#ohh god i forgot i dont know how to tag on here
dions-doomsday · 10 months
♫ the room is filled with people that love you — foresight
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(this was for one of those "give me a number 1-100 and an mcyt and ill draw them to my spotify wrapped" posts i did on twitter. this was #23 + Jimmy :3)
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
Jessamine-rose asked:
Ohh hiiii!! I really loved your leona fic, it was so soft!! X3 may i request idia and jamil seeing their short mc wearing their hoodies?? Headcanon or one-shot whatwver you are more comfortable with!! I would like to request a but of spice as well if you dont mind.
𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬♡
Headcanons with: Idia, Jamil, Kalim, Jack
Note: Yo this idea is so cute I'm melting as I write this- this scenario is just wholesome and I won't forgive myself if I sully this wholesomeness... Oh but Jamil however- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oh btw I added in some characters I can imagine with this secnario lol. Ok on to the headcanons!
And yes... I reposted this cuz tumblr hates me and won't let me use the tags... I don't stay up til 5am for nothing bro-
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°•°•°•°•°•𝑰𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅•°•°•°•°•
After 8 rounds of Mario kart Idia destroying you 8 times lol cuddled up in the blankets as the both of you crush your consoles attempting to win a round.
It's getting pretty late, but game time is holy for the both of you, so both of you gotta make time to schedule the most awaited activity of the day! GAME TIME~
But after a long day of brain damage at school *cough braincell squad cough* anyone is bound to get exhausted. Taking a break from the game, Idia takes off his jacket and nyooms away to the kitchen to get some chips and soda for you two.
"Potato chips? check~ Soda? check~" Idia smiles as he excitedly makes his way into his room to crush you at the game again.
Oh my what's this? He found a rare treasure lying in his room!!! Quick! What does he do now??? OH MY GOD! You were sleeping... BUT YOU WERE WEARING HIS HOODIE! What is this cuteness? What is this ultra uwu energy? What is this fluff doing here? That's it! Idia has now died of uwu. Respawn later...
While Idia was holding his bags of chips and cola, he can't help but blush at how cute you were! You looks sooooo smol in his jacket- congrats you stole Idia's heart.♡♡♡
I'd say Idia's greatest weakness is cute stuff and small things. So you looking so smol in his jackets is just going to give him heart combulsions.
Idia will probably crouch in the floor to stare at your sleeping face. He'd sit right next to you and stare at you for a while. "Hehe..." Linking his arms with yours as he playfully pokes your cheeks.
He'd rest his head on your shoulder still blushy wushy cuz you're just sooo adorbs♡ "Games can wait for tommorow.."
•°•°•°•°•°•𝑱𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍 𝑽𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒓•°•°•°•°•°
Like the usual, the Scarabia dorms is up for a party 24/7 because of the happy go lucky kalim. Jamil is still pissed like the usual too...
While kalim was performing his thing entertaining the guest... A wild Jamil appeared! Care to send love??? Jamil makes his way to you, so he can finally chill and recharge from chaos with a powerhug. But as he was just inches away from from you... Dammit someone just have to ruin his moment.
"WAHHHH! Y/N! OH NO I'M SO SORRY!" Some idiots just have to ruin his time with you... Drinks spilt in your top, leaking wet from the juice that spilt on you.
Jamil will just sigh and volunteer to take care of another problem yet again, just like the usual. BUT! Before he takes care of those stuff PRIORITY FIRST! You need to be taken care of first ;>
Jamil will drag you in an empty room to change... now all thats left is to change in clean and dry clothes- Wait....Wow just the luck you both have... No one got spare clothes... what now?
Of course Jamil will offer his hoodie! He can't have you walking around uncomfortable in damp clothing!
When you walk out of the room... Cute... What is this cute creature? Since you are small and short, Jamil's hoodie is oversized on you. The sleeves go way past your fingers, and the big jacket makes you look even smaller in general.
Jamil's having a lowkey midlife crisis inside his head, but gotta keep looking chill and cool, so he just settles with a pinch on the cheek.
HOWEVER! When you go back to the party in the banquet halls. Everyone seeing you will comment how tinier you look like in a big hoodie. Everyone is just going ballistic with the smol and cute comments. Jamil is not happy about this.
As people are making cute comments about you. You'll just blush and freeze on the spot. BUT JAMIL HOWEVER... SNEK BOI IS BURNING WITH RAGE AND JEALOUSY... I mean... That's his hoodie you were wearing. Are they blind? Should he hypnotize people to do stupid things later?
After the party... Oho ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ with Jamil going jealous a little while ago... He'll hug you tighter this time, his chin resting in your head. "Don't look cute in front of other people... I'm the only one you're allowed to look cute for."
Expect markings here and there in the morning... Take this sentence however you like...
•°•°•°•°•𝑲𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒎 𝑨𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒊𝒎•°•°•°•°•
Midnight trip in the clouds with your local sunshine boi! Riding the magic carpet with kalim is one of the most magical experience! Moonbathing with the stars WHILE YOU SIT BESIDE A LITERAL STAR LIKE KALIM TOO! as kalim cheerfully tells fun stories while laughing.
But of course the night today was kinda chilly and cold but you forgot to bring your sweater with you... Dammit it was really cold today. But somehow seeing kalim smile warms you up! I can't blame you though-.
When a really cold wind blew past the two of you... THAT'S IT! IT WAS REALLY COLD TODAY! You shivered while you held unto your arms and shoulders in attempts to keep yourself warm.
Of course Kalim notices this and offers his cardigan in uwu style! "Oh? Y/n are you cold? Oh! If you want, you can use my cardigan! Hehe..." Kalim brightly smiles like the usual. A blinding smile to keep the sleep paralysis demons away.
Frankly, Kalim is not that big, but his jacket still drooped on you which was very cute in Kalim's eyes!
"Y/n you look so small~ how cute!!" Kalim just casually blurts out, no embarrassment or whatsoever...
Of course it's a bit embarrassing for you at first, but Kalim's too pure and innocent for this world, so it's mainly just rainbows and sunshine being with him.
While the both of you are up in the air, maybe he'll offer a hug too if you're still cold. ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ it wouldn't be a sin to decline right?
•°•°•°•°•°•𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒐𝒘𝒍•°•°•°•°•°•
As the both of you are walking home, casually strolling in the roads that leads to the ramshackle dorm, this night was especially chilly.
The cold breeze was not cooperating this time as it continues to blow past the two of you. "Brrrr" this was cold... this was really cold... It was stupid not to bring your jacket with you when it's autumn near winter...
Jack was not blind to not see you shivering from the cold! Because jack is a good boye, he'll lend you his Jacket!!!
Seeing you look so smol in his jacket just melts his heart away. It literally looks like a blanket on you with how big it was. I MEAN THIS BOY IS LITERALLY WHOOPING 192CM TALL! GIVE ME UR HEIGHT
He'll just stare at you for minutes while you take walks, if you look close enough, you see his tail wagging and his ear perking up... Maybe a little blush too if you really look close ಠ◡ಠ
But a jacket can only do so much... Even if it was big and warm, your hands were somehow still cold seeing as you rub them every few minutes...
Good boye Jack offers to hold your hands!!! Would you like to accept this kind offer? ∆Yes ✓Yes!
When Jack holds your hands, JACK WAS A HEATER ALL ALONG? Big warm hands.... How comfortable... ;v;
Maybe along the way, he'll put your tiny hands in his pocket too... Who knows... But what you know is that you don't want to go home yet. Can the both of you extend this hand holding session?
