#ok but also i don't think anyone should date anyone more than two years more or less than them
fairfiona · 2 years
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In some adaptions of Shrek, Princess Fiona is only seven when she is imprisoned in the tower. As Shrek functions in this quasi-reverent, quasi-social commentary take on fairytales, there’s some many questions I have...so Princess Fiona begins wishing that a Prince will rescue her from the imprisonment she’s banished to when she’s seven. Does that mean that same plea we hear emitting from her when she’s over thirty is still that damaged, scared seven year old inside? Parts of it echo with Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, which explain her...fragile mental state when Shrek meets her, while other parts just seem so haunted and tragic. 
Imagine if a Prince did rescue her at that age, though- I wonder if Lillian and Harold would permit a marriage. Perhaps that’s another commentary on fairytales, and our past likewise- after all, Snow White was seven in her original story. It could just go to prove how frightening some of the Grimm stories are, just as some courtships in the middle ages occurred between literal children and adults. It just puts the past into a different context and explains so many generational curses and all the trauma that persist to this day.
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Misogyny in the fandom: let's talk about it
Not gonna lie, the level of interalized or even just blatant misogyny in this fandom is really disheartening sometimes. There is already VERY few female characters in the book, even fewer with speaking roles, and yet I see all of them being hated on in some way. People hate on Cherry for standing up for herself when Dally was harrasing her, and for not seeing Johnny in the hospital, which bullshit to begin with but also, you can't tell me that if the roles were reversed and Cherry sat down behind Dallas and starting talking about how stupid and classless greaser boys are, and Dally threw a coke at her, that the fandom wouldn't love him all the more for it. People hold her to this impossible golden standard, expecting her to literally be perfect instead of a conflicted and grieving teenage girl, when they embrace the flaws and give a lot more grace to much more violent and 'bad' male characters. It's a very 'boys will be boys' and 'girls mature fatser so they should know better' double standard that I really can't stand. Marcia gets a level of the same treatment, with people occasionally calling her vapid or shallow when the book makes it clear she and Two-bit actually really hit it off, and the number she gave him being fake was only Two and Ponyboy's speculation. But I digress. Moving on.
Misogyny and classism intersect when it comes to the few female greaser characters we get a little insight on. So many people LOATHE both Sandy and Sylvia because they're cheaters, but honestly, how is cheating worse than stealing? (And don't pretend they steal because they need to survive Ponyboy makes a point of claiming Two-bit doesn't really need or want half the stuff he shoplifts) How is it worse than jumping little kids? How is it worse than sexually harassing girls? How is it worse than the plethora of immoral or illegal activities the greaser guys partake in? If we're being 100% honest, it isn't. "But-but Sandy cheated on Soda, who really loved her". Yeah, she did. That was shitty of her, I'm not defending that, but she was also a sixteen year old girl in a tough situation she was trying to navigate the best she could. She could have lied and told Soda it was his and trapped him in a marriage raising a kid he definitely couldn't afford if she wanted to- but she didn't. Hell, she told him the truth and he was still ready to do that and she wouldn't let him. I don't think those are the actions of a completely terrible person, I think they're the actions of a scared kid who did some shitty things, but is trying her best and trying to do better. At the VERY least they're the actions of a multifaceted character who deserves the same level of grace and insight afforded to the male characters. (If anyone wants to read more of my thoughts on Sandy and her narrative importance, I have a post here). There's also something to be said about the poor 'greasy' girls facing harsher vitriol than the soc girls, and while part of it is because of Ponyboy's biased narration, it's clear to see that readers very much took his views at face value. Soc girls are 'good girls' and have to be perfect to deserve credit from the fans, but greasy girls are 'trashy' so it's ok for them to be judged and shit on. Spoiler alert: it isn't.
Sylvia is similar to Sandy in that her cheating and 'loose' behaviour earn her a lot of hate, which again, I'm not defending her cheating, but we need to give her the same analysis and benefit of the doubt given to Dally. Dally is NOT a good person. Ponyboy says this and makes it clear plenty of times. He's a hurt character, so we can explien why he is the way he is, but he isn't a GOOD character. he values loyalty, so he never cheated on Sylvia, but it's clear based on how he treats Cherry and casual comments he makes that he doesn't really respect women. I can't imagine Sylvia's experience dating him was one where she felt very adored. Again, not an excuse for cheating, but I can understand WHY she'd try and take back power within a dynamic and a society where she never had any, and I don't want to vilify her for that. She's also a poor woman growing up in the sixties- the book makes it clear life is hard enough for poor guys griowing up at that time, but it was probably equally if not more hard for poor women. I think, like the gang, she does what she had to to survive. If you can understand why the gang does bad things, and still be humans who can be considered good, you can extend the same understanding to Sylvia (and Sandy.) I think people need to also keep in mind that everything we know ABOUT Sylvia (and the rest of the female characters) we know from Ponyboy, a fourteen year old boy who's narration is INCREDIBLY biased and who doesn't have the full details of any of the relationships in the gang. Ponyboy sees Sylvia and Sandy as these terrible, loose women who have hurt people he cares about, so a lot of the fandom does too, but it doesn't change the fact that by doing so you're accepting and embracing Ponyboy's internalized misogyny and making it your own.
Anyway, I don't think I'm articulating this as well as i want to, and i spoke a bit more about this in this reply to one of the posts on the confessions page, but yeah, I just wish people could accept that fact that if they bend over backward to find ways to defend or explain immoral actions from male characters, but refuse to even attempt to do the same for female characters, they've probably internalized a bit of misogyny they should maybe work on.
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spider-chris06 · 1 year
¿Peter was Gwen's first love?
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This is something I've been seeing or hinting at very recently because of certain things Gwen says in ATSV, so I wanted to go a little deeper into this topic to see if Peter was really Gwen's first love:
As everyone knows, Gwen and Peter were childhood friends until he, to being someone weak who wanted to be special just like Gwen, turns into the lizard and dies because of it. Something that is made quite clear is the fact that Peter was clearly in love with Gwen but, did she feel the same?
During the flashbacks, one can see how the two of them seem to have a genuine friendship and there actually seems to be no sign of Gwen's romantic relationship with Peter... yet
Although it is presumed that they could have gone to the high school dance as a date, I don't think so since they could easily have gone as friends and that's it.
She always makes it very clear that he was his childhood best friend, and nothing more.
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The only real clue that Gwen may have liked her friend deep down is this little scene where Gwen, after Peter's death, sees a couple holding arms and she gets upset about it.
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Taking all this into account, the most logical thing is that she started to like Peter just before he died and that's where the thing stayed, it never progressed, it never evolved, nothing. It's like an uncomfortable backpack you wear on your back when you meet your soulmate.
That this would explain her unstable and impulsive personality during ITSV and the ATSV prologue that she ended up changing thanks to Miles.
Adding to which, thanks to Miles, during that time in the Spider-Society, Gwen has not only drastically improved and progressed, but she can truly get over Peter's death.
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However, here is something that caused some doubt, and that is that in the ATSV prologue she mentions that, before she met Miles on Earth-1610, there was Peter, however, taking into account that at that time she was not really honest with her feelings, she was surely referring to the weight that both had in her life at that point in the story, since if we talk about friendship itself, it would make sense for Gwen to say that, but if we talk romantically, things change completely.
"Ok but Gwen refers to Miles as the first friend she's made since Peter died" Yes, it's true, but because it was Miles who wanted them to remain friends at the end of ITSV and she respected his decision, however, inside, they already liked each other since they met for the first time, and Gwen fell in love with Miles by the end of the first movie, she didn't say anything at her farewell to ITSV, so Gwen never saw Miles as a friend, she always saw him like something much more than that from the beginning, and that's, surely, the big difference from Peter.
And as a plus, she never said ANYTHING about being in love with Peter or anything like that.
Let's also remember that Gwen tries to hide her feelings in the same way that Miles does too so this should not be a surprise to anyone at this point.
We also know that Gwen refers to Miles as her "Friend" as a curtain, contradicting herself at times because she basically doesn't think things through before she says them, because the romantic feelings are painfully obvious and because also wants to go unnoticed.
Besides, she herself says at the end of ATSV that she gathered her old and, obviously, true friends to save Miles, which in itself says a lot.
