#okay maybe i went a little crazy with the cats
xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 days
love love love the rafe cameron x weirdgirl!reader au!! imagine reader at the country club overhearing some mean boys making fun of her and how rafe is crazy to date someone like her :(( she stays in her room after hearing this and rafe catches her biting herself and crying (she normally bites him but after hearing this she feels like she can’t) oh my heart-
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No bc this is like sooo perfect. This is literally so her. I’ve been having a lot of fun coming up with lore for her so I’m so glad you’re liking her so far!! Warnings: (I’d like to note that weird girl is autistic coded bc I am autistic), Reader gets her feelings hurt, protective Rafe, biting 18+MNDI!! Part of this AU
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“Yeah dude, she’s like so hot until she opens her mouth.” Your footsteps come to a sudden halt, your shiny black Mary Jane’s squeaking against the polished wooden floors of the country club. There’s a group of guys about your age standing around the corner in a circle all snickering to each other.
“No, yeah, like she says the fucking weirdest shit in that creepy little monotone voice. I have no idea how Rafe puts up with it.”
“The pussy must be out of this world or some shit because I would never be able to handle that. I saw her last week on the beach collecting animal bones or some shit bro. Bet she went back to check on her kill.” The entire group starts busting up laughing just as you feel hot tears start to stream down your cheeks. You just want to leave but they are blocking the only path to the door so you suck it up and high tail it as fast as you past them.
You were waiting for Rafe to be done with his game of golf but after that? You really didn’t want to bother him with wanting to leave early so you decided to just walk the mile and a half home. If you were lucky maybe you’d run into the neighborhood cat you befriended and he would walk part of the way with you.
When you get home you rush up the stairs and into your room, slamming the door behind you. Your head is swimming with negative thoughts. You were always scared you were too weird for Rafe, too much, too different from him. So when you hear guys he hangs around saying things like that about you? It’s hard to not let it get to your head.
You kick off your shoes and practically tear off the cute outfit you spent over an hour putting together. You grab your pink fuzzy robe, and walk over to your bunny’s cage, smiling down at her with watery eyes.
“I think you’re the only one that really understands me, Lydia.” Your bottom lip wobbles as you pick her up and walk over to your bed. You rock back and forth slightly as you caress her fur, trying to self soothe. You’re realizing in this moment that maybe you really are too much for Rafe because you hardly remember how to calm yourself down without him.
You wish so badly that he was here. You know he would hold you tight and let you sink your teeth into him until your tears stopped flowing. It seems to be one of the only things that truly calms you down so you decide to bring your own hand up to your mouth and bite down on it. It soothes you a little, but it isn’t Rafe. He’s called you a few times but you just let it ring, he’s probably worried, but you’re too embarrassed to pick up.
“Baby? Are you here?” The minute you hear Rafe’s voice you want to run to him, but the words of the boys at the country club playing in your head on repeat in your head cements you in place. “Bats?”
When he opens your bedroom door and takes in the sight of you his heart sinks.
“Baby girl, what’s going on? What happened? Where did you go? You scared the shit outta me.” He rushes over to you, coming to sit next to you on your bed. He rests his large hands on your calves and rubs soothing circles on your skin with the pads of his thumbs. You whimper and shake your head, your mouth still latched onto your hand. “Batty, you’ve gotta talk to me, okay? Tell me what’s going on.”
“I was…” You pull your hand away from your face, resting it on Lydia’s back as you pet her softly, the feeling of her fur grounding you. “I was coming back from the bathroom and I heard Jake and those guys… talking about me.”
“What about you?” Rafe’s voice takes on a protective tone, especially when another fit of sobs erupts through you. He hooks his arms under you so he can pull you and your bunny softly into his lap. “Princess. Tell me what they said.”
“They said - they said that they don’t know how you put up with me because I’m so weird and that you’re probably only with me because the pussy is good.” You sniffle as your tears continue to fall and if Rafe didn’t know you needed him right now he would be on his way back to the club to beat all of their asses until they couldn’t walk.
“Hey, hey, nah, none of that.” He cups your face in his hand, wiping away your tears. “You know I love you, all your weird shit and all. I’m not ‘putting up’ with you, I fuckin’ love your weird little ass.”
“They also… they also said that - that I probably kill animals…” You start sobbing again and Rafe’s entire body tenses. He knows how much you love animals, how important they are to you. He wants to fucking rip their throats out.
“Princess… I’m so sorry they said that. They just don’t know you, aight? You’d never harm a fly. Don’t let that shit get to you. I know it’s hard, but fuck em, they don’t know fuckin’ shit about my baby.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he wipes away some of your remaining tears. His hand swipes past your lips and you turn your head slightly to sink your teeth into it. He chuckles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “There’s my weird girl.”
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timsstims · 2 months
can i get uhhhh gojo stimboard with watery slimes, no soap cutting, and cats :3 thank you so much
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[ ♪ ] Get It Right / Left Boy
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bb-eilish · 10 months
Blooming Eyes
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pairing; collegeathlete!anakinx flowershopworker!reader
summary; After accidentally knocking over another student with her painting, Y/n seems to have caught the eye of him. The same eyes that stare at her, blue and intense have trapped her, so she does what she does best; paint.
word count; 14.5k
warnings; P in v sex, multiple smut scenes, rough sex, romantic sex, mutual pining, obsession, dirty talk, name-calling, dumbification, making out( so much kissing omg), cunnilingus, creampie, etc etc
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Working and going to school wasn’t fun, Y/n’s sure nobody has ever said it was. Though, her job was, oddly, pretty nice. She worked in a flower shop for Christ's sake, she was around nice people, and even nicer flowers.
School on the other hand was not as enjoyable. Y/n was in school for painting, and because of these two things people were able to figure her out easily. A sensitive woman who owns multiple cats, some even going as far as labeling her a "crazy cat lady" and trying to decipher her mental health for some reason.
She didn't let that bother her though, she lived a cozy life and for that she was grateful.
"I'll miss you." She pouts at her cat. The fluffy white one, Cherry, brushed against her legs as Y/n crouched, she briefly licked Y/n's fingers before rubbing her furry face against them. The woman smiled softly at the white fluff ball as she swept her hand down the cat's furry back.
"Don't think I forgot about you Mr. Grumpy pants." Y/n smiles as she steps over to her other cat, the broody void named Bear. He was curled up on top of her couch cushion, hiding his pouty face as she baby-talked. "I'll miss you too." The black cat uncurled to stretch and play with Y/n's fingers. She finally grabbed her backpack, the large canvas she had to drag to class, and waved at the two cats before opening and shutting the door to her apartment.
Traffic wasn't too bad, though, she wouldn't mind if it was. She enjoys blasting music and singing as loud as she wants. It was therapeutic. But, as she was pulling into the parking lot infront of the art building, she turned a little too sharp and the canvas in her backseat went flying. A mantra of "shit shit shit shit shit" flew out of her mouth as she parked and prayed it didn't break. Y/n whips around and inspects the item before slumping down in relief.
Now, the worst part, getting this monstrosity into class without injuring her fellow classmates.
"Sorry, 'scuse me." She mutters as she sidesteps and tip-toes through a crowd of people. A large clock sits on the wall of the building she's facing and, of course, it reads ‘9:29’. Her class starts at 9:30, she knows college professors are more lenient but she didn’t get that kind of teacher.
She loves her art class, absolutely adores it, but the teacher is a bit of a stickler and will kick students out if they're more than a minute late. Y/n thankfully spots the brick building just in time. Suddenly, "Go long" is yelled from beside her. Whipping her head around, she spots a student who is obviously an athlete and rolls her eyes, turning back to look in front of her.
But that would, simply, be too easy. Her canvas completely bulldozes over somebody as she turned around for half a second. "Oh my god." She spoke, not at the man on the ground, but at the freshly ripped hole right in the center of her painting. Terror paints her face as she stares at it. "Watch where you're going maybe." One of the guy's friends says.
"My painting.." She says as the man on the ground gets up. She's about to apologize when the clock from before chimes at 9:30, her eyes widen more, if possible, so she offers a mumbled "Sorry" before scrambling off.
"Are you okay, Anakin?"
"Yea...I'm fine." He lets out, still a little stunned. Not at him being basically tackled, but at her. He's never seen her before, but he couldn't think of a better way to run into her. He shakes his head and catches up with his friends, momentarily turning behind him to see if he's able to catch a glimpse of the canvas through the crowd of students.
Y/n successfully makes it on time, she flies down into her seat after setting the canvas on the project table.
"Nice to see you all again." Her teacher begins, but Y/n tunes him out. As she relaxes into her chair she can't help but think back to the guy she rushed into, guilt fills her as she realized she never properly said sorry. She can't even recall what the guy looks like.
Later that day she walks around the flower shop, fixing up and watering some of the plants. It's so relaxing, she smiles at each one before moving on to the next. Soon the door swings open to a rowdy group of boys, all of them well over 6'0 as they leer over the shelves of flowers. She catches a bit of their conversation, "What do you think she would like? I know I fucked up, flowers will help, trust me. Girls eat that shit up." She rolls her eyes at that, continuing to care for the various flowers.
Unbeknownst to her, a pair of eyes catch her, they continue to lock onto her, even when she disappears into the backroom.
The boys ring the bell on the desk, a little too much and a little too rough. She licks her teeth in annoyance as she steps out to the checkout counter. There's about 4 of them and she'd rather be buried alive than have to talk to them. It's unbelievably intimidating as they stare at her while she's checking out the bouquet of flowers they settled on.
"That'll be $15.99." She mutters, looking up and making eye contact with one of them. His eyes are intense, but not in the same way as the others. She feels hooked, almost like she was lured into a trap. She gulps quietly before looking back down, putting away the money, and offering them change.
"Have a nice day and come again." She says, the last part coming out as they stare at each other once more. They only look away after the door opens and closes again. She's not sure if he looks back at her because she turns and zips into the backroom.
Friday, finally. She doesn't have school today, she only works. Her shift doesn't start until 4.
So, until then, she sits and does nothing. It's wonderful, she adores laying on her couch with her cats. Today was a bit different though, the stranger's eyes appeared in her head at every turning corner. It brought along a wave of goosebumps and quick heartbeats. Y/n has no idea why she's so drawn to him, but she is and it has completely blindsided her.
"Alright guys, I'll be home soon enough." Is said to her cats, more for herself honestly. Her shift went per usual, the people were back to being polite, no rowdy men who are incredibly enticing.
The next day, though, was unusual.
The bells she adores chime and ring as she enters the shop, checking in and greeting Marleen, the store owner. "Anything interesting happen recently?" Y/n asks, trying to make conversation as she gets out the watering can for the flowers. Marleen walks behind the cash register as she thinks, "Kind of, a man came in here and walked around for a little bit the other day, didn't buy anything, and then sat outside on the bench for another 10 minutes before leaving."
Y/n furrows her eyebrows, "That's strange." The conversation ends there as she goes to the back of the green house outside and fills up the can, dragging it back and watering the flowers.
An hour or two goes by before a few people come in, she's snipping some of the leaves as one of them gets her attention. The bell chimes once more behind her but she doesn't look. "Can I help you?" She asks, turning towards the man with a smile on her face. "Yes, would you happen to know anything about taking care of plants?"
She smiles brighter at that, "I do, whats the problem?"
"Well, my cactus is starting to turn a darker green or black color at the bottom and it's becoming softer. I'm not sure what to do." The man says, nibbling his lip. Y/n nods before asking, "How often do you water it per week?"
The man raises his eyebrows, "I water it everyday, is that bad?"
She hums, "There's your issue, root rot. Since it's the spring you only need to water it about every 10 days, that should clear it up. If the rot is more severe you might need to repot and re-soil it."
"I see, thank you so much!" She smiles as they part ways, she goes back to snipping the last of the leaves before retreating back to the backroom to drop off the scissors and then to the counter, waiting for anyone to check out. She spaces out for a second before noticing someone walking up to the front of the counter.
"Hello, did you find everything okay?" She spews off automatically before looking up, seeing it's the man from the other day. Not the loud, obnoxious one, the one with the intense blue eyes.
He softly smiles, "I did." His voice is deep, but inviting and easy to listen to. She grabs the small potted succulent he placed onto the counter before grabbing the scanner and scanning the bottom. She catches his outfit, a black baggy t-shirt and acid-wash black jeans. The simpleness only added to his overall appeal.
"You sure know a lot about plants." He starts, smiling at her. "You must have a lot at home."
She laughs before telling him the price, "I don't actually, I have cats so y'know." She smiles while the man swipes his card, "It'll ask you if you want to add a tip and then you can sign." She says, regarding the card reader. He nods before tapping it a few times and dragging his finger along the screen.
"You look like the type to have cats." He says as he puts his card away, "Is that bad?" Y/n lightly teases. He shakes his head no, "Not at all, it's cute."He says, momentarily reading her name tag. "I'll be sure to come back and ask you for advice if anything happens ." Her heart practically stops in her chest as she laughs, "I'll be expecting you, have a nice day."
"You too, Y/n."
She swallows, watching him leave. "Oh my god." She whispers, she could fill out a diary about him and they only just met. So, thats exactly what she does.
When she returns home, she makes a B-line for the new pocket-sized sketchbook she recently bought. She flips past the drawings of flowers and settles on an empty page. Getting out a pencil and drawing the one thing she remembers the most, his eyes. The intensity of them, his brow bone, she makes sure she incorporates the way they make her feel as well. She even busts out her colored pencils for the blue of his irises.
She would feel embarrassed if she didn't feel a physical feeling before drawing his eyes, her fingers tingle as she draws them, again and again. They stain page after page, some colored, some not. But they all make her feel the same way. When she deems it out of her system for the time being, she checks her clock, stunned to see it was way past 12:00.
But that's okay, the shop isn't open on Sundays.
Her dreams that night were surreal, she fell into his eyes, literally, like they were a hurricane, they swirled her further and further into him. She drowned in his eyes and wouldn’t mind if she did in real life too. When she awakes, there's a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. That day she tries her best to get into her homework and not the alluring customer from her job. At one point she spaces off and doodles along the sides of her psychology homework, it lasts a few moments before she realized what she drew. The same pair of eyes that have been tormenting her, stare back from her homework.
"I'm going crazy." She mumbles, laying her head on the table. Y/n picks herself up after a minute or so. Scribbling down the answer to the last few problems, she throws the paper in her folder and sits down on her couch, chewing her thumbnail anxiously. She's not really sure what's going on with her, she doesn't even know his name. His eyes though, the way they stared at her, brought out a feeling like no other. She decides to occupy herself with tv until she goes to bed, she has art class tomorrow and is well aware of the homework her teacher assigns on Mondays.
Pulling into her parking space, she makes a mental note on the art supplies she has to buy. The faint thought of taking her drawings of him to the next level startle her. Is this creepy? She hopes not. It's truly addicting to think about him.
"Happy Monday, everyone. As you're probably expecting, I have an assignment for you." Sighs are heard through the class as he keeps going, "Next Monday you will turn in a painting on something that moves you. Doesn't matter what, but make it have meaning." He finishes. Y/n thinks for a moment about what she'd make, she can feel it at the back of her mind though. She doesn't have to really think that hard about it.
Her job was quiet, only two people came in during the 3 hours she's been there. Her shift ends in 10 minutes and she's excited to pick up some new art supplies, creativity is fresh on her mind, it has the tips of her fingers tingle. So much so, she grabs a pad of paper and a pencil and gets to practicing the same pair of eyes she's come to perfect.
The bells chime and she lets out a "Welcome in." As she usually does. She doesn't look at the door as she shades in the pupil of the eye, she can already see his likeliness shining through the paper. She continues adding details to his eyebrows as she senses something.
"Wow, that's amazing." A deep voice says from over her shoulder. Y/n jumps about 6 feet in the air and just barely keeps in her squeal of terror. He stands back and chuckles, "Didn't mean to scare you, you okay?" He asks, putting a comforting hand on her back.
"Oh yea, I'm fine. And thank you." She tries her best to seem not panicky and caught red handed.
"Can I see it?" He asks her, nodding towards the pad of paper. Okay, now it's time to panic. She can't say no, that would be off putting. Maybe he won't notice the resemblance? She inhales, "Sure, here." She scoots over the paper to him. Her heart stutters in her chest and her palms grow clammy the longer he stares at it.
"These seem familiar." He pauses, she could honestly throw up right now, this can't be happening. "I can't put my finger on it."
She exhales, relief settling over her shoulders as he moves back to the front of the small counter, she shuffles the paper onto the shelf below the register, hoping he doesn't connect any dots.
"I actually came here to ask you something. I'm in botany right now and it's not looking too good for me, I saw how good you are with plants, so I was wondering if you would tutor me? ." Y/n widens her eyes, what did she do in her past life to be rewarded like this?
"Oh, yea, I can do that. When are you free?" She's dreamed about asking him that, different context though, usually it's after he declares his love for her and wants to get married. Tutoring is good too though.
"I'm not working at the moment so any time that works for you probably works for me." He smiles, the motion adds a matching expression to her own face.
"Tomorrow at 6:00?"
"Perfect, does my place work? I'll give you my number." He tells her, waiting eagerly for her to reply.
"I can do that, and here." She grabs her phone from her back pocket. Passing it to him, her bottom lip becomes trapped under her front teeth. Their fingers brush against each other’s as he takes the device from her. Y/n swallows, glancing everywhere but him as he continues. "Here." He passes it back to her, he even put in his name. "Anakin." She states looking up at him. There's a gleam in his eyes, she's not sure what it is but it's accompanied by a teasing smile.
"That's me. Well, I just came here to run that by you, thank you again. I'll talk to you later?" He leans on his hands that are flat on the counter, not so subtly towering over her. The intensity in his eyes comes swooping back as she looks up at him. They trace her very being and it feels like she's forgotten how to breathe.
"I'll make sure to text you after my shift." She smiles at him to the best of her ability, it's hard though, she feels like the only person in the world as he looks at her. It's not a bad feeling, not at all, it makes her feel warm and special.
"I'll be looking forward to it." He let's her know as he walks to the door, turning around to speak to her.
When he leaves and is out of her line of sight, she crumbles. Y/n sits down behind the counter to catch her breath. Her face probably looks like a tomato right now, but she doesn't mind-Y/n has bigger problems. Like having to text him. What should she say?
'Hi' sounds too uninterested.
'Hello' sounds too formal.
'Hey' sounds too much.
She decides she'll cross that bridge when she gets there, she has another hour behind the counter before she can leave.
Turns out, that hour was pure agony. She spaced out the entire time and it STILL felt like years. But, it's bittersweet. As she sits in her car, face lit by the screen of her phone, the empty message bar sits there, she's typed nothing. Y/n knows she's being dramatic, so she huffs and types against her will.
"Hey, this is Y/n."
Then she basically throws her phone into the passenger seat and takes off. The volume of the radio blasts as she grips the steering wheel with a new found urgency.
Just when she opens her door she remembers the supply store. "Goddamnit." She swears she'll go tomorrow.
"Hi, Babies." She greets her cats as they hang around her legs.
It's not very late so she decides to start on her art project. She has a closet full of canvas', so she flips through them. What would make Anakin's eyes pop the most? Y/n doesn't know why she does this to herself, but she picks the biggest one she owns. This time, though, if it rips, she might attack somebody.
She lays the canvas out on her floor, an array of different black and gray pencils sit around her.
She closes her eyes for a moment, visualizing earlier that day. How his eyes pierced her, how he looked down at her. Blindly, she searches for a pencil. The feel of it on her fingers felt amazing, she cracks open her eyes and gets to work. His eyes fill the entire thing in no time and she feels whole. It didn't take long for her to fully sketch out everything, as she gazes at her newest obsession, it sends a jolt of electricity down her back. She breathes before picking up her phone, lungs soon deflating as she sees a text.
