#okegom x reader
poorxsouls · 4 months
Yandere gods HCs!!༝༚༝༚✮
TW: yanderism, torture, murder/killing, sadism, egotism, slight lewdness 4 Fumus, yanderisk behavior, He/she pronouns for Elux bc I said so, slight angst for Etihw, etc.. Liliya is excluded due to me not having much to go off his character..
Tags: reader x character, y/n x character, Siralos x reader, Elux x reader, Etihw x reader, Fumus x reader, separate x reader, gods x reader, Okegom x reader, funanusea x reader, dsp/deep sea prisnoer x reader, mogeko x reader, TGG/the gray garden x reader, x reader, x you, x y/n..
Requested by @/Fr1endWe1rdo on Wattpad, I will make more in detailed versions later on in the future.
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Yandere type: self indulgent
-Siralos, unlike most of the gods, doesn't kidnap you and instead would rather lure you into his home. He often charms you first, being kind to you for long enough for you to consider being in his home before asking if you would stay with him.
-if you say yes, he thanks you, but even if you say no, he doesn't mind it—he's willing to wait!... unlike someone... AHEM! Once you two are together, he switches a switch and stops becoming so nice (unless you beg or he feels like it) which cause you to complain about it and he just scoffs while reminding you that you came to him and he can easily just punish you.
-Siralos doesn't really care about anything when it comes to you unless it's you being disobedient towards him which can either A) get you killed or B) wished you get killed. He isn't against turning his eye on a bit of punishment, but he knows it's better to make you wish he just gave you a punishment instead.
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Yandere type: obsessive + manic
-Elux gets bored easily, losing interest in people and things with ease until he meet you of course. It's been ages since she has meet someone who doesn't bore her whenever they talk about something other than her greatness, so to have someone as amazing as you being in his life, she feels incredibly interested in every part of you to exist. Elux often clings onto you and notices every small detail about yourself.
-Depending on Elux's mood/personality, you can either have a okay or a horrible day. Either way, you end up in the god's hands no matter what. You talking to Sol? You end up pulled away by Elux. You tending to the garden? You end up being picked up by your feet and bragged to the castle by Elux. In Elux's mind (which is always right, of course), you aren't allowed to give anything or anyone your attention unless it's Elux.
-Elux often doesn't give you space and/or privacy, often watching you sleep and sneaking around behind you. Elux doesn't really see her behavior as wrong, he just sees it as having interest in you and your life. He doesn't mind it when you insult him, fight back, or anything along those lines because Elux just feels amusement at your pathetic state—but he does punish you a few times whenever she's in ah—"mood" lets say? The point is, you won't be able to see him be completely "mad" over anything you do.
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Yandere type: manipulative + sadistic
-Fumus first saw you as another plaything he could use, a torture toy for his own selfish needs until he started to develop a possessive feeling over you. Now, he mostly leaves bruises and a collar on your neck as a way to mark you whenever you two go outside together which is often.
-He doesn't love you, he doesn't care for you, you hear it all which in a way is true... but, Fumus still isn't willing to let you go, he still wants you near by—mostly forcing you to sit on his lap or choking you. In general, he's a horrible choice whether he's in a bad or good mode. He just wants you.
-Sometimes he gives you "gift", often being chopped up body parts of angels that dare speak or glance over at you. But, sometimes you get moments of "peace" whenever Fumus lets you rest on his lap after you beg him (which usually ends up in him hurting you most times).
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Yandere type : Isolating + overprotective
-For starters, Etihw is more sad, she isn't really a threat when you think about it.. especially after the war. Etihw mostly was tame (compared to the others), expect for the few moments she was protective over you. So,—just imagen your surprise when one day you woke up in a cage. Not being tied up, not being chained, just sitting in a cage that was clustered as ever imaginable.
-Etihw often just watches over you, looking down at you with a blank expression with slight guilt before she leaves the room to go on with her godly duties which she doesn't actually pay attention to as much as you like to admit. Of course, Etihw's subordinates do look after you every now and then, but she quickly becomes overprotective over you, so they don't stay for long.
-After Ivlis destroyed the world Etihw worked so hard to make, she only became worst. It took her a lot not to rip that flame devil's guts out when he bared mentioned your name, but luckily, Ivlis wasn't interested in "Etihw's plaything" as he called you. Etihw put you in a more smaller place, the new cage being much more clustered due while Etihw cling onto you—often hugging you close and crying into your shoulder, finding comfort in you while not caring about yourself.
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belladoun · 1 month
Too empathetic.
(Ivlis x God!Reader)
You find it hard not to pity him, not to feel fueled with rage on his behalf.
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You weren't a violent person.
Truly, at heart, it was almost as if you were incapable. You'd get angry and seethe, sure, but you'd never resort to hurting someone. It was below you, in a way. A sign that someone couldn't even deny their baser instincts. It was illogical. To you, the gritted teeth and clenched fists of those around were nothing more than the tantrums of a toddler.
You couldn't deny the way violence seemed to etch itself into your bones seeing the way a specific someone was treated by everyone around. It wasn't hard to see the signs. The sneers from others, the way bruises seemed to creep across his skin like lace, the way he'd flinch away from his self-proclaimed lover? It disgusted you. On a level of which bloomed concern in your mind.
Of all the people, you'd say.
Of all the people to invoke sympathy upon you. Of all the people to receive such wretched treatment from others who claimed to be better (others who had done far worse). It was pathetic. It truly, truly disgusted you.
It wasn't right.