More importantly, the fact that Gwen is head over heels in love with Miles and loves him so much more than he loves her, which is insane in itself, should automatically rule out any possibility of the Peter thing having any comparison, romantically speaking.
To make a comparison, Gwen barely knows Miles for 2 or 3 days and fell in love with him, something that did not happen with Peter even though they have known each other for years.
And I know that some may disagree with this, but the truth is that one can love one person much more than another and there is nothing wrong with that.
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And one can also realize this when there are thousands of different Peters in the Spider-Society but she's obsessed with Miles, talking about him all that time she was there.
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There are other clues to that, too, like when Gwen and Miles are eating on the terrace and she's surprised to realize that romantic feelings make her hungry, as if this was the first time something like this had happened to her.
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Or how affectionate, cuddly, flirtatious and playful that she is with Miles (Another big difference from Peter)
Also, the creators made it clear that Beyond The Spider-Verse will have the most satisfying conclusion to the romance between Gwen and Miles, and I can't think of a more satisfying conclusion to the relationship between Gwen and Miles than leaving that message that those little feelings that she may have developed for her dead friend would be nothing compared to what would come her way after that, and her telling Miles that he is the love of her life, being Miles the person who changed her life forever, would be the perfect climax.
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In conclusion, while Gwen began to see Peter as more than just her friend shortly before he died, that's basically incomparable to all the love, care, and adoration she has for Miles, and it's grown considerably ever since the ITSV ending until the ATSV ending where, if Miles was truly in love with Gwen, she's Triple as madly in love with her soulmate. So it actually couldn't be said that Peter was Gwen's first love due to that since nothing has been developed regarding Peter, the thing remained in nothing.
I clarify that this is an analysis that I did based on what I have been collecting and researching from MY point of view, some may have a different opinion or disagree on certain things and it is perfect.
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tenok · 7 months
Today I saw this ask:
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and I want say it without being mean, in absolutely happy tone, because yes thank you I'm overjoed we have this discussion moving: yes!!! Yes you are, you misundestood not only Aziraphale’s, but also Crowley’s character, and that makes them both bland!
The whole point of Good Omens is about shades of grey, remember? We had it stated sever times in canon. It doesen’t mean «pure good Crowley makes pure evil Aziraphale better person». It means that they both are absolutely not perfect, and it’s what makes then human, and it what makes them actually better, because perfection leads to uniformity and they are so so unique!
Crowley’s not jumping to saving every soul he see. Even from the start! Before the beginning? He loves his stars, not concerned for some monkeys that would look at them! (which is absolutely normal! Why he should care?). Adam and Eve? He’s nervous because he wasn’t expecting such harsh punishment for some dumb apple, he thinks it’s unfair, he's willing to discuss it with Aziraphale — which doesen’t want to discuss anything, but he also can’t stand to see humans suffering when he can do something. He’s the one that selflessly and not thinking about how it will hit him back jumps to help! Great Flood? They both stands there, just watching, and yes, Crowley argues that it’s unfair again, but Aziraphale’s not there with «oh it’s actually fine :)» smile as some people insist — he’s worried too and, and things he quote sounds awfully as something heavens would say to the one angel that immediatly asked «but surely we can’t kill everyone??». He’s quoting it because he have nothing else to say, not for Crowley, not for himself. And they both can only watch. Christ? Again, they’re not jumping to save, they watch.
(side note, but I think people just don’t get how important it is. We live in awful times, there’s so much war and death around, and you can do only an itty bitty things to help but it’s not enough, and it can crush you if you’re alone. I would’ve end in hospital or in prison two years ago if there wasn’t a friend that shared all this with me. And they had each other. That's the bond that stronger than any romantic love)
Next three flashback are not about helping anyone (although let’s remember that Arragemet wasn’t some noble plan, it was about two lazy cowokers finding a way to do less work and hang out more! it’s important too! they’re lazy and selfish and want to live in forever vacation, which is mood). Then our favorite Bastillie scene — now they both watch the executioner being dragged to be killed. No one of them did something to stop it, although they could’ve, you know, just leave him there naked or something. Because nah, sometimes they both just don't care (and I want to point it too: kindness, when you do it correctly, shouldn't be only to nice people you like. Sometime you help a nasty person. Or your abusive ex-boss. But also sometime you're there for the date and you don't want to be kind to some dumb human that's so happy to kill others)
Edinburg? Yep. Crowley loves Elspbeth immediatly, because she’s doing something naughty, she’s cheeky and she makes Aziraphale fret. So he helps her… to dig the body. Which is fine, again, he finds it all amusing and he’s not concerned for this girl safety or livehood. He’s in good mood and he wants to party and maybe theoretically discuss God’s cruelty with his angel. But Aziraphale sees the nice poor girl that made choices that can cost her ethernity in afterlife, and he tries to help! And look, he's not saying she just should drop everything and pray, he's actually trying to brainshtorm what she can do insted of evil naughty thins! As living human that needs to eat! Like, he’s there asking absolutely normal questions for someone who didn’t get accustomed to industrialisation and early stage capitalism yet (he’s slow, ok, although I’m mad because remember that this dialog was in book? and it was a thousand years earlier? and it was a Crowley who took a whole year to understant that it’s unfair while Aziraphale knew this and was like, well, it’s party line, what are you expected? why they shifted context so much). In the world where no one was killed Crowley would help her with body and go back to drinking or something, lefting her to dig another body next evening and live like this forever. But Aziraphale’s the one that wants to change that!! Go through episode, read the lines, look at their faces without being attached to fanon Jesus-like Crowley and you’ll see the one being that knows that the system is fucked and doing nothing to change it and the other not understanding system wholly but being willing to bend the rules and eventually risk his life to help — and I want to point it hard — NOT innocent human! She’s a street rat, she’s a grave robber (and Crowley understands why it’s bad more than Aziraphale, until the «it’s different when it’s someone you know» moment, but still he was in favor of digging bodies), she’s not deserving of help by heaven’s standarts, and still Aziraphale’s willing to risk falling, again, for her and her human lover! (THAT'S foreshadowing much, huh? HUH?) And that’s when Crowley understands: oh, shit, it’s not funny for him! It’s not just a lesson on morality! He’s really really can get punished if he do something stupid now!
Remember that second point of season was «stop messing with humans please»? That’s where it’s started, arguably.
So, like, yes, Crowley obliviously wasn’t planning to save Elpsbeth in any way until Aziraphale was willig to do it first. And why you need it to be different? We already know that Crowley’s nice deep inside. He doesn’t do anything bad there, even. It’s not a slander to his character. There’s billions of humans he — or Aziraphale — doesn’t help every day. Crowley accustomed to this, that’s the point. But then Aziraphale’s doing something risky (again, that’s his whole deal: sword, this scene, ditching his platoon and diving on earth, the nimb bomb — all done [or almost done] in defiance of heavens and for the humanity, all by his own, without Crowley’s influence! You don’t need to take this from him and stuff good qualities into Crowley until he’s absolutely flattens, Aziraphale doing something good is not stealing goodness from Crowley!).
Also remember 1941? The ones where Aziraphale wants to take down the nazi spies while Crowley smuggles alcohol? It’s the same pattern! Crowley don’t want to be mistaken for nazi (so he changes his shirt), but he’s not involved in any anti-nazi work (we talks about canon there, you can have headcanons, I sure do). It’s Aziraphale who jumps on chance to do good, again, and Crowley, again, deals with nazi only when they are the treat to Aziraphale. WHICH IS FINE. It doesen’t makes him bad. It shows that he loves his comfortable life and a little of mischieve, while Aziraphale loves his comfortable life and a little of doing good. It’s important that in this scene there’s no visible, like, innocent kid being harmed right now — I’m sure Crowley would’ve go out of his way to help then. But Aziraphale get’s tangled with some spies and suppliers, they doing nazi work indirectly — you need to think strategically to understand why you should help there, which Aziraphale clearly does. It also shows that he willing to work on changing things and not passively wait (or sleep) untill bad times go away, when he gets a chance to do it without miracles (as we saw in Edinburg minisode, he’s afraid that too many miracles or too big miracle used to help wrong people will put him in trouble). Which arguably foreshadows final fifteen again, but it's not the point of this post.
