly owe Suho anything, but you felt like you did. Like everything you've given to Sehun, you should give to Suho too. 
"You're back.." you say, walking into the room you and Sehun are supposed to be sharing. 
"I am. Looks like you sure missed me." He snaps, putting a fresh shirt on. 
"I did, actually." You say, beginning to get annoyed. "I haven't seen you all week." 
"Oh yeah, it really looked like it. I apologize for interrupting your moment with Suho." He spits, turning to walk out the door. 
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You snap. Sehun stops in his tracks, turning his head slightly to look back at you. You stand there, your body full of rage as you cross your arms, waiting for him to answer. 
"What?" He asks. 
"I said, are you fucking serious? You're acting like a goddamn child." You yell. 
"I.." he begins before you cut him off. 
"Don't. It's my turn." You stop him. "I get you're upset, trying to wrap your head around this but you're not the only goddamn person struggling here. Did you stop to think about how I may be feeling this while you were throwing your bitch baby tantrum? How I might be handling this? Cause I'm not doing very fucking well, but I guess you wouldn't know because it's been the Sehun Show all fucking week." You yell. "I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask to be something special like the Gemini Mate, but it's happened and now we need to figure it the fuck out. Either get on board, or back the fuck off. Your choice." You finish before storming out the room. You race down the stairs, passing the men who are standing there with their mouths hanging open, and storm towards the forest. 
"Fuck that guy." You growl, stomping your way through the woods. You couldn't believe that he was acting that way. It's not like you chose this to be your life. You didn't ever plan for this to happen, but like works in mysterious ways. 
After a while of walking, you finally sit down on a large log, taking a few deep breaths, breathing in the fresh air. It took you a few moments of looks around to realize that you had no idea where you were, or what direction you even came from. You tried thinking back to what you remembered seeing, but honestly you had been too mad to really focus on any of your surroundings, your mind had been cluttered with angry thoughts. 
"Shit." You whisper as you stand up, walking in the direction you hoped was towards the house. 
"How long ago did she leave?" Suho snaps at Sehun.
"It's been a while." Sehun admits. "Like 3 hours." 
"And you've been in here, not doing a fucking thing? Why didn't you go after her!?" Suho yells. 
"I was pissed off! And so was she! I'm sure she just wanted some time." Sehun says. 
"It's getting dark now, and you know lone wolves like to prowl this forest. What the fuck are you going to do if one of them catches her?" Suho asks. His heart breaks slightly at the thought of you being taken or injured, he can't let that happen. 
Suho rushes out the back door, Sehun follows quickly behind him. 
"You stay here!" Suho yells.
"I can't. I can't let anything happen to her, I shouldn't have waited so long." Sehun admits. 
"Fine. Take the left side of the forest and I'll take the right." Suho says, running towards his side before his body tears apart and phases into his wolf form. 
Your stomach drops as you continue to walk, seemingly deeper and deeper into the forest. You can hear the sounds of howling beneath the sounds of leaves crunching as you walk.  You're terrified as you heat the sounds of twigs snapping behind you, along with a low whine. 
You do your best to pick up your pace, but keep quiet at the same time, unfortunately the heavy breath behind you is coming up quickly. 
"Fuck fuck fuck." You whisper as you crouch behind a large log, hoping whatever was behind you will continue on its path and forget about you. 
You really hoped, but you weren't that lucky. 
As you sat there with your knees to your chest and your eyes squeezed tightly shut, you could feel the hot breath of something down your neck. Tears slowly fell as you continued to try and remain quiet, needing whatever this was to leave now. 
But it didn't. Instead you felt a clamp on your bun before you were being dragged from behind the log. You kicked and screamed, but nothing came of it. You opened your eyes as you lay on the forest floor and you're being hovered by a very large white wolf. 
You felt uneasy, so you knew this wasn't one of the wolves you had met with Sehun. It must be a lone wolf. You had heard stories about the lone wolves. Violent, angry, generally had zero regard for human life, mated or not. They would take you, keep you for as long as they felt, did whatever they wanted before killing you and disposing of you somewhere. You didn't want that. 
Despite you knowing all this information, it still didn't stop you from attempting to plead with him, in hopes that maybe, just maybe he had some shred of care left inside of him. 
That wasn't the case. 
"Please, please don't take me. I have two mates, which means twice the trouble for you. I'm not worth it, please." You beg. You didn't want to be taken by him. You could feel your heart breaking at the thought of leaving Suho and Sehun behind, never being able to touch Sehun again or loving him, never getting the chance to love Suho. This couldn't happen to you. 
The wolf snarled at you, saliva dripping from his snout as he snapped. 
"Please." You cry before he lunges for you, his teeth ripping into the flesh of your arm. You let out a loud shriek as his teeth sink further into you. 
Seconds later, you hear the sound of another body colliding and the relief of no more teeth in your arm. You hear fighting, turning your head you see the grey wolf snarling before taking a chunk out of the white wolf's back. The lone wolf runs off quickly, whimpering as he goes. You feel yourself fading in and out of consciousness as your almost lifeless body is being picked up, the chest of whoever helped you hot to the touch. 
"It's okay baby. I got you." Is all you hear, and Suho's face is all you see before you pass out in his arms as he runs you back to the house. 
"What the hell happened!?" Yixing yells, as he swipes books and papers off the kitchen table. 
"A lone wolf got her." Suho huffs, running his hands through his hair. 
"You should wash up. Yixing's got this." Minseok reassures Suho. 
"No. I can't leave her! I just found her, I can't.. I just.." Suho breaks. He rushes around the table, grabbing onto your other hand, holding it tightly. 
"W-what.. what happened?" Sehun asks as he comes in the front door and sees you lying unconsciously on the table. 
"A lone wolf got to her!" Suho yells. "All because you've been too much of a fucking bitch about this situation. We're her mates. We're supposed to protect her! And because of you, I backed off to give you space, but christ, it's been a week and I'm done. She's my fucking mate too, and I refuse to let something like this to happen again because you can't accept it." He snaps. 
"I'm sorry.." Sehun whispers. He knew he fucked up when you had yelled at him. He wanted to apologize, but wanted to wait until you had returned and calmed down. And now that you were lying lifeless on the kitchen table, he knew he fucked up even worse. Every sense in his body had told him to go after you but he convinced himself he needed to give you time. He should have listened. 
"You're sorry?" Suho snaps, letting go of your hand to rush at Sehun, grabbing the collar of his shirt before slamming him against the wall. "Sorry isn't good enough. Stay away from her for a while. Figure out what you want, because I already know. I want her. I'll take all of her if you don't, so figure it out." Suho snaps,letting go of Sehun before walking back to you and grabbing onto your hand once again while Yixing stitches up your other arm. 
Hours later, you startle awake, your arm in an immense amount of pain. "Oh my god." You cried, the wound burning. 
"Y/N?" You hear from the floor. "Are you okay?" Suho asks as he gets up from the floor, kneeling over the bed. 
"It hurts so bad." You cry, your hot tears running down your face. Your arm almost shakes it hurts so badly. 
"Here. Yixing said these will help." Suho says, placing some medication in your mouth before giving you some water to drink. 
"Thank you." You whisper, already feeling the effects of the medicine. "It works so fast.." you mumble, beginning to doze again. 
"It should, it's infused with a special witch herb." He smiles. "Do you need anything else?" Suho asks. 
"Cuddle me please." You shiver, your teeth chattering. 
Suho happily climbs into his bed and under the covers before wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. This is what he craved, what he needed. And now he finally had it. 
The next few days as you recovered, Sehun tried to come see you, but was turned away by Suho or by your voice telling him to go. You weren't ready to face him. You were enjoying your time with Suho and you really didn't want to argue with Sehun. 
As the week came to an end, you decided to sit down with Suho and Sehun. As much as you wanted to continue in your bubble with Suho, you needed to set boundaries with them both and go over some guidelines. 
"I've called you both here today because it's time we had a chat." You begin. "Would either of you like to say anything?" You ask. 
"Me." Sehun says. You nod your head as a signal for him to go ahead. 
"I'm so sorry for the way I acted last week. It was immature and selfish, and it almost got you killed. I really hope you can forgive me." Sehun whispers, his eyes trained on the wooden floor. 
"Of course I do." You smile as he looks up at you. "But no more, please." 
"No more." He agrees. 
"Now.." you begin to set the rules between the three of you. "I'll spend 3 nights with each of you, it can be 3 nights in a row or switched off and on every night. Last night will be my decision. Either I will pick one of you to spend it with or I'll spend it by myself." You state. "Let's try to limit the jealousy, if we can. This won't be easy for any of us, but we really need to try." You smile. 
An hour later, you had finished with the two of them, setting up your rules and boundaries. You had really hoped that it would help ease the tension between the two men because you didn't know if you could take much more of their fighting. 
The first three nights you spent with Sehun, allowing him to properly make up with you for his mistakes.
The next night was your night with Suho, and you had been so desperately waiting for this night. You wanted to have a special night with him, since you had already had a few with Sehun and none with Suho. While he was gone, you slipped one of his t-shirts over your head and crawled into his bed, impatiently waiting for him to get home. 
You waited. And waited. And waited. The next thing you knew you woke up as the sun was beginning to rise and you felt Suho's strong arm wrapped around your waist. You could feel his large, hard cock poking into your ass, it made your pussy wet. You smirk as you wiggle your hips, grinding your ass against his cock. Suho moans in his sleep as he stretches, pushing his cock out further into your backside. You reach your hand behind you, grabbing onto his cock, gently pumping as you wait for him to wake up. 
"Fuck baby." He groans, moving his hand under your shirt and up your body to cup your breast. After he pinches your nipple, he brings his hand back down and in between your legs. 
“Mhm, no panties?” He groans, sitting up before placing his body over yours, hovering over you. "Naughty girl." He smiles as he moves down your body and in between your legs. 
Suho spreads your legs and then your lips with his fingers before leaning his head forward, licking a long strip up your already wet pussy. You arch your back with a gasp as your hands grip tightly onto the bed sheets. 
“You taste amazing” Suho murmurs before diving back in, sucking on your clit. Without taking his mouth away from your pussy, he drapes your legs over his shoulders as he buries his face further in between your legs. 
“Fuck” you gasp as he moves from sucking on your clit to flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He continues to work on your clit while slowly inserting his fingers inside you, pumping in and out, making sure to  build your orgasm up. Your hands pull at the bed sheets tighter, almost pulling them off the bed with each lick and suck until you’re almost at your peak.
“I’m going to cum” you cry out, your body twisting as your orgasm comes. 
Suho abruptly stops, removing his head from between your legs.
“First time you cum will be all over my cock” he growls, standing up to pull down his bottoms. You can hear the low whine and neediness come from inside as he yearns to be inside you. 
He pulls down his pyjama bottoms, throwing them off the bed and allowing his fully erect cock spring free. You gasp at the length and thickness of it, your mouth beginning to drool.
Suho kneels down before pulling you up to face him and then force you down on your front, but making sure your ass is up in the air.  He licks his fingers before inserting them inside of you, pumping to make sure you were wet enough for his cock. 
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He groans. "I love each and every curve on your body, fuck." 
Once he was satisfied, he took his fingers out, making you wait for a few seconds, torturing you. 
Without warning he thrusts himself into you fully, giving you no chance of adjusting to his size as he stretches you out completely.
“Oh my god” you scream as he pulls out before harshly thrusting himself back inside of you.
Soho’s hands grip you tightly, digging his hot fingertips into your hips as he fucks you, hard.
“Shit baby girl” he groans, continuing with his thrusts. “You’re so tight." 
“Your fucking pussy is amazing." He groans, thrusting faster. 
“Fuck me harder” you cry, wanting him to destroy you. 
“Yes baby. Now play with your clit” he demands.
You reach your hands in between your legs, rubbing the throbbing bud that so badly needed a release.
Your orgasm doesn’t take long to build up again, but it remains right on the brink of throwing you over the edge.
“Do you need to cum, my baby?” He groans into your ear.
“Yes, please” you cry.
“Okay baby, cum” he demands.
As soon as the words left his mouth, your orgasm rushes through your body, causing you to feel like you were going to collapse. Suho grips onto a clump of your hair, tightly as he rams his cock into you, eagerly chasing his own high.
Within seconds his orgasm explodes through him, shuddering as he releases his  hot cum inside of you, spreading it throughout. He let's go of your hair, and pulls himself out of you to help you lay down. Your body is weak, you're tired, barely able to keep your eyes open. 
Suho places a blanket over top of you as you drift back off to sleep, feeling happy as ever to have his mate. 
A few hours later you wake up again, feeling sore but a little more rested and happy. For the first time in a long time you had felt like everything was going to be okay. You struggled as you got out of bed, heading to the door to go downstairs with just Suho's shirt on. 
Before you open the door, you see a note on the dresser addressed to you. 
My love, 
I had to go on a run with the boys, Sehun stayed behind and is waiting for you. I'll see you soon, I love you
- S
You couldn't stop the giant smile from spreading across your face as you read the note over a few more times. He loved you. And you loved him. Sehun loved you, and you loved him. It was nice being loved. 
You happily skip down the stairs, excited to spend some time with Sehun.
"There's my baby.." Sehun says, trailing off as he sniffs the air. 
"What?" You ask with a small chuckle. 
"You smell like his cum." He deadpans, his face no longer happy to see you. Now it's stone cold and angry. 
"I'm sorry.. I fell asleep right after." You whisper. You knew you shouldn't feel bad and he wasn't trying to make you feel bad, but you couldn't help it.
"I don't like it." He pouts. "We need to do something about that." He smirks, his tune changing within seconds. Sehun's cock twitches in his jeans as he thinks about fucking you in the living room, filling you up with his cum, having you smell like him rather than another man. 
"Oh?" You say before he rushes towards you, pressing his lips to yours harshly. 
"Turn around baby." Sehun says, unbuckling his belt buckle and slides his pants, along with his boxers down. 
You do as you're told, pressing your front against the wall and spreading your legs. 
“It'll be quick baby, don't want to get caught." he whispers in your ear, pumping himself a few times before lining himself up with you.  
You cry out and moan as Sehun stretches you out, your pussy still sore from earlier this morning. Your hands press against the wall so harshly your fingers are sore from the pressure. 
Sehun fully thrusts himself into you, grunting as he stretches you out. 
“Fuck your pussy is so tight” he groans, pulling out of you partially before slamming himself back into you. "You feel so good around my cock." 
“Oh my god." You cry out, your face presses against the wall as Sehun grips your waist to keep himself balanced while fucking you. 
He throws his head back as he thrusts himself into you, again and again. You can feel your wetness seeping out of you, mixing with Suho's cum and Sehun's pre-cum, coating his cock. Sehun continues to grunt as he rams his cock inside of you, hitting your G spot every time.
“Please don’t stop." you beg. 
"Rub your clit." Sehun demands. You reach down in between your thighs and rub yourself, seeking yet another orgasm. 
“Oh fuck" you cry out, sticking your ass out a little more. 
“I think I’m going to cum" you moan. “Shit" you cry out, your body begins to tremble as your orgasm washes through your body. Your eyes roll back as extremely loud moans leave your mouth.
“Fuck baby" Sehun moans, ramming himself into you, chasing his own high.
You begin to move yourself back, meeting his thrusts as you slightly bounce your ass. “Shit I’m going to cum" he cries out. He reaches around, wrapping his large hand around your neck as he cums inside of you.
