laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 51 Translation (Part 1)
⚠️  SPOILER ALERT  ⚠️ This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Pushing open the door in front of him, he immediately saw the girl he had been searching for. 
She's all alone, confined within a glass container secured by layers of locks and cables.
The blinking red lights from the instruments cast an eerie crimson color on her. In that instant, he even felt like she might not be breathing anymore.
It's as if the last thread holding onto something in his mind had snapped.
Previous Lucien’s chapter -> [Here]
[Background Info]
VERY recommended to read [R&S Threshold] first for more pain
Anyway so- recently this phenomenon called space rift suddenly appeared in every corner of Loveland City. Many organizations including NW and STF have been keeping an eye on it. Lucien's chapter in this batch will be focusing on the 'the rifts'
Note that I won't delve deep into the "Odyssey" plot because it'll be the focus of Kiro's chapter. So, I will only write important plot points when the story touches that plot.
[Chapter 51-1]
There's a gaming company called Infinite that recently launched a new game called "Odyssey" and this game has managed to maintain its high level of popularity for several consecutive days. Things that's been happening like space "rifts", or discussions about the conference can't even dampen the enthusiasm about the game.
MC receives an unexpected collaboration invitation from Infinite. As she reviews the proposal, they discover that Infinite plans to use their latest virtual reality device, the Golden Apple3, for the game's promotion.
She remembers that she had experienced the previous version of that virtual reality device, Golden Apple 2 (1st Lucien's company story). In the end, her company quickly agrees to the collaboration because it's such a significant contract.
When MC returns home, it's already close to 10 p.m. And something strange happens after she steps out of the elevator.
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It is almost ten o'clock when I return home from work. Just as I step out of the elevator, a sudden sense of deja vu runs through my body.
I hesitate and stop my steps for a moment, but that feeling has already disappeared without a trace.
I notice several packages piled up at my doorstep. As far as I remember, I haven't ordered anything recently.
I puzzledly try to pick up one of them, but my fingertip goes straight through the box!
MC: …!
I blink in disbelief, and the cardboard box lies perfectly intact at my doorstep as if what happened just now was just my imagination.
Am I so tired that my vision is playing tricks on me...?
I cautiously reach out and wave my hand, but the cardboard box in front of me remains untouchable as if it were a mere projection.
MC: (confused) ...What is going on?
The delivery boxes clearly have my name and address on them, but the shipping dates for all of these packages are... ten days later?
Feeling puzzled, a shadow falls beside me. I turn around, and a familiar person is standing behind me, seemingly out of nowhere.
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MC: Lucien?
The strands of his bangs obscure the light, casting his already emotionless eyes into deeper shadows. The bandages wrapped around his wrist are soaked with oozing blood, the vivid dark red strikingly catches my eye.
MC: What happened to you!!
My heart tightens, and I hurriedly rush toward him, but my body "passes through" him just like it did with the delivery boxes.
In the next moment, Lucien disappears, leaving only a tightly closed door standing in front of me.
I touch the door in bewilderment; it feels cold and solid.
When I lower my head, the pile of packages at the doorstep has completely vanished without a trace just like Lucien.
MC: What on earth is happening…
??: MC?
I turn around in surprise and see Lucien walking out of the elevator with a smile on his face.
MC: Lucien-?!
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I quickly walk over and, to his surprised expression, I push back his bangs.
His smooth forehead shows no signs of injury, and his deep eyes carry a slight hint of confusion, but he cooperates with my actions.
After confirming that there are no wounds on Lucien's body, I finally breathe a sigh of relief and meet his inquisitive gaze.
Lucien: Did this classmate here find something on my face?
I retract my hand from his waist, feeling somewhat embarrassed as I avert my gaze.
MC: It's nothing, I was just... I...
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Seeing me a bit tongue-tied, Lucien smiles and soothingly takes my hand.
Lucien: Although I don't know what you were looking for, the hallway lighting isn't great. Come inside, and we can talk slowly.
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(Lucien's 5th birthday bgm playing)
I sit on the sofa, cradling the perfectly warm hot chocolate, and take a sip. The sweet, aromatic flavor relaxes my entire body.
MC: I didn't expect Professor Lucien to start drinking this sweet beverage as well.
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Lucien: While shopping at the supermarket, I remembered how you couldn't stop praising the taste of this chocolate, so I bought it.
Lucien: After all, if I invite you for tea at this hour, the Great Producer who works hard all day might have trouble falling asleep tonight.
Lucien sets his cup down and gently takes my hand.
Lucien: (getting closer) Now, can you tell me why you wanted to give me a "body checkup" as soon as we met?
I purse my lips and explain the "strange event" I just witnessed to Lucien in detail, my brow furrowing in puzzlement.
MC: Could what I saw just now be one of those "space rifts" that have been appearing sporadically in Loveland City lately?
MC: I got a little panicked earlier and didn't think about it at the moment.
Lucien: I understand. After all, concern can lead to panic.
I hear a low, deep chuckle beside me. I tilt my head slightly and am met with a deep smile, causing my ears to flush.
Lucien: But you're right; it should be one of those "space rifts," so there's no need to worry too much.
Lucien: It's not reality, at least not something happening right now.
Seeing my continued confusion, Lucien continues to speak.
Lucien: Recently, various organizations have been observing it, and I've also gathered some relevant information.
Lucien: It's caused by an unknown energy fluctuation, which tears open a "rift" in the present space and projects a "phantom" from the future.
Lucien: They can't be touched, and they don't affect reality.
Lucien: A more straightforward explanation would be some form of "foresight”.
I nod thoughtfully, grasping a certain point.
MC: So, these images from the future, are they bound to happen later?
Recalling him with bandages earlier, my heart tightens once again. As if he noticed my anxiety, Lucien clasps my fingertips and gently strokes them.
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Lucien: (softly) I think the so-called doomed fate has long been shattered by you.
Lucien: Otherwise, the "doomed" comet destined for Earth should also follow its predetermined course.
His voice carries a reassuring certainty that can calm anyone as if nothing that happens can deviate from the path he holds in his hands.
Lucien: So there's no need to worry too much. Since I already know about this "future," I'll be even more careful.
MC: (worriedly) I'm just concerned if there might be any accidents... Professor Lucien, you won't be doing anything dangerous recently, will you?
Lucien: Hmm... (chuckle) Some of the experiments I'm currently working on do involve chemicals that aren't entirely safe.
MC: ... Are they toxic substances? Or the kind that could cause explosions?
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Lucien: (chuckle then teasingly says)  Both, actually. But in my case, the likelihood of them occurring is almost zero.
His playful tone eases my concerns to some extent, but I still have a lingering unease. After some thought, I take out a few colorful ropes from my bag.
MC: Just in case, I want to add a "safety net."
MC: Yesterday, I had an interview right next to Grandma Wen's* shop, so I stopped by for a while afterward.
MC: She taught me a new knot, which she said could bring good luck.
Lucien leans quietly against my side, his fingertip lazily twirling the other end of the thread.
Lucien: Today, Pete was showing off the protective amulet he got from the temple at the research institute, claiming it's very effective and recommending it to everyone.
Lucien: But now it seems that I can get a more effective "amulet" without going to the temple.
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MC: How could something I make be as good as something blessed at the temple?
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Lucien: In Buddhism, the blessings of the Buddha are for all living beings. But what you make, all the intentions and feelings behind it belong to me alone.**
The subtle rise in his deep tone has an intoxicating effect and makes me feel entranced. In that momentary lapse of attention, the threads in my hand have become tangled.
The soft laughter in my ears carries a husky undertone as if he sees through all the restlessness in my heart.
MC: Please don't "cause trouble" Professor.
Lucien: Hmm? (chuckle) I'm just here to observe and learn.
He leans in beside me, watching attentively. After a while, a somewhat decent knot appears in my hands.
MC: (smiles softly) Although a bit superstitious, I hope it can help you ward off disasters.
Lucien: I heard that carrying these lucky charms close to your body enhances their effectiveness.
His fingertip gently traces the lucky charm, and he winks at me.
Lucien: (whispers charmingly) Would you be willing to help me put on this token of luck yourself?
*: Grandma Wen is the same grandma that taught MC to make a peace knot back in S1 chapter 9, she also appeared in Bound by Love SP (Chinese Wedding SP)~
**: This small bit is a nod to his 2023 Qixi Karma Date! 🥺. For him, her blessing and protection far outweigh any blessing that ‘god/gods’ can give him, and he is her most devout ‘believer’.
[Chapter 51-3]
After confirming cooperation with Infinite, MC is invited to experience the game device Golden Apple3 by them at the weekend.
On Saturday, I wake up early, and as soon as I push open the door, I notice that someone is already waiting for the elevator in the hallway.
MC: Good morning.
Lucien is wearing a casual but modest windbreaker. Upon hearing my voice, he turns around and there's a hint of surprise in his smiling eyes.
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Lucien: You're up so early on a Saturday. Is there something going on?
MC: (smiles) I signed a collaboration with Infinite for their new game, and today, I'm going to try out their gaming equipment.
Lucien: Is it the game called "Odyssey"?
MC: Oh, you know about it too?
Lucien: Since the first-generation products of GA, they've been using a lot of technology related to brainwaves and data conversion.
Lucien: Today, they invited me to attend an internal neuroscience conference.
I recall the testing of their first-generation product with a little smile.*
MC: It's a shame I won't have another chance to be your “examiner”.
Lucien: So, you really like that role?
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MC: Well, it's not every day I can get Professor Lucien to call me "Examiner".
The elevator doors also open as he speaks.
Lucien: Since our destination is the same, how about catching a ride with me, Miss Examiner?
They arrive quickly at the futuristic place. Once they're here, they part ways, and MC shakes her phone to Lucien to indicate that she'll contact him later.
MC is welcomed by the game producer, Bi Fang, who was rescued at the GR auction.
Because the game closed its first beta last week, she can't experience the game yet, however, she still can experience other things with the Golden Apple 3 device. With the accompaniment of a swan AI assistant called "Swan Lake" she experiences "Loveland City" in Golden Apple 3 VR. The technology is pretty great, "Loveland City" in the VR is identical to real-life Loveland City and her experience feels very real.
Guided by the swan, I stroll through the virtual Central Park. The refreshing air fills my senses as I gently run my fingers over the roadside flowers, their soft petals still carrying a cool morning dew, sticking to my fingertips.
I walk all the way from Central Park to my own home. Gazing at the apartment building in front of me, I'm unable to hold back my emotions.
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MC: It's truly identical. It's just a bit quiet, a little more liveliness would be great.
Swan Lake: Received the request, I have polished the scene for you.
I haven't reacted yet when suddenly my vision blurs for a moment. When it clears again, there are many pedestrians in front of me.
Someone walks by talking on the phone, and people are playing with children downstairs. I ask the little black bird next to me in a daze.
MC: Are these also data?
Swan Lake: Yes, these scenes are simulated based on the environmental data we have collected.
As I speak, I even see the familiar security guard at the entrance nodding at me.**
The familiarity of the scene made me think that in the next moment, someone should come out of the apartment building, smiling and calling my name.
In the blink of an eye, it seems like there's a blurry figure gradually becoming clear behind the glass door.
I was about to speak when I suddenly heard a somewhat urgent "beep-beep" sound in my ears.
Swan Lake: Administrator permissions detected, experience will be terminated shortly.
The scene in front of me gradually dims, and the surrounding white noise disappears. The helmet is removed by someone, and the glaring light makes me squint.
Bi Fang mentions that the company is facing some issues and they need to evacuate. He doesn't explain more and looks a little anxious. Though MC is a bit puzzled, she quickly sends a message to Lucien and follows the crowds towards the escape corridor.
??: MC.
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My wrist is enveloped by a warm palm, and when I turn around, I see that familiar figure.
MC: I just messaged you, did you also receive the notification?
Lucien: It's not clear what's happening yet. Let's follow the staff's instructions and leave this place for now.
??: AH– what's that?
An unknown commotion up ahead makes the orderly crowd move faster. Just as we turn the corner, I freeze in place at the scene in front of me—
An irregular, semi-transparent shadow hovers in the middle of the corridor. A faint mist emanates from it and slowly spreads to the side.
Lucien's brows furrow slightly as he tightens his grip on my hand.
Lucien: It's a rift.
I haven't had a chance to digest his words when the spreading mist gradually creates some kind of shadowy figures of nearby people, the shadowy figures slowly lining up in a long row.
MC: Isn't this rift a bit strange…
Lucien: If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be affecting reality.