I can go next scene by scene but whatever, I’ll just remind you that’s while stopping the apocalypce was Crowley's idea, he:
— wasn’t concerned for the humans, at least at the start — he was mostly concerned for his earthly life, as much as Aziraphale, which includes humans, but not in oh-I-want-to-save-them way. Which is good! All first season is about how being a little bit egoistical and thinks about yourself can motivate you to change the world because it's YOUR world too!
— was actually working toward apocalypse and looking forward to it, until Antichrist came and he suddenly get that it will happen, like, for real (that’s literally said by word of God, remember?)
— and also, Aziraphale wasn’t opposed to idea of stopping apocalypse, he was sure that there’s no way to stop it and all that they can do is to hope that heavens will win (at least there’s no torture in heavens!… probably)
Like, it wasn’t Crowley explaining to Aziraphale that «apocalypse bad, heavens bad», it was him TEMPTING Aziraphale to give in to urge to stop apocalypse because he loves his earthly life as much as Crowley!!
Anyway, my point is — fandom loves black and white thinking. One should always be right, let’s make another one always wrong. One should always be heroic, let’s make other one villian or damsel in distress. That’s not how it work in real life, that’s not how it work in Good Omens, and Good Omens actually would’ve be really bland if it was the case. Aziraphale changes Crowley as much as he changes Aziraphale, but as everything Aziraphale do, it’s much more subtle. And they both get changed by humanity! (remember, again, the doctor from Edinburg? He sure was an eye-opener for them both)
Another thing, I think, is that people doesen’t want to step into Aziraphale’s shoes. Why would you do it, when there’s Crowley, who’s always right? It’s much more pleasant to be right, and Aziraphale’s always so unsure and his growth is not linear and sometimes he’s even says bad things! Nah, easier to not think from his perspective at all, and easier to not symphatise with him, just patronize at best, to make Crowley a better person for being willing to teach him too (which honestly makes azicrowley looks a little creepy, but you do you, just not in front of my salad please). So people that projects into Crowley, already the ones that unwilling to be not right or not good or not the most hurt party in every fight (again, it's understandble! but really narrows your perspective), gets really uncomfortable if you points that their characterisation of Crowley is not always in line with canon, because a) that makes him wrong or not-perfect sometimes and b) it makes THEM wrong or not-perfect sometimes.
Again, it’s not me picking a fight, and it’s fine if you have another interpretations of anything we saw on screen or any different headcanons. But try to look at what I said not from the point of hostility and character slander but from the point of love, because I LOVE them so much and I love them BECAUSE they both are painted in shades of gray! You don't need to mold Crowley into absolutely different character to love him! Imperfection is fine and good!
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chevelleneech · 2 months
I don't know why some jkkers get so hung up on their own theories, none of us actually know anything at the end of the day anyway. I see moments/things in them that clearly (in my opinion) cross a friendship barrier by most people's standards and stuff that pretty clearly leans into attraction from both of them. Beyond that, who tf knows? There's an entire spectrum of possibilities clear from them having nothing going on romantically and never have, all the way to having been dating for the past 8 years + secret engagement (this is a joke for those with their panties on too tight). They could label it, they could not, they could be involved currently, they could've been involved in the past, but are no longer, they could be planning to be involved in the future, they could be exclusive and committed, they could also not be.
I wish jkkers weren't so one-track/hive mind sometimes because I do actually think a lot of the fandom sees their relationship as special or different in some way even if they don't want to post about for fear of being called a shipper or the fact that so many big accounts are tkkers. I also think a lot of people are like me, where they see things that are sus, are open to the possibility, but don't want to delve too deeply/cross boundaries into conspiracies and then go into jkk spaces where they kind of force the "they clearly started dating around here, got serious around here, had a fight here, etc." theories and get turned off. I like the tumblr jkker space because I feel like there is a lot more conversation here, but it can also get echo-chambery. Its ok to just be chill and acknowledge you see some stuff going on that seems unique to them and enjoy and support that special bond. If they are involved romantically, I don't need to know when that started or for how long or any other personal details (unless they want to tell us of course) and I can still enjoy them together as they are.
Yeah, I don’t see why what I said triggered anyone let alone two people, lol. I’ve done nothing but post about how cute they are together and the fact that them being platonic seems extremely unlikely to me, even if they aren’t romantically involved. So me saying I have a theory that they might have put off making things official until after their service, should not have been an issue.
That said, I know for a fact I have differing views on when they got together, if they are. I’ve seen people fight others on it too many times, because for some reason people hate even the suggestion that JM and JK haven’t been together since the day they met, lol. But I agree with folks who say somewhere between 2017-2019 is when things officially shifted between them. Any time before that seems extremely unrealistic to me, but I don’t talk about it because it brings “Why would they act like THIS if they weren’t dating yet!?!?!?!????” anons, and nobody has time for that.
So yeah, I’m enjoying myself here and enjoying their interactions as they come. I thinks it’s obvious they view each other differently than they view the other members, but that’s the extent of my sort of “fact” talk. Everything else is speculation, even if a singular conclusion makes the most sense.
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lightningmickqueen · 2 years
Wait who is Ann Neal?
tw for grooming!!
ok anon i fully typed this up in the notes app. please keep in mind this is an opinion based off years of watching f1 and we don't know either of them personally but also it's fucking weird
Ann Neal is Mark Webber’s wife/manager/questionable person. Almost everything I’m going to talk about next is from Mark’s book Aussie Grit which everyone should read
She is 17 years older than Mark (as per the public info on their company’s registration), which maybe wouldn’t be a problem if they started dating at their current ages but they first met and got together when Mark was 17. She was also his manager during the early part of his career. more below the cut now!!
In his book Mark talks about how their relationship went from professional to personal during the FIRST trip to Europe. Please keep in mind this was his FIRST attempt to grow his career, his first time away from home, and he knew nobody but her, his manager, who is like 17 years older than him and should know better. 
Like this woman was in a position of power, had his career in his hands, and was on a separate continent where literally the only person he knows is her. 
Mark said in his book that even his mum wasn’t happy about it, and also that Ann’s kid views Mark as a big brother…like ok
In Aussie Grit Mark literally wrote Ann’s first impression of him. Please keep in mind he was SEVENTEEN (17) and she was 34. 
“I liked how bold and cheeky he was, and how mature he seemed. When I asked someone how old he was, I was shocked when they said 17 - he was confident beyond his years.”
LIKE?? The fact she went from thinking and saying this about a 17 year old to becoming his manager and then very quickly starting to hook up with him to having a relationship is CRAZY. She also apparently remembers what he was wearing that day - like girl why were you looking so hard?!?!
They moved to England then and didn’t know anyone else and became codependent and Mark has said she was the only one, other than himself, who believed that his F1 dream could happen. It’s very cute in that it obviously ended up happening, but please keep in mind that this is still his manager and a woman almost two decades older than him.
Mark said his parents’ weren’t happy with the relationship, and at one point he went back to Australia for a break (from racing and a temporary break up with Ann because it got too serious too fast) and got a new management company and started dating someone else. Ann wasn’t happy, and Mark said she “wasn’t prepared to hang around and watch young love undermine all we’d worked so hard for”
Like. This is now not just his former manager, but also his EX GIRLFRIEND. He’s got a new girlfriend now and a new management and Mark then decided his personal life was now affecting his driving, so he broke up with the two newbies and went back to Ann because Ann wasn’t happy.
So six months after the break up and Mark groveling, saying “I want to come home,” Mark left Australia and moved back in with Ann and her son in England. Like at this point he was what? 20? And he’s basically settled down for life with a much older woman and her kid (sound familiar). 
Obviously I do not know Ann or Mark but the way this reads to me and probably anyone who’s read the book is that she was looking out for herself and herself only. She had an opportunity and she took it while manipulating an 18/19 year old man who did not know any better and whose career she held in her hands!!! LIKE. 
