#oh youre obviously jealous of how we can connect with others and work together despite our differences🥺
randombook4idk · 2 years
yes, i like edward elric (03)
no, i don't like edward elric (mangahood)
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nerdzzone · 3 years
Only For A Moment: July
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Summary: A series of shorter one shots from Chris and Whitney’s life together throughout the pandemic. Some happy times, some harder times, some fluff and some things a little more sexy - they work through it all as they try to get settled in their new and blossoming relationship.
Chris Evans x OFC
Part of the Once Bitten/More Hearts series
Only For A Moment: June
July 2020
Chris was stressed.
It was understandable as he'd just launched his new endeavour - A Starting Point - but it was worrying me how anxious and overwhelmed he seemed to be. The feedback so far had been good, but he was still concerned about how it was going to be received and whether or not people would actually find it useful. He had several long, full days of interviews scheduled to promote it and explain what they hoped to achieve and, after the first week, he was exhausted which made him moody and withdrawn.
It didn't help that Grayson had quickly adjusted to having our undivided attention and was growing increasingly frustrated with his dad's busy schedule. The Friday after the launch, Chris promised him that he'd be done by bedtime so he could tuck him in, but technical difficulties got in the way and he was once again stuck in front of his laptop until well into the evening.
And that was where I found him, at almost nine o'clock, when I went to see if he'd be finished anytime soon. I'd poked my head around the door and saw him sat at his desk with his head in his hands and the sight made my heart ache.  Sneaking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"Hey," I greeted him softly. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine," he assured me, but the sigh that followed told me otherwise. "Just tired. It's been a busy week."
"It has. We've missed you."
My words weren't meant to add guilt to his stress, but I realized my mistake when he winced.
"Sorry," he mumbled, placing a kiss on my arm where it rested across his chest. "I did try to finish early today - I suggested we push the last interview until tomorrow when we hit the connection issues, but they weren't having it. Was Grayson mad that I missed bedtime again?"
"Not mad," I shrugged. "Just a bit disappointed."
Chris' head fell forward and his shoulders stiffened.
"That's worse."
"No, it's not," I insisted, squeezing him tightly. "He was just a little sad, but he got over it. I promised him that you'd do something fun with him when you weren't so busy and he accepted that."
"I was actually thinking of taking him to the museum to see the dinosaur exhibit," Chris admitted. "They just reopened, but he'd have to wear a mask."
"He'd love that," I smiled, knowing how much both of them loved their father and son days. We'd made an effort to give him more one on one time, but it was limiting when we hadn't been able to leave the house much until recently. "And I think he'd be okay with a mask. We can order one and get him to wear it at home for a bit to get used to it."
"Good idea," Chris nodded. "I can do that tomorrow"
"Or I can," I suggested, kissing the side of his head. "You're busy enough at the moment. And you're stressed, I can feel the tension in your shoulders."
Chris sighed again and I felt a pang of sympathy for him.
"I know. This project just means a lot to me. I want it to do well."
"And it is," I reminded him as an idea hit me. "C'mon, I know what you need to help you relax."
"Oh, yeah?" Chris smirked and I rolled my eyes as his mind had clearly gone straight to something dirty. "What would that be?"
"Probably not whatever you're thinking of," I informed him. "But there's some pizza left in the kitchen. Go have a slice of that and then meet me in the bedroom."
"Alright, I like the sound of this."
His smirk had grown and I swatted the back of his head as I slid my arms off of his shoulders.
"Don't be such a perv!"
He laughed and stood up from his chair as I shook my head and he pulled me in for a quick kiss before we headed downstairs and went our separate ways.
If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was run the perfect bath for relaxation. It had been my tradition every evening after I'd dropped Gray off at Chris' house - I would pour myself a glass of wine and take a bath, enjoying the opportunity for a long soak without the risk of Grayson interrupting. The bathtub in Chris' en suite made that indulgence even better due to it's size and depth and I'd taken advantage of it several times during our stay with Chris. Which meant that I had quite the assortment of bath salts and bubble bath to create the perfect bath for Chris.
The tub had just finished filling up when he walked in and I heard him chuckle at the sight.
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed."
"Oh, shush," I teased, turning around to face him once I'd turned off the taps. "This will be much more effective than whatever you were imagining."
Chris scoffed at that claim, a smirk firmly on his face.
"I disagree."
"I'm sure you do, but that's too bad. Now, strip."
"Ooh, I like it when you're bossy."
His comment earned another roll of my eyes as I crossed my arms and waited for him to do as I'd instructed.
As he did, I couldn't help, but stare. He seemed to be toning up even more during our quarantine and the sight of his perfectly sculpted body took my breath away every time I had the luxury of seeing it. He caught my gaze and colour flooded my cheeks as I knew that he'd seen me gawking at him, but despite the smug look on his face, he made no comment as he climbed into the tub.
Once he was settled with his head resting back on the edge of the tub, I sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and picked my phone up from where it was sitting on the counter. I unlocked the screen with the intention of replying to my mother who had messaged me while I was getting the bath ready, but a giggle slipped from my lips when I saw what was already open on my phone from earlier that day. Chris raised a questioning eyebrow and I debated whether or not to tell him about it. It had the potential to send his stress levels sky rocketing again, but if he thought I was hiding something from him, it would probably irritate him and ruin his mood anyway so I came clean.
"Hannah sent me a link to an Instagram account today that posts lots of gossip stuff," I informed him. "Most of it seems to be just random submissions, but they've been right a few times, I guess, so people seem to believe whatever they say now."
"And why did she send you a link to it?"
"Because apparently you're engaged."
I was smiling as I broke the news to him because obviously I knew it wasn't true, but Chris let out a groan of annoyance.
"Engaged to who?! To you?"
"No, to a mysterious blonde. Apparently, the person who sent in the message has a friend who spotted you picking up some takeout with this woman. Her ring was clearly on display and you were openly affectionate with her while you waited for your food."
"That's just a straight up lie," Chris huffed. "I don't know why people waste their time making this shit up and I really don't know why you bother reading it."
"It's not like I seek it out, but Hannah finds it entertaining to see what people are saying about us," I shrugged. "You have to admit that it's kinda funny. It sends everyone into such a frenzy."
Chris shot me a look.
"Funny isn't the word I'd use."
"C'mon, it's a little amusing!" I smiled, scrolling down to the comments. "Like, look, they're discussing whether or not I fit the description in case I just dyed my hair blonde. But then someone else says they saw me in L.A. two weeks ago, around the time you were with the blonde woman, so it couldn't possibly be me. They're like little detectives."
Chris rolled his eyes, but there was a reluctant smile on his face.
"Detectives aren't allowed to just make things up," he pointed out. "Unless you took a secret trip a few weeks ago that I didn't know about."
"No, I didn't," I laughed. "You have some very creative fans."
"I don't think it's my fans who write that stuff. It's probably other people trying to antagonize them."
"Well, it works like a charm. They go nuts trying to decide if it's true. I just wish they wouldn't get so mean about it sometimes," I admitted. "Like, some of them were saying how glad they were that you'd moved on from me finally because of how cruel it is that I ruined your life by trapping you with a baby."
The scowl on Chris' face instantly returned with that additional information and I scolded myself for saying it.
"I should have let Downey sue them all like he wanted to when it first leaked that you were pregnant," Chris huffed. "Then maybe by now these gossip pages would know better than to post shit about us."
"It would have just made things worse," I insisted as a smirk slid onto my face. "Besides, it doesn't really bother me. I'm the one sitting next to you while you lounge completely naked in a bubble bath while they spiral into a jealous pit of despair."
That comment earned me a laugh before he sat up a bit higher in the tub.
"Why are you sitting over there anyway?" He asked. "Get in here with me."
I smiled at his demand, but shook my head.
"This isn't supposed to be a sexy bath. You're supposed to be relaxing."
"And what better way to relax than to share a bath with the woman I love?"
A statement like that was hard to resist, especially as he grinned up at me from the tub with that amazing smile of his. I relented with surprisingly little resistance and rose from where I was sitting.
"I suppose that's fair..."
Putting my phone back on the counter, I turned so my back was to Chris. I could feel his eyes burning into me as he stared and I bit back a smirk. I quickly undid the button on the shorts I was wearing and slid them down my legs, bending at the waist as I stepped out of them. A noise of approval came from behind me as I stood up again and I shot him what I hoped was a sexy look over my shoulder before I pulled my shirt over my head. After slipping out of my bra and quickly pulling off my panties, I left them with my shorts and turned around with one hand over my chest to keep it covered until I was settled in the tub under all the bubbles.
"Wow," Chris grinned. "You're so fuckin' hot."
I giggled at his compliment, feeling a wave of self-confidence from my little strip tease.
For the past few weeks I'd been spending more time in Chris' home gym and I was feeling the positive side effects - more than just in my slowly developing muscle tone. We'd had a fight one night not long after our first pool day when I made some self-deprecating comments that rubbed Chris the wrong way. He scolded me rather harshly for always talking badly about my body and, while at first his exasperated reaction made me shut down, it eventually led to a very open conversation.
I explained that I wasn't just fishing for compliments all the time. I had some serious insecurities and - as analyzed by Hannah who was a very well trained psychologist - I tended to put myself down first before someone else could do it. I informed him that it wasn't just the body changes that come from pregnancy that bothered me, but the fact that I hadn't had much time to go to the gym since Gray was born - when he was with me, I was busy with him and when he was with Chris, I was busy with work.
He understood where I was coming from and reminded me that his home gym was available for my use any time I wanted, but insisted that I make sure I was doing it for the right reasons. He didn't want me killing myself to change how I looked when I didn't really need to, but I assured him that my motivations weren't all vanity related. Sure, I wanted to look good, but I missed feeling strong and healthy.
After our conversation, I’d started taking some time every day to get some exercise and the difference it was making to my confidence even after a few short weeks was huge. So, hearing Chris' praise now made me feel wonderful because I was actually starting to believe it.
"Thanks," I smiled in response to his compliment as I got settled in the bath tub. We were facing each other, my legs draped over his thighs so my feet were resting by his hips and my bum was between his shins. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together as he watched me with what could only be described as an adoring look. "It's amazing what a few weeks at the gym can do."
"Helps that you were pretty hot to start with too," he teased. "But I'm glad you're feeling more confident."
"Me too." I leaned forward to press a soft kiss on his lips. "So, are you feeling more relaxed?"
"I am," Chris nodded before letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry I've been so stressed out lately. I just want this whole thing to go well."
"And it is," I repeated my earlier assurance. "So far you've had a great reaction."
"For now," he frowned. "I just want people to actually use it and get involved."
"They will," I assured him, leaning in for another kiss. "Have I told you how proud I am of you? You're doing such a great thing, using your influence to try and make a difference. It's very inspiring."
"Well, I think you're too kind," he told me, trying to be humble despite the proud grin on his face. "Really, it's the least I can do."
"Nope, the least you could do is nothing," I pointed out. "But you're trying to help people and I'm so proud of you for that. I'm grateful that Grayson has a dad like you to look up to."
It appeared - for a brief moment - that Chris' eyes grew a little bit glassy, but he blinked a few times and they were clear once again.
"Thanks, Winnie." He paused to clear his throat. "That really means a lot and I'm sorry I've been so busy this week. I have one more podcast interview to do tomorrow morning and then I have a few days off."
"I'm glad you'll get a break, but you don't need to be sorry," I assured him. "Even though it has been kinda weird. It's crazy that a few months ago, we only ever saw each other in passing, but now I miss you when you're busy for even a few hours."
It was true. I had missed him the last few days and it did seem ridiculous when we used to go weeks without seeing each other and even then it was just briefly at a pick up or drop off. I'd been spoiled the last few months, having so much of his time. Now, seeing him every day wasn't even enough if I didn't have much of his undivided attention.
A brief flash of dread tore through me as I shared that thought with Chris because I knew this would all come to an end some day. We couldn't stay locked away in his house forever, eventually we would both have to go back to work and I knew it would make things harder. Some people found that the intense quality time was testing their relationship, but I was worried that we'd start to crumble as soon as we weren't together almost twenty-four hours a day. Once the world of Hollywood got it's claws back in Chris, I couldn't help but wonder where that would leave me.
But as always when those thoughts filled my mind, I did my best to push them away. It was likely still months before anything would change so there was no point in stressing about it now and Chris chuckled, bringing me back to the moment.
"Awe, you’ve missed me?"
His words were accompanied by a cocky smirk and I smiled despite my rolling eyes.
"Shut up."
"It's sweet. I never thought you'd be a clingy kinda girlfriend."
I wrinkled my nose in displeasure at that thought and shook my head.
"I'm not clingy!"
"Kinda sounds like you are," he pointed out. "Can't even get through a work day without pining for me."
"I wasn't pining!" I huffed, but he continued insisting that it seemed like I was. "Well, I was just about to suggest we get out of this bath, but now I think maybe you don't deserve what I was thinking of doing next."
"Get out? You just got in," Chris pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "What else have you got planned?"
Now it was my turn to smirk as I rested my hands on the side of the tub before pushing up until I was standing in front of him.
"A little extra relaxation," I told him, deliberately keeping it vague. "But I guess now, you'll never know."
I stepped out of the tub and grabbed my towel. With one last glance back at Chris who was still sitting in the bath, looking a mix of surprised and intrigued, I wrapped the towel around myself and left the bathroom - making sure to sway my hips a little more than usual on my way out.
I heard the water slosh as Chris leapt up to follow me and he appeared in the bedroom - towel around his waist and water dripping to the floor - moments later.
"Chris!" I laughed. "You're getting the floor all wet!"
"So are you," he pointed out. "But I don't care."
I hardly had time to take in his words before he strode swiftly across the room and pulled me against his chest. His hands gripped my hips so tightly that it undid my towel and he moved just briefly enough for it to fall to the floor. Once that was out of the way, he captured my lips in a kiss so fierce it made my breath catch in my chest.
I indulged for a moment, enjoying the feel of his hands roaming by body as his lips worked against mine, but then I remembered who this evening was supposed to be about. I pulled back slightly, just enough to trail my lips across his jaw and locked them onto a spot just below his ear as my hands moved to the towel around his waist. I could feel a slight bulge pressing against me - he wasn't hard yet, but it was clear that the anticipation was having an effect on him - and I untucked the towel and let it fall down with mine to give me easier access.
I heard Chris take in a shaky breath and felt him tighten his grip on me as I took him in my hand. Smiling against his skin and enjoying his little reactions, I stroked him until he was thick and full from my touch.
"Get on the bed."
Chris' tone was demanding and there was definitely a part of me that wanted to follow his instructions, but I resisted and moved my face away from where it was buried in his neck, shaking my head.
"No, this is all about you," I reminded him. "You need to relax."
He voiced a few protests as I kissed my way down his chest, but he fell silent as I dropped to my knees in front of him. His hands were clenched in fists by his side while I continued to gently stroke him, placing soft kisses on the top of his thigh, but when my kisses moved closer until my lips landed on his cock, his hands shot to grip in my hair. He wasn't forcing anything or trying to control my movements, but the sense of control that action gave him was something I knew he enjoyed and I smiled before getting down to business.
I licked him slowly from base to tip, making him shudder as I took him into my mouth. His hips twitched, pushing farther in and I did my best to accommodate him. Letting him slide slowly over my tongue, I stretched my jaw to get my mouth around his thick shaft. He always felt big - he was big - but this action made it even more apparent and I took as much of him as I could before sliding back up his cock.
Pausing for a moment to suck at the tip, I used my hand to stroke him as I lifted my eyes to look up at his face. His hand gripped my hair tighter as he threw his head back briefly, then returned his gaze to me and met my eyes. I smiled around his cock before letting my lips move farther down, taking him back in my mouth. Not feeling completely confident in my ability to deep throat someone of his size, I used my hand to cover the base and began to bob my head with renewed enthusiasm, spurred on by all the sighs and groans that were falling from his lips.
I could feel myself growing wet. His reactions, the position we were in, the slight tug of my hair - it was all overwhelming me and increasing the temptation to let him fall from my mouth, push him onto the bed and ride him until we both couldn't take it anymore, but I tried to stay focused as I worked his cock.
After a few minutes, I could tell he was getting close as his grip on my head began leading me more and more, a sign his self control was waning. That only spurred me on, but as his breathing shifted until he was practically panting and I could feel his thigh muscles tensing where my hand was resting, I heard a sound that would kill any mood.
Grayson's voice floated down the stairs. It was distant and quiet, but enough to make my blood run cold as I instantly pulled my mouth off Chris.
"Fuck," Chris groaned, a pained look on his face as I shot up from where I was kneeling. "Fuck, that kid has bad timing."
Gray called for me again, sounding slightly closer than he had before and I threw on one of Chris' shirts that was crumpled up on the bed. Luckily, it fit me like a dress and covered everything that needed to be covered.
"I'm so sorry, babe," I flashed him an apologetic look. "I'll take care of him and you can take care of that."
I gestured to his still very hard and throbbing cock and the poor man looked like he wanted to cry as I hurried out of the room.
Turns out, Grayson was just thirsty so after a quick drink of water, I tucked him back into bed. By the time I returned to our bedroom, Chris was fast asleep as he lay sprawled out, still naked on top of the duvet. It looked as if he had just collapsed onto the bed and even though he was asleep, his face still showed his exhaustion. I felt a flash of sympathy as I pulled the blanket off the back of the chair in the corner of the room and covered him up with it, placing a soft kiss on his forehead before climbing in to my side of the bed.
Tags:  @maggotzombie @moonlacebeam @mizzzpink @zaylaugh @flowery-mess @flowerjewels @njrronaldo7 @hockeychick10 @partypoison00 @theladybiers @sidepieces @firoozehmoon @patzammit @sparkledfirecracker @mytbel0st @chvntelle-99
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generous1ty · 4 years
hihi! may i request hcs of a male s/o singing makoto, nagito, and kazuichi (separately) to sleep? ty!! :]
hihi! ✨
super excited to get to write this! i dont see a lot of male!S/O representation, so i’m really happy to get to write for it. :)
lots of love. <3
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Makoto, Nagito and Kazuichi with a Male!S/O who Sings Them to Sleep
genre: fluff warnings: Male!reader, mild spoilers for DR:THH, chapter 1 and SDR2, chapter 4.
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Makoto Naegi
Makoto isn’t one to fall asleep easily. everything about the whole killing game has him very shaken, so his sleep schedule is, to put it nicely, all over the place.
it'll be a while before you're able to relax with him in his room, or let him go into yours. after all, he's still not too keen on having anyone in his room after Sayaka. you both hang out in other places, like the sauna or the game room.
he trusts you a lot, despite him being hesitant to have you in his room(which you don't mind, it'd understandable). your main hang-out place is the game room, as there are couches there to lay/sit on.
Makoto is very enthusiastic about your voice. whatever your talent is, he'll boast about your singing voice to others even if your Ultimate doesn't revolve around it(if you're comfortable with it, of course!).
hearing you sing for him, or even hum little songs is very endearing. he finds it cute and loves to hear it. it calms him down and helps him think straight, even when he's in a short/mild panic.
you invite him to lay on your leg/lap, as he's simply more comfortable that way. he likes to be babied, and caressing his head, petting/playing with his hair, or gently scratching his head while you lull him to sleep always succeeds in having him take a small nap. (or a well-deserved rest!)
the amount of times you both have fallen asleep in there... :D
when you're finally able to enter his room, he's a lot more relaxed and comfortable around you-- not that he wasn't before, but it's a frenzy of who to trust and who to not.
he likes to cuddle with you on his bed while you sing him a song. you're one of the reasons why his sleeping schedule has changed so much(for the better).
back to your voice again-- he literally adores it. he loves it so much!! whether it's on the deeper or higher side, you never fail to serenade him. always appreciates your voice and the effort you put into your singing for him.
if your voice cracks, he laughs about it. he's not making fun of you, but he finds it adorable and loves it a lot! if you hit high notes and get excited about it, he celebrates with you!
cares for you a lot, and you singing him to sleep has made him feel so much more safe in the school.
Nagito Komaeda
let's be honest, his sleeping schedule is fucked up but on purpose.
Nagito may be awake scheming something suspicious, or just laying on his bed. maybe he even reads a few books or has hobbies he does before sleeping!
whatever it is, he doesn't sleep well.
despite a whole killing game going on, he invites you to his cottage daily.
the first time you offer singing him to sleep, he definitely goes on his self-degrading rants about himself. how he doesn't deserve such kindness, that his sleeping habits are only a result of his own negligence and that you shouldn't have to care for trash like him.
you do it anyway because we don't like that kind of talk on this blog!!
probably cries when you first sing to him. it's just so calming and he feels so safe for the first time in a long, long time.
the fact that you're here with him, caring for him enough to help him sleep-- to use something you probably haven't shown anyone else but him--he feels right at home.
after your first visit, he probably goes to the restaurant in the hotel and says something like,
"oh, [Y/n]! i've been waiting for you to show up. you know, you're always welcome in my cottage like last night. so if you want to do what we did in there again... i wouldn't mind."
everyone would probably get the wrong idea because of the way he put it, but you're really just singing him to sleep. </3
he just leaves the restaurant after eating his breakfast.
everyone flocks to you, asking what happened last night between you and Nagito.
whether or not you share that you sang him to sleep is up to you! if you decide to share your hidden talent, let's just say Nagito would be just a little jealous..
it was his fault for bringing it up in the first place... but he knows better, because every night you sing him to sleep, not them.
he thinks of himself so lucky to even have the privilege.
he likes going into your cottage more, you singing while he breathes in your smell is calming x100. when you allow him in, he lays on your bed and asks you to sing for him(with cuddles, of course).
he likes it when your voice does a vibrato or hits high notes. it's pleasing to him and he just generally enjoys it.
i feel like Nagito would prefer higher voices more than lower voices. but despite his preference, no matter your vocal range, he just appreciates you singing to him.
to have the privilege of an Ultimate singing to him... he really is a lucky guy, isn't he?