"They're back." He grunts, pulling himself from inside you before pulling up his pants and adjusting himself. Your legs are wobbly as you try to stand, the mixture of 2 different mens cum leaking down your leg. 
Sehun walks to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee, while you stand there unable to fully walk yet. 
"Hey baby.." Suho begins happily until he sees your state. "Are you kidding me?" He snaps at Sehun.  
"What?" He asks. 
"Look at her? What the fuck did you do?" Suho asks. 
"I didn't like her smelling like you." Sehun shrugs. 
"When the fuck are you going to grow up and just accept the fact that she loves me too? You can't do this to her, it can be too much. Christ." Suho yells, walking back to you. He picks you up, bringing you to the shower. 
Suho strips his shirt off you, helping you in the shower as your body still shakes. You weren't mad at Sehun, you could have said no but you didn't. You wanted him, but he wanted you for the wrong reasons. 
You weren't sure if you'd be able to do this whole two mate thing, not with how they had been acting. You couldn't imagine living your life this way, for the rest of your life. You wanted to enjoy your time, not feel like it constantly had to be a competition between the two of them. It was exhausting. 
After you were done in the shower with Suho, he dressed you in one of his shirts and tucked you into his bed. He quietly left you alone, but not before you made sure he wouldn't be too mad at his younger brother. You fell asleep relatively quickly. 
You awoke a few hours later, and stayed in bed, thinking and contemplating about things, when you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." You whispered. You were surprised to see Yixing standing in the doorway, a small smile on his face. "Hi Yixing." You say, confused. 
"Hi Y/N. Look, I'm sorry to come here like this but I can see you're having a hard time and I've been doing some research and well.. I've found something you might be interested in seeing." He says, placing a book on your lap. "The Zutar Coven, they have a spell for Gemini Mates." He whispers, making sure no one else was at the door. 
"What does it do?" You ask. 
"As far as I know, it destroys the connection between mates, burns it. So you're able to only have one or none if you want" he says. 
Destroy the connection? "Don't wolves die if their mate connections are destroyed?" You ask. 
"Sometimes, but not all the time. I just thought you'd like to know." He says. 
"Thanks Yixing, I appreciate it." You smile. You had quite a bit to think about. 
Over the next few days, Yixing's words flooded your mind. You couldn't stop thinking about the opportunity that had fallen in your lap. Although you had no idea who you would choose if it came down to it, it didn't hurt to speak with the witches and gather some Intel in case you had decided you wanted to break a connection. 
However, earlier in the day before the two of you were supposed to leave, you told Yixing you didn't want to go anymore. You had realized as much as you appreciated Yixing's efforts in trying to help, you wouldn't be able to choose. Yes they both may need to work on some things, but you did as well. You don't give up in a relationship when things get tough. You have to fight to make it work the way you all want it too and that's what the three of you needed to do. You all had things to change, but you wanted them both, forever. 
Yixing didn't like that. He insisted that talking to the witches would be good for you, and that you had to do it. He scared you enough in that moment you had agreed. 
You had only told one person where he was really taking you and that person was Baekhyun. Everyone else was under the impression Yixing was taking you out to get to know you better, including Suho and Sehun. 
As Baekhyun sat at the table with Suho and Sehun, the guilt about where you truly went began eating away at him. Hearing them talk about how much they loved you and wanted you, made him feel like a terrible brother. 
"I need to tell you something." Baekhyun huffed, slamming his hands down on the table. 
"What?" They both asked in unison. 
"Yixing didn't take her to bond. He took her to meet with the Zutar Coven to see about a connection breaking spell. She didn't want to go, he scared her but she thought it would be better to leave you two out of it." He yells, feeling relieved. 
Sehun and Suho bolt from the table, busting through the door and phasing to their wolf forms, both knowing very well exactly where the coven resided. 
"Yixing, I've changed my mind. I don't want to inquire about it. I want to stay with them both." You say, trying to get your arm out of Yixing's tight grip. 
"Not your choice anymore." He spits. "He took away my brothers. I take away his mate." He mutters.
"What are you talking about?" You ask, still trying to get free. 
"Just shut up." Yixing spits. 
In your head, you beg and plead, hoping that somehow Suho or Sehun will hear you and save you. 
A few hours later, you're panicking while bound to a tree and Yixing is bargaining with the witches. They don't want to do the spell without your consent, but Yixing has no issues doing whatever he needs to do to get them to do what he wants. 
"I'll just fucking kill her then. How about that?" He snarls, stalking towards you, sharp teeth showing. 
"Fine!" One younger one yells. "We'll do it." She says. "Which one needs the connection burned?" 
"Suho." Yixing snaps. 
"Why would you burn my connection, Yixing?" Suho asks, walking into the clearing with Sehun beside him. Instantly, you feel relieved. 
"You know why!" Yixing yells. "You took my sweet Lexie away from me! And now I finally have a chance to burn your connection. Why wouldn't I?" He yells. 
"I didn't take her away, Kris did. She was a wolf hunter Yixing, she was going to kill us all." Suho yells. 
"No she wouldn't have. She loved me. And now I hope you'll rot watching the love of your life be happy with another man for as long as you live." Yixing growls. "Do it." He snaps at the witches. 
No one moves. 
"I said now!" Yixing yells. 
"It won't happen, Yixing. Enough. I warned you about doing this shit. I told you I can't have someone in my pack who betrays his brothers. I won't do it, no matter who it is." Suho snarls. 
"Ha, so what? You're kicking me out?" Yixing laughs. 
"I am." Suho deadpans. "You can either leave now and take on being a Lone Wolf far from here, or Ill kill you, and I will kill you, Yixing, you don't fuck with what's mine. Your choice." 
"I'll be seeing you." Yixing says, giving you a wink before disappearing into the forest. You knew in your gut this wouldn't be the last time you would run in with Yixing, but for now you were happy to be free. 
On your way home with the two men you loved so much, you had reassured Sehun that you weren't going to leave him, despite his jealousy issues and you still loved him. You had spent a bit more time with him since it was your night with Suho again tonight but Sehun had always been that little bit of extra needy when it came to you. 
That night as you lay in bed with Suho, your head on his chest, he sighs as he contemplates asking you a question. He's unsure if he wants to ask, knowing he might not like the answer you give him. 
"Baby.." he begins. 
"Mhm?" You respond, your eyes closed. 
"If you had picked someone to burn the connection with.. who would it have been?" He asks. 
You lay there for a second, quietly which makes Suho feel as though you're finding a polite way to say it was him. 
"Honestly?" You ask. 
"Yes." He says. 
"I don't think I would have been able to choose. You both have things I would change and things that I wouldn't.  But i don't think I could live without either of you." You smile. 
Suho isn't sure about your answer, ever since he was little he's been fighting for attention and trying to be the best he could be without it ever going anywhere. He always seemed never good enough, never measuring up to his brother who would have made a better alpha, according to his father. He knew you deserved better than him, and Sehun would probably be the one who you would have chosen, but he's selfish. He needed you like he needed to breathe, so he would push himself to be the man you deserve even if it killed him, because you were worth it. 
The next morning you watched Suho as he watched you running around the yard with Sehun. You can see on his face he's not alright, regardless if  he tells you he's fine, you know better. You can see the look of regret, or maybe sadness in his wistful smile. Something that in the future, would reside permanently.
Later on, you sat at the kitchen table with Sehun and Suho, laughing at a lame joke Sehun had told. As you looked at your two mates, you couldn't hold back your smile. Regardless of the rough times the three of you had, you knew there would be good ones right around the corner and with that you knew you all could get through anything. You finally felt complete now that you were mated, if only that feeling would have lasted forever. 
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Cutting Remarks
Chapter 22: Blitzo runs.
Warnings: Mpreg
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Last time they'd done this, before the whole pregnancy headache, Blitzo had gone over the balcony. It had been part of the whole charade, keeping up appearances that she didn’t know for some reason, even though he’d landed ass-first on the the broad's tea party and she’d tried to carve out a chunk of him before he managed to scramble away. He hadn’t cared before- that was Stolas’s problem to deal with, that wifey wasn’t happy with things. That was fine. Blitzo could relate.
He snatched his pants, tugging them on and taking one step before nearly tripping over the oversized novelty shirt. Furiously, his fingers fumbled for a moment as he tied a knot in the back of the huge novelty shirt around his waist so it wouldn’t drag- he wasn’t wearing just tight-ass pants around the princess or whateverthefuck if he ran into her, she probably had a low enough opinion of him already and showing up half-naked might make her go for his eyes this time instead. Normally, he would have no qualms about going out shirtless and offering Imp City the gift that was his rocking abs, but today he didn’t feel like looking like some sweaty bred animal for all of Hell to see the second he left the glittery fuckin’ walls of mansion mcfuckhead. The imp pulled on his boots before shoving the butler out of the way, heading for the door he’d come in. He could get to the van from there.
“Blitzy darling, I can handle Stella, but you really want to take one of the side-” Blitzo stick a middle finger in the air behind him as Stolas followed. Whether he was still buck-ass naked or had pulled on a bathrobe or something didn’t really matter. That was his dignity on the line. His fucking problem. Pink eyes blinked, poking out from behind a door from the corner of his vision,  but he didn’t pause- again, this wasn’t his problem, it was Stolas’s. This should have all been Stolas’s problem. He’d assumed it was.
He should have just offered to suck the guy’s dick for the stupid fire-damaged walls.
Dozens of portraits of rich stuffy assholes past glared down at him as he marched, pointed gazes that trailed him from hallway to hallway, each looking frustratingly similar to each other and to the owl still trailing behind him. For a stealth hunter, he sure breathed loud, and each exhale made Blitzo's fingers twitch.
“Where are you going?”
“Out,” Blitzo said. “Is that not incredibly fucking obvious?”
“I- I suppose, but-”
“No butts except yours getting out of my goddamn face.” Blitzo whirled around as they reached the kitchen, pink-tinged light streaming in through the window and burning his eyes. Stolas had hurriedly pulled on the bathrobe, feathers still sticky and eyes narrowed in judgement or concern or something Blitzo wasn’t about to decipher. He only had so much space in his buzzing, overstuffed head right now and approximately a crack spoon's worth was available at the moment for figuring out what Stolas’s fucking deal was.
“Why are you reacting like this, my imp?” Stolas's voice was swirled with confusion and it just made Blitzo want to scale him like a tree and throttle his toothpick throat for building up a thick stone in his own that made angry swallowing hurt. “It must be just hormones, you're being irrational and need to listen, you wanted to keep it too-”
“There you are!”
Blitzo spun back around to see nine feet of furious bird glaring at him in a gown that looked like a cupcake’s vomit, and he automatically reached for his gun before realizing he’d left it in the van.
Well, shit.
“You must be the bitch, then.” Blitzo straightened himself up to meet her eyes, craning his head back. First time he'd seen her not covered in cake. 
She curled her hand into a fist, the knuckles cracking. “And you’re the imp.”
“The one your husband knocked up, yeah.” Simmering lava underscored his words, and he was fairly certain that the next screech she made could be heard all the way up at the pearly gates.
“He what?”
“Stella, I-” Stolas stammered. “I was trying to find a good way to tell- gah!” He dodged as she scooped up a plate and chucked it at him.
“It took you over a year to get me pregnant, and you did it to that thing in a couple of months?”
“It was an accident-”
“I can’t believe you! What is your problem?" She tugged at her feather-hair, yanking out a few that fluttered to the ground far more gracefully than seemed possibly considering the ugly fury on the face they'd been inches away from. "Why can’t you just behave? Just fucking him wasn't idiotic enough, it wasn’t degrading enough, no, you had to do this!" Her feathers were fluffed up like a furious chicken in a way that would probably be funny if Blitzo's insides weren't swirling like thick oil. "It looks like a fucking clown, too!"
"Oh, like you're one to talk, you look like a pile of rotting ribbons shat out a peacock dipped in dollar-store frosting," Blitzo spat back.
"Please-" Stolas lifted his palms up to her, but she stomped her foot.
"It’s tiny- maybe if I'm lucky, it'll just pop! But I have to take care of everything myself, don't I?" There was a sharp 'shink!' as a butcher knife was slid from its block, and Blitzo took a step back.
"Holy shit, calm-"
"You don't get to speak!" Stella flung the knife at him and Blitzo's hand automatically snapped out, catching it by the hilt a quarter of a second before it would have impaled him. She snarled as Blitzo chucked the knife down to the floor, the point sticking into one of the lines between the tile.
"I was already on my way out, no need to make me a shish-kabob."
"Blitzy, please-" Stolas started, but Blitzo ignored him, staring straight up at Stella's narrowed eyes.
"Trust me, bitch, I'm not any happier about this than you are, but maybe if you were better in bed he wouldn't have fucked everything up for both of us, huh?”
She stared at him for a moment like he was something she'd scraped off the bottom of her shoe before turning back to Stolas who had halfway edged between them, chin up as if Blitzo wasn’t even worth the time it would take to skewer him right now. “I shouldn't have hired that pathetic little gaggle of imps, they couldn't kill you if I handed them an angelic weapon.”
“Stella, not in front of him!” Stolas waved his hands, glancing back at Blitzo fervently, and Blitzo’s chest curdled at the implications hanging like nooses in the air.
“You know what? This is your problem.” Blitzo turned heel and started running, and heard a muffled yelp from Stolas before a thud and refused to slow down long enough to find out what it was.
He refused to slow down as he veered through the gigantic doors and past a doorman who yelled after him, refused to slow down even though his legs ached already because of all the sex and because of the weight around his stomach (even though he could still taste the smoothie Stolas had made to help with that, sticking to his throat and the roof of his mouth), refused to slow down even as he was sitting behind the wheel and driving back to Imp City with the radio on loud enough to drown out his thoughts, refused to slow down as he almost got into an accident but swerved at the last second and got honks and cusses that rolled right off, refused to slow down until Loona got halfway through asking ‘where were you, fatass?’ when he slammed the door open before the words choked in her throat at the dead stare he gave her.
He only allowed himself to stop after he dragged himself to his room and collapsed on the bed and grabbed a pillow and screamed until his lungs felt like they’d burst, Stolas’s shirt still tied around his middle and smothering him.
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wishonastarx3 · 4 years
I saw this coming... I’m so fucking tired of this.
I don’t care who reads this, if you actually know me in real life then you probably know that this is how I feel from my instagram story. I apologize in advance of the language in this post. These are my emotions and thoughts. (And yes I am aware that within the AAPI community there are it's issues, but that's not the point of this post)
I’m SO SICK AND TIRED of this shit. What happened on Tuesday WAS NOT OKAY. EIGHT PEOPLE ARE DEAD and SIX of them were ASIAN WOMEN. Click the hyperlink if you live under a rock or if you just don’t watch the news. I don’t know how you people live. 