The level of hypocrisy from those who'd hurt him. The level of weakness that seeped from his very being, the way he seemed to be unable to accomplish the most basics of tasks, beating the most inept opponents. It frustrated you. It drove you up the fucking wall. It seemed so nonsensical to you, but you kept to yourself. You didn't know him deeply, only the topmost layer of his history.
Cast from his creator's favor, beaten and overcome, trained as if an unruly dog, father (mother) of three. You didn't claim to know anything of him, not truly. You wouldn't stand up for him, wouldn't challenge others at your inconvenience. And yet. And yet, he wouldn't leave your mind.
You wanted nothing to do with him. Nothing at all.
It got harder to tell yourself that.
Finding him caked in his own blood, bent over in a corner. Body shuddering with sobs, yet face struck with almost paralyzed emptiness. It sickened you. It sickened you how much your faith in staying out of it, of staying impartial could easily be swayed by such a pathetic being.
(He wasn't pathetic. You forced yourself to think of him as lesser, to see him as less of a person so the truth of his mistreatment was easier to swallow. Was easier to ignore.)
Apparently, you had stood in that spot for far too long. Simply observing, taking note of every shuddered breath. He didn't seem to notice you. Not focused on anything in particular, detached for his own sake.
You didn't notice the steps skipping their way down the hall, didn't bother to take your mind from him. Said mind slipped down a leaking crevice, into a puddle of disgust. With yourself, this situation, everything. How much could you continue to ignore, how far could you damn yourself staying impartial? You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, blocking out all sound.
A mistake. Mixing with him would be a mistake. Helping him, turning away, it all would curse you irreparably. What could you do? What could you do? "What are you doing?"
You knew who it was without even turning his way. You loathed him more than anything. One of the main causes for the suffering of this land, of its people. Of him, particularly. He was pitiful himself, too. But you couldn't find any semblance of sympathy, more like detached disappointment.
You forcefully tore your gaze from Ivlis.
Him, him, him, pitiful, pathetic Ivlis. His name made him more of a person, made him more important. He couldn't be important to you. He couldn't. Was he important to anyone? Would he have ended up in a better position had anyone stopped to show him an ounce of care? You didn't want to think about it. You wanted nothing to do with him.
"I'm doing nothing." He meant nothing to you.
"Just watching." How much longer could you sit by and watch this happen? "It's not too often I stumble across such violence." You were never a violent person. The words almost catch in your throat, clogging like vomit. It was beneath you, talking to Satanick. He wasn't worth even your gaze, beyond glances of derision.
Ivlis wasn't a good person, wasn't a flawless victim. He'd hurt others, countlessly. He wielded violence like it was a toy, trying to mimic those he wished would respect him. It was a childish, pitiful attempt, one you'd turned your nose up at. You hated the cycle of trauma, you hated how some of those who were abused would mimic their abusers.
It didn't always happen, you were proof of it. You had kept from violence, kept your head on your shoulders. And to risk it? Risk bloodying your hands for him, of all people? Risk incurring the wrath of others for something you should stay out of, that didn't involve you?
"You seem to be doing more than watching." You took note of Satanick's expression. It was pinched, confused but on guard. You hardly ever saw him so serious, so full of trepidation. You had to wonder, what expression did you hold for him to look that way?
Tilting your head, you tried to school your face. "I don't intend to overstep." Satanick doesn't seem any more relieved by this, his hands clenching. All of your focus is on him now, not allowing a single thought of Ivlis to consume you. You ignore the way he goes deathly silent every time Satanick opens his mouth, his breathing stilling.
"I've seen the way you look at him." He might be threatening you. He's got a sly grin, his head cocked to the side to almost mimic you. You can't tell if he's playing at being casual, but the way his eyes are laser focused on your every moment betrays his relaxed tone. It's a sudden switch to his demeanor just a moment ago, as if he's made up his mind about something.
It doesn't take a genius to tell he's testing the waters. Testing you. Testing your neutrality.
"What? Do you want to play with him, too?" He's doing what he always does. Being a child. You try not to scowl. His smile is knowing, taking a step forward. You're not sure if you want him to get close to Ivlis, so you take a few steps forward and meet him halfway.
It's not him you'd have to fear anyways, it'd be his brother he'd go and cry to. A devil is of no threat to you.
He seems to relax upon seeing your acquiescence of his approach, expression becoming softer. You'd never been particularly unkind to him, tried not to let your impartiality break with any of the immortals. "Y'know...." He started, leaning forward.
You refused to budge, letting him enter your personal space. "There's always room for you to join in." What an honor. There's an excitement in the way he's carrying himself now, as if he's discovered a new playmate. He's so simple. Practically purring his words, filled with mirth.
Usually, you wouldn't entertain him with a response. But lately, you weren't making sense to yourself, to your ideals. You could feel the way your magic built within you, coursing through your veins and honing itself for your disposal.
You'd be reckless, today. You'd ruin everything.
What a pity, what a shame.
You smile, a genuine one that feels freeing. Satanick seems surprised by this, eyes widening. You decide you're tired of being an observer, not an active participant in the game. "I'd love to play." You coo, reaching forward and lacing your arms around his shoulders. You tug him towards yourself, not surprised to find no resistance.
Perhaps he was stunned by your perceived favor, having stood with such disinterest among them all for so long.
You rest your head against his shoulder, sliding your hands along his back. You slip the tip of your finger along his spine, feeling him shudder. There. Digging in your finger suddenly, your nails enlarge into a point, injecting him with enough of your magic to put him out like a light.