*: She’s recalling Lucien’s first company cooperation story - [Simulation Project]
**: That security guard is actually Lucien's spy that often appears in some R&S, especially in [An Elusive Man] and [The Eyes That Witnesses] 😂
[Chapter 51-5]
The sudden appearance of the eerie phenomenon plunged the crowd into chaos. The black edges of the rift in the corridor also slowly expanded outward.
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Lucien raises his hand a little towards the rift, and I suddenly feel a slight heaviness in my body. The air around me seems to distort for a moment.
I immediately realize he's exerting gravity, but the rift remains unresponsive.
At that moment, another powerful energy fluctuation sweeps through, elongating those eerie rows of shadows even further.
??: Ahh-!
Amidst the chaotic noise, a scream erupts as someone is pushed to the edge of the rift. In an instant, his body begins to turn transparent.
Lucien reaches out towards him but passes directly through the semi-transparent figure. Seeing this, I instinctively pulled him too.
At the moment of contact, a familiar power within me seems to resonate strangely with the surrounding energy.
A burst noise echoes through my eardrums as if a signal is being disrupted, and a blurry scene flickers before my eyes.
A muffled and heavy roar reverberates in my ears as if many cold metal pieces are grinding and rotating.
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In the blurry picture, I faintly see some huge, heavy gears surrounding me, slowly turning.
MC: ...Gears?
Lucien: MC!
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I hear Lucien’s voice and snap back to reality.
The gears and sounds have all vanished, and in that instant, I feel a tangible sensation in my palm— I’ve caught that person.
Lucien grips my wrist and we pull that person out together. Then, we retreat to a more distant place with the crowd.
Lucien: Are you okay?
I shake my head in disbelief, subconsciously recalling the scene from just now. What were those rotating gears?
I lift my head and meet Lucien's concerned gaze, noticing that his expression hasn't changed. The people around us are still in the same state of panic.
I instinctively ask.
MC: Lucien, did you see anything just now?
He shakes his head, his gaze conveying a mixture of confusion and inquiry, indirectly confirming my conjecture.
I'm the only one who sees those mysterious gears.
At this moment, a resounding and powerful sound echoes down the corridor as a team dressed in Special Task Force uniforms marches through, taking control of the chaotic scene.
STF Member: An Evolver with an uncontrollable ability has appeared inside the building. The Special Task Force has already taken control. Please do not panic and evacuate orderly through the stairs.
After receiving clear instructions, the crowd that was previously in disarray slowly regains order.
As they move further away from the rift, the distortion gradually fades.
STF Member A: The situation here is dangerous. Please cooperate with the evacuation.
The special forces officer stands between us and the rift, not allowing anyone to get closer. Lucien calmly glances at the rift that almost swallows the corridor.
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Lucien: This rift is different from what we've encountered before. It just exhibited characteristics of reality interference a moment ago, and it's still expanding its scope.
Lucien: Apart from simply evacuating the civilians and controlling the scene, you might need to prepare additional measures.
The STF officer hesitates for a moment, and it seems that he hears something through his earpiece. After listening, he nods in agreement with Lucien.
STF Member A: Thank you for the information. Please leave this area for now.
I look back at that dark silhouette again before I am led away from the building by Lucien.
Back in the car, I fasten my seatbelt and still feel a bit anxious.
MC: Lucien, what will happen after that rift?
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Lucien: I'm not entirely sure, but the Special Task Force should have a plan in place to prevent any major repercussions.
Listening to this, I feel relieved and lean back in the car seat, recalling the sensations I felt when I caught that person.
Like an unspoken connection, Lucien also thinks of the same thing, and he slightly glances at me.
Lucien: How did you manage to catch that person just now?
MC: I'm not entirely sure, but I felt a surge of power resonating with the CORE, and then I can hold that person.
Lucien remains silent for a moment, as if contemplating something.
Lucien: My Evol can't interfere with it, but yours can. Perhaps it's because of the unique nature of your power.
MC: Are you talking about... CORE?
Lucien: This is just my speculation, after all, CORE possesses many powers that we have yet to fully understand.
I look at my palm in silence, carefully recalling the resonance of power I felt when I caught that person.
Lucien's guess is probably correct. But why can the power of the CORE interfere with the rift?
And also, the spinning gears I saw for that brief moment…
In the rearview mirror, Infinite's building gradually fades into the distance, but there's always an indescribable unease lingering in my heart.
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The car comes to a slow stop at a red light, and a hand gently covers my cold hand.
Lucien: Everything happens for a reason.
Lucien: Don't worry too much, every problem has its corresponding solution. It may just take more or less time to find it.
The sunlight casts long diagonal shadows through the window, spreading across the papers strewn on the floor.
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The young man with green hair sits on the floor, scribbling furiously. Messy equations occasionally fly off the edge of the paper, getting written halfway on the floor.
"The results will vary based on the change in C, but each time, it only gets infinitely closer to the threshold..."
Suddenly, a shadow appears on the windowsill. Joker doesn't pay it any mind, he just moves his papers to where there's more light and continues writing rapidly.
Along the windowsill, a young boy swings his legs and pouts.
Uno: Joker, how long do you plan to stay cooped up in here? Something interesting happened outside today.
[Chapter 51-7]
After close monitoring by the Special Task Force, the rift that had taken hold in the Infinite building completely disappeared after one day.
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MC: "According to the investigation, the rift inside the Infinite building was caused by intense Evol fluctuations."
MC: "If any citizens witness similar phenomena, please don't hesitate to contact the Special Task Force at any time..."
After dinner, I lean back on Lucien's sofa, scrolling through today's news.
MC: ... I didn't expect this rift to last so long.
MC: The official explanation in the reports also matches what the Special Task Force explained on the scene yesterday.
Lucien: Until we have gathered enough information, this explanation is the least likely to cause a commotion.
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The sofa next to me sinks slightly, and his familiar clean scent lingers around me. I relax and lean back, letting out a yawn.
From yesterday until now, that indescribable sense of worry in my heart has grown stronger.
I keep finding myself thinking about the rotating gears I saw when I got close to the rift and the constantly stretching shadows in front of it.
These scenes are remarkably similar to what I witnessed before at the ruins.*
Could there be a connection between the two? Is it related to the CORE?
Unconsciously, I let out another sigh, and Lucien gently ruffled my hair.
Lucien: (gently) Is it the rift from yesterday that's making you feel so uneasy?
MC: Sigh, it seems like I can never hide any little secrets from you.
Lucien: (smiles) This classmate has practically written her little secrets all over her face. Besides, you seemed a bit distracted during dinner just now.
MC: It seems like I've been a bit overly worried...
Lucien: In most cases, people don't feel uneasy about things they are certain of.
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Lucien: So, turning the unknown into the known, and the out-of-control into in-control will alleviate those worries.
Listening to his words, I hesitate for a moment but still decide to tell him about the gears I saw yesterday and the "prophecy" I once witnessed in the ruin.
Lucien listens quietly, his expression shifting from a brief surprise to deep contemplation.
Lucien: Are you saying that yesterday, when you came into contact with the rift, you briefly saw a scene with many gears?
Lucien: And not long ago, you also saw a similar scene through the power of the CORE in a ruin.
MC: It seems a bit different... What I saw in that ruin, in addition to gears, there were also many human….
MC: Uh, something like "worms"?
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Lucien: …'Human worms'?
MC: Yes, and then those gears eventually devoured them all…
Lucien ponders for a moment, and his eyes light up.
Lucien: Are these "worms" you mentioned similar to the shadowy figures we saw in front of the crack yesterday?
MC: If I must say, there is indeed a resemblance, but the worms I saw in the ruins were much longer than those shadowy figures.
Seeing me gesturing enthusiastically, Lucien takes out paper and a pen from a nearby cabinet and begins to write and draw on it.
Lucien: MC, have you ever heard of "four-dimensional worms"?
MC: Four-dimensional worms?
Faced with unfamiliar terminology, I shake my head.
Lucien: In the current dimension, we can only see ourselves in the present moment.
I glance sideways— Lucien is focused on the diagrams drawn on the paper, with a faint upward curve at the corner of his lips.
Lucien: But suppose we step into a higher dimension, the abstract concept of time, which is originally intangible, becomes a visible "axis."
As he sketches, a person's form from birth to old age is stretched out along a long line.
Lucien: And this shape might look like a "worm"... perhaps you've seen similar concepts in many movies.
Lucien: So I speculate that within the area where the rift appeared, there may have been a momentary phenomenon of "transitioning into the fourth dimension."
A simple sketch falls onto the paper, the slender, worm-like shape making the scenes from the ruin become even clearer in my mind.
MC: Yes... it looks just like this! Like a person stretched infinitely!
MC: So, what I saw in the ruin was actually people transforming into a four-dimensional form?
Lucien: That's right, those shadows near the rift could also be part of the "four-dimensional worm".
MC: But what could this signify?
The air falls silent once more, and Lucien speaks after a moment of contemplation.
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Lucien: Some phenomena may only be visible to you as CORE, and they each have their own significance.
Lucien: Can you try to recall where else you've seen similar situations? Perhaps that could be part of the answer.
His question makes me feel anxious.
Of course, I've seen them—behind the gate known as the truth of the world.
But why did the scenes that should have appeared behind the gate show up when I touched the rift?
Complex thoughts are continuously welling up as if some subtle and unnoticed change has already begun.
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Lucien: (tenderly) Are you thinking of some difficult questions?
MC: I'm just thinking... why did it appear?
Lucien: That's a very straightforward question indeed.
MC: Lucien, perhaps you know something?
He pauses for a moment, his fingers gently twirling around my hair as he plays with it.
Lucien: Because of the lack of evidence, I currently only have speculations... My guess is that these various phenomena might be related to that comet.
MC: ….!
Lucien: The earliest energy fluctuations that appeared within Loveland City coincided with the conclusion of the strange celestial phenomena brought by the comet.
Lucien: So my speculation is that perhaps it's a little "surprise" left for us by the comet. Of course, it could also be an entirely new phenomenon.
MC: I can’t believe it was so long ago…!
The timing seems too coincidental. Could the rift truly be connected to the gears or that door?
My mind is in chaos, and I sigh tiredly. In the next moment, I feel tightness around my waist as Lucien pulls my whole body into his embrace.
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Lucien: In most cases, solving problems is the best way to dispel uneasiness.
Lucien: But if the problem can't be solved immediately, there are other little tricks to temporarily ease your mind.
Feeling his arm holding me tighten slightly, I bury my head into his chest and speak in a muffled voice.
MC: Then… Please help me, Professor Lucien.
Lucien: (in an almost whisper) Now, slow down your breathing rhythmically.
I begin to breathe slowly as he instructed. Soon, the faint scent of tea submerges my entire body.
Lucien: (whispers softly) Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself entering a place that makes you feel relaxed...
*BG changes to camphor tree*
As he speaks, a lush camphor tree appears in my mind. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and there seems to be a faint, earthy freshness brushing against my face.
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Lucien: Everything that made you uncomfortable seems to have turned into specks of dust in your hands, and you are scattering them into the world.
A deep and slow voice by my ear is carrying a persuasive and gentle inducement.
I subconsciously raise my hand as he instructed, and that inexplicable feeling of unease that had been lingering in my heart seems to have truly diminished.
*BG changes back to Lucien's home*
MC: Lucien, did you perform some kind of magic trick?
Lucien: (chuckles and then whispers softly) It is a 'magic' that already exists in your body, I'm just giving it a little push."
Lucien: When people hug, their bodies produce serotonin and endorphins, which temporarily override negative emotions.
I nuzzle against his neck and shoulder lingeringly, hoping that this hug can last a little longer.
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MC: I feel that it was Professor Lucien's presence that made all the negative emotions in my body disappear.
Accompanied by the low murmur by my ear, the arms holding me are squeezing tighter, deepening this hug even more.
Lucien: (whispers) So, are you feeling better now?
MC: Mm..
I take a deep breath.
Many things don't simply disappear by avoiding them, and I'm not alone right now.
Because the person who can help me uncover the secrets of the rift is right in front of me.
MC: Lucien-
Lucien: MC-
The simultaneous sound makes both of us stunned, but then we exchange smiles.
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[Option 1: You speak first]
MC: You speak first.
Lucien: MC, have you ever considered... personally investigating what the rift really is?
Lucien: For you right now, this might be the quickest way to alleviate your uneasiness.
Words that felt like a meeting of our hearts and minds* left me momentarily astonished. I tilt my head to look at him.
[T/N: always love it when they use the word 灵犀 🥹. There’s no exact english word for it, I usually translate it as ‘tacit understanding’; but even that doesn't do it justice. It conveys the idea that two people understand each other's thoughts and feelings as if they share a special, almost psychic and soul-deep connection]
MC: (smiles softly) Is that also written on my face?
