#ohshc x male y/n
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Prologue before the Chorus begins | OHSHC x Male Reader
Prologue time!! Enjoy!! My Wattpad and Quotev!
Description: Of A Melody there once was
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins | {You are here}
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Chapter 5: TBD
Chapter 6: TBD
Chapter 7: TBD
Chapter 8: TBD
Chapter 9: TBD
Chapter 10: TBD
Chapter 11: TBD
Chapter 12: TBD
Chapter 13: TBD
Chapter 14: TBD
Chapter 15: TBD
Chapter 16: TBD
Chapter 17: TBD
Chapter 18: TBD
Chapter 19: TBD
Chapter 20: TBD
Chapter 21: TBD
Chapter 22: TBD
Chapter 23: TBD
Chapter 24: TBD
Chapter 25: TBD
Chapter 26: TBD
WARNING: implied death
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Everyone had surrounded the young boy in the suit that fit his stature. His eyes so bright and full of life as he stood in the middle of the crowd. He loved having everyone's eyes on him. His lips had moved rhythmically as each note, each lyric, dripped out of his mouth like honey. 
With the last word he had sung, there was a pause. All the guests there had clapped and cheered. This was young Y/n's life, and he was used to it. It wasn't a big life or an important one, but it was his. As his mini concert had ended, Y/n stepped toward his mom playfully. 
“How was that mama? Did I do the notes right?”
The young boy's mother stared down at him with a kind smile. She had picked up the boy to flaunt to her friends as they complimented him. She wasn't avoiding the question, just needed to show the young boy she held in her hands how much of an impact he had on everyone around him. The young boy was a charmer, there was no doubt about that fact in anyone's mind.
This was not intentional. Every time he had tugged at the heart stings of his audience, it was all unintentional. Y/n was oblivious to this all the time, and it left him in an ignorance that was sort of a blissful one. His mother and pulled him in front of her while she held him close.
"You did beautifully Y/n! Everyone was enchanted! Taken to the world as your melody played through your voice."
The little boy in her arms had sparkles in his eyes. He was so proud his mother thought so highly of him. He was only 7 years old, but people saw a great future in him. He was not of wealth or fame, not of big fame that is, and of moderate wealth. His family was having a small party with friends, and this was all just to get Y/n to sing his melody to the friends of his parents.
They sometimes used the boy as a way to brag or bring some praise to them, but it brought so much joy to see everyone enjoy his melodies and songs. His singing was not the only musical talent Y/n had. 
The singing was only one of many acts he was going to do for the guests in front of him. He was very well versed in many musical instruments, but Y/n did have his favorites. Even though they were of cliché choices, Violin and Piano were his favorites.
They were the sweetest out of the most, and delicate. Much like the boy who played them. He never understood how someone could make these instruments sound so aggressive, but he always made them delicate and soft, even with the songs of an aggressive tone. It may be because the instrument matches that of who plays them. 
Before the second act, Y/n went to go find his closest friend. It was the only other child who was invited, and this is because this child was polite and of a nature that matched that of grown-ups. But with Y/n the two acted as any child would. 
Y/n had found his brown haired friend after a minute of searching. It took longer because he was stopped by all the guests he passed to get a picture with them or to talk to them. It was mostly chatter of asking if he remembered them, which he didn't most of the time. 
"Haru-chan! I'm over here!"
The brown eyed child looked at her friend with a blank stare. Y/n had run up to her with a big hug and spun her around. The two had gone to school together, and they lived pretty close, even if Y/n lived in a small house.
 Y/n was really fond of Haruhi, she had made him happy and stood by him when no one would. Even if the two were only 7, they were really close with each other. They had been friends since they were 3.
"Did you like my song?"
Haruhi had nodded slightly as a response before her gentle voice had spoke.
"Mhm, it seems everyone else did too. I do have a question."
Y/n perked up at the thought of Haruhi having a question for him. She rarely did because she had the little boy figured out so quickly. But one thing had stumped her about his character.
"Why do you sing?"
Y/n had giggled at the question, but not in a way of being mean. No, it was in a gentle, childlike way. 
"Because my melodies bring everyone so much joy! After each note of a song, people seem to be smiling!"
After that, the two played with each other. They played pretend mostly. Y/n was always the prince and Haruhi the knight or someone that would protect the prince. She never liked the gender roles of being the princess, and she saw herself more of a protector. 
Haruhi had made it her duty to be Y/n's protector in a way since he was so popular for his singing. But sadly, this would have been one of the last times he would have sung for a group of people.
Stuck in a white hospital, with his dad, Y/n was sitting ideally. Curious as to why they were here. Was Y/n sick? He didn't feel sick. He hadn't realized his mother was not with them. Y/n was only 10, he was more focused on the thoughts of curiosity of the surroundings.
He also wondered why he was not in school. Right now, he would have been studying with Haruhi, and making her panic a bit with his lack of knowledge on some things. 
The two had cared for each other as if they were siblings, and some thought their relationship would be deeper than what they showed. They were only children, however, and only ever saw each other as siblings. Y/n had tugged on his father's sleeve. 
"Dad, why are we here? Do I need a check-up? Are you sick?"
His father seemed to be stuck in his own mind as to what to tell this innocent child of his. He had not realized how much this would hurt his father. 
"Y/n, my sweetest child of mine. Your mother is very sick right now. They might need to keep her in the hospital."
His father looked away with sadness. Y/n's eyes were shocked. His mother sick? No, it couldn't be his mother. His mother wasn't sick. Y/n was stuck in a loop of denial. 
This poor boy was so sucked into his thoughts that he didn't notice he buried his head in his father's sleeve, crying. Y/n's father only patted him on the head, joining his child in the crying. 
"Not my momma! She's gonna get better, right? She'll be okay and come back right, papa?"
The boy's father did not answer, only bringing his child closer to him. The nurse at the reception desk looked at them both with sympathy in her eyes. She could only imagine what their future would be like. 
A year passed and Y/n's dearest mother was not doing any better. Haruhi and Y/n had visited her as much as they could, and Y/n even sang her songs. But Haruhi had noticed that after each visit, her friend grew more and more timid. Y/n's mother was his lifeline, so of course he was lower than he was before. Y/n had always thanks Haruhi for joining and comforting him whenever he cried.
This week was especially hard because Y/n's mother was in a comatose state. Haruhi only ever had empathy for her friend during this time. She recalled the time when her own mother had died and all the time Y/n used to try to make her feel better. 
All the songs he had sung for her. Y/n even joined Haruhi when she would pray to her mother. She greatly appreciated Y/n for this, and intended to do the same. 
"She's not getting any better. No matter what song I sing, she never smiles at the end. Am I doing a bad job, Haru-chan?"
Haruhi felt a pang in her heart for the young boy she stared at. Even though his goal for singing was a sweet one, it was one of the worst. This is because even if one person did not smile at the end of one of Y/n's melodies, he would feel saddened. 
"It's not your fault, Y/n. She's just really tired right now, and needs to rest. Come on, let's go get some ice cream. My dad said he could take us to the small shop you like so much."
Y/n cheered up at this for a bit, but it didn't cure his full sadness. He enjoyed his time with Haruhi and her father. He loved her dad, he always thought Ryoji was funny. He even liked his job and thought it was a cool job to have. 
Ryoji counted Y/n as one of his own sons because of how much time the boy spent with the small family. And during the last year, Y/n's father had asked them to take care of him while he worked. 
After the week had finished, Y/n got the dreaded news he never wanted. Y/n's mother had passed on, and the once joyous boy was solemn and sad. Haruhi tried her best to cheer the poor boy up, and it worked a couple of times, but never fully. 
