#ok but what if you run into a giant. i think you need more stun grenades
loth-creatures · 3 months
Considering that Ezra found his wolf in Season 2, I'm curious how Ahsoka, Rex, and maybe Commander Sato reacted to Ezra's wolf form the first time? And if Ezra and Kanan meditate, does that mean they still become Loth wolves? Or do they need to be asleep or stunned to do this? 🤔
I'm also curious about that! Rex and Ahsoka would be the least astonished, they've seen some shit, especially Ahsoka. She's deeply intrigued but it makes sense to her once Ezra explains it. I think Rex will love Wolf!Ezra. He can't wait to show Wolffe lol.
In terms of Sato and the rest of Pheonix Squadron's reaction? Well first, I think there's a good chance the Ghost crew just don't even mention it for awhile. Because after Legacy (Ezra finds out he's a wolfwalker just after Legacy) Pheonix Squadron has freshly lost their base and are just running around space again. They're not likely to encounter Wolf!Ezra, when Ezra is only occasionally going aboard other ships when he's awake. And I don't think they'd even consider the wolf appearing during a mission. It's not until it actually happens that they realize being stunned counts as sleeping lol. I think Kanan especially is of the opinion they shouldn't draw attention to it unless they have to. They don't know how other people will react. They don't know how the Empire would react when they find out. And really how do you explain turning into a giant wolf when asleep?
When they establish Chopper Base is probably when Hera decides they do in fact need to have a squadron wide meeting in which they explain that if anyone sees a giant wolf on base DO NOT SHOOT IT THAT'S OUR SON. They'd explain to Sato first, and I think he'd be pretty baffled but totally chill about it. Chalks it up to more Weird Jedi Shit, and mostly just wants to know if this is gonna require some kind of accommodations and is it going to affect what sort of missions Ezra can take.
The other rebels have mixed reactions. No one actually believes it until they see Ezra transform in person. A lot of them just think the Ghost picked up a weird pet. And when the information does saturate, most of them are just like. Sounds like some Weird Jedi Shit that is Not My Business. Those who interact with the Ghost crew most often get used to it quickly and adore Wolf Ezra! They play with him and pet him and he's actually great for morale. I imagine there's a few people legitimately disturbed by it, probably the same people who are still wary of the Jedi. Not everyone grew up on tales of the Jedi as heroes. Not everyone is used to having people with weird super powers around. But the more time passes the more Wolf!Ezra becomes a totally normal part of Pheonix Squadron and eventually a bit of a legend among the wider Rebellion.
About meditating! They definitely can become wolves while meditating, but they don't have to. In fact I imagine meditation is when they have the strongest connection and control with their wolf forms and can meditate their way into wolf form without sleeping and use it to stop from wolfing when they are sleeping. If they meditate before sleeping they can basically say 'hey not tonight, ok?' Which might occasionally be practical, but it wouldn't be comfortable. They'd feel restless and itchy and sleep terribly. At times of fierce emotion or extreme urgency they can also wolf spontaneously, and that goes for any wolfwalkers not just the Jedi ones.
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sooniessoulmate · 1 month
𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟿 - 𝙷𝚊𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
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𝚌𝚑.𝟷𝟾 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚌𝚑.𝟸��
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿 : 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍
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The sunlight fades, making way for the darkness to engulf the world. You make your way down the country road with only the light of the moon guiding your path. There are minimal street lights along the way making for an eerie walk. You’re used to the bustling energy of the highly populated city life and you hate to admit that this is kind of out of your comfort zone.  You want to turn around and run back to Donghyuck but you’re way too stubborn to admit that you aren’t capable of getting home on your own. You shake your fears away and continue down the road, praying that you are heading in the right direction.
“Hey,” a shady looking man says, appearing from the shadows. “You need a ride, pretty lady?”
You ignore him, continuing to walk while looking down at the ground, scared to accidentally make eye contact.
“Oh don’t be scared baby girl,” another man scoffs, appearing from behind the other man. “We can show you a good time.”
You know you’re now in a situation that you might not be able to get out of. You can feel the tears starting to build up in your eyes. They are tears filled with fear, shame, and disappointment in yourself that you are just too stubborn to stay with the one man that you did truly wanted to stay with. You adjust your bag on your shoulder, preparing to take off running when you feel a hand grab your shoulder. You quickly turn, preparing to swing your bag in self defense when you see Donghyuck standing behind you. 
“Come on, let’s go home,” he smiles. “My mom made up a bed for you.”
You stare blankly at him, contemplating how to properly respond. Instinctively you want to wrap your arms around him and never let go but you fight that urge. 
“Ok,” you sigh, knowing you have no other option. 
To your surprise, he doen’t have a cocky response or any response at all. He nods back and you two walk side by side back towards his parents’ house.
“It’s really isolated out here,” Donghyuck explains. “There are a lot of rough crews that hang around here at night too. If you’re not careful, a young, hot girl like you can get into a lot of trouble here.”
You still don’t have anything to say, you just listen to his words, knowing he is right. Afterall you almost found yourself in a dangerous situation before he got to you. 
“But if you’re afraid, you can hold my hand,” he smiles, putting his hand out in front of you.
You look at him, wanting to instantly grab his hand but that stubbornness in you is still present. You don’t want to show the fear, you don't want to show him any signs of weakness. You think about where your stubbornness almost got you and you know what you should do. You exhale slowly and place your hand inside of his. His hand is so warm and your tiny hand fits so perfectly in his, almost as if they were destined to be together.
“Who wouldn’t want to hold Lee Donghyuck’s hand? Afterall I was voted most eligible bachelor, most likely to succeed, and was the homecoming king the past three years. I’m like a celebrity.” he boasts. “And yet you try to keep your distance.”
“Do you think I’d fall for you just because of all of your past accomplishments and popularity?” you ask.
“What is your type anyways?” he wonders.
“Why don’t you tell me your type?” you demand.
“My type, huh?” Donghyuck repeats, looking you up and down. “Mmmmmm. Well I like someone younger, small shape, delicate hands, fair skin, stubborn, and loves to argue with me. I’ll kiss her until she can’t open her mouth.”
You cock your head to look at him before speaking. “And my type is…”
“I already know your type,” he interrupt. “Someone sexy, funny, charismatic, cheeky and playful.”
“No,” you shake your head. “Someone clean, handsome, kind and caring.”
“What?” he gasps with a giant smile on his face. “It’s me…all those things you said, you described me.”
“Ummm,” you stare at him stunned. “More importantly, not a narcissist.”
“Yes! It’s definitely me!” he boasts. 
You don’t argue, you know that no matter what you say he already has his mind made up that you are describing him and there would be no convincing him of anything different. 
You walk back to his parents’ house, tightly gripping onto his hand, not wanting to let go at all cost. You follow him up the staircase in the back of the house leading to his bedroom above the garage. You are grateful of him having his own entrance to his room therefore there would be no uncomfortable encounters with either one of his parents.
Once inside, you take your bag off and place it onto one of his chairs. He hands you a change of clothing with a smirk on his face.
“Do you need help?” he asks.
“I think I can manage,” you sigh, grabbing the clothing from him.
You turn and walk into the small bathroom inside of his room. You pull your dress off over your head, replacing it with the small t-shirt that he gave you to wear. The shirt is so small that it barely covers your ass. 
While you are in the bathroom, Donghyuck sits on his bed, patiently waiting for you to come out. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and begins scrolling through facebook.
Hwang Yeji updated her profile picture with a picture of a black screen. Donghyuck knows this is an obvious cry for attention and unfortunately it makes him feel some kind of way. He can’t resist the urge to click on her page and do a little snooping.
You slowly walk out of the bathroom, wearing the shirt he loaned you, the shirt that barely covers anything. Donghyuck looks over smiling widely upon noticing you standing in the doorway, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry,” he smiles, handing you a pair of plaid pajama pants. “I thought I had these with the clothing.”
“Thanks a lot,” you huff, quickly snatching the pajama pants from him. 
“I mean I don’t mind if you just want to wear the shirt,” Donghyuck winks. You glare at him before sliding the pajamas pants on, instantly feeling a little more at ease. 
“You can sleep in my bed, and I’ll sleep on the blow up,” he smiles, before walking into the bathroom to get changed into his pajamas.
You slowly crawl into his bed, without any hesitations. What you really want is for him to lay in the same bed with you. You want to spend the night with him so close that you could feel his heartbeat against yours. But you don’t want to disrespect his parents and decide not to push the issue. When he comes out of the bathroom, Donghyuck turns the lights off before crawling into the made up bed on the floor next to his bed, where you are laying. He doesn’t say anything to you, he doesn't need to. You can feel the tension and by now you know him well enough that you can tell there is something wrong with him.
“Are you stressing about Yeji?” you ask. He doesn’t respond, he looks at you with a surprise expression on his face.
“You’re not the only one who spies on people online,” you sigh. You are a little hurt that he still cares enough that her obvious attention seeking behavior is having this kind of effect on him.
“How did you forget about Jisung so easily?” he asks, rolling over to face you.
You think about the question for a few seconds before responding, contemplating the proper way to answer. “Who said I forgot about Jisung?” you ask, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I just no longer want to be with him. For someone that you can’t forget about, the only thing that you can do is forget your feelings for them.”
“So…” Donghyuck says, sitting up and moving over to lean onto his bed where you are laying. “Will you help me forget my feelings?”
“How can I help?” you ask.
He slowly leans down, closer to your face causing your heart to begin to race. Your breathing picks up in anticipation. He inches closer and closer until you can feel his hot breath on your skin and it feels so amazing. You slowly close your eyes…
“Ahem,” Renjun huffs from the doorway of Donghyuck’s bedroom. 
Donghyuck quickly sits up while you pull the covers up to your chin, making sure you are completely covered. 
“Mom told me to bring you some extra covers so you both will be nice and warm tonight,” Renjun announces, dropping the extra blankets onto the bed that you are laying on. “But I see that you two have that department already covered.”
“Get out of here,” Donghyuck orders, throwing a pillow at his brother. 
“Have a good night you two,” Renjun laughs, slowly backing out. “And make wise choices.”
Once the door is closed, Donghyuck exhales slowly before laying back down on his bed. You smile at the cute brotherly love that they have for each other. Renjun quickly pops his head back inside. “So have you two shagged yet?” he asks with a shit eating grin on his face. 
“Go away, damn it,” Donghyuck snaps.
“Bye,” Renjun smiles, waving before quickly making his exit. 
You roll over, getting as close to the edge of the bed as possible. “Hey Hyuck, what does shag mean?” you whisper. 
“Shag?” Donghyuck repeats, looking around attempting to avoid eye contact. “It means bathroom. He’s asking if we both used the bathroom before bed.”
“Ooooh,” you nod, readjusting in bed. “I already shagged.”
You lay down and slowly drift off to sleep. It is a restless night. You are lonely in the bed by yourself and can’t get comfortable enough to fall into a deep sleep. You open your eyes, sitting up looking around, realizing Donghyuck is no longer in his made up bed. 
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Renjun is sitting on the sofa in the garage, chugging his beer while Donghyuck is digging in the refrigerator. 
“What’s with the chick?” Renjun asks, cutting right to the point.
Donghyuck pulls out a beer, closes the fridge and looks at his brother with wide eyes. “Well nothing special,” he lies. 
“Let’s be real,” Renjun demands, scratching his face. “You didn’t break up with Yeji, did you?”
Donghyuck looks down at the ground, then back at him before responding, almost out of pure disappointment in himself. “She asked me to take a break,” he sighs.
“Well what would happen if she would all of the sudden want to get back together?” Renjun asks. “What would you do?”
You wander out of Donghyuck’s room. You can hear the two talking in the garage so you creep down the stairs so you can listen to their conversation.
“Hyuck, be honest with me,” Renjun insists. “Do you still love Yeji?”
“Yeji is my first love,” Donghyuck starts. “And I’ve been with her longer than I’ve been with anyone else. Do you expect me to feel nothing?”
“I know you two have been through a lot,” Renjun snaps. “But that doesn’t mean you have the right to keep someone on the side like this.”
“I know,” Donhyuck nods.
“Then why the fuck don’t you clear things up with Yeji first?” Renjun snaps. “Do you like this girl?”
Donghyuck stares at his brother without saying a word. He looks as though he wants to say something but can’t get the words to come out of his mouth.
“Is it really that hard for you to say those words,” Renjun huffs.  “Or is it that you really don’t want things to get serious with her?”
“I…” Donghyuck starts. “I just can’t say it out loud. Even though I desperately want to tell her how I feel. She’s the first person that I want to be serious with but I have to clear things up with Yeji first.”
You don’t know how to feel about what you heard. It is a mix of emotions but you have the urge to cry and you don't like that feeling. You slowly creep back up the stairs and crawl back into bed, attempting to go back to sleep.
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𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝
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𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗
@lostinneocity @delululi @multifandomania
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mememanufactorum · 1 year
Things my friends have said out of context (July 2023 edition)
Y'all know Japanese right?
And then gay furry porn.
We've been measuring our distance in LOTR Director's Cut length.
This is when the ants start to peek over.
Humans think existential threats look just like us.
Can't get more American than bikini clad armor women flying with snipers.
They wanted to fucking negotiate peacefully at first. Imagine the surprise when that failed.
God was not happy being stunned continuously, but I was thriving.
Ok guys, time to be replaced by a skinwalker.
I hope to watch someone eat shit on the sand dunes.
I consumed a chocolate covered coffee bean for the first time not knowing that's what it was and died.
I mean, it is coffee condensed into a powerful bean.
Alright, y'all get to be my bodyguards.
You're paid in friendship and permission to be an ass if they're a giant red flag.
I'm just bad at judging people like this, so I need bodyguards.
Except I have too many bones and they're all fragile so I don't go squish.
I make a million cracking noises.
I'm gonna eat the Zaku.
You're gonna feel every bone in my body shift and be horrified.
Plot twist: I'm running the carnival. I'm the fae.
Bathroom mirrors are awful at night.
I'm gonna squish, and not in nice way.
Why does the pool smell like fried chicken?
If this somehow works in her favor, I'm gonna Kermit.
You will not do nothing to ensure you don't purchase it.
But as we all know from endless consumption of Japanese media, anime is more powerful than God.
As it turns out, God is weak to an oversized Glock.
It's just a vampire being a freak with a Druid.
What? You don't like the Druid transforming into a literal bear to bang the vampire?
The IRS waits for no one.
Do I get to re-enact my one day as an Oblivion guard?
I still want to punt [name] a lot.
When she's in her true form, I want to bop her with a bat. The major league baseball kind of bat.
I hate it when mechs have feathery wings like this.
Not the first or the last time we will commit war crimes.
I got hit with the X. X just gave it to me.
You say this, but I am often able to sneak away by doing nothing.
What a fucking nerd. You have a boyfriend that cares about your wellbeing. Point and laugh at this nerd.
I'd pick her up, spin her around, and do the same kind of singing that confuses my dogs.
That sounds incredibly stupid. You have what's basically chocolate and savory candy.
You're beyond creatures.
Or you could be like me: Drink four shots of espresso and vibrate to the sun.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: self esteem issues, self deprecating behavior, insecurities, anxiety, mild swearing
Summary: you decide today is the day you tell Loki , as he reveals something to you.
Part 11-
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You ran around work with a smile plastered on your face. You couldn't stop thinking about last night with Loki, the way he made you feel. You were on cloud nine. If you were being honest with yourself you were falling in love with him, and hard. No one in your life had ever made you feel as special as he did. Suddenly your phone went off pulling you out of your daydream
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You felt yourself begin to panic. What could he possibly need to talk to you about, and so suddenly. Was he disappointed about last night? Did he want to break up with you? "Y/n, what's wrong, you look like you saw a ghost." You heard Sarah. "Im...I'm fine." You collected yourself putting your phone away. "I'll be in my office if you need me." You told her rushing out of the kitchen.
You paced back and forth, chewing on your fingernail waiting for Loki to come by when you heard a knock on the door. Opening it you saw Loki standing there fidgeting with hands. "Loki?" You said stepping forward "can we go inside?" He asked. You nodded stepping aside, closing the door behind you. "What's going on?" You asked watching him pace back and forth. He looked up at you "could you sit down?" He asked. "Ok, are you sure your alright?" You asked sitting in front of him.
"Y/n, I care about you a great deal, more then anyone really." He said continuing to pace. "In fact, honestly, I think im falling for you, and I don't want to keep anything from you." He said stopping in front of you. "Loki, your kinda freaking me out." You said watching him. "There is something you don't know about me. Remember when I told you Odin had lied to me, and about my......fall." he said looking down. "Yes, I remember." You said scooting forward. "It is true I was adopted, but not the way you think. During the war with Jotunhiem, he took me, hoping to unite our realms, through me." He said. "Wait, he kidnapped you!? And what's Jotunhiem?" You asked. "More or less yes, it is an ice realm, where the frost giants live." He said pacing again.
You tried to make sense of what he was saying "so are you a.....frost giant?" You asked looking at him as he nodded. "But you look.....human." You said. "It is an illusion, a trick to hide my true self." He said coming to kneel in front of you grabbing your hands. "I don't want there to be any secrets between us, so I want to......show you." He said looking into your eyes. "I want you to see me, the real me." He said. "O....ok" You said looking into his eyes. "Just...prepare yourself. It is rather monsterous." He said looking down.
You felt him squeeze your hands tighter as they got colder. Looking down you saw his fingers turn blue, following up his arm as ridges began to appear. He was still looking down as you saw the blue travel up his neck to his face. "Loki, look at me please." You said tilting your head. "The eyes are the worst part." You heard him say as he slowly lifted his head, and instead of his brilliant green eyes, blood red ones looked back at you. "This is me y/n, this is what I truly am." He said watching you.
You scanned his face, seeing the ridges on his arm went up his neck and face. His hair was the same, you had to admit it was stunning with the blue of his skin. You reached up, tracing the lines on his forehead, down his neck watching his eyes close. "Are they sensitive? The ridges." You asked running your fingers along them Yes, they are." He sighed opening his eyes. You pulled your hand back "I'm not hurting you am i?" You asked as he smiled "no Darling, it feels.....pleasant." He said. Realization hit you as your cheeks flushed. "O...ooh." you said looking at him.
"Do the ridges go..." you asked "yes, they are all over me." He smirked. "Well Loki, I think your beautiful." You smiled cupping his cheek. "Truly? This doesn't bother you?" He asked squeezing your hand. "No, it doesn't. I don't care what you look like Loki, it's what's in your heart that matters. And I can see that in your eyes." You smiled as you saw a tear stream down his cheek, wiping it with your thumb. He lunged forward, pressing his lips to yours, he pulled back looking at you "the norns truly blessed me when I met you." He smiled.
You looked down, fidgeting with your hands. "What's wrong darling?" He asked tilting his head. "Loki, there's something I need to tell you also." You said clearing your throat. "What is it?" He asked watching you. "Maybe you should grab a chair." You said still looking down. He stood, pulling a chair over sitting in front of you grabbing your hands.
"Loki, listen. I wanted to talk to you sooner. Alot sooner, but I..." you were cut off as his phone went off "I'm so sorry darling one second." He said pulling it put of his pocket. You heard him sigh "apparently there is an emergency mission and I am to be at the compound in five minutes." He said rolling his eyes. "Oh, you better hurry then." You said. "It's fine, what did you want to tell me?" He asked looking at you.
