#ok I do know a few things about the brick but have I read it ever? noooo
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(My grandma went out shopping and then remembered she had a Brick TM at home and bestowed it onto me…)
It’s so thick and gorgeous and I can’t wait to read it! The translation is Norman Denny, for those wondering.
Also, I’m a first time Brick-reader. I have seen the musical and 2012 movie. But, I have also heard about the infamous Battle of Waterloo tangents and the Parisian sewer system tangents…
Wish me luck and good luck to the fellow Brick-readers 🙏🙏
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seresinhangmanjake · 2 months
Daddy!Benny Cross x Momma!Reader
Your and Benny’s little girl gets injured playing on a bike and must go to the hospital. Benny doesn’t handle it well.
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Warnings/Notes: mention of broken bones, cursing, angry but sweet dad Benny, protectiveness, typos, and I think that’s it.
Part of the Come Back Knockin’ universe. Takes place after Come Back Together and Together and More, but you don't have to read these beforehand to understand this fic.
Words: 1250
Benny Cross Masterlist
Benny’s going to lose his damn mind—that’s all you can think as you stand beside Wahoo in the hospital lobby, the both of you keeping sharp eyes out the wall-length windows to spot your husband. Facing him will be no easy feat and you need all the time you can get to prepare yourselves before he stomps through those doors. 
“Wahoo, I don't know about this. You really better go back to the meeting,” you encourage him, as you’ve done at least ten times in the last fifteen minutes. 
“Nah, I gotta stay and apologize to ‘im,” he replies. “But you shouldn’t have to wait here with me. You should go be with your girl.”
Your eyes scan the visible area from the benches in the flowered courtyard to the emergency sign attached to the building’s exterior brick before darting to the looped driveway reserved for ambulances. He’s nowhere in sight. But he will be soon enough. You called him—you peek at your watch—exactly twelve minutes and forty-three seconds ago. The shop is nineteen minutes away from the hospital and there’s no way he’s not speeding. 
“If I go, who is going to stop Benny from killing you?” you say, your heart hammering in your chest. 
You love your husband, but the man has a temper that can flare as easily as a swift strike of a match. He has started many short-lived fights, always requiring some patching up before the excitement finally settles down, but if Benny is given time to simmer, he can explode with an unrivaled rage.
Wahoo chuckles awkwardly, turning his head to look at you. 
“You got a point there, sweetheart,” he says. Then he goes silent amongst the background chattering of anxious families and ringing phone lines at the front desk.
You glance his way just in time to see the harsh bob of his Adam’s apple. 
“I won’t let him,” you promise. “You know…kill you.”
“Not sure you’re gonna be able to stop ‘im. You and the kid are the most important things in his world, and one of yous got hurt on my watch.”
A wince pinches your face at the memory and you’re so busy worrying about how the events of the next few minutes are going to unfold that you miss Benny’s entrance entirely. 
“What the fuck!” Benny shouts. It echoes throughout the room, making every head swivel, every conversation cease. 
As he storms closer, you step between him and Wahoo, your hands planting firmly on his chest. Murder is in his glare and though he could easily barrel through the barrier in his path, that would involve shoving you aside, and regardless of the circumstances, he would never do that.
Benny’s arm raises over your shoulder, finger pointed like a dagger toward his friend—well, enemy, at the moment. “What the hell you doin’ lettin’ my four-year-old on your fuckin’ bike!”
He tries to side-step you but you’re watching his feet, catching his movements before he can finish making them. 
“I’m real sorry, Benny,” Wahoo says meekly.
“Sorry? You’re sorry!” His tone is darker, fists clenching, anger overflowing and spilling onto the tiled floor. Without glancing at you, in a much softer—but still threatening—voice, he says, “Baby, move.”
You look up at him. Your hands slide from his chest to cup his cheeks in a failed effort to trap his attention. “Benny, it was an accident, ok? Alright? She was just playing pretend like she does with you and she wiggled out of his grasp and landed wrong,” you tell him. 
“I don't fuckin’ care if it was an accident.”
He’s so revved up, so locked in on his target, that your stomach twists for Wahoo. He’s been such a kind man and he’s so good with your daughter that he’s told you once or twice he wishes he could have one of his own someday.
When Lucy fell, it took all of two seconds for his visibly consuming guilt to settle in. He’d immediately picked her up, buckled her into your car, and followed you straight to the hospital where he has stressed over her injured state from the moment of arrival. He doesn’t deserve the abuse from Benny as if he was negligent. Benny, a man who regularly demonstrates little of his own self-preservation skills, but happens to go feral when his child so much as skins her knee. 
“Benny, please,” you say. “Honey, look at me.”
If you can get his eyes on you then he’ll be stuck to you like glue. He’ll calm down. The huffing and puffing of his chest will slow. 
And to your relief, when you stand up on your toes to invade his line of sight that is exactly what happens. The vengeance drains out of his face, replaced by a gentleness that only ever reveals itself to you and your shared child. 
“She’s fine,” you say. “She cried until the doctor gave her a sucker and now I’m not sure she even cares about her arm.”
Benny’s mouth dips into a frown. His brow pinches, then his teeth bite down hard on his bottom lip. “She got hurt,” he says, and your heart breaks for him.
You sigh. “I know.”
“I wasn’t there.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to stop it even if you were. It happened in a split-second,” you tell him. “You’re here now; that’s what matters. And wouldn’t you rather see her than argue?”
Benny’s exhale is a sharp release of air that subdues the remnants of his temper. “Where is she?”
You point to the double doors off to the side of the lobby. “Through there,” you say.
Benny swallows, nods, and takes your hand. But when he looks up, the glare resurfaces. “You're not gettin’ off,” he tells Wahoo. “I’ll deal with you later.”
As Benny pulls you along in the direction of your daughter, you quickly whisper to your friend, “I'll take care of it, but you ought to go.”
Wahoo’s smile is weak, never reaching his eyes, and his hands slip into his jeans pockets before he turns on his heel for the exit.
Lucy hops up from the floor where a few toys are scattered about from playing with the nurse in your absence. 
Benny plasters on a smile that barely conceals his agitation as he scoops her up in his arms. “You doin’ alright, nugget?”
“Mhmm,” Lucy hums, chipper as ever. “I finished my sucker. It tasted like grape.” She lifts her arm and Benny’s head jerks back to avoid a collision with his nose. “You like my cast?” 
You watch Benny struggle to come up with a positive reply, considering that within said cast is his little baby’s broken arm. “Y-Yea, Lu. It’s…It’s real great.”
“It’s blue!”
“I see that.”
The nurse chuckles as she rises from the floor and dusts invisible specks of dirt from her pristinely white uniform. “You’ve got yourself a lovely little girl,” she praises, tilting her head affectionately as he takes in the image of Lucy tucking her head into the crook of Benny’s neck. “The doctor says we’ll need to see you back here in six weeks.”
“Thank you.”   
She starts toward the door but pauses as she passes your daughter. “Goodbye, miss Lucy,” she says, her smile wide. 
“Bye, miss nurse!” With her good hand, Lucy gives an animated wave that the nurse returns as she closes the door behind her. 
Benny releases the sigh you’re pretty sure he’s been holding in since you called him. He cups the side of Lucy's head as if he could cradle her closer than she already is.
“You're not gonna be sittin’ up on any bikes for a real long while,” he says.
Lucy’s head shoots up, eyes widening in panic. “Nooo!” she whines. “You can't stop me!” 
“You wanna bet?”
“Yes!” she snaps back. “I…I'll do it when you aren't lookin'!”
Benny scoffs. "I'm not lettin' you out of my sight."
"I'll be real sneaky!"
The air of rebelliousness is all too familiar and it makes you snicker. Because despite the exhaustion of the day, despite the tears and the shouting and the drama that you hope will not reemerge later, all you can think as the bantering unfolds before you is that that little girl is definitely Benny Cross’s daughter.
Thanks for reading :)
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“Hey Caleb.  You were in that bathroom for a while.  Big shit or were you giving it a tug?  Considering your swim trunks is showing no bulge whatsoever, I doubt you were enjoying your right hand.  Or do you use the left?  Me personally, I’m a lefty….
“Your dad and I were just talking by the pool.  I asked him how long he knew you were gay….  Oh I wish you could see the shocked look on your face.  So you haven’t told him.  He was shocked too.  He said you weren’t.  I told him that I’ve been around sperm burpers all my life and you were a classic pole rider.
“You haven’t said much.  Not one word of protest.  You are just trying to figure out what your next step is going to be.  Don’t worry, I love fucking with your dad.  He’s worked for me for ten years now.  He knows my sense of humor and just brush it off.  Besides he’s been drinking.  But I got enough out of him to convince me that you definitely gob the knob.
“You wanna swing on my dick, or not?  Here let me take it out for ya.  I can see by the lump forming in your shorts that you want it.  Am I right?...  Your dad likes to say that you are quiet and keep to yourself.  I can see that.  Just nod then.
“Ok, let’s do this then.  This guest room’s toilet serves as the overflow bathroom.  Someone will interrupt us.  Come with me.  My bedroom will offer us some more privacy.  Your dad already thinks you are off reading a book on your phone.  Nobody is going to miss me for a while….  It’s a large house.  When I bought it, I had an addition put on for my master suite….  When you enter my bedroom, lose the swim trunks.  Boys are to be naked at all times in my bedroom.
“Damn boy, you are rock hard.  So, were you jerking off or taking a dump in the toilet?...  Look, when it comes to sex, I cut to the point.  There’s no need to be coy.  I’m going to be fucking that pussy of yours, and I want to know if you are empty first.  Good.  Did you also give it a tug?...  Of course, you did. 
“Come here.  Point to the guy you were jerking off to….  You are at a construction company pool party where 80% of the men here work for me.  There are more muscles out there from hard work than a fag like you can take in.  Which one?...
“…Of course, you would go for Stan.  So you like big guys?  He’s six four and built like a brick shit house.  Have you talked to him?...  He can be a bit of an gruff asshole.  The guys call him Ox.  He has a dick to match.  Not the brightest guy, but damn he’s a hard worker and a brutal fucker.  Yeah, he’s tag teamed with me a couple of times.  He can fuck for hours.
“Come with me.  This closet door leads downstairs to my hidden playroom.  I had it specifically designed and loaded up for just about every kink my dick was interested in.  You’re what 20?  You probably don’t know about all these things.  I do know this: you are leaking up a storm. 
“Don’t touch yourself.  Let the leak flow.  Why don’t you have a look around?  I need to text a few of my guests to let them know that I had to step away for a bit.
“That’s a St. Andrew’s cross.  If you have an interest in being whipped, I’d be happy to oblige….  Didn’t think so. 
“Those are my four rim seats.  They are for eating ass.  Depending on my mood, they vary based on how secure the boy is underneath.  That last one secures the boy’s legs up so he can get fucked while he’s eating my shithole. 
“No. No.  Leave your dick alone.  I want you to leak….
“There.  All the appropriate texts have been sent.  Now, we’ll have some time to really have fun.  Come over there.  This is a fuck bench.  Simple.  Easy access both holes.  Climb up.  Knees go here; elbows here.
“Oh, you have a pretty cunt.  Nice….  Oh, you are not as tight as I thought you would be; my finger just slid in.  I take it you are not a virgin.  That’s fine.  I get it, a cunt needs to be fed.  You get fucked at college?...  Kinda figured. 
“Ever been tied up?...  No?  There’s always a first time. 
“Ok, so here’s the situation.  I’ve applied a small amount of lube to your cunt lips.  Your mouth, or rather your throat needs to put some slime on me.  I will probably go between your holes.
“I put a sludge plate under your dick to collect your pre-cum and when I eventually allow you, your cum.
“Open wide…. Oh fuck.  Your mouth feels good.  Oh shit, you know how to work your tongue.  You little faggot whore.  Oh man.  Fuck.
“I gotta try that cunt.  If it’s as good as your throat, boy…
“…Right to the root.  Right to the fucking root.  Wait.  What the fuck?...  Do that again….  Boy you are something.  I could just stand here, and you can squeeze my cock like that all day.  It feels like you are jerking me off with your hole.
“Where the fuck did you learn all this?  No twenty-year-old stumbles on how to treat a cock like you.  Who taught you?
“…Your math professor?  Damn, I never would have thought a math professor would have been so twisted. 
“Say faggot, you have a job?...  Living off your dad, hunh?  You probably go out looking for dick when he’s at work.  You fucking faggot whore.  How would you like to come work for me?  It’ll be in my main office.  It’s a tiny office, just me and my manager Dwight.  You’ll actually have office responsibilities in addition to servicing me and Dwight.  Yeah, he’s another guy that I work with that I play around with.  I employ four or five guys that also enjoy using faggots like you, although Dwight also uses bitches too.
“This is a serious offer.  Your dad doesn’t need to know anything other than you are working in my office.  I need to have these holes accessible.  You want to do that?...
“…Fuck yeah!  I’m getting close faggot.  Keep doing what you are doing.  Oh shit.  Oh shit!  Here it cums!  Shit yeah!
“You keep performing like this, and I’ll pay you what I do your dad.
“So, did the math professor teach you other kinks?…  Eating ass and piss drinking!  Hell yeah!  So you have been under a rim seat?...  No, he just sat on your face.  Did he tie you up, or get rough?...  He wanted to?  Boy, when a man wants to use you the way he wants you need to let him.
“Oh fuck, climb down.  And keep my load in you.  Here hop up on this fuck table.  I want to sample that tongue.  Legs go in the stirrups.  I will be securing your legs in them….  Wrists will be secure at your sides in these cuffs.
“You still in contact with the professor?...  Good.  I want to invite him over some weekend so we can use you all weekend long. 
“This table was designed for butt play as well as eating ass.  Your head goes here onto the head rest off the end.  I can lower the head rest and your head back so that opens your throat to a deep straight throat fuck, but I primarily use it by lifting it up like this to support your head when I straddle it like this.  Now your face is wedged in my ass, with me just standing here.  Get that tongue going.
“Oh fuck.  Fag, this will definitely be part of your office responsibilities.  Dwight will love it too.  As will Ox….
“Hey Ox….
“Faggot, I took the liberty of telling Ox to join us when I sent out those texts.
“Holy shit Ox, this is Murphy’s boy.  He’s a total cunt pig.  I just hired him to work for me in the main office.  Wait until you try his holes. 
“Shut up faggot!  This doesn’t concern you….  Get back to sticking your tongue into my shitter.
“He does this pulse thing with his cunt muscles.  You have to try it.  My load is still inside.
“Hey fagboy, you ever have a baseball bat in your cunt?...  No?...  Well it would have been practice for what’s about to be shoved into you.  You know that bulge you jerked off to is going in your twat.
“Scream in my ass.  Keep that tongue going in deep.  Oh fuck! 
“Look at how much he’s leaking.  Give it to him.  Hard.  He’s shaking.  Keep plowing….  Oh shit!  He’s fucking cumming.  Without his hands, that’s fucking amazing.
“Fag, I don’t care that you shot a huge load.  Ox takes a while to get going.  I’ll be right back.  Ron Owens needs to try you out. 
“Fag, while I’m gone, I want you to focus on the man you jerked off to—the man that is tearing up your cunt.  Here, let me undo your hands.  Run them over his chest.  Feel those muscles and that chest hair.
“Ox, don’t you dare cum before we get back.  Keep pile driving into him, and don’t let up, even if he begs.”
“Faggot, this is only the beginning….”
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 2 months
How about the mk1 characters getting annoyed ( cause you know women like to sleep with pillows or blankets or something between their legs and just lay there cuddled up with a pillow) cause they're cuddling a pillow one I'm their arms and one between their legs
MK1 characters genuinely beefing with a pillow
(bi han, johnny cage, syzoth, tomas vrbada)
this is actually so real of you anon i cannot sleep unless i have 4 pillows with me (requests open as always :D)
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Bi Han
-Is offended by the gratuitous amount of pillows you’ve managed to populate the already cramped bed with.
-In the beginning of sharing a bed with him he’d just sleep faced away from you so he never realized this was always something you did; and probably took it personally 
-He suggests that you are being childish and in a moment of mild embarrassment, says you can just hold onto him instead.
-Good on him for voicing his needs and opening up to his partner! But you don’t have the heart to tell him his arms are too muscly and less comfortable than your pillows. 
-In the mornings he stores the extra pillows under the bed or on the seats to make everything look neat because you DON'T no matter how much HE TELLS YOU.  
-In the warm summer months when shit is hot as hell you will forgo it because who needs them when you have the equivalent of “cold pillow side” all night! 
-It makes him feel like he’s the little spoon, which he doesn’t appreciate, and you get really sweaty at around 4am, which he appreciates even less, but it’s very grounding and the pressure makes it easy to sleep 
-He always wakes up really disoriented and mistakes you for the blanket (read: almost tosses you off the bed as he gets up)
 Johnny Cage
-This is equivalent to letting your dog sleep at the foot of the bed (except let's be real you’ve probably done something similar to him) 
-Thinks its super cute when he comes into the room after his shower and sees you all comfy and snuggled up, expecting you to reach for him all sleepy once he gets under the covers
-And when I tell you it hurts his pride like nothing else, when you turn around to get into a better position
-Babe i'm RIGHT here (gets a bolster thrown at his head)
-Out of spite he’ll copy you and sleep with the bolster instead of holding you, and immediately gets the appeal
-Because yes he loves you dearly, but he can’t exactly fold you three times to fit under his bad knee (as much as he wants to)
-As time goes on you both now have more extra pillows, bolsters and djungelskogs than you know what to do with.
-(you two both have one except he weighs like a brick shit ton so his is extremely disfigured and looks like a sack)
-He thinks you look really hot when you lay on your side cuddling all the pillows
-You’ll just be watching TV and he’s got the googly eyes ok calm down buddy not while you’re wearing the muumuu…
-Thinks you are building a nest because there is no other reason someone needs five pillows and two throw blankets
-Though this is coming from a man who spent most of his life sleeping on the cobblestone floor 
-Over the next few weeks he comes back to you with an assortment of sort fluffy…things
-You don’t have the heart to ask why he’s suddenly showering you with gifts, initially thinking it’s good nature but hey ok there’s a limit to your patience AND space on this bed. 
-The teddy bears are adorable, but spa…towels? Does he know what a spa is? You have more questions than answers.
-Every time you thank him he gets quietly excited since he thinks this is confirmation that you are nesting and possibly want to start a family with him
-Doesn’t actually mind the part with you not cuddling with him as often, he usually just lightly holds your hand or big spoons you 
-The day you actually ask him about it, and eventually have to break the news that no you are not nesting and that it’s just for your comfort, he deflates like a balloon
-Bless his heart you spend the rest of the day begging for forgiveness and clinging onto him like a koala explaining your side
-“Does that mean… you are uncomfortable with me?” NO IT’S JUST SECOND NATURE SYZOTH!! LIKE WHEN YOU WANT TO BASK ON A ROCK!! SECOND NATURE!
-He looks at you pointedly. Just because he’s zaterran doesn’t mean he’s going to behave like an iguana…. Not the zaterran discrimination…
-You compromise using him in replacement, and grow to enjoy the feeling of your new pillows occasionally squirming under your iron death grip.
Tomas Vrbada
-Will cheerfully use his herculean strength to just wriggle through your grip so you hold him and not the pillows. 