Y/n's father was always busy, so he was left either alone or in the care of Haruhi's father. It made Y/n sad because he desperately wanted his father to comfort him. 
After another year had passed, Y/n's father decided to move to America. He wanted a fresh start and leaving the past of his dead wife. Y/n was apposed to this because he would be leaving his dearest friend behind. His father understood, but said that Y/n could visit whenever he wanted. They had said their goodbyes, and luckily Y/n had a means of still talking to Haruhi.
But after they had left for America, Y/n's melody had stopped. He still sang, but never for others. It was more for himself to remember his mom. He still played, but it was for his mother. Everything he did that involved music was for the remembrance of his mother. 
After every song had ended, he would end up a teary mess. The tears had stopped happening a couple of years later, but the songs still left Y/n sad.
His father had signed Y/n up to become a singer prodigy, but Y/n refused. However, Y/n still did it. Y/n had become a mini celerity within his area, but it wasn't something he wanted. He only wanted the fame if his mother was there. But even with his melody dying out, it never did stop. 
With high school nearing close for Y/n, his father had gotten a letter of recommendation from the Ouran school chairman himself. His father was reluctant to enroll his son, especially back in the area he had left behind. But Y/n's father had given him some thought and called Ryoji. They both agreed that Y/n could stay in the apartment next to them and that Y/n could return to his old home. Y/n's father told him about the news and right after he got it, Y/n bolted for the airport right away.
Y/n had made some decent money being the mini celerity he had become, but he was still considered of the lower class. So Y/n was left with a scholarship, but luckily enough was able to afford the uniform. Though when he arrived, Y/n was so focused on trying to prepare for school, he didn't get a chance to meet back up with Haruhi the way he wanted.
In fact, Y/n didn’t even realize he was moving in right next to Haruhi. This was a detail his father left out, but it wasn’t purposeful. He did say Ryoji would check up on Y/n, but nothing about Haruhi. 
Little did Y/n know, he would see her. The first day of school at the new school he was going to attend. And he had opted out on wearing the uniform the first day. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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solannn · 5 months
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⤷ angst & fluff prompt & special 200 subs (for any of your fav characters)
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1. "please look at me"
2. "Is s/he really just a friend ?"
3. "I’m just disappointed."
4. "Don’t gave me Space, that’s the last thing i want with you."
5. "i know you still love me."
6. "I can’t think straight with you."
7. "Why are you so stubborn?"
8. "Don’t do this here."
9. "You never had a problem with It before.."
10. "Am i too late ?"
11. "You won’t understand."
12. "Do you ever mean the things you say ?"
13 "can i hug you, for the last time ?"
14. "I’m trying.. i really am."
15. "I’m scared."
16. "Can you kiss me ? One last time ? That’s all i ask."
17. "You deserve more."
18. "I swear i’ll do things different this time."
19. "They’re beautiful, i hope they makes you happy"
20. "I know i shouldn’t be here."
1. "You’re hair is so fluffy/soft"
2. "It’s too cold ! Come back !"
3. "No. I’m not letting you go. It’s too ealry to get out of bed"
4. "C’mere, you can sit on my lap until i’m done working"
5. "What ? Does that feel good ?"
6. "I think i’m inlove with you and i’m terrifiee."
7. "You know i’m here for you ?"
8. "You’re so cute when you’re half asleep"
9. "Your lips are so soft, i could them all day"
10. "You’re warm.."
11. "I think i might be falling in love with you."
12. "I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to suffer by yourself again, i promise."
13. "No— it’s alright, come here"
14. "If i could, i would kiss away all your scars."
15. "Shh, just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay ? None of it was really."
16. "No you can’t get up, you’re my prisoner !"
17. "I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arms and i didn’t want to wake you up."
18. "Just pretend to be my date."
19. "Look, i know we don’t know each others that well, but i’m still worried about you. No one deserve to be alone."
20. "I know i’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just another ten, please."
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ac3ifix · 7 months
hi idont really know what fandom you write for, but can you please do a male reader fic where the reader is chubby and can it be smut if not just some cute fluff thank yoou and also any character of your choice
Hi hi!!
Thank you for requesting, ily for this. You said ‘male reader’ so I assume you mean C!male reader and I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Now featuring: Kyoya Ootori
CW: Comfort smut, Oral (reader receiving, (I think)), Chubby reader, aged up characters, insecurities, mischaracterization of Kyoya
WC: Like 600-ish cuz i can't for the life of me write 1000 words :3
You couldn't help but stare at yourself. You hated how your body was proportioned, it was just too off for your liking. You hated how big your thighs were, you hated how your stomach always hung over a bit, and most of all, you hated your stupid chubby cheeks. They made you look like a child and it bothered you so much.
You hear the door open but you don’t pay it much mind, until the bedroom door opens and you yelp in surprise.
“Calm down love, it’s just me,” Kyoya laughs, stepping into the bedroom. He pauses in the doorway, a frown on his face. “What's wrong, my love?” He asks, seeing the tear stains on your face.
“Nothing,” You mumble in response, wiping your face with your shirt.
Kyoya walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I asked you a question, I want an answer, baby.” He whispers in a smooth tone.
“Just.. Feeling a bit off today,” You say in a pained voice, your voice breaking as you speak.
“Off how, baby?” He asks in a sweet voice, hugging you tighter than he was before.
“I just feel off,” You mutter in response, just wanting to change the subject at this point.
“I think I might know something that could help you,” He whispers into your ear, a smirk evident in his voice. Gently, he picks you up bridal style and carries you over to the bed behind you two. He sets you down and gently spreads your legs, positioning himself between them. He reaches up and digs his fingers under your shorts waistband, looking up at you for consent. You nod at him, allowing him to remove your shorts. Once your shorts are off he gently teases your hard-on through your boxers.
“Mmff- Kyo!!” You whine, reaching down to pull down your boxers.
“Shhh,” He whispers, “Just let me handle it, baby boy.” He carefully pushes your hand away and burrows his fingers under the waistband of your boxers, swiftly pulling them down to your ankles. Your cock springs up from the fabric and he gently takes it into his left hand. He deliberately strokes your cock with slow and teasing motions as he leans down and nips and kisses at your inner thighs.
“You’re so pretty,” He hums, pinching at the skin of your stomach.
“Kyo–” You whine. “Feels good.” You drawl.
“Yea? You like that baby? Doya want more?” He asks teasingly. You nod in response. “Alright then,” He says, slowly kissing up your thighs and making his way to your cock. Slowly, he takes the head of your cock into his mouth.
“MhmF- F-fuck-” You let out a strangled cry.
“Are you sensitive, my love?” He chuckles, the sound waves vibrating your cock. You let out a loud mewl from the pleasure.
His movements become more intentional as he sucks you off, slowly dragging his tongue up and down your shaft as you moan and whine helplessly. “Are you close, baby?” He Tuts. “Such a sensitive boy.”
“Yes! M’ so close, please let me come, Kyo-” You plea, your begs intertwined with moans.
“Very well, my love,” He says, sucking you off harder than before, clearly trying to make you reach your height. You buck your hips into his mouth desperately as you release. Come begins to drip from his lips as he pulls your soft cock from his mouth.
“Such a pretty boy, all for me,” He praises, climbing onto the bed to lay next to you as he whispers praise and sweet words into your ear.
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kairismess · 10 months
no but imagine what the haikyuu boys would be like as hosts in a host club ... (kicking my feet in the air rn) y'all know what's gonna come soon
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sweetheart4you · 1 year
About My Writing
I am a male reader only blog.
I would prefer if women wouldn't read my work, but I understand some people like reading things about the opposite gender romances. That being said, please don't fetishsize my content.
