#oh you knew exactly what you were doing
hotchfiles · 5 months
40&48 with hotch and bau reader!! age gap 😏 lil teasing 😏
help me get these two specific blorbos out of my head, the prompt list"I think we're on a first name basis by now." + "there's no way that was just a one-night thing."
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you groaned louder than you should've been, honestly, your forehead hitting the pile of papers on your table as your boss called you into his office at the end of the day. you had spent the whole day feeling victorious that you were able to avoid being alone with him, attaching either spencer or emily to your hip whenever you had to even get close to his office.
it would be so much better if he just ghosted you, the whole conversation where he tells you you're too young, that you should be with someone spencer's age, about hierarchy and power imbalances... you had everything he probably wanted to say to you already ingrained in your mind.
from the moment you woke up to your bed half empty, your clothes folded and no suv to be seen down the street, you knew to him it had been a mistake to lean into your advances, to accept your hands pulling his tie, to get into the elevator of your building with his hand on the small of your back.
you could deal with that, you were a professional, mostly. but having to hear him say it would be too humiliating and you couldn't even avoid it, he was your boss, you couldn't be insubordinate and you couldn't let anyone suspect something was happening.
the paperwork in your hands seem more interesting to you for a second after you put it on his table, trying not to look at him. the door closed behind and the blinds shut. you felt your cheeks warm up in embarrassment, last time you were so openly rejected was during your freshman college year and it broke you for weeks.
and the boy was nothing compared to the man getting up and leaning on his table to be closer to you. aaron even reaches for your hands, as a reflex you flinch, putting both in your pockets. "what's on your mind? you've avoided me all day." he doesn't force you to accept his touch, crossing his arms in front of his chest as the question filled the air.
"listen, hotch—sir—" his hands shake along with his head in denial, confusion.
"i think we're on a first name basis by now." after the countless times you whispered and moaned his name the night before it was only fair that between the two of you, you called him aaron, it made the most sense to him.
"aaron." you nod, teeth to your bottom lip for a second trying to find the less awkward way to tell him he was off the hook, no need to explain anything. "i was trying to make this whole one night stand thing easier." the admission feels silly on the tip of your tongue, especially when his known furrowed brows soften and his lips turn into a smirk.
his hands tentatively go to your hips, pulling you to him when you didn't flinch, touching your forehead with his so that you're so close both your breaths are the same as he speaks, "there's no way that was just a one-night thing."
and who are you to deny your boss of anything?
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leqclerc · 1 month
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#i am once again asking what the fuck happened between february and the first week of may#this is why i don't get how people can say 'oh im sure charles knew ahead of time he just didn't know when xavi would leave exactly'#when nothing he's said today suggests he knew? or agreed to it?#and the timing is bizarre like if this was the plan all along why not do it before the season started#and not 6 races in with no explanation#charles even defended him in front of the press yet again when they were fishing for information#asking if this will mean communication will improve which...... lol fuck off#they didnt even have any major communication issues this year and the stuff that happened before was a result#of general pitwall fuckery - especially in 2022 when the mismanagement and chaos was egregious under mattia#feel like im just yelling into the void but this is seriously pissing me off#say what you want about xavi but this was objectively handled very poorly on fred/ferrari's part#not discussing the issue with the driver is already pretty bad but not even informing him prior to/during the miami weekend.....#that's just fucked up#i can't see mercedes or red bull blindsiding lewis or max like that#even mclaren like afaik whenever someone else has to step in as race engineer for the weekend the driver is aware in advance#like they literally just cut xavi off at the knees to do? what exactly? shove him in some dusty corner back at the factory or wherever?#never to be seen again? yeah fuck them ugh
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roetrolls · 3 months
Was Archie holding Mallum's phone funny as in the same way he holds his knife?