Anyway here are some pics of her looking old as fuck . Credit to motorsport images for keeping pics up for 50 million years so we can always find the good shit
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ann with mark in october 1996. mark was 20, she’s 37
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ann with mark's dad in 2004
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ann with mark and the fam in 2006 - mark's 30th birthday. ann is 47
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july 2009 - mark was 33, ann was 50
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nov 2010 - mark was 34
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in 2018 - mark was 36/37 (i forgot what month this was taken)
thank u to @brakingpoint and @multi-twentyone for their assistance in this research project
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
(for"sendacharacterandilllist"askgame) DREWWWWWWWWWWWWW
ok so drew !!!
favorite thing about them
everything. But if I had to choose then maybe his attachment issues or those little spiky strane of hair above one of his ears
least favorite thing about them
just the fact that his backstory is not revealed yet. Like I hope the whole "he has family issues and feels detached from them making him have a complicated and toxic view kn relationships as well as attachment issues" headcanon ks revealed to be canon otherwise, if he's acting the way he is just bc he does, then he makes for a pretty boring character no matter how "realistic" it would be (which it kinda wouldn't but whatever that's a separate discussion). so yeah like the lack of traits rather than the traits themselves ig. Though rosyclozy said season 2 is druffering 2 so I am EXCITED
dria. draisy. dracy. idfk which I should pick. endless possibilities. and they all parallel each other in one way or another and I fucking love them platonically but I'm not interested in them romantically if I'm gonna be honest. they'd all fix him
this is so unfathomably predictive and obvious of me but Drake/PlumPeach like come on a) I relate to Drew's "I'm in love with my best friend but they can't know and they're in love with someone else" situation heavily,there are endless analyses to be made and written, endless fic potential, SO MANY songs about breakups that just Fit Them, they make each other worse and also interesting characters. Someone once called me an abuse apologist that should never date anyone because I shipped them? LMAO. that was like 3/2 years ago though. without drake drew just like... wouldnt have character. Which says a lot. Second OTP is HOT TAKE droey. I made a whole fucking post abt them please don't @ me o can explain themselves - also droey angst. Also they're complicated af as well. But they are also pretty annoying so I'm not sure lmao. Dria rules too but prefer it platonic
Idk drelliot .?? It's so unfathomably cliche and stereotypical toxic yaoi material and I hate it but I also think it's funny so idk I don't really have notps unless it's siblings or bad age gaps cuz they make me uncomfortable
random headcanon
do I have to share only one? I want more so I'll do more. I think he's Filipino, he had one of those glow in the dark shoes in elementary school and flexed them HARD, he has major depressive disorder and maybe borderline personality disorder, he hyperfixates on video games, listens to mostly emo rap, spends most of his time inside during summer, gets a new iphone every year, cyberbullies little kids on roblox, also still plays roblox, gets expensive watches just to flex and also bc he measures his worth by wealth his parents give him bc that's the only love they show him LMAO, and thinks furries and weebs are cringe, and also i love him
unpopular opinion
he actually loved/loves zoey
song I associate with them
ok how about I drop my whole playlist for them instead
Alex G - Nintendo 64
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Annika Bennett - Boy Who Has Everything
Billie Eilish - Wish U Were Gay
BoyWithUke - Toxic
Conan Gray - Heather
DoshVO - Dear Jake
DoshVO - Do You Wanna Bully Hailey?
DoshVO - Like a Six "Zoey Diss"
DoshVO - Move Along
ElyOtto - SugarCrash!
Fran Vasilić - eyes blue or brown can't remember
5 Seconds Of Summer - Teeth
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jack Stauber - Cupid
Kaden Mackay - Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall In Love With You)
Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger
Laufey - From The Start
Laufey - Promise
Laufey - Second Best
Liana Flores - papercut
Mitski - Old Friend
Olivia Rodrigo - drivers license
Olivia Rodrigo - traitor
Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
Regina Spektor - Two Birds On A Wire
Rex Orange County - Best Friend
Rex Orange County - Sunflower
Rex Orange County - Television / So Far So Good
Steven Universe - It's Over Isn't It
The Front Bottoms - Be Nice To Me
The Vaccines - Heartbreak Kid
The Walters - I Love You So
...wow. I really thought I had more - whatever, more to be added w time, dw
Also the song "you better move on" I have no idea who made it ???????? I just listened to the cover by Frank Wattkinson lmao
favorite picture of them
ooof this one's heard. I mean hard. shut up
ok ok so I like this one .
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cuz he's just done with him. looks angry but probably suppressing his years so fucking much. leaving Jake behind after such struggle and effort to keep him... dam (and it also shows their height difference lmfao)
Or one of these !!
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Another ones from the finale, he's just laughing and smiling from the sheer pain he's in and the utter irony that is his friendship with Jake and he's so hurt but he's probably doing this to keep himself from crying but he's also probably just laughing at how pathetic he is for trusting Jake or believing that they really had something when it all turned out to be a huge lie and he just can't believe in himself or anyone anymore
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this one's just him being jelly like eurgj. 😠😒
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this one's a funny reaction image concept
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and I also love this one cuz like, first of all lol at his eyebags he's either been crying or not getting any sleep or BOTH, he'd also in a call with Zoey trying to get him back and he's just looking at the side like he's mad at her and he's hurt by her but he also looks like he's trying so hard to resist idk how to explain it man he can't deal with her but he can't deal without her yknow what I mean
Thank you for asking !!!!!!
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Miscellaneous thoughts on the whole PHF & PWHPA situation
This is a hockey post. Also, much of this is based on what I've seen on twitter and tumblr since there's currently very little veritably true information about this situation. Scroll past this if you don't care, read more if you do.
Ok, moving on.
It sounds like the news leaked on twitter. I wonder if the press around this would've been handled better had it not leaked.
This is a shitty situation for the PHF players.
I'm wary of the supposed "early 2024" start date for a new league, which I think is what the PWHPA previously announced as their league start date. If my memory serves correct, the PWHPA has pushed back their league start date several times already.
A January 2024 league start means a gap of several months between the start of the hockey season overall and the start of the league. Professional women's hockey is still new and small in North America. I can't see this gap, combined with all the teams changing, doing anything other than hurting the sport. How many fans will move on to other teams? There's no shortage of college teams or men's teams. Ideally this will just be a dip in viewership, which will recover within a few years as the new league gets more established, but it's not a good start.
Season tickets at still on sale for the 23-24 PHF season. That should maybe be turned off.
I don't understand why the plan is for none of the PHF teams are going to persist through this whole thing. Some of them were regularly selling out games (Boston Pride maybe sold out all of their games this past year). Is there a legal issue with the trademarks or something?
At will employment is stupid and mostly shouldn't exist. This is only tangentially related, but I feel strongly about it.
Professional women's ice hockey leagues in Europe and Asia are maybe going to get a bunch of good talent out of this.
This has been mentioned by others, but the PWHPA players are not to blame for this. The group that owns the PWHPA bought the PHF. Getting mad the PWHPA is like getting mad at Pixar because Disney bought Marvel.
The PWHPA members are voting on their CBA this weekend. This will not include PHF players. People are mad about this on twitter. I think it's inane that people are arguing about it on twitter.
I'm maybe going to buy some Boston Pride gear before it's all gone forever. Probably a swearshirt.
The new league had better have a good inclusive name. For anyone who is unaware, the PHF (Premier Hockey Federation) used to be the NWHL (National Women's Hockey League). They changed it because they wanted a name that was inclusive for players of different gender identities [source]. I do think that "Premier Hockey Federation" is a stupid name, so maybe the new league can go with something else such as the North American Hockey League (NAHL) or American Ice Hockey League (AIHL) or USA & Canada Hockey Association (UCHA, best acronym imo).
Also good inclusive policies of course, but hopefully the players won't stand for anything less.
This will hopefully lead to an NHL partnership, which would bring advertising, viewership, and financial stability. The NHL has been unwilling to consider such a partnership while there were two different leagues at odds with each other.
Good places to find more information:
Melissa Burgess on twitter
PHF official news
PWHPA on twitter
The Hockey News (website)
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peccaberry · 1 year
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I made a Pokemon Legends of Arceus ship list bc lists are fun! These are all just my own personal preferences and not a condemnation/moral judgement of any ship. If a ship isn't listed it's because I don't really have an opinion on it/didn't think of it. Feel free to copy me and make your own list!
❤️ Talk of ships below cut ❤️
OTP ❤️:
Rei x Volo - No one who has spoken to me for more than 2 seconds is surprised about this one. I have an ongoing Fanfiction where they are the main couple and I am probably the biggest shipper of these two that I know of. Rarepair but they mean a lot to me in the specific context they have in the story I am writing. In any other interpretation it can definitely depend because Volorei is something a lot of people like to do in ways I can't get behind.