I write for Logan Howlett, MHA, HxH, OHSHC, Demon Slayer, Inuyasha, Maid-Sama, Saiki K, Seven Deadly Sins, Black Butler, Fruits Basket, Naruto, My Happy Marriage, Food wars, TWST, and a couple more.
I will write for pretty much anything, but I especially love writing romance and yandere themes.
All child characters will be aged up to 18 or higher, even if it isn't explicitly mentioned.
I love writing:
Size Kink
I will not write:
Woman x male (no matter who it is)
Real people
Top dom reader
Forced Masc/Fem
Anon List:
🎹 anon
Boyfriend anon
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miyuuuki · 2 years
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unspecific fics
malachai boardman
zach sanford
it 2017
diabolik lovers
death note
demon slayer
the glory
the glory
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please know that sometimes requests will take long as I am a writer that gets HUGE writers block every now and then.
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mxshr0mz · 8 months
please send in requests for x readers!!what i am writing for currently: TBHK,obey me,ohshc, ERROR143!!!! i will NOT write smut or do a fem reader. male or gn readers only.
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rilakeila · 4 months
exchange of roses, intro 3: beware of physical exams
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host club! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
final intro details the last thing to check off before the start of the exchange event!
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu technology academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club in an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
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in preparation for the upcoming days, ouran had required the attending schools and its own school clubs to complete their physical examinations. everyone knows that physical exams are just for the niceties, no matter where you go. it was also just a show for the students especially those who are fond of the host club. (y/n) was well aware of the popularity physical exams went for the guys, which is why she and ieiri always opted to do their exams the day prior to manage the sea of girls and help them when they need it (there was only a single time where she genuinely saw a flash of immediate help from them).
"(y/n), i didn't get to pre-pump my muscles, it would be such a bad first impression if my muscles aren't at its greatest," satoru said but he had been using his water bottle to do bicep curls.
"pump or not, girls will still find you attractive," (y/n) rolled her eyes, knowing that they would still come flocking to him, shirtless or not.
"i don't know, satoru-senpai, but you still look great," yu showed him a thumbs up in which the white-haired male grinned and threw him a thumbs up as well.
following the crowd of students into one of the grand halls, the sight was filled with many doctors and nurses on staff. in contact with kyoya, he mentioned that nurses will categorized my schools and would recognize their patients. no further actions were needed
"gojo-sama, please follow me this way."
"haibara-sama, please follow me this way."
soon, each member continued to get picked out until ieiri and (y/n) were left. a nurse showed them to seats near the changing tent for jujutsu academy to wait for the guys. the nurse looked at them, "front row seats just for you both, i'm sure your boyfriends will be out in a second."
a shiver went down ieiri's spine while (y/n) almost felt her lunch come up. ieiri laid her head on her manager's shoulder, popping a lollipop into her mouth. the rush of foot traffic dulled down as patients found their rooms or finished up their check up. sounds of cheers and squeals would be heard from a couple of hundred meters. they watched the ouran host club each get their chests measured for the exception of the munchkin and the androgynous one, only to for them to burst out chuckling every time the girls screamed.
one of the things (y/n) most enjoyed about her time with ieiri was how they can just enjoy the silence together, occassional words, but just getting each other as they people watched. this type of calmness only came so often for them both, seeing who they were surrounded by on a daily basis. great appreciation found for each other without being said.
"if you all can follow me, we will end your check up with chest measurements. feel free to change in the tent," the nurse directed them. there was no way they would be changing behind the curtain. sukuna's shirt was already unbuttoned all the way, chest tattoos on display. (y/n) scanned each of the boys, the walk as they followed the nurse, each were already undressing their button up except for kento. he was the only one who undressed behind the curtain, for the reason that he would be able to hang the shirt on the hanger.
the crowd from the few hundreds immediately formed, causing (y/n) and ieiri to lean against the wall with their feet on their chairs to avoid being trampled.
"he has tattoos at this age?!"
"he's so muscular!"
"they're shaped like volleyball players!"
"their uniforms hide their bodies too well."
something that the jujutsu academy host club prided themselves in was sports. it was the perfect getaway to escaping the baggage of the expectations of their life. one of their favorite ways in integrating club activities with sports is holding philanthropy events such as a baskteball tournament or baseball, their most recent one. the highest bidder got an individual date with their favorite host.
with this, their constant activity has led to their in shape physique, training together during gym time and volunteering their time with the sports teams when they can.
the two female members' face dropped in distaste, watching satoru take the show with his poses. though even if it was only their president actively changing his stature to appease the girls, it was obvious that the other four enjoyed the attention, smiling for them as their name got called to take a picture from someone's phone (ieiri, by (y/n)'s orders, snapped a couple pictures to upload for their online fan cafe).
"look at them, just casually taking my customers, again," was heard, knowing that it was tamaki once again. at least, he wasn't clawing at the ground this time around.
"alright ladies, make sure to come to our club specialty on thursday and our friday morning popup," satoru mentioned about their upcoming events, buttoning his shirt, while smiling for a photo.
"we also can't wait for your support during our sports days," suguru smiled, as he led the group. the crowd parting as they exited, (y/n) and ieiri making sure to keep up on the sidelines.
cue a lightning struck for the dramatic effect.
the two host clubs faced a showdown once more in the crowd, tumbleweed making its way.
the jujutsu academy host club president stepped first with certainty in his every step, as he leads his people through the doors, pushing through the ouran members.
satoru was feeling confident after accumulating all of this new attention, a plan of slowly reeling these students little by little, making them question their loyalty to their enemy. even if it was no stakes, the club pride is on the line, he'll do everything to protect it.
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in music room 3
"tama-chan, what are you doing with those pictures in your phone?" honey peered over his kouhai's shoulder, who was deeply interested in his phone.
tamaki's face reddened, caught red-handed. in his defense, he wanted to study what made them so popular with his ladies other than good lucks and perfect physique. however, there was one trait that he probably could test. he flipped his phone towards his members, showing a certain pink-haired male, "what do you think if i got these tattoos?"
"boss, you have to look as tough as he does for it look good," kaoru tried to say through his fits of laughter while hikaru couldn't even manage to get a word in.
"hmm... how do you think they got this muscular?" he pressed the right button on his phone to show geto and haibara.
"but what if i want more of like a slimmer but muscled build like them?" tamaki continued with showing gojo and nanami.
"well, scientifically, you would more likely have a build closer to those two if you were to work out," kyoya pushed his glasses, leaning forward to examine the last picture better.
hikaru pressed the left button twice to comment on sukuna's picture, "there's no way he looks like that. it's like a 25 year old body."
"maybe, he's on steroids." the twins shrugged.
"what is that?"
"if you don't know, then you don't know."
"itadori-kun is super skilled in what he does with kendo, as well as gojo-kun, isn't that right, takashi?" honey questioned as he sat on his cousin's shoulders.
"yeah, that's right."
"alright, men, it seems to me that we are lacking in the athleticism department, and apparently the ladies really like an athlete type. for the rest of the day, we need to exercise to the fullest," tamaki commanded.
"sir yes sir," the twins and honey saluted.
"hold on, senpai, we have less than a day to prepare for the athletic events, and we shouldn't tire ourselves out the day prior," haruhi recommended, it would put them more of a disadvantage than they already in for day 2 and 3.
"have some faith, haruhi! we just need to have enough work in to get whatever this pump is," tamaki pumped his fist in the air. twins already attempting to do pushups, meanwhile honey sat on mori's back with usa-chan as he completed full reps of pushups. she questioned where the gym machines came from, clanking of metal sounded as tamaki also attempted to complete such arm exercises. kyoya watched, as he always does.
'we're definitely losing this week.'
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all intros completed.