Lucien: (chuckles) No, this is a direction I've speculated about based on my understanding of you, perhaps one that you might find interesting.
Lucien: And for me, it's also what I need right now.
Lucien: Actually, I've been wanting to speak up today to formally invite you to help me with this favor, but I haven't found the right moment.
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Lucien: MC, I need your power to continue exploring the secrets of this rift.
MC: Is it because CORE's power can interfere with it?
Lucien: Yes. I've tried before but never succeeded.
Lucien: But you might be the turning point.
Lucien: Of course, exploring the unknown comes with certain risks. So it's not an obligation, you have the right to refuse.
I tilt my head slightly and wink at him.
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MC: Professor Lucien took the initiative to ask for my help, how could I refuse?
Once, when I was lost and hesitant, it was the person in front of me who gave me the answer - that only by always moving forward can you stay ahead of the world.
And now, it seems I have finally reached a point where I can move forward side by side with him.
I smile and extend my hand to him.
MC: Happy cooperation, Lucien!
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Lucien: I look forward to working with you.
[Option 2: So... should I go first?]
MC: So… should I go first?
Lucien: (chuckles softly) Of course.
His lips curl up slightly, waiting for my next words.
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MC: If I'm very interested in this rift, would you help me?
His gentle fingertips lightly pinched my ear, the sensation felt like a delicate and soft kiss.
Lucien: How could a teacher refuse to provide extra guidance to a diligent student? Moreover, this happens to align with my wishes as well.
MC: Your wishes?
Lucien:  Actually, I've been wanting to speak up today to formally invite you to help me with this favor, but I haven't found the right moment.
[T/N: the convo stays the same as the other choice after this]
[Chapter 51-8]
"Authentication successful, identity: visitor."
I swipe the visitor card to open the gate and follow Lucien into the grayish-white-toned corridor of the Bioultima Research Institute.
He leads me to an unfamiliar room and makes a welcoming "please come in" gesture.
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Lucien: Please come in, little researcher. This is our "classroom" for today.
I look around this clean and simple small research room, noticing some equipment that's different from what's usually found in normal research institutes. There's also a door on one side of the room.
MC: Is there another room inside?
Lucien: Yes, inside is today's "practice" area.
Lucien then walks over to me, and using fingerprint verification, he opens the hidden door. The moment the door opens, I can feel a faint but very familiar power.
The small room is empty, but in the corner, there appears a cabinet with only one corner.
The cabinet is "torn" by highly irregular lines, as if someone tore a piece of paper in half, and I can faintly see a border that's softly shimmering.
MC: Is this... a rift?!
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Lucien: That's right, it's a rift that appeared five days ago, and I've managed to keep it here using some special methods.
MC: Can I take a closer look?
Lucien: (chuckles) Just in case, put this on first.
Lucien fastens an electronic bracelet onto my wrist.
Lucien: This bracelet will suppress your Evol. Once it detects an overload of CORE's power, it will activate a protective mechanism.
Lucien: This is to prevent your power from resonating excessively with the rift's power, avoiding any accidents.
I reach out to the rift and pass through it as I did last time, bumping into the cold wall.
Lucien: I've tried various ways to "communicate" with it, but all have failed.
Lucien: However, based on past experiences, I suspect that under the influence of CORE, the rift will establish some connection with reality.
Lucien: So that's why I hope you can help me verify this idea today.
MC: What do you need me to do?
Seeing my eager anticipation, Lucien smiles.
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Lucien: I need you to use the power of CORE on the rift.
Lucien: If we successfully link the rift to reality, we can observe the other side of it.
MC: Make observations?
As soon as I finish speaking, a small robot drives in from the next room and stops in front of us.
Lucien: Mm. If it works, it will record what's on the other side of the rift for us.
Lucien: We can begin when you’re ready.
I nod, thinking that using my ability shouldn't be too difficult. So, I take a deep breath and concentrate on gathering that familiar power within me.
Soon, I feel a faint vibration coming from the other side of the rift.
At the same time, the instrument's screen starts displaying a large amount of data.
Lucien observes the ever changing data with a clear smile in his eyes.
Lucien: We've successfully influenced the rift.
After Lucien adjusts the parameters of the small robot, I nervously watch it slowly move forward. When it reaches the rift, its figure shimmers and merges with the scene on the other side.
Lucien: It has arrived on the other side of the rift.
MC: That's great!
I excitedly take Lucien's hand and shake it, and a small smile spreads across his lips.
Through the camera on the robot, we obtain some data.
MC: On the other side of the rift is the Bioultima Research Center 37 days from now. The passage of time there is the same as it is now...
The constant use of power has left me a little sleepy and I rub my temples.
MC: Lucien, what should we do next?
Lucien:  I want to try to see if I can get my Evol to affect the rift through the power of CORE, but….
He winks and gently taps the edge of my eyebrow.
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Lucien: This diligent little researcher, why don't you take a rest for a while?
MC: I'm fine, I can continue.
I take a moment to collect myself, and see Lucien pause for a moment before turning around and leaving. When he comes back, he puts something white and fluffy in my hand.
The plush and soft texture wraps around my palm, and I lower my head to see a cute white round mochi-shaped keychain lying in my hand, with a pair of bright, lively eyes embroidered on it.
MC: This is... from KIWI's new little mochi series!
Lucien: I remember you mentioned passing by this shop before and how it always gets sold out.
Lucien: I happened to see a shop assistant restocking them on my way to work earlier, so I got one. Originally, I intended it as a gift for the lucky charm, but it has been sitting here all this time.
Lucien: Let it be your cheerleader, and boost the spirits of this hardworking little researcher.
Lucien picks up the little keychain and gives it a couple of shakes while saying this. The fluffy and bouncy little ball truly seems to be cheering me on.
I giggle and hold the soft toy in my hand.
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MC: With this "cheerleader" cheering me on, and the great Professor Lucien keeping watch, I feel a lot more energized, so let's continue.
Lucien smiles and holds my hands in return.
Lucien: Don't be nervous. What you're about to do is similar to what you just did, and you can do it very well.
I close my eyes and awaken the power within me once again.
At the same time, Lucien also extends his hand – a sense of oppression emanates from all around, and the shimmering edge of the rift seems to be suddenly suppressed by an invisible force.
Unlike the situation during the interference at Infinite earlier, the rift clearly starts to contract under the influence of CORE.
As the power is released, I feel myself increasingly in conflict with a massive force.
This sensation presses down on me so hard that I can't catch my breath, and my breathing becomes increasingly rapid.
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Lucien seems to sense it too. He squeezes my hand and asks if I want to stop. But when I look at the rift that has already compressed to a small size, I grit my teeth and shake my head.
The sudden contrast was so great that for a moment I was in daze. I gasp for breath, and the soothing pats on my back bring my restless heart back to its place.
The wall in front of us is clean, and the rift that had shown a corner of the cabinet has disappeared.
MC: Do we... succeed?
I look at Lucien uncertainly, and he nods slightly.
Lucien: (smiles and says in a proud tone, hint of astonishment in his voice) Yes, the first experiment to artificially close a rift is a success. Congratulations to this little researcher.
The sunlight gradually slants westward, casting a warm glow on his hair and softening the profile of his face.
I look at his eyes that still shining brightly in the gradually darkening twilight and find it hard to take my eyes off him.
Perhaps due to the exhaustion of my power, my brain feels a bit dull. I obediently let Lucien lead me to the sofa in the outer room and sit down.
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— The next moment, a hand covers my eyes.
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Lucien: Take a good rest.
His body heat, carried by his dry fingertips, adds a layer of warmth to the part of our skin that's pressed against each other.
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MC: Professor Lucien, what do you usually think about when you're tired?
Lucien: Most of the time, I have many research projects at hand. If I get tired of one, I switch to thinking about another.
MC: ….
Lucien: Of course, there's one subject that never tires my brain no matter how long I think about them.
Not hearing another response, I curiously open my eyes, and through the gaps between his fingers, I catch a glimpse of his slightly upturned lips.
The last rays of the setting sun hide within his gaze as he looks at me.
[Chapter 51-9]
Subtitled Video
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MC: Do you want to replace the robot and personally go into the rift?
After successfully closing the rift in the small room, we discovered a new rift in the alley near the research institute.
Lucien used a device that utilizes space-fold to "transport" this rift into the small room for further study.
On the second day, right after the successful completion of the research, he suddenly said he wanted to go inside the rift himself.
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Lucien: The robot's range of movement and recorded data are both very limited. To obtain more information, seeing it with one's own eyes is the most effective way.
Lucien: We can now stabilize the rift's intervention time at 4 hours and 25 minutes using CORE's energy.
Lucien: Although it's not a long time, it should be enough to gather some information.
The rift experiments of these past two days haven't caused any danger, but I still have some inexplicable worries.
The image of Lucien with injuries and bandages in the rift that I saw back then resurfaces at an untimely time, intensifying my worries.
Based on the delivery at my doorstep around that time, it's roughly about a week from now.
MC: So when do you plan to enter the rift?
Lucien: One week from now, next Sunday.
Perhaps noticing my somewhat stiff expression, he sets down the report he was holding and walks over to me.
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Lucien: What's wrong?
MC: …Lucien, do you still remember when I saw bandaged "you" at my doorstep before?
Lucien nods with an understanding look.
Lucien: According to that timing, next Sunday happens to be the day I got injured in the rift that you saw.
MC: (worriedly) Although I don't know if your injury is related to entering the rift...
MC: But just to be safe, it's probably best not to attempt anything risky on that day.
Lucien: (chuckles) Alright, I promise you. If we make it through that day safely, that "future" will also take care of itself.
Lucien: I'll postpone the planned time by one week and make some more thorough preparations.
I sigh in relief and nod. Lucien won't stop exploring because of such a thing, but for now, it's enough to give me some peace of mind.
MC: Then I'm going with you in two weeks!
His eyes flicker with a hint of surprise, then his eyebrows arch, and a soft smile spreads across his lips.
Lucien: Okay.
The night before “Lucien” got injured in the rift, I was still so nervous that I couldn't sleep much even though we postponed entering the rift.
The next morning, I arrived at the company tiredly with dark circles under my eyes.
Every half an hour, I send him a text message. I have lost count of how many times I have checked my phone screen by now.
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MC: ...It's been a minute, why hasn't he replied yet?
Not even a single word of the lengthy document in front of me enters my eyes, and I anxiously tap with my fingertips.
Buzz, buzz – my phone finally vibrates, and I quickly unlock it. Lucien seems to have sensed my anxiety, and he replies promptly to each of my messages.
Under my constant "supervision", the day passes without incident.
Finally, I can heave a sigh of relief and fully immerse myself in the promotion work for "Odyssey".
I didn't send out the first batch of promotional advertisements until the end of this week. I walk into the residential area under a sky full of stars and let out a yawn.
Lucien has also become very busy these days, and I can only hear his voice in a few hurried phone calls.
The chat page has been stuck at noon more than a day ago.
MC: I wonder how the preparations are going…
The elevator door opens, and just as I'm about to press the floor button, a figure rushes in before the doors close.
I instinctively turn my head, falling defenselessly into a pair of smiling and dark eyes.
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Lucien: Good evening, it seems that I got lucky today and ran into someone I wanted to see before going to bed.
MC: Are you done with your work?
Lucien: Mm, there was a project at the institute that needed to be rushed recently, so I was quite busy, but it's over now.
The elevator's light makes the dark circles under his eyes more pronounced, and I hold his hand with a hint of concern and distress.
MC: Are you feeling tired? Is tomorrow's plan still the same?
Lucien: Of course, it remains the same.
Lucien: Don't worry, I've set aside some time for rest, which is why I could rush back now.
Although he can't conceal his fatigue, there is a bright glint in his eyes, as if he eagerly anticipates tomorrow.
As the elevator arrives, he holds my hand and walks me to the doorstep of my home.
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At my slightly confused gaze, he leans down and gently approaches me. A hint of white tea's scent fleetingly tickles my nose, and I feel a warm sensation pressing on my forehead.
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In the quiet hallway, only his gentle voice resonates in my ears, accompanied by the pounding of my heart in my chest.
Lucien: (gently) Good night. I hope we both have a good dream tonight.
Even though I have already made up my mind, I’m still feeling nervous the next day when I put on the bracelet at the Bioultima Research center.
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Lucien straightens out my sleeves and takes hold of my hand.
Lucien: The device to maintain CORE energy is ready. We can depart at any time.
Lucien: Let me confirm one last time, are you really going with me to visit 37 days in the future?