Bruh...... tumblr won��t let me use the tags and properly post this... sigh.......
That's about it! I added Kalim and Jack to quench my thirst! And indulge in personal interests Again.. thankz for the request! And I hope you enjoyed this! ಠωಠ sending love before you read the next post under this♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 
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ahwait-no-yes · 4 years
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so basically my friend told me today about her dream she had that involved a demon and of course my mind went “...SAIOU AU”
here’s our convo so it makes sense:
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if I had the motivation i would DEFINITELY write a fic about this- the fluff/crack/angst potential is t h e r e
and as a bonus doodle,
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story is under the cut (it’s long)
“I was gonna keep this in tags but hsdf;j” is what I originally wrote here until I started thinking about this more and sorta wrote the whole plot-
-> as ouma’s killing the other monster things he flirts with shuuichi while the poor demon has never been flirted with so he’s stood there all confused and ??? (his version of blushing would be like, the fire coming from his small horns gets bigger and brighter)
-> the one he summons ends up being like. kaede and they both just end up having to lecture shuuichi on why it is that he should not want to die so easily
-> eventually kokichi and kaede wanna give him a hug so they try to but shuuichi’s Extra Hot™ (from being a demon and also probably blushing) so they both immediately regret that choice but kokichi laughs and gives an obligatory pun about shuuichi being hot which only confuses him because ‘of course im hot?? im a demon??’ while kaede explains what ouma meant
-> imagine shuuichi crying (fire tears..) at the generosity of these two strangers who a) aren’t absolutely terrified of him, b) refuse to hurt him and c) actually *want* to help him and ouma actually inwardly understanding a little bc he’d never imagine someone actually wanting to be with himself either
-> saihara now wanting to know what it’s like to live as a human with ouma and akamatsu but being unable to find a way (except for maybe being undercover?) but promising he’ll bring ouma back to him (he’s aware of the whole aging phenomenon in the lil demon world so he wants to keep their time short) and ouma finding that now he has something to look forward to
-> the 👏 mutual 👏 pining 👏 that commences after they both have to leave each other (if kaede knows kokichi in the real world she’d definitely tease him a little knowing he has a crush- this is probably good potential for building oumaede friendship)
-> it takes a while before ouma and saihara can see eachother again because getting the two to escape without killing saihara exerted a lot of energy on him, but they do get to! about once a month to be safe, and they get to know stuff about eachother like which shops ouma likes to steal from and shuuichi’s really loud demon friend he once had (aka momota)
-> one day though saihara tells ouma that if he keeps doing this he’ll die of exhaustion (it takes a lot of energy from saihara to get ouma in and out of there) and ouma calling him an idiot but really being worried. saihara tells him not to worry about him even if something happens to him, and makes ouma go back to the real world
-> ouma doesn’t hear from him after that
-> he worries he might have been killed or saihara forgot about him and feels stupid for being so hopeful in something so childishly impossible and starts trying to forget about him
-> the real world is aware of demons cause people talk about them (and obvs you can tell when someone’s gone to their.. dimension thing because you can visibly see them age) so still denying that he’s curious and likes saihara still, ouma tries to go to libraries and do his own research on demons and ends up finding out that saihara specifically comes from a bloodline that makes him quite powerful if not for that he wouldnt want to take the risks that come with it and then lowkey gets excited again for saihara while still in ✨denial ✨
-> it’s been almost a year when saihara has enough energy (and more) to ensure that his new plan is successfully carried out and that ouma (and potentially 1 more..) gets back to the real world safely. he created this plan when he figured out how to exist in the real world- by sacrificing the thing he cares most about
-> so when ouma suddenly gets that off-feeling people get when they’re leaving the real world he feels very many emotions at once (giddily going ”ohh my god its not this it cant be this no way oh heck tthisis not happening not a chance”) until he sees the face he’s been waiting 4 months for again except this time it looks.. frighteningly cold
-> ouma’s instincts are screaming at him that something is very, very wrong here especially when he can’t hear any warmth when saihara says “Welcome back, Ouma. It’s your final time” and explains the whole ‘kill these monsters then kill me’ thing again
-> ouma’s confusion inevitably turns to annoyance as he kills the dudes (there appears to be a lot more than there was last time) and fires questions at saihara (‘is this saihara?’ ‘what happened to you??’ ‘do you even remember me?’) while saihara stays silent for the whole time thinking about how he really doesn’t want to be doing this. 
-> eventually ouma decides he was wrong (again) to have put his faith in a guy- a demon- he only met once a month.. even if said demon gave him something to look forward to
-> when he finally gets to saihara alone he internally notes that saihara cant look him in the eye, but he finally speaks to tell ouma that now either himself or ouma will now die (saihara knows this is for sake of the sacrifice, but he can’t let ouma know else it won’t work)
-> ouma refuses to fight him again, expecting saihara to snap back into the meek demon from a year and some months ago, but rather than that happening saihara actually says something like “if you won’t kill me, I’ll have to kill you” and swings at him
-> even if ouma was on his full guard, he still would’ve been surprised by how strong saihara actually could be when he tried to fight- and of course saihara can’t stop now that he’s started but ouma hears the hesitation when saihara asks “are you going to kill me yet?” and gets annoyed that the whole time he spent with him and even akamatsu meant nothing. saihara smiles sadly knowing he’s achieving his goal but ouma thinks he’s smiling at the thought of dying and gets somehow even more annoyed
-> during their whole fight, insert “I’m alone, Ouma, and I will always be” line from saihara, “No amount of talking can convince me otherwise, Ouma. I’m sorry it took so long, but it was foolish of you to trust a demon you met only once” or something and yes it hurts saihara too but ouma’s staying silent and before saihara can continue, ouma fires back with “You’re right- you are meant to be alone. You were always meant to be that kind of guy” and stops dodging to start finally attacking- this is when saihara knows he’s pretty much achieved his target: sacrificing ouma’s trust in him
-> just as ouma swipes at him, saihara’s lil spell thing is activated that takes saihara back to the real world, disguised so people don’t see him as a demon. but now ouma thinks he’s just killed saihara (I just attacked him. and he is gone. i dont know what that light was but i must have just killed him. oh my god im a murderer.”)
-> saihara hiding in the forest to do the lil spell thing again but on ouma (all the time he spent saving on energy was worth it) so ouma gets transported to the real world too and immediately runs to tell akamatsu everything that happened
-> saihara trying to find to blend in with humans from what he remembers of how they act but he doesnt need to particularly eat he just needs a heck ton of sleep so he basically just lives in the forest now. he’s very sensitive to water so he actively stays away from it too (it wont kill him but it does make him sick). he’s still feverishly warm but not scalding and he also decides to work at a store to fit in more
-> ouma regretting what he did to saihara even though saihara hurt him first and realising he misses him
-> saihara ends up accidentally bumping into him at the store he works at that ouma conveniently steals from a lot (”Ouma, you’d make a good demon” “Nishishi! What do you mean? I’m a perfect little angel!”) and saihara gasping when he notices ouma’s unforgettable purple hair and cute smile.
-> ouma finding something familiar about this awkward new staff with the cute face and deciding he’ll visit the shop more often to see this stranger and not because said stranger might help him get over his demon crush
-> then they get to know eachother again for the 2nd time, and as much as this guy is really cute, he clearly knows more than he’s letting on... so of course ouma’s gotta now pay even more attention to him. just so he knows what the guy’s hiding. not cause he wants to know him.
