#ok i might spoil things w/e
bejeweledmp3 · 1 year
glass onion movie of all TIME
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echantedtoon · 30 days
Ocean Deep Ch6 A Slight Change In Planning
Warnings: Mentioned kidnapping and mistreatment of the mermaids. Mentioned death.)
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The warm sun shown down on the bright sand matching the golden colors of the sand grains making up the beautiful scenery. The waves gently lulled against the grinding grains. Golden sand meeting blue water as the waves gently hugged them good morning. 
Water hugged up to her waist as she giggled and dug herself deeper into the soft squishy sand just under the waves near the waves. She was so close to the surface all she really had to do was just sit up and push up a foot or two more and her head would poke right out of the water. One should always be careful when near the surface especially if humans were about but she couldn't help it. The sand was so soft and comfy. She was just curling herself into the comfort of it all.
"It looks like you're having fun." A hand held up a newly caught tuna. It still wriggled about in his hand trying to get away. He would've already skewered it but the sight of her giggling at her own fun and enjoyment.
"IT'S SO SOFT!! We should get some of this sand for our seabed! Makio's always complaining about the bed being too hard!"
"Heh. You think so?"
"I know so! ..But I'm hungry now!"
He blinked- "Pfft. Hahaha! You got hungry just from doing nothing but rolling around in the sand like a guppy?" He couldn't help the laugh he gave her. It was so random it was amusing. Of course the pout she gave her with her puffed out cheeks was also a bonus.
"It's not funny! I am hungry! You're just making fun of me for not eating anything yet!"
"Well it's a good thing I make sure to provide for my wives." He loved the way her big blue eyes just widened as he just held out the wriggling fish in his hand. "Looky here. I just happened to remember your favorite."
"HHHHHAAAA!!! TUNA!!" If she wasn't already underwater, her mouth would be drooling. "YOU GOT IT JUST FOR ME?!"
"But of course. I can spoil you all I want..Just don't tell Hina about this. She's still on my case on giving you that entire net's worth of shrimp for yourself."
"AAAAHHH!! You didn't have to do this!"
A hand placed itself on her head making her look up to the smiling face staring down on her. 
"Yes. I do have to. I also want to do this for you. After all, you deserve it so much, Suma. I'll catch you as much as your heart desires. Ok? So don't worry about it. I'll always take care of my girls."
You had jumped as Suma doubled over and fell to her side in a crying fit, curling up in the fetal position. A fresh new stream of tears flowed down her tears and staining her eyes red. You were stunned by the sudden reaction completely unmoving and silent for a long moment before you looked at Hinatsuru next to you and seeing the pink eyed mermaid looking just as stunned as you but she looked much paler. Her pretty ruby jewelry stood out against her pale face. You looked behind you at Makio who had the same expression as her wife. You looked back to Suma as her sobs picked up in volume sobbing her eyes out in the fetal position and holding her clasped hands to her chest. After another few seconds you unsurely spoke-
"What's a...Tengen??" That's what she said right?
"A A A A A A H H H H H H!!!!!"
Your words had the opposite effect. Body jumping as Suma W A I L E D loud enough to probably shake your windows if this room had any! In a panic you held up hands in a comfort pose. If someone heard her then there might be trouble.
"Hey! I- it's ok! I'm sorry for asking! You need to calm down before someone hears you!" Two hands awkwardly patted her back in a vain attempt to comfort the gasping mermaid. "There, there! It's ok! Everything's ok- AH!!"
Without warning Suma threw herself at you completely throwing her arms around you and pulling you into a bone crushing bear hug. Her face buried itself into your shoulder as her ugly gasps and sobs continued..Um. Ok. This was happening you guessed. At least her voice was muffled now. 
"There, there??" You again awkwardly patted her back in an attempt to calm her down half expecting Makio to yell at her again to stop being a crybaby but oddly both were silent. "Look. Whatever upset you I'll fix. Ok? " You tried appeasing her to try and calm her down. "Shh. Shh." You hugged her back to you pulling her closer and patting the back of her head. "If it's the fish, I'll throw it out and just get you something else. How about that?"
Her only answer was the ugly crying wetting your shoulder. What just happened? One moment you were just sitting down having a good time and the next there was...Well this. What could've gotten into her that made her cry? Well cry more seriously than she usually does. Behind you Makio's eyes trailed from your head to Suma's hands gripping your back- 
"What the-" Your head snapped back over your shoulder as you felt Makio just RIP away Suma's hand from your back nearly tearing a hole in the fabric of your dress. "What are you doing?!"
She said nothing as she just desperately forced her counterpart to open her palm only to tear out what was inside it. Makio's face if possible became even more pale than before as she finally got a good look at what it was sitting in her palm. The little Silver stones clinked together as they were jostled in her palms.
Wordlessly Hinatsuru leaned over to look at what Makio thrusted at her, and fell silent and wide eyed as her eyes fell upon the strand of stones. After a stunned moment of silence she silently took the strand from Makio to gently hold on her own hands. As she was beside you, you were able to finally see what was being passed around and saw they were holding-..
A string of stones??
Your brows rose as you just stared at it. It was a strand of plain looking but obviously cut and polished silvery grey stones. That's what made her cry? 
"What's that?"
"Tengen." Her answer was brief, blunt, and devoid of any emotion. 
That caught your attention. Your brows raised. F/c eyes looked at the strand of strange stones in Hina's hands in question. That's 'tengen'?? What the heck was 'tengen'?? A type of rock? Didn't sound like any type of rock you knew.
"What's 'Tengen'?"
"Tengen Uzui. He's our husband."
HUSBAND?! F/c went wide looking between her and then to Suma (who was still crying into your shoulder and had knocked the fish she gave you out of your lap-) and the to Makio who looked about ready to cry herself and then back to look at the stones in Hina's hands. That was their husband?? Well they did mention once about having two husbands on top of being each other's wife. ... Mermaid marriages were very strange. But no. Wait a second. It wouldn't make sense for them to be married to a strand of rocks. Did the rocks belong to this Tengen man?
"And these are his?", you asked gesturing one hand to the rocks.
Hinatsuru shakily nodded. "Yes. We'd recognize them even if we were blind." She looked at the basket of fish before back to you. "Where did you get those fish?"
"The butcher's. I told you that-"
You winced as Suma wailed again right next to your ear. "Ow! He's not gonna be butchered! The entire shop is an open space." You could literally walk in and see them cutting and the store room where the meat was kept to be dried, seasoned, or jerkied. "If there was any mermaids in there, I would've literally seen him. It's more likely that his ...rocks just got caught up in one of the fishing nets and transported here by accident." You took the chance to grab Suma's fish and toss it back into the basket where it landed on top of the others with a wet splat sound.
"Then that means he's close by." Hina's face lit up as she looked at you with wide eyes. "Where did these fish come from?"
"They're some of the last ones our sea boats could carry." You explained raising a brow. "Lately some rouge sirens having been sinking any ships  that's leaving the nearest port at the beach, so most of the men have been taking to leaving for other bodies of water nearby for our goods. That's why most of the overstock has been so cheap." Or free in your case.
You were suddenly shaken back and forth by Suma who finally pulled away from your shoulder only to grab and start shaking you with inhuman strength.
"HE'S DOING ALL OF THIS TRYING TO FIND US!! I KNEW HE WOULDN'T GIVE UP!! HE LOVES US TOO MUCH!!" She sobbed and wailed as she shook your body. "HE'S SO CLOSE BY-!!!"
"SUMA!! Quit shaking her before you bust her brain!!" Makio angrily grabbed your shoulders and halter your movements. Your eyes rolled around before shaking your dizzy head.
"Oops..Sorry. But he's here!! He's really here!!" Suma gushed happily grabbing her cheeks and smiling widely. "I mean not here-here but it's so close if something of his shows up right?!"
"It depends." Hinatsuru's expression and tone did not change from the blunt, far off stare she was giving the stones she still held before her hands slowly closed around them and she took an inhale before looking at you again. "How far away is the ocean from here?"
You blinked. "Uh. Well the nearest beach is a month away from here. Two weeks if by horse. But there's lots of rivers here that lead back to the ocean." You shuffled out of Suma's and Makio's grip. "That was kinda my plan from the beginning. I mean I wanted to make sure you three were strong enough to like swim through currents and stuff, and so I was gonna wait until the end of this month and then take you back up to the nearby river." As if to demonstrate you pointed north. "It'll eventually lead you back to the river."
"That won't work."
You blinked taken aback by Hinatsuru's blunt tone. You thought that was a good idea. "Why not? You guys would be home free!"
"If what you said I'd true about humans fishing in the rivers now, then there's the greater chance of us getting captured." You froze. "On top of that there's less safety than there would be in the oceans. It's not just humans and nets that pose a danger to us."
You... hadn't even thought about that honestly. If you released them into the river then they could very likely get captured again, and that time they wouldn't have anyone to help them. They were lucky to have had you there, and that time you were lucky to not have been caught at all. 
"Oh..I uh.. Hadn't thought of that before. But that's good right? That your husband is close by-.. Wait." Your brain whirled a bit as it processed a piece of Intel that was previously said before you slowly looked at her with eyes the size of plates as reality slapped you across the face. "YOUR HUSBAND IS THE ONE SINKING OUR SHIPS?!"
