#oh well lmao that's another issue altogether
isayoldbean · 1 year
apparently All This Time i hadn't had 'a summer's end--hong kong 1986' on my steam wishlist despite thinking i'd added it back when i first saw the release announcement for it and now i'm paranoid about what else i've forgotten to put on there
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narastories · 10 months
Hi Nara, I hope you had a good day!
For Fanfic Writer Friday, do you want to tell me what you're working on (if you are on something currently)?
And if you've got time, I'd love to hear your opinion about the use of the past or present tense in fanfic, because it always gives me so much trouble. I don't really have a logic for using one or the other, so I'd like to know yours.
Thank you <3
Hi! Yes, thank you, I had a great day <3
Ooh, these are two very interesting questions.
I'm sort of working on something... By working, I mean writing notes in my notebook and trying to figure out how to tackle this idea ^^" I really want to write a Dresden Files/FPA crossover! (Let's see if by announcing it publicly I can successfully shame me into going through with it... I doubt it, but we'll try it...)
I've never actually written a crossover, so that's already a bit daunting. Having to juggle twice as many characters/ships as I would normally is also a challenge... Currently, I'm trying to decide what POV/s to use, and how not to make this too long. But I think it would be fun to draw some parallels between the characters, and it would also be fun to bring two of the fandoms I like together like this.
Another, perhaps silly consideration is that I now have 99 fics on AO3... To make the 100th one a little bit special would be cool. (Okay, that might not happen because I have already uploaded my Yuletide fic, and I'm not actually sure where AO3 will put it in the order of fics once the authors are revealed on Jan 1st...)
Anyway, wish me luck, I can tell you that Philes would very much be on the menu ;) 2.
You're asking me this because of the tags on my last fic, right? xD
Oh dear, where do I even start? I actually wouldn't say I have a well-developed opinion on this. And I think maybe it's better if we split it into two categories: what I think of past/present tense, and how I would decide what to use.
Just from vibes alone, I would say past tense is very comfy. It sort of "disappears" because we're so used to it. No one will be turned off by you using the past tense. You can do anything with it.
Present tense, on the other hand, feels a bit more intimate to me. It can work well for a more poetic tone. It has an urgency to it like you don't know what's going to happen. But it will also very much turn some people off ^^"
I will also add that if I'm talking about multiple layers of past events, the English past tenses can give me a bit of a hard time, so using the present tense can gloriously simplify that lol
I do like reading either btw, but how do I decide what to use when writing?
I use past tense 99% of the time. (I mean, literally. I think I have 98 fics written in the past tense, wrote one in present, and I'm pretty sure the next one will be in the past tense as well lol) So I’m no expert here, although I do have some WIPs where I also used present tense and I would totally consider experimenting with it more.
To be honest, there is only one scenario where I would opt for the present tense always, and it’s the 2nd person "you" fics... Dare I say: *whispers* reader-insert. Which is a whole different can of worms altogether that we are now opening.
Personally, in my opinion, if you think old forum role playing was cool but you think self-insert fic is cringe, that’s a *skill issue*. Luckily, I have mastered my destiny and overcame feelings of cringe lmao (I'm joking, you only read what you want, of course.)
What I mean is, I find it very charming how self-insert or reader-insert fic specifically about RPG games kind of circles back around to the roots of the “role-playing” in RPG. I might not read certain types of reader-insert fics, but I think they have their rightful place in fandom.
Now, getting back to the topic of present tense lol To me, sometimes certain things will just fit better for a fic. For example, when I started writing my first Dresden Files fic, I started writing it in 3rd person, because 1st person felt intimidating. But the canon is in 1st person, and something in me knew that it just had to be done that way for the right tone, you know? (It doesn’t mean you have to stick to the way canon is written, of course. It’s more about what fits better with the mood you are going for and what effect you want to achieve.)
Same thing with my last fic: the fandom I wrote it for uses present tense and uses 2nd person for the main character. Yeah, sure you can write an OC and write 3rd person, but the right vibe I was going for was begging me to use the present tense. So yeah, in a sense it was me wanting to stick more with the canon vibe, even if that challenged me. Which is interesting because usually it’s the other way around, no?
That is a really long way of saying I tend to stick to what is closes to canon. But I think you should always listen to your gut and just write how you like it better.
Thank you for the thought-provoking questions and sorry for the long ramble.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Honestly me neither but apparently Aryu stans exists?? I mean they must if they keep making merch for them SHSHGSSH
YAY omg congrats!!! Touching grass pays off LMAO another Mira W!!
Oh WHAT ok then well, I guess ever platform has its issues LOL now I see why Ao3 authors always feel the need to explain their absence (the insane ones are so funny but also genuinely crazy like wdym you almost died but are updating in the hospital bed??? Go rest??) Glad you don’t get people harassing you like that anymore because if it were me I’d probably end up ditching the piece altogether unless I was writing it for myself HAHA
“Do you want me to kill myself me honest” IS INSANEEEEE HONESTLY THAT COMEBACK SLAPS HAHAHA I think it’s tame considering how they were being so pushy but didn’t even bother to absorb the fact that you literally already answered the question a day before….
SWIMMING SCENE we won guys but so true little kid drama’s usually restricted by the complexities of their social interactions which are far and few in between LMAO can’t wait for that angsty teen/tween phase
So real for that…I fear I remain closeted until I become really good friends with someone or honestly it won’t come up at all if the other person doesn’t consume any of the same type of media because we usually talk about others things HAHA
Yeah it’s just Itoshi flashback essentially LMAO I’m ngl idk how to feel it definitely doesn’t really make me feel anything more for Rin (what was bro doing??? The way he fell down looked so goofy I’m not even sure what to say and tbh I don’t really get how him like jumping off places really aligns with the ideation of “defeating someone stronger even if it kills you” but he’s probably like 5 so I guess it makes sense that his thought process doesn’t make sense??? Whatever ig LMAO) seeing sae take the heat for rin was kinda cute but yeah erm his dad was kinda ominous there!!! Also the beard, that’s just sae with a beard a black dyed hair. But YEAH honestly I think I felt more for Rin without knowing this background like uhhh what?? I also have little interest in analyzing this myself so I’ll just let it sit there HAHA
LEARNING BY NOT FOLLOWING EXAMPLE REAL you’ll see in the next chapters that ideation is even more prevalent…but ok ummm why is this LN so deep?? I think they just stepped up the level of emotion and whatnot in this volume because??? I’m about to go skim Aryu’s to see what’s in there let’s see if he gets bullied too /j
-Karasu anon
HAHA ig that’s true!! aryu fandom wherever you are i hope you’re staying strong 😫 that’s like the ultimate random side character to be in love with because he truly is up to nothing 😭 but ykw i support
okay wait crazy story i actually have updated a fic while in the hospital before 😳 i had an allergic reaction to something and was in anaphylactic shock so they gave me steroids and had to monitor my vitals for a few hours so i was like “ok might as well write ig” but then my laptop died and i was so mad 😔 i texted my best friend abt it and she was like “girl you are in the hospital focus on THAT” FJFKSKS the grind truly never stops!!
LMAOO lowkey i did abandon the story it’s been like three months since i updated and tbh i always forget i’m the one who wrote it 😓 looking back i think i was just annoyed because it felt like people just saw me as a content machine who could spit out chapters at will?? like it’s one thing when people ask me when peregrine will be updated because it’s been a month or so (don’t get me wrong it still is a little annoying because i have no idea but not AS bad) but when more than two days would pass and they’d be asking me when the next chapter would come out it was just like…do you not want me to have a life or smth?? it’s not like i can abandon everything else i do solely to write new chapters and update 😭
SWIMMING SCENE INDEED i’m trying to make this not be too similar to fwtkac but there’s def a bit of overlap in things like pool scenes and whatnot (even though the outcomes of the scenes are different in each fic)…but yeah there’s def a little bit of drama just because even as a very young child karasu was down bad but like at the age of 7 it’s not as if he knows what that means yk 🤔 it’s also funny because rn i’m picturing baby karasu from epinagi so it’s more like “aww cute kid” (which is also the reader’s mindset so that’s good) but i need to get to when he enters his growth spurt era so i can be like 😏 HAHAHAHA
agreed it’s not something i bring up until i’ve judged a person’s vibe well enough to know they won’t be weird abt it or if they bring it up first…even then like i don’t talk a ton abt it w my friends unless they’re also into it (sadly i have no bllk irls so it’s been difficult but at least i have my tumblr crew to geek out with)
HELP RIN LOOKED SO SILLY i have no idea what he was up to…truly he was a weird little kid but that honestly checks out w what we know of him because even now when you get past his fantasy otome isekai male lead appearance he’s lowkey a bit of a freak 😭 and i think painting sae as someone who takes the heat for rin makes me feel bad for him a bit because who is taking the heat for HIM yk?? and omg they did not try w the itoshi parents’ designs at all they don’t even have eyes 😓 maybe it was an artistic choice idk LMAO i guess we’ll see how the match progresses from here!! hoping for more karasu and yukimiya 🥹 maybe kunigami too he’s kind of been irrelevant besides guarding shidou so hopefully after the rin goal that’s sure to come there’ll be some focus on the shidou system (shidou karasu zantetsu) that seemed to be setting smth up before rin went crazy and then that could lead to some development/scenes for kunigami as well 🤔 i’m excited too that the nel arc is almost over hehe it’ll be fun to see everyone back together and hopefully on the same team again!! as well as seeing what comes next in the manga (i’m assuming u20 world cup but i’m sure there’ll be some stuff in between before the actual world cup starts)…praying for another slice of life type of scene like when they were all in shibuya after bllk vs u20s!!
BAROU BEST FATHER OF THE YEAR no wonder he was so good at parenting nagi bro has experience 😭 and i agree barou/yuki’s novels were def on the deeper and more emotional side while still being relatable which made them really fun to read 😩 aryu’s made me giggle a bit tbh because it was so unserious and yet serious at the same time as is to be expected from him…i can’t believe you predicted him being bullied though 😢
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gaymerasmus · 1 year
Ayo, i've arrived for a tf2 matchup bc im assuming ur requests r open? If not we'll pretend this never happened💀 My pronouns are she/he, i'm 5'4, my MBTI is INTJ and my sun sign is gemini. I'm VERY into metal/goth culture and 80s pop/industrial and i wear alot of makeup and dress for shock value p much. I have 10 piercings and a single finger tattoo but i def want more of both soon. I can play bass but not professionally.
I do not seem approachable at all partly due to my fashion choices but also bc of my resting bitch face and mean spirited sarcasm. I harbor severe anger issues that i luckily control most of the time. I keep people at arm's length, even purposefuly "unsettling" them to test them if they are willing to hang out around me since i am p intense as you can tell. Once comfortable around someone i DO NOT stop talking. I love debates/mental stimulation so anyone who's willing to "handle me" and engage into the convo would be ideal.
On another hand, i have a bad habit of bottling up any emotion that isn't anger so i'm def not the best at showing any feelings. I am hyper aware so i can def tell if someone likes me it's just that i myself suck at expressing lmao. The least i do is drop hints and "annoy" others by making up excuses to hang around them.
As for interests, i'm big on sociology, psychology (very fond of analyzing ppl), philosophy as well as being intrigued by anatomy. I love horror and true crime media and am fond of binging movies and videos of said nature.
That would be all, tysm if u so decide to do it💜
Sorry for the wait I hope you like it :))) you've been paired with
Mr. Mundee Motherf*cking Snoipah!
It took one look at you to activate this man's Simp neuron and it has not turned off since.
Maybe a little "opposites attract" but something about the difference in your style really gets him going.
Adding on to that point, it seems like that difference also plays into your dynamic personality-wise. Unless he's been drinking (or hanging around you) he really doesn't speak much, but loves to listen to you ramble.
The only exception to this would be when he feels like going back and forth on things you both find interesting. Anyone outside of this might say it looks like bickering more than a debate, but he really does love talking with you. He can't help but smile when your face lights up as you think up another point to make.
Another difference would be how you act when you realize the other has caught feelings. You may not show it much, but that doesn't stop Sniper from straight up asking if you've developed feelings at the first hint. He would also be extremely blunt about how he feels in return, but he definitely won't say anything if you don't question it.
However it really isn't that difficult to tell with him. He finds you distracting, to say the least. It's very easy to catch him staring at your newest outfit or makeup, or just you altogether. Blushes like crazy when you call him out on it though.
Sometimes on a slow day he might try to find you on his scope, nestled away in his tower where he can (spy) admire you in peace.
He'll definitely say like "hate to see you leave, love to watch you go" or something corny like that to flirt.
He'll never admit it but he enjoys the company you offer. He spends a lot of time alone and, despite it being "just work", sometimes he can't help but feel isolated.
So, even though you do sometimes really annoy him, he loves having you around. He wouldn't mind the occasional visit to his nest while he's working, he might even give you a shot at sniping people.
Oh and good luck trying to ruffle his feathers. Dude's literally died (by his coworker's own hand) seen heaven and came back (also by his coworker's hand). Not to mention before that he tied up his boss and other coworker and threatened to mutilate them for answers about his parents. Man is the master of being unsettled, but he doesn't mind you trying.
Part of why you get along so well may also be because Sniper is an Aries! (I did a little sleuthing and found NOTHING so I drug myself though as many birthday headcanons as I could find and came out with January 23rd.) Gemini and Aries are often paired together because of their shared habit of connecting on an intellectual level.
All of this points toward a match that would be stimulating as well as understanding. Wether it be work or personal reservations, Sniper isn't one to let people get too close too often. So when he feels a connection with you he can't stop himself from wanting to be spoiled by your company. He just thinks you're really cool <3
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softpine · 3 years
how in depth do you edit your story posts? would you say reshade does a lot of it or do you go in and add details a lot? how long does it take? i’m doing a story myself and i want to keep telling it but the long editing process sets me back and can be de motivating sometimes and i’m just wondering if you have any tips on cutting it down or speeding the process up?
oh i totally know what you mean – editing is by far my LEAST favorite part of the process, so i do anything i can do to speed it up. i would say reshade does about 60% of the work, and then i run my own personal action in photoshop which does another 20% of the work (basically just resize, smart sharpen, denoise, and a very basic color grade to help boost skintones). the rest is just small details that vary from picture to picture. landscape pictures can take me less than 2 minutes to edit, whereas shots with multiple sims can take me upwards of 30 minutes because i'm a freak about using the liquify tool to smooth out sharp edges, redrawing stuff to get rid of clipping, fixing skin banding by hand, etc. the rest is just using various blurs (usually iris blur), and applying a final color grade / hue adjustments. LITERALLY the devil is in the details 😭
so now that i've complained for ages, here are my tips on speeding things up fjksjd
1. put all your reshade effects on a toggle, and take multiple screenshots with the effects on/off. ESPECIALLY if you have a wide variety of skintones. for example, finn is pale as fuck and bloom makes him look like.... well, a ghost:
so i take one pic WITH bloom:
Tumblr media
one without:
Tumblr media
and then i layer them in photoshop and use a soft eraser at a lower opacity (depends on the pic) to erase some of the bloom on his face. this means i never have to mess with my bloom settings in-game for every single picture i take. i do the same thing for dof or mxao if they’re giving me trouble. one pic on, one pic off, layer them, and erase.
2. create your own action and/or psd! there are tons of tutorials out there. whichever effects you find yourself using on a regular basis, combine them all in one to save you from doing boring shit over and over :’) i don’t find it super helpful to use other people’s actions, because everyone has a different style, but if you’re new to photoshop, it might be nice to download some actions just to try new things out!
3. this tip kinda sucks because i know most people on simblr don’t have a l*gal copy of photoshop (no shade, i p*rated for literally 10 years lmao and i only got the real copy bc it was free through my mom’s work) but the newest version of photoshop has sooo many cool effects. sky replacement (my beloved), neural filters (depth blur is SO good now, the edges are crisp as hell. you could probably get rid of dof in reshade altogether now), and camera raw filter (basically a one-stop-shop for every adjustment you may need, and has the ability to save presets in the same way you would use a psd). all of these save me so much time. i would be happy to do a more in-depth tutorial on this stuff if you’re interested, but like i said, i know most people don’t have access to these :(
EDIT: check the replies for a link that may help you out :)
4. simply edit less. sometimes i have to remind myself that no one will be zooming up into my sim’s hand to see if their ring has some clipping issues. you are your own worst enemy and of course you’ll notice every single flaw, but most other people won’t. if the only way you can realistically and feasibly tell your story is to edit less (or not edit at all) then so be it!! that’s okay!! do whatever you can do to lessen your stress 💖
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
WCTH Season 8 Survey Results
Thank you so much for participating!  Here’s what you all had to say:
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Responses to the short answer questions are under the cut!  It’s very, very long.
What do you see happening in the future with Lucas and Elizabeth?
Literally nothing except them talking about how cute they are and her stupid book
Lucas will lose everything that makes the character interesting in favor of conforming to whatever best suits Elizabeth.  They'll be so boring.
I have no interest in any story between them.
A lot of candles
Reply hazy, try again.
I can definitely see them having a lot of relationship drama and business drama, as well as Lucas learning how to be a good stepdad to Little Jack
They’ll break up when she realizes his criminal ways.
Don’t know, don’t care
Nothing good
Traveling. To see her family to get married
More depth to their relationship (I feel we were told more than shown)
LOL. They're going to be as boring and disgusting as a dead slug.
Hopefully a breakup.
Lucas is shown to be Abusive and Elizabeth will be hiding it.
He loses all his money, ruins friendships through business, constantly stalks Elizabeths every move listening to any conversation she has, having zero interest in Jack and Elizabeth reverts back to her big city attitude, but they stay in Hope Valley and annoy everyone. I’m not sure I see it lasting with the ratings are bad - I think the writers may be forced to make up their mind on Lucas for maybe even Nathan. I hope Jack rises from the dead (that would reek havoc and fun). Really I wish them all the WORST. OH and I think Lucas has deep secrets he wants to hid and I think the writers may even pull a repeat storyline (like with Nathan - even though they claim they don’t repeat storylines).... COUGH COUGH CHARLES MUCH?!? Oh and they’ll have his dad show up in town to cause drama. I almost hope Lee starts to clash with Lucas.
I want them to break up...
Lots of cringe worthy dates. Maybe some disagreements about their jobs or where they might live if they get married. Lucas spending some time with Jack
Elizabeth being out of character to fit with Lucas
the same for any new relationship - rocky roads with great romance
Problems, the two are sickening when they are together and their activities are only about them
Lucas needs to leave.  He is not a family man.  Elizabeth is a mother first, Nathan is a family man.
Lucas will learn to have a family.  Want him to loose the saloon and try to get it back. Problems with the pinkertowns
Hopefully nothing
Whatever the writers have in store. Since I'm choosing something else, I won't know and I won't care.
Well, she already has a great saloon dress, so I see her leaving teaching to work in the saloon while Robert raises Little Jack for her.😜
Boring boring boring storylines!
I do not care.
I don’t see a future as I will not be watching. Show is ruined.
Too many stupid over the top romantic dates
Engagement, Marriage, and Pregnancy
Not much.  What kind of story or life will they have?  Courting and dining and not much else.
Courtship and eventually marriage if the show lasts long enough. Lucas learning how to be a father. Maybe a trip or something after her book is published.
Get married and raise Jack together. Maybe have another kid.
More of the same. Just a physical relationship with some books and candles. Boring.
I don't know! That's my biggest problem. I can't see a future for them because I can't see them together, I always saw an end point. Where will they even live??
Marriage and a new baby girl
Not much
Trouble. Stress with things not working out as easily as they thought they would.
I honestly don’t know. I just feel like she looked so uncomfortable with him all season. Then all of a sudden she’s making out with him on a bridge?? She didn’t even want to hold his hand and when she did it was awkward.
Not interested at all.
Don't care.  Will only watch for other storylines.
Many dates, becoming a family with little jack , Lucas proposing   On  bridge in   The season 9 finale episode
Disappointment when she finds out he hired Christopher to spy. Lucas will have financial hardships and will spend time with Little jack. May partner with Nathan regarding land grab and the "bad guys".
Honestly no idea. I could see them not working out, but maybe that's wishful thinking right now while I'm still bitter.
I think Lucas will be supportive of her in her work and raising jack and there relationship will grow and they will be engaged sometime in season 9.
Dinners with champagne and too many candles. That's about it.
Chris McNally should leave the show
I'm honestly not sure. I think they have a lot of work to do before they even think about getting married because we haven't even seen a fleshed out relationship between them. I assume there will be some adjustments with how Lucas will fit into Jack's life too as he will be getting older since there has been zero interaction between them. I really have no idea but I also could not care less about either of them, so I'm hoping they won't monopolize the time in each episode. But I also think it would be hard for them to monopolize time because they don't even do anything lol, this is just a long winded way of saying I have no clue.
Getting to know each other better. Helping each other with changes with their jobs. Getting married.
I see them supporting each other through career struggles, Lucas trying to find his role with Little Jack, Elizabeth maybe feeling weird about Lucas’ money and trying to go full homesteader :)
Marriage, fights, baby Jack moments, etc.
Some boring shit...
Them having trust issues only because of how little we actually really know about Lucas and he has put himself in sketchy circumstances before. I honestly just don’t trust him, he’s been portrayed so perfect this season which isn’t realistic at all.
Relationship does not work
He will lose everything and she will see he was superficial
Probably a lot of fancy dates and romance
I don’t really know, not interested much in them.
Writers will have them marry, even though they have no chemistry whatsoever.
I guess something to do with Elizabeth's writing? I'm not sure, I feel like they had such little development together that it's the only thing they share.  
They should be working toward learning how to fully trust each other and communicate properly. Hopefully Lucas bonds a lot more with Jack. I have loved the little interactions between Lucas and Jack and there needs to be more if he is supposed to be Elizabeth's next husband.
Maybe a proposal by the end of next season. I'm really so neutral about the relationship that it doesn't matter to me. Maybe if we actually see some development I'll feel differently.
I really do not care enough to have any thoughts - I will be skipping what the show comes up with anyway.
They have a satisfying break-up lmao. That final scene was the most stilted and painful thing I've watched on the show in ages and that's saying alot.
He will break her heart
I'd hope they find they are just too different and break up. He's too smarmy for her.
A breakup
An engagement and Elizabeth pregnant with a baby girl
Moving back to Hamilton to live their champagne privileged life.  Hope Valley deserves the other characters to have their story told. Nobody wants to see a teacher and saloon owner being together.
Nothing. Completely have no interest in them. Wasted all season watching a so called love triangle.
More of the same.
I never saw them as a couple- don’t think it’s a good match — they have not chemistry — hope they
break up — I just find his character as having no charisma - he’s too slick looking.  He was never into Baby Jack.... unlike NAthan
I hope they move away.
I hope they do not marry
I am not sure. Lucus is into the business of making money. That is what drives him. I don’t see him as a family man at all. Truthfully I will be disappointed to see Elizabeth go back to her privileged ways because of Lucus. I think she grew independent of her upbringing and to set her right back into the lifestyle she was born into totally undermines the strength and courage we watched her character blossom into and fell in love with.
Lucas will die.
Moooreee loooveee
Lucas’ relationship with Little Jack as a first time father and how it affects his relationship with Elizabeth
Who cares LOL i do not watch for Elizabeth
Getting maried
Ugh! Don't care.
More courting, scenes with baby Jack, probably some tension
Lucas is a duplicitous, dishonest person. Elizabeth will regret her choice and go back to Nathan.
Business problems, secrets galore, probably a super over the top wedding
More dinner dates?
I see Lucas and Elizabeth still in a relationship, but having some problems. Lucas's trust issues and bad communication vices needs to end!
Honestly, I have no idea.  Whilst I do love the actors and watch them separately,  I find it very difficult to watch their relationship on screen together.  For some reason it sets off a deep seated anxiety in me,  so I tend not to watch them where I can help it.  If I do watch in season 9, it will be for the supporting cast stories, and I will avoid their relationship storyline altogether.
Really don't care as that pairing makes no sense to me
full courtship
Don’t really care.
courtship, some struggles,  and then marriage - hopefully
No idea … don’t care about them
Candles.  Lots and lots of candles.
Don't know
I don't know and I'm not interested
Spending time together, double dates with Lee and Rosemary, and dealing with any problems Elizabeth has with the edcuation guy from the county.
I really don't care, sorry.
A nice long courtship
I think Lucas will  encourage Elizabeth when her book is released they will continue to fall more and love and Lucas will propose in the finale of season 9
I have no idea. Their storyline was already so bland and boring. I guess they'll try to write stuff about E's book and then ppl trying cause trouble for the saloon. I dont really care what they do.  That relationship and storyline is dry as toast
Don't really have an opinion
Elizabeth stops teaching to write full time. They marry and move into swankier diggs on the edge of town. Little Jack spends his days at  Rosemary and Lee's house to get away from the constant champagne swigging and insufferably bad French.
Don’t care
I will not this show any longer. Season 8 did it for me.
a lot of kissing
Hopefully small, simple storylines that build up to an actual relationship that isn't just tonsil-sucking smooching. I think we deserve the attempt at seeing a relationship build after all this nonsensical drama.