-Wiggles up like a snake coming out a pot until he can wrangle his arms above yours and hug you
-Just starts telling you about his day like its a normal conversation while you lay there completely stunlocked 
-It’s also just a reminder that as sweet and kind your partner is, he is also insanely strong and is just careful to be soft with you 
-If you’re both laying in bed and you prefer to cuddle up with pillows he’ll just stare at you with the saddest, wettest boba eyes using his curled up forearm as a pillow 
-And since you are merely a mortal man you relent and cling onto him instead
-At the same time he likes when you rest your head on his chest and hold onto a bolster, a perfect combination of not overheating and physical touch
-Biggest flaw is that he tends to spook you with how quietly he enters the room, so more often than not he is getting PELTED by that soft Egyptian cotton pillow at light speeds
-He’ll catch it 80% of the time and laugh, the other 20% he’s equally scared and the thing takes him down like it’s Sisyphus’ boulder and he’s the hill
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chelseeebe · 11 months
eddie knows about covering bruises and pretending to be fine all too well. but can he save the one woman he thinks he’s ever loved?
a/n: ok i’ve been a bit shit the last few weeks and this is genuinely the only thing i could conjure up but forewarning, it is sad and it does mention some pretty heavy topics that i know aren’t for everyone so i completely understand if u don’t want to read! my adhd riddled brain has already started a part two which does have a happy ending
title based on promise - ben howard i just thought it was a really lovely song and fits well with part two
read part two here.
18+. mdni! mentions of domestic violence, not explicitly described but the injuries are there and it is referred to multiple times throughout (eddie is not the perpetrator). smut. v much hurt/no comfort but not for long.
eddie is positively wrecked.
who would have ever guessed working in a shoddy, run-down bar would be so fucking tiring?
graham had said that if he picked up a few shifts at the hideout a week, then corroded coffin could play once a month. a guaranteed slot and he got paid? this was like heaven to him.
he just hadn’t expected the little bar to be so exhausting. he supposes that his lack of work experience and the fact he was used to doing sweet fuck all most of the time was to blame. that’s not his fault. not really. after finally graduating high school a year or so ago, he just hadn’t found any work in the tiny town.
on one particularly boring mid-week shift, eddie’s sat behind the bar doodling on the back of an old receipt, tapping his foot along to the kiss tune playing on the stereo. wouldn’t be his first choice but he’s not complaining.
‘you coming for a smoke?’ you exclaim suddenly, causing his head to jolt up, running the biro over his shitty drawing, ruining it completely.
‘uh.. then who would be on the bar?’ he utters, quickly hiding the doodle before you could judge it. not that he thinks you would, but just in case.
‘eddie, it’s dead,’ you say flatly, looking around at the empty tables.
truth be told, he hadn’t seen another soul bar from you and graham since he’d arrived which was odd for a thursday. assuming that the usual bums that lined the dusty old stools were otherwise engaged today. that or they just hadn’t been paid yet.
‘oh.. yeah, okay,’ he nods, hopping down from the stool and grabbing his jacket. you’re already gone, bounding off down the hall to the fire exit you all used for smoke breaks.
eddie’s still fairly new and very rarely got invited on the group breaks. which was fine, he just wished that you’d all take it in turns so that he could smoke too. he gets it though, like he talks enough but yet not enough to really make friends with any of you.
you’re leaning back against the brick wall, cigarette hanging from your lips, ‘you got a lighter?’
it’s not like he’d been staring or thought about it that much, but he’d noticed how breathtakingly beautiful you were on his second shift. okay, maybe that’s a lie. he’d thought about it a lot. but anyway, he’d been utterly in awe at the way you handled the drunks, brushed off their creepy comments and stood your ground no matter how angry or persistent they were being. he admired that and just wished that he had even a smidgen of the confidence you had.
he fumbles in his pocket for the lighter, clumsily handing it over before getting his own pack out. it feels wrong to look you in the eye, god that sounded pathetic. you were older, far cooler than he was and positively stunning. if he remembers correctly, you must’ve been a couple grades above him at school but had left long before he graduated.
‘thanks,’ passing the lighter back to him, fingers ever so slightly brushing against his. it’s like electricity sparks through his veins.
he really needs to get a grip.
‘you enjoyin’ it here?’ you ask, eyes intimidating as they bore into his.
‘it’s okay.. tiring though,’ he shrugs, trying his hardest to maintain eye contact despite his inability to look pretty girls in the eye.
‘yeah.. you’ll get used to it,’ you chuckle, the smoke flowing out of your lips perfectly. he’s so pathetically down bad for you and you have literally no idea.
‘how long have you worked here?’ longing to keep the conversation flowing.
‘shit.. too long,’ chuckling as you take another drag. eddie could listen to that sound all day. ‘i think i was eighteen when i started so..’ pretending to count on your fingers, ‘six years?’
eddie blows the air out of cheeks, he’s probably be in a similar position if he’d have just graduated when he was supposed to so he can’t exactly pass judgement.
‘i think we went to school together, i mean, you were a couple grades above me but i remember you,’ hoping that that didn’t sound as creepy out loud like it did in his head.
‘oh shit, really?’ your eyes narrow, trying to place him though it’s obviously not going to happen, ‘i don’t remember you.. i’m so sorry,’ playfully hitting his arm.
the connection is enough to keep his delusions going for at least another month.
‘it’s fine, didn’t think you would,’ not many people did to be honest. he tosses his cigarette into the overflowing makeshift ashtray, waiting for you to lead the way back inside.
‘hey, it was a long time ago, i’m old now!’ you joke, walking back through the dim hall back to the bar. he tries his hardest not to let his gaze slip to you ass but he swears it’s only for a second.
the bar’s still dead, the stereo now blaring out some madonna tune he hated.
‘ugh.. turn this one off,’ he mutters, mostly to himself as he repositions himself back on his perch.
‘i hate this song.’
your jaw drops in faux-offence, ‘i made this mixtape you asshole,’ going to shove him off of the stool, ‘i can’t believe you can’t drop the cool guy act for one second to appreciate some madonna,’ laughing as you start collecting glasses.
his frown turns into an immediate grin, begging for your forgiveness as he starts to bop his head along to the beat. it’s not like anyone would see him and hell, even if they did, he didn’t care. not if it made you smile.
‘holy fuck, you been fightin’ with the door again?’ james remarks, pulling eddie’s eyes from his paper to spot you rushing into the bar.
your head is ducked, flashing the older man your middle finger, disappearing into the back before eddie can properly get a glimpse of your face.
but he knows.
there’d been a handful of times that you’d come in wearing a massive sweater instead of your usual low-cut tops and when you reached for something high up, the sleeve would reveal just enough for him to see the dark blue marks on your wrist.
he’d never been sure, not until now. but his stomach drops the second his brain puts two and two together.
ditching the paper and that asshole james behind the bar to slink off into the back, approaching the tiny staff room with the upmost caution. it’d never be wise to start throwing accusations around but he’s not stupid. eddie had watching his mom go through the exact same shit for years. knew all the tricks in the book to cover up bruises, cried his heart out every time his mom went back to his asshole dad.
only god knows how many times he’d planned out his fathers death. anger brimming in his tiny body the second he heard raised voices.
he knocks gently on the door, watching as you hurriedly wipe the makeup onto your eye. it’s not doing much, in fact, it’s not doing anything at all. the purple shining through undeniably.
‘you okay?’ practically whispering as he enters the room, knocking the door shut behind him. james’ comment had meant that this obviously wasn’t the first time you’d come into work with such horrid markings.
you sigh, giving up on attempting to cover it, slamming the metallic compact back into your locker. ‘i’m okay.. i’m fine,’ refusing to turn and face him.
you’re obviously not okay and it hurts eddie to know that there’s absolutely nothing he can do to help. instead, he takes a seat on the communal bench, if nothing else, he’d lend his ear for whatever story you wanted to tell him.
‘what happened?’ he dares to ask, not expecting to know the truth but it felt better than silence.
you sniff, closing your locker and finally facing him head on. there’s pain and guilt wracked all over your face, ‘i’m just.. clumsy,’ shoulders slumping, ‘i tripped..’
you were anything but. eddie had watched you balance trays full of glasses without spilling a single drop. maybe other people bought your story but he didn’t. he couldn’t.
there’s a short silence and eddie shuffles, patting the empty space beside him, ‘you don’t have to lie to me.’ he swallows his anger, lets it rest in his stomach for a later date. there’s no doubt that if he got the opportunity, he’d kill the asshole that did this to you.
you swallow, reluctantly perching on the bench, ‘why are you even asking when you already know?’ not quite meeting his eyes, staring off somewhere into the distance.
‘i don’t know.. didn’t wanna pressure you..’ he’s familiar with the whole routine. the denial from his mother had broken his heart at such a young age even though he wasn’t stupid.
you blink, meeting his eyes for the first time, ‘he didn’t mean to.. was my fault,’ wiping the back of your hand against your sodden cheeks.
even hearing the words makes him inexplicably frustrated. not with you of course, but with the fact that you can’t see how much you don’t deserve that.
‘i don’t think you could do anything to deserve that,’ motioning towards your blackened eye. he’s not going to push it but he needs you to know that he’s here and would quite happily wrap his hands around that bastards neck.
‘you know.. my dad used to hit my mom,’ swallowing the large lump that had gathered in his throat, but finds enough strength to continue, ‘she was the nicest lady in the world.. she didn’t deserve that and neither do you,’ licking his suddenly parched lips. it wasn’t an easy topic then and it certainly isn’t now.
he’s not particularly ever open about what happened to his mom but if it convinced you even a tiny bit to leave him, it’d be worth it.
there’s a beat, followed by a muffled sniff but you’re nodding, staring down at the grimy tiles rather than his face. eddie reckons that he’d be overstepping his mark if he did what he wanted and leant over to hug you. so he doesn’t. putting a sympathetic hand on your shoulder instead.
‘you’re an angel, you know that?’ the hints of a smile creeping onto your lips.
‘yeah i know,’ he scoffs, bashing his shoulder into yours, only gently.
‘shut up,’ knocking him straight back.
you get up from the bench, puffing your cheeks out as you take one last look into the mirror.
it’s a gut-wrenching, awful sight and god forbid eddie has to ever see you like that again.
perhaps rather naively, eddie assumes everything is fine for the next few weeks.
understandably, you’re a bit subdued for a few days but you do revert back to your usual bubbly self come friday evening. no more bruises, no more groaning when you change the keg and absolutely zero mention of your wretched boyfriend.
so when he pulls into his gravel driveway one gloomy saturday night, he’s aghast to see you perched on his trailer steps. blinking through his headlights, soaked through from the rain with a busted lip and a torn shirt to match.
he near enough launches himself from his van, rushing over to your hunched over frame. damn near falling over his feet to get to you.
‘what the hell happened?’
you stand, clinging onto your poorly packed rucksack, ‘i.. i didn’t know where else to go,’ utterly defeated, any traces of life drained from your face.
he doesn’t say another word, bundling you into the trailer, slamming the lights on to get a proper look of you. his hands firmly on your drenched shoulders as he examines your injuries. your lip is cracked, the blood had wept from the cut and dried on your chin.
it’s awful. knocks him sick just to see you like this. your cheeks are stained with a mixture of rain and he presumes tears, hair hanging limp around your beautiful face.
‘what happened?’ he says softly, studying your face. he notices the small gash on your forehead, using everything within himself not to storm out of that door in a murderous rage.
your mouth opens but no words come out. it’s not as if he can’t put two and two together, he just doesn’t understand how it got to this point after last week.
‘it’s okay.. c’mon let’s get you out of these clothes,’ he blinks, collecting himself before taking your sopping wet bag. the clothes had all suffered in the downpour, damp and unwearable.
so he leads you into his cramped room, hastily rummaging through his drawers for something you can wear.
it’s a little self-indulgent and completely the wrong time but his heart flutters when you reappear out of the bathroom sporting his tee and a pair of old gym shorts. now showered and without the blood stains on your face, it’s a welcome sight.
‘better?’ he offers, though he knows a shower could never really help.
you nod, pulling the sleeves down over your hands. it’s so adorable and eddie seriously has to fight his compulsion to just pull you into his arms. he knows there’s no way he can protect you from everything but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to try.
‘you want a drink? beer?’
your eyes light up, a minuscule smirk appearing on your battered lips. he’s sure wayne would understand why he came home to a non-existent six pack. the berating would be worth it to see you smile again.
he collapses onto the couch next to you, beer in hand as he watches you slowly relax. delighted that he could offer a safe space for you, even if it did come with some very complicated feelings.
that night, admittedly very creepily, he watches as you sleep. terrified to fall asleep in his makeshift bed on the floor in case you needed him.
at some point in the last two weeks, eddie had gone from sleeping on the floor to sleeping in his bed next to you. you’d told him it was far too cold for him on the floor and he should just get in. which he did, with great pleasure. there was nothing to it of course, but a few times he’d woken up to your leg entangled with his or your face pressed against his back.
everything had just got a whole lot more comfortable. rides to work, cooking for one another and some shared looks that he’d been unable to put his finger on. not wanting to believe they had any deeper meaning but at the same time, he knew that that wasn’t how friends looked at each other.
it’s a rare night you both have off, sat in the trailer watching halloween, neither of you really interested in what’s going on on the screen. there’s an inexplicable tension in the air tonight, you’re quieter than usual which eddie doesn’t like.
‘you okay?’ he dares to ask. he’d felt a little overbearing those first few days, constantly checking on you to make sure you were okay.
‘hmm? oh, i’m okay,’ setting your bottle of beer on the table, ending up much closer to him when you sit back.
‘you sure? you’re quiet,’ keen not to let on that he was absolutely buzzing about your close proximity.
‘just thinking.’
you let out a soft breath, twisting around to look at him fully. the only times he’d been this close to you were in bed where he laid and listened to your soft snores and when you’d been covered in injuries. neither one were exceptionally great circumstances.
‘you,’ you blink up at him, smiling just enough to make his heart skip a beat.
‘me?’ he can’t decipher whether that’s a good thing or not.
‘what about me?’
you don’t respond for what feels like an eternity but your gaze lowers, glancing at his lips and back to his eyes. if he weren’t staring directly into your bright eyes, he’d have missed it.
‘i really want to kiss you,’ you say, so brazenly that eddie’s not quite sure if he’s heard you correctly, almost sputtering on his breath as the words process.
‘you.. you wanna kiss me?’ trying hard not to sound so astounded. pretty girls didn’t want to kiss eddie, not like this.
you nod, ‘can i?’
there are stars in his eyes, blood pumping around his limbs at an alarming rate. his head is fuzzy and if he weren’t sitting, he’d probably have fainted.
‘please,’ he chokes, desperately forcing the word out before it becomes impossible.
your palms are soft as they caress his cheek, wishing that he’d shaved before this had unfolded. his heartbeat stutters, bubbling with anticipation as you lean in, gentle lips locking onto his as his eyes flutter shut.
this is it. he’d dreamt of kissing you for weeks, practiced on his hand an embarrassing amount of times and yet still nothing could’ve prepared him for how earth shattering this felt. his heart is practically jumping out of his chest and he’s sure you can feel it thumping against yours.
it’s as if fate had bought the two of you together, moving against each other in perfect harmony. if he died tomorrow, he’d die a happy man.
your hand creeps down onto his chest, holding yourself upright as you shift onto your knees. do you want to have sex with him? is this actually happening? his fingertips vibrate as they connect with your waist, like you weren’t even real and just a figment of his overactive imagination.
the second your lips part from his, he wants to cry, pull you back in and never let go. the absence of contact makes him whine, opening his eyes to see yours gazing back, they look different. different to how you’ve ever looked at him before, full of something unspeakable.
‘do you want to?’ you ask quietly into the minimal space between you.
eddie wants to so bad, more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life. nodding hurriedly to let you know just how eager he is. there’s not a chance in hell he’d let this opportunity slip through his fingers.
your lips twitch into a smile at his permission, fingers curling around the hem of his shirt.
but before you get any further, the trailer door clicks open and wayne is stood in the doorway, pizza box in hand accompanying his unimpressed scowl. ‘okay well, i think that’s enough of that,’ he grumbles, shuffling into the trailer as you climb off eddie’s lap, back into your own spot.
‘sorry wayne.. i didn’t know you were back so early,’ his cheeks burning, bashful as ever. it wasn’t enough for wayne to walk in on that but he was always now straining against his jeans, trying desperately to hide the tent while you reshuffle, pulling your shorts back down to a more appropriate length.
‘yeah yeah whatever,’ his uncle shakes his head, trundling over to the couch and tossing the box onto the cluttered coffee table, ‘move over boy, i wanna watch my programme,’ collapsing into the empty seat beside his nephew with a deep, guttural sigh.
the two of you share a sly smirk, tuning in to whatever shit wayne had put on without saying another word. stifling your laughter with a piece of pizza as eddie tries and fails to discretely pull a pillow onto his lap.
it’s hours later when you both crawl into bed and eddie has checked five times that wayne’s actually asleep before he gets to kiss you again.
bundled up under the covers when you pull him on top of you, your face gloriously basked in the bright moonlight shining in. it’s breathtaking.
‘you want to?’ you ask again, as if his answer had changed in those few hours.
he nods, his curls brushing fall down and brush against your cheek, ‘have you.. before?’ you ask cautiously. he’s not offended, even if he should be.
he has had sex before. only twice. when ellen had first joined hellfire, they had sorta had a year long fling which had ended after they had sex and ellen realised that maybe she didn’t actually like men. that was a super boost to his confidence. and then at senior prom when tina took great pity on him and somehow they ended up having sex in the back of his van.
he nods anyway, granted he’s not the most experienced but he’ll sure as hell try.
‘good,’ you smile, warm thighs wrapping around his torso as you reconnect your lips. it’s soft, gentle even. world’s apart from his previous encounters. this felt real, like you weren’t just kissing because you had to but because you wanted to.
it’s too cold in the trailer to care about removing your clothes, though he’s sure that’ll change in a minute. focussing on getting his tongue inside of your mouth, rutting against your pajama shorts. the friction causing his already semi-hard dick to rise, unable to contain the moan from escaping.
a smirk flashes across his face as his hand drags your shorts down your legs, savouring every moment of being able to touch your bare, supple skin. his hand makes its way back up your legs, repositioning the one he could grasp back around his lower back.
he has trouble getting his boxers down, too excited to focus on being smooth about it. appreciating the feel of your hand tugging the fabric down. you’re barely kissing at this point, your lips connecting with the corner of his mouth, all messy as the anticipation takes over.
‘you sure?’ he asks, gazing down at you with hooded eyes. he could just about remember what to do. sending a quick prayer upstairs to not let him be utterly useless.
‘i’m sure,’ you breathe, the feel of your fingers tangled into the hair that covered the back of his neck.
‘okay..’ he nods, mostly to himself as he wraps a head around his cock, positioning himself at your entrance. taking a brief moment to just capture this moment in preparation of it never happening again.
the pleasure overcomes his body as he slides in, already almost losing himself as he fills you up. a soft moan escapes your lips, gripping onto his neck. he is acutely aware that his uncle is asleep on the other side of the old trailer so he muffles his face into your neck, lips connecting with your jaw bone, kissing any and every bit of skin exposed to him.
sex had never felt like this before. at best, it had felt slightly better than when he jerked off, but this was something else. eddie knows it’s cliche and is definitely only because you feel so fucking good around him, but it’s as if you were made for each other.
hands pressed into the pillow so hard that he wouldn’t be surprised if there were a permanent dent either side of your head. using everything within himself not to start hollering, eyes fluttering shut against your neck. he moves in and out at an agonisingly slow pace. the small room filling with the sounds of your soaking wet cunt. its undeniable to anyone with ears and he just hopes to god that wayne is still asleep.
his own low groans vibrating against your cheek, mouth hanging open as his thrusts grow faster. you’re panting softly directly into his ear, spurring him on. despite the feel of your perfect cunt around him, the best feeling is knowing that he’s making you feel good.
