#fucking tumblr not letting me wrote a real chapter
lana-llama-in-pajamas · 5 months
thick as blood
sweet as milk
chapter 4 (parts seems juvenile)
a few days have passed and you finally cleaned your home, the bathroom was a lot nicer now and yes to Francis's odd dismay your apartment looked like a green house, today was rainy so you stayed in writing thank you letters to your neighbors.
Francis was at his last stop. he walked up the steps of a very nice new home, one of those buy to build homes he's seen on Sears catalogs (look it up, very cool)
he knocked on the door with his foot as he carried more milk than a normal household would use, the door opened via a very pretty woman in a blue polka dot dress and blue sweater "Francis! you got my call" she opened the door wide as he walked passed her placing the jug crate on the counter "you wouldn't believe how many cakes the school is asking of me" she continued following him in filling up a glass of lemonade "isn't your husband a baker?" he asked nodding as he took the drink from her "he's too held up with catering the convention that rolled in" she answered folding her arms standing across from him "but I did want to spring something up on you...we've known each other for a bit would you say?" she asked almost in a whisper. Francis stopped mid sip nodding slowly thinking of the million things she was about to say "right...you know my daughter Amelia" she walked passed him into the living room, Francis followed even more puzzled "she's 15 now no?" "yes" god why was she being so vague? "sit, please" she pointed to her pristine yellow couch "you see my daughter got a cat and as funny as it is now we're sad to say she's deathly allergic" she awkwardly laughed "you don't know anyone who would want one hm?" he stared blankly at her for a moment mentally cursing her for freaking him out "Joan, I don-...actually I do know someone in the need of a companion" Joan's eyes sparkled a little "great! Johnny bring the cat" she called upstairs and a few moments later a little boy still in his pajamas carried down a small kitten in his arms "milkman! your taking my sisters cat?" he asked running over to him, the poor kitten wiggling around as he did so "yes i am" "but cats are for girrrllss ewww" Johnny laughed passing the poor sleepy thing to him
"I'm giving it to a girl, but no cats are for men too." francis pet it gently "my dad says sooo" the little kid huffed "ok back to your room." Joan pulled his ear on the way back to the hallway going into his room coming back moments later with bags and a litter box "toys, litter, litter box, and food. its still too small for solid foods so, a little baby formula warm water and the kibble should be good" she pointed to each bag explaining how it worked before sitting down on the armchair beside couch. “ so we’re giving it to a girl, not to fit the stereotype, but is this lady in another home you deliver to?”Joan snickered slapping his knee, hoping that Francis will get the joke, Francis kind of did , but like everyone else Joan couldn’t read him “ She’s my door lady. She actually saved the building from an dopple attack a few nights ago.”he told Joan inspecting the small fluff ball “oh wow must be an intimidating woman” Joan said imagining a large gruff woman with a killer stare, if Francis could read her mind he would’ve laughed but he continued “she seems the type to have a pet.” He got up carrying the bags and box on his hip heading for the door “thanks for the gift Mrs. Wilde” Joan got up to open the door for him “Yaknow Francis, in old Viking tradition gifting a cat to a woman is a symbol of courtship” she said raising a brow hoping to fluster the brick wall “…I don’t think she’s of Viking origin” he said back making Joan face palm “but that is interesting, you were a mythology major?” He asked placing the items into his truck wrapping the kitten in a jacket before gently placing it in the passenger side “ I was, but you know how it goes. You think you’re going to live a life of independence and then you get married to a baker.” Joan looked at the horizon saying that. Francis looked at her with a softened gaze before she snapped to reality “sorry, I hope she loves the cat, and I hope the goddess freya doesn’t get any ideas haha” Joan turned around fixing her sweater hearing Francis as she got to her door “…..your still a mythology major.” He turned around getting into the truck driving off. Joan still at the entrance, smiling in acknowledgment.
Back at your apartment, the twins were back gossiping to you about model drama you could barely understand while they randomly asked questions about you, “ oh and Eliza got fatter so now we all have to weigh before booking! Can you believe it?? Let the girl eat a little extra cake at her mom’s funeral!” Selenne laughed sipping her tea “oh speaking of, miss mia wants us to help her with the wedding venue! Everyone in the building is invited. ” Elenois shook you a little clearly excited “I forgot they were fiancées, since they live together anyway” you giggled pouring another cup for everyone “ y/n! You didn’t tell us you were a max traditionalist~” Celine pointed at you, smiling “ of course not it’s just since they live together. My brain just automatically thinks that.” You felt a little embarrassed but the twins were known to make people sweat for fun. “ Miss Mia wants to have it during the summertime so we have a long time to prepare.” Sel sat back looking out the window “ good thing she doesn’t want it during the spring. It’s so rainy here.”
Francis knocked at the door the cat meowing, he knew it was hungry so it was a perfect opportunity to teach y/n how to care for it, you opened the door smiling then looking straight at the dramatic kitten meowing loudly “ you found a cat?” You asked getting on your toes to see it closer making Francis die of cuteness on the inside thinking to himself ‘she really did that almost automatically, how adorable’ mentally slapping himself he lowered his hand passing the kitten to her, y/n didn’t know if the cat was tiny or Francis hands were huge because it really fit in the palm of his hand only it’s a little leg spilling out, grab the sweet thing, putting it to your chest “aww poor baby, I bet your hungry” he spoke softly, almost afraid to burst its ear drums with your normal tone, Francis look down at you now getting the picture.
he was attracted to you.
You were smaller than him which every 1950s man wants from a partner and you look beautiful doing everything mundane like if he took a picture at a random moment, you would look like a model no matter what. As if someone directed you in that exact pose. And you dressed nicely. He Longed to see you in more colorful items, just to see your features shine brighter. He stared at you in his mind lovingly
But you looked back up to see the most stern look with furrowed brows “um…did I say something?” you got nervous stoking the cat for comfort “ the cat is hungry but do not feed it milk. That is a myth.” he spoke plainly opening one of the bags putting the food items on the table “ baby formula, warm water, and a little bit of kibble is good for the cat, what will you name it ?” He asked sounding pretty excited about the name part “ maybe we should feed it first and then think of a name” you said leading him into the kitchen with the supplies “hiii francy” the twins waved as he did back before they giggled to themselves “he was absolutely fucking her with his eyes “ selenne pushed her sister’s shoulder whisper yelling “ shutup, that’s so not appropriate!” El covered her mouth, both trying their hardest not to laugh too loud.
You and Francis came back from letting the cat eat sitting on the couch, the twins took the cat from you to pet and prod, “it might scratch” Francis pointed “ let them, I heard prodding pets is a good thing because it makes them more tempered” y/n poured him some tea “you had pets before?” He asked thanking her for the tea “we need to hear some y/n lore” Sel nodded “ I didn’t have pets, but my grandparents did, dogs cows, sheep, wasn’t a farm. It was more like a ranch. My parents live in the city like this one and they never really liked animals” you said studying your tea leaves “ Where is your family?” El asked rubbing the kittens belly “ across the country, I have a cousin who lives here. They are really busy.” You looked out the window at the rain. You didn’t want to tell them the whole truth. “We can understand, it seems everyone in this building has busy lives, aside from the housewives” Francis said ”your right” you nodded “oh have you heard about the wedding?” El asked Francis “no, wedding? You two are getting married?” He asked a little frantic “no no we’re not throwing out our careers yet. Mia’s and Dr. aftons wedding!” Selenne rolled her eyes “oh, yes the doctor asked me to be in the grooms party, I think his bachelor party will be at the bowling alley” "yeah sounds like Dr. afton" Sel sighed "mia still doesnt know what she wants, but she does wanna vote so we all have fun!" El smiled surveying the room, francis was staring at his tea cup but you were in the conversation completely "anyway we forgot we have a alot of calls to make love ya bye" she placed the kitten in your hands before pulling her sister out of the apartment "lets give the love birds forced time alone" she whispered to her twin closing the door behind them
"odd" francis glanced at the door
"yeah, hope everythings ok" you sighed looking down at the cat as he stared at you
“Name?” Francis asked clearing his throat “no idea…I’ll think about it” you placed the kitten on the couch as it played with the tassels on the pillow “well, I’m going to head home, tell me when you name her, I’m excited to know” he said you got up and smiled walking him to the door “of course Francis, thank you for the gift” you blushed opening the door hoping for anything “Yaknow I heard that a man giving their loved one a cat is a proposal in Norse mythology” he said grabbing your hand and kissing it “but neither of us are of Viking blood I don’t think ” (sorry if you are) he walked to his door and you stared holding your hand kissing it softly to feel his lips in spirit
A few weeks had passed and you were on a late shift again. The cat followed you around the building so in turn she now had a bed in the office, it 9pm and you had to wait for 5 of the residents to come home late from a press party
Natasha was in the office playing with the cat “do you have a name for her yet?” She asked making it chase a mouse on a string “no…suggestions?” You pulled out a list of names residents have considered passing it to the little girl “hm..” she wrote a few names even her own “…no Natasha” you said crossing out hers, she shrugged and went back to the cat, time passed and you got a little worried turning on the radio, the twins giving you which channel had the convention/press party coverage. You listened in, and rolled your eyes at the sounds of officials and other higher ups giving empty speeches, a knock at the door made you jump looking up to see natcha with her arms folded staring at her daughter “so. This is what you do at bedtime now? I thought I had more time before you started sneaking out” she held her temple sighing you got up feeling guilty for not even asking Natasha if she even asked her mom to be with you “I’m sorry I just assumed since it’s Friday um, I should have called you ma’am” you looked down seeing natcha look back at you with the ‘mom look’ “no don’t apologize, I should have checked on her earlier but I was busy cleaning, Natasha. Room. Now. And I’m taking your record player tomorrow” she said it so calmly, no yelling just a sweet calm yet stern tone “aww mom!! I’m gonna be bored all day!” Natasha folded her arms pouting “ too bad so sad. Up.” She pointed out the door and Natasha walked still pouting “so sorry you had to see punish my child y/n” natcha said fixing her house coat “no no don’t worry about, I just wish my parents were as calm as you are” you smiled seeing another resident walk over, Francis looked over “something happen?” He asked standing near natcha at the doorway, you could see her side step to not touch him. Her face contorting slightly but fixing itself “Natasha sneaked out to play with the cat n the doorman” she said side eyeing him “nat? Sneaking out? She’s 11” he said just kind of knowing? You felt your stomach drop a bit…hoping they couldn’t tell “she’s 12 in a week.” Natcha stated before walking off “goodnight everyone.” She went back to her sweet tone, there it was. The way he turned to look at her, it shot you in the heart a bit “your still working?” He asked walking in, the cat rubbing against him purring “a few of the residents are still not here, neither is the night shift” you looked away from him with a sour look on your face, you felt so stupid. You two were not a thing and also haven’t even kissed yet and here you are assuming a broken family and getting jealous of a woman who’s only ever shown you kindness not to mention fed you. Francis could tell you were reeling from something but didn’t know how to approach “…I can make you a coffee, I got donuts from a friend today” he walked over placing his hand on your arm “you look tired” his warm hand and gravily voice from just waking up made you feel better yet worse, “your one to talk” you smiled trying to let go “so mean” he let go “ I’ll be back” he walked off, you watching the way he moved Lowkey checking the sway of his ass but quickly looking away. The cat sat at the desk ‘listening’ to the radio with you as you gave it scritches “what about Lucy? Mimi? Tiger?” You read off the list of names to the feline hoping it would give some type of approval but you were sure if it nodded you would scream. Francis came back placing a coffee and a muffin and donut “pick” he said pointing, you grabbed his hand pointing it to the chocolate muffin “ I don’t want to be up all night via sugar and coffee” you smiled taking a bit “thank you” you covered your mouth he hummed taking the donut kissing your head before walking out. God you want to fly and throw yourself out a window at the same time, two people walked in, the pilots. Both disfigured and grotesque slamming the papers against the window making you jump “let us in. Miss door man.” One said somehow with a stitched mouth “eat my ass.” You said back making the younger one angry trying to get to you through the paper hole. Fuck I ran out of spa
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Yearling - Ch. 35: Answers
You leave Jackson to find your daughters. A continuation of Yearling ch. 1-34 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only 
Length: 5.4k
A/N: We are into the final arc of Yearling and we are going to see some TLOU 2 OVERLAP again. There isn't any this chapter but there will be in this arc and here's how: a character from that game will be mentioned as will the spoiler-y incident from a few chapters ago. What happens plot wise in this arc is completely separate from the game and entirely original content BUT there is that character overlap and more specific mentions of the incident and the motives behind it. If you're trying to go in blind to season 2, it might be wise to step back. Feel free to send me a DM, I'm happy to answer any and all questions!
AO3 | Chapter One | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
It was hard not to panic when the world was ending. 
You’d lived through it enough by now, you thought you’d get used to it. 
You never did. 
“Who has them, Kyle?” You asked, holding the boy’s shoulders, searching his eyes. He was still panting for breath, still looking terrified. “I need you to focus, who has them.” 
“That man, the one who was here a few months ago but left,” he said. “I can’t… He gave me so much to remember and I can’t…” 
“Cody?” You asked quickly, even though you knew you were right, your chest tight. “Does that sound right?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded quickly. “Yes, Cody, it was Cody, he has them. He sent me here, to find you. He told me to bring you and just you back, said if we came with anyone else he’d kill them. I’m so sorry, Mrs. Miller, I was just trying to help, I swear…” 
Your head spun but you didn’t have time to try to calm yourself down or even come up with a fucking plan. 
“Did he say why?” You asked, leaving the teenager hovering in your doorway as you went to your kitchen. You found a notebook and ripped a piece of paper out of it, the pen hovering over it for a moment. Like once you wrote what was going to happen there was no turning back. 
“He said you owed him,” he said. “And he that he would collect with them if it wasn’t with you. He said you’d know what that meant.” 
You held the pen a little tighter. You did know what he meant and you knew the kind of man Cody was, what he would take if you let him. 
You couldn’t let him. 
“Kyle, go in the closet by the front door,” you said, wondering how your voice wasn’t shaking. “There’s my patrol pack in there, it has my flashlight, my axe and my knife. Get them.” 
It wasn’t going to be enough but you didn’t have guns in the house and getting one would require talking to someone else, something you couldn’t risk, not when it was Savvy and Ellie on the line. You’d have to make do.
You tried to think of what to say to Joel, the man you loved more than you ever thought it was possible to love someone like that. How did you say goodbye to someone who meant that much to you when you didn’t want to leave? 
You did the best you could, signing your name - your real one - for the first time since you’d married Joel. 
“Found them,” Kyle said as you folded the paper in half and wrote Joel’s name on one side of it, leaving the note leaning against the flowers that he had picked for you before leaving town. You looked around the kitchen, at the spot on the counter where you perched as your husband cooked for you and the table where you sat with him and took a deep breath, hoping you’d see it all again. 
“You know where to go, right?” You asked. 
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I memorized it.” 
“OK,” you said, clipping your knife to your belt, thankful that you’d just fallen asleep fully clothed so you didn’t have to stop to get dressed. You were in one of Joel’s shirts. You always were, when he was outside Jackson, when he promised to come home to you. “Lead the way.” 
You followed Kyle through the dark, quiet town. Even the Tipsy Bison was silent and you realized you weren’t sure what time it was but it had to be late, at least 3 a.m. 
“We’ll have to sneak out,” Kyle said, his voice low. “It’s what we did when…” 
You couldn’t think about it. 
“Show me.” 
There was an area of the fence, covered by a woodpile and not far from the schoolhouse, that easily pried apart, leaving enough room for a person to slip outside. 
