#okay it's only lightly salted but it counts >.>
navybrat817 · 11 months
Jump Scare
Pairing: Motocross!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You get quite the jump scare during a movie night with Bucky. Word Count: Over 2.8k Warnings: Implied sex, scary movie (violence), jump scare, prank, scary vibes, slight feels, established relationship, swearing, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Fic #9 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense! A bit further down the line for Hothead and Spitfire. @tavners, @maskedmistress87, @drabblewithfrannybarnes, this did NOT go the way I wanted it to, but that's okay!❤️ Edit: Also submitting for @witchywithwhiskey's Horror Movie Hoe-A-Thon with "What's your favorite scary movie?". Not beta read and written on my phone​, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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The sound of the basement door creaking open permeated the air in the otherwise silent house, fear paralyzing the soon-to-be victim who hid under the staircase. Terror mounted with each heavy footstep, as if they were a countdown to her impending doom. The masked assailant surveyed the dark space with his sharp knife in hand, still stained with the blood of the girl’s boyfriend who tried and failed to protect her. She covered her mouth as the killer got closer, her nostrils flaring as she desperately tried to keep from making any sounds. Maybe there was a chance he wouldn’t find her.
Her prayers were seemingly answered as the killer began to walk back up the steps, daring her to crawl out from her hiding space once she thought it was safe.
The bloodcurdling scream she let out as the knife plunged into her chest a heartbeat later was the last sound she ever made.
You stifled a yawn as you stared at the television, red light from the screen illuminating the darkened room as the killer stabbed his victim over and over again. “Why do people in horror films immediately pop their heads out when they think the killer’s gone? Do they just think they gave up? Or that they outsmarted them somehow?”
Bucky chuckled as he threw an arm over your shoulder. “I think that’s one of the rules of those films.”
“Which part? Running into a terrible spot where the killer is inevitably going to find you or thinking the coast is clear when it isn’t?”
“Both,” he replied.
You huffed and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl in Bucky’s lap. You had to hand it to him. When he asked you over for a movie night, you figured it was an excuse to get in your pants. So when he invited you in and took you to the living room instead of the bedroom, it both surprised and disappointed you. It wasn’t that you wanted sex to be the main thing between you two. You enjoyed talking to him.
But, fuck, was he amazing in bed and you were only human.
Your new boyfriend, which was both exciting and nerve-wracking that it was official, had set up a few blankets and pillows on the couch so you’d be comfortable while watching the films. He shut off the lights to create, in his words, a spooky ambience. There was no reason not to indulge him. He even had a couple of your favorite snacks nearby so you wouldn’t have to get up and go to the kitchen.
Who said motocross riders couldn’t be a little bit romantic?
Bucky took your hand after you finished your helping of popcorn and slowly licked the salt and butter off one of your fingers. The cheeky little shit smirked when you sharply inhaled. “What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“You’re really asking me that right now?”
“Just curious,” he said, gently licking your middle finger when you held it up in his face. It was difficult not to feel aroused with his amazing tongue lavishing you with attention. “Are you giving me the middle finger to insult me or is that a promise?”
“It’s both. Fuck you and fuck you, Hothead,” you said, gasping when he lightly nibbled the tip.
“That can be arranged,” he smirked.
He isn’t romantic. He’s horny just like me.
“See? I knew there was a reason other than movies for having the blankets out here,” you smiled. You knew deep down he wanted you to stay the night. The man was a cuddler. “As much as I joke about some of the cliches, I like a lot of scary movies. The jump scares are always fun, especially when you don’t see them coming.”
“Name one movie,” he said, finally allowing you to take your hand back as he shifted to face you more. Neither of you were paying attention to the movie on the screen now. “Just one.”
“Okay,” you said after a moment, one recent film you watched popping up in your mind. “I like ‘Ready or Not’.”
His brows pinched a bit. “That’s the film about the bride getting hunted down by the groom’s Satan worshiping family, right? Why that one?”
You lifted your chin and looked back at the screen momentarily. “Grace was kind and caring, but also determined and resourceful. She was a survivor and I found it easy to root for her,” you replied, avoiding Bucky’s gaze when your voice softened. “At the root of her character, she just wanted to be part of a family.”
It was one of the reasons you moved to town. There was nothing for you back home. Friends didn’t stick around, some wrote you off because of your outspoken attitude, and things went south with Frank. Bucky was aware of all of that. It almost sounded like you ran away, but you didn’t see it that way. You made a choice to change your path for the better.
And thanks to Natasha, you not only met Bucky, but made other friends as well.
A soft kiss to your temple made you jump a bit. “You see yourself in Grace, don’t you, Spitfire?”
You swallowed, not wanting to get emotional. It was almost unnerving how Bucky could take down the bricks of the inner wall you sometimes built up. “I guess I do,” you whispered, clearing your throat. “But if you marry me one day and you try to sacrifice me so you can keep winning races or whatever, I will haunt your ass forever.”
Bucky’s nose scrunched as he laughed, bringing a smile to your face. “Listen, we both know if I’d try to sacrifice you that you’d knock my ass in the dirt,” he joked. You were glad he went along with the humor you shifted to instead of delving into a deep discussion. You could save that for another day. “And I wouldn’t do that anyway because I’d fight beside you.”
His declaration spread warmth from your chest as you snuggled close. It meant more to you than he knew. “Keep saying sweet things like that and we won’t make it through the next movie.”
“I’ll say all the sweet things you want,” he promised, resting his head against yours. “I actually did have an ulterior motive for movie night.”
I knew it.
You narrowed your eyes even though you directed your gaze at the television and not him. “Well, you have to tell me what your motive was.”
“I wanted to watch scary movies with you in the hopes you’d get a little scared and cuddle in my lap,” he admitted, the screams from the speakers not affecting either of you in the slightest. “But I should’ve known you don’t scare that easily since you’re a badass.”
It was so endearing that you couldn’t help but smile. “Being a badass doesn’t mean I don’t get scared. I’ve just seen most of these films. I know what’s going to happen,” you said. You weren’t usually the type to jump out of your skin, especially since they were movies and nowhere close to reality. “Would you like me to pretend I’m afraid? I can do that.”
He sighed and you could easily picture the pout forming on his stupidly handsome face. “It isn’t the same when I know you’re faking it.”
“That’s what she said,” you said, making him snort as you moved the bowl of popcorn from his lap and scooted closer. “And I can easily pretend that you’ll keep me safe from the scary masked killer who isn’t actually here because he’s on television.”
“Now you’re just making fun of me.”
“He’s walking slowly and he’s managing to catch up to the girl running at full speed because of reasons. Wait! She tripped over nothing. He’s going to get her! Oh, no!” you cried before you hid your face in his chest, which rumbled when he began to chuckle. You didn’t lift your head immediately since the whiff of cologne you caught distracted you. He always smelled so good. “See? Easy.”
“That’s not very believable, but thank you for trying,” he teased before the room got quiet. “What the hell?”
“What is it?” you asked, turning to look at the television. The screen was black now, leaving the room darker than before. “What happened to the movie?”
“I don’t know,” he said, glancing behind him. “Maybe something happened with the connection. I’ll be right back.”
“You know you’re never supposed to say that. One of the horror movie rules,” you said, moving back to give him room to stand and checking your phone for messages. The light from your screen gave you a chance to catch a glimpse of his abs through his shirt when he stretched. It tempted you to pull him back down beside you. “But I’ll send a search party if you don’t come back in ten minutes.”
“How generous of you,” he said, tilting your chin up as he leaned down. “I’ll be right back,” he whispered against your lips.
You barely brushed your lips back against his in a kiss before he left you alone. “You said it twice. I’m not responsible for anything that happens to you!”
A minute passed by as you mindlessly scrolled through an app. You felt a little bad about your teasing, even if Bucky didn’t say it bothered him. You didn’t scare easily, but you could’ve allowed yourself to be a bit more vulnerable. All he wanted you to do was turn to him. When he got back, you’d do just that.
But a few more minutes passed and he still hadn’t returned.
“Bucky? It hasn’t been ten minutes, but I’ll send the search party,” you said, looking behind you when you didn’t get an answer. You still couldn't see much of anything. “Bucky?”
It sounded like Bucky fell to the ground in another room. At least, you thought it was him. “Are you okay?” you called out, using your phone to light a path as you got up and left the room. “Do you need help?” you added, flipping the switch for the hallway light.
Which didn’t turn on.
If this were a horror movie, his body would either fall out of a ceiling somewhere or he’d be the killer.
“Of course,” you mumbled to yourself as you slowly walked down the hall. You were familiar enough with Bucky’s place, but it almost felt empty and cold as you searched for him. The wind picking up outside only made the unsettling feeling grow. Why wasn’t he answering you? “Bucky, come on. We can just watch a movie on my phone.”
You jumped when the office door slammed shut, a nervous laugh bubbling up as you took a step toward it. “Well played. You got me to jump,” you said, hesitating as you reached for the doorknob. There was something red smeared on it. No way was that blood. It couldn’t be. “Bucky?”
It’s just a prank, right? He’s fine. He’s perfectly fine.
You pressed your ear against the door to listen for any noises before something slammed against it on the other side, making you jerk back. Your heart admittedly leapt in your throat. You wished Bucky was beside you to hold your hand.
“Okay, Bucky! You win! I’m officially creeped out!” you announced, hoping it would get him to jump out before something hit the door again. “Fine, asshole! Ready or not, here I come!”
The door flew open before you could twist the knob. You held up your phone with a shaky hand and spotted a large figure in the light. He wore what you guessed was a dark robe and a Boogeyman mask, the eyes and mouth completely blacked out. That wasn’t the thing that made your mouth fall open with a scream.
It was the bloody machete in his hand.
Your eyes scanned the darkness for Bucky, worried more about him than yourself. “Run,” the figure whispered, lifting the weapon over his head.
Fight or flight kicked in and you chose to fight, though you didn’t have anything to use as a weapon. “Fucker! What did you do to my boyfriend, you piece of shit?!” you yelled, kicking him as hard as you could in the shin when he got close enough. He hardly budged, but you hobbled back and grabbed your foot as pain shot through it. “Ow, fuck! Are you made out of pure muscle?!”
The Boogeyman dropped the machete immediately. “Shit, are you okay?” he asked in a normal voice as he took out a phone and pressed the screen, the lights in the place coming on a moment later.
You recognized that voice.
Bucky. Fucking. Barnes.
“Bucky,” you said through your teeth when he removed the mask and brushed his long hair from his eyes. “What the actual fuck?!”
“I'm sorry. I was trying to scare you a little, not hurt you,” he said, going to look at your foot. You almost kicked him again. “Is it okay?”
“It’s fan-fucking-tastic, asshole!” you hissed as you hit his right arm with a ringing slap. “Shithead!” you added, smacking his arm again as he laughed. He was laughing at you. “Fucker!”
And to think I felt bad for not acting more scared during the movie.
You tried to get another hit in, but he grabbed your wrist before the blow landed. “Easy, Spitfire. Okay, I deserved a couple of hits. It was a stupid joke.”
“So stupid,” you snapped when the corner of his lip twitched. If he laughed again… “How did you shut everything off?”
“App on my phone for the lights and streaming service. I got ready and hid here until you went to look for me. Though I had to make a loud noise for you to do so,” he said, the humor in his blue eyes almost outweighing his worry. “I really am sorry.”
“And where the hell did you even get this?” you asked, tugging on the robe.
“Remember, all the guys are helping out with that haunted hayride this weekend? We each got scary costumes for it,” he reminded you. All the riders planned to help out, followed by a party once it wrapped up “Are you really okay?”
Your heartbeat returned to a slower pace as you took a breath. There were tons of films where boyfriends pretended to be killers to scare their girlfriends. It was somehow oddly endearing that Bucky did the same thing.
“I’m fine,” you said, even as unshed tears burned your eyes. “But I did think for a moment something may have happened to you. And it isn't like watching you at the tracks when I know there's an element of danger or watching a movie. This was different.”
And that scared me.
“Hey. I'm right here and I’m okay,” he whispered, touching your cheek. “I just wanted to scare you so I could comfort you. I'm sorry.”
Stupidly sweet logic.
“That’s such a guy thing to do,” you said as he gave you an abashed smile. “Okay, I’ll let you comfort me. You’re also going to rub my foot,” you added, which actually felt perfectly fine now, but he didn’t need to know that.
“I’ll give you the best foot massage,” he promised. “You really tried to beat the ‘killer’ up for thinking he did something to me. I’m touched.”
“Well, I didn’t have a weapon, but I’ll aim for the crotch next time,” you teased a little, giggling when he winced. “I guess I’m just as dumb as some of those horror movie victims.”
“You’re not dumb. You’re a badass. And I would’ve done the same thing if I thought someone hurt you,” he smiled, making your heart race for a good reason this time. “And I’m still your boyfriend after this, right?”
You smiled softly, but poked him in the chest for good measure. “Yeah, but I’m not sorry for kicking you in the shin, you can fuck yourself tonight, and I’m telling Nat what you did.”
Because if anyone is scarier than an angry girlfriend, it’s Natasha Romanoff.
“You know, you’re hot when you’re pissed off. Very hot,” he smirked. The vicious glare you gave him didn’t sway him as he gripped the back of your head. “And let’s see if I can convince you to let me fuck you.”
“It’s going to take a lot of convincing.”
You opened your mouth to accept the slide of his tongue against yours and allowed him to press you against the hallway wall. Nat would surely give him a piece of her mind tomorrow for scaring you. Tonight though, you’d let Bucky convince you to snuggle again and sleep with him. Because you had to hand it to him.
He delivered a worthy jump scare.
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Motocross!Bucky was sharing a brain with lumerjack!Steve, wasn't he? Love and thanks for reading! 🧡
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
567 notes · View notes
predestinatos · 11 months
inside me | CL16 ִ ۫ ּ 𓂅⋆ 🗝️.♡
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chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
pairing: charles leclerc × fem!reader 
summary: feelings aren't something charles and you talk about. especially not when you're tipsy in a club bathroom. chapter 3 of an ongoing series.
tags: enemies to lovers, more jealous!charles, i never get tired of writing it, smut, sexual content, cursing, some progress in vulnerability sort of? not much, angsty-ish but soft? ending.
word count: 5.4k
📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ minors dni !! warnings & note underneath
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warnings: smut, oral sex (male receiving), sort of rough sex, sexting, this is soo filthy, unprotected sex, creampie.
note: okay so! i got a bit carried away while writing this, clearly being so much bigger than usual, but it's to compensate for my 4-day absence which will surely delay the next chapter a bit!! thank you again so so so so!!!!! much for the good comments and support, it genuinely makes me very very happy. hope you like this one!
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“Two more tequila shots, please” Oscar shouted to the bartender, the music muffling his voice and your thoughts.
The two glasses appeared before you, its content calling to your dizzy mind. Dropping the salt in your hand, you prepared for the countdown. Oscar looked flushed and giddy, already a bit tipsy, just like you. His cheeks were a soft pink and his eyes were constantly in a smiling expression, which spread itself to you. “A toast to a very good friendship” he said, laughing, as you clinked your cups against each other, licked the salt off of your hands, chugged the drink and placed lemon in your mouths.
Oscar and you had kept going out. You enjoyed each other’s company, talking to each other and overall just existing together. Of course, one of those nights you two had to have the talk you dreaded to have. Curiously, it was Oscar who started, his words spilling very fast and messily, although they could be condensed to a simple “I think we’re just friends.” You were totally okay with that. It simplified your life, and Oscar’s following proposal just made it even better. “That doesn’t mean we can’t… have fun together, though. If you’d like to.” And that was your relationship with him – purely a fun one, a jokingly flirtatious game where none of you had your hearts broken because there was nothing to break apart from a few glasses.
So, after many shots and funny faces at the taste were exchanged, here you were, dancing with him enthusiastically, your bodies jumping and touching and having fun.
You were surrounded by people you loved – Oscar, your friends, everybody at that club – and that loved each other in that moment. Your friends got along beautifully with Oscar, and you even saw some potential for deeper relationships with this one girl, so you were happy, insanely so. Except for one thing: the pair of eyes looking at you from you and your friends’ tables.
As much as you tried moving further away, enjoy yourself and drink away the burning hot sensation on the back of your head, you couldn’t. Charles’ gaze wouldn’t leave your body, filled with rhythm and loose, but contrastingly so tense from his eyes.
You knew Charles was coming. But you thought he would be calm about things, take them lightly and not care much, given the fact that you and him were in very weird territory. It was now hard to hide from your friends that something was going on – the snarky remarks had turned more like innuendos and inside jokes that made you blush, and there were only so many nights where, for some reason, only the two of you couldn’t make it. Apart from those two instances, your relationship with Charles hadn’t been physical again. Some texts were exchanged, sure, but neither of you knew what you were doing; you were ice skating on very thin grounds, which threatened to break at any given moment. It was a matter of who was going to take the hardest step.
“I’m pretty sure Leclerc is into you” Oscar started, laughing at something that wasn’t particularly funny were it not for the alcohol in your system. You laughed back, throwing your hands around his neck and letting your mind run through all the thoughts compressed in your head, all the sounds and sensations surrounding you. “You’re friends, why don’t you ask him?” you replied in his ear, hoping he would hear you, or maybe even guess what you were saying. Pulling away to look into his eyes, you saw him shaking his head in a negative motion, the tipsy smile in his pink lips “he would murder me if I even got remotely close to him.” You both bursted out laughing again, shrugging carelessly at the ridiculousness of it all. “No it’s just… he hasn’t stopped staring at us and I doubt it’s because he finds me attractive” the Australian continued, nodding his head towards where Charles was sitting. Unapologetically, you two stared at him, who also unapologetically refused to break eye contact. Holding a beer in his right hand, eyebrows furrowed and shirt sleever pulled up, he looked angry. Yet, he also looked attractive, his gaze dark and possessive, his left hand tense and his jeans hugging his legs perfectly. He raised his bottle towards the both of you as in a friendly excuse of a toast, or even recognition of your existence as something other than 2 nuisances. You nodded again in recognition, a peace treaty that was sure to be broken sooner than later.
As you turned around to keep dancing, you saw Oscar’s eyes widen in shock, amazement and amusement all at once. “What?” you asked, nervous. Before he could even answer, Charles was behind you, half yelling, half whispering, not to you, but to Oscar. “Can I borrow her for a second?”
In his drunkenness, but also his own enjoyment, he merely nodded gleefully, winking at you as Charles gripped your arm softly as if to assure you you were fine, or as fine as you could be in that moment.
The bathroom was tight. Very tight. Or maybe it was spacious but simply felt like it, when Charles was so close to you, his grip on your arm tight but not angry in the slightest. It also felt hot, burning and scalding, like being too close to the sun, yet you knew for sure they had AC and it was on. Releasing your arm, Charles pulled away from you only to lock the door of the bathroom.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, laughing drunkenly at the stupidity of it all. “You’re gonna drive a lot of people mad by doing that” you tell him while fixing your hair as best as you could. You notice his body stiffening at your words and how they mockingly leave your lips, and even though he is currently not close to you at all, you still feel him on every inch of your skin when he lowers his voice and says “you’re driving me mad.”
Perhaps because you were drunk, you giggled ironically. Not only was the situation frustrating to the point of laughing, it was clear you had the upper hand in this case, with Charles’ voice and expression finally showcasing more vulnerability than usual. “And why is that, Charlie?” you ask, keeping the mocking tone that was getting to him even more this time. With the question, you dared to walk closer to him slowly, not taking your eyes off of his face. His jaw tightened and he looked away, his brain seemingly as loud as the muffled music outside. For a few seconds, you remained like that, in silence, your defiance and his stubbornness fighting quietly. Upon his clear refusal to answer, all you could do was shrug, “that’s what I thought.” You start walking towards the door, but his tall frame stops you before you can get to it. You are, again, so close to him, feeling his scent, alcohol and expensive perfume, but not his touch, for his hands remain by his side. “I’m not going to stop you from leaving if you want,” he started, his jaw tense as he licked his lips. “Then answer me” you demanded.
