#ok time to tag a bunch of things so i can get notes. you WILL look at luz tsubaki
crescentfool · 6 months
Hi 👉👈 I don’t have a lot to say, I just wanted to hi give you from across the room because I followed you for P3 but it turns out you and I share a ton of fandoms and I just think that’s really super neat.
You get a good grade in fandom taste 💖
WAVES HI!! thank you for the follow and message, it makes me happy to hear that you've enjoyed seeing the other media i've reblogged stuff of! P3 is definitely something i hold close to my heart, but i have lots of media i'm full of love for too! so thank you for appreciating it, i hope you enjoy your stay! 🥺💙
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ursamajori · 2 years
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do y’all ever make a moth whos just so very lonely because i sure did :(
[id from alt: a digital drawing from chest up of luz, a young thin faerie woman with dark brown skin and freckles, fully black eyes, black and white feelers, brown moth wings, and brown curly hair with a white streak. they’re wearing a gold choker necklace and a white long sleeved dress. they stare out with a tearful expression while a shadow covers most of their face. the background is a black sky and it’s snowing. end id]
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foodiegoogie · 29 days
what friends are for
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sirius black x fem!reader ✮ 3.95k summary: you’re an overthinker at its finest; sirius is an overdoer when it comes to saving you from you and your thoughts. cw/tags: no use of y/n, highschool!au, biker!sirius (mentioned), too long for its own good,, nothing too heavy <3 also the teachers r still called professors here bcoz yes !
note: DAMN FINALLY ive finished this 😭 tho its still a little too long for my taste .. i am kinda proud of this :> this was a recycled thoma request, but since i kind of serve to the marauders audience now,, i decided to give it to sirius 🥰 happy reading! 🫶🏼
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Having an overly active brain was both a blessing, and a curse. You loved your creativity and intelligence, and they definitely showed in your report cards. What you didn't like was how often you thought about simple, small matters, and then thought about it some more, and then some more after that. You were an overthinker at its finest. Everyone who knew you well enough would agree that you were a non-stop thinking machine, and they all hoped you would cut yourself some slack and give yourself a break.
“That’s easier said than done,” you’d say to them. Oh, what you wouldn't give to stop being a self-sufficient, but also self-pitying brainiac! 
But, as they all say, old habits die hard. That is why here you are, in class, watching your teacher collect your test papers and slowly getting into the routine of asking yourself the questions—the what-ifs, did-Is, and the like. 
You were bouncing your leg up and down restlessly while chewing on your bottom lip, looking very deep in thought, when you felt something hit your head lightly. A crumpled ball of paper landed in your point of view, breaking you out of the trance from overthinking. Picking it up, you opened it and smoothed it out to see what was written inside. 
You look like you just murdered someone and are now burdened by your guilty conscience.
Despite your sour mood, you managed to let out a snort and a soft smile after reading the line. You could recognize the flawlessly cursive handwriting anywhere; it belonged to your good friend, Sirius Black. And knowing him, you knew better than to come up with a snarky reply and retaliate. Getting caught chit chatting with someone like him during class hours could land you in detention, especially now that the teacher inside your classroom was the one and only Physics Terror, Professor McGonagall.
So, you crumple the piece of paper back into its ball shape, and stuff it into your backpack. A few seconds later, you feel something hit your head again. The culprit? Yet another crumpled ball of paper, now sitting on your desk. Letting curiosity get the best of you, you open it up and read what's written.
Ok, rude? Guess you can forget about getting my help cuz I know a good place to bury a body :)
Softly chuckling to yourself, you shook your head and wondered why you were even friends with someone as bizarre as Sirius while you put the crumpled paper in your bag. For a while, you didn’t feel anything light hit your head like you expected. But just as you were about to spiral into another endless stream of self-doubt, you were hit again with a crumpled ball of paper. 
Slowly, you turned around in your seat to glare at Sirius. You meet his eyes doing the same thing, and then gesturing impatiently at you to open the piece of paper he just threw at you. You stuck your tongue out at him out of spite before finally opening the piece of paper.
The sentence was written in bold black letters, underlined a bunch of times, and the punctuation marks at the end were twice the size of the letters. Having read the ridiculous note, you let out what might have been the loudest cackle you have ever let out in your highschool life.
You hear your name called out loudly by Professor McGonagall, in a stern tone that could only mean one thing for you. It felt absolutely mortifying to have your classmates' eyes on you, seeing their pity and amusement appear on their faces. 
"You'll be seeing Mr. Filch for detention after class," She said, zeroing in on you with her piercing glare. If looks could kill, you'd have been dead in your seat by now, and Sirius could use his knowledge of good places to bury dead bodies so he could bury yours. "I hope you'll learn your lesson in your time with him." 
"I will, Professor," You replied, the embarrassment reflecting in your voice.  Great—not only were you unsure about your grade for this class, but now you had one more thing to be worried about, as well as overthink about.
Unable to take on your classmates’ pitying looks on you, you crossed your arms on your desk and laid your head down against them, hiding your face from the prying eyes of your classmates. You could not handle any more humiliations. But you also thought that nothing could possibly be worse than the situation you put yourself in.
Then, you were proven wrong.
All of a sudden, you heard your classmates murmuring around you. Lifting your head up to see what was going on, you saw a paper plane glide smoothly through the air before it landed perfectly on the stack of test papers Professor McGonagall was currently grading. 
To some of your classmates, what happened afterward took less than a minute. But to the rest, including yourself, it seemed like eternity with how carefully Professor McGonagall dropped her pen, and took off her glasses. She picked up the paper plane and opened it up, narrowing her eyes at whatever was written inside. Unfortunately, none of you ever knew what was written inside. But you all knew that it wasn't any good, judging by the twitch in her eye and the frown on her face.
"Who does this belong to?" She asked, her displeasure clearly heard in her voice and seen in the glare she gives everyone in the room. A beat passes, and suddenly everyone is pointing fingers to someone sitting at the back of the classroom. 
Though you had a hunch on who it was they were pointing at, you hoped that you were wrong; that it turned out to be some other classmate of yours who had rotten luck just like you. Then, you were proven wrong… again.
You turned around in your seat just in time to meet the mischievous eyes of your raven-haired friend. He even took the time to throw you a playful wink before clearing his throat dramatically. 
"Good morning, Professor,” Sirius began, his hand closed in a fist like it was holding something near his mouth. “This is your captain speaking. It seems like my aeroplane experienced turbulence and crashed in your area. Terribly sorry, rookie mistake! Rest assured that I'll comply with whatever punishment you subject me to for the matter." 
"In that case, good, because you'll be serving detention alongside your classmate here," Professor McGonagall nods in your direction. "I hope you'll both learn something about rudely disrupting the peace and quiet during class hours with unnecessary distractions." She smiled, although anyone could tell it wasn't to be kind. Then, she returned to her previously interrupted task of grading test papers.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. Of course, he'd get himself into trouble, you thought. You turned to look at him, catching his attention, and mouthed the words, "What'd you do that for?"
Sirius shrugged in reply, a cheeky smile on his face before mouthing the word, "You."
Genuinely, you have always wondered how you managed to land yourself a place in Sirius’ life as one of his closest friends. It was one of the things you’ve thought about over and over, but have never really gotten to the bottom of. Nevertheless, you will always be grateful for having a friend like him, even if he does give you a headache sometimes.
It turns out that serving detention wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, having been assigned under Mr. Filch’s orders of tending to the flora and fauna stored in the school greenhouses. In fact, you were actually kind of enjoying it, and Sirius being with you totally wasn’t a part of the reason why. 
“You know, this actually isn’t so bad,” He remarked, spraying the lavenders with some water, a faint smile on his face. “I thought we’d be somewhere organizing Sprout’s herb collection or something.”
You laugh at his statement, “Not gonna lie, I expected something boring, too. But this is pretty nice.” You beamed at him, looking away from where you’d been adjusting potted plants accordingly where the sunlight was hitting. 
“Who knew we’d be so good at gardening?” 
“I know, right?” 
Sirius chuckled in reply, and you joined in with him, taking the time to look at him before returning to your task. He looked especially handsome whenever he laughed; eyes crinkled by the edges with amusement, his pearly whites on perfect display as he smiled. It also certainly didn’t help that on top of the black leather jacket he wore, he was wearing an apron, and a bandana tied around his hair which pushed it back to act as a headband, revealing his forehead which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. 
Sirius Black looked ridiculously handsome, and you didn’t need to think twice about that, because it was a well-known fact.
At that moment, you were so caught up in staring at him that Sirius caught you in action. It was already too late to look away and feign indifference for you as a smirk had started to make its way onto his face.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” He practically purred, his voice taking on a deeper, more flirtatious tone than usual. Your brain loses its ability to function momentarily before you quickly wracked your mind for a snarky retort. 
“How original,” You quipped, trying to hide your momentary lapse in brain function at his unexpected tone. Sirius lets you get away with it, hiding a subtle smile of amusement to himself. 
Turning back to a pot of chrysanthemums you’d neglected briefly, you decide to change the topic. “So I was just wondering,” You began, a curious lilt to your voice. “What’d you write on that paper plane you flew to Professor McGonagall?” You queried as you turned to face him again, placing your hand on your hip.
“Oh, psh, that old thing?” Sirius waved it off dismissively as he wrapped up with his task of watering the flowers. “Just a little piece of an opinion I’ve been meaning to tell her.” 
“And just what was it you were meaning to tell her?” 
Before he answered your question, he took the time to take his bandana off, wiping the sweat off his forehead with it. Then, he fixed his hair - running a hand through it and ruffling it up slightly. Inwardly, you had to admit, you almost forgot what you were talking about as you shamelessly watched him be… hot; and like he knew the effect it had on you—which he most likely did—he smirked at you. Again. 
“I told her that dogs were better than cats,” Sirius smiled wickedly. 
You gasped in horror. “No, you did not.” 
“Oh, yes I did,” He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You know how she feels about cats, Sirius!” 
“Precisely the point, darling.”
To some, it would seem like something off of a controversial debate, like if pineapples belong on pizza for example. But to everyone who really knew Professor McGonagall well, saying things like that was just a recipe for disaster—with disaster meaning serving detention, of course.
“No wonder you ended up here,” You shook your head in disbelief at him. 
“Buuut, like I said, it’s not so bad here,” Sirius opposed, untying his apron from the back and behind his neck. “Plus, I’ve got good company.” He winked at you before hanging the apron on one of the hooks attached to the wall of the greenhouse.
You didn’t— no, couldn’t reply to him, seeing how you were caught off guard with what he said. But it wasn’t like Sirius wasn’t good company for you, no. There was never a dull moment with him by your side. In fact, if it were someone else you were stuck with in detention, you wouldn’t have agreed with him earlier that serving it wasn’t so bad. And frankly speaking, if serving detention just meant extra time to hang out with Sirius Black, then you wouldn’t mind disrupting the peace and quiet of class hours every now and then.
Though that would certainly look bad on your report cards, so you mentally chastise yourself for even entertaining the thought. But you couldn’t deny that there was some truth behind it, at least. Or more than some.
“Let me walk you home?” Sirius asked as he regarded you with a certain gentleness in his grey eyes. You felt like melting on the spot, right then and there, as he lingered by the doorway to the greenhouse, waiting for your answer. 
But you managed to pull yourself together, and smiled at him. “Sure.”
On some days, you would have just taken the school bus home, and Sirius would have just gone on his motorbike. Though in the past, he’d asked you countless times if he could give you a ride home, of course, because it was quicker and more cost-efficient than taking the public transport. But with the way your face blanched at his offering, and the way you kept spewing facts upon facts about how motorbike riding was dangerous (Sirius tried to reassure you that it wasn’t for very obvious reasons), he settled for walking you home instead. 
While that had quickly become an almost regular occurrence for the both of you, Sirius always made sure to ask you first, despite the fact that he would have to go back for his motorbike parked at the school after. Knowing this, you tried very hard to kindly refuse him at first. But over time, you found yourself saying yes without a second thought.
At the same time, you refrain yourself from giving it much thought. It was simply a kind gesture from a really good friend of yours, and that was that. 
A devilishly handsome, fiercely loyal, and incredibly caring… friend of yours. 
