#okinawan food
shoku-and-awe · 1 year
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Half-size souki soba with rafute at an Okinawan place I've always wanted to try! I'd have gone earlier if I’d known they offered half-size portions. The noodles were doughy and delicious, and the rafute fatty pork was unbelievable. Overall it was a bit heavy—as soon as I saw the size of the pork, I ordered a salad to soak it up. No regrets at all though. If you think you don't like fatty pork, this might change your mind.
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softsoundingsea · 7 months
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フチャギ Fuchagi
I made Fuchagi, a Ryukyuan (Okinawan) traditional sweet, for the Mid-Autumn Festival last year.
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andagii-writes · 2 years
And boom just like that I finally uploaded a piece I’d been meaning to finish for the past...
(checks watch)
Year and a half...?
It’s about food--Okinawan food. And how pork is such a staple of the region yet it’s the one part of the cuisine that gets demonized in longevity fads.
(I think they’re fads anyway.)
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annueh29srecipes-blog · 3 months
Okinawan Milk Tea, (Okinawa, Japan)
½ cup (72 g) Okinawa black/brown sugar or kokuto sugar
5¼ cups (1.25 L) water, divided
(1) To make the syrup, combine the sugar and ¼ cup (60ml) water in a small saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until boiling.
(2) Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer until it's really thick, about 4 minutes. Watch carefully. Once thick, remove from heat.
(3) In another saucepan, bring 3 cups (300 ml) water to a boil over high heat. Add the tapioca pearls and cook for 6 minutes, or until they float to the surface. The time may differ depending on the type you get.
(4) Drain the tapioca and add them into the sugar syrup. Turn the syrup on low heat and cook an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat.
(5) Boil the remaining 2 cups (470 ml) water in a saucepan or kettle. Turn it off and add the black tea. Cover and allow to steep for up to 5 minutes. Strain the tea leaves.
(6) To serve, divide the tapioca pearls and syrup among 4 heat-tolerant glasses. Top with the steeped tea, then the milk. Allow individuals to stir all together. For some extra decadence, top with a little extra frothed oat milk creamer.
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uchinaguchishutoku · 2 years
御三味(うさんみ)✨うちなー じゅーばくくゎっちー♪ウサンミ✨沖縄重箱料理
うちなーぬ とーとーめーんかい しきーる くゎっちー やいびーん。
御三味(うさんみ)り いゃびーん。うみ・やま・あぎがむん♪
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desolateice · 2 years
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This is a beni imo tart, that’s an okinawan sweet potato that is actually that color, no artificial dye. You can learn more about beni imo here. They ate this a couple times including as ice cream.
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melmika45 · 4 months
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xshu · 5 months
Okinawan Sweet Potato Haupia
The Cat had lunch with Chef H yesterday. Chef H brought a container of Okinawan sweet potato haupia (no, he did not make, bought from grocery store). Container Layers Pie crust, Okinawan sweet potato “mousse”?, haupia, toasted coconut. Thanks Chef H. 🙂 Be safe, eat good. The Mouse Lahaina/Maui Strong
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don-dake · 1 year
喺 「神明之地」 嘅一晚。
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“This is my relaxing chair! It's where I relax! Ah! So relaxing!” — Bingo Heeler, S1E7 BBQ
即刻抄佢出嚟畀 「桶走」 坐!估唔到 「桶走」 咁適合坐落去喎!摺櫈仔好似係特登整咗畀佢噉!😸 「桶走」 睇起嚟係咪好開心呢?仲有,我老竇製造嘅摺櫈仔正唔正呀?😺 幾咁希望我有佢一半嘅本領呀!
可惜,佢呢套功夫就冇遺傳畀我…我亦都冇藝術家,冇工程師嘅天份…😿 舊底喺中學時曾經有上過木工班(係冇得選擇,逼不得已要上嘅課程),但係始終都係徒勞無功!😿 喺嗰班上冇學到啲乜嘢,只係賺到 「肥佬」 一個!😿
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餐牌封面幾得意喎!😺 有沖繩島出名嘅 「シーサー」(shīsā;由漢字嘅 「獅子」 所嚟嘅)做嘜頭。而根據網上搜查,餐館名 「ニライカナイ」(nirai kanai),沖繩話嘅意思係 「神明之地」 噉解。另外,覺得呢度嘅裝飾都幾唔錯喎,幾復古,溫暖嘅感覺!