That she finds out he isn’t who she thought he was and she made a big mistake. By then Nathan will be happy and fulfilled with someone new
More chemistry-free scenes
She leaves him for Nathan
Mismatched couple.  Very materialistic.  Maybe leave the show!
Move out of hope valley
They will make out all the time.
God I don't even know. I'm not remotely invested in their relationship so I don't really care honestly.
Far fetched - I hoping the past catches up and problems arise
Hopefully moving away so we dont have to watch them anymore
Nothing exciting
Boring storyline
I wish a break up
Don't care
L losing his money and figuring out how to be a real person with hardship. E struggling with the school but not actually doing anything kinda like the finale. I want them both to stay away from Nathan and not force a friendship.
Don't care
They will get married and have children
Lucas sells saloon and starts new, family friendly business.  He and Elizabeth court and become more serious
Dating, getting to know each other better, marriage
His shady ways will nip him in the butt and Elizabeth will open her eyes and realize how he's caused her to change into the "Hamilton" woman she didn't want to become.
Continuing courtship, then Lucas does a shady deal and leaves town
Blech- If those last scenes are any indication
Borrowing inappropriate life
I do not give a damn
I think and truly hope Lucas will show a side of him she doesn't like and she will get with Nathan. Probably won't happen but I think Lucas is just too slick and a little shady.
Think she will discover he has some things she doesn't like or agree with and will fall out of love with him
It will be a love forever!
I honestly think nothing will happen, they'll have another rather long (one season or two) relationship, then they'll get engaged, marry again, have babies... unless they decide to bring in random troubles, but honestly nothing much
Don’t care.  
I'm not really interested in these characters anymore
That they don’t get married and the storyline goes back to the original premise of the teacher and the Mountie.
I don’t care.
I don’t care.
They split up
they will settle into a comfortable relationship and then there won't be that much oppertunity for grown
They're a terrible couple and I don't really care what the writer's do with them.
Not interested in their future
A wedding.  They have unfortunately taken it this far, they have to finish it.  Anything else would make John Tinker's decision even more ridicuous.
I hope she realises she made a mistake thirty seconds into S9 and runs back to Nathan.
Don't Care, will not be watching.
I hope their relationship grows until ultimately they get married and have a family
They will get married and hav a baby girl.
Boring story line of privileged life and focus on book publishing and tour.  No chemistry "romance".Should marry right away as there scenes are so sexualized, which would be scandalous for that time.
fun romance, hopefully more with Jcak
No idea.  I can't picture Lucas involved in the school or any other part of Elizabeth's Hope Valley circle, so I imagine the storyline will give them a new focus.
Elizabeth will realize she made a mistake and leave Lucas!!! Only to find it's too LATE!
Don’t know, but I’m excited to see them as a couple! Just them getting to know each other even better and becoming more a part of each other’s lives (this includes spending time with Little Jack) as they move toward their future together. :)
They will probably get married.
Whatever serves Elizabeth’s plot line
What do you think they have planned for Nathan?
Who knows but I have no faith in the writers so they’ll probably fuck it up
Maybe he tends to a woman in need?
I would love for him to interact with more people in the town. Definitely more day to day scenes with Allie. I’d love to hear her refer to him as Dad. I hope someone new will come into town who will be perfect for Nathan and he will sweep her off her feet
Something great I hope
New romance. Maybe a tussle with the Pinkertons.
Hopefully a lot of interesting things! I'm hoping for a romance with Faith, I think they could be pretty great
Nothing. If they didn’t decide who elizabeth picked till last minute, no way they have anything planned for Nathan this far out. BB and Tinker are all talk.
Hopefully better treatment but I won’t know because I will not watch anyway
I hope someone amazing
A new love interest
More “Girl Dad” Nathan, potential relationship with Faith of a new character, a platonic acquaintance ship with Elizabeth & Lucas despite everything
Nothing that will do him justice.
No fracken clue. Maybe he’ll focus only on Allie from now on.
Nathan finds out that Lucas is abusive toward Elizabeth and ready to thrown Lucas in Jail where he belongs.
Some bullshit like always. I don’t even care to predict much. They have so much contempt for him it’s insanely uncalled for. They think he’s boring, they think he’s a Jack 2.0 (Brian Bird even said this on Twitter). They undermine his duty, frame him as if he is some like creep who followed Elizabeth to town, when in reality he was doing it out of respect, duty and honor. They are so needlessly disrespectful to him (Kevin knows this), especially bc they framed it as if Nathan never gave E space and time, which we know is BS. He is a real man and does what real men would and we know WCTH is scared of a real man. They’ll try to put him with Faith (snooze), or hell maybe they have not renewed When Hope Calls and he will become a lead on that show (I’d welcome him back into Alfonso’s arms any day). Lord knows Alfonso can write and actually respected his character.
A new love interest. Maybe a career change so he can be there for Allie more.
At this point with how they handled him so far I'm not very hopeful
I truly think something more exciting than it would have been with Nathan and Elizabeth
Not sure, can we trust anything logical to happen, hopefully he can see it was good not to be chosen by Elizabeth
He should be with Elizabeth
Probably saving Elizabeth and Lucas from danger
Help Lucas with this Spurlock Guy.  Navigate with a teenager.
If the writers/producers are smart, they will get Lucas away from Elizabeth almost immediately and get her hooked up with Nathan.  This was a blow and so deceiving to the fans!  (I only answered “someone new” to the question above because Elizabeth was not an option).  
Unfortunately not anything I trust them to do a good job with.
I am worried they’re planning to stick him with Faith.  Ugh!  
BB doesn't care, it will be tacky and messy.
Probably kill him. They’ve done everything else terrible to him.
Sadly, probably a relationship with Faith. Never been a fan of her.
A new love interest
A new love interest
I hope a new love interest. Courtship, Engagement, Marriage, and Pregnancy.
A great love story with someone new to Town!!!
Plenty of Mountie storylines, fathering Allie through teenage years, finding love, learning how to be friends with E & L. Maybe a visit from his mom.
Hopefully an epic story of heroics and a forever love who is unwavering and true to him. He deserves nothing less.
Get shot. Lose a leg. Get a life-threatening infection. Fall in a lake. Get locked inside a burning building.
I think they're gonna try to pair him with Fiona
New mountie responsibility and new love interest
No idea
Leave the Mounties and start a horse ranch or be in charge of the livery. I like him as a Mountie though.
They had all these amazing story lines for him even though it was just one road block after another for him. I want to continue to see Nathan deal with Allie growing up and their relationship.
I feel so disappointed & sad for him.
A storyline that hopefully won't screw him over, with no Elizabeth  involved. She needs to stay out of his life decisions. Bring in a new character for his love interest. But, most of all give him and Allie the happiness they deserve.
Faith romance ,more challenging cases in his job and trouble with ally father
Allie’s Dad, promotion
Not enough! Will try to find him a love interest but will focus on his relationship with Allie and her father, who will come back to cause problems. Nathan will partner with Bill regarding mining disaster investigation and Pinkertons.They need to make him prominent next season for show to survive because Kevin McGarry is beloved by fans and the best actor on the show next to Martin. The Mountie character should be prominent. If they try to put him with Faith it will be like a Dr. Quinn-Sully type relationship, and I don't think it will work. I love Kevin opposite Jen Lilley.
They will probably shackle him with Faith and that will bore me.
Have no clue
Relationship drama, Mountie stuff, trouble with Allie. Pretty much the same as this season but hopefully there will be more of a focus on him instead of Elizabeth.
Love with Faith, UGH. And more incredible fathering with Allie <3 Elizabeth could have had her chance with that family but no, apparently she’s “not in love” with him and never was.
I'm hoping we get to see Nathan form more friendships with other HV residents and deepen his relationship with others. I assume the Pinkerton storyline (which I have no idea how that will play out) will bring him and Bill together professionally, so I would enjoy to see their friendship be fleshed out more. Hopefully more of him with Allie and facing her teenage years as her father will be fun to see. I hope they bring in a new love interest for him because I would really enjoy seeing him catch the eye of someone new and vice versa.
More adventures as a Mountie.
No idea - I think he should find another path though. I don’t think he likes being a Mountie.
Another suitor, work stuff, family stuff, scenes with Allie
I just hope it is not faith as his love interest
Hopefully more storylines about him and Allie! I love them and I just really hope they focus on him and his journey with Allie. I don’t want a romantic storyline for him bc that’s really soon and he was IN love with Elizabeth so it would be unrealistic for him to jump into another relationship like that. I do want him to get over Elizabeth though and see him recover and grow from that!
Elizabeth will come to her senses and ditch Lucas for Nathan
A new love. A spunky woman who goes after him.
No clue!
Probably a love story with Faith, but I don’t like that direction if they decide to go that way.
Not to be a leading man and take the focus off of Elizabeth.
Probably a new love interest. I didn't catch that he could potentially end up with Faith at first, but I'm down for it as long as they can make it work. They've both been left behind by the people they love, that would make for an interesting narrative at least.
They probably will pair him up with a female character, but I think he should stay single and continue to focus on raising Allie.
Hopefully they don't go the Faith route, but I have a feeling they might.
A good Mountie storyline with the Pinkertons etc. I'd like to see Allie's Dad again too.
Ehhh they'll probably put him with Faith which I'm not into at all.
A spin-off I hope
Not sure, I felt he belonged with Elizabeth all along.
Who knows. I don’t trust the show runners anymore.
Faith and challenges raising ally
Hopefully leave Hope Valley and leave that shit show. I’m not really buying the writers saying they have exciting things for him. They have mislead the viewers too long. It’s a ploy to keep the viewers watching the show. It’s all about covering their butt right now and try to keep the ratings.
I don’t know. I won’t be returning to watch
I think Elizabeth has trouble w/Lucas and runs back to Nathan realizing that she made a mistake.  A blended family would have been a good storyline.
I don’t know, but it better be good!
Don’t know
I would hope that he would be allowed to at least go on an actual date with someone before he is over looked and not even given a chance at love. That the decision to whether he is able to love and be loved is not determined by the uniform he is wearing but rather by the quality of the man wearing the uniform.
Mourning the loss of Elizabeth and then finding a new love interest, hopefully successfully
Something amazing I hope but the writers are so terrible I do wonder if they can
good things
I hope love
No idea.
Exploring being a father to Allie, An ACTUAL love interest, probably more career - mountie vs “normal” life thinking
I hope that Elizabeth and Lucas break up when she realizes how bad he is. Nathan loves Elizabeth and was NEVER given the chance to even have one dinner date with her. Elizabeth needs to have an opportunity to see him now for the incredible man that he is.
New love interest, new job maybe?
Probably a romance for Allie he has to handle?
Probably to put him up with Faith...
I hope something fantastic after the shocking story-telling he has had to endure this season.  I love him and Allie, and him and Bill, and feel there is great potential there.
I hope something good for what he's endured
Action storylines
At this point have no idea.
hopefully something fun, Kevin is a funny guy and they should take advantage of that
Downplaying his role as a “police” figure
I think they will put him with Faith, but I hope not.
New love interest
I hope that he will have as important a role as before (like, for example, the one Abigail had before she left) and that he meets a new love interest.
Nathan needs some stories with humor and adventure but they will probably focus on his romance next.
Bigger mountie related stories, new love interest perhaps
Fiona, Fiona fiona
Dealing with losing Elizabeth him and faith will bond over heartache and eventually become a couple he will have some problems taking ally as she continues to get older maybe a new aspect of his job being a Mountie
Also dont care what they do because anything after this point will never make up for the way they screwed his character over.  They'll probably write him with Faith which we all know makes zero sense. I would hope someone new comes along for him to love him the way he deserves but I dont think that will happen.  He'll have problems with the Pinkertons probably.
I hope some happiness for a change
They have already telegraphed that Faith will latch on to him. Yuck, what a consolation prize.
Probably some action stuff.
He will emerge as the strong wonderful Person he is.  He will be involved with the Pinkertons storyline.  He will find a new love and be happy
Back stab his character again
Promotion and a new mom for Allie.
I hope someone new comes in and adores him.
I'm sure they'll rush a love interest for him as a consolation prize while also still trying to shove Elizabeth into his life as a "friend".
Life with Allie
Don't know with these writers
New love interest
Not sure
To be with Elizabeth that's what i want to keep watching
Saving the town from the Pinkertons. Dealing with bill and the mine. Making new friends and being admired by everyone including l&e. More sweet lessons with Allie (helping her in math) and possibly the aftermath of Dillon coming out. That could be a good opportunity to have him lean on someone new. I’d like Allie to put E in her place when she oversteps her involvement in N&A life since we know she will. It’ll show A maturing as a 14-15 y/o and serve E a much needed amount of humble pie after the crap she pulled with them in S7&8. Please no rushed friendship with e or l like give the guy a season and also make them the uncomfortable ones. He deserves to hold his head high. I would love for him to tell E he’s more than his uniform and it’s unfortunate she never tried to see that.
Don't no
A new girlfriend
He finally loses the chip from his shoulder
Not sure yet, a town mystery maybe, time him to heal with what happened.
He will uncover Lucas' shady ways.
Wrangling with the Pinkertons
No idea
Probably nothing to good
I do not want to Know. Not interested in the show anymore
I have no idea. I really can't imagine him with anyone but Elizabeth
Don't know but they did him wrong with Elizabeth's decision. She left Hamilton because of the life-style Lucas has. JUST DOESN'T FIT!!!!!!
another love
Probably more Allie and Mounties related things, and hopefully a nice, good love interest. I am really hoping they'll keep Elisabeth away from him for at least one season. The last thing we all need is her being all up in his business again with Allie and goodness forbid his new love interest #LEAVENATHANALONE (sorry, couldn't help it)
Hopefully finding love and happiness with someone who makes Elizabeth feel she made a big mistake.
j'espère juste qu'ils ne minimisent pas le temps de presence à l'écran de son personnage, qu'ils arrêteront de mal le traiter pour rien et qu'il lui arrivera que de bonnes choses
I don’t care enough to speculate.
Something lame.
Something lame.
No idea. They've just wasted the family Allie, baby Jack, Elizabeth and him already were.
sideling mountie buisness
I hope he finds true love.
A new love, but I hope they don't pair him up with Faith. More mountie stuff.
New love.  His continuing story with Ally.  More examples of his nobility, if they are smart.
If I were Kevin I don't know if I'd want to stay.
Probably another beating.
I would love to see Nathan and Fiona get together as a couple I think they would be awesome together
Romance with faith problems with ally’s father struggling with ally growing up and maybe him getting hurt on a mission.
That Nathan's heart will heal and that he will fall in love with a new beautiful godly woman coming to Hope Valley (A new teacher that can teach special needs?)  Continue to build the strong relationship with Allie and be an excellent dad.
new love
They'd better have an EPIC love story for him!
He needs to find someone NEW so when Elizabeth comes back it's too LATE!!  Faith and Nathan NO WAY!! You can't just fall out of love with someone just like that.
Challenges  in him being a Mountie . I really hope that he has a good storyline and has some romance with faith and is happy in his life and not despressed with Lucas and Elizabeth being a couple.
For Nathan, we should see him slowly healing from his heartbreak, and fully finding his place in the community beyond Elizabeth. Definitely more of him and Allie as a family. I expect our Mountie will become involved with whatever is going on with the potential new factory and the Pinkertons hanging around. No guesses as to what he and John Tinker have in store exactly, but I hope it’s good! As this is a Hallmark show, they probably can’t bear to leave a main character single for too long, so they’ll probably start setting up a new love for him, but hopefully not too soon.
Continue to be a parent to Allie and have a new love interest.
Lessening of his prominence on the show
What did you love about this season?
Well, I liked Nathan’s parts
that they attempted to fill some of the holes in plots and that they gave everyone something meaningful to do.  Ned and Florence were great.  Loved meeting the Canfields.
I was happy with the season up until the finale. I loved the thought of Elizabeth and Nathan going through everything to make their relationship stronger. Now it seems pointless. They kept kicking Nathan while he was down and he never got a fair chance
Allie and nathan
References to Henrigail.
Seeing the town become more busy and lively I guess
That Nathan was going to end up with Elizabeth.
I also loved the Canfields and the bigger storylines for minor characters.
Nothing at this point, it’s all tainted by garbage finale
Too rushed and not written well
There were more stories with other people
The ensemble as a whole....
The Coulters, Henry and Christopher, the Canfields, Florence and Ned, and Hickam and Fiona.
The Nathan / Allie storyline.
Jack Jr, Elizabeth and Jack Sr Photo
Absolutely nothing. It was blasphemy. My favorite moment was Either the Fort Clay argument at Bills uniform event thing, or Allie sticking it to Mrs. Thornton by ripping up the dinner invitation in front of her face in the school house. I like any suffering Elizabeth went through and Lucas.
Some things that were left hanging from prior seasons were resolved. The Canfield family- it was nice to see faith-related things being more included in the show again like in earlier seasons. Florence and Ned were adorable. Mike and Fiona were pretty cute together too- love how they encourage each other to be their best!
Not much but Nathan as a character
The Canfields, Ned and Florence, Rosemary and the paper, and the ending of the triangle
Nathan's smile.
Florence and Ned
The Canfields and  the bell even though Lee should have is back jam when he lifted the bell.
The Nathan/Elizabeth scenes
Allie's adoption. Joseph Canfield becoming the new minister.
Florence and Ned’s romance, Lee’s one liners, Molly’s pursuit of Bill, when Elizabeth thought she was holding Lucas’ hands but it was actually Nathan
I loved the Nathan/Elizabeth story of getting over fear and do what you are afraid to do theme, until it all went sideways in the last 20mins!!!!!
Fiona and Mike
Nathan and Allie
Rosemary and Lee
The end of the triangle
The Canfield's.They are a breath of fresh air. I love that they love God, their family, and others. Ned and Florence was a beautiful love story. Bill and Molly. Molly giving her dress to Florence, Fiona adventures, Nathan and Allie's stories, Rosemary and Lee, and every minute of every Canfield.
Relationships - Fiona and Hickam, Allie and Nathan, Henry and Christopher. Joseph becoming the pastor. Nathan’s character growth.
The Canfields, Nathan’s storyline( even though nothing went his way he was always noble and true), Rosemary and Lee as always
I liked Hickam getting more story. I liked Rosemary starting the paper. I liked Minnie working at the restaurant.
Elizabeth finding love with Lucas
Allie and Nathan. Getting to see some of the fun side of Nathan.
Nathan and Allie. I liked Elizabeth with them too until the ending.
Seeing Nathan and Allie. Canfields. Mike and Fiona. Ned and Florence. Bill and Molly. Lee and Rosemary. So I guess the point is the attention on the other characters and couples. I think I enjoy the new couples just because we finally got to know two more side characters each time.
Nathan & Allie.
Everything BUT the annoying love triangle!
All the Lucas and Elizabeth dates, almost kiss in the rain ,  and the finale was the best episode of the entire series, there kisses were enchanting
Humor, Ned and Flo, finding out Nathan's involvement with Jack finally. I thought Kevin did a magnificent job  and I loved seeing Jaeda shine- she is so talented. I loved Henry and Christopher and the positive impact of Rachel. My personal quote favorite: "Go stuff your trout!"
Nathan's face. Rosemary and Lee, the Canfields, Ned and Florence's wedding.
The triangle  Rachel and chrispthoher  can fields rosemarys paper
Anytime Henry referenced Abigail and telling stories about ALL the characters, not just Elizabeth. I like the whole ensemble cast feel. This season did keep me engaged, I always tuned in when it aired.
The Canfields arriving, Henry mentioning Abigail, and Nathan and Allie - because Kevin McGarry and Jaeda Lily Miller are incredible actors with fantastic chemistry.
I really loved seeing more storylines introduced with the other characters and then for the most part developing those storylines. I adore Ned & Florence, I thought their wedding episode was so sweet, and I think they will bring a dynamic as a couple that will be fun to watch. I like how they have such a rapport together and with the mercantile being the center of town, I'll enjoy seeing more of them next season. I loved the edition of the Canfield family, both Angela and Cooper are so sweet and are great additions as HV kids. And Minnie and Joseph quickly turned into some of my faves this season too! I love them as a couple and I love them building relationships with the others, the Lee & Joseph friendship was definitely one of my favorite things this season. And Minnie is such a soft-spoken badass, I would listen to her read an audiobook all day long haha. I enjoyed learning more about Henry with the addition of Christopher, I definitely liked the depth their scenes brought. Any time my faves Lee & Rosemary were in a scene together was a win for me. I liked the crush developing between Allie & Robert too, v cute. Overall, I really enjoyed the new relationships that were formed and the new additions that were brought in, I think it paved the way for a number of new stories that I will be excited to see play out.
Fiona and the Canfields were the best storylines this season.
Lucas and Elizabeth are finally together.
Lucas' character is a real gentleman.
Martin Cummins was phenomenal, and I loved the whole Christopher story, including him and Rachel, and Henry reflecting on Abigail and being there for Ned. Joseph and Lee’s friendship is great. Loved Rosemary finding a new career. And Robert!
I would’ve liked Clare and Jesse struggling if they handled it better. I liked the general structure they began of drawing out stories and slowly unpeeling their layers but they set up too many in every episode and didn’t follow through well. If they can tighten that structure, it would be great.
Angst, Henry, The wedding, etc. (triangle ending too)
Allie and Nathan's cute family, Fiona and her interactions with Mike, Rosemary and the newspaper thing, flirty Molly and Bill
The Canfield family! I adored them they are so sweet and I really hope we see more of them next season!
Nathan and Allie
Nathan and Allie's adoption also the Canfields
Joesphs family and the return of faith to Hope valley! I also loved Lee and Rosemary’s relationship.
Lee and Rosemary were my favorites. I basically watched this entire season for them and Nathan and Allie. Ned and Florence were fun to watch as well.
Ned and Florence and the Canfields
Carson and Faith's conflict was honestly really compelling to me, and I'm fine with Carson leaving as well. The theme of calling was also really good in my opinion. I also loved Rosemary in general. She's my favorite character and I love watching her grow throughout the whole show.
I was very happy to see more representation on screen. The Canfields brought representation for POC and people who are blind. I would like to see more diversity in the cast.
I really liked the Canfields. They brought a nice dynamic to the show. As always, Rosemary and Lee were my favorites. As far as I'm concerned, they're the heart and soul of the show. Ned and Florence's wedding was nice too.
The Canfields. Lee & Rosie and Rachel. Henry and his son. Bill & Molly. Ned & Florence. Mike & Fiona.
Everything except the love triangle! The love triangle was one of the worst things I've seen on television (even before the finale). Everything but the love triangle was better than anything we've gotten since season four. Christopher, Henry, and Rachel were my favorites of the season. Loved all the stuff surrounding those characters. Also Fiona and Mike are really becoming great!
Allie & Robert
Allie's adoption was finalized.
Mike and Fiona
Triangle Clara and Jesse faith becoming a doctor Nathan adopting ally Elizabeth’s book Lucas and Elizabeth  kiss
Nothing. It made me mad.
Nathan and Allie, Henry and Christopher.
Nathan and Allie
Rosemary — and Lee.  But the season writing was not good - need more dramatic things happening like - in past seasons.  It was almost goofy dialogue- the Fiona barber shop thing was stupid too — boring!  What happened to the blacksmith that liked her????
Canfield’s, FloYo wedding
Allie and Nathan
I loved the fact that Rosemary was patient with Elizabeth even though she didn’t deserve to be treated like she was by her.
More episodes
Glad to see Elizabeth be happy, at least for now. Also they have a number of different story lines that they can play with and help some other characters share the limelight, like Lee and Rosemary
The Canfields
Nathan and Allie
Aside from the gutsy decision to go with the less outwardly popular pairing? (I applaud it) I loved the new characters (Canfields/Christopher not Rachel) and seeing more of Nathan and Lucas outside of the triangle
Seeing Nathan get set free from his guilt and finding his voice to declare his love to Elizabeth and watching Elizabeth always pursuing him. After loving Elizabeth so much, it is not right to try to set him up with someone else.
Learning more about Henry and watching Florence and Ned get married!!
Nathan Grant
The Canfields
Fiona is a fabulous character, I really enjoy the dynamic she has brought to the valley.   I have always loved Mike, so those two are always a joy.  Always love Lee and Rosemary.  Nathan and Allie.  Bill and Molly, Florence and Ned.  Robert.  
The multiple storyline being dived into more
Not able to come up with a positive answer at this point.
The Canfields, the angst of the love triangle - it felt more realistic then this show has in the past, with people making mistakes and trying to find their way.  For anyone who has ever had strong feelings for two people at the same time, there was a realism in the way the writers handled it with the shifting feelings, the questions about what and who is right, the missteps and the emotional angst.  The last two scenes of the finale (writers, actors, setting, humor) were pure magic.   Oh yeah  - Ned and Florence!!
Watching anything with Nathan and Allie
The Canfields
Scenes between Elizabeth and Nathan
Nathan/Allie relationship and her adoption
Not much
Rosemary starting the newspaper!!!!
Ned and Florence, Allie and Nathan
Lucas and Elizabeth
I loved everything having to do with Nathan and Allie.  I just wanted E and N together and to join their families into one. It would have been beautiful.