Hinatsuru blinked. "I-...Well to be fair it's perfectly justified-"
"Justified?! Our whole town is a fishing and trading community!" You frowned hard at her. "For months our ships have been destroyed and our whole way of life has been altered! Half the town has been considering just up and moving away because of the depletion! Fish aren't just food for us, but a way of life!"
Who knows how much this will affect you after he stopped? IF he stopped. Less fish means less income. Less income means the families her will suffer more than they had been for the last few months! 
"He's VERY justified thank you!," Makio piped up again behind you, "And so were we! He's only doing this because all of the humans in this town are bigoted greedy assholes who want nothing more than to make us suffer!"...You blinked as two arms suddenly wrapped around your body in a semi hug. "Except you of course."
"Y/N'S not like that and all!! Don't make her hate us!!"
You rose a brow at Makio like she didn't insult half your remaining family and friends in the town. "...Right." You decided not to comment on the basis that they did suffer from the hands of humans. "So how can we make him stop?"
"You can't." You froze again as Hinatsuru stared seriously but calmly. "If it really is Tengen, then he isn't going to stop until he gets what he wants."
"And..What is it that he wants?"
"Us. Of course."
"...How long exactly have you been gone from the ocean?"
She shook her head. "I lost track after we were brought here. How long has these attacks been happening?"
"Nearly a year now. It just started with rumors that a few boats in a different and far away area was experiencing but no one thought much of it." You shrugged as you felt Makio slowly start to untangle and comb through your hair again. "They were only rumors at the time and there was no way to really know if they were true. Plus even if it was it wasn't a concern. Sometimes ships sink because of the weather or the sailors are inexperienced. It happens. But-.."
"But?," Hinatsuru pressed raising a brow as you trailed off. 
You made an 'eeehhh' face with a roll of your wrist. "Strange things started happening."
"Like what things?" The way she was looking at and speaking to you reminded you of a mother or teacher interrogating a child.
"Well..A ship or two went missing along with everyone on it." You slumped your shoulders with a heavy sigh. "A lot of people were grieving over the massive losses." You'd never forget about all the crying faces and sorrow the families felt. By far that was the biggest mass funeral your town had ever seen. "And then the disappearances started to happen. Within the span of a few months four girls-" Your hand held up four fingers. "-went missing." No one had gone missing since you were a child. So the sudden disappearances made you scared. "And then more ships started to get damaged and sink and it just kept escalating and escalating until eventually the culprit was identified and now no one can even place a boat in the water because it'll just be torn up and sunk. No one could really stop them so they all started to fish in the nearby lakes and rivers instead."...You hummed. "Now that I think about it..All of the disappearances happened right at or close to the river." The three exchanged glances. "Would you three know anything about that?"
All three either shrugged or shook their heads. "No. Even if those disappearances were caused by someone we know, we couldn't have any way to know. We've been trapped, and hauled around like cargo for a long time."
"Hey. I know this might be a sensitive topic but how did you three get captured in the first place?"
"It was an accident at first." You rose a brow. "Really. It was. We were sleeping in a seabed and a net was scrapping along the seafloor. Caught us off guard and by the time we realized it, it was too late. The sailors were as surprised as you when you first found us..But as you can obviously guess, they didn't exactly have any ideas of letting us go."
"That must've been why he started sinking those ships."
Jeez! Just how strong WAS this single merman in he could sink solid thick wooden ships so easily?! You knew that these three alone were obviously very strong as they yanked you around. Were mermen stronger than mermaids?? Or was it just this one merman who was incredibly strong? It was so, so confusing. At least you had an understanding of the situation now. 
"Y/n can take us back can't she?!"
A duck sound went off in your mind. ..What?
"Gah!!" You were once again grabbed by the shoulders by Suma who lit up brightly smiling. 
"You can take us to the ocean right?! You already brought us here, so you can do that too! Right?!" And like dominos the other two looked at you expectantly.
"I-...*sigh* It's not that easy. I don't have anyway to travel with you all."
"HUH?! But why?! You  had that wagon."
"Had. Past tense. The wagon wasn't mine, and the owner already took it back weeks ago."
A tense silence passed over the four of you as wondering thoughts and realization take it's course. Eventually but quietly they moved. Makio started on your hair again and Hinatsuru picked up your hand once again to look at your nails. Suma was the only one who still looked ready to cry with her bottom lip quivering and and eyes watery. 
"You mean..W-We're never gonna ge-get home?"
"No!" Suma jolted as a hand clasped onto her arm. "I mean yes!" You held up your other hand despite Hina's protest. "You will get home. I-I just need some time to figure out what to do next, but I promise you I'm going to get you there... Somehow."
You just needed more time to figure out how you were going to do that...
It was a Wednesday morning when you came into work as usual. And as usual you saw Mrs. Henya glaring across from the street with an enraged scowl. Nothing too different for now at least. Your body only ignored her as you just made your way down the street and to the shop doors. You didn't want or need her targeting you next. You just pushed in the doors, stepped inside, and stepped inside- Only to freeze as a familiar face turned to look at you, and he smiled widely.
"Well if it isn't the most beautiful girl in town.~"
A dripping sound cascaded down on the surface of the water. It was really peaceful to watch and not at all harmful to anyone else who was under the water and watching the storm turn the top of the sea into rippling broken glass. Pink eyes gleamed up to the sky as she hummed and watched the pretty sight.
"Here you are. I was wondering where you were when I didn't find you in bed with the others."
She didn't have to turn around to know who that was. "I couldn't sleep. It kinda fascinating isn't it?" She gestured up to the surface. "If you were above it, you'd be knocked about and drowned but from down here it looks almost pretty. Like thousands of stones being tossed across the water. "
A chuckle was given as two arms wrapped around her body pulling her flush against a well toned and muscular chest. "Well it's a more flamboyant sight down here.~"
"Why do I get the feeling you're not talking about the Water's surface?" Her answer was a kiss to the top of her head. 
"I can't help that my wives are all visions of beauty.~ The first time I ever saw you scrounging around for lobsters, I thought 'there's a flashy woman who's gonna be my wife'."
"Mmm. I remember it differently."
"How so?"
"You stuttered when you tried talking to me and then you swam away when you panicked. I still think it was cute when you smacked into the dolphin swimming by."
"Hmph. I don't remember anything of the sort. You must be mistaken."
"And I suppose what really happened in your memory was me instantly swooning into your arms??"
"Well...maybe not instantly." If she could see his face, she would've seen him light up red in embarrassment as she giggled. "HEY! S-Shut up! I was totally under control the entire time!"
"Ok. If that's what you want to go by..But I still think it's cute when you stutter."
He grumbled just burying his face in her hair holding her tighter, making her giggle all the more.
"Hinatsuru? Hey, Hinatsuru!" 
Pink eyes blinked out of their dazed state. Gone was the soothing water and comfy hold around her body. Instead cold hard floor and a tub too small was what her eyes saw, along with a hand forcing a vegetable her way. A carrot it was called if she remembers right.
"Quit your daydreaming and eat. You're not doing yourself any favors by ignoring good food."
"Right...Not doing any of us any good."
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carnivorousyandeere · 4 months
Ok since we're feeling poly and non-smut so reader giving EXTRA TRIPLE love and affection for the babies - Erik and Thorn on V day?
I love you anon 😭🫶 thank you for being patient with me and the lack of good smut lately (/p /gen)
The Prof’s not the most romantic person in the world, and honestly, Thorn isn’t either. Erik would rather go for one of his usual dates (staying at home while drinking wine, going to an opera, ballet, or classical play) than plan something special for Valentine’s. Thorn would also rather go for one of her usual dates (roller skating, mall crawling, hanging out at the arcade, smoking weed together). They absolutely hate each other’s date ideas. The only thing they’d have in common is you, so they’d begrudgingly form a truce to plan something everybody can tolerate. They end up deciding to take you out to eat.
It’d be a miracle if they didn’t start fighting during the date, but if they make it through, the night could end with the three of you falling asleep cuddling (you in the middle because they both get the ick at the thought of touching each other affectionately), or it could actually end up in a threesome (with Thorn and Erik still fighting over you).
It’s like trying to get two very angry cats to learn how to live together. The fact that you’re so sweet, giving them so much love and attention equally really helps. The more verbally and physically affectionate you are with them the whole day, the better behaved they end up being.
Decks herself out in a bunch of candy necklaces and bracelets, and puts some on you, too. Grabs your hand and takes you away from whatever your original plans were for the day (preparing a surprise date for her 💀). “Today’s the day!” Her eyes shine with determination. “I’m gonna fuckin win you that giant teddy bear from the arcade!” It was not the day. You go home without a teddy bear, and Thorn pouts the whole way home. She pauses at all the half-finished decorations at your place. “W-what’s all this?”
You feel your face grow warm with embarrassment. “It was for you… but I wasn’t sure if you’d like it…”
You barely get the chance to finish the sentence before Thorn launches herself at you, wrapping you in a hug so tight you think your ribs might crack. “For me?!” She shakes you back and forth, overwhelmed with excitement. She stills eventually, burying her head in your shoulder with a sigh. “This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me.”
Would’ve forgotten it was Valentine’s if it weren’t for their students getting on their nerves asking if they can cancel class for the holiday, or at least get less homework.
They scoff at the idea and try to avoid thinking about Valentine’s Day, and to think about you with it. Sitting at their desk, chin in their hand, grumbling to themself. Surely you don’t need some cheesy date and gaudy gifts to feel secure with him…? But he feels increasingly agitated the more he thinks about it.
Erik buys you a single rose on their way home.
