#ohh i rember :smile:
k66-official · 1 year
for the end of the m!a. please everyone give keroro a little kissie or hug for his troubles. Hurt And Comfort
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Most of my men aren't big huggers, but we made things work, kero!
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j-jinxee · 1 month
[ ⟡​ ] — BEAUTIFUL BOY,, chpt .1
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Sensitive Topics later in the series! ⊹ Ni-ki x Reader
♫ ׂׂૢ type :: extreme angst,,
✦ [ all warnings — smoking, drugs, illegal activity, car theft, street racing, needles, death ]
➥ none in this chapter,,
-,' AN – I had the idea of what crime each member of enha would be,, I thought about all the individual types a few months back but I saw a poem on tiktok that kinda coordinates w the idea I had for Riki so I felt inspired to start this series. Credits to @/livingpeacefullyhere on tiktok.
When you were sixteen, you met a boy.
This boys name was Nishimura Riki, or as he preferred, Ni-ki. You'd sometimes call him Ki, he didn't mind. He was also sixteen, a little taller than you, five foot eleven inches maybe. He'd tease you about it sometimes, even if you weren't that much shorter than him. You didn't mind.
You met at school, he was the new kid. You approached him on break, rembering what it felt like as the new kid, you didn't want anyone else to feel that sense of lonliness. 'hey, Riki right?' you asked, smiling.
'uhm, yeah. Kinda' he responded.
'kinda? What does that mean?' you questioned.
'people usually call me Niki'
'ohh i see. That's cool, how's that spelt?' you asked, keeping the conversation. You'd never met anyone who went by something that wasn't their given name.
'n i - k i' he spelled out.
'i like it'
You'd talked to the quiet boy throughout the entirety of lunch. Slowly getting to know little miscellaneous things about him. He was interesting. He loved dance, he was from Okayama, and he had beautiful eyes. You subconsciously picked up on his eyes yourself of course. Finding it very natural to keep eye contact with him. His words and small laughs were like melodies, entrancing you with each sentence. You don't know what it was, but you wanted to spend more time with him.
So you did.
You both now hung out daily, in and outside of classes. Going to dance studios, getting boba, studying in the library, he's a regular part of your routine,, he's your favourite part.
You may think about him as soon as you part ways, but you always see him the next day.
yesyes this is extremely short but I just kinda wanted to start with a small intro/prologue type thing to get it started,, strap in for sum maddddd angst in a couple chapters aha (゜ロ゜)
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purpleisgreat · 4 years
Worst Case Scenario
Hey @artforlogince did they fic prompt thingy
Ship: Logince
Tw: sleep deprivation, not remembering to eat, and Virgil mention
Summary: Roman neglects his needs. Logan helps.
Logan had noticed that Roman hadn’t come down for meals in a few days. This alone wasn’t cause for concern as Roman would occasionally work through meals and go down for leftovers afterwards. What caused concern was that the leftovers had remained untouched.
After dinner Logan decided to check on Roman. Best case scenario Roman had made his own food. Worst case scenario? Well Logan would rather not think about that.
He climbed up the stairs before turning left and walking down to the end of the hallway. Soon he was at the a bright red door with a beautiful golden ‘Roman’ hanging off the door knob was a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.
He toke a deep breath before knocking on the door “Roman may I come in please.” There was a beat before a reply answered back “ummm no thank you.” Well that wasn’t a good sign “Roman we haven’t seen you in a few days a just want to make sure your alright.” He heard some mumbling before Roman replied “Fine if you insist.”
Logan smiled triumphantly opening the door to a less than pleasent sight. Crumpled up papers adorned the floor of the darkened room with the only light coming from the lamp on Romans desk that Roman was sitting next to. And Roman looked awful (or at the very least unprincly) as he sat with dark eye bags that could rival Virgils although Logan had a feeling that Romans was not the work of makeup.
Logan had about a thousand questions and the first one that tumbled out of his mouth was “When was the last time you slept?” Roman replied nonchalantly “oh just four days.” After seeing the look of concern cross Logan’s face he added “it’s not a big deal after all the new video can’t write itself.”
He was left agape at Romans lack of concern for his own well being before he rembered what he originally came here for “Roman when was the last time you ate.” A look of realization crossed Romans face before he composed himself “oh you know recently.” Logan raised a eyebrow “oh really then why haven’t you been at meals?” “I’ve been eating leftovers Lo you know like always.” “ then why is there still leftovers in the fridge?”
Before Roman could find a rational excuse his stomach let out a loud rumble. Roman teared up at started to sob out “Lo I’m so tired and hungry and and...” Logan expression softened “ohh baby I didnt mean to make you cry. would you like me to make some food? After that we can cuddle and watch Tangled.” Roman nodded his head yes. Logan smiled sweetly “alright then change into your pajamas for when I’m back.”
It didn’t take long for Logan to whip up something with all the uneaten leftovers. He settled on some pasta with Romans favorite tomato sauce. He also grabbed some water as Roman had to have been thirsty.
When he reentered Romans room he saw him in his red dragon onesie curled up on his bed. Roman had sat up upon seeing Logan enter. Logan strode over to Romans bed before handing Roman the pasta and water. As soon as Logan handed it over Roman started gobbling it down and Logan couldn’t help but smile.
Once Roman finished Logan snapped his fingers and the were both in Romans bed with Logan in his unicorn onesie. In Logan’s lap was a laptop and Romans eyes sparkled when it started playing Tangled. A few minutes into the movie Roman had fallen asleep. Logan smiled as he put the laptop away and soon followed in Romans footsteps.
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