Seeing Nathan and Allie's relationship deepen
Not much, it was all over the place. I can't believe how much I've come to dislike the main character.
Not much. It has gone on a different path.
The Canfields
The Canfields were lovely, Bill was better-written, Henry had amazing scenes.
Lee & Rosemary.  Looking over your lists of major/minor storylines, I realized I didn't really enjoy any of those storylines. But I always enjoy when Lee and Rosemary are on screen.
Allie and Nathan
Nothing, the finale ruined the whole season.
I loved the Canfields. Always love Rosie and Lee scenes. I am enjoying that the show is becoming more of an ensemble rather than focusing on just a few main characters.
I loved the addition of the Canfields.
Nathan and Allie.
The Canfield and the new side they brought
Nathan and Allie. Canfields.
Chemistry between Nathan and Elizabeth
Nathan and Ally
Nathan and Allie, Bill being Bill, FloYo, Henry, The Canfields
Elizabeth choosing Lucas in the end.
Nathan with Allie
To me each character was given the chance to grow and was able to work on things in their life.  I enjoyed the new writing. It made the show better to me.
Bill and Molly. They were so cute. And new characters/family.
Rosemary’s journey to find a new hobby
Canfield family
Fiona, the Canfield, Nathan & Allie
Lee and rosemary and the Canfields
Nathan and Elizabeth chemistry
The Canfields, Fiona and Lee and  Rosemary
The Canfield's and Rosemary
End of season.
Honestly, Allie's scene at Nathan's inquiry was the best thing of the season. I loved all their story lines, I'm ready for a whole season about them.
Most of it except the last episode.
the characters of Nathan and Allie
Ned & Florence
The build up to her choosing Nathan... oh wait.
Fiona I love, Lee and Rosemary I love always
the canfields and nathan and allie
Rosemary and Lee's story line.
Not much.
Nathan's nobility, Ally, Ned and Flo, and the Canfields, especially their faith aspect.
I still think the last scene of the second episode was the strongest scene this show has ever got.
The Grant Family.
I really loved the additional episodes and hope they approve at least the same number or more next season.
Lucas and Elizabeth dates Clara and Jessie’s struggles the barbershop opening and Lucas and Elizabeth kissing and her finally choosing him.
Ned and Florence's romance and wedding. Nathan and Allie, the Canfields.
ned & Florence,  the end of the triangle, robert at the babysitter, Canfield life lessons
Nathan adopting Allie and everything about their relationship, hearing Henry talk about Abigail, seeing Ned & Florence come together, cute Robert becoming a part of "adult" Hope Valley, Lee & Rosemary doing absolutely anything.
Not Much Elizabeth is not a good character anymore.
Nathan and ally Ned and Florence Elizabeth and Lucas I’m glad the triangle is over and everyone can move forward with there lives
The Canfields! They were such a welcome addition. I also loved Florence, the Florence and Ned wedding, Elizabeth and Lucas as a couple. And this was a pretty good season for Henry! Happy to see Faith back too. I also appreciated that there were more storylines that lasted more than an episode or two and it felt like a coherent season. It wasn’t exactly fantastic, but I don’t expect that of When Calls the Heart and I quite liked the season overall.
The addition of the Canfields.
Nathan and Allie
What did you miss this season?  What could there have been more of?
Common sense
Lee and Rosemary!  Not enough of them.
Dates with Nathan
Nice Elizabeth
Um...more Henrigail.
Emotion. I feel like other than the stuff with Nathan and Elizabeth there were no other instances of real raw emotion
A Kevin McGarry shirtless scene. Also I missed Bill. I felt like he had very little to do this year.
Elizabeth getting called on her shitty behavior
Deeper story lines
Lee and Rosemary
I did wish Allie had called Nathan dad at least once
That they dropped the ball on Rosie wanting a child
I think Lee and Rosemary could have gotten where they ended up in the season finale half way through the season. I think that would have been nice.
Nathan x Elizabeth. She didn’t even have a rain check dinner she promised him.
More of Jack Sr Mentions, but also Elizabeth not hiding what she is really feeling
Nathan and Elizabeth and their little family with Allie and Jack. I will never forgive the robbery of such happiness.
The kids in the schoolhouse.
Little Jack, more of the kids, school, L and R
more time spent on few stories - too much jumping around and not enough substance
more time with the individual characters, fewer chopped up plots
Elizbeth acting as a mother first.  She should be concerned who would be an outstanding father/role model for Jack.
A date between Elizabeth and Nathan
Nathan and Elizabeth actually getting together.
We needed more Lee and Rosemary, and I really missed the kids bc of Covid.
Some common sense maybe??? A good ending to the season maybe???
better writing and the Elizabeth that left everything she knew to make her way in a new place.
Heart warming wholesome moments. They were few and far between.
More school scenes
Interaction with little Ja  CB k
The kids. I missed Opal.
More schoolhouse scenes
More Bill, Rosemary, Lee, Molly, Henry
I missed Lee & Rosemary! It felt like they barely got screen time. And then truly if Elizabeth & Lucas were going to end up together I would have liked to see their actual love story build, instead of her dating him while staring at Nathan the whole time, which is what we got.
More Rosemary and Lee; them adopting or having a baby
But lightheartedness. The whole season just felt stressful and misleading
Truth I missed Elizabeth and Nathan flirting.
Opal!! I feel like we needed another girls sleepover night or camping trip. It feels like we barely saw the kids aside from Allie crushing on Robert. There were no festivals or fairs. It was a bland summer for the kids.
Nathan finding happiness with Elizabeth.
Nothing really
Rosemary having a baby, Henry with oil business, jack and Lucas scenes, faith working in the infirmary , Elizabeth’s book .
They dropped Nathan's chances at being with Elizabeth after he cried out his love for her and we should have seen him get more of a chance. Really wanted to see Allie more and less of Elizabeth. Hoped to see more of Fiona, too as she is comical playing off Hickam. Show really veered off course-[ writers kind of dropped stuff in and out on a whim and I thought the show lacked connection between storys and characters over time. Lots of whiplash- Canfields just moved in to a cabin then almost immediately sold it. Rachel was dropped in then all of a sudden leaves to celebrate a birthday. All of a sudden newlywed Ned applies for a bandaid patent! What the hell???
Better writing.
I didn’t miss anything. More of the hope valley children
Some type of villain. There was no crisis, no major overarching storyline aside from the love triangle. It overtook the whole season. Thought I was watching The Bachelorette for a second.
The love triangle was set up to bring Elizabeth and Nathan together - and don’t tell me they weren’t in love, Brian Bird, you literally spend 3 seasons showing them getting closer, feeling physically affected by being around each other, protecting each other, and becoming more open and you literally had Elizabeth seek him out and draw him in over and over again, getting closer to Allie as a mother figure in the process. Don’t tell me that’s not what a woman in love does for someone she loves, both romantically and deeply. And no resolution for ALLIE: Elizabeth telling Nathan to pass a message to Allie in that rejection scene, not even seeking Allie out to apologize? Is that somehow supposed to make that little girl feel better?! Treating Allie, her beloved student, like some insignificant afterthought, after everything Allie’s been through, just because she realized she’s in love with Lucas? Unbelievable. So yeah, sorry not sorry but I’m sore and pissed off, I feel manipulated and I’m angry. I did not buy Elizabeth’s sudden desperation to find Lucas, I did not buy that kiss or that she would want to spend a lifetime with him. The storyline literally did not support this ending at all. Even if I did want Elizabeth with Lucas I would feel shafted because their interactions were so damn surface-level the entire season. Here’s a replica of Elizabeth and Lucas’s backyard date conversation:  Elizabeth: *wears a saloon-worthy, not flattering, potentially scandalous dress*  Lucas: Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?  Elizabeth: yeah you mentioned it a few times  Lucas: do you know how happy I am to be with you?  Elizabeth: yeah...you said. Me too I guess. Oh and by the way, sorry about baby Jack, sorry he exists, and that we had to have dinner in my backyard  Lucas: leave the dishes, I’ll have Gustave my slave come and collect them. Tonight should be about us  Elizabeth: ... *crickets* *light hand holding*
So for season 8? I wanted more of Nathan and Elizabeth getting together I guess.
Obviously I am bummed about the lack of a baby Coulter this season, but the interview with Kavan & Pascale has made me hopeful it will happen next season. Even with the lack of a baby for them, I was disappointed with the whole Rachel thing because they barely spent any time "parenting her". She spent more time with Christopher that we saw on screen than she did with either Lee or Rosemary, and every scene they were in together was pretty much spoiled in the trailer for that episode, so that was a let down for me. I would have liked to see them actually spend some time with her or watch them struggle with parenting her. I always want more of them in general too, but I do feel like they got pushed to the side this season to make room for the triangle and other stories to play out. I'm really hoping for more of them next season, especially as it seems as though their journey to parenthood is finally in the cards. I also would have liked to see more of the HV kids this season, I did enjoy most of the scenes with the kids.
Elizabeth and the school children.
Rosemary and Lee were tired and wasted for most of the season, needed more of their fun. School scenes - I wish they would’ve tried to do something outside. More stories that weren’t romance. (And you didn’t ask but I could use way less of Elizabeth dramatically stopping and gasping.)
Kid scenes. There could be more kid scenes and unlikely interactions among all the main cast.
Elizabeth at least giving a chance to Nathan
There could’ve been more good and consistent storytelling lmao
Little Jack
Drop the triangle mid way and let the focus go back to HV
More time for Elizabeth to grieve and process. Would have loved to see her more in her role as a mother.
More Nathan and Elizabeth. It felt like they never gave Nathan a chance.
Nathan and Elizabeth going to dinner and spending time together.
More development for Lucas would have been really nice. Not that he wasn't present enough, but I feel like he took a back seat for his character development, growth, insight, etc. Also, if they focused on him more, especially in relation to Elizabeth, her choice would've made more sense to me.
I missed a certain simplicity which was evident in other seasons. I often felt that there was too much going on and that weakened the storylines since there was only so much time for each one.
More focus on the other characters and less on the love triangle.
Gah, so much screentime was wasted on the love triangle. I miss the time we could have gotten exploring other stories.
Better story telling.  It was boring, frankly
Elizabeth interacting  a lot with Little Jack and falling in love with Nathan like it should have been.
Mike and Fiona. I hated that she was gone for so long.
The magic that we saw in the earlier seasons. It’s too far from the books. They should have just replaced Jacks character with another actor.
More in depth storylines
Better writing.
Good story lines, more  serious stories - less fluff / silly stories, —-and Elizabeth - disappointed in her decision— and where the show is going with her character. Acting is just limited to not engaging with the characters ....dialogue not deep enough.
The kids and school scenes. Covid, I know, but I did miss them!
Not sure!!
Not much comes to mind
Meaningful stuff for the Coulters
Rosemary and Elizabeth
Missed the Teacher Elizabeth scenes
There could have been some more opportunities to see Nathan have a chance to pursue Elizabeth. There could have been more of Elizabeth taking her own advice to drop her fears (of marrying another mountie) in order to allow Nathan to shine for himself. They did have chemistry. I wish I would have seen LESS of Lucas trying to charm Elizabeth with extravagant gifts and the extremely unrealistic scenarios he created to win her heart (so many candles, so many lanterns in the sky, etc.)
More Lee/Rosemary family focus
Nathan actually having a chance to prove himself to Elizabeth
Oh, that is a hard one to answer right now, it might come off as bitter.  Actual consistency to ensure the past 3 years hasn't felt like it has been for nothing.  Clarity around some of the characters and their choices (and I am not just talking about the triangle), respect for the characters in the writing.  Need I go on.  
As cheesy as it is to say, more heartfelt moments. Because they did so much, felt as though I couldn't appreciate singular storyline as in depth as I normally do
Lee and Rosemary
No answer
a baby for the Coulters, missed the kids and little Jack but I get why
Rational writing
I miss the short story arcs where they focus on a few characters and tell a complete story in one or two episodes instead of having every character’s story stretch out for the whole season.
Depth of conversation
More Rosemary and Lee
Better writing
More school time with Elizabeth and.her students, but I understand the restrictions.
More harmony, there was so much conflict!
Josie Bassett as a love interest for Bill
I wish Rosemary would have found out she was pregnant Elizabeth would have made her choice when she and Lucas were in the rain and Jesse and Clara wouldn’t have had problems
Not enough screentime for our main character Elizabeth. Things havent been centered around her for a long time and I dont think that will ever change. More heart to heart conversations that are actually real and meaningful without being cringey and forced.  The show also never replaced the vacancy of Abigail's character. She was the glue that held the whole town together and offered sound advice. We dont have anyone like that anymore
I missed story lines with the school children.
gee, i dont know, ACTUAL PLOT?
Meaningful scenes for Jesse and Clara, Lee and Rosemary, and possibly Fiona.
The storylines were awful ad choppy.  
I missed the triangle that was supposed to play out.  Instead we got Elizabeth dating one man and choosing to be with that man in the finale.
Need a better writer
Intelligent dialogue with meaning and substance.  Written for an 5 yr. old.
Smart characters
More Rosie and Lee scenes
Always more Henry.
I would have liked to see someone care about Nathan. I wish he'd interacted with more people and not just in his role as mountie; same with Allie. I want to see her have more adult female support instead of just Elizabeth.
The school
Elizabeth and Nathan
Actual dates between Nathan and Elzaibeth
Elizabeth and Nathan
More Lee and Rosemary. There could have also been more completed storylines they honestly made so much cut short or unclear.
Elizabeth and nathan
it's all good.
Should have been more depth for Lucas with Elizabeth
More of actually giving Nathan a chance instead of constantly pushing him away. It wasn't really a love triangle.
Character development
better writing
I wish there was more Lee & Rosemary.
Heartwarming wholesome stories
Are you kidding?
More development of Nathan's character
Development of Nathan's character
As I said earlier, I think they could have dug deeper into the adoption/ biological father of Allie, because it would have been a lot more interesting than some out of the blue story lines (Coff coff Jesse's and Clara's money coff coff)
Seeing Nathan and Elizabeth on a real date.  
a smoother transition to succeed in understanding the final choice of this false love triangle
Bill & Molly comical scenes
Anyone and everyone other than this triangle.
Broken storylines. What was the point of Allie’s dad? The Pinkertons? Wyman? Mentioning Abigail? Even Rachel and Christopher if they never return to HV? I get cliffhangers but they dropped stories or made storylines feel pointless.
the children
Interaction and actual dates with Nathan and Elizabeth where she got to know him so she didn't think of him as Jack 2.0.
A better sense of community.
Everything that Alfonso Moreno did: a clear, focused, measured, believable story arc.
Nathan and Elizabeth to be given a chance. More logic and less crazy, in what universe does the writing of the finale make ANY sense.
I missed seeing any thought process in the writing....To late for anything more.
I would love to see a little more action and adventure or maybe a mystery
Missed the well written story telling like Moreno's.Tinker and producer's lack of integrity to mislead and get fans fight against each other, instead of building a good story to justify why the choice was made at the end.
I missed Jesse & Clara being happy.  I always miss Abigail. I missed Faith & Carson in sync. i missed the romance I anticipated between Elizabeth & Nathan.
The essence of Hope Valley is gone. Less focus on the love triangle more about other characters, family community. Elizabeth is not NICE
Though they never tend to be my favourite storylines, I actually missed being in the classroom more.
Could have done with more Canfield family stuff.
I know she was there, but it didn’t feel like there was enough Rosemary (never is tbh).
I always want more of the Florence and Fiona friendship specifically, as well as all of the female friendships. There were some lovely moments this season, but I’d still like more.
I understand they rushed the resolution so they could save it for the finale, but I would have preferred way more of Elizabeth and Nathan each dealing with Jack’s death and more time spent on settling their feelings for each other.
I wanted more of Rosemary and Lee's story with infertility. I'm pretty neutral on this season.
What do you hope to see in season 9?
Maybe but only if they make Nathan a main character the same as Elizabeth
Henrigail. I'm copying and pasting at this point.
More of the kids!!
Lee and Rosemary having a child! More Henry! And a Kevin McGarry shirtless scene, lol.
Absolutely nothing
Better story lines
More stories for all the cast
more stories that involved multiple characters (and characters that don’t interact as much to interact/form new and unique relationships)
I won't be watching Season 9.
An apology from TPTB.
Lucas true dark and evil side
Nothing. I’m not watching blasphemy.
Lee and Rosemary become parents. A fun new love interest for Nathan. Mike and Fiona dating.
For it not to happen. Take me back to season 7 ending
new love and adventures for Nathan, a baby for Lee and Rosemary, fun and challenging love for Elizabeth and Lucas
Honesty, no more bait and switch just for ratings
I won't watch it.  After 8 seasons it sickened me to see Lucas as the pick when he is not a father figure or role model.  So unlike a moral mother to not look at a person's interaction with your child first when choosing a partner.  
Less scenes between Elizabeth and Lucas since she found her love focus the season on Nathan finding his
Nathan and Elizabeth actually getting together.
Nothing. I'm moving on to greener pastures.
I would like to see Rosemary and Lee finally have a baby or adopt, Elizabeth and Lucas break up or just leave town so I don’t have to watch them make out, Nathan find a better love, and Lee as mayor take on Wyman Walden and the Pinkertons.
Elizabeth realizing that she actually loves Nathan and Lee and rosemary surprise pregnancy or adoption.
I do not care what happens.  
Elizabeth/writers/ producers realizing they are incredibly stupid. Apologizing and Nathan NOT taking her back. She needs to be alone and probably miserable. I think that’s what the show and she deserves. They’ve ruined it. I’m gone.
Less soap opera
No more triangles
Nathan finds true love. Allie getting an amazing Mother. The Canfield's (every minute of every Canfield). Rosemary and Lee. Bill and Molly. Clara and Jesse maturing. Every minute of Nathan and Allie. The kids. Ned and Florence enjoying married life and seeing him strike it rich. Lee for Mayor. Henry coming back. Mike and Fiona. Faith being a Doctor.
Healing and happiness for Nathan after getting smacked around in Season 8
A baby for Rosemary and Lee, Henry and Abigail to return together, Carson to come back and propose to Faith because she obviously does love him and want him to stay, an amazing newcomer to fall head over heels for Nathan
A cohesive storyline!
Rosemary and Lee have a baby
The whole season just felt stressful and misleading
Allie and Nathan prominence in the community and storylines. Lucas and Elizabeth to go on an extended international book tour.
Lee and Rosemary having kids finally!!!! Mayor election!
I won't be watching anymore.
A storyline that doesn't screw Nathan over.  Rosemary/Lee blessed with a family. Less Elizabeth/Lucas kissing scenes. More focus on other characters.
Rosemary pregnant,faith and Nathan getting closer, more of Nathan being a Mountie,jack and Lucas bonding, Lucas and Elizabeth dates and kissing , Lucas proposing .
I already cancelled Hallmark first thing this morning. The writers and showrunners have no credibility for me any longer, and I did not make my decision based on the triangle alone.
More focus on characters not named Elizabeth.
Henry and Abigail  rosemarys paper lee for mayor Elizabeth and Lucas getting closer Nathan finding someone
I want Henry and Abigail to come back and see how that relationship plays out. I like the show but what got me excited was there relationship. Love enemies to lovers stories play out. I also hope they bring back Lori. Though she definitely does not need to be such a huge part of the show as she once was.  
NOT Faith with Nathan.
Minnie Canfield becoming more a part of the town community with her fabulous boldness and integrity. I really love her.
Allie and Nathan having some incredible adoptive father-daughter laughter and tears moments, like her teasing him, him teasing her, and them going on trips together, just ALL Nathan and Allie. They deserve a spin-off. They are a great father-daughter love story. Way better than the romantic one.
Elizabeth and Lucas go on a very long trip to Europe together and season 9 is all about Hope Valley without them.
Fiona doing everything she does with boldness and fun, cause she is fantastic. Fiona getting into some real schemes!
Henry brings Abigail back.
First and foremost a little Coulter. I'll be interested to see how Rosemary's paper and hopefully Mayor Lee are doing haha. Definitely more of the friendship b/w the women, I love Florence & Molly as well as Fiona & Clara & Faith. More Nathan & Allie, and hopefully Nathan enjoying himself and meeting someone new. More of the Canfields.
Better writing
Less stressful situations. Mr. Canfield becoming the town's preacher. So happy that Hope Valley will have a preacher. Someone the town people can go to with their problems. Only good can come from putting faith back into the show. Thank you.
Henry and Abigail in some form; Rosemary being a tenacious journalist; real relationship  work and personalities for Jesse and Clara; a fun mayoral race; the town coming together again for important things unlike the complete lack of momentum this season from Jesse being lost or the rig exploding; and just get rid of Faith. Bring back Dottie or something.
Nathan and Allie, Nathan Nathan and Elizabeth’s friendship, Nathan and Lucas getting along, Nathan moving on from Elizabeth, Lee and Rosemary talk about kids, and more Canfields.
A well-written storyline for Nathan, not him just as a background town mountie popping if needed sometimes
more happiness!!! Obv I still want drama but also it’s my comfort show so I just want to watch it and not be yelling at Elizabeth and other characters the whole time lol.
Elizabeth and Nathan - together!
Less commercials
Won’t be watching, but best wishes to the show!
I would like to see Abigail return, and have Lee and  Rosemary somehow have a kid, though I’m not confident that either of those things will happen. I’m not sure if I’ll tune into season 9, we’ll see.
Rosemary and Lee finally starting a family, and for anything good to happen to Nathan whether it's above interest or something else. He suffered this season, he deserves good things to come his way.
I hope to see more character development. I would especially like to learn more about Nathan and Lucas now that the decision is made. I want them to be more than suitors for Elizabeth. I would also like to see them become friends. If Nathan must have a love interest, I would be interested in a woman of color being casted for the role. Also, even though it would be nice to see Rosemary and Lee have a baby, I think it would be really interesting to have them adopt a child or two (siblings).
Up until a little while ago, I was very opposed to the thought of Abigail returning. I wouldn't put it past them, and if Gowan isn't gone forever, it could be an interesting plot. (She would need to take on a less involved role, and not sure Loughlin would agree with that)
I want Henry back (don't care if it's with or without Abigail). Lee & Rosie to have a baby (don't care how). Nathan (& Allie) to have a good storyline and to be happy.
I just want to see Lucas and Elizabeth break up. I cannot hammer home enough how painful that final scene was. If this is how their relationship is going to be, I'm barely going to survive.
Elizabeth comes to realize she is indeed in love with Nathan when she sees how taken Little Jack is with him.  Little Jack never warms up to Lucas...ever.
I’m not watching, so I don’t care.
Henry’s happiness ally and Nathan scenes more Elizabeth and Lucas dating and an  engagement   and nick ham oil buisness
It should be the last season. The writers deserve to be unemployed for taking the series to this point.
Not watching season 9
Don’t care.
Elizabeth - goes to Nathan — bring up happy with Lucas —- so they can be together (hey, they guy had more emotion than Lucas !!
I’ll wait to watch. Follow along on social media to make sure they don’t massacre any other storylines first.
Elizabeth and Lucas break up
Nathan to find his true love and Rosemary and Lee to start a family.
Elizabeth and Lucas to be married, Rosemary and Lee addressing the baby question and what happens with Henry trying to start with a clean slate
Better plotlines for the Coulters and the return of Henry
Henry and Abigail
A continuation of the stories already set up.
The survey did not give me an opportunity to say that Nathan needs to STILL get together with Elizabeth, so I had to pick someone else. The survey should be designed so that I do NOT have to pick an answer that I do NOT believe in. I hope that the writers will realize that they set up a story, especially at the end of season 7 and in 8 where it looked liked they were setting up Nathan as Elizabeth’s choice. Her choice of Lucas makes me wonder if she is only responding to the “temptation” she feels around Lucas. (He tells her,  It is not a date, but if it were a date and he lightly touches her hand...This is duplicitous behavior!) Elizabeth and Nathan have tough conversations about real life and they have the kind of relationship that is very healthy for a long term marriage. ...Frankly, I CANNOT watch a “romance” develop between Lucas and Elizabeth. They might have a similar interest in literature, but the inside character and values of each of them are very different. Elizabeth only needed a little opportunity once Nathan was free of guilt to give him a chance to win over the “romantic” side of her heart.
Lee and Rosemary adopting a child!
For Elizabeth to dump Lucas or for Nathan to meet someone new who will really value him and let him in
I am not sure if I will be watching season 9 as yet.  I need to figure out if I can get past the finale first...  It took me over a year to come back after Jack's death and with the way the finale has disrespected the past 3 seasons, I don't know if I have it in me.  I want to, I just don't know if I can.
Still on fence about watching it
Wholesome cast
Do not really care.
a baby for the Coulters, the development of the relationship between Elizabeth, little Jack and Lucas, the story of Nathan's journey to love,  a challenge the community has to face together,  a love interest for Fiona, the development of the Canfields.  No more Bill and Molly.  I love Bill's character - especially the role he has in Elizabeth and little Jack's life - and Molly is fine too, but I don't see any chemistry there.
Nathan becoming more popular than Elizabeth
I want a happy ending for Nathan and Allie.
Only the new adventures of Nathan, Allie, Rosemary, Lee, the Canfields, Bill and Molly, Florence and Ned and the return of Henry.