The warmth in the palm of my hand is gentle, carrying a soothing touch. I take a deep breath and nod.
The warm sunlight filters through the window glass, casting a glow on the corners of his upturned lips. It feels as if we're not heading to the unknown land, but towards paradise.
The tightly clasped hands convey his longing into me, and I know that I only need to move forward without hesitation now.
The moment I step into the rift, a tremendous surge of energy comes crashing in—
I barely have time to react before I'm thrown into the chaos. I attempt to reach for Lucien's hand but find that my body seems to be out of control.
I want to scream, but I realize I can't even open my mouth. Amid the chaotic dizziness, I faintly hear some voices.
??: Energy transfer... 132%, detecting... consciousness retained.
??: Increase... output.
The words sound like fragmented whispers, as if there's a thick barrier between me and them. But soon, the voices around me begin to fade away.
In its place, there's a heavy and distant roar that’s not unfamiliar to me.
My body seems to be floating, and I struggle to open my heavy eyelids—
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In the void, massive and worn gears surround me. My body is so tiny that I feel like nothing more than a speck of dust that has drifted in, instantly swallowed by the rotating air currents.
With a discordant shattering sound, a massive gear comes crashing down, and its colossal debris hurtles past me.
The familiar noise flashes through my mind again, and I'm dragged down into the abyss of consciousness by that great force.
In the midst of excruciating pain that feels like it's about to tear me apart, I regain some control over my body, and I struggle to open my eyes—
The scene before me is like being submerged in water, and I can only vaguely see many white figures moving about.
Cold seeps into my body through every crevice of my skin, and at the edge of my slightly distorted field of vision, I catch a glimpse of a black cable floating by.
Am I in... water?
The moment I realize it, a wave of suffocation rapidly spreads throughout my body. I instinctively open my mouth to breathe, and the icy water rushes into my nostrils and throat—
Who will come to... save me?
There's a white figure that seems to have noticed me, approaching and then stops nearby.
Shortly after, a stronger surge of energy rushes into my body accompanied by pain—
Just when I thought I might be torn apart, the door in front of me is pulled open forcefully. In a daze, I seem to I catch a glimpse of a familiar silhouette—
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At the moment he passed through the rift, Lucien felt a surge of electricity tearing through his brain. Before he could even think about what it was, his palm suddenly no longer held her.
When he turned around, he found that the person next to him had disappeared.
The place in front of him was not unfamiliar, it was the narrow alley near the Bioultima Research Institute where the rift had appeared.
He undoubtedly had successfully reached the time and space beyond the rift, but there was no sign of her anywhere.
Lucien's face darkened, and an inexplicable anxiety that he couldn't suppress spread throughout his body along his veins.
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His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest, but he suppressed this restlessness and quickly walked towards Bioultima Research center.
The researchers occasionally passing by in the corridor displayed expressions of surprise, but he paid them no mind. He simply quickly located the room where they had been researching the rift.
Here, he was most likely to find the information that could explain the current situation. However, when he opened the computer and saw the time, his eyes widened in surprise.
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The time displayed on the computer screen was 74 days later.
Confusion and anxiety twisting into a knot in Lucien's heart. He furrowed his brows and opened the folder on the device.
Dozens of files were spread out densely in front of him, and he quickly moved the cursor, scanning over each title.
With sharp eyes, he caught sight of the letters "NW," and his hand paused before clicking on that file.
《Four-Dimensional Rift Stabilization Using CORE Utilization Plan》
Text laden with a wealth of information flowed rapidly before his eyes, and an abundance of data surged into his mind. He could feel the rushing blood in his brain intensifying with each passing moment.
"As a higher-dimensional entity, CORE exists in one and only one timeline across all temporal axes..."
As he continued to advance through the information before him, his gaze gradually turned colder and sharper.
-As it turns out, the world was already changing as a result of the shift in trajectory.
He knew where she would be.
The information in front of him undoubtedly can answer many of his curiosities. However, at this moment, these important pieces of information hold no appeal in his eyes.
He closed the document, preparing to leave, but then he noticed that the notebook on his desk was open. There’s only two scribbled numbers that seem like coordinates on it.
The handwriting belonged to him.
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Lucien: ….
The fragile paper was covered with thin ice, shattering on the floor, and the shattered ice shards reflected the darkness in his eyes.
In the blink of an eye, the scene before him shifted, and the next moment, he found himself in a cold and desolate corridor of NW.
Perhaps he should have made a more thorough plan before taking action, but he didn't want to wait any longer.
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Pushing open the door in front of him, he immediately saw the girl he had been searching for. She's all alone, confined within a glass container secured by layers of locks and cables.
The blinking red lights from the instruments cast an eerie crimson color on her. In that instant, he even felt like she might not be breathing anymore.
It's as if the last thread holding onto something in his mind had snapped.
Everything in front of Lucien's eyes was dyed with a layer of crimson red.
Before even more frightening thoughts came to his mind, he saw that the girl in the glass container seemed to blink, and a little light slowly gathered in her slowly focused pupils.
And then, her lips moved imperceptibly.
For a moment, Lucien only felt as if all the sounds around him had turned into sharp buzzing, and the blood in his body went straight to his head.
Some researchers noticed his arrival and showed surprised expressions.
Researcher A: Professor Lucien? What brings you here?
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Lucien: (in a cold and commanding tone) Open this.
Lucien pointed at the glass chamber calmly.
Researcher A: CORE is a crucial energy source for preventing dimensional destruction. She can’t leave this place.
Researcher B: Professor Lucien, you also agreed to this plan at the beginning...
Lucien: Move over.
Lucien interrupted the explanation and walked straight towards the nearby control panel. The researchers immediately stepped forward to stop him—
Researcher B: Professor-
Sharp ice spikes shot up from the ground. Crimson blood splattered in the air and then slowly trickled down the frosty ice spikes.
After half a second of dead silence, screams suddenly erupted.
Next Part-> [Here]
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sharp-tooths · 2 years
Me watching the og Trigun anime after starting trigun stampede 2 moths ago: oh gee those fucking cries sound so realistic and full of pain and hurt. You just dont get that kind of genuine quality very much in newer animes. I hope Stampede delivers the same quality
Me now, having just watched episode 11 and then rewatched it just to propperly process everything: SCREAMING AND CRYING THROWING UP KICKING MY LEGS SOBBING FUCKING BAWLING MY EYES OUT DYING VIOLENTLY SHAKING-
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doomedpuppetyuri · 7 months
i think we should start normalizing "weird" vent art that doesn't align with what people think of when they imagine vent art. i think that would be cool
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st4rc4t · 7 months
repost ! list of things i like about hasan
the way he highlights things as hes reading it
how monotone and expressive he is at the same time
his autism
the way his laugh gets high pitched sometimes
the way those small soda cans look even smaller in his hands
his love of jewellery and fashion
his questionable fashion choices
his love of art in general
his freckles
the way he melts into his chair throughout a stream
the way hes always chewing gum
his strict schedule that he follows daily
his autism
how bad he is at reading tone
how passionate he is on his values
his autism
how “secretly” soft he is
the way he talks with his hands
his dry sense of humour
his love for dogs
his passion for adopt dont shop
his tiny little fridge for drinks
the way he gets stuck in an accent and talks like that for 10 minutes
when he speaks turkish
the way he talks like a news broadcaster sometimes
the fact that abi means big brother. im sobbing
i didnt wanna go much into his looks bc we all know hes hot but i cant help myself
his long pretty eyelashes
how big his hands are
how big he is in general
his arms his thighs his c
his broad shoulders
how hairy he is
his tits
am i allowed to say that idk
his nose its just really cute 2 me
his soft stomach
the fact that i know he’s muscular but he still looks so soft
that fucking photoshoot he did where hes all bloody . ohh my god
ok im done there’s probably more but whatever expect more hasan content from me
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tea-blankets-andstars · 2 months
I literally love Eclipse (james x remus) sm
their relationship is so special, James love language is phyical touch while Remus is words so you can always see them next to eachother whispering sweet things
they are also both lovesick idiots, they will push eachother against walls of the castle like no one is watching
who wants some angst??(tw read with caution)
james is not ok okay? he dosent know why but hes not, maybe its the fact that everyone expects him to be someone that hes not or maybe its the pressure of being "golden boy james potter". maybe his mind just hates him. Whatever it is he hates feeling that way, the blade taunts him. The need to skip meals so he can stay fit. The breakdowns late at night so no one can hear him. He just feels auful all the time, but hes glad no one knows.
Remus knows. He can smell the blood, its coppery smell stronger on bad days. He can hear james cry late at night when he thinks hes alone. Most of all he can see whats going on even if the others cant, he can see how James distances himself for people and how he avoids meals, he can see the fatigue in his face when he smiles. It makes Remus feel awful, his bestfriend is in pain and he cant do anything. 
One night its all too much for James, he just cant do it anymore. He dosent want to live, and hes sorry. So he makes his way up the the astronomy tower, blood dripping down his fingers from the fresh cuts, he is hidden under the invisibility cloak so no one can find him. He planned everything- of course its not James without a plan- he left a stack of letters on top of his bed for the Marauders and two more in his chest for his mother & father. He leans over the railing of the tower to make sure that this fall will be fatle, it will.
Of course Remus followed him, the smell of blood was stronger then it ever was and James had left the map. He willed his legs to climb all the way up to the astronomy tower and what he saw was so horrible he could have cried right then. James was quietly sobbing standing on the railing of the tower, his entire hands were dripping with fresh blood. He looked like someone had stomped out his spark and now he was waiting for the final gust of wind to finish him off. Remus quietly climbed up on the railing next to James and intertwined their hands.
"James can you hear me?" he asked
that comment brought the shorter boy back down to earth and a look of panic crossed his face.
"If you jump in jumping too James"
"No, please no" he was pleading for Remus to leave him here and let him jump, Remus was not going to let that happed
"Jamie please, i know your life feels awful and you feel hopeless but you have so much to live for, you hear me? So. Much."
The way his voice trembled made Remus want to buy a gun and kill anyone who has ever hurt the smaller boy, but he refrained- for now at least.
Remus couldnt let him jump, so he did the only other thing he could think of, he reached out and pulled James against himself into a hug, hoping to transfer every happy memory into the other boy.
Upon the contact James went limp and a sob shook his whole body, he allowed Remus scoop him up and jump off from the ledge and onto the stone floor. He let the taller boy pull him to the floor and he sobbed in Remus' lap like a baby. Remus didnt try to leave or call him pathetic, he stayed where he was, carding fingers through James' curls and whispering reassuring words into his ear. 
Remus dosent know when they both fell asleep, but it couldnt have been for more then a couple hours as the early sighs of dawn were just emerging. James was still asleep so Remus carried him down the thousands of steps until he reached their room. He put James into his bed and pulled up the duvet then turned around to go back to his own bed.
"Rem?" The soft whisper of James voice asked theough the curtains, "stay." James bloody arm -which remined remus to clean the cuts later- reached through the split in the curtains, flailing his wrist to find remus.
"im here fy haul." (my sun in welsh)
Remus crawled under the covers and immediately James wrapped his arms around the boys waist and cuddled in close.
"Thank you." Was the last thing James said before they both fell asleep. 