You were about to open your mouth when his phone when off again "norns what now." He growled answering it. "What." He barked into the phone. You watched him listen for a minute "fine, I'll be there in a minute brother." He sighed hanging up. "I'm sorry y/n, you were saying." He looked at you "umm you should probably go." You sighed looking at him. "But what about what you needed to talk about?" He asked. "It can wait. I'll talk to you when you get back" you said. "Are you sure? I may be gone for several days." He said. "It's ok Loki, I'll be waiting for you." You smiled at him.
He eyed you for a second "as long as your sure, I feel like this is important though" He said. "It is, but it's definitely not a five minute conversation." You sighed. "As soon as I get back we will sit down and talk, I promise." He said standing. "Ok, be safe, and message me if you can." You hugged him. "I will try, I'm not sure if my phone will work though." He said hugging you back. "Well, just make sure to come back." You leaned up kissing him. "You have my word." He said kissing you back. You watched as he left before slumping into your chair "what am I going to do?" You asked yourself rubbing your eyes.
You made your way home, your emotions sucking the life out of you. You went inside hearing Emma yelling for you. "Mommy. We saw the man with the metal arm again today!" She yelled jumping up and down. "You mean bucky?" You asked "yeah him, he's so funny." She smiled. "He is isn't he?" You picked her up taking her to the kitchen where Mel was. "I told him all about you mommy." She smiled proudly. "Oh....what did you tell him?" You asked "Well I told him you cook, and you work alot, and he asked what your name was so I told him." She shrugged.
Your stomach sank to your feet "Mel, what did Bucky say?" You asked closing your eyes. "Oh, he just asked if it was the same y/n that owned Sweet Cravings, I told him it was. And he told me he goes in there all the time and he he didn't know you had a kid." She shrugged. You put your head down taking a deep breath "but he got a call to go on some mission so he had to leave in a hurry, that's really about it." She smiled as your eyes shot open. "He got called on a mission!?" You half yelled. "Yeah. Some kind of emergency. Are you ok?" She asked.
You suddenly felt like you were going to throw up "d...did he say who all was going?" You asked "yeah, umm him, Thor and Loki." She said. You felt like the room was spinning "Emma angel go play please." You said setting her down. You pulled your phone out, looking up Loki's number. "Y/n, what is wrong?" Mel demanded. "I need to call Loki, now." You said pressing send, the call going straight to voicemail. "Fuck!" You yelled "do you have Bucky's number?" You asked "yes, why?" She asked. "Call him, please." You asked watching her pull her phone out. "It went to voicemail." She said setting her phone down.
"Oh my God, he's gonna tell him, I know he will." You said pacing. "What are you on about?" She asked. "He doesn't know Mel! He doesn't know about Emma!" You yelled. "What!? I thought you told him, why didn't you tell him!?" She yelled back. "I don't know, I was scared, I didn't want to lose him. I was being.....selfish." You sighed plopping on a chair. "I was going to tell him today actually, he was at the shop. But then he got called on that stupid mission, and I know Bucky is going to say something." You said rubbing your eyes.
Mel came over sitting next to you "I should have told him sooner, alot sooner. It wasn't fair to him to keep it from him. He's going to hate me." You looked down. "I don't think he'll hate you, he'll probably be upset though." She said "and I wouldn't blame him. He's probably going to break up with me." You felt your eyes burn. "You don't know that, maybe he'll understand. Especially after what your ex did." She said rubbing your back. "I love him Mel, I really do, and I'm going to lose him because I'm a coward." You sobbed, putting your hand over your mouth so Emma wouldn't hear you. "I wanted to tell me him, I really did." You sobbed as Mel pulled you into her. "It's going to be ok y/n. You'll see. Just talk to him when he gets back." She said rubbing your arm.
You wanted to be positive. Hopeful that Loki would in fact understand. But something in the pit of your stomach knew better. You hoped it wouldn't, but you felt the end coming...
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @mcufan72 @midnights-ramblings @sonatabee @catalina712 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @kilikina34512 @delightfulheartdream @froggiecky @sinsandguilt @sweetberry47 @buttercupbestie @wtfislifeugh @asgardianprincess1050 @commanding-officer @lovingchoices14 @crystaldragonborne @juulle987 @xorpsbane @elenaysusneuras @yoongissidebitchh @daggers-and-mischief @lightupmyjass @plut0min @lulubelle814 @lucylaufeyson3 @howdidurhammergrowchris @d1a2n389 @lokiprompts @sititran @kats72 @awesomephilosophus @justagirlthatlikesanime @lokisninerealms
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michwritesstuff · 3 years
Late Nights (The Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron)
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This song just gives giant Rafe Cameron enemies to lovers vibes! Also, Holy shit, this is my longest work ever! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it!
This takes place season 1, before Rafe kills Peterkin. Let’s just pretend he’s not a psychopath. He’s still the resident bad boy of Figure 8, but not a killer…
summary: female reader (she/her) x Rafe Cameron When Y/N finds herself abandoned by her friends at a house party thrown by no other than Kook King, Topper Thornton, she finds odd company in the form of her classmates and neighbors that she has taken very little liking to. She is surprised to learn that her disinterest in all things “kook-related” has sparked the interest of a particular kook. tw: mention of alcohol/drug consumption, slight smut (18+) word count: 4.1k
Y/N might’ve been a kook, but if it wasn’t for her consistent attendance to Figure Eight events you wouldn’t have known. She hated all the superficial bullshit and quickly found herself befriending a certain group of pogues who she would often run into while working on the Cut. Everything in her life had been so easy for her, and although she was grateful, she couldn’t help but feel guilty about the privilege she received while her friends had spent their life fighting for a chance. Being able to find an ally in Kie was all that Y/N had to look forward to as she continued to find a place for herself among the fight between class divisions in her small hometown.
Summer was coming to an end, and with a few weeks left you couldn’t help but just enjoy the moments with your friends. Sitting on the small boat as the sun slowly set, passing the blunt around while you all tried to keep a serious conversation going before blurting out laughing at some stupid shit JJ had said. You had even found an unlikely friend in the form of kook princess, Sarah Cameron. You had known Sarah Cameron for as long as you could remember, always greeting each other’s families at events and having at least one class together every year. But this was different, you had known Sarah but never gave her a chance to hang out. When John B mentioned her a few weeks ago and started to bring her around you and the other pogues were stunned to say the least. You knew that she was dating Topper Thornton, I mean everyone knew that, but what she had with John B was different, at least from what you had seen. “This was great guys, but I promised Topper I would meet him at his party. Keep up appearances, you know?” Sarah said unsurely. Everyone looked around, nodding in understandment, except John B. “I don’t like him,” JJ spoke up, standing up for John B who continued sulking in silence. “Yeah, him and Rafe are always doing some shit,” Pope also spoke up. “You guys have no idea,” Kiara replied while rolling her eyes at the thought of the kook boys she had known so well. You also nodded in response. “Yeah, well I would invite you guys, but I can’t imagine that going over well.” Once again everyone nodded in agreement, except John B. “What if Y/N goes with you,” he suggested. “Thanks for throwing me under the bus!” you exclaimed back at him. Sarah turned to you with a shy smile, “It’s not such a bad idea. I mean you would know almost everyone.” “Yeah, so does Kie, you don’t see her being volunteered to go,” you exclaimed again. “That’s because they actually like you,” Kie replied, smirking when you rolled your eyes at her statement, she was right. “C’mon Y/N it’ll be fun. You’ll have me to hang out with and if you absolutely hate it, we’ll make up an excuse and leave. Besides, it’d be nice to have someone there that I don’t need to be fake with.” You thought for a moment before slowly nodding your head, cursing under your breath as your friends cheered around you. “There’s our little kookie,” JJ stated, jumping away in defense as you attempted to punch his arm.
The bass of the music pounded in your ears as you walked up the driveway. If even possible it got louder once you finally entered the front door, you swore your eardrums were about to rupture. Finding the kitchen, you reached out for two truly’s, your disappointment in the night continuing as feeling they were just room temperature. They weren’t your first choice of alcohol to get through a night like this and seeing as though they weren’t even cold made it worse. You instantly cracked it open, downing as much as you could on the first sip. You handed the other one to Sarah, bumping your open can to her’s in an attempt to say cheers. She laughed at you, “I’m gonna go find Topper. You’ll be okay if I leave you alone for a few minutes?” You took another sip before responding, “Figured this would happen at some point, yeah I’ll be good.” Watching her leave your eyes scanned the kitchen, deciding you needed to loosen up some more you pushed off the counter, “I need something stronger,” you whispered under your breath.
Making your way through the house you scanned the room for unattended bottles you could mooch off. To your surprise you were pulled by the arm, “Omg Y/N, what are you doing here?” a girly high-pitched voice screeched. You turned around, already ready to use your preppy voice, “Hey Claire,” you responded in a mock happy voice matching hers. Claire was sweet, n just not your cup of tea. The two of you had always been civil, sharing a few classes here and there. “Mind if I?” you asked, gesturing to the bottle of Tito’s vodka in her hand. “Oh sure, just be careful. I’ve gotten fucked up with this shit more times than I could remember,” she laughed while handing you the bottle. You lift the bottle up to your lips, the taste on the rim barely making an impact on your tastebuds. But as you thew your head back and lifted the bottle you took one big swig. The alcohol ran down your throat, a warmth following the path it took as it settled in your stomach. “Ugh, Claire, that shit is just straight rubbing alcohol. How the fuck do you drink that?” you exclaimed, handing her the bottle as you wiped the back of your mouth with your hand. She laughed at your reaction, “Believe me, in a little while you won’t even care how it tastes. Just know that you’ll feel it.” You nodded your head while once again scanning your eyes across the room. A few feet away was a coffee table surrounded by teens. Claire noticed your interest and dragged you over. Looking up from the table was Rafe Cameron, Sarah’s brother, who on more than one account you had gotten into a heated argument about your choice of friends. The two of you made eye contact as he wiped the leftover residue from the line of cocaine he had just done. Classy as ever Cameron, you thought as you broke eye contact and examined all the other teens waiting their turn. Rafe greeted Claire with a smirk and half-nod before returning his attention to you. “Awww Y/L/N, get tired of hanging around those boring old pogues, and decided to have some real fun?” he mocked while gesturing to the lines set up in front of him. You scoffed at his suggestion, “Keep dreaming,” you responded. Living in your teenage years and drinking was one thing, but if your parents caught you doing drugs there was a good chance you wouldn’t have much of a life to live. Making eye contact with you he slowly lowered himself closer to the table, quickly doing another line before looking up at you again. Is this kid trying to kill himself? you thought to yourself. You reached out for Claire’s bottle, taking another swig before motioning it up to Rafe. “Always a pleasure Cameron,” you stated before handing Claire her bottle.
Leaving the room, you realized that you hadn’t seen Sarah for a while. Wandering around the house in attempt to find her you bumped into Topper. “Hey Top, seen Sarah anywhere?” you asked. “Uhm a little while ago, she said she went to go find you,” he said quizzingly. “Yeah, right. Just kidding, she went to the bathroom. I’ll go find her,” you quickly spitted out. Nearly running you got away from Topper as fast as you could before finding an empty spot on the wall. Leaning back against the wall, you pulled your phone from your pocket and found a few texts from Sarah and one from John B. “Hey Y/N, John B showed up.” “We just left, please distract Topper.” “I owe you one.” You responded back, “ughh ok, I’m on it.” Clicking on John B’s name you read his message, “sorry kookie, had to steal her. thanks!” You rolled your eyes at the dumb nickname him and the others decided for you, their attempt to always tease you about your kook lifestyle. You sent him the middle finger emoji and a yellow heart before turning your phone off and looking around for Topper. Spotting him talking to Kelce you kept your place on the wall. As long as you could see him and he couldn’t see you, there was no reason to suspect anything about Sarah. Besides, after about half an hour you could probably make a break for the exit, and no one would notice.
As you continued to scroll on your phone you were slightly startled by the presence of another human standing near you. Your eyes looked up to a boy standing in front of you. He was tall, but you couldn’t ignore how young and immature he looked. “Don’t even think about it freshman,” you said before he had the chance. He laughed while nodding his head. “Hey, I had to try. Should’ve known a girl as smart as you wouldn’t give me a chance,” he responded. You gave him a quizzical look as you quickly glanced him up and down. He wasn’t too dumb if he knew to compliment your intelligence over any physical feature. He reached his hand out to shake yours, “I’m Nathan.” You glanced at his hand for a second before reluctantly shaking it “I’m Y/N,” you replied. “I know,” he said a little too quickly making the both of you chuckle. “Mrs. Nichol said you were the captain of the mock trial team. She talked to you the other day about me joining,” he rambled on. You laughed at his apparent nervousness. “Oh yeah, well I guess it’s nice to meet you, Nathan. Not exactly the type of place to bring up extracurriculars,” you laughed while motioning to the number of teens, drugs, and alcohol around you. As you did you could feel the stare from a certain kook, no doubt watching your exchange with the boy in front of you. “Probably not, but it did get you talking to me,” he quirked back. Nodding your head in amusement at his reply you responded, “Touché.” As the volume of the music had apparently increased within the last few seconds of your exchange, Nathan leaned forward slightly so he could hear you better. “Can I get you something to drink?” He asked while leaning down. “I can take it from here,” you heard Rafe speak from behind you as he slid his hand around to the small of your back. Confused by the situation unraveling in front of you, you were quick to speak. “Uhm, actually Cameron, Nathan and I were having a lovely conversation about something you couldn’t possibly be interested in,” you stated attempting to distance yourself away from Rafe and closer to Nathan. “Yeah, I—” Nathan attempted to speak before being interrupted, “Seriously, Miller, beat it or practice on Monday will be hell.” You confusingly looked at Nathan and Rafe before finally understanding. Just like you would be Nathan’s captain, so was Rafe. “Water polo?” you questioned. “Yeah, you’ll catch a game?” he asked in return. “Yeah!” you said sweetly before a mocking scoff turned your attention to Rafe, to which your surprise still had his hand on the small of your back, it almost felt natural that you hadn’t noticed it was still there. Looking at him expectantly he pulled his hands away holding them up in an ‘ok I get it’ way. “Can I help you?” you asked expectantly. “Care to go for a swim?” he asked. You looked at him confused, you weren’t sure if it was your light buzz from your shots of vodka talking but he seemed just as surprised as you were as you answered, “yes!”
As he grabbed your hand, you quietly followed as he led you through the house. “I’m gonna need more alcohol before we do this,” you exclaimed as loud as you could, hoping he would hear you over the volume of the music. He turned to look at you for a moment before turning back and nodding, showing that he had in fact heard your request. Walking through the kitchen he left you at the counter while reaching into one of the cabinets, pulling down a full bottle of Tito’s. He motioned you from your spot and you continued to follow. “My parents got this as a gift for the Thornton’s but it’s not really their style.” You nodded understandingly, Topper’s parents didn’t really seem like the type to be chugging back vodka shots, they were more sophisticated. Following him through the house you were confused as you walked past the sliding glass door that led to the pool and the dozens of other teens who had the same idea you two had, or so you thought. “Where are we going?” you asked. Rafe stayed silent as you continued following him. Opening another set of glass doors, he let you exit first before quickly following. On the side of the house was a hot tub that apparently no one knew about, seeing as though you and Rafe were the only ones out here. “What the hell is this, Cameron?” you asked. He looked at you, confusion evident on his face. “You said we were going swimming. We can’t do that in a hot tub.” He laughed before handing you the now open bottle of Tito’s, watching you take a sip he replied, “What, did you plan on working on your breaststroke or something?” He said jokingly. “No, I actually planned on playing mermaids. Maybe it’s you who needs to work on breaststroke,” you responded wittily. He feigned shock and hurt, taking the bottle from your hand. “My breaststroke is amazing, just ask your friend Claire,” he winked as you scoffed in amusement and disgust. After taking another sip he handed the bottle back to you, removing his clothes he stripped down until he was in his boxers. That left little to the imagination as you could see the outline of his dick printed. Feeling your eyes, he gave you a smirk to which you sheepishly took another sip of vodka, shaking as you felt the liquid burn down your throat. Entering the hot tub, he sat with arms spread out to both his sides, resting on the edge. “Aren’t you going to join me?” he asked. You nodded, feeling your breath catch in your throat. You handed him the bottle, starting to undress as you felt his eyes drawn to your exposed skin where you had begun to lift your shirt. “Hey! Turn around Cameron,” you exclaimed. He put his hands up in defense, turning his head so his attention was drawn to the bubbles and pressure coming from the jets. Folding your shirt and jeans on to the table nearby you turned back around to Rafe examining your exposed body adorning a basic black sports bra and lace thong. You immediately turned red, not knowing how to react under his intense stare. As you entered the hot tub you slipped when placing your foot on the bench to step in, landing you a little closer to Rafe then you planned. He held your arm as you attempted to steady yourself. “You alright?” he asked. You were able to manage out a “mhmm” as you reached for another sip from the bottle. He gladly handed you the bottle, a lazy smile on his face.
You weren’t sure how you always ended up like this but something about being drunk and outside led to you staring at the moon and stars. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Rafe asked, breaking the silence. You tried to remain calm with his choice of words, not wanting him to know the effect he was having on you. “Just thinking,” you responded quietly. “About what,” you scanned his face for a second, genuine interest radiating off him. “As niche as it sounds, life…I mean doesn’t this all seem so pathetic,” you stated as you continued to stare off into the sky. “Life?” he asked, laughing to mask his confusion. You chuckled along with him, “No, this…pogues vs. kooks. It’s all so fucking dumb. There are so many more problems out there, so many people who need help and we can’t even come together to help people in our own community.” He just hummed as you continued to ramble on, listening to what you had to say. “I can’t help but just feel guilty. I mean what did I do to deserve this type of life. I mean my parents work hard but they’ve had so many opportunities because of their parents and their parents, and it just keeps going. This sort of generational wealth and success…” you quietly trailed off as you realized who you were talking to. “But I mean you probably don’t care,” you said while looking at him. He shook his head with a smirk. “Now I know why Sarah never shuts up about how smart you are.” You looked at him more intently, “what?” you exclaimed. He nodded his head, before turning his attention to the sky like you had before. “I mean, I guess I just never thought of it that way. Kind of blind to the privilege that I have.” “Must be all the coke,” you mumbled to yourself under your breath. He shot you a warning look before chuckling, “might be the coke,” he responded. You laughed along with him before a serious tone washed over him. “I mean it Y/N, you’re just so attuned to the needs of others,” He exclaimed. “Well, you can be like that too,” you reassured him. “Yeah right, there’s not a lot of hope left for me,” he replied sarcastically. “That’s not true. I mean sure you have your flaws, but from what I’ve seen you’re a good friend, loyal and family is important to you. Those are good qualities, and I mean of course you’re not half bad looking.” He laughed at the last part. “Well, Y/L/N, you’re extremely caring, intelligent, and hot as fuck! So, you have that going for you.” It was your turn to laugh and turn red at his comment.  You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol dulling your senses, but as you looked into Rafe’s eyes you felt yourself being drawn closer. You both leaned in, lips barely brushing each other as your breaths slowed. “Can I kiss you,” he asked. You could barely hear him over the sound of your own heart beating in your chest. “Please,” you nearly whined. Your tone making Rafe swoon as he gently pushed his lips onto yours.