‘h-holy shit,’ he mumbles nonsensically into the crook of your neck, not allowing himself to come for air because he know that the second he looks at your face, he’ll cum.
your one hand is splayed out on his upper back, the other holding onto his sweaty neck beneath his mop of hair. whining his name into his ear, driving him into a frenzy with the sound of your breathy voice, desire rippling through your moans. he should tell you to be quiet but that’d be cruel and he’d rather take the shame of wayne knowing than not hearing you.
your legs shift higher the position allowing him to reach the golden spot, nudging the soft, spongy spot over and over. eddie figures you’re far more experienced than he is. with no offence meant to you but you obviously know what works. this is new territory for him, a closeness that he’d never known possible.
you’re engulfing him completely, every single one of his senses encompassed by you. you’re all he can see even with his eyes screwed shut, all he can hear, taste and smell. god knows you’re all he can feel, calves squeezing around his back and your perfect pussy tightening around him.
he groans, feeling his stomach begin to twist in that all too familiar feeling. orgasms had never felt so good, it’s like everything was dialled up to level ten. ‘i’m gonna.. shit- i’m gonna come,’ he babbles far too loudly.
every noise tumbling out of your mouth was pulling him closer, no record could ever come close to the sweet mewls that were slipping between your lips. his arms begin to tremble under his own weight. feeling your legs quivering around his waist as your orgasm begins to overtake your body, sinful noises echoing around the otherwise quiet trailer.
‘ohh fuck,’ he growls, feeling your walls clenching around him, it was like he’d been pushed over the edge. the only way he can begin to describe it was otherworldly, flashes of white light illuminate his eyelids.
images of your face accompany your honeyed whimpers and he has to pull out before he explodes. spurts of his release cover his hand and admittedly the back of your thigh. if he had any semblance of control, he’d have been embarrassed but he’s not exactly sure that he’s still on planet earth.
he dares to open his eyes, watching as your chest heaves below him clinging onto his forearm with desperate fingertips. you’re looking up at him as if he’s the only person you’d ever seen. mouth slack as you regain your breath.
‘jesus christ,’ he whispers, hand resting on your angled knee as he floats back down to your planet.
eddie clambers off of the bed with a grunt, wiping a hand over his sweaty face. reaching down to grab his previously discarded towel. it wasn’t the epitome of romance but he darent to leave his room, petrified that wayne had just heard that entire encounter.
he’s a gentleman, of course, running the towel over your thigh to clean his mess. offering you a tiny shrug as if to say sorry. rather suddenly he feels rather conscious of himself, refusing to look at you as his cheeks flame.
it’s ridiculous. he’d just been buried between your legs and yet now couldn’t even look you in the fucking eyes.
before he gets up again, your hand reaches out, curling around his t-shirt. ‘stop,’ using his shirt as leverage for you to sit up.
in one quick movement, you’re placing a tiny onto his lips. a reassurance he really shouldn’t have needed but he appreciates nonetheless.
‘don’t do that,’ you hush, millimetres from his face, the shadow of his broken blinds shine upon your cheek. it hurts him to know that someone would dare look at you and want to hurt you.
if it were possible, he’d take all of your pain and carry it with him instead.
‘okay..’ he nods, resisting the urge to apologise once again.
you giggle and it sounds like the heavens have opened, pulling his body on top of yours as his bed makes an almighty squeak. if wayne wasn’t already awake, he certainly would be now.
eddie doesn’t know where the fuck you are.
you hadn’t come back to the trailer after work last night and now you’re nowhere to be found. you were supposed to start half an hour ago but hadn’t turned up and now his heart is pounding, mind racing at the horrific possibilities of what could’ve happened.
at first, he’d thought maybe he said something wrong? he’d just thrown out the suggestion of going to get the rest of your things and moving them in here while you got back on your feet. he hadn’t meant to push you out, god no, that was the last thing he wanted.
maybe stupidly he had presumed you wanted your own space. whatever the hell was going on between you two was so fresh, he didn’t want to even chance fucking it up.
the guilt wracks his brain, tempted to drop everything to drive around this tiny town looking for you. he’s so stupid. should’ve just kept his mouth shut and enjoyed it while you were there.
he’s just about to tell james that he’s leaving when the door to the bar opens and a rough looking man comes through with you held tightly underneath his arm. your eyes avoiding his direction, staring at the floor as the mystery man ushers you towards the back, making himself comfortable at the bar.
eddie’s heart shatters into a million pieces, watching open mouthed as you disappear into the back.
judging by the look on james’ face, he recognises him, reluctantly pouring his beer as they engage in useless small talk.
‘thought i’d better sit in for her shift.. wouldn’t want her running off again,’ the man announces, beady eyes glaring right into his soul.
eddie knows who he is. he’d never seen him before but he could tell. they all had that sinister aura about them, like they could flip at any given moment. his dad was the same, walking on egg shells around him just in case he said the wrong thing or looked at him the wrong way.
you emerge from the staff room, still vehemently avoiding eye contact, a shell of the you he saw just yesterday. ‘hey.. you okay?’ eddie asks, but it falls flat as you walk off without so much as a look back towards him.
he can’t believe it, how you could be so different so quickly. as if the past few weeks you’d spent together had meant nothing. he can’t blame you. not really. it’s a cycle and he knows better than anyone that it takes a thousand attempts to actually break out of it.
his shoulders slump as he rushes out the back, refusing to look at that assholes face any longer. willing himself to get a grip and not jump over that bar to strangle the piece of shit right now.
a hand clamps down on his shoulder and for a brief moment he thinks he might be you until james clears his throat, shuffling on his feet behind him, ‘you can’t save her man,’ squeezing his shoulder firmly, ‘you think we haven’t tried?’
eddie sniffs, shrugging him off. he didn’t appreciate the patronising tone in which james was speaking to him.
because god knows, if he couldn’t save his mom, there’s no fucking chance he’s not saving you.
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mandy-asimp · 3 months
Needed me
Emily Prentiss x fashion designer!reader (they/them)
Warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending
A/n: they dragging babygirl through hell this season 😔
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"I'm sorry, but she is not my responsibility anymore. I can't be there to tell her it's going to be ok when she couldn't do that for me." They grumbled as they sat across from Rossi.
He sighed, "she's dealing with a lot."
"And I wasn't?" They didn't let him get further. "I get that you all are going to support her, she's your teammate. But you all didn't know her as your fiancé. The absolute love of your life who for the love of fucks, left you at your lowest."
The old man wasn't going to give up. He believed that there was still apart of them that would cave. "Y/n, you know I wouldn't have flown out here if I didn't think it was serious. She needs you."
It was them who sighed now. Standing up from the table. Leaning across to kiss the old man's cheek. "I'm sorry Dave. Unless she is at the point of tears and just giving up, I will not be roped back into it. Not again. I deserve better. I'll see you around."
And they were off. They never looked back to that table, knowing they were too close to facing...but they couldn't help but wonder what was so bad. Then there was what she did, how it flashed so quickly.
She came home that day to find her fiancé in tears. Body racking with sobs. "Babe? Baby what's wrong?" She was quick to drop her stuff and come crouch in front of her.
"Everything I've worked for it's gone." They got out between wiping away tears that seemed to never end.
Emily frowned, "what? Y/n, what happened?" She was trying to think of anything this bad. Had they been told bad news? Something someone said?
They picked up their phone and with shaky hands pulled up the news, a video of a burnt down building. "The studio...everything in it. All of it...this sets everything back..." they calmed their sobs to hiccups and a few more tears. "I'm absolutely ruined. This was supposed to be it. This was the break I was gonna get and then actually get to enter the real fashion world. I was going to go somewhere and I was going to make it," they spewed out so many worries. Mentions of how much time they'll need to restart, how this was the such an important thing.
Emily though, she froze up. There was so much happening she didn't know what to do. She's never witness them spiral out before. Within the four years, they knew how to keep themselves calm. Even if they couldn't, it's never been this intense. It scared her.
She knew it was a reasonable response to what had happened. Their entire future just went up into a crisp. Everything in her wanted to try and comfort them, truly she wanted to figure it out together.
Yet, the few bricks of the wall she'd built had more impact. She fell back behind it and regretted her next choice before it even happened. After that, Emily swore she blacked out because when she realized what happened, she was in a hotel room alone.
Y/n was just as shocked. The woman they were about to confess their undying love to just walked out. Not a single word said, but just gone. Even when they tried to ask questions, she gave them nothing.
For an entire week, Emily didn't try to reach out or fix anything. Instead she read every text that came through. Even the one that said all her shit would be on the curb for her. The one that set in what she did was calling off the wedding.
That was only a few years ago. The two had completely moved on, or at least Y/n tried to. Never wanting to look back on how much pain was caused, but apart of them wouldn't let themselves fall in love again.
But here they were. Sitting in the apartment, trying to sketch their next line, and only being able to think of Emily. Rossi came and he wouldn't have if it was serious. If they were to go to her, it would be unwrapping the bandages on a wound that hasn't been fully healed.
"No. You are stronger than this." They whispered to themselves. Staring at the sketchbook once again.
If they did...there would be a chance for closure. It would be nice to know why she ran. Why she couldn't just stick it out. They would've been the most badass couple. The FBI unit chief and a famous designer.
If they did...they would get the chance to finally express their anger. But it wouldn't be the right time if she's suffering. How is she suffering? What is going through her mind?
"Fuck." They shouted before getting up. Heading into their room to start packing a suitcase. Dialing Dave at the same time.
"When are you flying back to Virginia?"
"I'll have the car there in ten. Thank you Y/n."
The call ended quickly, and Y/n was left to grumble. "Oh thank you Y/n! Thank you for having to be the damn adult once again. Thank you for willingly putting yourself through hell for her!" They had a nasty taste on their tongue as they spoke. It's honestly what silenced them.
Throwing a few outfits into a suitcase with the basic needs, they zipped it and began to pack a second bag. Grabbing everything needed to continue working on their summer line. This was done more carefully, with more precision on where everything went in.
Their eyes scanned over the packed bag, making sure everything was in there right. Right before Dave texted the car was out front.
One more sigh was let out before the apartment was locked up. The start of what might be either the biggest, or best choice made.
Emily was in her office. She was lost. She was loosing her mind over this case. Her wack-ass neighbor had hit a nerve she would've never expected.
It was just a mess now. Whoever was behind all this was winning and she couldn't figure it out. She was just fucked.
"Hey...how bad?" Rossi had popped into the room. Watching as the woman pulled out a box of cigarettes and lit one. "That bad?"
"Restricted duty until they see fit, so the BAU is yours." She tried to act calm, trying to keep it together infront of him.
Rossi huffed, "I don't want it. I'm not fit for it."
Emily pinched her nose. "None of us are! Hell! Me most of all. I need you to step up here Dave." She just needed him to make this easier.
"There has to be something?"
"This is happening." She shook her head and turned her back, her purse being a lame excuse for a distraction . The walls couldn't stay up as she felt herself begin to crumble.
A soft hand on her back made her gasp. She expected to turn and see Rossi, someone who she could only go so far with. Yet, her eyes were met with Y/n. She couldn't help it. Her legs gave out as she just sobbed into their chest on the floor.
It killed Y/n to see her like this. Emily was known for her tough demeanor and being able to keep it together at work. But that's what the team knew. Y/n knew her as their fiancé. They saw her breakdown at least once a month from the case build ups.
This however, Y/n could tell this was months on months of a build up. This was a low point, one that they would be there for.
It was half an hour before Emily could get out anything. Her brown eyes, wide and glassy, looked up to them. "What are you doing here?" Her voice was weak and defeated.
"I was told you needed me." Was all Y/n answered with. Naturally, their thumb wiped away the tears. "Why don't you sit on the couch and I'll make you some tea, hmm? Then you can tell me what's got you so...low."
The older got up and moved towards the couch. Y/n leaving the room to make the drink, remembering how Emily liked it like it was their own preferred. Within five minutes they were back and handing over the tea.
They stood, leaning against the desk. "Was it Brian again?"
"How did you...?" The question trailed off as Emily took her first sip. Trying to not let the warm feeling rush through her. They remembered her tea flawlessly.
Y/n glanced out the window, "I saw him lingering on the way in." Emily laughed a little at that. "But really....are you ok?"
"I've failed as a team leader. This job has corrupted me into breaking laws and lying to my team. I'm chasing with nothing but a conspiracy theory. I sounded crazy to the biggest conspiracy theorist in Virginia. I've been benched because of him. I just...I don't know what to do anymore." She so easily confessed. Her head falling into her hands for what felt like the millionth time today. "This can't be how I go out."
Internally, Y/n battled with going over there and holding her or keeping this distance. It put them back once again. They wouldn't be able to live with themselves if they did what she did, it just wouldn't make anything right. So they went over and held her again. This time placing an understanding kiss to her temple.
"It's not. I mean, it will be if you let it. And trust me when I tell you, you're going to want to let it. But that's not Emily Prentiss. She has been through so much worse than some theorist. This will be a fresh start. A chance to start anew. You will take it, and you will figure out this case. You will get your guy or whatever you call it, unsub? This is not your lowest. It's gonna feel like it, but it's just a low before the high. It's all going to be ok." They spoke from their heart. Even as it ached to be back in this position. Even as tears fell from their own eyes.
They were sharing her pain without wanting to, but needing to. Needing to let her know this wasn't it. Needing to let her know that someone was her to share her burdens again.
For the first time, both felt connected entirely. Beating with one heart. Thinking with one mind. Feeling with one body.
That night they had fallen asleep on the couch in her office. Holding onto one another like it would all go away as long as they were together.
Y/n had woken randomly, searching for any source of time. Rubbing their eyes as it was two in the morning. Emily didn't have to be back her till at least eight. They let their eyes fall to Emily. How she seemed so peaceful lying on top of them. She needed this more than Y/n had thought.
So, without much debate, Y/n was carrying the sleeping beauty and her bags out. Doing everything to prevent her from waking, which wasn't hard as she was out cold.
They drove in silence back to where they were staying. Knowing that if it came to it, they could drive to get her an outfit. The silence gave them time to really think. What were they doing? This is the exact opposite of what they were expecting.
Was Emily going to easily fit her way right back? It wouldn't be fair. She caused them the pain and yet they still love her. They would, without a doubt, let her as well. All she had to do was ask. It was just unfair, and they were going to live with it.
Emily stirred in the nice duvet. Confused as it wasn't hers and far too nice to be a hotel. She knew this duvet. She slept in it many times before.
"The coffee is being made. And breakfast is on the way." That voice she missed hearing in the morning.
She hummed while stretching, "how long have you been up?" She finally opened her eyes and seeing Y/n in sweats and a baby tee. Their casual lounge wear.
"Since maybe five. These sketches don't finish themselves unfortunately." They sat down at the desk that was perfectly illuminated by the sun at anytime of the day. "Oh, also your team is coming here tonight. You're taking the day according to Dave. He said it's his order and you should follow it."
"Why are they coming here?" She swung her feet out the bed. Her head turning to take in the room. "You kept your apartment here? What about living in New York?"
"My home in New York makes this look like a doll house. Smallest is the home in California. I move with the seasons." They simply explained. Frowning when Emily laughed.
"You're such a snob. Three houses? Really?" She got up and came to look at the sketches. Not saying anything as Y/n just began sketching again.
She couldn't help but stare at them. They made that concentration face still. Where the creativity would float in their eyes as the rest of their face was resting.
Y/n could feel her eyes on them. It wasn't anything out of their routine. Oh how they fell so easily into the routines.
"I'm a big fashion designer. I'm constantly doing something somewhere else. It's like you, Ms. FBI. Always away doing something," they hummed. Never once did they look up to her, they seemed to be battling the inevitable.
Emily didn't say anything, she just took in the sketches one more time and was off to the bathroom.
Both in their own thoughts and silence. Neither one knowing how to approach the situation of each other. Emily not knowing how to go about work. Y/n not knowing how to go about the designs. There were many thoughts floating in the air.
They let the silence stay around as they waited for breakfast to show up. Emily still clueless on why the team was coming. And she could've asked, but the thrill of a surprise put together by Y/n seemed to make her against it.
Y/n had been trying to sketch within the silence, but knowing Emily was only a few feet away made it hard.
"Babe! I'm home!" She called into the apartment. Noting how quiet it was. "Y/n? Are you even here?" A text saying 'study' came through, leading her through the quiet home.
When she pushed open the door, she found several mannequins with different outfits all lined up. "Isn't it beautiful?" Y/n hummed from the table of gems. They seemed to have been hand sewing each one on.
"Stunning. You didn't have all this done before I left?" Emily came to get a closer look. Being able to see the glimmer of proudness in Y/n's eyes. "What's it inspired by?"
Y/n didn't answer, instead just took int their work. Each outfit was inspired by their favorite memory with Emily. Between outfits they wore that night, or how they felt in the moment. The line was a collection of their love.
"Alrighty, leave me in the dark till it's released. Are you hungry? I imagine you've been to busy working to eat?" Emily left, getting comfortable.
Y/n looked over the sketches one more time. Sighing and dropping their head with a loud bump. They hadn't struggled this hard with sketches since when the two had first split.
They pushed up from their spot and headed into the kitchen. Rubbing their eyes to try and see anything clearly. They lost focus as they stared at the working coffee pot. This trip was already off on a different path than they wanted.
"If you want...I can leave." Emily's voice broke into the silent kitchen. Her head hung low and her hands picking at each other. She looked out the window briefly, bracing herself to meet the others stare.
Only, it wasn't on her. Instead Y/n moved around to get coffee, their back to the woman. "If you want to, I can drive you. But by no means are you gonna get kicked out." Two mugs got pulled down. They were matching ones Emily had gotten for them once upon a time ago.
They frowned to the memories of both mugs. There was a moment with a sigh. They forgot how much they avoided coming here and how they left everything almost the same.
The coffee was poured and the mug was handed over. Now they met each other's eyes. Emily wearing a frown as Y/n tried to keep their shit together.
"Unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, I couldn't kick you out even if you stabbed me. But I wouldn't try, we both have too much to loose for that." Y/n kept their distance still. Eyes either on Emily or anywhere else in the house. It was getting quiet again and it wasn't enjoyable. They rubbed their eyes again, "I need to get back to work. Feel free to make yourself comfortable but not too loud."
They were off and back in their study before Emily could even get anything out. "What about breakfast?" She called out and after, following herself.
Y/n flipped over their phone, "it's about ten minutes away." Their voice was cold and stale. Short of the comforting Emily had heard last night.
It confused her. "You are so confusing." She mumbled. Her head shaking just a bit at the cold demeanor.
"Funny coming from you." Y/n shot back almost instantly. A nasty taste washing over their tongue again. They sucked their tooth before turning around. Eyes immediately locking Emily in. "If this is confusing for you, let me tell you what's confusing for me. The fact that when my entire future burnt into literal crisps, the only thing you, my fiancé at the time, quite literally walked out and said nothing. For a week you then ghost me, mind you I was the one you were marrying in less than a month, and then after years of not looking back, David Rossi shows up. You know what THE David Rossi asked me? To come help you. And here I am, trying my absolute best to keep my shit together so you don't have to worry about another thing. Because you know what Emily? I care for you enough to be there for you." They spewed everything out, hands being thrown around in dramatics as their chest heaved.
Emily was too stunned to speak. What was she to say? Y/n was right. She left when they needed her the most and left without a word. And yet, here they were giving her nothing but what they always have, love.
"I'm sorry," was all that she could manage.
They only scoffed, "whatever. Breakfast is almost here." Y/n shook their head and sat back down at the desk. "You can put my food in the fridge."
"Y/n..." Emily sounded broken, even more than last night. It killed Y/n, but they deserved their reason, and she knew that.
Cautiously, she moved in closer. Coming to Y/n's left and sitting down on the floor. Her knees bent just enough to rest her arms on.
"I panicked...I had never seen you break down like that before..I didn't know how to respond and I just fell behind a wall and did what I always did..I ran from it instead of facing it. And it wasn't fair to you. I truly have no excuse for what I did, except I was a coward." She spoke quietly into the air. Feeling tears prick her eyes as the feeling of guilt and embarrassment kicked her hard. "I only can say sorry, and I say it knowing it will never be enough to make up for all of the pain I may have caused you."