You feel him seize, an animalistic grunt escaping his mouth as his own arms that had held you in reciprocation- grip you with strength, trying to squeeze, trying to pry you off.
What a fool, to let you mingle among them. What pathetic idiots, to let themselves relax in the face of your indifference. You can't blame them for growing comfortable though, you'd stood stagnant for far too long.
Satanick's body goes limp in your hold, and you let him fall to the floor. You wipe your hands on your coat, clicking your tongue. You're an idiot, you know that?
You turn to Ivlis, surprised to find him looking at you. He'd always refused to look you in the eyes. Now, he meets your gaze with a glint of consciousness. You guess all the excitement had woken him from his disassociation. He doesn't seem to know what to do, his mouth agape and his body still.
You don't bother relieving him of his confusion, instead stepping over the body at your feet and making your way to him. He doesn't move, but you notice he's started trembling again.
You get as close as you think you can without him lashing out, and crouch down, lowering yourself to his level. "You're not a good person." You're sure he didn't expect those words, seeming to stun him into a stupor. His eyebrows furrow, and he blinks a few times. You don't wait for a response.
"You're not a good person, but I'm too empathetic for my own good. You're coming with me." He seems to snap to attention at that. You're curious, wondering if he'll try to attack you or escape. He does neither of these things, seeming resigned.
He's probably thinking- he's so weak against Satanick, what could he do when faced with you? You allow the pity that thought brings to wash over you for a moment, before sighing.
You slide your hand across the floor, allow magic to seep into the carpet and slice open a portal. "I gave up my vow of impartiality for you, so allow me this." You motion towards the opening, and try to smile softly. "Just get in."
You're an idiot.
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Get cliffhangered. Okegom popped up on my feed & I was like, "No... The terror...." And then I felt the urge 2 write. Ivlis is such a soggy shitty guy, but all he suffers thru irks me. I still want to hit him with my car, though. Okegom characters r meant 2 be shit on. Ignore any mischaracterization. This came 2 me in a haze. Maybe one day... Part 2..... Christening my blog w ts. If it don't make sense.... Shhhhhhhh...... Be quiet, kitten. Mama's insane. She's revisiting old series she shouldn't have been into as a kid.
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nocturnalpl4gue · 3 months
opened reqs ╱(㇏⌃>۵<⌃ノ)╲ !!!!
feel free to ask me of any fandom tagged below!!! i will write of anything except:
minor nsfw
excessive eroguro
i might take some time because i have a bunch to do + personal issues but i’ll try my best ^_^
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taking-a-cupcake · 3 months
Hai hai can u req Met (okegom ^_^) x fem(obvi) reader going on a cute date! Hope this is good enough cuz I don’t have any ideas rn ヽ(;▽;)ノ
met x fem!reader fluff ^_^
you’re both on a date
You arrive at a garden, your heart fluttering with excitement. You spot Met sitting on a bench waiting for you, looking absolutely radiant in the afternoon sun. She sees you and waves, a smile lighting up her face.
'Hey!' she calls out, standing up — or floating to greet you. You walk over, taking in her floral print dress-shirt and jean shorts; and the way her hair catches the light.
'Hi,' you say, your voice barely above a whisper. You're suddenly nervous, but in the best way possible.
Met takes your hand and leads you deeper into the garden. 'I thought we could pick some flowers and make flower crowns,' she says, gesturing to the rows of blooms surrounding you.
Together, you wander through the garden, selecting the perfect flowers for your crowns. Met chats animatedly about the different varieties and how they each have their own unique meanings. You listen, enraptured, as she tells you about her love for nature and the peace it brings her.
As you gather flowers, Met reaches out and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 'You're so beautiful,' she says, her voice soft and sincere. You blush, feeling your cheeks heat up.
With your arms full of flowers, you head back to the bench and begin to weave them into crowns. Met shows you how to twist the stems together and add in smaller flowers for added detail. The process is meditative, and you find yourself lost in the moment, completely at ease with Met by your side.
Once your crowns are complete, you both place them on your heads and admire each other. 'You look like a fairy queen,' Met says, giggling, her eyes shining with admiration. You can't help but agree – she looks absolutely magical.
You decide to take a break and have a picnic. Met has packed a spread of delicious snacks – cheese and crackers, grapes, and a bottle of sparkling water. You sit on a blanket under a tree and enjoy the food, chatting and laughing as you eat.
At one point, Met reaches over and takes your hand, entwining her fingers with yours. You look at her, surprised but delighted. She smiles at you, her eyes full of warmth.
'I'm so glad we did this,' she says, squeezing your hand.
'Me too,' you reply, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
As the afternoon wears on, you and Met continue to relax and enjoy each other's company. You talk about everything – your hopes and dreams, your fears and insecurities. It feels like you've known each other forever, and you're grateful for the connection you share.
Eventually, Met leans in and kisses you. It's a soft, gentle kiss – the kind that makes your heart flutter and your toes curl. You kiss her back, feeling a sense of warmth and ease.
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Fandom's I Write For + Note
So I'm back!! After a much much needed long break, I'm finally back to start writing again! Please, as usual, read the note at the end before requesting along with my blog rules! It is VERY important.
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Boyfriend To Death
Various Yandere Visual Novel Games, Please Feel Free to Ask!
Expect the list to be added onto later in the future~
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I figured I’d get this out of the way before it happens. I will not, I repeat, will NOT answer any mature or malicious asks for minors. The only time I will answer is if it’s for a sibling or friendship ask, but do not count on that every time. I don’t care if it’s “aged up”, I will delete your ask from my inbox and you will remain either unanswered or blocked if your account is visible.