-> one day saihara is sick from trying to protect himself from the rain (cause yk, water bad) so he stays in the forest instead of coming in to focus his energy on getting better and also not blowing his cover. ouma notices he isnt there on that day and asks other staff members where he lives and they’re all like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
-> it rains quite a bit after that, inevitably making saihara even more sick and in turn needing time away to himself, so ouma starts getting worried when saihara stops coming to work
-> saihara really wants to see him though, so one day he tries to drag himself to work in a terrible state where he’s actually almost cold for once and collapses after trying to run to ouma. ouma sees him and tells his manager he cant work nd takes him home himself where saihara wakes up confused
-> ouma lecturing saihara because he worried him and the way he fell reminded him of.. someone (demon shuu).. then he asks vague questions to saihara about if he’s ever met a demon and half-confesses to having met one himself multiple times and ending up falling in love and then probably killing them
-> saihara, in his tired state, tells him his story of how he was raised to believe he had no purpose other than to meet someone who would kill him, eventually finding that person but instead of looking at him with fear or anger he looked at him with admiration and playfulness, how the guy meant to kill him refused to and flirted w him instead. ouma has probably clicked on by this point but saihara continues to tell him he wanted to protect that guy with the power he had so he took time away from his first ‘job’ to find out how to be with him. saihara is probably shaking at this point while he continues telling him about how he found out he had to sacrifice the most important thing to him, so he “went and had a terrible argument with him one day and i ran away. but i’ve never stopped looking for him since, he showed me that even a demon like me can fall in love” (there’s the ✨grand confession ✨)
-> ouma saw it coming from the moment saihara started speaking, but that didnt stop him from being utterly paralysed. of COURSE saihara has to say “When I said you’d make a good demon I really wasn’t lying. Your hand is so warm it could fool even me” which possibly makes ouma completely combust before absolutely bolting out the door and calling akamatsu to tell her to get to his house (”AKAMATSU-CHAN I’M GONNA DIE RIGHT NOW IF YOU DON’T GET HERE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT THIS SECOND”)
-> while waiting for kaede, shuuichi explains that he needs to be Warm™ and immediately holds kokichi’s hold again, while the other’s having a gay panic.. and he doesnt know how to feel because on one hand, his beloved demon is.. right here, in the ‘flesh’, holding his hand, telling him he fell in love with him.. but on the other hand, that doesnt excuse the confusion and hurt he put him through back then, not being able to see him for a whole damn year.. 
-> ouma ignores all the feelings when akamatsu arrives where she’s brought water and blankets (just in case- i feel like shes the kind of friend who would do that) so saihara takes the blankets and ouma takes the water and she calms them both down and gets them to explain everything slowly and in their own time. its awkward esp for ouma who isnt particularly close with her, but they manage it in the end
-> they decide shuuichi literally cant live in the forest so of course now he has to live with ouma but akamatsu offers to help if it ever gets too much for ouma which obviously ouma denies. she leaves soon and its just them but ouma needs some time to himself to clear his head and he only returns late to see saihara asleep clinging onto akamatsu’s blanket with his life lmao so ouma sighs and brings him more. and if he kisses the sleeping demon’s forehead, nobody has to know
-> ofc its still very much awkward and it takes ouma getting used to having even just another presence in his home, let alone his sort-of-unofficial-demon-bf and saihara’s still sleeping a lot of the time but recovering
-> they probably establish their feelings for eachother properly when they’re more mentally prepared for it, and then 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 (they kiss) and are now actually legally boyfriends. i absolutely cannot let this end in angst so they’re happy and love eachother now yay the end
nngl. i talked about this with that same friend and I lowkey want to start writing an actual fic for it now that ive written... literally the entire plot, but if i do that it probably wont be out for a while bc i take 10 years to write lmao-- plus i hardly ever finish what i start so uh yeah.. but hopefully! im not even good at writing fic this is just the plot but yello
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thevoilinauttheory · 5 years
Music Profile
Rules: For many of us, music is a source of inspiration for our characters, so I want to know what songs inspire and/relate to your muse! Choose between 10-15 songs, compile them into an album and tag some friends to share the beat!
As tagged by @lukawarrioroflight​ so very, very, very long ago. You made me do a bad thing - which was spend at least 3 hours compiling a list of 10 songs for each of the characters I roleplay the most. M’nhea’s will come first - since I haven’t thought too much about songs for him - and all the others (Maximiloix, Danny, and Amosis) will be listed under the cut. These songs aren’t in a specific order~ 
I’m going to pick up the tags again for once, so I’m tagging: @renofmanyalts​, @jasleh​, @amdapori​, @prodigalsong​, @spotofmummery​, @journeybetweenworlds​, @astralyehga​, @houserosaire​, @cadrenebula​, @ever-searching​, @munchix-home-cooking​, @egrine​
M’nhea Tia:
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Silhouettes - Of Monsters and Men
There's nothing that I'd take back But it's hard to say there's nothing I regret Cause when I sing, you shout I breathe out loud You bleed, we crawl like animals But when it's over, I'm still awake
Coming of Age - Foster the People
When my fear pulls me out to sea And the stars are hidden by my pride and my enemies I seem to hurt the people that care the most Just like an animal, I protect my pride When I'm too bruised to fight And even when I'm wrong, I tend to think I'm right
RUNAWAY - half.alive
I hold my life out in front of me, dreams of who I want to be I'm seeing every empty page But I find that everything I am is everything I should be I don't need to run away I don't need to run away Yeah I don't need to run away
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
Hey young blood Doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix Wearing our vintage misery No, I think it looked a little better on me I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix
Knights of Cydonia - Muse
No one's gonna take me alive The time has come to make things right You and I must fight for our rights You and I must fight to survive
It’s Not My Fault, I’m Happy - Passion Pit
It's not right, it's not right How am I the only one who sees us fight? What are we? Who are they? Who says those bastards don't deserve to pay? Well it's enough, it's just enough 'cause we don't stand a chance So long you stay around, you're just another song and dance It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair Still I'm the only one who seems to care
Hunger - Of Monsters and Men
Hungry for the kill, but this hunger, it isn't you Voices disappear when you are speaking, in somber tunes I will be the wolf and when you're starving, you'll need it too Hungry for the kill, but this hunger, it isn't you It isn't you, it isn't
I'm hardly perfect I'm barely good Just shy of greatness Ah-ah I'm heavy metal And hollow wood Just shy of patience Ah-ah
Titanium - David Guetta, ft. Sia
Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall Ghost town and haunted love Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones I'm talking loud, not saying much
I Just Wanna Shine - Fitz & The Tantrums
So I wake up I get out of bed, and stay up Stay out of my head 'Cause it's dangerous And I don't wanna lose my mind, no
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Warrant - Foster the People
Fear is like a fake friend It warms you up and takes you in You mouth the words but no sound comes out Fear is like your best friend Manipulates and takes you in You mouth the words No sound again
Now shut your dirty mouth If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate To smile while you suffocate and die And that would be just fine What a lovely time That it would surely be So bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep
Punching in a Dream - The Naked and Famous
All the lights go down as I crawl into the spaces Fight, flight, or the screams, life tearing at the seams Wait, I don't ever want to be here Like punching in a dream, breathing life into my nightmare
I Am a Nightmare - Brand New
So come shake your Zen out And give me pure energy My heart is glowing fluorescent, I want you to possess it I’m not a prophecy come true I’ve just been goddamn mean to you So what is this thing laced with Please, don't replace me I surrender, embrace me Whatever I'm faced with
Crystals - Of Monsters and Men
I know I'll wither so peel away the bark 'Cause nothing grows when it is dark In spite of all my fears, I can see it all so clear I see it all so clear
Crown of Love - Arcade Fire
They say it fades if you let it Love was made to forget it I carved your name across my eyelids You pray for rain, I pray for blindness
Thank God I’m Not You - Himalayas
You could call me narcissistic You could say I'm of no worth You could call me the scorn of Satan But I could be so much worse
To My Enemies - Saint Motel
You know that talk is cheap Keep talkin' as I turn my cheek You know that no one really cares (Did you know that, did you know that?) It wasn't that long ago You wanted to slit my throat To find out if my blood bleeds blue (Did you know that, did you know that?)