HE WAS IM SO GLAD THAT WAS CLEAR ‼️ it's also what made Mallum's panicked (and possibly mildly concussed) brain go I KNOW THAT FUCKER
Also you didn't ask but Archie picked it up and stayed close enough to be run into because it was Mallum's phone, he recognized it and was like "hm that doesn't bode well"
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snapbackslide · 2 months
dunno if you’re reading this but i hope you are enjoying your break and hope you are doing so well🩷 -🫶🏻
heeeyy 🥹 thank you so much you're so sweet, I hope you're doing well too!! 💓
#and thank you for the valentine's wish oof it's been a while 🥹 didn't realize how long i was gone for#i'm semi back now - i think? i def managed to get some things done in my social media break but my mental health is still meh#and i really don't care enough about hockey rn to make a full comeback 🔥🔥#BUT music is alive !! so much is coming up !!!! my fav band has finally returned and i am so excited !!!!!!!!#i also took a break from dating apps and just got back on them and it's dry afffff rn#but i do have crumbs of uninteresting information ☕#idk if you remember the guy from instagram i wrote about?? who i ran into at the drug store and liked my stories#my dumbass was aggressively swiping left on bumble on everyone and i saw him on it#but my finger was faster than my brain so i swiped left before i could register it was him 😭#i immediately gasped cause i saw his name and the same age as me and a blonde guy and was like NO F'ING WAY#i mean i don't think i would've swiped right anyway cause that's so AWKWARDDDD he knew me when i was a child pls#we already know each other and have each other's instagram... feels like it'd be moving backwards LOL#but it's also like... if i saw him on there... what are the chances he found my profile first... makes me wanna puke tbh#i hope i run into him again soon 🙏 (this time when i actually have makeup on... and i'm by myself)#i've also started talking to another guy who quite frankly seems exactly like sens guy but with better values so 🔥 we move#i fully meant that as a diss i'm still pissed and still not over him (moving on? never heard of her)#best way to get over someone is to get under someone else amirite;)))) (no)#anyway i kinda like dating around and not committing tbh bc no man deserves me#until i find one that is solid af i refuse to settle for just anyone for the sake of not being alone#which i'm worried is something some of my friends are doing but i've already tried talking to them and no one listens to me#so i'm just gonna be quiet now 🤷‍♀️ we're grooving#..i forgot what my tags were#oh yeah#answered#🫶🏻#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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beeholyshit · 20 days
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"The Moon looks beautiful tonight doesn't It....?"
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in-tua-deep · 1 year
man i have really been thinking about worldbuilding and exposition in books recently
when i was like, i don’t know, twelve-ish, I picked up this book about a teenage girl in a spy school. and i absolutely fell in love with it - I thought it was incredibly neat how the book just seemed to drop me into the middle of the story, even starting in the girl’s second year. in fact, the main character frequently referenced events from her first year (falling in love with a civilian, things ending badly, finding secret passageways, losing her mother’s trust etc.) 
and I actually really enjoyed the fact that the character had a rich and vibrant life outside of what i had read and that the book didn’t go out of its way to explain her past in flashbacks or anything. i understood the main takeaways and why she was reacting to things based on what i gleaned, and more than that i understood the growth of the character, why she was cautious in certain places but reckless in others, etc and i felt smarter for not being handed the answer on a silver platter
anyway it wasn’t until i finished the book and realized there was a sequel that i looked it up and found out that. in fact. i had started with the second book in the series.
