#ok but for real. i am still so proud of this. i love these weird gay bitches and i hope you all enjoy <3
starboystudios · 1 year
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I made this illustration a couple summers ago for a velvet goldmine zine that unfortunately didn't end up panning out, and have... kind of been sitting on it forever despite still being really proud of it. I put SO much detail into this thing, I made up the curt wild poster based on a real film still, and the other two posters are based on real posters for lindsay kemp's pantomime of jean genet's Our Lady of the Flowers and a midnight screening of jack smith's film Flaming Creatures respectively (seasoned VG fans will get all the references in each of those). One of my personal favourite little details is the pattern on billy's pants - they were my attempt of adapting the pattern on ola salo's pants in this magazine photoshoot.
reblog >>>> likes!!
do not repost!!
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ok so here is how i personally would fix barbie movie. disclaimer i am NOT fixing the politics of barbie movie bc i don’t care. the problem with barbie movie as like a piece of screenwriting is that it’s actually a vision board of like seven different movies and no one ever went back to figure out which of the various things it’s trying to say is the thing they want to make sure it’s actually saying. i am fixing barbie to be a more cohesive toy commercial for children and nostalgic adults with milquetoast normie lib politics like god and feminism intended. also disclaimer because as i said barbie movie is a whole bunch of half-movies in a trench coat i don’t think this is the only way to fix barbie movie. there are i am sure many options depending on which barbie movie you would like barbie movie to be.
me personally i would like to see the barbie movie that focuses more deliberately on the america ferreira character. one of my favorite lines in the movie was when america ferreira’s kid asks her why she’s going into barbieland and she’s like “because i’m a boring mom and i never do anything!” i found that really charming and funny but also resonant as a perspective many women can relate to either personally or by thinking about their own moms. (i know i always say relatability is for babies but guess what! so’s the fucking barbie movie!) i think we can keep the broad set up of margot robbie barbie waking up to a wrinkle in her seamless universe, but i would introduce us to america ferreira in the real world more thoroughly before the two of them collide. (goes without saying but i personally am dropping the mattel execs plot entirely. i will put it back in my improved barbie script for the low low price of 8 million dollars.)
this does not have to be a huge investment in terms of screentime! the magic of film is it’s a visual and highly visceral medium and a few well selected moments can tell us everything we need to know in less than five minutes! but the goal here is to take america ferreira’s purpose in the movie, which is to Say Feminism by Naming Impossible Standards Of Womanhood, and dramatize it by showing (not telling!) us america ferriera in her day to day life struggling with impossible standards of womanhood. she’s weighed down by trying to be the perfect mom and the perfect wife and the perfect corporate employee. i think the mom-daughter stuff can be standard “my sweet little girl who loved hanging out with me is now an angsty tween who thinks i breathe wrong” fare but if you want a little more (pin this for later) i think you can have her be stressed that her daughter is a tiny hyper rationalist who likes doing math and reading books about evolutionary biology and resists her mom’s efforts to get her to do their nails together or decorate her notebooks for school or whatever. she’s proud of how smart her daughter is but she’s worried her kid is growing up too fast and losing the precious window of opportunity she has to be carefree and creative and full of wonder.
so now we still have the situation where barbie has to leave barbieland to find her human and the human world is scary and the kid is mean to her and then she finds america ferreira and realizes, omg it’s you. and they wind up in barbieland because obviously i want to keep “i’m a boring mom and never do anything” but this time instead of fleeing mattel it’s for uh…. reasons. weird barbie explains it. to fix the fabric of barbieland barbie has to bring back her human and they have to mumblemumble. again mattel i will happily work out the details for a mere 8 million dollars. but the key idea is that in this version the notion of what barbie stands for is clear: she stands for creativity and childlike wonder. and the lesson america ferreira has to learn… somehow… is that even though she’s a grown-up and a mom,  she’s also still a person and she’s allowed to carve out room in her boring mom life to ways to be creative and seek out the beauty in life. (please do observe that What If A Mom Was A Whole Human Being is in fact a longstanding concern of feminist thought. #girlpower) and if we’re doing the advanced daughter option described above, she reconciles with her daughter by recognizing that actually her daughter isn’t growing up too fast; she just finds wonder and joy and beauty in different things than her mom does, and that’s ok. she’s been pushing her own vision of joy on her kid because she’s been denying it to herself, and now that she can see herself more clearly she can also really hear what her daughter’s been telling her. (maybe the daughter somehow inspires her mom to figure out how to save barbieland? maybe we have one of gerwig’s beloved meta branding jokes about the time they made a barbie that said math is hard and letting me put that in the movie is actually amazing PR for mattel as a corporation? all this and more for 8 million dollars payable to me.)
the big takeaway about barbie is now less what if there was normal barbie(?) and more, normal vs. barbie is actually a false dichotomy! it’s possible to be a rich and complex enough person to be a stressed frumpy boring mom and also a sparkly creative dreamer! there are always ways to add sparkle to your life, and if you go on mattel’s website after the movie comes out you can buy some for as low as $19.99! (i said i wasn’t going to fix the politics of the toy commercial and by god i won’t!) there is no wrong way to barbie. you are already barbie if you only want to be. montage of america ferreira looking amazing in barbie-style bright clothes and idk signing up for an art class she clipped a flier to in her notebook to sigh sadly over earlier in the movie. this is actually better not only as a movie but also as a toy commercial and PR for the barbie product which this movie brands as maximally inclusive while retaining its aspirational glamor. literally where is my money mattel.
i think this version can even include gerwig’s nod towards her key theme of Woman As Artist only without coming completely out of fucking nowhere this time, because now after her adventures in barbieland reawakened america ferreira’s creative passion, we can say that barbie is inspired by her own adventure with this woman who after all filled her life all these years with so much beauty. barbie now aspires to that. she wants to pay it forward and find ways to fill the world with beauty too. the human world is scary and will change her, but she knows that holding on to her essential barbie essence is a choice she is strong enough to make! mattel barbie be the dreamer®️ art kits starting at $34.99! these would literally print money mattel at this point it’s more expensive NOT to give me 8 million dollars.
you will notice i have not said anything about ken. this is because i simply don’t believe we need to be asked to care about ken in the barbie movie. on the rewatchables podcast episode about mean girls even bill simmons agreed one of the charms of the movie is that none of the guys in it matter at all and i confess this is my vision for barbie. but mattel once my check clears if you feel strongly about this i actually think we can keep the idea of barbie and ken’s somewhat one sided relationship that he wants to escalate but she doesn’t, but make her reluctance to be upfront about what she wants less about she just wants to be nice and more about the idea that ken offers her a sense of safety and she wants things to say the same forever. when she recognizes that she’s ready for change she can also realize that the reason she wasn’t ready for change with ken was because deep down she knew she didn’t want her relationship to change the way he was envisioning. so she has a little more actual agency in the idea of having led him on because she was using him for something that he no longer wanted to provide. ooh maybe actually you could have him make a move AFTER things have started going awry and she actually thinks this is part of what’s broken in barbieland… and so barbie’s arc really is about going from someone who wants things to stay the same forever to someone who’s ready to change and grow, which involves overlap with america ferreira’s deal because they’re both moving beyond a dichotomy of barbieland/childhood (static and beautiful and fun) vs. the human world/adulthood (dynamic and exhausting and dull). notice how we are making a movie about barbie growing up that also reinforces the idea that barbie is for all ages, which is something your first attempt at the toy commercial didn’t do.
change can be beautiful! growing up can sparkle! storylines in a movie can complement each other thematically to create a satisfying sense of cohesion! you can still make the i am kenough hoodie because as barbie is letting go of ken she helps him believe in himself not just by telling him to because the script says that’s what happens now but by sincerely expressing her appreciation for all he’s given her in the time they had together! see how if you put just a little more thought into it all the parts of a movie can actually work together instead of feeling like they come from a bunch of different movies? i am happy to explain this at greater length once my check clears. for a lousy 8 million dollars i will even bother to think of a plan for how the integration of weird barbie into barbieland can actually serve as another button on the idea that change and self-expression are good and go together and are actually what barbie is all about, which is an amazing concept to put in your toy commercial for a toy who has so many outfits. i look forward to discussing this with you further.
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balioc · 5 months
Holiday Engineering: Lamptide
OK, let's put my money where my mouth is.
Lamptide is the invented-from-scratch holiday that I actually celebrate. It has its roots in a roleplaying game that I ran some years ago with @cloakofshadow and @mirror-lock, but after the game finished, I decided that I wanted to import a modified version of the festival into real life.