An Honest Mistake - The Bravery
Sometimes I forget I'm still awake I fuck up and say these things out loud My old friend... I swear I never meant for this I never meant...
Forgive Me Friend - Smith & Thell
'Cause I fell in the hole, in the hole, in the hole My heart was turning cold, turning cold, turning cold I never wanted this to end, can you forgive me friend?
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Upside Down & Inside Out - OK Go
I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break So when you met the new you Were you scared? Were you cold? Were you kind? Yeah when you met the new you Did someone die inside?
Houdini - Foster the People
Got shackles on, my words are tied Fear can make you compromise With the lights turned up, it's hard to hide Sometimes I wanna disappear
Dance Dance Dance - 65daysofstatic
Cradles - Sub Urban
Tape my eyes open to force reality (Oh no, no) Why can’t you just let me eat my weight in glee? I live inside my own world of make-believe Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days Sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me
Fire - Barnes Courtney
Oh, a thousand faces staring at me Thousand times I've fallen Thousand voices dead at my feet Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
I have seen what the darkness does Say goodbye to who I was I ain't never been away so long Don't look back, them days are gone Follow me into the endless night I can bring your fears to life Show me yours and I'll show you mine Meet me in the woods tonight
Simmer - Hayley Williams
Control There's so many ways to give in Eyes closed Another way to make it to ten Oh, how to draw the line between wrath and mercy? Gotta simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer, simmer down
Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second - STRFKR
All my life There you go Oh please stay Just this once Anyway
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant
Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall you were looking out of place Gathered up your things and slipped away No time at all I followed you into the hall Cigarette daydream You were only seventeen So sweet with a mean streak Nearly brought me to my knees
In the Woods Somewhere - Hozier
The creature lunged I turned and ran To save a life I didn't have Dear, in the chase There as I flew Forgot all prayers Of joining you
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Vy från ett luftslott - Kent
Där missilerna möts De viskar: hålen i himlen ska bli våran död Ovanför molnen Där djävulen bor De viskar: hålen i himlen är från hans klor
Where the missiles meet They whisper: the holes in the heavens will be our death Above the clouds Where the devil lives They whisper: the holes in the heavens are from his claws
Panic Station - Muse
Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And this chaos, it defies imagination Ooh, 5, 6, 7 minus 9 lives And I know that you will fight for the duration Ooh, 1, 2, 3, 4 fire's in your eyes And you know I'm not resisting your temptations Ooh, 5, 6, 7 minus 9 lives You've arrived at panic station
Destruction - Joywave
I wanna know who you told 'til they're all laying on the floor Frozen to the core I wanna know who you told 'til it's nobody anymore Nobody anymore
Little Dark Age - MGMT
I grieve in stereo The stereo sounds strange You know that if it hides It doesn't go away If I get out of bed You'll see me standing all alone Horrified On the stage My little dark age
The Wolf - SIAMÉS
I’m out of my head Of my heart and my mind 'Cause you can run but you can’t hide I’m gonna make you mine Out of my head Of my heart and my mind 'Cause I can feel how your flesh now Is crying out for more
It Doesn’t Matter Why - Silversun Pickups
You hear us come and go, we know You wonder if we're not alone, we're alone You think about us all the time, don't Because it doesn't matter why we're known We're just known, we're just known
Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club
He sleeps alone He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows That they're just ghosts And they can't hurt him if he can't see them, ohh And I may go To places I have never been to just to find The deepest desires in my mind
still.feel - half.alive
So when I lose my gravity in this sleepy womb Drifting as I dream, but I'll wake up soon To realize the hand of life is reaching out To rid me of my pride I call allegiance to myself
Iron - Woodkid
This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands I'm frozen to the bones, I am A million miles from home, I'm walking away I can't remind your eyes, your face
Content - Joywave
I'm searching for the difference between What content and content can bring Maybe they're no different 'cause they look the same (They look the same) Maybe I'm just an algorithm with a given name (A given name) But... trying to find the difference The difference, the difference, the difference
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softyoong · 5 years
50 questions tag
i was tagged by @bfjooonie​! thank you so much honey💛
1. What takes up too much of your time?
    oof definitely the internet
2. What makes your day better?
    chatting with my best friends and playing with my dogs
3. What’s the best thing to happen to you today?
    i went walking with my mum in the nature and we had much fun
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
    atla akdjfhg
5. Are you good at giving advice?
    i think i’m not bad at it lmao 
6. Do you have any mental illness?
    uuhh idk
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
    way too many times 
8. What musician inspired you the most?
    i’m gonna say bts cause i never had such a strong connection with any other artist
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
    nope :( i had some crushes but falling in love? never
10. What’s your dream date?
      oh idk tbh, it’s either something fun like going to an amusement park or anything related with the nature like walking in the park/ a pic-nic 
11. What do others notice about you?
      my quiet demeanor and my long hair ljkhgfasd
12. What is an annoying habit you have?
      i fidget a lot, i always have to do something with my hands (cracking my knuckles, playing with my hair/ earrings/ necklace/ pens...)
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
      i’ve never had one  
14. How many exes do you have?
      none :p
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
      i don’t have a playlist atm
16. What instruments can you play?
      nowadays none, i used to play the guitar but i slowly forgot how to
17. What do you have the most pictures of?
      friends and family members and places
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
      so many places… i cant pic
19. What is your zodiac?
     aries sun, scorpio moon, sag rising
20. Do you relate to it?
      a lot yes
21. What is happiness to you?
      joy in little things. spending lots of time with my friends, playing games, trying out new recipes, 
22. Are you going through anything right now?
      here and there, yes
23. What’s the worst decision you ever made?
      never starting a sport when a was little
24. What’s your favorite store?
      umm dont really have one
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
      women should have authority over their bodies
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
      yup! it constantly changes though adhkgdh
27. Do you have a favorite album?
       no, i constantly fall in love with albums and songs
28. What do you want for your birthday?
      i want to spend a day w/ my friends and just be worryless happy 
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
      people usually say that i’m quiet and nice to be around to, that i’m funny but also honest and blunt
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
      usually people think i’m younger, like 18 or so
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
      on my nightstand
32. What word do you say the most?
      alskdjfh it’s probably “what”
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
      4 to 5 years older idk
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
      something related to art
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
      oh myy hip hop and r&b are my favs but i like a lot of genres
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
      uhh i have no idea man 
38. What is your current favorite song?
       the whole persona album lmaooo
39. How long have you had this blog for?
      hhhhh this one was created in 2k14 oh god
40. What are you excited for?
      around may 15th my bts albums should be delivered so i can’t wait asldfhg
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
      listener, definitely listener 
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
      i cleaned up my room and around the house, and i went grocery shopping  
43. What do you want for christmas?
      oh i dont know yet! 