I tend to stick to just making my own Volorei content and just enjoying that but my friends also have started making content for them at times because they love me and like to see me lose my mind. I love them for it, y'all know who you are 😂
If you want to know more about why I ship this just go read Achilles Come Down (link in my pinned post) bc that is my 100,000 words and counting Volorei thesis paper.
Anyway Volorei is autism 4 autism to me and that should sum it up nicely
I really like this ship:
Adaman x Irida - Two young people leading rival clans who also are probably the only people with any real understanding of the pressures that puts on a person? Good shit good shit! They should yell at each other and then kiss about it. They should date in secret. They should be messy and lovestruck and it should affect the clan relations in ways they must deal with together.
Adaman x Rei - If I had to ship Rei with anyone who wasn't Volo it would absolutely be Adaman. I'd probably be cool with writing fanfic about them in the future but seeing as the next billion years will be taken up by writing Volorei in ACD it's too soon to say if that will happen.
Dawn x Irida - One of my friends ships this and has inducted me into the cult. Not something I would have thought of on my own but it's cute and if you've been following me I'm sure you've seen my art of it 😂 I prefer considering this interpretation as one of Dawn in the place of Akari bc Akari is aro ace to me.
Adaman x Melli - A ship full of any number of potentially hilarious situations. I actually really like it and I feel like there are actually some things that could be interpreted as canon feelings on Melli's end and I feel like that would be interesting to explore. Good luck Melli, go get your man!
Ginter x Tuli: THEY ARE MARRIED TO ME OK??? This is actually canon based on I said so.
Cogita x Ama: Ok this one is just Cogita x My fanfic oc but this is my list so I get to put it on here. Let the ridiculous sapphic woman get her awkward immortal gf ok? I mean it ends tragically in ACD but I still like them together so this is definitely my top Cogita ship.
I could get behind this:
Mai x Arezu - They both eat hot chips be bisexual and lie together. It's just so obvious how could they not be together? Needs more research.
Adaman x Volo - This is probably the only non Rei ship I would probably ever consider for Volo. Idk if I have any strong feelings about why or how it would work but they seem like two personalities that could be interesting together. Wouldn't seek it out or anything but maybe it wouldn't be so bad?
Cyllene x Cogita: Older ladies kissing? You have my attention.
Pesselle x any age appropriate girl: You know it!!! 🥺❤️ we must research the potential....
The Miss Fortune Sisters: Lesbian crime triad tbh. Absolutely Iconic for it.
I don't particularly like this ship:
Palina x Iscan - This ship held so much potential, especially as the only canon one, but overall it kind of disappointed me in practice. Iscan is just so cartoonishly afraid of ghost types it kind of makes him harder for me to like because they made it so much of his personality. If they'd been less heavy handed with it I'd probably like this couple more but I just end up feeling meh because I don't wanna see them interact more.
I feel like someone could convince me with a good fic where Iscan is treated like less of a complete coward though. There's nothing wrong with having fears or phobias but I guess I just didn't vibe with this particular portrayal of it. It's really too bad because the backstory they have together is so sweet and they are one of the ones I wanted to like the most but it just didn't end up happening. Iscan deserved better writing tbh.
Laventon x Cyllene - Cyllene just doesn't seem like she'd appreciate Laventon like he deserves. He's so nice to her and she just kinda brushes him off. I'm sure some people like ice queen type pairings and if you do you'd probably like it more than me but I want Laventon to have someone who acts just as happy to be with him as he would be with them.
Hard no:
Volo x Akari
Volo x Ingo
Volo x Emmet
Purely personal reasoning but I do what I can to avoid them. There's nothing wrong with them I just don't want to see it because all the characters here besides Volo I like to interpret as Aro/Ace and as an aro ace person myself it's just gonna be that way for some ships 😂 I also interpret Volo as a lot younger and the twins as a lot older than a lot of people so it's just not my thing based on that too.
It also feels weird that Volo x Emmet is as much of a thing as it is because Emmet is not in PLA. It makes it feel like more of a submas fandom thing than an actual PLA fandom thing so I honestly am pretty heavily dissociated from wanting to see it even more than with Ingo.
Volo x Cogita - While I know there's no official interpretation of their relationship I feel like too much points to both Cogita being way older than him (her having lines under her eyes/grey hair to indicate being older, her calling him "young man" to indicate she sees him in a much different age group than her) and potentially a direct ancestor of him herself (how similar they look in facial structure)
Now you could interpret things as they are the two unrelated people that got together to eventually have Cynthia and they are both immortals or whatever but it doesn't really seem that way to me and it kinda just doesn't vibe for me because of that. No shade if you disagree but it's not for me! They will always be dysfunctional family members in my eyes.
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doodle17 · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈, 🏳️‍⚧️, 🧸, 👻, 🎶, 👽, 💤, 🦾, 💝, 🫂, 💔, 🪢, 📓, 👗, 🔪, 🌟, 🥇, 🍫, 🎭, ❤️‍🔥, 💄, 🖕, 😺, 😬, 😭, 😶, Pooter
LOOOONG ass post below, lots of reading. I have like- 2 more of these for other characters in my drafts rn. Yall gonna be reading a shit ton 😭
Your welcome/I'm so sorry
I think Raz is Bisexual
I think Raz is Cis Male (I should probably tell yall now that, unless canonically stated otherwise, I usually consider characters being Cis)
Raz was a wild child! He was always running around and getting into things he wasn't supposed to.
I think after getting over his fear of Hydrophobia, he'd probably be afraid of thinhs in water. I think he'd be a submechaniphobic or something like that. Can't say I blame him. *shudders*
I think he'd like rock songs similar to "be my girl" by the Jets or "You're gonna go far kid" by Offspring. I also think he likes songs like "Groove is in the Heart" by Dee-lite or "September" by Earth Wind and Fire (courtesy of Milla)
He opens bottles with his teeth. He was surprised to find out not everyone did, and how people freaked out and asked his his teeth were okay.
Sleep walks if he has caffeine before bed. (I've shared this one a lot but I just love it ok it's one of my fav hc)
Hmmm.... I don't think I have any disability hc for ol Razzle
I think Raz's love language is being openly, in use of a better word, honest. Like- once he's warmed up to someone he will say anything that's on his mind about them.
pretty loyal buddy! He'll stay up late with you, play video games with you, he'll sit patiently and listen to you ramble about your interests, listening happily.
Not sure if this is really angsty, but, he was pretty prone to nightmares a few days after the whole Maligula incident. He had to be comforted by his mom and sister for a while.
HUGE smugglers. All of them. Raz is not left out of the snuggle piles.
Idk if this counts as a hobby, but he likes making his own comics! He's usually scribbling in a notebook with pens and crayons.
I think the clothes Sasha gives him in 2 are the same clothes he ran away in. Why else would he have clothes small enough to fit a young boy? They shrunk in the washer? We all know Sasha is to smart to make a mistake like that.
WILL fight ANYONE. Always ready to throw hands, whether that be for a dare, to defend one of his friends, or just for fun.
Wants be grown up already! He can't wait until he's an adult and be able to go even "cooler" missions! (Little does he know it's a lot more paperwork than spy stuff)
Acrobatics, Hydrokenisis, especially making those two work together.
This kid has a stomach of IRON. He can eat ANYTHING. Not that he likes everything he eats, but he can definitely eat it.
He lies about his authority/ what he's allowed to do quite often. "Oh yeah! They let me do this all the time!" "Of COURSE they gave me permission to do this!"
(This is more for my older ver of Raz) He LOVES resting his head on Lilis chest like pillow, and vice versa. He loves it when they're just resting there, and she's reading stuff from old comics, newspapers or paperwork, making fun of it or commentary. He likes the way her voice sounds, how warm she is, hearing her calming heartbeat... when she lays on his chest, she likes it because "its f*cking cold"
His hair is actually (kind of) curly! But he uses Dions hair gel or a hair straightener.
He WILL let you know he is mad. Trust me.
Hes definitely been a lot softer on animals than he used to be. I believe it's because he befriended Harold.
idrk, I have stories I made up of stuff but Idk if they count as Hcs exactly lol
Not exactly the worst thing, but, when he and Lili stopped dating for like- 7 years and they barely interacted the whole time.