Kazuichi Souda
sleeping schedule? what's that?
i doubt this man has a sleeping schedule either-- i mean, look at him when he made Minimaru.. he stayed up all night to make the tiny robot.
because of his Ultimate(and random brain surges of ideas in the middle of the night), when he sleeps is everywhere.
literally ranges from 10pm to all nighters. sometimes he's even up for days.
you're often invited into his cottage to help him make/fix his creations. you usually fall asleep when he's half-done with what he said he'd finish, then go to sleep(like, "i'll go to bed after i finish this part" kind of stuff).
you have to constantly remind him to sleep before you do-- and it's not until you've had enough that you drag him on to his bed and sing him a little lullaby.
it literally works, like, super fast.
almost scarily fast--
you're only 20-30 seconds in to the lullaby and he's already dozing off and falling asleep.
you only sang one lullaby, but he's out like a light. pinch him, open his eyes, blow into his ear-- no reactions. at all.
he probably forgets what happened the next morning. you're not there with him, and he's asleep on his bed with no memory of getting there.
what did his best man do to him..?
he asks you later once you both have free time, and you just straight up tell him,
"your sleeping habits are terrible, so i just-- thought singing you to sleep would work. it obviously did if you're looking better than you did last night."
yeah, btw he feels so refreshed, there's like no reason for it.
definitely asks you to sing him to sleep again. he's never felt so relaxed and clear-minded before! he feels like he can do anything!
as always, you both are at his cottage. you and Kaz have never shared a bed before, but once you start serenading him to sleep, you and him definitely snuggle together.
Kaz would also probably have a preference for higher voices. but like i said, no matter your vocal range, he's in love with your voice.
he just finds the fact that you want to sing for him at all so lovely. he appreciates it a lot that you'd go this far for him, and it's literally love-at-second-ish-serenade.
doesn't share that you have an amazing voice!! he wants to keep that to himself, because he's a little selfish.
he feels like this is the only connection you two really have, so exposing it to everyone would make him feel really sad. :(
but it's way more than just that, obviously!!
you're the only reason why Kaz would have a sleep schedule in the first place. relies on you to put him to bed or give him a small nap.
and you help him out so much-- not just with sleeping, but with his projects too.
is literally in love with you so, so, so hard
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silv3rswirls · 3 years
Pairing: Park Jimin/Reader
Summary: It seemed simple enough. The two of you loved each other so you should be together, but fate keeps you apart. With one last trip with you, Jimin is determined to change things. 
Warnings: Angst, fluff at times, cheating, emotional cheating, allusions to abusive relationships, mentions of smut (no actual smut scenes), heartbreak, toxic relationships, sad ending
Word Count: 4.6k
Music recs: Even If It’s a Lie | Leave Your Lover | Cover Me in Roses | love u | How Could I Have Known
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The silence between the two of you was thick as you watched Jimin from the corner of your eye. While he was humming quietly along with the music, you were sitting with a fit of dread and nerves weighing heavy on your stomach. You feel like you could vomit any moment and prayed it didn’t happen. You would rather not spill your guts in Jimin’s car, especially after he had been kind enough to plan all of this for the both of you.
You knew why you were so nervous. You just couldn’t admit your reasons to yourself, because if you did you feared your stance as a bad person would be solidified. Mingling around with guilt and dread felt better than actually facing the truth of what was happening. Jimin had given up his vacation time, planned a getaway for you, paid the expenses despite your protests, and even picked up with a pretty arrangement of flowers waiting for you. Yet, he was not your boyfriend. In fact, your boyfriend was still at home in Seoul, sitting pretty and under the impression you were on a girl’s trip, not sitting up with one of your best-kept secrets.
You had never meant for Jimin to become a secret, you had never even intended to befriend him, but fate had wiggled the idol into your life with force. Maybe life had intended you to break up with your boyfriend when it brought Jimin along, but obviously, that didn’t pan out well. Jimin and you had remained strict friends for a while, talking on and off, hanging out now and again when he had time. He knew you had a boyfriend and you knew he didn’t have time for a relationship, so it should have been so easy. Yet, one night through the pain of fighting with your boyfriend and a haze of alcohol, you had crossed the line with Jimin. 
Since that night you harbored strong, overpowering guilt for what happened, yet you found yourself unable to step away from Jimin. Jimin knew he was the other man, but he never seemed to mind. Never said anything, never threw a fit, and sure he got jealous from time to time, he seemed okay with it. After that night you and Jimin never took things to a sexual level again, in fact, you hardly even kissed one another. Most nights you would simply curl up in each other’s arms, talking through sleepiness and stress. Jimin seemed relaxed when he was with you, at peace. While you felt the warmth of his love and attention rather than the bored stares of your boyfriend. 
It wasn’t that your boyfriend was bad. He wasn’t, he was good- he was okay. You told yourself you loved him, forgave him for every argument and snide comment he made towards you. Jimin didn’t feel the same about him. He found the man rude and uncaring towards you, thought he was mean and didn’t deserve you. He knew first hand of it. Some nights you would come to him in tears, crying your heart out over how he treated you, or over the argument’s where he just yelled and yelled at you. How you felt so unloved and gross because of him and what he would say. It broke Jimin’s heart when your nights were spent like that. He would wrap you in his arms delicately with soothing whispers of how pretty you were and how much he loved you, that your boyfriend didn’t matter.
One night, after an especially emotional moment you had laid there with him, looking outside at the night sky and watching the blur of lights glow in the dark. Jimin, at your side as always, comforting you with soft nuzzles and caresses, brought up the idea of going somewhere together to get away. He was going to be on a short break before returning to prepare for their newest tour. He would be gone for a long time and he wanted to spend the weekend with you.
That’s why you found yourself here with him, stomach full of butterflies and nerves as you retreat into a more rural area, staying in a lake house with all the privacy you could want, as well as all the peace and fun the both of you needed. 
“Y/n, are you alright? You haven’t said much since I picked you up.”
You fiddled with the flowers laying in your lap, the crinkle of paper replying to him as you tried to muster up your words. “I’m just nervous Jimin.” You whispered, “what if he finds out I’m not with my friends?”
Jimin’s lips pursed as you mentioned your concern. “He won’t Y/n, and if he does, I’ll make sure he leaves you alone.”
“Try to forget about him, this is our weekend, right?” You nodded, resorting to looking down at the bundle of daisies in your lap. “Do you like them? They’re cute, just like you.”
“Thank you” you breathed, “I feel bad. I didn’t get you anything.” 
Jimin smiled, “you don’t have to get me anything, I’m just happy you’re here.”
The rest of your drive you felt a little better, but the guilt of running away with Jimin still sat in the back of your mind. 
When you arrived at the house you were met with a quiet, homey-looking place. Nature buzzing all around you, the sun reflecting off the lake and you even spotted a family of ducks waddling along the shoreline. You go out with your flowers and purse in hand, while Jimin goes to the trunk to pull both your bags out. “Here, you go in and look around while I get our bags” Jimin handed the key off to you before going back to what he was doing. You grabbed his phone from the front seat for him before wandering up to the front door, unlocking it, and stepping in. you slipped your shoes off and left your things on the entree way table, keeping your flowers in hand as you walked right into the living room, finding it open and connected to the kitchen. Simple furniture and decoration took up your view, large windows with their curtains drawn open, pretty art and decor- it looked modern but woodsy. It looked expensive.
“How much was it?” You wondered aloud as you heard Jimin setting some of the groceries you had brought on the counter.
“Don’t worry about that Y/n.”
“I could’ve helped pay as well Jimin.” You frowned, guilt clear on your face. “It isn’t fair since I’m staying too.”
“I wanted to pay, it’s no problem.” He assured you with a sweet smile. “Besides, he would’ve questioned where all that money went, right?”
“Oh…” Your shoulders dropped. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Jimin came up to you, clasping one of your hands in his. “I like taking care of you, so please don’t worry about it and have a good time with me, please?”
You put away the food while Jimin finished bringing your things in, setting them away in the bedroom and joining you as you finished up. It was a bit stuffy in the cabin, so you worked to open some of the windows, enjoying the soft breeze coming in. You found a vase to put your daisies in, not wanting the little flowers to die on you while here. Jimin spent his time unpacking just a little, pulling the essentials out and searching for his camera. Eagerly he came out to find you on the back porch, looking around the stretch of grass that led to the lakeside. You were leaning over the railing squinting through the sunlight as Jimin snuck up to capture a photo. You looked over, a bit caught off guard.
“I want to capture all our memories while here,” he explained with a smile. “Should we make dinner? It’s getting late now.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’ll be dark soon, so we can set up the bonfire too.”
You and Jimin opted to just make some Ramyeon since you were both feeling tired from the long drive here. Tomorrow you would make something especially good. You worked on cooking it, while Jimin worked on lighting the fire as the sun began to set. Once the food was done and you moved outside, sitting beside Jimin and watching the fire crackle as you ate and talked. 
“You’ll be gone for a long time.” You mentioned, now leaning into his shoulder as you both finished eating and took to relaxing in the cool night air. 
“Unfortunately” he frowned. “I’m happy to go back on tour, but it’s kind of sad I won’t see you for so long.”
“We’ll keep in touch the best we can” you assured him. You were nervous for Jimin to leave. Lately, it felt like he was your rock. Your boyfriend had been especially nasty the last few months and Jimin was always there to pick you up. You were worried about what could happen while he was gone.
“Maybe one day I can fly you out to see our show.” He thought aloud, “maybe even stay a night or two.”
“I’d like that” you smiled, ignoring the voice in the back of your head telling you it was impossible, that your boyfriend would never let you go. You felt Jimin move around, taking your waist in his arms as he pulled you closer into his chest to cuddle that way. You relaxed easily in his embrace, sighing in content. Your feelings of uncertainty had lessened since actually arriving here, spending the one-on-one time with Jimin without distraction helped. 
But your peace couldn’t last forever as your phone rang and you jumped up to answer it. Jimin tried to keep a tight grip on your waist, not wanting to lose his cuddle buddy as you broke away and answered. “Hey, yeah we got here a few hours ago.” Jimin turned his nose bitterly, you were talking to him. “Yeah, it’s just us girls, no guys in sight” you tried to laugh, but the anxiousness in your voice left it feeling awkward. “We’re just eating now...mhm. I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” Jimin sat up, hanging on for the moment you would hang up so he could get back to you with his affection, but he felt himself fall as you said, “I love you too.”
The phone call ended and Jimin was left staring at you with tight lips. You set your phone down and look at him, gnawing on your cheek nervously. “Do you mean it when you tell him you love him?” He asks quietly.
“He loves me…”
“That's not what I asked.” Jimin huffed, “he doesn’t love you.”
“He does-”
“Not the way I love you.” Jimin declared, “He wouldn’t belittle you if he loved you, he’d be kind and gentle, he’d treat you like the most important person in the world- like I do.”
“He means it when he says it.” You lie to yourself.
When it’s time to go to bed you help clean up while Jimin takes care of the fire. Your chest feels heavy as you do so because Jimin remains silent for the most part. 
Jimin wanted to sleep with you, curled at your side, but you tell him to wait until tomorrow night. He looks like a hurt puppy as you tell him, but he respects your wish and heads for the bedroom upstairs. You lay in bed that night, unable to sleep with the thoughts running through your head.
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You woke up the next morning determined to put the discomfort of last night behind you, not wanting to spoil the next two days you had with Jimin. You hopped out of bed, took a quick shower, and threw something light and casual on. The living room and kitchen were empty as you stepped out of your room, smiling at the rays of morning sunshine casting in through the windows. With the house deathly silent, you assumed Jimin was still in bed, which you didn’t mind. It gave you time to think about what you would do together today. Jimin had already blocked off some of your time to go exploring around the area, walk along the water and take in the quiet scenery. You were excited about that as well, but you had a whole day ahead of you. Tomorrow you would stay the day as well, leaving later in the evening to get home during the night. Today was your only full day and you wanted every moment spent with Jimin to count. 
So you made up some breakfast for the two of you, planning to pull Jimin out of bed when you were finished. You set the table up and pulled the vase of daisies over for decoration. Smiling to yourself you headed upstairs, knocking on Jimin’s door a few times before peeking in. “Jimin?” You called from the doorway, stepping into the dark room and moving to peel the curtains open. “Jimin, you should get up, I made us breakfast.” You called sweetly, gently tapping him a few times. Jimin merely hummed and rolled over as he struggled to open his eyes fully.
“Y/n?” He asked, voice heavy with sleep.
“Yup, it’s me” you laughed, “come on, you don’t want to waste the day sleeping, do you?” Jimin’s breath caught in his throat as he felt you pat his head and pushing his hair away from his face. His gaze though still tired, fell on you and his heart skipped a beat as his brain reminded him of the trip he was on with you. Waking up to your sweet voice and comforting touch sent butterflies down his spine and he couldn’t help but smile. 
Jimin got up and took a few minutes to get ready. He awed dramatically at the breakfast you had made, thanking you as he dug in. you ate as well, your mood souring when you remembered you hadn’t called your boyfriend as he told you. Your leg bounced with anxiety as you thought about running to get your phone, but the sound of Jimin’s little giggles and small talk kept you in place. 
By the time you and Jimin were ready to clean up and start the day, you had forgotten all about your phone and your boyfriend.
At first, you and Jimin lazied around a bit. Playing a few games and talking until Jimin finally grew impatient and pulled you to go for a walk. He held your hand as you followed one of the trails, watching the trees tremble as a warm breeze blew in. It was past noon, still sunny out and as quiet as usual; the only noise being the soft rustle of nature and twigs crunching under your shoes. It was pretty out, peaceful compared to the city. You wished you could have this kind of escape more often. 
Jimin leads the way through the forest trail, eventually leading you out and towards the lakeside. The sand is soft under your shoes as you look for things in the sand together. As promised Jimin had brought his camera, wasting no time snapping all the photo opportunities he saw. You walked the shoreline hand in hand, watching the water lull back and forth as the sun’s reflection twinkled through it. Birds chipped and sang and ducks swam along without a care. For the first time since arriving you felt like you truly didn’t have a care in the world. It was just you and Jimin here, enjoying the beautiful world hand and hand. 
You weren’t sure how long you were out there, it must’ve been hours as you watched the sun begin to set and a trail of pretty pastels painted the sky. The two of you were sitting on one of the docks, your arm wrapped around Jimin’s as you leaned against one another. 
“Y/n,” Jimin asked, voice quiet as he tore his eyes away from the sunset. You hummed in response, picking your head up to look at him. “You know that I love you right?”
“Of course.” You smiled, “I love you.” Jimin gave a nod, his eyebrows knit together as he seemed to be thinking deeply. “Is something wrong?”
“I wanna kiss you” he stated, thought a bit apprehensively. You hadn’t shared a kiss in so long, not since that night you crossed the line for the first time. Jimin had learned to be okay with it but being here with you, alone without the constant buzz of idol life and the fear your boyfriend installed in you, Jimin felt the need to kiss you. He loved you unashamed, and he wanted you to love him the same way.
He expected you to turn away with rejection, too scared to cross the line even just a little, but you surprised him. You leaned in to press your lips to his, leaving him with a sweet, quick kiss. Jimin was quiet, his eyes searching yours for felt like a lifetime before his hand cupped the side of your face. You leaned into his warm touch and he guided you back to his lips for a kiss brimmed with love and passion, adoration almost radiating from him. When you parted again you let him wrap his arms around you, your cheek pressing into his chest as he held you. With butterflies in both of your stomachs, you headed back as the night grew closer, hand in hand in comfortable silence.
That night Jimin stayed with you. Tucked warmly under the covers with his arm holding you tight as if he was afraid you would leave. You talked a little, less than usual but you didn’t mind. You were comfortable being with him. At some point, you shared more kisses, soft ones that eventually turned to needy, passion-filled ones. Hands wandered apprehensively on the other, ready to jump away if one of you objected and Jimin expected you to; but you didn’t. You flushed under his light touches and gentle gaze. His hands caressed you with care and for the first time in what felt like months, you felt loved. You couldn’t recall the last time your boyfriend had treated you with such care and love. Jimin was paying attention to you, kissing you like he meant it. It wasn’t selfish and cold, it wasn’t empty. You didn’t feel used, you felt good. Beautiful and cared for, loved as Jimin’s body pressed flush with yours. And when it was over he didn’t leave you, he pressed gentle kisses to your body and held you through the night.
The next morning felt like a dream when you woke in his hold. His face nuzzled into your neck and his arms warm and protective around your waist. You smiled, relaxing for a few more minutes before trying to wiggle free. Jimin hummed, pulling you closer. “Jimin” you muttered, “I wanna shower.”
Jimin huffed, pulling you down to place a quick kiss on your shoulder before letting you free. You disappeared, leaving Jimin to roll over and try to get comfortable again, only to be woken back up when the phone on the bedside table rang. Assuming it was one of the guys or maybe his manager calling to check in on him he blindly reached for the phone, answering with a lazy hello. The line was silent for a moment before a man’s voice asked where you were.
Jimin, still under the haze of sleep answered. “She’s in the shower.”
He didn’t catch on that it hadn’t been his phone he answered until the line hung up and he dropped it to lay back down. His mind nagged him, none of the members knew about you, let alone your name, so who had asked for you? In fact, whose voice had that even been?
Jimin realizes his mistakes when the text starts to roll in, your boyfriend sends message after message. Asking who the guy was and why he had your phone, asking where you were, telling you to come home, calling you names as he accused you of cheating on him, threatening you if you didn’t answer him. Jimin’s face grew hot as he skimmed them, but guilt immediately took over his emotions as he thought about what he would tell you. 
“Y/n I’m sorry.”
You had just stepped into the room, dressed and in the process of finding your hairbrush. “About last night?” You asked, worry heavy in your voice. Did he regret it?
“No- no I loved last night” he blushed, “but...your boyfriend- he called and I answered.”
His blood ran cold at the look on your face. An expression of pure panic-struck you. “What do you mean you answered? Why would you-”
“It was an accident, I thought it was my phone.”
“Oh my god” you breathed, “he knows, he has to know.” Jimin scurried out of bed, coming to your aid as tears began to flush your face. “Jimin- Jimin how could you, he’s going to kill me.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Jimin repeated, panic in his voice as well.
“No, it’s not!” You shouted, “you don’t understand-”
“It will be okay! I’ll make sure, he won’t hurt you- he won’t come near you!”
“You’ll come home with me instead, you can stay with me. He won’t find you, I won’t let him.”
“N-no, I can’t. He’ll just be angrier- things will be worse. I have to go home, apologize- make it better” your mind worked frantically, unable to keep to a straight line of thought.
“You can’t Y/n! He doesn’t love you, I do! I’ll make sure he doesn’t-”
“Please, I can’t Jimin. I can’t hear this right now.”
“Please, I need to leave.” Your voice cracked as you searched for your phone, the tears finally falling. Jimin paused, his heart constricted as he watched you fall apart before him. “I’m sorry...just...please.” Jimin didn’t answer, instead of pulling you into his embrace with glossy eyes. You sobbed into his shoulder, while he quietly shed his own tears. He didn’t want to leave, he wanted to stay here with you where he could have you to himself, where you were safe and happy.
But he knew he couldn’t.
When you finally settled down you both packed in silence. Almost robotically you collected your clothes and belongings alongside Jimin. The text and calls from your boyfriend never stopped, but you tried to ignore them. You just wanted to go home.
The drive was deathly silent. Sometimes tears would streak down one of your faces or Jimin would whisper that he was sorry and he loved you. You sat, head aching and fear eating your alive as the city grew closer and closer. Your flowers were in your lap, the daisies still in pretty bloom as they swayed, trapped in the vase. 
When the car stopped outside of your place, Jimin struggled to let you out of the car. He watched, worry sick in his eyes as you took your bag and rounded the car to his side. You stood, unsure of what to say as you clutched the flowers tightly. The time you spent with him, despite being cut short, had been amazing. The best of your life, should you tell him that?
“Y/n” Jimin whispered, “please, don’t leave me.” 
“I won’t.”
Jimin’s lip trembled because he felt like that was a lie.
“I love you, things will be okay” you tried to smile, but your eyes were brimming with tears. 
“Can I kiss you? One more time?” 
“I’m sorry.”
You weren’t exactly sure what you were sorry for. For leaving early? For not kissing him or because you hadn’t been able to go home with him? Were you sorry for ever meeting Jimin, pulling him into something so ugly?
Were you sorry because you loved him?
Jimin didn’t hear from you again. He waited for your message, assuming you would take a few days or maybe weeks to let things calm down before coming to him, but you never did. He tried texting, but couldn’t get an answer. He tried to forget it as the tour approached and he prepared to leave with the rest of Bangtan, who had no clue what had been happening with him the past year or so. They picked up on his changed behavior though. He seemed different, sad even. Despite asking what was wrong, Jimin never gave them an answer. The weeks past and Jimin worked to pull himself together as the date to leave came closer and closer, but still, he couldn’t completely erase the memory of you.