Kyle climbed through first and held it for you to follow before the two of you scrambled for the nearest tree line, hoping that you made it out of town unnoticed. 
“How far?” You asked, looking back over your shoulder, your heart pounding. 
“Three hours, I think,” he said. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Miller…” 
“Tell me all of it,” you said, ignoring his apology. It didn’t matter now. “I need to know what we’re walking into.” 
It made so much sense when he laid it out for you. 
Savvy and Ellie had snuck out of Jackson the first night Joel was gone, the friends they were hanging out with apparently slipping out regularly. They stashed some pot outside the walls and liked to go sit and smoke when they thought they wouldn’t get into trouble, where they felt like they had some freedom. It was so typical of teenagers, it was almost funny. That even in the apocalypse, in a place like Jackson, the children found ways to rebel. Kyle and Savvy had wandered off from the group. They didn’t go far, just far enough that they felt like they had some privacy. Kyle wanted to ask her to the dance that was happening in a few weeks. 
That’s where they ran into Cody. 
He’d been nice, at first. Asking after Jackson, how things had been there. How he was thinking about trying to come back. He asked for information, enough that Savvy was starting to feel skeptical. 
And then Ellie found them. 
Ellie was worried, thinking that Savvy had been off on her own with a boy a little too long, and set off to find them. But she’d snapped when she saw Cody. She was a smart girl, she didn’t leave Jackson unarmed and she put her knife to Cody’s throat. 
He’d just smiled, something in his eyes that made Kyle uneasy, more uneasy than Ellie’s knife did. 
“Should fucking kill you right now,” Ellie had said, getting in his face. “Joel never should have let you live, I don’t give a fuck what she says…” 
“Ellie!” Savvy tried to go for her but Kyle stopped her, catching her around her waist and holding her back. “You can’t just kill him, he hasn’t done anything!” 
“Should listen to your sister, little girl,” Cody smirked. “I don’t come back, there’s a whole new set of problems for that perfect little town of yours.” 
“Fuck you,” Ellie spat. 
“You that serious?” He asked. “Come and get me. Tomorrow night. Bring your mom.” He’d looked at Savvy in a way that made Kyle feel sick. “And get your sister on board. Something tells me she might not know the real reason I left Jackson.” 
Cody walked away then, Ellie’s grip still tight on the knife for a minute before she put an arm around Savvy and stalked back off toward town. Kyle couldn’t hear what they were saying. 
When they made it back as dawn was on the horizon, he still wasn’t sure what set Ellie off. He wasn’t sure when Ellie and Savvy came to him the next afternoon, either, to ask him to go with them to find Cody that night. 
“I want to have the upper hand,” Ellie had said. “And you already know about him.” 
Savvy looked different then, something set and angry on her face. Kyle tried to ask her what was wrong but she wouldn’t tell him. He just went along with their plan, Ellie and Savvy out for Cody’s blood and Kyle wanting to keep the girl he was starting to fall for safe. 
But they made a mistake. 
They were outnumbered from the start, Cody bringing a dozen men to capture them. Ellie killed one as Kyle tried to run with Savvy but they failed. 
“Thought I told you to bring your mom,” Cody had said. “But that’s OK. Sure we can work something out.” 
He hauled the three of them away, walking a few hours into the forest, before sending Kyle back to Jackson to get you.
It explained so much of what had happened over the last day. The cagey way Ellie and Savvy were talking in the mess hall, the way Savvy had hugged you - Ellie had to have told her something - like she hadn’t in months, the odd way they were acting when you checked on them that night. 
“How many men were there?” You asked. 
“A lot,” Kyle said. “I don’t know for sure. At least 12 to grab us, we met up with probably another dozen or so after that…” 
“Right,” you said, your heart clenching. You weren’t making it out of this. You tried to resign yourself to that, that the best you could hope for right now was getting the kids out in one piece. “Did he say what he wanted?” 
“Besides you?” Kyle asked. “No. I’m sorry, Mrs. Miller…” 
“It’s OK,” you said, trying to keep him calm. “You did your best, you stayed alive, that’s the important thing.” 
The two of you walked in silence for a while, your heart pounding the whole time. You focused on getting to the girls. That’s all that mattered. You tried not to think about what was waiting for you on the other side of it. 
“When we find them, let me do the talking,” you said as the sunrise tinted the horizon red. “And stay behind me. If you see a chance to get Savvy or Ellie away, do it. Otherwise, do what I tell you.” 
“Yes ma’am,” he said, a tremble in his voice. “I’m really sorry, Mrs. Miller, I didn’t mean…” 
“I know,” you said quietly. “Just get them home.” 
You caught a glimpse of someone moving in the woods then, just on the edge of your vision, your head whipping around to track the motion on instinct. It was baked into you still, moving through the forest alone, being on guard, knowing when you were being watched. You’d survived most of your life that way and years in Jackson hadn’t pulled it out of you. The second you realized it was a man and not an animal, you adjusted your grip on your axe with one hand and reached behind you with the other, shifting your body so you were between Kyle and the man. 
It took you half a second to place his familiar face, one of Mitchum’s henchmen who was low enough that he wasn’t allowed to touch you, a slow smirk spreading over his face. 
“Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he emerged from a fern and gave a long, low whistle. “Mitchum’s been lookin’ for you.” 
“Bet he’s been lookin’ for you, too,” your hold on the axe tightened. You wanted to kill him but you couldn’t, not when you didn’t know where Ellie and Savvy were. “Unless you’re still his little bitch. But I don’t think he took too kindly to you taking off on him to serve some other asshole.” 
“You always did have a mouth on you,” he said, trees and brush at your back starting to rustle. “But look where that got you.” 
“And you were up his ass for how long?” You asked. “Where’d that get you, exactly?” 
His eyes narrowed and you tracked where you were hearing movement around you, the sound drawing closer. Kyle’s shaky hand grabbed at your bicep. 
“Don’t think the boss would be too happy with you picking a fight with our biggest commodity,” a man said from behind you. Kyle gasped and you felt him jump but you kept your  eyes on the first man. “You know what he wants with her.” 
“And what’s that, exactly?” You called over your shoulder, still tracking where Kyle was with your unoccupied hand. 
“Leverage, of course,” the man came around to the front of you, smirking just like his friend. You didn’t recognize him. “Mitchum has the biggest operation around these parts and you, it seems, are the only thing he wants that he doesn’t have. Give him you on a silver platter? We get first pick of new territory.” 
He looked you up and down in a way that reminded you of inspecting livestock. Your stomach turned.
“Don’t really see what all the fuss is about but,” he shrugged. “Don’t really give a shit.” 
“You got my girls?” You asked, cutting to the chase. 
His smile grew. 
“So the boss was right,” he shook his head a little. “You women, so predictable…” 
“If they’re not in one piece, I got no reason to leave you two idiots alive,” you snapped, losing your patience. You needed to see your daughters and you needed to see them now. “So if you don’t want my axe in your goddamn chest, you’re gonna take me to them right fucking now.” 
He licked his lips. 
“Might get the fuss a little more now,” he said, stepping close to you. He knew he had you, knew that you wouldn’t do anything that would risk Savvy or Ellie. “Gonna need that axe and knife and anything else you got on you or the boy. Then we’ll see if we can’t find your girls.” 
You narrowed your eyes but surrendered your weapons anyway. 
“Mrs. Miller…” Kyle whispered but you shushed him. 
“I’ll keep you safe,” you glanced behind you toward him. “Stay calm and do what they tell you.” 
You turned your attention back to the men in front of you, more emerging from the trees now. 
“If you’ve hurt either of them, you have no idea the shit storm you just brought down on your heads.” 
“Not much of a threat without your little toys,” he looked them over. “Something tells me we can take you just fine unarmed.” 
“Cody tell you what I did to the men who tried to catch me last time I got out?” You asked, brows raised. For half a moment, there was a flash of concern on the first man’s face. You nodded to him. “He knows. Take me to my girls before you find out first hand.” 
The second man quirked his jaw before jerking his head in the direction you’d been walking. 
“Keep up.” 
You only needed to follow them another 15 minutes or so, your heart pounding the whole time. Eventually, you came upon a clearing, a fire dying at the center of it with Cody standing right behind it, watching you approach with a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“Hey there baby doll,” he said, prowling around the fire to meet you. “You don’t look too happy to see me.” 
“Where are my daughters.” 
He ignored you, like you hadn’t spoken at all. 
“You’d think that, after last time, you’d learn…” 
“Where are my daughters.” 
“…that you should at least pretend to be grateful when you see me…” 
Your patience was gone. If he didn’t have Ellie and Savvy, there was no point to this. No point to his game, no point to trying to make it out alive. You needed to see them and you needed to see them now. 
The man at your left had a handgun in a holster on his right, one he wasn’t paying close attention to, his hands on his rifle that was strapped across his body. You, on the other hand, had paid attention. 
You went for the gun, moving fast enough that he didn’t know what was happening until he felt the tug of you pulling the weapon from his side, turning to face you with a frown on his face after you freed the revolver, pulling the hammer back as you raised it and pulled the trigger. He dropped, Kyle screaming in shock at your back, and you turned the gun on Cody, pulling the hammer back again. 
You could feel every gun and eye turn to you as you fought to control your breathing, the sound of birds taking flight the only sound beyond the echo of the gunshot and your scream. But you knew they wouldn’t shoot you, not when you were apparently so valuable to their boss and their boss was still breathing. And if they were smart, the wouldn’t hurt Savvy or Ellie, either.
“You know you wouldn’t make it out of here alive,” Cody said, stepping closer, until the barrel of the gun was in his chest. 
“You think that matters if they’re gone?” You asked, brows raised. “If you killed them, all that matters is that I kill as many of you as I can before you take me down and I’m a damn good shot. So. Give me my daughters or another one of these fuckers dies.” 
He gave you a cocky smirk and whistled. There was rustling somewhere you couldn’t see but, after a moment, three men brought out Savvy and Ellie, bound and gagged. You clenched your jaw but stayed still, eyes ranging over them as quickly as you could, looking for all signs of injury. They were still dressed, a good sign. Ellie had a cut at her forehead, Savvy had a bloody bandage at her arm. You clenched your fist on the revolver. 
“See?” Cody said. “All in one piece. Now, hand over the gun before we have to change that.” 
Ellie’s eyes went wide and she shook her head at you, frantic, but you ignored her.
“Untie them,” you said, gun still in his chest. 
“Gonna need a little more incentive than that,” he said. “I know how you are with people who do you favors…” 
“Untie them,” you said again, pulling your eyes away from the girls to meet his. “Let me talk to them, make sure they’re OK, then let them go with their friend. And I mean let them go, your men stay where I can fuckin’ see ‘em. You do that? I’ll do whatever you want.” 
“Whatever I want?” He asked, looking you up and down. 
Your stomach turned. 
“You heard me,” you spat. 
He mulled it over for a second before smiling, cocky. 
“Deal,” he said, jerking his head toward one of his men. They moved to untie Savvy and Ellie. “I’ll take that gun now.” 
You lowered the weapon and turned it around in your hand before holding it out to him, handle first. He took it. 
“Good as you are, don’t know if I ever thought your pussy was worth all the fuss Mitchum made over you,” he said, handing the gun to one of his henchmen. “But damn if it ain’t fun to watch you break.” 
“Mom!” Savvy was freed first, running for you and throwing her arms around your neck. You clutched onto her, clinging to her, breathing in the scent of her, floral with a hint of apple and hay and gunpowder. “I’m so sorry, Mom, I’m so sorry…” 
“It’s OK,” your voice was thick and you tried to focus on how she felt in your arms so you could hold onto that memory before stepping back from her. “Are you OK? They touch you?” 
“I’m fine,” she sniffed. “They got my arm a little but…” 
“They haven’t touched you since you’ve been here?” You asked, brows raised. “No one’s hurt you or…” 
“No,” she shook her head. “No, they tied us up but they haven’t done anything.” 
“Good,” you nodded, brushing her thick curls back from her forehead. “That’s good.” 
Ellie approached you cautiously, like she was waiting for you to yell at her but you didn’t. You didn’t even want to, there was no point to it. Instead, you pulled her into your arms and held her tight as she pressed her face into your shoulder. You tried to remember her, too, the daughter who came into your life so late and that you desperately wanted more time with. 
“I’m sorry,” she said, voice thick and wet. “I thought I could handle it, I thought…” 
“S’OK,” you said, stepping back from her and looking her over, too. Her lip was split and the blood at her forehead was dried, the cut there scabbing over. “Ellie, I need you to listen to me. You’re in charge, OK? You’re going to get Savvy and Kyle back to Jackson…” 
“But -”
“No,” you said, harsher than you really meant. “This ain’t a discussion, this is me telling you what you’re going to do, do you understand me.” 
“I can’t just leave you here!” Her eyes were wide and desperate and you forced yourself to be calm. 
“Yes, you can,” you said, taking her by the shoulders. “Ellie, the most important thing you can do right now is take care of your sister, do you understand me?” She nodded. “You get her and Kyle back to town. You’ve patrolled, you know how to do it safely. Get them there. That’s your job, they are your responsibility. Promise me you’ll get them home.” 
She looked like she wanted to argue but you held her tighter. 
“Ellie,” you said. “Promise me.” 
“Promise me!” You yelled it, loud enough that you saw Savvy flinch out of the corner of your eye. 
“I promise,” she said, crying now. 
It was like a weight lifted. You knew it was hours back to Jackson but, if Ellie actually kept her word, they’d make it. They would be safe. That was all that mattered. 
“Thank you,” you pulled her in for another hug, kissing her cheek as you did. “I love you so much. Take care of yourself and your dad for me, OK?” 
“I love you too,” she breathed. 
You gave her a final squeeze and went for Savvy who was fighting back tears. 
“Mom,” her voice was thick and wet. “I can’t…” 
“Yes, you can,” you said gently. “Go with Ellie, do what she tells you and you’ll get back safe. Listen to Joel, stick with school, find your place in Jackson. Have a good life, OK?” 
She shook her head. 
“I don’t want to do it without you,” she’d given up on not crying now. “I tried to before and I don’t want that, you need to be there, Mom, I need you, I…” 
“Savvy,” you said, holding her face in your hands, brushing her tear-streaked cheeks with your thumbs. “Everything I’ve done for as long as you’ve been mine has been for you but you don’t need me now. You’re all that matters. You get back safe, you have a good life with people you love. You do that and I’ll have done everything I needed to do. So give me that, OK?” 
You didn’t give her a chance to reply, just pulling her in close and holding her there, kissing her cheek as you did. 
“I love you so much, baby girl,” you whispered. 
“I love you, too,” she said. 
You stepped back and looked at them for a moment before casting a glance at Cody. 
“They need weapons.” 
“That wasn’t part of the deal.” 
You rounded on him. 
“Give them weapons,” you said through clenched teeth. “Or I’ll kill as many of your men as I can between here and Mitchum.” 
He smirked a little before jerking his head in the direction of one of his men. They surrendered knives you recognized - ones you were sure Ellie and Savvy had come here with - and your axe. 
“Better get going,” Cody said. “Before I change my mind.” 
You just nodded and watched them go, Ellie and Savvy looking back at you as long as they could, Ellie pulling Savvy along side her as they went. You kept looking at the place where they’d been long after you couldn’t see them anymore. 
“Alright Doll,” Cody said eventually, stepping forward with cuffs in his hands. “Wrists together. Not about to risk you changing your mind on that deal. You’re a little too valuable and it’s time for me to cash in.” 