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crushedsweets · 11 months
Any Jeff hcs?? (Your art is absolutely amazing)
i make him evil. ok jk but also im serious. im mostly just gonna cover his backstory in my au, rather than his current part in it.
cw for brief mentions of animal abuse, bullying, the usual. AGAIN THIS IS FOR MY AU !! also tysm :3..
liu is about 4-6 years older than jeff. they lived somewhere in the midwest until jeff was about 10.
they were both raised by incredibly good parents and had a very strong support system, always visiting their grandparents, big christmas every year, parents always go to open house/parent-teacher conferences, etc. tried getting their kids into sports, would go to every game, literally just the stereotypical great parent. not even a secret "ooo behind closed doors they r actually abusive...!" thing theyre literally just good.
jeff was always a bit more on the aggressive side, something they especially noticed when he was 5 and could not be left alone with a single fucking pet. he'd yank at and shake anything small enough to pick up, and punch and kick anything too big to pick up. every family pet was scared of him.
even at school, he was a bully - it started as typical grade school shit, putting gum in girls hairs, stealing peoples belongings, pushing kids off the play structures. he targeted girls especially. he's been warned, suspended, expelled - but his dad got a job offer in the east coast that they couldnt really ignore
he was 12 when he started harassing a girl, following her around the playground, calling her a slut, yanking her hair, spitting on her, etc - and eventually, her brother and his friends stepped in.
thiiis is where i wanted to put randy and his friends in. theyre older kids, around 14 and still more on the mean side, but they didn't just randomly target jeff for fun bc he's "the new kid". just like jeff harassed that girl, they began harassing him - but of course with the strength of 3 teenage boys, rather than an 12 yr old. liu would interfere when he could, but he was still a student and began working his first job by this point.
jeff got into physical fights with them for weeks, but he was quick to turn it into something bloody and brought a pocket knife. this time the fight occurred in front of jeffs house, when his parents were at work, and liu ended up running out to make them cut it out. he tried to grab the knife out of jeffs hands, he tried to stop his brother, but jeff was serious about what he wanted - and he wanted to fucking stab randy
so he did, right in the stomach. it was nothing fatal.
liu took the fall, being 16 and terrified of what could happen to jeff if he landed himself in juvenile hall - the other 3 boys were content with this, knowing it meant jeff really didn't have anyone to defend him by this point. thinking it would fuck with jeff even more . . BUT JEFFS A LITTLE SHIT he doesnt fucking careee . something about "i never asked him to take the blame that shits on him" or whatnot.
but obv once randy recovered fully it got worse. it went from schoolyard level harassment to borderline stalking, robbing him, holding him down so randy could fucking stomp on him, so on and so forth.
and eventually the bleach happened, and the fire happened, and it didn't really have anything special or involve a birthday party or whatever . it was just another insane fucking attack on jeff, although randy and them didn't exactly expect the fire to spread so fucking quickly - they just splashed some gas at his feet, threw a match, though it would scare him and maybe fuck up his pants. really did NOT think that shit through
jeff recovered in the hospital, and the trio decided to leave him alone. they were little shits who took it too far, but they werent trying to do all that. jeff didnt snitch, he didnt want them to get put away . he wanted to keep going, obviously
things settled down for a while. jeff was waiting and waiting and waiting. his parents were mortified, they rarely spoke to him now. required family dinners at the dining table turned to just his parents eating together, liu in juvie and jeff in his room. jeff began getting violent towards his parents as well, especially his mom - he started spiraling after the fire, especially since the trio weren't bothering him anymore and it was driving him nuts. he would do freaky shit, showing up at their houses now, shattering their windows, killing their pets. they'd come and beat his ass, and he'd do it again. nobody wanted to get their parents involved by this point, they all did too much shit - but jeff was getting UNBEARABLE
jeff eventually was around 15 or so, liu was out of juvie and 19 and in community college bc he couldnt get into any of the universities he was dreaming about.
liu wasnt nice to jeff anymore. he wasn't "hardened" by his experience in juvie or anything, but whatever he saw in jeff was NOT his little brother anymore - if jeff spoke to him, he'd ignore him. if jeff got too close, he'd shove him off. if jeff slapped their mother, liu would punch him.
liu thinks it was bound to happen. he misses his little brother, even when he was a mean little kid - but he always knew there was something realy, really fucking wrong with jeff, and when he woke up to jeff on top of him, stabbing into him , he knew it was inevitable.
liu survived, the only one in his family to do so. he wondered what he could've done to stop it, especially as other kids began showing up in the news. he wonders if he shouldve just let jeff go to juvie. he's kinda shocked at the fucked up ass police sketches that pop up, he didn't really remember seeing that damn smile when jeff was on him
jeff continues fucking shit up and is a piece of shit all around
this is already pretty long so if anyone wants a less "backstory" version of headcanons and more current stuff just lmk ;3
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nutzworth · 8 months
DAY 5: JANUARY 31, 2024 (i got to start reading more consistently.)
STATS: read for ~3 hrs pages read: 1052-1359. 307 pgs. act 4! slur count: 8 + 1 = 9 (john r slur on 1 of his defaced posters) silly count: 11 + 0 = 11 (i might have missed some. to be honest) piss count: 1/3
THOUGHTS: today started with john's alchemizing spree! i really like the alchemy even though i can NOT understand how the binary and codes quite work. john does though. johns really smart about alchemy in sburb specifically. this section also has a lot of funny john faces. i love this guy
FINALLY the end of dave and bros strife! jesus! been 2 sessions sicne it started! i said this last time but i think its SO INTERESTING how bro doesnt cut or stab dave in any way during the strife. they clash and lil cal gets torn up and daves sword gets 1/2ed and daves SYMBOL gets scratched but when hussie shows dave after the fight hes winded and bruised and battered but hes NOTABLY NOT BLOODY! obviously being bruised cus youre FIGHTING! WITH YOUR DAD! is bad and your dad (bro) is a criminal but. man. how much restraint was bro USING. to be SO PRECISE! did he have to choose between slashing dave and slashing cal in that split second? why else would he possibly have slashed cal? for paradox reasons? i really like dirk strider
the unofficial homestuck collection website is bugging out SO BAD for me. for so many flashes today the music just did not play. it SUCKS! but its fine i just play the music in another tab. i hope they fix that but i know its not priority
i really like the few dave logs i read today. dave is sooooo sad puppy on the other side of a cracked door that sees you and wants to get in the room but cant figure out how to push open the door so he just whines. "hello" "what are you doing" "man where are you" "are you there" he is so cute. in contrast the other dave log today was DAVE AND TAVROS!!!! HOORAY FOR TAVROS! and dave in this one is really funny hes so nonchalant and like "no man. if you want to have sex with a 13 yr old boy okay dude. im on board. time and place." and tavros is like UM! NO! IM GOOD! HAHA! }:) ! they are so funny. the striders are SO internet troll. dave does it flawlessly
KANAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE KANAYA! SHES MY FAVORITE TROLL! shes so awesome in the kanaya/rose log she is so funny. start talking to this girl like "humans cant understand time travel when its really so simple youre all kind of dumb" and ending with "hey we should be friends". i literally love her
EXILES! not much happened with the exiles. introduced to aimless renegade. what a cop. pa harley heart! thanks for your guns pa!
THE FLASH WHEN ROSE ENTERS THE GAME IS SO COOOOOL!!!!!!!!! i really really like it unfortunately the sound didnt work so all the beats didnt hit quite right but they hit ENOUGH. SO COOL! I LOVE ROSE!!!! theres so much going on all the time for that girl. i love you rose
INTERMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really like the intermission i think its so fun trying to parse what the hell is happening. i have GOT to read problem sleuth because so many of the things i find funny are straight up just problem sleuth bits
hussie averting the readers expectations with the like You have a deck of cards. ==> play solitaire With what cards? Dumbass? Fuck off. You only have your WAR CHEST. i think this is hussie like softdropping his rivalry with his audience. it starts with silly banter and then hes like im going to make a character representing the fandom and im going to kill her off (calliope)
the felt are SO COOL! if anyone knows all the pun names for them lmk. i only know a few obvious ones.
the intermission is SO gory. theres so much blood and death and guns and knives. like ok dude i get youre in mafia gangs or whatever but cool it on the blood and yucky faces! yeesh! there is also more crude jokes in it than normal i think. maybe cus these are real adults with pornography in their briefcases than like 13 yr olds. "jack king off" "you beat it(your heart) pretty often" "fist full of penis" etc
you kjnow what drives me crazy. the ACTUAL REAL TIMELINE of the intermission. or at least what it means for the rest of the comic. obviously the intermission is foreshadowing (esp when slick gets his eye and arm cut off; mentioning lord english; etc) but like. its MORE. when i first read homestuck i was under the impression that the intermission was just some other timeline in some universe. granted i dont remember slicks eye and arm getting nixed or karkat vantas reveal or lord english mention or anything that foreshadows anything. but NO! its NOT some other timeline! but it IS another universe. its ALTERNIA!!!!!!!!!!!
the story of jack noir (spades slick) as i know it is as follows: jack noir spawns in derse ==> commits a crime (probably shittalking the queen) ==> gets exiled to... um. somewhere. ==> i assume he meets karkat here? and stabs him. and karkats blood is revealed and then theyre friends ==> slick (now scurrilous straggler) is left on the green moon? exiled in rags ==> he builds a city ==> the felt's mansion is there also. they form gangs and become rivals ==> intermission starts; midnight crew infiltrates lord english's lair to get the vault prizes ==> slick goes in the vault and begins commanding karkat. if im wrong about any of this correct me im so curious
i really like clubs deuce and diamonds droog. i wish crowbar was in the intermission more. clover is just like nagito komaeda. trace and fin are insaaaane. i wish i knew more about the felt
ACT 4! GAME!!!!! game on lowas. its really cool i didnt get to play it my first readthrough. love the salamanders and love the captchalogue nonsense. it is so fun. thats all for today folks
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Its ok
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summary: Every one expects Ron to have a high body count. But when y/n starts dating him she finds out that Ron is acually a virgin. And Ron wants y/n to change that.
Warnings: P in v. Flusterd Ron. Swering(Im sorry idk if thers more)
Not profread ups.
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Everyone expected ron to have had alot of sex with alot of girls. But little did they know that Ron was a virgin. Ron was scared to tell anyone cuss what Will they say? Every time a girl asked ron for sex he would just say "im not in the mood". So when y/n started dating ron she thougt it was wierd how Ron never would be even a little intimate with her.
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one day y/n decided she would make the move herself so when Ron was busy rambeling abt some quidditch stuff she took the change and straddled him and started kissing his neck.
"And then uh-i mm" Ron started stuttering.
"What is it Ronnie?" She asked. "Its just-i um"
"Ugh Come on Ronnie you never touch me Come on" y/n whined. All of a sudden rons face became redder than his hair(ik its orange but what ever) "what?" Y/n asked "its just that ummm....im a virgin a-and im scared im gonna do something wrong..." y/n was suprised she didnt expect ron to be a virgin. Every one wanted to have sex with him. "Oh im sorry..I didnt know" ...."y/n?" "Yea?""i want you to be my first." Y/ns heart was beating really fast. Y/n couldnt belive it her boyfriend Ron wealsey griffendoors prefect wanted HER to take HIS virginety. "I Mean umm like rhigt now??" " yes"
"But umm can we talk first?" Ron asked "sure" y/n answerd.
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After talking for a while (abt safe word and stuff) y/n had started kissing rons neck again. Ron wimperd and moaned every time y/n would kiss his sweet spot and y/n found it adoreble.
After some time of making out y/n pulled away to pull her shirt over her head."bloody hell" ron said and y/n could feel ron getting Hard instanly.
Ron proceeded to pull of his shirt and pants. Ron blushed when y/n told him how good he looked. Ron didnt. Even notice how y/n had taken her skirt of .y/n started grinding her hips against rons. "Bloody hell that feels so good" ron moaned. "Yea? You like it like this huh? being a pretty little mess under me?" "Fuck yea"
"Y/n please" ron whined "pls what" "please i wanna be inside you" and thats what happended. Y/n quickly pulled of her panties and unclapsed her bra. "Fucking hell your hot" ron said."mm thanks Ronnie " y/n said while pulling rons boxers of. Y/ns jaw dropped holy shit his cock looked good it was pink and dripping with pre cum and it was fucking huge.
"Y/n?" "...yes darling?" "Dont we like need to warm up?" Ron asked "oh yea" "umm well what do you want to do?" "Can you ride My face?"
Fuck y/n almost came by hearing those words.
Y/n quicky got up and hoverd over rons face. Ron moaned by the sight of her.
Y/n loverd her self slowly to not suffocate him.
Its was a little wierd at first but Ron quickly found out how to make y/n feel very nice.
Just as y/n was getting close she pulled of rons face.
"Wha-" rons question was interupted with a moan as you slowly slipped down on his cock.
It was a good stretch but not paniful.y/n quicky found a good pace and started riding ron.
The room was full of moans both rons and y/ns.
Soon y/n was cumming on rons cock she quickly got off of rons cock and him in her mouth"mmm fuck im cumming" ron moaned and then his load spilled down y/ns throat. They both layed down to catch their breath. Y/n moved over to ron and he wrapped his arms around her.
And then they fell asleep in eachothers arms.
