#okay we were talking about not liking digital romance covers but i do like this one
ozzgin · 8 months
Dear Ozzgin,
Is your new addition to the repertoire, the yandere android, a Mixture of Experts like GPT-4.5, or something else entirely? Would his performance / 'humanness' degrade if he were talking to another machine (an inhuman one, not designed to be Spacer-ly human) for a long time?
Any random lorebits on Spacers you did not include but would have had you felt less constrained?
Hah, okay, I see you've gotten into the technical aspects. I'm about to go on a ramble so I'll do a cut here for everyone else to not clog your feeds. Feel free to read if you're into this kind of stuff. :D
First, I just wanted to point this out because I've read your hashtags and comment: the CCD sensors were a bit of an asspull because it's one thing I'm more knowledgeable about, but I don't feel like it'd be a realistic choice, if I am to be nitpicky. They're expensive to produce and are mostly used for really high performance work (telescopes), but a humanoid robot wouldn't need such advanced digital imaging for daily life use. So, you know, it's arguable whether or not there are better alternatives when it comes to a mass-produced agent processing the immediate environment.
Now to your actual question: I've used the machine learning approach because this is currently our most advanced way of developing AI, but it would not be enough to explain the Android's perfect understanding of human speech. ChatGPT analyzes sentences and their meaning purely based on grammar and associations, but there's many examples of it struggling against anything more intricate than literal context. So yeah, that kind of sarcastic dialogue and implied meaning is wishful thinking of times far away sadly. I'm only wildly guessing he wouldn't struggle with today's impediments. There's a black box somewhere in there that fills the gaps and variables we don't have.
If at some point you find yourself with time to spare, I'd recommend reading the book directly. It's very interesting to see how people viewed the "future" back then, and you will detect a lot of optimism regarding computers - such as Daneel (the original Android) being a flawless human. Funnily enough, the book was published shortly before the Dartmouth Conference, so Asimov was this close to discover that language recognition is, in fact, a terribly tangled business and not as simple as they had originally expected.
I think I covered the basics when it comes to Spacers, but then again I cannot tell how easy it is to follow for someone that isn't familiar with the original work. I also didn't want to reproduce every fact, mot a mot, from Caves of Steel, especially since this is less about politics and more about romance. I'd suspect the people reading the story are not too bothered by the only briefly mentioned murder. Cause is less important when the effect is a tall robot boy with a crush on you 👀 if you feel me.
Anyways, I'm very glad you like the story, every now and then I'll insert little facts and technical details - as it usually is when you study Physics and CS but have no friends in the field - so it's definitely nice to have someone recognize the stuff! :)
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vinluco · 5 months
What headcanons do you have for the main 4 in max headroom 20 minutes into the future? :)
HELLO HI OHMYGOSH OKAY sorry if this list isnt that expansive!! i cant think of all of mine, might update later djsjsjsjs-
My headcannons for 20 Minutes into the Future (below cut!!)
Asexual, but I think he'd also be on the aromantic spectrum too?
Only knows a lot of things because of Edison's memory, and acts like he's a hot-shot know-it-all because of it. Mans has never played golf a DAY in his life.
I completely agree with the headcanmon that he blows tv fuses when he gets mad, but I think if he were to sleep, his background would only show up as a kind of "screensaver." Y'know?
Has a toothgap due to Edison's accident. He doesn't mind it, personally! :3
Cannot physically age unless he chooses to. I stress this because of the Channel 4 Digital Switchover commercial, in which Max is shown to be aged. I, for one, A.) Do not count that as canon, and B.) Don't believe Max can age physically. Though, yes, he is old in our world.
Hates his stutter. Tries not to show that he's insecure (macho, masculine, 80s persona type shit,) but in reality he can't help it and genuinely despises how he talks.
If!! If ever given a body (Bryce prolly built it), he would be taller than Edison. Max would be ECSTATIC.
Doesn't listen to a lot of music, normally. He might put on like, pop or disco sometimes, but its not like he gets too much into it.
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Edison !!
I think he'd have a secret soft spot for country. Like, country or jazz, y'know?
Closet Bi. C'monnnnnn, you can't tell me that man isn't the biggest repressed bicon ever.
Doesn't have a tooth gap, unlike Max, but does have a scar from the accident. Doesn't like to talk about it.
Isn't mad at Bryce for the accident, he knows Bryce didn't mean any real harm.
Iced coffee bitch. Embarrased about it.
I think he had a normal childhood,, he feels like he did. Maybe some elements of religious trauma, coming from the related episode,,, Something something,,, Vanna Smith's relationship with Edison is meant to represent his past beliefs and how they still have a grip on him,,,, something something their one night stand was a metaphor for reliving your trauma and coming out of it changed/with a new lens,,,, something something,,,,
,,,I have mixed feelings about him and Theora,,,,
One one hand, yeah! Cool! They have good chemistry, and they have their motives to be in a relationship!
On the other hand, it would do Theora's character a misjustice to simply make her get into a relationship with Edison just cus,,,, i dunno,,,
Edison would HATE that Max would be taller than him. Matt Frewer/Edison is already a tall dude, but,,,, make Max 7'6 you cowards. /hj
Always breaks his vidicams, hides them from Murray and Cheviot but knows they'll eventually find out. Time out for Mr. Digital Sherlock >:P
Hangs out with Blank Reg when he's not covering stories, I think Eddy and the Big Time Television crew would have a great friendship!!
Do not call him Eddy.
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Also Bi, but leans towards women :) Maybe like, Biromantic Asexual?
Her and Edison do hang out, like, outside of work, but the thought of "romance in the workplace" icks her out (valid, honestly.)
Sometimes plays into Max's antics, I think they'd have a great dynamic (shame it wasn't explored more.)
Completely meant to slap Murray in "Security Systems." No, she didn't need to sell the bit. No, she didn't need to warn him. Fuck Murray. All my homies hate Murray 😤
I see her liking glam rock,,, or like, some kind of rock (70s and 80s, ofc). She's giving me like, Sweet or The Ramones kinda vibes,,,
I think her childhood was a bit rough, but thata just vibes. We never get specifics, I think, but maybe I'll write a fanfic someday and explore it. (do y'all want Max Headroom fics I'll fuckin DELIVER.)
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(( she is so fuckin pretty oh my godddd :O ))
Bryce !!
Aromantic. Not to fall into the trope that like "haha, smart character aro/ace!!" but, seriously. Do you think he wants anything to do with that? Nah, science #1, and y'know? Thats valid, you funky little dude.
Funky Little Dude™️
More of a gremlin than the show lets on. I know if he were around modern-day, dude would be slamming back monsters and talking about The Fog and The Rot.
Troubled childhood. Sent off to a tech school at an early age, didn't grow up woth his family around, or many friends. It's canon, what the f u c k.
iPad baby. Enough said.
Feels guilty about Edison's accident.
Literally says that he "felt fear for the first time" when he was /freezing to death./
Bryce???? Do you need a therapist??? Buddy?????
The only adults in his life want to use his genius to get more ratings. Bryce is but a toy to them. I need to psychoanalyze him. Puts him in a salad spinner.
On a lighter note!! Listens to classical music unironically!! Weirdo!! /pos
You literally can't tell me he isn't autistic. As someone on the spectrum, I bestow him this headcanon. Can't read social queues, doesn't understand figures of speech, flat tone of voice, ect. He's on the spectrum 😤
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amberskyyking · 9 months
Disillusioned Chapter 33: You Might Be Bad At Flirting But Your Hot Friend Isn't, Oops
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If Senator Chuchi didn’t have such exceptional control over her emotional presentation, their cover would be long blown. Luz lounged in the doorway of a seedy hotel room in what she clearly thought was a seductive pose, one hand raised but not quite reaching the doorframe, back arched, shirt collar down, batting her eyes like people did in all the cheesy tales of romance they read growing up.
“Soooo good to see you again, Senator,” She drawled, barely stifling laughter of her own behind that hood. 
Stars, it’s still wise to keep her face hidden, isn’t it, Riyo thought.
“I take it you’ll have me for the... usual time tonight?”
Riyo gave her a longing little smirk. If they were really going to use this as a cover now, at least one of them needed to be convincing, and besides, Luz was still largely to blame for this in the first place. She wasn’t about to let her friend off the hook that easily. “Oh maybe a little more than that,” Riyo practically purred, gracefully sweeping an arm around her friends waist. “It’s been so long…”
Luz let out a genuine little gasp. Their faces were suddenly so close. Riyo allowed herself a coy smile, reaching a hand under that dark hood to delicately brush her friends cheek. “Come inside now, before someone sees,” She whispered loudly, practically able to feel Luz blush deep red at her touch.
“O-Okay,” Luz stammered, and Riyo drew her in tighter, pulling her from the doorway into her waiting arms. That should certainly be enough of a show for anyone watching, she thought, satisfied, as the door clicked shut behind them.
“Kaaark, Ri!” Luz said breathlessly with a shiver the second they were clear. “Give me a little warning next time you’re gonna do that to me, would you?” 
“Do you want this to be believable or not?” Riyo teased the flustered Devaronian and flipped on the digital blocker. Anyone outside could assume what they wished about its use, so long as they were able to talk freely. “What even was that voice you were-”
“I don’t know!” Luz half shrieked, half giggled, smiling and shaking her head. “I have no idea what I’m doing with this whole thing! It’s amazing anyone believes me at all, I swear I’m so bad at it!” 
“Well it was enough to fool Lott Dod, at least.”
“That’s a low bar and we both know it.” 
Full Chapter (And Story!): You Might Be Bad At Flirting But Your Hot Friend Isn't, Oops
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 18- Therapy
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n finds herself a new house and Misha is determined to make it a huge project.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2993
Story Warnings: past cheating, mentions of FFM threesome, not much in this one
“It’s pretty, right?” I ask, looking around the open concept of the first floor of this $350,000 house.
“Kitchen’s kinda outdated,” Jensen says, pointing at the fridge. “I mean, that fridge has gotta be from when you were in high school.”
“I could buy new appliances, Jay. Get a natural gas stove set up. Install some cabinet pulls, because I’m not a really big fan of this whole lack of elements.” I gesture at the cabinets. “Probably stain it a little darker to go against the flooring. But it’s pretty, right?”
Jay smiles. “Yeah. It’s pretty...and it’s about twice as big as the one you’ve been living in. Which is what you need.”
“Yeah. Walk-in closet in the master, too. It’ll be a good place to put the security hub.”
“Or you could put the security hub in the closet in the den and put your clothes in the master closet,” Jay suggests, grumpy old man in his tone. "And if you're gonna update the kitchen, you gotta update the bathrooms. Get one of those-"
"I am not getting an automatic toilet!" I laugh. "No one needs that!"
"Of course no one needs it but it's freakin' awesome!"
"Okay, Dean," I tease.
"Dean would agree with me. Automatic toilet, with the bidet and the-"
"Dean Winchester would break an automatic toilet and then complain that it's a damn computer which means he can't fix it without help."
Jay laughs. "He'd still think it was cool."
"He'd be down for the heated seat. I will give you that much."
He smiles as he looks around. "So...are we looking at your new digs or what?"
I bite my bottom lip and run my hand over the granite countertop. “Shouldn’t I ask Nova's opinion? It's gonna be her home, too."
"She's a teenager. As long as she's got her own room, I'm sure she's gonna be fine." He sets his hands on my shoulders and smiles. "But you can show her pictures or bring her by before you sit down with the realtor."
I nod and smile. "It's in the right school district and a bigger room for her and for Mav and the bonus room can be an office. I really think it's the place."
"Then get it," he encourages. "Get it, Baby Girl. We can make it perfect. I'm no stranger to a little reno."
"Please," I start, laughing. "A contractor did the work on your old place. Shush."
He looks a little offended. "I helped. I painted. I installed the sink in the half bath off the kitchen."
"Fine. You can stain these cabinets for me." I wink and step away from him. I'm gonna get this house. "Come on." I walk to the foyer where the realtor is waiting and I smile at him. "Can I put in an offer now or should I wait a few hours?" He smiles brighter than the sun.
"You can make an offer anytime, Miss."
Miss. Still young enough to get 'miss'. "Good. Let's do this."
"Four bedroom, 2 and a half bath, 3200 square feet with an office next to the master bed. It needs some updating and work...had a contractor quote me $60,000 but that's not bad...covers new appliances, too."
"I could come down and help," Misha offers. "You know, a lot of that stuff you can DIY and I can help with most of it."
"You don't have to do that, Meesh."
"Why would I let you spend that much money on something I could help you with for a fraction of the cost?"
"Misha, you really don’t-"
"I'm not letting you tell me 'no' on this. We'll get together some manpower and get this done for you."
He's really not going to let me say 'no'. "Okay. Well, it's going to be several weeks before the paperwork is finished and all that. I'll let you know when it's mine."
"Good. I'll start looking at HGTV.com." Damn it, Misha. Don't be so extra. "And send me pictures and a floorplan so I know what I'm working with."
"Yeah, okay." Really no point in arguing. It's Misha. If I don't send him pics and a copy of the floorplan, he'll just find the house and get them himself off the internet. "I'll send it to you after my appointment tomorrow, okay?"
"Sounds good. Talk to you then."
"Bye, Meesh." I hang up and sigh. He's gonna make it this whole thing, isn't he?
His house in Washington did come out amazing, though, so he does have some skills that will help in this. Eh, why not? Why not get together with my best friend and make my new home my own?
"So, I get to see this house eventually, right?" Nova says, walking into the living room.
I smile. "Come see all these pretty pictures I took and we can speculate on what craziness Misha is gonna come up with." I pat the couch next to me and she comes over. "This is the view from the street." I start showing her the pictures and she claims a room before I've even finished the digital tour.
"Oh, and you're gonna paint the exterior, right? Like, it's pretty but it's yellow. You're gonna fix that, right?"
"Oh, I'm sure Misha isn't going to let me move into another drab house. You weren’t here the first time he showed up at this house but he had opinions about all of it. I didn't let him talk me into reno last time but this time...I don’t know...maybe this will be the forever home so…"
"It's gotta be custom!" Nova exclaims.
"Can I paint my walls custom? Or get custom wallpaper done? I know that a lot of people don't like wallpaper but I've seen a few places that got it right and-"
"Yeah, baby, of course. We'll figure out something awesome for your walls." I kiss her forehead. We'll do whatever she wants for her room.
I love when she's happy.
It's been a while since I've been in Dr. McCauliffe's office. Life has been in the way...and I guess I didn’t want her to judge me for my involvement with Jensen...which is ridiculous because she's my therapist. She's not going to judge me.
"So." She taps her pen against her clipboard. "What's new?"
"Well...I have been dating Jensen again. I know you saw that in the news."
"I saw it on Mr. Collins' Instagram, actually," she says with a smile.
"Right. The video. Forgot about it for a minute. Um, yeah, like I said in the video and Jensen said in his...spark's still there, we're giving it another chance."
"How's that feel?"
I bite my bottom lip. "Scary as Hell, honestly. I mean, but it's good. I've done pretty good with boundaries and moving slowly. You know, before...we jumped in head first and everything was this intense passion right out of the gate but this time…" I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe we've grown up, or grown old, but…"
"Have you slept with him?" she asks and it's because she knows that sex was a big issue when I was with him before. Sex was all we were supposed to be in the beginning and sex ruined us in the end. I know why she's asking but there's this...well, it's a bit intrusive, isn't it? It seems like she's judging me for being sexually active and I know that's not what it is but my whole spine goes tense when she asks.
"Yes. We dated for about a month before we started getting physical again."
“And how has that been? I don’t need details, of course, but...emotionally, how has it been to be intimate with Jensen again?”
How to answer that?
Really, how am I supposed to answer that? It’s the best sex I’ve ever had, emotionally fullfilling in a romance-novel sort of way. It’s perfect but it does have its scary moments. “Well, we’ve only actually...slept together a couple times this time. His libido is a lot less than it was. I mean, he didn’t have sex the entire time we were broken up, can you believe that?”
Dr. McCauliffe adjusts her glasses and shrugs a little. “I do not. Five years is a long time to go without sex...but you seem to believe it. That’s what matters.”
I never even questioned it. Should I have? No, because he’s been so honest about everything else. “I went years and years without sex after Nate. I believe Jensen did the same after me. He had a lot going on. He was in recovery for alcoholism. He had to be a good father and work on his career and-”
“You just got very defensive, very quickly. Why is that?”
Fuck, I don’t know. I run my hand over my mouth and shrug. “I don’t know,” I respond honestly.
“Analyze it, Y/n. Why would you get so defensive over my disbelief in what Jensen told you?”
“Because I didn’t question it,” I answer after a moment. “Because he told me that the last time he had sex, real full-penetrative sex, was the time that broke us and I didn’t really question it. I took it at face value because we’ve been doing very good about honesty with each other and what if that’s stupid? What if I’m stupid because maybe he’s lying about it and keeping stuff from me and-”
“You said he’s been very good about honesty so far, right?”
I nod. “Yeah. He’s...he admitted to stuff that I never thought he’d admit to and he apologized for stuff and he’s been open about what happened and why. He’s even been honest about little things that he would have lied about before...like I told him about Will and he Googled him. Used to be, he’d keep that kind of thing to himself, never tell me, but he admitted it without even prompting.” I chew on my bottom lip as she starts scribbling on her notes. “I believe him. It might be stupid but I believe him.”
She sets her clipboard in her lap and smiles at me. “It’s not stupid...and he’s likely changed enough that honesty is important to him. You’ve told me that his recovery has changed him. Jared’s told me the same. Now, it’s a bit hard for me to believe that he’s changed so much in the last five years that he would have abstained from sex since the last time he was with you, but...I don’t know the man, do I? You do. Jared does. If you believe him, then don’t let me change your mind.”
“I believe him. You didn’t see the way he looked at me the first time we...‘Reverent’ is the best word for it.”
“What do you think that means for you?”
I scoot back, leaning against the back of the couch. “I think he’s finally got Danneel out of his head.”
“Do you?” she asks and I hate when she asks things I don’t want to answer. “Danneel was a major roadblock in your relationship before, wasn’t she?”
“You know she was. I was so focused on giving Jensen what he wanted...Danneel...that I couldn’t see that I was what he was supposed to be wanting. I wanted to be like her, couldn’t appreciate myself. I know this stuff, Doctor.” I shift on the couch and sigh. “I don’t wanna be Danneel and I don’t want Jensen to be with her. I want Jensen to be with me...I want him to want to be with only me.” I shrug. “Seems like that’s where we are. He doesn’t even talk to her anymore. I talked to her the other day and she didn’t even know why he doesn’t talk to her anymore.”
“You talked to Danneel again?”
“Yeah. We ran into each other at a shop while I was getting Nova a new dress. It...didn’t go well. Nova was very combative with Danneel. I ended up having to...be very honest with my daughter. She knows about everything now...even the night with Danneel.”
“Oh? How’d that talk go?”
“It was...it was good to get it off my chest, actually. It was like the conversation where I told her about, about why her father and I got divorced. It’s like...It was a hard conversation but it was an important one. I don’t have to...hide things anymore and that’s a blessing. She understands why I make the decisions I make now...she understands...the betrayal was a lot deeper than she even knew. She understands that now and...maybe it’ll make us closer, but at least she knows the truth now.”
“And she’s living with you now, right?” I nod. “How did that happen? Nathan doesn’t seem the type to just allow her to do what she wants.”
I snort. “He’s definitely not, but...he fucked up with Jenny, blew up his marriage. I’m actually surprised it took her this long to realize that he was cheating on her, but whatever. Um...Nova didn’t want to be there for the destruction of his way of life and she asked if she could come to Texas. I convinced him to let her come because she didn’t need to see the parade of his affairs that Jenny would bring up. I then used those women to convince him not to fight me on custody when I refiled. It was…” I scratch at my cheek. “It was a low move, but it’s exactly the kind of move he pulled on me, convincing the judge that I was too unstable to care for her. I don’t feel bad about it, especially since she wants to be here.”
“That’s a big change...on top of other big changes.”
“Yep...and there’s more coming. Because I need more room since Nova is living with me, there will be a new home in my future."
"A new home? That's exciting."
"It is. And I am more excited about it than I am scared so that says something."
"I remember how anxious you were about your first house. I remember all the security options you went through."
"Well, security had to be heavy. I had to think about Tom and his crazy-ass fans and the crazier of Jensen’s fans and the paps. There was that one photographer in Vancouver that climbed the balcony outside the condo to get pics of me and Jay, remember?" I shiver at the memory of looking out the French doors to see a man with his camera, snapping away. So intrusive. "I'm gonna have to put up a privacy fence and a coded gate at the new place, too...and, of course, all the security cameras."
"Sounds like a big project."
"Yeah. Definitely. Not even half of it, though. Misha wants to DIY everything."
"Misha isn't your husband, Y/n," Dr. McCauliffe reminds me and I laugh.
"I think he forgets that sometimes. But there's not a lot of use in arguing with him. He's...well, he's right a lot. Like, most of the time, I mean. So, I always cave to him."
"Do you want to do a big DIY project at this new house?"
"Not at first, I didn't but...I dunno. Might be fun. I've never gotten to do that kind of project and knowing Misha, he's gonna make it fun even if it is hard work."
"Well, as long as you can maintain your work as well as this project. How is that coming along?"
"Really good, actually. We started shooting not too long ago...and I hadn't even considered that this project might be detrimental to Midsummer. I'll have to make sure that Misha knows that Midsummer comes first."
"Well, it seems like you've got things under control."
"Yeah? I was afraid you'd tell me I was...going too fast or…"
"Do you think that? You were telling me that you'd done well with boundaries and keeping things-"
"Well, I have! I mean, Jensen was talking about moving in together already and I shut that down and decided to get a bigger place...my own bigger place."
"Jensen wanted to move in with you?" She writes down something on her notes. "And you said 'no'?"
"I said 'no'," I confirm. "I was really proud of myself, Doc. Nova was proud of me, too, actually. Which was...it was interesting and new. I don’t know that she's ever been proud of me for anything and I know that it's supposed to be the other way, where I'm proud of her and I am, of course but Nova being proud of me setting these boundaries and sticking to them...it gives me hope that she'll be able to do the same in her own life, you know?"
"There's nothing wrong with feeling happy that you made your daughter proud and there's nothing wrong with hoping she's going to make different mistakes than you. She's going to do well in life if you keep making the best choices for the both of you." She sets her clipboard on her desk and smiles. "I'm proud of you, too, by the way. Six years ago, you would have jumped at living with Jensen."
"Six years ago, I did."
We finish out our session with a promise to not go so long without seeing her next time. "Mental health is about the maintenance," she reminds me as she opens her office door and walks me to the reception desk. I agree and set an appointment for six weeks out. I call Misha as I start my car, intending to tell him that Midsummer comes before the house project. I haven't even gotten a 'hello' out of my mouth when he speaks.
"I saw the pictures you sent. I have so many ideas!"
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Yay! Same tbh I have loads of smuts ready to write 😂
Okay so my request is: either Steve or Chris (which ever one you feel more comfortable writing for) and Y/n are meeting their friends for the day to just have a day out or something. And whilst their getting ready y/n decides to tease Chris or Steve by putting in his favourite lingerie that he loves seeing her in. And just as Chris or Steve is about to pounce on her there’s a knock on the door and it’s their friends. Y/n keeps teasing him the entire night without fail and once they are in their car on their way home He just can’t keep his hands off of her anymore and ends up fingering her whilst he’s driving but he doesn’t let her cum 🥵
Hi love. I’m so happy about this request and so excited. I tried to write this a couple times, ended up deleting lots of parts before the ideas finally started flowing. So here it is.
Also, i’ve had so much fun getting to know you lately and i’m glad we started talking!
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Whole lotta filth/smut, language, fingering, oral (male receiving), hair pulling, degradation, orgasm denial, fluff, whole lotta romance. 18+
Word Count: 3,870
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit goes to @luvinchris go check them out 💜
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Punishments & Surprises 
Chris wonders into your shared bedroom, leaning against the doorway of your closet as he watches you get ready. You bend over to put some fresh panties on, the laced blue ones. His favourite. As you step into them, your pussy and ass on full view to him, he feels a situation develop in his jeans. Not the best time to get a hard cock,
The two of you are on your way out to meet some friends for food. And yet here he is, contemplating on cancelling just so he can fuck that beautiful pussy of yours. The thought of making you cum multiple times is too much for him. He tugs at his bottom lip as he comes out of his daze. Only to be met with the sight of you. In the bra that matches those panties.
God. You’re fucking perfect to him. Everything about you.
“You gonna talk at some point or just continue to drool?” you mock, noticing how his mouth is hanging open.
He closes it. His eyes ogle your half naked body, lust and hunger fill them.
“Please baby” Chris begging is always so amusing to you. Because it rarely happens, it makes it that much sweeter to tease him.
“Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. We have to be somewhere in 20 minutes Chris” you finish getting ready, slipping the skirt on and pairing it with the matching top and some heels.
He’s still staring you down. You walk past him but he grabs a hold of your hand, pulling you flush against him.
“Please, Y/N” you tut “what is it that you want baby? Want to bend me over the bed, slide that hard cock into my wet pussy. Fuck me stupid until i’m begging you to stop” you palm him over his slacks, winding him up even more.
He gulps at your words “yes, that’s exactly what i want” you giggle “too bad. We have plans with our friends” his breathing picks up even more as he rests his hands on your perfect ass.
“God you’re just pining for it aren’t you” you kneel down so your face is level with his crotch. You stick your tongue out and glide it across where his bulge is.
“So big” you giggle as you strut away from him. Leaving him standing there. All hot and bothered and rock hard.
You slip your coat on, handing him his as he meets you by the front door.
Just as he’s about to make a second attempt, there’s a knock.
You smirk at him, opening the door to reveal your friends.
“You guys ready?” you nod, stepping out of the house. Chris locks up before unlocking his car for you. You both get in and follow them to the restaurant.
“Such a tease” he spits, gripping the steering wheel tight.
“Chris we have plans, i can’t just drop them because you want to fuck”
“Starting to think you do this shit on purpose”
“Maybe i do. Maybe i love watching your cock get hard when you watch me bend over, shoving my ass and pussy in your face. Maybe i love flaunting myself in front of you”
“Fuck Y/N” he adjusts himself again, you’re definitely getting to him.
The night is going well. Drinks are flowing much like the conversation.
The topic then turns to you and Chris. How you got together. It was all thanks to his brother Scott. He set the two of you up. He noticed how both of you were clearly moping around, both single and clearly ready to date.
All it took was ten minutes. Ten minutes for you to know that he was the one.