Tommy sounded desperate. Joel ignored him. 
“You can’t just take off…” 
Tommy’s hand came to Joel’s shoulder but he ripped it off, rounding on his brother, moving quickly and decisively and backing the younger, smaller man into a building. 
“You tryin’ to tell me I can’t protect my family?” Joel towered over him. “You gonna try and stop me?” 
“Can’t do shit for them if you run out there hot headed,” Tommy said, his eyes darting over Joel’s face, like he was watching a wild animal. “You can’t help them if you’re dead, you need to wait, you need a plan…” 
“I have a fuckin’ plan!” He didn’t have time for this. “Get my girls back. Don’t try to fuckin’ stop me.” 
“Joel,” Maria’s voice was behind him, calm and collected. He turned to face her, ready to go through her, too, if he had to. “We have everyone out looking for them, there are no fresh horses because we sent everyone we had as soon as we could. We’re looking for their trail but they could be anywhere. Wait until we have people back to go with you, wait until we know where they went. If you run off now, you’re only going to make it worse. You’ll waste time. Give it a few hours, Joel.” 
“A few hours?” He bit out. “You want me to sit here for a few fuckin’ hours while that monster has my wife and kids? Expect me to let him hurt them for hours while I fuckin’ wait?” 
Maria didn’t have a chance to respond, the sound of chaos at the gate sending the three of them running for it. 
Joel reached it just as three horses rode up. It took him a moment to realize they each carried more than one rider. His heart pounded. For one second - a glorious, peaceful second - he thought everything was going to be OK. That they’d found you and the girls before anything bad happened, that he was going to be able to hold the three of you close and never let you go again. 
And then he realized that you weren’t there. That you’d gotten the children you shared with him back but you hadn’t made it. 
“Joel!” Ellie jumped off her horse before it had fully stopped. “Joel, he has Bambi, we have to go get her, we have to.” 
She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him and he could feel her taking shaky breaths. 
“It’s OK Baby Girl,” he said, holding her close. “I’ve got you, you’re OK.” 
“We have to go get her,” Ellie said again, frantic as she pulled back from him. “We have to.” 
Joel, Tommy and Maria led the girls and a trembling Kyle to the clinic. Ellie and Savvy didn’t wait for the doctor to be done looking them over as they sat beside each other on the exam table, the story spilling out of them quickly. How they’d lied to you and snuck out of Jackson the first night he was gone. How they’d run into Cody in the woods. How Ellie threatened to kill him and Savvy didn’t understand why. How he told them to come back the next night with you. How Ellie had told Savvy everything she knew about what happened to you. How Savvy wanted to leave then and there to take care of it and Ellie had to make her wait, confident that they could handle him. How Ellie had killed men like him before, how she was sure she could do it again. How they got help from Kyle to be sure. How it had all gone to shit the second they were too far from Jackson to get help. How you’d come for them, how you’d sacrificed yourself to get the three of them out safely. 
How Joel knew that’s exactly what you would do. 
Because of course you would. It was exactly what he would have done. How would you have done anything else? 
“We need to get her back, Joel,” Savvy was crying, pleading. “We can’t leave her there with him, we can’t, please…” 
Joel looked between the two of them. He wanted to scream. He wanted to ask why. Why had they snuck out? Why had they tried to take matters into their own hands? Why had they put themselves in such danger? Didn’t they know, if they failed, you’d have no choice? That you would do anything for them? That he would, too? 
But yelling and questioning wouldn’t do any good. What was done was done. Taking his fear out on them would only make shit worse.
“I’m gonna get her back, Baby Girl,” Joel said. “I’m gonna bring her home.” 
He turned and gave Tommy a look, half begging for help, half daring him to stop him. Tommy just squared his jaw and gave him a single, firm nod. Joe returned it and the went to leave, but Ellie stopped them, catching them on the porch of the clinic. 
“I’m coming, too.” 
“No,” Joel shook his head. “No, you’re stayin’ here…” 
“No,” she said sharply, a fierce look in her eyes. “I’m going. I can help, I know…” 
“It don’t matter,” Joel cut her off. “Not putting you at risk…” 
“I don’t care about the risk!” She snapped. “You can’t just expect me to sit here on my ass while she’s out there…”
“You think she’d want you gettin’ hurt for her?” Joel grabbed Ellie by the shoulders and held her tighter than he should. “She took care of you by…” 
“By cleaning up a fucking mess I made!” She yelled before closing her eyes for a moment, a single tear slipping down her cheek. She took a deep, centering breath before opening her eyes again, voice calmer now. “I never had parents, Joel. I never had anyone who loved me like that until you and then she showed up and she didn’t have any fucking reason to care about me like that but she did. She’s my mom and I got her hurt because I tried to handle shit on my own. I’m not handling it on my own now, I’m handling it with you. I know what you’re capable of. I know what you’re going to do. I’m telling you that I don’t want to be here when you do it, I want to be with you. I want to get her back and I want to make him fucking pay and I can’t do that from Jackson. So are you going to let me come with you or are you going to make me sneak out and try to handle this shit on my own again?” 
Joel looked to his brother. He’d done shit like this more times than he cared to count but only twice with stakes as high as this. Every time, it was either alone or with Tommy at his side. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do what he normally did with Ellie there. He’d be worrying about her, watching for her, protecting her. 
But they were out numbered and Ellie was a strong rider who was smart and good with a gun. 
“She’s an adult, Joel,” Tommy said hesitantly. Joel could see in his eyes that he was thinking about William, if he would let his son do something so reckless if he had any say. “And she does a good job on patrol.” 
Joel took a deep breath. 
“You gotta listen,” he said. Ellie was already nodding quickly. “Do what I say so I can keep us all safe. I tell you to get back to Jackson, you do it. If you’re a liability out there, you’re makin’ things worse for her, not better. Got it?” 
“Repeat it.” 
“What you say goes,” she said, watching him closely. “I won’t fuck up, Dad. I promise.” 
In another time, another place, Joel’s heart would have soared in that moment. Just knowing that Ellie saw him the same way he saw her made him feel complete in a way he didn’t realize he was missing. 
But he wasn’t able to enjoy it. There was another vital piece of him that was gone, one he was going to get back if it was the last thing he ever did. 
“OK,” he said, looking at Ellie. “Let’s go get your mom.” 
Next Chapter
A/N: Figured we'd kick off the more feral part of this fic with some Feral!Bambi. Don't worry, Feral!Joel fans, he's up next ❤️ As always, thank you so so much for reading and for sticking it out with this fic! I know it's been a long one. I'm glad you're still here. Love you!
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tinyywriterr · 5 months
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{Nanami + Toji + POC Reader}
∘°∘♡∘°∘𝓒𝓗𝓐𝓟𝓣𝓔𝓡 𝓣𝓔𝓝 ~ 𝓡𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓓 𝓣𝓦𝓞∘°∘♡∘°∘
⟿ Song to Go with the Chapter: Cockiness (Love It) by Rihanna AND OR Lollipop by Lil Wayne [Nanami + Toji + Reader theme song for this chapter] {both of these songs use to be my jam as a kid 2000 kids STAND UP}
⟿ Word Count: 5,200 +
⟿ Toji + Reader short smut scene | Nanami + Reader smut scene & Toji watches | plot building + dialogue
⟿ Summary: A couple hours later you’re ready for round 2 not knowing what you’d get yourself into. Once you were asleep Nanami asks Toji a random question that might change a lot for everyone involved. Will Toji accept? And will you be okay with the decisions being made behind your back?
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: contains smut, pet names, the use of every hole, cream pie, fingering, oral sex, dom/sub, soft dom vs semi hard dom, threesomes, light BDSM, fem reader, black fem reader/you, and etc. [please don’t read if easily triggered or not 18 +]
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: 18+ please & please don’t copy and paste my story anywhere else. This chapter is slightly shorter than the last chapter sadly but I hope the smut makes up for it. ANYWAYS, this is my first tumblr fic so if you leave a heart, reblog, or comment it’s greatly appreciated! If there are any errors I am open to anyone correcting me in the comments, leaving feedback, or dming me. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did when I wrote this!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
You open your eyes slowly looking around as you do. You look to your left and right and see the two big men lying next to you. They opted to put their boxers back on but you’re still naked sandwiched between the two of them. Not wanting to move you just look at Nanami who’s sleeping peacefully while hugging on your waist and one leg hooked around your leg. Toji has his arm around your neck and another in your hair playing with it as he’s awake. 'Fuck, I forgot my bonnet!' You think to yourself slightly frustrated at how you keep forgetting.
“Finally up I’m itching to smoke one,” Toji complains while rubbing his temples now. You chuckle softly before fully sitting up and moving Nanami’s limbs slowly so as to not disturb him. You scoop down and throw your dress back on; it’s a long one touching the floor made of cotton, solid black, and strapless.
“Come upstairs we can smoke one real quick before Kento wakes up.” You whisper trying not to overuse your voice as it was hoarse all because of Toji. You walk out of the room beginning to walk upstairs and you feel Toji staring you down as he follows closely behind you. You get to your shared room with Nanami and swing the door open. You waltz to the bathroom to freshen up really quickly since everyone’s juices are dry on your body. You wet a rag as you pull your dress up over your butt and wipe yourself up recounting the fun morning you’ve had so far.
‘Who says it has to stop here,’ you think devilishly to yourself before walking back out. Toji’s sitting on your bed now and looking around your room examining it; making sure to take in every detail.
“You like to decorate or clutter a space but it’s cute,” he blurts out as you sit next to him. You lean over to your bedside table and open the vintage cigarette dispenser, Toji raises an eyebrow. “Now I need one of those.” He points out as you hand him a cigarette. He pops it in his mouth and you light it for him loving the intimacy between the two of you.
‘I wonder if Ken would be okay if I asked for a second boyfriend. Toji would be a great addition,’ you think to yourself as you put the cigarette between your lips.
“Let me light that for you,” Toji suggests grabbing the lighter not really waiting for a response, and lighting your cigarette.
You take a long drag and smile as you exhale; “I had fun with you today. I'd hate for it to end.~” You tease lustfully while leaning on his shoulder which makes him tense up slightly. You look up at him and he’s blushing softly trying to just smoke his cigarette.
“How did you know I liked you?” Toji inquires taking another long drag and exhaling just as quickly.
“You turned down Angel, practically melted when I gave you a lap dance, and lastly you couldn’t keep your eyes off me all night whenever I was working. Same as Kento,” you explain in between a couple of puffs of your cigarette. Toji looks at you flabbergasted as he didn’t think you’d notice.
“I uh, can’t deny you’re beautiful and I’d do anything to protect you. But I’ve been wanting to tell you that I um, have a son,” Toji explains trying not to look at you until you force him to by grabbing his face.
“I don’t care if you have a kid or kids Toji. I bet you’re an amazing dad, what’s his name anyway? What’s he like?” You ask sincerely turning your full attention to him.
“Well, his name is Megumi. He’s a smart kid, but quiet not as loud as me. He is a good mixture of me and my ex. I’ve finally been able to get him into a private school and he’s made some friends like Yuji and Nobara. I haven’t always been a good guy or a great father at that. I used to be a hitman for a crime boss named Ryomen, Sukuna. I was just doing it for the money and because I was good at it. I wasn’t able to keep my kid while I was doing it which ruined our relationship and he’s somewhat wary of me now. Mainly because I’d come and go a lot sometimes coming home hurt no kid should go through that so I sent him to his mom. Also, I felt I was losing myself just wanting money and enjoying the killing I was doing so I decided to stop. I was gambling a lot and for a while, once I quit but then I met Nanami. It was a random day at a boujee club I had no business being at just gambling money away and getting drunk as all hell. Nanami offered me a job to be his on-hire bodyguard whenever he needed or for whoever. It’s really helped with getting on the right track and beginning to be able to provide for my son.” Toji recounts heaving a sigh as he finishes venting along with his cigarette putting it out and passing it to you. You turn to put the cigarette butt away in the ashtray and smile at him as you turn back around holding his hand with your free hand.
“You did what you thought was right, even if it wasn’t. People will do a lot in order to know their family is okay and financially taken care of. I’m glad you met Kento when you did and were able to get back on the right track. I bet your ex and Megumi are happy that you’ve elevated yourself,” you say reassuringly rubbing the back of his hand now. You turn to put your cigarette out and to toss it into the ashtray but as you turn back Toji is inches away from you now.
“I haven’t opened up to anyone like that, before. You bring out the soft side in me no one’s been able to do that besides my ex and my kid,” Toji explains looking at your lips as he starts to bite his. You lean in closer and so does he so soon enough your lips collide. Toji is rough, full of desire, but it still has a hint of love behind it. Both of you kiss each other feverishly exploring each others lips trying to memorize every movement. Toji pulls away biting your lip as he softly places his hand behind your head. Once apart you look into each others eyes searching for answers. “You’re an amazing kisser and lover,” Toji praises rubbing your head softly before falling into the bed. You follow him lying down as well crawling over to your side as Toji has picked Nanami's side.
“Thank you, you as well Toji…” you say as you both curl up and Toji starts to cradle you in his arms. You both fall silent enjoying each others company until you feel something poking you. You look down and see the growing tent in Toji’s boxers. Looking back up at him he has a devious look on his face as he slowly pulls his boxers down. You feel the hot appendage smack you on the thigh and you can’t help but chuckle softly. Once done Toji tosses the boxers across the room as he crawls on top of you, you can’t help but stare at his muscles. Particularly his arm muscles how cut and defined they are it’s like you could see each one. You return your attention to his face as he smirks down at you simultaneously pulling your dress off. Once off he stares at your naked body under him so curvy and soft. Toji begins to lick from your neck down to your stomach and back. After a couple of times, he goes down to your sore pussy all swollen and puffy. He blows cool air on your slick opening making you squirm slightly.
“You’re still craving to be stuffed brat? I’m going to change that for you,~” Toji coos before going straight in and devouring your pussy. He’s sloppy and feverishly as he eats you out. Sucking and licking everything with no real coordination but it feels good. It’s different from earlier and the past men you’ve had. Toji sticks 3 fingers into you hooking into you immediately making you gasp as he continues to sloppily suck on your clit and folds. You moan loudly arching your back as he’s quickening the pace pulling up for air and using his free hand to torture your clit now. “Look at you melting right in my hand you’re such a slutty brat. Cum for me brat. I’m ready to stuff you full of me and have you all to myself,~” Toji teases before kissing up and down your thigh making you squirm and buck your hips as he adds a new sensation to the torture. Your stomach tightens and you squeeze your eyes close as just hearing him talk to you like this makes you go crazy. You grit your teeth together before howling loudly arching your back like you're in the exorcist. Toji laughs loudly as he sees you becoming a mess under him soon after he pulls his fingers out of you making you groan. Toji swipes his dick at your slick entrance one time before just shoving it in deep inside of you making you gasp for air. You claw at his back as he grabs your legs pulling them apart further before leaning more on top of you. Now chest to chest he slams into you making you yelp as he starts to thrust into you at the same depth and speed. You drop your arms as your strength is leaving you but instead, you grip onto your sheets tightly. Toji begins kissing your jawbone nibbling on it before getting to your neck and practically biting you not truly caring about the sore love bites already there. Your moans echo throughout the room and probably the whole house but you could care less. This pleasure was amazing but nothing was better than you and Kento. There was a certain connection you two have that no one could top but Toji was fairly close. Toji pulls away slowly before grabbing your legs again and propping himself on his knees. You without thinking hook your legs with your arms to make it all easier for him. With your knees to your shoulders now Toji grins as he grips your hips and love handles. He slams into you again hitting your already bruised cervix making you groan loudly. Returning back to his original pace Toji drills deep into you making you dig your nails into your own skin. The sound of his balls slapping on your ass echoes throw the room making you smile softly. Soon Toji shifts slightly to the side to hit it at a different angle making you lose your grip on your legs but he grabs them just in time. Using one hand he grips your legs to keep them in place and chokes you lightly with his other hand as his pace quickens. “Fuck your tight brat you feel so good,~” Toji praises as he tilts his head back. But with his words you clench around his dick moaning loudly with pleasure. Causing Toji to go silent as he loses control and slams into you at an unbelievable speed. He keeps this up for a couple moments before releasing deep within you maybe even into your actual womb. You whimper as he stops moving and pulls his dick out suddenly standing up just as fast. He smacks your ass loudly as he watches cum spill out of you and stain the bed.
