#okay now that I got this outta my system (again) I should take a break ( * p*);
mewkwota · 1 year
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“Laboy with Dad”
I told you they were going to build those things together. And I don't actually know what the exact contents of the box look like, you can figure it out.
Build what's in the box first
Use the box to make a functional mecha (easy-peasy)
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hplonesomeart · 2 months
Heyyy to ease my nerves I decided to pull myself out of a self imposed state of (possibly? Maybe? Not too sure but it sure feels like) executive dysfunction and instead of staring at my animation program sitting in my lingering dread for several more hours, I did a little SONG COVER YEAHHHHH!!!! FUN SILLY SONG THERAPYYYYYY <3
Okay but this is also kinda a way to trick my mind into being complacent for a bit? Because thing is I would rather be stuck watching the same Mr. Puzzles clip compilation again and again then focus on animating the A Hat In Time project. Here’s the difficulties making it harder and harder for me to stay motivated and work; Last month was Artfight so I’m burned out from drawing, the part I’m stuck animating on is uninteresting to me and it’s frustrating that it doesn’t even look good, and THEN you’ve got the part of my mind going “lol hey we should animate Mr. Puzzles to All Eyes On Me-“ which in turn causes me to break down because NO, NO WE CAN’T DO THAT RIGHT NOW AHAHAH ARE YOU INSANE. If I start another animation project on TOP of what I’m SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING ON that’s called procrastinating and it’s making everything HARDER AAAAAA. So what’s better then starting a whole new animation project? Singing about the idea instead so I’ll feel content and be able to keep focusing on what I actually need to. Everyone wins! :3
…..anyways sorry to those who just recently came to my blog. I promise I’m not always this unhinged in my posts, I hope I don’t scare you away. Just been a lot on my mind recently. I like writing/talking to myself to get feelings and thoughts outta the system so please don’t take it all too seriously. Just helping myself process information is all :D
So enjoy the very unorganized song cover while I try to get better at time management skills
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ducknotinarow · 11 months
[SteveTony] ’ you’re the best at anything and everything you do. ’
| Muse interaction
Tony felt like his brain was pulsing and just begging to break out past his skull. His eyes were dry and lids heavy craving to even blink because the few second his eyes stayed closed when doing so was enough of a rest for his poor blood shot eyes. Scratching at his chin as he finally needed to lean back in his chair. Leaning back over the back of it paying enough mind to make sure and ground his heels so he didn't tip back to far. Reaching to rub at the side of his head a moment letting his eyes close for longer than a blink. It slightly burned but it soon soothed over as he took a moment to rest. Hoping to massage his brain back into place.
"Jarvis run another diagnostic test okay?" When the artificial dry tone of Jarvis started to speak up ready to point out the results had been the same Tony was quick to snap in and interrupt "Yeah, I don't care i said do it again didn't I? I've been looking at this for as long as you been run the damn test now run the fucking text." Moving to sit up now he waits for it to start left to stare at the screen clearly not pulling it up he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Why did I make an AI with a attitude" he simply mutter under his breath as he drags his hand over his face. Before drop it to clap against his free hand deep breath taken in to better watch what he says next as he moves to speak.
"Javis, pal, amgio, buddy old pal? Please run it again?" when he sees the screen pop up he drops his head into his hands mumbling to himself about Jarvis being the one between them that seems to need some rest. When the doors to his lab seem to slide open. It goes ignored.
He's not all to sure how many from the team came to do a 'check in' on him lately but he also didn't care. Until he had this mattered sorted he was pretty much refusing to budge from his lab. If anything was wrong with any security of the tower well then Tony needed to fix it. Running through his mind of who he had dealt with so far he can easily wager a guess that they saved the best for last. Steve. The one of few people on the planet who seemed able to speak any sense into Tony.
"Blue wonder if the next words outta ya mouth have anything to do with taking a break save it." Moving to turn his chair so he can at least look at Steve right now. "I have heard it from everyone else, so don't go thinking it'll be any different just cause you flash those gorgeous blues my way. I've had much more flashed my way and ignored it just as easy." he simply groans after as he leans back to give his head some rest. The soft fabric against his head was nice "Steve you of all people should at least understand my side here." He tries to reason with them a little bit. "I make these security systems myself, why? Because I got kicked in the ass way to many times. So I gotta handle the stuff I trust only myself to do, so when those fall apart I got to find the problem!"
Tony clearly stresses on here. "I can't just sit around and be all well it was a one time thing won't happen again! I dine thar and guess what happened?" He pauses as if waiting for Steve to answer him. "Things went to hell! So no I can't rest and no I won't rest not till I get this so don't you start in on me too Steve." He really didn't mean to snap so much part of it clearly triedness wearing on him as caffeine was turly the only thing he was running on. Well, and his determination. And maybe a bit of hos ego was at stake as well. Not fully there was more going on in his head that he wasn't willing to nudge and express on why this security breech had rattled the man of iron so deeply.
’ you’re the best at anything and everything you do. ’
"Thank you!" Tony exclaims before dropping his head to the surface of the table. It did actually help a lot to hear as he rubbed at his tried eyes. "But not enough if someone got around my systems. Sure it was just the tower but I use these same systems everywhere. This was the best place to had thar issue at least in the towers there's always an Avagener or mini Avagener near to handle it." He gose on to express "it is the easiest system to get through because that's my fail safe. I don't have fail safes else where if they break through here..they can break through anywhere else."
Tony sighs a moment, "I'm the best uh blue wonder?" He asks back of course he only really noted it because of what Steve said as he moves to sit up looking more closely at the current loading bar Jarvis had running as the 100th diagnostic was currently going. "Got it!" He suddenly moves to stand up now. "Jarvis cut the diagnostic were heading down stairs." Moving to pat Steve's shoulder a moment "I owe you dinner on me clearly wear something nice. Love to flunt the arm candy around a bit" Tonynthrows out before taking off only really him and maybe Javris with a cule as to where he was running to now. But hey he seemed to have an answer meaning sleep would be soon.
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k1rby69 · 2 years
Splatales | Goggles does the Backwards Long Jump and breaks himself
Goggles hits the negative speed limit and Game Logic has him go faster and faster and faster...
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In Japan, Shizouka, The Splaturfs...
Goggles: *slams open Specs' door* Hello there-
Specs: Please. I need to focus on my next Super Mario 64 speedrun.
Goggles: Again? You did that yesterday!
Specs: I know, but some Korean decided to beat my 16-Star record and roast me on Twitter... I wasn't happy about that.
Goggles: Your problem. Oh, what's that ya' doing?
Specs: Suppose I can tell you. That technique is the Backwards Long Jump. It's a glitch in Super Mario 64 that allows the player to go at high speeds, as well as bypass barriers.
Goggles: Coooooool! Can I Backwards Long Jump?
Specs: No, you can't.
Goggles: Well I'm gonna prove you wrong! Just you wait!
Later that evening...
Specs: I really don't like that Korean... I should chill down and have my...
As he opened the fridge, he realised someone ate all of his Onigiri.
Specs:... Who the shell ate all my Onigiri...
Bobble Hat: *burp* It was delicious...
Specs: Why you- I just- *sigh* I'll just head out...
As he went out, he saw Goggles seemingly preparing for something.
Specs: What is he up to this time...
After a while, he realised Goggles was about to perform the Backwards Long Jump technique.
Specs: As if he could-
Goggles suddenly zoomed past him at high speeds, going past Specs!
Specs: No way... Did he just...
Bobble Hat: Ohmagawd, that is SO going on my Instagram page!
Specs:... It should not even be possible...
Bobble Hat: ~Wow-wee, my friend did whatever that was it looks so cool. Hashtag so cool.
Specs: Bobble Hat, posting on your Instagram account is NOT helping.
Goggles then landed right next to Specs.
Goggles: What did I tell you? I did prove you wrong!
Specs: Okay, but that was very dangerous!
Goggles: But hey! I did get something for you! Thought I would get some food while I was in Hokkaido since the fridge was almost empty!
Specs: Uh thanks- Wait a minute, you were in Hokkaido!? It's like, seriously far away from here! I mean, I know Japan is over 300,000 km², but come on! You went from here to Hokkaido within seconds!?
Goggles: Hey, don't question! Just take the food already! Now how about you go show that Korean what you're made of while I continue the Backwards Long Jump all over Japan!
Specs: I WOULD like to do that, but could you please stop doing the BLJ? It COULD be dangerous to your safety or even physical health!
Goggles: Eh... Nah, I ain't too worried about it.
3 and a half days later...
[Now Playing: Splatoon 2 - Tutorial System]
Headphones: Are you just gonna sit here-
Specs: No, It's just... It's just that Goggles Backwards Long Jumping actually worries me. He hasn't been home since he started it. In addition to that, he could get himself hurt.
Headphones: You look kinda down. How about we play some Smash Bros.-
Specs: You endlessly zoning out with Snake isn't fun.
Headphones: *sigh* You really need to-
Specs' phone got a notification from Instagram.
Specs: Hold just let me check that notification, it's probably from Bobbl- Holy sh-!
The post description said "I paid a visit to Goggles in the Hospital! I guess this is what happens to ya' if you Backwards Long Jump too much or whatever he calls it."
[Music Stops]
Specs:... I knew it.
Specs and Headphones rushed to the Hospital where Goggles has been hospitalized.
Specs: I told you! The Backwards Long Jump is dangerous to perform in real life!
Goggles: No, I'm totally fine...!
Specs: Your body is literally in a cast.
Goggles:... Nah, I'm... Ok, maybe you're right. The BLJ might be dangerous.
Specs: So, you're not gonna do the Backwards Long Jump again?
Goggles: I'm still gonna do it! Just not as often as I used to! Omve I do get outta this cast, that is.
Specs: Oh my god...
Bobble Hat: Everyone! Eyes on the camera!
Specs: You know what? I'll be in on this one.
Team Blue took a picture on Bobble Hat's Ipad, then she uploaded it to her Instagram Account.
Headphones: Wait a minute, she doesn't have our consent!
The End
Splatoon is owned by Nintendo.
Catalouge: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18W0ly2zZcsZybKbo1oEJTa2FVEHCvRO38hpEgLZaZNg
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
tastes so bitter (tastes so sweet)
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You’re driving back from an out-of-town mission with Hawks when your car breaks down on a very sparsely-populated highway. While you await relief, things get... personal. 
characters: takami keigo (hawks) x f!reader
word count: 7.1k
warnings: smut (18+ please!), car sex, pro hero!reader, angst, emotionally unavailable hawks
notes: ta-dah!!! the car sex fic! this turned out way longer and way more feelsy than I ever intended it to be. but I’m grateful for the chance to show you how I play with plot and emotion as well as some good porn. porn with feelings, y’know? 
EDIT: The supremely talented @la-saffron​ has created an absolutely spectacular piece of artwork for this fic! Please go and look at it right here, it’s really quite splendid
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The shadowy trees on either side of the highway cast a chill across the pavement as the sky went dark.
It was far from sunset, but the woods were so tall and thick that the light had disappeared from the road a long time ago. The overpriced navigation system laid into the dashboard of Hawks’ luxurious car was no help at all; not when you were taking the only road for miles around.
The highway narrowly passed for two lanes, winding precariously down from the mountains. Dotted with reflective yellow signs- deer crossing, bear crossing, creatures-of-unimaginable-horror crossing. Bigfoot himself could have wandered into your headlights and you barely would’ve flinched.
But that was to be expected, given where you’d come from.
That day’s mission brought you both far, far away from the city. There was a national forest about three hours away- one of the biggest in the country- and you and Hawks had been called in at the crack of fucking dawn to drive all the way out to the woods and investigate some ‘strange reports,’ as the rangers cared to call them.
Most park rangers knew what they were seeing when guests came in from the woods reporting abnormal happenings. Nobody was truly immune to fear, though, when faced with the impossible.
Whether there were paranormal creatures lurking in those woods or not, you couldn’t have been sure. But after spending the day exhausting both your quirks combing every spare inch of those woods, you were relieved of your overnight duties by a group of other, more nature-savvy heroes.
Hawks had been miffed, but too exhausted to argue. He didn’t like to think he’d been overshadowed. You were just thankful to be going home to your own bed.
“Okay,” you sighed, nursing the last of a lukewarm soda from a burger joint at the edge of the only one-horse town you’d passed through. It was a pretty unassuming stop for dinner, but you and Hawks both agreed that the burgers were way too good to be sold to so few patrons.
Keigo was driving, with one palm splayed lazily across the bottom edge of the wheel. His scarlet wings stretched into the backseat, draping over the shoulders of his black leather backrest like some bizarre kind of seat cover.
The fact that his car was so luxurious was not lost on you- although you were more surprised to find out that he had one at all. Hawks seemed like the last person in the world to need a car, after living in a fantastic downtown penthouse. And owning a pair of wings, come to think of it.
He owned it because he could. And because he knew how good he looked in the driver’s seat.
“What?” He turned a curious eye toward you, though he never quite pulled his gaze from the road.
“I know we started this conversation on the way here,” you began, “but… we never exactly finished it.” You swirled what was left of the ice chips in the bottom of your cup, considering the best way to voice your thoughts.
“Alright.” He sounded vaguely amused, slouching a little further down and drawing an idle palm over his feathered hair. “Shoot.”
“Well…” You trailed off. “You’re kind of… a city guy.” You were already starting to talk with your hands. The racket coming from your half-drunk soda was proof enough.
“What makes you say that?”
“You are,” you defended. You let a playful edge creep into your tone. “And the agency’s kind of a city thing.”
“Am I really as one-note as you’re making me out to be?” He was chuckling. Your cheeks were going hot. You weren’t sure how this became a personal conversation, but you were determined to steer it in the proper direction. You course corrected.
“I just mean, we don’t take a lot of jobs outside the city. Like… ever. So, what’s with this one? Why this call?”
He didn’t answer right away. When you glanced across the car, he was licking his lips and appearing to be, very genuinely, thinking.
“Well,” he began. There was an immensely appealing depth that wore around the edges of his voice when he was deep in thought. You hung on tightly, trying your best to hide how intently you listened.
“I was just… bored, I guess.” He gave a lazy little shrug. His eyes were still trained on the windshield, but you could feel the weight of his urges. He wanted to look over. You turned your head, willing him to.
“Probably sounded like bullshit, now that I think about it,” he confessed, “but if there really was somethin’ freaky in those woods… I dunno. I wanted to see it.”
You resisted the urge to snort.
“Maybe you should start a ghost hunting branch at the agency.”
“Aw, c’mon,” he protested. This time, he really did drag his eyes away from the road for a second. They glinted playfully in the dark. You got a flash of pearly canine from the barest hint of a grin, but it was enough to put a stupid smile right across your face.
A sickening thud from beneath the hood zapped any false confidence you’d been building. There was a dull pop, then the engine died.
“What the- shit.” Hawks scrambled to put both hands on the wheel, navigating the car with what momentum remained over to the narrow shoulder. The tires hit gravel and soft mud, rolling pathetically to a stop and settling in damp silence.
“What the hell was that?” You leaned over the dashboard as your pulse came down from near-terminal velocity. There were half a dozen lights blinking away on the dashboard- symbols you couldn’t understand.
“Not sure.” Keigo was doing his best not to sound too perturbed. As a result, he was just perturbed enough.
You knew what those lights implied, though. Service due. Oil change due. Battery maintenance due.
“Jesus Christ,” you hissed, “when was the last time you took this car in for service? It’s a miracle you even made it out of the goddamn garage.”
Hawks was in the process of mashing the engine start button like an arcade game. When you spoke up, he pushed it down and held. The engine gave a dull, sad sort of sputter, but nothing roared to life.
“Look, look,” he dismissed, waving a hand in your direction as he unbuckled his seatbelt. “I don’t drive this thing that often, okay? I’m gonna go check under the hood.”
He climbed out of the driver’s side and slammed the door before giving you the chance to remind him to pop the hood. For a minute, you let him wallow in his mistake, watching gleefully as he pried at the seam of it. Finally, you unbuckled yourself and leaned over, flicking the release for him.
He gave an unamused glance toward the windshield and lifted the hood, obscuring all but the very tips of his drooping wings from view.
After about fifteen seconds, he ducked back into the car with a rush of cold air behind him. He rubbed his palms together as you watched, arms folded over your chest.
“So?” You prompted. He gave a sideways glance in your direction, blowing into his chilled hands.
“So what?”
“Oh my g- what’s wrong with the car?” You tried your best not to let panic set in.
“I don’t know. It’s just a bunch of pipes and wires under there. They didn’t exactly give me a map of the thing when I bought it.”
You’d seen Hawks pull people out of burning buildings before. You’d see him think on his feet, devise a plan and act on it in the blink of an eye. Usually, he was impulsive. Confident. Clever.
Tonight, on the other hand, he was demonstrating a very clear affinity for money over brains.
You flopped into your seat, scrubbing your hands over your face. You were not going to freak out. You refused to. It didn’t matter that Keigo had suddenly become useless in the face of disaster. You were heroes, even if you had to save your damned selves.
“Oh,” he quipped from beside you. “Still got bars. See?” As you peeked over at him through one cracked eyeball, he waved his illuminated phone screen at you. “It could be worse, kid. If this were a horror movie, this thing’d be dead.”
He tapped away on the screen, seeming very pleased with himself. Even his wings gave a little ruffle, draping themselves smoothly over the back of his seat again.
“I’ll call us a tow. We’ll be outta here in no time.”
A few minutes later, you had a map pulled up on your phone while Hawks’ brow creased deeper and deeper.
“Uh-huh.” His voice had taken on that irresistible deepness to it again, but this time it was sending pangs of dread through your gut.
“Right.” He brought a palm up to smooth over his jaw, fingertips bending and pressing idly against the patches of scruff that dusted it. “Y-yep, yeah, I understand. Fifty miles is a long way. I know it’s gonna be a lot to send a truck that far. But-“
As he was abruptly cut off by the other end of the line, those idle fingers slipped up to his temple, pressing inward and rubbing in stiff little circles.
“Okay. Alright. Yeah, I guess we’ll wait, ‘cause there’s not much else we can… I understand. Yes, thank you. Thank you. Okay, we’ll be here. Or within a ten-foot radius. Thanks. B-“
He blinked rapidly at the screen as he pulled it away from his ear. “Have an excellent night, sir,” he muttered under his breath. He let out a deep sigh, lifting a hip to tuck his phone away again.
“They said they would send someone,” he said, “but the depot is, like, fifty miles from here. Could be a couple of hours.”
“A couple hours?” That cold dread was settling into your chest again. So much for sleeping in your own bed.
“Yeah. C’mon, get out.”
“What?” You glanced past him at the frosted driver’s side window. “It looks freezing out there.”
“Well then, you’d better bundle up. C’mon. I’m gonna fly us back to the city.”
“No way. Hawks- Keigo.” You grabbed his arm and squeezed tightly as he made to get out of the car.
“What?” Exasperation was creeping into the edges of his voice. The sides of his gaze, too, as he landed against the seat back with a thud and turned his cheek to look at you.
“You’ve been flying all day. Your wings are shot. You’re not flying anywhere.”
“What? They’re fine.” He gave the appendages in question a defiant flutter and a cloud of expiring feathers floated into the backseat.
You folded your arms across your chest. Hawks gave a frustrated growl.
“What do you suggest, then?” He retorted in fierce opposition to your silence. “Just sit around and fucking… die of old age before the tow truck comes?”
“Oh my god, you’re the number two hero,” you snapped back. “When did you become such a drama queen? Yes, we’re going to wait. Like a normal person would have to.”
“I’m not being dramatic; I’m presenting you with a legitimate solution and you’re ignoring it!”
“If you try to fly us both out of here, you’re gonna hit the ground before we’re halfway home. And then we’ll be really stranded, with no water and no shelter. So, if you’d like to fly back all by yourself, I can’t stop you. But I’m not going to let you kill both of us.”
