#okay so that obviously means the answer to 'should i yeet her out?' is a resounding yes and i'll probs do it BUT
markantonys · 2 years
readers of my “to build a home” fic series (the one with all the flowers)........would you be mad if i retconned all the foreshadowing of min being in the polycule and cut her out of it and left it at rand/mat/elayne/avi, and gaslit you into thinking the previous installments never implied min was gonna be involved and you’re crazy for thinking they did? (if i went this route i would probably go back and edit the prior installments to get rid of these moments, so as not to look like an inconsistent clown to future readers of the series.)
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Nothing For Me
Part 2
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Main Masterlist
Part 1|Part 3
     You were turning 11 this year. Natasha, as you learned she went by, was always a phone call away if you ever wanted to talk--since your sperm donor was obviously no help. You had recently had to call her due to your period starting, which you weren’t expecting to happen for at least another 2 to 3 years. Needless to say, it freaked you out and regardless of your smarts, nothing could have prepared you for that. 
     Nat took you shopping for what she called, ‘lady items’; bras, pads, tampons, anything a girl could possibly need. She also taught you how to shave if you ever wanted to. She specified that you should never feel forced to do it because ‘people need to normalize women having body hair. It grows there for a reason.’ And you totally agreed with her on that by the way. 
     There were a few times when she’d let you in on minor S.H.I.E.L.D secrets even though it was quite unnecessary seeing as you could hack your way through it all no problem. That’s how you found out about the Avengers Initiative. You couldn’t agree more with what was said about Tony. 
     Through your hacking and research of the initiative, you ‘met’ Clint. It was through a video call. He had invaded your girl-talk with Natasha. The three of you were practically best buds now. You’d go to Nat for advice or just when you needed a sister to talk to. You’d go to Clint when you just wanted to let loose and talk about absolute nonsense. 
     It was another lovely night in Stark Tower for you--please note the sarcasm. You were bored out of your mind. Natasha had been on an undercover mission and Clint was busy at the base; something about the Tesseract. You thought they should’ve just left the thing alone; let fate take its course. Some bad things were going to come with them messing with something they had no knowledge about. They’re joining a game without knowing any rules and are pretty much destined to lose. But, hey. What did you know?
     Pepper and Tony were probably in the common area, sucking each other's faces off. Despite how much you disliked Tony, based on your experiences, you couldn’t deny the fact that they’re pining was absolutely annoying, disgusting, and cute all at the same time. You were just glad it was over honestly.
     Pepper was an okay person to you. There was nothing you found super nice or mean about her that was prominent to you. She’d greet you on the quite rare occasion the two of you would cross paths and would start the casual small talk (“how are you?” “I’m fine, what about you” “Good, thanks for asking.”). She probably thought you were a live-in intern or something like that. With how much she tries to doctor Tony’s life, you’d think she would try to fix whatever nonexistent relationship between the pair of you, but nope. That just added to your intern theory. 
     You were reading a book on quantum physics, when your personal AI, M.I.A(miraculous intelligence assistant)--that you did in fact create yourself--notified you that someone had overridden Stark’s systems and gotten into the elevator. Just because you didn’t leave the room doesn’t mean you weren’t nosy. 
     “Who is it, M?”
     “Agent Phil Coulson, from S.H.I.E.L.D.,” M.I.A. spoke in her smooth voice. “Would you like to listen in on what they are saying?”
     “Is that even a question?”
     Jumping out of your beanbag, you went to the center of your room, where M.I.A had pulled up footage of what was happening in the common room. 
     “Security breach,” Tony turns to Pepper. “That’s on you.”
     “Mr. Stark.” 
     “Phil! Come in,” Pepper greeted. Since when were she and Agent Coulson on a first-name basis. You’d have to look into that. 
     “Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent.”
     “Come on in, we’re celebrating,” the red head invites. This was getting more interesting to you by the second!
     “I can’t stay.”
     “Which is why he can’t stay.”
     Phil ignores Tony and starts to hand him a file.
     “He doesn’t like being handed things,” you muttered. 
     “I don't like being handed things.” Called it.
     “That’s alright, ‘cause I love being handed things, So, let’s trade,” Pepper says. She hands Coulson her glass of champagne, takes the file, hands Tony the file, in return taking his drink.
     “Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday,” the billionaire said. 
     It was quite obvious Phil was over his jokes and that he was here for a much important matter.
     “Is this about the Avengers? Which I...I know nothing about.”
     Both men ignored Pepper. “The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn’t even qualify.” 
    That was a nice day. Finding out what they said about Tony had been nothing less than amusing in your opinion.
     “I didn’t know that either,” the CEO said. She sure does have the best cover-ups, doesn’t she? 
     “Yeah, apparently I’m volatile, self-obsessed, don’t play well with others.”
     “That I did know.”
     This whole thing was odd to you. Why were they trying to put together the Avengers when the whole idea was tossed?
     “M, pull up the most recent S.H.I.E.L.D files on the tesseract and the Avengers Initiative.”
     The AI did as told, and you scrolled through all of them. You saw things on Thor, Clint, Natasha, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and lastly your sperm donor. Looking at Thor’s file, you found something about his brother Loki. And looking at his name, you saw his connections to the tesseract and everything had clicked. Loki had the thing and was definitely going to do something evil with it. 
     Both adults in the house were gone. Such responsible ones they are. Tony left earlier the next day and you honestly couldn’t remember when Pepper left. Now, here you were in your safe haven, trying to figure out what in the world Loki would want with the tesseract. There’s probably no way for you to figure it out since you weren’t where all the info was, actively investigating. But what you didn’t understand is why would they leave you here when such a threat was hanging in the air. 
     You knew Tony didn’t necessarily care for you, but he couldn’t forget about you, right? Natasha wouldn’t forget about you. Clint wouldn’t forget you. Right?
     It’s been two days. Two fucking days, and no one had come in or out of this building. 
     You were currently pacing in your room, while your AI--not even a fucking person--was trying to comfort you. 
     “Does no one answer their fucking phone anymore?”
     “I’m pretty sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why no one is answering.”
     Out of nowhere, you heard commotion from outside. Rushing over to the window and moving the curtains, you saw these alien things coming out of the sky. You ran out of your room and made your way to the nearest set of stairs as quickly as you could. 
     “Ah, the little Stark.”
     His voice sent chills up your spine. It was deep and quite terrifying. 
     “Come over, no need to be scared.”
     You followed his orders, having a feeling that if you didn’t things would end up ten times worse for you. He looked at you before basically yeeting you out of the window. It hurt; it felt like every bone in your body screamed for peace and anything in the background just became white noise. 
     You landed on the roof, writhing in pain and groaning. Everything hurt.
     Attempting to get up was hard and painful, but you knew that you had to leave or you’d die. 
     Looking up, you see that doctor. He was mentioned in the files but everything was just so fuzzy, you couldn’t remember properly. Finally being able to get up after numerous attempts, you limp your way down the stairs and out to the streets in the middle of all the chaos. 
     You were so scared. You knew you probably wouldn’t be able to contact Nat or Clint unless you somehow hacked into their coms system. You continued to walk down the streets, hoping to find some type of shelter, but it felt like you were about to collapse at any second. Sitting down in the nearest alley, you looked around. Looking left, there was a face right in front of yours.
     “Fuck! What the hell man?”
     The other person wasn’t fazed. Looking them over, you saw their frizzy, somewhat curly hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Her brown skin was covered in dirt and a little blood. 
     “Hey, you’re (y/n) Stark, right?” She asked a little breathlessly. 
     “I refuse to be acknowledged as such.”
     “I’m Michelle. But don't call me that or I’ll have to hurt you.”
     “Are you really trying to converse with me in the middle of an alien invasion? And acting like we’re both not hurt?”
     Michelle shrugs her shoulders when you both look over due to some yelling that you heard. 
     “MJ! Michelle where are you? Michelle Jones!”
     MJ looks back over and starts to get up but she trips and falls. You decide to help her up and take her over to the people calling her name. You both struggle but eventually get over to the adults with some time. 
     Before you could get away from the Jones family, the mother gripped your shoulder. 
     “C’mon, stay with us. We’ll find somewhere to lay low.“
     You were too tired and in too much pain to argue, so you let Michelle’s mother help you keep your balance while the young girl’s father did the same for her. 
     It was at least a good ten minutes until the four of you found a decent place to take a break. It looked like a gas station, but you really couldn’t tell due to how much damage there was. You and the Jones’ took cover behind a somewhat stable looking wall and tried to stay as quiet as possible. 
     It was quiet besides the distant screams of people and the yells of the aliens. You wondered if Nat and Clint were okay. You wondered if Tony was okay. You wondered if anyone was safe from this. This seemed like something no one could recover from.  
     “What’s your name, sweetheart?” The older woman asked. 
     “Where are your parents?”
     “My sperm donor is fighting I guess.”
     To say the adults were appalled by your bluntness  was an understatement. You’ve had a potty mouth for quite a while. There was no one to really correct you on what to and not to say--not that you really needed help with that being a genius and all; well a genius with common sense because your father didn’t have any of that. Without anyone to really monitor what you did,  you kind of just roamed free in a sense. 
     The fight had died down eventually. The aliens were still coming, but a substantial amount of them had been killed. How a group of 6 people/gods/supersoldiers/or whatever amazed you. Maybe you could work behind the scenes one day; even though you already do. Just without anyone knowing. 
     Before you knew it, there was a nuke flying across the sky. ‘Leave it to the government to find an excuse to hurt civilians,’ you thought. But before it could hit anything, you saw a red and gold figure carry it to the portal.  
     You knew who it was. He was going to sacrifice himself for the safety of these people. If he didn’t make it, you would miss him even though there wouldn’t be much to miss. When that portal closed, your heart dropped to your stomach. You would never be able to make amends with him. You would never have a single conversation with him. Yeah he was a total douche bag for forgetting all about you, but you had at least expected to be able to see and maybe talk to him. Sort things out. 
     Without thinking, you ran as fast as you could towards where the newly assembled Avengers were; well at least where you last saw them. You ignored the calls of the Jones family, telling you to come back. Their protests telling you not to go so you can stay safe. You ignored the pain. The aching of your ribs. The dull throbbing in your head and on your lips. There was no doubt that your steps were uneven; limping down the street at your speed probably made you look like a crackhead.
     You kept running; not stopping. Not when your breaths got shorter and turned into wheezes. Not when you heard rattling in your chest. Not when you felt like you were going to collapse. Not when your joints popped and begged for rest. You didn’t stop. You couldn’t. Not until you found someone; anyone you knew. 
     You stopped after what felt like hours. It most likely was considering the sun was going down. You heard a little commotion inside a surprisingly intact building which turned out to be a Shawarma. Tony always talked about this place for some reason. 
     When you looked inside, the Avengers were there. At least, you guessed they were still called that. But that didn’t matter. They were relaxing after the battle. They looked quite relaxed considering they had just fought aliens. 
     But that was what kind of hurt. They weren’t worried about you. At all. Of course only 3--well not really 3. Only two really knew you and knew you were in that tower when the attack happened. Sure you weren’t expecting Clint or Nat to be running around the streets of this huge city, but a little effort or at least the thought of it would’ve been nice. You could’ve been dead and they sure as hell didn’t seem super worried about it. Maybe you were overthinking it. Or maybe you were just as forgettable and insignificant as you thought.
     You limped away from the establishment, trying to find somewhere to stay seeing as your home--if you could even call it that--was most likely destroyed. And you were in your feelings and nothing was a better cure than isolating yourself even more. You also wanted to see if you could get M.I.A running on a computer or something. Maybe update yourself on what was going on over the world at the moment. Or look up your frizzy-haired friend you met while you were running for your life. 
     You managed to find a computer near a dumpster. You leaned back against the wall and slid down slowly, not wanting to aggravate your injuries too much. You were able to get M.I.A running on the laptop and then looked up any news. The headlines were crazy. All you saw was the fight that just happened and the death count rising and rising…
     You didn’t want to be focused on anything dealing with your father, S.H.I.E.L.D., or any current events, so you decided to give M.I.A. the task of figuring out who Michelle and her family was. It sounded very creepy, but you were her age. What harm could you do with her info. Well you could cause harm to her and her family with any info you found but that was besides the point. The most you were going to do was send them a message or something like that. 
     You ended up sleeping in that alley. Deciding that you should head back to your place of residence, you got up and started walking back much to the process of your bones and joints. The tower seemed like it was so far away. Especially with your injuries and supposedly no one around to tend to them.  After what felt like hours, you made it to the entrance of the establishment and, surprise surprise, it’s already being rebuilt. You honestly didn’t know what time it was. You just wanted to get in your bed and sleep forever. 
     It had been about a month since the Battle of New York. Your injuries weren’t treated until about a week after the fact. Not because someone noticed you were hurt, but because it was getting hard to breathe and that didn’t seem like a fun way to go to you. 
     You’d been healing nicely so far, but your emotions and mental health were on the opposite side of the spectrum. Every time you close your eyes, you had this dream, vision, whatever it was, that when Loki threw you out the window, there was no balcony or landing area to stop on. You just kept falling, and falling until you hit the ground. Then you woke up.
      You had been isolating yourself as well. There had been plenty of missed calls from the pair, but you just couldn’t find the energy to move and pick up the phone. They were probably just doing it out of obligation anyway. 
       Seeing everyone, especially Nat and Clint, just made you rethink anything you’ve ever done. Were you too clingy when it came to Natasha? Did she really like you or did she just feel bad? You were probably just overreacting, but you can’t help but think these thoughts. 
    Everything was just spiraling out of control for you. And you couldn’t get help; well you at least felt like you couldn’t. If you told Tony--not that you would, but hypothetically-- he’d probably wave you off and laugh. If you tried to get a therapist, someone would probably leak that shit to the press; confidentiality be damned. 
     You felt like you were drowning and you didn’t know how much longer it would be until you fully sank.
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The Rooster Sunrise motel and the roots of the narrative at the sunset of the story. A masterclass in Dean characterization
If I didn’t care / more than words can say / if I didn’t care / would I feel this way? / If this isn’t love / then why do I thrill? / And what makes my head go round...
This song plays as Travis comes in to check at the Rooster Sunrise motel - late in the night, later than the motel technically allows checks in. Metaphorically, this episode happens later than it should. Everything happens later than it should. Dean defeats the monster too late, after it gets Travis dead. They’re running a case when they should actually be preparing for the ultimate showdown against God. Dean tells Sam the truth about Jack too late. The very episode is “out of place” in the season - I mean, purposely so - because it gives us a “old style” hunting case in a season where hunting has lost its original purpose in the narrative but has taken a different purpose, as a sort of caricature of itself, as we’ve discussed about before.
This episode is a last. Okay, we haven’t seen the next few yet, but this episode has a specific function, and it is to be the last traditional hunting case of the show. It’s about the past, and that’s why it can happen now that hunting can no longer exist, not really. This season, we have never had real hunting cases. Fake ones, weird ones, ones that just felt off -- obviously because the story is no longer working the way it did before. Chuck’s “hamster wheel” has been fully revealed, and the narrative can no longer function in the old way.
And this episode happens as... a sunset, actually. Or better, both sunrise and sunset because it shows us, in parallel, the beginning and the end. The first case Dean and Sam work together, and what is essentially the last, at least the last with the traditional formula - a monster of the week, a motel, a gross place, a civilian saved, some choking, some yeeting across a motel room, you know how it goes.
(The elephant in the room is the sun/sunrise imagery across the show, especially relevant after the latest episode brought back the Gas’n’Sip logo, of course, but let’s talk about something else here.)
There are many echoes in the episode. 2x11 Playthings, a case in a hotel that involved children. 11x16 Safe House, where a case was run both in the past, by Bobby and Rufus, and in the present, and involves a monster’s nest and visions. Of course 1x18 Something Wicked, where they defeat a monster that targeted kids after an attempt when they were kids had failed to get rid of the monster for good, and where we also get flashbacks of them as kids. And many other little references and callbacks. A pretty major one (*rubs hands together*) is 10x19 The Werther Project, where something supernatural causes hallucinations that make the victim kill themselves; Dean also almost stabbed himself back then. (Cuthbert Sinclair again... bless.) Oh, well, the pilot itself, where Dean and Sam comment that they make a good team. And then Carver-era secret and lies, of course.
And 14x13 Lebanon. (Yes it gets its own paragraph...) Dean smashing the stone in the ring, making the monster disappear, parallels straight to Sam smashing the pearl, making John disappear. The other monster of the episode is John, of course, who drops the kids in some motel alone while he gets “out of reach” when Dean tries to contact him on the phone (callback to season 1, when they kept trying to call John on the phone and he never answered, not even when Dean was dying or they were in their old house in Lawrence and terrified). John only appears as an invisible figure driving the car, symbolically driving their lives (all this “killing God and getting free” is nothing but a mirror to getting free from John’s influence, right). Callback to 9x07 Bad Boys, where we also see a younger Dean and we also deal with the weight of the lifestyle John placed on him, in an episode that features a literal ghost of a parent. (Heck, we even had Dean stealing food - in 9x07 he was caught by a policeman and brought to the boys’ house, now Caitlin jokes about arresting him.)
As 1x18 Something Wicked, we are presented with how growing up among monsters and hunting cases impacted Dean as a kid. Interestingly, Sam tries to reassure Dean in both episodes, telling him that he was just a kid and he shouldn’t be too hard on himself. In 1x18 he had ruined John’s hunt and put Sam in danger (of course the implication is that John put them in danger by using them as bait and expecting a child - addditionally unaware of what was going on - to watch after a younger child), now that he didn’t tell anyone about the nest because it was too horrifying to share that with other kids (of course, he’d also been a kid and shouldn’t have had to investigate a child-killing monster, so the implication is again that John shouldn’t have left them alone and unable to reach him in case of danger. It’s so telling that the episode has Dean discovering the bodies of dead kids while Sam is playing with another kid - although, of course, the game also turns terrifying soon).
So it’s an episode that has it all: the ghost of John Winchester, the way Dean’s parentified role impacts negatively his relationship with Sam (the episode establishes a connection between Dean shielding Sam from the horror of the monster’s nest and Dean essentially shielding Sam from the horror of the latest Jack news, it’s always about Dean feeling the weight of a responsibility to Sam because he’s Sam’s caretaker, even if he ostensibily mentions Billie’s plan and stuff as the reason of his silence), and of course the theme of FEAR.
I’ve been screaming this from rooftops pretty much since I’ve been here on tumblr - fear is the interpretative key to Dean’s character. Since season 1. Since the beginning. (You’re scared. It’s okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too.) Many posts have been written about how anger is a secondary emotion, when the narrative ostensibly had Dean be “angry”. Dean has dealt with fear almost his entire life, and this episode basically works as an asterisk to the season. Hey, we’re having everyone comment on Dean’s anger! Including Dean himself! He says he doesn’t know why he has these outbursts! Well, we do know. Little reminder here now... he’s scared. And he’s scared because he cares, because he loves so much, and when you keep losing what you love you are scared, scared of losing more and more, stuck in a hamster wheel of losing and losing and losing.
In fact, if losing Jack will stop the hamster wheel, he’s fine with it, because as long as they’re stuck in the wheel they’ll lose Jack again anyway, they keep losing everything over and over, Jack and Cas and everyone. In this episode he mentions funerals of hunters, friends, how they couldn’t even attend all the funerals of people they were close to. There were so many. They’ve always been so surrounded by horror and fear and death. He just wants it to stop. (Of course the plan cannot work, just like the immersion therapy method didn’t work for Travis. Well, poor Travis’ idea of facing his fears to overcome his trauma worked very well on paper, just like Billie’s plan seems to be the best option on paper, but we still have a few episodes still to see...)
This episode is an exploration of the motives of Dean’s behavior, and it spells them out very clearly. John’s abuse and neglect, the forced parentified role he had to take towards Sam since a too-early age, the nightmarish horrors he had to see (while shielding Sam from, which reminds me of the infamous scene about Max’s childhood...), the neverending chain of losses with its baggage of fear.
Dean wants - needs - to defeat Chuck, just like Travis needed to face his fears and overcome his trauma. Because Chuck means hamster wheel. And the hamster wheel isn’t just a theoretical lack-of-free-will thing. It’s not just about a philosophical/theological concept. It’s about the very real cycle of horror and fear and loss that Dean has spent his entire life in. It’s about a pile of dead children, both a metaphor for his brutally ended childhood and a very concrete example of what has been haunting him for so long.
His apparently “okayness” with Billie’s plan is not out of a revenge thing or lack of forgiveness towards Jack (of course we can add millions of words about Dean’s relationship with Death). His okayness with killing Amara is... well, only partly about punishing her for, as he sees it, toying with him. His anger is because he feels so much. If I didn’t care / more than words can say / if I didn’t care / would I feel this way?
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
It’s been a week since the finales and while I’m over the moon about fire, I’m still so conflicted over pd, specifically Adam and how he talked to Kevin.
I know they’re brothers and the show will have them get over this, but if my white friend said what Adam did? I wouldn’t look at them the same way. I’d lose a lot of love/respect that I had for them.
And a lot of people (of a certain color) are saying it’s not a big deal because of the situation? But like those are his real thoughts, his filter is just gone. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive tho.
I’d love to hear your take on this. If your comfortable sharing it.
I've been thinking of this ask all day, of how to answer it. Because honestly, I have SO many thoughts on this, but I was debating if I should say them all or just sum up but I decided that I'm just gonna speak my mind!!
I, too, have a lot of complexed and conflicting thoughts over this. And I have to say, with stuff like this, with racial issues, you can NEVER be too sensitive.
Firstly, I agree. Kev and Adam are brothers, and the show will have them get over this, it wouldn't be realistic otherwise. But I really do hope they do it in a good, believable and decent way. Because I also agree with what you said about if my white friend said that shit? A little bit of my love and respect for them would be forever tarnished-- at least until I see some REAL improvement, which would take a minimum of a year to properly heal.
This fandom is a real good fandom, but yeah, I HAVE seen a lot of white fans not treating this like the big deal it is. The majority DO accept it's a big deal, but at the same time, they don't seem to truly get just how big, like how they think Kevin and Adam will have to move on from this is quite watered down.
Now, where I stand:
I watched cpd for Kim, Adam and Kev. I got into it for Burzek, and fell so hard in love with Kevin immediately. So when Kevin and Adam fight, I find it really hard because they're my boys! But it's necessary, and I think will help them become even more tight once Adam gets his head screwed on straight.
I do agree that they're his "real thoughts", but my take is that it's a little more complicated than that. Like Adam is a bit of a hothead, and that moment? He was more scared than he's ever been, and Kev, in his mind, is the only other person who loves Kim as much so when Kev did what Adam took as a "betrayal", Adam was angry. And that was shitty. And he should be accountable for that, AND for what he said.
But I think calling them his real thoughts is a little simplistic. They're thoughts that's going to be in his mind a lot, obviously, because Adam doesn't fully get this. So there's two layers to this:
One: People say things out of anger. I've got a temper, and I keep it under control obviously, but it's there, and when you're angry, especially betrayed and hurt, you just want to hurt people the same way you are. And when it's someone you really, really love? You say things you have maybe thought when you were a little annoyed but rationality won and reminded you it's a stupid thought, things that you KNOW will hurt.
And I think that's what this was. Obviously you do this, no matter what the reason, you need to fucking apologize and grovel. Like I'm not saying you shouldn't because I really don't think that. Especially as someone who's said really hurtful things out of anger, I PASSIONATELY believe that you should be held to a high standard about your actions. Because anger is not good, it's an ugly emotion, and you have to fight it.
Two: I definitely think those things are stuff Adam has thought before. I mean, thoughts in anger rarely appears out of nowhere, they're there in the background. But this isn't necessary a bad thing, or makes Adam a bad person. Like we ALL have less than nice thoughts, it's human nature.
