#okay this is enough tags im done freakin out
heyitsjay03 · 3 years
Headcanons about each of the lords (+the Duke if you're writing about him) if they ever happen to adopt a little child?
okay okay okay okay this has definitely been on my mind so lets get into the thick of it
Alcina Dimitrescu
(im starting off with alcina for obvious reasons)
Alcina would be on the way to the church with the slimy moron, the demented doll, that disgusting manthing and Mother Miranda
She'd kiss her daughters goodbye and head off through the snow, quietly muttering about how cold her ankles were
while Moreau is literally up to his chin in snow but its fine
as she gets closer to the church she keeps hearing this. thing. it sounded familiar but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it.
she strays from the path to find it because it was just so familiar
as she weaves her way through the snow, her dress gets caught on something. she leans down to get her dress unstuck when she realises its this tiny basket.
like seriously. just a little woven basket in the middle of the snow. and it doesn't look like its been there for that long- there's hardly any snow on it
when she tugs at her skirts again, the basket makes the same noise she's been hearing
she stands back up to her full height, staring down at the basket with narrowed eyes
this cannot be a good idea, can it? opening a strange basket in the woods after being lured out here. it's probably some village manthing's trap.
she's about to step away when she hears the sound again- much more intense and much more clear
Alcina leans down and opens the lid of the basket
inside is this tiny thing- all soft and warm in a padding of blankets
a baby
she stands and looks around
who on earth would be so moronic as to leave their baby in the snow? it's much too cold for a baby to survive-
she sighs, getting onto her knees to pull the baby from the blanketed basket
the meeting will have to wait. it's too cold even in the church for this tiny thing.
when she finally makes it back home, she's greeted by her daughters in a swarm of buzzing flies.
as they manifest in their true forms, they're asking what- or who, rather- their mother brought for dinner
Alcina smiles and shakes her head, unwrapping the small bundle clinging to her breast
"this... is your new sibling" she announces, "they'll be staying with us from now on."
and the sisters are ecstatic. a new sibling!
Daniela especially is happy that she is no longer the youngest. she usually is the one to parade around the castle with her sibling on her shoulders, showing them the coolest hiding spots for hide-n-seek and the windows with the best views
Bela is incredibly protective. like. incredibly.
she smelt blood from across the castle and when she found her little sibling sniffling about a skinned knee earned from a game of tag with Angie, she lost her shit and almost broke the damned thing with her sickle
And Cassandra has been caught reading bedtime stories by nightlight multiple times. she tries to play it off but everyone knows that she loves- absolutely adores- her newest sibling
we all know Alcina is such a wonderful mother to the girls so adding another baby to the mix was a guaranteed success
she's so doting and careful (a little overprotective at times but she means well) as she is with her girls
as the child grows into a teen, she panics a bit because "my beautiful baby is growing into such a beautiful, talented adult" so expect a lot of late night visits when she just sits on the edge of her bed and just admires how much you've grown
Salvatore Moreau:
now this one is an easy one too if i'm 100% honest
think Moses type beat
(if you don't know, Moses was found in the riverbank in a little basket)
apparently i really like baskets
Moreau was so out of his element when he found this tiny, screaming, writhing piece of soft flesh
the first few weeks were rough
but he eventually got the hang of it (with Alcina's help of course)
he would take his child fishing every now and then- just the two of them out on a boat for a few hours
the kid would literally swim more than walk and that little fact would make Moreau so freakin proud
also this kid would be so well-versed in movie and film history it's stupid
like expect this little 4 or 5 year old babbling not about toys or snow or how many sticks they found but instead about the copyright war over the film Nosferatu and the destruction of its copies
Moreau, as the child gets older (like 11 or 12) would have just a tad of trouble trying to keep the kid out of the village
he'd wake up one day and go out onto the lake, expecting his child to be swinging their legs off the dock and watching the sun rise over the water
and when he finds that they were not, in fact, swinging their legs off the dock and watching the sun rise over the water, he p a n i c s
i mean, full blown red alert
all of the lords are summoned to help Moreau look for his missing kid, the lycans are given an article of clothing to help find the scent, Mother Miranda goes to search the village herself- the whole shebang
and when the kid is found playing with the village children, Moreau bursts into tears
needless to say, the kid isn't allowed to go to the village anymore
until they're fifty (Moreau's words, of course)
but the kid sneaks off more and more as they get older, using Alcina or Donna or Karl as an excuse to be away
and Moreau knows but he never says a word
seeing his child happy and free with the kids their age makes him happy, even if he is a tad, a tad, a tad bit nervous
Donna Beneviento:
when Donna found this child huddled up against the base of the stairs leading up to her front door, she at first thought it was a doll of hers
it was only when she actually walked outside that she realised it was this shaking, shriveled child in tattered clothes
she spent a good five minutes just staring, wondering how on earth she's supposed to react
that's when Angie jumped in and pulled at her skirt, telling her to "let the kid inside, already!"
Donna went immediately to work on some clothes- why on earth were they wearing such ragged things?! it's freezing outside!- while Angie entertained in the parlour
honestly, it didn't go well
the kid was a little bit unsettled by the floating doll that moved and spoke on its own FOR GOOD REASON
and when Donna walked back in with her measurement tape and some fabric, the kid backed themselves into a corner of the room with their gangly legs tucked into their chest
Angie sighs from the opposite side of the room, letting her little feet fidget as she gestures to the kid. "they're no fun" she pouts, "wouldn't even let me know their name"
Donna puts her materials down slowly and lifts her veil back before attempting a small smile
it takes a while but upon the offer of food, the kid finally lets Donna make them some clothes while Angie makes conversation
she works in silence, only offering small awkward smiles
Angie finally brings up the topic of where their parents are when the kid's clothes are done
when the child goes silent, Donna nods in understanding before hurrying off to make a room for them
as Angie helped tug the blankets up to the child's ears, they promised they'd be gone in the morning
Angie was the one to tell them off.
"You'll stay as long as you need, you silly goose!"
and the child did
Donna would let them tag along for meetings so long as they promised to keep quiet and help keep Angie out of trouble
most of the time, it didn't work and they both would end up in trouble but Donna let them come nonetheless
and when the other Lords question where on earth this little kid came from- all dressed in black fabric that matched Donna's dress, she just shook her head and let Angie chase them off verbally
she'd spend literal HOURS locked in that workshop making new little friends for her child and when they were old enough, she'd let them into the workshop
and when they were even older, she'd walk them through making their very first doll on their own
she'd just watch with pride as they carefully painted the freckles with a shaky hand while Angie danced around their ankles singing of how excited she was to have another friend
The Duke:
he would be setting up shop near the base of the Dimitrescu castle when he catches a kid trying to steal some his wares
he wouldn't be terribly upset, more concerned
it wasn't something shiny or expensive that they were trying to steal
it was some of the steaming-hot food he had left to cool in the wintry air
he confronted the child gently and with a warm smile
"That's cordon bleu," he says, gesturing to the steaming plate. "I can make you some if you'd like"
and as the child eats, the Duke continues tidying up his shop for any future customers
the child, through a mouthful of food, points to different items and asks their purpose, their price, their possible enhancements
the Duke answers each question with patience, happy for the company
but he doesn't just let the questions go one-way
"How about a trade?" he asks as the child asks about the strange-looking bottle of green liquid. "An answer for an answer."
the child agrees and the Duke starts to peel back layers of why the child was here looking for food
they had been orphaned by the last lycan attack, only barely making it out by fleeing into the woods
they tried to forage off of berry bushes and successfully managed to kill a pig- only for the blood to attract lycans before they could properly eat it
the Duke nods and continues busying himself with his shop, feeding the horse that pulls the wagon
the thought had hit him when he watched the child petting his horse
that horse hated everyone. including him at times.
when he offered to take the child in, the kid nearly burst into tears and thanked him repeatedly, swearing to earn their keep
and they did, seven times over
what started off as a purely business venture morphed into something more as time went on
when the child would come back from selling smaller household items like gasoline and the occasional package of bullets, the Duke would have them climb onto the roof of the wagon and watch the sun set together with a plate of food
speaking of which, like Moreau, the Duke would raise the most cultured child
this kid would know how to prepare and identify different dishes and their ingredients just by looking at them or smelling them
and their palate would be far more sophisticated than most adults
the Duke, as the child gets older, would eventually allow them to choose destinations to set up shop- even outside of the village
wherever his child wants, the shop would go
it allows them to see the world and its earthly wares together- something the Duke had lacked in his life before the child was brought into the picture
Karl Heisenberg:
listen to me very very carefully
this man would be the most chaotic father ever to walk this earthly realm
when he finds this kid in the elevator of his factory, he's kinda standing there like 🧍 "what the hell-"
and when the kid starts spamming the button while maintaining eye contact, he kinda snaps out of it and starts chasing after them as they drop down to a different floor
it goes on for a solid twenty minutes before he finally managed to track them down in the corner of his office
and when i say this man is confused, i freaking mean it
i mean
why the HELL would some random kid be in his factory? don't they like... play with ponies or something at this age?
to be fair, this man literally has never been allowed a childhood so
obviously he starts scolding the kid ("what the hell are you doin' in here? it's dangerous and there's some really freaky shit here, kid"), dragging them to a nearby sink because "holy shit kid, you're filthy"
the kid is silent essentially the whole time, just kinda staring into his eyes
and of course Karl's gonna be like "...the fuck're you doin'?"
the kid's face is cleaned off and Karl sends them back out towards the village with a scratchy blanket he pulled out of the bottom of his desk drawer
he's working on his 'equipment' one day when he starts reaching for a wrench, keeping his focus on the body on the table
when i say this man jumps skyhigh at the kid asking a question, i mean it
he drags the kid back out, yelling about how dangerous it is and how "you shouldn't do that! you're gonna get yourself killed! go back home!"
the kid doesn't listen
it becomes a regular thing- Karl finds the kid wandering around the factory, Karl brings the kid out of danger, Karl tells them to get lost
eventually (day thirteen of this) he asks why the child keeps coming back
and he hates the answer he gets
it was something along the lines of "it's warm and there's nowhere else for me to go"
so Karl reluctantly eagerly lets them stay
it's a lot of rules at first (a kid shouldn't be allowed to just wander around a bunch of mindless cyborg killers, let alone a factory) but eventually the child learns to mind Sturm and the others
doesn't mean Karl does not have a fullblown heart attack when he walks into his workspace to find the kid tracing their finger along the center of the battery for the Soldats
after a very long talk (and some deep breathing) Karl reluctantly eagerly lets them sit against the very far wall to watch him work on the machinery- not, under any circumstances, the actual bodies
as the child blossoms into a young adult, they start to help out with certain aspects of Karl's work
exclusively machinery because Karl could not physically handle having his kid watch him get elbow-deep into a corpse
and Karl is so freaking proud of it
when the Soldat is kicked to life, he's got his kid in his arms and cackling like the proud dad he is
yeah. paternal Heisenberg>>>
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Haikyuu fanfic recs for ones I liked hehe
EDIT: I made a pt 2
Anyway, as the title suggests, I am recommending some fanfics for popular(ish) ships that I personally really enjoyed! I’m only doing one or two fics per ship (which in hindsight is KILLING me so I’m just putting the first fics I find and am like I really liked that one LOL) because I wanted to do a shorter fic rec list (tho watch this become super long LOL). I also may or may not be procrastinating finishing a couple other long posts, so there’s that hehe. For the (kinda but not really) public consensus for best fics per ship (by kudo count) check out some of my other posts. Also I’m putting some ships I don’t actually read much of (OOPS LOL) so if you think that there’s a fic that fits my type (if I even have a consistent type) better, pls tell me LOL. Otherwise, pls continue heh :)
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading to make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) and stay healthy!
The Loyalty of a Traitor by DeathBelle (E) 76.9k // ok so does me liking this fic make me basic cause I feel basic LOL. I really love mafia fics, and the way the story line developed was SO good, like IN LOVE with this story. This is a fic where you should read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY before diving in, but if the length scares you, don’t be. It’s so easy to fall in and get lost in the writing!
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (chanyeol) (T) 66.3k // again, basic? Probably LOL but it’s good so I have no shame ;) Again, pls don’t let the word count scare you (cause it scared me LOL), you get really into it after like 2 paragraphs, so just make sure you have enough time to finish hehe.
Thicker Than Blood by kylar (M) 91.4k // are you surprised that there is another mafia one? You really shouldn’t be LOL. Anyway, I’ll just be here pushing my mafia fanfic agenda while you read this monster of a fic hehe :) Definitely read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY because there is some very sensitive topics involved! I also adore the oibokuroo friendship headcannon, so more reasons to read, right?
Liked, Commented and Subscribed by Royal Society of Pandas (Abarcelos) (T) 45.7k // this fic is SO funny omg. I read it and I had to stop so many times just to laugh because I could not stop sometimes LOL. However, there IS angst towards the end, it gets resolved, but it’s still there... But honestly, it just adds such depth and flavor to the fic, so pls read it!
bang! now we're even by Authoress (M) 11.9k // so I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of BokuAka (...oops?) and so I wouldn’t consider myself as the best person to be recommending fics for this ship (in general too LOL).... ANyway, I love myself some good spy AUs (was gonna put that IwaOi spy AU but the LIMIT), and Akaashi in a dress? Like the tags might state, what more do you need? The characters are done beautifully, and the story development is SO good, so I give you all my humble BokuAka rec.
Crisis Converted by valiantarmor (M) 60k // man do I really love fighting in my fics LOL. This was super good and the plot itself kept me really engaged (what a twist omg). It does talk a bit about mental health issues, but it’s done so well, and they really did this AU justice!
How to Manage by SuggestiveScribe (E) 39.3k // ok so yea yea we established, I’m basic, BUT can you blame me? This might’ve been one of the first DaiSuga’s I’ve read and I have no regrets. Literally, this fic series is one of my favorites, so OF COURSE I had to add it somewhere :D Honestly, I don’t even think you need to read the first one to understand what’s going on, but I would just cause it has some funny DaiSuga moments too ;) This is explicit for PWP, so proceed with caution~~
Add New Contact by booksong (G) 8.5k // this one! It’s so cute and poor Daichi LOL. He really out here doing the most,,, Anyway, we love tech Suga, and a nice dash of snarky tsukki (LOL is he salt, yes yes he is). It’s very fluff and pine, so if you want to read Daichi having gay panic like 24/7, go right ahead LOL. 
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) 91.2k // ummmm, haha what, another mafia AU? Me, predictable? Noooo, never..... Anyway, this one was so freakin’ good like, love it so much! It’s one of my favorite mafia AU fics, and I love the story line progression. Poor Atsumu being dragged into this mess, but it’s okay because THEY are IN LOVE. Honestly, this fic is Atsumu best boy like he is the best boy. BEST BOY.
Notte Stellata by awkwardedgeworth (T) 20.9k // I ignored all of the other fics I LOVE in this ship (like the pain I’m in rn), but I love this fic with my whole heart. Like I have reread this fic multiple multiple times because I love it so much (tho I might’ve skipped the angst a couple of times cause I didn’t want the pain okay?). I keep coming back, and the second fic in this series is SO funny and cute and I love it here. Please read it, it’s so FREAKING good, angst and ALL.
Team Mom by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead (T) 2.7k // so as I was going through this tag (because that’s what I do LOL), I remembered this fic and I love it. Like yes Yahaba is the fear factor and yes Kyoutani is the DAD. I really like the team dynamics in this one, and the first years make me laugh pls.
Camellias by kiyala (T) 1.9k // IK you’re all like, you’re missing such great fics, like no I’m not I just made myself hate myself by limiting fics to two per,,, I love this fic and when I starting looking for this ship, it was the first one I thought of hehe. I really love magic and their interactions are so cute and the PLANTS ARE DOING THE MOST. Pls read both in the series, cause domestic KyouHaba is best KyouHaba ngl LOL. I love the plants, and if you read the second one, someone tell the trees to stop bullying Yahaba.
This gets annoying fast, Makki by Ink_stained_quills (G) 2.3k // IM IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC PLS I COULD NOT STOP CRYING TEARS OF LAUGHTER. This AU needs more fics PLEASE. It was SO freakin’ funny and the other teams KILLED ME. Like how they all approached the problem differently and how some of them (KUROO) asked for help LOL. Please this is so freaking funny go read it.
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia (E) 91.5k // I told myself I was gonna put my most angsty fics on another post (which I will for my other favorite MatsuHana angst fic which I love), but this fic. Omg I saw it and I was like I have to. Literally I have to. I hate angst, but read it. It, the, plot, omg, I jjfnsfknalkjdnf ljksan. Like I’m not sure you understand. This fic. asjfjfsadnldjb. I never thought I could hate a character SO MUCH,,,, like SO MUCH. READ TAGS, WARNINGS, AND SUMMARIES because some serious stuff really goes down. Bless Iwa-chan.
Accidentally in Love by pancake_surprise (T) 19.6k // JOSE CUERVO strikes. I love this fic and all the chaos in it. The way they were supposed to be the responsible couple (of friends LOL),,, sike. This one is only a slight angst and it’s mostly love and fun :) Also technically this is no longer the first fic in the series, but I’m still putting this one cause the other one is SakuAtsu orientated hehe :)
Spring Secrets by DeathBelle (T) 3.8k // Seasons might be one of my favorite (as all things also seem to be) series of all times. I don’t like rerecommending fics I’ve already said to read, which is why I’m not yelling at you to go read a certain other fic (which is my life and blood). Anyway, this fic series is all fluff barely angst (maybe that’s why I like it) but it’s so freakin good pls read it all ahhhhhh.
Komori/Suna (what is their ship name):
I wish to live in a world by hatsuna (T) 24.8k // ok ngl this fic was so sad and relatable? Like I was like wtf why are you making me cry rn even though like I shouldn’t be? My heart? Pain. (Hotel? Trivago.) Technically, this is END GAME but the main pairing is kinda SakuAtsu???? Something of the sort, but also their relationship (Komori and Sakusa) is written so well and idk guys I think you need to read this fic rn.
Ah the two fic limit hurt me, but fear not I am making ship specific rec posts (LOL I’m so dramatic), so if you wanted more of a ship,,,, its a coming hehe. And yes I did say I’m making an angsty fic rec post, but we’ll see if it gets finished before I side-track with posts like these LOL.
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ginger-canary · 2 years
hi, im new to your blog! could you explain a little bit more about the AO3 stats project you’re doing? this is really fascinating but also kind of sad bcs i’ve seen you say multiple times that ppl are constantly misgendering characters. it really sucks that D20 fic is so wrought w misgendering and honestly?? hella aphobia surrounding riz. makes it feel like such an unwelcome place for some ppl.
Hii hello new person! You've opened the floodgates to current hyperfixation #1 so I hope you're ready for that.
I am a person that has acceptable coding skills and with that can make pretty good visualisation of just any data I get my scientist hands on
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Here is an analysis I did from my own AO3 like a year ago
So I've done this before for Legends of Tomorrow where i put the shit we technically know (bc we can see it in the filters) in graphs but I make it just a little bit more. You get to see more than just the top 5 or something.
And I was thinking about that and then I made this post (not the reblog but you get the gist) and it got enough notes to convince me people were interested in this. And then I started. And I learnt that people don't tag their campaigns. So I am facing all AO3 works in the d20 tag like a fucking lunatic. Anything for science amirite.
Anyway, considering I'm looking through 1857 works there's bound to be some mistakes but yes I have had to face a lot of nonbinary being labelled as a gender. The funny thing is that in The Unsleeping City there's a few fics where Cody's nonbinary and the authors do freakin' nail that one every time.
As for the thing about Riz.... yeah okay they didn't say any specific aro/acespec label but I must inform you that Riz/Fabian is the highest counting relationship over ALL campaigns. Am I disappointed? A little. Sure I can appreciate demisexual rep but I'm simply asking u to respect aromanticism. It seems that they're mostly out there taking on Riz's asexuality but ignoring any arospec energy he has. But let's be real if you asked me if I was surprised the answer is no.
There's an advantage of the vague aro/acespec confession we got for Riz which allows for any and all orientations on the spectrum to be represented! The downside is that most people pick one where he fucks and has romantic love. I do wanna say shoutout to everyone who's labelled Queer Platonic Relationship y'all rule. Anyway, at the end AO3 is where you can also go when canon doesn't spark joy and technically there are no rules. I am simply a scientist here to make graphs.
I'm glad you're curious enough to join me tho!
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
I got this from Mary P. Sue’s blog. It looked like fun so I took her invite to any followers who wanted to do it.
Author Name: AceyAnaheim
Fandoms You Write For: Multifandom
Where You Post: Here mostly. I have an AO3 but I haven’t used it much.
Most Popular One-shot: On Clarity And Promises ( The Originals) 
Most Popular Multi-chapter Story: I haven’t….posted any. >.>
Favorite Story You Wrote: Cake and Everything.
Story You Were Nervous To Post: Each and every one of them.  
I have very high anxiety about sharing my writing. I’ve only shared it with a few close friends and even that took a while.
I think Cake and Everything was a lil bit more nerve-wracking just because I have very dear friends I look up to who write Seto already so well and its hard not to think i need to....do it as good as them I guess. 
Also my Stanuary fic ( no link bc Im not...particularly proud of it) for similar reasons. I know people in the GF fandom that are like uber talented and that I also look up to as artists..and as people since they were super welcoming and nice and GF was my starting thing on tumblr. I was super nervous that compared to their work..it just wasn’t good enough to share.
When I look up to and/or care about people..I tend to want everything I share with them to be good. It’s..it’s a bit of a mind trap I’ll admit. I’m trying to work on it. 
But also ( for the stanuary fic) I just spent way too little time on it and compromised quality over meeting the prompt list/deadline and it.. I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to share which..made me more nervous about sharing it.
It’s interesting that Cake and Everything was the first fic I shared on tumblr since the Stanuary fic. I’m thinking that first thing you share ( either the first fic you share period or the first fic you feel like it’s good enough to share with people) also adds nervousness. 
But I’m workin on gettin over all of that.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Very Randomly. I don’t put as much thought into it as I probably should. It’s often the last thing I do and usually I’m just looking to fill in the bar. I know its important and I’m tryin to work on puttin more thought on it but...yeah.
Do You Outline: I used to. But not as much lately.  I suspect I will have to for multi-chapter works.
Complete: >.> Oneshots count right?
In Progress: Tales of The Clans. ( Anne B Walsh’s Dangerverse) 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I really wanna get into the Trancendence AU and write something about Toby Pines and Alcor because Begrudging Promotion To Parent is my jam. A fic about what happens when Laura Kinney becomes Seto Kaiba’s bodyguard. Mayyybe a Supernatural Next Gen fic if I can get myself into it again. Other stuff I’m  not sure I’m ready to share yet but include Marvel’s Runaways, X Men First Class, and Disney’s Descendants as well as an OC centered fic set in The Nightworld Series’ world that is way too long and someone should talk me out of tackling but I have the most amazing friends and instead it’s being encouraged and oh gosh if I could show yall the outline.Its a freakin Huge multichapter multi character behemoth looking thing. I dont know what i was thinking.
 I have some DDADS ideas both for fic proper and a Crossover with In The Heights. 
Oh and sometimes I entertain the thought of Movie!Laura being found/adopted by Seto because self indulgence is a powerful beast but thats a bit trickier to mesh together into a fic so it’ll probs take a bit of a backburner to the comic!LauraxYGO crossovers.
Do You Accept Prompts: Not usually only because I have so much anxiety with sharing works. I have no problems writing around a prompt ( and have done it in multiple occasions)  but sharing the end result is quite hard for me.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited To Write: The Laura Kinney and Seto Kaiba story.  I think I hit on how all the dynamics are gonna work and how the character plots might or might not change so I’m already having fun with it. Even if I never write it down and instead daydream a lot about it  bc...Reasons.
I’m still not sure which verse ( between Laura coming in when Seto is still under Gozaburo’s guardianship, or Laura gets hired by Seto to bodyguard Mokuba) I’ll follow first but I’m still very excited.
I’ve got a plot bunny or something in the back of my mind where Jubilee uses her Stubbornness and sway with Logan to make Laura, her, and Logan and Gambit resemble a family and stay together. 
A Boy Meet World/Percy Jackson crossover fic tha may or may not happen. A Boy Meets World fic where i claim an old OT3 and it rewrites certain parts of Girl Meets World.