“Fine!” Hawks’ cheeks were flushed with temper as he kicked the door open and clambered out of the car. He kicked it shut again so hard the whole body rocked, and for a moment you were left, trapped in shocked silence.
He was really going to leave you out here. Alone.
Half a dozen heartbeats passed before his boots crunched on the shoulder and he wrenched the door open again, flopping back into the car with an immense sigh of irritated defeat.
“Fuckin’ freezing out there,” he muttered as quietly as possible.
You wanted to punch him.
“You ready to wait?”
His wings stiffened behind him, then drooped so lowly they seemed to disappear into the backseat. He looked at you from the corner of one tawny eye.
For the first hour, you honestly enjoyed yourself. As soon as Keigo accepted his fate, he got much closer to his usual mellow self. You finished off cold fries from dinner, listened to true crime podcasts on your phone, (you listened- he talked over the whole thing) and played a few ruthless games of hangman on a couple of napkins you found in the glove compartment.
You’d spent a lot of time with Hawks in a professional capacity. As partners, you took most of your missions together. You were well-versed in the way that he liked to think, the way he approached a job, a conversation. You worked well with each other and you were drawn to his quick wit and laid-back humour. Even if he was a piece of work at times, you made a strong team. But you didn’t do a whole lot of hanging out.
“Okay, that’s it,” he chided as you added an extravagant top hat to the completed, dressed hangman scrawled onto the inside fold of your last napkin. The word he’d failed to guess was ‘patience,’ and the irony of his struggling was not lost on you.
“Aw, c’mon,” you protested. “You’ve still got gloves and a bow tie left.”
“No, no, no.” He held up a palm, shaking his head. There was a good-natured grin curling his lip as he bowed toward the door. “I’m callin’ it. I gotta take a leak.”
You snatched your soda cup from the drink holder, clutching it protectively against your chest.
“You’re not going in here.”
Next, it was Hawks’ turn to shoot you a deadpan stare.
“How about in the woods? Is that allowed?”
Your cheeks went hot. “It’s pretty dark out there.”
“Aw.” Hawks shoved the door open. There was an unfamiliar glint to his eye as he tossed a mischievous look over his shoulder. “Guess you won’t be able to sneak a peek, then.”
You slammed your fist into his back. “Shut up and go take a piss.”  
As the car door clicked shut, you turned the other way out of sheer habit. All you could see in the opposite window was the reflection of your own face. Maybe it was just the dim light, but you looked exhausted. Keigo had seen you caked in blood, streaked by mud and soot before. But you’d both been awake since four o’clock that morning and there was a special kind of ugly feeling that came with overtiredness.
You were dreaming about the first thing you’d do when you got home again when Hawks climbed back into the car. He looked considerably brighter as he ducked inside, and he brought a flush of rich, earthy forest-smell along with him.
“Don’t tell me you couldn’t find it in the cold out there,” you quipped. Payback.
But Keigo just chuckled, shaking his head.
“Close the door,” you whined as the frigid air from outside finally reached your bare arms. “It’s already cold enough in here.”
“Aw,” he crooned, tugging the door shut behind him. “You scared of a little cold now, kid? It’s not so bad out there. Feel.”
He lunged at you, ducking rapidly to rub his frigid cheek against your shoulder. You let out a terse yelp and squirmed, trying to shove him back amid a sea of chilled giggles. He got a few passes of his icy skin on yours before you both realized how close you’d gotten.
Hawks cleared his throat and scooted away from you. In the bare light from the shitty overhead lamp, you were starting to see the outline of a flush creeping into his cheeks.
The light abruptly went out, leaving you in darkness again.
“Tell me something,” he mused, grabbing for the abandoned takeout bag and digging a hand into it. He produced a tiny wrapped square and tore it open with his teeth, removing the folded alcohol wipe from inside and gliding it with impossible grace over his fingertips. He eyed you sideways.
“How come we don’t hang out more?”
Your chest went cold. You’d been dreading that question all night. Longer than that, even.
“What d’you mean?” It was a gut response, but you instantly kicked yourself for even attempting to play dumb.
“You know,” he chided, dumping the wipe back into the paper bag once he was finished with it. “We work. We do interviews together. We do those bullshit PR functions together. I’ve known you- what, two years? And we’ve never even been for a drink. What gives, kid? Don’t tell me I grate on you.”
“I get plenty of you on company time,” you retorted. You were starting to panic. You weren’t ready for this conversation, but it didn’t seem like you were going to be rescued by the timely arrival of the tow truck.
“Okay, okay, I’d take that,” he laughed, “if you hadn’t agreed to take this mission with me. C’mon, this wasn’t exactly a nine-to-five gig.”
He paused. “Come out with me this weekend.” He nudged your shoulder with a bony elbow. You tried your best not to snap.
“Stop,” you pressed quietly. “You know why we don’t.”
The smirk slipped from Keigo’s face.
“What? Why?”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“Wait a second, there’s an actual reason? What the hell is it?”
The confusion was genuine on his face. Hawks could be a smarmy little shit when he wanted to be. But you could tell he wasn’t fucking with you.
“Oh my god.” The words slipped out like a deep breath. Your hand drifted to your mouth as cold shock ran over your skin. “You really don’t remember.”
“No.” His confusion was bordered with fear. He sat back a little, letting his eyes drift over your expression. “No, I really don’t.”
You swallowed hard. You should have known that you’d have to talk about this eventually. But he didn’t even remember the night that had been changing the way you acted around him for nearly a year.
“Last Christmas,” you began. Your breath was so short that it put a desperate hush to your voice that you absolutely hated. You revelled in your ability to act casual around him, but the more probing he got, the harder that composure was slipping.
“At the agency gala. You remember the party, right?”
Hawks rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and I got trashed.” He paused. Realization dawned on his face, and he shot you the deepest, most sincere look of concern you’d ever seen. Even more sincere than the look that crossed his face when you got shot off the roof of a house and broke a rib.
He leaned forward.
“Did I do something?” He swept a palm over his mouth, fingertips dallying at his chin. You knew exactly how he felt in that moment. You’d been there before, too, realizing that you’d lost control. Blacked out. Understanding that you might have done something you were going to regret.
“You really don’t remember a thing?” It was your turn to be horrified. How could something that consumed your every thought stay so damned far from his?
His fingers were still curved around the point of his chin. He’d gone white, and he shook his head as his eyes cast down to his lap.
“You fucking kissed me, okay?” You snarled with a whip of frustration. “There was mistletoe and you kissed me under it and-and Christ, I can’t believe you.”
“What? What?” He demanded as his voice grew defensively sharp.
“I had no idea what you were gonna do. What you were gonna say, what was gonna change between us. I showed up to the agency the next morning and your hungover ass acted like nothing had ever happened.”
“Of course I did,” he defended, “I didn’t think anything did happen. Oh my God, did I really kiss you?” His wings were coming to life all of a sudden, bristling on either side of his seat. There was a dull whisp as one edge of them brushed against the window. They seemed to expand, along with his horror, to fill the entire car.
He pushed further. “Well, did you… did you want me to?”
You could see where his thoughts were taking him. The answer was an impossible dilemma. To lead him further down that path would not only be cruel, it would be untrue. But to tell him the truth- that you had wanted it- would be to shatter the fragile illusion of casual, platonic intimacy that you’d been building over the last two years.
You chewed your lower lip. Hard enough to hurt.
“Oh god, you didn’t,” he gasped. That was enough for you to lift your chin and shoot him a sudden, sad, pathetic little look.
“Jesus,” he gasped again, deeper this time. “You did.”
“Look,” you snapped. “I was never gonna say anything to you. I was never gonna push it. You didn’t feel that way and I knew that and I just wanted to work.”
He told you enough about his personal life as it was. Every date he swung in from on Monday morning, every Friday night he spent preening in the last hours of the workday hurt enough already. If you’d grown close, fallen harder, it would’ve become too much to bear.
“What do you mean, I didn’t feel that way? What way don’t I feel? How could you even know that?” He was beginning to raise his voice back at you and the adrenaline was pushing you way too far to listen.
“Because you never said a fucking word to me about that kiss! You pretended like it never even happened, Kei! What was I supposed to think!”
“If you’d asked me, you woulda known that I didn’t speak up ‘cause I didn’t remember a goddamn thing!” Keigo jammed a finger into his temple. His golden eyes flashed. He was so fucking hot when he was angry, but this was not a fight you ever wanted to have.
Luckily for you, he was having it without you.
“What do you want me to say to that?” He snarled. “Huh? What- you want me to tell you that I’m sorry for not having psychic powers? That I’m sorry I didn’t hire a mind-reader to tell me what the fuck was going on with you?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face. You were on the verge of tears.
“I-I never-“ you began, but Keigo beat you to the punch,
“You know, maybe I noticed that you were actin’ funny around me. And maybe I should’ve asked. But maybe if you ask yourself, and if you really, honestly give yourself the truest answer, you’d be able to admit that you knew how I felt about you. That you always knew.”
“Of course I knew!”
Your response echoed raw and deafening in the silence of the car. You’d lost your temper and shouted it at him with every decibel left in your breathless chest. Your fists were clenched atop your frigid thighs as you bent over in your seat, shivering. To your immense embarrassment, warm tears trickled down the sides of your nose.
He was right, after all. Every sideways smile he’d given you was just a little too broad to be friendly. Every time he caught you by the hand, he held it just a little too long. Every time he offered you the crook of his elbow at a stuffy charity gala and every time he poured you into a cab at the end of the night, he promised to take good care of you. Every time he looked at you at all it was with a depth that you had recognized, but never understood.
“But look at us, Kei. Look at what we do to each other.”
You sniffled, scrubbing tears off your cheeks with the heels of your hands. He reached for you, seeking to comfort, but his hands twitched midair and he drew back instead.
“Yeah,” he croaked. You tossed a glance in his direction. He looked more dejected than you’d seen him in a long time. He rested both hands on top of the wheel, the rest of his body sagging against the seat back.
“Except now I’ve told you,” you continued. “And now we both know, so everything’s fucked no matter what.”
You were met with silence. The truth was dawning on you. You hated to even consider it, but it felt like what needed to be done.
“When we get back to the city,” you started. Hawks interrupted you with a low rasp of your name.
“No, when we get back, I’m giving you my resignation.”
“Fuck, stop.”
Keigo lunged, grabbing you by the back of the neck and pulling you toward him. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. The warmth of his closeness weighed on you like a heavy quilt. You couldn’t even pretend not to be immensely comforted by affection from him.
“I’m not gonna let you do that, kid.”
You were both drawing deep breaths- slow, rolling gulps of air that matched over gradual time. You licked your lips, bracing your chilled palms on his shoulders. Your fingertips brushed the very edges of his feathered hair, dull and soft in the dark.
You’d talked each other down from bigger, badder edges before. But this one had sharp, jagged rocks waiting at the bottom. This one, you were going to have to jump from together.
“I can’t do this,” you pleaded. “I can’t keep myself away from you like this.”
“Don’t.” His voice was hushed and so achingly tender, like he couldn’t take the command himself.
“I can’t-“
“Then, don’t.”
He was firmer this time, and the pad of his thumb brushed the bottom of your lip. He pulled back just a hair, grazing the tip of his nose across yours. The heat of his breath puffed over your lips and his blonde eyelashes threatened to tickle your cheek.
He drew in a slow, calculated breath.
“Lemme kiss you. Lemme try again. I’m not gonna forget it this time, I swear.”
“Keigo, please.”
“Just lemme try. Just once. I’ll never ask you again, if you don’t want me to.” He pulled back the rest of the way and your body keened at the loss, but he looked deeply into your eyes. Deeply like he’d never been allowed to look before.
You licked your lips. Considered it for half a heartbeat. Then you gave a slow little nod.
To your surprise, he didn’t lunge again. He took his time with you. He cupped your cheeks tenderly between his bare palms, memorizing the curve of your face. He stared, taking you in like this. At his mercy.
Finally, he leaned in and captured your mouth in a soft kiss, heartbreakingly loving. You responded eagerly, blossoming beneath his touch and bracing your hands on the broad plane of his chest. Your fingers curled in the fleece that lined his coat.
You kissed back with near-desperate urgency, shamelessly showing him how touch-starved you’d become. Dating was pointless when Keigo stole your whole heart every time you showed up to work.
The quiet press of his tongue had your jaw going slack in his hands. Your kiss went needy all at once, and he licked into your mouth with a hunger behind his movements that you never anticipated sensing from him.
You broke from him first, turning your cheek to him as your lungs burned. Your mouth was swollen, and you gasped greedily for whatever stale air lingered between you. He grabbed your chin and forced your eyes back to his.
His gaze was fearsome. Ravenous. You were powerless beneath it.
You combed your fingers through his hair like you’d always wanted to, settling your palm at the nape of his neck. Your own voice was nearly unrecognizable, nothing more than a feral growl.
“Get in the back.”
Hawks took one look at the narrow gap between his seat and yours and sat up, nudging the driver’s side door open. He climbed eagerly into the road and then back into the back seat, settling in the center with his legs and wings splayed wide.
Meanwhile, you took the opportunity to wiggle out of your boots and pants and slam dunk everything into the foothold of the passenger’s seat. You climbed over the center console in your underwear and settled into his lap.
Even though you had to bow your head against the cushioned ceiling, it was a holy sensation. Your thighs settled perfectly into the crooks of Keigo’s legs, and his hands slid so naturally over the curves of your hips. It was as if you’d done this before.
You kissed him again, using the weight of your newly boosted height to descend hard and loving against his lips. He grabbed you hard by the ass, drawing you smooth and tight against his hips.
“God,” he groaned eagerly into your mouth.
“You’re so. Fucking. Perfect,” you hissed back into his, and he squeezed you harder, breaking his lips from yours to trail a hungry path of kisses along the edge of your jaw. His scruff scratched at your chin just like you imagined it would. You loved him like this- trimmed, unshaven. The rougher, the better.
“Don’t say that,” he purred dangerously close to your ear. “You’ve seen me at my worst.”
You tried not to grin, remembering Keigo barfing over the balcony of the Plaza after one too many charity-benefit martinis. Keigo caked in ooze after cutting open that sludge villain from the inside. Keigo on the verge of tears, just a few minutes ago.
“I still think so,” you pressed, and he smiled against your cheek. His wings, tired and bruised but majestic as ever, stiffened proudly. They were capped firmly by the cramped space that surrounded you, but the feathers that spread across the back seat were sleek and graceful.
You dug your fingertips between his jacket and his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his torso all over. He did his best to shrug it open, but the material was caught up on his wings- no getting it off now.
He wound his hands into the hem of his shirt and tugged it up for you. The skin you could feel by slipping your fingers underneath was all you were going to get.
Not that it mattered to you. It was far more than you’d let yourself so much as picture before. While you felt your way across his heated abdomen, he dipped his head to your pulse point. He scraped the points of his teeth across your tender flesh, making you sigh and shiver. He pressed a hand to the small of your back to keep you close and nibbled all the way down to your neckline, leaving a trail of tiny welts in his wake.
They would fade by morning. Tonight, the feeling was enough.
He glided smooth, tender fingers up your sides. You straightened, letting him wedge your long-sleeved t-shirt up around your shoulders. You had to bend even further and press your forehead awkwardly against his shoulder to wrench it off. Once he peeled the fabric over your head, you tossed it haphazardly toward the front seat. Keigo was already going to work on his fly.
The tender press of his erection had grown apparent by that point, stiff and needing down one thigh of his thick pants. You reached between your legs and palmed it indulgently. There was an answering throb of arousal in the pit of your belly as you felt the shape and thickness of it trapped against his body, and an even stronger one when his hips pressed into your touch and he gave a low rumble of approval.
“Don’t act so surprised,” he crooned. With his pants unfastened, and the bulk of his cock shifted to the stretchy pouch of his undershorts, he slid a fingertip down the plane of your belly and curled two graceful digits between your thighs.
“Are you wet for me yet?” He shot you a deep, lustful stare. You rocked your hips against his fingers, hopeless in resisting the pleasure he offered. Keigo nudged the crotch of your thong easily aside, dipping his middle finger against your slit.
He sucked a sharp breath through clenched teeth as you gave a simultaneous yelp of stimulation. When he looked up at you again, he bore a sly little grin. You’d seen it a thousand times before, but never with such desire. And never all for you.
“You’re drippin’, kid.” He arched his palm, slipping that finger slowly upward and easing it inside you. There was no stretch, but the sensation of intimacy- of being felt in such a way by those hands that you’d never dared to fantasize about- was intoxicating in its own right.
Keigo was, apparently, feeling it, too. His eyes were deeply lidded, glazed completely by his own desire. The tip of his cock had found its way over the waistband of his undershorts, weeping shiny precum against his stomach and the bottom of his shirt.
He curled a blunt fingertip inside you, massaging your tender front wall. The feeling rappelled up the column of your spine and brought deep trembles forward. It brought fresh handfuls of wet slick from your depths, gliding down his palm and between his fingers. He took the hints your body offered and rubbed faster, watching the way your expression morphed from desire to pleasure.
“Stop,” you hushed, leaning forward and pushing your lips to his. He drew his hand back from you immediately, settling it on your thigh. The wet little print it left against your skin wasn’t lost on you.
“Something wrong?”
“No,” you replied. “Just ready for you.”
He gave a low, loving little chuckle and shifted beneath you. “Can’t hold out any longer?”
You smiled into his hair. “Don’t want to.”
“Fair enough.” His smile was even, but the tug in his voice betrayed his fraying nerves. It thrilled you to know that you weren’t the only one putting way too much emotional stock in this. It was immensely validating to discover that he’d been anticipating it, too.
He wiggled and squirmed against the backseat, shucking his pants and underwear down over his thighs and letting his cock pop out. It bobbed against his stomach- thicker than you’d imagined- framed by a trimmed scruff of tawny hair that disappeared under his shirt.
“Fuck,” you sighed in spite of yourself.
“I know, right?” He rasped. He reached for you, cupping your jaw. He brought your forehead down to his, giving a weak laugh. “What the hell have we been waitin’ for?”
“We just needed the bottle episode to shove us together,” you giggled. “C’mon, we’re a walking trope right about now.”
“We’re about to become a different trope if you don’t let me fuck you.” It was his turn to play the desperate card. But the ache between your thighs had not dulled, even a little.
He wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft and you lifted your hips. He gave the heated tip a playful little swipe along your slick slit, but his game backfired when both of you let out tight cries of sensation.
You rocked your hips forward, taking his tip eagerly inside. The sensation was toe-curling, made even better by the way he held you tightly against him, nosing at your ear and kissing any patch of skin he could reach.
He brought his free palm to your ass as soon as you were situated, helping you slide the rest of the way onto his cock. With your knees braced on either side of his lap and your feet pressed tightly against the front seat, you let him bottom out. And for a moment, you just sat there.
“Jesus,” Keigo sighed, lolling his head against the seat behind him. You still had your head deeply bowed, trapped in the space that seemed just an inch too tight.
“I…” Your thighs shuffled. Your hips gave a little squirm. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough. Keigo cracked an eye and lifted his chin, sensing a problem.
“What’s the matter?”
“I just…” Your cheeks went hot. You licked your lips. “I can’t move.”
His gaze cast downward, to the place where you were joined. He took in the press of your thighs, the curve of your neck. He snorted.
“No, you can’t. C’mere, kid, I gotcha.” He planted that palm on your ass again, drawing your hips forward and up, as far as you could take them. Your head and neck bowed with the rest of your back as he draped your upper body over his chest and held you tightly against him.
Then he planted his feet and gave one good, deep thrust. Your innards gave a jerk. Oh, fuck.
“That’s it,” you panted into his ear. He nodded tensely.
“Yeah?” He prompted. “That’s workin’ for ya? Alright, alright. We’ve got this, kid, c’mon. Lemme show you somethin’ good, okay?”
One thrust sent you spiralling. But the rhythm that he dove into- steady, tough, fluid- sent every nerve through your body into meltdown. You were entirely incapable of dealing with such pleasure, combined with the emotions that swirled through your lovestruck brain.