#i will say i genuinely read the sequels and NEVER went back and read the first book#it genuinely felt like i understood the takeaways from reading the second book#it almost felt like i would be doing cammie a disservice by going backwards and undoing the progress she had made#anyway i just remember thinking about how cool it was that the author didn't go out of their way to explain exactly what happened#and yet i was able to understand what happened just by her reactions to this new guy#the oh. OH. of realizing she hadn't fallen in love with a civilian so much as fallen in love with the idea of civilian life#her life being made much more difficult from the loss of trust by her mother and teachers#kind of want to go back and reread it but i feel like reading ur childhood books again sets you up for disappointment#probably not the masterpiece i remember reading#but man it made so much sense bc of COURSE cammie wouldn't just like. give me info about how the world worked. her mum was headmaster.#ofc she knew how the spy world worked smh#so when they were like FUCK the secret passageways we used to sneak out are blocked off bc we got caught last year#we need to figure out either a) another way out of the school unseen or b) find more secret passageways#and i was like !!! yeah! of course! that makes total sense and adds an obstacle for the main character to get though!#and now i also know that cammie a) was sneaking out to see her boyfriend which means it was b) a secret worth hiding for some reason#idk that second book was the only bitch i respect
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
I made this blog mainly as a place to store art + memes for my fandoms and doodles of my original stories. I’ve posted a lot of the former, but none of the latter, so… Here you go? Have some goofy “incorrect quotes” inspired jokes of a project of mine called The Name-Oath.
Context is indented and italicized, but you can probably read through the doodles below without getting too confused if you skip it:
The first half of the actual plot is your standard fae romance starring a human woman who doesn’t realize the male lead is a supernatural creature, and just thinks he’s really into cosplaying alone in a mansion in some freaky forest. The second half is rom-com shenanigans between the divorced human woman and male lead after the world's ugliest breakup. He desperately tries to get back together at every waking moment and she just wants to hang out with her bestie Summer and raise her half-fae daughter in peace. The human woman is named Eglantine, but goes by Egg. She got stuck with the nickname during high school and decided to start going by it in an effort to have a more "average" sounding name. This did not work as intended, but it certainly helped her avoid getting her name stolen when she first met the male lead. She's something called a skipwitch. This is a whole worldbuilding thing I'm not going to get into here. The male lead is named Kieran. He is a drama king. He spent several centuries under magical house arrest. He can talk to rats. He has pretty hair. This is all you need to know about him, except maybe the fact that he's royalty. Summer is Egg's best friend, and she is the resident fae expert in her and Egg's coven. Competitive and protective of Egg. She hates Kieran's guts, and the feeling is mutual. Egg and Kieran's daughter is named Violet, but she goes by Froggy. She is a terrifying force of nature by virtue of being the offspring of a skipwitch and Unseelie prince. Enjoys microwave pizzas, her pet beta fish, video games, and getting her way. Alois is Kieran's invisible butler. He's a surprisingly talented singer.
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youremyonlyhope · 2 months
why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up why won't my brain shut up
#i'm overthinking something that i did and was told off for doing by my director#and on my way home i was thinking when was the last time i was even talked to like that during a production#and then i remembered the costume experience from hell of only a couple months ago that i've already began blocking out#but the thing is that that person was someone i knew i'd never have to work with again#i mean at first i thought i would have to work with them more. then they announced they were moving away immediately#so i only had to deal with them face to face for another weekish after that point and anytime they yelled at me#i was like 'cool. i'll do exactly what you say to do. and nothing more.' but then of course me being me#i did some extra stuff and they initially were like 'oh that's pretty' and then days later told me to cut everything i added#and like sure i get that the show was frozen but girl. that costume was unfinished. i was trying to finish it. it was frozen but looked bad#anyway. whenever they yelled at me and had actual malice in their heart i was like whatever. i was hurt. but i didn't care as much.#but this time it's someone i've worked with many many times before and it was about a habit i have that i know isn't great#but at the same time the thing that prompted it wasn't even me doing this habit it was something else#but she interpreted it as that habit and said that i can't do that on a production she's directing#and that if i couldn't stop then i could pull out from the production and there'd be no hard feelings between us#and honestly i think her reassuring that she knows i'm valuable and that she wants me there while also telling me not to do this thing#and the fact that she's someone i like working with and will continue to work with just made it all hurt so much more#especially since she referenced another past production we've done where i didn't even realize she had noticed that i do this.#and i found myself in near tears. and still am kind of in near tears. i can't decide if i need to cry or not.#and i had NO sleep last night so i was looking forward to sleeping tonight but now i'm just overthinking EVERYTHING#and like. i know everything will be fine. if i just stop inserting myself and stick to just my specific tasks. it'll be fine.#but this is one of the ways my ocd manifests. i feel like i have to personally fix something i notice going wrong. or it'll be bad.#because every single time i choose to sit back and not be nosy when i notice something it ends up bad in a way i could have prevented#if i just inserted myself in a situation i technically wasn't part of but knew i could help or fix. so i just need to not do that.#but then i feel guilt if it does go wrong in the ways i immediately assumed it would and in a way i could prevent.#and i've been trying to work on this for like 6 months and aaaahhhh it's hard and being called out on it from her just really really hurt#i still may or may not cry. i don't know. the irony of me telling my therapist THIS MORNING that it's been a while since i last cried.#and the universe being like 'i took that as a challenge' and handing me this situation for me to spiral over.#i need to leave things alone. i need to stare straight ahead. and ignore whatever isn't specifically for me to do. but ahhh i want to help#and then of course my mom has this same habit and it annoys me when she does it yet i do it to other people and ahhhhhhhh#brain please just shut up. i need to sleep. i have to work tomorrow.