No interest in watching 9
I hope the mayoral race is fill of humor and not contention.
Whatever they write
Mike and fionas business Rosemary pregnant Nathan and Lucas are friends Elizabeth’s book is released maybe a baby for Clara Nathan and faith together ally and Robert together  Henry returns Lucas and jack bonding Elizabeth continue to teach and Lucas proposing
I wont be watching to find out, but some respect for Nathan and Allie, and Rosemary and Lee.  I have an inkling that Rose and Lee are going to be screwed over next.  Hopefully E and L just break up randomly bc idk how anyone could sit through the show and watch them together. It's disturbing
I'm not sure of the year anymore, but the Spanish Flu should be showing up any day. I have a list of characters that could fall victim.... let's start with Elizabeth.
less kissing
Better writing, less pair-the-spares, more focus on relationships and less on interpersonal drama.
More Nathan
More Lee and Rosemary.  Nathan getting a storyline instead of being a punching bag.
Not going to watch it.
Not watching
Rosie and Lee having a family of their own either by adoption or pregnancy.
Increased focus on entire ensemble.
I won't watch season 9, but I hope that they finally give Nathan and Allie happiness. I hope Allie calls him dad, and that she gets her own horse, and I wish that Elizabeth would just leave them both alone now. I hope that whoever they do pair Nathan with loves and appreciates him for who he is, and loves Allie, and puts them above everyone else. Bonus points if whoever she is tells Elizabeth to back the hell off at some point!
More of Nathan
Not watching
Break up of Elizabeth and Lucas
Don't care not watching anymore
More action and real suspense.
Don't care not watching anymore
Lucas and Elizabeth getting married.
Meaningful conversations between E & L; Nathan being Allie's dad/Allie supporting him through his loss of Elizabeth; Hopefully Elizabeth, Lucas, and Nathan can still be friends.
Continued better writing and character growth.
More of Nathan. I really like his character. I want more of his past and what has shaped him. I want to see his honest and noble character.
More challenging life experiences; give Fiona more prominence ... perhaps as a stringer for Rosemary’s paper; Jesse develop some character.
better more coherent writing
Henry back
I don’t care. I’m no longer a viewer after this season.
Elizabeth realizing Nathan is the one and Nathan rejecting her the whole season, having another serious love interest but forgiving her for her bad choice at the end
More emotion from Nathan . A chance in Elizabeth
Elizabeth realizing she made a mistake
Many interesting stories
Lee and Rosemary getting back on their "parenting issues" the whole Rachel thing was put in and taken away way too soon? There were a lot of things thrown in this season just for something to do, and at this point, since Nathan is still the mountie...more proper mounties storylines, like the investigation on the tampered oil, that was cool (maybe I should just switch to Murdoch's Mysteries XD)
Very little of Elizabeth and Lucas
Improved writing by then staff
see less of E and L and see more of the other characters , Nathan and Faith just become friends who console each other for their heartaches not a couple
Bill & Molly
I have no hope for season nine
Abigail come back as EP because obviously Erin is terrible at it. Kick Tinker to the curb and bring back season 1 showrunner. Bring back Julie and Cat Montgomery.
Abigail come back as EP because obviously Erin is terrible at it. Kick Tinker to the curb and bring back season 1 showrunner. Bring back Julie and Cat Montgomery.
less drama
Lee and Rosemary have a child.
I'm not very hopful.
Nathan and Ally moving on and eventually finding a family with a woman as selfless and noble as Nathan.
I don't even know, I'm just so angry and sad.
Don't Care , will not be watching..  I am finished with the Hallmark Channel  and anything Hallmark.
Just a continuation of the hopeful storylines and of course the romance
Faith being more in charge Ned and Florence being married lee running for mayor Elizabeth and Lucas engament jack growing ally and Robert and a baby for Clara
Focus on building a compelling beautiful story for Nathan; that his heart will heal. That he will fall in love with a new beautiful lady coming to town, which will be a deeper and more epic love that would have been with Elizabeth.  More storylines with Nathan and Allie; Rosemary and Lee to be parents.  Hope that writers and producers will not ruin Nathan's character and storyline. And do not pair Nathan with Faith nor Fiona.  Hope there will be less of Elizabeth and Lucas and focus on other characters.
more time spent on the storylines - not so many brief scenes
Nathan gets a love story as glorious as Elizabeth & Jack.
Will not be watching. This heartie is broken and lost hope.
Elizabeth engaged
Elizabeth and Lucas happy and in love. I hope we get plenty of Florence and she doesn’t fade into the background now that they gave her a romance. I’m also hoping for more of the Canfield family. Idk if there will be any progress on the Coulter family front, but I would like to see them adopt an older child or at least decide to sometime later this season. Nothing against them finding fulfillment without a child (I love a happy childless couple!), but it’s been established they want to be parents and it would be nice for them to do that as well. I do hope Henry comes back without Abigail! I’d miss Henry, but I don’t miss Abigail lol. I won’t be mad if she comes back, but I don’t want her either. Looking forward to whatever the season brings!
More story with the Canfields.
Don’t care
Any other comments?
I will only watch to support Kevin, Kayla, and Jaeda. Nathan was by far by favorite character on the show. Kevin McGarry deserves better than this decision and I hope that they will give his character more air time next season
Everybody calm down. There was nothing new, better, worse, different, or surprising about how this season was written/handled. We don't watch WTCH for it's sparkling dialogue and satisfying storylines. We hope for something showing decent people living good lives with faith and optimism, and they still manage to do that (and have finally brought back the "faith" part of this with the arrival of a new pastor) even if they screw the pooch with the details.
I understand why people were mad about the finale, but idk all this hate on IG us just rude and disrespectful to the crew
Team Nathan!
I cannot enjoy WCTH because it’s not remotely entertaining if you can’t trust you understanding of the story over time.
This was my first season watching live and despite the fallout from the triangle I had fun
Nothing I haven't or you haven't or the fandom hasn't already covered. I'm just disappointed in all the potential they threw out the window. I have zero trust in the PTB. They don't care about these characters.
I will pretend that the series finale was season 7. I don’t know how I will ever love the show like I used too. I’m too tired of the letdowns.
You’re the best, I’m so thankful you let us vent and give us sane, logical takes about this show. OH and all you Team Nathan people boycott the crap out of this show and maybe they will reverse their decision to Nathan on the love triangle. At these tank the ratings. You don’t owe the show runners anything for destroying this show.  
I truthfully haven't seen a single episode. Had it recorded and followed this blog and live viewing comments on the FB page. After hearing how everything went down in the last episode, I have absolutely no desire to watch the season. I could have forgiven Elizabeth for how she acted towards everyone if it was truly her working through her fears of being with another Mountie. But since that wasn't the case, I have a lot of dislike for her (and the writers) now.
Thanks for your blog. I appreciate it. There must be a reason for how this turned out. Although we we can't see it and will probably never know the answer. It suck
I was Team Nathan for a long time - pretty much two years.  I saw the writing on the wall when Lucas said he would wait and again when Elizabeth was resistant to moving forwarding with Nathan at so many steps along the way.  Even the hand holding post wedding seemed intentionally friend zone. And look on her face when she realized that she was acting with Nathan like she did with Jack, to me that was the end.  All the signs were there.  Some people were so routed in Nathan that they couldn't see another possibility.  I have opened my mind to Lucas because I love the show.  And you know what - it's not so bad in land of Lucas and Elizabeth.  For those who are devastated and done, maybe down the road, when you're feeling less heart broken, you might want to try going back and watching with a more open mind.  There is some pretty hot stuff there.  Because of my love for Nathan (and yes, I still love him!) I couldn't have said that a year ago. :)  
It's not because my guy didn't win the girl, but because this story is getting too much like a soap opera and in the case of that last love scene, a little trashy for a family show.
After next season I will look at the recap.  If you have changed Elizabeth's stupid decision I will watch again, if not, there are plenty of other shows to watch.
The love triangle wasn’t real in the true sense of the word since Elizabeth never went on a date with Nathan.
Brian Bird is a jerk.
I have never been so mad and sad  at the conclusion of a TV show..not really my personality.  BUT the chemistry between Nathan and Elizabeth was undeniable.  Nathan proved over three seasons to be his own unique character, and fans would not have labeled him as Jack 2.0.  There would have been plenty more stories to tell.  Now I think I am done watching.  The other characters are great, but the story is mostly Elizabeth’s....the way it was created and, in spite of Jack’s death, the way it has continued.  I honestly think the producers want a show that is going to last for a long, long time, so it needs to begin focusing on other characters.  And I also think that Nathan and Elizabeth would have been so great together that the spotlight would have stayed on them.  This would have wrecked the direction the producers want the show to go, but instead the show is just wrecked by a new formula that isn’t working.
What a relief that I can move on and actually feel so good about it. Yippee!
I was really enjoying this season, I thought they were doing really well and better than they ever have and then in the last episode it felt so rushed and thrown together without any thought!!! That ruined the entire season for me. I can’t even go back and watch it again because it’s all for nothing! It was so obvious that E was in love with N but just scared of her past, I was waiting for something to happen for her to realize. And maybe to see the quote that N gave her again. It seemed that L was just a rebound/distraction I didn’t see one ounce of affection from E toward L. And what about the bachelorette party? Didn’t that mean she was meant to be with N? And the touch in the library? They were portrayed as “sparks” but apparently it was mistaking him for Jack??? Come on, we are meant to believe that garbage??? There was none of those scenes with L, what love story are they talking about in the last scene? So many things! How can N say it was L all along when we saw zero evidence of that!
I’m finished with the show. I do not care to see how S9 plays out. They do not deserve my time after the complete disregard to viewers time and investment over the last 8 years. I am appalled at the reaction from Brian Bird and Chris McNally. I have never been so offended as a fan. I will not watch so they can send their rude tweets to the very few people that still watch their show. I’m DONE!!!
Disappointed in Elizabeth but think back to season 2 and how she led on Charles...no surprise with how she treated poor Nathan
I'm going to watch Season 9. Just skip over E's storylines. I now hate her.
Too many storylines this season, writers need to tighten it up. Love triangle was handled the worst possible way it could be handled.
This season was a disappointment unfortunately. And not only because of Elizabeth, but also because my favorite characters either weren’t a big enough part of the storyline or they just were so different from previous seasons.
I'm still so shocked at the outcome of this finale. It's even more egregious to me because they managed to ruin just about every character and it was so unnecessary. I wish they had Elizabeth choose Lucas in the first episode of this season that way they could have let them grow together while also letting Nathan begin to move on and Nathan and Lucas to begin a friendship. But they took it so far and raked everybody through the coals that I just can't imagine any of that happening right now in a realistic way. I think I'm the most upset because there is a world where I would have been fine with Elizabeth choosing Lucas. But they spent the whole season + prior seasons showing us that her love for Nathan was deeper, that there was more to explore there and that her time with Lucas was limited & she couldn't be with him because she kept thinking about Nathan (I don't care what any one says, that is what was done) that I couldn't even get into the relationship between Elizabeth & Lucas. Then at the last second went JK NOT THAT'S NOT WHAT WE WERE DOING AND YOU'RE STUPID FOR THINKING THAT! It's just so unbelievable.
Unsure if I will watch
Very disappointed with the finale.
They got it so wrong...
The love triangle was annoying and a straight line. Elizabeth was horribly written.  Nathan was screwed over. TeamNathan got screwed over.  I will still watch just to see what happens next.  I will not let Elizabeth/Lucas storyline ruin it for me.
The finale was my favorite episode of the series. I’m so happy they didn’t go down the same road  as jack with her picking Nathan .I love Nathan’s character as a Mountie but NOT with Elizabeth. I’m so looking forward to seeing her and Lucas as a happy in love couple I’m just so happy  and there kisses were so beautiful and passionate I couldn’t love them more.
They made the case for a beautiful love story between Nathan and elizabeth- not for Lucas and Elizabeth. The ending of that triangle was not believable for me. Kevin McGarry is a fabulous actor with tremendous range and seems to bring out the best in any scene partner he has had. He has always been believable in everything I have seen him in. He is a true leading man and they should be treating him better or he will/does not have to stay with the show. I am not trying to trash Chris McNally, but he is rather limited as an actor and looks almost wooden in some scenes. I can't always hear his dialogue because he speaks too low or too fast sometimes and he is not always believable for me- nice to look at, yes, but not the actor Kevin is. Maybe they partnered him with Erin so she could help him develop more. I love Allie, Rosemary, Henry, Bill, and Fiona and can see some great stories ahead for them if the writers don't screw things up. I would never be able to stomach Lori Loughlin and Abigail again, and I feel they will force her back on the fans next season. As evidenced by the love scenes in the finale, Hallmark is changing this show forever- it will be edgier, sexier and much less "Christian-based". Not sure if the Hearties will accept that. I don't really care anymore as I am no longer supporting Hallmark channel. Don't like the mess they made this season, or many of the changes made in their movies of late. I have found myself tuning out a great deal. I hope people like Kevin McGarry, Jaeda, Kayla Wallace and Pascale are seen i other non-Hallmark projects so I can enjoy seeing their work. Really disenchanted with Erin Krakow's performances of late.
Thanks for all the work you do running this blog!
I’m very happy with this season I will continue watching as long as it continues. Does anyone here watch new Amsterdam tv series?
Love that they took characters who are always in the background and gave them actual storylines.
I think I’m in the anger phase of grieving. I’m sorry if the answers cause a reopening of wounds but it feels right to me to call them on their shit by voicing the injustice of treating your viewers this way. These writers just told the laziest, quickest, ficklest (?) “love story” I have ever seen, EVER.
Thank you so much for everything you've done this past season! I really enjoy your blog and your insights on the show as well.
There can be a conflict with women owning business (no offense) and other women in the show working and having families. Please keep the show from becoming so feminist. Please retain some strong men.
Thanks for the survey!
I hope season 9 explains things and or finishes plots left behind in season 8.
That ending really just made no sense at all..what was the point of the whole season before it?!
Terribly written finale. So rushed and smacked together. Yuck
Sigh... it really was a letdown after it seemed that all the signs were pointing to Elizabeth facing her fears and accepting the love of Nathan and loving him in return and them being one big, happy family.
This was my first season watching WCTH in years (since like season 2), so I’m glad I wasn’t too invested just to be disappointed in the end with the decision Elizabeth made.
I hate that Elizabeth used to be my favorite character to the point of seeing myself in her, but now I really dislike her. On the bright side, at least I've grown to love Rosemary enough for her to be my new favorite!
I think the writers need to listen to their audience and work to smooth out this bumpy season. I hope the writers are more selective with the storylines they choose so that those arcs can be fully developed. For example, Jesse being missing in the last two episodes was mishandled in my opinion. So few people cared that he was gone and I don't think the writers even fully explained what happened to him.
So glad the triangle is over, and I hope we never see anything like it for anyone else again.
Overall I liked this season (except the love triangle stuff) but I don't know if it will be enough to keep me watching. Guess I'll have to see how season 9 plays out.
I'm glad Carson is gone lmao. I'd be pretty happy if I never saw him again. Henry better be back. Lucas and Elizabeth can move to Hamilton...seriously. Baby Jack deserves a more attentive and present mother. But honestly, keep Carson away & write Lucas and Elizabeth off and I'd be DELIGHTED and actually stoked for season 9.
The stories are lame.  I want more Lee and Rosemary.  I did not like Christopher/Rachel.  And, why are they doing with Henry?  It’s all confusing.
Please consider reversing Elizabeth's choice. She and Nathan look so good together.  Lucas is too lecherous looking in my opinion.
I wonder if Rachel will return will Lucas and Nathan become friends?
The season sucked! The writing was poor and there really wasn’t a triangle. They misled and lied to the viewers. It would have been easier to accept Elizabeth’s decision if we saw her date both men and see how it worked out with each of them. The writers never gave Nathan the opportunity but instead used him as a punching bag the whole season.
I can’t even bear to rewatch any of the seasons after that ending. I’m so glad I didn’t preorder the season—and I’ve canceled my HM subscription.
Get new writers!
I was for either guy at the beginning of the season. All they had to do was show me the love story. They didn’t do that.
The choice of Lucas was ridiculous. Will no longer watch the show. I’m very sad.
If you are going to have Elizabeth and Lucus in a relationship I would hope that you would work on him becoming more child friendly. If he doesn’t accept little Jack then he doesn’t deserve Elizabeth. They are a package deal.
Love the show. I think people that threaten to stop watching because “Team Nathan” are just bellyaching and will wind up watching it again just to have something to grouse about. It’s just a TV show, people. If it always goes the way you want you’ll just complain that the writing is getting stale!
love your blog
Extremely disappointed with this season. Will no longer watch.
This season felt like it was perfectly setting up for the next. It felt like a lot of new beginnings were being set up leaving us ready to explore.
I’m personally Team Lucas so I’ve been happy with the decision but I actually think if Nathan had “won” it would have been more interesting for Lucas in s9 so actually think Nathan as a character will have a better, more interesting s9
I said the season was good and the writing was, but I will clarify that the finale TOTALLY ruined the underlying track that was being built up for Elizabeth to choose Nathan. I don’t believe that the script writers gave Nathan the chance that they gave Lucas. Elizabeth grilled him to try to find him guilty of wrong, but Lucas had a number of shady deals that reveal poor character and Elizabeth did not find out about those and have a chance to grill him. If she knew those things, would she still be choosing him? Elizabeth was allowed to be “charmed” by his superficial lifestyle and empty promises. Because of Lucas’s shady dealings, he and Elizabeth almost got killed in the saloon. Later, he said he would never let anything happen to her. Nathan was the one who saved Elizabeth and Nathan’s life in that scene. Lucas is a talker with empty promises and Nathan is the one who actually rescued Elizabeth from Lucas’s bad deeds. The ending of Season 8, Episode 12 is NOT even logical. She needed someone like Nathan to protect her from Lucas. If this is REALLY who Elizabeth is, I don’t want to watch her. She does not follow her own advice. Once Lucas’s full character is revealed, we would only have to watch her get hurt over and over.. I CANNOT watch an Elizabeth and Lucas love story. The writers should not be biased against Nathan just because he was a Mountie. He should be seen for himself. Also, if Elizabeth cannot love Nathan because he might get killed this is not a strong enough reason. Lucas could get killed. She told Ned that he could miss the joy if he didn’t go thru with his wedding with Florence. This should have indicated that she would get over her own fears so that she could experience joy with Nathan.
I truly hope everyone gets to the end of season 9 and is pleasantly surprised.  It is the eternal optimist in me, but I would love to see getting there and being unable to imaging things being any other way, despite the heartbreak we all feel for the series right now.  As I mentioned, I have my doubts, however am trying very, very hard to keep an open mind.
I hated the way Nathan was treated this season and won’t be watching anymore.
You are amazing for what you do with this blog and I thank you for your efforts to make it so enjoyable day after day.
I think my opinion on this site is in the minority, but Lucas and Elizabeth have solid chemistry and the chance for an interesting relationship. However, I would have been cool with Nathan too.  I love Kevin McGarry and want to see more of his fun side as he dates and raises Ally.  Could absolutely be a great relationship between Fiona and Nathan, but someone new could be exciting too if it's the right person.  Happy the triangle is over. Disappointed at the number of self-proclaimed "Hearties" who are acting like angry (Team Nathan) or gloating (Team Lucas) children.  I love this show because it's about kindness, being decent to one another, and forgiveness.  I had hoped fans on all sides would follow that lead, but not so much I guess. Here's to hoping we all embrace the Hope Valley way, putting the triangle behind us and moving on to whatever comes next!
I thought I would continue to watch even if she chose Lucas but after the way the season played out, I feel like TPTB care more about generating drama for the ratings than good storytelling and I won’t be used like that again.
I gave season 8 an average rating because I liked the stories about Nathan/Allie, the arrival of the Canfields, the love story of Florence/Ned and finally the story of Henry and his son.
Fans need to stop getting hung up on everything BB and the actors say to manipulate viewers into watching. I learned that lesson the hard way from Pretty Little Liars. We were misled over and over by the showrunner and let down every season finale. The series finale was the longest hour of  ridiculous shit to ever air on tv. We were looking for clues the whole time (7 years) and there were no clues, just a lot of pointless crap. I never pay attention to anything BB says on social media or what actors say in interviews. I watch WCTH without looking for clues or expecting any outcome. I saw E picking L a mile away. I like the idea of a heartbroken Nathan getting his own romantic storyline and look forward to that new love story next season.
This was a very good season I like the direction they went with this season and I’m very happy the triangle is finally over and she ended up with the man of her dreams. Lucas and Elizabeth are endgame .
Screwed us over big time. Not just us but the characters too. Nothing made sense and the whole season was for nothing because the story didnt go anywhere. Dont trust Hallmark anymore to write a complete, meaningful, and satisfying story. They disrespected everything about storytelling, the show, and disrespected the community that watched and supported the content. Someone either stupid, bitter, vengeful, or horny decided this finale. F them
Thank you for all you do!
The more I read about the writers of this show and some of the actors responses to the fans disappointment, the Lee’s I want anything yo do with this show. They’re arrogant, disrespectful; I guess thy think they’re so popular that everyone will tune in again next year. They think they have it in the bag. Nope! I believe season 9 will be a failure and probably their last one.
I don't hate the season but the bad balanced out the good so severely I felt like it was just a 'meh' season. I guess that's still an improvement from how I felt about S6 and 7, though.
Hopefully HM fires John Tinker his writing was awful.  I don’t mean the triangle everything was dumb and disjointed
I don't know why I watch this show.  But I must enjoy it on some level.  
Been a fan from day one - you lost 70% of your viewers. Some comments from   WCTH have made the fans feel if you don’t like their story line don’t watch - they are correct - I won’t ! Should of listen to the 70%. Good luck with your viewer ship you forgot who pays you!
I was surprised that E. was so insensitive leading Nathan on for so long.   She is also very materialistic and obviously chose Lucas for all that he could do for her without much depth.
Honestly, I mainly watch the show for Rosemary and Lee. I would like to see them become parents at some point, but I would also like a little more of Rosemary’s backstory. We gotten some of Lee’s backstory. I think it would be interesting to meet some of Rosemary’s family at some point. I am glad that Lee and Rosie are finding their niches career wise.
I just don’t see Lucas as Jack’s father. He hasn’t cared one whit for the boy, and yet the boy is everything to Elizabeth?? Doesn’t make sense. Since I don’t want Abigail back, I hope Henry isn’t going to get her. Alas that also means I think he’s likely left the show. Maybe good for Martin, since it has veered so far away from its beginning.  Thanks for all your work on this Melanie. I value it a lot!
I wish I could take back the last three years of life that I invested in this show. If I had known they would do this I never would have come back after Jack's death. Despite that, I still love and adore and am invested in Nathan and Allie, and some other side characters. But I can't even fathom watching season 9 after what the writers did. My WCTH, the one I loved and enjoyed, ended with season 7.
Bring Elizabeth and Nathan together
See Elizabeth and nathan hitched and get married  
love the show Wish there wasn't such a long wait for the next season
I hope they can redeem themselves. I'm a true hearty and I've never missed an episode. I can't stomach the person Elizabeth is becoming. I will stop watching if she doesn't go back to the Elizabeth we fell in love with.
New actors for Ally and little Jack, or less time on screen
The storytelling was not coherent; storylines started and ended abruptly with no flow. They need to get back to the roots of the show and make it more of a family drama again, not an over-the-top soap opera.
Chris McNally and Brian Bird’s attitudes are contemptible. I was not happy with the finale and how everything played out, but their comments have set me over the edge to choose not to support anything they are in or a part of. Rude, self righteous attitudes from both. I’m done.
I am shocked at my own reactions. A TV show shouldn't have so much affect on me but I am truly unhappy with Elizabeth's choice...and I think I am crazy because it is really bothering me!!
I am upset how the season ended. She picked the wrong man. I see no chemistry there.
Honestly no, I am not happy with how the characters were written, both Lucas and Nathan deserved better, Elisabeth came across as constantly freaking out and not following her heart while running over a lot of people (Rosemary, Nathan and Allie in particular) but she's never been my favourite character anyway, so whatever.
p.s. thank you so much for all your amazing work! I love your gifs and your blog <3 keep it up!
Elizabeth’s character has changed drastically.  She has become  egotistical, pompous, cruel, The character that Jeanette Oke originally wrote is nothing like the Elizabeth we now have.
Elizabeth played games with Nathan and Lucas just like she did with Jack and Charles. The series was written about a school teacher and a Mountie.  Not so anymore.
The betrayal of the original story and the fan base is hard to overcome.
I have completely changed my opinion about this show, Erin Krakow, and the direction this series is going in.
This season had so much promise but the finale left me angry. Agree with other comments that if they had invested in a better story for E&L it would be different. Warming the serge was the only time E “might” have been confusing Nathan for Jack. Their relationship was so different... single parenting, especially. Their love story could’ve been even more epic than E & J. Just a real shame. Will not continue to watch. Moving on.
The writer's blew this. I am absolutely disgusted with the character of Elizabeth. There is no way a school teacher and mother would have been allowed to associate with a saloon owner in that time period without being run out of town. It's ridiculous that they expect fans to be okay with this.