Walking home with Sirius never fails to make you feel better after a long day at school. The both of you are instantly engaged in meaningful conversation, debriefing the events that occurred during the day. You like to think it’s a mandatory routine by how often you do it, how often it happens, and how natural it feels. It’s definitely one of, or maybe the best way to de-stress and relax after spending a whole day just studying and working. 
If only he could keep the teasing to a minimum, though. 
“I’m just saying, you know,” Sirius said, shrugging nonchalantly as he walked beside you. “You didn’t have to laugh that hard.” 
You scoff in disbelief, the sarcastic reply bubbling up in your throat. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it whenever I laugh at your jokes?” 
“Never said I didn’t, love,” He responded, voice softening at the term of endearment used. “But you could’ve been saved from Minnie’s wrath if you hadn’t done that evil cackle of yours that you call a ‘laugh.’” Sirius chuckled slightly as he spoke, reminding you both of your embarrassment. 
“Okay, first of all, rude,” You shot him a half-hearted glare, a smile threatening to come alive on your lips. “And second of all, it’s your fault that I accidentally laughed out loud during class.”
Sirius scoffed immediately, taking full offense as he turned away from you. “‘Accidentally,’ she says.” 
“What? It’s true!” 
“So I suspect you must have ‘accidentally’ found me funny, too?” He air-quoted. 
You let out a sigh, feeling exasperated and slightly frustrated by his consistently witty replies. It seemed like Sirius never ran out of energy when it came to your banter, filled with incessant teasing (coming from Sirius himself most of the time, of course) and lighthearted jabs at each other. But even with your patience increasingly wearing thin with him, you found yourself looking forward to the banter every time. In spite of his knack for getting on your nerves more often than not, you liked sharing it with him. It was almost as if it was something only you and Sirius shared - intimate and unique to your dynamic.
“Whatever, Sirius,” You settled for a dismissive response eventually, rolling your eyes as you did so. Though you knew that he would take the piss out of you again for your lack of a snarky retort.
But to your surprise, the boy only chuckled in amusement, kicking a few pebbles and leaves out of the way as the two of you continued to walk. You didn’t think much of it, passing it off as a likely thing for people to do when they walk on sidewalks riddled with objects in the way. 
(But little did you know about Sirius’ true intentions, though.)
After a moment of comfortable silence, you decided to speak up again. 
“Hey, so I was wondering—”
Sirius interrupts with a snort of laughter. “When are you not?” “Please shut up and let me finish.” “Alright, alright. I’m sorry,” he said. Though with the ever so present smirk on his face, and the hint of mirth in his eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was truly sorry. “What were you wondering about in that pretty head of yours?” You paused for a moment, thinking of how to phrase your question. Sirius gave you a brief glance, curious about what you were thinking of that had you pondering like this.
“Why’d you do it?” You finally blurted out.
“What do you mean? You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific than that for me, love.”
Sirius earns the sweet sound of your chuckling, and he zeroes in on the slight flush that appeared on your cheeks, betraying your embarrassment.
“I’m talking about earlier, Sirius. During Physics? When you flew that paper plane to McGonagall?”
His lips formed an O shape as he came to the realization of what you were referring to. And as if the reminder was nothing but a lighthearted one, Sirius snickered to himself.
“And? What about that?” 
You sigh, internally wondering how on earth he could find such a thing so amusing. Sure, perhaps Professor McGonagall had developed some sort of fondness or a soft spot for Sirius over the years he’d acted against her in his mischief. But the fact still remained that McGonagall was not to be taken lightly to, especially not during her class. 
“I was just wondering why you would do such a thing. I mean.. it was certainly unprovoked, don’t you think?” 
“‘Unprovoked,’ you say? Is that what you really think?” 
There’s a shift in his tone this time around when he spoke, though there still remained the unmistakable, and ever so present hint of a tease in his voice. You studied his face intently as you thought of a response. 
“Yeah. I mean, whatever did you do that for?” 
Sirius sighed, though you couldn’t tell if it was out of frustration with you or exasperation. “Didn’t I tell you already? I did it for you, you daft woman.” 
You resist the urge to scoff at his remark of you being a supposed daft woman. “I thought you were just messing with me there when you said that.”
“‘Messing with you?’ Why would I—“ He cut himself off with another sigh. 
Oh, so he’s frustrated, you realized. 
“You know, for someone whose mind runs a thousand miles per hour, you can be really clueless sometimes.” 
You let yourself scoff by then, feeling indignant. “What are you on about now?” 
Sirius almost smirked at your words, and you knew that by the twitch at the corner of his lips. You tear your eyes away from them, focusing on his eyes instead. 
“Come on, you’re a smart girl. Surely, you know why I did that, and why I risked detention?”
Deep down, you had an inkling as to what he was telling you. But you refused to acknowledge it aside from the fact that it was downright ridiculous. After all, you firmly believed yourself to be out of Sirius Black’s league. Your dynamic was synonymous to one of those Paramore songs that went, “He was a punk, she did ballet. Can I make it anymore obvious?” 
And as if he could read you, and sense your inner thoughts, Sirius sighed for what seemed like the nth time of that moment. Though now it had sounded almost… sad? 
“Shall I spell it aloud for you, then?” He broke the silence, his voice deeper and tinged with seriousness. 
“Yes.” Please. For my own sake. 
He takes a deep breath first, although the both of you didn’t know for what exactly. But it felt like it was necessary for Sirius, and so—
“I did it for you, ‘cause,” He paused, seemingly trying to push the words out of his mouth. Why he was forcing them out, you didn’t know. “What friends are for, right?” 
Well, admittedly, that kind of stung you inside. For a moment—a fleeting, hopeful moment—you wanted Sirius to say that he did it for you, and that was that. Just for you. For the sake of keeping you company, and letting it be up for interpretation on whether it was done under platonic intentions or… not. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, mentally chastising yourself for ever expecting such a thing. “What friends are for.” 
Sirius is looking at you pensively, noticing a hint of your disappointment in the way your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, and in the way you looked away from him as you replied. He wondered why.
But, ever the one to cheer his friends up, Sirius clears his throat to catch your attention, his grey eyes glittering with mirth. 
“And besides,” he added. “You would’ve gone mad if you served detention all alone. You’re kind of a danger to yourself here, love.” He ruffled your hair playfully as he said this, eliciting a smile from you. 
“Hey! It doesn’t get that bad, you know,” You defend yourself, fixing your hair with your fingers. Sirius helps you out by tucking the wayward strands of hair, covering your face, behind your ear. 
He snickered. “Trust me, love. I know how bad it can get.” 
In truth, Sirius has always found it endearing—your knack for getting a little lost in your head more often than not. But he was also one of those people who wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shake some sense into you, to tell you to give yourself a damn break. So, he’ll take any chance to distract you from your thoughts. And if that meant angering McGonagall and serving detention, he didn’t mind at all. 
The rest of your walk home goes easily after that, the lighthearted atmosphere returning despite the momentary shift to the slightest, almost imperceptible indication to the feelings you harbored for each other—though unacknowledged on both sides of the party in fear of losing the other.
Although, Sirius suspects that he’ll be brave enough for the both of you one day to bring these feelings into light. 
In the meantime, he’ll let you get away with your acting aloof and coy about it. He’ll gladly wait until you’re ready to hear what he’s always wanted to tell you. 
So, as the two of you bask in the orange hue of the afternoon sun, walking down the path to your home, you don’t realize that it’s only a few steps away until you’ve reached your destination. You were getting carried away (again) with ranting about tomorrow’s quizzes, and Sirius is trying (again) to calm your anxieties, and reassure you. 
At the very same time, he realizes the increasing distance between the two of you and your home. He doesn’t make a move to tell you, and you simply don’t notice.
( ♡ )
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
What about Jaime liking someone who works at/owns a flower shop so he keeps making excuses to come in and get flowers? Richmond is real confused about why he’s giving away so many bouquets all of the sudden
(Ps I love love love your work! I’ve got it so I get an alert whenever you post because of how much I love it!)
this one turned out SO CUTE I hope you like it!
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wishing on every one
You know you’re fucked as soon as he walks through the door of your shop. 
Then he tells you he’s looking for flowers for his mum who’s visiting him for the first time, and you know you’re extra fucked. 
He’s absolutely gorgeous, especially in the soft light streaming through your flower shop windows, framed by the vibrant hues of the plants lining the shelves.
Then he says, “I’m Jamie,” peers at your name tag, and tells you that you have a lovely name. You’re blushing the entire time you lead him around the shop, answering each one of his questions as best you can without stuttering. He cracks jokes, picks out a nice bunch, and leaves you one flower for yourself on his way out. 
And then, the next week, he comes back. 
Jamie Tartt, AFC Richmond’s star footballer, comes back to your shop and flirts with you again. 
Of course you know who he his, you knew the moment he stepped through the door. You live in Richmond after all, and you agree with the great Dani Rojas that here, football is life. It’s just hard to believe that your favorite footballer is back in your tiny little store and maybe sort of kinda definitely flirting with you.
You don’t let it get to your head (much). It’s Jamie Tartt, you’ve seen him on Lust Conquers All. To him, flirting is like breathing. You also don’t tell anyone, although you feel like you’re bursting inside. Your flat mate notes that you’re smiling more and that you always seem to be humming, and could you please maybe be careful when you’re skipping around because she just mopped the floor and doesn’t want you to slip. 
But Jamie Tartt keeps coming back; first once a week, then twice, then about every other day. He follows you around as you help him choose flowers for all kinds of occasions, and then he’a gone again, leaving you to wonder which time will be the last. 
At Nelson Road, things are in chaos. 
Ok, maybe chaos is too strong a word. Things are… out of the ordinary. 
Well, but things have been out of the ordinary ever since Ted Lasso showed up. 
Things are… weird. Yeah, that’s a good word. They’re weird. And “they,” refers to Jamie. 
It starts off simple enough. It's Sam’s birthday, so Jamie shows up with some flowers. He heard Sam say they were his favorites, so it makes sense that he’d bring them. No one notices anything. 
The next week, he’s brought some for Ms. Welton. 
“It’s for all the shit you do that we don’t know about,” he explains. “Didn’t want you to think we didn’t notice.”
Rebecca doesn’t comment on the double negative, just smiles and says, “Thank you, Jamie,” as Keeley sits forward on the couch in a slight state of shock. The Jamie she was with had never done something like that for her romantically, and here he is doing it platonically. Holy shit, he really has changed. 
Rebecca also doesn’t take the flowers to mean something they don’t. She knows that the team looks to her with the same respect they would afford an older sister or even a mother (although she is not old enough). Strangely, she doesn’t mind. It makes her feel loved in a way she’s unused to, and the flowers from Jamie hang upside down on her wall so they can be immortalized. 
Barely a week after that, he’s gotten some for Keeley. “It’s to make up for the ones I never got you,” he tells her. They’re all bright pink with fluffy petals. Keeley wraps her arms around Jamie with a squeal of delight. Roy grunts angrily, so Jamie pulls out a bunch of dark red and black flowers. “Didn’t leave you out, grandad,” he grins as Roy pretends to hate the bouquet. But even he isn’t cold-hearted enough to hate flowers.
Suddenly, people are getting flowers every other day. It’s become Jamie’s thing. Ted gets some sunflowers when he seems like he’s missing home a little extra. Will gets a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers that Jamie doesn’t know the name of, but he knows that purple one’s lavender because he remembers how you told him it reminded you of growing up. Dani gets a bundle of tulips and it almost makes him pass out from excitement, but luckily Isaac is there to catch him. 
Dani is firmly seated on the bench in the locker room and Jan Maas has removed all tulips except one, and now Isaac has the chance to turn to Jamie and ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind. 
“What gives, bruv?”
Those three words make Jamie turn bright red, but he shrugs it off with a laugh. 
“What, can’t get me best mates flowers?”
“It is a little better than the PS5s,” Richard says. There’s a chorus of agreement, much to the surprise of Coach Beard. 
Jamie thinks he’s in the clear and his face isn’t red anymore but then Dani says, “Jamie Tartt, why did you decide to give us flowers and not some other expensive gaming device?” and Jamie knows he’s completely and utterly fucked. He did not think this far. He has no excuse, no lie, so what comes out of his mouth is, “The flower shop girl’s fit,” and then the locker room completely descends into chaos. 