It felt as though you had been holding out needlessly for all this time. Like all the hurt and frustration and heartbreak you shed over him would be evaporated, now that you understood that he wanted you like this, too.
Like that was all there was. You, Hawks, and the free love you could now share.
“I’m n-not-“ Keigo stuttered, piping up after a series of breathless pants and airy groans, “n-not gonna last much longer, kid, you’re… really gonna make me feel it.”
“Yeah,” you breathed back. You looped your arms tightly around his neck, tilting your hips forward. You could feel the barest hint of stimulation when your clit brushed his belly, so you leaned into it- aching for your own release.
His rhythm doubled as the intensity of your pleasure spiked dangerously high, and when you gripped him hard and rocked your hips in time with his, there was a low, warning pull that echoed all the way up to your throat. You were close. Very close.
Your head dropped backward and Keigo leaned forward, drawing his mouth up the vulnerable column of your throat. He panted hard and heavy against your pulse point.
“That’s it, kid, that’s fuckin’ it, baby, oh, God, I’m g-gonna f-fucking… I- shit, I- can’t… fffuck!”
Keigo let a vicious roar tear from his throat as he reached his vibrant peak. His erratic thrusts brought you to a tight little climax, too, and you clung to him and whined and rode through the pleasure as he fucked madly up inside you, spurting messy shots of cum into your depths.
Gravity took hold of his pleasure, dripping it onto his shaft and pooling it in a sloppy mess between you. And when it was all finally over, you collapsed against his body and you both stayed, airless and spent, wrapped tightly around one another.
It was the bright flash of headlights on the back of his neck that brought you to the surface, moments later.
The inside of the car was warm and stuffy and damp. Had you just come in from outside, you might have realized that it reeked of sex. Sweat and breath and fluid and feeling. The windows were near-opaque, fogged by the dampness of your lovemaking.
It was a moment you might have loved to capture, if you weren’t about to be so rudely interrupted.
The light in your rear windshield was bright white and flashing orange. Unmistakable.
“The tow truck,” you wheezed, scrambling off of Keigo’s lap. “Oh, fuck.”
“Get dressed,” he muttered weakly, already scrambling to get himself cleaned up and decent. He was far more dressed than you were, so you did your best to climb back into the passenger’s seat and slide back into your own clothes. You banged your shin hard on the center console, and your head on the ceiling as your body flailed in retaliation. You crumpled into the front seat and nearly kneed yourself in the mouth trying to scramble back into your pants.
By the time you climbed out of the car, fully dressed, with a few additional bruises, Hawks was already standing on the shoulder, talking to the driver. The driver was wagering a few guesses on what might be wrong with the car. Hawks’ eyes had already glazed over.
“Hey,” he greeted, as he spotted you emerging over his shoulder. He introduced you quietly to the driver before the ballcap-wearing, bearded man spoke again.
“Yeah,” he gruffed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll give you a lift to garage nearby. It’s kinda late, but he keeps weird hours. I bet he’ll take a look for you, it’s prob’ly an easy fix.”
“That sounds great,” you gushed, clasping your palms together. There was a lot of stiffness settling in around your hips and thighs. You couldn’t be sure if it was a result of the compromising position you’d nearly been discovered in or the whole lot of not moving you’d done for hours before that.
Either way, it felt good to stretch your legs.
“You c’n go ahead and hop in the back,” the driver directed, waving the key that Keigo had apparently already given him in indication. “I’ll get you hooked up, no problem.”
Keigo opened the truck door for you, and you climbed over the passenger’s seat into the back. He followed closely behind you, tugging the door shut and slouching into the opposite side.
You sat in silence; hands clasped between your knees. A confusing air settled between you.
You felt vulnerable and raw and moony. You wanted to hold his hand and curl up to him in the back seat. Kiss his cheeks and tell him how good it was, tell him how much you felt.
For you, though, it could never be that simple. There was no free love for heroes like you.
Pay later, always.
Keigo felt the weight of your gaze. He turned to meet your eyes and shot you a thin smile. You’d seen the look that he’d turned to hide from you, though.
The truck driver climbed into the front seat before words could pass between you. But you didn’t need to hear them to know what they were going to be.
You didn’t need a warning to understand what Monday morning at the agency was going to look like.
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thebadbatch · 3 years
Hey hey! Could I get an Echo x Male reader one?! But with prompts 3 & 13 from the romance section?! But could it be more fluffy and platonic..?? Like they’re best friends and reader just wants echo to come back alive and safe?? And reader has a habit of patting echo on his head a lot after successful missions?? And stuff?? And eventually tells echo why?? Because he just wants him safe and stuff?? I’m bad at explaining sorry :(( but thank you!!
A/N: I hope this is okay!!!! I really hope its what you were looking for! Echo is an absolute angel among us. Love you👉🏻👈🏻 (The person requesting is my boyfriend and I made him an Echo simp👀) 
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Echo x Male!Reader
Plot: Echo gets sent on a mission disguised as a droid once again. Things don't exactly turn out the way as planned so you have to go and save your best friend. 
Warnings: None! Just a little violence. 
Successful Mission. 
"You do realise the risks of the mission don't you?" Echos stern voice spoke, his hands leaning against the side as his eyes stayed locked upon you. "It's a solo-mission, you've never done one before." You just rolled your eyes and lightly shoved him, he was always logical and followed the rules but this is one of the many times you had come up with a plan he doesn't necessarily agree with.
"Look it'll be fine and I know what i'm doing!" Tech passed you the holo map as you spoke, "I need to start somewhere and this is it." You gave a big smile to Echo before being passed any necessary gear by Hunter who was pretty wary of his brother right now. Tech soon took the holomap from you and re-examining it before speaking.
"Actually I think Echo's correct, there's too much resting on this mission." You instantly turned to face him and glared Practical daggers into his eyes.
"Be very careful with your next words." Echo just grinned and pushed you a little, an ongoing best friend thing between both of you. Tech gathered everybody back around the map, typing into his datapad. 
"It's not that you don't have the skills because you do, but due to Echo being half droid he has a sixty-percent chance of being undetected throughout the entire duration of the mission." Tilting your head you attempted to read over Tech's shoulder at the information he was reading.
"What does being part droid have to do with the mission?" Hunter chimed in, eyes still glued on the holomap before him.
"This facility seems to be lenient to droids, so if Echo disguises as one then he will get in without fuss and retrieve the information we need." Echo just smiled at you with a smug look sprawled across his face.
"I guess that i've won then, huh?" With a light laugh he agreed to Tech's newer plan before moving away to grab the same droid disguise he had used on a previous mission. Tech had since moved to pilot the Marauder and lower us down to the correct coordinates to ensure a hidden entrance for Echo. Softly walking toward him you shared a light smile,
"You'll be safe, yeah?" He simply nodded as he closed the helmet over his face, standing and Prepping any necessities for the mission.
"I'll be fine, you know that." Pushing him gently you both shared a laugh as you walked him to the ramp, ready to say goodbye for the time being.
"Alright then, mission stealer." The ship finally landed causing the ramp to open revealing the misty planet and sand filled floors. Hunter soon appeared again, passing him a certain cdata device.
"Grab that information with the least fuss possible then get the heck out of there." He paused for a moment as the wind began to kick up resulting in the sand swirling in the air. "Remember to contact us if there are any issues, we'll be prepared to get you outta there." With a light nod he moved back and onto the sandy floor, gradually leaving your sight. The ramp soon closed and blocked out any source of light from the planet, Echo now completely on his own until he called for your help. Those were the parts of missions you dreaded, the looming thought of if he'd return or not. The stress was sometimes overbearing but it was going to be alright. He'd make it home safely just as he always does.
Echo had soon arrived, though dust coated his body, and he had made it in un-detected despite all of the storm troopers locking around. Upon arrival he was treated as terribly as the other droids under the Empire's watch but he was granted pretty quick access to the halls and rooms. Walking through the hallways he ensured he was alone before activating the previous holomap Tech had given him and viewed the room he needed to get to for the information. There were rumours that information of well wanted bounty hunters were kept here, something worth thousands of credits which was something the batch desperately needed. Sighing gently he couldn't help but mutter under his breath, he hated everything to do with the Empire so this wasn't exactly the most delightful mission he could be on. Usually he could just blast his way out, but not this time. Walking down and into the correct room, he applied his data chip into the console and began to type away everything Tech had instructed to do so. This was a simple in and out, that's all it was supposed to be. 
"Ah, I didn't realize that we granted access to droids?" A voice spoke, a click of a gun causing Echo to flinch a little. "Now tell me, who might you be?" Sighing gently he pressed the final button and tried to grab the chip as sneakily as possible, turning around and putting his hands into the air. 
"I'm C8-05, I was assigned to ensure systems were running correctly and make any needed repairs." He chuckled lightly, walking toward him. 
"Is that so? I'm sure the admiral would love to hear this, don't you think?" Before you could say a word, the person grabbed Echo and began to push him toward the exit with the blaster trained against him. Clicking his wrist, he sent a rapid signal to the bad batch that he had been captured. This definitely wasn't turning out the way he had expected.
The signal rang through you like a blaster shot to the chest, it had gone wrong somewhere and somehow along the lines. You told him, you asked him if he could handle it but that persistent clone never gave up did he? Grabbing your blaster you turned to face the others, 
"Are we all going in?" Hunter was the first to nod, grabbing his weapon and placing his helmet on him. 
"Tech, stay here and guard the ship - prepare for take off at any given moment and if I say to leave then you leave." He simply nodded and ensured the systems were online and functional before allowing the rest of you to go on your way, Wrecker and Crosshair on alert behind you both. Upon arrival, you simply blasted your way through the wall of storm troopers. They could never blast with any accuracy anyway, so it wasn't really a bother. Crosshair moved forward, blasting those on higher ground until you managed to enter the hallway and rush through it with Wrecker blasting anything and anyone that stood in your way. 
"What are the current coordinates of his position?" You panted whilst crouching behind the wall to avoid the rapid blaster fire. Hunter gazed at his comm device, signalling to Tech for the coordinates. 
"Down the hallway, straight into the fifth cell - it's interrogation so let's move." Nodding quickly, you rushed through the hallways and straight into the correct cell, overly grateful for the batches' cover fire. When you first saw Echos face you couldn't help but smile at your best friend, thrilled to see him okay. That was until you heard a familiar click of a blaster against your head and Echos angry expression. This really wasn't going too well at all, was it? A swift blast made you flinch, but luckily it was Crosshair who had gently pushed past you after his kill equally as glad to see Echo okay. 
"That was pretty awesome Cross!" Wreckers booming laugh interjected the painful and worried silence as you walked over to Echo and stood him up. Patting his head softly you couldn't help but spot his smile. 
"Nice to see you too, y/n." He smiled but you only frowned back at him whilst still patting his head, a pout clearly on your face. "What?" You just shook your head and removed your hand, crossing your arms after returning your blaster against your thigh. 
"I'm upset with you, you got yourself into danger. I need you here with me, what if I woke up one day and you were no longer here?" You paused to allow him to soak in your upset, "You can't keep being reckless." He just smiled gently and pulled you into a hug. 
"I'm alright now, don't panic - I won't go anywhere." He laughed which made you smile and pat his head again once you pulled away. 
"Why do you always pat my head?" He asked, confusion crossing his tone. Sighing softly you kept your gaze trained on Echo as you spoke, 
"Well it's just nice to know you're actually here after our successful missions and knowing that you're safe. Just a habit to confirm that I suppose." He nodded, smiling at your sweet answer. Crosshair soon pushed between you both which made you lightly shove him. 
"Hate to break it up but we should get moving unless you want this to be an unsuccessful mission." You just nodded and laughed at Echos' pout, trailing after the others to return to the Marauder. 
Once you had returned to the attack shuttle and left the rather unpleasant planet things were a lot calmer. Your best friend, Echo, had lingered by you and had patted your head gently. 
"Successful mission right?" He smiled at you which just made you laugh and nod. 
"Another successful mission." You confirmed as you both proceeded to join the other batchers with the information to give back to Cid. Everything had worked out just as intended. 
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Tf2 headcanons? Aw yeah! So let's say a new merc joins the team. They're a total asshole: Cocky, sarcastic, overconfident, refuse help. But both Spy and Scout see right through that, it's a defense mechanism. How do they go about making this person comfortable enough to not be an asshole?
Okay, jokes aside, this is one of my favorite tropes. Maybe I’m too naïve to believe that some people are just mean to be mean, or maybe it’s a sort of comfort to know that even the worst people can be understood, but either way, WOOOOOOOOO!
An Ass For An Ass
To be honest, Scout’s threshold for asshole-ery is pretty high. Growing up with eight brothers will do that to you.
But when the new recruit came around, something immediately rubbed him the wrong way.
Recruit always stole his thunder with the crass jokes and over-the-top displays. Every battle turned into a competition, which messed with Scout’s system of fighting. He never had to focus much on his own team before, and now he had to worry about keeping his own reputation upheld while trying not to get stabbed, shot, or blown up.
Recruit also kept hitting on Miss Pauling - even after reminding them again and again that she was lesbian, and was not and never will be into dudes.
“Come on…you just haven’t been with a real man yet…”
“No, no, I’ve been with a lot of men. Real men. I just wasn’t into any of them. After a while, it was kind of obvious.”
But what really pissed a lot of people off was Recruit’s fighting style.
They were an absolute monster on the field - that’s why they were chosen - but every interaction was treated as some sort of survival scenario.
One would think that would be a good thing, but Recruit was ridiculous.
No matter what the situation was, he was fine, he was okay, he could take it, he could fix it.
He could be killed only inches away from a Medic because he would never yell for one. Sometimes Recruit would even show visible anger at being healed. It got to the point where Medic didn’t heal him at all, and just allowed him to die as to not waste time he could give too more grateful patients.
Missions were even worse.
He followed orders to a T, but Pauling had to beg him to leave a failed mission, or to leave without completely destroying the site.
Everyone just took it as Recruit showing off, or having something to prove as a rookie.
It was annoying, but ultimately harmless in most circumstances.
However, it all came to a head when Recruit tried disengage a sentry by himself and was severely injured.
Both Engineer and Medic, who had had to fix most of Recruit’s past and current recklessness, ripped him a new one, one chewing out after the other.
“What we’re you thinkin’, son?! One crossed wire and you woulda blown the whole base!”
“Zhe only reason you are allowed in my lab at all is because it’s in my contract. Personally, I vould have rather left nature to it…”
Since then, Recruit did exactly as he was told, and nothing else. And most of the team liked it that way.
But Scout recognized some warning signs immediately. Fatigue, near silence except for missions, self-isolation, snapping when people got too close…it all paved the way for a pretty nasty (and, for Scout, very familiar) result.
One night, Recruit was sitting on the balcony, and Scout came out with two bottles - a beer for Recruit and a root beer for himself.
(Scout can only drink on the weekends because one, unlike most, he can’t go to work hung over because his job requires a lot of movement, and two, he has no restraint and can’t stop once he starts.)
“What do you want?”
Scout shrugged. “Depends.”
“On what?!”
“What are ya willin’ to tell me?”
Recruit just looked at the beer and sneered.
“Can’t we just skip this?” Scout said. “Maybe get to the part where you tell me what kinda Sally Sob Story we’re dealin’ with here?”
Recruit looked away.
“Aw, c’mon, don’t tell me you don’t got one. ‘Cause you do. I can see it a mile away. So what happened? Pop leave? Somebody died? Lotta brothers and sisters? Ma had a few too many and smacked ya around?”
Recruit didn’t turn around, but Scout could tell he was crying. He had hit a sore spot. Hard.
“Hey, pal, listen…”
Scout trailed off, then slowly began again.
“…the only reason I know is ‘cause I’ve been through it, ‘kay? Outta everybody I knew, I only trusted me. And that was great when I did a good job, ‘cause I knew I put me there.”
Scout opened his bottle of root beer and took a long swig.
“But when I screwed somethin’ up, it’s like everybody I ever knew just let me down. The one thing I could count on was gone.”
Recruit looked at Scout with tears in his eyes.
“But ya can’t do everything by yourself,” Scout continued. “Believe me. I learned that the hard way.”
Scout laughed, but it was mostly to clear the air. He didn’t get serious very often.
Recruit hadn’t touched his beer, but was leaned over the balcony with his head in his hands.
Scout sighed and looked up at the stars.
“But here’s somethin’ that nobody told me - it gets easier, y’know that? You just gotta relax and cut yourself some slack.”
Recruit shifted uncomfortably. “But the Administrator said…”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I know what she said. Gave ya that whole speech about how bein’ part of the team means discipline and focus and whatever. It’s all bull crap. She don’t know the first thing about bein’ on the field. If she did, why’d she hire us?”
“Sh-she said my perseverance was an asset to the team.”
“Perseverance, my ass. You know what would be an asset to the team? Stayin’ alive for more than fifteen minutes!”
Recruit looked at his feet. He had blinked away his tears, but he still looked on the verge of falling apart.
Scout put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it a little.
“You’re a great fighter, Recruit. You’re one of the best…that’s why you’re here. You got nothin’ to prove to nobody. Not to me, not to the team, not to the Administrator…not even to yourself. You’ve made it, kid. You’ve made it.”
Scout slid his hand off Recruit and started to walk away.
Scout turned to see Recruit in the process of opening his beer.
Scout smiled. “No problem, pal. Plenty more under Demo’s mattress.”
“No, I mean…for that. I needed that tonight.”
“Oh…yeah! Sure. Don’t worry about it.”
Scout went back inside and to his room - but not before checking the cameras on the balcony a few times. Just in case.
Over the next few months, Scout kept helping Recruit break some old bad habits.
Recruit learned to take criticism without getting angry, to leave tanked missions, and to take care of himself.
He still occasionally flirted with Miss Pauling, but it was now more of an inside joke than anything.
Recruit still isn’t perfect - he still cringes a little when he’s healed, and falls back into survival mode when times are stressful - but he is now a much happier, much healthier person.
Spy’s asshole wasn’t a merc, per se.
They were more of an informant, usually giving out important facts about locations, missions, and a target’s history.
Sometimes they would even use the Administrator’s PA system to announce new rules and reminders.
This would be perfectly fine - after all, you get kind of tired of hearing the Administrator all the time - except for the fact that Informant was the most sarcastic, most nasally, most apathetic, most matter-of-fact person on earth.
Even outside of a work setting, which was rare because they stayed in their office most of the time, Informant would go out of their way to be as condescending as possible.
Especially to whoever they considered to be in the “less intelligent” category: Heavy, Pyro, Scout, Demo, and Soldier.
To all the “others,” he turned every briefing into a contest to see who knew more at any given time…which, of course, usually meant he won.
“Now, does anyone know where his address is? Come on, any takers? Yeah, I thought so.”
Unlike Recruit, which would only warrant a few grumbles here and there from the team, Informant was the subject of a lot of hissed complaints and terrible rants from even the calmest of members.
Informant was the only one who could get under Heavy’s skin - a personal pet peeve of his was being considered less intelligent or less of a human being because English wasn’t his first language, which Informant chose to remind him of constantly.
It began with a few simple jabs at his grammar or word structure, but once Informant figured out that Heavy wouldn’t hurt a fly outside of battle, the taunts grew more and more daring.
Heavy would usually ignore Informant, which would only exacerbate their need to be noticed. This led to some pretty nasty interactions - from spouting the statistics of Russia’s average intelligence to even saying Heavy was a disgrace to his country by being a literature major.
“How’s that Russian literature major treating you? You know - in America.”
Sniper and Medic had tried to set Informant straight, but Heavy refused to accept any help. This was something that was his to bear, and his alone. He knew that they both took their own helping of harassment.
But one day, Informant went a little to far.
He did the one thing you should never do: insult Heavy’s family.
“You mother and sisters can’t do anything more than wait for you. No wonder you’re the only source of income.”
Before he knew it, Informant was against a wall, struggling to breathe, blood running into his eyes.