And for Adam, he tries, he really does, but the man just Does Not Get all the deep complexities of the police reform. So I think his stance is, he doesn't get it, but he goes along. There's been those times he's argued, but I think most of the time when he's confused, he kinda just...has one of those thoughts but doesn't express it because he KNOWS it's more complicated than that, even if he doesn't understand it.
So when Kevin and Adam fought, Adam got ANGRY, because he felt scared and betrayed, and that's when he voiced all these thoughts he's thought before but kept inside because even though he doesn't understand why or how, he knows it's more complicated. But he was angry because Kim was in danger, and suddenly, it didn't seem logical or rational to keep by book.
Okay so now I've said that, onto what I think this means and how I want this go moving forward.
Adam was a jerk. What he said to Kevin was such a low blow, and things are going to be fractured between those two. And I think nothing Adam feels towards Kev has changed, but I do think they'll be that little emptiness in Kev, because hearing your white best friend say that? Ugh. Pain.
In a general sense, I think they'll be fine. But they can't be as close as they were, without Kevin feeling some sort of distance without any closure.
So in season nine, we definitely need our boys to have a conversation. And not just one, but several. And we need to see Adam make some actual changes to his beliefs. Not just half assing it bc he knows he's wrong even if he doesn't understand the complexities of why, but actually challenging his own beliefs and learning.
I think one of my main problems with this fandom (the white fans) is how much emphasis is put on both Adam and Kev seeking each other out to have a conversation. That's just wrong-- Adam should be the one. None of this, fixing this, educating Adam is on this is NOT in any way, shape or form is on Kevin.
What Adam said is hurtful, and I think Kevin still loves Adam, still sees him as his brother. But siblings don't always get along, or even like each other, even if there's that I'll-die-for-you love. And I think that's where Kevin is at. Adam hurt him, and that's gonna do some damage, and so even though Kev does understand, he's not gonna seek him out or try to fix it AS HE SHOULDN'T, because that onus is purely on Adam's shoulders.
Like. I think what white fans don't get is just how exhausting it is always having to understand, always having to be patient. Like yeah white people don't get the ins and outs like we do, so we're forced to always be understanding bc while we have to learn these things from our first days, they're just learning now. But it's exhausting, so that's why I really hope they have Adam seek Kev out, not have Kev approach him to talk about this.
(it's always why I love how they had Kevin full on yeet Adam, and beat the crap out of him. Poc always have been portrayed as patient when cruel remarks are hurled at us from people we love in anger, and I'm happy they showed Kevin snapping. Bc that was not on, and Kevin was just as worried about Kim, and Adam implying otherwise is wrong. It's also though why I also love that as soon as they were pulled apart, Kev stopped fighting/looking so angry quicker than Adam).
Like I'd be okay with Kev just saying, simply, to Adam "you don't ever say that stuff to me again." And that's that. But for them to actually have a conversation about this, has to come from Adam and HAS to start with an apology.
And Adam has to actively do better. Like no more just accepting things are different even if he doesn't understand, he HAS to learn everything, all the ins and outs, all the complexities, until he lives and breathes it as much as any white man can. Because I can't see Kevin having what was fracture ever feeling completely solid again without that.
And I do like that the show went there, because it's necessary and I think it's the best position for Adam to realise just how Shitty he was. Because Kim was found-- by the book. Like most of his anger was from how in the past, they've gotten their results by being off book, so I think in Adam's mind, he thinks that's the best way to secure safety. But it was by the book that found Kim, and I think that will really make Adam realise that these enforced policies DON'T make it harder to secure their own safety.
Also, Adam's presumably going to spend a lot of time around Makayla, and so forth, will probably get a lot of firsthand experience of seeing racism or it's affects. Like I know we wish he'd see if bc of Kev, and he does with a lot, just not other stuff, but it's different when you're seeing it through the eyes of a little kid, not a grown adult. And I think this will make Adam a lot more humble, which will help patch things up between him and Kevin.
And then there's Kim. People often forget how when you have multiple white friends, when you're hurt, your more knowledgeable friend steps in. Kim gets this stuff a lot more than Adam, even if she can never understand like Kev, and so I can COMPLETELY see her teaching Adam more stuff. Like because she'd want to help her boys, because Adam's a part of Makayla's life, because Kevin shouldn't HAVE to be the one to educate Adam, whereas Kim can bring him up to her own level, and that's when they rely on Kev.
So I think overall, I'm not that conflicted over PD because I'm really hoping this will spark deeper conversations and that Adam will grovel and fix his ignorant stances. And I hope to god they let Kevin heal and forgive in the way he should be allowed to.
I have a LOT more thoughts on this, including how I hate that they only show Adam's ignorance when a lot of the unit is also Not Great, and about partnerships and how Jay and Kev should be going forward. But this is getting really long now, so I won't delve into that or this any further. But I might, especially if it's wanted, because I have so many thoughts.
Also, thank you for sending me this ask!! I am ALWAYS comfortable sharing my thoughts on this fandom (about anything really, racism, sexism, ships ect) but especially the racism and the racial storylines and issues. Sorry it took so long to answer; I've been thinking on it all day, wanting to give you the best answer I could!!
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willcwthewisp · 3 years
this bitch empty, YEET | solo
willow learns some new things about herself.
     Having a workstation in the back of her gallery had always been the epitome of convenience. It meant that Willow could hear the soft tingling of the bell hanging over the door chime as a potential customer entered over the threshold of her colorful haven, but still have a few extra moments to add a few last touches to the canvas beneath her brush. The scene was backlit by a soft light coming through the windows of a cafe while an unassuming girl sat in the corner of the store, her brow furrowed as she glared into her book.
     It had been the first time Harvey Turner laid eyes upon the woman that would one day become his wife, the elderly man now a ghost that had popped into existence on Willow’s daily walk through the streets of White Crest no more than a week ago. She’d never been able to hear the spirits that wandered the town of White Crest for more than a few sentences at a time like the rest of her family could. But those few words had been enough for Harvey to wax poetic about the picture his wife had made before he’d approached her in that coffee shop to ask what it was that caused her to scowl at the pages beneath her hands with such grim determination. A few seconds later she’d thrown the book down in frustration, huffing something about how the main character was ‘way too stupid to have lived this long’. 
     What he’d meant by the story sharing, Willow didn’t know— just that she’d been struck by the beauty of a memory so beautifully cherished, unable to get it out of her mind’s eye until she’d put it to canvas. No doubt it had something to do with why he was still floating around White Crest in the first place, but she’d leave solving the dead’s business to the mediums who could actually see the ghosts with some reliability. She was more than content to simply keep their stories alive in the form of paint and brushstrokes, stories that repeated through generation after generation as the living retold the past with new colors and patterns. 
     Pulling her head out of the memory, Willow made her way to the door, remembering that there was a customer waiting to be served. “Hello,” she offered the man with a kind but gentle tone, and a testing wave of her hand. “Could I help you?” Apparently he knew exactly what it was that he was here for as he put a hand to his chin, mulling over the sight of the painting hung in front of him. This was one of the memories that had come to her from Kal, the ghost who currently resided alongside her within the walls of her apartment. To be honest, she almost hadn’t put it out to be sold, rather fond of her ghost friend and the memories he sought fit to share. But she’d gotten the sense that he wanted it to be sold, and she couldn’t deny him. 
    The man wasted little time when it came to telling Willow what he desired, turning to her with a firm nod as he motioned towards the artwork. “Yes, thank you- my husband saw this piece the other day, and said it reminded him of his grandparents’ home. Made him feel warm and safe and all that.” For all Willow knew it could have very well been the home of this mysterious husband’s grandparents. Perhaps Kal was some forbearer of this random White Crest citizen? She’d have to ask him about it when she got home, and see if she could manage to hear his answer. “That’s so sweet,” Willow replied with a smile, happy to hear that her art had brought joy to another. “It’s actually one of my newer pieces.” Making small talk with customers had never been her forte. Closing a sale hadn’t either. She always felt like she was being far too pushy when she offered prices or information about a painting. But thankfully it seemed that this man needed no further prodding when it came to making the deal. “Perfect! I’ll take it, then. We have an anniversary coming up, and I think he’ll be happy to see it.” 
     Willow’s smile grew wider as the man offered a hand to shake, obviously signaling that she should take it as a means of completing the sale. “Oh! Really? Thanks! Yeah, that sounds great!” She took his hand without thinking, having no reason to hesitate other than the worry that her hands might be sweaty and slick from the brief social interaction. Caution would have served her well. 
     The moment her hand made contact with the man, he was thrust backwards with a force so strong he was sent flying within a single blink of Willow’s eyes. A gasp of shock rocked her frame as her own hands flew to her lips in horror, mouth agape as she took in the sight of the crumpled man sitting amongst the broken scenery of the painting, now torn in half from the collision it had withstood. “Oh! Oh my God, are you alright?! Oh God, I’m so sorry!” Hold on. Why was she apologizing? It wasn’t as if she had been the source of the ricochet...right? Unbidden, the memory of the night before leapt to mind, along with the vampire spawn that had flown back from her as well. But that didn’t matter right now. Not when there was a man groaning and gasping and bleeding on her painting. “I’m calling an ambulance, alright?! Okay?” The panic was nearly palpable in her tone as she reflexively reached towards the man, intending to help him. He instantly denied her, terror plain on his features as he somehow managed to speak through the pain of his split radius. “No! No, don’t touch me! Just leave me alone!”
     With her phone clutched in her fingers, Willow recoiled— her confusion quickly replaced by urgency as the 911 operator answered her call, and she began the daunting task of explaining what had happened. “Hello? Hello?! Can you send an ambulance? A man- he’s- well, he’s hurt! He just- he flew! Like a bird- or- or a plane- or that guy with the moose! What’s his name? The squirrel! Rocky! Rocky and Bullwinkle, and now he’s hurt!”
     While sirens began to wail in the far distance, Willow paced nervously, her eyes catching the plate of refreshments set out for customers and those who wished to peruse her artwork. Was there anything more awkward than waiting for an ambulance with the man you’d injured? “Would you...want a pastry?” she asked with uncertainty. The man was quick to respond, apparently outraged by the mere mention of a snack. “What? No! No, I don’t want a pastry! I want an ambulance!” Willow’s hands began to clench and unclench nervously, her pacing growing faster as she reached for a glass. “Oh- ah...lemonade?” This was going to be a long wait for the medics to arrive.
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llrose-angelll · 3 years
Like a Love Song
This is a fan made Trollstopia episode with Rose as the main focus!!
the day begins with Rose in bed
she was starring into space
then a loud knock banged at the door
Laguna: Rose? It’s me Laguna! You wanna study?
Laguna: Make a life breaking discovery?
Rose log rolls off the bed
she stands up again and makes the most awake face she possibly can make
she opens the door
Rose: Okay sure!
Short skip to when they were at Lagunas place studying
Rose: So what are we studying exactly?
Laguna: I don’t know...
She throws the book she had
Laguna: so what do you wanna talk about?
Synth was conveniently outside Lagunas window talking to Branch
Rose: ...
Laguna: Rose?
Laguna: Are you looking at Synth?
Laguna: 😐
Rose: I’m just...uh...
She gets distracted again because Synth looks her way and waves
She smiles some and waves back
Laguna: do you..?
Rose: maybe okay?
Laguna: *gasp* aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww~!
Laguna: Roooooooooooosssse!
Rose: 😒
Laguna: did you tell him?
Rose: of course-
Laguna: What’d he say?
Rose: not
Laguna: WHAT?! WHY?!
Rose: well uh...I don’t know if he feels the same.
Laguna: ooohhhhh I see. You wanna impress him!
Rose: yeah...
Laguna: I don’t think it’ll take a lot to do that. Synth’s a nice guy.
Rose: okay. What do you want me to do?
Laguna: don’t worry Rose! I have the perfect plan!
At the door to Synths house
Rose is standing with a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate hearts.
Rose: I don’t know about this, Laguna. It seems really...Stereotypical...
Laguna: I’m sure that’ll get Synth to like you!
Rose rings the doorbell
Rose: you owe me big time if he...
Laguna was gone
Synth then opens the door
Synth: oh! Rose! A...Are those for me?
Rose: A...Eh...yeh...
Synth grabs the flowers and chocolate and puts them aside
Synth: uh...Thanks?
Rose: yeh...
Synth closes the door
Rose: My mentality stalling
It zooms into her head showing her brain failing to start up a motor. when the motor starts up again her brain flips the “days without stalling” sign to zero.
Laguna: okay you obviously need some confidence
Laguna: and I know just the troll who can help us!
It cuts to Val
Val: No I’m not giving you romantic advise...
Rose: Please! I’ll never get his attention without you!
Val: who are you even talking about?
Rose: Uh...Eh...
Poppy: Who is it Val?
Poppy: Oh hey Rose what’s the issue?
Val: She’s got a crush on some boy and she wants me to give her romantic advise
Poppy: who is it?
Val: that’s what we haven’t got to yet...She’s sitting here STALLING instead of ANSWERING ME!
Rose: It’s Synth okay?!
Rose covers her mouth
Poppy: Awww!
Val: Ewww!
Poppy: I know exactly how you can get him to like you back.
Poppy set up a council meeting the very next day
Rose: Poppy! Why did you call all of the ambassadors?
Poppy: Because Synth is a ambassador! you can confess here!
Rose: But wouldn’t that be wasting all of the other council’s time?! 
Poppy: Don’t worry! I told all of them about how you feel!
Rose and Laguna facepalm at the same time.
everyone arrives but Synth
Poppy: great! Everyone's here!
Dante: So, Rosanne...
Rose: you can just call me Rose you know that right.
Dante: Yes yes I know..
Dante: I see you have feelings for a certain someone?
Rose: Ughhhh...Yes...
Dante: and you don’t know how to tell him?
Rose: *sighs* No...
Holly: Well don’t you worry your absolutely adorable head off Rosie! 
Rose: Rose
Holly: Yeah yeah what ever...We got this!
Synth finally arrives
Poppy: Oh Synth! It seems that all of the seats are taken! Except, this one...Right next to Rose...?
Synth: That ones free...
He points to a chair next to Val. Val immediately picks the chair up and yeets it out the window. it lands on Smidge
Smidge: I’M OKAY!
Synth: Ok...
Synth sits next to Rose
Poppy: So I called you guys here to talk about...Romance...
Rose: *whispers in Poppys ear* Where are you going with this
Poppy: *Whispers back* All of the talk about romance will heat him up and then you’ll confess! 
Rose: *whispers* I don't think that's how it works...
Synth: Why Romance? 
Poppy: Uh...When is the Techno mating season?
Synth: Summer...It just started...Why?
Poppy rambles on for 10 minutes about uniting all mating seasons to be during summer.
Poppy’s plan seemed to be working. So Rose decided to confess.
Rose: Psst..Hey...
Synth seemed to be focussed on Poppy
Val: *whispers* Tap his shoulder!
Rose: *Gulps* O..Okay...
Rose taps Synths shoulder and he turns to her
Rose: Synth...I have to tell you something...
Synth: Yess?
Rose: It sorta relates to what Poppy’s talking about...
Synth: Yesss~?
Rose: I...I..L..Lo...
It zooms into Roses mind. Her brain was struggling with the controls while there was an alarm yelling “Synth Alert!” The brain was repeatedly pressing the confess button but it wouldn’t work.
Rose: I...Lo..L..
Val: Get on with it!
Rose: I...Uh...I Lo...
Synth:  You Love..?
Rose faints
Poppy: AH! ROSE!
Holly: ROSIE!
Rose: I...ts....Rose!
A few hours later Rose wakes up
Synth: Is she gonna be okay?
Poppy: yeah I’m sure of it
Rose: What happened
Synth: I don’t know, you we’re gonna tell me something and you just passed out...
Synth: Do you still remember what you wanted to tell me?
Rose passes out again. This time when she wakes up Synth was gone.
Rose: Where’s Synth?
Poppy: We told him branch needed him...
Dante: Nonsense! I have a trick up my sleeve!
Rose: Your gonna set up a date at that fancy restaurant aren’t you?
Dante: Of course! What else?
Rose:  O...Okay then...Yeeey.
At Dante's Restaurant, Synth was sitting next to Rose. They we’re both silent.
Dante: I set up neon lights around their table to set a good... “tech” mood as they say.
Laguna: Nobody says that...
Synth: So...Rose...You invited me here for a reason I’m guessing...
Rose: Yeah uh...There’s something I need to tell you...But I’ll save it for after we eat
the food arrives
Rose: Look! Food!
Synth: You seem unsure about something...You okay girl?
Rose: Yeah I’m fine!
Synth intriguingly puts his head on his fist
Synth: Yeah alright...
he had a disapproving tone.
Synth: I’m gonna...Use the restroom...
Synth got up and walked away
Laguna: psst! Rose!
Rose turns around to see Laguna and Dante hiding in a bush. 
Laguna: Amps don't like it when you lie to them!
Rose: Amps??
Laguna: *sighs* Male techno trolls! they don’t like it when females lie to them! they’ll think they cant trust them!
Rose: Why did I not know that! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! *she knocks her head three times*
Synth returns and they finish their meal.
Rose: So Synth...I’ve been meaning to tell you something...
Synth: Actually...I think I’ll just go..
Rose: W...Why?
Synth: I just dont like the aura we have around each other...It’s really...Awkward...
Rose: I swear that’s just me...I sorta cant help it
Synth makes a disgusted face.
Laguna face palms
Synth: I’m just gonna go...
Synth leaves the restaurant and Rose rests her head on the table. 
Laguna: Okay that went horribly...
Rose: You think???
Dante: I’m afraid I can’t help you...But I do know someone who could...
Dante winks
Laguna: Oh yeah! Someone who knows who Synth is inside and out!
Dante: Someone who’s been freinds with him for a long time...
Laguna: Someone...Who’s gone through the same thing Rose is going through right now!
Rose: Poppy?
Laguna and Dante: No! Branch!
Rose: That’s right! He’s Synth’s best friend!
the next day Rose comes to Branch’s bunker
Branch: Who is it? Oh. Rose?
Rose: Hi...
Branch: What’s up...We haven’t talked in a while.
Rose: I actually need your help...You know Synth right?
Branch: Is that even a question?! He’s my best bud!
Rose: Great! Do you know how I could get him to like me?
Branch’s eyes went wide
Branch: Woah...I said i was his friend not his dad!
Rose: Please Branch! You’re my last bet!
Branch: Did you confess?
Rose: No
Branch: then i dont know how to help you, if you want Synth to like you then you should just tell him
Rose: I have nowhere near the confidence to do that!
Branch: Alright then...If i know Synth I really think you can just hang out with him.
Synth arrives behind Rose
Branch: Speaking of! here he is!
Synth: What’s she doing here? Emergency?
Branch: She wants to hang out with us
Synth: Huh..? O...Okay…Then..
Branch walked into the bunker but before Rose could enter Synth grabbed her arm
Synth: Rose listen, I’ve been passing by and stuff like…you know I just see you sometimes around the lagoon or somewhere up here and…You’re a really social girl, nice to, so…Could you please be that nice and social girl instead of…
Rose: The way I was at the da- dinner?
Synth: Hol’ up we’re you about to say date?
Rose: No…
Synth scowls and Rose remembers what Laguna told her.
Rose: I mean…Yeah it was just a slip of words…Sorry!
Rose began to push away the awkward behavior she had and began to show her true personality.
Synth: that right there…Is why I like you…
Synth smiles
Rose: Like uh…Like like?
Synth’s eyes go a bit wide.
Synth: I mean…If you want…
Rose: Uh- N...No thanks…
Synth: Oh uh…Right…
They both walk into the bunker.
The day was filled with bonding and the day finally finished off with a rave
Branch began to think this was a good time to confess.
Branch: Hey Synth.
Synth: Yeah?
Branch: Rose has something she wants to tell you.
Rose: No I don’t-
Branch: *whispers* She really likes you!
Rose: What?
Branch: *whispers* She’s in love with you!
Synth: She is???
Synths heart shatters.
Rose realizes her mistake.
Rose: Synth I…It was a slip of words
Synth: No no…*sniff* I think you we’re clear…
Rose: I-
Synth: Crystal…Clear
Synth leaves the rave early and the crowd glares at Rose.
Branch: Real smooth…
Branch had his hand in his face
After the rave ended Rose ran out of the water and to a lonely hill. She balled up, she didn’t even feel like howling she was so sad.
Rose: Why would I say something like that…
Rose: I’m such a coward…and a jerk…and a-
Synth: You’re not all those things…
Rose: Synth?
Synth sits beside her. Rose blushes and avoids eye contact.
Synth: Rose…Listen…I like you…I really do…I…I don’t wanna hear you saying stuff like that about yourself…
Rose: It doesn’t matter if it’s true…
Synth: But it isn’t.
Synth: You’re kind, caring, curious, and absolutely adorable!
Rose blushes some more.
Synth: And even if you don’t like me…The guy you do like…Is awfully lucky…
Synth looks down. Rose has the compelling urge to comfort him
Rose puts her arm out to wrap around him. She slowly builds the courage and gently pulls him closely.
Synth: What are you doing?
Rose: Synth…Listen…I…I didn’t mean a word of what I said back there. I would never say such a thing, I…really…Would do nothing but give you all the affection and love you want cause…I love you…
Synths eyes went wide
Synth: I…I thought you said…
Synth looks down for a moment
Synth: I love you to Rose…
He smiles
They close up and close their eyes preparing for a kiss
Synth and Rose scream and back away.
Branch: I thought Rose needed some help but I see you two got yourselves wrapped up!
Synth: Like a gift…
He smiles back at Rose.
Rose: I think…I was relying on everyone else to the point where…I didn’t know how to deal with Synth…Independently��
Synth: Heh…Either way…You got me…
Branch: Uh…Yeah cool imma go now…
Branch leaves
Synth: So…What do you wanna do now?
Rose: Kiss..? Maybe..? Of course that’s if you want im not forcing you or anythi-
Synth grabs Rose and kisses her then backs away.
Rose: I see you…Wanted to…
Synth giggles and they both turn back to the moon. Synth then leans on Rose’s shoulder.
The end!
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writingpaperghost · 3 years
There is a Me Who Can Become Strong (Chapter 7)
Chapter 7: The Reason for Some Lies!
Just who is the black Para-DX? Kiriya makes a claim to their identity... but that doesn't seem to be true. Meanwhile, Kiriya retrieves the Giri Giri Chambara Gashat.
Right now, Emu has a choice to make, just like every day. He can stay and eat lunch with several other people, or he can retreat to the CR to play games or talk for the rest of his lunch break. Like nearly every day since joining the CR, he chooses to just go there. It is the easiest and best option, especially since he really didn’t want to interact with too many people. There’s a lot on his mind and he’s hoping a level of Giri Giri Chambara might help him feel at least a little better.
Or if nothing else, maybe he’d find something to talk with Poppy about. It’s not like he has a hard time, usually she’s interested in hearing about whatever game he’s playing. But he just… has a lot on his mind. Kiriya’s injuries from the black Para-DX, two days before, Saki’s… everything yesterday. Graphite, the Bugsters. The fact that Graphite is so much stronger than them even now, or how they don’t know what his motivations really are. There’s just too much to be thinking about, which is why he’d like to play something that would distract him and maybe let him get out some frustration.
As he arrives in the CR, Poppy wastes no time in shooting him a worried look, “Emu, have you really already eaten lunch?”
He smiles and nods, “Of course,” No one said that he had to speak exclusively the truth. Even he had secrets to keep. “It’s quieter down here, though. So I’d thought I’d play a bit. Unless there’s something you want to talk about?”
“No, no,” She shakes her head, “You’re just always down here around the same time. And it’s usually the beginning of when you should be having lunch. We wouldn’t want you not eating.”
“I’m fine, really,” He assured, “I’m not going to collapse or anything because I haven’t been eating.”
He pulls out his Gemnboy and begins to play a bit of Giri Giri Chambara. He’s found that it’s usually a pretty good game to play when he’s stressed or worked up about things and just needs to get some frustration out. You get to beat things up, after all, and for Emu, at least, that’s pretty good stress relief. Although really, playing games in general tend to do that.