As happy as you were with his gentleness, the alcohol you had consumed throughout the night had made you far hornier than you liked to admit. Leaning deeper into the kiss you gently placed your hands onto his chest before lightly pushing him back to so you could straddle his lap. As you did so, Rafe took a large sip from the bottle, as you looked at him expectantly. He gave you a smirk before bringing the bottle close to your lips, tilting your head back, you let him pour some of the alcohol down your throat. Before you could process the liquid once again burning the back your throat you pressed a heated kiss on to his lips. As your hands moved up from their place on his chest to the back of his neck, playing with the ends of his hair, his hands move from where he was setting the bottle down to trailing around your waist and landing on your ass, holding you in place. As your tongues continued to fight for dominance, he pulled away slightly. Kissing down your jaw and starting to suck on your neck you slightly grinded down on to him while continuing to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. His hands left your waist, guiding your hips back and forth as you continued to grind on him. As he continued to work on your neck you moaned as he found your sweet spot, “Fuck Rafe,” you exclaimed. You could feel him smirk as he continued. Giving him a break, you leaned forward slightly, changing the angle to which you were grinding down on him and leaving marks over his neck and chest. “Fuck babe,” he stated. “Being so good to me,” he continued as he leaned in for another kiss. “Yes, sir,” you said, testing the waters. You could clearly tell that you were starting to drive Rafe crazy as he moaned into your mouth at your response. Roughly grabbing your hip, he speeded the pace of your grinding. As you continued to litter marks along his chest, he reached a hand up to pull your sports bra down far enough so that your boobs were spilling over the top. The pressure of the band along with the added sensation of Rafe’s mouth on your nipple was almost too much. Along with this you could feel how hard he had gotten under you. I mean, you knew he was big, but this was godly. Your makeout session was quickly abrupted as you both snapped your heads to the sound of the glass doors sliding open. Quickly removing yourself from Rafe’s lap and adjusting your bra, you sat silently, reaching for the bottle again. “What’s up Top?” Rafe asked nonchalantly. Topper looked at you both slyly, clearly knowing what he half-witnessed between the two of you. “Not much, I can’t find Sarah anywhere Y/N. And she’s not answering her fucking calls.” “Yeah, she wasn’t feeling well. Said she headed home; her phone probably died. Don’t worry Top,” you said as convincingly as the alcohol would let you. Topper seemed to accept your answer and reentered the house. Rafe looked at you unconvincingly. “She just left you?” he asks. Avoiding his gaze, you let your hands play with the water. Slowly nodding your head, you responded, “guess so…” “That doesn’t sound like Sarah,” he continued. “Well that’s what happened,” you snapped. Thinking about the conversation you would have to have with Sarah about how you failed to keep Topper distracted and the alcohol finally making its presence in your system known was too much to handle. “Ughh back to reality, I guess,” you groaned out. Rafe pulled you into his side so that his arm was around your shoulder and your head resting on his. “What are you up to now?” he asked. “Figuring how to make it home alive,” you chuckled dryly. He hummed in thought next to you. After a second, he spoke, surprising you in the process, “Stay with me.” “Rafe…” you dragged out unsurely. “Seriously Y/N, that way you don’t have to worry about going home right now.” You looked at him for a second before slowly nodding. Getting out of the hot tub he disappeared for a second before returning with a set of towels. As you both dried yourselves off and gathered your clothes you headed to Topper’s guestroom.
Stumbling around in your drunken state, Rafe grabbed the clothes from your hand. Setting them on a nearby table he turned so that you were facing each other. Reaching down slightly he grabbed your legs from under your thighs so that he was now carrying you. Feeling the warmth of his chest you pressed closer, wrapping your legs around his hips in the process. With each step you slightly bounced against him. The sexual tension from earlier quickly returning. Finally reaching the room Rafe laid down so that you were now on your back while he hovered over you. With your legs around his waist and arms around his neck you gently pulled him in, pecking a sweet kiss on your lips. “I need to shower,” you said shyly. He nodded his head, pulling away slightly so he was standing, and you stayed sprawled out on the bed. “I’ll go get us some water,” he stated as he slowly walked out the room. Leaving the door cracked enough so he wouldn’t bother anyone with the sound of it opening and closing you sat up, finally taking in your surroundings. Getting up and heading to the bathroom you folded your towel, pulling off your bra and underwear as you let the water run until it was hot enough. As you let the water run over your body you stood for a minute, just thinking about everything that had happened that night, you rub your hands down your face, muttering “fuck.” You weren’t sure what was happening, but it was a problem future you would just have to deal with later.
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours :)
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mapleglasses27 · 2 years
Formals over Casuals - KNJ x GN! Reader
Summary - Just a fluff with rainy weather and formally dressed Joon. TW - Nothing, really.
Rain pattered onto the textured concrete beneath your feet, as you held your leather jacket over your head to shield yourself from the weather. Your shoulders were dusted in little drops of water that managed to get through your makeshift umbrella, as you waited in front of a large, fancy building for your large, fancy boyfriend. 
Emphasis on the ‘Fancy’ part. 
Well, that was exactly how he was looking as he practically sprinted to you, disappointment evident as he got closer and realized the figure that he thought to be a black umbrella was really just your old leather jacket. 
Water had soaked through his blue, silk dress-shirt, and little droplets of water lay atop his blazer. His hair had stuck to his forehead, water running down the crevices of his face-
Ok, no. You were here to help your boyfriend unwind after a long and probably stressful conference meeting, not fawn over him like the several other million and more people did. 
As he neared you, he put his hand on your shoulder, bringing him closer to you. The wet state of your T-shirt became more obvious on the contrast of Namjoon’s deliciously warm arm, and you uttered some form of a greeting. 
“Rain’s a spoilsport, no?” He said in his naturally silky voice.
“I rather think it’s beautiful.” You replied, looking up at him. 
You pulled your old leather jacket over his head, and you were suddenly feeling thankful for the 2 inch shoes you had put on as you had left your house. Although they gave little boost to your height, anything would help against your 6’0’’ gentle giant. 
He looked at you, stunned. After all, besides Namjoon’s rather expensive blazer, there was nothing to shield the both of you from the ongoing rain besides your leather. And you had given him the better part of your jacket, the rate of your shirt becoming wet increasing. 
“What? Formals over casuals, right?” You said payfully, in response to his (adorable) surprised face. 
His features morphed into a gleeful smile, as he pulled out your car keys from your pocket, letting his left hand stay on the small of your back. 
You both got into the car, the leather jacket discarded in the backseat, as Namjoon indulged you in a slow, enjoyable kiss. Your hands ran through his hair, travelling back down to the nape of his neck, his delightfully soft and warm skin under your (probably frostbitten ) fingertips. 
“Your hands are cold, you know.” He said, breaking away. 
“Something tells me you don’t mind.” 
You both settled in your car seats, and you went about the general questions about his conference meeting, which lasted for the vast majority of your 40 minute car ride home. 
Right now, though, you and Namjoon were in a comfortable silence, your hands on the 
steering wheel, and his fingers tracing the raindrops through the window. 
“Do you love me?” Namjoon asked, his question breaking the silence. 
In the fraction of a heartbeat, you replied. 
“More than you could ever imagine.” 
You didn’t even need to steal a glance at your boyfriend to know that he was smiling. 
A.n - This is just a little drabble I came up with because where I live, we’re kinda descending into the rainy season and it looks so pretty. I also haven’t posted in a long time. 
503 Words, 
Skylight Maple. 
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP x Fem!Child!Hybrid!Reader
Main Masterlist | SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Rules | Request | Socials | My Original Post
Requested by: @nightfoxyycats
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I'm so sorry this took longer than expected T_T
(Yes Ik it's longer than the others I do, and that's cuz I usually end up mixing the headcanons into drabbles/one-shots, but this time, I kept it as bullet points and I got carried away. Oops. And yes, it's easier to write headcanons this way but it'll end up being long af)
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
Anyways, the little test was just a plain and boring one and little (Y/N) was taken back to her containment cell after 10 minutes. Cain had requested to see you as he remembered seeing in your file that you can breathe fire and cry lava among other things due to your dragon abilities.
It's not like he didn't believe them since he's been in the foundation for many years, but he was just curious about a hybrid child like you and wanted to see if you were doing well. You being a shy child was quiet at first and when Cain went to visit you every so often, you both became close and he was a father figure to you, even though you were abandoned by your father since birth and your mother died not long later.
He took good care of you and made sure you were well fed. You were rather polite to the guards and staff so Cain wouldn't need to worry too much about you intentionally killing them. But only for a short period of time as who knows what you'll be like when you're older.
Luckily for Cain, you were also carnivorous, so he didn't have to worry about you eating your 5 a day (not that you wanted to anyways you ungrateful meat-eating child).
Whenever there's a containment breach, the first thing he does is to look for you
Aside from some side effects, he isn't worried too much as he wouldn't receive any wounds anyways so hell just charge towards anyone who looks/sound like you
He's basically your new dad ok?
SCP 076 (Abel)
Abel first came into contact with you during a containment breach
He just saw you casually flying around and occasionally lending the guards a hand by breathing fire just to burn some holes for easier access (how professional)
He saw you again moments later when you were alone and you decided to approach this hulk of a man to ask for some help, thinking he worked there. Abel had abandoned you (like your hopes and dreams left you a millennium years ago) but you insisted on going with him so he took you in
Later his rage in the facility had vanished as he had cared for you for the short period of time he had met you and handed you over to the guards, much to their surprise
He then ran away as he's not totally scared of kids or anything and hid in his box
You insisted on visiting 076-2 and so the researchers did, realising much later that you both had bonded. Abel was a parental figure to you.
A very overbearing protective guardian I must say.
Even more so when there's a containment breach
Like imagine 610 and 682 mashed up together to form an extremely hostile entity and that's Abel for you
But that's only if you were hurt, if you weren't or fit was just a normal containment breach, had be extremely worried
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor) (Guy's pls don't be mistaken, I don't have any beef with 049 ok? XD If I make any characters a little OC then 049 will gladly rid the pestilence from you without consent)
This sassy MF so-called doctor right here met you when for some reason, the doctors had decided to put you both into a testing room (no, it wasn't Bright's idea).
049 was just doing his thing as you just sat on a really high chair (cuz you do be short so ofc you wouldn't be sitting on a lower chair which is lower than your taste in men/women) and watched curiously. The doctor thought it was somewhat cute and laughed slightly from your curiosity.
Sensing that you didn't have the pestilence, he allowed you to scooch closer just to see. After the test was done, the guards took you back out with slight aggression, but you, for some reason, were still polite to the guards despite their aggression which made 049's heart swell due to your pureness.
You yawned slightly and accidentally blew out fire from your mouth which almost caused a containment breach if it weren't for 049's quick thinking
Later on, the researchers had decided to put you both in the testing room again, and you both began to bond as 049 requested you to burn the bodies he performed surgery on
Needless to say, you both had a great time and the researchers were mildly amused
If you somehow knew another friend (*ahem* 035), he'd probs ask him/her to care/loof for you if there were a containment breach
Or he would just sigh and look after you himself if you were closer to 035 and he asked so nicely
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask) (Right about 049 being sassy.... I'll take that back, 035 is the sassiest, right next to a certain sculpture in the foundation)
Anyhow, 035 was actually the reason you were stuck in the foundation anyways
God knows how, but you met this guy wearing this theatre mask and you ended up here in the foundation
Now everyone thought you were either a Keter or Euclid
I mean, you were so close to being put into the Euclid class but ended up in safe since you were so polite to the researchers as well as shy and relatively easy to contain... For now
Whenever they used you in a test, you were rewarded with whatever you wanted, within reason ofc, whenever you behaved well which was like 98% of the time minus minor accidents since you weren't entirely in control of your powers
Sometimes instead of a reward, you'd request to see 035 as he would perform to you and that was only granted when its safe to do so and when that hideous mask would do as he/she/it is told
035 would be that somewhat overprotective yet goofy uncle that everyone loved and he was totally wrapped around your fingers unless you were hurt or if he urgently needed something or someone
If there was a containment breach, he'd look for you, if not he'll call out his 'friend' to look out for you (*cough* 049 *cough*)
When 035 finds you, he'd most likely ask you to fly around to see the nearest exit or he'd just carry you when there's someone chasing you
If 035 were to kill anyone, you'd cry and tell him no to which did end up in burning the floor but oh wells, they're rich enough to contain him so why not use the extra money to rebuild the floor right?
Anyways, 035 loves you no matter what and he'd do anything to make sure you're doing well
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Ok so, when you and 999 first met each other, you were kind of just wandering around the facility minding your own business
999 just casually slithered up to your leg and offered you some sweets and a hug since you looked upset and so you accepted it
You both found a place to sit and just talk bout stuff and what life was like before you were captured
But you were cheery just like 999 and rarely attacked anyone, and if you ever did, it was either that you were hella pissed or you accidentally breathed fire/teared up some lava which burnt some stuff
The researchers would secretly take in some notes bout your interactions and just continued on with their day and left you both alone, but would sometimes keep a stern eye on you
They say it's for everyone's safety, and that's true to an extent, but the main reason they do it is to monitor your progress of you controlling your powers
Anyways, sometimes when it gets busy in the cafe or down the hallway, you just fly across the room, and sometimes, you'll be extra cheeky and play hide and seek with the researchers
999 would occasionally join in but he's more like a worried older brother to you
During containment breaches, 999 would run around looking for you and when he did, he would check if you had any injuries
When you say you didn't, he was relieved but not for long since you mentioned bout making new SCP friends and he just died right there and then (not really)
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
Similarly to Able, he'd be wary of you at first
Like, he can sense that you weren't just an ordinary child when you just appeared behind him
He was somewhat irritated when you followed him around, but you reminded him of 053, so he just let it slide and let you show some affection towards him
It's not like he didn't like it, he was just embarrassed
Anyhow, the researchers wanted to test how 682 would bond with you, so they made you meet up with him again but in his cell
You were both chatting like father and daughter and soon, everyone had found out that not only could you fly, you could also cry lava, which yes did burn a small hole on the ground and you could somehow breathe fire
You were also immune to the fire and lava so they decided to have a full-on body check and discovered that you were built similar to the komodo dragon with a side of 682 (XD Don't ask)
682 was left stunned, but luckily he didn't feel the need to run up the wall like that bunny
Like who tf invented a self-eating bunny?
Anyways, research shows that just like Abel, the giant lizard was very protective of you
The theory has it that you were somehow related to the lizard, perhaps he laid an egg before containment and some guy took it in and froze it then decided to hatch the egg
During containment breaches, he would basically rampage around the facility, killing anyone and everyone until he found you
And when he did, he would check on you like the amazing father he is and then carry on killing but was then stopped by you
So he would just carry you around until you fell asleep
SCP 105 (Iris)
I think Iris would be a good mother/sister figure when it comes to kids
It kinda came from the fact that Iris hangs out with Abel and Cain a lot, so it kinda just rubs off her
Her motherly/sisterly instinct just heightened when she first found you on a mission and she just took you in
It took a while to bribe the foundation that she kinda had custody
Not exactly custody, but she had a say when it came to your safety, especially the fact that you weren't exactly human and your appearance would cause a disturbance to others
I feel like Iris would be a stern yet kind guardian towards you, leaning towards the stern part since you're a child SCP and has fire breath and lava tears
Iris wouldn't be entirely bothered by you flying around, but she had to bribe the researchers and some SCPs to help you fly better
She would murder anyone who had to cry because they made you cry and cleaning up after your tears is such a mess considering that you have little control over them
Your fire breath on the other hand is slightly more controllable, but if you were hella happy or mad you'd breathe the fire and burn anyone/anything
Most of the time, its unintentional and you're usually sweet and kind towards anyone, so manners aren't a big thing for Iris to teach you
She'd even teach you some of the stuff she learnt/discovered and you'd just sit there being nosy and curious about everything
Like that one time, you almost caused a breach cus you were so curious and friendly that 682 was about to snap off your head and rampage out of the foundation
And don't even get me started with the brothers and 096, OML
Other than that, you both were like a family you never had :,) (You're welcome!!!)
During containment breaches, Iris would literally pick you up and run
Unless you weren't with her for whatever reason (Yes, you're attached to each other's hips... Don't lie, you love it!), she'd do anything to find you
If you were hurt, shed tend to your injuries immediately and lecture you about safety
If you weren't hurt, shed still give you a lecture, then pick you up and run
If you made friends on the way, she may or may not approve and bite of anyone head
And the foundation wouldn't want an Angry!Iris around
SCP 106 (Old Man)
This old man here is basically the definition of a cool uncle/granddad
Without a doubt, he'd go into his pocket dimension and comes back with a teddy bear or some sweets
He'd spoil you a lot and the foundation had enough of this cuz by the time you become an adult, you wouldn't be independent enough
Anyways, 106 would let you go into his dimension and practice your abilities there for the safety of others
The researchers would occasionally ask you to carry a camera with you just so they know what it's like in his pocket dimension
106 rarely gets mad, and even if he was, it'll be about someone trying to hurt you since you're too kind and shy to make him mad
You're even kind to the researchers and guards which is worrying to 106 as they might take advantage of your kindness (which may be true for some, but most of them are just glad you're kind since it makes their jobs so much easier)
Sometimes, you'd make things levitate which was a shock to anyone who walked by and witnessed this
But only for a few seconds though, so it's not much
106 would encourage you to use your telekineses and he'd attempt to train you
Which didn't work so well, so that sucks
During containment breaches, he'd use his pocket dimension to his advantage
He'd hide you in there just so you don't have to get hurt
If you weren't there with him, he'd kill and hunt down anyone who might know where you are
He'd make sure you weren't hurt otherwise he would go into scary uncle mode
If you weren't hurt, he would just hug you which stops you from crying lava
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Now what makes you and 096 a unique pairing is that you're both shy
The only difference is that you can speak but 096 kinda doesn't
But that's not a problem since you both just understood each other since day 1
I'd say 096 is that introverted uncle/cousin but he's kinda chill and sweet with you
As for containment breaches, the only difference with this tall guy is that not only will he kill anyone who sees his face, he'd also hunt down anyone who'd hurt you
096 has a newfound ability for this and the researchers were shocked when they first found out
A certain chainsaw loving doctor wanted to test it out himself but was stopped rather quickly by the other researchers
Anyways, one time you almost burnt down the foundation because 096 crept up behind you which scared you to tears
And you screamed as well which didn't help at all since you could breathe fire
Also, when you're not with 096, you'd use your levitating powers to grab lighter objects which did result in the objects falling onto your head
And this is why you need to train more, so then objects wouldn't be yeeted onto your tiny head and knock the nonexistent brain cells out of your nonexistent brain - Sorry not sorry (Ok so at least pretend to laugh)
If anyone bullied you and you didn't say a word, 096 would know and even if you tried to stop him, it wouldn't work
Unless you're in a life-threatening situation, but even then, he'd kill the guy
Dr. Simon Glass
Unlike the others on the list, you're the one who approached the doctor
Mainly because you were lost, but you were curious as well
Simon would probably be the best person to run into, other than Kondraki, but still
It's because he's a psychologist and still very much human (I mean, Kondraki's a normal human I guess, but he has those butterfly thingys)
Anyways, when he first saw you, you were in his office flying about and crying lava
Simon saw you and was shocked but attempted to calm you down and get you you sit with him for a bit, then call the others
But boy did that not work out, because this poor innocent boi was boutta get killed by your firey breath cuz he startled you too much
Bright, Kondraki and Clef just strolled in and saw the mess and even attempted to get you to chill, but this didn't work either
So poor Simon Glass had to find his way to get you to stop being so scared which obviously worked
You sat down with him and he let you doodle on a blank piece of paper
And being a good psychologist he is, he used psychological methods to get you to feel comfortable and to start talking to which you did
You were so polite he gave it to a chocolate bar, but instead of taking it off his hands, you used your telekineses to levitate it in your direction
Simon recorded what he had seen before letting the other researchers take you and offered to take you under his wing on the condition that you were you have a check-up every now and again
That wasn't much of a problem since you were so polite and chill - Usually
During containment breaches, he would make sure that you were safe first and it wasn't so difficult to deal with you since you were with him most of the time
When you're not with him, he'd be extremely worried like a mother hen and run in any direction that would take him to you
He'd be relieved to see you and if you were hurt, he'd bandage you up and try to not cry
If you've made new friends, he would be very happy about it - Unless it's a Keter or Euclid class
They'll be on his watchlist
Anyhow, Simon Glass is basically your mother and mentor
He'd teach you all the basics you'll need and help train you if he can (he'd most likely have to ask the other doctors and SCPs with some bribery)
Dr. Jack Bright
Our favourite doctor here would be that goofy uncle/dad
I feel that he'd sympathise with you since he's also an SCP (sorta) and he feels kind of trapped in the foundation
If you're lucky enough, Jack might be able to take you out for an hour for some fresh air
You'll automatically be under his wing and nobody will ever question it. Ever.