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
       i used to get the best ones in English, italian, art and philosophy
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now?
      7. I am sleepy and i’d love to get some cuddles rn
46. What can you see yourself doing in ten years?
       look i’ll be like 31, wow wild. idk what i’ll do tomorrow i- aldkjfshg. No but like hopefully i’ll be in a nice place, happy and healty doing something i love and?? i’ll have a girlfriend pheraps?? i’d love it
47. When did you get your first heartbreak?
      oh my can’t recall atm, i’m a sensitive kid so i had some, the first one? in like elementary school probably
48. What age do you want to get married?
      ohh i dont have an age in mind
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
      i was that kid that every time they discovered a new job they wanted to do it because “it looks so cool!” so i literally wanted to do any job a vet? yes. astonaut? loved it. chef? anything that was food related tbh. policeman? hell yes, firefighter? so cool!  marine biologist? architect? photographer?  u name it 
50. What do you crave right now?
      a cup of tea/coffee (which i’m probably gonna make now), ice cream and cuddleees!!
tagging: @hyyhparadise @queenyoonji @chiquititae @yglesbian @npanman @biminie
obviously if you don’t wanna do this you can just ignore it🎀
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hanasaku-shijin · 6 years
Been a minute since i did one of these, rwby liveblog:
all right let’s hear that new opening
oh okay jk maybe next week
yooo the fucking, what are they - manticore?? hell yeah give em to me
just fucking skates along the train im glad they FINALLY did that in canon do u know how many fics have written weiss ice skating anywehre/anytime just cuz she fukcing can
i appreciate how they went in RWBY order for that
but like.... it’s great that blake and yang are chill now buuuttt uummmm did they have a proper talk about shit?? cuz they need to
thank GOD we finally have an official canon white rose moment that isn’t just a joke or casual scene FINALLY A FIGHT-SCENE MOMENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO THEMMMM havent seen that since vol1 ep8
okay i can stop now that’s good enough for me lmao
their lil pink rose petals aaaaaaahhh im cryinn
oh so Adam just went on a tantrum murder rage. sick.
lol Adam taking “man pain” to a whole new level jeeeeez like congrats u remembered Blake’s name u get a gold star
lol weiss saying gifts are a waste of time but i BET U ruby got her something and she’s gonna love it
at least explain where weiss got it pls
i s2g if we get a beach episode 
“team rwby wont leave your side for a second. i promise.”
welp time to break that promise probably
oh great. more boys.
are they. are they based off twiddle dee and twiddle dum cuz that’s what it sounds like lmao
okay ive been asking this question for 2 volumes already WHERE’S BLAKE SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE BACK NOW
“waiting on Blake, as usual.” Weiss has gone on many dates with her she knows she can take some Time getting ready lol
oH SHIT i legit forgot about Ilia oops BUT HER CASUAL CLOTHES THO
oh is sun still here too then
this could be good oh pls
oh good that was good yes YES
Sun saying he and the boys were cool on a little hiatus when they’re based off a fucking boy band is HILARIOUS
god SSSN get back to the stage go make more songs u slackers
we’re going there aren’t weeeee
sigh but y’know what, im whatever it’s fine Black Sun is good Sun is good
the whole reason i never really liked Black Sun so much was not cuz it’s het but because like??? I’m so tired of the Faunus falling for Faunus and humans falling for humans sort of trope y’know?? I hate thinking they’re together just cuz they’re both Faunus but it’s whateverrr i guess
we just have uhhh no official inter-racial(?) couples in this show y’know what i mean
If I have to accept any het couple Black Sun is probably the best tbh because y’know why?? they are friends first. they have a history together, and it’s a good one. so fine. I’m glad it isn’t gonna be a main focus tho (seemingly)
i appreciate the rwby bunkbed arrangements again on the train ahah GOOD TIMES
oooh? what’s this?? the second Yang speaks Blake perks up??? i like where this is going pls have a Talk together now
ohhh.. Guilt. Wonderful.
Blake stopppp
okay but when weiss and ruby shared a glance tho 
“just my luck” “it’s not yours” oh right Qrow is Unluckiest Uncle of the Year
dont worry blake. black cats arent unlucky in this show
Oh? some of the manticore have manes but the one doesnt?? is the female like the head honcho?
i am sooooooooooo loving weiss’ leggings GOD it looks SO GOOOOOD
coulda said that FIRST RUBY LOL
okay i know i have a new fav Grimm every season but daammmn these guys knock the Griffons off the top spot
Ruby’s making an awful lot of promises today hmmmmm im sensing a theme how long’s it gonna take before she cant fulfill one
yes GOOD i like the Jaune/Ren tagteam a lotttt
oH SHIT WHAT IT HAS A CHIMERA TAIL TOO?? i didnt notice that before thats fuckin SICK
vol1 - weiss burns down a forest
vol6 - weiss derails a train
oh hi little old Katara how u doin
the renora
i s2g if it’s Cinder laksjdhfksldf
if that last shot of Weiss supporting Ruby is just more BAIT IM GONNA RIOT
we’re off to a good start so pls.... pls let’s keep it up
i’d forgotten how good RWBY could be if the girls were together lol
good to be back for once
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed Pt.7
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x plus size MASTERLIST
A/n: sorry for the late update! I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
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Noooooo it's my day off! Pulling the blankets over my head and rolled over.
"Y/N?!" Noooooooo.
"Y/N!" Angrily I sit up and bring the blanket down. My eyes open and....... What the fuck? There is a Christmas tree in the middle of my room?! Oh my god there is a real pine tree in the middle of my room!
Slowly, I crawl out of my bed and sit In front of the tree. The smell filled my nose heavenly and the ornaments.......looked familiar. Except for this one, a turtle dove? My fingers softly touch the dove. Who put this here? All of this.
"Y/N" Mom and Ed open my door with scared and angry expressions.
"Someone broke i-" mom looked at the Christmas tree and looked back at me then back at the tree.
"Ta-ta da" I nervously say and extend my arms out.
"I don't know if I should ask how this got here?" Ed pointed at the tree.
"Good. Cause I don't know how either" they both came in and sat next to me looking at the tree. It's beautiful. Whoever placed it here is amazing. Creepy, but amazing.
"It smells amazing" all of us take a deep breath, taking in the wonderful smell. Who knows how long we sat there just looking at the tree.
"Who wants pancakes?" I asked.
"Me" Mom said touching the turtle dove
"This is new" I nod my head and take it down.
"Usually there is two. One for a friend and one to keep, but here we have one."
"Should we freak out about all of this?" Ed questioned. I feel like if I should, but I don't. Why? Why can't I freak out about this?
"Oooh these are nice!" I look at Ed playing with some sunglasses. The sunglasses! I forgot to give them to Bucky! Aw man!
"Take those off! They are a gift to someone!" I get up and take them off his huge head.
"WHO?" He asked childish, putting his hands to the side.
"Someone special" I place them in the desk.
"Well I'm going to make the pancakes, get ready we're going to grandma's" we all got up and went out separate ways. Getting my clothes ready I head to the shower. The marks are gone but now there is a scar left behind, make up will do.
With no care I put my music on and get in the shower. I have gone back to showering once a one or twice times a day and it is fine, still feel dirty, but I can't let it get to me.