'Thought you forgot about me for a second haha'
She spots the time it was sent, 1 hour ago.
She scrambles to open the message app and type actual words.
'I could never and sorry by the way. I was working on my art project, it really cuts me off from the world lol'
He responds a second later;
'You really are a tortured artist lol'
'Here's my address by the way-->'
Y/n knows she'll have to put that into her gps, she's not the best with directions.
'Thanks, I'll be there at 6. Make sure you have the homework you're struggling with and the class textbook'
'I gotchu'
The conversation ends there, she can finally breathe.
School was, well, school, nothing ever happens in her math or english classes. Per usual, her job was the most exciting part of her day that didn't involve Anakin.
So, when she leaves work and heads to the supply store, she picks up the right paint and decides if she needs more brushes or not. As she tosses them in her backseat, she checks the time on her phone, "You have to be kidding me." She grumbles, 5:50. Her fingers quickly punch in his address before she's pulling out of the parking lot. He lives about 15 minutes away and it makes her kind of want to drive off the bridge she's currently driving over.
She speeds the entire way there, thankfully arriving 13 minutes later instead of 15.
In her scrambled state she forgets who's door she's knocking on for a moment, the fear of being late taking over her mind completely. So when Anakin opens the door she grips the wall beside her for support. "Well well, seems you're about 14 minutes late, tsk tsk." He teases as he holds the door open for her.
"I'm so sorry, I had to run to the store to get more paint." She offers, slipping her shoes off.
"Art project you were talking about last night?' Anakin asks, closing the door. Y/n nods, muttering a 'Yea'.
"When am I gonna be able to see it? If it's taking so much of your time it must be good."
Her eyes widen, he wasn't able to decipher the quick sketch at her job, but he would absolutely tell with her painting. She tries to hide her panic, "Maybe if you pass botany." She teases, following him to wherever he's set up at. They come up to his dining room table, papers and textbooks are arranged nicely, it makes her smile.
He takes a seat and pats the one next to him, "C'mon Ms. Artist. Tell me about plants."
She giggles as they begin.
Everything is going well, he's getting questions right and seems fairly knowledgeable on the topic.
"Are you sure you need help? You're doing great, I could hire you at my shop." He gives her a shrug and a laugh, the topic shifting to normal conversation after a little.
"You have two cats?" He asks, body facing her as he leans on an arm.
"Yup, Cherry and Bear, both pieces of my heart." She expects him to laugh at her for saying that, poke fun at her for caring so much for them. But he smiles, "That's cute, I can't lie. Do you have any pictures?" Y/n almost misses his question, her ears still perked up at his compliment.
"Oh, uh, yea." She grabs her phone in her back pocket, swiping through her pictures until she lands on one. Cherry lays on her chest while Bear sits behind her, his head pressed up against the side of her face. It still warms her heart looking at it.
As she shows him the photo, she gauges his reaction. A moment passes. "Wow, that's so cute" He's mumbles, drinking in the photo as she pulls it away, "I know right, they both have such cute faces."
"Oh yea, your cats are cute too."
She laughs at that, trying to not let his obvious flirting ruin her composure right now. As Y/n stares at the photo, the time in the corner of the device catches her attention. "I should go, it's getting late." She says softly, stacking the papers they went over, neatly. She stands and pushes the chair in, until a hand comes up to hers, stopping her from getting too far.
"When are you free again?"
"What, you wanna talk about my cats some more?" She laughs, soon looking up at him again as he stands. The hand on hers doesn't move, only squeezes for a second. A laugh leaves him as he looks away for a moment, a smile present on his face
"No tutoring this time, I was wondering if you just wanted to hang out? No plants."
Her eyebrows raise, "Oh, seriously?"
"If you don't want to thats okay-"
"No!..no, I, that would be nice." She stutters out, swallowing. The hand on hers maneuvers so they're hands are interlocked. She would've peaked down if not for the way he was looking at her. It's like a switch for him honestly, the intensity in his eyes flood back and she has to remind herself to stand correctly.
Anakin sucks in his bottom lip as he stares at her face, soon settling on her lips. He takes the first step, backing her into his table. Their fingers split apart as he leans his hands on the edges of the furniture, blocking her in. "I honestly can't get enough of you, each time I see you it's not enough." He whispers against her parted lips, his right hand coming up to cradle her waist.
"Anakin." She breathes heavily.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, lips brushing against hers.
Y/n gulps, nodding as she gazes at his eyes then lips.
He doesn't wait a second before connecting with her skin, gently, lightly. The kiss progresses, the last hand on the table drifts to the base of her neck, loosely gripping the skin. Y/n seriously can't get over how big he is, he's so broad and tall. She feels like he could swallow her up with ease and it has her knees weakening.
They eventually drift apart, lingering near each other until he backs up and lets her out of his cage.
"Here." He mumbles, grabbing her hand and leading her to where her shoes sat. She slips them on without tying them.
"Text me when you get home?" Anakin asks, leaning his hand against his door frame as she stands on his porch. A soft chuckle escapes her, "Sure." Before she goes, he leans in, placing a hand on her cheek and leaving a sizzling goodbye kiss on her lips.
After letting him know she got home safe, she pretty much passed out, she's never been through so much in such a short period of time.
She wakes up to a few texts, and each and everyone of them drive her teeth deeper into her, poor, bottom lip.
'Good morning'
"I had a lot of fun last night'
'What are your classes today?'
Y/n composes herself as best she can before replying.
'Good morning! I had a lot of fun too, more than I've had in awhile'
"And I have two classes, psych and geometry’
The bubbles appear and she turns off her phone, closing her eyes and squealing.
'Do you wanna meet up sometime this week? if you're busy thats okay i totally get it'
She giggles at his rambling.
'I'd love to see you, is Friday okay?'
'Friday's great, wanna grab lunch? I'll pick you up'
"Sounds fun, see you then<3'
Was the heart too much? She doesn't know, it felt right in the moment. She honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was another one of her dreams, they're a little too convincing for her liking.
To say the week went slowly is an understatement. But, she has made good progress on her drawing, the vivid blues she used brought out his eyes incredibly. She traced the dried shadows casted onto the skin of his eyelids with her finger, she knew she was fucked.
Friday rolled around, it weighed on her psyche like a brick. Soon, though, the crippling anticipation would be over.
She scanned herself over in the mirror, "You got this, it's just the dude you're infatuated with who likes you back." Saying it out loud did not help, infact, the need to throw up starting growing. Y/n chugged some water before getting the text.
'I'm outside'
She inhaled and said her goodbyes to her cats, shakily closing the apartment door behind her. From the lobby she could spot a black car parked right in front of the stairs, she hoped it was his. It would be really awkward if she opened it and it wasn’t Anakin. Thankfully, though, it was. "Hey" He greeted, leaning his elbow on the center console, eyeing her closely.
"Where we goin?" Y/n asked, buckling in her seatbelt after she shut the door. He made a thoughtful face before saying the name of a cafe place he wanted to try. Her interested was piqued. The drive there made her giggle, the music he was playing made it very..obvious he was a college student. "What?" He asked, turning to her for a second before watching the road again, a matching smile on his face.
"You listen to fuck boy music." She pressed her hand lightly over her mouth as she laughed harder.
A look of faux offense struck his face as he let out an incredulous scoff. "Fuck boy music?" His astounded voice made the situation all the more funny, her stomach even started hurting from laughing so much. "Wow.." He murmured, chuckling some more. He bit his lip and shook his head. After that it was much easier to talk to him, he was easy to converse with surprisingly.
"What drink did you get?” He asks, taking a bite from his bagel. “An iced matcha latte with a shot of vanilla and vanilla sweet cold foam.”
He blinks at her, “Bless you.”
She laughs before taking another sip of her drink, a lock of her hair loosens from behind her ear and hangs in front of her eye. Anakin doesn’t waste a second before his hand is coming up to loop it back in place.
Y/n raises her eyebrows at his eagerness, "What? Couldn't have anything blocking that face of yours." The drink coming up her straw slowly goes back down as she freezes. A blush she hopes isn't as bad as she thinks it is, takes over her face and ears. She's really not used to a guy being this way with her. Anakin watches her, amused, he loves the way she reacts to his advances.
"What time is it? My shift starts at 4." She remembers, playing with her straw.
"I got time, what do you wanna do?" She wonders as he stands up and grabs the paper his bagel came with, throwing it away as they walk out. "Good question, do you wanna go back to your place?" It's an innocent enough question but she raises her eyebrows anyway, teasing him.
"Oh don't give me that look." He smiles, putting an arm around her shoulders. Leaning into her ear he says lowly, "Don't tell me you're already thinking dirty thoughts. You're so cute." His words paired with his tone, the proximity, his arm, and the intoxicating way his lips and breath brush against her ears are too much for her. "Ladies first." He says, back to his smiley self as he opens the passenger door for her.
The way back could be both worse and better at the same time. He rests a hand on her clothed thigh, he doesn't move it, but it's there, and she's acutely aware of it. It singes her skin even through her jeans. Y/n swears he's out for blood right now, she can feel her heart and it's not looking good.
As she unlocks her apartment door, she wouldn't be surprised if she just dropped dead right there.
Her cats, like always, meet her at the door, tails flicking, and cute meows spewing at random moments. Anakin's in awe as he crouches down, letting the animals smell his hands. "They're so cute."
She giggles at his expression, hanging up her purse.
Her cats warm up to him pretty fast, Bear flips over, his furry stomach on display for them both. Anakin gets his cat fix before moving on to her living room. "Very cozy, Ms. Tortured Artist." He jokes, taking a seat on the couch. Y/n laughs, finding the remote, "Oh, please. I swear everyone thinks I'm such an open book."
"That's probably because you are." He smiles, leaning back and manspreading.
"Okay then, guess something about me." She challenges, forgetting the remote to turn and face his smug expression. "Hmm." He looks up at her ceiling in thought before making an 'o' shape with his mouth, "I bet your room is either beige or pink, no in between." Her mouth opens a bit, he actually got it right. Her bedsheets are pink, maybe she is an open book.
"Well, fuck. You got me, it's pink." She laughs, shrugging.
"Of course it is, can I see it? I don't see too many adults with pink rooms." He plays it off, acting like he's completely innocent in this. Y/n nods, standing up to venture down the hallway. She creeks the door open, her lips pursed as she showed him the pink room he completely guessed right on.
"Wow, cute room. I bet you bring all the guys here, hm?" He teases, sitting on the edge of her bed, he pats the space next to him. "You're an ass." Y/n mumbles, sitting next to him. He leans over a bit, "I might be, do you have a problem with that?' He leans in more, scooting over even. He's close again like he was at his house that day.
She shakes her head, her spine tingling at the sensation of his hand wandering to her thigh. It caresses it, almost luring her she feels like. "Good." Is the last thing she hears before he kisses her again. They both lose themselves in the intimate act, need coming from both sides. It gets heavy quickly, a hand is placed around her back, pulling them closer together, the hand on her thigh has migrated to her ass.
Anakin was honestly just going to power through it, the feel of her so eager to touch him sent him spiraling. But, of course, she pulls away.
"Give me one moment, okay?" Y/n pants against his lips, an apologetic smile already on her face. He nods, smacking her ass when she gets up. He closes his eyes and breathes, later opening them to glance around her room. It makes him feel something as he takes in the cutesy stuff around him, and that something shoots down to his jeans as they tighten ever so slightly. Stuffed animals littered her pink bed, her desk next to it had cute little stationary sets, random figurines, and a little notebook. He's not sure why it catches his attention but it does, the latch to keep it closed piqued his interest. So, without thinking, he leans for it, swiping it from the table.
The leather rubs against his warm fingertips as he unlatches it, flipping to the first page. "Predictable." He smiles, little sketches of flowers are sprinkled through out it, and the page after it. Just as he gets to the third page she walks in, immediately eyeing her demise in his hands. She snatches it from his hands the second he lays his eyes on, well, his eyes.
"You're so nosy." She laughs it off like she didn't feel her heart lurch in her chest.
"Sorry." He pauses, leaning back to look at her. A new mood swirling through his eyes, new to her at least.
"You really like drawing those eyes, huh?" He smiles, watching as she sits back next to him. "You could say that." She responds, hoping he drops it. He, thankfully, lets go of what he saw, eyeing her on her cute pink bed, the blush on her cheeks, and the timid look on her face. It’s so alluring. “Don't you think you're a little far away?" Anakin asks, ready to tackle her.
"I'm right next to you, our knees are touching."
"Yea, well, I could think of some other things I'd like to be touching other than our knees." He mumbles, loud enough for her to hear. He gazes at her face with an unbreaking stare. Scooting closer, he leans in to graze her ear with his lips.
"Seeing you all shy and blushy on your pretty pink bed really turns me on, if I'm being honest." His voice an octave lower. A moment later he stands up, a teasing smile on his face. "It's 3:10, you should get ready for work." Y/n looks at him with huge eyes, her fists still clenching the sheets under her. She nods, eyes going everywhere before landing on her lap—her mind trying to rationalize what just happened.
"Oh, right." Need has settled in her stomach, it swirls inside her as she walks past him to her closet. Her work uniform was neatly hung up like usual.
"Wow, do I get a show?" Anakin asks, amused as he takes a seat back on her bed. Y/n playfully scoffs, laying her clothes on her bed before taking his hand and guiding him through her house. "Are you kicking me out, Cutie? I thought we had something special." He jokes, putting on his shoes. "You're so annoying." She laughs, opening the door when he's done. "I'll talk to you later, okay? Gotta make sure you don't miss me too much."
"Okay, okay, get out." She laughs again, Anakin puts his arms up in faux defense as he laughs along. "I'll see you later, Cutie." He takes ahold of her chin, guiding their lips together. The kiss is definitely more than a peck, it leaves her wanting more as he pulls away. He offers her a wink before leaving down her building's hallway.
After closing the door, she slides down it. Face pressed into her knees. Images of what happened only minutes prior race through her mind, momentarily stunning her. She's never been so attracted to someone in her life. But, in love or not, she must get to work. As she's undressing to change into her uniform, she can't help but to let her mind wander. What if she did 'give him a show'?, she knows the feeling of his hands against her bare skin would be intoxicating. His already sinful mouth would be hair-raising.
Goosebumps graze over her arms and stomach as she slips on her shirt and tugs on her pants. The entire way there and her entire shift was endured with a heavy heart. She was wrapped so tightly around his finger already. The vulnerability of it all was scary though, she fell so hard and so fast. Yet, she didn't worry too much about it.
That night she lay awake. Skimming her fingers over her lips, replaying the kisses he's shared with her. A warm feeling fills her chest and abdomen as she closes her eyes. Pressing her face into the pillow as she smiles.
“Hey, listen, I was wondering if you’d like to come to my game next weekend.” Anakin says, he called her only a moment ago and, obviously, she picked up pretty fast.
“You play sports?” It really wasn’t that surprising, whenever he wore short sleeves his biceps would strain against the material, she could only imagine what the rest of him looked like.
“Yea, I play football. I’d love if you came, seeing you there would be great.”
“Sounds fun, I haven’t gone to a football game since I was in high school.” She murmurs into the phone, sitting cross-cross on her floor alongside her painting.
“Well, then you probably don’t know that you’ll need to wear a cheer costume, preferably a size smaller or two.” He teases, jokingly trying to convince her. A laugh comes from her and he can picture her smile.
“Is that so? I’m not sure either of us would enjoy my ass hanging out infront of the entire school.” She chuckles, spinning her brush in the jar of water next to her, soon drying it off on a rag.
“You’re right, you should cheer me on in a more..secluded place, like my bedroom.”
“You’re too much, Anakin.” She pauses for a moment, voice becoming softer as she continues. “I’ll be there, text me what time and stuff, okay?” The man on the other end smiles, “Of course, also. I don’t have a picture of you for your contact, could you send me that one you took of you and your cats you showed me the other day?”
Her eyebrows raise, he was oddly specific. “Sure, why that one specifically?” She wonders aloud, dipping her brush into some of the paint lightly.
“I love that picture of you, I told you I thought you were cute in it.” His deep chuckle has her hand momentarily stalling.
“I thought you were just being horny, if I’m being honest.” She confesses, breathy laugh escaping her.
“Me? Horny? Absolutely not.” Anakin teases, sitting up in his bed. “I will say though, could you blame me? You do something to me, Y/n. It’s difficult not touching you at all times.” He confesses, rubbing his neck with his free hand.
“What, do you like me or something?” She could only think of a limited amount of responses. The topic of sex and all things related stunned her a bit, she wasn’t a virgin but that didn’t mean she was used to his advances or forwardness. She heard his low laugh from the line and laid her brush on the rag for the time being.
“You have no idea, it’s honestly a miracle we’ve made it this far. We haven’t even had sex yet and you’re still keeping up with me. It means a lot.” The sincerity in his voice caught her off guard.
“Does that not usually happen?” She wonders if it’s too much to ask, but she’s curious. He sighs before answering.
“I don’t have the best..track record with relationships. I feel like sometimes all people boil me down to is sex, so, it’s refreshing that we haven’t done anything yet and you still wanna hang out with me.” His answer honestly made her wanna cry, she couldn’t imagine being used in such a way—multiple times.
"I'm so sorry. If it means anything, that's probably the last thing I'd ever do. I know I don't show my feelings much...but I really like you. It kinda scares me honestly." She held her breath at the confession, scared of what he'll reply with.
"Yea? You like me? What do you like about me exactly?" And there he was, back to his old teasing self. Y/n laughs loudly at his sudden change in tone.
"Do you actually want a list?" She smiles, absentmindedly grabbing her brush and twirling it in the dark-colored water.
"Oh absolutely, lay it on me, Cutie."
"Hmm, well, I really like how forward you are. You saying you'd like to see me and stuff, the guys I've dated in the past tried to be all cool and anti-feelings. It's nice knowing what you're thinking."
"How could I ever hide how I feel about you?" He sighed, running a hand through his sandy curls.
"Plus, it really helps that you're sexy." She had to say it, it had to be known. It was the truth, she couldn't be blamed. Anakin snorts at that.
"You're so cute, I just wanna pinch your cheeks." He teases, goofy smile on his face.
The call, unfortunately, ends a little after that. She has one day to finish the painting, it only needed some final touches so she was happy tomorrow was Sunday.
Said day went nicely. She finished the painting completely and couldn't be happier with it. She honestly doesn't know how she did it but she truly encompassed Anakin onto the canvas. Looking at it brought a warm feeling to her body, it swam from her heart, to her stomach, and to her limbs.
"Alright, there are two piles. One is the normal turn in pile, and the other is the turn in pile for the University’s art show next Friday night. Now, I will warn you, not everyone who enters will be in the show. We are looking for the best the class has to offer, if you don't get picked that's okay. There will always be more."
Y/n thinks heavily about her decision, she can't possibly pass up an opportunity like this. So, she breathes and adds it to the art show pile. She tries her best to not dwell on it too much, she knows if she overthinks she'll end up panicking and changing her decision. The teacher tells them their homework for the week, but it's nothing to fret over. Because this project was so big he only asked for some simple sketches and drawings.
By the time she makes it out of class her phone pings, an email. Apparently, her teacher for her last class of the day is sick so class is cancelled. She shrugs mentally and decides to head to the library. Her shift doesn't start for a hot minute and she could get some homework done.
She adores the library, especially this one table. It's more towards the back, it's cut off by thick shelves, little to no distraction. It's perfect for homework.