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therand0mwriter · 9 months
FRIENDS-They All Know
OHSHC x Female!reader
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*3rd Person POV*
"Hello? I'm here to drop off the desserts!" (Y/N) called out as she entered music room 3, the room the Ouran high school host club uses. Kyoya stepped away from his laptop and made his way to the girl, "You're right on time." (Y/N) smiled at the ravenette, "Kyoya!"
Kyoya's heart skipped a beat and he fondly smiled at the girl. "Can you hold open the door for me as I bring in the carts?" She asked. "Of course," He said, doing as he was asked. (Y/N) pushed in a cart full of cakes and cupcakes, then Aiko came into view, also pushing a cart. "Ah, miss Takai, I didn't expect to see you. How are you doing?" Kyoya kindly asked the girl, putting on his host face. The bubbly girl giggled and smiled, "(Y/N) needed help bringing the carts and Murasaki couldn't miss her fencing club, so I'm here! Just for a moment though." Aiko explained.
She then looked around the room as (Y/N) brought in the 3rd cart, "Where is Honey-senpai?" Kyoya quickly put the pieces together about her crush on Honey, "Everyone is getting changed for our theme today." "Ooo, what are you guys wearing?" Aiko excitedly leaned towards Kyoya, said male sweat dropping at her close proximity. "Kimonos," He replied, thankful that the girl pulled away as she squealed in excitement.
"Alright, Aiko. I got the rest of the carts in." (Y/N) came up to the two. "What?! Already? I'm sorry, I got distracted thinking about how cute Honey-senpai is while wearing a kimono!" Aiko had hearts in her eyes as she daydreamed. (Y/N) fondly chuckled at the girl, "Daydream about him on your way back to class." "Okay! See you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" Aiko waved as she left.
Kyoya made his way over to the carts (Y/N) aligned and took in the desserts, "Everything looks amazing, as always." (Y/N) gently rolled her eyes whilst a small smile was on her lips, "You always say that." "Because it's true." Kyoya retorted. "I hope we're not causing you too much trouble with our orders." He added. "Oh no no," (Y/N) waved her hands in front of her, "You guys have helped me! Since you're ordering from us our club isn't getting shut down! Though I did hear through the grapevine that isn't the main reason why my club is staying... it's because two fellow students of high stature demanded that we stay. And I have a feeling those two students were you and Suoh."
"Are you asking or telling?" Was Kyoya's response. The sly smile on his face told her everything. She mischievously smiled, letting out a: "Hm." In response before heading to the door to leave. She opened the door and turned to Kyoya, "Same time tomorrow?"
"Same time tomorrow."
*Time Skip*
The end of the day finally arrived and Kyoya was tired. Dealing with Renge took a lot out of him. He wondered if (Y/N) was still at the school, wanting to see her.
Are you still at school? If so, where?
I just got to the entrance
Wait for me
The girl did just that, taking a seat on the school steps and soaking in the evening sun. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as a cool breeze blew by her, making petals of nearby trees and flowers dance around her.
Kyoya exited the school and paused. In front of him was... art. That was the first word that came to his head when he saw her: art. The way she absorbed the light and the light absorbed her was breathtaking. The way the petals danced around her entire being was enchanting.
Kyoya felt a small smile grow on his lips, happy that he was the only one to see (Y/N) like this. He approached her, "You're stunning. You know that, right?" (Y/N) slightly jolted at his sudden presence. She turned to see the dark-haired boy and smiled, "I could say the same thing about you." The sun lightly dusting Kyoya's side, his now soft looking eyes, and gentle smile would make anyone stop and do a double take.
(Y/N) stood to meet Kyoya, "What did you want to talk about?" Kyoya sighed, remembering today's earlier events, "Apparently the host club might have a manager by tomorrow." (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?" Kyoya gestured for them to start walking as he started to explain, "Renge Houshakuji, the only daughter of an Ootori family client, flew in from Paris to become a student of Ouran."
The two students arrived at Kyoya's car and the chauffeur opened the door for them, greeting them individually, "Good evening Mr. Ootori. Ms. (L/N), it's good to see you again." (Y/N) smiled, "Mr. Amaya, it's been too long! I hope your family is doing well." The older man brightly smiled, "They're doing amazing! My son just won his first championship in baseball! I know it's only middle school, but still! I swear, he'll become a pro-athlete one day!" (Y/N) softly clapped, "Wow! That's still amazing either way! Congratulations!"
Mr. Amaya leaned in with a grin and whispered, "And guess what?" (Y/N) also leaned in and whispered back, "What?" Amaya stood up straight and tall, practically glowing, "Me and my wife are expecting!" Both (Y/N)'s and Kyoya's eyes went wide, "What?! No way! On my gosh! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you two!" She leaned in and gave Amaya a hug, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" They pulled away and Amaya shook his head, "Not yet, but when we find out, I'll let you know! Between you and me, I'm hoping it's a girl!"
"Amaya," Kyoya called out. "Why haven't you told me this yet?" Amaya rubbed the back of his head nervously, "I just never found the right time, Mr. Ootori. You always seem so busy, I didn't want to distract you." "I'm sorry I seem like you can't tell me things. Please, from now on, don't refrain from telling me about your achievements." Kyoya said, soft smile on his face. Amaya beamed, "Will do, Mr. Ootori!"
Kyoya gestured for (Y/N) to enter the car and she did, Kyoya following after her. Mr. Amaya closed the car door and entered the driver's seat, turning on the vehicle and driving away. "Where was I?" Kyoya questions. "Renge Houshakuji." (Y/N) responded. "Ah, that's right." Kyoya pushed up his glasses and continued explaining, "Towards the end of the club, Renge arrived and pretty much declared her love for me." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in interest, "Oh really? What did she say?" 
"She assumed we're engaged." Kyoya said, slightly grimacing at the memory. (Y/N) chuckled, "Congratulations?" The ravenette male glared at the girl next to him. (Y/N) openly laughed at his response, "Alright, all jokes aside, why does she believe you're engaged?" Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose, "She thinks I'm exactly like this character from an otome game she plays. She's apparently obsessed with him."
"Well, it definitely sounds like you had an interesting day." (Y/N) commented, an amused look on her face. "Tell me about it... But a part of me curious to see where things go." Kyoya said, ending with a thoughtful hum and his hand on his chin. "We're here, Miss (L/N)." Amaya suddenly calls, putting the limo in park. Kyoya got out first and held the door open for the girl. "Let me know how things go tomorrow, I'm invested now." (Y/N) said with a giggle. Kyoya fondly smiled at the girl, "Of course, anything for you." 
(Y/N) leaned down to the door opening and waved at Amaya, "Goodbye, Mr. Amaya! I hope your wife has an easy birth!" Amaya gave a large grin, "Thank you, Miss! I appreciate it! Take care!" (Y/N) leaned back up and looked towards Kyoya, "Thank you for taking me home, I'll see you tomorrow?" The young male nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)." Before said girl turned to leave, she paused, staring at Kyoya. He gave her a questioning look, and she gave him a large grin, slightly jumping to give him a hug. They stumbled at first, the hug catching Kyoya by surprise before he was able to stable them. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, her face buried in his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and eventually, he buried his face into her hair.
After a good five second squeeze from (Y/N), she pulled away, the faintest trail of blush on her cheeks. She smiled once more, "Bye, Kyoya." She then turned and left, leaving a faint smell of vanilla and chocolate in her wake. Kyoya stood in place for a moment, trying to engrave everything he could about the moment he just had with his dream girl onto his mind. When he was ready, he re-entered the limo. As Amaya was pulling away from the (L/N) residence, he looked into his rearview mirror and saw an absolutely lovesick boy. Kyoya's eyes were half lidded and had a far away look, his cheeks and ears were a bright red. "Ah... he reminds me of when I met my wife.' Amaya wistfully thought.