There’s also an MCUxHeroesOfTomorrow crossover where the kids Tony raised in Earth-55326  land on the MCU world  and basically swarm around him ( and their parents) and Peter and Harley are not jealous okay shut up. that may or may not include comic verse characters. 
It’s mostly fluff and silliness Ngl
I.I have a hard time not taking on too much..if you can’t tell.
Gonna tag @queen-of-carven-stone @alexseanchai  @useless-protagonist  @kohakuhime and @rscoil if they're okay with it of course  >.>
And of course anyone who wants to do it is welcomed to.
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thedyslexicbard · 5 years
Tangled in Webs ~ Chapter 3 The Unbreakable Promise
bt A/N: oh I’m back with the next instalment if you want the previous chapters they are on a master list i will post later!!
After some re thinking and re watching i have decided to change a few things such as peters hair length and some other bits :) sorry for the huge hiatus i was just uninspired and didnt feel like writing but im back baby :) 
For previous chapters look in the #tangled in webs tag :)
Words 2417 Yeah thats a lot of freakin words bro 
Summary: so as the title suggests its a Tangled AU where you as the reader are Flynn Rider until you reveal your true name as Y/N Y/L/N but you’ve seen Tangled right? and peter of course is Rapunzel but his name is peter!!
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Peter looked out of his tower and sighed as the sun began to set, he twisted round leaning against the windowsill huffing “guess i'll be watching the lights from here” Peter looked at M-J who gave him a sympathetic squeal. Peter didn't notice the figure running towards his tower until it was to late.
The Girl fell face forward the brown satchel slipped from her hands as Peter let out a cry hiding behind a mannequin, Peter peeped over the top of the mannequin then using it to shield himself as he moved forward to the body.Peter winced as he drew the frying pan once more prodding the girls head flinching back as if to see if the girl moved, nothing happened peter looked to MJ with a confused expression to chameleon was just as confused replying with a simple shrug. Peter looked back at the body his frying pan was still ready to THWACK again he stepped forward nudging the girls head revealing part of her face he took a moment to look at her features then looked to MJ, who in return went to the exaggerated portrait of a thug peters mother drew only moments before mimicking the red colour and miming pointy teeth. Peter flipped the pan around using the handle to push the girls top lip to reveal normal white teeth, peter Gasped he then flipped her hair from her face to show the most beautiful girl Peter had ever seen that wasn't a portrait in a book. He moved in closer admiring her beauty when a bright (Eye Colour) Eye peered back at him in one split second Peter hit the Girl again in fear.
Peter had to do something about the girl he couldn't just leave her there on the floor for his mother to find, peter paced around looking for places to hide a body his long hair flowing behind him “Ah HA i got it MJ i’ll hide her in here” he exclaimed wrapping his hair around the girl and using his strength to pull her towards the Wardrobe (Closet). “okay here goes” he huffed pulling the girl up letting her limp body flop on him as he used a web to pull open the door, “jeez i never knew a girl could weigh so much” peter huffed “okay in you go” peter moved quickly so that the girl would flop into the wardrobe but she infarct missed. this time peter aimed his web shooter to a high beam in the tower wrapping his hair around the girl again he swung dropping Flynn into the wardrobe the force closing the doors tight “YEs” peter cheered dropping in front to pull his hair from the closet “oh no, no, no don’t be stuck OH COME ON !” peter face planted the door grumbling nonsense as he opened the doors again The body flopping out instantly. he took a few steps back thinking of a solution.
His next attempt seemed flawless push the body up quickly close the doors but no the girl flopped out once more, “Okay this time will indefinably work” peter thought he grabbed a nearby broom lifting the girl up and pushing her in and slamming the doors on her hand “ouch” peter winched as he poked the hand back in pushing a chair up to stop her flopping out again.
“okay, okay, I have a person in My Closet, I've got a person in my closet,” peter started still not believing himself as he spoke to his reflection “I have a Person in My closet!! Haha Awww Yeah Two week to handle myself out there,huh Mother? Well tell that to my Frying pan”  
“huh?” peter rubbed his head where he hit it with the frying pan noticing a shiny object in the satchel the girl dropped, he walked towards it picking up the object admiring the bright blue crystals and gold rim, he scrunched his face trying to figure out what it was. He held out his pinky finger sliding the crown on as if it were one of his mothers hideous rings looking at MJ to see her opinion, She only shook her head. Peter held the crown closer to his face closing one eye as if he was using one of the many magnifying glasses looking at MJ again who only shook her head. Frustrated peter turned to the mirror again looking at his reflection he looked at the crown in his hands and deciding to place it upon his head staring at his reflection his hazel eyes wide with curiosity-
“Oh Peter!!” Gothel cried from the bottom of the tower snapping peter from his trance, he stated rushing around putting the crown into a pot and heading to the window.  “would you let down that rope”
“one moment mother” peter shouted down as he hooked the rope around the window hook letting it drop to the ground.
“i have a big surprise!” Gothel shouted upwards with delight as she grabbed the rope
“uh, i Do too”
“Oh i bet my surprise is bigger!”
“I seriously doubt it” peter mumbled pulling the rope, Mother Gothel appearing at the window beaming
“i brought back parsnips. i'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner, your favourite. Surprise!!”
Peter pulled the rest of the rope back into the tower leaving it in a neat pile “Well Mother there is something i want to tell you”
“oh Peter , you know i hate leaving you after a fight” she started hanging her cloak up and heading to the kitchen area “especially when i have done absolutely nothing wrong”
“okay, i’ve been thinking a lot  about what you said, earlier” peter started eagerly  as he shuffled closer to the wardrobe as not to spoil his surprise.
“I hope you’re not still talking about the stars.” he tone became dull with a hint of aggravation “Floating lights” peter corrected “and yes I’m leading up to that” he moved closer to the wardrobe
“because i really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart”
“No mother, i'm just saying, you think i'm not strong enough to handle myself out there” his hand was mere inches away from the chair holding his ticket to see the Floating lights, Gothel turned to face Peter “Oh darling, i know you’re not strong enough to handle yourself out there”
“But if you Just-”
“-Peter we’re done talking about this” Gothel faced him anger lacing her tone
“Trust me-”  “-Peter!-” “-...I know what i’m-” “-Peter” “Oh Come on” His hand was on the handle he could finally -
” PETER ENOUGH With THE LIGHTS peter you are never leaving. this. tower. EVER!” GOthel screamed her voice echoing within the tower, Peter flinched with every word his hand moving away from the chair and his freedom
“ugh great. Now i look like the bad guy” Gothel slumped into her chair head in her hand, Peter didn’t know what to do he could feel tear pricking at his eyes he hated making his mother shout at him. Peter looked around the room his sight settling on his new painting of the lights then back to wardrobe he sighed “all i was going to say, mother is that i know what i want for my birthday, now.” peter warped his arms around him in a hug smiling
“and what is that?”
“new paint. That paint made from the white shells you once brought me”
“Well that is a very long trip peter almost three days time”Gothel protested
“i just thought it was a better idea than, uh, stars.”
Gothal sighed getting up from her chair walking towards peter “are you sure you’ll be alright, on your own?” peter wrapped his arms around Gothel “i know i’m safe as long as i’m here” Gothel kissed his hair in acknowledgement.
Peter packed Gothel a basket of food as she put her cloak back on “i’ll be back in three days time, i love you very much, my dear”  
“I love you more”
“I love you most”
Peter watched as Gothel left the tower and through the hidden passage and in a flash he raced to the wardrobe armed with his frying pan he moved the chair from the wardrobe shielding himself, he took in a deep breath exhaling “OKay”  he grabbed his hair and whipped it to the handle pulling it open, Flynn Flopped out with very little grace peter to checked to see if she was a live and tied her to the chair with his hair and some of his webs. Peter pulled the chair into the sunlight beaming into the tower, Mj squealed as she popped up on Flynns shoulder she slapped her a few times but gave up reeing up she stuck her tongue right in Flynns ear.
“AAHHHHHHHHH….. What?” flynn screamed her breathing became erratic as she tried to figure out her surroundings, she noticed she was tied up and looked down at the restrains “is this hair?” she asked looking at how far it goes stopping at a shadow
“struggling …. Struggling is pointless” Peter stammers fear and adrenaline took over
“Huh?” Flynn squinted at the shadow
“I know why you’re here” peter started moving closer “And i'm not afraid of you”
“What?” Peter emerged from the shadows his frying pan ready to strike “Who are you, And how did you find me?
“Ah ha” was all Flynn could say
“Who are you, and how did you find me?” peter asked again his frying pan raised
“ahem , i know not who you are Nor how i came to find you but may i just say…. Hi” she smirked “how you doing? The names Flynn Ryder, how's your day going,huh?”
Peter looked confused at the confidence Flynn had he huffed “Who else knows my location, FLynN RyDer?” he spoke pointing the pan back at Flynn.
“All right Blondie-”
“Guzuntight, here's the deal, I was in a situation, Gallivanting through the forest, i came across your tower and” sudden realization hit Flynn “oh no where is my satchel?”
“I’ve hidden it, somewhere you’ll never find it.” peter bluffed but Flynn didn’t buy it as she scanned the tower her eyes landing on a ceramic pot  “its in that pot,isn't it.”
Flynn woke again to MJ’s tongue in her ear again she look at the lizard before screaming “Will you stop that!” rubbing the side of her head on her shoulder
“Now its hidden where you’ll never find it” peter smirked waving his hair behind him he stated to pace around Flynn “So, what do you want, with my hair? To cut it?”
“Sell it?”
“No! Listen, the only thing i want to do with your hair, which is a very large amount for a guy like you is get out of it. Literally!! And what's with this other stuff, and please tell me it didn't come out of you”
“What!? No i made it it's like spiders webs and glue”
“Right your like the king you make things cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt”
“Wait, you don't want my hair?” Peter was confused his mother told him that his hair would be the only reason anyone would want to hurt him
“Why on earth would i want your hair?” Flynn was even more confused why would anyone come to steal someone's hair “Look, i was being chased, i saw a tower, i climbed it, end of story.”
“You’re telling the truth?”
“Hummm” Peter ran everything though his head as Mj popped up once more running down his arm to the end of the frying pan, she stared flynn down as peter moved her away growling.Flynn just looked confused.
MJ started to squeal and squeak as if she was talking to peter “i know, i need someone to take me.” peter began  earning a few more squeaks “i think she’s telling the truth, too.” more questioning squeaks “doesn't have fangs, but what choice do i have?”.
Flynn peerd round concern played on her face as she started to bounce on the chair to move peter sighed “oh okay Flynn Ryder, I’m Prepared to offer you a deal.”
“Look this way” peter pulled his hair making the chair spin losing its balance making Flynn fall face first “oof” Peter on the other hand climbed on top of the fireplace pulling the curtain back on his new masterpiece “Do you know what these are?”
“You mean the lantern thing they do for the Prince?” she spoke face squashed against the floor
“Lanterns….i knew they weren’t stars. Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky,with these lanterns. You, will act as my guide take me to these lanterns and return me home safely Then and only then, will i return your satchel to you that is my deal”
FLynn smiled at how ridiculous this guy was being as she tried to roll over “yeah, no can do, unfortunately, the kingdom and i aren't exactly, ‘Simpatico’ at the moment so i won't be taking you anywhere”
Peter raised an eyebrow and looked at MJ who motioned to whoop Flynn’s ass, he jumped down from the mantle and pulled his hair in turn FLynns chair lifted up “something brought you here, FlYNn RyDEr, call it what you will Fate, Destiny.”
“A horse” she deadpanned
“So i have made the decision to trust you.”
“A horrible Decision, Really.” she mumbled
“But trust me, when i tell you this” peter moved in closer so he was face to face with the girl “you can tear this tower apart, brick by brick but without my help you will never find your precious satchel.” Flynn gulped “LEt me just get this straight, i Take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home and you’ll give me back my satchel?”
“I Promise” Flynn only raised her eyebrow at him “And when i Promise something, i never Ever break that Promise EVER!”
“Alright, listen, i didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice Here comes the ‘Smolder’” Flynn tried to pull a sexy face but peter didn't buy it he just looked at her with pure determination “this is kind of an off day for me. This doesn't normally happen… FINE! I’ll take you to see the lanterns”
“REALLY!!” Peter exclaimed letting go of the chair Flynn slammed face first once more into the floor “oops” “i think you broke my face”
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@beautiful-holland@yikesmcdonald @greenarrowhead @shamelessbookaddict
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vixenfur · 6 years
Tag at least 5 people you love and give a few words on why!
Since there was so much BS in the fandom today, time to share some love! :)
- @zeta-jane is an absolute godsend of a friend. They are sassy, funny, talkative, energetic and so full of amazing ideas!!! Zeta is always there for me when I need someone to lean on. They’re such a kind friend and they will not hesitate, baitch to fight people who hurt me- probably because they know I’d do the same for them! They’re such good company both online and IRL, and I am blessed to have met them! I am even more blessed to be writing City of Dust and Shadows with them, which has become the longest fic either of us has ever written! We may or may not surpass it with our future collabs, however ;) They are just the coolest person ever and they deserve all the love in the world. I adore them so much!!! TUT 
- @mikayu-chan is such a got damn SWEETHEART. They are trying to see the positive side of things, especially after so much fandom drama in the past, and I’m so so proud of them for trying their hardest to live their best life. They have it way too hard and I want to give them a big ole hug and many days of fun!!! They always make me laugh and we have a great time on calls! I’m glad that we see eye-to-eye on so many things and that we continue to teach each other new things all the time!! They are really an irreplaceable friend and such a joy to talk with, to write with, and to laugh with. I love you Chan
- @crazyloststar deserves the entire world and more!!!! oMg I cannot express how much I love Alex!!!!! Alex is just a big bundle of happiness and fun and she makes me so so so so so so so happy. I love calling with her and talking, I love writing with her and everything else!! We always have so much fun, I swear I can’t talk to her without laughing my ass off at least once XD we’re always DJDJDHDHDHDJD’ing at each other because we just can’t find the right words to express how hard we’re agreeing with each other/laughing omfg. I adore her and I cant WAIT to cosplay KimiYoi and RyuuTenn with her hopefully at next year’s Yaoi Con WOOT WOOT :D!!!!
- @yuudefensesquad is sUCH A GOOD BEAN who deals with SO MUCH and she just needs a big ole hug and lots of Yuuchan i stg. Caydence is such a funny funky lil nugget and I protecc her with my life okay. Her art? Flawless. Her shitposts? FUCKIN HILARIOUS. Her meta? Super engaging and intriguing! Her bravery? ABOVE US ALL LOL. She is just awesome and I’m glad I forcefully adopted her into my lil family of mikayuu nerds bc it just wouldn’t be the same without her. Caydence ily never stop being you. A lot of shit challenges her irl and everywhere else, but she still keeps her head up and man I really respect her.
- @mikaisatop is MY FRICKIN RIGHT HAND MAN. My SOULMATE. SARAHHH I ADORE YOU. You might be busy rn but I love you so much girl ;__; even though she’s busy I always bother her bc I want her to know I wouldn’t ever forget about her!! I’m so happy we got to collab so much and will continue doing so!! Winter’s Waltz is so much fun to write and I’m so happy she is writing it with me anyways despite such a busy schedule. If it weren’t for Sarah we wouldn’t have so much good MikaYuu content and I applaud her for it!!
- @6lilystrings9 IS JUST THE BOMB DOT FUCKIN COM. Lily and I didn’t super duper connect until more recently but omg talking with her is just a freakin BLAST. We always get so hype with each other, even over each other’s fandoms that we aren’t even in!!! Something about the energy in her pulls out the energy in me and we just get GOING lmao. She is so very talented and amazing and a fascinating person all around! I’m so glad we got to hang a bit at KatsuCon in 2017 but I hope we can do that again in the future! I miss her all the time!
- @weirdfairytales is the MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. Anna is just the biggest definition of a meme I can think of and I LOVE her for it. I’m so glad that we met way back when MikaYuuHell Skype existed and that she thought of the masterpiece that is Cherry Boy one wild night. I’m so glad we continued to be great friends and talk about so many things. I love when our messages get super long cause we just have so many things to say XD Cosplaying Victuuri with her at Katsu was so lit, and I can’t express how much I love her Victuuri fic too!!!
- @hannaadi88 is such. a. sweetheart. I can’t say it enough. Hanna does so much and gets so little I stfg yall need to APPRECIATE HER MORE. Her writing is STUNNING and the projects she makes for this fandom are just outstanding!!! From gift exchanges (I SAID ONS REMIX BEFORE IM SORRY i was wrong XD) to 365 Days of Mika and Yuu, she has put in so much for us constantly! She has also granted us with the lovely fic Scented, and not to mention one of my favorite fics of ALL TIME, Eye of Horus- the Ancient Egypt take on Unwritten!!! And she named it that without knowing my first tattoo is literally the eye of horus! XD I was shook lmfao and I still am. Meeting Hanna was amazing and the day I spent with her and @ihavetobenkyou (who is also a-freaking-MAZING and a big bundle of goodness!!!!!!) is one I’ll never forget. She’s so chill and just gives off this ‘wise’ aura idk why but I just look up to Hanna so much. No matter what she writes I will always support her and you all should too!!!
- @just-another-dream-about-yuu is ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS TO EVER HUMAN. Julia omfg I cannot express how much I love you. TwT Julia is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever seen, but she is so sweet and fun and so full of energy and excitement!! She’s super busy with adulting so she’s not around in the fandom a whole lot but I always make sure to include her bc I won’t let her leave XD JULIA YOU CANNOT ESCAPE…. lmfao I will always drag you back… I won’t ever forget the day I got a twitter notification that someone drew me Unwritten fanart and the croaking sound I made was insane LMAO my friend who was with me was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED XD I was so excited!!! I still adore every piece of fanart she’s given me and I always will. Thank you, Julia, for bringing my imagination to life so many times, for showing me what you saw when you read my writing. It means more than I can say.
- @coleglend is the most underappreciated person in this fandom I swear. Or, who was in this fandom- Cole is off doing other things besides OnS, but regardless, she is so very amazing and beyond talented. I can’t even express how beautiful her art is and the emotions each piece sparks in me. Even her new Marvel artworks are just breathtaking and I truly admire them!!! I don’t know anyone who can make such detailed, visually engaging art- everything she creates belongs in a museum I swear. I want to print them and frame them for my walls!!! I look at her art all the time!!! Now that I’ve established how gorgeous her art is, talk about Cole as a person! She’s so sweet and kind and I love seeing her little posts on Instagram and such, even though I can’t understand most of them, I like seeing that she’s with friends and having a good time.
- @linnpuzzle is one of the coolest most amazing people in this fandom!!! Her art is STUNNING and as she knows, I will drop everything to commission her and buy her merch because I just am addicted to her gorgeous art!!! I am so honored to have some of her art as part of my collection of OnS things and I am forever going to treasure the commissions I’ve purchased from her!! Besides being a great artist, I love talking with Linn, too! I’m so glad we have things in common outside of MikaYuu, like Voltron and Kyo Kara Maoh :D Linn is truly too good for this world and she deserves everything okokok.
- @zilleniose-chu is truly an ICON of this fandom. We don’t talk alot outside of business stuff lolol but they are just freakin amazing!!! I adore their art so much- I always have, ever since I first saw their page!!- and I LOVE their AU’s and headcanons!! They are full of such great ideas and humor and they can share those ideas through really stunning and captivating artwork
- @absolute-exclusivity IS AN AMAZIN. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BEAN OH MY GOODNESS i cANT TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE LYSIA. AAAAAAAAHHHH THIS GIRL IS GONNA SPEND MY BIRTHDAY WITH ME OUT IN LONDON LESSGO GIRL!!! I’m so excited you have NO IDEA. Lysia is so so so energetic and cute and overall such an amazing friend!! She’s so caring and always willing to listen even when things are busy for her!! She’s full of hilarious, tragic, and heart-pounding ideas and AU’s. We always get lit together talking about fics and headcanons and I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. I can’t wait to meet her and I can’t wait to collab with her and Zeta soon, too!!
- @rindartist is absolutely one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME no doubt about it. Rin is so amazing, always making so many beautiful artworks of MikaYuu, and now of other lovely series aswelll! I may not be into GBF but her art of it is just lovely and I suggest everyone to commission Rin if they have the means!!
- @p0isonpez is someone I’ve only seen from afar but I absolutely love her art and posts!! I am so happy to see someone new in the fandom sharing such lovely things and interacting with the rest of us!! you seem so friendly and kind and I hope we can talk more sometime! :D
- @temesasu is such a sweetheart!! We’re just starting to talk a little more, but I am soso happy!! They are such an amazing cosplayer and their ONS cosplayers bring such a big smile to my face. They are beautiful and able to make themselves look like so many different characters!!! They are so talented with makeup, I am in awe!! :D And they are so kind and fun to talk to, and I hope we talk more! Thank you for sharing your cosplays with us, you are amazing! Don’t stop!
- @seraph-star is such a good precious person who makes endless good content!! Omg, their edits are just so awesome!! they always have me bouncing my head along, or completely enraptured and breathless, or laughing!! They are so good at evoking different emotions through video editing and as a very casual video editor myself, I am so impressed with their work!! I also love their memes and art and everything else that they share!!!
- @angeru-artist is a precious PRECIOUS ANGEL who deserves the entire world!!!! Omg, Angeru makes such amazing art, with such expressive characters and cute little attributes!!! I love it when I see their art and I’m so glad that we share a few fandoms together rather than just one. Angeru is really bighearted and she goes through way too much hard times, and I wish I could just take her away to somewhere better!!! One day my friend we will forget about the world and just have fun!!
- @maqui-chan iS ONE OF THE BEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER KNOWN OMFG. her art is iconic and unforgettable!!!! Maqui’s art has always been one of my favorites of all time and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve commissioned her LOL!! I JUST LOVE HER ART SO MUCH OKAY!?? ITS SO GOOD GO LOOK AT ALL OF HER GLORIOUS CREATIONS! she is so talented and she can create anything, from angst to smut to humor, leave it to Maqui to create amazing things!! And omg Maqui ignited the fire in all of our ShuuNaru hearts amiright!??? GOD her art inspired me so much to the point to where I wrote a ShuuNaru fic and it was so much fun!!! Maqui, thank you for drawing so many awesome things and creating so much for the fandom!! Even if you’ve mostly fallen out of it, your creations are always going to be treasured by me and many other people- you’ve impacted people way more than you know! Thank you for always making me laugh on twitter aswell XD you’re amazing and ily!!! 
OK OK I;M OUT OF STEAM I’VE BEEN TYPING THIS FOREVER OK i could go ON AND ON about even MORE people in this fandom but that would take me literal ages LMAO
TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHO I DIDN’T MENTION BC MY BRAIN IS JUMBLED AND I AM EXHAUSTED: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DONT STOP CREATING. THE FANDOM IS A FLAMING GARBAGE HEAP SOMETIMES LIKE IT WAS TODAY. But DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU from having a good time, doing what you love, and creating things that you are proud to share!!! And if your heart leads you elsewhere, to a different brand new fandom, I hope you always remember the people you inspired with your work!! I hope you forget the bad memories and always treasure the good ones. I hope that we can be friends and/or that I can continue supporting you no matter where we all end up in the years to come. And if you decide to support me too, I give you my biggest, most heartfelt thanks.
No matter how ridiculous this fandom can get and how much stupid discourse can dampen the mood and disappoint me, I will never let it stop me from loving MikaYuu and OnS and what I do. I will never let it stop me from writing all that my crazy little heart wants. I will continue to write until my passion dies, and when that day comes I will probably cry as I say goodbye and resort to watching from the sidelines as everyone else carries on. I will never forget the fun I had here. These past 3 years have been so impactful already, and I know the future ones will continue to be- with the old friends, with the new friends, and with friends to be made!!
Let’s spread love more often rather than hate. I encourage anyone who feels inclined to make posts (maybe not as long as mine if you dont want XDD) talking about your favorite creators and friends in the fandom, too! Or, if that seems too corny to you, just continue to draw, write, edit, and cosplay! Continue to make people laugh and smile and cry and swoon! Continue to support creators by leaving comments and kudos, by liking and reblogging, by following and commissioning, and sharing and crediting their work wherever you can! Continue to make a difference!
I love you all so much!
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bexlynne · 6 years
Drivin’ Me Crazy Part Two
(A/N): This is the end of this story, but I have some more I’ll probably be posting soon!  Thank you to everyone who’s given me feedback on this story, you’re so sweet and you made my day yesterday. :)  Let me know if you want to be tagged in future stories!