After a while, he’s forced to pause the game because someone’s loudly knocking on the door to the CR. Poppy switches to Asuna and the two get up to investigate. They’re greeted with Kiriya – who should not be out of bed – and then another patient.
“Ace, Asuna,” Kiriya greets, “Found you a patient.”
Grabbing the Gamer Scope, Emu frowns when it results bring up two strains again. They’re different ones, Giri Giri Chambara and Jet Combat. Hopefully they’d be able to deal with them.
“We’ll take it from here,” Asuna says, helping Emu move the patient.
Emu calls back to Kiriya, “You should still be resting.”
Mu had just finished a bit of a boring round of Gekitotsu Robots when he finally remembers something he wants to talk to Kuroto about. “Hey, Kuroto?” He calls, “I think that Lazer knows about you being Gemn.”
Kuroto looks up and frowns, “What makes you say that?”
“Two days ago, when I fought him,” Mu began to explain, “He said something about knowing who Gemn was. Obviously, he couldn’t have known it was me because he doesn’t even know who I am and that was the first day I’d been Gemn. So that means he probably thinks that I was you.”
After taking a moment to rub his forehead, Kuroto finally says, “It doesn’t matter much. He can’t prove it, anyway,” He tries to give Mu a reassuring smile, of sorts, “Don’t worry about it. I doubt he’ll prove to be much trouble.”
“Okay,” Mu blinks, “If you say so.” Then he returns to playing some more Gekitotsu Robots.
“Saki,” Haima says, catching her attention as they walk into the CR, “I’d like you to focus on our new patient.”
She looked over up at him, “Mr. Okada?” She frowns a little, “Why me?”
“Well, I think you’ll be better suited than Hojo. No offense to him but…” The director makes a face, “I don’t think this is really something he’ll be very good at.”
Hesitantly, Saki nods, “I suppose you’re right.”
“Of course, that’s a part of my job-“ At that moment, Haima trips. It’s not clear on what, but Saki manages to catch him, though he drops his binder in the doorway.
“Careful, Haima,” She warns, “We don’t want you getting hurt because you pulled an Emu and tripped on your own feet.”
Trying to straighten his shirt, Haima nods, “Of course, thank you Saki.”
From around the corner, unseen to the pair, Kiriya peeks in, seeing how the binder stopped the door from closing. He strolls right on in.
In the patient room, Saki frowns, her Gamer Scope confirming what Emu had told her. Two infections in Mr. Okada, Giri Giri Chambara and Jet Combat. Now that she’d confirmed it, she thought about how to go about removing the Bugster. She wasn’t a big fan of purposely stressing a patient just to get the Bugster to appear. So they’d just have to wait.
Not that they had to wait long. The Bugster soon appeared, taking the form of a double headed serpent. Saki takes out her Driver, but quickly realizes that the patient room isn’t exactly the best place to be having a fight, let alone against a Bugster. Using the Stage Select, she moves them to a different area, more suitable to fighting Bugsters. Now on a rocky sort of beach, she was ready to transform and fight the Bugster.
“Keep back, Emu,” She calls, clicking her Gashat.
Taddle Quest!
Let’s game! Metcha game! Mucha game! What’s your name? I’m a Kamen Rider!
Now transformed and in Level 1, Saki was ready to fight the Bugster. Sword in hand, she’s quickly able to dispatch the Bugster. Then, it split into two of the Bugsters like before, each with a Gashat in its forehead. One had the Giri Giri Chambara Gashat while the other had the Jet Combat Gashat. Those were the last two Gashats they needed to get from the Bugsters.
Unfortunately, with the appearance of the two Bugsters, also came the black Para-DX, in Level 3. Emu pulls out both the Mighty Action X and Gekitotsu Robots Gashat, while near where the Bugsters are, turning around to look at the black Para-DX, DoReMiFa Beat Gashat in hand.
Mighty Action X!
Gekitotsu Robots!
DoReMiFa Beat!
Do-Do-DoReMiFa-So-La-Ti-Do! Ok! DoReMiFa Beat!
Buttobase! Totsugeki! Gekitotsu punch! Gekitotsu Robots!
“You take the Bugster,” Saki calls, aiming her sword in the black Rider’s direction, “I’ll deal with the black Para-DX.”
Emu hesitates for a moment, before nodding, deciding that Gekitotsu Robots’ raw strength would probably be better against the Bugster, rather than the Rider. He nods and turns his attention to the Bugster with the Giri Giri Chambara Gashat in its head, the other being mysteriously no longer present. They’d have to worry about that later.
While Gekitotsu Robots made Emu stronger, it didn’t exactly make him fast. As it turns out, this Giri Giri Chambara Bugster was pretty fast. It wasn’t surprising, given the nature of the game, but it made fighting a little harder. Hard to land hits and even harder to dodge them. This wasn’t going well.
With Saki, she wasn’t fairing much better. She had the power of gimmicky attack on her side, but as it turned out, so did the black Para-DX. He yeets the wheels of Shakariki Sports’ bicycle at Saki. It flies past, distracting Saki and forcing Emu to turn his attention to trying to dodge the wheels.
The black Para-DX grabs the Giri Giri Chambara Bugster, and the two retreat.
Taiga pushes himself away from his desk, the wheels of his chair rolling. He’d been monitoring something on his computer screen, but whatever it was had disappeared. “Brat!” He called, “Time for the plan!”
Nico walks into the room, hefting her backpack onto her shoulder, “Okay, then,” She groans, “I need to find a better way to carry this stuff.”
“Just go,”
“I’m going!”
“I… don’t think Gekitotsu’s brute force is going to work well against the Giri Giri Chambara,” Emu sighs, “Not that I’m sure that DoReMiFa Beat will work well either. It’s just so fast.”
Saki sighs, rubbing her temple slightly, “And that black Para-DX manage to so easily distract us with the bicycle wheels.”
“And I thought it was weird when Kiriya used wheels as a weapon…”
“Did someone say my name?” Somehow, Kiriya casually strolled in, once again seeming as though he perfectly belonged. Somewhere in his head, Emu felt just the slight bit envious that Kiriya could so easily walk in somewhere where he didn’t belong, and act as though he didbelong. That was a skill that Emu would not claim to have.
Rolling her eyes slightly, Saki says, “How did you get in here?”
“Through the front door,” Kiriya shoves his hands in his pocket, “Anyway, figured you could use my help.”
“Why should we trust you?” Saki asks, “You lied about Graphite being the black Para-DX.”
Looking at the two of them with a serious expression Emu thought looked a little odd on a carefree person like Kiriya, Kiriya answers, “I had a friend die on Zero Day.”
Though Emu hated to be the one to point it out, Kiriya’s argument wasn’t exactly sound, “You said yourself that that too was a lie.”
Saki stands from the table, “I don’t think we can trust you,” She turns and leaves.
Emu doesn’t want to make a judgement quite like that so quickly, but he will admit that Saki has something of a point. Kiriya had lied to them at least twice but… All things considered, Emu wasn’t convinced that was enough to say he was entirely untrustworthy. Something told him that there was more to Kiriya Kujo than what he was letting on. Not that Emu really wanted to look much into it, but they had more important things to worry about.
He wanted to go talk with the patient, who, by looking through the window, he could see was being visited by whom he was pretty sure was his daughter. He makes his way downstairs and enters the room.
“Shiori,” Their patient, Mr. Okada, says to the woman who Emu is pretty sure is his daughter, “Don’t worry about the factory-“
“I want to make sure everything is okay while you’re here,” Shiori responds, “Make sure that everything’s in order.”
“Don’t worry about me,” Mr. Okada insists, “Now stop fussing.”
Emu frowned slightly, before returning to his normal expression, walking over to Mr. Okada and reminding him, “Be careful not to stress yourself too much,” He uses a gentle tone, like what he uses with nervous children. It’s more habit at this point than anything, “Game Disease can potentially be fatal…”Shiori uses this as more reason to insist on helping, not that Emu thought that it was a bad thing, although she might have chose a better way to say it, “See? Don’t worry about anything. I’ll make sure everything’s fine while you’re away, so you can focus on recovering.”
Mr. Okada huffs, “No, you will not,” Then, looking Shoiri straight in the eye adds, “Because I’m firing you from the factory.”
In a huff, Shiori stands up and turns heel, rushing out of the patient room. Emu turns to follow, making it out of the door of the patient room before he’s stopped. By Kiriya. What was he still doing here?
“Ace,” Kiriya starts and there’s something in his tone that Emu isn’t terribly fond of, “Sometimes, telling your patient’s the truth is the wrong thing.” A piece of attempted advice that was rich coming from the man who already had a history of lying, and Emu had known him less than a week. Besides, what would Kiriya know about having patients? He was a medical examiner, and this was not up his alley at all. At least, it shouldn’t be.
He wasn’t going to let Kiriya just tell him something like that. He may not be the most honest at times, but when it came to his patients, Emu believed he should be honest with them. “Well I can’t just lie to them.”
“Doesn’t mean you have to tell them the truth,” Kiriya responds, like Emu doesn’t know a thing or two about not lying but not telling the truth either. “He’s trying to distance himself from her. For her own good, not his.”
“How can you say that-“
It was about then, that Asuna comes bounding down the stairs. She pauses her hurry for a moment to look at the two of them, before saying, “You two, there’s a Bugster.”
The two rush out, able to find the Giri Giri Chambara Bugster that was attempting to attack Shiori. Before either of the two can transform, Saki appears, quickly transforming into her Level 2 with Taddle Quest and slashing at the Bugster. Given the type of game that Giri Giri Chambara is, Emu thinks that she might be a bit better suited. At least she had a sword.
Saki doesn’t get far before the black Ex-Aid appears again, immediately attacking Saki, giving the Bugster an opportunity to escape. Now, the black Rider is making sure Saki is distracted, unable to chase after the Bugster. It’s some stroke of luck that he’s only at Level 2 and not Level 3, otherwise Saki would have a lot harder time fighting him.
“Here’s an idea, Ace,” Kiriya says, pulling out his Gashat and Gamer Driver, “We work together to beat that Bugster. No lies or anything.”
A sane person might question whether to trust someone like Kiriya, who was not terribly honest about things. But Emu is not exactly what one might call a sane person. So thus, he decided, that given the situation and Lazer’s already higher speed than either he or Saki, that risking the possible negative results from such a team up would be worth it to beat the Bugster.
Pulling out his own Gashat, he answers, “Okay, let’s go,”
Mighty Action X!
Bakusou Bikes!
Level up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick! Mighty-Mighty Action X!
Level Up! Bakusou dokusou gekisou bousou! Bakusou Bike!
Kiriya takes his Level 2 form, still annoyingly a motorcycle, and Emu get’s on, the two wasting no more time in chasing the Bugster. Using his weapon’s gun form, Emu attempts to shoot at the Bugster, but finds that it’s still just a bit too hard to aim while on something moving in the unpredictable way that Kiriya did. Finally, though, they get close enough that Emu switches his weapon to axe form. He manages to cut off some of the Bugster’s blades, then they stop moving.
Emu hops off and borrows the Bakusou Bikes Gashat from Kiriya, putting it in his axe.
Bakusou Critical Finish!
Moments later, after slashing at the Bugster, it’s destroyed, the Giri Giri Chambara Gashat falling to the ground.
Game Clear!
“Hey, Ace,” Kiriya calls, his front moving a bit in Emu’s direction. “Mind letting me use that Gashat?”
The speed of Bakusou Bikes and Giri Giri Chambara would mix well, logically. Emu can see the strategy in it, and knowing what the last Gashat is, he’d think it would be better suited to Snipe. He’s also a bit curious what will happen, so he shrugs and activates the Gashat.
Giri Giri Chambara!
Then places it in Lazer’s Gamer Driver, flipping the lever.
Giri-Giri-Giri-Giri Chambara!
In an awkward sequence of events, Kiriya finally makes it from a motorcycle to something that’s at least bipedal. To be fair, he looks much like a normal person, though his armor bright yellow like his Level 2, resembles that of a samurai’s.
“Oh,” Kiriya says, stretching slightly, “That reminds me,” They begin to make there way to where Saki and black Para-DX is.
“What does? And of what?”
“I know who Gemn is,”
“Gemn?” Emu’s not really sure why they were apparently now talking about a gaming company.
“You know, the black Para-DX?” Before now, Emu did not know. Now he did. Which is odd but okay.
“You said you knew who he was before,” Emu reminds him as they finally arrive. He’s about to say something to Saki, who definitely seems worn out but…
“Gemn, that black Para-DX there, is Kuroto Dan.” Which is not the most outlandish statement Kiriya had made. Kuroto Dan was a wanted criminal and had a connection to Game Disease.
Gemn’s response to this statement was, firstly, a movement that might have conveyed shock. Then, he pulls out the Shakariki Sports Gashat, transforming to Level 3. Kiriya grabs his weapon, which appeared to be a pair of sickles, each as bright of yellow and pink as Lazer himself.
Much like when Emu fought Gemn with Gekitotsu Robots, Kiriya seemed to be fairing well against Gemn. Though Gemn attempts to block his attacks with his hammer, Kiriya’s too fast and is quickly landing hits. Then, he combines his sickles, turning them into a bow. He places the Giri Giri Chambara Gashat into it.
Giri Giri Critical Finish!
The attack lands, Gemn not being able to do much to block it. Yet when the smoke clears, the one standing there isn’t Kuroto Dan. No, the man there is a little too short and too brightly colored. He wore a bright pink hoodie, one that Emu thinks is Mighty themed, with long orange sleeves underneath. His hood’s pulled up, aiding the hair over one of his eyes in obscuring his face. The striking part is the eye they can see, slightly. It almost seems as though it glows. He holds the Gamer Driver and Gashats.
With what might have been a smile, though it certainly lookednervous, the man says, “Sorry Lazer, you’re princess is in another castle.”
The man turns around, clearly about to leave and in a hurry. Though his foot catches on something, perhaps a crack in the concrete and he stumbles a bit. He quickly recovers and sprints off, leaving behind a trio of confused Riders.
“That,” Saki begins, sounding certainly annoyed, “Was not Kuroto Dan.” Emu can’t help but silently agree.
“Maybe he was mistaken?” Emu offers weakly, with little effort. No one was a good enough liar to get themselves out of this one. And as much as Emu thought Kiriya was a good enough person… There was just too much to take into account.
“No, I don’t think he was,” She says, “Clearly, he can’t be trusted. That’s twice now that he’s lied about that Rider’s identity. And that friend of his? He died alright, but not from Game Disease. All he wanted from this was the Gashat.” She turns and leaves, leaving Emu and Kiriya standing there.
Finally speaking the words that have been bugging him for so long, Emu asks, “Kiriya, just what type of person are you?” He watches Kiriya closely, though there’s no reaction to be seen, “You lie about Gemn’s identity and about your friend. But why? What do you gain?”
Kiriya laughs, “She’s right, you know. I only wanted the Gashat,” He turns to walk away, “You shouldn’t be so trusting, Ace. I know I, for one, can’t be trusted.”
Emu takes a step forward, wondering if he should try to follow or stop Kiriya. Instead, he says, “I don’t believe that. There’s more going on,” Then, as Kiriya looked back at him, said in a way that wasn’t quite Emu, “I like a good puzzle.”
Nico had managed to track down that other Bugster, the Jet Combat one, thanks to Taiga. She had to admit, he could be pretty helpful. Mostly, she just needed the Gashat, though she was pretty sure getting rid of the Bugster first would be the best way of doing that.
Unfortunately, the Bugster got away before she could defeat it or get the Gashat from it. So she’d have to try again and hope for the best. Ugh, this was such a pain to get one game cartridge.
When Mu arrives to where he stays with Kuroto and Graphite, the first thing he says to Kuroto is, “I don’t think Brave and Para-DX trust Lazer very much anymore.”
Kuroto looks up from his computer, “Why’s that?” He actually seemed rather curious.
“Well, Lazer claimed that Gemn was you – how he knew that’s what the Rider is called is beyond me – but when he managed to knock me out of the suit – don’t worry, I’m fine, really – it was, well, me.” Mu gestures to himself, moving towards the couch and pulling his hood down. He pulls some hair clips out of his pocket and begins to clip his bangs out of his face, “So they think he’s lied again.”
Looking thoughtful, Kuroto comments, “That could be helpful,”
Graphite groans, “When are we getting on with the plan?” He huffs, looking between Mu and his nest, “Because I’m getting impatient.”
“Snipe needs to get Jet Combat,” Kuroto responds, “Then you can have your turn.”
“And you’ll obviously do great, Graphite,” Mu adds, not noticing the way that Graphite’s gaze flickered between him and the nest. Otherwise, he’d be a little wary of getting pulled in there. He’s managed to avoid it for a while, but one of these days, his luck would run out.
“You should sleep,” Graphite immediately says.
Kuroto nods, “He’s right, you know.”
Though Mu shakes his head, “No,” He says, “Not happening.”
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Group Whumpees 6: Breaking Point
CW: transphobia, implied/referenced noncon, panic attack, shitty family relations, manipulation (sort of? Just in case), slavery, aftermath of abuse, multiple whumpees, defiant whumpee (but not for long! >:D)
Tag list: @bleeding-demon-teeth @theycomeinthrees @redwingedwhump @whimperwoods @inpainandsuffering @whole-and-apart-and-between @whump-whump-whump-it-up @whumpingupastorm @newandfiguringitout @lonesome--hunter @looptheloup @deluxewhump @whumping-every-day @yeet-me-out-a-window @what-a-whumpy-world @burtlederp @constellationwhump @swordkallya @finder-of-rings @fairybean101 
Special thanks to @icannotweave for inspiring some of the events in this chapter and chatting w me about it :3
The moment his phone was turned back on, it rang, and the ensuing conversation with his father pissed him off. His voice was loud, his free hand a fist, his face turned down in a snarl.
Master Galo was nearing his breaking point, Evan knew it. He might not have understood the nice guy act, but this? He knew this. He supposed he should be grateful it hadn’t come out at Lilah, that morning, that the bandages on his thick arm hadn’t been the final push needed to get him to snap, but he was going to snap soon. Evan didn’t know why he hadn’t yet, what about his weird mindgame was so important to him, why he wanted the five of them to believe he was so nice and shit, but it would be soon.
Greyson had provoked Master Galo, that first meeting. As far as Evan knew, he was the only person in their family to confront Greyson about it, wondering why Greyson was suddenly the provocative one. Greyson hadn’t said much in answer, just cleaned his glasses and asked Evan not to do anything foolish, himself, which was infuriating in its own right. 
Honestly, almost everything that had happened since Mistress’s death had pissed Evan off. Their Master refused to give them clear rules, but starved them for not following them anyway. He didn’t want Attended, and he didn’t beat them when they fucked up, he hadn’t reminded a damn one of them of their place despite the fact that he obviously could. Did he think the sight of him was enough to make them cower? Did he expect them to take one look at his broad ass chest and heavy fucking arms and fall over themselves to please him?
It made Evan’s teeth grind that, if that were the case, Master would be right. He didn’t need to do shit; they were terrified of him anyway. Was that the game? To be friendly and sugar-sweet and smiley and happy go fucking lucky while his physique and their own hunger kept them weak-kneed and trembling before him? Or did he just like the anticipation of it all? Knowing he could bring the hammer down on them at any moment and laughing at them with every twitch and jump because they all knew it was coming, but only he knew when?
Fuck this guy! Fuck him and his stupid face and his broad hands and how he was able to bring them to their knees without even lifting a finger! Evan’s arms were shaking with his anger, with the unspent tension of multiple days.
He couldn’t take this.
He knew he’d promised Nyla, but he couldn’t take this. He couldn’t take the arrogance of it all and he couldn’t take the waiting and the waiting and the fucking waiting! He’d eaten a few hours ago, so if Master resumed starving him he could take it. Master was strong, but Evan was too. He could take it. And he would, because if it wasn’t Evan that Master Galo finally erupted at, it would be somebody else.
“I’m not having this conversation anymore!” Master Galo shouted, pacing the sunroom, each heavy footstep resounding loudly. “Dad, I don’t care! Okay? I don’t care! I’ve been busting my ass over here and all you’ve done is call me to complain, repeatedly. I’m done. I’m blocking your number. Don’t call me, don’t call the house, do not speak to me until tomorrow.”
Master Galo hung up, jamming his thumb against the flat screen of his phone with unnecessary force, and prowled over to the artisanal table he’d set the wine bottle on (Evan had been the one to bring the table into the house, and Mistress had rapped his knuckles harshly when he’d set the heavy wood down carelessly, too loud). The wine bottle had been mostly full that morning, and was now half empty. Master Galo drank straight from the bottle, and clearly did not know he was being observed.
He was pissed. He was injured. (Lilah had injured him, a fact Master Galo wasn’t likely to forget). If Evan was going to hit that breaking point, now was the time to do it.
Instinctive, animal fear pooled behind his ribs and below his gut, laced through the anger already wiring his teeth against each other and making his clenched fists shake. He knew what he was doing was stupid, but he was done waiting and wondering when Master Galo would hurt one of them.
He didn’t knock (punishable) and didn’t address Master Galo when he was seen (punishable).
“Evan,” Master Galo said with a sigh, setting the bottle back down, and Evan did not go to him to kiss his hand (punishable) and he did not kneel with his forehead to the floor (Sasha and Evan had that as a special rule for them, since neither of them “knew how to behave.” He didn’t know if that was punishable or not, for Master Galo, but still, he did not do it).
“Good, actually, I was gonna go look for you. Help me bring in the flower arrangements Lilah made,” Master ordered, not as much effort going into his nice guy routine, turned away from Evan and doing something on his phone (likely blocking his father’s number, like he’d promised). 
Well, they had all agreed that there was one good way to make Master angry, that first morning.
“Yes, Mistress,” Evan said very deliberately, hurling the word at Master Galo’s back, and he heard Master’s phone case crack.
Master looked at him, eyes wide and angry, and Evan felt a rush of fear, of “now you’ve done it” rise in him like bile. But he maintained eye contact, wanting Master to know it was deliberate, that he’d said it intentionally. Summoning his anger, he jerked his chin forward. Do something about it.
Master made a strangled noise and rubbed over his face with a hand, shifted his weight onto one leg and tapped the toes of his shoe against the floor with the other, and ducked his head down while pushing his fingers through his hair. He propped the hand with his phone against his hip and waved his finger at Evan, then lifted his head. “Actually, you know what? Why don’t you go grab Nyla and have her come here?”
Nothing could’ve more effectively dropped the floor out from under Evan’s feet. The anger and tense fear, the readiness, the thought that he could handle whatever was about to come at him was instantly replaced with guilty horror.
“No!” Evan screamed, dropping to the floor, grinding his forehead against it. “No, Master, Master, please! No, sir, Master, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Master Galo made a noise, some sort of annoyed groan, and asked, “Can we not do this?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir I’m sorry Master I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do it again I swear, please, please don’t--”
“Yeah, I’m just. I’m just gonna--” Master Galo said, walking past Evan, and he lurched, grabbed Master with both hands, one around his belt and the other in the hem of his shirt.
“No! Please, punish me, punish me!” Evan begged, crying, knowing he was, his voice gone high and panicked. Inciting Master Galo was supposed to mean Evan got hurt, that he got to control the way Master Galo boiled over, not this, never this, not Nyla, “Please Master punish me!”
Master Galo pried at Evan’s fingers, and he knew refusing to let go instantly would just make it worse but he couldn’t! “I”m not going to--”
“I’m sorry!”
“STAY.” Master successfully shoved Evan’s hands away from him, the order harsh and loud. “Stay here, don’t go anywhere,” Master ordered after, grip harsh but not quite bruising around Evan’s wrists.