And it's worked very well! Or so I posit. We've had well-attended Lamptide celebrations for a couple of years running, and not only do people show up and enjoy themselves, there's a distinctive holiday spirit. The weird rites and activities do in fact happen. Which is possibly just because my friends are good sports, but...I think we're reaching the point where some version of Lamptide might well take place without me pushing it along.
As a holiday-engineering project, it's a work-in-progress. I am still tinkering with the observances, and the pieces definitely aren't yet all in place. I don't personally have the expertise to create some of the holiday stuff I'd want to create. Moreover, the population that celebrates Lamptide is still very small, and in some ways homogeneous -- mostly childless urban professional-types -- so the holiday doesn't have the context that it would need to manifest in all the forms that I imagine for it.
But I'm proud of it. And, at the least, it provides an example of what it looks like for a holiday to be built from the ground up.
Vibe. This is where I started. (Both in the RPG and in real life, actually.) In the RPG, Lamptide is an intercalary day, and like many intercalary festivals it's a weird and occult time. In real life, of course, I do not control the calendar. But even so, Lamptide is meant to have that same feel, manifesting as a carnival of spooks and revelry. To some extent, it's meant to serve as a Halloween-like that works better for me than actual Halloween does.
And much like Halloween, in theory, its core rituals can be practiced in three different "modes" depending on context. For families with kids, it's a cutesy holiday of flamboyant fun. For older kids and adolescents, it's a holiday of mischief and boundary-pushing (in a way that is, I hope, less obnoxious than the adolescent version of Halloween). For independent adults, it can be contemplative and/or literary and/or Spicy and Sexy, to taste.
Theme. In a highflown theoretical sense: Lamptide is the festival of narrative conquering material reality, of ideas and illusions becoming more-real-than-real. It is the day when you leave the sunlit world behind and walk back into Plato's cave, because our art allows us to create such beautiful shadows on the walls.
(The "lamp" of Lamptide is, notionally, the lamp whose light reveals what-is-not.)
In a more-everyday sense: Lamptide is a festival of magic.
Timing. Lamptide is observed on the spring equinox. There are a few reasons for this, some of them rooted in stuff from the RPG, but the big one is that it's almost halfway around the calendar from Halloween. I really don't want to compete with Halloween, to the extent that I can avoid it; I would lose that competition very hard. And there are enough obvious points of similarity that it's a real danger.
Early spring is also a good time for holidays generally, in the contemporary US. There's relatively little going on then, and people feel kind of festive because the worst of winter is over.
Mythology. The personification of the holiday is Father Lantern, an ogre-like character who carries a lamp. In the (notional) tales, he shines his lamp on you, and in its light you see an otherworldly version of yourself -- a creature that you could be, if you left ordinary reality behind. More prosaically, if he shows up at your doorstep and you offer him candy, he will tell you stories (or gift you with media).
Father Lantern is mostly a funny and approachable figure. He is long-winded and pretentious, in love with the sound of his own voice. But there is meant to be an edge of menace to him; he is an ogre, which means that there's always the danger that he'll just eat you, especially if you're a child. (This is not a behavior-enforcement thing -- he's not Krampus, and Lamptide is not that kind of holiday. Father Lantern's whims are inscrutable.)
I haven't yet experimented with having someone play Father Lantern, in the way that people play Santa Claus, but it's an obvious possibility.
Decorations. You put lamps and lanterns everywhere. If you can keep your celebration space lit entirely by lantern-light, that is to be commended. Silhouettes and shadow-plays are very much in the holiday spirit.
Holiday attire. Masks -- masquerade-style masks, the kind that allow people to eat and talk comfortably -- are very strongly encouraged. (When I throw Lamptide parties, this is the only thing about which I actually nudge people.) In terms of creating distinctive atmosphere, this fires on all cylinders. A space full of masked people feels otherworldly and ritualized and, well, magic. And the symbolism is super on-the-nose.
Fancy and flamboyant clothes are also encouraged.
Ritual interactions. The Lamptide tradition is to greet people with curses and maledictions. This is done in the spirit of theater superstition; it is a topsy-turvy intercalary carnival, after all. "Die in a fire" is the standard form of cheery holiday well-wishing, although you're encouraged to be creative if you're so inclined.
(Does this mostly give little kids an excuse to be gleeful about saying stuff they'd normally never be allowed to say? Maybe.)
Activities. There are two big ones.
Divination. Lamptide is a time for fortune-telling. Tarot cards are my go-to, and offering Tarot readings at Lamptide parties has proven to be a big hit, but any form of divination at all -- ranging from Actual Fucking Haruspexy to "let's ask ChatGPT about our future husbands" -- is praiseworthy. When my son was less than a year old, I had him crawl around the floor and choose Symbolically Portentous Objects like he was the infant Dalai Lama or something, and it was great.
Bribery, especially candy bribery. One of the core dynamics of a Lamptide celebration is that you walk in carrying candy, or other things that you're happy to give away, and you offer your prizes to people in exchange for them doing stuff that you want them to do. For families with little kids, this is a chance for the parents to reward their children for showing off cool skills / desired behaviors in a concrete ritual framework, and for the children to get their parents to do silly stuff. For teens, it's a structure for something that's essentially Truth or Dare with more flexibility. The applications for Spicy Sexy grownup parties are left as an exercise for the reader.
(I have thoughts about expanding the candy bribery thing into a practice of Reverse Wassailing / Trick-or-Treating, essentially, where you walk around town offering strangers candy in exchange for singing with you or otherwise doing cute harmless stuff. I haven't yet worked out exactly the right feel, though. And, well, things being how they are, you need a pretty thick social skin to be willing to offer strangers candy without a widely-accepted social framework.)
Undeveloped aspects of the holiday, which I hope to flesh out in future years:
Traditional food. We don't really have anything other than candy, right now, and it's an obvious lacuna. Lamptide isn't really a sit-down-for-a-nice-dinner kind of holiday...although I guess it could be...but I suspect it would be useful to come up with some kind of Classic Lamptide Hors d'Ouevre or Classic Lamptide Crudité or something else appropriate for a party where people are milling around doing different things. (Not a dessert, I don't want to compete with the candy.) Sadly, I have no culinary genius, so I'm going to have to outsource for this one.
Music. @cloakofshadow has written some alternate lyrics for Christmas carols, but a thriving holiday should really have its own songs with their own distinctive melodies. Which means that I should probably find a competent composer to help me out.
Gifts. It would be very In-Theme for Lamptide to be the holiday when you give people the books / movies / video games / etc. that you want them to consume for your sake. I haven't yet done anything with that idea, but I am definitely considering it strongly.
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lovinbarzal · 1 year
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jack hughes x fem! zegras sister! reader
summary: trevor finds out.
warnings: heated making out, angry twin brother z
a/n enjoy <3 ( the gif represents jack at the end lol )
masterlist part one
1 year later
"I need you gone again." Trevor blurted. The two were sitting in the living room watching a movie.
"Lemme guess, Jack's coming?" Y/n turned to her brother with a knowing look.
"Yeah and this time Griffin isn't here to say that I can't kick you out." Trevor held a proud smile. Y/n pulled her phone out and tapped on it for a moment before bringing it to her ear.
"He's trying to kick me out again." She said with a smirk before putting the phone on speaker.
"Trev, you can't kick her out." Griffin said as Trevor's face fell.
"Fine." He grumbled before crossing his arms and sinking into his side of the couch.
"Love you, Griff." Y/n hung up and putting her phone away.
"But he is still off limits." Trevor said.
Y/n was actually talking excited to see Jack. They had been secretly texting and calling. Trevor knew she had known that she was talking to someone but what he didn't know was that it was his best friend.
"Y/n was supposed to be going with Griffin to Cancun for break but she ended up stay so I'm sorry for my weird-ass sister." Trevor said from the drivers seat.
"Dude, she isn't even that bad." Jack defended sounding a bit standoffish. Trevor sent him a look, "I mean, like she's your sister."
"Yeah and she's a bitch. She's been bitchyer since she started talking to some guy. She won't even tell me or Griff who he is." Trevor ranted about his sister's mysterious guy.
He looked out the window in attempt to hide his smile. He knew who the mystery guy was. It was him.
Y/n laughed loudly as Jack said something stupid.
"I'm telling you! She was not real!" The two were dying of laughter.