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thethingything · 2 months
I keep noticing our brain being a little iffy about a couple of things today that I think we'd been repressing a lot lately and that's not ideal because it means we'll probably unrepress it more and be upset about it later, but at the same time it's like, oh hello there, I know this particular sadness. I've spent a lot of time with it and I recognise it whenever it comes back and I'm less surprised to see it again and more surprised it went away for this long. time to spend another evening with it and be gentle with ourselves and just let our brain feel whatever it needs to
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messenger-cloudcat · 2 years
Tubbo always prepares for the worst.
He builds walls, carves bunkers from the ground, digs tunnels, forges weapons, makes and fills a vault with potions and armour and weapons, just in case.
'Trauma response' They say. That he's grown to be that way due to the events that happened to him. Paranoid and over-prepared.
They say that because They only started looking after. After everything that went wrong. Thats when They looked and saw and processed and assumed.
But he's been like this all along.
He was the one who farmed for hours in preparation for L'manburg's revolution. Potions, armour, weapons and emeralds all stored, just in case.
Its was all for naught when Dream destroyed it all and Eret betrayed them.
He was the one who built secret bunkers even before the election. He was the one who showed it to Wilbur and Tommy before the results were announced. He was the one who gave them potions of invisibility and swiftness, just in case.
It was all for naught when Wilbur was shot and killed during his getaway.
During Schlatt's presidency, he kept making things, preparing. Bunkers, tunnels, places to hide, excuses to tell. Just in case.
It was all for naught when he was executed.
Tubbo has always prepared and expected the worst, even when everyone else didn't. Its part of his nature. Yet, despite everything he's done to prepare, all the effort and time and thought he's put into it, its all for naught. He's never prepared enough.
He stopped at one point. Well, not exactly. Its hard to break habits and he's still builds, tunnels, stocks up, just in case, but he came to rely on someone else.
Soon his husband was along side him in his preparedness. Always had a spare set of armour, or tools, or money, or food for Tubbo. Always the small stuff, the stuff to take care of him, of them.
Tubbo was the one who prepared for the worst, the walls, the tunnels, bunkers, the vaults, the nukes. Always the big stuff, the worst case scenario, the just in case.
They relied on each other and maybe it wasn't completely healthy. There was plenty of stuff they didn't tell each other, secrets kept and never mentioned. But they understood the other cared, with each tool passed along and every wall built and every thing gifted 'just in case'.
They loved and cared and prepared. Tubbo felt truly understood. It was nice. Lovely, even.
Tubbo doesn't have a husband anymore.
He wasn't prepared for that.