It wasn’t even that big of a question, you just wanted to hear him admit that he was jealous, even though he had no right to be. You wanted to see where this conversation would go, if you could finally put an end to this game you two were playing, as painful as it was for you to end it. You knew deep down the reason why he didn’t answer was because that meant exactly that – it meant talking about feelings, about rules, about labels. And neither of you were ready to do that. You realized then that you were placing on him the weight of it, cowardice filling you even in drunkenness.
Running a hand through his hair frustratedly, he moved his feet to let you move towards the door, unblocking your passage. You suddenly felt cold, his frame not hovering yours anymore, and that gesture held more vulnerability than any other he had ever done in the past. So, because you were slightly drunk, or maybe in spite of it, you pulled him towards you and kissed him.
His whole body relaxed against you, letting out a frustrated and hungry breath. By now, his hands and lips felt familiar yet new all at once. Your heart raced as if it was all novelty, yet you knew it wasn’t, for you had been craving them for so long. The way he was kissing was new, however. It always seemed to be, every time you two met again, for he seemed to place more and more feeling and less and less thought into his kiss, his lips moving against yours in a needy, almost desperate way, much different from the previous arrogance he possessed.
He let out a breathy whimper against your lips, and you realized then how completely yours he was. You pulled even closer against you, his shirt collar feeling hard contrasting with his soft hands on your body, wrapping your legs around his waist as he placed you on the sink. The coldness of the sink causes you to hiss and then laugh to yourself amidst the kiss, to which he too lets out a soft chuckle.
“I’m serious, you do drive me mad” he suddenly said, bringing both of your thoughts back to that which you were trying to avoid. You looked down at the already visible bulge in his jeans, and your eyebrows raised before looking back up at him – “I can tell.”
Charles suddenly looked shy, not expecting your bluntness, and he looked away to compose himself. Then, suddenly and unexpectedly, he took a deep breath and placed his hand on your leg softly, to which you responded by biting your bottom lip and closing your eyes at the feeling. “You really want to talk about that?” he replied to your previous comment, his cockiness coming back as fast as it had disappeared upon realizing how turned on he made you feel by simple touches.
Feeling brave, playful, or overall crazy, you grabbed his other hand and brought it to your lips. You kissed each of his fingers carefully, not hiding your pleasured face as you felt his gaze darken at the sight of you. His grip on your thigh suddenly intensified, this time as an attempt to calm himself down, though it was clear he couldn’t do so successfully. Charles was already going absolutely insane over the view he had, but then you brought his hand to your cheek and placed his thumb on your open mouth. He inhaled sharply, in lustful anticipation, before you closed your lips around him and sucked his finger while looking up at him. “F-fuck… don’t do this to me” he breathed, his head cocked to the side, both desperate and demanding. You took his finger off of your mouth to reply, leaving your mouth smeared with saliva that he spread across your lips as you muttered “why not?”
With the question, he grabbed you by the waist and turned you around, your back pressed hard against him, feeling his heartbeat racing and his cock against you. His hand flew to your hair, pulling it so you could see yourself in the mirror, as the other went back to the position it was before, thumb pushing forcefully inside your mouth. “Look at yourself. You look so fucking hot. You can’t do this to me, not when I’m so so mad at you” he whispered in your ear, his breath sending shivers down your body, as he pushed himself against you harder, causing a moan to leave your lips. “What?” he mockingly asked, his eyes pierced on yours through the mirror, a dark smile spreading across his expression.
Everything Charles did hit you with a force a thousand times higher than anyone else. It was the years of accumulated tension that culminated in this incessant need for each other – and it didn’t seem to be fulfilled any time soon. So when Charles released his grip on your hair and removed his hand from your lips, you felt betrayed and disappointed, your underwear soaking wet but unsatisfied. “We’ve had enough fun for a night, you’re drunk” he said, tapping your shoulder carefully as if you were a child.
This sudden change in behavior managed to not only anger you, but also hurt you deeply. It felt like treason, of the highest sort – the way he suddenly seemed to care about your state actually, paradoxically, seemed like the meanest thing one could do in that situation.
“I was drunk the night in my house, too” you replied, your anger coming out of your voice and suffocating any attempts of the hurt from being noticeable. Charles merely closed him eyes softly, taking a deep breath. “We were both drunk. We were both impulsive” he said, opening his eyes and looking straight at you.
His words hit you like a punch in the stomach, making the music stop, at least in your ears, in your mind, in your body. You raised your eyebrows at him, and you wanted to scream, to yell at him, to hurt him back. And you knew the only way to do so was by doing the total opposite of what you felt like doing – “okay” – was the only word that escaped your lips as you made your way out of the bathroom, back into the noise, the drinks, the distractions.
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You went home afterwards, your mind spinning and your body too exhausted to keep going. Oscar had dropped you off at home, already sober enough to drive (at least way more than you were), but not before listening to the whole story of What Is Going On Between You and Leclerc, his mouth hanging open during the whole journey. His goodbye was said through a kiss on the cheek and a “don’t show up to races with me anymore, I have to win!”, which made you laugh despite it all.
You now laid in bed, comfortable pyjamas on and too tired to take your makeup off despite the constant warnings from everyone that you should do so. You tried convincing yourself you’d do it later, knowing fully well the most probable scenario was you falling asleep just like that, but it didn’t matter. Your TV was on, something was playing in the background but you weren’t particularly watching it, for your head was still spinning.
The attention you weren’t paying at all was interrupted by your screen lighting up, which normally you would ignore, were it not for its content, and, more specifically, who had sent it.
Charles (Asshole): whre are you (3:12am) Charles (Asshole): cna we talk??? (3:12am)
You shouldn’t answer, in fact, you were tempted not to. However, his texts clearly revealed he was not sober in the slightest, and as much as you hated to admit it, you cared about him. Upon some minutes with your fingers hovering the keyboard on your screen, you replied.
You: home. pls call an uber (3:14am) Charles (Asshole): on my wya. i did. im not taht stupod (3:15am)
The wait seemed hours long. You sat there, before deciding to get some water for yourself, and also for him, who definitely needed it more than you did at this point. You checked how decent you looked in the mirror, and despite frowning a bit at the messy aspect of your comfortability, you decided it did not really matter given the state Charles appeared to be in.
Those suspicions were confirmed after a very badly typed “I’m outside” text, which you decoded well enough to open the door. You were greeted with Charles wearing a giddy smile, his eyes partly glossy and his cheeks red. He seemed unbelievably content, more than usual, and you knew it was because of the alcohol in his veins, his thoughts, his whole body. You stood aside to let him in, and without ceremony, he sprawled across your sofa. “Good memories in here” he started, his voice dragging, stumbling across some words, and finishing with silly giggles.
You merely rolled your eyes at him, despite how endearing he now appeared before you. Sitting next to him on the couch, you felt his head resting on your lap, which, surprisingly, did not ignite your need to protest. Instead, you instinctively caressed his hair, soothing him and yourself at the same time. He let soft murmurs escape his lips, and tried closing his eyes for brief moments. However, he quickly opened them, “God, it spins even more with my eyes closed” he said, bringing his hand to his brow.
“You should drink some water” you said, attentively. Charles looked up at you, his eyes shining with intoxicated passion, and his hand caressed your face softly. “You’re so pretty” was all he could say in reply to your suggestion, a reply which further confirmed the need for him to fulfill that task.
You carefully urged him to sit upright, which he did despite some protests, and brought the glass of water to his lips softly. You watched him gulp the liquid as it dribbled a bit from his chin towards his neck, and you shamefully looked away, images of other much different nights surfacing in your head.
You allowed yourself to look back upon hearing his satisfied “ah” and feeling the weight of the cup decreasing to its minimum. With this, you noticed his shirt unbuttoned, more than usual, and as he sat back, his chest almost fully exposed to you. Your eyebrows furrowed for a few seconds, and you bit hard, holding back whatever feeling was going through you, which you refused to name despite it all. He was drunk, you were not sober, you two had nothing, it was not the time.
You couldn’t help but make a comment though, “I see you didn’t let me ruin your fun” – you tried to joke, but it sounded more petty than you had intended. He looked towards his shirt, then back up at you, before letting out a loud laugh and running his hands through his hair. “Yeah, well, I wanted to take you off my mind. Clearly it didn’t work.”
There it was. The thin line you both didn’t want to cross. Frustratingly, the only times you were close to doing so had to be under the influence of alcohol, making it impossible to discern what is meant and what is blurted out. Because of this, you merely shrugged off a laugh, and remained in silence, looking down.
You felt and heard his body shifting closer to yours from behind, his hands making his way towards your shoulders and neck, massaging them softly. You let him, enjoying the feeling, needing it way more than you thought – either the massage itself or the simple feel of his touch, you couldn’t say. At first, his touch was light, almost hard to feel, like a soft breeze on your bare skin. However, slowly, his hands started applying more pressure, getting more greedy with their movements, as if consuming all of you.
His warm breath hit your neck and ears, the sensation causing your vision to completely blur. It impressed you, how despite being drunk, he seemed to know exactly what to do to push you to the edge. You turned your head back towards his and as is gaze fell on your lips, your heartbeat increased, signals travelling throughout your whole body.
Once again that night, you were aware of how you were the one who pulled Charles towards you, relieving him of the need he had for you like this – not merely with touches, but with a ravenous control and hunger, completely at his display. However, you pulled away, your mind stable enough to know what you were doing – if he already thought you drove him mad, he had no clue what was coming.
His confused expression met your suppressed smirk, and before he could protest, or at least question you, you spoke. “You’re drunk. Don’t want to be impulsive,” and with that, you got up and quickly went to your room, coming back with a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants, which you threw on the sofa. “You can sleep here. Those are Oscar’s,” you were aware you didn’t have to say that, but at that point you realized there were no rules to this game anymore – everything counted. “Goodnight”
You turned away, leaving Charles processing what had happened in those minutes, how things shifted so fast. You felt satisfied with the control you had over him, the payback for what he had done, yet you couldn’t deny the frustration only increased as well. It took so much of you to pull away, to not give yourself up completely to him, especially when you knew how good he felt and how much he wanted you.
You sat in bed and turned on the TV once again, trying to drown the pulsating feeling in your core. It was hard to concentrate, knowing Charles was one door away, his warm body so ready to take you. The images running through your mind left you desperate, and you decided to take matters into your own hands – literally.
You slipped a hand down your stomach, inside your shorts, and touched yourself lightly through your underwear. You were embarrassingly wet, and so sensitive that as soon as your hand found its way between your legs, you left out a small moan. You knew it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear, yet you brought the other hand to your mouth impulsively and timidly.
As if guessing, your phone lit up once again, with a couple of texts that left you speechless.
Charles (Asshole): im tryign my best not to go there adn ruin you (4:02am) Charles (Asshole):  but youre making it so hard fro me (4:02am)
You couldn’t move – at least, not anything but your hand, drowned between your legs, frantically moving in unconscious and needy desire. You simply stared at the text, biting your lip to prevent any noise from coming out of. As you stared at it, you saw the three dots that told you he was typing more. Your eyes flew to the door, as if you could see through it towards the living room, where Charles was lying, typing these messages to you. The thought of him behind that door got you lightheaded, feeling utterly drunk again.
Charles (Asshole): i know youore reading these (4:04am) Charles (Asshole): if you want me to, ill sotp (4:04am)
Upon that last text, which wasn’t a threat in the slightest but which you interpreted as such, given the urgency in which you needed him to continue, your hand flew to your phone, immediately typing a response.
You: dont stop (4:05am)
It was hard, typing with only one hand, the other occupied trying to replicate Charles’ own touch, and to make matters worse, you couldn’t think straight. Typing those simple words took more time than you cared to admit or wanted, and you knew he wasn’t dumb to not have realized that. That simple request you made boosted his confidence to reply in a manner that immediately hinted that he knew what to do, that he now felt like he had free reign.
Charles (Asshole): why not? (4:05am)
You couldn’t see him, yet you knew this question wasn’t innocent, you knew he was on the other side completely pleased with himself, a smile sprawled across his pink lips.
Charles (Asshole): asnwer me princess (4:06am)
The nickname, even when used to get under your skin – or maybe because of it – set you over the edge completely. You had been holding your composure for so long that this simple word made you whimper, this time loud enough to know he had heard it.
Charles (Asshole): fuck that was so hot (4:06am) Charles (Asshole): i want you so bad (4:07am)
You were now filled with ecstasy, your walls begging for him to fill you, your head swimming in overwhelming arousal. So, you decided to do what you were meant to do since you first placed your lips on his: keep playing.
You: prove it (4:08am) You: i dare you (4:08am)
That text was all it took for Charles to completely unleash himself, getting up from the sofa and moving towards your bedroom, opening the door with urgency, finding your body outlined by the television lights.
He had changed, somewhere in between your trip to your room and his first text, but only partially – he stood, shirtless, before you, standing at the feet of the bed as you looked up at him, your face leveling his waist area.
You licked your lips instinctively, and for a moment time stood still between him and you, his chest rising and falling deeply, his muscles tense with need. Charles broke that spell by placing his index finger carefully on your chin, raising your gaze towards his and stilling it there. You swallowed dry, lustfully. “Show me what you were doing before I came in” he demanded, roughly this time. In fact, his hand remained there, forbidding you from breaking eye contact, as you lifted your arm and brough it downward, back between your legs. “Were you thinking about me?” he asked, voice growing deeper, more imperious. You nodded, as best as you could with the pressure of his hand on your face, now carelessly holding all of you in it. “Use your words” Charles continued, his erection visible, directly in front of you, so desperate, so conflicting with how he seemed so composed and dominant. “Yes” you replied. Yet, this did not satisfy him in the slightest. His grip on you tightened, and a tsk escaped his lips as he shook his head negatively.
Your hand started moving faster, one finger now dipping inside you, which Charles did not fail to notice, but pretended to be unaffected by. Without warning, he pulled down his sweatpants, followed by his boxers, just enough to expose his erection fully to you. Letting go of your face with violent affection, he now gripped your hair as he held his cock in front of you. “Let’s give those pretty lips some other use since you don’t want to talk” he whispered, his tip now caressing your lips. “Open, princess” his tone was commanding, completely new yet so dangerously arousing. You promptly obeyed, shocked yet completely vulnerable before his own desire.
At first, Charles merely played with you, frustrating your desire to have him in his mouth, despite the fact that it frustrated him in the process as well. His grip on your hair got tighter and tighter, as this teasing game was clearly driving him insane. In a swift and quick movement, he placed himself fully inside your mouth, the warmth and wetness causing his body to shudder completely. You swallowed around him, feeling his desperate push to take more of him in. As you removed your hand from in between your legs to hold yourself on his thighs for support, he grabbed it, bringing it back to where it was. “Don’t fucking stop” he growled, almost incoherently. Having him fully inside your mouth, your nose so close to his navel, and hearing his authoritarian tone, caused a cry to escape your lips. You could barely think, let alone speak, now two fingers buried inside your wetness.
Charles movements were rough as he fucked your mouth relentlessly, your name leaving his lips as if in a chant, as you kept holding his gaze. “Tu es tellement doué pour ça, putain” French once again escaping his lips, giving away his lack of self control, as he unleashed himself completely to his desire. You couldn’t help but moan, your eyes teary with the pleasurable strength he was using with you, and you felt yourself close to coming.
Charles himself was close, but did not allow himself – nor you – to continue. Pulling out of you quickly, leaving saliva all over your now darkened and swollen lips, he did not hesitate to push you down on your bed, climbing on top of your body.
Impatiently, he pulled your pajama shorts and underwear off, whilst you pulled your shirt above your head, completely bared to him. Harshly and lusciously, Charles slammed two fingers inside you, pumping them in and out to prepare you for him. “So ready for me, fuck” he whispered, more to himself than for you, yet not caring if you heard it.
His already sweaty body shone in the near darkness of the room, satisfaction spread across his focused expression as he saw how your body yearned for his. Removing his fingers from inside you and placing himself between your legs, he pushed in inside you, his hardness filling you up completely. Your back arched instantly with bliss as your legs wrapped around him in an attempt to feel him even closer, as if such was possible. You were trembling from his scent, his breath and the sounds of your bodies on each other. His movements were fervorous and electric, a fast pace which burnt your vision and set your body aflame.
“Charles” your voice begged, as he continued his movements. Your voice worked on him as a reminder of how mad he was when it came to you, how much he needed to take his desire out on you, his jealousy released with each thrust. “Does anyone fuck you as good as me?” he asked, eyes closing slowly from the amount of pleasure he was feeling. You let out a crying “no” as he grunted, his face now buried in your neck, biting it hard.
A crazy thought crossed his mind, one which was more common than he could admit, one that he thought about frequently in the darkness of his room or even when he was trying to distract himself with anyone else – the thought of filling you up, claiming you as his. This was enough for him to be close, as your moans filled the thick air, and he felt so good inside you, enough to feel intoxicated by it.
“You’re mine” Charles let out, incapable of containing himself. His words caused your whole body to convulse with shockwaves of pleasure as you repeated “I’m yours” into his lips, his neck, your nails drawing patterns on his back. His hisses of pain and pleasure revealed how close he was himself, and he positioned himself in order to be able to look at your satisfied and sensitive expression of complete bliss. Charles erupted inside you with a final thrust that made you see fireworks, as the thickness of the air reached an all time high.
After a few seconds of chests rising and falling, breaths being caught and thoughts becoming clearer, Charles pulled himself out of you and laid next to you in your bed, grabbing the remote as he caressed your arm softly.
That movement, the familiarity and comfort of it, how different it was from the uncertainty of what you two were, to the nature of your ‘relationship’, to you still filled with his cum, suddenly made you want to cry.
You wished he would leave, complete the final act so you can repeat it soon, so things didn’t get complicated, complex and hard for you to do anything about. The frustration was enough for you to get up with a “I’m going to take a bath” in a tone he recognized – somehow – as unlike you.
Getting up from his seat, he followed you into the bathroom, where you stepped into the shower and turned the water on, ignoring his presence completely. You kept focusing on the water running down your body, how it resembled his own touch but not as fulfilling, as pleasurable. The sound of the water running incessantly calmed your thoughts, enough so that you could barely hear him come in the shower himself, turning you around so you could face him.
His expression was tender but nervous, aware of something floating along with the vapor of the warm water, fogging the mirror. Yet, he pulled him to you in an embrace in which you two remained for long, longer than maybe it was supposed to, longer than for it to be considered normal. Pulling away, his lips fell onto yours gently, in a kiss that possessed more words than both of you cared to admit.
You knew, then, that was all he could give you in that moment. And you did not know how to feel about that.
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@cmleitora @marialovesf1 @champagneholland
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mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
✨I’ve Got You, Baby Girl✨
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A/N: This has been on my mind a lot this week after a rough week of cramps. This one is for all my girlies that need some extra love and care on their periods. Thank you @mountainsandmayhem and @littlevenicebitch69 for encouraging me to write it 🥰
Summary: After suffering all day alone with cramps, Joel comes home from work to take care of you and gives you exactly what you need.
Pairing: Joel x fem! reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only MDNI)
Word Count: 1.7k
Tags: Joel comforts you, oral receiving (fem), orgasm, Joel goes down on you on your period, sweet pet names, Joel in love
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The warm sun glows through the sheer curtains, the velvet blanket draped loosely over your legs as you hug the heating pad to your stomach. Your body aches, your bones crushing together as you hug your knees to your chest. You hate this time of month, hate the awful cramps, hate having to stay in bed all day. It was the worst time of every month. Your period.