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
sehh el sindrome de abstinencia de topher bus viene con español de mas, asi que deberia ser tobi col, que se yo puta madre DONDE ESTASSSSSSSSSS
but lets see how this revelation comes to them~~
hmm so theres this kinda lack of feelingggg, like now Joan and Abe are literally each other's girl and boy next door,,,, they're doing this taylor swift thing were they speak from the windows....hmm i need more jealousy fits from each other about each other yknowww
wait, so if Abe is gonna be like JFK, and JFK is gonna be like Abe.. then wHO'S DRIVING THE VAN???????
oh man, i love that type of joke! in the fic im writting i put it several times like actually lolol
((((~~save me oh, save me topher of the intro~~))))
ohhhhh new clones??? or maybe not, it does sound like a lot of work lmaoo yeahhhhh
without raisins lol
oh damn that epic yo but like, did you fuck harriet at least?
aghhhughhohgoihjbnjdwieouwhaoaogsghhh hhhhh ok,,, okkk ok we all know that i wanted him back and HE IS BACK FUCK YEAH but i cant really decided if that was a good way or a bad way but lets just say that my ice cold water bottle has completely evaporated!! and imma- imma get a new one...... brb yeah :)
but like- yeah that's 3 (THREE) unfunny yet popular hcs disproven by canon all at once: he DOES shower, he DOES have hair and he DID fuck at least once.......... tbh the balding virgin is kinda funny but i have my reasons~ and come on people! who doesnt love a good cold shower cuaNDO TE ESTAS CAGANDO DE CALOR VIEJA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NO WAIT 4(FOUR) HCS! He doesn't dye his hair either! but like, that's not bad or unfunny is just- Do you know why el Dibu Martinez is nicknamed like that?
NO YEAH VAN GOGH I BELIEVE YOU 100% LIKE ACTUALLY SJKSJSKJSKSKS and can we get a hell yeah for Ivan? hell yeah!!
EL PRIMAS!!! EL JOTA EFE KA ES EL PRIMAS!!!!!! tho i expected that more of topher yaknow? like! like he had the sleepover with abe como no vas a traer a tus primas???
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ooooooooooh Erica Rivinojaaaa you wouldnt fuck abe? thats actually super cool and a breath of fresh air. like a lot of writers and producers self insert in their shows to fuck their characters but here Rivinoja is like "nope im not gonna fuck the characters!" and thats actually hella based, we love to see it!!! leaving that to the fans eh ;)
yeah you know all bout cementary film screenings dont you joan? lol
ok i know she means she doesnt like having her picture taken without consent but still, you did sent a titpic to abe soooooo
UUUUGHHHHH FUCKING FINALLY i thought they all knew tho, like especially Cleo? who dated Abe?? eh whatev lol
my fav gags making their appearances once again!
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ohohoh they gonna find out~~ NO SHE DIDNT GO BACK~~!!! OOOO- yeah explain that Cleo wasn't invited there.... that she was barely in the show last season.......... LIKE- YKNOW
Ahahaha funny you say that cause before that you were like tHiS SO laMe and now you do want to get invited aaaa
This scene is so aesthetically pleasing.... and ok if it is Bloody Mary, it's ok for an overuse of blood, but still, it could have a lot more impact if y'all DIDN'T overuse blood all those times before!!
people die all the time, yeah ok lmaooo
Aww the boys care for her- NOOO UN PINCHE FURRRO AAAAAA
oh what is this? scott pilgrim?
Hmmm didn't understand that reference...
And that's why we all need to stay hydrated and have a nice cold bottle of water near by~!
Hahahah~~! HAHAHAHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIRL! you having sex with EVERYONE who DONT MATTER what the fuck
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there is SO MUCH jealousy and regret in this screenshot, i love it!!
Rating: Abe still a virgin/10!
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 8 seconds.
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
I CRIED DURING CHAP 4 OH MY GOD the way Jake actually cares but gets such bad tunnel vision that he actually looses sight of what he's trying to protect:(
what if the conversation he has with reader at the tree of souls isn’t like any actual conversation??? but it’s like a barrage of memories and visions, possible futures and dreamlike visuals that portray both people’s feelings.
like obviously there would be a conversation but like when Kiri went to see grace, their location and physical state changed, so what if since jake and reader are both very emotional but also emotionally constipated they can’t get everything out through actual words?
when reader finds out Ikran (my vote is for the name is yom’tsyeyk cause it means “eat jake” 🙏) can’t fly anymore :(( maybe the ikran can just get really good at running… OR PULL A HTTYD ‼️ either way you go the metaphorical and emotional meaning behind it can do a LOTTTT. i just love the way you write, it’s so GOOD
like the way you describe emotions, actions, thought processes??? i’m currently writing my own fic and i aspire to be you fr
The anger Neytiri felt and how she lashed out at jake, THE ADOPTION CEREMONY THING??? i love the way ur brain works, are the kids mad at jake too?? like they’d probably never show it cause of how intense it gets when reader does but i can’t imagine the anger the kids might feel, wether it be directed more at Jake or reader or if it’s just anger at the situation and their relationship, id actually cry if we got some sibling angst up in there.
as someone who watched many conflicts between their sibling and authority figures, there’s always that kind of habit unconditional siding with the sibling even if they might be wrong. The sibs are definitely gonna be traumatized by this but how are they gonna respond and how will that manifest? isolation? attachment? anger? Would Kiri stay the pacifist or would she try and become some kind of protector or shield for reader? each kid would def have their own response and opinions and what if they clash?
Bro imagine the tension if the kids’ emotions manifest negatively like that :( would reader feel responsible?? WILL THIS BE THE REASON THEY MOVE TO THE REEF??? (assuming we’re going in that direction) THE DRAMMAAAA
tbh it could have a tiny little romance subplot 🤭
(SAPPHIC READER???? TSIREYA😍😍 Rotxo being sweet and balancing reader out??? rivals to lovers ao’nung with a not really secret soft side??? the possibilities are endless)
IM GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF AND RAMBLING SO MUCH😭😭 anyways, that’s just my thoughts and theories abt how this could go, im sooooo excited for the next chapter and where you go with thisssss :)))))))
OUF so. from movie-canon its like a blend of the souls living in their best memories, neteyam wasn't aware he died but the moment jake didnt follow the memory his soul knew something was wrong, but jake put things back in order again. grace, however, knew she was dead - and we saw how the sceneries could change. im planning to take FULL ADVANTAGE of what we've been given AHAHAHAH
about jake and sister!reader's conversation though, HHHHHHHH its hard to have a heart-to-heart, but im sure you'll like what ends up happening since it's hurting me to write it BDBSBD
About the siblings-parent conflict... I haven't written much of it because I don't think it's in character for either of them to be angry at Jake for it, they never are for Jake's actions even in TWOW. Lo'ak's generally frustrated and Neteyam gives the slightest bits of attitude, and Kiri is moody. They are too young for the kind of anger you're talking about, in my opinion. Sully family also is one of the healthier families in media. But there are tidbits of it in the new chapter, but it doesn't really go anywhere because Jake isn't his old self where wouldn't listen any of it. He takes full blame of it, and sort of reconnects with Neteyam and Lo'ak through it because Neteyam full on blames himself and Lo'ak is flabbergasted as to why Jake isn't affected. Jake listens to Neytiri's advice on transparence here. I'm going for sort of a healing-route! Though of course they'll be traumatized in their own way.
And this IS heading to the awa'atlu plot! I'm just making it more solid.
Also I've NEVER considered what kind of romance plot there would be, but sister!reader to me is kind of fruity LMAO She has a mix of Korra, Ellie and Vi vibes in my head. Like, girl-preferring with stupid attraction to men she gags at. Idk if I'll ever write it though BSHDBSS The general outline in my head is that she sees tsireya as a goddess and aonung as a pest she'd like to step on. rotxo is nice though she rocks with rotxo
ALSO!! ITS ALRIGHT ILY <3333 Have an amazing day!
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jennilah · 2 years
yesterday i did actually watch My Bloody Valentine for the first time
maybe im dim but i didnt expect Valentine's Day to feature so heavily in it lmao
it was interesting. on the fence about how i truly feel about it, but it was entertaining enough!
gonna watch the remake today. maybe thatll push me one way or another lol
spoiler thoughts
it just felt like i was watching the lovechild of Halloween and Friday the 13th haha
i expect to feel that a lot more going forward into more slasher films that came after those movies since so many are inspired, but still it was... uncanny
like i had fun!!! but i was 100% like "okay but ive seen this already lmao. not even a little bit familiar, this is EXTREMELY familiar, down to the smallest details"
and ive seen so much fanart with Harry Warden i was so excited to have a new slasher character to add to my arsenal. but then it wasnt him????? who are yall drawing? Harry? or this dude whose name i already forgot? (its like when people draw Ghostface. ok great its "ghostface" but WHICH one?)
i wonder if itll actually be him in the remake or if itll be another bamboozle? (dont tell me)
also his motivations were so goofy i 💀 NO VALENTINES DAY PARTIES ALLOWED LMAOOO
i also wonder which film the slasher fandom embraces more? because critic reviews seem to be better in the newer film. i actually didnt even know there was an older one until a few days ago.
or maybe yall love both, thats cool! i just have so many questions ahaha
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bytedykes · 1 year
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[ID: Four stickman memes. They are: a crying stickman laying on its back in a pool of tears, hands over its face. A stickman grabbing another's cheeks and screaming in their face. A stickman biting its own arm bloody. A red-eyed teary stickfigure grimacing and holding up a thumbs up. /end ID]
^ just finished twatf moodboard. my thoughts under the cut
genuinely so good. i am sick. i am wailing. i am going to throw up.
ok i lied it wasnt like, groundbreaking, but i did enjoy it! and it did give me new kinds of mental illness. im not typically into the "overpowered protagonist" trope at all but i feel like in this case it was more of a vehicle for the philosophy of the novel than the actual. point? im not a literature analysis person haha
i doubt i would have read this novel if it weren't by singshong. it is just generally not my thing. but im glad i did! i liked the character and i thought it was quite clever and funny, the world building was interesting (despite how overly complicated it is) and some parts made me so. oughhhbg. tearing my hair out
i also really enjoyed looking at this from a "how it compares to orv" standpoint (that's also the main reason i decided to read it). i liked seeing the "prototype" ideas in here that resemble parts of orv that were more developed/refined. and i liked the most specific messages that resembled orv's! there were a few bits regarding walls and connection that made me want to erm shrivel up and die
i guess i didn't really understand the ending but i don't think it was awful. those last 3 chapters are honestly what was worst to me, if i had stopped reading on chapter 244 i might have been happier with the openness of it. seeing all of jaehwan's friends dying and sirwen being left alone in the world was depressing as hell and didn't really feel necessary
orv is known for having everything in it and managing to pull off the most unhinged plots and details so i enjoyed seeing that same principle in twatf dsdjskks it threw a lot of things that i didnt expect at all and a lot of them were absurd but all together i think it made it work
goddd some parts just hit very close. maybe not the overall themes but some specific sections made me put my phone down and stare into space... the fall of time arc... the conversation jaehwan has with the long lived race after he's figured out the unclothing... what andersen tells him before she chooses to fight myad... many such cases
some of the criticisms for it that ive seen online are about the bad translation which is fair but i dont think that necessarily reflects the quality of the actual novel? idk the crappy translation and many typos did make it harder to read but i was still able to mostly understand what was happening and i got used to it pretty quickly. i do wish that the side characters were more developed, i was really interested in them and it felt like a lot of their development was dropped or forgotten, but i did love what growth was shown
i liked jaehwan!!! he is such a sopping wet silly guy. guy who is in the horrors forever. guy who is a billion years old but not actually but yes he is. guy who is so autism eyes incarnate. i liked him as a character and i liked following his journey even with his at times repetitive ideas and simple op solutions to everything. it was fun!
i enjoyed the characters in general, karlton grew on me for some reason lol... i liked anderson and runald a lot also... i liked how despite his identity as a lonely existence that works alone, jaehwan did actually forge so many bonds with people he met and did reciprocate them! him and yoonhwan, him hiring claire and meikal for govt positions when he became master of gorgon, him training with chunghuh, his care for runald and anderson, him verbally calling the fallbringers his friends when they reunite, even eventually his friendship with beastlain! i wasn't expecting him to make so many connections because of how set he is on doing everything alone, so i was really happy to see that he does consider them friends and isnt just coldly moving through the world alone, despite what his actions say
really liked the whole lore about [clothes]. i thought that was really cool. did not like the repeated instances of sexual harassment and pervy lines throughout the book
ive been telling people to read orv left and right, but in contrast twatf is a kind of novel that i dont think i would necessarily recommend to anyone (especially not to anyone who wasn't already an enjoyer of this genre and/or more "out there" plots in general) but i did enjoy reading it myself. however i would say that it provided some cool/valuable/fun insight into orv and singshong's writing in general so maybe i would recommend it to someone who has already read orv and wanted to expand on that
overall i did like it!!! i dont think ill be rereading it any time soon but i had fun reading and stewing over it :)
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dlnraal · 1 year
day of
tl;dr couldnt breathe properly my whole life due to a bad deviated septum, after ~5 years of pushing the issue finally got surgery for it. kinda wanna do like a mini recovery blogging thing so i can look back on it
blood and surgery stuff below cut, be warned
procedure itself was actually kind of easy, i think i was way more nervy abt the anaesthesia beforehand than i needed to be? ive only been full under once as a kid so i didnt rly have anything to compare to. woke up ok after, lil dizzy but nothing bad + hospital staff and the guy who drove me home were rly nice :]
god as someone who hasnt rly had nosebleeds there is so much trickling blood tho 😭 i assume its normal bc it was the same in the hospital n the nurses didnt comment on it but i feel like im leaving a pile of bloody tissues in my wake. they told me i can sleep on my sides but we'll have to see abt that.
real eepy at good ole 7pm but i did also have to wake up at 5 to catch the train lol
10pm edit, nose pretty damn clogged but its to be expected. overall been around 1-2 in the pain scale today
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stupidsunny-d · 3 years
Ok, since Halloween is getting close I'd like to say this...