Both had taken the next moment to sit in silence and process everything. Y/n had tears falling from the moment Emily had sat down next to them. Emily had let her tears fall once she finished.
A few beats had passed and Y/n had let their hand fall to Emily's head. Sliding to her cheek as she looked up. "You Emily Prentiss, have caused more pain than I can bring up again. And I hope you have learned from it. I hope you didn't do it to anyone else and you won't do it to anyone else." They had this frown she had never seen, one she knew she had caused.
"I'm so sorry Y/n.." she quietly cried leaning into the touch. Feeling the warmth of the designers hands. "I'm so sorry."
"I know," they hummed as tears fell down their rosy cheeks. "I know you are."
Hours had gone by. Filled with nothing but tears and sniffles. Emily had moved from the floor when she began sobbing, into Y/n's lap. Her face buried into their neck as they shushed her to asleep.
Y/n had tucked her back into bed and continued to work on the designs. Pulling out the old sketches from their scrapped line. Staring over each outfit that was designed after their love.
The mannequins were in the studio, locked in a specific room. They questioned if now was the right time to bring them all back out. If it was, they knew it was ready to be launched, giving them more time on the line that sat unfinished.
They picked up their phone, "Jackie? I need you and Joana to bring me Project L.E.P. The key is in my desk, bottom left drawer, hidden under her picture, tied with a red ribbon. It's hard to miss, the ribbon has L.E.P in gold on the end."
"Are we launching it?!" The assistant grew overly excited. "Oh! Y/n you have no idea how wonderful this is!"
"Is that Y/n?" The other assistant, Joana came into the room.
Y/n assumed Jackie nodded, "yes! They want us to bring L.E.P to their home."
"They're launching it? But then that would mean Em- Oh my God!" The phone was snatched and it was Joana now. "Did you guys talk?! I want to know everything! How did you lay it down?!"
"Joana." Y/n simply cut the assistant from bombarding with questions. "When I see you, I will answer your questions. I need that line, bring the truck with them all. We're going to review them."
"Yes boss!" They both said before hanging up. Y/n knew they were geeking out in the studio at this point.
They assumed it would be at least half an hour before the two got there. Giving enough time to finally take a well needed break and eat something.
While they warmed up the breakfast, Emily had stirred awake. She laid in the bed, taking in the familiar smell of Y/n's shampoo on the pillows. She began to think over everything they had said.
They said it was unfortunate that they couldn't kick her out even if they wanted to. What did that truly mean?
Emily realized, they've already gone through the hardest conversation, this one would be nothing. She swung the covers over and began to look for Y/n. Checking the study first.
Her curiosity for the better of her. She came close to the desk, looking over the designs. There were a few that had yet to be finished, and then there was one in red that really caught her eye. She picked it up, scanning over the paper and realizing she's seen it before. On the bottom had L.E.P written in gold. Emily couldn't place where she's seen it, but she knew for a fact she had.
Placing it down, she left to the kitchen next. Finding Y/n dancing slightly to their own tune. She watched as they prepared their food before acknowledging her entrance.
"Would you like yours as well? I can heat it up?" They offered without even looking over before grabbing the second meal. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good...I do have a question though," she came in closer. Leaning against the counter while staying out the way. Y/n looked over, showing she had their attention. "When you said..."
"I meant it." They knew her thoughts better than anyone. Emily swore in another life they were either a profiler, or a mind reader. "If you want to stay, I'm not going to stop you. If you want to leave, I will drive you. I'm here because you needed me, and I think....apart of me still needed you. If I wanted to be over you, I would've been. I know I would've been. I would've cleaned out everything that ties to you, but I didn't."
"When we ended...I thought that everything was going to go to shit. My career was caught in a fire, my relationship was ending, and I began to spiral. I began to just accept that this was how I was going out. Would never be a big fashion designer, never have a love life, nothing to live for....but I thought of it as letting you win without a fight. And that wasn't how I wanted you to win."
"I don't deserve you," she had whispered. Her head tilting and her silver waves fell to the side.
It was the first time Y/n had actually taken her in entirely. How she aged and yet was still the most beautiful woman they had ever come across. It made them want to just kiss her and tell her that she was welcomed home always.
"And yet...you have me." They sighed, hand coming to cup her cheek. "And maybe thats why I've been so confusing. Because I'm supposed to be mad at you, I really really want to..but anytime I try to, this nasty taste fills my mouth. Like I don't mean anything bad I try and say. And I don't."
"Y/n..." she furrowed her brows. This was more confessing than she had expected. "You don't have to tell me anything-"
"Damn it Emily," they groaned. "I'm not telling you this because I think you need it, I'm telling yo this because I need it. I'm being selfish. I'm loosing my shit with you just standing here. Do you know how easy it is for you to walk right back into my life? When I said I was going to love you forever, I meant it. I meant it with everything then. And I'm going to mean it with everything now." They had their own tears now. Finally caving into the painful feeling of being in love.
Emily was stunned, but she wasn't going to miss her second chance. She pulled Y/n in by the pockets of their sweats, standing on her tip-toes to meet their lips in a passionate kiss.
They both felt airy as they got lost in the feeling of home. Holding each other so impossibly close that it was undeniable they were staying together.
Once they pulled apart they just stared at the other. Both trying to find some answer to what they were feeling. Was there anything to say now?
Y/n came out the trance first, a smile gracing their lips. "Why don't we eat? Jackie and Joana are gonna be here soon and will probably want to question us."
"What are they bringing you?" She held Y/n there for a little longer. Enjoying the closeness and safeness. "Fabrics?"
"Project L.E.P." Was all they answered before heating up the other box of food. "I think I'll release it before the one I'm working on now."
Emily watched them move, "what does the L.E.P mean?"
Y/n was quick to shrug. "It's just the name that Jackie and Joana gave it." They dismissed the topic. Eyes trained to the microwave as it counted down the minute. But the small smirk they held told her they knew exactly what it meant. "I got you your usual."
They handed over the box and the two prepped before heading to the couch. Sitting knee to knee as they ate and watched whatever was on.
It was an enjoyable moment, and one Y/n would remember. And that's when the next line came to them. They tried to be subtle to finish up their food before rushing into the study. They grabbed a sticky note, it was red, and they scribbled on it before slapping it against the window.
Soon designs started to be taped up to the windows. The evening sun peaking through the papers. The ideas began to flow and make sense again. They felt relieved at the feeling.
The front door had opened, and the two assistance were quickly to make their presences known.
"Oh my! Y/n! You dog!" Jackie's voice filled the entire apartment at the sight of Emily. Her head snapped to Joana. "This is so not real!"
Y/n forgot how young her assistance were compared to them. They walked out shaking their head. "How many mannequins did you bring?"
"We figured you still had six here, we actually know you do because you never returned them. So we brought the other six. Then each piece is stored in its own bag and box." They stood tall and in line. "We just need to grab everything."
"Well let's get to it. Six mannequins and twelve boxes are not getting up here that easily. Em, you'll stay up here and make the trips from the elevator back. Joana you'll be on elevator duty. Jackie you're unloading and I'll carry everything to the elevator."
It was the perfect team work. And within no time they had everything upstairs and the three were working on setting them up facing the window. Emily, having no hand in sewing or fashion just watched the three move in harmony.
Joana and Jackie worked to just get the outfits on the mannequins as Y/n did touch ups. They worked until the night fell. And it was perfect.
"Y/n you've outdone yourself still. Are we really ready to release project L.E.P?" Joana walked around the designs and took in every seeming detail. "Truly a genius."
Y/n had a glimmer of pride in their eyes. "Yeah. I think it's time." They only broke away to look at Emily who sat on the couch. "What do you think?"
She had dropped her gaze to look at the twelve outfits. "They're absolutely beautiful. They have been since when you first had them all laid out." She stood to come next to them. "Are you ready to release them?"
Y/n inhaled with a smile, exhaling their worries. "Yeah." They grabbed Emily's hand. "I am ready." They were confident.
"So...what are you gonna call it?" Emily went closer to examine the detail as well. The room was silent as everyone thought of something.
Jackie hummed, "mmm what if we keep L.E.P?" She threw out. "It holds meaning, it's cute, it's secretive, secretive is sexy."
"L.E.P in gold writing, your writing. We tease it with close up pictures first. Then we host a big launch party and have them all come out on a runway." Joana began to plan everything out. Already seeing a vision.
"But what is L.E.P?" Emily butted in. Getting silence and all eyes on Y/n, who was looking down to Emily.
"Loving Emily Prentiss," they only could smile even kinder at the reveal. "It'll be the start of a collection. The E.P collection. It's bright, it's new, it's warm and giving. That's how it'll start."
The doorbell had rang. "That must be your team. You two are dismissed. Thank you for the help today. Start your magic and fill me in in the morning. Love you both," they bowed their head. Watching as the two assistants began to pack up.
"Um, Y/n? I have nothing to wear?" Emily glanced down at the big t-shirt and sleep shorts.
"Your outfit was laid out on the bed before we even started touch ups. You go change and I'll greet everyone." Y/n shooed as they moved to the door. Opening and being greeted first with Dave.
"How is she?" He placed a kiss to their cheek before leading everyone in. They all seemed worried at first.
"She's better today. And that's what matters." They hummed. Moving towards the kitchen to begin cooking for everyone.
Stopping at the instant gasp and whispers. The team had seen the designs lined up. "Wait..your the Y/n? Like designer Y/n?" Penelope stared in awe at the outfits.
"Guilty. That's the next line. I guess a sneak peak." They shrugged, smiling as Dave began to prep to help cook. "You can get close, everything is set in stone at this point."
Just then Emily had walked out in a one-of-one dress. Y/n had designed it and worked the first night to make it for her. Telling themselves that it was either a goodbye gift or a welcome home gift.
She looked stunning, and Y/n could take their eyes off of her. Their best model walked into and began to get wine glasses down.
"Emily, you never mentioned Y/n was a fashion designer?!" Penelope was still caught on the fact. Earning a laugh from Y/n.
"Ouch, four years and almost married and you didn't tell them about my job?" They came near Emily, crouching next to her to get out some seasonings.
Emily looked down to them, taking in the moment of being taller for once. "She would've flipped out. I also figured she would've down a background check on you without my knowing." Both glancing to the bubbly woman.
"I...I didn't because I wanted to respect her boundaries." She got out, looking to everyone else who seemed to have knowing looks. "Don't tell me..."
"We all...kinda knew." Tara broke the news, hugging the friend as the look of betrayal washed over her.
Y/n had shrugged from their spot. "I had no part in this." They cleared their name.
That night the team had laughed, eaten, drank a few bottles of wines, and enjoyed a nice round of desserts.
A few months has passed and Emily and Y/n began to work things out. She appreciated Y/n's efforts as well even with all the press and media.
There had been an article that really stood out.
And why did you name it L.E.P?
Well....when I had made it I was with this amazing woman. Each piece was meant to represent a moment of our relationship.
And why are you just now releasing it?
We had honestly gotten into a fight a month or so before our wedding. We ended up splitting and I just couldn't come to scrap it. So I locked it into a room until now.
And what made you choose now?
Because she needed me and I realized I would always need her. And this is my gift to her. A token of my love with what I was meant to be doing. Fashion. And what better way than to express love through fashion?
Emily had came over and smothered Y/n with all the love she could after reading that. It made her look at the entire line differently and hold it near to her heart just as well.
They laid next to each other in bed, just staring and having a wordless conversation. But Emily could see it written on Y/n's face. They loved her. And that made her see everything worth fighting for.
"I love you." She had whispered before realizing.
Y/n smiled. "I know." They switched to a cocky smile. Pulling her closer by the waist and bending her just slightly back. "And I love you too. Always will."
They shared one of their most passionate kisses that night. It sparked a new sense of love. Mature, mannered, and workable. As long as they had each other, it would always be workable.
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angellurgy2 · 2 months
Pull The Trigger
your favourite freak's writing agaain! you ever wanted to read a story about a homophobic gamer boy getting doxxed and raped? well here u go! ^-^ part two coming soon
cw: noncon, forced gay, slurs, shit like that
sandstone brick, towering ahead. trapped in a corner, waiting, ak-47 comfortable in hand. listening, watching, pixel-perfect gaze. the soft pitter patter of booted footsteps approaching on sand. spin, shoot before you see. three shots of triple-round burst to centre mass. dead. 
multiple pings hit the wall ahead of him, pelted at while his back was turned. losing health rapidly. he flicks and sends his barrel spinning 180 in the opposite direction, blind trading fire. 
he screams into his bulky turtle beach headphones as the body in front of him ragdolls, screen blurring with bloody low health warnings. “YEAAAH FAGGOT, YOU LIKE THAT?”
he’s swiftly popped into the win screen, all chat and winner microphones switched on to offer a chance to flaunt or whine. 
[ALL] TriggerFinger: get GUD fags i’ll wipe u in the next one 2 lmao
[ALL] XxxGr1mR3eaperxxX: dude you suck u just got lucky
[ALL] TriggerFinger: i bet u kno a lot about sucking huh?
[ALL] TriggerFinger: just like your MOM
trigger clicks on to queue for the next game, a satisfied gleam plastering his face as everyone else is gone to the aether.
in the top left of his screen as loading screens trawl pops a message from an unfamiliar user. not on his friends list, rather it looks like they’re in the ‘recently played with’ section. probably just another noob coming to rage.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: that was pretty rude, you know.
‘ThAt WaS pReTtY rUde-’ what a beta.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: why shld i care? get a life faggot. lmao
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: you really shouldn’t talk to people like that.
this guy’s clearly got some form of retardation keeping him from getting the hint. but trigger’s got better shit to do. the loading screen for this game always takes so long. he grabs a pack of shrimp tempura cup ramen off the nearby shelf and fills it with day-old water from his water bottle, shoving it in the microwave for a couple minutes. he numbly trawls through social media feeds, doomscrolling the beautiful faces on instagram before that gets boring, then the stale porn on twitter, then the ragebait on 4chan. nothing satisfying his appetite except this one clip of some guy eating shit on his first try skateboarding, which too is ethereal in the drips of serotonin it gives.
he grabs his soppy steaming meal and brings it back over to his computer, stirring it with a stray fork before moving back into the screen. the first thing he sees is another message from the same person as before. he rolls his eye and opens the notification.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: this you?
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: TF?? 
he thinks he’s so cool. trigger quickly tabs over to chrome, typing into the address bar ‘whats my ip ad-’ before it autofills. he clicks in, praying for the release of the little ball of stress slowing spreading in his chest. only to have it implode. IPv4…
ok. well, he’s probably just trying to scare you. theres not much you can do with a few numbers. he remembers the streamers he’s watched being ddos’ed and how freaked out they’d always get. he can’t find that humour in the angered horror on their faces now, though.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: thats not my fuckin IP asshole. ur not funny
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: i think it’s pretty funny.
[PRIVATE] Anonymous-Specter: see you soon :)
trigger looks around his surroundings. nothing around, just the same open bland studio basement. mattress on the floor, check. couch, check. tv, check. tiny window that shows literally nothing but a foot of grass? check. its hard for him to hide the scowl of hatred at this empty rotting enclosure. shit, did you lock the door? he runs up and flicks it locked like how a child runs up the stairs when they’re scared a monsters behind them. not because of this ‘specter’ though. just normal precaution. he wouldn’t let another man take up space in his mind like that.
trigger sits. unable to pull his focus enough to start another game, or to divest himself entirely. stuck in a limbotic resting space. he grabs the monster can sitting on his desk - one of many - and pours it down his throat with anxious franticity. after staring at the screen for long enough, with nothing else he can see to do, he types.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: What r u talking about? fuckin weirdo
10 minutes pass.
[PRIVATE] TriggerFinger: hello?
nothing at all. empty threats and childish games. who puts in that much effort just to cause a little scare? freak, probably a faggot too.
he sighs and switches over to spotify, plugging his favourite XXXtentacion album into his grindy bluetooth speaker and grabbing a pre-roll from his weed drawer. a rusted old lighter folds between his fingers. flick, flick. hot choking mist fills his mouth and then suffuses his screen as he blows it back into the stale air. he lies idly spinning in his gaming chair, puffing until its gone and until the words leave his head. empty.
but not for long, apparently.
a resoundingly loud knocking thuds at his door. earthquaking enough to shake him out of his seatlock. but the tremors remain, rocking through his veins. he gingerly lowers his eye to the peephole. a short man looks up from a foot away, holding some sort of black bag. this is it trigger, time to man up. he paces back with soft steps, pulling a steak knife from the block and holding it behind his back. no more games, this is real life. no more being harassed by that bitch landlord, no more bad looks when mom and dad visit. when the police find him beaten and you on top you won’t have to feel bad anymore.
he opens the door.
“Hello. uber for trig?”
he doesn’t remember ordering any food, was he really that faded?
“it’s… trigger. but that’s me, yeah.”
the man passes trigger an unlabelled brown bag from the bigger unlabelled black bag. something liquid seeps out of the corner.
“have a great night, sir!” 
trigger tosses the bag onto the table already scattered with trash. throwing the knife onto the counter along with it. being paranoid is the sign of a weak mind, you need energy. he thinks about the shrooms his bro gave him a couple weeks back, saved for a special occasion in a box under his bed. the devil and angel on his shoulders scream.
he examines the food. taco bell crunchwrap and spilled soda, amazing. he begins to clean it up right as a CLFBKGBNJ clanging from the kitchenette behind his back rings out. he turns to see a tall, muscley imposing man already towering over him from there. backing up slowly, like hes a blind animal that’ll pounce at any moment. 
“hey there.”
“hi???” his words spit out with a spiteful acidity, tantrumic. 
“you must be trigger.” his monotone face twists upwards into a cruel mockery of a smile. he examines trigger up and down, who shivers at being ogled like meat.
he hears his dad in his head. puff up your chest, faggot. you can’t let people walk over you like a little bitch all the time. he straightens his back, stops retreating. his voice mimics a tough deepness.
“you need to g-get the fuck out of my house.” 
specter tilts his head with curiosity. trigger can feel the aftershocks of monster and adrenaline crumpling his heart as he looks into the intruders eyes. a dark jade gazes back, blank. empty. like null space inside his skull, giving off only the aesthetic of a watching being. beyond the entrancing holes, partially hidden behind curtains of frayed brown locks, a jagged scar cuts through his face, curved and serrated with the impression of its assailant. 
“it’s not really your house though, is it?” 
trigger stares back dumbly. specter lifts up a chiseled arm and knocks on the roof, indicating where the landlord resides. “it’s theirs, really.” he takes a step forward.
“what’s your fucking problem man?”
another step back. guarding facade broken as quickly as it was put up. you’re weak. pathetic. he can smell it on you, just like they all can.
“here to give you an attitude adjustment.” he says it so monotone, like reading a script. as if you should know what that means. specter gives a wide scan of the interior. sizing up your crime scene? this won’t be going the way you think it will, buddy. “this is a pretty shit place you got here”
“not any more shit than the goon cave you probably got, bitch” 
the molded smile on specter’s face drops in a second. in 3 sudden steps forward he closes most of the gap between them, the air between the two grows cold. trigger has no choice but to back up more to keep the feeling of safety. the distance between handler and beast, but there’s no leash here. and there’s no medic to save him.
“listen.. s-specter? right?” he looks into those dead eyes with a quiver hes kept hidden for so long.  “i'm sorry i insulted you or- or whatever i didn’t mean it okay? that’s just online shit, this isn’t real.”
specter takes another wordless step, and trigger hits the wall. this isn’t real.
“why so quiet all of a sudden?” his hand reaches out and cups triggers chin, his face too frozen with animalistic chemicals to react. forcing trigger’s weak inebriated gaze to meet his, dead yet malevolent. “are you scared of me?”
trigger spits in his face. “you- couldn’t. scare me.”
untrimmed nails dig sharply into the base of his skull. “i will.”