The driver then cleared his throat, gaining Kyoya's attention, "Miss (L/N) is a lovely girl, huh?" Kyoya hummed and looked out the window, "Yes... she is." He placed his hand over his mouth in a nonchalant manner, but hiding underneath was a loving smile.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
We'll be outside in the main courtyard today. There's a giant camera crew so we'll be hard to miss.
Got it👍we'll be there soon!
(Y/N), Aiko, and Murasaki arrived at the courtyard with silver carts containing drinks, and homemade sandwiches and desserts. "(Y/N)-senpai! Over here!" Hikaru and Kaoru called simultaneously. The girl smiled and gestured to the twins, "Come on girls, this way." Aiko and Murasaki followed their president to the Hitachiian twins, still pushing their carts.
When the three girls made it to Hikaru and Kaoru, they noticed that the boys were in basketball uniforms. "What's with all this?" (Y/N) questioned, referring to the camera crew and the boys new look. "Oh, this?" The twins started. "This is all our new managers doing," Hikaru started. "She thinks we need a movie about our 'new roles'." Kaoru finished. "We're basketball players 'enslaved enslaved in or own world', Honey-senpai is a 'baby faced thug', Mori-senpai is his 'childhood friend that's a flunkie', Haruhi is an 'honor student that's constantly being bullied', and Tamaki-senpai is the 'schools idol that has an inferiority complex'. I believe her exact words were: 'the lonely prince'." Hikaru and Kaoru explained together, their tone showing that they weren't that amused.
"Honey-senpai!? A thug?! I don't know whether to be excited or sad!" Aiko shouted in a mix of distress and excitement. "What about Kyoya?" Murasaki spoke up. The twins shrugged, "She said he's perfect just the way he is." (Y/N) chuckled, "Well here, we brought snacks. And make sure to stay hydrated." She then handed the twins each a water bottle. Hikaru and Kaoru smirked, "Oh (Y/N), you're so sweet to us, can't we take you home with us?" (Y/N) smiled at the two and simply stated, "No." The twins pouted, "Oh, boo. You're no fun." The girl raised an eyebrow at the two boys, "Then why are you friends with me?"
Hikaru and Kaoru opened their mouths to give a teasing comeback but was interrupted by Aiko, "I'm so sorry but me and Murasaki have to get to go now." Murasaki nodded, "I have to get to my fencing club." "And I have to get to my art club!" Aiko added. (Y/N) nodded in understanding, "Get there safely. And thank you for taking the time to help me transport the carts." Aiko gave a large smile, hooking her arm with Murasaki's, "We will! Tell Honey-senpai and Kyoya-senpai that we said hi and we're sorry we couldn't properly greet them!" The two girls waved goodbye, disappearing around the corner.
Hikaru and Kaoru gave (Y/N) a questioning look, "I thought they were in the baking club with you?" The girl nodded, "They are, but they're in other clubs too. They won't admit it, but I know they joined the baking club as an afterthought." She sent a very small sad, but also grateful, smile towards the place she last saw her club mates. Hikaru and Kaoru looked to each other out of the corner of their eyes and instantly knew what the other was thinking. In sync, they each took ahold of one of (Y/N)'s hands, gaining her attention again. "Worst case scenario," Hikaru started. "And they leave your club," Kaoru continued. "We'll quit the host club and join yours." The twins finished together, bringing (Y/N)'s hands up to their cheeks.
(Y/N)'s eyes went wide at the twins sudden offer, but then she fondly smiled at the two. She flipped her hands so she was now cupping their cheeks, "Oh, my kohais..." She started, her tone as fond as her smile. The way she was looking at Hikaru and Kaoru was driving them insane, making them eager to hear the rest of her words. "I can't have you do that, I would feel too guilty." The twins frowned and opened their mouths to protest but was cut off by their senpai. "But," (Y/N) started. "If you ever have any free time, you are still more than welcomed to come and join me." The twins gave a loving smile to the girl in front of them, nuzzling their faces into her hands and simultaneously responded, "We know."
Just then, a shout and loud clanging rang out, making the three jump in surprise. "What was that?" (Y/N) rhetorically asked, looking around along with the twins. At the same time, the three of them saw Tamaki run to a corner of the school. None of them could hear what Tamaki said, but when they saw his look of concern turn into one of anger, they knew something was wrong. Tamaki then ran and disappeared around the corner. "Suoh!"(Y/N) called out as the twins jumped from their seats. "Come on!" Hikaru and Kaoru shouted, running to where they last saw the blonde male, (Y/N) following suit.
The three teens peeked around the corner to see Tamaki cupping Haruhi's cheeks, concern written on his face, "Haruhi, are you in any pain?" Haruhi was rubbing his eye when he responded, "Yeah." Haruhi then pulled his hand away from his face to show something on his index finger, "It's my contact." Tamaki jolted in surprise, "Your... contact?" "Yeah," Haruhi nonchalantly started. "I guess it must have slipped out." Tamaki started laughing once he realized Haruhi was uninjured, "I see how it is! You're able to cry without using eye drops! So you're a full-fledged host now!"
(Y/N), Hikaru, and Kaoru all let out a quiet sigh of relief that nothing too bad happened. "You... you..." A female voice then gained everyone's attention. (Y/N) turned to see a girl with ivory skin, wide brown eyes, long golden brown hair, and a dark pink bow sitting atop of her head. "Please tell me you got that, cameraman!" The girl shouted, pointing at four male adults with film equipment sitting behind her. 'Ah, that must be Renge Houshakuji.' (Y/N) thought to herself. "Yes, boss!" One of the adults shouted back at Renge. "Other than Haruhi's contact falling out, that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a moving narration by my sweet Kyoya!" Immediately after Renge finished her spiel,  loud sound of glass breaking rang out throughout he area. 
Almost everyone jumped in surprise, looking to see what the cause of the sound was. Kyoya stood next to the, now broken, camera with a  rock in his hand. "No! What'd you do to my camera?!" The cameraman screamed in distress. Renge had a look of shock and meekly asked Kyoya, "What? Is something wrong?"
"I'm terribly sorry but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest." Despite his, somewhat, kind words, Kyoya's tone was deadly serious. "'A pest'?" Renge repeated, tears immediately falling down her cheeks. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya!" Renge sobbed. "Why are you acting so differently now?! Tell me why!"
"Because that's not the real Kyoya." Tamaki's sudden words caused Renge to pause her crying. She turned to Tamaki, a confused look on her face. She then fell to her knees and continued crying. Haruhi stepped towards the sobbing girl, "Does it really matter?" Renge looked up to the brunette as he squatted down to her level, "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than you expected him to be? Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little-by-little. It's a lot more fun that way." Haruhi ended with a smile. Renge stared at him, taking in his words and calming down.
"Wow... it feels like I'm watching a drama." (Y/N) whispered to the twins, them nodding in agreement. The three of them pulled back from the corner. "I'm glad no one was hurt. Well, physically at least." (Y/N) said, slightly sweat-dropping at the memory of Renge getting her heart broken. "(Y/N)-chan!" A sweet voice suddenly called out. Said girl and the twins turn and see Honey and Mori making their way towards them. "I didn't know you were here! It's so good to see you again!" Honey cheered, jumping into (Y/N)'s arms for a hug. (Y/N) laughed, hugging him back, "It's good to see you too, Honey-senpai!" When Honey separated himself from the girl, Mori came up and caressed (Y/N)'s hair in a greeting. She largely smiled at her tall upperclassman, "It's good to see you also, Mori-senpai!" The male smiled at his underclassman with fondness.