He loved you so much still. He worried for you, contemplated going to your place just to make sure you were alright, but he knew better. At night, curled under his covers and missing your embrace he thought of what could have been with you. How things would be if you had met under different circumstances, or if you had been able to leave that horrid man. He thinks about your smile and it makes him smile, he looks back on the photos taken that weekend often, a warm feeling in his chest as he thinks about holding you, kissing you, just being able to love you. 
He takes to keeping a small vase of daisies in his room, something to brighten the place up. Something to remind him of you.
The morning they were set to head to the airport, Jimin finished double-checking his bags, Taehyung, long done with his packing, sat with him on the bed musing about the part excitement and part dread he felt for this tour. Jimin hummed along mindlessly.
“Oh? When did you get that tattoo?”
“Hm?” Jimin looks up before checking his forearm. “Oh, that.”
“Yeah, what is it? A daisy?” Taehyung squinted, trying to get a better look at the small piece of art. “Why a daisy?”
Jimin shrugged, “makes me happy when I see it.”
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A year passes and Jimin learns to forget you, or he tries to. Some days he can’t stop thinking about it, while others he goes on as usual. But he still loves you deep down. 
Jimin hummed as he scrolled through his phone, waiting beside Hoseok for their coffee order to be called, trying to block out the chatter of the people around him. But a familiar voice hits his ear and causes his face to twist in confusion. He looks around, eyes scanning the place before landing on a small table pressed against the window. His throat runs dry at the sight of you sitting alone, patiently waiting. His heart thumps fast and he almost begins to make his way to you when he notices the man coming to join you with two cups of coffee. His breath hitches, so your boyfriend was still with you?
Call him selfish, but Jimin had hoped way back when that they had left you after the cheating was revealed. He imagined that they had left you to come running into his arms instead.
You don’t look very happy not like you were when with him.
Jimin thinks about going up to you but knows he shouldn’t and he feels the urge to cry. 
You were still so pretty in his eyes, despite how sad and worn down you appeared to be.
“Jimin?” Hoseok calls him, snapping the younger out of his thoughts as he rests a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” Hoseok’s face was twisted in confusion and concern due to the stray tears that had fallen down his friend’s cheek.
Quickly Jimin wiped them away and turned away from you. “I’m fine” he musters a smile, “just getting in my head I guess.” He mutters, trying to keep himself from sparing one last glance at you as he and Hoseok get their drinks.
It hurt, but Jimin left the small café, not looking back at you once despite the yearning pain in his heart.
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peggyrose19 · 4 years
Day 19: Soulmates
Jeez formatting this was a bitch. Advent for tonight is a little bit different, because the prompt was an accidental double. So, instead of being a sensible human being and just writing a different one-shot off it again, I decided I should get my O’Knutzy soulmate AU done instead, thinking it’d be fairly simple. Oh how wrong I was. Who knew writing an actual plot and developing a relationship was so hard? Me, but I started it anyway so really I did this to myself. So if it’s complete shit, I apologize in advance. Some day I will go back and edit and add to it. Characters by the always amazing @lumosinlove 
Summary: Finn and Logan were soulmates, and had been since the moment they were born. Both had a journal filled with messages to each other, given to everyone once they turned 18. When Leo turned 18, he opened his journal to discover something rather peculiar. What did one do with two soulmates?
Sorry the summary is shit, I suck at them :) Journal entries are in italics and text messages are in bold because tumblr won’t let me underline. Hope you guys enjoy, leave a comment and I’ll love you forever <3
Leo stared down at the paper in front of him. His mind had gone blank when he’d opened the book. His soulmate journal, given to him today, on his 18th birthday. He had imagined this going hundreds of different ways. It had consumed his every waking thought for the past six months at least, what he would say, how his soulmate would respond, the possibility of words waiting for him already. What he hadn’t imagined was the words from two distinct hands written on the pages. 
He thumbed through the book as word after word flashed by. Conversations flowed between these two people, going back nearly three years, according to the dates on each page. The handwritings were different. One was messy, scrawled, and Leo caught a few words of French here and there. The other was neater, script-like, and the ink was dark and consistent.
Unsure what to do, Leo began reading some of the journal. He had never heard of this happening before; he wondered if the other two knew. 
What’re you doing up, it’s nearly 3 am? was the first thing Leo’s eyes fell upon. 
Can’t sleep. What’re you doing up?
Reading. But that’s irrelevant. Go to bed. I’ll be here when you wake up.
Okay fine. Night, Fish.
Leo could feel the affection between the two, even just from those simple words. He kept reading, flipping back through conversations that felt too private for him to be reading. His eyes found the words “I love you” written in big stark letters, filling nearly half a page. He slammed the book shut.
What was happening? Why did these two already seem to have a life? Why were they in his soulmate journal?  He pushed back the tears forming in his eyes and slowly opened it again. Words began appearing on the page. 
Finn, you there?
A moment later, answering words appeared, Yeah, what’s up?
Shit day. Then, I miss you.  
Leo wasn’t sure how to feel about all of this. He didn’t know who these people were, why they were in his journal, what to make of the clear connection they had. The best way, he supposed, to resolve this was to see who they were.
Hesitantly, Leo grabbed a pen and set it to a blank page.
Umm… hi? one of them wrote back quickly, the messy one. 
Who are you? the other, Finn, added. 
I’m Leo, he wrote, unsure of what else to say. I just got my soulmate journal, he added. 
There was no answer for a while. Leo had just about given up when words began appearing on the page.
This is our journal. We’ve had it for about four years now. I’m Logan, by the way, he added. 
I’m Finn.
Uh, well it’s nice to meet you both. 
Neither Finn nor Logan were sure what to make of the situation. Finn grabbed his phone, watching Leo’s words spread across the page, telling them about who he was and what he’d discovered when he’d opened his journal for the first time that morning.
Lo, is it even possible he’s also our soulmate? Is that even a thing? He sent the message to Logan, turning back to the journal.
Leo, where are you from? he asked curiously. 
New Orleans, came the response. Born and raised. What about you both?
New York City, Finn responded right before his phone pinged. 
He pulled up Logan’s response. I’m not sure, maybe? I’ve never heard of this happening before but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t. 
Quebec, came Logan’s response in the journal a moment later. Leo answered, but Finn wasn’t paying attention.
He was focused on the message on his screen, mind running through all the soulmate stories and tales he’d heard over the years. He remembered his brother getting his, being ecstatic at the messages he’d received. His friends all getting theirs, writing excitedly to their soulmates from the first moment. Even his parents talked fondly about it, the two of them meeting after a year and already being in love. None of them had two soulmates.
But then, in the back of his mind, a memory surfaced. His grandmother, telling him a story, late one night when he couldn’t sleep, about her best friend from high school. She had had a girlfriend when they went off for college, her soulmate. When they connected some years later there had been a boy too. She had never questioned it. After all, this had been the 60s. People didn’t ask questions like that. 
But maybe it was possible. Maybe this could explain the hole that still seemed to exist between him and Logan, no matter how much they loved each other.
As the months passed, Leo slowly made it through the journal. Finn and Logan had both given him permission to read it, although initially he had been surprised. He barely knew these people, why were they trusting him with their deepest secrets? But Finn said that’s what a soulmate journal was for and so Leo spent each night before bed reading a few pages, getting to know his apparent soulmates better and better with each word. 
He learned that Finn was a year older than Logan, 23 now, and his birthday was in August. Logan’s was in December, four days before Christmas. He read page upon page about their siblings, Finn’s older brother and Logan’s three older sisters. He wondered briefly what it was like living with siblings. 
They’d met before, in person, two years ago, Logan flying from Quebec, where he lived, to New York City for New Years. Leo’s heart ached when he read that. He wondered what the city had been like, what it had been like when they met. 
He wished he could meet them. 
He learned the small things about them, too. Logan had a terrible sweet-tooth. He was French-Canadian and could speak it fluently. (Canadian French was very different from New Orleans French). He couldn’t dance to save his life, despite his sisters trying. Finn knew how to figure skate, but had switched to hockey early on. He still kept up with it.The only food he could make without burning was hot chocolate the way his brother showed him. Finn liked to feel useful, to make people feel better. He liked to read. He liked to write letters to Logan while he slept. And Logan would scold him for staying up late, then absolutely melt at the words written on the page.
Leo wanted one of those letters. 
By the time he reached the entry from his birthday, three months had passed. It was quickly becoming summer in New Orleans, despite it being only May. As he got to know his boys better, and they got to know him, Leo wished more and more that he could meet them, see them. He wished he’d known them four years ago when they first met. He wished they’d had that time together. 
He wanted them to fall in love with him.
Hey Le! Logan wrote cheerfully late one afternoon. Leo sat outside in the shade of a nearby tree, flipping aimlessly through the journal. He felt conflicted. But the nickname sent flutters through his heart. What’re you up to?
Not much, he replied. Sitting in the garden. What’re you up to?
You have a garden?
Leo chuckled. Yeah. I can see the ocean from here actually.
You can see the ocean?? Jealous. 
Yeah, it’s also 85 degrees.
Nope, I’m out.
That made him laugh again. That’s what I thought.
I just don’t know how you do it! It’s like a million fucking degrees there all the time. I would actually die. 
And it’s always a million fucking degrees below freezing where you live. 
….touché. Leo could sense his reluctance through the paper. He wished desperately to see Logan’s face in that moment, see the pout he undoubtedly was wearing right then. To kiss it away, maybe press him back against his bed…
No. He wouldn’t let himself think of that. Because if he started down that path there was no coming back. And he wasn’t sure he could handle that. 
Finn we need to talk 
The text came one day as Finn was getting ready for bed. He paused in brushing his teeth, typing out a response.
FaceTime in 5?
Sounds good
If he was being honest with himself, Finn had expected this a while ago. He had known it was coming, knew it needed to happen. From that first message, Logan laughed at something Leo had written. Finn knew in that moment he was gone. They both were. The only problem now was how to say it.
The ringing of his phone shook him from his thoughts.
“Hey, Lo,” he answered as the call connected. 
“What’s up?”
“We need to talk.”
“Yeah, I gathered that from your text.” Logan didn’t laugh, and that’s when Finn knew this was really bothering him.
“Logan, I know what this is about. It’s okay.” Logan’s eyes snapped to his face. 
“What- how?”
“Babe, you’re not exactly subtle. And, well, neither am I. I know it’s about Leo. It’s okay.”
Logan sighed. “I just- I know he’s our soulmate, obviously. But it still feels like I’m betraying you? How can I love both of you? How does that even work?” Finn’s eyes widened at Logan’s words. 
“You love us? Both of us?”
“Harzy, how could I not? You’re my soulmates. But it’s more than that. I love you for you, not just because of some match in the system. And I want us, all of us, to be together.”
Finn was quiet for a long time. Eventually, he said quietly, “That’s why we never made sense. Why there always seemed to be a, a hole. We need Leo to complete us.”
Logan smiled. “Exactly.”
Leo, you there? Finn wrote.  
Yeah, came the reply a moment later. 
We have something we want to tell you.
Hi Nut, Logan added hurriedly. Finn smiled at him through the phone screen. He wished he was there in person. He wished both of them were. 
Yeah, it’s me. Fish and I talked. About this, us. We want- 
“Don’t take my moment!” Finn scolded playfully. “Besides, no one can read your shitty writing, I would know.” Logan pouted, but let Finn continue. 
Sorry about that. What we were trying to say is that we want you. If you’ll have us. I know all of this is new for you, it is for us too. But we need you. You’re the missing piece of our puzzle, and we don’t work if we don’t have you. 
Leo read the words over and over. Silence buzzed in his ears. It didn’t seem real, that these two boys, who had been each other's for so long, now wanted him. His mind couldn’t make sense of it all, of the love he could feel even through the thin pages of his notebook.
Leo, you there?
I’m here, he managed. I just don’t know what to say. 
Good or bad? Finn asked cautiously. 
Good, he laughed. Of course I want you two, do you know how long I’ve wished for this to happen? 
Oh yeah? Tell us.
Okay, you don’t have to tell us. But please tell me you’ll come see us? I need to see your face. 
Please? Finn added for good measure.
Leo could have jumped up and down in that moment. Of course I will come visit. Of course. Then, a moment later, heart in his throat, he added, I love you guys. 
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baroquebucky · 4 years
a/n: here is the little Drabble i made based off these headcanons!! sorry if it’s messy i wrote this w no sleep LOL
Timothée rarely got jealous, mainly because you guys rarely went out, and anywhere you went everyone knew you were timothées and he was yours. The two of you always cuddling on each other or dancing together, looking like love sick puppies.
“let’s go to the party tonight! It’ll be fun mon amour i promise!” Timothée stood in front of the tv, blocking your view of the movie you were watching. Furrowing you’re bored you paused the movie, looking up at your boyfriend. “Timothée please, im trying to watch a movie” you pouted and he rolled his eyes, refusing to move.
“It’ll be fun angel! We can party with all of our friends and dance and get tipsy” he spoke, giving you a small smile. You groaned, knowing he wasn’t gonna stop until you gave in.
“Tim if you wanna go so badly then you should go! I wanna just stay in and watch some movies” you sighed, trying to shove your boyfriend out of the way, pressing play on the remote once again.
“what are you even watching?” Timothée sighed, plopping himself next to you and looking at the screen, quickly recognizing the movie. “Star Wars? You’re turning down a party for Star Wars?” He smirked at you and you smiled.
“it’s good! You just don’t care enough to watch it” You smiled shyly and he chuckled, quickly moving to cuddle up to your side. You glanced down at timothée watching the movie with little to no interest, mainly by your side only for cuddles.
“fine, let me find something to wear i guess” you mumbled, he quickly got off you, shouting in triumph and kissing you all over the face, “I’m not dressing up, all you’re getting out of me are some jeans and one of your old button up shirts” you replied sharply, and he only smiled, already swooning at the thought of you in his clothes.
As you quickly changed into the clothes timothée texted his friends, informing them that he would be on his way shortly, rushing to get changed while you did your makeup haphazardly. Timothée finished getting ready before you did, he sat on the couch and scrolled through his phone while he hummed along to the music coming from the bedroom. Soon enough you emerged wearing one of his silky button up shirts, tucked into some black skinny jeans and some white converse, you makeup was simple and you had barely put any thought into the outfit yet timothée still had the wind knocked out of him when he saw you.
“God you’re so fucking beautiful” he muttered, quickly getting off the couch and wrapping you in his arms, kissing your forehead as you blushed. Of course before heading out he took pictures of you, some of you in his arms in the mirror, setting them as your lockscreen and replacing the one of only him you had.
As you arrived to the party timothée was quickly greeted by his many co workers and friends, making small talk with everyone. Your fingers were intertwined and you smiled politely at everyone, suddenly feeling out of place considering you weren’t very close with anyone here.
As timothée talked to one of his friends you tried to listen to what they were talking about, quickly getting lost when your eyes wandered around the club, eyes landing on the bar. The conversation had shifted onto the topic of a possible casting, timothée was talking excitedly, letting go of your hand in order to move his hands around while he explained something.
Too shy to interrupt you quietly slipped away, heading to where the bar was and ordering yourself a water, slouching in the comfortable chair and closing your eyes for a bit, enjoyin the feeling of the loud bass vibrating throughout your body.
Of course until someone interrupted the immaculate vibe. “well hello” the young man spoke as he slid into the seat beside you. You didn’t recognize him, maybe he was someone’s plus one or just some rich person, you didn’t really care. “hi” you smiled politely, turning back and facing your water bottle.
“not in the mood for drinks?” He pushed and you shook your head, “didn’t wanna really come in the first place” you replied, facing the man as you talked so you didn’t seem disrespectful. He gave you a sympathetic smile.
“Im sure you’ll have a great time” he replied, scooting closer, you gave him a small smile. “nah i doubt it but you know how it is” you chuckled nervously, drinking some more of your water, looking around for timothée.
“did you come alone?” He pressed, his hand brushing against your arm, you quickly moved it out of his way. “No I’m here with my boyfriend actually, timothée chalamet? You know him? Academy award nominee?” You spoke, boasting about your boyfriends status in hopes of scaring him off.
“I’ve heard of him yeah, must be an idiot to leave you alone though” he smirked, you felt your stomach drop.
“he can be dumb at times but he’s actually very smart” you defended, heart racing.
“ma cherie! There you are” timothée laughed breathily as he approached the two of you, you let out the breath you were holding, smiling at your beautiful boyfriend.
“timothée! I was just talking about you!” You smiled, he wrapped his arms around your waist, immediately sending your discomfort, he kissed the top of your head, and stared at the man next to you. “All good things i hope” he joked, the man simply rolled his eyes.
“how about you and i get out of here for a bit? He obviously disregards your needs, can’t imagine what he’s like in bed” the man snickered, his hand reaching for your thigh.
Timothée was quick move infront of you and grab ahold of his wrist, holding it tightly mid air. “You make one more move and you’re gonna regret it buddy” he spoke in a low voice, his jaw clenching as his grip loosened.
You quickly got out of the chair, timothée stood in front of you, blocking you from the mans view. The man rolled his eyes, mumbling something you couldn’t hear. What you did hear though was a low growl from timothée before his fist connected with the mans face, his nose bleeding.
“Timothee!” You screeched, hands flying over your mouth. The man stumbled back, a small smile on his face, “that’s all you got? You punch like a bitch! Just like your little toy!” He laughed, spurring timmy on, of course he fell for it, punching him once more, which caused the man to fall of the ground, wincing in pain.
Timothées cheeks were flushed in rage, “don’t you fucking dare talk about her like that” he growled, his voice low and intimidating. His posture was much more tense now, enough to intimidate anyone in the room. Despite the lack of muscle on him, the way timmy carried himself exuded powerful, people moved out of his way when he walked, some too scared to look into his eyes until he became his shy, sweet self. But right now there was no trace of the person who chuckled every other word because he was nervous.
He grabbed the man by the arm, lifting him up quickly, you could see the bruise forming on his cheek, “apologize. Now.” He demanded, the man quickly rushed out an “im sorry” timmy let him go, the man stumbled back before running towards the exit.
Timmy turned towards you, his face softening the moment he saw you. “Oh baby I’m so sorry i left you alone” he spoke softly, quickly pulling you into his chest and hold you tightly. He pushed you off him slightly, looking over you to see if anything was wrong with you.
“it’s okay I’m fine angel” you smiled back weakly, now realizing everyone was looking at the two of you, you shifted uncomfortably under their gazes, timothée quickly took note.
“how about we go home okay?” He smiled softly at you and you nodded, he grabbed your hand and the two of you left quickly, not saying goodbye to anyone.
You let the cool New York air hit your flushed skin, letting out a small sigh as you headed to the car. “Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?” He asked, looking at you with concerned eyes.
“you were so invested in your conversation and it was a potential role, i don’t wanna hinder your career” you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Timothee stopped walking, looking at you in disbelief.
“what?” He looked at you puzzled, you sighed and looked up at the sky before looking back at your boyfriend. “Timothée youre surrounded by people who are famous and worth millions, you have friends who actually know what it’s like to live like you! I have no idea what that’s like and it makes me feel so out of place when we go to things like this!” You replied anxiously, afraid of how he would retaliate.
“out of place?” he emphasized, brows furrowing as his eyes scanned your face for a moment.
You quickly crossed your arms over your chest, shifting your weight onto one leg, “yes out of place, i don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about half the time, I’m not famous like you! I’m just kinda there while you guys discuss all your actor things, obviously im gonna feel out of place” you huffed.
Before he could even reply you turn away from him, beginning to walk to the car, “just forget it lets just go home” you spoke, walking quickly to the car and leaving your boyfriend dumbfounded behind you.
After a couple seconds timothée caught up with you, processing what you had said and thinking back to all the things he had unintentionally disregarded you next to him while he spoke of acting, directors or other things regarding his career.
He remembered how the one time you had taken him to a little party for your work he had gotten upset because there you were talking with your co workers about who know what, and he stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do and just wanting to go home.
Suddenly it was like he was being flooded with emotions; guilt, sadness, anger, and a mix of emotions he couldn’t describe.
You were waiting for him in the passenger seat already, he quickly got in the drivers seat, not turning the car on yet.
“mon amour im sorry that you felt like that, i should’ve realized sooner what i was doing” he spoke, looking at you, his eyes were soft and he had a small frown on his face. You sighed and looked at him, giving him a tight smile.
“it’s fine let’s just go home” you sighed, he shook his head quickly. “no! it’s not fine! I’ve been so careless and i just disregard you all the time and i don’t even realize! what kind of boyfriend am i? Im so sorry baby” he spoke, running his hands through his hair as he looked at the steering wheel.
“timothée i know you don’t mean it, you just get really passionate when you talk about acting, its sweet at times, just not when I’m surrounded by a bunch of famous people” you chuckled softly and he smiled a little.
“how can you just forgive me like that” he spoke, a smile on his face while he gently shook his head. You shrugged your shoulders, “i know you never meant to, and plus the moment you realized that i was uncomfortable you always do something to include me or we just go talk to someone else” he giggled a little, because yeah he accidente cut off one or two of his idols for the sake of your comfort.
“and plus, no ones ever punched a guy in the face twice for me” you smirked and he groaned, a little smile on his face. “you’re never letting that go huh” he chuckled, you shook your head and he let out a sigh, turning the car on.