Jack glanced at his watch for the twentieth time. Forty-five minutes. I can get through forty-five minutes. That's just fifteen minutes, three times. I can do this.
"...and an order of mashed potatoes on the side," the customer finished.
Jack snapped back to the present. "Uh, sorry, could ya repeat that?" he said sheepishly.
The man looked annoyed. "Again?"
"Sorry 'bout that," Jack said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I'll get it this time, I promise."
Get it togetha', Kelly. Race ain't talkin' ta ya, so what? Quit worryin' about it and do your job.
"What's with you today, Kelly?" Jacobi asked as Jack brought the order back to the kitchen.
Jack kicked at the ground. "Problems with the boys," he admitted.
"Ah." The man nodded in understanding. "Well, try not ta let it affect your work, alright?"
"Yeah, I know," Jack said, scratching the back of his neck absently. "Mr. Jacobi, you'se got kids, right? Can I ask your advice on somethin'?"
"Sure," the man said. "As long as you ask it in the next..." He leaned back from the grill, checking the clock on the wall. "...thirty seconds, before table four's order is ready."
"So yesta'day I took Race's car keys--" Jack was cut off by his phone ringing. He froze when he saw the caller ID. Race. His boys knew better than to call him at work... unless it was an emergency. "Sorry boss, gotta take this," he said, his heart already beating out of his chest. He flipped open his phone. "Race? What's goin' on?"
"Jack?" a small voice said.
"Romeo?" the seventeen-year-old said, slightly confused. "Is everythin' okay? Where's Race?" The younger boy let out sob, and Jack felt his blood run cold. "Rome, what's goin' on?" he said, forcing himself to remain calm. "Are ya okay? Talk ta me, kid."
"Race crashed the car," Romeo choked out. "Jack, I'm scared! Race yelled, he said ta get outta the car quick--"
"Are ya okay?" Jack interrupted, dreading the answer.
"I... I think so," Romeo said hesitantly.
"Where's Race, is he hurt?" Jack asked next, starting to pace back and forth.
"I don't know," Romeo sniffled. "He's helpin' Crutchie."
Crutchie. No, no, no, he's got Crutchie. As soon as I know Race ain't hurt, I'se gonna strangle him. "I'm on my way," he told his brother, trying to sound reassuring. "Where are ya?"
"The roller coaster hills," Romeo answered. "Jack--" The line went dead.
Jack cursed under his breath. "I gotta go," he called to his boss, throwing his apron at a peg on the wall. He didn't wait to see where it landed. "Family emergency!"
Jack drummed his fingers against the steering wheel anxiously, glancing at the time. What's takin' so long? Just my luck I get stuck at the longest red light in 'Hattan... The light turned to green, and he sped off without a second thought. Romeo's panicked voice kept playing over in his head. What would it take ta make that kid scared like that? Did somethin' happen ta Race? No, he said Race was helpin' Crutchie... Wait, what happened ta Crutchie? Romeo said he ain't hurt, he didn't say nothin' 'bout the otha' two. The car crashed, anythin' coulda happened. They could be dead. Please, God, don't let them be dead.
Glancing at the speedometer, Jack pressed harder on the gas. Three minutes. It's been three minutes. So much can happen in three minutes. Images flashed through his head, one after the other. One or more of his brothers hurt, their bodies mangled in some horrible accident. Hospital bills he couldn't pay. The thought of losing one of them... How am I gonna tell the otha's? That one a' their brothers is dead? Jack shook his head, a sharp pain building in his chest as his breathing sped up. He couldn't get enough air. The car swerved dangerously as he choked back a sob, and then logic took over. Pulling over to the side of the road, Jack rested his forehead against the steering wheel. Breathe, Kelly. You got this. Nothin's happened yet. Get outta your head an' quit thinkin' the worst. Your boys need ya, and they'se gonna need ya ta be calm in case one of 'em's hurt. You got this.
Taking a deep breath, he started the car. He pushed it as fast as he dared, knowing at the back of his mind that he had just lectured Race for doing the same thing. Race could be hurt. Race was in an accident, and our last conversation was a fight. It can't end like this. He's gotta be okay, he's just gotta! Crutchie, he's already been through so much. I'se listened ta that kid cry ta me 'cause he can't run an' play with the otha' boys, if somethin' happens ta him on top a' that bad leg I ain't neva' gonna forgive myself. Can't he just have a shot at a normal life? And Romeo... the kid's only twelve! He can't be hurt. There's so much he's still got ahead a' him. Kid ain't even in high school yet! All of 'em, they're just too... too young.
Jack forced himself to use caution as he rounded the next corner. Every fiber in his being screamed at him to go faster, but the last thing he wanted was to wind up in the ditch. Why'd Race hafta go an' choose this road? How am I gonna search 'round every curve for five miles? Hang in there, boys. Please, just hang in there...
Some kind of luck must have been on side, because just around the next bend he saw them. The were huddled together at the edge of the road, the two younger boys crowded in close to Race. None of them looked badly injured. Jack breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his fear start to ebb away. As he unbuckled his seat belt and threw open the door, he made brief eye contact with Race. The younger boy's eyes widened, and he looked away hurriedly. Jack immediately felt a surge of annoyance, but he pushed it back. C'mon, Kelly. Your boys need ya.
He bridged the gap between them in two seconds. As soon as he was in arm's reach of his brothers, Crutchie clung to him, burying his face in Jack's shirt. "Are ya okay?" Jack asked anxiously. His arms went around the gimp boy automatically as he turned toward Romeo. "Romeo, are ya okay?" The little boy nodded shakily. Satisfied with the answer, Jack pried himself out of Crutchie's grip. "Ya okay, Crutch?"
The blonde boy nodded, his face still pale. "I'm fine, Jack," he said.
Jack let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, hugging all three of his brothers tight. For a few moments, all he felt was a deep sense of peace. His brothers were okay. They were safe. But a nagging feeling at the back of his mind reminded him that this wasn't over yet.
"Racetrack, what the hell were you thinkin'?"
Race blanched. "Jack, I--"
Jack shook his head. "What'd I say, Race? I said not ta touch that wheel if I wasn't there!" One thing, Race, I told ya one thing! Why do ya hafta do this every-- single-- time?! "This is the worst thing ya coulda done, Race, and ya went ahead and did it!"
"Jack, I'm sorry!" Race squeaked.
"Sorry don't cut it anymore, Race!" Jack said, his voice shaking with frustration. "Crutchie and Romeo coulda died today! Didja even think of that, or were ya too busy showin' off?" Always. You'se always showin' off, and I'se the one stuck cleanin' up your mess! Ya went too far this time, Race. This time I could've lost you all. Jack took another deep breath, closing his eyes against the tears that threatened to fall. He wouldn't cry. Not in front of his boys. Someone had to be strong, someone had to be the leader, and that someone had to be him. That was just the way things were.
"Get in the car," he instructed. "All of ya, get in the car." Crutchie succeeded in prying Romeo off of his older brother, and the two of them headed obediently to Jack's pickup. Race stayed where he was, so Jack walked away, pretending to examine the car as he tried to get a hold of himself. With shaking hands, he slid his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number he knew by heart.
Spot answered on the first ring. "Hey there, Jackie-boy," he said, sounding out of breath. "Ya miss me or somethin'? What's with --hey! Get down! What'd I just tell ya?-- what's with the phone call?"
"Hey, Spot," Jack said, smothering a grin in spite of himself. The Brooklyn lodging house was chaos most of the time, and a phone call with Spot was always entertaining. "I need a favor."
"You'se askin' me for help?" the Brooklyn boy said, amusement evident in his voice. "What's the occasion?" There was a loud crash in the background, but Spot ignored it. "Betta' make it fast, Jackie. I'se got about five minutes 'fore someone breaks a bone or loses an eye."
"Race wrecked his car," Jack said, getting straight to the point. "Could ya tow this mess back ta the lodgin' house?"
"The car me an' him slaved over?" Spot swore under his breath. "Why can't you do it? You'se gotta truck."
Jack glanced up at his boys. "I need some time," he said. "An' some space."
"Yeah, I get it," Spot said. "I'll be there in half an hour-- kid, whaddaya want? Look, that ain't my problem. Soak 'im and take it back. Maybe more like an hour," he added to Jack.
"Sounds great," Jack said truthfully. Honestly, that was the best news he'd had all day. "I don't know what ta tell ya as far as where we are. It's the freakin' middle a' nowhere--"
"I'll swing by your place," Spot said. "Race can show me where it's at. Try not ta kill the kid, Jackie."
Jack grinned wearily. "I'll try."
"Good," Spot said, apparently satisfied with the weak promise. "Look, I'se gotta go. Tricks is about ta set fire ta somethin', I think it might be one a' his brothers."
"Uh... good luck, I guess?" Jack said. Most conversations with Spot left him confused. As he hung up and started back to his truck, he noticed Race still standing by the roadside. So it's one a' those days, he realized. Any little thing I say, he's gonna do the opposite. Just what I need. "Spot's comin' ta tow the car," he informed his brother curtly. He motioned toward the truck. "Get in. I'se gotta help Crutchie."
He gave Crutchie the boost he needed to hop into the car, storing his metal crutch down by his and Romeo's feet. Checking that the younger two were safe, he slid into the driver's seat and waited for Race. The Italian shuffled his feet, taking his own sweet time getting into the vehicle, and Jack tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in annoyance. 'Kay. Race in his his seat and buckled in, Crutchie's safe, the crutch is taken care of, Romeo's all good. Everyone's good. Everyone's safe. Let's go.
Just as he turned the key in the ignition, a police car whipped around the corner, lights flashing furiously. Please don't stop, please don't stop-- The car parked next to what was left of Race's car and Jack groaned, banging his head against the headrest. Can this get any worse?
"It ain't my fault!" Romeo said suddenly. "Race said ta call for help!"
"I didn't say ta call the bulls!" Race retorted, glaring at the younger boy.
"Ya didn't say anythin'!" Romeo protested, his voice rising in pitch. "Ya just--"
"Quiet!" Jack thundered. "Shut up, all of ya. I'll be right back. None of ya move, ya hear me?"
Race muttered a response, and Romeo folded his arms over his chest, pouting and kicking the back of the seat. He stilled at a glare from Jack and and toyed with the edge of his shirt instead, avoiding eye contact. Jack sighed, readying himself to go talk to the police officers. "Sorry," he mouthed, making eye contact with Crutchie in the rearview mirror. The crippled boy shrugged wordlessly, making Jack feel even worse. Time ta face the music, he thought bitterly, getting out of the car.
That ten-foot walk was the longest Jack had ever faced, he was sure of it. A million thoughts ran through his head on the way. If these bulls know what Race's been doin' he'll go straight ta the Refuge for good. I can't let that happen. I can spin a sob story, lie my way out, take his place, beg if I hafta. I'se just gotta keep these bastards from gettin' their hands on him. The police car was parked on the side of the road, both front windows rolled down. He had never seen the driver before, but he recognized the man in the passenger seat. Officer Bixby had showed up at the front door of the lodging house some half a dozen times, always with at least one of the boys who had been caught doing something they shouldn't. He was a good guy, always making sure he got both sides of the story, stopping to say hello to Kloppman, wishing Jack good luck with the troublemakers. Yeah, but he's still a bull, Jack thought warily. And this is a lot worse than one a' my boys stayin' out too late or skippin' school. I can't expect him ta go easy on us this time. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to hide their shaking. I know what I'se gotta do.
"Jack Kelly," Bixby greeted. "Fancy seeing you here."
Jack hitched one shoulder up in a kind of half-shrug. "Hey, Officer Bixby."
The man in the driver's seat raised an eyebrow. "You know this kid, Bixby?"
"Oh, Jack and his brothers are old friends of mine," Bixby said lightly. "How many ya got now, twenty?"
"Sixteen," Jack said, shifting uncomfortably under the other officer's gaze.
Bixby nodded to the wreck in the ditch. "One of them do that?"
"Nah." Jack rubbed the back of his neck, managing a rueful smile. "This one's on me."
The man didn't bother to hide his surprise. "You? I wouldn't know you to be so careless, Jack."
Jack dropped his gaze to his feet, kicking absently at the ground. "I took my eyes off the road for just a second, I swear, ta talk to Romeo in the back. He was kickin' my seat-- y'know how kids are."
"Kids?" the other officer snorted. "You're a kid yourself."
Jack merely shrugged, biting back the retort he wanted to throw at the man. Who's he callin' a kid?
Bixby took off his sunglasses and tossed them on the dashboard, reaching for the door handle. "Let's talk, Jack," he said, coming around the front of the car. Jack felt heat rise up in his face, and he crossed his arms over his torso, intent on studying his shoes. "Why were you driving Race's car?"
"He just got his permit, y'know," Jack said. "We was practicin' on this road for a bit, and when we decided ta head home I switched with him. He ain't that great at parkin' yet, and I didn't want him messin' up our driveway or plowin' through the house or nothin' like that. I had Race chatterin' away on one side a' me, and Romeo kickin' my seat in back, an' I slipped up."
"Uh huh," Bixby said, raising his eyebrows. "And how did your truck get here?"
"That's kinda a long story," Jack said, stalling for time.
The man in the driver's seat snorted, and Bixby shot him a glare. "Shut up, Bolger. Try me," he added to Jack.
"Well, ya see..." Jack said. "I landed Race's car in the ditch, right? Me and Race are helpin' Crutchie out, and I hand Romeo my phone and tell him to call help. I mean for him ta call Kloppman. I had no idea he called the bulls, not 'til you'se showed up. No offense," he added hastily. "We get back ta the lodgin' house, and I get my truck ta come tow Race's car home. The younga' ones were kinda shaken up, wouldn't let go a' me, so I brought 'em with. We'se had just pulled up when you guys joined us."
Bixby turned back to the car. "What do you think?" he asked his partner.
Bolger shook his head. "Kloppman, Crutchie, lodging house..." he said. "I don't know half of what this kid's saying."
Bixby rolled his eyes. "Kloppman is the boys' foster father," he said. "The lodging house is what they call their group home. And most of the boys there have nicknames they go by. But what do you think?"
"I dunno," Bolger said, scratching his chin. "I see the possibility of a ticket here, for reckless driving. And the fact that he's in foster care changes the whole situation. We really should bring Warden Snyder into this, as much as I hate the guy."
Jack felt his heart stop and the blood rush out of his face. C'mon Kelly, ya always knew that was a possibility, he reminded himself. Swallowing hard, he fought to control his expression. From the way Bixby was watching him, he didn't think he was fooling anyone.
Bixby turned his head, purposely directing the attention away from Jack. "Yeah, that guy's a bastard," he said, agreeing with his partner. "That's usually for second-time offenses though, right?"
Bolger shrugged. "For any foster kid who breaks the law, technically."
"That's cruel," Bixby complained. "If an adult got into a wreck like this they wouldn't go to jail. And anything relating to Snyder is a hell of a lot of paperwork."
"True," Bolger said, turning the information over in his head. "How 'bout this? We write the kid a ticket for reckless driving--"
"But then he'll have a record!" Bixby interrupted.
"If he didn't want a record then he shouldn't have done it!" Bolger snapped. "We write him a ticket and have him take a couple traffic courses."
Jack held his breath. He hated this --having them talk about him like he wasn't standing right there-- but he was too relieved with the direction the conversation was going to say anything. 'Sides, ain't this like any otha' day? Grown-ups pretendin' they know ya, standin' around decidin' your future like ya ain't pullin' the same workload as them.
"Alright," Bixby consented. "I'll swing by your place later, Jack, and help you fill out an accident report and sign up for the class. Off the clock, keep your shirt on," he added to his partner.
Bolger grumbled under his breath as he filled out the ticket. "You're too lenient on these kids," he muttered. "One more kid in the Refuge means one less brat in the system making our lives harder."
Jack tensed, and it took all his willpower to keep his mouth shut. "Thank ya, sir," he said, folding the ticket and slipping it in his pocket. He started back to his truck, when Bixby's voice stopped him.
"I trust you, Jack," the man said. "I know something like this won't happen again." He gestured to Jack's truck, and the three restless boys inside. "You're a good brother to these kids. Go on and take them home."
Jack nodded, his gaze flickering up to meet the other man's eyes. "Thank ya," he said again, hunching his shoulders as he walked back to the car. He tried to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach as he glanced at the ticket, mentally counting how many extra hours he'd have to work to pay it. And traffic school. How am I supposta find time for that, in between the extra hours I'se gotta work and all the homework I'se gotta catch up on? Maybe I can take it at night... He shook his head, wishing he could shake off the bad feeling as well. Come on, Kelly. It was worth it for Race. He glanced up, frowning when he saw Race lounging in the front seat, his feet propped up on the dashboard and his hat over his eyes. Oh, yeah, he thought bitterly. It was all worth it.
"Get your feet off the dash," he said brusquely, getting in and starting the car. The younger boy stared at him, his big blue eyes unreadable. Jack snatched the cap off his head and tossed it into his lap. "I ain't in the mood for this, Race. Buckle up. We don't want two accidents today." He didn't miss Race's scowl as he did so, but he chose to ignore it. The kid's in enough trouble already. If he wants ta throw a fit, I ain't gonna stop him.
"Jack," Crutchie said hesitantly, glancing back and forth between his brothers.
Jack shook his head, starting on the road towards home. "Like I said Crutchie. I ain't in the mood." Crutchie backed off at that, and they rode the rest of the way in silence. When they got to the lodging house, Jack paused to help Crutchie out of the car. "Can ya take the little guy upstairs?" he asked quietly. Crutchie nodded, shooting a glance toward Race in the front seat. "He'll be okay," Jack said, sensing his younger brother's doubt. He didn't get angry often, and he knew it was putting the gimp boy on edge. "I'se'd neva' hurt one a' you boys, ya know that, right?"
Crutchie grabbed onto Jack's arm, using his older brother to steady him as he positioned his crutch. "I know, Jack," he said. "I trust ya-- with my life and any a' theirs." He nodded to where Romeo was plastered against Race's side, his little arms around his brother's waist in a tight hug. "C'mon, Romeo," he said louder, holding out his hand.
It took some doing --and a little intervention from Jack-- to get the kid upstairs, but finally Jack was alone with his brother. "Jack, I can explain," Race said quickly once they were inside.
"You'd better explain!" Jack snapped. He had been angry before, but the run-in with the cops had sapped the strength out of him and left him touchy and irritable. He was terrified --of losing Race for good, of being taken to the Refuge himself-- and he hated that his boys had seen him like that. A leada' ain't supposta let anyone know he's scared. A leada' ain't supposta be scared! Spot was right, bein' in charge is exhaustin' as hell. "Race, what were ya thinkin'?" he asked, an edge of frustration creeping into his voice. "Why did ya think this was a good idea?"
"I don't know," Race muttered, not making eye contact.
Jack threw his hands up. "Ya don't know. Ya don't know." He fished in his pocket for Race's keys, waving them to make a point. "I'll tell ya what I do know, ya ain't gettin' these back any time soon!"
Race shook his head, still not meting Jack's gaze. "Jack, I..."
"No, Race!" Jack said, stronger than he meant to. "It's my turn ta talk now, and it's your turn to listen." His mind gave him no reprieve, reminding him instead of all the times he'd almost lost Race due to some stupid scheme. A half-baked plan to sneak into a bar or get the girl's attention or get a free lunch. Something that would undoubtedly land Race in the Refuge and lost to Jack forever. That stops now. He may not a' listened ta me before, but God help me he'll listen now. "For once in your life, Race, just listen ta what I hafta say!"
"I listen!" Race protested, and Jack shook his head. Does this kid hear himself?
"No, ya don't listen." he corrected. "If you'se'd listened ta me yesta'day we wouldn't be in this mess now!" Why, Race? Why do ya gotta push everythin' I say? I'se tryin' ta help, ya ain't ya figured that out by now? "I'm startin' ta think ya actually like causin' trouble."
"Just stop, Jack!" Race ordered. "Ya ain't my pa. Ya ain't in charge a' me! We ain't even real brothers!" Jack recoiled, fighting hard to make sure Race didn't see how much that hurt. "Ya don't get ta tell me what ta do, an' take my car, an' make me do whateva' ya want!" the Italian went on, growing more and more agitated with every word.
"Racetrack!" Jack said, his voice rising. Not real brotha's. He ain't serious. He can't be. "Who the hell took care a' ya all these years? Who convinced ya ta run away, leave your deadbeat dad behind?" His voice shook with anger and emotion, and he fought to keep it steady. "Who let ya in when you was knockin' on my winda at three in the mornin'? Who is it that does nothin' but protect ya, day an' night, from all the trouble your stupid self gets into--"
Race shoved him hard, startling Jack out of his rant. "I ain't stupid!"
His voice cracked, but Jack ignored it. He grabbed his brother's wrists, fully intending on pinning the kid to the wall until he stopped fighting. They'd done this a thousand times, both familiar enough with each other that no one ever got hurt. So when Race let out a cry of pain and wrenched himself away out of his brother's grasp, stumbling backwards and landing on the floor, Jack knew something was wrong. "Racer?" he asked, his face white and scared.
"I take it back!" Race yelped, sliding backwards out of Jack's reach. He shook his head, tears running down his pale face. "I shouldn't a' said ya ain't my brother! Let me up, I'm sorry!"
"Race, I ain't touchin' ya!" he protested. The boys upstairs have gotta think I'se murderin' him. I'se known Race ta act up ta get outta trouble, but he ain't neva' done this.
"Stop, please!" Race pleaded. "I'll be good, I promise!" His choice of words and wide, frantic eyes struck a chord, an Jack's eyes darkened as the realization hit. How many times had he heard the same thing, years ago through the thin apartment walls?
Stop, please! Daddy, what'd I do? Stop, I'll be good, I promise!
"Racer," Jack begged, hoping the nickname would snap his brother out of it. "What hurts, kid?" He dropped to his knees beside his brother, giving him a quick onceover. He noticed the younger boy's wrist, pressed tight against his heaving chest, and reached for it. "Can I see?" he asked.
Race didn't react, not until Jack's fingers brushed against his arm. "Get offa me!" he yelled, shying away from the touch. "Jack, help!"
Jack pulled away, tears in his eyes. Snap outta it, Race, he begged internally. He had heard those words too many times. Heard them years ago from the tiny kid knocking on his window or sleeping in his bed, and days ago from the room down the hall. Jack, help! Jack, he's comin' ta get me! I don't know what ta do Jack, help me please! "Racer, look up," he pleaded. he gently lifted his baby brother's chin and barely caught a glimpse of his teary blue eyes before the younger boy pulled away.
"Don't touch me!"
Jack's hands flew up in a gesture of peace. "I ain't touchin' ya," he said, trying to make his voice calm. "Look inta my eyes, kid." He stayed where he was, barely breathing, as Race's sobs slowed and the wild look faded from his eyes. "It's okay, kid." he breathed, pulling his brother into a tight hug. "I've gotcha." Race held tight to Jack's shirt, letting the fabric soak up the last of his tears. Jack seized his chance to rub his own eyes, clearing away the tears he hadn't let fall. "C'mon, kid," he said softly, lifting Race up off the floor. He brought his baby brother into the kitchen, setting him down on a chair as he searched for something to use to wrap his wrist.
"This might hurt," he warned, coming back with a first aid kit. Race nodded, biting his lip and saying nothing, as Jack ran his fingers down his forearm, probing for breaks with his steady artist's hands. Jack didn't miss his wince as he grazed over his wrist. "It ain't broken," he noted with relief. A break meant a trip to the hospital, and a hospital meant forms had to be signed, questions would be asked, and he wouldn't have the answers. "Just sprained, I think. I'll wrap it up tight ta be safe."
He stayed quiet as he tied the bandage around the gambler's wrist, allowing him a chance to talk if he wanted it. When the silence stretched from seconds into minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. "Racer, what's really goin' on?"
Race stared at the floor. "I... I don't know," he said. "Ya looked like my pa, Jack. Ya didn't look like you." His pa? I ain't nothin' like his pa... am I? What'd I say, what was it that made him see me like that? Shaking his head, Jack made a vow to find whatever it was and put an end to it fast. "I freaked out, didn't I?" Race muttered, ducking his head.