Although he may be goofy and does stupid things, he would be surprisingly protective and his fatherly instincts kick in right away since he first met you
He would allow you to use your powers to an extent and teach you how to use your power properly
You are well aware of his anomalous abilities with his neckless, so whenever Bright had to change bodies, you'd automatically know where he is (other than the obvious neckless thingy)
If there were to have a containment breach, Bright would panic but quickly become calm as that's the only way he could find you and keep you safe
When he finds you he would give you that lecture while finding any scratches on you
If you were to grow, he would give most guys the dad glare of the century and all those guys would run tf away cuz nobody messes with Bright's newfound daughter
I have high doubts that he would let anyone do tests with you when he's not there and even if he was, they would need his approval, so most of the time, you don't even need to worry much
Dr. Alto Clef
(OML Why do I keep adding new characters?! There's so much to write T_T)
Right, so when Clef found you, it was like as if his long lost (well... not so lost) memory came back to him
For some reason, you reminded him of 166 (OML I'm so lost for this SCP, like boi she had a rewrite)
So he took you in the foundation like he did with his daughter and took care of you Since he works for the foundation, he's not remotely terrified or anything, but he's curious about your abilities
And of course, you managed to use some of your abilities because of some SCPs and Bright Clef took you to meet 166 and you both showed your abilities and since 166 is older than you, she's probably trying to help you control your powers more
Which, of course, makes Clef a proud dad
If there were any containment breaches, he'd panicked but once he found you with his other daughter, he was relieved
166 made sure that you weren't hurt and if you were, you'd be bandaged up so Clef doesn't have to worry too much
Anyhow, if Clef decides to introduce you to the tiger doctors, he'd make sure Glass is the first since he's the most sensible person (but let's face it, he wouldn't admit it)
Then it'll be Iceberg, Coggs (that's his name right), Light and a couple others Bright and Kondraki would be last since they would be somewhat chaotic (mainly Bright) even though they're the fun uncle
Whenever Clef has a mission, he'd shove you to either 166 or Glass, if he's free, if not then it'll most likely be Light (and if she's also busy, then yall screwed)
And bless the guy who takes an interest in you when you become a teen cuz our messy boi would make sure that guy would suffer
Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Ok let's face it, Kondraki would definitely be the mother hen of the dad world in the SCP Foundation
He's literally your mother, kinda like Glass but kinda not, ya know what I'm saying?
Like he'll feed your curiosity since many people around you wouldn't and you're an SCP so you're trapped in the foundation anyways
I'd say he's quite cautious and caring, obviously, but if he's out and about, he'd definitely let you go with him
Unless he's going out for a mission, then that's a definite no-no
He would let you hang out with the safer SCPs like 999 and maybe 166 if Clef is chill, but he has to let you hang out with her cuz she's the only other SCP who could help you get a grasp with your powers
Like how to not burn the bloody floor when you cry and stop breathing fire inconsistently by accident
An attempt was made when they try to train your telekineses but they'll have to wait till you're older
Since most of the time you're stuck with Kondraki, I don't think he'd be all too worried bout breaches, of course, he'd be worried about your safety, but you're there with him
If not then god knows what Kondraki would do
Like that one time, he begged Clef and Bright to look for you in which they did but then they made him do something for them in return
Let's just say, it wasn't pleasant at all, but it could be worse since Clef had a shred of sympathy left for the man and Bright just wanted chainsaws
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Toy For Their Pet, One Shot
Summary: Hela and Agatha have a pet Jotun!Loki. But they needed to find him a toy to keep him satisfied. Poor mortal Cora is kidnapped and thrown in to the wild beast to appease him. 
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WARNINGS: Rape/Non-con, knotting, rimming. 
‘I know I said to bring her here without causing a scene, but I didn’t mean to knock the poor thing out.’ Agatha said.
‘It’s fine, she’s fine. Look, she’s starting to come round already.’ Hela said in defence.
Cora heard the two female voices as she started to wake. When she opened her eyes, she struggled to focus and keep them open. Her body felt heavy, especially her head. Like she had been drugged or hit.
She tried to sit up, but then the room started spinning and she couldn’t focus on the two women there.
‘Oh no, easy, sweetheart. Don’t move too fast.’ Agatha said as she rushed over to Cora and sat next to her, helping her to sit up a bit as she put her arm around her.
Hela rolled her eyes and walked closer, hands on her hips. ‘We don’t have long before he will be awake. I don’t want to have to punish him again just for being horny.’
Cora was too confused to properly take in the conversation. One minute she was minding her own business in her home, the next she was swiftly knocked out. Now she woke up… wherever the hell she was.
‘Wh… what… what’s going on? Where am I?’ She asked groggily as she put her hand up to her head.
‘Relax, honey. We’re not going to hurt you, as long as you’re a good girl and do as you’re told. Ok?’ Agatha said softly, tucking Cora’s hair behind her ear.
Cora’s eyes widened as she was finally able to focus more. Agatha’s words chilled her to the core.
She looked at the woman next to her and the one standing on front of her… and realised she recognised them. It was hard not to realise who they were, from seeing them on the news.
The fact they weren’t exactly hiding themselves made it blaringly obvious they weren’t just two ordinary women. Hela was wearing Asgardian type light armour, her long black hair encased her face with her bold and intimidating make-up.
Agatha looked exactly like you’d expect a real witch to look. Slightly crazy long hair and she wore elegant dark bluey-purple robes.
They were both extremely intimidating in every sense of the manner. Both of them, Hela more so, were very tall. Making Cora feel even more frightened and small.
When she started shaking, Agatha slid her hand round to her back and started rubbing in circles to try and soothe her. But Cora was too scared, she tried to make a run for it but when she stood and took a few steps, she stumbled as she had stood up far too quickly, then she found herself captured in Hela’s arms.
‘You’re not going anywhere, pet.’ She said as Cora started struggling in her grasp.
‘Please… please don’t hurt me. What do you want with me?’ Cora sobbed.
Hela kept an arm clamped around her middle as she gripped her chin to force her to look at her.
‘As my dearest Agatha said, we aren’t going to hurt you… But he might.’ She grinned and motioned to the right with her head.
Cora looked over and she could barely contain a scream. There was a large glass wall that showed through into another room. But right at the front, at the glass… was Loki. A frost giant. She knew of him too from the news, he had been attacking people at random in London. Unable to change back into his Asgardian form, until he suddenly just vanished. Now, Cora knew where he had vanished to...
He was standing right at the glass, hands flat on it as he stared intently over at her. His red eyes blazing at her hungrily, he looked terrifying. And he was naked, his blue skin was really striking with his Jotun markings all over him. But what she also noticed was that he was extremely aroused.
‘Wh… what… no… please.’ Cora sobbed and panicked all over again, struggling against Hela but to the God she was just like a kitten squirming in her arms.
Agatha stood up quickly and walked over next to Cora, looking at Loki too. Hela still had a firm hold of Cora, but Agatha slid her hand up to the back of Cora’s neck and stroked on her skin softly. But it did nothing to ease Cora’s fear.
‘He won’t hurt you… If you just submit to him, let him do what he wants with you. He is just rather… insatiable.’ Agatha said calmly.
Hela looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. Agatha shrugged and mouthed ‘Don’t scare her off before we even get her in there!’
‘Wh… why me? Please, I can’t… I’m scared.’ Cora begged, hoping the women would take pity on her.
Hela lifted her up with ease and started carrying her over towards the door that led through to where Loki was. He was pacing back and fore now behind the glass, eyes blazing hungrily as he kept locked on to Cora.
‘NO! PLEASE!’ Cora tried kicking out but she was getting nowhere.
‘Don’t tire yourself out, dear. You are going to need all the strength you can get.’ Hela purred and unlocked the door with a flick of her finger and a glimmer of magic.
She looked over at Agatha, who followed and nodded at Hela. When Hela opened the door, Agatha went in first, using her magic to put up a powerful shield to keep Loki back.
He tried to get over, but was kept back by Agatha’s magic as she entered, with Hela and Cora close behind her. Loki was snarling and growling at them, salivating at the mouth and desperate to get to the mortal girl.
He was massive in every sense of the word. A frost giant to the core. Cora thought she was going to pass out again.
Hela suddenly threw Cora onto Loki’s bed, she went sprawling across it. Agatha and Hela backed out of the room.
Cora tried to make a mad rush for the door as it closed and she heard it locking. But she had barely taken a few steps away from the bed when Loki slammed into her.
She screamed, but wasn’t sure what scared her the most. Being trapped with such a wild being, or the fact he was ice cold to touch. His body was over her instantly on the bed, trapping her beneath him.
Loki shoved his face into her neck and in-haled her scent, growling as he did so. She froze while he studied her, terrified to move in-case she angered him. He began sniffing down her body and with his long nails started tearing at her clothes.
Agatha and Hela stood by the glass, watching intently. Hela leaned on Agatha, her elbow resting on her shoulder. ‘You know, love… I think we might have finally found the right pet for our pet.’ Hela said as she watched Loki tearing at Cora’s clothes and then he began sniffing her all over.
Agatha tapped her lower lip and nodded slowly. ‘I think we have. At least he hasn’t torn into her like the last one.’
Hela sighed softly. ‘She was a stunning woman. Such a mess to clean up, though.’
‘She was... But Cora is a pretty little thing. I think she is more suited for our Loki.’ Agatha slipped her arm around Hela.
They continued watching, pleased that Loki had taken to Cora. Finally, finding the right mate for him. He had already started bonding with her and marking her, licking her skin. He started with her stomach, running his tongue all over her.
Cora was crying quietly, too scared to move or argue with him. She knew there would be no chance of escape, anyway. The best thing she could do, was just let him do what he wanted and get out of there alive.
The way his tongue was lapping over her skin had her almost squirming, she was a little ticklish and his cold licks were light. But she kept still, bunching her hands into fists at her sides.
Loki licked up her body, around her breasts and over her nipples, making her squeak slightly. She was a bit weirded out, wondering what on earth he was doing exactly and why. As she was practically covered all over in his saliva by the time he was finished with her. Arms, legs, thighs, stomach, sides. When he was at her neck, he also bit her a few times that made her cry out in pain. But he didn’t react to her noises.
The final place he hadn’t yet claimed was between her thighs. When he moved down there and pushed her thighs further open, she tried to snap them shut but he growled deeply and bit her thigh really hard, making her bleed.
She screamed in agony and then started thrashing around, Loki bit her again on the opposite thigh.
‘You better keep still, honey. Or else you will end up with more bite marks all over you.’ Came Agatha’s voice. It sounded like she was in the room, but Cora knew she wasn’t, she was safe behind the glass.
Cora wept quietly and did her best to just lie there and let Loki do what he was going to do.
Loki hummed in approval when she stopped moving around. He clamped his large hands around her thighs, keeping her spread open for him with terrifying ease with his strength. She couldn’t look down at the monster between her legs, so she opted to look up at the ceiling instead.
When Loki’s cold tongue started lapping at her cunt, she grabbed the bed sheets underneath her. At first, she was repulsed that he was doing this to her. But as his tongue pushed through her folds, gently lapping at her, she found her body falling under his control more and more.
When Loki licked her clit, her body started reacting to it. Little whines came from her and her body jerked each time. Loki smirked against her as he concentrated on that spot for a while, happy with her reactions, the tip of his tongue circling her clit in firm but slow movements.
She was about there, her body being forced into the pleasure. She could feel her impending orgasm… But it was ruined when Loki sucked on her clit and nibbled, sending pain and discomfort through her instead.
‘Ohh poor pet. So close, yet so far.’ Hela said smugly.
‘Mmm, we haven’t had such good entertainment in so long.’ Agatha said, biting her lower lip.
‘Why don’t we make our own entertainment while we watch?’ Hela suggested and with a flick of her wrist, their bed appeared right next to the glass for them to watch and have fun of their own.
Loki flipped Cora over onto her stomach, he treated the back of her to the same treatment. Licking all over, not missing an inch of skin. Her body was cold not only because of his cold nature, but because her skin was cooling fast in the light air around her with his saliva drying on her.
But she panicked when he spread her ass cheeks apart and started licking around her asshole.
‘NO!’ She screamed and tried pulling herself away from him.
Loki snarled angrily, bit her left butt cheek hard and smacked her right cheek with his large palm. Making her scream even louder. She kept still after that, just letting the tears roll down her cheeks. Pleasing Loki for being still, he went back to rimming her. Leaving nothing untouched.
Cora was so relieved when he finally stopped giving her attention there. She really hoped he wouldn’t go back there at any point. She just wanted this nightmare to be over.
But it was far from over.
Loki grabbed her hips and positioned her up on her hands and knees. She so wanted to try crawling forward, away from him, but she knew better now. And the firm grip he had on her was warning enough not to try anything.
She shivered as his cold breath danced against the back of her neck. Suddenly in one smooth motion he mounted her, an arm snaked around her middle while his other hand wrapped around the front of her neck, at the same time his large cock pushed against her wet cunt, seeking entrance. Even that was cold.
Cora was losing her breath, partly from the sheer coldness of it all, having a frost giant pressed against her back and pushing his cock into her was very numbing, mentally and physically. She made a slight movement that Loki thought was her trying to escape him again, so he bit the back of her neck hard, forcing her to submit to him.
Loki ignored her cries and was able to thrust into her fully, forcing her body to yield to him. His ridged and highly alien-like cock was hitting all the right spots inside her. Her mind was at battle with her body.
‘MINE!’ Loki snarled as he held himself deep within her.
It was the first word that Cora had heard from him and it shocked her. His voice was growly and deep.
He became very possessive as he started rutting into her, his balls were slapping against her skin in a loudly lewd manner.
‘Wow, he’s really hammering into her, isn’t he?’ Agatha said. She and Hela had been fondling one another on the bed, but the action between Loki and Cora was too exciting to look away from.
‘Hopefully he doesn’t end up breaking her.’ Hela drawled.
‘Not after taking his time to mark her, I think he’s finally got a toy he’s happy with. He won’t hurt what belongs to him, and she most certainly belongs to him now.’ Agatha said with a big grin as she licked her lips.
The two continued to watch while Loki completed his mating ritual. He started to swell at the base of his cock, he was able to push it into Cora’s cunt when she had an orgasm forcefully, causing her to howl in pain and surprise pleasure as his knot then swelled, locking them together as it throbbed on her g spot.
As Loki started cumming inside his new mate, he locked onto her shoulder with his teeth, drawing more blood from her. No matter how hard she squirmed and tried to move, he wouldn’t let go. He pulsated within her, spilling his cool cum deep into her. She could feel every single drop filling her, it felt like her stomach was going to explode.
Loki collapsed down fully on top of her, almost crushing her. But the mewling from Cora had him quickly rolling them both over so they were on their sides, he kept her close to him though.
She couldn’t stop shivering… a mix of cold, fear and confusion.
Loki nuzzled into her hair, grumbling and making light noises as he stroked over her stomach. He was still knotted inside her, and when he moved a bit, she whimpered as he tugged on her.
He softly kissed her shoulder and the hand on her stomach slid downwards, he lightly touched her clit and when she started moaning, he traced patterns over her until she came on his cock again, her walls fluttered around him as he groaned in pleasure.
‘I’ve never seen him be gentle like that before.’ Hela said as she cocked her head to the side.
‘He’s like you, love. Has his sweet and tender moments, it just takes time to show and the right lover.’ Agatha laughed wickedly at the glare Hela gave her. But she was right.
After Loki ravished poor Cora for hours upon end, she finally passed out in pure exhaustion. Loki’s knot took a while to go down enough for him to slip out of her, a big mess of cum came pooling out.
He wasn’t happy when Agatha and Hela went in to retrieve the mortal. But Hela and Agatha’s powers together was too strong for him. They promised it was just for a short time to let her recover. But Loki’s anger was enough of a sign for them that he was most certainly not happy about her being taken away.
When Cora came round, she wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or not to find herself in Agatha’s arms, on her lap.
‘Hey, honey. Are you alright?’ Agatha smiled sweetly at her.
Cora froze, not sure whether to try escaping or not. Though when she looked around, she saw Hela was sitting right next to them. She knew she wouldn’t have a chance against one of them, never mind two.
Hela reached out towards Cora’s lips with a strawberry in hand. ‘Come on, eat. You must be famished, and you need your strength.’
Cora looked at the offered strawberry like it had insulted her. But her stomach was grumbling, she really was so hungry. She parted her lips and Hela slipped the fruit into her mouth.
‘That’s a good girl.’ Hela praised and hand fed her some more. They were really juicy, so flavoursome. Like from another world.
‘Loki really likes you, which is simply wonderful.’ Agatha beamed happily.
Cora tensed on her lap. ‘I’m so sore.’ She whispered, tears brimming in her eyes.
‘Shhh, shhh. It’s alright, you’ll get used to it.’ Agatha said softly and began stroking her hair.
‘Please… Please, don’t send me back in there with him.’ Cora sobbed and panicked, she clung to Agatha and buried her face in against her.
Agatha pulled a sad face as she gently rubbed Cora’s back. ‘Oh, sweetie.’ She looked up at Hela, smirking and she winked. ‘Unfortunately for you, Loki has mated with you. You’re bonded now, and for a Jotun that means for life. It would hurt him physically and mentally if we kept you apart... And we just can’t do that to him.’
Hela pursed her lips together at Agatha.
‘Agatha is right, my dear. But don’t worry, we will look after you and make sure you’re well fed and watered. Loki isn’t a complete beast all the time, he will want you to be cared for too. And he will be gentler with you now his initial frenzy has calmed.’ Hela said.