From the sidelines, Hikaru and Kaoru did not like how friendly Honey and Mori were being with their senpai. "Hey... how do you three know each other?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked, slightly on edge. The twins senpai's turned their attention to them. "Oh, we met last year, around the time I was starting up my baking club." (Y/N) stated while a smile grew on her face at he memory. Honey joyously laughed, "Yup! We've been friends ever since!" Mori nodded in agreement. The twins were not happy that Mori and Honey knew (Y/N) longer than they have, they thought they had her all to themselves.
"(Y/N), you're still here." A new voice suddenly said, gaining the five teens attention. Kyoya had just come around the corner and was surprised to see (Y/N) along with most of his club members. As he walked up to the group, she happily called out to him, "Kyoya!" Kyoya noticed how the four males surrounding her tensed up at her sudden greeting towards him. Kyoya was happy with how she called out for him, but the male was mostly feeling dread. "I'm happy to see you, but what are you still doing here? I thought you would have left as soon as you dropped off the food." Kyoya questioned, watching the other four males out of the corner of his eyes. "Well when I dropped off the carts, me and Hikaru and Kaoru started chatting. Then we heard the commotion with Houshakuji, Suoh, and Fujioka. Afterwards, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai came and greeted me. And now were here." (Y/N) smiled and shrugged.
Hikaru and Kaoru growled under their breaths before they shouted, "Oh great! How do you two know each other?" (Y/N) gave raised her eyebrow at the twins, confused at their sudden sour tone, "We met last year in class, right after I started my club." Honey and Mori lightly frowned when they realized that their favorite kohai wasn't close with just them, but with other members of their club. Hikaru and Kaoru gritted their teeth in irritation, "Why has everyone known you longer than us?!" Honey then piped up, "Wait, Hikaru, Kaoru, are you friends with (Y/N) too?" Kyoya and the twins didn't miss how Honey didn't call Hikaru and Kaoru: 'Hika-chan and Kao-chan'. "Of course we're friends with her! We've been friends since last year! She's our senpai!" The twins shouted, getting frustrated at the thought of sharing their favorite person with others.
The twins rising emotions started to affect everyone. Honey shouted with a stutter, "Y-Yeah, w-well she's mine and Takashi's kohai!" (Y/N) turned her confused look from the twins to her senpais, "H-Huh?" She then did a double take when Kyoya also stepped forward with a glare, "She's my equal, we share classes together, unlike you four." (Y/N)'s head was spinning. 'W-What's going on?!' She worriedly thought, panic surging through her.
"Will you all calm down?!" The six teens turn to see Tamaki and Haruhi, Tamaki's hands on his hips and Haruhi's arms crossed. Tamaki was the first one to call out, Haruhi then adding on, "Yeah, (L/N)-senpai doesn't belong to any of you! Can't you see that all your arguing is making her uncomfortable?!" The five boys paused and looked to (Y/N), and sure enough, her face was contorted into one of pure disconcertment. Instantly, the five males felt remorseful at how their arguing affected their favorite girl.
Honey was the first to speak up, tears brimming his eyes, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan." Mori grunted in agreement, "I'm sorry." Hikaru and Kaoru nodded, "We're sorry, (Y/N)-senpai." Kyoya clenched his fists, upset with himself, "I apologize, (Y/N)." The girl took in the five teens expressions. She could clearly see and feel the guilt emanating from them. (Y/N) sighed then smiled, "I can't be upset with you all. I forgive you." The five hosts started to smile in relief but paused when the girl raised her index finger, "But! Under one condition: please, don't fight again."
The five males all made eye contact and realized something: they all have romantic feelings for the same girl, and they all want her to be happy. So, in the end, the five of them made a mental agreement: let's get along, for her sake. The five teens nodded and smiled at the girl. 
One thing they all secretly thought to themselves, though, was: 'Just because I have to get along with everyone else, doesn't mean I can't try to win her over, now that I have competition'.
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gelus-ugs · 1 year
male! reader going to the host club to find out what all the buzz is about and seeing Hikaru and calling him a pretty boy/ flirting with him and flustering Hikaru half to death? (maybe he bounces back or smth)?
(also the saiki one shot was super good! :) )
Pretty Boy~ Hikaru x Reader
Male reader
I’m sorry if this is ooc and awkward- I haven’t written for OHSHC in a while 😭
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You stared at the large, pink doors before you, questioning why you were even here. You had agreed to visit the Host Club on behalf of your friends’ begging, but now that you were actually here, you were confused on what to do.
You had no idea how a host club worked, you’ve never even heard of one until your friends began to yap about the one at your school. You sighed, beginning to reach for a door handle.
These doors aren’t gonna open themselves.
You had no idea what to expect when opening the door to the music room, but it definitely wasn’t a face full of petals falling from god knows where. You were inside, so where did the petals come from?
The room was buzzing with life. Women were everywhere as they crowded in groups, seemingly for the purpose of getting flirted with from one of the few men. You had no idea what you were watching as you spotted your friends squealing over a blonde haired kid innocently eating cake.
What the hell is this club..?
As you continued to scan the room, you spotted a familiar redhead sitting alone, his attention focused on a small gaming console in his hands. You quietly made your way over to the male, suddenly placing your hands on his shoulders as you uttered a, ‘Boo!’
The male flinched, his gaming console nearly flying out of his hands as the screen displayed the large words ‘GAME OVER’. He turned around, only for his eyes to widen in confusion,
“[Y/n]? What’re you doing here?”
You simply shrugged, taking a seat next to the redhead,
“Well, my friends insisted that I visit the Host Club and said that I’d like it, but I have no idea what I’m doing here. All I see is women fawning over some men”
You looked around the room before looking back at Hikaru,
“So, what is this ‘Host Club’? What’s the point and what do you guys do?”
Hikaru’s breath hitched as he bashfully looked away,
“Well..we basically flirt with girls”
You raised your eyebrow in interest,
“Oh? And why aren’t you flirting with any girls?”
“I don’t have any clients at the moment”
Hikaru mumbled, embarrassed that he had gotten caught being apart of such a club. You smiled, placing your index finger under his chin and turning his head to look at you,
“Well, I can be your client for the time being, pretty boy~”
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ynverse · 1 year
day one - 12:50
OHSHC x gn! reader
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you felt like a loser standing outside of your classroom after class dismissal. you felt even more vulnerable, somehow, and noticed the extra gazes of those that would pass. glancing at your phone again, you duly noted how it has been around ten minutes since your lunch hour began. haruhi, on the other hand, was filled with guilt as she practically ran to where you were. hikaru quite literally had to be pried off of her because he wanted to go harass you.
“y/l/n,” haruhi called out, “i’m sorry i took so long!”
you glanced up from your phone and let out a small smile. you may have been annoyed earlier but the fact that someone at this school would even apologize managed to relax your nerves. you couldn’t help but notice how haruhi wore the male uniform, not that you particularly cared. it did raise some questions though since ouran was more conservative in nature and wanted your uniform to match your sex. you also swear that someone in the group chat called them their daughter.
“it’s whatever,” you gave a small smile.
haruhi may have been a part of the chat that threatened you but something about their presence seemed to relax you. they seemed much more down to earth than the other people you’ve encountered at the academy. haruhi could also say the same about you but she knew where it stemmed from. in a playground for the rich, it was easy to admire the sense of normalcy.
“should we start walking now?”
haruhi watched as you simply nodded and began following her. as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she felt guilt in more ways than one. it was eating her up inside that you were stuck in a class you didn’t belong in, all because of her score and the school’s system. she also felt horrible about your new fate with the host club. she was unsure how she should approach you or if you would even like her to.
“uhm,” you interrupted the silence, “would it be okay if you introduced yourself?”
“oh! i’m fujioka haruhi…”
haruhi felt nervous after she noticed you stopped walking.