Evan sobbed as he left, heavy footsteps audible. He stayed. He couldn’t afford to make this worse than it already was, not when Master was punishing someone else. Mistress Bethany had played many, many mindgames with them, but when she was pissed, she lost control. Evan could always count on that, and no one had ever been punished for his provocations.
But Master Galo was slower. He’d warned them of that day one. He was more methodical, clearly, and although he’d refused to beat them until now, clearly he knew how to hit where it hurt.
“I’m sorry,” Evan moaned into the vacant room, arms wrapped around his belly and forehead once again on the floor. He was shaking, sobbing, all anger gone and replaced only with fear, with shame, with an unbearable guilt.
“Evan?!” Nyla asked, alarmed, as she rushed into the sunroom. She ran in front of him and spun gracefully, sinking to her knees as she did in a flair of skirts, and he looked up at her worried face.
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed, because he was. He’d never been this sorry in his life. 
“Master told me to come calm you down,” Nyla informed him in a scared rush, one hand to his shoulder and the other cupping his unworthy cheek. “Evan, what did you do?”
“I’m sorry,” he repeated shakily, “I provoked him, I’m sorry--”
“You provoked him!?” Nyla hissed, fingers digging into his shoulder and he choked.
“I’m sorry!”
“Why would you provoke him!?” Nyla scolded, her composure ruined, “He’s been in a bad mood all day this is the worst time to make him angry!”
“I h--” Evan hiccuped on a sob, raising a hand to clench at his vest, fingers digging into his chest. “I couldn’t take the waiting, anymore, I wanted to have it over with.”
“Idiot!” she hissed. “Idiot!” she repeated, louder. But oh, that wasn’t the worst of it.
“He was going to punish you, instead,” Evan confessed, body shuddering and involuntarily casting forwards. “He was--I begged him not to but he didn’t--”
“Where are the others?” Nyla asked, voice hollow, and Evan felt another icy hand of fear grip his heart. If not him, Nyla. If not Nyla, someone else.
Evan struggled to his feet, wiping at his face that wouldn’t stop crying, and was stupidly grateful for the arm Nyla wrapped around his waist to brace him.
Sasha was in the kitchen, thank god, and was alarmed and surprised to see them, thank god.
“I fucked up,” Evan explained, Sasha’s wide eyes darting between them. “I pissed him off, he’s--smart.”
“He’s punishing someone else in Evan’s stead,” Nyla said quietly, and Evan leaned heavily on the counter as Sasha instinctively took a step back, her hands raised over her chest. “Where are Grey and--”
The other kitchen door opened, and Greyson walked in. Which just left one unaccounted for.
“Lilah,” Evan cried, despair seizing him as he collapsed. He sobbed into his hands, distantly aware that Greyson asked a question, and Nyla answered it. Sasha knelt in front of him, but he didn’t deserve her comfort.
Mistress Bethany had never done made him like this. Oh, he’d cried for her. He’d begged. But not like this, only ever out of pain or fear or exhaustion, never this. He could take the cane or boiling water or her nasty over-long fingernails, he could take the exhaustion and the hunger, he could take the words that somehow managed to cut like knives despite how often he told himself he didn’t care what the bitch said. But he couldn’t handle knowing that Lilah, little Lilah, was on the other side of an eruption that he had caused.
Nyla’s skirts entered his field of vision, the hem of her apron stained from an old spill. She stood close with her feet spread, the way she only got when she was angry (he deserved it), and he lifted his heavy head, breath hitching as he cried.
“You promised,” Nyla stated, the words damning.
“I’m sorry,” he squeaked. He’d keep the promise, now. He’d never piss off their Master again, not after learning that he would punish the others for Evan’s mistakes. He’d listen to Nyla, he’d take her advice and obey her as the leader of their family. 
“You promised,” Nyla repeated, and the betrayal in her voice hurt worse than anything Mistress Bethany had ever, ever done. Nyla was not a violent person, but Evan almost wished she was. If she hit him for this, it would be no less than he deserved. 
She loomed over him, like this, lips pressed thin and fists balled at either hip, but she whirled, braced her hand on a countertop and ordered, “Evan, stay here with Sasha and calm down. Grey, avoid all of Master Galo’s usual haunts until dinner. No one talks to him unless he talks to them first.”
Evan let his head drop back down, biting back tears, his body jerking with each hiccup, and squirreled himself away in front of the pantry. Ideally, there, he wouldn’t be able to get in Sasha’s way, since she was doing her job and apparently the only thing he was good at was fucking things up for the rest of them. Why hadn’t he just behaved himself!? Why was seeing Master Galo break such a priority for him? Stupid fuckup, why wasn’t he the one bleeding and aching right now?
If he had the chance to do it over he’d take it in a heartbeat. He wished he could, he’d give anything, he’d do anything, if it meant his family didn’t get hurt. Hurt because of him.
He was supposed to be trying to calm down, but he couldn’t stop crying. It wasn’t until after Greyson had set the table and taken Master’s plate out to him that Evan finally wound down, accepting the glass of water Sasha gave him. 
After Master ate, Sasha plated meals for Nyla and Greyson, then, more hesitantly, herself, and then she stared at Evan.
“Don’t,” he croaked, voice hoarse and raw, “I couldn’t keep it down, if I did.”
“H-he said…” Sasha murmured, gripping her left hand tightly in her right. “O-only if he r-revoked, I, I have to, m-make sure you all eat.”
Was that a subtle punishment, too? If they didn’t eat while nauseous, didn’t keep it down, that was a broken rule?
“But. But,” Sasha continued, voice whining higher, “if he r-revoked perm-mission and didn’t t-tell me, I--”
“Breathe, Sasha,” Greyson said, his hand on her shoulder, the one without the lock of hair she left loose to self-comfort with. “If he didn’t tell you, then be obedient. Even if he gets upset, Nyla and I can beg for you, that you were only following his directions. It’s a hard test for the first day with a new rule, but we’re here for you.”
Sasha took a deep breath and nodded, then looked to Evan again.
“I can’t,” he whispered miserably, “I’m nauseous; it’ll come back up.”
“Bread and water,” Nyla interjected, stabbing her fork into her own dinner. “It counts as eating, Sasha will have followed the rules. It’s light, it won’t come back up.”
Even though she was mad at him, she was still fixing his problems.
“Thank you,” he whispered, heart twisting with fondness even through everything else. He stood and washed his hands, promising Sasha he’d get it himself. She plated Lilah’s dinner, Evan cut off a hunk from the morning’s loaf, and he nibbled at it miserably.
“D-Do… you w-want to come w-with?”
See Lilah. Comfort her, maybe, from the very thing he’d caused. He turned his head away, ashamed.
He ate the bread, slowly, his stomach churning unhappily, when she left.
“She’s okay!” Sasha shouted--well, what counted as Sasha shouting--as she ran through the door on her return. “L-Lilah, she’s n-not hurt. She’s b-b-been Quiet a-all evening! N-nothing’s happened to her s-since lunch! She was c-confused, when I s-said we’d b-been sca-ared.”
Nyla gripped Sasha at the elbows, everyone’s attention on her. “Sh-she’s okay!”
Evan ran.
“Evan?” Lilah startled when he entered, and she was. She was okay. The relief stole his breath from him. “Evan, what’s happening?” Lilah asked as he crossed to her, barely remembering to toe off his shoes before climbing into bed, flinging himself at her and wrapping her in a bear hug. “Why did Sasha think I was hurt?”
“We all did,” he croaked, pressing his nose to her hair. She was alright. Master hadn’t hurt her.
She shook her head against his chest. “I told you earlier, remember? He wasn’t mad I hurt him.”
“No, no I--” Evan had to stop and swallow. It was shameful, to confess to it again. To recount how he’d acted, and how the others had almost gotten hurt because of it. Lilah smacked his head at the end of it, though nowhere near hard enough to hurt.
“Idiot,” she scolded. “Stop doing stupid things because you’re angry.”
“I won’t,” Evan promised with a wet chuckle, so relieved she was okay. “Never again.”
But if Lilah wasn’t hurt, that meant Master hadn’t punished anyone. It meant Evan had kickstarted some new stage to the mindgame; there was something left undone. Sure, maybe it fit into what Evan understood of Master Galo’s ploys that he was simply reminding Evan that he knew how to break him, so easily and so very thoroughly. Maybe this was just another show of power. Maybe Master Galo had realized Evan was trying to claim control, and had denied him even that.
Or maybe, Evan thought, as he lied wide-awake after his family had all fallen into an unsteady sleep, Master Galo was simply biding his time for when it would hurt the worst. The punishment was coming. It had to be.
Evan had one last chance to make sure the person punished was him.
He crept up the stairs, quiet despite the fact that he knew his family couldn’t hear him, here. He went to Mistress Bethany’s old room--largely untouched, just yet--and walked across the perfectly spotless carpet. One of his jobs, as housecleaner, was to come to this room every morning and scrub out the blood from whatever had happened the night before. If even a speck was left, he’d spend the following morning scrubbing without gloves to protect him from the harsh chemicals. 
He was very good at cleaning. He wasn’t good at much else, but he could clean. And, he reminded himself as he opened the tool closet and lifted the heaviest wooden cane, he bruised very nicely. Mistress Bethany had beat him with this, him more than any of the others, trying to break him, trying to put out the final shreds of defiance in him, the rebellion he clung to, his anger. He tried to feel for that anger now, and felt nothing.
In less than a week, Master Galo had done what Mistress Bethany had failed to do over the course of a decade.
He gripped the cane below the handle and took a deep breath. Move gracefully. Don’t cry before it starts. Don’t emote with ugly expressions. Evan was no good at pretending to smile, but he could look submissive. He slid one hand down the cane, gripping it lower as he started to walk. The smooth wood raised goosebumps across his skin and bile in his throat, but now wasn’t the time to back down.
He wasn’t angry, this time, he wasn’t impatient or stupid. He’d do as he was meant to.
Don’t stutter. Don’t recoil. Flinching was okay but not too far, or it would look like a recoil. His footsteps, though quiet, seemed to boom inside his ears. As did his pulse, and his breathing. Thank Master Galo properly. Don’t panic, this time around.
That would be the hard one. The looming threat of what would happen if he failed--if he didn’t beg hard enough or right enough that Master Galo would punish him--had him on the brink of terror already, and they hadn’t even started yet. He bit down on that fear, with no anger left to shield him from it, and forcefully reminded himself, Don’t panic.
Knock on the doorframe. He did. Greet Master when acknowledged. “Master Galo.” Kneel. He did.
“Evan, why are you here?”
“I apologize, Master. I reacted poorly, earlier.” Evan lifted the cane in both hands, presenting it to the man that loomed over him like a nightmare. “I intentionally called you the wrong name, I shouted, I touched you without permission, and I was ugly in doing so. For these offenses, Master, please,” he hoped Master Galo hadn’t heard his voice crack on the ‘please,’ “punish me.”
The fear was building, compounding in on itself, too fast, but Evan kept his body rigid, immobile. He’d fucked up, so many times, he wouldn’t fuck up this one, he couldn’t. Even when he heard his Master take slow, thoughtful steps toward him: he kept his head down, his arms up. Even as each step sent him closer to a panic. Even as his breath threatened to break loose of his control, to speed up, ugly and audible.
Even as his Master’s shadow blocked out the moonlight.
Even as Master Galo took the heavy cane from his hands.
Galo needed to be very, very careful. He’d been hasty, earlier, impatient and irritated with this man misgendering him when he was already at the end of his rope thanks to his father. A couple laps around the property line and the familiar burn of lifting heavy objects and moving the floral arrangements inside had helped him cool off--a lot. But the damage was very clearly already done. Evan sounded wrecked.
The cane was solid wood, probably oak or some shit--heavy. If he hit Evan with this, he could kill him. Galo set it down and leaned it up against the chair in the room, overfull with his belongings. Having Evan sit there wasn’t really an option, not unless he wanted to dump the stuff out and he needed to be delicate, here.
Alright, what did Galo know? Evan thought Galo was still pissed at him (not entirely unreasonably). Evan wanted to be punished with a heavy fucking cane, due to #1. Something had spooked this guy--badly. Galo couldn’t carry on not knowing what that thing was, or else they’d wind up right back here again: with a slave kneeling just inside his doorway, ready for him to do terrible things to them. 
“Evan, I’m gonna ask you some questions and you’re going to answer them honestly, okay?” Galo said, slowly walking back to his bed and sitting on the end of the mattress, patting next to him. “Will you come over here?”
“Yes Master,” Evan answered instantly, moving to get up but then hesitating. Okay, Galo’s bad, he did just say he’d be asking questions, not necessarily making suggestions via questioning. 
“Come here,” Galo ordered gently, and Evan moved faster than Galo had ever seen him move. He didn’t sit on the mattress like Galo had hoped, but knelt at Galo’s side. “Sit on the bed, please,” Galo tried, and Evan moved again, still quick. 
“Thank you.” Galo pat him, once, on the back. Evan did not have a history of responding well to touch, for all that Galo had seen him, so he didn’t plan on doing too much of it while they talked. “Now what’s all this about” was probably a redundant question, since Evan had literally listed off his offences when he came into Galo’s room. 
Galo, predictably enough, spent too long thinking, because before he could even begin to formulate an intelligent question Evan whispered, “Anything.”
“Anything, Master,” Evan stated, barely any louder, if at all, “I’ll do anything.” Slowly, deliberately, Evan moved his hand directly towards Galo’s crotch, and Galo was grateful for the speed because he didn’t have to snatch Evan by the wrist, just stop him.
“No, Evan, I’m not fucking you,” Galo said firmly, aware of his mistake too late. He must be tired, if he thought inviting Evan up onto the bed with him was a good idea. “Didn’t meant to imply--”
“Please,” Evan choked out, small.
“Evan?” Galo became aware that Evan was trembling in his grip.
“Please don’t hurt them,” Evan begged, sounding at the end of whatever rope he had, and Galo’s brow furrowed.
“Them?” he asked, “You mean, the others?”
“Please,” Evan repeated, “It was my mistake, I did it. Please, Master Galo, punish me.”
Galo bent to get a better look at Evan’s face, and he saw tears brimming there, inside a thousand yard stare.
“Hey, buddy,” Galo said, waving his hand in front of Evan’s face without even as much as a blink, “I’m losing you there.”
“They didn’t--” Evan choked.
“They didn’t do anything wrong,” Galo finished for him, gently.
“So please, please punish me,” Evan begged, the first tear spilling over, and Galo couldn’t think. He was tired, he was spent, it was late, he wanted to be asleep and not having this conversation but Evan was freaking out, and that was Galo’s responsibility to fix. “I’ll take anything, I’ll be quiet or loud or however you prefer, I deserve it Master, I’ll do anything you tell me to just please, please--!”
“Evan, stop talking,” Galo said, careful not to tell him to be quiet or shush or anything that might imply he wasn’t allowed to cry right now. Evan’s mouth shut, and Galo let go of his wrist in order to sling an arm around Evan’s shoulders, hugging him. He needed time. He needed to think, but thinking was so hard when he was so tired. He let Evan cry against his shoulder, the poor guy’s hands in fists at his sides, and Galo didn’t know how to fix it.
It looked like the only thing that would calm Evan down, at this point, would be to actually punish him. But Galo wasn’t going to hurt him, so, something else? But what would count as a punishment--enough that Evan would accept it as such--but not hurt him? Galo couldn’t think.
Oh! So he’d buy himself some time.
“Evan, tomorrow morning, meet me in the den.” Galo felt bad for even saying it, feeling Evan flinch under his arm, but it was supposed to be a punishment. “I’m tired right now,” not a lie, “so I’ll deal with you then.”
“Thank you Master,” Evan said, and Galo moved his hand to give Evan a little push on the back, mostly to help the man. “Thank you Master, thank you.”
“Go to sleep, Evan.” Galo watched him stagger to his feet, and stumble once on his way to the door.
“Yes, Master, thank you.”
Galo sighed and flopped back on his bed. He was making mistakes and his body felt like lead. He knew he had to climb up and crawl under the covers, but they were so far away.
The longer he lied there the harder it would be. Fuck.
But he did feel better in the morning. Clearer, sharper, better equipped to puzzle out what the fuck was going on with Evan.
At least he could hazard a guess at what had spooked the guy so bad: he thought Galo was going to punish the others for his actions.
...Now that he thought about it, Evan had lost his shit the first time when Galo said he was gonna have Nyla help him with the flowers instead. How had Galo phrased it exactly? He couldn’t remember, it was such a small detail, a harmless sentence said when he was pissed and frustrated. Except it hadn’t been harmless, clearly. Evan had taken it to mean Galo would hurt Nyla, and, he guessed, the other three, also. 
“God,” Galo muttered to himself, pulling his notebook out and writing Don’t insinuate you’ll hurt other people when one person “messes up” on the list of suggestions he had for his own behavior. 
Flipping back a page, he wrote, Evan will beg to be beaten if you spook him enough. Not as surly as I thought???
Galo ran his fingers through his hair and started getting ready for the day, his old suit tight around the chest and biceps. As he dressed and groomed himself, he tried to think of a good punishment that wouldn’t actually hurt Evan. He was combing his hair when the lightbulb went off, the idea striking him.
He headed on down to the den, where Evan was already waiting, on his knees with his wrists crossed behind his back.
“Morning Evan,” he greeted, approaching him and extending his palm, which Evan kissed.
“Master Galo,” Evan returned, quiet but thankfully not sounding as panicky as the night before. Galo tilted his head up by the chin so he could see his eyes. The usual fire he sometimes thought he saw was beyond absent; Evan looked like a broken man.
“Repeat after me, Evan,” Galo said, hoping that being punished would serve as some small comfort, that he wasn’t entirely off-base. “I will not misgender Master Galo. I will not provoke him and I will show him respect.”
Evan didn’t hesitate to say it back to him, and Galo removed his hand from under Evan’s chin.
"Good, Evan. Now say that out loud 999 more times. You may leave the den after you do; don't lose count."
And so Galo spun on his heel, and left.
He wouldn’t do anything to confirm that Evan had, in fact, said it 1,000 times. He had shit to do and it didn’t matter to him, personally, if Evan did lose count. But if nothing else, even just kneeling there that long would be a punishment in and of itself. And it addressed the issue.
“Morning Sasha,” Galo greeted, offering his hand again and getting started on his morning shake. “Has Evan eaten yet this morning?”
She shook her head. “Cool. After he’s done with his recitations, he can eat, but don’t interrupt him please.”
Sasha nodded and he smiled at her. “Atta girl. I’m gonna go load up the van and head to the church. This everything?” Galo gestured at the foodstuffs, packaged neatly the night before. When she nodded, he gave her a pat to the shoulder. “Thanks, Sasha. I’ll see you all tonight, probably after dinner so don’t wait up.”
When everything was loaded and Galo behind the wheel, he buckled himself in but then took a moment before he actually turned the van on to sigh and rub his hands down his face.
“Alright, Galo,” he said to himself, staring at the car ceiling. “You can do this. It’s gonna suck, but then it’s gonna be over.”
He breathed in, breathed out, and went to go set up for the funeral.
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Hey guys! Here is another short story based on one of the prompts by @writing-prompt-s (thanks a lot!). I hope you enjoy reading it! Feel free to give me your suggestions
Prompt :
You can taste lies. One day, you're comforting your best friend after a tough breakup and almost vomit at the foul taste the words "After all, you're only human" bring
Story :
I know you are lying.
The number of times I have used this sentence tends to infinity. Many people are surprised everytime I catch their lie. How did you do it? You are really good at body language reading! How do you know that? No one else has ever caught my lies! I hear these quite a lot.
But I'm not good at body language detection or reading people. The truth is, I can taste lies. Not figuratively. Literally. I hear a lie and a foul taste develops in my mouth. Bigger the lie fouler the taste.
Due to this reason I never made many friends. You must be wondering how being able to taste lies is linked with me not making friends.....
The thing is, people lie quite easily and quite a lot these days. Any party I attend or any event I go to brings a foul taste to my mouth. A constant gagging feeling. So I never went out much. I have a couple of good friends though. And I am happy in my small group.
No one know about this ability of mine. Well, no one except my best friend. But she doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm joking.
Fast forward to today, when she comes to my apartment looking like she has been crying for eternity. I had no clue about what had happened. I take her inside and sit down on the couch with her.
"What's wrong? Why have you been crying?"
No reply.
I get a glass of water for her and start rubbing her back. Waiting for her to speak. We just sit there in silence. She finally speaks up.
"We broke up."
I close my eyes. I knew this was gonna happen one day. The guy she was dating always lied about where he had been and what he had been doing. I even tried to tell her. But she never belived me. She was too happy in her own world.
I pull her into a hug as she starts sobbing uncontrollably.
"Hey hey hey. Listen to me. It's okay. You deserve someone better than him."
She pulls away from the hug and stares at me as if I had said something offensive.
"It's okay? Are you serious? How will it ever be okay? He just cheated on me and dumped me for that other girl. You really think I deserve anything? No. There is obviously something wrong with me, whuch is why he had to find someone else."
I shake my head.
"No. That is not how that works. It was his fault. He shouldn't have cheated. If he had an issue with you, he should have talked about it."
I hold her hands and look at her.
"No-one is perfect Rose. After all, you are only human."
The moment these words leave my mouth, I gag on the bitter and foul taste that fills my mouth. It makes me want to vomit. I stand up and step away from her. I don't know why I did that. She looks up at me, surprised and slightly hurt.
"So even you don't wanna be with me now. Great."
She gets up and starts walking towards the door. I am too shocked to react.
"What are you?"
It comes out as a whisper. I wasn't expecting her to hear it, but she stops in her tracks and turns around. We stand there in silence. She slowly lets out a breath.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You know damn well what I mean by that."
She raises her hands up in frustration
"No I don't!"
Another lie.
"You are lying. You know I can catch lies. There's no use hiding whatever your secret is. I know you are not- I know your something else."
She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.
"So you can really taste lies huh."
I stay silent. She stays silent. 5 minutes pass. 10. 15.
She finally takes a deep breath and sits down on the couch, gesturing me to do the same.
I don't move.
"Please. Give me a chance to explain. And if you think I'm lying... Well there is no point in me lying is there?"
I give it a moment's thought. If she wanted to harm me, she would have. We've been friends for a long time.
I slowly take a step towards the couch and take a seat, maintaining some distance between us.
She closes her eyes and starts speaking.
"Ok so. First of all, you were right, I'm not human."
I scoot away from her a little. She notices the move and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I shouldn't have done it. But I couldn't stop myself. She continues.
"Have you ever heard of The Erinyes?"
I shake my head. I hear her let out a sigh.
She mumbles something under her breath.
"The Erinyes? The Furies? I'm sure you've heard of them."
The Furies. That name rings a bell. Some mythological character. Was it Roman? No, Greek? Hades?
"Aren't they like the punishment enforcers for Hades or something?"
"Yeah sure. Why not."
She sounded very annoyed.
"Well, I am one of the three Furies."
It takes me a moment to comprehend that statement. I'm not throwing up which means that she is speaking the truth.
But how could this be possible? One of the Furies? My best friend? What was going on?
She lets the silence hang over us. No explanation, no reasoning. Just a plain simple fact.
I look at her and manage to get a single word out.
She blinks in disbelief and bursts out laughing.
I am just left staring at her in disbelief. She tells me she is one of the most feared creature of the Underworld and then she laughs? Seriously?
"I was not expecting that question."
"Well I expect an answer."
I want to smack myself. Why am I even takimg to a Fury like that? If she wants she could yeet me to the Underworld right now. Ughh.
"Ok. I'll give you an answer. Come on."
She gets up and offers her hand to me. I obviously stay glued to the couch.
"Where are we going?"
"To see Lord Hades. Where else?"
I lost it at thus point. I get up from the couch and bolt for the door. I was not going to let this crazy lady-creature kill me.
But obviously I don't go far before she pulls me back.
"Oh come on! I'm not going to kill you! Just come with me. This wasn't supposed to come out but now that it has, I have to take you to Lord Hades. He is the only one who can explain this mess."