"Kinda," Jack said absently. His mid was still preoccupied with Race's father. "Racer, I'm so sorry." He held out his arms, half-fearing Race would flinch or pull away again. A surge of relief filled him when the Italian threw his arms around him and held him tight. He pressed a kiss to the top of Race's head, managing a shaky smile. "I love you boys, y'know that, right Race?"
"Yeah, I know," Race said, separating himself just enough to send Jack a grin. "I'se pretty great, ain't I?"
"Yeah, I'd say so," Jack laughed. Thank God, he's back. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and seconds later he heard loud pounding on the front door. Right on cue. "There's Spot," he said, letting go of Race completely.
Race stood up and stretched. "I'll let him in," he said. "L... love ya, Jack," he added shyly. "See ya in 'bout half an hour?"
Jack paused in wiping down the table, a smile spreading across his face. Love ya too, kid. He let out a deep breath, feeling some of the tension leave him. "Let Spot drive!" he called after Race. "We'll finish our talk when ya gets home. No yellin', just talkin'."
A beat of silence followed, and then he heard Race yell back. "I can't hear ya, Jack!"
The Manhattan leader shook his head with a grin, sliding his phone out of his pocket.
One new message from: SPOT
SPOT: knocking on ur door in 2 seconds. good job on not killing race. text me wen its safe 2 bring him home.
Rolling his eyes, Jack tapped out a reply.
Cowboy: im not gonna kill my brother
SPOT: good 4 u. ive thought of killing mine a few times
Cowboy: dont text and drive
SPOT: killjoy
Jack stood up and stretched, trying to get rid of some of the tension. It was times like this when he wished he had someone to talk to, to confide in. Yeah right. I'se'd neva' do that ta my boys, an' Kloppman's got better things ta do than listen ta some foster kid complain about his problems. You'se the oldest, and you'se the leada'. There are some things ya just don't get ta do, Kelly. Jack hooked a chair with his foot and dragged it towards him. With a sigh, he settled into it and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands behind his head and wondering what to do. Well, there is one place ya can go...
"Crutchie?" he called, getting up and taking the stairs two at a time. When he didn't get an immediate answer, he started searching bedrooms. He found the gimp boy on the third try, in the room Albert, Specs, and Elmer shared. Crutchie was sitting on one of the beds with his back against the wall while Albert helped Romeo with homework. All three boys looked up when the door opened.
"Everythin' okay?" Crutchie asked carefully.
"Yeah, everythin's good," Jack said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Crutchie, can ya hold down the fort for a little bit? I'se thinkin' of takin' a walk."
"Sure," Crutchie said, still looking a little worried.
Jack managed a half-grin. "Thanks, Crutch." On his way out the door her ruffled Romeo's hair and flicked Albert's cap off his head. "Love ya, boys."
"Love ya, Jack!" they chorused.
Jack hunched his shoulders as he headed down the stairs and out the door. He paused for a second in the driveway, fingering the keys to his truck in his pocket. The very thought made him feel a little sick. With a shrug, he started off down the road. His mind was distracted, but his feet knew the way. Besides, he was pretty sure that he could find the theatre from anywhere in Manhattan.
His mind kept playing over the moment he got the call, the moment he found out his brothers might be in danger. Scared don't cut it. I was terrified. It felt like I was on my own again, worryin' about some skinny blue-eyed kid who can't get himself outta his own mess. Yeah, that ain't a time I wanna live through again. He couldn't stop himself from remembering, though. Remembering that night years ago, a night that changed his life forever.
The new place was okay. Not good, not bad. Just okay. The couple who had taken him in were new to the foster care system. They were out of their depth. They didn't know how to talk to a kid, let alone raise one, but Jack wasn't about to protest. Not when they had given him a room and a bed. Given time, he could come to like this place. Not that he thought he'd be here long.
There was a boy next door, about his age. The kid was smaller than him, maybe a little younger, with tangled blonde curls and the biggest, bluest eyes Jack had ever seen. He had seen him once or twice, in the hallway or on the way to school. But he heard more than he saw. Through the thin apartment walls, sound carried. Sounds that shouldn't be familiar to a nine year old kid, but they were. Raised voices, breaking glass. A man's rough voice, slurring his words and spewing insults. A smaller voice crying out, the slam of a door, a child's sobs. Jack just clenched his jaw, turning over in bed and using his pillow to block out the sounds.
But one night was different. One night, the man didn't stop. He yelled his words and profanities, he drank his whiskey, but when the kid ran away he followed. Jack could hear them, right on the other side of the wall, like the wall wasn't even there. "You're worthless. Like your mother. Godforsaken woman wasn't good for anythin'. And when she died all she left was you."
The child choked out a sob. "That ain't my fault, Dad!" he yelled back, with shocking bravery in spite of his tears. "None a' this is my fault! Quit blamin' me just 'cause your life sucks!"
Jack winced, silently begging the kid to stop. Sure kid, it feels good ta tell him off. But it ain't worth it, ya know it ain't!
"Don't talk back ta me, boy," the man growled. "Are ya stupid, or what? Ya know what backtalk'll getcha."
Jack clamped his hands over his ears, not wanting to hear the blows fall. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he cautiously let his hands drop. Silence. No man yelling, no sobs. Tap tap tap. Just a quiet tapping at his window.
There were a thousand things he could have done. He could have ignored it, gone back to sleep. That was what his foster parents always did. He could have told himself it was just the wind, or told the kid to go away. But none of those even occurred to him as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, padding quietly over to the window in his pajamas and bare feet.
"Lovely night for a walk, ain't it?" he said, examining the stars. The kid blinked in surprise, balanced precariously on the fire escape. "Kinda chilly, though," Jack continued, rubbing his arms. The blonde-haired boy looked down at himself, as if suddenly realizing he was only wearing a thin T-shirt and sweatpants. "Ya should prob'ly get inside, 'fore ya get pneumonia or somethin'," Jack finished off, holding out his hand to the kid. The new boy took it without a second thought.
That was the first of many nights. They became fast friends after that, Jack and Anthony. Except he never called him that. "I hate that name," the Italian complained. "Me mudda always called me Race. I like that better."
It was refreshing-- finally having a friend who understood. They didn't talk about Race's dad. They didn't talk about Jack's parents. They just had fun. They walked to school together, even though they didn't go to the same one. They did their homework in Jack's room, helping each other out with the hard parts. They ate dinner at Jack's place, ignoring the raised eyebrows and questioning looks the grownups exchanged over their heads. Some nights Race went home, but most of the time he stayed. He always fell asleep first, curled up against Jack's side as the older boy carded his fingers through his unruly curls. Jack liked it when that happened. It meant his friend felt safe. Safe was hard to come by these days.
Safe didn't mean perfect. Jack could hear his foster parents talking late at night behind closed doors. They didn't sign up for this, he knew. They signed up for one child, and they only received money for one child. There were still days when Race showed up with bruises, a black eye he can't explain. He always laughed it off and made excuses, but Jack never believed him. "I walked into a pole" only worked so many times.
But safe couldn't last forever. They were sitting around the table eating dinner when the bomb was dropped. Jack's foster father had been laid off from his job. They would be moving into a smaller apartment within a week. And they wouldn't be taking Jack with them.
Jack's eyes hardened, and he pushed his chair back from the table. His finger curled around Race's wrist, taking him with him as he stormed out of the room. Race sat on the bed, silent and unmoving, as Jack stomped around his room and threw clothes into his backpack. He muttered to himself angrily, and Race respectfully kept his distance, until suddenly Jack sat bolt upright, his eyes sparkling.
"Why don't ya come with me?" he said, dumping his school books on the floor to make room. "You an' me, the families we was born into ain't much. But we can be our own family. We could be brothers!" Race hesitated, but Jack plowed on, excited by his own idea. "Ya can't come official-like, 'cause then there'd be paperwork an' we'se'd end up halfway across New Yawk from each otha'. But if you run away and happen ta end up at the same place I do..."
"No one could stop us!" Race finished eagerly, a spark of hope catching in his chest. "Jack, let's do it!"
The older boy grinned, throwing an arm around Race's shoulders. "You an' me, kid," he said. "Things are lookin' up."
Things were looking up, for a while. But junior high was hard. There were more classes, more homework, and less time with Race. Honestly, that was the hardest part. For three years now, Jack and Race had shared everything. The same room, the same clothes, the same school. But Jack was twelve now, and in seventh grade. He got out half an hour after Race did, which meant he walked home alone, to where Race and their foster father were waiting.
Well, that wasn't entirely true. He was Jack's foster father. Race was still a ghost in the system. Anytime Jack was moved, he mysteriously disappeared, too. The Italian kid was street-smart. Given a few days, they'd find each other again.
Things were okay here. The two of them lived with a man, a man who didn't nitpick them for the things they did and didn't care that Race was an extra mouth to feed. Jack was too stressed out by his new school schedule to notice anything bad. In fact, if he didn't know his brother as well as he did, there was a chance he might have missed everything, even the signs that were practically screaming in his face.
Like the way Race buttoned his coat up to his chin and tugged his sleeves down to meet his wrists, carefully avoiding Jack's gaze. He stared at his shoes when their foster father talked, wrapping his arms around his body and examining the toes of Jack's hand-me-down sneakers that were a size too big. He was usually asleep already when Jack finally turned off the light and got into bed himself, so he never had a chance to ask him about it.
One day after dinner, Jack and Race were washing dishes. That was something their foster father insisted on. "I put food on the table and a roof over your heads," he said. "The least you two can do is help out now and then." Jack tried his best to make a game out of it, trying to coax a smile from his little brother. Race had been so withdrawn lately, the sparkle gone from his blue eyes and dark circles below.
Maybe he was just tired. Maybe he needed more sleep. Maybe that was why he didn't notice the plate Jack handed him to put away, watching as it fell through his fingers in slow motion, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces on the floor. The color rushed out of the Italian boy's face, leaving him pale and shaky as he backed against the wall. Jack frowned, trying to place where he'd seen that face before.
Their foster father stood up, his features distorted in anger, and Jack remembered. On the fire escape, outside his window. He'd seen that same terrified face then, begging for someone to notice him and help. "It- it's just a plate," he said, putting himself between his brother and the angry man before them. "Ain't a big deal. I'll... I'll find a way ta pay for it, I promise." He swallowed hard, feeling Race trembling behind him.
The man still scowled, but he just kicked at the shards on the floor. "Clean this mess up," he said gruffly. "And don't let it happen again."
The two boys worked in silence after that, Jack sweeping up the glass shards while Race finished the dishes in record time. As soon as they were done, Jack grabbed Race's wrist and dragged him into their room. "Show me," he ordered.
Race flopped down on the bed, snugging his arms around himself. "I... I don't know what you'se talkin' about."
"Race, don't lie ta me," Jack warned. "I know he's been hittin' ya. Show me."
Race's chin nearly touched his chest. Finally, he stood up and hiked his shirt over his head. Dark, hand-shaped bruises marked his arms, and a few purple marks stood out on his chest and back. "There, ya happy?" he asked bitterly.
Jack's eyes were fixed on his brother's skin. Gently, he laid his hand on a handprint a good three inches bigger than his, a lump forming in his throat. "Racer, why didn't ya tell me?"
Race averted his eyes, his own hand on top of Jack's on his upper arm. "Betta' me than you," he said in a low voice. "I can handle it, I'se had worse. Nothin' ya coulda done," he added, quieter.
"Just 'cause you'se had worse don't mean it's okay!" Jack burst out. "You'se ten years old, Race! This shouldn't be normal, I won't let it be normal. 'Cause there's still one thing I can do." Race glanced up as Jack withdrew his hand, crossing over to the closet and yanking clothes off of hangers. He dumped his backpack out on the floor, his stack of clothes beside it. "Put your shirt back on," he instructed. "And get your stuff togetha'. We'se leavin', tonight."
"Jack, we can't do that," Race protested, pulling his hoodie back over his head with a slight shiver. Sure this place was bad. But he'd had worse. He could take it, why didn't Jack get that? "We got nothin', no food, no money, not a nickel to our names."
"Yeah." Jack paused in his packing to sit back on his heels, staring intently at his brother. "But he hurt ya, Race. I ain't lettin' no one hurt my baby brother, not again." Race flushed, staring down at his feet as he scuffed his toe against the carpet. "Hey, is that a smile?" Jack asked with a grin.
Race smothered it immediately. "No."
Jack's grin widened. "I think it was," he said, bounding across the room.
"Jack-" Race broke off abruptly as Jack tickled his sides, falling back on the bed to shield himself from the attack. "Jack, stop!" he yelped, laughing too hard to get the words out. "Jack, you win! I smiled! J- Jack!"
"Hey!" a voice yelled from the living room, making both boys sit up. "Quiet down in there."
Race's smile faded as he pushed himself up off the bed and started to gather his things. "Hey," Jack said, earning the blonde-haired boy's attention. "We got this. 'Sides, we don't need nothin'. We'se got each otha'."
Race actually did smile at that, allowing his brother to pull him into a hug and ruffle his curls, feeling a quick kiss pressed to his temple. "Yeah," he said. "We'se got each otha'."
They had each other, yes. But Race's first year of junior high was also Jack's first year of high school, and then they were apart again. And adjusting to high school was hard enough without all the trouble Race called. Jack had put his own cell number down as Race's emergency contact-- Race still wasn't registered in the foster care system, and the last thing Jack wanted was for some nosy teacher to find out and call child services. It seemed like it was every day he got a call saying Race had gotten detention, or cheated on a test, or started a fight with some kids twice his size.
He wasn't any better at home, either. He snapped at Jack and their foster parents, and the smallest thing set him off. This family was nice. They treated both boys well, they accepted Race's presence from the start. They even took both boys back-to-school shopping, providing them with more clothes than they'd ever owned at one time in their lives. They didn't deserve to be shouted at by a moody twelve-year-old, or to have doors slammed in their faces when they tried to talk to him.
Jack assured them he'd take care of it. "I'll talk to him. He'll listen ta me, I know he will." Weak promises, he knew. Race would stay quiet and sullen for a few days after Jack had scolded him, but it never lasted long. "Race, you'se gotta stop this!" Jack pleaded with his brother. "Whateva's buggin' ya, kid, you'se gotta tell me! I can't help me if ya won't talk ta me, Racer!"
"I'm fine, Jack!" Race would insist. "Ya wouldn't get it, anyways!"
Jack was on edge at every moment. These people were nice, sure, but even nice people had their limits. He just knew that one day at breakfast they'd break the bad news, saying they couldn't take care of the boys anymore. They wouldn't give the real reason- no, of course not. They'd make something up.
"It just costs too much. You know how prices are rising these days."
"We just don't have the room. This house really is too small for four people."
"We're pregnant. We'll have kids of our own now, we don't need to pretend anymore."
Jack could only hope that was what would happen. Being sent away was far better than the alternative. Every time Race mouthed off, or brought home another detention slip that had to be signed, Jack was afraid it would happen. One day their foster father would snap, and he'd beat Race up good for all the trouble he'd caused.
The teachers had already labeled Race a delinquent. The kid seemed to be doing everything he could to get out of going to school. He faked sick, claiming that the thought of going made him nauseous. He seemed to close himself off once he walked through the doors, sitting by himself and barely saying a word to anyone. More than once at night, Jack glanced over at his brother's sleeping form and saw tear stains on his cheeks.
As the year went on, the teachers began to worry. Race rarely turned in his homework --even though Jack made sure he did it-- and hadn't passed a test all year. His label changed from "delinquent" to "troubled child." They asked if everything was okay at home, and they wanted to schedule a meeting with his parents, but Jack knew he couldn't let that happen. As soon as it got out that Race was not only a delinquent, but a foster kid? He'd be off to the Refuge before Jack could do anything to stop it. At the Refuge they'd check for a record, and he wouldn't have one. So on top of having to endure the horrors there, Race would either be returned to his father or placed in another foster home by the state-- one far away from Jack. At all costs, Jack couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let his brother go to that place.
But some things even Jack couldn't control. The day Race started the fire was the day it all went to hell. He was hanging out behind the gym, messing around with a box of cigars. He knew Jack wouldn't be happy if he found out-- he had gotten detention twice already for smoking on school grounds, the threat of suspension hanging over his head, and Jack had properly threatened him on what would happen if he was caught with a cigar again. So when Race heard someone coming, he hastily dropped the cigar on the ground, stamping at it a few times before ducking inside through a back door.
Fifteen minutes later the fire alarm went off. The dry grass behind the gym was up in flames, but luckily the fire department got there before it could spread to the building. The school let the kids go early- most of them were hysterical, anyways. As soon as Jack heard the news, as soon as he got the text from the school saying that all the kids were safe, he knew Race had to be involved somehow. He left early that day, skipping his last few classes, and managed to get the truth out of his brother.
There were so many things he could have done. He was happy here. These people were good people, and this seemed like the perfect place to age out of the system. Only four more years until he was eighteen-- why shouldn't he spend them here? In a place where he had food and clothes and a bed, caring foster parents who didn't nag or yell or hit, and a school that he could go to for all four years of high school. But as he looked at his brother, the messy-haired, blue-eyed kid standing in front of him and crying out of shame and fear, the truth hit him. Race was miserable here. All the stress of the lives they led --changing schools every year or two, the pressure of starting junior high, the loneliness of not having any friends, having to rely on a boy only two years his elder to keep him safe from everything the world had in store-- had finally caught up to him. He was upset, he was suffering from anxiety, he was confused and he was scared. And Jack knew what he had to do.
He stole answers to the final from a teacher's desk. He got himself expelled, labeled a troublemaker. And before he knew it, he and Race were off to a group home- the Manhattan Home for Troubled Youths, nicknamed the lodging house by the boys who lived there. It was embarrassing. It was new and it was scary. But Race thrived there, surrounded by kids his own age who loved his jokes and his stories and all his quirks. So Jack pasted on a smile and easily slipped into his role of big brother to all. He got a job, he helped old Mr. Kloppman pay the bills, he ignored the mistrustful looks he got when people found out he lived in a group home. First and foremost, he was a big brother. And he'd take any challenge that came with the job, no matter how big. He helped the younger boys tie their shoes, he gave Crutchie piggyback rides down the stairs, he lied through his teeth to the bulls to keep them out of trouble. As long as his brothers were happy, he would be, too. He'd find a way.
By the time Jack made it to the theatre, tears were running down his face-= tears he didn't bother to wipe away. His boys weren't around. He was under no obligation to be Jack Kelly, fearless leader. Medda was one of the few people he knew who didn't look to him for guidance-- it was often the other way around. Her theatre also doubled as an artist's studio, a place to talk, a hidden getaway... whatever he needed, this building was it. No matter how often he moved around, the theatre had always been home.
Jack slipped in through the back entrance. The building was empty, as he knew it would be. He knew the show and rehearsal schedules by heart, there was only one person who would be around this time of day. He heard singing from somewhere in the theatre and he suppressed a smile. Medda was singing to herself again. She always claimed that it helped her think. "Miss Medda?" he called, his voice wavering slightly.
The singing broke off abruptly, and Medda Larkin appeared in the doorway. "Jack Kelly, man of mystery!" she cried out, just like she always did. Her smile faded into a look of concern when she saw his face. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked.
Jack opened his mouth to answer, but his mind filled with images of Race --his baby brother, knocking at his window and hiding bruises and begging him with those big blue eyes to get him out of trouble just one more time-- and he just shook his head, closing his eyes against the tears that threatened to fall.
"Oh, Jack," Medda said, pulling him into a hug.
"I don't know what ta do, Medda!" he said in frustration, holding onto her as tight as he dared.. "I'se tryin'... I'se tryin' ta keep my boys togetha', unda' one roof, and Race seems so set on gettin' takin' away! I can't keep doin' this, Medda! I can't lose 'im!"
"I know, honey," the vaudeville singer said, gently extracting herself from Jack's hug. "Follow me, hon. And get ready to tell me all about it." Her pink skirt trailed behind her as she swept into the main room of the theatre, pausing in front of the stage and glancing back at Jack. "Don't just stand there," she said. "This dress is long and I ain't as young as I used to be. Gimme a hand!"
Jack hopped up onto the stage, holding out his hand with a trace of a smile. "You know where the paintbrushes are," Medda said, smoothing out her skirt and finding a seat. "You can paint while you talk, and I'll just listen."
So Jack poured out the whole story, the words spilling out of him as his brush moved with a mind of its own, painting what it always did-- a place with clay buildings as rusty red as Albert's hair, blue skies that matched Race's eyes, and wheaten fields like Crutchie's messy blonde hair. Santa Fe. For a place that was supposed to be his escape, an awful lot of it reminded him of his brothers.
And Medda sat through it all, watching him work and listening intently. She was a good at that-- letting him talk like he was a person with a problem, not some kid who didn't know what he was doing. She let him pour out all his doubts and worries and fears, everything from losing Race to struggling trust him to wondering how he'd pay for the ticket and still stay in school. He finally stepped back, his chest heaving and the story finished, Santa Fe stretched out before him. It almost looked like he could step right through... like he could pass through the canvas and wake up in his dream world.
"First things first," Medda spoke up, breaking the trance. Jack flinched, looking up from his painting and whirling around to face her. "You don't need to worry about that ticket, honey," the vaudeville singer told him. "You did a brave thing, taking the fall for your brother, and in a way I think you did right. But he needs to learn from his own actions. A few chores will settle him down a little, and there's no shortage of jobs around this place. He can work for me and pay off that ticket. And as for traffic school, you just painted me a beautiful backdrop to use in my next show. And I believe that all artists should be paid for their work." She said the words firmly, her dark eyes sparking with excitement.
"I ain't gonna take your money," Jack protested, but Medda held up a hand.
"Now hold up a minute," she said. "I ain't done talkin'. Don't you worry none 'bout Race's little episode today, okay hon? Raised voices remind him of his daddy just like cheap perfume reminds you of your mamma. Your boys mean the world to you and you'd never hurt them intentionally. And at the end of the day, Race knows that. He knows that better than anyone." She rummaged through her purse for a minute or two, coming up with a wad of dollar bills that she held out to Jack expectantly.
As soon as he gave in, Jack felt a weight slip off his shoulders. "You're a saint, Miss Medda," he said, slipping the cash into his pocket. "I don't know what I'd do without ya."
Medda touched Jack's cheek, wiping away the last of his tears with her thumb. "Sweetie, you'd do just fine," she said with a smile. "Now, you'd better get on back to the lodging house. Don't want your boys to worry."
"Yes, ma'am," Jack said, grinning slightly. He turned to go, and was halfway out the door when he heard Medda calling after him.
"Have Race come by on Saturday," she said. "I'll have a few odd jobs ready for him by then."
"Will do, Miss Medda!" Jack called back, starting his long walk home.
When he got back, he had a text waiting from Spot.
SPOT: ready or not, here we come. i need 2 get back 2 brooklyn, hot shot says the boys locked riddle in the attic.
Jack stared at his phone for a few seconds, wondering how anybody who went through Brooklyn ever made it out alive.
Cowboy: good luck with that. and go ahead and bring him back, everythings good here.
SPOT: just a warning, hes in a weird mood.
Jack didn't have long to wonder what that meant. He barely had time to check on the boys upstairs and get started on his homework before he heard the front door bang open.
"Jack?" Race yelled. Then, barely a second later, "Jack!"
Jack pushed up from the table, crossing into the living room to see what was wrong. "Geez, Racer, I'm here," he said. "What's all the yellin' about?" Race didn't answer with words. He threw himself at his brother, tackling him in a hug as his arms tightened around him in for dear life. Jack wrapped his arms around the younger boy automatically, his concern growing into a panic. "Hey, it's okay!" He squeezed his brother tighter, reassuringly, but Race didn't loosen his grip. "It's okay," Jack said again, softer. "Race, what's wrong?" Talk ta me, buddy. You'se gotta talk ta me.
"I don't wanna go ta the Refuge, Jack!" Race cried, his voice muffled by Jack's shirt.
The Refuge? No. He ain't supposta worry 'bout that, that's my job. "Kid, who told ya that?" he demanded, trying to get a good look at Race's face. His brother didn't budge, and in that he found his answer. "Conlon," he muttered. 'Weird mood,' he says. With the threat a' that place hangin' ova' his head, 'course he's in a weird mood. "I swear, if he's still here..." he threatened, glancing to the door, but Race shook his head. Jack sighed. "Racer..." he said, managing to pry himself loose. "Look at me, kid." Race barely glanced up, and Jack lifted his chin so he could look him in the eye. "I ain't lettin' ya go ta that place, kid," he said firmly. "Ya don't gotta worry 'bout that."