They’re surprised to see a table set for two complete with rose petals, candles, and champagne flutes. A swell of emotion rises in Erik’s chest, and they can’t tell if it’s painful or not. The thorns of the rose they’d bought for you dig into their palm.
Erik rounds the corner to the kitchenette, met with you in an apron, preparing a meal for the both of you. His throat is dry, too dry to greet you, and you’re frightened half to death when you turn to see him.
“E-Erik! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You laugh, and it’s the best sound he’s heard all day. If he were honest, they’d admit it was the best sound he’d ever heard in his life. “Now, go, go! You’re spoiling the surprise!”
You try to usher Erik out of the kitchen, only to spot his scratched-up hand. “W-what happened?”
Erik offers you the rose, and watches in a daze as you take the rose and put it aside, grasping his hand and fussing over him instead. You’re gently washing the wounds and placing band-aids over them when the smoke alarm goes off. “Oh, fuck, the dessert!”
Tag list: @hana-no-seiiki
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mudefrau · 1 month
Shell and brother-in-law Fiyero headcanons?
OK this is insane because I’m so used to sticking to the canon that in my head Fiyero is dead by the point that can happen, so I had never considered it- but now this is giving me a galaxy brain. You are powerful
First I’ll keep in mind that imo Shell’s relationship is probably the weakest compared to Nessa or Frex, because he did not ever see her since he was 9. (And even though in his own words he’s not close to either of his sisters, his bond with Nessa (and Frex) might’ve had a stronger hold on him considering his later “holy” turn in life- but I digress)
SO interestingly, I think Fiyero as brother-in-law would be a way he could reconnect with Elphaba because Shell would get along better with him. At least from what I observed, Shell seems to be good at making male friends, even in some cases pretty different from him, (but keeps a distance with Elphie/Nessa/Glinda etc.). I doubt Yero has interest in Shell’s usual hobbies (“playboy in Emerald City gambling parlors”, “regular visitor to girlie arcades”) I mean he has like 6 wives at home due to arranged marriage and only cares about Elphaba so yeah
I imagine they might end up just very soberly drinking coffee and talking about politics given that Yero is a prince from the Vinkus so he might have fresh news or a different perspective (and Shell is interested in power, even if at first not in partaking in it). Frankly if something positive can be said about Shell is that I guess he’d be pretty cool to foreigners given that he grew up in Quadling country :)
Also, he 100% would give him a cute name idk if Fifi or Yero or w/e. I noticed he gives his friends cutesy nicknames lmao
I’m kind of bad at extrapolating about characters that never exchanged a line (like, I cant make up my mind about how Shell and Nessa would’ve been together despite being my 2 “areas of expertise” lol) so I think a way to make it easier is to think of Liir! Since Shell and Liir have talked in canon; and *this is perhaps me being desperate to say something good about Shell again but* based on a few details I think he would’ve had a soft spot for his nephew had things been a bit different.
Here is how I see them as parental figures (canonly for Elphie, potentially for Yero & Shell):
-Elphaba is lenient (as in, she doesn't care much what Liir does as long as it does not bother her directly) but also does not spoil him -Fiyero spoils (because he’s a prince and he can, he was buying presents to his children iirc <3) but is not lenient (here I’m extrapolating from how he was overprotective to Elphaba during that time) -Shell would spoil (since he's some kind of dandy) and be lenient- meaning he'd let Liir eat carnival-tier junk food, stay up late, etc. and possibly worse influences when Liir’s older
Hence other part of the dynamic I envision would be Fiyero telling Shell to stop doing that XD
Anyway thank youuu I love headcanon asks!!!💖 Sorry this was ~80% about Shell, I need to analyze Yero more :’)
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
OK.. I HAVE MORE THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN... ABT ... WHAT EVERYONE IS DOIN... but these are my ideas for these guys
Masayo is bringing Vaniee on the biggest most lavish fucking whole day long date. Spoiling the shit out of her the entire time. Nothing is too expensive. Absolute menace about finding a nie restaurant and renting it out for the both of them.. Also I do think to make up for his absence.. doesplan to do the safe with jollie the following day. Sends her one of THOSE GIANT ass bears. Sorry
Wicata is holding a lil thing at her tattoo parlor. Offers those "blind" tattoos gatchas with a bunch pre designed inside. Gives flowers out the whole time.. goes home for some snuggle times with Vel and Katz later hehe.. Keeps everything lowkey..
Nakaou and Lyz hangin out [: Making stuff together. Friendly times.. Both getting to chat.. snuggles.. Tons of /p snuggles to be had.. Overly happy cat. Probably ends the day by going out and giving some stuff he made to his quads.. and """"secretly"""" leaves something for his crush.. His friends all receive stuff he's been working on for them. Patches of their symbol he's made! Hand painted and everything
Riaske is stealing Zev away for the whole day. Incredibly lowkey day. Except he seems extra clingy for some reason. Surprises her with something homemade and flowers he went out and picked from his old home. Shares a bubble bath together <3
Mickey probably is also running a lowkey day. Probably drops something off for Cretel that's actually pretty sentimental but a huge glitter bomb to be a dickhead.. Sends Daisou a care package full of sweets and goodies.. and Takes Heilda out on a fuckin fancy ass date. I mean like the rich snobbish type ones. You would cringe.
Katz spends most of the early day snooping up on Jejune.. Just to fuck with him in all honesty. Probably gives him like a fuckin cheap ass bag of hot chips as a "Ur insufferable and annoying but w/e don't want you to feel left out" thing
Ketana is actually being pretty normal I think. He perhaps probably ordered things for his quads and left them somewhere for them to find. Actually pretty sentimental things too.. Takes tricky to a Cafe and actually looks relaxed for a little
Nobayo sends his students gifts.. he doesn't have a ton of them.. but he can't help but splurge on a particular pupil of his.. throws in some treat he purchased with a note for Alfadi..
Vanmit.. I think he probably just is super mentally ill that day /LH. Very elusive. I do like the idea he tried to make his quads/friends something small. A few cookies that are a little crisp.. but <3 he tried
Threadweaver is outdoing everything Masa/Mickey did by x1000. Motherfucker is arranging the most sappy fuckin day. Flowers. Pays for anything Cupid wants.. Let's her go on a Dan shopping spree.. Tons of gifts and sugar coated words the entire day.. and just because he's occupied doesn't mean he's gonna pass up his other quads.. Sends them ample gifts of different varieties.
Jae doesn't like quads day lmao. Thinks it's childish but won't rain on anyone's parade. Makes something small but nice for his quads... probably makes Daph breakfast if she really is feeling the day.. might make them something nicer too and share a bottle of wine together [:
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bulletbilltime · 1 year
Ok I need to vent about "LIKES DO NOTHING" discourse because I have had Thoughts for months now.
These are just feelings without much coherent thought put into them so lmk if I get something wrong. (LONG POST WARNING)
I'm gonna start by saying that I agree with the message that's INTENDED to be spread. Letting people know that reblogs are an important and essential part of Tumblr's ecosystem is good! Tumblr not having (much of, anyway) an algorithm is an important part to emphasize to newcomers of the website. And I know *why* people prefer getting reblogs to likes on their art purely from an exposure angle: reblogs expose the art to more people, who will themselves maybe like it and reblog it to more people.
That being said, the way people act about likes is... genuinely bothersome to me. There's a really fucking weird framing of likes as literally The Worst Thing Ever. Like you're a complete and utter monster for having the gall to show appreciation for their work. And all that really does is make ppl feel guilty about how they curate their blog. "Why would they not reblog the work then, if they like it???" Well there's many reasons! They might not want to share nsfw content to their followers. They might not want to spoil their followers with fanart of the latest episode of a show. They might have specific criteria for reblogging! Maybe they have a family member following them, and they don't want to be outed for liking queer stuff! I don't think anyone particularly owes anyone an explanation for liking only.
"Why not use a side blog to reblog then, if any of the above apply?" Because that blog won't have the followers of that other blog? Why would you want someone to reblog from a dummy account, if that account has nearly nobody following them? That would be defeating the purpose of the reblog in the first place; all you'd get out of it is an extra Note, which makes it functionally indistinguishable from a like.
Now I want to focus on the one thing that annoys me the most about the framing of this discourse: the idea that people only like because they think it'll boost the engagement. This is why I think people say ridiculous stuff like "likes do nothing". Well, let me tell you something. C'mere real close.
It's in the NAME! People "like" things to show their appreciation for a piece of art/meme/etc! I highly doubt that people who only like art do so with the delusion that what they actually help the artist get more exposure, even on other social media websites. The average layperson leaves a like to show they enjoyed a post. That's it. They don't think about The Algorithm, they just see post and hit like. That's how people act on other social media websites, and I'd wager even a good chunk of "old-hat" Tumblr users do this too.
Are they in the wrong for doing that? Well I think that varies from person to person, but I personally appreciate any interaction on an art post. Sure, reblogs get more eyes on things, and that's highly valuable to get even more likes, so I absolutely do love getting reblogs, but I'm not about to get mad at every single person who likes without reblogs. I also just think that's a very unhealthy attitude to have about art in general, which leads me to my next point:
The internet as a whole just... sucks for artists. It's an annoying and unfortunate truth, but this feeling of "oh my work doesn't get nearly enough attention as I wish it did"? I've experienced it everywhere I posted content to. Whether that was DeviantArt or Twitter or w/e, it's always been the same thing. I don't tend to accrue a lot of followers for the work I do in general, and that means that my content will only get a handful of engagements, if any at all. And I know a lot of other artists face that issue, and it's because of a very simple fact: THERE IS SO MUCH ART ONLINE. Fact of the matter is, you're gonna be fighting against others for exposure, and luck is basically the only real way people can break out of that initial circle.