After she realises that I am not going to move from my place, she lets out an exasperated sigh and rolls her eyes.
"Look. I said I won't kill you, means I won't kill you. The underworld is a big place. It has more than one door. And please, don't delay this. I'm already annoyed thinking of the conversation he is gonna have with me."
She groans.
"I should never have come to you after the break up."
Dang. Both of us completely forgot about the break up thing huh?
"But if you are a Fury, how come you were dating him? Was that a setup?"
She looks at me and winks.
"A lady is allowed to have her fun. As long as I am stuck in the human form, why not have the full experience, right?"
"Now if you are done with your questions, we have a long journey ahead. So please. Let's go."
I think about for a moment.
"Ok then. Let's go."
Taglist :
@awesomeuvinthings @sitorrothekitsune @grace-k-sterling @scarletteflamerald
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boethiahsboytoy · 3 years
15 and 23 for the vyrthraals :3 -esther
ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!
This needs to be under a cut this is going to be on the longer side. Ny'all have been Warned :')
15.) What are the dynamics like between your characters? Do they generally get along? How do their personalities and motivations bounce off one another? How do they come away feeling upon interacting with each other? 
RUBS MY GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS TOGETHER!!!! I. LOVE. How the Vyrthaals interact :3
So when they First meet each other they are butting their heads together CONSTANTLY. Boe! Vyr is picking fights with everyone (ESPECIALLY Malacath! and Vampire! Vyr but also a little with OG! Vyr too just bc hes kind of a goody two shoes), Jay and Pery! Vyr are always arguing over the best course of actual while Mora! Vyr bitches about neither of them knowing Anything about what they're doing, for some reason Sanguine! and Meridia! Vyr are actually throwing hands and it's getting Really violent, seriously what the fuck is with you two DON'T fucking kill each other PLEASE, and oh no, Why are Sheo! Vyr and Namira! Vyr watching all of them ominously in the corner making threatening gestures at everyone-- you get the idea.
Basically, none of them want Anything to do with each other when they are first thrown together, and not even in a begrudging sibling way where at the end of the day they Would actually have each others' backs. It isn't until they realize how much danger they're in that they even Try working together. Not to spoil the Entire Story but they *are* actually forced to work together and look out for each other. Even ones who's parents are super enemies, like Boe! and Vampire! Vyrthaals. They do, for the duration of their Quest together, have the same motivation: to get to the bottom of Who has trapped them in a hellish nightmare world thats an amalgamation of all their homes, stop them from stealing the powers of their parents to control the worlds as they know them, and Try Not To Die.
After their Quest is finished though it's different. Of course it is, I fucming LOVE found families and the power of friendship!!! But they all end with really loving each other, willing to do anything it takes to keep each other safe!! Yes obviously they still bicker and don't always see eye 2 eye but at the end of the day they really do come away from their Quest with a great deal of love and care for each other :') They ALSO really learn how to fight together. During their Quest they're under attack almost constantly, and they go from almost killing each other by accident to moving together almost perfectly as a team. If a Jaeger could support 18 different people, they would all be Drift Compatible (OK OK NOT ALL TOGETHER but separately in smaller teams? ABSOLUTELY. I need to chart out who would be Most compatible with who, BUT at the end of the day they could all Drift together in any combination In A Pinch. Someone remind me to do this at some point I fuckign love Pacific Rim).
23.) What is your character's type or archetype? (For example: the Fool, the Lover, the Fighter, etc.) Why do they fit this archetype? 
I looked up,,,a lot of lists of archetypes for this one lmao.
OG! Vyr: Chosen One. Auri-El brings him back to life and blesses him with immense power for the Sole Purpose of killing Lord Harkon and stopping Molag Bal from ruining Nirn. (He's also been looking out for Vyrthaal here and there since he was born; its part of the reason he was able able be preserved in stasis for so long lmao) He's the Super Special Magical Destiny Kid who's gotta save the world!!
Dagon! Vyr: A gentle giant, surprisingly enough!! He can Be Rowdy and certainly enjoys getting rough and wild like the big party boy he is but at the end of the day he's actually a gentle person that cares about the safety of others.
Boe! Vyr: I didn't know that "hotshot" was the Name for this lol but the motherfucker who's reckless as all hell but like, Good At It. Unlike their Daedric Parent they tend to rush into things without thinking. Thankfully they're also good at getting themself out of whatever hell they yeet themself into!
Pery! Vyr: A peacemaker. They're the only sense of impse control the Vyrthaals actually have lmaooooo. But like, he's stressed about this and doesn't necessarily Want that to be his role all the time, idk if there's a name for that but that's them if there is!
Clavicus! Vyr: A class clown/comic relief sort of figure, bc they get into Silly Shenanigans but like, a little angsty bc they are actually kind of self conscious abt how comparatively weak they are not just to the other Vyrthaals but like, in general and use the Silliness to hide that. Does that have a specific name??
Namira! Vyr: EMPATH/GUARDIAN BUT SPECIFICALLY FOR FALMER. Literally her whole Thing as a Demiprince is caring for and watching over them. Yes the other Demiprince Vyrthaals do what they can for them, but this is her Role. All the Vyrthaals look out for each other but she's watching them from the shadows to keep track of which one needs what exactly, if that makes sense.
Mora! Vyr: A stereotypical genius nerd but they do it in a really creepy and unsettling way that makes you feel like they know Too Much About You, Personally.
Malacath! Vyr: Warrior type :3 He is brave and strong and protects those weaker than him !!
Sheo! Vyr: Idk if this has a name but the unlikely one that brings everyone together....it is Mostly bc during their Quest he is Very young at abt 6 years old and all the Vyrthaals feel Very protective over him (even when he is being intentionally unsettling. Also fun fact he likes to hold onto Boe! Vyr's cape while he walks, and they and Jay are the ones most likely 2 carry him when he's sleepy)
Sanguine! Vyr: A thrill seeker !!! He's here to Go Fast, fuck the consequences!! Also his whole thing is poor impulse control so it uhhhh sort of affects him too
Meridia! Vyr: I really don't know for her bc she's That underdeveloped unfortunately!! Which is kind of funny to me bc Meridia was the first Prince I ever learned abt lol. Is "seemingly sweet and soft girl bit can actually crush you with ease" count? It should. I'm gonna say it does so I feel like I answered for her :')
Hircine! Vyr: Is there a term specifically for like....a silent observer? He's a very quiet guy but he watches and sees everything!! He knows what all the Vyrthaals are Doing. (Is he doing anything with that info? Not really. It's just kinda There In His Brain.)
Vampire! Vyr: Okay one of the lists of archetypes I found had "vampire" as one so i guess BESIDE THAT. I think he would be the Orphan--abandoned by his mortal parent and rejecting his Daedric one. (I mean he gets adopted but him cutting ties to his biological family And the Volkihar Clan as well is a major part of his story)
Vaermina! Vyr: I must unfortunately confess I haven't developed Vaermina! Vyr (Vyrmina, if ur feeling punny) very much besides "master alchemist with pretty Fucked Up morals." Does that classify as the Mad Scientist type? I'm gonna say it does. Yeah.
Mephala! Vyr: Another underdeveloped Vyr, this time because I don't know much about Mephala at all so I'm not sure what parts of her would influence Vyrthaal :( I unfortunately have to pass on this one ;; (On the bright side I do have an appearance idea in mind, which is more than I can say for some of the better developed Vyrthaals)
Azura! Vyr: I have obviously saved the most underdeveloped Vyrthaals for last, BUT I think Azura! Vyr can fit the Secret Heart Of Gold type. She's pretty cold (snelf pun unintended) and often rude to people but at her core she tries to be a good person.
Nocturnal! Vyr: Secretive(tm) just like her Daedric Parent lol. Literally just Lurking There and watching everything. (I feel like this could also fit Mephala! Vyr but she's not as Much as Nocturnal! Vyr).
Jyggalag! Vyr, AKA Jay: She is a Leader type, perhaps a reluctant leader. She's got the skills for it, she's good at Making people work together to get shit done, and she definitely has the vibe of someone to be obeyed even Before she takes her father's place. Can't believe I fucking forgot about Jay. What the fuck.
OHHHH my gods this got SO long but What does anyone expect when it comes to Anything About Vyrthaal :') Esther ilu thank u for sending this in it SO fun talking abt how the Vyrthaals interact :')
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
an abridged history/explanation of warrior cats if you didn’t read them as a kid and have questions (a primer)
welcome. i’m going to keep things to the point, this is not a plot summary, just, well, its a pandemic and people are seeking items of childhood comfort and its come to my attention that a lot of people didn’t read these books as kids and then they come up in conversation and they act shocked so! i felt compelled to write this.
[2.5k words, 10min read. section headers, no pictures. not a ton of helpful formatting. i don’t want to say don’t read this because obviously i wrote it and think it’s worth reading, but i’ll be honest, this is a lot.]
section one: about me
i was an avid reader as a child, most of which fits solidly into “stories for another time,” and some of which would necessitate me adding tags onto this post that are, well, not necessary. so i will skip over that backstory but for those aware of lexile scores, i had one that was too high for literally any book that was appropriate to give me. so reading in school was torture and reading for fun was excellent.
now because i was a first-ish grader and my mom was trying to keep the fifth harry potter out of my hands, she looked desperately for something else to pass to me. her friend, who had a daughter a year or two older than me, was into these cat books, and my mom was like “here honey you like cats” without thinking too much about it.
which is good, because as i’ll get into, it was a really good fit for me. but like a dozen books later she asked me about the plot and well. i think at that moment she realized that it might have been better to just let me read harry potter.
but yeah i continued to read them long past the recommended reading ages and still as a Young Adult will return to them for nostalgia, and also as i will get into, some really good books. (see a list of books for “morbidly curious but i don’t want to spend 56 to 168 hours reading this”)
i’m not fully caught up on the series but this is not a plot summary so that should not impact my ability to discuss this
section two: content warnings
these books (not this post) includes the following:
discussion of castration (1.1 series 1, book 1, i’m not including this on every item/discussion because this is a complicated series but i want to demo how up front some of this is)
teenage romance/sex/pregnancy (1.1ish-1.3 or 4, continues throughout the series quite a lot, comes up again in 3.4/5, 4.4-5, and a bit in 5)
death from childbirth (1.can’t remember which book, many others)
unwanted pregnancy (se super edition, or a longer one off novel, discussed in 4&5)
sex/implied, discussed, and very very very heavily hinted but never directly said/shown (1.1-3ish, se, other)
murder (constantly, 1.1, 1.4, literally every book, 3.5, i’m just listing the ones i remember off the top of my head that were particularly graphic)
disability/illness, esp. the debilitating and/or deadly nature of it (1.3-5ish, 3.1, but all of 3, 3.4ish)
dementia (1.3-5, i’ve heard in some of the later series?)
abuse (7/8 this is reported i haven’t read these books but based on what i know it’s def there)
child abandonment (1.4-5, 3.4/5, it’s also all over the place but i think those are the only major character incidents of it)
treason (1.3-5, all over the place)
the horror/tragedy of war (background, but pretty constant)
disagreeing with an integral religion/tradition (3, based on the series title, 8, and generally scattered)
the corrupting influence of power (1.4/5, possibly 7/8, others)
racism (1, 3-5, possibly others)
sexism (se, background)
patriarchal societies (se, seems to be somewhat softened based on what i’ve heard but i’m not entirely sure about this)
and more! but it starts to get stranger and this is enough to prove my point
basically everything that could go wrong does
oh yeah! child abuse also child abuse that’s a very major theme in the first series as well as during other points. and elder abuse in the first series.
okay i’ve made my point.
section three: the appeal
look. so. i think we’re kind of pastel-ify children’s literature based on movies. see, parents have to watch children’s movies with their kids, so they can’t be gritty and intense because a lot of parents will say “not for my nine year old! they can’t deal with treason!” and that seems to be bleeding into children’s literature.
but warriors is not that. it’s intense, it borders on “too gruesome for children,” and it’s from a time where kids books got to be serious and heavy and dark because they were about animals. which was great because i couldn’t find books at my reading level that weren’t too thematically difficult, so i got to read something below my reading level, but thematically too hard, so it kind of balanced out.
and then well. so. the series grows with the audience, but the books don’t grow in terms of like difficulty so new readers start deep into it and it’s a complicated thing, the fandom history is complex, but.
the appeal is that parents don’t usually read the books their kids read and so they see a book about cats and assume it’s fluff, and kids who are starved of complex content get to read hamlet-for-kids.
section four: worldbuilding/lore
oh yeah also there’s some really deep lore to explore. so there’s two bits of appeal.
i’m not doing a full world/plot summary, but i’ll explain some common elements here.
thunder/shadow/wind/riverclan: harry potter houses for cats (gryffindor, slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, except this doesn’t work for the last two but that’s fine because no one cares about them despite riverclan being pretty important in most of the books)
-kit/-paw/-star: naming conventions. everyone has a two part name. (we’ll use cinder as an example because i like the two cinders we know, even tho neither of them get to be cinderstar.) babies are -kit (cinderkit), then when they’re apprentices, which is like being a student, you know, elementary through high school, you’re paw, so cinderpaw. then you get an Official Name from ur clan leader (cinderheart). if you become clan leader, you get to be -star (cinderstar). i know i haven’t explained clan leaders bear with me. this is kind of important because i have the names burned into my memory so i cannot simply always call firestar firestar if he was firepaw at the time of the events i’m describing. it won’t be ambiguous, cinderheart/cinderpelt are a special case. if this is tricky for you it’s fine just only read the first part of the name.
clan (leader, deputy, medicine cat, elder): roles with in the clan. leaders literally have nine lives. deputies are next in line and chosen by the leader. leaders usually go through several deputies, because deputies don’t have nine lives. medicine cats are doctors. they also have an apprentice. those are all one per clan. elders are just retired cats. they’re not a special category per say, but i wanted to mention them.
warrior: adult.
warrior code: laws.
star clan: dead cats. this ties into the religion which is pretty important to the books but for the most part if you understand that dead cats get to give guidance and send their approval, you have the gist of it.
section five: so um, what the fuck
so we start with a cat named rusty who runs into the woods to join thunderclan and then his name is firepaw and we all forget that he’s named rusty except for like that one time it comes up again. bluestar is a great leader with some corrupt deputies but fireheart eventually takes care of it and becomes clan leader which is a big deal.
then a bunch of other shit happens and suddenly ashfur is possessing brackenstar and being (more) abusive to squirrelflight (who is on the outs with brackenstar anyway for lying about their kits jayfeather, hollyleaf, and lionheart because they’re actually the children of firestar’s other daughter leafpool who had them with crowfeather after she fell in love with him but he’s from windclan and she’s a medicine cat so that’s double illegal and apparently hollyleaf is alive even though she yeeted herself into a pit and died because she killed ashfur when he threatened to reveal this but couldn’t live with being the product of an illegal meeting and then it was all pointless because leafpool stopped being a medicine cat out of guilt anyway and jayfeather is just an ornery bitch about everything but especially all of this)
i’m not explaining any of that.
section six: i repeat: so um, what the fuck
so the thing about these books is they’re soap operas and dramas about cats and that means they get just as strange and chaotic as anything else in the genre. i think a lot of people like me, who read them as children, regard the series we knew as a child (usually either the first three or the first five, plus super editions) as something good and warm and comforting (despite being dark and gruesome) because they made us feel good.
they were also a breeding ground for young fandom because of all the the drama that exists and the nature of the books providing that.
section seven: super editions
the simple answer to what a super edition is has already been given (it’s a novel length one-off about a single character, and its usually either a side character - bluestar, crowfeather - or a event/perspective we don’t get to see - firestar, skyclan, greystripe - and they’re generally more mature)
my favorite super edition is bluestar’s prophecy. i read it at like 16, slinking into the children’s library with a stack of other ya fiction and a “children’s book” which dealt with unwanted pregnancy, grief, forbidden love, and more. still not sure why that’s in the children’s section.
section eight: about the drama
so there’s been a lot of fandom drama about these books. i can’t tell you about the nuances, because i am an old fan, so i watched but didn’t partake. the highlights reel that i can recall goes as follows (please note i will refer to characters by name without explanation. it’s fine. the point of this section is to convey the pettiness of this drama):
tigerstar: did he do anything wrong? (the answer is holy shit yes, this isn’t discourse, it’s okay to like a villain)
scourge: did he do anything wrong, also what color is his collar? (also yes, doesn’t matter)
was the new prophecy (2)/omen of the stars (3)/etc good? (yes, eh, no, yes, no comment, no comment)
should jaypaw or hollypaw be medicine cat apprentice (neither of them, but jaypaw’s employment opportunities are limited because he’s blind, so its gotta b him)
uhh a massive tangle around this parentage drama between squirrelflight, leafpool, brackenfur, and crowfeather, which i used as the crux of humor for how batshit the plots can get, so i’m not even going to pretend i can make it funny, but just know that it’s batshit and the correct opinion is as follows: no one is right, but squirrelflight has done the least wrong, brackenfur is an asshole to her where it’s unwarrented, and hollyleaf is an idiot
and the current drama centers around brackenstar and ashfur and is tied directly to the point above, which is why i’ve kind of given up trying to make jokes about this because this is the culmination of like 35 novels.
section nine: i feel like i need to have some conclusive point to justify writing all of this
but i don’t have one, because this was really an excuse to ramble about an old passion for like half an hour. i mean i guess i can say, like, i think younger fans are sort of embroiled in this drama they don’t really have context for, because i’m not kidding, the current drama centers around the grandchildren of our original cast.
it’s kind of hard to know why, say, mistystar matters if you don’t know that she’s the child of bluefur and oakheart and if you don’t remember the drama that surrounded that when bluestar was dying and tigerstar and leopardstar were ruling a combined shadow/riverclan.
(i really hope that’s intelligible i tried to lay the groundwork for it. basically, there’s a biracial kid in a very segregated society who becomes the leader of one of the clans. which is obviously drama, especially considering that that clan was part of a weird supremacy movement a while back.)
& you know? i really hope one of the new series gets to be like, a soft reboot. just. end the current drama and pick up again with the latest generation. a) we’re starting to run out of names, and b) i think that it’s kind of tipped over the edge of sane.
the series also used to be very low fantasy. the cat societies are reasonably close to feral cat colonies (the biggest detail is that toms don’t all have their own territory, but there’s honestly in-universe discussion of this and it’s basically a culture thing), and while star clan/religion is a real and legitimate thing, there’s also a discussion of its abuse and most of the early books don’t really use star clan/related ideas as a physical force so much as a plot device, barring, like, when a new leader gets their nine lives.
honestly, i’ll always adore these books for serving the role they did, and a lot of the series is fantastically well written. but the fandom surrounding it can be, uh, not great because 9-14 year olds don’t really have good brains to understand this.
also, i’m very sad that i can’t find the flash game that was for the great prophecy. it was not very fun, but i enjoyed playing it, so if anyone knows the url so i can search the internet archive for it, please let me know.
section ten: i’m morbidly curious but there are 56 hours of books to read, assuming a very fast reading pace, so is there something i can start with to experience this without dedicating 4 days to it?
yes, there is.
it’s called bluestar’s prophecy. it’s standalone, and i should have given you enough of a background on the lore that you don’t need to know anything else. i’ve already given away the twist in series 1 that it would spoil, so you’re all good on that front.
if you want more, or want the original experience, the first series is self contained and quite good. i’ve given the broad outlines of the plot, but trust me, there’s a lot of surprises and all sorts of things i skipped over because while i like it, it’s not exactly fandom primer material
i also enjoy firestar’s quest and skyclan’s destiny for super editions, but you’ll need to read the first series to understand FQ and FQ to understand SD, so it’s not exactly a starting point. also, SD especially deals with a very different set of themes as the other books.
also, if you were to, say, search “readwarriorcats” (no spaces) on duckduckgo, and then click on one of the first links, you know, not the official site, the one hosted on one of those free website things, you know, not wix, not wordpress, the other one, you would only find lists of the books with hyperlinks.
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monst · 4 years
T’is the season Day 5
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Day 5  “We slept in”
I hope you enjoyed yesterday's post. Sleep is important so make sure you guys get enough rest!!
Shinsou Hitoshi
 Shinsou and you were ready to be ‘out cold’. You both had literally spent another day just rearranging, cleaning and decorating. Shinsou no matter how lazy; wasn’t about to just leave the house full of boxes. And, in the end you had to admit that it was worth it. Granted that he didn’t know you had stashed a couple of bedroom décor boxes underneath an empty sink cabinet…. Who could blame you and after this you vowed never to move again.
             You both had finally washed the ick of the day off and were clad in your jammies. It was then that you both had the time to enjoy how everything turned out.  Shinsou was strongly into the domestic lifestyle as he has fixed three crooked frames on your ‘tour’.  And, even though you were tired you had to admit that it turned out great. It was beautiful in fact. What made it more special is that this was something that you both now shared. A home together. The thought still set off the moths in your belly…..
             Sadly, when you and your husband finally climbed into bed sleep said yeet bitches. You both really couldn’t fall asleep. You were looking at the ceiling until you turned on your side to meeting a pair of tired eyes. Your lips mimicked his lazy smile and you brought your hand up to run it through his soft purple tresses. He leaned into your touch bringing his had up to cup your cheek rubbing small circles on the patch of skin.
             “Are we petting each other? Is this what we're doing now?” You chuckled sleepily.
             “You say it like we haven’t done pet play kitten.” The teasing smirk on his face made you flush and in retaliation you tugged on his hair.
             “Careful now dollface or we really won’t be sleeping tonight.” He groaned.
             “Ha. Ha.” You sassed rolling your eyes at him.
             “Look all I’m trying to get at is that you really shouldn’t be so shy. I mean you already came while called me daddy so-“ What ever reaction he was looking for he didn’t get. Instead you turned, pressing your back against his chest and his arms quickly came around your waist. It was silent for a while and Shinsou had an apology on his lips just in case you were crossed. However, what you said next flustered him.
             “Speaking of daddy ‘Toshi. Have you considered it? Us as parents.” You felt his arms tighten around your middle. His fingers sliding into your Christmas themed pajama top to rub your belly. A slow smile stretching his lips.
             “I want everything with you (Name).” He mumbled into your neck ushering you to turn around and when you compiled our face burned at the loving look he gave you. “I want everything from having kids with you to bickering with you about squeezed toothpaste tubes.” He smiled.
             “Hitoshi.” You breathed closing your eyes when he rested his forehead against yours.
             “Like we vowed (Name) I only want death to do us part and one of my dreams is to be a wrinkly grape. A raisin. I want to be a crinkly raisin because I’m not worried about getting old if It’s with you. As a matter of fact I’d be the happiest raisin alive with or without kids or grandchildren.”
             “How on earth did you manage to make that the sweetest thing ever?” You laughed.
             “You bring it out of me kitten. I’ve said it before and I'll say it again, you make me a better person.” He confessed.
             “Me too Hitoshi… I like me better when I’m with you.” You sighed.
             “That’s lyric theft (Name).” He teased.
             “And growing old together is cliché!” You nagged poking his side. You immediately got a snigger from the man and you wasted no time in doing it again. Your eyes crinkled as you joined his laughter. Odd squeals slipping past his lips as your fingers wiggled mercilessly on his sides.
             “(N-Name)! hahah s-stop” He snorted as you ran your fingers up and down his ribs.
             “Only if-“ You were cut off by his quirk. Your finger immediately halting. And, although you couldn’t speak you were worried that he might return the favor. But the worry was for naught as his hold on your mind faded and he tackled you. His body weight pressed heavily against you and you groaned in misery. He had done this before, and you knew the drill. He wasn’t going to let you up until you agreed with his conditions.
             “Toooossshhhhhiiiiii” You whined feeling like a bug by how you were squished against the mattress.
             “Hmm? I could have sworn I heard something.” He mused wiggling on top of you to make himself heavier.