You can feel Joel walk into the room, his large presence hovering through the door as you feel immediate relief that he’s home from work early.
“Baby, you doin’ okay? I got worried when you told me you called into work. Can I get you anything?” he asks softly as he walks over to you with his leather work boots scuffing against the hardwood floor.
“Can you get me some water, please?” you ask pathetically as another painful cramp takes over all your senses.
“‘Course, sweetheart. Be right back.”
As he leaves the room, you roll over and pull the blanket off you as your velvet pink shorts barely graze your thighs. Maybe a little water and some air on your sweat covered skin would do you some good.
When he enters back into the room, he comes and sits on the edge of the bed as he hands you a glass of cold water. “Here ya go, sweetheart. Maybe this will help some.”
Your fingers graze his calloused fingers lightly and you smile sweetly as you take the cup and take some sips of refreshing water.
“There ya go, sweetheart,” he coos as he runs his fingers through your messy hair, the feel of his hand instantly soothing you as you relax into his soft touch.
“You’re always so good to me, Joel,” you smile as you set the glass on the edge of the mahogany nightstand and slowly turn to look at his beautiful face. His honey colored eyes staring down at you with nothing but affection as a crooked smile fills his face. He’s always so beautiful, even after a long day at his contracting job.
“Gotta take care of my best girl, don’t I? There’s nothin’ more I wanna do than make sure you’re bein’ taken care of. My perfect girl,” he says sweetly as he runs his thick fingers slowly over your cheek, caressing you in nothing but full affection. He always did know how to completely melt your heart. And he did, every single day.
“How’d I get so lucky?” you sigh as you run your fingers through his salt-and-pepper scruff and stare into warm, brown doe eyes.
“No, how’d I get so lucky is the question,” he chuckles as he rubs the back of your head softly as his other hand skates gently down your arm.
A painful cramp twinges in your gut, and you whine out in pain as you clamp down on Joel’s wrist, your long nails digging into his tanned skin as you call out his name in a plea.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m right here, baby girl. I’ve got you,” he says as he pulls a strand of hair across your glistening forehead behind your ear and soothes you with a soft kiss against your cheek. “What do you need, pretty girl?”
“I… I don’t know. Just want you here is all,” you mumble as you reach for him, another cramp making you bite your lip as you swallow down the agonizing pain.
“Mmm. I know what you need, baby. I can make those cramps go away.”
“How?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowing together as he gets up from the bed and heads to the bathroom.
“Just trust me, okay?” he asks as he comes back with a sandy colored towel, laying it out across the end of the bed.
“Joel,” you warn, your eyes sinking to the soft towel at your feet. You know what he’s planning now, and it makes your insides churn with both embarrassment and pure desire.
“C’mon, baby. I know how to soothe those cramps. This is what you need, even if you’re afraid of askin’ for it out loud. I know, sweetheart. I always know,” he smiles as the crow’s feet pull at the edges of his honey eyes. He’s always so handsome.
“But… but I’m bleeding. I’m not… I’m not…”
“You’re not what, baby? C’mon. You think a little blood bothers me?” he asks with one eyebrow cocked up, a smirk playing on his lips as his brown eyes stare down at you affectionately.
“Oh, I don’t know. Most guys don’t want…”
“I’m not most guys, sweetheart. Now c’mere. Let me take care of those cramps.”
He slides you down to the end of the bed and settles you right over the towel as your legs hang off the bed, your eyebrows knitting together as you close your eyes and cringe for what he’ll see under the short shorts.
“Hey. Open your eyes for me. You don’t have to be nervous, sweetheart. It’s just your period. You’re still as beautiful as ever. Don’t gotta hide from me, sweet girl,” he purrs as you open your eyes and stare wide-eyed at him. He’s so soft, so caring. You just love him so much.
You let him pull your shorts off, your lacy underwear coming off next as you lie bare before him with your heart beating a thousand miles an hour in your chest. He doesn’t shy away, doesn’t cringe as he takes in all your body, your legs shaking slightly as you hold your breath and watch the way he lovingly looks at you.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, you know that?” he asks as he pulls you forward and hooks your legs around his broad back as he gets on his knees and slowly glides his calloused fingers against your inner thighs.
“You make me feel beautiful, Joel,” you say in awe as he gently blows over your center, his nose softly grazing your curls as he hovers his lips right above your folds.
You tense your legs up around him, and he pushes down slightly on your lower stomach to calm you down. “Hey, relax. Let me make you feel better, okay?” he asks with gentle words, his husky voice echoing off the glowing walls as you nod your head in reply.
“Okay,” you agree.
“You ready?” he asks before his lips drop down on you.
“Mhm,” you hum as you try to relax your weight against him.
“Tell me to stop and I will. Just relax, breathe. Let me take those cramps away,” he coos. And then his mouth sinks down against you.
His tongue gently slides up and down your folds, his calloused fingers spreading you as he finds his way to your clit and swirls slowly as you feel your cramps already easing from his soft tongue on your most sensitive part of your body.
“Oh,” you moan as you twist your fingers through his tousled curls and catch him groan against the feel of you.
“There ya go, baby. Just relax. Let it all out. I’ve got you,” he coos before he dives back down and sucks your throbbing bundle of nerves into his needy mouth.
Your body writhes against him as he holds one hand down softly against the base of your stomach, the other holding your thigh down as he laps a thick strip from your dripping hole all the way to the top of your clit, dragging a tinge of blood down his throat as he drinks you down.
It’s almost an animalistic sight of him lapping you down on your period, but it’s also so fucking hot. No other man that you know would do this for you, but Joel does. He’d do absolutely anything for you. And this was one way of him showing you just that.
You feel your insides clench up as he draws slow circles over your clit, a burning feeling caking your insides as you feel your orgasm about to break. You’re already so close, his experienced tongue always making you feel so good.
“Joel,” you whine as you clench your legs around him and fist your fingers through his messy curls.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Come for me. It’s okay. Go on. Wanna make all those cramps disappear,” he murmurs as he pulls your glistening clit back into his mouth.
You feel the pressure building in your spine, feel the tingling sensations slide down your body as white hot heat starts to spill down your insides. Three more meticulous licks to your clit and you’re done for.
“Joelll, I’m coming,” you moan as you clench up over nothing and feel hot liquid pool down your thighs, your cramps no more as you ride out your blissful high of a sweet orgasm.
“There ya go. Such a good girl,” he praises as he laps up every single drop of slick between your thighs, your heart tearing at the seams as you stare lovingly down at the man that just gave you your sweet release that you so desperately needed.
You see the shine of your slick against the scruff of his beard as he gently cleans off your inner thighs and messy pussy, making sure to be thorough with his hands. He slides your underwear and shorts back on and drops the towel to the floor in a heap as he scoops you into his strong arms, bringing you back to the head of the bed as he holds you tight against his broad chest.
“You feel any better?” he asks as he kisses you gently against your cheek as his fingers run softly through your hair.
“Much better,” you smile as you place your hand on top of his and curl your fingers around his.
“Good. I love you, baby,” he purrs into the shell of your ear as you turn and lock your lips against his, letting the warmth from his plush lips fill you with nothing but peace and longing.
When you break the kiss, you whisper back to him, “And I love you, Joel Miller.”
He kisses your forehead softly and pulls you back against his warm chest. “Go to sleep, baby girl. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
You close your eyes and let the warmth from his tanned skin flood your senses. This is home. He is home, and you never want to be anywhere else but in his loving arms.
Tags: @keylimebeag @msjarvis @princesatracionera @rav3n-pascal22 @syd-djarin @lotusbxtch @laurrrra @sheepdogchick3 @casa-boiardi @pedrostories @whitewolfstar01
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myloveoffandoms · 27 days
One More Thing
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Warnings: Age gaps? (reader mid 20s then all the dads of the show lol) I don't think anything else? Horrible grammar sorry.
Parings: Negan Smith x Y/N, Daryl Dixon x Y/N, Rick Grimes x Y/N
Summary: When Negan visits Alexandria for the first time and he plans on taking one last thing before he leaves.
Notes: Cleaning out my word docs. I have no clue what this is?? Only re-read once for editing.
Word count: 1.1k approx
Credit for divider: @Baexywth
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“Well, well and who do we have here?” A man standing slightly infront of Rick sings out. I’ve assumed his name is Negan. After recent events. I look away from where people- his people were throwing random items from our homes into the street.
I make eye contact with him, unsure who he was speaking to. I glance around searching to see if he was in fact speaking to me or someone else.
“Cat got your tongue?” Negan asks his smile easing ever so slightly. He maybe evil but the salt and pepper beard and green eyes made him immensely attractive.
I eye him up and down for a moment, clearly taking too long when Rick speaks up. “That’s —”
“No! Rick. I’m speaking to her.” Negan cuts him off. He eyes me like I’m a meal, something he wants to devour. I shift slightly on my feet.
I wait one more moment seeing his smirk almost fade from his face before I answer. “It’s y/n” I say simply.
“What a pretty name, for a fine-looking woman.” He speaks low with a newfound smirk.
I glance once at Rick, then once to Daryl. Daryl looking the worst I’ve seen. I didn’t want to look away, but my instincts told me not to linger. I looked each one of Negan’s men in the eye before finally landing back to him.
“Not a woman of many words I see”
I don’t react just continue to hold his gaze.  “Now if you don’t stop looking at me like that… We might just have to go somewhere… more private” His expression almost darkening at the comment. I scolded myself mentally for shifting at the comment. I didn’t want him to see me nervous, weak.
Ricks hand tightens around the bat he holds, his knuckles almost white.
I roll my eyes mentally for I was about to play into this man’s games.
“Excuse my… rude welcome. I don’t tend to play well with strangers.” I smile lightly. I intertwine my hands in front of me. More so to hold something and not show anger or nervousness.
He smiles brightly at my comment.  “Oh my, do you hear that? A voice as sweet as honey!” He walks closer to me. “You, will be joining us.” He eye’s me up and down once more.
I eye Rick for a moment. Unsure of what to do.
“Walk on this side of me darlin’.” His hand gestures to the opposite side of Rick.  I look at Daryl as I walk to Negan’s side. Daryl looks at me once then quickly back to the ground.
I wanted to run and hug him. Tell him he will be okay, but I can’t. Not without Negan knowing how close I am to certain people. Something in me is telling me to hide it.
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ���♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
Sometime passed as we walked around, Alexandria. Negan mainly speaking to Rick but having small conversation with me from time to time.
“So, how did a pretty young thing like you end up at Ricks Camp?” Negan asks.
I always loved being referred to as an object. “I’m not a thing.” I turn to look at him.
He stops and looks at me tilting his head ever so slightly. “My bad darlin’. How did a pretty, young woman end up at Ricks camp?” He rephrased.
“Walkers attacked, he found me. Helped me out and well here I am.” I say holding my arms out for a moment. Locking eyes with Rick. I would never say it to him but how he stood right now was the most docile and weak I had ever seen him. Negan watches me for a moment.
“Ahh, Rick. Didn’t know you were the type to save a damsel in destress.” He laughs out. Grabbing Ricks shoulder “Or was it just cause she’s hot?” He says loud enough for others to hear but into Ricks ear as if a secret conversation. Rick tenses at the comment. Holding Negan’s stare.
“I’m not one to judge but she’s a little young for ya Rick.”
“No” I start to speak. “I mean, it’s not like that.”
“Oh, and how exactly is it?” Negan turns and questions me. I look to his jacket, the belt at the bottom, the leather all still intact. I like it, if he dies I want it.
“I mean… He sees me as a sister or friend… not… anything else.” Hell for all I knew Rick seen me as a child, but that was a fact I wasn’t willing to admit to myself. Negan laughs at me more of a chuckle then a full belly laugh.
“Oh, Darlin’…” He is cut off by a commotion that takes his attention. Although fear goes through me that he will hurt someone else. I’m thankful for the conversation to come to an abrupt end.
Did I find Rick attractive? Yes. Did I find Daryl attractive? Yes. Are both men old enough to be my father? Also, yes. Negan was good at telling when someone was lying, and I did not want to admit I had any attraction to older men. Especially Rick and Daryl.
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
Negan’s men were filling up the last of the goods they planned on taking from us. Daryl had been put in the back of a truck. I was no longer able to see him. I could feel my heart break when he didn’t respond to the asinine request of pleading his case to stay.
“Oh, and Rick… she comes with us.” My heart drops for a split second it feels like I’m in a free fall.  He can’t mean… I look between Negan and Rick.
“She—” Ricks eyes pleading.
“Now.. consider it a gift. I’m making it one less mouth for you to feed.” Negan states sternly.
“She’s an asset—” Rick attempts once more.
“I said! She comes with me, or do I need to teach another lesson?” His tone signifies there is no room for debate and although asking a question, his demeanour tells its rhetorical.
“Stop… I’ll go…” I step closer to the two men. I didn’t want to leave, this had become home but I knew I needed to do my part, and right now that meant going with him to keep the peace.
“Y/n” It’s a whisper. Rick wants to argue, but even I know he won’t fight Negan.
“I’ll be okay…” I say quietly looking at Rick once more before going over to Negan.
“Now, that’s a girl.” Negan smiles triumphantly as I stand beside him. “You’re riding with me sweetheart.” I look to the truck and see Negan opening a door, waiting for me to get in. I look over my shoulder one last time and then climb inside the cab.
A/N: no sweet clue what this is...
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cherryflavoured7777 · 11 months
Fevered Affection {h.c}
summary: Hazel takes care of a very sick you.
Pure fluff.
(This is entirely self-indulgent as I have been sick the past week and need a Hazel to come take care of me)
pairing: Hazel Callahan x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
You wake up in your bed, a tight ball of pressure constricting your chest, as if something has been lodged in your lungs for days. You try to slowly untangle yourself from Hazel's body beside you and move her arm off of you. As you sit up, you find yourself gasping for air, a fit of coughing wracking your body and intensifying the pounding in your head. Leaning over the edge of the bed, you reach for your water bottle, the cool liquid soothing your dry throat and sticky skin. It’s completely dark in the room except for the soft orange glow of your salt lamp plugged in, casting a warm ambiance on your bedside table.
You pick up your phone and the light from your screensaver adds to the throbbing in your poor head. Glancing at the clock, you groan, it's 3:38 a.m. Apparently, you had dozed off early only to be rudely awakened by your lingering illness. Every inch of your body aches, and your chills have now transformed into a too-warm heat.
Beside you, your girlfriend stirs, a soft sound escaping her lips. Hazel quickly becomes alert, her brows furrowing in concern. "Honey, are you okay? What's wrong?"
You convinced your mom to let Hazel come over and take care of you. After spending days miserably locked up in your room, missing school, and yearning to see her, you needed her presence. Hazel had arrived earlier that evening, well-prepared with all the essentials. As soon as she received the green light to come over, she stopped by a nearby grocery store to gather cough drops, medicine, tea, soup, a heating pad, and even a new stuffed animal, all to make you feel better.
"I'm fine, Haze," you manage to say before having another coughing fit.
"You don't sound fine. You sound like you're about to hack up a lung," Hazel says, concern etched on her face as she grabs your shoulder and pulls you in for a closer look. You attempt to squirm away from her touch.
"Don't look at me. I'm sick and disgusting," you protest weakly. Hazel chuckles softly. "Yeah, you look super gross right now. So gross that I just need to kiss you so bad," she teases sarcastically, planting a quick peck on your lips.
"Shut up," you reply, though you know there's no real heat behind your words. Hazel is just as lovesick as you are, if not more.
"I'm gonna get you sick," you warn halfheartedly.
"Babe, do you think if I was worried about that, I would have slept next to you for the past seven hours?" she replies, lightly tugging your bare arm back down and placing her lips on your shoulder.
"Seriously," she mumbles against your skin, her kisses tracing a line from your shoulder to your neck. Your head falls to your other shoulder, allowing her access, and you let out a soft sigh.
Her mouth reaches your ear, and she whispers, "Plus, if I get sick too, then we're both stuck in bed together. How terrible." You shove her off playfully, unable to suppress a laugh.
You watch as she gets up off the bed searching for one of the items she bought for you: Vicks Vaporub. She returns to the bed and settles in front of you. You shift closer until you're sitting face to face.
"My body hurts," you say, your frustration becoming more noticeable.
"Shh. I know, baby. I'm gonna try and make it better for you, okay?" she reassures, gently moving your hair out of the way to apply the cool gel on your chest. She carefully pulls down the straps of your tank top, creating a clear working space.
"I promise this will help a little bit, honey."
She opens the jar, dips her fingers in, and applies the rub to your chest with care. The sensation is cold, but oddly comforting. The intense minty smell instantly burns your nose. You watch as she runs her hand from the center of your chest up to your shoulder, squeezing gently when she reaches the top. Her touch is gentle yet firm, sending shivers down your spine.
"This okay? I know it's kind of cold, sorry," she says, dipping her fingers back into the jar for more gel. You can't help but admire the way her ringed fingers dip into the substance. She repeats the same process on the other side of your chest, her fingers gliding slowly across your chest. creating a tingling sensation that spreads warmth beneath your skin.
"Yeah, it's fine. Feels good, actually."
Despite your discomfort, a warm feeling spreads through your stomach as you watch Hazel take care of you so tenderly. As she wipes the small excess of the substance off on her hoodie sleeve, her eyes meet yours, filled with compassion and affection, conveying a silent promise to take care of you.
"I think I'm just really good with my hands," she remarks playfully. You shove her in a half-hearted attempt at retaliation, then surrender and collapse into her, your head buried into her neck with your hands in her lap. Her cold hands grip your waist and start to move up, drawing gentle lines up and down your back with her fingers.
"Thank you for taking care of me," your voice croaks. You sniffle, feeling overwhelmed by gratitude and annoyance at your lingering sickness. Hazel, sensing your frustration, instinctively reaches up to gently wipe away the tears that escape your eyes. Her touch is tender, her eyes filled with love and concern as she softly brushes her thumb against your cheek.
"You don't have to thank me, my love," she whispers, her voice soothing. She wraps you in her arms again, holding you tightly as she maneuvers you both back to lying down. Face to face, you stare into her big blue eyes.
"I hate feeling this way," you admit, your voice laced with frustration. "I just want to get better and go back to normal." Hazel's eyes soften with understanding, and her fingers begin gently caressing through your hair.
"I know, honey.” She says. "I hate seeing you like this too. I promise, first thing tomorrow, I'll take you to the doctor if you want. We'll figure out what's going on, and you'll get the proper help you need."
You find solace in her words, a glimmer of hope in the midst of your frustration. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. Hazel smiles, her eyes reflecting unwavering determination.
"Of course," she replies, her fingers tenderly tracing circles on your back. "I'll be with you every step of the way, holding your hand.” In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you look into Hazel's eyes, your gaze filled with deep affection and sincerity.
"I love you," you say, your voice barely a whisper.
Hazel smiles, her eyes softening with the same depth of love mirrored in your own.
"I love you too, more than words can express," she replies, her hand moving down your body to rest on your hip, squeezing it gently.
"You mean the world to me, I literally only ever care about what you are doing or how you are feeling.” She adds.
You both laugh quietly, feeling thankful to have found someone who cares for you so deeply.
"I'm so lucky to have you," you confess, your heart swelling with gratitude. I don't know what I'd do without you." Hazel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"And I'm lucky to have you too," she murmurs, her voice filled with unwavering devotion. "We're a team, you and I. I mean it.” You share a smile, your gazes locked.