I let the music take over me and begin singing while washing my hair.
~send you my love on a wire~
~lift you up every time~
~everyone oooooooooo~
The thought of someone breaking in kinda scared me, and the thought of someone placing it in my room while I was sleeping made it worst. Holy shit! I mean the tree is beautiful, but who could have put it in there it's super heavy, and so quietly too. Rosie and Caroline know that I wanted a really tree for Christmas! Them bitches will give me socks or something they dont want. They are out.
A real Christmas tree is all I wanted! But who did I also mentioned that I wanted one. Then the realization hit me like a bowling ball hitting a pin.
"BUCKY!" I yell and open my eyes making soap get in. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck that stings. I hurry and get the soap off and finish my shower in a speedy.
Quickly I dry my body and comb my hair. I should have known from the beginning that it was him. My stomach began to get butterflies as I thought about Bucky bringing a pine tree into my house quietly. He gave me a real Christmas tree for Christmas!
"Mom! I need to go somewhere can I get the car?!" I yelled running down the stairs.
"Is 12:37 we need to be at grandmas at 2" she was still making pancakes.
"I'll be back super duper fast!" She gave me her serious look. Come on, please.
"Please I need to go" I gave her my best puppy eyes. Fall for them, fall for them! She threw me the keys, happily I gave her a kiss and ran out. As i raced to Bucky's place I began trying to wrap the sunglasses. That's it! Is that all I am going to really give him! NO! I need to buy him something else! Should I just wait? Or give him the sunglasses?
"Nope! I'm waiting!" Getting out of the car I slip on ice but manage to get a hold of the car door. Getting myself together I go and knock on his door.
Knock knock knock!
I wait for 10 minutes but he doesn't answer. Ugh he's not home! I hit my head against the door. After a couple of seconds I get in the car and head straight home. What did I expect? he has family, duh. Getting home I literally flop myself on the couch.
"Where were you?" Ed asked me.
"Hukmmmmmm" my face was squished against the pillow.
"I know who gave meee the tree!!!!" Shouted into the pillow. He sat next to me and put a hand on my back.
"His name is Bucky Barnes." He just hummed.
"Ed say something?"
"What do I say?"
"I dont know?! Something?!"
"Is he different?" I nod
"Is he like the other guys?" I shake my head
"Have you....you know?" I shake my head again. I lift my head and look at the destroyed artificial tree. A little chuckle escaped me thinking about Bucky just trying to get all the ornaments.
"How did you guys meet?"
"Work" I sit up trying to fix my hair. He didn't ask anything else. We ate and went to grandma's. We did the same thing over and over again, eat dinner, sit In front of the t.v. or look at the stupid fake tree, then open presents and asking where my boyfriend is, then we eat more. Same. Shit. Over. And. Over. Again.
"Hey Bucko" Tony sat next to me while drinking his spiked eggnog.
"Hey" he gave me one and I gladly drank it. Alcohol didn't affect Steve or I. Super solder serum.
"Ready for presents?" I nod my head and look at the tree. Damn, Tony goes all out! The thing is almost touching the ceiling.
"You know I didn't buy anything for you guys......i thought I wasn't going to come."
"Hey. Your presence is better than anything" he puts his head on my shoulder and finishes his eggnog.
"Tony what are you doing?" Nat asked amused.
"Don't ruin the moment!" Tony yelled and began digging into his pocket.
"Here take a picture. And post it on my Twitter account. Saying something nice" he put his head back on my shoulder and his hand on my chest like a couple.
"Smile honey"
"No" i deadpan.
"Come On sweetheart" I try moving away but he pulls me back down.
"COME ON. LOVE MEEEEE" I manage to get up and Tony falls to the floor getting a hold of my leg.
"3......2......1!" Nat takes the picture. She showed us the picture cracking up.
"Ohh Oh this is perfect" Tony let's me go and grabs his phone and process to upload the picture.
"Come and open presents!" Steve yells. Once we where all in the room Sam had a Santa hat while giving out the presents. Everyone got a bunch of presents! I got one but it didn't matter I felt good. Bunch of clothes and video games where scattered across the room it was amazing! It felt like home, I just missed someone.
"I know......Buck" Steve caught my attention from Peter teaching me how to use my new phone.
"Hm?" Both Steve and Tony give me a heavy box.
"This is from all of us." Tony said with a huge smile on his face. I began ripping the paper. Man, I felt so excited! I don't care if i just got two presents they ment something important. A record player!
"Look inside" clint said.
A bunch of old records that I enjoyed from the past. I got up and hugged Steve for the wonderful memory before war.
"Hey Bucko" I felt overwhelmed by the gift that a lump formed in my throat.
"There is something else Buck" I look at them and they had huge smiles.
"We might have gotten Tony to make you a mp3 player and put new music in there. It's the songs we think you might like. Some of our favorites too" Clint said as I open the small box inside the case.
"Thank you" I mumbled. I feel overwhelmed with comfort and care.
" Mr. Bucky sir are you crYING? " slowly I wipe my cheek. I guess I am. I try to hid the little tears but I guess I failed.
"I guess I am kid" I lightly chuckled and Peter gave me a bone crushing hug.
"DoN' t cRY" I...
"Peter..." can't...
"Peter........" breath..
"Yes Mr.Stark?"
"Let him go. He can't breath!" Soon as he let go I felt myself take a large amount of air.
"Damn kid you got a strong hold" my voice came out raspy. Laughter filled the room.
"Here we are Buck" Steve turned on the truck. He wanted to drive to my studio. 3 hour drive just talking and singing like old times.
"Thanks Steve and Sam"
"Yeah whatever. But next time can we hear music from this era! I wanna hear some Kanye West man!" Sam kept on blabbing and blabbing. Ignoring Sam I got out and walked to my door with my stuff.
"Hey" I whip my head to the side and see Y/n.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" I open the door and let her in first.
"Thanks. Umm I wanted to th-thank you for the tree. It's beautiful" her cheeks turned pink. "Welcome" I mumbled and placed my stuff on the bed.
"I got you something.." she gave me a Christmas bag. "It's not like your gift sadly. I wish I could give you something better" I open the bag and see the sunglasses that i wanted and a DVD movie. Dumbo.
"We can finally see the movie. If you want." She was nervous, I can tell. All I need is her presence, she made this Christmas better.
"Y/n, you watching the film with me will make my Christmas perfect"
Tags: @tnupsweetpie
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a-s-h-f-l-a-m-e · 6 years
all the letters
A - If I’m in love.
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.
 o o I dont remember tbh
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.
a long time, lets just say
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.
b o y s 
E - How many holes I have in my ears.
none they closed up years ago.
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’
...? uhh. hot.?
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.
my boyfriends
H - The last person I hugged.
my cat 
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
looking at friend’s art. 
y’know, because if you search thru the”ash’s art” tag you’ll see a pile of steaming shit that takes you an hour or more to make and  everyone else draws the same thing,  so much better, in  30 minutes or less.  and they get all the credit. and they ignore your art.
kinda hurts, y’know? 
J - Are you insecure. What about?
K - What my full name is.
My full name is  --- not going to be put here because gods know if those Shitty Anons are still around stalking my blog i do not want to put that here because i dont even know what they would do with it if they have it
L - If I have siblings.
M - If I forgive betrayal.
obviously not
N - If you want to know how I treat my friends.
what is this supposed to imply? everyone obviously treats their friends love and compassion. what does the person who made this think someone beats up their friends or treats them badly????