The Asian and Asian American community in this country has been saying for the PAST YEAR that we are NOT OKAY and that we NEED HELP. Donald FUCKING Trump REPEATEDLY kept saying pre pandemic, “CHINA! CHINA! THEY’RE STEALING OUR JOBS!!! CHINA IS EVIL!!!” and of course his base bought into that. BUT when the freaking pandemic started it was “THE KUNG FLU” or the “CHINA VIRUS”. So now, let’s make the target on our backs EVEN BIGGER NOW!!! (I still don’t understand HOW there were Asians who voted for him... but that’s beside this point of this) 
This past year has had over 3800 reports of Asian American HATE CRIMES against us. These fucking cowards are going after our ELDERLY COMMUNITY like the BABY BITCHES that they are. WHY?! JUST FUCKING WHY?! What does this do for you? It makes me SO ANGRY to see these videos of the elderly community being ATTACKED and KILLED. I watched on video of a toisan lao (old Chinese Woman) in SF who was being attacked and she fought back against her attacker (AS SHE FUCKING SHOULD. HE ENDED UP IN A STRETCHER). But that really... that one really struck a cord with me as that’s the dialect my family speaks and it made me think “fuck. That could have been my grandmother. That could have been my grandfather.” Going after the community that doesn’t speak english, LITERALLY POWERLESS and that is old like a bunch of COWARDS. I, as a 5′9 Asian American woman from New York City has dealt with my far share of harassment... but the fucking elderly? Really? 
This pandemic has just gave them an EXCUSE to attack us. As if we weren’t already being harassed and marginalized before!!! But of course, one will say “but how can that be? Asians are the model! You guys are the best minority group out there. Everyone loves you!” HAR HAR MOTHER FUCKER
So lets set up some points
The Model Minority Myth - the “idea” that Asians are the smarter minorities who end up becoming the doctors and lawyers who are good at math, science and end up going to Harvard. I’m sorry... what? This is pathetic. AND A FUCKING MYTH  I’ve dealt with these AWFUL cliches and stereotypes. Are they good stereotypes? Sure...? BUT do you understand:
What that does to the individual? What about the Asians who do not want tot be doctors? What about the Asians who then have to deal with the mental illness that goddamn society created for us? (I’m not even going to go into the lack of Asians in entertainment business. That’s a whole separate headache.)
WHY ARE WE IGNORING THAT IT’S ONLY A SMALL GROUP OF ASIANS THAT END UP DOING THAT?! Are we going to IGNORE the Asians who don’t go to Ivy Leagues? Or the ones that are living below the poverty line? 
This literally created the Racial Triangulation between the minorities! White people have put Asians on a pedestal in comparison to the other minorities and YES other minorities HATE us for that reason.By saying that we are the “Model Minority” it LITERALLY creates this thought that we better than the “other minorities” but yet we still ain’t white. So we aren’t a part of the majority therefore putting us in no mans land. 
THE NEGATIVE stereotypes - OH and TRUST ME there are A LOT. These are just the ones at the top of my head. 
The FETISHIZATION  of Asian Women - this shit ain’t new. This is literally what the term “yellow fever” means when referring to MEN who only like Asian women. The fetishization of asian women LITERALLY GOES BACK TO 1890s when the short story “Madame Butterfly” was written when a WHITE MAN was in Japan and fell in love with an Asian girl (WHO WAS 15 BTW). There are literal journal entries of European and American men who were in Asian at the time who said LITERALLY SAY HOW EXOTIC Asian Women are, that apparently our vaginas just “feel different”. I’m sorry... WHAT?! I HATE nothing more than when I have dealt with men saying some bullshit about how “exotic” I am. Also lets not forget how American society has de-masculinate the Asian Man. Saying that have small dicks and that they are skinny and scrawny, therefore aren’t men. So you like only half of us? 
Our Food - WE DO NOT EAT DOG. I grew up being told “YOU EAT DOG! YOU’RE CHINESE!”... fuck you. And now, Asian food is seen as “amazing” I’m happy you like our soup dumplings and bao. But you were the same fucking people who told me I ate dog. So you love our food but not the people? Okay. I see you. Oh and I didn’t forget about the people who have gagged at Asian food. 
Mocking how we look and our language - Am I the only Asian American who had people pulling their eyes and saying CHING CHONG at them? Please, get hit by a bus. And isn’t ironic how now “fox eyes” are a make up trend? funny isn’t it? 
I’m sorry. Who educated you? Asians have been in this country since the 1850S. WE BUILT THE DAMN RAILROADS. SOME OF US WERE KIDNAPPED HERE TO BUILD THAT SHIT. (Another note is how ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY IS NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS. This needs to be addressed and changed.) 
Also for MYSELF - my GREAT GRANDFATHER BUILT THE DAMN RAILROAD and SERVED IN THE ARMY in WWI. My Great Uncles were in the Air force in WWII and my GRANDFATHER served in the KOREAN WAR where he was shot in the ear and received a Purple Heart. I FUCKING DARE YOU to tell me to go back to my country. MY FAMILY HAS DONE MORE FOR THIS COUNTRY THAN HALF OF THESE RACIST MOTHER FUCKERS. 
Hate crimes in America have been happening since the 1880s. Yellow Peril goes back to the 1880s when Asian were literally depicted as these murderous group invading from Asia. And of course, they depict us with slanted eyes and with long braided pony tails. THIS SHIT AIN’T NEW. There has also literally been LAWS banning Chinese from coming to America. i.e THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT oh and lets not forget Japanese Interment during the 1930s. THIS SHIT AIN’T NEW. ALSO let’s not forget the Vincent Chin Murder in the 1980s when a Chinese American was BEAT TO DEATH because his attackers thought he was Japanese and they were blaming the Japanese for taking their jobs. 
As I sit here, feeling not as angry as at the beginning, if history has taught me anything, fear and anger has been the drive for these crimes. In the 1880s we were thought to be evil and that we were going to take away all of the jobs (but low and behold, some of us were KIDNAPPED here). During WWII it was right after Pearl Harbor after Japan bombed it. Vincent Chin, his attackers were angry at the Japanese. Current day, Donald Fucking Trump decided to put the target on our communities back with both jobs being sent to China and with the Coronavirus being our fault. 
What happened on Tuesday with the Atlanta police officer saying that the 21 year old was “having a bad day” WAS BULL SHIT. I didn’t know killing 8 people was a RATIONALE  RESPONSE. Okay then. Call it what it is, A HATE CRIME. This man was saying he had a “sex addiction” and that he wanted to get rid of the temptation and he associated ASIAN WOMEN and the ASIAN SPA to be that temptation. AND WHY IS THAT?!?!?!? THE FETISHIZATION OF ASIAN WOMEN. 
And before I get off of my soap box, THE MEDIA WAS PRETTY FUCKING LATE TO JOINING THIS, AND CALL IT WHAT IT IS, A HATE CRIME. SO MANY of the crimes against the Asian elderly go unreported or are not deemed hate crimes WHEN THEY ARE. SO MANY of them do not know English or enough English and can not report what was said to them. And what sucks too, my dad even said it, I think your grandparents would just take it because they would see this as “I immigrated here, I have to take this shit”. WELL THAT TRAIN STOPS HERE. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. WE WILL NOT SHY AWAY. WE ARE TAKING OUR SPACE THAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS. I fucking PROMISE you that if you try to do so, you will have hell to deal with. 
I’m not going to get into the subject of the people who are SILENT during this but were ALL OVER social media for their BLM support. I’m just going to leave it at we are asking for your help and to amplify this. Please. 
To my non Asian friends who have reached out to me, I do appreciate it. I really do. But please rather than telling me you are here for me if I want to talk, I BEG of you, please read and learn about the history as well as the Asian/Asian American experience in America. It’s really not as rainbows and butterflies people have been thinking. Hate against Asian and Asian Americans started before 2020. 
To my Asian brothers, sisters, aunties and uncles PLEASE stay safe.
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aroaringlioness · 4 years
“Is that all you have to say to me?” 
“No,” the woman sneered. “You’re a fucking conniving bitch!” 
Natalie huffed with a smile rounding out her response. It’s not the first time she’s heard that. This one just stung a little less then others. Grieving ex-wives come out of the woodwork at night. She stepped out letting the night workers do what they were supposed to. The museum can handle not having her around all day, everyday. She chose to come in for a last minute check on a shipment roster. Funny how that works. 
“Out of all the relics I find the most rusted out piece right here. You know Gwendolyn I could give two shits what you think. I didn’t con my way anywhere. Maybe if you would’ve had a better eye on your marriage he would have stayed with you. Then you’d have the museum.” 
Harsh has never been her thing. She’s been a realist. She’s been the realest since fucking college. All it takes is one bad thing to bring up a whole list of a bad things. 
“That doesn’t belong to you. It belonged to his family. You never were his family, Natalie. You were just the other goddamn woman!” 
“Was I?” Stepping up to her, Nat held up her hand, flaunting the engagement ring he gave her. Of course she’s still wearing it. Why wouldn’t she? She smiled, a bite on her tongue. “Looks like the other woman got the rock.” 
Gwendolyn took one look at the ring flaunting in her face and swung her hand. 
Natalie’s head took a jerk under the slap. She unhinged her jaw. Pressing her hand against her cheek, she exhaled slowly. One wrong move and she’ll deck her. One wrong move and they’ll know something is going on. That’s what really aggravated her. She can’t do squat to her right now. Not while the whole will is still fresh. They just handed over the keys to the kingdom. Can’t screw it up. 
“I hope you get what you deserve, Nat. Trash always does.” 
The ex-wife is already clicking off and honestly Nat could laugh at her wishful thinking. Get what she deserves? “I already am babe,” she hissed, turning in direction of where she parked the Porsche. She dug into her bag. “Where is it?” Struggling to get her compact to check where she was hit, Natalie dropped it near her car. The cell phone going off in the silent parking lot is an unneeded jump scare. “Shit.” She fumbled to answer as she looked over the ground for her item. “Natalie Hill. Spill.” 
“Hello, Natalie. Would you like to play a game.” 
She paused at the voice distortion. Sounded like some creepy horror movie voice changer. Oh she’s moved into the world getting obscene phone calls. “Play with yourself.” Hanging up, she crouched down to pick up the found compact, footsteps sliding up behind over asphalt. Natalie turned quick, swinging her bag out. She took a hit to the back of the head. Laying her out flat, she lost the compact in her hand. Lying there with a broken mirror it’s the last thing she memorized before blacking out. 
The next thing is sketchy. Swollen head. Headache. Pain in her wrist.
Blurred vision filled her consciousness. Her head did feel like a melon about to burst. She lifted it enough off the floor. It was dirty. “Where the hell?” She pushed up, body aching from her position. First thing she noticed is the fact she’s no longer wearing high heels. She’s just in her stockings. Her jacket is gone. The violet blouse she has on is smeared in dirt like someone dragged her to this spot. 
Only when she tries to get up does she realize her wrist is hurting from being cuffed to an old rusted pipe. That’s when panic sets in. Natalie tugs at the pipe, unable to loosen it, crying out from the metal digging into her skin. “What kind of sick game is this?!” 
|||| starter @leaderawakened 
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Word Count: 4413 
WARNINGS: smut, language and drugs 
If you wanted to be tagged please let me know. :))
"Baze pass me the joint!" I admit, I'm pretty drunk and I'll start to lose my shit any minute from now. My cousin Baze tag me along tonight, its suppose to be a boy's night out but nah I don't mind they can have their fun. I'm no stranger to them. We're in Andrei's house. These guys are my childhood friend, wrong they are my brothers and we're reunited after 4 years? I think. I've been in Ireland for too long and now I'm back to my roots. "Yo Y/N! Are Irish girls hot?" Slim asked and everyone starts laughing. I flip him off and chug down the vodka in my cup. I smoked the joint Baze handed me. Ah I miss these. Chill night with the gang. "Yo seriously. You look like them. What made you color your hair red? You look like a fuuucking idiot." Then Slim laughed sounding like a goat in labor. "Shut up fucker." My only response. I know they missed me that's why I'm their target tonight. And Slim is the leader of the pack. "Kells is on his way here." Rook said while looking at his phone. "Who's Kells?" Everyone fell silent as if I said something wrong. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Slim look at me in disbelief and laughed like a goat again. This dude is high I'm sure of that. "Really? You don't know who's Kells? Dang girl it's Colson." The fuck? Colson? Since when did he become Kells? Rook must have read my confusion.  "It' his screen name Machine Gun Kelly. Kells for short." I don't know if it's the alcohol or the shroom but I laugh so hard. "What the---- hahahaha as in Colson Baker is Machine Gun Kelly?" They look at me weirdly, like I'm some kind of alien. "Dude you don't know? He's famous." I shut up. Colson really made it. He is successful now. "What did Ireland do to you?" I just shook my head. I can't think of any comeback cause my head is somewhere in space and everything looks sharp. I guess the shroom is having it's effect on me. "What's up fuckers!" That deep voice vibrated all over the room. Colson. "Ayo man. Finally." The boys did their handshake until his eyes landed on me. "Y/N? What the fuck?! Dude you're here!" I got up from the couch and he embrace me in a tight bear hug. "Dude I fuckin miss you." I felt dizzy when he let go of me so I hold on to his arm. "You okay?" He holds my wrist and look at me. I nodded as a response. "Yeah." I sat down on the couch again, eyes felt heavy and mind flying somewhere. They converse about work, which I could not relate so I just listen and nods whenever they ask me something. "Yeah, why don't we talk about our Irish lady here." All eyes are on me again. "Seriously dude. We missed you. The good shit and such when you are here."
Back when we were bunch of idiots we used to hang at Ashleigh's place. She's the only one who has a decent home to stay and live in, and her mom was kind enough to let us stay especially Colson. "Yeah I missed you too." I drink from my cup and my gaze landed on Colson who is looking at me too. "What?" I asked, my brow raising. "Nothing. I'm just appreciating the changes." I shrug. My hair is red for a year and I'm planning to dye it black. "Whatever Colson."  I rolled my eyes while giggling. It was unintentional though.
We are all catching up. Especially me, since they missed the 4 years of my life and me missing the 4 hollywood glamour of their lives too. It's all sex drugs and rock and roll. I'm just hoping it won't get the best of them. "Daaaamn. We're really getting old. Next thing we knew Casie's walking down the aisle while Colson's crying." Colson almost choke on his drink after Baze said that. "Not happening Baze. No boys for my baby girl until I said so." Oh yeah Casie. Colson's daughter. That girl is turning to a lady and that will make Colson grow 10 years because of headache. The kid is beautiful and for sure boys will be chasing her. I wish she could spend more time with us whenever she's in Ireland. "Of course. Look at Y/N, we're so protective of her that 'til now she's single." I want to kick Dubo's shin for blurting out to everyone that I'm still single. "You're still single?" Colson asks. I can't help but blush, nothing's wrong about being single but talking about my romantic life with these idiots is like telling them that I shit in my pants and the teasing will never stop after that. "Well, it's our fault. We never let a guy come near you before. " Slim confessed. It didn't shock me though cause the guys who wanta to date me before told me that these idiots scared them or bribe them. Atleast I knew that they aren't men enough to be scared by my friends. "I don't mind though. I suck at dates." Through my peripheral, I see Colson smirked. I rolled my eyes at him. "And you have a bad taste when it comes to men." He added. I scoffed. If he only knew. Indeed I have bad taste.
We continue chatting and some of the guys are already drunk or high. I too is drunk. I stood up to went to the bathroom but everything seems spinning. With my high and drunken state I look for the bathroom. I found  it in a hallway to the kitchen but when I opened the door Baze is in there doing some porno. "Fuck. I'm sorry, don't mind me so proceed." I didn't wait for their answer and close the door. Damn I have to see that. I can't help but giggle, ironic I did that before too. I search for another available bathroom upstairs and I trip in every step. My body felt heavy so I crawled until I ended up in a room. Guest room I think? "Damn it." My vision is blurry but I managed to reach the bathroom and puked my brains out. "Fucking vodka." I wipe my mouth before puking again. Oh god, I never puke before. I felt a hand massaging my back and I turn to see who it is. Colson. "Alcohol is a bitch."