If I decide to watch, I will skip the Elizabeth and Lucas scenes.
I just discovered your Tumblr site yesterday: it a really comprehensive and insightful work!
Thank you so much for your blog, I seriously need a place to vent and scream for a while. This is ridiculous.
Tell your bean counter I will not be watching .  Hallmark has gone WOKE.
Hopefully John tinker will continue a show runner he did a wonderful job brought some new life to help Valley
I’m very happy with all of the promising storylines in season 9 , Rosemary and Lee’s business vendors, faith being the head doctor Henry’s story Elizabeth and Lucas finally being a couple there is a lot of promise in season 9
Tinker and the producers destroyed in 1 season, what Moreno worked so hard in weaving and building up a beautiful storyline with Nathan and Elizabeth to form the Grant family.  They have to understand that fans are leaving not because of Elizabeth's final choice. The reason is that Tinker and the producers disregarded the premise and the family wholesomeness of the show, and debased it by making it into a poorly written soap opera with lots of shouting and cheap superficial steamy scenes and called it "romance'. They did not take the time to carefully development of storyline of why Elizabeth's decision. If they have done a good job leading to Lucas as a decision, I think that Team Nathan's fans would have accepted the choice. Instead, they played with fans emotions and hurt them badly through the season from both Teams misleading them and make them think who was the endgame. They need to realize that we watch WCTH because of the feel good and heart warming story. The fans kept to the end because they wanted to see their guy been chosen, even though there was lots of anger and disappointment. Who really wants to watch a show that does not entertain us in a heartwarming way. Tinker and the producers are arrogant, prideful, foolish, and not to be trusted and have no integrity to go back to what WCTH values that kept the loyal Hearties coming back yearly. They destroyed all Moreno's hard work to rescue the show after season 5.  We wanted a family friendly clean show that make us happy and hopeful.  The show is shifting to likes of Dallas and Dynasty with steamy scenes, skimpy clothes, bickering and may become darker stories.  
Tinker did a horrendous job by introducing too many disjointed scenes and characters that led nowhere. He did not take the opportunity to develop the story behind Allie's dad, Rosemary and Lee barely had any storyline, many couples bickering and destroyed Elizabeth's character as a morally strong caring woman. The "new" Elizabeth in this season was cruel, mean, self-centred, uncaring and was not really sorry or remorseful for her actions that hurt Nathan and Allie badly, as well as Rosemary. Is unrealistic that Nathan was the one who convinced Lucas to stay.
Positives of the show was Ned and Florence's romance and wedding. Loved the Nathan and Allie's storyline.  Nathan portrayed as the noble, sacrificial, kind, wise, heroic and because he loved Elizabeth, he let her go. It showed that Nathan was the better man with an impeccable character.
After this season, Elizabeth has been cheapened to a weak character that did not overcome fear, getting onto people's affair (Especially into Nathan's even when she rejected him, which gave him false hopes), was attracted to wealth and superficial romance, instead of the deep abiding unconditional love with Nathan. She became hypocritical by giving everybody advise and yet she did opposite to what she was saying. This Elizabeth did not deserve to have Nathan. He is too good for her. I don't know what will happen to littleJack as I can't see Lucas to love Jack as his own. He might be raised by nannies (as Elizabeth have already done)  and become a Little Lord Fauntleroy.
If the writers and producers are smart, they should focus on developing a compelling and heartfelt story for Nathan. In my opinion, he is the favourite character that embodies all the good values in When Calls the Heart, even through his imperfections. If they focus on Nathan and weave a great story, they may get some of Team Nathan fans coming back to the show and avoid cancellation after season 9.
Thank you for providing a platform to voice my opinion and disappointment of Tinker and the producers (eg Bird, Erin Krakow) ruining a show that could have been wonderful with lovely storylines for years to come.
It is time to move on from the love triangle.  No matter what a fan group was going to be heartbroken.  No point feeling so betrayed. We were never promised an outcome one way or the other so there was no betrayal.  There was only disappointment of not getting what we wanted.
This was my least favorite season overall.  The main characters didn't seem quite themselves, key couples weren't in sync, no compelling storylines other than the arrival of the wonderful Canfields, Elizabeth & Rosemary were even on the outs.  Missed the kids (although completely understand why they couldn't be there). And very, very disappointed in the ending.  Not a fan of Lucas' character at all.
Hallmark really dropped it on this one. Look at the survey and polls  the  fans wanted Nathan! A good show ruined.  If this was the plan for Elizabeth a different actor should have been cast as Lucas.  No chemistry , a saloon owner it just makes NO sense. The storylines are so disappointing. I am done!
I have some complaints, but overall I liked the season and am genuinely excited for season nine! Positive feelings here for sure! Still, I understand and respect that a sizeable portion of the fandom is upset (I was prepared to be completely crushed myself so I Get It). Since the love triangle ended the way I wanted, I’m relieved and prepared to just enjoy whatever comes our way next.
PS to the person behind this survey and blog - we have some ugh... disagreements, but you have contributed so much to this fandom with your gifs and these surveys. Thank you so much for that. <3
Ratings were down in the key 18-49 demo by 10 percent last year, and now 20 percent this year while total viewers remain flat. I guess we’ll see if their gamble pays off next season. But it really seems like a lot of their most loyal fans really got hurt, and as we know, karma is a b%^^. So much for the showrunner righting the ship.
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strangestcase · 4 years
I know it’s weird but I want to get this off my chest: Batman media featuring Two-face in it would GREATLY benefit from writing Harv/Two-face as a person with like... a personality of his own that BECOMES evil rather than a 2spooky4me ableist evil alter trope... not only you’d get rid of the sometimes overbearing ableism surrounding Harvey Dent (which is even more obvious than like most other rogues) but also you’d have a whole new character to explore.
like as much of a jerk big bad Harv can be And as amoral or cruel he can be as a villain, saying -as most versions of Batman do- “oh he popped out being Evil and incapable of doing good things lmao” is VERY yucky not to mention it’s barring literally half of one of the the best supervillains ever made from any sort of agency or character development (both positive and negative). for way too long my favorite villain has been written as a super gross stereotype and surprise surprise , stereotypes not only are offensive but also make your writing shitty as fuck. Harv deserves to *become* a villain and not just be born as on AND then it should be handled naturally, not as something that Feels “bound” to happen (the only mainstream Batman media i know of that has given Harv negative character development was the animated series and even then they framed him as an absolute obtuse asshole from the beginning which careened a BIT too much onto the evil alter trope. the judge is another can of worms and frankly I don’t know enough about did and prosecutor alters to really get into the intrincacies of it)
and before someone comes to me all like “well REALISTICALLY it COULD happen you know, alters can be criminals—“ fuck off this is about an ableist way of writing plurality and systems altogether. systems have been portrayed in the media as inherently bound to snap and have this one serial killer around and it’s about fucking time someone handled it graciously.
Oh and the fucking scarring, that’s also an issue. Don’t get me wrong I love Twoface and I find him an interesting character but as He’s been built on ableist tropes, the least thing DC could do is to treat him with bare respect. like you can keep the key elements of his backstory and themes but PLEASE only if you are not going to be a douchebag about plurality/compulsions/facial diversity which I assure you is easier than it looks AND adds a lot to your writing because for once you’re not relying on dangerous tropes
basically? Harvey dent would be so much better if his ordeal wasn’t so centered on “DID is the bad guy” and if the subsequent scarring and splitting angst was handled respectfully + with research
TLDR: Batman should just stop playing the evil alter card with Two-face and make all of harvey’s alters involved go through negative character development if they wanna Keep the plurality element— because nobody, WHICH SHOULD GO WITHOUT SAYING, is born pure evil and wanting to like blow up a building.
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zosonils · 4 years
surely post some autistic ferb things for us all,,,,,,
hell yeah anon!! here’s an absolute hell dump of Ferb Autism Indulgence Things because i have really been wanting to get my grubby little autistic hands all over him lately
his special interests are engineering and tetris [which is the game he’s internationally ranked in!]
he stims vocally by humming or repeating other vocalisations, but rarely with actual words
if he’s too nervous to vocalise/just not in the mood he goes for small hand movements to stim like clicking pens or tapping his fingers
he does flappy hands/arms when he has a lot of excitement to release! otherwise he prefers to stick to smaller/more subtle motions for a variety of reasons
he only repeats actual words as echolalia, almost always off of either phineas or perry! that thing they do where perry chatters and the boys mimic it and they all just loop off each other for a while is absolutely an echolalia loop for all of them [yes even the platypus]
a very epic headcanon i have is that owca agents are typically labelled as having therapy animal training to give them some more wiggle room with showing intelligence, so perry is officially a therapy platypus for the flynn-fletcher kids, especially the boys. ferb does the aforementioned echolalia chatter thing with perry and also just generally finds him extremely comforting to hold. of course perry’s figured out all of ferb and his siblings’ needs by observation and makes sure to subtly be as comforting as possible for his kids, especially if they’re having a meltdown and need to hold someone who won’t try to talk to them
ferb genuinely dislikes communicating verbally, due to a combination of general social anxiety, struggling to translate his thoughts into words, and finding it physically uncomfortable to talk. it’s not serious enough to prevent him from cracking a joke or vocalising his thoughts every once in a while, but he prefers to be nonverbal as much as possible and communicate through gestures and body language
throughout the series he only ever speaks on his own terms and as much as he’s comfortable with, so it comes out without issue, but if he’s forced to talk when he doesn’t want to or while he’s under stress he struggles to string sentences together and stutters really badly. fortunately he’s got nice friends and a great family so this issue rarely presents itself, although it comes up sometimes during the school year in battles with pissy neurotypical teachers over oral presentations
over time he starts to work past the discomfort [genuinely, it’s on his own terms as opposed to masking to get allistics off his back] so that by the time he’s an adult he can hold an entirely verbal conversation for a decent while before it drains him, but he still tends to avoid speaking if he can
phineas instinctively understands ferb’s silent emotional cues, a lot better than he understands most people’s [but that’s a whole other infodump lmao], and unless ferb actively indicates that he wants to talk for himself phineas usually speaks for both of them and translates any of ferb’s less neurotypically obvious signals
phineas and ferb made The Ultimate Fidget Cube as one of their daily projects [they were being mass produced for an hour or two and then something or other happened, there was a mobile phone and an avalanche of instant noodles, long story short only the handful they made for themselves and their friends are left now] and neither of them go anywhere without it
ferb doesn’t have any specific comfort/security objects but he feels significantly more at ease if he’s got some kind of tool in his hand or within reach [or, failing an actual building-stuff tool, anything he can hold and Do Something with, like a pen or his fidget cube or a video game controller], and is a lot more stimmy with his hands and generally anxious if he isn’t holding something
perry performs the task of comfort item better than any inanimate objects but platypi aren’t allowed to come to school even if they’re very polite :(
believe me the brothers have tested this numerous times
school is stressful for ferb because it fires up his sensory overload and is usually where he’s forced to do some neurotypical shit that upsets him, but his friends always have his back and linda and lawrence are definitely super involved in making sure their kids’ needs are met and respected by their teachers, so he manages pretty well unless something really bad happens to set him off
he’s susceptible to sensory overload, mostly with bright lights, sudden noises, and being touched. the light and sound involved in many of his and phineas’ projects is alright because he usually designed them and knows exactly when they’ll come on and what it’ll be like, but if he doesn’t have that prediction available he freaks out easily. being touched [especially without warning] is the absolute fucking worst and he almost invariably flips out if someone unfamiliar tries to touch him or he’s hit with an unexpected sensation he doesn’t like
he only rarely has meltdowns because he’s good at self-regulating when he needs to and his friends and family know what does and doesn’t fly with him, but when he does they’re often triggered by either sensory overload or being forced to talk
when ferb starts entering meltdown territory his verbal skills are the first thing to shut off, and if it gets worse he usually stops communicating altogether and enters a really bad dissociative state that he won’t come out of until he feels safe again and can be carefully brought back to his senses
standard procedure for ferb meltdowns is to get him a weighted blanket and some tea and a perry if you can find the slippery little bugger, let him snap back to reality at his own pace, and once he can communicate his needs again pay extra close attention to them until he calms down enough that he can properly self-regulate again
his favourite sensations are weight/pressure, the funky bumpy shit perry’s tail has going on, and anything soft!
most of his clothes [including his usual outfit in the show] are tight-fitting but made out of soft fabric for maximum comfy
the blanket on his bed is a weighted one, but if he’s too far from his room or it’s too hot to be comfortable under a blanket sometimes he’ll just find the tightest spot he can wedge himself into without getting hurt or stuck and squish himself in there to calm down a bit
his favourite food texture is crunchy stuff, and he samefoods with particular cereals and sandwich combos that rotate every few months when he finally gets tired of the exact same breakfast and lunch every day and wants slightly different identical meals
while he’s fine with variation from day to day, he’s very firmly attached to the summer/weekend formula of wake up > cereal > big idea > where’s perry > [building montage] > mom holy fuck > sandwich > [having fun montage] > our fuckoff massive contraption has vanished somehow > oh there you are perry > snacks > nondescript vibing > dinner > bed time, and if this schedule gets significantly thrown off it really bothers him
ferb shows his emotions more subtly than neurotypicals, which can make him seem hard to read, but his external emotional range is still extremely distinct - he just expresses it in atypical ways sometimes!
one of his most notable atypical emotional cues is that thing he does when he’s startled and he pulls his hands up - he does this in we call it maze when candace falls over on her skates in the beginning, split personality when busting candace scares him, lost in danville when he’s worried another capsule might fall on him or phineas, and the phineas and ferb effect during how do i do it when milo’s exercise bike crashes, just to name a few instances! this boy has Unique Emotional Cues and i love him for it so much
he’s better at reading emotions than phineas [as low as that bar is], but sometimes misses more subtle cues and doesn’t quite trust his ability to read anyone aside from phineas, candace, and his closest friends
he’s been aware that he’s neurodivergent ever since he was diagnosed as a little kid [he was first diagnosed with autism when he was extremely baby, not even three years old, and had it continually reconfirmed as he got older] and he’s been entirely happy with being autistic for as long as he’s known what that even means, with this only being reinforced as he found siblings and made friends with other autistic kids :)
good lord this is such an infodump i’m sorry i just love my son so very much and have been feeling particularly self indulgent today ;<;
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Hey! Can you do a thing in which all the voldy shit never happened and everyone lives happily (Peter drifts away from them because ugh I don't like reading about him). Basically Sirius' kids are with Harry and reader is Sirius' wife. Reader is pretty chill and all up for pranks. They have twins together of Harry's age. In second year when Harry, ron, and twins go to Hogwarts by car,James, Sirius, and reader send howlers telling them DAMN YOU DID A GOOD PRANK RIGHT THERE.
dude I don’t like writing about peter so it’s fine lmao (also with no voldemort the sorcerers stone wouldn’t really have been an issue so when I say their first year happened fine that’s what I mean lmao)(also I know that the concept of howlers is that the letter just yells what you write but I like the idea of James and Sirius just butting in and ruining it so there you go)
Being the wife of Sirius Black, the master of chaos, came with lots and lots of headaches. You’d known him since you were in school together, and he never disappointed when it came to pranks. Whether that meant (probable) arson, or just a simple dungbomb in someone’s water glass, something was always up with that man, and you’re not sure why you thought his children would be any different.
Sirius had definitely raised them on mischief, as did James with Harry, so you were quite nervous sending them off to school together. Your twins and Harry would definitely wreak havoc on the school, you just prayed you wouldn’t have to pay for property damage. 
Their first year went by relatively smoothly. Of course, there were the occasional detentions, letters written home about the strange spells that your children had used, probably taught to them by their fathers. As always. The worst thing that had happened that year was that your two little monsters, along with James’ troublemaker, had managed to jinx Hagrid’s (already massive) pumpkins to be ten times their size, which proved to be an issue, as the grounds had then been constantly covered in either giant pumpkins, or their remains, for a month. 
You’d sent them off to the Weasleys’ house, thanking Molly for taking care of your children until the school year began. Harry went along as well, leaving you, Sirius, James, Remus, and Lily alone in your homes, finally able to breathe for a moment. 
It was now almost eleven o’clock on the first of September, and you wondered how your kids were doing, probably already buying out the sweets from the trolley. You hoped that they’d help out some lost first-years, or prove helpful to their professors as they now knew how the school worked. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, peering over at Sirius who was lazily flicking his wand around the air where he sat, sending a flurry of snowflakes gliding down from the air and into his hair. You giggled, standing and walking over to his chair, feeling the cold flakes land on your head and tickle the back of your neck. Sirius grinned, watching as a snowflake landed on your nose and laughing when you scrunched your face up in discomfort. He flicked the snowflake off, leaning in to kiss you before a loud crack was heard and your heads both jerked to the side.
There stood Molly and Arthur Weasley, slightly disheveled, and frowning deeply. 
“Molly? Arthur? What’s wrong, what is it?” Your heart began beating in your chest, envisioning a freak accident involving your twins or Harry.
“Our car is gone, and none of your kids made it onto the platform.” Arthur mumbled, eyes wide with worry and alarm.
To say that you’d been worried would have been an understatement. Your children were missing, you had no idea what to do. You hadn’t slept at all that night, and you had written the school a very lengthy letter, begging them for updates if they had any. You know that Lily had done the same, having apparated to their home just after Molly and Arthur had left.
So, when you received an owl with a letter clutched in its beak, the Hogwart’s wax seal brightly stamped on the front, your heart leapt in your chest. There was hope.
You tore the letter open, nearly tearing the parchment inside in your haste. Sirius grabbed your hands, steadying them and taking the letter from you. He began reading out loud.
‘Sirius and Y/N,
Your children are safe. They arrived here last night, not on the train, but by flying car, and though they crashed several times, including into the whomping willow, they seem to have escaped unscathed. I will never understand how they do it. I have decided to reject the idea of expulsion, they did go above and beyond to make sure that they got to school, even if it was slightly destructive. We’ve sent word to the Potters, as well as the Weasleys. I hope you weren’t too worried, 
You felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief, though white hot anger flared in your system only moments after. 
“They stole the car!” You looked up at your husband, mouth falling open as you watched him laugh.
“Sirius! This is not funny, they could have been killed! And ‘Grand Theft Auto: Twelve-Year-Olds’?! Sirius, what are we going to do with them?!”
“It’s fine! They’re okay, the school is okay, they’re not being expelled, everything is fine. It was a pretty good prank, don’t you think?”
Now, each child involved knew that they’d be sent an angry letter from their parents. That was inevitable. But none of them had expected two bright red, smoking howlers to show up the next morning, like ticking time bombs sitting in front of their cereal.
“You go first, Ron.” Harry nudged Ron forward, wishing that he could avoid his own howler altogether.
Ron gulped, slitting the envelope open, though he threw it down on the table when the booming voice of Molly Weasley rang throughout the great hall.
‘Ronald Weasley! 
How dare you steal that car! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it’s entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we’ll send you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud.’ (I just had that mEmoRIZedGJNSKGN)
Ron was shaking as the envelope tore itself up, leaving only the one other remaining. Harry reached for it, peeling the envelope open and cringing when his mother’s voice began shouting.
‘You three are in big trouble! What in the world were you thinking? Poor Molly and Arthur were left without a car, and we were all worried sick!’
‘If you had done something like that from outside the safety of those walls, I guarantee that we would have-’ Remus’ voice was cut off midway through his sentence.
‘Son!’ Another voice made itself known over the letter, and the children recognized it as James’.
‘Son, I’m so proud of you. That was amazing! You’re on our level of genius now, I can’t believe you got there so young!’ 
‘And I can’t believe you all managed to escape unharmed! This is by far one of the best things I’ve ever seen, you have to fill us in on the details later-’ Sirius’ voice cut in, the sound full of happiness and pride for his children.
“Sirius no!’ Your voice was heard shrieking throughout the great hall before the letter self destructed, smoke and little bits of ashy paper flying everywhere. Harry snorted, shaking his head while envisioning the absolute chaos that must have been the creation of the Howler. 
From the staff table, Mcgonagall smirked, hiding her face behind a napkin as she shook her head, even after they’d graduated James Potter and Sirius Black were still creating mischief.
(This was kinda long and icky and I’m so sorry if it’s bad kjgdafnds I’m not doing great but I hope you still like it :’)   )
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that0negayslytherin · 4 years
What would you change on Love Victor exactly? Asking as someone that likes S1 and wants to understand what are the problems some have with it.
OK buckle in because I have so many thoughts on how I would change S1. Granted, this is all based on personal preference so like if you disagree please feel free to do so!!
(As a disclaimer, I really love this show. I love the characters so much and I think the cast brings such life to them. Most of my problems are more on the writing/structural level when it comes down to it. Just want to make it very clear that I’m not trying to tear the show down. We should be critical of the things we enjoy!! Ok, so without further ado,)
Things I would change about Love Victor S1:
First of all, the timeline. There...isn’t one LMAO. This is a gripe more from the fanfic writer’s perspective as well, as it just makes it difficult to know where they’re situated in the school year, when important events happened, etc. Timeline is a mess! But also, how long were Victor and Mia together? How long was he at Creekwood before things started happening between them? We can speculate but it’s all very vague.
BENJI. We know hardly anything about him?? And he’s supposed to be like Victor’s gay awakening in some ways and the major love interest for Vic? And by trying to make him this like mysterious but magnetic beacon of gayness they lso sort of stripped him of a personality.
ALSO Victor never shows interest or attraction to literally any other male (my friends and I joke that maybe he’s not even gay he’s just Benji-sexual) and that’s something that could’ve been remedied so easily with like a single line of internal dialogue or something.
Which brings me to Derek, who I do think is an interesting character but also just sort of exists to act as a barrier between Victor and Benji, which is...unnecessary imo because Victor is already putting up barriers himself (dating Mia, namely) to avoid coming to terms with things. One thing I will say is that through his relationship with Derek we learn things about Benji, but I also think it’s a problem that a lot of what we know about Benji is only in relation to how he functions in his romantic relationship. Anyway I would’ve preferred just to learn more about Benji and cut the character of Derek altogether.
I understand this would cause issues for the birthday party episode and they would’ve had to change a lot of what happened there, but getting Victor to a point where he confronts his grandfather for being homophobic could’ve been done another way without making a weird example of Derek and Benji.
AND ANOTHER THING, Benji’s insistence on being super open about their gayness even though Victor tells him that his grandparents aren’t down with that is. Not realistic from my perspective LOL like most queer people would be like oh shit ok gotchu I would very much like to not be attacked for my identity today! That’s a more specific thing but yeah that didn’t make any sense to me.
Victor’s parents. GOD, I do NOT think we needed as much of their storyline as we got. I understand wanting to provide valid reasons for them to up and move in the middle of a school year, but I just think the season spent way too much time on it as a way to parallel Victor’s cheating, which just felt really extraneous to me.
Speaking of his family, I feel like we get almost ALL of their religiousness in the first episode or so and then it sort of gets dropped for most of the season? Which doesn’t make sense because that seems to be a pretty big factor in Victor struggling to accept his sexuality so I think that could have been more consistent.
This is more of a minor thing that comes down to personal taste, but some of the dialogue is...not great? Just a little cringey and trying too hard to be cool I think? But some of it IS good which sort of makes the bad dialogue feel worse like we know you can give us good dialogue so the awkward moments seem magnified I guess.
Ultimately, my biggest issue is that they structured the show as more of an ensemble show but then didn’t give it the space to actually be that. Ten 30-minute episodes was not enough time to cover all of the storylines and subplots they created, which is a shame because I really like a lot of the characters. For instance, I do sort of like Felix and Lake, but for a show that’s supposed to be about a person of color figuring out that he’s gay, there was way too much focus on a white cishet couple. I also thought that a lot of Mia’s storyline was really interesting but, again, there wasn’t enough space in the season to really do it justice. I really hope that season 2 is structured a little differently (longer episodes, maybe) because they’ve already revealed a SLEW of new characters, and while I love the idea of adding more queer characters and expanding on the world, I also worry that the main points (namely the fallout of Victor’s coming out and the start of his first gay relationship) will get a little bit lost in all of it.
At the end of the day, like I said, I really do love this show. Victor is such a relatable character for me and I think Michael does an incredible job playing him, and the whole cast really is just phenomenal. One of the reasons I enjoy the show is because of choices the actors have made, little moments that could be nothing but take on an extra life because of things like body language, inflection, etc (e.g. I personally think a lot [most?] of the Venji moments are only as good as they are because Michael and George have such great chemistry). Also, it’s a very cute show and it’s a lot of fun!!! My hope is that some of these issues are more or less remedied come season 2 <3
I also recognize that the switch from Disney+ to Hulu may have had some bearing on some of these issues so I don’t want to 100% fault the writers, but I do think that there’s just way too much going on in the first season relative to the collective runtime.