Which doesn’t seem like a lot when you think about it but it was more than enough for you. You don’t care though. You liked him and he liked you. A match made in heaven.
Everyone praises Scott constantly for his match making skills. How he got it spot on.
Even his family does.
Lisa loves you, she classes you as a daughter and Shanna and Carly, even Scott calls you their sister.
You genuinely feel welcome and part of the family, which of course you are. Just not officially. Not yet anyways.
You then get talking about Dodger and the funny things he does.
Like last week when he pretty much tackled Chris to the ground when he was walking through the door with shopping bags. And when he walked in on you two kissing. He sat in the middle of you on the couch, looking back and forth until you were forced to stop due to laughing.
During dinner, you start to palm him. He coughs to cover up the soft moan that almost slipped out, in front of his friends.
You know it’s wrong but you just can’t stop and despite the looming threat of a punishment when you get home, nothing can stop you right now. Not even Chris.
He tugs at his bottom lip, trying to distract himself with eating and talking but that’s when you take his hand under the table, leading it to rest on your soaked clothed pussy. He gets a feel of how dripping you are for him. And when you get up to go to the bathroom, you whisper in his ear.
“See how wet you make me daddy”
He’s tried to tease you back plenty of times but you don’t allow it. He’s just gonna have to wait until he gets you alone.
You return, just in time to pay the bill. You take the spoon from the desert you just demolished. Licking every last bit of chocolate off of it, working your tongue around it. You turn to Chris to see him staring. Once you finish. You arrange how you’re all going to pay before exiting the restaurant.
“We have to do this more often for sure” Julie says, giving you a hug goodbye before hugging Chris.
“Definitely. It was so nice to catch up” he says, waving goodbye to the couple and unlocking his car.
You put your seatbelt on, as does he. Complete silence falls upon you. It’s not awkward, just tense.
“God that food was incredible” you groan, yawning shortly after. Still not a word from him. He chuckles, shaking his head as he starts the car, pulling out of the parking lot.
He gradually speeds up, causing you to gasp.
But still. Nothing from him.
“You think that’s fucking funny do you?”
You just widen your eyes, looking at him.
“What d-”
“Answer me” he snaps with a smack to your thigh, causing you to jolt.
“It was just a bit of fun Chris calm down”
“Just a bit of fun huh? How’s this for some fun then?”
He reaches his hand over, sliding your skirt up just enough so he can reach his hand into your wet panties.
“Spread them”
You waste no time in following his demands. He starts running his fingers through your folds and rubbing at your aching clit. You need him so badly.
But he isn’t going to give in easily. No, you’re gonna need to earn it. Earn the right to get fucked. And Chris never backs down in these situations, it’s rare if he does.
“Does it feel good huh?” you hum in response, gripping onto his forearm. It feels so good, the pressure. The way he can have you crumbling just from the smallest of touches is insane to you. But it’s always been this way.
“Please” your grip tightens, nails digging into his skin as you grind into his fingers. You just need a little more. You need his fingers inside of you, pushing against your spot and forcing an orgasm from you.
But it’s not gonna come true just yet.
“Please what?” 
“I need your fingers in me, please Chris” that’s your first mistake. You know full well in these situations that he doesn’t like to be called by his name. He insists on ‘daddy’ and yet you’ve just broken the most important rule. You’re definitely in for it now.
No chance of getting your way.
“What did you just fucking call me?” he slams two of his thick digits inside of you, no warning before pulling them out and smacking your thigh. 
“I asked you a question. Don’t test my patience baby” you moan at how low his voice has gotten “i didn’t mean it. I’m sorry daddy” he chuckles.
His fingers slowly slide back in and he wastes no time in dragging them in and out nicely “we’ll be home soon and i don’t want you to cum before then. If you do, you won’t like the consequences. You got it?” you nod, biting your lip and mumbling a nervous “yes” to satisfy him.
He continues to fuck into you, adding a third finger to the mix. You should be used to orgasm denial by now. You tend to break the rules a lot, leaving it up to Chris to teach you how to behave like a good girl. 
You gotta say though, you like it. The thrill of not knowing how well you’re going to hold it each time. Sometimes you can hold back, it’s a struggle and it’s certainly not easy but this time however, was not one of those times.
No this time, he’s not letting up. His speed is staying the same and he’s using his thumb to rub at your throbbing bundle of nerves. Making it almost impossible for you to not fall over. He knows what he’s doing. He wants you to cum, he’s doing this on purpose. He wants to punish you further.
Maybe the consequences won’t be so bad. You decide to test him
You let go, refusing the hold it any longer. Letting your body just take it.
“Mhmm fuck. Daddy” your walls clamp down around his digits and he pulls out.
“Thought you could pull a fast one did you? Thought i wouldn’t feel you getting close? Such a dumb little baby” your eyes widen as you watch his hand cup your sex before raising it to smack down.
You whine at his actions, begging for him to stop but he doesn’t “you just don’t learn do you?” you start pouting at him. Watching as he grips the steering wheel with both hands after 3 smacks.
The plan back fired.
“I’m sorry daddy” he’s not taking any of it. No amount of apologies or whines will make this better now. You just might be worse off now than you were before.
All of a sudden he pulls over. Some random side road.
“Take those fucking panties off now” you undo your seatbelt following his orders without any fuss before you turn to look at him, lips pouty and eyes all wide. Awaiting his next instructions.
His fingers fiddle with his belt.
“You’ve done nothing but tease me all dam day, bending that pretty little ass over in my face and exposing your cunt to me” he starts, unbuckling his belt and undoing the button on his jeans.
“Then we go out for some lovely food with our friends and you continue. Licking your spoon clean, rubbing my legs and placing my hand over your soaked panties” he slides the zipper down, moving so he can pull his jeans and boxers down. His rock hard cock springs free, the tip is red and angry as pre cum leaks out of it. Making your mouth water with need.
You gulp just looking.
“And that brings us to now, disobeying daddy’s rules. Trying to cum when i specifically told you that you couldn’t” he starts pumping himself before gathering the pre cum on his finger and bringing it to your mouth.
“Open” you feel the salty-sweet taste on your eager tongue as he stuffs his index finger in your mouth quickly.
“And now, you’re going to suck my fucking cock until i cum in that dirty mouth, put it to good use” you nod, moving forward and taking it in your small hands. You waste no time in taking all of him.
Moving down until he bottoms out. Your nose touches the hair that decorates his size.
He groans at the feel of your warm mouth around him. The feel of your tongue licking his shaft each time you come up for air.
Chris knows you’re a good girl most of the time. But sometimes you like to run your mouth and land yourself in hot water. He can’t say he doesn’t enjoy you doing so, it means he gets to be extra rough with you and he knows you enjoy it just as much. Why else would you go to the effort of teasing him all day? You’re dying to be punished and fucked hard. Treated like the whore that you are. But only for him.
He starts bucking his hips up into your mouth, causing you to gag, a sound he loves to hear. It’s like music to his ears.
“Is my cock too much for you baby?” you pull off with a pop “no daddy” he forces himself back inside of your mouth, you gag once again.
“Something tells me that you’re lying. You can’t handle daddy’s cock pretty girl?” you pull off again.
“No daddy, i can handle it” he chuckles at the way you’re so responsive to him.
Now it’s clear he has other plans for you.
“Come here, sit on my cock” just what you’ve been waiting for.
You move over, he lines himself up and you sink down. But before you can even think about bouncing, he holds you still.
“You’re gonna stay still, sitting with my cock buried deep inside you, keeping it warm. I want you to think about how you’ve acted tonight first before you ride me”
You gulp again. This is the last thing you expected him to do.
“I’m sorry daddy. Please” he tuts “not everything will magically go away with a quick apology princess. I want you to really be sorry. And there’s only one way you’re going to learn” your breathing becomes heavier.
You don’t even need to ask, he knows you want to know.
And just like that, he tugs your head backwards. His mouth attacks your clothed nipples. His hips move and you feel his cock twitch.
He takes your shirt, tearing it in two with no issues. Leaving your chest exposed. Now you really feel like a whore.
Pulled over on a side road, where anyone could drive by. If they do, they’d have quite the sight. You sat on his cock, tits out as he sucks on them.
“F-fuck daddy” your whines are getting louder and louder. He doesn’t listen though, just continues to leave marks all over your chest and neck. He won’t let up until you’re covered.
“Okay, you ready princess? Think you’ve earnt the right to be fucked?” you nod “yes daddy, please fuck me” 
You don’t have to tell him twice.
His hands splay across your ass cheeks, gripping at them and digging his nails in as he lifts you up, making room for him to fuck you.
His thrusts pick up instantly. The look in his eyes is rendering on animalistic. Lust filled.
This is the side of Chris that you absolutely adore. He can make you do pretty much anything when he gets like this. Hungry and annoyed at your actions. It’s a dangerous mix but one that’s as sweet as sugar.
“Always so tight and warm wrapped around me” he grunts, your forehead rests against his, your hands hold onto his shoulders for support.
“Shit, you feel so good” you throw your head back, arching your back. He takes the opportunity to bury his face in the valley of your breasts. Kissing you, open mouthed.
“God. I feel that pretty cunt clenching me like that. Don’t you dare fucking cum baby. You have to wait” 
But you can’t wait, you need that release. It’s been building up and his punishments haven’t helped.
“Please. D-daddy. I need to cum” he shakes his head.
You’ve never begged him so much.
“You want it? Huh? Fucking beg, properly this time”
He drags his cock in and out, aggressively. Not letting up. Hitting your cervix again and again. Your mouth falls open, incomprehensible murmurs leave and he’s not much better. His eyes scrunch closed before he opens them to watch you.
“Fuck baby” 
“Please, i want to cum. I need to cum. Please daddy, I’ll be a good girl” as much as he wants to continue this torture, he needs it too. 
He craves the mess of your cum all over his cock. The way you clamp down on him as you do so, spurring on his own release.
The way you moan at the feel of him spilling inside of you.
“You ready to cum with me sweetheart?” 
He slams in slow and hard. You clench. He twitches.
“OH SHIT” you scream, falling over the edge as your orgasm consumes you. The way your crying out brings his release on,
You feel his hot seed coat your walls, painting them and filling you up perfectly. You continue to lift off and sink back down. Allowing yourselves to ride the highs out together.
He brings your face to his level. His lips attack yours in a hungry and bruising kiss. Filled with passion and love.
He swipes his tongue across your bottom lip, nipping at it slightly. You open up, allowing him to explore your mouth, dominating your tongue at the same time. You love it.
“Every time we do that, it gets better” you both laugh and you can’t help but agree with him. Sex has always been adventurous, wild and yet completely tame and romantic with you two. You never know which type you’re gonna get some nights, but that’s what makes it so fun.
“I love you so much Y/N, so much” he pants as he rests his forehead to yours.
“I know, i love you too Chris”
“No, you don’t understand”
You furrow your brows in confusion, motioning for him to continue.
“My life has been a million times better since you came into it. You make me a much better man, a better boyfriend. Just by being with me. I love you with every ounce of my being. With every cracked piece of my heart. With every kiss that you give me, every touch, every smile, every laugh. I fall more and more and i can’t spend another moment on this earth without telling you this. You need to hear it. You’re the only woman for me, the only woman i ever want to wake up next to, the only woman i want to make love to, the only woman. It’s like we fit together so perfectly, almost like we were made and brought into this world, destined to meet and be together. Like this was the plan all along”
Your heart starts to race, tears brim in your eyes. Where has all this come from? You can’t help but wonder. He wears his heart on his sleeve with you and he always has done but you’ve never seen him like this.
His shaky hands cup your face, kissing you before he continues.
He leans over to the passenger side, opening the glove compartment and taking out a small box.
Okay, now you’re freaking out.
He puts a finger over your lips, shushing you so he can talk.
“I know that we’ve been with other people before each other but it feels like that was just just part of the plan. We weren’t ready to be together just yet. We had to experience life first. Experience true heartbreak before we could finally be happy together. And now we are. I want you to know that for as long as you allow me to, i will make you the happiest woman on earth. I won’t ever make you feel neglected. You’ll never have to question if you’re worthy or beautiful because i’ll be right here to remind you that you are more than worthy and that beauty knows no bounds when it comes to you. That you are quite literally the most stunning woman. You will never spend a night crying alone, i’ll be here to hold your hand and comfort you during any difficult time”
“Chris, what’s all this?”
He wipes the tears away from his face and yours.
“I know i’m supposed to get down on one knee and i wasn’t planning on doing this until next week on date night” he starts chuckling at himself “but, this moment feels far too perfect to not take the chance”
“I love you Y/F/N will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife and Dodgers official mommy?” you giggle at that last part. He opens the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring that you’ve ever seen. Your eyes meet his, both filled with tears of joy and happiness.
“Really?” he looks surprised.
“Yes. You huge dork. A thousand times yes. I’ll marry you” he pulls you down to kiss him before sliding the ring onto your fingers. It fits perfectly, just like he thought it would and it looks so good on you. So right.
“I guess we should probably get dressed now huh?” you slap his chest playfully, nodding in agreement as you move to your seat. You adjust your clothes and he does the same. Once you’re dressed, he gets a jacket from the back seat, handing it to you to cover your modesty with. He can’t have the neighbours seeing his fiancés tits now can he?
It doesn’t take long to get home. His hand rests on your thigh.
Once he parks up he leads you into the house where Dodger runs up to the two of you and you flash your hand to him. He might just be a dog but from the way he’s jumping up the two of you and barking, he knows.
“That’s right Dodge, daddy finally did it. It only took 4 years” you say sarcastically, spying the way Chris rolls his eyes.
“Hey, i was picking the right moment”
“And fucking me senseless in your car on the side of the road, was the right moment?” he pulls you flush against him.
“Do i have to punish you again, future Mrs Evans?” you love the sound of that.
“Maybe you do Mr Evans”
“Get in that bedroom now” he spanks your ass and you run.
By the time he gets there, you’re sprawled out on your shared bed. Pussy exposed, nipples hard. Just how he likes you to be.
“Now. If you’re going to be my wife i suggest you stop with the attitude or you should probably get used to daily punishments”
He smirks, joining you on the bed.
You feel like the luckiest woman in the world. A woman who is very much looking forward to a lifetime of punishments from her husband. A lifetime of nasty and romantic sex. Starting with tonight. The first night of being engaged to Christopher Robert Evans.
General Tag List: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @princess-evans-addict @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 
Just Chris & His Characters Tag List: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 
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commentaryvorg · 3 years
Digimon Data Squad Dub Comparison Episode 5 - Digital World, Here We Come!
This is a companion to my commentary on the original Japanese Digimon Savers! Reading my commentary on the original version of this episode (which you can find here) is recommended before reading this dub comparison.
Original name ~ Dubbed name
Masaru Daimon ~ Marcus Damon
Yoshino Fujieda ~ Yoshino “Yoshi” Fujieda
Tohma H. Norstein ~ Thomas H. Norstein
Captain Rentarou Satsuma ~ Commander Richard Sampson
[Since several characters share the same name between the original and the dub, quotes from the dub will always be in italics, while quotes from the original will not, in order to distinguish them.]
A fun thing the dub does with recaps is that the narration is done by one of the characters, commenting on the events of the episode in-character. This time, it’s Thomas. (It’s actually usually Thomas, far more often than it really ought to be, but it makes sense for this one.)
Recap Thomas: “Marcus couldn’t take orders if he were a waiter in a restaurant.”
The in-character-ness of these recap lines helps add a little more flavour to the recaps than the original has, which I appreciate.
Recap Thomas:  “So in order to clean up Marcus’s mess, I took it upon myself to disobey orders…”
Thomas definitely did not do this out of believing this was solely Marcus’s mess and he was simply being gracious enough to clean that up for everyone. But, it does make a lot of sense that he might frame it that way when describing the situation to somebody else rather than admit that he felt like he’d failed, so I don’t mind this at all.
Agumon: “Quiet as a sleeping mime!”
Agumon how do you know what a mime is
Yoshino:  “What are you doing.”
Yoshi: “What are you doing?!”
Alas, Yoshi’s delivery of this line is very much loud and frustrated, rather than delightfully deadpan at their terrible stealth skills.
Masaru:  “Tohma did a Digital Dive? Damn it, he got away before us!”
Marcus: “Thomas did a Digital Dive?! I’ll teach him to be sneakier than me!”
He was definitely sneakier than you, Marcus.
Yoshino:  “Before?”
Agumon:  “Nothing, he’s just talking to himself.”
Yoshi: “Huh?”
Agumon: “Aw, don’t be jealous.”
Though I enjoy the “sneakier” line, as a result we do lose the fun bit where Masaru accidentally pretty much told Yoshino his intent to follow Tohma, and Agumon awkwardly tried to cover for him (and Yoshino didn’t really notice anyway because she was too busy worrying about Tohma).
Yoshino:  “Doing a Dive when the equipment hasn’t even been tested on humans…”
Yoshi: “What was Thomas thinking, going into a Digital Dive when it hasn’t even been tested on humans yet?”
Yoshi isn’t mentioning this specific equipment and appears to be saying that any Digital Dive has never been done with humans before. …But then again, she probably doesn’t know any better.
Masaru:  “I’m just going there to settle my fight!”
Marcus: “I’m not gonna let Thomas finish the fight that I started!”
Marcus brings up the notion that this is partly about not wanting Thomas to steal away his fight a little bit earlier than Masaru does. (Even though this can’t have always been about that, because he didn’t even know Thomas had gone over there too until Yoshi told him.)
Yoshino:  “You’re just going to make things worse!”
Yoshi: “You’re just gonna make things worse for me and everyone else at DATS!”
The dub apparently had some extra lip-flap for this line and filled it with Yoshi making a pretty relevant point about who’s going to have to clean up their mess.
Agumon: “I’ll help you break it ‘til it’s fixed too, Boss!”
Here’s some fun oblivious dub-Agumon snark-that-isn’t-snark.
Yoshino:  “Return to where you first entered by 0500. That’s where I’ll bring you both back.”
Yoshi: “Make sure both of you are back to your port of entry by 0500. Otherwise I won’t be able to bring you back.”
In the dub, apparently the time limit is for Yoshi being able to bring him back at all, rather than the implication I took from the original that this is mostly about her not wanting Satsuma to learn that this ever happened. I guess it could be reasonable to think that the return-transfer without any actual equipment on the Digital World side has to happen within a certain time window after the initial Dive or the signal’s too weak?
Masaru:  “Bah, it’s like having a curfew.”
Marcus:  “Oh boy, it’s like havin’ a curfew again.”
Heh, that added “again” makes it even clearer that Marcus has definitely had curfews before.
Agumon:  “Aniki, I’m kinda nervous…”
Masaru:  “Don’t get scared now, idiot.”
Agumon: “I’m getting’ kinda scared, Boss…”
Marcus: “N’agh, don’t be a big baby.”
Bah, the dub loses the interesting nuance of Masaru calling him an idiot for getting nervous and instead turns this into a very simplistic and derogatory “being scared is for babies”.
Agumon:  “You sure this is okay?”
Masaru:  “You think I know?”
Agumon: “You sure this is safe?”
Marcus: “Let’s find out.”
I am also sad at the loss of Masaru letting slip a tiny hint that he isn’t sure about this at all. Marcus’s line does have a non-enthusiastic, very firm “shut up and stop trying to make me freak out” tone to it, which is better than it could be, but still.
Agumon:  “Aniki… You’re the one who’s upside-down.”
Masaru:  “I knew that.”
Agumon: “Boss, you’re the one who’s upside-down.”
Marcus:  “I see.”
The dub goes with the “I see” translation of what Masaru said in Japanese rather than how the subs interpreted it, and I approve.
Masaru:  “So this is the Digital World…”
Marcus: “Wow… My first time in the Digital World!”
You… you talk like you’re planning on making coming here a regular thing, Marcus. (I mean, he will be, but he shouldn’t have any reason to believe that right now.)
Agumon:  “It’s my first time seeing it too.”
Agumon: “It’s mine, too.”
…Though I guess this was just so Agumon could say the same thing about it being his first time here despite having less lip-flap to say it with.
The BGM cue is weirdly sinister leading up to Agumon telling Marcus to come over and see something… because it’s about to go to a commercial break. Cut back from the commercial break and Agumon’s just pointing out some perfectly non-threatening Digital World weirdness. The troubles of having to fit in more commercial breaks than a show was originally written to have.
Agumon:  “Look, Aniki! They’re here, too!” [some Airdramon fly past in the sky]
Masaru:  “They’re flying!”
Agumon:  “And them!” [some Tsunomon bounce past nearby]
Masaru:  “They’re bouncing!”
Agumon:  “And them!” [some Pyokomon walk by]
Masaru:  “They’re walking!”
Agumon: “Look, a flock of flying dragons!” [some Airdramon fly past in the sky]
Marcus: “You don’t see that every day.”
Agumon:  “Or them, either.” [some Tsunomon bounce past nearby]
Marcus: “Wow, they’re cool!”
Agumon: “What are they?” [some Yokomon walk by]
Marcus: “Walking plants!”
The original bit here always struck me as weird, the way Masaru was just excitedly exclaiming “they’re verbing!” at each Digimon. Possibly it sounds more natural in Japanese somehow? But either way, the dub did well to change this to remarks that are a lot more sensible for Marcus to make.
Yoshi: “‘Forget him. Let him figure out how to get back on his own.’ I mean, what’s stopping him from just saying that?”
Yoshi actually tries to do an imitation of Marcus’s voice for this bit. And she gives it quite the moody tone, because she is understandably rather frustrated at the thought that Marcus might really just ignore finding Thomas. It’s pretty great.
Lalamon:  “You’re over-thinking it.”
Lalamon: “Marcus would *never* say that!”
Lalamon in the dub is somehow way more sure of this and sounds like she’s trying to defend Marcus, which doesn’t really seem right.
(Marcus does in fact then deliver the line with a bit more pointed emphasis than Masaru, who was just being unbothered and nonchalant, so I guess Yoshi was somewhat right to imitate him saying it like that.)
The BGM while Marcus and Agumon explore the Digital World is not remotely equivalent to the original’s Main Theme that evoked the sense of discovery and exploration. Instead this BGM just seems to want us to feel like this is ominous and alien (even though the Digital World really isn’t that alien at all).
Agumon:  “I feel like I’m having déjà vu, Boss.”
Marcus: “How would you know what that means?”
Exactly, Marcus! Agumon knows way too many terms that he shouldn’t know; apparently the dub finally felt like lampshading it for once. (Though honestly, déjà vu is more reasonable than most, because it’s not an inherently human concept.) This isn’t going to stop them having Agumon continue to do this, of course.
Sampson: “What are you doing?”
Yoshi: “Just helping the hopeless. Why does this stuff always happen to me?”
I approve of Yoshi complaining even more about always having to be the one to clean up after those idiots.
Kudamon:  “Looks like you are searching for something, but just what are you searching for?”
Yoshino:  “Um… A rich bachelor! …Just kidding… La… Lalamon…”
Lalamon:  [slowly backing away] “I think I’ll stay out of this…”
Kudamon:  “It looks like you’re searching for something. What exactly?”
Yoshi: “It’s, umm… mm… An earring! That’s… it…! Right… Lalamon…?”
Lalamon: [slowly backing away] “I think I left my bathtub running…”
I approve of the dub changing this joke to not be about Yoshino apparently looking for romance (although, since she was joking, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she actually cares about finding a rich bachelor just because she’s a woman). Lalamon’s bathtub comment doesn’t make any sense, of course, but it doesn’t need to since this is just a comedic excuse.
Masaru:  “Doesn’t matter where this is! Let’s go, Agumon!”
Marcus: “Now’s our chance! Let’s go!”
Lost that line in which Masaru is either still straightforwardly ignoring the terrain, or only trying to tell himself to ignore the terrain and the fact that Drimogemon is at a huge advantage here.
Agumon:  “Aniki!”
Masaru:  “Idiot, don’t get scared over something like this!”
Agumon: “We’re done for!”
Marcus: “Don’t get all melodramatic on me now, Agumon!”
The dub takes away the fun nuance of Masaru’s opinion about getting scared again… but at least this dub line is still perfectly reasonable in its own right.
Agumon:  “At least we had these soft rocks to break our fall.”
This sounds like another obliviously-not-snarky Agumon line… but surely he has to know that the rocks aren’t actually soft? (Maybe this is just the dub writers taking a shot at the fact that they somehow didn’t get badly hurt from that fall, which is fair.)
Masaru:  “What’s this? Does that mean the same thing happened to you?” [he and Agumon burst out laughing] “I see, you’re just like us!”
Marcus: “Hold it. So basically, you were outsmarted by a giant gopher.” [he and Agumon burst out laughing] “Get a load of the ‘genius’!”
Ugh, nope, I don’t like this version. Masaru’s line made a really clear point of him realising that Tohma is just the same as him. He’s not shying away from the fact that he fell into Drimogemon’s trap as well, and he’s not looking down on Tohma; he just suddenly finally feels on the same level. But Marcus completely avoids mentioning that he and Agumon met the same fate, and instead this is all a mocking “ha ha, look at the genius being an idiot”, trying to drag Thomas down and feel above him.
In the original, Tohma’s leg injury was visibly bleeding, but the dub edited the blood out because I guess even a small patch of blood was too much for the dub’s censors. It’s still reasonable that Thomas could have some kind of non-bleeding injury like a sprain, but it does mean that the shot focusing on his perfectly unhurt-looking leg as Marcus realises he’s injured looks kind of silly.
Tohma:  “Stop that. I don’t need you to help—”
Masaru:  “When you’re a man… When you’re a man, there are some things you just have to *do* despite yourself.”
Thomas: “Let go. Whatever help you have to offer, I don’t need—”
Marcus: “Yes you do. Wake up. Put aside your stubbornness for once and let us help you.”
Don’t really like this either. If the dub had removed the manliness mention like it insists on doing and otherwise kept Masaru’s general sentiment intact – he’s putting aside his stubbornness because this is the right thing to do – I’d have been basically okay with this. But instead, this is putting the focus entirely on Thomas needing to put aside his stubbornness. It comes across like it was easy for Marcus to help Thomas without any kind of hesitation, almost like he didn’t even have any stubbornness of his own to put aside in the first place.
(And this is despite the fact that Marcus was being more of a dick to Thomas than Masaru was just a moment ago.)
The change in sentiment also doesn’t quite fit Masaru’s expression, which is one of firmly declaring his manly principles. When he’s making a point of offering help like this, I’d have expected Marcus’s expression to be something a little softer.
Agumon: “You’re making me cry, Boss!”
Agumon’s moved response to this – exactly the same as in the original – also doesn’t fit quite as well here when it’s not in response to any kind of manly principles and making compromises to do the right thing on Marcus’s part.