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一邊等緊餸嘅時候,一邊讀緊餐館內飾墻上啲貼紙簽。順便練習一下日文!「ソーキ網焼き」(sōki amiyaki)係乜嘢呢?「ソーキ」(sōki;據稱係來自漢字嘅 「梳」)係指緊 「沖繩式燜排骨」,「網焼き」(amiyaki)係 「燒烤」 嘅意思。「スーチカー焼き」(sūchikā yaki)係 「燒鹽豬肉」,而 「メンチカツ」 (menchi katsu)即係 「炸肉碎餅」 噉解。
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果然,嗌咗個嗰套 「ラフテー」 (rafuté;漢字寫法Wiki話係寫成 「羅火腿」 噉解) 套餐真係同我熟悉嘅紅燒肉,或者有啲名聲嘅東坡肉好相似!簡直可以話 「ラフテー」 嘅味道同中式嘅滷肉根本冇分別!
雖然係噉講(笑),但又唔係話唔好食喎!「ラフテー」 燜到好腍,咬起嚟唔韌,肉喺口入面好快融,好容易消化。正呀!😺
仲外買咗啲沖繩式 「冬甩」。沖繩話稱 「サーターアンダギー」 (sātā andagī)。聽佢嘅名亦都可以估到 「サーター sātā」 係 「砂糖」 嘅意思,至於 「アンダギー andagī」 呢,網上搜查話畀我知係指緊 「油炸」 嘅意思。
Wiki亦都有話,其實 「サーターアンダギー」 係由中國嘅一種油炸甜球,叫 「沙翁」,嚟嘅。😮 我搵緊 「サーターアンダギー」 有關嘅資料先知有 「沙翁」 嘅存在喎!
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三隻狗仔畀 「サーターアンダギー」 魅惑咗噉!(笑)
點都好,叫佢 「沙翁」 也好,「サーターアンダギー」 也好,第一次試沖繩風味嘅 「冬甩」,味道唔知點形容先好…出面嚡嚡嘅口感,有啲似菠蘿包噉,入面似濃密嘅西式蛋糕,味道有啲似雞蛋仔噉…總之,就幾好味啦!(笑)呢間餐館值得再嚟試過!
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kkulbeolyeonghwa · 1 year
Words I learned today:
인쇄인 - printer 신청 - request 윤리강령 - code of ethics 등록번호 - registration number 고액 - large sum 효과 - effectiveness 발효유 - fermented milk 첨단 - cutting-edge 감소 - decrease 내란 - rebellion 논리적 - logical 모순 - contradiction 법조계 - legal circles 근거 - basis 적절 - appropriate 지적 - intellectual 사령관 - commander
いび ibi (海老) - shrimp いーらー iiraa (刺) - jellyfish いう・いゆ iu/iyu (魚) - fish がに gani (蟹) - crab ちんなん chinnan - snail あみなー aminaa - tadpole はぶ habu (波布) - snake いら��ー irabuu - sea snake さんぐ sangu (珊瑚) - coral ぶら bura (法螺) - conch shell
Other things I did today: went thrifting with my fiance and sibling! I bought some pins, books, keychains and 3 beautiful chinese bowls with dragons on them! This was my lunch:
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[gochujang fried chicken and rice]
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chimugukuru · 2 years
"And here is some toshikoshi soba." Ushi sets down the bowl in front of her guest. "It's good luck to eat it on New Year's Eve. They're easier to cut than normal noodles, so we eat it to 'cut off' the old year and bring in the new one fresh. -Also, it's just really yummy. If you're still hungry, I've made plenty enough for seconds if you want them."
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hey guess what. it's finally time for my Stardew Valley Loredump. i’m about to ramble about my farmer and yo-yo/yoba and shane in a probably long-ass, disjointed post because i have a problem ok. not expecting anyone to read it all of course—just want to finally write these brainstorming shenanigans down. the loredump will be below the cut below the image 👇 (WARNING: IT'S LONG):
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*samuel is 28 years old, pan, japanese okinawan (no im not self projecting hahaha), and goes by he/they. main thing is that they’re from “our world” where stardew valley is a video game, but he died and ended up in the stardew universe. because i think isekai tropes are fun and silly. as the player, samuel can do things others in the stardew world can’t do, such as: 
summon the in-game HUD that’s only visible to him, so he can see health/energy levels and inventory and all that.