“God we can be so cheesy sometimes,” you remark, letting out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, you love it." She shifts onto her back, pulling you closer and wrapping her arm around you, inviting you to rest your head on her chest.
"Do you feel comfy?" She asks softly.
"Mhm,” you murmur in contentment.
“I’m right here babe, I’m not leaving. I’ll stay with you as long as it takes for you to get better okay? I just want you to sleep well and get some rest now"
You let sleep begin to tug at you, completely content, wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the soft rhythm of Hazel's breathing slowing down.
a/n: Okay this was literally the first fic i have ever written so please forgive me if its god-awful. Also if you enjoyed this wanna send me a request I would seriously be so happy <3
also sorry the formatting on this is kinda weird
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unholydeukae · 2 months
After blessing you with sweet, wholesome 2yoo, it's now time for steamy, messy Suayeon :)
(I hope you all like power bottom SuA)
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It's been a whole four days since SuA has gotten some dick - which is a long time for her to go without sex, no matter if the person has a cock or not - and even though that was a really great session (she got to deepthroat Dami while JiU ate her out and later she and JiU made out while Dami kept switching between their holes until they were both leaking cum), she feels more than ready for some orgasms.
Contemplating which one of her members she should go to, she can hear someone rummaging in the kitchen. Immediately she shoots up from the couch, who dares to create chaos in her sacred- it's Siyeon. Sua is not entirely sure if she should be glad about that or not - at least it's not Yoohyeon, who kind of magically attracts disaster, but it's not like Siyeon is a master chef. More like the opposite, she once nearly killed the microwave because she left a spoon in the dish she wanted to heat up and Sua has stopped counting the amount of times she stood at the sink for hours, trying everything to clean up the burnt in food from the pot.
Right now, it looks like Siyeon tried to open a package of salt with SuA's biggest kitchen knife and the older one is quick to interfere.
"Hey, careful, give me that. Why do you need salt and why with my biggest knife?"
Siyeon looks at her in confusion, then looks at the package on the kitchen counter and back to SuA.
"I wanted to make a mug cake." - "With salt?"
"I thought it was sugar, I didn't read what it says on the package."
Sua sighs. Then she suddenly has an idea.
"How about this: I'll make a nice mug cake for you and in return, you'll fuck me."
Siyeon seems even more confused now but nods slowly.
"Okay. But you know that you can always just ask for sex, right? You don't need to offer me anything in return, I would never say no to you."
Sua just grins.
"Great! I'll get to work."
Thanks to her amazing skills, not even five minutes later Siyeon holds the steaming mug cake in her hands. Hungrily, she shoves a big spoon full of dough into her mouth, only to let it fall back into the mug immediately. Cursing, she grabs a glass of water to cool her burned mouth. Sua laughs.
"It's literally steaming, don't be so greedy."
Siyeon pouts for a moment but decides that waiting a few more minutes would probably be a good idea.
"Come, let's watch something while you eat!"
Willingly, the younger girl lets herself be pulled to the living room where they sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. She clicks through the programs.
"What do you wanna watch?"
Sua only shrugs.
"I don't really care, maybe something light where we don't have to pay a ton of attention."
Nodding, Siyeon puts up a comedy show that they've both watched before and picks up her mug again. She's so focused on her food that she doesn't notice how Sua shifts around until she kneels in front of her and urges her to lift her hips. The younger girl obliges and immediately both her sweatpants and boxers are pulled down in one swift motion. Still chewing, she has a vague idea of what might be happening in a moment but she's completely soft still, no way Sua would-
She nearly chokes on her cake. Sua would, evidently. Since Siyeon is a shower, she can already feel the beginning of her unnie's throat. Coughing, she tries to regain her breath while Sua is already absorbed in sucking her dick, licking the shaft up and down, gripping the tip with her lips and running her tongue around it. One of her hands grabs her balls, massages them, pulls and lightly squeezes and Siyeon can't help but moan. She feels how blood shoots into her dick and it grows steadily.
The older girl feels it as well, the tip of the cock tickles her throat and she opens her mouth wider to take more of it inside. She's the queen of oral for a reason and doesn't shy away from keeping Siyeon as long and deep down her throat as possible. Feeling the tightness around her cock nearly makes the younger one choke again and even though she's still hungry, she decides the mug cake is the less important thing right now.
Pretending to be the one in charge, she lays a hand on SuA's head - well aware that she's just the passenger and Sua is in control of everything. If anyone (who's not a Dreamcatcher member) walked in on this scene, they'd think that Siyeon hardcore fucks SuA's throat, but little would they know that it's actually Sua who forces herself down on the cock again and again until spit and precum run out of her mouth and tears form in her eyes.
"Hey, hey... What was that about.. fuck.. being greedy earlier? You're the one.. ugh.. who can't get her mouth full enough now, god damn.."
SuA looks up and grins, her face certainly looks like someone had fun using it.
"I'm always greedy and you know it."
She wraps her hand around the cock, her fingers not even close to touching, so she uses her other hand as well. Slowly stroking up and down, Siyeon eyes her mug cake again, if Sua keeps that pace for a bit, she could-
No, she can't. The older girl lets go of her and starts stripping, but she doesn't only take her clothes off. Instead, she gives her a lap dance, sensually runs her hands over her own and Siyeon's body and the younger girl forgets about the mug cake nearly as fast as she remembered it. Like in trance, her eyes follow SuA, no matter how hard she tries, she can't take them off of her - not that she actually tries, but if she did, she wouldn't be able to.
Soon enough, Sua is completely naked and leans towards Siyeon, her boobs mere centimeters away from the younger one's face. Before she can touch them though, the girl turns away again and removes the sweatpants and boxers that were still pooling around Siyeon's ankles. Then she climbs on her lap.
"I would take that shirt off if I was you. I wouldn't want it to get stained."
With big eyes and both eyebrows raised, Siyeon takes off her t-shirt and bralette; she's not entirely sure why her clothes would get dirty from riding but decides to not ask any questions. At this point, she doesn't wanna postpone whatever is gonna happen any longer.
"Good, now scoot down a little, just so that your head can lay on the backrest."
Siyeon obliges and Sua smiles in a very self-satisfied way. Without another word she shuffles forward and suddenly, the younger girl understands. She lays her hands on her ass cheeks and pulls her towards her face, just in time with Sua gripping the backrest for more stability.
The moment when Siyeon's tongue touches the girl's dripping pussy, they both moan, although SuA's is definitely a lot louder. Siyeon greedily laps at her folds, enjoying her taste on her tongue but she's only able to do that for a few seconds before SuA starts taking over control. She rolls her hips against the girl, increases and decreases the pressure just the way she needs it.
"God, your tongue feels so good... Just.. stick it out, yeah? Let me... yeah, just like that, fuck-"
While she speaks, Siyeon already obeys and SuA's reaction is immediate. Her movements become rougher, she rubs herself against the girl as if her life depends on it. Tiny hands grab Siyeon's hair at the back of her head and she's pressed even deeper into the pussy that uses her solely for her own pleasure; the pain on her scalp goes nearly unnoticed in the wave of sensations that rolls over her.
SuA is usually a very vocal person and now it's no different. Every movement, every touch is accompanied by moans, whines, groans or curses and Siyeon is sure that it's just a matter of time until at least one of their members curiously walks into the living room. The grasp on her hair becomes stronger and a slightly sharp pain shoots through Siyeon's body. Trying her best to not cry out and keep her tongue where it is, she grips SuA's ass even stronger, accidentally pressing her nails into the soft skin.
The older girl yelps but increases her speed significantly and after a few very loud moans, her whole body shakes, the hand that had a grip on Siyeon's hair switches to squeezing her shoulder and after some last supporting licks on her throbbing clit, SuA slumps down against Siyeon. A few seconds of nothing but hard breathing from both sides.
"That was.. really good. Damn."
SuA shuffles backwards a bit to take a look at Siyeon. Her whole lower face glistens and her eyes sparkle - they always do when she's responsible for making one of the members feel good. Even though she technically didn't do the work this time but she at least provided the "tools". A sweet, almost careful kiss seems to confirm that she did a good job in helping Sua get off.
Still, it's Sua and her energetic self, so even a strong orgasm only calms her down for about a minute. Shifting around, she nearly kicks Siyeon's knee while trying to find a good position. Siyeon just lets her do her thing, she knows the dancer well enough to be aware that trying to help would only end in disaster, so she just sits and waits - waits, until suddenly a small hand grabs the base of her dick and Sua sinks down on it with a satisfied sigh.
"God, finally... Your dick feels so good inside me, it stretches me out so well."
Siyeon sharply breathes out through her nose. Every time they have sex, she's amazed by how easily Sua can take her dick to the hilt, even though she's so small and
"so.. tight, fuck..."
Only giving herself a moment to get used to the stretch, Sua places a kiss on Siyeon's cheek before she starts grinding. Her hips move expertly, stimulating the younger girl in all the right ways. Velvety walls have a firm grip on her cock before they loosen up again slightly, and it's a miracle to Siyeon how nearly every centimeter of her dick disappears in the tight pussy. The grinding slowly becomes more focused, pressure increases and Siyeon can't help but whimper quietly. If the older girl keeps doing that, it's only a matter of minutes until her pussy is filled to the brim with cum.
"I know you love to be deep inside me, I can feel you throbbing. Don't cum yet, I need you a bit longer - or if you do, make sure you can keep going!"
Siyeon groans. Her stamina is by far not as good as Dami's or Dongie's but technically she can cum and just keep going without feeling immediately overwhelmed or needing a refractory period - usually she can even cum a second time. But that doesn't mean that she's just as strong as before, more like the opposite. After she cums, she tends to be exhausted and drowsy and it takes a lot of discipline for her to not just cuddle the person she's with and fall asleep. But now here she is, inside the tightest person the world has to offer and knowing Sua, she's far from being done.
"No, I- I won't cum yet. Don't worry, I'll stay strong today."
Sua grins and pecks her lips before she grabs her boobs and plays with her own nipples.
"Good because I haven't even started yet."
And then she does. She wraps her arms around Siyeon's neck and slams her hips down. And again. And again. The pace is murderous, the slaps resound in the living room and Siyeon can feel the tingling start. Wetness drips down on her thighs, and it becomes hard to not immediately shoot her load. She bites her own cheek to hold on just a little longer, at least until Sua cums again.
The latter is surprisingly quiet. Her face is buried in Siyeon's neck, she can feel her breathe shakily against her skin. Finger nails dig into shoulder blades and it makes Siyeon remember that she has hands as well. She lays them on SuA's hips and tries to help her guide the movements. The breathing gets more ragged, SuA's hips stutter from time to time but Siyeon manages to guide her, even though she feels like she'll explode any second now.
Suddenly pain. Siyeon's shoulder hurts, even her shoulder blades, but she can't concentrate on it - the orgasm rolls over her like a wave, forcing her to fill the trembling girl's pussy up. Sua feels about the same, spasming and panting from the intensity of the orgasm that washes over her, unable to move anymore.
They stay like that for a moment, panting, satisfied but spent. Well, the satisfied part mostly goes to Sua - Siyeon is kind of confused and the drowsy state she's in doesn't help with understanding why her shoulder hurt right before she came. After a minute or two, Sua moves and carefully sits upright. With the cock still inside her, she hisses before she looks at Siyeon.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I'll get sanitizer and a bandaid in a moment, I think I broke your skin when I bit you."
A lightbulb lights up in Siyeon's head. That's where the sudden pain came from - SuA's orgasm was apparently strong enough that she didn't know how to handle it other than biting her shoulder and digging her fingers in her shoulder blades. The younger girl doesn't feel like she's bleeding though.
"Are you sure? It doesn't feel like it's open or bleeding..."
SuA leans forward and looks at the bite mark. She hums for a moment before she sits back again.
"You're right but I still feel like I could've handled it better."
Siyeon shakes her head.
"No, don't be sorry. That... Was actually pretty hot. I'm not sure if it was the bite or you cumming that sent me over the edge, but it definitely was not an issue. So.. lay down for me? Please?"
The older girl tilts her head in confusion but climbs off her lap and lays down on the couch. Siyeon groans when she slips out of the warm pussy, she's sure she could never get enough of that. The girl looks at Sua and lets her gaze wander, from her glowing face, down her breasts, her abs and... She can't help but dive in immediately. Seeing cum, her own cum slowly drip out of Sua, mixed with the girl's wetness must be one of the greatest sights of all time.
Greedily she licks up the liquid, moaning from the way it tastes. She makes sure to gather every drop, pushes her tongue as far as possible into the tight hole. Only then does she move up and draws light circles around SuA's clit. They both went quiet, only the slurping sounds and occasional sighs can be heard. Siyeon lays on her stomach but she can feel how her dick indeed skips the refractory period and presses against the couch. She looks up at SuA whose eyes are closed and decides it's worth a shot.
Carefully, to not interrupt her oral tasks, Siyeon turns on her side just enough that she can grab her cock with one hand. Slowly, she starts jerking off, always making sure to focus on the girl below her, but Sua notices nonetheless. She opens her eyes and grins.
"You're a needy girl, huh?"
The younger girl goes bright red and hides further in between SuA's legs. The latter laughs quietly.
"Don't worry, pretty thing, you were really helpful earlier. Go ahead, make yourself feel good."
Siyeon blushes even harder but continues stroking herself while she still traces patterns over SuA's clit. The latter sighs contentedly and starts to scratch Siyeon's head with her fingers. Being silently praised like that makes the girl put more focus on her unnie again, she increases the pressure on her clit and regularizes her movements.
Even though the second orgasm really took a toll on her, Sua feels equally relaxed and turned on - the sight of Siyeon pumping her dick that's dripping from both her wetness and her semen is definitely an arousing one. She watches her pleasure herself, observes how the girl moves her fingers up and down, how she increases the pressure on the shaft and decreases it on the tip while still licking her with such devotion... Sua can feel her orgasm build up. She knows it's not gonna be as earthshaking as before but when she reaches her climax, she can't help but cry out and grip Siyeon's hair a little harder. Little drops of wetness and cum run out of her pussy and Siyeon is quick to catch them with her tongue.
The girl looks up at her, clearly proud of herself, and Sua pets her head.
"Thank you for making me feel so good today, baby."
Siyeon blushes again, then lays her head on SuA's thighs and puts her attention towards her own pleasure. Her speed increases and she can't swallow a moan. The scent of arousal and sex in the air turns her on more than she wants to admit and the comfortable position on SuA's thighs makes it easy to let go. With a grunt, she cums, her dick throbbing in her hand and semen land on her fingers, her stomach and the couch. Sua makes grabby hands and Siyeon moves her arm towards her until the older girl can lick the cum off of her fingers.
Steps interrupt their moment. Steps, then a gasp and an indignant voice.
"You were fucking right now and here and didn't ask me to join? I haven't had dick in soooooo long!!!"
Clearly Gahyun. Sua opens her mouth but before she can say something, two more people enter the living room.
"Damn, I didn't know two days is 'sooooo long'. Sounds like I really have to work on my performance, if it's so easily forgettable."
"Maybe she will remember if she gets two dicks? I think we should try that, what do you think, Dami?"
"Yeah, you're right Dongie. Come on, Gahyunie, or do you wanna miss another opportunity? We could have enough fun without you as well, you know?"
Siyeon and Sua watch the short interaction with growing amusement. After the younger girls all left the room again, Siyeon turns her head back to her unnie.
"So... can I eat my mug cake now?"
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hyuukais · 2 years
Over And Over Again
It was cliche, perhaps, to call it love at first sight. But it wouldn't be wrong to say he had you from the first hello. When the world only ever seems to deal you its shit deals, it’s easy to become protective of something good.
word count: 1.5k genres: taehyun x reader, strangers to friends to lovers, angst, some fluff warnings: implied bullying, language author: literally so eepy goodnight
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The day was dark. Rain was battering down on the city. Clouds scraped the skyline, popping against the needle-pointed towers. Everything sat still in the winter chill and ice slowly crept along the ground. It ran up your spine, crunching with every step you took. Your uniform had become a second skin; you wanted to scream and itch and tear it all off. It dragged, sitting heavy on your frame. Your hair melded onto your neck, it flopped and matted to your forehead. Each step in front of you was coated in an unbearable fuzz, shifty and broken as you stumbled forward. 
Concrete met your skin, chest slamming into the textbooks tucked in your bag. Enough to scrape and bruise; a dull thud to knock away your breath. The blood washed off in the rain with the ice to soothe the cut, and no matter how you wanted to cry out, a sharp pain hit your sternum to quell the sound. You’d been doing so good. Keeping it all together. No matter the pressure building in your chest, welling up behind your eyes, you kept it tightly capped. Yet, you’d let it get shaken up too much until it all exploded. The salt of your tears mattered not to an earth already drowning in rivers. You couldn’t tell where the thunder stopped and the sobs began, but there you sat. Drenched in the exhaustion of a day in an uncaring universe where getting home no longer mattered. In the middle of the sidewalk, empty and alone with scratches slicing your knees and shivers raking your back because those girls stole your umbrella. 
How easily cruel words slipped from their lips; how fast they were to hatred. How they berated you, ripped up your notebooks, and stomped on your lunches; every day, something new for your torture. Going and going until you finally cracked. They would’ve been delighted to see you then, completely broken. Swallowed in the sky’s sorrows. At the time, you thought it was nothing but pathetic. You let the world have its way with you, curling into your knees in the cold. The rain hammered down harder, you lost yourself in the feeling, ready to give up to the freeze. Then it disappeared.
A shadow fell on the curb, brushing against your back. The rain had stopped pounding yet its sound still rang out. You peered up from the ground to a black umbrella hovering above. Two knees were squatted down to your eye level, covered in lightly rain-splattered slacks. A young man, wide-eyed like chocolate with soft locks to match, crouched over you as if he was worried. He wore a uniform similar to yours, the swirling text of the school on the breast of his navy blazer. A standard backpack hung off his shoulders. The umbrella was held steady in his hand. Something about him seemed familiar. When he spoke the words dripped like honey from his tongue.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes were red and every last piece of clothing you wore was completely soaked through. Saying yes would have been a blatant lie, but he still gave you the option. Either way you couldn’t get the words to bubble up further than your throat. You shook your head.
Something in his eyes deepened, with his brows drawn tighter. “Will you come with me?”
The length of his hand stretched out to you. It was foolish to think of taking it, the hand of a strange boy. Yet, something stirred in your chest. Once freezing over in icy cries, a new warmth was spreading. So you reached out to him. He pulled you from the ground, your bag still clutched in one arm. The full nature of the chill you felt finally hit, teeth clacking with each percussive shiver. You’d huddled in close to stay under the umbrella; the boy didn’t seem to mind. Soon enough, he was moving you two down the sidewalk, trailing for you to keep pace with the coverage. Thunder and rain and lightning and sleet left the only noise between you until he spoke again.
“I’m Taehyun. Kang Taehyun. I’m in your music composition class.”
It made sense all of a sudden. He did go to your school; he saw exactly what happened.
“Oh.” You left your eyes following every step you took, but you could tell he was looking at you.
“I actually really liked your piece. It was really good.”
You caught his eye, the twinkle of gold brightening his small smile. It seemed sincere, but it made you want to cry even more.
“...Thank you.”
He looked back ahead with a curt nod, “I’m sorry about what she did to your presentation. If I had to guess, she’s just jealous you’ve got real talent, she doesn’t.”
It was truly flattering, and you find it in yourself to muster a response, “You don’t have to say that just to make me feel better.”
Weight fell on your shoulder. Taehyun stopped walking. Looking up saw him staring right back at you, hand settled on your damp blazer. You wanted to keep walking, to tear away from his eyes and lead yourself off to your shady apartment building blocks from there. But that warmth was kicking up in your chest again. His heavy gaze kept you there.