The boys are firing questions at Jamie faster than he can even understand them, and Ted’s just laughing at the pure pandemonium. He remembers similar moments when coaching other football teams, American ones, and the good feeling that comes along with “boys being boys,” in the way the phrase was originally intended. 
All pertinent information is successfully extracted from Jamie before the team heads home, except your name and which flower shop it is. Colin says that’s the most important bit, but Jamie refuses to tell them more than the fact that your laugh makes the sun shine brighter. Isaac nods thoughtfully and Roy shakes his head, but it’s with a fondness he reserves only for his team. 
It could be any shop, really. There are conversations across the parking lot of the best way to figure out which one it is and Jamie’s getting nervous when he hears Ted’s voice call his name.
He turns, and Ted hurries over to where Jamie’s car is parked. 
He carefully places a hand on Jamie’s shoulder (softly, unlike the crushing grip of his father) and looks Jamie straight in the eye. 
“Jamie, life’s too short to beat around the bush. You like her. I think it would be best if you rose to the occasion and just asked her out. I be-leaf in you, son. You just gotta get clover it and do what you gotta do.”
Jamie doesn’t pick on the flower puns until about the third one. He’s laughing a little bit and Ted is too, all while regarding Jamie with a soft look that Jamie always wished his father would give him. Ted pulls Jamie in for a hug and says, “In all seriousness man, we’re rooting for you.” 
Jamie gives him a look, which makes Ted hold up his hands in defense. “Alright, alright, I’m done,” he says. “For now.” Then he winks and headed to meet Coach Beard. 
It’s the middle of the afternoon when the bell on your door jingles, and you look up from the register hoping to see Jamie. 
Instead, you see a middle-aged man with a mustache smiling at you. 
He says, “Howdy,” in a way that is so very American, that you can’t help but break into a wide smile. 
“Hi!” you reply, “How can I help you?”
“My name’s Ted Lasso,” he says walking toward you. “I coach football here in Richmond.”
You’re still grinning. “I know who you are, Coach Lasso. I’m a big Richmond supporter. Have been since I was a kid.”
“Just Ted is fine,” says Just Ted. “I usually don’t like to introduce myself along with my job title because it makes me seem all uppity, but I thought it might make more sense if I did.”
You scrunch your nose in confusion so Ted says, “You were expecting to see Jamie today, is that right?”
You nod. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Jamie’s coach is in your flower shop and he knows that you like him and he’s probably going to tell you you can never see Jamie again because that’s the only logical reason he’s here, right? Maybe Jamie’s been skipping practice to be here with you and that all has to end now because football is life and you of all people should know that. Shit. 
Ted must be able to see the panic on your face because he shakes his head and says, “Don’t worry darlin’, it ain’t anything bad. I’m only here to let you know that boy’s got it down bad for you.”
Wait, what?
“Oh,” you reply. 
“Yeah, oh,” Ted chuckles. “Why’d you think he was here all the time?”
“I- I don’t know,” you say. “He flirts with everyone. I’m nothing extra special.”
Ted shakes his head again. “There’s where you’re wrong. You’re somethin’ extra special. Did you know I found you based on the way Jamie talked about you alone? He didn’t even give your name, but I’ve been in here once or twice myself and I must say, he was right when he said the sun shines a little brighter when you smile. I figured it had to be you the moment he said that.”
You’re smiling again. Jamie said that about you? To his coach?
Ted’s talking again. “Listen,” he says, a little more serious, “Jamie’s like a son to me. And sometimes dads need to give their sons a little push so they can get rid of their training wheels and just go for it, you know what I mean?” 
You’re at a loss but Ted just grins. “I got here exactly three minutes before the boys take a break for lunch, which means that Jamie should be in here-” the bell at the door jingles “-right about now.”
“Coach?” Jamie asks, looking very adorable and very confused. “What’re you doing here?”
Ted shrugs. “Sometimes dads gotta take things into their own hands. Give you a little extra boost, as it were. Figured you’d be in here forever before you got the guts to make a move and by then Nelson Road would be completely overrun by flowers. Not that that’s a bad thing,” he says with a glance to you. “Anyway. I’ll be on my merry little way. Beard’s saving me a seat at our favorite lunch spot.”
Ted waves a two finger goodbye and pats Jamie on the shoulder as he heads out the door, bell ringing behind him. 
“So,” you say, making your way around the counter over to Jamie. 
“So…” he replies, looking down at you. 
You take his hand. “Heard from a reliable source that you have a crush on me.”
Jamie grins. “Ain’t a crush babe, I’m a grown lad.  Think it’s somethin’ a little more real.”
“Uh huh,” you say, smiling back at him. “Well it just so happens that I also have a crush on you as well as a thirty-minute lunch break that starts right about now…”
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jungle-angel · 8 months
The One With The Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Something happens at a Friday night rager but Rhett and his frat brothers decide they're not gonna get mad.....they're gonna get even
Warnings: Sexual harassment, grabbing of a boob, frat boy revenge etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman
The Delta Tau Epsilon house was alive with the booming of music, the hollers and shouts of the drunken college students filling every corner of the house and the shenanigans that had followed them there.
The basement was no less than noisy with everybody packed shoulder to shoulder, dancing to the 70s, 80s, 90s and Early 2000s throwback music that boomed from the speakers. Beer and drinks spilled from red solo cups and onto unsuspecting freshman while a few sang along noisily to Sly And The Family Stone's "Thank You" and showing off their best disco moves.
You were behind the bar in the basement helping Cairo make everyone's drinks and enjoying the shenanigans yourself.
"I swear to Jesus, if Kyle ends up emptying the whole keg I'm gonna have to cut him off," Cairo remarked.
"Cai c'mon they're a bunch of drunken frat boys, what else are they gonna do?" you laughed.
"Oh I'll tell ya'll what I'm gonna do," he answered, laughing a little and snapping his fingers. "Imma come up into his room with a garbage can lid and give him the rudest awakening of his life!"
You laughed as you cracked open a Long Drink and filled a red solo cup with it, handing it off to one of the football players.
"Need a refill!" Foster teased, slamming his cup onto the bar.
"Sorry Babes, bar's closed!" Cairo joked.
"It's not even midnight!"
The two of them bickered back and forth as more barflies began to make their way over. You laughed when you had to spray one of the Iota Nu boys with the keg nozzle to shoo him away, the others around you laughing in return.
"Hey pretty thing,"
You turned around thinking it was Rhett but no. To your horror it was Smithfield Green, the leader of the notorious Alpha Beta fraternity. You felt your heart jump into your chest and your throat going dry when you saw him.
"Sorry Smitty, bar's closed," you told him.
"Not by the looks of it around here," he sniffed. "Don't suppose you wanna get outta here and I could show you a really good time?"
"No thanks, I'm all set."
"Oh c'mon you know you wanna....."
You yelped a little when he tried to grab your boob which quickly caught Cairo's attention. "Hey!" he shouted. "The fuck do you think you are?"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Smitty retorted.
"I fuckin asked you first."
"Think you're so tough there huh?" Smitty questioned. "You sound like a fuckin girl."
"I might sound like a girl but I could easily have you on the ground and your balls dangling from the bumper of my car," Cairo hissed.
"Oh I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you?"
"Eat me pervert," Cairo sneered. "And if I ever catch you trying to touch (y/n) ever again, that just might happen."
Smitty laughed and sauntered away with Cairo flipping him off behind his back. "You ok hon?" he asked.
You nodded, still a little shaken by what had happened. "I think I need to go get some air for a minute," you told him.
"Go get some air, I'll finish up here," Cairo assured you, giving you a hug.
He waited until you disappeared before waving and snapping his fingers, motioning for Foster to come over to the bar.
"Yo what's up?" Foster asked him.
"Smitty tried to pull a fast one on the First Lady," Cairo answered.
"Are you fuckin serious?!" Foster exclaimed.
"No, I'm not......chain call, now!"
Foster nodded, slapping his palm on the bar before heading up the basement stairs to find someone to start the chain call. He quickly wrote down what had happened on a sticky note so that word wouldn't change going up, finding Bo and Kyle in the little room off the basement bar room, engaging in a rather intense game of Cards Against Humanity with a few other freshmen.
"Yo we've got a Code Red boys," Foster told them.
"Sup?" Bo asked.
Foster showed him the note and the two were off to find the next person. The message traveled to Ravi Sharma who then handed it off to two of the new pledges and then to Sammy Inoue. Up and up and up the chain it went until Rowdy Collins, the football team's new kicker, raced up the stairs to hand it off to Kayce.
"Kayce!" he announced, pounding on the door.
Kayce opened the door, zipping up his jeans. "Bro what the fuck?"
"We've got a Code Red, go get Rhett."
"What's the Code Red?"
Rowdy showed him the neon green sticky note that had been passed around. Kayce's eyes went wide, his jaw slack with shock. "You fuckin serious?"
"She's outside in the backyard," Rowdy explained.
Kayce hurried off to Rhett's room down the hall and pounded on the door. "Bro you're never gonna believe this," Kayce told him when he opened the door.
"What? Did somebody get beer up their nose again?" Rhett asked him.
"No it's (y/n)," Kayce answered, showing him the note.
Rhett read the message, his eyes going wide. "Where is she?"
"Out back."
Rhett hurried his way through the chaos of the rager with Kayce close behind him. The night air was still just a little bit chilly as he sat down beside you, pulling you close and kissing the side of your head.
"You ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine," you told him. "Just a little shaken that's all."
Rhett kissed the side of your head again, holding you as he kept his lips pressed to that spot. "It'll be ok darlin," he assured you. "Ain't nobody ever gonna do that ever again."
The clang of the old ship's bell in the kitchen roused everyone in the house from their sleep, the house's residents clambering down the stairs, some still in their shorts, others in their mismatched pjs or a few still in their clothes from the night before. All of them lined right up and stood straight at attention as Rhett strode silently up and down the line.
"Alright boys," he announced. "Last night, it seems there was a little incident regarding the First Lady. Anybody recall what happened?"
Foster was the first to raise his hand. "First Lady was groped by Smitty Green at 10:02 pm in the Delta Tau basement, no injuries or marks but the boob in question was indeed grabbed by said parasite......SIR!"
"And do we let slimy little Alpha Betas like that grope our other halves?" Rhett questioned.
"FUCK NO!!!!" the Deltas thundered.
"Men," he continued, pacing up and down the line. "When ya'll were pledges, ya'll took an oath to protect your lady or your other half with your life. I know every single one o' ya'll would never do that to a lady or to anybody else. But those slimy little tapeworms think they can just crawl on in here and take whatever they want. So what are we gonna do about it boys?!"
"That's what I wanna hear!" Rhett bellowed. "Now lets go get'em!"
The Deltas let out their loudest war yells in response, shaking the house down to the studs as they charged off.
The street was completely silent outside the Alpha Beta house with not a soul around, save for a sun tanner on the rooftop balcony.
Each of the boys in the Delta Tau fraternity marched across the street to the Alpha Beta house, the hoods on their sweatshirts pulled over their heads and an empty plastic binder in their hands. Their voices had become one as they chanted like monks walking towards holy ground.....or in this case, unholy ground.
“Pie Iesu Domine, dona eis requiem,” they chanted, hitting their foreheads with the binders.
They repeated the little ritual with Rhett and Kayce leading them in the front, the two of them biting their lips as they tried not to laugh. As soon as they had reached the front of the Alpha Beta house, they faced their brothers who had halted on the other side of the street.
"KNEEL MY BROTHERS!!!" Rhett commanded.
All of them knelt and bowed their heads to the ground. Rhett and Kayce removed their hoods first before the others followed suit.
"Brother Kayce," Rhett announced.
"Bring forth the holy book of the Delta Taus."
Kayce pulled out the book that had been written by all the other Deltas who had come before them. "A reading from the book of Armaments, chapter two, verses nine through twenty-one," Kayce announced, reading as loudly as he could. ""And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas..."
"Right, right, gotcha," Kayce snickered. "And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'"
The brothers all arose and pulled out the huge water balloons from the bags at their sides.
"Gentlemen!" Rhett ordered. "Ready your weapons!"
The Deltas made ready.
"Step to the edge!"
They stepped to the edge of the sidewalk.
"FIRE AT WILL!!!" Rhett ordered.
With a swing of their arms, the Deltas lobbed the entire house with the huge water balloons, startling the Alpha Betas who had come outside to see the commotion, only to be soaked with the freezing cold water, including Smitty himself.