As she walks, she feels her shoulders lift. The painting hanging over her head was done. The obsession with Anakin's eyes painted into reality, it was done. A small smiles lifts her lips as she opens the door to the building the library is located in. The shelves blur together as she walks passed them, they tower over her as usual. The place is fairly empty, aside from one or two students.
She gets closer to the table and crosses her fingers, hoping it's empty. Y/n sighs in relief as she sees it vacant. Sitting in her usual seat, she sets down her backpack and drags out her computer.
Unexpectedly, her phone pings again. This time it isn't an email.
'what class are you in rn?'
Y/n smiles, giddly typing a reply.
'class was cancelled, im doing some homework in the library. it's so quiet in here it’s great’
She leaves it at that, not expecting anything to come from it. So, she plugs in her headphones and shuffles her playlist. Beginning to type her homework. Her head bops to the beat until a pair of hands squeeze her shoulders. It makes her jump, she's honestly not sure if she made a sound or not, her music was a little too loud. She tugs out the earplugs, knowing the culprit already.
"Anakin, you scared me." She breathes, smile on her face as she places a hand on her chest.
"That was kinda the point." He teases, sitting in the seat beside her. "Whatchya working on?"
"My English essay, do you not have a class right now?"
"Technically, it's not a mandatory day. Plus, I'd rather be here with you." He flirts, grabbing her hand that rests on the table. "I missed you."
She can't take her eyes off of him as he tells her that. "I missed you too." Soon, he's nodding at her headphones. "What're you listening to?"
"Oh, Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls, it's one of my favorite songs." She passes him one of the earbuds and restarts it.
As she continues typing her essay, they're both quiet, listening to the love song. Anakin's eyes trail up her arm, to her concentrated face, his eyes soften as he takes her in. The song adding a loving theme song to what he was feeling. She was so close to him, a mere few inches. His hand reaches out to graze her arm, skin free due to the short sleeved shirt she was wearing. It brought comfort to him that he could reach out and know she was there.
Y/n's eyes flick to him at the touch, meeting his gaze quickly.
It's silent between them, the look he's giving her would've probably had her in the hospital a week ago. She's able to keep looking at him now, even through his intense stare. Electricity crackles in the air around them, nothing else matters. Nothing else could matter.
His hand doesn't leave her upper arm as he leans in, romantically connecting their lips. The chorus starts up once again, it's fuel for the desire being poured from them. They push together harder, wanting to be one. The only reason they split is for air. But, the need for closeness is still alive and well. So, he scoots closer, wrapping her in a hug. He mumbles something in her hair, but she doesn’t hear it. The sound of their breathing and heartbeats is the only thing heard after that until Y/n speaks up.
"Do you wanna go to an art show next Friday night with me?" Her voice is quiet, almost like he'd run away if she was too loud.
Pulling away enough to look into her eyes, he answers. "Of course, I'd go anywhere with you."
That week they met up a few times, sometimes at school, and sometimes at random restaurants for a date. Anakin was sure he was losing his mind, he's never felt such a way for someone. He was falling for her, very hard and very fast.
After their meet up at the library, Y/n had an idea. Thinking back to when they were on the phone, what if she did wear a cheer costume. Obviously not to the game, but they could celebrate afterward. She wanted to be closer to him, needed the feeling of him. She knew Anakin wanted that too, so she was ready to make it memorable. She orders the skimpy costume off of Amazon and checks that it'll be there before Friday night.
So, when Friday morning rolls around and it ends up in her mailbox she's more than ready for what's to come.
"You're picking me up right?" She asks over the phone, the device is on speaker as she gets undressed, ready to put on the costume under her normal clothing.
"Yea..why do you sound so far away?"
"Oh, sorry. You're on speaker, I'm changing right now." It's not her intention but she'll know Anakin'll get a kick out of that.
"Are you now?"
Then, an incredibly erotic idea falls into her head. As she speaks to Anakin she snaps a picture of herself, she's not wearing anything but the photo stops right above her breasts. They were still very noticeable so she could tease him perfectly. A pout is settled on her face as her hair frames the seductive expression. She sends it and keeps talking like nothing nefarious is happening behind the scenes.
When he stops talking she does too, a smirk making its way onto her face. "Something wrong, Ani?" She's never used the nickname before, but it feels like the right moment to start.
"Fuck, Y/n. You're gonna kill me. I want you so fucking bad, oh my god." His voice is deep and strained.
She ignores the way her body reacts to that as she replies, "Whe are you gonna be here? I miss you."
"Mm, I miss you too, I'll be there in an hour. Be ready for me, yea?” The double meaning of his words tingles up her spine.
She checks herself over in the mirror, the small two piece barely covered anything. Her cleavage couldn't be on more of a display, especially since she paired it with her favorite push-up bra. The small, red, pleated skirt didn't even cover half of her ass, and she paired that with a matching lace thong.
The text that he was waiting for her outside came sooner than she expected so she threw on some baggy clothes and grabbed her things. Making her way to him.
Shocking to nobody, once she sat in his passenger seat he was on her. Hand on her neck as he pressed a searing kiss on her welcoming lips. It would've gone on longer if she didn't remind him of where they were going.
"You're so lucky my game saved you, I don't think I could've held myself back after that photo you sent." He threatened, pulling out of the parking lot. "Don't threaten me with a good time." She replies, taking his free arm into both of hers. She practically hugged him the entire way there.
"You wait in the stands for me, okay? I'll be looking for you." Anakin said, closing the gap between them again.
"Good luck."
As she sat on the lowest bench of the stand, a chill ran up her spine at the thought of what was going to happen once the game was over. The feeling tripled as she spotted him. The look on his face causing a blush to grow on her cheeks.
The game started soon after that, she never really paid attention to sports, so she didn't really know what was going on. She knew enough to get her by, though. She watched him closely, watched as he bulldozed the opposing players. He was one of the tallest on the team so he stood out well. It was unbelievably hot, she couldn't deny the way her thighs clenched together. She was more than ready for the game to be over.
During one of the breaks, he jogs up to the fence next to the stairs of the stands. Calling her over with a nod and a smile. His helmet hung on one of his fingers as he waited for her. "You're doing great." She tells him, smiling proudly.
"It's all because of you, my love." He lightly pants, leaning over the fence to kiss her. Though he tastes like sweat, she didn't mind. The opposite actually, it turned her on even more. And when they split he could see the gleam in her eyes. "As soon as I win this thing we can get outta here, how does that sound?" He moved his damp curls from his face as he spoke, it added to his undeniable sex appeal.
"Sounds good, I'll wait at the car for you afterward." Her hand reaches out to rub at his sticky biceps.
He nods before giving her one last kiss and running back to the field. She gulps, hands sweaty as she sits back down. No doubt having some eyes on her after all that.
She watches him again, this time he's carrying the ball to the other side of the field. The final touchdown of the night. He wins for their team and everyone there loses their mind. Anakin's team surges towards him in awe, she could hardly hear her own thoughts as everyone around her screams and yells. She's immensely proud of him , the need to congratulate him was strong at that point. She realizes though, with everyone jumping around her, she can't see the field. So, she stands on the bench and searches for him. A large smile on her face as she spots him. Watching him so happy made her heart flutter.
As she watches the teams leave the field she clambers down from the bench and makes a B-line for his car. She isn't waiting for long as he tries his best to get through the crowd. The second they meet he's engulfing her smaller frame, her arms wrap around his neck as they kiss probably for the 20th time that day. He's sweaty under the clothes he changed back into, it only makes her wanna take them off.
Anakin presses her back into his car's door, momentarily forgetting where they are. Y/n taps his shoulder as the sound of people talking get closer.
"You did amazing, I'm so proud of you." She praises, pressing another kiss on him.
"All thanks to you, my good luck charm. Do you wanna head outta here?" He smiles, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. She nods before slipping out from under him and getting in the passenger side, telling him to drive to her place. The ride there was pure tension, she played with his calloused hands and praised him more as they neared closer and closer to her building. Neither of them addressed the very obvious pent-up sexual tension suffocating them. Opting for letting it grow--thrive. It would pay off in a matter of time.
Her shutting the apartment door behind her signaled for Anakin to throw his self-control out of the window. He walked her backward with tight hands on her waist as they made out through her apartment, trying to get to her bedroom. Once there, he plants a firm hand on her chest and pushes her down to her bed. The sight of her looking up at him, waiting for him to please her caused more blood to navigate south within him.
“Ever since I saw your cute little room I wanted to do this. Wanted to take you in the most disgusting way possible, see you sob against your pink sheets, all because of me.” He confessed, lowering himself to hover over her.
She couldn’t deny the way that made her feel, all of her ex’s made her feel like a dumb child when they saw her room. So she felt her panties dampen and her thighs rub together at his words. Anakin smirks when he notices the movement. “You like that, Cutie? You like when I talk to you like that?” He leans in to kiss her, cutting off her answer. His skillful tongue licks into her mouth, practically going down her throat the harder he becomes. The kiss is ended with a harsh suck to her tongue.
The man above her continues his assault across her jawline and below her ear, where he begins to get messy with his kisses. He sucks and nibbles all the way down to her collarbones, where he deems she’s wearing too much clothing.
“Take off your shirt for me, Cutie.”
This is it, she gulps as she takes hold of the hem of her shirt and drags it off—showing off the top half of her skimpy cheer costume. He loudly sucks in a breath before pushing her chest back down to the bed and forcefully taking off her pants himself. He throbs in his jeans at seeing the entirety of what she’s wearing.
“What’s all this, baby?” He bites his lip, his hands roaming her exposed skin. A seductive grin takes ahold of his lips as he drinks her in.
“You said you needed a cheerleader, didn’t you?”
“Fuck.” He mumbles, gripping her knees to spread her legs accordingly. Anakin eyes the thong she’s wearing and makes a mental note to stuff them in his pant’s pocket when he gets them off of her. He slots himself in between her welcoming thighs, erection pressing hotly against her clothed cunt. The kisses that were stopped along her collarbones moments ago start up again, now more urgent.
“God, you’re so sexy. All mine too. My little cheerleader.” He breaths against her, making his way down to her cleavage. Nips and sucks are felt at the exposed skin of her breasts, her hips press upwards at that, wanting to feel him. The material of her shirt is pushed up over her bra, then hands snake up her spine to unclasp that too. She shimmies down the straps so he can throw the item behind him.
“I knew you’d have perfect tits.”
He doesn’t waste a second to lick around one of her nipples, taking it in his mouth after a second. A hand gropes the breast that isn’t in his mouth and the other is splayed over the side of her thigh, moving up to grab as much of her ass as it can.
“Anakin.” She moans, arching her back slightly. Her thighs clamp down around his waist, it feeds into the desire that’s beginning to take over his mind. He ruts his hips into her, both of them moaning at the contact. The smell of her arousal floats between both of them, it has him groaning before harshly thrusting against her. “Smell so good, gotta have a taste.” He pulls away, lowering to his knees before she stops him.
“Wait, Anakin. I can’t wait any longer, please—please, fuck me.”
His forehead meets her knee, his teeth pierce his lower lip as he shutters out a breath. “My little cheerleader is such a slut for me already, hm?”
The shirt that clung to his body is taken off, in the sexiest way possible, as well as his pants. Soon, he’s left in his boxers, his very obvious erection strains against the fabric. “Come here.” He grabs her waist as he slides onto the sheets, maneuvering her just the way he wants until she’s propped up on him. His back lays against her pillows as he slips her panties to the side, her leaking cunt pressed deliciously against his clothed cock.
“I can feel how fucking wet you are, is that all for me, Cutie?”
She tries to pay attention to him speak, but the sight of him, abs all sweaty below her, causes her brain to short circuit. “Don’t tell me you’re already all dumb for me.” He hotly stares at her, hand reaching out to grab her chin, making sure she’s looking him in the eye. “I asked you a question.”
She stares with wider hazy eyes, “It’s all for you, Ani. Need you so bad.” She whines, panting already.
He smirks at her state, loving the way she reacts to him. “Show me then, Cutie. Rub your wet little pussy on my cock and I might just fuck you with it.” His eyes are back to the intense ones she knows so well. But this time, he can visibly see how bad they affect her. Taking in a deep breath, she places her shaky hands on his abs before moving her hips. A gasp is heard pretty quickly due to how hard he is, she wonders if it hurts at all.
Weirdly, he finds it that much hotter how her skirt covers where they meet.
“There you go, keep going.” He praises, watching her with lidded eyes. Her head hangs low as she grinds a little harder.
“Fuck.” He rasps, moving his hands to her hips.
Her clit catches his head and ridges a few times and it’s enough to pull a pornographic moan from her. They’re full-on dry humping now, she can even see a wet patch start to grow on his briefs when she pulls up her skirt, it makes him salivate. “I can’t wait any longer.” He groans out, stopping her movements. A hand on her waist keeps her in place as he pushes down his briefs a few inches to grip a hand around himself. Pearls of pre cum ooze down his head and it has her gulping.
“Ready, Cutie?”
Y/n nods, tossing her head back as Anakin runs his cock through her folds before pressing into her. She’s so wet that in one push he’s filled her to the brim. “Anakin.” She weakly moans out, leaning her body forward to push him impossibly deeper inside her.
“Shit, you’re so tight and wet for me. Just like I knew you’d be.”
“You’ve thought of this before?” She asks, knowing the answer. She just wants to hear his dirty words some more. “Of course, I have. Jerked off to the idea of this cute little pussy so many times. You’re better than I imagined.” Her lips quiver at that, it propels her into raising her hips and slamming them down as fast as she’s able to at that moment. The stretch of him is making her delirious, an insatiable hunger taking over her.
“Just like that, Cutie. Doing so good for me.” The praise has her clenching around him. She tries her best to keep a good pace but it’s proving to be difficult, her thighs burn as her body forces her to slow down. The man under her takes notice and grips her waist, sitting up and laying her down beneath him.
He throbs inside of her impatiently, so he grabs her thighs and pushes them closer to her chest, both of them moan at the new angle. The way he’s now kissing her cervix has her turn to pure putty in his hands. “There you go, you’re my dumb little baby, aren’t you? Have I fucked you stupid?” He calls out, eyeing the way she reacts. A smirk finds it’s way on his face as she tries to answer but fails. The grip he has on her thighs tightens as he feels her clench, the fluttering doesn’t stop so he guesses she's close.
Her hand tip toes down to her clit to messily rub, she doesn’t care how or how fast, she just needs the stimulation.
“M’ gonna come.” She moans, tears welling in her eyes at his harsh pace and the words falling from his lips.
“Do it, Slut, come.” He growls, grinding his hips into hers. Anakin watches her face closely as she finishes around him, then he backs up to peak down at the way his cock fills her up to the brim.
“There you go.”
Y/n lazily smiles as he slows down to a stop.
“Don’t think I’m done with you, yet.” He tells her, pulling out to flip her over onto her stomach. His strong hands pull her ass up, pushing her legs apart with his knee. “You look so good like this, pussy ready for me.” His voice is low and gravelly, it has her dripping.
The next morning she awoke to the unusual smell of bacon. A hand splays out on the spot next to her, it’s cold. Cracking open an eye, she notices the bed is empty. “Anakin?” Her groggy voice asks to the open air. There’s no response so she pushes herself to her feet, noticing she’s in her panties and what looks like Anakin’s shirt.
Traversing through her apartment, she spots the kitchen and rubs her eyes. Anakin’s tussled hair and toned back was the first thing she saw, “Anakin?”
His ears perk up. Turning around, he smiles, “Good morning, about time you woke up. I was just about to come get you.” He walks over to her, settling his hands on her hips and placing a loving kiss to her cheek. “I made breakfast, go sit down.” He nods to the table. “I didn’t know you were so motherly.” She smiles, sitting down at a chair.
“Just for you.” He murmurs, getting out cups.
Eating breakfast beside him was odd, not in a bad way though. Waking up to him was truly the best feeling. “What time do you work today?” He asks, shoveling the last of his food in his mouth.
“Uhh 4, and tomorrow the shop isn’t open.”
“Oh, so I get you the whole day? I’m honored.” He says as they both get up to put dishes in the sink. Hands on the counter, she turns around to face him. He gladly leans in and traps her between him and the surface, the kiss they shared was sweet, it made her heart swell.
“I should go back to my place to get cleaned up. I’ll miss you.” He punctuates that with a kiss, or two, or three. She giggles in return, teasingly pushing him away as he goes back for more. “When I come back you better be in the same outfit, you look amazing in my clothes.” He leans into her ear to say, playfully nipping at her neck. “Anakin…” She laughs.
A few days have passed, Y/n sits at her desk doing her homework as she gets a call. She recognizes that it’s associated with her university. She answers it and her jaw drops. Her painting was accepted into the art show. She springs up from her bed and squeals when the call is over. The first thing she thinks of is telling Anakin, but, maybe it would be better if it was a surprise.
“Anakin it’s a school night.”
“We’re adults, Y/n. We’re not in middle school anymore, plus it’ll be fun.” He tries persuading her. Currently his friends and him are going to see a movie, it’s about 9:00 so Y/n is a little worried. She hums from over the phone in thought, “Fine, is your car even big enough for all of us?” She asks, playing with the strings of her sweat pants.
“I’ll pick you up and we’ll meet them there, don’t worry.” Y/n hums again.
“I’ll be there in 15 minutes, okay?”
As he pulls up to her building, he can’t help but be nervous as well. His friends can be a little…intense, and he knows Y/n is the opposite of that. But he really wants his girlfriend and his friends to meet.
“Hey, Beautiful. I missed you.” He smiles, leaning in to leave a peck on her lips.
“I missed you too, what movie are we watching?”
“The new insidious, it looks really good.”
“A scary movie? You should’ve warned me, I’m gonna embarrass myself even more in front of your friends.” Her doe eyes stare in worry at him, causing his heart to squeeze. “Y/n no, I promise it’ll be okay. If it gets too scary I can..distract you. I’m pretty good at that.” He smiles, driving off. Of course, he would say that.
Y/n wipes her clammy hands on her jeans, remembering how the boys were in the flower shop.
Her boyfriend eyes her from his seat, eyebrows furrowed. "Hey, if this is too much for you we can go back. It's up to you." He grabs at her hands, looking her sincerely in the eyes after he parks. "No no, I'll be fine." He smiles at her, giving her a loving kiss before opening his door. The wind whips her hair in her face as she stands, soon hearing the loud chattering of, who she assumes, are his friends. There's about 4 of them, they're already laughing and pushing each other when they reach the two. They do their guy greeting before turning to her. One of them speaks up first, "You must be Y/n, we've heard a lot about you."
"Oh, good things I hope." She nervously smiles, migrating to holding onto Anakin's hand, she grips it like it's her lifeline. The group quickly starts chatting together, Y/n, obviously, the odd one out. The only thing keeping her from running away was Anakin. As they got their tickets and stood in line for snacks, he wrapped a protective arm around her waist. "What do you want?" He asks, referring to what snacks she wants.
A thoughtful expression is seen on her face as she looks over the food. "Can I get the gummy worms? Oh and a blue slushee." She says, pointing to it on the menu. The cashier types in the order, asking if that's all. He nods, paying for you both, his friends order right after. "I'll pay you back, how much was it?" She starts digging through her purse for her wallet. "Y/n, you don't have to pay me back." He shakes his head, smiling affectionately at her.
"Dude, I didn't know you were so sappy." One of his friends laughs, of course, they all start laughing at him. Except one, she doesn't know his name but she knows she doesn't like him. The way his eyes undress her makes her feel dirty and exposed. The 3 pounds of drinks, popcorn, and candy they get is dispersed amongst them. Since they are college boys, they pick the seats way at the back of the theater. She doesn't mind too much though, having Anakin with her soothes her nerves.