Heavy walked away after the incident, and told Medic about it, but he refused to heal him. Informant had called Medic a Nazi on more than one occasion.
This, finally, is where Spy comes in.
Spy was walking by Informant’s office, when he heard a strange sound - barely suppressed hiccups and sobs.
Despite his aversion to displays of emotion, the promise of seeing one of his greatest enemies as their lowest was too amusing to resist.
He knocked lightly on the door, then slowly opened it - always the master of drama.
Informant was under their desk, bloodied and bruised, sobbing into their knees.
Spy entered noiselessly, sitting in Informant’s office chair and lighting a cigarette.
It was only when Spy made a dramatic exhale of the smoke that Informant looked up, tears streaking their face.
They stared at each other for a moment, and then Spy finally spoke.
“Oh, how the mighty fall. Flown too close to the sun, have we?”
Informant couldn’t do much more than snivel and retreat farther below the desk.
“Who did it?” Spy asked. “I want to give them my regards…and maybe a bottle of wine.”
“Oh? Well, if anyone can bring him to blows, it’s you.”
Spy put his feet on the desk and continued to blow smoke out of his nose, thinking.
“It’s strange,” he said. “Most offices have at least a few pictures of family. A trip to the beach, perhaps the zoo…?”
He took a quick glance around.
“No children. No army mates. No graduation photos or a large catch at a local lake. The only personal item you have is this…”
Spy picked up a Rubik’s Cube. The plastic still around it crinkled.
Informant looked at the floor.
“I like to keep my personal and professional life separate.”
Spy pursed his lips and squinted.
“How noble of you. But I don’t think that’s the case. You know what I think, Informant?”
Spy took his feet of the desk and bent down, looking Informant in the eyes.
“I don’t think you have a life.”
Informant’s eyes went wide for a moment, then his face immediately crumpled. Bullseye.
Spy smirked and got up from the chair, starting to leave.
Informant’s sniffling turned into sobbing, and before Spy could put his hand on the doorknob, muffled wailing filled the office.
Spy closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. He was trying not to remember something. But the imagery was too strong.
He remembered hiding under a table, like Informant was. People screaming and cursing at each other in French. His knees all scarred and his nose runny from a cold that should have resolved weeks ago. Waltz music coming from next door, trying to drown out the fighting. Glass breaking. Biting his knuckles so he wouldn’t whimper or cry.
Spy’s hand closed into fist. He took a deep breath, and turned to face Informant again.
“But to be fair…”
He walked towards the desk, putting his hand in his suit pocket. He got on his knees and pulled out a pink handkerchief.
“…I don’t have one either.”
He offered the handkerchief to Informant, who put it to his face, still staring at Spy through red eyes.
The pair were silent for a moment, with Spy putting out his cigarette and lighting a new one while Informant cleaned themselves up.
“But the difference between you and I,” Spy said, his voice wavering a bit, “is that I am a Spy. If my information got into the wrong hands, it could be the end of me and my team.”
He tapped his cigarette on a nearby trash can, letting the ashes fall into it.
“But what are you hiding from?”
Informant took a shaky inhale, the handkerchief still covering his nose and mouth.
“Why do you feel the need to be, as Scout puts it, a tier five jerkazoid?”
Informant sniffled. “I…I didn’t think I took it that far.”
“Took what that far?”
“I just…snrk…I thought that’s what I had to do to get them to take me seriously.”
Informant laughed, but their heart wasn’t in it.
“I’m five foot four with red hair and freckles. I look more like someone’s Andy doll than a contract killer. I thought maybe if I knew everything…I’d be worth it.”
They shrugged.
“At best, they’d be impressed. At worst, they would never get close enough to me to know the truth: the only reason why I’m here is because I can rattle off a few names and that I had good grades in school because I had nothing better to do.”
Spy’s chest ached. He didn’t know why, but it was a strange feeling to him.
“Mon ami…”
He cleared his throat.
“If half of the team is any indication, you don’t need to be Nikola Tesla to be hired. Hell, the fact you can read is an anomaly in itself. But there is something you must understand…”
Spy cleared his throat again. His voice had gotten quite unstable all of a sudden.
“Intelligence is measured in different ways. Scout could never read even the simplest of children’s books, but his physical intelligence - reflexes, spatial awareness, aim - is phenomenal. Medic would have to put my spine back together if I even attempted to do what he does on the field.”
Informant snickered at the joke, or perhaps the image it conjured.
“And me,” Spy continued. “I can speak almost any language, adjust to any social setting, charm anyone, fool anyone…kill anyone. Just like you, I can remember, and I use the information I absorb mostly to show how superior I am to all my lowly colleagues.”
Spy furrowed his brow and looked away.
“But I know less about myself than even my enemies. I have hidden it so deep within my mind that I can hardly remember…or perhaps would rather not remember…who I was before this mask of mine.”
Informant hesitated. “I…I’m sorry, Spy.”
Spy sneered and puffed a few smoke rings.
“I don’t want your sympathy. I want you to have some self-respect - and respect for my teammates. Because next time you are beaten within an inch of your life, you might catch me in a less generous mood.”
With that, Spy got up, reached into his suit pocket and presented a small MediKit, which he tossed to Informant.
“I’d suggest freshening up before going to any more briefings.”
Informant nodded, and set to work healing himself.
Spy started to leave, then stuck his head back in.
“And hang a few posters, would you? Your office looks like a prison cell.”
Finally, the Frenchman took his leave, adjusting his suit and nodding solemnly to the team members he happened to pass - or scowling at them, depending.
He glanced over the security feed, and once he was satisfied, made his way to his smoking room.
Spy closed the heavy oak door, poured himself a small glass of scotch, and sat down in his chair next to the fireplace.
He put a magazine on his knee and began to flip through the pages, but his gaze soon started to wander.
He closed the magazine, tossed it into the fire, leaned into his hand, and wept.
…So what became of Informant?
Well, after a reluctant heal from Medic and a few well-deserved apologies, Informant began to try and break the cycle of self-sabotage.
The process took a lot longer than Recruit’s did - especially since Informant’s transgressions were a lot more egregious - but, little by little, they began to heal.
A lot of the time, the other mercs would have to tell them to tone it down a bit, or to cut him off completely if necessary.
Informant still almost has a panic attack if he doesn’t have the right papers, and his office is still pretty bare, but he took Spy’s advice - a few AC/DC posters hang on the leftmost wall.
As for Spy, well…he needs to have a talk with Medic.
I am so sorry…this is all so messy and weird. One is so much longer than the other, and I’m not even sure half the dialogue sounds right.
The two headcanons were just typed out at different times, the first where I had less motivation and the second when I had more motivation. This wasn’t on purpose, it just happened.
I hope you still like it, though!
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rubix-writings · 3 years
Punisher Pt. 8
Eighth part of Punisher. This has been sitting in my drafts forever, I’m not in love with it, but want to get the story moving along. This is a Chicago PD/Fire imagine with an original character. I don’t own any of the plot points or characters from the show. Also, it doesn’t follow any particular season or sequence in the shows.
Series Summary: Josephine (Jo) never expected to find support and pure love when she left Los Angeles. She ran away to Chicago and was content with living an insignificant, hidden life. But everything changes when she walks into Molly’s to get a job.
Josephine (OC) x Jay Halstead
The italicized lines are internal thoughts of the character.
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking, mentions of violence
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The week after the renewal I hardly saw or spoke to Jay. A case came in the day after and the entire Intelligence Unit rarely left the station. From what Will told me, it was a house invasion and so far only one young child survived, but they’re coming close to catching the people who did it. 
I thank the man handing me brown bags full of take-out. The thin handles dig into my palms as I make my way towards the precinct. I try to hide my face in my warm scarf, as my eyes water from the cold wind flying around the street. I quickly jog up the steps and dodge the people exiting the building. Trudy’s working the front desk per usual. She shoos a man in an expensive suit as I walk up to the front desk.
“Hey Trudy,” I smile and grab her meal out of one of the bags.
“You got something for me,” she asks in her normal pleasant tone. I slide the closed container across the top of the desk. She inspects the meal quickly before closing the lid again. “I’ll buzz you up.” 
I grab the handles, hopefully for the last time, and walk up the stairs to the wire gate closing off the Intelligence Unit. My heeled boots announce my entrance to the team. Kevin and Adam are hunched over a computer, while Haley and Voight are going over the board taped with various pieces of information. 
“I smell Angelino’s!” Adam announces. 
“That’s impressive,” I stand in the middle of the room and gesture with the heavy bags. Adam and Kevin leave their current task behind and take the food away to the kitchen. “Hello to you too,” I say under my breath. 
“Hey, Jo,” Hayley waves. 
“I’m Hank,” Voight reaches forward to shake my hand. This was the first time we officially met since he doesn’t come to the bar. I only know him from stories and photos. 
“Nice to finally meet you.”
“Thanks for bringing this by, there’s only so much vending machine food one can take,” Hayley interjects. 
“Of course, it’s from everyone at Molly’s.” Jay and Kim walk up the steps, they are donning their heavy winter coats and their cheeks are pink from the cold. Jay smiles as we make eye contact, I can’t help but smile back. 
“Hey Jo! What are you doing here?” Kim asks. 
“Angelino’s! You guys have to get in here before it’s gone,” Adam yelled with a mouth full of food. Kim dashed to the kitchen to join the rest of the team. 
“You should get in there, that sounded like a threat,” I say to Jay. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t reached out this week, after everything that happened at the renewal,” Jay practically whispers. His eyes are red and purple circles sit underneath, his lack of sleep is apparent. 
“Hey, there’s no need to apologize about it, that’s not why I’m here. Will found me right away to fill me in. I get it, well I don’t fully get it, but you know,” I match his tone and step towards him, placing a comforting hand on his forearm. 
“Thanks,” Jay looks towards the floor. 
“How’re you doing?” It’s a stupid question, he’s obviously consumed by this. 
“I’ll be better once we finally get the people who did it,” I slide my hand down his arm to find his hand. He grasps it immediately, clinging to any part of the outside world that isn’t tainted by this case. 
“You call me if you ever need a break, even just for a minute okay?” I take a step closer and Jay nods. 
“You want to stay and eat with us? I can get us some plates and sit in the interrogation room,” Jay offers. 
“As intriguing as an interrogation room sounds, I have to get to Molly’s. You’re not the only one pulling a late shift tonight, except I’ll be making the world drunker, not better.”
“Some would say that’s better,” I laugh. 
“Be careful out there detective,” Jay leans forward and kisses my temple.
“You too,” I squeeze his hand before letting go. I walk down the steps to head out of the precinct. 
It took a few more days for the case to finally come to a close, but not in a way everyone hoped. The Intelligence Unit found the criminals that killed the family but soon after they were arrested, men in suits came into the precinct and took them away. They claimed that these men were a part of a bigger operation trying to take down a syndicate. So they practically get to walk free in witness protection and not pay for the heinous crimes committed. 
The entire team were angry and rightfully so. A few of them sat quietly at a table against the wall drinking to try and shake the bad case. It’s hard to watch as I know there’s nothing I can do to ease their pain. 
“They’ll be okay,” Stella says. I keep staring at the table and watch Jay bring his whiskey to his lips. 
“How do you know that?” I genuinely ask. 
“Sadly, this isn’t the first case like this and worse, it won’t be their last,” Stella starts pouring tequila into shot glasses. “Alcohol helps.”
“Stella, are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“It’s one shot,” she brushes off and takes the tray over to the table. The Intelligence Unit gladly accepts and down the shots without hesitation. This isn’t going to end well. 
The table orders three more rounds of shots, but most of them stop once they start feeling tipsy and the weight they were carrying around was finally lifted. Jay on the other hand kept ordering whiskeys. I stand behind the bar and watch the once stoic man begin to crumble. He’s not crying or yelling, but his demeanor is different. Kim walks up to the bar while putting on her coat. 
“Hey Jo, can you keep an eye on Jay? He’s taking this one really hard. He had to tell the kid what happened to his family when he woke up in the hospital, stuff like that sticks with you,” she puts her hands on the bar top. 
“Of course, thanks for the heads up,” I look back to the table and see Adam and Kevin getting up, leaving Hayley and Jay at the table. Adam and Kevin wave before heading out the front door with Kim. I’m happy that Jay has Hayley, she gets it way more than I ever could. Normally it’s fun to watch Hayley and Jay interact, it’s like a brother and sister pushing each other’s buttons. There’s no humor between the two right now, Hayley is leaning forward, her brows furrowed trying to get through to Jay about something. I pour a few drink orders before heading over to take the empties away from their table. 
“Jo!” Jay slurs, if he wasn’t drunk out of pain his slurred speech and lazy eyelids would’ve been really cute. 
“Hey guys, can I get you anything? Water, maybe?” I ask while grabbing the empty beer bottles and glasses. 
“I’d like another whiskey, no ice. Hayley?” 
“Jay - “ Jay cuts Hayley off.
“No no no, I’ll order it at the bar. I gotchu Hales,” Jay gets up and walks a diagonal line towards the bar. 
“Is this normal?” I ask Hayley as we both watch Jay. 
“It’s not the first time, but it doesn’t happen often,” Hayley sighs. Hayley rubs her eyes, obviously tired. 
“Hayley, I got him, you go home,” she shakes her head. 
“No I’m fine -”
“You’re tired, I’m almost off shift anyway. I’ll give him a ride home, it’s not a big deal. Go get some rest,” she opens her mouth to fight, but it turns into a yawn proving my point. 
“Call me if anything changes okay?” I nod as she puts on her jacket and heads out of the bar. I gather up the empty bottles and glasses sitting on the table and make my way behind the bar. 
“Jojo, one whiskey neat,” Jay hiccups. I giggle and pour Jay a nice glass of cold water. 
“Whiskey Jojo, I can’t drink straight vodka.”
“It’s water Jay, and I’m not a huge fan of this little nickname you’ve started,” Jay smiles and takes a sip of water. 
“I think it fits you.”
“Keep drinking that water,” I roll my eyes and I start cleaning the used glasses. Jay makes himself comfortable on the stool while sipping his water and causally watches me finishing up my work. Kelly comes in to keep Stella company since she’s closing tonight, but gets sucked into sharing stories with Jay at the end of the bar. 
Stella and I start to seal open bottles and close out tabs. I peel off to grab empties and clean tables while she deals with a few more customers. I constantly look towards Jay and Kelly, worried that Jay will start breaking down or switch moods, but it never happens. Jay continually laughs with Kelly, but his eyes start to droop as his exhaustion starts to beat out the alcohol in his system.  
“Do you mind if I bail early? Make sure he sleeps in his own apartment rather than the floor of Molly’s,” Stella laughs and nods her head.
“Yeah I’m good, drive safe,” I squeeze her arm before grabbing my things from the back. When I start making my way over to Jay, his head is resting in his hand that’s propped up on the bartop. 
“Hey Kelly, you’ll stay with Stella while she closes right?”
“Of course, don’t worry she’ll put me to work,” I thank him and then put my arm on Jay’s bicep. 
“Jay, c’mon let’s get you outta here,” he clumsily tries to stand. 
“If you want to get outta here, Jojo. Lead the way,” he grabs his jacket and starts walking towards the door without me.
“Go get ‘em Jojo,” Stella mocks. I point at her with a look that could kill.
“Don’t,” I quickly chase after Jay so he doesn’t trip down the few stairs leading from the bar. I grab him, not fully trusting his ability to stay upright. “C’mon, this way,” I wrap my arm around his torso and hook his arm around my shoulders. 
“If you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was ask,” he slurs. I bite my tongue and hope he’s too drunk to see the blush on my cheeks. I rest him against my car as I unlock the passenger door. 
“Wait is this your car?” 
“Yes, one you’ll be getting in,” I open the door and wait for Jay to climb in. 
“Do I need to sign a waiver first?” 
“Get in the car,” Jay laughs at his joke, but finally gets into the passenger seat. 
It didn’t take long to get to Jay’s apartment from the bar, but in that short time he managed to change all my set radio stations to all the Christian pop stations because he thought it was hilarious. But as the night carried on, Jay starts to succumb to his fatigue, he’s sleeping with his head leaning against the window.
“Jay help me out here,” I plead. Jay shakes himself awake and leans into me allowing me to pull him out of the car. I lock the car quickly and grab Jay’s waist making our way into his building. 
“Just a little bit further,” I coax Jay to make the last few steps out of the elevator and into the hallway. Jay struggles to unlock his front door, after a few minutes and refusing my help multiple times Jay opens his apartment. 
“See, I told you I’d get it,” Jay strides through the door making his way to the living room and falls down on the leather sofa. 
“Yeah, you got me,” I say while taking in Jay’s apartment. It’s a lot more put together than I thought it would be, don’t get me wrong there’s a ton of sports memorabilia, but at least it’s all neatly framed. It looks like all the furniture was bought together, rather than gathering old hand me downs. I throw my purse and jacket on the counter, then start the search through the kitchen cabinets to find a glass. 
“Cabinet closest to the fridge,” Jay yells. I furrow my brow as I walk over the said cabinet and sure enough even in his tired, drunken state he’s right. I pour Jay a glass of water and make my way over to the sofa where he’s laying face down into the cushions. I run my hands through his soft hair making him stir to turn to face me. 
“There’s a big glass of water on the coffee table when you need it,” he closes his eyes and smiles.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“How’d you know, your eyes are closed?”
“Your gorgeous face is printed on my eyelids,” and now I’m happy his eyes are closed, I can’t control my blushing cheeks. 
“I got to head home Jay, you sure you’ll be okay?” I rise and take his military boots off since it doesn’t seem like he’ll be moving from the sofa anytime soon. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little mind,” Jay cuddles one of his throw pillows causing a massive smile on my face. 
“Text me tomorrow Jay.”
“Hey Jojo.”
“Yeah Jay?”
“Get ready, I’m gaining the courage to ask you out.”
“Thanks for the heads up,” I grab my stuff and leave Jay’s apartment. 
I walk into Molly’s the next day to start my shift. Most of the lovely firefighters of Firehouse 51 are at the bar this afternoon, since they have the day off. 
“JOJO!!” they scream out when they see me. I instantly stop in my tracks and search for Stella, who's hiding behind Kelly. 
“You dug your own grave,” I whisper to her. 
“I’m sorry, it just came out.”
“Yeah I’m sure,” I throw my things into the back office before going behind the bar. 
“So… How was the rest of your night?” Stella asks, I’m grateful that she’s whispering. 
“Nothing happened, Jay passed out on his sofa and I left.”
“I highly doubt that’s it. He didn’t say anything more to you?” 
“Um…” The phone starts to ring. “I got it!”
“This isn’t over,” Stella goes to bring over some orders to tables. 
“Molly’s,” I say as I pick up the landline. 
“Hi baby,” his voice is rough like gravel and low. A voice I hoped to never hear again in my life. “You thought you’d run away and I’d never find you? I am your future, you’ll regret ever leaving -” 
I hang up the phone before he can say anything else. I can hear my blood pounding in my ears and it’s like at any second my legs are about to give out. 
“Jo you okay?” Matt asks, bringing me out of my own mind. 
“Ugh yeah, spam. It was a spam call, I always almost fall for it,” I smile. He’s going to kill me. 
Taglist: @whit85-blog @bestillmystuckyheart @nocturnalherb16 @5sos-imagine​ @miranda0102
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 14
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 1620
Warnings:  Swearing, bit of violence if you looking very closely
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
So Hi again everyone! one more chapter to go then we're on the first Avenger, I just wanna say thank you to each and everyone of you all for taking the time to sit down and read this, it means the absolute world to me! Anyways I'll shut up, enjoy chapter 14 everyone <3
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Now don’t ask me how they did it, but somehow my idiots managed to open my front door without a key, if I wasn’t so pissed at them for getting into a fight for the 5th night in a row, I’d be tearing them a new one for that alone. Completely and uttered annoyed with the pair of em, I may of opened my door with a bit more force than necessary and twatted the back of it on the coat rack, not my best moment but at least nothing broke. I was fully prepared to lose my shit with both of em, but one look of them both sat at the table, covered head to toe in bruises and cuts made all my anger disappear, I can’t be mad at them when they both look absolutely exhausted.