"Helen Keller was real, J. She literally has a book." Y/n explained. The two were on the couch cuddling. Trevor had went out to pick up their dinner so the two were alone.
"Exactly! How the hell did she write a book if she couldn't see of right!" He defended.
"You're an idiot." Y/n said with a laugh.
"But I'm your idiot." He said leaning down for a kiss. Things quickly got heated.
The two were so in the moment that they didn't hear the door unlock.
Trevor dropped the pizza that he had been holding and screamed. Y/n and Jacked jumped away from each other.
"No! No! No! No!" Trevor said from the doorway as his face turned red.
"I told you that my little sister was off limits!" Trevor yelled at Jack before turning to Y/n, "And we made a pact that friends were off limits!"
Trevor was furious. He basically had steam fuming from his ears.
"Trev." Y/n reached out but Trevor pulled away and turned back to Jack. He shoved Jack against the wall making Y/n yelp.
"You do anything with her?" Trevor yelled.
"No! Dude, I would never! That's your little sister man." Jack exclaimed with wide eyes. Y/n was his twin sister but Y/n was younger than him by 5 minutes making her his little sister.
"Exactly. My little sister." Trevor said with disappointment. He let Jack go before turning to Y/n. His face was filled with a mix of betrayal and disappointment.
"Trev." Y/n attempted again.
"No." Trevor shook his head before walking out the door.
"Shit." Jack breathed out as tears slipped from Y/n's eyes.
"Are you ok?" Y/n asked turning to Jack. He could hear the heartbreak in her voice.
"I'm fine. Are you ok?" She nodded unsurly.
"Come here." He opened up his arms for her. The two stood their just hugging as Y/n cried. She just betrayed the most important person in her life.
Yeah, she had Griffin and her parents but Trevor was her TWIN brother. The two always argued but they always made up. This time she didn't know. She didn't if they would be able to come back after this.
It was around 1 am when Trevor got back home and Y/n was awake. Jack had fallen asleep on the couch. She couldn't sleep not until she was sure that he was okay.
"Hey." She said softly walking up to Trevor.
"Hi." He replied. The both of them couldn't look each other in the eye.
"I'm sorry." The two said at the same time making them finally look up at each other.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I shouldn't have reacted that way. I went over bored. I should've just listened and heard you out." Trevor ranted but Y/n just pulled him into a hug.
"I should've told you." She said as he hugged back.
"It's ok. We're ok." Trevor said as they let go.
"Just if breaks your heart, it will hurt me to have punch him in the face since he is my best friend." Trevor smiled maming Y/n smile.
The next morning went by smoothly. Jack was confused. Everything seemed to be normal. Only thing was that Y/n had kissed him in the kitchen with Trevor sitting at the table.
"No PDA in front of me especially while I eat my breakfast." Trevor complained. Jack furrowed his brows.
"We still on for the rink later?" Trevor asked Jack with a smile.
"Yeah?" Jack answered but came out as more of a question.
"He knows. It's ok." Y/n said as Jack nodded slowly.
"You're not mad?" Jack questioned looking to Trevor.
Trevor shook his head, "But break her heart and I'll fucking kill you."
Trevor smiled as he said it. Y/n threw an empty water bottle at Trevor.
"Shut up, fartface." Y/n remarked which led to an argument between the twins.
Jack smiled as he watched the two argue.
Everything was good. Everything was perfect and so was she.
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wazzappp · 3 months
I drew. a lot for this. Also heads up for non RE mutuals this is going to be. confusing for you. I'm going to do my best to annotate and provide context but you are in for a wild ride.
Anyway long ass lore post for how Lisa and Robbie go from fighting to working together in this AU.
In the RE8 cannon all of the Dimitrescu daughters are made at the same time but for the sake of ✨the situations✨ I am going to change that. Lisa lived the longest as a human before being assimilated into the mold with a Cadou (infecting extension of the Megamycite). Technically her 'sisters' are older than her, as they were assimilated a while ago. Lisa has been a member of house Dimitrescu for about 2 years now. This puts her in this. Weird middle child zone. She wants to make her 'family' proud but she's also aware that what makes them proud isn't really the most achievable thing in the world (expecially with Bela to contend with. Older sibling overachiever to the maximum). She's got a certain degree of distance from them and sometimes wonders if she wasn't better off before all of this. Her memories are fuzzy but still there for the most part. She cant remember faces or names but she remembers feelings and situations. She doesen't remember families being like this (she wants OUT).
Chasing prey brought in is fairly standard for her. It's some of the only entertainment she gets. So when she catches Robbie exploring around the castle she has no idea that he's special in any way. He's just some new guy she gets to mess with before eating and DAMN he's FUN. If she didn't know any better she could almost think that he has experience being chased around (he does. he very much so does. all of RE7's worth). What she ALSO doesn't know is that Mother Miranda (big bad. Different from Lady Dimitrescu, who she refers to as 'mother') is planning on using Gabe (who is replacing baby Rose in this) to try and resurrect her dead kid with a 'perfect vessel' and this requires. uh. disassembly (in the base RE8 gameplay the reason Ethan goes to each house is because uhhhhhhhh his infant daughter has been dismembered and stored in jars and he needs to collect them so he can put her back together.... yeah). Robbie intervenes before this can get going and is instead going house to house because if he wants to get out of this stupid fuckass villiage he needs to collect the key components to unlock the gate keeping him in here (i need him to have a reason. to kill everyone. its important to me ok).
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When Lisa finds out this random, but fun guy, she's been chasing who she thought was JUST SOME NORMAL GUY killed one of her sisters she mentally goes 'Oh. OH. THERES A CHANCE FOR ME TO GET OUT OF HERE'. That in conjunction with discovering Mother Miranda is planning on FULLY DISMEMBERING A CHILD she uh. Makes some decisions.
What you have to understand about her plans of matricide is that neither Lady Dimitrescu or her sisters can actually really fully die. Sure, their bodies are gone, but their consciousness is stored in the hive mind and they can reform later after gathering their strength. If she has to put her kinda shitty found family in time out for the sake of getting herself out of here + keeping her newly revived conscience clean she's absolutely going to do it.
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(fuckin. backgrounds. dialogue. fuck. why can things not just take place inside of the void. DUKE MY BELOVED WE LOVE AND RESPECT DUKE IN THIS HOUSE HES A REAL ONE fuck now I got it in my head that he keeps trying to play matchmaker for them and i need to. go draw that because its too funny not to.)
Lisas plan involves this lab I had her mention in the comic above. It's where Robbie needs to go to synthesize more poison for the dagger of deaths flowers, and SUPPOSEDLY where a medicine that might allow her to go outside again might be (enemies of Lisas type become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker in the cold. She could try to bundle up but its still really not a good idea). She would love to go there herself, but it's in an area of the castle thats exposed to the cold of the outdoors.
The Two of them make a fairly decent team and Lisa finds herself having a LOT more fun hunting with someone else than she does on her own. They balance each other out pretty well; Robbie works primarily with guns so he can watch Lisas back while she's up close wrecking any grunts they run into. It's also pretty helpful having someone who can turn into a swarm of flies for puzzle solving purposes.
After all this Robbies trust for her increases SIGNIFICANTLY. He's still not really sure about her, but she's moved out of the 'active threat' classification into the 'kinda helpful' zone.
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Lisa's plan has three ways it could go:
They all fail miserably and get sent to mental and physical time out in the megamycite.
They win and get to go free but either the medicine isn't there or it doesen't work. In which case she's just planning on getting as many coats as possible and Try-or-Die-ing it.
The medicine is there and she actually gets to roam free
Luckily for her, the medicine IS there, it DOES work, and Robbies sense of honor / noticing her usefulness (its hard to wage a one man war on an entire community of mutants ok you cant blame him for appreciating having some ACTUAL HELP for once) all align for the best possible scenario.
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The cold does still affect her; her healing isn't as quick as it usually is and her increased strength / speed is a bit reduced, but she can go!! outside!!
She decided to stick with Robbie in getting out of the village as a whole. She doesen't really know what the world outside is like but anything has to be better than here (plus if she stays here she's probably getting shoved into the Megamycite by Mother Miranda PERMENANTLY and that just. wont do).
Also yes Lisa being with Robbie for the rest of his adventures means that she is there for Heisenbergs 'proposal'. She uh. Does not like that much.
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this all made. more sense in my head I hope it at least makes a little sense out loud.