Masaru:  “Let’s get outta here first. Then we can think about other things.”
Marcus: “First we need to get out of here. After that, we can start arguing again.”
Marcus bringing up the arguing is fine, I guess, since that is definitely what he’s thinking, but I did really like how Masaru didn’t even outright bring it up while they were in this truce situation of needing to work together.
Masaru:  “It’s that way.”
Tohma:  “No, it’s this way.”
Masaru:  “Why?”
Tohma:  “I’m not like you. If we move around randomly, we’ll never get out of here.”
Masaru:  “But why?”
Marcus: “Let’s go this way.”
Thomas: “No, that way.”
Marcus: “How come?!”
Thomas: “Don’t argue with me. If we go with your no-plan method, we’ll never get out of here.”
Marcus: “Just say how come!”
In the original, Masaru was genuinely just wondering why, but in the dub, Marcus’s tone is notably angry and argumentative. Thomas’s “don’t argue with me” is also harsher, but then it’s kind of called for with Marcus’s tone.
Masaru:  “Hey, you’re pretty smart!”
Marcus: “Hey, maybe you are a genius!”
This is still Marcus acknowledging Thomas’s intelligence for the first time, but I like it less because he mentions the genius thing. For one, it really doesn’t take a literal genius to think to mark their path with something, and this is just making Marcus seem stupider for him to think it does. But mostly, I really liked how Masaru acknowledged Tohma’s smarts on a regular down-to-earth level that he himself could understand and relate to, which doesn’t work when Marcus still makes it about him being a genius.
Tohma:  “As I said, I’m not like you.”
Thomas: “Compared to you? Believe me, it doesn’t take much.”
This and the earlier part of the argument loses the bit with Tohma still trying to make the point that he’s not like Masaru despite Masaru having started to see them as similar earlier, because the dub messed up that part earlier. Instead, Thomas is still just implicitly calling Marcus stupid.
Agumon:  “Aniki… When are we gonna get outta here?!”
Masaru:  “Don’t worry! Keep up your spirits and we’ll use it to work this out somehow!”
Tohma:  “Spirit has nothing to do with it, but we *are* heading up.”
Agumon: “Boss… When are we gonna get outta here already?!”
Marcus: “Stop complaining and think positive! We’ll get outta here soon!”
Thomas: “Being positive has nothing to do with it. However, we *are* heading towards the surface.”
This is almost exactly the same – “spirit” and “positivity” mean basically the same thing in this context. But I did like Masaru saying that keeping their spirits up will help them to escape in and of itself, which Marcus didn’t say. Masaru’s not wrong to say that! If they didn’t believe it was possible to get out, it’d be a lot harder for them to do so.
Masaru:  “You’re really unbearable.”
Tohma:  “You too.”
Marcus: “You know, you really are a downer sometimes.”
Thomas: “You too.”
The original made sense as both of them agreeing that the other’s opposite attitude can be frustrating for them personally. But Thomas agreeing that Marcus is also a downer kind of completely contradicts the part where Marcus was literally just encouraging them to stay positive.
Satsuma:  “Hurry!”
Sampson:  “No excuses, just do it! Hurry!”
This is as Miki and Megumi are trying to find Marcus and Thomas’s Digivice signals but are struggling because there’s too much static. Which isn’t an excuse; it’s a legitimate reason why this is taking so long. There’s no way they’re deliberately slacking off and making excuses to do so, so Sampson comes across as a lot more unreasonably harsh here. It’s still easy to read it as him only being harsh because he’s worried, but still. Chill, Sampson, they’re doing their best.
Masaru:  “Hey, are you okay?”
Marcus: “Hey, what’s the matter *now*?!”
As Tohma tries to walk back from the opening to the big cavern without Masaru but stumbles due to his leg injury, Masaru is just checking if he’s okay – but Marcus is being a jerk and acting like Thomas has been constantly making up reasons to complain. As if Thomas wouldn’t have been stoic and refusing to complain about the pain the whole time, and as if Marcus wasn’t just willingly helping him with this exact problem. Geez. Dub, stop making Marcus more of a jerk, especially when it doesn’t even make any sense among the rest of his actions here.
Thomas: “Earth to Marcus! Didn’t you hear me when I said the caves are unstable?”
I do enjoy this English-specific way for Thomas to get across his frustration at Marcus ignoring how it’s dangerous to fight in here. (And implying that he lives on a different and very fighty planet to everyone else is fun too.)
Masaru:  “I’m not gonna run or hide! A man takes his fights head-on!”
Marcus:  “A real champion doesn’t run and hide! Let’s meet the enemy head-on!”
Since the dub insists on removing the manliness, changing it to “champion” and keeping the rest of the sentiment intact is just about the most adequate thing they can do here. But it still loses that delightful connection this kind of thing has to all of Masaru’s other manly principles (such as helping out people who need it even if you don’t really like them!), and it makes it seem like his fighting thing is just about winning rather than that it’s connected to this concept of being a good person in his head.
Gaomon:  “Master!”
Gaomon: “Thomas!”
Sometimes Gaomon yells “Master!” on its own with no other dialogue, and since that’s two lip-flaps, the dub can’t replace it with “Sir!” – so instead they have to have Gaomon use Thomas’s actual name in these instances, which gives a bit of a different feel.
Masaru:  “Yo.”
Marcus: “…Hi there.”
Marcus’s line as he reaches the Drimogemon’s head is a lot more nervous in delivery, which is less fun than Masaru’s audaciously bold “Yo.”
Thomas has a comment specifying that the colosseum is made of ice. Its composition is never actually stated in the original and I assumed it was crystals, but I guess ice works, too? …Maybe not, though, because you’d expect GeoGreymon’s attacks to melt it, and they aren’t shown doing so. And digging through ice would probably be a lot easier than crystals and maybe still possible for Drimogemon.
…Oh dear, they cut out the brief moment of impact when Marcus punches Drimogemon. Apparently that’s too violent or something, a guy punching a huge cartoon mole. While I think this is the first time this has been done so far (unless I wasn’t paying attention in the earlier episodes), this will be happening a lot. It’s really quite bewildering to me why the dubbers have been required to cut the punching out of this anime which is a lot about its main character punching things. If the execs don’t want punching in their anime, why the hell are they licensing this anime for their channel?
Unlike in the original, the dub’s evolution music does play while they evolve their partners. Rather than being used to highlight triumphant moments, it feels like just an obligatory fanfare of evolution. It even essentially plays twice, starting in the exact same way as each of them begins their DNA Charge – though in fairness, the second loop of it has some extra elements and layers added to the music so that it isn’t completely repetitive.
Thomas: “Wait!”
Marcus: “What now?”
Marcus’s delivery of the “what now?” is amusingly deadpan and sounds so Done with Thomas constantly coming up with new reasons why he can’t just fight the thing, and damn it, it made me chuckle.
Thomas: “Marcus! Do you remember the last battle?”
Marcus: “The last *what*?!”
Marcus’s response here is weird. Why would the mention of a battle be the part that he’s questioning? Since that doesn’t make any sense, the only way to read this is that he’s being pointlessly argumentative again.
To make up for the dub’s unyielding insistence on only using the evolution music for literal evolutions rather than triumphant moments, at least they use Probably Marcus’s Theme for the actual victory moment, which has a similarly triumphant sort of mood. However, it does kick in a bit later, only when they begin to attack, rather than as soon as Tohma decides to try the Masaru-like strategy, which is a bit of a shame.
Tohma:  “Their combined powers enhanced each other and became amplified to more than before!”
Thomas: “With their powers combined, I wonder how much the strength of their attacks increased by?”
Since Thomas phrases his line as a question, it reads a lot less like a metaphor of him and Marcus working together. I… don’t know if the dub writers actually realised this was a metaphor in order to keep the line sounding like that.
Masaru:  “Did you see that?!” [he starts laughing]
Marcus: “He’s an egg!” [he starts laughing]
Masaru is laughing out of exhilarated excitement at their win, but Marcus meanwhile just sounds like somehow the fact that Digmon is now an egg is the most hilarious thing ever. Uhhhh? You’ve seen Digimon turn into eggs when they’re defeated before?
This also has a bit of a different tone in the dub because the triumphant music has ended and there’s no BGM here, while Believer is still wrapping up at this point in the original.
Speaking of BGM, the heartwarming acoustic guitar version of Probably Marcus’s Theme plays during this scene where he and Thomas officially become friends, and it’s cute.
Masaru:  “Nah, that was just spirit!”
Marcus: “Nah! That was absolutely pure luck!”
It wasn’t pure luck, though! There was deliberate strategy involved of directing Drimogemon towards the surface and then towards the colosseum – he even mentioned that he was looking for a suitable battleground. It wasn’t something he had planned from the very beginning when he jumped down and was instead improvised as he went along, but calling it luck is completely wrong. Masaru’s a lot more appropriate to call it “spirit” – he used his spirit to make those in-the-moment decisions!
Marcus’s laugh here again sounds like he finds something weirdly hilarious, rather than that he’s just being an excited dork.
Thomas: (How do you make the illogical logical?)
Come on, Thomas, the illogical is logical! All you gotta do is make it so! Obviously Marcus doesn’t even worry about how, that’s completely the opposite of the point there.
Agumon:  “Aniki’s got himself another follower!”
Gaomon:  “Master is no follower!”
Agumon: “Looks like the Boss has got himself another employee!”
Thomas: “Let’s not push our luck.”
I am sad that they took this sentiment away from Gaomon. Let him be a good dog who can’t see his Master ever not being a master!
Satsuma:  “As members of this organisation, you must uphold the rules!”
[pause; everyone looks ashamed; Satsuma turns his back to them]
Satsuma:  “You four… Well done in returning.”
Sampson:  “As members of this organisation, you must follow the rules! I have only one more thing to say to you two!”
[pause; everyone mumbles in nervous anticipation; Sampson turns his back to them]
Sampson: “…Well done. It’s good to have you safely back home.”
I like the presentation of this moment better in the dub! The added angry-sounding “I have one more thing to say,” like he’s about to reprimand them even more and then subverting their expectations works well to make the sudden praise and concern for them hit harder.
Overall differences
This one’s very similar! A lot of the stuff I pointed out here is really quite minor stuff, and some of those minor changes – not all, but a higher proportion than usual, I think – were lines I actually kind of liked a little more in the dub. Wow. (Though there are of course still some minor things I like less, such as the usual Marcus being more of a jerk.)
The only real significant differences I want to note are the changes to Masaru’s “You’re just like us!” and “When you’re a man, there’s some things you just have to do despite yourself” lines. Those are some of the most important lines in this episode in showing why Masaru begins to bridge the gap between him and Tohma, and the dub watered down that interesting nuance quite a bit.
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sandwichrin · 4 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 6)
Chapter 6 - I Got You.
Word count: 3.6k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Hi! Here’s the promised Chapter 6! I enjoy comedies so yeah...as you can see I tend to add lame puns and jokes in my stories so fhdhdh T^T but yeah! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and take care always! 🥰🧡✨
Your eyes widened. “H-Hyunsuk-ssi,” you said softly.
Hyunsuk nodded and smiled brightly at you. “Yes! It’s me! Oh my god it’s been a while!”
You blinked a few times, in hopes that this was just a dream but the more you blink, he’s still there right in front of you. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“I..uh—” you tried to say something, but suddenly your mind went blank.
Hyunsuk was still smiling widely. He looked super happy seeing you right in front of him now.
“Hyungggg come on, just put that back. Seven is enough!” your head turned to see a guy half-yelling at another guy in front of the chiller.
“Oh, that’s Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk, arguing about banana milk,” Hyunsuk said, as he noticed your eyes looking at them on the other side of the shop.
You looked down for a second and looked up at Hyunsuk’s face again this time. You tried to think of something to say, but what? “Sorry for making a mess out of your management?” “Please don’t sue me,”??
Hyunsuk noticed you looking at him but you also looked like you were thinking of something else. “Hey…are you okay?” his face lined with worry now.
You snapped out of your own thoughts, focusing on this boy in front of you. “What? Oh no…no, yeah, I’m all good,” you tried to give him a reassuring smile. You shuffle towards the table that you usually sit at in the shop.
Taking a seat, you gestured Hyunsuk to sit as well, in which he followed as he pulled out the chair sitting opposite of you.
You placed your newly bought ramyeon bowl onto the table, along with your tote bag. “So…”
“You don’t look too happy to see me again,” Hyunsuk said.
“What? Oh my god no! I mean, yes, I am happy to see you! It’s been, what? a week? Or more? Yeah no, I am…happy…”
“Hmm…I’m not buying it. You don’t look happy. It’s written all over your face,”
You panicked on the inside. Have you offended Hyunsuk? You blinked a couple times more, trying to process what was really going on right now.
“Look, I’m sorry if I bothered you. I guess I bumped into you at the wrong time,” Hyunsuk said, his face looking like he really felt bad for talking to you.
“Wait!” Without realising, your hands had reached out to his arms’ sleeve. “No…no, stay for a bit. I should be the one saying sorry, Hyunsuk.”
Hyunsuk tilts his head slightly. “Eh? Why?”
“I…I’m sorry if what I did caused a ruckus for you and your group...”
Hyunsuk looked at you confusedly. What were you rambling about? Sorry? “Wait, what? You’re sorry?? Gosh, I should be the one saying sorry!”
This time, you’re the one that’s confused. “You? Sorry? Why??”
Hyunsuk looked back at his dongsaengs who were already heading towards the payment counter with a basket halfway filled with Jaehyuk’s favourite banana milk. He shook his head.
Turning back his attention to you who was still looking at him questioningly, waiting for what he’s going to say, a soft smile formed on his lips. “I heard from Jeongwoo that you ran away from him while he was trying to call me last time,”
“Huh? Wait, which encounter is that? I mean…I met him twice, I think?”
“He told us all about what happened at the trash container of the apartment.”
You scoffed. “Well, what a tatter-tale.” You pouted. “It’s not fair, he actually told all of you about what happened whilst I have been keeping my mouth shut about meeting you guys,”
Hyunsuk smiled his charming smile at you and leaned in closer to your face, “Why? Did you want to go around telling people that you met the famous Kpop group, Treasure?” he said in a teasing tone.
You leaned back into your chair, noticing that Hyunsuk’s face was quite close to yours. “What? No! I told Jeongwoo that I had no intention of telling anyone about any of our encounters. Why are you all so paranoid about what someone like me has to say?”
Hyunsuk laughed at your response. “I was just teasing you! Gosh, you’re kinda cute, aren’t you?”
Hyunsuk leaned back in his seat as well, “But what you did really hurt Jeongwoo, you know? He was really upset when you ran off from him the other day,”
“Look, I had no idea he was calling you. For all I know, he could be calling your lawyers, or worst—THE POLICE!”
Hyunsuk laughed out loud at this. This time, Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk was already by his side, carrying a paper bag filled with banana milk.
“What, what’s so funny? What did we miss?” Jaehyuk chimed in.
Your eyes glanced over his, then to Jeongwoo, in which, made you look away instantly, feeling embarrassed that you’re always meeting him in awkward situations like now.
Jeongwoo placed a hand over Hyunsuk’s shoulder, making Hyunsuk’s laugh slowly faltering.
“I’m sorry, I was just laughing at—wait, I never got your name. What’s your name, again?” Hyunsuk asked, suddenly realising that he had been talking to you without asking for your name (again).
“It’s…y/n…” you answered softly.
“Right! Y/n! So yeah, Jeongwoo-aa, did you know why y/n here ran off from you the other day?”
Jeongwoo shook his head. “No…I mean, I just wanted to call you hyung, I have no idea what her deal was,”
Hyunsuk laughed again, “See, so you see, y/n here, thought that you were calling some lawyers or police!” He got enveloped by his own laugh again this time.
Jeongwoo chuckled. “What?! Gosh y/n-ssi, what in the world?”
You rolled your eyes at them. Not only were they laughing at you, they were already talking to you casually as if you’re already friends with them.
Jaehyuk gave you a friendly smile and extended his hand to you, “Ignore them, they get humoured by everything apparently. I’m Jaehyuk, by the way. Nice to meet you, y/n-ssi.”
You exchanged handshakes with Jaehyuk and smiled at him. “It’s nice meeting you too, Jaehyuk-ssi.”
“Oh, and thanks for the banana uyu last time. Jeongwoo told us you gave it to him free of charge too.”
“Oh, that’s no biggie. He looked like he really needed one at the time,” you smiled. You looked at Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk who had already stopped laughing by now. “So…it seems that I don’t know much about you guys personally but from what I can tell here is that…Jeongwoo is quite the tatter-tale in the group, huh?”
Hyunsuk and Jaehyuk exchanged glances and held in their giggles, seeing that Jeongwoo’s face was turning red from what you said.
“Hey! In my defence, our encounters were always so random and full of surprises! I can’t not tell my close friends about what happened,”
You smirked at him, “Yeah sure, all 12 of them, right?”
Hyunsuk spoke up, “Well, let’s just say we’re all family. We barely keep stuff from each other,” he said proudly.
“Wait- so they know?? They all know about our first encounter??” Your eyes widened.
“Huh? Why? What happened when you both first met?” Jaehyuk asked, confusion written on his face.
Your eyes widened. That’s it! They don’t know yet! Your eyes landed onto Hyunsuk’s and there he was smiling cheekily at you, almost like he knew what you were thinking of.
“Oh, that.” Hyunsuk said in a matter-of-fact tone, but his eyes were still focused on your expressions.
Your panic grew inside of you. This man, this man is going to tell them, isn’t he?
Almost on cue with your thoughts, Hyunsuk opened his mouth to say, “Well actually, me and y/n met—”
You shut your eyes tightly. You waited for him to continue his words but suddenly everything went silent.
Wait, what?
You opened your eyes to see Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk looking at you with eyes wide open, their jaws dropping. You wondered why they were both looking at you like that.
That was when you realised, your palm was placed against Hyunsuk’s mouth.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” You said as you pulled your hand back to yourself.
It seemed that you were so terrified of him telling the others about your first encounter, your hand had reflectively covered his mouth before he could further share his story—while your eyes were closed earlier.
Both Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo exchanged looks with each other. They wondered what Hyunsuk thought of what you did, and wondered if you had crossed a line.
However, their worries eased when they heard Hyunsuk chuckle at your clumsy reaction earlier.
“Gosh…you’re a hilarious person y/n. I think we’ll be great friends,” Hyunsuk said as he grinned at you.
You felt your cheeks heat up. “W-what? Friends?”
“Yeah! In fact, here, give me your digits. We can hang with the rest of the gang one day,” he said happily as he passed his phone to you.
“I- what?” you asked, clearly confused at what was going on. Hyunsuk is asking for my number? This can’t be real.
“Hyung, is this okay?” Jeongwoo asked, his voice sounding concerned at what his hyung is doing.
“Aishh it’s fine. It’s not like we’re dating, right, y/n?” Hyunsuk asked you with a smile.
“Uhh yeah, that’s true.” You felt confident in giving him your number now that you were convinced that he won’t get into any trouble because of this. You took the phone from his hand and keyed in your number, saving it under your name as well.
You passed the phone back to him, in which he received with a satisfied look. “Great! I’ll text you if we all can hang together!”
“Yeah, sure Hyunsuk-ssi,” you responded, now feeling humoured that this man in front of you was being all excited about being friends with a nobody like you. “So uh, are you guys—”
Jaehyuk’s phone rang before you could finish your question.
Jaehyuk fished out the ringing phone from his pants pocket. As soon as he saw the name on the screen, he immediately answers the call, “Yes, hyung! What? No…no, I bought enough!” he grinned at the rest of you and you saw Jeongwoo rolling his eyes slightly at his hyung.
“Oh? Now? Yes~ Yes~ No, I’m not lying, hyungggg. I didn’t overbuy it! Yes~ I’ll see you later~” with that, Jaehyuk ended the call on his phone.
“Let me guess, Jihoon?” Hyunsuk asked.
Jaehyuk smiled and nodded at this.
“Oh? Do you guys have to go back to practice or something?” You asked this time.
Jaehyuk, still with his stiff smile, nodded at you. “So…uh…Jihoon also said that he would do a count-check to make sure I didn’t buy too much banana milk…”
Seeing Jaehyuk’s nervous smile, the three of you looked at the big paper bag in his arms.
“I told you not to take too much, hyung! You never listen!” Jeongwoo nagged at Jaehyuk.
“How could I resist huh, Jeongwoo-yaa! They sell a lot of it here. It’s not easy to get this drink nowadays!” Jaehyuk whined back at him.
“Jaehyuk-aa, just how many did you buy?” Hyunsuk asked, looking concerned.
“Not many…”
“Come on, hyung. Don’t be like that. Just tell Hyunsuk-hyung how many you bought,” Jeongwoo persuaded him.
Jaehyuk lets out a sigh. “Fine. I bought seven…”
“Aw hey, that’s not too many—” you said.
“-teen. I bought seventeen…”
Your eyes widened at this. “S-seventeen? Seventeen bottles of banana milk??”
Jeongwoo grabbed a bottle of banana milk from Jaehyuk’s paperbag and passed it to you, “Here, y/n! This is to pay back for the one you gave us last time!”
You grabbed it without thinking much. “T-thank you?”
“Yahh what are you doing?!”
Jeongwoo shrugged. “Hey, I’m just helping you out. You don’t want to hear him nag at you, do you?”
Jaehyuk and Hyunsuk went silent for a while, thinking on how to save Jaehyuk from getting nagged at for not listening to his hyungs’ advice on not to buy too many banana milks.
“Jaehyuk-aa…I told you, didn’t I? Seven was enough for one milk a day, right?” Hyunsuk said.
You could feel the heavy vibe in the store now. But it was kind of true, seventeen bottles of banana milk for a week’s supply…for one person…is kind of too much…You bit your lower lip and looked around the store in case you’d find a solution for them if you look around.
Without you realising, Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo were all staring at you. The three of them exchanged knowing looks with each other, probably silently telepathing one another about asking for your help.
Jeongwoo nudged Jaehyuk with his elbow. He signalled Jaehyuk to talk to you with his eyes.
Your head turned to face Jaehyuk’s pitiful expression staring at you.
“What is it Jaehyuk-ssi?”
“Just this once, please…” he pressed both his palms together, making a pleading gesture towards you.
“Oh no…what is it this time…” you asked, an unsure tone in your voice.
“Please! Please, just this once, I’m asking for your help,” Jaehyuk whined with his sweet mellow voice, making puppy eyes at you—in which you couldn’t deny that he really did look cute doing so.
“Oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding me,” was all you could say.
“Y/n-ssi! Please!” Jeongwoo said loudly in all of a sudden. His head bowed low and his hands were balled into fists, almost like he was really desperate of asking for help as well.
Hyunsuk too, chimed in before you could respond to Jeongwoo. “Y/n, will it be fine with you, if you help us this once? Think of us as your close friends in need of dire help. Please? Jihoon would be so angry if he finds out our Jaehyuk here overbought the banana milk.”
You stared at each one of them. All, giving you pleading looks, all blinking their attractive puppy eyes at you. You let out a loud sigh, “Okay fine. What do you need me to do?”
 “What took you all so long down there? I swear, every time you boys go to that convenience store, it’s almost like you all were building the store instead of buying anything,” Jihoon nagged as soon as he saw the three boys enter their practice room.
Jaehyuk grinned at his hyung, his arm still hugging the paper bag containing his banana milks. He made his way to the corner of the room and placed the paper bag down onto the floor.
Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk on the other hand had started doing their warmups the moment they entered the practice room.
Jihoon walked over towards Jaehyuk and kneeled near the paper bag on the floor. He grins at his friend, his finger hooking onto the paper bag. “So Jaehyukkie, let’s see if you managed to control your urges today shall we~?” he said in a singsong tune.
Jaehyuk nodded confidently at his hyung. Feeling confident that he won’t get any scolding today from Jihoon.
“Oh? Only 6 bottles? Yahh well done our Jaehyukkie!” Jihoon exclaimed loudly, making everyone in the room turning their heads to look at the two of them.
“Wow, that really is a huge improvement hyung!” Yedam said, slightly surprised that Jaehyuk didn’t overbuy his stock of banana milk this one time.
“What? Really?? Jaehyuk really managed to buy only 6 banana milks?!” Junkyu asked in disbelief.
“Eyy hyung, have faith in our Jaehyuk-hyung. He really did his best down there. And of course,” Jeongwoo stops talking halfway to clear his throat. “Of course, it’s also thanks to my debating skills he listened to what I said,” he continued.
Jaehyuk rolled his eyes slightly at his dongsaeng’s statement. “Nu uh, I really managed to stop myself thanks to myself okay,”
Asahi on the other hand was with Junkyu, still peeking into the paper bag since they find it hard to believe that Jaehyuk managed to control his addiction to banana milk.
Asahi counted the bottles several times, finally admitting that it was indeed true there were only six bottles, “Huh…six seems like an odd number to buy for you Jaehyuk-aa,” he said as he turned to look at Jaehyuk who was now a few feet away from him and the paper bag.
Jaehyuk smiled innocently at Asahi. He gave Asahi a little shrug and walked towards the middle of the room.
“Just how many did you drink down there?” Asahi prodded. This made Jaehyuk stopped in his steps.
“W-what? I didn’t drink any! I swear, you can even smell my breath right now to check,” Jaehyuk responded.
This time, Hyunsuk chimed in to save Jaehyuk from getting speculated by all of their members. “Aw hey, hey. There’s no need to interrogate him like that. It’s no big deal. He bought a small amount of milk this time, there’s no harm in that, right?”
The whole room fell silent for a while.
Doyoung and Junkyu started rummaging through the paper bag again, seeing that Jeongwoo, Hyunsuk and Jaehyuk were all speechless from Jihoon’s exclamation earlier.
“I knew something was off! Seeing Hyunsuk defending them like that, it’s just obvious they’re hiding stuff from us!” Doyoung said as him and Junkyu inspected each of the bottles in the paper bag.
“Hyungggg why are we wasting time like thisssss,” Jaehyuk whined at Jihoon. “Shouldn’t we just move on and just get to practice already?”
“Ahh but this is more fun, isn’t it?” Jihoon winked at Jaehyuk.
Jaehyuk groaned at this. He went to another corner of the room and sat there with a pout on his face. Hyunsuk, Jeongwoo and Yedam went over to him to comfort him.
Jihoon smiled cheekily at his friends, “Aw don’t worry Jaehyuk. I’m not mad at anyone. I’m just bored and I feel like uncovering the lie you three made would be fun,”
“I FOUND IT!” Junkyu shouted not far behind Jihoon.
Jihoon turned around to see what Junkyu was holding on to.