Wordlessly I crossed the landing into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit and spare clothes I kept for the boys, setting em down on the dresser just outside my room before heading off to change into my satin pyjamas. It’s times like this that make me so frustrated with them both, I know why they do what they do, they’re trying to make the world a better place in their own way, but I just wished that they wouldn’t do it in a way that put them in danger. Coming back out into the kitchen was almost like walking into a morgue, neither of them said a thing to each other whilst I was gone, the looks their faces absolutely shattered my small, minuscule heart to pieces.
It was pretty easy to see from the slumped shoulders and the way they both avoided eye contact that they were ashamed of what happened tonight, and that made me feel like the biggest piece of shit ever, I trusted these boys with my life, and I know that they would never start a fight if they didn’t have a reason for it. Hell, I didn’t care about the reason why anymore. Without saying a word to them, I went over to the sink and filled a bowl with warm water, I knew that one of em would have got the rags out already, more than likely Buck cause Steve’s short ass can’t reach the cabinet…I’m joking I love him really, but he’s soooo fucking short it’s unreal..
I’d barely had time to put the bowl on the table before Steve started to speak.
“We’re sorry Y/n…Those guys were erm..saying some pretty messed up things about you and I couldn’t help it, I saw red and lost my temper. Be angry with me, not a Buck he was just lookin’ out for me”.
The sigh that left my body couldn’t be helped, as much as I love Steve he couldn’t lie to save his life, though normally I wouldn’t put it past him to start a fight over me, the way Buck reacted made it pretty clear that the hot-headed love of my life started this one, the sharp look he gave for Steve was about as subtle as a sneeze in a silent library. The sudden ache that settled over my chest wasn’t foreign to me one bit, it happened every time I looked at Bucky, as much as I wanted to tell him how I felt I knew it wouldn’t be a good idea, he loves me like a sister and I should be happy with that, I’d rather have that than nothing at all…
“Steve…it’s not that, it’s the fact that you guys would start a fight over something so silly, I love you both to the moon and back, but I don’t care about what people say about me, I’m upset that you put yourselves in danger over me. I’m not worth the trouble it would cause and after the shit I’ve done, it’s not like I don’t deserve it.”
Bucky was silent the whole time, at times he looked like he wanted to disagree but a look from Steve shut it down, we all fell into a comfortable silence after that, which for the 3 of us is pretty fucking weird considering Steve and I are normally annoying the hell outta Bucky, what can I say me, and Steve have amazing singing voices. I stole a quick look at the pair of them, considering they both looked like shit it was actually a very difficult choice about which idiot I should clean up first, then I remembered that Steve has the immune system of an asthmatic grandma, so I dunked his cut-up hands in the warm water a little bit harder than I meant to, but I’d be lying if I said the squeal he let out wasn’t funny.
It really didn’t take me long to get him cleaned up at all, then again I do this like 8 times a week with the moron, you’d think after about 10 split lips the kid would learn his lesson, but apparently not cause he’ll be back at it in the morning. I need to start charging him for medical supplies, I’m practically a hospital at this point. As Steve stood up to leave, he paused and looked towards me with his sad puppy eyes, and I’m no monster so of course I gave him a hug, thank god he’s not as short as when were kids or his face would be right in my chest region, I don’t think an accidental motorboat is on his list of top 10 things to do. With one final look from Buck, Stevie boy took his clothes and went into the spare room, leaving us both to talk which could take a while cause we’re both stubborn asses. Que the awkward silence….
“I am sorry Doll…I just couldn’t stand back and hear those assholes talk about you like that. I love ya too much for that…”
Okay ouch, the sister zoning wasn’t necessary Barnaby.
I knew in my heart I meant every single word he said, Bucky was never the one to start the fights unless it was over his family and I understand that I do, if I were in the same position I’d do the sae for them. The dejected sigh that left me wasn’t missed by him, I chose to ignore his reaction to it and moved closer to him, the cuts on his hands were a little deeper than Steve’s, not that it stopped me from slamming his hands into the hot water as a tiny bit of revenge. Because I’m such a nice person, I chose to ignore the hiss of pain and glare directed at me from my good ol’ Bucky boy, plus I was focusing on cleaning his cuts.
“Buck…I don’t need you to say sorry, I understand why you did it, I just hate that you can be so careless about your own safety, what if you get into a fight whilst I’m working, and something happens? I’d never be able to forgive myself that I wasn’t there for you when you needed me most, I love you and Steve so so much, but it hurts me to see you do this to yourselves….”.
The time we spent sat together was lost to me, Bucky didn’t say anything after that and left me to clean his hands whilst he got lost in his thoughts, not that I minded. It’s the times like these that help me realise just how much pressure he puts on himself, it’s like he has to be the one to hold up the weight of the world, but he doesn’t realise he doesn’t have to do it by himself and it breaks my heart. But I wished that he didn’t tilt his head down when he’s feeling sombre and sad because I can’t see his fucking face, it kinda makes cleaning his cuts a bit hard ya know ? Reluctantly I stood up and went back to the sink, the rag I used to clean his hands was beyond filthy at this point and I don’t really fancy wiping ouch juice all over his face, by the time I’d turned back around Buck had his head in his hands.
You know it’s bad when he’s like this, Buck never lets anyone see just how much stress he’s under, the only other person that’s ever seen him in this state is Steve, I moved back over to him and placed the rag back down on the table, my main focus now being cheering up my Bucky. As it turns I didn’t have to do much, once he saw my shadow in front of him, his head lifted automatically as his eyes searched mine, the level of exhaustion in his eyes was almost enough to make me cry, I couldn’t help the hand that reached out to cup his cheek, nor the other hand that began to run through his hair. It was almost like I put him under a spell, Buck’s eyes closed in relief as his head fell forward to rest on my upper stomach, at some point his looped his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him, I couldn’t help but pepper the top of his head in small kisses to try and cheer him up.
This is the part of him I love the most, the moments where he isn’t afraid to let his guard down and for once let someone help him, to take the burden off his shoulders and relax for a while, even if he doesn’t love me the way I love him, I still wouldn’t trade it for the world.
He has and always will be my home….nothing can or will change that.
And that's Number 14 done and dusted, let me know what you all think, thank you for reading!
All My Love,
Rose xxx
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Just Dance for the Nintendo Wii
Yancy x gn!reader
ty anon for the request!
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A/N: Shit was so fun to write I swear. Just Dance was my childhood. I had a thing about memorizing all the dances in all the songs in all the games I got. I also didn’t actually look at the moves in the corner I just watched the dancer lmao. And when I found out other people didn’t do that I just ???it’s so much easier???? I might’ve projected onto Yancy a lil bit. It’s a fun fic! It is a fun and light-hearted fic, I promise. Couple curse words. TW mention of smoking and cigarettes. That’s about it. I think it could be seen as platonic or romantic. Reader does call him “babe” at one point but I call my friends darling and sweetie so I think it’s fine. Might be a few typos since I never read through my fics lmao. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.9k
Lunch ended and you immediately shot up out of your chair, making your way down the hall. Your friends stared after you, slightly offended you didn’t even bother saying goodbye. You would have any other day, but this was important.
You stomped your way to the warden's office, pushing past the guards who mostly just gave you confused looks. You would have made your way around them, asking them to make some room, but this was important. 
You kicked the door open and stomped up to the desk. The warden jumped and put a hand over his heart. You were not an aggressive person. Really, you weren’t. But this. This was important. This was the most important thing you ever came up with.
“Jesus, child, you ever heard of knocking?” He breathed, exasperated. He looked like he was gonna keep talking, so you slammed your hands on his desk. A few months before, he probably would have had you thrown in solitary for even walking in there. But you’re a good person, and you behave for the most part. So he raised an eyebrow and waited for you to make whatever point you wanted to make.
“Wii,” you said, simply. He blinked a couple times.
“Beg pardon?” He laughed. You were on a bit of a power trip and wanted to respond with “then beg”, but the conversation probably would have ended there. You made it this far without breaking down, you couldn’t stop now.
“I want a Wii,” you said, slowly. The warden squinted at you before chuckling a little. You glared daggers at him. Laugh at you, will he?!
“Now, kiddo, that ain’t--”
“Shut up. I don’t care. I just need you to listen.” He gave you a look and leaned back in his chair. You quieted for a moment, thinking about exactly what you were gonna say. You honestly hadn’t thought you’d make it this far.
“Go ahead, I’m a busy man,” He shook you out of your thoughts. You squared your shoulders.
“Yancy likes to dance,” you stated. You stared at each other in silence for a moment as you prepared your words in your head. He waved his hand, telling you to keep going. You cleared your throat, “Yancy likes to dance… and we don’t have access to the internet.”
“And you’re not going to.” He warned.
“Yeah, yeah, I figured…” You sighed. “But that’s not what I’m here for.” He knitted his eyebrows together in intrigue.
“Alright…” He leaned forward, arms on his desk.
“Yancy can’t keep coming up with songs and dances when he gets bored. It takes a long time, and he’s getting burned out. I think that if we had another- if we had access to prepared dances and songs, it’d be better.” You stuttered. That’s okay. As long as he was listening. “I think if we had a… a game, a dancing game. Like Just Dance on the Wii or something, then we’d be better. Happier? I mean, we’re happy, but… more-more happy. There’s never… too much… happy…” You lost yourself towards the end there. You started shaking a little as the whole situation hit you like a train. What the hell were you doing? This is a PRISON, not a middle school. Why would they want you to be happy? Oh, this was a stupid idea… no. You made it this far. Sure this was stupid, but you were NOT going to back down. Not until you got a-
“Huh?” You asked, dumbfounded. You stared at Mr. Murder-Slaughter, and he stared right back. “What’d you say?” He stood up from his desk and walked over to you. You fought the urge to book it and stood your ground. You puffed up your chest a little to look intimidating. From the smirk he got on his face, it wasn’t working.
“I said, ok.” Your shoulders dropped and you let out a shaky breath.
“Really? I mean… really?” 
“Sure, why not. Boosts morale, stops people from wanting to escape.” He shrugged. You stood there, mouth agape, probably looking like a moron.
“Thanks.” You murmured. He smiled at you, and you smiled right back. He took your shoulders and spun you around towards the door.
“Yeah, yeah, now get outta here! You’ve got dishes to do!” He pushed you out, and you gave him one last smile before running down to the kitchen. He watched you trip over your own feet and shook his head. You ran past a guard, who heard the noise and got confused.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Fuck around and find out!”
You startled awake to the sound of talking coming from outside your cell. You rubbed your eyes and looked around, not seeing your cellmate. You sighed and managed to lift yourself up out of the bed. You stretched and heard your back crack in several places. That sounded… worrying to say the least, but you had other things on your mind. For example: where was everyone?
You made your way through the prison, eventually ending up in the common room where everyone was talking over each other excitedly. 
“Sorry, forgot to set the alarm!” A guard apologized. You nodded at him. You turned and saw Tiny and slid over next to her.
“What’re we doing? Is it Thursday already?” You whispered.
“Nah, warden bought a game system,” she answered. You stared at her, mouth open slightly. “Keep staring at me we’re gonna fight.”
“Uh, sorry.” You blinked and looked forward, standing on the tips of your toes to try and get a better look. “What gaming system?”
“A Wii. Warden said we each get 30 minutes per week.” She explained. She then waited for you to respond. You didn’t.
“Dude, you alright?” She gently reached out and shook your arm.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m good.” You mumbled. “He buy any games yet?”
“Uhhhhh Super Mario Bros, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Animal Crossing, Smash…”
“Mm-hm, mm-hm, as he should.”
“I think those Wii Sports games…”
“Just Dance?”
“Don’t know. Said to talk to him if there’s a game you want.” You nodded and gave her a small fistbump before walking over to the warden, who stood away from the group. You leaned over and saw BamBam and Sparkles in a heated game of Smash Bros. You stood next to the warden and watched.
“So, you actually listened to my request?” You looked up at him in slight disbelief.
“Course I did. Why not? Like I said, boosts morale.” He smiled. You nodded and you both looked forward again.
“How much was it?” You inquired.
“$100 on eBay.”
“Absolutely. Great condition, too. Been used before, but not necessarily broken.”
“Come with the games?” “Some. Had to tell the guy I was buying it for my foster kids for him to give them to me. Them along with the Wii is what made it $100.” He explained
“So, we’re your kids now?” You snickered.
He only answered with a hum. You looked at him, blinking rapidly. 
“What?” He said in a defensive tone.
“Nothing! Don’t worry about it!” You waved him off. He crossed his arms in a huff but dropped it.
“Buy Just Dance?”
“In the back. Saving it for when Yancy shows up.”
“Shows up? He’s not here?” “No. He went to the yard when everyone gathered here.” You hummed and looked down, thinking.
Why did Yancy leave? Did he not care about it? Did he not want to play? That would complicate things a little…
“Instead of speculating, why don’t you go ask him?” He scoffed. You looked at the warden, scandalized.
“You’re an easy person to read, child.” He set a hand on your shoulder. “He might be out in the yard.” You sighed and walked away from the cheering crowd as BamBam pumped his fists triumphantly and Sparkles fell to his knees.
You opened the door to the yard, peeking out to see if anyone was there. Lo and behold, there he was, Yancy, sitting on the grass having a smoke. You walked over to where he was and plopped down next to him. He jumped a little, but breathed harshly once he saw it was you.
“Whatcha doin’ out here?” You queried, softly.
“Hm.” He grunted in response.
“Everyone’s inside… having some fun…”
“I think Jimmy might play Animal Crossing…”
“Yancy, what’s wrong?” You sighed and turned your body towards him a little.
“Nothin’, nothin’s wrong.” He lied. “C’mon, man, we both know that’s a lie.” You tilted your head to look at him. He avoided your eyes.
“Yancy.” You said sternly. He faltered a little hearing your concern. He glanced at you. Your eyes softened. “What’s wrong?”
“Is just… I never really gots to play games when I was young… and… I dunno… don’t know… how to...” He mumbled. You nodded in understanding, shifting until your shoulders were touching his. You stared at the fence while Yancy kept smoking. You tried not to cough when he exhaled his smoke, but you couldn’t help it. He looked at you apologetically before putting the cigarette out on the grass. You both sat there for a little, enjoying each other’s company. 
“So…” you breathed out after a little while. He turned to you with an eyebrow raised. “You’re upset because you don’t know how to play the games?”
“‘N I’ll look stupid while playing ‘em, yeah.” He finished with a scoff. A smile grew on your face.
“I know a game that’ll be really easy for you…” you sang. He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“...what is it?” He hesitated. You bit your lip to keep from giggling as he looked at you worriedly.
“Wait, so… the hell is Just Dance?” Yancy scratched his head as you led him back to the common room. It was late, and everybody else was back in their cells. You convinced a guard to let you out by pretending you were gonna cry.
“It’s a game where you dance,” You said in a condescending tone. “Come on, Yance, use deductive reasoning.”
“I’on even know what that means,” He argued playfully. You brought him to the small TV, handing him a remote as you turned it on.
“It just… There are songs with dances prepared, and you have to do the dances as you see them on screen. Got it?” You looked up at Yancy, who was busy staring at the glowing screen of the tv. It was on the Wii home menu, so there wasn’t much to see. However, to Yancy, it was one of the coolest things he’d ever seen.
“Whoa whoa whoa, wassat?” He pointed at the screen and jumped a bit when he saw the cursor move as he moved the remote. He shifted it over until it was on the Mii Channel.
“Uh… that’s the place where you can make a little avatar of yourself. It works on some of the games, but not Just Dance.” You explained. “...you wanna make a Mii?” He pouted and gave you puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes and stood up, bringing your Player One cursor on the screen and clicking the channel. 
You told Yancy the mechanics, how to change everything, and what to do once he was done. You made your own Mii, explaining everything along the way, and told him to make his once you were done. Yancy, being the creative boy he is, spent half an hour on his Mii, trying to get everything perfect. You just stood next to him, trying not to yawn. Like I said, it was late. Eventually, he finished and you both got to see your Mii’s next to each other, along with some other people’s. He kept dragging his over next to you, trying to force them to interact. He got very upset when you told him they couldn’t hug or anything. He let you exit out of the channel and go into Just Dance. 
“Any particular song?” You scrolled through the songs, letting them play for a couple seconds so he could know what each was like. 
“Stop!” He called. “Go back.” You scrolled back to the last song you let play.
“Britney Spears? Serious?” You teased. It was all in good fun, you loved her too. Who wouldn’t?
He grumbled a little to himself. It sounded a little like “not my fault her songs bop”. You breathed out a chuckle and clicked the song, whisper-singing the lyrics as you did.
“My loneliness is killin’ me… Blue, green, orange, or pink?” You asked. After not getting an answer, you looked at Yancy to see the problem. He was frowning at the screen. “Yance?”
“Why’re they all girls?”
“Because it’s a traditionally girl-ish song.”
“I’m not a girl.”
“I know you’re not. Just pick a color.”
“Why are they cheerleaders?”
“Because they can be. Yancy, pick a color.”
“But why-”
“Yancy I swear to God pick a fucking color.” He hummed and then picked blue. You picked green.
You got into the same stance as the girl on the screen, and Yancy copied you. The music started up, and you started dancing. Yancy seemed a bit startled as he hurried to copy you. He wheezed out a little laugh, flailing his arms a little, trying to figure out what move you were on. You bit your lip to not laugh at him. You both kept going, and Yancy eventually got into the rhythm. He stuck his tongue out in concentration and you stared for a moment, not believing how adorable he was. Then you remembered that there was a winner in this game so you shook your head and kept dancing. 
Eventually the song ended, and you both breathed a little harder than normal. You looked at your scores, and found that you'd won. You clapped your hands and cheered. Yancy crossed his arms.
"Whatever, this is my first time!" He scoffed. But you could see the smile on his face. You stretched your arms and yawned, turning the Wii off and leaving the remote.
"Welp, we should get back--" you turned to head towards your cell.
"No!" Yancy stood in front of you. You tried to go around him, but he kept blocking your way. He grabbed your shoulders and held you in place.
"I want a rematch."
"Yancy, it's late…" you whined.
"Just one more! Please?" He pleaded. He, again, gave you those puppy dog eyes you could never say no to. You sighed loudly, grabbing the remote again and turning the Wii back on.
"I don't understand why you can't do this yourself…" you mumbled, clicking on Just Dance again.
"I… like spending time with you," he said softly. You squinted at him.
"You'd feel awkward dancing alone, huh?"
"Ooh! Let's do--"
"Nah, nah, nah. You're keeping me up. I get to pick the song."
"...'This is Halloween'?"
"Bet your ass."
"But that--"
"Shut it, Yancy, I'll leave."
"Okay! Sorry… 
"...can I be the pumpkin?"
"Of course you can be the pumpkin, babe."
You woke up really tired in the morning. You didn't know when you got back to bed, but the guard that let you out was asleep by the door when you arrived. You didn't even consider escaping, you were so tired. You just entered the cell and shut the door behind you.
In the morning, you got up and dragged yourself into the common room again. Everyone was playing the Wii again. You rubbed your eyes and stood next to Tiny.
"Fuck happened to you?" She scoffed.
"Yancy happened…" you yawned
"Ah. Long night, huh?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Ye-no. Wait, what? No, gross. We played Just Dance."
"Oh, was it fun?"
"For the first couple. The rest I was way too tired to be happy about…"
"Aw, did wittle baby need theiw nap?" She teased.
"I'm not wi-little! I'm not-I'm not little! Shut up!" You complained as she laughed.
"Well, Jimmy played Wii tennis against a guard. Now he's playing the warden."
"Seriously? Oh my God."
"He's currently the reigning champion."
"Who's going against him next?" You hear a thud, like someone fell.
"Got-dang it!" Mr. Murder-Slaughter yelled.