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
Hi, I know it's been a while but it's allo (autistic? unsure what tag to use) anon here again. I just wanted to say congratulations on the project! I showed it to my girlfriend and she was really happy, when it comes out we will definitely read it together. I am proud to see you doing new and exciting things, and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors! You're doing amazing already and I look forward to seeing you continue on whatever path you want to take with your creative work :)
Sorry I didn't message again sooner, things in real life have been... a lot. I still try to check this blog when I can. Your art is still adorable, and I also wanted to say thank you for your comics about fandom and the stuff that people say to aro/ace people. As someone who is very invested in media analysis(TM) and fandoms, I have noticed some behaviour that is really weird and uncomfortable, and it's good to see other people speaking out about it.
Also, not to decenter your experience, but the comic about labels really hit home for me. When I first got diagnosed it explained so much about my struggles and why I felt the way I did. It was groundbreaking to understand that I wasn't just a broken person or full of character flaws, but that things like sensory issues were just part of being who I am. I don't know if you meant it this way, but I really love the yellow colour of the thought bubbles and the little flowers. I know some people say it's pathologizing or too restrictive to cling to labels so much, but it really is a relief to be given something that helps you understand yourself and feel so much less alone. I am glad you were able to find your identity and community. It's so cool that now you get to make those posts, and probably reach others!
I just wanted to pop in again and say I love your stuff, and it's so cool to see other people loving and engaging with it too. I hope you have a wonderful day/night, passe une bonne journée/nuit <3
P. S. I hope that's how you say it, I'm using google translate.
Heyyyy!!^^ Thank you so much for reaching out again and for all the encouragement and support! I hope you and your girlfriend are doing OK^^ And please don't apologize for not reaching out for a while, I'm happy whenever you do at all but it's very fair to have a lot going on otherwise! If anything I hope things are a bit easier now, so to speak.
Also don't worry about decentering my experience by sharing yours when you relate! I'm a big believer in intersectional discussion, I think people from marginalised groups could benefit a great deal from standing together to defend common interests, and if we can relate to each other's experiences in some way even just a little, although we know and acknowledge they're all different, I'm sure we can go a long way. So I sincerely appreciate you sharing, honestly!! (I'm also really grateful you liked the way I graphically conveyed it, that is a challenge in and of itself^^)
Again, thank you so much for all the positive feedback and support, and thanks for taking the time to add some French in as well, very kind of you^^
Hope you have a great day ahead!
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samioli · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Saw this on my dash and there was permission for anyone who writes fics to do it, so I'm doing it!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
271,531! I'm pretty proud honestly, never thought the number would get so high! Also I'm pretty sure the smut alone is over 100,000 LMAO
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Ace Attorney at the moment!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
like a warm embrace
rough around the edges
wait (they don't love you like I love you)
where there is a flame (someone's bound to get burned)
hold onto me ('cause I'm a little unsteady)
WOW honestly i didnt know the last one was so high!! That was my first ever aa fic.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! What ends up happening is that I respond pretty well at first, but then i get overwhelmed and stop replying :(( And then by the time I'm ok again, i feel like it would be weird to respond. Please know i read each comment and it means the world to me!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely 'burning the memories (that might have redeemed you)' since its a fic that takes place during 1-2 and before edgeworth's character development. I STILL HAVE THE HAPPY ENDING SEQUEL IN MY DRAFTS LMAO. I hope to finish it one day!!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Not sure! Most of my fics have happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope, not hate at least. Ive gotten some backhanded compliments before, but never flat out hate. Thank goodness for that.
9. Do you write smut?
Too friggin much
10. Do you write crossovers?
The closest ive ever gotten is a WIP where its a low-key Good Omens and Ace Attorney crossover, lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! What's new pussycat was translated into Chinese recently!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah, I would be open to it, though!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Nrmt for real. They make my brain go BRRRRRRRR.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a lot, lmao. Probably the sequel to I am not a vessel for your good intent.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue I would say. Dirty talk too, in smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Nah, not my thing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Flash lmao
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'd have to say Flame! That's my baby, and I think it has some of my best writing and pining in there.
I'm tagging @sapphire-wine, @majoringinsarcasm @sandboxer
@rage-against-the-dying-of-light, @apprenticeofdoyle and anyone else who would like to do this!!!
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khaotunq · 6 months
Beloved Esme @itsallaboutbl tagged me (her post so u can see it done right) :))) thank you <3
Most popular / personal favs gifsets
I have published 222 gifsets this year, which is fun and possibly a bit insane. I've made gratuitous use of the archive feature so I've linked that on the weird chance anyone but me is interested in every set I've posted. (December link, and then scrolling down will take you back month by month)
As usual, I've done this entirely differently to how I imagine it's supposed to have been done (nobody else is doing numbers, for example), but I have no self control at all and I'm currently really fucking low so I'm concentrating on this to keep from The Thoughts :)
21 in January Most popular: the first of my First Kanaphan as Ryu in Wake Up Ladies sets, by a bit of a landslide. This did nothing until about summertime, at which point the notes went from about 150 to 700, lmao Personal fav: Akk (Eclipse): there's one dog that won't get to see me smile (immediately smiles) because that smile will always kill me (Honourable mention to this Ryu set because my own tags make me laugh, and this set that nobody liked but I can still hear)
17 in February Most popular: 2023 is the year of our Lord, Mark Pakin Personal fav: Jimbo, AKA: Moonlight Chicken's main character and there was also this because I'm a funny fuck
13 in March Most popular: Obnoxiously long real-to-me kiss gifset (Eclipse) Personal fav: Honestly probably the same as above, but perhaps S101: Tall being dragged by Tiny, and also Akk's hair looks excellent in those.
14 in April Most popular: S101: Do a barrel roll!Ayan Personal fav: wet Khaotung but also this progression of shots that nobody else liked (also, also this one because THE HUG ok i'm never ok about it)
10 in May (20 posts show up, but 10 of them are gifs/gifsets I sent in asks to Chiara) Most popular: Your World, My World Personal fav: Navigate edit because I'm still so pleased with it, though I think the 3rd gif's text should be brighter and I probably should've made the twinkling stars more obvious, and also the One Life edit for Akk I did because it's important to me and I spent so long making the text work... and I'm still not sure it does.
14 in June (16 show up for June but 2 are tutorially/gif process things) Most popular: Bold Gays: Ayan Personal fav: Enneagram Type 8: Sean but honestly all the Enneagrams were my favs they were fun, and I keep meaning to revisit the idea
23 in July (24 show up but one's a gif explanation) Most popular: Ray from the Only Friends official trailer Personal fav: Khaotung Thanawat personally coming for my throat or my continued slow breakdown over Sean or the first OFTS/SandRay edit I did with the original teaser trailer orrrrrrrrr Ayan being unable to keep his hands to himself
28 in August (hello, Only Friends and Eclipse Anniversary, lol) Most popular: Sand being a whole mood Personal fav: Ray mad in a car because it's still funny and also First Kanaphan's personal character arc
27 in September Most popular: Only Friends / Bad Buddy parallel that got me the most glorious threats &lt;3 Personal fav: I can't pick. There's Ray's naa-ing, this single gif that lives in my head forever, the Brotherhood of the Travelling Bruise, and Sand AM/PM because thiiighs
17 in October Most popular: K H A O A L A (which is still the funniest thing I've ever said) Personal fav: SandRay calendar because I'm fucking proud of it, even if there are a thousand things I'd change about it now, but honestly all my sets for October were personal favs I enjoy all of them immensely. I really loved my SandRay Kesha edit. Mostly the first gif, but the rest were fun and only mostly maddening to make.
16 in November Most popular: Yok & Mond and their shared braincell Personal fav: Boston and Meredith Brooks
22 in December Most popular: Twins characters/tag yourself meme/still haven't figured out what my intent was behind this set but I'm glad everyone's having fun with it Personal fav: Bold Gays: Yok even though the yellow one makes me mad and I want to redo it, and also Alan because kfdsjkhgfdh
Tagging! As ever, feel free to ignore: @raypakorn @sollucets @chinzhilla @theedorksinlove @chickenstrangers @5racha @khaotungsfirst
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x-i-l-verify · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
Was tagged by @kuraiarcoiris and decided why not. :V
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35. I have more on other sites, but since I've made my AO3 account, that's how many I've posted there.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
656,547. Give or take a couple thousand.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? Dream SMP. But I also have an Inscryption WIP and a couple Kpop WIPs that I really should get back to one of these days. orz But I've written for all sorts of fandoms over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5) Its Suffering Was Real [Inscryption]
This is the one that came as the biggest shock to me when I went and looked at my kudos count in preparation for this write-up. Like, really? People like the fic where I torture the sassy robot trapped in the body of a stoat for 7k words that much??