“my dads the chief of police. you don’t wanna do this.” he tries to put on monotone the best he can, head as swirly with emotions as it is.
specter chortles. “no he’s not”
the music emanating from trigger’s desk scratches hard as it changes into a fast-paced track. specter’s eyes and ears twitch in its direction like a bat.
“this is what you listen to?” his smile almost looks genuine this time. he gestures at the ground below them. “stay here.”
he turns and moves to walk past trigger, when he jumps into action, leaping at the man with a guttural yell.  “AA-”
immediately cut off by searing blunt force ripping through his gut, sending him crumpling to the floor with the force of extraneous gravity. so you’re a warlock, subclassed into gravitational magic, is that it? he gets up onto his hands and knees, a trail of saliva connecting his lips to the dirty linoleum floors. he chokes on each breath he tries to take in. the pain is unlike anything his soft and unexplored body has experienced before. 
specter walks away to the booming speaker, pulling out a black rectangle from the pocket of the black jeans sticking to his legs.. the speakers switch to a new track, unfamiliar to his ears. some kind of aggressive rapping, underscored by a metallic sharp noise groove. he tries to listen for words, analyzing the rhythm and slotting it with memories of other songs to try and figure out what it is. but before he can comprehend the first words to come out, a rigid boot crashes into the side of his ribs.
dazed on the ground, heaving for the little pieces of air that’ll fit through his trachea, cartoons birds twirling over his head as he stares up into the ceiling. 
a sharp sound cuts through his stupor. “you’re funny” says specter, “i really thought you’d have more fight in you.”
PHWACK. the sound of some elastic material slapping against skin, a black glove clinging to specter’s boney hand.
trigger’s shocked by the feeling of cold on his bare stomach, face twisting with rage but the rest of the body betrays him with frozen fear. specter begins to slowly lift triggers shirt, feeling up his concave flesh with rubber digits.
specter flinches back as a red handprint manifests on his cheek. i wasnt even thinking i didnt mean to i just-
a vice grip takes hold of his windpipe, holding it hostage. the hand begins to rise upwards, holding him against a wall that wasnt there two seconds ago, and then he has to fight with his noodlish body to stand up before it rips his throat right out. “you’re so weak. how did you make it so long, bullying people like that?” his other hand then puts itself to use. the cold rises up triggers body slow and nerve-wracking. he tries not to feel it and to just keep his eyes on him. the tangible, hurtable, beast. 
his mind lags from his body, not realizing he’s on the ground before he already is. terrifyingly strong knees spreading his legs apart ever so slightly, invading hand-shaped ghosts pinning him into the dirty floor face-first. months of uncaring habitation coming back to bite him in the ass all at once. his eyes jump from little pieces of dust and crumbs, filling his vision more than their existence is intended for. brought low with the trash. maybe you should’ve listened to mom.
a bottle squirts loudly out of his sight. he tries to spin his head around but he’s just met with increased pressure on his neck, pinning him down like meat on a butcher’s table. fuck this. thrashing out with all the strength in his limbs- it forces specter to change up his positioning, but even then you can’t make a single scratch, slapping at this very real intruder like a whiney little girl. 
“stop it.” he says it like he’s talking to a petulant child, dry and tired.
“fuck you! get off me!” 
a rubbery object shoves itself down his throat as he opens his mouth to yell more obscenities. fingers ripping open his jaw, dispelling his pleas into inhuman garbling.  
“reht rre throo!” 
he looks around, there has to be something he can do. everything is dark blobs because of his eyes wetting from the fingers assault of his uvula. heavy whispers assault the back of his neck, venom in his blurred ears. “i could take out a tooth. how about that?”
he shakes his head, as much as he can crushed between these manly hands. 
water trickles down from the corners of his eyes. fuck, don’t let him see you crying, that’s the ultimate defeat. man card revoked. the only benefit of this positioning is that only the tile can see your face’s treason.
the hand abruptly leaves and moves back to the rest of his body. not preferable, but at least now his eyes will stop coating themselves in water. there has to be something on this floor somewhere if he can look. 
blood coats his vision. bloody floor, bloody nose, face shoved into a pool of it. he can feel his nose contort under the hard material, head bouncing off it with a loud crack.
‘look’, you shouldve known better. thousands of hours of experience watching torture scenes in COD, and you think he’s gonna give you a break? you’re not the shooter like you thought you were, you’re just the dead russian snitch. 
slender hands dip under the waistband of his sweatpants, threatening with slow dragging downwards. fuck, he is a fag. so much screaming in his head, be a man be strong fight back faggot stop being a fucking BETA. but the weak trembling in every inch of his nervous system won’t let go. the part that knows what you are. weak little soyboy. shit, was it the burger king? he looks at the softness of his tiny arms splayed out in front of him, thinking back to all those impossible whoppers he had during that first (and last) year of college. sure there were the conspiracies but- he had to lose some weight and it was right next to his dorm and surely a little bit of hormonal meat couldn’t hurt anyone. well, apparently not. he shudders at the thought of all those tiny little girl particles running around in his bloodstream.
coldcoldcoldcoldcold fuck. something cold and wet drips down his ass, sending rippling twitches through his body. something small pokes and prods, forcing the wet inside, already he feels speared through, he has to purposefully hold his face together to not burst into open sobbing. 
“shhh sh sh. it’s okay. you’ll take it.” 
it pulls out, a hot emptiness filling all feeling. another squirt, and more wetness shoved so deep he cant handle in the choking cries. “please. please don’t. i don’t- i’m not-” cut off by the finger pulling out again, leaving his hole gaped. “Fuck stop im not gay pleasepleasepleasepl”
a sweaty palm wraps over his mouth.
something warm and hard and fleshy begins to rub circles around his hole. pressing up so close his breath hitches in fear it might go in and then pulling back and then repeating.
“be a good boy and stay quiet, trig.”
pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing pushing
##&% %%#(% %$$*$#&
* * *
specters hard chest presses up close and warm against trigger’s back. hot, heavy breathing forces its way into his ear. they stay there for a moment, frozen in time. a breaking point cut, getting a cinematic view of his own ruination. what a shitty fucking movie this is. 
“mmhng-” specter pulls back, breaking the trance, almost making trigger wish he would’ve just stayed inside. he grunts at the feeling of trembling boyflesh seizing on his cock, shaking with each inch moved in either direction, clenching for dear life. he grips a handful of trigger’s hair and pulls it back, forcing his limp and drooling expression into specter’s vision.
 “so, what was it?” the burning rod of pressure starts to move faster, thrusting with detached force, muscular hips bouncing off trigger’s ass. “dad beat you?” another assault forward, enunciating each bit of words with the slapping of their flesh. “mom molest you?” it hurts sososososososososo bad but he cant feel anything other than the pain nothing but searing waves of some long-forbidden feeling. “or- fuck- you just get bullied too much in those squishy formative years?”
boiling hot rain streams down his face, terror burning his eyes blind. choking sobs spit out little bits of snot and saliva pooling with his tears below him in a sad filth soup. 
“oh c’mon-” specter reaches in closer, thoughtlessly pushing his cock into a switch that turns triggers legs to jelly. a waterfall of tears overlaid with shameful noises, the kind he’d before only ever heard through the speakers of a computer. each one abrading his will even more. he was supposed to be on the other side, not this. anything but this. 
“please stop”
“it’s too late.” his hand brushes triggers cheek, mimicking a comforting motion with uncomfortable skin, “you can never take back what’s already happened… and what’s about to.”
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lana-llama-in-pajamas · 6 months
thick as blood
sweet as milk
chapter 4 (parts seems juvenile)
a few days have passed and you finally cleaned your home, the bathroom was a lot nicer now and yes to Francis's odd dismay your apartment looked like a green house, today was rainy so you stayed in writing thank you letters to your neighbors.
Francis was at his last stop. he walked up the steps of a very nice new home, one of those buy to build homes he's seen on Sears catalogs (look it up, very cool)
he knocked on the door with his foot as he carried more milk than a normal household would use, the door opened via a very pretty woman in a blue polka dot dress and blue sweater "Francis! you got my call" she opened the door wide as he walked passed her placing the jug crate on the counter "you wouldn't believe how many cakes the school is asking of me" she continued following him in filling up a glass of lemonade "isn't your husband a baker?" he asked nodding as he took the drink from her "he's too held up with catering the convention that rolled in" she answered folding her arms standing across from him "but I did want to spring something up on you...we've known each other for a bit would you say?" she asked almost in a whisper. Francis stopped mid sip nodding slowly thinking of the million things she was about to say "right...you know my daughter Amelia" she walked passed him into the living room, Francis followed even more puzzled "she's 15 now no?" "yes" god why was she being so vague? "sit, please" she pointed to her pristine yellow couch "you see my daughter got a cat and as funny as it is now we're sad to say she's deathly allergic" she awkwardly laughed "you don't know anyone who would want one hm?" he stared blankly at her for a moment mentally cursing her for freaking him out "Joan, I don-...actually I do know someone in the need of a companion" Joan's eyes sparkled a little "great! Johnny bring the cat" she called upstairs and a few moments later a little boy still in his pajamas carried down a small kitten in his arms "milkman! your taking my sisters cat?" he asked running over to him, the poor kitten wiggling around as he did so "yes i am" "but cats are for girrrllss ewww" Johnny laughed passing the poor sleepy thing to him
"I'm giving it to a girl, but no cats are for men too." francis pet it gently "my dad says sooo" the little kid huffed "ok back to your room." Joan pulled his ear on the way back to the hallway going into his room coming back moments later with bags and a litter box "toys, litter, litter box, and food. its still too small for solid foods so, a little baby formula warm water and the kibble should be good" she pointed to each bag explaining how it worked before sitting down on the armchair beside couch. “ so we’re giving it to a girl, not to fit the stereotype, but is this lady in another home you deliver to?”Joan snickered slapping his knee, hoping that Francis will get the joke, Francis kind of did , but like everyone else Joan couldn’t read him “ She’s my door lady. She actually saved the building from an dopple attack a few nights ago.”he told Joan inspecting the small fluff ball “oh wow must be an intimidating woman” Joan said imagining a large gruff woman with a killer stare, if Francis could read her mind he would’ve laughed but he continued “she seems the type to have a pet.” He got up carrying the bags and box on his hip heading for the door “thanks for the gift Mrs. Wilde” Joan got up to open the door for him “Yaknow Francis, in old Viking tradition gifting a cat to a woman is a symbol of courtship” she said raising a brow hoping to fluster the brick wall “…I don’t think she’s of Viking origin” he said back making Joan face palm “but that is interesting, you were a mythology major?” He asked placing the items into his truck wrapping the kitten in a jacket before gently placing it in the passenger side “ I was, but you know how it goes. You think you’re going to live a life of independence and then you get married to a baker.” Joan looked at the horizon saying that. Francis looked at her with a softened gaze before she snapped to reality “sorry, I hope she loves the cat, and I hope the goddess freya doesn’t get any ideas haha” Joan turned around fixing her sweater hearing Francis as she got to her door “…..your still a mythology major.” He turned around getting into the truck driving off. Joan still at the entrance, smiling in acknowledgment.
Back at your apartment, the twins were back gossiping to you about model drama you could barely understand while they randomly asked questions about you, “ oh and Eliza got fatter so now we all have to weigh before booking! Can you believe it?? Let the girl eat a little extra cake at her mom’s funeral!” Selenne laughed sipping her tea “oh speaking of, miss mia wants us to help her with the wedding venue! Everyone in the building is invited. ” Elenois shook you a little clearly excited “I forgot they were fiancées, since they live together anyway” you giggled pouring another cup for everyone “ y/n! You didn’t tell us you were a max traditionalist~” Celine pointed at you, smiling “ of course not it’s just since they live together. My brain just automatically thinks that.” You felt a little embarrassed but the twins were known to make people sweat for fun. “ Miss Mia wants to have it during the summertime so we have a long time to prepare.” Sel sat back looking out the window “ good thing she doesn’t want it during the spring. It’s so rainy here.”
Francis knocked at the door the cat meowing, he knew it was hungry so it was a perfect opportunity to teach y/n how to care for it, you opened the door smiling then looking straight at the dramatic kitten meowing loudly “ you found a cat?” You asked getting on your toes to see it closer making Francis die of cuteness on the inside thinking to himself ‘she really did that almost automatically, how adorable’ mentally slapping himself he lowered his hand passing the kitten to her, y/n didn’t know if the cat was tiny or Francis hands were huge because it really fit in the palm of his hand only it’s a little leg spilling out, grab the sweet thing, putting it to your chest “aww poor baby, I bet your hungry” he spoke softly, almost afraid to burst its ear drums with your normal tone, Francis look down at you now getting the picture.
he was attracted to you.
You were smaller than him which every 1950s man wants from a partner and you look beautiful doing everything mundane like if he took a picture at a random moment, you would look like a model no matter what. As if someone directed you in that exact pose. And you dressed nicely. He Longed to see you in more colorful items, just to see your features shine brighter. He stared at you in his mind lovingly
But you looked back up to see the most stern look with furrowed brows “um…did I say something?” you got nervous stoking the cat for comfort “ the cat is hungry but do not feed it milk. That is a myth.” he spoke plainly opening one of the bags putting the food items on the table “ baby formula, warm water, and a little bit of kibble is good for the cat, what will you name it ?” He asked sounding pretty excited about the name part “ maybe we should feed it first and then think of a name” you said leading him into the kitchen with the supplies “hiii francy” the twins waved as he did back before they giggled to themselves “he was absolutely fucking her with his eyes “ selenne pushed her sister’s shoulder whisper yelling “ shutup, that’s so not appropriate!” El covered her mouth, both trying their hardest not to laugh too loud.
You and Francis came back from letting the cat eat sitting on the couch, the twins took the cat from you to pet and prod, “it might scratch” Francis pointed “ let them, I heard prodding pets is a good thing because it makes them more tempered” y/n poured him some tea “you had pets before?” He asked thanking her for the tea “we need to hear some y/n lore” Sel nodded “ I didn’t have pets, but my grandparents did, dogs cows, sheep, wasn’t a farm. It was more like a ranch. My parents live in the city like this one and they never really liked animals” you said studying your tea leaves “ Where is your family?” El asked rubbing the kittens belly “ across the country, I have a cousin who lives here. They are really busy.” You looked out the window at the rain. You didn’t want to tell them the whole truth. “We can understand, it seems everyone in this building has busy lives, aside from the housewives” Francis said ”your right” you nodded “oh have you heard about the wedding?” El asked Francis “no, wedding? You two are getting married?” He asked a little frantic “no no we’re not throwing out our careers yet. Mia’s and Dr. aftons wedding!” Selenne rolled her eyes “oh, yes the doctor asked me to be in the grooms party, I think his bachelor party will be at the bowling alley” "yeah sounds like Dr. afton" Sel sighed "mia still doesnt know what she wants, but she does wanna vote so we all have fun!" El smiled surveying the room, francis was staring at his tea cup but you were in the conversation completely "anyway we forgot we have a alot of calls to make love ya bye" she placed the kitten in your hands before pulling her sister out of the apartment "lets give the love birds forced time alone" she whispered to her twin closing the door behind them
"odd" francis glanced at the door
"yeah, hope everythings ok" you sighed looking down at the cat as he stared at you
“Name?” Francis asked clearing his throat “no idea…I’ll think about it” you placed the kitten on the couch as it played with the tassels on the pillow “well, I’m going to head home, tell me when you name her, I’m excited to know” he said you got up and smiled walking him to the door “of course Francis, thank you for the gift” you blushed opening the door hoping for anything “Yaknow I heard that a man giving their loved one a cat is a proposal in Norse mythology” he said grabbing your hand and kissing it “but neither of us are of Viking blood I don’t think ” (sorry if you are) he walked to his door and you stared holding your hand kissing it softly to feel his lips in spirit
A few weeks had passed and you were on a late shift again. The cat followed you around the building so in turn she now had a bed in the office, it 9pm and you had to wait for 5 of the residents to come home late from a press party
Natasha was in the office playing with the cat “do you have a name for her yet?” She asked making it chase a mouse on a string “no…suggestions?” You pulled out a list of names residents have considered passing it to the little girl “hm..” she wrote a few names even her own “…no Natasha” you said crossing out hers, she shrugged and went back to the cat, time passed and you got a little worried turning on the radio, the twins giving you which channel had the convention/press party coverage. You listened in, and rolled your eyes at the sounds of officials and other higher ups giving empty speeches, a knock at the door made you jump looking up to see natcha with her arms folded staring at her daughter “so. This is what you do at bedtime now? I thought I had more time before you started sneaking out” she held her temple sighing you got up feeling guilty for not even asking Natasha if she even asked her mom to be with you “I’m sorry I just assumed since it’s Friday um, I should have called you ma’am” you looked down seeing natcha look back at you with the ‘mom look’ “no don’t apologize, I should have checked on her earlier but I was busy cleaning, Natasha. Room. Now. And I’m taking your record player tomorrow” she said it so calmly, no yelling just a sweet calm yet stern tone “aww mom!! I’m gonna be bored all day!” Natasha folded her arms pouting “ too bad so sad. Up.” She pointed out the door and Natasha walked still pouting “so sorry you had to see punish my child y/n” natcha said fixing her house coat “no no don’t worry about, I just wish my parents were as calm as you are” you smiled seeing another resident walk over, Francis looked over “something happen?” He asked standing near natcha at the doorway, you could see her side step to not touch him. Her face contorting slightly but fixing itself “Natasha sneaked out to play with the cat n the doorman” she said side eyeing him “nat? Sneaking out? She’s 11” he said just kind of knowing? You felt your stomach drop a bit…hoping they couldn’t tell “she’s 12 in a week.” Natcha stated before walking off “goodnight everyone.” She went back to her sweet tone, there it was. The way he turned to look at her, it shot you in the heart a bit “your still working?” He asked walking in, the cat rubbing against him purring “a few of the residents are still not here, neither is the night shift” you looked away from him with a sour look on your face, you felt so stupid. You two were not a thing and also haven’t even kissed yet and here you are assuming a broken family and getting jealous of a woman who’s only ever shown you kindness not to mention fed you. Francis could tell you were reeling from something but didn’t know how to approach “…I can make you a coffee, I got donuts from a friend today” he walked over placing his hand on your arm “you look tired” his warm hand and gravily voice from just waking up made you feel better yet worse, “your one to talk” you smiled trying to let go “so mean” he let go “ I’ll be back” he walked off, you watching the way he moved Lowkey checking the sway of his ass but quickly looking away. The cat sat at the desk ‘listening’ to the radio with you as you gave it scritches “what about Lucy? Mimi? Tiger?” You read off the list of names to the feline hoping it would give some type of approval but you were sure if it nodded you would scream. Francis came back placing a coffee and a muffin and donut “pick” he said pointing, you grabbed his hand pointing it to the chocolate muffin “ I don’t want to be up all night via sugar and coffee” you smiled taking a bit “thank you” you covered your mouth he hummed taking the donut kissing your head before walking out. God you want to fly and throw yourself out a window at the same time, two people walked in, the pilots. Both disfigured and grotesque slamming the papers against the window making you jump “let us in. Miss door man.” One said somehow with a stitched mouth “eat my ass.” You said back making the younger one angry trying to get to you through the paper hole. Fuck I ran out of spa
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catwrites9 · 3 months
It’s A Craving, Not A Crush
Kate Bishop x fem!reader SMUT
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Warnings: Smut, praise, fingering, slight hair pulling, scissoring, violence, injury, blood, not proof read, cussing, use of y/n, I think that’s it
W/n: First ever smut I’m happy with the beginning but I rushed a lot of it because I kinda lost passion for this writing and I’m just wanting to move of to my poll smut
You are just like any unmasked vigilante fighting crime and coming home to tend to your wounds. You didn’t have any powers… Well, being able to hear heart beats and having a better reflex than Peter makes you have powers. You always fought crime all day and then came home around 11 or 12 to tend to wounds and go to sleep. It was the usual routine waking up at 10am to your roommate Peter getting ready for college trying to look for his spider suit as you got up and got ready.