speaking of inventory, it’s essentially a pocket dimension samuel can shove stuff in. the inventory doesn’t really care about size/weight/etc as long as it’s something the system considers an “item.” so like samuel can put a whole ass four poster bed in there but he can’t do that to a person or a whole house. samuel just needs to touch the item to make it disappear into his inventory. he can then summon it back out when he needs it. the game’s inventory limit system remains the same. samuel gets 12 slots on their own, but if they have a bag on them it increases to 36.
can access the player menu you can normally access in game. so like profile, skills, collections, relationships, etc are all there. no options or quit tab though. having the relationship tab is a nightmare for samuel, who has major insecurities about what people think of him. that tab is a quantifiable measure on how much people like him. it a real brain demon for him to know it exists and is right there for him to access anytime. 
can see the “stats” of food and healing items. hp/energy recovery amounts, buffs, etc. 
*funny thing is that samuel has never played SDV himself and only has knowledge based on what he’s heard and seen online secondhand. ironically he was planning on playing the game for the first time before the whole dying thing ruined it. they can’t even remember how they died, but it doesn’t bother them as much as they think it should. they didn’t leave much behind in that life.
*anyway, i’m talking a lot of game terms here, but don’t get it twisted. while samuel has all these game systems going on, the SDV world is very much a real one that doesn’t normally work by that logic. by that i mean time flows normally like in our world and there isn’t just 4 months in a year. things exist outside the valley. there’s a whole planet of places and people. 
*luckily samuel has help in navigating this new world in the form of yo-yo the junimo, who is the first living thing samuel sees when he first wakes up in that joja cubicle. yo-yo helps explain a lot of things and guide samuel around in its own abrasive way. he’s also there to be like, “hey i gave you a second chance at life so you kinda owe me actually. sign this contract.” and samuel, who is a pushover and also confused, is just like, “ok.” (yo-yo sounds like danny devito btw. because i think it’s funny.) 
*i call the contract a “magical girl contract” because that’s essentially what it is. samuel gets access to extra powers/abilities on top the stuff he can already do as a player. in return he fights monsters n shit for yo-yo and generally does things for them that they can’t do easily on their own. the extra benefits include: 
higher pain tolerance. which isn’t always a good thing. especially when you tend to not be great with self-preservation like samuel is. 
can heal most injuries by just eating/drinking stuff to regain hp.
yo-yo can teleport the both of them around as needed, but it’s tiring and it drains a lot of magic. distance matters too.
yo-yo can spawn items but it drains magic as well. the more valuable/rare the item, the more draining it is. spawning items is already a magic-intensive thing in the first place. also yo-yo isn’t creating the item out of nothing. they’re actually randomly taking it from wherever it already exists in the world. for example, say yo-yo “spawns” a jar of pickles. somebody in the world is going to open their fridge and discover their jar of pickles is missing or maybe a grocery store will have a sudden empty spot on its shelf. yo-yo doesn’t have control of where the items are taken from (or so they claim).
samuel and yo-yo’s magic pools became connected so they can both do more than they could do on their own before. this is one of the reasons why yo-yo wanted a contract with samuel, who has a larger magic pool than normal due to being from another world. but it’s possible for one side to use up all the magic for the both of them. 
*samuel’s personality can be summed up as Awkward People-Pleasing Tired Sad Garbage Dork. either he’s dressed like a grandparent in sweaters and turtlenecks or he’s wearing a button up shirt with the collar undone and jeans. they usually have their neck covered in public to hide the mark of yoba embedded there. he has a “resting bitch face” as some may call, but that’s just because his brain is busy over-analyzing 193828 different things. he loves being outside in the grass and dirt, looking at bugs n shit. he’s also a nerd who likes to play video games and ramble about the lore in them (he likes RPGs the most, but if the game’s got a good story and cool world, he’s into it). they like to do things with their hands like model building/painting. in their new stardew life, they get into woodcarving after willy teaches them the basics (he carves shane a little chicken). 