“Y/n, I know we haven’t ever really talked, so you probably don’t know this but, I don’t lie. Not to spare someone’s feelings or cover something up. I don’t like to sugarcoat my words.” A gentle squeeze came from his hand, “So when I say that I think you’re really talented, that you have something really special, I mean it. I-I’ve always been a little too nervous to do anything, but ever since that first performance you did for the class, I’ve thought you were so cool. You with that guitar, I was just like ‘whoa, that’s someone I wanna know’. In fact, I really hope I can still get to.”
Teeth peaked from his lips, parted in a smile so contagious it hurt to try and hold back your own. Those boba-pearl eyes curled up into crescents. All of his charms, so boyish back then, sped up your heart until a smile peaked out.
“I’d like that.”
Impossibly, his grin stretched up wider with a heartwarming laugh. Taehyun’s hand fell away from your arm.
“Then, may I please walk you home before you catch a cold.”
You giggled along too, nodding as he led you away again.
You did end up getting cold, sniffles and sneezing ravaging your body for a week afterward. But you also gained something incredible, Taehyun. Of course, then your relationship was nothing but a sweet high school friendship. He still became the closest friend you’d ever had. You sat together for lunch and every class possible. He brought you into his own close circle, a few other boys you understood to be under the same entertainment company he was. Taehyun gave you something you never thought you’d find: love. Even when your relationship remained platonic, he so obviously cared about you in a way no one else ever had.
The years with him were quick to go by. Soon enough, he was debuting and going off to the states. Performing for seas of fans chanting his name. In all that time, it took you a year and a half to realize that you were unequivocally in love with Kang Taehyun. You could only praise the stars above that he happened to feel the exact same way.
Five years since you first laid eyes on him, Taehyun now lay, tucked against your side. Strands of pink fell away from your hands. His eyelashes dusted the rounds of his cheeks, fluttering softly in and out of consciousness. Two muscled arms squeezed tightly around your middle. Soft breaths tickled the curve of your neck, warming you better than the blanket draped across your lap. Indecisive and cautious of your boyfriend’s sleepy state, you only scrolled through various catalogs offered on the TV, never picking something to watch. Perhaps it was the sound effects or the click of every remote movement, a muffled grumble vibrated against your chest.
“When are you going to pick something?”
“Sorry, Hyunnie.” He shifted slightly against the couch, “I didn’t realize you were awake.”
You could see two, soft, caramel irises peeking out through his eyelashes. They swiftly met your eyes. You flitted back and forth between them both, catching each in reverence. Losing yourself in his sparkling gaze. So focused on his stare, you barely noticed his lips creeping up to yours before they were pressed together. You melt into the taste of his sweetness, swimming in the feeling of his love. His minty scent invades your head. When he pulls back, your eyes stay closed for a moment and your lips begin to break up into a grin.
“What are you smiling about?”
Your faces still hover close and you didn’t miss his tiny smirk as he spoke.
“I don’t know. Just the fact that my boyfriend is one of the best, most talented, and greatest people ever. And I think that, even in a million other universes with millions of other possibilities, no matter what, I will always choose you. Over and over again.”
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Mommy!December: Day 13
Request: Edging & Fluff w Mommy!Hyunjin
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Content Includes: Dom Mommy!Hyunjin x sub!fem reader, edging (duh), bathtub sex, fluff, praise, humiliation, fingering, teasing, whiny reader, cl*t play, kissing, reader is called ‘bunny’ 
Word Count: 596 
Disclaimer: This fic is just for entertainment only, don't take it seriously and for mature audiences.
The humidity of the steamy bath painted your skin in a translucent glow and Hyunjin gazed up at you as if you were the living epitome of an angel. 
You didn’t really notice though. 
There were more important things to pay attention to. 
Like Hyunjin’s lithe fingers teasing the inside of your thighs. 
‘Oh, you’re so sensitive aren’t you?’ Hyunjin cooed in your ear, his fingernails lightly scratching the skin which caused your skin to prickle even more. 
The water sloshed beneath you as your toes clenched from Hyunjin’s teasing, his strong arms keeping your thighs spread. 
‘I’ve not gone anywhere near your pretty cunt and you’re whining for Mommy already’ Hyunjin teased, pressing a light kiss to the shell of your ear. 
‘Mmmm’ you whimpered from how the kiss affected you, the warmth of his chest pressed tightly against your back causing the heat to spread even more. 
‘Why do I have to always beg?’ You whined, grateful that Hyunjin couldn’t see the desperation in your face. 
Hyunjin’s hands slid up your sides ‘Because you sound so beautiful when you beg, bunny.’ His fingers gently tweaking your nipples, a low groan rumbled from his chest as you arched against his touch, your head leaning against his shoulder. 
‘It’s not fair though, I don’t make you beg’ you huffed out in frustration. 
‘Ahh!’ you yelped as Hyunjin lightly pinched your nipple, the water sloshing in-between your thighs. 
‘You’re too needy to make me beg,’ Hyunjin replied, his voice authoritative and stern. 
An exhale of frustration left your chest, you couldn’t respond. 
He was fucking right. 
‘That’s what I thought’ Hyunjin snickered lightly, the slight humiliation causing your cunt to tighten even further, his hands slowly trailing back down to your pubic bone. 
‘Mommy…pleeeaassssse’ Your clit was throbbing, it was almost painful now and your hips were starting to grind against him, the action causing a grunt of pleasure from behind you. 
‘Shh, I’m going too, okay? I need you to lift your hips for me’ Hyunjin’s voice had softened to a more nurturing tone, his hands manoeuvring you into a reverse lotus position and you could feel his shaft sliding underneath you, the friction causing both of you to sigh and gasp at the sensation. 
‘Are you ready for me bunny?’ Hyunjin asked tentatively, feeling his hand shift underneath you and his arms tighten around you more. 
‘Yes!’ You sighed out in frustration, grinding against him more to try and entice him further, swivelling your hips in the tepid water. 
‘Okay, I’ll stop now’ Hyunjin chuckled lightly, pressing a soothing kiss to your shoulder and rubbing your arm. 
Your hand clutched the side of the bathtub as Hyunjin entered you from behind, the stretch deeper than you imagined and your body clenched. 
‘Relax for Mommy okay?’ Hyunjin reached up to gently tuck your hair around your shoulder. 
‘Mmm, I’m trying-ahhh!’ Your head kicked back as Hyunjin’s fingers rubbed your throbbing clit. 
‘You can take it bunny, you’re doing so well for Mommy’ Hyunjin praised, the strain finally easing when he bottomed out. 
With one hand, Hyunjin tilted your chin so you could look up at him and the desire in his eyes sent another wave of pleasure through your body. 
He leaned down and messily pressed his lips to yours, tasting the salt of his sweat and the bathwater on his mouth and tongue. 
A loud ‘smack’ filled the room as he pulled away, securing his hands around your hips. 
‘Just sit there and sound pretty for me bunny and Mommy will do all the work’. 
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Thank you ⭐️ anon for the request!
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @cherry-0420 @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person
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h4venpha · 1 year
i most definitely couldve written this with anyone else, but yk me i gotta go with chigiri. okay and YES its so overly poetic and deep BUT IDC !!
my old writing style btw
listen to snowfall by oneheart while u read bc i said so
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the sand is wet and cold as you walk side by side with chigiri. his hand is tender and warm in yours, fingers intertwining and tangling together. you walk close to the ocean as you let the shallow waves lick at your feet. the dark water mirroring the lights in the sky: high and bright, a full moon illuminates the beach and ocean in a twilight film. the stars twinkling around the moon like fireflies, they are small and yet so bright. there are so, so many. chigiri chuckled at you when you pretended to count them all, you said you would give him all the stars in the night sky if thats what he wanted.
except the boardwalk lights drowns out the stars. half of the sky lit as other memorable moments were happening. others enjoy their night singing or drinking or simply just being together. of course, it was never possible to completely forget about all of the other tourists at the beach. they were always so rowdy and loud. but here, under the moonlight with chigiri, it felt like you and him were the last people on earth. how you wished you could walk along the endless beach with him forever.
in a haze, you glance sideways at him, watching the way his hair blows in the salty breeze. you could see the frizziness from today when he was playing in the water with you. it had a kind of tangled volume to it, different from his silky, smooth look. he was loud and excitdd earlier when he splashed you with ocean water before declaring “i win” after you surrendered. but now, he was quiet and reserved. he walked quietly and calmly by your side, his fingers squeezing yours lightly as he let you swing his arm back and forth.
he was most beautiful at times like this. the way his eyelashes cast dim shadows over his eyes, the way he blinks slowly and calmly. what you were seeing, was the real, vulnerable chigiri hyoma. the version of himself who likes to bury is head in your chest at night and who likes to press his lips against your forehead when youre asleep. the version of himself he only shows you.
“hyoma,” you say in a soft voice, brushing your hand against his.
“mm?” he absentmindedly hums back; his head slightly hazy as he takes in the salt and moon light, just as lost in the atmosphere as you are.
“carry me?”
lightly shaking from his trance, he laughs softly, “what? now?” and when you pout he immediately kneels down in the sand. “okay, okay, here,”
with a content face, you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist before he lifts you up with ease. and oh his body warmth is seeping through his thin shirt soaking into your skin and suddenly you feel a yawn part from your lips.
“‘m getting sleepy now,” you say in a sing-song voice, letting your chin rest on his shoulder. “you’re really warm, hyo,” you unintentionally end up whispering, already feeling half asleep.he only hums back, ignoring the way your chilly skin against his made him shiver.
“do you want to go back?” chigiri slows in his steps, feeling sleepy himself from the white noise of the ocean that sang in his ears.
“mmm…” you swing your feet lightly. and you feel drunk on him. maybe it’s his body against yours, or the fact that his scent makes you hazy. you feel so loose and weak, if he put you down, you feel like your knees would simply give in. it feels so raw and real here, just you and him and the ocean. like as long as you stay at the shore, nothing could ever break or hurt the bond you share with him.
when you don’t respond, he continues walking. he wills himself to walk even as exhaustion takes him over. hearing your soft breaths by his ear and your weight pressing into him, he realizes he wants to cherish this moment forever. there were no other thoughts or emotions other than the feeling of belonging. finally feeling like all of the hardships he had endured were all for this exact moment: arms wrapped around your thighs as you cling to him while he walks on.
he would walk forever on the beach if it meant he could have you by his side, if it meant he could have you forever. he hoped that, even asleep, you would let him carry you til dawn breaks over the endless horizon, til the ocean eats the land, til all thats left are the remnants of moonlit memories.
he hopes that even after thousands of nights pass, even after you start a new life in a new universe, when you visit the beach and feel the ocean calling, you think of a boy with pink hair, you think of the endless path and piggy back rides, you think of wet sand and salty kisses. he hopes that you think of love and the rawness of carrying it along the tide, letting it spill into the ocean where it will live on forever.
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robsth0r · 2 years
Food Fight (Loki x Reader)
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A/N: I have been thinking about writing this for a long time but haven’t had the time to do it but i finally got to finish it!!
Warning: Nudity (non sexual), a little kising but mostly fluff.
Word count: 1728
I open my eyes rolling over looking at the red glowing numbers. 01:55. I groan but get up as I can feel that I aren’t gonna be able to sleep any time soon. My warm feet hit the cold floor of my bedroom as I silently walk to my door. The door handle feels cold against my warm hands as I creak the door open soundlessly. I walk out of my room into the hallway closing the door behind me. My stomach growls eagerly and I sigh. Well, food it is.
I walk to the kitchen opening the fridge to see if there’s anything easy and soundless to make. Well there’s leftover pizza- oh anyways it’s Nat’s pizza, and I am not gonna make the mistake of eating it again. I looked over the food quickly, deciding nothing special was there moving on the cabins. 
Before I get a grip on the handle of the cabin a couple cool hands rest on my waist. I smile to myself as I feel the familiar warm feeling in my stomach.
“Darling, what are you doing up this late?” Loki’s voice is a little raspy but no less soothing. I turn around to face Loki looking up at him as I am standing very close to him. In the dark I am only able to see his silhouette but his presence seems to make my whole body relax even more.
“Couldn’t sleep. Decided to go see if there was any food.” I say, my voice only slightly above a whisper. I relax into Loki placing my head on his chest, sighing. His hands go from my waist and over my shoulders, hugging me.
“You remember the brownie ingredients we bought with Peter earlier this week? How about we bake that?” He mumbles into my soft hair, and pulls away from the hug, letting his hands slide down to my waist again. I smile up at him at the thought of newly baked brownies. 
“Yes! I would love to.” I say slightly more energetic than last time I spoke. Brownies would make anybody less tired. Loki chuckles slightly at my outburst but proceeds to find the ingredients. Meanwhile I get two bowls and find the recipe we found on google the other day.
“Okay so this recipe says we should start with mixing the wet and dry ingredients in two different bowls,” I say gesturing to the two bowls I have just placed on the table, “I’ll take the dry and you’ll take the wet?” Loki nods, moving over to the larger bowl.
I pour sugar, flour, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and a little bit of salt. I mix the dry ingredients and Loki comes over and I take my bowl, pouring the dry ingredients into his bowl with wet ingredients.
As I am mixing in the ingredients together a big cloud of flour comes over me. I shriek at the sudden flour explosion. Loki bursts out laughing and I turn to see him standing with the flourbag in his hands and flour all over his right hand. I open my mouth in offense and put my hand on my chest as if I were taken aback, but before I get to say anything Loki digs his fingers into the flour once more, splattering it on me again.
That is the last straw for me and I pick up the cocoa powder and throw a hand full onto Loki. His face lights up in surprise at my suddenness and he flinches covering his face with his hands spilling loads of flour on the ground. At that we both start laughing hysterically. 
We both take handfuls of flour and cocoa powder getting ready to fire at the other. Right before he throws the flour at me I go to hide behind the counter making him miss me. I hear a muffled “Helvíti!” making me giggle. When Loki rounds the corner of the island counter I throw a surprise shot at him making him shriek before throwing loads of flour at me who is on the ground laughing.
“I give up! I give up!” I yell through my giggles making Loki stop the throwing, squatting down to me sitting lightly on top of my stomach. He wipes my mouth for flour and leans down, kissing me lightly. I relax at the touch of his lips and my hands land in his hair, combing it as our kiss deepens. When our lips part we both catch our breath and I feel a smile creep onto my lips.
“We should finish the brownies.” Loki says sitting down next to me. I sit up slowly with a sigh. 
“Yeah, we should.” I just answer. Loki gets up on his feet stretching his hands for me to take. I get up and we both go over to the brownie dough. I find a big pan for the dough while Loki turns on the oven to make it ready. The dough gets into the pan and we set it into the oven.
After I set a timer for the brownies, Loki and I just look at each other. Our hair is messy with both flour and cocoa powder in it and our clothes are covered in the ingredients as well. I giggle a little walking over to Loki wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Should we take a bath? I don’t think I can go a minute more with cocoa powder in my hair.” Loki says with a smile looking down at me. Not looking back I nod and he pulls back and takes my hand in his.
We walk down the hallway till we reach Loki’s room. As we enter the familiar scent comes over me and I take a deep breath relaxing. Loki leads me to the bathroom, closing the door behind us when we walk in. We get the water running and we both get undressed ready for the bath. 
“You first, my love.” Loki says gesturing to the big bathtub. I get into the hot water exhaling at the touch of the water. Loki folds the dirty clothes together, putting it into his laundry basket before getting into the tub with me. After getting all the way into the tub he starts moving over to me sitting himself behind me hugging my naked body. I lean into him feeling more relaxed than ever with Loki planting soft kisses on my jaw and neck. The butterflies in my stomach are going wild as I turn my head kissing Loki’s soft, perfect lips once again. God I’m lucky to have this magnificent person as my lover. 
We sit like that with Loki holding me for a little while till we remember we have to be quick with the brownies being in the oven and all. It seems we both remembered at the same time because just a moment later Loki stretched his arm over the edge of the tub grabbing the shampoo.
“May I have the honor of washing your hair?” Loki asks teasingly, making us both laugh a little. I nod eagerly, wanting nothing more than getting all the flour out of my hair. He starts massaging my scalp getting the shampoo into my hair. After that he washes it out, making sure there is no trace of flour left in my hair. We switch and I wash his hair.
We get out of the tub not long after Loki grabs two towels, throwing one at me which I catch easily. We get dry and it then hits me that I don’t have any of my own clothes with me. 
Loki seems to catch up with my thought process letting out a small “Ahh!” before disappearing out of the bathroom, while I take on my underwear. He returns with a handful of clothes, throwing them on the closed toilet seat. He hands me one of the many Thor t-shirts Thor has given him after he came to Earth to live here. I let out a little giggle at the memories of Thor’s puppy-like body language everytime he sees his beloved hammer on a shirt and how he will always scream “See! Y/n! There, Mjölnir on a shirt!” everytime.
We take on our matching pajama pants and I take on the Thor t-shirt, while Loki takes on a t-shirt with his helmet on, or well the t-shirt I gave him a few months back before we even started dating. My phone starts beeping from Loki’s room and I look up at Loki with a grin knowing the delicious snacks are ready at this very moment. I jump out of the bathroom excitedly earning a laugh from Loki.
We walk out of his room and back to the Kitchen which smells purely of brownies. I run over to the oven like any other child would have done looking through the glass “window” of the oven. They look done.
Loki has taken the pot holders on ready to take the brownies out. I open the oven for him, letting him take the pan out. He sets it on the counter next to the stove and I get a knife ready to cut it in pieces. I cut the brownies and I take up a piece for Loki, handing it to him.
“Here you go, my love.” I say as he takes it. I take a piece for myself as well and we both take a bite and as always it is amazing. Never disappoint. We eat a couple pieces more each when I suddenly feel a wave of tiredness come over me. Loki notices my change in body language and starts cleaning up after we have eaten and puts the brownies into the fridge of course remembering to leave a note close to it so there will be something when we wake up. The Avengers are brutal when it comes to food.
Loki comes over picking up my half asleep form from the chair I have sat myself on while he was packing down the brownies. He lifts me to his room laying me on his bed putting the covers over me and lays down next to me.
“I love you Y/n.” Loki whispers, kissing my forehead, making me snuggle into him even more. Like that we both fall asleep in each other's arms.
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Just For The Night- Sirius Black x OC
Sirius Black x Gaia Devereaux
Description: When Sirius shows up to Gaia’s house late one night, Gaia and her parents are determined to make him as comfortable as possible during his one night stay.
Word Count: 2k
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Gaia woke up with a jolt when she heard a bang coming from somewhere downstairs. What was that? Was that just her imagination? No, it couldn’t be, she saw the hall light turn on and her parents head downstairs. That meant they had to have heard it too, right? Was someone trying to break in or-
She gasped when there was another set of bangs. Oh, someone was knocking on the door. Who could possibly be knocking on the door at...2:30 in the morning? Gaia was quick to hop up and put on a pair of slippers, not too eager to feel like cold hardwood floors. 
Her parents were already at the door, opening it cautiously. It was raining outside, not hard enough to kill the power but enough for Gaia to hear it against the windows. She stood at the end of the stairs, hugging herself over her chest just in case the guest happened to see her.
“Sirius?” Her father, Eric, asked in shock, making Gaia’s eyes widen.
“I-I had nowhere else to go tonight,” she heard Sirius reply. “Is it okay if I crash here tonight?” He asked with great hesitance, almost as if afraid of the answer being no.
“Of course dear, please come in,” her mother, Priscilla, answered immediately as she gestured him inside. 
“GAIA- oh, you’re here,” Priscilla laughed upon noticing her daughter still in the same place. Sirius now stood between her parents, shivering just a little from the cold and with a bag slung over his shoulder.