Cora wasn’t so sure about that, she was so sore and was sure her insides were bruised. The thought of having to go back in with him was utterly petrifying.
But she knew she had no choice. Up against a powerful Witch and the Goddess of death? The poor mortal girl had no chance, and she knew it.
She belonged to Hela and Agatha’s pet Jotun now. Nothing more than a toy for their pet.
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Prompt idea: Okay so you know how Jaskier is always sticking his tongue out compulsively because Joey Batey wants to murder us? Geralt is absolutely fixated on it, obsessed with his mouth.
Ok so babe... I’m looking at this ask and it looks spicy? I’m looking at what I wrote and it’s just.... soft? I don’t know what happened? I think Geralt caught feelings?
Geraskier, 976 words
CW: None!
Geralt had intended to sharpen his swords. He’d come back to their room after a fairly easy hunt to find Jaskier mid-composition. He’d rolled his eyes and got to work on his swords. There was no interrupting Jaskier when he got like this. Eventually Geralt would have to drag his arse downstairs for some food but it would be alright for a while. Geralt could use the quiet time, a rare occurrence with Jaskier by his side, but after the hunt his senses were too heightened, too sensitive. Every beat of Jaskier’s heart sounded like a giant’s footsteps.
It had been so loud that he’d been able to pick out the bard’s heartbeat from outside the inn; a familiar flutter, the soundtrack to his life for the past decade. A warm and comforting sound. Geralt’s strikes along his blade kept to the rhythm of Jaskier’s heart. He wondered if the bard even realised. He probably didn’t, too lost in whatever rhymes and words he was trying to scribble on the page. Geralt shook his head with a fond smile as he looked up at the bard.
And that had been his undoing.
Jaskier kept muttering under his breath, hands tugging at his hair as he counted beats, on his fingers, but when he fell silent his tongue flicked out between his lips, licking slowly without Jaskier even realising it.
Geralt swallowed.
Jaskier just hummed and tapped the quill against his cheek before biting down gently on his fingers. Geralt couldn’t look away. He stared, unable to move. His own heartbeat suddenly raced as fast as a human’s as his gaze traced the slow movement of Jaskier’s tongue along his top lip. It wasn’t meant to be seductive. Jaskier was merely concentrating, a subconscious habit that the bard probably didn’t even realise he had, but Geralt was stunned, his carefully constructed walls beginning to crack. He knew, objectively that Jaskier was attractive but he’d never noticed his attraction to his best friend before.
It was a beauty that had just annoyed and inconvenienced him when he was forced to save the bard from angered spouses, although now he really thought about it, that bitter resentment for having to constantly save Jaskier could easily have been the beginnings of Jealousy.
He must have made a sound as Jaskier’s eyes refocussed as he blinked and looked up from the paper.
“Ah, Geralt, you’re back!” he cried happily, wiping his forehead with his sleeve, smudging dark inks stains across his cheek without realising.
Geralt was suddenly hit with the urge to run his thumb along Jaskier’s cheek and wipe the stain away.  
Jaskier’s smile was lighting up the room, brighter than any sun, his lips still damp and shining from where his tongue had touched. Geralt heart fluttered in his chest, running faster than any witcher’s heart should. There was a prickle of heat at the back of his neck and he couldn’t look away from his friend.
Jaskier’s smile morphed into confused look at Geralt’s unusual demeanour, and then his eyes widened slightly before a coy smile appeared. Each expression was beautiful in its own way, each one so very Jaskier.
Gods he was utterly fucked.
It was like the dam had broken and everything he’d been hiding, even from himself, was flooding out.
“Geralt?” Jaskier asked in a low voice, tongue tracing his bottom lip as he stepped closer. Too close and yet unbearable far away. The air had been sucked from the room and Geralt couldn’t breathe. It was more torturous than any curse.
“Hmm,” he responded, not trusting his own voice.
Jaskier reached up to cup his cheek and Geralt’s skin felt like it was burning under Jaskier’s touch. He leaned into the heat and closed his eyes, a contented purr rumbling in his chest. Jaskier laughed, a laugh that rivalled the most beautiful of melodies. “Darling, forgive me if I’m reading this wrong, but can I kiss you?”
Geralt swallowed and his eyes fluttered open, needing to see Jaskier, needing to see the gorgeous blue eyes that he knew were looking at him through thick eyelashes. He smiled faintly, unable to resist the adoration in Jaskier’s gaze. “Yes,” he breathed as quietly as possible, barely a whisper, not wanting to break whatever this magic was that was sparking between them.
Jaskier’s expression softened and Geralt knew he was in love with his best friend. Nothing else would explain the way he felt like melting into Jaskier’s embrace and never leaving. Jaskier’s other hand came up to hold Geralt’s other cheek, filling him with a warm glow that he’d never felt before. He was a goner before their lips even met, but that first touch felt like lightning scorching through his soul. He knew it that moment he would love Jaskier for the rest of his life whether he was killed tomorrow or lived long enough to retire to the keep in the mountains.
He gripped at Jaskier’s hips, fingers digging into the soft fabric of the bard’s shirt. The kiss was over all too soon but they didn’t part, Jaskier pressing his forehead against Geralt’s as they breathed together. Jaskier’s heart was racing, the sound the most beautiful that Geralt had ever heard.
“I love you, Jask,” he murmured, his words surprising him. He was sure that out of the two of them Jaskier would be the first to admit he was in love but they had fallen from Geralt’s lips like a prayer.
Jaskier laughed breathlessly “Tell me I’m not dreaming, darling, tell me this is real… fuck, Gods Geralt, I love you too, more than anything.”
Geralt captured Jaskier’s lips in another kiss to answer him. He couldn’t promise the bard that it was real but it truly did feel like a dream, but one they were hopefully living through together. _______
Tag list: @slythnerd @marvagon @elliestormfound @dani-dandelino @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @hailhailsatan @wherethewordsare @havenoffandoms @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @geralt-of-riviass @frances-the-red @kittynannygaming @stinastar @scribblesonmapleleaves @thecomfortofoldstorries @fontegagrilledcheese @anythinggoesfandoms @veritasrose @trickstermoose67 @nonegenderleftpain @kueble @justjess94 @kozkaboi @llamasdumpsterfire @actionnerdgamerlove @honeysuckletook @dapandapod @damatris @mayastormborn @jaskierslastbraincell @dazedandinked @jaskierstark
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nicolewoo · 3 years
Cub Part 5
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Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader
Synopsis: Roman, Seth and Dean are a pack of werewolfs. Protecting their city from the scumbags of the world ends up with a surprise when a victim left for dead imprints on Roman Reigns.
Shay arrived like a hurricane with multiple rings of the doorbell and lots of orders for the guys.
Roman chuckled, “It’s Shay.”
Roman was here. Still on the floor. The thought comforted me, but I didn’t have time to think about it before Shay entered the room with 2 giant frappes. “How’s my favorite patient?” She handed me the drink. It might have been the best frappe ever or was that just because I hadn’t had one in… this was the 2nd day here…. So it wasn’t that long.
“Thank you. How can I be your favorite patient if you haven’t met me yet?” I asked.
She grabbed the notebook and started reading through the pages as she said, “I met you on the phone last night,” she peeked around the notebook “didn’t I?”
I smiled at her. “Yeah.”
She focused on the chart again, asking questions of Roman who was still trying to wake up. “Give me a second, lady” He joked.
“I started the coffee pot. It’s probably ready by now.”
He stood now, and I was breathless as I realized he didn’t have a shirt on. He was stunning. His toned muscles, his tanned skin……
“Thank you Shay.” He said before kissing her on the cheek and going to get a cup.
Shay stopped reading when he left. “Seriously, are you ok? Are they taking good care of you?”
I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about just how great Roman’s back looked as he left. “Yeah, they’ve been very attentive.”
“Good. How is your pain?” The same question I kept hearing yesterday.
I sighed. “I’m fine. Please no more morphine.”
Shay went to her bag, pulling out three pill bottles. “I got you honey. I brought a couple different pain relievers that won’t knock you out so bad.” I must have looked relieved because she smiled.
Shay removed the bandages and started checking my wounds. A bit of what she did hurt, but not as much as it should. The smell of bacon wafted into the room, and my stomach growled in protest.
“Don’t get excited. You’re on clear liquids while your stomach heals,” Seth said as he entered the room with a cup of coffee.
I was starving and they were going to deny me food? Of course, there were a ton of stitches in my digestive track. I decided not to argue, but to take another route. “Shay?” She looked at me. “They’re denying me food and torturing me with the scent of bacon.”
Shay laughed. “He’s right though. We’ve gotta be careful until we know you’re healing inside.” At my frown, she smiled. “I brought you some broth from my favorite restaurant, and if that goes well, you might be able to have a little bit of scrambled egg. Ok?” She winked at me conspiratorially.
After having my wounds checked, I drank two cups of broth quickly. We tested my ability to stand, and I did with no problems.
Roman’s pov
When Shay asked if Y/N was ready for a bath, Y/N lit up. I knew she felt grubby. Who wouldn’t? Given the situation though, me being her mate (which she didn’t know yet) and Seth and Dean basically being her brothers, we had hoped Shay would help with bathing. I expected her to give a sponge bath, but seeing how well Y/N was healing, Shay decided to do a full bath.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” I offered.
Shay shot me a look. “I’m going to need some towels. After that, I’m going to need you boys to go out for a while.” Shay thought I wanted to see my mate naked…. To touch her….. but I just wanted to be of assistance. It was probably good though. Even laying here recovering, still covered in the dirt and blood from her attack, I was drawn to our Cub. I couldn’t keep my mind off mating with her. The imprinting bond was always yelling in the back of my mind to claim her.
I reluctantly followed orders and went out for a run in the woods with my pack, giving Shay an hour to clean and pamper my girl. As we morphed into wolf form for the run, I could hear my mate trying to persuade Shay that she could shower herself. Shay told her to raise her arms like she was washing her hair and hold them there for 1 minute. Y/N wasn’t able to, and Shay won the battle, filling the tub and helping Y/N in after covering her stomach to protect the stitches from the water.
When we got back, we found Y/N sitting in bed, hair wet and the smell of soaps mixing with her natural scent. It was intoxicating. She was intoxicating.
“There she is!” Seth said coming in the room. “Feel better?” He was all smiles seeing his packmate improving.
She sighed as she smiled. “MUCH better.”
Without even thinking, I sat in the chair next to the bed. Y/N was quick to put her hand out for me to hold. I caught a knowing look from Shay.
It was time to tell Y/N. I could feel Shay mentally prepare herself for it. The pack knew too. Dean came in with 2 chairs for he and Seth to sit in. I moved to allow Shay to sit, and I sat on the other side of the bed, happily taking Y/N’s hand when she offered it again.
Shay took Y/N’s other hand. “Ok Baby. I know you’ve got questions, and I’m here to answer them.” How the hell does someone tell someone else that I turned her into a werewolf? None of us had ever had to. The only person I could think of who had delivered that news to someone was Shay. I expected Shay to ease into the conversation. Instead, she just came right out and said it. “You’ve been turned into a werewolf.
Silence filled the room like a heavy cloud. Y/N looking at each of us slack jawed for a minute before smiling. “You’re kidding. What’s the truth?”
Shay placed her other hand over Y/N’s before directly telling her again. “Baby, when you were attacked the other night, you were bitten. You are a werewolf now.  More precisely, you are turning into a werewolf.”
Y/N looked at us again, her smile turning to anger because she thought we were joking with her.
“Dean, baby, will you please show her?” Shay asked. Dean grunted his yes before leaving the room and showing up outside the window wearing nothing but his underwear. He waived at Y/N with his big goofy grin before turning away and morphing into a wolf.
Y/N gasped. Her eyes sought out Seth then Shay then me. “I…….. werewolf?”
“Yes baby.” I answered as my thumb caressed the back of her hand.
“I’m a werewolf?” she started checking her neck for bite marks, finding the mostly healed proof of my bite and looking at me. I nodded.
“Ok Dean.” Shay said. Dean easily hearing her from outside the window morphed back. “Yes baby. You’re going to be able to do that too.”
Y/N turned to me, pleading in her eyes. I pulled her into my arms and held her. “It’s ok. It’s going to be ok.”
“Hey, this is a good thing… not a bad thing.” Dean chirped up as he came back into the room, putting on his shirt.
It was obvious Shay didn’t like the interruption at first, but she realized Dean said the right thing. “He’s right, Y/N. Being a werewolf is amazing.”
I felt my mate relax a bit. “For instance, you heal faster.” Seth added and looked at Y/N. “You wanted to know why you were healing so fast…. This is why.”
“And we live 5 times longer than a human.” Dean added.
Shay seeing a trend added, “We’re stronger than the average human…. I mean a LOT stronger, and we have heightened senses.”
“That’s why I could hear Seth brushing his hair in another room?” Cub asked me.
I nodded yes, “I bet you haven’t missed your glasses either.” We’d found her glasses crushed next to her body when we rescued her. There was no saving those.
She reached up to her face, as if just realizing she wasn’t wearing them. “I can see!”
“Better than 20/20.” Dean added.
I felt her chest expand as she breathed in my scent, peeking up at me with those beautiful eyes, and I immediately smelled a bit of arousal. “Yes. Smelling too. All 5 senses,” I agreed.
“But do werewolves kill people?” she furrowed her brow.
“No way, Cub.” Dean answered. “We could eat wild animals, but personally, I prefer to eat as a human. More flavor that way.”
A knowing look passed her face. “Cub…… I get it now. The guy you killed…. Was he the one who bit me?” She looked up to me. I couldn’t answer. I’d been dreading this since I bit her. I’d have to admit that I was the one who changed her. She’d probably want nothing to do with me after I told her.
“No, Cub.” Shay took Y/N’s hand again. “Have you seen Twilight?” She asked. When Y/N nodded Shay continued. “They actually got one thing right about werewolves. Do you remember them talking about imprinting?”
“Yeah, of course, but I thought real life imprinting was mostly between parents and their cubs.” Cub said.
We were all shocked that she knew that much about wolf imprinting. “Yes, that’s true for the most part, but not always. About 1% of werewolves can imprint romantically. You, young lady, are in that 1%.”
“I am?” even as she asked, she looked up at me, curled around her now, comforting her as best I could. “You imprinted on me?”
I smiled down at her, “No. YOU imprinted on ME.” I said before screwing up the courage to finally admit, “I’m the one who turned you.”
At my words, she stiffened and pulled out of my arms. “You?” She was pissed.
Shay quickly explained. “He didn’t have a choice. When these guys found you, you were dying.”
“Even if we’d gotten you to the hospital, we couldn’t have saved you.” Seth added.
“Roman didn’t have a choice” Shay continued. “You imprinted on him, and because of that, he couldn’t let you die. The only choice he had was to turn you.”
Y/N calmed a bit, and I took her hand again as I looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry. Really sorry. I couldn’t let you die.” She nodded once. Did that mean she forgave me? I took comfort in the fact that she hadn’t pulled her hand away from mine.
Shay’s comforting nurse voice broke the silence that hung in the room like a cloud. “We have a lot to talk about now.  You two can talk later.”
What? There was nothing more important than my relationship with our cub. What could be more important that that?
Shay said, “You’re going to finish turning 3 nights from now; when the full moon arrives. Now, all these positive things we’ve been telling you about being a wolf….. Well, there’s a bad part too. When you morph into wolf form, it’s going to be excruciating pain.”
My eyes shot to Shay. This was the first time I’d heard of this. “Pain?” I noticed my brothers tensing up at the news.
Shay nodded slowly. “You boys grew up as wolves. Your bodies have never known anything else. Y/N’s body isn’t used to it. As you turn, your bones and muscles and ligaments and… well everything will be moving in ways they’ve never moved before.”
I cringed at the thought. Dean let out a huff of frustration; while Seth hung his head.
“The good news,” Shay continued, “is that once you turn, your wolf will heal your body, so the worst of the pain will only last a few minutes, but you’ll be  very miserable for about 5-10 minutes the first time.” Shay reached out and took my mate’s hand. “But each time you morph, your body gets used to the changes. In a week, it won’t hurt anymore.”
I could sense my pack’s dread at what cub would go through. “I’m so sorry.” I told our little cub.
Y/N looked up at me, wide eyed. She took a deep breath and said, “Ok. Well, 5-10 minutes isn’t too bad.”
Shay continued “I know you’ve said you don’t want any more pain meds, but I highly recommend having something available for when you turn. I’ve watched 2 people morph for the first time. One without pain meds and one with. Trust me when I say you’re going to want pain meds.”
Our cub nodded her head as she steeled her resolve. “Ok.”
Seth asked, “Wait. That means one of us has to stay human long enough to give her the shot if she wants it.” Shay agreed.
“I’ll do it.” I said.
Shay started shaking her head no. “Ro, she’s going to need you in wolf form to comfort her. It can’t be you.”
“I got it.” Dean interjected. “I’ll stay in human form until I’m sure she’s ok.” Dean looked at us. “Just remember not to eat me.” He joked, and my mate smiled back at him.
“I’ll do my best.” Y/N said.
Cub said, “How is he gonna know if I need the pain meds or not?”
“Because the second you start turning, you’re going to trigger the pack bond, and you’ll all be mentally connected. They’ll be able to feel your emotions and your pain.” Shay paused a second before adding. “Which brings me to the next point. You two” She pointed at my brothers “need to practice thinking of nothing. She’s going to be in a lot of pain. At the same time, she’s going to get inundated with all three of your minds. If you can keep your minds clear, it will help her. Can you do that?”
Dean leaned back in his chair. “Yeah! I do that all the time.”
Seth and I both chucked, and I noticed Cub did too.
“What happens when she changes back? Is that painful too?” I asked, pulling Cub closer to me.
Shay nodded. “It won’t be near as bad as the first time, but yes, she’s going to be sore and achy for a week or so as her body adjusts to turning.”
I was crestfallen. What had I done? I’d doomed my mate to a week of torture.
“I want you all to be aware that when Y/N turns, she will probably go into heat within the first week.” I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Seeing that, Shay continued. “Calm down Ro. Seth, Dean, you guys will probably want to be far away when that happens.”
Cub chirped up now, “Can we talk about this in private?”
Seth and Dean both chuckled. “We’re going to know the second you go into heat. We’re going to be linked by then. No reason to talk about it in private.” Dean said.
Shay laid a reassuring hand on Y/N’s. “Baby, going into heat isn’t anything to be embarrassed about.”
Seth added “In wolf culture, females are revered, especially when they go into heat or are pregnant.”
Cub cocked her head to the side inquisitively. “Really?”
Shay sat a little straighter, a little prouder. “Absolutely baby! Women are treated like queens in wolf culture. We are protected and honored and worshiped. Creating life is the most noble thing a wolf can do. Going into heat is thought of as honoring your mate. If we were in Samoa, the tribe would throw you a party after successful coupling.”
Cub’s mouth opened like she was going to say something, but nothing came out.
Shay patted Y/N’s hand. “Because changing a human into a werewolf is so painful, our tribe decided decades ago that we would not turn humans to wolves. We rely solely on wolf mating to continue our line, so when a wolf goes into heat, gets pregnant or gives birth, it’s celebrated by the entire tribe. This whole idea of hiding your body’s natural processes is a human thing.”