Another note, I see your asks, those who have been waiting for a response! Those asks getting answered is my priority at the moment! Until they're all answered, I will not get to the newer asks immediately until the old ones are done. If there is an instance where your ask may have gotten lost in time, please feel free to request again! <3
Thank you!
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memocaca · 2 years
welcome to my writing blog <3
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★ call me astri ! i use she/he/it pronouns and i'm a minor :] ★ i'm relatively new to writing so please go easy on me , english isn't my first language .
★ i may write for morally wrong / problematic characters . although i will be diverging from canon , please block me instead of reporting if this makes you uncomfortable .
★ i don't write smut yet ( mainly because i can't write it properly ) ★ i'm willing to write dark content but i will not be writing anything directly involving assault under any circumstance .
★ i usually only write drabbles + headcanons , and the ocassional oneshot . ★ as of now , i will mainly do watgbs content , including crossover characters . ★ i only do self inserts / x readers at the moment .
★ i very very very much encourage interacting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ★ it may take some time for me to respond to and finish requests because i'm currently still in school + timezone differences , but i'll try my best to at least respond within a week
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cayte-vende · 10 months
Can you make an Idate x Orca!Reader plsplspls
Also I'd like it more if reader has a rough and rebellious attitude towards him ^_^!!!
Thank you!
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Cayte-vende Note : oh damn sorry dude for taking so long been on something that forgot a request, hope this can keep up your liking just hoping okay that's all
Reader always will be [Redacted] and i will use this on every request, in this one reader Gn since it can be male or female readers.
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Oh? Another orca, that just a thing to see
Idate idate,a most likely an orca on a stroll i mean he said it and yet who knows what he doing by now
He sadistic, violent, yet cruel, but olso we'll relaxed mentality, and a laid back he of course an orca on a stroll, you never know what mood he is on, weather is kicking their victim to absolutely mess or a gentleman/helpful orca to other animal just like what he do to Tatsumiya [ he do this because of boredom not of pity ]
Oh what even you're an orca? Nothing changed he will reach out some violence to everyone, i see it we see it , though this will be seen rarely not often, if you one of his pods that's good, not really deep-sea prisoner/funamusea probably write him as the torturing orca i mean having to violently beating his prey is a things for him [ thought I'm not sure about orca can kill each other or not it's so rarely though so consider it can be and can't be ]
An orca will be an orca, cruelty is their nature, thought is just the techniques to hunt food from the land, sea, and sky, as much idate is a orca of course he do this
As much the wiki say, idate is a bi but more a strong preference for women, but let's say change the things little bit for my gay shit thingy, he go other way male, female sure he doesn't mind
With a orca [Redacted] , he will be teases and pokes fun at others in a way that confuses and frustrates them, so yeah pretty much you going have to live with it there's no way to get out, good luck with what you got
Is he a sweet orca? Oh.. No, maybe but no, i don't know what will funamusea/deep-sea prisoner will write him as be, but i think he not a sweet person, he can but for some reason i think he not, to think he's a sweet it's just delusional things, consider him torture his prey for plaything and his Obsesseion with smoking, not to mention he even drinking
Okay end the things hire now for [Redacted] , a personality who rough and Rebellious attitude toward him will be something, he like it yet things going to the worse, it's probably going to be like Rocma, yes different personality but it's will probably going that way
If you know what things go, unhealthy obsession, this unhealthy obsession is something you should get out or get away, as he knows for torture he do this to rocma so he can do it to you too, ask him why did he do this, easy it's because he like the look of people face, how get sad and hopeless face just like Shirogane, or disgust and hated like rocma
Not to mention that he probably can and probably will do things to you if you didn't want it, he doesn't care, like what things he do to rocma [ poor her though.. B( ]
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yosaflamesworld · 7 months
give me fumus x god reader smut
topic can b up 2 u i just need more fumus x reader content
Warnings: NFSW, cursing, angst at the start.
Reader has no gender but has a clit. With a symbol that covers it. Like etihw.
You lay in your shared bed waving your hair in your hands peacefully, as your lover fumus went out as always to either watch husband creations train or just sleep in his office or discipline his angels as he says. Those poor darlings. But he says it's nothing to worry about as always, you've kept watch over a few, especially taffy, the one that suffered the most out of all, poor him, you felt bad for all of them especially elwine, recently Nadine had disappeared. It gravely upset the cat like angel, she came crying to you about her, you asured her she'd return eventually. She'd hugged you so tightly. You cradled her sobbing form that moment. She thanked you for making her feel better after that, she usually hung around you when she wasn't happy.. to think now I think it's time to get up
You get up and dress up brushing your hair as your aura flows around you, you then look presentable with your perfect outfit, you head towards the door and open and step outside, everyone's around, training, fumus no where to be seen, ofcourse.. taffy teaching his class how to get rid of demons, natural. Maybe just grumpy again. You go off to do your own thing, for the whole day
It's almost nighttime, you decide to watch the sunlight, your hair floats in the wind.. you feel a presence, a strong and forceful one.. you turn around to see your loved fumus. Smoking behind you..
"Mm... come on.. were going inside now."
"Ah.. okay.."