4) A Shoulder to Lean On [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
WHERE did all these people come from, I have like 6 comments on this thing (not counting my replies)??? I mean, I'm flattered, but ??!!?!
3) Accepting Amelioration [Voltron: Legendary Defender]
I mean, it's a Voltron fic posted back when the fandom was in full swing, it doesn't really surprise me the kudos counter is considerable, though I am still surprised it got that much traction considering the fic is gen and not shippy. Am still proud I made the first daemon AU in the entire fandom, though, if this is my claim to fame, then I'm ok with that. :p
2) Temporary Shelter [Astro / VIXX]
I seriously have no freaking clue how this little self indulgent Kpop crossover fic became so popular, I really don't. I mean, Kpop crossovers are niche at the best of times, and these two groups aren't exactly the most popular Kpop fandoms on AO3 if you know what I mean. It basically started as "wouldn't it be fun if my two favorite Kpop groups were secretly friends all this time? How would I have that happen, tho?" and then snowballed from there. I, uh. I'm glad so many other people like it, ig? 0_0
1) Paved with Pawprints [My Hero Academia]
Of course it's the MHA pet AU fic. Of course. OF COURSE-
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely. It's only fair I reply if someone takes the time to read on my work and actually give me feedback about it, wouldn't you say? Plus, like most authors, I enjoy talking about my own work, so sue me. >:p
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually do angsty endings; I prefer happy or at least bittersweet ones. I guess by default, it has to be the fic where I slowly killed off America and China from Axis Powers Hetalia for 13k words, while the rest of the cast had already been dead for centuries at that point. So yes, the entire cast of that series was dead by the end of that fic. :))) IN MY DEFENSE, ok, I was actually trying to give them a bittersweet ending by reuniting them with all of their old friends and family by finally letting them rest after so long alone, but it still turned out really sad. TT TT It's basically my only fic where I can't go back and reread it more than once every couple of years, because I still end up a sobbing mess by the end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, I guess that's what you define "happiest" as. The most cathartic? The one with the least amount of trauma and extreme bodily injury incurred by the characters? 🤔 I guess by the latter definition, it would Kaleidoscopic Perceptions, a very fluffy USPH college AU that I actually enjoyed writing a lot despite me not usually enjoying romance or college AUs.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, thankfully. I've gotten a couple kinda weird comments, and of course the obligatory "It's been X months since you updated were you aware?????" comments, but no outright negativity.
9. Do you write smut?
LMAO. Absolutely not.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yes! I really love crossovers. I have a few common fallbacks that fit with a lot of fandoms (daemon AUs, Firefly AUs, etc.), but I also enjoy fandom-specific crossovers when I can figure out how to pull them off.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No idea. I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Just once for this Gravity Falls fic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes. It had a few ups and downs, but it was overall a really positive experience, and I think it turned out really well!
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
idk that I have an ALL TIME favorite ship, especially since I hardly ever ship anything, but Frobin is pretty choice, I gotta say.
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15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Er, none of them, hopefully? I hope that I eventually get to finish all my WIPs at some point, even if it might take me awhile. >.>; But I suppose if I had to pick ONE to abandon, I'd probably pick Written In, my D&D Inscryption crossover AU. I like the IDEA for it, but writing it out is like pulling teeth, and after the first installment where the party gets together, I don't really have a lot of ideas on where to take the plot. :/ Like I have the general overarching idea but no plot structure or anything but small disconnected story beats.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I like to think I do a pretty good job with descriptions while not bogging the story down too much with too much detail?
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh, staying motivated ig. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you're asking my weakness about mechanics, though, uh... exposition, I guess? Dialogue in general, sometimes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If there is actual information included in the other language, then you better provide a translation. If it's just for flavor, though, have at it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TMNT, specifically the 2003 show. It's never been posted anywhere on the internet and never will. :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Becoming Real, a Kpop fanfic based on VIXX's Voodoo Doll MV. However, it can easily stand on its own as its own original work. I consider it the most accessible story I've ever written, and it also was just very easy for me to write. Writing is often like pulling teeth for me, but not this story.
Tagging: @breezy-cheezy, @quicktothebatjalopy, @hiding-in-the-vault, @variablememory, @bleue-flora, @theriu
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flimsyichigo · 3 months
ok so i promised an update so here’s part of an update of something pretty crazy that’s happened to me
back in mid february, i was chilling in my favorite elective class when my friend, lets call him ryan, asked if i heard anything interesting happening in school.
i told him nah not really. it’s mainly stuff personal to me. so he then asked if i like somebody. i was like YEAH. obviously he asked who it was so I told him to guess and that it was one of his friends. He couldn’t guess who so I just told him the name.
there was this girl in our table so overheard and wanted to know, i’ll call her jane. i only knew jane for over a month or so but we had a lot of mutual friends and her boyfriend is good friends with my crush. plus she just seemed SO sweet and trusting at the time so i just told her. she just seemed so giddy and happy for me after i did so. this is a very important detail. SHE KNEW.
so then my friend, ryan, offered to be my wingman and despite him being a fucking goof a majority of the time, i knew i could trust him cause this involves one of his closest friends and ryan has NEVER done me dirty b4. a week or so later, he told me his plan to help me out. the plan was asking my crush who he was gonna ask to prom and basically listing a bunch of people he could take so ryan could subtly include my name and see how this guy felt about me. to be honest this was a great fucking plan. almost everybody i told this story to said it was a good ass plan.
so on that friday (the day before spring break btw), i saw ryan after lunch right before our class and asked if he did it. he said yes. i asked if it went well. he shook his head no in pity… my stomach fucking DROPPED. i spent nearly the entirety of that same elective class i mentioned earlier just sitting there all gloomy and shit. even my absolute sweetheart of a teacher asked if i was ok.
ryan wanted to tell me what exactly happened so fucking bad and kept insisting but i was like NAHHH that’s gonna break me for sure. that same jane girl i mentioned earlier said she was there when it happened. so i asked her if it was as bad as my friend described it. she instantly nodded which made me feel so much worse.
so that class ended meaning spring break officially started. i was just fucking ruminating on my walk home wondering what the fuck happened. a few days into break, my curiosity was eating at me so i called ryan and asked him to explain EVERYTHING that happened on friday.
so what happened was ryan went over to where my crush was sitting during lunch and started asking him about prom dates. the plan was instantly shut down when my crush essentially said “ehh i don’t know jane told me that [my name] likes me.” he then added that he thought i looked like a guy(ahhh closeted trans guy tings😜😜) so basically he wasn’t interested. you see i wasn’t upset abt what he said about me. i know the way i dress and the way i present myself and im proud of it even if i am doing an awful job at being closeted.
now what i was upset abt was that mf jane girl deciding to TELL HIM I LIKED HIM some fucking reason??? she had no real fucking reason to do that shit. the whole point was to be subtle about it and see what he thought of me. if he was interested, then sick i’ll make some moves. if he wasn’t, then cool ima move on in silence; no harm done. but this girl HADDD to throw a fucking wrench in our plans. i was able to move on from my feelings for him easily after that but STILLL. it feels so weird now knowing that he knows i liked him. ideally i still would’ve been cool with him if he didn’t like me back because HE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO KNOW. ughhhhhhh now i know to never trust that mf jane againnnn.
anyways yap session over. make sure to like and subscribe to learn about more bullshit in my life. but for real, i’ve been gone for a good while now and i just felt like i owed yall an update bc i love yall sm.
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jessiquinn · 1 year
I want to live (reader x The Question AKA Vic sage)
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This one-shot was a freaking mess, I had to fix it. I wrote it when I was 14 and shit reading it right now it needs major fixing! god damn...
I'm proud of the edit I hope you like it as I did 🖤
it’s The question x villain exhero reader
1-Depression talk 2-bad words
3-bad writing 4-violence
Enjoy ✨
Being in the justice league is stressful, my mental health has never gotten this bad before... it’s really bad, looking at the positive side, everyone likes me here, being one of the loved heroes in the league was great but of course, my inner demons told me otherwise...