As she sits down, Anakin sits to her left, and to her dismay, the one friend sits to her right. The tension the guy brings has her scooting closer to her boyfriend.
Sitting through the ads was tough, she couldn't constantly keep talking to Anakin since he was talking to his friends, so she had to sit there, eating the popcorn that sat in Anakin's lap.
The lights dimmed as she reached for him, clasping one of his hands in between both of hers.
During the movie she had the weirdest feeling of being watched, it chilled her more than the cold theater air. Or, maybe not. She didn't realize how cold it was until right now.
"Anakin, I'm gonna get my jacket from your car, can you give me your keys?" She whispers.
He nods, digging in his pocket and giving her them. Carefully, she gets up, avoiding knocking into everyone's legs as she sidesteps through the aisle.
Moments later when she turns around from locking the car again, jacket in hand. She spots Anakin, his friends, and a security guard outside by the doors. Eyebrows furrowing, she gets closer, the security guard then goes inside, leaving the rest of the men. "What happened? Are you okay?" She noticed one of the guys with a busted lip and bloody nose.
"Let's go, Y/n." Her boyfriend says sternly, dragging her back to the car by the hand. "Anakin? You're scaring me."
Once they sat in the car, her body turned towards him, "Anakin." She says again, waiting for an explanation. The man sighs, rubbing his hands over his face before muttering. "I punched Cody." She's not sure who that is, but she guesses it's the one with the bleeding nose and lip. "What? Why? I thought you were friends."
He sighs again, looking over at you. "He was saying some stuff about you, that I won't repeat. I couldn't control myself after that, then we got kicked out." Y/n was stunned, what could've he possibly said about her that made Anakin so blood thirsty? "Oh." She was obviously a little hurt, not by him, but by the friend. She thought she was doing a good job at talking to them.
"Don't let him get you down, though. You mean so much to me, Y/n, More than I can put into words, let's go home." He runs a hand through his hair before reversing out of his parking space, a stern look still on his face.
That night when they got to her house, he changed into the clothes he brought over and clung to her. They were both on their sides facing each other in bed, her head pressed into his chest, and a firm arm was around her waist.
"Look at me."
She does as he requested and tipped her head up, locking eyes with him even through the darkness. His hand on her waist drifts up to comb through the hair beside her ear, before resting on her neck to pull her lips to his properly.
"I love you." He breaths against her mouth, kissing her once more.
"You do?" She asks, reaching up to press her hand onto his. Nobody except her parents has told her that before, especially with the pure adoration that Anakin held. "Of course, I do. The first time I ever saw you, you ran me over with your painting. I was hooked from the beginning." He smiles, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
Her eyes widen, "That was you?"
"Yes, and I couldn't be more happy about it." He spoke so close to her lips, they brushed against each other after each word. "I love you too." She responds, initiating the last kiss before they sleep. After that, they broke apart so Anakin could lean his head on top of hers, listening to her breathing slow as she falls asleep.
Getting through her classes was tough, there was only one more day until the art show. Y/n tried her best not to think too much about it, though.
"Here, Cherry. Here, Bear." She calls, putting food into their dishes. As she sits and pets them while they eat, her mind drifts to what Anakin's reaction might be to seeing his own eyes on display. She can only hope it doesn't weird him out, he's her first boyfriend since her Junior year of high school. He even told her he loves her. But, she knew if he did have an adverse reaction to it, she would understand. Her head lay on her knee as she processes all of her emotions at once.
That day at the shop the bell rang, signaling a customer.
"Welcome in..." She trails off. "Anakin, what are you doing here?" Y/n gasps, eyes sparkling. The man smiles while shrugging. "Just looking around, I suppose." She hums, "Let me know if you need any help, okay?" He nods at her words, stepping around an aisle. It doesn't take him too long to pick out what he's looking for.
He places down a singular rose, readying his wallet. "Alright, that'll be $1.25." He hums in return, plucking out 2 one dollar bills. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I'll miss you." Anakin tells her as she gives him his change. "I'll miss you more, Ani." They cement their words with a kiss and then he leaves, waving at her as he does so.
Her hands visibly shake when she steps up to his car, it’s already dark outside so she hopes he can’t see. Y/n decided to wear a nice looking dress, she thought it would be nice since her art is in the show n all. “Wow, you look amazing. If you change your mind and wanna stay home tonight just lemme know.” He jokes.
“Tempting.” She smiles back as they finish greeting each other.
“I gotta grab my jacket from the trunk, one second.” He says as he pops the trunk open. A moment later he’s running back, half of his body is outside the car he leans inside. "For you." The red rose he bought from her in his hand, the smile that erupts onto her face has her cheeks hurting.
“Anakin, you’re so sweet.”
“Whoops sorry, here’s the rest.” She looks at him confused before he moves fully in front of the open door, a large bouquet of roses sit in his hands.
Instead of her usual sweet reply, she stares at him as he sits down in the driver's seat, the roses taking up quite a bit of space. Her eyebrows are furrowed as her mouth is still open in awe. She tries to stop the feeling of tears but it’s no use, they well up in her eyes and begin to drip and trickle down her cheek.
“Don’t cry, Cutie.” His eyes soften at her.
She gains some courage to reach out and grab the flowers, looking down at them with her, now, very wet cheeks. “You really didn’t have to.” She sniffles, wiping her tears and nose with her sleeve. “I wanted to, I love you, Y/n.”
She sniffles once more, “I love you too. Thank you.” Anakin’s not sure whether she’s thanking him for the flowers or his feelings towards her, but it makes him feel good either way. During the ride she decides to put the flowers in the back, the need to hold onto him after that was strong.
“Where are we going first?” They see a bunch of people around the school, not sure where the official entrance is.
She looks around at the outside venue before pointing to the place she wants to start looking around, knowing her piece is the opposite way.
It was unbelievably nice to look around and chat about the art pieces, some are statues, clay, and of course, paintings. Now, the moment she’s been dwelling on. She spots her painting a few feet down. “Wow, these paintings are so pretty.” Y/n says, trying to make it seem like something wasn’t eating her up inside. The natural speed of their walking, and brief stops, finally brought them to her painting. A sign in front of it spells out his name as the name of the piece, and her name as the author is right under it. Anakin’s hand on her back rubs her clothed skin, as it has been on and off for the past hour. His fingers feel like fire through her dress.
Her senses are heightened, the sound of the ground under their feet, the chatting of people around them, and the wind is all very loud. Her heart beat especially.
She doesn’t say anything as they walk in front of her section. “Heh, this looks like the eyes you always draw.” She gulps at his observation, waiting for him to read the sign. In a confused voice, he lets out a “Y/n..?” As he stares at the vivid blue on the canvas and the sign that has his name as the title of the painting, it all hits him at once. She can’t possibly look at him, she’s already having trouble regulating her breathing. But, he grips her and spins her to face him.
“This..is yours?” He pauses, eyes full of emotion. “You were drawing me? All those sketches I saw..were me?” He searches her eyes for something, anything in the moment.
“I’m sorry if you find it creepy-.” She begins explaining herself, but he cuts her off. “Y/n, no. I love it, more than I can express.” He never imagined anyone would do this, would ever take such an interest in him more than his physical abilities and attractiveness.
“I can’t believe it. Come here.” He says, taking her to a less populated area. Once they’re there, he grabs her face gently. His eyebrows are knit together as tears well in his eyes. “Y/n, I, I never thought I’d meet someone like you. Thank you for loving me."
It didn’t very long for them to make their way to her bed once more, this time was different though. She felt it in the air, in the way he pressed loving kisses to the expanse of her skin. The dress she’s wearing is bunched around her hips as he lays in between them, kissing down her thighs.
“Gonna make you feel good, Cutie.”
His nose nudges her clothed cunt, it has her hips stuttering upwards. He smiles as he carefully prods her with his tongue over her panties, soon settling on her clit to suckle lazily. "Anakin." She whines, the teasing becoming too much for her. Her boyfriend smiles before moving up to the waistband, kissing sultry kisses into her skin and the fabric, it ends with him nipping at the clothing and tugging it down her body with just his teeth. She hopes she doesn't go into cardiac arrest because of him.
His large hands grip her thighs, throwing them over his shoulder and spreading her wide with two fingers. "Such a pretty pussy for me, Cutie." He mumbles into her as he licks firmly up her slit to her clit. Her back reacts first, then her hands get lost in his hair. She's never been eaten out before, the feeling coupled with the perpetrator being Anakin made her mind fuzzy. He eases his tongue inside of her, licking around before he groans. The vibrations pulling a loud moan from Y/n.
"I knew you'd taste good, so perfect for me."
His praise added a new layer of heat to her face and chest, the dress she was wearing suddenly very hot. Anakin narrowed in on her clit, his finger pulled back the hood so he could suck purely on the bundle of nerves. A choked whine leaves her, her back arches fully at the sensitivity. The liquid fire in her gut spreads like lava as she unexpectedly comes, the moans are stuck in her throat as she processes the euphoria flowing through her. His sucking becomes gentler as he prolongs her orgasm.
"You did so good for me, Baby. God, you drive me crazy. You see what you do to me?" He hotly asks, pushing his jeans down enough to grip his erection through his briefs. An ache settles in her pelvis, the need to be filled becoming almost unbearable. "I need you, Anakin. Feel so empty without you." His eyes close for a second before he fully undresses, soon doing the same to her as she pushes the material of her dress up and over her head. The both of them feeling the effects of the other person.
He pushes in and leans down, catching her lips in a kiss. "I love you, Y/n." She mutters back the sentiments, eyes rolling to the back of her head at the initial stretch of him. The veins that line his shaft are felt through her tight walls, it drives her crazy.
"Fuck, so tight for me." He mumbles, dropping so their bodies are pressed flush against each other. His head rests on her neck as he picks up his pace, rutting into her needly. Light lines of red come to life on his back due to her fingernails, the pressure only drives him further into her. The only other sound besides their mixed moaning and groaning is the squelching from how wet she is, Y/n bites her lip in embarrassment, and Anakin's hips stutter.
"So wet for me, love this pussy so much."
A layer of sweat forms between their bodies as he keeps going, and a hand drifts down between them to rub at her clit. His thumb keeps up with his thrusting, only rubbing faster when she cries out. “Gonna come for me, Cutie?” He breathes heavily, planting deep kisses against her neck and chest.
She nods quickly, clinging onto him. “So close for you.” Her voice is a tad hoarse as she speaks up.
“Let go, need to feel you.”
His plead pushes her off the edge. Her hips do as they please and buck up into him, plunging him deep into her. Fireworks set off behind her closed eyelids and her brain lulls to a stop, letting the overwhelming feeling take over her limbs as they shake. Just as she comes out of it a loud groan sounds from him, “Mm, Baby, where do you want me?”
“In me, please come inside me.”
The idea of coming inside her ends it all for him, dirty thoughts and images run through his mind a mile a minute as he shoves himself as deep as he can go. The warmth of him finishing in her has zaps of electricity shooting up and down her spine.
“You did so good, Y/n.” He pants from above her, leaning down to give her a sweet kiss before he pulls out. The sight after he does is picture-worthy, his come leaks out of her and it almost makes Anakin hard again. A moment passes before he takes his middle and ring finger and pushes the rest back inside of her.
“You’re so pretty with my come leaking out of you, my little tortured artist.”
She chuckles out of breath before he speaks up again.
"I know this probably isn't the right time, but y'know how you helped with my botany homework?"
Her eyebrows draw together curiously, "Yes..why?"
"Well, I actually wasn't failing, I had an A in that class but I just wanted an excuse to talk to you more."
Her eyes grow wide at that, an incredulous smile on her face. "Seriously?"
He shrugs, "It worked, didn't it?"
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fredwkong · 4 months
Himbo Maker: Misha
Misha was an Egirl: a European Guy In Real Life. He would do his makeup, put on fake eyelashes, a wig, and a pair of pink headphones with kitty cat ears, and stream video games online. He loved to troll new viewers by spending an hour or so doing a breathy, feminine voice, and then suddenly hit them with his natural Baltic baritone. The way the chat went crazy made it worth it every time.
The whole game was helped by how petit and curvy Misha had always been. Even in his twenties, he still had a soft, almost girlish body and stood at most of other guys’ sternums. Too bad he wasn’t a trans girl, or at least a gay boy, he sometimes thought, looking at his body in the mirror. Gay guys were supposed to go for little guys who looked like him.
One evening, Misha was just starting his stream when some user started acting really weird in chat. He had a username that almost seemed familiar to Misha, but the guy he was thinking of had always been polite and given insightful comments on Misha’s gaming. This guy’s messages were full of typos, and he couldn’t seem to stop talking about his muscles.
Misha was just about to ban the guy when an alert sounded: Misha’s charming, girly laugh, which indicated a user had just donated a hefty sum. Of course, it was this annoying brodude.
“Uh,” said Misha, almost forgetting to put on his femmy voice, “He says, “Bro, this guy liek wants to chat wiht u on stream.” And there’s a link in the donation.”
Clicking the link, Misha found himself looking at a chat website he’d never seen before. “Hold on, let me share my screen,” he simpered, sharing the chat window. Somehow, his usual screen name was already in the bar. It must have populated from his stream.
Mish-kittycat: Like, heyoooo! You okay with being on stream with me? (✿◠‿◠)
Himbo_mkr: No way, bruh! I love meeting new bros. Like, hi stream!
Misha was a bit offended that this chat partner would refer to him as a “bro.” But stream chat seemed interested, so he thought it could be worth a few minutes to humour the donater. It had been a fair amount of money.
Mish-kittycat: What do you want to talk about UwU
Himbo_mkr: Bro, you know that all I ever talk about are my sick gains and going out with guys, lmao
Okay, so this was a troll. They probably wanted to get Misha banned for lewdness or something. Still, at least it was original that the troll character was a gay guy. He rolled his eyes at the stream and said, out loud in his girl voice, “Looks like someone got mad enough to pay to speak with all this.” He gestured down his slim body in tonight’s outfit, a stereotypical Japanese maid costume.
Himbo_mkr: Huhuhu, bro, you clicked on the link. Didn’t force you to do it.
Misha froze. Of course the troll was watching the stream. “Heh, I don’t let meatheaded bullies boss me around,” he chirped, trying to save face.
Himbo_mkr: You sure? You sure like it when your chat bosses you around, bro.
Now this guy was just lying. Misha scowled, even though he knew the expression would make his foundation crack unattractively. “This is a really weird way to bully someone.” He looked at the stream chat, waiting for his subscribers to back him up.
But the character of the chat seemed to have changed. No, they had always been bossy, Misha suddenly remembered. They would tell Misha how to play his games all the time while he pretended to struggle. It was a key part of the dynamic of his channel that chat bossed him around, and right now they were telling him to go back to chatting with this guy. One guy even messaged, “No more talking, kitty. You’re only allowed to write in the chat.” Misha gave the camera a plaintive look, but listened. He always listened to his chat.
Mish-kittycat: So maybe you’re right about that one thing, but coming in here being rude is totally uncool (งᓀ‸ᓂ)ง
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I was just tryna compliment you on your sick bis, dude.
Misha cocked his head, confused. He was the opposite of buff, that was why he was so good at dressing as a girl. But as he continued to think about it, he remembered all the hours he spent working on his arms. He kept a set of weights next to his bedroom door, and he did bicep curls to failure every time he went through the doorway. Yeah, his biceps were his pride and joy, and they were usually how he showed off his manliness when he revealed his deep voice and accent.
A tip came in. “Flex for us, kitty,” commanded the text-to-speech voice. With a smirk, Misha lifted up one of his arms, feeling it stretch the sleeve of his maid costume as the veins popped. Too bad the rest of his body hadn’t followed his arms and gotten bulky.
Himbo_mkr: We’re all waiting for you to drop your lifting routine, bro! You’ve been totally blowing up.
Misha blushed at the flattery. His physique wasn’t all that impressive. Sure, now that he thought about it, he had been really hitting the weights a lot and eating right. In fact, his room seemed to be full of lifting clothes and supplements as he looked around. But that was because some of his subscribers kept telling him to get to the gym and hit his macros. It had actually been really freeing to just let people pay to tell him what to do on his fitness journey. And it was paying off! Misha definitely couldn’t pass for a girl these days, which was why the channel had changed to be more about doing stuff in-game for the highest bidders.
The maid costume barely wrapped around Misha’s broad pecs, and the garters had torn when he’d tried to pull them up his thick thighs. Sure, it had been funny when the stream started and the chat had gotten Misha to show off his shoulder raises while dressed in a little maid skirt, but the polyester was really starting to chafe on his smooth muscles. It was a relief when a tip rolled in while Misha flexed and said “Kitty, wear comfy clothes.” The chat oooohed and aaaahed as Misha shucked the maid costume, showing off his bulky chest, and pulled on his favourite comfy shirt instead. Sure, it had some tears and stuff, but as a masculine guy, Misha wasn’t worried about dressing up fancy or anything.
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The guy whose chat Misha was streaming had been quiet, so Misha hopped back over and sent another message.
Mish-kittyhunk: Thanks man! It’s all about trusting the process.
Himbo_mkr: I can tell that you trust people, bro! You’re like a puppy lmao.
Well, Misha thought, maybe he did like getting bossed around in chat, but it wasn’t like he trusted everyone blindly! Okay, well, maybe he did tend to stop to help people on the road and then lose his wallet a lot. They looked like they needed help! And maybe he did sometimes click on links that meant he needed to take his phone to the store for them to fix, but so did everyone else!
Looking at the chat, who were all laughing about Misha being a totally trusting puppy, Misha had to finally agree. That was why one of his subscribers had gotten him this headset with floppy dog ears on it, after all.
Mish-puphunk: Haha, you got me, dude! That’s why I clicked on this link, too XD
Himbo_mkr: It’s okay, bro. Lots of gay hunks are pretty dumb, it just adds to that himbo appeal.
This time this guy was definitely making stuff up. Misha was totally straight, he just didn’t do well with girls. Well, that and being a submissive hunk online mostly attracted a gay male fanbase. And, well, now that he thought about it, when was the last time Misha had really thought about a girl? Like, maybe if it was a domme? But no, even then, Misha would really prefer a guy to be involved at some point. This guy was probably right, Misha was gay.
It was super hard to think. There was a reason that Misha preferred to let chat do the thinking for him. Even before he realised how much he loved to listen when men told him what to do, Misha had never been much of a deep thinker. That was why most of the stuff in his room was gym gear, gaming stuff, or whatever his subscribers bought for him. Lately, they had been really loving when Misha wore even less clothes and showed off more of his growing body, and Misha was happy to oblige as long as they kept telling him what to do!
Mish-puphunk: Lol I guess you’re right! I just wanna give sirs what they want
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I totally get why you love pup play so much. You just love being obedient and dumb and empty lmao. You, like, pretty much live in your mask these days.
A pup mask…Misha was pretty sure one of his subscribers had sent him one of those once, but it had been really confusing to put on and he’d only worn it once. No, wait, that wasn’t right. Misha was such a ditz! He’d loved the experience of putting on the pup mask and letting himself be a dumb pup for his chat. And chat had loved sending in tips to give him commands like “sit,” “roll over,” and “stick a tail in your hole.”
It had been so popular that the subscribers had told Misha to make it a weekly thing, then a biweekly thing, and by now it had pretty much become what Misha did during his streams. While chatting with this guy had been fun, Misha really wanted to get on with the stream and mask up. He opened his mouth to tell the viewers that, but then remembered that he had been ordered not to talk. Too bad, chat would only hear his deep, resonant voice if they ordered him to bark after he put on his mask.