There's no way you can disagree or argue. Your punishment may be worse than taffys, more brutal. You follow him inside, best to be obedient, you follow him to ypur shared bedroom, then he's nowhere to be seen, you suddenly lifted and thrown into the bed. He puts ĥis warm hand and fingers to your thigh and began hand rubbing it roughly. You shutter and whimper as he towers over you.. still kissing you. He breaks off the kiss, panting a bit from how long you were kissing for. He leans into your neck and puts kisses and hickeys. "Slut. My pretty little cum slut"He then uses his free hand to move your underwear and pants and move it down your legs forcefully.. you whimper due to the contact he's making on your neck, you don't notice the contact he's gonna make on you, He straightens his posture, taking your pants and underwear.. revealing your clit, with symbol on it. Specially a cloud symbol, he then sticks a finger into your clit, he already begins pumping it in And out harshly. You choke sob and Moans to this, it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time, God you were beginning to reach your high between your pain and pleasure high. As soon as you almost did he pulls out his slick covered finger. It dripped, he plops it into your mouth, He smirks as you struggle to keep his finger in your mouth, "Your being so good for me... you deserve this dick don't you..?"
You nod almost to your high if he kept this up.. he puts his hand to his pants and zips it down and then pulling his boxers down enough for his massive, veiny dick to come out, he just shoves it into your aching clit, and begins moving after a 5 seconds pass. He's just thrusting carelessly, you moan and arch as he keels this up at a fast but soon he'll be going at a harsh pace, his dick going into your aching wet folds. He's gonna fucking oversimulate you badly, you won't be out of the bedroom for days. He doesn't care though. You reach your high as he's still rotting into your wet folds, ruining you each time, but your almost close to cumming"A-Ah... fumus! I-I'm.. gonn- cum..Please!"He smirks as he Thrusts harshly into you"Heh..Whore."
He Thrusts and fucks into you Relentlessly as you moan and cry for him to stop, and be slower. But he just degrades you and Thrusts harsher each time you beg... you then.. reach your second climax of the night.. but.
"I'm not Finished With You yet. Slut."
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onceonafullmoon · 1 year
Hi, could you please tell us a bit more about Tsundere/Yandere Fumus? I saw what you wrote about Tsundere/Yandere Fumus, and I was curious if you had thought of anything. I really like your writing and I hope I'm not bothering you. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.
Me when I get to talk about an awful man: 😈 (also these are leaning more towards yan then tsun, so sorry about that)
Yandere Fumus x GN! Reader HCs
Tw!! Violence/torture towards reader and other characters, manipulation (guilt tripping) and non-con mentions
Well, firstly, you’re fucked. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
You’d probably meet through being affiliated with someone else, like Satanick or Taffy, rather than meeting Fumus head on.
See, he’s a bit of the asshole curious type like that, always wanting to know what his toys are amusing themselves with.
When you think about it, it's kinda like a child who only wants to play with his peers toys, but more unhinged and fucked up
Either way, despite their wishes, he’ll either stumble across you or go out of his way to visit you.
You wouldn't think much when you do meet him, he's not outwardly threatening compared like others you might have met. In fact, with the way he seems to disregard your presence enirely, like he's above you, you'd probably just think of him as some typical asshole, the only unsettling thing about him bring those piercing violet eyes of his.
Its only when you turn to see your affilates reaction of utter horror and dread that you realize something is terribly wrong.
When he leaves, you try to pry into what they're so worried about, but whether through straight dismissal (Taffy) or dancing around the topic (Satanick) neither will answer you head on.
Anyways, with Fumus's growing interest in you, you can't really afford to worry about either of them, his visits growing more frequent and that same oppressive feeling growing greater as they do.
It won't be long until you find yourself in his domain, the stench of cleaning products permeating the air.
And is that blood you see in the corner?
Your first few visits will ineviably end in screaming and crying, blood splattered on almost every surface of his office, the same loving treatment Fumus gives all his toys.
You might try to reach out to find help during this time, only to be dismissed entirely by Satanick with a helpless grin or a rather unfortunate response of "it never hurts as much the first time" from Taffy.
You could also try to escape... but running from a God is pointless, which you'll find out through bruises, or if you're particularly unlucky, broken bones.
Meanwhile, Fumus is going through somewhat of a... crisis... on his part as well.
See he only meant to play with you out of curiosity... but now... maybe its your sweet crying face, or the withering glares you send his way... there's just something about you that he can't get out of his mind.
And at first he doesn't think about it, he'd always been a bit obsessive with his toys anyways
But then he sees you talking with one of his angels, a small smile on your face, and he can't help the surge of fury that courses through him.
Both because he hates the idea of you with anyone else and because he realizes what this jealousy means for him despite his self insistance of not wanting a "relationship".
Albeit this notion of a relationship is highly onesided.
That afternoon, he's very busy with his scissors, repeatedly plunging them in and out of the poor angel's body.
And that night, he finds himself busy helping himself to your body too, albeit in a different way, despite your protests and struggles
Distantly he wishes he could take a picture of you, looking ruined for him, until he realizes he could have this sight every night if he choosed so.
Luckily for everyone else, and unfortunately for you, at the discovery of his newfound "feelings", he spends more time tormenting you.
Albeit this time his methods are more... pleasureable than his previous ones, though you might find that worse than being tortured based on how you see it.
Its simple enough to keep you from leaving him consequently, even without him having to exert his power.
Just a simple, playful, remark about how lonely he'd be if you left, that he'd have to subsitute you with his precious little angels, and suddenly you're hesitating on carrying out that escape plan.
Not that it would have worked anyways mind you... perhaps next him he catches wind of a new plan he'll just invite you to watch him have fun with Taffy.
In all, attracting Fumus is the worst mistake you could have unknowingly commited, and now you have to deal with the torture of being damned to a god.