“This! It’s a receipt!” Junkyu waved the small, slightly crumpled up paper in the air.
Jaehyuk facepalmed himself, realising that he had made a stupid move of forgetting to throw the receipt away earlier. Jeongwoo kept rubbing his back, feeling sorry for his hyung.
Jihoon on the other hand was already beside Junkyu, trying to read what the receipt says.
“Huh, it is indeed today’s date and the convenience store outside there,” Junkyu said.
“Yeah, and here it is! Banana milks, seventeen bottles,” Jihoon read as well.
Again, there was a silent moment in the practice room. Jaehyuk, Yedam, Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk looked at one another, not knowing whether they should say anything.
Jihoon puts the receipt into the paper bag and headed towards the middle of the room, “Aw that’s not too bad—I mean, he only bought sevent—” he stopped talking when he realised the truth.
He spun around quickly and headed towards the paper bag again, “WAIT! SEVENTEEN?? LITERALLY SEVEN-TEEN??”
Hyunsuk pats Jaehyuk’s head in sympathy. “Yeah…he bought seventeen…”
Suddenly, Jihoon bursted out laughing loudly. He kept laughing until he was almost rolling on the floor. Junghwan went over to help Jihoon from falling to the floor.
“What? What’s so funny Jihoon-aa?” Junkyu looked at him, all confused at why his best friend was laughing like a maniac.
“Omg! Seventeen! That’s A LOT!” Jihoon managed to say in between his laughs.
The rest of the Treasure members all looked at each other. They were worried if something happened to their leader since he was laughing uncontrollably by himself.
“Ahh,” Jihoon said as he wiped the tear stain on his cheek as soon as he finished laughing. He realised that most of his members were staring at him with a lost look on their faces.
“Oh come on, why am I always the only person who finds these things funny??”
The rest of them shrugged at him.
“What’s so funny though, hyung?” Haruto asked.
Jihoon lets out a chuckle. “Oh, I mean, it’s funny that our Jaehyukkie here tried to trick us into thinking that he bought a small amount of milk when in reality he bought TWICE the amount he showed us.”
“Yeah man, seventeen is a lot,” Junkyu added.
“Wait, if he really bought seventeen bottles, what happened to the remaining nine bottles??” Doyoung wondered aloud.
All of them fell silent and once again, looked at each other seriously.
“Uh oh…do you think everyone will find out about y/n now?” Hyunsuk whispered towards Jeongwoo.
 You sighed as you finished arranging the last bottle of banana milk onto the shelf in your fridge. It almost looked like you were selling banana milks now considering it has taken this much space in your small fridge.
You stared at the pale-yellow bottles lined up in there.
Sighing again, you took out your phone to snap a picture of the milks arranged in your fridge. Snap! Your fingers typed a message along with the picture before sending it to the person who got you into this mess.
 To: Hyunsuk TRSR
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Done and sorted. It’s taking so much space in my fridge now lol.
 You kept your phone back into your pocket once you’ve sent the message out. You closed the door of your fridge and headed towards the sofa in your living room.
Crashing down onto the sofa, you closed your eyes and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.
 To be continued…
** (Picture taken from online source. Pictures don’t belong to me)
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nsheetee · 5 years
fait avec amour
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Pairing: Jaemin x Reader Genre: Suggestive/Smut Length: 2.3k Warning/Detail: swearing, alcohol use, mature content  Summary: A set of expensive lingerie. Jaemin’s camera. The city of Paris. What more could you ask for on your three year anniversary with your lover? a/n: minors, please beware: there is mature content in this writing.
fait avec amour... “made with love”
The Eiffel Tower glitters from outside your window, its light makes the fuchsia curtains and Turkish rugs in your hotel room sparkle in its presence. You don’t dare think about turning on the room lights, too mesmerized by the city lights outside and the reflections they give off of the crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling.
You arrived in Paris yesterday; the past two days have been filled with sight-seeing, getting lost in the small streets of the City of Love, and drinking champagne instead of coffee for breakfast. You’ve loved your little getaway so far, but tonight is a night you’ve particularly been waiting for.
You eye the pieces of dark red fabric that are laid out on the queen sized bed. Your teeth tug at your lip, somehow already aroused and excited for how the night will progress, especially after you read the note that’s paired with the pieces of lingerie.
“I’m going to pick up some champagne. Put these on before I get back, or you’re in trouble. - Your Jaemin”
A primitive instinct in your chest stirs at the note, your lover’s signature at the end like a dark red cherry on top of a sweet layer of icing. You didn’t think about much as you put on the lingerie, only of how Jaemin’s exquisite hands will hopefully be taking it off of you soon. The silk feels rich on your smooth skin and makes you feel comfortable, as opposed to other types of lingerie that makes you feel like you’re trapped in a mess of string.
When the door to your hotel room opens and shuts, goosebumps cover your arms and shoulders. You can practically feel the pleasure Jaemin is about to give you forming in the pit of your stomach before you can even see him; you can sense his presence so strongly that it almost hurts to not have him touching you already.
He walks through the bedroom door, a champagne bottle in one hand and two flute glasses in the other, a smile on his face when he sees the lingerie on your body. He stops at the door, letting the yellow light from the hallway bleed into the bedroom, taking a moment to look you up and down as you sit on the edge of the bed. Your legs are crossed over each other and you’re leaning back on the satin bed sheets to show yourself off.
You remembered the first time you ever made love with Jaemin; you were so innocent and inexperienced, and Jaemin was so patient with you. Your past self would never be this confident, but you feel so comfortable around Jaemin that you don’t need to be bashful or hide yourself anymore. You trust him.
“I knew you would look good. You look beautiful.” He finally speaks up, voice clogged with some sort of emotion. Love, lust, romance. He walks to the bedside table and sets down the flutes, promptly opening the champagne bottle, and pouring you both a glass.
“Cheers to three years, baby. And hopefully to many, many more.” You toast, your voice lighter in comparison to his. You truly love him, and you hope your toast will bring your wish into reality. You both down your whole glasses of champagne, and after setting your flute down on the bedside table, your fingers find Jaemin’s belt. You pull him closer, uncrossing your legs and spreading your knees so he can fit in between them, and your hands begin to work at the belt while Jaemin’s lips hungrily find yours. The raspberry tart he had earlier lingers on his lips and his tongue burns with the sharp taste of champagne. Before you can even get his belt off, he makes a noise in his throat and pulls away.
“What is it?” You try not to sound disappointed about him parting, but curiosity fills you as he nudges your legs off him and walks to his luggage.
“There’s something I was hoping we could do first?” He asks, rummaging through his suitcase before producing his camera bag. Your eyebrows arch slightly and your heartbeat increases at his next words.
“Let me take some pictures of you.”
The thought of Jaemin taking pictures of you in your current attire showers you with shyness. Sure, you trust him completely, but taking pictures almost makes it seem like a third person is watching, and that is new territory that you and Jaemin have not touched yet. Jaemin can sense your confidence dwindling every second that you don’t respond, and he quickly speaks up.
“I obviously won’t make you do anything you don’t want to, but… don’t think of it as me taking pictures of you.” You tilt your head at Jaemin’s words and he steps closer to you, the camera bag still in his hopeful hands.
“Think of it as me preserving this night through photos. From the way this lingerie looks on you, to the way the Eiffel Tower shines on you, to what it looks like when you’re all spread out for me like this…” His voice is low, patient as ever, and so, so sultry. When he’s close enough, he drops the camera bag onto the bed and fixes your hair behind your ears, his other hand cupping your jaw, “... And of course, they’ll only be for my eyes.”
You know if you asked him to stop right now, he would, and that is all the assurance you need to agree to his proposition. You’d do anything for Jaemin. Your lips meet again, softly and filled with more emotion than the last time. When you pull away, Jaemin’s eyes are shining for you.
“Okay.” You nod, “Take however many pictures you want. I’m yours.” You mumble the last part quieter than the rest of the sentence, but your faithfulness to Jaemin makes his heart race for you, his hand twitching on your skin from built up desire.
He nods and reaches for the bag, taking out his camera and turning it on. You’re not sure how the pictures will come out since the only light illuminating the room is the Eiffel Tower from outside and the hallway light from when Jaemin walked into the bedroom. A sudden flash brings your attention back to Jaemin, and you both laugh at the sudden disturbance of the mood in the room.
“Let’s leave the flash off.” Jaemin mumbles, pushing a few more buttons and finally turning all of his attention to you. Suddenly, your relaxed shoulders and mellow attitude are nowhere to be found, and you aren’t sure how to act in front of the camera lens.
“What… do I do…?” You're still sitting at the edge of the bed, Jaemin finds his spot between your knees again and runs the fingertips of his free hand up your naked thigh, over the silk that covers your hip bone, and drags a finger underneath your waistband.
“Let me do all the work. Just be yourself.” He mumbles, his voice back to the low, yet articulate mumble. You lean back on your hands once again, trusting Jaemin’s words as he continues to caress you. With his mouth opening in awe, his fingers continue to tease your waistband by dipping in and out of your lingerie.
Click. Snap.
You feel yourself loosen up after the first photo is taken, your hand clasping Jaemin’s strong forearm to beg for him to continue. He doesn’t give you the satisfaction you want as he moves his hand up the side of your waist next, chuckling lowly when you whine out his name. Your hand drops back down to grip the sheets beneath you; you’re sure your hands will be tired of wringing the sheets once he’s done with his little photoshoot.
His warm fingers travel over the wire of your bra, the material is so thin that you can feel him teasing the sensitive skin. His large hand slides over the bra and moves the flexible material, massaging and running his thumb over your hardening nipple.
Click. Snap.
He abandons his spot behind the camera to come down to your chest, kissing the edge of the lingerie. Your fingers now clutch at his shirt, your nails slightly digging into his side and sending small shocks of pleasure through him. He bites, licks, and bites again. You hiss at the sensitivity overload on the skin of your chest, and you feel the sensation go straight to your heat, becoming hot and wet from Jaemin’s actions. He leans back to look at the masterpiece he left all over your chest and collarbones, chuckling lowly when your eyes flutter open to look at him in your messy state.
Click. Snap.
Your throat feels raw at the amount of times his name has tumbled off of your tongue in the past ten minutes. You reach out for him again.
“Jaemin, please, do something.” You whine and he tsks in reply.
“You’ve been talking too much…” He swats your hands away playfully and you pout. His hand finds its spot on your jaw once again, his thumb swiping over your bottom lip and smudging your lipstick slightly.
“Open.” He commands, no room for argument or waiting. You drop your jaw and Jaemin’s thumb enters your mouth. On instinct, you close your lips and lightly suck on his digit, adding in a swirl of your tongue every now and then out of curiosity to see if he would like it. By the way his jaw drops, head lolls to the side, and his tongue flicks over his dry lips, you think he does. Getting bold, you reach out and palm over Jaemin’s bulge, your mouth still working on his thumb.
Click. Snap.
“Fuck…” Jaemin growls, his mind clouds over with memories of how your mouth feels around his dick and mixes them with the new feeling of you sucking on his thumb like your life depends on it. Despite the messy thoughts in his mind, he regains control of the situation and pulls his thumb out of your mouth, pushing your hand away from his bulge no matter how much it pains him to do so. He loves the way you smile at him when he does, your obvious confidence around him turning him on even more, and he shakes his head.
“Lay back. Pose for me, baby.” He uses both hands on the camera to capture you this time. Your hair mixes in with the satin sheets beneath you and the dark red silk of the lingerie glistens in the city lights reflecting off of the chandelier.
Click. Snap.
Your fingers wander behind you and undo the clasps of the bra. Jaemin’s breath becomes shallow, sweat starts to form at the back of his neck. The straps slide down your arms teasingly slow in Jaemin’s opinion and you throw the piece of fabric to a different corner of the bed, showing off your chest for Jaemin.
Click. Snap.
You fall back into the sheets again, one of your hands twirling one of your hardened nipples while the other travels to your clothed, wet core. The second your fingers reach the spot you've been dying for Jaemin to touch, your back arches off the bed and you let out a small moan echo throughout the room, finally receiving some release for your throbbing pussy.
Click. Snap.
“Oh, my god. You’re so fuckin’ wet.” Jaemin feels his pants grow tighter at the sight of the wet patch forming in the middle of your panties. It feels too hot in the room for him to have this many clothes on, and Jaemin sets the camera down for a moment to pull off his shirt and drop it to the ground, picking up his camera afterwards. Jaemin’s eyes refocus to your pussy and cloud with more lust at the sight of your wet heat from just his touches and his camera.
Click. Snap.
He moves your hand away, replacing your small fingers with his bigger ones. At his touch, you melt into the mattress immediately, more moans leaving your lips as Jaemin languidly works on your covered clit. Now, both of your hands are toying with your nipples, eyes trained on Jaemin and lights of the Eiffel Tower glistening off of his chest. You take the opportunity to roll your hips against his hand, wanting more friction.
“Just like that, baby. You’re so pretty, just for me.”
Click. Snap.
The tension in your hips from Jaemin teasing you earlier releases, and you feel pure bliss and pleasure at his touches. He surprises you when he takes a moment to flip the camera lens around to face him. He brings himself down to your hip level as his finger drags down your folds, the evidence of your wetness coating his digits even through the lingerie. His warm breath hits the inside of your thighs while he hooks the fabric and moves it to the side. You brace yourself with your hands in his hair and out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Jaemin take a picture of himself, selfie style.
Click. Snap.
You giggle, suddenly wondering if the picture would even turn out good since Jaemin wasn’t looking through the viewfinder to focus it, but your giggles soon turn into gasps when Jaemin’s hand pulls down your panties all the way and throws them somewhere on the other side of the room. His wet tongue meets your warm folds, licking up your juices and sweetly finishing by sucking on your clit for a teasing split second.
Click. Snap.
“Enough of that.” Jaemin mutters, dropping his camera into its bag a few feet away. His hands roughly grip around your hips and pull you closer to his face, landing your thighs on his sturdy shoulders. He peppers some butterfly kisses and kitten licks to the sensitive parts of your inner thighs before leaning back only far enough to speak, his breath hitting your heat and his shoulders vibrating your skin.
“Thanks for playing with me. Now, I’ll give you a treat.”
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
On Deutschland and Italia, by Lovino Valenti
Lovino writes a series of blog entries on the relationship between Germany and Italy as he deals with a move to Hamburg, his brother’s wedding, and his budding romance (which he denies) to the infuriating Gilbert Beilschmidt.
                                                              Chapter 8
Lately they had been in a texting spree. They were wishing each other ‘Buon Giorno’ and ‘Guten Morgen’, asking about their day at work, promising to text back on a break or when done. They would strike topics on the news, what they were planning to eat, even sending each other memes that had them grinning or laughing at their phone. Feliciano had never seen his brother so tight on his phone…he had barely talked to him or even spared a word, despite how he was excited to spend some time to chat.
 They were currently purchasing Feliciano’s wedding suit, fixed with the changes they wanted and ready to take home. Feliciano moved his hands over the cover it was kept in lovingly, excited to soon feel its magic and reign him well on his wedding day. Lovino was still on his phone, grinning the entire time and now Gilbert must have written something sweet since he witnessed his brother heavily blushing, trying hard to cover it with his hands, but it was too large and Feliciano had already spotted it anyways.
 “What did he say?” He teased, leaning with a smirk, eager and expecting.
 Lovino moved the phone away from his vision. “Nothing you should be looking at.”
 “Is he already sending you nudes?”
 “Oh god, no! Just keep out of it.”
 Feliciano chuckled, Signore Ferrara arriving with documents needed to be signed on warranty and any other receipts. They found themselves conversing, the old man wondering about this coming wedding and of course Feliciano adored filling him in on it. Lovino would add his input between glances on his phone. Cards were given to pay, Lovino looking to make sure Feliciano gave him the right one. It was just as Feliciano was sent his own message, a sort of billing number…from the Dominican Republic. Feliciano looked through it quick, but in that instant, Lovino managed a side glance to notice that it was about a fulfilled payment concerning something to do with their new house surely. Lovino wouldn’t have bothered…if it wasn’t for the fact that a bank account and number that belonged to Feliciano was being used. Shouldn’t Ludwig be the one doing that? It was his company that was in charge of that move…the reason why Feliciano was even leaving with him, his own job but volunteering. Why would Feliciano have to give such a big payment? He shut his phone and focused back on Signore Ferrara, now talking on something he did for one of his ex-wife’s wedding, Feliciano looking up with a non-perturbed smile and eager to hear.
 “Have you chosen the suit for the best man?” The man wondered.
 “Gilbert and I will come one of these days to choose. We’ll surely get it here,” Lovino decided, raising his eyes from a text message he had written the albino about the plans he just told.
 The owner smiled and was eager to see them again. “Well, it’s all yours now,” he declared, handing the last of the papers, now the wrapped suit ready to be embraced, as it was now fully Feliciano’s.
 He cuddled the damn thing, like it was some sort of puppy.
 They wished their goodbyes and they were on course to Feliciano’s apartment, the younger blabbering on already wearing and strutting for their whole family to see in preparation. It was not before Lovino wrote one last message: ‘Something is going on. We definitely have to talk.’
  On Deutschland and Italia.
Trading goods.
Looking for answers.
 Trade has always been very good for Germany and Italy. We are actually Germany’s most important trade partner, with a rather large percentage at that. We give them machines, cars, iron, steel and even feed them with our food. They are the first we give our imports to, and although it is not the same for us, we still receive a just amount of their own goods in cars and machinery. German milk tends to be used for cheese manufacturing in Italy, while Germany gets half of their entire fruits and vegetables from Italy. It continues to grow and perhaps one day Germany could easily become our own best trade partner in cars, medicine or construction. It’s balanced and reciprocal.
 Sadly, we are constantly told that we have to be as productive and hardworking as our German partners. It kind of annoys me that no matter, it is never enough. Yet here we are, still thriving. Now all we need to be prepared is for a soon coming digital economy…which the Germans are already beating us at.
 But they don’t really have all the cards in the industrial world as they say they have, for many German companies are riddled with bankruptcies and corruption as much as Italy, while there are actually many singular Italian individuals succeeding and bringing glory to the companies they work in. Sometimes were so successful we might even end up paying large loans for our suspicious fiancés.
 Did I make too obvious who I’m talking about? Okay, I am not entirely sure what’s going on and it’s all just confusing, but I will get to the bottom of this, using the help of someone I never thought I would use it from and expose Ludwig’s treachery!
 There is still time to save my little brother!
  They met happily, with strong handshakes and speaking on plans for the day. They were quick in choosing and buying their suits, leaving the store in exactly two hours, with a free day that they could spend well together. They had lunch in a fine restaurant talking of music. Gilbert already made plans for dinner and so they decided on a stroll across the city, passing the time in chats and pointing the beauty on the things they passed.
 “-but Christmas will always be better in Italy for me.”
 “Really? Our Christmas markets are not festive enough for you? Do I have to bring some Pandoro or Panettone? Less Glühwein maybe?” Gilbert feigned insult.
 “No!” Lovino chuckled with a glare that didn’t hold its usual spite. The grin he had was beautiful enough that it had Gilbert falling back to their easy pace. “I’m not a fan of either of those cakes anyways…I prefer a good Struffoli.”
 “Then I’ll get you some!”
 “They never make it as good as they can do it in Naples.”
 “I’ll get a whole array of Neapolitans to make it here.”
 “Where would you even get them from?”
 “I don’t know, the black market?”
 Lovino never thought he would laugh so much with Gilbert, never thought he’d see him so beautiful, to want to be closer, hint enough in the glance he gave to his arms, as if in them was enough call.
 How Gilbert wanted him against him…out of all the moments to get nervous and let his highly boasted confidence crumble.
 “Oh um…” he raised a hand with the intention, but in the end, it was shoved in his front pockets in fear. Lovino tried to hide his disappointment. “…you mentioned wanting to talk about something…unless that something was struffoli and you just wanted to convince someone to illegally transport hundreds of boxes.”
 “It’s about Feliciano and Ludwig.”
 “What about them? …unless you have new ideas of sabotaging their wedding, but come on, I thought we decided were not going to make it worst for them anymore.”
 “No! It’s not that! It’s more specifically about a message I saw on Feliciano’s phone and how he refuses to tell me anything when I ask.”
 “Message? What message?”
 “It was from a bank, something about house money…a large amount of money that he put from his own account.”
 Gilbert was not understanding. “So…he’s…paying bills?”
 “He’s not supposed to.” Lovino stopped them to stare at the river, leaning over the brick, alone and private. “Ludwig is in charge of it. Ludwig is in charge of absolutely everything that has to do with moving to Santo Domingo. Feliciano shouldn’t be paying a single cent in it.”
 “I mean, you can’t completely let Ludwig pay for absolutely everything.”
 “Not a house payment! That was supposed to be fixed from his company. If Feliciano had to pay for it…then it means something is wrong.”
 “He could have been paying something else.”
 “I know what I saw…”
 They lay in silence as they thought it, finding reasons and then calm in the current of this river.
 “And…what do we do about it?”
 “Find out what’s going on clearly. Any ideas?”
 “Well…my genius mind has something quite clear.” Lovino raised an eye. “We could just…ask the company itself,” Gilbert shrugged, pointing in the distance to the large red and white DB. “If something is going on, they’ll know,” Gilbert instilled, determined as ever.
 Lovino was suddenly fearful, that large sign seeming to look down at him intensely.  “Do you think they’ll tell us?”
 “I can’t be one hundred percent sure, but they’ll give us something.”
 Lovino sighed and set course, Gilbert not minding on following behind.
  It was getting late, most workers were surely on their way back home, even the receptionist at the front was packing everything to leave. The timetable at the desk still mentioned these were working hours, if even only a couple of minutes were left. They both hated to be those rude visitors, but they hoped it would be quick.
 “Guten abend, how can I help you?” She introduced, doing well to hide whatever annoyance.
 “Yes, we’re hoping you can tell us about a Ludwig Beilschmidt working here,” Lovino asked.
 “Ah, he’s the one who’s bringing the company to the Dominican Republic.”
 “Yes! Is it possible you can tell us the state of that venture?”
 “That depends. Who are you to ask?”
 Lovino was left blank, but Gilbert acted quick, in his idea fulfilling his wish of holding Lovino, pulling him, an arm around his waist, proclaiming an idea. Lovino was left stunned and blushing in silence. “Sorry, my boyfriend was just asking for me, I was a bit unsure. Uh, Ludwig Beilschmidt is my brother. I’m Gilbert Beilschmidt…I just want to check something for my family, he told me himself it’s all right.”
 “All right then, let me do a quick check here then.” She focused on typing the necessary information on the computer, focused on not noticing the grimace Lovino sent, surely blaring questions, but Gilbert only smirked and winked, instilling to keep themselves this way to make things easier and get their answers. Lovino looked away, pretending he wasn’t swimming in that comfort, hiding a smile, wanting the lady to take her sweet time checking, just so he could stay in that closeness, in the held of that arm for as long as possible. Gilbert took the opportunity to lean himself into the delectable scent of his hair, liking how well he fitted in his chest. He definitely didn’t need to rub his fingers as sweetly as he did on his waist, but it got a little hum from Lovino that Gilbert grinned more to in wanting.
 “Everything is set for him to leave to the Dominican Republic. As I assume you know, he’ll be starting his own branch without the company.”
 “Danke- wait, what? Without the company?” In his surprise, Gilbert let go of Lovino, leaning more for answers.
 The receptionist was rather astounded, but she followed on, “yes. His section is filling for bankruptcy and they cannot afford to start a new base in the Caribbean. He offered to start it up himself. We’ll be giving him some help with contact and location, but the rest he’ll have to do himself.”
 “What are you offering him.”
 “Just contacts and information.”
 “No house payment? No reimbursements? Travel or aid?”
 “I’m afraid not. That will come from his own pocket and investments.”
 “Couldn’t you have offered for him to stay?” Gilbert questioned on.
 “I’m afraid he would have no position here. Everything was settled for him to leave. We really did not have anything open for him to come back to.”
 In their surprise they lay in heavy silence, fretful and agitated, remaining as they truly tried to understand what was going on. The receptionist did look like she wanted to leave, so they wished their goodbyes, now late enough to head to their dinner place, a steakhouse that Lovino didn’t bother to comment on its tackiness as his thoughts were still swimming with the recent news.
 The restaurant had low lighting, they were secluded, their table small so they could lean closer to one another, yet nothing was settled to move on to romance. They sat feeling betrayed, with questions and worries for their little brothers.
 “If I recall, Feliciano’s position is just volunteering?”
 “So, he’s not getting paid.”
 Gilbert groaned, “then how the hell are they going to work with nothing?”
 “Well,” Lovino shrugged, “Feli does have his savings from what he’s working on the hospital now, plus he paints and sells.”
 “Ludwig has his own savings, you know. I’m sure it’s enough to get started without depending heavily on what Feliciano has.”
 “There’s also the large wedding they have to pay for.” With a 10,000 budget that…they helped to place.
 Now the regret was inking heavy on them.
 “It’s still really unfair that Feliciano has to pay from his own pocket for something that was meant to be Ludwig’s.”
 “They’re getting married, isn’t this the kind of thing married couples do. Did they at least decide this together?”
 “I don’t know… Feliciano hasn’t said anything.”
 “We have to get them to talk then…I really doubt Ludwig would decide on something so brash and use somebody else’s money like that.”
 “And I don’t want to think Feliciano is dumb enough to accept a dependence so large as that.”
 “We’ll see. You go to Feli, I go to Lud, we’ll report back.” How like a mission it sounded, but Lovino agreed as obedient as a soldier. “Now, can we actually focus on our evening?” It was like an awakening that made Lovino realize where he was siting, the dim lighting that he dared say was romantic…with Gilbert. All of a sudden, he found himself reddened, nervous and without new words to say. “Oh, have I left you speechless? That’s all right, it is to be expected in my presence.”
 Lovino scoffed, “I was realizing the stupid decision I got myself in.”
 “It was one of your best decisions really.”
 How Lovino wanted to shout well to the restaurant: ‘Yes!’ But he only smirked, that charming grin that had Gilbert without a remark to Lovino’s silence, the gracious way he picked his drink and sipped. Once done, the conversation was switched on next holiday plans and locations, other chats to drown the night, turning their presence more beautiful and more of an aching each time they had to wish goodbye.
  On Deutschland and Italia.
Germany is war, Italy is love.
 With the catholic seat in Italy, the protestant movements began in Germany, creating the first division of Christianity, a long trail of divide in our continent that has cost the life of millions. Italy has had a long history of invasions from the Germans, from barbaric and creating the fall of Rome, to attacks of religion and territory, in fires, murdering, rapes and destruction. Yet with the rise of Romanticism, Italy became Germany’s inspiration with literary beauties, a show of love that perhaps give us a chance to think of peace. The faith that the world wars brought made it unlikely once again.