“in my defense he very much deserved it” he quipped, a grin playing on his lips and you smiled at the curly headed boy, your heart swooning at his soft expression.
Yeah, timothée had some flaws, but the moment he realized he had them he tried his absolute best to fix them. Especially if they hurt your feelings because he loved you so much he would punch any guy any day for your sake.
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justanotherlifeff · 3 years
Tumblr media
You hated Bakugou Katsuki with every single fiber of your body. Yes, at the moment, you were running around on the streets, trying to find the site at which Bakugou was currently fighting a villain. You had finally taken it upon yourself to stop the angry blond from ruining his reputation any further by intervening whenever he had to deal with the press. Which basically meant, you had to track him during his patrols, find out where the hell he is fighting a villain and be there to stop him from running his mouth. Thanks to that, the press has now recognized as ‘the mom assistant’ as the news articles said, much to Bakugou’s irritation.
“Bakugou-kun!” you yelled, catching the blonde’s attention as he was close to starting an argument with the reporter talking to him. “Why the fuck do you always have to butt in?” Bakugou yelled at you, clearly furious, possibly because of something the reporter said. “Well, cause you need to keep your mouth in check!” you snapped at him before smiling at the reporter and saying, “Sorry sir, we’ll have to cut this short” and pulled Bakugou out of the crowd. “Stop pulling me dimwit!” Bakugou barked, yet letting you take him away despite his ability to yank you off. “Well, do you think Deku-san is gonna yell at reporters? Why do you think you never cross him at the popularity poll? Fan votes aren’t everything you know. We both want you to be the number 1, Bakugou-kun” you lectured him, something that worked every single time somehow.
Bakugou only let out a small grunt in reply, liking the fact that you always told him that you wanted him to be the number 1. In fact, he started the argument with the reporter only to have you lecture him. He had been causing way more trouble for you than usual just to hear you say how much you want him to be the number 1, since his ego, which was as big as an entire dinosaur, did not allow him to just ask you to praise him. Little did he know, it only made you more overworked, more frustrated with him.
Yes, you were absolutely hopeless on how to deal with his PR issues. The fact that you had a rather personal connection to his antics did not help either. You were wondering whether your plan to spend more time with him was a mistake, but, you did not have the heart to stop all that meaningless cooking sessions, which were not really cooking sessions anymore, but more like just hanging out together at your apartment, watching random stuff on the TV while eating whatever food he helped you cook up. Sometimes, he would ask you to show up at his regular gym with food and you would just wait there and watch him work out. The two of you would talk, and sometimes he would help you work out as well since “you can’t possibly protect yourself with that noodle arms dumbass!”.
You were at home, at 12am, thinking about possible solutions to handling a way more troublesome Bakugou, when you got a call from the team leader of his PR team. “What the fuck did he do again?” you wondered as you picked the call up. “What did he do now?” you asked, frustration clear in his voice. “Check Chargebolt’s Instagram. We are currently contacting his PR team to take down the post but seems like Chargebolt hacked into it pretty well. I’m surprised that someone as dumb as him was able to do something like that. I need you to find Bakugou and Chargebolt and get rid of the post before any further damage is done.” Was all he said before hanging up. “Damn, it must be bad…” you muttered as you got into Chargebolt’s profile. And damn, it really was bad.
The picture was of a very drunk Bakugou, who was smiling smugly at the camera. However, that wasn’t the bad part. The bad part was the two girls on both his laps, two girls who had claimed to have slept with Bakugou in the past, something you had a hard time handling, both as an assistant and as someone who was unfortunate enough to be in love with Bakugou Katsuki himself. “OH, HELL NO! NOT ON MY WATCH!” You gritted your teeth, obviously tired of his bullshit, as you slipped into some decent clothes and ran to catch the train closest to the address of nightclub that his PR team texted you about.
As soon as you reached, the bouncer stopped you, as he thought that you were a random civilian trying to get into the heroes only club. “I’m Bakugou Katsuki’s assistant. I’ve got my ID card. I need to talk to him urgently.” You told him, showing your ID card. “I’m sorry ma’am, I’m not allowed to let anyone who’s not a hero in.” the bouncer answered calmly. “Well, then I’m sorry about this.” You muttered before making a run towards the entrance, without giving the bouncer the chance to catch you. For once, you were thankful to your brat of a boss for making sure you had the stamina to run fast, thanks to tracking him all over the city for the last few months.
Thankfully, you found him quite fast, still with those two obnoxious fangirls as you charged towards him. “BAKUGOU FUCKING KATSUKI, WE NEED TO FUCKING TALK!” You snarled at him. “Damnnnn, you get all the hotties don’tcha Kacchan?” you heard Chargebolt laugh from a chair nearby, having a drink. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Bakugou asked, not even hiding the blush as he found you being angry immensely attractive. However, you were not looking at him at the moment. In fact, you were glaring so hard at Kaminari that if you had an eye lazer quirk, he’d be dead five times over.
“You, delete that fucking post. NOW!” you scolded the now scared lightening hero. “Damn… Okay okay I’m doing it jeez! You’re scarier than Bakugou wtf?” Kaminari chuckled nervously as he deleted the post with shaky hands. “Good. I’ll make sure your PR team gives you hell if you pull any shit like this again.” You gave the nervous man one last glare before directing all your wrath to Bakugou.
For once, he was smart enough to ditch the fangirls, knowing very well that pissing you off now would not end well, no matter how hot you look at the moment. “You, are coming with me.” You told him quietly, venom in your voice. The bouncer finally found you at that moment and tried to apologize to Bakugou about letting you in, however, Bakugou muttering a small “it’s fine” to him told him all about you in an instant. The pro hero never spoke quietly, which only meant that you must be important enough to interrupt his night.
“You’re too drunk to drive. Gimme your keys.” You muttered as you got out of the club with a rather tame looking Bakugou. “You can drive?” he asked, to which you snapped, “Just cause I don’t have a car doesn’t mean I can’t drive, asshole!”. To that, he simply handed over the keys to his Lamborghini to you, which you used to unlock his car and get in. Bakugou got into the passenger’s seat and after a brief moment of uncomfortable silence, he asked, “So, where are we going?” to which you answered, “your penthouse.”. “How the fuck do you know my address?” he asked. “I’m your assistant, Bakugou.” You answered, not looking at him.
The rest of the ride passed in a tense silence as you finally reached the parking lot of his penthouse. After putting his car in the designated area, you decided that enough was enough. You did not want to deal with these feelings anymore. You did not want to deal with situations where he looked at other women the way you wanted him to look at you. You decided that you should rip the bandage then and there. “Bakugou, I wanna quit the job. I’ll bring the resignation letter tomorrow.” You muttered.
To say that Bakugou was in shock was an understatement. “What? What the fuck? Why?” he asked, not hiding the hurt expression on his face. “I can’t take this anymore. Do you even realize how much trouble you cause? Why did I have to show up at a random high class night club today, run from the bouncer, shout at another top pro hero to delete YOUR picture with some random women all because you can’t keep it in your pants? Why do you constantly cause all that PR nightmare? It’s only gotten worse since I started cooking for you. One moment, you try to show up at my home to hang out for no reason and then you go through all the effort to make life harder for me. What do you want from me, Bakugou? Have I done anything wrong? Honestly, this is exactly why Deku is the number 1 hero and you’re not. If I were Deku’s assistant, he wouldn’t have….” Your voice cracked but you were stopped by Bakugou.
“You’re not his assistant. Don’t fucking say good things about him. You’re mine, (Y/N). Not Deku’s, not anyone’s, but mine.” Bakugou growled possessively. “I’m not yours, Bakugou. Those girls you sleep with on a daily basis, they are yours. I don’t want to be with someone who fucks around with random women who throw themselves at them.” You snapped back and for once, Bakugou realized that he messed up.
At the beginning, Bakugou always did as he pleased as 1, his fans loved whatever the hell he did and 2, he got his dick wet so basically, it was always a win-win situation for him. After you fell into his life (quite literally), he found out that he should do as he pleases as 1, again, his fans loved whatever the hell he did and 2, his overinflated ego wouldn’t let him confess his feelings towards you, which is why, it started as him trying to deny his feelings by fucking someone else and later, when he realized that it wasn’t working, he stopped the fucking, but pretended that he didn’t stop it, assuming that you would get jealous and confess to him first. However, now he realized that he judged the situation completely wrong.
“I won’t change what I said, (L/N). You’re mine. I’m saying that, considering everything you just said to me.” Bakugou answered after a brief pause. “So, you’re trying to tell me that you did not sleep with anyone.” You asked him with a deadpan expression. “I stopped two months ago. Pikachu posted that picture because I asked him to. I wanted you to think that I didn’t stop. You can ask all my friends about it.” Bakugou muttered, looking clearly embarrassed. “And why the fuck would you want me to think you’re fucking around?” you asked him, clearly confused. “So that you confess first…” Bakugou muttered, looking away in embarrassment.
The two of you sat there in silence before you busted out laughing. “OI! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT?” Bakugou yelled at you, his face completely red, making you laugh even harder. “My God, you’re such a tsundere!” you somehow choked out before wheezing due to laughter. Bakugou just sat there like a sulking child till you were done laughing.
“So, you’re mine. That’s settled right?” Bakugou asked you grumpily, as soon as you caught your breath. “You know, out of all the ways I expected you to ask me out, this was definitely not something I expected, and yet, somehow, this sounds exactly like something you’d do.” You chuckled softly. Bakugou only grunted as an answer. A rather comfortable silence fell between the two of you before it was interrupted yet again by Bakugou.
“So, you didn’t say if it was settled or not.” He grumbled. “Yessir, it’s settled.” You answered. A moment later, he asked again, “So, you’re not leaving the job, right?”. “Nope, I’m not.” You answered. Another brief moment later, he demanded, “Tell me that I’m better than Deku.”. “I will, if you behave.” You answered with a smile, to which he replied, “Fuck you”. “Well, then I won’t call you better than Deku” you answered with a sickly-sweet smile, making him pop a vein on his forehead. “Say it!” he barked, only to have you reply, “Deku is better than…” before you were cut off by a kiss.
You absolutely hated Bakugou Katsuki. Yes, you totally hated the fact that he won your heart. Right.
Taglist: @bonbonthedragon @the2ndl
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aperrywilliams · 3 years
Maxcer HC/Blurbs: Mike Davis
Another one for Maxcer HC/Blurbs/Mini-fics! I’m working on the requests that have been sent to me so far. This one is a little longer.
Request: “Blurb request: Max and Reid and they encounter one of her ex-boyfriends who is total opposite of Reid. Thx.”
Word Count: 1.5k.
Warnings: Spencer being insecure and with lack of confidence. Jealous Spencer.
After what happened with Cat Adams, the name “Mike Davis” didn’t come up again between Max and Spencer. Until it did, three months after that. They were in Max’s apartment eating pizza and watching a movie when in a scene, the characters started to talk about their past relationships. Max didn't bring the topic before because she knew about Maeve: after his release from the hospital, Max took care of Spencer for a couple of days, and one of those nights, he had a nightmare naming Maeve. Then he told her what happened. To say Max was shocked after hearing the story was an understatement. But Spencer didn't know much about Max's past boyfriends, so he asked. Max thought for a moment before answer.
“I haven't had many serious relationships in my life, but I guess the most important was Mike,” she said. Spencer narrowed his eyes, searching the name in his brain.
“Mike Davis?”
“Yeah. Well, I guess that's why I remembered his name when that psycho asked,” Max acknowledged.
“And why you both...?” Spencer wanted to know what happened, but he didn't want to invade Max’s privacy.
“Oh. You know, it wasn't easy. We lived together for five months, and in the beginning, things were like a honeymoon. We were so in love. For me, he was everything I wanted in a man. A lot of confidence, good-looking, connected to the art’s scene, charming. I know, an old-fashioned stereotype. But, things didn’t work in the end,” Max shrugged.
Spencer saw Max talking about Mike with some kind of nostalgia, so he knew the man was someone important in her life despite things didn't work out between them.
The days and weeks went by. Spencer and Max were feeling head over heels for each other. They spent a lot of time together, and both were more than okay with that. Everything was working so well that was unusual for Spencer. He wasn't used to be happy for more than a couple of weeks in a row. And now he was feeling like a teenager - the teenager phase he couldn't experience back then.
One night, after came back from a case, Spencer invited Max to dinner in a restaurant. They were having a good time after no seeing each other in five days. At some point, Spencer excused himself to go to the bathroom. When he returned, he saw Max talking with a man sat by their table. Spencer noticed two things studying the guy: he was obviously good-looking, and he was wildly smiling at Max. He approached the table and cleared his throat. Max and the man turned to see him.
“Hey,” Max greeted, smiling. The man looked at Spencer, frowning. Spencer did the same, taking his seat beside Max.
“I’m sorry if I took too much time,” Spencer apologized.
“No worries, baby. Well, let me introduce you. Mike, this is Spencer Reid, my boyfriend. Spencer, this is Mike Davis... we - we dated for a while,” Max said, not so sure about if it was the appropriate way to say that.
“C’mon, Max. ‘A while’? We lived together,” Mike corrected, extending his hand to Spencer. “Mike Davis,” he repeated. Spencer felt a heat rising in his body and a twist in his guts.
“Dr. Spencer Reid,” he introduced himself, extending his hand as well and shaking Mike’s.
“A doctor, uh?” Mike remarked. “Since when are you keen for the academia, Max? I thought you hated that,” Mike interjected casually. “This girl is a free spirit deep inside. She always complained about my unorganized lifestyle, but I know she loved it,” Mike teased.
“Mike, please. I don't think you know what you are talking about,” Max complained.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was joking. Please ignore me, doctor Reid,” Mike faked an apology.
Spencer could tell that the guy was an asshole, but he couldn't deny why girls feel attracted to him. A young man, good-looking, green eyes, with a charming smile. Long blond-haired. Toned pectorals behind his tight shirt. Casual clothes, according to his age and stature. And exuding a fucking huge confidence. The opposite to him: tall, lanky, with disveleshed hair, body barely toned. He always dressing in vests that make him look like a nerdy professor—and better not talking about his lack of confidence and constant insecurity. Yes, Spencer has improved on that, but Mike Davis was years ahead of him.
“Okay guys. I better go now. I don’t want to interrupt your dinner anymore. Was good to see you Max. Nice to meet you doctor Reid,” Mike said goodbye and left the place.
Max looked to Spencer searching for a reaction or comment. She knew Spencer profiled Mike for sure, but Spencer didn’t say anything. They finished their dinner in awkward silence.
“Are you okay?” Max asked after they paid the bill. Spencer nodded.
“Yes. I am,” he said.
No, he wasn’t. In his head the image of Mike Davis disturbing him. He was so different from him. The most annoying sentiment for Spencer was that Mike seemed a better match for Max than him. That only meant that his days of happiness were soon to end.
They left the restaurant and walked to Max’s apartment. When they arrived, Max knew something was off with Reid.
“Do you want to come up?” she asked. Spencer, with his hands tucked in his pockets, shook his head.
“No. I think I better get going home.”
“Oh. Okay,” Max wanted to ask him what was bothering him. She was clever enough to have a clue: Mike Davis. But she didn't know why Spencer was acting like that. Nothing extraordinary happened besides Mike being an asshole.
“Bye,” Spencer kissed Max’s cheek and turned to go home. At that moment, Max decided that she would not stay like that without knowing what was happening.
“Doctor Reid. Stop right there if you want to see me again.” Spencer stopped in his tracks and turned to see Max. “Now, you're going to tell me what’s wrong, and don’t tell me that nothing is wrong because you would be lying. I know I’m not a profiler, but I can tell.” Spencer gulped and approached her. Max folded her arms over her chest. Spencer sighed.
“Okay. It’s silly, I know, but I couldn’t stop thinking about if ours is... could be, in the future... I know! We said taking things slow, but... Why are you interested in me? I’m not even close to Mike Davis! And he is ‘all you wanted in a man’” Spencer quoted her words of months prior. Max’s eyes softened. In front of her, a nervous Spencer. Her heart ached knowing how confused he was. Spencer started fidgeting with his hands. Max took one of them in hers, trying to soothe him.
“I know. I look pathetic,” Spencer scoffed.
“None of that. Hey, listen to me. Please, Spencer, look at me,” Max asked. “It’s true what I said before: Mike ‘was’ all I wanted in a man. But time taught me that I wasn't going anywhere with that. Yeah. He said I’m a free spirit. Would you call free spirit someone that has her weeks and months all scheduled in a planner?” Spencer chuckled. “And I’m comfortable with that. Yes, I have my artistic side, but that was never a scene for me as it is for Mike. And I’m happy with that.” She cupped his cheek with one of her palms. “And I’m happy with you. You’re different from Mike, and thanks to God you are!” Spencer looked at Max mesmerized.
“You’re telling me that for not hurt my feelings,” Spencer mumbled, trying to sabotage himself.
“Look at me in the eyes. I’m lying to you?” Spencer did so and didn’t see any sign of deception.
“I like you a lot, Spencer. And I’m so eager to know you better and to share more of me with you. I don't need a Mike Davis when I have the chance to know and be with Spencer Reid. You’re my present Spencer. And I want all of my present time with you. And if the future comes and you don’t get sick of me, why not share the future?” Max’s voice was soft and Spencer could have melted in the spot. But before that, he cupped Max’s cheeks and leaned to kiss her. A sweet and deep kiss that Max reciprocated instantly. When they parted, both were smiling.
“That’s an appropriate kiss, you know?” Max teased. Spencer chuckled.
“I know. Thank you,” Spencer mumbled in her lips.
“For being honest with me. For being you. For coming to my life,” he leaned and kissed her again.
“I would say the same. Now, doctor Reid, are you really leaving me alone tonight? After no seeing us for five days?” Max asked, frowning. Spencer cleared his throat.
“Of course not. When did I say that?” he faked ignorance. Max laughed.
“That’s what I thought. Come on genius; we have a lot to catch up.” Max said, winking at him and grabbing Spencer’s arm. They both walked inside the building, hand in hand.
Now, Mike Davis was definitely in the past for both of them.
Permanent Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine @andiebeaword @calm-and-doctor @mind-of-a-girl  @katelynnwrites
Maxcer’s Army: @dreatine @andiebeaword @ironwoman18
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kiras-sunshine · 4 years
I’m gonna hold onto your heart for sure
Written for day 3 of  Carlos Reyes Week: “well, that just happened” + friendship
“It’s not out of obligation or anything like that,” he says immediately, “we are friends, no matter what. Besides, you’re basically part of the team, like an honorary member of the 126.” 
on ao3
Carlos is surprised to find Paul, leaning against his blue Camaro outside the police station when he finally gets off from shift.
The sun is already setting, painting the whole yard of the police station in golden light.
Paul’s face lights up when he spots him near the doors, and he gives him a small wave. He has changed out of his uniform, but he is still wearing dark pants and AFD t-shirt.
He tries to go through in his mind if he has forgotten any plans they might have made when he walks up to the car and him. He cannot come up with anything, but he is still glad to see him.
“Hey, everything okay?” He asks, mostly out of habit. He looks fine and he guesses he wouldn’t be grinning that widely if something atrocious had happened.
“Yeah,” he agrees and claps his hand on his shoulder. “Just checking up if you’re moping like a lovesick puppy,” he jokes.
Carlos flashes a smile, but he shakes his head as he glances their shoes. “I’m not.”
TK had to leave up to New York to attend his cousin’s wedding. He had been invited too as a plus one, but he couldn’t get four days off from work, and TK had assured that he was completely fine going there alone too, but he misses him.
It has been three days, which is ridiculous considering how much he wants to see him and longs to have him back in Austin. He cannot remember when he would have missed someone this much, and it almost terrifies him a little.
Obviously, they have been texting and calling, but it still isn’t the same thing.
“TK seemed pretty miserable when I called him,” he shrugs, with innocent smile, “just saying.”
He just huffs at that, amusedly, as he tries to fish out his car keys from the pocket of his jeans.
“Also, it’s family dinner today, so I’m picking you up. Well, I don’t have a car ‘cause Marjan just dropped me here on the way to supermarket, but still, the point stands.”
The 126 has created a tradition of having a proper, full-scale dinner once a week. The time and day changes, adapting to their shifts, but they never fail to have one. Owen has dubbed it as a family dinner for team bonding reasons. He has attended it a couple times with TK, but he feels like it’s a quite accurate term.
The crew definitely is a family, and they care each other a lot and deeply, and there is so much love and affection in the air when they don’t have to worry about getting called to scenes, and they always have each other’s backs.
He is almost a little jealous of the bond they all share.
He lets out a small laughter and fidgets with his car keys. ��That’s nice but you don’t have to--,” he starts, but Paul is gesturing him to stop talking.
“It’s not out of obligation or anything like that,” he says immediately, “we are friends, no matter what. Besides, you’re basically part of the team, like an honorary member of the 126.”
He would be lying if he said that hearing that wouldn’t make him feel fondness towards the entire team and it makes him feel cared for and a little special. He knows he generally gets along with people well and he has no issues making friends, but he has been missing Michelle and he appreciates it more than he can say that he has become friends with everyone in the team and they aren’t just tolerating him for the sake of TK.
“Okay,” he agrees.
Spending the evening with friends and eating a proper dinner definitely beats his plans of cleaning his apartment and ordering takeout.
“Yeah,” Paul laughs and before Carlos knows he has been pulled into a tight hug. It’s surprisingly comforting hug despite the fact that it’s short and brief.