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kandyrezi · 1 year
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PROMPT: Angels of Fumus with a human lover.
. . .
i. Taffy does not want to deal with inevitable heartbreak that comes with having a mortal lover. literally and figuratively, you are worlds apart and so, he keeps his heart closed. he's committed countless atrocities and sins and he wonders how he's still (un)mercifully living and breathing only because his god allows it. you find a confidant in him and he likes listening to you, in return he finds a friend in you and you console his grief to best of your ability, but that's as far as that'll go. it's for the best if he wants to keep you safe and out of reach from lord fumus.
ii. Yuu strays from romantic relationships generally, the chance of happiness is tempting but he resists the temptation for his own sake that would end up being ephemeral in any case. bringing you with him to his world is not an option, so he'll end up asking for advice from taffy – his closest friend and comrade – on the matter, though he has a feeling he already knows what kind of answer he will receive. he doesn't want you to cry over a caged bird like him, he leaves as many kisses on your face as needed until your tears have finally dried. "for... good luck," he'll tell you, not realizing it's the last you'll be seeing of his gentle, red eyes.
iii. Lei Hitotose cannot get enough of the wonder and awe you praise him with, asking how he manages moving around with those three huge wings ("wow, they're even soft like cotton!" you'll tell him) and trying to poke at his halo by standing on your tippy-toes. his sin is that he is self-indulgent to a fault, but he cares very little about it. he'll allow you to touch and pat him wherever you please, so long as he can return the favor with a 'curiosity' of his own by getting to fondle you – you can trust either way that this pervy seraph won't be keeping his hands to himself.
iv. Zero Hitotose reasons to himself he should focus on duty and mission above all else, but he's a fool in love and his mind drifts back to you, inevitably. he can live just fine without you, but he certainly doesn't want to. he's impulsive and not graceful in the slightest and always comes crash-landing out of the blue somewhere near your current location. you'll find him sprawled in a rose bush, and he's embarrassed out of his wits, but when you say you're laughing not at him, but because you're happy to see him, any regrets or second-guessed he had previously fade away in instant.
v. Engetsu may enjoy a little self-indulgent fling of his own, not at all shy to go after something that catches his eye. it's certainly fun for him too, to pretend to just be a normal boyfriend (who just enjoys crossdressing) that you have, to your family or friends, instead of an ethereal being from an entirely another world. he thinks some of them can probably sense something odd about him, those who are more susceptible to the otherworldly. yet at the end of it, he is still a realist through and thorough, knowing you won't be with him forever, as much as he does like you – amongst other complications and it's perhaps best to end it, but trust he'll give you something to remember him by; with long, passionate hours into the night in your room and clothes discarded on the floor.
vi. Fiore enjoys long conversations with you, how you see the world around you is so fundamentally different from his own, and your differing viewpoints keep his interest and attention. it's highly likely he can understand the language you speak, but you can't understand the writings and scripture that's written in the books in his world, so he would enjoy teaching you how to read it. it's undeniable by the feelings of deep affections he holds that it's more than friendship on his side. he doesn't visit often, but he writes letters. some of them are never sent. things he thinks should be said out loud, but won't (or can't) bring himself to do it.
vii. Inga never tells you of the violent conflicts and punishments he endures, but he doesn't always clean the blood and nurse the wounds effectively enough for you not to notice it anyway. he rarely talks about himself, preferring for you to do it instead. being in love with you is just being in another war with himself, and it's an easy victory (or defeat) to accept the hardship of loving someone so pure and worlds away from the source of all his pain. your presence to him is really the epitome of the phrase, "you gave me peace in a lifetime of war".
viii. realistically, Tsurugigozen has no interest in mingling with anyone that much of a lower status than himself. your unrequited yearning fuels his ego, but he keeps you at arms' length, not believing you to be worthy of him. yet he gets pissy when you lose interest due to his 'apathy' and he doesn't get the attention he expects from you, so he'll subtly degrade and make you feel small, but you won't let him get away with it, ("i thought god's angels were creatures of enlightenment, but now i see you're just some phoneys wearing stupid costumes!") and he's deserving of every nasty word – but one has to wonder why has he not just left if he really thinks of you as that insignificant. maybe he isn't as complex as he likes to think of himself as.
ix. Youran is a romantic in every sense of the word, it's possible he'll look at his surroundings with rose-tinted glasses and live in fantasy constructed of false ideals, ignoring all the macabre and the ugly. and you believe him too, with his kisses sweet as honey dew and words of romance like something from your collection of poetry books – but it is him who becomes lost in his own grandeur delusions and wringing you along, one of his comrades will likely have to remind him of the gravity of the situation and who it is he keeps sneaking off for not-so secret trysts under the moonlight and clear skies of stars. it is possible he'll be out of your life as abrupt as he came once the realization finally sinks in for him, making his presence feel like nothing more than a dream due to a fever. but it's certainly enough to leave a lasting ache and a hollow feeling because of it.
x. Aes doesn't remember the last time he really fell in love with someone – it could've been centuries or even eons ago because he's never really been the type to form romantic connections with anyone, but once he actually realizes it, it's an indescribable feeling of being at peace. the sweet blond angel, if only he could, would grant you immortality, but he would never want to subject you to the violence and bloodshed he's surrounded with daily, no matter if it's the devil's or his own god's world he's residing at said moment of time. he wonders of the possibility – if erasing your memories of him would ease his and your pain, knowing there isn't a reality out there where you could be together without a war in between, but he really doesn't want you to forget about him. in and outside the battlefield, his heart remains weak as always, and he himself can't deny it.