 There is repulsion and attraction between us, never meant to settle on a single line. Sometimes it’s like were doomed to never really have that tranquility that would be ideal for this union of Europe.
 Italy’s nature is to love, Germany’s nature is to resist, it’s not meant to mix and become something greater.
 I really wish my brother would have understood that long ago before he found himself in the situation he is in now. I hope to bring him sense, to fix any errors before it ends in something disastrous.
  “Oh, this is so pretty! It would fit Ludwig so well,” Feliciano ogled at this ring, with silver, diamonds and a black stripe.
 “It won’t fit with the wedding decorations though,” Lovino told.
 “What if it doesn’t? It would fit Ludwig, and that’s what matters,” Feliciano smiled, putting the ring back and settling on looking for others.
 Lovino only huffed, not really caring at the task at hand. “They’re really expensive here though.”
 “They do have the nicest. I though you said that price shouldn’t matter,” Feliciano reminded, now settling on a red band, smoothed with diamonds and black jewels.
 “Only if you have the budget for it.”
 “We talked about this the first day. We’re all right, you yourself suggested the budget and were still well under it.”
 And that moment hurt, Lovino realizing that his idea to try and make this wedding hard for him as selfish revenge was only bringing more pain he did not really want for his brother. He did not want to push more into it, did not want to remind more of what Feliciano was going through, but Lovino needed answers, he needed to help his brother if there was a way he could do it.
 “Are you really all right?” He asked, leaning closer, a small little area of privacy in the shop, despite being one of the only five there.
 “I…I’m fine, I really…why you would you question it like that?” There was hesitation and worry that Lovino had learned to see well on his brother, no matter how he later tried to conceal it.
 “Feliciano…” he knew now he had to be direct, or else it seemed Feliciano would move away further. “I noticed the message you got for the house in Santo Domingo.” Feliciano stiffened and looked like he had turned to stone. “Feliciano…what’s going on?”
 Feliciano’s expression was now determined on the rings, trying to make them the focus. Change the topic, a distraction, chose a damn ring. He realized that moment he didn’t like any of them for Ludwig. Lovino could see his disappointment, came ever closer, for Feliciano caging, imposing, and he was never one to resist for long.
 “I didn’t…I didn’t want to say anything,” he finally omitted and Lovino was relieved. “Ludwig and I didn’t want to talk about it with our families until everything was really settled.” He thought maybe excuse enough so Lovino could wait until then, but there was heavy wait in his expression that demanded more, and Feliciano, intimidated, sighed, and gave to be able to rid it. “I really want to keep to what Ludwig said, but…I can admit that our job positions…have changed.” Lovino tried to give surprise, but he needed more he hadn’t heard. “It’s…it’s really nothing to worry about. Ludwig and I are fine. Were just worried about…how you guys will take it.”
 “How come? Do you think we’ll react negatively?”
 “I mean, I just… I just don’t know…and I rather we can talk about it some other time.”
 “You’re going to leave me worried as hell here,” he couldn’t resist raising his voice slightly.
 “Please, please, please, don’t!” Feliciano tried to hush him, taking his arms in his ever-gentile hold. “Just wait a bit more!  The most I can tell you is that…I’m not doing a volunteer anymore.”
 “What?” Lovino outraged loud this time, Feliciano grimacing, pushing him more into their privacy, close, the other comers had now quickly gazed. Once their eyes were back on other jewelry, Feliciano went back to speaking.
 “It’s a job now, a good official job. They’ll pay me lots and I can take care of me and Ludwig.” He got excited hoping Lovino could understand the joy in it, but the elder brother continued his grimace. “However bad you think it is, it’s not. It’s honestly wonderful. Just, please…wait until Ludwig and I talk about it, it will all be clear then.” That’s when the clerk came, suggesting his help and Feliciano took it eagerly to get out of this conversation. He was attentive, no matter the demanding stare Lovino kept on him as he talked on, deciding on rings, buying, saying their farewells. Even as they made their ways back home, Feliciano refused to cave, talking on different topics, nowhere near the future Lovino was exceptionally worried about for him.
  “Ludwig…I’m going to do something I never thought I would ever do in my life,” Gilbert told, planted and spread on their parent’s sofa, Ludwig on a near table tapping away on his laptop.
 “Mhm?” He could only murmur, busy and not really wanting to engage in any kind of conversation.
 “I think I’m going to ask Lovino out.”
 Ludwig instantly stopped his tapping and gazed over to his brother, looking like a defeated soldier all splayed like that…he wondered if perhaps he had truly been fighting some intensive battle…one that lead to some kind of trauma where he thought it was okay to date what he had long considered his biggest enemy.
 “Are you okay? Do you need some water?”
 “I’m fine, really……am I?” He gazed over, Ludwig wondering so, close to calling some sort of clinical aid.
 “In my honest opinion, you are now truly and fully insane.”
 “Is it…that unexpected?”
 “Lovino Valenti, Gilbert…you want to date Lovino Valenti…think about that, analyze, consider, plan…Lovino Valenti!” He needed to make clear as much as he could.
 Gilbert turned and went silent, Ludwig sighing for now, sure that Gilbert would come into his senses.
 “I want to bang him,” he had no problem with alerting the room, Ludwig grimacing and hoping he could erase those words from ever being uttered by his brother’s mouth.
 “Oh no…you’re serious.” There was no way of getting his concentration again, his mind was now too tainted. “What…what happened?”
 “I guess we just…did what you guys always said we should have done. We talked and…kind of decided to settle our differences to help make this wedding possible, and ever since we did that…I’ve realized we actually connect a lot. He’s actually…really cool and he can say so many awesome things that makes me want to…keep letting him talk and listen…I never thought I would want that from him ever.”
 Ludwig…needed to pinch…or slap himself to truly realize this was happening, but wanting to be the attentive younger brother, he simply breathed in and let him continue.
 “…I…think about him a lot, and now…all I’m looking forward to is our next meeting…” nothing more. He breathed in a silence that was odd for him.
 “You know…that sounds exactly like how I felt when I realized…well…that I was in love with Feliciano.”
 The word love was just the shot to get Gilbert to widen and come back to reality. “Woah, woah, woah there, let’s not get carried away,” he even sat up.
 “You just said all that and you refuse to admit that it could be love?”
 “But…that’s too strong, that’s something…way beyond what we’re in right now.”
 “So?” Ludwig shrugged, “doesn’t matter. When the feeling comes, it comes, and it’s not about how long it took.”
 “Feliciano has really gotten to you.”
 “Perhaps…or more like Lovino has gotten to you.”
 Gilbert didn’t know what else to respond with, laying back down, pretending once again his brother was not there.
 Ludwig sighed, “listen…this weekend were having a dinner at Antico again…all of us together.”
 “Are you going to say you’re marrying Feliciano again?”
 “No, it’s just to meet and spend some time together before the wedding. We’re also going to send the invitations that day and Feliciano and I are going to talk about something,” Ludwig sounded his always collectable self, but that’s when Gilbert was reminded of the mission him and Lovino had set forward. Yes, he had to get information…not…sit and ogle over said Italian he had planned this with.
 “What are you going to talk about?” Was his very subtle question.
 Ludwig raised an eyebrow, “…I’m going to talk about it at the dinner.”
 “But what is it?”
 “At…the dinner…”
 “Yeah, but I want to know now.”
 “Gilbert, please, I made it clear, I’m going to talk about it at the dinner.”
 “I don’t think I can wait.”
 “Sure, you can. It’s this weekend.”
 “You know more than anyone I have no patience.”
 “Yes, I know, but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.”
 “Tell me.”
 “Come on, what if I don’t even go?”
 “Now I really know you’re definitely going.”
 “What makes you think that?”
 “Lovino will be there.”
 Gilbert clicked his tongue, stuck, the effort gone and Ludwig smirked knowing well it had worked. “I still want to know now.”
 “You’re being a child. Can you stop so I can go back to focusing on this?” He leaned back to the couch, taking his laptop and continuing his work, forcing himself into the screen.
 “What are you even doing?”
 “Talking to some investors from my company.”
 “Investors? Why would you need investors?”
 “It’s for something for when Feliciano and I get to Santo Domingo.”
 “I thought your company was in charge of that.”
 “Well, uh…things have changed now.” He hoped with how focused he looked, it would be enough for Gilbert to think that he needed some peace and quiet…but this was his brother after all.
 “How have things changed to the point that you have to get investors?” He leaned close, clear suspicion.
 “It’s nothing to worry about.”
 “Investors usually mean a lot of money, Luddy.”
 “No, they don’t.”
 “Hey, I might not know the full mechanics on how company businesses work, but if I’ve learned something from Opa and TV, investors are never a good word to hear.”
 “This time it’s different.”
 “How so?”
 “None of your business.”
 “Luddy! Luddy! Luddy!”
 “Oh mein gott, stop! It’s to start my own business,” he shouted, in a fiery vengeance, a loud call that brought Gilbert back to his seating.
 For once, Ludwig got the silence he needed to keep on writing, but Gilbert’s eyes were now on him with great intensity. He sat there perturbed, startled…it was just as distracting.
 “What now?” He demanded.
 “A new business? What do you mean a new business?”
 Ludwig sighed, defeated as he lay his head back on the couch. Maybe working on these e-mails in the living room with Gilbert wasn’t a bright idea. “Look, I’m going to talk about it on the dinner.”
 “About starting a new business?”
 “Yes!” Ludwig was getting exasperated.
 “Why would you start a new business? I thought your job had it covered!”
 “Look!” He slammed his laptop, standing, “things have changed! It’s…nothing to worry about! Feliciano and I are still getting married, we’re still going to the Dominican Republic. He’ll be happy and I’ll make sure to do everything I can so he’s comfortable.”
 “Why do you feel the need to clarify that? Something is wrong! Come on, just tell me-”
 “Nothing is wrong! What were worried about is what you will think about it.”
 “Then just-”
 “The dinner, okay! The dinner!” And he was off the room before Gilbert could question any longer.
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Life of Kaede - Hope's Peak
Chapter 2: Hope's Peak Academy
Kaede woke up to her alarm, as her hair covered her eyes, which didn't really let her see that well.
'Ugh... Why should I wake up?...' Asked Kaede to herself before she remembered what day it was.
'Because I'm going to Hope's Peak!' Remembered Kaede to herself as she excitedly stood up and went to her closet.
She grabbed her uniform, a few music hairpins, and ran towards the shower. After she took one of the fastest showers to be seen by man, she ran downstairs as she saw that her mom had made her Pancakes.
"Hey, mom!" Said Kaede as she sat down and started eating. "Good morning, sweetie. How are you?" Asked her mom as she sat down with Kaede.
"I'm fine, thanks!" Said Kaede as she happily ate her Pancakes.
Everyone noticed however since Kaede got accepted in Hope's Peak, she started acting differently. She was way more optimistic and sociable. It was hard to believe that the Kaede they knew a few months ago was the same one that was excitedly humming a piano song as she finished her Orange juice.
"Tell Kagami I love her" said Kaede to her mom as she put on her white backpack. "I will" replied her mom as she gave Kaede a small smile.
Kaede smiled back, hugged her, and left running towards Hope's Peak.
As Kaede ran in front of a bunch of houses, she noticed how the more she ran, the more people with Hope's Peak uniform appeared.
That only made Kaede way more excited; which of those were going to be her friends? Who was she going to be the closest with?
Kaede couldn't wait for her bright new start, so when she was at the entrance of Hope's Peak she immediately took her school map out of her backpack.
'Class 79, hmm... it's on the second floor!' Thought Kaede as she found where her class was on the map. She then folded her map and ran towards the stairs. While she was jogging up the stairs, she felt how someone grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"No running in the halls, young miss!" Spoke a tall, black-haired guy with big eyebrows as he looked at Kaede as she turned around and gulped.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just... a little excited about coming in here." Said Kaede as she scratched the back of her neck as the guy left her hand go.
"It's fine, but don't make that mistake again!" Said the guy as he crossed her arms and looked at Kaede firmly.
"I won't! Also... what's your name?" Asked Kaede as the guy got surprised.
"I... I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the ultimate Moral Compass! Or, uh, ultimate Hall Monitor. B-But you can call me Taka!" Said Kiyotaka as in the end, he stood in pride.
"Wow, that's so cool! I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate Pianist. Nice to meet you!" Said Kaede as she smiled and offered him her hand. The hall Monitor took her hand and both of them shook them.
"In what class are you?" Asked Kaede.
"I'm at class 78, and you?" Answered Tanaka as he stood still.
"Oh, I'm in class 79!" Answered Kaede as she scratched the back of her neck.
"Do you need help to get to your classroom? I took a digital tour of the school, and I've learned where everything is!" Asked Ishumaru as Kaede gave him a smile.
"Thanks, Taka! I would really appreciate that..." Answered Kaede as Ishimaru smiled.
"This way, Miss Akamatsu!"
"Thank you, Taka." Said Kaede as she stood in front of the door of her class. "No problem! That's my job as the ultimate Hall Monitor!" Spoke Taka in pride as Kaede giggled.
"Good luck on your first day!" Said Kaede before she waved at him and entered the classroom.
"You also have good luck!" Yelled the black-haired boy before walking towards his classroom.
When Kaede entered the classroom, she noticed how everyone was doing something. A tall girl with long, blonde hair was talking- or fighting? With a short, purple-haired boy. They were dangerously close to the window, which made Kaede didn't want to sit over there since it appeared that both of them sat on that side.
Kaede tried to ignore the fight since she didn't want to get in trouble. So, she simply chose a seat that was close to a wall, and she started organizing her stuff.
When she finished, she searched for someone to talk to. She actually wanted to be friends with everyone, so it wouldn't really matter who she talked to first. Then, she saw how a boy with a cap entered the classroom. That boy really caught Kaede's attention...
"Hey! What's your name?" Asked Kaede to the boy as he sat down on the front row.
"Oh, uh, hey. I-I'm Shuichi Saihara. And you?" Asked Saihara as Kaede smiled.
"I'm Kaede Akamatsu! Nice to meet you!" Answered Kaede as she noticed how Saihara's face looked surprised.
"Oh, are you okay?" Asked Kaede as the dark-haired boy came back to reality.
"Y-Yeah, sorry. It's because my aunt and uncle really like listening to y-your piano performances, and I didn't expect to see you i-in here." Said Shuichi as a small blushed drew over Kaede's cheeks.
"Wait- really? That's awesome! One of the reasons why I play the piano is to make people happy, so that really made my day!" Said Kaede as she smiled and started bouncing.
"Also, what's your ultimate?" Asked Kaede as Saihara hid his face with his hat.
"U-Ultimate detective... even though I think that title may be a lot for me..." Answered the shy boy as Kaede stood confused.
"Why would you say that? If they gave you that title, it must be for something" Said Kaede trying to cheer him up.
"I've only solved a few small cases, while there is another ultimate detective that has solved cases since she was 13. She is way more experienced than me, and I only got my title because of pure luck." Said Saihara as he looked down in shame.
"Come on, Saihara! You're still an ultimate! And if you could solve some cases, that's a sign that you're good at it! The other ultimate detective may be good, and that doesn't make you less! And if you just started, you're doing great, Saihara!" Declared Kaede as Saihara looked up at her in surprise.
Kaede didn't want anyone to feel how she felt before a few weeks ago. She didn't want people to feel that they were useless or not good enough, because she doubted that anyone liked that feeling.
"Thanks... Akamatsu. That meant a lot to me." Spoke the boy as a small blush painted his cheeks.
Then, the bell rang. Kaede waved to Shuichi and sat on her seat.
"Good morning, kids. My name is Kenji Saito, the ultimate Philosopher, and I'll be your homeroom teacher for this school year." Greeted the teacher as he gave us all a smile.
In the first hour of class, we introduced ourselves and said why our ultimate talents were unique.
"Hello! I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the ultimate pianist! My talent is unique because the piano music is special because it makes people feel different. It may make them feel like they are in heaven, or that they are in infinite despair. It really depends on what the pianist wants its audience to feel." Stated Kaede as she excitedly explained herself.
She noticed that a few students were surprised because of her energy, which made her smile. Kaede liked that people were seeing her as someone social, energetic, and happy.
"Nice meeting you, Miss Akamatsu." Spoke the teacher as the blonde smiled and walked back to her place.
When the class ended, Kaede waited for Saihara next to the door.
"Why are you waiting for me?" Asked the detective as Kaede giggled.
"Because I want to eat with you, duh." Answered Kaede as she smiled at him.
Shuichi sighed and simply left Kaede to hang out with him.
"So, what do you like to do in your free time, Saihara?" Asked Kaede as they walked to the Cafeteria. "Well, I guess that I like reading novels." Said Shuichi as his head was down.
"That's nice. Which genre do you like the most?" Asked Kaede as she organized her hair clips.
"I mostly like horror novels, but a romance one wouldn't be that bad..." Said Shuichi softly as he lifted up his hat a little. "What do you like to do, Akamatsu?" Asked Shuichi as Kaede turned her head to him. "I mean- I really like piano, I also like reading and joking with my sister" Spoke Kaede as a small smile showed on her face.
"You have a sister?" Asked the detective as Kaede nodded.
"Yeah, we are twins, actually. I'm the youngest one for a few seconds. We're really good friends and we both take care of each other..." said Kaede as she smiled and looked up to Shuichi.
Saihara just had a small smile on his face, and both of them continued walking to the cafeteria while talking about everything.
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lovelybunny08 · 5 years
Water Fountain “Prequel”
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♡ Pairing- Jungkook X Reader
♡ Genre- Romance (No Smut) 
♡Description- Prequel to Let Me Down Slowly. You were always told that you weren’t beautiful from your boyfriend but you loved him and he was the only thing you knew but everything changed in one night by the water fountain.
♡ Again thank you @artofediting for editing all my story. Seriously love you I dont know what I will do without you.😭😭
♡ Word Count- 4,144
                                                                                                                Part 1>
You first saw him taking pictures, looking ethereal as the sun shone around him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, and the book in your lap was soon forgotten. You somehow knew that if you didn’t approach him now, then you would never have another chance. No way someone crosses paths with an angel twice.
Without giving yourself a way you out, you muster up the courage and begin to stroll over to where his lens was transfixed on a particular flower. He was kneeling close to the ground, snapping close shots when you timidly tapped him on the shoulder. Oh no. What if you interrupted him somehow? What if this was his ‘artistic’ time or something, and you just ruined his concentration. Your thoughts go into overdrive as you stand petrified, watching him turn around as if it were in slow motion. However, as soon as he peered his big brown doe eyes up at you, all your fears vanished. If you thought he was beautiful from the park bench you sat on, then he was truly from the heavens when you saw him this close. His questioning expression brings you out of your silent adoration as you realize that he’s probably wondering why a strange woman just walked up and poked him.
“Oh! I, uh, I’m sorry to bother you, but I figured that if I didn’t come talk to you now, then I might never get another chance to.” You internally grimace. You didn’t mean to be so straightforward, but honesty is the best policy, right?
At your remark, his expression softens as he rises to his feet. Damn, how tall was this giant? He loomed over you by nearly a foot, casting a shadow over you with his back towards the sun. He peers down at you with those sparkly doe eyes and grins shyly. He begins to rub the back of his neck nervously and a red tint colors his cheeks. W-wait? Was he blushing? Did you make this Adonis-like man blush? You quickly give yourself a mental high-five before he finally responds.
“Haha, thanks? What did you mean to, uh, talk about then?” He asks sheepishly. Gah, even his shyness drew you in, even though you normally went for. . . well, overconfident assholes based on all your exes. Whoops. A girl’s gotta learn.
“Honestly, I know this is rather forward, and I’ve never done something quite this impulsive, but would-you-sort-of-want-to-go-out-on-a-date-with-me?” You rush the last words out in fear of your impending rejection. You’re well aware of your looks, but overall you know nothing could ever compare to the man in front of you. Hell, you weren’t even sure there was a person in his league. Besides this, he doesn’t even know you. Heavens above, what were you thinking?!?
“I’m sorry, uh, could you repeat that last part? I couldn’t quite catch it” he responds chuckling. His laugh was another form of endearment, but also FUCK you had to ask again. Your eyes fall to peer at the delicate, white flower on the ground while you scraped together any remaining confidence. You let out a puff of air and stare him dead in the eye.
“I would really like it if you went on a date with me, and I know that sounds crazy and you could be a psychopath, well not that you are one, I mean I could be the psychopath—oh! But I-I’m not I swear, I was just—"
“Woah, okay, I believe you,” he laughs. “This is a first for us both then, but why not? When are you free?”
“Hmm, wow I didn’t think I’d get this far, but I’m free next Saturday? Does that work?”
“I actually finish up a photoshoot that morning, so it’s perfect. Should we meet somewhere, or do you want me to pick you up?” His hand resumes its habit of rubbing his neck.
“Let’s just meet somewhere for now,” you giggle at his nervousness. “Do you know where the water fountain at the front of the park is?”
“Yea, that’s one of my favorite spots to shoot,” he replies.
“Great! So, 5pm Saturday, waterfront?”
“Sounds good to me, but, uh, can I also have your phone? To put my number in? Also, I’m Jungkook by the way, haha. Guess I should have led with that.” He says this as he stretches out his hand, and it takes every bit of restraint to not accidentally throw your phone at him. With great skill, you calmly pull out the device and gently place it in his hand.
“Right! No! I should have introduced myself first. I’m y/n.” Once he finishes typing in his number, he throws you a big grin.
“Right, so just, text me when you get home. Or whenever. If you want. Oh, I would walk you home too, but I need to take a few more shots and—"
“It’s okay,” you calm him down with the softest of smiles. I guess you weren’t the only one who was a little clumsy in the flirting scene. “I’ll text you later, alright?” His face brightens at this, and he winks at you before he’s walking away to another small patch of flowers to digitally capture. You only stare for a few seconds longer before you begin your short journey back to your apartment.
As you walked down the sidewalk, breathing in the crisp autumn air, you felt a strong sense of pride. You had never done anything that bold, and the fact that you were courageous enough to do it and that it worked out perfectly really boosted your confidence. You had nearly a week until your first date with Jungkook, but ideas of your outfit were already swirling through your mind. You continued walking (nearly skipping) down the sidewalk, with a newfound sense of something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You weren’t sure why, but you had a good feeling about this one.  
Once you arrived back to your place, you immediately peel off your clothes and step into a hot shower to relax, thoughts of your recent encounter replaying in the forefront of your mind. Afterward, you snuggle up in your pj’s and a face mask and head to the kitchen to make yourself some dinner. Hmm, instant noodles? Yes, please.
Settling into your bed with your steaming bowl of noodles, you turn on the tv and begin to flip through the channels for something interesting. However, nothing catches your eye as your mind is far away from whatever was on the TV. You replayed the first time you met Jungkook. Which was in his mind officially this past afternoon, but the first time you ever encountered him was a while ago. The first time you ran into him was actually at a block party.
You were at your apartment putting the last few touches on your makeup and triple-checking your outfit in the mirror. Your then-boyfriend, Jackson, had just sent you a text that he was on his way to pick you up. You honestly didn’t care for the party scene, but Jackson believed that life wasn’t worth living without partying. While you would have been happy to let him go alone, the last time he came back from a part he was covered with hickies that “were just from a dare.” All your friends kept nagging you to break up with him, but you loved him--well, what you thought love was anyways--and you also knew that no one else would be interested in you.
You grew up thinking you were fairly good looking, but when you started dating Jackson he would occasionally throw in some “pointers” (as he called them) in order to “bring out your natural beauty.” It began with “You look great when you wear that, babe” to “You should wear more things like this; it’d look great on you” and eventually to “I thought you wanted to look good when you go out” and “Well, I know the other girls are going to look like this…” It grew into a comfortable routine for your boyfriend to tell you that you were lucky to have him. He used to say it in a joking tone, but not so much anymore. He’s recently added the “If I hadn’t taken you out, I don’t know if anyone else would? Right hun?”. It was gradual. He slowly tore you down bit by bit, and you put up with it because he was so sweet and loving at the beginning. Surely, he still loves you and just wants the best for you. That’s what you’ve made yourself believe. He eventually took to sleeping around every so often. Each time he claimed that it was because you were bad in bed, but that you two could work on it together. You had given your virginity to him a few times after he came back with hickies. You hoped this would make it so he would only want you. After he slept with someone else, you were knee-deep in your own lies to see his own. Yeah, maybe you were bad in bed. But it’s sweet of him to suggest that you could work on it together right? That meant that he wanted to sleep with you again, so you’re headed in the right direction. You knew these were lies, but you were too scared to not believe them.
As these thoughts flee from your mind, and you check your mirror for the umpteenth time. You were wearing a figure-hugging, black mini with a red pair of stilettos. Your friends texted and tried to hype you up with comments like “YES HOT MAMA” and “YOU LOOK LIKE SINNNNN,” but all you could see in the mirror were two boxes: pass or fail. You finally hear a knock on the door 20 minutes past the time Jackson said he would be there. Your stomach immediately twists in knots. You had spent the whole day getting ready, hoping to catch a glint in your boyfriend’s eye when he sees you. You grab your purse, and half walk-half trot to pull open the door. Without even a side glance towards you, he struts into your apartment like he owns the place.
“You ready?” he finally acknowledges you as he searches the kitchen to pour himself a drink.
“Uh, yeah-yeah, I just need to get my jacket” you reply as you slip on the red leather jacket from the back of the couch. Eventually, his eyes land on the already opened bottle of vodka on the counter.
“Ah, I see you started without me?” he asks with a smirk. You slightly grimace at your sudden exposure. The only reason you were drinking early was to get the courage to go out to this party. He shrugs at your lack of response and pours himself a cup. After twisting the cap on, he strolls back to the door and swings it open, waiting for you to walk through first. You scrunch your nose slightly confused at the gesture until it suddenly makes sense as you walk through, and he slaps your ass harshly. You squeal and jump away at the move.
“Sorry, hun. But couldn’t you have waited on me to start drinking?”
“Oh-uh, right. I’m sorry, I know I normally wait to drink when I’m with you.”
“Ah, it’s okay,” he responds as you both step into the elevator. “Oh! I see you put some effort in with the makeup tonight yeah?” He takes a long sip of his drink as you turn away to blush. He rarely recognized your effort... “Yeah, you look better than normal. We’ll keep getting better until you’re finally able to keep up with all the other party girls, right?” He nudges your side with his elbow and offers you a smooth grin like you weren’t recovering from the backhanded compliment. When the elevator doors open to the lobby, you trail behind him, letting his comments sink in. He was right after all; you could never match up to those girls at all the parties.