"Fuck. Y/N saw me fucking in the bathroom." Baze came from god knows where while zipping his pants a girl clinging on his arm. Mod Sun laughed. "That cousin of yours is hot." Baze threw his cup at Mod. "You're not hitting her." Y/N changed a lot, physically. I mean it's good maybe I'm not just used to since we haven't seen each other for 4 years.
I don't know why she left, everything was okay back then. But I guess it's better that we separate ways, look at us I made it to Hollywood, she's fine and we're all good. "Yo Colson! You're awfully quiet today." Actually I'm high already. Not drunk but high. I smoked two in the studio before getting here. "Nah. I'm good. Where's Y/N?" I search the room if there's any sign of Y/N. "Maybe she went into another bathroom, one with no one fucking." Everyone laughed even Baze at Drei's statement. "Seriously tho, you and Y/N are good?" This is the question I've been dreading. Me and Y/N are good but awkard so I'm avoiding their attention by remaining silent. "You know what. Stop dicking around and tell her what you feel." I was taken aback. How the hell did Slim knew when I didn't tell anyone about it. It's so hard to act cool whenever she's around. So I didn't tell anyone and it's better if it remains tgat way and I won't lose her.  "Tell her what?" Acting as if I don't know something will do me no good. Action speaks louder than words. "Go on Colson. Deny it, next thing you knew she already have someone who's not scared to admit his feelings." I clenched my jaw at the thought that Y/N is with someone who's not me, us. "Hell yeah, we got you bro." Rook taps my shoulder. I stood up from my seat and look for Y/N. I went upstairs and search each room for her and I found her on the left wing puking her guts out in a bathroom. I immediately attended her and rubs her back. When she's done she turns around and look at me with droopy eyes. "Alcohol is a bitch." She wipes her mouth and leans on the wall. "Goddamn I need a bed." Y/N close her eyes. The alcohol and weed must have hit on her. "Hey hey, stay with me, I'll put you to bed." I held her arm but she flinch. "Don't fucking touch me Colson. I wanna fucking beat you right now." Since she's drunk I didn't mind what she said. I grab her arm again but Y/N clung on my neck and buried her face on my chest. "I thought you wanna beat me?" I held her waist to support her weight cause she looks like she's about to melt. "Shut up. I hate you." Maybe it's just her drunk self hating me. Everyone's her enemy whenever she's drunk. "Why do you hate me?" I decided to ride along with her craziness. "Cause you're a fucking asshole?" She mumbled almost hakf asleep. "And you love this asshole?" I couldn't hide my smirk. She probably won't remember this tomorrow. "Of course I love you..........and Rookie, and Slim, and Baze, and Casie.....I love EST fam." She look up to me with a smirk. Damn, she played well. "How about me? I mean only me?" She freed herself and sat on the counter, I moved forward a bit so I can be in between her legs. Y/N leans her head on my chest again. "I hate you. But I hate that I don't hate you at all. I wish you would meet Chase." Who the fuck is Chase? Is he her boyfriend? Am I too late? The fuck the boys were right, I should've told her earlier. "Who's Chase?" I rub Y/N's back, soothing her. "He's.........I love him. But I wish you would love him too." My heart began to race and I am now confuse. I held her face and look at her straight in the eye. "Y/N, tell me who's Chase?" Her eyes are all droopy and red but managed to return the look I gave her. "He's your fucking son. Happy?" Suddenly I am the one whose high. Everything around blurred and Y/N's word echoes. He's your fucking son. I have another kid. I have another kid, with her. I had a fucking kid with her and I didn't knew. I didn't even knew something happened between us. "H-how? We didn't even....." A lot of questions are running in my head but  that's the only thing came out. I am loss for words right now. "Of course you don't remember. You were so doped up with drugs that you almost raped a fan but being the good friend I am I came to the rescue and....." I think I knew what happened next. "I had sex with you instead." I finish her sentence. "I can't fucking blame you because I was the one who's sober. And God..... why did I let it happened." I didn't expect my night to be like this especially she just got back from overseas. And her confession infuriates me. "Why did you not tell me?" I want to punch myself for doing that to her. I blow every fucking chance. I took a good thing and fuck it all up in one fucking night. "I fucking loved you asshole! We were both a fucking mess. I was with you during your worst, sex drugs, rock and roll, fame is getting on you then you got me pregnant, I wasn't ready and......How can we raise a child if we're like that?! One of us has to sober up so that we won't end up hurting ourselves and the child. Funny how one night can change life forever." Y/N broke down into tears. She fucking love me. She said she fucking love me. I wish she's sober right now cause I'm not believing what's happening. She went through all this alone and I hate myself for that. I was dicking around when she was suffering alone in that goddamn country. "I'm sorry Y/N.....I -I didn't knew." I wipe her tears and rubs her back while kissing her head. "It's my fault. I never told you." I hushed her, but tears still streaming down her face. I am so angry right now, to myself, to what happened. I feel like shit for being a dick. Now I have a son whose growing up not knowing his father. It's an awful situation cause I grew up without a mother too. I may be an asshole but I won't let a kid running around not knowing me especially if it's mine. "Let's get you to bed. You're drunk." I carried her out and brought her to my room. I laid Y/N on my bed and undress her after. As if I've never seen her naked before. I dress her with one of my shirts then cover her with a blanket. Kissing her head I left the room and went back downstairs. Everyone seems to chill now. "Yo dude. Is Y/N okay?" Baze asks. He was caught off guard when I lounge him and held the collar of his shirt. "Why the fuck you didn't tell me?!" Slim, Rook and Drei went to the rescue to ease the tension. "Ayo, Kells chill. What the fuck is going on?" Slim held me back while Drei is pulling Baze from my grasp. "Man. It was her decision, and I won't intervene on whatever's going on between you two. I didn't know how did you even got her pregnant when you were busy fucking around." My blood boils and Baze's words fuelled my anger. I was about to attack him again but Slim blocked me. "What the fuck Kells? You had a child? With Y/N?!" Everyone fell silent. "Yeah." Rook was the first one to speak. "No shit. How old is the child?" I don't want my son to estranged me, it was hard before when I had Casie. "Probably 3. Who else fucking knew? Could've told me I had another kid." I glared at Baze. "Ashleigh fucking knew." Baze answered. Damn it Ashleigh. "But she just found out when Y/N called before going back here." Didn't they even thought that it was my child who's growing up not knowing his father?! "Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for the info. Gotta go."
I grabbed my keys and left. I need to fucking think.
I woke up with wave of nausea. My head hurt like it was hit by a ton of bricks. I opened my eyes just tk realized I'm not in Baze's house and I'm not wearing my clothes. I couldn't even remember what happened last night. The last thing I remember was Colson helping me threw up. Guess this is his clothes I'm wearing base on it's size.
I look at the clock and it's 2 in the afternoon. Damn I was that passed out? I opened the closet searching for a sweatpants or short. Fuck that 6'4 height of his. I look like a sack. Blame my 5'8 height. I settled on his shorts because it's the only bottom I look human. I don't want parading around the house with only my panties on. I went downstairs to see if someone's here. Slim is in the kitchen looking like a bitch. Looks like he hadn't sleep yet. "Slim where is everyone?" Slim jumped a little, surprised by my presence. I giggled and I sat down to one of the chairs in the counter. He served me a plate of pasta which I heavenly feasted. "Out. With Colson." Had they sleep yet? "Where are they going?" I munch all in the plate while listening to Slim. "Out, having some quality time with his son." I choked on my food. I coughed, It feels like the pasta stucked in my throat and wants to go out in my nose. Slim handed me a water. "T-thanks. What do you mean son?" My heart started to hammer. "Oh? I thought Colson's the one who didn't knew he had a child. Seems like you forgot." I feel like all the Colors in my face drained. Impossible. I have blurted out everything last night! Stupid! Colson already knew. I won't get away this time. Slim taps my shoulder. "You know we're here for you Y/N."  Slim said sincerely. I sighed feeling guilty. I feel like a bitch for not telling Colson, he deserves to know, it's his right. "I was just so scared Slim. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready and I don't know how to raise a child." A tear fell. It's all out now. "You two should talk." Just in time the living room is filled with noise. They're here. Anxiety building up inside me, Colson is here and I don't know how to act. I heard the small giggles and that little voice of a child approaching. "Look who's hereeee..." Chase's blue orbs widened when he saw me. But I almost cry at the sight because Colson is carrying him. "Mumm..." Chase wiggled and Colson put him down. He ran towards me. "Baby......mommy missed you." I held Chase, embracing him in a tight hug while I gave him kisses. "Ash! Can you get Chase here first. Y/N and I, need to talk."
A shiver went down to my spine. This is it. And by the looks of it Colson is not happy, he keeps a neutral face except when he holds Chase. Ash went to here in the kitchen and took Chase. I gave her a reassuring smile and went back to the living room.
"In my room now." He didn't let me answer and immediately went to his room upstairs. I followed him. I got into his room and locked the door.
"Colson I'm so sorry I didn't tell you---" Colson turned to face me and his eyes is at it's darkest shade of blue.
"Take off your shirt now." My jaw dropped. I am confused, we are in a serious situation and he wants my shirt off? I followed his orders and take off my shirt exposing my bust in lacy bra. "I don't know what this is bu---" he didn't let me finish my sentence again. "Strip all your clothes." My eyes widened this time. "Colson what the fuck are you up to?!" Is he insane? "Are you going to do it? Or let me do the honor?" I gulp. He is serious. I strip all the remaining clothes leaving my underwears. Damn good thing I have everything lasered. "Do you know how frustrating all this is?" He moves forward. I move backward. I am so scared of him right now, excited at the same time I don't knkw if he's high or what. "Leaving without saying goodbye, showing up again after years and told me that we had a son." I keep moving backwards until I hit the wall, Colson trapping me with both arms. "You know how frustrating it is you left me hanging?" His fingers ran through my sides giving me shiver. He hooked one of his fingers to the strap of bra. He lowered his head on my ear. "You know how frustrating it is when I am fucking someone but it's your face I see." He whispered. I bit my lip from the sensation. "You are not getting away this time Y/N." He licks my ear and kisses my jaw reaching my lips. I respond to his kisses but Colson suddenly pulled away. What the fuck. "I don't forgive easily babe." He unbuckled his belt with one hand while the other was holding both of my wrist already. I was so drown in his charms that he already held my wrists.  He tied the belt around and held both of my hands up. "My rules." Colson dipped his head on my neck sucking it making sure it will leave marks after. I bit my lip hard, holding myself back not to let out a moan. "I am so angry that I want to fuck you so bad. So dirty." I clung both my arms to his neck initiating the kiss rubbing myself against him, being the fucktard he is he pulled away again. I can feel his boner poking to my stomach, that's it go hard for me asshole. "A-ah, what did I say? My rules. Now behave." Colson slammed me to the wall and kiss me hungrily, it wasn't gentle at all, seems like he's venting out all his anger. My lips will be swollen after this. I kissed him back with the same enthusiasm, it's my inner dominant self taking over. He grabs my ass lifting me and I gladly wrap my legs around his waist. "Bad huh. " He smacks my ass throwing me to his bed. "You're all talk Colson. Just fuck me." I don't know where my confidence came from but that made him smirk, grabbing my legs and pull me to the edge of the bed. I know I hit his ego and now he's more aggressive. I pulled him towards me, clinging on to his neck, kissing him passionately and less angry than earlier. He ripped my panties off and throw it god knows where the same aith my bra. "What the fuck! That was la perla!" He insert 2 of his finger making me gasp. "I can fucking buy you a hundred pair of those. Now moan." Biting my lip didn't help at all, I let out a slutty moan feeling his fingers inside me. "Damn look at that so wet for me." He trailed kisses from my thighs to my belly button adding speed to his pace. I rolled my eyes back from the sensation fuck his fingers feels good, I want them in all day. "God dammit you're mine." He kisses me again and lowering it to the valley of my breasts. "Did you feel like this when we did it Y/N?" He added another finger causing me to moan louder. "I----fuck it." He remove all his fingers. "Fuck give it to me Colson!" The bastard just smirked unbuttoning his pants and taking off his shirt. "Say it, or you won't getting this." He took off his pants leaving his ethika boxers, his XXX tattoo and boner peeking. I have the same tatto on my belly button. "Yes you fuck so good!" His eyes turned darker, taking off his boxers his dick sprang out in it's fullest hard form. My eyes glued to God's gift to women not believing it fit inside me years ago. "Give me a head sweetheart." I don't know but his words are like spells that makes me follow him. Colson moved forward, I grab his dick running my hands up ad down. I lick the tip of his dick which earned him a groan, falling his head back. I started to bob my head up and down, taking him all within my reach.  He grabs my hair guiding my head. "Fuck. You're doing good baby." Colson breaths heavily, he couldn't take it anymore he pulls me up and lay me down to bed placing himself above me. He kissed my head before kissing my lips feeling him entered me. I gasped. It was painful, it feels like giving birth. A tear rolled down my cheek but Colson was quick to kiss it away. "I got you baby." He let me adjust to his size before moving slowly. I moaned, not feeling pain but pleasure instead, making me scratch hard his back while my other hand grips his hair. Colson groaned speeding up his pace and my moans are getting louder. "Colson......oh my god. Don't stop." I arch my back and wrap my thighs around his waist tightly giving him more access. "Fuck Y/N you're so tight." Colson pulled out and I swear I wan't to cut his balls. He flip me off, now my ass is facing him. He entered me again without warning and it feels damn good in this position. I moaned out loud not giving a damn if somebody hears me. Colson gripped my waist tight continue slamming himself. We're both panting as our bodies slapped against each other, sweats dripping, and lust feeding us both. Colson knows what he's hitting and it made me see the heavens and galaxies. "Colson I'm c-cumming." I said through heavy breaths. He lowered himself and bit my earlobe. "Come for me baby." My walls clenched around him, tension building from my stomach until my orgasm hits. Colson didn't stop he speeds up instead and moments later he came, spilling his essence inside me. "Fuck." He lets out a groan while still inside me riding out his orgasm. We stayed in that position for a minute and laid beside me after. I moved and laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry." I pressed a soft kiss of his jaw before kissing him on the lips. "I love you." I jolted up from the bed covering myself with a blanket. He just blurted out those 3 words. "Shit. Don't freak out." He also got up from the bed but only on the edge. "Fuck Y/N! I fucking love you okay? Since the day we stole a weed from your dad." I couldn't help but cry. I straddled Colson's lap and kissed him hard. "You asshole." Colson kissed me again his hands on my waist. "Round 2?" The bastard grins wiggling his eyebrows. "I fucking love you asshole even though you're the worst."
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
oooooooo Steve being sick like the sick where you spill all your secrets and the kids find out that Steve is not okay and needs hugs
When Steve doesn't show up for their shift, Robin isn’t necessarily worried. Like, it's a shitty job, she’s not exactly thrilled to be here either.
It’s only when he calls up the store and mumbles his way into calling in sick, which, by the way, involves a whole lot of coughing his lungs out and slurring words that she’s guessing were can’t go, I’m sick, that Robin starts worrying.