Finally, I’m going to take this opportunity to plug the LV Fic Lovers Discord server because we talk a LOT about our S2 wishlists, critiques and praise of the first season, and stuff about new cast information in addition to talking about fanfic, so if you’re into the show and want a space to talk with other people who enjoy it, I highly recommend checking it out!! :)
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acrispyapple · 4 years
why do you watermark official pics that aren't yours? i'm honestly shocked cybird hasn't had you banned for dcma laws + spoiling paid stories and epilogues, but you do you. you made it so i never have to pay money for any of the cybird games + mlqc. also i read why you aren't posting the sprites which is cool and all but you shouldn't be posting game elements either way. that's super shitty of you to do because spoiler THE ARTWORK ISN'T YOURSSSSSSS. the pic of victor on your twitter isnt yours 2
heya! i’ve already answered an ask like this recently and ignored the follow up ones because i don’t really wanna keep repeating myself. but since you’re very persistent and it’s still the same thing, here i go! putting under a cut because it’s long and has images – with stuff written on them! dun dun dunnnn (¯▿¯)
to start things, i’m the wrong person to accuse of being irresponsible with my posts because i’m very mindful of posting etiquette. have you not seen all my campaigns about not stealing from artists, from blogs, etc. i ask for permission for everything, even for random text i want to translate from someone’s post. even for cosplay i’ve seen other people freely post, i always go to the source and ask. i hope my answer clarifies things for you because i don’t really wanna have to repeat it again! (*^^*)♡
re: watermarks (complaint mostly about mlqc because i don’t really do it for cybird)
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re: cybird
i’m not exactly a hidden secret blog, so i’m pretty sure cybird is well aware of me. plus, they’ve left comments on my blog in the past. sooo, there’s nothing shocking about it at all! maybe what’s shocking is you somehow expected cybird to not have noticed my blog all these years. do you actually know what the digital millennium copyright act covers? (dmca not dcma btw) as long as i know how to read and understand rules and i’m always within its boundaries, there’s nothing being violated. always post obstructed cgs / never full, snippets of 10 for screenies, never in consecutive order, etc. you should read the rules tbh, you seem unfamiliar with it. ☆
re: you never having to pay money for any cybird game
again, snippets = not full stories. everyone can post snippets. paid or not. that’s so weird that you feel you don’t need to pay for ~any cybird game~ anymore because of my blog. i haven’t been consistently posting paid content for so long. even ikesen epilogues. because i don’t have the time. and i’ve skipped posting a couple of events on my blog too. i don’t post ikerev / midcin consistently either. i’ve posted from two ikevam events in the past months with epilogue snippets. i guess you only played those? that’s hardly everything. nice attempt at creating an issue about me making cybird lose money tho! for someone who thinks i do dodgy things, you sure do like reading from my blog– if what you’re saying is true. but you seem to not know my blog content either. (⌒_⌒;)
i have another answer for this from an ask from 9 months ago:
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re: not paying for mlqc
they allow posting everything from their game, i even verified with their team! but even i don’t have the time or post slot to post everything from it. i mostly post about victor soooo, i guess that’s everything you need to know about mlqc then? yay for you only needing victor! ♡
re: game elements
anyway, moving forward to my twitter header:
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it’s from this post i made, where i screenied scenes (and edited them a bit to look brighter and prettier) from the pv of the new chapters in the ch version.
now, i just put my username there as a marker and it was already covered in the first part of this ask. (how it helps me keep track of my posts, helps me when people are able to identify it’s from my blog and alert me of it being posted elsewhere, etc.) but i wanted to show it even clearer so you can finally let go of whatever it is you’re burning with. ( ˙▿˙ )
it just says acrispyapple on this screenie i took (that’s right, it’s just a screenshot lmao), it’s a random word or name. i made it small and inconspicuous so it wouldn’t distract from the image. the weibo watermark is bigger and clearer but i don’t use it– i can, but i don’t. when people see it, they know it’s official art and that’s it. there’s no “made by acrispyapple™©®”
(thanks for visiting my twitter btw! it doesn’t really have a lot of followers haha)
sooo, there’s weibo and its automatic watermarks (location can be changed).
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“damn, all the users on weibo are claiming stuff as their own!!!! it’s not just a marker that a certain thing was posted from a certain blog!!! they’re claiming it as theirs even tho it’s clearly very easy to see that it’s one of many free-for-all official images!!!” (≧◡≦)
and i’ve seen people use the cards as banners for fanfics and other stuff, or even memes where they put random stuff on it like this:
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but writing a random word on it, just because you know my blog is somehow a great sin? it’s not even acrispyapple.tumblr.com ✿
would it maybe make you feel better if it wasn’t just acrispyapple? i can use random words and it’ll still serve as a marker for me lmao
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anyway anon, it pays to actually listen and read before you get mad and accuse. i’m not breaking any rules and i’m very much aware of what’s not allowed and what’s allowed. (^ ^*)♡
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i kinda like it. (^◔ᴥ◔^)
side note: if you have a vendetta against me, you’re free to have one. but please don’t try to make stuff up just to yell at me. you can hate me quietly from afar or just avoid me altogether. or if you want to find a reason to yell at me, at least try to educate yourself about what you’re planning on yelling at me about. it’ll save me time trying to explain stuff! i also don’t like wasting my post slots for the day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i would suggest looking at my actual content first, so your lack of knowledge of it doesn’t give you away. also, try asking yourself if you really think cybird’s en team would miss me after all these years and if you’re somehow the only enlightened one who can see all my ~misgivings~? are you aware of mlqc’s rules?
it’s funny because i’m not even close to covering everything for mlqc and there are blogs that cover far more than i do. i answer a lot of asks (i wish asks were paid content, as in i get paid to answer asks), but game content-wise, i’m faaaar from covering everyone. unless you really consider victor the whole game (♡). in which case i’m still missing his ch11 and ch19 screenies and one date. oh and the recent rumors&secrets! if you take a look at my posts, it’s mostly announcements, asks, fanart, general info, avatar posts, etc. i think you blindly went in with salt. ( ˙▿˙ )
i don’t really interact with people unless i have to talk about reposts and fanart-related stuff. i also just talk about games on my blog. so i don’t know what i could’ve done to merit your hatred. maybe you dislike that i ask for basic courtesy or that i enforce rules given to me by artists? i’m always polite tho. hmm, mystery-desu! ✩‧₊˚
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
Idk who to talk to about this but last year I came across a white couple that got married as Wangxian and am kind of dreading people getting married as bride!XL (I mean I don’t think I’m comfortable with it even when they’re cosplaying the character’s Period but I’m trying(maybe failing) to be generous) bc it’s specifically CHN marriage tradition. Knowing how people can love EAsian media yet be racist towards us anyway, the growing global sinophobia just makes this feel worse. Am I overreacting?
Hi anon!
I don’t necessarily think you’re overreacting because your personal sore points are informed by your specific life experiences and the kinds of racism and microaggressions you’ve encountered and grown weary and leery of. I know I have points where I react to/against, that doesn’t affect everyone, and may not even affect a majority. At the very least, there’s reasons why I shy away from engaging with fic and specific fandoms in certain spaces, that I know are valid for me, and may be discussed as far as how it parallels or plays into wider trends, but that that doesn’t necessarily mean it translates to blanket prohibitions or guidelines or such.
From what you’ve described to me, I think I’d be wary of it, but not altogether against it? I think if someone is doing a cosplay wedding.... that’s kind of whatever to me. When something becomes a media franchise like that, I kind of feel like that kind of thing is going to happen. It may not be perfectly equitable as far as like playing into issues of Orientalism and colonialism/postcolonialism/neocolonialism go, but also from a more personally pragmatic point, there’s only so many fucks I have to give, and there’s things that, if for no other reason than personal sanity, I have learned and am letting to let go. We can’t redo the history of the world so as to completely erase or eradicate Western colonization or the structures and patterns laid out in history for neocolonialism.
Another thing I have to grapple with, is that we/I shouldn’t turn our ire to the individual. On an individual level, the specific person isn’t enacting systemic inequality, even if their actions play into it. The best we can hope for, if we have the energy and means, is to reach out and try to connect with people and explain our perspective and our history, to see if we can connect with them in such a way that they understand what we’re saying and where we’re coming from. That’s not something that can be forced or brute-forced.
The bride!XL matter... yeah is more of a sticking point - although to me, bride!XL’s costume is still a costume, its patterns and motifs are slightly atypical for your traditional bridal attire. I do also want to kind of point out that the “traditional” Chinese wedding attire tends to be based off a Qing dynasty style and design, which has a further internal complexity of it being “Chinese,” but not being traditional Han ethnic clothing and rather based more on Manchu traditions. Similar to the topics ppl grapple with regarding the qipao/cheongsam, and part of the reason for the hanfu revival movement.
For me personally, I find it... unideal for people to be dressing up in a “costume” for marriage, especially when it DOES tie into the culture, but at the same time I feel like if people are going out of their way to dress as bride!XL (and not just “oh I found this “bridal costume” and thought it would be cute”), then that means Xie Lian and TianGuan means something to them. Watching wedding dress shows, the whole Western tradition of white or close-to-white gowns IS very strong, if not with the bridal party then with the families, so poteeentially for them to break from that, hopefully to me means that it DOES mean something to them, even if it may not be what I or we want it to. I think for me, if people were co-opting marriage traditions or customs in an uniformed matter, I’d be more tilted about it lmao, but that’s me and my comfort level.
I feel you tho on racism and sinophobia and people who will consume EAsian media but still be racist towards people. I think that’s a valid point of contention. I think you see it played out in the greater fandom :/ Not, tho, always in every case that’s popped up as a “racism” issue. But I do think it’s there, and I think some of the recent discourse on racism in fandom - which was prevalent what feels like a year ago but was actually a couple months - also has roots in real issues and trends.
Hrmm tl;dr tho? I think you’re valid and not necessarily overreacting, because there IS a lot of history and honestly, contemporary actions and trends, which make that uncomfortable and possibly even damaging. But at the same time.... I think generally on a fandom level, these individual situations are somewhat inevitable especially for larger-reaching fandoms (as far as like the fandom bell curve goes), and aren’t necessarily single-handedly enacting and enforcing all of those bevvy of -isms. And even then, as an individual, we can’t stop other people from making the decisions they make and doing the things they do with their own lives. The topic is complicated bc we have the the confluence of fandom competing needs and racial/social justice competing needs which is, you know, complicated by additional swathes of intersectional identities and issues. 
I’m sorry I don’t really have an easy answer for you or any kind of reassurance or anything. But I don’t necessarily think you’re discomfort is invalid, but at the same time I think it’s a good opportunity to try to reflect on it, interrogate what might be some more extreme impulses you might have as far as reacting or responding, and practice self-care where you can as far as curating your experience to be as harm-free for yourself as you can and focus as much as you can on the aspects you can control instead of remaining in the agonizing of the factors that are outside of your control. Because as much as it might gall me, there ARE factors I cannot personally control or influence, and that can even include people who are, on paper, in my immediate sphere of influence. If they don’t want to listen to me or find other competing needs more compelling, I can try to reach out and explain where I’m coming from all I want, but I can’t force anyone to reciprocate or honestly, even listen. So instead of focusing my energy onto the minds I can’t change, I think in the long run it’s more productive and more enjoyable to focus on the things I CAN affect. And on some things, I find I’ve had a better/more enjoyable time blacklisting instead of focusing overly on the factors outside of my control and trying to force things outside of my control to somehow happen anyway.
Now of course, it’s easy for me to SAY that now lmao. I mean, I know I’m not without flaws or salt. My saltmines run deep and my wounds remain rather sensitive and not yet numbed by time and my salt does indeed runneth over, maybe more often than ppl who aren’t me and who are following my blog for specific things would rather. And I don’t have it in me to always be magnanimous or extend people good faith without a second thought, especially if it’s something that hits a trigger. But idk, psychologically speaking, and even just from a personal level, it’s not helpful to me or even potentially to others to be so focused on things I can’t control or influence and to like be stuck in suffering so much. We only have so many hours and so many brain cells to devote to things.
...I literally have no clue how to wrap this up oh god. uhhh real tl;dr ig: anon I think you’re valid, but also like... from my personal experience... I’m suffering either way so for me I’m like. might as well learn to let it go so I’m not actively suffering over this particular thing and either free up braincells to try to building towards thriving or so I can suffer about things that are due to “me” reasons, or short of that, I do not see.meme it so at least I’m not being actively triggered by it (I think this is more where I’m at right now,,,, lmao,,, F). Ur valid tho, I know the struggle of “am I the one being issues” but that ALSO becomes stifling (or it did for me), when I felt like I had to shut up and behave so as to not ruffle Westerner feelings. But also suffering is rough and I encourage you, for your own peace of mind, to explore ways to lessen your suffering, bc that shit is rough.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Gonna do a before and after of one of the first surveys I took when I was FOURTEEN. Fucking wild that I’ve been doing this for nearly a decade. Kinda my way of celebrating the fact that I’ve just been reunited with my old blog, which Tumblr has apparently changed the URL of. Baffled by the move but still stoked, and @a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse​ is absolutely the coolest person for being able to find it haha. Let’s gooooo 1. Are you registered to vote? No. I still have 3 years to go. < That’s so precious. I’ve been a voter for four years now. I registered the second I turned 18 and I remember being very excited to make it to the presidential elections because only a handful of people from my high school batch were 18 by the time of the elections. 2. When days go by, do you cross them off on the calendar? Only when I’m counting down for something. < This still sounds like something I would do, but I don’t really get to anymore because I have digital calendars on my phone and laptop now. 3. Are you currently counting down to something? If so, what? Summer vacation! 4 days left! < Again, so cute. There’s no countdown that exists because I honestly don’t know when it will be okay enough to go out like normal again, but I am waiting for Covid to go away or at least for a vaccine to be available.
No #4? 5. Ever got injured at work? What happened? Nope. < I sprained my ankle at one of the parking lots in school, while walking to my car. Worst thing was it happened in front of an ongoing rally, and I heard their chants slightly falter when they saw me fall. I tried to play it cool, but my foot clearly felt fucked and someone had to hold my arm as I hopped to my car.
6. What color is your roof? Brown. < Stop pretending like you have a roof, Robyn. The house has always had a rooftop.
7. Do you use MySpace or Facebook more? Neither. < I was still far too young when MySpace peaked so I never did get to participate in its glory days. I definitely use Facebook a lot more, then and now. 8. Last time you sharpened a pencil? When I took a diagnostic test last Monday. < Sometime in 2019 when I was still heavily into coloring and I bought several coloring books and a pack of coloring pencils. I loved coloring and wish I kept it up, but it was just a bit of a hassle for me to sharpen every ten minutes or so. 9. List all the people in your phone under T: Zero, zilch, nada. No phone. < A high school batchmade named Dani, a college colleague named Kate, and a couple of aunts and uncles whose contacts start with Tito and Tita.  10. How old were you when you got into text messaging? I once had a super obsessive text problem when I was 11, I think? < That would be the first time I got hooked with texting, but I got my first phone when I was 7 and was already texting by then. Mostly my parents and grandpa, but still. 11. Do you pay rent to your parents? No. < No. They’ve already told me they won’t pressure me to do so either, but out of gratefulness for taking care of me for 20+ years I have absolutely no problems covering some of the bills when the time comes. 12. What do you think of Obama’s new healthcare bill? I don’t know a lot about it. < Honestly, still same. That’s another country’s politics altogether and we have enough issues in our own nation as it is. I do pay attention to US issues that are more universal like LGBT issues, police brutality against black people, Trump as a person...but not the more in-depth ones like healthcare or student debt. 13. How many icons are on your desktop? 34. < Exactly half of that. 14. Do you spit or swallow? Get outta here!!! < Still can’t relate. 15. Ever wrote something on a bathroom wall? Nope. < Eugh no, public bathrooms are so nasty. I don’t usually touch anything in them other than the faucet. I’ve written on other things though, like the desks in school. 16. What’s your definition of a slut? Uh. < Someone who often has casual sex with a lot of people, is how I understand it. 17. If you use the word “slut”, do you apply it to men who do the same thing as what you listed above? Nah. < I don’t really use the word. 18. Do you dye eggs for Easter? I did once, in a children’s party. < Yeah, just that one time at my second cousins’ place when they were in the mood to paint on eggs and invited me and my siblings. 19. What did you do on the first day of spring? Never experienced spring. < We don’t have spring. 23. Are you currently crushing on anyone? No. < Yes. 24. What color hair did the last person you kissed have? NKSB. < LOOOOOOOOOL I spent like two minutes puzzling over this like who tf is NKSB??? Eventually realized this just meant ‘Never Kissed Since Birth’ oh my god 14 year old Robyn you were SO uncool. Anyway, her hair is black. 25. Do you stand up to say the pledge in school? We don’t have a school pledge, but we do recite our country’s pledge and yes, we stand up every time we say it. < Not anymore in university. Everyone just kinda does their own thing in college and we’re never gathered as one student body for anything, except for graduation. 26. Do you like your eye color? God no. It’s so boring. < I mean yeah it is a bit boring, but we kinda have no choice. Unless you go to West Asia which is nearing Europe as it is, nearly all Asians have brown eyes and black hair. 27. What brand of orange juice did you last drink? Zesto. < That’s the only brand of orange juice I’m okay with drinking, even eight years later. 28. Pens or pencils? Pens. < Still feel the same. 29. Last skirt you wore and why? My school skirt, because I have to go to school. < Omfg again, this is so precious. The last one I wore was my denim skirt, but it’s also been a while since I wore that because one of its buttons has since popped out and I never got around to having it fixed, leaving me with no skirts. 30. Last time you wore heels, what kind were they? A prom I went to. I actually have no idea what kind of heels they are so I’m just gonna say old-women heels. < They were stilettos, you dumbass. I also wore a pair of stilettos the last time I wore heels. They’re my favorite kind, so. 31. Shoes you wear the most? My Keds. < My pair of Onitsuka Tiger sneakers. . 32. Favorite quote at the moment? “YOU DUMB BITCH! I’M NOT HOLDING A MICROPHONE! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?” - CM Punk < Holy crap, I do not remember this quote at all and had to look it up on YouTube and – no regrets. Watching it made so many memories come rushing back lmao that clip is hilarious; Punk is the greatest. Right now I don’t really have a favorite quote. 33. What was the last magazine article you read about? I forgot. < It’s from the website version of the magazine, but the last article I read covered a viral Facebook post wherein someone had photoshopped the faces of The Big Bang Theory boys onto the traditional graduation photos of my university out of boredom. Article is here for anyone who wants to see how well the pictures turned out lol. 34. What do you think about communism? I don’t know enough about it. < I completely support the progressive youth orgs, especially the ones in my university, that are aligned with communist, socialist, and Marxist ideals. They speak the truth more than any other orgs, so I don’t shy away from defending them or promoting their ideals, especially on social media, even if it puts me in danger. 35. Are you planning on going to college? If so, which one? Of course. I want to study in Ateneo. < CAN WE CANCEL 14 YEAR OLD ROBYN?????? What a disappointment omg. You were always meant to be in UP, you weirdo. 22 year old me takes that appalling statement back lol I can’t even begin to imagine spending my college years in Ateneo. 36. What’s your favorite flower? Ugh I hate flowers. < Peonies and roses. 37. What’s the nearest beach? I think it’s like…600 km away + a 2 hour boat ride. < No it is not. There’s a beach I come back to in Nasugbu and that’s only 100 km away. 38. Ever been to Florida? Nope. < Still nope. 39. How old is your brother’s best friend? He’s probably 9 as my brother’s 9. < I don’t know if he has one and I don’t really care anymore. 40. What type of car did you ride in last? A Kia van. < Sksksksks this was referring to the school bus I used to ride omg :( I was last in our Vitara, when I had to go to the hospital to get some tests done back when I still had a pesky fever. 42. Are you excited for summer 2013? Fuck yeah. < I honestly don’t remember how it ultimately went, but apparently I was excited for it so that answers the question. 43. What class were your parents (ex. class of ‘75)? They’re the same age so batch ‘89. < There we go. 44. Are you in debt right now? For what? No. < Kinda-ish? I promised my sister I’d pay her for helping me out with iMovie (I wanted to make Gab a video for her birthday, but had never done it before), but I haven’t had the chance to do it since I only have big bills at the moment. She’s asking for ₱200 but I only have ₱1000s in my wallet, so I can’t pay her for now. 45. If you’re old enough, do you have a credit card? If you’re not old enough, do you want one when you’re older? I definitely want one. < Yep, still want one. Though I’ll need a crash course on how to use it because my parents never really taught me how cards work. 46. What color is your phone? No phone. < Apple calls it space gray but it’s really just black. 47. Have you ever had someone read a text message they weren’t supposed to see? Yes. < Yes. That person was me, and I accidentally read a text from my dad meant for only my mom when I was 5 because I had stubborn fingers that would click on anything. 48. What’s the minimum age you think someone should have a cell phone at? 10. < Holy cow, that’s a nope for me. I’d say 12 or 13. 49. Would you ever work night crew? Sure. < Yes. I’ve seen my girlfriend’s mom do it and honestly I find it pretty badass, especially because while everyone is stuck in traffic trying to get to work by 9 AM, she’s cruising down the highway on the opposite lane with no problem, to be home by 9 hahaha. 50. How old is the last person you texted? 41. < 22.
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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Ruin My Life - Part 4
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin) - fluff! angst! S M U T!!!
Summary - Someone from Y/N’s past shows up and has Jimin losing his temper ft. the boys roasting them again lol
Word Count - 6.3k+
Warnings - so smutty omg it’s like my smut scenes get filthier and filthier wow! explicit sex, possessiveness, degradation, dirty talk, d o m!Jimin, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, choking, clit slapping (and probably some more bc it’s so dirty lmao). also, violence, drug use, alcohol abuse, etc.
a/n: here’s part 4!!! I know I said i’d be gone for a while but your girl’s been going through some shit and instead of facing up to my problems and emotions like everyone else, I turn to my stories and write really explicit sex bc I can’t cope with emotional stress lol. I haven’t edited this so sorry if it’s shit. i’ll be gone for a while after this too (probably, I don’t know, I might fuck around and channel more of my emotional and psychological trauma into really explicit sex again). Hope y’all enjoy this, and message me, it makes me day (and I really need it at the moment lol) 
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘y/n? Is that… you?’ I hear someone ask from behind me, the person’s voice making my blood run cold. I’d been having a fantastic time up until now. Jimin virtually hadn’t let me out of his sight all night, knowing I was worried about my ex, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I’d been loving the attention we’d received. Everyone had been whispering and staring, and I saw people eyeing up the ring as well. I’m sure that, by tomorrow, the entire university will believe that me and Jimin are engaged, and the stupid gossip page will have broadcasted it out to everyone. Not that I’m bothered. No straight girl my age would turn down this kind of attention, everyone believing that they’re with the most desirable boy anyone had ever met. I’ve been enjoying myself immensely with the boys and Mija, Jimin’s arm protectively around my waist all night. But now, the second the boys decided to go outside to bump a few lines and Mija went to the toilet, my fun is definitely about to end. 
I turn on my heel, seeing him stood there in front of me, and my heart pounds. Tall and broad, soft brown hair swept up, twinkling brown eyes and smooth tan skin, he looks more handsome than ever. ‘Hey, Eunwoo,’ I reply carefully, not letting myself put any emotion into the words. ‘How are you? God, it’s been, like, what? A year, since I last saw you? How’ve you been?’ he asks. I lean against the wall with my right shoulder, looking up at him, just the two of us in a quiet corridor. ‘I’ve been good. What about you?’ I reply. ‘Yeah, I’m good. You look great, by the way,’ he says, eyes sweeping over my appearance, momentarily stopping at Jimin’s ring, the moment so fleeting that I only noticed because of how well I know him. ‘Thank you. So do you,’ I reply truthfully. ‘How is everything with you recently? I haven’t seen you at any parties. Keeping a low profile?’ he asks, and I shake my head. ‘The opposite actually. I go to the Alpha Sigma Phi parties instead ‘cause, you remember Kim Namjoon?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘Yeah, you two were close, right?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Yeah, so he invites me to their parties. I’ve never actually been invited to a Kappa Phi Nu party,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘We don’t invite people, y/n. If you wanted to come, you should’ve just showed up. I’d never have turned you away, you know that,’ he says with a soft smile, something dangerous hidden beneath. ‘And you know I’d never turn up anymore without being specifically asked, or invited,’ I say, and he nods with a wistful smile. ‘We should meet up, y/n. Have a proper catch up. I’ve missed you,’ he says, and I think over my next words carefully.
‘I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Eunwoo,’ I say, and it’s almost like I see something snap inside him. ‘Why not?’ he asks, still smiling, though it looks forced now. ‘We broke up for a reason. We should just keep our distance from one another,’ I say carefully, and the smile disappears from his face altogether. ‘We didn’t break up. You dumped me, though god knows why,’ he says, trying to sound sad, but his voice shakes with the internal anger. ‘You know why, Eunwoo,’ I say, and he laughs, no humour in the sound at all. ‘So that’s why?’ he asks, and I nod. ‘Of course it was! And it was more than good enough of a reason,’ I reply, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone’s there, but all I can see is a couple making out against the wall. ‘You’re ridiculous, y/n. I was so good to you, all the time. I treated you like a queen. I spent so much money trying to make you happy,’ he says, and I scoff. ‘And that was your issue. I don’t owe you anything, just because you bought me things. You can’t buy love, Eunwoo, no matter how hard you try,’ I say, and he shakes his head angrily. ‘I made one little mistake, y/n. That’s it,’ he says. ‘One little mistake? It was hardly little, and it was hardly a mistake. You knew exactly what you were doing. It’s not like you were drunk, or high.’ ‘I was angry!’ ‘Oh, yeah? So what happens the next time you’re angry? You’ll make another little mistake, right?’ I demand, and he laughs bitterly. I wait for Eunwoo to reply but he doesn’t, eyes focused on something behind me. I turn to look, and there he is. My knight in a shining jacket.