“That’d be me,” She patted you on the back before walking up next to Jimmy. Mr. Murder-Slaughter passed her as she walked, limping. He stood by you.
“You seem to be having fun.” You teased.
“Ah, shut it…” He growled and rubbed his arm. “How’s Yancy?” 
“He’s good. He likes the game a lot.” You explained.
“I’d hope so, otherwise there was no reason to buy this thing.” He scoffed.
“Eh… I dunno about that…” You listened to Tiny laugh loudly from where she stood in front and smiled. You turned your head a little and saw Yancy leaning against the opposite wall. You caught each other’s eyes. He nodded his head to the Wii. You shrugged and walked up. He did the same. 
Once Tiny and Jimmy were done with their match, Jimmy keeping his title as champion, you and Yancy walked up to the wii, taking the remotes and clicking Just Dance. 
“What song should we do?” You scrolled through the list.
“Avril Lavigne!” Someone yelled from the back of the room. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was, but kept it to yourself. 
“Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne it is!” You clicked the song.
“Uh… I don’t know this song, bud,” He whispered to you. You clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Oh you’re gonna love it.”
“I’m not sure I like that look.”
“Calm down, it’ll be great.”
“Okay… can i be the punk girl?”
“I wanna be the punk girl…”
Cue the puppy eyes…
“...fine, you can be the punk girl.”
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rai-wick · 4 years
Gally x Reader Chapter 33: Goodbye
"Okay we need to get outta here now"Gally grabbed the bag which he had loaded with serum vials and shut the vault door"You stay close to me and _______. Stick together" He handed the bag to the oldest looking kid he saw"You guard this with your life. You understand?"He nodded quickly.
"Let's go"I nodded, slipping on my mask and we opened the door, standing ready for soldiers. We made our way to the parking lot, sticking to the shadows and ducking as we saw soldiers running by"Stay low!"I urged as Gally pulled out his radio.
"Brenda, where are you? We're here"He said before a bus screeched in front of us. We loaded the kids onto the bus, keeping an eye out for the enemy.
"Wait, where's Thomas?"Brenda asked as the kids got on.
Gally and I looked at each other with concern then back at her"We were hoping he was with you"She began to get down but Gally stopped her"Wait! You and ______ stay here with the kids. I'll find him. Just wait for us"
"I'm coming with you"I replied. He sighed and put on his mask.
"We're not going anywhere"Brenda assured us as we ran off. We ran for the top floor lab when all of a sudden Gally pulled me into a pillar. We saw 3 soldiers running for the outer fountain, one of them yelling that the suspects had the test subject. Looking at one another, we realised they were probably talking about Minho, Thomas and Newt. We ran behind them, blending in.
"Don't even think about it"They yelled as Thomas reached for his gun"Get on your knees with your hands in the air"We turned and shot at the soldiers before they could make a move. They lay twitching as we ran towards the guys, pulling off our masks and making Minho gasp.
"Minho"Gally nodded, looking back at the window they had just crashed through"You guys are nuts"
"We'll explain later"I grinned as we ran. We ducked, almost squatting as we ran to avoid the spotlights, finally hiding behind some bushels and trees.
"Well, they're definitely pissed"Gally panted as we caught our breath.
"How far are the tunnels?"Thomas asked.
"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here"Gally guessed. I felt Newt wheezing beside me before breaking out into a violent cough"We can make it"
"Newt, how are you feeling?"Minho asked.
"Terrible"Newt groaned"It's good to see you though"He weakly smiled, patting Minho's shoulder.
"Here, take this off. It should lighten the load on your chest"I pulled off the vest, avoiding looking at the paling Newt. Minho met my eyes and I gestured for him to talk to Thomas as I tried to distract Newt.
"I don't think this is quite the place for this behavior, _______"Newt chuckled before coughing. I shook my head at him, blushing as he tried to grinned through his pain.
"Come on, we've just got to reach Brenda"Thomas came and helped me lift him up. Newt stumbled, grunting as we kept him steady. I saw Minho look back at Gally with suspicion.
"Why are you helping us, Gally?"He asked"I put a spear through your chest"
"Yeah"He looked at me as he answered Minho"Nobody's perfect"Just then a huge explosion went off in the distance making us turn and stare as debris exploded"We're supposed to take down WICKD, not the whole damn city"
"Gally, come on"I pulled his arm, forcing him to look away and run. Thomas and I helped Newt along as Gally and Minho kept check in front of us.
"Shit! Stay low"We hid behind a plant display, away from the view of the police barricade.
"What are they waiting for?"Minho whispered just as an explosion boomed behind us causing a rush of an angry crowd. We took advantage of the chaos and ran to hide in an abandoned shop.
"Brenda, are you there?"Thomas shouted into his radio.
"Thomas, I'm here"Came the crackled reply. There was another explosion, blowing me into Newt who grunted.
"Shit! You okay?"I frantically got off him.
"Relax, I'm fine love"He gasped, rubbing his arm.
"Gally, how much further?"I turned to him, my eyes stinging.
"Not far but we have to keep moving"He replied as I took Newt's arm again. We continued our journey, hiding behind trucks and buildings as fighting ensued"Alright.Newt, we're almost there"He encouraged, looking back at us.
"Just leave me"Newt muttered as we hobbled along.
"Never"I said through gritted teeth. We ducked down as an exploding car flew past us followed by an angry crowd and helicopters.
"Shit! It's them, we gotta go"Thomas turned back to Newt.
"Go without me"He spluttered, blood leaking out of his mouth"You should just-"He launched into a coughing fit, wheezing as I wiped the blood.
"Minho"Thomas said"You gotta run ahead, grab the serum and get back to us as soon as you can"Minho looked at him, worriedly"Minho go"
"He's right. I can cover"Gally added.
"_______, go-go with him"Newt wheezed.
"I'm not leaving you Newt"I told him fiercely.
"Forever the stubborn one"He gasped before clenching Minho's arm"Thank you Minho"
"Hey, you just hang on"Minho patted his shoulder before running off. Thomas watched them run through while I turned back to Newt. He was breathing heavily, black veins covering his face and his eyes were constantly dilating before constricting.
"Newt! Newt!"I shook him to get his attention.
"Hey! Hey Newt!"Thomas shouted"We're gonna try this, okay?"
"No! No!"Newt struggled ripping open his jacket. He tore off the tubular pendant he wore, holding it up to my face"Look, you gotta take this"
"We gotta get you up now"I tried to lift him.
"No just take it!"He screamed at me. I stopped and placed my hand around his"Please"He breathed harshly"Please, _______ (nickname) please. I need you both to have this"He took Thomas' hand and placed it with mine. I nodded then Newt dropped his hands, his breaths ragged as I put the pendant in the chest pocket of my shirt.
"Newt, you need to give everything you've got okay? We can make this"Newt nodded as Thomas gestured for me to grab his other arm. Grunting with effort, we dragged Newt to tunnels as bombs and bullets flew past us. We entered the broken doors of the station"We're almost there, Newt. Just stay with me, come on!"Thomas panted.
"Newt, no no. Hey!"I gasped as Newt gagged and fell onto the ground. His breathing was rapid but Thomas and I grabbed his arms and legs, trying to pull him along. We didn't make it far before we collapsed.
"Thomas?"Teresa's voice came on the PA system"Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me but I need you to come back. Thomas, you can save Newt"I looked at Thomas in shock as we both slowly stood up.
"There's still time for him. There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore. It's your blood. Do you understand? She isn't sick because you cured her"I felt my blood run cold at Teresa's words"She doesn't have to be the only one. All you have to do is come back and this will all finally be over. Please. Just come back to me. I know you'll do the right thing"
The lights turned off all around us with just two of the high beams faced our way. I looked back to see Newt standing up, only it wasn't Newt. He turned towards us, his face a mess of black veins, his eyes dilated and a stream of black liquid poured out of his mouth.
"Newt?"I whispered before Newt growled and tackled me"Newt? Newt, it's us. It's Thomas and _______!"I pushed him backwards, making him heave.
"Kill me!"He panted, his eyes constricting as he fought the flare within him.
"Newt I'm here"Thomas reached for him and Newt crawled on top of him, choking him"Newt please"He relaxed before reaching for Thomas' gun. He held it up to his head before I smacked it out of his hand, making him howl in anger. He pulled out his knife and we fought as he tried to stab us with it. Thomas punched him in the face and he turned to lunge at me. I quickly grabbed his arm and shoved the knife into his chest as he pulled me close.
"I'm sorry Newt"I whispered as we fell to the ground in an embrace. I held him in my arms as he lay gasping.
"Thank you _______"He stroked my cheek with a bloodied hand as I felt tears pouring down my face. I watched the life ebb away from his now blackened eyes while Thomas fell to his knees beside me. I heard the pattering of feet but I ignored them as I held Newt in my arms.
Wiping away the blood from his face, I softly kissed Newt's forehead as I felt Thomas pick up something then leave. I closed his eyes with my hand then laid him carefully back on the ground. I finally looked up to Minho, Brenda, Frypan and.....Gally. I ran towards Gally with a sprint, almost knocking him over as I wrapped my arms around his chest, my tears flowing. His arms tightened around me, stroking my hair. We stayed there for a few moments, before I heard a bomb explode just outside.
"Guys, we have to go"Gally shouted over the explosion. He lifted my head and wiped my tears with his thumb"_______ we need to get back to chopper, okay?"I nodded and he gestured for the others to follow. We started making our way back when we ran into some rioters.
"There's the Immunes"One of them yelled before aiming his gun at Gally and firing a shot.
"NO!"I screamed and jumped in front of him, feeling my body ripple as the bullet landed in my lower abdomen. I felt myself fall into Gally's arms looking up at him while the others fired back.
"SHIT! No! No!"Gally frantically pressed his hands on my wound. "______ stay with me. We can fix you up"He shouted over the bullets. I lifted a hand and pressed it against his warm cheek, holding his face. Perhaps it was due to the life leaving my body or maybe I was just delirious but I smiled up at him"Please _______, I can't lose you again"He begged, placing a bloodied hand over mine.
"My captain Gally"I whispered before my world went black.
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Lilith Rant (Nothing bad, I promise.)
Not sure if this is a popular opinion or not, but I'm like super glad Owl House didn't leave Lilith questioning her loyalty. She went straight up, "Okay, you piece of shit, so you f*cking lied to me. And now I gotta go save my sister from my mistake."
There have been shows I've seen where it takes a like a whole season to change a character, yet in the span of like 5 minutes, Lilith turned around and actually did the right thing.
I still can't believe she was so hell bent on believing The Emperor was actually gonna follow through.
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The fact Eda tells her not to let him touch Luz, even though Lilith tried to murder said child, got me. Eda, despite what just happened is more concerned about her kid and is trusting her sister to protect her.
Love Lily's face in all screen shots, though. Her wide eyed at panic of her sister being hurt had me smiling because I knew she was going to find out she had gotten played. Also the first two made it seem like she genuinely had no idea it would go this far. And her face in the last one was her realizing what horrible of a mistake she made.
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She flat out admits to Luz it's her fault. That she should be the one getting turned to stone because she's feeling guilty as HELL.
It was actually so nice to have her feel remorse for it. She knew what she did was wrong because it backfired in a way she didn't expect and thought, "Hey once I get my sister to join the coven I can fix this." But news flash, big NOPE.
She isn't actually one-sided evil. Yes, she did terrible things, but she truly does care for her sister, which was actually a surprise. I wasn't expecting her to be so genuine. I thought it was more of an act, but nope, it was her trying to fix a mistake she made in childhood. I mean she went about it the wrong way, but at least she tried.
And then the fact she was going to fix it from the inside. She was going to make sure it wouldn't go this far ever again, despite the fact she betrayed a very unforgiving system. And at that point, I was worried it had been the typical stereotype of: "villain teams up with hero to save something they love only to revert back to their ways." And like, IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. HOLY HELL, IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
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SHE DOESN'T GET THE CHANCE. The Emperor sends her to get turned into stone along with her sister and then Luz breaks them out and they fly outta there.
I'm like so glad for that. Words cannot express how much I love it. Lilith can't follow the stereotype if she's a statue, or if she's with her opposite side. So thank you Owl House for not giving us another typical trope. Lilith's development will probably focus on her learning to live outside of the Coven, being the sister she wanted to be while repairing her broken bonds. I'm like actually super excited for what they plan to do with her.
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And I knew it was coming, but still, she took part of her sister's curse. Not sure how to feel about that, but I like her grey strand.
Also, now that the two of them are probably going to be living under the same roof, that means we will probably be getting more moments like these next season.
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I was actually hella worried the Lilith who almost killed herself with a tree, (and accepted her sister's challenge to a game instead of flat out arresting her) wasn't going to be the same, yet here she is making faces at her sister after literally saying she wasn't going to. Deep down, (well probably not that far down) Lilith's a total dork. I can't name any other "villain" off the top of my head that acted this way.
So, I'm not going to delete my old posts about my previous rants, because I think it's better to show how I felt in each moment and I can see how my opinion changed over time. This is mainly just a rant that Owl House didn't keep Lilith as the main villain with shifting loyalties. She still has some things she needs to take care of before I call her a protagonist, like apologizing to Luz for the previous incident and 100% anti-coven, but nice to know she didn't follow the trope I was expecting. Shows how damn good Owl House really is.
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k1rby69 · 2 years
Splatales | Goggles does the Backwards Long Jump and breaks himself
Goggles hits the negative speed limit and Game Logic has him go faster and faster and faster...
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In Japan, Shizouka, The Splaturfs...
Goggles: *slams open Specs' door* Hello there-
Specs: Please. I need to focus on my next Super Mario 64 speedrun.
Goggles: Again? You did that yesterday!
Specs: I know, but some Korean decided to beat my 16-Star record and roast me on Twitter... I wasn't happy about that.
Goggles: Your problem. Oh, what's that ya' doing?
Specs: Suppose I can tell you. That technique is the Backwards Long Jump. It's a glitch in Super Mario 64 that allows the player to go at high speeds, as well as bypass barriers.
Goggles: Coooooool! Can I Backwards Long Jump?
Specs: No, you can't.
Goggles: Well I'm gonna prove you wrong! Just you wait!
Later that evening...
Specs: I really don't like that Korean... I should chill down and have my...
As he opened the fridge, he realised someone ate all of his Onigiri.
Specs:... Who the shell ate all my Onigiri...
Bobble Hat: *burp* It was delicious...
Specs: Why you- I just- *sigh* I'll just head out...
As he went out, he saw Goggles seemingly preparing for something.
Specs: What is he up to this time...
After a while, he realised Goggles was about to perform the Backwards Long Jump technique.
Specs: As if he could-
Goggles suddenly zoomed past him at high speeds, going past Specs!
Specs: No way... Did he just...
Bobble Hat: Ohmagawd, that is SO going on my Instagram page!
Specs:... It should not even be possible...
Bobble Hat: ~Wow-wee, my friend did whatever that was it looks so cool. Hashtag so cool.
Specs: Bobble Hat, posting on your Instagram account is NOT helping.
Goggles then landed right next to Specs.
Goggles: What did I tell you? I did prove you wrong!
Specs: Okay, but that was very dangerous!
Goggles: But hey! I did get something for you! Thought I would get some food while I was in Hokkaido since the fridge was almost empty!
Specs: Uh thanks- Wait a minute, you were in Hokkaido!? It's like, seriously far away from here! I mean, I know Japan is over 300,000 km², but come on! You went from here to Hokkaido within seconds!?
Goggles: Hey, don't question! Just take the food already! Now how about you go show that Korean what you're made of while I continue the Backwards Long Jump all over Japan!
Specs: I WOULD like to do that, but could you please stop doing the BLJ? It COULD be dangerous to your safety or even physical health!
Goggles: Eh... Nah, I ain't too worried about it.
3 and a half days later...
[Now Playing: Splatoon 2 - Tutorial System]
Headphones: Are you just gonna sit here-
Specs: No, It's just... It's just that Goggles Backwards Long Jumping actually worries me. He hasn't been home since he started it. In addition to that, he could get himself hurt.
Headphones: You look kinda down. How about we play some Smash Bros.-
Specs: You endlessly zoning out with Snake isn't fun.
Headphones: *sigh* You really need to-
Specs' phone got a notification from Instagram.
Specs: Hold just let me check that notification, it's probably from Bobbl- Holy sh-!
The post description said "I
Paid a visit to Goggles in the Hospital! I guess this is what happens to ya' if you Backwards Long Jump too much or whatever he calls it."
[Music Stops]
Specs:... I knew it.
Specs and Headphones rushed to the Hospital where Goggles has been hospitalized.
Specs: I told you! The Backwards Long Jump is dangerous to perform in real life!
Goggles: No, I'm totally fine...!
Specs: Your body is literally in a cast.
Goggles:... Nah, I'm... Ok, maybe you're right. The BLJ might be dangerous.
Specs: So, you're not gonna do the Backwards Long Jump again?
Goggles: I'm still gonna do it! Just not as often as I used to! Omve I do get outta this cast, that is.
Specs: Oh my god...
Bobble Hat: Everyone! Eyes on the camera!
Specs: You know what? I'll be in on this one.
Team Blue took a picture on Bobble Hat's Ipad, then she uploaded it to her Instagram Account.
Headphones: Wait a minute, she doesn't have oir consent!
The End
Splatoon is owned by Nintendo.
Catalouge: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18W0ly2zZcsZybKbo1oEJTa2FVEHCvRO38hpEgLZaZNg
0 notes
layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 11: Nora
Chapter 10
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Present Day
I walk up the stairs and into the radio room to see Dina and Ellie talking. "Hey, girls." I said and they look up at me. "Everything okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we were just talking...." Ellie said and I nod at her as Dina gives an embarrassed smile. "Okay. So, anything worthwhile to report?" I asked, nodding towards the radio.
"Actually, yeah." Dina said and she stands up and walks to the table and Ellie and I walk up next to her. "Abby?" I asked her and she shakes her head. "No...but...This girl, Nora....her unit was assigned this hospital." Dina said as she points at a picture of an African American woman and I pick it up and look at it, Ellie looking over my shoulder.
"They were collecting supplies or something." She said and I look up at the map and see where it says Medical Center. "This hospital." I said, pointing at it. "Yeah." Dina said and I set the picture down. Then I start to walk out of the room. "You're gonna go now?" Ellie asked me. "Yeah, we have a lead. I'll bet you anything she might know where Abby is. And if we can find Abby, we can find Joel." I said and Ellie nods.
"I'll come with you." Ellie said and I look over at Dina. "I'll be fine, if anything I can always wake Jesse up." Dina said and I nod. "Okay. Well, go get your bag, Ellie, and we'll head out." I said and she nods and the two of us head out of the room. "I'll help with the door." Dina said and we gathered up our stuff and head out.
"Alright, if we follow Route 5, that should take us to the hospital." Ellie said as she looks down at her map. "Okay, follow Route 5, track down Nora and have her tell us where Abby is or maybe where Joel is being held." I said. "Easy." Elli said as she puts away her map and we follow the highway signs and head off.
We make our way through some streets and buildings until we climbed up to a wall and I could see a building with a large red cross on it. "There's the hospital." I pointed out to Ellie as she looks out. "Fuck. I thought we'd be closer." She said. "Yeah, me too. But we'll get there." I said to her and she nods and walk over to this building next to us and make our way down then up towards these apartment buildings.
"Do you really think they kept Joel alive?" Ellie asked me as we walked through the apartments. "If they were wanting me as bad as you said they were, I'm sure of it. Like I said, if they wanted to kill Joel, they would've done it back at that cabin. I'm just glad they didn't kill him at the cabin cause if they did, let's just say they would definitely regret it once I met up with these assholes." I said and Ellie nods and we continue walking onwards.
"(Y/n)..." she said and I look over at her. "Do...do you think.. maybe...this might have something to do with the Fireflies?" She asked me. "It has crossed my mind and, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was but...I want to be sure." I said. "What if it has something to do with me? You know, when you and Joel...." Ellie stops and she looks down, guilty, and I placed my hands on her shoulder.