When you finally arrived at the house, the party was well underway. The yard was already trashed with beer cans, and you could see the mass of bodies swaying against each other through the doorway. You and your boyfriend enter and immediately head for his group of friends on the opposite side of the house. You quickly excuse yourself to go make a drink. Jackson offers a small wave and continues recalling a story from another party while his friends chuckle along like dumbasses. His stories were never that good in your opinion, but hey, he put up with all the stuff you did that he didn’t like. You go to make yourself a drink in the kitchen but end up standing there scrolling through your phone. By the time you finish off your last sip, it’s been nearly an hour. You weren’t really concerned at your unexcused absence because Jackson never really noticed. He and his buddies were most likely all trashed by now anyways. When you make your way back to their spot, his friends were all there with some new girls, but your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Gaining the attention of one of his friends, you try to ask him.
“Hey! Hey! Sorry I’m shouting it’s just so loud in here! But did you see where Jackson went!?!?” His brows furrow for a moment as his drunk brain processes what you said.
“OH! Jackson?!? O H, yeah sorry toots, but Jackson just went upstairs with another gal. You snooze you lose I guess” he responds and turns back to the girl clawing for his attention.
What??? He did what?? Even when I am here, he STILL goes and finds another girl!! You know what, fine. I’m done. I rather be alone at home than dragged to parties I hate AND be alone. This is the last time; I’m done with him. You grab the shoulder of that same guy and tug him around.
           “HEY! Whenever Jackson gets back, tell him not to bother looking for me. I’m done with him.” The guy nods without much care, and you begin pulling yourself through the crowds to get to the kitchen. After downing one cup and pouring another, you start your journey to the front door. When you had first arrived, you saw a pretty lawn fountain in the front, and you figure you could hang there unnoticed while waiting for your uber.
You were fairly tipsy when you finally navigated yourself out of the house and stumbled to the fountain. There were some beautiful decoration rocks at the bottom of the fountain, and in your inebriated state, you decided that you were going to reach in and grab one as a keepsake of the worst night of your life. You wiped your mascara-smeared, tear-stained face and lean forward to grab one of the rocks. But in your drunken state, you overestimated your remaining coordination causing you to flail as gravity tries to pull you face-first into the water. You squeeze your eyes shut as you mentally prepare for the harsh cold when you instead feel a firm grip around your waist. As you’re pulled up and away from the fountain you turn to see your saving grace.
You were at a complete loss for words when your saving grace just also happens to be the most beautiful creation you had ever laid eyes on. You soon begin to heat up and you’re sure you’re now completely red BECAUSE your drunk ass just nearly faceplanted in front of the aforementioned beautiful creation. You stumble for words as he still holds you tightly to himself.
“I-uh, b-, than—, uh, sorry, I jus—” his nose scrunches cutely at your blabbering as he helps you straighten and stand on your own, but not yet fully releasing your waist.
“Did you drop something?” he finally interrupts you.
“Huh?” you ask dumbly.
“In the fountain? Did you drop something in the fountain and try to get it out?” he restates.
“O-Oh! Haha, well, no. See, I saw this beautiful rock and I wanted it” You explain like it’s the most obvious reason. His eyes turn to smile as he laughs at your story.
“You’re pretty cute,” he says as his eyes flit over your probably atrocious looking face. You were about to thank him for pretending his compliment when you suddenly get tugged back by the shoulder and slapped (spanked is more correct because it was intended as punishment) hard on the ass.
“No, she’s not” Jackson responded through a clenched smile towards the man, and a death sentence glare towards you. Your eyes quickly fall to your feet knowing where this was headed. You were used to his humiliation tactics honestly. You just hated that he had to do it in front of the cute stranger.
“Now, that really isn’t something you should say to a lovely woman such as herself." You whip your head up in shock as a pretty pink coats your cheeks. You can’t remember the last time you were genuinely complimented like that. No aggressiveness, no “pointers”, just admiration. The sudden high you received from the comment gave you enough clarity for what you were about to say. You rip yourself from Jackson’s grip and turn to him.
“Jackson, that is it! I’m done with you! You’ve left me for other girls time and time again, and even when I come with you tonight, you still leave me to go hook up with some other girl. You don’t like me anyway so let’s be done with this and just leave each other alone, okay?” Jackson’s face held a harsh glare for a moment until he broke into a smirk, chuckling.
“Whatever, you were just another whore to mess around with anyways.” He turned to head back into the party without a second glance, and just like that, he walked away from you and out of your life. While there was a relief that you would no longer have to deal with him, the fear of being forever alone and unwanted began to set in. Jackson had truly made you believe you were worthless. Tears begin to stream down your face once more, and you let out a quiet sob when you feel a warm grip on your shoulder.
“Hey,” the stranger calls softly. You had nearly forgotten he was there. Warmth floods your face in humiliation.
“Look, I-I’m so sorry for my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, and I just—gah, I’m sorry. . . wait I don’t even know your name—” you speak through tears.
“Jungkook,” he answers warmly. “Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh, thanks, Jungkook. And I’m sorry again about the guy and the tears and me. I’m Y/N by the way. Y/N Y/L/N.
“Y/N, a fitting name for such a beautiful woman.”
“Are you drunk?” You abruptly question. There was no way someone like him would have said that sober. His face shows he’s slightly taken aback, but he responds humorously.
“Uh, well yes” he laughs. You drop your head. You knew he couldn’t have actually found you pretty. But then a soft touch under your chin is slowly lifting your head until your eyes meet his glassy doe eyes.
“But you’re beautiful whether I’m drunk or not.” He whispers, and you can’t help but smile. There was something about him (besides his devastatingly handsome good looks) that sparked something within you. You aren’t sure if it was because he stood up for you, or if it was because you were sad and needed comfort. You weren’t sure what it was at the time, but before you could rationalize your actions you stood up on your toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. It was sudden, short and sweet. But it was also like a thank you, mixed with whatever that other feeling was. As your lips separated, your thoughts suddenly crowded you, trained to pounce on you when you’re happiest. What are you even thinking? He was probably just being nice. He wants nothing to do with you. Can’t you see how drunk he is? He probably won’t even remember this.
“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I’m nowhere close to being beautiful, especially for you, and you’re too drunk to realize that and—"Panic begins to overwhelm you. You’re rambling and you hated yourself for not begin good enough. Not good enough for Jackson, not good enough for yourself, and certainly not good enough for Jungkook. Your eyes begin to look around searching for anything to pull you out of the chaos. Then you feel him wrapping his arms tight around you, bringing you into his arms in a tight embrace. His hand begins to smooth down the hair on your head as he whispers to calm you down.
“Hey, hey hey, shhh. I know it’s hard. Bad relationships can tear people apart, and from the little bit I saw, he didn’t seem to be a keeper. I don’t know your whole story, and you don’t know mine. You don’t think I’ll remember this, and I could say the same of you, but from tonight do this one thing for me okay?” You nod your head slightly against his chest as your breathing begins to level out.
“You’re beautiful. Not because I said so, and not because anyone else does. You’re beautiful because you simply are, and no one can add to that and no one can take that away. Just remember that one thing for me if you forget everything else. And I’ll remember the pretty girl who nearly face-planted into the water fountain.” You pull back and lightly push at him away as you both break into soft laughter.
“At least I’m memorable right? Haha.”
“You are most certainly memorable.” He responds more seriously.
Before either of you could make another move, your phone buzzes alerting you that your uber was on the street.
“Well, it looks like it’s time for me to go home. Thank you for being my good memory.” As you turn to walk away, he softly responds.
“Thanks for being mine.” He was sure you didn’t hear him, but you did. And you knew that no matter what, you would treasure tonight because of it. Even though it came from an inebriated stranger, his words did more healing for you than he would ever know.
Your forgotten noodles are entirely too cold to eat once you come out of your memories. Yeah, you remember that night rather well. Better than he thought I would, and obviously better than he did since he didn’t recognize me. Your friends have asked you why you remember that night so well, and why you give a stranger so much credit for setting you on your path to rebuilding your confidence. Your answer remains the same each time. It’s because that night marks the first time you ever believed in the concept of true love: for another, and for yourself.
           The next Saturday you’re placing the last finishing touches on your makeup. Just come concealer, a little bit of powder, and then mascara. Just enough to make you feel a little extra pretty. You quickly check your reflection in the mirror, and with a soft grin you head out towards the park. As you approach the fountain from a distance you see him first. You can’t help the blush you feel as you get closer. Suddenly his eyes catch yours, and you both draw in a breath as you meet.
“Hey there” you greet with a smile.
“You look stunning,” He comments before even returning the greeting. “Oh, and hey, hi. Haha,,,ready to head over? The movie is about to start.” He grins at you.
“Yeah, let’s do it. I have a feeling I won’t ever forget tonight” you reply softly, grinning down at your feet, attempting to hide how fiercely you’re blushing. He’s quick to lift your head up by your chin and peer into your eyes.
“You don’t need to hide from me. You’re beautiful, and I don’t think I could ever forget the memories we’ll make.” He glances back at the water fountain before chuckling lightly. “You know, I once met a beautiful, shy girl by a water fountain at a party a few years back.” Your eyes snap over in time to see his mischievous smile as he winks at you and begins to walk down the street towards the theater.
“Jeon Jungkook you get back here and explain yourself!” You shriek as you run after him, and he begins to pick up speed down the street. As you case after him, you can’t help but think to yourself, please never let us forget each other.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
Into the Future
Day 7 - Future
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :) @taioraweek for more Taiora love!
Setting: Adult AU (Last Evolution Kizuna-inspired) / Canon Divergent
Tags: Adventure, Romance
Other Characters: 01 Chosen Children and their Partners
Notes: I’m tagging this as a spoiler to be safe. This was inspired by the first scene of Kizuna. This fic turned out to be mostly a Sora show (something that was lacking in the actual movie) (not salty at all /s) BUT Sora deserves to be a star in my eyes, more importantly in Taichi’s. ;-;
This fic is also the longest but I wanted to end with a bang!! I hope you enjoy this. <3
"You look so grown up, Taichi."
Taichi stood in front of his mirror and had just buttoned up his dress shirt and straightened the cuffs when Agumon said those words from behind him. He had always liked to roll his sleeves towards his elbows for a more casual look, but tonight, he kept the sleeves long, and he even attempted to iron out the wrinkles of the shirt beforehand.
"I guess I do, huh?" Taichi asked in response.
The concept of growing up was so foreign to him. Even when he was on his way to graduating university, he wasn't sure if he wanted to jump into the life of an adult, in which he would work the typical five days a week, earn to make a living, and find less time to spend with his friends.
But tonight was a special occasion, after all. He needed to look the part at tonight's dinner with Sora, their Digimon, and both sets of their parents. 
Kneeling down in front of his dresser, he opened the top drawer, observing his pair of goggles and his old digivice - two items from his childhood that he treasured. Then his eyes fell onto a small box in between them.
In that box was his future. Out of all the choices he had to make, inside that box represented the one that he was certain of making by the end of the night. 
Suddenly, Taichi’s phone beeped on his table. Even as he stood a few feet from it, he was able to recognize Koushiro's name on the backlit screen.
Taichi already knew what Koushiro’s text message said before picking up his phone to read it:
“A Digital Gate is opening up. Need reinforcements.”
It was a group text sent to all of the Chosen. Taichi knew that Koushiro was always on alert, having his computer hardware readily available to monitor readings between the Digital World and the Real World. 
But Taichi didn’t have time to think who else was available or too busy to make it; all he knew to do was to call Sora, who was probably already at the restaurant with their parents.
“Taichi,” she had answered after the first ring.
“Sora. Looks like dinner’s gonna have to wait,” he said, turning to Agumon who stood by waiting for Taichi to move.
The alarm echoed from Sora’s end. “I’ve gotta go,” she shouted over the alarm. “They’re telling everyone to find cover or leave the area. I’ll make sure our parents are safe and I’ll head out soon.”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you, too. Be safe.”
Once he hung up, Taichi grabbed the small box and placed it in his pocket. On his way out with Agumon, he hooked his bluetooth earpiece and pushed its button to turn on.
“Taichi,” Koushiro said from his ear piece. “You on your way?”
“It’s about damn time,” Yamato grunted. 
“What?! Dinner’s not happening?” Mimi yelled from one end.
“This isn’t the time to be asking about that, Mimi!” Jou shouted.
Taichi began his sprint down the street with Agumon quickly following beside him. Even as the other Chosen were bickering in his ear, he trusted that none of them mentioned his plan out loud, especially if Sora happened to be listening in.
“Takeru and Hikari are already closest to the electromagnetic readings on the map,” Koushiro added. “Everyone else, stay alert.”
“Right!” they all said in unison.
Sora stood watch at the front of the restaurant on the street corner. A light breeze blowing against the skirt of her modest lace and chiffon dress drenched in blue. Piyomon was at her side as Sora urged her and Taichi’s parents to head into the restaurant and stay furthest from the windows. She had been listening in on the action from the others in her earpiece, and she knew that she and Piyomon would have to be ready to fight at any moment.
It was only a few blocks away from her that Okuwamon had appeared. She heard Mimi cheering for Togemon after she had jumped into the air and threw a Mach Jab against Okuwamon.
The ground rumbled slightly, and it followed with a shout from Jou - Ikkakumon had just been thrown against a few parked cars.
The Chosen worked to improve their Digimon’s fighting styles since high school, especially after the final fight with Ordinemon had caused the most damage to their city. Mainly with the help of Koushiro, the Digimon learned to maneuver through the streets while using their defensive tactics to fight against rogue Digimon that came through the Digital Gates at any given time. 
Focused on the battle that she could only hear through her earpiece, Sora waited for any sign of how Taichi was doing. However, she was interrupted by a woman that grabbed either of her shoulders, screaming her head off in a panic.
“HEELLPP!” the woman cried, causing Sora to feel as though she jumped out of her skin.
“Sora!” Piyomon cried.
Sora shook off her fright immediately and grabbed hold of the woman’s arms in return.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” Sora asked, staring into the woman’s eyes to try to get her to focus and calm down.
“It’s coming! It’s coming!!”
Another rumble on the ground, more violent than before, and Sora and the women held each other to keep each other from falling. But as Sora looked up, she saw it. 
The large silver insect Digimon had crashed into a building two blocks away, which Greymon had ultimately pushed him into.
“Taichi! I told you not to be so reckless!” Koushiro shouted.
“We’re trying not to be!” Taichi groaned.
Sora was torn between feeling relieved at the sound of Taichi’s voice and fighting the urge to scold him more than Koushiro had just done. But, she had to stay calm.
“Get into the restaurant,” Sora told the woman, patting her in comfort. Appearing to have calmed down, the woman nodded with tears in her eyes and ran through the doors behind Sora.
“Ah! Another gate’s opening up!” Koushiro announced. “Just down the street! We need to get it there now!”
Sora stood alert as she watched Okuwamon recover and fly up and away from Greymon. Its screech echoed into the air, and its wings made a loud buzz as it swirled before heading into a new direction. Sora reached for her smartphone in her pocket with her fingers tight around its edges. 
“Wait! Where’s it going?” Takeru asked.
“Angewomon, stop him!” Hikari cried. “He’s going the wrong way!”
Okuwamon sped through the street between the tall buildings, right in Sora’s direction.
“Now, Piyomon!” 
In a bright flash of white light, Piyomon glowed as she evolved into her larger bird-like form, spreading her wings with flames burning away to reveal her orange talons.
And with that, Birdramon appeared, launching toward Okuwamon to block him from going further, then she was thrusted backward in the air as Okuwamon crashed against her.
Sora ducked and held her hands over her head for cover as a huge gust of wind from the impact nearly knocked her off her feet.
“Sora!” Hikari called to her when the wind died down, running towards her as she stood up. “Are you okay?”  
“Sora?” she heard Taichi in her earpiece. “Glad you could join the party. I’m sure you’re dazzling in whatever you’re wearing tonight.”
“Save the sweet talk for later,” Koushiro interjected. “We’ve got to get Okuwamon to the gate!”
Sora exchanged embarrassed smiles with Hikari before returning to face the battle, where Birdramon had released herself from Okuwamon’s grasp, making the opening for Angemon to throw his Hand of Fate against Okuwamon and further down the street.
“Awesome!” Takeru shouted.
“Your turn, Angewomon!” Hikari yelled, as Angewomon flew out of the way for Angewomon to shoot her Celestial Arrow.
“They’re heading toward the gate!” said Jou with panic in his voice.
“We’re on it!” Yamato said in response. “Taichi and I are headed that way!”
“Sora, hop on,” Birdramon told her, and Sora and Hikari jumped onto her Digimon’s back. As they followed Angewomon and Angewomon carrying Okuwamon toward the gate, Sora noticed the large flat screen monitors on the buildings turning on, all showing the local news video feed of the large ball of flashing colors in the middle of an empty street, its lights flickering and sparks flying all around it.
The Digital Gate was not too far up ahead. Sora looked beyond Okuwamon and spotted Garurumon and Greymon, and Yamato riding his motorcycle with Taichi sitting right behind him.
“You two - pin him down right when he gets there!” Taichi instructed his and Yamato’s partners, both which Sora heard growled in agreement.
Sora believed in them to finish this fight.
“The gate is closing soon!” Koushiro announced. “Try not to get too close to it!”
Taichi and Yamato jumped off of the bike as soon as they parked near the gate.
“How soon, Koushiro?” Taichi asked.
“Twenty seconds!”
Taichi looked to Yamato and exchanged a nod, but a loud buzz reached their ears. They turned toward the gate and noticed the top was glowing brighter, with sparks of light crackling faster and brighter-
“Look out!!” Yamato exclaimed, and Taichi jumped in the opposite direction from him as a bolt of lightning shattered the asphalt where they had just stood.
“That’s not supposed to happen!” Koushiro cried. “You two’d better get out of there - this gate is the most unstable one I’ve seen!” 
“Taichi! Taichi!” Sora shouted. “Are you alright?”
“Sora, I’m alright-”
“Aaagghh!” Angewomon yelled as she crashed against the ground. Taichi got back on his feet and saw that Okuwamon had broken free of the angel Digimons’ grasp and was flying further away from the gate.
But not before Garurumon pounced on top of Okuwamon, pinning him down a few yards away from his final destination.
“Ten seconds!”
Okuwamon had lunged forward his attack which threw Garurumon back, but appeared caught by surprise when Angemon and Togemon double teamed him with their punches.
“Five seconds!”
They still weren’t at the gate. Greymon’s Nova Blast would easily force the rogue Digimon into the gate, but Taichi knew that they had already done enough damage to the city as it happened.
Garurumon was on the ground, and so was Angewomon. Ikakkumon was too far away.
Okuwamon was strong, pushing back against Angemon and Togemon - strong enough to force them all to fall backward against the ground.
A loud shriek was heard from behind him, but what happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. Like a burst of flames Birdramon flew by, with her large claws clenching into Okuwamon and flying him right into the gate. Right above Birdramon, he caught sight of Sora’s blue dress and her fiery red hair blowing against the wind. She turned around, as though she knew that he was watching, and she flashed a smile.
He had never been more ready to see what the future held for him.
At the moment Koushiro should have finished his countdown, Birdramon had released her claws and soared higher above, and the light of the Digital Gate had begun to consume Okuwamon.
But the ground began to rumble. Violently.
“Koushiro! What’s happening?” Taichi heard Yamato ask. He couldn’t see where everyone had gone, and he had fallen against the asphalt.
Taichi couldn’t get up.
“The gate is closing - but it’s creating seismic waves!” 
“You mean, an earthquake?!” Jou asked.
“Take cover!”
He wasn’t sure if he hit his head, but his vision blurred, and the sound of rumbling had grown faint.
“Taichi!” he heard a growl from a far. Greymon? He wasn’t sure, but the next thing he saw was his eyesight fading, and darkness looming like a shadow casting over him.
Sora was back on the ground, covering a small child as Birdramon hovered with her wings spread out above. They heard a scream during the earthquake, where a small child was too scared to move away from a lamppost that was threatening to break loose. Birdramon has swooped down in time for Sora to embrace the child in her arms until the earthquake stopped.
“Are you alright?” Sora asked the child, who stared up at her with a frightened look in his eyes. But he nodded at her, and he seemed to cheer up after she gave him a smile.
“Akemi-kun!” came a frantic shout. A woman rushed over to her son and scooped her up in his arms, sobbing. “Thank you,” she added tearfully to Sora and Birdramon.
“Of course,” said Sora, looking up at Birdramon to share a smile.
“Sora, Sora!” she heard in her ear suddenly.
“Koushiro,” she answered, putting her finger up to adjust her earpiece.
“Get over to the gate’s location, quick! Taichi’s not responding!” 
Sora gasped and looked up at the large monitors that others were already watching. The Digital Gate was no longer there, but Sora saw her friends crowding around Greymon, who had just risen from a pile of rubble. Underneath him, she could make out Taichi’s brown hair, with his hand laying back, unmoving.
She immediately turned to Birdramon, who must’ve recognized the horrified look on Sora’s face. She lowered to the ground, allowing Sora to jump onto her back, and together they flew towards the site.
Sora’s mind seemed to race as quickly as Birdramon’s speed of flying. She tried not to think about the worst, but as she thought about her life, the career path she finally decided to choose, she hoped to the gods above that Taichi was okay.
She couldn’t imagine her future without him.
As Sora had suspected from the live video feed, she and Birdramon arrived to discover that Taichi was unconscious. Sora rushed to Taichi’s side just as Greymon had devolved back into Agumon, and looked on at Taichi worriedly.
“Taichi, baka…” she began, hearing the crack in her own voice. “How many times did we tell you not to be so reckless?” She ran her fingers gently through his hair before cupping her palm on his cheek.
And then, she felt Taichi’s hand against hers, and she watched his eyes flutter open.
“Hi, there,” he said softly as his lips curled into a smile. “You really are dazzling tonight, Sora.”
“How could you be smiling at a time like this?” Sora’s eyes welled into tears. “Can you move?”
“Can I move…?” As though he was wondering aloud, Taichi carefully moved his head from side to side, and then he removed his hand from hers and rotated his wrist. She watched his other arm fidgeting next to him. “I think that’s a ‘yes’.”
“What... are you doing?” Sora couldn’t fathom why he was being so casual after the likelihood of suffering head trauma. “Taichi, are you hurt at all?”
For some reason, Taichi let out a chuckle. “Depends on your answer, Sora.”
That was when Sora noticed his fidgeting arm, with which he lifted his hand, revealing a small opened box that revealed a diamond ring.
A gasp escaped her lips.
Sora covered her mouth with her hands, finding no words to express her emotion, but she let her tears stream down her cheeks.
Taichi sat up, then got into a kneeling position. “I was going to do this in front of our parents…”
“I’m sure they’re watching right now,” Biyomon interjected, and Sora turned around with Taichi to see that the large building monitors had the two of them in the spotlight.
And behind them, the Chosen Children with their Rookie partners, all looking on in excitement.
“Well, I didn’t think I’d make a big show out of this… but, you are my star, Sora. You are the only future I’ve always been so sure about. So… will you marry me?”
Sora felt her heart swelling with happiness. Staring back into his hopeful brown eyes, she only had one answer to give:
“Yes, Taichi!”
She flung her arms around him, nearly toppling him over and crashing her lips against his. She could feel the hum of his laughter as he kissed her back. Behind them, their friends erupted into cheers. Mimi and Palmon began to sob while Gomamon and Patamon shouted with glee.
They broke off the kiss only for Taichi to slide the ring onto her ring finger. Sora noticed his tears of joy streaming down which only made her cry even more.
What happened next was no surprise to anyone: a handful of reporters arrived at the scene hoping to catch an interview with the Chosen Children. The Digimon loved posing for the cameras every single time. It became routine for Yamato, Mimi, and Taichi to handle the interviews on the scene - and sometimes, Koushiro spoke to news anchors through video conferencing - but the others, including Sora, didn’t mind answering questions whenever they asked.
This time, while Mimi chatted freely about Togemon to a few reporters, others found it most interesting to interview Sora, especially after Birdramon’s valiant efforts, but mainly because of her new ring. She spoke to them with grace and poise as she normally did, although she knew her cheeks must have been bright red with Taichi and Agumon cheering her and Piyomon on from beyond the camera.
None of the Chosen had ever thought the general public would change their tune on Digimon. Sora wanted to get used to public relations for her career, but she still had her moments of shyness in front of a live camera.
Both Sora’s and Taichi’s parents ended up meeting them at the site to congratulate them on their engagement. Feeling guilty, Sora offered for her and Taichi to join them for dinner, but all four parents urged them to go home and rest, and that they could have a proper dinner celebration another time.
The Chosen and their partners went their separate ways, and Sora asked to stay over at Taichi’s small apartment for the night. Sometimes they shared his bed, and sometimes he let Sora sleep on the mattress while he slept on the floor; but there were some nights like that night when Agumon and Piyomon fell asleep back-to-back, leaving both Taichi and Sora to get used to sleeping on the carpet.
Taichi had been wanting to move out of his studio apartment, and he knew that he had to make that want into a reality now.
Both he and Sora sat against the side of his bed, listening to the two Digimon snoring softly behind them. Sora nestled her head in the crook of his neck and he put his arm around her as she held out the back of her right hand, admiring the sparkle of the diamond. Marrying her was another want that he was ecstatic for her to accept, as much as he was relieved.
Neither Sora nor Taichi knew what was to come. They didn’t know whether a new Digital Gate would appear and where, or if another earthquake would follow. They didn’t know how long they’d be able to see their Digimon partners, given the few times they’ve had to say goodbye, each time believing that it was their last. Sora didn’t know how her career track would work out, and Taichi was still undecided.
But they knew they would always have each other, tonight, tomorrow, and into the future.
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darling-blurbs · 4 years
Ever After High OC P.1
Okay so my iPad screen is broken and I need a new digital pen so I can’t make my OC in my style so I decided to use dolldivine- 
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Esther Death is the daughter of Hades, also known as Pluto. She is known to be the rich girl who seems too serious, after all she is going to be the next ruler of the underworld which is quickly evolving with the times. When she isn’t in a meeting or dealing with some poor souls who dared to cross her path, she is dealing with her little sister, also known as Spring Flowers aka the daughter of Persephone. 
Unlike her little sister by a few months, Esther doesn’t fall in love easily- That is a serious lie. She tends to fall in love with the serious types but since she is basically death herself (other than Thanatos), not many people tend to keep up with her serious nature. 