“oh, this is actually a relief! i don’t have to be upset over the class issue anymore,” you said with a small laugh as you continued following after her.
“y/l/n, you aren’t upset?”
“i thought you were a man from the rumors. i just didn’t want a man to take my spot but i support women climbing the ranks. also, you can call me y/n. i like my first name more.”
haruhi couldn’t help but laugh as well, feeling the weight lift off of her shoulders.
“you can call me haruhi then.”
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“i’m just going to apologize ahead of time. they’re…” haruhi trailed off as you were about to open the doors, “kind of obnoxious.”
your confession at her statement immediately left as soon as you opened the doors. rose petals seemed to appear out of thin air, swarming all around you and the group in front of you. the room also seemed somewhat brighter before dimming and allowing you to see their faces clearly, though you felt that could have been your own imagination.
“welcome to the ouran host club, y/l/n!”
before you could even react, honey and the twins came towards you. while the twins walked around inspecting you, magnifying glasses appearing in their hands, honey was almost jumping for joy rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
“you’re the person in the group chat! woah!”
“uh, yeah i am,” your voice was almost questioning.
the rest of the group seemed to approach after your admittance, scrutinizing you as their eyes trailed over your form. the hosts did not have malicious intentions, with the exception of kyoya and his mind’s hypotheticals, but it wasn’t just any day where they met with someone outside of club hours. ouran was filled with elites, names that the boys had to remember for the sake of their interactions as hosts and for their family status. after being stuck in a cage filled with the same people, it was relieving for them to experience something different. haruhi was definitely a breath of fresh air for the boys, even if some refuse to admit it, and they are hoping you would become one too. your interactions already proved to them that you could care less about pleasantries and how they behave - and for that, they were immensely thankful. haruhi also seemed to enjoy how true to yourself you seemed, only really acknowledging the social status of those around you when kyoya threatened you you were forced to. their curiosity was immense and they wanted to see who you were, however, they had to make sure they established some rules before they let their curiosity run wild. new may not always mean dangerous but they had far too much to lose to storm in without a safety net.
“let us begin introductions. then, y/l/n, we must speak about certain issues your presence has arisen.”
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ouran messenger
masterlist - prev | next
fun facts !
↳ the convo you had with them was anything but fun
↳ honey let you hold usa-chan the entire time (king)
↳ kyoya prepared written contracts and was ready to proceed with his threat but you actually complied
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a/n: trying to write enough for the plot but also small enough to stay true to the mysmes style is a STRUGGLE... literally wrote so much to establish them meeting and finally managed to shorten it to help the mysmes style run well. the things i do to kiss kiss fall in love and every morning i wake up to the same sweet sound
taglist: @saeransblush @sungieflwr @nervouspsychologynerd @gekkow @r4yyyyy 
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Of A Melody there once was | Ouran Highschool Host Club x Male reader
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This is one of my longest fanfics ever! It's been sitting in my head, rotting away. The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Of A Melody there once was | {You are here}
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins 
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Chapter 5: TBD
Chapter 6: TBD
Chapter 7: TBD
Chapter 8: TBD
Chapter 9: TBD
Chapter 10: TBD
Chapter 11: TBD
Chapter 12: TBD
Chapter 13: TBD
Chapter 14: TBD
Chapter 15: TBD
Chapter 16: TBD
Chapter 17: TBD
Chapter 18: TBD
Chapter 19: TBD
Chapter 20: TBD
Chapter 21: TBD
Chapter 22: TBD
Chapter 23: TBD
Chapter 24: TBD
Chapter 25: TBD
Chapter 26: TBD
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LOADING. Of a Melody There once was into queue..
Of a Melody there once was loaded succesfully ┗━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┛
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██████ 100% _❀
Where a boy of great renowned for his musical talent was accepted to the one and only elite school, Ouran Academy. His once quite tune will become that of which is a boisterous song for all to hear! And this is all thanks to the help of 7 people in the famous Host Club. Some wouldn't even think twice that this boy was a commoner.
Warning: Music and art isn't mine, I do not own ohshc, but I do own this story. Talks of sexual assault and other forms of abuse, but not explicit
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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rayonfirethe2nd · 2 years
Tamaki Suoh x Insecure! Plus-sized!
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A/n: This is another request! So enjoy~ I would like to also mention that I will make my own content alongside requests cuz there haven’t been many requests lol.
Yes, i'm a simp too-
But like! This man! This PRINCE LOOKING BOY!
He loves you with all his heart!!!
Like if this 😍 was a person, then Tamaki is the embodiment of it
OOOOOOO HE LOVES to touch! (not like that ya dirty)
But he loves to hold you, kiss you all over and just be with you
Despite being larger than him, he insists that you will sit on his lap 
If you don’t, he shall go to the corner and sulk for an hour
He would whine and tell Mommy dearest, Kyoya about how you are depriving him of his daily dose of affection and love
If you don’t like PDA (Public Display of Affection) then you will need to communicate with Tamaki about it
Baby boy thinks all is good and swell if you don’t say anything, cuz he expects communication from you (king of Healthy relationship/ mindset)
Since Tamaki is so full of love and affection he sometimes has bursts of sudden love Ig? Like he will want to cuddle for an hour and give you words of affirmation
He will spoil you rotten with love, you may even get a tooth ache from the sweetness /j
But like, since Tamaki is so loving he will also do a lot of gift giving, cuz whenever he sees something he always thinks about you! 
And so it just kinda ends up in his car and in your house and suddenly you have a pair of new shoes or a set of clothes
Nooooo he totally did not spend his monthly allowance on it- 😃😃
He also loves to give you clothes that accentuate your lovely curves
He totally does not get a nose bleed 💀💀
And he totally does not hold you closer during cuddles- no no what?-
He shall deny it, but you can tell- 
Tho I’m sure you enjoy it too~ 😏😏
He also loves to show you off to others and brag about his amazing lover
He also gets questioned as to why he chose to date you (whether its with good intentions or not) he just answers that you simply caught his eye and he fell in love 
You may also get stares or people whispering about your relationship, but rest assured that your loving lover will come to the rescue and assure you of his love
He will show it with a lot of physical affection and verbal affection
Overall Tamaki is just an amazing, wonderful and joyful lover that gets a heart attack every time he sees his lover!
ALRIGHTTTTTTT!!!!! I hope I did well! And if you would like a mini-story with it like I did with Kyoya, let me know! I shall deliver! I hope you enjoyed it! 
-Ray out
Tags: @lilacprincessofrecovery
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vampdes · 3 years
𝐇𝐈𝐌<3 - [M/NB]
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; blond boy x yandere = idrk i dont do math
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; guilt-tripping & mentions of death
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Tamaki Suoh.
The most charming, amazing, cute, handsome boy in Ouran Highschool. Aka, a golden boy. Women all flocked to his side every time they saw him in the courtyard or in his host club. Even though many wanted for him to become their suitor, he only had eyes for one person.
[Name]. [Name] [L.Name]. [Name] was nothing more than just an average person. Average grades, average looks, average everything. Tamaki didn't think that however, Tamaki thought [Name] was angelic, smart, cute, kind and so much more. If only he could feel your soft skin against the inner palm of his soft, smooth hands. He'd do anything to just touch you.