             “Nooooo! Please don’t squish me to death!” you laughed. “Lemme out!!”
             “I don’t know if you deserve it (Name).” He snarked.
             “Ughhhh okay fine what do you want me to say?” You sighed in mock distress.
             “I want you to tell me the funniest story you know and If I laugh, I’ll get up.” He grinned.
             “Okay fine…. You remember the after party of our wedding?” You smirked knowing that this one was going to get him to crack.
             “You can’t use that one.” He pouted pressing his lips together firmly to not snort at the memory.
             “Nope, you should have given rules before I spoke. So at the after party as you very well know our good friend Denki-
             “Pffft.” You heard him snort and felt some relief from his weight as he tried to cover his amusement.
             “Man, I didn’t even get to finish.” You giggled along with him. “Okay now you have to get off.”
             “I don’t know? It may not be enough to uproot me.” He teased.
             “Toshi!” You huffed.
             “Okay, okay fine.” With a push of his arms he raised himself off you a carefree smile on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
             “Hitoshi, have I told you how much I love you?” He blushed at your words bringing his lips to brush upon yours softly.
             “You may have said it once or twice.” He whispered pulling away with a smile.
             That night you both fell asleep as the sun was rising. Your tiredness gone as you both engaged in hours of conversation. Things from recalling old stories to future familial plans. And, as you drifted off to the feeling of Shinsou’s slow heartbeat you couldn’t help but think that you were so lucky.
             It was around four p.m when you both had decided to join the world of the living. However, it wasn’t voluntarily. Both your phones were going off with calls. When yours finally stopped Shinsou’s picked up and, he finally answered the call.
             “Hello.” He rasped his morning voice making you smile. He sent you a smile and put the phone on speaker. “Your on speaker (Name)’s here too.”
             “Obviously.” You heard Monoma sass.
             “Get off my phone dude.” You heard Kaminari sigh. “Do you two have any idea what time it is? Yaomomo’s Christmas charity ball has already started where are you?!”
             “Honeymoon part two is my guess.” Monoma teased. You felt your face burn at the comment.
             “We won’t be able to make it.” Shinsou yawned.
             “What?! Why not?! Where are you?! We’ll come pick you up.” You heard Sero’s voice say.
             “Nah we’re good we actually just woke up.” He informed sending you a wink.
             “Yeah we’ll take a rain check.” You added.
             “Wait what happened!?!” You heard Yaoyorozu question as the phone was passed to her.
             “Nothing we just slept in.”
🔥 👶 🎶 🌟 ❄️ 🔔 ⛄️ 👼 🦌 🍪 🥛 🎅 🤶 🧝‍ 🎁 ⛪ 🕯 👪 ✝️ 🎄 🍷 🍴
Ngl after the “careful dollface-” part I was tempted to make it smut. I even had a second option for it but then I scraped it…… Well I hope you liked day 5 see ya tomorrow for “Cold? Hold my hand” With Todoroki Shouto x male reader ^.^ I’m feeling meh concerning the header.
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lovemychoices · 4 years
The Lost Prince - TRR AU [Liam x MC] Mini Series Chapter 3
After being married for three years and unable to produce an heir, Liam and Riley are about to give up when Liam gets an unexpected news that changes his life forever.
Genre : Romance, Drama
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them
Word count : 3038
Chapter Summary: Eventually the truth comes out one way or another.
A/N : Sorry I’m posting via mobile plus I don’t have a laptop with me at the moment so the read more options isn’t available. Grammatical errors everywhere, I’m one of those people who only checks their work once and post.
Warning : I’m rating this PG18 cause there will probably be PG18 stuff that’s going to happen in future chapters. So if you read this series you acknowledge that you are 18 and above.
Catch up with the series HERE
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Liam called Leo up the day after arriving in LA, sparing him the details about Theon, he just gave Leo the address where they should meet.
Leo had moved to Malibu with his wife Amara, who he met shortly after he signed on for his motocross career. She was his manager and PR rep, after a year of working together they started dating, eventually got married and had twins not long after. The ride from his place to where Liam wanted to meet was merely an hour and a half away.
He stops his motorbike in front of the victorian style house and slowly removes his helmet raising an eyebrow. “Curiouser?” He murmurs to himself. As he hops off his bike, Liam opens the front door ready to meet him. “Leo!” Liam greets with a smile pulling his brother into a bear hug as he steps onto the front porch. “It’s good to see you too little brother.” A few seconds later they pull apart. “So Liam, what’s all this?” He gestures at the surrounding of the house giving a questioning look. “You and Riley aren’t thinking of leaving the courtly life and moving into this suburban home are you?”
Liam snorts and shakes his head. “No it’s nothing like that. I…There’s something you should know.” His face quickly turns serious. “Maybe we should go inside.” Leo nods wondering what is going on, why is Liam acting all ominous, he steps inside the house and follows him towards the living area. “Wait here.” Liam said returning a few minutes later holding Theon’s hand.
Leo's eyes go wide open when he sees the little boy, he steps closer towards him and crouched down so he can meet him eye to eye. One look at the boy and he knew what was going on. “Leo, I’d like to meet Theon. He is my son.”
“Hello Theon, I’m Leo. It’s very nice to meet you.” He puts on his best smiles offering an outstretched hand. Theon looks up at Liam as if waiting for his approval, when Liam nods he turns back to Leo and shakes his hand giving a soft smile. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
Liam clears his throat. “Theon maybe you’d like to show Leah the new castle we finished building yesterday.” Theon gives a nod and brings Leah to accompany him to his room, as soon as they are an earshot away Leo turns to Liam. “Care to explain what’s going on brother?” He gives a pointed look. “I'm assuming since Riley isn’t here she doesn’t know about Theon?”
Liam shakes his head regretfully. “Maybe I should offer you a drink first. “Scotch on the rocks?” After handing Leo his drink, he then explains the whole situation about what happened the night in LA and who Theon’s mother was, also why he didn’t tell Riley about it yet. “She’s been through so much lately, I just couldn’t. But I’ll come clean about everything once I have the DNA test done and get the results.”
“You mean you haven’t had the test done?”
“No… That is why I need your help brother. I don’t want to risk the paparazzi spotting me here in LA.”
“And you’re sure that he is your son?”
“Without a doubt, I can feel it Leo. You saw him with your own eyes, he looks exactly like me when I was younger. Will you help me brother?”
Leo gives a rueful nod. As much as he didn’t agree with Liam’s decision to keep the truth about Theon from Riley, he also knew it wasn’t his secret to tell. He just hoped this secret won’t come back and bite his brother in the ass.
It has been more than a week since Liam left for the states, what was supposed to be a few days trip turned longer than expected.
Riley waited on the other line for Liam to answer her facetime call. The first time she called he didn’t answer, which was unlikely because he usually answer after a few rings and it was around 11pm where Liam was so he shouldn’t be in any meetings. After a few more tries he finally answers.
“Hey you.. you almost gave me a scare there. I’ve been calling for half an hour.”
“Sorry love, I was in the bath and left my phone in the bedroom.”
“A bath huh? But isn’t it almost midnight over there?”
“I’ve had a long day. Apologies love, I’ve been going on about my day I forgot to ask about yours. Is everything okay in Cordonia?”
“Well.. Maxwell hasn’t accidentally blown anything up yet so I guess everything is still fine.” She jokingly said but it was as if Liam was paying attention. “Liam? Are you okay?” He shakes his head giving Riley a weak smile. “Yes, everything is fine. I just had a lot to think about lately.”
“You know you can tell me anything right? We’re in this together.” Liam nodded without replying, there was this moment of awkward silence between them. Riley clears her throat. “So I can’t wait till you get back tomorrow, Madeleine already scheduled an appointment to interview the potential surrogates.”
“Oh I… I completely forgot about that. I’m sorry Riley but it seems I have to extend my stay in the states for a few more days.” He lied, the truth was that he had gotten the result for Theon’s DNA test and he was indeed his son. The news brought him such joy when he found out but was quickly overcome by the guilt of lying to his wife.
“Liam it’s been more than a week what possible reason could there be? You know how important this interview was to us..”
“I know.. I know.. And I promise to make it up to you. Have Madeleine reschedule the interview for next week I promise I’ll be back by then. I’m really sorry but I’m going to have to cut our conversation short, I have an early morning tomorrow. Goodnight Riley, I love you.” He said and hang up before she got a chance to respond.
After Liam hangs up, Riley had a gut feeling like something was wrong. Ever since Liam got to the states he has been acting differently, they usually talk for hours when he is finished with his day but for the past week he would sometimes find an excuse to leave or just text her and say he can’t talk.
Drake and Maxwell were at the parlor having some drinks after a day attending meetings with the rest of the council when Riley suddenly barges in.
“I think Liam is cheating on me!” She belts in an exaggerated manner as she enters the room then plops down on one of the couches.
Both Drake and Maxwell gives each other a questionable look before turning back to her with their eyebrows raised.
“Good afternoon to you too.”
“Riley the last thing Liam would do is cheat on you. Now what’s this all about?”
Riley explains everything that has happened over the past week about Liam’s behavior after he left for the states and that she told him she wanted them to have a child via surrogacy.
“What if that’s the reason he is cheating on me? I’m already failing him as a wife and queen by not being able to get pregnant?”
Drake and Maxwell takes a seat next to her, Drake placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “He is not cheating on you, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. I’m sure he’s just had a lot to deal with those diplomats don’t make it easy for him.”
“Drake’s right, don’t you worry little blossom.” Maxwell reassures her then wipes a tear from her cheeks. “Hey I know why don’t you go to New York and surprise him instead? I’m sure he’ll be thrilled!”
Riley stifles a cry. “I wish I could but I have tons of upcoming meetings that require my attention.”
“Then give us your schedule and well take it from here. No but’s…” Drake said firmly.
Riley hesitates at first but she knew there was no going against the two when they joined forces. She smiles and gives both Drake and Maxwell a grateful hug. “Thank you.”
After that the three headed to Liam’s office where his assistant Nicholas was sitting in the front desk just outside. When Riley ask about Liam schedule for the rest of the week he gives her a puzzled look. He explained that there was a meeting in New York but it ended a few days ago and Liam didn’t attend but Hakim did instead.
“HE WHAT?!” She snaps, now she definitely thinks he is cheating on her. How could he do this?
“Mam, I’m sure there’s an explanation.”
“Oh there’s gonna be an explanation alright!” She turns on her heels and stomps out, Drake and Maxwell follows after her all the way to her office where she paces back and forth, frustration written all over her face.
“Riley wait!” She shushes them with her finger while she dials a number on her phone. “Hey, I need your help.”
After finding out that Liam had lied about what he was doing in the states Riley had Olivia help track his cell for his whereabouts, she knew that Bastien wouldn’t help her because he was obviously helping Liam. It took a few hours but they finally managed to track his cell all the way to LA.
“Isn’t Leo living in LA? Maybe he is there visiting Leo?” Drake said trying to convince Riley not to jump to any conclusion until there is proof.
“Then why would he feel the need to hide it from me?” No!” She waves her hand dismissively. “Something is not right.” Riley knew what she had to do she would have to go to LA, find her husband and get the truth once and for all.
Riley asked another favor from Olivia to borrow her private jet instead of using the Royal jet, thinking if she did Bastien would find out and tell Liam and she didn’t want him to know what she had coming for him.
She made Drake and Maxwell to swear and keep their mouth shut.
“I’m going to LA to find Liam and I’ll be flying with The Nevrakis jet to avoid suspicion from Bastien. No one must know of this and if they ask you will tell the staff and the royal guard that the queen is away with duchess Olivia on a short spa trip and does not wish to be disturbed. I’m leaving the two of you to keep things in check while I’m away and I need the two of you to swear not to breathe a word of this to Liam are we clear?” She said in a stern voice pointing at both the men who gave each other a look then nods. “Say you swear it on your balls so much as if you break your promise you’ll lose them.”
“What? Riley I’m not gonna swear on my…”
“Swear it Drake!”
“Geez! ok fine! I swear to lose my balls if I so much so say even one word about this to Liam and anybody” Riley smiled trying to hide a giggle then turns to Maxwell pointedly with her hands on her hips. “You too agent breakdance.”
Maxwell chuckles “Hey, you don’t have to tell me twice. I like my balls where they currently are, attached to me and fully functional.”
“Good then I’ll see the two of you in a day or two.” She closes her suitcase and turns on her heels towards the door, looking over her shoulder before she leaves. “Try not to burn anything while I’m away.”
“Heard that Drake, she was talking about you.”
Drake gives Maxwell a sarcastic eye roll. “Sure she was.”
Riley stepped on to the front porch of the Victorian home where one of Olivia’s spies managed to track Liam down, she could feel her hands tremble feeling a bit hesitant to give the doorbell ring. What if she didn’t like what was behind those doors? Why was her husband her in a house she didn’t know existed until now? Better yet why did he feel the need to lie about where he really was? She sucks in a deep breath and exhaling calmly before finally having the courage to press that golden plated button.
She felt like she was holding her breath forever when the door opens up and a petite young woman with dark hair and tanned skin stood in front of her. “I’m sorry miss are you looking for someone?” The woman asked with a confused look on her face.
“I uh…” I must have the wrong address? She thought but just then a familiar face steps behind the woman. “Leah, is something wrong?” Liam asked when he sees Riley standing at the threshold,his eyes go wide open. Her nostrils flare and her eyes narrowing at him while her fist curl into a ball of fury. “Riley love, I can explain it’s not what it seems.” He sputters and takes a step back holding his hands up defensively.
“After everything we’ve been through, how could you?!” She barges in with her voice raised, she pushes Liam so hard he almost stumbles back. “I gave you everything and you go behind my back and cheat on me with some other woman!”
“Cheat? Riley no I would never! Leah is just a friend there’s more to this I swear if you just listen…” SMACK! Riley’s hands immediately connects to Liam’s cheeks before he could finish his sentence.
“Daddy what’s going on?” Theon walks into the foyer after hearing the commotion, he looks frightened and confused. “Daddy who is this?”
Daddy? Riley glances at the boy, who looks exactly like a younger version of her husband. Suddenly she could feel her heart beating rapidly and her head spinning. It was like she way losing the oxygen in her lungs and couldn’t breathe soon after she falls to the floor and everything turns pitch black.
Riley’s eyes slowly fluttered open with a ringing pain in her head. Was it all a dream? A terrible nightmare that she just woke up from? She presses her hand on her forehead and let out a soft groan, she turns to her right a sees a blurry shape of her husbands figure in front of her. “Liam?”
“Riley, love. How had a slight fall and hit your head on the floor.”
“Liam, I had this bad dream. I caught you cheating then we fought and there was this little boy who looked just like you.” She stops when she notices the expression on her husbands face, then it made her realize. “It wasn’t a dream was it?” Her voice starts cracking. “My love, please let me explain.” He pleads reaching for her hand but she swipes it away looking the other way. She couldn’t stand to see him, not if he cheated not if he was going to lie to her again.
“Riley, I didn’t cheat on you. But I have been keeping a secret from you and I’ll explain everything if you’d just look at me and listen.” He said in a tired voice. Riley finally meets his eye looking at him pointedly with her arms crossed. “Then explain and tell me the truth, is that boy your son?”
“Yes he is. Leo had the DNA test done and we had the result yesterday.”
“Leo knew? Who else? Bastien?”
“No. Just Leo.” Liam finally tell Riley the truth about everything that’s been going on, about how he met Theon’s mother a few years before he met her. How she kept Theon a secret from him all those years and that he only found out about him when she passed. He told her why he had to keep the secret from her until he was truly sure what to do with the situation. Riley quietly listen not saying anything after, her expression unreadable. “Love, please say something. I understand if your mad and I don’t expect you to forgive me but I had no choice.”
Riley closes her eyes trying to gather her thoughts before she finally opens them and speaks. “I’m not mad that you had a one night stand all those years ago before we met or that you have a son because of that night. I’m just disappointed and hurt that you couldn’t trust me enough to tell me all of this from the beginning. Did you really think that if I knew about your son that I would ask you to abandon him? Do you really think that low me?”
“Off course not, I think is would never think that of you.” He answers taking her hand in his. “I was just worried about how you would feel, you’ve already been through enough with the press and the whole thing about being unable to produce an heir. I just didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“I’m a grown woman Liam, I can take care of myself and I certainly can handle any truth you throw at me. Yes this information is a lot to process considering how I found out about it.” Never in a million years did she ever think the two of them would be in this position. “But no matter what we’ll get through this together like we always do. Just promise next time no more secrets.”
Liam leans in and kisses Riley on the forehead a slight feeling of relief. “I promise, so where do we go from here?”
“We go back to Cordonia and bring Theon with us.” She answers with a soft smile and Liam’s expression is somewhere between surprised and relieved at the same time. “Are you sure?”
Rileys gives him an assuring nod taking his hand in hers. “Theon deserves to be with his father, he deserves to be with family. With us.”
“Have I ever told you that you are the best wife ever?” He smiles.
Rileys chuckles. “You have but it never gets old. Now, I believe it’s time you introduce me to someone?
Incase anyone wants to be added or removed let me know.
@charliejane-blog @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @pixieferry @lodberg @traeumerinwitzhelden @romanticatheart-posts @gnatbrain @the-soot-sprite @texaskitten30 @ao719 @emceesynonymroll @jessiembruno @desiree---1986 @zaffrenotes @kinkykingliam @jlpplays1 @indiacater @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @queenjilian @annekebbphotography @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @lauradowning29 @msjr0119 @janezillow @heauxplesslydevoted @innerpostmentality @kingliam2019
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#10)
S3 E10: Down By Law.
Episode Description: Dr. Manning sustains an injury while helping a drive-by victim and Dr. Rhodes finds himself in uncomfortable waters.
Connor being in ‘uncomfortable waters’? I can hear Ava bullying him already.
(also i wrote a little thing abt maggie giving ava a red bull so enjoy that little bit of content)
Let’s get into it.
-barry just yeeted natalie against a car holy shit that’s fucking hilarious
-will needs to chill the fuck out
-this is one of the most iconic ava moments. (it’s first thing that pops up under the tumblr tag)
-ava overhearing connor not knowing his date’s last name. and ava walking over, already getting ready to make fun of him. barely concealing her smile
-the confidence with which she set down the file. she was too prepared and too excited
-this could just turn into a list of ava quotes
-”It must be hard, remembering all their names.”
“You know I read Derek Jeter used to send his conquests home with a gift basket. But a full cardio work up is... It’s much classier.”
-ava bekker secret baseball fan?
-Connor: “Jeter? You a baseball fan?”
Ava: “Oh, no. It’s much too boring. But I love gossip.”
-interesting. very, interesting... is it weird to anyone else to think about ava liking gossip?
-like the idea is fun and all but i hate the idea of ava being suuuper obsessed with gossip. it makes her seem way too shallow in my book. that being said, one of my hcs about women gossiping about all the shit men do to ava bc they know she’ll call them on it now has a lot more precedence
-i know she explicitly says that baseball is boring but i can’t get the idea of ava being a secret baseball fan out of my head. its just so novel
- Connor: “Well, we will get you in and out of here as quickly as possible.”
Ava: “That’s what Dr. Rhodes is renowned for around here. Quick in and outs.”
Connor: *turns to her condescendingly*
Ava: *two finger salute* “I’m Dr. Bekker, by the way.”
-the lesbian icon jumped out
-also the fact that in the previous episode Ava’s mentor did the exact same salute. idk what it means but it’s not that important
-ava trying to hide her smile when asking the woman if she wanted them to contact her husband
-ava overhearing again when latham tells connor the woman he was with was doing cocaine
-ava smirking when connor says that he thinks the heart attack was from his sex and not the cocaine
-connor thinking he’s so good at sex he’s going to give this woman a heart attack
-he really drives All the ladies wild in EveryWay (sex, suicide. he’s the whole package)
-latham asking connor point blank “did you partake in the cocaine?”
-the ct team gives connor so. much. shit. it’s so funny
-also. ava just chillin at her desk looking at scans? that’s the kind of content i want to see. just her just being there. doing her own thing. that’s what i want
-counting down the minutes til natalie drops dead (passes out but yk a girl can dream lol)
-sarah. back at it again with her rayon jacket and button up and backpack. the coffee cup only adds to the aesthetic
-connor being surprised that latham isn’t gonna let him do surgery on the women he fucked (twice, he might add)
- whatever you do, don’t think of a brown bear. are you thinking about it?
-maggie dealing red bull to people who need it. that’s a very soft idea
- ex:
Dr. Bekker is sitting at the desk in the ED. Well, sleeping, more like it. Her head is resting on her fist, her elbow precariously close to slipping off the the chair armrest, and her eyes open by just a hair.
“Dr. Bekker.”
Ava jolts awake.
“Maggie,” Ava says, strong accent cutting through, acknowledging the person standing over her. Hastily, she adjusts her jacket and scrubs, smoothing them back into place.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this tired.”
Ava shrugs, seamlessly slipping back into easy confidence.
“Rough couple of cases. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Uh huh,” Maggie says, unbelieving.
She sets a can of Red Bull on the desk with a knowing look.
“You need this more than anybody.”
Ava scoffs. “Those things? They are murder on your heart, come on.”
Maggie hums and walks away. Ava watches her leave, and when she’s out of sight, Ava darts forward, grabs the energy drink, immediately cracking it open and downing half of it.
- anyway.
- @punksarahreese that’s on you for making me believe ava loves energy drinks
- let’s continue
- sarah looking at charles telling her not to do something: I am not going to do a thing you said
- go off babe. it was the wrong decision but go off
- all the nurses watching this guy call nat a bitch:  👀 👀 👀 👀
- will being like: god that guy called you a bitch i fucking hate him
- and natalie being like: he is also refusing to let us treat the 14 yr olds cancer but you obviously have priorities
- sarah is so logical. she’s good at talking to people. can you FUCKING IMAGINE IF SHE HAD BETTER GUIDANCE (oh and less trauma)
- this is also the one with that hilarious screen cap of sarah holding a knife
- the way she is so calm about handing this patient a knife gives me anxiety
- sarah just in alone in a room with a man who keeps having visions of stabbing his wife. and her just handing him a fucking knife oh my god i have too much anxiety for this
- rewatching the series and getting completely confused bc norma is 5′7″ but she looks so short next to colin and the guy who plays latham
- anyway. ignore that that’s not important
- I... the parallels btwn sarah offering this guy the ability to slit her throat (for therapy) and ava cutting her throat... i don’t know what to do with this information
- idk but sarah holding the knife got me feelin some type of way
- the way connor looks at ava with such contempt bc she... does her job (and his but yk) especially during the hug wtf dude honestly just stop looking at her
- this is also the episode where ava pawns off the patient’s hug onto connor. while yeah, it could ava just being annoying to connor by forcing him to hug his one night stand’s husband, but she did give connor due credit. (and something to be said about her being confused and a tad uncomfortable when the patient hugs her, which is why she pawns it off to rhodes)
- she also doesn’t hug the guy back, which is kind of funny, she never moves her arms and just shrugs out of it
- and like after the hug she takes a few steps away from the guy, really not wanting any more physical contact or attention
- there’s something interesting in ava’s expression when connor gets hugged by the guy, can’t quite explain it. i’m gonna go with it’s her trying to keep a straight face while connor hugs a man he just helped a woman cheat on, but that’s not all of it so
- or. okay, I think i got it. i think that that little expression when connor gets hugged is her rolling her eyes at him getting credit when ava did most of the heavy lifting. yes. final answer. i’m satisfied
- and her looking away from them is her stopping herself from laughing, bc connor is obviously not enjoying this
- and he’s so sad and angsty he can’t even play along with the jokes
- and ava smiling at him with pity as she walks in to talk to the patient, bc that’s really what it is. she feels bad for him bc connor is so obviously lonely
- and connor’s annoyed bc ‘dammit she does have a right to pity me i suck rn’
- med pushing the women are tough agenda LITERALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP
- you hate your women characters so much just fucking shut your mouth
- and will being like ‘ i have a lot to learn about women not being objects’
- and nat saying ‘you are way further along than most’ like no, he’s not. the bar is on the ground and he still can’t jump it
- i’m pretty sure this show doesn’t pass the bechdel test. holy fucking shit it doesn’t. you’ve gotta be kidding me. (at least this episode doesn’t)
I can’t believe this episode didn’t pass the bechdel test. The only convo btwn two women were like maggie and sharon and they talk about barry and oh my god this is infuriating god med the bar is so low. And I’m pretty sure most episodes don’t pass the test anyway. Will is literally the representation of med. He gets lots of credit for doing bare minimum things like giving women rights.