*samuel does NOT know how to say “no.” absolute pushover. their self-worth is based on how much they’re liked by others, which isn’t healthy obviously. he has a fear that the only way he can be liked is by being useful. he’s scared that he is inherently a bad and selfish person, because he can’t say for sure if he’s helping others purely out of kindness or because it just makes him feel better about existing. deep down there’s anger/frustration that’s accumulated over the years, anger towards himself and also others because he’s always doing things for other people—going above and beyond—but it never feels like enough. at the same time though, they hate it when these thoughts come up because they believe that you shouldn’t go into helping somebody expecting that you’ll get something out of it. he hates how much of a hypocrite he is. he hates how he bases so much of his self-worth on the opinions of others, but feels helpless to it. they usually just push these emotions down because samuel feels guilty about them. how can they be a good person if they’re thinking like this? how can they deserve to exist with this mindset? however they get a chance to let out the anger/bitterness/frustration through fighting monsters. kind of disassociating in a way. this also isn’t a good thing because his demeanor is much colder and scarier during combat. having someone who’s felt powerless for so long suddenly gain power is a dangerous thing.
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*this mindset when monster fighting shatters when samuel meets krobus and realizes that monsters aren’t just the simple enemy NPCs their brain had been automatically categorizing them as. guilt galore. he gets real depressed about that for a while but yo-yo, krobus, and shane are there to help him. 
*SPEAKING OF SHANE… it’s crush at first sight for samuel because hot damn is shane their type. i mean just look at him. mamma mia. haha anyyyway, they first meet at the stardrop saloon. samuel’s waiting at the bar for his to-go order near where shane is drinking. shane’s looking sad, so samuel gives in and decides they’ll start a convo to maybe distract him from whatever’s bothering him. samuel employs the “crack a dumb joke to hide the fact that i’m nervous because i’m talking to a hot person and then use that opening to introduce myself” strat. shane, being an asshole, is like, “oh so you’re the new farmer. here’s a tip: don’t bother me.” samuel takes 999 damage and their brain immediately goes “THIS IS MY FAULT I FUCKED UP like who wants to be talked to by a stranger when they’re sad goddammit why am i so bad at this?!!” it’s overall not a great first impression. after that, samuel tries to avoid shane out of embarrassment, but circumstances keep making them run into each other. for instance, samuel works a lot with marnie with her being a mentor figure to him in animal husbandry, so he and shane have a lot of opportunity to interact through that (plus marnie is secretly trying to get them closer to each other). through these meetings and shenanigans, samuel and shane get to know each other better until one day they’re friends. then good friends. then best friends. then kiss friends. then marry friends. :)
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*yo-yo is ????? years old and goes by any pronouns but most of the time it's it/they.
*yo-yo is actually THE yoba, but they’re not the completely benevolent creator-of-all-things humans have made them out to be. maybe they were in the past, but now they’re selfish and rude and swear a lot. but they do still care, even if they don’t admit it (tsundere-ass). yoba is currently stuck in the form of a little junimo and is substantially weakened because it gave too much of itself away to the world in the past and got burned for it. because the world kept taking and taking. and now there’s war and pollution and shit and yoba/yo-yo is maybe just a teensy tiny bit angry and bitter now. but it’s ok because now they got this human from another reality to help them reclaim the pieces of itself. and maybe along the way relearn how to love the world again.  
*oh also yoba didn’t create the whole planet like the creation story claims. they’re technically an alien that came across a young planet full of life and decided to stay and help it develop. 
*main reason yo-yo made a contract with samuel is because it needs help finding/reclaiming the pieces of itself. pieces can usually be found in strong monsters empowered by the piece. this isn’t always the case though. sometimes it’s in an ancient artifact. sometimes it’s in a specific place like a temple. sometimes it’s in a person. 
*samuel doesn’t have to deal with having an existential crisis about yo-yo, since he’s from our world where yoba doesn’t even exist as a god. yo-yo claims to be the one responsible for bringing samuel over into the stardew universe, but there are holes in their story. where did yoba even find the power to do such a thing when they’re in such a weakened state? mysterious. 
*the first time yoba reveals itself to shane is kind of chaotic. it’s in the middle of the night when yo-yo suddenly appears in shane’s room, grabs his face with its little stick arms and yells, “WAKE UP!!! YOUR BOYFRIEND IS IN MORTAL PERIL!!!” shane is like, “WHAT THE F–”     it was an act of desperation on yo-yo’s part, because samuel was in trouble and shane was the only one it could think of going to for help. essentially samuel meets something Bad in the deep mines, something that takes him out of commission and puts him in a trance state while draining his lifeforce. y’know, the classic kind of trance state where you need to figure out how to get the person back–how to snap them out of it. yo-yo tried and failed, so that’s where shane comes in. it’s the classic “love-interest-breaks-main-character-out-of-mind-control-with-sheer-power-of-love” trope. except shane does punch samuel during it. lovingly. in the face. hey it works ok.     after the chaos is over and everyone’s safe and gathered together, samuel and yo-yo explain everything to shane (well more like samuel explains everything while yo-yo wishes outloud that they had their memory erasing powers back). shane, who is canonically an atheist, learns that this talking pottymouthed jerkass apple is actually THE yoba and is just like, “yeah. this might as well happen.” and then he remains atheist because what else are you going to do when you learn that god is a talking pottymouthed jerkass apple who calls you a bitch and is also responsible for your partner having to go do dangerous shit. he and yo-yo have a rocky relationship at first to say the least. but once they both realize how much the other cares about samuel, things get a little better. 