‘Hey, princess,’ Jimin says gently, and I almost fall into his arms. It’s only then that I realise how scared I was, my heart rate rocketing and my hands virtually shaking. Jimin seems to realise it too and presses his lips to mine in a brief sign of solidarity. I can smell the fresh floral scent of the cocaine he’d probably just sniffed and his expensive aftershave, as well as the sweet scent that belongs to just him. ‘The boys all want to leave now, you ready to go?’ Jimin asks softly, his gentle voice making my heart pound. Before I can answer, though, Eunwoo starts laughing harshly. Jimin looks at him over my shoulder, acting as though he’s only just noticed him, and smiles politely. ‘Hi. Can we help you?’ Jimin asks, arm around my waist protectively, and Eunwoo shakes his head disbelievingly. ‘God, I’d heard the rumours and I didn’t believe them for a second, but I guess they’re true. This is who you’re fucking now? This short ASP dickhead, with his head stuck up his own arse?’ Eunwoo laughs, and I feel Jimin’s body become tense and taught with anger. ‘Yeah, and his dick’s better than yours was. Bigger, too,’ I say truthfully, shrugging, and Eunwoo’s eyes become dark. ‘You little bitch,’ Eunwoo says lowly, stepping towards me, and Jimin steps towards him. ‘You better watch how the fuck you’re speaking to her,’ Jimin says, his voice becoming 5 times lower than normal, slipping into his dialect. ‘And what the fuck are you gonna do about it, shorty?’ Eunwoo asks, taking another step towards Jimin, mere inches between them.
Jimin rocks back, and I already know what’s coming, having seen him do this before. Admittedly, it was to an actual punching bag rather than my ex-boyfriend, but regardless. Jimin’s fist flies through the air, landing square on Eunwoo’s jaw, his head rocking back as he stumbles to the floor. I’m frozen in my position behind Jimin when I hear Namjoon’s voice from behind me. ‘Jimin, what the fuck?’ he says, both of us turning to see the boys and Mija stood in a huddle in the end of the corridor. ‘Is that Eunwoo?’ Jin asks, looking down at the boy who’s clutching onto his jaw, groaning on the floor. ‘Yeah,’ I reply shakily as a couple of Kappa Phi Nu boys show up on the other side of the corridor. ‘Eunwoo? Did you take the stash from my room? I can’t find it,’ one of them calls before their eyes land on their brother lying on the floor. ‘Woo? Is that you?’ one of them shouts, beginning to walk towards us. ‘Let’s go!’ Hoseok calls from behind me, Jimin grabbing my arm and pulling me down the corridor away from the KPN boys. We run through the party, heading towards the front door, barging through the crowds of partygoers, hearing the KPN boys shouting behind us. Once we reach the front door, we spill out onto the front garden, laughing and breathless. A group of five KPN boys follow us out, angry, but Jin walks up towards them. ‘Who do you think you are, coming into our frat, attacking Eunwoo, feeling up Chanyeol’s girlfriend, stealing our stashes? ASP bastards,’ one of them spits at Jin. ‘First, you have no proof that we ‘attacked’ Eunwoo or ‘stole’ your stashes, and second, Chanyeol’s girlfriend made the first move,’ Jin says calmly. I look around at the boys, wondering who it was they were talking about with regards to Chanyeol’s girlfriend, but they all look just as confused as me. ‘Don’t come at us with that bull. We’ll beat the shit out of you,’ another threatens Jin, who smiles serenely. ‘I wonder what my dad, your landlord, would say if he heard you threatening us like that,’ Jin says in an even tone, the meaning behind the words very clear. ‘Fuck you,’ another hisses before they all turn away, heading back up into the party.
‘God, hyung, you’re so badass,’ Jimin says admiringly, cradling his fist in his hand. When he notices me noticing, he drops both hands, trying to act as though nothing’s happened. ‘What were you thinking, Jimin?’ Taehyung demands, all of us turning to face the boy accusingly. ‘He called y/n a bitch! And he cornered her in the corridor by herself. I was worried,’ he defends himself, everyone turning to look at me now. ‘Did he do something to you? Shall we file a complaint? We can totally sue his ass,’ Namjoon says threateningly, looking around as though Eunwoo is hiding in a bush near us. ‘What, he touched you? I swear to god, if that motherfucker laid a single finger on you, I’ll kill him,’ Yoongi begins, all of the boys now coming out with threats, holding onto their fists, looking up towards the house. ‘God, it’s like you’re stuck in some kind of shitty fanfic,’ Mija says to me quietly, and I have to hold back a laugh at how right she is. ‘Oi, dimwits! Listen!’ I say, the boys instantly falling silent. ‘He didn’t touch me. At first, he was nice and then he said we should catch up, and I said no, obviously, and then he got a little annoyed. And then Jimin showed up, kissed me, Eunwoo laughed and called him a ‘short ASP dickhead’ and then I said Jimin’s got better dick than him, and he got angry, and Jimin punched him,’ I explain briefly. ‘God, why are boys’ masculinities so fragile?’ Mija asks, all of the boys staying silent because they know she’s right.
‘What I wanna know is who got with Chanyeol’s girlfriend,’ I say, curious. ‘Oh, shit, I think that was me,’ Mija says, all of our eyes widening. ‘You think?’ I demand, and she shrugs. ‘It was at the start. I’d taken like, loads of shots, and I was pissed. A pretty girl appeared and started flirting with me, and we made out, and then she disappeared,’ Mija explains. ‘What? You’re a lesbian?’ Jungkook demands, and Mija and I roll our eyes. ‘She’s bi. Obviously,’ I say, and she nods. ‘Bi? Have you two ever, like… you know?’ Jungkook asks, looking between the two of us. ‘Are you… are you kidding me? Are you really asking if Mija and I have ever fucked?’ I ask, both of our mouths hanging open in disbelief. ‘Obviously not, Jeon! What do you think this is?’ Mija exclaims. ‘It’d be fucking sexy, though,’ Jimin says, Taehyung and Jungkook nodding in agreement, their hyungs looking at them in disgust. ‘God, it’s dogs like you three that give ASP a bad name,’ Hoseok says, shaking his head, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Would you like me to bring up our conversation in the library the other day, Hoseok?’ I say, and he falls silent sheepishly. ‘Right, can we, like, go up to the house, please? I don’t wanna stand here arguing all night,’ Yoongi says, all of turning to walk up to the house.
‘Cold, princess?’ Jimin asks, and I shake my head. He ignores me, shrugging off his jacket regardless, and holding it up to me. I roll my eyes, letting him put it on me, the material soft and warm. ‘Are you annoyed with me?’ he asks, and I think this over for a moment. ‘A little. You didn’t have to punch him, Chim. It was so unnecessary. We could’ve just left,’ I say tiredly, and he nods in defeat. ‘I know, I know, you’re right. But it just… god, it got me so angry the way he spoke to you. I don’t know your reasons for breaking up with him, and I won’t ask, but I don’t blame you at all. He’s a pompous, big-headed dick,’ he begins, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘But, that’s no excuse and I’m sorry,’ he says, warming my heart. ‘It’s okay. Just don’t do something dumb like that again. This isn’t a shitty fanfic,’ I say, repeating Mija’s earlier words, and he laughs as we reach the outside of the house. ‘Do you guys wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, and I look at him in disbelief. ‘Are you kidding me? We had pancakes earlier, then Mija brought pizza, then we had Panda Express, and you still wanna eat? Even though it’s literally midnight?’ I ask, and he nods. ‘You’re insane,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘Does anyone else wanna eat?’ Jungkook asks, the other boys, except for Jimin, and Mija nodding. ‘You’re all crazy,’ I say in disbelief. ‘Well, we’re not eating,’ Jimin says, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. The boys and Mija all whistle and jeer teasingly as me and Jimin ascend the stairs.
When we reach his room, he slams the door behind him and pushes me up against it, pressing his lips to mine instantly. I melt into him, his body pressed up against mine, my head tilted back against the door as he locks it with one hand. His tongue slips past my lips, our mouths moving in perfect harmony, and I let out a soft whine when his hands press down onto my waist. ‘God, you’re so fucking perfect, y/n,’ Jimin groans at the noise, pulling me away from the door, pushing me down onto the bed instead, hovering over me. ‘He doesn’t deserve you. No one does,’ he says, eyes drinking me in as I stare up at him, laid out for him, before he captures my lips between his again. The room is dark, the only light coming from the streetlight outside the window, the bright white light giving the boy an ethereal glow, his blond hair silvery in the radiance. ‘You know I love kissing you, but I really need to do something. Is that okay?’ Jimin asks gently, and I nod. He grinds down against me, his hard-on against my thigh, and I let out a gentle moan at the feeling, slick beginning to pool in my underwear. ‘Shit, I fucking need you,’ Jimin says, pushing away from me with effort. ‘Do you want my mouth, daddy?’ I ask, sitting up, squinting in the light. ‘No, princess, it’s okay. I just want to be in you,’ he says gently, but I shake my head. ‘Please, daddy. I want you in my mouth. Please,’ I say, my eyes sliding down to the bulge in his jeans, unconsciously licking my lower lip, mouth watering at the thought of him. ‘God, princess, you don’t know what you do to me. I really want to, but this is about you. Maybe in the morning,’ he suggests, and I nod in agreement.
He pulls me down the bed by my ankles, making me giggle, and he smiles at my laughter, pulling my heels off my feet. His fingers tickle the bottoms of my feet momentarily and I let out a startled laugh, kicking at his hands so he stops. He chuckles before his hands pull his jacket off me, flinging it over his shoulder. His fingers appear at the buttons of my jeans, quickly flicking them open before he pulls the tight material down my legs, pushing them apart afterwards. Our eyes locked together, he slowly flicks open the buttons of my bodysuit, fingertips nudging against my core, and I shudder at the feeling. He grins as he pulls the material up my body, tugging it over my head and throwing it onto the pile of my other clothes. I sit up then, kneeling at the foot of the bed to take off his clothes. I unbutton his shirt as quickly as I can before pushing it off his shoulders as he kicks off his shoes and socks. I unbutton his jeans next and push them down his toned legs, watching as he steps out of them, leaving him in just his boxers. He climbs back onto the bed with me, pressing our lips together again, and as his hands ghost across my sides, I let out a moan. ‘That’s it,’ he says, unclasping my bra with ease before ripping my pants off, throwing the torn material onto the floor. He runs his fingertips over my slit and I let out a little whimper, leaning on my elbows. ‘It’s okay, daddy, I don’t need prepping,’ I say, and he chuckles, his warm breath against my core making me shiver. ‘Of course you don’t. Sluts like you are always ready for a cock in them, aren’t they?’ he growls, and I nearly celebrate aloud.
Jimin, whilst being a dom through and through, has a tendency to go easy on me. He gets worried that he’ll hurt me, and so tones down the dom behaviour quite a lot. But sometimes, he’ll lose all logic and common sense and will only hold back when I say the safe word. Until that point, he will do what he wants with me with no regard, which I have no objections to, obviously. And clearly, tonight is one of those nights, which has me over the moon, because I’ve been waiting for him to lose control with me again.
‘Answer me,’ he says, delivering a harsh slap to my core, and I gasp at the feeling. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I say instantly, and he grins, looking up at me through hooded eyelids. ‘Good girl,’ he compliments, before ducking his head and licking a stripe up my slit. ‘You taste so good, princess. This pussy was made for me to eat, wasn’t it?’ he asks, getting up off the bed and getting a condom out of the drawer. ‘Yes, daddy,’ I reply dutifully, and he chuckles, throwing the condom to me. He pushes his boxers down his legs, hard length springing up against his stomach, and kicks them away. I rip the condom open and slide it onto his length with as little contact as possible before throwing the packet to the side. ‘On your back, princess,’ he says, and I move onto my back, spreading my legs for him. ‘I’ve got such a good little whore, haven’t I?’ he chuckles, and I nod, biting my lip. He stares between my legs, almost inspecting me, before humming in satisfaction. ‘You’re dripping, baby girl, you’re the wettest I’ve ever had. You really are a little slut,’ he says, and I moan out at his words. He plunges a finger into me and I gasp at the feeling, only to have him add another, curling them against my walls. Moans and whimpers fall from my lips as he pumps in and out of my heat, adding another finger to relentlessly abuse my pussy. ‘Don’t stop, please, daddy,’ I whimper, and he chuckles. ‘You take my fingers so well, babe. My little slut is desperate to have something in her, you just keep sucking them back in,’ he laughs, pulling out of me, admiring his slick-covered digits. ‘Are you ready for my cock, princess? Do you think I’ll fit inside this tight little pussy?’ he asks, and I moan. ‘Yes, daddy, please,’ I reply and he moves over me, leaning on one forearm as he rubs his head against my folds. He sinks into me, and I gasp as he inches in slowly, enjoying the stretch as I grip onto the strong muscles of his back. He lets out a low groan, bringing his fingers to my mouth, and I suck on them, tasting myself. He bottoms out, our bodies lined up perfectly, and stays still for a moment, both of us savouring the feeling. I already feel like I won’t be able to hang on for much longer, knowing I’m going to cum after an embarrassingly short amount of time.
‘You feel so good around my dick, princess, such a good little slut for me,’ he says, beginning to thrust into me, setting a fierce pace. He pulls out until just his head is inside me before ramming all the way into me, hips pressed against mine. I let out moans louder by the second as he drills into me, the bed banging against the wall with each thrust. ‘Your cunt feels so good, it was made for my cock, wasn’t it, princess? Scream my name, baby girl, let all the boys know who’s making you feel so good,’ he prompts, not relenting with his pace at all. ‘Please, daddy, harder,’ I cry out, knowing that the other boys will be able to hear me, but not having it in me to care. His hand comes up to my neck, pressing tight against my skin and Joon’s choker that’s still around my neck. ‘My princess wants it harder? Be careful what you ask for, babe. I’ll fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk, you won’t be able to move without hurting. I want you to milk my cock, baby girl. I’ll make you into my slut, my pet whore, my good little bitch. Is that what you want, princess?’ he growls, panting, ramming into me endlessly as his hand tightens around my neck, the choking so pleasurable. My nails dig into the softness of his back, raking across the skin. ‘Yes, please, daddy! Fuck, please! Make me yours,’ I cry out, having never been fucked by him like this before, the pain only making the pleasure more intense.
‘You are mine, baby girl. And don’t ever fucking forget it. Not Eunwoo’s, understand? You’re mine, princess,’ he whispers into my ear, his thrusts becoming less forceful and more… passionate, his lips briefly meeting mine. He buries his head into my neck as his hand around it loosens, lips sucking at the skin, and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him as close as possible. ‘Say it, y/n, say it,’ he demands, thrusting deep and slow, one hand reaching between our bodies to rub against my clit. ‘I’m yours, Jimin, I’m all yours. Whenever you want me, I’m yours,’ I cry out, feeling myself nearing the edge. ‘That’s a good girl. Come on, baby girl, cum for me. Cum all over my cock, princess, soak it like a good little slut,’ he prompts, and I tense up completely, approaching my high. I let out a loud moan as I cum after one particularly hard thrust along with the continuous rubbing of his hand on my clit. ‘Good girl, that’s my good girl,’ he says soothingly, though he doesn’t let up at all, hands planted on either side of my head as his pace speeds up once more. I tremble beneath him, twitching due to the overstimulation. ‘Daddy,’ I whine, and he chuckles. ‘Hmm? Speak up, baby girl,’ he prompts teasingly, pace not faltering in the slightest. ‘It hurts, daddy,’ I whisper out, still twitching uncontrollably. ‘Aww, poor baby, but I haven’t even cum yet. Are you sensitive? Too. Fucking. Bad,’ he says, thrusting with each word, the pain of the overstimulation slowly ebbing away into mind-blowing pleasure. He reaches down for my clit again, rubbing furiously fast, and I cry out at the feeling. ‘You feel so good, clenching around my cock, princess. Felt so good to have you cumming around my cock,’ he praises, and I can sense him reaching his high too. ‘I want you sobbing, princess, I wanna milk this tight little pussy,’ he spits out, ramming into me whilst his hand works at a ridiculous pace. ‘Come on, princess, cum for me. Be a good little slut and cum for me, princess,’ he says, and I reach my high, clenching around him as I cum with a scream of his name. ‘Good girl, you’re such a good girl, princess. Your pussy was made for me, baby girl,’ he moans, hips stuttering and his thrusts becoming slower. ‘Fuck, I’m gonna cum, y/n,’ he shouts out, burying his cock deep inside me and his head falling against my neck as he releases into his condom.
We both stay as we are, letting out deep breaths, the smell of sex on the air intoxicating. ‘Am I tripping… or was that the best we’ve had?’ he breathes out, and I feel him softening inside me. ‘You’re not tripping, babe,’ I reply breathlessly, and he chuckles. ‘We are going to get ripped apart by the boys,’ he laughs against my skin, and I already dread having to leave his bedroom. ‘We’ll just stay in here all night,’ I joke, and he cuddles up against me. ‘That sounds like a plan,’ he replies, voice muffled against my shoulder. We stay cuddled up like that for a while, running my fingers through his hair, the only noise being our breathing. After a few minutes, I start to feel too hot and sweaty, and I need to go for a wee. ‘Babe, we need to get up,’ I say, and he whines. ‘Just five more minutes, princess,’ he pleads, and I have to use every ounce of my self-control to stop myself from giving in. ‘No, baby, I need a wee,’ I say, and he sighs. He presses his lips to mine briefly before rolling off me. I smile at him as I slowly get up out of the bed, heading over to his en suite. I go for a quick wee and when I come back out, Jimin’s holding out a pair of clean pants and a white hoodie for me to wear, as well as a pair of white Nike socks. I pull the clothes on with an appreciative smile, Jimin putting on a clean pair of boxer and a pair of black sweatpants, his torso bare.
‘Come on, princess, let’s get you some water, and something to eat,’ Jimin says gently, entwining his fingers with mine, leading me out of the room and downstairs. We pass through the dark living room where Jungkook and Yoongi are lit up by the light from the TV, both of them fast asleep on the sofas, in their pyjamas now. In the kitchen, Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok sit around the breakfast bar, having changed out of their party outfits, also in their pyjamas. ‘Did you really just get fucked whilst wearing Joon’s choker?’ Hoseok asks me, Namjoon’s mouth hanging open in disbelief. ‘Um… yeah. Sorry, Joon,’ I say sheepishly, and he shakes his head as Jimin pours me out a glass of water. ‘Just keep the choker, please,’ he says, mild disgust on his face, the other boys laughing. ‘I’ll buy you a new one,’ I promise, and he shakes his head with a small smile. ‘It’s alright, you don’t have to. I don’t think I’ll ever wear it,’ he says as Jimin hands me the water, and I thank him with a gentle kiss on his cheek.
‘Where’s Mija?’ I ask after taking a sip of the water, and they all grin. ‘In Tae’s room,’ Jin replies, and my eyes widen. ‘Wait, why’s she in Tae’s room? And where’s Tae?’ Jimin asks, and we all turn to look at him with confusion on our faces. ‘Um, he’s in his room? With Mija? The two of them are in there together? Alone, just them two?’ Jin says slowly, waiting for it to sink in, and Jimin realises with a loud gasp. ‘Oh, my god! Are they like… fucking?’ Jimin asks, and Hoseok shrugs. ‘We haven’t heard anything, unlike you two loud bastards, but god knows. They might be. They were all pally-pally down here first, all cuddled up, and then Mija said she wanted to get changed into something more comfy, and Tae went up with her. They only went up about ten minutes after you,’ he explains, and I feel myself getting excited with his words. Ever since Mija’s high school boyfriend cheated on her, Mija’s completely shied away from any kind of romantic relationship, just the very occasional one-night stand with a complete stranger. So, if it is true, this is completely new for Mija, new to see her getting close with someone she’s known for a while. ‘They probably got turned off by hearing you two screaming next door,’ Namjoon says drily, Jimin swatting out at him in good-humoured annoyance. ‘Tae’s room’s next door to yours?’ I ask Jimin, who nods with a roll of his eyes. ‘I’ve had to listen to the various girls he brings home, so he can listen to you and me. Karma’s a bitch,’ Jimin says remorselessly, and I laugh at the thought of Jimin lying there, trying to sleep, listening to Tae fucking some girl next door.
‘Do you guys want something to eat? You must be hungry after that. I would be,’ Hoseok says shamelessly, and I feel blood rushing to my face in embarrassment. ‘Am I really that loud?’ I ask sheepishly, and Jin takes pity on me, putting an arm around my shoulders. ‘No, y/n, you’re not. You can only hear if you’re on the same floor, and we have to go past Jimin’s room to get to our bedrooms. That’s the only reason we heard,’ Jin says, making me feel a bit better, though not much. ‘Do you think the other boys in the frat can hear?’ I ask, and the boys all laugh. ‘I hope not, we’ve got a no-girls policy,’ Jimin says, all of them laughing even harder. ‘Guys, that’s so mean,’ I say in shock, trying not to laugh, ‘will I get in trouble if they find out?’ ‘Remember who owns the house, y/n,’ Namjoon says, and I shake my head, feeling terrible that they all take advantage of Jin’s dad owning the house. ‘Here,’ Jin says, pushing a plate of pasta towards us, having just microwaved it for us. ‘Thanks, Jin,’ I say, taking a seat, and Jimin sits beside me. ‘Do you guys get offended that I don’t call you my oppas?’ I ask. ‘No, I don’t mind. I don’t like being called oppa. It’s too sexualised now,’ Namjoon says, Hoseok and Jin nodding in agreement. ‘I get offended,’ Jimin jokes, and I roll my eyes. ‘God, so you have a daddy kink, and an oppa kink?’ I tease, the other boys laughing.
‘You might want to stop talking, y/n, because you’ve got a whole lot of kinks I can expose,’ he says threateningly, and I immediately fall silent, the other boys intrigued. ‘Come on, Jimin, you can’t leave us hanging,’ Hoseok says, and Jimin shoots me a mischievous look. ‘Well, let’s just say, y/n can be a bit of a masochist,’ he says, and I gasp at his betrayal. ‘Says you, Mr. ‘I like your nail marks on my back’! You’ve probably got some marks now, actually. I even made you bleed once, and you didn’t mind! And you’re a sadist! You get off on seeing me in pain!’ I exclaim, and now it’s Jimin’s turn to gasp. ‘Well, you like being spanked!’ he fires back. ‘No, it’s you that likes spanking!’ I correct him heatedly. ‘You’re into degradation!’ ‘You’re the one that started degrading me!’ ‘You didn’t complain though!’ ‘Well, you enjoy edging me!’ ‘At least I can give you fucking orgasms to be able to take them away! And it’s not like you complain about that, either! Or overstimulation!’ ‘I complain about that every time! I did today, did I not?’ ‘But you never use the safe word!’ ‘Well, you’re a total voyeur! You love watching me get myself off!’ ‘And you love watching me too, so don’t even try to deflect that onto me! And you love being humiliated as well!’ ‘No, you love humiliating me!’ ‘You love it too! And you love bondage!’ ‘Well, you love exhibitionism!’ ‘And so do you, y/n!’ ‘Well… well… you love using toys on me!’ I exclaim, knowing it’s something that I don’t enjoy as much as he does, and then he falls silent.
‘Are you two fucking done?’ Yoongi’s gravelly voice comes from the door, Jungkook stood beside him. ‘Yeah, we are, hyung,’ Jimin says venomously with an evil glare my way. ‘Well, it’s too late now. You’ve already woken us up,’ Yoongi says tiredly, taking the seat on my other side. ‘God, you two are some freaky little shits,’ Hoseok says, looking between us both with a grimace. ‘I can confirm that Jimin is a voyeur. He was watching me and y/n like we were some HD porn, or something,’ Jungkook says, stealing a forkful of our pasta. ‘Um, Kook! That’s the only thing you can confirm? What about everything else?’ Jimin asks indignantly. ‘Um… I can confirm that you’re both into degradation and humiliation, edging, overstimulation. I don’t know about the masochism and sadism, though. That’s fucking weird,’ Jungkook says, sitting down beside Namjoon. ‘Don’t kink shame them. Just be thankful they’re not into piss play, or something gross like that,’ Jin says, both Jimin and I scrunch our faces up in disgust. ‘I am never letting you piss on me,’ I say to Jimin, whose eyes widen. ‘What the fuck, y/n? I wouldn’t want to anyway, and you know that!’ he says, and I supress a smile at his disbelief. But, before anyone can say anything else, Taehyung walks in, wearing a long hoodie and a pair of boxers.