“Awww, I missed all the fun,~” Nanami teases from the door looking straight at you with eyes full of lust and a tinge of jealousy.
‘When did the door open? I bet he heard me from downstairs, fuck,’ you think to yourself as you’re still a mess on the bed trembling from all the sensations. Toji slips his boxers on and sits in a chair in perfect view of the bed.
“Aw, don’t be like that Nanami I was prepping her. I’ll just sit back and watch,” Toji teases as he leans back into the chair smirking. Nanami walks over to you silently looking at the cum spilling out of you before smacking your sore pussy not too hard but enough to make you whimper softly.

“You had fun without me princess. I don’t know how I feel about that,” Nanami says bluntly running his fingers up your leg before swiping your entrance making you squirm. “What to do to you? What to do? Toji can you grab some nipple clamps and a vibrator from downstairs.” Nanami requests as he looks at you smiling as he can’t help but love how spent you look. He crawls on top of you kissing you passionately while nipping at your lip as you moan wanting more of him. “So impatient and so oversexed,~” Nanami teases flicking your nipple which makes you bite your lip. “You know you are mine right?” Nanami asks coldly looking deep into your eyes.
“Yes, daddy,~” you say softly returning the eye contact trying not to be flustered under his gaze. But, within seconds you crumble and you couldn’t help but get shy all of sudden. You still couldn’t go toe to toe with Nanami. You turn your head as heat starts to explode in your cheeks.
“But I don’t mind sharing, my love. I just get a little jealous, you understand right?” Nanami says tilting his head slightly before kissing your ear and biting your earlobe softly. Toji returns with the toys Nanami requested placing them on the bed and sitting down again. Nanami slyly grabs the nipple claps and vibrator before pulling away and putting the nipple clamps on you. You moan softly as the cold metal actually feels good on your sore nipples. With the vibrator in hand, he crawls back down to your pussy placing the vibrator on your clit. “Hold the vibrator, my love.” Nanami requests not waiting for the answer as he turns it on to the highest speed with a remote he has next to him. You gasp at the feeling of it being turned on and buck your hips slightly into Nanami. In response he sticks his tongue into your cream pied entrance. It shocks you but you don’t have a lot of time to soak it all in before he begins licking at your folds switching between the two. With his free hand, he tugs on the chain that is connecting the nipple clamps making you yelp while simultaneously bucking your hips in his face. Nanami laughs before pulling his mouth away and shoving 4 fingers deep within you fingering you at an insane pace. You moan as the sound of the juices being pumped out of you is so erotic. Nanami turns the vibrator down trying to torture you and make you beg for mercy. You mewl loudly and look at Toji who’s watching and stroking his dick. All the while he’s licking his lips at the sight he’s seeing. Nanami uses his hand that was tugging on the chain to force you to look at him. “Don’t forget that I am here princess. Don’t hurt my feelings,~” he teases turning up the vibrator speed and picking up the pace of fingering you. He lets go of your face tugging on the chain again gaining a deep guttural moan from you as your stomach starts to tense up. Out of nowhere, you spray Nanami’s lower torso and fingers coating them in your juices. He pulls his finger out of you and licks them seductively before smacking your ass. “Keep that vibrator right where it is, my love. And bend over on the bed feet flat on the ground.” Nanami commands crawling off of you and pulling his boxers off before coming behind you bent on the bed. Without warning or question, he shoves his dick inside of you making you gasp softly gripping at the sheets with your free hand. He bucks his hips deep within you as Toji’s cum coats his dick which made you 10x more slick. Grabbing your love handles he plows into you making you groan with each thrust as it keeps hitting you’re demolished cervix and walls. Nanami leans down so his chest is on your back and he grabs your neck practically lifting you up with his dick fucking up into you which gives him an idea. “Drop the vibrator give me your arms.” He commands so you do as he says and he starts to pull on your arms slightly as he leans back. Your feet are off the ground now as he pulls you all the way down his length to the point you feel his pubic hair on your butt. Nanami thrust deep into you fucking up into you filling you up and giving you no way of running away. Your moans grow louder as each thrust breaks your mind.
“You feel so good Ken fuck. Pump me full of your cum daddy,” you request in a breathy tone and Nanami doesn’t respond just focused on demolishing you to the point you can’t move. You groan loudly as you cream around him again but there’s no tightening or warmth in your stomach as it was just flowing out of you at this point. You’ve cum so much today that you’re starting to go numb from the bottom down. Your clit practically has a heartbeat as you continuously cum on Nanami’s dick going silent as you are overstimulated. Nanami stops all of a sudden as he groans loudly saying your name like a chant within seconds he cums deep within you. He doesn’t let go though but bucks his hips as if he’s trying to make sure it’s all in there. Still inside of you, he leans down picking you up from the legs and getting into bed.
“Toji if you are done grab the tin box in her bedside table and spark it she’ll need it. And come lay with us, I think she likes laying with the both of us.” Nanami asks as you tremble in his arms and not coherent at all. Toji does as the man says upset he didn’t get to get his nut off as he has come accustomed to your touch not even wanting to beat himself off; it didn’t feel the same. Pulling his boxers up he gets in bed puffing on a perfectly stuffed joint you have rolled Toji then passes it to Nanami as he exhales slowly.
“Shit, I haven’t smoked in a while that shit is good,” Toji says as he caresses your face but looks and speaks to Nanami.
“Ya, I got a friend to start dropping off here. He gets it from Amsterdam and brings back here I hated the shit she was smoking before it was dirt,” Nanami says chuckling softly as he takes a couple of puffs before putting it in between your lips. Like it’s part of your computer programming you inhale taking a long drag before using an un-trapped hand to pull it out to exhale.
“Fuck..” is all you can muster up to say before taking another long drag from the j feeling the effects immediately thankfully it made your legs not hurt as much. But your sore pussy is still being stretched as Nanami is still inside of you bucking into you every now and then when you clench around him.
“You’ve had a good day today?” Nanami inquires watching you take a couple more puffs before passing it to Toji.
“Yes, daddy,” you mumble sleepily thinking about how all you’ve done was get fucked. You snuggle into Nanami as he’s being passed the joint all of you smoke in silence as you slowly fall asleep leaving Nanami and Toji to finish the j and talk.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝐼𝒩 𝒯𝐻𝐸 𝐵𝐸𝒟 | 𝒩𝒜𝒩𝒜𝑀𝐼 & 𝒯𝒪𝒥𝐼 ’𝒮 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After finishing the joint with Toji Nanami slowly slips out of you as his dick has gone flaccid and watches as the cum leaks out of you. Standing up suddenly he slips on his boxers and you moan softly at the new emptiness and the coldness you felt in your sleep. You shift a little but thankfully don’t wake up and begin to snoring slightly. Nanami chuckles sitting back down slowly and Toji stands up completely and then fully gets out of bed. You groan as it starts to get cold shuffling over to where Nanami was sitting.
“I guess I can’t leave. But thank you for doing this I don’t know how she would’ve felt if you rejected her.” Nanami says turning to you to rub your side to keep you asleep.
“Like I said I’ve dreamt about a day like this. I hope I didn’t offend you when I said that it’s just your girl is beautiful and so caring I was shocked that she even brought it up to you.” Toji says crossing his arms and looking out the window as the sun has begun to set now.
“No, you didn’t offend me I understand it completely. I was the same way with her when I first saw her. She’s so enchanting I just had to know her and she made me think about things I tried to push out. But I have a feeling she’d want to keep this going honestly. She loves you very much I bet she’d want to have us all be together as a couple.” Nanami explains in between chuckles as the thought of that was interesting, to say the least. The two of them are two completely different people in a relationship with you an ethereal woman.
“I mean, that’d be cool. We’d share her and get to make her a mess almost every day that’d be a dream.” Toji says not thinking before he spoke shaking his head as he replayed what he just said in his head.
“We do get along pretty well and she’s spent from today. If we were to become a poly couple I could connect you with more work opportunities and it’d be great to have someone here to keep her company while I try to start this small business.” Nanami explains like he’s actually thinking about it. He never saw himself being in a polyamorous relationship but he’s found out a lot of new things about himself recently. “Toji, I’m serious it’ll be like a little surprise for her she won’t see this coming from either of us at all. You could stay here and even bring Megumi she’s great with kids and it’s not far from Tokyo. I don’t know your co-parenting schedule or situation right now but I bet we could work something out.” Nanami states trying to sell the idea to Toji but he’s still looking out the window starting to contemplate his decision.
‘I mean it’s better than living in that shoebox of an apartment. Megumi could bring his friends over and actually have fun. I’d be in a throuple and I get access to seeing y/n more and get to fuck her whenever with or without Nanami. It’s not the worst idea…’ Toji thinks to himself rubbing his chin as he runs through all possibilities and outcomes.
“I’m in but I am keeping the apartment I have just in case,” Toji explains looking at Nanami now smirking softly. “You must really love her..” he says softly looking at you now sleeping so peacefully looking like an angel.
“I do, I really do but I can also tell you do as well. I noticed as well as time went on and I even became jealous. But I thought to myself maybe I’m just being selfish and controlling maybe I am not but still. I don’t want to stifle your feelings and make you not experience what I am experiencing. I see she brings out that side in you Toji, she does the same for me. Who am I to rob you of that experience? And when she told me she wanted to fuck you or have a threesome with you it turned me on thinking about us both demolishing her.” Nanami explains looking at you as well you scrunch up your nose and groan softly before shifting again.
‘So beautiful and perfect how could I not share you, my love? Maybe I’m jumping the gun but everything has gone so fast and has felt so right this feels no different than when I asked her out.’ Nanami thinks to himself as he bites the inside of his cheek as anxiety grows thinking he possibly could mess the whole thing up.
“Wow she really has changed you, man I need a drink this is something..” Toji teases walking out of the room and downstairs. Nanami kisses you on the cheek covering you with the covers before following behind Toji meeting at the base of the stairs. “I’m gonna grab my clothes and put them on real quick.” Toji explains dipping into the sex room and re-entering wearing his grey sweatpants and black shirt handing Nanami his clothes. Nanami slips them on shaking his head as he didn’t realize he was just walking around with his boxers on.
“Follow me, my office has all the whiskey in it,” Nanami explains guiding Toji to the office and swinging the door open showing a clean and orderly room. His office is dark with one big window in the middle of the wall facing the street. Nanami pushes out a whiskey cart and sits down on a couch that’s conveniently positioned across the room in a nook. Toji plops down next to Nanami heaving a sigh and picking up a cup Nanami pours him a generous amount of ‘Hibiki 30 year old blended whiskey’; Toji nearly jumps out of his skin taking his first sip.
“How the fuck are you drinking this neat also isn’t this an almost ¥1,000,000 yen Nanami!?” Toji exclaims puckering his lips trying not to spit out the alcohol and Nanami just nods ‘yes’ as he laughs and takes a sip. The two men sit in silence both thinking about what they both just agreed to. “You won’t try to kill me if I get her pregnant right?” Toji teases trying to break the silence and taking a smaller sip from his glass.
“No, I wouldn’t but she’s on the pill so I am not too worried about it. But she would look even more beautiful pregnant,” Nanami says daydreaming about you pregnant and glowing. “I will control my jealousy but we can give it a trial run to see how you feel about it by the end of the week. You don’t have anything planned or jobs lined up this week do you?” Nanami inquires twirling his cup as he thinks about how this will all play out.
“No, I’d be happy to fuck your girl all week and see if I wanna commit.” Toji teases laughing softly as the drink and joint were affecting him.
“Then let me know by Friday how you feel about it,” Nanami says ignoring what Toji just said but just smirks shaking his head. “You are a devious dog aren’t you,” Nanami teases this time taking another sip of his drink and finishing it off.
“You saw what I did,” Toji replies taking another small sip trying not to waste the drink. “We had her trembling like a leaf and before you barged in she was spent,” he explains pointing at Nanami.
“You saw her she wanted me,” Nanami says grinning from ear to ear now. They both chuckle thinking about how you were so ravenous for the both of them.
“Serious question, do you want to marry her Nanami? Like you said she has made you think, change for the better for yourself, and you even seem happier around her. Why not just take her completely off the market now.” Toji inquires just chugging the rest of the glass and coughing a little bit once he was done.
“I do actually she really brought out a new Nanami Kento one I never expected. I’ve always been gentlemanly but this go around courting her I enjoyed doing it. Even if I wanted to devour her right then and there. But she was amazing and fun to be around even if I wasn’t fucking her yet. She was refreshing to be around I didn’t feel like I had to show out for her. I just was me and she adored that even if I was in my growing stages when we started to talk seriously. Also ever since I met her I wanted to protect her don’t get me wrong the past women I was with I’d protect them. But I never truly worried about their feelings or ambitions. I would die for y/n.” Nanami explains staring into his empty glass recounting how you two first met, when he came over to your house, when you guys went on your first date, and the first kiss. Nanami began to feel heat rush to his face so he bowed his head trying to hide the bright red blush covering his cheeks.
“Wow, that was deep Nanami I understand how you feel. Just protecting her for those few months was enough for me but when I saved her from Geto and Gojo something shifted in me. The last time I felt like I’d die for someone was my kid and ex wife. It’s definitely a refreshing feeling and she’s so heartwarming it just makes you melt,” Toji explains talking with his hands as spoke.
“Ya, she does that to people I don’t know how but she makes people feel comfortable around her,” Nanami says standing up now. “I’m gonna lay down that glass and joint have hit me all at once. There’s a guest room right next to ours you can rest there.” Nanami explains as he walks out of the office waving ‘goodbye’.
“Thanks,” Toji says as he leans over and puts his elbows on his knees.
‘I can’t believe this is happening honestly. Nanami has changed so much since when I met him. He was so cold and straight to the point but now he’s smiling.’ Toji thinks to himself before getting up and walking up to the guest room. As he closed the door he turned around to see a huge bed calling his name. Toji strips again down to his boxers and plops into the bed throwing the cover over him. ‘This will be a story I tell my grandkids 'cause this is insane.’ Toji thinks to himself before slowly drifting into a deep sleep.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Once again I hope you enjoyed this one and can’t wait to upload the next chapter! Also let me know how you guys like the smut in this chapter. I liked the dialogue in this chapter so I hope y’all do as well! I’m so happy people on here actually like this story or smut it warms my heart. And IM HERE FOR ALL THE NANAMI & TOJI LOVERS! ♡ But, don’t forget to comment, leave feedback, leave a note, or anything truly. It’s all appreciated! (・ω<)
[Please don't copy or plagiarize my work thank you. I don't own any rights to JJK and all photos are from pintrest or here I'll try to tag people if I can]
⟿ Link for my AO3 lovers: {also it’s 24 chapters posted on here}
⟿ Credit for the inspiration for the Chapter:
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Dazai Osamu x reader
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit: 
Chapter 1  💌  
Summary:   You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.