If you're fine with them then that's fine
But just because you are doesn't mean others will be
I remember a while back, I saw a video about Halloween costumes that seemed cool
As soon as I clicked on it I was greeted with a loud screamer of a bloody woman that sent me into a full blown panic attack that took me a long time to calm down from.
I talked about it on tumblr to warn others
And in response, some people were supportive
But others thought that calling me a pussy was a good idea and that i "should've expected it"
If someone has a breakdown from something, don't call them a pussy for it. Don't downgrade them for it. Don't make them feel even worse.
Screamers aren't funny, nor are they cool
They're stupid and a good way to give someone an actual heart attack. And im not even kidding.
If someone has heart problems or anything like that, Screamers are fucking dangerous.
If you're about to put a screamer in ANYTHING
think about what you're doing and think about the fact that what you're doing could potentially hurt someone else.
If you wanna make something scary, you can do it without screamers
It won't make it any less scary, just do something else
And if you wanna put a jumpscare or anything like that in your post, PUT. A FUCKING. WARNING. please. It's not that hard.
This post isn't calling out anyone or meaning to offend others. I'm not gonna be mad at you if you like screamers.
But just keep in mind that things like this effect others differently than you and be cautious.
Before you show someone something scary or something that has a jumpscare or screamer in it, warn them or ask them if you can show it to them.
If they say no, don't show it to them.
It's that simple.
Long story short
Screamers aren't funny and they never will be
If you click on a video and it greets you with q surprisingly peaceful setting at first, click pause as fast as you can.
Scroll through the video to see if there is a screamer
Or scroll down to the comments to see any mentions of a screamer.
And if you're not able to pause in time, turn the volume ALL THE WAY DOWN as fast as you possibly can.
And if you see this video
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this video has a very loud screamer at the beginning and it's the exact same video that sent me into a panic attack.
I'm sorry for such a long post, but this stuff bothers the shit out of me
I had to get it out.
Please reblog this if you can to warn people if possible.
Thank you and happy Halloween! Stay safe, loves!
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
I am having a FULL ON bloody awful day at work, homie 🥲 like legit on my break in the bathroom crying sort of day. And I was reading through your works cuz the platonic Yandere Erasermic to make me feel better 😂
And I was just wondering if you’d be ok with me requesting how they would react with their teenage darling who just, doesn’t take messing up very well? Like that they try to be flawless and never break any rules, but then they do mess up a small one, and they just get so overwhelmed, and start over apologizing and worrying that they’re not doing anything right anymore? Somthing like that 😂 my anxiety has me all out of whack (totally don’t have to do this hun, completely up to you!)
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Dude- I’ve been there. Anxiety is a bitch, 100%
Sorry you had to go through that alone, if I were there I would’ve given you a lollipop. Or a cupcake. And hugged you.
(Being anxious takes different forms sometimes and can feel different for everybody, I’m just using how I feel when it happens as a reference, I hope it’s alright)
You stared out the window of the living room, watching the dark sky’s glisten with the stars, the grassy ground seemed to stretch out forever, and you could sometimes make o it the sway of trees in the wind. You were utterly mesmerized with the scen in front of you, sitting in the pillowed ledge of the windowsill, you pressed your hand against the cool glass. Smiling when the sensation hit your fingers, you felt so at peace
I your mesmerized trance, you didn't recognize your father, Aizawa, opening the door behind you, the crack it always made sounding out through the room. The man stared at you for a moment, shocked to find you here of all places, the monitor in your room notified of your v=movement the second you stood up out of your bed, he expected you to try and make a b-line for the door, to try and escape. You haven't ever done it before, but he knew at some point you would try. So seeing you doing nothing but staring off into the window, dressed in your cute pjs he lived so much, was such a relief.
“ You aren't supposed to be up honey, what are you doing?” he spoke, startling you completely, you whipped around, eyes wide at the sudden realization of what you were doing. You followed all of their rules, you'd learn to accept their somewhat odd behavior, you had yet to majorly break one, but wandering after bedtime? That was a big one, apparently “they can't protect you if they don't know where you are '' so when you get up, you're supposed to find them. You didn't though. He raised a brow at you, cocking his head to the side as you pressed yourself as far as you could against the window, as if it would do anything to shield you from the punishment you expected to await.
“”Oh daddy - i- uh- i just wanted to see the stars. I shouldn't've even come out here- i just- i'm sorry” you sputtered out, apologizing, your eyes darted around the room as you panicked internally, you'd been perfect up until now, followed every single one of teh9r rules without any problem, and they loved you because of it. Maybe this would change their opinions, maybe this would make them hate you and kill you like you'd thought they would do on your first night here. Ideas ddi nothing but freak you out further as you imagined what they would do to you if they realized you werent so perfect after all. Your breathing got increasingly heavier, and your heart felt like it was just about to beat right out of your chest.
“If you wanted to see them you could've told papa, or me, we would've let you honey, just calm down you aren't in any trouble, you just had us worried” he calmly spoke, he was worried, he didnt know where you were and hed thought youd actually escaped, one of his worst fears.
“No no no i'm sorry, i should've listened and i broke the rules- i just- please- daddy im sorry” you spoke, clutching at your hands and scratching at your wrists, your eyes stayed glassy and wide as he tried to asses the situation. hushing you every now and then. He made his way across the room, avoiding the few cats stockpiled in the center of the couch, and tugged at your arm, he placed his other arm across your shoulders to comfort you, he could see the tears that pricked the corners of your eyes, and he didn't like it, not one bit.
“It's okay baby, i'm not gonna hurt you, i promise, you didn't do anything wrong, i'm not upset okay- uh- HIZASHI!” The man called for his husband, uncertain what to do with the current situation. Anything relating to human emotion and tears was too hard for him to handle, and he always ended up making things worse. His husband was good with feely things, he always was. In the meantime, he tried to calm you, holding you close to him and slowly moving you away from the window. You really were breathing hard, and he could tell this was about to be a whole crying fit, he didn't want that.
But it was inevitable. Once the first few tears had started to flow down your face, even though you knew it was silly to cry over such a small mistake as staying late past bedtime, you cried harder and harder, outright sobbing after a few minutes. Teh cats had made their way over to see what happened to their favorite human thing, and eventually had surrounded both you and aizawa. You always did follow all the rules, even when you were still a student in their classes, so it just felt so wrong to make a mistake, so humiliating. It made you feel like suffocating
“Yes? Oh, oh my god! Baby, what's wrong?” The yellow haired man peaked his eyes into the doorframe to see what Aizawa was calling about, just to see his perfect little angel muddled with tears, surrounded by cats, in their pjs, with his husband failing at comforting you. He was immediately at your side, as you were too tearful and sniffly to even make out a word. Aizawa explained briefly what had happened, and how you'd gotten scared, and had his heart almost shattered right then and right there, his poor baby!
“I just- I don’t know what to- and he” you spluttered, struggling out of aizawas arms and into hizashi, even you knew that he could be better comfort right now. You agree the fact the you needed him, but your heart felt so fragile, and your lungs just might collapse, you weren’t even sure if the stars were worth it.
“sweetheart, just give me some nice deep breaths okay? I know you're scared right now, but youre gonna make yourself sick, please, for papa, just breathe.” he spoke, pulling you away form the cats and into his lap, he pushed the hair stuck to your tear ridden face out of your eyes, and rubbed your back slowly as he embraced you. His big, strong arms practically covered you as they pulled you tight to him, it was oddly comforting, seeing how someone actually cared enough to spend the time to hold you like this.
“That's good… just like that.” the two simultaneously muttered as your hiccuping slowed the pressure in your chest had dimmed, not completely, but slowed down but, and your tears had almost run dry, all you could do was try to calm yourself and not panic further (even though it was as if your brain was wired to do that), and nuzzle your face closer to him in attempts to find comfort in his smell.
“I-im sorry, this is stupid, im just being stupid” you confronted yourself, the words came out muffled with your face in his shirrt, but bith of the men undertsiod what you were saying, and it hurt them, they hated that you felt that you shoudlnt get the love and comfort both of them knew you deserved. It took them a moment to lock eyes, and kindof converse with their facial expressions, but they eventually replied. Aizawa got up to go grab a fluffy blanket fo ryou, and some water, you just cried out half of your frickin bodyweight, you must be exhausted. He was right. You were.
“You arent stupid baby, we all make mistakes, and we all cry, thats for sure. You shouldnt be embarrassed of it either, i've seen your daddy get upset more times than i can count, don't say things like that. It just makes you sad.” he hushed, cupping your head and rocking slightly back and forth to provide some kind of comfort. You happily nuzzled in, enjoying the sense of warmth he gave with his words.
“But- i broke the rules, i'm not supposed to break the rules or things will go bad right/ i can't break the rules or else you wont- you wont- you wont live me anymore” you spluttered, waiting for the tears to surge back out, your voice was rough and shaky. Wait… what did you just say? Hizashi couldn't believe his ears when you spoke those words, his heart stopped the second they left your lips.
“now where would you get that silly idea? Me and your daddy will always love you, do you understand sweetheart? There isn't anything in this world that could ever change that, and nothing ever will. I love you, papa loves you” he comforted, brushing his hand down your hair, shocked at the mere idea you stated. He pressed a firm kiss to your forehead, glad that the worst of it was over, and now you were breathing perfectly fine. Aizawa came back with a thick yellow blanket, and draped it over the two of you.
“Now, I think we have a sleepy y/n on our hands right? It is past your bedtime hun, I think tonight you are gonna sleep with us, okay?” The man at oof up completely and started tracking towards the door, and your last glance of the room, wa did the big, dark window, filled with stars, that had gotton you into this in the first place.
“Okay, i love you too”
Anyway, I personally liek this one, but I also can’t tell if it’s intensely cringed or not, please give feedback if you like, or hate it!
Thank you for requesting, I hope your days have been much better than that recently
That being said, have a wonderful day today, and thank you!
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theosmommy1966 · 2 years
Marauders Pt 3
FOR THE NEXT PART AND THE FINAL PART, You will maybe hate it.. But thats ok.. I put days and days worth of thought into this. Spoke to some other writers, and some readers and decided on this path. If you dont like it please just scroll on, no need to leave nasty comments or unfollow me. This just took a turn I didnt really expect at first.
Please read part 1 and part 2 before reading this!
Keira Knightley as Andromeda Tonks
Andrew Hollingworth as Ted Tonks
Natalie Dormer as Narcissa Malfoy
Katie McGrath as Bellatrix Lestrange
Adrian Turner as Rodolpus Lestrange
Harry Lloyd as Lucius Malfoy
Timothee Chalamet as Regulus Black
William Tudor as Evan Rosier
Otto Seppalainen as Draven Malfoy
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The door opened quickly after your knuckles wrapped on it. Tears streaming down your pink cheeks, hair tangled from appartaing and the slight wind. The dark hair of Ted Tonks was the first thing you saw. Your mind was a mess, you felt like you were on the verge of having a panic attack. Your heart was pounding, you could feel sweat starting to bead on your forehead.
Remus’ face and Sirius’ words kept playing over and over in your head as that voice screamed that the downfall of the Marauders was your fault.
“I bet she doesn't even know who the father is.. Do you Princess..”
“This is all your fault”
“This is all your fault.”
Your breathing picked up, you could see Ted's mouth moving as his face paled. He was yelling for his wife, for his in-laws, for anyone but you couldn't hear it. All you could hear was ringing and Sirius’ “Your a good fuck, but I only tolerate you for Jamie.”
The curly hair of Regulus Black came into focus as your knees buckled. His warm hands came into contact with your clammy sweaty skin as the dizziness took over. He was yelling too but you only made out small pieces as he turned you around. Pulling your back against his chest, one arm around your waist and one rubbing your sweaty hair away from your face.