Mish-puphunk: Okay dude, I gotta go be a good dumb pup now.
Himbo_mkr: Got it, bruh! You got a bunch of hunky doms to please by being a good pup slut!
Chat cheered as Misha stopped streaming the chat window and winked at the camera. An especially hung dom who loved to tip had won the bid war last night to decide what Misha wore, so Misha fondled the straps of his leather harness as he got up to grab his mask. He wondered what his chat full of muscular, horny himbo doms would have him do today.
Misha slipped on the mask and let his mind go blank.
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joongbin · 10 months
Hii would you mind doing skz x 9th member reader headcanons where they simp for reader's hands? I don't mind if reader is their crush or not btw.
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꒰ hyunjin is known for his beautiful lips, you're known for your hands. weird, but your members seem to like them.
pairings: ot8 (skz) x 9thmbr!male reader
warnings: suggestive themes for a few members: minho, changbin, han, felix.
genre: suggestive
&; hi sorry for no fics and it's just me going crazy over dowoon this my apology
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He only noticed how your hands looked when you patted him on the shoulder. He would always make an excuse to hold your hand by saying,
“ I just want you to be safe. ”
But he what he wanted to do was to feel your hands. They were so warm and comforting to hold, could you blame him?
If he could, he'd kiss your knuckles everytime he'd get the chance to, but he didn't want rumours, nor did he want you to get rumours as well.
You were playing with his cats, that was when he noticed how beautiful your hands were. That was when his imagination went wild.
He wanted your fingers around his neck, all around his body, gripping on his hair— he just wanted you to do something to him with those hands.
“ Min, you okay? ” he snapped out of his rather dirty thoughts. He smiled nervously at you, adjusting the way he sat so you didn't notice anything wrong.
Doongie purred in your pets, while the two other cats slept soundly. Minho enjoyed your company, and he knew his cats enjoyed your presence too.
He just wished the two of you were something .. more.
You offered Changbin to go to a restaurant, except that it was far away from your entertainment. You told him it was worth it and he was practically sold.
You drove, he sat in the passengers seat. That's when he noticed all the details, especially how nice your hands looked around the steering wheel.
Oh, how he wished your fingers were around his biceps, thighs, wherever you liked to touch him. He'd definitely appreciate your touch more after this.
You two were drawing together, Hyunjin offered to because he wanted to draw you. You didn't wanna awkwardly sit there, so you decided to draw as well.
You weren't the best, but it was decent to the normal person's eyes, and you were happy about that. As you were focused with your drawing, someone wasn't focusing as well as you were; Hyunjin.
The way your fingers make the pencil glide around the paper gracefully made him fall in love with you even more. He didn't even know what he was drawing anymore; all his attention was on you.
You were backstage, scrolling through social media while practicing your voice for the stage, you didn't wanna disappoint STAY, that's for sure.
Han was also practicing his voice while sitting down on the floor. He looked at what you were doing and that's when he noticed how fine your hands looked.
He took in all the details from your knuckles to your veins; God, you were blessed with those hands. Slowly but surely, his thoughts got more and more .. mature.
A bright blush appeared on his face before getting interrupted by the manager. Maybe his thoughts would come true someday.
Felix was showing you his keyboard stuff because you said you were interested, his eyes gleamed with joy you've never seen before.
Felix told you to try and make your own little keyboard thing and you happily did. Felix watched your hands attentively and absolutely admiring your hands.
They looked so soft, yet so strong. He wanted them on his body, he wants your hands on him, but he knew that would never happen. Especially, with the idol life.
You two were visiting an animal shelter together, petting animals. You two came across a dog and played with it, playing catch and the general dog play.
You pet the dog, loving it to bits while Seungmin looked. It was the perfect time to examine your features, he thought.
Your eyes were filled with love, your smile that cheered his day immediately, and your- hands. How did he not notice them before? They looked so nice, wrapped around his neck maybe, or perhaps caressing his cheek.
He was being delusional, there was no way.
You guys went shopping for jewellery, Jeongin making you put on some jewellery that he thought would fit you. There were a few you liked, but you pointed to rings.
He put the one you were interested in on your finger, and that was when he realized how nice your hands looked. Well, he would never admit that out loud.
He imagined them caressing his cheek, or perhaps rubbing his back for comfort, or maybe even just around his own hands.
“ You okay? ” you asked. He snapped out of his thoughts, chuckling before letting go of your hand, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't want STAY to be disappointed, or hate you two. He didn't want to start anything.
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callmelola111 · 1 year
guilty conscience ☆ part two
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 ← part 1 ⭑ part 3 , part 4 , part 5 →
synopsis: it’s your first year at college and you’re 1,500 miles away from home. you’d feel completely alone if it wasn't for your attractive roommate ellie. will this attraction complicate already uncharted territory? or will she be the answer to all your problems?
      |✯| pairing & wc: college!ellie williams x roommate!reader. wc: 2.1k
      |✯| cw (by part): 18+ themes (MDNI), fem reader, modern au!ellie, HEAVY ANGST, some swearing, a hint of sexual themes, cat
a/n: this was so fun to write. i love causing drama <3. apologies in advance for how angsty it’s gonna get but i promise it will all be worth in the end !!
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Through the weekend you and your new roommate Ellie went to some campus events to kickoff the new semester and got to know each other better. You guys bonded over music and had even made each other playlists. It was sweet. Time flew when you were around her, and suddenly, it was Monday, and the first week of classes.
You woke up extra early that morning. Ellie was still fast asleep in her bed so you had to get ready in the dark, but you didn’t mind, she looked so pretty lying there. You finished getting ready and loaded up your green canvas backpack. As you reached for your keys about to head for the door, a groggy voice piped up.
“Not gonna say bye to your favorite roommate?”
“Ellie, you're awake! Good morning, happy Monday!!” you replied, a little too chipper for Ellie’s liking
“Damn, up at 8am and wishing me a ‘happy’ Monday? You’re crazy.” she teased. You giggled a little but then glanced at your phone to see the time and the giggles halted. 
“Listen I’d love to stay and chat but my class is in 10 minutes and I don’t even know where the building is…” You gave a slow, sarcastic laugh and opened the door to the hallway.
“Have a good day at class- if you actually make it” she threw her head back with a chuckle. 
“Ellsss, seriously? Stoppp.” you drug out your words with a whine. That's when Ellie’s eyes got wide and your face got red, realizing what you had just called her.
“Nicknames already?” A cocky smile spread across her face. She loved seeing you get all flustered. You were cute, almost in a pitiful way. 
“I- Ellie- I meant Ellie. Jeez, I’m sorry.” Your eyes locked to the floor, avoiding whatever face she might’ve been making in reaction to your stupid slip up. A string of “no’s” from Ellie quickly follows your apology. You looked up to meet her gaze 
“Call me Els, it’s cute, you’re cute. But you’re the only one who can. Got it?” she winked playfully. The red that filled your cheeks from embarrassment became even redder with Ellie’s shameless flirting. Was she like this with all her friends? You wished to stay home all day and weigh out the possibilities but there was no time to think now. 
“Okay, well uh, see you later Els.” You couldn’t help but smile ear to ear knowing how she felt about the name. 
“See ya hun.” And with that, you were off to class,  a skip in your step. You had made it just in time. You surveyed the rows of seats looking for an open spot to grab. You notice one next to a girl with short black hair, covered in sick tattoos. She looked like just the type of person you’d wanna be friends with so you made your way across the room to her. 
“Hey, is anyone sitting here?” you inquired. The girl looked you dead in the face, grabbed her backpack from the floor, and shoved it into the empty seat.
“Yeah. My backpack.” she replied with a straight face followed by a middle finger. You stood there, mouth open in shock. Like, what the fuck did you do? You were about to snapback until a voice coming from behind retaliated first. 
“I thought mean girls were just a highschool thing? Guess not. Hey, newsflash!! We’re in college now, so maybe you should stop being a cunt and grow the fuck up. Yeah?” Your jaw dropped even further this time. The pathetic excuse for a bully sunk into her chair, head down, knowing she just got ate the fuck up. Your new savior switched her gaze back to you.
“Hi I’m Dina! Maybe you’d wanna sit with me instead?”
“Of course I’ll sit with you, that was totally badass, you’re like my hero! I’m y/n!” You climbed over the row of seats and plopped down next to her. Before you knew it, class was over and you were exchanging numbers with your new friend. You hardly even remember what the professor was saying in class, as you were too busy whispering back and forth with Dina.
The evening rolls around and you finally head back to your dorm. You couldn’t wait to tell Ellie about the insane day you just had. You stepped out of the elevator onto the 4th floor and the sounds of music bellowed down the hall. It became louder the closer you got to your room. Once you reached your door, you realized it was Ellie. You walked inside to see her sitting with a sage green electric guitar propped up on her right knee. She slid her hand down the neck of the guitar, veins popping as she switched her fingerings to play a new chord. You could’ve watched her all day if she hadn't noticed your stare and stopped playing.
“Like what you see, pretty girl?” It’s like she knew how desperate you are for her. Of course you get red in the face and fumble for a rebuttal just as cocky as hers.
“You calling me pretty Els? How cute.” Your tone is laced in sarcasm and your eyes do a dramatic roll. 
Ellie was quick with it, “Yeah y/n, I am. You got a problem?” She was staring you down with persistence. The eye contact was getting intense, but you were too enamored to answer her question, despite it being a simple “no”. 
All you could spit out was, “uh, I gotta pee.” 
“Okay weirdo thanks for letting the audience know” she replied laughing, obviously mocking your odd public statement. That was your queue to quickly retreat to the bathroom. You pulled down your pants to reveal the obvious wet spot. It was getting embarrassing how aroused this girl could make you without even doing a thing. Luckily you actually had to pee because Ellie was right outside the door and could hear everything. And of course, she had to let you know. 
Mid-doing your business, she yells through the door, “damn girl, you really did have to piss.” Your palm hits your face like muscle memory. She was so stupid. 
You walk out of the bathroom and wash your hands while vocalizing your annoyance to Ellie. She turned the corners of her mouth downwards making the cheesiest frown ever. 
“Soooo how was your first day?” she asked, dragging out the “o” to fill the lull in conversation. 
You turned to her, brows furrowed, and replied “Good and bad.” Ellie’s curious, wide-eyed look turned sincere as soon as you said the word bad. 
“Bad? Already? Tell me about it. Are you okay?” She seemed genuine in her response so you spilled about the mean girl you had met in your class earlier this morning. She sat in silence, hanging onto every word you said. She wanted you to know she was listening and that she cared. 
“I’m so sorry y/n, that girl sounds like a total bitch. You did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment. You want me to go give her a piece of my mind?” 
You laughed, but you knew she meant it, “that’s okay, someone already did. That was the good part.” 
“Oh, who?” Ellie’s demeanor shifted, like her chivalry was being threatened. 
“This cool ass girl in my class, Dina.” The corners of your mouth upturned just saying her name. Ellie’s face remained neutral and you couldn't tell what she was thinking.
“When she overheard that girl being rude she totally whipped her head around and told her off. She even called her a cunt. It was so awesome.” you continued, eye’s beaming.
“Then she let me sit with her and we talked literally the whole class. Afterwards, she gave me her number so we could make plans! Totally worth being bullied by a random stranger.” You were so consumed by telling your story that you didn’t notice Ellie’s face completely drop. She almost looked pissed off. When you realized, your face dropped right with hers.
“You alright?” you questioned, not understanding what happened. Little did you know, your story stomped all over Ellie’s ego. She was envious of the way Dina seemed to make you feel.
“Oh yeah, everything's fine over here” she retorted with a hint of sarcasm that felt too minuscule to acknowledge aloud.
“So then, how was your day?” you said, moving on from whatever that was.
“Mine was good. I met someone too.” 
“How cool! We both made friends on the first day-”
Ellie was fast to answer, “Oh no, she’s not a friend.” Your puzzled look urged her to continue.
“She actually hit on me, so I gave her my number. She was sooo damn fine too.” All that followed was silence. Jealousy consumed you, just like Ellie wanted. 
“What's that? Cat got your tongue?” Ellie scoffed and then flashed you a twisted smile. Your feelings were hurt, you’d never seen her act this way before. Even behind her usual sarcastic remarks you knew she was genuine. This time you weren’t so sure. For lack of an appropriate response and the silence continuing to drag you tried to change the subject. 
“SHE? You’re gay?!” you exclaimed, pretending to act surprised, but failing.
“Thought that was kinda obvious kid…” Kid????? Who did Ellie think she was? You were so over this conversation, but she kept on going.
“Anyways, do you think I should go for it?” she sat there smirking, waiting for your response. 5 minutes ago you might’ve told her no because you wanted her for yourself, but after this show of character, you just let her have it.
“Sure, I bet she thinks you’re ‘soooo fine’ too.” you said, completely monotone and pissed off. Part of Ellie felt disappointed you didn’t fight for her, but she realized she had no right to feel like that. She was the one playing games with your feelings, not the other way around. In an attempt to save the conversation she decided to bring up her gig.
“Hey, by the way, if you liked my guitar playing, you should totally come to my band's show this weekend.”
“Wouldn't you rather bring your girlfriend?” you remarked. Ellie felt ashamed for triggering this side of you. Everything she said was true, but she could've just kept it to herself. Ellie had hurt you on purpose, and all out of spite.
“I really want you there y/n. It’s important.” she answered, trying to recover. There was a softening in your eyes.
“Fine, I’ll be there.”
The week rolled by quickly and the usual flirty banter had died down ever since that conversation. You were too busy with school to stay angry at Ellie, but too proud to try and win her back. 
Soon, it was Saturday, the night of Ellie’s show. You sat in front of the mirror ridiculing the makeup you had just applied before she interrupted.
“You better put some pep in your step little lady. We’ve gotta go.” You broke eye contact with yourself to look up at her.
“I promise you look fine, don’t worry.” Ellie reassured, already knowing what you were thinking. You loved how she could read your mind. 
Soon, Ellie, her band, and you, all arrived at the venue. You found a spot in the back to sit and wait as they set up to perform. Everything is fine, until out of the corner of your eye, you see devil incarnate hanging around the bar. You couldn’t believe your eyes. You quickly whipped out your phone to text Dina about your rotten luck.
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After letting her know you looked up to see Ellie walking towards you. Perfect timing.
“Ellie, oh my god, oh my god” you said, antsy to tell her the news.
She met your energy, “What?? Tell me!!” 
“Guess who’s here.” you coaxed. 
“Idk who?”
“It’s that girl who-” 
Before you could finish, “that girl” was now part of your conversation.
“Ellliieeeee!!” she squealed, flying into her arms. (WHAT THE FUCK?!) They both turned to face you and Ellie could tell something was up. Your eye was practically twitching.
“Y/n, this is Cat. She’s my uh-”, Ellie proceeded with caution, “she’s the girl I was telling you about.” You were riddled with disbelief.
Cat interjected, “don’t be coy Els, we’re practically dating.” and then shot you a conniving smile. It was like a huge slap to the face. In fact, it was more like getting kicked in the stomach a couple times. You were winded just standing there. As you searched for the right words to say, your eyes began to well up with tears.
Ellie immediately noticed, “did something happen y/n? You were just fine?”
“Actually, you know what ‘Els’?”, emphasizing the nickname and the promise that came with it, “I was just leaving.” As those last words escaped your mouth, tears began to stream down your face. Feeling absolutely humiliated, you stormed out of the venue, not looking back once. This is the last time Ellie will make you feel inferior.
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← masterlist ⭑ part 3 →
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lightnotyagami · 2 months
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Pillow prince gone mad
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Light × fem reader (smut)
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A/n: reader is wearing one of those white robe-hooded dresses that kiras followers wear (in the manga)
Summary: Your the most loyal servant of kira, being the most loyal servant you have to honor of pleasuring him once in a while but this time he went a bit.. crazy.
Tw/cw: unbalanced power dynamics, could be considered dub-con because of the power dynamics but reader isnt forced or anything she enjoying her man fr fr, reader is a servant of kira, blow job, hand job, vaginal sex, pet names (master, good girl u get it) , name kink??? , nipple play, unprotect vaginal and oral sex, misa doesnt exist in this au or she just doesnt know about you & light its your choice. Correct me if i missed anything !!
"fuckkk~" he moaned out as you choose to change your tactic to sweet kissing and sucking instead of taking his shaft inside your whole throat "shit... so good" he groaned out in ecstasy before a loud cry left his lips. You were shocked for a second, he allowed you to suck him off multiple times but this is the first time you heard him moan out like.... this. Hes such a pillow prince. Your pillow prince <3. Your hand found its way to his hard length rubbing up and down while you continued to focus on his tip ."shit.." he groans out as his member started to leak precum. You admired how the veins toned his thick shaft as you started to lick the precum off it slowly. Your tongue gliding over the head of his shaft before you took him all the way into your mouth. "you fucking love me that's for sure," he said smirking at your flushed face as he came undone making you swallow all of it ."I do, Kira." you replied blushing as you slowly took him out of your mouth cat liking his shaft making sure to lick any missed cum off.
thinking your job was finished, you slowly zipped his pants up again before looking up to kira who had a smirk plastered across his face. "is everything okay? Is there something I missed my master?" you asked innocently .He smirked even wider "no, nothing much. I just think you deserve... a reward."
"what kind of reward, master?" You asked curiously. Your question brought another chuckle from him "well I was thinking maybe we could spend the night together..." he whispered seductively in your ear as he shoved you on the bed climbing on top of you . You squealed in surprise as you felt his hardened shaft rub against your entrance causing shivers to run down your spine, usually he would have send you away by now after pleasuring him but not today. No today was an exception. He moved closer until his lips met yours. this was the first time he kissed you on the lips. The kiss was long and intense, you pulled away for air as he started attacking now your neck instead of your lips. You could feel the slight tingles of his teeth as he nibbled your neck. Your knees went weak as his hands gripped your hooded-robe pushing it up to expose your bare breasts. You let out a soft moan as your nipples were hitched between his thumb and index finger . He took one of your nipples in his mouth nipping gently as your breathing sped up from the feeling,he knew exactly how to take you to paradise. You could barely breath as he moved one hand to your womanhood caressing it almost lovingly while his eyes were still locked with yours making you go insane with lust. You tugged at his hair roughly causing him to growl out a little louder "kira i...~" you stuttered, its as if you could watch the fire in his eyes burning as he leaned down to your ear, slowly taking your thigh in his hand spreading it apart making room for himself as he zipped his pants down, freeing his erection once again. "y/n, did you ever question what my name was before i was given the power to create this world?" he voiced as he started to enter you slowly. you looked him in his deep brown eyes, you didn't know where to look or what he wanted you to do next. Your mind was completely blank and all you could hear was his heavy breaths in between each thrust of his cock. "Light yagami" he whispered quietly in your ears as he started to pick up the speed. tears started to fell down your cheeks and onto the blanket beneath you from the pleasure pain mixture of being fully penetrated by the man you loved, his ideals, his power, his eyes, his scent, everything about him. His name seemed to roll right off your tongue like honey as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and held tightly to him. "l-light..~" you whined out softly as he picked up the pace making sure every stroke drove you even further over the edge of pleasure. Your thighs trembled under him. Your breathing quickened as his lips connected with your neck. He kissed up to your jaw before biting down and leaving a red mark on your shoulder. You whimpered out as he continued sucking on your neck. "light... li-~" his hands slipped down your legs making you more available for him as he continued to thrust deeply into your heat. You felt the tension in your core tightening and your heart starting to race as you realized that you couldn't last anymore. "i-i think im close!" you exclaimed as you cried out, gripping the sheets behind you tighter and coming undone around him "f-fuck.. such a good girl~" he said through his teeth and a few more grunts escaping him as his seed poured inside of you filling you up entirely , releasing every single drop of semen inside of you. Your breathing was raggedy as Light slowly climbed off of you. He wiped your tears from your cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you deeply. "my beautiful angel,kiras angel." he said smiling down at you tenderly, it wasnt a friendly smile tho, a perverted, almost scary smile. A grin that sent chills throughout your body. It made you almost shiver. Only almost tho. you still needed to serve him.
you jumped up in shock realizing you were laying down the entire time.