Notes: Another isekai so I can play around with BSD like dolls.
💌 Word count: 3,312 💌  You Are Here | Next Chapter =>
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"Nooooooo!” you screamed, throwing your phone down. Today was the day the new Bungo Stray Dogs chapter was supposed to be posted. It was but you weren’t happy about it. You finished reading it in record speed since they left both of your favorite characters in a pretty heavy cliffhanger only to shift the perspective to someone else. It wasn’t a bad chapter, you just didn’t like the idea that you’d now have to wait another month. You sighed falling back on to your bed. The waiting was nothing new but your brain wanted more. More adventures, more side stories, heck at this point you might as well reread the damn thing. You’ve been scrolling through tumblr reading as many plot analysis and character breakdowns to the point where you feel like you know everyone like the back of your hand. Everyone feels so real to you like you’ve known them all your life, almost like in another life you were all friends or maybe you were a part of the agency. You laughed to yourself as you picked your phone back up. The rain outside would be nice ambient noise to start the manga over once again. 
You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. The soft pitter patter of the rain brought you back from your thoughts as you clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again. 
“Dazai I swear if this was one of your planed double suicides I’m going to kill you!” a voice rang out. You could still feel the cold sensations of floating in water. What were you doing a moment ago and why did those voices sound familiar to you? The last thing you remember was starting over your beloved manga from chapter 1. You didn’t leave the house and none of your friends had keys to get in. Why were there people in your bedroom and why do you feel cold and wet? 
“I assure you if it was, me and this lovely lady would already be dead but unfortunately Atsushi here ruined that miracle for me.”
You choked, it finally hit you. You did, in fact, recognize those voices “D-Dazai?” When your vision came too you were in Atsushi’s lap as Kunikida was shaking his partner. This couldn’t be real. No this had to be a dream. Dammit you could see it now, once you woke up you were going to write another Stray Dogs isekai. You internally groaned. What have you done?
“Ah so sleeping beauty’s awake!” Dazai tapped the blonde’s wrist to get his attention. “Kunikida as a gentleman you should ask her if she’s alright and stop strangling me.” 
Reluctantly the blonde did as he was told and let go, gracefully kneeling in front of you “Are you alright my colleague said you were floating in the river?” his eyes were full of concern. It made a warm feeling bloom throughout your body. Honestly you could get used to this. Wait, did he just say you were floating in the river?
You looked dazed, glancing around to see the familiar riverbank that Atsushi starts at during the very beginning of Bungo Stray Dogs. You looked at your hands. You were still wearing the same clothes you had before you remember falling asleep, admittedly they were much soggier than you remember but you had no memory of how you ended up in the river. Just from the small scene in front of you this was how episode 1 started. If you played along maybe you’d eventually wake up. You’ve had lucid dreams before, it wasn’t too far fetched but the ache in your heart didn’t want you to wake up. Finally you looked up at Kunikida who was patiently waiting for your answer but before you could respond your stomach growled. How embarrassing, now it really was like how the episode played out.
Dazai keeled over laughing “I guess introductions can wait till we get something to eat, how about that?” He offered you a hand over his partner's shoulder to help you up. You snapped out of your haze staring at it a moment before you grabbed his hand and said “I think that’s for the best.” 
What have you gotten yourself into?
At dinner Atsushi spent no time at all stuffing his face as Kunikida and Dazai bantered back and forth. Dialogue you remembered from when you watched the show originally. You forgot how furious Kunikida was over the whole ordeal and you felt bad knowing what Atsushi was going to say next. He really needed a hug and you know what you can finally do that with your circumstances but maybe not right now.
“I came to Yokohama straight from the orphanage. I’ve had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep since. I thought I’d starve to death.”
“You came from an orphanage?” Dazai questioned. He was sitting across from you casually and despite being hungry you noticed that he didn’t order anything to eat. You had ordered one out of solidarity. You’ve always wanted to try tea on rice but never bothered trying to find a place that makes it in your area. Atsushi was already on his twelfth bowl or so as he continued the conversation. 
“I was yes but they kicked me out.”
“Sounds like a real philanthropic organization.” Dazai turned his attention from Atsushi to you “How about you? Remember anything now?” He rested his head on the back of his hands. You wanted to hold them.
You nodded looking down at your hands. That’s when you got an idea. “I think my name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Still trying to work out how I got in the river but,” you paused raising your hands to your face slightly. Your mom had read tons of books about palm reading. Maybe this could be your chance to use what little knowledge you remember to your advantage. “I don’t know this might sound silly but do you mind if I see your hands?”
Dazai tilted his head to the side before he offered you his palms “What brought this on?” You pretended to inspect the lines ghosting over them with your fingers tracing some of them lightly. “When I looked at my hands I had this voice in my head that told me that I could read palms. Mine were kind of fuzzy so I wanted to see if I could read someone else’s” You pretend to see flashbacks, blinking and tensing up for added effect. He played along, chuckling to himself “Well what do you see?”
You forced a careful expression on your face slowly sparing him a glance “A lot you’d rather I not say out loud.” You move to hold his hands in yours giving him a loving squeeze and smile “Odasaku would be proud of you though.” The look he gave you was sharp, his lips in a tight line hearing the name. Before either of you could really finish the exchange Kunikida piped up.
“Dazai we’re not a couple of do good-ers going around helping hard luck cases. We’ve got a job to do.” Kunikida nudged the other with his book. He clearly didn't believe in your charade. You could fix that “Actually I have a feeling I might be able to help with your case if you let me see your hands too.” He gave you a wary look as you made grabby hands at him “Please I swear I’ll explain once I see everyone’s hands.” Dazai gave him a cautious expression but Kunikida gave in. Probably to get it over with so he could go back to work. This time you didn’t try to trace patterns on his palm like you did to Dazai. “Wow, I’ve never seen someone so traumatized by the color blue before.” as he made a choked noise, you turned to Atsushi. “Okay your turn.”
“Do I have too?” 
“Yes, otherwise I’ll be missing a piece of the puzzle and Kunikida and Dazai might think I'm a threat." Atsushi slowly presented them to you. "You see, they're with the Armed Detective Agency and currently they're looking for a white tiger. You know the one that's been "chasing" you." You said "chasing" in air quotes letting go of his hands to do the gesture making sure to give a nod to Dazai about the tiger thing.
In Atsushi’s panic he knocked over his chair and a couple of bowls as he tried to crawl away. You watched the scene play out as Kunikida pinned him to the floor and the interrogation started. You sat patiently as Atsushi was then asked if he was free to be bait. Dazai hadn't taken his eyes off of you letting Kunikida handle Atsushi. Maybe you did go too heavy handed into this.
“Forget it no way!”
You tried to ignore Dazai's gaze and laughed at Atsushi’s outburst trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t know Atsushi. If it’s after you I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to get it off your back for good. What if I tagged along? Strength in numbers right?” He stood up and defended himself “That doesn’t make it better! I’m not doing this okay. I know what you’re thinking, you’re planning to use me as bait-”
“There’s a reward you know.”
From there Atsushi’s fate was sealed and you all made your way over to the warehouse. You waited around for hours, everyone keeping to themselves. You spent the time trying to plan out how you'd explain yourself to Dazai. You could still feel his cautious gaze on you despite him reading his book. You’ve always wanted his attention but not like this. You especially didn't want to be on his shit list. As soon as Atsushi opened his mouth you sighed in relief.
 Finally, it's showtime.
 It’s not like you’d actually be of any help, you just needed to make sure you didn’t die or get in the way. “Guess that’s my cue to leave, I’ll go find Kunikida and the others.” Dazai only smirked and continued to monologue to Atsushi who would not remember the speech later. You casually strode out of the warehouse seeing the others already surrounding the building, hearing the ruckus inside. You didn’t speak, only waved them in as you made your way back to Dazai seeing that the dust had already settled and Atsushi was already on the ground. After everyone else got to take a jab at him the brunette finally spoke.
“I’ve already made my decision. We’re going to make them one of us.” Dazai’s stare made you freeze up. It makes sense to you, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Not that you were his enemy but you've already proven you don't have an ability. Your little trick worked on him so you weren't gifted and that probably was the worse part. He doesn't know what your intentions are nor what the extent of your talents were and he couldn’t nullify you even if he tried. He was probably evaluating your level of threat to him, the agency or both.
His eyes were staring into your soul. It was so alluring but you couldn't help the fear that was settling in knowing what he was capable of. Well part of it was fear and part of it was intrigue. Why did he have to also be so damn attractive. Your face felt hot but you couldn't look away. You dug your grave now you'd have to lay in it. The whole way back to the dormitory he was guiding you from the small of your back. In any other circumstance the presence of his hand on such a place would have you swooning because that is peak protective boyfriend behavior but instead it was almost threatening like he was trying to make sure you couldn’t run away. However another part of your brain, the demented part, was screaming louder than any of the other voices in your head because it finally hit you that holy shit they were here. This all felt so real and you were playing with fire. 
You made sure to keep up with what was happening, keeping your emotions in check enough to make sure your face or your body language didn’t give anything away. You and Atsushi were given some spare clothes and a cell phone. They only had one room available right now since the other one was being used as storage. They would have it cleared in a day or two. Atsushi tried to give the available one to you but Dazai stepped in and assured him that he'd personally see to it that you were taken care of. Kunikida was actually surprised that Dazai was willing to put in some level of work settling the accommodations. Little does he know what the brunette had in mind. It sent shivers down your spine for all the wrong reasons. When everything was settled Dazai opened the door to his apartment gesturing for you to go inside.
Once you stepped in you took off the shoes the agency just gave you. You had almost forgotten that when you woke up at the river, just like Atsushi, you didn't have any shoes on. No one questioned your strange attire either but you guess after everything they’ve seen it wasn’t the weirdest thing they’ve experienced in their lifetimes. Standing at the doorway to the small room you were waiting for Dazai to direct you where to set your new things down. His futon was still spread out on the floor and the table near its side still had the slight mess of empty bottles and cans. Once you heard the sound of the door’s lock you swallowed hard unintentionally snapping you back to the gravity of the situation. You were alone in a room with ex demon prodigy, Osamu Dazai. 
"You can put that over in the corner." His voice rang in your ear. He was looming over you. He didn't even make a sound crossing the room; he just appeared behind you in a second. You did as you were told, trying to calm down your increasing heart rate. You knelt down to set it on the floor but as you stood back up you staggered back against the wall with Dazai towering over you again.
"You want to tell me who you really are?" He smiled carefree as if he wasn't using his height to corner you. You took a breath relaxing against the wall. His hands were behind his back yet you felt trapped. "I don't work for anyone if that's what you're getting at. I didn't lie about who I was earlier but I didn't need you to show me your hands. Technically I already saw it when you offered to help me up, that is, your past with the port mafia. I genuinely didn't know that was something I could do. That's why I asked to see your palms a second time, it didn’t sit right with me. That's why I asked for you to willingly give me your hands. I'm sorry I brought up oda but it was either him or the hot redhead you call hat rack." You gave him a knowing look that you made the right choice of who to name drop.
He grimaced when you called Chuuya hot. It seemed mentioning him caused him to lose all hostility in his demeanor. Interesting. He must believe you then. "So what do you know?" Dazai seemed to relax enough to sit on the futon. You followed after him since the tension dispersed. "Well since this bit," you moved to grab his hand to point out the part of his palm "is covered in bandages. I only know generally how you met Mori to the present day. I don’t know everything, just little blips here and there that were significant. I didn't look at Kunikida for that long but the Azure king popped up and I knew Atsushi was the tiger all along. Although it wasn't my place to get involved the way I did. Again I apologize." You caressed his hand with your thumb. He was watching you like a hawk. You were looking down thinking if there was anything else you should mention. Hopefully this was enough.
He hummed taking it in for a second before he pulled your arm while pushing your shoulder back, pinning you underneath him. "Are you scared of me? Knowing what I've done." He smirked playfully but his eyes were serious. If he wanted to play games you knew how to combat him. Or at least you think this would be an adequate counter to whatever he was doing now. You smiled "Quite the opposite. I trust you with every fiber of my being." Your words caused his eyes to dilate and his body to tense before he situated himself to further hover over your shorter frame. "Really now, even like this?" His expression dripped with lust as he dipped to whisper in your ear "I could have my way with you if I wanted." An empty threat clearly.
"You definitely could but you won't." You said it so matter of factly he shifted to look at you again. You used your freehand to caress his cheek giving him a soft smile "You have my unconditional trust. The position we're in changes nothing, ya womanizer." The source material never went into detail about Dazai’s past relationships. Only that he’s made women cry and that Chuuya knew of every single last one of them but he’s done his fair share of over the top flirting throughout the series. You just had to steel your nerves and out bluff the conman.
"Does it now?" He hummed giving you a mischievous grin as his hand delicately released its grip on yours sliding down to your wrist. His fingers pressing into your skin trying to find your pulse. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing. Your demeanor broke as you squirm underneath him. It was too late, you could see the pleased expression grace his features "Someone should be a little more honest with themselves." He leaned in making your noses touch. You could feel his hot breath on your lips before he pulled away. "Buuuuut you're right, I won't." He abruptly broke the trance you were in sitting up releasing his hold on you making you feel breathless. Your heart was still racing. Curse this attractive waste of bandages. 
"You can take the room! I'll be off to-" He started off cheerily but you reached out to grab his arm. "Nope. As gentlemanly as you are, you can't fool me. Don't flatter yourself. Yes, I find you attractive but I'm not that desperate. Just stay, we’re both adults." You pretended to gasp covering your mouth "Or are you running away because you're all hot and bothered?" You gave him a smirk waiting to see how he’d react. Two could play at this game. He frowned slightly at your challenge. You knew his signature move was running away from every uncomfortable moment he’s caused but if he backed down from your challenge now you'd win and Dazai doesn’t like to lose. So you shared the futon and you slept with Osamu Dazai.
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aachria · 3 months
Heyyyyyy babesssssssss I haven't seen you talking, you okay? Please be okay pooks, i'm actually concerned because usually when i visit your tumblr theres always a post and its been like, three days??? I hope you're doing good wherever you are! If not then thats bad, but we all have bad days and it'll come to pass soon even if its gonna be long long time. Pookie you better be okay i'm gonna cry ong- Grab your cat and cuddle babs<3 Point is, i'm checking in on you and i hope you're doing fine dandy😃 Hoping to see your amazing ahh self again xoxo
Lmao y’all are so damn paranoid something is gonna happen to me and it’s very sweet, but also gang sometimes I just don’t wanna be on Tumblr and answering asks isn’t #1 on my priorities list.
I’ve been going fucking BEAST MODE this week and written like three and a half whole chapters already, so yay me! But also I am now writing sad things, so poor me. But I also wrote a very sweet thing, so yay me again!
I also chopped all my hair off yesterday! I’m not in love with it yet, but it’s growing on me. I had been letting my hair grow out, it was the longest it’s been in actual years at the longest part, so now I’m missing like 4 inches off my underside and trying not to mourn not being able to braid it anymore. It was such a bitch to shower with and I know it was for the best, but I don’t think you ever kill the little girl who lived in your heart and wanted hair like a Disney princess you could put in elaborate styles, even when you stop being a girl yourself.
It’s like 3 and I’m real tired so I’m going to bed, but y’all can all rest assured I’m not dead or dying. Like really, if another person pleads for me not to die I’m gonna start suspecting you fucks know something I don’t. Gn babes, and stop worrying about lil’ ol’ me.