“Wait…. So she’s going to go into heat while she’s in pain?” I asked. “Can we….” Suddenly the idea of talking about mating made me shy. I’d never felt that way before, and I realized I was reading Cub’s emotions. Cub was the one shy about this.
Shay finished my thought. “Mate? That will be up to her. She’s going to have to determine if she feels good enough for mating.” She looked at my mate now. “Just so you know, werewolf mating is much more intense than human. Be positive you can handle it.”
I inhaled deeply, which only made me smell my mate. I had to suppress my desire to growl in frustration. “Ok.”
We talked for about two hours teaching Cub all we could about being a werewolf. I took comfort in the fact that Y/N didn’t pull away from me anymore. She stayed wrapped in my arms as we talked. Surely that was proof that she’d accept me as her mate. Wasn’t it?
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
ATEEZ as things and feelings
@haechanhues​ don’t mind me just doing it again cause i liked it uwu maybe i should just change to doing headcanons LMAOOOO
as i wrote this, i realised the members of ateez have really cultivated a specific image for themselves (eg. hongjoong as a fashionista, hwa as the mom, yunho has a big bear etc) and so i really hope that these are at least some part of their real identities and it’s not just kq forcing it down their throats ;(
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there’s just something very sophisticated about joong, though he’s absolutely refined and clean-cut (despite that whole jack sparrow get up in their rhythm ta stage)
because he loves fashion and dressing himself up, he can’t tolerate how much you don’t care about the clothes you’re wearing! he knows EXACTLY what would make you look even better and what would totally boost your confidence and so he wouldn’t hesitate to drag you out to a boutique, whether it’s for thrifting or it’s one of those expensive ones like Dior
he’ll spoil you because he can, and because he wants to
he also has a knack for pretty settings, so that expensive cafe down the street that sells mediocre coffee but with a STUNNING exterior? he’ll bring you there just so you can be his photographer and he can be yours
you know when the coffee sucks but he still manages to contain his facial expressions and not hurl? yeah that’s joong being classy
the sophistication needed in everything simple and possibly disastrous
“i know the coffee sucks but look at our instagram now”
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honestly are you an atiny if you don’t agree with this
it’s been about a year since i started stanning ateez and my first impression of hwa is that he’s actually very timid and shy and awkward when it comes to firsts
on stage is a completely different story
so i’d assume he’s probably the same in private, ie he’s aggressive and dedicated when it comes to things he loves to do, but probably a little more timid and worrisome when it comes to people/things he’s not familiar with, but that doesn’t stop him from trying out new things and setting off on an adventure!
you’d be the one to surprise him with an impromptu trip, thinking that he’d be happy to escape but no he worries about clothes, packing, the weather, the itinerary-
it takes you a good amount of energy and convincing to tell him to calm down and that you’ve got every thing down, so he can just busk in the joy of being with you in a completely foreign land
he would also be the kind to try grocery shopping overseas then figure out how to make do with the ingredients
he’s home even when you’re not back in your house
“i made chicken soup with a mix of... whatever that was because the lady said it’s a local delight and that it should go well with chicken-”
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PLEASE this is self-explanatory no??????????????
a big, giant, fluffy, adorable bear! 
it’s literal - as big as his clothes are on you, he acts like them as well - making sure you’re comfortable and warm and you have your own space
i feel like yunho would be the kind that shows care and concern and sometimes he doesn’t really know when to stop, and so he figures out your boundaries just so that you would be comfortable around him
whenever you’re sad or depressed or you just had a shit day, he’ll always be there for you to hug or even vent your anger
sometimes you’d get frustrated with him because he’s too nice at work too and get trampled over and then all your feelings build up and there you have it, he’ll cradle you like a baby and tell you not to waste your feelings on things that don’t really matter
he’ll tell you he’s okay, as long as you’re okay
“please don’t cry, it’ll bloat your face tomorrow morning :(”
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he’s not the most talkative person, no, but that’s exactly what draws people. he’s always listening, always watching, but never really saying anything, and lucky for you, he says everything when he’s engaged in something he likes
he’s known for his stellar concentration, so it’s no surprise when he’s able to figure out that new tech thing he got and figure it out within the first 10 minutes, thereafter, you take the chance to get him to talk about anything and everything you want him to
he takes awhile to warm up to people, sometimes very mechanical like the things he likes to play with, but when he does, his care is silent
he buys the Bluetooth keyboard you need cause your laptop keyboard is wonky
he buys the cute marvel themed mouse pad cause your current one is peeling
then when you got him that xbox, his competitiveness hopped out like doomsday and he’d trash you on a good day with a lack thereof of mercy when it comes to verbally trashing you
but on some shitty days when he can read your tiredness and frustration, he lets you win
“give me that mouse pad, it’s almost as messed up as you.”
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scary on first sight/impression, yet nothing but a place full of memories that was once full of life - that’s san for you
i think he’s very intimidating on stage, which is exactly how many abandoned places are marketed on the media - haunted, ghosts, murderers, weird plants and insects etc, but what about the history of those places before they went to shit?
there’s so much more to it than what you see
adventure, wander and thrill-seeking overwhelms you when he’s around. there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of. 
lighthouses - where you find your way, and that you’ll never get lost
people tend to lose sight of what they love and want in life and san would probably be able to inspire you to get back on track, by the sheer force of his own passion and vision for himself
“run with me and we’ll see the light together!”
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ok when i say mismatched outings i mean it in the way that he’d dress up and ask you to dress up BUT you’d find yourself at a cheaper/more coffee-shop like eatery instead of a restaurant
he has fun admiring how pretty you are on the way there, but when he pulls you up to a coffee shop you’re like what? then why did i dress up so nicely for?
mingi knows that you depend on your appearance alot for confidence, so he really wants to see that pride when you’re out with him
lazy pajamas and messy hair are reserved for sleepovers and for days when you don’t really feel like doing much - and of course he’ll be there to comfort you when you need it
i think he’ll find absolute joy in pulling you close and wrapping his longass coat around you on the colder autumn/winter days, and then he’ll ruffle through your hair and you cant run because of his coat and arm wrapped around you
will definitely get judged by passerbys 
but like the mismatched outfits x location, he really doesn’t care. it’s the company he cares about. it’s the condition of his company he cares about. it’s the food he cares about. not the reputation, not the pure material of someone’s clothes
“i know i told you to dress pretty but must you outdo me all the time” /insert pouty face/
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omg the noise pollution
‘let’s call yeosang’
‘what for?’
‘just ‘cause’
and you’ll do it on your phone because wooyoung knows yeosang won’t pick it up if it’s from his phone, and so when he does pick up and he hears you say ‘hello’ with the most amount of guilt in your voice, he tells wooyoung to fuck off and hangs up
seonghwa would be your next victim but hwa would stay on the line just so he wouldn’t have to worry about coming back to a burnt down kitchen - not because he thinks wooyoung can’t cook, but because wooyoung gets absolutely distracted with you around and would want to impress you with his culinary skills, which more often than not, backfires
pranks aside, all wooyoung wants to do is to make you laugh or smile and make the time spent with him the most fun and worthwhile
even if it meant getting into trouble with his members, he decides it’s worth the risk if it means he gets to see you happy and full from eating the food he prepares
like his experimental dishes, every joke and bs pun he says is new and never fails to amuse you - even if you don’t actually laugh
you see a new side to him with every passing day and he can be sensitive if he wants to, or completely clown himself if he wanted to as well
“don’t complain about the food! i bothered to cook for you and you complain about it?!”
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the one time you let him snap your apple into half cause your teeth hurt and now he snaps all your apples in half and it’s becoming more of a joke over anything else
finally decided to go to an apple orchard for the lols and amuse the people there with his apple breaking skills
you’re extra amused everytime he manages to do it (because how?????) and he adores seeing that on you - you’re honestly not easy to entertain so he’s a simp for when he’s the reason why you are
it came to a point where you got curious how strong he was because he hasn’t revealed one bit of skin ever since you’ve met him
it started out as you actually challenging him, but when you lost with two hands against his one hand, he started teaching you techniques on how to win instead
of course, he’s never let you beat him because he knows it’ll hurt your pride if he does
very, very quiet and subtle care - makes apple juice from the leftover apples he has at home and brings it to school for you
sometimes asks wooyoung to make dried apple chips for you but tells you he bought it cause he doesn’t want you to know he troubled someone
“are the apple chips too sweet? i can buy you another brand”
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 16 part one
(Masterpost of All the Recaps)  (Canary’s Pinboard)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes
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All righty, this one is going to be a laff riot...not. Let's do it.
The first half of this episode is like a beautifully executed standalone tragedy, while also threading together all sorts of themes and paying off all sorts of relationship building that's happened in the previous episodes. My hat is off to the writers, while I also shake a fist at them for making me cry an unreasonable amount.
We’re Sailing on a Strange Boat
The episode starts right off absolutely DESTROYING me with the Yunmeng brothers holding hands, fingers interlaced, in the first of many hand-touching moments that punctuate the episode.
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Jiang Cheng has to be pretty far gone to accept this degree of comfort and tenderness. I think, from their positions, he is also holding Yanli's hand out of the camera's view. 
Zidian finally lets the trio go, and they immediately turn the boat around and head back to Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian gets the clever idea to turn the benches into makeshift oars but nobody gets the clever idea to use magic to push the boat like they do literally every other time they are in a boat. 
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Their emotional need to go back to Lotus Pier is understandable, but they are being disobedient and irresponsible by doing it. Jiang Cheng is the future of the clan, and should not risk his life, particularly after his mother chose to sacrifice herself to protect him and after both of his parents told him to go hide with his sister and personal bodyguard brother. 
On the other hand, Jiang Fengmian, as clan leader, probably had a duty to go into hiding himself rather than go home to die romantically, so his authority is questionable at this point. Anyway, this is the Jiang Clan, they get to kind of do what they want, except when that pisses Jiang Cheng off.
Lotus Pier Massacre
Back at Lotus Pier, the Wens are kicking Jiang ass. The fight choreography is pretty good, taking full advantage of walkways, railings, pools, and other features of the environment. 
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Using the set this way always makes fights feel more kinetic and real, as opposed to simply sparring in an open area. 
(more after the cut)
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Yu Ziyuan is fighting adequately with a sword, having given her preferred weapon to her son.  She's clearly been at it for a while, and is tiring; the Wen soldiers are starting to land more and more sword blows but no critical hits yet.
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Wen Zhuliu is kicking ass and possibly melting cores, although we don't see him do it to anybody yet. Later we'll hear from Jiang Cheng that he crushed the cores of his parents, but it's not clear when that happens.
Sixth young master replays Jiang Fengmian's entire archery lesson in his head while he waits, and waits, for Wen Zhuliu to finish strangling a dude the right moment to shoot an arrow at Wen Zhuliu. 
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Homicidal tart Wang Lingjiao notices him lining up a shot, strolls over, and stabs him in the back while he's still thinking about what Jiang Fengmian said. One could wish that JFM's archery lessons weren't quite so wordy. 
Wang Linjao normally doesn't carry a sword because of her low spiritual power, but apparently can use one just fine when she's killing kids.
If you start feeling like this episode is unreasonably painful, just think of it as building up calluses so you can handle Yi City when the time comes.
Jiang Fengmian to the Rescue
Jiang Fengmian shows up very far past the nick of time, although he is not actually useful, so it's questionable whether arriving earlier would have helped. But his wife is glad to see him.
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Netflix subtitles say that Jiang Fengmian calls Yu Ziyuan "My Lady!" which sounds courtly and romantic in English. His actual words are "San Niangzi" which hunxi-gullai breaks out here.  I might render this as "lady wife!" rather than "my lady" but I don't think English really has a perfect equivalent.
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Jiang Fengmian sails across the courtyard, knocking down a few Wen soldiers and becoming a young, slender man in the process.
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I mean, come on, that stunt double does not look like a boxy middle-aged man from any angle.
The Dying Bit
The episode splits up the big death scene for dramatic effect but I'm recapping it all together to keep things simple.
Within moments of arriving, Jiang Fengmian gets shanked by Wen Zhuliu like Scatman Crothers in The Shining (or Groundskeeper Willie in The Shinning).
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Wen Zhuliu stops a Wen soldier from finishing JFM off, just so that a different Wen soldier can deliver the killing blow from the back, which is kinda harsh. With all this spin-fighting there is probably not an implication of cowardice when someone dies from a stab in the back, but still. Too rude, Wen Zhuliu.
Yu Ziyuan sees Jiang Fengmian fall, and after having a moment of sorrow and despair, she stabs herself in the heart, falls down, crawls to him and interlaces her hand with his. He revives just enough to give her hand a squeeze and say "San Niangzi" one last time before dying. 
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She dies next, with a smile on her face at the end. The soundtrack plays that amazing "horribly emotional death scene" music that isn't one of the tracks available on the OST, argh. This same music appears at the end of Xue Yang's story.  
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Of the many things I love about the Untamed, the complexity of all the minor characters is possibly my favorite. These two people suck at parenting, and suck at being married, and ultimately suck at protecting and leading their clan, making stupid, selfish choices at every step of the building conflict. 
And then they have this incredibly romantic death scene, in which they both face the inevitability of failure, and find comfort in failing together. Yet their death scene is totally in keeping with who we know them to be, and who they are to each other; the drama doesn't cheat by making them ideal lovers or great people at the end. But they have a great, great moment.
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Jiang Yanli, waiting in the woods while her brothers are presumably running toward Lotus Pier, drops her lotus pendant, which is made of the loudest jade ever discovered, and it breaks with a crash.  
Yanli, who is a well educated young lady, knows a moment of doomy symbolism when she sees it.
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Jiang Yanli: Who put a giant rock out here in the woods? What are the odds I’d drop my pendant directly on it? 
It’s all Over Except for the Crying, Running and Choking
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The brothers climb up on the roof and are shocked to see nothing but Wen soldiers and piled up Jiang corpses... 
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...including one child who is either about to become a zombie or who is being played by a young actor who can't control their curiosity, judging by the way this eye is sneakily opened while the camera is running.
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There's a moment where Jiang Cheng is saying they must have spared his parents, they must be okay, where Wei Wuxian's face is just...wow. You can see right here the gulf in life experience between these two. 
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Wen Zhuliu roams around looking troubled while searching for more people to kill. He’s an interesting villain; someone who believes his loyalty to his boss makes him a good guy, but knows his boss is a bad guy. 
Then we are treated to a hell of a camera move, where it tracks over Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian together on the floor, heroic in death and still holding hands, and then sweeps up to show their killers sitting on the lotus throne. 
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The dead couple were at odds for their whole lives together, while the evil people who killed them are acting like devoted lovebirds. It's a stunning shot and a terrific thematic contrast. When Wei Wuxian eventually comes to take his vengeance, he will spend some time turning Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao against each other, before ending them. 
The camera shows us JC's reaction, then shows his mother, then WWX’s reaction, then JF; each reacting to the death of the person who loved them. Some folks may feel that Jiang Fengmian actually did love Jiang Cheng but was just bad at showing it. But Jiang Cheng doesn't think so, and I don't think it's a given that parents love their children.
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Side note: Macroexpression king Wang Zhuocheng is able to open his eyes so far that a giant strip of white shows above his irises, and keep them like that, which is quite a trick. Try it yourself.
Meanwhile Wang Lingjiao and Wen Chao gossip about YZY and JFM's bad marriage. Wen Chao admires YZY's beauty, and Wang Lingjiao insults her character, and announces that she's going to stab YZY's body a few extra times. Jiang Cheng briefly faints at this, taking a page from Wei Wuxian's book, and rolls off the roof. 
Run Run Away
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Both young men run, and run, and run away from Lotus Pier while Wen Chao and Wang Lingjiao mistreat the bodies of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan 
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The stabbing happens off camera, because it's ok to stab a live child on camera, but not a dead adult. (As always, there are cultural reasons for "what's ok" in any country, and I'm not saying anybody's wrong about these choices). 
Wen Chao follows this up with pouring a cup of wine across their faces. He does this in the style of a libation for the dead, but as a desecration, combining mistreatment of bodies with profaning a ceremonial rite. In a world where ghosts are real and have sharp fingernails, this is deeply, deeply stupid.
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Yu Ziyuan’s actress Zhang Jingtong is able to have liquid poured INTO HER EAR without flinching. Mad props.
The brothers eventually finish running and arrive in a field with an extreme purple photo filter on it. Which I've done my best to remove for these gifs, with variable results. 
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Jiang Cheng wants to turn around and go back to Lotus Pier. He says he wants to retrieve his parents’ bodies and to take revenge, but he's devastated and it seems likely he just wants to die with everyone else.  
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Wei Wuxian pleads with Jiang Cheng to calm down and stay safe, while Jiang Cheng gives himself over to anger and shock as the brothers shout at each other.
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Punching and running ensues, and Wei Wuxian tries to hold his brother back, grabbing him around the shoulders him in a gesture that painfully echoes the many hugs he's given over the years. 
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This time Jiang Cheng doesn't just push him off. He turns around and chokes his brother for nearly a full minute, while screaming at him and blaming him. 
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Just as when Madame Yu beat him, Wei Wuxian doesn't fight back; he pulls on Jiang Cheng's wrists but doesn't hit him or try to break his hold.
Finally Jiang Cheng lets him go, and cries out for everyone he's lost, while Wei Wuxian weeps silently next to him. Eventually they fall asleep in the grass together, their bodies curled up in the form of a heart. 
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Damn, this episode really brings it.
Side Note: during their argument, Wei Wuxian says, among other things, that "revenge is a dish best served cold," according to subtitles. It's a French saying from the 1800s so it's probably not precisely what Wei Wuxian is saying. More importantly, as a longtime Star Trek fan I can't help but hear James Kirk yelling "KHAN!!!!!" whenever I encounter that phrase.
There’s Got To Be A Morning After
When they wake up in the morning, Jiang Cheng is still in his feelings, but now his feelings have moved along to despair, from anger.
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I feel bad for noticing how handsome they both look in this scene. Let's all feel bad about this together.
Jiang Cheng is free to have this level of emotional breakdown because Wei Wuxian is there keeping his own shit together and focusing on what matters.
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When Jiang Cheng refuses to get up, Wei Wuxian reminds him, very, very gently, that they have a sister, who has waited all night to know what happened.
At this, Jiang Cheng gets up, but won't look at Wei Wuxian, continuing to blame him for everybody else's actions, as he walks onward to find Yanli.
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Wei Wuxian follows, hurt and bereft, as he gets to work internalizing everything that he's being accused of. This is good practice for his future as a widely reviled bogeyman.
Part two will be slightly less awful! Coming soon!
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rikusempai · 3 years
[MC x Brothers] Pride special!
MC Coming Out to the Brothers
Scenario: Mc coming out to the brothers and the now dateables (+ Luke).
Note: Mc is gender neutral.
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You decided to tell Lucifer when you we’re handing in your monthly report for the exchange program
You were really nervous
You didn’t know how how he’ll react
You knew he had soft spot for you so you calmed yourself with that knowledge
Lucifer was a bit shocked when you first came out to him
You caught him off guard
He didn’t see this coming and it took him a second to compose himself
“Oh, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this about you. I’m happy for you”
Full dad softy mode
He shows a genuine smile and envelope Mc into a loving hug.
He’s so supportive and even more soft for you.