"sorry master! please lay down ill clean you u-" he cuts you off "it's fine, you lay down. You've done enough for tonight. "
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Ghosts are Real | Lee Felix
Pairing: Lee Felix x Ghost!Reader
Request: No. This is a repost from my old account and part of the Halloween special I did last year.
Synopsis: Felix doesn't want to believe ghosts are real until Hyunjin mentions Y/N, the resident ghost.
Warnings: I tried making this one spooky but it just ended up sweet because, after all, it's Felix. Mentions of death, exhaustion. Reader has a little brother.
Word Count: 1,303
Requests: Open.
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A chill runs down Felix’s spine as he hears a whisper that sounds right by his ear. He pauses the game he’s playing with Jeongin, causing the younger man to groan and drop his controller on the couch in annoyance. He was just about to beat Felix at Mario Kart for the 1000th time.   
“Did you hear that?” Felix asks his friend as he looks around the room for someone else. He knows that it’s just him and Jeongin in their dorm. Minho is out visiting his family and cats and Seungmin is out filming a vlog with Changbin and Hyunjin.   
Jeongin, slightly annoyed and thinking Felix is trying to distract him from winning this race, replies, “I didn’t hear anything.” He un-pauses the game only for Felix to pause it again causing Jeongin to become even more frustrated with his Hyung. “What the hell, Hyung?”  
“We’re still the only one’s here, right?” he asks making sure no one had come back when he went to use the bathroom or when he went into his room to grab something.  
Jeongin nods his head and stands up before disappearing into his bedroom. He comes back out a minute later holding his shoulder bag. “I need to go grab a few things. Do you need anything?”  
“I’m good,” Felix shakes his head, exiting the game before switching it off.   
After Jeongin leaves the apartment, Felix questions if he should have gone with him as an unsettling feeling falls over the apartment.   
“Ghosts aren’t real,” his voice comes out soft as he tries to convince himself that the spectral beings don’t exist. His mind travels back to all the times someone has told them about their experiences with the paranormal.   
The sound of something clattering on the floor causes him to jump and spin around, searching for what could have made the noise. He finds a metal chopstick laying on the kitchen floor. Confused and frightened, he picks it up, cleans it off and places it where they keep the chopsticks.   
“Ghosts are still not real,” he tries to convince himself again and looks for ways the chopstick could have moved from the sink to the floor.   
“-very real,” he hears a whisper. It was so quiet that if there was any other sound, he wouldn’t have heard it.  
“No, you’re not,” he finds himself arguing with the faint voice. “You’re not real because ghosts don’t exist.”  
Rushing into his room, he turns on his computer, grabs his headset and puts it on as he sits in his desk chair. As he’s about to load up his game, the computer switches off and reboots. The words ‘I am real.’ come across the black screen. Terrified he throws his headset off and hurries out of the room. He’s about to leave the apartment when Seungmin and Hyunjin make their way through the front door, causing him to scream in fright.  
“Are you okay?” Hyunjin asks coming across his terrified friend, who is on the verge of tears.   
“I think we need a new dorm,” he tells them, calming down and feeling a little better that he isn’t alone anymore. “I think this one is haunted.”  
“I thought you don’t believe in ghosts?” Seungmin says as he moves into the kitchen to get himself a drink.  
“I don’t want to,” he groans. “But too much weird shit goes on here. Things are moved, doors open and close and now I’m hearing voices. Maybe I’m going crazy.”  
“Or you’ve finally met Y/N,” Hyunjin says like it’s no big deal. As someone who’s had sleep paralysis, he’s seen some weird shit and wasn’t all too surprised when he found out that the dorm the youngest three occupy with Minho is haunted.   
Felix’s fear turns into confusion, “Y/N?”  
“She’s your ghost,” he explains. “I’ve seen her a few times. She’s around our age and seems nice. But I think she’s a little lonely. It would be quite lonely being a ghost. No one can see, hear or touch you.”  
Both Felix and Seungmin look at him stunned.   
“Have you talked to her?” Seungmin asks, not sure if he should believe it himself.  
“No, but I see her out the corner of my eye sometimes,” he says and turns to Felix. “If you’re noticing everything than maybe you should talk to her. Has she tried to reach out?”  
“Something weird just happened with my computer and I know there’s no fault anywhere in it. I built it myself,” he admits. “What should I do?”  
“Get a Ouija board,” Hyunjin suggests.  
“I’m not getting one of those,” Felix shakes his head. “I’ll just download one of those apps.”  
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Later that night, Felix is in his bedroom, earphones in his ears as the static from the ghost talking app plays in his ears. All afternoon he’s been debating with himself whether he should do it or not. But his curiosity won out over his fear, and he downloaded the app he’s now bravely using. He wanted to know what was causing all the strange occurrences that’s been happening in the dorm and if any of what Hyunjin said is true.  
“I don’t know why I’m doing this,” he sighs out loud.   
“For me,” a faint woman’s voice cut through the static, surprising the blonde.  
“Y/N?” he asks, his voice shaky and heart pounding against his chest. He looks around his bedroom trying to find any hint of another person being there. There’s nothing and no-one.   
The same voice cuts through the static again. “Yes.”  
He pulls his earphones out of his ears not quite believing what he’s hearing. He takes a minute to settle his racing heart and his mind before he puts the earphones back into his ears. The static fills his head again.  
“Is your name really Y/N?” he asks wanting confirmation.  
“L/N... Y/N...”  
“Hyunjin’s right about you,” he says more to himself.  
“Yes... Hyunjin... good.”   
“He’s going to lose his mind when I tell him about this,” after he says that he hears a giggle come through. He can’t help the smile that makes its way on to his lips. She has pretty laugh. “What happened to you?”  
“I... died,” he hears.  
“Obviously. How did you die?” he asks.  
“Were you young?”  
“Way too young,” he suddenly feels sad. He’s only a few years older than she was. He feels like he still has so much to do and couldn’t imagine what it would be like having your life cut short before you can even live it fully. It makes him realize how truly blessed he is to be alive and living his dreams and reaching accomplishment after accomplishment. “I’m sorry you never got the chance to live a full life.”  
“Me... too...” her voice comes through again. “But... I lived... good... life... in years... had.”  
Feeling more at ease than earlier, he settles on his bed and spends the rest of the night talking to Y/N as if they were two new friends getting to know each other.  
Y/N told him all about her life when she was alive, her baby brother who she often goes and watches over, that Seungmin’s bedroom use to be her bedroom, but she always liked Felix’s the best because of the view and the way the sunlight and the moonlight would shine through the windows. He told her he doesn’t mind sharing the room with her and told her about how he’s living his dream with his seven best friends, how he gets to travel abroad, and do everything that he does. He even told her about his family and Australia.  
Eventually, he falls asleep with the static from the app still playing in his ears and making a mental note to talk to Hyunjin, telling him everything he learned about Y/N. 
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Even Serial Killers Sleep
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Mickey Altieri x Reader
Words: 805
Summary: Being the only solace for a man with murderous tendencies isn’t alway easy, but for you, it’s worth it. 
Notes: Nothing to see here. *cough* Just move along. (Look, I’ve accepted my obsession with him at this point. Let me write my little psycho fluff pieces.)
More 80s/90s movie imagines: HERE
Okay, maybe you should have been asleep. 
No, you definitely should have been asleep. It was almost four in the morning and you had class in just a few hours. 
You had tried, of course. But no matter how long you laid in your bed, staring up at the ceiling, the streetlights outside casting shadows off your blinds like the cucoloris of old noir films, you just couldn’t get your brain to shut the fuck up and turn off. 
When you heard the quiet click of your apartment door open and close, any drowsiness that might have crept into your wired mind dissipated with a shot of adrenaline. 
You lived alone. 
Your hand reached for the kitchen knife your boyfriend told you to keep by your bed, knocking your alarm clock off the nightstand in the process. The plastic device clattered to the floor, a chunk of the corner cracking off and spitting across the room. 
“Shit,” you winced. 
Footsteps creaked just outside your door. Your heart pounded in your chest. The doorknob turned slowly. You held the knife out in front of you with a trembling hand, ready to cut down whatever psycho was on the other side. 
The door swung open, revealing black boots, dark-wash jeans, and a t-shirt covered in blood. 
You let the knife fall to your side with a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, it’s just you.”
Mickey’s shoulders fell. “Just you? I just killed two co-eds and all you have to say is it’s just you? What the fuck, babe?”
“Sorry,” you giggled, standing on your toes to kiss him on the cheek, “I just thought you were, well, a serial killer.” 
“Honey,” his Cheshire cat grin made your stomach flutter, “I am a serial killer.” 
You put your hands on your hips. “Well, are you here to kill me or  go to sleep?”
He frowned, kissed your forehead, and slipped past you into the bedroom. He took off his boots and looked ready to climb under the covers. 
“Ah ah,” you exclaimed with a scolding glare. You pointed to his bloodstained t-shirt. “Not on the bed, please, baby.” 
Mickey grabbed onto the back collar and pulled it over his head. He tossed it into the trash to be burned later. He stripped to his boxers and fell back onto the bed. 
“Happy?” He snarked. 
“Thank you.” You smiled and jumped in beside him.
Mickey pulled you up against his bare chest, arms locking around you like he didn’t want to let go. You pressed your lips to his collarbone. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
He shrugged. “Eh. It was kinda boring. Too easy. When the one went to get beer, she even said ‘I’ll be right back.’ I mean, that’s breaking the biggest rule of all horror movies.” 
“I’m sure that’s what she was thinking when you stabbed her.” 
He craned his neck to look at you. “Are you making fun of me?” 
“...” You walked your fingers up his sternum. “No.” 
Hands gripped your hips and in one swift motion, you were on your pack with a pair of dark, menacing eyes hovering over yours while his body pinned you down. 
You probably should have been scared, with images of his hand, which now gripped your wrist, taking a blade and killing your classmates. But you just weren’t. Craziness and all, he was your Mickey. And he knew that better than anyone. 
His lips crashed into yours, fueled by frustration at first, but then morphing into something sweeter. Soft. He wasn’t that way with anyone but you. When he pulled away, you tried to hold back a yawn. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. 
“Maybe we should-” Yawn. “Get some sleep,” you said. 
Mickey curled up beside you with his head on your stomach, tracing lines over the fabric of your nightshirt- which was one of his stolen t-shirts. 
“Why aren’t you afraid of me?” He asked. 
You ruffled his brown hair and smirked. “Because if you were going to kill me, you would have by now.” 
He pouted his lips, crawling his way back to yours. He nipped at your neck and spoke with that slight whine you couldn't help but smile at. 
“Maybe I’m building up to it.” 
You tugged on his hair slightly, making him bite a little bit harder. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” 
Mickey looked up at you, his usual goofy grin returning. “When you least expect it.” He jabbed his fingers into your sides, making you squeak. 
“Mickey!” You squealed. 
He switched off the light with his best mock-evil laugh. You rolled on top of him, legs on either side of his hips. 
“Who’s the helpless victim now?” You challenged. 
He sat up, flipping you onto your back once again with impressive speed. “Try again?” 
“Please don’t kill me, mister Ghostface,” you teased. 
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked. 
So much for getting some sleep. 
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Omg! Please more of alpha Ari! I fell in love with that story and I beg for any crumble you can spare 🙏🏻👀
More then a drabble, less than a chapter of any kind.
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~ * ~
Bad Moon Rising
alpha!Ari Levinson x omega female reader
warnings for the part below: hints of primal kink; hints of chase kink; a/b/o dynamics; alpha!Ari; shifter!Ari; omega reader
You're not sure how it even happens that you end up dancing on a table.
Okay, to be fair you do know.
It's the fourth delicious drink and hilarious fun of absolutely stupid game of truth or dare at your friend's birthday outing.
Usually you're not that carefree, or reckless. You're more sensible (and too lazy for some crazy antics). But it's a special occasion, so you let your packmates goad you into joining them.
Along the evening your small group of four growths into seven, then nine. Even the neighboring pack's members find themselves among your group.
It's not forbidden to befriend the other pack. Especially since Dimitri and Levinson are trying out this civilized pact thing. Human-belonging bar that you went to is a neutral ground anyway; anyone can mingle.
It was harmless fun; lots of teasing and funny stories shared over the joined tables. You rolled your eyes at your friend's comments about getting yourself someone to take home for the night.
"Maybe it'll be a romcom type of thing." Holly winked.
"Her romcom is hotter." Joined Lin, smirking at you over the rim of her glass. "She got an alpha interested in her."
"Alpha?" Holly's brows arched in surprise; a tipsy hiccup preceding her next words: "But Dimitri's blindly in love with his wife."
"I don't mean our alpha." Lin had the smug, evil grin of a cat that ate the canary.
Your murderous glare didn't seem to bother her. It didn't scare off the others at your table, who Ohh-ed like a bunch of teenagers.
You weren't interested in entertaining their drunken nosiness. Besides, there was nothing to tell, really. Ari gave you a little adrenaline rush that night at the festivities, declaring a verbal claim, which you prayed would pass.
In the next week everything returned to normal, your days going on as usual. No pushy alpha on your tail to haunt you.
Before your companions opened their mouths to sputter teasing and ridiculous questions, you downed the rest of your drink in one go and demanded to be given a dare.
At the moment it was better than allowing them ask for a truth.
That's how you find yourself on the table. Everyone's drinks and snacks pushed to the side to make room for you.
Beat of the music quickens your blood, your body writhing and rocking to the rhythm. Your dress isn't too short, and it clings to your hips so tightly you're not afraid of flashing anyone.
Alcohol loosens your muscles; your inhibitions as well.
You sway your hips down then shot up straight, bent yourself forward for a second - causing your girlfriends to whoop in glee.
You're turning around, arms thrown up and head tilted back, when suddenly your world spins.
You squeak at the unexpected motion, for a long moment not understanding why your body is doing this weird upside down pose.
The sound of your friends hollering and whistling reaches you, but it dies down as you keep floating further away from the table.
It's when the chilly air outside of the bar brushes your bare arms that you realize you've been carried outside. Your gaze focuses on long legs clad in dark jeans, a really shapely ass right within reach.
Strong hands grip your hips and you're being slowly dropped down onto your feet. Your body slides along a broad, muscled form. The heat of him seeping through your clothes.
You brace your hands on his chest when you feel dizzy. As the world stops spinning, you start recognizing details of your surroundings.
Your face tilts up, gaze traveling from the wide span of a male's chest - blue shirt unbuttoned on top, revealing a thatch of chest hair - up his corded neck and over a nicely trimmed beard, with patches of ginger and gray within dark blond hair.
Plush, pink lips set into a thin line of displeasure. And a pair of cold, blue eyes glinting like a sharpened blade.
Ari fucking Levinson.
He smells really good, your drunk brain notices.
You manage not to follow that thought, instead focusing on the fact he picked you up, threw you over his shoulder and carried out of the bar as if he owns you.
He does not.
You're not that drunk to not remember this small truth; your lifeline.
You frown. And snap.
"What the hell, Levinson?"
You try stepping back, but your legs wobble on the high heels you chose for tonight. Ari's grip on you tightens, preventing your fall.
"Didn't think you'd cause so much trouble, little omega." He says, nostrils flaring. "Was it a deliberate act, or did you forget the rule about not having anyone's scent on you?"
"I was just dancing! Alone, may I add." You want to sneer that you didn't agree to his rule. You didn't agree to his game at all.
"Everyone at the bar was looking at you. Which I don't mind as long as nobody tries to touch." His eyes turn darker. "But there were men approaching, making plans regarding you, for which I'd have to kill all of them."
There's a furious fire in his eyes and his tone so calm in his ire that you have no doubt this alpha would spill blood, if anyone defies him.
"Hell, some of the members of my own pack were drooling over you." Ari shakes his head, still annoyed, but less when it comes to his own friends and family. "Galen's hand was inches from your calf when you bent over. I'd break his fingers if he touched you."
"You're being ridiculous." You huff, yet your body trembles in disgust at the thought of what some men might've been imagining doing to you.
"I wasn't alone." You point out.
It's not like you'd be going back home solo. Actually, the plans included crashing at Holly's place and eating ice cream until you passed out.
Maybe it's the alcohol, or perhaps you're this bold on your own, but you add:
"And you are not my alpha."
You expect anger. For a split of a second you ready yourself to run, in your high heels, in case Levinson attack you.
But he looks amused, darkness actually receding from his eyes.
"Are you this stubborn on a principle?" He asks, using one of his hands to cup your chin. "Or do you like the chase as much as I do?"
It dawns on you that Ari truly relishes in the chase, in the primal side of your wolf nature.
Saying no to him is like an invitation to play. Perhaps if you jumped right in at his advances at the autumn festival, he'd be bored and disappointed, leaving you be.
Ari's hold on your chin tightens. He moves closer, his breath tickling your cheek as his lips trail towards your ear.
"I may not be your alpha yet, but you will give in." He murmurs in your ear. "You'll be begging for my knot and praising every single drop of cum I pump into you, my little omega."
Alcohol likes filth, you tell yourself when your body ignites with heat upon his words.
You clench your thighs, but otherwise remain stoic, trying your best to not show Ari he may have some sway over your body.
Running in heels would really suck, and he already has the advantage of being a damn alpha, so you hope that Ari doesn't push for more tonight.
Sound of a phone ringing saves you. With a sigh, Ari leans back and takes his cell out of his pocket.
"What is it?" Ari grumbles, annoyed. His frown deepens as he listens to the person on the other end.
"I'll be there shortly." He hangs up, shaking his head. Looks up at you and rolls his eyes to the sky - "What is it with everyone tonight?"
"A bunch of teens from my pack got into a fight." He explains. "Get into the car, I'll drive you home."
This time you manage to push away from him, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I'm staying." You announce, tilting your chin up defiantly. "It's my friend's birthday. The party's not over yet."
It's that strong will he sensed the first time he saw you. Ari admires it. He can't wait to break it.
"Do you promise to behave?" His tone is light, amused, but Ari looks at you expectantly like he really waits for your obedient compliance.
"I promise to do whatever the hell I want." You don't say it to spite him, you simply state the truth.
You are a free woman, able to make your choices. Some may be foolish, but you're allowed to do them too.
"Careful," Ari steps to your side, purposely towering over you, "or I'll make the same promise."
You gulp this time. This wasn't just a tease, but a dark threat Ari's capable of fulfilling.
He chuckles when you remain speechless. Then pats you on the ass before walking over to his car.
Your body stirs into movement when the sound of starting engine breaks through the pounding of your heart. You walk back to the bar, car lights following your each step until you safely disappear behind the door.
It's all light and fun inside, your friends waving and calling you over. You force a smile on your lips, decide on having at least one more drink to soothe the spike of fear.
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
No One Wanted Her.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader.
Word count: About 1,300 words 
Warnings: I don’t think there is any. If you see any let me know.
Summary: Based off my “Living With Eddie” headcaon. Eddie brings home a kitten and builds a cat army of the cats around the trailer park. 
Author’s note: For @st-right-kidney101 I hope you enjoy your request and it’s everything you hoped for! 