And on a similar lane: fanart and memes just get more interaction as a whole because they are more "shareable". Memes are just easy to share because they're funny and very accessible to most people. Fanart isn't as accessible, but it still has a potential audience if your follower base has enough fans in it, or if you're friends with ppl who like similar things to that work. But original art just doesn't have as much of a shareability. You'd think they would be more accessible by virtue of not being tied to a fandom... but because it's not tied to something people can easily search, original art gets decimated in the interactions department, unless you have a pre-existing fanbase.
I don't think this is a problem with an easy solution. And I certainly don't think shaming people is going to be the way, tbh.
But wouldn't this be all the more reason to push back and demand that people to reblog and not just like? Well... on to my next point: The Internet at large has rarely looked kindly upon those who beg for attention and interactions. People literally make fun of calls to actions on YouTube, after all. So I fear people are going to turn on people who post things like "reblogs > likes" and whatnot. I've already noticed a good amount of people beginning to get actively mad towards this sort of attitude, and passive-aggressive polls that are like "do YOU support our reblogs in blue????". I don't think this aggressive reblog shaming trend is going to end well IMO.
But reblogs are the life source of Tumblr, right? If people don't want to reblog... then won't that kill the site? Well... I guess that's the tricky spot: for artists that need commissions to make a living, there's a genuine reason for wanting art to be shared. Exposure translates to commissions for them. And if they can't get exposure, they'll have to turn towards other means of making a living. And if a lot of artists have to stop making art or leave Tumblr... then yeah that would suck for the site. Like, don't get me wrong, as annoyed as I am towards how weirdly petty these posts are, I understand why they're made. And I'm all for encouraging more support to artists, but this ain't it y'all.
So how can we promote supporting artists without shaming? Well... here's some suggestions:
Let's stop this weird culture around shaming likes. This isn't getting anywhere and it's only gonna make people turn away from interacting with art at all. Can you imagine if YouTubers started getting angry at people who don't leave a like or subscribe? Like, genuinely making passive aggressive posts and videos about them? That would be wack, right? So let's not be like that.
Second, I think that emphasizing the GOOD that reblogs can do should be encouraged. Examples: "Reblogs get more eyes on art! If you really like an artist's content, reblog it and it might lead to that artist getting more followers! If you reblog, you're doing your part in helping an artist get exposure!" People want to feel like they're doing a good thing, so help them see the good that reblogging does, rather than lecturing on the evils of not doing so.
Third... do your part! Go look for artists who don't have a lot of interactions, and reblog their work! Spending your energy interacting with fellow artists, making connections, and supporting each other's work is going to do so much more in the long run than trying to fight a losing battle with General Internet Apathy. Besides, a reblog from asspissballs69 isn't going to have nearly as much of an impact as a reblog from someone who actually has a following. Tumblr doesn't have algorithms, but follower counts do still matter even if we can't see them.
Fourth, if we wish to actually change the hearts and minds of "Serial Likers", we need to actually understand why people like in the first place. One point I can think of is that people who come in from other social media may be afraid to spam their followers with things they like. I think that's absolutely an aspect of Tumblr that doesn't really carry over as well to other websites, and putting more emphasis on that should be done. Personally, this was my biggest obstacle to embracing reblogging fanart. So I think having more empathy and understanding of the issue, and addressing concerns these people may have would go a long way in helping us make the case for reblogging.
If you've read this far, thanks for engaging with this rambly post! If you have objections to the arguments I make, feel free to reply but BE CIVIL and constructive. I *will* block people who get aggressive or read in bad faith.
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eponymousfics · 2 years
when you make a three page comic about writing a fic instead of actually writing the fic hashtag writer problems
this is the evolution of writers talking to the characters in the author notes lol
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translations under the cut:
page 1:
epon: Hey, Ichimatsu...
ichi: Ah?
e: What do you want...next?
i: ...eh?
e: I mean, you just graduated [context: the latest update of the silence purrs was chapter 21], but that's not the end, right? There's other stuff you want?
i: 'stuff i want'...?
i: nnnn...
i: cats...
e: There are already four.
i: Oh, that's right. ...then...
i: ...I can't think of anything else...
e: Seriously...it's fine if you have cats and s*x, huh...
i: Yeah. (❁´◡`❁)
e: (❁´◡`❁) That's really all you need to be happy, huh...how un-greedy and sweet 💜
e: Unfortunately, we can't just let it end like this.
i: Eh?
e: Listen up, we've only got the "ki" and "sho" part of the story! [context: first two story beats in a 4 beat classification system] How are you going to get us to "ten" and "ketsu"?!
i: Eh?! Why would you ask me—aren't you the writer?? It's your job to think of that stuff isn't it?
e: That's true, but I need you to give me a certain amount of direction! Ok? It's ok if it's simple! Like, is there a kind of date you've always wanted to try, or?
i: nn~....
e: Do you really need to think so hard?! Anything goes! Even if it's pervy!
page 2:
i: Then...maybe...going to a cat cafe together...or something...
e: I've already planned something like that.
i: You said it was fine if it was simple?! (If you've already got plans don't ask!)
i: Fine, then why don't you focus on something about the reader character instead of me? Isn't their job going to come up later?
e: The reader's job, huh...um...
i: What do you mean, um?
e: I mean that sounds like I might run into a lot of things I need to research, and that sounds annoying~
i: Isn't that just you making work for yourself?
i: Sheesh. What did you even come to ask me in the first place?
e: Well, if we look at it broadly, where do you want to end up, ultimately? Living together? Confessing your love? Or should we leave all that up in the air and just end it on the "yeah they probably wound up doing those things" vibe? You're not ready for marriage, right? You wanna get a job?
i: Eh? What's up with those options? It's kind of a lot of pressure...
e: Well I mean, it's a romcom after all...>_>
i: B-but weren't all those options part of the "rom"? What about the "com"?
e: Oh, that...
e: I've mostly asked those guys to take care of that part.
e: So all you have to do is be lovey-dovey ;)
i: EH—?!
i: No no no no—! That's embarrassing!! Let's just stop—!
e: What, no we can't! We can't just end the story right here! You're super popular, Ichimatsu!
i: W-why...is everyone stupid?
e: That's not it.
e: It's because you're cute. :)
i: . . . ?
i: n...there's no way that's true...anyone who thinks that must have something wrong with them....they're definitely stupid...
e: You're as mean to your fans as ever, I see.
i: But I mean...why would they want trash like me...
e: Because you're cute.
i: But WHY would they think that?!
e: Hmmm...
e: I think it's about your heart.
page 3:
e: I mean, you're definitely a dark, violent, cynical spoiled baby of a NEET, but—
e: —on the other hand, sometimes you're really kind, or considerate, and your smile is really cute, and you have a surprising amount of common sense, so you really do have a bunch of good points. Plus, the darkness is pretty relatable. (The modern world is pretty scary, you know....)
e: So, let's work together to think of a story that everyone will like. Leave the romantic stuff to me. Can you think of anything to develop the plot from here?
i: ...
i: But...don't you think there isn't enough of a break?
e: A "break"?
i: I mean, it's me. If we're going to do anything more than we've already done, I'm...gonna need some time to recover. I can't change that fast, you know.
e: Hmm...is that so...(should we try changing focus then?)
e: Wait, that just brings us right back to the reader's job again!
i: Then go with that, please.
e: *sigh* Now I'm tired somehow...
i: ...
i: ...do you wanna...give it up? I mean, it's just a story about me—
e: NO.
e: I vow...
e: to make you happy!!
i: ?!
i: W-w-w-what's with that phrasing, what is this, a proposal?! It's not, so don't say embarrassing things like that—!!
e: (Sorry, sorry (❁´◡`❁))
//end translation
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catcze · 3 years
baizhu in heat . .. ok thats. very hot im still tryna process him bending you over cutely and putting you in a mating press and being all desperate and that but its hot so i might just try n write something to satisfy my curiosity..
NSFW !! 18+ ONLY !!
Pls 😭 My horny brain has been a fickle thing these past few days, but it came alive momentarily just for this
⠀Feat: Uhh,,, even tho the prompt mentions ‘heat’ it isn’t really detailed lmao. Like, there’s no indicator in the text if this is a/b/o verse or if this is a snake hybrid Baizhu thing, so if you’re uncomfy with either of the concepts, I wanna assure u that they’re not touched on in the actual smut akjsdsa, GN! reader
Imo Baizhu is typically the less active of you two in bed, due to his weak disposition and (I’m assuming) lack of stamina, so most of the time you’re gonna be the one doing the work. But!! I imagine that if Baizhu does have some form of a ‘heat’ or w/e it’s called kjasndas, he’ll probably be able to take the lead for a round or two to show you how thankful and desperate he is for you <3
He’d probs be so sweet even while he folds you into a mating press–– gentle touches despite the firm grip of his hands on your thighs. Him leaning over you while he thrusts inside of you, licking the shell of your ear and murmuring praises of how good you are for him, how you always spoil him in bed, so while he can, he’s gonna spoil you. 