When he does this three days in a row, getting less and less coherent each time, Robin officially levels up to what the fuck even, Steven.
So, after her shift, she does what her mother, bless her, always told her not to do: she goes to a boy’s house when she knows his parents aren’t home. And goddamn, she kind of hates that she knows Steve keeps his spare key under a rock on his mother’s stupid rose bushes by the front door. Honestly, what a freaking cliché.
Steve’s house is exactly like he described once– big, cold, and empty– and Robin shivers, tucking her jacket tighter. 
“Steve?” She calls, fidgeting by the stairs. Should she just, invite herself in? Well, she kind of already did that, but–
A coughing fit echoes from what she assumes must be one of the bedrooms. Yup, upstairs it is, nevermind being polite or whatever.
“Just keep coughing,” she tells the empty hallway because holy shit, there’s way too many bedrooms and patience has never been her virtue. 
Obediently, or more likely unconsciously, Steve coughs again. Gotcha. It seriously sounds like he’s racking up a lung, Robin is kind of afraid of what she's going to find there.
“Holy crap, dude,” she says, stopping at the doorway because holy crap, dude, Steve looks awful. His skin is sickly pale and sweaty, his hair is either sticking up or matted to his forehead, there’s a trashcan near his bed that she is so not going to look inside and tissues are piling up on the floor. At any other given day, she would probably make a crack on how boys are so freaking gross, but since he looks like he caught the plague, she’s giving Steve a pass. 
“Robin?” Steve mumbles, blinking his eyes open. Or, at least, Robin thinks he said that; it came out more like an incoherent string of letters. 
“Hey, dingus,” she steps in his room, scrunching her nose at the stuffy smell, and sits carefully at the edge of the bed. The lump under the covers shifts and Steve’s face reappears, looking blearily at her. “Why aren't you in a hospital?”
“Don't need ‘ospital,” he rasps, coughs some more, and tries to smother himself in the blankets. “Just the flu.”
To be fair, it is flu season.
Robin squints, and because she’s like, the world’s bestest friend, she lays a hand on his very gross forehead. “You’re burning up, oh, my God, have you taken anything?”
A hand flops from underneath the blankets and gestures vaguely towards the bedside table, where a couple of cough syrup bottles are lying, nearly empty.
“Jess Christ, did you go through them already?” How's he still alive, holy fuck. “Okay, okay. It’s fine. Let’s take a break on that, though, yeah?”
Steve grumbles some nonsense. Robin is taking that as a yes. Downstairs, the phone starts to ring.
“Lemme die in peace,” he grumbles again.
“I’ll get you some Tylenol,” she replies cheerily.
The medicine cabinet, she figures, can’t be that hard to find. Everyone keeps them in their bathroom, right? 
She’s already got a glass of water on her hand and is about to return upstairs when the phone rings again. And rings, and rings, and rings, and it’s going to give both of them a headache, since clearly, whoever’s on the other side is not giving up anytime now.
“Harrington’s residence, you may speak,” she answers with her best fake cheerful telemarket girl voice. It’s a very good impression, Robin truly has a gift. 
“Hello?” A familiar voice says, “who’s this– wait, is that Robin? What are you doing at Steve’s– oh, my god, are you guys hooking up? Why didn’t I know this? What the hell, you guys–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Robin snaps, wishing to god she didn’t have to deal with heteronormativity today; no good deed goes unpunished, she guesses. “Cool your jets, Dustin. I’m here ‘cause Steve is like, super sick.”
“Oh, shit, sorry,” Dustin sounds slightly panicked now, “is he dying? Where are his parents?”
“Nah, he’s pretty out of it and a total mess, but he’ll live. Maybe. Anyway, that’s why I’m here,” she shrugs even though Dustin can see her. He’ll know though, the kid is smart. “And his parents are… not here? I don’t know, man, that’s all I know. The place was empty when I got here–” there’s a crashing sound from upstair and Robin counts to ten, then, “YOU BETTER NOT BE TRYING TO GET UP, STEVEN– so, yeah. It’s just me trying to keep the idiot alive.”
A beat of silence. “Okay, got it. Stay strong, help is on the way.”
“Sure,” she drawls, eyebrows raising, “because that’s not ominous at– and he hung up, great.”
Maybe, that means Dustin is sending a real, responsible adult here, or like, calling Steve’s parents, or anything normal like that. Maybe the house isn’t about to be swarmed with little kids that are so going to get sick after this. Maybe Robin won’t have to look after Steve’s children and Steve. Maybe, Steve won’t be a whiny bitch about taking the pills.
Who knows, after this summer, Robin is pretty open to miracles.
The good news is– Steve only complained mildly before swallowing the Tylenol, and then only groaned about his imminent death a little, low enough that Robin could totally ignore him in order to snoop around his room, and then promptly passed out.
The bad news is– there are currently four children wearing drugstore face masks like that’ll solve everything here. 
“We came as soon as we heard it,” Dustin explains, voice muffled by his white mask.
“Is Steve going to die?” Max asks, and her face is twitching like she’s going to burst into tears but it’s fighting it with all her considerable early-teen-years might, and oh, shit, her brother died in the mall, didn’t he? Robin can hear the unspoken too hanging there at the end of her sentence and packing all her panic and fear.
Fuck, everyone here is way too traumatized for a tiny as fuck town in the middle of goddamn Indiana. 
“No one’s dying,” Robin assures awkwardly, letting them inside Steve’s room and watching as they all crowd around his bed. Oh, god, their parents are so gonna kill Robin if they get sick later. “Hm. Maybe don’t, you know, get too close.”
“Steve is sick, Robin,” Dustin tells her as if, somehow, she hadn’t noticed that before, and as if it explains everything. Kids are so fucking weird, man.
Whatever answer Dustin is expecting from her that had never been coming anyway is cut short by Steve’s suddenly hoarse scream. His face had been smushed against the pillow so it’s pretty muffled, but it still startles everyone, and Steve is now scrambling, twisting under the covers, kicking and shit, he’s gonna fall off the bed like this and get himself a broken nose on top of the worst case of flu Robin’s ever seen– 
“Shit,” Mike says, “he’s got the nightmares again. Nancy said he used to get them all the time last year.”
“Then wake him up, dumbass,” Robin rolls her eyes, thinking of the quick recap Steve had given her at the mall before everything went to shit. He had certainly not said anything about nightmares, but now that there’s no Russian conspiracy looming over their heads to distract her, it seems pretty obvious shit like that stays with you. Freaking evil goo monsters, man. Of course Steve has nightmares, Robin gets them sometimes and she hasn’t been here for half of the shit that he’s been through. She shakes his shoulder carefully, feeling the way he’s shivering under her hand. “Hey, Steve, yo, wake up.”
Behind her, she can feel the kids crowding to peer over her shoulder. 
And Steve wakes up with a start, jolting up in the bed and nearly throwing them all off it. His eyes are wild and wide, and while the Tylenol has got to have kicked in by now, he still looks feverish and high on cough syrup. “What,” he pants, exhales a shuddering breath and lurches to the side to throw up on the trash can. His hands, Robin notices, are shaking.
“It’s okay, Steve,” Dustin says in what he probably thinks it’s a soothing voice but Robin thinks makes him sound like he’s about to murder someone, and reaches to pat him on the back. “There’s no demodogs here or giant melted flesh monsters or demogorgons or–”
“Thank you, Dustin,” she speaks over his list while Lucas and Max help Steve lie back like little nurses, “I think he got it, yeah.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Steve mumbles, wounded and hoarse, and curls up, eyes darting around the room in a way that makes Robin glad she left the lights on. “Not them. Hey, Robin, ‘member when the Russians tortured us?”
She goes cold. 
That night had been fucked up and she had shoved it down where she doesn't have to think about, and even if she does try to remember, its all a little fuzzy at the edges after they got caught. The last thing she has a clear memory of before the drug left her system is yelling at Dustin and Erica to get the hell out of there and bring help. All she has next are snapshots– a soldier yelling with a gun in her face, the cold cell floor, Steve bloody and bruised to hell, a sharp needle pricking her neck– then, her conversation with Steve is back in sharp focus, the knee-buckling relief that comes after washing away the panic.
But. “Shit, yeah, dude. Why, were you–”
The sentence hangs in the air and maybe they should talk about this to get, like, closure or some shit like that, yeah, but now is probably not the best time, not in front of the kids, because Jesus, they’re just kids they shouldn’t be hearing about this.
“Thought I was back there,” Steve keeps going, apparently too sick or too high to think about how child-friendly this topic is, “the– the soldier guy, he was ripping off my fingernails, man, he almost did it back there, thought he had knocked something loose in my head.”
“Oh my god,” she hears one of the kids whispering in horror and privately agrees. She knew it had been bad, seen his state when they threw them together in the same cell, but she had known it had been this bad– they tried to rip off his fingernail, Christ.
“And then, then like, it kept going on this loop, and I thought you all were dead, and it was my fault, stupid, stupid, why did I have to go snooping and dragged everyone into this, and I thought, shit, I’m gonna die, and–”
Okay, shit, Robin needs to stop him right there because she knows a panic attack when she sees one and Steve is winding up for a big one. “Alright, hey, hey, Steve,” she says slowly, quietly, careful to leave her voice blank, “it’s fine. You’re fine, man. No one’s dead, look,” she gestures the kids and they all scramble up the bed, for once not babbling on and on, and silently decide to go for a group hug. Robin wisely stays out of it. “See, your kids are fine, you’re fine, and the Russians got fucked, okay?”
“Yeah?” Steve asks, eyes wide and round, and he looks a little overwhelmed with all those kids hugging him, and Robin thinks it’s the cutest shit ever. If she had a camera, this would have been prime blackmail material. More importantly, it seems to help ground him, bring him back to Hawkins, Indiana and not those fucked up memories. “Yeah, thanks, I– sorry.”
Shrugging, Robin offers a small smile, relieved to see he’s already drifting again. “Don’t worry about it, dingus,” she claps her hand quietly, getting the kids’ attention, “come along, kiddos, we gotta let your babysitter rest, now. And you’re all helping me make soup.”
There are groans all around, but they all trail behind her down the stairs.
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cantolopejeevas · 5 years
Good Morning, Goodnight
It’s spooky season, ya’ll, so here’s a fic for an AU where Daniel’s a serial killer because why not?
Warnings: Death, Torture, Mind Fuckery
Daniel watched as Liam peacefully slept away. Oh, how the sight made his heart throb almost painfully. Lips slightly parted, face so at ease, hair a tousled mess. And the smallest ghost of that charming smile. Gorgeous. A part of him wanted to just stay here and watch this forever. The mere thought that it would end made the pounding in his chest pick up.
Slowly, those blue eyes began to open. Still hazy, but that soon changed when Liam finally saw him.
“Ugh, where am I? Who are you?”
…Who was he? Who was he!? What the fuck did he mean by that!? 
No. You know what? Daniel should’ve expected this. Especially after what happened. So he simply took a deep breath and let a smile slip onto his face.
“I know you were drunk and drugged last night, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to forget a pretty face like mine,” he teased and circled around, putting his hands on Liam’s shoulders. “Come on now, think hard. I told you my name.”
Liam groaned and lolled his head back to look at him. “Last night? What, did we hookup or something? Fuck, my head hurts…”
Hookup. There was that damn word again.
“You could say that,” he said, voice still pleasant. Now it was forced, though. Forced through hurt, bitterness, fury. “We met at the club, danced a little, had a nice conversation. You told me that my eyes were the prettiest you’d ever seen. Then you took me home and, well…”
His face grew as hot as the boiling lava in his chest.
“I don’t think I need to spell it out for you.”
A moment of silence passed. Then Liam drew in a sharp breath, and began to struggle against the metal chair he was bound to. He pulled his arms and legs, even tried to shake off the little nodes that had been so carefully placed all around his body.
“What the fuck!? Oh god, are you some kind of fucking psycho!?”
“That’s not very polite,” Daniel muttered under his breath. Then he cleared his throat and dropped all friendly pretenses, throat tight as he continued, “But I guess the answer is again: you could say that. But you haven’t seen the fucking extent of it yet, so don’t go slinging those kinds of words around.”
“Let me go, you son of a bitch!”
Daniel heard the crack in Liam’s voice. Even saw the bravado on his face drop for just moment. So he leaned down, pressed his lips so lovingly to Liam’s ear, and whispered a sweet nothing to reassure him.
“Don’t worry. It only gets worse from here.”
That’s when he pulled back, ignoring the slew of curses and slurs thrown his way in favor of getting the game set up. Let’s see, what did he want to play today? Mario Kart? No, he wasn’t really in the mood for that. Too cartoonish. How about…
“What the fuck are you doing!?”
“Getting Smash Brothers set up. Do you want to be player one, or two?”
“I’m not playing any stupid fucking game with you, asshole!”
Daniel shrugged, then pulled out his handy-dandy little remote control. Back still to Liam, he made sure it was within his line of sight as he let his thumb toy with the dial. “Alright, then. I’ll just send a million volts through you right now and not even give you a chance to save your own miserable skin. How does that sound?”
Liam drew in a sharp breath. “Woah, wait! Fine, I’ll play! I’ll play! Just don’t fucking kill me!”
“That’s what I thought.”
Without further ado, he continued where he left off. But as usual, he couldn’t focus on the task at hand. There was a terrible, painful thought nagging at the back of his head. Too much ambiguity around it too, nothing had ever really been explicitly said. Well, now it seemed like this was his last chance to clear it up.
“I have a question for you,” he said coldly as he navigated through silent menus. The music was always too distracting during moments like this. And maybe he liked how the dead air put his guests on edge. “Now you better be honest with me, or I won’t be happy. Got it?”
“Okay, yeah, what is it?”
Finally at the character select screen, he idled about, half his brain wondering which character he should play as while the other half forced words out of his mouth. “You never intended to keep me around, did you? All those things you said, that was all just to get in my pants, wasn’t it?”
Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Their hearts were in sync, he could feel it. 
“No, I mean, you’re defintiely a keeper, you know? A guy’d have to be fucking crazy to do that to someone as… As hot as you!”
He was right.
And a goddamn liar.
“‘Get your shit and go. I don’t let flings stay the night.’”
Daniel quickly turned the dial on his remote halfway and pressed the button. Screams and static electricty filled the air, running through him, sending wonderful chills down his spine and along his skin. He counted out the seconds. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Then released the button to end Liam’s torment.
“‘Get your shit and go,’” he repeated and finally turned to face him, glaring hard even as his eyes twitched. “‘I don’t let flings say the night.’ Is it ringing any bells now? Or do you need another fucking reminder?”
Liam could only wheeze and tremble as lingering spasms rocked through him. Those pretty blues were all out of focus too, but still so wide with pure terror. 
“How about I tell you the other things you said to me, since you were so drunk last night,” he said in the sweetest voice he could muster, fingers fiddling with the dial. “Let’s see… Oh, how about this one?”
“'No, you can’t have my number!’”
“'No, we can’t meet up again tomorrow!’”
“'Get out of my house already, whore!’”
Each controlled shock was punctuated by a hoarse scream. It was almost melodic how he got Liam to change pitch, tone, volume in the midst of it all. By the end he looked a little worse for wear, but that somehow made him even more handsome than before. In a sickening way that made Daniel want to drop him off the end of a pier, at least. He wasn’t truly attractive anymore, no, not at all. But now he was an experience, ready to be enjoyed.