Race jerked backwards out of Jack's reach. "I'm such an idiot, Jack!" he said, tears running freely down his face. "This whole time I thought ya were just bein' a jerk, but ya was tryin' ta keep me outta the Refuge!" He shook his head, wrapping his arms around his torso and falling back another step.
He looked so small and lost, and Jack felt his heart twinge. "Kid," he said firmly. Race didn't look up, until Jack caught him by the shoulders and gave him a light shake. "Look at me, Race," he pleaded, gaining his brother's attention. He waited a second, making sure the Italian's eyes were fixed on him before continuing. "If bein' a jerk is what it takes ta keep one a' my boys from bein' dragged off ta that livin' hell..."
No way in hell am I gonna let any a' my brotha's go through that nightmare. They don't deserve that, no matter what stupid stunts they pull.
Jack cursed under his breath. Race's face right now was the exact reason he hadn't wanted him to know the risks. "I'm gonna kill Spot," he muttered, letting go of his brother and pacing back and forth. "The whole point was that ya weren't supposta find out. If he don't have the brains in his head ta figure that out..."
"No," Race said, surprising him. "I'se glad he told me." The gambler gave a watery smile, the kind he gave when he knew he was in trouble. "Now I can apologize for bein' stupid all week. I drove because ya told me I couldn't, Jack."
"I know," Jack said mildly, suppressing a grin as he moved into the kitchen. Am I supposta be surprised...? C'mon Race, ya know I'se smarter than that. "You'se an idiot sometimes, Race."
"And I took Crutchie with me so ya wouldn't get mad," Race continued, following him as he searched through drawers. "I thought that if I got caught I could say I was just givin' him a ride."
Jack raised an eyebrow. "Ya really thought Crutchie bein' there'd help your case," he stated, finally finding a clean washcloth. He shook his head, running it under cold water. "What goes on in that head a' yours, kid?"
Silence. "I don't know," Race said in a small voice. "Ya still mad?"
Jack beckoned his brother over to him. "Nah, not mad," he said truthfully. His talk with Medda and his little trip down memory lane had cleared his mind of anger, but that didn't change the facts. Race stole the keys, disobeyed him, and betrayed his trust, not to mention he put Crutchie and Romeo in danger. He could still feel the cold fear in his bones, and he had to grip the edge of the counter to steady himself. "Still disappointed, though."
Race's gaze flickered downward with a soft "oh," but Jack didn't take it back.
"Close your eyes," he said instead. Race's blue eyes snapped closed, and Jack gently scrubbed away any trace of tears from his little brother's face, pausing to place a kiss on his forehead.
Race pulled backwards again, pain etched across his face. "Jack, stop!" he begged. "I hate it when you'se mad at me, but this is worse. You'se all... disappointed at me... and you'se still helpin' me and stoppin' 'em from takin' me ta that place!"
"Racer!" Jack said, hoping the familiar nickname would make his brother understand. "Ya lied ta me, broke my trust, and put our brothers in danger. Ya screwed up, kid." The blonde-haired Italian flushed red and looked away, but Jack brought him back to reality. "Race, do ya really think anythin' ya do is gonna make a difference ta me? We'se brothers. Brothers look out for each other, no matter what."
The boy's blue eyes widened, and Jack leaned back against the counter. He gets it. He unda'stands. "I'm tired, Race," admitted. "Ya think I don't want ya ta be able ta drive? It would be so much easier if ya could. If it wasn't just me drivin' the boys around? But doin' stupid stuff is just gonna make it longa' 'fore ya can get your license. I know that when we'se was younga' we'se'd fight all the time, an' we really didn't mean it, but I just can't do it anymore. I'se got school, and work, and twenty-somethin' boys ta look out for, and half a dozen classes I'se afraid of failin'." He sighed wearily, feeling another headache coming on. "I thought it'd be quicker ta skip the whole fight and just take the keys right from the start."
"But it wasn't," Race said quietly, realizing. "Jack, I'm sorry I started a big thing. I just..." He hesitated, and Jack looked up. "I wanna be like you, an' drive the boys cool places, an' have Romeo tell me how great of a big brother I am," Race admitted earnestly. "Stuff that you gets ta do every day!"
"Racer, you'se their big brother, too!" Jack said incredulously. "What's more, you'se the fun one. I'se gotta make all the rules, be on ev'ryone's case all the time. You just get ta be... Race. And they love ya for it."
Race merely shrugged, not meeting Jack's gaze. "Hey," Jack said firmly, tipping Race's chin up with one finger. He knew that look. He wasn't about to let Race convince himself he wasn't wanted, wasn't needed.
"Get outta your head, Race, and stay with me," he instructed. Then he gave a lopsided grin. "Let's just stick with you bein' you an' me bein' me. 'Cause kid, it's you who Romeo looks up to. That kid looks at you like ya hung the moon, Racer. Ya should be proud a' that."
Race grinned slightly at the mention of Romeo. "Yeah," he said modestly. "Kid sees somethin' in me, who knows what. Speakin' a' Romeo... I should prob'ly go check on him," he added sheepishly. "I, uh, kinda scared him earlier."
"Yeah, prob'ly a good idea," Jack agreed, pulling the gambler into a headlock and ruffling his hair playfully. "He was upstairs with the boys last I saw 'im."
Race laughed, pushing against Jack's chest to free himself. He was halfway to the stairs when he hesitated, his back to Jack. Whirling around, he crossed the room at a run and threw his arms around the older boy, catching him by surprise. "Love ya, Jack," he said in a voice barely above a whisper.
A smile burst across Jack's face as he wrapped his arms around his brother. "Love ya too, kid," he said, dropping a kiss to the Italian's messy blonde curls. The familiar sharp scent of tobacco smoke hit him and he frowned, grabbing a fistful of Race's shirt and bringing it to his nose. Dang it, Race. "Have ya been smokin'?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"Gotta go, Jack!" Race yelled, breaking away and dashing up the stairs. "I'll check in on Crutchie too, while I'm up here!" he called down.
"Hold it!" Jack ordered. "Back it up an' bring it here, Racetrack." He folded his arms over his chest, waiting for Race to obey. "Gimme the cigars," he said sternly once the younger boy stood in front of him.
"It ain't fair, Jack," Race protested as he fished the box of Coronas out of his pocket.
"It is too fair," Jack said, taking them off his hands. Can't leave this kid alone for a minute... "You'se comin' with me ta the diner tomorra afta' school, too."
"Noooo!" Race complained, stretching the word out comically. "Just tomorra, right?" he added hopefully.
Let's see how tomorra goes, first. "We'll see," Jack promised. Race let out an over-exaggerated sigh, and the leader couldn't help but grin. "Love ya, kid!" he reminded him.
"Yeah, yeah, whateva'!" Race waved him off. He quickened his steps, calling for Romeo as he took the stairs two at a time, but not quite quick enough to hide his smile from Jack.
Jack laughed a little, dropping the Coronas into his pocket. His fingers brushed against a piece of paper, and he sobered quickly as he brought out the ticket. He set it on the table next to him as he settled into his chair, staring blankly at his history textbook. He glanced back at the stairs, catching bits and pieces of Race's conversation with Romeo, and he made up his mind. Oh, yeah. It was all worth it.
Jack's head snapped up, catching himself just before he nodded off. C'mon, Kelly, focus! he scolded himself. Leaning back in his chair, he rubbed his eyes. He'd been staring at the page so long, the words and numbers had turned themselves into a jumbled, blurry mess. I can do this. Thirty-two problems left. I can do thirty-two problems. That's just... eight problems, four times. He sighed, taking another sip of his long-cold coffee. Screw this. I'se failin' anyways.
Today had been long. And to top it all off, his little meeting with Officer Bixby had taken forever-- which was why he was up doing chemistry homework at ten past midnight.
He was just about to turn out the light and call it quits when a small voice made him freeze. "Jack?"
The leader whirled around to find Romeo in the doorway, wearing pajama pants and one of Race's T-shirts. The shirt hung on his thin frame and made him look so small. Paired with his pale face and wide, dark eyes, Jack didn't stand a chance. "Hey, buddy," he said, holding out his arms. Romeo ran into them, throwing himself at his brother and burying his face in the crook of his neck, his unruly dark hair tickling Jack's chin. "Bad dream, kid?" Jack asked softly. He felt Romeo nod against him, and he hugged little boy tighter.
"Why didn't ya go ta Race?" he asked. He knew that Romeo woke Race up most nights. Nearly every morning when Jack went in to get them up for school, Romeo was snuggled up against his big brother's side. Race had yet to complain, so Jack figured he had it handled. "What's up, kid?" he asked.
Romeo just shook his head, tightening his grip. "Race was in this one," he mumbled, his voice muffled by Jack's shirt.
Jack felt a pang through his heart, at a loss for what to do. Don't tell Race. Whateva' ya do, just don't. "Tell ya what, kid," he said, prying Romeo off of him. "How's about ya sleep in here tonight? I'se..." He glanced at is desk. "I'se still got some homework ta do. I'll stay up and keep ya company." He tossed back the blanket and lifted Romeo up onto the bed before taking a seat at his desk.
Romeo hopped right back up and climbed on Jack's lap, leaning back against him with a sigh. Jack glanced down at him with a grin. "And just whaddaya think you'se doin'?" he asked, ruffling Romeo's hair.
The kid shrugged, making himself comfortable. "Just sittin'."
"Just sittin', huh?" Jack said, tossing his pencil onto the desk. "What's up, kid?"
Romeo messed with the hem of his shirt, humming quietly to himself. Jack wrapped his big hands around Romeo's, making the kid look up. "I don't know, Jack," he admitted. "I feel like... like my tummy hurts. But it ain't like when Race spins me around. It's like... I feel like I'se forgot ta do somethin', and like evr'rythin' ain't okay, but I don't know why! And I don't wanna eat and I don't wanna sleep. Can ya fix it, Jack?"
Jack sighed. "That's called anxiety, buddy," he said. "It ain't fun, is it?" Romeo shook his head silently. "Okay, kid," Jack decided. He scooped his baby brother up and carried him over to the bed, pulling the blanket up around him. "I was feelin' some anxiety today, and ya know what helped?"
"What?" Romeo asked, snuggling under the blanket. His wide dark eyes were fixed on Jack, waiting for his answer.
"I went down ta the theatre and talked with Medda," Jack said. "So how's about ya talk ta me?"
Romeo nodded. "I can do that," he said. Jack dragged his chair over to the bed, rested his elbows on his knees, and listened. He listened while Romeo told him everything from hating pre-algebra to feeling left out to being the youngest to being scared of driving with Race again.
Jack was quiet for several moments after Romeo had finished. "Today scared ya, huh?" he said.
"Yeah," Romeo whispered, picking at a thread in the blanket.
"It scared Race, too," Jack told him.
Romeo's head shot up. "Race don't get scared," he said.
"'Course he gets scared," Jack said. "Just like I get scared. We was both scared today. And I think Race might be scared that you'se mad at 'im."
"I ain't mad," Romeo said, his eyes wide.
"Didja tell Race that?" Jack questioned.
Romeo shook his head. "I told him I don't want his help," he said quietly, averting his gaze from Jack's.
"Hey, it's okay!" Jack said. "Tomorra, how 'bout ya tell him ya do want his help? I bet he'd like that."
Romeo smiled. "I can do that," he said. "Can I come ta the diner with you and Race?"
Jack grinned. "I bet he'd like that, too," he said. He glanced at his bedside clock, and his eyes widened. 12:57. "Time for you ta get ta bed," he said. "And time for me ta finish up this mess." He downed what was left of his coffee in one gulp, dropping into his chair to labor over chemistry equations.
"Love ya, Jack," Romeo said sleepily.
Jack smiled slightly. "Love ya too, Romeo."
Jack sighed wearily, dumping a load of dishes into the sink and glancing at the time. Just an hour left 'til my shift ends. That's just fifteen minutes, four times... aw, forget it. Afternoon shifts always seemed to drag on forever, and having Race there complaining about homework wasn't helping at all. Neither of them wanted to be there. All Jack wanted to do was go home and sleep, but he knew he couldn't. He had his boys to take care of, that online traffic course to work on, and of course, more homework. It neva' ends...
The bell over the door jingled, and Jack could hear a familiar voice yelling even from back in the kitchen. "Race!"
Romeo. Jack smiled, hearing his brothers excitedly chattering away. Last night's episode had had him a little worried, but it looked like everything was going to be okay.
"Hey, Mr. Jacobi?" he called to his boss. "Can I bring my brothers a couple sodas?"
The older man looked up, taking in the scene of the two boys working at the counter. His mustache twitched, concealing one of his rare smiles. "Go ahead," he said. "On me, just this once."
Jack's grin widened. "Thanks, Mr. Jacobi," he said sincerely, heading back out to the dining room.
"A-tro-cious," Race was saying, sounding the word out. "Jack's cooking is atrocious."
"You two," Jack told them, setting two sodas on the counter. "You'se gonna be the death a' me."
Race laughed it off. "Thanks, Jack," he said.
"Thank you!" Romeo echoed.
"Suspicious," Race said, reading from the list again. "Jack bein' this nice ta us is suspicious."
Jack shook his head, heading back to the kitchen with a smile. These kids, he thought fondly. They're drivin' me crazy.
Tag list: @newsieswearingheelies , @smart-alecc , @purplelittlepup , @killmebroadway
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prophetparadox · 6 years
Birds of a Feather: Sudden Surprise (Prompto x OC Soulmate AU)
Word count: 2067
Oops, I accidentally took too long to get this done. In my defense, I did get FFXV for Christmas and have been playing it a lot lately, so I’ve been distracted. I can say with certainty though that my next fic won’t take as long! I plan on having something out for Valentine’s Day so keep an eye out for it! I just wanted to finally get this done before I started working on it. Anyway, this is an idea I’ve wanted to write for a while now, so I hope you all enjoy it!
Tagging: @blind-bae, @cupnoodle-queen, @nifwrites, @themissimmortal, @takuahijackedthetardis, @lunarlapin, @fujinhildr, @grumpyoldmoogle, @neontonberry, and @pandorias-box. Still don’t remember everyone who wants to be tagged, but if you want to be added to the list then let me know!
Three years had passed since Noctis had gone into the Crystal, and despite everything that happened, Katia and Prompto had managed to make a life for themselves in Hammerhead. It wasn't easy, but they were able to handle it. They had a room for themselves, a temporary set-up until they could get a proper place, went on enough hunts to keep them strong, and had each other to keep them grounded. All things considered, they were happy, and that was what mattered. Of course, things can happen unexpectedly, and not even their world was safe from sudden change.
Prompto was out on a hunt, a difficult one that would take a few days but nothing he said he couldn't handle. Katia had wanted to go with him, but she found herself feeling tired more often than usual and she was having mild headaches. He insisted that she was in no condition to fight and should stay back, and she had no reason to argue. So she found herself chatting with other hunters and Cindy, hoping that whatever was happening would quickly pass.
But two days after he left, she began to feel worse.
Cindy had gone to check up on her that morning, finding the bathroom door open and Katia slumped over the toilet. The mechanic walked over and rubbed her back, hoping to soothe her. "You okay there, hun? Ya look like a mess." she said.
Katia raised her head with a groan, flushing the toilet as she grabbed hold of her head. "I'm fine. Just vomiting my guts out." she tried to laugh.
Cindy helped her stand up, concern all over her face. "What happened? Food poisoning or something?"
"No, it just came out of nowhere," Katia said, going over to her bed and sitting down. "I was about to make something to eat when I just felt nauseous out of nowhere. I don't know what kind of illness this is, but I'm pretty sick of it, no pun intended."
Cindy joined her on the couch. "I thought ya didn't get sick."
"No, I just don't get sick often. I've just always been like that. Regardless, this is pretty weird even for how I usually get when sick. I don't have any temperature changes, but I don't feel good at all."
Cindy stood up and headed for the door. "Wait here for a sec. I need to go grab somethin'." she said, stepping out. It was only about five minutes or so before she came back with a small box in hand. She handed a stick to Katia, leaving her to stare at it for a moment before laughing.
"Uh, Cindy, this is a pregnancy test."
"I know. I want you to take it."
"Okay, ignoring the question of why you have these in the first place, I don't think I'm pregnant," she insisted. "That's just silly."
"Just humor me for a sec, will ya?" Cindy asked, a serious look on her face. "Besides, when's the last time ya had yer period?"
Katia thought for a moment, trying to recall when that was. "I dunno. A month ago maybe? I don't exactly keep track of these things anymore, and it's not like missing one is a sure sign."
"Just give it a shot, okay?" Cindy asked, shoving Katia back into the bathroom.
Without any other options, Katia sighed and did as told. She followed the directions on the box and waited, though she felt certain that she knew what the answer would be already. While her and Prompto did want kids, they weren't even sure if they could. He was a clone and she was a test tube baby, it was likely that one or both of them could be infertile because of that. And even then, they'd already decided to wait until the sun returned before they even thought about trying to have a kid. So they always practiced safe sex, and even when there was a slip-up it didn't get her automatically pregnant. So there was no way that could be the issue.
A beeping noise sounded out in the bathroom, indicating the test was done. She looked down at it, already convinced about what she'd see, only for her eyes to widen in shock.
There was a pink plus symbol staring back at her.
Katia screamed.
Cindy rushed into the bathroom, about to ask what was wrong but stopped as the pregnancy test was held up in front of her. "Cindy, I'm pregnant!" Katia shouted, caught up in a state of panic.
"Just as I thought," Cindy said. "But why're ya so worked up about it, I thought you'd be excited."
"Cindy, you don't understand! I don't know anything about being a mom! Oh six, how do I tell Prom? We weren't even ready to have a kid yet! How did this even happen?! What am I gonna do?!" Katia's heart was thumping in her chest. She was pacing around the room, all of her worries spilling out.
"Woah, calm down there for a sec!" Cindy placed her hands on Katia's shoulders, trying to calm her down. "Yer about ta turn into a cryin' mess, let's get ya sittin' down at least," The mechanic lead the distraught woman over to the couch, sitting her down. "Alright, now I know yer freakin' out, but this ain't a bad thing."
Katia was close to hyperventilating. "Cindy, we wanted to wait until the world was safe again before trying to have kids," she explained as she tried to steady her breathing. "We don't live in Lestallum where it's safe and sound, we're out here at a garage. This is no safe place for raising a baby! Especially since we don't know how!"
"Didn't Ignis have a kid recently? I'm sure he can help ya." It was true, Ignis and Eleiza had a son that was almost two. Surely she could ask them for advice.
"Okay, but what am I supposed to tell Prom? I mean, he's still out on that hunt! I don't wanna freak him out when he walks in the door!"
Cindy placed a hand over Katia's. "Hun, I've known you two fer a long time now. No matter what ya say to 'im, he's gonna stick by ya. He loves ya more than anythin'. Just be honest and tell 'im the truth. He'll understand."
"It's not that, I know Prom would never leave me or anything. I just don't wanna put him into shock! And he's supposed to be back any day now, I don't have time to prepare!"
"Well not if yer freakin' out like this," Cindy stood up, pulling the distraught hunter off the couch. "Ya got nine months ta get ready fer this kid, and I know that Prompto and the others are gonna help ya. If the two of ya can raise a dog and a chocobo chick, I think a baby won't be that hard. As fer tellin' 'im, just try ta calm down and I can help ya figure it out, okay?"
Katia nodded her head, Cindy was right. Freaking out like this wasn't going to help at all. She needed to think positively. "Think you can make something to eat first? I still haven't had breakfast."
Cindy smiled. "Sure thing, hun."
Prompto was exhausted.
That hunt took a lot out of him, and he wanted nothing more than to return to Hammerhead and fall onto his bed. But checking on Katia was his top priority, he'd been worried about her since he left and his thoughts had kept returning to her. He wanted to make sure she was okay first, maybe convince her to cuddle up with him on the bed. He just hoped she was feeling better than when he'd left.
When he entered their little living space, he noticed that it was strangely quiet. Usually when he came back from long hunts he'd hear some music playing in the background, but not this time. In fact the only sound he heard was what sounded like vomiting from the bathroom. He put his stuff down and knocked on the door. "Kat? You okay in there?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Katia replied, her vomiting ceased. "I'll be out in a sec."
Prompto felt concerned. She hadn't been throwing up when he left. But surely she'd tell him what was going on. He sat down on the couch and got comfortable, waiting for his fiance to be done.
A few minutes passed and Katia came out, joining Prompto on the couch. Without a word, the two kissed each other, happy to see each other again. They didn't even need to say anything. "Sorry, I had to brush my teeth after that," Katia said. "Didn't want to kiss you with vomit breath, that's gross."
"You feeling okay? You weren't throwing up before. Have you gotten worse?" Prompto asked, his smile turning into a frown. He couldn't help but feel worried at this point. Katia's smile vanished as well. She scooted a bit away from him and took a deep breath.
"Okay, I have some big news I need to tell you," she said, looking down at her legs. "Now, promise you won't freak out or anything, because this is gonna shock you," Prompto just nodded his head, worry over what she had to say flowing through him. She took another deep breath and took his hand in hers, squeezing it and then placing it over her stomach. Before he could ask anything, another deep breath interrupted him as she looked straight at him. "Prompto, I'm pregnant. You're...gonna be a dad."
The room went silent as Prompto took it all in. Katia was pregnant. With his child. They were going to be parents. They could have children. He was going to be a father. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, only to find him still sitting on the couch with Katia.
"I know we were gonna wait until Noct came back, but this was a shock for me too. And I know we're not ready for this but I still want to have this kid. Cindy and the guys already know, so-" Katia's rambling was cut off as Prompto suddenly brought her into a hug. She could feel her shoulder getting damp from tears. "Prom? You okay?"
"I can't believe it, we're gonna be parents!" Prompto exclaimed. "We're gonna have a family! We're gonna have a son, or daughter, and they'll be ours!"
"You're not upset?"
"Why would I be upset, Kat?" he asked, breaking away from the hug and looking at her. "Sure, it's earlier than we expected, but that doesn't matter! And this just means we can have another kid later! Because we can have kids!"
Katia began to smile. "You're not worried either?"
"Of course not! I'm just happy this is happening!" If he was being honest, Prompto was very worried. His track record with his parents wasn't the best so he had no idea how to be a father. He was concerned that the child wouldn't like him or that he'd be a bad father. But in the moment, none of that mattered. He was just too happy. He could address his fears later, Katia wouldn't think they were stupid.
Some tears slipped down Katia's face. She'd been worried over nothing after all. "Even though I'm still kinda worried about things, I'm happy too. After all, I got the greatest man in the world by my side."
Prompto kissed her cheek, holding her close. "We'll get to those things when the time comes. For now, I'm just happy that I'm gonna have a super cute kid with my soulmate."
"How do you know they'll be cute?"
"Because you're their mom of course! And you're the most adorable woman I know. If our kid doesn't get your cuteness I'll be shocked."
"If this kid is inheriting cuteness from anyone, it's you."
The two of them laughed with each other as they sank into the couch. Even with their worries, the two of them knew that with each other by their side things would be alright. They'd been through a lot worse in the past, having a child would be easy by comparison. While it was certainly unexpected, that didn't matter. Because they had each other, and their future child. Even in a world of eternal night, they'd make it work.
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clowndictator · 6 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
Tagged by: @ahogedetective and while Im here thank you very much for your message yesterday i napped before i could say something and you’re lovely ahhhhhhh
Tagging: I dont know Im bad at tagging uh,,, if you haven’t done it say I tagged you ayyy
Name: Kokichi Oma
Nicknames: Master Clown (D.I.C.E. only), Boss (D.I.C.E. only), assorted fun nicknames like “shota” and “abortion” (Miu Iruma), Super Cool Best Friend (Korekiyo)
Orientation: Demiromantic Pansexual (By this I mean: Oma is attracted 99% to personality or the role he gives you upon meeting him. He can probably tolerate sex with anyone- and I mean ANYONE- but he is very finicky about his relationships and how they are formed, tending even to reject those he likes if it doesn’t fit into the image he has of himself.)
Preferred pet names: Doesn’t like pet names, but if you give him one, he would prefer them to be either mildly insulting or a reference to clownery.
Relationship status: Single. Very close to forming a relationship with @lucky-regret‘s Maki, open to others. 