*yeah, yoba may be a bitch and they may be angry and they may be bitter, but they really do care, even if they try to convince themselves otherwise. even though so much got taken from it, it still cares about humans and dwarves and shadow people and everything else on the planet. and when it eventually comes down to it, yoba will step up to protect what it loves, even if it means losing everything again. 
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*this post was technically supposed to just be about my farmer and yo-yo’s lore and stuff, but i gotta give some personal headcanons i have about shane… like for instance his last name is “finch.” because i thought the bird theme was cute. he’s 29 years old, bi, and half asian, half white (in our world that asian half is korean). i’m not being specific because i don’t know if korea even exists in the stardew world, since all we know in the game is that there’s a “ferngill republic” and a “gotoro empire.” i was thinking of just headcanoning that stardew’s planet is essentially the same as earth. so like most of the same countries/nations exist except the history diverged a bit along the way, leading to the ferngill republic and gotoro empire. OK SORRY for the tangent—back on topic.
*so shane is a trans man who started transitioning back in high school. he had two best friends who were very supportive and really helped him on his journey to figure himself out. those two friends were like family to him. it was good that he had this support because his parents were always pretty shitty and shane transitioning just made them act even shittier. the only good family member of shane’s is marnie, who was supportive, but she lived far away, was busy, AND wasn’t on good terms with her sister (shane’s mom), so shane didn’t get to see her much. 
*the moment shane became a legal adult, he got away from his parents, finding a place with his two best friends and moving in together. oh and his friends’ names were rosa and heath. should’ve probably mentioned that earlier oops.     shane, rosa, and heath go to the same college together, suffer student loans, graduate, etc. haven’t thought of what shane would get a degree in yet—most likely something “generic” because he’s unsure of what he wants to do himself (i feel u bby). 
*ok so rosa and heath were dating since high school, but they were so comfortable with shane and vice versa that things never got that awkward living together. however when rosa and heath got married (“yoba, FINALLY,” shane would say), shane felt like it was time to find his own place, much to the devastation of his bffs. the apartment ended up close to where rosa and heath lived of course—the couple made sure of it (“stop backseating my apartment hunting!” “MAKE US”). 
*rosa and heath get pregnant and have a healthy baby girl that they name jasmine. i headcanon jas as black (from heath’s side) and portuguese (rosa’s side). everyone is thrilled about the baby. shane was immediately offered godfather role and he happily accepted. jas was the cutest baby ever and he adored her. he babysat jas all the time. 
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*jas was 4 years old when rosa and heath tragically passed away in a car accident. they were coming home from a business dinner when they lost control of their car on some black ice and slid into oncoming traffic. shane was babysitting jas when he got the call. in the span of one cold winter night, shane and jas’s world shattered. 
*rosa and heath didn’t have any reliable relatives either. those relatives only came to take the money and belongings. shane was the only one jas had, so he adopted her. he tried his best to pick up the pieces. he really did. he lasted for a year trying to raise a kid on his own with the salary of a dead-end job, but he knew the situation wasn’t good with the money and how much his mental health was spiraling. he knew he and jas were in dire need of more support (“jas deserves better than this”). so he turned to the one person he had left to rely on: his aunty marnie. and that’s how shane and jas ended up in pelican town.
*shane’s joja jacket was actually originally rosa’s. rosa worked as an accountant for joja and would get free promotional items all the time from the company. the jacket was one of the only things she actually ended up using because “it’s pretty comfy for being joja bs.” she would wear it all the time, much to her more fashion-conscious husband’s chagrin (yet he would patch up any holes she’d get in it anyway). after rosa died, shane kept her jacket. there were a lot of memories in it. 
ok that’s it for now. if anyone actually read all that, thank you for even wasting your time to process my ramblings. i’m sorry it’s so fucking long like jfc.