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flan-tasma · 10 months
Desde que empecé a pensar en Freminet no dejo de imaginarlo con una reader como Wadanohara del juego Wadanohara and the great blue sea, una bruja del mar.
Les juro que no dejo de imaginar que Freminet un día encuentra un pequeño pueblo en el fondo del mar y la bruja tiene que pedirle amablemente que se vaya.
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Since I started thinking about Freminet I can't stop imagining him with a reader like Wadanohara from the game Wadanohara and the great blue sea, a sea witch.
I can't stop imagining that Freminet one day finds a small town at the bottom of the sea and the witch has to ask him kindly to leave.
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poorxsouls · 4 months
Yandere Moge-Ko (=^ ◡ ^=)!!
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Yandere type: sadistic + bratty
TW: murder, killing, slight spoliers, torture/sadism, violence, fem reader, she/her + feminine names for reader, yandere(isk) behavior in general, etc.
CW: Moge-ko created by DPS(deep sea prisoner)/Funamusea, mentions of Mogeko(s), Yonaka/Lord Prosciutto, slight DefectYona (defect Mogeko x Yonaka),
Tags: DPS, deepseaprisoner, Funamusea, okegom, mogeko, okegom x reader, mogeko x reader, Moge-ko, Moge-ko x reader, x reader, character x reader, yandere, yandere x reader
Requested by @Fr1endWe1rdo on Wattpad
-You are very unlucky either way if the Yonaka castle happens or not, you can't stand against her in any possible way (expect for many in bed—but that's a maybe). Of course shes not as horrible as most yanderes (*ahem* Fumus), but she clearly is someone who you shouldn't risk being kind to her. the mogekos/Lord Prosciutto gift you towards her so they don't have to deal with her brattiness.
-To start off with, Moge-ko is still a Mogeko. So, as a result, expect her sick and (extremely grossly) pervy with you even before staring to grow "feelings" for you (such as love). Most of the times she enjoys "playing" with you—feeling a horrible type of happiness whenever you scream, plea, or cry due to her lack of carefulness when it comes to you.
-But, if you're obedient and good—which will help you in the long run, you'll get a bit more nicer than most when it comes to the aftermath. Once she's done with "playing" with you, she lets you rest on bed and will stare at your sleeping face—enjoying seeing your passed out expression from the exhaustion. But—doing the opposite, disobeying her, you often end up being chained up to the ground after she beats you to a pulp. ((Both are better than giving up—if you do give up, you often get killed off by her)).
-Due to Lord Prosciutto being busy with (Angel) defect Mogeko, Moge-ko has more free time to do wholesome dates with you—or at least as wholesome as it gets. Thanks to Lord Prosciutto technically being your master (despite how many times Moge-ko forces you to call her mistress), Lord Prosciutto doesn't mind threading Moge-ko by using your name.
"Now, now, now... you aren't forgetting your place, are you? Hey, if you don't want your pet to be my new toy instead of you, you better not talk back to me again unless you want her to suffer your consequences instead",
is something that Moge-ko always shivers about whenever Lord Prosciutto puts her in her place—so as a consequence, Moge-ko often becomes quick to anger, being jealous, and so much more to the point she often forces you to stay inside her room and only lets you go (when she decides to).
-In conclusion, she's horrible—but also annoying. She often CAN be reduced into a pathetic pet (especially during the normal end), but her yanderism does often make her more sad than pathetic. She's much more tamer than the demons yet also more violent than the others—I'd she's a 5/10.
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okegomlover · 9 months
HELLO!!1!!! Can I request romantic relationship Wodahs x shy reader?? I will be glad if you notice :3
Omg yes, I’ll try my best to write about these two!
You remind him of his brother, so he'll know how to treat you.
Wodahs often make various sweets for you, just like he does for his brother, except he would ask you directly what you desired, even if you didn't ask for any.
He's not the type to show affection in public, but in private he won't really hide his true feelings but will still act decent and won't be so forward. Gentle kisses on your face and hands are the most common display of affection he will give you.
If you're too shy to ask for hugs or kisses, Wodahs will always suspect when you do, causing you to blush profusely.
Wodahs began to smile more frequently after falling in love with you, which surprised and even creeped out others.
Wodahs frequently tells you that you remind him of a delicate flower that he must treat with care and gentleness.
He'd take you to the castle garden or one of the forests even if you didn't ask.
He'd most likely talk about the flowers he'd recently planted or cared for.
Knowing how shy you are, Wodahs would often avoid places where there were a lot of other angels or demons.
You'd both try to keep your relationship hidden from everyone else so you wouldn't get teased so much.
If your relationship with Wodahs was revealed (most likely by Yosafire), Wodahs would frequently hold your hand in public.
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thewiredgarden · 2 years
Fukami X reader NSFW where it’s their first time having sex but he knows what to do and he kinda spaces out and overstimulates reader.
First one back after a long time. Been working on my writing over my break and I’m hoping that you might still be around to enjoy this.
NSFW under cut
Fukami was somewhat anxious about all of this, he wanted them to feel good. You looked over at him, seeing that distant look. You offered a soft smile as you sat closer to him, gently taking his face into your hands.
“Hey… earth to Fukami?”
“Huh?” He blinked slightly, his eyes looking to yours and softening slightly. He reached up to gently take your hands with his. “Sorry. I’m just…Thinking.”
“More like overthinking.” You laughed a bit, poking his nose softly as you started to lay back on the bed. “Are you sure you’re okay? We don’t have to if you’re not ready.”