Liam’s head dropped to his chest, but Daniel roughly grabbed his hair to force him back up. “It’s very rude to pass out on the first date.”
“F…” He drew in a harsh, wheezy breath as tears leaked down his cheeks. “First… Date?”
“And only,” Daniel muttered and let go of Liam’s hair. It was almost cute how he could barely hold himself up. And very frustrating. “Don’t worry, I’m just calling it that to make myself feel better about sleeping with such a vitriolic degenerate. I have a clean record to keep, after all.”
“Don’t hurt yourself now. I love to talk, so I’d be more than happy to fill you in.” Letting a small smile slip onto his face, he turned the dial down to its lowest setting. “And maybe play with you a little more…”
“N-No, stop…!”
“Let’s see, where should I start,” Daniel mumbled to himself and tapped a finger against his lip. Then his smile broadened. “Well, introductions are probably in order, right? The name is Daniel. Daniel Nadiva.”
Recognition briefly crossed Liam’s face. But the poor thing, his eyes just couldn’t focus no matter how much he tried to scrutinize. “I… That sounds familiar… Fuck…”
Daniel preened and placed a hand to his chest. “It should! I have a show that I do right here in the city. Talking Video Games, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. Not to brag too much, but I am a bit of a celebrity.”
“That’s… Cool.”
“I know, right? Of course, given that, my quick wit, and my pretty face, it makes me quite the catch. Even if people don’t quite see it…”
Was that a little passive aggressive? Maybe.
“That brings me back around to your little question,” he said as that quick little high faded back into familiar anger. But he kept up the facade. Wouldn’t do to have Liam on edge right now. “My clean record. See, it would be a shame if people found out that someone of such a high status slept around. One wrong move and my name gets smeared in the dirt. And I can’t have that, then how would I be able to do my show?”
“…I dunno.”
“Exactly! I can’t be seen as a harlot. So when someone tries to ruin that for me, I bring them here for a little date. That way I can say that I’ve only slept with people I’ve dated. See? Of course, that’s not all this room is for.”
“Oh yeah? And do you…” Liam swallowed thickly, his fear almost palpable. “Do you do this to everyone you bring in here, or…?“
Ah, the right question. But Daniel wasn’t quite ready to answer yet. 
He cupped a gentle hand to Liam’s face, letting his thumb stroke along his cheek as he said, “Well, before we get to that, it’s time for a little—” his smile fell into into snarl and he pulled his hand away— “test.”
Liam’s bottom lip trembled. “Test? What— ah!”
Just a little jolt to help jog his memory and motivate him. After a quick second, Daniel let go of the button and asked oh-so sweetly, “Do you remember my name, Liam, dearest? Or do you need a reminder?”
“Daniel! It’s Daniel! Please, oh god…!”
He hummed and fiddled with the dial. “Daniel…? Come on now, I gave you my last name just a minute ago. Don’t tell me you already fucking forgot it.”
“Fuck… I don’t know! You’ve been shocking the shit out of— oh, god, stop!”
This time, he kept up that steady stream of electric pain for another five seconds. It wasn’t as nearly as intense as the first time, Liam would be fine. Daniel knew better than to break his games before he was done with them.
“Let’s drill it into your empty fucking head, then,” he snapped as he released the button. “Nah-dee-vah. Can you say it with me? Nadiva. Nadiva!”
“Nnn… Nah… Dih-vah…”
It was moments like these that Daniel knew it was worth the investment to soundproof this room. Unfortunately, he was still subject to Liam’s beautifully horrid screams, and the sound was giving him a pounding headache. Not to mention he was getting a little bored.
“One last chance,” he growled, grabbing Liam’s jaw and turning his head up to lock eyes with him. “Daniel. Nadiva. Say it.”
“Dan… Daniel… Nnnn… Diva…”
Oh, that was pathetic. The glaze over Liam’s eyes was thick now, a sign that he was almost completely gone. Luckily for him, Daniel was feeling a little merciful. So he simply let Liam pass out. A little rest would get him right back into playing condition.
After a couple hours— during which Daniel made himself a nice cup of tea, took some ibuprofen, and made some good progress on his next script— he came back to the Game Room, pleased to see that Liam was wide-awake.
“Good morning,” he greeted in a cordial tone. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better. Do you need anything before we play? A cup of tea, maybe a snack?”
“I’m fucking tired of playing nice with you, fucking psycho!” Liam snarled and thrashed against his chair. “You better let me out of here right fucking now, or I’ll fucking kick your crazy ass and call the cops on you!”
Daniel snorted. “You really think they’ll be able to help you?”
“I-I mean, duh!” That crack in his voice betrayed his doubt. “Why wouldn’t they? They’re the fucking cops.”
“Hm. Cute.”
That was all he said for the moment. Just enough to get Liam’s mind racing. He knew how those kinds of thoughts worked. They’d build up and fester, only spiralling down and down and down until he’d created his own living nightmare for himself.
Meanwhile, Daniel could finally get to the next step of the game.
“I call Samus,” he said as he picked up the controller and selected his character. “Who do you want to be?”
“Fuck you!”
And here Daniel had been hoping that Liam had learned his lesson. But maybe he hadn’t. There was that little unanswered question from earlier, that would be perfect to put it into perspective for him.
“You wanted to know if I do this to everyone I bring here, right?” he asked coolly. “Well, the short answer is yes. But do you want to hear the long answer?”
Silence. Conflict. The tension in the air almost made Daniel lose his goddamn mind. He could imagine what Liam was thinking— it was almost like they were made to share this moment together. Is he telling the truth? What’s the long answer? Oh god, there isn’t any hope for me, is there? I’m a fucking dead man! 
“The long answer,” he continued, voice a perfected deadpan that he knew would only set Liam off more, “is that I bring each and every person in here who well and truly pisses me off. Most of the time they’re one night stands. Sometimes they’re unruly guests on my show. I even—”
“What’s the fucking point in telling me this?”
Daniel let the thick silence sit for a few moments before interrupting it with a fresh round of Liam’s screams. After three seconds, he cut them off with a distasteful click of the tongue.
“Don’t interrupt me again,” he warned dangerously, then went about getting Liam’s arms unbound. “But the point is simply to let you know that you’re the newest guest for a rather prolific murderer. The Moonlight Killer? I’m sure you’ve heard of him, he’s all over the news. Well, fun fact, you’re getting on his last fucking nerves.”
Now he was close enough to hear whimpers. But that glare still managed to strike him to the core. That wasn’t part of the script. And it made his blood boil.
There. That had Liam looking nice and pathetic once again.
“If you don’t want to end up being the twenty-seventh body fished out of the lake in the last two years, then you better clean up your act,” Daniel suggested with a gentle caress to Liam’s jaw. “Now your arms may be free, but that doesn’t mean you can go ruining my little gift for you.”
Liam’s finger twitched. Leftover static running through him, or the insatiable need to escape? The world would never know, because Daniel didn’t care to find out.
A harsh pull on his hair, jerking his head back and making him yelp, really emphasized Daniel’s key point. “One wrong move, and I’ll fry your ass right here and now. Is that finally getting through that thick, empty skull of yours?”
A nod, slow and careful. Finally.
“Good. Now I’ll ask this one more time: who do you want to play?”
Just to be nice, Daniel began to cycle through all the characters. As soon as he hovered over Samus, Liam finally spoke up.
“I wanna play him.”
“Her.And no. Pick someone else.”
No one else seemed to be good enough for him. About halfway through, Daniel’s brain glazed over in boredom. He was just about to say “fuck it” and really wreck his electric bill when Liam’s voice pulled him out of his own head.
“Him! That army guy, I wanna play him!”
Solid Snake? Whatever, to each their own. He selected the character and handed Liam his controller with a quick glance over to make sure every last node was still in place. With that taken care of, he got seated in his recliner and started the match, ready to finally feel that spark of excitement again.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get it. The match lasted all of two minutes because Liam’s hands were still a little twitchy. Or maybe he just had no idea what he was doing. In either case, he lost.
“Wait, no,” Liam’s panicked voice started. “This is bullshit, you have to—”
At that point, Daniel tuned him out and went about cleaning the room up. Put controllers away, turn off the Wii, was there anything else he needed to do before the grand finale?
“Hey, psycho! Are you even fucking listening to me!?”
“No,” he answered in a long sigh, one hand pressed to his forehead. “I’m not. I got bored about ten words in. You might as well save your breath while you still can, I’m trying to think and all that yelling just makes me want to kill you sooner.”
“Wait! Wait, what if… What if we dated? That’s what you wanted, right? I’ll be your boyfriend and you won’t have to kill me!”
Daniel blinked. Oh. That was a new one. And he’d be a dirty liar if he said that the mere thought didn’t make his heart swell with hope. After so long of desperately craving love and affection, it was right there at his fingertips. All he had to do was say…
“No, thank you.”
Liam’s eyes went wide, then glued themself to the remote in Daniel’s hands. “Come on! Please! I promise, I won’t turn you in or anything!”
Slowly, every so slowly, Daniel turned the dial all the way up. “What’s my name?”
“Um, Daniel! Daniel Nah… Fuck, oh god, please don’t kill—”
Only after Liam’s screams finally stopped did Daniel let go of the button. All life had drained from those pretty blue eyes. And all fun. He let out a small huff. Honestly, this whole experience had been a little bit of a disappointment. At least Liam had still been somewhat enjoyable. But now it was time to shelf him.
When night fell, Daniel took Liam’s body to Moonlight Lake. And he would’ve gone right ahead to dumping the body if it hadn’t been for an unexpected sight.
A rather poorly disguised police car. No doubt on a stakeout, and they didn't even bother to hide the huge antenna. How boring.
At least Daniel had the foresight to turn his lights off as he got close to the lake. Now he could take on his own little watch until it was safe. Or just hang around and play his gameboy. He only hoped that whatever poor officer was on duty decided to fuck off before too long. If Liam began to rot in his car…
Thankfully, that didn’t happen. After about an hour— well past his usual time for this little errand, he had work tomorrow!— the cop took off.
Now free to continue his business, Daniel took Liam’s body out to the lake and gingerly placed it in the water. With one last loving smile and a touch to his cheek, he said, “Well, I had a nice time, but unfortunately, I don’t think we’re meant for each other. You’re too much of an insufferable asshole and you really have a way of pissing me off. That’s why I had to kill you. But don’t worry, the cops will take good care of your body. Goodnight, Liam, dearest.”
On that note, he pushed the body out further into the water. Seeing that cop had put him far too on edge for much more of a tearful farewell. He needed to do something to get them off his trail, and soon…
But now wasn’t the time to worry about that. A nice, warm cup of tea and his bed were calling his name.
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sunshineandstorm · 6 years
Hey Jude (Sam Kiszka x Reader - Fluff)
Here you were this morning, phone in hand, ignoring the rest of the world.
@gunpowdergelatin: So how's the weather there?
@ClinkFloyd: Gloomy. It's been raining non-stop since this morning.
@gunpowdergelatin: Really? Wow. It's literally the same here.
@ClinkFloyd: It's okay, though. Your presence makes up for it.
You couldn't help but grin like a mindless idiot as soon as you finished reading the last message he sent. You leaned against your locker, unsure of what to do with the butterflies in your stomach.
How were you supposed to respond to a message like that?
Too busy racking your brain for a decent reply, you were snapped out of your trance when your best friend clapped her hands loudly in front of you.
"Jesus, Grace. You startled me." you say, clutching your chest.
"Bitch, I had to. Why were you grinning so hard? Did Harry Styles finally top the reader in this smashing fic that you're reading?"
Bold of her to assume you were reading fan fiction. Whatever made you smile from ear to ear was undoubtedly so much better than the feels trip you occasionally take in the land of make believe.
"Shut up. I'm not you." you retorted, not wanting her to think you were still stuck in that phase.
Grace furrowed her eyebrows as she tried her hardest to guess the reason why you were beaming. You started walking the hallway to your room, her, following closely behind. The moment she kept up with your pace, she began pestering you with all the questions you answered unenthusiastically.
"I wasn't watching a rom-com either. Just forget it."
"No, I'm not gonna stop until you tell me what happened." she insisted, refusing to back down.
You groan as your walking came to a halt, turning to your stubborn best friend beside you. You contemplated telling her for a while, afraid that she'll think you're stupid for smiling because of a sweet message you received.
Well, it's not like you didn't have the right to. It's just that the person who sent it to you is someone you absolutely know nothing about. You know that he's your age, a classic rock fan just like you are, and that he loves music just as much as you do, but much to your chagrin, that's the bloody extent of it.
You have no idea what he looks like or where he's from. Hell, you don't even know his name. You mentally pat yourself on the back for not knowing basic information about this guy that you've been talking to for a month now, just telling yourself that neither of you bothers to inquire because of how good the conversations get as a sop. And even though you were deprived of his personal info, you did know his deepest and weirdest thoughts, making you feel closer to him in a way.
But if you say you're not a little interested about his personal life, then you'd be lying.
You averted your gaze from the ground to Grace, sighing as you decide to just give in and spill. It's not like she didn't already know everything about you anyway.
"Fine. It's Jude. He said something sweet. Are you happy now?" you shared, immediately regretting your decision as soon as more questions were raised.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're still talking to that guy?"
Damn it.
You knew it. You knew you shouldn't have brought him up.
"So? Y/N, you hardly know this guy!"
"But he and I are just talking!"
"Okay, yeah, sure. But occasionally, you flirt with each other and maybe even sext. Bitch, how can I be sure you're not dating this guy through Twitter?"
Your eyes widen at her allegations. You were stunned, partly because she's accusing you of something she would do, but mostly because she's scolding you for it instead of supporting you.
Normally, Grace would tell you that you're too uptight or that you need to let loose and have fun, so having her nag you like she's doing at the moment greatly astounds you. You suppose she's just looking out for you like any best friend would, but she tends to be more impulsive than you, so she's really left you confounded right now.
"Chill, mom. We do nothing but talk about dead or old musicians. And personally, I don't see anything wrong with that." you said, defending yourself.
Grace sighed, admitting to herself that your reasoning made sense, but she still found the whole set-up ridiculous nonetheless.
"Okay, but didn't it ever occur to you that this dude's probably a two?"
You gave her a look of disbelief.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Dude, if he's a ten, then his icon would've been a picture of himself instead of Jim freakin' Morrison."
She has a point, but you were certain that yours is a far better one.
"Well, has it ever occured to you that maybe he wants to keep his personal life private? Stan accounts exist for a goddamn reason, Grace, and it's not so he can show the world how good-looking or unattractive he is."
True enough, fan accounts are dedicated to any phenomenon that floats your boat. Grace didn't have trouble understanding this. She just so happens to find the idea of you, conversing with a total stranger on a daily basis really dumb that she's not holding back from giving you a list of reasons why you shouldn't do so anymore.
"And it doesn't matter if he turns out to be an ugly guy. I'm not dating him, nor do I have any plans to." you added, hoping that she'd stop bombarding you with her arguments.
How concerned she is of your actions is making you feel like you're sinful, and as if you're making the biggest mistake of your life. You thought you've already made her understand your explanation and believe your statement, but you were wrong. She wouldn't let the issue slide, which is unlikely.
"You don't even know what his actual name is!" she said, completely disregarding what you've said prior to her comment.