“Run a warm bath for Sirius, the poor dear is chilled to the bone,” she instructed before facing the boy again. “Would you like some tea? Of course you do, you’re freezing,” she answered her own question before he could and walked to the kitchen. Sirius began to follow her, but Eric placed a hand on his shoulder, telling him to just humor her. When Eric noticed that Gaia was still there, he gestured to the stairs. She gave him a single nod and ran upstairs to the bathroom.
She waited until the water was almost steaming before starting to fill the tub. As it filled, she poured epsom salt into the water and stirred it around to relax his muscles. Though she couldn’t say for sure, she had a strong feeling he ran all the way to her house.
“You didn’t have to do that, Butterfly.” Gaia had to stop herself from jumping when Sirius spoke from behind her. Because of the water running, she didn’t hear him walk upstairs. She turned off the water before looking at him. His jacket was off and his shirt was already unbuttoned, exposing his very toned chest. She reasoned that he’d started unbuttoning it as he walked upstairs and tried not to blush at the sight.
“Of course I did, the best way to counter the cold is to have a hot bath. Look, I even added bubbles to it,” she gestured to the very obvious bubbles resting at least an inch above the water. Sirius laughed and nodded appreciatively. 
“Thank you,” he said amused, but there was a tone of sincerity in his voice. Aia stood and dusted herself off. 
“You go ahead and get undressed-” she started, but he cut her off with his signature confident smirk.
“Trying to get me naked already? Very forward, Miss Devereaux.” Gaia blushed profusely and lightly smacked his arm. She ignored the way he flinched minutely when she raised her hand, he never liked talking about it so she wouldn’t force him to.
“You’re such a perv. I was going to tell you to give me your clothes so they can start drying. I’ll bring up your tea when I’m done,” she informed him, face still red. Sirius could only nod once again and undressed when she turned around. He left his clothes in a pile and climbed into the water, using the bubbles to cover himself. 
“You can look now,” he called softly. Gaia turned around and picked up the wet clothes by the tub. As she began to walk out, Sirius’s hand shot out of the water and grabbed her wrist.
“Butterfly,” he said gently, making her look at him again. “Thank you,” he finished. Gaia nodded with a kind smile and continued walking back out. Her mother and father were talking in the kitchen when she passed by while heading for the laundry room. She hung the clothes to dry before walking to the kitchen.
“What happened to Sirius?” Priscilla asked as she set Sirius’s mug on the counter for her.
“I don’t know, but I’m not going to ask him. At least not tonight. He’s been through a lot and I don’t want to make him relive it so soon,” she explained. Her parents nodded in understanding and Eric wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Well, your mother and I are going to bed. Make sure Sirius is comfortable,” he instructed, kissing the top of her head before taking Priscilla’s hand and heading for the stairs. She waited to hear their door close before taking the mug and heading upstairs once more. She peeked her head inside the bathroom. Sirius was now laying in the bath with his head resting against the left hand side. She had no idea where he got a ponytail to put his hair in a bun, but she saw no reason to say anything about it. She knocked lightly to get his attention before walking in.
“Tea just the way you like it,” she explained, grabbing a short stool to set it on.
“Thanks Butterfly,” he answered as he watched her. She grabbed some clothes from his bag and set them plus a towel on the counter. Just as she was about to leave him to his privacy, he stopped her again.
“Please stay,” he spoke almost in a whisper. “Just a few more minutes.” Gaia’s heart melted at his sincerity. Who was she to deny him? She wasn’t, so she sat down on the floor, leaning against the stool comfortably. 
“He hit me.” Sirius muttered after sitting in silence for a few minutes. Gaia looked at him to elaborate, and he looked down, messing with the bubbles.
“My dad. He and Reggie were arguing about how he and Prongs’s sister were dating, When I cut in, he hit me for talking back, then again for speaking without being spoken to. That was the last straw for me. So, I packed my bag and planned to go to Prongs’s house, but obviously the rain got in the way. Your house was closer so I thought I’d just stay the night and continue my journey in the morning.” Gaia hummed in thought once he finished, then picked up his mug and looked at him.
“I hope you don’t think I’m letting you leave on your own. James lives at least fifteen minutes away by car, I can’t imagine how long it’d be while walking.” Sirius stared at her in shock, then shook his head furiously.
“Butterfly you-” he started, but she only gave him a pointed look. 
“You seriously think my parents would let you walk out on your own? I thought you knew us better than that,” she teased, stealing a sip of his tea. Sirius knew he couldn’t argue with her. She got her stubbornness from her parents and it showed often. So, instead he shook his head with a small smirk.
“Who said you could steal my tea like that?” He teased.
“Uh, me?” Gaia sassed. That made him laugh which in turn caused her to laugh. They continued talking until Sirius mentioned that the bathwater was getting cold. Gaia stood and grabbed his now empty mug.
“Get dressed and come to my room. You remember which one is mine, right?” She asked, dangling the mug from her fingers. He gave her a sarcastic look. 
“Third door to the left on the second floor hallway,” he recited. She shot him a facetious smile in response before sticking her tongue out at him and walking out. She washed out the dish then made her way upstairs. By the time Sirius walked in wearing a fresh set of pajamas Gaia was already in bed. He climbed in as carefully as he could and turned off the lamp that sat on her bedside table. They got comfortable in each other’s arms and sighed in contentment.
“I don’t think I thanked you or your parents for doing all this for me,” Sirius mumbled lowly. Gaia hummed in response and opened her eyes to see him already looking at her.
“Of course, Padfoot. You’re practically their son by this point. We all love you,” was her whispered response. She felt him hug her tighter then felt his lips against her forehead. Only seconds later, she heard his breaths even out as he fell asleep. Gaia couldn’t help but smile as her eyes closed again.
Gaia was helping her mother make breakfast in the kitchen by the time Sirius walked in. Eric sat at the dining room table, switching between reading the newspaper and going through the mail while drinking a cup of coffee. Gaia smiled when she noticed him standing in the doorway and waved.
“Morning sleepyhead,” she joked, holding out a cup of coffee for him. Sirius took it gratefully and kissed her cheek before sitting at the table across from Eric.
“So Sirius,” Priscilla started, prompting him to look at her. “Gaia tells us that you were going to try and walk to the Potter residence today?” She gave him a pointed look, making him blush in embarrassment. He looked to Eric for help, but he only shot the boy the same look. Sirius cleared his throat and looked at Gaia, who had a smug smile on her face while she cooked.
“I just didn’t want to bother you with-” Priscilla cut him off, and he noticed that seemed to be a common thread in this family.
“You should know by now you could never bother us. If that was the case then we wouldn’t have let you in last night.” He couldn’t help but laugh at her bluntness and took a sip from his mug. 
“We’d be happy to take you there,” Eric added. “It’s a nice day out for a drive anyways.” Sirius felt his heart soar. Is this what it was like to have unconditionally loving parents? He gave the man a nod as Priscilla set a plate of food in front of him. Gaia, who had already eaten, folded his clothes from last night and put them in his bag then headed upstairs to get dressed. 
Sirius almost jokingly wolf whistled at her when she walked back down in a nice summer dress. Priscilla and Eric were not long after to follow her lead and get ready. Sirius also got dressed then went back downstairs to wait with Gaia. 
“Are you sure you’ll be okay there?” She asked gently, looking at him. Sirius nodded immediately. He knew Fleamont and Euphemia would take him in, they were just those kinds of people. He had confidence in them.
“Well just in case they don’t, even though I don’t doubt that they’d take you in, there’s always a place for you here.” The boy nodded at her offer and kissed her cheek as Eric and Priscilla walked downstairs again.
The drive to the Potters felt shorter than it actually was. The four of them sang along to the music on the radio as they drove through town and laughed in between. Gaia and her mother groaned playfully when they realized both Sirius and Eric enjoyed muggle rock music. When they arrived at the house, Eric and Priscilla waited in the car while Sirius and Gaia walked up the porch steps to the front door. Sirius looked at her as they stood in front of the door.
“Will you stay with me while I explain everything to them?” He asked nervously.
“Of course,” Gaia responded with a tender smile. She took his hand and, once he nodded in confirmation, she lifted her free hand and knocked on the door.
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alia-the-wintergirl · 2 months
thursday, july 11 2024
what i ate + did + feel sad/proud about
peach, medium - 1 peach - 58 cals - for the fiber and the main portion of the meal
triscuits - 4 crackers - 80 cals - for the salt and carbs
overview: great!
LUNCH: 120
peanuts - 1/4oz - 43 cals - eaten for fats and protein, plus as a little snacky snack. no set lunchtime today but this is what i ate around that time.
tofu, firm - 3 1/4oz - 77 cals - for the protein.
overview: not so good because it was mostly supported by snacking
DINNER: 358 cals
a family dinner where i was expected to eat
pasta with red sauce - 1 2/3 cups - 333 cals
lettuce, romaine - 1 cup - 6 cals - base of the caesar salad i ate
croutons, seasoned - 2 - 2 cals - ate only two croutons
caesar salad dressing - 1 teaspoon - 17 - on the salad, i asked my sister to put it only lightly
overview: good, except not how i would have preferred to eat those cals
skittles - 40 pieces (i counted lol) - 162 cals - wanted to share them during my acting program, but no one wanted any so i ate way more than i should've
triscuit - 1 cracker - 20 cals - for salt
chocolate non pareils - 6 pieces - 54 cals - found out the nutritional information i was previously using for this was inaccurate. still, not good to have this much.
cauliflower - 3/4 cup - 20 cals - yummy and good fiber! yay!
overview: the skittles were a huge mistake. the cauliflower was good, the triscuit okay, and the non pareils bad.
EXERCISE: burned 28 cals
bicycling - 20 minutes, leisure speed - logged as 10 minutes, leisure speed - 28 cals burned
tricep workout - 15 minutes - not logged
armpit fat workout - 12 minutes - not logged
pacing in my room - 20~ minutes - not logged
overview: wish i had done more cardio, but overall okay.
the skittles. bad bad move.
the amount of chocolate.
my breakfast! 158 cals is pretty good!
my self control during dinner. no second helpings, not too much food, overall good.
my will to pace after dinner. good for me
ate 863 cals today, burned 28 (wish i had done more)
not super low but i am going to try fasting for the first time this saturday, so that'll be fun.
wish you all the best! <3
0 notes
revenblue · 6 years
Finally watched MML in English, liveblogging under the cut.
when I watched in Japanese I called the whole thing with Heinz doing the recap "inspired". now that I can understand it, I can see just how inspired it really is (far more than I'd thought), I'm love. I forgot just how much I love Heinz
he doesn't believe Cavendish about him being Professor Time ;_; (admittedly I have Opinions about that whole plotline but)
the jingle for Time Chips, omg
Cav's so willing to strip off for his celeb crush omg. and Heinz is Uncomfortable. (also, looks like "wearing underwear with your crush's face" is a thing people in Dwampyverse do :P)
yeah, accusing Melissa and Zack of dating is sure to be ship fuel
of course the diversion's Melissa's idea, that conniving little (I love her)
"stop foreshadowing" omg
Baljeet's singing is so good. such harmony (my former church choir soprano brain provided the term "descant" but uh yeah)
that jingle XD and of course Heinz's priorities are such a mess that he'd rebrand before he saves the world
Heinz thinking Diogee's an agent, beautiful~ and out of "habit" XD then again, his best friend is short and furry, it's no wonder he'd leap to that conclusion
ahh, foreshadowing with that orange soda thing ("destroying the environment" wow)
Heinz's snark at the questions about Perry, ahaha I love him
okay so "time juice" (it feels weird to hear him call it that) isn't Pizzazzium Infinionite itself, just... similar. :/
"who keeps a clock in their backpack? that's just weird" not as weird as a gd anchor, Milo
"maybe we're related"
"he's either saying he's going with you, or he regrets the impulsive mistakes of his youth" both. it's both, and the """""mistake""""" is falling in love with you, Heinz (but he loves you enough to just sigh about it sometimes)
the way the music pauses when Milo falls into the bush, that's amazing XD
Perry's hypercompetence is so damn attractive, wow *swoons* god I'm such a furry
King Pistachion's instructions to his "kids" is so great XD
that mask gag XD
"too much exposition" "yeah that's probably why your show was cancelled" ooh burn
"yeah no pressure" that's gonna come up later isn't it
Milo's dancing is so great, haha. and that scorecard gag, so perfect
ah, Dwampy, always bringing us those classy bathroom jokes
"Ducky MoGo" I mean it's a catchy name... XD (her intro's kinda underwhelming though. that's where my nitpicks are, the plot)
joking about Ferb talking, nice. and the "yes, yes it has".
"well it does kinda describe us, but it's just rude", that callback :D
"what are the odds" "better than you think" ah yes Milo shows up again
Dakota listing off animals, nice. in alphabetical order, too. also I love that beard sight gag still
"you won't let me sing the zoo song" yeah that probably got old real fast
Go Fish with hot sauce packets. er, hot sauce packet singular. it really says something that Perry's happy to go along with that idea (it's bc it's Heinz, I think)
"'careful' or 'hurry', choose one" yeah it is kinda a choice of one or the other XD
and he squished the hot sauce packet XD
cupholder joke, I love it XD
that extended view of the window with the sounds of destruction. perfect cross-language joke
"what do you usually do when things go wrong" their silence here is telling. (also, the answer? Phineas yells.)
"we have no frame of reference for that" yup
Perry beating up Pistachions to cover for Heinz, I'm love
Candace's attitude to Milo is uh... not fun
"no human being has a neck that long"
ah yes, the duck is still after Elliot, of course
"hey, sometimes Murphy's Law" can be totally helpful!" yyyyyyeah...
oh hey, a woodpecker
okay, the thinking Candace is a Pistachion thing makes that scene make a whole lot more sense
"I was talking about me. we need this guy around" oh, Candace...
"my bad" "we still need him!" I love that XD
the sitcom gags are doubly amusing with the context of the dialogue XD they were good when I watched it originally, but now? amazing. but also wtf Heinz why
"and that's why we use a cupholder"
ah yes, The Island. when I first watched this I knew it was The Island, even before the reveal
oof, Cav dealing with his hero worship not being such a hero. never fun.
Perry's just standing there though, what are you doing Perry
ugh Heinz needs a hug, Perry what are you waiting for
"I know when I'm not wanted" oh Heinz ;_;
it's... it's this bit. where Perry kinda just disappears entirely? there's no other reason for him not going after his nemesis to reassure him the way he always does.
"okay now that's environment. no wonder they banned this stuff." ah yes the callback
and Orton showing up to relate, which is... it makes sense at least? (but where the hell is Perry?)
"oh look a ukelele" Heinz why
ooh the SONG
"and there's a future self up to which I have to measure" oof
"no matter where I go, oh look, I'm already there" *Homestuck intensifies*
and the gd mid-song genre switch. with the "throwing money away" sight gag. ye gods. XD
"I forgot where I was going with this" nice going Heinz
"apparently the locals are not music fans" yeah it takes a suave semiaquatic personification of unstoppable dynamic fury to love your singing voice, Heinz :P
and the reveal of it being The Island, this'll be... yeah
oh hey, voiceover montage song from Milo
is this an Uptown Funk reference? I'm not sure, I don't keep up to date with pop music, but it looks like a reference
OH yeah, Melissa did a ton of research herself. she'd be happy with all this new data
Baljeet's totally flirting there too
...the jokes about Zack and Melissa dating are... idk. they're amusing in the moment but the premise they're built off is uh. I don't like it.
oh boy, the explanation of Murphy's Law... you know, that kinda breaks my suspension of disbelief a little. because instead of unspoken rules, it's now spoken rules with details to find inconsistencies in
"montage time!" I love him
gotta say, I do love the occasional gag of "things spontaneously catch on fire", that's always fun
"several hundred" Dakotas? looks like the 102 estimate from that episode was lowballing... or he's guesstimating
"you're gonna laugh" "probably not" I mean if you set the death montage to cheerful music...
huh, he told the truth. idk why I was expecting him to lie but I was so that's a surprise
he took it really well, which. eh, idk, I figured it'd be used for angst at some point. but apparently not.
oh so it's this SPECIFIC orange soda. also Dakota's been doing this for a while I guess
"well I'm not the environment" these two are... far too similar. Dan Povenmire's typecast himself I guess
"we're gonna need a lot of cupholders" ah yes the cupholder joke again XD
aaaaaand they're captured.
"we had to switch over to the HDMI cables" I love this joke XD
"you and what army" "that army" ahhhh. cliché but always satisfying
oh hi Isabella, showing up in the last uh ten minutes. and flirting a little with Phineas of course but eh this plot point came out of absolutely nowhere
I love how, when Heinz falls out of the thing, Perry's first reaction is to jump out after him and save him. it's a fun dynamic to bring back. also did I mention Perry's competence is attractive?
"oh, that was touching" ahaha XD
"don't mess with Doctor Zone- Doctor Zone? who's Doctor Zone?" XD
welp, giant Pistachion
oof. can really feel its dilemma. poor giant Pistachion :c
giant Pistachion redemption ;_;
"here's an adaptor we needed" XD
AAAAAAA PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy, my heart ;_; he saved them, risking his cover, I can't ;_;
and he retreated to pet mode just in time, ugh ;_; PERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ;_;
then he leaves as soon as they're not looking and disappears from the plot
"Murphy's Law And Order" omg
loving that accurate tech support gag
blasting familiar yet not plot relevant characters so we see how bad things are. gotta keep us invested
lemon callback, nice
radioactive watermelon is a bit... out of nowhere. why is he carrying that in his backpack again? (especially when he doesn't carry a clock)
"blowtorch and some peanut butter" nice refrance
yeah, seeing everyone as a Pistachion is... not good. (tbh when I first saw this my only thought was "I hope Heinz isn't in there" bc I'm er biased)
and Heinz is fine, that's a relief. Perry musta kept him safe... speaking of which, where is Perry?
"Vanessa's dad" hm... okay this is a weird epithet but it kinda makes sense with how they'd know him, considering Ferb's crush on Vanessa...
"no, I am Professor Time, and we are not out of time until I say so!" hhhhhh I have a lot of feelings about this. it's dramatic, which is always fun, but. ugh I'm biased, I love Heinz
and the deus ex machina. which is... not quite out of nowhere, but. hhhhhh I have Opinions.
Cav's squee is adorable
nice use of the Doctor Zone theme
ah yes the letter, almost forgot about that plot point from Missing Milo
"I don't feel so good" okay that's not the dialogue but still!
nooooooo not Giant Pistachion ;_;
oh right, in this timeline Doctor Zone wasn't a thing, so Sara's shirt was blank
"wait a minute, why am I still part plant?" amazing
"we're going to be in serious trouble aren't we" yup
rip DEI
"my building! ugh. can I crash on your couch?" CALLED IT
"feel free to cross over any time" heh
oh Heinz XD "where do you guys keep the extra toilet paper? I'm asking for a friend" so either he had an "accident" or Perry had an "accident" (...it's the latter. it's gotta be the latter. Agent Pee strikes again)
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{When You Have a Migraine}
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Program: Headaches. Migraines. Searing pain. It just shuts you down for the day and forces you to bedrest. Tucked away from the world and wrapped in a bundle of cool pads with blankets. This is the only time that Ian Malcolm is quiet and tender with how he carries himself.
Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Headaches/Migraines, Reader has hair, Swears, Pet names (Sweetheart, Doll, Baby, and Honey)
Counselor Notes: I have a migraine rn, so i want to be held softly :( kind of goes along with this thought i had as well as this one. Not proofed bc i have a migraine rn and my eyes feel like they're gonna explode.