Now onto her true profile: (The template is by 21moon24 on deviantart)
~introduction/personal info~
Name: Esther ‘Pluotos’ Death
Gender: Female
Age: Old Enough
Parent’s Story: The Myths of Hades and Pluto
Royal or rebel? Tell why: Royal because she was kinda raised to take over the underworld. Only one myth she can’t complete which would be Persephone and Hades since the daughter of Persephone is kinda her sister and she doesn’t really want to kidnap her sister and marry her. She wants to rule by herself- or with a guy or nonbinary or maybe even a girl! Just not her sister.
Favorite color: Royal Purple or Royal Blue
Favorite Food: Chocolate covered Pomegranate seeds
Favorite Flower: Nightshade
Favorite class: Muse-ic Class I mean! Mythology! Yup! No singing here! Haha..
Powers/abilities: Necromancy, Umbrakinesis, shape-shifting (into various fearsome demonic creatures), Chrimatakinesis, Ferrokinesis, Geokinesis (only limited to the underworld), Magmakinesis (limited), Power over the Undead, Death Curses, Death Sense, Life Sense, Osteokinesis, Infernal Monster Lordship, Dark Infernal Pyrokinesis, Hypnokinesis, Phobikinesis, Leadership Abilities, and, unlike her dad, the undead and other beings in the realm bend to her ever command. Whether they be skeleton fairies or other.
Hair Color: Grey? With a black streak.
Eye color: Her eye color is white but when she is angry, it turns to red and when she is thinking of someone she likes, it turns blue. It is a thing her aunt did.
Friend(s) forever after: Cerise Hood, Kitty Cheshire, Raven Queen, C.A. Cupid and the Charmings.
friends: Ashlynn Ella, Briar Beauty, Rosabella Beauty, Chase Redford, The Wonderlandians, and Cedar Wood.
Apple White: So Esther hates Apple. She thinks Apple is selfish for forcing her ideals onto Raven so badly and she can’t understand how Raven stays friends with her.
rival(s) (They are more like Esther just secretly is envious but still loves them):
Raven Queen: So basically Esther liked (or still likes) Dexter Charming and kinda got envious when Raven got the guy. She also kinda is envious that people think that Raven is the most evil when Esther is literally the person who is gonna have all of their souls in the end.
Bunny Blanc: Esther has a ‘Staring at his beauty oml hot’ crush on Alistair Wonderland who is dating Bunny. So Esther kinda is jealous of Alistair and his relationship with Bunny since she wants that with someone.
Family: -Father: Hades/Pluto - My overprotective father who does not know the means of personal space. He is very ready to give up the Underworld to me that it is kinda scary. -Mother: Persephone - I only see her half a year but she is still my mother. She is super kind and taught me Gardening and gave me singing lessons.  -siblings: Spring Flowers - My little sister by a few months. We have a close relationship even though my mother takes her every other half-year. I kinda get anxious without her around but I am learning to cope with it.
The Other Template aka the back of the box:
What is your secret heart desire?
If you aren’t talking about ruling the Underworld or work, then possibley to find someone to rule with me. It’s not always easy to rule alone, Dad has taught me that much when he kept sobbing when mom’s gone.
What “Magic Touch” makes you special?
Since I am going to be the next god of the underworld, the dead, and wealth, I got most, if not all, of my dad’s dark powers and a cool pup at it as well.
Does Anything make you shout “Ohcurses”?
Don’t tell my dad but I tend to sing when I am alone and when it’s night time. Thank Zeus that Grimm let me have a balcony so I can sing at the top of my lungs. But it really scares me that someone might catch me.
What’s your storybook romance?
Okay. So you may think I am too serious for relationships but I do have a type! Since my sister already has her sights on someone, I decided to try the same thing. So anyone who is super cute and dorky or if you are simply as serious in business as I am, talk to me on myChapter!
What’s your favorite subject in school?
If you were my dad, I would say Mythology. But I seriously take my music classes very seriously. I love to sing behind the curtain. Uncle Apollo would be proud.
What about least favorite subject?
Science! I got magic! Why do I need to do science on top of that? I never understood my teachers but my father said to never question it.
Who are your best friends ‘til the end?
Cerise Hood and C.A Cupid. Cerise keeps me on my toes and C.A. and I are kinda linked thanks to Auntie Aphrodite.
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The Draconic Demon Within: Chapter 4: A Demon’s All-Consuming Rage
The Draconic Demon Within
Genres: Romance, Friendship/Family, Drama/Angst, Hurt/ Comfort, & New Adult Fanfiction
Vera's April 2018 Prompts: Soul, Empyrean, Savage, Memory, Trust, Fear, Unstoppable , Resilient, Supernatural (Implied) Lost (Implied) and Loathing.
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Dreams
Nalu Week 2019 Prompts (Implied:) Lost, Curse, Trial, Treasure, Chance and possibly Bare.
Pairing: Nalu/EndLu,( Natsu x Lucy/ E.N.D. x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You have been warned!)
Summary: Now faced with the reality of who he is truly is, the son of Igneel must contend with the new darker instincts of his new demonic identity- all while navigating through his ever-growing, intense feelings for a particular celestial wizard. Originally a Submission (semi -au) for Nalu lovefest 2017 (on my previous celestialgeekmage account and now an entry for nalu week 2019 with chapter 3. (Also was on my earliest previous accounts of teamedwardjace/Twishadowhunter in the past. Also part of Vera's April 2018 prompt challenge from fic-writers appreciation on cosmicdragonwizard).
Chapter 4: A Demon's All- Consuming Rage
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl back again with another installment of TTDW! Fun fact: Being temporarily off work for a few weeks due to pandemic has provided some extra free time to edit and posta new chapter for this fic ( which is on account of the temporary closures of public institutions, and public spaces along with non-essential businesses/services in Ontario-the Canadian province I'm from). This isn't to suggest I'm not without fear or concern about the pandemic or potential effects on global infrastructure but at least I'm mostly coping as best as anyone can at this time. Hope you guys are all too. ( A bit more on this in the A/N at the end of this chapter .) Anyway, hope that this chapter and my other fanfics along with those from amazing writers can help you all while stuck at home. All right, that's pretty much my whole spiel for now. Without further ado, here's Chapter 4 of TTDW-Enjoy! 
(Note: Scroll down past the read more button/cut for the  designated legend menu and actual story content).
Disclaimer: Fairytail does not belong to me, but to the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this work of love wouldn't be possible. 
Read Previous Chapters of TDDW and on platforms here:
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A. Tumblr
Previous (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185917542578/the-draconic-demon-within-chapter-3)
Next (Coming Soon:)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17365061/chapters/40861307)
2. Ongoing Master  Post Of All My Writing (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italic: Song Lyrics/Quotes (or flashback dialogue)
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics: Empathized, stylized Word(s) or bloodthirsty fantasies
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"Your body is full of rage.
Every sinew. It is easy to read.
You speak volumes with a clenched fist."
( Paolo Bacigalupi: The Drowned Cities)
"Seriously? Luce's alive?
That…. I can't...
A wave of overjoyed relief was washing over Natsu from the spectacular news about his best friend still breathing.
"Hear that Luce?!" He sobbed, not bothering to wipe the moisture from his eyes." You're alive and gonna be okay— Thank God! Really... don't ... know what I'd do without ya…," Scarlet-red eyes remained focused/trained on the face on the motionless angel in his arms.
"Pretty sure the guild and the rest of the people we know would be just as devastated if they lost such an incredible person and wizard . Glad you're okay either way though." Natsu's hands were stroking sweat-plastered strands of Lucy's hair back from her eyes with delicate care .
Really glad she's still in fact alive and kicking…
In that very moment , it was as if the world had fallen away; leaving just the two of them. Nothing else seemed to matter then . Not cold-blooded enemies in the room, or the recent battle just moments before; Not even E.n.d's unnerving metamorphosis. Just a dragon-demon and his most precious star with those subtle breaths, the visible rise and fall of her chest that somehow escaped any kind of major notice before.
Words can't even describe how relieved I am . Digits combed through Lucy's blonde tresses from crown to tip in a physical display of tender affection.
Hmm... Lucy's hair feels really nice. Natsu couldn't help but marvel at texture of her beneath his fingertips .Don't think I've ever stopped to fully appreciate it before .
"Gotta say that your hair feels really nice, Luce." Natsu voiced this innermost thoughts aloud; though his words were coming in soft. ."Smells real amazin' too."
Damn was the appealing fragrance of jasmine with a hint of cyclamen flooding his senses beyond intoxicating."like jasmine and that other flower we saw once— cyclamen, I think. . You've been using a new scented shampoo again, I see. Not that I'm complainin'."
"Psh—Listen to me" Natsu tacked on with a rueful chuckle that was still a bit thick from all that weeping before. " Gettin' all sentimental and crap. Hell... stripper would never even let me live it down if he heard . Still be damn proud of you though just like I am for how well you handled yourself in battle. Why don't we tell him all about it once you're awake and we're out of here?. Bet he'd like that . Till then, the two of us just need to sit tight and figure out our next move, okay?"
Wait ...
The fire demon's hands continued their fond movements- only for blood to freeze in his veins when noticing an unsightly contusion on Lucy's forehead; accented by a small gash just above her brow.
When did this happen? I swear those injuries hadn't there been seconds before .. .
Crimson eyes scanned his best friend's battered frame for further damage in alarm . My God... Natsu's breath caught in his throat at the sight of that line of discolorations on her legs . Not to mention all those scratches along with the small gash peeking out through the tattered remains of Lucy's Star dress .
"Oh Luce..." He sighed, remorseful voice breaking on her name. "Can see that you're in pretty rough shape right now. I'm so sorry. Honestly don't know how or why you had a delayed reaction to all the damage. But this wouldn't have happened if I only had grabbed you and run or got your spirits to transport you to their world, Hell— Maybe we could've both escaped and I could've helped kept you safe while figuring out this new demon form means for us together. Anyways, time to put pressure on your wound."
A hand tore a loose piece of fabric to apply pressure on the hemorrhaging wound. "See? You'll be okay . Gonnal get ya' all fixed up and good as new in no time ."
Damn Luce stills looks like an angel to me, Natsu mused in reverent admiration . Even with those injuries...
"Ooh- how cute!" Jackal's dervisie voice cut  through  the other demon’s reverie; whose arms automatically protectively tightened around Lucy's frame out of fierce instinct-automatic without a second though. Not to mention those two pair of eyes he could sense that set him on edge."
"Aw Damn." Jackal broke in again with a gleeful taunt that bordered on sadistic."That poor,pretty girl of you is covered in ugly bruises and scratches, Dragneel."
That little ...
Natsu's head automatically snapped around to meet Jackal with a baleful snarl. Damn was that all that black rage roaring in his veins all too consuming.
"There's that growling again" Jackal cackled, clearly unfazed at by the alpha demon's bared canines ." Bared fangs and what not. Such a shame what happened to Blondie here , or is it? You really did a number on her, huh Tempester?"
"Huh," Tempester mused, bland disinterest colouring his tone."it seems I did . Kind of forgot that my curses can sometimes have o delayed side effects on people . Who knows? That pathetic wrench might even have internal bleeding.
"You goddamned bastard!" The flame- eater raged, fury boiling over. "Lucy ain't pathetic or some kind of toy to play with ... God.. All those injuries… are you fault and . I swear that You're both gonna pay for what you did to her!"
"Oh-You think so?" Jackal scoffed with let out another infantilizing laugh —beyond infuriating .
"Someone's rattled." Tempster pointed out, listless eyes trained on the stone-brick wall ahead. "Unfortunate."
"You don't say," Jackal deadpanned, with a disdainful roll of the eyes ."But Seriously Though , E.N.D, do you even hear yourself? .I mean getting all riled up over a human girl in that way —talk about pathetic. Sure said girl is extremely beautiful with a killer bod and feisty personality to boot—I'll give you that. But is she worth losing your cool over or fraternizing with? I don't think so and neither should you . God knows all that pent up rage and aggression would be far more suited for another cause. Not to mention, you'd better off without her life tainting your judgement and hindering your full potential as the most powerful of all etherious. So let's resolve this, shall we? Hand over the celestial wizard and I'll gladly dispose of her for you . Sound good?"
" 'Sound good?'Sound Good?!’ Are you kidding me?"!
Good God did those last words only serve to incense the snarling dragon further.
" There's no way in hell I'm gonna give Lucy up or let either of you touch her!"
"Come on Dragneel-be reasonable."
"No-rot in hell!"
"Oh honestly E.N.D.-"
"My name is Natsu!"
"Well okay then, Natsu— Just calm down ." Jackal's couldn't seem to resist reprimanding the fire demon; as if he were some errant child pitching a fit ."You're being ridiculous. Anyways, tell you what. I promise to make her death as qui-"
"Shut up!"
" Quick and mostly painless..."
"I said shut up!" En.d's voice rose to an ear-splitting roar that could've struck terror into the hearts of the gods themselves. "Try anything on her and I swear I'll kill you!"
To Be Continued
A/N: Well that's Chapter 4 folks- hope you enjoyed! Now a bit more about the pandemic situation in Ontario . Like many other provinces and countries around the world,, the government of Ontario has opted to shut down/ temporarily close non-essential services, businesses, public spaces and institutions to help curb the spread of the virus for a few weeks (or more) before spring break. Such institutions include all schools and childcare centres/ services in those settings which applies to the childcare company I'm currently employed with. You know on account of most of their centres and programs being based in public schools. (Independently-run Daycares also remain closed. And yes i'm a ECE by trade for any who were wondering or didn't already). Schools and child cares were tentatively scheduled to reopen after April 5th; though the closures have been extended for another month (according to Doug Ford (the premier/leader of Ontario). Not ideal but at least it gives me some extra time for me to work on things alongside my writing(i.e editing upcoming chapters for fics and WIPS). All right folks, that's all I have to say on that subject.
As usual, please feel free to let me know what you think by leaving a comment/review , through a reblog or by any other means. Be sure to check out the rest of my writing while staying tuned for future updates of my fics and new projects along the way! (Links above, in the navigation and in bio If on tumblr . Also on fanfiction.) Anyway, take care and stay safe! Ta ta for now!
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crispychrissy · 5 years
Casu Consulto
Summary: Dean is sick and tired of Sam’s heart eyes for the Y/N and decides to do something about it. Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader Word Count: 3268 Warnings: Language, minor angst, humor, smut, Sam’s giant dick A/N:  This takes care of the “Bed Sharing” square for @spnkinkbingo. The title in Latin means “accidently on purpose” in case anyone was wondering. I feel it gits well with the theme of the story. :) I apologize for nothing when it comes to the comedy I’ve sprinkled through. It was looked over by @saxxxology, enjoy!
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“So, the ghoul was spotted outside the old folks home?” Y/N asked as she stepped out of the car, stretching her arms above her head, sore from the six hour drive.
Dean watched his brother stare at the strip of skin showing above her waist band as she stretched and rolled his eyes. “Yeah. We’ll go first thing tomorrow.”
Dragging her duffel bag from the back seat, Y/N slung it over her shoulder and shut the car door “Right. I’m beat. We getting two rooms?”
Sam shrugged and smiled. “We could, if that’s–”
“Nope,” Dean interrupted, walking down the small sidewalk toward the motel’s office. “Not enough cash.”
“Oh, that’s fine.” Watching Dean disappear into the office, she thought back to the last hunt, remembering she shared with Dean, and that meant she was sharing with the younger Winchester this time. “Looks like it’ll be you and me, Sam. Try not to starfish on me. Suffocation by Winchester is not how I want to go out.”
Sam dipped his head, cheeks heating up. “Come on, I can’t be that bad. Dean’s always been a crazy sleeper.”
“Dean’s a cuddler,” she chuckled. “Nine times out of ten, I wake up with his arms wrapped around my waist and his nose buried in my hair.”
Something akin to jealousy flared up in Sam’s chest, and he had to take several deep breaths to calm himself down. He opened his mouth to give some sort of witty comeback about it being okay if he cuddled her, but Dean returned with the motel key and killed the moment.
Dean unlocked the door and shuffled inside, dropping the weapons bag on the small table in the corner of the room and his duffel bag on the bed closest to the door. Y/N and Sam walked inside and placed their bags on the other queen bed.
Dean looked over and saw his brother staring at Y/N again, the same doofy puppy dog look as before, and he growled. “Sam? A word?”
Sam’s eyes jumped from Y/N to his brother, and immediately knew what Dean’s angry expression meant. Sheepishly, he nodded and followed Dean out of the motel room, telling Y/N he’d be right back.
Once outside with the door shut, Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, leaning up against the hood of the Impala. “Sam. I know you like her. Hell, anyone with eyes knows you like her. But you gotta stop being a chickenshit.”
Sam made a soft noise of protest in the back of his throat. “Dean–”
“Nuh-uh, let me finish. I have been waiting for everything to fall into place, and I’ll be damned if you’re going to mess it up. We’ll both pretend this was just a happy little accident that all the stars aligned perfectly.”
Sam narrowed his eyes at his brother. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m gonna head to the bar we passed on the way into town. You’re going to go in there and ‘share a bed’,” Dean did air quotes, “with Y/N like you’re in one of those trashy romance novels you think I don’t know you read all the time.” Dean grabbed Sam’s arms and shook him slightly. “Sam. Get the girl.”
Sam took a deep breath and wiggled out of Dean’s hold. “It’s not that simple, Dean.”
“Bullshit,” Dean replied, pointing a finger at Sam. “You’ve been set up with the goldest of golden opportunities, and I really can’t deal with you and your stupid heart eyes any more. So either you go back in there and pretend I didn’t set this up and finally tell her how you feel so you can make sweet sweet love to her, or I’ll do it for you, awkwardly… like when dad gave you the talk after he caught you with that Kelsey girl in Medford.”
Sam’s eyes widened at the horrible memory and he shook his head, sending his chestnut locks flying around his head. “No, I… uhhh, no, I-I got it.”
Dean nodded and grinned, slapping his brother on the arm with a wink. “Casu consulto, Sammy.”
Sam chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, tucking it behind his ear. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Text me when you two are ready for me to come back. That is, if I don’t find someone to spend the night with at this bar.” Dean’s lips stretched into another wolfish grin. “Not many ladies can resist the Winchester charm, can they, Sammy?”
“Dude,” Sam rolls his eyes, “just go. I’m… I think I got it from here.”
Dean walked past Sam, patting him on the shoulder, and got into the driver’s seat of the Impala before starting her up and pulling out of the parking lot. Sam took a few seconds to compose himself before slowly pushing open the door to the motel room, shutting and locking it behind him.
“Everything okay?” Y/N asked, stepping out of the bathroom with her hair brush. She was already in her pajamas, a threadbare t-shirt and short-shorts.
“Yeah, Dean’s headed to that bar a few blocks over. I know I’m beat and I think you are, too, so I told him we’d sit this one out.”
Y/N glanced at the blinking digital clock, and the red numbers told her it was a little past one in the morning. Dean never usually went out this late, but the man had the libido of a sixty year old guy that just discovered Viagra, so she only shrugged and nodded. “Probably a good plan. Are you going to come to bed right away or do some research?”
Sam cleared his throat and reached for his duffel. “Uh, no, no research. I’m gonna get changed and then we can sleep. I mean, like, we can sleep on our own sides of the bed. Not sleep… you know, together.” Sam winced and quickly grabbed his clothes before sprinting to the bathroom, missing the soft smile on Y/N’s lips as he rushed past her.
After changing and splashing some cold water against his face, Sam emerged from the bathroom to see Y/N on the right side of the bed already under the covers with all the lights off in the motel room, save for the small lamp on the nightstand illuminating a small area. He padded over to the bed and carefully lifted the covers, slipping into the warmth. He reached over and clicked off the lamp before tucking the ends of the blankets under his feet.
Mentally, he was exhausted, but his body was wide awake as he laid next to Y/N. He could feel her shuffling a few times as she settled, but he was wide awake, staring at the darkness of the motel’s ceiling, his fingers tapping impatiently where they were resting against his chest. Heavy silence passed for what felt like hours, until Y/N’s voice made Sam jump.
“So, casu consulto, huh?”
Sam’s entire body went rigid and he felt like he had ice water running in his veins. Biting his lip, he cursed under his breath before opening his mouth to reply. “You… you heard us?”
“You should know by now that motel room doors are really thin,” he felt her shift onto her side so she was looking at him, “and the window was open, too.”
Sam closed his eyes, willing the uncomfortable spring mattress below him to somehow become alive and swallow him whole. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and he sent up a silent thank you that Y/N couldn’t see him. Unfortunately, Y/N took Sam’s silence as a sign something was wrong and Sam grunted when she flopped onto his chest and reached across to the night stand, turning the light on.
Y/N was smiling softly when she noticed the flush on Sam’s cheeks and the terrified look in his eyes. She was still sprawled out across his chest, and she shifted sideways to get in a better spot. “Oh, Sam. I’m not mad. Honestly, I’ve been waiting for you to make a move for months, and if Dean wants to take credit for being the mastermind behind it, that’s fine with me.”
“You what?” Sam asked in disbelief.
Y/N groaned and buried her forehead against Sam’s chest. “Sam, come on. Think.”
Sam’s mind began flashing with images of Y/N, how she’s been spending more time with him over his brother, how she’s been more flirty and open, and how she’s been returning the shy smiles and gentle touches that Sam didn’t think she noticed.
“I’m an idiot,” Sam exhaled after several minutes.
Y/N chuckled and lifted her head, resting it on the hand that was still flat on his chest. “Yeah, but at least you’re adorable.”
Sam growled playfully and wrapped a long arm around Y/N’s body, flipping her over so she was flat on her back under him. She let out a squeal followed by a giggle at the sudden move, but once she was under him and looking up at him with those big beautiful eyes, Sam finally let everything out. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, licking into her mouth once she parted her lips.
“Sam,” she gasped against his lips, feeling the length of his cock as it pressed between her thighs when he ground his hips forward.
Sam pulled back and grinned when her lips chased his. “You want this, right?”
“If I didn’t want this, you’d already be on the floor with a broken arm and bruised testicles,” Y/N deadpanned.
Sam chuckled and pecked her lips with a quick kiss. “That’s why I like you, Y/N.”
“And the fact you asked me is why I like you, Sam.” Y/N leaned up and Sam gave her space so she could pull her shirt over her head. Her breasts were perfect with nipples already hard and aching to be touched. Sam reached out and brushed his thumb over one of the stiff peaks, his lips parting in awe at the soft mewl that spilled from Y/N’s lips as her eyes fluttered shut.
“Mmm, sensitive,” Sam murmured, moving down to take her other nipple into his mouth, teasing the bud with his tongue and teeth.
“Sam,” Y/N cried out, tugging on his hair to get his attention. “We can do the whole ‘make love and explore each others bodies’ thing another time. I want you to fuck the hell out of me. Now.”
Sam’s eyes went wide and he nodded quickly. “Ye-yeah, I can do that… uh, do I need a condom?”
“Yeah, I can start birth control again in the future, if you wanted to be exclusive,” Y/N offered shyly.
“Y/N… now that I know how to feel about me, about us, I don’t think I’m ever letting you go.” Sam pressed a kiss to her knuckles before sliding from the bed, doing nothing to hide the massive tent in the front of his sweatpants.
“Okay, Harry Burns, hurry up.” Y/N watched as Sam walked to the other bed and quickly fumbled through the duffel bag sitting on top. “Wait, is that Dean’s bag?”
“Yeah it is, Sally Albright,” Sam glanced up quickly to wink before resuming his search, “Dean keeps the condoms in his bag. Wants me to think he gets laid more than I do.” Finding the demolished box of condoms, Sam ripped one off. He hesitated before he walked away and ripped another one off just in case.
As he walked back across the motel room, Sam shed his shirt and watched hungrily as Y/N slipped out of her shorts and began teasing her nipples, her lower body still covered by the sheet. Sam dropped his sweatpants as he reached the end of the bed before dropping down and ducking under the blankets at the bottom, slowly crawling up between Y/N’s legs. He pressed a kiss to her mound and slowly pressed kisses to random places on her exposed skin as he moved up her body.
When he emerged from under the sheet, he shook his head to get the hair out of his face and looked at Y/N with a dimpled smile. “Hey.”
Y/N giggled and pulled him the rest of the way up until their lips pressed together. “Hey.”
Sam sat back on his heels as he ripped open the condom packet, dropping the extra one off the side of the bed with the wrapper, and rolled it down his length. Carefully, Sam reached two fingers down, feeling the wetness between Y/N’s folds. She was soaking wet and he groaned as he slipped a finger into her pussy, easily gliding into the warmth. She was tight, and he began to push his finger in and out, spreading her slick around, before slipping another finger in.
“Sam,” Y/N whimpered, “need you.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N,” Sam replied, voice husky as he watched her body swallow his fingers.
Y/N shifted up on her elbows and looked down at Sam, one eyebrow raised. “Sam, I know you won’t hurt me. I’m not a virgin, I can take it.” Her eyes traveled downward, spying his latex covered cock standing proudly, thick and long, and her eyebrows practically levitated off her forehead. “Holy fuck!”
Sam’s fingers stilled inside her and he met her eyes. “What?”
“You’re hung like a horse!” She shook her head, looking down again, trying to see if it was all a hallucination. “Scratch that, hung like an elephant! Get in me right now, Winchester.”
Sam laughed a full-body deep belly laugh, and crawled up, settling over Y/N and framing her face with his hands. He pecked her on the lips once more and reached down between them, lining his cock up with her pussy, gently pressing inside. Y/N gasped as the head slipped inside, her legs falling lax to either side, allowing Sam more room.
“Did you know that relative to its size, the barnacle has the largest penis of all animals?” Sam whispered in Y/N’s ear as he began to press forward, sliding another inch inside every couple of seconds.
“So, you want me to– Jesus… want me to say you’re hung,” Y/N gasped as he pushed the final few inches in so he was fully seated, “like a barnacle?”
“Nah, just say I’m hung like a Winchester.” Sam grinned and kissed the soft skin around Y/N’s neck and throat.
“Sam, move. Don’t hold back, Barnacle Boy.” Y/N chuckled, squeezing her pussy around Sam’s cock, smiling when he hissed and shuddered above her. “Wait, isn’t that a character from Spongebob?”
“Yup,” Sam confirmed. “But you better hold on to something, pretty sure you’re gonna forget your name in a few minutes.”
Oh, how right he was.
Y/N could only hold onto Sam’s shoulders, then the comforter on either side of her hips as Sam began rapid thrusts, the obscene sound of skin hitting skin filling the quiet motel room. Sam’s panted breaths fanned across her lips as tiny mewls and whimpers escaped her lips, eyes open and locked on Sam’s who was already looking at her.