Another thing that bugs you is that you had no choice but to refer to him as Jude since he has "Hey Jude" as his Twitter name. It's probably not the most practical decision you've ever made, but the lack of essential information sharing between the two of you has prompted you to resort to that solution.
"Oh, come on. As long as I'm not crossing the line, then I'm not doing anything wrong! Can we just drop it and talk about other stuff?"
"Fine." Grace huffed, accepting defeat.
"I was going to drop some bomb on you before things went haywire anyway." she informed you, not wanting to argue with you over this mysterious dude you call "Jude" anymore.
You inched closer to her, having forgotten about Jude for a second as you anticipated the juicy gossip she's about to tell you. You grabbed her arm and shook it, urging her to spare the details already.
"Are you going to tell me or not?"
"Chill, baby cakes. It's about Sam."
Samuel Francis Kiszka. That perfect assortment of chromosomes. Oh, how greatly you loved his long brown locks, his glowing skin, and his prepossessing smile. You've had a crush on that boy since forever, but you only ever talked when you needed to and he never really looked your way. Your interest in him dwindled the moment you interacted with Jude on Twitter, but it's not like you're a loss to him.
You, losing your feelings for him does not affect him in any way since he could care less about you. And besides, he always has a string of girls, pining after him wherever he chooses to go.
"Oh. What about him?"
Typically, you're all ears when literally anyone has anything Sam-related to say, but having Jude to talk to has really made you less interested in him.
If Grace noticed how indifferent you seemed after she mentioned Sam, she chose to ignore it.
"He already has a new girl. I wouldn't say they're dating, though, 'cause I overheard his conversation with Danny and learned that he and this chick are just talking as of now. But according to Sam, things are getting pretty serious." she said as a matter-of-factly.
"Oh. Good for him."
Now it's Grace's turn to give you a look of disbelief. She didn't expect you would react this way. This is the first time she's seen you so nonchalant about Sam. She tried to appear as unsurprised as possible, but her facial expression betrayed her, finding it hard to close her mouth that's currently agape. Never in her wildest dreams did she think you wouldn't be bothered by the idea of Sam, dating someone else that's not you.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"What?" you asked, blinking, confused by her question.
"The last time you found out Sam has a girlfriend, you bawled your eyes out. And now you're out here, unaffected, and saying shit like, 'good for him'? What kind of supernatural being possessed you?"
You chuckled. You tried to give her an answer, but you couldn't find any. You truly didn't know what happened. It could be the fact that you ran out of feelings for Sam because your relationship with him never really progressed after all these years. On the other hand, it could be the fact that you met Jude and grew awfully close to him.
"I don't know. I think it's just that... I found another person to give my attention to."
Grace scoffed, looking pretty disgusted by your response.
"Please don't tell me you're referring to this son of a bitch named Jude."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but yes." you said, dragging her inside your classroom.
"Seriously, Y/N. Eww."
"I don't care what you think, G."
Settling into your seat, you were alarmed upon realizing that you didn't reply to Jude's last message. You quickly fished your phone out of your pocket to send him a message, not wanting him to think he made things weird. The two of you continued to message each other until your physics teacher entered your classroom. It's funny how you didn't only have the gloomy weather in common for both your annoyingly punctual teachers arrived at the same time.
Your mind temporarily shut out thoughts of him as you tried your best to answer this headache of a quiz that was given to you.
- - -
"You guys are still talking?" Grace asked, exasperated, swallowing the food she was chewing.
"We are."
"Grace, seriously. We're just talking. You're worried for nothing." you tried, convincing your best friend to stop giving you dirty looks.
"Fine. What are you guys talking about right now?"
You smiled even though she just rolled her eyes at you, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist you, no matter how insane she thought you were being.
"He just asked me what my favorite John Denver song is."
"The Music Is You? Sounds cheesy." Grace said after peeking at your conversation with Jude in your phone.
"Trust me, G. Every guy you've dated is way cheesier."
Grace was just about to say something snarky when Sam had an outburst. You and Grace exchanged looks before diverting your attention to Sam and his friends. Thank God you can hear them perfectly from your lunch table.
"Oh, what is it now?" Danny asked, just as annoyed as Grace was a minute ago.
"Her favorite John Denver song is The Music Is You!" Sam answered, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Both you and Grace's eyes shot wide open, Sam's words leaving the both of you dumbfounded. Is this really happening? You were too shocked to tell.
You couldn't move. You lost the capability to speak. Your brain won't even form sentences, let alone words right now as it refused to process what your ears had heard. Suddenly, all that you felt was this abnormal pounding sensation in your chest.
If you thought Sam Kiszka couldn't make you weak anymore, you've never been so wrong.
- - -
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Pulling Leaves Off Trees, Chapter 1: Been Through the Wringer a Couple Times (Multi) - Sportkuras
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon: wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message.
“Oh, goddamn it.”
Or: The girls try to survive college, and everything else that comes with almost being an adult.
A/N: my first fic here on artificialqueens! i noticed that arent many college au’s and group chat fics of the s12 cast so i let myself be self-indulgent for once!! its unbeta’d so apologies lmao but you can talk to me here and you can find the ao3 link here! comment if you’d like!
Jan started her morning like almost every college student in their third year would: to be woken up by their alarm after a night of heavy drinking. She woke up with a start and groaned as Chromatica II started blaring from her phone, blindly reaching for it on her nightstand and peering at the time.
Damn. One in the afternoon, huh?
“Thank god I don’t have class today.” The blonde muttered as she checked her notifications: 7 from Twitter, 3 from Insta, and 1 from their group chat. She sat up from her bed and scrolled through the chat, trying to quell her pounding headache.
Bon Voy
Members: jaidaessencehall, heidininacloset, jansport, jackiecox, gigigoode, crystalmethyd, britafilter, dahliasin, nickydoll, aidenzhane, and widowvondu
lebron essence ball: okay so
lebron essence ball: me and shea are at the library rn and she’s complaining to me abt how she couldnt sleep right
lebron essence ball: and chile….it was bc someone was getting RAILED last night lmaooo
lebron essence ball: she said, and i quote, “the bitch had such a good time even I’M jealous”
c’est bon: damnnn
c’est bon:wait. jan isnt your apartment near shea’s
human girl: @jansport spill
human girl: also
human girl: feels weird that we didn’t start this day with a good morning announcement from jan
c’est bon: the vibes were off 😞
Jan could feel her stomach drop as she looked at the message, “Oh, goddamn it.” She’s now acutely aware of their apartment door opening and Rock’s footsteps padding from outside her room, most likely just coming home from her class. She suddenly remembered exactly what happened last night; most especially memories of what happened between her and her roommate . Memories of them being drunk as hell, coming back to their apartment from god knows how many bars, going to Jan’s room giggling like teenagers on a sleepover and well. You know.
Jan checked her phone again.
lebron essence ball: jannette….would you happen to know who was the lucky gal? 👀
backpack backpack: good morning to you too gigi 🙄
human girl: *Afternoon, actually
human girl: Now spill! I know you know almost everyone on that floor.
She pinched the bridge of her nose. How in the hell was she gonna say that her and Rock got drunk and hooked up as casually as possible? She could lie, but Jaida, Brita and Widow could smell bullshit coming from a mile away, and she’s a horrible liar. They’d know she was bluffing.
Might as well get it over it. She let out a sigh as she typed out a message, hoping that it was only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
backpack backpack: haha yeah so um
backpack backpack: that was me & rock actually
Even though no one could see her, Jan hid her face behind her hands, bracing for the worst. Several dings!  had come from her phone as soon as she sent the message. Of course it wasn’t only Jaida, Nicky and Gigi who were online.
cox destroyers: Oh my god.
Jan’s eyes widened when she saw Jackie reply, although she’s not quite sure why she was panicking about Jackie knowing about her hook up with Rock in the first place. All she knows is that she’s gonna have to face Jackie (and everyone else, for that matter,) later.
sin city: ohhh bitch—
c’est bon: you and ROCK???
dom top: !!!
dom top: idk who Rock is but get it sister
backpack backpack: Thank you! Thank you, Heidi. It’s like you’re the only one who’s not acting weird right now.
c’est bon: lmao heidi
c’est bon: she’s jans roommate
human girl: Janice Elizabeth Sport.
von du for two: not this shit again i swear to god
tap water: Jan.
tap water: You know that I love you
Jan rolled her eyes at the messages, wanting the ‘news’ to be over as soon as possible. “And they say I’m the dramatic one.” She huffed as she quickly typed on her phone again.
backpack backpack: okay can y’all chill 🙄
backpack backpack: we just got drunk and slept together, that’s all.
backpack backpack: tell shea im sorry though xxxx @jaidaessencehall
lebron essence ball: bitch you know it ain’t about having a drunk hookup with someone
lebron essence ball: its about the fact that you banged your roommate AGAIN
backpack backpack: oh COME ON
backpack backpack: this was just the second time!!
backpack backpack: and lemon’s with priyanka now!!!
von du for two: girl you & lemon were fucking almost every week i can’t with u
von du for two: going at it like rabbits while we were outside your apartment getting ready to watch glee :/
tap water: and, frankly, i don’t want to come up to your apartment to run lines with you if i have to hear y’all fooling around. my good, christian ears have heard enough.
She felt her face heat up in embarrassment.
backpack backpack: oh my god can you guys please shut up!!!!
backpack backpack: it’s not gonna happen again bc it was a one time thing
backpack backpack: i promise
human girl: [dwayne the rock johnson voice] are you sure about that?
backpack backpack: yes georgina goode i am 100% sure
Jan bit her lip as she looked up at the door to her room. Okay, she’s not 100% sure, but not because she regretted it or anything. As much as her brain was allowing her to remember, last night was good. Great, even. But between auditions, college, and working in the café, her love life (or lack thereof) is on pause for now. Besides, it’s not like anyone has been actively pursuing her, or vice versa.
But it wouldn’t hurt to ask Rock, right?
Sighing in defeat, Jan quickly got up from her bed with her phone still in her hand (as much as her hangover allowed her), left her room and knocked on her roommates door, hoping that she wasn’t busy. She heard a faint “come in!” from the other side and opened the door softly.
“Hey, roomie.” She joked.
Rock looked up from her drawing tablet and slipped off the headphones from her ears. “Glad to see you’re finally awake, and here I thought you were a morning person.” Rock’s room was a mess of color and paraphernalia; while Jan’s was strictly purple, pop culture, and musical theater, hers was an array of figurines and albums on the shelves, kpop & anime posters tacked on the wall behind her bed reaching up to the ceiling, and a somewhat decent gaming setup in the corner of her room. Crystal and Nicky would be proud.
Jan rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, last night was something,” She slightly cleared her throat at the mention of last night. “Also, about last night…”
Rock raised her brow, “Go on?”
“It was a one time thing, right?” Jan furrowed her brows in question, “I mean, last night was amazing , as much my brain is allowing me to remember. And you’re hot, so, I’m not complaining. Really dig the anime e-girl vibe, and I’m sure anyone would tap that ass! I mean, I did, but I’m just—”
“—Not looking for anything right now?” Rock cut her off, saving Jan from turning into a hungover, rambling mess.
She let out a sigh of relief, sitting on her roommates bed and putting her phone down, “Yeah, doll. Just been really busy right now, y’know? 3rd year isn’t a joke.”
The pink-haired girl let out a snort, “Oh, I know the feeling. And don’t worry, I wasn’t looking for anything either, and while last night was fun,” She looked at her pointedly, and Jan was calm enough to actually smirk at the incident between the two, “I’d much rather have you as my friend than as my fuck buddy, because you are loud , girl!”
Jan shrieked at that, “Oh my god, shut up!” She threw a pillow at Rock’s head while the girl let out a cackle, “My friends were on my ass about that too, some friends they are.”
“Wait, you told your friends about that? Aren’t you friends with Nicky?”
Jan huffed, “Mama, more like I was forced to tell them. Jaida’s friend, Shea—whose apartment is next to ours, by the way—was complaining to her about how she couldn’t sleep last night because of, um, my tendency to be vocal.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Rotted bitch!” Jan threw another pillow at Rock, this time missing because the girl was doubled over in laughter, “I can’t believe you! The disrespect, really. I shouldn’t be taking this from you, I still have a shift to do at 3.”
“But you took it from me real good last night, so,” this time Rock shielded her face as Jan threw pillow after pillow at her, trying to speak through her laughter, “Okay, okay! I give, I give! I’m sorry, mom!”
“Bitch! I can be a top if I want to!” Jan exclaimed in mock offense. As their laughter subsided, the blonde suddenly had an idea, “Oh! What if I invite you over for dinner?”
Rock smirked, “One: we’re roommates. It’s not really inviting me to dinner if we eat in the same room. And two: I thought you said you weren’t looking for anything?”
“I mean dinner with my friends, gorg. All 11 of us eat together at least once a week, this time we’re gonna crash at Heidi, Jaida and Brita’s. Maybe you wanna come and meet them? I know you and Nicky know each other somehow, so it wouldn’t be too awkward, right?”
“Introducing me to the family already? Ain’t that a bit too early for you, Ms. Sport?”
“More like introducing you to a bunch of kindergartners,” Jan muttered as she checked her phone for any new notifications, “But yeah, I want them to know you as my roommate and friend , not as my roommate who I slept with.”
Bon Voy
dom top: okay so jans sex life aside
dom top: y’all are still coming over tonight?
sin city: yes girl!! college sucks ass sm i need to eat my feelings
c’est bon: wouldn’t miss it for the world mon ami xoxo
cox destroyer: I’m gonna be a little late! I just have to return and borrow some stuff in the library.
human girl: can we please order pizza hut <3
lebron essence hall: no <3
von du for two: we are going to order dominoes like civilized people
human girl: ugh fine, all of you have 0 taste
human girl: crys said yes btw she just has class right now
tap water: aiden said she’s gonna come too, she just can’t message the chat bc she’s still in her shift
Jan grinned at Brita’s message, finally getting the chance to steer the conversation away from her.
backpack backpack: So if she can’t message the chat because of her shift, why’s she messaging you, miss brittany filter?? 👀
Jan can feel Brita’s eye roll from miles away.
tap water: She speaks!
tap water: And don’t act like this conversation isn’t over, Miss Janice Sport. You have a lot of explaining to do.
“So, are ya gonna introduce me as your forbidden, but passionate lover? Whose romance was short-lived, yet wild, fiery and unforgettable?”
Now it was Jan’s turn to let out a cackle as she left Rock’s room, “More like my chaotic mess of a roommate who farted herself awake!”
This time it was Rock’s turn to gasp in offense, “That was one time and you fucking know it! And my answer is yes, by the way!”
Jan sent a message to the chat before grabbing her towel and putting her phone away to take a shower.
backpack backpack: oh btw i’m inviting rock to hang out with us!!! I promise she’s super fun and that we’re just roommates and see y’all soon please dont kill me or make it awkward with rock xxxx
tap water: are you
tap water: kidding me.
von du for two: oh for the love of GOD
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missblushyrose · 6 years
Freeze Your Brain
A/N: Hello, my lovelies! It’s your girl here with a D:BH fanfic (finally). A few weeks ago, I was trying to come up with an idea for a new piece, and I had nothing. But then, a certain song made its way into my mind, and I was thinking, “Can androids get a brain freeze?” I’m not entirely sure, but I figured since androids can have sensors, why not? I just feel like Connor having his first brain freeze would be a fun writing challenge. Now sit back, grab yourself a frozen slushed beverage, and just freeze your brain. Y’know? Suck on that straw, just get lost in the pain. Shut your eyes tight, as you vanish from sight- *gets hit with a brick*
"Hank, I don’t believe this is the usual route you take when leaving the precinct to return to home…”
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I just need to stop by somewhere.”