Like, Imagine the way his arms would shake a bit when he’s abt to cum inside you, and the way that his eyes would go all hazy from both the pleasure and the exhaustion he feels. But even though his arms want to give way and his eyes are nearly rolling from the pleasure of being buried inside you, he doesn’t dare let his physical restraints stop him–– not until you cum on his cock, all because of him. 
So when your hands go to wrap around his neck, pulling him down to meet his lips in a sloppy, messy kiss, he knows you’re close already. It takes only a few seconds more before he has your legs shaking in the mating press they’ve been folded into, and you’re moaning his name loud. Baizhu follows not long after, filling you up with a choked noise before his arms finally give and he collapses on top of you. 
You’re ready to catch him, though, lips full of gentle, soothing laughter and murmured words of love. He presses kisses to your shoulder in return, his voice still shaky and hoarse from how tired he feels, but it’s worth it to know that he had made you feel good and loved. 
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Kyoya Ootori||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Here’s Kyoya 4 more to go!
Word Count: 1753
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kyoya shows affection very subtly. Honestly you might feel like you’re stuck in a Victorian novel especially at the beginning of your relationship. He’ll brush his hand along the back of yours and then smile at you like oh that was intentional, ok. He’s really trying his best, but he’s not very obvious with his affection, all of his love tends to be conveyed through words and actions of caring.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Kyoya is lowkey a gossip. He’s not going to tell everyone what information he has but if you come up to him complaining about how so and so was bothering you, he’s already got a journal full of secrets and he’s ready to ruin someone’s career.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Kyoya likes to cuddle but he prefers to be the big spoon, this is solely because he doesn’t want to be woken up early just because you had to go to the bathroom or something. He only cuddles during night time and if you do wake up before him, he’s pretty easily fooled if you just replace your body with a pillow.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle own, not just because of his family and him feeling like he’s obligated to settle down, but also just because he’s a traditional person in the sense that he wants to marry the person he fell in love with. As for domestic skills, Kyoya can’t cook or clean for SHIT. The only skill he’s got is probably managing finances and things along those lines but if you asked him to cook, he’d somehow find a way to burn water, just a bad time for everyone involved.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Kyoya doesn’t break up with you via text message (or letter if he’s feeling fancy), he honestly probably just tells you upfront that he doesn’t view your relationship as something he has a vested interest in continuing. Ouch. 
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment for Kyoya has always ben somewhat of an obligation. He feels like he has to propose to you if you’re relationship is becoming serious. He’ll discuss it with you of course, but the man is very committed to those he loves and what better way to show that than marriage?
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not very physically gentle, again, he’s just not very physically affectionate. When he does initiate physical affection with you it’s always with a measure of unsureness and caution. Emotionally, he’s a bit more gentle. Kyoya looks for the type of person who can keep up with him especially intellectually, with him it’s like no words are needed, you both just get it.
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kyoya’s hugs kinda suck. He doesn’t give them often, let alone initiate them, and if you hug him, he’ll just stand there kinda surprised and at a loss for what to do. At least he’s nice to hug, he’s got this cologne that smells like a warm fireplace during a winter storm that smells so comforting.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
You definitely say ‘I love you’ before Kyoya. He expresses his love through tender gazes and lovesick smiles so he definitely assumes you get the message. However, if you express to Kyoya that you’d like to hear him say that he loves you, he’ll oblige.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Kyoya doesn’t really get jealous, it’s not a matter of arrogance, more like, he knows that you’re with him and he’s with you. He doesn’t act out either on the off chance that he does get jealous because he was raised to bottle things up. In fact, the most Kyoya’s ever been jealous was in the beginning of your relationship/before you were dating where he was sure someone was gonna come by and sweep you away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The way Kyoya kisses is by cradling your face and just kinda going for it. He prefers to kiss you on the lips but he doesn’t mind placing them elsewhere if things get more intimate.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Kyoya kind of sucks around children. He’s not rude to them or anything of that sort but he just doesn’t find himself having anything in common with them and doesn’t really care for the topics they find interesting.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kyoya depend on if he’s off or not. If he has work or an early morning obligation of some sort, you’ll probably have to wake him up. He sets alarms but he’ll just swat at his alarm and then go back to bed, can’t exactly do that with your s/o now can you? However, if he has the day off or doesn’t have to wake up early, he won’t let you leave the bed until he’s ready to wake up. He’s surprisingly hard to move when he’s dead asleep like that.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Kyoya, he tends to stay up late and then just pass out on the nearest surface. If you happen to be awake long enough or pass him on the way to the kitchen/bathroom/etc., please move him into your bed. He will complain about his back problems if you don’t, if you can’t move him (which fair tbh he does deadweight) please give him a blanket and pillow, when he wakes up, it means the world to him.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Kyoya reveals things very gradually to you over time, he’s a very layered person and while certain aspects of his true personality may bubble up, you’re gonna have to put the full picture together on your own. Unless you’re like Tamaki and can just see through all his bs. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kyoya is actually pretty easy to anger. This is because of his no nonsense attitude as well as his general grumpiness with the world. Although, no anger can top Kyoya’s anger from being woken up early.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kyoya remembers every detail you’re willing to share with him. He writes most of it in his notebook but somethings he likes to keep to himself and surprise you with later on.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in your relationship was when you suggested your next date be at a flower viewing. Kyoya initially thought it might just be like a boring “commoner” thing to do but as the date went on, he ended up really enjoying himself. The sight of you surrounded by flowers was also a plus
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Kyoya’s family has essentially a private police force, in addition he also has personal guards, best believe, you are protected. Don’t even worry about trying to protect him either, he has people on payroll for that
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Kyoya puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries, and gifts. The man always knows when there’s a special occasion coming up and has already planned for every step of the day. As for dates in general, he likes to spoil you. He has absolutely no problem with flying you to somewhere like Okinawa for example, just because
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Kyoya has is that he tends to try and test people and their limits with no prompting. He’s very secretive in general so that plus his sudden decisions to test people can lead to some bad arguments. The worst argument you’ve gotten into to date is when he suddenly started flirting back with his guests during the regular day and you got jealous and snapped.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kyoya is concerned with his looks in the sense that he has a reputation to uphold. He’s not arrogant by any means but he does take pride in looking good. Plus Tamaki recommended a skin care routine to him once and now he’s hooked
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He views you as his better, he doesn’t feel incomplete without you but he can feel himself turning back into his sort of middle school self pre-Tamaki when you aren’t around.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has no previous relationship experience. He has experience flirting of course and he’s had crushes before but he’s new to this, please be gentle.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
Kyoya doesn’t like people with forceful personalities. He tolerates it for the sake of being polite and his image if nothing else but this man cannot stand when people are pushy and always have to get their way. He also hates boring people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Canonically Kyoya is a heavy sleeper, this can be kind of an issue at times. He’s a hard worker who stays up late on things he’s passionate about which means he might fall asleep on whatever’s closest. There’s been more than one occasion where you’ve walked over to him sound asleep on his laptop with a document covered in keysmash from where he slumped on the computer.
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the-twewy-sequel · 2 years
NEO: The World Ends With You Japanese Limited Edition Photos!
So, being the TWEWY fan I am, I kinda couldn't resist importing the super expensive and much-cooler-than-what-the-West-got limited edition for NTWEWY (https://store.jp.square-enix.com/item/SE_E2694.html), and I've actually had this kind of huge box just sitting in my room for ages, so as mentioned, I finally opened it today and took some photos of my spoils.
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The bag, which contained a box with almost all the other goodies, looks pretty cool imo, and has the "funny game master saying", but I don't think I'll actually be able to use it. Not quite my style, I guess. Maybe one day I can come up with an excuse to use it anyway though, haha.
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At first, the box just has the game and the Mr. Mew plush, and the game is, of course, in Japanese. Obviously I already played it and beat it, opting for the English Switch version, so now I've got a copy for both systems and in both languages, haha.
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However, opening the box further reveals that there are multiple goodies! Here's a poorly lit photo above, lol. (I'm sorry, unboxing this took a while and I only had so much energy/effort to spare into taking good photos rn ^^; haha)
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This cassette-player like box contains a Rindo pin and a reaper pin (think that’s what it’s called) that... looks pretty cool, but unfortunately can't turn back time no matter how hard I squeeze it. Though I dunno, maybe I just don't know how to use it right. Don't think it came with instructions, but if it did, they were in Japanese and I didn't try to translate them XD
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This is the artbook, but with the cover taken off. That's right, it says "TWEWY"! Thought this was really interesting given that the Japanese name is, of course, quite different, but it seems like the English name has kinda caught on to an extent even in Japan, which I think is pretty neat.
Also, I did look at the inside, and it's classic artbook stuff, but well, it's NTWEWY, so I enjoyed it! Had some art I hadn't seen before too. (And some spoilers I guess, but hopefully collectors know it's better not to open such limited-edition-artbooks before beating the game, haha.)
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The game and Mr. Mew. Dunno if I'll actually ever play this version of the game, especially with the PS5 already being a thing, and uhh, honestly I'm not a plushie person, so Mr. Mew doesn't have much use either, but... that's ok, collecting stuff I don't use isn't so bad if it's for TWEWY, right? XP
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Lastly from the collector's edition, a mini soundtrack! Inside is a list of the songs, as well as a little booklet or such that has lyrics for the songs. only listened to a couple songs so far but between this and the full soundtrack I showed earlier, I think I'm set for NTWEWY's music, haha. Also, I lowkey still own a CD player that doubles as an alarm (not sure what it's called anymore), and I put this mini soundtrack in it, so now I might end up waking up to NTWEWY music sometimes. :P
But wait, there's more! Actually, I got something from the TWEWY Animation merch line that Square Enix also had on their Japanese store. So this is separate from the NTWEWY collector's edition, but I had it shipped in the same box, and so here it is!