Even though a lot of people “love” me, still can’t help to doubt myself every day, the pressure they have on me is high... they don’t even realize it, one mistake and everything will fall...
if people start to hate me I don’t know what I would do anymore, I’ll simply lose it... you might say this is a bit dramatic but insecurities are real... living out of the love of people was hard, of course, no one knew of those thoughts, and being an actor has its good side.
The best thing in the justice league Watch Tower was hanging out with my “friends”, especially The Question AKA Vic sage, he is one of the most innovative heroes I know, especially since Batman had assigned him to the Lex Luthor and Superman investigation, I CAN’T be on his bad side, he’ll just expose me in seconds.
of course, everything was great till this day...
looking around...everything looks blurry.. where the hell am I! ugh my head...
“Well, well, well... finally awake!” the mysterious figure said while looking into my eyes like he was peaking inside my soul... hasn’t he learned about personal space before?
“What is wrong with you? untie me!” trying to get out of the chains. finally, my eyes cleared up... I seem to be in a basement or something, Who the hell is this?
“tsk-tsk not yet sweetie, we need to talk” his smirk turns serious.
“What the hell!” struggling to get out, “shhh- stop being annoying and listen to me!”, “what! get it over with” at this point, I started getting angry.
finally leaving my face and turning around, “well, I need a favor from you... not a favor it’s more of a “you have no choice situation?” do you understand what I’m saying?” turning back again with a creepy expression on.
“what do you mean by I don’t have a choice? You do realize I can kill you on the spot right?”, his eyes widened in surprise “poor thing, did you forget you’re from the justice league? it’s not allowed to kill there... didn’t batman teach you this? dear old batman wouldn’t be proud of this...” his smirk rises again while watching your face sour, finally bursting out of laughter
“What are you laug-” cutting me off, “ Your face expressions dear! trying to act like the tough guy meanwhile we both know how weak you are but unlike you I CAN Kill,” his smirk grows widely
“Well dear, the thing is.. no one would expect that from you, everyone thinks you’re... innocent, the nice loveable hero that would never do such a thing... don’t you think?”
“I...I don’t understand and I don’t CARE, I would Never help you anyway!” her/his eyes gleamed with hopelessness, you know what he said was true...
grabs your arm harshly, “don’t make me give you a taste of how failure feels like! listen to me I’m giving you a chance!”, “I don’t care I would never cross them!” screamed at his face. a weird sensation starts to grow on my arm, “dear Y/n I’m giving you a chance” spitting on his face in response.
-wiping his face- disappointment was written on his face, “ok how about we try this”
The weird sensation got worse, trying not to show any signs of pain or weakness but the pain is getting worse by the second, it was literally BURNING my arm
“See? this is what will happen if you DON’T FUCKING SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT I’M SAYING” his grab tightens making it worse.
“ok STO-” he stopped, barely breathing from the pain in your arm. “you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? I know everything about you, even your darkest secrets”
A telepath
“There’s no escape, submit to me” his eyes showed emptiness, literally nothing.
“I... don’t kn-”, “unlike those heroes I actually understand your pain, why even bother protecting them”, for the first time today you are silent “so Are you willing to listen now?”
This is too much.
his smirk rises again, “it’s simple really, I want you to get me That delicious, AMazing info that they keep in the control room!” his arms on the chair tighten while he talks passionately.
“I don’t understand” confusion written on your face, “what don’t you understand? get that info and give it to me”, “I can’t do that, if I do my life is ruined, everything I worked for!”. shutting you up “do you think I care? honestly, I don’t care what happens to you, all I care about is that info”
“Why should I do it tho? you want to kill me just get it over with!” determination gleams from you
“oh dear haven’t you learned anything? you don’t have a choice, I don’t kill... I torture. let’s say you’ll forever be haunted by your biggest fears... every day...every second... till the day you leave this universe” grabs your arm, “see this scar? it’ll be the guilt, fear, and sadness that’s trapped inside of you” walks away “even if I die, you’ll still be stuck with the curse”
“so I’ll lose either way...” is this how my life will end? at this point fear and loneliness consumed you,
“Unfortunately this is life right? it’s not always fair, well time is UP what you decide is your choice, I’ll be waiting” knocking you back to sleep
waking up, realization immediately hits you, MY ARM, rising my sleeve with the hope that it was just a Nightmare...
it’s still there..
you can feel a panic attack is about to begin, tears filling your eyes, Denial, nausea hitting you like a truck... what am I supposed to do? sell my soul for justice or help him...
My morals fighting inside my head, and everything hurts... I don’t know anymore. should I just surrender myself? if I do this... there’s a big chance that I’ll get caught, what will happen to me after?
save me or the world?
finally dragging myself out of my room, one of my special abilities is to block any telepaths from reading my mind... but there’s a certain person which doesn’t need any mind powers to read anyone out, so I need to avoid him with all of my life..
One side of me wishes someone will just read me out and put me in prison already and my other side just wants to be happy... I want to live
this is going to take time, Shit! I can see Vic there talking to someone I don’t give a shit about, I need to leave before he noti- “hey, Y/n wait a second” he starts walking to you
I can’t just run, he will know there’s something. I need to act normal, turning to face him and giving him your usual smile.
“I was just going to my office ” he explained “let’s go, I need to continue my work” he starts walking, what the hell do I say, decided to just follow him.
“hmm.. is there something bothering you?” he asked, OF COURSE, “nah I’m just hungry” you can’t read his face much... ugh (hehe bad joke right here).
finally arriving at his office, why am I scared of him... “you’re not acting like yourself, did something happen?” he said with a caring but sarcastic tone, “no there’s nothing, I’m sleepy and shit..”
“hmm... hungry and sleepy? oh that makes sense, I didn’t see you yesterday.. where were you?” focused on his computer
“I was in my room, I didn’t feel like socializing yesterday”
“that’s kind of weird.. considering you LOVE talking to everyone” trying to make a joke,
“Everyone has bad days sometimes”, catching his full attention, his blank face is fully on you now, you can feel his faceless face searching you up and down.
this is terrifying, maybe acting like I couldn’t hear him was a better option than going with him.. “are you better today?”, “I’m fine” giving him your usual smile... he got up from his chair and walked closer to you “ok.. so what about your arm... you didn’t go to any mission for a while now...” taking your arm in his hand, taking a closer look at the scar
grasping your arm from him, “don’t worry haha... it’s just an old scar I got from a long time ago” slowly hiding your arm from him,
now he knows there’s something wrong for sure, “I need to go continue my work ok?” he grabbed your wrist again... getting embarrassed “sorry, of course” he says
walking to your room,
I don’t have access inside that room any way I need to find a way...
most people would judge me but would you save yourself or others? who knows what that villain would do with that info anyway? maybe he’s going to blackmail them or something... who cares about strangers.. I don’t deserve this... I was supposed to be having a nice week... but instead everything went upside down.
call me selfish.. Idc
collecting info wasn’t hard or easy but I’ve been here for a long time to know everyone has their personal routine here.
watching them for a while did the job.
Blind trust.. huh
a week later
This is it, today is the day
11 pm, most of them went to sleep already, the problem is there are guards everywhere.
sneaking through the building as quietly and stealthily as possible, this is the day I lost myself, my dignity, my life.. this is it! I must succeed.
There’s no room for failure.
Arriving in time, the guard's patrol this time is on the other side of the hallway, This is my chance.
typing the password, finding the password was the hardest part but thankfully for batman and his blind trust, I found it.
haha it opened. going inside and plugging the hard drive into the master computer, you practiced all of this in your head for a while now.
Loading 1%
This is going to be the longest 10 minutes of my life
Fear eating you up, at any second I might get caught
God, please be faster
“I knew it”
turning at the sound, Fuck it’s him...
“calm down, it’s not too late to stop what you’re doing” Vic Aka The question said.
“You need to leave”
“as cringy as saying this, but this isn’t you, just stop” walking closer “before it’s too late” taking slow steps toward you.
“I watched you all week, honestly I didn’t think you’d do this for real”
pulling out your gun and pointing it at him “don’t get any closer” threatening him, his serious aura freaking you out, this is too much.
everything I’ve built has been ruined in a week
come on! be faster!!