"Ellie, listen to me. This....is NOT your fault, okay? If anything, this is mine and Joel's fault. I don't want you to feel guilty for something Joel and I did. We made that decision, it is our burden not yours." I said and Ellie looks down for a moment then up at me and nods.
I give her a small smile and patted her shoulder. "So, you listen here. If anything were to happen to me, like I get captured by these assholes, I want you to find Tommy and you two, along with Jesse and Dina, get the hell outta Seattle and back to Jackson." I said and Ellie's eyes widen. "What?" She said, shocked. "No! N-No, (y/n)! No! W-What about Aiden and Ethan? H-How would I even tell them?!" 
I closed my eyes, fighting back the tears, and open them again to look at her, firmly. "I would love for you guys to watch over them. And just tell them that...their mom and dad went to go see their big sister, Sarah. They'll know." I said and a tear runs down Ellie's face then she sniffled and gives me a determined face.
"Well, I'm not letting that happen." She said, firmly. "I don't plan on it either but...it's nice to have one just in case everything goes to shit." I said and Ellie nods again. "Okay." She said. "Alright, let's keep going." I said and we start to head out.
We head towards a door and I go to it and try to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Ellie, help me." I said and she comes up next to me and we push all of our weight against the door. Suddenly, a loud noise rings out and we hear some infected. "Shit." Ellie said and we slam ourselves against the door and make it through before a Stalker grabbed us.
I shut the door then another Stalker comes up, grabs me and slams me against the window. "Get off of her!" Ellie shouts as she comes at the Stalker and stabs it. The Stalker flails around then the glass of the window breaks and the three of us fall through, slamming into the running river below.
I resurfaced then look over next to me to see Ellie as the fast currents pushes us. I start to go over to her when I felt something grab my foot and pulls me down. "(Y/n)!" I hear Ellie shout and I look down to see the Stalker had grabbed my foot and started to come towards me. I kick it at but it still held onto me until Ellie came up to it and stabs it in the head with her switchblade.
We resurfaced again and the water leads us through a tunnel and into a section of the sewer system. We land near a platform and we climb up on it then catch our breath. "Fuck Seattle." Ellie growls as she and I cough. "Yeah...couldn't have said it better myself." I said as I catch my breath. "Joel is so gonna owe me for this." I said and Ellie laughs as we stand up.
We look around until Ellie speaks up. "(Y/n), over there!" She said and I look to where she's pointing and see a ladder over the other side of the room. I nod and we make our way to it and climb up the ladder.
We get to the top to see a grate cover and I pick it up and push it to the side. Once out of the way, I get up then turn and help Ellie up. "Okay, now where the hell did we end up?" She asked as I place the grate back over. We turned right and saw some stairs and head up then squeezed through a grate and saw a directional map up ahead.
We walked up as I looked it over. "Okay....so we're here." I said as I point towards the middle right of the map then moved my finger over to the far left. "Hospital is over here." I said and Ellie looks up. "Cut through the park..." she said and we go up towards the park.
Suddenly, I heard some whistles off in the distance. "Did you hear that?" I asked Ellie, softly. She nods and we carefully make our way through the park. Ellie gets up on a ledge right when I heard a loud whistle and then Ellie fell backwards. 
"Ellie!" I exclaimed as I ducked down and crawled towards her, seeing an arrow in her right shoulder. We crawl over to the ridge and I grab the arrow with my right hand and braced my left hand on her shoulder. "Ready?" I asked her and she nods at me then I pull the arrow out of her shoulder and she grits her teeth, muffling her own screams.
Then I hand her some bandages and she fixes up her shoulder as I look up and see a group of cloaked figures coming towards us. "Who the fuck are these guys?" I asked as two of them had torches and a couple of them had their bow and arrows drawn out. "Maybe they're those Scars the WLF were talking about?" Ellie suggests and I shrug. "Could be." I muttered as these people started to whistle, which made me feel uneasy.
We make our way around to avoid them but I was able to shoot my own bow and arrows at them while Ellie would sneak up behind them and stab them with her blade. We make it through the park and see the hospital sign that showed the way to the hospital. "This way." I said and we follow the sign.
We ran into some Scars here and there, including a part where we saw them string up a WLF soldier, stab him in the stomach and rip his guts out. It was horrifying, and I've seen some shit in my twenty-five years living and surviving in this world.
But Ellie and I were lucky to get pass most of them, although we did take out a few stealthily, then make it to the hospital. But we had to jump in the water and began to swim our way into a building. We make it in and see a person sitting on a box, their back to us. Ellie and I swim over to them, which made me wonder why this person didn't hear us until we got up and I noticed the person, or woman I should say, was wearing headphones and playing a game.
We get up behind her and Ellie places a knife around the woman's neck and pulls her up to sit up. Then she takes off the woman's headphones out of her ears. "Don't make a fucking sound. Hands up." I threatened as I stand next to Ellie. 
The woman holds up her hand, her right hand holding the portable video game. "Easy...Easy." She said, fearfully. "You know a girl named Nora?" Ellie asked her. "Sure, yeah." The woman replied. 
"Where is she?" I asked her. "In the hospital." She replied and Ellie starts to hold the blade a little closer to her neck. "Where in the hospital?" She asked. "They're c-clearing out the upper floors. She's somewhere in there." The woman replied then she quickly shoved Ellie's arm out of the way, turned around, and tried to attack Ellie.
Ellie, being quick, stabs her in the neck and the woman falls backwards and chokes on her blood. "That was dumb." Ellie mutters and she wipes her blade with her pants leg and I nod before we head upstairs.
We get up into a hallway and see a couple of WLF walking along outside. We make our way around them and get inside of the hospital, trying not to raise too much suspicion. We make it to these large doors and go through them then pushed a large machine up against the door, blocking from anybody following us.
We head upstairs and walked down this hallway when we hear music playing. "Think that could be Nora?" Ellie asked me and I shrugged as we come up to an open vent and I climb up in it first then Ellie follows.
We crawled through the vent as the rap music played louder and we hear people talking amongst each other. "I'm not stupid. You're gonna tell us where she goes during parts of the day." A man's voice said and I could see Nora standing in front of them. "I haven't seen her all day. Look, I'm getting tired of this." Nora said, annoyed, and she walks away.
"Nora. Nora!" The man calls out but Nora walks over to this door and the end of the hallway. The man scoffs and he and his group leave the room and I make it to the end and open the grate. I crawl out and jump down then Ellie jumps down after me.
We walk up to this door and I open it, both of us enter the room and Ellie shuts it just as Nora walks back into the room, carrying a box of stuff. "Don't scream." I ordered as Ellie and I aim our guns at her. She stops and looks over at us, shocked, then I gesture at her with my gun. "Put that shit down." I said, firmly, and she sets the box down then turns to us, her hands raised up.
"You remember me?" Ellie asked her and Nora looks at her and a look of recognition flashes across her face. "Yeah...you remember me." Ellie said, in a soft growl. "What do you want?" Nora asked us. "Your friend, Abby, has stolen someone very important to us. To me." I said and Nora's eyes widen at me.
"Yeah. Abby was wanting me to come out...well, here I am. Be careful what you wish for." I said, in a threatening tone. "All we want to know is where is Abby hiding him?"
"I don't know." Nora replied and Ellie takes a couple steps forward, her gun still trained on Nora. "You two shoot me... the sound will have every solider come running." She said, who flinched back a bit. "You'll still be dead." Ellie growls. "Tell us where she hid my husband and I'll think about letting you go." I said.
Nora looks at me then over at Ellie. "We coulda killed you." She said. "Maybe you should have. Or maybe you should've stayed the fuck out of Jackson." Ellie said, angrily.
"Where is Abby and where is she hiding Joel?" I asked, angrily, as I stepped forward, aiming my gun at her, she flinches back and said something that was too fast for me to understand.
"What?" I asked her and she bites her lips. "S-She was here earlier. And she told me something." Nora said. "Which is?" I asked her. "That if you didn't come out and find her by tomorrow night, she would kill him." She said, in a slightly shaky voice, and it felt like my heart jumped into my throat once she said this.
Then Nora starts to stand up a little bit taller and glares at me. "So I ain't gonna tell you where he is. That bitch deserves to die and so do you." She said, in a firmer voice, and anger flared in my chest. "You fuckin'..." Ellie started to say as we stepped towards her but she throws something at us and runs.
I shake my head then we chase after her. "Help! Trespassers! Somebody please!" Nora shouts as she runs and we follow after her as we go through various rooms and hallways. "Nora! You can't escape this!" I shouted as ed ring through a room then a lobby area. 
"Shoot them!" Nora shouts and we hear gunshots above us. Ellie and I dodge them and run down another hallway then through some offices.
We make it through a room when Nora comes out and punches me across the face. I stumble back as she pounces on me and we struggled just as Ellie stabs Nora in the arm. She screams then elbows Ellie across the face and I punch Nora in the face and I shove her off of me. Realizing she's being overpowered, Nora begins to run away from us and I help Ellie back up and we run after her.
We hear some soldiers come up behind us but we make our way to these double doors and see that Nora stopped running. She turns to us, her hands raised, and she looked a bit scared. "No, please!" She said and we hear footsteps behind us. Ellie runs at Nora and grabs her then puts her arm around her neck, holding her in front of her like a shield as both her and I aim our guns at the soldiers.
Three soldiers come in and aim their guns at us. "Back up!" I shout at them and they stop and stand in front of us. "Put your guns down!" One soldier ordered us. "You two can walk away from this, okay, I can--" Nora pleads but Ellie aims her gun at her head while mine was still trained on the soldiers. "Shut the fuck up!" Ellie yells at Nora.
"Guns down. Hands up!" The soldier ordered us. "Get back!" I yelled at them, aiming my gun at them. "You two have nowhere to go." The soldier said then Ellie and I look behind us and see a giant hold that leads to the basement but I could see spores in there.
Ellie and I exchange a look before I throw a smoke bomb at them. It explodes and the soldiers begin to cough at this and I, quickly, grab my gas mask, put it on and we jumped into the hole, Ellie pulling Nora with her as we fall. We fall down and landed on our backs then I hear Nora coughing.
I get up and see that she begins to run away while we heard the soldiers scrambling down to the room. Ellie and I duck down behind some crates and I could hear some infected behind us. The soldiers begin to look around for us until Ellie finds a brick and throws it across the room, which caused the infected and Clickers to come out and attack the soldiers.
"Come on." I whispered to her and we head towards this door I saw Nora go through and we make our way around just as I hear Nora coughing. We go open a door, where a red light was shining in, and enter it to see her curled up against a door.
"Hi, Nora." I said with a growl as Ellie grabs a chair and barricades the door. "Oh God....oh God." Nora pleads, fearfully, as I walk down the hall towards her, Ellie just right behind me.
Nora then tried to swing at me with a pipe but Ellie grabs it and yanks it out of her hand. Then she swings it and it hits Nora's arm, breaking it. Nora cries out in pain and I begin to pace in front of her. "Where's Abby hiding Joel?" Ellie asked her but Nora looks up at Ellie, who wasn't wearing a gas mask.
"You're...you're breathing spores." She said, weakly. "You're her." She said, shocked, and I stopped and stared at her, now I got confirmation. "So, you are a Firefly." I said. "There are no Fireflies anymore. Thanks to you and your bastard of a husband." Nora spat at me in between her wheezing and I clench my fists as I stop pacing and stand in front of her.
"Where is Abby hiding him?" I asked her. "I'm fucking dead anyway. Why would I tell you two anything?" Nora asked and I squat down to her. "Because we can make it quick. Or we can make it so much worse." I said and she sniffles then looks up at Ellie. 
"Think about what they did. How many people are dead because of them?" She said to Ellie as she gestures at me. I stand up and look over at Ellie, who looks down at her then at me. She and I exchange a look before Ellie takes a breath then looks at Nora.
"It's your last chance." She said and Nora glares at her, obviously upset she couldn't convince Ellie. "I'm not giving up my friend." She said, firmly. I take a deep breath then slowly let it out before I hold my hand out to Ellie. She looks at me then hands me the pipe, but I can tell she has a nervous look on her face.
I take a couple of steps forward towards Nora and glared down at her before I look over my shoulder at Ellie. "This ain't going to be pretty. If you don't want to look..." I started to warn her, my voice turning cold. She looks at me but nods and I turn back to Nora and I started swinging the pipe at Nora. She cries out in pain with each hit of the pipe but I keep hitting her until she either dies or until she gives me the information I need.
Later, Ellie and I make it back to the theater, now with the information we were looking for. I knock on the door while I noticed Ellie was shaking, slightly. "You okay?" I asked her and she nods, slightly, before Dina opens the door to see us. "Thank God!" She said as she gives Ellie a hug and then me.
"You guys okay?" Dina asked us as we walked in and Jesse looks at me, shocked. "God! Is that your blood?" He asked me, worried. "No..." I muttered as everyone gathers around me and I pull out the map Ellie gave me. "She has him hold up in this aquarium." I explain as I point at the aquarium icon on the map. "The guy, Owen, is acting as a guard. Abby apparently goes there and..." I stopped and bite my lips. 
Nora told me that Abby goes there a few time a day and just beats Joel up as he is tied to a chair. Of course she does, fucking coward. I thought and then she told us why Abby is really after me and Joel. The doctor that was gonna operate on Ellie back at that hospital...was her father.
I sigh at this then looked around at everyone. "...if we don't get to him before tomorrow night....she's gonna kill him." I said, saying the last sentence in a whisper. Jesse's eyes widen and Dina gasps as she places a hand over her mouth. "We'll find him, (y/n). I promise." Jesse said and I blink back tears and take a breath. "Yeah...your damn right, we are." I said then I look down at my blood soaked hands.
"I'm, uh...I'm gonna get cleaned up." I muttered and I walk away from them and head back towards the theater and towards the backstage area. 
After grabbing a bucket full of water, I began to wash my face and my hands. Each time I'd wash them, I started to get flashes of Nora everytime I hit her with the pipe. The sound of the metal pipe when it hit her flesh and her screams of pain rang in my ears.
I brace my hands on the table and closed my eyes as I lowered my head. I take a deep breath and let it out then I raise my head to look myself in the mirror. Shit. I look terrible. I thought as I see the dark circles around my eyes and my cheeks were sunken in and I looked pale.
I sigh one more time then stand up straighter and finished cleaning myself up.
After while, I walk out of the backstage room and head towards the curtains when I stopped and looked through the gap and see Ellie and Dina talking. Ellie looked a bit shaken up and Dina had placed her hand on her shoulder. "Ellie? What's wrong?" Dina asked her, worried.
Ellie sits there and takes a few breathes then said. "(Y/n) made her talk." Then she places her hands over her mouth and starts to sob, which broke my heart seeing her like this. Dina then hugs her as Ellie closes her eyes and tries her best to not burst out crying.
I look down, guilty, then walk away from the curtains and head back into that backstage room.
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sierraraeck · 4 years
DeLeon (Pt.1)
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: Aundreya and the team have to devise a plan to get Spencer back safely, which could mean tossing Aundreya back into the belly of the beast. Story twenty-four.
Category: Angst, but I end with some angsty-fluff?
Warnings: Cussing. Another kidnapping. Some torture, like getting hit, kicked, and some knife cuts involved. Think about that scene when Emily took a beating for Spencer in Minimal Loss. Forced drug use.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Here we go again with more problems. But we might just fix them this time. Also, I’m not sure how accurate my drug information is.
Stitching yourself up hurts like a bitch. It requires lots of alcohol in all capacities. I may have knocked out the fist guy, but the other two were good. One of them opened up a nice gash in my left leg with my own goddamn knife, which I finished stitching and started wrapping. I tried my best not to pass out, but I came close at least three times.
Once I wrapped it, I hobbled to my bedroom to change clothes. I didn’t have time to worry about the blood on them, or in the living room for that matter, and just tossed them to the side. I threw on a new shirt and a skirt. I hated skirts, but they would be the least restrictive on my wound, which I didn’t have time to worry about because the team needed my help to find Spencer, not to mention, what on earth was I going to do with the dead body in the middle of my apartment?
Up the ‘pass out attempt counter’ to four.
I limped back out of my bedroom, stepped over the man's body that finally stopped bleeding all over my rug, and grabbed my jacket and phone to head to the BAU, locking the door firmly shut behind me.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
“What took you so long?” JJ hissed as I entered the bullpen.
Nearly all of my focus was on how I was walking, making sure that I didn’t look as crippled as I felt, so I could barely comprehend what she had just asked. She stared at me expectantly for a few seconds before I realized that was my cue to answer her. “Problem with my car. Sorry.”
I quickly searched for a seat while Hotch started reviewing what we had, “We know that Reid was taken between 8 and 11pm earlier tonight. If DeLeon sticks to our profile, he should still be somewhere in the immediate DC area. I visited Clyde in the hospital and he said he got the license plate numbers, but we’re sure DeLeon’s ditched those by now.”
“I ran those and the car was abandoned six miles away from Spencer’s apartment heading east,” Penelope chimed in.
“JJ, will you call local PD to begin blocking roadways and shutting down everything within a ten mile radius of Reid’s apartment?” Hotch requested, but it was more of a command.
“Absolutely,” JJ replied, already halfway out the door.
“Chambers, are you still willing to host a press conference about why we are shutting the area down?”
“Yes,” I said.
“Great. We have a script, but you mentioned adding in something so that DeLeon would know where to meet you, or if he’s already set up, to send you the location?” Hotch confirmed.
“Yes,” I repeated. I tried hard to focus on how I was going to send him that message, or elicit one out of him, instead of the throbbing artery in my leg.
“Chambers,” Morgan whistled twice to get my attention, “Chambers!”
“Yeah, what?” I faltered.
“Are you doing okay? You look a little pale,” he observed.
“No, I’m fine,” I insisted.
“Are you sure?” he pushed.
“Yes, I’m good. I’m ready,” I assured. I stood up, which was a colossal mistake on my part, having not evaluated my current situation.
“No you’re not, you’re bleeding,” Emily said, concern coating her face.
“I’m what?” The question flew out of my mouth before my head caught up. I looked down to see a steady stream of blood running down my leg. I whispered, “Oh.”
“What happened, sit down,” Emily suggested, walking over to me.
“Oh, nothing, I’m sure it’s fine,” I shrugged. “Put me on air.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Derek asked. “You can’t go out like that.”
“Another one?” Hotch confirmed, calm as ever. I just nodded.
“Another one of what?” Emily turned to face Hotch. He raised his eyebrows as he tilted his head toward me, his silent way of passing the question off. Emily brown eyes trained on my own.
“Another break in.”
“What?” both her and Derek asked at the same time. Derek followed with, “Break in?”
“Yes, break in,” I confirmed, reaching down to pull up my skirt, exposing the source of the blood. “It’s been going on for a few months now.”
“A few months?” Derek repeated.
“Repeating what I say is not going to help,” I attempted a joke.
“Why are we just now hearing about this?” Emily stepped back in.
I looked down, “There’s nothing you could’ve done to change it.”
“Yes! We could’ve added more locks, or higher security, or-”
I cut her off with a demeaning scoff, “Oh come on. You think the people who have the guts to come after me are going to shy away from some locks or security systems? That’s not exactly how this works.”
“We could’ve been there,” she firmly hissed between her teeth.
“Why?” I legitimately wanted to know, “So you could’ve lost as much sleep as I have? So you could’ve come out with as many bruises as cuts as me? So you could’ve ended up as one of the dead bodies in my living room? No thanks.”
“One of the dead bodies in your living room?” Derek’s eyebrows were still drawn in concern.
“Did I say dead body?” I questioned. Smooth, bitch. “I don’t recall mentioning a dead body.”
He sighed and shook his head. “You are impossible.”
“Yes, and while this is quite fascinating chit-chat, can we please refocus on our main issue?” I redirected.