O - If I like my school.
No :’ ) its a hell i  literally am unable to escape because every time i get close to finishing they make me redo a class because OHH YOU WERE GONE ONE (1) DAY SO I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO WITHDRAW YOU (thus making me lose everything. )  and its worse because my mother speaks spanish and the spanish translator is a horrible piece of shit who tells my mom everything even if i tell her that my mother will scream at me for hours or hit me.
theres a lot more reasons for me to completely and utterly hate that horrible online school but damn this got deep quick
P - What kind of music I like.
video game music. 
Q - What the last party I went to was, and when the next will be.
i dont think ive been to one before. or if i have i forgot.
R - For me to tell 10 of my curiosities.
S - 2 habits.
T - 5 things I love unconditionally.
my friends 
my boyfriends
the way the first rays of sunlight peek through the trees and over the rooftops while everything else still remains in shadow.
i cant think of anything else
uhhh slenderverse
U - How many texts I send daily.
V - 3 big dreams.
W - An idol.
X - If I’ve done something I regret very much.
:’ ) oh boy. you fuckin know i do
Y - If I like my town and why.
its quiet and calm but every event hgappens on Saturdays. and i cant go anywhere on Saturday. 
Z - Ask any question you want.
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staysuki · 3 years
btw softukiyos really doesnt have a masterlist, i think shes fixing the links or smth. you can find her other stories on the tags tho ! https://softukiyos.tumblr.com/post/661861264424943616 -> heres the link to the story i recommended hehe
hala baka ikaw nga ang tunay na mrs. hwang 😏 you felt that pic? 👀👀👀👀 me too lol believe me, the longer you watch the show, the more irritating she becomes. AND THE KID MATE. the handsome kid who took off his mask cuz he was threatened to be stabbed. he got shot tho, died nevertheless :"> uhh they are selling organs, its not rly a spoiler so dw abt it. it was just a side story that didnt even got explained LMAO its fun reading your predictions hehe but i dont want to say much, im scared i ll accidentally spoil you. still, i feel like some kind of god that know what happens while you re out here guessing XD
MOVING ON, YHMs new ch ! seungmin really is smooth, damn. inviting a girl immediately to his home but what he actually really wants is for his idol to come in 👀 seungmins really taking advantage of all the benefits he can get for keeping a stranger's, who surprisingly has many connections to famous artists, phone at gun point. HHAHAHAHAHA same vibes. crush > literally anything that needs to be prioritized.
i did not do anything today, just laid down and thought abt what to do with life but the chapters you posted still recharged me. i love the updates aaaaaaa you could already tell by how long this ask is but being straightforward is cool 😎 thank you ehhe
except maybe like at 12 am. omg remembering it still stresses me wat da fuq. i read a horror fic at that time and it was so good that i sent a long ass review full of love and me just saying "it scared me shitless" a bunch of times. i did it in phone and i stated before that the app lags sm. it was abt as long as my previous ask. anyways i pressed ask and the words something went wrong with your ask showed up. i started typing it out at 1 am and i literaly finished at 2:30. BELIEVE me, even when sending you asks, i usually take an hour at least. i need to organize my thoughts so much. SMH >:( uGH i kenat. anyways lol i just did it again, it wasnt really that bad LMAO
hows ur day btw 😎
- bs
ohh, that’s sad, i’ll wait for it then, or look thru the tags 👀. and yeah! i’ve read that one already, personally not a big fan of non-contemporary aus but her works are great :,))).
BYE. and i see, THAT kid, i already forgot him but yeah, i do feel really bad :((( he did not deserve that, so sad. makes me wonder about the people who works there though and why they seem so emotionless, i wonder if it’ll get explained. are any of my predictions true 💀 i’m still wondering about that but hngghhh i should finish the series na.
i love seungmin’s smau 😭 there’s so many on queue na and i’m currently writing the written chapter. as i wrote for it, i realized that it’s probably not going to be a long fic, i feel like with the story revolving around six people, there really isn’t much arcs to go on and i think i’d focus on the main boy na anywho. it’ll probably be a linear development with two to three arcs at most, not like jyp-u where there’s so many things happening all at once.
and thank you, i’m glad you enjoyed the fics 😭🤧 i’ve loved writing them too especially since i’m currently in another motivational streak uwu. i’m even already excited to plan out hyunjin’s smau (wow i just love smaus). and yes, i love receiving your asks no matter how long 👩‍💻.
and yes, the app is so buggy, i hate it 😭. but i enjoy reading your asks even though they’re incoherent sometimes JSHWJSHWS JKJK, i love it.
my day went great! i’ve been in a productive streak this week so i spent today being all 😴😴😴 bc i deserve it. mostly just writing fics too honestly.
0 notes
crzcorgi · 8 years
One of a Kind
For Negan Smut Week!
Sentence Prompt: “You like to hold it”
I wrote something a bit different. This is not with Number 6
Negan x Reader
Y/N=your name
Warnings - Negan smutty goodness. Language. NSFW. Sexy aesthetic
1950 words- using the Keep reading feature
Want on or off my taglist? Just let me know!
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    Shit! It was raining hard and I had the unfortunate luck to be heading out on a run. Rain in itself isn't bad, washes away any walker blood and guts your clothing might accumulate. But heavy rain made scavenging hard.
 I was heading out with Simon, Frank, Jake and one other dude, can't remember his fucking name. I was once again the lucky one, the only female in the group. They usually were somewhat respectful, and if they weren't, well, I wasn't afraid to use brute force. And they knew it.
 It always made me laugh when I think of how things are now, compared to what they were, before the end. I was a dancer, no, not a stripper, which is what most fuckers thought when I told them. Fuck, mind in the gutter. I was a ballerina, well, more like a ballet teacher. You know what they say, those that can’t, teach.
 Anyway, my point being that I am small, and even smaller with the lack of 3 balanced meals. But I'm squirrelly, as Simon calls it. And I know how use most any object as a weapon. Simon's Negan’s right hand man. Simon is also my boss, I guess you could say, and probably the only friend I have in the Sanctuary.
  And Negan. Negan is the man, the one who runs the whole show. The one who most are scared shitless of. But not me. Don't get me wrong, I do respect him for what he's done, is doing. It's not a job I would want. But he doesn't scare me. And I know that pisses him off.
 I try to steer clear of him, never take runs with him, follow his rules, anything so he won't notice me. I met him when I first came to the Sanctuary. Got the whole Negan treatment. Work for points or be my wife and live like a queen. He says wife, I say sex doll, potato, potato. Either way, no.thank.you.
 So that's why I'm on a run. It's either that or scrubbing toilets, hmm easy choice for me. Going on runs can be fun. You never know what you might come across. I've gotten some great stuff before. We aren't supposed to keep it for ourselves, it goes back to the Sanctuary to be sorted out. But I've pocketed a few items. What Negan doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
 So I'm standing in the Sanctuary lot, in the rain, waiting for everyone. I'm always on time, they're always late. Nice.
 “We don't need a fucking army for this run, it's just a fucking milk run, Simon!”
  Shit! It's Negan! What the hell Simon, he knows not to put me on runs with him. Goddamn!
  “Well, well, well! Dollface! Fancy meeting you and your fucking fine ass here!”
 “Is that all you've got to say? No, good morning sir? No, you are looking mighty fine sir, let’s fuck?”
 Jesus! I just glare at him, hoping the heat in my cheeks doesn't show. “And why do we have the pleasure of your company on this run, sir?”