Writing Masterlist
It was a cold fall night as Eddie left the grocery store with snacks for the movie night you two were going to have. He was already running late, but that was because he couldn't decide what kind of candy he felt like snacking on tonight. The cool air hit his face as exited the store, grabbing his pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Turning towards the store to light it because of the breeze blowing. Taking his hand, he covers the cigarette as he ignites it. Inhaling, he removes the cigarette from his lips seeing an older lady seated with a box against the store. He had saw her before he went in but didn't think about it. She was talking to man who was squatting, glancing into the box.
"They are free, I just need them gone because I can't care for them." The lady tells the man as he examines the contents of the box. Curious Eddie moves closer, wondering what the lady was possibly getting rid of.
"I don't want that black cat, they aren't any good. Will take your luck and ruin you." The man grunts, standing up as the lady looked glum. "But I'll take the calico one," He tells her, sparking her eyes back up. Eddie watches the transaction between the two, as the man takes off with his new pet happily. The lady looked down at the kitten, giving a pet before sighing.
His heart broke at the scene. Poor kitten Eddie thought, because he himself was too was an outcast. Both of them seemed to be nothing but trouble to society. Eddie felt for the kitten and was worried about how long it would be till it found it's home. Wondering if the lady may even dare to let it go. Smoking the cigarette Eddie walks up to the lady.
"There's only one left if you want it." She tells him nervously. He looked down at the box, seeing the small animal looking up at him, clawing to be set free. Eddie awes to himself seeing the cute little face on the animal. Wondering how anyone could not want it. "If you don't want her I understand, everyone has been saying the same thing today about her being bad luck." The lady gulps, looking down at the kitten.
Eddie sighs knowing he shouldn't do this, but he couldn't just leave the animal. It was a lost sheep, well cat, and he was the only one willing to take it. "I'll take her," Eddie tells the lady tossing his cigarette.  Excited the lady looks up at him, "really?" She asks hopefully. Eddie nods, squatting down. "Yeah, she would be welcomed."
You were wreaking your brain wondering what was taking Eddie so long. You knew sometimes he drove crazy so you worried something might have happened. Or maybe his van might have broken down somewhere on the side of the road. That van was a mess and you've been telling him for months he needed to get rid of her. But he refused stating it was his baby. Worried, you flipped through the channels hoping he would soon be home.
The door cracks open and a smiley Eddie sets the bag of groceries on the floor. "(Y/N), close your eyes and hold out your hands." He tells you, making you suspicious of his words. "Okay," you sigh closing your eyes. Your hand stretch out scared he might give you a snake or something gross. It was almost Halloween, so who knows if he were to be trusted.
But you knew he would never do that, maybe he would give you a plastic snake or bug but he would never scare you like that. He knew it would give you a heart attack. He might have bought you flowers? Or a gift you thought about wondering what possibly might be coming to your fingertips. You hear Eddie shuffling into the house, closing the door behind him. Walking towards you, he sets a decent size box into your hands.
Feeling the cardboard you open your eyes. "Open it." Eddie said excitedly, standing in front of you. It felt light, like there wasn't anything in it. But there had to be something to make the boy this excited. Unless again this was all a prank, you thought. Looking at him you set the box down slowly, not wanting to damage what might be inside.
"Slowly," Eddie orders you as your hands reach the top. Nodding you slowly open the box, the flaps still in your hands. "Should I be scared?" You giggle as he shakes his head. Taking a deep breathe you open the folds looking into the box. A pair of eyes meet yours, taking you back. There was a kitten in the box. A small, fragile, black kitten.
Meowing, the kitten stretches looking like it had just awaken from a nap. "You like her?" Eddie smiles brightly, squatting down to the box. "Her name is Jinx, "He continues, lowering his hand giving her a soft pet behind her head.
"I love her Eddie," you smile at the rocker being so soft towards such a small creature. "No one wanted her, said she was bad luck." Eddie tells you picking up the kitten. She looked so small compared to his frame. "I couldn't just let her not have a home." He tells you, taking a seat next to you on the couch.
"I thought Jinx fit her since no one wanted her since they were worried about their luck." Eddie explains, sitting the small thing on the couch. She looks around at her surrounding before moving towards you. "Well I think she's lovely Eddie," You grin as the small claws come in contact with your thigh as she climbs onto your lap. "You're not upset?" He asks, in awe of the sight. "Not at all Eddie, it's what you do. You help those who don't fit in." You smile, pulling him into a kiss.
Eddie fell in love with Jinx, excited to come home to see her whenever he would leave. She loved Eddie, always laying on him and following him throughout the house. As the days grew colder all Eddie could think about was what if he hadn't said he would take her. Would Jinx had found a home? Or would the little old lady left her outside?
He grew sad, thinking about the cats around the trailer park who didn't have homes. He wondered how they managed to feed themselves and what they would do when winter hit. He started to build a small hideaway outside hoping maybe some of the cats would use it for warmth when the nights grew cold. He even left food outside and inside the hideaway, trying to attract them.
Surely they all started coming, about 13 cats would find their way to outside the Munson trailer. You saw him out there through the window, trying to pet the cats hoping they would let him close enough. Some of them would for only a second, making you smile at the excitement Eddie would have before scaring them away.
Getting your jacket you come outside joining him. "What are you doing Eddie?" You chuckle, seeing him walk closer to the cats slowly. Startled he turns around, blushing slightly. "I'm building an army," he jokes showing you the bag of cat treats in his hand.
Smiling, you squat next to him. Taking a treat you hold your hand out for one of the cats in your driveway. They look at you, and then at your hand wondering if they should move forward. Soon one of the black cats move forward, taking the treat from your hand. Eddie smiles, happy they were getting closer with the household.
"You know I love you?" He tells you. "Not as much as I love you Munson." You grin, giving him a kiss.
This was really fun and cute to write!
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kerubimcrepin · 1 month
Live-Read: The Remington Comic [PART 3]
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What is this... thing? This is some very strange magic. We need to have a closer look. Do you really think you can escape that easily? Admit that... it's not like you can escape down there easy and avoid all the traps.
Joris's first reaction to this is literally "i NEED to know what the fuck that is. and if i have to take these two injured people there, so be it."
Also, yes, Ush's tower has a lot of traps. Love how Joris went up here with no plan of how to go down. I guess he really believes in his luck... just like an ecaflip.
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When I saw a little guy climb the wall, I was… stunned. But to leave this place with a wounded man and a battered eniripsa, that's another matter. I know, but what do you propose? To fight? You saw me come in, and you didn't raise the alarm, which is quite unusual… I can still do it. Getting out of here before everything collapses would be better… for all of us. Obviously, the urgency of the situation benefits you. But we'll deal with that later. Just follow me!
"if you wanted to beat the shit out of me, you would have done it already." Never change, Joris.
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These panels go out to my Ush enjoyer readers. Also: this comic takes place around 2 years before Wakfu the Animated Series. Ush is 7-9yo at best by the time of the OVA, and 10 by seasons 3-4. This might point to the fact that Ecaflip demigods age faster on their next lives.
That, or it might point to Ankama not giving a shit.
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But he does look like a (tall) child in the OVA, and like a teen by time of S3-4
He has his muscular years in the future. Also I guess his cat lovers don't give a shit, but eh, there's bigger ethical concerns about their relationship than the age of his physical body.
Anyway, now onto what is the most important Joris moment of this comic, to me:
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We must hurry. A terrible danger threatens bonta. It can't be worse than letting you escape.
Yeah, sure, lady. Joris and 2 criminals are a bigger danger to Bonta than a giant kaiju. Now, read closely, because this moment here has some fascinating Joris lines:
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If Ush scares you so much, maybe it's time to run away with us. Yeah… no. It's not that simple. You're in love with him. That's why you can't leave your master. What?! No… but… you're crazy! It's okay to be in love. But I'm not in love with him!
(putting on tinfoil hat) Geez Joris, it almost sounds like you yourself have ecaflip issues. Like you've been unable to leave someone for centuries because you love someone too much, despite their flaws, and the way they may have hurt you. It almost sounds like you made peace with that. "It's okay to be in love", huh?
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Context for the next scenes: After some time, they try to kill the kaiju, but it backfires, and Ush gets hurt instead.
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nothing will stop it now… let's run. Opus, you're an eniripsa. Save him. Yes… Have mercy… Save him! After all the harm he's done me? What's the point? Please… A restorative word should give him back some energy… but I doubt he'll escape unscathed. Beating heart… You were right here. It's the best I can do… he'll last a few hours, but he'll… die of his burns. So maybe it's time for beating heart to be used.
Joris's expressions here are so beautiful... He doesn't seem too bothered by seeing Ush's burned, dying body. It's pretty funny.
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You can wear Beating Heart around your neck, and it will give you all which you desire the most. Ahh… everything… that I desire? Or you can use it to annihilate this monster. If it swallows this object… then the power of it should stop it. I can do that, I'd rather die in glory than live through a defeat. I'm going to save Bonta! and nothing can stop me now, not even death. beating heart… beating heart… out of sight… out of mind… will you give your soul the time? beating heart… beating heart… will you give your time the soul? Ush... No...
@dullard and I have talked a lot about the relationship between Ush and Joris, despite how little of it is shown. (he is the Ush enjoyers I was mentioning. all the Ush screencaps are meant for him. hi.)
In those convos we came to the next thoughts: Ush probably views Joris as Kerubim's weird little son, or Kerubim and Atcham's pet. But also, despite Ush viewing Joris in a bit of a low light, he is much smarter and cooler than Kerubim and Atcham — truly the best thing to come from his cringe brothers. He likes toying with him more than he likes toying with Kerubim and Atcham — because Joris doesn't react easily, which makes his reactions more satisfying.
Despite that, they both care for Bonta, and being "a good person", in their own unique ways. So, it is easy for them to put aside their differences, for the most part.
I personally find it fascinating how subtle Joris is about suggesting Ush to sacrifice himself. As subtle as a wrecking ball.
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You should never have stolen it from me. Yes… but thanks to us, it was used to save Bonta. And me… who will save me from the curse now that Ush is gone? You must seek the wisdom that remains in you, not the instinct that dominates you. this wisdom will one day overcome your curse.
[always sunny in philadelphia music begins playing] Grany stays a cat for at least the next 10 years, maybe longer, maybe forever.
...Joris has too much hope in these two.
Also, small personal comment: Joris is so pretty on the second image... Very cute head shape. You can just see his baby-ish cheeks, lmaoo.
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Beating heart, beating heart… erase the weapons, bide your time.
This is like a renaissance painting. Some guys celebrating. Grany disgusted by Remington making out with his Opus (who seems to have left him by Wakfu series' time LMAOO), somewhere off-screen, there's a crying woman because Ush is fucking dead and Joris didn't bother telling her something like "Don't worry he'll remember you. Dying isn't much of an issue for him." Instead, Joris is going away, hands behind his back, reciting poetry again.
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Yes, master... Your meal just arrived. Nine lives... And I remain as devoted as ever to each of your reincarnations. You need a new name for this new life. (Hoping he won't be as bad-tempered as before.)
Bad news, bestie: he will be. His previous deaths hadn't fixed this either.
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Tell me, young lady... You seem very sad. Oh... it's a long story. A love story? Great stories... are always love stories.
I kind of hate Joris for giving her the wonderful idea of wasting her mortal life on some immortal guy who might never love her back. But also. He did give advice based on first-hand experience. To him, spending your entire life with a demigod is both noble and awesome and fulfilling.
Except that's his family, he's also immortal like his family, and he kind of hates everyone else in the world who ISN'T his family, so I'll be real, I think he's biased.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
miss ma'am villain jeno is driving me crazy so can you write a drabble for jeno with rough sex? anal? as long as it's him, anything is okay. go wild.
w!: villain jeno + rough anal sex (size difference, manhandling, two seconds of oral sex (f), full nelson, standing sex, kinda implied ‘‘‘‘enemies’’’’ with benefits???)
a/n: feel you he’s looking a little too hot and he’s a little too good at what he does ugh. so let’s not be surprised that this is longer than it should’ve been. enjoy!!
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“You shouldn’t be here,” you say when you see Jeno stand there in front of you after turning around from the counter. Black hair pulled back in a comma hairstyle, thick silver necklace around his neck, white shirt covered with a blue jacket, black jeans and gloves that signalled you he passed by with his motorbike. 
Jeno scoffs, sitting on the stool in front of you. “Your shift is over in ten, came by to give you a ride. And no, no need to thank me.” 
You huff, turning around to put back in place the last glasses you finished cleaning. “I didn’t ask you.” 
“No, you didn’t,” he replies, resting his elbow on the desk. “You’re too busy listening to what people have to say about me.” 
Jeno is known for being a bad influence. He has a bad reputation, and you always knew it. Just like you knew you should’ve kept your distance from him. But you’re not really good at it. 
“Wait outside,” is the only answer you give him, walking to the storage room of the club to get changed and finally get home. 
The drive to your place is quiet, you hold onto his waist afraid to fall, letting the wind blow over you. And when you reach your door you think he will leave, but he doesn’t. He follows you, as if it’s normal, as if his feet know exactly where to drag him. 
“Thank you,” you say, turning around — big mistake — hoping he will get the message and leave.
“Thank you?” He repeats, raising a brow. “You have been avoiding me for a month straight, and the only thing you can say is thank you?” 
You sigh, looking at your feet because you can’t keep up with him. “Do you even know what people say about you?” 
Jeno scoffs, shaking his head. “So what? Maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m a bad guy. Maybe I’m the villain. And maybe I like it?” The smirk forming on his face makes you shiver, but not from fear. You can feel the excitement rise on your skin and down between your legs. 
“And you, baby?” He asks, leaning down, soft lips brushing against your earlobe. “It didn’t seem like you cared about those voices about me when I had you screaming and moaning underneath me.” 
That’s all it takes for your fake walls to come crashing down. You know it’s useless to even try to put them up in the first place, but damn, you went on for a whole month without him, so how is it so easy for him to crash back into you as if nothing happened? 
“Come inside,” you tell him after opening the door and in a second, not only Jeno is inside the walls of your place, but he’s all over you. 
He’s kissing you hard and rough, hands gripping your waist as if he’s afraid you’ll leave him, again. 
You know that when you run away from each other, there’s nothing that can save you when you come back. Jeno might be an asshole to everybody else, but he needs you, and you need him too. But you run away, you play cat and mouse and he doesn’t like it. 
“Jeno, fuck,” you moan when his thigh presses between your legs, rubbing your clit from your clothes. 
“What, baby? Now you want me?” 
You glare at him, afraid he might give you a taste of your own medicine and leave you high and dry. And he thought about it before, but Jeno can’t let you go. 
So he lifts you up, making you yelp in surprise, walking to your bedroom as if it is his place. 
“Need you so badly,” he almost groans, roughly taking off his clothes, almost ripping them at the strength he’s applying, before he crawls to you on the bed, intense gaze piercing your soul, your thighs squeezing together to hide the effect he has on you. 
“Don’t hide it,” Jeno whispers, spreading your legs with force. “I know you want this. I know you can’t get enough of me.” 
You groan when he roughly takes your clothes off, leaving you bare to his gaze before he dives between your legs, nose rubbing against your clit before he starts sucking avidly. 
You try to enjoy the pleasure but it doesn’t last long because Jeno can’t keep it in anymore. He ran after you for so long, trying to get a taste of you again but you always avoided him, disappearing before he could reach you and he needs to make up for the lost time. 
So he’s all over you again, hands fast at taking off your shirt and bra and hips rolling against you, making you feel how hard he is, how much he aches for you. And in a second he turns you over. Sometimes you forget how strong he is, how easy it is for him to manhandle you however he likes, however he wants you. 
“Jeno, please,” you can only moan when he presses your face down against the pillow and slaps your ass. 
“Please, what?” 
“Fu-fuck me, please,” you plead, looking back at him from your shoulders. 
“Keep begging while I look for something,” he says, an evil smirk on his face that makes you shiver for a second. 
But you do as he says, begging him over and over again, trying to make up for the entire weeks you spent avoiding him because you were too busy listening to what other people had to say about him. 
You groan when you feel a cold liquid drip between your ass and his finger slip inside you, surprising you. That wasn’t the first time doing anal but you weren’t expecting he wanted it now. You thought he was eager to have you again. 
“Surprised?” He chuckles, inserting another finger. 
You shake your head, not really having the strength to give him an explanation. And after a while, you get why he wants to fuck you there. Jeno doesn’t wait, his fingers are out of you quickly and you can feel his cock prod against you.
You’re not as afraid as you should be because you know you can take him, as big as he is, it’s like you were made just for him. So your body is relaxed enough for his lubricated cock to slip into you with ease, making the both of you moan. 
“I knew it, always so good for me,” he groans before his hands wrap around your waist and he starts moving in and out of you. “I’m gonna fuck your pretty ass rough and deep — fuck — just how you like it.” 
“Yes, please,” you beg, shoulders dropping against the mattress and hands clenching around the sheets as you can feel him hit deep inside of you. 
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well,” he groans when his eyes look where he’s thrusting fast and rough inside you. He knows you don’t let anybody else fuck you like that. He knows you can beg anybody else to fuck your pussy but nobody gets your ass. You only trust him. You only let him ruin you like this. 
And that thought makes something snap in him. 
“What are —” 
You don’t have time to ask why he pulled out of you out of nowhere because he flips you around again, grabbing you by an ankle and dragging you to the edge of the bed before he lifts you up.
“Sink down,” he orders and you do, sitting on his lap, wobbly legs trying to find balance as you let his cock fill you up again. 
“Want — want me to ride you?” You ask innocently, turning to stare at him, dark eyes looking at you with a teasing gaze. 
“Oh, no, baby,” he whispers before his arms slip behind your knees, holding them up with his elbow, and locking you in place with his fingers behind your neck. 
“Fuck,” you moan when he stands up and start slamming you on his cock, the position forcing you to look down and see how your pussy is dripping on the floor and how his cock he’s stretching you out.
“You love this, don’t you?” He grins, throwing his head back before he focuses on you again. “Squeezing my cock so tight, I can — fuck — barely thrust out of you.” 
“You feel so good.”
“Always so ready for me,” he teases you, fucking you up and down, moving you so easily as if you’re nothing but a fleshlight. “You — fuck — only try to fight me in front of the world but then you — nggh — crawl to me. Beg for my cock to ruin you.” 
You whine when he lifts you up and turns you around, this time walking to the closest wall and pressing you against it. 
Jeno’s breathing heavily as he stares at your wrecked face and wet pleading eyes telling him to keep fucking you and make you come. 
“Silly girl,” he whispers before kissing you hard, grabbing your wrist with one hand and holding you up once his dick is inside you again, hips pressing you against the hard surface behind you. “Silly little girl thinking that anybody — fuck — else could make her feel as good as I do.” 
“No, I know, nobody’s like you,” you reply, rolling your head back because you can feel him so deeply it’s like he’s fucking your brain out. 
“I know you know,” he coos. “But it’s better to listen to voices from the streets, isn’t it?” He growls, staring at you intensely, so much that your eyes close but he forces them open by cupping your cheeks. “Look at me,” he orders. “Could’ve — fuck — could’ve had this all this time but you had to run away from me. Maybe you like the rush, don’t you? Love knowing I’m somewhere going crazy over you, looking for you everywhere.” 
Your head nods lazily, eyes blinking repeatedly to focus on him, but the tears are making it hard to do it. 
“So pretty when you cry,” he whispers, kissing you again, squeezing your wrists harder, the rhythm of his hips shifting, telling you he was close. “So pretty when you moan for me.” 