“Y/n I don’t know what happened but this is not the answer” walking slowly toward you
“I said stop!” tights the grip on the gun, “we both know if you pull the trigger everyone would come here and it will become a bigger problem than it is”
“You don’t know shit! you think you know everything!”, “then tell me... you can trust me Y/N”
“I see,” while you took a quick peek at the screen he ran at you at full speed and knocked the gun out of your hands
getting into a fighting stance “I warned you, “ he attacked you but hesitation weakening his hit and giving you a chance to strike back.
the hit wasn’t as clever as you thought, pining you on the floor “stop this shit!” kicking him off of you
both of you looked at the hard drive, running to take it, he took it first.
finally, you had enough, charging an attack right into his stomach. he didn’t expect that one... making him fall.
snatching the hard drive from him and rushing outside the room, searching for a quick escape
I need an escape RIGHT NOW
The question catches up to you “This is enough!” giving you another chance, looking at the time, perfect the guards shouldn’t be near this exit!
“I surely underestimated you Y/N, but what reason do you have for this?!” he said with frustration and disappointment
paying no mind to what he was saying, rushing to the exit, it was a window from the second floor, I don’t have any other choice. falling into the bushes, it hurts a lot but there’s no time for this, my healing factor will have to deal with it, meanwhile, his won’t.
racing to your car, to somehow find him there...
“You think you can get rid of me that easily? I don’t know what reason you have for this but this is going to kill thousands of people and ruin YOUR life!” he’s waiting for an answer but you decided to say nothing “I see, I’m not letting you go without a FIGHT” being the martial artist he is, this wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
adrenaline fueling, throwing the first punch, “weak hit” catching your arm and throwing you on the floor easily. “you might have forgotten but I’m a master at hand-to-hand combat” standing in a confident stance
panic setting in, getting back up and kicking him, “cheap” he said after grabbing your leg and throwing you at the wall.
usually, you are good at fighting but right now it’s impossible to focus, especially since you’re fighting your only friend.
pulling your other gun out, not giving you any more chances, pining you down, and taking the hard drive from you, “if you dare to even think about kicking me again! I’ll activate the emergency alarm immediately” he threatened, I never saw that side of him before...
I’m dead, looking at the hard drive, he smashes it next to your head.
“I want to know why?!” getting closer “what made you do this!”
his stomach is open I ca- “I swear to fucking god if you even consider pushing me!” he knew before you even tried.
silence “You know what! come with me!” grabbing you roughly, literally dragging you at this point.
pushing you into his office, locking the door shut, and walking towards you.
can’t help but feel a little intimidated “now you’re cornered, Speak!” even without a face you can tell he’s angry
attacking him once more, he didn’t expect this one I guess.. kicking you back in response, “You’re getting on my nerves” ok that hurt.
“why are you giving me a chance? that’s the real question!”
“I know you and you need a strong reason for this,” he said calmly
-sigh- walks away “I won’t tell on you, I won’t hesitate if you repeat it again” unlocking the door for you, “once you feel ready to talk you know where to find me.
heading to your room, locking the door “how dumb is he...”
seems like he has a weak spot for you...
staying in your room for the rest of the night, unsure what to do, to grieve or fight back and try again.
I almost don’t feel bad for what I did, that asshole! why does he need to be nice? since when does he mix feelings with work?!
The burn... a scar that will haunt me forever
washing my face, I need to calm my nerves down.
I want to live even though my destiny is clear.
looking at your reflection, dark eye bags cover your face. a week ago my skin was flawless.
Fuck him! no one messes with my skin. I worked hard for it... who am I kidding. I’m losing it.. I need to find a way
washing your face once again, looking at yourself but something seems different. the mirror is changing... shit! I’m really losing my mind.
The mirror shows a smirking figure.
skip to the basement
“tsk-tsk seems like you failed, on top of that your dear friend knows you messed up too” he starts clapping “bravo, bravo... you can’t even do one thing right!” he finally shows his true anger
you couldn’t say anything, what can I say anyway?
“what am I going to do with you Y/n huh?” looking over his torture tools, this is going to be a long night...
“how about we try this!” he took a small knife “let’s carve more scars, you seem to love them” his smirk slowly rise
it was a long night indeed,
“ummmm I think I’m done now... now let’s think about what I want again”
he talks to you like nothing happened a minute ago, meanwhile, blood covered you everywhere.
trying your best to focus, but the blood loss doesn’t help
he sighed “I choose to forgive you, you would say why? well the thing is.... you seem to be dead already, how about we try to revive you a little” he snaps his finger, lots of the cuts on you heal, faster than your body can do.
“change of plans! I don’t want that info anymore!” searching for a reaction or expression on your dead face.
“hmm, you seem to give up easily” walking in circles “AHA I have an idea!” Grabs your chair harshly.
“What was his name... hmmm OH OH! it’s THE QUESTION! what a cool name”
finally catching your attention. “finally! YOU are ALIVE! hahaha”
staying silent to not give him the satisfaction he wanted.
“I want you to kill him,” he said with a blank expression, “he ruined the mission so kill him! this is a perfect revenge”
he didn’t even wait for your answer he just knocked you back to sleep.
I can finally say I'm proud of this, I spent MONTHS on this... believe it or not... to end it with a cliffhanger -sigh- hopefully someday I'll write a second part or maybe just leave it as it is
please if you like it tell me <3 thank you for reading.
reblog  🌼 🖤
The question VIC sage from justice league unlimited
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pilk0id · 8 days
intro post so that i dont have to cram everything into my bio 🦕
da basics: i’m sophie, my pronouns are she/her, i identify as unlabeled (bc i’m still questioning my sexuality), i’m from texas, and i’m 18 years old! nice to meet you :3
warnings n stuff:
‼️ i am autistic!! if you feel so inclined, please use tone indicators whenever possible :3 i can usually pick up jokes, sarcasm, etc. but some tones are a little trickier for me.
‼️ i do not post NSFW on my page, nor do i draw it, so this page is relatively safe for minors! this is both personal preference bc i want my page to be safe for everyone, and bc its lowkey weird to look at idk 😭
‼️ i am a full time college student so artposting (and posting in general tbh) does tend to get really dry during semesters
‼️ DNI list:
homophobic, transphobic, TERF, racist, sexist, etc. (the basics ig 🚶)
proship (loud get out sound effect)
anyone under 13 (terms of service)
autism speaks apologists and supporters /srs
if u dont like seals and horses /j
my interests!!! :D
my special interest has been the ricky gervais show and its associated media & people since 2017! we haven’t been fed in literally years so any interaction about them / fanmade content is so so so lovely :3 my fav is karl (if that isn’t glaringly obvious), but i love steve too! i only like ricky’s stuff pre-2006 ish (extras being the cutoff) because… yuck
my other interests / hyperfixations include:
metalocalypse (i do not like the music of dethklok tho so uhh…….. awk)
breaking bad and better call saul
madchester and britpop music and culture, more on that later (ask me about my pookies)
adult swim in general - shows like aqua teen hunger force, the venture bros, king of the hill, etc.
the 1975 (probably my fav “current” band)
i actually love sports very much, especially bc of college :3
my fav people / characters (both real and fictional):
karl pilkington obvi
stephen merchant
ricky gervais (to a certain extent……..)
charles offdensen (metalocalypse)
saul goodman (better call saul)
jesse pinkman (breaking bad)
jarvis cocker
damon albarn
wheatley (portal 2)
simon (rain dogs - char in my PFP)
rainbow dash (mlp:fim)
george harrison
fav music:
the 1975
the smiths (tomodachi life super all time fav) and their associated solo work
the beatles
gorillaz (my first ever real fandom 🤍)
the stone roses
the psychedelic furs
random fun facts about me :3
i do colorguard full time in the fall
i collect records and i am the proud owner of the blue album
i am currently on my 2nd relisten of RSK on XFM + the podcasts and audiobooks
i own every single karl pilkington book
i’m trying to start a DVD collection, but right now the only real “valuables” i have are ATHF volume one, the office full series, arrested development full series (?), and a random frisky dingo i got from my dad 🚶
i can’t drive
i do all my art using procreate :3
i have not used the term “smerchette” to describe myself since like 2019
ok i think thats all for now bye :3
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lpsgirl109 · 4 months
This is late and I'll probably make art for this. Hopefully. But, Mixels 10 year anniversary. Wild
I used to feel really ashamed of being so attached to this goofy ass miniseries, part of me is still trying to get over that. Honestly, I think I deserve to enjoy this show without shame. Mixels became a huge comfort thing to me in elementary school, mostly because I was a weird kid who was regularly excluded by other kids for being weird. I didn't really have friends for a while, which lead to me imagining that various Mixels characters were my friends instead. I made a silly little self insert OC and everything. It was nice to think that while a lot of kids at school didn't want me around, I'd always have these characters who loved me and had my back, even if they weren't real
I think if these goofy lego creatures really were watching over me from wherever they may be, they'd be proud of the girl I've become. I've been constantly made to feel ashamed for enjoying childish or weird things, and now here I am at the age of 17, with plenty of friends that encourage my weirdness and make me feel comfortable being my true self around them. Ten years later, I don't need to imagine the Mixels being my friends, but I'm grateful for their presence in my life
I hold out hope that lego will one day remember this theme exists and do something with it again. Even if it's something small, I'll be glad to have it. It makes me so happy to see so many people who love this series as much as I do, even after 10 years. I'm always gonna cherish this show for the comfort it brought me. It's a goofy thing to be obsessed with, but that's ok. It's My goofy thing to be obsessed with
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winter-doggo · 2 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers 🖤
Ah, heck, I got this from @prismaticpichu too. Does that mean I have to do ten things?