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AHHHH okay okay, i've been meaning to do Tamaki Suoh yandere head canons cause hes so <3333
BUT with that said, time 2 get down 2 business💕
Tamaki knows he's charming in every single way. he knows that he has everyone wrapped around his slim fingers. and he knows he's a golden boy, he knows he's a walking stereotype.
but, but, but he will make you feel bad for him. he will indeed make you feel guilty for something you didn't even do. he's going to say he's insecure about his looks and whatnot in order for you to feel bad for him. he is absolutely in love, and i mean in LOVE, with the way you feel bad for him insecure. he's ABSOLUTELY in love with the fact that you'll comfort him when he says he's insecure😻💘
Tamaki Suoh - Golden boy<3 he's just something else. he isn't the type to make you isolate yourself just so you can love him, but he feeds you lies and fake tales about people, so you do indeed stop talking to those specific people. he also loves when you complain about him flirting with the host club costumers/guests<333 it makes him smiles so much<33
omgomogmgoomgmg heres a thought, Tamaki Suoh to be the type who gets jealous rather easily. now, when he gets jealous, he gets way too jealous. most wouldn't even call his jealous a sane type of jealousy. he has the type of jealous where he'd get all breathy, look absolutely terrified, and start bawling his eyes tf out.
and when he does so, he expects you to come to his side and ask what's wrong. it's required for you to come to his side and ask what's wrong.
IF YOU DONT; he'll immediately ask you, in private, if you love him or do you love the '' bastard'' you were talking to more than him? he'll make you absolutely second guess whether or not you actually love that friend of yours. and if you say something along the lines of '' Tamaki, they're just a friend! You really need to calm down!'' he'll ignore you for over the span of three (3) weeks. and when he finally gets satisfaction from your frequent calling, messages, and begging he's going to come completely clean. aka, your friend died '' somehow'' a few days ago. 😍❤️😊
IF YOU DO; he'll immediately pull you down by the collar of your shirt and rest his head on your shoulder and cry so dramatically. (he got '' most dramatic'' in the yearbook 🐇😘😎). he'll babble about how he's not feeling loved, how he feels like he's not showing you enough affection and you're thinking about leaving him, and how you probably are going to leave him cause of his looks. it got so bad that you had to excuse both of you out of the host club room just to spend some time with him and reassure him that he's just perfect (literally).
if you give him cute nicknames ( tama, su, cutie<3, golden boy<3, love & lover<3, pretty boy<3, handsome<3, etc.) he'll IMMEDIATELY become red. even yandere t. suoh can have feelings.
when you say things like, '' that's spectacular tamaki!'', '' you're so amazing tamaki!'' or '' tamaki, you did so well on (practically anything)!''
he's going to become a bundle of nerves and immediately thank you with a kiss on the lips.
ALSOOO he's a literal puppy that follows you everywhere, specifically a golden retriever. he absolutely loves when you have all of your attention on him. (HES ABSOLUTELY AN ATTENTION SEEKER. NO ONE CAN TELL ME DIFFERENT 😾😻.) he craves for your attention to be on him, he's the reason why you failed almost half of your classes. he paid the fucking school to let him & you have the same classes for the years you two are there.
he's also the reason why you can't get sleep at most times. he's a cuddle bug, no lie.
nvm, these r now random tamaki suoh head canons. deal with it.
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'' Yes, Tamaki?'' You questioned as you felt his arms wrapped around your waist as you were standing and peering down at all your assignments splattered out on the marble countertop. '' You've been working for so long~!'' He whined, nuzzling his face into your neck, pecking small kisses on it. '' Love, I know I've been working, but please give me about two through three (2-3) minutes to get this done with. Please?'' You questioned turning around and meeting his beautiful, bright violet eyes. He uttered something underneath his breath, tsking and letting go of your waist. '' You never show me any affection, [Name]..'' He murmured, fiddling with his fingers as he was preparing himself to cry. '' I-Is it because I-I'm ugly..? T-That's it.. right? Do you not love me because of my looks?'' Soft sobs could be heard from him. And he made you feel guilty, he has accomplished his goal. '' No, Tamaki, I'm sorry.'' Rubbing the bridge of your nose, you walked over to him, grabbed him by the face, and pecked him on the lips softly.
'' You're absolutely handsome, Tamaki. I love you for your personality, not your looks. You're absolutely amazing, Tama. I wouldn't have anyone else over you, okay?''
He still looked like he didn't feel as ease, he didn't feel like you were actually speaking the truth. You cradled his face, rubbing your thumb up and down on both of his cheeks while giving him soft little pecks while wiping away the crystal tears of his.
'' I-I just feel l-like I'm not showing you enough affection, and you're going to leave me fo-for [Friend Name].'' You felt bad and guilty at the same time, Tamaki just sobbed more and more. Pulling him into a tight hug, you started to whisper sweet nothings in his ear.
He felt at ease, like this was what your relationship was supposed to be. He loved you, he loved all of you, and making you feel guilty just feeds into you loving him more and more and more.
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@2022 MALEWIFE Inc.
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translytherins · 3 years
*A 21 year old Tamaki Suoh flirting with [Y/n]*
Tamaki: You know... You look like my very first spouse!!!
[Y/n]: Oh? You've been married before?
Tamaki: Nope...
[Y/n] *brain malfunction*: Wait..... Oh... Ohhhhh!!! Yeah, no thanks...
Tamaki *in a mushroom corner*: My love... Why...(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
[Y/n]: ಠ_ಠ
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Notes: This is just a short lil thing I just came up with after reading a Hikaru fic- and I know no one is really active in this fandom but it needs to be revived. I also kinda want to start writing for them-
Character: Tamaki Suoh
WARNINGS: brat taming (?), Small Chocking, Mirror sex, Orgasm denial, Dry orgasms, piss kink, daddy kink, overstimulation (if you have on ur glasses and squint)
Title: Fucking brat
Imagine Tamaki being a fucking brat all day. Like he's been flirting with random men and women on the street while you're on your way to a diner. And when y'all get there you think he's done being a whore and that he was just cranky or something but then he sees a friend from high school and they're talking.
Tamaki's being super unnecessarily touchy with this friend. And a waiter comes over and asks what you want to drink and Tamaki "forgot" you were there so the waiter takes your orders. Tamaki introduced you to Mori.
But then he goes back to being touchy. He's rubbing up on his arms saying how much more muscley he got from high school. And after they say bye to the both of you Tamaki just pretends like he wasn't damn near on top of him.
Then your waiters fliting with Tamaki and Tamaki gives him his number saying like suggestive shit to him. And it was to the point where you had to leave 100 on the table and just leave. Y'all get home and he's acting like he wasn't doing anything wrong
Fast forward like almost an hour later this mans crying, drooling, tongue out moaning loud asf. Like begging for you to let him cum. Ignoring him and wrapping your hand around his neck forcing him to look at himself in the mirror looking at the way his small pathetic little red swollen cock hits his stomach.
Having yet another dry orgasm. Sobbing as he feels you filling him with your cum once again. His eyes rolling around in his head.
After a while, you finally let him cum but he just ends up peeing himself and making a mess. Resulting in him getting fucked some more.
Just like full-on sobbing because you're being so mean to him and he can't handle it. "Fucking disgusting whore. Did you enjoy peeing on daddy's floor huh?" the blush on his face becoming even more prominent.
"I- 'm sor- aha mpf~ ry- I- just pleash." his words slurring together as his brain becomes mush not even being able to think straight anymore. "Please what? You gotta speak up fa' me" you say slapping his ass.
"I- ahm~ Ple-" he whimpers not being able to form a coherent sentence let alone thought. "Look at you fucked dumb like a stupid little whore should be," you say getting cut off by a groan forcing its way out of you as his ass sucks you back in squeezing.
"What you like it when I'm mean yeah? You like it when I treat you like a useless cock sleeve," you say bringing your hand up to form a tight firm grip in his hair.
You ended up going two more rounds in the bedroom and another in the bath.
"'M sorry daddy. I didn't mean to be a brat." he says whispering half asleep. "S' okay doll just don't do it again," you say massaging his back and thighs drifting off into a deep sleep.
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