Favorite canon ship: Assuming canon means canon character, Oma/Harukawa or Oma/Shinguji? But gahh I love a lot of ships. Special mention to Oma/Komaeda! Oh and Oma/Yumeno and Oma/Saihara and Oma/Ir-
Favorite non-canon ships: Oma/ @hopeful-hugz‘s Hopeful is the only potential OC ship atm but... open to more~
A quick note on shipping: Please freakin ship with me. Please. Oma is a bad boyfriend but... okay that’s all I got
Opinion on true love: Love is for the heroes and Oma’s no gross hero! Ahh, but should he get a romantic partner, he would immediately believe in it. His opinions on things are transient.
Opinion on love at first sight: He ... sorta believes in it? He decides his opinion on someone very quickly, and that includes whether or not he has a crush. Crushes for Oma are very intense and last a long time. As an example, he’s carried a crush on Maki for years, and I’d say it’s intense enough to call love, but others may disagree.
How ‘romantic’ are they: He doesn’t want anyone to know but he actually does try to be romantic with his partners, he just goes about it in a way that might be confusing to outsiders. He basically blackmails people into either giving or receiving attention because he refuses to be rejected lmao (note: this is because he likes to get whatever he wants, not because he’ll be hurt if he is rejected. He’d probably be amused if you managed to get around his blackmail)... When you’re alone with him, he also likes to cuddle and give his partner lots of kisses.
Ideal physical traits: Depends, he prefers his partner to be around his size, but considering how short he is, it’s obviously not the worst thing in the world if you’re a lot taller.  With men: He prefers lean/fit men. Twunks With women: Big thighs, uhhh he likes the feel of them around his head use your imagination NOTE: If he finds you attractive in general (due to your role) his ideal physical traits will morph into whatever you are.
Ideal personality traits: A friendly rival, anyone with an interesting personality that he can’t discern right away, coolness (aka if they’ve done anything illegal or if they like the performance arts), playfulness in general, a sense of humor in general, the ability to laugh at oneself, 
Unattractive physical traits: People significantly bigger than him, people who are significantly older because he knows why they would be after him :/
Unattractive personality traits: predictability or boring people, people who demand things from him, anyone who expresses interest in his body, anyone who can’t take a joke
Ideal date: Going freerunning in an abandoned park with packed lunches, lots of kissing and lots of hand-holding and lots of getting each other through tough situation. Joking about things people shouldn’t joke about like 80% of the time and just being himself
Do they have a type?: The Rival (Saihara, Momota), or Genuine (Shinguji, Harukawa)- with either, he can keep playing games nigh-indefinitely. He likes to play games. He want’s to have fun. He wants to keep things interesting.
Average relationship length: Never had a relationship! But if he got that close to someone, it would probably last a long time.
Preferred nonsexual intimacy: Kissing, cuddling, holding hands... Alll the basics! He doesn’t care for hugs much, but he likes to be carried.
Commitment level: Very but he doesn’t show it. He will stand up for his partner by putting down those who hurt them, but he won’t make it obvious that’s what he’s doing. If they’re in physical danger, he will take the blow for them. In any other situation, again, he’s going to alleviate it but make it unclear if he’s doing it for them. Unfortunately, sometimes saving face takes priority over his partner.
Opinion of public affection: ONLY if it is done to make others jealous or uncomfortable. He’ll test the limits of how sexual his partner will get, sitting in his partner’s lap, making out with them while making eye contact with others... It’s bad. He won’t do it just because though. If his partner tried to show sweet affection in public he would get peeved and shoo them away.
Past relationships: He’s never been in a relationship, but he has been sexually active. More on that later........
NOTE: Oma... has a really hard time thinking of sexual things as being exclusive to a romantic partner or even being romantic at all- he’s willing to be sexual with most people but only romantic with potential partners. These lines are really clear in his mind, but they obviously may not be for others. For these reasons, he would find it a bit difficult to start up a sexual relationship with his romantic partner... because to him that’s not for them, they’re special! It’s a hard mentality to explain.
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sanhatation · 6 years
ri’s thicc 2017 reflection post !
its still quite a few hours away from 2018 for me but i just wanted to take this time to reflect on my absolutely Lovely 2017!!! yay time 2 get sappy as i word vomit and overshare about my year on tumblr.com !!!!
thank you loads to all of my LOVELY followers !!!!!!!!! yall are the cutest, make my day on the daily ! i wish you the best 2018 that the world can offer !!! stay healthy, take time for yourself, love yourself, love others, and be kind! 💓💓
this Riley Rant here, is gonna be here for me than anything. like a Fat journal entry !! and i am an Oversharer so here she goes [jeopardy music]
to begin, i have met and befriended so many amazing people on here this year and WOW!!!!!! lovely and supportive and talented, beautiful aroha friends??? it doesnt get better than that!!!!! i would attempt to tag all of u but yall know who u are ;)) im endlessly grateful to those of you who have really made being on here worth it. heck ya sometimes im like “why do i even spend time on here” but then!!!! idk sunny comes swingin in with just a heart full of love or sara comes swingin in with her eggs or marian comes swingin in with her rare pairs or j comes swingin in with her baking posts and thats not even HALF of it !!!!! seriously.....love you guys tons.
to my friends who i have had the pleasure of remaining your friend this year and getting closer to u !! i love you. i really dont know how yall handle me especially 2015/2016 me?? a MESS! yall are the REALEST. again, yall know who u are ;)) i hope we can continue to talk and have fun in 2018, i wish yall the best. 
and lastly....heres a THICC shoutout to my six shining stars. 
as for me as an individual, 2017 was a freaking Whack year. it was incredible....dare i say, iconic. and now its time for.....RILEY’S 2017 HIGHLIGHTS !!!!!! (also includes: the sucky parts bc even those allowed me to grow !)
- man, did 2017 start out pretty rough when my country decided it was a good idea to elect a freakin cheeto for president. however! i had the lovely opportunity to attend the women’s march at my capital the day before inauguration !! and it was powerful!!!! truly an experience ill treasure forever!
- binch....thank u Winter Dream for my whole life. tbh i wont forget sobbing at my best friend’s house when it dropped. thank u Miss Again Dance Practice. thank u Miss You & Me MV. thank u Miss Cotton Candy Choreography. thank u. 
- ah.....when some pinhead started that tr*mp chanting at a basketball game lol! so iconic that we made the new york times! gotta love that....
- OMG !!! HOW TO SUCCEED !!!! an absolutely amazing experience. granted, the male lead was a Snake, but i had a blast. Rosemary will forever be close to my heart and ill always cry a little when i hear Brotherhood of Man or Paris Original !! such an awesome opportunity. i learned a frick ton about myself as a performer. i improved a ton in acting and dancing, and also came to learn that i am very good at receiving instructions and memorizing lines quickly. i learned that i need to work on some of my facial expressions and i also learned some of my habits ! i miss u Queenie H2$ :’’)
- had my first tap dance performance ever??? i really enjoyed learning tap, and i hope to pick it back up in the future !!!!
- BIIIIIINCCH i had the opportunity to visit my sister in korea!!!!!!! wow.....truly the BEST week of my entire year, maybe even LIFE! i went to the dog cafe, the sheep cafe, mcountdown, the lunar festival kick off, gwanghwamun palace, dongdaemun, shopped a ton around hongdae, ate food by the han river, visited namsan tower (but not without getting lost), hit the noraebang TWICE, walked into a private Fantagio board meeting, ate delicious chicken on a STIIICK, ran in the rain, ordered delivery mcdonalds, had the BEST fried chicken, met a bunch of monks, was led around dongdaemun by a very old korean man, SAW EUNWOO AND DOYEON AND RECEIVED MUCH LOVE AND NEARLY DIED, hit the convenience store literally every day, snuck out, GOT A WAVE FROM KEY :((( , bought Winter Dream and lots of skin care products and lots of cute clothes, had the clearest skin ive ever had in my life, went to a buddhist temple, witnessed a drunk man fall into the splits inbetween the ground and the subway, ran up and down 1000 subway stairs, fell in love with a man named Peanut, drank too much banana and strawberry milk, sobbed my face off at the festival as korean grandmas bowed to me, tried tons of new foods (including the nastiest bowl of cheese ramyun ive ever had in my life), bought lots of socks, rode an airplane for......like 40 hours in total? literally the best week of my Life
- had my junior vocal recital ! it was a cute girl. i felt my acting had really improved since sophomore voice recital !! 
- had prom on my 17th birthday and had a jolly good time !!! my mom made my dress and i felt like a Stunner
- dream pt. 01...she rly is that Bad Bih. best era. miss her loads. none of us ever deserved her. 
- les mis !!!!!! two whole weeks.....another Best Time. i learned so much, made so many lifetime friends, had a blast, sang my heart out.....such a freaking good time. i miss her
- got to spend the ENTIRE summer with momo!!!!!!!!!!! literally the ENTIRE!!!!! and what did we do? hit the park, watched lemonade mouth and fantastic beasts and starstruck and that random unicorn movie, made the Best slime, made that ICONIC weki meki video, laughed a ton, cried a ton, stayed up all night for the sunrise, stayed later for the sunset & thunderstorm, walked home in the pouring rain & lightning (IT IS VERY WET), went to the beach, met many dogs, got me hairs cut, befriended that Cat, and went to a painting class
- cabin week !!!!!!!!!!! whatta lovely time
- my brother’s wedding !!!! honestly? my best outfit of the year... had a bangin time. his wife is truly a cutie and i love her tons!
- there was that Mess in august and i still feel sorry to those who felt hurt because of it. i learned a lot about how things especially on the internet can be easily misunderstood and misinterpreted, so u gotta be EXTRA careful with your words ! 
- through that i also came to accept that u cant get everyone to understand or like u, and tbh that is okay for now. all we can do when we make mistakes is try to understand & learn, apologize, and try to better ourselves. and sometimes even when u do that, u still may not be liked. and thats okay. as long as you are trying your best and recognize mistakes, its all good. 
-skinny dipped at girls time wow what a freaking TIME
- woah dude i dropped out of my arts school lmao!!! the BIGGEST change in my life since 2014.;..wow! i dont even have the words to say how much stress was lifted off of me and i love senior yr !!!!
- momo came to CT!!!!!! 
- seeing svt live !!!!! but tbh the best part was seeing momo, “I LOVE A MAN WHO CAN SEW”, “I!!!!!!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIHOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, “IM UNDERAGE”, and when Mo BLASTED to that other line
- my mom, sister, and i took an eight week painting class! i finished two paintings and learned a ton!! honestly a good time
- dream pt. 02.....shes that other Bad Bih....absolutely adore her
- i also learned that its okay to cut people off who are toxic. especially if you have already informed them that they make u feel bad, they are not worth trying to please or keep around. take care of yourself. similarly, its okay to block people, and you dont owe them an explanation
- MADI CAME HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my other half...missed her so much :(((
- riley’s calligraphy christmas !!!!! was so much fun and i loved people’s reactions and i loved learning arohas favorite astro lyrics !!!
- ah...............one of the hardest weeks of my whole life. the pain still lingers, and i know itll hit me again like a boulder the next time we see only four of my angels standing on stage. for four months, i was worried sick about another member, and i even knew he was hurting, that his mental illness was real. my heart aches and there is a piece of it missing, but it will never be replaced. i know you are much happier now, jjong. i love you. 
- and also because of that, i have been able to think a lot about how i live my life. thoughts like ‘am i watching out for my family and friends enough?’ ‘am i listening enough?’ ‘is this funny comment worth it?’ ‘am i happy?’ im trying to be better. to not take things for granted, to only be kind, to always be there for those i love, for those who love me. and i will try my hardest to not complain about small or petty inconveniences. to try harder to be optimistic. 
- christmas was with my whole family for the first time in five years ;;; she was such a cute girl!
and now on to the next act !!!! its called RILEY’S NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS !!!!!!!!!! 
1. lets start with the basic stuff that im 99% not gonna pull through on: keep ur room clean. keep everywhere u go clean, it makes mom upset. eat better, u know there is other foods in this house besides peanut butter and pepperoni and popcorn. 
2. send out at least one Lovely Ask per day. i made this goal sometime over the summer, and i did it for a few months until i started to forget ;; its not that hard, u just gotta remember to do it !! 
3. sis.....quit Procrastinating.......GET ur FREAKING application done...do ur homework the night before lmao! call who u need to !!! write those thank u cards!!!! go get them scholarships!!!! enter that graphic design contest lmao!!! just DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! time is wasting
4. just be happy 
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enaasteria · 7 years
Answered Asks // 2
Under the cut~~~
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 15th 2017, 9:14:00 pm · 6 months ago Ok, don't answer to this because I will not see it anyway. I was @jamlesspyo and I say was because when you'll see this my blog will already be deleted, personnal reasons. So I want to tell that you are one of the most amazing writer I had the chance to read a story of. You are also the sweetest person so thank you so much. I hope that one you will have enough confidence in yourself because you deserve it so much. Love you and stay healthy
I will answer this bc you might come back and I’ll def miss you. Thank you for all your warm encouragement and help throughout my struggles and I couldn’t have asked for a better reader/friend. Miss you and wishing you all the best!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 20th 2017, 10:59:00 pm · 6 months ago you might not read this for awhile and when you do you don't have to reply, but i just wanted to tell you that all of your writing here is beautiful and amazing! finishing your story is so worth waiting for and i can't wait to read the ending! thank you for sharing your writing!
You might not think this after you read chapter 16. It’s a kind of flargh chapter but needed to be in there so T_____T I’m kinda nervous about it but hopes everyone enjoys and feel it was worth the wait.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: April 23rd 2017, 1:14:00 am · 5 months ago Freaking heck, you are an amazing and professional writer!!! I'm reading through Apartment 5108 now and I can't think of words even close to satisfactory enough to compliment your writing!! All the best for your writing and future endeavours! :)
Ahhhhhh you are too kind to me. Thank you so much for reading and no worries. please don’t stress over what to write or compliments because I enjoy any kind of feedback tbh. Spazz messages are the best!
@sassyunicorns2​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 8:31:00 am · 5 months ago I won't lose hope! I know you can do it, because you are an amazing writter and you always have great ideas!!! I am here in the other part of the world cheering for you! 🙌 FIGHTING!! 💪👊 P.S.: I'm sorry for the errors.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for your continued support. It means so much to me and I’m so glad you love this story!
@whosexo​ said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:57:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 Miss you hope you're doing amazing!!
No words can amount to how much i love you too! I apologize for my year long disappearance. I’m a terrible person. UGH. But I shall blame it on work and daily stress. T___T Hope you are well too, love!
@dream-exo-fantasy said to enaasteria: May 11th 2017, 3:58:00 pm · 5 months ago SEND 💖 THIS 💖 TO 💖 THE 💖 FIFTEEN 💖 NICEST 💖 PEOPLE 💖 ON 💖 TUMBLR 💖 IF 💖 YOU 💖 GET 💖 5 💖 BACK 💖 YOU 💖 MUST 💖 BE 💖 PERFECT 💖 (A side message: I hope you're not stressing too much about writing. Take your time and stay healthy 💕)
You are the sweetest and thank you so much. 2017 was unfortunately the most stress filled year i’ve ever experienced but hopefully the latter end will treat us all better, yeah? T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 12th 2017, 1:46:00 am · 5 months ago wah yay! okay take your time! i (and many others) can't wait to see your masterpiece! 💕
Love you!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 20th 2017, 12:32:00 am · 5 months ago So I was wondering did ahri told sehun about what happened to her while sehun went after jiyul like she drank the juice and was taken to hospital or did sehun already knew or anyone told him bc I think you didn't mention that?..
Soi definitely told him---actually her wrath probably yelled at him and was infuriated with his poor actions. he probably got scolded by everyone tbh.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: May 29th 2017, 6:07:00 pm · 4 months ago Youre probably busy with apartment 5108 but i really hope you do come back to keepers! Chapter 1 left me on edge and im still eagerly waiting for the next part!! Much love sent your way❤️❤️❤️
I CANT WAIT FOR KEEPERS. I want to write it two ways but I might just do two endings bc I’m a sap and a total angst fest lol
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 8:41:00 pm · 4 months ago enaaaaaaa i miss yoooooouuuuuuuuu ):<
@unsungthoughts said to enaasteria: June 5th 2017, 9:19:00 pm · 4 months ago Apartment 5108. I'm beyond in love w this story! I was so into the story to the point where I could literally feel everything, the emotion esp. It is truly an amazing piece of writing. I'm new here (since yesterday and just finished 5min ago) --cont.cont.-- and yet to explore ur other stories, which I will definitely do cz I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH 💕
You make me blush! I’m so happy you enjoyed this story and I’m glad it made you feel things. I hope 16 treats you well and that you’re having a great time on tumblr! welcome, welcome. AND I LOVE YOU TOO
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 15th 2017, 11:47:00 pm · 4 months ago power through love! you got this! 👏🏽👏🏽
I was jamming to POWER as I wrote this chapter. Lord knows I needed the help. orz
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 23rd 2017, 2:25:00 pm · 3 months ago this is kinda random but Charlie puth's Attention reminds me of Red 😅
Imma go listen to this and add it to the playlist! TY ANON!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: June 24th 2017, 11:31:00 pm · 3 months ago ena, i just wish you can fathom 1/16 of the greatness you've omitted onto the exo fandom. you're writing is absolute perfection. fandom writers are just not appreciated enough! you're art is just as important than the art exo creates. you are able to create a story and a character. just think about that. a person and their life. real or not, you've created a character all of us can relate to in one way or another. i hope you keep finding joy in what you do and never lose this passion. 🌺
I remember reading this message 3 months ago and it made me want to cry. Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for appreciating fanfiction as an art form. I think this writing is such a lost art and people don’t appreciate the time and effort going into a story. But reading this made it so worth it and thank you so much for your kindness!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 7:22:00 am · 3 months ago Omg i just followed you now bcs of apartment 5108 and others too. Geez why i havent discovered you then?! Seriously for me its really hard to find fanfic that matches with my reading style gosh its pretty damn well written and you succesfully made me feel like im the character. You mess my feeling hun'. You did it. Seriously youre one of the best writer i ever known in tumblr. Im looking forward to ch 16 and others too. I hope u doing well!!!! Lots of love from your lovely reader💛
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s such a huge compliment to see you hold my writing to such a high regard and I hope this next chapter doesn’t disappoint. I’m so glad you like it and please let me know what you think of the rest of the chaps!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 12:45:00 pm · 3 months ago I've been following you for about a year now and DAMN HOW I LOVE YOU. Its been a year since you last updated Apartment 5108 but you still log in to check on your fans. Writers block is an ass but all you need is some inspiration and then you'll be firing away with the Seahri feels. or Ahrun feels. However you decide to ship them. Also Chanyeol is my fav and the fic you wrote called Two killsss meee. THANK YOU! Also, I'm Egyptian. Pretty cool knowing you have international readers eh?
I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait so long for a chapter!!! It’s so amazing how there are international people reading this and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and also for sending me this comment but ALSO SEAHRI. LIKE THIS KILLS ME AND ITS SO CUTE AND ADORABLE.
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 7th 2017, 1:56:00 pm · 3 months ago Hey Ena! Just wanted to tell you that I literally open your page every single day (its been 3 months LOL) , just to check if there's any update for apt5108, no rush but that just show how much i adore your work, i just freakin' love your story! I never felt so desperate waiting for the next chapter.. but I believe good things take a long time, and I believe your work could be one of the good things, even better the best thing!! Love, Your biggest fan💕
IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT. I don’t know what to say other than this year has been a mess and a true struggle but I dearly wanted to write this chapter and forced myself to do it and post today. I’m so sorry if it wasn’t worth the wait but hopefully it’s a good continuation to their story T____T
@sehun---addict said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:07:00 pm · 3 months ago Personally i would rather wait until you finish the story and post it in one go bcs waiting game for each chap is pure torture . Much love♡
I wish I could’ve posted it all but 16 nearly killed me to just finish so I hope this is a good chapter to hold you off until 17 T___T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 10:14:00 pm · 3 months ago In reference to your tag in the previous ask- I think posting the chapters as you finish them would be preferable for me. That way I wouldn't have to wait as long for another update? But I'm wondering if writing it all and posting it generally at one point would be easier on you, so that it could kind of be one and done. Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to write this story! You are so incredibly talented and I find it so kind that you take time out of your day to write.
16 is going up soon. I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry for the wait. Thank you for your patience and I hope you read with low expectations because I’m a bit nervous about this chapter. It’s excruciatingly long T.T
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 20th 2017, 11:46:00 pm · 3 months ago please post 16 when it's finished! that way we can have a new chapter at a time to enjoy!
It’s going up!
Anonymous said to enaasteria: July 23rd 2017, 4:47:00 am · 2 months ago I know I'm late but about the end of appartment 5018 I'm really curious about Polaris. Will it be build ? Will it be insignifiant ? I really like it so yeah that's what I'm most curious about :)
This will be addressed in 17! :D
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 2nd 2017, 9:53:00 pm · 2 months ago same anon who recommended moondust~~ i have another one for you ena ^^ it's the house we never built by gabrielle alpine <3 best of luck on the story!
Imma check this out after I answer these messages and add it to my playlist! Thank you so much!
@yoruu-gen said to enaasteria: August 21st 2017, 1:01:00 pm · a month ago Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day to my most favorite fanfic author in existence ❤ Apt 5108 is by far the best thing I've read on this website and I look forward to continue stalking your Google Docs 👀 I'm so thankful that you pulled me out of the writer's block abyss and I hope I won't disappoint in the future lol. Thanks for always being such a great friend and for always dying with me about our biases 😅 Love u lots~~
YOUUUUUU. I LOVE YOU. I also thank you so much for helping me with this chapter. You are such an inspiration and I know you feel like you’re not that great of a writer but honestly---you are one of the two I really, truly, look up to on this platform. I always enjoy your words, your stories, YOUR STRUGGLES with your biases but also so thankful for your friendship. 
Anonymous said to enaasteria: August 26th 2017, 9:36:00 am · a month ago Red is my favorite fic and it impacted me so much in a way i can only be thankful. Getting away of a one-side love relationship was really a big choice i should have made before but it's really scary to do so. Reading Red helped me aknowledge what i was doing to myself after denying it for too long and i finally decided to take care of myself for once. So i'm thankful because your amazing way of using words helped me realize i should do what's better for me and no one else. Take care of yourself
Red is honestly one of my favorites too. It was so easy to write (compared to apt) hahaha and although Sehun wasn’t a good character in it, I enjoyed the progression of how real the characters were? Like---this happens in real life and not all things end happily with rainbows and butterflies. It is a struggle to see a person go through something like this but it’s also a testament to their character and their willpower to walk away from it and say when they’ve had enough. I hope you’re doing well, anon.
2 notes · View notes
The Secret [2]
Part 1
I got numerous requests to write a part 2 for this (which made me really happy), specifically for some Dean angst, and who am I to turn that down?
Characters: Winchester Brothers x sister!reader
Words: 2900 (I may have gotten a bit carried away, oops.)
[Angst, A bit of blood, Guilt] - But nothing too bad, I wouldn’t say.
Tags: @daughters-and-winsisters, @evyiione
A/N: Also, I just finished this, which might be a bit rushed, so sorry about any misspellings that I failed to notice. I just really wanted to get this up right now!
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Dean always knew Sam had a more complex way of seeing the world of monsters and supernatural creatures. Himself, Dean had adopted John’s more black and white way of thinking. It was just easier that way, because although he admired Sam for that sometimes, he could get annoyed too. It was just harder doing what they do if you chose to let the shades of grey in.
But, this situation was different. Because now it was personal. It was family. And that was the reason for Dean not doing anything about it. He was angry at himself for it, but he didn’t know what to do.
The door to the bunker opened with a creak, and then a heavy slam echoed through the building as it closed. The noise brought Dean out of his thoughts, and he instantly got off his bed to greet Sam, who was the only person it could be.
Even though Dean really liked the bunker, it had some disadvantages. One of them was that he couldn’t keep track of Sam as well as he used to. He had noticed that Sam was gone, but never when he left. Let’s just say it was a big change from the motel rooms.
Dean and Sam had moved into the bunker only days after they parted with you. And even though they moved, traces of you were everywhere. Your old pair of worn and dirty converse stood parked by the door, still, even though you never took them off there. Other stuff of yours — like books, sketch blocks, clothes, your old mp3 player — it was all left in a room you’d never been in. You never left it there. Sam and Dean brought them. Even though it had been over a month — they couldn’t cut you out of their lives. Not permanently. Not yet.