I hadn’t noticed Rossi had left the room until he came back, plopping an FBI grade medical kit on the table in front of me. I gave him a tight lipped smile and a nod, my way of saying thank you. He returned a single nod, letting me know he got the message. I started patching myself back up, while trying to think of the best way to get the right message to DeLeon.
When it was time for me to face the cameras, I felt I looked sufficiently professional with my hair brushed and an absence of blood on my leg.
I walked out of the building to a stupid amount of cameras, and felt blinded by the number of lights in my eyes. It was as dark as the night could get, completely cloud covered preventing any sort of moonlight from seeping through, and I wasn’t sure how many people were watching breaking news at 12:20am, but there was really only one person who needed to see it. Well, maybe two.
“Good evening, I’m Agent Pincher with the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI. Earlier tonight, we received a report of a theft and kidnapping from a local bar and club, and believe the perpetrator, Mr. Robbi Raymond, to be armed and dangerous. We ask that all residents within the DC and surrounding areas stay in their homes and get off the roads as soon as possible while we do everything we can to find this man and bring him to justice,” I presented. The reporters all started firing questions at me, all of which I ignored, turning around to head back inside the building. Where it was quiet.
“Why’d we even give you a script,” Rossi playfully sighed, “if you’re not even going to use it?”
“I used it. Kind of,” I smiled.
“Who the hell is Agent Pincher?” he asked, “And how does that relate to DeLeon?”
I was about to answer him, but I started seeing stars. My vision got fuzzy and it sounded like Rossi’s voice was playing from a muffled radio a hundred feet from me. I reached out for something, anything, and barely felt fabric over my fingertips before I felt nothing at all.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
Pass out counter: 1.
There was something cold and wet dripping down my forehead and thigh. I blinked my eyes open only to get a freezing cold water droplet in one of them. I sat up, causing the ziploc bag of half-melted ice to fall to the floor. I was back in the round table room laying on the couch, Penelope sitting in a chair next to me.
“Morning,” she chirped. I looked down at my leg which also had a bag of ice on it and a fresh set of bandages. After realizing that, I made a move to get up. Penelope placed one of her soft hands on my shoulder and said, “Slow down, we wouldn’t want you passing out again.”
I ignored her thoughtful comment, and went to fully stand up. “Have we heard anything yet?”
Penelope looked at me awkwardly for a moment, like she didn’t know how to answer. They told her not to tell me about it. “What is it, Pen?”
“I’m not supposed to say anything,” she admitted.
“Come on, please,” I begged, “You know I can help. What happened?”
“They got a message saying ‘See you there.’ They’re trying to figure out where ‘there’ is,” Penelope informed me.
“Fantastic,” I smiled, “If you let me outta here, I can go tell them where ‘there’ is.”
“Why don’t you tell me, and I’ll go tell them,” she smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
I mirrored her smile, but shook my head instead, “Why don’t I just tell them myself.”
“Aundreya, please,” she pleaded.
“Penelope,” I mimicked, “please. This is Spencer’s life we’re talking about.”
She seemed torn for a few moments before relenting, “Fine.” She let me go, but called after me, “You really do love him, don’t you?”
I shyly smiled, and deflected, “I’ve got to go save him.”
She nodded and I felt her eyes on me all the way out the door.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
“You have to keep it on the whole time,” Derek reminded me.
“I know,” I was irritated, “You’ve told me that three times now.”
“The entire time. Don’t take it off of your own free will.”
“I will smack you,” I warned, adjusting my skirt, making sure that the wire was expertly hidden. I knew he was doing it to annoy me and kind of joke around to keep me lighthearted before I went in, but it was really just amplifying my nerves.
“Unless he searches you and finds it, you keep it on the whole - ow!” Derek started. I’d slapped him across the arm. Hard.
“What? I gave you a heads up,” I pointed out.
“Are you ready to go?” Aaron asked, walking over to where I was standing.
“Yes,” I confidently replied.
“Good. We will be listening the whole time,” he assured. I nodded, took a deep breath, and headed toward the gentlemen’s club entrance.
I walked in to find that it was completely empty, as it should’ve been considering the road blocks and evacuations. It felt eerie, though, walking into an environment I was used to that bustled with people, now completely silent. It felt beyond wrong.
I started whistling, “Oh DeLeon, where are you?” When I got no response, I tried again, “DeLeon, I know you’re in here.”
I felt the air shift around me before I heard, “Behind you, babe.”
I ducked as I spun around, making sure to dodge any possible headshots he was planning. I was right to do so, because when I could fully face him, he was holding a half filled glass bottle of whiskey. “Where’s Spencer?”
“Aww, your precious little baby agent,” he mockingly cooed, rolling his eyes, “He’s not here.”
“You know, for as good of a criminal as you are, you’re a pretty shitty liar,” I commented.
He completely ignored me as he changed the subject, “I have to admit, that broadcast you put out was pretty clever. Agent Pincher and Robbi Raymond? Made this venue very easy to pick.”
“I try,” I shrugged. He and I had first met in a club in Chicago that was owned by a very rich man named Robbi Raymond. He owned multiple strip clubs across the country, and the one we were standing in right now was one of them. Or, at least, used to be. Raymond went bankrupt after falling for an elaborate scam set up by the Cloaks, one that I helped complete when I pick-pocketed him during a lap dance, finally getting my first bit of recognition. DeLeon and his boys nicknamed me Pocket Pincher. “I made things easy for you, so why don’t you make things easy for me. Where’s Spencer?”
“He’s not here,” DeLeon repeated.
I huffed, “Sure, not in this exact room, but I know he’s here somewhere. Where has your creativity taken you this time? The back room? Behind the stage?”
“Why don’t you let me lead you there?” he suggested. I gestured for him to start walking, but he didn’t budge. “Blindfolded.”
I scoffed, “And why on earth would I trust you to blindly lead me to a dark room where you could kill us both?”
He shrugged, “That depends on how much you want to see your little not-boyfriend again.”
I glared at him for a long while, hating how his smirk grew ever so slightly at my silence. He knew it would eventually turn into a yes. “Fine.”
“Fantastic,” he sang, walking to the other side of me. A shiver ran down my spine at the mere thought of having him out of eyesight, but I didn’t really have a choice. I don’t know where the blindfold came from, but it was over my eyes in seconds, and completely blacked out. He then placed a hand on my back, which I squirmed away from, but he grabbed the hem of my shirt and tugged.
When he lifted it up, exposing my back to the stale club air, I demanded, “Get your hands off me!”
“What? Can’t a guy admire his handiwork?” he asked, reminding me of yet another scar he left on my body.
“Don’t touch me,” I bit, “I’ll just follow your voice as long as you tell me which directions to turn.” I couldn’t have him leading me blindly to where Spencer was without letting the team know how to get there.
“I don’t think so,” he said, reaching up behind my hair to yank on the small wire that was placed there. “I wouldn’t want it to be that easy to find.”
I am in big, big trouble. “Lead the way, then,” I spat. He did, placing his hand back on my back and leading me down multiple hallways and a variety of left turns, all of which I tried to keep track of, until he ripped the blindfold off my eyes.
We were in a small, what I guessed to be a VIP, dance room with two poles and a lavish red velvet couch. Tied to one of those poles was Spencer Reid. I was about to call out to him when DeLeon clapped his scruffy, clammy hand over my mouth, pulled out a gun, and aimed it at Spencer. “Why don’t you sit on the couch?”
He’s stepped to the side of me and I nodded frantically at his request. He just can’t hurt Spencer. He removed his hand from my mouth, then brought it to his, putting his pointer against his lips. I walked over to the couch and sat down like he requested, finally getting to study Spencer. He was tied, not chained, and was slouching, as if he was sleeping standing up. I would have thought that was exactly what he was doing had it not been for his partially unbuttoned shirt, already developing bruises, and bloodshot eyes staring right at me. They were glossed over, and I couldn’t tell if he was actually seeing me, or just looking through me. I so desperately wanted to call out to him, let the rest of the team know that I’d found him, but DeLeon still had his gun aimed in Spencer’s direction. I was worried that any sudden movement would set him off.
He walked over to me, lowering his gun just slightly, and whispered, “I don’t like it when people don’t hold up their end of the deal.” As he said that, he made quick work of removing the wire. So much for Derek’s ‘keep it on’ pep talk. I thought he would smash it right there, but instead he back walked toward a small changing room, careful to open the door with as little sound as possible.
DeLeon disappeared behind the door for a moment or two, just enough time for me to whisper, “Spence.”
He met my eyes, like really met my eyes, but there was no emotion there. He was as cold as stone, and I had to respect him for finding a way to get through this. When DeLeon returned he was holding a small radio-like device that I didn’t totally recognize. He set it down on a small wood table across the room, set the wire in front of it, and clicked play.
“What do you want, DeLeon?” the voice came over the speaker. My voice.
“You broke our deal,” his voice sneered, “I want to show you what happens when you break other people’s things.”
My mind was racing. We’ve never had that conversation before. I’ve never said that before. How did he get my voice on that recording? I’ve never said those things before.
I was listening and trying to figure out how he did that, and why? What was he planning? As if he could read my mind, DeLeon walked over and whispered, “You’re not the only one with tech inclined friends. I just handed over all of those recordings of your voice, and what do you know? It’s like we’re having a conversation.” I was astonished. I wanted to stand up and yell, which I was about to do, but DeLeon added, “I wouldn’t scream if I were you. We’re going to keep things nice and quiet.” His gun was back on Spencer.
He walked to the middle of the room and announced just quieter than the recording, “We’re going to play a little game. I’ve got a variety of fun things planned for us, but every time a new one is introduced, I will give Aundreya here the option to take it or leave it.”
“I don’t understand,” I replied, shaking my head.
“It’s very simple,” DeLeon purred, cracking his knuckles. “You get a choice: I hurt you, or I hurt him.”
My answer was also very simple, “Me.”
“I figured as much,” he grinned, walking over to me, “Oh, and try not to make any noise, would you?” I braced myself as he wound up to hit me, planting a very solid blow to my right cheek. I bit back a grunt.
“You or him?” DeLeon asked.
“Me.” And he hit me again, this time on the left side.
“You or him?”
“Me.” Another one.
“You or him?”
“Me.” This one was aimed at my nose, and I heard a distinct crack as blood started running down my face.
“You or him?”
“Me.” Me, me, me, me, me. A hundred times over, me.
I lost count of how many times he’d hit me when it turned to kicking. I wanted so badly to groan, or even just wince, but I couldn't risk it. I bit my tongue so hard I tasted blood, or maybe that was just the blood from the cut on my lip, I wasn’t sure anymore. Somehow, I ended up off the couch and laying on the floor, my eyes stinging with tears, but I tried to keep them at bay. It killed me not to fight back. The only thing keeping me sane was not looking at Spencer, not showing him how much pain I was really in. DeLeon lifted me off the ground and tossed me against the wall, each blow holding more anger than the last. He moved the wire and the recording out of the room because it was him that was making too much noise.
“Him!” he yelled in my face. I could feel some of the spit that came with it.
“No,” I croaked, “Me.”
He threw me back on the couch, and walked back into the changing room, returning with a small dagger.
“You,” he asked, “Or him?”
“Aundreya, no,” Spencer wept. I finally looked up at him to see that his clothes were even more disheveled and he was straining against the ropes. Tears were streaming down his face, “Please, just let it be me, once, just once, please. It’s okay, you can stop, just please, stop, let it be me.”
I looked away from his broken eyes. I had to be able to keep my strong face and if I kept looking at him, I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to lose it. I shook my head, “No. Me.”
Part 2
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@justanothetfangirl @kris-stuff @blameitonthenight21 @wooya1224 @unded-bride @swiftingday @dezzxmx
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notyetneedcoffee · 5 years
No Secrets, Part 4
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader (???)
Warnings: None in this section
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Steve loved you and it terrified him.  
The purity of his love for Peggy and the depth of pain he felt over the loss of a life with her ran so deep, it left a gaping wound his enhanced system could not heal. The realization that something happening to you could wound him as deeply practically paralyzed him.  
Had it not been for the effects of the accident. You would have likely never known.
You remembered an old conversation. Steve once told you that the reason he’d been chosen for the experiment was because of who he was, not what he could do. He explained the serum enhanced not just his muscles, not just his physical being, but also who he was.  
“The serum would make worst come out of a bad man and the best come out of a good man.”  
It made you wonder if that’s why Steve’s emotions were so strong, so deep, and so distinct. They were like feeling in primary colors. Bold. Overwhelming.
Talking it through, with or without words, had been important.  
Now you just needed to figure out if you loved Steve enough.  
Even though he kissed you passionately, even though you felt incredible in his arms, even though you loved him, you didn’t know if you loved him as deeply. You just found out how he felt. You just discovered the power you held that could hurt him and more than anything you did not want to hurt him.
He left with your kisses on his lips and knowing that you were not rejecting his deepest desire. It was more than he hoped. It left you feeling both hopeful and frightened.  
The next day a mission sent him to central Africa and you had not been able to talk since. In fact, you had not talked to anyone over the last five days.  It began to drive you mad. You needed to feel normal, be around people. Which is why you were driving down the road, heading into town for a coffee.  
On the edge of town was a little strip mall with a grocery store, a nail salon, a dog groomer, a little hardware store, a teriyaki joint and a drive thru coffee stand. You didn’t even plan on getting out of the car. Just get a latte and feel a little normal.  
‘Shut up, shut up, shut up. You little fucking bitch.’
You looked in the rear-view mirror to see a crappy SUV. The man behind the wheel looked angrier than a wet cat. The woman beside him wept into her hand.
‘Buddy looked so scared. I hate leaving him there. He’s okay. I hate seeing him shake like that.’
‘Screw it. I’m getting the hot stuff. It's so good. Been craving it all day.’
‘Beyonce wouldn’t put up with his shit.’
‘I can’t forget my prescriptions this time.’
‘This is the best song ever.’
The voices of those in cars around you hit you all at once as you drew closer to the intersection. You tried to focus on the road, to shove it all back. Your hands tightened on the steering wheel. Maybe this wasn’t a great idea.  
‘Gonna kill you!’
Your eyes shot to the mirror again where you saw the guy in the SUV grip the woman by the back of the neck, hard. Her cries of fear and pain slammed into your mind.  
The mental scream gave you a split-second warning. Your car smashed into the car in the intersection. The SUV rammed into you. The airbag blew in your face. Everything went fuzzy.  
Dozens of voices all at once battered against you. Your heart raced. You head and face hurt. You couldn’t catch a full breath. As your eyes focused, faces looked through the broken glass at you. You couldn’t tell the difference between their words and their thoughts. So, you stayed in stunned silence.
“Move! Out of the way!” A familiar voice reached your ears.
Sam Wilson pushed aside a man leaning in your car window. His hand touched your head. “Thought I knew this car. What are you doing here?”
“Sam.” You croaked. “Get me outta here.”
“Yeah. Okay.” He stood ‘Bucky is going to lose it.’  
Among the chaos, you tried to focus but couldn’t. So many voices. So much all at once. You covered you face and tried to breathe. A cool metal hand touched the back of your neck. Looking up, you found yourself staring into Bucky’s intense stare.  
“Are you okay?” He leaned over you. ‘What the fuck are you doing here?’
“No.” You clutched his arm. “Need out.”
“Back off!” Bucky roared just before ripping the door off the car. His arms came around you and lifted you out of the car. “I got you, Doll. You hurt?”
“Don’t think so.” Your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Move it, Wilson.” Bucky carried you through crowd towards a black truck. ‘Dammit, woman, what are you doing here?’
“I fucked up.” You whined, head spinning. “I don’t feel so good.”
“Sam! Now!” He tucked you into the truck, sliding in beside you and pulling you close. ‘Hold on. We’re almost away from everyone. Damn it. Look at you, Doll.’
After a bit the volume in your head decreased and air filled your lungs again. Physical pain in your head began to register. You touched your left temple. Bucky pulled your hand away, examining your face. ‘Looks worse than it is.’
‘Cap is going to blow his top.’ You heard Sam’s worried voice in your head.
“I’m sorry.” You whined.
“You’re okay, Doll. We’ve got you.” Bucky gave you a tender smile, but his thoughts were more harsh. ‘Got to stop being so rash. You’re gonna kill me one of these days.’
“We’ll be back to your place in a few minutes.” Sam said from the driver’s seat.
“My car... those people...”
“I left them with Hill’s card. She’ll sort out all the details. Don’t worry, nobody was really injured.” Sam explained. “Let’s just get you back.”
You head began to clear a little. Bucky’s worry still enveloped you as much as his arms. ‘Could have been killed. Good thing we were going for lunch. Dollface looked so scared.’
“The guy behind me.” You swallowed. “He was hurting his wife. Wasn’t the first time.”
“In the SUV?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. I got distracted.”
“Hold on.” Sam hit the remote button and called Maria. As they conversed, Bucky’s fingers combed gently through your hair. He reminded himself you were okay, that you were safe.  
“My face hurts.” You mumbled.
“Looks like you knocked your head on the window.” Bucky spoke quietly. “You’ve got a pretty good burn from the airbag too.”  
‘You should have been safe. About had a heart attack when Sam screamed your name.’
“Okay, we’re here.” Sam pulled in the driveway. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah.” You sighed. “I think so. Embarrassed.”
‘Cap is going to be so mad.’ Sam parked the truck in front of the house. He turned in his seat looking at Bucky holding you. ‘Damn. Damn. Damn.’ He opened the door. “Come on. Let’s get you inside.”
You stepped gingerly to the ground and let Bucky lead you inside. He made sure you were settled you on the sofa before heading to the kitchen for ice. “I’m so glad you guys were there.” You put your head back. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, well, we never did get lunch. So, I’m raiding the cupboards.” Sam announced.  
You smiled, even though it hurt. “Make me something too?”
“No problem.” Sam started looking in the fridge.  
“Here, Doll.” Bucky lowered down beside you, gently touching an ice pack to your face. ‘Don’t argue, just let me take of you.’
‘Scooby dooby doo, where are you?’ Sam sang to himself from the kitchen. You smiled.
‘Huh?’ Bucky scowled.
“Sam,” you whispered. Bucky nodded, his shifted examining the burn from the airbag.
‘Looks like it stings. Still beautiful, though. Thank god she didn’t hit the steering wheel.’ Bucky’s eyes intensely examined your face. ‘Got to keep her safe.’
‘Cap should have told him before he left.’ Sam’s thoughts reached you. You froze. Steve told Sam about his feelings for you, but not Bucky. Your eyes locked with Sam. ‘I don’t know how this works. I don’t know if you can hear me, but Cap didn’t tell Bucky how he feels about you. Don’t break his heart.’
You didn’t know which ‘him’ Sam meant, but you didn’t want to hurt either of them. Steve and Bucky were your friends. You loved them both, felt completely comfortable with them. You didn’t want either of them hurt, ever.
‘She’d be so pissed to know how much I just want to lock her away and keep her safe. Keep her here, where I can watch over her.’ Bucky’s thoughts caused a band of emotion to tighten around your chest. His fingers traced your face. ‘You so special, Doll. Love you too much too let anything happen to you.’
“I’m okay, Buck.” You said finally.
“You shouldn’t have left the house.” He scowled.
“I know. You’re right.”
“Sam.” Bucky’s voice rose a little. “Remember today’s date. She actually said I’m right.”
“That’s one for the books.” Sam laughed. “Will that jaw of yours be okay if I whip up some burgers?”
“You sure you want to be around me that long?” You picked at the white powder covering your shirt.
“Ain’t worried about the stupid shit bouncing around in my head.” Sam laughed. “You want cheese?”
“Of course.” Bucky snorted. “Don’t worry about it, Doll. Neither of us wanted you to be sent out here anyway.” He gave you one of his charming smiles. ‘I’d already tell you anything you wanted to know. I’d never hide from you.’
“I’m going to get out of this.” You stood up. “The airbag dust is itchy.”
Disappearing into the bedroom, you were so thankful they couldn’t hear the confused and panic laced thoughts in your head. Steve didn’t talk to Bucky about the feeling he’d been harboring. What were you going to do now?
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