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
Okay fam imma summarise this one. Ali Kreiger (literal goddess and 2 time fifa world cup champion who actually played on all games) and Ashlyn Harris (claims to be a 2 time world cup champion too despite not playing a single game like i said literal benchwarmer with a questionable mullet) have been together for more than a decade, got married and has two kids. Flash forward to October last year where Ali has been posting photos of herself looking mighty fine with captions referencing Beyonces infamous cheating album “lemonade”. “Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé lemonade era” is what she said. it don’t need to take no genius to know what that means. Turns out it was with Sophia Bush (also a goddess of an actress with that trademark raspy voice) she was cheating with. And even their teammates are on Ali’s side mind you they’ve been best friends with each other for more than a decade so they all know what’s up. And the face of USWNT Alex Morgan herself even joined in on the chaos and said “These comments do not disappoint” regarding that lemonade era post. Ashlyn fumbled an unproblematic goddess to a woman who doesn’t mind cheating and covers it up by telling a heartwarming story of coming out. The end.
Ohhh right ok I dimly remember seeing something about this awhile back. You'll have to forgive me cuz I don't follow soccer beyond just thinking Christen Press is very pretty 😩 Sam watches soccer, but we have a tacit agreement that she doesn't inflict that or any soccer talk on me because within like 4 to 7 minutes my eyes glaze over (which as trade off I don't inflict any baseball talk or watching on her, cuz give'n'take ya know)
That being said I thought it was later said that they'd already seperated but not divorced or something? Like yeah it was a fast turn around in dating but that they'd actually been separated and not living together for a bit before mullet and the Bush lady got together, but Ali thought they were working to reconcile? I have no idea if that's right I just feel like I vaguely remember that? The Lemonade references tho,,,, woof. I mean that def points to cheating so, idk.
My general 2 thoughts tho from an outside perspective with like almost zero actual knowledge of the situation, 1. Ashlyn is such a douchey name. Ashlyn. I'm so sorry to anyone named that who is genuinely a great person and you should sue your parents for doing that to you. Ashlyn. It's like the girl version of Trey, just like ugh I hear that name and already know you're a dick lol.
Anyway, 2. The thing with cheating is, I pretty much always blame the partner who cheated more than the other person. Yes the friend sucks for doing that, no question, but the truth is no one can make a partner cheat. If they cheat, they were already looking to cheat in some way or another, consciously or not, and it all comes down to who they found to cheat with. So if all that is true, while yeah Bush sucks as a friend no doubt, really she shouldn't feel too-too happy in her position because 9/10 times it ends up being more a matter of 'you were the easiest and most convenient option' rather than 'this love was just too strong and we couldn't resist' even tho it might feel that way for the cheater(s). I'm not saying relationships that start off from cheating can't or won't last, because they can and they have. But fundamentally, one or both partners should at least be mildly aware that the person who cheated on their SI was already open to cheating in the first place. You just gave them the opportunity 👀
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Note: OK, first things first, I started drawing this while traveling on a bus, in an Easternish Europian country, so the roads were very bumpy and it was hard to write, so I'm going to write here the texts too. I hope you like this short story I came up with! ^^ (I'm obsessed with putting easter eggs into everything)
1: God: Today I unite you, God: And all shall witness.
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[Crowley hides themselves with his wings] 2: A: It's alright, my darling. No needd to cover me. God: He is right, Crowley. You can't fight anyone's fate. God: For it has already been written. God: My sweet children, I have sent humanity for you to learn from. God: And you two were the first ones, who ever did. Crowley, my fallen archangel, Raphael, guardian demon of the tree, and aid of humanity…- A: What?! You're an archangel?
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3: C: Does it matter now? A: N-no. God: Aziraphale, principality of the Eastern gate… my softest angel. Your worries may layed to rest, for from this day forward, you shan't leave one another. God: Take my gift, he will be the guardian of humanity. The fruit of your love will be Rathma. A, and C: What?! God: Demon, will you take my gift, and his hand? C: … I'd like to hear it from him first! God: Very well, angel? A: Crowley… I will.
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4: C: Then, C: I will too… God: You may kiss your spouse.
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6: later, somewhere in London [wings flap, they are falling apart, from being untangled from their wings, finally falling back into cushions at the library] C: What- What just happened? A: I think… we just got married.
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7: C: Angel. Did you really want this? C: I mean, them leaving us alone is nice and all, but… Isn't this going too fast for you? A: Crowley, dear. This was just a ceremony of spending our time together. I think we already did that for 6000 years. C: Did you not hear the part about Rathma?! A: Crowley, I will do no such thing until I know you can love me. C: Oh, so you mean to tell me, you also don't have free will. Beacuse angels can't have that.
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8: C: You just heard Her. We are on our own side. C: You didn't say yes, just because you were forced, right? A: It's not as if we can't set our own pace. She didn't say any date. C: So you do lov- A: Ahah, would you like some wine? Let's get drunk! [alcohol appears]
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9: C: …sure. I'd like to be summoned while I'm too drunk to care about the change of surroundings. If that happens again. [Bunch of alcohol later] C: My point is… Ducks! [A: again?] C: They have eggs. Real good parental defene… defenend… guardians! Put their heir in an egg! Kids fresh out the egg can run! See! Speak too! Snakes have eggs!
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10: A: So you're suggesting we should also store them in an egg? C: I-I-I I mean, I don't suppose any of us want to carry them the way others do, right? A: Like humans? C: Imagine fish… A: Ugh… I'd rather not. A: Do we even carry them? How-… Do they?… How would we even get there? I don't think others have done it before.
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11: A: How are angels born? C: Why ask me? You're the angel! A: You were an archangel! You should know more than I do! C: I-I don't know! C: God sorta just created them! In adult form. Or at least in a permanent state. C: …You don't think-. They will just show up anytime? A: She said they'll be born as the fruit of our love… A: wait. A: If we are good and evil. Then they will be good and evil. But humans are good and evil. What if they will be human? They grow so fast!!
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12: C: I go for a longer nap and they might be old or dead! [Even more alcohol later…] A: I can't help it, I'm an 'Ngel! I'm made out of love. I can only love you. Even if you can't- [Drunk vision begins] C: No. Angel,
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13: C: I'm sorry if you ever thought that. If you ever held back because of me. Of fear I'd hurt you. C: I can't ask you to believe me, I only earned distrust for my fall. But I have loved you since the moment we first met. Even if I hate to admit it. There's no other being I want to protect more than you. If not me, the nature of the animal I've been cursed with, can be believed.
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14: A: Crowley… You just said that you love me! C: I-… I did? Aziraphale, barely can be heard: Dear, you're shaking! Are you alright? Oh don't fear, it is mutual, rea…
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[Crowley's brain has stopped working] 15: [Reality check starts, drunk vision ends] C: OFC I LOVE YOU, ANGEL! PLEASE! IT'S BEEN 6000 YEARS! hic WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GO TOO FAST FOR YOU?!! HUMANS NEED LIKE ONE YEAR. Why do you think I slept so much?! "Devil don't sleep", Angel! I-… [reciting of the last words, showing they really were said]
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[Time was spent, and now it's morning] 16: A: Mhm… C: Nothing's too fast for you now, is it? A: You're never going to let that go, will you? C: That's basic standard~ C: Angel. Will you marry me? A: But we're already married? C: I want it to be your decision. When you want it. When you're ready. A: Crowley~ You're the nicest being that I ever known, [C: That's a problem] A: Of course, I will!
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17: [much later, in Raphael's church, with Raphael's painting showing him holding a snake. Others have been invited too.] C and A: I do. [A: Now that I think about it, it's kind of obvious]
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18: It has been ages since they were on earth. [ominous humming] In their celestial star-shape. A star smelter, in the sky. A new star was believed to have occoured. And a new star was born. (A demigod).
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19: And soon, delivered to Earth. Vanishing from the night sky. An Angel's egg. [later, at their cottage house] A: Crowley~ [Crowley is shown in snake form, holding a marker, indicating he drew on the egg the shades]
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The end!
Thank you for reading!