(I'm also not gonna send it to 10 further people because I'm not the chain mail type, but if you're reading this, you're cool and awesome and I am lazer beaming friendship at you)
I've always been a creative type, and I'm happy I managed to hold onto that and grow over time into bringing people joy with my creations.
I'm not half bad with technology. This isn't to say the point is I'm particularly good, either, but I have a ton of fun poking around with computers and using them for things, and I like that I can do that! WinterDoggo learn more coding challenge
Autism. Sorry to be clear I mean uhh. You ever like memorising lists of stuff to do with your favourite things? Like memorising every Pokémon and memorising every Monster Hunter Monster and memorising every item you can find/bug or fish you can catch/quest you can do in The Dog Island because you love DATA and INFORMATION and STATISTICS and wanted to KNOW YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS INSIDE OUT and yeah I calmed down a pinch over the years but there's still me. I still love statistics and I still memorise the creatures. I can still identify a bunch of real world butterflies purely from me being so into THE DOG Island like 15 years ago. That sort of memorisation set the base for me being so good at speedrunning it, actually. So ok, yeah, autism lmao
As a kid/teenager I spent a while being really judgemental, and I'm really happy to have moved past that. Less of a hypocrite and more just an authentic weirdo. Maybe that's just part of growing up, but some people don't, y'know?
I've never thought I had much of a fashion sense, but I've still managed to develop something of a style in my wardrobe. And I love my leather coats and fancy-looking hats and that practically everything is in black. So kind of my fashion sense even though I don't really know what I'm doing xD
Man. How did you guys do this? I compressed what could have been a lot of little things into less numerous things. And that's a skill that I like that I have! My brain... hasn't got a lot of RAM, shall we say. So it's gotten pretty good at compression. But now I have to think of more things when I could have split "creative" into each individual creative skill hahah
This is a weird one, because while I'm not at all patriotic, I still like being British. Because people from other countries (particularly Americans) seem to automatically think my accent is great and i can spook people with weird sounding food. It's sorta looped me into liking my own voice. Thanks, internet!
I'd like to think, when it comes to fandom, I'm alright at thinking of little things that tie things together just that slight bit more interestingly while still sticking close to the source. I've gotten enough compliments on little headcanons I mention (and worldbuilding bits particularly from my Yuke's CatzDogz fics) that my silly little noggin sees a pattern. And i think that's neat!
Friendship :] I must be doing something right! Alas I'm too scatterbrained to remember half the reasons people say they like me, but they do, and all those traits that people cite? i like em too, because I like making my friends happy ^^
There we go. Thanks for reading :]
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
This day has been INTENSE! So coming here to just read all the asks and the snippets helped me relax a little!
First of all I'm loving the drama of cheater Alec. I'm having tlnd flashbacks when people said there was no way malec would get a divorce and we ended up with that precious gem!!! Ngl I'm kinda excited for it...what I just love your malec fics so much!?!
Hospital au and amnesia au also looked chaotic and I approve 😎
Don't even get me started at this ials. I am still processing all of it😭😭 but that deserves another ask when I'm not that sleep deprived
So yeah. I had a weird fucking night. My high school best friend (and probably first love-crush) who I hadn't talked to in months and haven't called in probably more than a year and a half, just called me tonight.
I kinda ignored the fist call because my heart was beating a little bit faster than usual for some reason...
Well, she was drunk and she just asked me if she sounded bad and what should she do. I gave her some instructions and made sure she was with someone and she just ended the call apologizing, and when I told her it was ok and she should call me if something happened she just said "love you" and damn did that hit kinda hard...
And also later her friend called me through her phone and assured me she was safe and thanked me for worrying, and she told me she would call me if anything happened. That my friend had broken up with her boyfriend and she drank a little too much but that she was ok. And I don't fucking know why before we ended the call I told her "take care of her for me". She promised me she would and I wanted to cry a little ngl.
Maybe it's just that for the first time it felt too real. That we were both different and had different lives that we no longer had a part on. She had a boyfriend I didn't know of and a new best friend. I also have people in my life she doesn't know. It felt sad. I guess that's normal.
But anyway, I'm done mopping around here. I also got a weird text from a friend but I'm just gonna pretend I fell asleep and didn't see it. Too much weirdness for a day😂
noah you utter rose petal what am i going to do with you?
I hateeee people who call other people (out of the blue and after ignoring them for ages) because they 'need a friend' or 'were drunk' whatever the fuck.
you are the sweetest person i know and you deserve to be someone's first choice and someone's sober choice (ANDREW WOULD AGREE WITH ME BTW)
BUT - I am still so proud of the way you handled this. people are gonna be weird and heartless and stupid but we should try to choose kindness when we can and i am glad you did.
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Stranger Things charachters as quotes my friends said
Will: I shall defeat thee with the power of faggotry!!!! *flips board of monopoly*
Mike: The only thing gay abt me is that I like dick. That's it. That makes me 50% gay. so don't you dare call me gay!!! Call me half-gay.
(NOTE: he was not being biphobic. He was just being a homophobic homosexual. He is recovered, he has embraced 100% pansexuality)
Lucas: when my mama told me being poc was hard, this is NOT what I pictured!!!
Max: Just so you know, every time you call me a bitch, my ego inflates. 'Cause yeah, I'm a bitch and PROUD! Fuck you.
El: I think I'm the kindest person here, I'm calm, I'm sweet, I'm... *looks at Mike running away* YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE OR IMMA WHOOP IT REAL HARD!!!! *throws a pink and glittery lit-up Skecher*
Dustin: *beatboxing* I'm a genius, yeah. I'm a prodigy, yeah. Am I the best? yeah. Do you guys suck? Most absolutely. *stops* Guys, you have to do the chorus with me bc otherwise, it sounds lame.
Erica: What I lack in height I compensate in bitchiness. Which means I am 4,92126 ft tall plus 4,92126 ft in attitude. So I'm taller than all of you suckers!!
Robin: *to Steve* You've grown on me, man. I think I love you even.... *gets on one knee and holds up a rainbow-colored, heart-shaped Barbie ring* Would you my platonically beloved do the honors of being my unlawfully wedded partner in crime? 'Cause this ring is STOLEN! *sobs* pls help me!!!
Steve: Why did your parents give you such complicated names??? Like, he'll nah! I ain't remembering all those shitty names. *pointing to The Party* from now on you'll be: shit 1, shit 2, shit 3, shit 4, shit 5 and so on and so on *looks at Eddie* and you are: my little beautiful ray of life, ily!! <3
Nancy: *in a Stitch pajama onesie* ok, everyone, as the most mature person here I...
Argyle: *hits the blunt* yesterday i was thinking... and thinking... and thinking... thinking... And that was weird as hell, dude!
Jonathan: *high af* When my family told me I was gonna take care of my lil bro I did not expect this shit. Like, bitch, why you so complicated? why can't your problems just be that your tongue got stuck to a glue stick??? Like any other NORMAL person?
Murray: I have a perfect gaydar!! For example, I know my bf is gay!! See? Never misses!!
Joyce: *in an emergency* imma follow my zen book. Count to ten, ok. I can do that shit. 1... 2... 3... 4.... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... ok, now what?? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'VE COUNTED TO FUCKING TEN AND IM STILL STRESSED, HUH?? CHECKMATE BOOK!!! HAHA!! I WIN!!!! *throws book on floor and stomps on it*
Hopper: Where did my fucking life go?? Like, I had it here, and then POOF. gone forever.... Imma go and find it. COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE... YOU LITTLE SHIT!!
And I think I've covered most Stranger Things characters. If I've forgotten one tell me and I'll add them! :D
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