”Hey,” Dean acknowledged Sam as the younger walked down the stairs to the main, living room.
That was a little stiff, maybe.
”So, what were you doing?” The blond Winchester then questioned, wondering what his little brother had been up to.
”Just… Just in town, checking it out.” Sam shrugged, walking past Dean through the large hall.
Dean did not believe that.
”Oh, come on, Sam. Where were you, really?”
”Why do you need to know?” Sam called out in response, while Dean started following him through the building.
”Why do you need to keep things from me?” Dean retorted, not giving in. He could sense when Sam wasn’t telling the whole truth after over two decades, closer to three, with the kid.
Sam didn’t answer.
”Is this about—” Dean had a hunch, and he decided to venture asking. ”—her? It is about (Y/N), isn’t it?”
Sam groaned as he came to a stop. Dean watched his shoulders rise and then lower down again, until Sam spun around to face his older brother.
”Might be.”
Dean groaned too now. ”Sam, she lied to us.” He still felt unbelievably betrayed, the single thought about it physically pained him.
”Yeah, and I understand her.” Sam spat, rocking an expression that screamed ’I’m freakin’ tired with your shit.’ The tired, disbelieving little smile shared similarities with the ’bitch face’, but this look was far more serious. ”You need to cut her some slack. It’s not her fault she isn’t like us.”
”But she pretended like nothing was wrong for years. She could’ve just told us from the beginning!” Dean defended himself, eyes round and accusingly staring at Sam.
”Sure, but what’s done is done. She’s the one who’s out there, alone!” Sam argued, his arms spreading out wide as he spoke, frustration with the situation showing through his body language.
”Sam, she’s a kitsune. We’re supposed to hunt those.” Dean tried to justify his actions, even though he wasn’t entirely happy with the way he had handled the situation.
”How long will it take for you to realize? Yes, she’s not human. Yes, she’s a supernatural creature. But Dean, for god’s sake, get over it!”
Dean blinked.
”Dean, we are hunters. Hunters are taught to hunt supernatural things, right?” He didn’t give his brother time to answer, because Dean already knew. ”Well, that means others are going to hunt her down sooner or later.”
Dean was taken back. He surely hadn’t thought of that. He had considered you being a danger, but not in danger.
”I’ve been out trying to find her, okay?” Sam continued. ”And I suggest you make up your mind if you want to see her again, before someone finds her and kills her. Because you know very well that it can happen.”
The oldest struggled to process the new piece of knowledge as guilt started to wash over him, even more than before. He shook his head to himself, running his hands through his hair. For you to get slaughtered by hunters was not what he wanted.
”Dean, it’s still her.” Sam now spoke in a softer voice. Dean already understood. ”The girl we know, the girl who lived with us, the girl in your memories. Since she didn’t tell us for years and she’s been a kitsune all that time — it proves that it doesn’t matter. She’s still herself, the same as she’s always been — we just know more about her. And you know how bad it’s out there. If we can hunt kitsunes without a problem, so can others.”
A moment of silence passed.
”I’ve screwed things up haven’t I?” Dean then muttered, both to Sam and to himself. ”I’ve just made it much worse that it has to be.”
”I understand, I felt betrayed too. Who would have thought (Y/N) was a supernatural creature. (Y/N), of all people.” Sam let out a humorless laugh. ”But, the world is complicated. There’s shades of grey everywhere. I know you see things the way Dad taught you, I do too at times, but we need to believe in what we see, not what he said. Supernatural doesn’t equal bad.”
Dean nodded. ”We need to fix this, Sam. I mean, I don’t know if we ever can fix things between us… B-but, we should keep her safe, at least. You’re right, and I’m with you.”
Dean hurried after the silhouette in front of him. It was one month later, and Dean could have sworn it was you. He and Sam had searched, what it felt like, every inch, and then you just appear out of nowhere. Well, if it was you, Dean wasn’t completely sure. But, he wasn’t letting go until he was.
The young woman in front of him shot a look over her shoulder, and Dean quickly hid himself against the closest wall, invisible in the darkness of the alley.
Then, she looked forward again and hurried on, and Dean followed. He knew now. It was you, he could tell by the hair, the clothes, the silhouette and the facial structure all together. It was just scraps and pieces, he couldn’t see well through the darkness of the alley. But, it was enough.
So, he picked up the tempo, to catch you before you exited the alley, disappearing around the corner, possibly gone forever. This might be Dean’s only shot and he wasn’t going to mess it up. Not like he messed it up the last time you saw each other.
Dean’s steps got louder, heavier, and you noticed it. You walked faster. Dean was running. You weren’t — you were too tired. Dean caught up with you, and placed his hand on your shoulder and spun you around.
He was in for a rollercoaster of emotions.
First he was felt indescribable relief. It was actually you, his hand was on your shoulder. At last, after days where Dean didn’t even think of anything else than that he might never see you again.
The next emotion was uneasiness, once he saw your eyes that stared back at him, open wide. They were still the same, beautiful color, but the pupils were different. They were outstretched, like a cat’s — or a fox’s. A lump formed in Dean’s stomach and it took everything he had not to flinch.
The uneasiness intensified and transformed into worry once he saw your hands. They were covered in dark crimson. Drying blood — everywhere. Dean found himself wishing badly that you hadn’t hurt anyone. Although it didn’t seem like you, Dean didn’t know for sure, this was new territory for him.
But the worry transformed into fear, after he intuitionally lifted your jacket — to reveal a huge bloodstain on your shirt. He immediately grabbed your upper arms with both hands, as if he was scared you would collapse any moment.
”(Y/N)?” He asked, voice trembling and his eyes pooling with concern. His eyes wandered off the bloodied shirt, and came to a stop by the gaping whole in the fabric over your chest. Underneath a nasty wound showed itself, digging deep into your ribcage.  
”Dean?” Your voice was filled with disbelief. You were more focused on Dean being back than your own state.
”You bet.” Dean smiled just a little but it reached nowhere near his eyes. ”(Y/N), you’re hurt, I—”
”I-I know. It was a… close call.” You interrupted, panting. ”If it wasn’t for the fighting skills you taught me… I p-probably wouldn’t be standing here. So thanks for that.” Your voice wasn’t angry but it wasn’t happy either. It was lacking most traces of emotion.
”Can I do something—”
”No, it’ll heal… Just hurts right now.” You interrupted once again.
”Was… Was it hunters?” Dean was scared to ask. He hoped with all his heart that it wasn’t. That Sam wasn’t right about you being in constant, serious, danger.
”Three of them.” You spoke, looking at Dean with a blank expression.
Dean shook his head to himself, anger and guilt welling up inside. He felt a burning desire to find those sons of bitches and make them pay for this.
An awkward silence fell over you two, and you raised your eyebrows at how Dean still seemed unsure and uneasy. His glance was wobbly and hands slightly trembling.
”Your eyes…” Dean murmured.
You instantly took your gaze away from him and stared down at the asphalt. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes, probably because the pain in your chest overtook everything.
”Why are you here?” You then asked. By the way he had acted the last time you saw each other, that night on the hunt, you had expected to never see him again.
He had told you that he killed those like you, and now, here he was wondering about the bloodstains on your shirt that those like him had caused.
”I’m so sorry.” He blurted out, his voice cracking. You lifted your gaze to look at him, and saw the pain radiating from his eyes. ”I’m so, so, sorry.”
Too surprised to speak, you remained quiet.
”I messed everything up.” Dean drew an unsteady breath. ”You’re our family. And it shouldn’t have taken me 2 months and Sam yelling at me to realize that.”
You nodded, lost for words, still.
”W-what you are… We can work around it. You’re still you. A-and I don’t want you out on your own, where hunters can get to you.”
You let out a weak, humorless laugh. ”Me neither.”
”I’m so sorry. I-I wish I could take it back, what I said.”
You nodded. It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up.
”You and Sam— You kinda… are my only family.” You fumbled with your words. ”Well — I don’t have any real family, but…”
”No, (Y/N), Sam and I are your real family. If you still want us to be.” Dean offered tentatively, although his eyes pleadingly screamed for you to please let them be your family.
You nodded. ”Yeah… I-I would like that.” The corners of your lips curled into a small smile.
”Thank you.”
”You don’t have to thank me.” You objected, slightly frowning.
”I do.” Dean assured you. ”This is all my fault, and I don’t deserve—”
”Hey, Dean!” You stopped him. ”Don’t guilt yourself to death, okay?”
Dean closed his mouth and nodded.
”I forgive you.”
”You do?” He asked in disbelief.
”I do. Now, where’s Sam?” You then questioned, changing the topic.
As on queue, Dean’s cellphone rang.
”Speaking of the devil.” He declared, with the trace of a smirk on his face. You felt a some of the weight on your shoulders lift when you saw it — it made Dean looked more like his usual self — something you didn’t even know you wanted to see. ”Hiya, Sammy.” Dean answered the phone.
You were quiet while Dean talked to Sam. You had good hearing, better than both of them knew, but you didn’t bother listening in on the conversation. Instead you just took in the moment.
It had gotten considerably darker since Dean found you, the last of the sunlight had settled below the horizon. It was pretty quiet, although you could hear a car somewhere in the distance. A couple talking as they walked down the street the alley you stood in eventually opened up to. You kept your eyes on the opening between the tall buildings as you waited for the two to walk into your view as you heard their voices growing louder. But instead — someone else stepped into the opening of the alley. Someone far better.
”Sam,” you whispered as your eyes met with his hazel ones. Meanwhile, he lowered the phone and hung up.
”(Y/N)!” He exclaimed as relief filled his eyes, although concern soon fought it off.
He started running towards you.
”Are you hurt?” Sam’s voice was stressed, trembling, as he stared at the blood.
”I’m going to be fine.” You smiled. You were so happy to see him — to see them both. The resentment you felt towards Dean when he showed up had melted off you. You were tired of being angry. Instead, you let the euphoria overtake you.
The relief returned to Sam’s eyes, and he became the representation of how you were feeling. He let out a laugh as he threw his arms around you, and clutched you tightly against his chest. You held in a groan as your wounds still hurt a bit, but you didn’t want him to let you go — not for the world.
Dean watched with admiration in his eyes. His brother and his sister, reunited. Two of the people Dean kept closest to his heart.
”I’m so sorry.” Sam spoke, and you felt his voice rumble through his chest. ”Oh god, I thought for sure someone had gotten to you…”
”Sam, it’s okay.” You reassured him. ”I forgive you, and even if someone tried — I can assure you that I’m not easy to kill. Promise.”
”Okay,” Sam nodded, and let out a deep breath. You felt his heartbeat slow down to a more normal, calm, rate. ”I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”
Then he let you go, and you looked over at Dean, who was watching over you with round, soulful green eyes. You couldn’t stop yourself, before you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his upper body.
After hugging him for a moment, you stepped back. ”I’m sorry I lied for years.”
”We’re sorry for what we said and leaving you.” Sam countered.
”What about we just forget it?” Dean offered, and both you and Sam nodded. ”Let’s go home, instead.”
You rose your eyebrows, the way Dean said home got you curious, as if there was something you had missed.
”We have something to show you.” Dean explained, anticipation in his eyes, and you smiled.
What could it be?
Arriving at the bunker, you felt the excitement grow inside of you. An actual home. Dean and Sam watched your reaction with smiles on their faces.
Now, you would have walked around and explored the building — if you weren’t exhausted. It had been a long day — heck, months — and the run in with the hunters that came after you had taken a toll on you. Sure, you were a kitsune, more powerful than any human, but your body had used up most of its energy healing itself. And now, you were ready to turn in for the night.
Sam and Dean saw this, and understood. So, Dean looped his arm through yours and began leading you towards his room. You would soon get your own room, of course, the bunker had a lot of space, but for now his and Sam’s were the only ones with made beds, so for the night, it would have to do.
Entering the room, you immediately crashed down onto the bed, and Dean gently pulled the covers  over you. You flipped over to your stomach and instinctively pulled the blankets over you head, snuggling into the bedding, just like you always did.
Just as Dean thought you were out, you spoke up. ”I love you, Dean.”
Dean felt how your words tugged at his heartstrings. ”I love you too, (Y/N).”
He smiled and ran a hand over your hair.
You shifted a bit, and snuggled in further under the covers. ”Tell Sammy I love him too.” You added, mumbling. Then, you nodded off into sleep.
Of course Dean would tell Sam that, because just like Dean, Sam probably needed to hear it again.
And even though Dean still kind of felt like he didn’t deserve it, he was beyond happy to hear you say it; that you loved him. Because, he loved you too.
181 notes · View notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t
Instagram fitness queen Kayla Itsines “ve never” consume at McDonalds, but she insists she has had a cheeseburger.
For anyone who has followed Itsines journey to becoming an international phenomenon importance a reported $46 million, that tidbit may come as a surprise. After all, the 26 -year-old( whose name is declared Its-See-Ness) has apparently obstructed her media chart picture-perfect to fit her character: online personal trainer to 12 million admirers on Facebook and 7 million on Instagram. Not to mention, she is an inspirational flesh to the countless women whove bought into her buzzed-about Bikini Body Guide, a 12 -week fitness and nutrition programme thats set off a batch of hashtags on Instagram, including #bbg( tagged in 5.8 million poles) and #bbgcommunity( tagged in 2.6 million poles ).
#bbgprogress @annasfit advancement using my #bbg curriculum! She says I hope these motivate others as much as me. Its sunny again so it necessitates bikinis! — The right photo is about 2,5 years ago and the correct one yesterday. Good acts take time. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm PDT
Does she drink alcohol? Its poison, Itsines has been quoted enunciating. Has she ever had chicken pieces? Nope, she told Fox News. Favorite pizza? Supreme with lots of veggies and, in Australia, where shes from, pineapple.
What shed be if she wasnt a personal manager: A educator! she exclaimed. What category? Fitness!
Original? No. But when you get to know Itsines in person, theres no question she’s enthusiastic about her work.
— 3 STEPS TO LEARN HOW TO DO A PULL UP — This is for the girls asking me This is my first attempt at putting verse on my videos … IT DIDN’T GO AS PLANNED OKAY ….work with me here people hahaha. ANYWAY !! Let me just say this doesn’t happen over night. You need to practice each step until they are ALL mastered! Then you can attempt an unassisted chin up/ pull up http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 21, 2017 at 12:11 am PDT
Check this out, Itsines enunciated, pulling out her iPhone and showing off her newest curriculum, BBG Stronger, on the SWEAT app, for which shes collaborated with managers Sjana Elise and Kelsey Wells, two other rising stars in the fitness nature.( Itsines program schools wives how to incorporate heavines machines at the gym into their workouts .) As a cluster of female peers delivering by assembled around her post-interview, Itsines giddily scrolled through the differences among boasts each move boasts a digital exhibition by Itsines, ended with a timer to help users stay on track motivating quenched oohs and ahs.
Forbes lately called the Adelaide native the most influential fitness personality worldwide a claim shes earned through promoting her diet and fitness platforms, works, in-person bootcamps, and custom stock, like yoga mats and foam rollers, on her site.
Itsines fame, she told Fox News, has grown organically through an online community of women who inspire each other. On her social media details, you wont find person reproaching or recommendations to cut carbs( one of the most difficult mistakes Itsines meets American maidens see ), but instead, you will see inspirational mentions encouraging self-love, her followers side-by-side metamorphosi photos, and snapshots of fruit dishes and Itsines rock-hard abs. Suffice it to told she’s facilitated produce the charge for the growing body-confidence movement on Instagram.
26 today I feel like some of “youve had” literally watch me “re growing up” !! So Thankyou for all your foundation over the past few years and happy birthday to anyone who shares the same birthday with me !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 20, 2017 at 3:11 pm PDT
Ive been a female-only trainer my entire life I started out at a female-only personal schooling centre, answered Itsines, who got into the industry just before her 19 th birthday. I know girls, Im a woman myself, I know what they crave, I know how they conclude, I know how they feel.
Fox News: You descent out of college to become a personal manager, started working at a small gym in your hometown of Adelaide, and connected Instagram on a whim after your business marriage and boyfriend, Tobi Pearce, promoted “youve got to” do so. But at what spot did you know that you had really made something large-scale?
Itsines: World Tour in 2015 was big because I got to hear folks floors who followed my planned, and I got to hear how I changed “peoples lives”. As a coach, you sort of anticipate, Well, you did that because you put in the hard work and you put in the effort. But they were so insistent in went on to say that, No, Kayla, it was you. You gave me the confidence, you gave me the persuasivenes. I was standing there supposing, This is amazing. This is changing families lives.
Fox News: How do you stay sanded?
Itsines: My family dirts me so much better. Theyre a big Greek family, and I live a time from my grandparents, who dont pronounce any English. They know what I do, but its almost like they dont attention. They dont think of me as anything special or as Kayla Itsines from Instagram. Its only that Im their granddaughter. They still yell at me when Im belatedly!
My baby – I love you! @tobi_pearce http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 6, 2017 at 5:24 am PDT
Fox News: Youve altered millions of womens lives. What has that been like?
Itsines: Thats an indefinable detect. I dont know if youve ever knowledge someone coming up to you and supposing, Youve changed my life, but you can feel that passion, and you try to hard not to yell and not to hug them forever.
@chasingfitnessdreams I’m so proud of you !! Progress expending my #bbg platform! She adds “I have struggled with my heavines and self confidence for a years. I was pretty tiny my whole life until I procured my desire for nutrient. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted without exerting, I simply didn’t really care what it would do to me. Then once I seemed uncomfortable with how I searched I would urgently try to lose the heavines again until I was smaller then do it all over again! This messed up my metabolism and built me so sad! I have now noticed poise and learnt myself that I can have the nutrients I cherish whilst exercising to perceive large and keep in shape. Having additional load on me formed me feel tired, grumpy, breathless, bloated and miserable .. some people may say I gazed better before .. and to me that is a flattery but I simply want everyone to remember .. it DOESN’T MATTER what you look like .. it’s how you Find that are important. And I feel astonishing thanks to finding Kayla who attains me want to feel the best I can, so thanks girl ‘ I have 10 weeks until my sisters wedding and I am so excited to wear my bridesmaids dress find self-confident ” http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 12, 2017 at 4:31 am PDT
Fox News: How do you pick the person or persons to boast on your Instagram?
Itsines: This is something I expend a lot of season on, and its not necessarily someone who appears a certain acces or talks a certain style. Its someone whos super inspiring, and I have to be able to go on their profile, should be noted that theyve done the program, should be noted that theyre a positive party, and see that they actually have a pilgrimage that other women can follow and be inspired by.
@victoria. malmbbg 14 weeks advancement expending my #bbg curriculum !! stupendous …. did I forget to mention she is also a baby of TWO http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 14, 2017 at 12:58 pm PDT
Fox News : What are some of the most difficult misconceptions you watch dames construct when theyre trying to change their bodies?
Itsines: One of the biggest gaffes Ive understood wives build in America is the cutting-out-carbs act. Its, I want to look like this when truly, they should focus on how they appear rather than how they gaze. It should be: Im gonna do this to stimulate myself happier, so in turn, I experience beautiful. Thats truly a mindset Im trying to teach women.
Another mistake wives obligate would be going too hard too fast. As wives, we have theatres where we get this sudden reason, we are seeking to do everything Im so motivated, Im gonna “re going to the” gym, Im gonna work out for hours and hours and they work out, theyre super sore, they cant continue it, and they become unmotivated. Its just about taking happenings step by step: maybe doing a seven-minute workout and making it into a 14 -minute workout the next week. Its about slowly improving your workout up until you feel good rather than pushing it very far.
Fox News: Whats your advice for someone who is working out and trying to get more physically fit, but is not realise develops?
Itsines: Take a step back and is to ensure that theyre cozy with their training regime, gobbling the right foods, and boozing enough irrigate. Sometimes, its just about devouring more and doing less thats something thats a very hard abstraction to move to ladies, specially here in the U.S.
@mysweatlife amazing develop photo To one of the most manner and hard working girls I know … you are absolutely killing it !! I am so freakin proud of you http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 25, 2017 at 6:12 am PDT
Fox News: Have you always been strong and fit? And if not, what challenges did you overcome to achieve the body you have today?
Itsines: I have always been fit Ive been into basketball since I was 5 years old. But in terms of forte, that took a lot of building up. I did that through basketball training and training in the gym. Nonetheless, Ive always been really, very happily married within myself, and thats what I try to push to dames that I contemplate the more you do gradually, the better you start to feel.
Fox News: Any advice for women struggling with organization confidence?
Itsines: We could have the best organizations in the world, but if we dont feel good on the inside, it doesnt question. I ever say to parties, Contemplate about the most beautiful party you know. Theyre not beautiful because they have a beautiful figure! You dont mention, Oh my best friend or the person I adore the most is so beautiful because her body searches any particular acces. Its because she makes me laugh, because shes smart, because shes here for me. Beauty comes from the inside, and the more that ladies start focusing on that, the more beautiful people become, including themselves.
Ladies, what’s your favourite organization area to workout !?! Comment below! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 28, 2017 at 4:57 am PDT
Fox News: Your strategy is truly based on helping women become strong , not skinny what would you say to anyone who doesnt contemplate strong is sexy or attractive?
Itsines: Strong is always sex and attractive! And the word strong what does that intend? Because forte comes from within, and BBG Stronger is a program that promotes dames strolling into the gym with trust and experiencing self-confident as they walk out. When youre self-confident within you, it constructs and it extends, and it glistens out of you.
Fox News: Your Instagram is of great root of brainchild and funding. Can you speak a little to why having that sort of support is really important for people who are on a fitness passage?
Itsines: The translations are certainly relatable you can go onto the page and find someone who looked like you before, or who ingest the method you do, or was living in the same country you do. I think that relatability is really nice to have, so “youre not” looking at one particular being suppose, Well, I cant dine that or I cant do that.
@healthylife. iv change employing my #bbg program !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 10, 2017 at 3:21 am PDT
Fox News: Your programs are large-scale on poise in that they involve heavines discipline, cardio, extending and resting and, on the nutrition side, even dessert! Why is this mixture so important for producing outcomes?
Itsines: Balance is important in life. It keeps us sane! Why, as wives, shouldnt we be able to have our dinner and eat our dessert? Why shouldnt we have that? For illustration, last nighttime I had some pasta and chocolate after, and I dont feel bad because I chew health and I work out. Everything in moderation!
Just having a little moment of refection. I feel like the last few years has been an absolute whirlwind! When life gets busy, you often don’t get the chance to stop and think about what you’ve achieved along the way! Time is transferring by no matter what you do. So why stress? Why get worked up? Why obsess so much better when you can be happy and enjoy your life instead! I know that’s easier said than done sometimes, but genuinely when you think about it, you SHOULD be happy. You should be able to celebrate every moment. Time will pass no matter what…..so you may as well be happy and do what you cherish. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg photo credit – @alexpreview
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 24, 2017 at 7:00 pm PDT
Fox News: Do you ALWAYS dine healthy? Whats something you enjoy chewing that beings might not expect?
Itsines: Greek cakes! Theyre Greek tarts with sugar and walnuts.( Itsines mothers are from Kos, Greece .)
Fox News: You swerved 26 in May, and youve already fulfilled more than most women your age. Do you ever feel like, Where do I run from here?
Itsines: No! My patrons are the perfect speciman that age was nothing. Some of them are 40, 45, 50 years old and have the energy levels of a 20 -year-old. For me, whats next is facilitating more women and reading how I can do that to its implementation of getting feedback from all levels of society and with BBG. Its just so exciting.
Flashback !! My favourite thought in the world is satisfying my #bbg girls. I have left every single one of the boot camps, gone to my inn chamber, sat on my plot, set my honcho in my hands and cried. Not from sadness, I wasn’t sad at all! I was the terminated opposite in fact. I was overwhelmed with so much better joy and pride! Until I encountered you girls, I had no idea how much POSITIVE change was appear in all regions of the world. I got to hear all of your stupendous floors and how #bbg has changed your life or the life of someone you love. Even now, my sees ocean as I’m writing this because it builds me think back to all the amazing times that I have with you all. All I can say is thank you and that I am so so so sanctified so be able to meet you girls and hear your narratives. I would Desire for you to berth in specific comments below and tell others why you started the #bbg and how it changed your life. I want to show wives that everyone’s floor is different and we are all here for different reasons, but with one discontinue point … health and merriment http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgstronger
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 18, 2017 at 5:47 am PDT
* This interview has been edited for span and clarity .