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
Ian is already up when the sun begins to rise to get ready for his day of lectures and meeting at the school. Already a cup of coffee in and has a second one in hand with lesson materials in his other as he climbs back into bed. His morning ritual is nothing without you curled against his chest and sleepy morning kisses.
But when 8am rolls around, and he knows he needs to head out soon, worry stings at the back of his neck when you haven't woken up yet.
Gently carding his fingers through your hair, Ian's eyebrows scrunch together when you wince. Bleary eyes shy away from the soft sunlight pouring in through the sheer curtains.
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"What's up with you, huh? Look like you haven't see the sun before," he lightly teases. But there's a small waver in his voice, and the normally confident man is so afraid to raise his voice louder than a light mumble. "Migraine," you hum against his chest.
Mans is frozen with panic, but he's not going to let you know that. You're the one in pain, so for once his fucking life, it's not about him. He knows that whenever you say that word, you're down for the count and there's nothing you can do but wait it out.
And he hates it.
Ian Malcolm is a problem solver.
He fixes things using theory, practice, and applied critical thinking.
For fuck's sake he's a doctor in mathematics specializing in chaos theory teaching at a prestigious university.
For fuck's sake, the man survived a dinosaur island that tried to kill him.
But your migraines?
He'd rather be back on that island, because he hates how helpless he feels seeing you reel in pain.
Because there is very little he can do to make it go away.
So Ian Malcolm goes above and beyond during your days of bedrest.
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The only time Ian leaves you alone is when it's to get supplies, make you food, and cancel his classes. That's it.
"I'll be back in an hour okay, sweetheart?" he calmly closes the curtains and then lightly pads your forehead wrinkles. Your weak whine, either of disagreement or acknowledgement, breaks his heart.
His first stop is his university to quickly tell the department's admin to cancel his classes for the day. "No, no. You don't understand- Fucking, I don't care alright. One cancelled class is not going to put them behind for the semester".
Then it's to the corner grocery store, and let me tell you.
This man is intelligent, educated, well knowledgeable on many topics.
But he's so out of his element in the store and what would help. The first time, he nearly bought out the med isle because he didn't want to miss anything that would help.
You're still working through all the bottles of medicine and pain relief from that first trip.
But now? He knows exactly what to get and what isle it's in. God help him if the store changes up their layout So he's in and out within 30 mins with two bags of extra care filled with:
Your favorite tea- both caffeinated and non-caffeinated
A bag of chocolates and some bananas- magnesium helps headaches (it actually does, so a good tip for any of my head pain duderinos, the nurse told me when i had a concussion)
Cooling pads
Bath supplies- bath bomb, salts, a bouquet of flowers to decorate the water with
A light scented candle
Electolyte drinks
A new pair of fuzzy socks
A new bottle of nail polish
Mass paperback copy of a light hearted adventure novel
After becoming familiar with your likes and needs for headache days, Ian knows exactly what will make your day just a little more bearable.
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And for the rest of the day, Ian Malcolm strips himself of his usual bravado and lowers his voice.
Lays in bed with you while reading the adventure novel. His heartbeat and soft, gravelly voice lull you to semi-consciousness.
Makes your tea to your order and also has a travel cup with a straw filled with the electrolyte drink. The small shakes that rattle your arm from bone pain makes holding anything a challenge. So he holds the travel cup straw to your lips or helps you sit up for a tea break. Snack bags between your legs as the two of you quietly discuss the book.
If your bones are really achy, he'll ask you to take off your clothes as you see comfortable to massage your body. Rubbing his finger tips carefully and tenderly against any sore spots. Pressing his palms into the planes of your back and shoulder blades. Squeezing your neck and helping you roll out your muscles. Just to get you to move a little throughout the day.
If you're feeling sleepy and want to doze for a while, Ian quickly dusts off a classical vinyl record and puts it on to listen to. You cuddle up on his side and press your head against the crook of his neck while he grades papers or reads a new article.
Ian is incredibly caring and soft during these days. Normal teasing phrases like "I get that I'm irresistible, doll, but I didn't realize just how needy you are for me" are exchanged for doting sentiments such as "How's my baby feeling? I'm sorry you're going through this, honey. What can I do to help you?"
Meals are simple and homey. Whatever will soothe your stomach and mind is on the menu. Ian rarely cooks, so the sight of him cooking shirtless in your apartment always sends a warm flutter of bliss through you. If you're up to it and make your way over to him, you find yourself wrap in his arms and pressed against his chest. His chest vibrates as he hums along to the record.
Puts on a bath and pours in salts or a bath bomb. His hands grip your hip so securely to make sure you don't fall getting in from not moving around much today. Ian sits on the ledge of the tub to pour little cups of water over the back of your head to at least wash your hair with water. Runs a wash cloth over your body with his body wash to clean you up a bit and care to any tender spots with additional mini-massages.
Ian places you on the couch before bedtime, so he can strip the bed and put on new sheets. Fluffs the pillows and remakes the bed, so it's fresh and free of sick day energy.
"Thank you," you sleepily mumble, tucked under his chin as you lay half on him/half on the bed. Legs a tangled mess. His hands trail over your body trying to ease you into the land of dreams. "Anything for you," Ian presses a kiss to the crown of your head, "I love you so goddamn much. There's nothing I wouldn't do to make you happy and safe".
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maloskiworld · 3 years
A reason more - Charles Leclerc
MASTERLIST (requests are open!)
Summary : there's a hundred reasons to love Monaco, and he's the best of them.
Warnings : none ? i think
Words count : +4.3K
A/N : Hi everyone ! Here a really sweet imagine with the one and only Charles Leclerc. Tell me if you like it, feedbacks are more than welcome. 🌻
PS : English isn’t my first language, so sorry if there’s any mistakes ! ❤️
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not my gif, credits to the owner !
You knew Monaco by heart. You've always loved this city. Growing up there felt like a breath of salt air. There was a hundred reasons why you loved this city. The soothing yellow of the sunrise, the burning orange of the daylight and the sexy red of the sunset. You loved every color of Monaco. Don't get starting on the sea because it was as relaxing as a good massage after a hard day. Monaco really held a special place in your heart. There definitely wasn't a better place to live in.
Beside your love for your hometown, you also loved your job - based in it. You were a sports coach. Helping athletes becoming their better selves and improve their performances. There were many sportsmen (and women) around Monaco, so you were always busy. You'd give your 100% with everyone. Sometimes, helping them for a week or for months.
It's been almost six months since you started working with a boxer. Hugo was a really nice guy, and it was pleasant to work with him. You were supposed to meet him this morning to go for a run before your workout session. You were waiting for him near the harbor. It was still early in the morning, and the streets were almost empty. Just how you loved Monaco. Quiet and peaceful.
You've been waiting for half an hour. You tried to call Hugo several times without success. Anxiety started to grow in you. It wasn't looking like him to ditch you without at least sending a text. Worried, you decided to go back home, stopping by his flat first. You knew the code so no need to ring the intercom. Walking the steps, you were wondering if it was a really good idea. Maybe it was weird to show up at his house announced ? Just because he missed a session ? Maybe it was, but you just wanted to make sure he was okay.
You knocked on the door kinda loudly. It didn't take much long for the door to flip wide open. You were greeted by an extremely hot looking guy. It made you back up a little.
"Oh, sorry." You managed to get your eyes off his percent green ones and looked at the number of the flat. You frowned when you saw the number 3 painted in white above the door. It was the right one. You looked back at the stranger, mouth open ready to talk. But he beat you to it.
"Looking for someone ?" His voice caught you off guard. So sweet and yet so strong.
You heard someone making some noises in the background, and saw a familiar blonde guy coming up to your direction.
"I'm so so sorry, coach. I should've call. I was asleep", he looked so tired. You smiled, realizing what was going.
"Hope the night was good, at least." You chuckled lightly, totally forgetting about the stranger that was starting right at you. "You should get back to sleep, that hangover looks rough. Sorry that I disturb you, call me to reschedule !"
You waved, smiled at the man in front of you, and went away.
Your heart was beating hundred miles an hour, you got scared it could fall from your rib cage. Who was that guy ? He looked so familiar, but you just couldn't put a name on his cute face.
Days have passed and you totally forgot about your mini interaction with that mysterious brunette. One last day of work, and then you were free for a weekend. Just in time for the Monaco GP. Your friends begged you to come with them. They made puppy eyes, and were so nice with you (one of them even bought you flowers ), so you had to bend to their wish. They were so into F1, it was sometimes scaring you out. You loved the sport, but didn't watch it a lot. You'd prefer a good old football game - lame according to your friends. They wanted you to see how much F1 was "the best sport ever". You weren't really convinced, but you focused on the fact that you'd get to spend a nice weekend with your three best friends.
They got VIP accesses and couldn't shut up about a specific Charles Leclerc. A monegasque that had material to be World Champion one day. The name didn't really ring into your head. But if your friends rooted for him, you'd support him too.
The first day of the weekend, they made you wear a Ferrari hat. You didn't mind, red looked good on you. You were all walking down the paddock to join your seats when one of your friend screamed. He took your arm and shook it so hard, you thought the world was ending.
"What the hell Louis ?!" you retorted.
"It's Charles Leclerc ! Oh my", was all he could said. You looked at those three grown ass men getting excited to see an another grown ass man, it made you laughed so hard.
"It's not funny Y/N !", one of them said punching you in the arm.
"Just go talk to him. Ask him for a...." You didn't finish your sentence when your eyes landed on the said Charles Leclerc. He was the stranger that made your heart fluttered days ago. You couldn't believe it. Were your eyes tricking you ?
"Someone's falling in love ?", Louis mocked you.
"No... I just met him a few days ago, and I didn't know it was him", you simply stated. Your friends were going crazy, asking you so many questions. "It wasn't anything, stop fangirling ! He's friend with Hugo, a guy I work with. That's all. Can we move on ?" you spat out, rolling your eyes. God, they could be childish.
The three boys decided to let Charles alone, they'd ask for an autograph later on the weekend. You went on with your little walk, but you felt a pair of eyes staring at you. The monegasque driver was shamelessly checking you out, with so much kindness in his eyes. Your cheeks caught on fire.
The end of the weekend came so quickly. It was already sunday and the best part was still ahead of you. Yet, you already had so much fun, F1 was actually a really enjoyable sport. You'll definitely pay more attention to it from now on.
Charles Leclerc was still on your mind. You couldn't help but remember his longing look towards you two days before. If you thought about it a little too much, you'd blush again. Was it really for you ? Maybe there was someone behind you...
Sadly for him, he wasn't going to take the start of his home race. He got pole position - which everyone got so excited about - but crashed into the barriers right after. The car couldn't be fix in time. You were so gutted for him. Your friends were devastated, but soon got over it. You assumed Charles didn't and your heart ached for him.
The race was going to start, the drivers left for the formation lap but you needed to use the restroom. You told your friends you'd be back real quick. They pressured you to stay because you were going to miss the best part but you couldn't hold it any longer.
You quickly went away and tried your best to be as fast as possible. Stepping out of the bathroom, you stumbled on a familiar face. You gasped a little, not excepting to meet his hypnotizing green eyes. You didn't really know what to say or what to do. You didn't know the boy, but felt like he had always been in your life. Strangest feeling you'd ever experience. You took a step back, what was he doing here ? Shouldn't he be at the garage or something ? You quickly got your shit back together.
"Sorry for you, it's so unlucky", you managed to say, not even thinking of saying hello. He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a disappointed look. His eyes held so many emotions. No one ever looked at you this way.
"Enjoying the weekend still ?", he simply asked.
"Yup", you answered. "It's my first GP", Charles looked at you with wide eyes.
"No way ! I hope you like the experience, it'll be nice to so see you in the paddock more often", he said winking at you. You laughed lightly.
"I should probably go back with my friends, they must wonder if I didn't get myself lost", you told him.
He was about to answer but someone creeped out behind you. Louis was there, wide eyes as he saw Charles with you. He stood there, mouth wide open.
"Excuse him, he's a big fan of you since F2 if I can recall well", you said patting Louis's shoulder.
"Nice. I can sign you something if you'd like ?", Charles politely asked. Your friend touched his body everywhere in the need of something to give his favorite driver, no words still out of his mouth. You gently gave him your hat.
"Here, that was yours anyway", he smiled at you and proudly handled it to Charles. The driver sprinted to his garage to look for a pen.
"It wasn't anything ?", Louis suddenly shouted at you.
"I swear ! I saw him once at Hugo's flat. It's only the second time I'm seeing him. I just ran into him on accident", you defended yourself. You didn't lie to them, Charles was still some sort of stranger to you.
He came back with four hats. All of them signed.
"I figured your other friends would be please to have this too", he said in such a nice way. That boy was a sweetheart.
"Thank you so much", Louis said before taking your wrist. "Well, the race isn't waiting for us. We're headed back. Can't wait to see you on track again, Charles. Bye !", the redhead guy cheered and pulled you with him. You waved at Charles, giving him your best smile. You put the hat back on your head, and walked alongside with Louis.
"I didn't even get your name !", screamed Charles.
You answered your name, but your voice got covered with the sounds of all the engines on track. He didn't understand it. He should have chased you to ask it again, and maybe get your number. But your friend was so excited to get back to see the race that he was making you jog. You faded away as fast as you entered his life.
You didn't see Charles after the race. You were a little disappointed but tried to get over it. He was Charles Leclerc, and you were just Y/N. Not that it was bad in any ways, you were proud of yourself and everything that you achieved. But he could be with whoever he'd fancy, so why would he be choosing you ?
Your mind kept wandering back to this weekend, your thoughts always ended up on Charles. You couldn't shake him out of your head. It was weird how a stranger could have so much impact on your life. You didn't know him, but yet he was your first and last thoughts during the day. You weren't going to lie, you searched him up on the internet as soon as possible. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He went through hell and high water but always managed to come back stronger than before.
You kept your little daily routine going on. You haven't seen Hugo since his hangover. You were terrified that he didn't want to work with you anymore. It was a shame because he was a cool guy to be around. You loved his mindset and even though you were the one helping him, you learned a lot from him.
A grey day without appointments made you pick up your phone. You dialed his number. He answered almost immediately.
"Hey coach ! What's up ? I was starting to think you forgot about me !" he said with a joyful tone.
"Hey. How could I ? You're my favorite client. I was just waiting for you to reschedule, like I told you to", you replied in all honesty, voice so low.
"Oh shoot, I forgot. Sorry again", he groaned.
"Who's that ?", you heard on the end of the line. You immediately recognized the voice, and were frozen on your spot.
"Not your business, Leclerc. Still there miss ?" You gulped loudly before putting your professional mask back on and answered with a simple yes.
"Are you busy right now ? Do you want to go for a run ?"
Without thinking much of it, 5 minutes later you were facing Hugo's front door. Your heart was racing, maybe Charles was still in there ? You were wondering if he forgot about you. Were you a fading memory or still a pleasant souvenir ?
"Thanks ! I appreciate that you're always there for me", Hugo said while opening the door.
"No problem", you answered and the blond cockisly put you in a hug - which he never usually did. You couldn't helped but frown before meeting the green eyes you'd die for.
"Guys, I'm going for a workout session with my coach. Stay or leave, I don't care. C'mon Y/N !", and with that Hugo was out of the door, with you on his heels.
"Y/N", you heard Charles repeat before being back in the streets you loved. It looked like he was testing how your name rolled on his lips, and you almost fell in love with it. You didn't had more time to think about it, soon your job all over your mind.
You ended up spending the whole day with Hugo. Part working, part chatting up. He went back to his flat in the evening. You stayed in the harbor, wanting to see the night fall on the boats. You climbed down a few rocks and went to hide in a small cave. That was your favorite spot in the whole city. You were facing the harbor, with the sound of the waves heating the rocks below. It was also a perfect spot for stargazing, the best activity according to you. You knew so much about astrology and could spend hours looking at the stars. You always came here when you were little when things got too much for you. It was your hidden gateway.
You heard someone slip slowly on the rocks and appeared in front of you. Slight chock was written all over your face. Charles Leclerc stood there with smiling eyes.
"Y/N. I uh - I promise I'm not...stalking you. That's my secret spot when I wanna think...", he said, stammering on his words. A cute blush creeped on his cheeks.
"No worries. It's mine too. Best place around Monaco. Sit with me ?", it came out more as a question than an affirmation. He smiled lightly and placed himself down near you. Your legs were close, and the touch sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are you cold ?", he didn't wait for your reply to put his brown jacket around your shoulders. It wasn't the cold that made you shiver, but the night was settling in and you were still in your sweaty sport clothes. His smell was all over his jacket. It traveled to your nose and you wished it could stay on your body for the rest of your life.
"So, what did you need to think of ?", you asked trying to lift the mood a little. It was pretty awkward between the both of you.
Another silence fell between you two. You felt so stupid. How could you have been so dumb ? You clearly invaded his privacy. Your heart felt like he knew the emerald eyed boy but it wasn't the case. You met him three times in your life - three times that resembled like heaven. You were about to apologize and run away from him like a child scared of a clown. He shifted uncomfortably before letting his raspy voice filling your ears.
"You", was all he could said. You chocked on air. You didn't dare to look at him, but felt him peering at you. You hadn't enough strength to answer. You prayed that he'd keep talking.
"Do you like Hugo ?", and you chocked on air once again. What was up with this boy ? You were on a roller coster, going higher and higher, each time more scared of the down. It was too good to be true. Was Charles Leclerc - the actual Charles Leclerc - jealous ? Did he care about you ?
"No", was all you managed to say. Your eyes stayed glue to the ocean. You were lightly shaking, goosebumps all over your body.
"I'm sorry...I - I don't know what... What got me... You're just... really really beautiful", he said with a voice so low you almost didn't hear it. This time, you found the courage to look at him. The light of the moon drew perfectly his contours. Butterflies had burst in your body. The sensation made you feel so good. You smiled a little and a chuckle escaped your lips.
"Why do I feel like I've known you my whole life ?", you just asked him. The both of you were saying what was going on on your minds, the conversation not really making a sense.
"You've been on my mind since the day I met you", he said back.
"Do you think it's love at first sight ?", you said, so casually. He looked at you, and his tongue went to wet his lips a little. You found the movement very attractive. He leaned closer to you, your eyes shot close in anticipation. You couldn't wait to taste his lips on yours.
His ringtone took you out of your daydreaming.
"Allô ? Hum, oh, d'accord. Pas de problème. J'arrive, maman. Bisous", and he hung up the phone immediately. He blushed. "My mom needs me", he said like a little child. He was so cute.
"Go help her, Superman", you joked. He laughed along with you.
"Can I see you again ?", he said while slowly getting up. You got up as well. Both of your faces were so close together. He took a step back, and went outside the little cave. He wanted to kiss so badly, but he also wanted to take his sweet time with you. He wasn't going to kiss you and run away.
"Take my number", as soon as the words left your mouth, he had his phone in hands ready to registrer your phone number.
"I'll call you", he promised you with a kiss on your cheek. The contact felt so nice. You were beyond happy, blushing on the way home.
When you went to take off your clothes to hop in the shower, you realized you still had his brown jacket. The perfect excuse to see him again. Or you could just keep it forever.
The day after went by quickly, you were busy every hour of it. You went home, tired as hell. You decided it was the perfect timing to take a relaxing bath. One minute in and your phone was buzzing. You were praying it wasn't anything urgent. An unknown number was trying to call you. You answered without a second thought.
"Hello ?", you weren't sure who it could be. Your heart was hoping for a certain someone.
"Hello, Y/N !", Charles happily said. "How are you since the last time I saw you ?", he asked you.
You laughed a little. "Well, I'm great since yesterday. What about you ? Oh, and I still have your jacket", you had a big smile painted on your face.