You recently found out while spying on hell's kitchen that there was a new list of future victims. One of the names stood out to you. Kate Bishop, your mentors partner, the same women you had the worst crush on. Even though Clint told you that she was off limits you still liked her. The tension you both had mixed with how she was always caring for you made the crush’s worst. After finding out about her being a target you brought it to Clint. That's when he gave you a task of protecting her. That’s how you two got closer while the whole kingpin thing was happening.
But now it’s different you're on a mission to retrieve the ronin sword for Clint in an old warehouse. It was protected by what seemed like hundreds of guards so you couldn’t have just gone guns blazing. You picked them out one by one until there was no one left. You retrieved the sword. The sharp pain jutting you into fight or flight as you glance down seeing a whole sword stick through your stomach. You quickly elbow the guy in the face while pocketing the sword. Another two come up behind you as one hits your head with a brick and the other takes the sword out of you. Your senses are off, your seeing double. The first guy gets on top of you and starts punching you. After what felt like 5 hits to the body and about 2 to the face you grab a bottle right next to you and smash it against him. You get up and start fighting the other two. They didn’t expect it and didn’t put up much of a fight. Though one of them was able to make your wound worse by hitting the handle of their sword into the wound. The first guy comes back with a knife and is able to slice you a few times on the body and twice on the face. You were able to throw a pallet at him.
You caught your breath and examine your wound, it was bad. You needed a hospital but being a vigilante, that wasn’t gonna work. Clint wouldn’t be up, Peter is out and won’t answer, and most hero’s are asleep by now. But that’s when you know of someone that lives nearby and also usually gets home at this time. Kate. You climb the building as the police come. you start running from roof tops and swinging till you get to her fire exit. You climb it and see if she’s home she’s not but will be soon. You gently push up the window that was thankfully unlocked but still Kate will get a lecture about it. You progressively get more tired as you sit by her bathroom. Then everything goes black.
You wake up from the door opening and you try to get up but you have no strength. Kate walks through as she puts her bag down and pets lucky. You groan as you try to get up. Her head snaps to you, she was afraid at first but then sees it’s you.
“Y/n what are you doing where it’s almost 1 in the morning.” She looks at you annoyed and then worried.
“Kate please I didn’t know who else to go to” your hand bloody as she see the streak of blood on the wall
“Are you ok” she says worried and moves you to her bathroom”what happened”
“I got stabbed” you say in a very monotone way. She reaches to pull off your suit and you flinch.
“I can’t help you if you don’t take it off” Kate says sincerely as you realize that she’ll have to see your face, the one you’ve only shown to Peter and Clint.
“Ok” is all you can say and she takes it of leaving you in a sports bra and a gator mask on the top half of you . She tends to your stab as you hiss and groan from the pain. Every noise you make she praises you, you blush hard which is covered by the mask.
“Stop shifting your hips so much” she says, looking up at you and then going back to work. You didn’t realize the effect that she has on you and how much her praising you makes you horny. But you couldn’t think of that. Once she’s done she cleans your little cuts until she gets to your face. She cleans the eyebrow one but the cheek one goes under the mask, she looks at you for consent as you nod she takes it off and goes wide eyes. She starts cleaning it but her cheeks get progressively get more pink. You're now aware of how close you two are, the sound of your breathing and your groans are loud. Once she’s done she goes towards the kitchen as you follow her.
“I’m sorry for Intruding into your house but your window was unlocked and just” you pause “ thank you for helping me even though I broke into your house you could have just left me to die.” She steps close to you practically chest to chest. The tension builds. You can hear her heart beat racing as fast as yours. The feeling is mutual. This crush you’ve had on her evolves. It’s a craving, not a crush.
“I never knew that you would be that hot under the mask, I knew you would be hot just by your voice but I mean fuck your hot” she says it confidently as you just blush.”you know how Clint said I was off limits and how he would kill me and you if we did anything” you nod”you make me want to break his rule even if it results in my death, y/n I need you please” that is your cue.
You lean in kissing her, you lean in softly but she roughenes the kiss and she leads you to her bed room up the stairs. You push her onto the mattress as you get on top of her. You start making out and sliding your hand under her shirt slowly going up and starting to massage her breast. She moans into your mouth and you take that as your invite to deepen the kiss and have your tongues fight for dominance.
You break apart to take off her shirt and bra. You admire her, all her little scars, her abs, Kate starts to get red as you just take in the woman infront of you. The only thing you can hear is both of your breathing. You know that it is wrong to want her when the mentor you’ve had for years told you never to go after her but the excitement of breaking his rules fuels you more. You move to start kissing and sucking marks on her neck. She becomes a whiny mess under you pleading for you.
“Please y/n please”
“What do you want me to do Kate”
“Please anything, anything you want, just please fuck me” she whines and she squirming under you as your hands explore her body.
“Tell me exactly what you want”
“Anything please” she gets more impatient as time goes on
“Do you want my hand or my mouth, pick Kate”
“Your mouth please” she pleads looking at you with doe eyes.
You get on your knees looking up at her for consent as she nods. You pull off both her pants and underwear as you start making marks on her inner thigh. She squirms and bucks her hips multiple times. You hold her hips down as you lick a stripe of her pussy. Taking in the taste of her and moaning at it. You attach your lips to her clint as you begin to suck on it. She gives you the most pornographic moan that immediately makes you more horny.
Your fingers begin to tease her at her core. Her hips try to buck under you as you hold them down. She’s a moaning mess for you. Your fingers made their way into her wetness as she practically starts screaming your name. Her back is arching as you start at a slow pace and begin to go faster. You keep going at a faster pace until you hit her g spot.
“Oh my god right there fuck y/n right there your such a good girl you gonna make me cum so hard”The moment those words came out her mouth you knew that you needed to make her come now.
Her hands pulling your hair as your groan on her clint making her moan more from the vibrations. You can tell she’s close by how much she’s cleaching on your fingers. She comes hard yelling out your name as you help her ride out her high. Once she’s done you take out your fingers and put them in your mouth moaning at the taste of them. You get up and go back on top of her to start kissing her. Before you can react she flips you over.
“You didn’t think I wasn’t going to return the favor” she chuckles”we have to be careful with your stitches so that means no arching your back” you look confused on what she’s going to do
She takes off your pants and underwear as she moves back on top of you, moving your leg to her side as she places her pussy on yours. You both are moaning from the intimacy. She starts to grind her hips as you throw your head back. Both of your Clint’s hitting perfectly on every grind. Both of you close from the prior intimacy and even if you didn’t come then you're sure as hell gonna now.
“Fuck Kate I’m gonna come”
“Come with me”
You both release at the same time. Both of you out of breath calming down from your highs. Once you both came down Kate climbs off of you as she lays beside you. You both just sit there in bliss of everything that happened. Before both of you could say anything Kate’s phone rings. Its from Clint. She put it on speaker.
“Hey Kate have you heard from y/n at all”
“No why”
“I’m scared she got hurt on my mission I put her on”
“Oh I’m sorry I haven’t heard from her in a while I’ll tell you if I do”
“Really?” He questions suspiciously.
“Yeah??..” she questions now looking at you.
“Oh my god right there y/n right there” he pauses”that doesn't ring a bell”
W/n: I can’t wait to start on my next project which is Watching me undress won the poll so next up is Paige bueckers smut.
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nyaagolor · 16 days
Now that you’ve played through all the episodes, how would you rank them?
Oooo this is tough, in part bc I like all of them a LOT. The designations between a few of them, especially in the middle category, are gonna be kinda arbitrary, but I'll do my best :)
Also this got stupid long so I put it under a readmore! Spoilers abound, as one might expect
8. Dawn of the Golden Witch (Episode 6)
I have some... mixed feelings on this one. I understand what Ryukishi was going for in using chick-Beato and Battler's interactions to parallel Battler with Kinzo and show Kinzo's dynamic with Kuwadorian Beatrice via analogy, but I also think it kinda fumbles a bit. There are points (cookie scene being a big one) where I feel like the characters take a backseat to the themes and the whole narrative feels off. Chapters 5 and 6 are supposed to be a perversion of the original story that Beatrice has lost control over, but there are points during 6 especially where I think it kinda loses itself. The rest of it is great (Erika's VA is a goddamn champion) but the very beginning of this chapter is easily my least favorite part of the series
7. Requiem of the Golden Witch (Episode 7)
I don't really have strong feelings on this episode. It would have been the high point in just about any other VN, but Umineko is so consistently fantastic that Episode 7 didn't really hit me as hard as the others. It did make me wish we got more Kyrie though, even if I know exactly why she wasn't as prominent as many of the others. Kind of insane that my second least-favorite arc is something I would rank like an 8 or 9 out of 10, Umineko is just that goated (get it???)
6. Turn of the Golden Witch (Episode 2)
While I do love watching the worst woman ever conceived have a 48 hour progressive mental breakdown, Alliance hits every point I like about the Rosa / Maria dynamic but does it better. It's still an arc I absolutely adore, so it feels weird to rank it so low, but I think about it a lot less than the other arcs so down here it goes. Shoutout to this arc for making me laugh to the point I could no longer speak not once, but twice. Kanon chuuni jacket and leashed Battler you will always be famous
5. Twilight of the Golden Witch (Episode 8)
I know that ranking episode 8 in the bottom half sounds like sacrilege but this arc had so much Kinzo and while I understand his narrative importance I Do Not Like Him. The fact that Kinzo is in the Golden Land but Kuwadorian Beatrice isn't makes me want to throw bricks at things. Other than that though, absolutely stellar. I bawled at the ending. The next day I thought about it more, misinterpreted it, and cried more, then I thought about it more deeply and talked with friends, really started to understand the core messages, and sobbed even harder. As these things tend to go. This episode ruined my life. Would recommend.
4. Legend of the Golden Witch (Episode 1)
note: 4 and 3 are interchangeable I like them both a lot for different reasons
The first time I read this episode, I thought it was great. The further I got into Umineko, the better it got. Now, with a full understanding of the plot and knowing how this chapter serves as self-reflection through the other (Sayo via Natsuhi) it serves as probably the most raw glimpse into Sayo's mindset we get. This episode ruins me and I'm pretty sure when I inevitably reread it I am going to dissolve into a puddle of goo. Also Natsuhi is there and she's my favorite of the matriarchs so I'm a little bit biased :)
3. Banquet of the Golden Witch (Episode 3)
This is one of the funniest pieces of literature I have ever read in my life. EVA-Beatrice, the entire sob story (that I, like Battler, fell for completely), the two towers fight scene... 10/10 no notes. I don't even have the words for how much I adored this one. I wish I could read it again for the first time.
2. Alliance of the Golden Witch (Episode 4)
Ok so fun fact I thought this arc was kinda boring at first, and was a little miffed I had to constantly go through Ange's little side quests when I just wanted to see Beatrice and Battler again. Fortunately, Ryukishi has a beautiful way of changing my mind very very quickly and the more I think about this Episode the more I love it. It has some of the most powerful emotional moments, a really good rehashing of the themes, and is a lot tighter and more condensed than I gave it credit for. There's a LOT that happens in this chapter, and it's been growing on me a lot-- while it doesn't take the number one spot in terms of my favorites, I do think it's the best written of the 8 episodes. As a bonus it focuses a lot on Maria who is one of the best characters ever and my darling baby angel.
End of the Golden Witch (Episode 5)
This is the platonic ideal of Umineko to me. The layers of metanarrative, the perversion of a formula to reiterate its structure, the use of genre conventions as a dual-use in-universe and metanarrative element, Erika. End of the Golden Witch is when I changed from someone who loved Umineko to someone who was obsessed with Umineko. The ending is one of the most visceral parts of the VN and I will fully admit I cried. There is so much happening in this episode I could talk about it all day. Also Natsuhi is there. Hey girlie <3
21 notes · View notes
insanitybl00m · 6 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree Chapter 6 - The Tailor
Philza stayed awake. His brain was still shot with adrenaline. His brain was screaming danger danger danger. 
“Deep breaths,” he whispered. Missa was safe and that was all he cared about. Right now all he needed was for Missa to get sleep and he could rest tomorrow night.
The late hours of the night stretched into the early hours of the morning. Eventually, the sun rose above the horizon.
“Missa. We’re ok.”
“Good, now you can get some sleep,” Missa murmured, trying to grab at Phil to pull him into the mess of bedrolls and half-burnt cloaks.
“No silly. We need to get to the village. You need new clothes and I’m fine.”
“But it’s early~” Missa whined. He blinked open his eyes and gave Phil the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes possible. 
They really did need to leave. It wasn’t safe to stay in one spot for too long. 
“What would convince you to get up wisteria.” The nickname felt soft on the top of his tongue. 
“Your wings are soft, I want to hug them.” 
“And you promise you’ll get up?”
“Promise.” Phil sighed and extended his wings. Missa did the same thing he did yesterday when he first saw them and ran his hands over them, as if he was testing they were real, before resting his head against them. 
“Why do you like my wings so much?”
“They’re soft. And warm. And cozy.”
“Yeah, but they’re just wings.”
“They’re like angel wings.”
Waking up and getting to hug Phil’s wings was probably the best feeling ever. Missa would never get over how soft they were. 
“Ok, that’s enough of that,” Philza said with an awkward laugh.
“Fine. I keep my promises.” Missa slowly got up. He brushed his fingers through his hair. Burnt pieces of hair touched his hand. 
“Did the dragon fry my hair?” He asked.
Philza squinted at his hair. “It doesn’t look like it.”
“Feel it, idiot!” Missa grabbed Phil’s hand and placed it in his hair. 
“Oh. Yeah, the tips are singed.”
“No mames.”
“You still got the dagger?”
“I put it in my bag. Why?”
“It's the best thing to cut hair that we’ve got.”
“No. There’s no way you’re cutting my hair with a literal knife.”
“It’s either that or hair that’s burnt.”
Missa sighed. “Fine. Don’t you dare fuck up my hair.”
Phil laughed as he moved to grab the dagger from Missa’s bag. “You trust me to save your life but not to cut your hair.”
“Nope, don’t trust you with my hair.”
Another laugh. “Liar.”
“Just cut my hair bird boy.” Phil did, carefully cutting off burnt hair.
“Can I even it out, like, making it all normal.”
“Yeah.” And so he did, hair kept falling and Missa’s long hair became much more mullet-like. 
“All done?”
Missa grabbed his bag. “All ready to go?”
“You realize that you can’t just leave the hair lying around. You do realize that locks of hair are a part of fae courting rituals right?”
“They’re what?”
“Have you read the entry on fae?”
“Not yet…”
“When you get the chance you should.”
“So where is the hair going to go?”
“I’ll keep it here,” Phil held up a small bag. “If that’s ok with you of course.”
“Sure.” Phil took the hair and put it in the small cloth bag.
Phil had to tuck his wings under his shirt, which was much more uncomfortable than hiding them under a cloak. But Missa was still clinging onto the shreds of his cloak, not that it would do much anyway.
The pair made their way back to the village in a few hours, getting a few weird stares probably due to the state of their clothes.
“Do you know the way to a tailor?” Missa asked a young woman who looked them both up and down before answering.
“Uh, yeah. Left at the fountain in the town square. A big sign that says ‘Roier’s Woven Wonders’.”
“Roier’s place! Oh, I’ve met him before, he’s a great tailor, C’mon Wisteria.” Phil tugged on Missa’s arm and they took off towards the town square. 
“Who’s Roier?”
“You’ll see!”
“This better be good,” Missa grumbled.
“Trust me you’ll love him.”
When they stopped outside the shop Missa had to admit that the dark brick stood out against the rest of the shops. It was decorated nicely.
“Oi Roier!” Phil yelled as he entered the shop.
“Felipe? Felipe Craft? No mames!” A tall, wiry man appeared from seemingly nowhere and tackled Phil in a hug.
“Hey mate, long time no see!”
“Who’s this?” Roier said, finally looking at Missa.
“Oh, this is Missa.”
“I thought we weren’t using names with strangers?” Missa asked, confused.
“Roier isn’t Fae.”
“Fuckin cursed by them,” Roier said. “But that’s not what you two are here for. You need clothes.”
“How did you– Oh right our clothes are ruined,” Missa said. 
“Dragon?” Roier asked Phil, who sighed before responding.
“You came to the right place then. Set up a shop since you last saw me. Putting my skills to good use.”
“I see that, how’s Cellbit?”
“Good, he’s with Bagi.”
Missa was left confused as the conversation drifted towards things he had no part in. 
Phil mentioning his name is what clued him in that he should start listing “–Missa and I need clothes made of spider silk.”
“You do realize that you want six outfits made out of spider silk. That would take me months to make enough string for that.”
“What’s spider silk?” Missa interjected.
“The highest quality silk in the world,” Roier explained.
“Why do we need spider silk clothes?”
“Temporary precaution in case we get stuck in the Underdark,” Phil explained.
“Get stuck where?” Missa asked.
“Underdark is the realm of nightmare creatures,” Roier explained.
“It’s only a precaution. It will keep us warm enough in the underdark but it will also help at night too.”
“The most spider silk I can spare is for your cloaks and a basic set of clothes for each of you.”
“And you have normal cloth right?” Phil asked. 
“Ay Felipe,” Roier turned to Missa. “Can you believe him? Your husband is trying to rob me of everything I’m worth.”
“Husband?” Missa asked.
“Wait Phil–” Roier started.
“Last time we met I told Roier I was done traveling until I found someone to share my adventures with. He must have assumed that meant a husband, right Roier?”
Phil shot Roier a pointed glance.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry about the assumption. I’ll need measurements for each of you. Once I have those I should only be an hour.”
“An hour?” Missa asked.
“Speedy hands,” Roier said with a flourish. “Phil, you first.”
“What the hell was that bullshit? Not your husband? I could smell the bond on him from a mile away. You gave him fae food?”
“Roier you don’t understand–”
“You think I don’t understand how fae work?” He pulled up his sleeve revealing a sigil branded onto his arm. Phil winced and looked away. “I’m eternally bonded to one. I know the signs.”
“He gets to choose.”
“But to all fae you meet, they will see the two of you as partners.”
Phil felt his cheeks go warm. “Yes.”
“So, what’s next?”
“I court him the human way. If he rejects me then I break the bond.”
“That sucks dude, human courting is weird.”
“Weirder than exchanging names, eating food, and gifting locks of hair?”
Roier laughed. “I know your clan is weird about the idea of ‘kidnapping’, which by the way isn’t kidnapping.”
“It is–”
“Don’t care, anyway look at him, he’s literally clinging onto the cloak you gave him.”
“He’s cold.”
“That shred of fabric ain’t warming him up but keep believing that if you want.”
“He knows about my wings,” Phil said his brain had lost its filter. 
“He didn’t run away screaming.”
“You want me to design some slits for your wings in the back of your clothes? That way they can still be covered by the cloak but more comfortable than normal stuff.”
“That would be great, you have no idea how many shirts I’ve ruined by making slits for them.”
“I’ve already got the measurements from the last time you visited, you should be good. I just needed to get you to fess up about your crush on your little human.”
“Shut up.” Phil paused. “Can I ask you for a favor though?”
“Always, you’ve only saved my life like twice.”
“Add some green designs into Missa’s clothes for me.”
Roier muttered curses under his breath. “You think I’d learn to not blindly accept deals with fae.”
“He should be ready to take your measurements now,” Phil said after leaving the backroom.
“Thanks,” Missa said.
“Close the curtain behind you.”
“Okay?” Roier took off his jacket and revealed a… second set of arms?
“Fastest sewer in the world.” He said, flexing his arms.
“I bet. How did you…”
“I was cursed by a fae. Became an arachnid. Basically a giant spider beast. When I got turned back I was left with these. Curse residuals. Nothing can get rid of them. I’m also eternally bound to the fae who cursed me.”