"Whatcha think darlin?" Rhett asked.
You pulled your hood from your eyes and placed a kiss on Rhett's lips. "Best revenge plan ever," you chuckled.
Rhett helped you load a rather large water balloon into the slingshot the boys only really ever used at pool parties, sending it flying right onto Smitty who quickly ran back into the house. So far, this had been yours and Rhett's best plan ever.
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aluria-sevhex · 1 month
a solid 3rd of my ISAT notes on my phone are just from 'today' (writing this past midnight lol)
my ISAT masterpost
every post in this series is also tagged as #Aluria plays ISAT for the first time (please don't spoil)
please note that there's a bunch of notes in this post because i was still in Act 3 at the beginning of this post lol
-i'm not playing it rn but i have decided to break my 'no looking stuff up' rule so i know where to go to make Sif rember what they say when carving stuff
[WRITING TUMBLR POST ALURIA NOTE: i later looked up maps of the House to help me keep track of stuff lol]
-ok now i know. i like figuring things out myself but i could not fucking remember lol.
-i have a really long car ride so. MORE ISAT
-title theme shout-out
-Sif tripped on a rock. "you're clumsy and not at all threatening and overpowered compared to them!" :(
-they almost forgot to catch Isa :(
-dang, Siffrin didn't say nya this time D:
-hehe they hit it back. one could say it's a... COUNTER-attack B)
-fuck it i was planning to loop back after finding out what to say anyway
-ah don't i also need to find more i fo on the King somewhere? eh i can do that on the next loop... so much to keep track of...
-LMAO. THE PHRASE SIF SAYS. "please don't look bad please don't look bad please don't look bad" BIG FUCKING MOOD TBH
-Sif on his way to talk to their tools and project while carving or sharpening:
-aight time to die lmao
-Loop my belooped
-hm... it's Loop's job to remember Siffrin's mistakes...
-"you don't have to remember to yell' always gets me :(
-ok so currently i'm thinking that the King and Siffrin are probably from the same place. which may or may not be where Loop is from and/or the disappearing island and/or connected to the color thing.
this game has a lot of weird shit going on.
-Bonnie doesn't know what a star is
-another ghost :0
-ISAT: 📚
ISAT if Siffrin could pick locks: 📕
-WHAT. "you used to find them disgusting, but someone you knew loved them, so you tried them."
"someone you knew?"
-aw, Isa hugged Mira on this bathroom trip
-"you wish for rest" yeah...
-"please be sharp, please be sharp, please be sharp"
-wait. OH C'MON. boooooooo
-i picked malanga fritters and almost skipped past something that seems important. they remind Siffrin of his parents? :0 their head hurt...
-"where r u from" "no u"
-*sighs* guess i should talk to her. actually... what if i called Loop?
-huh. can't call them here.
-"i just hope that one day you might learn" WAIT THAT'S DIFFERENT- wait nvm i got things mixed up in my head :(
-"in this moment, you were loved"
-"that was a nice rehearsal" OH FUCK.
-i just skipped from loop 37 to 40
-time to kill myself with a banana! oop- *plantain*
-"you broke your head open on a rock" it did not use to describe it like that.
-wait. Sif. if you're annoyed there isn't a more dignified way in the village to loop. just kill yourself. you have a knife. just fucking kill yourself to loop forward.
-...fuck what the hell is this game doing to my thought process
-ok what should i look for in this room...
-"BUT YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO READ IT" in large font... :(
-:( Sif is trying to remember something and it's tied to the stars
-aight new thing to ask the king time to get myself killed via tear yippee
-seems like the King wants Siffrin to remember their home... "something we've all forgotten" this is definitely about the disappearing island and the colors
-i need to go to the library and find the books on it.
-hey isn't Rock also called Protection Craft? kinda interesting that the King has it
-damn i died to the King because of timing bullshit ToT
-"one more time."
-huh... it evades active remembrance
-it had a belief centered on the Universe...
-need to figure out why the King is obsessed with Vaugarde
-freezing something perfect in time... do i need to find one of those Time Craft books again?
-gonna loop forward to the King
-"even the King feels easy to fight, now"
"i still can't say it" the name of their home. he wants to be able to say the name of his and Siffrin's home. ouagh this game is going to leave me emotionally devastated ToT
-fuck i missed the option to ask Odile if she was going to continue her fake research on a loop where i didn't spend time with her
-"can we group hug after i talk to the Head Housemaiden?" oh?
-time to talk to her. again. again and again and again and again
-"you can start breaking down now" lol
-"the curtain falls" DAMN
-"HERE AGAIN?" woah Loop why so aggressive?
-"i'm too lazy to open up new dialogue choices" lol
-hm... show Loop the souvenirs...
-wait huh. in another loop this lady in Dormont said she has no siblings but now she has a sister. odd...
-huh. Loop reacted kinda weirdly to the kid's doodle
-hey what if i gave Isa the flower at the end?
-hey hold up the theme that plays when everybody's discussing the country in the library is the same song that plays when Loop is recapping things
-hold up. the King was in Corbeaux. Corbeaux is where the House doing the color research is.
-oh fuck
-calling Loop
-hm. the star-shaped gate that's locked. is the passcode the name of Siffrin and the King's home?
-we're gonna use a bomb i guess
-i asked the King where he's from and uh... now a slowed-down version of the song is playing...
-what the fuck
-Sif and the King are going to die, aren't they?
-i'm going to loop forward and try to talk to the King. again.
-*sighs* the peel is so dorky
-wait. asking him nicely. FUCKING WORKED???
-"The Universe leads... we can only follow"
-so the King knows about the loops, even though he can't remember them.
-"Wish Craft" :0
-okay. i looped back. Bonnie is okay again. i just need to kill the King.
-hold the fuck up. it says i'm in Act 4. bad things mark the end of acts. Act 1 ended with me getting in the loops. Act 2 ended with killing the King failing. Act 3 ended with...?
-please don't let Bonnie be dead somehow
-...the little moments of time rewinding seem to correlate with Sif wishing to go back
-fucking hell when did i get (Just attack) because DAMN. Sif is so fucking done with everything.
-i just fumkign one-shot the Nostalgie on floor 1. "just attack" indeed
-"you need a break" :(
-Sif is like constantly teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown
-let's see how well they do against a boss
-ok so what the fuck was Euphrasie doing before shit hit the fan? and why does she blame herself for Siffrin's situation?
-i just realized something funny. if Vaugarde is fantasy France. and Siffrin and the King are from an island north of Vaugarde. DOES THAT MAKE SIFFRIN FANTASY BRITI- *gets shot*
-gate time.
-what was the question? what was the answer?
-"couldn't i just create another me? someone who'd understand?" ok so somebody's a clone got it.
-Loop? i should talk to Loop
-ok i guess i'll have to be like "hey Loop are you a clone?" in person (plot twist Sif's a clone :P)
-gonna kill the King again, talk to Loop, then loop again forward to Floor 2 to read the color theory book
-"especially if she knows" Sif. did you forget Odile's name. OH FUCK
-"you wish for eternity" WAIT HOLD UP
-hey Siffrin uses a more shy and sad portrait for the 'thank you' afterwards now :(
-y'know what it's fine i have the bomb
-hey Sif i think what happened last time might've uh. traumatized you? ;-;
-welp. i used the bomb. it was anticlimactic.
-"i wonder how this country looks from the outside" *proceeds to imply that the time loop only affects Vaugarde* hold the fucking phone
-ok tho srsly Siffrin is in what looks like *extreme* duress
-oh damn Sif has different portraits for the 'you should disappear' bit. less smug and determined, more... *haunted*
-dang, can't give Isa the flower at the end
-*sigh* gonna talk to her again
-"the actor has become the director"
-there's a lot more theatre comparisons than there used to :(
-woah Siffrin you are weirdly enthusiastic to see Loop
-time to loop forward to read the books woooo
-Sif i am very concerned about this dialogue portrait. your enthusiasm is *desperate*
-hey something funny: people wish on stars
-this game has a LOT of motifs i love: wishes, stars, time, memories, etc.
-hm... what is Siffrin's 'ritual' when doing the wish-y thing?
-:0 a wish is trapping Siffrin?
-what if they're actually being trapped by their own desires or smth? like some sort of- WAIT. WHAT IF LOOP IS TRAPPING THEM SOMEHOW???
-i am in conspiracy mode i think
-moving forward to get to the library
-Siffrin is now level 85...
-maybe a wish is how the island disappeared?
-i think the way Sif wished was from something they learned as a kid
-3, 6, 7, 13, all are numbers with significance
-welp time to die ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-ok what is in that one house in the main part of Dormont
-hm. Euphrasie was apparently asking everybody what they wished for. she probably realized something tied to Wish Craft was wrong...
-maybe the list in Euphrasie's office cataloguing the names was categorizing based on wishes?
-looping forward
-"you're a living comedy sketch"
-my guess is that the wishing to save Vaugarde enabled Siffrin to loop so they could defeat the King, but something went horribly wrong, thus causing the loops to keep going
-ugh i need to talk in person. tear time!
-a sped-up version of the happy song after you beat the King is playing and Siffrin has the desperate enthusiasm portrait...
-Siffrin, you already tried saving Vaugarde.
-"maybe you don't loop because you die... but because you feel like there would be no reason to go on, maybe?" makes sense to me. Siffrin doesn't have anything to look forward to after defeating the King.
-"something that, to you, feels on the same level of hopelessness as death? on the same level as the world ending?" me when the time loop wants me to get therapy:
-hey Sif you just looped. right in front of Loop.
-looping forward to the King.
-Odile's realizing she's missing something. too bad she'll forget it. maybe i should try making the others really suspicious of me on a future loop
-"please don't interrupt" :(
-this game has me constantly on some variety of edge and i love it
-maybe this time Isa will get to confess?
-the static is starting and i haven't even talked to Euphrasie
-damn i did a minor loop back :(
-talking to her won't work. it can't work.
-OH FUCK. so Sif's current theory is that somehow he has to deal the final blow
-"You just need to defeat the King on your own" BUT YOU NEED THE OTHERS TO DEFEAT HIM?
-also damn the way Siffrin's thoughts spiral into a mess is a mood.
-i am now in Act 5.
-:( the Dormont music is slow now
-Sif's portrait in the menus has changed again, there is nothing in the body text of his profile, and their title is now "The Lost One" :(
-wait. the Change God statue is glitchy now and i can't get buffs there anymore
-Sif is like perpetually pissed off
-aaaand now Mira's upset
-Sif is going to fuck things up with the others as well, won't they?
-i think Odile's gonna figure out that Sif is in a time loop
-i feel like i'm in a horror game right now. well. i've felt like that for a while. but i am fucking terrified of Siffrin right now. Siffrin you need help please they only want to help you you can't bottle up everything or it only ends up worse
-the battle theme is slowed...
-sometime i should write a crossover fanfic where Rose Lalonde picks apart Siffrin, i think it would go very interestingly
-unrelated but i just realized Isa has a hair banana hehehe... i need to cling to levity while in this hell
-uh. dude. why is your dialogue looping
-fuck man this game is getting me to care so much about this guy. Mental Illness Simulator 2023
-the irony of Sif calling Isa a coward who projects confidence but not backing it up... Siffrin is projecting.
-and yet despite all that... Isa still ended the conversation rather kindly ToT
-Loop seems really unsure and yeah. past me would not believe this but i am siding with the starheaded bitch.
-...Loop fucking LIED
-Sif is going alone
-oh dear the music
-most of the memories are gone. and the skills...
-level 99
-wait the room layout is fucked
-a Sif ghost but with a black hat instead
-"you're hungry" :(
-so. i think Sif just hallucinated his party members.
-"your stomach hurts. you feel cold." :(
-the world is glitching and breaking haha and i am scared i'm scared i'm scared Siffrin *please*
-how is the photo event occurring if i'm on my own?
-*oh no*
-ok brb i need to take a break
-ok back from my break and refreshed! now i can go back to Siffrin's Descent Into Hell
-entered Mira's room. her hallucination did the "head is covered in darkness creepily" thing...
-i'm in the Keyknife room except now the background is the post-King fight background...
-the feeling of the grim march towards a specific goal reminds me of the Undertale genocide route haha...ha...ha... ...