*who is mr. qi?
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softsoundingsea · 4 months
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ブクブク茶 Bukubuku-cha
Bukubuku tea is a a type of furicha, a traditional Ryukyuan (Okinawan) tea. The tea was almost forced into extinction during-after the Battle of Okinawa. There were revival efforts in the 1950's and it was officially restored in the 1980's. The roots and origin of this tea are assumed to have begun around 1587 during the Ryukyu Kingdom.
My friend and I went to the Namin Matsuri at 波上宮 (Naminoue in JP/Nanmin meaning "Above the Waves" in Uchinaaguchi) and the Bukubuku Tea Preservation Society was there offering tea with chinsuko.
The photo on the left showcases the ingredients used 無洗米(むせんまい Musenmai)、炒り米(いりごめ Irigome)、お赤飯(おせきはん Osekihan)、じーまみ (Jiimami)、さんぴん茶 (Sanpin-cha).
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lovelyerotica25 · 3 months
Senshi x Laios fanfic idea:
Modern AU:
Senshi: A polynesian, Okinawan, or Filipino private chef who cooks with unique and exotic ingredients. He quite often goes hunting, foraging, fishing, etc, for the ingredients himself.
Laios: An American Paleontologist who loves learning researching about dinosaurs and the prehistoric world. He has a massive obsession with wanting to eat dinosaurs, since they are extinct, much to his dismay, he settles with their modern day relatives and creatures that resemble them.
How they met: Laios was conducting field research on prehistoric fossils with his team; Marcielle, a medic.
Chilchuck, an expert on prehistoric and ancient architecture, artifacts, and traps.
Falin: an expert on botany and horticultural medicine.
They had run out of food whilst on their expedition, and Laios took it as an opportunity to capture a crocodile to eat. An argument ensues amongst the team, and the noise alerts Senshi, who is nearby hunting for ingredients himself. Excited that he found someone who loves out of the ordinary ingredients as he does, he offers to help them cook the crocodile. Laios and Senshi bond over the experience, and Senshi asks to join their expedition.
They grow close over the expedition and eventually sexy stuff ensues. The expedition ends with Senshi inviting Laios to his home in Japan, which Laios just ever so casually happens to be working next, and Laios accepts. They eventually become boyfriends and live together and go casually hunting and foraging together as dates.
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annueh29srecipes-blog · 9 months
Dashi Broth#1 (Okinawa, Japan)
10 dried shittake mushrooms
235 ml/1 C. boiling water
2.1 l/9 C. water
57 g/2 oz. dried kombu(preferably Hidaka)
(1) Soak the drained shiitake mushrooms in boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain and reserve the mushrooms.(You can save the liquid for Bitter melon and Tofu Stir-Fry(Seperate recipe) if needed).
(2) Add the fresh water to a large stock pot and bring to a boil.
(3) Meanwhile, rinse the kombu under running water.
(4) Reduce the heat to a simmer, add the kombu and mushrooms, and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.
(5) Remove the heat. Remove the Kombu(use for the Tender Seasoned Kombu(Separate Recipe)) and mushrooms, reserving the mushrooms for later use (like the Miso Soup(separate recipe) on this Blog).
(6) Cool and store in an airtight container for up to 1 week or freeze for half a year.
Info: Kelp is the main way Okinawan take in essential minerals like sodium, calcium, potassium, and iodine. This seaweed is the foundation of Japanese AND Okinawan cuisine, and it adds an umami punch to dashi broth.
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uchinaguchishutoku · 2 years
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くぬえーだぬ にちようびに どぅしとぅ ヱンダーんけー いちゃびたん。
はっさ! っちゅぬ まんどーびーたんよー。
うきゃくが まちやぬ なーかとーてぃ ならろーびーたん。
11時に いちゃびたしが、 あさばんじかん やいびーくとぅるる ちむえーり うむいびーたしが、あいびらんたん!
11時から わったーが けーいる 3時なーまでぃ ちゃー ならろーびーたん。
まちやぬ っちゅんけー ちちゃびたくとぅ、 ひっちー まんどーびーんり。
あんさーに やまとぅから ぅもーちゃる っちゅぬ まんどーびーんり。
ヱンダーや、 うちなーびかー やいびーくとぅやー。
ルートビアん オレンジジュースん カーリーフライん むる まーはいびーくとぅや~。
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