“This thing on my arm: it’s the mark of my curse.”
“Oh wait, spider beast. Spider silk!”
“Yep, now let me get your measurements.” Roier took his measurements surprisingly quickly. His extra set of arms really did make him a better tailor. “Done, now you can go wait outside with Felipe.”
Phil was sitting down on a bench, he was writing a new entry in his journal of the fae creatures.
“What’s that one about?”
“Fae curses, specifically ones that transfigure humans.”
“Like Roier?”
“Yeah…” He let out a yawn.
“I told you that you need sleep.”
“I’ll be fine.” Another yawn.
Missa took the journal out of his hands. “You’re sleeping, you need a break.” He sat down next to Phil.
“Where?” Missa sighed and moved so that he could be a comfortable pillow. When Phil rested his head on Missa’s shoulder he felt Phil relax a little bit. “Thank you.”
“I’ll read that entry on Fae you were talking about.”
Fae (General)
Also known as Faery, Fairy, tricksters, Elven folk, or Magical beings.
Most Fae fall under a different classification, such as changelings for example. 
This is an overview of most Fae. Separate classifications will be separate entries.
Fae are tricksters. At the end of the day, they put themselves and their clan above all else.
Clans are a sense of family. Although there are many clans most specialize in certain areas.
For example, the king’s clan specializes in trickery, maintaining balance, and helping other fae.
His ‘children’ (faelings in his clan) are helpful but they tend to follow their father’s more mischievous tendencies.
Clans can be quite small with a singular head of the clan or they can be quite large with up to five heads per clan.
Fae are immortal. With few exceptions to this, most Underdark creatures can kill fae. Venom, dark sabers, etc. Fae born in the Underdark are truly immortal, but a fae born in the Underdark is very rare considering how dangerous that realm is for Fae. They look very different from normal fae.
Most Fae have wings. Butterfly wings, Dragonfly wings, or any other type of insect wings are common. Bird wings are rarer. And the rarest are dragon wings. Dragon wings are exclusive to Underdark fae and Dragonborn fae. 
Fae and Humans
Fae are known for their unique relationship with humans. 
Fae food, gifting names, and giving locks of hair are way to bond yourself to a fae. 
-Fae food can send you to fairyland but it can also bond you to the person who grew/made the food.
-gifting names. Don’t share your name with a stranger . However, if a fae gives you their name and you give yours in exchange it can be seen as an act of courting.
-Locks of hair are special. They must be willingly given and often used when negotiating a deal with a fae.
Fae food that sends a human to fairyland must be given. Not sold. If anything is given in exchange for fae food it nulls the ability for it to transport humans.
Fae partners are often called “beloveds”. Beloveds are immune to aging. They will not die of old age however they can still die by any other means.
Fae Courting
The strength of the bond goes as follows, from weakest to strongest. Names exchanged, food given, hair exchanged.
Often the hair that is exchanged is used in a ceremony called handfasting. Ribbons meant to represent the couple are braided together along with the hair that was exchanged. It is used to represent commitment to each other. Hands are bound together using this braided rope. 
This ceremony officially declares that a human is now a beloved. Most fae do not consider this ceremony a requirement to consider themselves partners.
Certain clans have rules about the courting of humans. These clans may specify that the human must be in full agreement of the bond before they are able to travel to fairyland. Some exceptions to this can be made but these clans strictly forbid the capture of humans for servitude.
To these clans humans are special. They may be more overprotective around other fae and more “claiming” may be involved. Claiming means different things to different clans but most bonded have a significant mark. A tattoo, a charm, a necklace; something to remind other fae around that the human is theirs.
Missa sighed. His brain was overwhelmed with information. He felt the emerald still in his pocket from earlier. He carefully took it out, careful not to disturb Philza who was still fast asleep on his shoulder.
The gem was almost like a teardrop. However, it still had jagged edges like it had only been smoothed partially. It would make a perfect necklace. He reached into his bag and fished out his pocket knife, he probably should have asked Phil to cut his hair with this rather than a dagger.
He angled the knife and started to carve out a small hole towards the tip of the teardrop, just thick enough to slip a small piece of cord through. He carefully untied a string of his bag and threaded it through the tiny hole, making the gem hang from the center. While he was tying a knot, one of those adjustable ones, Roier stepped out of the backroom.
“All done!”
“Has it really been an hour?”
“Yep. How’s the sleepy head?”
“Well, he’s asleep.”
“You should make sure the measurements are accurate.” Roier handed him the stack of clothes. “Everything should fit but make sure to try on both the spider silk and the normal outfits. The material could fit differently.”
“Okay.” Missa carefully stood up, only moving Phil a tiny bit. It didn’t really matter though, Phil was fast asleep.
He went into the back room and changed into the outfit made of spider silk. Roier was right, it was warm. It also fits perfectly. Roier really did know how to make clothes. He then tried on the normal clothes next. They weren’t as soft as the spider silk but they were much more breathable.
Missa looked at himself in the mirror. The pants were black and the shirt was a deep blue. The sleeves had green designs and they resembled flowers, if Missa squinted he could also see hearts and feathers incorporated into the design. He also admired the cloak which was made of spider silk. It had a similar design as the sleeves, but the green slowly blended into the rich purple of the cloak.
“Is this good?” Missa asked, stepping out of the back room.
“Much better.”
Missa looked towards Phil. “He’s still asleep huh?”
“I can wake him up!” Roier offered, eager to annoy his friend. 
“No, don't! He barely slept last night.”
“Then do you want to come upstairs? I’m sure Cellbit left some tea lying around somewhere before he left.”
“That would be great.”
Missa noticed the necklace he left on top of his bag. He tucked it into his pocket before he followed Roier up a small set of stairs towards the back of the shop.
“Pepito! We have guests!” 
“Apa Roier!” A small boy yelled before grabbing onto Roier’s leg.
“AY!” Roier picked up the boy, “Pepito, Pepito, Pepitooooo! Did Apa Cellbit leave some tea in the kitchen?”
“Mhm, and some cocoa powder! Can I have some?”
“What’s the magic word?”
Missa was suddenly struck with an overwhelming amount of homesickness for Chayanne. 
“Alright I’ll boil us some water, go draw Pepito, I’ll call you when yours is ready.”
“Thanks apa!” The boy bounded off for another room down the corridor. 
“Sorry about him.”
“No, no, don’t be. My son is the same way.”
“You have a son?” The two made their way into the kitchen. 
“Yeah, he’s seven. Had my friend watch over him so that he’d be safe.”
“Pepito is four, a bundle of energy, but he tends to put it into his drawings.”
“Chayanne is the same way.” Missa laughed. “Except he uses his energy to try and fight his friends with wooden swords. Nearly gave me a heart attack the first time I saw him fighting.”
Missa smiled at the fond memory. His son was roughly the same age as Pepito when Missa caught him making a wooden sword. He smiled and said “Look, papa! Now I’m like you!” Missa nearly cried that day.
The sound of boiling water distracted him from his memories. “Shit.” Roier quickly poured the water into three mugs. He was adding tea to two and cocoa powder to another. 
“Pepito cocoa!”
The three sat down at the table, Pepito’s legs swinging back and forth. “Hello Mr.”
“Hi pepito.”
“What’s your name?”
“Great! Apa, Mr. Missa has very pretty clothes. Did you make them?”
“I did Pepito, why?”
“I want you to make me pretty clothes!”
“Pepito, I already made you plenty of clothes.”
“But I want flowy ones like Mr. Missa’s.” The four-year-old pouted. 
Roier let out a laugh. “I’ll make you flowy ones.”
“Yay!” Pepito went back to drawing on the blank paper with crayons.
“What’s that?” Roier pointed at the cord falling out of Missa’s pocket.
“Oh. Nothing special.” He took it out of his pocket and put it on the table.
“Who’s it for?”
“Who said it was for anybody?” Missa sputtered.
“You just don’t strike me as the type of guy to wear jeweled necklaces.”
Missa paused, he should not be asking Roier if— “Does Phil like these types of necklaces?” He was done for.
Roier’s grin turned sharklike. “I bet he’d love it. But you should use a different material for the cord.”
“Like what?”
“Let me go grab some.” Roier stood up and headed into the hallway.
What was Missa going to do while he waited? Pepito was distracted drawing. Roier had left. Tea. He’d drink his tea. 
“Got some!” Roier came back into the room with a handful of ribbon. “Purple and green ribbon. You should braid them together, it’ll go with the clothes I made him.”
“Oh. Okay.” Missa took the ribbon from Roier and braided the ribbon together. It looked rather pretty when he was done with it.
“Now you can take that plain cord out and replace it with this! Much more personal don’t you think?” 
“Yeah.” Missa admired the necklace. It did look a lot better this way. 
Phil blinked his eyes open. Did he really fall asleep? Missa was right, he really was tired. “Missa?”
He looked to his left. No Missa.
“Missa?” He said, this time a bit louder.
“He’s upstairs with me Felipe!” Roier called. 
Phil noticed the stack of clothes on the table in front of him. He had to check on Missa first. 
The first thing he noticed was the necklace on the table, then Pepito, and then the designs on Missa’s clothes. Then the wicked grin on Roier’s face. That mother fucker.
“Hi, Pepito. How are you, buddy?”
“Hi Tio Philza, I’m good.”
“I left your clothes on the table downstairs,” Roier said. 
“Oh yeah, I noticed that.”
“They’re really comfortable,” Missa said. “You should change.”
“Oh ok.” Phil instantly walked downstairs and changed into normal clothes. Missa could ask him to do anything and he’d instantly do it. 
The clothes looked like Missa’s. Roier even added similar detailing on the sleeves, except his was purple and the main color of the shirt was a deep emerald green.
The slits in the back fit his wings perfectly. He grabbed his cloak but he decided not to put it over his wings. He would give them a moment to stretch. 
When he came back upstairs he noticed Missa’s trailing eyes staring at his wings. “So uh, what’s happening guys?”
“Nothing much,” Roier said. “Waiting for you to wake up and then Missa showed me something he was working on.”
“Roier!” Missa shouted, pulling the necklace off the table.
“Show him it!” Roier urged. Phil pretended like he didn't see it. 
“Fine, I will.” He pulled out the necklace and handed it to Phil. “It’s for you. I got the emerald from the dragon’s hoard. Roier gave me the ribbon.” Missa was hiding his face from Phil. 
“You’re welcome,” Roier said before standing up and grabbing Pepito. “I’m going to put him down for a nap then we can discuss payment.”
Phil still hadn’t said anything about the necklace. When he took a peak at Phil he wasn’t standing across from him. “Can you put it on, I can’t quite reach.” Missa nodded and tied it, face still hot. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“No problem.” He stuttered as Roier came back into the room.
“Alright, Pepito is asleep. Now Phil, spider string outfits are going to cost you. The rest are free but I can’t give out premium outfits for free.”
“15 gold.”
Roier barked out a laugh. “Are you insane? I charge that much for a normal shirt. 100. Each.”
Phil scowled. “150.”
“I’m giving you a deal on 100 each, the lowest I’ll do is 175 for the two of them.”
“Fine. My bag is downstairs.” They all headed downstairs and Phil pulled the money out of his bag. “175. As you asked.” Phil threw his cloak on, careful to hide his wings. “See you around again mate.” 
“Hope you two have fun on your little adventure,” Roier said with a wave. 
“It was nice meeting you, Roier,” Missa said as he also put his cloak on, mirroring Philza.
“Bye, mate,” Phil said before they left the shop. 
“Three hours until sundown. We should have enough time to get out of the area and set up camp.”
“Why do we need to leave so soon?”
“Just a precaution. The scent should be thrown off by the change of clothes and the amount of people around us in that village but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”
About an hour or two later the sky was turning almost pink. “This should be good right?”
“Yeah, I spotted a river nearby too.”
“I’ll set up the bedrolls if you want to get a bucket of water for the fire.” Phil nodded, set down his bag, and left for the river with a bucket in hand. 
Missa rolled out the bedrolls, and gathered some firewood, before sitting on his bedroll to take off his cloak. He put it down next to him as Phil got back.
“Wow you got firewood and everything, that’s great!”
“Mhm.” Missa scratched at his hair, despite all the burnt pieces being cut off he could feel some ash still clinging to the roots of his hair.
“What’s wrong Wisteria?”
“You seem uncomfortable, is there anything you need?”
Missa sighed. “My hair feels a little dirty but it’s fine I swear.” 
“I could help you wash it, we’ve got the water anyway.” 
“Isn’t that for the fire?”
“It’s warm enough out tonight. We should be fine without one.”
“How would you even wash my hair? I don’t have any shampoo or anything, I've been using stuff from the inns.”
“I’ve got my own shampoo, don’t worry about how I’ve got it all taken care of. If you want me to, I will.”
Missa considered it. He did trust Phil. He did want his hair cleaned. But was this too much? This was a lot. But Phil offered. He didn’t have to do that. He probably wouldn’t have offered it if it had been an inconvenience for him.
Missa had agreed to let him wash his hair. His brain was yelling thousands of things at him but he had to drown them out. He needed his shampoo and brushes, so he grabbed them from his bags. He wanted Missa to be comfortable. 
“Over here should be good.” Missa followed Phil and sat down next to him. “The water is going to be a little cold but I’ll do my best to avoid getting the water in your eyes. Can you lean back a little?”
“Yeah.” Phil splashed some water until he could lather on the shampoo. “You know I used to do this with my son, especially when he was younger. He’d complain that I washed his hair better so I should just do it for him.”
“Yeah?” Phil started to scrub at Missa’s scalp. It was a calming feeling, knowing Missa trusted him this much. Not only to allow him to wash his hair but to share stories about his son.
“He loves to be babied sometimes. He puts on this strong facade but at the end of the day when it’s just me and him he just clings to me like he’s little again.”
“That’s really sweet.”
“He has this huge bedroom, it’s honestly bigger than mine. But for years he would crawl into my bed in the middle of the night. Eventually, I just started putting him to bed in my bed then I’d clean up the house a little and head back to bed. Now his bedroom is basically just a huge playroom.” Philza leaned Missa’s head back so he could rinse off the shampoo. “I miss him a lot.”
“I bet. He sounds like he’s your whole world.”
“He is.”
“You mind if we go back to the bedrolls, I left a small towel in my bag and your hair kind of needs to be dried a bit more before I can brush it.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I already have my brushes out,” Phil said as he helped Missa up. 
The two made their way over to the bedrolls and Phil dried Missa’s hair.
“Are you sure? My hair always tangles because of how long it is.”
“Believe me, I’m sure Wisteria.” Phil touched the emerald that hung at his neck.
“Do you mind if I tell you more stories about my son, it feels good to talk about him.”
“Of course, I love hearing them.”
Missa laughed, before launching into a tale about the time his son got stuck in a toy bin. Philza just listened as he brushed through the knots that had somehow formed in Missa’s hair.
“Do you mind if I tie your hair up? Like half of it, so it stays out of your face while you’re sleeping. I always hate it when my hair is in my face.”
“Do whatever, I’m getting a bit tired though.” Phil reached into his bag and found a bit of purple and green ribbon in there. Roier must have slipped it in there while he wasn’t looking. He took a bit of the green ribbon and used it to tie up Missa’s hair. He then took a small section of hair from behind Missa’s ear and braided it. Slowly whispering the words of a charm he had used so many times before on his kids' hair. 
Protect this one I love.
Protect them from the kiss of death.
Save them with the love I have woven,
And let them stay with me for a little longer.
The charm set with a green shimmer. It wouldn’t unravel unless there had actually been a brush with death. 
“Ok done.”
“Thanks, Cuervo.”
“I’m glad I was able to help.” Missa turned to face him with a soft smile on his face. 
“I’m going to get some rest, you should too.”
“Ok, goodnight Wisteria,” Phil said as he packed the extra supplies in his bag before lying down.
“Goodnight,” Missa murmured. He was already half asleep.
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yagamisdiary · 22 days
hey girl let me just vent about how sexy you are ok. So the year is 2021 I'm in bed scrolling through Tiktok and keep on seeing girls crying over Eren fanfiction and I thought who are these dumb bitches crying about Eren fanfiction let me tell you I'm the eren yeager fanfiction library I know the ins and outs of every eren yeager fanfictions its in my blood yk anyways, I enjoyed them but I never cried over them and stuff at the TIME. so I'm like the girls never lie, so I got on my little reading app I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's called w-w-wattpad anyways type up parasite first thing to come up mind you! and I see it 20hrs+ and I thought HELL NO these 13-year-old girls r on some mad shit rn I'm not doing all that. So I sat on it for a few days and videos on my fyp kept on coming up and I was in lockdown so I didn't have anything better to do SO FUCK IT. I started reading I'm a hater bro I was trying too hard to be different anyways I get to the bonfire chapter and when y/n goes to Eren and gives him that snore OH SOMETHING HIT ME my feet were in the air giggling like a little kid let me tell you and I was addicted since that day, even dragging y/n feet down in the lake, THE STARGAZING AND THE DONT KISS ME HAUNTING MEEEEE,eren being a stoner and an emo boy is forever in my soul and sorry guys unpopular opinion but the disabled toilet scene was lowkey good like forgot about that goatee hehe…. but when she got SHOT LIKE TWIN I FELT THAT TOO, MY HEART WAS BEATING OUT OF MY CHEST, BREATHING WAS GETTING SHORTER like its real emotions let we tell you. Dont get me started on the way Eren was so caring afterward my man my man knows how to treat a girl right and then the Halloween chapter and which was the latest chapter at the time and this was the one everyone was crying about so I got my tissues knowing I won't be needing them so I'm reading 3 am mind you, boneing sesh, hot, in love, Eren outfit slays, when that door opened to yk I was ready to fight a bitch, like my blood was boiling it was sizzling and I thought my baby going to stick up for this fine ass NO LETs BREAK UP ITS NOT FUN ANYMORE EVERYONE KNOWS YOU JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GIRL YOU CRY ALL THE TIME HAVE PANIC ATTACKS AND YOU RELY TO MUCH ON ME, the way I'm crying is real THAT SHIT hit so hard it's not even funny like these "dumb bitches" were right THIS IS A REAL BREAKUP like I can't even say how I was feeling cause it was so much, like sleeping that night wasn't an option. But then I managed to get some sleep and I woke up to the most sexy notification of the ages parasite update chapter called Eren's Halloween I WAS SHITTING BRICKS. Anyways what I'm trying to say is that this book has been such a big help to me over the years this is my escape and a place where I can find something different and I just wanted to tell you cause I have been holding this in for three years buddy like I'm in the shadows liking your stories following you on everything but has always been too scared to say anything so here I am saying something and over the last few weeks its been really hard on me, mentally and physically and ik parasite is construction you could say BUT BITCH TAKE YOUR TIME CAUSE, TIMELESS WORK TAKE TIME MWAH back to my point I have been thinking in my head about different scenarios and points in the book to make me feel better and its so weird but I start smiling like its not just the book but the community around it too. So I'm going to wrap this up cause my fingers really hard but please take care of yourself and I hope you r eating good tonight xoxo Your stalker from 2021
this is the funniest thing i’ve ever read & a canon experience i fear
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Give me a list of all your Nico ships,I don't care how long it is or even who you ship him with,I want to know (Favourite Nico Ship?)
Yeah I want to know too.
No seriously. At this point I can't even keep track of my pairing list. It also doesn't help that I can practically eat everything that has Nico in it - regardless of... everything else. Jesus Christ.
But since you asked, I gotta try my best. I guess it's also a good chance for me to wrap up my own messy thoughts too---
Welp. Let's see. A list of Nico ships I actively contribute in because I have no idea what I know of at this point:
Solangelo, Jasico, Percico: have written about/ have plans to write about
Nico/Alabaster: tons of ideas and headcanons but have yet to decide on a writing plan. I could kill for them tho.