The post BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2uBeLhC via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t
Instagram fitness queen Kayla Itsines “ve never” consume at McDonalds, but she insists she has had a cheeseburger.
For anyone who has followed Itsines journey to becoming an international phenomenon importance a reported $46 million, that tidbit may come as a surprise. After all, the 26 -year-old( whose name is declared Its-See-Ness) has apparently obstructed her media chart picture-perfect to fit her character: online personal trainer to 12 million admirers on Facebook and 7 million on Instagram. Not to mention, she is an inspirational flesh to the countless women whove bought into her buzzed-about Bikini Body Guide, a 12 -week fitness and nutrition programme thats set off a batch of hashtags on Instagram, including #bbg( tagged in 5.8 million poles) and #bbgcommunity( tagged in 2.6 million poles ).
#bbgprogress @annasfit advancement using my #bbg curriculum! She says I hope these motivate others as much as me. Its sunny again so it necessitates bikinis! — The right photo is about 2,5 years ago and the correct one yesterday. Good acts take time. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm PDT
Does she drink alcohol? Its poison, Itsines has been quoted enunciating. Has she ever had chicken pieces? Nope, she told Fox News. Favorite pizza? Supreme with lots of veggies and, in Australia, where shes from, pineapple.
What shed be if she wasnt a personal manager: A educator! she exclaimed. What category? Fitness!
Original? No. But when you get to know Itsines in person, theres no question she’s enthusiastic about her work.
— 3 STEPS TO LEARN HOW TO DO A PULL UP — This is for the girls asking me This is my first attempt at putting verse on my videos … IT DIDN’T GO AS PLANNED OKAY ….work with me here people hahaha. ANYWAY !! Let me just say this doesn’t happen over night. You need to practice each step until they are ALL mastered! Then you can attempt an unassisted chin up/ pull up http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 21, 2017 at 12:11 am PDT
Check this out, Itsines enunciated, pulling out her iPhone and showing off her newest curriculum, BBG Stronger, on the SWEAT app, for which shes collaborated with managers Sjana Elise and Kelsey Wells, two other rising stars in the fitness nature.( Itsines program schools wives how to incorporate heavines machines at the gym into their workouts .) As a cluster of female peers delivering by assembled around her post-interview, Itsines giddily scrolled through the differences among boasts each move boasts a digital exhibition by Itsines, ended with a timer to help users stay on track motivating quenched oohs and ahs.
Forbes lately called the Adelaide native the most influential fitness personality worldwide a claim shes earned through promoting her diet and fitness platforms, works, in-person bootcamps, and custom stock, like yoga mats and foam rollers, on her site.
Itsines fame, she told Fox News, has grown organically through an online community of women who inspire each other. On her social media details, you wont find person reproaching or recommendations to cut carbs( one of the most difficult mistakes Itsines meets American maidens see ), but instead, you will see inspirational mentions encouraging self-love, her followers side-by-side metamorphosi photos, and snapshots of fruit dishes and Itsines rock-hard abs. Suffice it to told she’s facilitated produce the charge for the growing body-confidence movement on Instagram.
26 today I feel like some of “youve had” literally watch me “re growing up” !! So Thankyou for all your foundation over the past few years and happy birthday to anyone who shares the same birthday with me !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 20, 2017 at 3:11 pm PDT
Ive been a female-only trainer my entire life I started out at a female-only personal schooling centre, answered Itsines, who got into the industry just before her 19 th birthday. I know girls, Im a woman myself, I know what they crave, I know how they conclude, I know how they feel.
Fox News: You descent out of college to become a personal manager, started working at a small gym in your hometown of Adelaide, and connected Instagram on a whim after your business marriage and boyfriend, Tobi Pearce, promoted “youve got to” do so. But at what spot did you know that you had really made something large-scale?
Itsines: World Tour in 2015 was big because I got to hear folks floors who followed my planned, and I got to hear how I changed “peoples lives”. As a coach, you sort of anticipate, Well, you did that because you put in the hard work and you put in the effort. But they were so insistent in went on to say that, No, Kayla, it was you. You gave me the confidence, you gave me the persuasivenes. I was standing there supposing, This is amazing. This is changing families lives.
Fox News: How do you stay sanded?
Itsines: My family dirts me so much better. Theyre a big Greek family, and I live a time from my grandparents, who dont pronounce any English. They know what I do, but its almost like they dont attention. They dont think of me as anything special or as Kayla Itsines from Instagram. Its only that Im their granddaughter. They still yell at me when Im belatedly!
My baby – I love you! @tobi_pearce http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 6, 2017 at 5:24 am PDT
Fox News: Youve altered millions of womens lives. What has that been like?
Itsines: Thats an indefinable detect. I dont know if youve ever knowledge someone coming up to you and supposing, Youve changed my life, but you can feel that passion, and you try to hard not to yell and not to hug them forever.
@chasingfitnessdreams I’m so proud of you !! Progress expending my #bbg platform! She adds “I have struggled with my heavines and self confidence for a years. I was pretty tiny my whole life until I procured my desire for nutrient. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted without exerting, I simply didn’t really care what it would do to me. Then once I seemed uncomfortable with how I searched I would urgently try to lose the heavines again until I was smaller then do it all over again! This messed up my metabolism and built me so sad! I have now noticed poise and learnt myself that I can have the nutrients I cherish whilst exercising to perceive large and keep in shape. Having additional load on me formed me feel tired, grumpy, breathless, bloated and miserable .. some people may say I gazed better before .. and to me that is a flattery but I simply want everyone to remember .. it DOESN’T MATTER what you look like .. it’s how you Find that are important. And I feel astonishing thanks to finding Kayla who attains me want to feel the best I can, so thanks girl ‘ I have 10 weeks until my sisters wedding and I am so excited to wear my bridesmaids dress find self-confident ” http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 12, 2017 at 4:31 am PDT
Fox News: How do you pick the person or persons to boast on your Instagram?
Itsines: This is something I expend a lot of season on, and its not necessarily someone who appears a certain acces or talks a certain style. Its someone whos super inspiring, and I have to be able to go on their profile, should be noted that theyve done the program, should be noted that theyre a positive party, and see that they actually have a pilgrimage that other women can follow and be inspired by.
@victoria. malmbbg 14 weeks advancement expending my #bbg curriculum !! stupendous …. did I forget to mention she is also a baby of TWO http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 14, 2017 at 12:58 pm PDT
Fox News : What are some of the most difficult misconceptions you watch dames construct when theyre trying to change their bodies?
Itsines: One of the biggest gaffes Ive understood wives build in America is the cutting-out-carbs act. Its, I want to look like this when truly, they should focus on how they appear rather than how they gaze. It should be: Im gonna do this to stimulate myself happier, so in turn, I experience beautiful. Thats truly a mindset Im trying to teach women.
Another mistake wives obligate would be going too hard too fast. As wives, we have theatres where we get this sudden reason, we are seeking to do everything Im so motivated, Im gonna “re going to the” gym, Im gonna work out for hours and hours and they work out, theyre super sore, they cant continue it, and they become unmotivated. Its just about taking happenings step by step: maybe doing a seven-minute workout and making it into a 14 -minute workout the next week. Its about slowly improving your workout up until you feel good rather than pushing it very far.
Fox News: Whats your advice for someone who is working out and trying to get more physically fit, but is not realise develops?
Itsines: Take a step back and is to ensure that theyre cozy with their training regime, gobbling the right foods, and boozing enough irrigate. Sometimes, its just about devouring more and doing less thats something thats a very hard abstraction to move to ladies, specially here in the U.S.
@mysweatlife amazing develop photo To one of the most manner and hard working girls I know … you are absolutely killing it !! I am so freakin proud of you http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 25, 2017 at 6:12 am PDT
Fox News: Have you always been strong and fit? And if not, what challenges did you overcome to achieve the body you have today?
Itsines: I have always been fit Ive been into basketball since I was 5 years old. But in terms of forte, that took a lot of building up. I did that through basketball training and training in the gym. Nonetheless, Ive always been really, very happily married within myself, and thats what I try to push to dames that I contemplate the more you do gradually, the better you start to feel.
Fox News: Any advice for women struggling with organization confidence?
Itsines: We could have the best organizations in the world, but if we dont feel good on the inside, it doesnt question. I ever say to parties, Contemplate about the most beautiful party you know. Theyre not beautiful because they have a beautiful figure! You dont mention, Oh my best friend or the person I adore the most is so beautiful because her body searches any particular acces. Its because she makes me laugh, because shes smart, because shes here for me. Beauty comes from the inside, and the more that ladies start focusing on that, the more beautiful people become, including themselves.
Ladies, what’s your favourite organization area to workout !?! Comment below! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 28, 2017 at 4:57 am PDT
Fox News: Your strategy is truly based on helping women become strong , not skinny what would you say to anyone who doesnt contemplate strong is sexy or attractive?
Itsines: Strong is always sex and attractive! And the word strong what does that intend? Because forte comes from within, and BBG Stronger is a program that promotes dames strolling into the gym with trust and experiencing self-confident as they walk out. When youre self-confident within you, it constructs and it extends, and it glistens out of you.
Fox News: Your Instagram is of great root of brainchild and funding. Can you speak a little to why having that sort of support is really important for people who are on a fitness passage?
Itsines: The translations are certainly relatable you can go onto the page and find someone who looked like you before, or who ingest the method you do, or was living in the same country you do. I think that relatability is really nice to have, so “youre not” looking at one particular being suppose, Well, I cant dine that or I cant do that.
@healthylife. iv change employing my #bbg program !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 10, 2017 at 3:21 am PDT
Fox News: Your programs are large-scale on poise in that they involve heavines discipline, cardio, extending and resting and, on the nutrition side, even dessert! Why is this mixture so important for producing outcomes?
Itsines: Balance is important in life. It keeps us sane! Why, as wives, shouldnt we be able to have our dinner and eat our dessert? Why shouldnt we have that? For illustration, last nighttime I had some pasta and chocolate after, and I dont feel bad because I chew health and I work out. Everything in moderation!
Just having a little moment of refection. I feel like the last few years has been an absolute whirlwind! When life gets busy, you often don’t get the chance to stop and think about what you’ve achieved along the way! Time is transferring by no matter what you do. So why stress? Why get worked up? Why obsess so much better when you can be happy and enjoy your life instead! I know that’s easier said than done sometimes, but genuinely when you think about it, you SHOULD be happy. You should be able to celebrate every moment. Time will pass no matter what…..so you may as well be happy and do what you cherish. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg photo credit – @alexpreview
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 24, 2017 at 7:00 pm PDT
Fox News: Do you ALWAYS dine healthy? Whats something you enjoy chewing that beings might not expect?
Itsines: Greek cakes! Theyre Greek tarts with sugar and walnuts.( Itsines mothers are from Kos, Greece .)
Fox News: You swerved 26 in May, and youve already fulfilled more than most women your age. Do you ever feel like, Where do I run from here?
Itsines: No! My patrons are the perfect speciman that age was nothing. Some of them are 40, 45, 50 years old and have the energy levels of a 20 -year-old. For me, whats next is facilitating more women and reading how I can do that to its implementation of getting feedback from all levels of society and with BBG. Its just so exciting.
Flashback !! My favourite thought in the world is satisfying my #bbg girls. I have left every single one of the boot camps, gone to my inn chamber, sat on my plot, set my honcho in my hands and cried. Not from sadness, I wasn’t sad at all! I was the terminated opposite in fact. I was overwhelmed with so much better joy and pride! Until I encountered you girls, I had no idea how much POSITIVE change was appear in all regions of the world. I got to hear all of your stupendous floors and how #bbg has changed your life or the life of someone you love. Even now, my sees ocean as I’m writing this because it builds me think back to all the amazing times that I have with you all. All I can say is thank you and that I am so so so sanctified so be able to meet you girls and hear your narratives. I would Desire for you to berth in specific comments below and tell others why you started the #bbg and how it changed your life. I want to show wives that everyone’s floor is different and we are all here for different reasons, but with one discontinue point … health and merriment http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgstronger
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 18, 2017 at 5:47 am PDT
* This interview has been edited for span and clarity .
The post BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2uBeLhC via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t
Instagram fitness queen Kayla Itsines “ve never” consume at McDonalds, but she insists she has had a cheeseburger.
For anyone who has followed Itsines journey to becoming an international phenomenon importance a reported $46 million, that tidbit may come as a surprise. After all, the 26 -year-old( whose name is declared Its-See-Ness) has apparently obstructed her media chart picture-perfect to fit her character: online personal trainer to 12 million admirers on Facebook and 7 million on Instagram. Not to mention, she is an inspirational flesh to the countless women whove bought into her buzzed-about Bikini Body Guide, a 12 -week fitness and nutrition programme thats set off a batch of hashtags on Instagram, including #bbg( tagged in 5.8 million poles) and #bbgcommunity( tagged in 2.6 million poles ).
#bbgprogress @annasfit advancement using my #bbg curriculum! She says I hope these motivate others as much as me. Its sunny again so it necessitates bikinis! — The right photo is about 2,5 years ago and the correct one yesterday. Good acts take time. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm PDT
Does she drink alcohol? Its poison, Itsines has been quoted enunciating. Has she ever had chicken pieces? Nope, she told Fox News. Favorite pizza? Supreme with lots of veggies and, in Australia, where shes from, pineapple.
What shed be if she wasnt a personal manager: A educator! she exclaimed. What category? Fitness!
Original? No. But when you get to know Itsines in person, theres no question she’s enthusiastic about her work.
— 3 STEPS TO LEARN HOW TO DO A PULL UP — This is for the girls asking me This is my first attempt at putting verse on my videos … IT DIDN’T GO AS PLANNED OKAY ….work with me here people hahaha. ANYWAY !! Let me just say this doesn’t happen over night. You need to practice each step until they are ALL mastered! Then you can attempt an unassisted chin up/ pull up http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 21, 2017 at 12:11 am PDT
Check this out, Itsines enunciated, pulling out her iPhone and showing off her newest curriculum, BBG Stronger, on the SWEAT app, for which shes collaborated with managers Sjana Elise and Kelsey Wells, two other rising stars in the fitness nature.( Itsines program schools wives how to incorporate heavines machines at the gym into their workouts .) As a cluster of female peers delivering by assembled around her post-interview, Itsines giddily scrolled through the differences among boasts each move boasts a digital exhibition by Itsines, ended with a timer to help users stay on track motivating quenched oohs and ahs.
Forbes lately called the Adelaide native the most influential fitness personality worldwide a claim shes earned through promoting her diet and fitness platforms, works, in-person bootcamps, and custom stock, like yoga mats and foam rollers, on her site.
Itsines fame, she told Fox News, has grown organically through an online community of women who inspire each other. On her social media details, you wont find person reproaching or recommendations to cut carbs( one of the most difficult mistakes Itsines meets American maidens see ), but instead, you will see inspirational mentions encouraging self-love, her followers side-by-side metamorphosi photos, and snapshots of fruit dishes and Itsines rock-hard abs. Suffice it to told she’s facilitated produce the charge for the growing body-confidence movement on Instagram.
26 today I feel like some of “youve had” literally watch me “re growing up” !! So Thankyou for all your foundation over the past few years and happy birthday to anyone who shares the same birthday with me !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 20, 2017 at 3:11 pm PDT
Ive been a female-only trainer my entire life I started out at a female-only personal schooling centre, answered Itsines, who got into the industry just before her 19 th birthday. I know girls, Im a woman myself, I know what they crave, I know how they conclude, I know how they feel.
Fox News: You descent out of college to become a personal manager, started working at a small gym in your hometown of Adelaide, and connected Instagram on a whim after your business marriage and boyfriend, Tobi Pearce, promoted “youve got to” do so. But at what spot did you know that you had really made something large-scale?
Itsines: World Tour in 2015 was big because I got to hear folks floors who followed my planned, and I got to hear how I changed “peoples lives”. As a coach, you sort of anticipate, Well, you did that because you put in the hard work and you put in the effort. But they were so insistent in went on to say that, No, Kayla, it was you. You gave me the confidence, you gave me the persuasivenes. I was standing there supposing, This is amazing. This is changing families lives.
Fox News: How do you stay sanded?
Itsines: My family dirts me so much better. Theyre a big Greek family, and I live a time from my grandparents, who dont pronounce any English. They know what I do, but its almost like they dont attention. They dont think of me as anything special or as Kayla Itsines from Instagram. Its only that Im their granddaughter. They still yell at me when Im belatedly!
My baby – I love you! @tobi_pearce http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 6, 2017 at 5:24 am PDT
Fox News: Youve altered millions of womens lives. What has that been like?
Itsines: Thats an indefinable detect. I dont know if youve ever knowledge someone coming up to you and supposing, Youve changed my life, but you can feel that passion, and you try to hard not to yell and not to hug them forever.
@chasingfitnessdreams I’m so proud of you !! Progress expending my #bbg platform! She adds “I have struggled with my heavines and self confidence for a years. I was pretty tiny my whole life until I procured my desire for nutrient. I would eat what I wanted, when I wanted without exerting, I simply didn’t really care what it would do to me. Then once I seemed uncomfortable with how I searched I would urgently try to lose the heavines again until I was smaller then do it all over again! This messed up my metabolism and built me so sad! I have now noticed poise and learnt myself that I can have the nutrients I cherish whilst exercising to perceive large and keep in shape. Having additional load on me formed me feel tired, grumpy, breathless, bloated and miserable .. some people may say I gazed better before .. and to me that is a flattery but I simply want everyone to remember .. it DOESN’T MATTER what you look like .. it’s how you Find that are important. And I feel astonishing thanks to finding Kayla who attains me want to feel the best I can, so thanks girl ‘ I have 10 weeks until my sisters wedding and I am so excited to wear my bridesmaids dress find self-confident ” http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 12, 2017 at 4:31 am PDT
Fox News: How do you pick the person or persons to boast on your Instagram?
Itsines: This is something I expend a lot of season on, and its not necessarily someone who appears a certain acces or talks a certain style. Its someone whos super inspiring, and I have to be able to go on their profile, should be noted that theyve done the program, should be noted that theyre a positive party, and see that they actually have a pilgrimage that other women can follow and be inspired by.
@victoria. malmbbg 14 weeks advancement expending my #bbg curriculum !! stupendous …. did I forget to mention she is also a baby of TWO http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 14, 2017 at 12:58 pm PDT
Fox News : What are some of the most difficult misconceptions you watch dames construct when theyre trying to change their bodies?
Itsines: One of the biggest gaffes Ive understood wives build in America is the cutting-out-carbs act. Its, I want to look like this when truly, they should focus on how they appear rather than how they gaze. It should be: Im gonna do this to stimulate myself happier, so in turn, I experience beautiful. Thats truly a mindset Im trying to teach women.
Another mistake wives obligate would be going too hard too fast. As wives, we have theatres where we get this sudden reason, we are seeking to do everything Im so motivated, Im gonna “re going to the” gym, Im gonna work out for hours and hours and they work out, theyre super sore, they cant continue it, and they become unmotivated. Its just about taking happenings step by step: maybe doing a seven-minute workout and making it into a 14 -minute workout the next week. Its about slowly improving your workout up until you feel good rather than pushing it very far.
Fox News: Whats your advice for someone who is working out and trying to get more physically fit, but is not realise develops?
Itsines: Take a step back and is to ensure that theyre cozy with their training regime, gobbling the right foods, and boozing enough irrigate. Sometimes, its just about devouring more and doing less thats something thats a very hard abstraction to move to ladies, specially here in the U.S.
@mysweatlife amazing develop photo To one of the most manner and hard working girls I know … you are absolutely killing it !! I am so freakin proud of you http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 25, 2017 at 6:12 am PDT
Fox News: Have you always been strong and fit? And if not, what challenges did you overcome to achieve the body you have today?
Itsines: I have always been fit Ive been into basketball since I was 5 years old. But in terms of forte, that took a lot of building up. I did that through basketball training and training in the gym. Nonetheless, Ive always been really, very happily married within myself, and thats what I try to push to dames that I contemplate the more you do gradually, the better you start to feel.
Fox News: Any advice for women struggling with organization confidence?
Itsines: We could have the best organizations in the world, but if we dont feel good on the inside, it doesnt question. I ever say to parties, Contemplate about the most beautiful party you know. Theyre not beautiful because they have a beautiful figure! You dont mention, Oh my best friend or the person I adore the most is so beautiful because her body searches any particular acces. Its because she makes me laugh, because shes smart, because shes here for me. Beauty comes from the inside, and the more that ladies start focusing on that, the more beautiful people become, including themselves.
Ladies, what’s your favourite organization area to workout !?! Comment below! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 28, 2017 at 4:57 am PDT
Fox News: Your strategy is truly based on helping women become strong , not skinny what would you say to anyone who doesnt contemplate strong is sexy or attractive?
Itsines: Strong is always sex and attractive! And the word strong what does that intend? Because forte comes from within, and BBG Stronger is a program that promotes dames strolling into the gym with trust and experiencing self-confident as they walk out. When youre self-confident within you, it constructs and it extends, and it glistens out of you.
Fox News: Your Instagram is of great root of brainchild and funding. Can you speak a little to why having that sort of support is really important for people who are on a fitness passage?
Itsines: The translations are certainly relatable you can go onto the page and find someone who looked like you before, or who ingest the method you do, or was living in the same country you do. I think that relatability is really nice to have, so “youre not” looking at one particular being suppose, Well, I cant dine that or I cant do that.
@healthylife. iv change employing my #bbg program !! http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgprogress
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Jun 10, 2017 at 3:21 am PDT
Fox News: Your programs are large-scale on poise in that they involve heavines discipline, cardio, extending and resting and, on the nutrition side, even dessert! Why is this mixture so important for producing outcomes?
Itsines: Balance is important in life. It keeps us sane! Why, as wives, shouldnt we be able to have our dinner and eat our dessert? Why shouldnt we have that? For illustration, last nighttime I had some pasta and chocolate after, and I dont feel bad because I chew health and I work out. Everything in moderation!
Just having a little moment of refection. I feel like the last few years has been an absolute whirlwind! When life gets busy, you often don’t get the chance to stop and think about what you’ve achieved along the way! Time is transferring by no matter what you do. So why stress? Why get worked up? Why obsess so much better when you can be happy and enjoy your life instead! I know that’s easier said than done sometimes, but genuinely when you think about it, you SHOULD be happy. You should be able to celebrate every moment. Time will pass no matter what…..so you may as well be happy and do what you cherish. http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbg photo credit – @alexpreview
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on Apr 24, 2017 at 7:00 pm PDT
Fox News: Do you ALWAYS dine healthy? Whats something you enjoy chewing that beings might not expect?
Itsines: Greek cakes! Theyre Greek tarts with sugar and walnuts.( Itsines mothers are from Kos, Greece .)
Fox News: You swerved 26 in May, and youve already fulfilled more than most women your age. Do you ever feel like, Where do I run from here?
Itsines: No! My patrons are the perfect speciman that age was nothing. Some of them are 40, 45, 50 years old and have the energy levels of a 20 -year-old. For me, whats next is facilitating more women and reading how I can do that to its implementation of getting feedback from all levels of society and with BBG. Its just so exciting.
Flashback !! My favourite thought in the world is satisfying my #bbg girls. I have left every single one of the boot camps, gone to my inn chamber, sat on my plot, set my honcho in my hands and cried. Not from sadness, I wasn’t sad at all! I was the terminated opposite in fact. I was overwhelmed with so much better joy and pride! Until I encountered you girls, I had no idea how much POSITIVE change was appear in all regions of the world. I got to hear all of your stupendous floors and how #bbg has changed your life or the life of someone you love. Even now, my sees ocean as I’m writing this because it builds me think back to all the amazing times that I have with you all. All I can say is thank you and that I am so so so sanctified so be able to meet you girls and hear your narratives. I would Desire for you to berth in specific comments below and tell others why you started the #bbg and how it changed your life. I want to show wives that everyone’s floor is different and we are all here for different reasons, but with one discontinue point … health and merriment http://ift.tt/1qtdY6U app #bbgstronger
A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@ kayla_itsines) on May 18, 2017 at 5:47 am PDT
* This interview has been edited for span and clarity .
The post BBG trainer Kayla Itsines: Alcohol is ‘poison, ‘ but carbs sure aren’t appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2uBeLhC via IFTTT
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