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W-What are these? Acrylic stands! Each one was about about $15 or so, but when I realized they all form a mural or w/e when put together, I kind of couldn't help but get all of them...
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The lighting in my room at night is kinda poor and the photo doesn't look good with a flash imo, but I think y'all get the idea—the 5 of them complete a set, and I'm happy to have them as a way of remembering/appreciating TWEWY.
Overall I'd say I'm very happy with the collector's edition and acrylic stands, even if I do realize it's kind of a waste of money—felt like I needed to live it up for the sequel of one of my all-time favorite games, you know?
But at the end of the day/as I basically just said, these are kind of just ways to help remember and convey my passion for the series, and I think the most important thing is our own experiences with the games and how we feel about them. Merch is just a bonus, haha. And I mean, I think with this I should be good on TWEWY merch for a good, long while now, ;).
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rhenuvee · 3 years
Fred Weasley Fluff Alphabet
A/N: Seen a lot of these so I decided to do one of my own. And yes I do know there are different versions of the fluff alphabet but I chose this one, hope it’s ok. 
Warnings: Swearing
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Fred adores your laugh and smile. Making people laugh was always his forte, so seeing that beautiful smile of yours makes it 10x better. If you’re lucky you might catch him blushing at your reaction, but he’ll never admit it.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
This sounds weird but your head/face lol. 1. He likes to rest his chin on top of your head, or lean on yours at least. 2. Going back to A he loves your smile and 3. He loves it when you rest your head on him, whether it be his chest or shoulder, he’ll also kiss your temple. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Would rather be the big spoon with his arms cradling your waist, bringing you closer to his body. Gives head pats, and whispers sweet nothings to lull you to sleep. Lowkey though, likes being the little spoon. You can only catch him like that if he’s too exhausted to think, and ends up just collapsing into your arms to sleep. Oh yeah, George is probably tired of seeing this.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Definitely tries to bring you somewhere or experience something new each time. But generally, if there was a place that made you significantly happier, he would take a mental note of that place and bring you there again sometime. I can picture trips to the beach, amusement parks/fairs, and maybe some sport like skiing or snowboarding, or maybe even just tobogganing (if you have snow).
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
I don’t think Fred’s one to hide his emotions in the first place. I think most of the time he’d just be open and honest with himself. If he was feeling upset, though he might shut others out, he knows he’s calm when he’s with you. So once he feels like his head is clear again, he’ll talk it out with you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Definitely wants a family in my opinion. The idea of mini you and/or mini him is something he’s always wanted. Probably wants kids once you guys are married. After that, he cannot wait to have a family with you.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
I don’t see Fred as going all out with gifts, but occasionally will spoil you (like on your birthday for example). He likes giving and receiving gifts, though most likely isn’t his primary love language. 
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Holds hands whenever you’re walking together- yes I’m sorry, you’ve become that annoying couple that occupies half the hallway and has a walking speed slower than a turtle. But other than that, likes holding your hands out of reassurance, whether it’s him ensuring you’re going to be okay or vice versa. 
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Small injury? Asks if you’re okay and stuff like that for the first three seconds, then it’s right back to teasing about how clumsy you are. Big injury? Definitely tries to stay by your side as much as he can, might make light jokes to make you laugh.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Yes of course, who do you think he is. We all know he does all jokes of the sort, but more common ones for you that I can picture are things like scaring you in the hallways, and a lot of teasing to make you flustered. Might’ve pranked you once or twice with his WWW products- never again by how much you looked like you were gonna beat his ass (unless you like being pranked then you do you). 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
I feel like he likes longer kisses more. If you have alone time together, you bet your butt he will not stand for a simple peck. Once again- yeah you’re the annoying couple. Only gives small kisses if you’re saying bye to depart to different classes? Stuff like that.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
He shows love through his loyalty. He’d never fight or abandon you if you weren’t at your best. He knows that leaving or ignoring a situation isn’t going to fix it, so he’d rather stay with you and figure it out together.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
His favourite memory was when you jumped into his arms when you went to his shop for the first time. You both had been apart, sending letters as much as you could, and now you finally are able to see each other again. He loved the look on your face when you saw the shop and when you said how proud you were of him.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
Love, darling, princess, doll. Will also call you those really ridiculous ones.
O = On cloud 9 (what are the like when they’re in love? Is it obvious? How do they express their feelings?)
I’d say he’s obvious when he’s in love. At first it might be the fact he’s more touchy with you, as in things like bumping your shoulder or patting your head. He expresses his feelings just by showing you any signs of affection. 
P = PDA (Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or do they get shy when others are watching?)
Yep, pretty upfront about your relationship, I can’t see him having those secret ones. There is rarely a time where people won’t see him latched onto you unless you’re in separate classes, at work, etc. Brags from time to time, mostly to 1. make you flustered and 2. as a comeback when Ron keeps asking why you would choose Fred. Does not get shy, unless George teases him about him being clingy. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He just likes talking with you. He likes hearing your voice. You don’t have to be up and running about to have a good time with Fred. He likes talking, and your reactions to his stories. He also likes listening to whatever funny moment happened to you- he wants to feel included and laugh at the joke too.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Errrr the songs I listen to don’t really correspond to Fred’s personality, so sorry if it might not be the songs you like or you think match him. But the one that comes to mind is Talk Too Much by COIN.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
I’d say 90% open with you.. He doesn’t really see anything he has to hide from you, and again he likes telling you things. Burped loudly in charms class? He’ll tell you. As for the 10%, comes from his own insecurities. Sometimes there are things he feels iffy about, but as long as you’re willing to, you can talk it out and comfort him.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
Really depends who you are to him at first. If you’re already friends, maybe a month at most of teasing and matchmaking from your friends and his friends will make you get together. 
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’ll do anything to get you smiling again. Sometimes he may act a little clueless, so he’ll just come over to you and hold you tight to his chest. Fred will let you vent, cry, whatever you need without judgement. He prefers if you communicate with him to discuss what’s upsetting you, but if you need time he’ll wait however long.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
As a joke he always says he’s proud of the fact you’re able to keep up with his energy. But in reality he’s proud of your ability to stand up for yourself, and not take anyone else’s bull. Of course he likes to show you off- would definitely love those moments that you both get in the groove and bounce jokes off each other and make everyone laugh.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Would rather you not fight, but shamelessly finds it hot when you roast some dude who’s being an asshole. If it was for a serious reason then he wouldn’t want you to fight, and would rather he take care of it instead.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Pretty well I’d say. Overall your relationship is easy going, and you two fit like puzzle pieces so there’s little to no problems. However, there might be specific times when it takes a while for him to realize you’ve not been feeling well. For example, hiding your feelings. He’d rather you two communicate.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
Even though Fred can be boisterous, I can’t see him proposing in front of people. Would definitely go overboard with wherever location he chooses though. And yeah, thousands of hugs and kisses right after so no need to worry.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
He’s calm when he can tell you’re happy, and also if you start to feel less insecure about yourself (not forcing obviously). Also feels calm when you’re with him, or at least near him. Is the most at ease when you’re in his arms, snuggled up to him in bed, and him stroking your cheeks.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
Steven Stone NSFW Alphabet
There is a criminal lack of Steven Stone NSFW content on this site, so to celebrate Pokemon Day, I’m gonna remedy this tragedy.
Also thanks to @champion-prism for convincing me to do this. Their Pokemon sword and shield stuff is phenomenal! You should totally check them out! 
 NSFW under the cut
A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?) 
Steven is just very considerate after sex, cleans up, gets you some snacks and water, showers/bathes with you. Loves to cuddle afterwards and have light conversations with you.
B = Body part (what is their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner?) 
He likes his hands. They’re so skilled and careful, and honestly, very pretty. They’re very good at making you come undone, so he’s also proud of them.
On you? Well, Steven is an intellectual gentleman, so he is definitely a thigh guy. Thighs of all kind in fact. Dainty, slender thighs, strong, muscular thighs, plush, thick thighs with little dimples of cellulite? All of them! Likes having them warm his cheeks when he’s going down on you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum) 
I don’t think he likes mess that much, so I feel like he probably uses condoms to keep things more manageable if yall aren’t trying for kids, or having you swallow after giving him a blowie if you’re ok with that.
That being said, I think there’s a part of him that would really like to give you a facial. It’s such a dirty idea to him.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)   
Would like to be fingered, maybe even pegged, but he’s too embarrassed to bring it up.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
He has experience, but not with many people. He’s been in two or three serious relationships before you, so he has a pretty good grasp on what he likes, and how to do what you like. Good communicator too.
F = Favourite Position
A tossup between missionary and cowgirl. He likes the classic intimacy of the latter, but there’s something about you bouncing up and down on him, your body on full display, that just does it for him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment or humorous?)    
Not really goofy at all, but not necessarily serious either, unless he’s feeling super sincere and loving that day.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?) 
He definitely has hair down there, but it’s well-groomed of course.
They don’t call him the silver-haired dreamboat for nothing ;)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)  
So romantic. Loves intertwining his fingers with yours as he glides into you. He tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you, and how good you feel.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon.) 