Thanatos/Nico: written one fanfic. Would love to write more but I run out of ideas
Eros (Cupid)/Nico: once unhealthily enjoyed making Love-you-like-an-enemy headcanons. Still do.
Erebus & Nico: I wouldn't say this as a ship... unless the term 'platonic ship' exist. I prefer to think of them as... soulmates? What do you call two lonely souls seeking each other's company?
Now to the pairings which I leech from others' content, meaning: consume but yet to contribute
Magnus/Nico: It exists and it's true and it's AWESOME
Pollux/Nico: There're at least two fics out there that had me in a chokehold
Child of Persephone x Nico ahsdjkahdkjahdka it was just one fic C'MON
Cecil Markowizt/Nico: Again. ONE fanfic. And it was Portuegeues.
Or just platonic in general because there's potential and no one's seeing it so I'm taking it.
primordial god! chronos x ananke! nico courtesy of @avaetin. I fell so hard for it and I'm not even ashamed
Poseidon/Nico: all's Happy's fault. Like. Really.
Nipollo ajdhsajkda Brig shares the blame ok fine I'm crazy about it too and just bc Apollo's a hoe----
Anubis/Nico: thank you @/LapisLazuli13 on AO3
Dionysus/Nico but only if it's by @/robindrake93 on AO3. They have a distinguished figure for Dionysus and I'm neck deep in it
Minos/Nico: shout out to @/silenttoad on AO3 because it's the softest thing ever omfg 😭😭😭 Just for the record, their Minos is worlds different from the canon one. He's actually really nice.
Tons of crossover ships: Arthur/Nico (legitimately my RELIGION), Ciel Phantomhive/Nico,... That time I say Nezha and Nico could be friends. Like I don't... quite ship them but akdsaksaj this proves that you should never hope anything from me
I'm sure this is not all of them... I mean. I have read more. And probably forget a bunch...
I wouldn't say I have a favourite ship... well there're times that I would invest more in a specific pairing, but that doesn't mean I like other ships any less. I have 5 drafts for Jasico and then I have a Nicobaster week and then a Percico-marathon. Generally speaking though, I would say I usually... prioritize (?) the rarepairs. Since you know, the canon one and the more popular ones alr have people building the empire for them. I might be the only one invested in a Son of Persephone with Nico, for example, so I tend to gravitate towards it, in hopes of contributing a small brick for this little tent compared to their nation; or sometimes it's just because there's someone else more invested in me and their dedication fuels me (yes you @drksanctuary).
Anw I hope this gives you an insight into how wild of a being I am LMAO. I'm a proshipper. I have no qualms when it comes to enjoying fiction - as long as I enjoy it. Be free. Trust me.
As I've said, I forgo everything when it comes to Nico. He's my exception. He's always right. If he's wrong I have a few words to Rick------ jk lol or maybe not---
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sodaquail · 10 months
Dude I’m so hyped for your werewolf AU, you have no idea. I’m the biggest werewolf!Chip fan out there. Anyways, if you want asks (sorry if I misinterpreted your post):
What type of werewolf are we talking here? Classic bipedal or twilight style giant wolf? Somewhere in between?
Are any of the other characters werewolves, and/or does Chip know any others?
Is lycanthropy a known thing? How do people react?
One of my D&D books has a section on lycanthropy, and while you can play player characters affected by it, it goes hand and hand with the Evil alignment (it’s an older book, not sure about lycanthropy in 5E). Is this similar in your AU, or are werewolves misunderstood?
Don’t feel obligated to answer any of these haha, I understand that they could definitely lean into spoiler territory, I’m just so excited!! :D Werewolf world building is the best.
Im sooooo glad to see you're excited!!! I can totes add you to the tag list ^_^
for the TYPE of wolf... I totally leant more into mythology rather than werewolf movies. ive never actually watched a werewolf movie (although, a friend said wolfchip would be like the wolves from twilight so now im planning a marathon with IRLs.... oops) I'm doing a lot of worldbuilding into the nature and magic of werewolves and that stays hidden but.. - physically they are BIG. like twilight wolf sized... big big. - They have no tail (a mythology thing for werewolves!! common for creatures rumored to just be witches in disguse actually) I was VERYYYYYYYY much not going to pull the werewolf pop culture thing and have some 'weird human-wolf hybrid cross' because i did not like the idea tooooo much..... would rather be taken out back and killed with bricks than make chip bipedal wolf-man hybrid thing.... noooooooo...... also in human form werewolves are distinctly inhuman!! Won't go into TOO MUCH worldbuilding of mine but essentially, among other things their wolf form and traits fluctuate with the lunar cycle. on new moon they're indistinguishable from human, on full moon they're fully wolf, and all inbetween is a mix of traits. It all depends on when you catch em, whether it's day or night, whether it's new moon or close to full moon.... you might not know what you're signing up for if you find a normal person on the full moon only for them to change as the lunar cycle goes on, lol. but from mythology these are the traits which often identify a werewolf in human form - unibrow (not giving chip this one. no dice) - low, swinging stride (yes!) - lower set ears (also yes!) - when the skin is cut, there is fur under it! (yes, but i felt might be too obscure for people.... not included in common werewolf pop culture sadly...) as well as a few special things of my own!!! I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO OF WHAT WOLFCHIP LOOKS LIKE!! i found this on a dog grooming video on tiktok and went 'thats wolfchip."
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2) Yes! I have one confirmed werewolf NPC (of my own making for the purposes of the story) and am toying with the idea of making another character a werewolf. It won't be too big of a deal though... just a neat little reference!! 3) now THIS is staunchly spoiler territory!! sorry dude!!! 4) this is also spoiler territory but what i will say is that I did not go off of DND modules (although it wouldnt hurt to give them a read...)!! I play BECMI and 5e as my DND modules among other TTRPGS but i did not lean from any of them. Honestly, I didn't take much inspiration for my werewolf worldbuilding outside of some mythology shit (and not a lot, anyway). I think i just went off the general, well known werewolf myths and said 'ok what can i do with this' and i sewed and cut and now it is a new beast. it is MY beast. TYSM for your questions!!! Hope you enjoy the final project ahhhh...... seeing the answers for the spoilers in the fic will be SO much better than reading them here i swear :3
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Villain Or Victim, Chapter 14
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Loki noted Echo’s eyes turning darker, her entire body began trembling and her hands balled up into fists.
There was a part of Echo that just wanted to melt under his possessiveness. But a deeper part of her, the longing part of her that just craved to be loved came to surface and she realised something... She realised that Loki had been the one lying to her all this time, using her. She really was just his perfect machine, and he would never love her like she did him.
The Avengers were the ones being truthful.
She snapped. And Loki realised it as soon as she grabbed his forearm and forced him to let go of her. She stood up, breathing heavily and Loki knew all this rage was directed at him this time. He knew the best thing was to get out of there, fast.
‘I will always come back for you.’ He snarled at her before vanishing in the blink of an eye.
Clint had seen what happened, as he was in a nearby helicopter still keeping an eye over everything. He saw Echo run off into the mountains on her own after Loki disappeared.
‘Anyone read me?’ He asked over comms.
‘What’s going on?’ Natasha asked.
‘Loki’s gone, without her. She’s ran into the mountains towards the town. Do you still have the serum?’
‘We do. But she won’t let us near her to give her it.’ Natasha said.
‘I don’t need to get near her.’ Clint said confidently.
Echo ran as fast as she could through the mountains, she didn’t know where she was going, all she knew was she had to keep running. She couldn’t stop crying as she ran, she thought she could trust Loki. She really thought she was going to spend her life with him. She felt such a fool for trusting him. She never should have trusted anyone, but she never would trust anyone ever again.
She eventually stopped running when she ended up at the edge of a town. It was a small town and many people had evacuated from the big city to there, to get away from the war.
Echo turned around, snarling as she was faced with Natasha, Tony and Steve.
‘Please, Echo. Let us help you.’ Natasha said calmly as the three of them held their hands up, to show they didn’t have any weapons.
But she was so blinded by her hurt and rage, she just screamed and was about to run at them when she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her neck. She stumbled slightly and reached up to pull out a needle on the end of an arrow that was now empty.
She felt a weird rush of adrenaline through her entire body, it felt like fire and was extremely painful. But thankfully it only lasted a few seconds, then suddenly she felt a calmness wave over her that she had never felt before. Rage was still there, that would only be natural for anyone in her position to have. But she felt under control. Under control of her own body for the first time in a long, long time.
Echo collapsed to her knees in tears, as suddenly the realisation of everything she had done over the years hit her like a ton of bricks. All the innocent people she’d killed, the war she had started.
‘Echo.’ Natasha went towards her.
‘Nat, be careful.’ Steve said.
‘It’s ok.’ Natasha continued towards her and crouched down a few feet from her.
Echo looked up at her, her hands were shaking. But she looked horrified. ‘What have I done?’ She sobbed.
‘It’s ok, Echo. It’s all going to be ok.’ Natasha rushed forward and fell to her knees next to her, holding her. Echo turned into her and cried her eyes out, she wasn’t sure why she was accepting Natasha’s kindness and comfort. But she needed it.
‘I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.’ Echo cried.
‘It’s not your fault, Echo. You’re just as much the victim as everyone else in this. Loki is the villain, not you. You never have been.’ Natasha said as she kept her arms around her.
‘Come on, let’s get back to base before anyone sees us.’ Steve said as he approached them.
Natasha nodded. She helped Echo up to her feet and they headed to the quinjet.
It didn’t take them long to get back, Echo was really scared as she was led by the team into base and taken to a quiet interrogation room. Though she was given a blanket and something to eat and drink. She didn’t eat much, she felt too sick to eat.
Fury had to question her, she answered as honestly as she could. Told them about Loki’s plan to rule the world, that he was just having fun watching everyone blow each other up right now. But his end game was to rule them all.
‘Do you know where he’s gone?’ Fury asked.
Echo shook her head. ‘No… I’m sorry.’ She whispered. ‘But please, you need to destroy me.’ She said with a wobbly lip.
The team looked shocked and looked at one another before back at her.
‘What? Why would we do that?’ Clint asked.
‘I’m too dangerous, if he comes back for me… He said he would. I don’t trust myself if he’s involved. I don’t know what it is, I can’t resist him. Please, just kill me. It would be safer for everyone involved.’
Even Fury was shocked with what she was saying. He pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Echo… I appreciate that you want to do the right thing now, and I understand you’ve been through a lot. But we aren’t going to do that to you. You’re safe now, the serum has worked and will continue to work.’
Natasha nodded in agreement. ‘You’re strong physically. But you’re even stronger mentally. You won’t let him win, I know you won’t.’
Echo shook her head and wiped her eyes. ‘You don’t understand… He has some kind of power over me. I don’t know if I will be able to resist again. Please…’ She whispered.
‘You need some rest. Come on, I’ll show you to where you can sleep.’ Maria said as she motioned for her to go with her.
Echo went with her willingly.
The team all waited until she was out of the room before they spoke again.
‘What do we do?’ Wanda asked.
‘We are not killing her, she doesn’t deserve that.’ Tony said firmly.
‘Of course we’re not. She’s scared, and rightfully so.’ Thor said.
‘We need to find Loki, we need to stop him. And stop this war.’ Said Fury.
‘Nobody knows where he’s gone, he could be anywhere.’ Bruce said as he paced back and fore.
‘That’s why we need to lure him here.’ Vision said, everyone turned to look at him. ‘We all know he will try and get Echo back. She knows it too, that’s why she’s so scared.’
‘We can’t use her as bait.’ Clint argued.
‘He’s going to come for her regardless. If we are prepared, have a trap setup. Then we can get him.’ Fury said.
Clint ran a hand down his face and looked at Natasha. She sighed. ‘They’re right. He’s coming either way, if we are prepared then we can use this to our advantage. Hopefully after some rest, Echo will be thinking more clearly and will help us, instead of wanting to end it all.’
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artlover3659 · 1 year
miles 1016 x reader
⚠️ !warning! ⚠️; not proof read! fluff! maybe a angst? aged up characters is wanted. up to you. put in requests if you want more of this!
i can just imagine that reader and miles are together and gwen is really salty about it. and she hurts y/n.
(y/n can have big dragon wings and a long, strong tail when she wants to, coloured black and baby blue. just so you know that it doesn't confuse you guys when reading)
you were cuddling with your boyfriend miles morales, you ontop of him and him laying front on his back facing the ceiling. you were asleep, not deep asleep just napping.
soon a portal appearers in front of miles face and he opens his eyes to see Gwen visiting him again.
"hey miles!" Gwen says. "hey Gwen." miles replays blankly. mind blank but filled with thoughts of you.
"wow, no 'hey yeah come on in i would love to swing with you'?" she says back to him hands on her hips looking back down at him, not seeing you yet.
"no, i'm good. i'm just chilling with y/n" he says looking down at your sleeping form. patting and stroking your hair.
"wow, ok. well im gonna go swing. you should come with tho." Gwen says getting onto miles bedroom floor.
the portal where Gwen came from closes, and Gwen just stands in the middle of the room staring at you cuddling with miles.
you stirrer at the feeling of being watched. still alseep.
"yeah, you know what? yeah i will come with you Gwen." miles says getting up placing you still on his bed, making sure you stay alseep.
"i don't think y/n will mind" he says stroking your back and holding your hand with his other hand.
"ok! lets go than!" Gwen says loudly clapping her hands.
the both of them go through miles window and start to swing away.
"so! who is she!?" Gwen shouts through the blurring wind passing between her and miles while swinging.
"huh? of her.... she's no body you need to worry about!" miles calls back at Gwen.
"alright! race ya!" Gwen yells back in response.
------time skip-------(with you. y/n)-------
you stirrer awake. reaching for miles's body to cling to, but find nothing but his pillow.
"bebe?" you muffle still waking up.
you rub your eyes while yawning.
"he might just be out for a swing. might as well join him or do some flying on my own." you say to yourself
you stand up in the middle of the room and spread your arms. than, scales black and baby blue cover your body, leaving your clothes untouched.
you strip and put a backpack on your back, filled with clothes and other things. like your phone and water bottle and wallet.
you walk over to the window in miles room, crawling out and hanging out of the window.
you let go of the window sill. and let yourself fall for 5 seconds. you brace your self for flying and wings shoot out of your back, coloured black with baby blue stripes over your wings and over your body, like a tiger's stripes/coat. a long, strong, powerful tail springs out of your butt, connecting to your tailbone. like toothless's tail
you fly around buildings and fly under train platforms above the ground. you keep this up until your flying in front of a brick building.
suddenly your pressed up against the brick wall of the building and some bricks fall out of the wall from the sudden impact. you growl in pain and shock.
you open your eyes to find a spider person coloured with white and black with a hood.
"where did you come from!? why are you here!? what do you want from here!?" the hooded spider person yells at you in your face.
you let out a low growl from the yelling in your sensitive ears and kick her off lightly, but enough to get the person away and off you.
"oww! miles! help me!" the hooded person yells. looking up to the sky
your ears pick up on the name that the hooded person called.
"miles" you say under your breath. "how does she know him?" you whisper to your self as your tilt your head to the right. looking at the person who attacked you earlier, just a few seconds ago.
soon, miles or should I say, spider man swings down to the other spider person.
the spider people talk and the hooded one points at you. your eyes widen as both spider's stare at you.
you get a little too weirded out so you quickly turn and race off flying.
it's not too long after your speed off that both spider people are racing and swinging after you.
"come back here villain! we just want to talk! right spider-man!?" you hear the hooded person yells at you and the other person.
"yeah, sure. Gwen" miles back at her in return.
you stick together that the black and red coloured person, the male sounding spider man is miles. and the white and black person sounding like a female, is Gwen. miles spider friend he talks about here and there.
you start to get worried that miles might start to like Gwen more than you and dump you for her.
while in your mind thinking, you don't notice that Gwen has caught up to you. swinging a string of web onto your left foot or paw you are pulled back out of your thoughts and back to reality.
your swung back and around and stuck to a train surpport beam.
you growl load at the sudden pain and shock and try to get out of the webs.
"so, what should we do to ya?" Gwen says to you.
"let me go maybe!?" you shout back at her in pain and growl as Gwen laughs at your growly and beast like voice.
"maybe we should just let her go Gwen. she hasn't done anything wrong" miles says o Gwen while looking at you with sympathy in his eyes.
"pfft- yeah-not yet!" Gwen scuffs at him.
"well that's rude." you say at her reply.
"oh yeah? what are you gonna do about that? freak!" Gwen yells into your right ear.
"grraaaa! get away from me! my ears!" you growl loudly kicking and getting away from both spider people.
you fly off and get to a roof top, and sit down. cupping and rubbing your ears you growl low from the pain.
"grraaa! such a loud and mean person!" you say loudly to your self. still rubbing your right ear.
you sit peacefully in silence as you watch the birds fly by and watch the last light from the sunset go down.
"hey! come back here beast!" Gwen shouts at you while walking towards you.
"ughh not her again" you swear under your breath
"what do you want from me!? i didn't do anything mean or rude to you or any one else!" you yell back at Gwen turning around to see a couple more spider people. taking you back you stand up.
one with a cool comic looking outline with a guitar hanging around his back. one with brown, wavy hair out of his head and with a Indian ora coming off of him. one with a plain and, is that? a baby carry on? what the? a pregnant lady spider person on a bike.
"hey! we just want to talk!" the spider man with the baby carrier on him calls stepping in front of all the spider people.
your eyes lock onto him. all nerves in your body saying to run or fly away. your out numbered.
"where's miles?" you call.
"and-where's your baby? or do you just keep that on you at all times?" you say at the father looking spider man slowly walking towards you.
"oh-yeah! MAYDAY!" he shouts at the top of his lungs. cupping his mouth.
"graaa! shut up! too loud!" you scream cupping your ears. closing your eyes crouching back down.
"hey! shut up! we are telling you what to do!" Gwen shouts at you stepping towards you.
"wow! not cool Gwen!" the punk looking spider person says to Gwen hands on his hips.
"yeah! not cool Gwen!" the Indian spider man shouts at Gwen.
------- time skip----a couple of minutes of standing your ground, no one moving-----------------------------------------------------------------
"hey guys i'm back! what's happening?" miles finally comes and lands in the middle of both parties.
"what's happening!? she is a villain! miles! take her down!" Gwen yells at him flaying her arms in the air in anger.
"ok, first of all, Gwen. She has done nothing but stand her ground and second-she would have attacked us by now. she seems powerful" the father spider man says turning towards Gwen.
"thanks i guess..." say under your breath to the spider man who defended for you.
"love?" miles calls turning towards you.
your ears pick up and flick in front of your head. standing tall and proud in front of your boyfriend.
"LOVE!? WHAT SO YOUR CHEATING ON ME!? HOW DARE YOU!?" Gwen shouts and yells at miles in anger.
your heart breaks thinking that you were a side chick or a person who was not in place to miles's heart.
"ok, first of all. Gwen. we were never a thing." miles says back at her turning towards her. "second of all, you betrayed me when i liked you." he says to her.
"plus- y/n is the best girlfriend you can ever find and get" miles says turning to you.
your wings disappear and your face becomes readable- more human like. just still with black and baby blue stripes across and around your face.
"thanks bebe" you say to miles as he steps closer to you.
by now Gwen is balling her eyes out. she tries to attack you but you spin around really quickly and smack her with your strong tail. making her fall and crash into the floor/ roof of the building, making a gape or dint in the roof.
"that's for attacking me earlier, and all the shouting in my ears." you say to her crossing your arms across your chest.
miles chuckles while coming closer to you.
he takes off his mask and wraps his arms around your waist. you look up him and he comes in closer to you and you guys kiss.
(all the while Gwen is making chaos and is making a seance. and mayday is back with her dad)
you do become great friends with peter b parker, pav and hobie tho.
and become almost a god mother to mayday, your that close to her😂
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