“Evan… Draught.. Attack..”
That was all you heard of Regulus’ smooth but panicked voice. When The Black sisters, Lestrange and Malfoy came into view words started tumbling. Andromeda was your best girl friend, her sisters a close second. Even Bella who was a tad bit crazy.
“They hate me! They hate me.. I ruined everything..”
Your words were slurred slightly from the panic and your breathing, but the group understood. Regulus tightened his arms around your body as Evan came back into view. Carrying a vial of turquoise liquid, one that the man kept on hand for Regulus. Because Regulus had panic attacks too, often.
“They don't hate you, Sunflower.” Regulus said as he smoothed your hair back. He had no clue what was going on. He knew you and his brother didn't get along, but he didnt think James could ever hate you. Remus he knew only a little, but Regulus figured if he could put up with Sirius he could put up with you.
You shook your head back and forth as Evan knelt down in front of you. He was scared for the girl he had known his entire life. He had never seen you not smiling, but here you were completely breaking down in front of him. He laid his hand on your knee, thumb rubbing back and forth in a calming motion.
All he knew was that he wanted to Avada whoever made you like this. While the two of you may not be as close as you used to be, he still loved you. You were his first kiss, the first person he told when he realized he was gay. The first person he told about his crush on Regulus. He would fight anyone for you.
“You didn't hear him Reggie! You didn't see Rems face!” You cried as your body tensed more, crying harder, breathing picking up even more. You were on the verge of passing out as Regulus moved his arms to hold you still. He nodded to Evan, who straddled both your and Regulus’ legs.
He wrapped one hand around the back of your neck tilting your head back. He pulled the stopper out with his teeth before speaking softly to you. “Alright Sunflower.. I need you to take this for me.. Then we will figure everything out, yeah?” You didn't fight either of them as he pushed the glass to your lips, the bitter vanilla taste passing over your tongue.
The group watched and waited, Lucius and Rodolphus were slightly shocked to see how their friends handled you. Evan didn't move from his spot above the two of you, but he had one hand carding, threw your tangled sweaty hair, and the other resting on your neck. His thumb over your pulse point to ensure it slowed down.
Regulus had his head buried in your shoulder as he listened and felt your breathing slow. When he lifted his head up, he could see the relief on his boyfriend's face. Evan slowly stood and backed away and Regulus lightened his hold. He didn't let go yet, in fear that you would just slump over.
“Tell us what happened, Sunflower.” Evan said lightly as he sat back down in front of you. Your glassy eyes looked at each of your friends. You could feel the draught of peace and the exhaustion mixing as your body untensed and slumped against Reggie. Even Malfoy and Lestrange, who more just tolerated you for their girlfriends, looked worried.
“I'm pregnant.” You whispered, feeling Reggie tense behind you as Evans' eyes snapped to yours. It clearly wasn't a happy occasion given what they all had just witnessed. “I'm pregnant, I don't know which of them is the father..” A small sob broke out of your lips as the panic tried to fight against the potion.
“Shhh.. Shh.. We will talk about it later.. We will figure everything out, Love..” Regulus said as he watched your eyes open slower and slower. He cast a cleansing spell over the two of you, watching as the sweat removed itself from your skin and hair. Then a spell that brushed out and braided your hair. “Just rest, we will all figure it out later.”
You heard Regulus as your eyes shut, and you allowed yourself to fall asleep.
Back at Potter Manor two VERY angry parents were sitting in front of three boys. Who all had different emotions running threw them.
James was panicked, nervous, worried and angry. Angry at his friends for how they reacted. Angry at you for running away. Worried and panicked about where you went, who you were with. Nervous about what his parents were about to say.
Remus was upset, disgusted and tense. Upset at the situation, upset that he wasn't more careful. Upset and disgusted at his behavior. And tense because he felt like this would be the breaking point of the group.
Sirius was almost indifferent. But he was also nervous, resentful and high strung. His nervousness and the feeling of being high strung came from the look his adopted parents were giving him. He had never disappointed them before, and he knew that even though they were the Potters and not the Blacks, it made him nervous.
He was resentful of you. Resenting the distance and anger that was between him and James. Resenting the fact that in his head, you were forcing something on them that they didn't want. But he was also slightly indifferent towards the whole pregnancy situation. Having already decided he was going to have nothing to do with it.
His or not.
Mia looked up at her husband who was pacing back and forth, waiting and praying an owl would stop by. Almost on cue, a full two hours after you had left a tan and gray barn owl swooped in the window. Dropped a letter into Mias lap and flew right back out. All eyes flew to the woman as she snapped the wax seal and read.
To whom it may concern,
We are all unaware of what has happened within your home, but we wanted you to know that Y/n L/n is within our care.
She arrived very late this evening, in quite the panic. Mr. Regulus Black and Mr. Evan Rosier calmed her down from a heavy panic attack, using both their kindness and a draught of peace. Mrs. Andromeda Tonks, Ms. Narcissa Black and Ms. Bellatrix Black very kindly got her into a guest bedroom at Tonks Manor and she is now resting.
Upon her rising in the morning, the group will discuss with her the happening of today. When she reaches a decision on how she would like to proceed you will be informed. Until then, feel free to send an owl.
With our regards
Ted Tonks
Andromeda Tonks
Bellatrix Black
Rodolphus Lestrange
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Black
Mia looked up from the letter at her husband, whose face was gradually growing from pink to red. He hadn't stopped pacing, but now his light steps were hard stomps. When he finally stopped he rounded on the three boys.
“I hope you are all proud of yourselves. James I understand that you were trying to escalate the situation. But Remus and especially you Sirius.. I am so beyond disappointed. We just told that poor girl that things would be alright. That we would all figure it out!”
James looked down clenching his fists in anger. He had been trying to help, he couldn't figure out who he was most upset with. You or Sirius. You had to have known that he wouldn't let Sirius hurt you physically. So why you ran was beyond him.
“I want to hear what it is you boys think you want to do come morning.. I will not allow you to string her along. When we sit down at the breakfast table at 8 am, you WILL have an answer. As a group or individually I don't care. But figure it out, and do it now.”
Monty looked over at his wife, before storming out of the room. Mia looked over the letter again, then handed it off to James who read it as well. “I would love it if you came to a decision as a group, but you must all decide what is best not only for you. But for the child Y/n is bringing into this world. No matter what you do, Monty and I will be involved. Think about this hard, make the right choice.”
Before she went off to bed herself, Mia hugged each boy, pressing a kiss to their cheeks and whispers off sleep wells. Then it was just the three boys, who all felt very differently. James leaned back on the couch rubbing his hands over his face and sighed. “How do we want to talk about this..”
Remus tugged on his hair and looked up at his two boyfriends. “I can't be a parent. And Merlin I hope it's not mine.. What happens if I passed the curse on.. I just.. I just can't James, I'm sorry. I don't blame Y/n, it's just as much my fault as it is hers. But I can't..”
James stared at the ceiling, teetering on a line of what he wanted, as Sirius started speaking.
“There's no way in hell I'm going to be involved, period. Not if it's mine, or either of yours. I don't even get along with the woman, nor do I want to be a parent. We all know that I only tolerate her for you Jamie..” Sirius decided that once again, it was time to start turning this situation into his favor.
So he stood, then knelt down in front of James between his legs. Setting both his hands on James’ thick thighs, causing him to look down at him. “I can't be a father, nor do I want to be.. Hence why I love you and Remus.. She's tearing us apart, Love.. Ever since she came into your life all we do is fight.”
James’ heart pounded in pain as tears started falling from Sirius’ eyes. His mind and his heart were struggling to decide as the gray eyed man kept talking. “There is so much distance between us.. I feel like you're slipping away from me, like you're slipping from Rem and I.”
James furrowed his eyebrows as he started thinking, his mind seeing what Sirius was saying.
“This is our chance to be just the three of us again.. We can still move into Marauders Manor.. It's our chance to be happy again, like we planned.” Sirius pushed himself up so he could lean his forehead against James’. He could tell that he was swaying him towards his side, so he pushed more tears out. Adding a few dramatic breaths and small soft sobs.
James nodded, easily being manipulated by Sirius as always. All his promises to his girlfriend, all his anger, everything went away the second his boyfriend started crying. He realized that what Sirius had said was true, all the group did was fight. He didn't want to lose his two oldest friends.
The first two people he loved.
He couldn't and wouldn't lose Sirius or Remus. He just hated that he would be losing you.
The next morning, you woke in a soft bed covered by an aztec gold and steel blue scroll pattern shabby chic comforter with lace edges. The silky pillows and sheets rubbed pleasantly against your skin as you rolled over. Slowly you sat up and leaned against the padded, upholstered headboard and sighed.
Before your mind could start to wonder, a soft knock at the door caught your attention. Slowly the door opened and a very timid house elf stepped in with a stack of clothes that were clearly Andromedas due to the light colors. “Ms. Avery's presence has been requested on the patio when she's ready.” She said before setting the clothes down and popping off.
You showered and changed languidly, unbraiding your hair and allowing the now soft waves to fall down your shoulders. Gray leggings and an off the shoulder peach sweater pulled over your body as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
You wondered if you were going to be alone now. But again, before you could get too far down that path there was a knock again. This time the sharp face of your childhood friend came into view. Evan smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets, “I just wanted to come check on you, walk you down.”
Linking arms you both made your way out to the patio where the rest of the group besides Rodolphus were all drinking tea. The table was full of small breakfast tarts, scones and muffins. You took your place between Evan and Regulus and joined in the small conversation as Reggie sat things on your plate for you to eat, and Evan made you tea.
It was a pleasant morning, everyone laughing and catching up as it had been months since most of you had seen each other. It was always odd that you fit in so well with this group of Slytherins and one random Ravenclaw. But you had all grown up closely being mostly purebloods.
As morning rolled into afternoon, the spell of peace was broken by the Potter family owl dropping a letter into your lap. Bellatrix's obnoxious laughter was cut short immediately as they all noticed the panic spread across your face. Evans hand found your shoulder, rubbing it gently as Regulus took the letter from you.
“No matter what this says, you are not and never will be alone Y/n.” Regulus said in an even and firm tone, Evan nodding along.
“If you need somewhere to stay, you'll stay here.” Andromeda spoke and Ted raised his glass in agreement.
“You could stay at Malfoy Manor as well. And if you need legal help, Lucius’ older brother Draven is a Lawyer.” Narcissa said looking towards her boyfriend who also nodded. While he didn't really want to be involved he wouldn't turn you away. And he knew Draven would help just about anyone, especially someone in need.
Bella cackled a little before speaking, “And if you need someone hexed or tortured.. You know where to find me, little lion.” Everyone, including yourself, laughed at that. “But, maybe you should explain to us what's going on. So we can help you properly.”
You sighed and looked at your glass of tea as you spoke. “You all know that I am… or maybe was.. I don't know, anyways. I'm with James, Remus and Sirius.. You also know that Sirius doesn't really like me, for whatever reason.”
Everyone nodded as you continued, “Clearly he likes me enough to sleep with me, but not enough to be nice to me..” Regulus and Evan scoffed as they listened, “Now I'm pregnant. Clearly don't know who the father is, James seemed excited and promised not to go anywhere. His parents were overjoyed and told me that even if James leaves they want to be a part of the baby's life.”
You bit your lip trying to hold back the stinging tears in your eyes as you pictured Remus’ face again. “Remus I can understand a little.. Hes freaked out about passing his curse on. But he looked at me, and jumped away from me like I had a disease or something.. He didn't say anything or stop Sirius from screaming at me.”
Your tears had started to fall now as some of the others felt anger rising in them. “Sirius though.. God it was horrible, he told me even if the baby is his, he wants nothing to do with me or it.” Narcissa and Andromeda gasped and covered their mouths, both horrified with their cousin.
“He told me he doesn't want a child, especially not with me… Remus doesn't want children either! And he bet that I don't even know who the father is.. Like clearly I don't, you all use me! Then he went on to call my baby a bastard and scream about how he wouldn't be a part of its life. And how the entire downfall of the Marauders is my fault..”
When you stopped everyone was pink in the cheeks with anger, even Lucius who ended up speaking up. “If neither of them wanted a child, then first they should've used protection.. OR stuck to fucking each other! That's such bullshit..”
The other men at the table nodded as Narcissa leaned across the table and rubbed your hand. “We are all here darling. I'm sure between the nine of us we can raise a semi functioning child.” She smiled a little while you all chuckled at her joke. You turned your hand over and squeezed hers, “Well.. I guess I should read this letter huh?”
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