Doesn’t masturbate that often, it’s definitely more of a thing he does when he’s away from you for a long period of time. Thinks of you when he does it, likes to imagine it’s some part of you wrapped around his dick and not his hand.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks.) 
Likes light bondage, whether it’s you or him being tied up, big fan of how aesthetically pleasing shibari is. Also likes blindfolds and waxplay.
He’s a switch, but that being said, he’s very softcore when it comes to it. Very gentle dom, very soft sub.
L = Location (where are their favourite places to do the do?) 
Anywhere at home, though he thinks the bed is the most intimate. He loves doing it outside, provided you two are alone and unlikely to be seen or disturbed.
One of his favourite memories is when he made love to you on a secluded beach in Alola, while the sun was setting and bathing you in gold.
M = Motivation (what turns them on and gets them going?) 
Sometimes he just looks at you and you just smile at him, and he is so in love that he has to show you exactly how he feels. With his penis, naturally.
Other things that get him going, include lingerie, likes how delicate and pretty it is on your skin, when you put on lipbalm/lipgloss/lipstick, reminds him of what that mouth can do ;), and when you’re all dressed up to go out to a fancy dinner/party with him, you just looked so gorgeous and expensive decked out in your beautiful outfit and decorated in all those jewels he found for you.
N = NO (is there something they wouldn’t do? what are their turn-offs?) 
He can’t bring himself to hurt you or degrade you. He just can’t, even if you’re into it. Not only does it hurt him to see you in pain, it makes him feel like a bad person too.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?) 
This man could live between your legs if he could. He’s so thorough and passionate about it, loves the way you moan.
He feels awkward, unworthy when you offer to go down on him. That being said, he loves it when you do. The image of your lips wrapped around him is one of his all-time favourites.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?) 
Slow and sensual, all the way baby! Very thorough with each thrust. He can be fast, but not too much of a fan of being rough.
Q = Quickie (what is their opinion on quickies over proper sex? how often do they have quickies?) 
Definitely way more of a meticulous, taking-his-time kind of guy, though he won’t turn down the odd quickie now and then. Those tend to happen when you two are getting ready to go out and you just look so good that he has to have you, but he also still wants to be on time for your dinner reservation or Devon gala.
R = Risk (are they willing to experiment? do they take risks?) 
Not super experimental but will humour you if it’s a relatively safe endeavour.
Due to his celebrity and corporate-heir status, he’s not one for anything public, so don’t even ask. When you guys get home though, go all out.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He managed three rounds once, but it’s usually one or two. He likes spending time on foreplay and non-intercourse sexual touch so the rounds can be pretty long.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
The only ones that he owns are for you. He enjoys using them on you, treats them like an extension of himself and his skills rather than just a tool or a low effort way to make you orgasm.
Ironically, despite being a rock nerd, he doesn’t own any rock or gem toys.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?) 
Not really, might tease you for how wet you’ve gotten so soon, but other than that he is a very nice, polite guy.
V = Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?) 
Not super loud, but definitely a moaner and mewler over a groaner and a grunter. Loves talking during it too, whether it’s romantic notions or dirtier things.
W = Wild Card (a random nsfw headcanon.)
Likes doing a sugar-daddy/sugar-baby roleplay with you. He would never be in that kind of relationship in real life, but he thinks it’s fun to pretend once in a while and spoil you. He also loves it when you try use your body to get something out of him during these roleplays, makes him feel powerful.
X = X-Ray (what’s going on in those pants?) 
He’s longer than the average, but he’s as thick. He’s circumcised
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) 
Honestly, it depends. If he’s not out on a trip, it’s kind of in the middle, 2-3 times a week, maybe a fourth time if he’s feeling really frisky. However, if he’s been gone for a while, then clear out your schedule baby, you’ll be boning every day for the next week.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
Not too quickly, though it does make him very relaxed and calm. If it’s before bed he’ll usually drift off in about half an hour, but if it’s the middle of the day, he can go about his business just fine, just maybe a little dazed and languid.
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sidemenyesplease · 3 years
Harry Lewis Fluff alphabet
(Should I do one with the others?)
Posted 17.2.21
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Lots of cuddling with this boy, he’d just be happy doing anything with you as long as you’re happy
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You’re natural beauty, when you have no makeup on and you’re hair tired back (if you have longer hair)
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Again cuddles with this boy, soft touches, runs his hand through your hair
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Definitely would see having a family with you, maybe on one child because him himself is a child lmao, and eventually getting married
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He definitely lets you have you’re space if you need it, and mainly he knows when you needs it because at times he also needs his space and you let him have it too
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
It depends on what the fights about but normally he would easily forgive
I don’t see him one to have fights often , Thought when he’s jealous he can get protective and clingy but still wouldn’t see him tto be the one for fighting over it
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
His very greatfully for you, he’s greatfully when you’re always there for him and listen to him rambling , that’s what his greatfully for the most and that you just get him
His very grateful, he might not be good in words to tell you but his good in showing you
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’d share everything, unless it’s a suprise for you lmao, but other than that he wouldn’t see the point in hiding and tbh he wouldn’t be able to hide anything from you
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve definitely helped him, rather it be you being one of the few to understand him fully, he just feels really comfortable around you so he can be himself , you also help a lot over his personal problems and he does the same
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Tbh I don’t see him getting jealous easily, like if you choice to sit aside one of the other guys and end up becoming best friends with them hed just be happy you’re getting along with the other people he loves the most
But if you don’t get him enough attention he’d be upset
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
I feel like his a  passionate kisser if it’s someone he really loves , your first kiss might not being in a romantic place but it would happen at the right time
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
You’d be friends with Harry first, even best friends for that matter, so of course you’d meet the rest of the boys and that’s where it happened
The boys would be teasing him, knowing of his crush on you and being tired of hearing him talking about you lmao, they’d tease him to tbe point that he would tell you there and then
He’d be a awkward mess but you find it cute
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Like I’ve mentioned , he would wait until he knew it was the right time and when he know it’s the right time for you
They way he proposes to you, it would happen during a casual date one where he took you to your favourite restrunt , wait for a sunset because he knows how pretty you think they are, and propose to you outside
He wouldn’t make it big because either of you liked it but it would still be really  meaningful
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Either , one of your nicknames , babe or angel
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s so obvious to his closest friends and family, he always talks about you to them even if he doesn’t realise, the boys can tell by the way he looks at you when you’re hanging out with them
He diffently loves you
His awkward and doesn’t really know how to express feelings well but he tried his best to give you so much affection
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
On the internet he wouldn’t post a lot about your realisionship , unless it’s your birthday or  anniversary, he doesn’t want to use you just for views but you’d be in his streams now and then
At first he was shy with you around the boys, knowing how they could be, but after a while he wouldn’t care about kissing you in front of them as long as you’re comfortable with him doing it
Of course cuddles you for days
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Being able to always find time to spend with you no matter what his schedule is he always tries to put you first
Also with him being a youtuber and getting that money he would try to spoil you now and then
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be shy but his also very romantic and even times can be cliche even though he finds it cringe normally but with you it’s differnet
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’d defiantly help you as much as he can, and of course he belive in whatever your dream is, as long as you will be happy doing it
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He is one to like having a routine but if you like changes he’d trt diffrent stuff out just for you
Because his a simp
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
After a month into the relationship his one to pick up your habits , he can instaly tell when your upsets and does his best to see you smiling again
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re relationship is defiantly in his top 4 list of the things he values most - he doesn’t want to make a order but you’re there with
The sidemen boys
His family
And his fans
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
His the definition of uwu :(
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes, very affectionate, this boy is so clingy omg , I mean have you seen him with they boys
So much cuddles , soft quick kisses
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Sad boi hours :(
Lots of messages and FaceTiming would be a daily routine
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Of course he is, he’d just do anything to make you’re happy , to make sure you’re ok
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softhourtxt · 4 years
ateez as boyfriends
aka what no one asked for! :)
× pairing: ateez x reader × genre: fluff × warnings: mild swearing
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  h o n g j o o n g  ♡
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he treats you like a damn princess
hella sweet nicknames
honey, sweetie, darling, jagi,,,,,,,
worries about you!
so much so he might come off as dad-ish (no not like that you perv)
always wants to hear about your day no matter how busy he is/you are
comes to you when he’s facing hardships
you can tell when he’s stressed or exhausted because he just wraps his arms around you with a long sigh
and when you tell him you’ve got his back and it’s gonna be ok he–
first he’s silent and then
“i love you”
but other than that he is soooo caring :((
he’s always brushing your hair out of your face and giving cheek kisses
s e o n g h w a  ♡
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you’re his baby.
i said hongjoong might come off as a dad??? seonghwa basically is your dad
probably absolutely spoils you
sugardaddy ahem
every time he sees you you’re like “omg hi seongh-” “WOW you’re pretty”
might throw in a cringy line as well ya'know like “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
takes you out to all the restaurants
he’s very excited like “y/n did you hear about this place??? we gotta go try it out”
when you get food in the corner of your mouth
he comes real close and slowly wipes it with his thumb
and he swears it was accidental when his thumb lingered over your bottom lip and was not just trying to make you flustered
it most probably worked anyways
y u n h o  ♡
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let’s be real you have him wrapped around your finger
and he has you wrapped around his
i mean how could he not???
he’s clingy in private
more shy around people
rly scared of getting teased by his members
he’s your puppy :(
like the second you see him you feel instantly energized
because his face lights up when he sees you
your crops are growing and your skin is clear
if you’re separated for long he spins you in the air when you see each other again
he wants you close by all the time
and when i say close–
he’d glue himself to you if he could
y e o s a n g  ♡
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okay the first thing that popped to my head was him introducing you to the members
he’d be so super very shy
no eye contact with anyone whatsoever
well maybe with you because that way he gets more confident
“umm yeah this is my girlfriend y/n,,,,,,,,, well bye!”
you literally have to drag him back because he wants to run away
because i love yeosang’s sense of humor i have to include that!
you’d be throwing sarcastic remarks at each other whenever you could
but even more so,,,,, at the members
lowkey loves playing with your hair when you lay your head on his lap
in general might not admit it but he loves your snuggles
he’s super comfortable around you and supports you in literally anything
would even help you hide a body if you asked!
s a n  ♡
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san is a 50/50 type of boyfriend
he’s always either
a. the most uwu soft caring boyfriend
or b. an actual demon
there is no in between
soft uwu boyfriend san is clingy and wants your attention all the time because he dies without it
soft san wants to either hold you or be held at all times
baby this, baby that
demon san however
it’s literally what we see on stage
he’s a tease
might be a brat sometimes
but if you seem even a teeny tiny bit hurt by his actions?