“Well, that just happened,” he says, and there is a certain edge of uncertainness that wasn’t there before, with apologetic expression when he lets go off him. “Sorry, got carried away.”
“Hey, we’re friends, friends get hugged,” he tells him, immediately, resting his hand on his shoulder.
He isn’t maybe the most tactile person in the world, but sometimes it is easier to say something through touch than words and he firmly believes in hugging.
“Yeah,” Paul agrees, softly and his grin is back and already brighter. He nods towards his car. “Let’s go. Cap won’t like if we are late.”
Carlos isn’t sure if his stomach hurts because all of the food he has eaten or because of all the laughter. The food was delicious and there was way too much of it, and they had been talking about everything that came to mind. They had been sharing anecdotes of work and what their lives had been like before they arrived in Texas and the firehouse.
The 126 is back on shift in a couple of hours, and the whole team, except Owen, has sprawled on the couches, trying to survive their food comas. Judd and Mateo are talking about basketball, deep in their conversation and Marjan is showing Paul some video on his phone, and they all seem content in the moment, and the whole room is filled with laughter and chatter.
Carlos smiles as he looks at them, but his phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. He quietly slips away and walks towards the doors to get some more privacy. It’s basically all for nothing because the firehouse been built so that privacy is almost non-existent. Especially with this particular team.
“Hey,” he says, when the video call connects and he sees TK’s tired, but beaming face on his phone screen.
“Hey,” he says back, but tilts his head and squints his eyes at him. “Is that a fire truck?”
He turns his phone a little, so that he gets a glimpse of the bright red side of the truck. “Yeah.”
His grin gets wider. “Missing me that much?“
“Yeah,” he breathes out, with genuine laughter, “also Paul dragged me to the dinner.”
“Oh yeah, the family dinner. I should’ve remembered,” he says, as he runs his hand through his hair, making it stick up slightly. “That’s nice.”
“It is,” he says, sincerely. “I wish you were here with us.”
It’s nice that he is, in their eyes too, his own person outside of their relationship. He knows they are close, and they still keep complaining when they will grow out of their honeymoon stage, but he still knows how to be his own person and he doesn’t feel less whole without him. He feels that together they are something more, but not lacking otherwise either.
“Me too,” he admits under his breath, “we do have pretty great friends.”
It feels like an understatement but it’s still true. “Yeah,” he says, nodding. The corner of his mouth twitches into a gradual smile. “Your dad promised to teach me how to bake a sugar free key lime pie.”
It makes him laugh, and it’s such a beautiful sound and he would gladly spend rest of his life listening to it. His eyes are glistering with what looks like happiness. “He doesn’t teach just anyone,” he points out. “Kitchen is like a sacred place for him. He certainly hasn’t taught baking to anyone I have dated.”
“Yeah,” he says, rubbing his neck.
He likes Owen, and he feels like they would get along even if he wasn’t dating his son, but it is sort of a big deal for him that he seems to like him, too. He knows he doesn’t need anyone else’s approval, but he still loves the fact that all of them just took him in as one of their own.
“Also,” he starts, and points at the screen with grimace on his face, “his sugar-free key lime pie is terrible. It tastes like flour, so good luck.”
“Ah, I’ll just make the others eat most of it. Practice the fine art of guilt tripping,” he deadpans, but it is getting impossible to hold back the smile.
“Good strategy.”
“Your dad misses you, too,” he points out softly, “he had a baby pic of you on the dinner table.”
He had placed the framed picture on the spot that he usually sits on. It had been mostly a joke, a way to boost the team morale, but he had noticed how many times Owen had glanced at the picture during the dinner. The picture had been of TK, barely standing on his own, grabbing leg of a table and he was wearing orange overalls and grinning as widely as a one year old can.
TK groans, and he cannot help but chuckle. “It’s on the wall now. According to them, they have put it high enough so you cannot take it down when you get back.”
“I hate them all,” he mutters, but there is no heat behind his voice.
“You were a cute baby,” he adds, just because he can.
“I wasn’t,” he insists, “especially if it was the orange overalls picture.”
“It was, but I guess I have to ask him to show me the entire photo albums,” he says, mostly just teasing him and mostly because he genuinely wants to see the photos.
“Please don’t,” he says, but the amusement shines through his voice. “He would love it.”
It would probably take hours, but he might do it one day when he has time.
“How’s the wedding?”
“Good, it has been nice seeing everyone,” he tells him, sounding genuinely happy. Carlos knows he hasn’t seen his mother’s side family in years. “It would be more fun if you were there. They all keep asking about you.”
“I’m sorry for not making it,” he says, gently.
He would have loved to go with him, but the wedding had seemed a little like a last-minute thing for him, and the invitation had come in mail just a couple weeks before and there was no way he could have managed to change all of his shifts.
“Hey, I didn’t mean it as a jab,” he remarks, softly.
“I know.”
“It’s mostly just funny. I head a bunch of my aunts talking and doubting if you’re even real because you sound a little too perfect, and that if you’re real, how did you end up with me,” he explains with a huff, but his voice sounds amused and there is certain mischief in his eyes.
“You could tell them that I’ve a very specific type,” he jokes, because he can feel the warmth creeping up on his neck.
He knows how to accept a compliment, but perfect definitely isn’t a word he would associate with himself, let alone expect a bunch of people he has never met to describe him as such.
“What would that be?”
Before he has any chance to answer, he spots Judd walking towards him and he claps both of his hands on his shoulders and flashes a smile at the phone screen. “Rude green-eyed firefighters who don’t let their family know they are calling,” Judd quips into their conversation.
TK is laughing again, but he is definitely delighted to see him, too. “I feel like you can find twelve of those in a dozen.”
“More like once in a lifetime,” Carlos murmurs, as rest of the team swarms in and forms a sort of half-circle around them. He knows TK hears him, because he holds his gaze, and his face softens. His smile is tiny but genuine and he feels like it’s only reserved for him.
“Ugh, you’re too sappy,” Marjan complains, but she ends up sounding mostly fond.
Carlos tries to hold up his phone high enough that he manages to see everyone. They keep waving at him, and he looks genuinely touched. “I’m glad you’re there.”
“We are glad to have him,” Mateo pipes in.
“We miss you,” Paul adds, “but we think we like Carlos better,” he says, deadpan.
“Cannot blame you for having good taste,” he shoots back, with a wink, and suddenly the warm feeling in his neck creeps back up.
“At least he knows how to cook, unlike certain someone,” Marjan says, with a glare that doesn’t linger on her face.
“Hey, the casserole I made last week was edible,” TK argues.
“Yeah, kid. Edible, not good,” Judd says with deep sounding laughter.
“It made my stomach feel funny,” Mateo admits, sounding a little distraught.
“Even Buttercup didn’t eat it,” Paul reminds him.
“Y’all are so ungrateful,” he says, with mock exasperated sigh as he stares beyond his phone, but amusement doesn’t disappear from his eyes.
Carlos knows that TK’s culinary skills are common joke for them, and he can admit he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near kitchen and unfortunately, he had gotten the leftovers of the casserole too. It had been dry and tasteless, but he still he had eaten it.
“I wouldn’t have eaten it if it wasn’t made by you,” he admits, too.
“Ah, blinded by love,” Judd says, shaking his head.
“You’ll end up with food poisoning,” Marjan tells him, as she pokes him in the arm.
Before he has any chance to reply, TK looks like he is listening to someone speak in the other end of the call. He flashes them a smile. “Sorry, I gotta go. Carlos, I love you. The rest of you are okay, I guess,” he jokes in a light tone, and his smile is so wide and genuine that it definitely reaches his eyes.
His crew fake exasperation around him, but they all end up erupting in laughter and keep telling TK how much they miss him before they manage to actually end the call.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
The Love Curse
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Request: Yes / No Could you do a Ginny Weasley x Male Slytherin Reader? R is Snape son and despite him being a Slytherin and Snape son, he gets really along with Ginny. Over the years he would develop unrequited feelings for Ginny just like how his dad Snape did with Harry’s mom lily. Later something happens with Voldemort and R sacrifices himself to save Ginny and Harry from him and that’s when he confesses to her. (1/2) R does not die but is instead in a coma for a few years. Ginny would visit R everyday in his room at the hospital and check up on him in the hopes of one day R waking up and also to talk to him and not make R feel alone. When Hope is almost lost, R wakes up and has some memory loss. She helps R with rehabilitation and also to help him gain old memories. In that time together, they fall in love and begin a relationship and later get married and start a family. (2/2) Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Ginny Weasley x Male!Snape!Reader
Word count: 1417
Warnings: talk of death 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My Father warned me about love. He told me about how he was absolutely in love with a girl while he was at Hogwarts and how she chose someone else. He met my Mother years after he graduated and although he loved her, she wasn’t the one that he truly loved. My Mother understood this, but they lived happily together until she died. Now I was going to Hogwarts and my Father was worried that I would fall to the same fate. At least he didn’t need to be worried about what house I would be in. I got placed into Slytherin just like both of my parents. 
The first week I had become friends with Ginny Weasley, something my Father wasn’t extremely happy about. Normally I would try and please him and do as he asked, but I got along with Ginny like no one else. I just couldn’t give that up. Years went one and I found myself under the same spell my Father fell under with the Gryffindor girl in his year. Ginny is so independent, forceful when needed, energetic, quick-witted, and funny. She was the perfect girl. Her brothers were obviously wary of me because of who my Father is, but her parents seemed to be accepting of me. I was shocked that my Father even let me go to the Weasley’s house over the summer.
Soon the threat of Voldemort grew horribly. My Father was pretending to work with him, he made sure I knew that. He ended up becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts and the conditions weren’t the best. People were upset with me because of my Father’s action. Worst part was I wasn’t even sure if Ginny was one of those people. I knew she didn’t share my feelings since she was pining over the great Harry Potter. I was jealous, but I didn’t hate him. That’s why when Voldemort showed up at the school I did something most would probably see as stupid. He was fighting Harry and I noticed Ginny was trying to pull him back into the school. Voldemort saw this and went to take a shot at them. 
“No!” I shouted and jumped in front of them, taking the hit. I’m not sure what kind of spell it was, but it was painful. 
“Y/N!” Ginny shouted and rushed over to me. 
“Run…” I choked out, but she shook her head with tears in her eyes. 
“I won’t leave you.” She said. 
“You’re too caring.” I chuckled. 
“You’re gonna be fine.” She said, looking down my body. 
“I need to tell you something before I go.” I whispered and gently reached up to caress her face. 
“I have loved you since year three. You’re just so perfect and I’ve always wished you looked at me the way you did Harry.” I said and felt myself starting to slip away. 
“Hey, stay with me!” She cried. 
“Goodbye…” I whispered and shut my eyes. 
Ginny’s POV
Y/N wasn’t dead! He ended up in a coma and I went to his room every day. The nurses told me that I should talk to him so I would fill him in on everything. I told him about how I started playing for the Holyhead Harpies and how much fun it was. I told him how Harry became an Auror and met a nice witch that he was starting a family with. I talked about how Ron had left his job as an Auror and went to work with George at the joke shop, and about how him and Hermione were now married. I told him about how Hermione was working for the Ministry. I even told him about how his Father was killed during the war...
It’s been years since he went into a coma and the doctors wanted to take him off life support. They said we should give up hope, but I just couldn’t! They told me I could have some time to say my final goodbyes. So here I was sitting in the seat next to his bed that had become familiar to me now. I grabbed his hand and tears immediately overflowed. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N…” I whispered and gently gripped his hand tighter. I thought I felt him squeeze back, but that was probably just my mind playing tricks on me. 
“That curse was meant for me, you shouldn’t have taken it!” I sobbed. I placed my head in my hands and started crying. That’s when I heard a groan. I stopped and looked up to see Y/N sitting up and looking around confused. 
“Y-Y/N?” I asked. Was this a dream? Was this really happening? 
“Huh?” He asked. 
“You’re awake!” I said with a huge smile and hugged him. 
“Who are you?” He asked and I pulled back, looking at him in shock. 
“It’s me, Ginny, Ginny Weasley.” I said. 
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are. Are you sure you’re in the right room?” He asked and before I could answer his doctor walked in. 
“Oh… You’re awake…” The doctor said in shock. 
“Why are people so shocked about that?” Y/N asked confused. 
“Y/N, you were in a coma for three years.” The doctor said. 
“W-What?” He asked in complete shock. 
“I feared that if you woke up this would happen…” The doctor sighed. 
“Do you know any other people that he might have been friends with? We can connect your minds and allow each of you to share your memories with him.” The doctor said and I nodded. 
“I’ll call everyone I can think of.” I said. 
“We can start today with you if you’d like, I just need to run some tests first.” He said and I nodded. 
“Of course, any way I can help.” I answered. I left the room while they were running tests on Y/N and I started calling everyone. 
Everyone agreed to help and I was so relieved. I was the first one to start and they connected our minds so I could help him remember. I showed him every memory we had together and that’s when I noticed all the sweet things he did for me and no one else. 
Everyone else showed him their memories throughout the month. Harry and I waited to show him the two memories we were worried about. Harry showed him how his Father died and it messed Y/N up a bit. It took him a week to recover from that memory. That’s when I showed him the memory I was worried about showing him. We were back in the war and Y/N had just taken the spell that was meant for me. I rushed over to him and my eyes blurred with tears. 
“Run…” He whispered in pain. 
“I won’t leave you.” I said, clinging to his shirt. 
“You’re too caring.” He chuckled.
“You’re gonna be fine.” I said, I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.  
“I need to tell you something before I go.” He whispered and caressed my cheek. 
“I have loved you since year three. You’re just so perfect and I’ve always wished you looked at me the way you did Harry.” He said and started closing his eyes. 
“Hey, stay with me!” I cried, finally letting my tears fall freely.  
“Goodbye…” He whispered and his eyes shut for good. We got out of my memories and Y/N looked at me shocked. 
“I-I remember…” He said and I smiled. 
“I would hope so, we showed you every memory we could.” I said with a nervous laugh. He grabbed my hand and gently caressed my cheek like he did that night. 
“I don’t know how I could ever forget you.” He whispered and started leaning in with his eyes closed. I closed my eyes and closed the distance between us. It was perfect. 
The next few years were an adventure. Y/N came to all my matches and cheered me on. But when he proposed after the most recent champion game I knew I couldn’t play forever. I made the decision to retire and focus on starting a family with the man I loved. A year after I retired I got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy that we named after Y/N’s Father and my brother. Severus Fred Snape. Everything was going perfect after all the mess we’ve been through. We got a perfect ending and I couldn’t be happier. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​  @therealchoni​
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backtothestart02 · 4 years
Hazy - 5/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: It’s finally here! I hope you enjoy!!
Commissioned by @andie1223
*Many thanks to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Chapter 5 -
“Stop squirming,” Linda ordered, and he tried again to stand still. “Everything is going to fine.”
She took a step back to inspect her handywork, then smiled.
“There. Your tie is perfect.”
He looked over her ensemble again, a plunging neckline, sparkling navy, and interminably high shoes. Shimmering diamonds glistened in her ears. Her hair was swept up in an updo. She looked absolutely gorgeous, but all Barry could think was that it was coming on too strong.
“Are you sure that is the dress you want to wear?”
Linda frowned and looked down at it. “Yes.” She looked up at him. “I want to show Scott what he’s missing.”
“Right. I get that. But um…”
“But what?”
“Well, it is still a work event.”
“It’s a gala, Barry Allen. Yes, Iris and I will be working the floor trying to snag quotes from people of importance, but there will be hors d'oeuvres and dancing and live music. I wouldn’t be surprised if Iris wears something just as daring.”
Barry felt his ears get hot. The image of a form-fitting dress with a plunging neckline and thigh-high hem made his pants tighten. It hadn’t been that long, but he already ached to get inside her. And it wouldn’t be long, if he was her fiancé. But he wasn’t. Which meant if Iris wore something daring, it would be for Eddie, and that made his blood boil.
“Hello!” Linda snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Earth to Barry?”
He blinked and looked down at her. “What?”
She shook her head at him.
“Are you ready for this?”
“Yeah, of course,” he lied through his teeth. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you’re a terrible liar and haven’t seen Iris in the – what has it been – two weeks since your fight?”
He frowned. “It wasn’t a fight,” he lied again.
She raised her eyebrows. “Whatever you say, Mr. Allen.”
She straightened his tie one more time, grabbed her clutch and started to head for the door. With a restrained sigh, Barry followed, only to be stopped in his tracks by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He frowned and fished it out, his eyes going wide when he saw who was calling him.
“Who is it?” Linda asked, and he saw she was staring at him a little impatiently when he looked up at her.
“It’s Iris,” he said and saw the look of panic cross her face as he raised the phone to his ear.
“No! No, no, no, no, Barry Allen, do not answer that phone! We have not talked about what you’d say if-”
“Hey, Iris,” he said into the phone, trying not to sound too excited as he swatted Linda’s following form away from him. He walked down the hall into the bathroom and shut the door, so he could continue the conversation in private.
“Hi, Barry,” came Iris’ smooth, soft voice. “Am I…Am I interrupting something? I thought I heard a voice in the background?”
“Hmm? Oh, that was nothing. Just a silly commercial. What’s up?”
He tensed when he heard the low scoff on the other end of the line.
“Iris?” he asked cautiously.
“What’s up? What’s up? Barry, what’s up is we got into a fight two weeks ago, and I haven’t heard from you since.” Her voice broke. “Do you really not want to be my friend anymore?”
Barry’s heart sank.
“Did you…Have you called me?”
He’d never have ignored one of her calls, even if he was in a mood when he last left her.
“No…I was expecting you to call me.”
He frowned. “What for?”
“To apologize!”
He felt tension building inside of him.
“For what? For not wanting to date someone else when I’m still in love with you?”
“Barry,” she warned.
“I’m not going to apologize for that. I can’t.”
“How about telling me flat out you don’t want to be my friend anymore, Barry? How about apologizing for that?”
“How can we be friends, Iris? Tell me. Your husband has more or less issued a restraining order on me. He suspects you’re cheating if we’re even in the same room together!”
She sighed, aggravated. “That’s why I suggested-”
“I don’t regret a single thing I did on your wedding day,” Barry said, even though he still couldn’t remember the event except with flashes here and there. “That kiss was worth risking everything.”
Silence filled the other end of the line.
“Look, I have to go. We can talk about this…some other time.”
“Goodbye, Iris.”
He hung up the phone, took a couple deep breaths, washed his face and opened the door, only to find Linda standing there with her arms crossed and the look in her eyes all-knowing.
“I know…I know…” he started. “I shouldn’t have taken the call.”
She shook her head at him. “Tunnel vision. Completely.” She looked his miserable self over and appeared to relax. “You’re forgiven, obviously. Ready to go?”
He nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They made their way down the hall and out the door. Linda locked up and shut the door behind them.
“Want to talk about it?” she asked once they got outside and were in her car.
He shook his head. “You were right about one thing, though.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“It was a fight.”
She winced. “I’m sorry, Barry.”
“Not your fault.”
“No, but…I compared our situations as the same, and yours is definitely much worse.”
He shot her a glare as they got inside the car.
“Thanks,” he said dryly.
“You’re welcome,” she said, beaming as she started the car.
Looking for traffic and finding none, Linda turned onto the street.
“Jealous vibes, here we come.”
Barry leaned his head back in his seat and looked out the window.
“Here we come.”
The gala was a glittering spectacle if Barry had ever seen one. The hall was huge with high ceilings and subtle but tasteful decorations from an array of sparkling, little lights to blooming flowers perfectly placed around the room. The aroma of hors d'oevres and champagne filled the air, and the people gathering were all dressed to the nines.
“Still think I dressed out of place?” Linda teased beside him.
He managed to smirk as he looked her over again.
“No, I guess not.”
“Hey, look, there’s Iris!” she whisper-yelled to get Barry’s attention.
“Where?” he asked immediately.
“Over there. By the flowers on the far side.”
“But she’s alone.” He frowned. “You said she’d bring Eddie with her.”
Linda frowned too. “I thought she would.”
Standing away from everyone else in the corner, Iris looked spectacular but miserable. Her shoulders were slumped. She didn’t even head over to the table to get food or champagne. She had her recorder in her hand, but it almost looked like she couldn’t stomach to do her job tonight, even looking as amazing as she did.
Barry felt terrible.
“I really should not have taken that call.”
“Hey, it’s okay. There’s still a way to make it up to her.”
He scoffed and turned to look at Linda. “How?”
“When she sees the two of us dancing, she’ll connect the dots and think you decided to take her advice after all.”
“Not after that phone call, she won’t.”
Linda frowned. “Why? What did you say?”
“I…uh…” He shifted on his feet.
“I may have told her again how I couldn’t date someone else while I was still in love with her.”
Linda shut her eyes and groaned inwardly.
“We really should have discussed phone calls at some point over the last two weeks.”
“Yeah, well, we didn’t, and now I’m a crappy friend whose made her night miserable.”
“I thought you weren’t friends at all. I thought you didn’t want to be.”
“Only because I want to be more than friends. I’ll never stop being her friend.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this…It could down right ruin everything, but…why don’t you tell her that?”
He ran a hand over his face.
“What about Scott? Aren’t we here to make him jealous too?”
“No worries,” she said proudly. “I’m going to make my interview rounds first and then do some flirting. I’m pretty good at that.”
“Linda, if he’s not interested, flirting will be a turn-off.”