-stomachache, headache, and the smell of sugar...
-no more running, only a slow, slow, walk to the end
-"you've trapped this country in time even more surely than i have" oh fuck
-not often that a game makes me terrified enough for me to feel my heartbeat...
-his sprite is on the game over?
-where the FUCK am i?
-spooky shadow Siffrin
-hm what does mal du pays mean- oh :( it translated to homesickness :(
-you can't fight your own shadow
-"it's not like you haven't let me die before, right?" *OH FUCK*
-you broke your promise didn't you?
-dude i think the depression is collecting its due. loops and loops of bottling your shit up has been unhealthy and now you are paying for it :(
-"if something has been forgotten by everyone, has that thing ever existed?" FUCK
-more red
-if i had a nickel for every rpg i liked where a monochrome manifestation of the main character's mental illness taunted him in a scripted fight, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. bonus: the dialogue box calls Mal du Pays 'something'! oh and both games open with a content warning i guess
y'know maybe the fact i found out about this game from a blogger that i followed for Omori stuff should've been some sort of indicator.
-"the sadness within you is right" FUCK
-"a weird shiny person helped us!" LOOP :D
-i'l have to look up the song later and compare to other themes but i think it might be a medley/remix? i've definitely identified the post-King fight theme and the title theme, probably more i can't clearly identify
-everybody's battle portraits are so bright and happy
-"i still cannot remember its name" :(
-damn. he froze. womp womp
-ok but what about Loop? what's going on with them?
-glitchy background...
-i'm on Act 5. aren't there like 6 acts? idk maybe this can end and Sif can move forward. then again... the last few times. that did not work out.
-haha Sif pls don't die on us rlly tho pls don't
-so slow...
-Mal du Pays is following us
-*exhales* ok the darkness is gone
-is it weird that i kinda like this moment more than the moments of closeness with the others in Act 3? maybe cuz it feels more real, somehow... or because for once, Siffrin is the one being vulnerable...
-i think the problem was sticking to the script and treating the others like actors or well... NPCs
-now that they're here they know something is wrong.
-please game please grant Siffrin one small mercy and let the others loop back with him this time
-Sif did you just become your weird sadness self
-woah this is a beautiful scene
-WOAH. now THIS is a battle! and it is *beautiful*. the red and the stars...
-oh fuck. my options are hurt them or self-harm.
-wait are they HEALING ME? :(
-the battle menu simply refers to Siffrin as 'user'
-JGJRJENNDNRJE LMAO ODILE JUST PULLED A CLASSIC MOM MOVE LIKE "don't you dare storm up to your room earlier in time, young man!"
-forced group therapy
-oh, Siffrin's portrait
-i HATE that my options are hurt my friends or hurt myself. and i refuse to let Siffrin hurt their friends. it's... heartbreaking...
-chat i don't think the wish the player chooses was Siffrin's *actual* wish
-:0 hatless Siffrin
-aw... smiling Sif... hugging Bonnie :]
-"It's you!!!!" also hey Sif's title is "The Traveler" again!
-"you will stay together for a little while longer" :]
-i love how the lack of hat makes the fact that Siffrin is really short apparent lol
-these new conversations are precious :]
-Odile thinks the fact that Sif loved everybody so much they got himself stuck in a time loop to be cute XD
-ok i just talked to all the housemaidens and Dormont residents. time to talk to Loop
-maybe Loop was just. a manifestation of the wish...
-:o Siffrin is no longer on the title screen
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zestialtheancient · 8 months
Greetings. My name art Zestial, pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance. If, perhaps, thou hath an inquiry, I would be most pleased to hear it. •♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎•♦︎• Mod Status
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No anti LGBTQIA+, pedophillia, racism, and general bigotry. You will be blocked.
I will not answer asks I don't feel comfortable answering.
If I get a bunch of asks that basically say the same things from different people, I won't answer all of them because it would get tedious.
If there's an question I have already answered recently I'll just delete it and hope you can find it.
If there's a question that I don't really have an answer too, (for example: something that has too little canon information to base a viable headcanon on, but would still be very important if answered) I might not answer it.
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No harassing the mod or the anons - I won't answer those asks and worst case scenario you could get blocked.
I'm busy all day on most weekdays, but I'll be popping in all over the place on weekends. (I typically get online at around 3-4 pm central time on weekdays, standard stuff.)
This is an RP blog and is not affiliated with Hazbin Hotel in any way.
SOULS OWNED -non canon-
Comet anon
Saturn anon
Moon anon @/headlessdeaddancer 
Mod is mod Smoothie and uses any pronouns
[Mod speaking example]
This is a safe space. In light of recent events, I feel like this has to be said.
This is a safe space for transgender people.
this is a safe space for gender neutral people.
this is a safe space for bipoc people
this is a safe space for people with mental disorders.
this is a safe space for people who are lgbtqia+
this is a safe space for all minorities, and I will inforce that safe space adamantly.
[I will make it my personal quest to not be as inconsistent with Zestial's old english as the script is]
[I'm trying to make this as easy to sort through as possible, so any anon with a signature has their own tag. Non signed anon questions also have a tag, and so on. Asks and reblogs are separated so it's easier to comb through things as well.]
My main account is @chaos-smoothie, where I mostly rb memes. I post fandom and comic stuff over at @snake-and-goat.
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laugtherhyena · 6 months
Every time I see your sprite work, it just makes me want to make a sprite edit of Akane with the design I made for her in my "She Was Saved" AU (An AU based on the idea of Akane surviving the events of DRA), but I've never done any sprite work so, do you have any tips?
Ok ok so, first things first, i wanna make it clear that none of my sprites are made from scratch, they're sprite edits, hence why i always tag them as such. Every single one of them used some canon character as a base for the base sprite (that one fitst sprite where the character is just standing there with a simple expression) and a handful even have canon sprites uses as bases for poses. Just figured i should make that clear so there's no confusion here.
While I'm not sure if I'm the best at giving tips n stuff, here's what i could think off;
I think the most important tip i can give anyone who wants to get into sprite editing is MAKE A BUNCH OF LAYERS‼️Save things separately just to be sure rather than merging them because that almost always leads to more time spent later down the line. While the amount of separate things certainly varies from artists to artists here's the one i use for my edits.
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The app i use (Ibis paintX) allows me to make folders with a bunch of layers to them so i use them to keep stuff more organized.
On the first pic well have a folder with the base sprite, one for the different poses and in Beni's case two for the different eyes she has (one for the normal eyes and one for the ones that are part of the glasses, normally i only have one layer with all the eye variants)
On the second image I've opened the folder that holds the base sprite, or should i say just sprite since it's in this folder that i organize everything that belongs to one specific sprite when I'm making them as to not get myself confused. Anyways, you can't see in the screenshots but the first layer has her glasses, second has her eyebrows and mouth and the third has the eyes.
Fourth has the main body lineart and fifth has the main body colors, please keep those separated as by doing so you make it easier to add those lil effects onto the character's faces on certain expressions + having the lineart of the main body always helps when sketching and connecting the different arms to the main body.
Lastly you got the arms, but ideally you should make the arms/poses in a way they can be placed over the body layers since that just makes things easier to put together, i just have this habit of placing the no pose arms under everything else.
When editing i make the different arms and eyes in advance so that when i start making the different sprites i can just duplicate the canva with the first one a thousand times and everything will carry along with those. Saves time in the long-run + you don't need to separate all layers on them (lineart, colors, shading) since they're just parts there's no problem in just merging them together.
A very important thing to note tho i that if the character has glasses or any accessories that you plan on removing or moving around in some pose/sprite this accessory should be made in a different layer from the main body, this makes editing easier than if you had to just erase and refill the part where the accessory was in the sprite you don't want it to be in.
A similar rule should be applied to the character's hair, if they have short or mid length hair you can just add the whole thing to the main body sprite, but if the character's hair is long you should make this bluk/back part of the hair in a separate layer placed under the main body layers. This also apllies to any back accessories.
Here's Akira as an example; she has one layer for her glasses, one for the back/bulk of her hair and one for the guitar case she carries.
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These are essentially the basics of if, so let's go over to some actual tips.
Make the sprites on a small canvas.
Since the Danganronpa another games are made on game maker the size of the character sprites is surprisingly small, while I don't think you should just do it on the same canvas size as the actual sprite, it's good to have a smaller canvas so that the lower amount of pixels gives it a look similar to the in-game sprites + as you can see by mine, they don't actually look low quality at all.
(if curious, the go-to canvas size i use for most of my edits is 773x1020)
Use other sprites as references/bases
Especially if you're just starting on making sprites, use the canon ones for bases, references or even just straight up trace them. This will make the sprite look closer to canon and will start making you undertand the elements that make up the style of the sprite, do it enough times and soon enough you'll be able to make poses on your own without needing a sprite from the game as a base.
Remember! What's wrong about tracing is not the act of tracing itself, as the act of doing so is a great exercise to help you learn, the problem is when you do it and claim you made it 100% on your own. Since these are sprite edits, there's not a problem in doing so.
Observe and learn what makes up the style you're trying to replicate
This is hard to talk about since it really is something that comes with practice, I've been making sprite edits for like 5 years now so this stuff is like written on the walls of my brain by now. Just try to look and analyse the sprites and slowly you'll start seeing patterns and small onto them that you didn't noitce before, like how Linuj's sprites have a bit if line weight to them but are still on the thinner side, how he tends to make the hands a bit on the smaller side, how when he color the character's skins he makes the area near the top of the head a lighter shade than the rest of the skintone, the way he usually makes the character's mouths, and even some more complex things like how the male characters will have very little to no eyelashes while the female characters tend to have a whole lot of them, etc.
At the same time, there's no shame in deliberately ignoring some of these things. Personality the small hands REALLY bother me in a few cases and i tend to just make mouth shapes on a whim instead of trying to stay 100% close to the style. It's just a question of messing around and figuring stuff out, it won't look perfect on the first go, but overtime you'll start to get the hang of it.
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twig-tea · 1 year
Collection of Be My Favorite Meta after Ep 11 pre Ep 12
[I will try to come back and update this too so please tag me if you see good stuff not mentioned!]
Sorry if me organizing things this way offends anyone, this is mostly for myself to be able to refer back to specific thoughts from everyone's meta so I've grouped posts by points being made which means some posts get linked a bunch of times and a some points in each post may not be represented below because my brain can only hold so much. Please feel free to let me know if you hate it!:
Episode 11 didn't give us the resolution we wanted re: the lie in ep 10: @lurkingshan was right out of the gate with this take.
Maybe Episode 12 will fill the communication gap in ep 10 like we all wanted by giving Pisaeng a chance to say what was left unsaid: @bengiyo put this in his original thoughts and I am still thinking about it! @incandescentflower wrote a really great post on some of the ways Pisaeng leaves things unsaid
Pisaeng time travelling puts Pisaeng and Kawi on equal footing: @bengiyo wrote the definitive piece on this and credit to @grapejuicegay for making a similar point and expanding on it; @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle made this point too.
There was something off about the montage in ep 11: @bengiyo made this point; @waitmyturtles added some notes about why and @visualtaehyun added a couple notes on this too; @jjsanguine posited an interesting wrinkle about the stasis of time travel and whether that could be what needs to be fixed
[on the other side of this with me is the "the montage was satisfying" crowd: @thegalwhorants wrote this; @incandescentflower I think your post counts too; gonna link myself here too]
The ep 11 scene with Pisaeng and the doctor is extremely important and painful: @heretherebedork wrote a beautiful post about this; @nemesis-21 did too; @marbles290 did too; @visualtaehyun put this in the current Thai political context; @snidgetwrites added the Indian political context
They might go back to decide to fight for equal rights: @rocketturtle4 said this really well
They might go back and decide to use the system to their advantage and get Kawi and Pear to marry: @grapejuicegay laid this one out
They might go abroad to be able to get married like Pisaeng's mom wanted: @marbles2900 wrote about this
Kawi's death may be unavoidable: @williamrikers summarized this nicely here; @shortpplfedup seems to be hinting at thinking the same?, @thegalwhorants posited this too; so did @knighthacker here; also theorized this in my ep 11 reaction post; @minorista wrote great angst about this and @neonsbian added the twist of them riding the time loop to stay together
The point may be that time travel isn't the answer/can't solve everything, and love takes work: @waitmyturtles made this point, and I love it; @stuffnonsenseandotherthings also made this point here (sorry I missed it earlier!)