He stops at the door, surprise and guilt etched all over his face, and we all stare back at him. ‘Why aren’t you guys in bed yet? It’s like, 1.30,’ he says, his voice deep and husky. ‘We could ask you the same thing, hyung,’ Jungkook says mischievously, and Taehyung’s face breaks into a grin. ‘A gentleman never tells,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘You’ve basically just told us,’ I say, the boys laughing. ‘I wouldn’t say anything if I were you, y/n, considering how loud you were about twenty minutes ago,’ Taehyung fires back, and I fall silent sheepishly. ‘What was she saying, hyung?’ Jungkook asks curiously, and I shake my head at Tae. He hesitates, our eyes meeting, before the signature boxy smile breaks across his face. ‘Please, daddy, harder! Don’t stop, daddy, please! Make me yours, daddy! Daddy, it hurts! I’m all yours, Jimin!’ Tae says, moaning in a high and affected voice, the boys all laughing. ‘Tae!’ I exclaim, and he points at me. ‘Exactly like that, except it was for Jimin,’ he says, and my head falls into my hands.
‘Aww, princess, it’s okay, don’t be embarrassed. Just own it,’ Jimin says comfortingly, putting an arm around my shoulders. And then I get an idea to gross the boys out even more. I sit up, leaning towards Jimin, and press my lips to his jaw. ‘I’m not embarrassed. I’ll never be embarrassed of how well you fuck me… daddy,’ I say, the boys all groaning as Jimin chuckles, capturing my lips with his. Our mouths move in sync, as his hands tangle into my hair and my hands run across his back. I can feel the bumps from where I scratched him earlier and I break away from him, ignoring the exclamations of the boys. ‘Oh, my god, turn around,’ I say, and he does so with a confused look on his face. I gasp when I see the bright red scratch marks on his back, the other boys doing the same when they see them too. ‘God, babe, don’t they hurt?’ I ask, running my fingers gently over the marks, and he shakes his head. ‘I’m so sorry,’ I say, feeling ridiculously guilty, and he turns back to face me. ‘Don’t be, it’s okay,’ he replies, pressing his lips to mine briefly. ‘God, can you two just get married already?’ Jin says, watching us with a fond look on his face. ‘Well, they’ve got a kid on the way, haven’t they?’ Jungkook jokes, the boys all laughing as Jimin and I give him dirty looks. ‘It might be yours, Kook,’ Namjoon reminds him, the boy turning pale as Jimin and I give Joon the dirty looks instead. ‘It’s mine,’ Jimin says definitely, and I can’t keep the smile off my face as he pulls me into his arms. ‘If it exists,’ Yoongi reminds us, and Jimin rolls his eyes. ‘Don’t burst our bubble, hyung,’ Jimin says.
‘What, so you want a baby?’ Tae asks, and Jimin and I share a glance before he answers. ‘Well, it wouldn’t be ideal but we’d make great parents, right, y/n?’ Jimin says, and I nod in agreement. ‘I’m not having any kid of ours live in this frat, though,’ I say, the boys all letting out reproachful exclamations. ‘She’s right. Our little angels are not growing up in this kind of environment,’ Jimin says, the boys gasping. ‘Angels?’ Namjoon asks, and Jimin and I share another glance. ‘Yeah, we planned our own little family,’ Jimin says, the boys looking at us in disbelief. ‘First, a boy called Park Taemin. Then, a girl called Park Jisoo. Then, a boy called Park Minjoon, and last, a girl called Park Mila,’ I list off, waiting for the boys to rip us apart. ‘Oh, my god, Minjoon is mine,’ Jungkook says instantly. ‘Fine, but I call dibs on Mila,’ Yoongi says quickly. ‘I call dibs on Jisoo,’ Hobi says. ‘I call dibs on Taemin,’ Namjoon says, the boys all saying the names of the ones Jimin predicted earlier. ‘Well, I call dibs on all four,’ Jin says. ‘That’s not fair! What about me?’ Tae whines, and I let out a noise of annoyance. ‘Stop calling dibs on mine and Jimin’s children!’ I exclaim, Mija walking in as the words come out of my mouth. ‘You know what?’ she says, sitting down beside Tae, ‘I don’t even want to know.’
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akatokuro · 6 years
The Inevitable StS Rewatch, Episodes 37-38
Aiolia, are you like... okay? (HE IS NOT, IN FACT, OKAY.)
- Last time, I meant to write about these eps but I got hard-derailed with the need to scream at the walls about Milo. This seems to happen to me pretty often. It might be a problem.
- This whole Shaina-->Seiya subplot is still stupid as hell, and the way Seiya treats Shaina here is condescending as hell, but to be very very generous Seiya is at least perceptive enough to not fight back seriously because he understands Shaina essentially has a death wish. Sanctuary will fuck you up hard, dude. The mask issue is yet another way to approach the fundamental ways the entire institution of Sanctuary will break people over its knee.
- Hahaha, I love the way Aiolia enters the scene here, so ominous and terrifying! It's a great contrast to the very mellow, normal dude in the back Aiolia is framed as in his earlier cameos. HEY, SHAINA, DID YOU AND THE OTHER SILVERS REALLY FORGET I WAS A GOLD FUCKING SAINT WELL GUESS WHAT HERE'S A REMINDER
- Lia, are you... having fun sloooowly lifting Shaina into the air first - totally not to terrify her or anything, nope, no grudge here, what are you talking about, hahaha!
- I'm going to be repeatedly gushing about this through the next couple eps, but holy shit, Aiolia's Japanese VA is SO FUCKING GOOD.
- The way he's animated here is so good too! The combination of his flat tone as he introduces himself, his flat expression, and the way only his eyes move when he greets Seiya specifically - it really conveys a sense of tension and Lia being in very, very forced, tight control of himself right now.
- "lmao not even the gold saints knew that there were TWELVE ZODIAC-THEMED CLOTHS! like! twelve zodiacs! god! not just leo and sagittarius! who would ever have guessed!" yeah this is the most obvious thing for the broader lore to instantly fucking throw out the window because no.
- It's a semi-common fanon thing to regard Aiolia as "stupid", but honestly, he's never struck me as such - I like this moment where he's sizing up Seiya's answer re: Sagittarius, and comes to the conclusion that he's telling the truth. But still, murder mission means murder gon happen!
- Aiolia has problems with self-control--his emotions sometimes get the better of him and he can't help himself when he really needs to punch something because he's just SO FUCKING ANGRY--but that's a different thing altogether than just being stupid, especially since I think Lia is pretty self-aware about that aspect of himself.
- I love how Aiolia TOTALLY came here to murder the shit out of these kids, too. Like, think about the contrast with Milo later, when Milo offers to spare Hyouga for Camus's sake - Lia is apparently close friends with Marin, but does he extend the same courtesy? No. That Seiya is Marin's student doesn't fucking matter. He's here to perform a very baggage-ridden mission for Sanctuary, and that is what he is going to do, because Aiolia would really like to turn himself into a Good Saint Robot.
- And again, even as he's warning Shaina, Aiolia comes across as very tightly controlled and very short, played up as frightening and intimidating. His expression and tone doesn't change as Shaina pleads and he points out her emotional shortcomings. Aiolia can run very hot, but he can also turn himself very cold, and the combination of the two feeding into each other is what can make him potentially scary as hell, especially when you remove his inhibitions via a bit of brainwashing!
- That little detail of Lia clenching his fist and his fist shaking as Seiya accuses him of being another assassin from Sanctuary is really good. It should be clear from Lia's VA taking a BEEP BOOP BOP approach to his lines here, but Lia is internally struggling a lot already, and trying to press it down.
- Not struggling with internal conflict about his orders per se, mind you. Moreso struggling with not losing his shit over how fucking mad he is.
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- And when Seiya tries to explain the situation to Aiolia, he gets this.
- Aiolia isn't actually stupid, but this is why he's interesting. He dumbs himself down because he feels he can't trust himself - both his actual thoughts and instincts, as what happened with his brother proved to him, and his ability to restrain himself. So what can he do but commit himself to his orders and the rules, especially knowing that he's already walking on a very thin tightrope compared to most people because of his TRAITOR'S BLOOD? (lmao, thanks Milo! Clearly the best friend Aiolia could ever hope for!) There might be a temptation to write off Lia as the "good boy" of the Gold Saints, since he's pushed as the protagonist figure amongst them, but he's really not. He's pretty complex.
- Lol considering how hard Shaina was shitting on and disrespecting Aiolia in earlier episodes... is seeing her so frantic and then flattening her effortlessly a little bit cathartic for you, Lia...? Just a little...?
- Lia's expression still not changing as he turns his FLATTEN BEAM onto Seiya. Truly the TermiLia right now.
- I love Aiolia's response to Seiya bleating off about his brother and why Lia is so loyal to Sanctuary. He is obviously trying to appeal to Lia emotionally by hitting what he knows are emotional weak spots and Lia is not having any of that shit. you are literally just making him madder seiya
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- These sure are the words and expression of a very, very bitter man!
- Aiolos isn't exactly an interesting character to me as he is, because the series is by and large mostly interested in him as a straightforward admirable martyr figure - but he could be if you re-interpret him under a more critical lens. His treatment of Aiolia is kind of... something. I don't actually remember him ever offering a truly kind word to his little brother. Like, ever.
- There's even a fun ambiguity if you want to his line in this flashback about "You should be able to do this, because you have the same Cosmos I do - because we're brothers." Yes, it could be read as encouragement - as Baby Lia is obviously doing here - but it's also setting forth an expectation.
- Oh shit, this is some of the stuff I was planning on going through in my upcoming EIGHTEEN PAGE AIOLIA META. Uhhhh....... man, this situation sure sucks for Lia, being left behind like that! Aiolos! Issues! Probably! Yeah!
- Fucking Silvers!
- I'm glad Lia states that he hated Los and used that for fuel in terms of becoming a strong Saint, and also vaguely suicidal. You can totally see it. Leo Aiolia is a cold and hateful person in a lot of ways! It rules!
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- Okay Seiya you deserve to be punched for this one
- lol Lia narrowing his eyes in response too hoo boy
- seiya why are you stripping that's shiryuu's deal
- ahhhh shit aiolia's va is SO GOOD! he was already pulling the "flat, controlled tone" before but after seiya hit him with THAT garbage he goes extremely low and dangerous and outright monotone, very audibly you're on thin fucking ice you little shit
- One of the little things that I like about Lia and how he subverts your first impression of "oh, this is the nice, protagonist-y Gold, right?" is that when you piss him off, he gets vicious and downright venomous verbally. Aiolia is capable of outright dripping with contempt for people in a way that's totally "oh, this is what he's been thinking the whole time, he was just holding it back." Like here, when he's practically sneering about "Oh, so this is all you've got after six years training with Marin, huh? You fucking scrub loser."
- Damn, I like Seiya crying as he attacks Aiolia again, knowing that it's hopeless! That's a nice touch. A LITTLE SCARED, HUH SEIYA?
- Lia, you totally should have been able to see Shaina moving and jumping in front of Seiya like that in time to pull back. You really should have. Is your mad getting the better of you? I know Seiya kicked it up several notches, but damn, man.
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- yeah i do not think this is the face of someone who is actually going to be losing that much sleep over """"accidentally"""" punching the shit out of shaina
- And Seiya calls out Aiolia for not stopping his attack when he totally had the capability to do so, lmao
- Hahaha, so Lia lets Seiya punch him to let off some steam and goes: "Yeahhhh, my bad. Eh."
- I also like the detail that Lia can heal with his Cosmos! (And lol that Lia was originally going to just leave her there before Seiya called him out.) It's not an ability you actually see a lot of Saints have, including the Golds.
- Lia asks Seiya why he's doing this. Seiya starts to explain, but then Lia immediately cuts him off with THE POPE'S ORDERS ARE ABSOLUTE. aiolia are you like.... okay... i mean you asked him and he was answering y... all righty then. i mean i know that's what you've convinced yourself to cope but
- Then the shitty Silvers show up, and even these guys continue to shit on Lia for his TRAITOR'S BLOOD. Lia gets visibly mad and reiterates his determination to fulfill his mission and murder these damn kids. The Silvers ignore him, and obviously enjoy twisting the knife about being able to ignore him!
- Aiolos decides he's had enough of his bath and decides to give Seiya a hand! Wow!
- okay seiya really rocks the sagittarius cloth though. better looking than aiolos in it. sagittarius seiya is the best looking gold saint tbh. shiryuu is really hideous in libra unfortunately
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- And this is Aiolia's face when Seiya puts on the Sagittarius Cloth. WHAT COULD HE BE THINKING? HMMMM.
- I love Aiolia, but he definitely has that smug Gold Saint arrogance running through his being as much as anyone else. "FOR THE GOLD CLOTH TO CHOOSE THE LIKES OF YOU..."
- But this whole thing is great, too. He was willing to let Seiya go - for the day - out of respect for Shaina and okay yeah he did feel a little bad about that, but now that Seiya's put on a Gold Cloth? Nah, you little shit. Sorry Shaina, looks like it's right back to murder o'clock for Leo Aiolia!
- Seiya, with Aiolos's help, manages to land a punch on Lia. He is very cute in his excitemement about this! AIOLIA IS NOT.
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- THE TERMILIA HAS UPGRADED TO A NEW, MADDER MODEL. You'll note the feel of this whole thing is REALLY CLOSE to the intimidation of vicious, brainwashed Aiolia later on. All of that was legit in him. That's why it's still interesting as a facet of his character.
- Lia throwing out the "kono Aiolias" left and right. Considering his earlier talk about how much he hated his brother and wanted to surpass him, are we projecting a little bit onto this new kid wearing his Cloth, Lia? Maybe... maybe a little?
- "Aiolia, why are you so loyal to the Pope!?" "BECAUSE I AM DEEPLY TRAUMATIZED--I MEAN, BECAUSE, UH, HE'S A GREAT MAN! YEAH! FUCK YOU!"
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- Lia's face when Hyouga and Shun arrive on the scene. YIKES.
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- And here when he effortlessly blocks Hyouga and Shun's attacks, with a "lol, you're really going to try to fight KONO AIOLIA, the gold saint?" Again, the contempt and sneering just drips off of him - he's actively mocking them - in a way that is totally, one hundred percent consistent with the way he acts when he is brainwashed, and against Hades's mooks much later. Again, holy shit, I would LOVE to get actual insight into Lia's brain re: his opinion of Milo and the Silvers.
- It is sort of sad, though, as the more pissed off and frustrated Aiolia is obviously getting - jesus christ he just came here to murder some kids out of self-loathing, and then this bullshit with Shaina, and then that bullshit with the Silver Saints, and then the MEGA FUCKING BULLSHIT of Seiya putting on his brother's Cloth and actually hitting him, and now THESE little shits show up and complicate things even more - it feels like he more forcefully repeats those rote robot-lines about "as a saint, for justice, in the name of Athena, pope is like a GOD." Aiolia has issues, man.
- As the Bronzies keep challenging him, we get another shot of Aiolia's shaking, clenched fist. Once again I must emphasize that his VA is doing a fucking amazing job of continuing to escalate Lia's various shades of mad and the various levels of "I am seriously point two seconds away from ripping you little shits apart"
- Yes, Aiolia is refusing to listen and obviously repeating lines he's been "fed" - but once again, I don't think it's stupidity, per se. It's thirteen years of trauma where he had to crush out any personal doubts in order to survive in the environment he was in. But god these kids are making it HARD and reviving OLD FEELINGS and that's PISSING HIM OFF so they GOTTA FUCKING DIE because SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.
- Hi Saori! Thanks for showing before everyone died!
- Leo "Fuck you I don't have time for this bullshit" Aiolia vs Kido "Fuck YOU I don't have time for this bullshit" Saori, go!
- I like how Lia refers to Aiolos by his name here, and as "the traitor Aiolos", though we see how in private, in his head, he still called him "nii-san" and he reverts to "nii-san" fully once he knows the truth. Aiolia had a hard life.
- thanks for the unnecessary flashback, episode, this writeup is already getting too long doot doot doot
- It's very hard to be told that "welp, I coped and doubted myself and twisted my thoughts and sense of self for thirteen years for nothing huh!" And I appreciate that Lia doesn't instantly believe her - he needs hard proof, because otherwise it means pretty much his whole life and everything he "worked" for just falls apart. He wouldn't be a bad fit as an Umineko character, really! <_<
- Saori selectively leaving out that Mitsumasa was also a horrible person but okay BABY SAORI IS CUTE AS FUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK
- God I love that Aiolia was totally willing to murder this young girl, too, to test if she was bullshitting him about being Athena. He was really going to try to punch her fucking head off. Aiolia owns.
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- Lia's response to Seiya's outrage at the way he demands "proof." Even though it's brief, you really do get a sense of the weight of what Lia has been struggling with since Aiolos was framed, and how hard it is for him to just throw it all aside. And his "I need it!" re: proof.
- The ghost of Aiolos finally shows up, after all this time - exclusively to shit on his little brother. Hoo boy.
- It REALLY feels like twisting the knife for Aiolos to shoot him with basically "You're not only unworthy of being a Saint, you're unworthy of being my brother! You fuckup! You moron!" Like, again, if this is an indication of Aiolos's parenting methods with training Lia, uh... no wonder Lia has such deep-set issues...
- Like, Aiolia has legitimately suffered a LOT because of Aiolos's actions all this time, so to not have a single shred of compassion and only a very stony "you fucking failure" is pretty. Uh.
- Not that Lia challenges this himself, of course, as he cries over the fact that Los wasn't a traitor and "still fights for justice." Fully indoctrinated, after all!
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- "I'm not suicidal over these developments or anything. Nope. Totally not running off here to get myself killed in atonement, encouraged by my brother's ghost who was yelling at me over what a sin I've committed. Not at all. Pay no attention to the sad lion behind the curtain!"
- Doesn't escape Saori's notice, either, as she quietly asks Lia not to die as he heads off.
- And Leo Aiolia exits the episode just as he entered it: in desperate, desperate, desperate need of some serious fucking therapy.
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flydotnet · 6 years
Tango à Trois - Chapter 1: Hollyhock
Next Chapter (TBA)
Summary: Aoi Zaizen is a confused bisexual girl with two crushes at once and who doesn't know how to cope with that. Miyu Sugisaki is Aoi's best friend with a crush and doesn't know how to cope with growing another crush. Yusaku Fujiki is a confused teenager with a crush on his classmate and doesn't know how to cope with having a crush at all.
Chapter Summary: (N/A)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Pairs: Aoi/Yusaku/Miyu (subsets: Zinnia, Angelmaker, future Moonlight), secondary Kiku/Takeru and Ema/Akira
Chapter Count: 1/?
Notes: If everything feels kind of weird, it's because it's all set in a no-LI, no-Link VRAINS-ish AU for VRAINS I've come up with like eons ago in Internet time.
I came up with this ship on the fly (haha pun) in a group chat on Discord and stuck with it for some goddamn reason, and now I can't let go of it. In case you were curious yes I actually have some semblance of plan for this despite having this rushed, shitty first chapter because this is literally a random outlet for when I'm less inspired by my actual WIP novels lmao. While I know nobody is really gonna give a shit, I'm still posting it to show there are other ships than DSS around this hell of an Earth
xoxo, Fly
AO3 version available here.
Aoi had always been a rather confused girl when it was about romance. She used to blame it on her brother’s overprotectiveness, but seeing as she was still confused when he started dating Ema, her current future sister-in-law (there was no way they were getting split up, they were the perfect awkward couple in her eyes), that had clearly been a wrong hypothesis and, needless to say, she felt dumb because of it.
In fact, Aoi was confused enough by what love even was to begin with. It was about finding people attractive and wanting to spend something like eternity with them, right? So why did she find everyone attractive? Why were girls cute and boys handsome? Wasn’t she supposed to be like her brother Akira and find either boys or girls attractive? He had told her it was fine if she was into girls, but he had never said anything about being into both, if that was the term for it. What if that wasn’t natural? What if she was never meant to find both attractive? Was she defective? So many questions…
 So she turned to her childhood best friend, Miyu. The latter had always been more in-touch with relationships and socializing, she’d have an answer, right? So they sent each other messages on one night, because Aoi was way too shy and intimidated to bring up such a sensitive topic in a public setting like school (someone could hear them, and it’d be catastrophic). Sure enough, Miyu told her it was called being bisexual, and it was perfectly normal.
Aoi’s heart strangely fluttered when her best friend, her most trusted confident, confessed to her that she, too, was bisexual and into both girls and boys. Was it relief or excitement, she didn’t know. She couldn’t guess or make a solid supposition, she couldn’t know.
 On another evening, she took it to Ema to make sure it was normal. Her brother’s girlfriend, recently turned fiancée, had truly become the big sister figure she had never gotten: Ema was the best person to confide something to and yet make sure her brother would never be aware of it unless Aoi told him herself. Ema had taken the topic seriously yet lightly, never overdramatizing everything like her sister-in-law had the tendency to do. However, even after confiding that she, too, was a bi lady (there really were a lot of bisexuals in her circles, huh), the flutter in Aoi’s heart didn’t appear again. She put it on the behalf that it could have just been her relief making her heart be all weird, but… there had to be something more to it. She knew it.
Aoi’s next step was talking it out with a long-distance friend she had met right before her brother had gotten his current job at SOL: Kiku. By that point, she knew she was bisexual and to distinguish romantic attraction from platonic feelings (mostly by using her brother and Kiku as references), but she still wanted to talk it out with another confident. Much to her fortune, Kiku took the news very well, wording huge words of supports and wishing her all the happiness in the world she could muster. The encouragement would have not been this overwhelming would Kiku’s boyfriend Takeru not have heard her happy squeals and joined in on the fun. Aoi was pretty sure she was radiating red when she got showered with an entire dictionary of nice words.
Eventually, she told her brother about it. Even if he was the one person she trusted the most in the world, the one she’d no doubt count on would something ever go wrong, the man who had raised her instead of their parents since she had been ten, she was still tense when telling him about it. He had shown distress at first, mostly because of how nervous she was when asking him “big brother, can we have a talk, please?”, but quickly untensed when she spat out the information. A pat on her shoulder and a hug later, her ears almost went deaf when he told her he was proud of her for being brave enough to tell him and wished her the best of lucks. Her entire being destressed with all of this behind her, but that didn’t solve another issue that had risen.
 The fluttering in her heart.
 The thing was, Aoi had ever only felt her heart flutter in this strange, intense way around two persons: Miyu and a boy from her class that she had eventually befriended. She wasn’t surprised to figure out she had a crush on Miyu: it only took her a few days to get over it, strangely enough. Perhaps it was because they had known each other for years; and knowing her best friend was no stranger to being attracted to girls comforted her into getting over it and acknowledging her romantic feelings. They had always been very close, always holding hands as children in the park and indulging in it when nobody was looking in middle school: there was nothing weird about what they were doing, what she was feeling.
Perhaps there even was a chance for Miyu to be in love with her too.
 However, the boy was another question altogether. Yusaku Fujiki was his name: he had always been rather quiet, not overly shrouded in mystery but never proactive in group conversations. They had shared classes for a few years by then, mostly subjects where she rather preferred teaming up with someone as discreet and apparently socially awkward as Fujiki rather than anyone else in the classroom (it also allowed her to escape from alpha bitchy popular girls and guys trying to hit on her as soon as they crossed gazes). Eventually, they became comrades, then friends, hanging out in most classes and between those to pass the time. Miyu had never been in the same class or workgroup as her: but it wasn’t too grievous when she had someone to rely upon, her now-trusted Yusaku.
Oh, that phrasing may have been too forward.
While Miyu and she had always been on a first-name basis, as calling each other by one’s surname was not a thing in kindergarten times, it hadn’t been the same with Fujiki. Getting to know each other as classmates passing papers off to each other to pass the time, helping each other in subjects in which they absolutely sucked (hers was Maths, his was Literature, and they were fine with that), joking about shared teachers were how they bonded, different experiences still retaining value to them: but they had to grow comfortable with the other and being close to them.
It wasn’t an easy task for someone like Aoi, who had always been “the SOL Security Manager’s sister” and trying to be profited upon (and, usually, her brother could immediately tell and sent them off): but Yusaku wasn’t like the others. He had never given a single damn about her brother’s job (or her brother at all, now that she thought about it), had never seen her as anything other than a classmate he liked to hang out with even outside of classes.
 And that was where it hurt, in a way.
 She was convinced Yusaku only saw them as that: friends. Considering their respective characters, it was already a miracle they had befriended each other and texted the other so often (as in, every day, and she was always excited to see what next trivia he could send her about his cat Ai and his friend Jin and his online best friend Takeru… Wait, that name was familiar), she couldn’t ask him to do much more than that. They were too introverted to have a mutual crush on each other…
…oh wait, that was even weirder.
Okay, finding both genders endearing and attractive was perfectly fine. Aoi was bi, her best friend was bi, her sister-in-law was bi… but falling in love with two persons at once, if that was her case, had to be abnormal. No, her feelings for Yusaku had to be something else… Perhaps she saw him as a twin brother? No chance, it was different from how she felt about her brother… Perhaps she saw him the same way she viewed Kiku, a trusty friend? No, no luck there either, there was the flutter and the weird pulses to hold his hand and maybe kiss him passionately against the wall… But then, what did she feel for Miyu?
The same thing, yes. Oops.
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