It gives him a sense of pride that you trust him enough to come out to him.
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Poor demon didn’t understand you the first time
You had to tell them again: “Mammon I’m [_____]”
“O-oh, ok”
This man was caught off guard
He knew he would fully support you in every way imaginable but he was still kinda confused
You would think this immortal idiot would be full of all worldly knowledge but he isn’t
You had to explain it to him, what you were identifying as and what it would mean for your friendship.
I say that because I personally think Mammon wouldn’t know how to treat you, not trying to be disrespectful or anything, but no one ever close to him has “come out” to him.
But once you explain to him he would do his best to return to the usual
He may still act a little weird at first but that’s because he’s never been trusted with information like this
He’s really happy that his human trusts him enough to be so open with him
Mammon will fight anyone who acts disrespectful to you or on purposely calls you by the wrong pronouns.
He’s you’re personally body guard
He thinks your so cool for being yourself and not caring about others opinions about you.
No matter what you identify as you’re still his human and he’s your fist man.
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“Ok cool”
You had to explain it to him but Levi already knew a lot about the LGBTQ community due to a lot of people being apart of the community in his online forums as well as in the anime community (*cough* Yuri on ice).
He was well versed in the human worlds many communities because of his own research as well as what he stumbled upon.
You came out to him while you guys were playing video games so he was really nonchalant about it
But in his mind he was running circles
He was trying to put all his lgbtq+ knowledge into one package so he doesn’t mess anything up with you
As your BEST FRIEND he doesn’t want to hurt your feeling or make you feel uncomfortable around him
He wants to be your BEST best friend ever.
Even if you don’t like him in a more than a friend way he’s still glad to have you as his best friend
He loves you
Personal HC: if another demon says something mean to you or talks behind your back YOU BET YOUR DERRIÈRES THIS MAN WILL EITHER ATTACK THEM OR GIVE THEM THE MOST DEADLIEST LOOK IN THE BOOK
He will always be your best friend till the end
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“Oh ”
Like Lucifer this boy is so chill
“Thank you for telling me this, I’m glad that we’re close enough to have these kinds of conversations”
He’d ask you more questions so he could do more proper research
He doesn’t want to accidentally offend you
Books only cover so much information of the human LGBTQ+ history so expect him to ask you questions
He might get a little annoying
But how can you blame this boy
He just wants to be a good friend
Like Luci
He’s really protective of you
(I mean he is the avatar of wrath)
He will straight up POUNSE on any demon who talks shit
He’s your personal body guard
No matter what you identify as he will always love you and will continue to support you through thick in thin
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“Wait really!”
Get ready to be smothered in hugs
“Ahh I’m so happy you told me, you know I’ll always love you sweetie!!”
1000% supportive
I mean this pretty boy is the avatar of lust so of course he’d know all about sexualities, gender identities, etc.
Sleepovers in his room way more frequently
He will want to buy you cute new clothes so you’d feel more yourself
Also not to mention cute clothes to show of to everyone at the Pride Parade
You don’t think there’s a parade in The Devildom? Well you’re wrong
There’s even one up in the Celestial Realm!
You guys are gonna be stunning
He’s always you’re bestie and he’s always there for you to talk to
He’s probably the most understanding out of all his brothers
No matter what he’ll always be there for you
(A/n: author would personally come out to him first before the other boys💕)
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Cute baby boy
Baby’s confused
He doesn’t really understand but that’s ok because he would love you no matter what
He may ask a lot of questions but ultimately he’ll be really happy for you
He feels special that you decided to come out to him
He’s really happy to be friends with you
Precious boy will never judge you
Wanna go to pride in the human world?
You know he’s knocking on Diavolo’s office door to allow you two to go to the human world
You wanna work on your personal style/look he’s always there to help you ever step of the way (as well as supplying the grim)
Also precious boy doesn’t like seeing others being mean to you
This boy is a gentle giant but not when someone is being a bully
In the long and short 1000/1000 amazing understanding boy
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Oh our little edge lord
He can be a little “edgy” but dw he’s still soft for you
“Okay now we need to get to class, I’m gonna miss my 9 am nap”
On the outside this man is chill af
But on the inside
will 100% be supportive tho
He loves you no matter what you identify yourself as
He’s just super surprised
Like his other brothers he does ask some questions
I feel like in away he’s kinda like Mammon
In the sense of not knowing what to do and being kind of clueless
But he’s not as awkward about it as Mammon
He’s really chill about it and doesn’t really freak out as much as his other brothers
He’s always a shoulder to lean on (or sleep on) and will always listen to your problems/rants
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slutdery · 4 years
See you looking right here, don’t hesitate.
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make a wish series.
A series (for each member of the unit) about their lines in make a wish (english version).
pairing | taeyong x fem!reader
genre | smut, fluff (ig)
words | 3.8k
warning | knife play, degradation, one time sex, dom!taeyong, mature content, oral (m receiving).
author’s note | my native language isn’t english, so if there’s something wrong with anything i wrote tell me and i’ll edit it...
You know that one wish? That one u'd die to fulfill? Everyone have plenty of them, but you had the chance to make one of them come true and was still difficult to believe that this invitation came to you.
You were invited to one of the most famous ball around Korea, that's something to celebrate. 'Why?' well, that's actually a simple question for you to answer. Being a photographer had its privileges. They asked you to photograph a ball with the richest people all around Asia. It was a dream to attend to that kind of event, but only selected people could go, by "Selected." means rich. Yeah, those ones that brags about themselves whenever they can and humiliate the others for not being one of them. You really hated rich people with all of your heart, but you couldn't miss the chance to go somewhere like that.
Already inside of the taxi heading to the Lee's house, where the ball would occur. You could say you were nervous, but you didn't had time for that. When you work with rich people like these ones, the secret is to be ready for whatever may come. And of course that phrase they always says "Know your place." You'll be there to work, so you have to know the place you belong and thank god is not where they are.
The house is stunning. That kind of ones that you just see in magazines and everyone wishes to live, the perfect one.
After getting your equipment ready you started taking photos of the rich fucks. It was a work that you loved doing, besides you had the chance to photograph the insides of the house. The little plants next to giants panting, details in the ceiling and that incredible chandelier in the middle of the room.
You'v decided to sit a little bit, cause your legs hurt for walking with big heels. Your attention was focused to the people dancing at the center of the room, all of them elegantly swinging to one side then another. It was something nice to see.
But then your eyes spotted a incredible good looking guy sat on the other side of the room. He had pretty big eyes and a chin that would cut your thumb if you touched. His body proportions were amazing, he was tall and thin. But you caught your eyes looking at his pretty hands, he wore many rings in those long fingers, that made it sexier than already was. Your stare got back to his face, he was the prettiest "hottest." man that you'v ever saw, and you wouldn't forget his face for a long time. You stood there for minutes fascinated by his little details that you didn't even saw his piercing gaze running through your body. When you realized that his eyes were reading all of yours moves while smirking, your brain stopped functioning for a second, was it just you or it got really hot? You washed your thoughts away and repeated to yourself 'You're here to work.', with that in mind you stood up and got back to photographing the rest of the ball.
After finishing  your job and keeping the camera on a safe place, you started walking through the big room. Actually there weren't much time left to enjoy the ball, since all the people were already leaving, but it was still a fun event. Besides now you had a new guy to stalk and dream of one day kissing him. After the good looking guy came to your mind, you searched for him all over the place, but he wasn't anywhere near. Unfortunately. The only thing left was to enjoy the last minutes in heaven. Walking through an hallway that got your attention as you passed by. Pretty decorations all over the way.
"You shouldn't be here."
A hoarse voice reached your ears making you freeze as you felt the impact of it. After realizing where the voice came you turned to where the incredible good looking guy was. ‘He's even more pretty up close.'
"Oh, sorry."
You told him and smiled at the tall guy, making your way to leave and go back to where the ball was occurring, but his giants hands held your wrist making you turn to face him again.
"I saw you looking at me."
He said getting closer to you with that smirk of earlier. His piercing gaze right into your eyes and sometimes slipping to your lips. You didn't even notice how close he was, until he let out a deep breath against your supple skin. His lips were millimeters away from yours, while his hands tightened around your wrist to the point that you could feel a slight of pain. Which made you feel a low groan leaving your mouth. He let loose of your wrist and stepped back. You let out a "Fuck." in protests. At this point you might be wet and he barely touched you.
"What? You wanted more? Oh... what a nasty girl."
His husky voice echoed in the hallway, all of your thoughts were vanished away and just the hoarse voice remanded.
"What? Hesitating on answering me, i see. When your eyes were glued on me you didn't hesitated on looking all over my body, why being shy now?"
You felt the heat on your cheeks. You didn't know what to say, nor do, he left you speechless. Step by step he got closer to you again, his body lead yours to the closest wall, pinning you there. His cold breath leaning against your soft skin while looking into into your eyes. His mouth half opened ready to say something but he didn't had time to do such a thing. You quickly got his lips together with yours, closing your eyes while feeling his busted lips. He was still surprised by the sudden action, but didn't hesitated on kissing you back, now leading the kiss. His tongue was hungry, he wanted more than you were giving him. His hands got to your waist, pulling you even closer to him. You let out a tiny gasp when his thumbs met the only part of your back that the dress didn't covered. His long cold fingers resting there, making your whole body shivers. You traveled your hands to his neck, moving your attention to his soft hair that covered his scruff, caressing it with your fingers while pulling his head even more closer. His body was so close that you could felt his boner on your thigh, moving one of your knees to reach his length. Rubbing a little bit through the fabric of his pants. The boy seems to like it since he let out a groan and intensified the warm and sloppy kiss. But it didn't last long. He slowly got away and took a step back clearing his throat.
"I don't think it's a good idea to continue these kinds of things here, but if you have time we can go to my room. By the way, my name is Taeyong."
Oh, the son of the richest man in Korea. 'Not knowing the son of the man that everyone talks about, i'm indeed not that clever at all.' you thought while you raised your eyebrow at him, thinking about his suggestion and 'Why not?' popped on your mind.
"Sure. My name is y/n."
He smiled at you and started walking. Not minding if you were following him or not, but you obviously were. The rest of the house was absolutely perfect, you didn't have any words to say how pretty it was. Literally the ones you just see in movies. You were somehow envious. You climbed the stunning stairs, with lots of tiny details that got all of your attention, stopping in the middle of the way just to stare the little panting on the handrail. You spotted Taeyong entering in one of the various doors that the second floor had, following him and getting inside of the room. Closing the door behind as soon as you got in. His bedroom was something else, it was bigger than your whole apartment. Decorations in blue, grey and black. You left Your shoes next to the entrance and started walking in the tiny corridor that the room has. When you finally reached to the actual bedroom you sighed in relief, that was a long ass ride.
Taeyong was sitting on his bed looking at the giant window that occupied almost the whole wall. When he realized that you were already there he patted the sheets signaling for you to sit on the spot next to him. You did as he told and sat right by his side.
"Can i talk with you? About... something."
He sighed moving his head to face you. His intense gaze made your legs tremble. 'He's ethereal.'
"Of course. What's up?"
"Well. I'm hundred percent sure we're going to have sex if i'm wrong please correct me."
He slipped his gaze to your lips. You bited the lower one thinking of an proper response to give him or even say that he was wrong. But you couldn't, you wanted it as bad as he.
"I'll get this lip biting as a 'Yes'."
He got his attention back to the window, and you did it too. 'Nice view.' you thought.
"I have a kink."
"I think we'all."
He sighed in response and closed his eyes. You could swear he was the most hot person that ever existed. His jawline only lighted by the moonlight, made you wanna attack him just like that. Without a warning.
"I mean, before testing my 'Kink' with you i have to ask if you're ok with it. I suppose you already heard about knife play, right?"
Your heart skipped a bit hearing his hoarse voice saying it while his gaze pierced through your soul. At the same time that it haunted you thinking of knifes cutting your skin, it aroused you too. You couldn't tell properly what you were feeling, it was a mix of adrenaline and fear. It made you even more horny seeing that he had sparkles in his eyes talking about his 'fetish'.
"I'm in."
"So easy. You're a fucking nasty bitch."
He practically jumped on you. Kissing your lips even more hungrier than on the hallway, tracing his fingers all over your face, caressing it with his thumbs. His body was on top of you with his legs in the middle of yours, his knee was so close to the place you needed him the most. You were probably soaking wet by this time, searching for something to just touch you there. Taeyong broke the kiss leaving one last peck to your lips. He left you there in the need for him to just fuck you until you cry.
He entered in some kind of room still on his bedroom. He didn't made you wait much, coming back just minutes after with a medium knife on his hands. The object fitted in his hands perfectly, like he knew just what he was doing. He knelt on the end of the bed and took his suit off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. You were so right about him being the hottest person, cause his abs were no joke. You wanted to lick all of his body so much.
"Can i perhaps give you a head? Before you know, doing what you wanna do."
"Yeah, c'mere slut."
He stood up again, now stripping his pants off. The only thing left was his underwear. You couldn't tell if he was shy or wanted you to take it off, the second one aroused you the most. You got up from the bed and knelt in front of him, his eyes widened as your hand moved to touch his body. Passing your fingers all over his abs until it reached the hemline of his boxer, pulling it down. Revealing his medium sized dick with a pretty pink tip. You couldn't hold yourself back anymore and wrapped your hand around his dick, stroking it from the basis to the top, moving your thumbs on the tip of it. He tilted his head back and let out a few groans. 'So he likes on the tip.' you thought. Quickly got your lips closer to it and kitty licked the tip, moving your tongue on his dick hole. As you did it he couldn't contain his low moans, letting plenty of them escape his mouth. His hands moved to your hair, pulling almost all of the strands into a ponytail.
"Suck it, stupid hoe. Gag on my fucking cock."
His hand pushed your head to finally put his penis inside of your mouth, letting you feel all of his length inside of it while you tried to lick his tip on the times he wasn't moving. He didn't had mercy at all. Putting all of his effort on making you gag, his dick reaching your throat while you were drooling, your saliva dripping over his balls. He suddenly stopped moving and got his hand out of your hair.
"I wanna last more, get up."
In the moment when you propped up he pushed you, making your body fall on the soft bed. He got on the middle of your legs again while studying you, his eyes went black looking at your body through the tight dress. The hand holding the knife got closer to your arm, pressing the point of the blade and moving just a little bit. The cold knife superficially cutting your skin made your body shivers.
"You like this don't you? Needy whore."
You couldn't even think of a proper answer to give him, the fear was taking control of you. His knife got closer to the bottom of your dress, moving it until it reached the top.
"Did you cut my dress?"
"Answer me when i ask you something, slut."
He opened the parts that he cut, ripping the rest that got in his way, making you mumble something similar to 'You'll have to buy me a new one.' as he just nodded and smiled for 2 seconds. Finally something that made you comfortable with the whole situation, his bright smile. Back again with the knife close to you, he now was focusing on your thighs.
"I'm gonna do it for real now. If you are uncomfortable or is hurting more than you can handle, say 'Kitten.'"
You nodded and tried your best to relax your body, you didn't wanted to be nervous cause it would make you paranoid about what he was doing. You closed your eyes as you felt the knife drawing circles with the steel on your thighs, you had goosebumps all over your body from the coldness of the knife. You felt a severe pain on your skin as he moved the blade in horizontal lines, making you wonder if he was gently cutting or scratching you. Letting out a low moan while you tried calling his name, you didn't even know if he heard his name being called or not.
He let the tip of the sharp knife rest on your skin. Without a proper warning he slightly dragged it across your derm. Now on the vertical, making you flinch while a moan escape through your lips again.
"Don't fucking flinch, bitch."
"Fuck me, please."
You murmured while opening your eyes to look at him, he was on his knees on the middle of your two legs with the knife on the same position as before on his hand. You thanked god that there weren’t any bleed, cause that made you trust him even more. He stood up the moment that he spotted your panties, entering the same room of earlier and getting back faster than that one time before. But now he had a condom on his fingers instead of the knife. You thought he was finally gonna give you what you were wishing for all night. His dick inside of you.
"Can i make a wish now?"
"I want you fucking me with no mercy."
"You're such a whore."
He slowly got on the bed making his way to the top of you. But now he was fully above you with his arms on each sides of your body, making him carry his weight through them. He wasn't a soft dom, that was for sure. So you weren't expecting him to kiss you that much, and he didn't. But you missed a little kiss here and there, that teased you even more. Maybe the two of you were just too different from each other. Your body was half naked already, you weren't wearing a bra that night so it was easier for him. And he didn't loose time at all, so slowly he got closer to your chest. Diving on your right breast with his mouth. His tongue played with your nipple, sometimes kitty licking it or nibbling with his teeth. You weren't holding your moan back, sometimes whispering his name as you let some of them out. Of course you were enjoying it, his tongue was literally heaven, but you couldn't take it anymore. you were so wet that your panties glued on your pussy, making it uncomfortable to wear.
"Please, just fuck me."
He stopped playing with your nipples just to look at You. The smirk appeared on his lips as soon as he saw your desperate gaze, hoping that he would finally fuck you.
"So needy, bitch."
He left the top of you and rolled to the side, laying his body on the bed and resting his head against the pillows. He got the condom out of the plastic and placed on the top of his dick, pulling it through his length until it reached the basis. After finishing it he sat on the bed and patted on his lap for you to top him. When you realized that in this position he wouldn't take the soul out of your body, cause you would be making all of the work, you moved your head to the sides telling him a 'No'.
"If you don't mind i prefer this way. Please."
You looked at him with puppy eyes, making him sigh and roll his eyes. He got up from the spot that he was sitting and came to where you were.
"No mercy, huh? Slut."
He spread your legs a little and knelt between them. After finding an comfortable position for him he raised one of your legs and rested it on one side of his shoulder, doing the same with the another one on the other side. His hands moved down, making its way to your clothed clit, he palmed it. He stimulated you doing lazy circles with his middle finger through the fabric of your lingerie. You let out a loud moan to the final sensation of something touching you there. He stopped his motions a little seconds after starting it, grabbing the fabric of your panties and putting to the side. He stood there for a little bit, looking at your bare pussy facing him.
"You're so nasty. All that wet just for me?"
You nodded in response and he smirked moving his hip for the tip of his cock tease your entrance, leaving you wanting more from the contact.
"Fuck, Taeyong. I need you inside me."
That's all he needed to listen. He grabbed the basis of his penis and shoved it into your pussy without a warning, making you tilt your head back into the pillows and groan his name from the sudden move. He wasn't kind, every time he moved his hips you could feel his cock hitting your g-spot, making many loud moans come out of your mouth. Besides being a little uncomfortable, cause you weren't too flexible, the position was amazing. And when he deep thrust you could see stars.
"You like that way, right? So fucking tight, whore."
He kept his moves deep and fast, making you a vocal mess. He wasn't much of a vocal as you were, cause you only heard low moans coming out of his mouth, but it was still hot. His hands traveled from your leg on his shoulders till it reached your thighs, you wasn't paying much attention to that, until he passed his thumbs through the scratches he made. You flinched as you felt a slight of pain, it made you moan even more than you already were, he didn't hesitated on touching it again just to see the discomfort on your face. It hurts more than you've imagined it would, but at the same time it was so good. The pain mixed with his dick hitting your spot, made you experience something u'v never felt. His fingers moved to touch you down there again, moving his index and middle finger in fast circles through your sensitive clit. You felt a knot being made on your stomach and you tried to hold it, succeeding on your task.