(It was all for naught)
#writing#tubbo#c!tubbo#ranboo#c!ranboo#l'manburg#manburg#snowchester#honestly i wanted to add a but in the middle about how he learns from the stuff he missed last time#oh? didnt expect someone to betray and try to kill you? swiftness and invisibility and secret bunkers#oh? was hit by a lucky shot since you were in the open? secret tunnels and caverns and sewers and twisting mazes of lies and deciet#oh? was outed as a spy and excecuted? conceal dont feel dont let and show and take back some control#oh? was decimated by the most powerful people on the server; withers tnt and destructive force galore? make something stronger. make nukes#i could go on#but its the way tubbo has always prepared for the worst. hes prepared and learned and prepared again its still never worked out#then he prepared with somebody else. looked towards the future not alone but with someone who would catch him when he fell.#would prepare for the things he did not. and then he died.#and tubbo wasnt prepared for that. but ranboo was. ranboo was banking on tubbo revieving him. bringing him back#but they never communicated on what exactly they were preparing for. they understood the need and want to do so. the itch. the just in case#but they never knew the what. the situation they were looking for. they filled and became each others blindspots#and the agony of finally not being alone and then they die. and once again it was out of yoyr control despite all the things you did to-#-prepare. to prevent. and still he is dead: your son is gona dn you are alone once again#tubbo has resigned himself to never having prepared enough. to always having at least one blindspot which will make it all for naught#yet he still prepares. still mines and tunnels and builds and towers and hoards. still does everything deapite the resignment#y'know. just in case#dream smp#dreamsmp#wilbur soot#tommyinnit#dsmp
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thursdayg1rl · 9 months
every night before i go to sleep i am consumed by burning hatred and chant i hate white women i hate white women i hate white women huddled in a corner of my room
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hella1975 · 2 years
the downside of being in a small town is 'ugh everyone knows everyone and i can't get away with anything' but the plus side is 'omg everyone knows everyone and no one else can get away with anything' like small town gossip solos any city shit you could try and match me with
#went to my piercing shop today that's done all my piercings bc my nose ring has been playing up and i wanted a new one#and i saw a girl ive not seen since pre-covid bc we did law together but she dropped it after a year#and she was so nice like we were friends but we werent exactly close but she recognised me straight away and hugged me and everything#it was so sweet#and i was like 'omg do you ever see any of the other law girls' bc being in that specific piercing shop i knew she'd run into our age group#and she was like 'yeah i literally saw [name] a few weeks ago!'#and for context [name] was like an absolute star pupil in every aspect of life#like she was minted she went to a nice school before college she was the smartest in our class she didnt drink#she was just perfectionist to a t and it was very frustrating for someone like me who's kinda all over the place lol#and from snapchat ive seen that she's been having a great time at uni#and i said that to this girl i was like 'oh [name] looks like she's having so much fun!'#and she got SUCH an evil grin like 'ohhh no she's not' AND PROCEEDED TO TELL ME SO MUCH SHIT SDJKHGKJDSH#i love harmless gossip i love bumping into people i like and finding out what everyone's up to i love being nosy#it was also quite a nice reminder that not everything you see on social media is representative#like turns out that girl has a real tough time at uni and i had it in my head that as usual everything was perfect for her#so yeah <3 small town shenanigans <3 it's not often i'll compliment my hometown but it has its moment#*moments
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notjanine · 11 months
i’ve submitted well over 50 job applications this summer. tell me why the one (1) position i’ve made the most progress toward is one i didn’t even apply for???* and THEN. yesterday. one of my preceptors from the internship i just finished emailed me out of the blue like Hey i'm gonna have an open position at my private practice soon, are you interested?** girl what the fuck is going on here***