This was a good episode. We dissected a lot of unspoken Ava things, which is very good. Ava had a lot of moments where she was there, but didn’t say anything, and when your characters can do that, that’s when you know your characterization is very good.
The moments where Ava isn’t really doing anything to forward the plot of the episode but she’s still just there, doing her own thing, are hands down my favorite. Her sitting at the desk looking at a scan while connor tells latham he didn’t do cocaine could possibly my favorite ava moment in the series, just bc it shows how much of her own character should could’ve been.
I drew an interesting parallel btwn sarah offering the guy to slit her throat and ava’s death. i have nothing for that but go wild
This episode also showed us Ava pitying Connor, another new aspect. she gives him shit but she also pities him. very good ep for little ava moments
as always, thanks for sticking through it
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 125 Poll Results
The chapter 125 poll closed with 1,469 responses. Thank you for your support! This month’s poll results were compiled by /u/alooulla,  /u/_Puppet_, @shifter-lines​ and @momtaku​.
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While still overwhelmingly positive, and slightly improved over Chapter 124, the “wow” factor still wasn’t there for many. Those selecting a perfect five was less than half of respondents (49.3%).
Transitions were unbelievably good, hardly noticed we were at 5 different scenes this chapter.
Not really hype like some chapters have been, but it was wonderful to see all the character and story development.
Created a number of different plot threads, but was not as satisfying as recent chapters
Everyone in this chapter (except Flock) deserves love
Good chapter, juggles lots of POVs excellently and opens up multiple opportunities for where the story may go. I love how desperate everything is.
Beats gonna drop soon
Jean honey if you push Floch out the hole in the wall everyone will swear it was an accident
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They only appeared on two pages, but “Levi and Hange are back” was the top pick out of a long list of options with nearly one-third (27.7%) selecting them. “Armin and Mikasa’s argument” secured second (14.3%) and “Annie and Hitch together” (12.6%) round out the top three.
I loved Annie's backstory, the conversation between Floch and Jean, the talk between AM, Shadis, mr Leonhart, literally everything.
I loved hearing Annie and Hitch talk, and the Levi and Hange situation finally got addressed :)
I'm so happy to see Levi and Hange, and so happy that they've run into Pieck and Magath. I hope they can reach some kind of truce and work together.
Floch is the Queen of Paradis confirmed.
Shadis once again made this chapter for me. What a great, deep speech. He is a true hero.♡
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While denied the favorite moment, Annie was the favorite for chapter MVP with more than one-quarter of respondent (26.6%). Hitch, the other half of the girl power duo, made a strong showing (19.6%) for number two. Most shocking perhaps is that Hange (13.6%) squeaked out a narrow victory over Floch (12.6%) for third.
Annie is the best girl
Floch did nothing wrong
Hitch nipping at Historia's best girl-crown
Floch is such a crazy piece of shit, I love him, he's a great villain and I'm glad that Isayama added a character like that to the story. Also, funny with how he represents the rabid Eren stans, parroting the bs they keep saying ("we're free now reeeeeee").
S H A D I S  T H E  C H A D I S
Hange my queen how the hell did you save Levi, I wanna know!!
Hitch yeeting Annie made me scream, I love them together so much.
My babes Shadis and Magath are BACK!! 😍
So happy to see Hitch back. She is such a fun character and so underrated!
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The citizens of the walls are as divided as the fanbase over Eren’s actions.  36.7% are on the side that says the Eldians on the island would all be dead without Eren, while 34% respond with the fact that he’s responsible for many of their deaths himself.  25.1% don’t want to side with either faction.
“You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs”
Both are right and wrong at the same time…
Both sides are ignorant as to what is actually happening so it is difficult to gauge who actually feels what they do considering their limited knowledge but I'm edging towards the justification of it.
Eren has planned this all along, he knows there will be no true peace by doing the rumbling and has some kind of third goal
Even if the first expression is true (and no one can say if it is or not for sure) it doesn't make the belligerents right, or mean that Eren shouldn't be held accountable for his actions
Both sides are justified. Both sides reacted according to their personal views in response to an outside force they had no control of.  
I sympathize with both. One on hand, it seems as though the wall titans were the only effective retaliation the island had left, but on the other hand, Eren did kill many of his own people and aiming to wipe out the rest of the world is definitely pretty extreme for even Eren. That's why I think there's still a HUGE part of his plan that we haven't been made aware of yet.
There's no real right answer here. Obviously genocide is bad and no one can deny the fact that Eren killed his own people but, what other options were available in the limited time they had?
Whatever your thoughts on The Rumbling, Eren is being extremely reckless and it's going to backfire like crazy. Member when Erwin pulled off an almost-bloodless coup? I have a feeling Ereh is too preoccupied with thoughts of PATHS and FREEDOM to really consider the consequences of stuff like civilian casualties or letting a fascist cult take over the government.  
What the tic tac patty wack snick snack quarterback big mac heart attack race track double back guy named jack did he just do?
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Annie’s finally back!  And she sure got a lot of page time, finally getting her chance to speak her story.  The majority thought seems to be that it was okay, at 60.3%, whereas 33.2% absolutely loved it, and 6.5% thought it was a waste of time.
Develops her character a bit but otherwise not too important
we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis?
I'm just glad Annie's back
I really liked it and especially the Annie focus although I expected more from her justifications.
Don't care for her this late in the story tbh it's just a waste of pages
this chapter confirmed that Annie is the best character of SNK !
It was pretty much exactly what I expected, fairly boring and didn’t change my perception of her character at all
This puts so much context on the murders she committed back in the female titan arc and her personality in general. This is so great! Waited forever for this
I especially liked learning Annie's entire backstory, and her interactions with Hitch in this chapter were great.
Lil' Orphan Annie deserves more spinoffs. We need one about her awkward preteen years trying to fit in with the popular girls while continuously kicking them in half by accident.
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There sure was a lot to consider in all Annie said, and the two primary thoughts seem to be a feeling of tragedy that she never felt that anything mattered, and a hope that she’ll see her father again, at 23.7% and 22.6% respectively.  
Can't forget what she has caused, but glad she found meaning in life.
I hope she can find peace
I understand her reasoning, but her saying she'd do it all again hurt a lot.
Interesting plot point, but was it really necessary? Kinda felt like forced drama to add this "adoptive child" thing.
Is it wrong to wish for her happiness?
It may mirror Eren's motives. To her, nothing else matters except returning to her father, not even other people's lives. If Eren is intent on protecting his friends, then other lives wouldnt even matter.
It's interesting how seems similar she is to Reiner but how different they actually are. Annie is nihilistic and realistic because the lack of love, Reiner is idealistic and longing for love in a tragic way because he fantasize the love which doesn't exist
Annie has always been, in my opinion at least, one of the most honest characters, and I'm glad we can see that her core hasn't changed (but I’m so happy we can hear her talk and that we are finally getting some character development). Unlike Reiner and Bertolt, Annie never pretended to be friends with the Shinganshina trio, she never acted more nicely than she felt she should. She kept to herself and did what she knew she had to do. But this does not make Annie cold or resilient to atrocities; when she was manipulated by Reiner to take off Marco’s 3D maneuver gear, we can see she doesn’t do it easily and she does show remorse, in spite of everything. All of the SnK characters are tragic, some more than others, and for me, Annie is probably one of the most tragic ones. Adopted, trained to become a killing machine, completely alone with no one to really rely on once she joined the army, Annie goes towards her goal, stripping every bit of romanticism from the notions of peace, good vs bad governments, Marley, Eldia, humanity, etc. Annie does not fight, or pretend to fight, for the greater good; as perceptive as always, she sees the situation for what it is, just like she sees people for who they really are. I hope this brave young woman gets a happy ending with her dad.
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Hitch sure was surprised that Annie had actually been listening to her all that time, but the fandom wasn’t.  86.3% found it reasonable, but 10.7% still aren’t convinced it makes sense.
Considering we had Ms. Tyber being aware of her surroundings in her own crystal, looking back on that it's like "oh yeah that seems legit". Granted I'm sure Ms. Tyber had practiced the technic to use it in battle proficiently. But it doesn't seem too out there for Annie to be at least semi-conscious 
Honestly no. But this story has people transforming into giant monsters so I can't really complain.
I find hard to believe she is not crazy. Being unable to move in darkness for 4 years with only voices to keep her company is pretty brutal.
I'm wondering how her body condition is near to normal.
It reminds me of ymir being a mindless titan for 60 years
Wall titans also seemed to be semi conscious if I remember the original scene with eye movement and fear of light energizing them.
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We ended last chapter on Annie in a pool of this liquid, and this time we see Hitch follow it to where Annie is.  But… what is it?  66.2% think it has something to do with the crystal’s hardening, 15.2% DO NOT want that knowledge, and 11.6% think it’s a human bodily fluid.
A fluid to keep her alive (something like the lcl in evangelion)
Amniotic fluid is the warm, fluid cushion that protects and supports your baby as they grow in the womb.
a liquid that makes her body hibernate so she can stay alive
I think it's a weakened form of the hardening. Perhaps it was also this fluid around the creature in the well from Ymir's backstory.
If I recall correctly, some crystals do have water in the form of “hydrates” so in theory, the fluid in Annie’s crystal is what kept her alive by supplying nutrients and and water to her body. Because of this, the fluid may have possibly come from Annie’s Titan as it formed the crystal around her.
amniotic fluid - some unique property of the Female Titan
Tears of readers who waited too fucking long for Annie to break through
Armin juice
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So many groups in so many places!  Where is this one going to end up?  A little over half, at 55.9% think they’ll run into another group before they get to a specific destination, about a quarter at 23.4% think Shiganshina, and 19.2% think the port.
Following the Colossal Titans
Honestly it was very reckless of hitch to let Annie go. If she causes more trouble for Paradis then what will she do
Based on them leaving Stohess in the same direction as the colossal titans it is likely they will pass through Trost. They will continue south towards Shiganshina and maybe the port but on the way they will likely run into Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath, or Connie, Falco, Armin and Gabi.
Kiyomi's plane
Marley, to Annie’s father
To Historia
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We jump across the ocean, only to find Mr. Leonhart starting a rebellion in Liberio!  About half feel there’s going to be an absolute bloodbath, 32% are glad they’re finally rising up, 11% are focused on Mr. Leonhart being a badass, and 6.1% are scratching their heads as to how this is relevant.
I feel it's setting up for eldians in all internment zones rising up, although i don't know what significance that would hold if they're gonna be flattened like pancakes anyway
I'm actually glad because while I have still and always despised the Warriors, Annie's dad felt relatable to me, good to see non-powered, regular citizens rise up against the enemy
Isayama stop trying to be clever with names is there a single part of this series you haven't put thought into?
It is rather unsettling to see since it all seems to head towards a massacre although the reactions of the Eldians are understandable and sound.
It makes sense why they'd rise up: they know what's coming, and they just want to get to safety. After all, they should be spared from the Rumbling because of their race. As expected of the Marleyans though, they won't listen to the Liberio Eldians' current plea, and it will surely cost them (the Marleyans).
The Marleyans are comically dumb it's not even funny; I mean why would they orchestrate a revolt now
This was Eren's plan all along, he wants Eldians everywhere to rebel under the threat of the wall titans.
Why should we care about what happens to anyone outside the Walls? This scene was totally unnecessary.
Worldwide Eldian Rebellion I am excited
I'm worried about them! :(
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A somewhat interesting split here; though most responders think there’s more to come with Annie’s father and being killed by the gate guard wouldn’t be the right way for him to go, especially with unfinished business with his daughter. The next highest response was ‘I am not sure’ followed by ‘No he won’t survive’ with a still respectable 24.7% of the vote. One to keep an eye on, here.
Weird that she wants to return home so much just because her dad was nice to her for a few minutes (he's been torturing her all her life).
It had some very much needed character development for A LOT of characters. I can't wait to see how certain plot points like Connie's mom and Annie's wish to see her dad will be resolved.
I saw some parallels between Mr. Leonhard vs. the guards and volunteers vs. Floch. Anarchy reigns; power struggles everywhere, yay! I want to see Mr. Leonhart leading a rebellion. I want to see Eldians all over the globe rising up and busting out of internment zones. Also - we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis? Will it even matter if Ymir is freed from her sand slavery and refuses to transform any more titans? Still -- it's interesting that Annie was adopted, and I have to wonder if her lineage is important.  Final thought: I'm growing tired of Isayama sidelining people by having them unconscious/uncommunicative. I get why he may want to render some characters unable to affect the plot at certain points but 'unconscious' is his go-to and I'm losing patience with it. Okay, Historia got stuck with 'pregnant' but I lost patience with that ages ago. Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Speaking of Mr. Leonhart, he may be crippled and defeseless against the Marleyan guards, but at least he wasn't swayed by fatalism against his current government unlike Jean/Armin.
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Instructor Shadis is still instructing, and 46.1% of you are still chanting SHADIS THE CHADIS.  23.5% loved his advice, 16.5% enjoyed the callback to being a bystander, and 12.1% wish he’d encouraged them to rise up.
Foreshadowing that they‘ll overthrow Eren and Floche.
He gives up too easily. I don't like this.
I'm glad he told them not to fight the Yeagerists but for the wrong reasons
Shadis doesn't want them to risk their lives, understandable, but giving Floch&Co time to gain even more power is not a good idea.
He's being smart and cautious because they've had enough losses for now
By far the best piece of advice he could have given them. Not is it only the most reasonable thing to do in the current situation, but it also goes to show how much Shadis values life and how well, thanks to his experience, he can see what the future might bring. When he thought fighting was a viable option, he wanted the trainees and soldiers alike to dedicate their hearts (and he dedicated his own as well), but now when he sees that they’re clearly getting overpowered and that any form of resistance would inevitably lead to death, he advises them to stay put, but not lose sight of themselves. That’s what a good leader/ elder/ parent does. Despite the fact that he failed as commander and that he was usually the only one to come back from his missions outside the walls, he shows that he has learned a lot and can strategize and draw the right moves. And it even reminded me of Levi, this desire to not waste lives. And Shadis is special, I just wish he’d realize that along with many others. Unfortunately, a very underrated character.
I am hyped to see these characters actually amount to something because of chadis!
A giant death flag.
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Armin has returned to being shell-shocked like he was in Shiganshina, and he took it out on Mikasa, but was he justified?  Just over half don’t think he was justified, but don’t blame him for snapping.  23.9% believe it was the right choice to try to make her more independent.  The last two options are tied at 10.3%, saying he was completely in the wrong, and the other saying he was justified in that Mikasa needs to focus on more than Eren.
Armin has been the one others rely for guidance, however at this point he seems stressed and probably over thinking (when he refers back to Erwin).
Armin just reached his breaking point. So much has happened in one day, and he needed to rant.
Asking ANYONE to stop thinking about Eren right now is pointless, let alone Mikasa. He was wrong, but stressed out.
Both. She needs to be encouraged to make her own decisions, but he didn't need to be mean about it. She has always been nice to him.
Feel like many are misunderstanding mikasa's comment about eren. He is the biggest concern so why shouldn't she mention him? Personally I don't think she was still in eren obsessed mode.
That's a complex question. Everyone is stressed right now, especially Armin, feeling guilty for being brought back and feels so much weight on his shoulder to be a leader so to say. So it reasonable for him to yell and it might spark something in Mikasa as well.
Armin needs a nap, a warm bath, and a foot rub.
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Mikasa’s character development is being pushed to its tipping point now, will Armin’s words make her start thinking for herself?  The majority, at 56.3% think that leadership isn’t her style, but she’ll step up and support what she feels is right.  18.6% feel that she’s already made the step into thinking for herself, and the last two options are split at 11.3% between a full ‘yes she’ll finally step up’, and a full ‘she’s always thought for herself.’
Armin: think for yourself! Mikasa: Where is my scarf?
Hopefully, I want to see more independence. Assertive and confident in her actions.
I don't know if she'll able to think for herself. maybe she will do something, but I guess whatever she will do on her own, I don't want to expect much from her. Anyway I have the feeling that Mikasa's own decision could be that she accepts Kiyomi's offer and leaves Paradis because the whole situation is obviously killing her.
I hope Isayama has something special planned for Mikasa's development
Mikasa has always thought for herself. She’s never been a leader, but she’s always followed her own hearts desires. Nobody knows what to do and for once it was actually reasonable for her to ask about eren, given what he’s about to do to the world.
Mikasa isn't wrong to look to Armin for leadership, but when she brings up the elephant in the room, he flies off the handle at her. But ultimately, I think that Armin is right. She'll have to make decisions based off her own judgement and I'm excited for it.
I kinda doubt that. She went to Jean, because Armin told her so and I don't think that she would do anything in the situation between Jean, Floch and the Volunteers. If she would be able someday to make her own decision, I'll think that could be to do with Kiyomi's offer to go on one of her ships, but we will see.
I think she will be an impromptu leader, similarly to what she did at Trost after eren got eaten by the santa titan
Mikasa did nothing wrong, she tried to take advice instead to run somewhere else like Connie or give up like Jean.
Yes she’ll become more independent. I think itll lead to “see u later eren”
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The question of whether Armin or Erwin should have been revived in Shiganshina proves to be one of the most contentious issues in the series, nearly on par with when we asked you guys what you think of Eren’s (stated) plan. 52.2% of you are Team Erwin, and 47.8% are Team Armin. Regrettably, I can’t make a good joke out of either of those numbers.
I've said it before, but I think Armin was the best person to revive from a story telling point of view. Erwin was the better leader, no doubts there, but it is the lack of him that has pushed all these other characters to develop more. I believe the relationships between characters and the characters themselves would've remained more static if he had still been there. So therefore, Armin was the right choice
Erwin wouldn't have let any of this happen
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There could only ever be one winner of this question; given the girls fandom of Eren in general and Mikasa in particular, 72.5% of you picked Louise as the scarf thief, particularly since she knew it was there and gave it a look after Mikasa left. The next highest answer was Eren having sent someone to retrieve it, at 13.8%, followed by ‘someone else at 9.1%, with Floch and Jean respectively taking up other minor answers. I look forward to the questions in the future of why the scarf was taken, and how will it affect the story?
Oh, and Louise definitely has the scarf. I think there will be a confrontation over it and Mikasa will Realise Things, so that's cool.
Louise totally stole that scarf.
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808 of 1,395 of you came out to represent Gabi Gang, while the remaining 587 of you like Mia better. Mia Myriad? Eh. Mia Myriad’s weird. I like Gabi Gang better.
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Floch tells Jean he can finally have the life he always wanted, what was Jean feeling at that moment?  40.5% think he was just totally shell-shocked, 30.4% think he;s faking weakness for a plan, 16.4% think he had an epiphany about Eren based on what Floch said, and 10.7% believe him to be considering what Floch has to say.
Definitely debating whether or not to kick his head in-- once he's decided I think he'll pounce
he has been asking over and over for how long they would have to keep fighting. So Floch telling him is over has a great effect on him. Although he will chose to keep fighting.
He is bothered that the Yeagerists consider him a “hero”
He is in disbelief over how AWFUL Floch is and once his brain processes it he will snap and punch the bastard in the face
He's both in shell shock and trying to fake weakness.
I think he's coming up with some sort of plan to finally rid the world of Floch.
Jean looks so tired in these panels, as in physically tired and mentally. He probably wants this all to be over, and Floch is giving him a way out. But Jean has come too far to give up, I think, so I hope he turns his brain back on.
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THE ROCKS ARE GONE.  About half of the fandom, at 46.2% are pretty sure Jean pocketed them to use as a weapon.  29.7% did not notice the disappearance, and 24.2% think it’s just Isayama overlooking an inconsistency.
Bitch boutta throw some rocks
I hope Jean can something do too otherwise the Volunteers would get forced to fight for Eren and to help him destroying their own motherlands (oof) or get killed. I hope the theory about the pocket rocks get relevant and true in the next chapters
Floch be a bitch with a nest boutta get moulded by rocks
Getting ready to bash floch
there was a gun next to him and then it was gone. The boy boutta blooooow
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Eren doesn’t seem to have confided his plan in anyone, but Floch says otherwise.  60% confess Eren likely told him a fair bit, but not everything, 32.9% think Floch’s just BSing his way through things to look better, and 5.6% truly believe Eren told Floch everything.
Eren is the only one who knows his true plan, anyone that claims to know what Eren is doing was just a pawn that Eren used.
Eren probably forgot who Floch even is
Considering how Eren is acting now, I fear he did tell him everything after seeing his extremism.
Floch believes Eren told him everything, but he probably didn't.
floch is an arrogant bitch who thinks eren and him are best buds
I mean, the plan so far seems to be 'let's retrieve Zeke, overthrow the government and unleash the Rumbling', so why won't he tell Floch all of it? He seems to be fully on board. If there is more to the plan, then Floch doesn't know it.
I'm still not sure how much of Eren's betrayal of Zeke he was in on, but I'm damn sure Eren didn't task him with any 'removing internal resentment' job.
Jean knows he has more of Eren's trust than Floch does. From this, Jean figured out either Floch is lying for his own gains, or is being used by Eren.
Floch is just a dumbass and Eren is using him to get the necessary pieces into place without him doing it all himself
Something tells me Floch actually just overheard Yelena talking with Eren about Zeke's plan during the railway opening ceremony. I could've sworn that in the chapter Floch mentioned that he "heard" Eren's plan, and the way he uses that word gives me the impression he only listened to parts of what Yelena told Eren without knowing what Eren's ulterior motive was when learning Zeke's plan.
That’s certainly what he *thinks*
Eren is manipulating Floch's ass six ways to sunday and I'm here for it
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From previous polls, Floch seems like a popular choice to die next, but who would do it?  Nearly ¾ of that fandom believe Jean will end him, though 6.5% don’t believe Floch’s dying anytime soon.  Eren, Mikasa, Shadis, and Yelena were other popular options.
Could be anyone at this point, really. Would be cool if it was just some random volunteer and the death would be meaningless.
Better not be anyone, Floch is making way more sense than Armin
I hope no one does, he's the most entertaining character at the moment
I really hope all of the above and I hope it'll be a gruesome death.
King Floch is the father and will outlive the rest of the 104th.
Let him be squashed under a Titan foot, pls
Nobody, Floch will be the only survivor of the rumbling
HISTORIA! QUEEN!!!! How is the rightful ruler of Eldia not a choice here?!
I hope he doesn't die at least next chapter, because him dying is too predictable. But if he does it should be Jean.
I HOPE IT'S EITHER LEVI OR HANGE. But I think it's probably going to be Jean.
I think floch is going to have an utterlessly meaningless death. Just to show the irony that surviving that day didn't change shit.
I think since he survived on pure luck and destiny up until now, I could imagine his death will be more by accident or by unfortunate circumstance then someone else succeeding to kill him
SHADIS THE CHADIS no but actually probably Yelena or Mikasa.
The 109th Recruits
Onyankopon, Jean and Mikasa, I hope.
Who knows. Hope he dies.
It'll be a team effort
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Bets for the Return to Ragako arc are placed, and the majority (~43%) of you think that the overwhelming scent of cinnamon wafting from Falco will entice Connie to spare him. Not far behind, with 30.5% of the votes, is the prediction that Armin and Gabi will swoop in and save the day. The next most popular option was Falco feeling the sudden urge to die for Reiner, causing him to transform and escape. Following that was Falco realizing his predicament without getting his memories back, and after that, a very small amount of you guys (18), think Falco’s gonna get chomped.