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eccentric-nucleus · 7 months
so i signed up for that 404 media mailing list b/c i mean, why not. so now i am also getting emails from them and so far it has not been too annoying. several articles about various food delivery aggregators using bizarre ai-generated food photography, that kind of thing.
the thing i got today was about people on etsy making bespoke hardcover editions of fanfiction (not their own, just whatever fanfic is popular) and selling them. apparently a lot of draco/hermione fanfiction.
from the article:
“due to the seemingly unstoppable monetization of fandom and the sheer volume of illegal fan bindings being sold, I will be pulling all my works within the next few days,” they wrote on Tumblr. “thank you to those of you who worked so hard trying to keep fandom free and to all of you who supported my writing. it was fun while it lasted”
“I hate these shitty vultures who are destroying fandom spaces to make money before moving onto the next grift once we are burned to the ground,” a Redditor wrote in a thread about the announcement. “Vultures is exactly what they fucking are,” someone else replied.
it has been super weird to see fandom becoming more and more monetizable. i remember when even the suggestion that somebody might be exchanging money for product would get people kicked off fanfic sites. even running charity drives for fan in exchange for charity receipts was considered risky and dangerous! and now there's a bunch of people like "ugh ao3 is so annoying; why don't they let me post links to my commission form on my fics". money slowly and insidiously making its way into the fandom entity.
(i've actually had multiple people tell me they've gotten commissions inspired by my fics, or ask me if i take take money for writing further chapters of w/e fic, and it's always such a weird thing. that used to be such an out-there stance to take and now there are plenty of people that... i mean, i've just been posting about scribblehub. a large part of that site is absolutely hosting porn fanfic with patreon links attached. now it's a Market.)
i do feel like just saying that economic interests inevitably hollow out all hobbyist communities and turn them into empty enclosures filled with advertising is a little doomerist of me, but oof it's hard to see the increasing monetization of these spaces as anything other than another threat to any real community
there's this old saying about the difference between an author and an agent is that an author genuinely wants people to read their work. part of the value of getting published is so people see something you cared about making, not just the money. the agent is there to be a dispassionate advocate so that they can actually make money off of their work, b/c the author is kind of biased there. everybody having to be their own agent just kinda sucks for a lot of reasons
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adragonsfriend · 6 months
Accidental Star Wars Fungi Headcanon???
Ok so i'm doing Big Edits for Yoda's chapter of This Story Can Kill You, and it's set in the room of a thousand fountains, aka the giant garden on a city planet, so I got to writing about plants.
I fucking love writing about plants--like so much, you don't even know--it's addictive, they should put a warning on it idk--
Obsessions aside, I started talking about grass and moss and clover and then I was like fungi are here too. So then I was like mycelium and symbiosis obviously. And then I just wrote a line all casual, as one does,
Their roots are tended by fungi gardeners in a relationship half as old as the Force itself.
Based on the vague idea of the Force coming from life. But then I was like i need to fact check that to be satisfied with it, because I am not an evolutionary biologist but I am a nerd.
and like according to wikipedia numbers,,, I was wrong,,,but not that wrong:
Life started on earth ~3.7 bya (billion years ago), and fungi emerged 1.2-1.5 bya o, and the first plants about 0.8-1.0 bya. The first land plants and land fungi, as well as this specific symbiotic relationship (probably) evolved out about ~0.5 bya. That's about a seventh as old as life, not a half, but it's still a significant fraction.
Anyway the head canon part of this comes from the fact that “half as old” sounds better than “one seventh as old,” and obviously none of these numbers are technically relevant to SW anyway. Fungi themselves are about half as old as life itself, so let's say water plants and water fungi had a similar relationship to their land versions on whatever planet first developed life in the SW universe. Then the relationship would be about a third as old as life going by a proportionate time line, and the title of the chapter is literally "A Poet at his Work," so Yoda can be afforded a bit of poetic license and say half. He's cool like that.
How does Yoda know about how old the fungi are? The Force told him obv. He couldn't give any answers about it that would make a biologist happy he just knows the Force things fungi are neat and likes to share facts about them. He also probably wouldn't give those answers if he could. He would say something cheating and the fungi prefering to be mysterious anyway.
Side note: Also in the process of these edits I have learned that giant sequoias (eg the real big tall trees it takes like 10+ people to hug) don't have tap roots??? (tap roots are the biggest root a lot of trees have and they typically grow like straight down looking for water, unlike other roots that are much closer to the surface) Apparently their stability is achieved with super wide but shallow root net works instead? I mean I've been to a giant sequoia forest and there sure are a lot of roots to trip on but that's still insane to me.
Sources (all wikipedia)
specific fungi-plant relationship: mycorrhiza
land plants & land fungi emerge
Anyway is there a fungus side of tumblr? i feel they should explain everything I'm getting wrong here
i'm gonna go try and find some fungus people brb
Edit: (15 min later) ok I've harassed (politely asked) four different fungus people so we (just me) are really just waiting to see if I was funny enough in their asks to be noticed
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primaviva · 9 months
so any news on carmilla since you returning to the gwen girlies? *does fuck boy hand rub to rizz you into confession*
*does that one pinterest emoji smirk back* ??? LMAOOAOA BUT YES LEMME GIVE YOU GUYS AN UPDATE
for starts yes i AM working on it, i actually started recently and it’s so much easier writing for girls since i have more fun so i feel it maaayyyyyyy get done quicker. but i also want to come on and say that yes, while i will be posting it to tumblr, i think i might make it on wattpad too. its only because i feel like it might be easier for people to read if they read it on wattpad to just scroll and also people usually read series on wattpad and come to tumblr if they wanna read oneshots (beside like oneshot books). and also i like how i can just brainstorm it all together on wattpad and make it look all pretty so… anyways with my AMAZING graphic design skills lemme start showing sneak peaks 😒😒
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you can see a little peak of the cover 🤭 BAHAHAHAH but yeah this is what i have going on so far. im also an extreme perfectionist and because i made the wattpad cover start with the capitalization i refuse to not make the titles or writing be lowercase.
ANYWAYS! to start, i usually write gwen with spider gwen in mind so her age is usually between 16-18 in my stuff with the acception of the fics i do that specifically link to spiderverse but she usually is her comic 17-18 version. but for the plot i am gonna take HEAVY inspiration from one of the gwenom comics but its also gonna be based on the comic where she is starting college but when the plot starts she’s already been like a student maybe like a year in.
and secondly….this will NOT be the gwen we know and love or should i say the gwen YALL know and love. i kinda want to mess with her characterization to make it interesting like yes gwen is gonna be the awkward but nice girl but also like because i want this au version of earth 65 to be a little melancholy or dark vibes to it she WILL be a bit of an asshole at times, real cocky, and so on- like it’s gonna be so fun UGH!!
thirdly, im not sure if there is gonna be downright smut in this. like again, ik i have written “suggestive” content like my makeouts because i don’t necessarily write for strictly spiderverse gwen but just a whole amalgamation of it and its always based on comics so she’s like 17-18. i’m bringing this up because if you read carmilla- CMON NOW😭😭😭 there will be the suggestive scenes but idk if imma do it because while this will be the college version of gwen from the comics around 18-19 like i never wrote stuff like that and also don’t wanna perpetuate or feed content to the predator gwen fans on ANY platform. not like carmilla is heavy in sex i just wanna preface that because it’s always weird when people utilize au from something heavily sexual so it implies that the content WILL be sexual and not that that’s wrong in this case i just wanna let yall know you can expect content but not THAT content.
LASTLY the plot is lowkey short like i haven’t fleshed it out yet because i haven’t been having fun on tumblr when i write for guys so i wanna have fun with this and take my time writing the chapters before even releasing them so i don’t worry about dates for theme. but it won’t be like an intense lead rn it’s looking like MAYBE 15 chapters? possibly 20. i want a good balance of plot heavy and also gwen content in it that is sub plots to intensify the main plot (someone break me out of ap lang im gnawing at the enclosure) but i’m still working on it.
so yeah this is just little teasers for now and y’all can tell me what you think. im making little notes and stuff and im gonna woke on the plot and then just get straight to writing so i can just post a chapter weekly until we at the end so it gives me time to sprinkle other stuff in as well. i been over astv and just wanna write for my favorite women so this is me taking my stand on business 😒
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
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Backdraft: A Steddie Sky High AU. Read on AO3. Read on tumblr.
I gave it a name… because the goblins have grabbed me.
(First post)(Eddie drawing)(Eddie drawing 2)(Steddie comic)
Did I get myself so obsessed with this AU that I wrote a thing and drew another silly little thing? Yes. I did. It was against my will, I swear. Fucking assholes grabbed a hold of my brain and dragged me kicking and screaming into this shit. And yeah, I haven’t really had the motivation to draw anything or write anything worth posting in months, so I am glad to have some motivation again, but I got other stuff I was gonna work on (and a huge test for my career coming up in like less than two months that I need to study for, so I do NOT have time for this)…
I’d like to say that this is just going to be a one shot, but my brain is not in the habit of listening to me, so we’ll see where it goes. Maybe will be a chapter fic, maybe a series of one shots in the AU universe, maybe I’ll post this and never touch it again. Who knows…
Let me know if you guys like any of this. I’m having fun with it, but it’s also validating to see that people like seeing it too. I am a fragile arteest with a need for kind words.
Also, like send me questions about this AU because I need to flesh it out and the prompting helps. (Like would Eddie still DM a Dungeons and Dragons game with a superhero world? Like magic stuff is real, so would people still be into that? I’m writing him still having his band buddies at least, so he’s not all alone at school, but I’m deciding if he’d still be a Hellfire nerd at school (and like Hellfire… very on the nose)). Plus the relationships and other characters are tricky to place with the backstory I’m thinking Steve has, and just changes to the Sky High sort of set up. Tricky tricky tricky.
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rooreelooo · 8 months
Is your Nuts and Bolts LP still available anywhere?
hello, anonymous person from 2016. yes it IS.
when you originally asked this question it wasn't, but hey 8 years have passed and things have changed now. the world fucking sucks, but ONE way that it has improved is that i made the effort to upload my LPs to a modern video hosting platform. all three LPs are here - totalling 1 day, 15 hours, 22 mins and 36 secs of video. that's a lot! a lot a lot a lot! (remember that guy from majora's mask?)
and because i'm insane i also went to the effort of adding 'director's commentary' to every video, padding out this project even further. that's over 42,000 words of commentary that literally nobody will ever read, because immediately after i posted it all youtube rolled out an updated video design that masked the video description underneath a dropdown menu, thus ensuring my gags and mental breakdowns remain entombed in obscurity (where they absolutely belong). thanks a fucking lot!
this reupload project also features over 10k words of nuts & bolts fanfiction i wrote to go alongside the videos, which is... also something that nobody will ever read. i linked it here anyway. one thing about me is that i labour over massive projects that nobody will ever see, and i never finish them. my hard drive is a graveyard of video and writing projects that will never see the light of day in either complete or incomplete form. can i be real for a second though? i LOVE this. i think this is one of the funniest things i have ever written lmao. and i actually got it not only completed, but posted publicly too. holy shit.
i'm split on whether i should do anything else with this project. on the one hand, all that commentary i spent over a year writing should have a chance at being seen. arguably i should start putting those gags and comments somewhere that they might actually get eyes on them, like here on tumblr or on cohost or something. on the other hand, this is already a 16-year old video project that i have arguably milked for way more than it's actually worth. i already added unnecessary extra commentary to a dead series of LPs, can you imagine anything more depressingly recursive and masturbatory than putting those comments elsewhere... with further comments? lmao. that would be a horse-flogging so thorough that the horse would be reduced to a fine red paste.
don't let the big cartoon eyes on it's head fool you, this stone has no blood left to be wrung. but here's the links. enjoy them, please. don't forget they were made between the years of 2008-2010, that is very important contextualizing information. and for the curious, the reason why i never completed nuts & bolts is because i was depressed. and the reason why i have struggled to complete any creative pursuits for my entire adult life is because the spectre of this fucking project looms over me, kindly reminding me that this will ultimately be the fate of artistic endeavor i attempt.
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rrxnjun · 3 months
okay (cracks knuckles) ik whipping out the laptop means serious business for people our age, so thank you bar🥺 and you answering everything made me emotional so lemme reciprocate......yes I like u, more now
Yes they both are your only smuts and not so explict at that and being non explicit is again wholesome for me and hence more delusion inducing. I love both the type of smuts though, explict because oof it's hot and detailed and it makes me distant enough to not get too attached but if it is emo or angsty then I am doomed. Smut makes me go like ew the characters did the bad and dirty stuff and are not so pure and angelic ewww (for me to not live under their skin XD and be sane). I like smut without plot for sure but verrrry short in length, just for giggles yk, and not like 10 chapters of pure fucking (idk how ppl do that😭), then I need plot because where is the buildup and story and feelings. Implicit because it makes me yearn when I am in the mood to not be sane and detach from reality. But I get your point, usually people feel that way i guess, i m weird and horny bxdjnf.
And oh you did NOT like Liebestraum, whyyyy >:( if i may ask (omg sweet(est) anon let me kiss your feet snjhdd) but thanks so much for actually putting it up here (online friends and meeting ur tumblr anon 3 times irl?????? U live in a movie??? R u not real??? I feel it's possible). And oh OH OH, this is why OMG i get it now!!! because ur own feelings are resembled in Jisung's monologue and summer feels like THAT for you, it felt more real to me. As I said I was born in summer and rain, so it's like a part of me, an essence of mine, to feel and connect so much with the summery blues, so that and ur own resemblance made it suureal and easy for me to connect so deeply (i am SLIGHTLY dramatic) Because yk how usually with y/n fics, I resonate or try to at least with the y/n's feelings or imagine from a 3rd pov but this made me feel what Jisung was feeling throughout as my own feelings 😭🥹🥹, I felt like I was left behind without that last meeting instead of Jisung GODJDJSJSJSJSJ, please I will cry, I even told my roommate about this fic and Liebestraum and everything so randomly (she doesn't even follow kpop now and has only read bts fanfics in the past ), please let me kiss u :3 (My fav season is actually the transition from winters ending to spring to summers (spring is kinda short where I live and fall is even shorter otherwise it would have been my favorite too) so yes basically summers approaching because they are not as hot and I don't have to shiver all the time and I see the sun but to an extent that is pleasant) I feel like where I live it gets super duper hot in summers so ppl lean towards winters more.
And no by ur carrd being cute I didn't mean JUST the template but what you wrote, that was cute, u r cute. And IKR, ik so many 03 liners irl because of class but online? They do not exist. One year older? Yess, one year younger? Tons but same age? NAH . And oohh cool, I just completed my bachelors and now I feel lost, gonna go for Masters Clinical prolly but yes idk what I will do after that either and I dread research and therapy even so yeah maybe diagnostics lol. (I am ahead of u, but probably gonna take a break this year, let's get at the same level then :D). You make me wanna re-test my mbti it's been a while ;)
And I am probably gonna read Potential or the self sabotage one, Chenle yes, I rarely find good stuff about him. Wish me luck, I saw people sobbing in your asks regarding Potential 😭. (Thanks for not getting mad but it's understandable even if u do)
I do not listen to Dominic but I will check that song out, for you, to try n feel what you said <3
Let's be friends, can i try sliding into your dms time to time🤸🏻‍♀️
hihihi happy to hear u like me more now 🫶🏻 i like you too 🤭🤭
AHAHA okay i get you but also i definitely read smuts that made me delusional before... this one smut i read i cannot stop thinking about it IT WAS PWP TOO 😭😭😭 sigh. Yeah 10 chapters of pure fucking is not really my cup of tea either. Its like when the smut count in a fic goes past 2 im like well this is too much isnt it🤨 (and then i realize real ppl fuck and im just being a virgin.)