“This route would seem to lead to Jimmy’s Bar. I would strongly advise you to not stop there.”
“Nah, I’m not stopping there. Not that you’d let me, anyway. ”
A dark grey-coated vehicle roamed about the streets of Detroit, appearing to stick out above the typically futuristic 2020s-2030s automobiles with its vintage build. A faint sound of rock music can be heard from just outside of the car, the music itself also serving to be out of place in 2038. Inside said vehicle sat two men side-by-side, one indisputably middle-aged, given his graying hair, and the other an android. The fluorescent blue LED spun around in time to AC/DC’s 'Highway To Hell' at the right side of his head, whereas Hank’s hands lightly drummed the steering wheel to the rhythm as they journeyed through the city.
Connor cast his glance to his right and stared out at the world passing them by, simply tuning out the world around him within his own thoughts. The android then caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the window, deep chocolatey orbs staring back into his own. How he had become so enthralled with looking at himself, he had no clue. Curiosity? It seemed to be a possibility. He blinked, which the reflective illusion copied in time with him, his LED flashing a curious yellow.
“Connor! Earth to Connor, do you read?”
Hank’s voice quickly withdrew the ex-deviant hunter from his thoughts with a startle, the yellow LED rapidly flashing for a few brief seconds before resuming its commonplace blue. Connor’s artificial eyelids fluttered briskly before he finally recovered from his momentary shock, and turned toward the older man, who barked out a laugh at his reaction.
“I fail to see how startling me like that is humorous, Hank,” Connor chided lightly with a hint of annoyance, the small smile tugging at his lips contradicting his own dismay.
“Well, I wouldn’t’ve had to if you weren’t busy looking at yourself for ten goddamn minutes,” Hank chuckled in genuine amusement before reaching out to lightly squeeze at the other’s side a few times, his grin amplifying at the squeaks emitting as the android tried to curl himself up in the passenger seat. “I thought you were going into that weird sleep mode or something.”
“I wahahasn’t!” The prototype argued playfully while gingerly batting at the hand clamped onto his torso with his own, the hand pulling away seconds later to discard the key from the ignition. “I was simply… staring out the window,” He admitted, which only withdrew an unconvinced ‘Mm-hm’ from the other man. “and I seemed to have lost track of time. Is this what humans refer to as… staring off into space?”
Hank looked over at the android and gave off a smile. Somehow, it was hard for him to believe that the kid was simply a machine built to accomplish his mission and nothing more when they had first met weeks ago. Now, they were living together, and Connor seemed more human every passing day, even while he was struggling with it often.
“Yeah, that’s what it is…” He replied before stepping out into the harsh winter atmosphere.
Connor then turned his attention to his surroundings, blue LED morphing to yellow as he began to process their current location. A small parking lot, littered with minimum to no cars, almost vacant. An illuminated sign high in the air with the assistance of a lone metallic pole, the aforementioned surface donning a seemingly nolgastic '7-Eleven' within the center. A small building in front of him withheld the same logo horizontally stretched across the top, along with stripes decorated in red, orange, and green.
“Connor! Unless you’re planning on staying in there all night, get your plastic ass out of the car!”
This made the RK800 put a halt to his examination and proceeded to exit the vehicle, his LED retreating back to blue as he approached the man whom he viewed to be a fatherly figure at the entry doors.
“I thought you did not want me to follow you like a puppy,” Connor stated innocently, his lips curling up in a tiny smirk like the smart aleck he tended to be at times.
“I didn’t fuckin’ tell you to stay in the goddamn car, smartass!” Hank scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows at the sudden know-it-allness being displayed by the deviant. “Now, c’mon. I’m freezing my balls out here.”
“Judging by the current temperature, which is 28.4 degrees Fahrenheit, -2 degrees Celcius, I doubt you’ll, quote, ‘freeze your balls off’.” The android pushed further, the wry smirk never leaving his face.
Hank sighed and ran a hand over his own face before clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Connor?”
“Yes, Hank?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Hank gave him a playful shove towards the automatic door and followed suit, snickering as he watched him stumble into the 7-Eleven.
Connor quickly regained his balance and explored his gaze around the infamous convenience store. To his right, numerous shelves arranged next to each other, filled with heaps of bagged chips, candy, and other various snacks. Refrigerated containers packed with nearly every beverage possible stood against the walls to the far right. What caught his eye, however, was the spectacle considered to be the main attraction to every 7-Eleven, the ever-beloved Slurpee vendor. Plastic cups in various sizes stacked to the side, circular windows allowed eye-access to the colored frozen beverages being continuously stirred, and the assortment of flavors displayed side by side; Wild Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Coke, and Pina Colada. He slowly approached the altar, his newfound curiosity piqued and a spark of interest in his eyes.
“Hadn’t had one of these in a while…” Hank passed him by and made his way to the beverage machine with an extra-large cup in his hand. He then held it underneath one of the four nozzles and filled the cup to the brim with Coke-flavored slushy goodness.
Connor blinked, his LED flashing yellow and rotating as he began to scan the contents of the frozen beverage.
[Coke Slurpee - 1 Extra Large (40 Oz)
Calories: 349
Sodium: 48mg
Potassium: 1.8mg
Total Carbohydrates: 90g
Sugars: 90g
Calcium: 4% of Daily Value]
(A/N: I wanted to include the nutritional facts, and have Connor scan Hank’s Slurpee like he does to his lunch in the game. Thank you, Google.)
Hank looked up from his slushified soda and to the android’s whirring LED. “Aw, Jesus. I know that look, Connor, so you better not start spewing bullshit about cholesterol, and sodium, and all that crap.”
“Actually, the nutritional facts of your beverage are significantly lower than your typical order at Chicken Feed. However,” Cue an annoyed groan from the older man. “there are 349 calories contained in it. In order to effectively burn said calories, it is recommended that you either walk at three miles per hour for 94 minutes, take a run at six miles per hour for 34 minutes, or-”
“Hell no! You’re already killing me with this health food shit, and I sure as hell ain’t fuckin’ running! Besides, there's nothing wrong with having something like this in moderation. Unless you’d rather I get something with alcohol in it,” He ended on a teasing note, smirking when the android kept his mouth shut. “That’s what I thought.” He then raised his cup and proceeded to guzzle.
Seconds had gone by, and Connor continued to watch the human swallowing plentiful amounts of the drink at a seemingly alarming rate, arousing a tinge of concern within the pit of his stomach.
“Hank, I don’t think you should-” He was interrupted when a hand was raised, signaling him to shut up. Another five seconds went by, and at least 3 ounces was gone, stopping afterward.
Hank smirked to himself contentedly before he felt the coldness of the drink seep its way into his head, creating a throbbing within his skull so painful that it caused him to cry out in pain while clutching his temples. “Aahhh, son of a bitch!”
Connor’s LED flashed a worried yellow, and his eyes widened slightly as he watched him bare with the pain, unsure of what to do. “Hank! A-Are you alright?”
“Aaahhh, whoo…!” He groaned through clenched teeth, the pain fading away three seconds later. “…That was a hell of a brain freeze. Holy shit.”
”…Brain freeze?” The android asked curiously with a tilt of his head, LED reverting back to blue.
“Yeah, brain freeze. You’ve got a dictionary in that head of yours, don‘t you?”
[Brain freeze (Informal NOUN): Also called an ice-cream headache. A pain in the temples and forehead brought on by quickly consuming very cold food or drink.]
”My recent search tells me that a brain freeze is a pain located in the temples and forehead, brought on by quickly consuming very cold food or drink. A short-term ice cream headache, if you will.”
Hank nodded and hummed approvingly as he turned to face the machine, watching the liquids rotate inside the glasses. “Yep. Got that one right. Hey, Connor… do you think androids get brain freeze?”
That question stirred Connor with bewilderment, raising an eyebrow and blinking a few times before he finally drew out an answer. “I don’t think that's possible, Hank. Considering that we do not need to eat or drink, I doubt androids are equipped with sensors in the mouth.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes, I believe I just said that.”
“Hmm,” Hank murmured before he swiveled back to facing the android with a partially smaller cup than his own with one thing on his mind: proving whether his theory was right or wrong. “You really believe that?” He received a nod. “Well, if you’re so sure of yourself…” He raised the large-sized cup up and out to the other.
“…Try it.”
Connor gazed at the offering held before him with a combination of perplexity, inquisitivity, and uncertainty, his LED flashing a steady blue-yellow-blue-yellow before casting his glance back to the older man. “Hank, I don't need to-”
“Alright, enough with the ‘I don’t need to eat or drink’ bullshit! You may not need to, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t. Now, quit stalling, and just drink it! Put something else in your damn mouth for once!” He barked, shaking the cup in his direction, placing it into his hands when he didn’t take it.
[Wild Cherry Slurpee - 1 Large (22 Oz)
Calories: 185-]
”And stop fuckin’ scanning it, will you?”
The android scrutinized the beverage with the same curiosity, as well as cautiousness and oscillation, as he had upon being given this cherry red substance encased in plastic. Slowly, the android lifted the cup with a hint of hesitance and shyly opened his mouth, lips enclosing around the plastic straw. First, he took a small drop of the frosty drink through the straw and was greeted with a sweet, tangy welcome. His eyes instantly lit up like a Christmas tree, and he was slightly taken back, yet astonished to discover this new, foreign experience in which humans come to know as taste. After savoring the lone drop, he then proceeded to suck down plentiful amounts of his drink, guzzling down over three ounces within six seconds before withdrawing the straw from his mouth, peering up at the older man with a dumbfounded look.
Connor blinked as the lieutenant stared back at him expectantly, mentally counting down. “…I do not see- Aahhh!” The sudden sensations of the coldness shooting into his CPU captured him by surprise, the chilly achiness ringing within his artificial skull causing him to cry out and clutch at his pulsing temples. He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tightly as the pain echoed within his head, only for it to fade away seconds later.
Hank was unable to stifle a chuckle from rumbling within his throat, smirking in spite of himself. “Jesus, I don’t believe it! An android caught a brain freeze! How’d that feel, huh? Could you taste it?"
The android unclenched his jaw and kept a hand at his forehead, searching within his database for the words he could find to best describe the recent episode. “It… It felt as though the walls surrounding my CPU were ringing, a-and it was so… cold. It was… mildly unpleasant… And to answer the follow-up question, it tasted sweet and tangy. I think I liked it.”
“Wild Cherry, eh?” The breathed out another chuckle, morphing into a sigh as he looked down into his own concoction. “That was Cole’s favorite, too…”
Connor re-opened his eyes to offer a sympathetic stare with his sad doe-like sparkle in optics, guilt instantly brewing within his systems. “I… I apologize if I upset you. I-I didn’t mean to-”
A dry chuckle resounded in response. “Nah, don’t worry about it. You didn’t bring up anything bad. You actually brought up some good memories.”
“Really?” He asked, blinking with the same innocent facial fixture.
“Yeah,” The older man replied gruffly, a small smile at his lips as he stared off into space. “Sometimes, I pick him up from school, and we come down here for a couple of Slurpees for the road. Most of the time, we have brain freeze contests. We’d chug ‘em down as long as we could before we gave in to the pain, and whoever stopped first lost the game.”
Connor tilted his head to the side, awestruck at the gist of this so-called game. “I do not understand. Why would someone willingly subject themselves to what is believed to be a game, only to undergo something as excruciating as a brain freeze?”
Hank looked over to the android with an incredulous look, shaking his head in disbelief. “Jesus, you’re killing me, Connor! Because it’s fun! Sometimes, you gotta stop all that thinking and just… I don't know… freeze your damn brain! Just suck on that straw, and get lost in the pain!”
(A/N: Oh, good God, here we go with the “Heathers” references again!)
“You mean… what I have experienced tonight?”
A gruff sigh was released from the other. However, an idea was quickly formed to not only show him what he meant, but to bond with him as well. “You know what? Raise your cup, Connor. We’re havin’ a brain freeze contest! Right here, right now!”
“I don’t think this is a good idea…” The android admitted with uncertainty, squinting at such a suggestion.
“Aw, c’mon, it only hurts for a few seconds! Or…” The lieutenant drawled out with an instigating smirk, his tone lowering at the following assumption:
“…Are you afraid of losing to your old man?”
Provoked by the good-natured jeer, Connor regarded the other a confident stare with a challenging grin of his own, blue LED softly whirring as it spun. “Do I detect a challenge, Lieutenant?”
A dark chuckle rose from the older man’s chest, resonating through the small convenience store. “Let’s deal. Loser buys another round of Slurpees for two.”
“Need I remind you, Hank, that as an android, I am capable of outlasting humans. I think the same can be said for participating in human traditions such as this.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, bring it on, android!”
With that proclamation, the contest officially commenced, both men hoisted their frozen refreshments simultaneously and began to chug. The contents of their cups seemed to be decreasing fairly quickly as they progressed through, ounce, after ounce vanishing. The two would steal a glance or two at each other, as if watching for the other’s will to endure the ritual crumble, or just to shoot a smug glint in the other’s direction. Seconds have gone by, and while the coldness reached their soft palates, neither had backed down yet. Time grew slow, coldness gradually traversed to their skulls, ringing, stabbing…
Connor had only managed to last for 10 seconds before he finally retreated, due to the throbbing pain within his temples. “Gyaaahhh!”
Hank ceased three seconds after the defeated participant and lifted his cup in the air. “Y-Yeah, suck on tha- Owww! Jesus fuckin’ Christ!” He quickly lowered his raised arm and held his own temples with his free hand, attempting to cope with the sensations by breathing through clenched teeth. “Fuckin’ hell…”
Another few seconds of agonizing mental pain, both the human and the android had finally managed to compose themselves, the coldness subsiding from their heads.
Connor couldn’t contain the smile gracing his facial features, feeling genuinely happy, despite the pain they’ve recently endured. “Congratulations on your victory, Hank. As proposed in your bet, I suppose I’ll be purchasing another two Slurpees for us.” Hank shook his head and waved his hand dismissively, smiling back at the boy all the while.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll buy ‘em.”
“But, Hank, we’ve agreed-”
‘Just shut up let me buy them, goddammit.” With that, Hank grabbed another two cups and filled them with their favorite flavors, Coke and Wild Cherry, respectively, before placing a pile of dollar bills atop the sleek register. He turned to the android, and handed him his second Wild Cherry Slurpee, only to receive a smile as lightheartedly motioning to the automatic doors with his head. “Well? C’mon already! Sumo’s waiting for us!”
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to keep him waiting,” Connor mused lightly, strolling past the other and to the doors, Hank following him shortly afterward.
Fifteen minutes later…
“So, what did you think of your first brain freeze contest, Connor?”
Connor glanced over to his right from his position on the couch, and fixed his gaze upon the middle-aged man he viewed to be his fatherly figure, petting the large Saint Bernard draped over his lap as they’ve watched re-runs of ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’. “Despite enduring the throbbing pain, it was rather enjoyable, to say the least.”
Hank threw a smile at his android of a son and chuckled warmly before he directed his attention back to his living room television, taking another swig of his Coke-flavored Slurpee.
Cole would've fuckin’ loved him…
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