Pisaeng may try to break up with Kawi in the past: @rebel0777 laid out options for how this would play out; @tinycowboybro noted Pisaeng foreshadowed this; @zzh3 added that maybe Kawi goes to find him on the same beach
Has Pisaeng already been time-travelling?: @waitmyturtles added this wild theory that the montage was time travel Pisaeng's perspective
(Counter to this, @pandasmagorica points out that because of the mechanisms of time travel in this show Pisaeng cannot do a perpetual time loop.) [NEW]
This means the timeline we saw has been erased: @ellaspore wrote this very eloquently; some folks have chimed in to say they're ok with this (@rocketturtle4 and @bengiyo)
BUT WHERE IS THE CAT: @sparklyeyedhimbo made possibly my favourite observation thus far
For anyone confused, here's how the time travel mechanism works in this show: @telomeke wrote a great explainer out, and @benkaaoi makes an important point about why it matters, @jjsanguine laid this out too (I'm going to be selfish and link my reblog thread because I built on this a little in my reply)
I tried my hand at figuring out the timeline for the show here.
@stuffnonsenseandotherthings makes the point that by shifting from Kawi to Pisaeng as the protagonist, this show is queering the narrative
@grapejuicegay added some thoughts about the timeline mechanics and how it affects the consciousness of Kawi and Pisaeng.
[updated 4pm EDT Aug 7]
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ellethespaceunicorn · 9 months
2023 Character Wrapped
@geralts-yenn and @raccoon-eyed-rebel tagged me to talk about my favorite characters. And well, this is just too good not to pass up. So, join me, won't you?
Let's rank my favorite characters! (Based on # of times I have written them).
Under the cut to keep my ramblings off your dashboard...but you just know there are bunch of Henry Cavill-shaped bitches under this cut.
But, in what order??
Alright, let's get this party started with...
Walter Marshall - Night Hunter
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I feel like this is absolutely no surprise that I've written the most for this grumpy bear. But, I just call him Daddy. Whether he be touch-starved, an enemy turned lover, falling in love like a love-sick puppy, taking a little "me time" for himself, or being the goodest boy as werewolf Wolfie. Even wrote a headcanon about his hobbies.
2. Clark Kent - Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League
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I have loved the character of Clark Kent since I was a little thing, I'm obsessed with curly-haired nerds. Clark also is the only character I have written "fluff" for, be it praising what you think are flaws or surprising you for your birthday. I have written him as a Sub and as a Dom (in my only work that has surpassed 1k notes).
3. August Walker - Mission: Impossible - Fallout
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I've never written August as the good guy, and there is a reason for that. In my head, he's the life-ruiner. He can be sweet (to you), but odds are he just killed a guy because the guy looked at you for longer than a second. I've written August as a pissed-off Dom who was sick of being interrupted, a very bad Daddy, and an Uncle who takes advantage of his nephew's girlfriend here(original) and here(director's cut).
4. Captain Syverson - Sand Castle
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Oh, Syverson. My baby don't even got a dayum first name and he's popular. I've written him confronting a lover during a post-apocalyptic pregnancy realization, and as a married father-to be getting his beard trimmed and talking to his unborn daughter. He's also featured in my Werewolf!Walter Marshall story, and that's all I'll say about that. (Also, I've been referring to him as James Syverson in every iteration of the character that I have written for - I think.)
5. Mike - Hellraiser: Hellworld
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My sweet baby boy. He is a guilty pleasure. I gave him a full series where he finds love and has quite the cast of characters as his family. But, technically, I only wrote the series because of what happened here and here, when his naughty Uncle slept with his girlfriend.
6. Napoleon Solo - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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He's just so fucking sexy. I love him, your honor. He's been a suave and sexy older man wooing a young student over a good meal, and also started a series where he was falling hard for a woman in his apartment building (still in the early stages and I promise @deandoesthingstome that I will get back to this series).
7. Sherlock Holmes - Enola Holmes series
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I have also loved Sherlock Holmes since I was a little kid. I thought he was the coolest person ever, but he's a curly-haired nerd so of course I loved him. I love when Sherlock is in love, whether he is ignoring his bratty wife until he takes matters into his own hands, or if he is having trouble coming to terms with new love.
8. Charles Brandon - The Tudors
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This little shit. This redeeemable, sexy, fucking slut. I love him. I've only written him once, and it was a request! But, I enjoyed it. I loved writing him getting teased sexually and then taking control of the situation. So hot.
9. Humphrey - Stardust
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Ok, not actually a fan of Humphrey, I've just written him. And that was all thanks to @sillyrabbit81's milestone celebration at the beginning of this year. This fic is kind of a weird egg, just, go with me though. The plot is: you and Humphrey are step-siblings who end up getting a little...involved. I'm not sorry for the title of this fic.
And to our last entry, the only non-HC character...
10. Lloyd Hansen - The Gray Man
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What can I say? If I had the means, and I guess I really do but whatever, I would rank this man at #2 above Clark Kent. Because Lloyd-excuse me...Sir is one of my all-time favorites. I've included him inside larger stories as a bit player, see Bright Like the Moon (where he plays a bad man later in the series). But, I also wanted him to have his own show where he was the star, so I had him stalk and kidnap a girl and tie her up in the basement and call her Sunshine. I also wrote a little headcanon about his family, quirks, hobbies and his sleeping habits.
TL;DR: Walter Marshall is Daddy, Lloyd Hansen is Sir. And I need to finish one series before starting another. Maybe I will work on that. *snort*
I have written for a lot of characters, and I'm not gonna stop. I really wanna write so much more and my WIP folder is literally overflowing with things. I just started a new fic like the day I posted the most recent chapter of THiCC. What am I doing??
No pressure tags: @cardierreh15 @milknhonies @halfofmysoulsblog @xblackreader @xsapphirescrollsx
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roseworth · 11 months
hey <3 heres what i think of every scene that rosenberg has written with rose
disclaimer: most of this is me being very nitpicky. rose was a side character for all of these appearances so obv i understand that its not gonna be perfect characterization. but i rly like talking about rose characterization so this is just me pulling apart her appearances for fun <3
ok lets go
i LOVE the jason & rose dynamic. im not much of a jayrose fan but since its happening im glad that its like this. i love that its so much "rose is excessively horny and jason is giving her nothing" bc its so in character for both of them. shes fucking with him and he does not know how to reciprocate. they r so sillies
HOWEVER. rose would not just hang around him like shes doing. as much as i like that dynamic i feel like he also has to at least sometimes show that hes. you know. interested in having her around. shes just kinda tagging along and i wish there was a reason why she would put up with him never giving her anything, especially since she has a tendency to leave at the first sign of not being wanted
on a completely different note, im a little disappointed that shes wearing her old costume instead of the new one she has in btbatb/kt ravager. i appreciate that shes still drawn like an adult but i rly like her new costume so im sad that she doesnt have it
man who stopped laughing #9
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STRONG start. beats up a bunch of cops, then right after she appears she does her stupid flirting thing then immediately says that she doesnt want to associate with the batfamily. queen.
not to mention right before this is my fav failgirl moment where she goes through her whole plan to crash the car and break jason out of prison. then just goes up and knocks on the door
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flips the car over then walks up and says "hey its the fire department. open up" and not a single person believes her. i love her
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lesbian rose crumbs <3 i still choose to believe shes talking about cass here idc. shes so silly and this was a cute lil panel
so yeah. she was on one page of this issue but that one page was great and i love her
mwsl #10
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shes so lame <3 i talked about this moment a lot when this issue first released but i love it. "somebody had all the fun without us" upon finding a body, then realizing someone else was there and just. starts shooting. she doesnt hit anything. she doesnt even know where the other person is.
my big problem here is that she does not carry a gun and pretty much never uses guns. honestly now that im thinking about it this is one of the only times shes ever used a gun on panel (the other times i can think of being: shooting wade off a cliff after her mom died, shooting starfire in n52 outlaws (but new 52 rose barely even counts as rose), and using deathstroke's gun when she was pretending to be him in deathstroke 2016)
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shes not anti-gun or anything but it still bothers me just a little that suddenly she has a gun (hence why i fully believe she stole jasons gun <3)
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if i want to nitpick, kate should not have been able to hit her. rose should've seen she was coming wayyy before (bc precog) and she wouldnt be knocked down from one hit. i fear we are headed down a path of her becoming jasons incompetent girlfriend but i wont be too dramatic about her getting hit one (1) time
but other than that i thought this was a fun moment of rose getting hit then jason immediately fighting the person that hit her. toxic girlbesties fr
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then also her needing to be held back after she gets up so she doesnt start attacking the person thats helping them <3 i love her
mwsl #11
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this is a nice issue for her just because in true rose tradition she LOVES to have homoerotic fights with every other female character she interacts with. the kate & rose dynamic was soooo fun i love it when shes mean to people for no reason <3
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i did not like this part though. i feel like there are a lot of implications about rose here that are unfair to her character & her place in the dcu. i'll meet the book on its own terms and say that we're only talking about post-52 rose (blah blah everything's canon rn but this book is very clearly not using pre-52 rose lore) but even then? theres no real reason for her to be ducking superheroes or for superheroes to keep an eye on her. shes not a villain or even much of a killer, the fact that shes "staying off the radars" of good guys doesnt make much sense. and the fact that kate knows her and "studies" her (fellas is it gay to study another woman despite never meeting her) implies that rose is like. a threat. shes just kind of around there is no reason kate should know her like that
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cute moment! but also it bothers me. i think its fun that she refused to go since its not her fight and she doesnt want to get into a joker mess. HOWEVER. when has she ever in her life passed up an opportunity to get involved in someone elses problem. to me she wouldnt have even delivered the list of addresses without a fight if she wasnt gonna go along
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other than her using a gun again (where the hell did she even get that) i like this <3 her showing up and saving manhunter after she said she didnt care what happened is so her. also i just like the fact that she shot joker
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gay gay homosexual gay
the rest of this issue is fun <3 just kate & rose fighting together then getting blown up together <3 this was a nice issue for her despite the problems i had with it
gotham war red hood #2
gotham war break!!!
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okay first of all i LOVE that he took her along. there was no reason for rose to be here but jason was told to meet someone and said "ok ill go but my weird friend comes with me" its so funny
ive seen a lot of people complain about the "you're my only friend" line but i LOVE it. not necessarily because she doesnt have any friends but because she would not in a million years ADMIT that she has friends. she would rather be shot in the head than say that she actually likes the people that she hangs out with.