Your body shakes, the knot in your stomach getting incredibly tighter and you don’t have time to warn him when you come, ass clenching around his cock, sucking him and pussy squeezing around nothing. Your chest presses against his, while his body twists closer to you, keeping you pressed between his broad chest and the wall as he comes inside you, filling you until he’s sure there’s nothing more he can give you. 
“Fuck,” he whispers, chest panting heavily and forehead resting against your shoulder for a few seconds as you both come down from the high. 
When he lifts his head again you can swear his eyes are slightly glossy, looking into yours with a soft gaze, while his hand caresses your cheek. 
“Please, don’t believe what people say about me,” he whispers. “I know I’m not a saint, but I would never hurt you.” 
“I know,” you reply. Because it’s true, whatever bad people he was getting mixed up with had nothing to do with you. 
“Promise you won’t leave me like this again?” He asks, walking you to the bed again. 
“Only if you pick me up with your motorbike every night.” 
“Mmh,” Jeno pretends to think about it. “I don’t know, can I fuck you like this every time we come back home?”
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super-gear-boyy · 6 months
3. how do they ask you out on a date
→ sal
- he doesn't.
- he makes larry watch the cameras of the apartment, trying to see when you come in to the apartments.
- when you come in to the building, he writes a note saying would you like to go somewhere and hang out a bit
- and makes gizmo give it to you. ofc it's a bit hard to convince him, but he does it with just a few cat treats.
- the little rascal walks over to you and rubs against your legs until he gets your attention. he keeps meowing until you realize the little note on his collar.
- after you send gizmo back to sal's apartment, sal just waits beside the door for gizmo to come back.
- he is now too excited for the day. but has no clue on what to do.
→ larry
- your heart went crazy as soon as you heard that sanity's fall was gonna come in to town.
- while speaking to larry about the concert, he randomly closed his walkie talkie. this guy istg.
- a few days later, this guy just pops out of nowhere and shoves two tickets to your face.
- while closing your locker, he was just standing there. you were startled for a second but then managed to ask him what all of this was about.
- he grinned, making his usual face when he was around you
(istg he never smiles in the real game 😭)
- "i may or may not have got some money from my mom for tickets."
- the both of you just kept laughing while he was joking about how his mom was mad when he told her about the tickets.
- he doesn't necessarily ask you out on a date but it's okay.
→ ash
- she just randomly pops up the question when the two of you are sitting in her room, hanging out.
- you were also thinking about going somewhere with her, but she asked you first.
- "do you wanna go to the new thrift shop that just opened up? we could get a thing or two together maybe?"
- ofc it caught you by a bit of a surprise but it was cute.
- she's sweet.
→ todd
- while cleaning off the lunch trays, while he dumps everything in the trash he pushes his glasses up
- it takes him a few seconds to consider what he is doing though.
- "i was thinking it would be nice to-"
- you held his hands, shaking him violently
- "no. i was thinking of building a little spaceship-"
- you had to give him a lesson over first dates later that day but he wanted to do the ship anyways.
→ travis
- he also doesn't, like sal.
- while sitting in class, he just casually throws a piece of paper to your head.
- you quickly realized that it was from him, but didn't know why.
- as opening up the crumbled paper, you felt stares on your back, questioning yourself as you continued.
- his hand writing was scribbly and neat at the same time
- “hey loser. when are you free this week? except sunday."
- you didn't think it was a date at first, thought he was just messing with you.
- he was serious with it too??
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reverieblondie · 6 months
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x gnSpider-person!Reader
Warnings: Kaine has a potty mouth and threatens people but other than that just fluff!
Summary: You get called into Miguel's office for a new mission, you wonder who you will get partnered with, though it shouldn't be a surprise by now...
A/N: okay I know this is the fic nobody is asking for but the heart wants what the heart wants. and I want grumpy Kaine Parker to hold my hand while he threatens to beat up people. No, I'm not going to apologize. This fic was inspired by @eughi wonderful art of Kaine! if you want to know more about this character please check out their account they are amazing!
The picture that started my obsession here
he's just so pretty!
Word count: 2,797
In the dim light of Miguel's office, you stand listening patiently as he debriefs you on your next mission. This is all nothing new to you, some dimension, a new anomaly, you have had this debriefing many times now. Though the places and targets change you know what to expect by now there is only one thing that keeps you listening intently to the drull words of the spider society's brave leader. 
Once he's done drilling into you what dimension and what anomaly you are supposed to capture, it's the moment you had been waiting patiently to hear, who your partner is for this mission. This was the thing you looked forward to hearing, Partner assignments. Would it be Jess? Webslinger? Spider-cat? You loved that little ball of fuzz. As you're cycling through the possibilities of who you could be teamed up with, it's then that your answer walks into the room. 
Kaine Parker, in his very iconic suit of red and black, it’s littered with stitches. You didn’t know if they were from getting patched up after fights or just for aesthetic purposes. But either way, they did look pretty cool. Scarlet lenses of his mask keep on you as his tall figure approaches, you know he's studying you and also sizing you up. -Honestly, it’s no surprise if he was, he sizes up everyone without needing to say a word.
Being paired with Kaine again shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. Not being exactly social and his fighting methods leaning towards more…intense, it didn’t exactly make him easy to work with. Not surprising though, The dude is the definition of intimidating with his 6’4 height and broad muscular figure, plus his brash nature made it hard for people to adjust to. Aside from Peter B and Ben, you're the only other person he would go on missions with. Opting to go alone when paired with anyone else, and if they protest they are promptly threatened. Edgy, but you kinda enjoyed that about him. 
Standing next to you now you wait patiently as Miguel debriefs him, it’s a much more summarized version than what you had to experience. Kaine is not the type to listen to a lengthy explanation, he’s more get the facts than get out kinda guy. Hell he didn’t even go to the mandatory monthly meetings.
As you stand there your senses are going haywire, looking up to where they are thrumming from you see those lenses staring down at you. Kaine seemed to have a staring problem and your spider senses always went crazy when he was. Maybe it was because of his sheer size, or it was possibly from seeing how easily he had zero qualms ripping into enemies when he deemed it necessary. Whatever it was, no other spider made your senses crazy like he did. 
Once Miguel is done with his debriefing, Kaine is already opening a portal to the dimension ready to get this over with, ruthless and efficient. What more could you want? 
“I want them captured in one piece, Kaine,” Miguel calls after us as we approach the portal. 
You give a dutiful nod in understanding, Kaine however…
“Keep telling me what to do and I will break your fucking face…” 
Luckily for you, he said it as he went into the portal, the last thing you need to be doing is trying to pull those two off each other….again….
“Yeah, then Kaine called like a million spiders to cover up the anomaly and proceeded to beat them to a pulp. He really can’t stand any Jackel variant.”
Munching into your burger you're still talking about your mission you had with Kaine a few days ago. Hobie and Gwen seem bewildered by your story, the young spiders having had little to no interaction with Kaine always seemed to look forward to the stories of your missions with him. Though you argue Peter B has the better ones involving Kaine. As you talk Peter nods in agreement, seeming to signal that he understands all the little quirks that make up Kaine. 
A few more minutes into your conversation Jess is strolling up to the table to join you all for lunch. Using only the context of the story she quickly deciphers who you're talking about. 
“Kaine huh, another intense mission with the scarlet spider?”
“Yeah, tasked to catch a rogue Jackal. You would think Miguel would learn not to let Kaine on Jackal missions considering how messed up they are when they arrive here. But he gets the job done and he's not a bad guy to have on a mission. Plus sometimes it’s funny when he cusses at the anomalies.”
They give you an odd look and you shrug going back to eating your food. As you're eating you're suddenly being interrupted mid bite by Gwen. 
“Okay I am sorry but I am dying to know. What does Kaine look like?” 
The completely odd question takes you back for a moment, “You know…red lenses…black and red-” 
“No, no, no,” she quickly interjects “I mean his face.” 
Without much thought, you point towards Peter, and this causes Peter to scoff, “Okay just because he's one of my clones doesn’t mean we are exactly alike…”  
Taking a second to think you nod, “You know you're right. Imagine a way cooler-looking Peter with long auburn hair and face scares.” 
The young spider's face lights up at the information and Peter shoots you a displeased look, he already gets teased enough from how Kaine and Ben are total beefcakes compared to him, but Kaine has height and cool looks beating him now.  Then you suddenly remember something. 
“Oh sometimes he forgets to shave so he will have a scruff going on, honestly looks pretty nice on him and fits the vibe.” 
This comment seems to make Jess snicker and smile towards you. “Well just wait till he finds that out…he won't shave anymore…” 
Rolling your eyes you shoot her a glare, “What's that supposed to mean?”
Peters chiming in now. “You know what she means…”
“Okay, let me just set the shit straight. Pardon the language kids. Kaine doesn't like me like that, he threatened my life the other day when I got in his way.” 
“Then why does he only partner with you?” 
“With that logic, he might like you, Peter?” 
“Woah, woah, first gross, second me and Ben are like his brothers. You're the only one not in the family he will be around.” 
“Because he has to.” you counter
“Because he wants to.” Jess persisted
Going to move to your next argument about how you two are nothing more than partners; it being because maybe he just likes your fighting style, your watch is suddenly blaring calling you in for a mission. Gwen and Hobie laugh as Jess and Peter give you a smug look as you get up to leave the table. Shielding your face from Gwen and Hobie you mouth a “Fuck you” to them. Sure Kaine's vulgar language may be getting to you but that doesn’t mean you're going to be cussing at kids…not yet at least…
As you walk to Miguel's office for your mission assignment, you find yourself walking rather briskly. Kaine might be your partner again…
The thought makes your senses haywire and you walk to the office faster…
Kaine ended up not being your partner for that disaster of a mission. Laying in the infirmary your whole body still aching despite the painkillers you were given. Moving carefully you're very aware of the stitches patching up your side that ache in every which way you move. Your first mission with a different partner besides Kaine in forever and it failed ending with you both in a hospital bed. 
Lucky for you though you got to be in your own private room not having to hear the complaining of your partner's screw-ups that resulted in this. Miguel is sure to give them a long lecture when they get well…as for you you're probably going to be HQ bound till you heal up all the way. You just had to be one of the spiders without fast healing…just your luck…
Laying there you're trying to just close your eyes to try and forget about the terrible mission and your current pain but a loud bang outside makes you jump and look towards the door to the hallway. Loud yelling that sounds…familiar…Then it's that tingling of your senses only one spider can get from you. 
“Where are they?!” 
Crash, Bang, skreech!
“Wait, they are resting you can’t go in there!” 
“What are you going to do? stop me?” 
Before you can even register what’s going on Kaine is pushing through your door locking it so nobody can come in. Turning to you he looks pissed! You open your mouth to say something but he quickly silences you, 
“Shut up!” 
Next to you now; the conversion abruptly ended before it could begin, he’s looking over you examining your face and your bandages, bruises and cuts litter your body and the bandages are wrapped all around you but you're okay, you're alive. Suddenly Kaine claw like hands are gently gliding over your skin tracing the brushes and cuts as gently as possible. The touch sends shivers through your body you're hoping he doesn't notice. 
Still surveying you he takes his mask off abruptly, his scared face is scrunched in an angry expression, and deep brown eyes are staring at you studying you. You can’t help but feel more intimidated with him out of his mask than when he’s sizing you up in it. Those intense brown eyes are magnetic, his handsome features on full display. Some people might think the scars take away from his handsome face but you think it only makes him look better. Way cooler-looking than Peter… 
“Who was with you?” he says in a suddenly calm voice compared to how he came in. 
“Dammit! Can you not hear? Who were you partnered with and what dimension was it?!” - and the yelling is back…
“Spider guy from 2782, dimension 38, vulture anomaly…” you say quickly, still confused why he was asking… 
His hand comes up to rub the top of your head gently, a very personal and friendly gesture for him. Staring intently at you, there is almost a softness in his stony eyes, it's…different from any way you have ever seen before. Your breath seems to suddenly evaporate from you. This is a completely different…loving side of him you have never experienced from him…it doesn't seem real…are you in a coma? 
“I’m going to kick his ass, then kill that anomaly…” -no this is real…
Once he's done speaking he’s stopping his rubbing on top of your head and now he gently glides his hand down to your cheek. 
Before you can protest he’s already at the door unlocking it and leaving the infirmary. Gone without even looking back at you…typical Kaine… 
The rumors of Kaine's warpath quickly spread all over HQ and got back to you. Spider Guy got spared due to the doctors intervening after much convincing. Though all that rage ended up getting released on the vulture anomaly you and guy failed to get. 
Vulture barely made it out with his life and was in critical condition once he was turned in. Of course, this caused Miguel and Kaine to get into it. Those two seem to always find a way to fight despite them having similarities…maybe one day they could be friends? Though with how little they interact with people socially, their hanging out would properly be them just staring at each other in a room plotting how they would kick one another's ass. 
It has been a few days since the mission you were released from the infirmary but still not cleared to go back to mission work. So this means your days have devolved to you walking around HQ. Why you didn’t just take this time to sit at home in your dimension and relax you didn’t fully know. Though a part of you truly knew what you were doing, deep down you were looking for Kaine.
Of course after everything that happened and after what he did. He didn’t even come to talk to you. Or check in on how you were healing, hell everyone else did but your usual partner goes on an almost murder spree but can't bother to say hi. Though that's not his style, he's the ‘only I can kick your ass and if anyone else does it they are a dead’ kind of friend. Plus when he saw you he seemed…upset, could it be hard for him to see you inquired? For a moment you ponder the idea before quickly shaking it off.
Walking some more around HQ you find that you're in a more isolated area, a rarity for the society. Usually, everyone was so packed together so this is a welcome change of pace. Enjoying the quiet you look to the windows to observe the city but your eyes land on something else. Kaine without his mask hair tied in that half-up knot that compliments his face shape so perfectly. His brown eyes are so focused on the city, he looks lost and thought, you almost feel bad for going over to break his concentration but you haven’t seen him and you want to talk to him. 
Making your approach you plop down next to him, your eyes are on him but he keeps his forward but you know he knows it's you next to him so you skip the greetings. 
“So, I heard you went a bit overboard. Not that I'm surprised. But breaking the anomalies' kneecaps and leaving the dimension in a panic does seem like an escalation from your normal methods…”  Leaning over you try to meet his eyes but he keeps them straight ahead before he sighs, 
“I would have burned that dimension down if I needed to” Your mouth slightly drops and your eyes widen, well that's ...different… your heart racing now you feel that familiar tingling…how this guy rattles and intrigues you.
Sliding his eyes over he looks at you before he turns his head fulling, eyes tracing where your inquiries once were but have now been healing. In his eyes you think you see relief though with Kaine’s stoic expression you can never be too sure…
“Why did you do all that?” -the question seems almost stupid in hindsight. 
Kiane's eyes meet your face for a moment staring silently into your eyes before looking back out into the futuristic city. “Your my partner, and I don’t need you getting hurt because of some other idiots mistakes” 
The answer makes you laugh a bit, always so judgemental and coarse about others. Then the words you always think of asking but never do slip your lips next, “Why do you like to go on missions with me?” 
Kaine takes a minute to think before he shrugs “I guess, things are just a bit better with you around….” 
A smirk appears on your lips and as he looks back at you and huffs with an eye roll. “Shut up…” 
All you can do is slightly laugh before nudging him “Well, I like being around you too, best partner someone could get paired with.” 
You know that even if his face isn't changing in expression you know your words mean something to him. At least that's what you're hoping, Kaine is great and you're fond of him despite how others feel about his rough nature. He's a good guy even if he doesn't think so, but you are willing to take the time to convince him of that. 
A couple of minutes pass before you move to get up and give him some alone time, something you are sure he values. As you stand you feel something that stops you in your tracks. Looking down you see Kaine's large hand on yours holding you gently, moving your gaze to his face you see that he’s avoiding eye contact looking away from you with a furrowed brow and a slight pout on his lips. 
Sitting back down you hold his hand gently back and you watch as the blush slowly dusts his cheeks. You have to hold back the urge to call him cute. Holding your hand is a huge step of affection for him if you tease him now he will never be vulnerable again to you. 
Time passes and you keep your hand in his as you gently slide your thumb across his large hand. The silence is comfortable and as you turn to look at him you swear you see the slight tinge of a smile….what a softie….
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freakoont · 11 months
Before the Summer Ends...
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Featured content: Bungo Stray Dogs Characters: Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Akiko Yosano, Edgar Allan Poe GN reader
Headcanons of what YOU and your favorite character are doing before the Summer ends...
Atsushi Nakajima
You guys probably did some lively outdoor activities
This can include taking your pet cat weretiger on a walk🥺
I honestly can't help but see you guys going fishing at some point🤔
you guys created a kite together and definitely tried flying! But it failed the first time :(
Don't like going outside? That's okay, you guys would also stay inside and tried making s'mores together!
If it was him deciding the date during the summer, he probably went on Google and looked at those "75 Fun things to do over the Summer" pages
Kyoka definitely joined you guys sometimes, like when y'all are taking walks haha..
Imagine you and Atsushi were together and he suddenly got the confidence to kiss you and then Kyoka shows up💀 SHE WASN'T TRYING TO RUIN IT
Atsushi is the father, you are the mother/second father, and Kyoka is your child
Osamu Dazai
He's definitely the type to wake you up at 4 in the morning to randomly tell you that y'all are going on a road trip💀
he took you guys to a hill to have a nice picnic and see the scenery
But soon tried to have a double suicide with you there... That bastard😒
I think he'd also take you to explore Yokohama a little more. He definitely knows the city well so he'd know the right places to take you
After all the crazy stuff, he's going to just stay on the couch and not move whether you like it or not. I mean, you can cuddle him of course. He's just too tired to move
Watch a movie/Reading a book/Writing an article/doing whatever while he's laying his head on your lap PLAY WITH HIS FLUFFY HAIR
Oh, let's not forget you guys are doing SUMMER EDITION pranks on Kunikida.
Messing with his schedule SUMMER EDITION.
Ranpo Edogawa
He doesn't want to go anywhere >:(
It took a lot of convincing but you guys went to the beach together
But he's just going to sit under the umbrella eating a Popsicle
Watching a movie while he's eating all the snacks and sharing like 10% of it
You guys are watching classic Disney movies. like Nemo, Toy Story, Rapunzel, etc.
Fun board game tournaments he always won in the logic and strategy ones😭
If you try taking photos together during the Summer he'll either tell you to hurry up or whine and refuse because he thinks it's boring and a waste of time😒 but he'll do it in the end just for you
Akiko Yosano
Taking walks near the beach while holding hands
You guys went to an art museum together and bought some souvenirs for eachother
Making a summer playlist of eachother
Going on a picnic while watching the sunset/sunrise
You guys tried making homemade ice cream.... It was a flop😭
let's be for real.... Y'all went styling to a casino and had fun
Edgar Allan Poe + Karl
The most obvious would be you two cuddling with maybe Karl joining it took a lot of convincing for Poe to do it.
PLAY WITH HIS FLUFFY HAIR. I REPEAT. PLAY WITH THE FLUFFY HAIR. it makes him feel all warm inside🤭
Since he came from America and doesn't know a lot about Yokohama, you're his free tour guide (or payment is just kisses and cuddles)
He probably doesn't want to do top much outside honestly
Making a romantic dinner together🥺
He's reading you his poetry🙏😳
You guys tried doing dancing together while some music played in the background
He went to grab something from the groceries real quick so you and Karl just partied and did father/mother son activities together in under like 15 minutes
He DEFINITELY had to ask Ranpo for help on what to do. Ranpo is like "idk do whatever ig" WHICH DID NOT HELP😭
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