Connie finna die
I can't think of how bringing back Connies mom will save Reiners life, so it won't happen.
Is it weird that I think Connie's mom has already turned back to human?
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An overwhelming majority of you guys are most excited to see the Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi squad team up, while the distant runner-up is Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. I can’t imagine why Connie/Falco got the least votes here.
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With a 31.6% majority, the… quad...duo… quaduo? That’s definitely not a word but it should be, technical definition pending. What I’m trying to say is that Team Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi got the most votes for “Who’s going to meet up with Historia?” Following that was… uh, nobody. As in the next most common answer is “nobody”. You guys are not making this write-up easy for me. After that was Team Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. The graph is proportional enough that you can see all the percentages, so that’s cool.
Historia is the key to ending this story and getting all the context we need. Which means we probably won’t see her again for awhile.
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We didn’t ask for a reason behind this selection, but Reiner’s rather ill-timed cozy cottage snooze (58.5%) trounced Levi’s “return of the mummy” slumber (41.5%). Maybe it was the appeal of the fruit and snacks?
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Nearly 60% of you think Levi will recover enough to encourage the others to fight, 20% think he’ll recover enough to fight, and 15.3% think he’ll be unconscious for awhile. The white space on the graph is what happens when there are too many single-voter responses, but we can read them behind the scenes, and one of them suggested that we’re about to learn how titan serum affects Ackermans, and I just want to say that I appreciate your devotion to Titan Science™, anon.
Crack theory: he‘ll eat Zeke after Zeke offers himself up because he lost his will to live. So yes, he‘ll be fully healed and badass again.
He is going to become a shifter by eating Zeke with the cooperation of Pieck/Magath, fulfilling his promise to Erwin.
He won't be recovering but he'll fight all the same, with his teeth if necessary
He'll recover enough to make one last heroic action before dying
I don't really know. I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
i don’t want him to participate. i just want him alive
I think that Levi will not be able to fight, but he'll be awake, and I'd like to him take on a mentorship role. I would love to see him make a full recovery by the time the manga concludes.
Some unforeseen magic will happen
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The destruction on the ground, Floch’s reign of terror, and the 104th’s horror at what’s unfolding seems to have shaken some in the fandom with one quarter of respondents indicating that their support has lessened somewhat (20.6%) or significantly (5.7%). The remaining 75% are staying the course with close to 40% completely opposed to the rumbling and 35% in full support of it.
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The responses here are about what we might expect; a fairly even split between those who support Eren fully (or at least think he’s got some mysterious ace up his sleeve) and those that do not support him/are losing faith in him. Interestingly, the smallest response was from those who have lost a significant amount of faith in Eren, indicating the battle lines are still drawn at this point.
Eren did nothing wrong
Eren Yeager is GOD! Bow Down!
We're left in the dark of what Eren is really planning and so I can't judge this consequence too much. It is very extreme and I'm skeptical of it all.
Another aspect of the continual violence and really justifies Eren's position.
The inner fighting among themselves is going to get worse and they all will turn on Eren.
They should support eren, and the yeagerists, not plan to overthrow them
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
I hope that among his friends there are on the eren side, eren's decision was correct, although it was too cruel, but it was all for the people he loved. why his friends no one sided eren , I'm sad to think about it.
I love eren but :(
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As much as I hate to think about the end of the manga, and the subsequent never-ending feud over the serum bowl and the Rumbling, we’re bound to become the next NGE at some point. It can’t be stopped. The majority, at 45.7%, think we have until around Chapter 134, which gives us about nine more months. Following that, 30.2%, think we have until Chapter 138, which gives us more than a year. A lesser but still significant quantity of votes say we have until Chapter 142+, and I feel a little bit like the Vince McMahon meme typing this. You know the one. Lastly, 8.7% of you think there are only 5 chapters left. Why anyone would even entertain such an idea is beyond me.
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Wow! A huge split of opinion here regarding hopes for next chapter, as might be expected; but out in front with 27.8% of the vote is a wish to see more Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath; no doubt because we haven’t seen them for a while. Coming up in second place is Jean and Mikasa, with a number of fans hoping they will fight back against Floch. And of course, third place is the everpresent wish to see Historia once more. What on Earth is she up to???
Historia hopefully
A solid chapter with a lot of great character development. Who wants to bet that Connie and Falco are going to run into Historia at Ragako?
Give me Historia
Jean has an epiphany about himself and Eren's actions (since Floch is Eren's fanboy, like Jean was to a certain degree))
Jean and Floch will fight!
If Floch doesn't make Jean react, I don't know who else will. Their relationship has always been complex, so it would be beautiful to see Jean killing him. But as long as it's not a Jaeger, I'll be fine.
I can’t help but feel that there was something odd about the way Hange spoke about Levi to Magath and Pieck. “Rest assured, he’s just a harmless man who failed to die”. Harmless? Levi? Really? And Hange doesn’t speak like that, so to me this looks like strategizing and covering something up. I don’t think Levi is 100% okay, far from, but I don’t think he’s on the verge of death. And even if Levi will physically be unable to fight, he still isn’t harmless. He wasn’t dubbed Humanity’s Strongest only for his physical strength; Levi is smart, he’s an excellent leader, he’s compassionate and experienced. So, even if we don’t see him engage in fights as a soldier, I believe we will get to see him devise plans and strategies, negotiate, etc. After all, we still don’t know what the Ackermans are capable of. We know they have superhuman strength, so I believe we’re all in for a surprise (or not so much of a surprise) when it comes to Levi. He’s played an enormous part in the story already, but his story isn’t over. Best boi love him yes.
I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
All aboard the ship! Ms. HanjiXMagath is setting sail! (???)
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Reddit continues to dominate the responses to this question, and this month there were literally more people who don’t discuss the series than people who discuss it on Tumblr. A direct consequence of banning Titan-presenting nipples, surely. Lastly, something ominous is going on in the Snapchat cult, because there were only two of you this month, down from five last month. That’s still enough to reproduce though and it makes me uneasy. Regardless of where or whether you discuss the series though, we appreciate all of you guys’ participation in the poll. We literally couldn’t do it without you!
hE dID nOtHing wrOnG
I mean it's not like Eren could be like "wait while you're breaking out of the wall, can ya be clean about it?" but also....yeahhhhh umm I'm not positive that Eren cares for the majority of Paradisians
Petra's death still burns... Yet I can't really hate Annie.
[Annie’s] story kinda looks like a copypasta of Zeke's but I'm glad it's established she doesn't care for her grand goal and would sacrifice everything to achieve hers if it needs to be brought again
I feel for the wall Titans, they've been conscious for the last century, just chilling there.
Isayama couldn't have made the parallel between Annie and Eren any more blatant if he tried.
I don't know why people are so surprised with Eren being in cahoots with Floch. He is already killing billions to secure peace for Paradis, installing an authoritarian government for the same reason is not unlike him. He already said, he is going to take the freedom from people if they threaten his even innocents.
0/10 no Reiner. jk, the chapter may not have "action" per se, but i love the focus on how the rumbling affects all the characters, including the eldians in the camps. also, all the pairings are really interesting. i hope the HLMP combo leads to good things for the future. i wonder if Armin & Gabi'll talk, and whether she'll learn that he is the Colossus titan, or if she'll catch onto Reiner's great familiarity with these people…
another average chapter in SNK standards (awesome in manga standards)
Another set-up chapter - would be good to see some major events occur to keep the momentum going. Also want Eren/Zeke POVs
After 10 months of wondering where Levi was and if he was alive, i fully sympathise with Annie stans, who had to wait the better part of a decade. But I'm glad to know Levi's alive for now.
Seeing almost everyone other than the Jeager brothers was so damn fresh. Now everyone's gotta work together to stop the total downer ending.
Felt like this a needed chapter to see where all the characters’ directions are headed. Whether we see more compromise or more tension between characters. It creates more anticipation and excitement for what’s to become of Eren and his plan.
Isayama been sleepin on some important characters 💤
Very interesting seeing so many different perspectives, if only we could get Historia some day
Great chapter. But if hange teams up with Pieck and Magath I am going to be very disappointed. They have no reason to rely on the the people who have been trying to exterminate them for years. I get they need to stop eren but they cant let forget the atrocities Marley has done to them. Regroup with the rest and figure out another goddman way.
A very interesting chapter. I fully expect an emotional outburst from Mikasa any time now. Maybe directed at Eren himself.
aaahh I just want Zeke
Give me Eren
Give me Historia
How the hell will Isayama cover all these separated smol groups in only 12 chapters??? Can he rly end the manga this year cos I have doubts!
All pieces are on the move, time to wrap things up, Isayama-sensei! Though I don't see any way to stop Eren, unless they maybe use Historia and her royal blood? Can't wait to see how Isayama will solve all of this.
I love the setting of the rumbling as a slow moving mass of dust and meat that we’re all powerless to stop. I love how we’ve seen it from the perspective of people on the receiving end of the destruction, from people that support it and most of all, people who would never support it but are still benefiting from it. Regardless, none of them could stop even if they wanted too. It makes the issue seem so much more real.
Annie is pretty much like Eren right now, knowingly doing terrible things for the people they care about, both have accepted the cruelty of the world and acted accordingly and is not like the world has given them reasons to think otherwise. But this mentality has only brought pain and suffering around them and to themselves, I hope in the end she changes her outlook in life and finally goes against the "current"  of the way things are as she described and do the right thing.
Annie needs to get Armins head out of his ass. Floch was executing people next to his friends and he just runs off wtf
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
Armin did nothing wrong. I've seen people complaining about he "yelling with waifu" and even comparing with Eren, even tho what Eren did was totally intentional, while Armin wasn't he didn't mean to hurt her, he snapped under stress, but when he saw he hurt her he regretted so much that even brought Erwin to the picture. But apparently his feeling and emotions are nothing compared with Mikasa's...
Armin made the right choice to go after Falco. His strategy is to ally with the Warriors and Marley. His tactic is to use Falco as barter. It is the best move he can make with the situation as it is. If he succeeds he gains Connie back in the fold, Falco, Gabi, Reiner, Pieck, and Magath. This type of quality help will raise morale and lessen the pressure that everyone feels. Hopefully they work as a team and communicate with each other. Don’t be like Eren who has no fog of war because he knows how it ends and, yet, doesn’t tell anybody about it.
As long as the rest of the world is unwilling to negotiate peacefully I’m not sure what other options were on the table. Obviously eren’s actions are irredeemable, but I feel that he’ll have the same sentiment Annie expressed: if this is the only way his friends make it out alive then he’d choose this path every time. I don’t think all of the blame is on eren(though he is still responsible for his own actions). Every side played a role in this and it should have never come to this to begin with.
I really appreciated the scenes with Armin, Mikasa, and Jean. The rumbling is a world-changing/ reality altering event and Armin said as much, but I'm really hoping these three can manage to salvage some peace for themselves despite the chaos.I think Eren has already accepted his own mortality re: the Curse of Ymir and has fully resigned himself to doing whatever he deems necessary for Paradis, I'm interested to see his end. I also enjoyed seeing Levi and Hange, I never doubted their survival; it also might be a further indication that Floch is BS'ing his way with his power grab when he said that they were killed...This series is excellent.
Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Can't wait to see Jean snap at Floch
It was great but isayama please let us see eren...
I just really hope Connie doesn't die but I'm not feeling too optimistic... I can't believe Annie's back and I'm really looking forward to whatever her and Hitch do next.
The reaction to the Armin and Mikasa scene initially drove me up the wall, because people's readings of Mikasa are just so fucking bad--she's literally right??? LMAO. Mikasa and the 104th have always followed Armin's guidance, so she isn't even wrong when she asks how to make herself useful. But the reaction to her question about Eren is just...
Levi surviving the thunderspear was bullshit. Hopefully he stays permanently injured and not overpowered again. Isayama give us Historia please. I hope we get to see my baby Reiner wake up next chapter. I wish that Reiner and Annie meet again please
I got emotional when Falco was starting to "remember" Connie. While Sasha's scenes after her death could have been written better, every time I see a Ymir reference, something interesting happens. We need to remember best girl, and finally we get to see that Connie was an important comrade of hers.
I hope Connie makes the right choices, my boy has suffered enough!
It somehow gave positive vibes despite the apocalyptic setting, and I was extremely happy we got to see almost everyone again.
I want to see more about what happened to Ymir Fritz after she gained her freedom.
I'm glad Levi is ok but i gotta know: how is he able to breathe when HIS ENTIRE FACE HAS BEEN BANDAGED UP
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiiiiiiiine
Lame ass chapter, everything feels pointless and forced and the ambiguity and moral grayness of the story is gone.
Levi has to give meaning to those deaths. It's what will give peace to his heart. He deserves to fight one last time.
mikasa let me hug you and protect you
Can we agree Keith is badass? He advised trainees to not lose themselves despite the government. It's such a stark contrast with Floch in this chapter. He was so traumatized by his first mission as a SC, losing his comrades, watching them die meaningless deaths and seeing the SC fighting over who should be lived other than the commander. As he shot that voluteer he made it clear he casted his values aside for survival. In the end he learned they were just as meaningless as Marlowe's death.
More Yelena pls
This chapter was a lot of scenes I had been waiting for put together. We had Annie and Hitch interaction, an update on Connie and Falco, Gabi and Armin now heading their way, and Levi and Hange are finally back. Now all we need is Historia. The wait for her stopped being funny a LONG time ago...Actually scratch that, it wasn't funny to begin with. 😒
Levi is alive bitches
Really glad it's not all wrapping up with Eren activating the rumbling. Seeing how everyone is handling the chaos has been incredible. I was telling my friends that I honestly don't think the final battle will be against Eren. It's just everyone versus the pure chaos of the situation. I don't see Eren getting beat
The EMA trio was never my favorite, but it still kinda hurt to see them all split up.
The Erwin references were amazing!! Both in the manga and the end text!!
With all these relatively slow-paced, character-driven chapters recently, it seems as if the ending will be very rushed. I have faith in Isayama’s writing skills, but I just hope he will be able to pull off an ending that will do justice to all these wonderful characters he has built up, while rounding out the plot in a satisfying way. This story, in my opinion, is a masterpiece so far - and an ending could either make or break it at this point. Either way, I look forward to seeing the coming chapters very much.
Where is Kiyomi ? (2nd edition)
43 notes · View notes
tanoraqui · 4 years
I just wanted you to know that I just read all your hellmurder castle 'verse posts and I LOVE THAT AU SO MUCH
what you have to understand about my Hellmurder Castle AU (Homestuck set in the world of Girl Genius, if you haven’t read it) is that it was born specifically from my spite exasperation with all the long, epic AUs about either only the trolls or the trolls + beta kids, with alpha kids appearing as background characters at best and often not at all. Many of these fics are great, and many of them were written or at least planned before the alpha kids even appeared in canon, in which case it’s not the authors’ faults at all. But I LOVE my alpha kids, and Roxy may be my favorite and Dirk is a delight, but I was ALSO tired to tears of how even in fics featuring the alpha kids, it was almost always Derse-heavy.
So I basically said “fuck it”, yeeted them all into the world of Girl Genius (which was inevitable), figured out the torrid backstory of the beta kids and ancestors and how the dancestors and trolls fit in, and set about focussing the plot and character development exclusively on the alpha kids, particularly Jake and Jane. Particularly particularly Jake, because a) I thought him more underappreciated than Jane, and b) the idea of a Heroic Adventurer who constantly has to resist his own reflex to be a minion is fucking funny.
Let’s elaborate, shall we? Because I’m okay again, after the epilogue. I have forgiven. So, the hypothetical pfennig novels/fics in a series:
Jake English: Escape from Castle Lalonde
In which Jake leaves home, and meets a number of interesting people.
covers from basically that scene of Roxy capturing him through Jake escaping with Jane, and them agreeing to be adventuring partners. A lot of the middle consists of Jake helping Roxy and Dirk win back Roxy’s ancestral home of Castle Lalonde, defeating whatever villainous spark - probably an OC - had taken up residence.
Jake means to leave, but Roxy and Dirk need help cleaning up, and getting their labs running, and with interesting projects…and possibly they put a shock collar on him so he can’t leave the grounds…or at least tell him that’s what the collar does, and prove it, like, twice, and then turn it off because they don’t actually want him crippled in an emergency; mostly he’s just a great minion and Roxy is pretty sure he’s destined to be part of their team for defeating the Batterwitch, as laid out in the obscure and highly metaphorical prophecy her mother left her in a wizard book.
this is not at all good ground for either friendship or a healthy minion/master relationship, which is why Jake is pretty damn game to help Jane escape and then run away with her.
Jake English and the Red Miles
in which…I actually have barely any memory of wtf is supposed to happen in this one. Presumably, they have to survive the Red Miles at some point, with some ridiculous series of revivificationsthe trolls show up at Jake and Jane’s camp (okay fine, I love them, too), and after some alarmed mutual weapon-pointing, explain that Jake’s grandmother, Lady English, made them after Jake left, except now she’s died so they’ve come to find Jake and either bring him home or, at least, join his adventuring team and keep him safe
(yeah, Jade instilled some loyalty, which is Sketch. In fairness, when she lost control of the original generation of trolls, all her best friends were killed and/or disappeared, presumed dead. she has reasons)
I wonder if there was supposed to be a timeskip between this and the previous book, or if Escape from Castle Lalonde happened later into Jake going out adventuring than I think, or if Jade just got bored and made 12 new people like…3 hours after Jake left home
for pacing, the trolls should probably show up pretty early in this story, so they have a long time to be around before shit hits the fan
a lot of this book, aside from whatever shenanigans they’re dealing with re: Red Miles, would be Jake dealing with the fact that he is suddenly responsible for 12 people who keep looking to him for orders, and somewhere in the distance is an entire town (Hellmurder Village) that’s likewise.
they do not go back to the Castle at the end of this book, even though they arguably should bc Jake has responsibilities. But he also has adventuring to do, by golly, and…hm, it’s one of the Rings that causes the Red Miles, isn’t it? So maybe they get it at the end of this book, and now they have to track down the other one. Which brings us to…
Jake English and the Rings of Skaia
In which Jake and Jane (and Roxy and Dirk, and 12 young trolls) explore a castle, learn a little history, and generally level up their friendshipsI split up the aspects of Castle Heterodyne in this au: Jake has the recently inherited Castle with the terrifying, nigh-magical power source buried in its depths, and Jane has the abandoned derelict that is fully sentient, most automated, and even more malicious than it is trapped. This is the story of that castle, and the Ring of Life hidden somewhere in it
Jack Noir. The castle’s sentience is Jack Noir. Or perhaps more accurately Spades Slick? Who cares.
I had a very elaborate mythology/history thought up at some point about the twin spark queens of Derse and Prospit and their great enmity, and the saga of betrayal and heroism that marked their reigns and left behind this castle and two super magical scientific rings of power, and I do not remember ANY of it now.
This is the bit where that scene of Dirk ripping out Vriska’s soul comes from. He and Roxy are here for the fabled treasure as well - possibly the castle only appears/is accessible at certain specific times? And they don’t know the trolls are with Jake, so…clusterfuck, there.
Jake English and the Troll Queen
in which the big bad is reveeled
there’s trouble brewing in the countryside, idk, monsters or pirates or something that can be traced, after some investigative heroing, to the self-styled Her Imperial Condescension, still unfortunately at large
mostly this fic is Jake growing into leadering a little more but also addressing the question of that inbuilt loyalty Jade gave this generation of trolls, because really, that was Sketch - and in general, who are we as people defined by who we follow, what groups we ally ourselves with; is it birth or genetics or who raised us or the family we choose or…
i kinda think Dirk and Roxy are conducting concurrent but generally not overlapping investigations to Jake&Jane’s(+the trolls) (dirk and roxy having pretty neatly answered all the above questions years ago by choosing each other, but still being kind of insular about it, and need to relax just enough to trust other people)
in the end there’s some confrontation with the Condesce and she convinces ½-2/3 the trolls to join her bc, honestly, why shouldn’t they
Jake English and the Castle in the Lake
in which…okay, in this one bit of fic I implied her base was in the ocean but I totally had this title written somewhere, so what is the truth??
in the above linked scene, the trolls who stayed with Jake and Jane were Karkat, Terezi, Kanaya, Gamzee, and Feferi, but idk about that. If Feferi’s there, why isn’t Sollux? And, like, Aradia would probably have just fucked off in her own direction completely, given the chance…
our heroes are trying to sneak into HIC’s base and disable it, okay. that is the plot of this one. probably they have to find it first, which is tricky, and basically a D&D dungeon crawl, and that’s before Jane gets tiara’d. Which definitely happens climactically. and then everyone else gets captured, with the possible exception of Dirk, who probably gets beheaded instead. things do not look good for our heroes…
Jake English and the Lost Hero
in which we find out exactly what happened in the previous generation
maybe even alternating chapters, past/present? 
what happened basically is that the first generation of trolls, the Ancestors, went absolutely batshit roughly as per homestuck canon. The Condesce, being OP, started just conquering land. She was stopped, eventually, mostly by the epic sacrifice of Rose and Dave. And John…except Rose and Dave’s bodies were found, and in a clusterfuck of inventions warping time and space and reality itself, John’s never was
Jade survived, of course. obviously.
John did, too, it is revealed. He was just disconnected from the time-space continuum, stuck popping up in random times and places, sometimes close to those he loved and sometimes not, mostly uncontrollable…
he’s appeared here and there throughout the stories, probably, a mysterious figure in blue who nearly has time to say something before dissolving into fizzing wind. Now he appears more frequently, and for longer periods as the story goes on, including just enough to help break Roxy and Jake out of prison. And whichever trolls were stubbornly sticking with them - if the Condesce wasn’t just mind-controlling all the reluctant ones…let’s be real, she was…lotta “I know you’re in there somewhere” fights here, probably
also, Vriska reveals herself to still be trying to help our heroes, because it is SO Vriska to try to double-cross Her fucking Imperious Condescension
this double-cross is revealed partly from her using Jake’s minioning safeword that he developed with Grandma Jade, way back when; meaning roughly “I don’t want to do this but I’m not sure I can stop”. It’s pumpkin, of course.
they revivify Dirk on the way out, and either stop in the Condesce’s lab to get sparkily distracted trying to pin John into reality or they make it back to Hellmurder Castle before doing that?
What am I saying. The Condesce is probably working on some spacetime-warping tech of her own, and Roxy, Dirk, and Jake use it to fully anchor John for the first time in…who knows, subjectively? It’s possible he stays behind to buy them time to run
Jake English and the Battle for the Green Sun
in which things come to a head
aka the Battle for Hellmurder Castle, and it’s mysterious and terrible power source
Jane and half or so of the trolls start out on the Condesce’s side, but if you thought there were good “I know you’re in there” fights before, just WAIT until Jake saves Jane with the power of friendship
ultimately, it’s alpha kids + Alternian trolls + dancestor-clanks VS Her Imperial Condescension
it’s close
it’s very close
I would have krilled for an H–EIR—ESS CHALLENGE X3 COMBO, ie, Jane, Feferi, and Meenah vs. the Condesce, so that happens
John maybe appears one last time-displaced time, for him before the events of Lost Hero, to deliver a well-timed hammer swing
I love Jake, but I’ll give Homestuck this one: Roxy getting the final blow with an ancestral Strider sword? Perfect.
in the denoument Jake awkwardly invites everyone to live in Hellmurder Castle, because he feels vaguely like he should stay and look after it, and of course he wants his chums around. Jane, Roxy, and Dirk are all like, “well, a real lab or seven would be amazing…but also…adventuring. Why don’t YOU come with US?” Jake is like, “oh JEEPERS yes!” The trolls and dancestors meanwhile talk out among themselves who genuinely wants to stay and who wants to go out adventuring, either with these idiots or just to make their own way
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