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goosegirl94 · 7 months
Myslyvets Return to Nevermore
Chapter 6 What's it been Twenty years
Ainsley walked through the halls looking for spots to set up her surveillance cameras. Enid told her where most student traffic would be between classes and breaks. Ainsley couldn't help but think back on the days when she was the one wearing the school uniform. Herself, Lauren, and Yoko used to spend their free time in the forest or in Jerico. Ainsley made sure Lauren and Yoko didn't skip classes and, she thought her authority worked. Which it did. Most of the time.
Ainsley started setting up a few cameras in the quad. These cameras had multiple layered lenses that were able to capture any kind of outcast or supernatural beings. The cameras had thermal, black and white, red light, and black UV light. Her father taught her that a good hunter should be able to adopt with the times and solely rely on old medieval tactics and gear. And Ainsley was a good hunter. She made family history when she was able to capture a new turned vampire when she was still a child. Her father trained her every day for hours. This eventually caused their relationship to turn into more of a teacher and student kind of relationship instead of an actual father and daughter kind.
"My my Ainsley Myslyvets, it's been a while."
Ainsley turned to see a student with long black hair and a charming smile accenting her vampire fangs.
"Yoko!" Ainsley attacked Yoko in an embrace. Yoko hugs her back giggling. "You haven't aged a day!" Yoko's giggles turn into a fit of laughter.
"Let me take you to my office."
The two woman walked to Ainsley's office that was next to the surveillance room.
"Damn girl look at you! Got an office with a nice fancy desk and chair and everything!" Yoko shouted taking in her friends new office.
"Language Mrs Tanaka!" The two woman share a laugh. "I can't believe after all this time your still at Nevermore Yoko."
"Yeah well you know me, I'm not much of a traditionalist. And I like it here; Jerico. More of my style. But lets talk about you! How are you and Lauren doing? How are things with your parents?"
Ainsley froze. She forgot she never told anyone about Lauren and her running away. She never told anyone about her wolf- Lauren...
"Is everything ok Ainsley?"
Ainsley leaned agents her desk and rested her hands on her shoulders.
"It's... bad?"
"Yoko, I'm sorry I haven't really talked to anyone about- well everything. Lauren and I ran away after graduation night. My parents didn't like me dating a werewolf and her parents didn't like her dating a monster hunter. So we ran off. I had enough money to help us until we eventually settled in a small town a few days from here. It was a nice quite place."
Yoko stayed quite
"We were happy there. We had a life there. Then a few years ago, one day she turned during a blood moon and she attacked me. I had to put her down Yoko."
Yoko's lips quivered as she took off her glasses.
"Jesus Ains', I- I'm so sorry." Yoko hugged Ainsley tightly. "I know how much you loved her. I am so sorry you had to do that. What happened?"
"Honestly Yoko I don't know what happened to Lauren. She wolfed out like normal except, her eyes looked different and the next thing I know she's growling at me and attacks me. That's how I have these scars on my face. I kept calling to her but there was no humanity in her eyes. She had gone primal and pined me down. And that's when I did it."
Yoko was more emotional than Ainsley was which worried her.
"Do you know why Lauren would go primal like that?"
"No I- I wish I did. I wish I had an idea at least. My parents didn't know where we were. We kept our tracks clean. I didn't even take hunting jobs. We went on what we told our neighbours camping trips for a few days when a full moon was coming."
Yoko hated seeing her old friend like this. Having to tell such a tragic self story. It was also hard to her that another friend was no longer with them. She placed a hand on Ainsley's lap.
"Why don't we table this for another time and you tell me all about your new job?"
"Yes, yes, of course. Why don't I show you my surveillance room?"
Yoko arches an eye brow
"No Yoko I didn't put cameras in the girls change room."
Ainsley showed Yoko her surveillance room and ended up spending an hour catching up. It made Ainsley feel like she was eighteen again.
"Do you remember how we met?"
"Oh God yes I remember Yoko! We were in the library, I was reading and you saw me across the room. You threw a paper ball at me and kept mouthing are you gay. I had no idea what you were saying and you eventually marched over, slammed your hands on the table and asked if I was gay!" Ainsley finishes with a giggle and they laugh together.
"It was so bad! Ahhh those were they days hey Ains?"
"Indeed. So, what about you Yoko? Any girls catch your eyes these days?"
"Actually yes. I'm dating a siren, Divina. Here's a picture of us at the Weathervane."
Ainsley looked the picture on Yoko's phone and smiles
"She's cute! Your type has changed. I remember you hitting on all the blonds."
"Yeah well as a vampire you learn to adapt with the change of times."
"Speaking of change of times, did the Night Shades ever come back?"
Yoko went quite
"Yoko if you don't tell me I'm sure I can get it out of Wednesday."
Yoko stayed silent
"I will take you silence as a yes then. I ask because I was wondering if they might help with surveillance. The Night Shades could be like my student watch."
"You want me to spy on the other students?"
"Oh no, no not spying. Just keep me informed if or see or hear anything suspicious."
"I suppose I could ask the other Night Shades what they think."
"Thank you Yoko. It's been nice to catch up after all these years. God I must look like an old woman to you now."
"Ha ha no not at all! You look Ainsley." Yoko looked down to her phone as it buzzed.
"Oh crap sorry Ains I gotta get going. My girl is waiting for me at the quad."
"That's alright Yoko. Again it was good to see you."
"You to Ains. I'll see you around teach'!"
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eway · 1 year
Hello eway mii! How are you today? My name is Sir Meliodas It's very nice to meet you! Could you tell me a bit more about your friends?
(Ooc: I love 7 deadly sins. Also, these characters are young and some have edgy backstories because I was 14 when I played Miitopia. Ok Eway time)
Heya! Meliodas, huh? That's a cool name. I'm eway!
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I'm 14 years old I'm from Powerdered Peaks! I have two sisters, one is adopted and when she went missing, I set out to find her. Then I saw a butterfly with eyes and got sidetracked saving Miitopia, haha. But I made lots of new friends! (And a boyfriend, hehe)
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This is Lilly! She's 13 She's a popstar! She has a little brother named Scrub. She has a beauty mark that floats next to her! It's genetic. She was the first person I met on my journey. She is so positive and encouraging to everyone, that it makes me worry about her hiding her feelings...
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This is Julie! She's 16. She came from a Knights' Academy! You should hear her talk about sneaking out to join me and Lilly, it sounds AWESOME. Though she does have a stutter, I don't mind, though she can be hard to understand sometimes. She has a crush on a guy from the Academy named Zack, though her and her best friend fight over him
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Lyra ( LEER UH. Not LIEra) is an enigma. She is 14 years old! She comes from Neksdor and is an awesome thief, but her past is sad. Her mom died after her sister was born and her dad was...well I've seen Lyra's scars. She doesn't like to talk about it. She is also fiercely loyal and protective of Maxie, her sister! Another thing, unlike the rest of the girls, she's not interested in boys. And unlike the boys, she's not interested in girls. She doesn't seem attracted to anyone! I'm talking like, not platonic. She can make friends with anyone, but she is hard to approach...
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Brix was my first friend in Neksdor after the dark lord Brandon took my friends captive. She's 14! She used to be a Mage, and a very inept one. She was bullied for it in her magic school place thing. She also has a lisp so that didn't help. She has a sister named Lotus! Anyway, she's very kind and tries her best, and when she tried being a cleric she was so good at it! She's waaaaaaay happier!
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Yuko~chan is from Peculia and is 13. I think she's dating Conner now (more on him later). She acts kind of dumb, unaware of her surroundings, not knowing when certain things are good (stop SLEEPING IN BATTLE!) but she has a good heart! And also her culture is very different from mine so that's interesting. She has a twin named Akira~kun. He's her bro!
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Poor Travis is sick. I wish I could get a better pic. Anyway, I didn't like him at first. This 15 year old would hide behind us in battle and it was annoying! But... well I was very stressed when I met him. And while Brix and Yuko~chan were trying their best, I felt I had to hide my pain, my fear. My friends were kidnapped and I had to deal with two newbies! But Travis...he let me vent. He listened to me. He gave me advice. We talked alot. Beneath his laid back exterior, he cares. And we became friends. And when he and the others were taken, I felt more upset about him being gone than anyone else. I realized how I felt. And after beating the dark lord and the darker lord being a thing, after another vent session I accidentally confessed. Apparently he felt the same and now we're a couple!