-poof- soft san is back
i feel like he’s soft around you most of the time anyways
he wants to be babied come on
but he also loves babying you
basically an all round switch
m i n g i  ♡
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b a b i e
a very tall child
you thought you had a boyfriend? no you adopted a baby
ok maybe not
but you feel like his parent at times
he’s a squish
whines a lot and pouts if he doesn’t get what he wants
which usually is your attention
when you’re not around he gushes to the members about how amazing you are
“okay and then y/n flipped their ice cream and was like "do you even skate?” and it was so cool you should have seen it that’s my s/o right there–“
and whoever poor soul has been listening to him for the past 20 minutes nods their head while totally listening
you probably have so many inside jokes with him because it’s never boring with song mingi
w o o y o u n g  ♡
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i feel like i have a single word for every member
wooyoung’s descriptive boyfriend word is
he’s always teasing you every chance he gets
he catches you staring and
"do you like what you see?”
and if you decide to tease him back like “eehh i’ve seen better”
even if it’s an obvious joke
he pouts
probably clings to another member instead of you just to show you what you’re missing
and he won’t forgive you unless you do something for him to prove you love him
if he’s feeling exceptionally evil he might ask for,,,,,,,,,,, aegyo
some days just begging does the trick and he’s clinging onto you again like a monkey
and when that happens uwu hours have officially opened
the cutest snuggliest caring type of uwu hours
j o n g h o  ♡
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i feel like he’d be super protective
like always pretending to be your personal superhero
we all know he’s strong so he’d be more than happy to open cans and jars for you even if you don’t ask for his help
and if you can’t reach something that’s high up he’s gonna lift you up so you can grab it
loves to make you giggle and smile so he does a lot of dumb things you find funny
loves back hugs :(( both receiving and giving
he probably won’t express his affection through words a lot but his actions speak so loud!
anyone could see he looks at you with hearts in his eyes
like he has this fond lil smile on his face when he’s listening to you talk about your day
he just likes staring at you like a dork
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that1fanficwriter · 3 years
Fluffy Alphabet for Arthur
Author’s Note: I don’t know who to give credit to for the template. I’ve seen so many different ones that I just looked one up on the internet.
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Your kindness and empathy.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Yes, and not just because everyone in the kingdom wants him to have an heir. Growing up as an only child and with just his dad he always longed for a big family. Now he has that chance and he wants to have as many kids as Y/n is ok with.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
My god, when he wants cuddles you better forget about doing anything all day. Because Uther was not as involved as he should have been this boy is so touch starved he will just latch on and never let go.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Absolutely adorable. Once he became king it became harder to spend a day going out for a ride and a picnic so you cherish all of the little moments you have with him. That means having to explain to him that you don’t need to bring Merlin along for a picnic; you are both very capable and that it might be good for him to do some of the work for himself.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
He calls you Lofian which means to My Love in Old English
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
He always loved you but he finally realized it once Merlin pointed it out (typical)
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Yes, all the time. He is so sweet and gentle the only exception being when you are practicing fighting with him.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
You don’t get to hold hands a lot because you are almost always in the public eye. If he can’t hold your hand he will just link your fingers together.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
The first time he caught a glimpse of you he thought you were stunning and he was so excited to see you again in the castle so he could get the chance to talk to you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes and no. If it is someone he knows, like Gwaine or the knights, he doesn’t because he knows that they would never really do anything. If it is someone he doesn’t know it’s a different story. He gets protective of you and pretends that he isn’t jealous but really he is. You usually notice it and remind him that you aren’t going away, he’s stuck with you.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You and Arthur were secretly meeting in the forest. Merlin followed the pair of you and was hiding in a bush. Eventually he was frustrated enough to which both of you and jumped out of his bush to tell you guys to kiss.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Merlin. Both Arthur and you didn’t realize the other was in love with you until Merlin finally broke and shouted it at you.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory is when you both had snuck out to the forest for dinner at sunset. He had found a beautiful overlook where you could see for miles and as the sunset he looked over at you and swore that you were glowing.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Of course. He is the prince/king for goodness sake. You have to make sure you don’t look at anything too long to he will buy it for you.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Purple. It is a very expensive color reserved for pretty much only royalty and those that can afford it. It reminds him of you because he knows you deserve the world.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Every sweet pet name he can come up with you’ve heard. Though he favors calling you lofian.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
I mean it’s medieval times sooo everything?
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He likes to stay inside and try to catch up on his work so that you two can spend quality time together.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
If he is upset he will either go for a ride or try to find something to take his mind off of it. He isn't the greatest at cheering people up but if he knows the person well enough he gives great hugs.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Mundane things and things that don’t have to do with the safety and prosperity of Camelot because he’s usually talking about that all day.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
If he is really stressed or upset he goes and trains by himself otherwise he bottles it up but you can usually tell that something is off and can get him to talk to you about it.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Camelot. It means so much to him and his is endlessly proud of how much better it has become even if he has days when he doubts his ability to rule.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He originally told you that he wanted to marry you during one of your getaways but he officially proposed to you after he became king. He came to your house and before you could say anything or even let him in he pulled out the ring and asked you.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Soldier, Poet, King but The Oh Hellos (an: this ones kind of iffy and I don't have any reasoning but oh well)
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes, he dreamed of being able to marry you but didn't know if he would be able to since you were not of royal blood. Thankfully, he became king and could change the rules before he was forced into a different marriage.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
As a child he wanted a dragon (who didn't) but his father quickly discouraged that idea.
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Watched Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness today and uh...
It’s a bit...messy. It’s hard for me to say I liked or disliked it for a multitude of reasons. It was directed by Sam Raimi and boy does that show because the movie is shot like a 90s horror flick, it’s actually really cool in that aspect. Where it feels messy though is, as you’d expect, with how it fits into the rest of the MCU.
I’m not going to spoil anything explicitly down below, but I will mention vague details that could be considered spoilers so if you want to go in spoiler-free, don’t read this. Basically, the TL;DR is: the movie was good as a Sam Raimi movie, bad as an MCU movie, and overall probably a 6/10.
Look, I’ve watched WandaVision. I thought it was a pretty OK show. It’s where I first began to notice Marvels tendency to all-but-bold-face-lie to you about the direction the show/movie is going in, which isn’t great, and is one of the major gripes I had with this movie but w/e, that’s not why it’s messy. What’s messy I think is just that both A) you really need to watch WandaVision in order to even attempt to grasp Wanda’s character in this movie, and B) even if you do, her character still feels...like a bit of a major pivot from the last time we saw her.
I’ve said before that I like that Marvel seems to be leaning into the fact that, yes, people watch your other movies. Maybe not all of them, but at least enough to get a general understanding that things happen outside of this movie that relate to it somehow. The rub I have isn’t with the fact that you need to watch WandaVision to understand this movie, it’s the fact that even if you do you probably still won’t understand this movie. I’m not sure I understand this movie.
Also, you don’t need to have watched this show, but if you watched the What If...? series too then you basically have the entire cast of characters for this movie. Fuck, you almost even have the plot to this movie.
Honestly, without getting into spoilers, I’ll just say this movie is certainly not helped by being related to a series of movies and shows. It makes previous entries feel a little pointless and future entries a little less interesting.
America Chavez was actually pretty interesting of a character though and I am eager to see where she ends up. Although, I say that but she strangely wasn’t in the movie all that much. Like, she definitely was...but she also really wasn’t. It sort of felt like the movie should’ve been an American Chavez movie w/ Doctor Strange tacked onto it (similar to the last Spider-Man), assuming they wanted it to be a good intro for her character, but instead she sort of got cast aside partway through the movie and then comes back at the tail end, and overall she doesn’t add much but plot-convenience. So...yeah, I might’ve just talked myself out of liking her character but whatever I thought the actress did a good job so I’ll keep an eye out for her later I guess.
Also also, and this is sort of a spoiler, but fuck them for butchering the fuck out of the Illuminati. I can’t help but feel like them adding that in this movie was them saying “see we did it” and then they never do it again because at this point, from a non-comic reader perspective, it might come across as odd to bring in the Illuminati when they showed it in this movie and they turned out to be a bit of a joke.
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