“No I am.” He slowly climbed on top of you, smiling still as his hand softly ran up your side. “I’ve been ready for a long time.” His voice lowered and caused your heart to skip a beat. He leaned in to kiss you, his tentacles slowly wrapping around your legs and spreading them. 
He had done a lot of reading and he knew what to do. A soft moan escaped your lips as his other hand started to lift your shirt, his fingers pinching and twisting your nipples. He bit and sucked softly at your lips, his mouth slowly moving down towards your neck. He bit a little bit harder, earning a nice yelp from you before he began to leave his mark. His tentacles slowly started to pull down your pants. Sitting up, he looked down at you and couldn’t help the smirk that came across his face. Just from a few touches he was making you into a mess.
After adjusting you so you were basically sitting in his lap, he reached down and started to rub you, earning your soft moans  while feeling your legs twitch and press together. He knew he was doing it right, and he leaned forward, biting into your shoulder and letting out a small moan himself. His hands kept going as he started to go over the checklist he had made in his head so he could ensure that everything was done to your satisfaction. He slowly pushed his fingers inside, earning another loud moan from you while resting his head against your shoulder, breathing softly on his bite marks.
Fukami’s fingers only increased in speed, causing your moans to get louder and louder with every movement. Eventually he brought you to the climax he was looking for, and kept going while you were at the height of it. He wasn’t stopping, and he wasn’t responding to your taps that signaled him to stop. You let out a desperate whine, tapping frantically as it started to hurt more than feel good. Finally you slapped him, a bit hard. That got him out of whatever world he was in. He blinked, once, twice before realizing what was happening and the tears that were in your eyes. He quickly pulled away, his face devastated as he realized he had spaced out again. 
“I'm sorry. I’m so sorry.” He didn’t even want to touch you, he was disgusted with himself.
“H…Hey, hey it’s okay…” You let out a small breath, slowly sitting up and reaching out to touch his shoulder softly. “Don’t pull away…”
“But I…”
“You spaced out honey.” You smiled a bit, kissing his cheek and hugging him. “It was really good though…”
“...I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“That’s okay.” You smiled softly, closing your eyes as you held him. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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taking-a-cupcake · 5 months
guys plspls request me to write something, im genuinely gonna start tweaking
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2dboisloyal-devotee · 2 years
Nav rules
❗ = Excluded characters because either i dislike them or don't know how to write for them
➸ 1bitheart/1beatheart
➸ Assassination Classroom/Ansatsu Kyoushitsu❗Takaoka, side assassins, those four minor characters from the Big Five but I can group them to be one not separately in request ❗
➸ Alice in the Country of Hearts/Heart no Kuni no Alice
➸ Arcana Famiglia
➸ Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku/Confessions of a Homicide Investigator ❗The criminals❗
➸ Balance: Unlimited
➸ Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
➸ Danganronpa, only the big four franchise❗Hifumi Yamada, Haiji Towa, Monaca Towa ❗
➸ D.Gray-man❗Chaozii Han i hate this man 😂, Alma Karma, Cross Marian ❗
➸ Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You
➸ DSP/okegom (The Gray Garden, Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea, and Ice Scream only) ❗Sal/Syakesan❗
➸ Hustle Cat
➸ ib
➸ Mekakucity Actors/Kagerou Project
➸ Mystic Messenger (except Saeran because I haven't played his route)
➸ Natsume Yuujinchou/Book of Friends
➸ Nightshade/Hyakka Hyakurou Sengoku
➸ Nurarihyon no Mago/Nura: Rise of The Yokai Clan
➸ Obey me!
➸ OMORI ^platonic only^
➸ Persona 3
➸ Princess Tutu ^platonic only^
➸ Trails in The Sky ❗Joshua, Estelle, Schera, Olivier and any other characters who already have their own canon spouse sob but platonics of them are allowed❗
➸ Saiki Kusuo no Psy-nan/The Disastrous Life of Saiki K (only season 1 for now)
➸ Steam Prison
➸ Undertale & Deltarune, ONLY the original, not from AUs or anything similar, I'm not too well versed in them
➸ Witch's Heart
➸ Your Turn to Die
➸ Yuppie Psycho ❗the Sintra family ❗
These are the ones I feel like I can work on it. But I do know many others already, just say the name and I'll think about it.
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彡 Alice in The Country of Hearts/Heart no Kuni no Alice
Yandere Roleholders HCs x GN Reader Part 1 & Part 2
Nightmare Gottschalk
x Overworking GN Reader & side story
彡 Arcana Famiglia
Yandere Tarot Headcanons (Liberta, Pace, Debito, Nova, Jolly)
Shinji Hirako
x GN Reader - Platonic Yandere HCs
Toshiro Hitsugaya
x GN Reader - This Wish I Hold
彡 Natsume Yuujinchou/Book of Friends
Natsume Takashi
x GN Reader - Platonic Headcanons & Scenarios
彡 The Disastrous Life of Saiki K/Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan
Saiki Kusuo
x GN Reader - Basic Yandere HCs
x GN Reader - Vs Teruhashi
x Disinterested Reader
x Ghost Reader
x Reader - Proposal
Teruhashi Kokomi
x GN Reader - Vs Saiki
彡 Trigun
Vash the Stampede
x GN Reader - Never Could Have Been Worse
彡 Yuppie Psycho
Brian Pasternack x GN Reader - A Solving Decade
彡 Miscellanious
Seto Kaiba as a Dad HCs
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