#* i was interviewing for a part time gig and halfway thru guy was was like Oh we also have this totally different position you might like!!#(i'm two interviews in and it's got big pros and cons but it's full time with salary good benefits and great opportunities#but the job itself is not exactly my bag#but it also def wouldn't be a long term thing#the woman from the second interview said she'd have one of the current RDs in that role give me a call so i can ask more questions ab it)#** honestly a great opportunity but two things give me pause:#1. i really enjoyed my time with that rotation and my preceptor was SO kind and lovely but#it seemed like we were just communicating on different wavelengths. like i'd ask a question and then she'd give me an irrelevant answer.#she'd give me an assignment and it would take me two or three tries to get what she wanted.#it was all just slightly off. but maybe that's ok bc i wouldn't be doing ASSIGNMENTS if i worked for her. i would be seeing clients#and 2. the pay is weirdly not good. like SIGNIFICANTLY less than comparable listings i've seen#but i applied for all those and got rejected bc i don't have experience lol so maybe it'd be worth it for a little while#just to get my foot in the door#and i think it would be very flexible and i would start off with a small case load anyway so maybe i could just do it part time#while i do something else full time#bc tbh i also want to work as much as i can (without burning out) while i'm here in tx to take advantage of the lack of state income tax#and lbr if i learned anything from my internship experience it's that i hate being bored and i like variety#how great would it be to bounce between like inpatient acute care and outpatient counseling constantly. keep this brain ENGAGED!#*** the gatekeeping in this profession is unfuckingreal#like i KNEW this profession in particular was too much about ~networking~ and ~who you know~ but#i didn't think it would be this fucking bad
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cinnabeat · 1 year
hm i think the thing with tragedies for me is that like. it cant be obvious that its gonna be tragic you know? like with ph it played that textbook shounen story so well i was genuinely blindsided when someone important legit died like there had been deaths before but they were never like. the main characters or adjacents?? and then!! it just kept happening!! the jig was up!! and another thing is that the whole story was complete. i didnt have to wait months after agonizing months for the story to crawl by and basically my whole experience of it would just be Sad. since it was already done i could finish it in one go and actually appreciate it? and yeah its sad and tragic but like. that wasnt all of it. i didnt spend years of my life in the tragicness it was only like. a week or so lmao so while it hit me hard it didnt sour my thoughts(?) on it. idk if i explained that right but anyways now when i read a tragedy its like. either its super obvious and/or im not willing to spend so much of my time on a story thats still updating that is also gonna be sad as hell
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year
i don’t know if this is going to be a positive thing to hear or what but i am obsessed with your worlds worst target odyssey and i hope you continue sharing its all insane and incredible. have a good day and stuff
well see the thing is i quit like 4 months ago. so there’s not really anything new to share and there won’t be until i move back to california and pay that beast a visit to see if it’s still standing. but it’s all tagged with “#my job wrapped” if you’re feeling so inclined to take a horrible journey
#my apologies if you knew that already but if not basically the story is:#i worked there from august 2021 - february 2023. 18 months exactly to the day#and long story short i finally quit because my favorite lead left#because his husband got a promotion that meant they were moving to florida(the target in question is in los angeles)#and i was like literally take this job and shove it i ain’t working here no more#oh yeah and i had tried to get promoted just for the pay raise because i was trying to move out of my shithole apartment#but they couldn’t promote me because they already promoted too many people so they were basically keeping me on the back burner#until someone could be transferred and/or promoted out of the store#and there was like. no timeline for any of this shit. no real job description for this position they created for me that they could give me#and the idea of potentially having to stay in that apartment for 6 more months while i found a different job made me soooo mad#that i literally just put in my notice & came back to south carolina at the beginning of april so i could spend the summer with my hounds#and now i’m unemployed by choice until i go back to california. like a freak lol#but it’s like. i have a nice little chunk of savings i’d much rather spend my time & energy on things that matter#like WORKING OUT and REFAMILIARIZING MYSELF WITH THE ACT OF OPERATING A VEHICLE#which btw i couldn’t do at my shithole apartment because there was no parking#soooooo uh. Yeah!#oh wait you know what let me add the tag —>#my job wrapped
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paradoxgavel · 1 year
rewatchin midnight mass and the "remember you are dust and to dust you shall return" is. fuckin. hitting now that i know how it ends jfc
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