but to be fair.... she also doesnt have friends. "what about the lazarus island gang?" the only person she actually liked there and showed any friendship toward was damian, and they ARE friends but she considers him more of a little brother than a friend. "what about the teen titans??" a) she would NEVER admit that she is friends with any of them b) its technically.... not really canon that she was ever on the same team as them. like i said before, im meeting this book on its terms, and rose being a teen titan hasnt been mentioned since flashpoint :( i wont go on a whole tangent about her friends but given that she hasnt really made a friend in years and never talks to anyone else, i think its fair for her to say that she has no friends
so yeah all this to say: she has friends, but it is 100% in character for her to say that she has no friends. i stand by this line
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i dont have much to say here i just think shes so cute <3 i also love the fact that jason jumped straight to "rose is robbing a dead person" instead of "rose is inspecting the body"
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but im OBSESSED with the fact that she DOES rob him. i feel like we're not talking about this enough. she saw a dead body and took his money. im not even mad about it because its so fucking funny to me
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im sorry jay/rose fans this makes me want to vomit. this feels too "earnest emotions" for both of them. the rest of this scene was fine but this panel specifically feels so :/
"i just need help" "always" and "please take care of yourself" and "meet at our spot" "promise?" "i promise" does not feel like them at all. its a very sweet and genuine moment but they would NOT have sweet and genuine moments! neither of them would ever express their feelings and they would not have this conversation
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this does not feel like rose at all idk who this is. where is the rage!!!!!! where is the anger!!!!!!! why did she stand there for hours just. worried about him. why isnt she lashing out
comparing this to the scene in tt03 where she's worried about eddie:
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she gets angry! shes worried about him and starts yelling at everyone around her because hes hurt and she doesnt know whats happening. i would have LOVED this energy in this book and its sooooo disappointing that she just. stands there like 🥺 when she doesnt know what happened to jason
mwsl #12
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i rly liked this part fhdkjfhakjdfd i thought her pretending to be him just to get batman out of the way was so good and so real. shes helping out AND fucking with batman
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very minor complaint here but this isnt even true . she DOES try to run into him in ds16 when slade kidnaps damian and rose gives bruce the ransom terms. also i feel like this line is vaguely implying that she HAS found him (/he found her) on accident before which is also not true given that their only interactions are in ds16 and being in the same general area in shadow war. and also reiterating that shes not a villain so batman has no reason to track her down or cause problems for her but. whatever. this is entirely just me jumping to conclusions about what this one throwaway line means and then getting mad about it
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LOVE this. she inserted herself into the situation then complains about it. this isnt her business and shes making sure that jason knows it. but also she completely volunteered for most of this
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BOOOOOOOO she would not fucking say that. "sorry about that whole chase" no she would not apologize. "please dont kick my ass" she would NOT say that!!!!! first of all given that this is after gotham war she would probably kick his ass just for what he did to jason. even besides that she would not be afraid of him even a little. comparing their convo in ds16 #5 to this is so sad bc </3 why is she afraid of him instead of being a huge bitch and yelling at him
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this ending is really good for her though. she absolutely would dive into the water with joker gas, trash, and dead bodies just to save her friend <3
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this is more like it!!!!!!!! shes worried for him and takes initiative to save him by jumping in the water despite it being a very dangerous decision and then insults him while she saves his life <3333 its a tiny bit more of her being mean to express worry which is nice <3 its not perfect but its closer
in conclusion: there are many good moments. there are many parts i like about it. but there are just so many things that dont feel like rose </3 most of the broad strokes are there but it just doesnt feel like her when shes not full of rage and going out of her way to piss people off
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mrsmothmom · 2 years
this is tea for new tumblr users about how REBLOGS work. they're different from retweets in some important ways.
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[IMG ID: a retweet featuring Lady Gaga]
retweets are an extension of the original tweet that is to say:
they only exist as long as the original tweet exists
you can only retweet a single tweet once
they take the place of your own tweet, meaning they can clog up your feed
they can sometimes SPAM the original tweeter with notifications and thus be a bit annoying
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[IMG ID: an image showing where the reblog button is on a tumblr post]
reblogs are their own post separate from the original:
they are a COPY of the original post, now posted on your own blog
you can reblog the same post, including your own post, infinitely
they will live on even if the original post is DELETED
they are considered your own post and therefore do not clog up your feed
the original poster has control over whether they continue to get notifications for them
reblogs are an essential part of tumblr culture
you share things you like with your audience and give each other a boost by reblogging. it's normal and expected to reblog a ton on tumblr.
this is why tumblrinas are annoyed that new people quote "don't reblog". reblogging is considered good tumblr etiquette.
this structure devalues likes because reblogging is considered normal (and is also considered the way to share posts with your own followers), likes have less value on tumblr.
your post becoming super popular can therefore be hell for you your post will become a mummified version of itself, getting reblogs, likes and shares forever. if this happens and your notes are making you want to die simply delete your original post. your content will live on without you, in infinite bliss.
a note on tags when you reblog, the tags from the original post don't stick with it unless you check a box that says "keep original tags":
sometimes keeping the original tags is ok
other times, the original tags will include things like "my art", or other personal tags used on the original posters blog to denote their own posts. reblogging with these tags can be confusing for your followers and theirs
generally, i would recommend adding your own tags or simply omitting them. reblogs are for sharing, so unless you think there's a tag that hasn't seen the post for some reason, the original tag should do the job of sharing it.
the original post will continue to collect notes (unless it is deleted, at which point each reblog will individually collect notes), which means by reblogging you not only make your own post sharing the content, but the original also gets a boost.
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[IMG ID: tumblr tags with helpful names - the first 5 tags feature game of thrones content, and the rest explain that after the first 5 tags the rest are only for search and personal blog organization]
you can comment on reblogs (similar to quote tweets) on twitter, you can "quote retweet" a post to add context or more information. on tumblr, you reblog the post and add some text of your own. tumblr lets you choose if this text goes on the top or the bottom of the reblogged post. this means that reblog chains are common (where a bunch of people add something in each reblog and you get a long chain of edits). this means that sometimes you will see multiple reblogs at different stages of the chain on your dash. people will comment and add context, text IDs for visually impaired or deaf folks, opinions, anything you can think of. it's cool!
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[IMG ID: nesting tumblr reblogs in the old style - the reblogs discuss punching a child for various amounts of money]
you can also comment in the tags
want to comment on a reblogged post without the intensity of adding text? say something in the tags! on tumblr you can write tags as long as you want, with spaces. it's NOT GOOD to add unrelated tags when they're meant for sorting and organizing (i.e. don't add #art if it's not art), but you CAN write stupid long tags that no one would search for to leave a little note for your followers or the original poster.
I HOPE THIS HELPS! you should reblog this post, as practice, totally as practice. and, also, add a note so i can see what you think of it, or maybe if you have a question or something to add.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 10 months
Make Use Of Me (chapter 1, preview)
Dec. 7 EDIT: ONCE MORE, WITH BRAVERY THIS TIME. No more chickening out. You can read this thing FOR REAL now. Sorry for being weird, and now....sorry if this wasn't worth it. XD
O-OK...here goes....
First thing's first: I am not expecting a lotta people to read this. I'm not asking people to read this. At this point, I'm making this mostly as a passion project, and if anyone enjoys it, it'll be a really cool bonus. My writing style isn't gonna be for everyone, and the characters I write aren't the most....popular characters in the CRK X Reader community, and I imagine this isn't really something a lotta fans'll be demanding more of.
This is LONG. This one chapter is 56 pages long. I am a VERY wordy writer,
So......why'm I posting this preview? Well....partially as an interest gauge for people who WOULD wanna read it, but...mostly as a motivator. As something to remind myself of whenever I get lazy. After all....I can't quit after I made the first chapter public, right? By doing that, I put myself out there...And, hey, I even tagged it, so, if by the off chance, someone did read it, I'm basically promising them more eventually.....
But, again, I'm not forcing anyone to read this.
Not only is it long, but.....This first chapter is probably my least-favorite thing I've ever written. By posting this chapter by itself, I'm testing to see if it does its job of making people wanna read the rest, cuz....right now, I'm not so sure how well it succeeds at that.....
This is the boring part of the story. It's a bunch of setup, and me jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to just get everything started. I know setup is important and all, but....I'm already a very wordy writer, so....oof....There is some interesting stuff that happens, but it takes a while to get there.
I-I....kinda hate it, actually. The only reason I didn't scrap it is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was about halfway through it and the "good part" hadn't started yet. And I still spent a month writing the thing, so....I finished it.
I'm tagging this...as an experiment. If you wanna read this, go ahead. W-well, read my tags first, THEN go ahead. XD
All I can really say in this chapter's defense is that....I do try my best to salvage it. It's just setup, but I TRIED to make it interesting. And everything that seems like it didn't go anywhere, will later. This isn't the whole story, it's just the beginning of what's gonna be a BIG story. Anything that seems weird in this chapter, gets explored in the other chapters. This does set up a bunch of stuff that becomes important later (The friend character shows up later, the Colosseum becomes relevant later). This chapter is boring, but I tried not to make any of it pointless.
For the future: I'm aiming for five chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 will be a series of smaller vignettes that take place over the course of a few years, chapter 4 will be the climax, and chapter 5 will be something of an epilogue. After that, there will be two endings to choose from (which will make sense when we get there).
This probably won't be my favorite thing I've ever written, but it will be the most ambitious thing I've ever, and probably will ever, write. I haven't written something like this before, and it's all to flesh out this story and make it believable.
Right now, I.....I want to finish this. I'll probably still be writing this in February at the rate I'm going, but...at this point, I've put too much into it to give up on it. However, I'm STILL not completely ruling out the idea of my motivation dying before then. It COULD happen. So, what I'm planning to do is...setting a short-term goal of finishing chapter 3. After I do that, I'll post the first three chapters on AO3 together, and work on the rest. That way, even if I don't finish it, I'll at least have it over half done, and chapter 3 will end on a somewhat high note.
So, yyyyeah....Not a lotta people will read this preview. Overly wordy writing style + boring setup part of story + 56 pages long + assumed lack of interest for X Readers of this character (At least, I haven't SEEN many simps for her, m-maybe I'm wrong, I might be, I-I haven't checked any tags cuz I've been nervous, b-but it doesn't make my writing any better. In that case, this is my first time writing her so I'm trying super hard to do her justice >//////<)
I-if you wanna read this, and see if this first chapter does a good job of making you wanna read the better chapters, then...Go ahead.....
Some notes:
-This is still not the final draft. It's finalized enough for me to share, but I'm still not considering it finished. Even tho I'm working on chapter 3 right now, I STILL go back and edit this, even very recently. So, chances are, even if the story is finalized, small details and sentences are still subject to change. I know for a fact that there are still SOME placeholder bits in here that will change after I get some stuff cleared up. Recently, I even considered chopping off an entire section to make it shorter. I decided not to, but hey, it could still happen. I don't wanna waste anyone's time. The first chapter of a story, even if it's boring, is still very important, and I wanna make sure it's the best version of itself.
(A-and yes, this means that I've finished chapter 2 as well. The reason I'm not sharing it is that, unlike chapter 1, it was finished VERY recently, so I might still need to give myself time to edit it. From what I have, tho, I do like it a LOT more than chapter 1. There are some parts of chapter 2 that I'm legit proud of.)
-Even tho this first chapter is completely clean, I-I should mention that....this fic is for adults. The full version, at least. Chapters 3 and 4 are gonna contain some light N/S/F/W moments (the "fade to black" variety, so nothing explicit) and there'll be other slightly racey comments here and there. Just a heads-up. I'm gonna be uncomfy with minors reading this.
Th-that's all? I-I think that's all.......O-OK, so......h-here goes..... E-enjoy....
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HI i'm a tommyinnit factive and this is where I go feral !!! I have a misce submission sideblog called @justomegathingss as well but it's mostly inactive because no one ever submits to it lol
I co-host with my in system husband @septiccoffeefreak so we're in front 90% of the time, we're v clingy so we're always co-con or co front lol. I also write septicinnit fanfic w him and I draw fanart so,,,, both posts w us specifically and the general septicinnit RPF ship will be here. u've been warned!!
I have no DNI but I block freely!! I also am pro RPF and proship ("ship and let ship") so like,, if u wanna block me about that u should do dat- I don't post dark content really or consume it because I don't like to personally?? so that won't be on my blog!!! But it's worth noting I support people's right to MAKE that content, and i don't think someone making or consuming dark content means they condone it IRL.
BLOG NAVIGATION (these links may not work on mobile- app users can use search instead):
#i made a textpost
#tommy's og art
OTHER (these links are fine on mobile lol):
Portfolio and Comissions
Printify Store
Me and Seán's Ao3 account
my old pinned (colourful!!! silly!!! beloved!!! but hard to read and even longer than this one) is under the cut for preservation
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Hewwo besties. hello girliepops. hello boys, hello gamers, hello homestuckers and evil little creatures it is me!!!! hi!!! HELLO hi hi hi!!!! a million hellos forever and ever and....
okay fine sorry, just one last hi: hi!! I'm a Tommyinnit factive in a system and I do art sometimes!! I also play a lot of animal crossing like way too much animal crossing like my autism has me in a chokehold i play it everyday. I use he/him pronouns :3. and I am MARRIED.
My husband, Seán, is a Jacksepticeye factive in the same system as me!! we cohost/cocon together and I love him SO MUCH and I infodump about him and his source sometimes so. BE WARNEDED!!!! his acc is @septiccoffeefreak if you want to go acknowledge how fucking cool and awesome he is which you SHOULD!!! We came up with the septicinnit shipname actually!!! And write the first fics for it!! So understandably I am absolutely FERAL about it like biting clawing going insane feral. my babygirl...