 “Sir, I like your respect darling.” He moved closer to me, so close I could smell just how good he smelled. Ugh. He then proceeded to put his arm around me. “Take a page from this little lady men, re-fucking-spect, remember that!’
 I turned to stare at Simon, hoping he could feel my anger. He looked at me and shrugged. Bastard!
 I started for the van that Simon was driving, I always rode with him, when someone grabbed my arm. “You're riding with me doll.”
 I gasped, “uh, sir, I always ride with Simon.”
 “Well, change is fucking good, get in the truck doll.”
 I climbed into the truck, already a sense of dread in my bones. This is going to fucking suck.
 Negan opened the driver’s side door, swinging his beloved bat, Lucille into the truck first. “Help Lucille in doll?”
  I took the bat, careful not to touch her barbed wire covering. She was cleaned up from her last outing, but I could still see bits and pieces of a job well done.
 “Admiring my lady, doll? She is a fucking thing of beauty, no?”
 “She's something alright.” I smiled, looking out the window and dreading this run already.
 He started the truck up, radioing Simon to ask which way we were heading then stating we would follow.
 Thank the gods the place we were heading to was a short drive. We got in, got some great things, not a lot in quantity, but quality. We were soon back on the road, no walkers or other survivors to be found. A successful run.
 Well, I spoke too soon. Right after we started back to the Sanctuary, the truck sputtered to a stop. And unfortunately, we were the last to leave, the others had headed back before us.
 “Fuckity fucking fuck! Jesus!” Negan picked up the radio, yelling at Simon. No answer. “What the fuck?!” He started banging the radio.
 “They're too far out, sir, no reception. Once they realize we aren't coming, they'll come look for us. Until then, we’re stuck.” I sighed, picking at the wire on Lucille.
 “Well, well, this is certainly a fucking predicament we are in. Most cer-tain-ly!” Negan turned in his seat, staring over at me.
 “Soooo what do you suggest we do with our fucking time alone, darling?
 The way he said alone, my body started rebelling against what I knew was right.
 “I don't know, sir, sing some round robin songs? Maybe thumb wrestle?”
 I vaguely heard something that sounded like a groan come from him. “Ohh, ba-by, you are so fucking adorable!” He reached over to touch my cheek, but I caught his wrist before he made it.
 “Sir, please keep to your own side of the vehicle.” I looked back down at Lucille.
 “You like my Lucille, sweetheart? She seems to have taken a liking to you also. You like to hold it, doll?” I could just hear the smirk he was wearing.
 “I like weapons of all kinds, and yes, I do like Lucille. She has a nice feel to her, nice hold.”
 He started laughing a deep gruff laugh. “I see what you did there. You thought I meant, do you like holding Lucille. But doll, that wasn't,” He leaned over, taking a hold of my chin and forcing me to look at him. “what I meant. Are you being coy with me?”
 “Negan, sir, this isn't a good idea. You have your wives, I have my pride.” I'm not sure if I was trying to convince him, or me.
 “Oh baby girl, I'm not asking for a fucking commitment, just a little bit of fuckity fun! You are too cute! And making me fucking hard as steel” He reached down, palming himself through his pants.
 I glanced over, noticing just how large that bulge was. And then I threw all caution, and my self worth, to the wind.
 Crawling over the truck bench seat, I situated myself right next to him, my knees against his thigh.  I slowly removed my jacket, throwing it behind me. I then lifted my tee up and over my head, leaving me in just my purple lace bra.
 “Well, darling, this is a most pleasant outcome!” He reached out, grabbing a breast in each hand and squeezing. I let my head roll back, enjoying being touched in this way, it had been so long. A moan escaping from me.
 Negan moved his hand down, unbuttoning my jeans, slipping his long fingers down into my pants. He then leaned over whispering in my ear. “No panties doll? You ARE a dirty girl!”  His voice causing me to shiver.
 “Didn't have enough points to do my laundry.” I was able to rasp out.
 I rose up on my knees, shimmying out of my pants, almost falling over onto Negan in the process.
 “Woohoo, little bit anxious there doll!” He was unzipping his fly, pulling out his now totally erect, and quite thick, cock. “Don't worry baby girl, I'll make it fucking fit.” He sniggered. “Crawl on over sweetheart, show Daddy some fucking lovin’!”
 I went to straddle him, slamming my back into the steering wheel. “Motherfucking shit!!!”
 “Oh my my, such a nasty mouth on this one!” He laughed, but then repositioned the seat. “Better baby?”
 “Much, thank you.” I rubbed my back.
 I put my hands on his shoulders, steadying myself as I began to grind myself over his dick, lubing him up with my wetness.
 “By the sounds you're making, I'm guessing it's fucking been awhile for you, hmmm?”
 “Uh…yes… god yes.”
 “I gave you other options y/n, didn't I?”
 “Yes… but I…dont share sir.”
 Suddenly, he lifted me up, then slammed me back down, impaling me on his more than adequate cock. I couldn't help but scream, the fact that it had been forever, and the oh so pleasant/painful stretch and burn.
 “Ride me baby, ride me hard and fast like I fucking know you can.” Negan growled in my ear, sending his tongue in to explore.
 The cab soon became full of obscene sounds, smells and sights. Windows completely steamed over, causing it to feel like we were in a sauna. The sweat running off our overheated bodies, tickling on the way down.
 Our mouths were all over, biting, licking, little kisses, starting on our lips, moving onto cheeks, ears, necks, chests.
 Negan was sucking on one nipple, fingering the other. I was pumping myself, up and down, making figure eight movements with my hips. I knew I was nearing my release, so I reached down between our heated bodies, quickly circling my hardened nub.
 “Negan...oh…god…im gonna…” He grabbed my hand, replacing it with his own.
 “Ok baby, come.”
 As if on command, I came, screaming his name, among other barely intelligible curses. Negan withdrew, coming all-over my stomach.  I collapsed into his chest, shaking.
 “Feeling good doll?” He laughed. Placing his arms around me, he seemed to be hugging me closer.
 “That was nice.” Sighing, I took in his smell.
 Suddenly, the radio crackled to life.
 “Boss? Everything OK?”
 Negan sat up, letting his arms fall from around me. Grabbing the radio, he answered Simon. “Yeah, we’re OK, fucking truck, not so much.”
 “Okay, we’re heading back for ya.”
 “Shit doll, guess cuddling is out. Got to get fucking dressed”
 I crawled off of him, scooching back to my side. “Uh, Negan, do you have something I can use to clean up?”
 He laughed. “Use these.” He threw his boxers at me. “Now we can be fucking commando twins.”
 I wiped my stomach off, trying hard not to laugh. “Well, that was an interesting afternoon.”
 “Yes, it fucking was doll.”
 After we were both dressed, we just sat there waiting for the guys to come back.
 “I hope you don't think this was a one time thing doll.”
 “Negan, I'm not going to be one of many. It's not what I do, what I am. I have my pride.”
 Laughing, he said, “I wasn't asking you to be one of many, baby. You are definitely one of a kind, my kind.”
 What the fuck did that mean?
 I wanted to respond when Simon arrived. “Boss, you and y/n go get in the van, we’ll take care of this.”
 I climbed out of the truck, grabbing Lucille. Handing her to Negan, I glanced up into his face, to see if I could see something. “I'm not done with you yet.” He rubbed his fingers on my cheek.
Oh god, my life just got a whole lot more complicated.
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