“He was interested the last time I flirted. Maybe he will be this time too. And if that doesn’t work, you and I will be dancing before the end of the night. That’ll be something to keep his eyes on if he rejects me yet again.”
“If you’re sure…”
“Go. Iris isn’t going to have any success gathering her confidence for interviews until she’s dealt with what’s holding her back tonight. And that, my friend, is you.”
She patted his shoulder, went to get a glass of champagne and pulled out her recorder as she set off to mingle with the crowd.
Champagne isn’t a bad idea, Barry thought to himself. He went to the table and gathered two glasses before setting off to sneak behind Iris, who had yet to mingle herself with the people there.
“You look like you need a drink,” he whispered into her ear, not expecting her to jump or drop her recorder on the floor.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“No, it’s quite all right. You’re probably right. I do need to-” She turned and looked at who’d been talking to her. “Barry?” Her jaw dropped and forcibly she shut it. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m with Linda.”
She blinked. “I’m sorry…what?”
“Linda Park, your co-worker.”
“I know who Linda is. I just got the impression you weren’t with anyone, let alone one of my co-workers.”
Was that a hint of jealousy he detected?
“Oh, I’m not with her, with her. Not like that, anyway. We bumped into each other a little while back, and she asked me if I’d be her plus one at this event. I didn’t have anything else going on, so I figured why not?”
“I see.”
“You’re suspicious.”
“Just intrigued.” She glanced at the drinks in his hands. “Is one of those still for me?”
“What?” He looked down. “Oh, yeah, of course. Here you go.” He handed one to her. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
Despite herself, a little smile shone through.
“Thank you, Barry.”
Her drink was gone in less than a minute.
“I’m surprised you came over here,” she said.
He looked at her quizzically. “Why’s that?”
She was amused. “I was under the impression you wanted nothing to do with me.”
He sighed. “About that…”
She waited.
“I’m sorry, Iris, about tonight. I’ll always want to be your friend. I don’t want you to think I’m putting some sort of ultimatum on you. Not having you in my life at all? It’s impossible.”
The relief was obvious in the release of tension from her shoulders.
“Are you sure, Barry? That’s what you really want?”
“Well.” He downed his drink. “I can’t have what I really want.”
She swallowed.
“But if you can have what you want, and I can be a part of that, then yes, it’s what I want.”
She smiled tremulously. “Thank you, Barry.”
He took her empty glass from her hand and set it with his on a nearby table, then held his hand out to her. She frowned as she looked down at it, not understanding.
“Dance with me.”
The corner of her lips twitched.
“That doesn’t sound like a question.”
“Because it isn’t.” He held out his hand more dramatically. “Dance with me.”
She laughed lightly, and all remaining tension evaporated into thin air. She took his hand and let him lead her onto the dance floor. There were a few couples already dancing the waltz to the beautiful live orchestra playing on the far side of the room. Taking both of her hands now, Barry extended their arms with one set and held the other close.
“You remember?” he asked.
“From those ballroom classes my dad made us take in high school? Of course.”
“He said it was a necessity to life.”
“Guess we should be thanking him now.”
Iris smiled and moved with him as he drew them into their first wide circle.
“You remember too, I see.”
He smirked. “Of course. Too many lessons not to.”
She chuckled and swayed with him, silent for a long while, getting lost in the dance and then his eyes when she finally looked up.
“You look very handsome, Barry.”
“Linda fixed my tie several times.”
She looked amused. “I bet.”
“You bet? What’s that supposed to mean?” he teased.
She laughed. “You’ve never been particularly good at it.”
He faked a gasp. “I’m offended.”
She rolled her eyes, still smiling. “If you were offended, you wouldn’t still be here.”
“I’m not that offended.” He rolled his eyes.
She giggled, actually giggled, and he felt alive again. How could she not feel something between them? He thought. How could she not?
“Thanks for this, Barry. I really needed it. Especially after Eddie…” She trailed off.
“Why isn’t he here, Iris?” he asked softly.
She swallowed. “We got in a fight,” she said. “He didn’t want to come after that.”
“Did he catch you…on the phone with me?” he asked hesitantly.
“No.” She shook her head. “The fight was before that. I was calling you because…well…I needed my best friend.”
He wanted to kick himself.
“Iris, I’m so sorry. I didn’t-”
“I know,” she said quickly. “Can we just forget about it and enjoy the night?”
“Don’t you have some interviews to get to? Linda said-”
“Yeah, I do. But I want to feel better first. Can you make me feel better, Barry?”
Staring deep into her eyes, he’d never wanted to kiss her so badly.
“I can make you feel better, Iris.”
The sound of the side door suddenly opening and slamming shut was a distant echo covered up by the orchestra’s crescendo into the second half of their majestic piece. Barry was none the wiser to it, and neither was Iris.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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patandpran · 4 years
Magic in the Moonlight - A Saratine/Harry Potter AU
Summary: Tine accidentally ends up with Sarawat, the anti-social but popular Griffyndor Seeker, as his Potions Partner. They venture into the Forbidden Forest together to retrieve some ingredients for a potion and find something more than magic under the moonlight.
Word count: 4300 (I know. I’m sorry)
It was the first day of official classes and Tine was late for Potions, as per usual, and he hoped that Fong had saved him a spot so that they could be partners for the term. He sped into the classroom at full tilt and the rest of the class looked back at him like he was completely insane.
“Tine Aekaranwong. How lovely of you to show your face.” The Professor addressed him dryly. “Please find a seat so that I can continue on with the lesson.”
Tine searched for Fong and saw that Ohm was sitting next to him. Fong gave him an apologetic look and Tine made a mental note to never trust Fong with something as important as seat saving. He scanned the rest of the classroom and saw only one open chair available next to the very last person he wanted to sit with: Sarawat.
They had been going to school together for six years and Tine was still terrified of his classmate. Sarawat was the Seeker for the Gryffindor team, had a fan club of students that worshipped the ground he walked on and Tine had never once seen a smile on Sarawat’s face. They had never actually had a conversation but Tine knew that it was going to be challenge to sit next to Sarawat without feeling on edge every minute he was in Potions class. Tine internally groaned and made his way to the table.
“Uh, hi.” Tine greeted as he sat down next to Sarawat.
Sarawat looked at Tine from the corner of his eye and then shifted his attention back to the Professor. Tine figured that was the best possible reaction he was going to get out his broody classmate so he left it at that.
“Your first task will be to collect natural ingredients from around the campus to concoct a Potion of your own design.” The Professor explained and Tine bit his lip with worry. As interesting as the assignment sounded, he was not especially good at Potions and ingredient knowledge so he hoped that Sarawat had some semblance of experience in the area.
“You have this class to decide what kind of Potion you would like to make so that you can start collecting your ingredients as soon as possible. This will be a practice of trial and error so I suggest that you use your time well.” The Professor droned on.“It will also likely require some work outside of class time so make sure that you arrange that with your partner before you leave class today. All right, get to it.”
Tine made a point of glaring back at Ohm and Fong who had already launched into an animated brainstorming session. They ignored his gaze but he grumbled nonetheless before turning back to face Sarawat.
“So….” Tine mused, pulling at a loose thread on his grey sweater to distract himself from how awkward the situation already was. “What should our Potion do? I guess that will determine the ingredients, right?”
“I’ll handle it.” Sarawat explained shortly. “I’ve seen how strong your Potions skills are and I don’t exactly want to cause any bodily harm to us or any classmates so just let me do the work.”
“Oh.” Tine muttered, surprised that Sarawat had ever paid him even more than a shred of attention, even though what he technically said was an insult. Tine continued, “But I can help! I’m pretty good at research so…. why don’t we at least decide what our Potion will do together? Otherwise the rest of this class is going to go by pretty slowly.”
“That’s fine.” Sarawat shared and pulled out some parchment, ink and a quill. “I prefer silence anyway.”
Tine watched as Sarawat began to scrawl some ideas down onto the parchment and prepare a rudimentary ingredient list based on some of the ideas that he had written down so far. Tine was shocked to see how easily this came to the Star Seeker. Tine had never been strong at academics himself but the fact that Sarawat was both good at sports and was strong in his classes just didn’t seem fair.
“I want to help. I don’t want you to do all the work and I just take credit. That doesn’t sit right with me.” Tine murmured earnestly and Sarawat paused his writing to lift his eyes to meet Tine’s.
“Okay.” Sarawat seemed to be surprised that Tine was protesting the arrangement. “What kind of Potion do you think we should make then?”
Tine mulled it over for a moment and recalled that Sarawat had quite the knack for music. This was a common interest that was shared by them, so Tine shared, “Why don’t we do something that can manipulate or alter the way that people experience music?”
Sarawat’s eyes widened in a way that made Tine wonder if he was surprised by the strength of his idea. Sarawat bit his lip momentarily before muttering, “Synesthesia… we could find ingredients that would stimulate other senses so that people could, in theory, ‘see’, ‘taste’, or ‘smell’ music.”
“Whoa. That sounds perfect.” Tine responded with a small smile as Sarawat began to flip through his Potions textbook, leafing through to likely start to think of some important ingredients.
Tine watched as Sarawat began to take notes before Sarawat paused and looked up at Tine with a glared, “Are you just going to sit there or are you going to make yourself useful? Look for any ingredients that alter state of mind or affect the senses.
“On it.” Tine answered and took out his own textbook.
It looked they were going to make a better team than originally anticipated and Tine couldn’t help but feel relieved by that.
“Can you pass me a pumpkin tart?” Fong asked Tine and Tine grabbed one absentmindedly and chucked it in his friend’s direction.
Tine and his friends were finishing up dinner in the Grand Hall when Tine realized how late it was getting. He was supposed to be meeting Sarawat at the edge of the Forbidden Forest in half an hour. They had spent the last few days compiling their list of ingredients and one of the flowers that they needed only bloomed in the Moonlight of a certain part of the Forbidden Forest. Sarawat had received special permission from the Groundskeeper to access the Forest afterhours as long as they kept their visit brief.
“Earth to Tine!” Ohm reached over and poked Tine in the head. “Fong just asked what you and Sarawat are doing for your potion assignment?”
“I promised I wouldn’t tell.” Tine explained and Fong and Ohm exchanged a suspicious look.
“You and Sarawat make promises now?” Fong asked, an eyebrow raised in accusation.
Tine pushed himself up from a seated position before wrapping his scarf tightly around his neck as it was likely to be a frigid evening. He had heard his friends and others whispering about he and Sarawat over the past few classes but he had chosen to ignore them. It was true that Sarawat connected with few others in classes aside from Man and Boss but he and Sarawat weren’t friends, they were just Potions partners.
“If you’re jealous, why don’t you just say that?” Tine countered sassily.
“We’re not jealous.” Ohm stated plainly. “Everyone just finds it a bit odd that you and Sarawat are chummy all of a sudden. Sarawat isn’t known to tolerate people very well. His Potions partner last year was Earn and even she barely got a word out of him!”
“Well, I guess I’m just a bit more charming than Earn.” Tine argued before pulling on his cloak.
“You’re really not.” Fong shared with a smirk and Ohm laughed in agreement. Fong continued, “Well, anyway, if he feeds you to the Centaurs tonight, remember that we tried to warn you.”
“Wat isn’t evil.” Tine shared before pulling out his wand. “He’s just always in a state of brooding.”
“Wat?” Ohm repeated incredulously, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Now you have a nickname for him?”
“I’m going to walk away now.” Tine turned quickly and made a dramatic exit, likely earning himself even more laughter from Ohm and Fong but he didn’t care.
It took him a few minutes to get down to the edge of the forest and it made him wish that he knew how to apparate without leaving a limb behind. He hadn’t quite mastered the skill yet and it wasn’t worth the risk, despite it maybe saving him a few minutes.
Sarawat was humming to himself and leaning against a tree as Tine approached him from behind. Tine listened to the melody for a moment, wishing he knew a spell to quiet his footsteps as Sarawat actually had a lovely voice. Sarawat stopped as soon as he heard Tine and turned around to face Tine with an indifferent look in his eyes.
“Sorry it took me so long. My friends were giving me a hard time.” Tine blurted out.
“About what?” Sarawat wondered and started off into the forest, obviously wanting Tine to follow in his wake.
“Uh, don’t worry about it.” Tine watched as Sarawat disappeared into the shadows of the edge of the forest.
There was a part of Tine that wished he was a Gryffindor like Sarawat, where he could boldly walk into a potentially dangerous situation without so much as a bat of an eye but his Hufflepuff-ness definitely got in the way.
“Sarawat?” Tine called out as he walked into the trees, searching for his classmate. He took out his wand and whispered, “Lumos.”
A small light flickered at the end of his wand and he spotted Sarawat a few paces ahead of him with an amused look on his face. “Scared of the dark, are we?”
“I’m just being safe.” Tine muttered as he caught up to Sarawat so they were walking side by side. “But actually, yah, a bit.”
“I’ve always thought it showed much more courage to share what you are afraid of rather than pretending you’re not scared of anything.” Sarawat explained as they ventured deeper into the forest.
After that, they walked in silence for a while and Tine wondered if Sarawat knew where they were going. He hoped to goodness that he knew that way back to the castle as Tine had no sense of where they were or where they had been even 10 seconds before. Tine was surprised to find the quiet so comfortable as he was much more used to listening to Ohm and Fong’s constant bickering and babbling.
“So how do we harvest the MoonLeaf?” Tine questioned, swinging his arms by his side to amuse himself.
“Looks like someone didn’t do the reading I told him to.” Sarawat sounded like he was attempting to scold Tine but Tine could see a small smile on his classmate’s lips.
“Sorry.” Tine chewed his lip in guilt. “I got caught up in a game of Wizard’s chess with Ohm before dinner.”
“It’s not a big deal.” Sarawat responded as they slowed their pace. “We’re here already. I guess you will just have to learn as we go.”
They had stopped at the edge of a meadow that was blanketed in moonlight. Tine concealed his wand as the light was bright enough that he could see everything and did not feel so afraid anymore. Although, that could have also been because of Sarawat’s presence.
The meadow was full of a plant that Tine had never seen before, although he had never paid much attention during Herbology classes to begin with. The plant was not especially tall but the top had silvery leaves that stretched toward the sky as if it were reaching for the moon itself.
“It’s beautiful.” Tine whispered, completely in awe.
“It’s definitely more beautiful at night.” Sarawat explained as he made his way toward a plant. “During the day, the leaves are closed and it looks like an average weed that no wizard would bother even looking at but as soon as the moon comes out, it shows its true form.”
“I guess it’s almost like a nocturnal plant.” Tine remarked as he followed behind Sarawat.
“Kind of.” Sarawat said as he knelt down near a cluster of the plants. “Although that would imply that the plant is awake when, in reality, it is just an involuntary response to the moonlight.”
“Are you sure you’re not supposed to be a Ravenclaw?” Tine rolled his eyes at Sarawat as Sarawat took out his own wand.
Sarawat ignored Tine’s comment and beckoned with his wand for Tine to come closer. Tine got down on Sarawat’s level as Sarawat pulled a leaf out gently to show him. “You can tell that it is mature because of the spots along the edges. We need quite a few but you have to be careful about removing them or the plant will shut on your hand and I can say from experience that it hurts.”
Tine watched in fascination as Sarawat slowly twisted the leaf away from the plant and removed it. Sarawat nodded to encourage Tine to try and Tine pulled one out after a few tries before placing it in the collection satchel that Sarawat had brought with them. Sarawat smiled encouragingly at Tine and Tine felt his heart race at the reaction.
They harvested in silence for a while before Tine asked, “So… you’ve done this before?”
“I sometimes help my Father collect ingredients for his medicinal Potions.” Sarawat explained. “He is a colleague of the Groundskeeper which is why we got permission to come out here tonight.”
“Oh.” Tine murmured. “I see. I figured that the Groundskeeper was a fan of the Gryffindor Quidditch team or something which is why you got special treatment.”
Sarawat prickled at this and Tine immediately felt guilty for saying it. He did not know how Sarawat felt about his undeniable popularity but, based on Sarawat’s reaction, he was not very fond of how people treated him because of it.
“Sorry.” Tine moved to a plant further away to give Sarawat some space. “I wasn’t thinking.”
“Clearly.” Sarawat spat and Tine saw a scowl on his partner’s face. “We don’t have to talk. Let’s just this over with.”
It was Tine’s turn to prickle. It seemed like Sarawat had actually been slightly warming up to him but his iciness had returned so quickly. Tine felt a huge wave of regret flow through him but he was not sure what to say to make up for his misstep. If only he a had a Timeturner to go back just a few seconds to fix his mistake.
“I really am sorry.” Tine shared and paused his work for a moment. “I am sure people think they know you all the time and while it is completely your right to keep to yourself, I am sorry for making assumptions about you when I don’t really know anything about you.”
“I don’t just close myself off for no good reason!” Sarawat snapped and stopped harvesting as well, dropping the collection satchel to the ground. “I don’t need to be everybody’s friend. People whisper about me no matter what I do. They make things up about me and paint me to be this mysterious and unapproachable person but… Merlin, when you sat down next to me, I was so relieved.”
“You were?” Tine was shocked by what Sarawat was saying.
“You don’t look at me like you’re scared of me or want something from me.” Sarawat hung his head so the moonlight danced off the strands of his dark hair that fell across his eyes. “You don’t change who you are in front of me and you just treat me as if I was anyone else.”
“Is that a good thing?” Tine was not quite sure where this was going but it seemed like Sarawat had something to say so Tine wanted him to feel safe to do so.
Sarawat seemed to be pondering this for a moment before he looked back at Tine again and answered, “I think so… It makes me feel like I can just be myself in front of you without worrying about what you’ll think of me.”
“Well, I have to admit, I was a bit intimidated by you at first but then I got to know you a bit and,  well, you’re certainly not how people perceive you to be.” Tine ran his hands over the dewy ground of the meadow as expressed his thoughts to Sarawat.
Sarawat cocked his head to the side like a curios puppy, “How so?”
“You give off this troubled hero vibe where it either makes people swoon or be scared of you. Like they can’t possibly measure up.” Tine continued, hoping he wasn’t being too critical of Sarawat but his classmate seemed to be listening so he kept on sharing, “But I think you’re actually just so worried about what people think that it makes it hard for you to connect or open up… When, really, you have nothing to worry about because you’re basically the smartest, most talented, most handsome guy at Hogwarts.”
“Most handsome?” Sarawat repeated, seemingly completely surprised by the adjective.
Tine threw a small tuft of grass at Sarawat, hoping to distract from the blush that was currently on his cheeks. “You’re already popular enough, don’t let that go to your head now too!”
“I’m jealous of you, you know.” Sarawat began to gently collect leaves again, his eyes focusing back on the work. Tine stilled at this, “How could you possibly be jealous of a nobody like me?”
“You have real friends, Tine. People like you, for you.” Sarawat’s tone of voice seemed to waver slightly, as if he was becoming nervous. “Aside from Man and Boss, people just follow me around for no good reason. But people actually want to be your friend. They see how fun, kind, and open you are and want to be around you because you’re a great person. Plus, you’ve got a great smile.”
“You’re just trying to compliment me back.” Tine chuckled awkwardly. “You don’t have to do that.”
Sarawat stopped again and looked to Tine. “I know I don’t have to… but I want to.”
Tine suddenly felt as if the trees around him were closing in on him. The dizziness took over and he grasped at something to hold onto but, in doing so, pulled at one of the Moon Leaf plants a little too violently, causing it to snap closed on his hand.
Sarawat moved quickly, pulled out his wand and cast, “Relashio!”
The plant quickly released it’s grip on Tine but the damage was done. Tine held his wrist and winced at the pain as small droplets of blood began to appear where the plant had made contact. Sarawat knelt down besides Tine and inspected the wound. It was not very big but it was painful.
“Episkey.” Sarawat whispered and Tine felt a surging of hot and cold take over his hand before the wound began to close.
“I told you to be careful.” Sarawat accused, even though he looked quite relieved.
Even though the wound was healed, Sarawat kept his grip on Tine’s hand and maintained the proximity between them. Tine’s breath returned to normal but the same dizziness that he had felt before returned.
“I…” Tine murmured as Sarawat steadied him by putting a hand on his lower back. “Sorry. I don’t do well with blood and well, uh, apparently I don’t do that well with compliments either.”
Something that looked like a small smile was tugging at the edges of Sarawat’s lips as he pocketed his wand with his free hand but kept hold of Tine’s with the other. “We have that in common. Is your hand feeling any better? I wasn’t kidding about the Moon Leaf. Even with the healing charm, it’s going to take a few days until the stinging goes away.”
“I’ll be fine.” Tine stared at Sarawat imploringly, wondering why he was so drawn to someone who had basically been a stranger up until a few days ago. “… I think we make a good pair. Despite the danger and bloodshed we encountered.”
“That’s just a typical Tuesday for me.” Sarawat mused with a low chuckle.
The sound of Sarawat’s laugh was infectious and Tine couldn’t help but join in. “Well, I guess you are a Gryffindor, after all. I would much rather stay by the fire in the Hufflepuff Common room than try to save the world every other week.”
“That sounds amazing.” Sarawat sat down next to Tine and hung his head back so he was looking up at the moon, still absentmindedly grasping Tine’s hand.