Sam would pull back almost all the way before slamming forward, sending deliciously intoxicating bursts of pleasure searing through Y/N’s veins. For several minutes, Y/N’s mouth was open, head tilted back, no sound escaping as Sam worked her body like he’d known her intimately for years. The noises he made, the grunts and low moans were enough to have her teetering on the edge, but she needed more.
“Sam,” she gasped, reaching out for him. “I need–”
Sam nodded, understanding exactly what she was requesting. Balancing on one arm, he shifted his hips down and reached between their bodies. The new angle was allowing his cock to brush against Y/N’s sweet spot with every jerky thrust, and when his finger began to rub harsh circles on her clit, her entire body trembled as a long wanton moan spilled from her lips.
“Fuck, Sam, right there. Fuck me harder, give me it!” Y/N babbled through several uncontrolled moans.
“That’s it baby, come for me,” Sam whispered, sitting back so he could watch the show. He jerked his hips faster, adding more pressure against her clit until the dam finally broke.
Y/N’s body arched off the bed, her head thrown back in ecstasy, as her pussy clamped down on his cock like a vice. Sam was so distracted by how beautiful she looked as she came, that he almost didn’t realize he started coming as well. The rhythmic pulses of her pussy as she twitched with aftershocks drew every last drop from him until he groaned and slumped forward, holding most of his weight on his arm so not to crush her.
“Wow,” they both said at the same time, laughing together as they tried to catch their breath.
“That was amazing,” Y/N said, running her fingers through Sam’s hair where his head rested in the space between her breasts.
“You’re beautiful when you come,” Sam murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of her breast. “I always thought you were beautiful with everything you did. Your laugh, your body, the way you kick ass… but seeing you like that?” He sighed wistfully. “I already miss it.”
“Well, if want… maybe we could make this a thing, make us a thing?” Sam raised his head at her request. “I mean, if you want. No pressure.”
“I think I’d like that,” Sam said, dimples indenting his cheeks as he smiled wide. He moved up the bed and flopped over next to Y/N, quickly removing the condom, tying it, and tossing it in the wastebasket next to the bed. “As long as you don’t fake any orgasms,” he added, poking her on the arm.
Y/N snorted. “I don’t think I’d have to fake anything with you.”
“Good,” Sam nodded. He leaned over to shut off the lamp, but grabbed his cell phone instead, typing a quick text message before he set it back down and clicked off the lamp.
Y/N scooted closer to him, resting her head on his chest, fingers tracing nonsense patterns over his chest. Sam wrapped his right arm around her shoulders and shut his eyes, exhaustion finally tugging at his consciousness. They sat in silence for what felt like ten minutes, before Y/N’s voice broke the quiet.
“So, barnacles, huh?”
Sam barked a laugh and pulled her closer, feeling like he finally found what he’s been looking for.
Dean’s phone vibrated against the worn wood of the bar, and he broke his attention away from the sweet redhead he was chatting up to check it.
> > Sam [1:39am]: Consulto amor. :-)
Dean grinned, letting out a soft chuckle before locking the screen and looking back over at his companion, licking his lips and giving her his patented Winchester seductive look. No way Sam was the only one getting laid tonight.
“So, Nora, what do you say we take this back to your place?”
She grinned and leaned forward, lips pressed to the shell of his ear. “I thought you’d never ask.”
She pulled Dean from the bar stool so fast that the two twenties he dropped to pay for their drinks almost fell off the bar, and the only thing the bartender noticed as he glanced up was a leather jacket disappearing through the door and Dean’s laughter trailing off.
Forevers [CLOSED]: @katymacsupernatural @queen-of-deans-booty @your-modern-shakespeare @wheresthekillswitch @holyfuckloueh @just-another-busyfangirl @growningupgeek @jensen-gal @mizzezm @there-must-be-a-lock @atc74 @pilaxia @supernatural-jackles @impala-dreamer @bambi95-blog @wonderfulworldofwinchester @batmmgray @brooke-supernatural16 @dwgrl1903 @hey-bxtch @turnttoverr @kittenofdoomage @leanbeankeane @emoryhemsworth @xalgaliareptx @mhnfatima @bi-e-ne @speakinvain @pebblesz892 @lastactiontricia @kararanae23 @kassablanca13 @mogaruke @tockettt @imagining-supernatural @wildefire @serienjunkiegirl @mrswhozeewhatsis @stars-and-seas @jaremish @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nyxveracity @andkatiethings @bamby0304 @deathtonormalcy56 @winchesterprincessbride @moonstar86 @missihart23 @mrs-meghan-winchester @miss-rebel-without-applause @dean-winchesters-bacon @researchandbones @wayward-angelgirl @bojabee @maddiepants
Sam: @hunterswearingplaid @focusonspn​ @spnwoman
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solynaceawrites · 4 years
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Promise Me Forever [3]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Lirael Thorne (OC) Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe, First Time, Friends to Lovers Chapters: 3/14 co-written by @lickitysplitfic​ Summary: An old, long-forgotten promise between gods comes back to haunt Dante when it deposits an unfamiliar woman on his door. Claiming to be the descendant of Ler, she says that they’re meant to fulfill the oath made by Sparda centuries ago, and all he can do is watch as she turns his life upside down. Yet when her parents come knocking, demanding the oath be fulfilled, he’s forced to choose: return to the bachelor ways he loved so much, or give in to the emotions brewing between him.
The rest of the day passes with more ease than Lir could have hoped for. Dante gets her set up on the computer, a marvel of technology she never truly got to use before, creating an account for her and walking her through how to use the search engine, where to find the games that were pre-installed. The fact that she has access to solitaire, even if it's digital, delights her, and she wastes a few hours playing through it. Then she finds a news site and reads through the articles on the first page; a lady, her mother said, should know what is going on in the world in order to make conversation with her husband.
Dante, for his part, doesn't seem to do as much work as she'd thought. There are a few phone calls that he answers tersely, but none that make him move from behind the desk, where he dozes. Lir tries not to look too closely at the magazine over his face. The woman on the cover is far more curvaceous than she could ever be, and she wonders, more than once, if that's the sort of thing he prefers.
She's just gotten up to see what she can make them for dinner when the door to the shop opens. A young man enters, and the similarities between him and Dante are striking enough that Lir can only stare as he crosses the room towards her. "Is this her?" he asks.
Dante rocks up. "Nero? The hell are you doing here?"
"Hey, you're the one who called me," Nero retorts. "You scared Kyrie half to death with that warning of yours, so I wanted to come and see for myself what the fuss was about." His piercing gaze shifts back to Lir. "She doesn't seem so dangerous."
"Dante?" Lir's eyes go wide as he strides over, and the way he crosses his arms over his chest and stares down at her gives her deja vu. 
The boy narrows his eyes as he scowls. "Who are you and what do you want?"
"Okay, lay off," Dante calls over.
She shrinks back towards the wall as he rolls his neck. "Start talking, lady, or—"
"Hey!" They both turn to see Dante leaning forward in his chair, a scowl on his face. "I said lay off."
"No, you said there was a woman here who was trying to kill you." The young man flings out his arm as he turns and scoffs. "I'm here to help!"
"Some help," Dante laughs. "You are about twelve hours too late."
"Yeah, well I spent all night behind a dumpster looking for a pack of demonic squirrels." He looks around with a frown. "Did you clean?"
"No." Dante nods to her. "She did. Her name, by the way, is Lir, and she's not going to kill anyone as far as I know. Though I might if you don't back up."
It doesn't sound entirely genuine, but Nero does take a few steps away, though he continues to eye her distrustfully. "Where'd she come from?"
"Somewhere up north."
"Why's she here?"
Dante glances at her as he says, "Personal business."
Nero points at him, obviously exasperated. "Listen, you. Kyrie was in tears when I got home, she was so worried about you. If you got her that fuckin' worked up over nothing, I'm gonna come over there and shove my fist up your—"
"Nero? Was that your name?" Lir interrupts, quickly standing.
Her heart is pounding when the young man turns and frowns at her. But if he is threatening Dante, she should help somehow, so she holds out her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Lir."
He regards her suspiciously before shaking her hand. "Yeah, I'm Nero. Dante's a friend of mine." He puts his hands on his hips, and again the similarity between the two is striking. "So what's your personal business?"
"I'm here to marry Dante."
Before she can continue, Nero bursts out laughing, leaning over to brace himself on his knees to keep from falling over. "Dante! Oh my fuck, you ordered a bride? Are you insane?" He leans back with another round of laughter, wiping a tear from his eye. "Damn man, if you were that desperate I could have set you up with one of Kyrie's friends or something."
"I didn't order her," Dante sighs. "She's . . . It's sort of an arranged marriage thing."
"Wait, what?" Nero looks at her, and she nods. "Shit. Well, I feel sorry for you, Lir. This guy might be one of the best in the business, but he's never had any luck with the ladies."
"So I've heard." She glances between them again, noting the light hair, the strong jaw, the similar stance. "How do you two know each other again?"
"We met in Fortuna," Dante says. "I was on a job to deal with a cult, Nero worked for said cult. Wound up going against them when he realized what they had planned, but it's not like he knew they were bastards."
Nero gives a shrug. "I thought he was evil at first. Tried to kill him a couple of times."
"Never came close to it," Dante interjects, and Nero flips him off.
"Oh, I see." Lir studies them closely. "It's only . . . Well, you look so similar that I thought you might be related."
Nero scoffs loudly as Dante leans against his desk. "This guy? Yeah I don't think so." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I'd put a fucking bullet in my head if—"
"Okay, watch the language." Lir swallows her chuckle as Nero scowls at him defiantly. "You see? Everything is fine. You should head home."
"Yeah." But he's looking at her now, not Dante. "If you ever need to get away from this jackass for a while, give me a call. Kyrie would love the company. Hope you don't mind kids, though. We've got a couple. She runs an orphanage." There's more than a hint of pride in his voice, and it makes her smile.
"I'd love to visit, as long as Dante doesn't mind."
It's the right response by what she's been taught, but the way the two men glance at each other makes her feel that maybe it was the wrong thing to say. "Right," Nero says. "Well, be seeing you."
"Tell Kyrie I'm sorry for scarin' her," Dante calls after him. The door closes, and he sighs and settles back into his chair. "Kid's a pain," he says to Lir, "but his heart's in the right place."
"He's, um . . . interesting." She glances at Dante, who has gone back to his magazine. "You met him in Fortuna?"
Dante turns the page as she settles on the couch, frowning. "I read about Fortuna. That was last year, right? They had a cult dedicated to Sparda, your father."
She leans forward, brows raised expectantly, and when Dante doesn't look up she sighs loudly. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"Don't you think it's strange that there is a city founded on the demon Sparda, and a boy there exactly like you?" Dante looks up finally, but she rambles on, "They had many of his artifacts, right? Maybe Sparda isn't dead. He could have been living there, and there might be evidence there that proves what I've been saying. Maybe we can find him! And if we find him, then maybe . . ." She looks at him with wide eyes, the wheels turning in her head with the possibilities. "Perhaps you're not the son of Sparda I'm looking for."
His expression goes so cold that she instinctively steps back. It's as though all the progress she'd made in the last twenty-four hours has disappeared, leaving them back in the mire of mistrust they'd started in. "He's been dead for almost forty years," Dante tells her, "and the only sons he had were yours truly and Vergil, who's been dead for twenty."
"I'm sorry," she murmurs. Lir knows that she's supposed to soothe him somehow, but, because she is the cause of his ire, she has no idea what to do. "I only meant that maybe you would be free from dealing with me. I wasn't trying to—"
"And Nero," Dante continues, speaking sharply over her, "has been through enough shit in his life without you going and causing more of it for him because you think you have to bed one of Sparda's bloodline to be worth something."
Tears rise very suddenly, humiliation flooding through her. "I'm sorry," she whispers, but Dante has already returned to his magazine as if nothing had happened.
She blinks rapidly, then turns and moves quickly through the building, hurrying up the stairs and to her room. Lir keeps herself from slamming the door, closing it firmly and moving to sit heavily on the bed, breathing slowly in and out to keep herself from crying.
After several minutes, she wipes her eyes and smooths her hands down her shirt. "I'll make it up to him," she says out loud, standing on shaky legs. Then Lir heads to the bathroom, getting to work scrubbing it from top to bottom, pouring her mixed up emotions into making the marble sparkle.
She is elbow deep in some unpacked boxes in his bedroom when Dante comes to find her. "Hey, Lir, about what I said—"
Lir looks up to see him looking around the room with a grin. "Hey, it looks great in here!"
She opens her mouth to respond before closing it, not sure what she should say to him, or if it even matters that she replies. He moves over and kneels next to her, reaching into the box to pull out a baseball mitt. "Huh," he mumbles, then sets it back inside. "Find anything interesting?"
"I've only just started," she says quietly.
"Right." His fingers drum on his thigh. "I'm sorry. I know I was a bastard to you, and you didn't deserve that. But Lir, you . . . I mean, do you want to just marry me? Is that it for you?"
Lir freezes. The question is one she has never heard before, and she realizes she has never even considered it before. "It's hard for me to answer that," she replies slowly. "If I don't marry you, then what am I going to do?"
Dante shrugs. "You were talking about getting a job. You could do that. What do you want to do?"
She looks away, heat rising up her neck and burning her ears. The fact that she doesn't have an answer is humiliating, and she turns back to the box so Dante can't see her blush. "I'll have to think about that," she murmurs.
"Hey, why don't you give that a rest for a bit?" Lir glances out the side of her eye to see him tilting to the side, trying to catch her attention. "I'll take you out to eat. There's a good diner nearby."
"That's okay." She stands and clears her throat, trying to look composed. "I can make something, it's not a problem."
"Nah. You've done a ton already. Unless . . ." Lir looks up to see him giving her a teasing smile. "You don't want to go to dinner with me."
"I don't understand." He cocks his head, reminding her of the large hound who'd slept in the gardens and kept the foxes away from the hens. "Doing something like that is considered a date, is it not? A romantic gesture? Why would you ask me to go with you if you have no interest in me?"
Dante pauses, his brows furrowed. "It can be, I guess. But it's also a friendly thing. Or you can think of it as a reward. Shop looks better than it has in years, you've made two of the best meals I've ever had. Why wouldn't I want to pay you back?"
"Taking care of you is its own reward," she replies.
"Lir . . ."
"No, I mean it!" She tucks her hair behind her ear. "You seemed happy, and that was nice. I liked making you happy. I just keep . . . messing that up, and I'm sorry."
Dante gives her a smile, then nudges her with his elbow. "Go clean up. Meet you at the front door in five."
He turns and heads into the washroom, his shouts over how clean it is making her giggle. Lir heads back to her room, using the guest bath to wash her face and hands before running a comb through her hair and changing her shirt into a short-sleeved blouse. After a brief debate she dusts some mascara on her eyelashes and applies a bit of lip balm before heading downstairs to meet him exactly five minutes later.
The sight of him renders her speechless. Breathless, too, if she feels like being a bit more cliche, but he looks so good and it's the first time she's really taken him in as a whole since she arrived. The dark denim of his trousers clings to his thick thighs and firm backside almost like a second skin, just loose enough to avoid being considered indecent, and she quickly lifts her eyes up to his chest when she notices the hinted bulge between his legs. But that's no better for her, as the button-down he's wearing shows off his broad shoulders and strong arms, and his hair is loosely gathered at the nape of his neck, highlighting his soft lips and straight nose.
Dante is, in a word, devastating. 
Her skin feels too tight and too hot when he grins at her. "You look nice," he says.
"Do I?"
Her voice comes out like a weird half-whisper, and he nods. "Yup. Like a normal person."
That isn't what she had expected, but he is sliding on his leather coat and pressing his hand to her back, leading her to the door. "Okay if we walk? It's only two blocks."
"Yeah, it's fine." Dante doesn't offer his arm and she doesn't ask, so they stroll together side by side. Lir takes the chance to look around, trying to familiarize herself with the buildings and streets. Everything seems so on top of everything else, and the paved sidewalks offer little greenery as she is used to seeing, but Lir smiles to herself as she takes it all in. The slower rural life never seemed to really suit her, and she enjoys the energy from the city around them as she follows Dante to the diner.
"You ever been to one of these?" he asks, breaking her from her thoughts. Lir shakes her head, and the smile that lights up his face only makes him more handsome. Her mouth goes dry as she studies his lips, wondering if they're anywhere near as supple as they look, how they'd feel on hers, on her throat, at her breast. "You'll love it. A waitress brings you a menu, and you pick what you want to eat. Cheap, delicious, and sure to fill you up."
Like you probably would, she almost says, but merely nods, blushing furiously. "It sounds strange," she says. "Are the waitresses paid?"
"Yeah, but not a lot. But they get tips." He opens the door for them and leads them to a booth, taking opposite sides. It is only half filled, and Lir looks around curiously, watching the waitresses move between the tables. She can see into the kitchen in the back over the counter, and the place is filled with a rich mixture of delicious smells.
A woman comes over and hands them two large menus. "Look at you! Brought a girl this time, hm?" She winks at Dante who smiles back, and the waitress pinches his cheek. "Cutie. Want your usual?"
"You know it." He leans against the seat, slinging his arm over the top of it. "Cindy, this is Lir. She's staying with me for a few days. Lir, this is Cindy. I told you about her yesterday."
Lir nods, murmuring a polite greeting. The waitress, Cindy, is tall, with an hourglass figure that makes her a bit self-conscious. Of course all the women he knows would be gorgeous, she thinks, and the fact that she'd dressed up a bit makes her feel ridiculous now. "Hey, darling," Cindy greets her. "You need a minute to look over the menu?"
"Please," she replies softly.
"Sure thing! I'll get you some water. Just give me a shout whenever you're ready!" 
Cindy heads behind the counter and Lir, her appetite gone, studies the menu, looking for something light she can pick at so as to not offend Dante. Is this what it is to be jealous? Why is it bothering her now, and not before? She's debating between a Caesar and a garden salad when Dante clears his throat. "You alright?"
She hears him shift. "You sure?"
"Please," she whispers. "Please, don't ask me. I don't want to make a fool of myself."
"Uh . . . okay. What are you thinking?"
That this was a mistake, she thinks, but Lir clears her throat. "A salad."
"No way. Get a cheeseburger. They are the best here."
Lir glances over the top of the menu. His expression is charming, and she closes the menu and sets it down. "Okay. Cheeseburger it is."
He smiles at her a bit warily. Is he afraid that she's going to burst into tears in the middle of the diner? Cindy returns, and they order, and when their food arrives Lir can only stare, half in awe and half in horror, at the monstrous burger, mountain of fries, and giant sundae placed in front of Dante. He sets in on it, wolfing it down as she carefully works through her own plate; it's greasier than anything she's ever eaten before, cheese dripping from the patty, and the fries are crisp and salted.
It's delicious.
Dante pays when they've finished, stretching his arms over his head with a hearty belch that has her side-eyeing him. Then, with a playful farewell to Cindy and a hefty tip, he offers Lir his hand and helps her up, letting her go as they leave the diner. Being next to him now feels comfortable, if still uncertain, and they say very little on the walk back towards the Devil May Cry.
"I gotta ask you something," Dante says.
She looks up curiously. "Of course."
"You seemed, uh . . ." He rubs the back of his neck. "I don't know how to put this. Like you've never seen a burger before? I know you are from the boonies or whatever, but . . ." He gives her a side eye that has her blushing. "I mean you were impressed with that old computer in the shop and that thing is almost as old as I am!"
Despite the embarrassment from his assessment, Lir giggles. "I grew up . . . I guess sheltered is the right word. My family is part of a group that heads our community, and as the direct descendants of Ler, there was even more pressure, all eyes watching. As a daughter of the family, I was expected to wait for the son of Sparda." She chuckles at the look he gives her. "I know, it seems strange, doesn't it?"
Dante shrugs. "Doesn't sound too off from the Order in Fortuna. It's just odd to hear when people treat Sparda like he was some big deal."
Lir looks at him in shock. "Sparda is a big deal! He delivered humanity from the demons! And now you carry on his work."
She smiles at him, but he looks unconvinced. "You're starting to remind me of Vergil."
"Vergil?" Lir struggles to recall where she's heard the name before. "That was your brother's name, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. He was obsessed with gaining our father's power and got a lot of people killed doin' it. Then he wound up serving Mundus until . . . Well, there probably wasn't much of him left by then." 
"I'm sorry," she murmurs.
Lir places a hand on his arm, rubbing it gently, and Dante shrugs. "Long time ago," he says. "It's just still funny to me to hear people making a big deal about Sparda. To me he was just . . . my dad, I guess."
She thinks of her own father, his warm smile and big bear hugs, the little gifts he would give them of candy and trinkets, the way he would sing loudly when he indulged too much and laugh at her mother's tutting. Could it be possible that the great knight Sparda, deliverer of humanity and savior of the world, drank too much and embarrassed his wife with his singing?
"Is there anything you want to do?" Dante asks, pulling her from her thoughts. "While you're staying in the city, I mean. Something you want to do tomorrow?"
"Could we . . ." Hesitating, she comes to a stop, and he turns after a few steps to give her a curious look. "Could we go to the aquarium? I read online that there's one not far from your home, and I . . . I'm sorry, it's a silly request."
Dante makes a noise that might be a cough. "Nah, nah, it's . . . Nothing wrong with wanting to see it. Sure. We can go."
"Really?" Lir claps her hands excitedly, then reaches out to take his arm. "I've always wanted to see one! I've only seen pictures."
Dante barks out a laugh as they cross the street, but he doesn't comment on Lir holding onto his arm. "You lived by the water and yet never saw a fish?"
"I've seen fish. But not ocean creatures." She sighs and puts her head on his arm, thinking to herself as they walk. "Even if I do go back home, it'll be worth it to see some jellyfish."
"Would all that really happen to you?" he asks, his tone serious. "Taking your tongue or whatever?"
Lir straightens, suddenly aware of how close they are. She lets go of his arm but he moves closer, so they walk elbow to elbow. "I don't know, honestly," she says, laughing nervously. "I'm the first one to meet a son of Sparda. Not really a precedent."
"I see." He turns them down a corner, and then stops, leaving her to turn curiously. "What I don't see is where we are."
Lir looks around, frowning. "We're lost?"
"Not exactly. I thought we'd take the long way, but . . . oh wait! There's Front Street. Come on."
Dante drapes an arm over her shoulders, tucking her neatly to his side. The warmth of him makes her flush, as does the intimate nature of the act, but the blooming hope that maybe this means good things for them is crushed when he leans down to whisper into her hair, "On my mark, find a place to hide yourself. Something's been followin' us for the last couple of blocks, and it's gonna get messy."
"Probably," he agrees. He gives her a squeeze before releasing her, pushing her forward with a hand at her back. "Go." 
Lir takes two steps forward. Then she feels it, something dark and dangerous that pulls on her lungs and stomach before dousing her like a bucket of cold water. She turns, afraid to look but unable to stop, and watches as Dante reaches under his coat and pulls two revolvers out. Beyond him, in the shadows, emerges three creatures the likes of which she has never seen. They look like bugs: huge, overgrown bumblebees, with stingers on the end of their lumpy bodies and claws that reach outward.
"Go screw off," Dante says.
The click as he pulls the hammer makes Lir jump. Run! she yells at herself, but before she can gunfire erupts. The flash from the barrel is bright on the dark street, the lampposts somehow out and bathing them in darkness. One of the creatures screams as it is hit, another advancing with a swipe that Dante ducks and avoids easily.
She stands frozen as she watches him fight, firing off shots that connect each time and leave the demons howling and spraying dark blood. It is a horrible sight, something out of a nightmare, but Dante seems almost unbothered. He seems to barely break a sweat as he delivers a kick to one, using the lid of a trash can to smash into another, and by the time he has eliminated all three, Lir's heart is pounding in excitement.
Dante flips the back of his coat up with a chuckle, replacing the guns before turning around. He catches sight of her gaping and frowns deeply. "Didn't I tell you to hide?" 
"You . . ." Her voice is too strangled to work properly, but there's so much she wants to say in that moment. Thank you for protecting me, you really are the son of Sparda, where did you learn to fight, did you recognize them, the list expands with every second that crawls by until, fed up with her own inability to speak, Lir darts forward and flings her arms around his waist, sending him stumbling a step.
He gives a curse as he catches her. Lir takes a few steadying breaths as the adrenaline pulses in her veins. "You were amazing," she breathes, looking up at his startled expression. "The way you handled them so easily! Your skill is incredible!"
"What? Nah." Dante eases her back, but Lir keeps hold of his jacket as he rubs his cheek sheepishly. "They were nothing."
"No! No, you were . . ." Her voice fades away as she looks at him almost dreamily. "Just like the great knight Sparda. You are a hope for humanity."
He opens his mouth. Closes it. It looks, to her, as though he is trying to figure out what to say, and her suspicions are confirmed when he clears his throat. "Look. I know you were raised to . . . Well, I don't know that you worshipped him, but to at least respect him, but you gotta . . . Can you relax with the hope for humanity stuff?"
"Oh." She lets her hands fall away. "Of course. I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realize that it was making you uncomfortable. I'll refrain from it from now on."
"I mean, this is the guy who I watched nearly set a house on fire trying to make burgers, y'know? He was never a hero to me." He scratches the back of his neck. "Just . . . strange. That's all."
Lir nods, and they stand there for a moment, not making eye contact. Finally she says, "You were very good though. Thank you for doing that."
"Yeah. It's my job, right?" Dante huffs out an awkward laugh before jerking his chin. "Come on, we're only a couple of blocks from home."
Home? Lir doesn't comment as she follows him, but she doesn't take his arm again either. They don't speak again until they are back at the Devil May Cry, and the two once again stand awkwardly in the foyer, Lir's eyes down as she watches him shuffle his feet.
It's Dante who breaks the silence with a sigh. "I keep saying the wrong things, huh?"
"What?" Her gaze snaps to his face.
"I keep forgetting that people out there only know about the legend. Makes sense that you'd say those things about him. I only meant . . ." Dante tilts his head back. "Ah, hell, I'm no good at this."
"Will you tell me about him?" Lir asks. "What he was really like?"
"Maybe tomorrow," Dante says. "It's getting late."
Lir nods, feeling more than a little disappointed. "You're right."
"We should be hearing from Lady tomorrow," he offers.
It should be good news, but it feels heavy. The sooner Lady confirms her story, the sooner Lir will have to move on. "Yeah," she replies. "I'll head upstairs then."
Dante doesn't say anything, so she turns and moves to the steps. "Goodnight," he calls to her when she reaches the bottom.
Lir turns around hopefully, but he's at his desk, back turned as he looks through the mail. "Goodnight," she murmurs back before heading up the steps.
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