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Celeste here is the youngest by far. She's only 8. Apparently, her older sister, Sylvie, was supposed to join us, but her face was stolen, so Celeste went in her sted. She's kind and sweet, but also, odd. A lot of the things she says don't add up. She talks about her home in the Elven forest, and how she and her sister are orphans, but sometimes she mentions evil parents. I figured out the truth, as did the rest of us, and its heartbreaking and Celeste is not at fault for any of it! She's also very...alien, in behavior. Having a near photographic memory is not normal. But we love Celeste, she's everyone's kid sister!
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Alexis is 14! She is a princess with a twin brother named Alex. She is also going to marry a prince named Roberto when she's old enough, but they're in love so it's fine. However, a coup de ta happened! Her handmaid, a girl named Lucky, and the girl in love with Alex, revealed herself to be the daughter of the leader of this coup. Her real name? Luciena! Lou she en a! Not Lou she na. Gotta correct that. But Lucky was loyal and helped Alexis escape, but her brother was taken. Just like me, her quest started for a different purpose, but directionless. So when the Guardian Spirit recruited her, she joined us to save Miitopia and hopefully find her bro along the way!
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Conner...this guy is a flirt. And french. OK he just has that accent. He's also from Peculia and is a nature spirit. He has a brother named Loki I think? He used to have a thing for me, but he was respectful when I rejected him (I was nice about it). Yuko~chan noticed his change in demeanor and took it upon herself to make him feel better. They became close. They know things about each other that the rest of us don't, just like me and Travis! Honestly, before this he flirted with everyone except for Travis (both only like girls) and Celeste (because Celeste is waaaaay younger than him. She is too smol) oh yeah and Conner is 14 I guess...
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inmeredithsmind · 1 year
Is it ok to feel sorry for myself? I struggle with this. I grew up with the mentality and awareness that there was always someone worse off than me. To be thankful I wasn't there. That someone would love to be in my shoes. There was always someone less fortunate and so on and so on.
I didn't grow up bad. I had a good childhood. I had a mother who worked hard, a father that was there.. so maybe their marriage wasn't great, but I had an Uncle (moms brother) whom helped my mom raise me. This all has nothing to do with a bad childhood like some would think. I was a happy girl. I was blessed even until the day I met me ex. Lets call him Narc for narcissist. And even though it has been a few years since we were married, the trauma of that abuse is not something I can just turn off. Today has been one of those days. A day where the anxiety meds just don't cut it and I feel what I have felt on many days that I have a fall back. My head aches, my mind wanders to the days it was trapped and my body trembles. I pretend I am fine, I smile, I act normal at work, I do what I am supposed to do. I go through the day to day routines. I remind my landlord that my hot water heater is broken, but I remind myself that I still have water and I can boil what I need to. I should be thankful to have a home and I am. I will live in a tent if it came to a choice of that or a mansion with my ex. So I smile, say it's no problem and go about my day. When on the inside there is a war. Two parts. Myself and my mind. My mind screams at me the darkness I burry because I prefer to push down my trauma instead of dealing with it. There is also the saying others have said such as "It's been years, get over it." Does anyone get over abuse? I don't think so. They move on, they get better, but the scars are still there. So why are we told to get over things?
I have learned to swallow hard and smile as if everything is ok, but it's not. I feel guilty for telling those close to me. I feel like a broken record and I refused therapy from my doctor. She suggested it, but I don't want it right now. Mostly because I don't want to seem like I am whining over what happened to me. I also don't feel like talking to someone who hasn't been in my shoes. What will they do? Look at me, hear my issues and throw more meds my way? I already take one for anxiety and another to help me sleep.
My boyfriend is understanding, but even to him I can't speak of these things. The guilt of annoying someone with my mental fight does not seem worth it. Everyone has their own problems. So the nightmares come, the memories flood and sometimes they don't. I have a problem with my memory. Things said or done just a week ago I lose or forget completely. Some take offense to this and say I don't pay attention, but there are holes in my memory that date back years especially during my abuse. Did that really happen? Am I gaslighting myself? It's a feeling I can only describe as being trapped in your own mind and frustrated that you can't escape and you can't make sense of what you know or think you remember.
Outside, I smile, laugh, go about my day. Drink my coffee, enter my cases in my work computer and am hopeful about the weekend. Yet inside, my head hurts, my body aches, my stomach begs for food though my anxiety takes my appetite and all I want to do is lay in my bed and sleep it all away, but I am a mother. A single mother and I must be strong for them and strong for those around me. I refuse to show my weakness. I prefer to burry it all. So I will jot this all down here and burry what I can do those around me have no idea. They will see me smiling and taking my meds and cooking dinner for my kids and they will see that I am fine. My wounds are my own. My mental fight is my own and that is how they will remain. Except for you, whoever reads this. You know.
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lgbtqiadnf · 2 years
A new Christmas (pt.3)
"Uhm- we haven't talked about anything too deep," "Oh, I'd think you have since you did text me 2 years ago- I think- saying you 2 dating," "You remember that?" George blushed at the memory of him texting dreams mom that embarrassing message,
"Of course, I remember, I was thrilled! My son had a boyfriend! A handsome one too," She laughed, making George giggle, "thank you," "I was hoping to see you much sooner, those Visa offices do take a while," She said starting up another conversation,
"Well, I had gotten an O-1 visa," George explained making Dreams mom shine, "That's amazing, George! An O-1 Visa, I am very proud to have you as a possible son-in-law," George couldn't not laugh, it was hilarious, it seemed as if they had been years already planning a wedding and it was about to happen,
"GEORGE!" Drista yelled, running down the stairs and hugging George, tightly, "Where have you been?! Oh my gosh! Hi!" She looked at the person she had just bear-hugged to see if she was hugging the GeorgeNotFound, and she was,
"Hello," George, calmly smiling, "How are you?" He asked, she couldn't let any words out due to her excitement, instead, she hugged him again,
"This idiot kicked me!" Dream yelled, glaring at Drista, "What the hell?!" He stared at the two, and pointed at where she had kicked him, on the bottom of his knee, "You were telling me all these things I shouldn't ask George and you wouldn't let me leave!" Drista said, putting her arm on George's shoulder,
"What did he say?" George whispered to Drista, "He was being an idiot, he told me, 'don't ask him this and that! Also, don't ask him this,' He was being annoying, " "what did he say not to ask?" "If you guys are having a child or dumb shit like that, I wasn't paying any attention," Drista laughed, "We are having a kid! Why wouldn't he want to tell people that?" George joked, "Don't tell anyone but... I'm pregnant! no clickbait! REAL!" George laughed at his own joke, "Really!" "There's no clickbait, plus! I said real," George explained,
"GUYS!" Drista got the attention of both Dream and her mom, "George is pregnant!" She laughed, announcing the news, "What the fuck," Dream let out, looking both drista and George up and down,
Dreams mom grabbed George's hands, looking more proud than ever, "is it true George?" "Well... Biologically, no. I cannot get pregnant. My anatomy doesn't work like that," George looked embarrassed, "Awh, Well...You could always go into adoption or Foster care!" She suggested, patting George on the back, "maybe, we could, but I don't think we're ready!" George was hella uncomfortable,
Dream looked like he found a house in the fridge due to the fact he had been standing there for 5 minutes, George stared at him, "Dream! Are you done?" George said, getting his attention, "Why?" "Come! Sit here," George patted the spot next to him, "Fine, if you insist," Dream sat down, resting his head on Georges shoulder and intertwining his hand with his, "Are you ok?" Dream asked, he wanted to kiss George on his neck but, both drista and his mom were around so he didn't,
"I'm ok," George smiled, "I wanna take a nap," Dream whispered into Georges's ear, "Why are you whispering," "it's a secret!" "Oh, my bad," "I'm tired," "Me too," "Should we take a nap?" "If you want?" "Maybe when all the family is here and we've met them all," George suggested, "Good idea," Dream now rested his head on George's lap, stroking George's hand with his thumb,
The two sat in silence as Drista watched videos on her phone while Dream's mom prepared the food. A couple minutes later, they fell asleep, Dream's head rested on George's chest, and George's hand wrapped around Dream's waist, "Look!" Drista whisper-yelled for her mom, taking a million pictures, "Aw, they look adorable!" She smiled at the sight,
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