“I could try to sneak you in some time.” Tine shrugged, attempting to sound casual. “But I guess that wouldn’t exactly be discreet if a bunch of younger students were screaming about you being there but I’m sure we could figure it out…”
“It doesn’t have to be in the Common room. I just kind of meant the idea of just being able to relax with friends, kind of like we are right now.” Sarawat started to pull at some leaves again gently, although it seemed like a harder task to accomplish with only one hand.
Tine registered what Sarawat was saying and muttered, “You want to be friends with me?”
Sarawat slowly turned his gaze toward Tine and lifted their linked hands together. “I kind of figured that was clear by now.”
“Oh… I mean…” The pain in Tine’s hand was slowly dissipating because of the comfort he found in Sarawat’s touch.
“Sorry.” Sarawat stilled suddenly and pulled his hand away from Tine’s. “I didn’t mean to make you feel weird. We don’t have to be friends, I just thought…”
Tine interrupted Sarawat’s rambling by asking, “Who said I wanted you to let go of my hand?”
Tine then boldly reached for Sarawat’s hand and interlaced them again before looking up to see a shocked look on Sarawat’s face. Tine leaned in somewhat, hoping he was reading the situation right and whispered, “See, even Hufflepuffs can be brave.”
Sarawat studied Tine’s eyes at a closer proximity and noticed the moon’s reflection in them. He couldn't help but feel like, in that moment, he could trust Tine entirely. He had never felt the urge to be so close someone and it terrified him more than facing any sort of Magical Beast (and he had battled many). It felt as if this meadow had removed them from their own timeline and they now existed on some sort of alternate plane of their own where it was just the two of them, sharing space and enjoy each other’s company.
Without a second thought, Sarawat brought his lips to brush gently against Tine’s. The contact reminded him of the first time that he had felt magic coursing through his veins: explosive, exhilarating and terrifying - all contained within one feeling.
It took Tine a moment to embrace the reality of the situation but, considering they were in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, he was sure more bizarre things had occurred. If he were to tell anyone the story of his kiss with Sarawat, he was sure that they wouldn’t believe him for even a moment but he didn’t care. He was here and now with Sarawat and while there was a small part of Tine that wondered how the hell he had gotten there, he didn’t feel like questioning it in that very second. Instead, he indulged himself and deepened the kiss.
There was a sudden rustling from the edge of the meadow that sent Sarawat flying into action. Tine watched fondly as Sarawat jumped to his feet, wielding his wand and adopting a protective stance that Tine would be happy to watch on a loop forever based on how intensely handsome it made Sarawat look.
“Wat, I think it was just the wind.” Tine remarked, his head still reeling from their kiss.
Sarawat turned around, the end of his wand lit up with a Lumos charm. “You just called me Wat… I don’t mind it.”
Tine grinned at Sarawat’s response as Sarawat pocketed his wand and made his way back over to Tine. It seemed like Sarawat was going to say something but then he went back to collecting the Moon leaves, as if their kiss had never even happened in the first place. Tine understood the reaction but was also quite disappointed that whatever had gone on between them seemed to likely to stay only in the memory of the meadow.
Tine used his one free hand to start collecting the leaves again, wondering how he was going to be able to sit next to Sarawat every day for the rest of the year without thinking of that kiss. It was just going to have to be something he lived with.
“You know, I wish there was some sort of spell to help me figure this all out.” Sarawat shook his head and seemed to be kind of frustrated. “That all just happened so fast and…”
“We don’t have to have the answers now.” Tine stated plainly, relieved that Sarawat wasn’t just going to pretend nothing happened between them. “In fact, we slow down and take things at our own pace. What is clear is that we make a good team… a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor… who would’ve known?”
“Potions Partners. That’s a good start.” A moonlit grin spread across Sarawat’s face and Tine felt his breath hitch. The sight was more magical than anything else Tine had ever seen in the Wizarding World.
Whatever this was, it was sure to be an adventure…
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petersasteria · 4 years
You Again?! - H.O. // 20
Pairing: Haz x Reader
*This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
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Tom felt relaxed. He's enjoying his little 'me day'. He thought life was amazing! This morning, he decided to treat himself for breakfast after talking Tessa out for a walk. Then when he got home, he had a nice shower. After that, he binged watched on Netflix and he absolutely loved it.
For lunch, he ordered himself a big box of pizza and he drank beer with it. He continued watching until he realized it was dinner time. He cooked himself some pasta (which was from Sam's food blog on Instagram) and ate as he, yes, watched again on Netflix whilst answering text messages from Harrison.
At 9 PM, he decided to call it a night even though he wouldn't do anything work related the next day. He was cleaning up after himself when his doorbell rang. He found it rather odd to have a visitor at this hour, unless he had a party. He thought that maybe it was Harry or Harrison. He was surprised to see Y/N standing there, crying.
"Hi." Tom says in shock. "Uh, come in." Y/N gives him a small smile as she wipes her tears upon entering his humble abode. Tom closes the door and locks it before turning to Y/N, "I was just cleaning up, but we can stay here. I can reheat the pizza I ordered. I still have some leftovers." He suggests.
"Maybe later." she answers before crying again, "I just really need you right now." Tom's heart breaks and immediately pulls her in for a hug. She buries her face on his chest as she sobs violently. He hugs her tightly and kisses the top of her head and whispers sweet nothings to her. After a while, she stops crying and pulls away from him. Tom wipes away her tears and leads her to the living room. He hands her the blanket he was wrapping himself with previously and she gladly takes it.
He knew she loved his scent. It gave her a sense of familiarity when everything else seemed different. At first he thought it was weird, but he learned to accept it over time. That's why it extremely worried him when Y/N chose to let him go too.
He walks to the kitchen to get her a glass of water and as soon as he did, he places it on the coffee table in front of her. They sit in silence for a while and they just stare at the fire place that wasn't even lit.
"Harrison came over this afternoon while I was studying." Y/N starts, breaking the silence between her and Tom. He nods for her continue despite already knowing. Harrison told Tom about his plans yesterday. He was just wondering what happened.
"He was really sweet, you know? He practically renovated my whole apartment at this point and he paid my rent and honestly, we're going to be here all night if I list down everything he's done. He even helped me study today." she smiles at the moment they shared. Tom smiles at her, "Then?"
"Then I asked why he's doing all of those things; what his goal is." she bites her lip. "He said he wanted me back."
"Do you want him back?" Tom asks seriously. She sighs and shakes her head, "I don't know. I honestly don't know. I'm just scared. Why am I so scared, Tom?" she tears up again.
It's Tom’s turn to sigh, "Y/N, darling, you're scared because you might go through that shit again. But that's the thing with love; it's scary. I don't blame you for it. Harrison doesn't blame you for it either. However, along with 'scary', comes 'beautiful'."
"Love is beautiful, Y/N. The first step in anything in life is scary, but when you go through with it, it turns into something beautiful whether you see it or not. That's the same thing with love." Tom lightly chuckles.
"Remember all those guys I scared away for you before, because you said you didn't want to date any of them? I thought it was just you being scared of love but then I realized that you're actually content with yourself and I thought it was beautiful. And it still is, darling. It still is."
"When Harrison started courting you before, I knew you were scared because you're my best friend and I felt it. No one had ever done that for you and Harrison was scared too, did you know that?" he asks. Y/N looks at him with wide eyes, "He was?"
Tom nods, "He was. He was scared that he might be courting you the wrong way, because he hasn't courted anyone before. You were his breath of fresh air in the dating world. Both of you were scared, but you got a relationship out of it and wasn't it beautiful?"
"I-I guess it was."
"Then Harrison decided to act stupid and we all know what happened." he jokes, causing Y/N to break into a fit of giggles.
"Now, you're just scared about this whole thing because he's done it before; the courting thing. It's your subconscious telling you 'here we go again'." Tom faces her and asks again, "Do you want him back?" Y/N just shrugs, "I really don't know."
"Do you love him enough to want him back?"
This time, she stays quiet. Tom nods, "I'll give you some time to think about it. I'll get us some wine and I'll reheat the pizza for you." He stands up and Y/N just sits there thinking to herself.
Did she love him enough to want him back? She's too distracted in her own thoughts when Tom came back. How he carried everything, Y/N didn't know. Tom sets down the pizza and the glasses. He pours wine on both before sitting down and putting the bottle of wine next to his glass, "So? Do you love him enough to want him back?"
"...I'm in love with him, Tom." she tears up. "I never fell out of love with him."
"Then, there you go." Tom grabs his glass and takes a sip of wine. "Tell him."
"You-You think I should?" she asks warily before sipping her wine.
"Of course! Why not? You've got nothing to lose, love." Tom smiles brightly, "Being together is what makes both of you happy and I want that for both of you! You guys are my best friends."
Y/N smiles at him and says nothing. They sit together in comfortable silence as they drink their wine and eat their pizza. They begin to feel a bit tipsy.
"Tom, I have a question."
"You've been my best friend for sooooooo long-"
"-did you ever have feelings for me before?" Y/N has thought of that years before, but she never got to ask. She never got the courage to and now that her confidence is boosted with wine and she's a bit tipsy, she figured it'd be the perfect time to ask.
Tom stares at her, "Honestly?"
"Yeah, I had feelings for you." Tom smiles to himself as he looks at the ground. "I had this huge crush on you for years before. It was actually insane. It was part of the reason why I get protective when guys throw themselves at you. Mum thought I would ask you out, but I obviously didn't."
"Why didn't you?" she asks with a small frown.
"Because there's something between us and it's the most beautiful thing I have ever felt. The connection that you and I have is something so beyond that I can't even describe it. But I know it's great." Tom answers as he looks at her, "I didn't want to risk losing that. I wouldn't know how to handle it."
"Why are you telling me all of this now?"
"Because you brought it up." Tom chuckles. "I moved on, though. Don't let this new information mess you up."
Y/N nods, "Well, I love you a lot. I appreciate you a lot too."
"And I, with you." Tom smiles.
"You know, I'm really jealous of you sometimes." Y/N confesses. This whole liquid courage thing is eating her up.
"Oh? How come?" Tom is surprised. He never knew his best friend was jealous of him.
"Don't get me wrong; I'm really proud of your achievements." she starts, "I'm just jealous, because at a young age, you got to achieve them." She looks at him as she starts to cry once more, "You were on Billy Elliot, The Impossible, and all those other stuff that you did while I was still struggling at school. Then when I was in university, you were out traveling the world and meeting new people while I was left behind."
Tom frowns. He never knew she felt that way.
"I'm so proud of you, but the truth is that sometimes I get really jealous and think, 'damn he's so much better than me at life itself. He's fucking winning!'." she wipes her tears away. "I could've been a lawyer by now, but I decided to do something stupid and now I'm late. All my friends are working at law firms now and I'm still living in a shit hole working as a real estate agent which isn't even connected to what I really want to do."
"It’s never too late to achieve something, darling and if it makes you feel better, I'm jealous of you too." Tom tells her. She scoffs, "Me? You're jealous of me? You're a movie star and I'm just your average everyday girl. What could you possibly be jealous of me for?"
Tom inwardly cringes at the words 'movie star', but he lets it slide. He answers her question, "I'm jealous of you, because you have someone who loves you."
"I love y-"
"You know what I mean, Y/N/N." Tom chuckles. "You have Harrison and I have no one."
"You have your awards and money and fame. Seriously, the list goes on!" she exclaims.
"Yes but my awards, fame, and money can't hold me when I need it most now, can it?" Tom says softly which makes Y/N frown. "You have Harrison to hold you and care for you and love you. You have him when I'm not around. And me? Who do I have? My family is a different type of love and you too."
"Who will I turn to when you're not around? My awards? My fame- which is impossible, by the way, because it's not tangible. What else? Ah, my money?" Tom bitterly says. "Those things can't give me comfort when I need it most. Those things can't shower me with love when I'm at my lowest. It's not the same. You may think I have it all, but I don't."
"So we're jealous of each other, huh?" Y/N giggles softly.
Tom smiles and shakes his head, "I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. It just depends on where you're looking from."
"Huh," Tom's words start to sink in her mind, "I guess so."
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I really love this chapter <3
Tag list: @sweetdespairbarnes​​​ @marvelislove10​​​ @fanficparker​​​ @mrs-captainsteverogers​​​ @trustfundparker​​​ @xximaweirdoxx​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​​ @ixchel-9275​​​ @singingcatlady​​​ @with-my-soul-and-heart​​​​ @myblueleatherbag​​​​ @spnobsessedmemes​​​​ @marvelousell​
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riddlesandqueries · 4 years
Somebody Sure As Hell Messed Up (Part 4)
(In which Music Meister, nee Dennis Prowell, and The Toyman, rarely known as Winslow Schott, have a revealing conversation over board games.)
"I like to know as much information as I can. It helps things run smoothly." said the Toyman.
Dennis took a deep breath in, then out. No theatrics this time. "Fine. You want the real story. Here it is.”
“...This was a team effort: I was showing her a night on the town. After that whole 2000 scare I just thought a day to celebrate the New Year was what she needed. What I said about breaking in was true. We were stealing ... miscellaneous goods when your bowl arrived. It wasn't until the building started to crumble apart when she pushed me into the hand though. So there it is. Are you happy?"
"Really? She actually pushed you? That's something I'd expect her to do to me, not you. You two were supposedly pretty chummy." Winslow leaned in.  "Goes to show you, she's a dangerous one."
"Well I would've expected Lyle to be more of the type to do such a thing. But I softened him up. I suppose I just didn't have enough time to get close to Darci. At least not to the point of being as chummy as you'd think." Dennis made a meek attempt to whistle to fill in the silence, but the mic on him kept making the pitch off key and weird. Definitely something he stopped a few seconds in. "I doubt she'll come over for some tea. You got no use keeping me around if that's the case."
"Oh she'll come. I've got my best man on it right now. And you'll be staying for a while. I can't help but be a little suspicious, you know? And we can keep each other company until our little reunion!" said Winslow, failing to hide the excitement in his voice.
"Suspicious? Me? Perish the thought."  Shit. You blew it, Prowell. Dennis bared a smile that was more than a little ingenuine. "So. We're going to 'keep each other company?'"
"Naturally! I haven't had a guest over in a very long time. Tell me, do you like board games?"
A very long time, huh? "Board games are fun." Dennis tried to match Winslow's energy. In truth, Dennis was much more fond of scrapbooking news articles about crime than he had been about board games when he was a child. The only board game he's truly interested in is D&D, but that was neither here nor there.
"I have quite a few, but be warned! I've had a lot of time to practice." One of the doors to the room slid open to reveal a tall shelf full of colorful boxes.
"Ah, well! It looks like you've got a lot of things to keep us occupied. Ha." God. I wish Hartley were here...
"How about Battleship? Or Chutes and Ladders?" Winslow hopped down off of his chair and went to the shelf to peruse the collection. "Or maybe Connect Four?"
Yeah... Hart's just the person I'd want to see right about now. "Now, Battleship's something I know haha!"
"Oh boy! Sounds good to me!" He grabbed the box from the shelf and took his seat again,  pulling the screens out of the box and sliding one down to Dennis. Winslow began setting up his side.
Dennis followed suit. "So you haven't had a friend over in a long time?"
"No, not since Peter. And I can't even remember the time before that. Mostly, it's just me and the friends I make myself. Uh, just say when you are ready."
He gave a thumbs-up in response. "G7. Merkel? Oh! He's been over at Sel's a couple of times. Very fond of Twister I've heard." Dennis then stopped for a moment. "Wait, then how did you meet Darci? Was it a henchgirl for hire gig gone to pot?"
"M-miss; J4" Toyman’s voice stammered as he placed a piece in his water. "You... you don't know do you? That's... kinda funny actually. You haven't noticed anything, well, peculiar about her, have you?"
"Hit. B2. No, nothing that would warrant suspicion. But that's coming from a Gotham resident. Maybe that sort of stuff flies past me." He stopped, just for a moment. "Then she's got something wrong with her, huh?"
"Oh no, she's perfect." He paused.  "Well, correction: she was a little bit more rebellious than I expected. Hit! J5."
"Miss. B3" Rebellious, he says. Rebellious. Sure you can call a student or criminal rebellious. But a lover? Not unless you got something wrong with your own methods... "Is that so?"
"Hmmm, Hit. You sunk my destroyer! J3?" said Toyman, considering his move. "You think you've got someone figured out, and they go and manage to turn your life topsy-turvy. I just don't know how she did it, but oh boy, did she."
"Hit. A1. You could say that about anybody though. Everybody's kinda got layers to them you know. Like tree rings. Or cake."
"Miss. J2. I suppose that's true, but she really isn't just anybody."
"Hit. A5. Then who is she?"
"She is mine." said Toyman, pointedly, before clearing his throat. “Ahem. Miss. H3."
... Noted. "I'll rephrase the question. What was she like to you? Miss. F6."
"At the start, she was my perfect doll. Then a switch was flipped, and she fled. Eventually, that Big Blue Bully got jealous when I tried to get her back, but we fled together. I thought it would be different, or rather back to the way things were, but she was just as manipulative as she was when she left. Hit. J1."
"Hit. The ship has sunk. F5." ... This bitch is lonely. If I connect the pieces together, then he's probably been wallowing in his misery ever since. "That sure sounds rough. I totally get it. Is there anything you've done for yourself since she left?"
"Oh, you know. Just a lot of work around here. Trying to stay busy. I started my blog, but that didn't really pan out...Miss. E7?"
"Hit. C9." Bingo. "Maybe you could benefit from getting out more. I mean more than just a blog. Get some friends with different perspectives. Live a little. You discover more about yourself that way."
"I don't know where to begin with something like that.” replied Toyman plainly. “It's not like someone like me can just go out and try to chat with random people. People would take one look at me and want to run. It might be different over in Gotham, but over here, they would never. Miss. F6."
"You started off with your blog. And that got Peter to talk to you. That was a good starting point.
 Maybe you could do the same thing. But you know. Without any alias or villain names. Then you wouldn't limit the people who share your niche interests to just rogues. Hit. C4"
"Miss, G7, And I don't think I can. I'm not much else but "The Toyman" anymore. I've devoted my entire life to get revenge on one man, and some alien takes him out before I got to try again. I'm not sure I am who I was anymore because I've been me for so very long."
"Hit. You sunk my ship. G1." Maybe that's why Darci ran off. Tch. "Then... Let's start off even smaller. Yeah. Bake the layers of your cake before you make the frosting! We'll just have to find some hobbies that click. Then we can go from there."
"Well, obviously I like toys. Uhhh, mechanical engineering? And movies.” He seemed curious, despite the mask. “Miss. C3"
"I'm sure there's plenty of other people out there who like movies and engineering too. Ever thought about joining a STEM group? Miss. F7."
"Hit. C9? There probably are, but what if they don't like me, or they find out who I am?"
"Hit. F8. If they're really your friends they wouldn't care, would they?" replied Dennis easily, although as his words settled in, he couldn’t help but wonder… I'm sure there's going to be someone to get me out of here. Hopefully not Darci… What if they've already forgotten about me? Or that they wanted me gone this whole time and they're celebrating my death as the minutes pass by? ...But that couldn't be the case. Almost everybody loves me!...Right?
"Hit. C10...I'm... not sure I want to talk about this anymore." murmured Toyman, presumably glancing away. "Do... do you like any movies?"
"Hit. F9." It's your funeral. "Oh, sure I like movies." Dennis smiled.
"Hehehe! Miss! C8? Do you have a favorite movie? O-or maybe a favorite genre?"
"Hit. E9, and… I only ever liked Quentin Tarantino flicks." he replied, with a blissful smile to accompany his lie. "I've always been enamored by the harsh reality of crime. It's just so intoxicating. Wouldn't you agree?"
"Miss. C7? Really? That's quite an interesting revelation about you, Mr. Prowell. I would have pegged you as just a musical fan, but that's what I get for assuming. I must admit it might not completely be my cup of tea, but I did enjoy Pulp Fiction."
"Hit. G9. Oh yeah! Crime's always been a big part of my life. My folks have always been a big inspiration for me when it comes to that."
"Miss. C6. Really? Your parents were criminals, then?"
"Hit. E5. Of course. Fine upstanding people they are. Looong before Big Blue came to town. Their old names were Songbird and Fireball. That ring any bells?"
"Miss. C6. They sound familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it."
"You already played C6. Tch...They were part of an underground gang way back when. But they quit that sort of work before I came along. Never told me why though. Which is strange..."
"Oh, silly me. I meant to say C5. Hmmm... Where were they out of?"
"Hit. You sunk my ship. A8, and...The Intergang, I think. That place used to be big on recruiting metas back in the day. I know that for sure."
"They were INTERGANG? I don't blame them for leaving. Miss. D10."
"Yeah it had something to do with a mix up that led to members getting killed. Least that's what my Pop told me. But my kidnapping was when my folks were especially put off by the business. The first one. Miss. D1"
"'Mix-up?' I wouldn't be surprised if that's just what Mannheim said to cover his tuchus. I still wish I could have been the one to finally stop that bully. Miss. B10"
"Wait, you were after Manheim? Which one?"
"Bruno. That awful devil sent my father to prison and ruined my entire life."
"I was fucked over by Moxie Manheim! Damn old coot must be in his grave by now... Anyways! You know how there's an initiation to join?"
"Ha! Well, it's a small world after all! I think I heard something about it somewhere. Why?"
"Yeah, well... Moxie didn't really enjoy that Songbird and Fireball ditched the Intergang to start a family, so he decided to keep tabs on them. Their weaknesses and all that. Now, Moxie also had some new recruits lined up waiting to be official members." Dennis leaned in, conspiratorial.."He's got a big criminal brain as you know, so he thought it'd be real wise to make me a part of the initiation. Killing two birds with one stone, as they say."