I will tell my friend u wanna kiss her feet /j HAHAHA yeah we met last october for the first time!! She lives in a country next to mine so periodically we take turns and take a train to each others capital 🥰 it definitely feels like a dream like wow life didnt end at 17 i am 21 now and meeting online friends and travelling and wow. And yeah kinda!! Also i feel that i dislike most of my angst for some reason ??? And i dont really know why if im being honest TT its like maybe i feel a bit pretentious ?? I have no idea its a whole thing 😭😭 but once again i feel very honored that you connected so deeply with a work of mine 🫶🏻 its still baffling to me haha. TELLING UR ROOMMATE IS ALSO ANOTHER LEVEL WHAT
omg i actually dislike spring but also like it at the same time ?? I was born in spring! but i dislike the unreliable weather but also theres something abt seeing the sun after months of winter that cures ur depression a little doesnt it😭😭 it gets crazy hot in summers here too!! Like next wednesday its supposed to be 36°C 😀😀😀😀 im gonna d*e. I would say i prefer winter to summer but i think u couldve guessed that from my previous reply HAHA
DJDJS me? Cute? 🤭🤭 no, YOU are. but you are SOOO right i see so many 04 liners online its crazy. Most of my mutuals on here are 04-05 liners it makes me feel OLDDD. Omg thats so cool 😯😯 i think clinical is too far from my abilities LMAOO but then again idk idk. When i was little i wanted to do psych because of clinical but then i got into uni and realized how difficult it is and how i am a gifted child burnout so :// and i feel like therapy isnt for me it would burn me out too much. I was thinking of art therapy perhaps ?? but the easiest way to get emploeyed would be school or educational psych here so we'll see maybe ill go for that ?? tell me what ur mbti is after!!
AAAA self sabotage i dont really like either (i seem to dislike a lot of my work LMAO) but potential is one of my most fav fics ive ever written 🤍 i didnt really think it was THAT angsty but i kind of treated it as my therapy session lmao so...,.,,. Yeah maybe thats why. hope u like it! I am very proud of it,, it was a spontaneous work of mine but im happy with how it turned out :,)
what kind of music do u listen to?? :oo i am a HUGE dominic fan no one underastands the sunburn album the way i do </33 hope u like it if u listen to it:)
LETS BE FRIENDS !! u can slide into my dms any time altho i am uhh not really as active on this blog lately ((since i made my other one this has been collecting dust. Shame on me 😭😭😭😭) but i will try to get back to u asap !! (Or we can talk on discord?)
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noonaishere · 3 months
Masterlist of Older Works
These are all fics I wrote in 2020 and before.
I have tumblr versions of these on my main blog, symphonyofmars, but something happened with one of them where I fucked up some formatting or something and like half of a chapter repeats itself. I fixed it on AO3 but not here, so I'm only putting the AO3 links and I recommend reading them all there.
The works that are 18+ are clearly marked.
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Redemption [Deucalion] (18+)
Fic type: traditional style
Pairing: Deucalion x fem!OC
Genre: Teen Wolf, canon complaint (mostly), AU (that starts after season 4), OCs
Warnings: paranormal violence, SMUT
Status: Finished
Ever since being let go by Scott and Derek, Deucalion has been in hiding. Except for the mercenary Braden, he hasn’t had contact with anyone in months and no one knows where he is.
Meanwhile, Scott and his pack are enjoying one of Beacon Hills’ rare quiet periods, but that is about to change. A grisly corpse is found and the hunt is on to figure out who – or what – the killer is before they can kill again.
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House of the Dead [Malachi]
Fic type: traditional style
Pairing: Malachi x fem!OC
Genre: Riverdale, AU, flashback, character past
Warnings: (none really, since it ended before things really got started)
Status: Unfinished but abandoned
This fic takes place after season 2. Malachi seemed like he was spiraling further out of control, but there was a time in his life where he wasn't. What was missing that made him so unhinged? How did the Ghoulies form and who formed it? And anyway, who doesn’t want to be the most powerful woman in the room?
[Sorry, this one is never getting finished. I liked writing this, but it was an experiment to see if I could return to a work every week to update it and the conclusion was: I can't. Writing a fic all at once like a book is the way to go, for me. It was also originally going to have smut, but I was editing Cold Hands Warm Heart at the same time as writing this, and that one ended up winning all my attention in the end. I do want to repurpose some of the OCs for an original book (and maybe even this version of Malachi since he's so OOC per the show), so they at least won't go to waste.]
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Cold Hands Warm Heart [Loki] (18+)
Fic type: traditional style
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Genre: MCU, Marvel Comic Universe, AU, heroes (and characters I like) never die
Warnings: assault, extraterrestrial violence, copious amounts of fashion descriptions, raging against the machine, existential crises/angst, sass, SMUT, BDSM
Status: Finished
From my AO3 descrip: "This fic takes place in some weird space after Infinity War in which Loki didn’t die and had just faked his death AGAIN, because I refuse to believe he’s dead." So it's canon compliant up until a certain point lol.
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Three Weeks [Henry Cavill]
Fic type: traditional style
Pairing: Henry Cavill x fem!reader
Genre: real life AU
Warnings: none, mentions of quarantine and coronavirus
Status: Finished
The Reader is a script writer on The Witcher 2 and begins a budding romance with the lead actor, Henry Cavill. However, coronavirus is going around and no one is prepared. Love in the Time of Corona?
[This is partly inspired by all the footage of people finding ways to deal with the quarantine I saw at the time, and partly by the way the first season of The Witcher was told where; Geralt was in the past and Ciri was in the present (did I get that right? lol) and the two timelines overlapped at a particular point. It left me wanting to try doing that, you can be the judge of if I succeeded lol.]
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Anyway, that's them. If you decide to read them, please comment 😊 I know they're old, but I still like hearing what people have to say, it gives me motivation 😊
Enjoy! 🥰🥰🥰
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istorkyou · 2 years
The Price Of Love (Modern!Ivar AU)
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A Modern!Ivar x F Reader
Warnings - STRICTLY 18+ NSFW Language
Synopsis - Money isn’t everything.
Note - This is the second fic I ever wrote and I’m not sure why I never posted it. I think I started writing The Arrangement not long after and kind of fell out of love with this one. Still, it’s been festering in my completed docs for well over a year so I figure I might as well post it 😬 It’s fluffy, and maybe a little cheesy (and by a little I mean a lot!) so if that’s your bag I hope you enjoy it!
Moodboard - The beautiful moodboard is made the magical, amazing @serasvictoria. Thank you so much xxxx
This was beta read by my aussie wife who has left Tumblr. All love, all the time Lou x
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree @wonton-wrappers​ 
At exactly 3pm your bell goes. A smile is on your face and an excited flutter in your stomach is present as you open the door to him. You have never seen him look so fucking sexy. He is in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie, his hair isn’t as perfect as usual either. You have only seen him in super formal dress, shirts, ties and trousers. This casual look is really doing it for you.
“You are very punctual,” you tease him and he smiles at you.
“You are overdressed, I thought this was sweatpants day?” He looks at your summer dress.
“Not that I’m complaining, this little dress is sexy on you, and it’s got easy access,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“You are denied access today, and I am going to change into my sweats, you look comfy in yours and I’m jealous,” you laugh and beckon him into your place.
“Have a seat, I’m going to change,” you tell him.
“Can I have a seat on your bed and watch you?” Ivar inquires, fake innocence in his voice.
You just look him over and tut, walking away, smiling when you know he can’t see you.
You come back into your living room and he is sitting super close to your spot on the sofa. He smiles as you walk in, and looks you up and down. You have a hoodie on but have deliberately chosen some shorts so he can see some skin.
“You're not going to be cold?” He asks, smirking. You smile and shake your head.
“So, what shall we watch?” You ask him and you take a seat next to him on the couch and cross your legs.
“I don’t know what you want to watch but I’m going to watch you,” he says, eyes trailing over your legs.
“Funny and a bit creepy all at once,” you laugh at him. He chuckles and pulls your closest leg over lap. It feels natural to you so you leave it there.
“Put on something I won’t have seen,” he says to you as his hands rest on your shin.
You think for a second. Something reality TV based, he doesn’t strike you as a reality TV man.
“Oh you are going to regret that, I watch the biggest load of shite there is!” You laugh. “Tell me if my leg starts to hurt yours, ok?” You tell him quietly. He faces you quickly and nods, with a small smile on his face.
You put on The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills and glance at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh shit, yes! Is Lisa Vanderpump still in this? She cracks me up,” he says, looking at you. You are dumbfounded. “What?” He asks.
“I didn’t have you down as a Housewives fan!” You laugh.
“Oh there’s lots you don’t know about me, Y/N,” he gives you a cheeky wink.
You watch the show and his hands stay on your leg occasionally moving them up and down and it feels amazing.
“Keep rubbing my leg, it feels good” you tell him when his hands stop. He smiles but keeps his eyes on the TV. His hands move up and down and start massaging your thigh, you are very aware that your legs are open now his hand is travelling up your thigh.
There is very little material covering you up. As nice as it feels you have no plans for anything sexual to happen between you tonight. You shift to close your legs and you rest your head on his shoulder. If he notices he doesn’t say anything or change his actions. You feel him turn his head slightly and he gives you a small kiss into your hair, sending butterflies flapping in your stomach.
You have been watching trash TV in silence for over an hour. It’s a comfortable silence from you, you suddenly realise this might actually be boring as fuck for him. You forgot for a minute that he is probably used to spending his time doing much more upmarket things than lazing around watching shite TV.
“Ivar, are you bored? Sorry, I’ve just realised we haven’t really spoken in the last hour, I got sucked into the show and I feel really comfortable around you,” you apologise to him.
“I’m not bored at all actually, this is exactly what I want to be doing. I hardly ever get the chance to just chill out fully. Someone is always trying to get me to do something I don’t want to do, something business related, even on the weekends. I feel the most relaxed I have in a while.” His tone seems genuine to you. “I'm really enjoying just being next to you,” he admits, shyly.
You are studying his face, not a hint of bullshit is detected and that makes you smile.
“Do you want to kiss me? I want to kiss you. I’ve been thinking about kissing you again since you got here,” you tell him in a matter of fact tone. His tongue travels to his lips.
“I would like that very much,” he answers, voice full of anticipation.
You swing your legs off of his lap and shift yourself until you are facing him, with your legs underneath you. His body shifts so he is facing you, you are close to him again you can smell his shampoo and fabric softener.
You lean into him so your faces are close and press your mouth to his. It starts slowly, small pecks until a spark of lust ignites in you and you are carding your hand through his hair to the back of his neck whilst your other hand runs up his muscular bicep and settles there. You open your mouth at the same time as him and both your tongues slip into the other's mouth in unison. You explore each other and a blush covers your face. No kiss has ever felt so sensual to you, it's making your head spin. He has a hand gripping tightly to one of your thighs whilst the other is on your face.
There are fireworks going off in your stomach, you wonder if he is feeling even half of what you are.
Your lungs start to scream so you pull away, heavily breathing in his air. His eyes open slowly and take a second to focus on you, his hand still on your cheek. You’ve had enough oxygen so you dive back into his kiss, the sensation is intoxicating. You could stay like this for the rest of your life and die happy.
You eventually need to resurface, annoyingly, and you look into his beautiful eyes when you do.
“You are the best kisser,” you tell him, giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Yeah?” His face alight with pride “I’m pretty good all round with my tongue,” he starts laughing and kisses you again. You smile into his mouth at his cheeky response.
You spend an age locked together, you don’t know how much time has passed but you know you haven’t kissed someone for this long since you were a teenager. At some point, and you aren’t even sure when, you have climbed onto his lap and you're straddling him.
When you finally emerge your lips are swollen and red and your hair is dishevelled, so is his. You breathe heavily as you look at each other, smiling. You hear his stomach growl.
“Shit, you are starving. Sorry, I lost track of time! Shall I order some food?” You ask him as you get off his lap carefully. He clears his throat, adjusts his sweatpants and nods. A satisfied smile creeps in your face.
“What do you want? What are you in the mood for?”
“Apart from more of you? Chinese, how about you?” He responds with a smile.
“Ugh I might kiss you again, that’s my favourite!” You exclaim excitedly “I’m going to really try not to eat myself into a food coma,” you warn him and he laughs at you.
“I will tuck you in if you do,” he says with a big smile on his face.
Over dinner the conversation is easy. You tell him about your childhood, your school life, your family and friends and your shop. He seems genuinely interested in you, and it’s interesting to compare how he grew up. Private schooling, maids, chefs, nannies, lavish holidays, college.
“So I am now joint CEO of the company, with my mum, although she is more silent, there in the title alone really. My taking over has caused a bit of a rift with Ubbe, it wasn’t my intention, the board just didn’t think he was ready,” he explains.
“So that’s where the competition and tension comes from, I don’t envy you having to navigate through that, Ivar,” you answer him honestly.
“No, it’s not fun, but sometimes you have to do what’s best for yourself. Like with you, I know you were dating Ubbe, but when I met you I felt something I haven’t felt before. I couldn’t just let that go because of him. I think we might have real potential,” he tells you quietly “I’m sorry if that’s a bit full on, I don’t even really know how you feel about him, or me.”
“Ivar, I have no feelings for your brother. Even if I hadn’t met you, Ubbe and I would have been done. He isn’t for me, I didn’t see a future with him at all. Not that I regret it, because I try not to have regrets, but if I knew how much I was going to like you I would never have dated him, much less slept with him.”
You can see Ivar wince at those words and it’s not pleasant. You put your hand to his cheek. “Sorry if it hurts you.���
“If it bothered me that much I wouldn’t be here,” he shrugs, “can you not sleep with any more of my brothers though?” His face pulls into a wicked smile.
You take in a deep breath and pull up one side of your mouth. “No promises sunshine, I haven’t met them all yet.” Ivar lets out a massive laugh and you follow suit.
“Technically, without dating Ubbe we would never have met…” your voice trails off.
“I will be sure to thank him in the wedding speech then.” Ivar says boldly, not a hint of embarrassment on his face. You let out a shocked laugh and change the subject.
“So tell me more about your usual wooing methods.” You ask him. “Do you really buy women those expensive bracelets? It’s insane if you do, and just FYI, they are a little ugly!” You whisper the last part to him with an awkward smile on your face.
He laughs loudly. “The type of women I have been used to dating are usually from very well off families and these types of gifts are expected. It’s kind of the norm,” he shrugs.
“Dude, you need to meet better women, normal women, not women who expect diamonds off you before you’ve even started dating!” You wag a finger at him.
“I think I have, haven’t I?” His face is full of hope. He is adorable, you lean over the table to plant another kiss on his lips and wrinkle your nose at him, smiling.
Despite trying your hardest not to fall into a food coma, you both do. You move back to the sofa sitting close together again. You notice that Ivar is fidgeting around a lot.
“Are you okay?”
“My legs are starting to hurt,” he admits quietly.
“What can I do to help? Do you have painkillers? Do you want me to rub them? You rubbed mine enough today!” You offer him. His head turns towards you slowly, surveying your face.
“I don’t want you to see them,” he says quietly, embarrassed.
“OK. I don’t have to see them to rub them, if it would feel nice? I don’t have to though, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here,” you are a little flustered and hope you haven’t offended him.