"Taeyong, can i cum?"
You asked while moaning from all the pleasure he was giving you, it was so hard to hold your orgasm back while he stimulated you.
"Yes. Cum for me, my slut."
He didn't needed to tell you twice, you saw stars as you relaxed your body and finally let your orgasm out. You were a totally vocal mess, your walls clenched on his dick, making him let out a loud moan at your sudden tightness. He stopped moving his fingers on your clit, afraid of the overstimulation. But still didn't stopped his fast motions, making you still moan for him.
"Beg for my cum, whore."
"Please Taeyong, cum on my pussy, fill your slut with your load."
As soon as you finished your sentence he finally let out the moans he was holding all night, it was music to your ears seeing that he finally reached his orgasm. The two of you stayed in the same position for a couple of minutes until he recompose himself. Making you form a groan in your throat when he took his dick out of your pussy. You saw him taking the condom off and making a knot at the end of it, seconds later throwing it on the garbage can next to the other side of the bed. He rolled to the spot next to you and held your arm, pulling you in a lovely hug.
"Can we stay like this for a little bit?"
You nodded and smiled in response. Moving your hand to reach his hair, caressing his strands while watching him with his eyes closed.
“You’re ethereal.”
He giggled at you and held you tightly. You Kissed his forehead and closed your eyes as well, sleeping with him just like this.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Janus, did you follow up with Remus on that invitation? Or are you too giddy with your new boyfriend?👀👀
(Words: 2578)
 Janus: “Oh yes Remus....I had totally not forgotten because I have been too busy being giddy about Logan. Totally not. I am afraid if I meet up with Remus right now I will simply be so giddy with so much love I will actually explode and die on the spot. But that is a risk I am willing to take!
Janus took a deep breathe. This was the third deep breathe he’d taken in a row and yet he kept being just as nervous. He’d hung out with Remus twice already, simply knocking on his door shouldn’t be making him this anxious. It was stupid. He was stupid.
He gave up on trying to calm down and knocked on the door.
The door opened. His breath hitched and he subconsciously straightened his back to look more alright.
To his surprise it wasn’t Remus that opened. At first glance he could have mistaken it for him. The person- the woman opening looked nearly identical to him after all. Same dark brown hair color, same brown nearly red eyes seeming to pierce into his soul, even the same birthmark above their lip.
Only difference being that her hair was longer, reaching her waist, and she wasn’t as skinny, in turn making her figure more full.
“Who are you?” She asked in a cold tone, it sounded more like a snarl.
“Janus” He reached out his hand “I’m Janus”
She slammed the door shut.
Janus let out a sigh. He’d spent the entire bus ride worrying about how badly Remus would react to seeing him but wow this was even worse. He was just about to go home and sulk when the door swung open again.
“Okay come in” The woman said while dragging him into the living room.
“t-thank you” Janus stammered out.
His cheeks heated up when he locked eyes with Remus who was sitting on the sofa. His friend quickly glanced away and crossed his arms over his chest.
The sofa had been made into a makeshift bed and suitcases laid littered over the floor. The lady sat him down on the couch before slumping over in a newly bought fainting cough. She had on a red robe while Remus had on a pyjamas with an octopus pattern on.
“So my dear eh demented Remus I am here to inform you that there is a giant seamonster in my bathtub so I had to go somewhere else...And I happened to choose this place...for tactical battle reasons!” Janus blurted out.
A weight lifted off his shoulders when Remus shone up into a smile at his made up story. Janus couldn’t help but stare at his sharp teeth. He knew him being obsessed with vampires as a teenager would bite him in the neck one day.
“Want me to kill it?”
Janus looked up from his mouth “What? The uh monster?” He put on his usual charming smile “Well of course darling. You only have to be ready to be eaten to death”
“OH I am ALways ready to be eaten to death. Trust me!”
“He got voted most likely to have a cannibalism kink in 10th grade” The woman added on. She was extravagantly fanning herself with a deliciously decorated fan.
“I was!” Remus exclaimed with a proud smile.
“Who- Who are you?” Janus tried to say in the nicest tone possible.
“She’s my frankenstein monster which I created just to bitch around and annoy me” “Life saw what kind of fuck up he was and made me out of diamonds and a lion’s pride to be the better version of him!” They said at the same time.
They glanced at each other before looking back at Janus.
“She’s my twin” “He’s my twin” They continued on at the same time again.
The lightbulb inside Janus’ brain finally lit up “Oh you’re Rowan aren’t you? I have heard many atrocious tales about you”
“The one and only” She moved her arms into some sort of regal pose while saying it “I’ve heard stories of you too you pitiful Janus. Re-re has told me he hates you and finds you awfully boring but you seems so lonely and sad he doesn’t want to tell you!” 
Remus’ eyes widened into panic as he shook his head “I never said that!! Lies!!! Defimation!!!!”
“Re-Re I was joking”
He kept fiddling with his oversized shirt. He looked over at his sister while moving further away from Janus. Rowan nodded back at him.
“Sibling meeting!” She exclaimed as she abruptly stood up while dropping the fan. She grabbed onto Remus and dragged him into the bedroom.
Janus stayed with his hands awkwardly clasped between his thighs. He hadn’t known he would walk into his greatest weakness: Meeting new peopel!!!
He looked around the room and slowly realized that the suitcases weren’t even unpacked. Meaning Rowan must have just arrived. Meaning Janus had inserted himself into a sibling reunion.
Holy shit. He was a piece of shit.
He slumped down on the green covers of the makeshift sofa bed....wait....Remus’ stuffed octopus laid on the pillow. Meaning it was his bed.....so Rowan was using the bedroom.
It all clicked at once. The cheerful disney posters. The white fluffy pillows everywhere. The walls being painted gold and red. THE LESBIAN FLAG HANGING ON THE WALL.
This wasn’t Remus’ apartement. This was Rowan’s apartement which Remus had weasled himself into.
Holy shit. Janus wasn’t just a piece of shit. He was a stupid piece of shit. Remus was never going to love him back!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-
Meanwhile Remus was looking around in the heaps of dirty clothes and trash that had piled up in the bedroom while Rowan had been away. His sister was standing over him with her hands clasped in front of her chest.
“Soooo Re-Re do you have a cruuush on him?” She had an extremly smug smile on her face.
“I would rather eat a burning stone than have a crush” He muttered back.
“He’s not even pretty”
“Ro-Ro you don’t think any guy is pretty”
“That’s not true!” She disagreed. She began to count on her fingers. “Tarzan”  That was it.
“He’s animated!”
“He still counts!”
Remus took a deep breathe “We shall savor this battle for another day and it shall be glorious”
“It sure will brother!” Rowan tightened her fist.
They made angry grimaces at each other for a few seconds before going back to being normal. Remus tried looking under the bed.
“He’s a total dork you realize that right? He isn’t good at hiding it either” She stated “So I guess he isn’t the worst guy to have a crush on”
“I don’t have a crush on him!”
She sent him another smug look “Oh really? I’m not so sure about that!”
She held up her hands “Alright. Alright. I hear you”
Rowan patted him on the shoulder. He took a shaky breathe to calm down. He held up a binder. The reason he had been searching the bedroom in the first place.
“Could you help-”
“I don’t want him seeing me without it”
“Got it”
He took off his shirt and forced the binder down around his shoulders. Rowan made sure to only touch the binder as she pulled it down so it sat properly.
“I saw that my money has been getting sent to a therapist” Rowan said while leaning her chin on his shoulder “Proud of you”
“OHOHO It is not at all what you think it is. It’s as much therapy as you having that spiritual guide living here for a while was actually spiritual in any way and not you just your girlfriend”
She sighed “Still an idiot I see................ANd we did burn candles when we shared baths so it was really spiritual actually!!!”
Remus shrugged “I don’t need therapy anyway” She did a facepalm “Hey it’s true!! You let me live all on my own and look! I’m not dead in a ditch or addicted to ketamine or whatever you thought was gonna happen the moment you turned your back”
Rowan rolled her eyes “Sure dukey”
She went back out into the living room while he stayed to put on his shirt again. Janus sat still in nearly the exact same place they’d left him. As if he was afraid doing anything would ruin everything.
He looked at her with almost fear. It turned into definitive fear when Rowan walked up to him and grabbed onto him to shove his back against the couch. She towered over him and pierced her eyes right into his.
“Listen here you swept together ball of dirt” She snarled out “If you ever hurt my brother, in any way, I will make sure you have nightmares from what I did to you every single night for the rest of your miserable life! You’ll never feel peace ever again!” 
Janus gulped “Yes ma’am”
Rowan let go of him and shone up into a smile “Good! If you need me I’ll be in my room putting on a face mask!”
She walked off at the same time Remus came back. Janus sat even stiller on the couch. His crush slumped down next to him and rolled his thumbs.
“So whatcha wanna do?” Rem asked. 
Janus shook his head to relax “Whatever you want to do dear”
Remus shone up into a grin and dashed to pick something up “UNO!”
“Ah yes. I am of course a feared master of...uno” 
He snorted while sorting the cards between his fingers “Please say that again”
The snort turned into a laugh “It’s just cute to hear non spanish speakers saying uno. That’s your whole vibe. Cute. Dorky. Smart dumbass. You’re like...the decaying corpse of a chipmunk!”
Janus took a moment “.....thanks. Best compliment I’ve ever gotten”
“No problem! Now I’ll make up for it by beating you in uno!”
It was a heated battle. Remus apparently had incredibly luck in all card games. Janus used the technique of distraction (!) and started talking about obscure conspiracy theories. It failed as his crush already knew the conspiracies. Which then started an even more heated debate about which conspiracy was the best all while the battle of cards continued.
Finally it came down to Janus having 1 card and Remus having 2. The snake let out a villanous laugh. After his crush’s turn the victory would be his!
But then Remus laid the card equivalent of slapping him across the face with both a sword And a dick. He laid a skip card! Janus fell back on the couch in exasperated horror as his crush laid his last card.
“WOOHOO FUCKER! GET KICKED IN THE BALLS BITCHASS!!” Remus yelled while getting up and running a few victory laps around the couch.
Janus laid in stunned silence. few times had he been beated this good. 
“I’ll destroy you in the next round” Jan shook his fist to be extra extra.
“Oh really now. You dare challenge the great Buttmaster420!? IN uNO? Truly brave” Remus replied with a cocky grin.
Another fierce match began. As did their conspiracy theory debate. 1 win for Janus. 1 for Remus. Somewhere along the line they made popcorn. A second win for the snake boy. 
2 wins vs 2 wins. This was it. Remus looked his friend up and down like he was a comboy about to shoot him in the heart as he laid a pick up 4 cards card. Janus gasped. The tension in the air could be cut with a butter knife.
The final card landed. Remus won. Janus pretended to faint.
They shook hands and exchanged looks of respect before bursting out into laughter.
“Alright alright” Remus chuckled out “Snakey since I won I get to decide what we do next!”
“Please not a satanic ritual. I already have that planned for Monday”
“Oh nonono! Much better! Y’know those ghost hunting videos on youtube??? Yeah I love finding really badly made ones and laughing at them!”
“Ah yes, because if there is one thing I am known to do it is laugh at others”
They sat on opposite ends of the couch while Rem searched deeply after the best trash. He found a 15 minute one where they were apparently being chased by slenderman.
They exhanged jokes and giggles over it but to be honest most of what Janus focused on was just being in his crush’ apartement. He tried to sneakily look around to aww at the drawings and storyboards pinned onto the walls. The small sculptures made out of trash laying in droves on the floor. It all made his heart flutter. His entire body yearned to make out until his lips hurt.
Meanwhile Remus was sneaking looks at Janus. His eyes was filled with the ace equivalent of lust.
“...Can...Are...Can I use you as a pillow?” He quietly asked. “You look soft”
Janus’ cheeks went red from blushing in an instant “...sure”
Remus moved closer and carefully leaned his head onto his friend’s stomach. He hadn’t cuddled a person who wasn’t his sister for over a year. Holy shit. This was comfy!
“You’re very doughy!....THAt’s a compliment!” Remus said.
“You really are pulling out your A game compliments today huh”
“Better than pulling out my massive dick!! No but seriously this” He pointed at them both in their cuddly positions “fucks!”
“Oh trust me darling the last thing I am doing right now is fucking”
Remus burst out into a cackle and flapped his hands “You’re gold snakey!!”
“I try my best”
While they continued to watch videos Janus gently moved his hand down to stroke his fingers through his crush’s hair. At first Remus flinched but then he relaxed into it and told him to keep going.
The popcorn bowl got emptied. They laughed at the videos until their stomaches hurt. Remus playfully moved his hands up to cover his friend’s eyes every time a jumpscare happened. Jan pretended to try and bite his’ fingers every time.
Eventually Remus let out a yawn. For a moment he relaxed and cuddled closer. He even let his eyes close. Before he suddenly flinched. His eyes were wide open as he sat straight up.
“I’m tired. You should go” He choked out.
Janus thought before deciding to not question his strange reaction. He sent him a warm smile “You’re right. It’s late. I can text you about meeting up later”
“For sure!”
A silence hung around them as they went over to the entrance door. Remus leaned against the door frame. Janus took a step outside the apartement as he put his jacket on.
They glanced at each other. Neither said goodbye. Remus picked at his skin.
“...I....Janny...I...Okay this might seem weird with me wanting you to leave and most of the time not wanting you to touch me....But I...I kind of trust you... More than most people. I mean it’s rare for me to trust anyone in any way....so yeah...I just wanted you to know that”
Janus fumbled after what to say “Thank you. That’s- I’m flattered....I trust you too....I wouldn’t let you see me when I wasn’t perfect if I didn’t”
Remus smiled at him. A small but genuine smile. “I’ll see you then”
“Yeah” Janus’ chest warmed “Don’t die when I’m not looking!”
“Oh nonono. If I die I’ll make it so dramatic you won’t be able to miss it!” His voice softened “Stay safe..please”
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mcavoy-mayhem · 4 years
Give me a number (or a few) and McAvoy character or Mr. McAvoy himself of course :) And anything else you might wanna add. (I write for most if not all of James' characters and plus size and/or LGBTQ+ readers).
“Last time I checked that wasn’t the line for this scene... Or any scene actually”
“I do not look adorable!”
“You’re about as charming as a dead slug”
“Who says kilts aren't manly?!”
“You’d better hope I’m dreaming or I’m telling everyone”
“No you’ve agreed with me now, you can’t take it back”
“You are as dumb as a rock, so it’s a good job I love you”
“In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?” “You”
“If your partner calls you ‘selfish’, ‘weird’ and a bit ‘sick’, it’s over, yeah?”
“What do you mean you want a divorce?! We aren't even married!”
“You do know shoes are for your feet right?”
“Now I see why you don’t wear pink... You look like you got bled on by pixies”
“I’d say you're scary but... I’ve seen goldfish more intimidating”
“How ’bout I lick your lips instead?”
“Next time I see your face I’m gonna kiss it so hard-”
“Trust me darling, my bite is much worse than my bark”
“As a kid, I had this reoccurring dream that I got pushed of a tall building but that talking cat Garfield, so as long as you’re sure I don’t have to scale a building today, I’d be happy to eat waffles for breakfast”
“You need to calm down, I thought there was an elephant stampede making it’s way up the stairs”
“When did we get a fist-sized hole in the kitchen wall?”
“Now, when I said kinky boots, I sorta meant the musical...”
“Not that you don’t look absolutely stunning, but could I please have my shirt back?”
“Ok, do whatever you need, just don’t get blood on your outfit, we have dinner at 6”
“We are NOT calling it ‘Jellybean’ ”
“I’m not insecure, yellow just isn't my colour”
“I promise I am listening, it’s just a lot of stupidity to take in all at once”
“You should wear handcuffs more often, makes you look cute”
“You can’t just call shotgun on a person???”
“How have you gone through your entire life and never watched TOY STORY???”
“How do I say this... This, right here, the thing you’re running? It’s pretty much just a cult-”
“I had a puppy who was more mature than you are acting currently”
“If hear another one of your ‘Oprah Winfrey eats children to stay young’ theories, I am going to scream!”
“First of all, that was just unnecessary and slightly hurtful... Second of all, I would smash you at Guitar Hero World Tour and anyone who says otherwise is a liar”
“Can’t you just stay home and play Wii Bowling with me?”
“Sometimes it's hard to remember if you grew out of your ‘angsty teen’ phase”
“I get you're in pain and everything but please don't bleed all over the new bed sheet”
“What’s with all the dad jokes?”
“You see most girls would go for a guy like Channing Tatum”
“Should I even ask why there's a giant carrot plush in the bed or??”
“What’s Minecraft and why would we put our beds together?”
“Excuse me?! I can dance!”
“We’re supposed to be working. We need to focus..... Do it again”
“I’m supposed to say that first!”
“Strawberry Jam?? What sort of nickname is that?”
“Well if you really love this person just go kiss them you fool!”
“Elevators scare me”
“Next time, rather than trying to trick me, just tell me you're giving me a love potion, I'd happily drink it”
“That was the worst excuse for asking me on a date I've ever heard”
“No... Nothing about you being dressed as a hedgehog is 'sexy'...”
“You used to play recorder? You could have fooled me, I think my ears are bleeding”
“I know I'm no Sherlock Holmes, however I don't think I need to be to figure this one out”
“I know you said you hate cheesy pick up lines but I've been waiting to use this one, please let me???”
“You really have stop hiding how you feel about me, it doesn't make a difference, I already know”
“Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?”
“Oh, baby I'm yours till the stars fall from the sky, I swear and no, the shooting star that just shot past my head doesn't count”
“They say do what you love, so why don't we go back to my place?”
“Talk nerdy to me”
“Why don't we go do something romantic?” “like eating tacos in the rain?”
“You have the stamina of a horse and are as profilic as a rabbit”
“I love you but sometimes I sure do wish someone would gag you”
“Could this be love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
“Well if it isn't Rudolph the red nose reindeer in my bed”
“You release other people have to eat on that right?”
“It's like being given toast which you expect to have blackberry jam on but it turns out to marmite. You're disappointed but are you really surprised?”
“You ever feel really insignificant in this big city?”
“Have you noticed how everyone gives their pets normal names like 'Charlie' or 'Fred' but you? No you call your pets 'Salmon' and 'Jaffa cake'”
“Why are you dancing around the kitchen like a goose?”
“I'll have you know that all my systems are nervous thank you very much”
“You look as red as a cherry tomato, are you ok?”
“I'm not as think as you drunk I am”
“And how exactly did you end up in the tree?”
“If you can get me to go to bed with you in the next... 7 minutes I'll let you by the cat”
“I'm rather good with my hands if I say so myself”
“Why do I have to buy YOU the drink what if I wanna be treated like a princess?”
“How are you THAT bad at putting a shirt on?” “Maybe you should help me”
“Yeah in you're dreams” “That's exactly the problem”
“Oh my gosh the sleeves are rolled, the fore arms are out! This must be some serious business”
“Actually I was thinking I could be you're Christmas present”
“No, no I do not have a fountain pen kink”
“Stop talking before I change my mind”
“You squeal like a mouse on crack”
“You were trying to make me jealous with them??”
“I completely understand how much you wanna fuck me however this is a very public area”
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