I don't hold myself to a blog theme but I tend to post a lot of decora and cutesy rainbow things on this blog, as well as memes and videos I found on my feed!!! and sometimes!!! if ur lucky!!! I post an omegaverse post!!! (check out @justomegathingss for more as well) or like an actual hot take on the universe!!! though again usually it is just reblogs of sanrio characters and decora fits lol. I also of course post a ton of my art and some original posts where I go feral about something or other and scream really really loud to my terrified (but intrigued and entranced) followers. expect the unexpected. be prepared for chaos
I have no DNI for my blog, but I will block u if I decide that having you unblocked makes my internet experience sucky in some way. this is my little corner of the internet an i will customize it in whatever silly way makes my brain go brrrr
The Magical Special Poggers Tags, with which you can Navigate my Blog:
#Tommy's OG ART wow - art i made!
#I made a textpost - a combo of original textposts, as well as reblogs I made with text on them!!
#asks - asks i received!!! (asks i sent to someone ELSE and am reblogging the response to would go under #I made a textpost)
If I reblog something without any art or text attached at all, that's gonna be untagged (usefully, anyway)- but I figure if you're hunting through my blog for a post it's probably not a blank reblog anyway.
For more information about me and links to my other socials, look at my Caard, Tommyfactive.carrd.co !!! it has a bunch or really poggers info and links to my pintrest and stuff so like u should totally look at it. U might get coolness poisioning from how cool I am though /j
Commission information Here!!
Printify Store here!!!!!
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amailboxlemur · 3 months
Three years ago today I watched Young Royals for the first time.
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Story time/long post incoming. I wasn’t in a great headspace at the time, but let me try to set the scene.
Spring of 2021 was still pretty deep in the pandemic. My province had been on lockdown (number 3) since the beginning of April and I hated working from home. Partly because teaching online piano lessons sucks. But also I live alone, and lockdown is too much alone time no matter how introverted you are. I think that spring I went about 6 weeks without speaking to someone in person who wasn’t like a grocery store cashier.
I decided to go stay with my parents for a few weeks so I could get some human interaction. At the time, I was mooching off my former roommate’s Netflix that was still signed in to our living room TV, so I didn’t have Netflix access.
I also love Red White and Royal Blue, and all of a sudden in early July the fandom got flooded. There were gifs of two unfamiliar teenage boys all over my dash. Fanart of two boys who looked like Alex and Henry captioned “Wilhelm and Simon”. There were a bunch of crossover fics popping up on AO3. I was curious, but mostly I just wanted to get a feel for the characters so I could read said crossover fics.
July 12th was my first day back teaching in person. (Side note: the health precautions we had in place for those lessons were WILD). I came back from my parents place in the morning, taught in the late afternoon/evening and returned home around 8 pm. I made supper and figured I’d try watching an episode of this “Young Royals” thing. I started it and remember groaning when I realized it was in Swedish so I’d have to focus and read subtitles instead of watching mindlessly (I’m too pretentious to watch the dubbed version, but it had been a long day)
“Oh that’s a beautiful boy with a beautiful voice singing… I can keep going…”
“Ohhh they’re about to kiss… wait what? How does episode 1 just end there??? I have to watch another episode!”
“Yay they finally kissed!! But how will Wilhelm react?? It’s not even 11 yet, I think I can watch one more”
“Erik is dead. I knew this was coming because I saw the “beta read but Erik’s still dead” tag on AO3 but totally forgot! How will this affect my boys?? One more episode, just to see if wilhelm pushes Simon away again”
“Ok good, they’re together. August sucks though, I can see where this is going and why there seem to be so many comparisons to rwrb. But it’s past midnight so I’ll have to keep watching tomorrow… wait there’s only two more episodes?? Might as well finish”
Before I knew it, it was 2 am and I was crying on my living room couch. I NEVER get into new shows, I have tons of things I watched 1-3 episodes of and then quit, so I couldn’t believe I binged the entire thing. It was late so I went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up and the rabbit hole began. I read all the fics on AO3, I started following young royals stuff on tumblr. I googled the actor who played Simon and found out he’s an actual Swedish pop star? I think he was among the first artists I followed using my then brand new Spotify account. I followed both Omar and Edvin on instagram, along with Lisa (other actors followed later). I watched all the young royals promo videos on YouTube, including the Hillerska choir performance. That entire summer was spent diving down Omar’s back catalog of Foo vlogs. Some of them are in Swedish, but I remember watching them intensely, as if I would magically understand if I tried hard enough. I started learning Swedish on duolingo.
When season 2 was released, I fully quit all social media for WEEKS to avoid spoilers. I spent 3 days carefully messing up my sleep schedule so I could wake up and watch it at 3 am. When season 3 was released I was such an excited puppy dog that I didn’t sleep at all. I watched it at 3 am and spent the whole rest of the day amped up and on tumblr.
I remember all kinds of fun and significant days in the fandom: Rockbjörnen 2021, musikhjälpan 2021. The lead up and release of Mi Casa Su Casa. The release of OMR. Omar gave me a birthday present in 2022 when he performed “breathe” on Nyhetsmorgon on my birthday. Gay gala 2022 but especially 2023. Both boys have done incredible sommarpratar. So many other galas and performances and photoshoots I’d be here all day listing them all out.
Becoming an Omar fangirl was also surprising. I don’t listen to or follow pop music (my definition of which is incredibly broad so yes, Omar’s music qualifies). Like, I’ve never had a favourite artist before? One who’s work I actively follow and whose releases I know about in advance and look forward to?
Omar announced his concert at Cirkus in November of 2023 and it fell at the end of a semester break from work. I could go without needing to refund or makeup any missed lessons. It felt like a sign. That week was genuinely one of the best in my life, words can’t even describe it. A transatlantic flight, a week in Europe. I got to see Kaggeholm. I met Omar at Lyko. I stood in general admission 3 rows back from the stage and heard Omar sing live and sang along with other fans. It was surreal. Shout out to @yrblogbaby @the-words-we-sung @crownedwille and @omarsimp, wow you’re all amazing. There was a queer joy to hanging out with y’all that weekend that I don’t get too often irl.
Since then, I’ve tried to internalize a little bit more the idea of community in fandom. I’m still not super out there, but I try to interact more. I lurked in this fandom (and so many others) for years. I made this account in something like 2011 and until recently I probably had less than 50 posts.
So yeah… saying this show changed my life feels dramatic but also accurate. Hopefully here’s to more years to come, and more good memories when I head to New York this fall!
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Dude, Where's My Underwear? (Frat!Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Rhett has a royal freak out after a Friday night rager at the frat house and literally no one can remember what happened
Warnings: Frat life, waking up with an unholy hangover, reader missing her underwear, implied orgies etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia @bradleybeachbabe
Notes: RIP Toby Keith, without "Red Solo Cup" I never would've gotten the idea for this fic (lol).
Rhett slowly blinked his eyes open, his vision blurred even as he rubbed away the sleepy grog.
The house was a fucking shithouse mess.
Everybody who was too drunk to stumble home had passed out on the floor with everything in disarray. Red solo cups were strewn everywhere along with a bunch of pool noodles, fading glow sticks, empty bottles and a huge pile of cans that had built up in the living room. Not since him and the rest of his Delta Tau brothers had cleaned up a notorious hoarder den off campus, had he ever seen a shithouse mess like this.
The light from the kitchen and living room windows had hit him with the white hot intensity of a thousand exploding suns, his head throbbing at the sight of it. It took everything in Rhett's power not to puke as he crawled towards the coffee table where his phone began vibrating.
"Aw fuck," he groaned when he felt his stomach lurch. It took him a minute to settle, but when he finally did, he picked up his phone and saw your contact picture.
"Hi baby," he croaked.
"You ok?" you chuckled.
"Debatable," he answered. "Where are you?"
"I'm at the grocery store," you answered. "You need anything?"
"Some Tylenol and the will to live would be great babes."
You laughed a little bit. "Alright I'll bring it over and make everybody a hangover breakfast," you told him. "Just promise me one thing though?"
"What's up?"
"No more Friday night ragers until finals are done?"
"I make no such promises sweetpea," he chuckled.
You laughed again knowing that him and his brothers would probably be doing it all again at some point or another. "Oh before you go," you said. "I'm gonna run to Wal Mart and get some extra supplies and some clean clothes. I'm missing a pair of panties and I have no idea where they went."
Rhett suddenly clenched his lip, his eyes practically bugging out of his head when you hung up.
"MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!" he suddenly blurted out.
The pile of empty beer cans suddenly slid to the floor, clattering and clanking as Kayce rose up out of it. "Good God what a battle," he groaned. "Are there any survivors?"
"Kayce get the fuck up!!" Rhett blurted out.
"The fuck's wrong with you?" Kayce asked, running his hands over his groggy face.
"I can't find (y/n)'s panties anywhere!"
"And this is a problem why?"
"Because the last thing I want is fuckin Smitty gettin his hands on'em," Rhett told him. "That piggly little rich asshole has been after (y/n) since she started here and I'm not about to let him claim anything I've already marked."
"Dude ya'll sound like a male cat during mating season," Kayce laughed.
"I'm serious Kayce!!" Rhett blurted out. "I've gotta find her underwear and I swear if that slimy little piece of snail cum has'em......"
"Bruh did ya'll happen to look on the turtle tank?"
Rhett's gaze turned to the turtle tank near the couch. Sure enough, there they were, a pair of red lace skivies, haphazardly thrown onto the little rock inside.
"Aw fuck," Rhett laughed. "You poor little guys, I'm so sorry."
He gave Speedy, the little brown tortoise and his female mate, a few pets on the shells, letting them lean their heads into his palm. Rhett was surprised their terrarium had survived the rager but duly made a note to have one of the freshman in the dorms take them for the weekend the next time they held a rager.
He had been about to reach in and grab the pair of underwear when Speedy somehow picked them up and stretched his little head, giving the panties to Rhett.
"I have never fuckin seen'em do that before," Kayce laughed.
"Ya'll got it on video?"
"Fuck yeah I did."
Despite the nasty hangovers, the boys made an effort to try and get some sunshine into the house. You rang the doorbell a minute later with you and two other girls from the Phi Gamma sorority, coming in, your arms full of groceries for the best hangover breakfast you could possibly make.
"Oh my God this place looks like a tornado ran through here," you laughed.
"We'll get it cleaned up sweetheart," Rhett assured you. "For now I've gotta get these assholes up."
It was a Herculean task to say the least. So many people were dead drunk in every corner of the house that Rhett was half tempted to go around with the ship's bell in the kitchen and wake everyone up. Bo had passed out in the living room with at least two other idiots having used him as a pillow, Kyle was still asleep under the coffee table, Cody was right under a window with Wes not far by. Ravi had passed out upstairs with at least three other girls and Foster had passed out in his room with his boyfriend. The newly accepted pledges were mostly in the basement while others had taken to whatever space they could find.
You cracked a few eggs into the freshly buttered pan on the stove, the sizzling loud enough to rouse a few of Rhett's brothers from their deep sleep. The whole kitchen soon smelled of eggs, bacon, sausage toast and pitch black coffee that was sure to soak up all the booze from the night before.
"Thank you baby," Rhett mumbled, wrapping both his arms and the heavy couch blanket around you and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"You're welcome," you chuckled kissing him back.
"Still can't remember what the hell we did last night," he croaked, rubbing his eyes.
"Did anybody take any video evidence?" asked Jessica, Bo's girlfriend from the sorority.
"I think Foster was the only one sober enough to remember," Rhett chuckled.
Foster came stumbling down the kitchen steps a split second later, hungover like the rest of them. "Oh my God, never again," he groaned.
"Your boyfriend still upstairs?" Rhett asked him.
"Yeah he was the only one sober enough to remember what happened last night," Foster answered. "Oh wait a sec....."
Foster checked his phone and sure enough, there was an unread message from his boyfriend. "Oh fuck," he said nervously.
"Wassup?" Kayce asked him.
"You guys are gonna wanna see this."
You plated Foster's breakfast before joining Rhett at the table, watching the video evidence unfold from last night. Your jaw dropped, trying to keep in the laughter of everyone's drunken shenanigans. You couldn't contain it anymore when you heard the drunken frat boys singing "Red Solo Cup" like a bunch of screeching seagulls and saw a bunch of girls throwing their underwear all over the room.
You looked at Rhett who sheepishly handed you your skivies. "I was gonna wash'em later with everybody's clothes," he told you.
You kissed him again. "No need Rhett, you're good."
And indeed he was good.
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