"D-did they do it?" asked Toyman, on the edge of his seat.
"Of course they did it! Stole me away while my folks were vulnerable! Nothing much I could've done, figuring this was back in 1977." Dennis collected himself. "But they weren't having it! This was the last straw, Winslow!" He held up his index finger rather righteously. "And you know what happened?"
Winslow leaned closer in anticipation. "What?"
"They snuck in there and took me back! But not without a musical number first!" said Dennis proudly. Plain as day, he looked up to his parents: it showed in the glow of his smile.
"That must have been an absolute delight to see. So, you inherited your powers from a parent? Songbird, I presume? What could Fireball do?"
"She shoots a flare gun." he grinned. 
"Truly fascinating! Um, also, it's still your turn. B10. Was that the last they heard from Mannheim and company?"
"Miss. B10. Oh no. not at all. A bunch of failed attempts were made afterwards. And well, since Moxie's departure, Bruno was the guy looking out to see if they were any trouble. But now that Bruno's dead and Vito doesn't really care. There's some peace." Something, just then, just clicked into Dennis' mind. And oh how ironic it was. "Until now."
"Miss. B5.” sighed Toyman. "If you are referring to me, please don't be so dramatic. I mean you no harm, unless you mean it to me. I only want a little incentive for Darci to come here. And if she pushed you into my robot's clutches like you said, perhaps her final capture will be something you can relish as well."
"Miss, B5...Hmmmm.” thought Dennis, smiling a bit. "Well... I just find it hilarious that out of all the villains who I fall into the clutches of, it had to be the one that happens to despise the Manheims the most." He started fidgeting with a red piece in his hand. "Call it a hunch, but this seems a lot like destiny."
"It was quite the coincidence! As I said earlier, it's a small world. I might not say destiny, but who knows? Miss, D5?"
"Miss. E2. Well, nothing's impossible, kid."
"Miss. I8...Perhaps." Winslow fell silent, awkward.
"Miss. H1...For someone called the Toyman, you're not much of an optimist are you?"
"Miss. H8. For someone named Music Meister, you're not much of a musical film fan."
"It's not my fault that musicals are better on the stage." He smirked. “Miss. J6. Much more of an experience, you know? To go out and see something like that live and in the present."
"Miss. I9. I... see your point. But you're right, optimism isn't my strong suit anymore..."
"Anymore? Then that means there was a point in time where you were an optimist!" There's still hope!
"When I was a kid, sure. But after my father was sent away, well, it hasn't been very easy."
"Have you been to therapy for that?"
"No, my foster families never wanted to pay for something like that."
"But your foster families don't control you anymore, you're a free man! If you're able to afford it, at least give it a try."
Winslow buries his masked head into his hands. "But can a wanted man like myself just waltz into some therapist's office without a dozen people calling the police on him?"
"People wouldn't recognize you without...the mask, would they?" asked Dennis, curious.
He looks up with a shrug. "I'm 4' 10", and have a rather distinct voice. They might not know my face, but they still might know me. If I'm lucky, then everything would be fine, but if I'm not, then I might be in a lot of trouble.”
"Jeez, Metropolis has got some shit health care, doesn't it? If that's what's keeping you from healing... Hmm." Dennis tried to come up with an appropriate counter argument.
“I9. Being a supervillain isn't all it's cracked up to be."
"...But being an actor is! I've got it! And it's brilliant! Maybe we can't do much about your height, but you can do something about your voice and movement!...Oh. Sorry. Miss. H3."
"C-come again?" Toyman was genuinely surprised. "I don't... I'm not really... um...Miss. G2."
"Yeah, okay. You'd have to practice speaking from your diaphragm, but that's gonna be a sinch cause you got a performer around!" Dennis pondered. "Maybe change the names a bit for this new persona... That'd work so you wouldn't have to lie in therapy per se. We all know that goes nowhere."
Dennis made a square with his index fingers and thumbs to frame Winslow.
"I can totally see your persona now Winn! Hit! I10!"
"I'm not... sure... what you're talking about? I.....?" flustered the Toyman before sighing. "Miss. F2."
"You seem so deadset on people hating you, right?  And the inability to socialize and get proper therapy is what's holding you back from being a healthy and paranoid free individual, right? 
So, we just need to make you a persona so people won't know you're the Toyman! So people won't ‘hate’ you! It's a genius plan! I swear!" smiles Dennis, putting heavy finger quotes on the word hate, as  he genuinely didn't believe that everyone everyone hates him. “Oh! Hit! F10."
"I don't think... Let me just say: I don't want to be anyone else. I am me, no matter how awful my life has been, I can't really change it. If I try to make a new me, that can only take me so far before I just go back to being me. I can't make people stop disliking or fearing me. But I have been trying to change the way I go about what I do. I wanted to stop Mannheim from ruining any more families' lives, and I want to help make sure no more families are robbed of their lives because of some self-centered sneak!" Winslow’s voice slowly rose to a shriek, before he finally settles back down into his chair with another sigh. "Miss. H2."
After a brief pause, Dennis gently pat Winslow in the shoulder. "You're gonna lose your voice if you keep yelling like that." sighed Dennis kindly. "I get that you're trying to be noble and save families and whatnot, but if you keep going about this like a self-deprecating martyr, then soon there won't be much left of you to save any families. Hit. I4."
He shrinks away from the first pat, but eases on the following. "...Yeah, I suppose. But at least I did help, right? Miss. I2."
"Yeah. Yeah you did. Hit. H2."
There was a pause as Winslow looked down at the table. Without looking up, he muttered “Hit. E2...and...thanks."
There's the ticket. Actually, this time… "No! Noo! It's just what friends do." A warm, glowing smile swept across Dennis’ face. "If you really think people won't like you, then I won't push it anymore. But I like you. I like your motives too. So don't stress about it that much."
"Y-you like me? I'm your friend?"  said Winslow, genuinely taken aback.
"Of course!" Dennis said, minimizing the situation.
"I... I've always wanted a... a real friend..."
"If you wanted a friend, then why didn't you just ask?" Dennis gave Winslow that same warm glowing smile as he stood up.
Winslow sat still for a couple seconds before his emotions did finally catch up to him. He sobbed slightly but collected himself quickly. "Thank you so much!" he said, much happier than he'd sounded before. "So...E2?"
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Stronger - Chapter One - Andrea’s Breakup Recovery Guide
Author’s note: Yay, part two! Posting chapters as fast as I can, because stuff is coming and you don’t want to miss (I hope so!).
In pretty much every magazine for women or teenagers, one is destined to come across something along the subject of breakups and how to recover from them. A paraphernalia of advice on what you should do, like reinvent yourself, cut communication, get hammered. I used to laugh when I read such articles, I felt so above it. Well, it turns out, I wasn’t. I was just never so broken-hearted before.
Breaking up with Victor was one of the hardest things I had done in my life, to be honest. The pain I felt could easily compare with the pain of being a victim of domestic abuse, if not worse. By the time things ended with Daniel, I wasn’t in love with him. It was a huge relief to get rid of him. But I was still very much in love with Victor. And losing him was like losing a lung, it made it so much harder to breathe.
I looked at my phone countless times, hoping he would text, or wanting to call him. I imagined myself meeting him by accident on the street, or the supermarket, the window for reconciliation opening, us together again, and hopefully, happily ever after. I ran all these scenarios in my mind, painfully remembering how good it felt to have his hands on my skin, his lips, his warmth. I laughed again at all the jokes he told me, because Victor could look cold and mechanic, but he was actually very witty and funny when he felt more at ease. And I recalled every single line of our fight, and always came to the same conclusion: our relationship was the perfect storm, and we were better apart than together.
We didn’t break up for no reason, and even though I was obviously wearing breakup rose-colored glasses, the truth was painstakingly evident. We had problems. Lots of them. Thanks to his fame I would never have a private life again, and despite our best efforts to keep the media quiet, God only knew when they would remember to revisit my abuse, or interview someone in my family, and how that would affect my work. And despite his apparent wish in wanting me in his life, I had to conclude I never was truly in his life. He hid things from me. Important things. There were years of Victor I did not know, and he was not willing to share. Huge red flag. Apart from that, I didn’t seem to be a good fit in his life either. His father disapproved of our relationship and was very clear about it. Victor’s relationship with his father wasn’t very good to begin with, sure, and it seemed that nothing that Victor ever did was good enough for his father, but still… His father was his family. People we would have to have some connection to over the years, and starting on a sour note was very dangerous, and a prelude for more problems.
And then there was another seldomly discussed but extremely painful reason: I was infertile. I was able to overcome every single thing Daniel had done to me but this. And this was huge. Should Victor be with me, I would be depriving him of something that could mean a lot to him. Even if he accepted it at first, he would eventually want a child of his own, with his features, his DNA… and he wouldn’t be able to do it with me. He wouldn’t leave me for that, he was a “thick and thin” kind of guy, so he would slowly start to resent me instead. We would end up an unhappy bitter couple. I didn’t want to do that to myself, but most of all, Victor did not deserve it. I didn’t want to be the one making him go through so much hardship.
So I decided to keep looking at my phone, put my breakup in my It’s for the best mental drawer, and focus on learning to live without him. I must confess, if my endless nights crying while gulping Ben&Jerry’s were any indicator, I didn’t start my healing process very well. I was still sad and starting to gain some weight, and none of that was helpful. So, remembering the articles I used to read about breakups, and that concluding steps like getting myself hammered and writing bitter letters were as helpful to me as crying and ice cream, I decided to create a list of my own.
Working hard was always a good distraction, so I decided I would start with that. The less time I had left to think about Victor, the better, so I took as much work as I could, leaving only a few hours out for sleep and socializing. I restarted my Krav Maga lessons and actually added some more exercise to burn the ice cream calories off. Levi immediately offered himself to be my exercise buddy, so I wouldn’t even have the time to think about Victor when I ran, which would also be a very good thing.
Those magazine articles always spoke of some kind of reinvention, and although I didn’t want to be drastic, I could use a haircut. I cut my curls in a shoulder-length angled bob, and did some blond ombre highlights to compliment my hair color. I decided to get some new clothes as well. Since my position at the university didn’t require business clothes, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to add some casual clothes, like jeans and more flowy tops. Maybe those cute sneakers I saw at that shop that day.
Bottling up my emotions was not a good idea, so I figured I should find some kind of outlet for them. Writing bitter letters was not a viable option, and Victor did not deserve them, so I settled for music instead. I missed my piano, and always thought about buying one if I truly settled in Loveland. Now I could afford it, I was working at the University and making good money. After thoughtful consideration and what I considered a true real-life Tetris experience, I finally managed to rearrange my furniture and make space for a digital piano. I would express my feelings through playing, maybe write a few songs of my own.
Needless to say, none of my friends or family took the news of the breakup very well, although I never shared the details of it with anyone. My mom, of course, tried to find out more and offer me some unwarranted therapy, but just ended up saying that, despite thinking I had made a big mistake, she wished me well and only wanted me to be happy. My father, my brother and Cristina were disappointed too. Apparently, Victor had made a bigger impression than I thought.
I remained close to Diane and Goldman, although I couldn’t discuss the breakup with them either. Diane was adamant on us meeting at least once a week for lunch, and clearly was not accepting the breakup, always hinting we would end up together again. I tried my best to steer clear off the topic, talking about her and Goldman instead, or something work-related. Surprisingly, in one of those mandatory outings, she seemed to have no intention to mention Victor.
“You are a terrible friend, you know.” Diane declared, sipping on her orange juice.
“I would ask why, but I’m pretty sure you are going to tell me.” I teased her.
“Well, I’ve been waving my hand like crazy for the last 30 minutes and you didn’t even notice what I have on my finger!” She almost yelled, excited. “I mean, it’s no use wearing an engagement ring if it doesn’t make your friends jealous!”
Yup. There it was. A lovely golden band with a considerably sized diamond in it. I gasped.
“Goldman proposed?!?!? When?”
“Last weekend.” She smiled, dreamily. “He took us to the restaurant we went to on our very first date, that Italian cute one? He hid the ring in the tiramisu.”
“That sounds really dangerous.” I laughed. “One of you would’ve had a surprise that night. Maybe a trip to the hospital.”
“Oh, just say it, you’re jealous.” She gave me a sly smile. “All you have to do is to stop that breakup nonsense, so we can pick wedding dresses together!”
“Whoa, Bridezilla! Hold your horses!” I laughed, starting to get a bit tense. “Even if Victor and I were together, which you know we are not, there would be no guarantee of him popping the question any time soon.”
“I feel so sad to hear that.” Diane almost pouted. “Was the breakup that bad? No going back? At all? You never say anything!”
“First of all, your fiancé works with my ex, so… And besides, how rude would it be of me to go around trashing my ex after breaking up with him? Victor doesn’t deserve it, he is a great guy. It’s not right to just go out disclosing facts about our intimacy because I was part of it.”
“Most girls would just badmouth the ex.” Diane frowned.
“Most girls didn’t date Victor Lee.” I shrugged.
“The upside is, if you are adamant in protecting him, it may be salvageable after all. He’s been really moody these days.” Diane continued to push the issue, sounding worried. I quickly brushed it off.
“When is he not?” I shrugged. “It’s Victor.”
“When he was with you.” Diane smiled. “Andrea, he’s hurting. He’s been sad, and reclusive, burying himself in work.”
It didn’t surprise me to know I wasn’t the only one using work as a distraction.
“Breakups are hard, Diane. He’s not the only one hurting. I won’t say much, but I will give you this. It was for the best, for both of us. It hurts now, but we will move on. I moved on from Daniel, he moved on from Mia. We will move on from each other.”
“I witnessed the whole Mia situation. Andrea, he wasn’t like this. Not like this.”
“It’s Victor. He’ll bounce back soon enough.” Or so I hoped. I felt my heart tighten with emotions I couldn’t or wouldn’t dare to identify.
That night, I resumed the staring contest with my phone, thinking about Victor. I missed his voice. I was worried about him. Instead of doing the absolute error of calling my ex, I did something even worse, I went through the pictures. I found one of my favorites, one of Victor sleeping. There was something sweet in his expression when he slept, there were none of the usual barriers he set in place. There was only Victor, and the sweetness he contained, that I was so honored to witness. He opened himself to me, let me look into his light, let me touch it and bask in it, and trusted me with this secret. And I let him down.
No matter how things ended, no matter how many reasons I could come up with to hate him, I loved him. I didn’t blame him for this breakup, I took full responsibility on that. Yes, he was hiding things from me, and yes, he did say some very hurtful things, but I was the one that hurt him the most. I slapped him and I left him. In his words, I abandoned him.
And even though I had my reasons, I still felt like a total bitch for breaking his heart like that. No amount of advice on how to recover from a breakup would help me with that.
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werevulvi · 4 years
How did you learn to be comfortable with your hirsutism? I've never been trans or detrans or dysphoric so my situation is not like yours but i'm hairier than average and even approaching my 30s i still struggle with my natural body. I've tried going noshave as a dare a couple of times and just feel overwhelmed with revulsion and shame. Even if i think it's conditioning for the most part i don't think i can undo it. Is there a point of no return?
I've always been mostly comfortable with it, but that's not saying I haven't dealt with any amount of shame or stigma about it. Especially a couple of years ago, I did struggle with it. Not everyone in my life loves hairy women, and that does affect me, so I hope I can offer some insight, or uplifting words! I think there are several aspects as to why it's fairly easy for me to love my body hair unabashedly now, and also reasons as to why I've struggled with it. Firstly, being viewed as male makes people less likely to call me gross or stare at me for being hairy, even though some still do because I often wear very feminine clothing (people tend think that hairy men in feminine clothing is "distasteful" ...apparently) and my parents really do struggle with my body hair. Even my sister has promptly given me unsolicited shaving advice. (I’m not exactly sure how my family views my gender, if it’s as a woman or more like a trans person, or as a female who identifies as a man, or I don’t know, but it’s obviously not as an actual biological man. Which I’m totally fine with and really don’t care, as they’re entitled to their opinions of me, but like it’s relevant because they probably wouldn’t have thought my body hair is gross and bad if I had actually been male, which is my only complaint: the sexism nestled in with however they perceived me.) But outside of my family and aside from my femininity, my ability to mostly blend into society as a man (which only some women do/can/want) means most people don't care about that I'm hairy, or might even praise me for it. Like if I just dress a little less girly, it's suddenly "cool" and "oh so manly" that I have hair on my chest, kinda.
Another aspect is that when/if I tell people I "identify" myself as a (trans) man, they also praise my hairiness as a positive personal achievement. Where as when I've instead "identified" myself as a woman, people have instead expressed disgust, being sorry, and other ill-placed compassion, for my hairiness. Like someone saying "I'm jealous of your beard, that looks awesome, dude" does affect me in a very different way from being told "I'm so sorry you grew a beard, I hope something can be done about it" and having been given those very different reactions based on what I've called myself (while looking the exact same way) has definitely affected my confidence about my body/facial hair.
However, I could still love my body hair even when I kept getting tons of crap for it from other people. Receiving all that crap made me feel terrible about my hairs for a while, but I also couldn't make myself truly hate them. I could within a couple of years find my love for them again. Probably so quickly because I had already loved them before, and because I was unable to hate them, despite being under that intense social pressure to conform.
When there's no one around to have opinions of my body hair, and it's just me, I first and foremost enjoy simply how they feel. That's how I started my journey to embrace my hairs. Wearing a long skirt or dress and my thicc thighs suddenly don't clamp together, because my leg hair serves as a natural barrier, which reduces friction? Awesome sensation. Wearing a shorter skirt and feeling the wind in my leg hairs on a warm summer day? Another awesome sensation. Armpits not stinging when putting on deodorant? Very nice, indeed. Not having to deal with any razor burns, and much more rarely any ingrown hairs? Neat. Twirling my fingers around my chest hair, because I still don't have a stim toy? Very soothing. Cuddling my beard? Very calming and reduces my stress levels like a LOT. It's almost as nice as petting a cat.
Then after finding how I love all those sensations and more, it became difficult for me to shave as the shaven sensation left me feeling oddly naked and like I was missing something. Without noticing, I had started to connect emotionally to my hairs as not just part of my body (for better or worse) but as truly part of ME.
Kinda like how many people feel about their head hair, regardless of their preferred length. Many people like having head hair, and would feel naked and at a loss if it was suddenly gone, which applies to both men and women. I started feeling like that "naked and at a loss" without my body hair, because I had emotionally connected to simply the physical sensations of having it there.
But I was still struggling with the appearance of my hairy body being there all visible, so on that point what I did was starting with simply covering up. Wearing clothes that would hide how hairy I was, basically. And not looking too long in mirrors, but also not avoiding mirrors. I'd glance. Except I still went swimming in just a bikini, regularly, at a public, local pool.
I think my experiences with going swimming while hairy, and otherwise hiding my hairs, helped me slowly get more comfortable with how it looked. Because I realised that despite all the comments, etc, it's really no one's business how I groom my body, as long as I'm clean and smell fresh. And my hairs are definitely clean! They're freshly shampooed and conditioned! I'm only saying that because keeping my body hair clean, helps me curb that feeling of being hairy somehow supposedly being equal to being dirty, which it isn't!
The more brave I got to test myself, I decided to show my hairs in public more and more, outside of the swimming pool area. Like with low-cut shirts, short sleeved shirts, tank tops, shorter skirts/shorts, etc. Eventually I developed a stronger connection with my body hair, became protective of it. And I started seeing beauty in it too. Looking at body positivity stuff made by other hairy women out there (mostly on Instagram) inspired me a lot, and having a supportive girlfriend who kept telling me my body hair is hot, helped a lot too. Feeling attractive shouldn't be the end all be all, but I'd be an idiot if I denied that it's uplifting and inspiring to hear/see that my own body hair is attractive.
As a result, I can quite freely love my body hair now, and show it proudly, but it took a lot of work and I still feel a little bit weird about it. Like sometimes I catch myself being puzzled by that I'm so hairy yet female. So like it is deeply ingrained, the belief that female body hair is somehow bad, dirty, gross or shameful, but it's NOT objective truth. It's just subjective opinions that very many people unfortunately have. It's natural, protects the skin, can increase sensitivity, can help regulate body temperature even, it's cheaper to not spend lots of money on shaving products, and lots of other good things that come with being hairy. I think the only negative is when my bracelets, rings and necklaces get stuck in the hairs and yank them out... which doesn't happen often!
I still feel that shame tugging in me whenever my mom decides to berate me for being hairy, and I have to remind myself that that's just her opinion, and not an incredibly valuable one!
So no, I don't think there is a point of no return. Like it’s never too late, as long as you’re still alive and kicking. We continue to be maluable and adaptive, and changing as people throughout life. Any opinions or beliefs that we have can change. Sometimes on a whim, but more often from working on ourselves, consuming media that informs us why we should change an opinion/belief, testing out what works and what doesn't, challenging ourselves, facing our fears, etc, and sometimes it can take a lot of such work and determination to achieve the desired result. But I think, when it comes to self-acceptance and self-love it's always possible to achieve.
Although I may still struggle a little bit with my body, I managed to come to love it in general, and feeling really connected to being female, despite still having dysphoria, from having hated my body in the past, and I think that says a lot. I mean that to say, if I can do that, I'm sure you can too. I hate to say it, but really all it takes is willpower and not giving up.
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