"Right - hum... Feels like forever. I'm good, I'm good. Then I guess you'll have to see me again", he answered. You could feel he was a bit nervous. In all honestly, you had miss him too. You were dying to meet with him again.
"I don't mind, it'll be a pleasure", you told him. You moved in the bath, making the water stir.
"Where... Are - are you in a...pool ?!", Charles wondered, a surely disbelief look on his face. You could picture his shocked face all too well for a boy you met not that long ago.
"No, silly. I'm in my bath", you simply stated.
"Oh", was all he said for a second. On the other end of the phone, he was purely blushing. He pictured you, naked, in your bath. Your signature jasmine perfume printed all over the room. Goosebumps ran over his body, making him shiver down to his spine.
The conversation flowed for almost an hour. It was so easy to talk with Charles. He was genuinely a prince charming with a silver sword. Or a red car, in his case.
He called you almost everyday. And soon, calls turned into FaceTimes. Once, you fell asleep while being on video chat with him. You had workout all day and his soothing voice made you fall into Morpheus arms easily. You woke up soon after. He hadn't end the call, and was sleeping peacefully too. You smiled and drifted back to sleep with that image engraved on your mind.
He then left for Bakou. You talked with him before the race. Giving him a peep talk to cheer him up and encourage him. He thanked you for your kinds words with his whole heart. He promised to do his best for you.
He ended P4. You watched the race on your TV and were beyond proud of him. You left him tons of messages. He didn't reply since he went to celebrate with his team. During the night, he left you a voice message " Hiii Y/N ! I got P4 ! Can you believe it ? P fucking 4 ! Purée. It feels nice, especially after that shit show in Monaco ! God, I wish you were there so much ". He stopped the audio when someone called his name to take a shot. Even drunk, he was thinking of you. You sent him red hearts, feeling like a teenage girl in love.
This is where the feeling sinks in. You were in love with Charles Leclerc, head over heels in love even. You fell for his green eyes, his bright smile, his voice, his body, his personality. His whole being was perfect. You wanted to be his. He was the missing piece in your life.
On monday, you went out in a little restaurant with your three best friends. They went to a bar after. You accompanied them to La Rascasse, but decided you were too tired to go in. You left them and was about to go home. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Charles's cute face was showing up on the screen.
"Hey, mister P4", you said happily.
"Hi Y/N. Sorry I'm calling this late, you weren't sleeping at least ?", you smiled so big. Charles was always so caring.
"No, of course not. I'm on my way back to my flat. Congratulations on the race. Are you home ? You sound so tired", you mindlessly answered. Charles felt himself falling a little more in love with you. You were his soulmate, and he couldn't be more sure about it than right now.
"Yeah, I'm back. The flight was awful. Where are you ? I can hear the wind on the phone", you heard the sheets wrinkle. He was probably laying in bed. You shivered. He was exhausted from his weekend but still took the time to call you before drifting off to sleep. It made your heart fluttered.
"The harbor, near La Rascasse. I was out with my friends", you let out a little laugh.
"Don't move, please, don't move", he said.
"Charles, what are you saying ?", you asked completely out-taken by his words. He told you to stay where you were. He was nothing but reassuring, nevertheless you started to get a little nervous. Minutes passed that seemed like an eternity. You didn't dare to move even from an inch. Suddenly, you heard that Charles hung up on you. You couldn't be more lost.
"What the..."
"Hi", you heard from behind you. He was out of breath. You turned around faster than your shadow to meet his beautiful green eyes. He was wearing a pair of joggers and a simple black tee-shirt. His hair was a mess.
"Did you just get out of bed ?", you asked him, laughing a little. He simply nodded. Without saying anything else, he got closer and closer to you. The familiar butterflies came back to your stomach. Your breath was erratic. His face was so close that his nose was slightly touching yours. Your skin remembered how his lips on your cheeks felt and you wanted him to fully kiss you. You'd let his lips traveled everywhere if you could.
"Can I kiss you ?", he gently asked. His fingertips were travelling all around your jawline. Goosebumps erupted on your body. You felt like you were on fire. The wind was cold but if someone told you there was a fire behind you, you'd believe them. You leaned closer to him, your hips collided with his. He flipped you over and pinned you to the fence's harbor. Your arms went to rest behind his back, hugging him tightly.
"Darling", he purred. He wanted to hear you say it. Say that you needed him as much as he needed you.
"Please", you just said. One of his hand went to draw circles on your neck. His lips grazed yours. He closed his eyes, and brought your lips on his. He finally fully kissed you. All of his movements were so gentle, and respectful. You felt drunk in love, already addicted to his touch. Your lips moved in perfect harmony. You had to broke the sweet embrace to breath again. He didn't let you much time to rest before kissing you again and again. It's like it was the only thing you were meant to do for the rest of your life. You found your purpose in life : be alongside Charles.
He let his forehead rested on yours. His nose drawing random pattern on your face. He wanted to know it by heart.
"Be mine."
Charles Leclerc was a reason more to love Monaco.
🌻 Thanks for reading 🌻
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
adante, andante || j.ww x reader
Summary: when in greece… you lose your virginity to your best friend?? that’s how the saying goes, right??? (based off of the song andante, andante from mamma mia! here we go again)
Warnings: swearing, smut
Word Count: 3.1k
Waves lapped at the side of the boat gently as it rocked on the salty Mediterranean Sea, tugging at its anchor deep below the surface. The blazing sun was warming everything it touched, you included, and if it wasn’t for what was happening on top of the boat right now it probably would have lulled you to sleep a long time ago.
Wonwoo was laying in between your legs, leaving wistful kisses along your neck and collarbone. You moaned lowly and turned your head to the side to give him more access as he continued to explore your body with his mouth and hands. He pulled at your bikini straps with his teeth playfully as you tangled your hands in his still-damp curls.
“Wonwoo,” you panted breathlessly, not wanting to stop but knowing you had to.
“Hm?” He looked up eagerly, lips pinker than usual, warm brown eyes darker than you’d ever seen them.
“I- you know I’m a virgin, right?”
Your best friend swallowed and then nodded hesitantly. “Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I should’ve realized.”
You weren’t quite sure what to say. “I, um, just thought you should know.”
He nodded again and wiped his hands on his swim trunks nervously. “Yeah, no thanks for telling me. I was being stupid I shouldn’t have-“
“No, I liked it,” you blurted, perhaps a little too quickly.
Wonwoo chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, looking you up and down. You noted with a hint of a smile how even though his hair was wet, curls still stuck out in the back.
“I liked it too.”
“We… don’t have to stop,” you said softly.
Wonwoo raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise at the offer. “Are you sure?”
“Only if you want to.”
His eyes darkened and he grinned, suddenly much more confident than he had been a few moments ago.  “Oh, I want to.”
You smiled and lounged back on the deck as he leaned forward over you and pressed his lips to yours once again. He tasted like salt and champagne, with just a hint of orange juice. An odd combination, but addicting nonetheless.
You wondered if the mimosas you had shared earlier lingered on your lips too, or if the salt water overpowered it and had erased any trace of the fruity drinks.
Wonwoo thrust his hips up against you ever so slightly and you whined into another kiss, silently begging him to do it again. It wasn’t much, but the tiny bit of friction the movement did offer was delicious and you needed more of it.
As if he could read your mind, he repeated the motion, deeper this time so that the two of you were flush against each other. The only thing that separated you for that brief moment was the fabric of your swimsuits.
You could feel him through his shorts, already half hard. You ached to touch him, to make him feel good, but nerves held you back. You’d never done any of this after all- well you’d tried blowing your ex-boyfriend once in a parking lot after a movie, but you choked. Literally. You had been completely unprepared and ended up nearly throwing up on his dick after going too far, too fast. After that, you swore you’d never try it ever again, but now your mouth was watering at the thought of having Wonwoo in your mouth. Still, you weren’t sure if you had the courage.
“What is it, love?” Wonwoo asked, lifting his head. His eyes still held that same intensity, but his expression betrayed a touch of concern.
“Keep doing that,” you gasped.
“What, this?” he asked and thrust toward you again.
Wonwoo chuckled.
“No, why are you laughing?” You pouted.
“Because we’re just- I mean we’re dry humping, essentially,” he explained. “You haven’t seen anything yet, baby.” He reached a hand behind your back and pulled the remaining string that was holding your bikini top up loose. “I mean, if I’m making you feel this good now, imagine what I can do when I’m actually touching you.”
Somewhere along the line your best friend’s goofy demeanor had fallen away and been replaced with this cocky attitude and you didn’t mind one bit.
You let the hand that was still holding your bikini to your chest fall to the side, and with it the top.
“Jesus Christ,” Wonwoo mumbled to himself as he stared.
You rolled your eyes. “C’mon, you’ve seen boobs before.”
“Not yours.”
You wanted to roll your eyes again, ask him how often that line worked on other girls, but truth be told it was working like a fucking charm on you. You had to look away and bite your lip to keep from smiling like an idiot.
Wonwoo reached out and trailed a finger down your now-exposed chest in awe. He brought his hand back up and ever so lightly brushed the tip of his thumb over one of your nipples, repeating the motion with more pressure when you moaned his name.
His breath caught in his throat as your nipples perked under his fingers, pinching them gently. He lowered his head down to your chest and replaced one of the hands on your tits with his mouth.
You whimpered and arched up toward him as he nipped at your sensitive skin with his teeth, sending tingles down your spine.
You had never been touched like this by anybody. You’d given yourself a hand (or rather, a couple of fingers) before, of course, but it was nothing compared to this.
Wonwoo’s hands traveled down to your waist where the hem of your bathing suit bottoms rested on your hips. He tugged at them impatiently.
“Lift up for me, baby,” he ordered softly.
You did as you were told and let him take them off. He twirled them around on a finger, smirking at you before tossing them off to the side.
“Idiot,” you scoffed.
“You know you love me.”
“Yeah, I do.”
He paused for a second, almost like he was surprised by your answer, but shook it off. His gaze traveled down your body to between your legs and locked there.
“Shit, y/n,” he gulped.
“What? What is it?” you asked nervously, hoping he wasn’t seeing something he didn’t like. Maybe not all pussies looked like that- but no, you’d watched porn before. That couldn’t be it. “Wonwoo?” you tried again, nudging him with your knee.
“Sorry.” He blinked and looked back up at you. “You just, you’re really…”
“Use your words, Wonwoo,” you teased.
“I really wanna taste you,” he admitted weakly, then cleared his throat to compose himself. “But we can do that another time. I don’t want to push you, especially since it’s your first time.”
You just nodded along as his words echoed in your head.
I really wanna taste you.
Another time.
He’d want to do this again? He’d want you again?
“I’m gonna start with two fingers, okay?”
Wonwoo’s voice snapped you out of your daze and you focused back in on him holding his middle and ring finger up for you to see.
“Okay.” Your voice wavered as you spoke.
“I’ll go slow,” he promised.
You stared at the clouds above you and took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You flinched when you felt him touch you for the first time. He froze and looked back up at your face to gauge your reaction.
“Sorry,” you whispered hoarsely.
“Don’t apologize,” he chuckled. “Fuck, y/n, you’re so wet,” he said and held up his hand so that you could see your own arousal glistening on his fingers in the sunlight.
You squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. “I’m sorry!”
“What did I just say about apologizing?” “S-” Wonwoo glared at you, knowing you were about to apologize for apologizing. “Force of habit,” you mumbled.
“Never apologize for being turned on. It’s hot,” he said and brought his fingers up to his mouth. You thought back to a few seconds ago when he said he was desperate to taste you and watched as he licked your wetness off of his hand. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”
“What did you just say about apologizing?” you mocked, unable to say anything else about the comment he just made.
He rolled his eyes at you like he always did, but positioned his hand at your entrance anyway. He leaned down to kiss you again as he finally slid the two fingers into you. You moaned in relief at the feeling.
Wonwoo kept his fingers in place, letting you adjust to having them inside of you. You kind of wanted him to keep them there forever, not moving, just like they were, but you knew he was getting impatient too.
You moved your hips a little, signaling him to move as well and he was happy to oblige. He went slow, like he had promised, moving his fingers in a “come hither” motion.
“Fuck,” you gasped and let your head fall back. “Fuck, Wonwoo, please.”
“Please what?”
“Please…” you trailed off, your thoughts too jumbled to form a coherent sentence.
Your best friend took mercy on you and curled his fingers up further, pushing into you all the way to his knuckles. You cried out when he brushed against your g-spot for the first time and clenched your hands by your sides, mumbling profanities under your breath.
He praised you as he helped you fall apart, your name tumbling from his lips followed by ‘good girl’.
His fingers were definitely bigger than yours, longer too, and you wondered to yourself why the two of you hadn’t started doing this earlier.
You opened your eyes briefly to look at his face, flushed pink, brows furrowed in concentration. His eyes were darker than you had ever seen them, nearly black like the sea at dusk, a striking antithesis to the dazzling blue ocean beneath you.
“Wonwoo, wait,” you panted and reached out for the hand that wasn’t currently inside of you.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, no it’s not that,” you stammered as you tried to catch your breath. “I just,” you paused, suddenly embarrassed. “I’m just close.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened with realization. “So did you want me to keep going or-”
You shook your head. “I want you.”
Wonwoo nodded, swallowed nervously, and pulled his fingers out of you slowly. He pushed himself up into a kneeling position and shimmied out of his swim shorts.
It was your turn to stare. You’d never seen your best friend naked before. To be fair, the boy was shirtless around you all the time, but that wasn’t the same as being butt-ass naked in front of you like he was now.
There were those butterflies again, fluttering around in your chest and stomach relentlessly. Something about the way Wonwoo was looking at you, something about the intimacy of the moment made your heart skip a beat.
You had never really let yourself think about how, uhm… well-off your best friend was, but now that his dick was literally staring you in the face you knew your estimate would have been way off anyway. Wonwoo always talked a big game, but you didn’t think he’d actually have the capability to back it up.
“My eyes are up here,” Wonwoo teased, making heat rush to your face. He lowered himself back over you with a smirk and pushed your hair out of your face delicately. “Are you sure about this?”
You nodded. “I’m sure if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure if you’re sure,” he repeated and grinned.
“Just do it already,” you groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Wow, so romantic,” he scoffed as he lined himself up. “Are you ready?”
You nodded again, suddenly overcome with nerves. You’d been doing so well, why were you freaking out now? You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that you trusted Wonwoo more than anyone you knew, he was your best friend and would never do anything to hurt you. You didn’t want to experience this with anyone else.
“I’m a little nervous,” you admitted. “Can you go slow?” Like before?
His eyes softened at your request and he nodded. “I’ll go as slow as you want, y/n. We can stop whenever. Just tell me what you need.”
You tensed, braced yourself for the stretch- for the pain you’d heard about all your life, but it never came. He pushed himself into you at an agonizing pace, pausing every inch or so to give you time to get used to the feeling. The sensation was new, but it wasn’t bad. Your body felt warm all over and the only way to describe what you were feeling was full.
Wonwoo’s head fell back and he cursed, hips jerking instinctively. You squeaked out a sound you didn’t know you were capable of making and laughed.
“Fuck, sorry,” he apologized.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said breathlessly, smiling up at your best friend reassuringly.
“You okay?”
“Never better.”
“Are you hurting?” he pressed, rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
“No, feels good.”
“You’ll tell me if it doesn’t, right?”
“Yes, Wonwoo,” you sighed impatiently. “Less talking, more fucking.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “As you wish.”
You groaned. “Don’t go all Princess Bride on me while we’re having sex, I’m already turned on enough.”
“Get used to disappointment.”
You pursed your lips and turned your head to the side to keep from laughing. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. He retaliated by leaning down and peppering kisses all over your face and neck, breaking your resolve.
“Okay, okay!” you cried.
“There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world,” he whispered in between kisses. “It would be a pity to damage yours.”
“You’re not even using context! How many fucking times have you seen this movie?”
He shrugged. “Too many to count.”
“Oh, so not very many then?”
“Fuck you!”
“You already are.”
“You get on my fucking nerves,” he growled.
“What are you gonna do about it?” you challenged, biting your bottom lip.
“I think you already know the answer to that.” He clenched his jaw and put a hand on your thigh to steady himself. “Are you good to keep going?”
“God, yes. Please move.”
“All you had to do was ask nicely, baby.”
Despite his cockiness he set a painstaking pace. He thrust into you gently, gauging your reaction each time. Lust and patience were both reflected in his eyes, wrestling for control. You couldn’t look away even if you wanted to. He was so fucking beautiful and he was yours, if but for a moment.
“Is this alright?” he asked in a strained voice.
You wanted to tell him to go faster, beg him to fuck you harder, but the words wouldn’t come. You were already too far gone to string together thoughts, let alone coherent sentences.
“Is that a yes?”
You managed to lift your arm and give him a thumbs up.
“I can slow down if you want,” he offered.
“No!” you choked out desperately.
“Do you want me… to go faster?”
“Fuck, okay, I can do that,” he said, not sounding entirely confident about it.
Your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled back as he gradually built momentum until he was just shy of railing you like a pornstar.  
“Fuck, y/n, your cunt is so goddamn tight.”
You thought you were going to have a stroke hearing the filthy words that were coming out of your best friend’s mouth, and felt yourself clench around his cock.
“Are you close?” Wonwoo panted as his thrusts started getting sloppier.
He obviously wanted you to finish first, but you could tell he was already teetering on the edge. His muscles were taut with restraint and sweat gathered on his brow as he concentrated on holding off.
With a shaky hand he used his thumb to massage your clit, applying just enough pressure to drive you crazy.
“Yes, yes, yes, Wonwoo, I’m so close- I’m-I’m gonna cum,” you whined, feeling yourself start to tip over the edge.
But just before you could, Wonwoo pulled out and finished on your stomach with a moan of your name as streaks of white painted your skin.
He looked so pretty getting off like that that you couldn’t even be mad. The way his whole body tensed in anticipation and his face scrunched up in pleasure, the way his mouth fell open and his bottom lip trembled as he lost himself … you’d be replaying the image in your head for days.
Wonwoo hadn’t even caught his breath before his attention was back on you. He used the same two fingers from before to replace his dick and curled them up towards your g-spot, hitting it over and over and over again until you were falling apart.
Your thighs tightened around Wonwoo’s arm as you came on his fingers and begged him not to stop.
When you came down from your high it took you a second just to remember your own name, not to mention where the fuck you were.
“I’m so sorry,” Wonwoo blurted out. “It was your first time you should’ve cum first, but then you said my name and I couldn’t-”
“Wonwoo, it’s fine,” you assured him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “It was perfect.”
“No it wasn’t! I wanted it to be special for you.”
“How many people get to lose their virginity on a boat in Greece to their best friend? Sounds pretty special to me.”
“I guess,” he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes. “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll let you make me cum as many times as you want tonight.”
“You’ll have to be quiet,” he reminded you. “Do you think you can do that?”
You had almost forgotten about Jihoon, Seokmin, and your other friends waiting for you back at the resort. They had all made a last-minute decision not to do the boat trip, electing instead to spend the day by the pool. You and Wonwoo were the only ones too stubborn to cancel the reservation.
It made you wonder what would have happened if the others hadn’t stayed back. If you and Wonwoo weren’t alone on the boat, would you have ever slept together? Would another opportunity have come up, or would you have spent the rest of your life as best friends and nothing more? Were you anything more now?
“Do you think they’ll know?” you asked as pulled your bikini bottoms back on.
“That we slept together?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“If they don’t figure it out when we get back, I’m sure they’ll get the hint by tomorrow morning.”
“And why’s that?” You raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“Hotel walls are notoriously thin.”
happy birthday bby <3 lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
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