He is quiet for a while trying to decide what to do. You turn back to the TV so he doesn’t feel pressured to answer you.
“I don’t want you to touch them. I don’t want you to be turned off by me in any way.” It’s taken him courage to say that, you can tell from the blush in his cheeks.
“I wouldn’t be turned off by you, Ivar, trust me. I will be gentle,” you tell him and he gives a quick nod. “Do you want to lay down and put them over me?” You ask him and he nods quickly again and undoes his braces.
You both get into position and you put a gentle hand on his thigh and start rubbing softly. “Is this okay? Tell me if I’m going too rough or you like it a different way, okay?”
You tell him and turn back to the TV.
“I don’t know how I like it, no one has ever offered to do this for me. No one has touched them except nurses and doctors since I was a child.” His voice is so small.
“Well, I will rub them any time for you, if it will help and you like it, I know how good it feels for me and I haven’t even got any pain.” You say honestly.
He lets out a deep sound of relief when you start to touch him more, massaging as gently as you can. It feels so good to be able to help him in any small way you can.
You continue massaging his legs and watching TV until you hear small snores from the man beside you. You smile at his angelic face. He doesn’t seem at all like his reputation, you think to yourself.
You don’t want to wake him but it’s getting late and you don’t think your sofa will do his pain levels any good so you very carefully remove his legs from your lap and crawl over to wake him up. You give him a little kiss on his cheek and as he stirs you peck him on the lips.
“Ivar, wake up, it’s getting late” his eyes open and he inhales deeply.
“Thanks for rubbing my legs, I feel so relaxed. I will call my driver and go home. Thanks for a lovely day,” he tells you and kisses you.
“Do you want to stay over with me? Just to sleep though,” you offer.
His face breaks into a smile “I did bring a bag with my meds and stuff just in case!” You let out a huff of laughter at his cheekiness.
“Oh yeah? Thought you were going to get lucky did you?” You tease him with raised eyebrows.
His face pulls into an awkward smile. “I can neither confirm nor deny that there are condoms in my bag.”
“Well you will be leaving with as many as you came with!”
“Shit am I going bareback?” He says with widened eyes. Your face breaks into a shocked smile and you start laughing loudly.
“I’m just kidding, Y/N! Thanks, I would love to stay, I will keep my dick in my pants I promise!” He pulls your face to his for another kiss.
You help him up and show him where your bedroom is. You let him use the bathroom first and you get ready in the other room, to give you both some privacy. When you enter your bedroom he is under the covers with no top on and you can see a bunch of tattoos you didn’t know were there.
“Hey! That's not fair, how am I supposed to keep this sleepover clean if you flash your tattoos at me?!” Your mouth agape as your eyes sweep over him.
“The same way I’m going to have trouble with you in those tiny shorts, I can see asscheeks,” he retorts.
“Touché,” you wink at him and get into bed.
“Do you think I could get a few kisses?” You ask in fake innocence.
“Come here,” he pulls you to him and the kissing starts again, god this is the horniest you’ve been in a while, but you don’t want to sleep with him yet, you actually like him and don’t want it to turn into a one night stand. You remind yourself that despite today, and getting on really well, you don’t know him at all, and there’s an underlying unease regarding the Ubbe situation.
You break apart and you are lying side to side looking at each other.
“Good night, Y/N,” he runs his hand through your hair. “I really had a great day with you.”
“Night, Ivar. I did too,” you say sleepily.
Chapter 7
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 years
Why I started...
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This small piece of nonsense for some, word for others has been a long time coming. And it all dials back to why did I join Tumblr? Why this fandom? Why am I still here?
All three are very valid questions. So let’s answer shall we.
Why did I join? 
Well...*grandma style and insert grandma voice* back in 2018 when I first opened this blog it was for an entirely different fandom, specifically Yu Yu Hakusho, but ultimately it was for the same reason I am here today. To write.
I remember the old days like it happened yesterday. 
I remember falling in love with @luckystarchild and her absolute perfect thousands not hundred word chapters I could never live up to but always wanted to. I remember wanting to have the same passion as @tv-writes-ff and always falling short but loving her work. I remember the emotions and delight from reading @cynfoladventures and the support I got from @urushibara-may and the utter joy from getting to meet her in person. @1nerdygurl please, go and read and you will be in awe. @o-dragon05 and her amazing story and love for the fandom? Yes please. Want dark and haunting and also another yes please, check out @agrinsosardonic​, you will not be disappointed. 
Absolute pillars in the fandom.
And guess what? Some took months, years to get back or they didn’t. And it still stuck to my brain what they wrote and what they did. And it was...I can’t find the proper words...amazing...and people stuck to it and believe it in and in them.
Why this fandom?
I started fanfiction out of love for anime.
I did move on with my last work for YYH title What does the fox say.
From there I moved on towards another old love. Not for the support for JKR, no. For the love of magic. For enchantment. For writing even more. For reminding me of older but better times when even in the real world magic seemed to work, even for a skeptic, black souled, dark coffee lover like me.
And I created shorts, entire stories like Late Night Enchantments, Late night curses, Carnage Circus and many more.
Why am I still here?
Good fucking question.
Not for a lot, let’s be honest.
But at the moment I have a few reasons, some have names, some don’t.
1. Talia Crane - who taught me resilience beyond belief and to go on despite all odds
2. Leila Mya Hellebore - for the love of family (the fandom) for going on despite everything
3. Jin Watanabe -  for the love of knowledge i might never use and despite that still love and for the sass
4. Gareth Farr - for trying when the world is tearing you apart, for unexpected love
5. Angela King - for the small spark of light in me and offering a bit of trust hoping something good will come out of it
6. Victoria Summer - for the perfect girls that are forced to be like that because of society but find a way around it
7. Scarlett Tempest -  for the i don’t give a fuck portion and don’t take any shit but also strong underneath all that
8. Jonathan Dante King - for trying new things and for courage
9. For me. Just for me.
Enjoy it people. Fandoms aren’t forever unless we make it good.
You aren’t above and beyond, we’re in it together. 
We all do good and bad, but in the end we’re here.
Try it out for what it is, not what your personal grievances are.
Be kind.
Just try.
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Seventeen
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @ the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: Pegging, face sitting if you squint
Pegging (1.5k)
“Shall we?”
Javi extended his hand to you and you giggled as you took it, letting him pull you into a playful dip as the Bluetooth speaker played soft music that echoed in the reorganized lounge. You were riding high on nothing but affection, adoration, and gratitude that this man accepted all of you so openly and without judgement. Javi’s eyes were practically twinkling as he led you in a simple box step before spinning you out and pulling you back.
“Tell me, Solecita, are you nursing a celebrity crush for Dieter?” Now that your other stories were on the table for discussion Javi was taking advantage to ask you about them, like where your headcanons came from or why you chose a specific plot route, and why you liked each character you wrote for.
He'd clearly noticed that you wrote primarily for roles Dieter had starred in.
“He’s good looking, sources online say he’s got good dick game, and he’s a great actor when he’s actually into the project. But I’m with you, Javi, the last thing I want you thinking or worrying about is that I would try and run off with Bravo.” Javi actually laughed and kissed you, feet still moving to the slow waltz tune, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“I am not worried about you leaving me for him, mi amor, I just think you have a type seeing as he and I look alike. Besides, he does have good dick game, but mine is better.” His expression was serious, like way too serious for him to be teasing, and you couldn’t stop the sharp gasp of surprise that escaped you.
Javi and Dieter? Really?
It wasn’t exactly farfetched, and Javi had mentioned he had boyfriends in the past, but it still came as a shock to you since Dieter was kind of wild and you hadn’t seen that in Javi yet.
“You fucked Dieter Bravo?”
“Well, after he fucked me but yes.”
“That is… insanely hot to think about. Especially since I write a decent amount of Joaquin and Moreno stories.”
Holy hell you felt your face warming and your whore brain wake up; it was one thing to write something you fantasized about but another to know that there was a part of it that was real. You felt Javi chuckle from the movement in his chest, since you weren’t looking at his face to see the knowing smile on it, and he tipped your chin so that you were forced to look at him again.
The little dance between you becoming just a simple swaying motion.
“You did get one thing wrong, though.”
Now your brow furrowed, confused, and Javi put his mouth right against your ear.
“I am the more dominant one between he and I.”
Lightning shot done your spine at that knowledge, you’d always characterized Moreno as a man who was in charge even when he wasn’t in control and Joaquin as someone that just wanted to be taken care of after the life he’d had.
“But not with me?”
Javi’s eyes softened considerably at your question, sure he’d proven his dirty talk game and his drive to make you come as many times as it took to have you pushing him away, but he’d shied away from actually being super pushy or hands on in a way that would leave pain. You understood where he was coming from, knowing what you did about his life now, but the idea that he’d been willing to be rough with Dieter and not you did kind of hurt.
“He begged for it, Solecita, and he isn’t you. I plan to talk to someone, to find out if this is a thing I can overcome, but the idea of hurting you at all still makes me uncomfortable. It is not as bad now since you’ve proven that you will stop things for both of our comfort… but give me time por favor.”
You nodded before you could even think about it, you’d give him all the time he needed, and Javi’s reaction to your agreement was a kiss that stole your breath away. Grabbing his wrists gently you led him up the stairs and to the East Master suite, Javi smiling the entire way, and you knew he wasn’t surprised to see the leather strap and the bottle of lube. You had asked him to choose the actual length and girth he was comfortable with, the toy itself a surprise to you, but the fact that he’d chosen your favorite color made you grin.
Javi sat down on the bed and you ran your hands through his hair, standing between his spread legs as you just combed your fingers through the soft curls and let him bask in the gentle care.
“Gonna be good for me?”
“Sí, Solecita.”
“Remind me of your safewords.”
“Fade if I need you to slow down, cut if I need you to stop.”
His relieved moan when you nodded and lightly pushed him back, straddling his waist, made you smile above him. Javi was excited about this, you could feel it in the way he was holding himself back from begging, the light in his eyes alone a sign of just what he wanted.
The soft whimper that escaped him when you removed his shirt, one button at a time, and began teasing his nipples was a sound you found yourself addicted to and Javi squirmed under you with each light touch and gentle kiss.
“Gonna take such good care of you, Javi.”
The loud groan when you rolled your hips down against him stopped him from answering you in words, his hands gripping the blankets so he didn’t grab or tug at you instead and you could do what you were planning to him. The feeling of your tongue dragging down his abdomen as you moved lower had his muscles jumping beneath you, a little giggle when you circled his belly button, and Javi hissed when you undid the placket of his pants to pull those off of him too.
He’d gone bare under the linen, his cock hard and leaking as it bobbed against his tummy, and you kissed it before standing up straight and stripping your own clothes off. The strap was easy to put on -you’d practiced already- and the toy fit just fine; Javi squirming with anticipation when you lubed up your fingers first and nipped at his hip when he tried to hurry you along.
“Relax, we have plenty of time, cariño.”
He tensed up when you began circling his puckered hole and only when he relaxed did you begin working him open, his cock bobbing and twitching as it dribbled more precum onto his tummy. You made him gasp when you dragged your tongue up his shaft while pressing one finger into him fully, your boyfriend squirming as you teased him open gently.
By the time you felt he was ready for the toy Javi was trembling, leaking all over himself, and you were gentle even with the lube and precum you used to slick the toy up. You were slow with it, not wanting to hurt him by rushing, and Javi’s eyes were closed tight as he whispered your name like a prayer; your hips settled between his thighs, kneeling on the bed with him propped up on your knees, and Javi let out the loudest whimper when you shifted before trying to find the angle and rhythm that would make him see stars.
“Hang on- like- like this.” Javi helped you figure out the roll and push motions to press right where you wanted, the moment you hit that spot he keened and threw his head back as his grip on the sheets tightened. Taking him on his back like this was definitely not the easier way to do this the first time but you needed to watch his face, watch the way his lashes fluttered and his teeth sank into his lips, and seeing him fall apart because of you was making your blood race more.
“Close, so close, fuck Solecita-“
“Good, come for me Javi.”
The command coupled with you picking up your pace as much as you could sent him over the edge and in the last moment you braced yourself on one hand to lean over just enough and take his cock in the other so that his spend was either caught in your hand or smeared and splattered on your breasts and tummy. You slowed the roll of your hips as you let him come down and Javi was left panting as you eased the toy out, his soft whimper lingering as you went to clean up what you could, and he had stayed in place for you as you returned with a warm and wet washcloth to help clean him up.
The strap and toy were left in the bathroom, so you could properly clean them once you knew Javi was okay, and as you laid down Javi pulled you into his arms to pepper kisses on your face.
“So fucking good to me, Solecita. Are you wet for me, is this pussy dripping?” His hand sank between your legs, finding your thighs slick from how excited you were, and the low whisper of awe was the only warning you had before he was pushing you up to straddle his face with more mischief in those brown eyes of his.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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dalishthunder · 7 months
Happy valentine's! It's me smile anon :]
It's been a really really long while and I planned on replying much sooner but in short: college life and depression. I'm not back to full power yet, but getting there and I absolutely had to leave a message on valentine's day since I missed new years.
I've been around since the GEO days and I've even interacted before, just never left anything that indicated I'm the same person hehe. That fic and universe will always have a special place in my heart. I binged the whole thing in one day when it was one chapter away from being finished and I laughed and I cried and the ending left me warm and satisfied despite not being into cronus at all. I've read that fic entirely for the humor, the emotions, the dynamic between two characters you've beautifully constructed (and made me gain a new appreciation for, cronus-wise. still a goober, but your take really fleshed him out), and for the background characters who got their own depth and interiority that it made the story's universe come alive. It's one fic that really touched me and I think even affected the way I approach my own creative projects. And then I proceeded to scour your blog for every other thing you've written and have been hiding in your (tumblr) backyard, occasionally whispering 'yippie' ever since lol
Anyway back to what we're both here for, GoG:
READER GOT TO (ATTEMPT) KILLING SOMEONE ("INDIRECTLY") :D!!! I was wondering when it will be coming to this and yup. Here it is. With Ramattra basically going "Point and I'll kill them" as a show of trust/respect lmao. I am really excited to see how this plays out, if there will be any casualties on their side. How that would make them feel. If it would be difficult seeing themself the same way again after asking for something like that even knowing the person they ordered killing wouldn't think twice about the suffering they'd inflicted. I'm also worried about what will happen when Talon figures out their real identity...
This project started as a two parter and look where we are now. I'd leave a longer more in depth comment but my brain is pretty fried rn ashsh. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here finding joy and comfort in your writing, and thank you for sharing it this valentine since we're celebrating the love and all that :3 Hope you have a good day today!
Happy Valentines Day!!! Oh my god thank you for sticking around so long! And I'm so glad you enjoyed GEO enough to stay for the ride ;u;
writing GEO was honestly such a huge emotional experience for me beginning to end. It's... one of those ones that will probably stay with me in my heart forever because it was the first big thing I wrote in... a good 9-10 years, and it was filled with a lot of heart (not that my other stuff isn't, I do pour my heart and soul into my other works, but GEO was special to me yknow?) So I'm really glad that you enjoyed it so much
And that's so touching to hear that it's kind of changed the way you view your creative endeavors!!!! At least I hope it's in a good way haha ASLDKJFASLKDFASDFSDF
And yeah baby's first murder... Ramattra is so proud
But in all seriousness there's gonna be a lot of emotions in the next chapter and I'm so fucking pumped for it... (if my hands and brain would cooperate and type)
I hope you also have a wonderful day!
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